LARS ' 6 8 . The Shield 1968 • f • ' .• • I • I
Shield Volume XV ST. MARTIN'S EP ISCOPAL SCHOOL Me t airie, Louisiana
"Character development is the great, if not the sole, aim of education"
In a relaxed atmosphere, we are encouraged in this important phase of learning. The clas srooms, the athletic field, and involvements in school activities provide opportunities which are necessary in the maturing process. The Shield hopes to show how Saint Martin's has helped to stimulate and develop char act er in its students.
EDITOR - Don Marshall
SPONSOR - M rs. R S. Yeargain
ASSIST ANT EDITORS - Mar i e Louise Kreeger
Jan e Ni ese t
Mik e Pettit
Penny Anthon
Bob Capps
Debbie Wolf
Ell e n Jonassen
COPY EDIT OR - Buz Burck
COPY WR IT ERS - Sha ro n Hawley
Debby Stevenson
1<athy Buck
PHOTOGRAPHY - Fred Rodr i g uez
BUS I NESS MANAGER - S t eve Hark n ess
ASSIST ANTS - Pepper Ha t ch
J a d e Van Meter
Karl A l exand er
Don Wa llis
Tyler Pose y
Thomas Favrot
Marsha Pryor
Collins Haynes
STAFF 14-29
CHAPE L 30 - 35
C LASSES 36 -1 21
Table Of
Contents r,,
I PS 134 -1 41 FAVORITES 122 -1 33 SPORTS 142 -1 8 7 ADS 222-248 ACTIVITIES 188-221 9
To a teacher whose sincere inter est in her students and devotion to our school have gone into creat i ng a trad ition which will long be remembered at St. Martin's MRS. ISABEL AN GLADE
MR HOWARD J. SM I TH , Preside nt
MR BROOKE H DUNCAN II, Vice - Presi dent
MR LEEF MURPHY , Secre t ary
Mom's And Dad's Club
I . -~ i Ii ,~I ·.t
Mr. D. T Spencer , Presidem ; Mr. Wi lliam T Brown , V i ce-President ; Dr. Simon V. Ward , Treasurer; Mr. Will i am A K i m b le , Sec retary
i ss i ng
Mrs. Robert B. Capps , Treasu r er ; Mrs A. Edw i n Pet i tt , Pres i dent; M rs. Sam u el G Rob i nson , Secreta ry; M
from picture: Mrs Daniel C. Ri ordan , V i ce - President
14 • .. •
Mr. Van
The events of this year have made many St. Martin's students aware of the strong character and spirit of our headmaster. Mr. Van Slate, through his continuous service to St. Martin's, has exemplified the sense of dedication to purpose that the school wishes to instill in each student. It is our duty and privilege therefore to recognize the quality of leadership he possesses and to strive with him to elevate St. Martin's to its proper caliber as an institution.
THE REV. ERNEST F BEL Assistant Headm a ste r; B A ., Louisiana State Uni ve r s ity; S.T B., Ge n e ral Theo l ogica l Sem inary; Louisiana State Uni ve r si t y in N ew Orl eans , Universi t y of t h e So uth
THE REV J O HN B. AUSTIN Dean o f St udie s ; B A. ; M.A. , Tulane University; B. D , Uni ve rsity of th e South; Univ e rsity of Pennsy l van ia; Louisiana State Univer s ity in New Orleans; Loyola University
ROBERT L. HILL School Comptroller and Busin e s s Manager
FRANKIE YEARGAIN Director of Student Activiti e s; Se wing ; Yearbook Advisor
20 r '" . -
B A ., Newcomb College
B F. A., Newcomb College
JOE G. WALSH Music Department Head
B A., Baylor University; M.A T., Tulane Unive rsit y ; M.S.M., New Orleans Baptist Theological Sem inar y
ELSIE C. PHILLPOTT Secretary to the Headmaster
- -
' ..: 1
BESSIE TISDALE Bookstore Manager
CYNTHIA D. WHITE Permanent Substitute
B. S. , Universi ty of Corpus Christi
JANE SCHMIDT Secr e tar y to the A ss i stant H ea dma ster
BETTY BANKSTON Assistant to the Registrar
LUCYE M. BOGAN Public Relations Dir ecto r
EILEEN K. BECKMAN College Advisor B. A ., Northwestern State College of Louisiana
MARGARET S BRUCE Librarian A. B., Susquehanna University
LAURA 0. LEWIS B.A., Newcomb , Duke University Librarian
•• 21
LILLI VAN SLATE Re ad i ng Uni ve r sit y of Wi s consin at Milwaukee
The main purpose of the English De partment is to give the students a thorough background in the use of the English language. Aside from becoming familiar with the rules of composition and punctuation, the literature of the past several centuri e s are studied throughout the high school years. With the return of Mr. George Lewis, the department has attempted to re vise the curriculum in ord e r to acquaint the student with many more of the fac.ets of the language.
GEORGE F. LEWIS Department Head
CHARLOTTE M. McCORD B. S., Emory University B.A., M.A.T., Yale University
HILDA G . SMITH B. A., Mississippi State College for Women
OLETA M. HETHERWICK B. S ., Delta State Teachers College .. B. A., Southern Methodist University
I I (
LINDA MIXON B. S., Louisiana State University
Social Studies
An u nd e r standing of the past provides us with the key to the future. Wi th this thou ght in mind , the members of the Soc i a l Studies Department try to give each st ud e nt an a w ar eness of the tremendous i nfluence the past has upon the present and futu r e. I t is no t a matter of l e arnin g nam es and date s but r ather see i ng th e forces that made them important. I t i s to the cred i t o f e ach member of t h e department that the y can , in class , transform what could so eas i ly be d r y as du st facts i nto v i tal , li vi ng ones No student lea ves th e cour se of soc ial stud i es wi thout a deepe r i nsight into t he elements wh i ch shap e the history of the \vorld and a keener und e rst anding of the ro l e h i s country has pla ye d.
B A , Lou i si ana State Uni ve r sity
B. A ., LL. B. , Tu l ane Un i vers i ty
DOROTHY D PORTER B S ., Lou i siana State Uni ve rsi ty
The Science Department this year is attempting to train students for college level courses in the various branches of science. Since the imponance and knowledge concerning scientific subjects is increasing every year, the job of teaching science has become much greater. The specific subjects of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics are studied alon_g with the general science programs here at St. Martin's. Through both the discussion of theory and participation in laboratory work, the student becomes well versed in the subject he is studying. The ultimate aim of the science department is to interest the students in studying further in the field of science.
NA MAE WEST B. S. , University of Illinois
KATHRYN DAVIS THURBER B. S., Iowa State University
B. A., Boston University, Department Head
KATHRYN R. CHASTANT B. S., Louisiana State Universi•:·
BELLE L. JOHNSON B. S , Tulane University
The scope of the Mathematics Department is extremely broad, ranging from elementary algebra and geometry to the advanced fields of trigonometry and introductry calculus. The goal of the department is to provide each student with an extensive and intensive background for co ll ege level mathemat i cs ; the success with which it achieves thi s aim bas its roots in a competent and cooperative teaching staff. Headed by Mr . Ji m Latham, the staff is as varied as its curriculum , each teacher having his 0\vn individual approach to teaching but all combin i ng to give cohesion to the math program
COL. JOHN MEADE, U.S.A. (Ret.) B. S., Princeton University
ELEANOR B. GOHEEN B. S. , Uni vers ity pf Pennsylvania
., Northwestern State
of Louisiana
JAMES W. LATHAM, Department Head A B., M.A T ., Tulane University
JANET K. HARRIS B.A., B.E., Western Washington State
Foreign Language
The Fo r e i g n Language Department has managed to in st ill in the students a worki ng know l edge of sever al of the Romantic la nguages by allowing them not only to l ea rn g rammar but to hear the proper vern ac ular. Und e r the capable supervision of " Monsi eu r" Berard , the French dep artment str i ves to g i ve the students a useful know ledge of the language wh ich will continue to serv e them after completing t h ei r study in h i gh schoo l. In the study of the Spa ni sh language , a kno wl edge of the lit erature and country wh i ch insp ired i t supplements a familiarization of the writt en and spoken language The course of study of the Latin language en compas ses the r eading of sever al great wo r ks of the ancient Romans
B. A . , University of Southwestern Louisiana; C. D. F. , Uni ve rsit y of Bordeaux, Fran ce Department Head
B. A ., University of Alabama
B A ., Queens College ; M.A. , University of Wisconsin
B. A. , Uni ve rsi ty of Puerto Rico; M.A., Tulan e Uni ve r sit y
B A ., Brook l y n College ; M A ., Tulane Uni ve r sit y
jRealizing that physical fitn ess is an int egra l part of each student's curriculum, St. Martin's maintains a we lltrained and con s ci entious staff in its Physical Education Department. The boys' in st ructo rs include Mr. Tony Porter, Mr Charles Dike, and Mr. Bobb y Flettrich
During the course of the school year, they attempt to familiarize their students with all kinds of team sports
The girls are taught by Mrs Hel en LeBlanc and Mrs Charlotte Anderson. Their po rgram encompasses exe rcises and sp orts.
B. A., Southwestern Louisiana In stitute , Athletic Director
\ ROBERT FLETTRICH Physical Education Assistant
B. A., Louisiana Polytechnic In stitute
B.S. and M.A ., Uni ve rsity Southern Mississ i ppi 27
CINTRA AUSTIN Newcomb College HELEN LeBLANC B. A , Southeastern Loui siana C allege
28 Click! Click! Click! 1+1 = 3 Click! Sgt. Pepper's Lonely, Sgt Pepper ' s.•• This Xmas car d comes to you courtesy of Lighthous e ... But , stud e nts, there's no such thing as a stork. Why , back in the swamps we I'd like to thank the Cheerleaders •.. According to Playboy .•.
I'm sorry , but LSU turn e d y o u down.
Then you rub the s ulfuric acid in your e y es and wait
Touch up my b ear d with sho e poli s h? Well , I never.
An apple a day keep s th e doctor away, and everybody e l se , t oo.
Arm r es t.
housebroken! They'r e comin g to take me away , ha ha.
This year chapel was held once a week due to the rescheduling of classes. With on l y this short time to work with, Fr. Wharton set out to use it to the best advantage The chapel program was highlighted by informat i ve sermons , debates on pertinent issues, and an introduction to the new wave of liberalism i n the church through an appearance of YESTERDAY'S CHILDREN, a popular singing group.
Karl Alexander, Olaf Olsen, Steve Harkness , Don Marshall, John Blalock , Rufus Harris.
Chuck Stedman , Don Wallis, Mike Pettit, Tommy Jahnck e, Tyler Posey.
BACK ROW: Don Wallis, Judy Wallis, Debbie Stevenson, Sandra Garrard, Jane Nieset. FRONT ROW: Scott Hightower, Melissa Payne, Bris Garrard, Ellen Jonassen, Beth Robinson, Marie-Louise Kreeger.
BACK ROW: Judy Gore, Jane Schmidt (Advisor), Peggy Higgins, Anne Shepherd , Laura Bohne, Robin Krieg. FRONT ROW: Susan Wells, Barbara Barnard, Pat Murray, Janell Bankston.
Presi d e nt - DON MARSHA LL
Secre tary - BECKY EMMONS
Sergeant-at-Arms - JE RR Y GATTO
Vice President - GI NGER NE LSON
Dog Power G ym C las s
Coffee, Any o ne ? " Muscles" McH ugh
Goo d tim es
- th e T urk e y T rot s a t Ca mp Hardtn e r
- th e Fi ve Fo o t er
- th e O k eepan o k ee Ski C lub
- Johnny " O K " Wo rl e y
- th e g i rl s e a ge r anti c i p ation o f a raid a t Ca mp Ha rdtn e r •.. that n eve r occ urr e d.
- The day Mr. Ree d almo st go t sh ow e red
- B B. ' s dr ess at the Prom and th e sc andal that occ urr e d wh e n it fell o ff.
- Din' s sur fe r c ro ss
- Mr. Le wis' Mas t e r-fol qu es ti o n o n th e En g lish ex am.
- Barb ara !-le rt e l' s drivin g a bility
- Ed Kin g ' s Mast e r s o f Dece it b ook re port
- Lov e l e tt e r s to Ze us from Me d e a
- The " Ma ng y" Annapolis
- Mrs. Bec kman' s shout s of de light whe n we we re finally a c c e pt e d to c oll eg e--L. S. U.
- "If Mr. Wo rl e y smell s any other c i g ar e tt e smoke than hi s o wn. Mr. Wo rl e y will be ve ry a ng ry."
- th e Junior Lo un ge
- Le tard' s att e mpts for l as t minut e dat es
- Don-Don and Din-Din
- Vi c ki' s hipp y-dri pp y bo yfri e nds
- J a n' s g ullibility
- Run, run, C LUN K!"
- th e dat es to "Dr. Z hiva g o"
- F ath e r Jo hn so n ' s ri g id dis c ipline
- Biff' s a rg um e nts with l ec tur e rs whil e th e e ntir e Se nior c la ss starv es t o d e ath
- The tim e bo mb in Mr Wo rl e y' s roo m
- t he b e autiful re lati o nship be tw ee n th e b a ske tball t e am a nd th e c h ee rl e ad e rs
- the knowl e dge g ain e d from sex cla sses
- Mr. Port e r' s cru s h o n Mary.
- Spin the sho e on th e Sopho mor e Trip
- Bub Rari c k
- Dotty' s "marv e lous" h is t or y c la ss
- Pop Go es the Pro m
- th e whit e Falc o n that c am e to sc hoo l eve ryday fo r Danny in ' 6 6 a nd Co llin s in ' 6 7
- "Ho w lon g ha s it bee n sin ce y o u' ve ha d a ho t, steaming bo wl o f Hot Wo lf Brand C hili ? " He h, Heh, we ll that' s too lon g .
- Bob C app' s se a si c kn ess o v e r Eas t e r
- A ni g ht at the Moulin Ro uge
- th e on e -w ee k ro m an ces of th e Sop h o m o r e T rip
- St e v e ' s Ta x i S e rvi ce
- Mrs. He th e rwick and t h e Rom an s
- Most of us se llin g Gree n s
- Di sec tin g th e fro gs in Bi o l og y that just wo uldn't di e !
- that n o on e c ould e v er ge t 100 o n Mrs . Wes t' s biolo g y ex am (W e ll, a lm os t no o n e .)
Se nior parti es T oge th e rn ess Remember?
Short lunch break Mr. Lewis Homecomin g 39
Jean, who will always be remembered for her long golden hair, came to StM in ninth grade Jean has been an excellent basketball player. She was on the team throughout high school and has led her gym squad to two victories. In addition to basketball, Jean has played powder puff and has served as a P. E. aide for two years. Other activities which Jean has participated in include Art, typing, and shorthand. In the academic phase of school life she has performed well, being on the honor roll in her freshman and junior years. Jean's most memorable moment was the senior trip to Camp Hartner and the special brownies she found on the bus.
Karl's friendly personality and his sincerity have made him many friends since returning to StM in the tenth grade. His activities have ranged from the athletic field to serving his school in many ways. In twelfth grade Karl was a member of the Student Council and chairman of the highly successful Spirit Committee. Karl was also a member of the Shield Staff as A cti vi ties Photo Co-ordinator. His scholastic ability has been demonstrated by his constant honor roll status and his election to the Honor Society in his senior year. "Fingers" has also been on the football team for two years. Proof of Karl's popularity was his election as Junior High Ideal in both the seventh and eighth grades, Karl's outside life is filled with showing and training horses, and sitting in the pumpkin patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin. He was also elected to the National Honor Society in his senior year.
StM '62-'68
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Karen, one of the friendliest Saints , has gone to StM sin ce kindergarten and has been active in many ways. Sh e has been quite an athle te , serving on the volleyball team throughout high school and in the modern dance club the last 3 years . She was also a member of the powder puff team and a P. E. aid e h e r junior ye ar. Kar e n se r ved a s a Shield a ssistant during hi gh school and as a Halo reporter her junior year. Karen e ncoura ged spirit around school wh ile a cheerleade_r in h e r se nior year . She was al so a member of th e Hom e coming Court for the la st two ye ars. A va ri ety of interest s keep her bu sy when not in sc hool. Karen 's greatest honor was when sh e was se lected H omecom in g Queen of 1967
Penn y h as been most n o t ed for her many se r v ic es to t h e schoo l. In ninth gra de "P enelope " se r ved t h e class a s sergeant - at - arms She wa s a member of Chorus , Conc e rt Choir , Futui e -Nurses , and Modern Dance Club On e of Penny ' s main int e r ests has been the Student Council , wh ich she has serve d on for two ye ar s As a seni or she ha s been sec r et ar y and the chairman of the Hom eco min g Dance Penny has also wo rk e d o n the Shield and Halo. In h e r sen i or ye ar she has served as Advertising M ana ge r of the Sh i e ld and Circulation Mana ge r of th e Halo. Penny h a s gi ve n a g r e at deal to her class and to t he ent ir e schoo l and she will lon g be r eme mb e re d fo r h e r serv i ce.
StM '55-' 68
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If while walk in g down the breezeway, a blushing red object of human form approaches, you can always rest assured that it is Barbara. Her inability to catch dirty jokes and her embarassment when she does have made her a Saint standout. Barbara has been a member of the swimming , powder puff football, and softball teams for two years. As a junior, she was secretary of the class , a Halo reporter, and a two team athletic award winner. Barbara was on the Homecoming Court in her junior and senior years and first alternate in her senior year for the cheerleaders Her most outstanding accomplishment that will always remain with us was the dropping of her dress at the '66 Juni or-Senior Prom (the straps broke).
Kitty has been at St. Mart in' s since kindergarten. She has proven her high academic standing by being elected to the National Honor Society as a junior. She showed her writing talem in Creative Writing in her sophomo r e and junior years and has served as a Halo reporter as a senior. She a trended the National Conference of Christians and Jews and has been a membe r of the Future Nurses since she was a sophomore. Kitty has worked around school as an office aide, P.E. aide, cfnd snack bar assistant. She has been a member of the Modern Dance Club throughout high school and has been a member of Dramatics for two years. Kitty's happy and generous nature have made her one of the most cheerful people in our class In "The Skin of Our Teeth" Kitty communicated her warm spirit through her portrayal of Gladys.
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StM ' 64 -' 68
John has become a familiar sight around St. Martin ' s si nce joining us in the fifth grade. He has been v ery active in athle t ics. J ohn was a member of the Junior Varsit y football team his fr e shman year and the Var sity t e am his junior and senior years. His attitude and play were an important factor in team sp i rit. John was a l so a member of the track team and the golf team a s a junior and senior. He has b e en acti ve in man y other phases of school life, helping on the Homecoming Dance and Christmas Pro gram. John was in the Dramatics Club and was cast in its first production, The Skin of our Teeth. His academic succ e ss has been demonstrated by his c onsistant attainment of Honor Roll status.
Anne, a Saint from wa y back, ha s bee n a t St. Martin' s since sh e w a s i n kind e r g art e n. An ne ' s abilit y as an at h l e t e ha s m ad e h e r an as se t t o the ph ys ical e du c ation prog ram. Sh e h a s partici p at e d on variou s inter-schola st ic te am s in h e r fo ur ye ar s of hi gh school. Durin g th ese y ear s, sh e h a s bee n a member of the volleyball t e am, th e ba sk e tball te a m , the badminton t e am, a nd th e swim m i ng t e a m Eve n outside school, Anne's inter es ts includ e sp ort s and man y fac e ts of o utdoor life Ann e ' s e x tra-cur r i c ular acti vities ar e num e rou s . Sh e ha s taken se \vin g , art and ty pin g She has bee n a m e m b e r of b ot h t h e Modern Dance Club and the Future Nurs es Club. A nne has made a contribution in eve r y ar e a of school lif e
StM '55-' 68
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Kathy has only been at St. M fo r three semesters , but in that short time she has taken an active p-art in schoo l activities. She has been noted for her achievements in the classroom - Honor Roll , National Honor Society as a senior , and one of four to be a Nat ional Merit Semi-Final i st. Athletics are one of Kathy's ma i n interests; she sw i ms competitively and was on St M. ' s team and has won se veral trophies , she performs in water ballet , and she won th e tennis intramurals as a ju ni or. As a senior Kathy has been o n the Shield staff , a Halo reporter , and a member of Dramatics. In addition ro this she was elected secre tary of Future Nurses. Kathy has proven herself to be willing ro work in her short t ime at St. M. Kathy's greatest moment came as the Evangelist when she unsuccessfully tried to persuade the Play er s to "Repent. "
Ralph has been so reserved that few of his classmates had the opportun it y ro get to know him we ll in his th r ee short years at St. Martin ' s Ralph has found great en jo yment in the field of science and has been a member of th e Phys i cal Science Club His intellig ence was demonstrated by high scores on the N. E D. T. tests Ralph ' s main interest out of school has been in operat in g short wave radios. The summer of his ju nior year was spent in Argentina. There he li ved with an Argentine family and had a chance ro l earn of the ir customs and their la ng uage.
StM ' 6 5 -' 6 8
StM '66-'68
Buz and his long hair have been at StM since ki ndergarten. He w ill long be remembered by hi s fr i ends and his n e ighbors for his "Soci ety of Frats " parties Buz ' s assi stance in creating t h e Shield has been invaluable. He has serve d as a Shield ass i stant in his freshman year , Assistant Copy Edi tor in his sop homore year , and Copy Edi tor for the past two years. He has also been a member of th e Chorus and taken art Afte r school Buz could usually be found working on his ca r or helping out \,ith school projects such as the Hom e coming Danc e and the Christmas Program. If not, he may ju st be sl eep ing.
Betsy ' s che e r y face has b ee n a familiar sight to her clas s and to ot h e rs around the StM campus On e of her main interests is dancing She ha s b een a m em ber of the Modern Dance Club both h e r freshman and senior years. Betsy has typed for both the Shield and Halo as a senior and ha s also worked a s a memb e r of the Lyr e staff. Her other acti viti es at sc ho ol have included dramatics in her senior year , and three years o f working in the Snack Bar. Betsy has wor ked on committe es for both the Christmas Program and Hom ecom in g and went to the Nat i onal Conference of Christ ian s and J ews in her junior year. Betsy was installed as an Honor Society member in h er sen i or year.
C StM ' 64 -' 68
StM '55-' 68 45
Coral started St. Martin's in kindergarten, and she has been quite active throughout her many years here. Her freshman year, Coral took typing and sewing and was also an assistant for the Shield Coral was a member of the Badminton team as we ll as the powder puff football team when she was a junior. Also that year she was a typist for the Halo and an active member of the Future Nurses Club. Coral has been an office aide her senior year and had a position as typist for the third time on the other school publication, the Lyre. Coral's main interest outside of school is horseback riding. This takes up much of h e r spa r e time and she ha s appeared in many shows through the years.
Bob has been a well-known personality around the STM. campus for many years. His activities have been many and varied. However, his main inter ests seem to be in the athletic field. Bob was a member of the J . V. football team his freshman year As a Varsity letterman, he saw a great deal of action, but was slowed up a bit by a knee injury as a se nior. Bob was also on the track team in his freshman and sophomore years. Throughout high sc hool, he has been a member of the Shield Staff. His position as a freshman and sophomore was that of Assistant Copy Editor, and he is this year Spores Editor. Some of his other activities have included Circulation Editor of the Lyre and sin ging in the Chorus. Bob enjoys sports such as hunting and fishing wh en not in school, and i s also associated with swimming and a certain sophomore girl.
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StM 55-68
Becaus e of h e r reserved p e r so nality, Be cky was well lik e d by he r cla ss mates. Sh e wa s an e xc e ll ent student du rin g h e r fi ve years at St. Martin's and was on the Honor Ro ll t hroughou t hi g h schoo l. She was e l ec t e d to th e National Honor Soc i e ty in h e r juni o r ye ar and as a fr es hman s he se r ve d on th e Student Counc il. Bec ky was al so ve r y acti ve in athl et i cs S he was a m e mb e r of the badmin to n and t e nnis reams . Becky was als o a part icipant in many othe r a c ti v i t i e s such a s th e Russian Club , th e Social Issues Club and sew i ng. She contributed h e r w ritin g talents to the Lyre and wa s a staff m em ber of that paper Bec ky was hon o r ed by h e r c la ss mates by b eing ele ct e d secre tary of her se nior c la ss.
Wendy ha s participat ed i n man y of th e activ i t i es the school offe rs Besides b eco min g known as "M ede a" , she ha s d one much to pro mor e spir it around the Sr. M. campus She has b ee n a cheerl e ad er sinc e h e r sophomo r e y ear and ,,, as vo ted h e ad cheerleader in h e r se ni o r year. Wendy ha s also had the excitement of se r v in g o n the Ho m eco ming Court in her ju n i o r and se ni or years. Wendy w a s ve ry active in t h e fi e ld of spo rt s He r re a ms i n gym wo n In tramural awards her sophomore and juni or yea r s. Sh e h as won seve ral athletic a\\1 ards and nmv serves a s Spo rts Edi to r of the Halo. A frer schoo l or on weekends , Wendy could be fo und pa intin g s i gns fo r th e coming g a mes , riding h er tandum bicycle throu g h ou t Ne\v Orl eans , and somet im es ju st h o ldin g up a " Basement Wall ".
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Known for her fr i endliness and her enthusiasm , "D " has developed many i nterests in and out of ·school. !'laving been at St. Martin ' s for two years , she has helped on many school projects Dennette has taken sewing and makes many of her own clothes. Her ma i n inte r est outside of school has been in Valencia where she served as a r eporter on the newspaper and part i cipated in their dramat i cs group Din-Din , as she is affectionately called by her classmates , will never have to fear dark streets beca u se she has mastered the art of judo Her summer after her junior year was spem touring Europe \v ith the American Pre-College Program. The rest of he r spare time has been filled by Valencia and he r many admir ers .
Rose will often be remembered as the quiet one. She has been an excellent student and a wi lling worker. Although Rose was not often very talkative , she found many ways of expressing herself One of these was through her fine art work She showed her concern for others and interest in the community by being a member of the Future Nurses Club for two years Rose was elected to the Honor Society her j un i or year. Her freshman year she was a member of the Biology Club and she was a typist for the Halo her sen i or year. Rose has many interests outside of school. Among these are water skiing and swimming .
StM '
StM '66 -' 68
Calvin ha s se r ve d as the se nior class ' on l y source of i nfo rmation about the Cajun lif e The sen i ors w ill neve r forget him , his lectur es in health class, or his imitations of wild bir ds and G. T.O. 's Aside from be in g quite enterta ining , Cal vin has b ee n a det e rmin e d a t hlete. He was a m e mb e r of the J . V football team in his fr es hman ye ar and the Va r sity in his se ni or year He has be e n on t h e track t e am sinc e t e nth grade , and his determination as a m il er was an in sp iration to the res t of th e team Calvin has also b een a membe r of the Chorus and the Germa n Club du r in g high school. Because of th e spomman -like e nvironment that h e was rai se d in , Cal vi n has en j oyed hunting, fi shin g , horseback riding, and wate r spo rt s.
Tommy will long be a ssociated wi th h i s " soup " green ' 47 Chevy. His main int e rest at St. M. has b ee n in ba sk et ball. He was a member of the J. V. basketball team in tenth grade and th e Vars i ty in eleventh and tw elft h grades . His desire to play basketball was an important facto r in the development of team sp irit. O utside of his act i v ity in spom , h e en jo ys sin g in g with the c h o rus. The class of '68 will al w a ys remembe r him for his w illi ngness to have the class p ic nic at Favrotv ill e. Tomm y ' s "tru e l ove " has been Aspen , Colorado wh ere he ha s go ne snow s kiing eve r y yea r. Th e r e mainder of his time is spent water sk iin g , p la y i ng ten ni s, and wo rkin g on hi s ca r.
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Bris, a dynamo who came to St. Martin's in her freshman year , has had her hand in eve ry phase of school life. In her fi rst year, Bris served as a J. V. cheerleader. Throughout high schoo l, she has participated in a wide variety of extra -curricular activities . She took sew ing in her freshman year and has developed great skill as a seamstress She has been a member of the Chorus and Concert Choir, Future Nurses Club , Modern Dance Club , and the Dramatics Club Over the past four ye ars, she has will in gly helped in the preparations of both the Homecoming Dances and Chr i stmas Programs In everything with which Eris has had anything to do, she has discharged her responsibilities capably and wel l.
Debbie has been at St. Martin 's since ninth grade and has added a great deal to the class spir it. She has been active in many different phases of school life. She has wo rk ed on committees for Home coming and for the Christmas program all four years.
Debbie has participated in the athletic side of schoo l life too by being a member of the badminton team in her junior year and playing powder puff football for her last two years . Follett has 1vorked as an office aide, been a member of the Spanish Club , Future Nurses Club for two years, and has worked very diligently in sew i ng for three years. She has also typed for the Shie ld, Halo, and Lyre. Debbie's personality, wit, and will in gness to help will not be soon forgotten by her classmates.
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Kathy can e asily b e r ecog nized on campus by her fashionable hairdos and her stylish clothes She is well known for she has attended St Martin's sinc e 1 957 During this time she has actively participated in many phases of s chool life, wo rkin g on the Altar Guild, Homecom ing Dance committees , Futur e Nurses, and sw imming on the schoo l swim team fo r many years. She also played Powder Puff football in her junior and senior ye ars. In her se nior yea r, Gauthier had the great thrill of being elected a H omecom in g Cheerleader. Outside of school , Kathy en jo ys su ch activit i es as water skiing and Valencia.
J erry ha s distinguish e d himself as the most indi v idualistic student St. Martin ' s has ever had in just four short yea rs. His great passing ability helped the football team for two years. J e rr y has also been a member of the track team for three yea rs and he went to Sta te for his j avelin throw H e has always been willing to se rve and this was demonstrated by his work on the Homecoming Dance and bonfire and the Christmas Program. The s ummer of his j unior year was spent teaching underpri vil eged children for project Headstart . J erry's extr a hours have been spent diving , playing tennis , and managing a local band. Because of the r espect he has merited , J erry was e lect ed Sergeant at Arms of the senior class
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Steve , that tall, lanky bo y with the friendly sm ile, came to St. Martin's in th e ninth grade. It wa s not long before he was taking part in man y schoo l activities. He joined the Hal o staff and was a r epo rter his senior year Steve also joined the Biology Club, Spanish Club, was an o ffice aide, and participated in th e Chapel Program as an acolyte. Steve 's easy go ing nature has made him a willing wo rk e r. This is seen by his appointment to Busines s Manager of the Sheild, his help as a Home coming Dan ce Committee chairman, and his attendance at the Natio nal Conference of Christians and Jews. Being int ereste d in Dramatics Club his senior year, St e ve joined and secured a part in t he g roup;s product ion. Steve also excels i n sc hool work , for he has been an Honor Roll student si nc e his a rri v al. Steve ' s o u ts id e int e r es ts includ e golf, tennis, dove and quail hunt in g He was e l e ct ed to the National Honor Society in his senior ye ar.
Sa ndy finally saw the li ght and came to St. Ma rtin's i n the ninth grad e from Newman Sin ce her sopho mor e year, she has been a member of the Chorus and in her la st t wo years of high schoo l she has sung in the Concert Choir. Ano ther phase of school li fe which Sa nd y has participated in is the Future Nu r ses Club. In her junior yea r, she was Secreta r y. Sandy has also se r ved as an office aide a nd been a member of the Biolo gy Club and the Powder Puff football team Outsid e of school , Sandy e nj oys sw immin g and spending her t im e doing rehabilitat ion wo rk at the h osp ital. He r sincere interest in her hospital wo rk and projects sponso r ed by the Future Nurses Club, have contr ibut ed to Sandy ' s friendly pe rs on ality.
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Sharon only spent two years at St. M. but in that short time she has spread her humor throughout the school. This has been mainly because of her unusual talent for making people laugh. Sharon was very active in her last two years of high school. As a junior, Sharon took typing and was an intramurals winner in gym. Both years she was a typist for the Halo and a member of the Creative Writing Club. Her senior year she was in the Dramatics Club and held the position of Assistant Copy Transcriber on the Shield staff. Sharon has many interests out of school; including tennis , swimming, and sailing. Known especially for her imitations, Sharon has been quite a witty addition to the class.
Rufus has been active in all phases of school life. He was co-captain of the junior varsity football squad in his freshman year and started for the varsity in his senior year. Rufus' quickness has made him a valuable member of the basketball team since tenth grade. He was elected to the Student Council in his junior year and served as treasurer of that organization in his senior year. Rufus has been a member of the Chorus since tenth grade and a member of the Concert Choir since eleventh grade . He served as student representative to both the Faculty Dress and Chapel committees Rufus has been an avid outdoor sportsman who has enjoyed hunting, fishing , and water skiing.
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Barbara came to St. Martin ' s as a freshman . Since then her quiet ways and pleasant personality ha ve dra wn her closer to her friends. Her first year was kept busy by typing clas s and the Future Nurses Club. Her int e r est in helping people in need has continued and she was one of the more active memb ers throughout high school. Barbara's athletic talents were put to use in her junior year ser ving as a P.E. aid e. Her participation in the German Club has demonstrated her interest in people of other land s and their languages. Her creative abilities were shown in many of her sketches that she completed in art class during her sen i or year .
Collins' subtle humor has been enjoyed since his arrival at St. Martin's in the ninth grade.· He has been active in many phases of school li fe During his senio r year , he has been an assistant on the Sh i eld Also in his sen ior ye ar, he has worked on both the Ho mecoming Dance and Christmas Program. As a sophomore , he was an office aide , a member of the Service Club, and a supe ri or student of sho rthand. Collins' c r eative abilities have been put to good use in the art room. In the field of sports , "Colli e" has been an excellent trackman. Hi s skills with the ja velin made many points for St Martin's and carried him to the state competition. Collins' l eadersh ip abil i ties have been demonstrat e d while serving as chairman of the Senior patio committee.
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Tommy, a long time Sa int, has been one of the witt i er seniors in h i s thirteen years at St Martin ' s Hi s light -hearted attitude has been a welcomed change afte r the depressing days of school. Bro has always been will in g to do any j ob ; dance decorations or whatever. He has worked on both the Homecoming Dance and the Christmas Program . Tommy was on the J. V football team for three years and a va rsi ty letterman in his junior year. He has also been a member of the Social Is sues Club , the Biology C l ub , and the Service Club. Tommy has se r ved the Chapel Program as an acolyte for two years When not discussing his plans for the upcoming weekend , he could usually be found " whe r e the action was ".
Peggy's good looks and bouncy personality made her one of the most outstanding senior s Peg was elected cheerleader in both her juni or and senior years and did much to help encourage spirit around our school. She has also been r ecognized as one of the South's best equestrians Aside from riding, Peggy found time to be on the Holmes Young Circle Board, wh i ch allowed her the chance for modeling. Around St. Mart in' s, Peg has been secretary of the j unior class , on the Homecoming Court her junior and senior years , a member of the Modern Dance Group, and a Hal o reporter. Peggy was also a committee chairman for the Homecoming Dance , and a very successfu l member of the Dramatics Club, securin g a lead role in its firts production.
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In h e r nine years at St. Martin's, Ellen has excell e d in leadership, se r vice, and scho lar ship to her sc hool. As a chairman of a Christma s Program, as well as of a Homecoming Dance committee, in her freshman and sophomore years , Ellen showed her capable leadership i n the execution of these tasks. She was elected to th e National Honor Soc i ety and a s a Pelican Girl's State representative i n her junior year. She ranked high in the 9<y/o in the NEDT tests, once again proving her scholarship. Ellen was elected as a Homecoming Game cheerleader in her senior year. She was a member of the swimming team, the Chorus, the Dramtic Club , an acti ve member of the Chapel Program a s \vell as being Faculty Editor of the Shield.
Steve ha s won both fame and fortune in his two short ye ars at St. Ma rtin' s After hearing that one had to be a football hero to win th e hearts of beautiful women , Steve set out to accomplish this goal. He has be en a standout on the football te am a1id cocaptain of the squad in hi s senior yea r. "Littl e Stevie Wond e r", a s he has been referred to by b o th team mate s and friend s, was on the basketball team fo r two years The girls quickly reco gn iz ed his good looks and he was elected "Best Loo kin Boy" in his junior year. Out sid e of scho ol, he has en joy e d hi s g irlfri ends both her e and in Kan sa s City whe r e he i s originally from.
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Marie-Louise has b een one of the busiest m embe r s of our class. H e r grad es are th e first thing of note an d hers ha ve been fantastic Sh e ha s b een a member of the National Honor So ci ety , and h ad the hi ghes t class a ve rage h e r fr es hman and soph omo r e ye ar s. Marie wa s an a l t e rnat e for Pe li c an St at e and ha s been active in our Stud ent Council in h e r sen ior yea r. Eve r y yea r of hi ghsc hool she had b ee n a cla ss officer; three times th e tre asur e r and in her sop homor e year the vice- presid e nt. The Halo has consumed a gr e at deal of her time as sh e se r ve d a s Managing Editor in her junior ye ar and Editor h e r se n i or year. She was Se nior Editor of the Shield h e r se ni or year In h e r junior yea r, Marie was honor e d with th e Westfeldt Award for un se lfish se r vic e to her school.
Ed , hi s crutch es , and h i s ca sts have b een St . Martin ' s sinc e k ind e r garten Be in g accident prone , he has co nsi stently manage d to ha ve a broken arm , l eg , or v ariou s ot h e r ailments In sp i te of th ese , Ed was on the J unior Varsity football team in his freshman ye ar. He ha s also b een a member of the Se r v ic e Club, the Patio Committee, and the Physical Sc i e nc e Club . In h i s senior year , despite frequent absence from school , Ed wo rk ed on the Christmas Pro gram , the Ho mecom in g Dance , and se r ved as an offic e aide . After tea rin g out of the parking lot, h e usua ll y h ea d ed h ome to his many hobbies. Ed has e njo yed all outdoor sports but part icularl y sa ilin g and huntin g
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Dan ' s claim to fame was that of always be i ng refe rr ed to by underclassmen as "that senior with the blonde spot i n his h a i r. " Ever si nce he strolled onto our campus as a junior with his suave and so phis ticated characte ri st i cs , Dan has been popu l ar 1vith the seniors . H i s ma i n interest around St . Mart i n ' s campus has been t he Mixed Chorus . He was a member of the Chorus and the select Concert Choir. O u tside of school , the Yacht C l ub or his girlfriend ' s house are where Dan can usually be found. Dan is an excellent sailo r and has spent many hours on the lake In the summer of his jun i or year , he was fortunate enough to ua vel and tour throughout Europe .
Lynda has been at St. Martin ' s now for twelve years. During her high school career, she has participated on the vo lleyball and basketball teams The mention of her name struck fear in the hearts of many because of her wicked serves. During her sophomore and junior years, Lynda was one of Mrs. Swan ' s avid students of an. This last year of high school , she \\I as cast as the Fortune Tell e r for the play given by the Dramatics Club. She was also a member of the Biolog y Club and the Po1vd e r Puff football team. Outside of school Lynda en j oys sailing, Audubon Park Zoo , and collect i n g Buddha figures . Her power of prophesy ca st a mysterious air on The Pla ye r s' production of " The Skin of Our Tee th ".
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Donnie has been one of the busiest members of our class H e has se r ved as v ice-president in tenth grade and president of the class as a junior and senior. He has worked actively in Student Council; as a service chairman, as trea surer , and as vic e - presid ent as a sen ior. Track and basketball have also played a part in Donnie's school li fe. Hi s skill in track was shown by his placing third in the State Track Meet and by his being on the All - District second team in basketball showed his sk ill in this sport. Donnie has se r ved on the Shield since his freshman ye ar and became Editor as a senior, in addition to work in g on the Halo, Donn i e ' s many services to the school made him the recipient of the Westfeldt Award. Donnie will be lon g rememb e red b y StM for his sp irit and service.
Phil came to StM . i n ninth grade and has been an enthusiast ic participant in athletics and e xtra -curricu lar activities. He wa s a member of the J. V. football team his freshman year and the Varsity team his senio r year. "L eader ", as he was nicknamed 011 his arrival at St Martin ' s , has been a member of th e Biology Club, the Se r vice Club, and the Spanish Club. Philip has also been 011 the Honor Roll and he had high scores 011 his N. E. D T. tests. He se rved as a Snack Bar assistant, a Halo typist , and an office aide during high school. This long list of activities and his friendly personality have made Phil one of the most sincere individuals on campus.
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Because of his tremendous artistic ability , Louis has been an invaluable aid in numerous activities at St . Martin's . He served as Art Editor of the Shield and Lyre staffs in his Juni or and Senior years ; also actively participating in the art program throughout his five years at St. Martin ' s . Combining his alert wit and his creativeness , Louis was the cartoonist on the Halo staff as a Junior. He also received a well deserved Art Award in his Sophomo re and Juni or years. Louis proved his athletic abilities by being a member of the J. V. football team as a freshman , and the Varsity football team as a Sen -
ior. He was an active participant in the track program as a Freshman and a Sophomore
Mary , better known as " Mathoo", has been a long time Saint. Her membership on the volleyball , basketball, swimming , badminton, and tennis teams have made h er infa mous with the female Saints ' opponents. But , her interest was not limited to athletics. She was on the Honor Roll in ' 65 , and scored high on the NEDT test. Mary has taken art (much to the dismay of Mrs Swan ), typing , and sewing th r oughout h i gh school. She has also been a member of the Dramatics Club . Outside of school , she has established herself as an accompli she d equestr i an. Because of her musical abilities , she was a member of a local band during her last years of high school.
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The r emembrance that StM will have of M i ke will be that of "Sweet Soui'" music a n d a tambour in e man ex tr ao rdi n ai r e Howeve r , on the more se ri ous side , " Baby Mac" has been on the JV footba ll team his sen i or yea r. During high school Mike has been an acolyte , a Halo typ i st , and a Snack Bar assistant He has been a member of the Chorus and the Service C l ub Because of his football ta l ents, he was one of the Powder Puff football coaches. Afte r gr aduating from college it is hoped that Mike will fo ll ow in the footsteps of Ot i s Redding
Since Kathy ' s arr i v al in the eighth grade , she has become an active member of the Future Nu rses Club and in the ninth grade worked as a Candy Striper and a nursery schoo l teacher. Be sides her interest in the medical field , " Mac " also has musical and athletic talents. She was a member of the Chorus and participated in the Conce rt Choir in the tenth grade. Also in her Sophomore year , she he l ped bring her gym squad to victory in the socce r intramurals. I n addition to Mac ' s many interests , her sense of humor successfully saw her through a weekend fil l ed with X - lax brownies and the answer to the age - old " Certs " mint question .
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Nelson's quick humor has adorned StM since seventh g rade. He has been quite athletic and was a member of the J. V football team i n the eighth grade . Nelson was also a member of the J. V basketball team , and the J. V. and Va r sity track teams Nelson led hi s class as a Se r geanr - atArms in the seventh g rad e and Pr es ident in the eighth. " Rar icks" creative talents have been put to good use in the art program He has helped on such projects as the Homecoming Dance and the Christmas Program Nelson has helped the senio r class this yea r by serving on the Patio Committee Outside of school , he has been an avid water skiier, hunter , and architectural designer.
Vicki, a girl with a great sense of humor, a fair share of sarcast i c remarks, and hippie tendencies , has taken ad vantage of many facets of school life. Sporn are her main inter est. Vicki gir l has participated on such teams as swimm in g , indoor ball, basketball, the Modern Dance Club, and Powder Puff football. She received the athletic Honor Award in her sophomore year. Alon g 1v i th sports, Vicki has been a typist for both the Lyre and the Halo. She has been very active in the Future Nurses Club , serving as Vice-P re s ident her sophomo r e year , and President her ju n ior year Outside of school , Vicki enjoys music and plays the piano with great skill She also enjoys a good game of tennis or go in g horseback riding.
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Gin ge r Nelson has been perhaps one of the most outstand i ng Saints in the senior class During he r nine yea r s at St. Martin ' s she has made her friendly smile , g lowin g personality , and w illin gness to help , in va luable to all. Gi nger has been the 1vonder-t ype of i ndiv i dual who wo rk s harder than anyone else and yet e xp ects no c r ed i t for it. Her o ri g inal op i nions and i deas have been well r espected at St. Mart i n ' s as sho1vn by her elect i on to th Vice -Pr es i dency of h e r c la ss in her junior and sen i or yea r s Her scholastic ability has been illustrated by her receiving Honor Roll status seve ral times. Ginger has proven her creative ab ili ties while serv in g as chairman of the Jr. Sr. Pr om in her junior yea r Ginger ' s School sp iri t 1vas show n by her election as Homecoming cheerleade r.
Pat's freckles , red hair, and cheery persona lit y arrived at ST M in ninth grade She has been active at STM in m a ny 1vays , but has excelled on the football field Pat 1vas one of the stars of the Powder Puff football fiasco in both her junior and senior years . Mrs . LeBlanc recognized her talents and signed her up to be a P E aide She 1v as a l so an intramural w inn er. Pat has added her "li ght , airy " voice to the Chorus in tenth and eleventh grades and the concert choir in tenth. Murray served the schoo l as an office aide and the chapel program as a rnember of the A ltar Guild Pat has also been a member of the Dramatics Club i n her senior yea r
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Oley, the class's only Norwegian , has been at St. Martin's since Kindergarten. He participated in many phases of school life, but was recognized for hi s int elligence in the area of mathematics. Along this line, Ole y has been on the hono r roll throughout hig h school and has be e n a member of the Honor So ciet y his junior and senio r ye ars. He has also been a member of the Social Issues Club, Biology Club , and the Ph ys ical Science Club of which he served as president in his senior year. His athletic interest was in football, and he has been a member of the team for two yea rs. Ol ey has put his photographic tal ent to good use for the Halo and Shield .
Sinc e her arrival in the ninth grade, Jan e has made a name for herself in the athletic field. She has been a member of the Badminton team, swimming team, volleyb all team , and tennis team. She received the t wo -t e am award in the eleventh grade. Jan e has also taken advantage of the other phases of life the school offers. She was in the German Club, sew ing, Chorus, the se l ect Concert Choir , and the Dramatics Club. Ja ne has also exce ll ed in acad emics. She has been on the Honor Roll since her arrival and has been in the National Honor Society for the past two years. She holds the position of Editor of Activities on the Shield staff and Assistant Spo rts Editor of th e Halo staff Jane has been an active member of the Future Nurses for two ye ar s a nd was e le cte d Vice President as a senior. During the summe r, she worked as a camp counselor.
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One of the b est addi t ions to St M. was Mike ' s arri v al in ninth e Hi s achi evemen t s in the ar e a s of ser vic e , scho lar sh ip , lead e r ship , and athl etics we r e witnessed everyday . When h e was not se r ving as Pr es ident of the Student Council , he was excell in g in the classroom . "Petite" ha s be e n a member of the Honor Societ y in his junior and se nior ye ar s, a National Merit Semi - Finali st, and the recipient of the DAR Award in Hi story . Mik e ' s favo rit e spo rt has been football , and he was a l e tterman in his junior and sen ior ye ars Al wa ys anxious to be of se r vic e , Mike wa s Feature Editor of th e Halo , Classes Editor o f the Sh ield, and a Dramat i cs Board member . With the start he has m ad e in high school , he shou ld ha ve li ttle trouble in the future
Barbara " Oyst e r" cam e to St. M . in ninth grade and immediately rook part in the acti v iti es with e nthusiasm Athl et ics in seve ral forms ha ve been important to Barbara ' s li fe At sc hool she played po wd e r pu ff football , was i n t he Modern Dance Club , and ser ve d as a P E aid e Outsid e of school she pla ys a gr e at d e al of golf. Sh e ha s won sever al important tournaments including the Louisiana State Jr Girl s Golf Tournament and was elected v ic e-p resid ent of th e Louisiana Girls State Golf Ass ociation Working as a library aide , si nging in Chorus and Concert Choir , se r ving a s a snack bar a ss istant , and participating in the Chr i stma~ prog r am ha ve also been a part of Barba r a's life in high schoo l.
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Cathy has been at St Martin's since 1960. During that t i me , Cathy , or "Railly" has left her ma rk around campus with all her witty comments She was on the honor roll her freshman, sophomore , and junior years. Cathy has also been very active in the athletic field . She was a J. V. cheerleader in the seventh and eighth grades and in her high school career she has participated on the basketball, volleyball , and swim teams , being captain in her sophomore year of the vo ll ey ball team . Cathy's athletic talents led her to be elected as a Homecoming Cheerleader in her se nior ye ar and recei v ing th e athletic Honor Award her first th r ee yea r s of high school.
J oe Redden is a true Saint, making his name and football almost synonymous around the campus. His teamm at es showed their appreciation of Joe ' s ability and hard work by e l ect i ng him one of their Co-Captain's i n hi s sen ior year. Along with his great athletic ta l ents , J oe has also excelled in the brains department. He became a National Me rit Semi - Finalist in his senior year and has alwa ys maintained Honor Ro ll status Because of these honors , J oe was elected Honor Society President in his senio r yea r. Athlet ic s and intelligence are not all that have made J oe well liked around school. Hi s quiet yet forceful personality and will in gness to help have played a gr eat part in making his stay at StM a success.
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Cathy, or " Ro" as she i s frequent l y called , came to St. Martin's from Riverda l e her junior year In her two short years Cathy has become a vita l part of our class. She has had the high honor of esco rting the homecoming court for the Powder Puff game . Cathy has also helped out in the office by b e ing an office aide both years. Cathy's sen ior year found her active in p lannin g the chape l program and working on the Christmas Program. Cathy's main interest has been the Future Nurses Club She has been interested in the pro j ects wh ich this or ganization has sponsored Many people think of Cathy as being quiet, but when she wants to she can really shin e
Beth has participated in many activities at StM Many of these r eflect her int erest in athletics I n her freshman ye ar she was a J. V Cheerleader and in her sophomo r e year she was an alternate. She has been on the badminton and swimming teams , got an athletic award in her junior year for being on two teams and ha s wo r ked as a P.E. Aide besides being one of the strongest Powder Puff pla yers . Sh e has also been a diligent wo rk e r in t h e Snack Bar becoming in her senio r yea r the Ma na ge r. Be t h has been in Future Nurses , Cho ru s, Concert Choir, and Dramatics In her sophomore and junior yea r s she served as a Shie ld assistant and in 11th grade she was also a Halo r eporter
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The clas s of ' 68 first met Babs Ryan at Camp Hardtner , for she came to St. Martin's i n her senior year from Fortier . She quickly adapted herself to life at St. Martin ' s, entering many phases of school life She joined the Dramatics Club and has been the wardrobe mistress for their first product i on She also helped on the Homecoming decorations. At Fortier , Babs was active on the Student Council , and was a Silver and Blue Representative . She also wo r ked in Fortier's Dramat i c s Club and French Club. Although Babs has been new to St. Martin ' s, she is not new to New Orleans. She has been active in Sub Debs and has se rved as a Board member
Because of Fred's nature , hi s activities at sc hool have often gone unnoticed His main interest has been in Math. In ninth grade he received an Honorable Ment i on Award in that subject. Fred has enj oyed singing and has been a member of both the Chorus and the Concert Choir. He se rved as Music Librar i an in his junio r year. Fred has b ee n on the honor roll si nce coming to St. Martin's in his freshman year. His other activit i es have included Office Aide, Senior Coffee Committee , and Camera Club Because of his photographic skills , he has been a photographe r for the Halo and head photographer for the Shield Fr ed represented St. Martin's at the National Conference of Christians a~1d Jews. Fred was installed as an Honor Society member in hi s sen ior year.
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St M ' 67-'68
Robert has been active in St . Ma rtin's sinc e joining us in n i nth grade His presence on the Va r sity football team has been va luabl e to team spirit during his junior and sen i or yea r s Rob has also been a member of the Social Issues Club , Physical Sdence Club , and Biology Club, as we ll as the " Sen i o r Coffee Club." Rob graced the Homecoming· Dance with h i s pre sence as a Dance Escort . " Sweet Rob's " h i ghest honor was the coveted "History is Bunk" award presented to him in his j unior yea r. Our heartS go out to the poor children of Project Head Start , fo r Ro b ert was an assistant teacher during the su mme r of ' 6 7 . Outside of school Rob has been active in Boy Scouts , water sports , and bowling.
Jan' s avid part icipat ion in school activities and her friendly personality have made her outstanding since coming to St. Martin ' s in second grade. During high schoo l she was on the S\v i mm i ng and badm i nton teams J an was active i n the Student Counc il, serving in ninth, tenth , and eleventh grades She was a membe r of the Future Nu r ses Club and wa s e l ected vi ce - president in her J unior yea r. Jan' s ma i n interest around schoo l has been in cheer l eading , and she was first alternate in eleventh grade. Being a cheerleader in her senior year has kept her b usy , but she has managed to find time to be in the Dramatics C lu b and se r ve as a Halo reporter. Jan was e l ec t ed one of the five se ni or maids of the Homecoming Court
...._ StM ' 57' 68
StM ' 6 4- ' 68 69
Debby came to St Martin's in the middle of her junior year, and quickly became well -liked by all. Her scholastic abilities have given her the distinction of having the highest class aver age her junior year, being an Honor Roll student, and, most important , a member of the National Honor Society . Debby was also recognized for becoming a National Merit SemiFinalisr. Along with her thinking powers, Debby also possesses great vocal powers. She has been a member of the Chorus her two years at St. Martin's, and also a member of Father Wharton's group Debby has also helped the Halo, as Copy Editor , and the Shield during her brief stay at St. Martin ' s. Her quick wit and ability to get along well with others made her one of the friendliest Saints .
Since coming to StM. in first grade , Chuck has prov e n himself to be a diligent worker, a capable athlete, and an able leader. His academic excellence has been shown b y his election to the Honor Society of wh ich he served as Vice-President in his senior year. Chuck participated in many areas of athletics. He was a member of the track team his junior yea r, the football team his sen ior year, and the basketball team throughout high school. He has also shown willingness to work in other areas of school life. He se r ve d in chapel as an acolyte , and the Halo as Assistant Sports Editor his sen ior year Chuck was the recipi ent of seve ral scholastic honors , including highest class average as a sophomore and the Math and Latin awards.
StM '
StM ' 66 - '68
In Don's fo ur years at St. M , he has shown himself to be an exce llent stu dent both acad em ically and in e xtra curr icular activities. H e was on the Honor Ro ll throughout Hi gh Sc hool and was a membe r of the Nationa l Honor Soc i ety As a fr es hman Do n took typ in g , German Club , and Service Club Hi s sophomore year he took Shorthand , Socia l Issues , and Biol ogy C lub. Don was in th e Spanish C l ub and Phy sical Sc i ence C lub, an acolyte , and a member of the chorus He had th e posi t ion of proces sin g coordinator for t he Sh i e ld and w a s a reporter for the Halo i n his senio r yea r. Out sid e o f sc hool, Don has been an active member of hi s church and an excell e nt competiti ve sw imm er
Linda ha s been be st known for her achi evements in athl et ic s. She sta rt e d play i ng tennis at the a ge of t e n and has b een a ch ampion eve r sin ce Some of he r most famous a wa r ds var y fr o m nat i onal sin gl e a nd double titles to an award for " Achievement and Brin gi ng Di stin ct ion to St M" p r esente d to he r in h e r j un i or yea r. Bes id es se r v in g as captain of the te nnis t e am he r e at scho ol for two ye ars , Linda ha s exce ll ed in the c la ssroo m Sh e ha s been on th e Hono r Roll sinc e he r fr esh man year and was in s tall ed into the National Hon or Soc i ety her j unior ye ar. Linda w ill long b e r emem b e r e d a s th e g irl who brought nati o nal r ecog ni t i on to St . Martin ' s.
StM ' 56 -' 68
StM ' 63 -' 68 71
Debby has spent three years at St . M's and ha s taken an active part in many different phases of school life. She has sung in the Chorus in her sophomo r e and junior years and was a member of the Concert Choir in her junior year. Debby , or "Crusher of the Clouds," as she was known to her close friends, has been on the committee to help plan the chapel program during her senior year at St. M 's. She has been a member of Future Nurses all three years and was the treasurer in eleventh grade. Outside of school Debby's interests have been mainly in the fields related to fashion merchandising and this interest has carried over into school in her position as fashion editor of the Halo.
Since Biff came to St. M ' s in tenth grade, he has had an active voice in most class and school activities. He ha s been in Creative Writing all three years and was co-editor of the Lyre as a junior and editor as a senio r. Biff has se r ved as an acolyte and as chairman of the Dramatics Club. Biff has also been a member of the track team and went to the State Track Meet as a junior. Biff was elected to National Honor Soc i ety as a senior. Biff' s outstanding characteristic has been his readiness to state his opinions . Because of th i s, Biff was in the Social Issues Club as a juni or and was St M's representative to Pelican Boys' State Biff revealed his acting ability and paternal instincts as the domineering Mr. Antrobus in "Th e Skin of Our Teeth."
StM ' 65 -'
f StM ' 6 5-'68
Nancy's bright friendly smile and her obvious likeness to the teenage model, Twiggy, are definitely what she will be rem embered fo r at StM Nancy is a talented se am stress and has a definite flare for making and designing her own clothes. In 9th and 10th gra d es Nancy took sewing which tupplemented her knowledge She shows a certain individ- · uali_sm and o~i ginality in her id eas and actions that make her well -li ked and respected on campus. She has always been willin g to help and cooperate During her career at St. Martin's Nancy has shown her wid e range of int erests by part icipati ng in Mo d ern Dance , tennis, and Powder Puff football and by being an all -around g r eat person.
Debb i e , "Th e Child of the Dried -Up Desert Flower, " came to St. Mart in' s in the ninth grade Si nce then , she has been an active member of the Future Nu r ses Club. In h er freshman and sophomo r e years , Debbie took advantage of such acti vities as typing and shorthand and was a representative to the Student Council. In the athletic field , Debbie ' s gym squad became the Basketball Intramurals winners She has been a terror of the courts eve r sinc e Debbie has also been active in the chapel program durin g her sen ior ye ar. Outside of schoo l Debbie has en joyed horseback ridin g and has become quite an equestrian Debbi e ' s personality has brought her a p l ace of di st incti on among h e r fri ends
StM ' 64- ' 68
StM ' 55 -' 68 73
In her thirteen years at St. Martin's , Debbie has always played an active part in school life Luckily for the seniors, he r l eade rsh ip abiliti es we re recognized very early . Deb served a s class pres i dent from seventh to tenth grad e She has also been on the Shield staff since tenth grad e serving in variou s positions , and finally ed itor of gi rl' s athletics in her senior year. Debbie has also b ee n active in athletics
During high sc hool, she was a member of the vo ll eyball , basketball, and badminton teams and an intramural winn e r in ninth and tenth grades Deb has participated in Dram atic s, Altar Guild , and Biology Club She also ser ved as chairman of the Chapel Committee and variou s Homecoming committees . These activities and many more contribute to Debbie's " saint l y " activities
Sandra Williams , an athletic gi rl who has often led he r team or her squad to victory , has attended St Mart i n ' s si nce kindergarten. She has been an avid tenni s player, and was a membe r of the school tennis team for the past fou r years She ha s also contributed her athletic ability to the Ind oor Ball, Badminton , and Powder Puff Football teams . Sandra has not only been an athlete , however; she is also an artist. She ha s been involved in school artwork for a numb e r of years . In her senior year she was highly honored by being e lect ed one of the Homecoming ch ee rleaders.
StM '55-' 68
StM ' 55- ' 68
Danny ' s athletic abilities have been demonstrated throughout high school. He was a standout on the v arsit y football team for three yea rs . Danny was the only senior to play var sity in his freshman , sophomore , and jun i or years He was also an exce ll ent hurd l er on the track team for two years. Aside from a t hletics , he has always bee n of service to SrM. Danny has worked on the Shield as a photographer and the Ha l o as a reporter. He has also been a member of the Dramatics club , Biolo gy club, and the Spanish club I n his junior and senior years, Danny has assisted th e athletic program by helping coach the J. V football team Danny ' s gr eatest accomplishment has come while a member of the Modern Dance Club. Without much effort, Danny was able to put his whole bod into th e part of Cotton Candy Vendor in the production of "The Skin of O ur Teeth ".
StM ' 64- ' 68
OOOH, Rufus , you'r e so strong!
Straight from the sewe rs of Paris. .
•• and th a t' s why I' ct like to be Queen for a day.
Sure we like men , but •••
What kinda fool do y ou think I am?
p ut your arm s
Ju st hope Karl doesn 't driv e one too, Barbara
I'll b e darn ed if I'll let that nurse do that do me again!
Guru Harkn ess preach lo ve power! HUNH!
When the sun goes down
Not so much "gentility", but lots of "freedom"
Which one belongs in the zoo?
You mean I'm the only one in the class with a trainer?
Go back! We want the gir l with the skinny legs
I don't even need a beautiful balloon.
She finally got one to take the bait.
Beauty's only sk in deep
First stop was th e fountain of youth?
Walk softly and carry
No Biff, Ahhh!
Where did you learn to take a pulse, Din-Din?
I go t plenty of nuttin ,f
and th en you put the frankincense
Charles Bahn Bento n Brow n
J anell Banks t on Mary Elizab e th Barnes Car l Ca lhou n Eric Ca rl so n
Carol West - SECRET ARY
Jade Van Me t er - VICE-PRESIDENT
Pepper Hat c h PRESIDENT
Brian Berard Caro l e Caro
Maura Berard Mar i e Decamp
Be rni e Duma s Cam e ron Dun c an Lu c il e Edward s Do ug las Fl e min g
.i, G.~
Harry Gambl e Gl e nn Ga y Judith Go re Hur st Ha t c h
Marylin Jo hn so n Ann e tt e J o n es Ma rth a K il go r e Jo
K imbl e
• <~ )
Gail Hazard
Sc ott Hi g htow e r Dorothy Holz e r
Jo ce lyn Jam es
Robin Krieg
Sharon Kuhne
Bud Lipscomb
Hamilton Lob
Malcolm Maginnis
Danny Maxson
Becky McKown
Bayard Miller
Lester Montgomery
There's a bush outside where we •..
,,,.,. ,~ ~i
Carl Muckley
And Mrs. Haight served garlic for lunch
Michael Murphy David Normann
Gee, Judy, just two more weeks and the house will be finished.
Anne - you're my friend. I s hould tell you •••
Score do es n't hold too Good
Margaret Ols e n Tyler Posey
Patricia Paddison Marsha Pryor
Margo Pelias Pamela Pulliam
Richard Russell David Sanders Christy Schurman
Sherrie Persia Terry Riordan
Fran Phillips Virginia Roy
Webb Shaw Anne Shepherd
It' s not a man , but I'm not c hoo sey
' ·~ ':-"' ' '. ··""' . ·~ .. ... ' ' ,, }t.~ ' - ~ \i.
Suzanne Snyder
Clay Spencer
Patri c ia Sunkel
Jade Van Meter
Mar c y Van Wart
Pamela Weber
Susan Wells
Amy Wesy C arol West
Junior Jargon
You may be the class president, but, Pepper, you've got .••
In the Cor Jesu game I In the Curtis game I.
Pick-the-meat-you - ea taway
Dandruff! Me?
Yec c h. Stale beer.
Geepers! ! Mom's gon na let me shave my legs.
Vot? You had a hair in your soup!
A handshake--instead of a kiss.
dog did what h ere?
Barry Kennedy - PRESIDENT
D e
Jenny Treen - SECRET ARY
Ba hn Bonnie Ball
Melissa Payne - VICE PRESIDENT
John Paul Fleming - TREASURER
Alvin Baume r Bonnie Bernius
Frank Blakey
Samuel Ada m s John A nd rews
Laura Bohne
Robin Bohrer
David Culpepper
J •
Jack Faulkner
John Paul Felmin g
John Breen
Bill C ummin s
David Fink
Paul Ga in es
Jimmy Brymer Lee Chastant Steve Corliss Celeste Cox
Robin Dahlberg
Regina Dillon
Bussie Dodd
Katherine F
India Fleming
Sandra Garrar d
Terry Gilbert Susan Hags t ette Leslie Hays
Mark Henderson Pat Hogan
Louise Horton
Brenda Jones
Barry Kennedy Cinci Krementz Dixie Lattie
Ginny Lee
Ross Lennox Beth Lindsay
Pat McCurnin Virginia McFarland Sally McKey
Pritchard Ma tthew David Melius
Stuart Nea l Douglas Nes t e r Marjo ir e Nie se t
Katherine Pailet
Melissa Payne Jim Pellerin Sus an Platter
IMaurice Price
Mary Salm
Jim Scheurich
Barbara Schneider
Tommy Shepherd Ernie Sims Lisa Smith Tommy Smith Ronnie Spencer
Bart Webb Patsy Webb
Harrison Weber
Roxanne Wright
Chris Wyckoff
Barbara Yates
) .J
Lynda Stroud
Mary Summers
Clifford Sutter
Jeff Tarkington
Jennifer Treen
Kitty von Gohren
Judy Wallis Ste.ven Watts
Smoke Signals. ---,., __ _
They told me Ex-Lax was for co lds.
Li sten Mrs. Lewis, one more er ack out of you.
With prizes like these, I'll never gro w up.
Well, personally, Barry, I don 't think black leather goes with gay pink.
Well you see th ere was this I_ndian •.
Shake - Shake - Shake a tailfeather baby.
What ' s that in th e corne r, Bart? Boy am I a groove.
Kathy Smith
Charlotte Bahn Becky Bernos
DENTS : Gar y Brews t er , Robert Cook , Charles Favro t.
Anne Bla n ford Ma rian Bogan C ath erine Bott
Phi lip Hatch
Ma rtin G in ger Walthall
ss in g ) Blair Scanlon, Jam es C hrist eso n
Gar y Brewster Pam Buddington Ma rg ue rite Brierre Cathe rin e Calhoun Babs Bryant Libby Carlso n
Cynthia Crowley
Gretchen Ellis
Alison Flowers
Benton Gay
Diane Gilbert
I •
Jeannette Caspers Cindy Chambliss James Christesen Mehl Cimini
Robert Cook
Sarah Gunning
John Corder
Charles Favrot
Kathy Haase Mary Harkness
Louise Harris Frith Harwood Philip Hatch
Cynthia Haynes Tommy Higgins
Philip Martin Donna Melius
Kim Holtzman
Jamie LeNoir
Carol Miller
Melinda Miller
Mark Moore Bryant Morrison Sherman Muller
Jane Orfila
Stephen Pailet
Julie Pellerin
Mike Persia
Sally Pettit Cherry Phillips
Carson Llewellyn
Judith Montgomery
Ricky Schmidt
Margare t Taylor
Li s a Po se y Blair Scan l on
Robert Richardson Bobby Schim e k
• J.•
Patty Ro y Michael Sis trunk
Onni Savala Brook Smith
Kathy Smith
Doddie Spencer
Peter Stedman
Robert Swayne
Sally Ti e rney Ginger Walthall Gre g Win sky Wendy Wolf
Lester Eavenson
John Shober Monty Burlingame
Laur alee ReedSECRETARY
Linda Robinson -
Denis Barry Daniel Brymer
JBredow Bell Monty Burlingame
Mar y Price RobinsonSECRETARY
Lau ralee ReedSECRETARY
, 94
Dick Anderson Marc Berard
Susan Ashby Alfred Brown
Jane Barnard Kaki Brumfield
Tommy Capps
Renee Chastant
Bill Compton
Clifford Conrad
Charles Cowand
John Dahlb erg
Gerard Dillon
Fos t er Duncan
Kelly Duncan Kar l Durr Les t e r Eavenson
David Gamble
Barbara Gore Karin Grafs t rom
Edward De Martini
Gera l d Ev an s
Eliza Greenhoe
Connie Ewin
Karen Hansen
Le i gh Harris
Adee Heebe
David Hesse
Bec ky Jardin e
An n e Lennox
Elizabeth LeNoir
Thomas Lipscomb
Harry Ma yronn e
Charlotte Mio t on
Jea n Muckl e y
Michael Pa ge
Libby Pedrick
Bentley Perkins
Linda Robinson
Stephen Potthar st
j ) I l
Ma ry Price Robinson
Lauralee Reed
Laura Riddick
David Rusc h Stephanie Sa mpl es
I gonna bloody yo ' nose.
Amy Schimek Tom Sc hn e ider John Shober
Barry Smith Chatt Smith Fain Spruiell
The three faces of l ove .
Dani e l Snyder Linnea Swanson Alb er t Terku hl e Betsy Thr eefoo t Cynthia Treen
David Treen John Treen Sandy Ward William Welsh Susan Win sky
Sandra Platter
C indy Jacob s
Joce lyn S tedman
Caro l Gore - missing
Corr y Su lliv a n
Lind a Kim bl e
Mi ssi n g -
St ewar t G ilb e rt
Da v id Kreme ntz
Kathy William s
Wendy Schul z
Andrea Blackledge
Me li ssa Perrett
Car l Speer
Sa lly Wes t
Carl Smith - miss i ng
98 Lynden Clay Marg u eri t e Core
Bonnie Bee Gregor y Berard
Andrea Blackledge
Randy Brauner
Anita C r eamer
Thomas Crozat
Aus tin
Pharr Adams Pemmie
William Ba ll Eli zabe th Bankston
Mar i e Buffin gton
Victor Davi s
Luc in da Cab l e
Darcy Devine
e Su sa n Hab eeb
Michael Harlan
Phylli s Hec ht
Michael Heepke
Lesli e Ho ltzman
Li sa Hu gg in s
Margaret Hunter
Cindy Ja cobs
Mike Jardin e
Liss a Johns
Linda Kimbl e
David Krementz
Adolphus Dunn
David Dunn
Aubrey Durr
.,..,, ,,, ,, . "i. : ~· '
Michael Fra l ey
James Brown Incognito
Falvey Fox Stuart Gibert Ca rol Gore Lizbeth Gould
e ' Ji j n t
F' > ...., h
i G r " a
' , .,, J 't I e 99
Susan Kreig Kathy Les li e
Denise Le Tard
Becky Llewellyn
Edward Longacre
Michael McCullar
William McFarland
Ann Marsh
Jean Mecom Kirk Moore
Pippa Morgan
Kevin Moss
Kenneth Nelson
Wendy Newlin
Curtis Pellerin
Take that Hilda!
Allen Radar William Rellstab
Bainbridge Perkins
Melissa Perrett Sandra Platter
Donald Richardson
Rigby Robinson
Alan Van Fl eet Chris vonGohren
Richard Ruse h Jay Smith
Robert Swayze
Sally West
Wendy Schulz Carl Speer
Mark Taliaferro
Brian White
Margaret Se gleau Carl Smith Jocelyn Stedman Corrinne Sullivan
Carole Touzet Hor ace Vall as
Kathryn William s Carter Wright
Sweet Dreams?
Jr- High
Denture breath?
Duh--! wonder whether I should- -duh...
De noirve. He hung up!
Fetch - Gamble - Fetch
The ninth g rade's own Icebreaker s.
Don 't l e t bad breath put~ in isolation.
In just two months Egor will be finished.
Iva Mae said it was her cough medicine . Young man please*!/?
Is it a rubdown-or rub ou t ???
Eighth grade " Underground"
A Frenchman at heart.
Elementary Dedication
The 1968 Shie°ld Staff takes great pleasure in dedicating the Elementary section to a teacher whose guidance and understanding has helped to develop in her students ability and confidence.
B. A
I l
r :i• f 'iii . ' 1/ I
ROBERTA WEDGEPlayground Supervisor
BOBBYE BERARD - Tulane Remedial Reading
B. M ., L. S. U. Music
., University of Miss i ssipp i
. Ed . , Tulane University
D., Kenyon Co llege
School Principal and Superv i sor
CLA IRE ROB I NSON - Secre tary
B. A ., W. Ky Sta t e Lib ra rian
Katherine Owens
Leslie Paterson
Cindy Phillips
John Pullen
James Ray
Lee Ann Ashby
Walter Becker
Timmy Brown
Cameron Carraway
Stew art Dahlberg
Stephen Gamble
Thomas Gormin
Caro l Humphreys
Carla Reinhard
Ma ry Kay Robinson
Peter Roy
Nancy Sanders
Alan Schimek
Susan Senter
Whitney Spann
Jam es Spencer
Ben Mark Treen
Linda Wilson
Judith Ann Johnson
Charles Lee
Rosalie Lopez
Carol Mykolyk
MRS. JEWELL GRIFFIS B A , McNeese State College
Sixth Grade
Mark Morere
Woody Morrison
Peter Nance
Richard Nieset
Pamela Page
Adair Pedrick
Jay Reed
David Richardson
Francie Richardson
Anne Roussel
Wes Samples
William Shell
Hal Tabb
George Ward
Pe ter Wilson
Lisa Woolfolk
Tiger Austin Rufus Brown Stacy De Martini Lindsay Ellis
_, ,,,. ~.;, ~;~i ~·.•/j
Randy Fox Michae l Ginn
Charles Harris Mary Marsha Elizabeth Horton Hazard
This is the last time I'll carry his books!
B. S. , Jacksonville State Teachers College
Patti Jacobs Christine McGrew Diane Massimini
Brian Ball Harry Burglass Deborah Crawford
Diana Davi s
<...P' ) .........
Dale Evans Deborah Fi sher
Leslie Fleming Robert Gonzales Nash Hair
Rebecca Holwadel Murray Hub 1er Michele Liles
M .A., George Peabody College
B.A. Univ. of Southwestern La.
Patricia McCloskey Richard May er Kathryn Nix
Robert Normann Ruth Pailet
Mark Peterson
Jam es Robinson Barry Sims Marga re t Stainback William Su llivan Robert Washington Moniq ue Wilson
Ann Blalock
James Bryant
Frank Clark
Diane Deane
Rober t Ellis
Louise Favrot
Eugene Gibert
Elizabeth Grafs trom
Douglas Harris
Holley Herrin
Ann Lind sey
Bruce McDowell
Randolph Marchmont
Penny Mi l es
Carol Oster
Bruce Parkerson
Hunter Phillips
James Rusch
Geoffrey Smith
Michael Spann
Terry Stapler
Robert Streecl<
B. A. , Sou theastern La. College
Sharie Taylor Steven Threefoot
Jennifer Tuero Patricia
Donna Wes t Donna Young Williams
Fourth Grade
John Green
Diane Hartley Buel Humphreys
Avery Burglass Chricky Brown Andree Chastant
Stuart Clay Ann Fleetwood Chi Chi Gaines
MRS. HELEN E. GREGORY B. A., Central Washington College
Diane Ingolia Patsy Llewellyn Mary McKinney Ruth Maginnis
Melissa Morere Stacy Nugent Mark Page
II 0
Wally Porter Deborah Richardson Margaret Schwegmann
Kristy Speer Le slie Streeck Andre Touzet David Weaver
Carol Becker Boyd Bel Cindy Calo Kim Cotter
Sally Harris Jeffrey Holmquist Martha Holzer Greg Keller
B. S. , Wilson Teachers College
James Senter
Terry Sistrunk
Penelope Smith
Susan Stapler
John Vallas
George Washington
Julie Favrot Rebecca Gould Monica Grafstrom
Pamela Macy Thomas Marsh Cecil Morgan
Lisa Mott
Lucy Ray Mary Roy
Third Grade
Ellen Harris
Sydney I-lines
David Hoffman
Jaye Dee Ingerman
Stephen Matta
Tracy Mitchell
Roy Mouras
Paul Newman Dutch O ' Neal
Bredt Roberts
Shawn Sistrunk
Frank Toye
David Arceneaux Anne Atkinson John Ball Susan Bee
Catana Brown Chris Fox Alexandra Georges Anne Griffis
S. , Texas Christian Universit y
Elizab e th Lizarraga
Brian McCra c ken
Gary Oelsner
Kitsie Babin
Mary Kathryn Carl
Kendall Carraway
Jam es Cook
Kenneth Eilert sen
Lance Fitzpatrick
Leslie Fox
John Harlan
Lauren Hartwell
William Kihneman
Kent Klein
Nell Koch
Chuck Re ily
Louise Rosenzw e ig
Brett Shellhas e
Elizabeth Smart
Judith Snelson
Bert Wilson
' .)
, • •• ,) t. \,.O : .,• r- .• It!'~ '" • -/
ll 113
MRS. LOUISE LEHMAN B. A. , Tulane Unive rsity
John Adema
John Bamforth
J ames Beeson
Chr i stian
Jamie Calo
Barbara Crawford
Robbie Davis
Bryan Deane
Vi c t oria
Susan Frank
Bria n Grove
David Humphreys
John McCo lla m
John McKinney
Elisabeth Mar tin
114 Bever ly
Virginia Mioton
MRS. THERESA FROST B. A. , Southeastern La. College
Laur a
Sharon Morere Angele Morr as Mary Normann Timmy Prutzman
G r a d e
Mete r Lori Watt s Laura Williams
Dwight Humphreys
Bernard Jacobs
Cheryl Johnson
Michael Lasky
Dean Lind se y
Rachel McCracken
David Mayer
Stuart Nance
Todd Persia
Charlotte Robinson
Damon Rosenzweig
Robert Sims
Amy Threefoot
Rebecca Wilson
Jeffrey Harlan
s e C 0 n d
Elizabeth Ayerst Ben Cairns Lisa Carl
Thomas Geoca Allison Hartwell Charlene Hill
B. A . , Agnes Scott College
Brian Huber
Eleanor Eilertsen Kathryn Gordon
John Holland Gwendolyn Holmquist
Chris toph e r Macke nz i e
William Mit che ll
J e nnifer Na n ce
Laur e n Oe l sn e r
Butler Ba ll
Jeann e Bel
Lucille Bott
Richard Pettit
Rob e rt Reed
Dirk Richardson
Catherin e Sh ultz
Fl ee two o d
Mar ti Hair
Gisele Heiman
Lor en Sonfield
Steven Stainback
McCard e ll
Mi c ha e l Van Wart
Dani e ll e Juzan
Darolyn Lamb e rt Mic h elle Lu ck
MRS SUSAN E. QUAID B. A. , McNeese College
First Grade
Louise Lewis
Jeffrey Martin
Caro lyn As hby
C hri st op h e r
Be nb o w Do ug la s Br iggs
Ka rlyn C l a y Kelly Co nats er Je rriann e C up ero
Cathe rin e Fraser
John Ga in es
Em ily Harmon
Beau Huber
Carolyn Klein
Be th La sky
St ep he n Mo tt
Virginia Phillips
MRS . MARY C. BRYMER B. S , La Po lyt ec hni c In stitut e
Nancy Ru sch
S uper
Peter To up s
Washing t o n
Judy Becker
Telia Blackard
Hartley Clay
Desiree Fricke
Lisa Giardina
Jack Gordon
Stacy Grove
Robin Sue Green
Jennifer Jones
B. A. , Louisiana State University
B. S. , Louisiana Tech
Alison Lafleur Virginia McFadden Nanc y Meyer Frederick Miller Blake Morgan
Anna Olinde Sharon Robinson Michael Seago Mo ntgomery Toye Robert Williams
Laura Babi n
Eric Holtzman
Paige Brown Jaime Fleming
Diana Frank Darcie Holland
Peggy Kin g Terre n Klein
Ja ck Koch Eli zabe th Les li e
B. A. Univ e rsity of Southwestern Louisiana
Brad Lizarraga
Amy Magee
Li sa May er Na n c y Newma n
Stephen Seymoui
Sara Tarrant
Michelle Wagner
Geoffrey Buntner
Element ary Library Aides
Lower School
MRS AVERA Third Grade Replacement
Duh-two-and-two-are-d uh- -
He's got the whole world in his hands.
Simon says "S top fighting."
Yes ma'm. John Jay Coiffeurs.
Gum in the pencil sharpener?
Yeah, but my P. F. Flyers have a hole in them.
Who took my chair?
Ya go t y o ur nerve!
You should read this.
I look pretty ridiculous, don't I?
This would be easier with a jump rope
This pea-shooter will do it.
Get lo st! Mag ic Fingers, stop that ball!
One at a t ime girls!
Splendor in the grass.
Beethoven freak-out.
Mr. and Miss St. Martin's
Don Marshall Ginger Nelson
Best Looking
Most Athletic
b;r 1,n,s \ rhr,, 3 Mnt>?•
Homecoming Queen I
Karen Baltar
Homecoming Court
Honor Society
Vice President: Chuck Stedman
President: Joe Redden
Secretary: Ellen Jonassen
Becky Emmons, Rose Evans, Kitty Bankston, Olaf Olsen, Mike Pettit, Linda Tuero, Steve Harkness, Debby Stevenson, Kathy Buck, Biff Waltman, Betsy Bultman, Don Wallis, Jane Nieset, Fred Rodriguez, Marie -Louise Kreeger, Karl Alexander.
This year the National Honor Soc i ety has been bigger, better, and funnier than ever. Their l eaders J oe Redden, Chuck Stedman , and Ellen J onassen were elected directly after six new senior members were admitted in October. The Society strove to be more active i n school and civic affairs. This year, as in th e past, members co ll ected for the Mar ch of Dimes which in volved having cars whiz by and bruises from v iciousl y tossed coins. Meet in gs have usua ll y been carefree, consisting of lous y joke s, lap si tting , and Sh ield picture tak in g Aside from the fun they have shared , they have tried to elevate the Society into becomin g an important factor in the future of StM.
Advisor: Father Austin
Leste r Montgomery, Marylin Johnson, Marcy Van Wart, Carol West, Jud y Gore, Pepper Hatch
National Merit
In the early part of last year , the Cla ss of ' 68 marched wearily to the auditorium Here they attempted to answer the Excedrin questions of the NMSQ Test Only four succeeded in attaining the goal of being a National Merit Semi-Finalist. As a result of their performance , these lucky students have been showered with letters pleading for them to attend certain Universities. Also , four other seniors received letters of cornrnendation for their outstanding performances on these tests. St. Martin ' s is proud to have a claim to the i r fame
NATIONAL MERIT SEM I- FINA LI STS Debbie Stevenson , Kathy Buck
LETTERS OF C OMMENDATION : Becky Emmons , Don Wallis, Marie-Louise Kreeger , Kitty Bankston
99 PERCENTILE SOPHOMORES Melissa Payne , Jim Pellerin, Debbie Bahn
Marylin John son, Jade Van Meter, Carl Muckley
98 PERCENTILE SOPHOMORES Mary Summers, Jud y Wallis, Leslie Hays
STAN DING: Ham Lob, Clay Spencer , Carol West, Marcy Van Wart, John Kimble, Bud Lipscomb. SITTING : Lester Montgomery, Scott Hightower, Mike Mu r phy, Tyler Pose, Pepper Hatch, Dickie Russell.
Pelican State
Every year two boys and two girls from StM spent eigh t long, hard days in Baton Rouge learning about the government. This year Mike Pettit, Biff Waltman, Ellen J onassen , and Cathy Reily we re our representatives. Mike and Biff were both mayors of their cities , iv hich i s a great honor. Pelican State can be one of the greatest experiences in someones life. Not only does one learn about the government , but one learns how to march, what it is like to not see a member of the othe r sex for a week , ho\v to yell , and cry , and hO\v to make friends. We are ve r y proud of the repre sentatives that 1vent for us th i s year.
REPRESENT AT IVES: Ellen J onassen , Cathy Reily
REPRESENT AT IVES : Donnie Marshall , Mike Pettit
ALTERNATES: Biff Waltman Rufus Harris
ALTERNATES: Marie -L ouise Kreeger , Penn y Anthon.
Advanced Placement
SPONSOR : Mr. Geo r ge Lewis. MEMBERS: Ki tty Bankston , Beck y Emmons , John Bl a lock , Rose Evans , Jan e Niese t, Mike Pett it, Mar i e -L ou i se Kreeger, De bby St evenson , Ka thy McC he sn e y, Don Wallis , Kathy Buck , Joe Redden.
Assistant coaches : Father Bell, J im Latham
Head coach: Ton y Port e r
Managers Barry Kennedy and Tyler Posey aid wounded Saints.
Co-captains Steve John son and J oe Redden ied squad successfully to 4-4 -1 sea son.
Back End
Cor Jesu
St. Martin ' s opened its grid iro n schedu le against the Cor J esu Kingsmen . The first quarter was a defensive battle w i th both teams holding each other scoreless . The Saints were first on the sco r eboard as Steve John son r ecove r ed a Kingsmen fumble and ran 55 -yard s for a touchdo1vn. Lat e in the second period, the Kingsmen tied the sco r e During the second half the Cor J esu defense brok e dmvn the Sa int s' offense by picking off three passes setting up touchdowns. The game ended with Cor J esu on top , 25-7
Karl A lex and er John Blalock
14 6
Fullback Bob Capps
Guard Calvin Fleming
Defensive Halfback
Sam Barthe
The Saints and the Hornets battl e d to a 6- 6 t i e on rain -drenched Barthe field The bad weather r esulted in numerous fumbles and faulty ball handling. The Hornets got off to an early lead in the first period with an interception that put the ball on the Saints seven y ard line. Two plays later Barthe scored The w e ather worsened, haulting the game temporarily. An hour later , following the second half kickoff, Dan Maxson ended a long Barthe drive w i th an interception on the Saint s twenty , and the offens e marched to th e Barthe tw e nty only to be stopped by an interception. The Saints touchdown cam e when Barth e fumbled on their own ten yard line and Cameron Duncan scored two plays lat e r on an end swe ep . The PAT tr y fail e d and the gam e e nded 6 - 6
Rufus Harris
Steve J ohnson
Li ne backe r Philip LeT ard End Loui s Mc Faul
John Curtis
The Saints came through with a victory over the John Curtis Patriots for their first district ,,in. Steve Johnson posted the first Saints touchdown on a pass from Duncan. The second and third quarters were defensive battles, but early in the fourth quarter, Duncan scored on an option pla y The final tally came on a pass interception by Danny Maxson. Benny Brown ran for the extra point to end the game with the score 21 -0.
Mike McHugh
Tackle End Tackle
Olaf Olsen
Mike Pettit Joe Redden
The Saints j umped off to an early 7 - 0 lead as quarterback Maxson found Hank Gamble open in the end zone . Newman scored twice as the first half ended with the Greenie s holding on to only a fivepoint lead Early in the fourth quarter , St. M took the lead as Dan Maxson scored with a one - yard plunge to cap a 77 - yard drive. The Saints fina l score came when Je ff Tarkington blocked a punt , and Joe Redden p icked up the ball and ran twelve yards for the six points. The score stood 20 -1 2 , St . Martin ' s favor . Following the kickoff Newman dro ve down the field from their o w n 3 7 t o score in eight plays but the Saint s clung to a slim 2 - point lead With just seconds r e maining , the Greenies scored on a long play from scrimmage to end the game 25-20
Robert Schmoye r
Back Chuck Stedman
Halfback Guard
Benny Brown Carl Calhoun
The disheartened St. Martin ' s Saints, still suffering from the Newman defeat , could not seem to muster up the same type of hard-hitting, holding defense that they usually maintain , nor could the offense spa r k to life The first period was scoreless, and neither team could establish a sco ring threat. However , in the middle of the second quarter , the Eagles broke through the Saints defensive line for the on ly score of the game. The second half was much the same as the first quarter with no scoring whatsoever, and the Saints came out on the short end, 6-0
Quarterback Cameron Duncan
End Hank Gamble
Wingback Pepper Hatch
Center John Kimble
St. John's
J uniors , Pepper Ha tc h, converted from guard to wingback , and Carl Muckley, each scored three touchdowns as the Saints posted their second win of the season 37 -1 2 . Muckle y opened the scor ing on a 57 - ya rd s1veep. In the next quarter, Hatch tallied on a short l eft - end sweep to add six more points to th e Saints ' lead . St . J ohn hit the scoreboard on a long pass play in the middle of the second period, but after their kick-off , Muckley reeled off on a 68 -yard screen p la y for his third touchdown of the day. Hatch dominated the second half scoring on a 6 7 -yard pass play and a 72-yard run. St. John managed to rally for only one more touchdown
Danny Maxon
Bayard Miller
3 I 51
Halfback Carl Muckley End Mike Murphy
Tackle Tackle
Mid City
The Saints' offense unfolded in the second quarter as halfback Carl Muckley rammed in for the first score. Later in the quarter, the defense forced a Pioneer fumble and the Saints recovered. Pepper Hatch darted in for a tally. Late in the second period, Duncan and Mike Murphy teamed up to make the score 20-0 at the half. Midway in the final quarter, Rufus Harris picked off a Pioneer pass and sprinted in for the score. The last Saint score came when Bob Capps got loose on a twenty-one yard off-cackle run. The lone Pioneer score was on a long pass play to end the game 34-7.
Dick Russell
Clay Spencer
End Lee Chastant
Fullback Steve Corliss
Country Day
For the Homecoming Game against Country Day, St. Martin's came onto the field sporting a threegame winning streak. Halfway through the second quarter, Cameron Duncan threw 38 yards to Steve Johnson at the goal line, who crossed over for the score. The defense held the Cajuns all during the second half. The Saints capitalized on a Cajun fumble deep in Country Day territory. Three plays later Duncan again took to the air and found Pepper Hatch open in the end zone for a touchdown. A pass from Duncan to Mike Murphy made good the extra point. St. Martin's came out on top, 13-0, and gave us a 4-3-1 season with the Buras game impending.
John Paul Fleming David Melius
Guard Stuart Neal
Back Doug Nester
St. Martin's came into the Buras game as a single unit of pride and dete rmination, Buras, state champions of class A last year, dominated the first quarter by scoring tlvo TD ' s. During the seco nd period, St. Martin's excellent team work was rewarded by a 3 1-yard pass to Carl Muckley who ran in for the T . D . Early in the third period, Steve Corliss scored for the Sa ints to tie the score at 14-14, The tension rose as a score by Buras was followed up by a 1 6 - y ard pass to Steve John son , The extra point failed and gave Buras a one-point lead. The Saints weakened in the final quarter, as Buras scored to end the game 40 - 20 The Saints ended its season with a 4 - 4 -1 record
Jim Scheurich
Ern i e Sims
Steve Watts
Tack l e End Harrison Weber J eff Tarkington
Back Cliff Sutter
J.V. Football
John Corder , Monty Burlingame , David Hesse, Wright Eavenso n, Mike Persia, Bill McFar land, Benton Gay , Kim Holtzman, Mike Sistrunk , Daniel Snyder , John Treen . STANDING : Marc Berard , S t ephen Pottharst, Bill Ball , Cliff Conrad , Peter St edman , Blair Scan lon, Greg Winsk y, Carson Llewllyn, Gar y Brewster , Philip Martin, John Dahlberg, Robert Richardson , Coach Dike.
The Saint ' s J. V foo tball team, a lthough small in size , compiled a fine 4-1 season record Their onl y loss was suffered at the hands of a tough Bar th e Squad . Because of th e strong showing of this t eam , St. M can look forward to future successful seasons
---- __.--r-
SITTING: Tom Schneider, Chat Sm ith, Kell y Duncan, Tom Lipscomb, Foster Duncan, David Rusch , Ma rk Moore , Ph ilip Hatch, David Gamble , Buzz y Brown , John Shober
: Frith Harwood,
The Jr. foo t ball t eam compiled a success ful season reco rd thr ough a t o tal t eam effo rt. It wo uld be hard to sin gle out any o n e p lay er t o commen d, as both o ff ens iv e and defen s iv e unit s play e d th e kind of hard-hitting foo tball of whi ch th e y wer e c apabl e The experience th ese boy s g ained this y e ar will ce rtainly str e ng t hen th e J r . Varsity foo tball squad of n ex t y e ar.
StM StM St M St M StM 20 13 33 28 6
CD Bu.ras Curtis CD Ba rth e 0 0 0 6 26
SITTI NG : J a y Smi th, Mike Jardin e , Bill Rells tab, David Kr ementz , Greg Ber ard, Car t er Wr i g ht, Bobb y Sway ze , Kirk Moore . STAND I NG : Ki c k e r Vallas , Do na ld Richard so n, Falvey Fox , Buzz y Brown , Albert Terkuhle , Chris von Gohren , David Gamble, Ri c hi e Rusc h, Mike Heepke , Timmy Brown
VARSITY CHEERLEADERS : Wendy Dascomb, Brenda Jon es , Anne Shephe rd, Jan Saunders , Karen Baltar , Peggy Hig g ins, Annette J.o nes.
HOMECOMING CHEERLEADERS : Brenda Jon es , Sandra Williams, Ellen Jona ssen, Kathy Gauthier , Sherry Persia , Ginger Nelson , Cathy Reily
ALTERNATE CHEERLEADERS : Lisa Sm i th and Barbara Barnard
J UNIOR VARS ITY CHEERLEADERS : STANDING : J eanne Muckley , Patty Roy, Ba r bara Gore. S ITTING : Cindy Jacobs , Babs Bryant , Les lie Holtzman
This year's Varsity Basketball Team , after an exciting start, ended up with a . 500 se a so n. The Saints played tremendous ball having an 8-2 record early in the seaso n and in placing seco nd and third in the Riverside and Mid Ci ty tournaments resp ec tively. The Saints suffered a lap se a f ter the Christma s holidays and a t the beginning of District p lay. The only bright spot in this period was the hear tbr eak ing Newman game which they los t by two point s
Rufus Harris - g ua rd
StM 53 Ben Franklin 46 43 Holy Savior 42 36 Lutcher 46 56 Destrehan 50 51 Port Sulphur 43 51 Mid City 48 56 Co unt ry Day 68 48 Holy Savior 50 54 Ecole Classique 35 66 John Curtis 46 39 Ne wman 61 40 Mid City 37 62 Country Day 51 46 Barthe 48 35 Des t rehan 59 40 St. James 30
Thomas Favrot - forward
Don Marshall - center
Chuck St e dm an - g u a rd St M 56 Be n Fra n k lin 57 44 Ma ure p as 58 30 St. Jo hn 26 43 Mid C ity 47 56 St. Jo hn 38 76 Bur as 39 49 Newma n 68 34 Lut che r 53 44 Ba rth e 39 52 C ur tis 55 48 Newma n 50 55 Mid C ity 74 4 6 Bur as 4 9 68 NO A 56 39 Ca the dr a l Hi g h 55 58 C urt is 51
St eve
- guar d
John Kimble - forward
Hank Gamble - forward
David Normann - forward
Carl M uck l ey - forward
Cameron Duncan - ce nter
Mike Murphy - g uard
Dan Maxson - guard
Tyler Posey - g uard
Pepper Hatch - guard
Saints In Action
The Junior Varsity Saints came through with a 19-8 seaso n amidst numerable inelligibilities throughout the se ason. They effectively utilized their high scoring potential, stunning fast-break offense, and tight defense. The se ason was highlighted by the two meetings with Newman. In the fir st g ame the Saints lo st in overtime, but in the seco nd, they so lidly defeated Newma n 57 - 45 The boys movin g up to vars ity ball will provide valuable experience, and those remaining on the team for another year should produce a fine season next year.
StM 42 Ben Franklin 17 Holy Savior 41 Lutcher 35 Destrehan 39 Holy Savior 28 Barthe 40 Ben Franklin 30 St. John 50 Mid City 168 36 41 31 36 31 34 42 15 32
Coach Flettrich
KNEELING: Bobby Schimek, Philip Hatch, Clifford Sutter, Tommy Shepherd, Pat McCurnin. STANDING: Gary Brewster, Billy C ummins, Jim Scheurich, Ca rson Llewellyn, Ty Cook, C harl es Favrot.
• l'filffiI;I StM 44 St. John 18 ...... ... • . 46 Buras 34 57 Newman 61 37 Lut cher 65 35 Barthe 36 .. 30 NOA 17 68 John Curt i s 31 57 Newman 45 51 Mid C ity 22 58 Buras 39 42 NOA 22 48 Cathedral 43 60 John Curtis 33 51 Barthe 3 7 46 St . John 21 50 Buras 36 39 St. Bernard 31 /69
The Junior High basketball team displayed unmatch ed en thusiasm an d d e t ermina ti on througho ut the seaso n. They suffered some very c lo se lo sses to tough teams, but bounced back to finish the season with fine records.
8th StM 30 Lakewood 15 31 Ganus 25 13 NOA 27 39 Gan us 28 33 Newman 32 49 Mid Ci ty 18 24 Barthe 34 62 Curtis 7 32 Country Day 16 28 Kehoe 31 22 Newman 37 11 Barthe 30 19 Country Day 29 40 Curtis 11 32 Kehoe 38
KNEELING: Marc Be rard, John Dahlberg , Mo nty Burlingame, Dennis Barr y, John Treen, David Hesse, Stephen Pottharst. STANDING: Albert Terkuhle - manag er ; Kelly Duncan, David Gamb l e , John Shober, Buzzy Brown, Foster Duncan, David Rusch, Sandy Wardmanager; Coach Flettrich.
KNEELING: Kenneth Ne lson, Carter Wright , Chris vo n Gohren , Richard Rusc h, Mike Karlan STAN DI NG : Allen Rader, Ki cker Va llas, Ca rl Sm ith, Bill Ball, Albert Terkuhle .
St M 17 19 30 17 2 6 45 3 7 2 1 23 29 20 40 7th Lak ewoo d 25 Gan us 29 NOA 34 Mid Ci ty 30 Bar th e 49 Country Da y 17 Kehoe 17 Newm an 54 Bar the 3 7 Country Day 22 Whi t e 36 Kehoe 29 171
FRONT ROW: Robert Nester , C lifford Sutter, St ephen Cor li ss , Michael Murphy , Peppe r Ha tch SECOND ROW: Ca l vin Fleming, Biff Wa ltman, Collins Hayn es , Carson Llewellyn, Thomas Le nnox. BACK ROW : Danny Maxo n, Donnie Marshall , Cameron Duncan, Benny Brown . Missing from pic tur e : Charl es Bahn , St eve Johnson, John P. Fleming.
Linda Tuero
No one member of the St Martins community has ever reached the heights of perfection in his or her se l ected field of sports endeavor that Lind a T uero has in t ennis. Although her victories were th e product of long years of pract i ce and end l ess hours of preparation , Linda has still remained a dynamic part of the St. Mar tin' s scen e . The Shield now add s its citation to the many which have b e en award e d to her and which will be hers in the future.
UI ' II ,.
an d J u nior High School , P. E. / _
e ld
MRS HE LEN LeB LANC Gi r l s ' At h l e ti c D ir ec t or 175
Girl's ·Athletic Department MRS
and Firs
Ai d Fi
Hockey Coach
CAPTAIN: Anne Shephe rd
Beckie McKown
Terry Riordan
Jud y Gore
Suzy Snyde r
Amy West
This year ' s vo ll eyball team was ably led by Anne Shepherd Although they incorporated a great deal of spirit into thei r games , their combined efforts only resulted in two wins
Ka r en Baltar 177
Ja ne Nieset
BACK ROW : Bredow Bell , J eanie Mu ckle y , Captain . SEC -
OND ROW : Sally West , Pemm ie Au st in , Karen Hansen.
THIRD ROW : Cory Sulli.van, Kaki Brumfield , Cindy Treen , Wen dy Schultz. BOTTOM ROW : Cindy Jacobs , Linda Robinson , Barbara Gore , Kathie Williams , Linda Kimble . M i ssing from picture: Adee Heebe , Leslie Holtzman , Mary Price Robinson .
BACK ROW : Pat Hogan , Lisa Sm i th , Susan Hagstette , Marjorie Nieset, Pegg y Taylor. FRONT ROW : Sally McKey , Terry Gilbert , Laura Bohne , Captain; Bonnie Ball, Cathy Smith .
Cathy Mc Chesney, Betsy Bultman, Marie Kreeger, Debbie Wendt , Barbara Oster , Jane Nieset
Jr. High Baske tball Team
Wendy Dascomb
Jean Allen
Ann e Shepherd
Judy Gore
Margare t Olsen, Le, Edwards , Mar ie Dec amp, Carol Wes t, Anne Shepherd, Marcy Van War t, Babs Ryan.
Kathy Buck
Vicki Morgan
Marie Dec amp Suzy Snyder
Cathy Reily
Laura Bohne
Pat Hogan
Marg ie Ni ese t Bonnie Ball
n Mi ss in g from p i c tu res
and Mar y Ma
Jamie LeNo ir Becky McKow
: Susan Hags tette
Senio r member - Sandra Will iams
Captain - Linda Tuero Sen io r Member - Jane Nieset
,,,,,,,,. -j '
SEN IOR HIGH TENNIS TEAM: Jo ce lyn J ames, La ura Bohne , Susan Hagst e tte, Sa ndra Willia ms , Jan e Nieset . Mi ss in g from picture: Marie -L ou i se Kreeger, Jan Saunders , Anne Shepherd.
JR. HIGH TENNIS TEAM : C indy Jacobs , Laura Lee Reed , Carol Gore , Sally Wes t.
FRONT ROW: Lynd en C lay, Caro l Touzet , Penny Mars h Miss ing from p i c tur e : Amy Schimek , Mar y Price Robinson
Peggy Higgins, Annette Jones , Susan We ll s, Marie d e Camp , Wendy Dascomb, Mel issa Payne, Cathy Reily, Virginia McFarland , Cinci Krementz , Vicki Morgan, Chris ty Schurman , Jenny Treen
JUN IOR HIGH TEAM : ST AN D ING : . Joce ly n St e d man , Con Sullivan , Jeanne Muckle y, Sa lly Wes t, C i nd y J acobs
SEATED : Carol Gore , Ka t hy Williams
SEN IOR HI GH TEAM : BACK ROW: Be t h Rob i nson , Do n na Melius , Debb i e Bahn , Jane Niese t.
FRONT ROW : Becky McKown , Cat hy Buck , J udy Wa lli s.
C harlott e
Laur a Lee Ree d
C indy Tree n Caro l Gore
~...,...,,,,, _.,.,,.,._ ·:t, :1·~ •. I "
Ni eset, J ames , Emmo n s , Saunders , Shepherd, Williams , Robinson , Morga n, Nie se t, Hagstette
Wes t, Berard, Bahn , Olsen, Phillips, Berius , Pla tt e r, Wells, Kr i eg
Turn On, Tune In
November 24
3-5 - Lawrence Welk Music Fes tiv al
10 - G. F. L. 's Coffee , the Think drink day
15 - Ben ny Brown finally go t a love note day
22 - Lega lize pot bellies.
25" Ther e ' s n o such thing as an unw e d father. "
27 - You don 't hav e to have fun to be gay.
29 - 19th ann i ve rsary of the La Place dr ag way
30 - See how high y ou c an wear your mini skirt contes t, won by Vicki Morgan , or was it one of the Ma tthews?
October 27
December 15
1 - Steve Johnson opens taxi comp any.
2 - The great vege tabl e rebellion
3-4 - Saints crush Dais i es
11 - Viva Maurice Price day
19 - Roller derby comes to town
23 - Hedda Gabler , Queen of th e T urk ey Day
24 - French Revolution
25 - 1s t anniversary of th e sie ge of Washing t on staged by Junior class
3 - Cafe t eria staff receives German Blue Cross for inhumane torture.
7 - Ty l er Posey's "Mrs Vaughters I forgot to order"
15 - Champagne birthday par ti es at McDo nald s .
25 - Mr. Lewis plays Xmas carols on his Gla tthorn.
27 - Wopski's 1/2 price pink flock Xmas tree sale
Ex -L ax is a man's bes t friend. 7 - Football p lay ers strike 8 - Down with acne day 15 - John Pela Saturday 19 - Chorus unl eashe d on school
'- Mrs Yeargain elec t ed play mat e of the month. 24 - Invite your boyfriend from E J. to lunch day.
- Sk ip ou t of assembly day.
ca ught flirting with Mrs. Haight.
Mrs. H. Smith and
29 -
30 -
sent home
goes on T. V.
30 1/2 - StM girl ' s championship wrestling t eam
January 1 5
Janua r y 22
2 - Se ni or Han gover day
8 - Gir l' s ba ske t ba ll t e am wins di s trict.
1 2 - 50 th anniversary of C hin ese Revol uti o n
13 - Mad s andwi ches se r ve d for lun ch
15 - T urtl e n ec k sweaters and S ur fer crosses come into vogue .
17 - Baske tball t eam wi n s Toilet Bow l.
1 8 - Favrot p lace d o n all
To urn e y t e am.
22 - Um - gow -w a Dog Power
24 - Tenna Topper Tuesday
26 - Sophomores star t to organ i ze the Trip
27 - Chapero ne fake out Day
29 - Ma ry Ma tth e w, "the morals o f o ur co untr y ha ve d ecay e d sp eec h to D.A.R.
3 1 - Mr. C liffo rd n o t es rep l aces Mr. Lew i s as head of En g li sh d epar tm e nt
1 - Bob Capps faint s in C he mi stry , bad circulation he ld as cause
6 - Sonny and Cher fan c lub organized
11 - Skip o ut of the Repe rtory Thea tr e Sa turday
1 7 - Baton Ro uge Bu s tri p and org y or how to spend an e ntir e b us r id e in th e
b athroom
27 - Ma rdi Gra s
29 - Sad i e Hawkins day
1 - Shi e ld d e adline or dea th day .
6 - Freshmen go steady day
7 - Momm y said I had to g i ve it back day
13 - Funky Broadw ay in th e halls
26 - Pot Roas t arrested o n drug
c h arge .
27 - Hubba Hubba Day celebrated by th e annual running of th e Tony Port e r "A mile wo n't k ill you" Day Race
Ap ril 12
3 - Le t' s t a ke a smoke behind t he ca r d ay.
6 - Great Mo n o Ep id em ic
1 2 - I' ll tak e anything in pants d a y.
14 - Se nior s invad e Bil ox i.
20 - Prom comes off de spi t e effo rt s of the Juniors
5 - Sock it to me Bea uty Co nt es t.
7 - Well Shut my mo uth dayMar ie Decamp
17 - D raf t Bee r not stud e nt s protest m ar c h
29 - Luc k y
Ma rc h 13
Ma y 28
Se ni ors ge t exemp t from exams 191
Student Council
Pepper Hatch, Marylin Johnson, Penny Anthon, Chairman
Carol West, Judy Wallis, and Chairman Karl Alexander
The Student Council has accomplished a g r ea t deal this year under the leader ship of Mike Pettit. One of the most important things they have don e is to se t up student-proctored s tudy hall s These have proven to be a great succ es s and will, hopefully, help to bring about a workable honor system for St. M. Another innovation has been the formation of com mitte es to serve as represe ntativ es of the students to the fa c ulty. The S. C spo nsored h omecom ing dan ce was th e grea t es t ever thanks to the tireless e ffort s of Chair. Penny Anthon.
President - Mike Pettit
Vice-President - Don Marshall
Treas u re r - Rufus Harris
Secre tary - Penny Anthon
Advisor - Mrs. Porter
Advisor - Mary-Sue Ron ig e r SERVICE COMMITTEE
Chai rman - Don Mars hall, Bon ni e Ball, Mary Be th Ba rn es
Me liss a Payne, Mari e - Louise KreegerJad e Van Meter
D e nni s Barry, Wendy Wolf - President , Chris von Gohren, David Hesse, Foster Duncan, Kathy Smith. Mi ss ing - Kevin Moss , Carson Ll e wellyn.
19 4 Shield
Mrs . Yeargain, Sponsor
Bob Capps, D e bbie Wolf, Ellen Jonassen , Buz Bur ck
Sharon Hawle y
J ade Van Me t er
Fran Phillips
Don Marshall , Edi t or
Marie-Louise Kreeger , Jane Nieset , Mike Pettit
Pepper Hatch, Don Wallis, Fred Rodriguez, Karl Alexd e r
Steve Harkness
Debby Stevenson
Penny Anthon
BACK ROW: Kitty Bank ston, Margar e t Olsen , Marylin Johnson, Stev e Harkness , Marie Decamp, Sandra Garrard, Jade Van Meter, Carol West, Bonnie Ball , Fran Phillips FIRST ROW :
Copy Editor Feature Editor Circulation Manager
Wend y Da sco mb , Pe pp e r
Hatch , Anne Shepherd , J ane Niese t, Amy Wes t, Ell e n Jona sse n , Deb by St eve n so n , C hu c k St e dman , Olaf Olsen , Fred Rodriguez
Don Ma rs hall , Sharo n Hawle y, Ca thy Rodan , Marcy Van War t, David Fink , Don Wa lli s, T yl e r Po se y, Be t sy Bultman.
Virginia Mc Farland, Pam Weber , Rose Lynn Evans , J ud y Gore , Sand y Gi lb e rt , Co ral C lay, Be th Rob in so n , Deb bi e Folle tt, Terr y Riordan , Ga il Hazar d, Judy Wa lli s
Mr. Walsh
With the return of Mr. Lewis, the Dramatics Club was back in full swing again this year. Enthusiasm, excitement, fun, and hard work were the life of the club. On Nov. 17 and 18, The Players presented The Skin Of Our Teeth after weeks of hectic and nerve racking rehearsals. It was a grand success. The second half of the year The Players put on the choral reading. They presented the reading at the Gallery Circle Theatre as well as various other places throughout the city. The Dramatics Club has again become a part of St. Martin's.
Membe rs at lar ge : Mik e Pe ttit, Lind a Lafa y e , Be th Rob in so n
Vice President - Donni e Marsha ll ,
President - Biff Wa lt man , Stage
Ma n ager - Webb Shaw , Pro du c tion
Ma n ager - Debbie Wo lf , Director -
Mr George Lew is
Editors: Becky Emmons, Biff Waltman
EDITORS: Lee Edwards, Marcy Van Wart, Webb Shaw
MEMBERS: Ginger Nelson , Kitty Bankston
Sponsor: Mrs. McCord
2 0 2
Future Nurses
President: Sandy Gilb e rt
Vice-Pres. : Ja n e Ni ese t
Secretary: Kathy Buc k
Treasurer: Be t sy Bultman
SPONSOR: Mr Van Horn, Rob in Dahlberg , Ross Le nno x , Warren Dodd, Jo hn Breen.
rMrs A ng l a d e , David C ulp e pper, C hri s Wyckoff , Debbie Foll e tt, Steve Watts , Lind a Tuero, Bud Lipscomb, Jeff Tarkington, Olaf Olsen
SPO NSOR : Mr. Ree d, M ik e Mur p hy, C arl Ca lhoun, Robin Kri eg , Olaf Ols e n, D av id San d ers , Lee Chas tant. Mi ss in g : Ra l ph Br id ges , Ed King , Tom Sm ith
We ndy Wo lf , Bo nni e Ba ll , Ca t h y Re ily , Ka thy Sm ith , Bre nda Jo n es , Ann e S he ph e rd . M iss in g fr o m pic tur e - Sa ndr a Willia ms , S uz y Snyd e r , M_a ri e -L o ui se Kr eege r.
I'd like tw o bur
and hold the
May th e peace of GFL be always wi th you
What' d you think it was? Coke
Clap your hands in the air Simpl e Simon says STM Dogs ride again
I was go in g as a bubble dancer until my boyfriend showed up as a porcupine .
Sur e it' s wo rk but it's the brownie point s I' m a ft er
Mardi Gras
But Sam, I think your purse is simply c
ing Take Me
Wh a t' s in t he ba g bes id es trink e t s ?
Me ? Why I ne v e r t o uc h the stuff
On e o f th e 1 2 th Me di ca l Wond e rs o f the World
2 07
har m
Typing Art
' ., \ J ' I'..: ;t 209
We'll cove r the body with shrubs and th e co ps will n ever find him.
...... Bod i e ain't abo ut to d o none of this woman's work 210
ba ck!
· StM ' s first psychedelic Christmas tr ee
Christmas Program
I feel pretty!
Dat William's kid sure thinks she ' s something.
Member of the Metreca l for lunch bunch.
J 211
Wendy's go t it. Hank sees it. McCleans did it!
Homecoming '67
Dance Chairman, Penny Anthon, enjoys th e outcome of her weeks of preparation.
Karen Baltar is crowned 1967 Homecoming Queen by Co-Captain Jo e Redden
Senior-Faculty Volleyball
I Believe
Ten uneasy Dogs in search of a fire hydrant
Mrs. Haight's cas ter oil cobbler sure is t as ty
JL reaches for 7r in the sky
The Bavarian Broad Strikes Back
Ginger - Take the towel, but leave da pants alone!
and now I li ght the Candle of Penmanship
St M Day
Watch what ya touch , Ellen , that a in ' t no tow e l!
The Senior monkey and his apes
Principle Speaker - The Rev . John Ston e Je nkins
Fine! If I tell Hank that, he ' ll n eve r suspec t a thin g
Sure they are roach nests! What ya think they were?
2 16
Stuffed prunes, bleah
Dream, Karl. Dream. Jeepers Michael
IHe ' s not m uc h bu t he ' s a man.
The y'r e ju st pl a y i ng now!
ISt e ve , T a k e anything but my surfe r' s c ro ss !
Which bu s ha s th e X -L AX bro wni es .
~ l
- ....
Who n ee d s goo d look s when the ratio is 2:1
Quick, Robots power pack i s running down
StM zombies on the loo se
and then we go t into th e back seat
I don't know about Go d and cou ntry, but I s ur e go for apple pie
What do you mean I loo k lik e a ballerina when I walk? Satanic
Another sucker
Buster Brown' s Cos a Nasta tak es over
s wha t you think of my religion class
Evep her best frie nd won ' t t e ll her Saints Cover your e yes here co mes Benny Why y es , T ee ny Boppers should be allowed t o shave t heir legs Cheese it , Da Cops OOO H , Mi ss Ry a n th a t ' s well above the 2 inch rul e Of co ur se I ' m happ y - we hav e a ne w st ee l plated , dent proof car . Smoking in my class , of co ur se th e y didn ' t
toots the Sk a te i s out -
the Phillie that ' s
Well if t ha t
Now we kDow where Hal1k keeps his brail1s
We must , we mus t, we mus t il1crease •. •
strikes back
Of course Dot, it ' s purely Plat ol1ic
Big Sweat
Sol1 of Frankel1steil1
What a crumby school , here two days al1d the roof leaks
Eno ugh of thi s sma ll talk , l e t' s go so m ewhe r e where we c an n eck
o na and Company
No w p eo ple will hav e to look up to me
C run c h , crunch , umm goo d
Sure I lik e St Ma rtin s o nly I wish the toil e t s would flush
It' s mad e of hor se what?
But I don't want to wear a dr ess
The Primad
( I ~ ~clt:.
Have you thought about guaranteeing your daughter's or son's INSURABILITY?
Call: PHIL BULTMAN (Betsy's Dad) with the JOHN HANCOCK 524-3491
COMPLIMENTS OF JEFFERSON COLD STORAGE INC. 1405 Jefferson Hwy.835 - 8575 835-3470
Tchouptulas St. 523-3061
Westwego 341-4246 If, you need some canning done, don't fool around call ROBINSON!
TOWEL AND LINEN RENTAL CO. 1239 Montegut St. WH 5-1148 Our towels and linens are so clean,
the stork is on the beam. 225
For the best in fit and comfort, Go to Southern for your tailoring.
Little girls are sugar and spice; Some become Mothers and awful nice! They join a club to benefit us all; Their service answers our every call!
Fund Raising
Fun Watching
4801 Washington Ave. New Orleans In parts of our city, clean and colorful we ain't, 482-1985 Go to Frank J. Matthew's, for quality paints.
Brenda and Annette we all know well; They're always up front leading yells. Now they' re pictured in this ad, to say "Best Wishes" from their dad. "Compliments
Peggy's a Maid on our Homecoming Court,
525-9956 And horseback riding's her favorite sport. But if she falls, she'll know who to call, To come and help pay for it all.
230 BOWEN PACKERS, INC. 32 7 Poydras St. JA 2-9646 Here's the man who brings quality meat, And here are the students enjoying this treat.
Melpomene 866-5431
the weather's really hot, Go to GULF- YORK and get cool on the spot. SOUTHPORT LUMBER COMPANY 1400 Jefferson Hwy. VE 5-4264 Lumber is our business , our only business, 231
232 404 7 Carrollton Ave. To find comfort when you drive, and satisfaction in being alive; Enjoy your surroundings in a G - M car, anyone can tell you - They're be st by far! 488 - 2601
532 P oydras 522-5308
International Trade Mart 524-1988
521 St. Ann 525-6782
Creativity can be seen through your eyes. Try it yourself with Dixie Art Supplies.
3724 Veteran's Hwy. 887-8410
Every Saint yells II All Aboard! 11 Their whole team drives a METAIRIE FORD.
3200 Veteran ' s Hwy., Met. 831 - 9148
Everyone goes to Causeway Shell, The service there is r eally swell. ALLEN
925 Howard Ave. 524-0126
When you want a good machine, Go to the place that's r eally keen.
Service is their only a i m, Allan J. Harris is their name.
3822 Elysian Fields Ave. New Orleans, La. 943-6656 If you want some pictures taken, It's DAVID NELSON, there I s no mistakin 1 • MOUTON ART ASSOCIATES, INC. 621 Gravier 523-0682 525-5595 For op art posters that are really gone, Pick up the phone and call Fred at MOUTON. 235
236 DUFFY LUMBER, CO. 7900 Edinburgh St. 482-3178
BARNARD CO., INC . 720 Union St. 523-4747 737-2775 There's no use hinting, Mark this down: Barnard Printing is the be st in town! 1 , 1 ,Vt\~ f Pf/! l1~r-, r, A V~ · ~ 1/ lQ I, ,fr\~ flir.t J MIKE PERSIA CHEVROLET, CO. 317N. Rampart 2201 Canal 529-5911 821-3745
in doubt of where to buy, Go to Mike Persia and give him a try!
Want Grade-A Lumber? See Duffy!
829 Perdido St. 523-7773
Now everyone knows KarenOur Queen; She I s got a daddy-peachy keen , He's got a companya good one, too! Their interest isn't in themIt's in you!
When paper cartons are your yen, Go to Finn!
CHENEVERT'S GROCERY 601 Kent Ave . 888-5546
the place all St. Martin's cheers for?
Why everyone knows It's the
GRIFF'S YOUNG FASHIONS 1515 Metairie Rd. 834-9944 ( GRIFF'S YOUNG FASHIONS is the place to go For the "younger set" that's In the know. ETU 201 0 METAIRIE TUNE UP CENTER 2010 Metairie Road 833-8439 If your car is giving you trouble, Go to MET A IRIE TUNE UP on the double ! 237
2800 Richland Ave. 88 7-41 70
kindergartner can really put milk to the test, And they'll always tell you "WALKER ROEMER'S the best" . . - --,.___.t UJa/Jw,.floemer ' Dairies MILK l 239
LEE'S CLEANERS 2313 Metai r ie Rd. 833-8400 For a sparkling job that's always di r t free, Tho s e who like quality patronize LEE'S LEON IRWIN & CO., INC. Established 1895 Insurance Fire Automobile Casualty Life 523-5151 SCHOOL PRODUCTS COMPANY 2920 Chartres 944 - 2468 School Products makes good chairs! Out of them we get much wear. 736 Union
GERTRUDE GARDNER, INC. 7934 Maple St. 887-3054 861-7575 366-4511
a house you want to sell, GERTRUDE GARDNER you should tell . ... _ STRAWBERRY PRESERVES BLACKBERRY t PRESERVES i Hl u. 12 a11 uu 1i1¥'10011 PINEAPPLE PRESERVES ~Ur1.11e11 II Ul()F ~~r BAUMER FOODS, INC. 4300 Tulane Ave. 482-5761 Try a little of this sweet. It is always a great treat! HOLZER SHEET METAL WORKS, INC. 317 Burgundy 865-81 3 4 Our sheet metal is sturdy and strong, Stick with us. and you c an't go wron g 241
242 RUSSELL ICE CREAM, INC. 4239 W a shington Ave . 8 22- 1300 482-1 1 8 1 I scream, You scream, We all scream for ice cream-RUSSELL'S, of cou r se ! LIFE INSURANCE CO . OF THE SOUTH 829 Maritime Blvd. Insurance companies in the know, 524-0833 say wear your seat belt wherever you go. THE FOSTER CO. 430 Not r e D ame St. JA 5 - 1321 D on ' t just stand in the sun yawning, G o and buy a FO S T ER AWN I NG!
CHEMICAL CLEANING, INC. P. 0. Box 10193 New Orleans, La. When you've got a job to do, 835-1735 Call CHEMICAL CLEANING, They'll be glad to help you. PHOTOGRAPHERS 3235 Metairie Rd. 834-5400 Artistic Designs , Weddings, Aerial, Industrial, Portraits, Advertising N. 0. NOVELTY CO. 1055 Dryades 529-7321 "Compliments of Fun Arcade" Lakeside Shopping Center Causeway and Veterans Hwy. 243
PARAPHERNALIA SH OP 1 722 St. . Charles 633 Toulouse If you want clothes that are 524-7857 524-7862 really great, come to PARAPHERNALIA and get them here. 244 TOYE BROS. YELLOW CAB CO . 525-3311 1600 Annunciation 524-0271 If driving has given you the drabs, get rid of your troubles - call a YELLOW CAB!
B-ROWN'S VELVET DAIRY PRODUCTS, INC. 1300 Baronne St. 529-2221 A young man needs milk to grow healthy and tall, And these Browns will tell youtheir milk's better than all. 245
"From a Friend" MR. N. L. PELLERIN PELLERIN LAUNDRY MACHINERY SALES CO. INC. 700 Jackson, Kenner 729-7381 246 JACKSON WHOLESALE GROCERY CO. INC. 513-515 Decatur 523-1878 Lookin g for a place to buy? Go to JACKSON GROCERYThe prices are far from high. ALTO TRAILER SALES INC. 5201 Airline Hwy. Met. 888-7566 1 721 Old Spanish Trl. Wwgo 347-1861 12235 Chef Menteur Hwy. 242-1500 2101 West Bank Expressway, Harvey 366-2666 Emily is really in the knowIf you 're buying a trailer Go and see ALTO.
5900 Chef Menteur Hwy. 245-1630
For a car that's really rearin' Pick up your phone and "call HERRIN", CARL HERRIN CHEVROLET.
LA. MATERIALS CO. INC.'' P. 0. Box8214 New Orleans
Compliments From the BOARD OF TRUSTEES
1 TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY The Wo,ld o r,.,., Yu 1book 1 1- ylor-m •dif " 248