T h is is o ur Alma Mater
Forever it will remai n
We '11 be faithful
And keep her honor
We 'r e proud to claim her name
No matte r whe re' e r life 's cares may drive us
Her teachings will be th e r e to guide us.
Lon g li ve our dear St. Martins that -
We cherish and we lov e. St. Martin's Episcopal School
As we travel through life, we all traverse different avenues of learning. Though there are many roads which lead us to success, there exist's only one path which affords true happiness for each individual, and each must find his own; St Martin's offers to every student many fine opportunities to widen his horizon of experience and increase his scope of knowledge. Though the going is not always smooth and many earnest endevours may fail, the challenge to do better exists along each avenue of learning.
Our window to eternity
Our praise to God made manifest
Our goal in the quest of knowledge
If you should happ en to meet a certain lady with a happy grin on her face and a bounce in her step, or come across a patient person swamped with students who need tardy notes, you can just bet it is one of the friendliest people on campus, known to just about everyone as "Aun_t, Jane." The SHIELD Staff is very proud to dedicate the 1969 volume of The SHIELD to Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt for her genuine interest and concern. in all phases of student life.
Brain or St1per-Brain (?)
What makes you think I am for the other side?
Marie didn't like this one either.
Listen, I can't help it - I'm great!
Hernia man taking it easy.
Oh God help us.
I knew I should have polished that apple just one more time.
How's family life, Hobie?
Seated Leftto Right: Mr. Howard J. Smith; Mr. Joseph J. Falgout; Mr. Brooke H. Duncan II; Mrs. Simon V. Ward; Mrs. C. Manly Horton, Jr.; Mr. Davis Lee Jahncke; Mr. Ellsworth 0. Van Slate, ex-officio; Mr. David R. Normann. STANDING: The Very Rev. Richard W. Rowland; Mr. Albert J. Wolf, Jr.; The Rev. Hugh C. McKee; Mr. Lee F. Murphy; Mr. Philip E. James, Sr.; Mr. Baily T. DeBardeleben; Mr. W. Wilber Pope; The Rev. Ernest F. Bel;
Mr. Clifford F. Favrot; Mr. Samuel Sanders III; Thomas B. Crumpler, Ph.D. Missing From Picture: Mrs Dan M. White; Mr. Edmund D. Wingfield; Mr. Waldemar S. Nelson; The Rev. Thomas N. F. Shaw; Mrs. Eric R. Phillpott; The Right Rev. Girault M. Jones; The Rig~t Rev. Iveson B. Noland.
She'll never shut up.
And now the fabulous Four 'Tops live on stage.
I can't help it , I was late today.
Ohhhh - I feel pretty
You know - I really LlKE school.
And another aspect of scholarship is
Shake hands, and then start all over!
What? You think you're sick!!
What the
It is through experience that one gains insight into every avenue of learning and knowledge of how to cope with difficult periods along the way. Our faculty has had the experience necessary to understand that at times it is best to lead and at times it is best to stand on the side and only point the way. Often they influence and guide the student without his ever realizing it, and it is often their silent guidance that benefits the most.
A good school is a vital, living community made up of a variety of ingredients, First of all it is people - students, faculty and staff. It is a profusion of experiences and activiti es typified by the ever present assignments and examinations; the football games and bus trips; the social activities and alas, the discipline committee. It is the campus with its classrooms, labs, library, and facing the north wind on the way to the gym. Underlying all cif these is this thing called - school spiritwhich St, Martin's students have in abundance.
All of these have been captured most eloquently in this 1969 volume ofTheSHIELD. To Mrs. Horace Vallas, the faculty sponsor, to Miss Lee Edwards, the editor-in-chief, and all the members of her staff, we express a grateful "well done."
The English Department is concerned not only with rules of composition and punctuation, but also with giving the students a broad scope of literature of the past several centuries, which are included in the curriculum throughout the high school years. Under the capable supervision of Mrs. Burks, the department strives to provide a thorough background in the use of the English language.
The main objective of the Social Studies Department is to give each student a deeper insight into the forces which shaped the history of the world and especially the role which one's own country has played. Headed by Mrs. Porter, each member of the department stresses the fact that it is not a matter of memorizing dry names and dates but of seeing the forces that made them important.
Various branches of science are studied through both the discussion of theory and participation in laboratory work at St. Martin's. By these methods, a student can obtain useful knowledge and become well versed in a specific science. St. Martin's offers biology, geology, chemistry, and physics along with general science programs in the curriculum
The goal of the Mathematics Department is to provide each student with an extensive background for college l eve l Mathematics in the broad scope of this field. Courses range from elementary algebra and geometry to the advanced fields of trigonometry and introducing calculus. This goal is achieved under the direction of Mr. Jim Latham and his competent and cooperative staff
The Foreign Language Department under the direction of Mr. Berard has managed to instill in the students a working know ledge of sev e ral of the Romance languages The French, Spanish, and Latin departments are striving to give the students a useful knowledge of the language both written and spoken which will continue to serve them after compl e ting their study in high school.
St. Martin's maintains a well-trained and conscientious staff in its Physical Education Department. The boys' instructors include Mr. Tony Porter, Mr. Charles Dike, and Mr. Bobby Flettrich, who realize that physical fitness is a necessary part of each student's curriculum. The girls are taught by Mrs. Hamilton and Miss DeFraites whose program encompasses exercise and sports.
You bet your sweet life I'm having a pretzel party tonight!
Congra tula dons! You may now report to the discipline committee.
Jovial George?
Too much beer, boys?
Go, go, get'em, get'em, unh, unh
Which one is the student?
You may now go to your respective homerooms and don't skip.
I knew I should not have skipped. No, Tony, I didn't swallow the ball.
Religion is not a state of being, it is a process of becoming. It is corning closer to God through daily actions and learning to accept His will as the guideline of our lives. "He says not, 'at the end of the way you find ME.' He says, 'I AM the road under your feet, the road that begins just as low as you happen to be.' "
Please take me out to lunch! The cafeteria is se r vin g my shoes for lunch today!
Okay, Mr. Graf is busy. Get out the nitro glyce rine!
So who's go nna si gn her pass in the bathroom? The john?
"Sure, after we eat we're all gonna do 12 laps of the track! "
"Oh, no. Another boring Friday assembly."
If Sister Bertrille can do it, so can I!
the dissected frogs that were quite jumpy . Fr. Bel's smoky office during senior religion classes.
Mrs. Anglade's parties for all occasions.
the ski ts at Hardtner, especially "J ocky the Flying Squirrel."
Muckley and his endless arguments with teachers.
the '69 football team going to state.
the '69 basketball team going to state. hot nuts on the train to Washington.
the first few frightening days of Edmonson 's English class.
Worley's beautiful curl at his forehead.
the great success of the powder puff team despite the lousy turn -outs for practice.
the riotous raids at Hardtner consisting of shaving cream, water, Ajax, coke, mud, boys, girls, counselors.
Rememberthe coffee grounds to drink during English classes.
Helen saying, "Okay, FRIEND!"
the unusual, insane senior skit in the Christmas Program.
the boys planning graduation one place and the girls another.
the mildewed candle holders for the Jr. -Sr. Prom.
sneaking a smoke every study hall.
Mrs. West "making sure" that we all had dates to the Freshman Dance.
Ham, Lester, Marylin, and Webb becoming retired champions of the Prep Quiz Bowl. the lack of Christmas greens.
Marie and her mouth.
smiling Mrs. Porter and the unit on Communism. the "easy" senior year!
the endless football season the '69ers' fantastic powder puff team all the football injuries the all night poker games Christmas ProgramP. E. Aide 2, 3; One Team Award 4; Intramurals
1, 2, 3 , 4; Intramurals Winner; Altar Guild 3 , 4 ; Typing 1, 2; Modern Dance Club 4 ; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Halo Typist 4; Powder Puff Football; A. V. A. Aide; Basketball Squad Leader 3; Typing Award 2
N.E.D.T. Score 2, 96 Per centile ; Honor Roll 2; Class Officer: Treasurer 1; Track 1, 2, 4 ; State Track 2; Chorus 1; Biology C lub 2; Physical Science Club 4 ; Physical Science Club Officer: Vice-President 4; Christmas Program 2
N E. D. T. 92 Pe rcentile, 9 6 Percentile 1, 2 ; Jr. Vars it y Football 1; Va rsit y Foo tball 2 ; Football Co - Captain J. V 1; Dramatics 3, 4 ; German Club 1, 2
N. E. D. T Score 95 Percentile 1; Hon o r Roll 1 ; Student Council Representative 3; P. E. Aide 4 ; Intram urals 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Shield Assistant 4; Chorus 2; Dramatics 3 ; Chapel Program 4 ; Libr ary Aide 2 , 3, 4 ; Typing 4 ; Sewing 1; Ch ristma s Program 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Office Aide 2, 3 , 4 ; Halo Repo rt e r 4 ; Powde r P uff Football 3 , 4 ; A. V. A. Aide 3 ; Lan guage Lab Aide 1, 2; Student Leadership Aide 1, 2
Athletic Honor Award 1, 2; Class Officer, Secretary
1; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Jr. Varsity Basketball l; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; State Track 2, 3; Homecoming Escort 4; Art 1 , 2; Typing
4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Halo Typist 4; Halo Reporter 1; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4; Favorite 3
Volleyball 2; Basketball l; Swimming l; P.E Aide
3; Two Team Award 3; Badminton Team 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3 ; lntramurals Winner 4; Dramtics
3; Altar Guild 2; Library Aide 2, 3; Art 3, 4; Typing 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Christmas Program 2, 3; Powder Puff Football 3; Snack Bar Assistant 2, 3; Future Nurse's Club, Active 2; Indoor Ball Team 3
N. E. D. T. Score: 96 Percentile 2; Jr. Varsity
Football 1; Track 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Golf Team 1, 2, 3; Art 3 , 4; Typing 2; Christmas Program 3
Class Officer: Treasurer 4 ; Varsity Football 3 , 4 ; Golf Team 2; Homecomin g Escort 4 ; Typing 2; Ph ysica l Science Club 3; Christmas Program 2 , 3 , 4; Office Aide 2; Biology Aide 4 ; Language Lab Aide 2
StM '66-'6 9 ERIC ALLEN CARLSON "Eric"N. E. D. T. Score 90-95 Percentile 2; Cheerleader 4; Girl's Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Swimming 4 ; P.E. Aid e 4; Tennis Team 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4; Intramurals Winner 3; Homecoming Court 3 , 4; Shield Assistant 4 ; Chorus 2; Dramatics 3; Altar Guild 2; Chapel Program 4; Library Aide 4; Sewing 1; Biology Club 1; Modern Dance Club 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Office Aide 2, 4; Lyre Staff 4; Halo Reporter 2, 3; Halo Staff: Fashion Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Indoor Ball Team 3; Language Lab Aide 1; CoChairman Jr. -Sr. Prom 3; Squad Leader: Modern Dance 3
Pelican Girl's State Alternate 3; Class Officer: Secretary 4; Intramurals 1, 3, 4; Dramatics 3; Chapel Program 4; Library Aide 3; Typing 4; Sewing 1; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 4; Creative Writing 3, 4; Lyre Staff: Contributor 3, 4 ; Powder Puff Football 4
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 9 3 Percentile, 2, 91 Percentile; Horror Roll l; Class Officer: Sergeant-at-Arms l; Perf ec t Attendance 1, 2, 3; Jr. Varsity Football
1, 2, 3 ; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3; Football Co-Captain
2,3; All Riverside Football 2; Jr. Varsity Basketball
2; Track 1, 2, 3 ; Homecoming Escort 4 ; Shield Staff, Boy's Sports Editor 4 ; Chorus 3; T yping 4; Biology Club 1; Christmas Pro g ram 3 ; German Club
2 ; Po w der Puff Football Coach 4 ; Lan guage Lab Aide 2; Membe r of Jr. All-American Skeet Team forl 9 67
Class Officer: Secretary 2; Perfect A tterrdanc e 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Chorus 2; Dramatics 3; Concert Choir 2; Library Aide 4 ; Art 4 ; Typing 2; Modern Dance Club 1; Christmas Program 2; Office Aide 3; Powder Puff Football 3 , 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; A rt Aide 4; A V. A Aide 3
N. E. D. T. Score 97 Percentil e 1, 2; Honor Roll 2; Jr. Varsity Football l; lntramurals 4 ; Chorus 3; Biology Club 2; Physical Science Club 4 ; German Club 2; Public Speaking 4
N. E. D. T. Score 97 Percentile 2; Honor Roll l; P. E. Aide 2; Volleyball Intramurals 1 ; Basketball lntramurals 3 ; lntramurals Winner 1, 3 ; Shield Assistant 3; Shield Staff: Editor 4; Chorus 1, 2; Dramatics 3, 4; Acolyte 2; Library Aide 3, 4 ; Modern Dance Club 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3 , 4 ; Christmas Pro gram 1, 2, 3, 4; Creativ e Writing 2, 3 ; Lyre Staff: Writing Staff 2, Co-editor 3 ; Snack Bar Assistant 3 ; Modern Dance Squad Leader 2
Perfect Attendance 3; Jr. Varsity Football l; Track 2; Intra murals 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Typing 1; Social Issues 2; Biology Aide 4
Perfect Attendance 1, 2; Jr. Varsity Football l;All District Football 3; All Riverside Football 3; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Jr. Varsity Basketball l; Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Intramurals 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Chorus 2; Dramatics 3; Acolyte 2; Typing 4; Biology Club 2; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4; Biology Aide 4
N E. D. T. Score 1, 99 Percentil e , 2, 99 Perc e ntile; Honor Roll 1, 3 ; Athletic Honor Award 2; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Pelican Boy's State Representative 4 ; Student Council Representative 1, 2, 3 , 4; Student Council President 4; Class Officer: President 2, 3; Vice-President 1; Jr. Varsity football 1; Varsity football 2, 3, 4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Track 3 , 4; State Track 3 ; Homecoming Escort 4 ; Shield Assistant
3; Shield Staff, Cop y Editor 3; Dramatics 3 ; Biology Club 1; Christmas Pro gram 3, 4; Halo Reporter 2, 3, 4 ; Halo Staff, Sport's Editor 3; Powder Puff Football Coach 3 , 4 ; Public Speaking 4; Language Lab Aide 1, 2
Honor Roll 1, 2; Pelican Girl's State Alternate 4; Class Officer: Vice-President 1; Volleyball
1, 2, 3, 4; Girl's Basketball 1, 2, 3; Athletic Council 4; P. E. Aide 2, 3, 4; Two Team Award 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals Winner 4; Homecoming Court 4; Shield Staff, Ad Manager
4; Altar Guild 3; Typing 1, 2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4 ; Homecoming Dance Committee 4 ; Christmas Pro g ram 2, 3 ; Halo Typist 3; Powder Puff Football 3 , 4 ; Biology Aide 4 ; Squad Leader 2, 3; Student Leader 4
Swimming 4; P.E. Aide 3; One Team Award 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 3; Library Aide 3, 4; Typing 1, 2; Sewing 4; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4;
N. E. D T. Scor e : 99 Pe rc e ntile 1, 98 Percentile 2; En glish Award 2 , 3 ; Histor y Aw ard 2; French Award 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; PeIU,ct Attendance 1, 2, 3; Badminton T e am 1; Intrainurals 1, 2, 3, 4; D A R. America n Hi story Award 3 ; Shield Assistant 4 ; Dramtaics 3 , 4 ; Altar Guild 2 ; Chapel Program 3 ; Library Aid e 3 ; Lower School Library Aide 2; Art 1, 2; Modern Dance Club 4; Homecomi ng Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Pro gram 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 3 ; Ge rman Club l; Cr e ative Writing 2, 3 , 4; Lyre Staff: Writer 3 , 4; Halo Staff: Copy Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N E. D. T. Score 9 7 Percentile 1, 2; National Honor Society 3, 4; P. E. Aide 2; One Team Award 1, 2; Two Team Award 3 ; Badminton Team 2, 3; Tennis Team 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Art 2, 3, 4 ; Typing 1; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Office Aide 4; German Club 1; Halo Staff: Circulation Manager 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Future Nurses' Club, Active 3; Art Aide 4
N. E. D. T. Score 2, 9 6 Percentile; Intra mura ls 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Altar Guild 2; Art 3, 4 ; Typing 1; Sewing 1; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Office Aide 3, 4 ; Powd e r Puff Football 3, 4 ; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Art Aide 4
Art 4 ; Halo Reporter 4
JEFFREY POWELL JONES "J eff"N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 Percentile, 2, 99 Percentile; Honor Roll 1 , 2, 3; Jr. Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Football Co-Captain 4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3; Basketball Co-Captain 2; Track 1; Biology Club 1;
N. E. D. T. Score 2, 99 Percentile; Intra murals 4; Dramatics 4; Social Issues 2; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; German Club 2; Spanish Club 3; Language
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 92 Percentile, 2, 9 0 Percentile; Lyre Staff, Writing Staff 3, 4; Chapel Singers
Varsity Football 3 , 4 ; Football Co-Captain 4; All District Football 3; All Riverside Football 3; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Track 3, 4; State Track 3; Intramurals 4; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4; N.E.D.T. Score 1, 99 Percentile, 2, 99 Percentile; Scholastic Honor Award, Spanish 3, Math 3; Pelican Boy's State Representative 4; Class Officer: Vice-President 4; Perfect Attendance 2; Varsity Football 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4 ; Assembly Program 4; Social Issues 2; Creative Writing 2, 3 , 4 ; Lyre Staff, Assistant Editor 4, Writing Staff, 2 , 3; Staff, Feature Editor 4; Public Speaking 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 94 Percentile, 2, 94 Percentile; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 3 , 4; Basketball Manager 1; Intramurals 4; Dramatics 3, 4; Typing 1; Biology Club 2; Christmas Program 1, 2,3,4
Per fect Attendance l; Volleyball 3 , 4 ; Girl's Basketball 2, 3; Swimming 3,4; P.E. Aide 4; One Team Award 2; Three Team Award 3 ; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals Winner, Modern Dance 2; Shield Assistant 4; Chorus 2 ; Dramatics 3 ; Altar Guild 4; Typing 4; Sewing l; Biology Club 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4 ; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 2, 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Language Lab Aide l; Squad Leader 3, 4; Student Leader 4; Halo Assistant 4
REBECCA SUE MCKOWN "Becki e "N. E. D. T. Score 1, 98 Percentile, 2, 98 Percentil e ; Varsity Football 3 , 4 ; A 11 District Football 3 ; Jr. Varsity Basketball 2; Varsity Basketball 3 ; Track 2 , 3 , 4 ; State Track 2 , 3 , 4 ; Dramatics 3; Library
Aide 4
National Merit Scholarship Semi -Fi nalist 4 ;
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 Percentile, 2, 99 Percentile; Highest Class Average 1, 2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3 , 4; Shield Staff, Business Manager 4 ; Chorus 3 , 4; Typing 1; Biology Club 2; Physical Science Club 1 , 2; Lyre Staff, Writing Staff 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 94 Percentile, 2, 94 Percentil e ; Honor Roll 1; Class Officer: Vice-President 2; Pe rfect Attendance l; Jr. Varsity Basketball 2 ; Varsity Basketball 3 ; Staff, Advertising Asst. 2; Chorus 2; Dramatics 3 ; Acolyte 1; Library Aide 4 ; Typing 4 ; Biology Club 2; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3 ; German Club 2; Biology Aide 4
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4; N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 Percentile, 2, 99 Percentile; Honor Roll 3 ; Pelican Boy's State Alternate 3 ; Jr. Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 3 , 4 ; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3 , 4 ; Track 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; State Track 3 , 4; Biology Club 2; Ph ys ical Science Club 3 ; German Club 2
Homecoming Game Chee rl eader 4; P. E. A id e 4; One Team Award 3; Intramurals 2 , 3 , 4; Chorus 2; Dramatics 3; Concert Choir 2; Chape l Program 4 ; Library Aide 4; Sewing 4; Modern Dance Club 4; Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4 ; Office Aide 3 , 4; Halo Reporter 4; Powder Puff football 3 , 4; Indoor Ball Team 3
N. E. D. T. Score 90-95 Perc ent ile 1, 2; One Team Award 1, 2, 3; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3 ; Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4; Intramurals Winner: Basketball 3 ; Shield Assistant 3; Shield Class Editor 4 ; Chorus 3; Concert Choir 3; Art 4 ; Typing 1; Sewing 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chirman 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 2; Halo Reporter 3; Halo Staff: Business Manager 4; Powder Puff football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Future Nurses' Club, Inactive 3, 4 ; Biology Aide 4; Language Lab Aide 1; Squad Leader 3
Honor Roll 1; Alternate Cheerleader 4; Homecomin g Game Cheerleader 3; P. E. Aide 4; Tennis Team 1; Intra murals 1, 2, 3 , 4; Homecoming Court 4 ; Shi e ld Staff, Favorites Editor 4; Chorus 1; Dramatics 3 ; Altar Guild 4; Chapel Program 4; Sewing 1; Modern Dance Club 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3 , 4; Snack Bar Assistant 2; Language Lab Aide 1, 2; Student Leader 4; Modern Dance Squad Leader 3; Class Secretary 1, 2; Basketball Team 4
Chorus 2; Dramatics 3; Altar Guild 4; Library Aide 4; Art 4; Biology Club 1; Office Aide 3 ; Powder Puff Football 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Future Nurses' Club 3
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 Percentile, 2, 99 Percentile; Honor Roll 1; Student Council Representative 1, 2, 4, Vice-President 4; Class Officer: President 1, 4, Vice-President 2, Treasurer 3; Perfect Attendance 1; Football Manager 1, 3; Jr. Varsity Basketball 2; Varsity Basketball 3; Basketball Manager 2; Track Manager 3; Intramurals 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Shield Assistant 2, 3, 4; Shield Staft, Photographer 3, 4, Asst. Sports Editor 4, Advertising Asst. 2; Dramatics 3; Acolyte 3; Chapel Program 3, 4; Assembly Program 3; Biology Club l; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Homecoming Dance rn,,.,mfrree Chairman 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club l; Creative Writing 3, 4; Lyre Staff Business Manager 4, Contributor 2, 3; Halo Staff, Sports Editor 4; Favorite, Wittiest 3; Public Speaking 4; Language Lab Aide 1, 2
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 92 Percentile; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; One Team Award 3; Badminton Team 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Shield Staff, Asst. Copy Transcriber 2; Copy Transcriber 3; Faculty Editor 4; Dramatics 3; Altar Guild 4; Library Aide 2, 3, 4; Typing 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club l; Halo Typist 2; Halo Reporter 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Squad Leader 3
N.E.D.T. Score: 94 Perc enti le 2 ;P.E . Aide2; Intra mu rals 2, 3 , 4 ; Art 4; Typing 2, 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 4 ; Hom ecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4 ; Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4; Halo Reporter 4; Powder Puff Football 3 , 4
N.E.D.T. Score: 92 Percentile 2; Art 3,4; Christman Program 2, 3 , 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3 ; Snack Bar Assistant Manager 3; Snack Bar Manager 4; Biology Aide 4; Art Aide 4
Volleyball 2,3,4; Swimming 2,4; P.E. Aide 3; One Team Award 3; Two Team Award 2; Shield Staff: Lay-Out Editor 4; Chorus 3 ; Art 4; Typing 2; Sewing 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Office Aide 3, 4; Halo Typist 3 , 4; Powder Puff Football 3 , 4; Future Nurses' Club, Inactive 3; Squad Leader 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Student Leader 4
N. E. D. T. Score: 94 Percentile 3 ; Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4 ; P. E. Aide 3; One Team Award 3 ; Intramurals 2, 3 , 4; Dramatics 4 ; Library Aide 4; Art 4; Modern Dance Club 3; Christmas Program 3; Lyre Staff: Writing Staff 4 ; Powder Puff Football 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3
N. E. D. T. Score: 98 Per centile 1, 99 Percentile 2; Jr. Varsity Football!; Varsity Football 3; Football Manager 2; Basketball Manager 1, 2 , 3, 4; Typing 1; Biology Club 1; Physical Science Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Service Club 1
Athletic Honor Award 1 , 2, 3; Class Officer: Secretary 2; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; J. V. Cheerleader 1; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Captain 2, 3; Girls' Basketball 1 , 2, 3; Athletic Council 3; P. E. Aide 3, 4; Two Team Award 1; Four Team Award 2; Five Team Award 3; Badminton Team 3; Tennis Team 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intramurals Winner 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Court 3 , 4; Homecoming Queen 4; Altar Guild 3; Library Aide 3, 4; Christmas Program 3; Halo Staff, Asst. Sports Editor 3 , Sports Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4 ; Favorite, Most Achletic 2,3 ; Indoor Ba11 ream 2 , 3; Student Leader 4
National Merit Scholarship Semi - Finalist 4; Honor Roll 3 ; Pelican Boys' State Alternate 4; Student Council Representative 4 ; Student Council Committee Chairman 4; Intramurals 4; Dramatics 3; Dramatics Board: Production Manager 3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 3, 4; Lyre Staff: Assistant Editor 3, Editor 4; Pep Band 4; Public Speaking 4
National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation 4; N. E. D. T. Score 1, 97 Percentile, 2, 99 Pe rcentile; Jr. Varsity Football 3; Varsity Football 2, 3 , 4 ; All District Football 3; All Riverside Football 3 ; Homecoming Escort 4; Dramatics 3; Powder Puff Football Coach 3 ; Photography 4 ; Langua ge Lab Aide 1
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 94 Percentile, 2, 94 Percentile; Honor Roll l; Perfect Atte ndance 1, 2; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Athletic Council 3, 4; P. E. Aide 2, 3, 4; Two Team Award 1, 3; Three Team Award 2; Badminton Team 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra mura ls Winner 1, 3, 4; Shield Assistant 4; Art 2, 3 , 4; Typing 1; Christmas Program 3; Halo Typist 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Future Nurses' Club, Active 3; Student Leader 4
N. E. D. T. Score 2, 98 Percentile; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3 ; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4: Pelican Girl's State Representative 3; Student Council Representative 2, 3, 4, Committee Chairman 4; Class Officer: Vice-President 3; Cheerleader 4; One Team Award 2; Homecoming Court 4; Shield Staff: Photo Custodian 3; Dramatics 3; Altar Guild 2; Chapel Program 4; Typing 1; Sewing 1; Modem Dance Club 2, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 3, 4; Office Aide 4; Halo Reporter 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; A. V. A. Aide 3; Public Speaking 4
Honor Roll 2; Intramurals Winner 4; Chorus 2, 3; Concert Choir 2; Library Aide 4; Art 4; Christmas Program 2, 3; Office Aide 2, 3; Powder Puff Football 4
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 99 Percentile, 2, 99 Percentile; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4 ; National Honor Society 2, 8 , 4 ; Secretary-Treasurer 4; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals Winner 3; Shield Assistant 2, 3; Altar Guild 2; Library Aide 1, 2, 4; Lower School Library Aide 2; Art 3, 4; Typing 1; Social Issues 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 2, 4; Russian Club 1; Creative Writing 3, 4; Lyr e Staff: Co-Editor 3; Halo Reporter 2, 3; Halo Staff: Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4 ; Snack Bar Assistant 1, 2, 3; Future Nurses' Club, Active 1; Art Aide 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 92 Percentile; Honor Roll 1; P.E. Aide 2, 3; One Team Award 1, 2, 3, 4; Two Team Award 3; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals Winner, Modern Dance 3, Volleyball 4; Shield Staff, Senior Editor 4; Chorus 1, 2; Concert Choir 2; Altar Guild 3; Assembly Program 4; Modern Dance Club 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 4; Halo Reporter 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Future Nurses' Club, Active 3, Inactive 2; Biology Aide 4; Language Lab Aide 1, 2; Squad Leader 3
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals Winner 2; Shield Staff, Copy Editor 4; Altar Guild 2; Library Aide 4; Art 3, 4; Typing 1; Sewing 1; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Lyre Staff, Typist 4; Halo Typist 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Art Aide 4
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 99 Percentile, 2, 9~ Percentile; Highest Class Average l; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; National HonorSociety President 4; Pelican Girls' State Representative 3; Student Council Representative 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council Treasurer 4, Committee Chairman 3, 4; Class Officer: Secretary 3; One Team Award 1, 2, 3; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals Wi11ner 1, 2, 3; Shield Assistant l; Altar Guild 2; Chapel Program 4; Library Aide 1, 2, 3, 4; Typing 1, 2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, ?., 3, 4; Office Aide 4; Halo Reporter 2, 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 2, 3, 4; Biology Aide 4 ; Public Speaking 4
Volleyball 1, 3; Girls' Basketball 1, 2; Swimming
2; P. E. Aide 2; Athletic Council 2; One Team Award 3; Two Team Award 1, 2; Intramural High Point Winner 2; Shield Staff, Artist 2, 3, Chapel Editor 4 , Artist 4; Art 1, 2, 3 , 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance CoChairman 4; Christmas Program 3 , 4; German Club
1; Lyre Staff, Art Editor 4; Halo Staff, Asst. Cartoonist 3; Cartoonist 4; Art Aide 4; A.V.A. Aide :3; Art Award l; Chapel Art l; Squad Leader 1, 2, 3,4
I think I '11 paint a stick man.
These posed pictures are such a farce!
Remember, Pep, I'm bigger than you are.
Yeah, slinkies move fast, but not as fast as me.
IJust typical, Bayou
Altogether now. Nuts! !
I hope Bill likes his portrait
Marshall Dickie Dillon and his side-kick Margie. "Louise, hurry up!"If I just jump in my car and drive off - no one will see
Do you want to be an energetic •.. ?
Big bad Clay-boy strikes again!
Aw, I'm sick of it all!
This SHIELD deadline is fit to kill.
This has got to be the sourest wni skey sour I've ever tasted!
Quick, Pep, find out who is to appear before the D. C. this week!
I knew my reaction to Nutrament mixed with water would be something like this.
One bar after another.
Quit hammin' it up, JudyWhat d 'ya mean - can I walk?
John, it won't help.
Peace who ?·
Scheurich and crew take a stand.
Je •.. uhhh .••
What did you mix with those cokes?
Is this an orange or a kumquat?That looks like her signature.
Janet Bruno
Renee Chastant
Bill Compton
Donna Cox
James Burlingame
James Christesen
Clifford Conrad
John Dahlberg
Thomas Capps
Linda Coleman
Chuck Cowand
Tinker Davis
Rebecca Dean Ge rry Dillon
Fos ter Duncan Ka rl Durr
Stephen Fink
David Gamble
Ka ren Hansen Adee Heebe
Michael Dunbar
Wright Eavenson
Barbara Go re
David Hesse
Kelly Duncan Eliza Greenhoe
Gerald Evans Elizabe th LeNoir
Karin Grafstrom
Rebecca Jardine
Laurie Saik
Wendy Schulz
Margaret Segleau
Carl Smith
Corky Speer
Joan Staggers
Jocelyn Stedman
Co ri Sullivan
Mark Taliaferro
Carole Touzet
Kicker Vallas
Chris von Gohren
"'!l!i!'~li: 4lly West
·an White
; thie Williams I- , rter Wright
AAH ! Mrs. Haight has taken over the snack bar
They 00 have that word in the dictionary!
Give me a B
Give me a O
Give me a Y
It's sure_, a ,:"· .· pleasure to meet you, Mr. Boggs
Wesley Samples
Peter Sanchez
Alan Schimek
William Shell
Beth Smith
Susan Smola
No offense, but you've got ...
- there was GLUE
Alright, guys, who did it??
We warned her not to drink the stuff in the Llsterine bottle! !
They don't give prizes in M&M's!
And now CAMEL meat for lunch! What will they think of next?
The 1969 Shield staff takes pride in dedicating the elementary section to a deserving and devoted teacher. Her excellant guidance has given a firm background to each of her students. In grateful appreciation, we dedicate this section to Jeanne Shepherd.
Boyd Bel, Crichton Brown, Cindy Calo, Julie Carter, Kimberly Cotter, Elizabeth Ga ines
Rebecca Gould, Lisa Harrington, Sally Harris, Buel Humphreys, Diane Ingolia , Mary McKinney
Pamela Macy Morere Morgan Lucy Anna Ray Richardson Schwegma nn James Senter TouzetGigi
King Kottontail, Beth Lasky, Shelly Lucy, Christopher Mackenzie
Lauren Oelsner, Richard Pettit, Ginny Phillips, Dirk Richardson, David Roush
Cathy Shultz, Loren Sonfie ld, Buck Sta inback, Mac Tilley, Yancy Youknowwha tiam
SHEPHERD, B. A. , Agnes Scott College
Laura Babin, Bren Boyd, Paige Brown, Geoffrey Buttner, Jenniger Douglass, Lacey Fitzpatrick
Danny and friends
A time to cheer - and a time to pose--
What do you meanyou forgot the ring?
Mrs. Haight's morning snacks are the greatest!
You wouldn't believe what this Pilgrim said!
When Fr. Rhymes says hurry - he means hurry!!!
I'm just standing here, I don't like to play in sand.
Man, these chemistry problems bug me!
Lower School Forever! ! !
63 more timesand I'll be team captain
Well, he didn't have to kick me!
Interim teacher - Mrs. Yount
Just for not wearing a belt???
I won - WHAT?! r
I ' I
Most Athletic
Scholarship is the elevated road of learning which requires many long hours of study and work.
"What counts is not the number of hours you put in, but how much you put in the hours."
Each year a committee of faculty members selects those students for membership in the National Honor Society whorn they consider outstanding in the areas of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. The Society was headed this past year by Carol West, Melissa Payne, and Marcy Van Wart. Six new members were admitted early in November and were inducted during the Society's annual St. Martin's Day presentation. The members this year were enthusiastic and interested in all phases of life at St. Martin's.
This year four senior boys were honored w ith the titles of National Merit Scholarship SemiFinalists. This di stinction was the result of exceptional wo rk on the NMSQ Test administered this past February. It also sing l es out these boys as lead ers in th e areas of grades, activities, and citiz enship. John Kimble and Clay Spencer received lett e rs of commendation for their scores on this test.
Letters of Commendation:
Each summer St. Martin's sends four elected representatives to the L. S. U. campus in Baton Rouge to become citizens of a miniature mythical state. On their return, they always enthusiastically agree that this was one of the most memorable experiences of their life. During their week's stay, the delegates probably hear more speeches, yell more yells, meet more people, and march more marches than they ever thought they could! More than these things, they learn to appreciate the vital role of the individual in preserving our democracy. Jade Van Meter, Carol West, Ham Lob, and Pepper Hatch were as outstanding citizens at Pelican State as they are at St. Martin's.
(Special to The Times•Picovune)
ALBANY, La.-The St. Martin's Saints opened their grid season with a 40-13 win over the Albany Hornets here Friday night.
For the Hornets, it was their first loss after an opening season win over Thomas, 47 -0. , 7
The game was a last minute addition to the §,aints schedule at mid-week. St. Martin was not slated to open the season until next Friday against BarthP. .
By JAY . HANDELMAN quarter shortly after the Horn- amazingly broke a~ay frorr
Halfback Billy M a r t i n e z ets had put two points on the the stunned crowd of tacklen scored two rouchdowns, one on board by blocking a St. Mar- and rambled onward to thE a spectacular tackle-breaking tin's punt in the end zone goal. There will be few, if any 73-yard dash with a pass re- The Jim Wade to Martinez runs to match it this season. ception, to lead the Class B 73-yard pass play, plus anoth- David Paine blocked Carl Barthe Hornets to an 18-0 win er safety in the second quar- Muckley's punt early in the over the Class A St. Martin's ter, capped the scoring and game to set up the safety. Saints Friday at St. Martin's. set the stage for a defensive- Muckley recovered the ball Martinez, a solidly built dominated second half. ~ehind his goal, ~ed to run 175-pound senior, performed Leading 9-0 early in the sec- it out, but wa~ hit by Miller his feats of running magic ond period, Barthe took over be~ore reaching the goal before scouts from Alabama, following a St. Martin's punt str ipe. . Tulane and LSU who were on the Hornet 27-yard stripe. Barthe had 153 yards r~shmg on hand to view his talents . On the first play, Wade hit and 106. through the a1r
The Hornet also received Martinez with a flat pass at the Wade dicked on four of SI:is strong rushing support from line of scrimmage. passes. St.. Martin's netted 8E teams with 80 yards. Martinez Martinez was immediately hit yards_ rushmg and 113 througt Kenny Miller, who led both by two would-be tacklers but the air. . teams with 80 yards. Martinez the churning legs of the strong ~arthe 1s ~-0 for the season netted 57 rushing while the runner broke him loose. Five while the Samts are 1-1. S . t ' C I M kl f d r· Id h . Barthe 9 9 0 0-18 am s ar uc ey ran or yar s up 1e e ran mto a st. Martin's o o o 0- o 70 yards. gang of Saints defensive men M~m~~9behi~~feiban.<Poine tackled
Martinez scored his first and seemed stopped for good B Mortinez, 4-vord run (Wade, , ki ck) · touchdown on a four-yard burst but he rolled, turned, kept his Wgde fl/'.JJ~1~':;\1cl?:va rd pass from off left tackle in the opening legs constantly in action and ~o~1!:'Y (Sims gang tackled be :,ind
(Sr,eciol t ·, :1e , mcs-Picovune) THIBODAUX, La. - The St. Martin's Saints shock'ed firstranked E. D. White by battling the favored Cardinals to a 13-13 deadlock in a District 7A battle here Friday night.
It was the first district game for the Saints who now have a 1-1-1 overall mark. White is 2-0-1 overall and in district.
St. Martin's jumped to a 13-0 lead, but a...determined Cardinal rally in t h e. third quarter knotted the score.
A 41-yard pass from quarterback Danny Maxson to halfback Carl Muckley brought the Saints a second period touchdown. They added their second touchdown early in the third quarter when Benny Brown romped 74 yards. A Duncan to Hurst Hatch pass put the extra point on the board. ·
Laury Dupont started the Cardinal rally with a one-yard touchdown plunge and Terry Szush converted.
E. D. White knotted the score on Tom Gros' 18-yard dash. Szush booted what apparently was the go-ahead extra point, but th(;! Cards were penalized on the play and he missed his second attempt.
which could have kept New- i Blocked Field Goal Foils man's record unblemished in I Newman the district. However, Calhoun broke through and got
By JA y HANDELMANa hand o~ the ball.
. Early m t e as quarter
Carl _Calhoun blocked a N~w- Newman's defense rallied to " man field goal _attempt with stop a st. Martin's threat on _... L less than two mmutes to play the Newman nine-~rard line.
€1!11,;t= to preserve a 13-13_ ?eadl?ck Standouts on Newman's debetween th~ St_. Martins ~au~ts fensive unit included Jack and Greemes. m a key District Stibbs, Frank Levy, Chuck 7_-~ clash Friday at St. Mar- Lepeyre , Mike Maloney , Britt tm s. --~Milton and Charles Curtis. De- St. Martin's took a 6-0 lead fensiv~ stars for the Saints in the first quarter on Carl wer e John Kimble, Stephen Muckley's five-yard run, but Corliss and Hank Gamble. Newman knotted it moments Egan led both teams in rushlater on Dick Egan's brilliant ing with 129 yards. Muckley ~3-yard scamper. had 101 yards for the Sa ints
After the Saints inched on St. Martin's out gained Newman top 13-7 in the second period 306-241 in total yardage. on Cameron Duncan's three- The Saints drove 80 yards yard quarterback sneak and the first time they had the extra point run, the Greenies ball for their first score with tied things again in the third Muckley finally taking it in quarter on Egan's eight-yard from the five. A 16-yard pass end sweep and Roland Bryant's from Duncan to Benny Brown ~onversion. sparked the drive. The second
But the drama thickened as St. Martin's tally was set up the minutes escaped in the final en Muckley's 44-yard kickquarter. Newman recovered a off return to Newman's 34. Saints' fumble on the Greenie t Duncan capped it with his 38-yard stripe and started a i )>prst up the middle. narch downfield.
With a fourth and 12 situa- scoring:
tion at the Saints' 13-yard
line, Bryant was _ sent in to
The St. Martin's Saints ripped Murphy on a 20-yard pass apart Mandeville 54- 0 Friday at from Gary Brewster. Tommy St. Martin's and all the king's Shepherd booted five extra horses and all the king's men points and Muckley ran one. won't be able to ~ut the S~p- Seeing limited action, but pers together agarn for qmte turning in standout defensive efa while. forts, were tackle Bayard Mil-
The District 7A misadventure !er and end Hank Gamble. leaves the Sain'ts with a 1-0-2 Even a double-team blocking conference mark and Mantle- assignment on Gamble couldn't ville with an 0-2 mark. stop this 175-pounder from StopCarl Muckley, who saw most ping Mandeville sweeps. of his action in the first half, St. Martin's totaled 424 yards, sparked the Saints to a fast 340 rushing and 84 through the start. , air. Top ground gainers were ,
He scored three of the Saints Muckley with 128 yards and irst four touchdowns on runs McCurnin with 107. j of six, 36 and 70-yards. The st . Mortln's 20 7 13 14-54 last one was off a fake punt Mand "vllle • • • • • •· • 0 0 o 0- ol • Scoring: Muckley, 6-vord n.rn (Muck• Also scoring were Dan~y ~.,V,:d,r~~t>;MM~k1:i.;, 3j6~~:;~d r;;gss '1~ Maxson, on a 36-yard aerial Duncan (kick foiled); Muckley, 70 -vord f C B run (Shepherd, kick); BroWll, 80.vard rom ameron Duncan, enny ount return (Stlepherd, kick); McCurnin, Brown, on an 80-yard punt re- ~-~grdoa~~n ir~~k ii';~~Uer M~~~~~he?t turn, Pat McCurnin, on runs. of ~ll~~)i'. Mc curnin, 3-vord run (Shepherd,
Gu a rd
'yard pass in the middle of the second quarter for St. Martin's WIN,
::~lo~_chdown. Corliss kicked
• , · A seven-yard pass from DunSt. Martin s Gets an Easy ken to Hank Gamble late in Win Over St. John the second quarter put the Saints on the score board again<
Corliss ~ eked th~ PAT. No one
The St. Martin Saints shut out scored m the third quarter. the St. John Prep Chargers, Benny ~ro-;7n ran two yards 47-0, Saturday night in a Dis- for ~he, S~mts s1xt~ touchdown. trict 7A game at NORD Stadium. ~orliss kick was wide. St. Martm's last TD was scored on a ~arl, ~!u ckley scored the 60 -yard pass from Muckley to S~mts first touchdown on an Mike Murphy. Muckley's ate1ght-yard: run. Cam eron Dun- tempt to run the PAT failed. ken passed to Danny Maxson The Saints' first TD was set for the PAT. Muc~ley ran 50 up when Gamble blocked a ( yards for the Samts second Charger punt giving st. Martin TD. Ste ve Co r liss kicked the .the ball on the Prep 16. Two PAT plays later Mu ckley carried for St. Martin's third TD was the TD. scored late in the first quarter M-Johns, 5 rnn (kick foiled). 16 d bl t b P M-Shepord, blocked punt in end zone Oil a -yar as y epper (Jg~~c~t:,;;11; 17 run (Johnson run), Hatch. Muckley ran the PAT. M-Johns, 1 run iklck roiled). Dunken hit Hatch with a 45 -
The Saints pushed their 7A
record to 3-0-2 and their overall
lmark to 4-1-2. Mid-City is 0-4 in ' 111·•district and 1-6-1 on the season. St. Martin's marched 35 yards Muckley Stars in Win 'after partially blocking a Mid• • City punt in the first period. Over M1d-C1ty ~Gamble got his fingers on the ball and the kick officially
By JAY HANDELMANtraveled only one yaro. Hatch, Carl Muckley scored one touch- gained 22 yards in the drive with down and threw for another as unean carrying in from the, h S M t . ' S . t t . d·'.>Ile. I t e t. ar Ill s a. m s nmme Aft 'd ~ty er recovering a ~• 1 the Mid-Center Pioneer 33-0 m fumble on the Saints' 20-yardj a District 7A battle Saturday stripe, St. Martin's scored night at Kirsch-Rooney Stadium. three plays in the second period.
Muckley had the night's Jong- Runs of eight and 37 yards by est run 42-yard sprint and he !\ifuc~ley set up Hat_ch's 35-yar~ '. ' scormg run. The Saints made 1t also pitched a 23-yard touch- 20-0 with a minute left in the down aerial to Mike Murphy. · half when Muckley capped a Other scoring included two71-yard drive by hitting Murphy one-yard runs by Cameron Dun- on a 23-yard pass. can and a 35--yard dash by~id-~l1~t in'.~ ·:·:.:::: .::: :: h1%1t &=3~ Hurst Hatch. Hank Gamble boot- (G':i'~~rt k~t\ - Duncan. 1-var d run ed three extra points. ~::AA~~hv~~~~rJu~~0 fl~ili<llc1<• Muckley led all runners with leV (Gomble, kick). • SM-Duncan, l•vord run (Gamble, kfckJ 124 yards mcludmg a 37-yard SM-Muckley, 42-vo-rd run (kick failed) run which immediately preceded Hatch's scoring romp.
Doug Nester ran for three Muckley followed with scores' touchdowns and Carl Muckley on a one-yard run and 88-yardl sc ored two to lead the St. Mar- sprint. tin's Saints to a '44.0 win qver Duncan capped the spree by the Country Day Cajuns Friday grabbing a two-yard pass from at Country Day. Gary Brewster.
The game marked the end of Hank Gamble booted two exthe ·campaign for the Cajuns tra points. . who finished with an 0-7 slate. The Saints had 270 yards St. · Martin's has a 5-1-2 rushing and 219 through the , record. The Saints have four air while the Cajuns settled I consecutive shutouts going for a minus 36 yards on the into their season's finale next ground and 134 in the air. .I week against Buras. Muckley led the Saints'
The Saints gave Country Day~und game with 136 yards a taste of what ·was to come while Cliff Sutter was next by scoring on the first play 1with 54. from scrimmage when Camer-ist. Martin's .......... 12 13 6 13--44 on Duncan hit Danny Maxson Cos"td;i~/)01M' ·.:.:' Moxsog, s°o.vgrd °;as~ with an 80-yard aerial. from Duncan (kick foiled).
Nester scored the next touch-~~=~:;)!~: 14~v°ci~d r~~n <!f:i~t<' i~ll~l: downs on runs of one. four ~AA=,tj.~~:rev,3·i;~;grJU~JGfk'i'g~e,fo~l~l: SM-Muckley, 88-yord run (kick foiled). SM-Dunoon, 2-vord poss from Brewster (Gamble, kick).
i popped off right tackle on a atn S ra I 65-yard jaunt to put the • Saints on the boards. 25-0
Duncan followed minutes I later with a 20-yard scoring " - pass to end Hank Gamble.
Muckley Starts Way with Barrett Kennedy was on the 65 .,, · ·d R receiving end of an 11-yard • i ai un puncan pa ss in the third quar<Svcc1a1 to The Tlmes -PicavuneJ t~r and Dun can _ dived in from BURAS , La. - Quarterba c k l~e one-yard stripe for a fo~rth
Cameron Duncan sparked the !ally. SetLmg up the fmal St Martin's Saints into the touchdown was a 30-yard screen state playoffs as he threw two Ipass from the sensatio nal Dunlouchdown pa sses and scored din to Muckley. another en route to a 25-0 win : Gamble booted one extra over the Bura s Wiidcats in a p(li'lt. District 7-A battle here Friday : The loss rung down a disnight. ~ppointing season for the
The Saints who finished the Wildcats. Buras finished with regular sea so n with a 6-1-2 i 5-3 record and marked the ove. r-all and 4-0-2 district rec- 'i first time in three years the ord, will mcc1 Walker in the Wildcats had not reached the bi-district next Friday in Wal- 1 state playoffs. ker.
Coach Tony Porter's Saints
The victory clinched second finished the campaign on a place in 7-A. A Buras victory sizzling defensive note, blankwould have thrown second ing their final s ix opponents. place to Newman.
st. Martin's • • o 12 6 7-25
Aft I f . t Buras • • o O o 0- 0
Cr a SCOre eSS .l r S
SM-Muckley, 65 -vard run (PAT quarter, the Saints started to fa~~2:Gomble, 20-vord !)055 from Duntoll with two second period cogM.:.:it.-rin!~~;dli-vord pass from Duntouchdowns. Carl Muckley ~f~~~_Pt;Jnc~1,'•d6ne-vord run (Gornbl
WALKER: La. - The right I Hayden Lee, the Wildcats' A f t e r the hafftime • inter Jounces plus Carl Muckley-and premier passer, could not get mission the Wildcats' kickof ::amerorr Duncan equals victory, 1the aerial game going against was recovered by Hood as th< md the combination clicked for :a tough St. Martin's secondary Saints' receiver stood by arn St. Martin's as the Saints routed 1and with a running game also watched him fall on the ball o1 Hstrict 8-A champion Walker ,i a bust, the playoff road ended the 21. Davi~ Blou~t. t~~n p~ck !6-6 here Friday night. abruptly for the 'Cats. ed up the Wildcats 1mt1al firs
A' tenacious Saint defense, led Walker started fast with line- down of the contest on l! 1J-yarc )Y Clay Spencer, Harry Gamble, backer Harry Hollis shooting scamper to _the 10; Four play, Steve Whatts and John Kimble through to block a Carl Muckley later the Wildcats off~ns? r_a · punt with the Wildcats recover- out of_ gas on the Samts six
· · ft f yard lme.
mg at the Samt 22 A er a ive- From that t th S t walker Martin's yard penalty and a 13-yard loss marched steaJf m
the W'ldcats were .
Tur~a?out is !air play, a?d from 23 yards out. The point af F~~~Wfes
J 36 the VISitors reciproc~ted with ter was no goodas the final ta1
. Barrett ~ennedy b~ocking a 1:,ee ly stood 26-6. added the sp1cmg as the Wild- punt, with the Wlldcats _losmg In the final period neithei cats could muster but 47 total yardage all the way to therr own team ·could generate gl: yards : nine. After a two-yard pickup steam to produce a scoree:i~hE
Muckley, a 170-pound spee_ds- by Cameron Duncan, Dan Max-rain began to fall. ;er , ,made shambles of th~ Wild- son took a pitchout and fought ~he victory advanced thE i:ats defense as _he earned for his way in from seven yards Sam ts to the state Class A ?5 yards on 14 trips and hauled out. quarter final action next week.
m four passes for 111 yards and Harry Gamble's conversion score by quarters: · ~ two touchdown~. 'try was wide to the left. ~01~~rt1_~·~ ::::::::::::::· 81t g &=2:
In the punting department I The Saints were now in a kick- scoring : Muckley hfad fourdkicks for an iblocking mood, and Gamble <k~!k t~~e'::\~'s-Maxson, 7-Y a rd ru, average O 42 yar s. · ,knocked down another Walker st. Martin's - Muckley, JO-yard ru1
Muckley scored on a 10-yard boot with Steve Whatts recover- <Gamble kick>. sweep and a 52-yard screen . t th 'C t 15 Aft f' Walker-Mannln11, 3-vard run, (klc' mg a e a er a 1ve- railed). pass from quarterback Cam- yard penalty moved the ball to 1 st. Martin's - Muckley, 53-vard oas , eron Duncan m the second can- the 10 Muckley brought the ltrom Duncan <Gambia kick). to Dan Maxon who shared ' . . f st. Martln"s-Mucktov, 23-yord oas: d~ties with Dun~an .at quarter- s~all, but noisy. contmgei:t o from Duncan <kicko tolled>. back, picked up the Saints' oth- Samt. fans to their feet with a er two scores on runs of seven beautiful 6":'eep. and 23 yards. Gamble hit the conyersion and '~he Saints were out m front 13-C efore registering their first firs1 dowri.
in Class A i the Saints overall ground yard ' age of 88 was more than toppec
By JAY HANDELMAN by both Denny and Berry ..Twin terrors labeled Steve The Tigers 'hit the scoreboarc Denny and Pat Berry led an midway of the second quarte1 awesome ground attack as the on a 50-yard drive capped bj Cathedral-Carmel Tigers of La- Denny's two-yard run. A 16-yarc fayette spoiled the budding title scamper by Berry which put hopes of St. Martin's with a 26- the ball on the 18 sparked the 7 victory over the Saints in a drive.
Class A quarterfinal clash Fri- Following the second half day night at East Jefferson Sta- kickoff, the Saints seemed to dium. have momentum a n d had Denny, w.lio rushed for more picked up 17 yards in three than 1,000 yards for the Dis- plays before Denny killed the · trict GA champions this sea- drive with an interception of son, gained 115-yards and a Cameron Duncan pass. scored a pair of touchdowns Berry drove in from the nineon two-yard runs. yard line with 2:33 left in the Berry plowed out 113-yards third quarter for the Tigers and scored a touchdown on a I second tally. A key six-yard rur nine-yard run. Chris Arleth , on a fourth-and-two situation a l ~-~- the Saints' 11-yard stripe high•
j t came roaring back. On a 38: 'unt average 38.6 40 2 d d · D h't M kl fords penalized ••• 70 ·s yar nve, Uncan 1 UC ey 'umbles 10st · · · · · · · · · 2 0 on a 21-yard screen pass which :apped the touchdown outburst immediately preceded Muck ,vith a six-yard run. ley's touc'hdown run. Gambl!: Van Champagne booted two Arleth's six-yard run with 1:4£ ixtra points. left in the battle ended a goo d For the Saints, runnersup in night's work for Cathedral. rA, a tough Cathedral defense converted. There was 7:32 lef t 1ad them bottled up most of the in the game.
~ame and only in the latter cothedrat • • o 6 6 14-21 t f h St. Martin's o a o 7- i ; ages O t e last quarter could Scoring: Cofhedrol-Denny, 2-vord ru r (kick failed).
;hey dent the scoreboard on Cathedrol-Berrv, 9•vord run (kic, -, · failed.) .,arl Muckley's five-yard run. Colhedrol-Denny, 2•vord run (Cham rh T l d pagne, kick). e . 1gers plc {e off four SL St. Martin•,-Muckley, 5-vord rur \II t , (Gamble, kick). ar 10 S pas,SeS. " Cothedrpl-Arleth, 6-vord run (Cham•
Turning in standout defensive efforts for the Tigers , were John Chappuis, T e d Beaulli.au, Mike Doucet and Arleth. Stephen Corliss, Danny Maxson, Hank Gamble and John Kimble led the Saints on ..J.-J!_,,.._
The Varsity football team of 1968 would like to dedicate this page to our great coach, g re at leader and great friend, for his inspiration and belief in us. He stood with us all the way, and we all thank him , for without him we would never have done so well.
I would like to congratulate the Junior Varsity football players on the fine job that they did this season. The twenty-two boys, led by co-captains David Hesse and Wright Eavenson, showed a great deal of courage in finishing the season strong after two close opening losses. The finest effort was the 19-7 win over a strong Sam Barthe team. The J. V. 's simply outhit Barthe, which is what football is all about.
A gain, I congratulate the team on a job well done, truly a team effort.
The Mighty Mites, after a sl ow start , proved mighty indeed as they won their last five games in a row, bl anking three opponents. As the season progressed, the team developed into a hard-hitting , defensive club and spectacular on offense. Their final victory against St. Mary Magda l ene was very rewarding against a very good team that was much bigger. Team captains are : Tackle and Linebacker, Cha r les Har r is; Tailback, Timmy Brown ; and Gua r d and Monster Man, George Ward.
h e e r l e a d e r s
The Saint basketball team had an overall record of 17 wins and 11 losses this year, which ea med them a place in the state playoffs. This team's success was due to defense and hustle. We kept the opposition to less than fifty points per game average, which is very good defense in today's high scoring basketball. However, our offense never really materialized, a nd we had trouble scoring.
I congratulate the team on a job well done, especially on their hard wo rk and determination. I want to especially thank Dickie Russell for doing such an excellent job as mana ger. He was the varsity manager for three years and did an outstanding job. I would also like to thank the cheerleaders. They were really a great help to the team. - Coach Dike.
The J. V. Basketball team was one of the best ever at St Martin's. Valuable experience was gained early in the season. The strongest assets of the team were depth and desire. Throughout the season an average of 12 boys per game played almost equal time. There was no second team, but just one unit. They finished the season with a respectable 15 won and 7 loss record, with four of those losses in the first six games. This year's Junior Varsity won the Riverside J. V. Championship for the third year in a row. They also became one of the highest scoring J. V. teams in St Martin's history and became the best defensive team of all.
- - 60
- - 42
SA I NTS - 26
SA I NTS - 46
SA INT S - 36
SA INT S - 28
- 29
SA I NTS - 37
SA I NTS - 48
Because of a lack of practice time the 7th and 8th grade basketball teams did not have an impressive record. The 8th grade finished with a 9 won and 6 lost record while the 7th grade finished with 7 wins and 6 lo sses Individually each boy was on even term s with any boy we played dudng the season
FRESHMAN TEAM: BACK RQ W: Monty Burlingame, Barry Graf, Greg Winsky, Denis Barry, John Treen, Tom Llpscomb, John Dahlberg. FRONT ROW: Mark Moore, Clifford Conrad , Sandy Ward, Tom Schneider, David Rusch, Bill We lsh, David Hesse.
VARSITY TEAM - BACK ROW: Coach Beckman, Marc Berard, Bob Rehtmeyer, Bart Webb. FRONT
ROW: Peter Stedman, Bobby Schimek, Gerald Evans.
BACK ROW: Ma ry Kay Robinson, Carol Gore, Lynden Clay. 4th ROW: Liz Horton , Pam Pa ge, Lindsay Ellis. 3 rd ROW: Darcy Devine, Cori Su lli van , Stac y Demartini. 2 nd ROW: Randee Braune r, Susan K rie g , Pemmie Austin. 1st
ROW: Denise Letard, Sa lly Wes t
2nd ROW: Marie Buffington, Carol Gore, Sally West, Llz Horton, Randee Braumer, Cori Sullivan. 1st ROW: Lynden Clay, Cindy Phillips, Carol Touzet ,,1
JUNIOR HIGH SWIMMING TEAM: BACK ROW: Wendy Schulz, Jocelyn Stedman, Caro l Gore 3rd ROW: Llz Horton, Pemme Austin. 2nd ROW: Cori Su lli van, Sally West. FRONT: Mary Hazard
SENIOR HIGH SWIMMING TEAM: BACK ROW: Terry Riordan, Bail Hazard. BOTTOM ROW: Jackie Clifford, Dixie Lattie, Marie Decamp, Beckie McKown
TOP ROW: Cathy Smith, Adrea Heebe. Barbara Gore. BOTTOM ROW: Judy Gore, Suzi Snyder, Terry Riordan, Pat Hogan.
MISSING: Laura Bohne
Webb, only YOU would staple your finger to the board!
T he Frito Bandito strikes again!
Where am I gonna get $1000 to get back the pictures he took of Cince and me ?
Thank God the SHIELD is finished!
Chief is crazy if he thinks I'll run another mile''! ! "'
Why don't I ever get in the HAW'S gossip column?
I thought these hose were guaranteed never to run.
Personalities are developed and lasting values are acquired during the hours of activities at St. Martin's. Patience and a sense of responsibility are seldom born into a person and are often difficult to cultivate, but once obtained they afford many of the richest rewards in life.
EDITOR - Lee Edwards
ASST. COPY TRANSCRlBER - Cherry Phillips
ASST. LAY -0 UT EDITOR - Sally Pettit
TYPIST - Anne Blanford
MISSING - Buzzi Dodd
ASSISTANTS - Beckie McKown, Christy Schurman, Tyler Posey, Ginny Roy
FA VO RITES - Sherrie Persia
BOY'S SPORTS - Cameron Duncan COPY EDITORPam WeberCOPY EDITOR, Mary lin Johnson
SPORTS EDITORS, Tyler Posey, Barry Kennedy, Anne Shephe rd, Susan Hagstette
FASHION EDITORS, Ma rie DeCamp, Be th Lindsay
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Peter Stedman, John BreenSPONSORS: Mr. Edmonson, Mrs. Peterson
COPY EDITOR: Louise Horton.
CHAIRMAN: Jenny Treen. ART EDITOR: Amy West. CIRCULATION EDITOR : Robin Dahlberg
You mean we have to eat 'em too ???
SPONSOR: Mr. Van Horn. Robin Dahlberg, Mark Warriner, John Breen, Kim Holtzman, Tom Bechtel, Peter Stedman, Mike Kantor, Mark Moore, Bryant Morrison
STANDING: Chris Wyckoff, Alvin Baumer, Tom Smith, Mr. Graf. SITTING: Ronnie Spencer, Richard Russell, Doug Flem i ng
SPONSOR: Mrs. Anglade. Maurice Price, David Culpepper, Jim Pellerin, Tom Bernard, Tom Smith, Pat McCurnin, Kathy Haase
SPONSOR: Mrs. Burks. Ham Lob, Webb Shaw, Jade Van Meter, Carol West, Doug Fleming
SPONSOR: Fr. Beckman, Frank Riddick, Bill Shell, Peter Sanchez, Tiger Austin, Brian Melius, Miles Gaupp, Peter Nance, Gary Lattie
Would you mind getting off my hand?'! t1a1rn. is coming for me!
Feminine members of the hardy Hartner crew of '69.
What are you hiding, Anne??!
Just cuz I'm in training doesn't mean I can't smoke.
Hurry, take some of my beer before anybody else sees you!
Only the boys that have booze can come in!
Okay boys, see if y'all can get through this block!With our rushes and our passes, we have knocked you on your
IF elected I will personally strain all ca jun swamps!
And Saints out of action
conducting an experiment on potential energy
If I use Ban tonight, will we win the game?
Little does she know I plan on Mexico after this
Mr. GrafThat test was a cinch. Now, I better hurry and wash the writing off my hand. !
You aren't gonna EAT that, are ya ? !
And now for our next number
If tho se boy s tackle us when they com e running through the goal po st s !
Oh, we often have field trips to Plaza Towers!
All right, I ain't modest. I '11 give you my autograph.
It's a lot more fun to watch the cheerleaders than the football players!
Don't tell me you 're going to write another "walking on your tiptoe" joke.
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