~~This is our Alma Mater-
Forever it will remain -
We'll be faithful -
We're proud to claim her name -
No matter where e're life's cares may drive us- -
Her teachings will be there to guide us -
Long live our dear St. Martin's that We cherish and we love."
As I contemplate my departure from St. Martin's after twenty-four years, I am drawn to reflect upon the image and the stature the school has come to merit over this period of time. A reaction frequently expressed by visiting alumni is utter amazement at the ongoing growth of campus and school facilities. A school's image, however, transcends brick and mortar. Its worth and stature are developed and nurtured by the school community comprised of people, including students, faculty and staff, parents, trustees, and alumni - all motivated by common purposes and aspirations.
Your headmaster has been blessed with a school community that has indeed been enviable. The spirit, enthusiasm and progress displayed by the overwhelming majority of the students year after year has served as a constant inspiration. The high standards established and maintained by a core of dedicated faculty and staff has come to merit great respect and appreciation, not only by our school community but by the greater New Orleans community as well. The constant support of parents and alumni accounts in great measure for St. Martin's growth and strength while unfailing responsiveness and responsibility on the part of the trustees have kept the school on its upward course throughout this first quarter century of its history.
As I turn the reins over to my successor I am completely confident that St. Martin's will continue to move toward greatness as an educational institution completely dedicated to the guidance of and service to its students.
Ellsworth O. Van SlateYou have added an extra dimension to our education, Mr. Van; one not found in a classroom; an education in 3 "P's": Procedure, Protocol, and People. These lessons will always be with us along with the many cherished memories you have helped us to create.
Our successors wi ll sense the void created by your absence when you retire, but we must all move on. This is shown by our forthcoming graduation, too. And so, Mr. Van Slate, because of your enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, and gracious helping hand, we the Class of 1975, dedicate to you our SHIELD with much gratitude and sincere appreciation for what you have done for us.
LEFT-RIGHT, SITTING: Mr. James M. Burlingame, The Rev. Hugh C. McKee, Mrs. W. Elliott Laudeman III, Mr. Murphy Moss ( Pres ident), The Rt. Rev. Iveson B. Noland, Mrs. Samuel G. Robinson, Mrs. Eric R. Phillpott
LEFT-RIGHT, STANDING: Dr. R. Royce Sistrunk, Mr. Waldemar S. Nelson, Dr. Robert T. Cook, Mr. Alb ert J. Wolf, Mr. Hans A. B. Jonassen, Mr. Benjamin Temple Brown, Dr. Frank A. Riddick, Jr. , Mr. Ellsworth O. Van Slate, Mr. W. Wilber Pope
ABSENT FROM PICTURE: Mr. Ralph M. Garrard, Mr. Philip A. Grove, Mr. Rufus C. Harris, The Rev. John S. Jenkins, Mr. John M .. McCollam, Mr. Gray D. Morrison II, Mr. David R. Normann, Mr. Robert L. Pettit, Jr., Mr. William B. Wisdom, Jr., Mr. Joseph]. Falgout. Mr. Philip E. James, Sr.
JOHN G. RILEY, Lower School Principal; Cert. Ed.; Leeds University, England; Associate of Royal College of Music; London , England
DONALD SCHWARTZ, Dean of t he Midd l e School; Social Studies; B. S , Texas Christian University; McNeese State University; Washington University, M. S . Ed. , Tulane University
ROBERT CAIRNS, Assistant Headmaster, B. A. , Southern Methodist University
J ANE SC HMIDIT, Secre tary to th e Assistant He admast e r
FRANKIE YEARGAIN, Dir ec tor of Student Activities
ELSIE PHILLPOTT, Se cr e tar y to th e Hea dma s t e r
ROBERT HILL, Schoo l Comptro ll e r and Business Manag e r
REGINALD GONZA LE S, U S.A ., CWO-3 ( Re t ) , Maint e nanc e Sup e rint e ndent
OUIDA MULLER, College Advisor, B.S., University of Southern Mississippi; M S. Ed. , Indiana University
NORMA McLOUGHLIN, R. N., School Nurse
DOT STENGEL, Secretary to the Lower School Principal
BETTY BANKSTON, Assistant to the Registrar
JERRY WILLI AMS, Assistant in the Bookstore
KA TH LEEN KEMP, Permanent Substitute
BESSIE TISDALE, Bookstore Manager
VIRGINIA CLEMENTS, Assistant to th e Director of Deve lopm e nt
PHYLLIS WITTSELL, Dir ecto r o f Deve l o pment
FAY ATK INSON , Ass i st ant in the Low e r School Librar y and Pe rman e nt Substitute for Low e r School
BENTZ POTT HARST , Lower School Reading; Univ e rsit y of New Orl ea ns
ALICE HAIGHT, Di e titian
SHIRLEY RILEY, Kinderganen Aide
CLAIRE PFEFFER, Kindergarten Aide
JANET RUSSO, Lower Sc h oo l Free Pla y Supervisor
MITCHELL BERARD, French Depanment Head; B. A. , University of Southwestern Louisiana; C. D. F.; University of Tennessee ; Tulane University; Universite de Bordeaux; Universite de Rennes; Universiti Ca tholique
DOUGLAS HUDSON, French, B.A., M. Ed. , University, Tulane University
FRANK MARTINEZ, Spanish A. A. , Miami-Dade Community College; B. A. , University of Florida; Memphis State University
FREDERIC DARANT, French, Lower School, Ecole St. Jean, Limoges, France; Ecole Pigier; Ecole Leveque
PEDRO PEREZ, Spanish, B. A. , Southeaste rn Louisiana University; University of New Orleans, Loyola University; Tulane University
HARRIET BURKS, Department Head, B, A, , University of Wyoming; M.A. , University of Southwestern Louisiana; Tulane University
RANDOLPH BA TES, B. A. , University of Missouri; M .A , Tulane University
MARION DARBY, B. A. , M.A. , University of New Orleans; Tulane University
CHARLOTTE MATHES, B. A , Emory University; M. Ed. , University of New Orleans; Florida State University
JUDITH WYLIE, B. A. , Shimer College
HI LDA LOBENSTEIN, B. A. , Mississippi State College For Women; St. Mary ' s Dominican College
ELIZABETH SUMNER , B.A. , Lake Forest College; M A. , Northeastern University
TOP-BOTTOM, LEFT-RIGHT: DOROTHY PORTER, Depanment Head, B. S. , Louisiana State University; M.A. , Geogrey Peabody College for Teachers; Pennsylvania State University: Tulane University; Amherst Colleg e
WILLIAM ROSENBAUM, B. S., Louisiana State University; M. Ed., Loyola University
M. DREUX VAN HORN II, B.A., J.D., Tulane University; M. E., University of Southern Mississippi; Loyola University; Fullbright Seminar in Iran
ANTHONY PORTER, B. A., Southwestern Louisiana University; Northwestern State University of Louisiana
DONALD McNABB, A.B., University of Georgia; M.A., Tulane University
LYNN BOLLES , B. S., Southeastern Louisiana Univ e rsity
ELEANOR B. GOHEEN, B S., University of Pe nn sy l vania; State T e ach ers Co ll ege ( Pa.); Pennsylvania Stat e University; Temple Univ e rsity; University of New Or l ea ns ; Tulan e University; Loyo l a Unive rsit y
O TIS M AC JERNI GAN , B. S., Southern Methodist University; M. Th. , Perkins School of Th eo log y; So uth e rn Methodist Univ ersity; University of New Orl ea ns
MYRTH S. LEE, B.S ., Nort hw este rn State University o f Louis i ana; Unive rsity of Virginia; Univ e rsity of Hawaii; Tulan e Uni versity; M. S. T. M.; Loyola Univ e rsi t y
BARBARA H SAIK, B.A., Tulane University; Loyola University
JAM ES W. LAT HAM , Departm e nt Hea d; A. B , M.A. T. , Tulan e Unive rsity
LARRY F. RAMB IS, Department Head; B. A. , !vi. Ed. , Tulane University
ROBERT). CARROLL , B.S., Unive rsity of New Orleans
LINDA A. TREVINO, B.A., M.A., Southeastern Louisiana University
BEYERL Y A. SMITH, B. A. , University of New Orleans; Tulane
CHARLES DIKE, B. A. , Louisiana Poltechnic Institute; Tulane Unive rsity; Southeastern University
MARY SUE EDWARDS, B.A., M.A., Southweastern Louisiana University
IV A MAE WEST, Biology, B. S.; University of Illinois; Yale University; Tulane ; University of Colorado; Loyola University
HAROLD GRAF, Chemistry, Physics; Department Head; B.A., Mississippi College; M.Ed.; University of North Carolina; M.S., M.Ed.; Loyola University; Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies; Brown University; University of Southwestern New Mexico
AL TREVINO, Middle School Sci e nce, Social Studies, Coach, B. A. , Southeastern Louisiana University; University of New Orleans; Loyola University
BELLE JOHNSON, Middle School Science, B. S. , Tulane Univ e rsity; Newcomb College; Loyola Unive rsity
KATHRYN CH AST ANT, Geology, Earth Science, B. S. , Louisiana State Univ e rsity; Southwestern University (Texas); University of Michigan; Tulane University; University of New Or l eans; Loyola Univ e rsity
CAROLYN BOONE, Upper School Art, B.F.A., Newcomb College; M.A.T., Tulane University; Women's College of the University of North Carolina
SHIRLEY TIMMRECK, Middle School Art, Clay; Newcomb College; St. Mary's Dominican College
BARBARA FITZPATRICK, Lower School Art, B. F. A. , Southern Methodist University
ALMA RUTH FERGUSON, Librarian, B. S. , Louisiana State University: M. Ed. , University of New Orleans; George Peabody College for Teachers
JEAN PARMELEE, Typing, B. A , University of New Orleans; M. Ed. , Loyola University
BETTY BOURGEOIS, Assistant in Library
GAY JORDY, Lower School Librarian, B. A., University of New Orleans; Loyola University
ROBERT MARTIN, Middle School An, Crafts, B. A. , University of New Or l eans; University of Massachusetts
LILLI VAN SLATE, Reading, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
SELET A LLE WELLYN, Assistant in Library
ALICE BOWMAN, Lower School Music, B. M. , Louisiana State University
JANETH HUBER, Assistant in Library
JOE WALSH, Music, Depanment Head, B. A., Baylor University; M.A. T., Tulane University; M. S. M, New Or l eans Baptist Theological Seminary
LOIS OSTROLENK, Music, B. S. , Temple University; Rutgers University; University of New Orleans; Curtis Institute of Music
The St. Martin's Mother's Club does many things for the school each year. They hold a new mothers' tea for the new STM mothers each year. The STM Dad's Club also does many things for the school each year one of them being the Athletic Awards Day Program and Dinner. The Mother's Club is also responsible for Heavenly Days held this year on April 17 and 18.
above right
The REVEREND JERRY D. OTWELL - Chaplain, A.B., Arkansas College; M. Div. , Columbia Theological Seminary above left
The REVEREND CRAIG R. WYLIE - Cha plain, A B. , Shimer College; M. Div., Seabury Western Theological Seminary
below right
The REVEREND MARSHALL O. JAMES - Director, Religious Program, B. S. , Furman Univ.;
M. S. , Louisiana State Univ.;
B. A. and M.A. , Oxford Univ.;
M. Div., General Theological Seminary; M. Ed. , Mississippi College
Being the largest class in the history of St. Manins !
Mr. Van's short speech at Camp Atakapa
All the nose jobs
Crushes on Dr. Arnett
Sam Barthe boys in Florida
Playing Canterbury Tales in Mrs. Darby's class
"It's a grand 6th grade, It's a high flying grade."
Brian Ball's 4th grade swimming parties
Playing Mary Worth in the bathroom
Soap Balls
The bottle of scope in Mrs. Stevens' desk
Bruce Parkerson's Christmas Wreaths in the 3rd grade
Mr. Rhymes confiscation of girl's purses
Parading in Halloween costumes in Kindergarten and then again in 12th grade
Boys putting the girls in garbage cans
Diane Deane breaking her l eg in 7th grade
Miss Minerva
Patrick Medlock
Water Whistles
Randy eating clams in 7th grade
Our undefeated J. V.
Our beautiful sundial Diets!
Our famous "tug-boat" dance
Selling the most greens in S T. M.
Fr. Warton's sex lessons
The ring luncheon at the Roosevelt
The crab boil at the lakefront
Maggie Moore's parties and "Snatch"
Mr. Porter's economic and U.S. history classes
Putting Sophomores on Homecoming Court
The Possum Club and the House of Joy
Our great Varsity football team
Football injuries
BRUNO'S Going "out to lunch"
Thursday night· s out
The unused Senior Patio
"Flush the johns" "Newman is dynamite - dynamite blows"
South Sea Islands and the volcano
DUMB! ... 0 . Ded, man ...
"You only go around once in life. " Schlitz
Brian Try it - You' 11 like it Touchdowns clogs Super Ball Twin's Part y . . . Arkansas
The world is a beautiful place to be born into if you don't mind a touch of h e ll now and then. ferlinghetti
Ziggy Blondes Lark Gotta catch a beer . . . Lunch breaks
Tak e your tim e , think a lot think about eve rything you've got For you' 11 still be h e re tomorrow But your dreams may not.
Well, I'm a common working man with half a bitt e r-br ea d and jam and if it pl eases me, I'll put one on yo u man wh e n the copper fades away. The rain y season comes to pass th e day-glo pirat e sinks at last and if I laugh e d a bit too fast we ll, it was up to m e.
Ian Anderson Cat StevensEat 4 Karat e A l ove for music and a hate for we ez l es hai yame hi, Ed '70-
We should endeavor to do something so that we may say that we have not lived in vain, that we may leave some impress of ourselves on the sands of time.
Clancy . . . "take it easy" . . . Bottomless pit Yellow fevers Doldt Teehee hee
It was Greek to me
Late to class . . . Bug eyes . . . Chocolate . . . Fingernails
And in th e sweetness of friendship let there be laught e r, and a sharing of pleasur es Kahil Gibran
Godspell . . . the farm . . . 4th year Fr e nch with Mr. Hudson
A boy i s youngest when h e thinks hims elf a man. Mary Re
Socc e r tricks on Mr. Hudson
There are places I'll remember all my life though some have changed. Some forever not for better. Some have gone and some remain. All these places had their moments with lovers and friends I still can recall. Some are d e ad and some are living. In my life, I've loved them all.
her bug her sarcasm gym shorts
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.
her laugh her constant study i ng
A night of good drinking is worth a year's thinking.
Sudie . . . Tchefuncta . . . Bruno's . . Broken legs Broken windows WOW! Fire extinguishers Caboose Lounge Beer
Drinkin, Hell Raiser WOW!
Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence.
Rum . . . h er perfume . her clothes individuality
'74-'75 JAMES EUGENE BRYANT ''Jimmy'' Samuel Cotton MARCELINE DuMOULIN BROWN ''Marcy'' Edgar Allen PoeKeep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you.
Prep quiz bowl asking stupid questions
Howee soccer
The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend.
007 soft ball spying
Remember, things are not always as they seem.
Hey, did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world soccer chit
Many times I've lied many times I've listened many times I've wondered how much there is to know.
Cahill . . . the spit . . . Stick it . . . Woody Allen Morgus '73-
''Kon Kon''
Never start anything you can't finish.
Debbie Driving
Love spends his all, and still ha th store.
Weldon . . . Homecoming '74 . . . Spirit .
''Frank'' '72-'75
Your outlook on life is bound to be brighter from behind a smile
swimming . . . Always embarrassed . . . Tulane
Don't compromise yourself, you· ve all you got.
Picayune . . . Southern belle sarcastic wit . Ole Miss Rebels
Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.
The Blue Bullet daschunds her bumper sticker art
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations you are not in this world to live up to mine, you are you and I am I If by some chance we find each other, It's beautiful.
Daaavis . . . Griping . . . Waveland Smile, Metal mouth Mt. Everest 16 times, huh? '69-'75
Money isn't everything, But you can't do a damn thing without it.
Florida Jock salads Monte Mover Dupe Younger women Mr. Polite
The most completely lost of all days is that on which I have not laughed.
Deanie weanie Gordie sports Brookhaven streaking laughing ten dead pigs . . . tiddie wah
I never regretted nothing I never said.
Soccer rush hour traffic
Nothing you can make That can't be made Nothing you can save That can't be saved
Nothing you can do But you can learn How to be you in time
It's easy
Her nose . parties . .
. Tennis . . . Weasel . . . Her
And in th e e nd, the love you take is equal to the lov e you mak e
Older men Ronkie Janet Easy Weezie Halloween Party Nummy Dog . . . locker room conversation
Her greatest joy is making other people happy.
Roy Rog e rs . . . Dave . . . Salads . . . Eating constantly Changing eyes Worrying Hot Apple Pies Moods Being teased . . . Her great conversation start e rs . "My baby" I.O.U.
The soul selects her own society.
Diets . Andy. a ff airs
. Blue jeans . Low flying
Pointed eyebrows
. Rashberries . . . Love
Getting there
SCOTT ANDREW FISHER "Fish" Is half the fun.
Hey man Jesum Munro Football career gossip Santa Claus
The word impossible is not in my dictionary. Napoleon
Goop Destrehan B R banana splits # 11 hold the chili! . . . the sticks . . . Moosie
Lunch Bunch Car racing and falling nightgowns
The happiness of life is made up of minute fractionsthe little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment
LaPlace M.&M. 's EPAR Haley's comet the bayou Don't let it hassle you! . . . Green Lifesavers . . . Diets . . . Smashing V. W. 's ... Broken nose
$if§§;~?!, I
EMILY ELIZABETH FROST "Emily"We eac h are everyone of us very small but like the ocea n inside the rain we each one have it all.
woofer Vega StM chauffer homecoming '74 chimney rock lasagna
Men of true wisdom and goodness are contented to take persons and things as th ey ar e without complaining of their imperf ec tions or attempting to amend them.
Diapers . . Eiffel Tow e r . . . sailing . Mercedes . . Lunch Bunch .
Used to be my life was just emotions passing by.
Then you came along and made me laugh and made me cry.
Cookie Carraway ... her shoes ... superbeetles glitters snide remarks
Individual commitment to a group effortthat is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.
Sweet remarks Chauvinism beer manners, or lack of them . . . quick lo ve affairs picking on Mr. Martinez '71-'75
Smile and be happy for what is lif e but to liv e and what is living without a smile.
The nose Quietness her birthday party and the nose cake Grolla
Though nothing can bring back the hour Of Splendor in th e grass, Of glory in the flower ; We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains b eh ind.
Giggling . . . Jan . . . Between Bathroom Breaks . . . He r walk . . . Contacts in John
am what i am and that's what i am.
eye the Sailorman
es us . . . Inc e ns e . . . Ex-patriot . . . Dwunk . . Vegetarian . . . Trips to Houlihans . Fishtails Hippi e Oh Joy!
This is not th e e nd . This is not even the beginning Of th e en d, But it is perhaps, The end of th e b egi nning.
Afro Younger Women Nights in Hell . . .
'69-'75 BYRON ALLEN H AMM ER ''Byron'' Pop THOMAS BRYAN GUICE "Jiuce" '72-'75 Winston Churchhilli think i can, i think i can
The little engine that could California Ballet Always dieting , The Lid's Off I I
Born with the gift of laughter, and a se ns e that the world is mad.
No I'm not, I'm just in a good mood Elisabeth Seal laugh Bathroom breaks Bruce . . . Weak . . . Can't h old it
Sp e ctators see b etter Than actors
Lou. District Wrestling
Pe r sian Proverb . Mustang . . All
''Doug'' And purpl e stained m o uth; That I might drink, An d l e av e th e wo rld An d with Th ee fad e awa y Int o th e for est dim.
With b e ach ed bubbl es Winking at th e brim,
Doughi e . . Privat e Football Parti es Au dub o n Park . . Hero in 9th grade
Ke ats
YVETTE ANN HEBERT ''Y ve tt e ''
How can we know the d ance r fr om the dance ?
Chief . . . uptown . . . h e r car . . . Junior s Home coming 74
Ke ats
Fools rush in wh e r e angels f ea r to tr e ad.
th e Bisso net bunch . . .
What the world nee ds now is l ove sweet l ove It's the onl y thing that th e r e 's just to o littl e of.
Charlie l ong l egs swimming
Burt Bachrach
''Su si e ''
Th e r e ain't no telling what a satisfied woman can do.
Caro l e King
You magg e t . . . h e r d e nt s . . . cla ss comments lov e probl ems being critical pig! '69
'69-'75 ''Horn''Wiser men spend their time in mirth, it is only fools who are serious.
Football Florida the streaker
B.L. T ....
Don't walk in front of meI may not follow. Don't walk behind meI may not lead. Walk beside me and just be my friend.
Wanting to beat Rusch hay rides
BLAIR COURTLAND JOHNSON "Blair" MURRAY WELLS HUBER "Murray"I am a part of all that I have touched, and that has touched me.
For everything you have missed you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something.
Diets . . . beer . . . short dresses . . .
Who dares fail to try ?
His grades student council pres. arguing with Mr.
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else .
Friends, I will remember you, and pray for you, and when another day is through, I' 11 still be friends with you.
moo-cow . . . her parking jobs . . . snack bar
Unless we start transforming the present-day patterns of human living, we have failed.
Quietness . . . his brains . . .
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else.
Knees Pillsbury Doughboy managing
Complaisence pleases all; prejudices none; adorns wit; augments friendship; redoubles lov e and united with justice and generosity becomes the secret chain of the society of mankind.
His o ld-tim e car his gangs
''Richard'' Will Rogers M. deScuderiStrength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others.
The only way to have a friend is to be one. Emerson
Frigid Brighid her screech constant punishment being naive booby I'm just kidding . . . her spastic jumps . . .
Swe e t are the thoughts that savour of content ; the quiet mind is richer than a crown. her skinniness . . . Art 11 . . .
0, give me the clue! (it lurks in the night her e somewhere)
0, if I am to have so much, let me have more.
Prep quiz bowl KKK his knife graffitti punching , 1200 sit ups
If a man seeks for greatness let him forget greatness, and ask for truth, and he will find both.
squirrel . . . the route . . .
It's a good feeling to know somebody loves you.
Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why: Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.
He who is true to one friend thus proves himself worthy of many.
The only gift is a portion of thyself.
Aerials Colorado WOW!
I would be the least among men with dreams and the desire to fulfill them, rather than the greatest with no dreams or desires.
Booooose week-ends in Pontchatoula Amazing Grace sneezing being critical ringless basketball DUHHH ! Woosh!
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
The Little Prince
Jimmy Queenie Making it to Homecoming '73 Week-ends in Tchefuncta
What a bootsie AAWW Always blushing I'm fine, thank you!
And in chasin' what I thought were moonbeams I have run into a couple of walls but in looking back at the faces I've seen I would sure be the first one to say, when I look at myself today wouldn'ta done it any other way.
Jim CroceBig "H" . . . Pontchatoula . . . Which car today?
... "You're so vain" ... Midnight cowboy Teasing Patty No way babes Speed Racer
If silence were golden, I'd be flat broke.
Tuna Stinky tennis shoes (ever present) O'Brien footbaw wire fuzz open mouth homecoming '73 and '74 Oh wow!
If you can't make it laugh, the hell with it.
M. G. rootin' sly looks graveyards flirting jewelry Cafe de la Paix yea boy! '63-'75
I care not so much what I am in the minds of others as what I am in my own.
Getting along with Coach Porter
I am only one, But still I am one, I cannot do everything,
''Liza'' But still I can do something, And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
Edward Everett Hale
''talkativeness'' making ...
I don't know , decision-
If there's anything that you want
If there's anything I can do Just call on me and I'll send it along With love from me to you.
CHEERING Always in a hurry Better late than never Long Legs • Camp Hardtner The bombs Slugger
I have only one life, and it is short enough. Why waste it on things I don't want. Anonymous
There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the midd l e of her forehead. When she was good
She was very, very goodBut when she was bad sh e was horrid!
curly frizzies cheerleading Destin
Demolitions "Can you have a football party?"
Labor is blossoming or dancing where The body is not bruised to pleasure soul, Nor beauty born out of its own despair. Nor blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil. 0 chestnut-tree, great- rooted blossomer, Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bol e? 0 body swayed to music, 0 brightening glance, How can we know the dancer from the dance?
Clothes . . . her classroom discussions . . . ... '63-'75
A friend is one who knows you as you are, understands where you've been, accepts who you've become, and still, gently invites you to grow.
Steele ... Mrs. Smith ... Alligator shirt and j e ans . . . wit, wit . . . pizza . . . "squeaky" Young Lif~ Corvettes her opinions
Crazy people don't have to worry about the problems of the world that sane people do.
Older women . . . teetotaler . . . pres. . . . streaking in Florida The lunch bunch water boy ...
The thing that goes the furthest toward making life worthwhile That costs the least And does the most Is just a pleasant smile!
Colorado Rocky Mountain High Young Life Blue Bomb
If you have to try to be yourself, you are not succeeding.
Fran . . . skiing . . . yard . . . Argentina . . . cold stool
There is a passion for hunting, something deeply implanted in the human breast.
Charles Dickens
Long legs Country bumpkin Afro Sheen
Right The Great Hunter
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. Thoreau
Her Secret Loves . . . TENNIS . . . Alligators ... Tan legs '69-'75
What you are is God's gift to you; What you make of yourself is your gift to God.
Being a twin Young Life boys Watusi
A Friend De Le Salle
Come on, and be happy with me There is so much in the world to see , Take my hand and you' 11 understand .
Being a twin Young Life Their Parties Watt '69- '75
Hopes and dreams can only come true by being yourself.
Being teased screeching Florida trip . . . her hair . . . blind dates . . . SHIELD deadlines . . . You 're such a queer! . . . Peggy
To a young heart, everything is fun. Charles Dickens
Her hair Ranch House '63-'75
and I had two peace pipes ~nd a bottle of champagne in my saddlebag.
Gen. George C. Custer
Bobo Brucie Eiffel tower Her wit HALO Champagne Rooten Tooten Wooten
"I know myself," he cried, "but that is all."
LYRE his imitation of Mr. Porter '70-'75
'72-'75 MONICA ALEXANDRA WOOTEN ''Monica'' JAMES MADISON WOODS ''James''Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts
'Cause then I know we'd find we're not so far apart
Everybody's got to be happy
Everyone should sing
For we know the joy of life
That peace that love can bring.
Greg . . . horses . . . her walk . . . her hair
It is a hurried up life but it is the life I chooseno use in asking me to slow down because I got nothing to lose.
Steve HarrisVice- President
Patsy LlewellynTreasurer
Todd TrenchardPresident
Kate HoffmanSecretary
Scott McQuaigSergeant-at-Arms
J. D Akenhead
Robert Atkinson
Ed Ball
Steve Barnum
Carol Becker
Al Bossier
Karen Brandt
Cricky Brown
Cindy Calo
Liz Campbell
Clifton Carl
Julie Carter
Kim Cotter
Bill Cox
Barbara Danos
Becky Denton
Betsy Derickson
Kellie Dickinson
Ann Fleetwood
Laurie Frank
John Early
(missing from picture)
Ginger Girault
Monica Grafstrom
Mike Haik
Steve Harris
Sharon Haydel
Dirk Henson
Kate Hoffman
Jeff Holmquist
Ken Howe
Buel Humphreys
Diane Ingolia
Fred Janneck
Susan Kantor
Robert Keller
Kevin Kiser
Lester Lautenschlaeger
Tommy LeTard
Patsy Llewellyn
Bobby Mackey
Pam Macy
Sweetheart, act like a drum and beat it!Carter McDowell
Susan McFarland
Laura McIntire
Scott McQuaig
Shelly Merlin
Debra Mitchell
Lane Molony
Lynwood Moore
Jennifer Moorhead
Carl Mullican
Karen Murphy
Bruce Naremore
Stuart Ostrolenk
Carolyn Palmer
Mark Peyronnin
John Poitevent
Wally Porter
Susan Reische
Margie Schwegmann
Laurie Scott
Jim Senter
Ruth Silvernail
Terry Sistrunk
Kris Speer
Buddy Spell
Fred Steinman
Glenn Stokes
Sue Sunkel
Annette Tonti
Todd Trenchard
Maybe this time I'll get a Coke, maybe 7 Up, probably nothing! Carol Voors Matthew Voss Ward WeaverCLASS OFFICERS:
Paul NewmanTreasurer
Marla CianiSecretary
Joe GorvetzianVice- President
Gary OelsnerPresident
Alita Alfaro
Anne Atkinson
Beth Augustin
Robert Ayerst
Kitsie Babin
Anderson Baker
Jeff Baldwin
Heather Banton
Rick Beberman
Susan Bee
Lisa Bernhard
Tommy Brannan
Paul Brier
Tana Brown
Jan Cable
Marla Ciani
Jim Cook
Mark Dodart
Nancy Eavenson
Parke Ellis
George Farb e r
St e ph e n Fingerman
Fr e d Fish e r
Mark Gauchet
Alexa Georges
Nancy Giles
John Girault
Joe Gorvetzian
Anne Griffis - Not Pictured
Joe Grigg
Mary Davis Hamlin
Pam Hansen
Lisa Hay
Suzy Hickham
Sydney Hines
David Hoffman
Jaye Dee Ingerman
Gale Jones
Gordon Keller
Kent Klein
Nell Koch
Charlotte Kreher
Angele Lavigne
Rusty Lien
Camie Lyall
Bill Mathes
Patty McFarland
Jeffrey Meckstroth
Lisa Miley
Liz Miravalle
Tracy Mitchell
Cielle Muller
Lisa Newman
Paul Newman
Gary Matherne
Mike Newson
Gary Oelsner
Patrick Oosterhuis
Cindi Otwell
Mary Beth Pendley
Calvin Perilloux
Brad Pickhardt
Patty Quinn
Chris Redmond
Alison Riley
Richard Riley
Louise Rosenzweig
Brian Rourke
Jenelle Schuler
Shawn Sistrunk
Ann Stephens
Frank Toye
Adrie Voors
Bert Wilson
Eric Wyatt
Kevin Wyrick
John Vallas - Absent
Kathy GordonSecretary
Mike NicoladisVice- President
Martin JamesTreasurer
Juli MillerPresident
Bart Ary
Betsy Ayerst
Philip Becker
Jimmy Beeson
David Bickers
Brian Bossier
Jeff Bourgeois
Julianne Breaux
Mark Brooke
Christy Brown
Brenda Bryant
Ben Cairns
Jamie Calo
Lisa Carl
Kendall Carraway
Christopher Cox
Barbara Crawford
Margaret Dannenberg
Leah DeLoach
Mike Farber
Vicki Fleetwood
Betsy Frank
Gary Freibaum
Evelyn Fried
Lucy Fried
Shirley Giles
Kathryn Gordon
Lisa Graham
Brian Grove
Lisa Hansen
Thomas Hartig
Reed Hayward
David Henson
George Hoffman
John Holland
Gwen Holmquist
Brian Huber
David Humphreys
Martin James
Cheryl Johnson
Bill Kimble
Mike Lasky
Bob Lee
Dean Lindsay
Dee Manning
Cindy Marchese
Liz Martin
Michael Martin
David Mayer
Maryanne Mayronne
John McCollam
Kim Meng
Juli Miller
Virginia Mioton
Susan Mitchell
Ronald Nelson
Michael Nicolidas
Mary Norman
Ronald Ostrolenk
Melinda Pafford
Russel Paine
Harry Redmon
Rip Reeves
Vicki Robertson
Charlotte Robinson
Steve Rue
Brit Russel - Absent
Tom Ryan
Roger Schupp
John Shirley
Robbie Sims
Rebecca Slifkin
Gretchen Smith
Amy Stephens
Sally Stinchcomb
Amy Threefoot
Michele Tonti
Terie Trinchard
Laura Vallas
Missy Van Meter
Dana Wattles
Lori Watts
Amy Whitsell
Laura Williams
Susan Woods
Sherry Young
"On the count, one, two, three, Cheer!" RosenzweigBill Ary
Carolyn Ashby
Janis Askew
Clarke Atkinson
Kathy Barrett
Elise Beauchamp
Chris Benbow
Courtney Benton
Jon Berthonnaud - Absent
Craig Bourgeois
Beth Bower
Bruce Bowes
Barbara Brandon
Dan Coco
Kelly Conatser
Robyn Cook
Rae Douglass
Mike Drew
Lynna Drumm
Becky Erwin
Mark Ferguson
Debbie Ferrante
Marvin Fisher
Cathy Girault
Bill Grigg
Norman Hansen
Chris Hartman
Elizabeth Hay
Carrie Haydel
Gigi Heiman
John Hurd
David James
Danielle Juzan
Charlie Kantrow
Carolyn Klein
"So this is what they call a Saturday detention!"
Debbie Koppman
Darolyn Lambert
Chuck Lane
Beth Lasky
Shelly Luck
Chris MacKenzie
Mitchell Mamoulides
Lisa Matthews
Kate McCall
Dindy Mccollam
Chris McIntire
Billy Mitchell
Mary Montero
Michael Morgan
Lauren Oelsner
Elinor Peterson
Paul Peyronnin
Ginny Phillips
Mark Pickhardt
John Pollard
Rob Reed
Terri Robinson
Nancy Rusch
Michelle Schlueter
Patrice Schwartz
"Do I have something for a headache!"Father James cheating on his wife again! ! !
John Simon
Buck Stainback
Mary Stall
Claire Stephens
Sarah Super
Leslie Taylor
Terry Trenchard
Huby Vandervoort
Kathleen Voss
Frank Webster
Michelle West
Laura Westbrook
Lisa Whitsell
Arthur Wisdom
Laura Babin
Glenn Baldwin
Judy Becker
Andrew Benson
Robert Benson
Telia Blackard
Chris Boldt
Donna Bossier
Cynthia Boykin
Palmer Brooke
Paige Brown
Stephen Carter
Cammie Colomb
Dirk DeBoer
John DeMartini
Jennifer Douglas
Michelle Erwin
Billy Ferrante
Jaime Fleming
Billy Fowler
Russell Freibaum
David Fried
Debbie Gibson
John Gooch
Forrest Gibson
Jack Gordon
Stacey Grove
Rob Hartman
Lori Hendler
Annette Hickham
Darcie Holland
Michael Holland
Eric Holtzman
Beau Huber
Mark Kantrow
Stephen Kantrow
Brady King
Peggy King
Terren Klein
Sally Little
"Who'd suspect they'd be playing Indians at that age ? ""I like what I see!"
Joe Mabey
Amy Magee
Bob Martin
Jeff Martin
Lisa Mayer
Sarah Mcclendon
Nancy McDowell
Ginger McFadden
Nancy Meyer
Fred Miller
Greg Moore
Nancy Newman
Dean Nicoladis
Erin O'Hara
Anna Olinde
David O'Quinn
David Pailet
Eli Peterson
Marc Quiroz
Sherri Rambis
Nancy Romaine
Amy Sandridge
James Schmidt
Bill Scon
Randy Rampp
Kathy Reische
Andrew Riley
Jennifer Roach
Graham Roberts
Caroline Senter
Leesa Shlenk er
Rick Troth
Tamara Tutton
Ed Wall
Greg Watson
Todd Wattles
Bobby Williams
"Well , of all the nerve! "
B. A. , University of Southwestern Louisiana Tulane University
Paul DeLoach
Jana Fl em ing
Lynn Hickham
Libby Krementz
Miss y Benbow
Lisett e Breaux
Roy Cairns
Erin Callahan
Tracy Conatser
Stuart McDowell
Jeff McIntire
Melinda McN air
John Meghrian
Suzy Montero
Stephen Newsom
Karen O' Meallie
Drew Poirrier
Laurie Rolling
Lewis Sams
Linda Schaller
Steve Young
Kris Camp
Chip Campbell
Marty Carl
Ricardo Carvajal
Sallie Davis
Thad Garrett
Helen Hansen
Patrick Hennessey
Lorri James
Ron Johnson
Enga Lokey
Catherine Mackenzie
Guy Massey
John Miller
Rob Mitchell
Martin Muller
Anne Paterson
Evelyn Pelias
Nellie Quiroz
John Serice
Kelley Williams
Louisiana State University
B. A ., University of New Orleans
Ann Burlingame
Johanna Clark
Sean Duffy
John Dunlap
Amanda Fisher
Doug Geehan
Lenny Gurvich
Dennis Hysom
Bryan Ingerman
Shannon Kinyon
Mary Klinger
Elena Lange
William Manning
Swift Moseley
Todd Richard
Helen Riley
Elizabeth Rue
Li z Saunders
John Schmidt
Patrick Wood
B. A. , Agness Scott College
Tulane University
Loyola University
Jennifer Barone
Steven Bossier
Carolyn Calo
Mark Crawford
JoAnn DeMartini
Guy Favaloro
David Ferrante
Ron Giles
Donna Hickham
George Janvier
Anne-Sere Klein
Alan Lange
John Luck
Nancy Mayer
Elizabeth Miles
Vee Miller
Susan Moore
Fred Olinde
Yolan Pinter
Pat Porter
Arnesto Rodriguez
Drew Story
Diane Troth
Michael Weaver
Tootie Weis
Leslie West
Karen Wulffraat
B. A . , Southeastern Louisiana University
Kurt Appel
Robin Bankston
Julie Banta
Lisa Bastien
Don Berthonnaud
Susan Bower
Marilyn Calo
Barbara Delchamps
Ginny Erwin
Bobby Gurvich
Laurie Herron
Allan Hild
Lawrence Hoffman
Christopher Huber
Emily Jahncke
Stephen Klein
Allison Lewis
Anne McKibbon
John Morgan
Becky O'Quinn
Rafe Payne
Robert Rader
John Roberts
Parker Roy
Mark Senneff
Eric Toft
Steven Wulff
Scott Zander
B. A . , Central Washington College; Tulane University; Loyola University; St. Mary's Dominican College
Alice Atkinson
Kathy Benbow
George Bott
John Burlingame
Betsy Campell
Anne Dunlap
Debbie Dykes
Leslie Ellis
Leanne Hennessay
Tad Huber
Stephen Ingram
Hans Jonassen
Randy Kupp
Keppy Laudeman
Trey Lokey
Douglas McCollam
Missy Nicoladis
Devan Pialet
Alma Quiroz
Shauna Storey
Lauren Sullivan
Jim Van Devender
Kristin Webb
Melissa Young
Anton Zanki
B.A., M.Ed., University of Florida; Tulane University
Andrea Anderson
Angele Andry
Becket Becnel
Melinda Benge
Darcy Blackwood
Ginny Davis
John Durham
Erik Dyhrkopp
Stephanie George
Ashley Goodwill
James Hamlin
Bessann Hebert
Ashley Jackson
Philip James
Allison Kinyon
Debby Lombard
Charles Martin
Duncan McCord
Sarah Morris
David Oelsner
Roger Patton
Lana Prudhomme
Tokie Vandervoort
Michael Wood
B. S. , University of Cincinnati
M. Ed. , University of New Orleans
Derek Barnes
JoAnn Barone
Lori Bastien
Andre Berot
Calandra Bush
Joe Cairns
Paul Glezen
Paige Gorrondona
Lisa Grigg
Je anne Herrington
Elizabeth Hofheinz
Jon James
Samuel Klinger
John Knigkt
Danielle Lambert
Katherine LeJeune
Melissa Lewis
Catharine Lirette
Mary McKibbon
Billy Mohamed
Peyton Pettit
Emmett Pierce
Tyson Shofstahl
Karen Watson
Patrick Williams
B. A. , St. Mary's Dominican College
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Funda Akdamar
Trip Bloom
Wendy Brown
Lester Coe
Shannon Conatser
Alexander Cross
Monique Duclaux
Jennifer Fleming
Stefanie Harrison
Eldon Harvey
Richard Hawkins
Laura Lambert
Laura Link
Bryant McFall
Robert Meghrian
Anne Mitchell
Tracey Moore
Robin Nicholson
Karl Peyronnin
Kevin Rourke
Nicole Sargent
Jon Scheurich
Lisa Turpin
David White
Wade Wootan
B. A., University of New Orleans
Erol Akdamar
Heidi Banton
Katherine Bell
Christopher Bennett
Stephen Bosarge
Peter Chin
Kelley Flick
Martha Goldwaite
Aleis Hebert
Cynthia Hild
Billy Jan vier
Janet Jenkins
Ann LeJeune
Mac McFadden
Laura McMahan
Leslie Meng
David Paine
Jay St. Pierre
Lisa Senneff
Ashley Serice
Jennifer Stephens
John Stevenson
Nancy Sumner
Carol Watts
Laura Williams
Tulane University
Lee Abbott
Sacha Bush
Chef Chester
Catherine Corder
Chappie Eppling
Katherine Flettrich
Trey George
Sean Hansen
Gretchen Harmon
Hilary Jackson
Katrina Keller
Eric Koehler
Carl Laird
Edward Lirette
Tray McLendon
Alissa Miller
Lila Mohammed
Sean O'Neil
Martha Peterson
Diann Pelias
Jason Pence
Robert Petitt
John Ryan
Gabrielle Salloum
Allison Schwartz
Kate Smith
Trip Task
Paul Vining
B. A. , Agness Scott College; Tulane University; Loyola University
Cathryn Abbott
Susan Barone
Nicole Berthonnaud
Caroline Eppling
Katherine Feibleman
Chris Fransen
Stuart Head
Drew Harrington
Erik Huber
Ann-Marie Ingolia
Peter Keller
Craig Kupp
SuSu Laudeman
Chris Loranzo
Greg Mersiglia
Dawn Martin
Poe Miles
Michelle Moore
Page Morton
Richard Pollard
Kristi Rambis
Lisa Rather
Laura Sams
Kristin Sullivan
Mark Talbot
Robert Vining
B.S., University of Virginia
Louisiana State University
Kim Anders
Loren Berot
Sandy Craine
Davin Da vini
Melissa Dingl e r
Douglas Ferrante
Leanne Flick
John Glezen
Stor ey Gorrondona
Scott Ingram
Brant Kersey
Paige Kirn
Maria Ktistakis
Tara Link
Brad Lokey
Thompson Lykes
Courtney Marsiglia
Laur e n McFall
Ron Murlin
Courtney Reinhardt
Mac Richards
Glen Tchou
Peter Wanek
Laura White
Mary K. Williams
Keith Wulffratt
Rene e Yemelos
B. A. , University of Southern Louisiana; Tulane University
Lynne Bloom
Elizabeth Boudreaux
Margaret Christy
Andrea Coker
Kimberly Conway
John Falgoust
William Gorman
Katherine Gourgous
David Jones
Kyle Kupp
Max Merlin
Michelle Morazan
Heather Murlin
David Nuslock
Clayton Page
Andrew Pelias
Robert Peyton
Elisia Shofstahl
Cameron Smith
Kim Stiebing
Christian Toft
Todd Wodd
B.S., Louisiana State University; Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; Tulane University
Barton Jahncke
Mike Jordy
Kelly Luck
Beth McCraine
Vickie Benbow
Marion Benson
Donald Chin
Allison Cornelius
Brent Edwards
Stuart Ellis
Joey Fouchi
Jeremy Head
Karen Holmes
Lindsey Jackson
Paula O'Quinn
Leigh Patton
Shannon Ryan
Carol Steinman
Charles Suhren
Lauren Vedros
Melissa Watson
Morgan Wilson
ABSENT: Rodger Schneidau
The Student Council is composed of representatives elected from each of the high school grades. This year, the Student Council planned the Sock Hop and Homecoming. As a new Student Council policy, the stud e nts were not charged for Homecoming.
STUDENT COUNCIL: 1-r, Harry Burgiass, Tracy Lee, Lisa Bernhard, Ann Lindsey, Diane Deane, Mary Beth Pendley, Dean Lindsey, Steve Stephens, George Ward, Mike Nicoladis, Karen Brandt, Patty Williams, Carol Becker, Lisa Ward, Patsy Llewellyn, Bob Lee, Jaye Dee Ingerman, Adrie Voors, Juli Miller. MISSING FROM PICTURE: Damon Rosenzweig, Missy Van Meter, Kitsi e Babin, Carter McDow e ll, Scott McQuaig, Monica Wooten.
The Middle School Forum is similar to the high school's Student Council. Its members direct the social, community, and campus responsibilities for the Middle School. Its members are elected each trimester by the seventh and eighth grades.
THE SCROLL is the Middle School newspaper.
The HALO is the school's newspaper. It is published once every month. The HALO includes feature articles, news, interviews, sports, and many other interesting columns.
COLUMNISTS: 1-r , Patty Williams - gossip, Carrie Lyall - fashion, Murray Huber - food.
MISSING FR O M PICTURE: Rob e rt Gon z a l es - gossip, Harry Burgla ss - film, David Wrightmusic.
TYPISTS: 1-r, Carol Cox, Dian e Grolla.
MISSING FRO M PICTURE: Li z Campb e ll, Moniqu e Mab ey
REPORTERS: FRO NT RO W: 1-r, Be ck y Brannan, Diana Davis, Sharon Hayd e l , Carolyn Palm e r, Lisa Ward. MIDDLE ROW: 1-r, Mad e lyn Gold1hwai1 e , Dian e De an e , Dian e Grolla, Carol Voors, Susan Re isch. BACK RO W: 1- r, S1 e v e n Thr ee foo 1, Ke vin Wy rick, Alila Alfaro, C an e r McDo½' e ll.
THE SHIELD is the school's yearbook. This year , Patty Williams, Lisa Ward, and Yvette He b e rt attended a yearbook workshop sponsored by Taylor Publishing Company The group from St. Martin's won a trophy for a superiorly planned yearbook.
ADVISOR: Mrs. Kemp
FAVORITES SECTION: Carrie Lyall, Missing from picture: Ann Lindsey. ORGA NIZATIONS SECTION: Dian e Groll a.
THE LYRE is the school's literary magazine. It publishes the erea ti ve writing of St. Martin's students. It is published twice a year.
The Beautification Committee's purpose is to make the campus more attractive. They have painted a mural on the wall of the Snack Bar and have finished the STM garden.
This year the National Honor Society is composed of juniors and seniors which the faculty feels show character, scholarship, leadership, and service. The new members of the National Honor Society were "tapped" on October 30. They were inducted at a luncheon on January 24. The National Honor Society has programs in which the members tutor students who need help in their studies.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS: ST ANDING, 1-r, Steve Stephens, Hunter Phillips, Keith Bourgeois, George Ward, Carrie Lyall, Harry Burglass, Ann Lindsey, Steve Harris, Dale Evans, Bruce Parkerson, Diane Grolla, John Benton, Cindy Hansen, Byron Hammer, Ken Larkin, Charles Emrich, Richard Mayer. SEATED : 1-r, Susan Reische, Karen Murphy, Monica Wooten, Debbie Crawford, Carol Becker, Louise Favrot, Patsy Llewellyn, Karen Brandt. MISSING FROM PICTURE: Patty Williams.
National Merit Semi-Finalists are those people who score in about the top half of one p e rcent of th e secondary schoo l seniors on their PSA T - NMSQT. The people rece iving Letters of Commendation also scored very high but did not fall into the top half of one percent.
This year the St. Martin's Prep Quiz Bowl team pla ye d Sam Barthe and N. 0. A. St. Martin's had an overwhelming victory over Sam Barthe, but lost to N. 0. A. in sudden death overtime. This was only the eighth time in Preo Ouiz Bowl history that a team had been forced into overtime.
Quill and Scroll is an international society for high school journalists. Its membership is honorary.
MEMBERS: FRONT ROW: 1-r, Murray Huber, Steve Stephens, Becky Brannan, Madelyn Goldthwaite, Diane Deane, Carolyn Smith, George Ward, Tracy Lee, Wally Porter, Mark Peyronnin. BACK ROW: 1-r, Fred Steinman, Hunt er Phillips, Diane Grolla, Carol Cox, Patty Williams, Jenn ifer Tuero, Carrie Lyall, Monica Wooten , Debbie Crawford, Steven Threefoot
Louisiana Boys' and Girls' State trains its participants in the practical m e chanics of government. At Boys' and Girls' State, everyone is divided into cities and parishes. Peopl e are al so divided into parties, the Federalists and the Nationalists. Participants in Boys' and Girls' State compete for offices. The program was held for a week at LSU in Baton Rouge.
The High School Chorus performs not only at school activities, but has also performed away from school this year. The Chorus has two concerts each yearthe Christmas concert and the Spring concert. The Middle School Instrumental Group, led by Mrs. Ostrolenk, also performs in and around the school area.
The Spirit Club's purpose this year was to promote spirit at our football games. They also made the run-through every week for the football game.
AIDS IN THE LOW ER SCHOOL, 1-r: Eli se Beauchamp, Deb bi e Fe rrant e , Dind y Mccollom, Nancy Rusch.
TOP PICTURE: LOWER SCHOO L AIDS, Ir: Beth Bower , Clai r e Stephens , Debbie Ferra nt e , Li sa Whit se ll, Eli Pete rson, Kathy Barrett. LEFT PI C T URE: LOWER SCHO O L P. E. AIDS, 1- r: Norman Hans en , Jan is Askew, Chris McKenzie, Sarah Sup e r, Kat e McCal l, Nancy Rusch.
The Cherub is the Lower School Newspaper. It is published quarterly by various six graders from contributions received from all grades. Mrs. Herrington is the faculty sponsor for the newspaper.
Rob Mitchell, toastmaster, introduces speaker Elizabeth Rue for the 6th graders weekly Toastmaster Club. This club is patterned after Toastmasters International. A local club sponsors a speech contest for the sixth graders each spring.
The basic function of the Lower School Service Club is to aid and to promote safety. Their duties include office aides, delivering bus lists, getting the mail, ringing the bell, raising and low e ring the flag, and disuibuting the audio-visual eq uipment.
On ST. M. Day the school celebrated its 25th anniversary.
For the first time , in recent years, the students from kindergarten thru 12th got together to celebrate the founding of the school.
The Upper and Middle School chorus l ed the carols in the 1974 Christmas Program. The Seniors presente d the "St. Martin's Lampoon" for their skit.
Following the chapel service the Favorit es were announced in the gym.
The Juniors received their rings at the ceremony at school in the auditorim. Then the Jrs. and Srs. went to a fabulous lunch at Le Pavilon Hotel.
Sudie Redmond
Byron Hammer
Brighid McIntire
Byron Hammer
Equally as important as the players and coaches of any athletic event are the backers - those who support the various teams with their enthusiasm and help, physical, financial, and/or moral. The contributions in all three fields of Mr. Richard Johnson have been immeasurable over the last five years. His donations range from a movie camera, which records the Varsity games, to innumerable meals for the players. The Homecoming Spirit Buttons, as well as the pictures in the game programs, have been gifts of the same also. Because of Mr. Johnson, the science department, as well as the athletic department, now has an ice machine. St. Martinites have always been welcomed in the Johnson home, which incidentl y, houses a garantuan photo file of our games, meets, players, coaches, cheerleaders, etc. Mr. Johnson's contributions in film alone have been tremendous. But most of all, we, the members of the SHIELD staff, want to express the heartfelt thanks and appreciation of the entire student body to Mr. Johnson for what we know to be, his motivation in all that he does because of his deep love for St. Martin's and the good sportsmanship for which she stands.
The 1974 St. Martin's Football Team had another outstanding season with a Co-District Championship and a Re gional Championship to its honor. The overall team experience and depth was certainly a major factor in the Saint's 9-2 record. The sixteen seniors contributed the leadership that was necessary to be a winner.
Th e se ason was enjoyable and fun. The pre-district games included victories over Port Sulphur, Episcopal High, and Country Day. In the first four district games the Saints held their opponents to a total of 7 points. Th e biggest gam e of the schedule was, of course, against arch-rival Newman The Saints spoiled the Greenies Ho m e coming with a very exciting and well played game, 6-0. The team wrapped up the first place position in th e stat e play-offs with a convincing Homecoming victory over the John Curtis Patriots, 33-15.
Ma n y individual honors wer e receiv e d by the talent e d Saints They ranged from Honorable Mention All-Distr i ct to All-Stat e But maybe the bigg e st honor of all was the team's effort of striving for success and becoming a c hampion.
A j o b we ll don e !
The 1974 St. Martin's football team had one of the best seasons in the school's history.
Senior Brian Ball contributed greatly to the success of the season by rushing for 1776 yards and scoring seventeen touchdowns. Ball was also the leading pass receiver. Quarterback Ken Larkin rushed for 170 yards, completed passes for 336 yards and recovered the fumbles. Blair Johnson punted an average of 33 . 2 yards per punt and kicked an average of 4 7. 2 yards on the kick-offs. Cricky Brown was another offensive leader.
Clint Harper led the defense with the most tackles. The defense had a total of 405 tackles and 502 assists. An exceptional amount of teamwork contributed to the excellence of this ye :u' s team.
For the third straight year, the St. Martin's cheerleaders attended the Ole Miss National Cheerleaders Camp. During the summer all ten of the cheerleaders travelled to Oxford, Miss. where they spent a week learning correct cheering techniques, new cheers, chants, stunts, porn porn routines, and crowd psychology. In the competition held nightly the Saints' cheerleaders won 5 first place ribbons, 3 second place ribbons, and 2 hopsitality trophies.
The camp fully prepared the cheerleaders to create an atmosphere of spirit within the school.
The 1974-75 basketball season was disappointing due to many unforseeable obstacles. It was the first losing season in many years.
The first game of the season was played primarily with Jr. Varsity players. Then, after bowing out of our own tournament, the team was faced with a most difficult pre-season schedule. Starting off with only three class "A" teams, including one state finalist. The rest were either Quad-A or Triple-A teams.
After Christmas, the team went 6-8 in district, missing the playoff by two close games.
TEAM MEMBERS INCLUDE FROM LEFT TO RIGHT IN PICTURE ABOVE: TOP ROW: Coach Larry Rambis, Gordon Keller, Bert Wilson, Jim Cook, Phillip Becker, Brian Rourke, Gary Freibaum, George Farber. BOTTOM ROW: Gary Oelsner, Jeff Bourgeois, George Hoffman, Mike Farber, Shawn Sistrunk, Johnny Mccollam, Brad Pickhardt.
1-r: Mike Morgan, John Simon, James Reed, Craig Bourgeois, Bill Ary, Mitchell Mamoulides, Mark Pickhardt, Terry Trenchard, Kelly Conatser, Mark Ferguson, Chris McIntire, Arthur Wisdom, Billy Mitchell, Coach Hank Gamble.
The ST M swim t e am has placed 2nd in the City and State meets for the past 2 years. T he ir biggest rival is Grace King. With the new additions to the team, Coach Bultman hopes to improve the team's standing in th e City and State meets this year.
TEAM: BACK ROW : Carrie Hayd e l, Robin Cook, Lisa Whitsell, Cathy Gira ult, T odd Wattles. FRONT ROW: Tillia Blackard, Nancy Rusch, and Sally Littl e.
The "A" Volleyball Team, who last year was ranked in the top eight at the State Tournament and who won first place in the Ivy League Division, is looking forward to an even more promising season this year. Mrs. Trevino attended a volleyball clinic during the summer, where she learned new techniques and formations which the team used this year.
Patsy goes up for a spike.
Same to you Buster.
The Varsity tennis team won first place in the Ivy League division, for the third consecutive year, enabling St. Martin's to keep the tennis trophy. Members of the team are as follows: Alita Alfaro, Missy Van Meter, Laura Vallas, Jennifer Tuero, Ann Stephens, Kate Hoffman, Kate McCall, Amy Whitsell, Chris Redmond, and Diane Deane.
MIDDLE SC HOOL TENNIS TEAM: BACK ROW: Carolyn Ashby , Miche l e West, Lesley Taylor, Lisa Whitsell , Dindy McCollan, Ginny Phillips, Nancy Rusch, Clair Stephens , Ginger McFadden, Cynthia Boykin, Cathy Gira ult.
The membe rs of the Sp ring Tennis team include: Jennifer Tuero, Amy Whitse ll, Chris Redmond , Alit a Alfa ro, Ann Stephens, and Kate McCall. This tennis team competes every spring against teams from all over the city and state GET
The High School Badminton team placed second in the Ivy League Division. The Middle School Team was undefeated and won first place for the second year.
The Intramural Board is composed of three seniors, and two members from the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade classes. The Board sponsors the Intramural slumber party and plans all the intramurals and when they are to be held. The senior members on the TOP ROW: Jennifer Tuero, Carolyn Smith, and Diane Deane. The sophmore members are on EACH SIDE: Kitsie Babin and Susan Bee. The freshmen members are in the MIDDLE: Charolette Robinson and Laurie Watts. The junior members ST ANDING are: Kate Hoffman and Sharon Haydel.
Compliments of MR. BROWN
More than ever, it's necessary
Th e e n e rg y sh o rt a ge h as m ad e o n e thing ve ry c l ea r : th e importa n ce o f nu c l ea r p o w e r It ca n l esse n o ur d epe nd e n cy o n fu e l s in sh o rt supply lik e n atur a l gas a nd o il. W a t e rford 3 - LP & L's nu c l ea r p o w e r p l a nt th at will be built 25 mil es upri ve r fr o m
N ew Orl ea n s- i s an import a nt st e p in thi s direc ti o n It 's v it a ll y n ee de d so that LP&L ca n co ntinu e to m ee t y o ur e l ec tri c nee d s.
BALL, BRIAN - J. V. Football 1; Varsit y Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Favorite 4; J. V. Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4.
BALL, THEODORE - Soccer 3, 4.
BENTON, JOHN - Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Tony Porter Track Award; J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; State Track 2, 3, 4; Typing 2; Jr. Sr. Prom Committee 3; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4.
BOLDT, ED - Honor Roll l; J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Typing 2; Aide 3; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; National Merit Honorable Mention 4.
BOURGEOIS, KEITH - Art 3; Aide 2; HALO Staff 4; Soccer 3, 4; Beautification Committee 4; National Merit Honorable Mention 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Co-Chairman 4.
BRANNON, BECKY - ;French Award l; Volleyball 1, 4; Quill and Scroll 4; SHIELD 4; HALO 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2 , 3
BRIER, GEORGANNE - National Merit Letter of Commendation.
BROOKE, MARY - Honor Roll l; Swimming 2; Typing 2; Stitchery 1; Speech 2; Spirit Club 4.
BRYANT, JIMMY - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track l; Swimming 1, 2; Homecoming Escort 4; SHIELD Staff: Sports Staff 3, Layout Editor 4; Typing 1, 2; Speech 3; Art 4; LYRE Staff: Layout Editor 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; SockHop Court 2; Cross Country l; Who's Who in American High Schools.
BURCHAM, JANE - Intramural
Winner 4; Indoor Ball Team 3, 4.
BURG LASS, HARRY - National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist; U S. History Award 3; Geology Honorable Mention 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 4; Student Council 4; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Art 2; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 4; Prep Quiz Bowl 3, 4; Soccer 4.
CAHAL, GEORGE - Track 3, 4; Soccer 4.
CLARK, FRANK - Honor Roll 1, 2, 4; Varsity Football 3, 4; Swimming 2; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; Wrestling 3, 4; Intramural Volleyball 2.
COIN CON, MICHELE - Homecoming Court 4; Dramatics 2; Pep Club 2; Spirit Award 3.
COX, CAROL - Volleyball l; SHIELD Staff: Favorites Staff 3, Classes 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Art 4; Typing 3; Pep Club 2; Indoor Ball Team 1; HALO Staff: Typist 4; LYRE Staff: Typist 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Christ Church Tutor 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
CRAWFORD, DEBBIE - Gordon Atwater Memorial Geology Award; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Volleyball 1; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Chapel Committee 2; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; Christmas Program 2.
DA VIS, DIANA - Pelican State 4; Volleyball 1, 3, 4; Badminton Team 4; Intramural Winner 4; SHIELD Staff: Faculty Editor 4; SHIELD Staff 1, 2, 3; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Altar Guild 4; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Art 4; Typing 3; Stitchery l; Speech 3; Pep Club 2, 3; Indoor Ball Team 1,
2; Aide 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 2, 3, 4; LYRE Staff 3, Assistant Editor 4; Christmas Program 4; Christ Church Tutor 2; Who's Who in American High Schools; Homecoming Committee 2, 3, 4.
DAVIS, LESLIE - Art 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 2; Aide 1, 2; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 4; Christmas Program 2; Christ Church Tutoring 1.
DEANE, DIANE - Honor Roll 2; Student Council 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; Class Secretary 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Capt a in 3; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Board 1, 3, 4; Badminton Team 2, 3, 4; Tennis Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Winner 2, 4; SHIELD Staff: Girl's Sports Editor 4; Art 3; Typing l; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Aide l; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 3, 4; LYRE Staff 4; Christmas Program 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
DUPUY, GREG - Athletic Honor A ward l; Class President l; J. V. Football l; Varsity 2, 3, 4; J. V. Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Speech 2.
EDRINGTON, BETH - Tennis Team 2, 3, 4; Art 2, 4; Pep Club 2; Christ Tutor 1.
EMRICH, CHARLES - Spanish Award 2, 3; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4; Typing 2; Speech 2; HALO Staff: News Editor 4.
EVANS, DALE - English Award l; Spanish Award 1; National Honor Society 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2; Swimming 1, 2; Art 2; Modern Dance l; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 4; Homecoming Dance Committee
FA VROT, LOUISE - French Award 3; Honor Roll 1, 3; Class Secretary l; J. V. Cheerleader l; SHIELD Staff 4; Dramatics 3; Art 4; Modern Dance 2; Aide l; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; Christ Church Tutor 1.
FISHER, SCOTT - Varsity Football 3; Homecoming Escort 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Art 4; Typing 4; Speech 3; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
FLEMING, LESLIE - J. V. Cheerleader l; Tennis Team l; Dramatics 2; Art 1; Sewing 3; Modern Dance l; Photography 1.
FROST, EMILY - Spanish Award 1; Honorable Mention - English l; Honorable Mention - Art 3; SHIELD Staff 4; Art 2, 3, 4; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 3, 4.
GA UPP, KAREN - Volleyball 1; SHIELD Staff 4; Chapel Committee 2; Art 3; Stitchery 1; Pep Club 2, 3; Aide l; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3.
GIBERT, KIP - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3; SHIELD Staff 4; Dramatics 4; Art 1, 2; Aide 2, 3; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4; Christmas Program 1, 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Computer Programming 4.
GOLDTHWAITE, MADELYNSHEILD Staff 4; Speech 3; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 4; Homecoming Chairman 4; Beautification Committee 4.
GONZALES, ROBERT - Athletic Honor Award l; J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; J. V. Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; HALO Staff 3, 4.
GOSSOM, GAYLE - Volleyball 1; Art 1, 2; Speech 2; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3.
GRAFSTROM, ELIZABETH - Art 1, 2, 4; Sewing l; Modern Dance 2.
G ROLLA, DIANE - Bausch and Lomb Science Award l; Honorable Mention - Chemistry 2; Honorable Mention - French 3; Honorable Mention - English 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Art 4; Pep Club 2; Aide 3; HALO Staff 4; Christ Church Tutor 1.
GUICE, BRIAN - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 3, 4; Art 3; Speech 2.
HAMMER, BYRON - Honor Roll 3; Track 2; Pelican State 3; Dramatics 4; Favorite 4; National Conference of Christians and Jews 3; Cross Country 3.
HAMRICK, JAN - Art 1, 2, 4; Stitchery l; Sewing 1; Modern Dancel; Aide l; Christmas Program 1.
HARPER, CLINT - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Typing 4; HALO Staff 2, 3, Sports Editor 4; Wrestling Team 2, 3, 4; Captain Wrestling Team 3, 4.
HARRIS, DOUGLAS - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 3, 4; Track 1; Soccer 4.
HARRIS, JAYME - Badminton Team 2; Chapel Committee 4; Art 1, 2, 4; Typing 1, 4; Speech 3; Indoor Ball Team 1, 2; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4.
HEBERT, YVETTE - Volleyball l; Intramural Winner 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Modern Dance 1, 2; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; Homecoming Dance Chairman 4; Christmas Program 3, 4.
HORN, CAROL - Linda Tuero Award 3; Volleyball l; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Art l; Typing l; Speech 3; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
HUBER, MURRAY - Varsity Football 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; State Track 4; Art l; Typing 3; HALO Staff 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4.
JOHNSON, BLAIR - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; All-District Football 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; State Track 4; Typing 4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4.
JONES, BART - Golf Team l; SHIELD Staff l; Speech 1.
LARKIN, KEN - Honor Roll 3; Sergeant-at-arms 4; J. V. Football 1; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; J. V. Basketball l; Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; State Track 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Escort 3; Favorite 4; Typing 2; Speech 3.
LEE, TRACY - National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4; Highest Class Average 1, 2, 3; Biology Award l; French Award l; English Award l; Algebra Award 2; Geology Award 2; Government Award 2; Math Award 3; Chemistry Award 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Student Council 2, Secretary 3, President 4; Class Treasurer 3, 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Speech 3; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; Christmas Program 1; Football Statistician 3, 4; Bas-
ketball Statistician 2, 3, 4.
LEONARD, LESTER - Highest Class Average 3; Mathematics A ward 3; Science Award 3; Spanish Honorable Mention 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4.
LINDSEY, ANN - French Award 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Pelican State Alternate 4; Student Council 3, Snack Bar Committee Chairman 4; SHIELD Staff 2, Favorites Editor 4; Art l; Pep Club 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 3, 4; Christmas Program l; Tutorial Program 3, 4.
LY ALL, CARRIE - Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; SHIELD Staff 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Art l; Typing 2; Modern Dance 2, 3; Speech 2; Pep Club 3, 4; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff, Layout Editor 3, Fashion Editor 4; LYRE Staff 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; English Classroom Award l; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4.
MABEY, MONIQUE - Student Council l; Homecoming Cheerleader 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Captain 3, 4; Badminton Team 1, 2, 4; Intramural Winner 4; Indoor Ball Team l; Chairman Junior Senior Prom 3; Favorite 4; HALO Staff 1, 3, 4; Christmas Program 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4.
McINTIRE, BRIG HID - Honor Roll 1; Cheerleader 4; Badminton Team 3; Chorus l; Homecoming Court 4; Favorite 4; Typing 3; Speech 3.
McKEY, JOHN - Class Treasurer 1; J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; J . V. Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4;
Basketball Captain 4; Track 2; Homecoming Escort 3; Art 2; Junior Senior Prom Committee.
McMICHAEL, JIM - National Merit Scholarship Finalist 3; World History Award 3; J. V. Football 1; Varsity Football 2, 3; Prep Quiz Bowl 3, 4; Christmas Program 2, 3.
MARCHMONT, RANDY - J. V. Football Manager l; SHIELD Staff: Photographer; Chorus l; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Art 4; Aide 3, 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 4; Christmas Program 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Christ Church Tutoring 3; Service Club
MA YER, RICHARD - National Merit Scholarship Finalist 4; Honorable Mention in Chemistry
2; Honor Roll 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Football Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; J.V. Basketball Manager l; SHIELD Staff 2; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; HALO Staff 2, 3, 4; Gustaf R. Westfeldt Award 2.
NOLAN, KAREY - Volleyball l; Chapel Committee 4; Art 4; Indoor Ball Team 1, 2, 3.
OTWELL, BECKY - Cheerleader
4; Alternate Cheerleader 3; Intramural Winner 4; Homecoming Court 3; Chorus 2, 3; Altar Guild 4; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Art 2; Pep Club 3; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
PAFFORD, GIL - Honor Roll l; Outstanding Wrestler 3; J. V. Football 1: Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Track l; Golf Team 2; Art l; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; Wrestling 2, 3, 4.
PARKERSON, BRUCE - Honor Roll 2; National Honor Society 4; J.V. Basketball 1, 2; Varsity
Basketball 3 , 4; Tennis Team 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 3; SHIELD Staff 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Art 4; Typing 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff; Christmas Program 2.
PETERSON, MARK - Track 1, 2; Art 1, 2; HALO Staff 3, 4
PHILLIPS, HUNTER - Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; J. V. Football l; Track l; Tennis Team 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 3; SHIELD Staff 4; Speech 2; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3.
REDMOND, SUDIE - Honor Roll 4; Homecoming Queen 4; SHIELD Staff 3, Seniors Editor 4; Favorite 4 ; Typing 4; Modern Dance 2, 3; Aide 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4.
ROBBINS, THOM - Class VicePresident l; J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Tennis Team 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 3; SHEILD Staff 3, 4; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Art 1, 2, 3; Typing 3, 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 3; LYRE Staff 3, 4; Favorite 4; Christmas Program 1, 2; Photography 2, 3.
ROBINSON, JIMMY - M. V. P. Soccer Award 3; J. V. Football 1: Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; J. V. Basketball l; Speech 3; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; Christmas Program 2, 3; Soccer 3, 4; All-District Soccer 3.
SIMS, BARRY - J. V. Football l; Varsity Basketball 4; Typing l; HALO Staff 3, 4.
SMITH, CAROLYN - Athletic Honor Award 4; Student Council l; Class Vice-President l; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; J. V. Cheerleader l; Homecoming
Cheerleader 2, 3; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Captain 3; Intramural Board 2, 4; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Winner 3; Homecoming Court 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Favorite 4; Stitchery l; Sewing l; Speech 3; Indoor Ball Team 1; Aide 2; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 4; Christmas Program 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 3.
SOENS, BECKY - Dramatics 4; Art 1, 2; Modern Dance 2; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3.
STAINBACK, MEG - Cheerleader 4; J. V. Cheerleader l; SHIELD Staff 3, 4; Altar Guild 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Committee 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Cheerleader 4; Art 1, 4; Speech 3; Pep Club 2, 3; Indoor Ball Team 1; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 3; LYRE Staff 3, 4; Christmas Program l; Christ Church Tutor 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4.
STEPHENS, STEVE - O. E. Haring Memorial Scholarship Award l; National Honor Society 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Class President 3, 4; Football Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2; Tennis Team 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Speech l; Aide l; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Junior Senior Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 1 , 2, Layout Editor 3 , Exchange Editor 4; Green Sales Committee Chairman 3.
SWAINE, BARBARA - Honor Roll 2; Volleyball 2; Indoor Ball 1, 2; P. E. Aide 1.
THREEFOOT, STEVEN - Honorable Mention Geometry l; Honorable Mention Religion 3; Major Brooks Award 3; Pelican State 4; J. V. Football 1; J. V. Basketball 1, 2; Swimming 3; SHEILD Staff 1, 4; Chapel Committee 1, 3, 4;
Aide 1, 3; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Jr. Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 1, 2, 4; Christmas Program 4; Homecoming Committee 2, 3, 4; Scorer for Basketball 3, 4; Scorer for Football 4.
TRINCHARD, JULIE - Chapel Committee 4; Pep Club 1, 2; Jr. Sr. Prom 3; LYRE Staff 4; Junior Greens Sale 3.
TUERO, JENNIFER - Linda Tuero Award for Most Valuable Tennis Player 2, 3; Lettered for Tennis 3; Vice-President 1; Secretary 3; Treasurer 2; Volleyball 1, 2, 3; Intramural Board 1, 2, 3, 4; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Winner Badminton Singles 1, 4; Intramural Winner Tennis Singles 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Winner Tennis Doubles 1, 2; SHIELD Staff 4; Quill and Scroll Honorable Mention 4; Most Athletic 4; Indoor Ball Team 1, 2; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 3, 4; Regional Tennis Winner 2, 3; Runner up in State Tennis 2, 3 .
WARD, GEORGE - Honor Roll 3; Pelican State Alternate 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Snack Bar Chairman 2; Service Chairman 4; Bonfire Chairman 2, 3; Vice President 2; Track 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; State Cross Country 3; Biology Aide 3; HALO Staff 3, 4; Jr. Sr. Prom Committee 3; Tutor 2, 3, 4.
WATKINS, LOIS - Secretary 1; Alt. Cheerleader 2; Homecoming Cheerleader 2; SHIELD Staff 2, 3, 4; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2; Aide l; Jr. Sr. Prom 3; HALO Staff 2, 3; Junior Greens Sales 3; Jr. Sr. Prom CoChairman 3; Sr. Rings 3.
WATKINS, LYNN - Secretary l; SHIELD Staff 3, 4; Chapel Committee 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Jr. Sr. Prom
Committee 3; Christmas Program 4; Intramurals 3; Homecoming Decorations 1, 2, 3, 4; Jr. Greens Sale 3.
WEST, DONNA - Chorus 4; Pep Club l; Aide l; LYRE Staff 4.
WILLIAMS, PATTY - Psychology Award 3; Religion Award Honorable Mention 3; National Honor Society 4; Student Council 4; Chairman of Social and Special Events 4; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3, 4; SHIELD Staff 2; SHIELD Asst. Ed. 3; SHIELD Editor 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Chapel Committee 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Lower School Aide 2, 3; Jr. Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 2, 3; Homecoming Decorations 3, 4; Football Party Committee 4; Jr. Greens Sale 3; Tutor 2, 3 , 4; Louisiana Girls' State 4; Prep Quiz Bowl 4; STM Day Chairman 4.
WOOTEN, MON IC A - National Merit Letter of Commendation 4; French Honorable Mention 2, 3; Chemistry Honorable Mention 2; Gustaf R. Westfeldt 2; D.A.R. American History Award 3; Honor Roll 3, 4; Pelican State 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C. Treasurer 4; Vice President 3, 4; Secretary 2; Volleyball Manager 3, 4; Softball Intramural Winner 3; SHIELD Staff 3; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Chapel Committee 2, 3, 4; Aide 2, 3; Jr. Sr. Prom Co-Chairman 3; HALO Staff 2; HALO News Ed. 3; HALO Ed. 4; Christmas Program 1, 4; STM Day Chairman 3; Green Sale Committee Chairman 3.
WRIGHT, DAVID - HALO Staff 3, 4.
YOUNG, DONNA - Art 1, 3, 4; Typing 1.