The Shield IIll
Becaus e of the necessity for meeting printer's deadlines, this note is being written well ahead of the conclusion of the ye ar. Nevertheless, I feel comfortable in putting down for all to read at a time far beyond the composition of these words, many votes of thanks!
My gratitude is great to the editor, Lisa Ward, and to the staff of The Shield and to thei r faculty advisor, Mrs. Kemp. Their diligence allows me the opportunity to thank all of you in this fine book.
To the faculty who has given so much in support of a new headmaster, to students who have so obviously reached out so many hands of welcome, to parents whose continuing deep support has been so willingly given, a deep and sincere thank you. My first year at St. Martin's has been a vintage one because of all of you.
To the senior class I give a well-earned salute. You have been fine leaders who shall be missed individually and collectively. Please know that you will al ways be a part of this, your school. Your visits will be keenly anticipated and, as they occur, will brighten our days. We're proud of you!
How fortunate I feel to be the headmaster of this school, which is loved by so many. May I always be worthy of your confidence.
John ComfortThe class of 1976 dedicat es this year's SHIELD to a tru e friend of St. Martin's. Through his help, patience, and understanding he has made this year's activities a success. His ideas have contributed greatly to school life. Because of this he is respected and loved by all of us. The 1976 SHIELD is dedicated to Father Marshall O. James.
With the coming of fall came opening days of school, football, and Saint Martin's Day.
Orientation started on Aug. 27. This was when new students were briefed by Mr. Comfort, Mr. Cairns, and Laura McIntire as to what StM is like. The stud ents were then shown around the school.
StM spirit is typified by the pep rallies. Each upper class was given a pep rally in which to have a skit. Shown is the rally before the Newman game where Sharon gave Steve a cake for his birthday.
On Nov. 11 the school celebrated its patron saint's day, St. Martin• s Day, by having a communion service, a school picnic, games between classes and ending with a faculty skit.
St. Martin's performed a play known as "The Boyfriend" which was a great success! The play was performed for an entire week, from Dec. 9 to 13 . Coffee, tea, milk, and dessert were furnished to the audience There were 17 actors and actresses who performed and shown are some scenes from this great success.
The Christmas celebration began on Dec. 17 when the Sr. High Chorus gave a Christmas presentation to the Upper School during chapel. Mrs. Witherspoon's Instrumentalists also performed as well as several individuals.
The Middle School had a chapel service on Dec. 19 after which they returned to their classrooms for a Christmas party. Also on Dec. 19 the Upper School had a chapel service with a short party in the library where the Favorites were announced.
St. Martin's was fortunat e enough to be able to schedule many very interesting speakers. Ford Rowan, an alumnus of St. Martin's, came to speak to th e Juniors and Seniors about the television media and its rol e in society. Students we r e also able to hear a "Russian diplomat" speak on Russia - unfortunat e ly pictures not available. Senator Bob Jon es was able to come on Feb. 6 to speak on the b e nefits of Capitalism. The Shak es pearian players who came on Feb. 11 were a great success with th e Upper and Middle School Students.
"The Real Inspector Hound," written by Tom Stoppard, was performed on Feb. 19, 20, 21. It was presented by a cast of 8 and a crew of many. Those who attended considered it a great success.
In Memory of Bishop Iveson B. Noland
Who Died June 24, 1975
Every Monday chapel services are held at St. Martin's. In order to involve as many students as possible these services have been held in Spanish and French showing their influence on Louisiana. The most important chapel of the year was on St. Martin's Day. There were 17 visiting clergy officials. After Father James' sermon and Mr. Comfort's welcoming speech, the Holy Eucharist was celebrated.
Assistant Head Master - Mr Robert Cairns Peter Waas - Middle School HeadStaff
Jerry WilliamsFine Arts
Alice Bowan - L. S. Music Caro l yn Boone - Head of the Art De partm entLibrary Aids
Head Librarian - Alma Ferguson Betty BourgeoisLanguage
Department Head - Mike Berard - French Pegi Hendren - Spanish Pedro is having a great time Pedro Perez - SpanishSocial Studies
Department Head - Dorothy Porter Anthony Porter Donald McNabb William Rosenbaum Al TrevinoScience
Department Head - Harold Graf - Chemistry and Physics Iva Mae West - Biology Belle Johnson - Middle School ScienceP.E.
Department Head - Larry Rambis Rome EvansCa£ eteria Staff
Will You Ever Forget
- Being 10 minutes behind Mrs. West when taking notes
- Catching up during her stories
- Karen Murphy's voice
- The C.P.A.
- C. B. the all American kid
- T . S . 's tern per
- The kiss of Knighthood
- J. D. mumbling
- Wondering if Kate and Todd were slightly bananas
- Being scared of Mr. Graf the first few weeks of chemistry
- Trying to figure out who your Kris Kringle was
- Hamsters, gerbils, and mice in sixth grade
- The most successful green sale until
- Geometry Study Guides
- Undefeated J. V. football team
- Parties at Lacombe
- Giving roses to Mrs. Goheen
- Meeting the real Harvey J. McGillacutty
- '' Green germs, no touchbacks ! ''
- Make out session in the back house in Waveland
- Stuart Clay's party with the flooded house
- The broken mirrors at the prom
- Mardi Gras on 1st street
- '75 homecoming band
- Bookfight in the Waveland library
- Conversations between Mr. Latham and Ken during Math IV
- Ice Ska ting at the Plaza
- Senior Weird Day
- B. S. and J. D. streaking at Waveland
- Quasimodes, Amachords, Fat Harrys, Brunos, Tucks, Poets, and Cooter Brown
- Jr. /Sr. Prom '75
- Shelly Merlin's parties
- Mrs. Saik critizing our class
- Thursday nights at Tulane Library
- G. S.' sinking canoe at Camp Hardtner
- Cricky and Snatch in Florida
- The "Boyfriend" cast parties
- The Freshman Backs in Lover's Lane with Bill Ball
- Smoking in the Green Acres' trees
- J. D. 's wreck in Todd's car
- Aspen '76
- Rumble at Riverview
- June 2, 1976
The Incredible Class of 1976
RlGHT: President - Steve Harris
BELOW: Treasurer - Kate Hoffman, Sgt. -at-Arms - Bill Cox, Vice Pres. - Patsy Llewellyn, Secretary - Carol Becker.
Old er men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die. And it is youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow, and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war.
Since God made us to be originals, why stoop to be a copy?
Billy Graham
Peel-out King Datsun Kid using his Plymouth as a chainsaw
I must be a mushroom because they keep me in the dark and feed me manure.
His hair . Way" . .
Anonymous weasel heavy "Go A-
Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?
The time to be happy is now, The place to be happy is here, The way to be happy is to make others so.
The big, green boxes on the beach Girls' State stories being tall
. . .
. . .
Don't let it bring you downIt's only castles burning. Just find someone whos e turning And you will come around.
Neil Young
0. J . . . . Genius . . . What were you doing under K .K .'swheels? "Do any homework?"
Smile! Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday!
The church parking lot forget'' Terry who ?
Valentine "I
If you want to sing out - sing out If you want to be free - be free Cause there's a million things that you can be You know that there are.
Harold and Maude
Whit ... Country Day ... "It's cold in here"
and the time has finally come for me to pack my bags and walk away.
Allman Brothers Band . . . ''you' re a crumb'' . meeting Johnny Carson her jewelry '69 -
Even if you' re on the right track, you' 11 get run over if you just sit there.
McDonald's manager Snow skiing 1 exposure
You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need.
Being skinny . . . "Greetings, Girls" . . . '' LLLB Texas '7
Blue Ridge Mountains turning green I want to go home again to see my mountain friends.
Bersy Beava Okey from McStokey Nonh Carolina . . . *LLLB . . .
If I am not myself, who else will be?
gedy Ann dolls
Youth is glorious, but it isn't a career. St. Louis Post Dispatch
Pearl . . . long drives at lunch . . . Good Looking bald at age 17
Happiness is the reflection of a smile . Holly Hobbie
5 flavor Life Savers Art Ears pee l ed
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dr e am deep, for every dream reaches the goal. Pamela
You've got so much to say, say what you mean. Mean what you're thinking, and think anything.
Crazy people . . . Cat Stevens . chist thunderstorms
Cat Stevens being a maso-
Life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning can never be regained.
Stendhal climbing the
A friend is someone who leaves you with all your freedom intact but who by what he thinks of you, obliges you to be fully what you are.
Her car '' LLLB Valencia
Man can do things without purpose. Sometimes people don't understand.
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception.
I have slipped the surly bonds of Eanh 'ut out my hand, and touched the face of God.
John G. Magee, Jr.
·ulie, Lyn, Sue, Judy, Dianne . . . Porsche . . .
We are long before we are convinced that happiness is never to be found; and each believes it possessed by others, to keep alive the hope of obtaining it for himself.
But the man worthwhile is the one who will smile, when everything goes dead wrong.
Sports . . . talking . . . talking . . . talking
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade !
"I know! Oh, I know" ''LLLB Volleyball Colorado '73 -
I nev er let my sc h ooling interf ere with my education.
Aldous Huxley
Dino . . Dadd y . . . diving . . . Betty Crocker '76 . . How much is a 1/5 of beer? ...
''B ue l''
A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere Before him , I may think aloud.
The Hump . . . Wire Top . . . Bubba . . . '66 - '76
'63 - '76 Em ersonSUSAN
Who will love a little Sparrow And who will speak a kindly word?
"Not I," said the swan, '' The entire idea is utterly absurd , I'd be laughed at and scorned if the other swans heard. ''
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where th ere's room to grow, And yes, We've just begun.
That's so
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.
Many Fisher
Water-skiing on Wednesday walking across LSU-BR campus Lacombe rare vintage
A big book is a big nuisance.
Tony Porter II
Pole vaulting U.S. History
Life teaches us to be less severe with ourselves and others.
Bear . . . Romeo . . . Mr. B. 's
In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends.
2½ hours to eat . . . Central lock up . . Football??? Water-skiing on Wednesdays
We do not remember days, We remember moments.
Doin' the bump Being grounded
Choking at the table
The best thing for the inside of a man is the inside of a hors e.
What's the best ya got??? Ya'll, I'm so embarrassed Oh Lordee ! ! !
Horse s Another new car
The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts.
Timothy Dwight, HAPPINESS
Kung Fu kid ... Ms. Junior Scientist ... Older men Klutz
Life is what you make of it. Anonymous
Daaady . . . La Place . . . Spelling . . . All American Boy . . . Mr. Ingolia . . .
There is nothing permanent except change , and time waits for no one.
Ken McQuack Swivel Hips Rah ... Studying ...
Self-conquest is the greatest of victories. Plato
Chasing boys out of town Sweet 16 eek! . . . grades . . . pres . . her house '69
Yesterday's projections we'll never really know, But Tomorrow's recollections will surely show.
D.B. ginia . Sarah Lee . . . Annapolis . . . Virfetishes Where am I going to colIege
If we can sparkle he may land tonight. Bowie
Spaceman . "That's nice" his parties • • • WOW. '71
,ome people never say the ,.;ords '' I lov e you '' :t's not their style to b e :o bold.
,ome people never say these words '' I love you'' lut lik e a child, th ey' re onging to b e told.
;reg her diets
wholly to b e a fool while spring is in the world my blood approves and kisses are a better fate than wisdom
e. e cummings
Symphony LLLB Blue jeans Geometry, geometry, Geometry . . . '70
'71 - '76 LYNW OO D ANN MOORE '' Lyn'' Paul Simon Carmen Miranda LANE OLDHAM MOLONY ''Lane''A bell is no bell 'till you ring it, A song is no song 'till you sing it. Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay; Love isn't love 'till you give it away.
Mouth of '76 her voice Music
We all need to have people who mean something to us, people to whom we can turn knowing being with them is coming home.
Hair cut ... Spastic "Do It" ... "Dumb!!" Chicago
This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Scene III, Polonius Shakespeare
I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes.
His taking all day to eat lunch ers Uh-E
his many lock-
As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.
Muscle cars "This is a big farce"
. . . Hooonnngg !
Socrates . fed up
A faithful friend is a strong defense; and he that hath found such a one hath found a treasure.
Easy serve . . . tournament . . . porn porn socks '70 -
'63 - '76
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind blow at your back; May the sun shine warmly on your face; May the rain fall softly on your field; And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand . Amen
An Old Irish Proverb
Her walk her sweetness her intelligence
If you want to get to heaven, you've got to raise a little hell.
Cameras . . . Mercedes . . . pennies in hubcaps .
Anonymous playing the drums
Ignorance is bliss.
Panyin woman. her naivete . . . casual . . . space-
It's one more round for experience and we're on the road again.
Schweg ... Panyin ... clothes ... Reese's and snik-snaks . . . Tab . . . Living in east jesus
People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.
Bob Merrill
Ruthy . . . ballet . . . art . . . all your kittens
Tiger got to hunt. Bird got to fly. Man got to sit and wonder 'Why, Why, Why ? ' Tiger got to sleep. Bird got to land Man got to tell himself he understand
His vocabulary drama
Thank you for all you have given me and thank you for all you have let me take; I'm sorry if I have taken too much at times. But, sunrise by sunrise, I will give it back because now I can love.
Michigan Hi there tuts
You can judge a person's character by the way he responds to a challenge.
Thursday night at the library ketball skunk
Anonymous Aspen bas-
rhe rats are winning.
~eeting the real Harvey how goes th e rat race Doyle-ee
Happiness comes with the love and trust of others.
Ken her sweet voice Rah! Rotten . . . cheer-bop . . .
This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it.
Cameras cars
Every man has a right to be conceited until he is successful. His walk . . . nose jobs non violence . . .
rou don't know that you love me. You don't know, mt I know that you do. You may think that you are Lbove me, yeah. But what you think isn't always .rue.
½oonface . . . turning red
:::alifornia 7 5 . . .
the lid's off
You never really know what you've got when you've got it, but really appreciate it when it's gone
Think of me as your friend.
Midnight Blues
Chapel Hill piglet I don't understand
He remains a fool his whole life long, who loves no1 wine, woman, and song.
Central lock-ups chemistry tests Quasi' s torf
Don't walk in front of me -
I may not follow:
Don't walk behind meI may not lead.
Walk beside me -
And just be my friend.
Spider . . . track . . . M&M's . . . Shield
If at first you don't succeed try, try, again. Th e n quit; no use being a damn fool about it.
Time does not become sacred to us until we hav e lived it.
John BurroughsBag o' bones speaking French
Junior Class
Secretary - Tracy Mitchell
Vice President - Suzy Hickham
Treasurer - Adrie Voors
President - George Farber
Anne Atkinson
Beth Augustin
Robert Ayerst
Kitsi e Babin
Becky Baber
Anderson Baker
Jeff Baldwin
Hea th er Banton
Rick Beberman
Susan Bee
Lisa Bernhard
Tommy Brannan
Marla Ciani
Jim Cook
Nancy Eavenson
Park Ellis
George Farber
Deborah Farnsworth - ABSENT
Stephen Fingerman
Fred Fisher
Mark Gauch et
Dana Garvey
Alexa Georges
Nancy Giles
John Girault
Tell me another Elephant joke ,Joe Gorvetzian
Anne Griffis - ABSENT
Joe Grigg
Mary Davis Hamlin
Pam Hansen
Lisa Hay
Suzy Hickham
Sydney Hines
David Hoffman
Danny Hughes
Dee Ingerman
Fred Janneck
Gale Jones
Kem Kiein
Nell Koch
Charlotte Kreher
Cheryl Lamben
Roland Leavell - ABSENT
Rusty Lien
Garry Matherne
Bill Mathes
Patty McFarland - ABSENT
Jeffrey Meckstroth
Lisa Miley
Tracy Mitchell
We're King of the Mountain! Cielle Muller Lisa Newman Paul Newman Mik e Newsom Garry Oelsner Patrick Oosterhuis Cynthia Otwell Mary Beth Pendley Perilloux Pickhardt Quinn Rosenzweig Brian Rourke Schuler Shawn Sistrunk Marie Stephens Toye Voors Wilson WyanSophomores
President - Juli Miller
Vice President - Michael
Secretary - Terie Trinchard
Treasurer - Betsy Frank
Michael Farber
Nea l Fischer - ABSENT
Victoria Fl eetwood
Elizabeth Frank
Gary Freibaum
Ev e lyn Fried
Lucy Fried
Shir l ey Giles
Kathryn Gordon
Brian Grove
Lisa Hansen
Allison Hanw e ll
Allen Hayward
Geo rge Hoffman
John Holland
Gwendolyn Holmquist
Brian Huber
David Humphr eys
Manin James
Chery l Johnson
William Kimbl e
Michae l Lasky
Robert Le e
Myron Linds ey
Kellye Magee
Philip Manning
Cynthia Marchese
Elisa be th Martin
Michael Martin
David Mayer
Maryanne Mayronne
John McCollam
Kimberly Meng
Juli Miller
Susan Mitchell
Ronald Nelson
Michael Necoladis
Mary Normann
Ronald Ostrolenk
Melinda Pafford
Russell Paine
Rip Reeves
Quit pinching!
Kent Russell, abs e nt
Thomas Ryan
Rogers Schupp
Steve Shirley
Julian Sims
Rebecca Slifkin
Gretchen Smith
Anne Stephens
Manfred Sternberg
Sally Stinchcomb
Sherri Strain
Amy Threefoot
Dana Wattles
Lori Watts
Amy Whitsell
Laura Williams
Susan Woods
Marie Tonti
Terie Trinchard
Laura Vallas
Melissa Van Meter
Treasurer - Brian Deane
Secretary - Danielle Juzan
President - Kate McCall
Vice President - Chris McIntire
Sergeant-at-Arms - Bubba Hines
William Ary
Caro l yn Ashby
Douglas Ashton
Janis Askew
Katherine Barrett
Elise Beauchamp
Christopher Benbo w
Courtney Benton
Jon Berthonnaud
Craig Bourgeois
Elizabeth Bower
Barbara Brandon
Bonnie Carter
John Chaffe
John Ciani
Kelly Conatser
Caro l yn Cypert
Robert Deane
Myrl Douglass
Michael Drew
Lynna Drumm
Ma r k Ferguson
De b o rah Ferrante
Susan Fisher
As h by Gi bbo na
Catherin e Girault
Will iam Grigg
Isabe l Guinee
No r man Hansen
Chr i s Hanman
Eli za beth Hay
Ca rri e Hayde l
Gise l e Heiman
Willi a m Hi nes
Jo h n Howe ll
Eli zabeth Hug hes
Jo hn Hur d
David James
Da nie ll e Ju zan
C har l es Kamrow
Jeffrey Katz
Debbie Koppman
Darolyn Lamben
Amy Leonard ·
Leslie Limes
Michelle Luck
Christopher Mackenzie
Mitchell Mamoulides
Lisa Matthews
Catherine McCall
Virginia Mccollam
Christopher Mcintire
Mary Montero
Michael Morgan
You shouldn't have done that!
John Pollard
Robert Post
James Reed
Michael Renzulle
Lesle Nicholson
Lauren Oelsner
Nancy Rusch
Michelle Schlueter
Patrice Schwartz
John Simon
Paul Peyronnin
Mark Pickhardt
Mary Stall
Claire Stephens
Leslie Tay !or
Suzanne Tonti
Teryl Trenchard
Hubertus Vandervoort, absent
Kathleen Voss
Charles Walton
Michelle West
Lisa Whitsell
Let me show you how it's done!
You think this is Coke, don't you?
Does t h at l ook like fungi to you?
You know, you photographers re al! y bore me.
Cynthia Askew
Elizabeth Benbow
Lana Bernos
Sally Brammell
Lisette Breaux
Ann Burlingame
Beverly Cain
Pamela Camp
Ricardo Carvajal
Johanna Clark
Aphra Claverie
William Colomb
Tracy Conatser
Sallie Davis
Sean Duffy
"If this won't get her nothing will! "
"Cut the funny jokes, okay?"
Leonard Gurvich
He l en Hansen
Louie Harris
Patrick Hennessey
Lynn Hickman
Virginia Hoffman
Dennis Hysom
Bryan Ingerman
Lorraine James
Lauren Lemmon , Johanna Clark, are up to something! ! ! John Dunlap Amanda Fisher Jana Fleming Kathl ee n Fu llilove James Garrett Geehan Ford GrahamRonald Johnson
Rhonda Kalil
Shannon Kinyon
Mary Klinger
Elizabeth Krementz
Elena Lange
Mary Lemmon
Enga Lokey
Stuart McDowell
Chris McEwen
Jeffery McIntire
Melinda McNair
Catherine Mackenzie
William Manning
Anthony Massey
John Meghrian
John Miller
Robert Mitchell
Marcia Montero
Earl Mosely
Martin Muller
Stephen Newsom
Karen O'Meallie
Anne Paterson
Marilyn Pelias
"You wouldn't dare!!!""Oh yes I would!!!"
Ethe lyn William s
Patrick Wood
Elizabeth Wright
Steph e n Young
Re my Poirri e r
Ne lli e Quiro z
Marc Richard
Laura Rizzo
Lauri e Rolling
Elizabeth Ru e
Lewis Sams
Elizabeth Saunders
Linda Schaller
John Schmidt
John Serice
Susan Shepard
St e ven Slifkin
Margaret Smith
David Toups
Laura Babin
Glenn Baldwin
Judy Becker
Andrew Benson
Robert Benson
Robert Bernhard, III
Clayton Borne
Donna Bossier
Cynthia Boykin
Palmer Brooke
Paige Brown
Robert Bruce
Leslie Bryant
Lydia Caffery
Camille Colomb
John DeMartini
Jennifer Douglass
Bryan Dupepe
Michelle Erwin
William Fowler
David Fried
Deborah Gibson
Forrest Gibson
John Gooch
Jack Gordon
Stacy Grove
Roblin Hartman
Lori Hendler
Annette Hickham
Darci e Holland
Michael Holland
Eric Ho! tzman
Leo nard Huber
FOXY BROADS! ! ! Mrs. Sumner can handle anything!! Je ff Farber Fe rrante Jaime Fleming Russell FreibaumMargaret King
Mark Kantrow
Stephen Kantrow
Terren Klein
Keith' Kyler
Tobin Lassen
Andrew Lemmon
Kenneth Leonard
John Mccane
Sarah Mcclendon
Nancy McDowell
Allison McEwen
Virginia McFadden
Joseph Mabey
Jeffery Manin
Harriet Mayer
Anne Meyer
Frederick Miller
Todd Muller
Rozanne Murphy
Nancy Newman
Frank Nicoladis
Erin O'Hara
Anna Olinde
David O'Quinn
David Pailet
John Palmer
Patricia Piner
Sherri Rambis
Randal Rampp
Kathryn Reische
Jennifer Roach
Jam es Roberts
Nancy Romaine
Amy Sandridge
Tara Schultz
William Scott
Leese Sh l enker
Richard Troth
Edward Wall
Nelson Watson
Todd Wattles
Robert Williams
Sixth Grade
Peggy Be rnhard
Mark Bickham
Carolyn Calo
Mark Cra wford
Beth Crosby
JoAnn DeMartini
Doug Duerson
Ann Duffy
Gu y Favalora
David Ferrante
Bee Fullilove
Diana Fisher
Ronald Giles
Bobby Gurvich
Laurie Herron
Donna Hickham
Chris Huber
Alan Lange
Robert Rader
Arnesto Rodriguez
Steven Wu lff
Kar en Wulffraat
Scott Zander
Sixth Grade
Vincent Fouchi
Parker Roy Dr e w Story
Dian e Troth
Michael Weaver
Lesli e West
Kun Appel
Brian Ary
Je nnif e r Baron e
Brandon Bawel
Jeann e Be rn os
St e ve n Bossi e r
Barbara De lchamps
Henry Eik e !
Ginny Erwin
G r e tch e n G ib son
Alan Hild
Nancy Jones
Steph e n Kl e in
Ray Kuchl e r
Anne McKibbon
Yolan Pint e r
Pa trick Port e r
John Roberts
Julie Banta Temple Beeson
Don Berthonnaud
Susan Bower
Marilyn Calo
Kemela David
John Ferguson
Lawrence Hoffman
Emily Jahncke
George Janvier
Anne-Sere Klein
Shauna Kreher
John Luck
Maria Matthews
Nancy Mayer
Vee Miller
John Morgan
Fred Olinde
Michael Shlenker
Susi e Steinwinder
Tom Tallaksen
Eric Toft
Charlotte Woody
Hey! Give me back my paper!
That's NOT funny! My teacher's gonna love this.
Fifth Grad e
Andrea Anderson
Daniel Becnel
Melinda Benge
John Burlingame
Brian Chaff e
Ginny Davis
Anne Dunlap
Leslie Ellis
Ann Fisher
Jim Hamlin
Leanne Hennessey
Tad Huber
Steve Ingram
Hans Jonassen
Teddy Kanuow
Allison Kinyon
Keppy Laudeman
Sarah Morris
Devan Pailet
Roger Pa non
Kristin Romaine
Lauren Sullivan
Kristin Webb
Michae l Wood
Melissa Young
Tok e Vandervoort
Ji m Van Dev e nder
Paig e Yeargain
Fifth Grad e
Susan DossLana
Angele Andry
Alice Atkinson
Kath e rin e Benbow
Georg e Bott
John Durham
Erik Dyhrkopp
De borah Dyk es
Vinc e Fouchi
Remi Fransen
St e phani e George
Ashley Goodwill
Ca l e Graham
Be ssann He b en
Ashley Jackson
Randy Kupp
Tr ey Lok ey
De bbi e Lombard
Douglas McCollum
David Oe lsner Prudhomm e Al ma Quiroz Shauna Stor eyFunda Akdamar
Andre Berot
Carl Bird
Trip Bloom
Wendy Brown
Cali Bush
Lester Coe
Shannon Connaster
Monique Duclaux
Todd Graham
Eldon Harvey
Jeanne Herrington
Elizabeth Hofheinz
Jon James
John Knight
Laurie Lambert
Melissa Lewis
Mary McKibbon
Robert Meghrian
Ann Mitchell
Billy Mohamed
Emmett Pierce
Kevin Rourke
Lisa Turpin
Karen Watson
Marc Wilenzick
Robin Nicholson
Pe yton Pe ttit
Karl Pey ronnin
Nicole Sarg e nt
Fourth Grad e
Juli et Kers ey
Jon Scheurich
Tyso n Shof stahl
David White
Patrick Williams
De rek Barnes
JoAnn Baron e
Al exandra Cross
Jeffrey Dingl e r
Jenn if e r Fl e ming
Paige Go rrond ona
Li sa Grigg Stephani e Harri son
Richard Hawkins
Hill Johnson
Julie Koppman
Steve Lasky
Katherin e Le ] e un e
Laura Link
Cathy Lire tt e
Br yant McFa ll
Trac ey Moor e
Gary Morto n
Third Grade
Phyllis Wilenzick
Ero! Akdamar
Susan Baronne
Nicole Berthonnaud
Stephen Bosarge
Katy Feibleman
Kelley Flick
Stuart Head
Cindy Hild
Billy Janvier
Jan Jenkins
Glenn Johnson
Danielle Lambert
SuSu Laudeman
Ann LeJeune
Poe Miles
Michele Moore
David Paine
Richard Pollard
Jennifer Stephens
Mark Talbot
Carol Watts
Laura Williams
Li sa Rat h e r
Laura Sams
Lisa Senneff
Kristin Sullivan
Third Grade
Erin Cairns
Robert Vining
Lauren Wilenzick
Wendy Wi llen zick
Catherine Abbott
Heidi Banton
Pete r Chi n
Caroli ne Eppling
Christopher Frans en
Martha Goldthwaite
Aleis He bert
Erick Huber
Ann-Ma ri e Ingolia
Karl Pe ter Ke ll e r
Samue l Kling er
Craig Kupp
Ke nny Lasky
Chris Lozano
Mac McFaddon
Laura McMahon
Page Morton
Kristi Rambis
Second Grade
I think I know!
Isn't this fun?
First Grade
Kimberley Conway
Kristin Dorfi
Brent Edwards
Stuart Ellis
Joey Fouchi
Steve Gallaher
Bi ll y Gorman
Lindsey Jackson
Michael Jord y
Wake Lankard
Wendy Lon eg rass
Dru Magee
Heath e r Murlin
Drew Pelias
Kathy Rock
Shannon Ryan
Shelley Shackelford
Cameron Smith
Carol Steinman
Kim Stiebing
Charles Suhren
Chris Toft
Morgan Wilson
First Grade
Vicki Benbow
Ly nn Bl oom
Beau Charbonnet
Donald Chin
Neil Dyhrkopp
Gab ri e ll e Sa ll oum
Elisia Shofstah l
Laur e n Vedros
Brook e Williams
Todd Wood
Windy Freeman
John Gardner
Jonathan Glenn
David Jones
Tl1ompson Lykes
Paula O ' Quinn
Learning Center
Beth Boudreaux
Andrea Coker
Allison Cornelius
Davin Davini
Melissa Dingler
Trey George
Storey Gorrondona
Jon-Erling Hansen
Richard Hebert Graham Justice
Satoshi Kitahama
Paige Kirn
Tara Link
Kelly Luck
Lauren McFall
Courme y Marsiglia
Ronald Murlin
Tara Nicholson
Clayton Page
Mac Richards
John Ryan
Rodger Schneidau
Kemper Taylerson
Glenn Tchou
Peter Wanek
Laura White
Mary Kathleen Williams
Eric Witherspoon
Marion Benson
Loren Berot
Le arning Ce nter
Erika Bi rd
Stafford Brister
Ch er Chester
Margaret Ch risty
Sa ndy Craine
John Fa l goust
Doug l as Ferrante
Rebecca Fransen
Jeremy Head
Drew Herrington
Karen Holmes
Banon Jahncke
Kauina Keller
Eric Koehler
Maria Kt i stakis
Kyle Kupp
Brad Lokey
Beth Mccranie
Max Me rl in
Lila Mohamed
Robert Peyton
Courtney Reinhardt
Paul Vining
Melissa Watson
Keith Wulffraat
Leigh Yeargain
Leaming Center SUSAN MAGEEPam Jenkins
Robbi e Johnso n
Mer e dith Ke rs ey
Ca nd y Killian
Jason Knight
Ch ristop h er Bec kman
Shawn Br e nnan
Jam es Daigle
Je nnife r Foster
Me l anie Gordon
Remy Gross
Jam es Martin
Brian Murph y
Mar y Davi e Pat e rso n
Chad Poche
Gerri Rambi s
Fr e d e rick Stev e nson
Joe y Trapani
Ann West
Austin Willis
He ath e r Wood
Cassie Yeme l os
The Student Council
STUDENT COUNCIL: 1-r: David James, Evelyn Fried, Scott McQuaig, Tracy Mitchell, Steve Rue, Kitsie Babin, Juli Miller, Dean Lindsey, Mike Nicoladis, Carol Becker, Karen Brandt. KNEELING: 1-r: Paul Peyronin, Ann Stephens, Patsy Llewellyn, Laura McIntire, Adrie Voors.
MISSING FROM PICTURE: Kelly Conatser, Sharon Haydel, Bob Lee, Carter McDowe ll, Mary Beth Pendley, and Michelle West.
SENIOR REPRESENTATIVES: 1-r: Kar e n Brandt, Carter McDow e ll, Caro l Becke r , Scott McQuaig, and Patsy Ll ewe ll y n.
MISSIN G: Sharon Haydel.
FRESHMEN: David James and Paul Peyronnin. MISSING: K e ll y Conatser, Chris Mel mir e, Michelle West. SOPH OMORES : 1-r : Juli Miller, Bob Lee, Dean Lind sey, Steve Rue, Mik e Nicoladis, and Eve lyn Fried JUNIOR Adri e Voors Ann St e ph e ns , Tracy Mitch e ll, Kitsi e Babin. MISSING: Mary Beth Pendl eyShield
National Honor Society
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY OFFICERS: I-r: Secretary Carol Becker, President Karen Brandt, and Vice-President Karen Murphy. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY ADV ISOR: Ms. Da r by.Intramural Board
No-Name Newsletter
Beautification Committee
Faculty Sponsor: Mr.
BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE: STANDING, 1-r: Betsy Ayerst, Nancy Giles, Lisa Bernhard. SITTING, 1-r: Gw e n Holmquist, Bunni e Bernhard, Shirley Giles, Lucy Fried, and Mary Beth Pendley.Louisia na Boys' and Girls' State
Quill and Scroll
Instrumental Music
Middle School Forum
2nd TRIMESTER: TOP, 1-r: Graham Roberts, David O'Quinn , Robert Bernhard, Sarah McClendon. 2nd ROW: Todd Richard, Stuan McDoewll, Erin O'Hara, Todd Muller. 3rd ROW: Libby Krememz, Anne Paterson, David Toups, Lori James. 4th ROW: Mrs. Johnson (sponsor), Eric Holtzman, Bill Colomb, Elzabeth Rue, Susan Shepard, Melinda McNair. FRONT ROW: Nancy Newman, Kat Fullilove, Dean Nicoladis, Terren Klein, and Enga Lokey.
Middle School Scroll Staff
SCROLL STAFF: TOP, 1-r: Brady King, Todd Muller, Dennis Hysom, Ray Bryant 2nd ROW: Mrs. Sumner, sponso r, Ricardo Carvajal, Gl enn Ba l dwin, Ke n Leonard, Jo hn Dunlap. FRONT: Kristy Camp, Laura Rizzo, Elizabeth Rue, Kelley Williams, Jana Fl eming, Kathy Reisc h e , Mrs. Wylie, and Mrs Beckman, sponsors.
LEFT: Kelley Williams works hard on the Scroll.Middle School Activities
The Lower School Clubs
Best Looking
Most Athletic
Middle School Ideals
Homecoming Queen
Homecoming Football Game
Hom e coming Court Goes to ~~The Zoo"
One of the main objectives of our football program is to develop confidence, pride, and poise in its participants. While a veteran player needs only to have these qualities revived, an inexperienced player needs to have them implanted. This task, more difficult than installing an offense or a defense, can take an entire season to accomplish. This was our major concern this year; of confidence could be instilled in our team, pride and poise would follow.
Even though we started slow, the opinion of the players began to change. They began to believe that we could play sound offensive and defensive football. The Episcopal and Country Day games gave us the confidence we needed. The offense began to operate with a consistency and an explosiveness that had not been present before. Tenacity became the chief characteristic of the defense as they held two opponents to seven points.
Just when we began to operate efficiently, a rash of injuries ensued, delaying our development. Our confidence and our poise slipped a bit, but our pride, usually non-existent without the other two, forged ahead. It was through the quality play of John Early, Tommy Letard and Cricky Brown (tri-Captains) who gave the team the leadership necessary for this pride to prevail throughout the season.
Success was attained in various ways, by the 1975 SAINTS.
Larry F. RambisCOACHES
Although the 1975 S.T.M. football team did not fare that well in their season, there were some bright spots. The leading rushers were Cricky Brown and Ken Howe with 531 and 405 yards, respectively. Buel Humphreys was the leading passer with 240 yards. His primary receiver was Glenn Stokes with 168 yards total. Everything combined, the team averaged 175. 5 yards per game total offense. The defense was anchored by Tommy Letard, Brian Rourke, George Farber, and John Early.
This year the 1975-76 Cheerleaders were a crazy bunch. They attended the 'Ole Miss' Cheerleading Camp where they learned many new cheers and stunts. They tried to promote spirit by selling ribbons and badges to the unsuspecting students and faculty. The bumping and boggieing of the St. M. squad brightened the sports activities and spirit of St. Martin's.
'75 J.V. Football
This year's J. V. lacked size and numbers. While the season was 0-5, but 3 out of 5 were lost in the final minutes. Outstanding players included Doug Ashton, Brain Deane, John Cia tti, David Coquinn, and Chris Mackenzie.
The J. V C heerleaders (left) Nancy Rush, Elizab eth Hay, Lynna Drumm, Claire Steph e ns, Janis Askew , Dindy Mccollam, and Cat h y Girau lt.
Th e Middle School Cheerleaders (below) ar e Ke ll ey Wi lliam s, Jana F l em ing, Leese Shlenk e r, Elizab e th Ru e , Nan Newman, and Cynthia Bo yk in.
'75-'76 Basketball Team
Although the 75-76 basketball season was not so good there are some bright spots. The basketball season was hampered by football injuries of the previous season but the bright spots included a team with much determination and enthusiasm. The two people to be most commended are Ken Howe, and Terry Sistrunk who helped keep the team together and helped the team to end on a winning note and fourth in the district.
J.V. Basketball
This year a variety of players were molded into the J. V. Basketball team by coach John Ponds. Th e team was very successful and over all the team finished third in the district. Outstanding players included: Mike Farber, Bubba Hines, and for leadership Bill Kimble.
8th Grade Basketball
Cross Country
What happened to the rest of the team ?
Missing from pictur e: Phillip Becker, Johnn y Girault, John Palm e r, David Fried, John Gooch, David Mayer, Mike Re nzulli, Damon Rosenzweig
The 1975 "A" Volleyball Team had a touch and go season placing third in Ivy League Division. The girls missed competing in the State Tournament in a close game against Riverdale, the 1975 runner-up for state.
The 1975 "B" Volleyball Team under the guidance of Miss Bev Alberstat placed first in Ivy League Division with an undefeated season. The team, ranging from Freshmen to Juniors gained experience and knowledge of the game of Volleyball.
The 1975 Middle School Volleyball T ea m placed first in Ivy Leagu e Di vision Und e r th e direction of Gail Carroll th e girls gained skills which will aid them in High School Volleyball.
Co ach: Gail CarrollMembers of the Varsity Tennis team include Suzy Hickham, Amy Whitzell, Claire Stephens, Cathy Gira ult, Kate McCall, Dana Garvey, Pam Macy, and Mary Davis Hamlin.
MISSING: Ann Marie Stephens.
BELOW: Mrs. Edwards - coach.
Girls' Tennis
Th e uppe r sch oo l i vy l e a gue t ea m tak es tim e for a pic tur e
MIDDLE SCHOOL TENNIS TEAM Lisa Whitse ll in action!Swimming
VARSITY SWIM TEAMThe Intermural activities were extremely exciting this year. The program gave the girls a chance to get out and show their athletic ability while competing in class competition.
Susan Bee and Park Ellis Table Tennis Winnerslntramurals 1975-76
The victorious Senior Softball TeamCRUDE OIL & GAS CO. INC.
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in walls a nd under raised floors. (These R-values are ratings of insulation materials according to their resistance to heat flow.)
If you ' d like more information on other ways to use energy wisely, contact your Consumer Energy Team, Louisiana Power & Light , 142 Delaronde Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70174.
Compliments of BROWN'S VELVET
Congratulate the 1976 Seniors
Compliments of the DAD'S CLUB
AKENHEAD, J. D. - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 3, 4; J. V. Basketball 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Track 2; Soccer l; Homecoming Escort 4; Typing 4.
ATKINSON, ROBERT - Honor Roll l; Art 1, 2; Typing 1; Aide 3.
BALL, ED - Geometry Award l; Government Award 2; English Award 3; Honor Roll l; Dramatics 3, 4; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Typing l; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 3, 4.
BARNUM, STEVE - SHIELD Staff 1, 3; HALO Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
BECKER, CAROL - World History Honorable Mention
2; Government Honorable Mention 2; Religion Honorable Mention 2; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Louisiana Girls' State 4; Student Council 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Class Secretary 4; SHIELD Staff 3, 4; Chorus 2; Typing l; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; Quill and Scroll 3, 4.
BOSSIER, AL - Soccer l; HALO Staff 2.
BRANDT, KAREN - Highest Class Average 1; Biology Honorable Mention l; World History Honorable Mention 2; Spanish Honorable Mention 1, 2, 3; Government Honorable Mention 2; English Honorable Mention 2; Chemistry Honorable 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, President 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; SHIELD Staff 3, 4; Art 4; Typing l; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee.
BROWN, CRICKY - Honorable Mention Spanish 1, 2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Louisiana Boys' State 4; J. V. Football 1, 2; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Football Co-Captain 4; AllDistrict Football 4, Honorable Mention 3; All-Riverside Football 4; J. V. Basketball 1; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Favorite 4; Typing 4; Soccer 1, 3.
CALO, CINDY - Art l; Homecoming Decorations 4.
CARTER, JULIE - Art 1, 2, 4; Modern Dance 2; Speech 3; Aide 1, 2; LYRE Staff 4.
COTTER, KIM - Swimming 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Art 2, 3; Modern Dance 2; Speech 3; Aide 1; Jr. /Sr, Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4.
COX, BILL - Sergeant-at-arms 4; SHIELD Staff 3, 4; Typing 2; Wrestling 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; Photography Club 2.
DANOS, BARBARA - Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Court 3, 4; Art l; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3.
DERICKSON, BETSY - Intramural Board 1; Tennis Team l; Favorite 4; Art l; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee.
DICKINSON, KELLIE - Student Council 2; SHIELD Staff 4; Chorus 2, 3; Art 1, 2, 3, 4; Typing l; Jr./ Sr. Prom Committee; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 4; Art Honorable Mention 1, 3.
EARLY, JOHN - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; All-District Football Honorable Mention 3; States Item 10-AA All-District Team; East Bank Guide Small School Team 4; Football Co-Captain 4; Soccer 1.
FLEETWOOD, ANN - Art 2, 3; Typing 4; Modern Dance 2.
FRANK, LAURIE - Honor Roll 2; Alternate Cheerleader 1; Chapel Committee 2, 3; Art l; Typing 3; Aide l; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 2; LYRE Staff 3 , 4.
GIRA ULT, GINGER - Volleyball 2, 3; Badminton Team 3; SHIELD 4; Art l; Aide l; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; LYRE Staff 4.
GRAFTSTROM, MONICA - Chorus 4; Chapel Committee 4; Instrumental Music 4; Speech 3; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee; LYRE Staff 4; Art 1, 2, 3; Aide 2.
HAIK, MIKE - J. V. Football l; Varsity football 4; Homecoming Escort 4; SHIELD Staff l; Favorite 4; Art l; Typing l; Aide 4; HALO Staff 12; Wrestling 3; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3.
HARRIS, - STEVE - Religion Honorable Mention l; Chemistry Honorable Mention 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Louisiana Boys' State 4; Class President 4; Vice-President 3; J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; J. V. Basketball 1, 2; Track 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Escort 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Jr./Sr. Prom Committee 3; Who's Who in American High Schools 3.
HAYDEL, SHARON - Student Council 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Captain 4; Intramural Board 2, 3, 4; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Court 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Favorite 4; Art 4; Typing l; Indoor Ball Team l; HALO Staff 3, 4; Homecoming Co-Chairman 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3.
HENSON, DIRK - Tennis Team 3; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Chorus 1; Art 1.
HOFFMAN, KATE - Louisiana Girls' State Alternate 4; Class Treasurer 2, 4; Secretary 3; Homecoming Cheerleader 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Captain 3, 4; Intramural Board 3, 4; Badminton Team 3, 4; Tennis Team 3, 4; HALO Staff 4; Art 4; Chorus l; Pep Club 1, 2; Homecoming Co-Chairman 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3.
HOWE, KEN - Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 3; State Track 3; Homecoming Escort 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3.
HUMPHREYS, BUEL - J. V. Football 1, 2; Varsity Football 4; J. V. Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Track 1, 4; Tennis Team 3; Homecoming Escort 4; Art 3, 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee.
IN GOLIA, DIANE - Honor Roll 4; ;-~ational Honor Society 4; Art 1, 2; Dramatics 3; Chapel Committee 3, 4; National Conference of Christians and Jews 3; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 3, Editor 4.
JORDAN JUDY - Honor Roll 3; SHIELD Staff 4; Jr. I Sr. Prom Committee.
KANTOR, SUSAN - Chorus 1, 2; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Art 1; Typing 1, 4; Pep Club 1.
KISER, KEVIN - J. V. Football 1; Football 2, 3, 4; Typing l; Art 4.
LAUTENSCHLAEGER, LESTER - Pelican State Alternate 4; Varsity Football 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; State Track 2, 3; Homecoming Escort 3; Art 1, 2.
LeT ARD, THOMAS - Honor Roll 4; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Football Tri-Captain 4; Second Team AllDistrict 4; Honorable Mention/ All-District 4; Varsity Football; J. V. Basketball.
LLEWELLYN, PA TRICIA - Honor Roll 1, 2 , 3, 4; Typing l; Chorus 1, 2, 3; French 2; Honorable Mention French l; Highest Class Average 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Court 4; Nat. Conf. of Christians and Jews 4; Girls' State 4; N. H. S. 3, 4; Stud. Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Sec. 4; Class Treasurer 3; Vice-Pres. 4; Bio. Award l; SHIELD Staff 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Badminton 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 1, 2.
MACKEY, ROBERT - Spanish Award 3, 4 ; LYRE Staff 4; Soccer Manager 3.
MACY, PAM - Pep Club l; Chorus 2, 3.
McDOWELL, CARTER - Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Track l; Tennis Team 3; Homecoming Escort 3, 4; SHIELD Staff 3, 4; Chorus l; Typing 1; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4; Soccer 2; Co-Chairman of Ring Day Luncheon.
McFARLAND, SUSAN - Volleyball Manager 3, 4; Intramural Board 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 3; Aide 3, 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
McINTIRE, LAURA - Highest Class Average 3; Honorable Mention Government 2; Honorable Mention Chemistry 3; Student Council 1; Student Council President 4; National Honor Society 4; Pelican State Alternate 4; Volleyball 2, 3; SHIELD Staff 4; Indoor Ball Team 1; Office Aide 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4; LYRE Staff 4; Typing l; Speech 2; Swimming l; Honor Roll 1, 3, 4.
McQUAIG, SCOTT - Honor Roll 1, 2; National Merit Semi-finalist 4; Typing l; Jr./Sr. Prom Comm. 3; Halo Staff l ; Homecoming Comm. 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Escort 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4.
MERLIN, SHELLY - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 4; Art 4; Typing 3; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3
MITCHELL, DEBRA - U.S. History Award 3; Honor Roll 1; Class Officer Treasurer l; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Committee 1, 2; Typing l; Pep Club 1, 2; Jr./Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 2, 3, 4; HALO Editor 4; LYRE Staff 4.
MOLONY, LANE - Tennis Team 1; Homecoming Committee 3, 4; Prom Committee 3; Typing 4; Instrumental Music 4; Art 1, 2, 3; LYRE Staff 4.
MOORE, LYNWOOD - Art 1, 4; Modern Dancel; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff.
MOORHEAD, JENNIFER - Cheerleader 4; Alt. Cheerleader 3; Homecoming Cheerleader 3; Volleyball 3, 4; Intramural Board 4; Homecoming Queen 4; SHIELD Staff 4; HALO Staff 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3
MURPHY, KAREN - Honorabl e Mention English 1; Honorabl e Mention Government 2; Honorable Mention Music 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3 , 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Committee 3; Typing 4; Pep Club 1, 2; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4.
NAREMORE, BRUCE - Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 4; Soccer 3.
OSTROLENK, STUART - Wrestling Award 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4; Typing 1; Aide 2, 3; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling Captain 4 ; State Champion Wrestling 4.
PALMER, CAROLYN - Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Volleyball 3; Pep Club 2, 3; Aide.
PEYRONNIN, MARK - JV Football l; SHIELD 2, 3, 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Photograph Club 1, 2.
PORTER, WALLACE - Photography Club 1, 2; Typing 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Comm. 3, 4; Homecoming Comm. 4; HALO Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; SHIELD Staff 1, 2, 3, 4.
REISCHE, SUSAN - Highest Class Average 2; Chemistry Award 2; Honorable Mention Government 2; Honorable Mention Math 2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice-President of Class 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Committee 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 2, 3; HALO Editor 4.
SCHWEGMANN, MARGARET - Cheerleader 1, 3; Alternate Cheerleader 2; JV Cheerleader l; Homecoming Cheerleader 3, 4; Volleyball l; Intramural Board 4; Homecoming Court 2; Best Looking Girl 4; Art 1 , 2 , 3 , 4.
SCOTT, LAURIE - Dramatics 4; Chapel Committee; Typing.
SENTER, JAMES - Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Art 2; Dramatics 2, 3 , 4; HALO Staff 2, 3; LYRE Staff 4.
SILVERNAIL, RUTH - Volleyball Intramurals Winner 4; Intramural Board 4; HALO Staff 4; Art 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Comm.; Homecoming Comm. 4; Art Aide 4.
SISTRUNK, TERRY - Student Council and Office l; JV Football l; JV Basketball 1 , 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 3, 4; Speech 3.
SMITH, JENNIFER - Dramatics 4.
SPELL, BUDDY - Class President 1, 2; JV Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3; Art 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Chorus 4; Typing 4; Dramatics 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 4.
STEINMAN, FRED - SHIELD Staff 2, 3, 4; HALO Staff 2, 3.
STOKES, GLENN - Most Improved Track 3; MVP JV Basketball 2; JV Football l; Varsity Football 2 , 3 , 4; JV Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 2, 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; State Track 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Art 2, 3.
SUNKEL, SUE - Intramural Board 4; Pep Club 2; Jr./ Sr. Prom Committee 3; Honorable Mention Spanish 1, 2; Homecoming Committee 4.
TONTI, ANNETTE - Chorus 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Art l; Typing 4; Pep Club l; LYRE Staff 4; Jr. I Sr. Prom Committee 3.
TRENCHARD, TODD - Class President 3; JV Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; JV Basketball l; Track 1, 4; Tennis Team 3, 4; Golf Team 1; Homecoming Escort 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; Aide 2, 3; HALO Staff 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1; Ring Day
Chairman 3; Cross Country 4; JV Track 1, 2.
VOORS, CAROL - Honor Roll 3; National Honor Society 4; SHIELD Staff 4; Art 4; Jr. /Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 2, 3, 4.
VOSS, MATTHEW - Track 2, 3, 4; Typing 1; Soccer 1, 2, 3; Wrestling 4.
WARD, LISA - Religion Award 2, 3; Honor Roll 2, 4; National Honor Society 4; Student Council Policy Co-chairman 3; Softball Intramural Winner 4; Shield Assistant Editor 3; SHIELD Editor 4; Alter Guild 3; Chapel Committee 2, 3; Speech 3; Aide 3, 4; Jr./
Sr. Prom Committee 3; HALO Staff 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Comm. 3, 4.
WEA VER, DAVID - Major Loren Read Brooks, Jr. Memorial Scholarship; Algebra II Award; Tennis Team 4; Soccer 2, 3; Typing 3.
SPEER, KRIS - Honor Roll 1, 4; Volleyball Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Badminton Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball l; Homecoming Court 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, Head Cheerleader 4; J. V. Cheerleader l; Intramural Board 4; HALO Staff 4; SHIELD Favorites Editor 4; Homecoming Comm. 3, 4; Jr./Sr. Prom Comm. 3; Art 1, 4; Aide 1.
A Special Thanks to All the Editors and Staff With the Production of This