Sr. Martirl's Epis copal ,Sc hool
Meta,irie, Lo uis iarll,
The secret of remaining young is never to have an emotion that is unbecoming.
The faces of the St. Martin's students are m a nY and v a ri ed . In order to Present these changing m o o d s, the SHIELD staff uses emotion as the theme for the 1971 edition. It is ourhope that through pictures, the v a ri ous school activities will dePict the diversified feelings of St. Martin's student life.
With great appreciation and admiration, the SHIELD staff proudly dedicates the L971 edition of the SHIELD to a teacher whose warm character and sincere concern for her studertts has long been a part of St. Martin's.
Those of you who, in the future, p€ruS€ the pages of this copy of the SHIELD, rvil1 find that it reflects the activities, moodsand stylesof the studentsof this school year 1970-?1. This yearhas indeed beenone of change in attitude and outlook. It is as if young people have turned the corner from contentiousness and hostility toward authority, and away from the view that the only way to change things is to destroy them.
This is hopeful and reassuring in a sense, but we adults must not del.ude ourselves into thinking that the disenchantment of young people with the way we in authority are running things is but a passing fancy. They want a world of honesty, justice, and compassion. They want a worLd more concerned with the human condition in contrast to success spelled out in terms of the accumulation and proliferation of 'things. '
It isessentialthat as aduLts we, too, trun thecorner inour attitudesand thoughts. trVemustcome to rccognize that thecomplexityof existingprobLeirs areof ourown rnaking. And wemust be flexible, honest and intelligent enough to redesig[ our priorities. At the lame time we must provide those educatioual opportunities for our youth which will enable them to gain the background and determination to manage the problems which are threatening them and to point toward a rrore helpful future for all mankind.
Top: ROBERT L. HILL, School
C omptroller and Business Manager.
C enter Left: MA zuORIE MONTGOMERY, Director of Development.
C enter Right: BESSIE TISDALE, Bookstore M anager Low er Left: EUGENE F. EBLEN, JR., College
A dvisor, B. S , Tulane University.
Lower Right: FLORENCE B. KREEGER, Registrar.
TOp: MARY ANNE VON GOHREN, S chool Nurse. C enter Left: LILLI VAN SLATE, Reading. Center Right: BETTY BANKSTROM, Assistant to the Registrar. Lower Left: KATHLEEN KEMP, Permanent Substitute, Louisiana State University. Lower Right: ELSIE C. PHILLPOTT, S ecretary to the H ead master.
VIRGINIA B. NICHOLSON, UPPer School Librarian; Center Left: JOE G. WALSH, Music DePartment Head; Cenrer Right: MARY SUE RONIGER, Art, B. F. A. , Newcomb College; GERALDINE SISTRUNK, Sewing and Stitchery.
The chief function of the English Department is to foster understanding and appreciation of our langu age, as well as to provide instruction in the preferred forms and structure of this langu age. Since this discipline is repetitive and cumulative, efforts are made to correlate the work on all levels. In addition to basic instruction in literature, composition, and grammar for all students in the upper school, members of this department have also assumed responsibility for the school publications and dramatic activities.
Top Cenrerz SUZANNE P. PETRSON, B. A. , Belhaven College; M. A. , Tulane University. Top Right: LINDA F. MXON, B. S., L. S. U. ; Centenary College, Loyola Univ. Center Left: HARRIETTE S
BURKS, Department Head, B. A., Univ. of Wyoming; M. A., Univ. of Southwestern Louisi ana. Center
CCNTCT: HILDA G. LOBENSTEIN, B. A. , Mississippi State College for Women; Dominican College. Center Right: BARBARA A. CHANDLER, B. A. , McNeese State College;
M. A. , Univ. of Arkansas. Bottom
CCNTCT: ANDREW G. EDMONSON, JR., B. A. , M. A. , Tulane Univ.
Bottom Right OLETA M. HETHERWICK, B. S., Delta State Teachers College.
Tluee years of a foreign 1a4guage are required toward graduation at St. Martin's School. The students have a choice of either French, Spanish, or Latin. Latin is being gradually phased out and will eventually be replaced by either German or Russian.
In the Modern Languages, we try to teach the students to understand, speak, read, and write the langu age - with special emphasis on understanding and speaking.To fuIfill those aims, the direct .approach is used to avoid as much as possible the use of English in the classroom.
Top: MITCHELL BmARD, DeParrment Head, B. A. , University of Southwestern Louisiana; C. D. F. University of Bordeaux, France.
CenteT- Left: ISABEL L. ANGLADE, B. A. , University of fuerto Rico; M. A. , Tulane University. Right: PEDRO B. PEREZ, B. S. , Southwestern Louisiana College. Bottom LCft: DOUGLAS M. HUDSON, B. A., M. Ed. , University of Virginia.
The science teaching of the past decades is most inappropriate for the world we live in today and will be even less suitable for the world of tomorrow.
We are undergoing a revolution in sciences. A close partnership has been developed between science and the economics, social, educatiottal, and political issues of our time. Today there are few problerrs in any of thesb areas that can be discussed to their fullest meaning in the absence of a scientist.
Tod ay all over the world and among all peoples there is an awareness that scientific literacy is essential to an understanding of the nature and events of contemporary c ivilization.
At St. Martin's, as in most other secondary schools, there has been considerable change in the mathematics curriculum. For the L970 -71 year, we have offered calculus for the tirst time. This is an advanced placement course and may earn college credit for those who pass the advanced placement exam with a sufficiently high score. Only those ,rrdents who have taken Math IV in their junior year will be qualified for the calculus course.
ToP Left: JAMES W. LATHAM, Department Head, A. B. r M. A. T. Tulane lJniversity. Center Left: MYRTH S. LEE, B. S. , Northwestern State College of Louisiana. Center:
ELEANOR B. GOHEEN, B. S. , University of Pennsylvania. Right: COL.
JOHN MEADE, IJ. S. A. (Ret.), B. S., Princeton University. Bottom Left: BARBARA SAIK, B. A., Tulane University. Right: LYNN BOLLES, B. S. , Southeastern Louisiana University.
The Social Studies Department is increasingly focusing on the need to prepare students to deal intelligently and humanely with the expanding complexities of modern society. Its aim is to utilize the tools of history, government, geography, sociology, economics, and anthropology to develop skills and concepts from which rational and meaningful decisions can be made in a world of changing social forces and conflicting ideologies.
Top: DOROTHY D. PORTER, Department Head, B. S. , L. S. U. ; M. A., George Peabody College. CenteT Left: MICHAEL G. EPLEY, A. B. , Harvard College. Center: APRIL AHLERS, 3. A., Hunter College; M. A. , Tulane University.
Right: ANTHONY G. PORTER, 3. A. , Southwestern Louisiana InstitUtC. BOttOM LEft: M. DRETJ( VAN HORN, B. A., LL. 8., Tulane University; M. E. University of Southern Mississippi. Right: DONALD S. SCHWARTZ, B. S. , Texas Cluistian University.
ToP Lefr: CHARLES R. DIKE, Department Head, 3. A. , Louisiana Tech. Top Right: MRS. BEVERLY J. SMITH, L. S. IJ. N. O. , Girls' Physical Education and Jr. High English. Center Left: MRS. MARY SUE EDWARDS, B. A., M. A., Southeastern Louisiana University, Girls' Physical Ed. Center: MR. LARRY
F. RAMBIS, 3. A., M. Ed., Tulane University, Boys' P. E. and Health. Cenrer Right: MRS. LINDA A. TREVINO, B. A. , Southeastern Louisi ana University, Girls' P. E. Center:
ROBERT FLETTRICH, P. E. Assistant. Bottom Right: RONALD POQUETTE, B. S. , Wisconsin Univ.
Now children, Fr. me back my
What do you mean I've been suspended?
Wheri you said you were developing Miss Apri1, I never dreamed it was the one for the m agazine.
What did you call ffi€, boy?
What do you mean I've done the problem the wrong way?
I don't think I could ever take Mr. Walsh's place.
And to think, I'm supposed to have the advanced class.
Yes, life among the hippies is coming along fine.
I left Country Day for this! Those books on your reading list are sure something.
STANDING from left - Rev. John B. Austin, Albert J. Wolf, Jr., Dr. Frank A. Riddick, Jr., Davis Lee Jahncke, William A. Kimble, Hons A. B. Jonassen, Philip E. James, Clifford F. Favrot , James M. Burlingarrre , Ellsworth O. Van S1ate.
MISSING from picture: Brooke H. Duncan, II, Rufus C. Harris, Mrs. C. Manly Horton, John M. McCollam, Rev. Hugh C. McKee, Gray D. Ivlorrisonrll, Murphy ir4oss, Very Rev. Richard W. Rowland, Rev. Thomas N. F. Shaw, Dan M. White. Right: The Right Reverend Ivenson B. Noland.
Seated from left: RAy STEVENSVice- Pres. , DR. HURST HATCH, Pres. , Standing from left: pHILIp JAMES, Sec., ROBERT COOK, Trea. Left Center: MOTHER'S CLUB oFFICERS, Seated from left: MRS. WM. KIMBLE, Vice- pres. , MRS. JOHN RUSCH, Pres., Standing from left: MRS. ROYCE SISTRUNK, TTea., MRS. JACK M. GORDON, Sec., HEAVENLY DAYS, Right Cenrer
Middle Picture: Secretary -
KATHY SMITH, Vice-President -
JOSEPH DURHAM, Treasurer -
SALLY PETTIT, President -
- that first traurxatic day in Kindergarten for some of us ( especially J. C. ) ?
- waterfights with syringes in 7th grade?
- Mrs. Thruber's final exams?
- the kiss of knighthood from Hilda Smith?
r Lisa demonstrating the insertion of a contact lens with a piece of paper?
- when Jamie blew up the Chemistry Lab in Bth grade?
- paper airplane wars in Mr. Rhymes' science class?
- spitballs stuck to the clock and Gary's "helpful" efforts to get them off?
- what a gteat otganizer and matchmaker Mls. West was?
- the additional boys from Barthe we solicited for the Freshman Dance who stood around and watched the band?
- instant romance and sleeping in luggage racks on the way to Dog Island?
- George, the Tom Slick of Continental trailways?
- dissecting crayfish and then having them for dinner that night?
- how Mrs. Hetherwick always managed to ruin the endings of all the books we read?
- the great mystery of the airstrip and the girl in the red bandana on the Island?
r Peter receiving the Grand Cabbage Award from Mr. Van Horn?
- how much the boys liked and the girls hated McGehee girls in 9th and 10th grade?
- the under-the-tree-for-1unch-bunch?
r StM at C&D every TGIF?
finding pine needles in your car for weeks after the Green Sale?
the Campus unrest that developed from the seethrough uniforms?
JUNIORS SHOOT THE MOON! making stars, and more stars, and more stars? the TKO dating service? bouncing grits in the c afeteria? the car showroom we made out of the parking lot? Calhoun and her animal imitations? the great loss to the StM football line when Calhoun left ?
Wi11y finally breaking the pole vault record?
r Powder puff? Rest in Peace
- the rumble at Eileen's house?
- the shock and scandal produced by the advent of a certain attractive and liberal anthropology teacher?
- Homecoming breakfasts at the Melius?
- Bud's, Jack's, Burger King, and The Raven?
r Pellerin's annual slumber parties?
- Sth4 - 20, Newman - L4! ! !
- our "heIpful" counselor managing to lose goo/o of our applications?
- what a fiasco our raids at Laco,mb were?
- coach Rarnbis's introduction to cherry, Melinda, and Louise at 2:00 A. M. ?
- the ultimate experience of Walden pond?
- ruril cakes, fiestas, and Mrs. Anglade's am azing transform ation?
- ball bouncing, jump rope, and bowling in gym?
- the lines that got cut from our christmas skit?
- what a smashing sensation our skit still was?
- you be awright?
- celebrate ... celebrat€ dance to the music
r Mrs. Porterts lectures on nutm eg?
- " are you a turtle?"
- what a feeling it was to skip out for lunch and not get c aught?
r Sweet Peter Jesus?
- sub-Debs, Lese, and the trauma of finding a d,ate?
- skinny ankles?
- rleandering down the hal1s to Geology?
- the arsonists in Senior English?
- Deeding gas masks after 1st period chemistry?
- how shocked Mr. Edmonson was when he opened his door expecring to find all boys rhere?
- Gary's rather peculiar purchase at Buras?
- using bourbon instead of Gatorade at the girls basketball game?
- back to nature at Lacomb?
- running battles with girls gym teachers?
- the traumas and tragedies of our Senior year?
- the fight with the Seniors over the hom band?
- your friends at StM?
" A little heart is worth a lotta height. "
SHIELD Staff: Activities Editor 4; Dramatics 3; Acolyte 1-; Art 1; Typing 4; Teacher Aide 4; Intramurals 2 r3; Spirit Club 4; Sewing L.
" A rare compound of oddity, frolic, and fun who relishes in a joke and rejoices in a pun. "
N. E D. T. Score 970/o 2; Varsity FootbaLl 3 14; Basketball Manager 3; Homecoming Dance Escort 4; Halo Reportet 4.
"No man ever injured his eyesight by looking on the bright side of things. "
Class Officer: Treasurer 2; Jr. Varsity Basketb all 2i Varsity Basketball 3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairm an 4; Spanish Club 2; Prom Committee 3; Christmas Program 4.
"A little ray of sunshine, a little bit of soul. "
Perfect Attendance 1; Dramatics 3,4; Altar Guild 3; Library Aide 3; Art Aide 3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairm an 4; Spanish Club 2; Spirit Club 4; Powder Rrff Football 3; Prom Committee 3.
StM '68- '71 FLOTTD THOMAS BERNARD, JR. 'Tommy" WHITE BALLARD "Pammy""The football field isn't the only place in life where a man needs a good line. "
N.E.D.T. Score 960/o 112; Honor Roll !12; Athletic Honor Award 2 r3; Student Council: Representative 2, President 4; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2 rB ,4; A11 District F ootball 3; A11 Riverside Football 3; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1,2; Varsity Basketball 3,4; A11 Riverside BasketbalT 2,3; Ch.orus 1,2; Layreader 2; Chapel Program 4; Assembiy Program 4; Lower School Library Aide 1; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; GoIf Team 1,2 r3 14; All Riverside Golf 2,3; Jr. High Ideal L; Lower School Playground Aide 2.
" Politeness is to do and say the kindest thing in the kindest way. "
Perfect Anendance 1,2; Chorus 4; Library Aide 1, 2; Lower School Library Aide 1; Typing 1; Spanish Club 2; P. E. Aide 3; Powder Puff Football 3.
stM'58-'7J. GARY HYDER BREWSTER " Goo - Brew" CATHERINE ANN BOTT " CathY""I am curious to see what will be the next thing I do. "
N. E. D. T. Score 96ulo -J,; SHIELD Staff: Activities Editor 4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Modern Danc e CIub 2; Christmas Program 2, 3; Office Aide 3; Art Aid e 2; Spirit Club 4; Powder fuff Football 3; Prom Committee Chairman 3; Homecoming Game Cheerlead er 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2,3; Intramurals 2, 3
"What's the use of worrying? It never was worthwhile. Just pack ,p your troubles in your ole kit brg, and smile, smile, smile ! "
Cheerleader 7, 2, 3, 4i Jr. Varsity Cheerleader J.; Homecoming Court 3,4; Homecoming Queen 4; SHIELD Staff: Assistant Advertising Editor 4; Layeader 1; Acolyte 1; Altar Guild 3; Sewing 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 2,3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairm an 4; Office Aid e 2, 4; T eacher Aide 2; Future Nurses Club 1; Kindergarten Aide 2; HALO Staff: Girls' Sports Editot 4.
Art 3; Sewing 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Office Aide 2,3; P. E. Aide 3; Art Aide2t Lower School Teacher Aid e 2; Spirit Club 4; Lower School Art Aide 2; Powder Puff Football 3.
"She is gentle that doth gentle do. "
N. E. D. T. Score 96010 t,2; Honor RoIl L,2,3i Dramatics 2, 3; Art 4; Typing 1; Office Aide2i LYRE Staff: Copy Editor 4; Christ Church Tutorin g 4.
"I have made mistakes, but I have never made the mistake of claiming that I never made one. ""Nette"
"A big book is a big nuisance. "
Class Officer: Vice- President 1, Secretary 2,3; Perfect Attend anc e 2; Jr . V arsity Footb all 1; V arsity FootbaLl 4; Jr. Varsity Basketb all t,2i Varsity Basketball 3,4; Homecoming Dance Escort 4; SHIELD Staff: Sports Editor 4; Chorus 4; Concert Choir 4; Typing 1; Golf Team L,2; HALO Staff: Circulation Manager 3,4.
"The glass of fashion, and the mould of form, The observed of a 11 observers "
Perfect Attendance 1, 2,3; Chorus t,2,3; Art 4i Office Aide 3,4; P. E. Aide 3; HALO Reporter L.
KATHRYN MEHL CIMINI "Mehl" StM '6L-'71 ROBERT TAYLOE COOK, JR. "Ty" alias "Tayloe""A minute of thought is worth an hour of talk. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-finalist 4; N. E. D. T. Scor e 990/o 1,2; Highest Class Aver age 2; Scholastic
Honor Award: English, F'rench, Biology, Social Studies L, 2, 3; Honor Roll 1-, 2 , 3, 4; Perfect Attend ance 3; Chorus 1,,2,3; Chapel Program 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Chapel Ensemble 3; LYRE Staff: Co- Editor 3, Editor- in- Chi ef 4; HALO Report et B , 4;
HALO Staff: Copy Editor 4; National Honor Society 4.
JOHN CORDER ttJ. C. tt"Men in general are but great childrerr. "
N. E. D. T. Scor e 99ofo 1,, 960/o 2; Junior Varsity Football 1; Junior Varsity Basketb aLL 1,2; Varsiry Basketball 3,4; Typing 1,,2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Golf \,2,3,4.
"If silence is golden, I'm dead broke. "
"Richard "
"Men of few words are the best men. "
"Is it so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun, to have lived light in the spring, to have loved, to have thought, to have done? "
N. E. D. T. Score g60lo 2; SHIELD Stafft Activities Editor 4; Chorus 2r3; Dramatics 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3 14; Art Aide 2; Prom Committee 3; Powder Puff Football o
"Nothing puzzLes me more than time and space, and yet no thing puzzles me 1ess, for I never think about them. "
Varsity Football Manager 4; Track 4; Chorus 2,4; Cross Country 3 ,4.
PAUL T. DCCAMP, JR. " Pauly Poo" alias " Spaceman" Stlvl '68 - 'T l_ PATRICIA IO*INE DRAUCH 'Tricia""I sought my soul, But my soul I could not see. I sought my God, But my God eluded me. I sought my brother, and I found all thre€. "
Honor RoII 3; Athletic Honor Award 3; National Honor Society 4; Class Officer: Vice-Presid ent 4; Varsity F ootball 3 ,4i Varsity Basketball 3; Track 3 ,4; State Track 3; Homecoming Dance Escort 4; SHIELD Staff: Boys' Sports Editor 4; Cross Country 4; Riverside Track 3 ,4; Latin Award 3; National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation 3; National Honor Society 4.
"I can resist everything except temptation. "
Jr. V arsity Football 1 ; Jr. V arsity Basketb aLL L, 2; Track 1,,2,3; Art L,2; Russian Club 3,4; German Club 2.
"It is always best to speak the truth, unless, of course, you happen to be an exceptionally good liar. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-finalist 4; Scholastic Honor Award: Honorable Mention, Spanish 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 4; Louisi ana Girls' State Alternate 4; SHIELD Staff: Favorites Editor 4; Dramatics 2; Assembly ProEam 4; Typing 4; Sewing 1; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Modetlt rDsnce Club 2,3; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairm an 4; Christmas Program 3; Intramurals 1,3; Intramurals Winner 4; Spirit Club 4; Discipline CoInmittee 4; Powder Puff Football 3; LYRE Staff: Publicity Editor 3; FIALO Reporter 4; Christ Church Tutoring 4; N. E. D. T. Score ggo/o \r2.
stM '67 -',71_ CHARLES ALLEN FAVROT "Capt. Newt""My only boola were women's looks and folly's all they've taught me. "
class officer: sergeant- at- Arm s 2; perfect Attendance 2,3; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 3,4; Basketball M anager 2; Acolyte 7; Typing 2; Soccer 3, 4,
"If a man does not keep p ace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. "
N. E. D. T. Score 2,3; Honor Roll 2; Dramatics 2,3,4i Dramatics Board 2,3,4; Concert Choir 3; Chapel Program 3, 4; Assembly Progr am 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Christmas Program 3; Creative Writing 2,3,4; Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff: Writing Staff 2,3,4, Assistant Editor 4; HALO Reporter 4-
"I never let my schooling interfere with my education. "
Varsity Footb all 2, 4i Jr. Varsity Basketb all 2; Varsity Basketball 3; Track 2,3; State Track 3; Track \fianager 2; Homecoming Game Eseort 3; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Track Riverside 3.
"It is easy to be pleasant when life flows by like a song, but the man worthwhile is one who will smile when everything goes wrong. "
Dramatics 3,4; Sewing 1-; Office Aid e 3,4; Spanish C1ub 3; Intramur als 2; Intramurals Winner 2; Kindergarten Aid e 2; LYRE Staff: Writer, Typist 3; Christ Church Tutorin g 4.
" Why should the Devil have all the fun?"
National Merit Scholarship Semi-finalist 4; Homecoming Game Escort 4; Soccer 3 ,4; Discipline Committee 4; Assembly Committee 4;
"Beware! I m ay yet be famous! "
"Somedry, a very special kind of love will call you to someone who will mean more to you than anyone else in the wor1d. "
N. E. D. T. Score 99olo 1,, 970/o 2; Scholastic Honor
Award: English Award 1; Honor Roll L,2,3;
SHIELD Staff: Organizations Editor 4; Art 1,3; Typing 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3,4; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4; Spirit Club 4; Graduation Committee 4; Kindergarten Aide 3; HALO Reporter 3; Christ Church Tutoring 4; National Honor Society 4.
" An appearance of delicacy and even of fragility is almost essential to beauty, "
SHIELD Staff: Art Editor 4; Chorus 1; Art 3,4; Typing 4; Modern Dance Club 1,2; Christmas hogram 112r3,4; Teacher Aide 2; Swimming 1; Intramurals 1,2 r8 ,4; Intramurals Winner 2 14; hom Committee 3; Powder Puff Football 3; Art Aide 3; Kindergarten Aide 2.
STM '59-'7L LOUISE HARRJS " Louise""
"Wise men are not always silent, but know when to be. tt
N. E. D. T. Score ggo/o 1",2; SHIELD Staff: Classes Editor 4; Art 1, 3; Sewing 2; Art Aide 3; Christ Church Tutoring 4; National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation 4.
" Willie "
" A11 you rea1ly need is heart. "
Athletic Honor Award 2; Student Council Represerltative 2, 3; Class Officet: President L; Perfect Attendance 3; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2,3, 4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1; Varsity Basketball 2,3,4; Track 3, 4; Track Manager 1,2; Homecoming Dance Escort 4; SHIELD Staff: Processing Coordinator 4; Chorus 1; Typing4; Honorable Mention, A11 District Basketball 3; Track Riverside 3; Lower Schoo1 Playground Aide 3; HALO Staff: Assistant Boys' Sports Editor 3, Boys' Sports Editor 4.
"He is a gentleman because his nature is kind ahd affable to every creature "
Perfect Attendance 1,2, 3; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Football Manager 3,4; Homecoming Crown Bearer 3,4; Acolyte 1; Art 1; Photogaphy CIub 2,3; Soccer 3, 4.
"I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and watch it for hours. "
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1; Chorus 1,2; TypinB7.; Spanish Club 2; Golf T eam 2.
TOMMY HIGGINS "Tommy" _ StM '68-'71 ALAN McKIM HOLTZMAN, JR. "Kim""You cannot dream yourself into character, you must drive and putt yourself. "
Varsity Football 3; Jr. Varsity Basketball 2; Photography Club 4; Golf Team 2,3,4; State Golf
" I never put off 'til tomorrow what I can possibly do the day after. "
N. E. D. T. 960/o 3 ; Varsity Football 3 ,4 ; Jr. Varsity Basketb all 2; Varsity Basketball 3 ,4; Track 2l Photography Club 2; Honorable Mention Latin III 3.
stM '58-'71
" They love him , gentlemen, and they respect him , not only for himself but for his character, for his integrity, and judgment and iron wiIl. "
N. E. D. T. Score 96010 1,2; Athletic Honor Award 1; National Honor Soci ety 3 ,4; Louisiana Boys' State Representative 4l Student Council: Representative L 12r3, Vice-President 4; Class Officer: President 2 ,4; Jr. Varsity Football. 1 ; Varsity FootbaLl 2 ,3 ,4; Jr. Varsity Basketb all 1",2; Track L12r3; State Track 2; Homecoming Escort 3 14; Chorus 213,4; Lower School Library Aide 1; Typing 1; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Cross Country 3 ,4; Track Riverside 1 ,2 r3, Gustaf R Westfe.ldt Aw ard 2.
" Pickles" alias " Wilt"
" Born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world is mad. "
Perfect Attend ance 2; SHIELD Assistant 3; SHIELD Staff: Girls' Sports Editor 4; Library Aide 3; Art 3; Typing 4; Sewing !,2; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairm an 4; Christmas Program L,2 ,3 , 4; Teacher Aide 3; Volleyball Team 4t Gir1s' Basketball Team ! 12; P" E. Aide 3 ,4; One Team Award 2 ,3; Intramurals ! 12 ,3 ,4; Intramurals Winner 2 14; hom Committee 3; Powder Puff Football 3; Spirit Club 3; Co-Chairman of Christmas hogram 4.
"Be silent and safe - silence never betrays you! "
Perfect Attendance 3; Photography CIub 4.
" Big Phil "
"A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart. "
Class Officer: Secretary-Treasurer l-; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 3; Football M anager 4; Basketball Manager 2,3,4; Homecoming Dance Escort 4; SHIELD Staff: Processing Coordinator 4; Chorus 1,2 ; Concert Choir L,2; Chapel Frogram 4i Assembly hogram 4; Library Aide 1,2; Speech 4.
"There is no great genius without at least one tinctureof madness..."
N. E. D. T. Score 930/o; Honor Roll 3; Art 4; Honorable Mention, Latin 4; Runner-up, Bell Telephone Chemistry Award 3; LYRE Staff 4.
"Full of mischief, wit, and glee as any human form can be. "
Ctass Officer: Sergeant-ot-Arms 2; Varsity Football
2,3,4i Honorable Mention, A11 District Football 3; Jr. Varsity Basketb all2; Varsity Basketbatrl 3,A;Track
3,4; Homecoming Dance Escort 4.
WILLIAM KEITH MAXSON " Keith" StM '68-'71- MICHAEL McCLUNG "Mike"" Everything succeeds with people of sweet and cheerful disposition. "
Scholastic Honor Award: Algebr a 7; Cheerleader 3,4; Homecoming Game Cheerleader 3; Homecoming Court 4; Chorus 1,2; Acolyte 1,2; Altar Guild 3; Library Aide2; Homecoming Dance Committee 3,4i Christmas Program 3,4; Office Aide 2,3,4; Speech 4; Swimming L,2; P. E. Aide 3,4; One Team Award 2; Intramurals 2,3; Prqm Committee Chairman 3; Powder Puff Football 3; Future Nurses 1; HALO Reporter 2,3,4.
"He admits that there are two sides to every question r his own and the wrong side. " National. Merit Scholarship Semi-finalist 4; N. E. D. T. Score ggo/o 2; Honor Roll 3; LYRE Staff: Circulation Staff 3; National Honor Sociery 4.
"Her heart, like the mootr, is always changing; but there's always a man in it. "
"O tell me pretty maiden , ate there any more at home like you?"
Louisiana Girls' State Alternate 4; Homecoming Court 4; Chorus 112 r3: Dramatics 4; Concert Choir 1,2 r3; Assembly Committee Chairman 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairm an 4; Christmas Program
1,2,3; Volleyball Team 2,3 ,4; Powder Puff Football 3; Biology Aide 2; Spirit CIub 4; Prom Committee Chairman 3; LYRE Staff: Writer 4; HALO Staff: Assistant Fashion Editor 3 , Fashion Editor 4.
"Hard work makes a man grow old; let me stay young forever. "
" I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul .I hope. "
N. E. D. T. Score L-960f0, 2-960/o; Track 2 ,3 ,4; State Track 3; SHIELD Staff: Head Photographer 3, Photographer 4; Typing 4; Physical Science CIub 2; Photography Club 2 ,3; Language Lab Aide t12; Cross Country 3 14; Track Riverside 3; HALO Staff: Photographer 4.
"There are few things that never go out of style, and a feminine woman is one of them. "
N. E. D. T. Score 1; Cheerleader 3,4; Homecoming Court 3,4; Chorus 2; Altar Guild 3; Office Aid e 2,4; Volleyball Team 4; Badminton Team 3; Intramurals 2,3,4; Intramurals Winner 4.
"If there were two birds sitting on a fence, he would bet you which would fly first. "
Perfect Attend ance 2i Chorus L,2; Typin1\; Soccer 3; Homecoming Game Escort 4.
SHERMAN JOHN MULLER " Shoiman" StM '67 - '71 LOUISE GRISHAM NORMANN "Magnol.ia""Don't take life too seriously - you'11 never get out alive ! "
Chorus 2; Dramatics 3,4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2,3,4; Ctuisunas hogram 3,4; Office Aide 3,4; Creative Writing L, 3; Intramurals 2,3,4; Powder Pr-rff Football 3; hom Committee 3; LYRE Staff, Writer 3; HALO Reporter 3; Christ Church Tutoring4.
"Women are, beyond all doubt, the mothers of mischief. "
SHIELD Staff: Faculty Editor 4; Art 1, 3; Sewing 2; Christmas Program 1,3, 4; Intramurals L ,2,3,4; Art Award L; Powder Plrff Football 3; Art Aide 3; hom Committee 3.
"Happiness is the only good, the time to be hapPy is now, the place to be hapPy is here, the way to be happy is to make others so. "
Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2,3i lt. Varsity Basketball 1; Chorus 1; Lower School Library Aide !; Typing 1; Golf Team 1,2,3,4i Soccer 3,4; Junior State Golf 3; Lower School Playground Aid e 2.
"I've looked at life from both sides now. From win and lose, but still somehow, it's life illusions I recall. I really don't know life at all. "
N. E. D. T. Score ggo/o 7, 970/o 2, Honor Roll 2; Student Council: Representative 2,3, Committee Chairman 3; Cheerlead er 2,3,4i Homecoming Game Cheerleader 2,4; Athletic Council 3; Homecoming Court 3; Chorus 1,2,3,4i Chapel Pro gtam 4; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairm an 4; Office Aide 3,4; Inuamurals 2,3; Intramurals Winner 3; Prom Committee Chairman 3.
StM '63-'7L MIKE PERSIA III "Mike" JULIE MAE PELLERIN "Julie Mae""I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it llow. "
N. E. D. T. Score 9610 1 ,2; Honor RoII t ,2 ,3; Homecoming Court 4; SHIELD Staff: Assistant Copy Transcfiber 2, Copy Transcriber 3, Senior Editor 4; Chorus 113; Libr.ary Aide 2 r3; Typing 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Homecoming Dance General Chairman 4; Office Aide 4; Christmas Program 3,4; Chapel Singers 3; VolleYbaLL 2; Badminton Team 3; Spirit Club 4; Prom Committee Chairman 3; Powder Puff 3; Assembly Committee 4; HALO Typist 2,3,4.
"The greatest happiness of life is being loved for yourself. "
N. E. D. T . 96ofo ! 12; Scholastic Honor Award: Citizenship Award
1; National Honor Society 3,4; Vice-Presid ent 4; Louisiana Gir1s' State Representative 4; Student Council: Representative 2,3,4, Committee Chairm an 314; Class Officer: Treasurer 3,4; Perfect Attendance 1; SHIELD Assistant 2; SHIELD Staff: Editor-in-chief
4, Copy Editor 3; Art 1,4; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 7,21314; Christmas Program 3; Office Aide 2,3,4; Teacher Aide 4; P. E. Aide
1; Intramurals L,2,3; Spirit Club 4; Powder Puff 3; Art Aide 4; Prom Committee 3; Kindergarten Aide 2.
StM '58-'7L"Therets no need to discuss or understand me. I won't ask of myself to become something e1se, I'11 just be me. "
SHIELD Staff: Photo Custodian 2, Assistant Adv€rtising Manager 3 , Advertising Manag er 4; Chorus 1; Dramatics 3; Office Aide 1,2; Speech 4; Badminton Team 1; Christ Church Tutoring 1r214.
"A mants mind is the man himself. "Chorus 4; Dramatics 3; Art 2; Christmas Program 2 13; Music Aide 4; Soccer 3 14; Soccer A1l-Star. LISA SCRANTON POSEY " Sandwich"
" Genius musu be born, it never can be taught. "
National lvlerit semi-finalist 4; N. E. D. T. Score ggolo 112; Honor Rol1 L 12 14; Perfect Attendance 1; Jr. Varsity Basketb aLL 1- ,2; Varsity Swimming
1 ,2 rB ,4; State Swimming 3; Honorable lvlention: Biology 1, Spanish I2, Chemistry 3; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Mathmatics and Science Award 3.
"Give me the liberty to know, to believe, and to utter freely. "
Varsity Football 3 ,4; Jr. Varsity Basketb aLL 2; Homecoming Escort 4; Prom Commimee 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
stM '68-'7J. ROBERT ALF'RED SCHIMEK, JR '' Bobby" " Gramps""When you've said a gentleman, you've said it all. "
Honor RolI 1,2,3,4i Athletic Honor Award 2,3; National Honor Society 3,4; Louisiana Boys' State A1ternate 4; _student Council: Representative, Committee Chairm an 4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2,3,4; A11 Disuict FootbaLl 4; Track 4i Typing 3; French Club 1,2,3,41 Swimming 1; Powder Puff Football Coach 3.
"I'11 take the Bible as my guide until something better comes along. "
N. E. D. T. Score 960lo 2; D. A. R. American History Award 3; Typing 2,3,4; National Honor Society 4.
StM '68-'71 MICHAEL ROYCE SISTRUNK"God gave me life and friends, my heart grows in love. "
N. E. D. T. Score 970/o L,2; Spanish Award 1, Honorable Mention2,S; English Honorable Mention2 American History Honorable Mention 3; Athletic Award 2; National Honor Society 3,4; Louisiana Girls' State Alternate 4; Student Council Representative 1,3,4; Service Committee Chairm an 4i Class Secretary 4; Athletic Council 1,2,3; SHIELD Layout and Copy Editor 4; Chapel Progr am 4; Art L, 3; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2,3,4i Speech 4; Volleyball L,2,3, 4; Volleyball Captain 2; Girls' Basketball 2; Intramurals 1, 2,3,4i Powder Puff 3; Spirit Committee 4; Art Aid e 2; Prom Committee 3.
"Ask me if I care. "
N. E. D. T. Score 960lo L,2; Homecoming Game Escort 3; Typing2; Russian Club 4; Swimming 1,2,3i Varsity Swimming?,S; Swimming City 2.
"One of the best things a man can have up his sleeve is a funny bone. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi- finalist 4; N. E. D. T. Score ggo/o 1,,2; Honor RolI 1,2,3,4; Louisi ana Boys' State Alternate 3; Student Council Representative t; Perfect Attendanc e 1,,2; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Jr. Varsity Basketball L; Track 1; Homecoming Game
Ebcort 3,4; SHIELD Staff: Photographer 4; Acolyte 1; Typing t,2,3,4; Homecoming Dance Committee
Chairm an 4; Cluistmas Program 1; PhotoEaphy Club 'J.,2,3; Varsity Swimming 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 3; Swimming City 2,3; Swimming State 2,3; Soccer 3; Varsity Swimming Captain 3; Religion Award l-; Loren Brooks Award 1,2; LYRE Staff: Circulation Editor 3, 4; HALO Staff: Photogr apher 1, 2, 3, 4.
"Full of fun and mischief, too; likes doing things she shouldn't do ! "
N. E. D. T. Score ggolo 3,4; Class Officer: Treasurer 1; Chorus 1; Swimming 1; One Team Award L; Tennis Team 1; LYRE Staff: Writer 4.
"Dodie " StM '58-'68, '70-'71 PETER MALEY STEDMAN " Pete ""Everyman must get to heaven in his own way. "
Scholastic Honor Award; Spanish 3; National Honor Society 2,3,4i Typing 1; Spanish Club 2,3.
"It's nice to be natural when you're naturally nice. "
Sewing 2,4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Spanish Club 4; Service Club 4; Creative Stitchery B; LYR.E Staff: Publicity, Typing 4; HALO Typisr 4; Christ Church Tutorin g 3, 4.
"A true friend is the best possession. "
Class Officer: Secretary 1; Art l.; Typing 4; Modern Dance Club L,2,3; Christmas Progam 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4i Powder Puff 3; hom Committee 3.
"I'11 take my outstretched hand and offer it to anyone who comes along and tells me he's in need of love, in need of hope, or m aybe just a friend. "
Perfect Attendance 1; Cheerleader 4; Homecoming Court 4; SHIELD Staff: Activities Photo Coordinator
4; Chorus 1,2; Acolyte L,2; Altar Guild, 3; Library Aide 1; Sewing 1; Christmas Program 3,4; Office Aide 2,3,4i Speech 4; Volleyball Team 7,2,3,4; Volleyball Captain 3; P. E. Aide ,L,2,3,4i One Team Award 1,2,3,41 Intramurals Z,-Sr po*aer puiifootball
3; Future Nurses 1; Prom Committee Chairman 3; Kindergarten Aide 3; HALO Typist 4; HALO Reporter 2,3,4.
StM '58-'71 MARGA*EI YOUNG TAYLoR 'Peggy ""Genius is the gold of the mind; talent is the miner who worla and brings it out. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi- finalist 4; N. E. D. T. Score g9o/o tr?i Highest Class Average trZr3; National Honor Society 213r4, hesident 4; Vice-President 3; louisiana Girls' State Representative 4; Scholastic Honor Award: Bell Telephone Science Award2, Science Award 3; Student Council Representative tr2r314z Secrettry 3, Treasurer 4; Class hesident 3; Alternate Cheerleader 2,4; Homecoming Game Ctreerleader 2, 3r 4i Athletic Council 1,2; SHIELD Staff: Business Manager 3,4; Layreader 3,4; Art 1; National Conference of Chiistians and Jews 4; Homecominq Dance Committee Chairman 3r4; Christmas hogr-am 7r2,3r4; Office Aide 2,3, 4; Service Club 4; Teacher Aide 4; Volleyball Team 2,3,4; Girls' Basketball 2,3; Badminton Team 1r2,3,4; Intramurals Lr2r3r4; Spirit Club President 4; Powder tuff Football 3; hep Quiz Bowl Alternale 3; HALO Typist 3; HALO Reporter 3,4; Christ Ctrurch Tutoring\,2.
"Margi "
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others c&Dnot keep it from themselves. "
Chorus 3r 4t Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Office Aide 3; Spanish CIub 3; Intramurals 3r 4.
stM '69-'71 WENDY MICHAL WOLF ilwrilOh, Mike, we're gonna have so much fun at LSU next year.
Yuk, Yuk, If they think they're gonna get a payraise, they're ctazyt
I finally see the
Wendy bolws another one! Julie and her Funky Act! Look Jaime, I can touch the ceiling too ! Birdie, Birdie in the sky Uh Oh; It's time for Allma MauddaI knew I'd get stuck with the queen of spades.
Wi& friends like these who needs enemies.
If only I could get to my spinach I could break these ropes and save O1ive OiI.
It's not them I'm worried about, tinding the booze , it's the chaperones.
Ho, ho, ho, think I better go ..
I 've heard of short skirts, but that 's ridiculous !
I wonder whose lock I ended up with this week?
I'm proud to say aLI 72 are going
If I get knocked down one more time ..
Uh, Bev, I hate to say this but
What do you mean - take my foot off your head ? !
Can you guess which one is really a 32 year old housewtfe?
Anthropology - Bummah, Bummah !Why, before my Mark
course, I looked just like you Charlie!
C'rron Coider, stop showin off your big feet.
Wonder Bread asl<s, do you want to be? "
"How big
My bumps are better than my grinds !
My girdle is killing me !
Whad d'ya say about the tnrs. ? !
But dearest r /ou don't look like a Yale man.
But I really did make a 100 on my geology test!
Mickey Mouse or Captain America?
Well what DO you do when you need more toilet tissue?
If art is that much fun ?
Boys, /ou really ought to consider taking anthropology next year.
If you call me Mrs. Smith one morgtimec..
Just think, next yeil we won't have to ride the bus !
Only 798 days till graduation
Top: Presid,en,t- Bill Ba,ll
Bottom: Off ic er s - Burb ur u
Gor€, e hip Garrord, Fulv ey Fo x
Rachel Burla
Lucina C able
Chris Carpenter
Lynden Clay
Lyle Coward
Anita Creamer
Kevin Cummiskey
Roger Dannenberg
Stephen Davis
Edward DeMartini
Douglas Dunbar
Dolf Dunn
Roger Durham
Aubrey Durr
Charles Engel
Rebecca Llewellyn
Kevin Moss
Susan Itieg
Jaclyn Leonhard
Katherine Leslie
William McFarland
Peggy Montgomery
Claudia Moore
Kenneth Nelson
Wendy Newlin
Jeffrey Nichols
M aryl Patterson
Melissa Perrett
Sandra Platter
Allen Rader
William Rellstab
Rigby Robinson
And if I am elected Student Council President, I promise a bottle in every locker !
Sorry Coach, I keep tripping over these darn sweat pants!
Just think - all I need is a few more and I can teach math !
If you don't quit tickling me .
Maybe one duy I'11 get into show biz!
If you make one rrore crack about my dandruff
We like S. T. M. !
Brian Ball
Keith Bourgeois
Rebecca Brannan
James Bryant
Harry Burglass
Cameron Carraway
Enrique Carvajal
Stuart Chappell
Frank Clark
Carol Cox
Deborah Crawford
Kyle Curtis
Diana Davis
Leslie Ann Davis
Diane Deane
Robert Dickerson
Gregory Dupuy
Elizabeth Edrington
Robert Ellis
Dale Evans
Louise Favrot
Les1ie Fleming
Emily Frosr
Karen Gaupp
Eugene Gibert
Robert Gonzales
Elisabeth Grafstrorn
Bryan Guice
Miller Guice
Nash Hair
Janet Hamrick
Michael Harlan
Clinton Harper
Douglas Harris
Jayme Harris
Susan Held
Rebecca Holw adal
Blair Johnson
Kenneth Larkin
Mariee Laudumiey
Randolph Marchmont
Richard M ayer
John McKey
Penelope Miles
Maria MizeLL
Michael Nesbitt
Karey Nolan
Robert Norm ann
Charles Lee Griff Lee III Michaele Liles Ann Lindsey Monique M abeyC arol Oster
Bruce Parkerson
Sarah Pedrick
Leslie Peterson
Mark Peterson
Hunter Phillips
Roger Phillips
Thomas Robbins
James Robinson
Martha Robinson
F-Lizabeth Romaine
Iames Rusch
Iaclaon Scheinuk III
Barry Sims
Carolyn Smith
Margaret Stainback
Robert Streeck
Barbara Swayne
Steven Threefoot
Julie Trinchard
Nope, gueSS again!
WHAT did you say Mrs. Haight put in that lunch?
Up up and away !
Which one am I, Wait, 1et me check my tag !
What do you mean there's no such team as Huber's Helmets?
Can't you ever do anything right?
ELizabeth Campbell
Julie Carter
Andree Chastant
Stuart Clay
Kirnberly Cotter
Barbara Danos
Rebecca Denton
Ann Fleetwood
Scott Fowler
Margaret Ann Berg leffrey Bloodwell Albert Bossier Karen Brandt Crichton Brown Avery Burglass C assandra C aloLaurie Frank
John Garcelon
Glenn Giles
Rebecca Gould
Monica Grafstrom
Ca rolyn Harper
Lisa Harrington
Sally Harris
Dirk Henson
Jeffery Hohnquist
Buel Humphreys
Diane Ingolia
John Green Vlichael HaikGregory Keller
Kevin Kiser
Judy Lattie
Lester Lautenschla eger
Thomas LeTard
Patricia Llewellyn
Pamela Macy
Alexis Martin
Andrew Mathieson
Richard Matthews
Carter McDowell
Susan McF arland
William McGuire
Scott McQuaig
Melissa Morere
C ecil Morgan
John Morgan
Lyn Moore
Carl Mullican
Carolyn Palmer
Lee Peterson
Mark Peyronnin
John Poitevent
Wallace Porter
Lucy Anna Ray
Sarah Richards
Helen Roberts
Jan Rydstrom
Edward Scheinuk
Heidi Schorling
Margaret Schwegmann
J ames Senter
Ruth Silvernail
T erry Sistrunk
Nan Smythe
Kristen Speer
Glenn Stokes
Leslie Streeck
Renee Summers
Todd Trenchard
Andre Touzet
John Vallas
No wonder they're always at their lockers !
Mama never told rne 'bout books like this !
Do you think ultra Brite could help marry these girls off?
Like sister-like sister.
Now if I could only get past five words a tninute.
Another Tony Porter?The L971 SHIELD Staff gratefully dedicates this portion of the SHIELD to a person whose warm smile andfourteen years of sincere service has m e a n t so much to the students of St. \4artin's.
Anne Atkinson
Heather Banton
MR. DEAN L. ROBINS, B. A. , Louisiana State University in New Orleans
Leslie Cohen
Suzann Derby
Lance Fitzpatrick
Catana Brown
Sar ah Bruce
Tracy Mitchell
Paul Newman
Gary Oelsner
Pauick Oosterhuis
C alvin Perrillou
Holly Hamilton
I aye Dee Ingerman
Richard Jaclaon
Mary Kay C arl
Kend all C arr aw ay
Brian Rourke
Shawn Sistrunk
Elizabeth Smart
Ann Stephens
Frank Toye
Bertrand Wilson
Anne Griffis
E1len Harris
David Hoffman
Russell Holwadel
Ne11 Koch
Brian }vlcCracken
Ciel1e Mu1ler
Charles Reily
Louise Rosenzweig
Robinson Snider
ilizabeth Stuart
Kim Timmreck
Eric Wyatt
Robert Ayerst C atherine Babin Thomas Brannon Deborah C ampbell James Cook Christopher Fox MISS ELSIE D. SHILLING, B. S. , Wilson Teachers College; Tulane University Georges Hines Kent KleinRobbie Davis
Victoria Fleetwood
Gary Freibaum
John Holland
Brian Huber
David Humphreys
Cheryl Johnson
Myron Lindsey
John McCollam
Rachel McCracken
Virginla Mioton
Sharon Morere
Mtchael Nicoladis
Mary Normann
Rb Reeves
Emily Romaine
Robert Sims
Deborah Blaylock
Christian Brown
Tatiana Carvajal
Kathy Edrington
James Garcelon
Kathryn Gordon
Brian Grove
Allison Hartwell
Charlene Hill
Gwendolyn Holinquist
Dwight HumphreYs
Bernard Jacobs
Thomas Larkin
Michael Lasky
Elizabeth lr4artin
David lr,{ayer
B. A., Central Washington College; Tulane University; Loyola University; St. Mary's Dominican College
Janis Askew
John Bamforth
Elizabeth Bower
Sherralyn Davis
Deborah Ferrante
Michael Fleetwood
Catherine Fraser
Tarnara Graham
Sherri Ann Hammatt
Daniel Jackson
Carolyn Klein
Beth Lasky
Christopher Mackenzie
Tracy McCollum
William Mitchell
Richard Pettit
Sarah Reich
Patrick Robirson
David Roush
Catherine Shemwell
John Simon
Loren Sonfield
Sarah Super
Kathleen Voss
Calvin Walters
A.8., Mary Baldwin; M. Ed., Goucher College; Tulane University; Loyola University.
Carolyn Ashby
Clarke Atkinson
Christopher Benbow
Lucile Bott
Angela Campbell
Daniel Coco
Kelly Conatser
Rae Douglass
Marti Hair
GiGi Heiman
Danielle Juzan
Darolyn Lambert
Michelle Luck
Christopher Mclntire
Lauren Oelsner
Elinor Peterson
Paul Peyronnin
Ginny Phillips
Nancy Rusch
Michael Sears
Charlotte Shaffer
Catherine Shultz
Buck Stainback
Claire Stephens
Anne trVashington
Arthur Wisdom
Nancy Meyer
Frederick Miller
Nancy Newman
C onstantine Nicoladis
Sherri Rambis
Stuart Scibetta
Caroline Senter
Braddock Stuart
Kim Sutker
Michelle Wagner
Gregory Watson
Paige Brown
Bren Boyd
Jennifer Douglass
Lac ey Fitzpatrick
Russell Freibaum
Christopher Garrett
Stacy Grove
Leonard Huber
Terren Klein
Joseph Mabey
Ebzabeth Mayer
Laura Babin
Judy Becker
Hartley Clay
Catherine Cosby
William F errante
Jaime F'leming
Jack Gordon
Lori Hendler
Michael Holland
Eric Holtzman
Jay Jaeger
Gretchen Kemp
Nancy Kilgore
Peggy King
Jack Koch
Amy Magee
Randy Matthews
Virginia McFadden
Blake Morgan
Anna Olinde
David Pailet
Nancy Romaine
Amy Sandridge
Stephen Seymour
Leesa Shlenker
Richard Troth
Robert Williams
MRS. ELTZABETH ANN H. WALKER B. S. , North Texas State UniversityMissy Benbow
Ruff Blaylock
Nan Boyd
Chip Campbell
Johanna Clark
Robert Coleman
Tracy Conatser
C arol Davis
Lee Duncan
John Dunlap
Thadd Garrett
Ron Johnson
Mary Klinger
Elena Lange
Enga Lokey
Stuart McDowell
Melinda McNair
John Miller
Anne Paterson
Elisabeth Pettit
Michael Pinter
Andrew Poirrier
Elizabeth Saunders
Debra Scott
Lauren Shultz
William Smart
Eric Toft
Roy Cairns
Erin Callahan
Cynthia Campbell
Ricardo Carvajal
Claudia C oles
Sallie Ann Davis
Mary Kay
David Hammatt
Patrick Hennessey
Lynn Hickrnan
Bryan Ingerman
Lorri James
Priscilla Kemp
EL:,zabeth ' Krem entz
Thomas Loop
Catherine Mackenzie
Kay Miller
Robert Mitchell
Martin Muller
Laura Prutzman
Laurie Rolling
Linda Schaller
John Serice
Ron Shemwell
Drew Story
Kelley Williams
B. A. , Agnes Scott College
Robin Bankston
Julie Banta
Mary Susan
Marilyn Calo
Scott Cosby
Barbara Delchamps
Heather Duncan
John Eblen
David Ferante
Charlotte Harrington
Christopher Huber
George Janvier
Anne- Sere Klein
Alan Lange
Dirk Mateer
Nancy Mayer
Elizabeth Miles
Eric Mitchell
Tea Morgan
Fred Olinde
Yolan Pinter
Robert Rader
Nora Super
Alair Swann
Steven Wulff
Lisa Bastien
Susan Bowers
Paul Brierre
Wesley Byrne
Carolyn Caro
Mark Crawford
Virginia Davrs
John Harringron
Laurie Herron
Darleen Hill
Emily Jahncke
Steven Klein
Allison Lewis
Iohn Luck
Anne McKibbon
Patrick Porter
Arnesto Rodrig uez
Parker Roy
William Schultz
Thomas Smart
Diane Troth
Alexandrea Weis
Amy Wells
Leslie West
Karen Wulffraat
Alice Atkinson
Dane Blaylock
Eve Boasberg
George Bott
ELizabeth Campbell
Anne Dunlap
Mary Emlet
Leonard Gordon
leffrey Gormanous
B1air Holwadel
Ashley Jaclaon
Jeffrey Jaeger
Philip James
Hans Jonassen
David Oelsner
Elizabeth Sayre
Clay Shemwell
Andrea Turnbough
Catherine Walters
Anton Zanl<t
Nan Alltmont
Daniel Bencel
Katherine Benbow
John Burlingarre
John Durharr
Katherine Eblen
Robin Flettrich
Stephanle George
Ashley Goodwill
James Hair
David Hammett
Thomas Huber
Keppler Laudeman
Douglas McCollam
Duncan lvlcCord
Sarah Owens
Devan Pailet
Lauren Sullivan
Kristin Webb
This yeff the Student Council has been involved in many outstanding projects in conjugation with the general purpose as stated in the preamble of the constitution of the Student Council. A bigbrother- sister Orientation pro gram, followed by Homecoming, food for deserving poverty families during Christmas and participating in the GREATM NEW ORLEANS ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT COUNCILS, are some of the programs instigated by the Student Council.
Secretary: K athy Smith
Vice- hesident: Sal1y Pettit
Sponsor: Fr. Austin
Sergeant-at- arms: Robert Swayne
President: Wendy Wolf
The National Honor Society is an honorary organization composed of those sophomores, juniors, and seniors rvho display outstanding achievements in the areas of scholarship , lead ership , character , and service. Under the guidance of Fr. Austin and Officers Wendy Wolf , Sa1ly Pettit, Kathy Smith, and Robert Srvayne, membership was extended to fifteen students this year.
Top: Juniors: Thomas Lipscomb, Karen Hansen, Simon Ward. lvlissing: Cindy Treen Middle: Seniors: top rorv Robert McMichael, Alan Schoenberger, Robert Srvayne, Carson Llervellln , Michael Sistrunk, Joseph Durham; bottom row - Kathryne Creamer, Wendy Wolf, Katherine Smith, Sally Pettit Mis from picture: Louise Harris
Bottom: Kathy Smith
LEft: REPRESENTATIVES: TOP: Sally Pettit, C arson Llewellyn; Bottom: JoeI Durham, Wendy Wolf; Below: ALTERNATES: T
Row: Mike Sisuunh Peter Stedfl'rsn; center Row: Gretchen Melinda Mil1er; Bottom Row: thy Smith
For one week in August, over 1, 000 boys and girls from the entire state met at the L. S. IJ. campus for a rigorous prosam designed to give the students a first hand experience in government on the city, parish, and state levels. This year, Joey Durham and C arson Llewellyn were deLegates to Boys' State, Sally Pettit and Wendy Wolf to Girls' State. C arson was a member of the House of Representatives, Sally was on the School Board, and Joey and Wendy were bottr judges. Wendy *as also elected to the State Office of Custodian of Voting Machines.
Top: SENIOR HIGH CHAPEL COMMITTEE: Charles Harris, Kathy Smith, Sandy Ward, Leigh Danos, Wright Eavenson, Julie Pe1lerin, Lisa Posey, Philip Martin, Jamie Leonhard. Left: ALTAR GUILD: Mrs. Van Meter (Sponsor), Becky Llewellyn, Liz Horton , Lindsay E1lis.
Top: ADVANCED PLACEMENT, 4th Row: Joey Durham, Mike Sistrunk, Peter Stedman; 3rd Row: Steele Haile, Mike McClung, Mike Kantor, Robert McMichael; 2nd Row: Kathryn Creamer, Louise Hamis, Cherry Phillips, Gretchen E1lis, Cindy Haynes; l-st Row: Jeannette Caspers, Sally Pettit, wendy wo1f, Kathy Smith. Bortom: NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARS, Front Row: JoeI Durham, Peter Stedman, John Halsey, Wendy Wolf, Bobby Schimek, Cindy Haynes; Back Row: Robert McMichael, Gretchen E11is, Kathryn Creamer. Right: SPONSOR: Andrew Edmonson.
Praise God in His sanctury;
Praise Him in the firmament of His Power.
haise Him for mighty acts;
haise Him deseending to His abundant greatness.
Praise Him with the blast of the horn, Fraise Him with the psaltery and harp.
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
Praise Him with the loud-sounding cymbals;
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord.
Psalm 150
Top Left: Sponsor: Mr. Edmonson, Editor: Katherine Creamer, Assistant Editors: Rene Chastant, (missing) Ashton Fisher, Bottom Left: Copy Editors: Jeanette Caspers, Donna Cox, Art Editor: Mike McClung, Art Staff: Anita Cteamer, Lynn McGuire, (missing) Stephanie Samples.
Top Left: Typing editor - Carol Touzet
Top Middle: Circulation ediror - Adee
Heebe Top Right: Circularion sraffMark Ellenwood, Missing - Robert Eng1e
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WoIf, Donna Cox; Bottom: P. E. AIDES: Carole Touzet, Janet Welch, Margie Nelson, Allyson Askew, Cindy Phillips, Leslie Patterson.
Top: SEMOR HIGH LOWER SCHOOL AIDES: Wendy Wolf, Sally Pettit, Becky Llewellyn, Margaret Hunter; Bottolrr: JUMOR HIGH LO\,VER SCHOOL AIDES: Donna \,Vest, Patty Williams, Barbara Srr,ayne, Martha Robinson.
Top: Leslie Peterson, Christie Speer, Lindsay Ellis, Lynn Watkins, Lee Peterson, Kathy Owens, Mary Hazard, Iois Watkins.
Bottom: HOMECOMING CHEERLEADERS: Linda Kimble, Bliss Bultman, Wendy Wolf , Julie Pellerin, Leslie Holtzman, CorY Sullivan, Donna Cox.
The Saints opened the l-970 football season with a disappointing los to the Vlandevill Skippers. Tlie Saints received the ooeriihs kickoff and drove down to^ the <) Mandevill four yard Iine. Monty Burlingame did the honors and crashed in to score on the fouryard burst. The following conver6ion failed. After receivins the Saints kickoff, Mandeville'-opened its scoring on a 47 yard run by halfback "Sammy Sims. Thelr two point conversion was good.
In the second quarter, the Saints fought their way down ro the lvlandeville one-foot line. On a debatable caII, Bill Ball's dive up the middle was ruled no good, and the Skippers gained possEsion of the ball bh their own bne-yard line. On the very next plal, Mand'eville back blnny htr6mpson raced 99 yards for a touchdown. Their conversion attempt failed, The scoring ended in the fourth quarter on a Tour yard run by Sams of Mandeville. The Saints played a spirited game, but were ab,rcLted 2o'-O by tfie po*"r- ful Skippers.
Recovering from their opening game loss to Mandevill, the mighty Saints smashed the Country Day " Daisies" 20-0. Three lorlg scoring plays put, the Saints' points up on the board. Late in the first-quarter, swift Joey Durham outran the Countr| Day defense on his way to i AA yafi touchdown run to get the Saints' first points. The 6onversion attempt for 2 points failed.
Tha powerful Saints scored again on a 57 yafi screen pass from Gary Brewster to Vlonty Burlingame, capping a 79 yafi drive. A key block by Benton Gay sent the fleet Burlingame on his way. Burlingame also ran in the coilversion fbr two more points.
A fake punt by the " Daisies" failed and St. Martin's regained possession on the Country Day 42. The second play from scrimm a1e, Gary Brewster uncorked a 36 yard aerial to Kei*r Maxson, who sprinted. for a touchdown. The conversion attempt failed.
The tough Saint's defense did not a11ow tfie " Daisies" a first down in the second half and only one in the entire game. The Saints ground out 11? yards rushing anf tossed for 95 more, netting 2!2 yards total offense.
JOEY DURHAM Halfback BENTON GAY GuardThe tough Saints added another victory to their record in beating McDonough 3 5 by a score of 20-G at Behrman Stadium.
McDonough 35 surprised the Saints by posting a 6-0 lead early in the second quarter. The Saints were quick to rally and knotted the score at 6-G on a 5 yard burst by Monty Burlingame. The half eirded wittr the store tied at 6-6.
St. N4artin's carne back in the second half and played spirited balI. The sainti drove down to IvfcDonough's one yard line. Bill Ball got the nod and crashed in to put the Saints ahead 12-6. Monty Burlingame ran in the conversion to up the score 14-6.
The Saints clinched the vicrory when Keith Ma:cson srabbed a 29 yard pass from Gary Brewster for the final touchdown in the last quarter.
In smashing McDonough, the Saints proved that they c5uld fight back when losing. J
St. Martin's won their first district game played by edeinq past the Buras Wildcats 14-8. Quarterb'ack Gur"y"Brewster and halfback Joey Durham Ied the Saints to victory by scoring a touchdown apiece.
The Saints struci< filst in th"e openinq period after Benton Gay recovered a blocked punt d6dp in the Wildcats' territory.
The Saints' score came when Joey Durham crashed over the goalline from six yards out. The conversion attempt failed.
Buras managed to put some points on the board before half-tirie with a 13 yard touchdown pass that.capped a 70 yard drive. The tow poilt cofiverrron was succeisful and Buras Ied at half-time B -6.
The third quarter was a defensive battle, &s most of the game was. Neither club was able to score in the third period.
The turning point of the game ossurred in the fourth quarter"when Mike Siftrunk crashed through the Buras line and nailed the Buras runner in the endzone for a safety. This knotted the score at B-B fi:lf"ile the saints the momentum that they
After an exchange of punts, the_saints fought 70 yards down to thE Buras one yard line. Gary Brewster, sneaked across the goal line behind the powerful blocking of the Sainl's offensive 1ine. The conver$on failed", leaving the score at 14-8.
The major credit for the Saints' hard-fought victory goes to the stout defense, who held the strong Buras offensive machine to only one touchclown.
TOM SANDzuDGE Tackle MIKE SISTRUNK CenterSt. Martin's Saints, having beaten Buas the previous week were stunned by u tie with the Ben Franklin Falcons.
The Saints steadilv ran uo and down the field on off6nse, dut only scored once. Bill Ball blasted in for the Saint's only points of the evening, making the score 6 -0.
St. Martin's drove within the Falconts twenty yard line four times, but stalled and failed to score.
The Saint defense held the Falcons for the whole gaffi€, eXcept on one drive in ttre fourth quarter when the Falcons managed to sustain a drive and score. ftis knotted the talIy at 6-6 and ended the scoring for the qame.
The Saints marched up and down the field on offense followins
---o Bill Ball and.. Ioey Durham, but were able to score but six points.
St. Martin's was overpowered by the Sam Barthe Hornets 32-0 in the Saints third district game. Barthe's massive offensive -attack proved to be the Saint's downfall as the Hornets netted 381 yards total offense.
The Saints fought dauntlessly in the first quartel, aflowing l Barthe no points. Barthe, hbwever, rallied 24 0f their 32 poinrs in the second quarter, despife several outstanding defensive efforts by Saints.
The second half was a much more evenly fought ball game. The Hornetl werE held sc''oreles in the third quarter and were allowed but one touchdown in the final period.
Bill Ball turned in an outstanding effort for the Saintsr offense, while Mike Sistrunk anchored the defense and gave Barthe runnem much trouble.
At this point, the Saints were l--J.-L in district play.
Aroused bv a smashine defeat at the hands of ttre Sam Harthe Hornets, the St. Martin's Saints celebrated homecoming by literaIly crushing the St. John Chargers in a 40-6 romp. The Saints capitalized on the long scoring play several times.
St. Johnts lone score came in the third quarter on a 43 yard touchdown. The rest of the game was all for the Saints.
Bill Ball started the scoring spree for the Saints on the fourth play of the game when he crashed through the middle and raced 49 yards for a touchdown. The Second quarter's scoring consisted of two Saint touchdowns. Gary Brewster broke loose for a 33 yard touchdown jaunt. Keith Maxson added the finishing touch for the first half by breaking several tackles and racing for another 33 yafi touchdown on an end-&rou[d.
Gary Brewster crossed the goal line again in the third quarter, this time on a 65 yard long sc&Irlper to set the score at 28-6. The final period saw Ball crash over from [he one yard line for his second score of the gaffre. Richie Rusch scored his firsl touchdown of th e year on a 43 yard sprint, endine the Saints' scoring contest. The S"aints offense qround out 395 yards on the groundand 1? in the air.
The Saints offense was by no means the only decisive factor in the galne. The stout St. Martin's defeise crushed the Charqer's offense complelely, alloiving but one score. Defensive stalwarts for the Saints included Mike Sistrunk, Philip Hatch, Carson Llewellyn, Mike Kantor, and David Hesse.
The Vandebilt Terriers of Houma led by quarterback Fritz Rau, outpowered the S aints 33- 14.
St. Martin's surprised the favored Terriers when Garv Brewster hit Keith Maxson on a 6 y?rg pa's.s foI ,.h" first score of the game, giving the Saints a 6-0 edge.
The mighty Saints deferue held Vandebilt on the ensuinq series and req'ained possession of the bali. A Saint's fflmble was scooped up by a Terrier who raced 66 yards for a touchdown, putting Vandy ahead 'l-6.
Not giving up,Bill Ball literally ran over 3 defenders on his way to a 42 yafi touchdown jaunt. The conversion pass from Garv Brewster to Wi1lie Hatch shoved th'e saints in front , L4-7. Vandebilt came back late in the second period on a 21, yard scoring pass by outstanding euarterback Fritz Rau. In the final lTlolnentS of the same guarter, Rau again connected for a 10 yard score, putting the Terriers ahead , 20-14,
The Saints were again plagued by Rau in the second half as he led the Terriers to two more touchdowrrs, ending the game with Vandy ahead, 33 -14-.
The Saint defense put up an excellent effort, being Ied by Wi1lie Hatch, David Hesse, Carson Llewellyn, and Foster Duncan. Hatch and Hesse intercepted several key passes, stalling Vandebilt t.J orlves.
Bill Ball led the Saints offense, grinding out BB yards against the overpowering Vindebilt defensel
TOM SCHNEIDER Center JOHN SHOBER HalfbackSt. Martin's ended the 1,970 football season on a grand note by smothering the Newman Greeni es 20-L4,
Bill Ball and Gary Brewster led the mighty Saint offense as they overpowered the " strong" Newman defense.
After holding Newffran following the opening kick-off , ttie saints wasted no iirne in scoring. On the second play, Bill Ball romped through a huge hole in the line for a 79 yard touchdown. -Wi11ie Hatch grabbed a pass from Gary Brewster for the 2 point conversion.
Recovery of a Newtnan fumble put the Saints deep in Newman's territory,- Ball again ran over the Greenie's defense, this time for a two yard score, giving the Saints a L4-0 lead.
Newman, no pushover, came back late in the first quarter for a one yard touchdown. Newm an again managed to squeeze by the touqh Saint defense with 2 minutes left in the firsi half for another one yard score, knotting the score at 74-L4.
The seeond half of the game was all for the Saints, a Newman was held scoreless. Newman had the ball for only one series of plays in ttre third quarter as th6 Saint offense'colitrolled the game. Gary Brewster scored the winning touchdown by dashing in from the five ya?O line. The 'saints now Led 20-14.
Willie Hatch saved the game with a timely interception, stopping a Ndwman drive late iir the tourth quarter.
The Saint offense then proceeded to drive down to the Newman six yhrd line and, with 46 seconds teft in the game, let the clock run out. The score wals set at 20-1"4, the Saints having beaten Newman for the first time in seven years.
Philip Hatch and lvlike Sistrunk were the defensive stalwarts for the Saints.
BILL BALL Halfback KEVIN CUMMISKEY CenterThe 1970-71 Saints started the season in fine fashion by winning two tournarlents i n December. They defeated tough St. Bernard to gain the Riverside Championship for the second year in a row and they rvon the Port Sulphur Holiday Invitational. Their December record..was L2 wins and 3 losses. Disffict play started in January and the team got off to a bad start by iosing their first two district games. Howevet, theycame back strong by winning the next three district games. In both efforts agairst arch-rival. Newman; however, the team played exceptionally well losing the first in overtime and losing the second by one point. If they had played as well against the other district opponentsr they would have gotten into the state play-offs.
I would like to thank co-captains Phil Hatch (ail district honorable mention) and Gary Brewster (a11 district 2nd team) for their fine efforts this season. Also thanks go to seniors Mike Kantor, John Corder, Ty Cook, and Keith Maxon. These boys had a 79-12 win-loss record this year and a 23-79 record their junior year giving them a 42 win and 2! loss record for their varsity careers. This is a fine record, one to be proud of . . Congratulations boys.
St. Paul 's Invitational
Jesuit Invitational
St. Martin 's Invitational
Vandebilt, Newman, and St. Martin's @ STM
Reserve Invitational
\Vestside Relays
Southeastern Relays
Freshm&rl- Sophornore Riverside League
Varsity Riverside League
Private School Meet
E. D. White Invitational
District 64'4' Meet
Regional Meet
State AA Meet
1st Row: From Left: Debbie Johnson, Allyson Askew, Janet Welch, Louise Becker; Znd Row: Rigby Robirrson, Stacy DeMartini, Cory Sullivan; 3rd Row: Susan Krieg , Wendy Schulz, Mary Sue Edwards (coach), Sally West.
1,4 AND UNDER, 1st Row: From Left: Adair Pedrick, Linda \vilson, Kay Kemp ; Znd Row: Sudie Senrer, Liz Horton, Kathy Owers, Allyson Askew; Srd Row: Diane Massimini, Kay Robinison, Debbie Johnson, Carol Humphreys, Stacy DeMartini. 72 AND UNDER, 1st Row: Patsy Llewellyn, Meg Stainback, Carolyn Palmer;2nd Row: Nan Smythe, Kristy Speer, Diane Ingolia; 3rd Row: Linda Alfonish (coach), Lee Peterson, Carol Cox, Carol Horn.
How many times oh Lord, how times?
How many times have I told your /ou can't make touchdowns at a soccer game? !
Oh, let the sunshine
Today the bookstore, tomorrow the world!
It has come to our attention that certain students are abusing the dress privileges . I didn't know we'd have THIS in education !
Stephen, we knew your hair was getting long, but this is ridiculous !
BEAUTIFICA TION C OMMITT EE, Top: Back Row: Kevin Moss, Diane Massimini , Debbie Johnson; F ront Row: Raylene Nolan, Mary Kay Robinson, Kirk Moore , G errit Kroesen. Right: Sponsor: Mr. Berard
I just can't wait to show off my new bikini.
nut why can't Margaret come - what have you done to her?
frhat was that coactri off ttre tel
What do you mean I can't fit into the swing.
I finally came down to everyo else's level.
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