De ar Class of 1978,
St. M artin's graduating class of 19 7 8, w e salute y o u ! Y o u shall be rem embered for your broad interests, v aried talents, ent h u siasm, and good w ill. Y o u r acc om plish m ents as ind i v i duals and as a class have strengthened your s ch ool , and in the proc e s s, you too have gro wn and your abi li ty to serve bas i prove d. Y ou w ill be m i s sed.
e wou ld charge y o u t o c ontin ue you r devel op .ent by gi\ing ) our best Ge t invo l v ed de e pl y and set your goals high All of u s b enefi t fr om the pr o c ess of each of us reaching beca se all of u s d epend on th ose around us . Meanings are fo din se nice, and p u t simp l y , you as we ll a s all ar ound ou \\ill ~- you eatest hap piness and sa t is fa ction in senice. Cse e :_--:-:__-:-:edia e _·ears ahead as ones to s h arp en our abili · t o c o _ · !..'.:e es to that aven ue best suited for yo o co ff,..-a rds service in all the times ah 0 • •
3.e. ember al wa s that S •• ~a..ci:J. ' s · , :o re ~er \\ill be a _e ... lhe::- o : e .,..._ _ r;--: - • , -=- ~-;-_. often so that \-e a::-e ; - ...:::e ::-.:,,.; -==..==: -=O.l our s.
faith (fath). noun- Fidelity to one's promises, or allegianc e t o duty, or to a person; loyalty. Faith.
Faith is the most important concept we learn at Saint Martin's. Faith in ourselves. Because w ithout that faith we can have nothing. Our faith, our confidence in ourselves is w hat se parates the leaders from the followers. Our faith allows us to achieve, to surpass. With fa ith in ourselves, we cannot lose. This is the most important concept experienced at Saint M artin's. Faith in ourselves.
Saint Martin's Protestant Episcopal School started thirt y y ears ag o , with fe w students and e,en less facilities. St. Martin's began to pro v ide Ne w Orleans students with an alternate typ e of college preparation, it was a ne w institution with ne w ideas.
Saint Martin's now has gr o- -:: ::c ::::..::::es i s o riginal size, and the facilities and teaching methods have pr o~ e-s==:e ::___ ....:..=e. ·· facilities now cove ring the whole campus, and a wide variety of c ur:-: -=--= = • , 2. - c_rric ar acti,ities , it is approaching the model college preparitory sc h oo
From kindergarden through twelfth grade , we w ork and study to serve ourselves and our community Saint Martin's future lies with the continuation of our work and study The future can be seen in every student who attends Saint Martin's. We, the students of Saint Martin's are the future
Aunt Jane- what would we do without her? Through the late notes, tardy slips, excuses for skipping out she shines with her usual grin and great attitude. We dedicate this Shield to a truly happy person, everyone's aunt, Jane Schmidt.
The chief functions of the English Department are to foster understanding and appreciation of literature · and to provide the instruction in the preferred forms and structures of English. Since this discipline is repetitive and cumulative, efforts are made to correlate the work on all levels. In addition to offering basic instruction in literature, composition, and grammar for all students in the middle and upper schools, members of this deaprtment sponsor some school publications and dramatic activities.
The mathematics department at St. Martin's has many objectives, some of which are quite specific, while others are of a more general type.
General objectives may be summarized by saying that we would like all students to develop an ability to analyze data, formulate problems, and apply the basic concepts and properties necessary to their solution.
To aid in achieving our goals and objectives, we offer the traditional prep school curriculum of algebra I through calculus, plus two recent additions of probability & statistics and computer studies.
HThe basic goals of the Science Department are to develop an appreciation of the value of the application of science to the improvement of human conditions, comprehend the necessity for the intelligent control of technology, and to appreciate the infinite possibilities of solving human problems through research.
The Social Studies Department focuses on the need to prepare students to deal intelligently and humanely with the expanding complexities of modern society. Its aim is to utilize the tools of the social sciences to develop skills and concepts from which rational and meaningful decisions can be made in a world of changing social forces and conflicting ideologies .
The objectives and goals of the Foreign Language Department are to teach the students to speak and understand the foreign language with increasing ability, to read with increasing ease and enjoyment, and to develop a degree of facility in writing the foreign language. At the same time, the Foreign Language Department strives to deepen the students' understanding and appreciation of French and Spanish- speaking cultures, deepen his understanding and appreciation of his own language and culture through comparison, and help him get acquainted with the principal literary genius through well- known authors of French and Spanish-speaking cultures.
The objectives of the Religion Department are to conduct classes, plan chapel services and service projects, and to offer student counseling.
Our library reflects the philosophy and goals of St. Martin's--a warm, friendly place to go for study, relaxing, reading, or scholarly research. We hope our students remember these happenings with fondness.
Art ... an expression of one's self--a new awareness ... relaxing, frantic- -different things to different people. Music much variety . . . chorus- -forty-six members in high school . . . middle school chorus . . music appreciation new risers instrumental music throughout the second floor of the barn ... addition to pep rallies. Typing . . . offered for middle and high schoolers.
The P. E . department is concerned with the physical and mental development of the whole person. Skills are begun in the first grade and more difficult skills and introduced as the individual grows in age and size. Team games and individual play are introduced in the upper grades to develop carry over values into later life. This is an important part in the development of the entire individual.
Library work is so fullfilling.
Now, what is that story again?
This is our Alma Mater; Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful And keep her honor, We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's cares may drive us, Her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that We cherish and we love.
- Mrs Frost pulling teeth
-Homemade ice cream at Mrs. Shephard's house
-Beverly Seay germs
-Termites in the boys bathroom
- Square dancing with Mrs. Bovmian
1 'Bounce and bounce and bounce and catch! 1 1
-Angelle Mouras' horses and Tom Jones
- ''I Don't Believe in Mary Worth. 11
- Miss Schymanski I s crewcut
-Hymn sings
- Miss Shilling I s black book
- Miss Gregory I s bell
1 'Pim Wee' 1 the lizard
- Mrs. Crane's ' 1tough toenails 1 1 and her little red wagon
-Clayballs on the clock in Mrs. Seay's class
-Fr. Warton's birthday blessings
- Wade Warren's snakes
-Sixth grade bathrooms
- Fr. Rhymes taking girl's purses
-Pork-n-Beans during Miggy's
-Hee-Haw Day
-Chorus with Mr. Walsh
- Instant geography with Mr. Schwartz
- Waveland retreat
-Picnic at Jimbo's farm
-Mrs. Lobenstein I s kiss of knighthood
-Little Store
-Fearless Leader, Hiking Hot Dogs, and Go-Pack
-Rosy's dirty jokes en route to Tenn.
-Big ''V' I
-Being ten minutes behind Mrs. West when taking notes
- Catching up during her stories
- Coughin I Corner
-Mr. Van Horn spinning his wheels
1 1 If pretty little picture then 1 1
- Record green sales
- Economics- required? ?
1 'Better you chut up or get out' 1
-Mrs. Darby I s sensual imagery
- Ouida I s affection for women I s colleges
-Senior Weird Day
- Kris Kringles
- Jr. /Sr. prom '77
1 'Excuse me, I have an announcement to make
1 'Today is the last day 11
- Jr. /Sr. lunch leave
-Fighting Fergy in the library
- Student Lounge
-P-A-R-T-Y H-A-R-D-Y ! ! !
-Class meetings at P.O.E.T.S
-The great and wonderful CLASS of 1 78
- JUNE 2, 1978
Phillip Michael Becker ' 'Philise ' '
11 Men have more problems than women. In the first place, They have to put up with women. 11
Francoise Sagan
Leah Deep Purple Flamingo ''Teddy'' stripes and plaids Mississippi Miller C.B. 1s he'll have another running through the airport . . . White House Restaurant joking on the bench Want to buy a motorcycle? cheap
It's so sad to say au revoir, so we'll just say hor d'oeuvre.
the R. P. Concert . . . de Mauriac's plays . . . loose shoes Mr. and Mrs. Excitement and the couple from Glad A.D Who's Yorn Kippur? Hot Toddy sailing Miss T. Muse Uncle Al, the kiddie's pal ... Arapohoe ... Flo . . . Airwell ...
Alison Ann Bernhard ''Bunny' 1
All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fattening.
Ale x ander Woollcott
John Bunny-Woman ''Wait, wait, what?'' simpleton Fiat human sexuality? she I s so graceful Florida
1 'You retard! 11 ••• scum ... Miss Cool ... Mature Woman always innocent? rolling Newman
There is no sadder moment than to remember, in misery, the time when we were happy.
SAT's ACT's Achievements Merit Finalist ... karate ... Mrs. Chastant . 1 'Blow it off' 1 ••• ''Anybody got a menthol? 11 ••• ''Let's go drink lunch' ' . . . Yes
James Edward Beeson Jr. ''Jimbo''the man who can fight to Heaven I s own height is the man who can fight when he I s losing.
R. W. Service Malcolm groovers jelleybeans Simon and Garfunkel ... Want to go to Baton Rouge? .. Melinda . I. D. 1s . 500 club . . . LLB . . . soccer POETS
Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
Renee B.R Rainforrest Tent in 8th grade . . . POETS . . . 1 1 The Graduate 1 1 • • • FBI? Country Kid Hunting Miller liquid lunch Georgia Percy Quinn sprockly 160 brews in 4 days w anta skip class? Omega . . . Cowboy boots . . . good bye St. M. . .
Never try to make anyone like yourself - you know, and God knows, that one of you is enough.
cooties her 1 'fluent' 1 French Broxodent flying hands Florida skinny rolling Newman Blah Hi Deeeeee ! ! ! see you on the comer of Bourbon and Conti
Those who leave will be champions.
? ? ?
Julianne Marie Breaux , ,Julianne , , Ralph Waldo Emerson Jeffrey Ralph Bourgeois I I Jeff I I1965-1978
Brenda Lee Bryant 11 Brendy 11
And Yesterday I saw you standing by the river. And were those tears that filled your eyes The fish that lay in dirty water dying had they got you hypnotized And yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers But all that lives is born to die And so I tell you that nothing really matters But all you do is stand and cry.
Sadness bears no remedy for the problems in your life. E.
1 1 Sadness reveals no solutions to the problems in your life, I I
Barbara Beldon Crawford 11 Fish 11
I don't need a reason to be happy. Prather
A voice no louder than your average lift-off at Cape Kennedy . . . Icee breaks . . . swimming . . . got it under control Big 11 V 11 ••• cheerleading Hazel the emergency supply Jesuit boys
Adrian Bennet Cairns, III 11 Ben 11
11 We are the stuff dreams are made of 1 1 William Shakespeare
the carrott eater Rabbit cartoons in class cross country 11 0h, God! 11 ••• babbling apples (for lunch???)
Michelle Lynn David
There I s nothing wrong with making mistakes, But don I t respond to encores
Fool! ham G cheese on a bun I love Paris in the summer ... 11 my daddy' 1 ••• Red Fox .. . crew cut ... daddy's horses ... chipmunk . . . Tony Porter and Civil War
Watching the sun come up over the roof tops Cloudy and warm maybe a storm. You can never quite tell from the morning. There is really nothing left to say, but come on morning .
Dan FogelbergKenny Queeny accident-prone cheerleading Florida Gino Driving the vacuum cleaner . . . broken nose . . . Camp Hardtner The Big B.
1972- -1978
Michael Graves Farber 11 Mike 11
The original mistake was inventing the calender. This led in due course to having Mondays.
H.V. WadeDebbie . . . football . . . basketball . . . Chump . . teasing Bunny . . . natural afro . . . getting the crab drunk in Fla ... Mickey ... The Mormon Church in tenth grade ... carburator ... photography Nan bicentenial date
Leah Ann Deloach 11 Leah 11
He who drinks, gets drunk; He who gets drunk, goes to sleep; He who goes to sleep does not sin; He who does not sin goes to heaven; So lets all drink and go to heaven.
Phillip ye - ah, Rogers ! . . Her car (ji) her laugh numerous collisions The Big B. . . . her parties . . . P. K. . . . Y ess ! ! ! . . . Camp Hardtner Ed and Joe
Elizabeth Randolph Frank 1 'Betsy' 1
Your outlook on life is bound to be brighter from behind a smile .
showing people the contents of her purse during lunch tab B.B Indiana boys skiing
Miff dog bites Red River Always on a diet . . . gum . . . her love affairs . . . Princess Grace Basketball Brother Painting fingernails
1 'Don't look for the flaws as you go through life And even when you find them, It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind And look for the virtue behind them . 1 1
Ella 'Wheeler Wilcoxhe I s a woe ! . . . Gregg 166 trucks thin blood? . . . I can I t believe its raining ! • • • Hot Rod Chumsly . . . Yes, Beeki . . . Camp Hardtner . . . Mardi Gras Cats 13 years illness
7th period art Mexico
Happy is the person who knows what to remember of the past, What to enjoy of the present, What to plan for the future.
Heavy Evy Efficient Ev flute S.O.F.T.Y .... help class .. those "neat minutes 1 1 • • • snack bar piccolo
Gary Bruce Freibaum1 1Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth' 1
Alan Watts
Honeymooners teasing Bunny Dr. J. kidnappings he '11 have another bikinis and different beds in Fla.
Shirley Lynn Giles ' 'Shirley' '
This is the day which the Lord hath made: let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118: 24
curly Ja, Ja ! JA, JA NAJAC . . Youth Group . . . Black Sheep! . . . Whally G. Golly G ''Babe'' Faculty Apathy typing . . . ink . . . le francais . . . red rose . . . kill 2 trees
Lucy Hilda Fried ''Lucy''
the wise man looks into space , and does not regard the small as too little, nor the large as too big; for he knows there is no limit to dimensions.
... it's not fair! ... hittin' the sauce ... Loose Luce! Kibbutz Ja, Ja ! nifty (keen) Faculty Apathy S.O.F.T.Y., T.Y.G. Pres . . . the Lyre ... large family (10 kids) ... JuicyLucy
Brian Allen Grove ''Brian' 1
The Horror!
The Horror!
Joseph Conrad
Groovy dancing bear being hit with a can in 2nd grade
Kathryn Ann Gordon ''Kathy''
Among those I like there is no common denominator, but among those I love there is; they make me laugh.
I'm a unique - kinda - guy Yeah, ya cute liquid lunch with the gang and the sophomore manager Cordi heavy breathing in math . being catty ... rolling Newman ...
1965- -1978
The Wreck How many years of Spanish? Trash! Pictures in Florida Movie at the Dive shop . . . BMW . . . Cozumel . . .
at any moment I am free to act on any dimly felt and long neglected part of me: to be a ham, to be strong , to flirt, to cry, to be totally silly, to dance, to play peek-a-boo, or stick out my tongue . I love myself when I am myself.
Hugh PratherYouth Group 1 'fowny' 1 ••• 1 'all right you guys 1 1 • • • Camp Hardtner oreo winking .. California ... firebird ... the gas station . looney Lisa Groucho That's the worst swinging from chandelier
Tell me everything. Don 1t be afraid to give yourself away. Sometimes it I s easier. Your fears will melt away.
Bunny Bunnyman his eyes 1 1 Say Doc ! 1 1 • • • you freak messing up his hair perfectly matched clothes scum valour shirts . . . Yes . . . good looking . . . Gino . Herrff Jones starburst eyes . . . FOX ! ! . ! . . .
George Wilden Hoffman ''George''
Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away.
Ben Hecht
Tennis Pro ji George his jokes uptown groover 1 1 nice ! 1 1 • • Daxi Maxi his eyes . . . Georgie Porgie . . . curly . . . Jo Mo .
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein
if that boy's hungry, I '11, uh, uh Bry learn those lines ! . . . Henry . . . last minute Dr . Camp H . . . NATCHEZ . . . real cute . . .
It is my privelege to profit by the experience of others, but I must live my own life, face the trials, and gain the victory alone.
frog freak Hi Cutie ! . . traumatic love affairs the slow bus Speedy Leslie Jaime Winking scenes in the pizza hut . blowing off math tests . . . I quit! ! . . .
Violence, in its many forms, is an involuntary quest for Identity.
Sports Weights Wrestling l\elt~ .down ... Tex ... his francais accent ... blushing , french Ill his driving on St. Charles Mike Martin I s Party . . .
I am rather like a mosquito in a nudist camp; I know what I ought to do, but I don I t know where to begin.
Steven BayneRot Gut ... Coffin Corner ... LLB ... 9 yr-old boots . . . brillo party! . bootleg . . . Everclear 135 190 . . . guitfiddle . . . Good- bye St. M . . .
'66- '78 Frederick Martin St. John James 1 1Roundman 1 1 Marshall McCluhan War in Peace David Dampeer Humphreys 1 'Hump' 1 1 'lanky Dave' 11967-78
Sing we for love and idleness ! Naught else is worth the having.
singing guys! homework French Oliver ! . . . chinky her lunches vicious ! . . . hands with no joints . . . put down artist ... anybodies . . . 11 No I'm not, I'm like this nonnally. 1 1 • • • How's Physics bugs
Learn how to pretend.
... trips to Albany . rolling Newman locking her keys in her car jockette mature woman Pat O's H.C cheerbop Florida 177 ... riding? horses
William Freeman Kimble I 'Bill''The only reason I regard myself as an intelligent person, is that I have never begun or finished anything in my life.
... math pro ... ''Crip'' ... 240-Z ... older women . . . Brother Bill . . . ' 'you don I t come to school to eat your lunch! ! ... Wild Turkey ... DIXIE longnecks let's get a keg parents out of town Fla ''So nice' 1 •••
Brigid Keeley I 'Brigid' IThere are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.
Henry JamesDave too soft "have fun in U.S. History Pat O I s . . . doesn I t like spook houses •• 1 'These Americans are crazy ! 1 1 ••• her Brittish accent collecting things for her scrapbook Di xies at 3 a.m I'm ok You are B.M. 's sister w earing Duncan I s socks
Robert Humphreys Lee 11 Bob 11
1 1Those who would enjoyment gain must find it in the purpose they pursue . 1 1
Sarah J. Hale
. . . Bubbalee . . . Prez . . student lounge Yall ! ! ! . . general WYES Auction journal at auction lt 1s art Tennessee Y I all don I t go through there ! . .
Michael Lasky 11 Mike 11
1 1 lf you can I t dazzle them with your brilliance , baffle them with your bull' 1
. . . Sr. weird day . . Spasky . . . speedster . lunch with Miss Judy . . . the Spasky Strut . . . you owe me money biology
Kellye Clair Magee 1 'Kellye' 1
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered with failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither offer much nor enjoy much because they live in that grey twilight between victory and defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt
... Kellyeeeee ! ! ! ... Moby Dicktress ... It's just not fair editorial Lenora Mundane airplanes girl amazon Who is Ray Rogers? I AM CAIM ! ! ! but I looked both ways being in outer space you corrupter! .. her outfit on Senior Weird day ...
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
Robert Frost
... The Pres ... Myron- -that's your name? running . . . political smile . You Turfitt . . . Rolling Newman nice humor brain Deanie-Poo
Myron Turfitt Lindsey 1 'Dean''1972-1978
Cynthia Pannill Marchese 1 'Cindy' 1
you must be willing to take a chance , for if you don I t gamble you can't win, and if you don't win, you always lose.
-a friend-
Mik Pink Champagne uptown Brother Martin . . . fighting the freshmen in biology class DIXIE longnecks Jesuit lunches
Nick's Blender Wonders Mexico 176 Frida y carpools SUE always scheming
Phillip Dietz Manning 11 Dee 11
But ain I t we had funnn ! ! !
Black Dee Dance the pretzel? Phillip Dietz- where are the keys? Orea-come to the shallow end Diets patrolman with his whistle . . . makes more noise than the 1 1 pep squad 1 1 making trains 45¢ icees shaving cream Newman
Elisabeth Martin I 'Lizl I
1 'When l 'm stuck with a day that's grey and lonely, I just stick up my chin and grin and say, The sun will come up tomorrow so you I ve got to hang on til tomorrow come what may, tomorrow, tomorrow, I 111 love ya tomorrow you're always a day away. 11 from the Broadway Musical 1 1Annie 1 1
1 1Ripe strawberries, Ripe 1 1 • • • camp her plantation ... her feet ... rolling Newman .. Miss Judy Lizard Mexico 1 76 Zing before licence cars Thank you for not smoking, drinking , etc
Tone Anita Martinsen
11 Tone 11
1 'If we couldn't laugh We would all go insane! 1 1
Jimmy Buffett
it's veird ... pla y ing jacks ... her laugh ... English John G . . . Yah ! . . . StM. party hours WOW trick or treating on Hallow een. Pep Squad
You can always spot a well informed man- his views are the same as yours squares . . . managing . . . Odyssey '77 . . . Munich ... payoffs ... T .B. action . Covington Green Wave in the hallway
The rainbow comes only after the storm.
Reefer Ridge Mercedes Poets DIXIE How many wrecks? ... L.L. ... Time Saver . Sleep? Europe his beard Waveland out to lunch-sailing Gino
John Mason McColl am Jr. I 'Johnny' I
1 1 I assure you doctor, it is an easy affair for an old charlatan like myself to keep up interest in so small a carnival as this, 1 1
deep line drill Johnny McCollam son Big Cheese ... She's in Texas ... Becky ... exjock Europe 177
Maryanne Mayronne ' 'Maryanne 1 1
1 'what did you say? 1 1 ••• Datsun 1 'The Noiseless Wonder Ha, Ha, fooled you! piano Shut Up ! . . . The icy stare
Harpo Marx1970-78
If you are going to be a prisoner of your own mind, the least you can do is make sure it is well furnished.
The Chinese Woman her laugh LLB trips to Albany Rin Kim Kim seal Florida more than one Chris oriental heritage volleyball?
Men tire themselves in pursuit of rest.
Leon, Mac , Punk 15 big years braino letters from Kate Mr. Litter Jazzma tazz the wave HEY KID! ! Zeke Keeping the McIntire tradition of good looks ! ! ! . . . Bob Longmire
Susan Elizabeth Mitchell ''Mitch' 1
Good humor makes all things tolerable · Charles Schultz
Friday carpool .. rolling Newman . soccer
Texas ... Fat Harry's Florida sophisticated lady
Juli Anne Miller I 'Juli' I
It is not the organizations which you belong to, it is the person that you are.
Henry Winkler
Shawn . . . Buddy . . . speed racer . . . L. S. U. .
• 1 1Do you think they 111 like the flowers? 1 1 • • • Chumpie Miller the Killer French Y I all ever come to school? give me an S ! frustrated dancing
We are a mere crystal of salt in the sea of space and have just barely begun to uncover the mysteries of the Cosmos which still lie unknown to man
. . . Nik Mikoladis . . . lunatic . . . Biloxi Hilton . orange firebird #1 11 1 don't want to go up north-it's too cold. 11 ••• Rice Spanish whiz radical conservative king tuck Nicky . . breaks up at an 11 A- 11 •••
It is better to loafed and lost than to never have loafed at all.
Face Tra the J .J. Kid straight jacket sleeping in algebra II weak stomack M.D. in M.E.H .... hitting curbs ... lucky charms blowing off photography shouting patios 38to9 Sto2 Bowling stud
Ronald Marc Ostrolenk ''Ronnie' 1
No man is an Island, entire of it self; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never seem to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
John Donne
. . . soccer . . . short stuff . . . Godspell Parasite ! , Parasite ! . . . fantastic math fonnulas ... 11 1 should have made a 100 ! ! chess knick-knack crip-the miracle soccer soccer soccer
Mary Stuart Nonnann ''Maria' 1
Oh mirror in the sky what is love can a child within my heart rise above can I sail through the changing ocean tides can I handle the seasons of my life
Stephanie Nicks
pictures camera squemish in Spanish class Florida Twilight Zone SubDebs her love for Bob Dylan roomate queeney wildcat gin f, tonics
You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder, you know it's gonna get harder and harder and harder as you get older.
The trouble with trouble is it always starts out being fun.
I love work- -it fascinates me I can sit and watch it for hours !
Missy ... his NOOSE ... 11 That 1s All? 11 ••• living in the sticks ... hammocks ... Birdie . Ripper Honey buns brillow pad 1 'Huh? 11 ••• his ''tan? 11 ••• Camp Hy-Lake
Rip the Snip fights with Bunny 1 'We love you Conrad 1 1 voice lessons dolls from Italy his sneezes F .H
A man is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.
letting II friends II ride her nags 0. P. Walker bug eyes F.H G.N.O John burping ... Homecoming 75 . Bonfire 176 .. . chasing Pitts . . . her V. W. . . . her driving? ? . . . her snide remarks ! . . .
1974- -1978
11 1 have no yesterdays Time took them away. Tommorrow may not be but I have today.'
Nakanawa ... BEING A REAL, UGLY CHUMP ... G.N.O .... homecoming '77 ... S.A.T's at Newman volleyball spiking my sons pina coladas Destin soccer Winston men uptown camp rolling Newman., .. what a body!!! ... Yeah, you think you are cute . . .
But I wondered how the tree could utter joyous leaves, standing alone there without its friend, its lovers near, for I knew I could not.
Cheerleading homecoming 1 76- '77 dancing at homecoming Florida '77 Blue Nun L.L.L.B her eyes L.S.U Dick Wall ... partying ... TR6 ... Being late to school
Stephen Robert Rue ''Steve' 1
Don't walk in front of meI may not follow. Don't walk behind meI may not lead. Walk beside me and just be my friend.
The Elite LaRue gue rue tight pants ... How's your love life? ... Hurst Olds .. . girls, girls, girls ... Frozen Daquiris ... Vette P.O.E T.S LLB Elvis Presley looking in the mirror his hair private parties
Damon Rosenzweig ''Damon' 1 Yahweh really? calm down Kingfish Dylan basically the back seat Liquid lunch with the gang and the sophomore whatever . . . TRASH . . . You I re not going to chapel? ! . . . L.B. the W.P .... Groovers ... rolling Newman . Rand y Newman and Jimmy Buffett the mighty Pinto Malcolm B. B. 178
I am who I am.
1 'The little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. 11
Friends are where pride isn I t. burnt ... sprint ... sheep dog ... 30 min. late for Biology Mr. Graff Munched on any briers lately? 11 Open your eyes, Britt. 11 ••• Hola, Senor ! . . .
his laugh-huh, huh ... his driving ... the mighty Peug, Capri, Model A, etc Rodger Dodger Frisked . . . Sir, I never run from the law soccer famous for his whiskey sours land speed record? yeee-aah
1 1All of the world is a stage, so your act had better be good. 11
... The Elite ... goalie ... calculated moves ..
• 1 'Efficient Little Typist' 1 ••• Dixie and what?
. Mr. Cooool . . . WOW MAN ! ! . . . such a football jock his parties philosophy groups Soccer captain making the scale in typing Bad! ! ! . . . you I re strange ! . . . Solid Saint Ros-coe
Johnson was present when a tragedy was read in which occured this line: who rules o I er free men should himself be free. The company admired it much.
1 1 I can not agree with you, 1 1 said Johnson, 1 1 It might as well be said; who drives fat oxen should himself be fat. 1 1
Boswell, Life of Johnson. June, 1784
. Mr. Music ... WYES ... audio-visual pro . ''boys-sing! - -I can't do it alone! ! ! ... his vocabulary ... I'm scrapping my vocals! ! ...
1971-78 Julian Robert Sims ''Robbie'' John Stephen Shirley ''Steve 111973-78
It takes all the running you can do, to stay in the same place.
Through the Looking Glass
What is a dot dot? How's the air up there? . . . How does that name go? . . .
Oh it I s time to start livin 1 time to take a little from this world we I re given 1 cause spring will turn to fall in just no time at all
Stephen Schwartzcalvery court sledge wave Destin . Tom, Dick Harry, and Brian . . . Snich- a -litch . . snostril . . . Ruth . . . the camp . . . Dancing in the streetlight Nicks Bon Fire '76
Manfred Sternberg, Jr. 1 1Manfred 1 1 1 1Stienbeck 1 1
1 'You gotta be nice to the people on the way up, 'cause you're gonna meet the same people on the way down.''
Ralph Kramden
Mr. Stud betting on the ponies Honeymooners bunk 1 'They don't call me --------,-- for nothin 1 • 1 1 • • • Alfred Stienbeck ''Hey baby, what's shakin'? 11 ••• snapping fingers spunk out the window in Ethics streaking in 8th grade the white bullet
I never let school interfere with my education. Smily ... Ray! ! ... the blue Pinto ... Molly • • 1 1Out to lunch 1 1 • • • races to school in the morning . . . S . F. . . . basketball brother . fire alarms on her birthday . . . 6: 00 a. m. huh? champagne . . . crazy driver . . .
Anne McMillan Stephens ''Amy''I am not going to comfonn to this. I am not going to be different just not to conform. I am just going to be me .
3 feet Sheild curly hair dizzo driving Maryanne's car triple toes
Let music sound while he doth make his choice; Then, if he lose, he makes a swan-like end, Fading in music Merchant of Venice Act Ill Sc 2
Strange Lyre deadlines delaSalle her thing . . . the Countess Mrs. Sowerberry . . . getting a bath during 1 'Oliver' 1
We are wiser than we know . . . Houston ... always right
Marie Michelle Tonti
1 1 Michelle 1 1
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
stand up! horses chemistry champagne! ... 1 'Piggy' 1 ••• Money hill with Brett her overalls Icees Hey Teach! loving her sister
Steven Robert Traylor ''Steve''This world that we I re a - li vin I in is mighty hard to beat; You git a thorn with every rose, But ain't the roses sweet!
Drip ... Drip ... Newman Boys ... rolling Newman never on time watching soccer basketball brother A- I in the face corvair . always punished ... scheming ... Pine Mt .. . Aramis ...
1 'I will constantly strive to uphold the ethics of Amateur Sports' 1 Athletic Code of Honor
DIVING Valenka Fat Harry's L.S.U Bugging Trevene and Eddie . . . Indiana . . . Being a girl jock Hogging the ball spiking volleyball
1965-78 Lori Ann Watts 1 'Lori' 1
Those who feel lucky to be who they are, are always the luckiest people by far.
Glenn?, Rip?, Glenn?, whoever! ... Glenola .. singing with Missy 11 1 Don't Care! 11 ••• the Chicago concert ... having chicken legs ... bonfire '76 ... Pitts ... F.H .... G.N.O.
Rivers belong where they can ramble, Eagles belong where they can fly. 11 ve got to be where my spirit can run free, Gotta find my corner of the sky.
Rip- -Happiness TAB singing with Lori Honey bllllS guitar homecoming weekend hammocks being Cliff I s sister F. H. Barbara Streisand starvation diets
''Well ... You Know!! 11 ••• G.N.O .... skinny- bone
Melissa Jane Van Meter1972-78
Laura Newell Williams 1 'Laura 11
I think the best is yet to come because where I I m from is also where I 1m going.
James TaylorYeah! 57 Stubbles experiences with hair straightner Hatcher Hall at 3: 00 a . m. being chased out her love life Timmy private parties . . . Daniel Boone . . . at Baskin i:; Robbins torn between 5 lovers icees and bit-a-honeys aramis 1 'YEAH DAWL' 1
Amy Jo Whitsell ''Amy''
If I am not myself, who else will be?
Henry David ThoreauGlenn Florida '77 L.L., L.B., LSU Baton Rouge Cheerbop
Homecoming 10th, 11th ... G.N.O .... Blue Nun
It's Miller Time Jerry Jeff Walker!
1 1Most of life I s shadows are caused by standing in one I s own sunshine . 1 1
Ralph Waldo Emerson
P. 0. E.T. S .... Jesuit ... gravedigger Helen pink champagne Jimmy the Exec ! Blender Woman confession hour
M. C . P. L. sneakin out the window basketball brother New Years '77 Fightin the freshmen in Biology class 500 club 75mph !
• • • 1 1 ls this your idea of a fun date? ' ' hitchhiking in B. R.
1 1Let every man learn before he dies, What he runs to and from and why. 11
James ThurberTRASH-the Elite The Beverly I hate school There I s where they filmed 1 1The Sound of Music
• • Trying to keep M. M. from killing K. M. Rooming with K. M. Let I s go to my house and blow off school
Susan Wilson Woods ''Sue' Laurie Rebecca Wisdom ''Laurie' 1God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
. . . having Rip clean her glasses . . . being stupid . . . her harp . . . her orange bug . . . Bonfire '76 . . basketball brother lunch bunch Harrell
If you are a senior graduating from high school this year you have: been around the sun 18 times spent 13 years in school systems or 117 months or 2,340 days in class (counting off for weekends, holidays, summer and hookey) or 16,380 hours in class (counting off for lunch, recess, and tardiness) or close to 30,000 hours studying (counting homework, field trips and cramming for tests) or approximately 1/3 of your waking life studying which is roughly 2,000 times longer than it took God to create a new world from scratch
I can't believe they spiked
Boy have I got some gossip for you!
What ever happened to the Class of '78?
Ashby, Carolyn Ashton, Douglas Askew, Janis
Beauchanp, Elise
Benton, Courtney
Berthonnaud, Jon Blount, Ricky
Bourgeois, Craig
Bower, Elizabeth Brandon, Barbara Carter, Bonnie
Chaffe , John Jr•
Conatser, Kelly
Cypert, Carolyn
Douglass, Rae
Drew, Michael
Drumm, Lynna
Easterling, Nanci
Ferrante , Deborah
e are known for our loud cheering at pep rallies.
e are also the smallest class in the high school.
1e green sales '77 were great!!
d you ever notice the dominating girls in our class?
Gibbons, Trice lil Girault, Catherine Grigg, William Hansen, Norman
Haskin , Steven Hay, Elizabeth Haydel, Carrie Hines, William
Hughes, Elizabeth James, David Kantrow, Charles Katz, Jeffrey
Koppman, Debbie Lambert, Darolyn Limes, Leslie Luck, Michelle
Matthews , Lisa McCall, Catherine McKenzie, Kristen Montero, Mary
Oelsner, Lauren Peacock, Gayle
Peyronnin, Paul Pollard, John
Post, Robert Pratt, William Reed, James
Renzulli, Michael Jr.
Rogocin, Joram Rusch, Nancy
Schlueter, Michelle Schwartz, Patrice
rs?? Leave illegally for lunch??? Never! ! ! ! ! le contributed so much to Homecoming decorations 177. le won't ever forget our first experiences \vi th 1 'LL's' 1 • Quotes from the class of '79.
Simon, John Stainback, Steven Stall, Mary Ruth
Stephens, Claire Taylor, Leslie Tonti, Suzanne
Trenchard, Teryl Voss, Kathleen Walton, Charles Jr.
We have the most deficiencies this year have fun no more biology or geometry!!!
Groovers ...
our class knows how to
Babin, Laura
Baehr, Lloyd
Bailey, Jeffry
Baldwin, Glenn
Bawel, Lisa
Becker, Judy
Benson, Andrew
Benson, Robert
Blake , Leslie
Borne , Clayton
Bossier, Donna
Boykin, Cynthia
Bruce , Robert
Bullock, Scott
Caffery, Lydia
Callison, Tracey
Farber, Jeffrey Fleming, Jaime Fowler, William., Freibaurn' RusseL
Fried, David III
Gibson, Deborah Gibson, Forrest Gooch, John III
Gordon, Jack, Jr· Groh, Eric Groh, Kirk Grove, Stacy
Hendler, Lori
Hickham, Annette Holland, Michael Holtzman, Eric
11·iga tor shirts top ·a painter p · SI ers ants · · . · · · cords ... · · · Lee's ..
Johnson L K" ' ynn K~ng, Brady
Kmg' Margaret antrow' Mark
Kantrow S Klein ' tephen
K b ' Terren ue el c Kyl ' _olleen er, Keith
Lago D L , anell assen Tob· e Marti ' m Ma n, Jeffrey yer' Harriet
McCarte' John McDowell McEw , Nancy McFaJf~nAlli_so~ , Virginia
o matter what anyone says, we think we 're the best at pep rallies.
·e 1ve enjoyed such things as Miggies and Icebreakers.
·e worked so hard selling those magazines! ! ! !
ur class is the most enthusiastic of all.
Quotes from the class of 1 80.
Scott, William Shlender, Leesa Slavik, JulieFaith, hope, and misery
fie new Israel, headed for the promise land Our class is just one big joke We have the most spirit st four more years ...
Abbott, Lawrence Fairbanks Jr.
Beauvais, Leslie
Benbow, Elizabeth McGown
Bernos, Lana Nores
Beverly, Charles F.
Brammell, Sally Ann
Breaux, Lisette Marie Burlingame, Ann Blache
Cain, Beverly Havard
Camp, Pamela Kristene
Cantin, Barry Wade
Carvajal, Richardo
Cashmore, Mary Allene
Clark, Johanna Marie
Claverie, Aphra Bouligny
Collins, Geoffrey James
Fingerman, David Clay
Fisher, Amanda Sue
Fleming, Jana Grace
Garcia, Maria Victoria
Geehan, Douglas Michael
Gengo, Julie Marie
Goldblum, Robin
Graham, Ford Fourmy
Greenwell, Jeffry Scot
Hansen, Helen
Hennessey, Patrick Andrew
Hickman, Lynn Eugene, Jr.
Hoffman, Virginia Lynn
Howell, Sarah Fairly
We are just the most original of any class!!!!
Who is the loudest?, FRESHMAN of course
We won spirit stick twice in a row
We are a close class!! ...
Johnson, Ronald Lyle , Jr.
Kalil, Rhonda Suzanne
Kinyon, Shannon Rebekah
Klinger, Mary Mathilda
Krement:z, Elizabeth Avery
Kuebel, Kathleen
Lago, Dayna Marie
Lange, Elena Ann
Lokey, Enga Ann
Mackenzie, Catherine Ann
Manning, William Jesup
Massey, Anthony GUY
McDowell, Stuart Mullendore
McEwen, Christina Beth
McIntire, Jeffrey Neal
McNair, Melinda Darcy
Mindell, Jeff Loeb
Miller, John Duncan
Meghrian, John- Christopher
Mitchell, Robert Austin
Montero, Marcia Suzanne
Moore, Katherine Vincent
Muller, Martin Gean
Newsom, Stephen Craig
0 1Meallie, Karen Palmer
Palmer, Gregory Wehrmann
Paterson, Anne Elizabeth
Pelaez, Paul Joseph
Pelias, Marilyn Evelyn
Quiroz, Nellie Aracea
Rizzo, Laura Marie
Rolling, Laurie Eleanor
Rue, Elizabeth Lea
Sams, Lewis Reeve Ill
Saunders, Elizabeth Ann
have an outgoing class! ! ! ! think that we I re the most loyal. still have our everlasting love for the middle school. 've survived things like Father James' sex class.
Quotes from the class of 81.
a cheeseburger today.
Oh no , another of Mr. Comfort I s stories .
I never knew they had this in school newspapers.
The eighth grade is great in sports. fhe class of '82 is a fun class. Ne are smart in everything. Ne 1re the horror of Mr. Wass.
Appel, Kurt Ary, Brian Bankston, Robin Banta , Julie
Barone, Jennifer Bawel, Brandon Beeson, Temple Bernhard , Margaret
Bernos, Jeanne Berthonnaud, Don Bossier, Steven Bower, Susan Brown, Cydney Calo, Marilyn Campbell, Peggy Childers, Chadwin
Crawford, Mark Crosby, Donna David, Kemela
Delchamps, Barbara
DeMartini, JoAnn
DeMonte, Jill
Eckert, Mary
Erwin, Virginia
Farber, Guy
Farber, Scott
Favaloro, Guy
Fisher, Diana
Flake, Wendy
Fullilove, Rebecca
Garcia , Marta
Gause, Mary
Gayle, Elizabeth
Giles, Ronald
Gira ult, Bradford
= are ambitious ! !
1e eighth grade is powerful.
=1re hardworking and courageous. ir class studies too hard, and hates it.
Herron, Laurie Hickham, Donna Hietala , Andrew Hild, Allan
Hoffman, Lawrence
Huber, Christopher
Jahncke, Emily Jones, Nancy
Klein, Anne - Sere Kuchler, Raphael Lange, Alan Lewis , Allison
Lewis, Mary Luck, John
McKibbon, Anne Marks, Michelle
he eighth grade loves to make teachers' jobs harder! he eighth grade is the BEST ! he eighth grade speaks when it wants to. ur class is alw ays helpful.
Quotes from the class of 182
Shlenker, Michael Simmons, Karen Steinbaugh, Gretchen Steinwinder, Susette
Story, Drew Sutherland, Julie Tallaksen, Thomas Toft, Eric
Trotter, William Weaver, Michael Weis, Alexandre a West, Leslie
Whann, Robert Willians, Leslie Wulff, Steven Zander, Scott
re have the most pep 'e have the best faculty of all . 'e are the COOLEST! ! ! 'e I re number ONE ! ! . . . ( and have the best writers for this. )
Aleman, Donald Alltmont, Phyllis Anderson, Andrea Andry, Angele
Armstrong, Jeffrey Baber , Bonnie Becnel, Daniel Benbow, Katherine
Benge, Melinda Bott, George Burlingame, John Chaffe, Charles
Coe, Denise Cox, Keith Davis, Virginia Dorman, Susan
Dunlap, Anne Durham, John Dyhrkopp, Erik
Eckert, Charles Elliot , Thomas Ellis, Leslie Farmer, Deborah
Fisher, Ann Flake , Stuart Fouchi, Vincent Fransen, Remi
Gentry, Morgna
George, Stephanie Gonzalez, Victor Graham, John
Hamlin, James
Hennessey, Leanne
Hollier, Larry Howell, Mary
have the foxiest cheerleaders. grade is the dominant one ! are the best athletes. class of 183 cannot be over cooled!
Quotes from the class of 183 . PHOTO
Hubbell, Philip Huber, Thomas Jackson, Cathryn Jonassen, Hans
Jones, Samantha Kinyon, Allison Kuebel, Karen Laudeman, Lind
Lemoine , Dawn Lindsey, Brian Lokey, Ernest McCollam, Douglas
McCord, Duncan McDougald, Bruce Macy, Cara Martin, Jon
I feel like I'm in a prison.
Ain 1t we sweet.
I didn't know the school had these kind of pictures.
Isn 1t chapel fun?
Berot, Andre
Bloom, William
Borne, Rebecca Brown, Alexis
Armstrong, Shawn Barnes, Derek Barone, JoAnn
Bush, Calandra
Coe , Lester III .
Conatser, Shannon Connell, Thomas
Crosby, Debra
Denton, Anne
Eckert, Carolyn
Fleming, Jennifer
Frankland, Susan
Gayle, Stuart
Georges, Pamela
Grigg, Lisa
e'll get to the top someday.
e'll beat the seventh grade someday
Our skating parties . . .
T~e retreat to Waveland
Harrison, Stefanie
Hawkins, Richard
Herrington, Jeanne
Hofheinz, Eliza beth
Hollier, Michelle
James, Jonathan
Johnson, Richard Jr.
Koppman, Julie
Lambert, Laura
Lasky, Stephen
Lejeune, Katherine
Lewis, Melissa
Luetkemeier, Hans
McFall, Bryant
McKibbon, Mary Mann I Christopher
Ve're a fun class!
Ve like the Middle School better than the Lower School. ve're always so WELL behaved in Chapel!!?
'he most intelligent people are in our class.
Quotes from the class of '84
You mean Mrs. Boone's pregnant?
What did you say son SUPERMANNNN!!!!
Klinger, Samuel
Lejeune, Anne
McMahon, Laura
Morton, Page
Pollard, Richard
Barone , Susan
Corcoran, Jim Creel, Rusty
Feibleman, Katy
Finklea, Kim Head, Stuart
Heinisch, Lynn Hild, Cindy
Senneff, Lisa
Soniat, Shelton
St. Pierre, Jay
Sullivan, Kristi
Svendsen, Thomas
Swain, David
Waters, Roz
Watts, Carol
Wedemeyer, Kristi
Williams, Laura
Abbott, Cathryn Berthonna d . Favaloro uD, l;hcole F , aVId ransen Chr" I lS
Goodrow Sh Ha . , annon yrue, Laurie Huber, Erik Jenkins, Janet
Johnson, Glenn Lozano Chr" M I lS cCaffery K MF I eVln c adden M , ac
Ma · M nmhng, Bess ars Mi Mil , chelle es, Poe
Norton, Mike Oehrlein, Lara
Ploger, Leslie Pratt, Paul Sams, Laura Schuler La s , ura tephens, Jennifer
Banton, Heidi Benton, Lisette Bourgeois, Stacy Chin, Peter
Denton, Brenna Goldthwaite , Martha Graham, Todd Keenan, Walter
Keller, Karl Peter Lambert, Danielle Lasky, Kenny Laudeman, SuSu
Marr, Lori Moore, Michelle
Paine, David Serice, Ashley
Sontheimer, Benjamin Sumner, Nancy Talbot, Mark
Vining, Robert
Abbott, Lee Adams, Scooter Appel, Eddie Berot, Loren
Chester, Cher Davini, Davin Fisher, Carolyn George, Trey
Hens.on, Krissy Herrington Drew In l' ' go ia • Ann- Marie Jackson, Hilary Keller, Katrina
Kirn, Paige Laird, Carl Lokey, Brad Mann, Leslie McBurney, Leanne
Mc!"all, Lauren Pehas, Diann Pettit, Robert Tchou, Glen Womack, Ryan
Mrs. Helen GregoryDingler, Melissa
Elliot , Doug
Feild, Lori
Fransen, Rebecca
Gordon, Pa trick
Bridgewarter_, Robert Brown, Dominque Bush, Sacha Corder, Cathy
Hansen, Jon-Erling
Hansen, Sean
Hubbell, Amy
Kogutt, Terri .
Ktistakis, Mana
Levi, Traci
Macy, Dan
McFarland, Brent
Miller, Alissa
Richards, Mac
Schwendimann, Paul Spath, Colby
Vining, Paul
Wanek, Peter Wood, Pearce
Mrs. Ka thy Cook
Andry, Allison Breaud, Clayton Callison, Sydney Cannon, Kim by
Ehlinger, Chip Flettrich, Kathy Harmon, Gretchen Lang, Cort
Marsiglia, Courtney McFarland, Gay McGinnis, Mark McLendon, Trey
Murlin, Ron O'Neil, Sean Reeves, Elizabeth Reinhardt, Courtney Ryden, Hans
Trask, Trip White, Laura Williams, Mary Kathleen Wulffraat, Keith Yaunt, Scott
Gallaher I Steven
Gately, Rachel Glenn, Jonathan
Corman, Billy Holmes, Karen
Adams I Mary Margaret Barnett, Sandy Bloom, Lynn Boudreaux I Beth
Cornelius , Allison Dyhrkopp, Neil Findorff, Karl Freeman, Wendy
Jackson, Lindsey Jones, David
Jordy, Michael
Kitahama, Satoshi
Lykes, Thompson
Pelias, Drew
Rock, Kathy
Ryan, John
Stiebing, Kim
Watson, Melissa
Benbow, Vickie Charbonnet Bea D'An · ' u tom, Helen Edwards , Brent
Ellis, Stuart Falgoust, John Head, Jeremy Jahncke, Barton
Luck, Kelly McCranie, Beth Magee, Megan Merlin Max 0' . , Quinn, Paula
:age, Clayton eyton, Robert roger, Sherrie yan, Shannon Schneidau, Rodger
Steinman C 1 Suhr , aro w·n~n, Charles iams, Brooke Witherspoon E . y . , r1c eargam, Leigh
Fouchi, Joseph
Gardner, John
Heinisch, Lisa
Justice , Graham
Koehler , Eric
Beatty, Kara
Benson, Marion
Chin, Donald
Christy, Margaret
Lankard, Wake
Mohamed, Lila
Moore, John
Shofstahl , Elisia
Smith, Cameron
Coker, Andrea
Conway, Kim
Cooper, Sheridan
Dorfi , Kristin
Taylerson, Kemper
Toft, Christian
Vedros, Lauren
Villaume, J.P.
Wilson, Morgan
Mrs. Shirley Reinhardt
Barnes, Sean Breaud, Kristin Crawford, Tucker Daigle, James
Feild, Russ
Fleming, Dana Horstmann, Kimberly Jenkins, Pam
Kelly, Bart Mazer, Sabrina McKay, Scott Mindell, Dane
Murphy, Brian Poche, Chad Simmons, Bethany Stolier, Jeff Vaughan, Tyson
West, Ann Williams, Kevin Wilson, Jody Wood, Lacey Young, William
Moyer, Kirk
Nolan, Juli_e
Paciera, Vmce
Swain, Jeff
Talbot, Kirk
Barnes, Leslie
Brennan, Shawn
Cleary, Todd.
Ehlinger, Perrm
Thierry, Tony
Walker, Laurie
Wanek, Jea~e
Willis, Austm
Wood, Hunter
Faught, Sealy
Harrison, Sherri
Kim, Brian.
Kuchler, Paige
Lagasse, Christy
Levy, Kevin
McMahon, Chris Mitchell, Stephen
Beckman, Chris Corcoran, Charles Eckert, Melissa Foster, Jennifer
Gant, Chris Gordon, Melanie Grace , Chris Grinstead, Bobby
Gross, Remy Gueydan, Suzanne Johnson, Rob Kolich, Andrea
Lane, Cason Martin, James
Norton, Tiffany
0 1Connell, Kendra Paradis, Jerry
Quiroz, Melissa Serice , Mark Stevenson, Frederick Thierry, Tyne Weber, Mark
Anzelmo, Tommy
Bailliet, Nicole
Brown, Ian Dieth, Jones
Evans, Shannon
Fensin, Leslie
Gallaher, Lori Gurvich, Lauren
Huber , Steven
Kahn, John
McEachin, Sarah Mikami, Sumitaka
Moore , Theodore
Parker, Heather
Reitman, Eric
Schulman, Courtney
Svendson, Anette
Walters, Rob
Weber, Elizabeth Yates, Kristin
Mrs , Brenda Kellogg
Allbritton, Mindy Bagalman, Seth Beckman, Lynn
Becnel, Devon Charbonnet, Jean Coker, Chris Killian, Candy
LeBlanc, Joe McElwee, Elizabeth Marshall, Charlee Mohamed, Suzan
Moore, Jeffrey Petro, Kelly Pollard, Ann Simmons, Lesley
Simpson, Scott Williams, Ian Witherspoon, Kevin Witkin, Karen
Flettrich, Kyle
Gardsbane, Sam Gilbert, Cristy Godofsky, Michael
Adkins, Heather Balart, Etienne Bush, Nathan
Houghes, Noelle Levy, Jonathan Marsh, Rochelle Matthews, Kristina
Mohamed, Sally
Norton, Robby
Ruch, Raynal
Tangpricha, Vin
Winstead, Laura
Wulff, Nancy
Yeargain, Steele
Zachary, Lea
Bankston, 1 1Mimi, , Branting , Scott Chrestman, Allison Edmonston, Chris
Freeman, Jimmy Hoskins , Eliza beth Jenkins, Susan Klein, Jeffery
Kogutt, Todd
Lago, David Lane , Courtney Levy, Sam
Marsiglia, Allyson Murphy, Chris Nelson, Nicki
Parmelee, Michele Stelly, Paxton
Suggs, Robert
Thomas, Lee
Toft, Heidi
Turner, Nancy
Zivitz, Ellen
Mrs. Evelyn AnthonAndersson, Dita Cerullo, Karl Chin, Elizabeth Cornelius, Roger
D I Antoni , Julie Dascomb, Kristin De Viney, Michael Falgoust, Anne
Fantaci, Michael Glenn, Melissa Goldstein, Amy Harris, Tracy
Kilinski, Steve
Killian, Tom
Kolich, Christina
Lambert, Lawrence
Lowenthal , Barbi
McCurney, Susan
O'Neil, Christian
Ong, Albert
Sumner, Stephanie
Wilson, Reynolds
We're having a swinging time!
What is it?
For our next trick
The Student Council was a great service to the St. Martin community this year by planning the Homecoming, providing a new Student Lounge facility, and staging many students activities.
This year's biggest Council project: painting, planting, and furnishing a new Student Lounge and Patio facility that has served as a convenient place for students to eat, congregate, play pool, relax, or whatever (?). Thanks to everyone who helped make the Lounge a success!
Raising money for the Council is the Snackbar Committee, opening and running the snackbar for the athletic events. A motley crew!
The National Honor Society consists of juniors and seniors whom the faculty feels have demonstrated leadership, scholarship, and service. Two "tappings" for new members are held each year , one in the fall and one in the spring. The National Honor Society members participate in tutoring programs to help students in their studies .
St. Martin's is very proud of its National Merit Semi-Finalists this year. Lisa, Jimbo, and Dean all scored in the top half of one percent of the secondary school seniors on the PSAT-NMSQT tests.
The Pelican State delegates had the opportunity to practice the mechanics of government and leadership at the annual, week-long workshop, which was held at L. S. U. in Baton Rouge.
St. Martin's was very fortunate to have three exchange students this year: Tone Martinsen from Norway and Brigid Kelley from South Africa, both through A. F. S. , and Yoram Ragocin from Israel, through an Israeli Youth Reform Group. All three added a great deal to the St. Martin's community, and students were given the opportunity to learn about many foreign countries . The A.F .S. Club was active this year and sponsored several events, such as a batik raffle and a sphaghetti dinner.
In our opinion, the SHIELD staff did a fantastic job this year! What more can we say? Thanks to all who worked on the yearbook, and a special thanks to our editor, Amy Threefoot, who worked especially hard to put out the 1977-78 SHIELD edition.
The hard-working staff of the HALO kept us all well-informed of the ''goings-on'' around St. Martin's . In addition, this year the staff experimented with having the newspaper printed at school for the first time.
The LYRE, our literary magazine, was published more ofter this year as compared to previous years, thanks to "at-school" printing, many great student contributions, and a very active and dedicated staff. Congratulations on a successful year!
We Were Unable To Obtain A Photograph Of A Group That Worked Tirelessly And With great Capability This YearOur Shield Photographers. We Would Like To Thank Bunny Bernhard, Damon Rosensweig, Mike Farber, John Holland, Dave Henson, Robbie Sims, Brian Bossier, Melinda Pafford, Manfred Sternberg, Christy Brown, Suzy Montero, Leach Deloach, Vicki Fleetwood, Laura Vallas, And Mary Normann. Thank You For Making Our Yearbook Possible.
MIDDLE SCHOOL CHORUS-TOP: 1-r, Rafe Payne, Michael Schlenker. SECOND ROW: 1-r, John Luck, Sandy Whann
THIRD ROW: 1-r, Mary McKibbon, Beth Denton, Arnesto Rodriguez, Jon Schuerich, Lana Prudhomme FOURTH ROW: 1- r, Joanne Baronne , Julie Banta, Bee Fullilove, John Roberts, Scott Farber, Kay Campbell, Leslie Williams.
FIFTH ROW: 1-r, Lisa Grigg, Kathy Benbow, Karen Kuebal, Denise Coe, Jim Hamlin, Tad Huber, Peyton Pettit, Elizabeth Miles. SIXTH ROW: 1-r, Allison Lewis, Pam Georges, Kelly Bush, Michael Weaver, Brian Ary, Karen Simmons, Patty Reis, Donna Hickham. SEVENTH
ROW: 1-r, Yolan Pinter, Nancy Mayer, Jennifer Baronne, Karl Peyronnin, Scott Schackleford, Ginny Erwin, Michelle Marks, Ann-Sere Klein. EIGHTH ROW: 1-r, Stephanie Harrison, Lex Brown, Michelle Resseguet, Jennifer Fleming, Patrick Williams, Billy Mohamed, Robin Bankston, Marilyn Calo, Andrea Anderson.
TRUCTOR-Ms. Mary LeBlanc.
LOWER SCHOOL STRINGS-TOP ROW: 1-r, Richard Pollard, SuSu Laudeman, Kristian Sullivan, Nicole Berthonnaud, Dan Macy. BOTTOM ROW: 1-r, Rachel Gately, Alissa Miller, Pearce Wood, Maria Ktistakis. MISSING FROM PICTURE-Roger Schneidau, Danielle Lambert, Eric Stevenson. ""1'/<RUUH'HHT
UPPER and MIDDLE SCHOOL INSTRUMENTAL-TOP ROW: 1-r, Brandon Bawel, John Pollard, Trice Gibbons, Clay Borne, Billy Fowler, Jack Gordon. SECOND ROW: 1-r, Don Berthonnaud, Jon Berthonnaud, George Bott, Derek Barnes, Lawrence Hoffman, Stewart Gayle, Lester Coe, David White, Jon James, Evelyn Fried.
THIRD ROW: 1-r, Beth Wright, Nellie Guiroz, Amy Schwendiman, Lori Lambert, Laurie Rolling, Lynn Johnson. BOTTOM ROW: 1-r, Missy Piner, Elizabeth Hofheinz, Stacy Grove.
Through many successfully staged paper drives, the Ecology Club raised money which was used to beautify the school campus.
The Pep Squad did a great job raising spirit during the football season by selling programs and ribbons, and by doing many 11 special drill routines 11 on the field for us!.
The dedicated members of the Chess Club,. coached by Mr. Chet Day, held many competitive matches this year, and several ''pros'' helped revive student interest in the game.
The unique Trivia Club, mentored by Mr. Henry DeMauriac, allows its members, as Mr. DeMauriac explains it, to engage in the ancient art of imparting and exchanging information with others . Ask any one of these people for the name of Robert E . Lee's horse!
nding) Tom Elliot, Scott Zander, Kurt Appel, Jeff Moore, Sandy Whann, Bradford Girault, Becket Bencel, Guy oloro, John James, Drew Connell (mgr.) eeling) John Durham, John Roberts, Guy Farber, Bryn Ary, Brian Lindsey, Richard Hawkinw, Tad Huber, )hen Bossier, ting) Steve Rizzo, Lawrence Hoffman, Billy Mohamed, Derek Barnes, Earl Manning, Karl Peyronin, Chris m.
Sitting--E. Beauchamp, D. Ferrante, T. Moore, J. Becker, C. Kuebel, B. Carter, B. Bower, Dayna Lago
Kneeling--E. Hay, A. Ollinde, Daneele Lago, B. Cain, N. McDowell, L. Bernos, E. Pelias, K. Fullilove, L. Krementz
Standing- - S. Grove, N. Easterling, A. McEwen, P. Pettit, N. Rusch, S. Mitchell, L. Rolling, J. Breaux, J. Slavik, K. Gordon, C. Robinson, B. Bernhard, A. Patterson, J. Askew
Even though some of our teams did not do well, the student support kept the school spirit alive. We thank the cheerleaders, pep club, Precision Drill Team, all the students, faculty, parents, and alumni for making this year's spirit so G-R-E-A-T !!!
Twas the day before Christmas and all through the school, not a creature was studying, not even a fool. Santa came in with an ear to ear grin and brightened the room and all within. The students were all huddled all snug on the floor, in hopes that St. Nick would have something in store.
The three Graces
Who told you about my watermelon?
Shall I break into song?
This year St. Martin's introduced a new program to our school. This "interin term" was very successful and enjoyed by all. Some of the courses offered were: auto mechanics, bachelor survival, meditation, chinese cooking, film appreciation, karate, cultural heritage of the 60's, creative writing, shorthand for fun, astronomy, New Orleans neighborhoods, and many many more. There were also various speakers such as Mr. Weller (etcher), Mr. Morial (mayor), the owner of Christian's Restaurant, Ellis Marsalis, George Heally (past editor of the Times Picayune), Leonard Huber, (Mardi Gras authority), three opera singers, and many many more. The upper school also participated in a few activities. We watched movies, walked to lunch (ha! ha!), and many many more. Interin provided us a chance to see new things about ourselves and our community.
Ve are all individuals and have different interests. There are events w e all participate in and the rs only a fe w do. But all students at St. Martin's are eager and glad to participate in ome aspect of their school's activities.
St. Martin's Day was celebrated by a gathering of the entire school, kindergarten through seniors, in the gym, followed by activities and a picnic.
Betsy Ayerst
Christy Brown
Barbara Crawford
Vicki Fleetwood
Kathy Gordon
Brian Grove
Gwen Holmquist
Brian Huber
Dean Lindsey
John McCollam
Liz Martin
David Mayer
Charlotte Robinson
Robbie Sims
Amy Threefoot
sitting-D. Lindsey, A. Threefoot, B. Crawford, L. Martin, B. Grove, standing- C. Brown, B. Ayerst, B. Huber , L. Vallas , L. Watts, M. Van Meter, G. Holmquist, K. Gordon, and R. Sims
Laura Vallas
Missy Van Meter
Lori Watts
Laura Williams
Dr. Robert Bernhard, Jr.
Mr. James Hennessey
Mr Harold Andry, Jr
Dr. Ernest Lokey
Mr. Herschel Abbott, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence Benson, Jr.
Mr. John Graham
Mr. Joseph Grigg
Mr. Richardson King
Mr. Donald Lewis
Mr. John Mayer
Mr. Lloyd O' Quinn
Mr. Frederick C. Schulman
Mr. Simon Shlenker, III.
Dr. George Farber
Mr. Clyton Borne, III.
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