1980 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

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Shield 1980

Episcopal School

Metairie, Louisiana
The 26
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The Competition Is Keen - Because Your Real Competition Is Not Your Fellow Students, Bright As They Are, But The Limits Of Knowledge Itself

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You only go around once in life, and it won't be easy. Realize this before life's passed you by .

5. .

Tora the ·rtrnther~


Life's Too Great A Feeling Not To Experience

Life ls Far Too Valuable To Forget

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Farewell Mr . Comfort . .. St. Mar t in ' s ... A Friend ... Guiding ... Understanding . . . Co mpassionate Knowing . . . Just Fair . . . Sh aring . . . Caring . . . We ' ll Miss You . 12

Headmaster's Address

Dear Class of 1980,

I write to you with special feeling. Without formal permission from you, I have joined your class, and I am proud of this membership! As alumni of St. Martin's, we can look back together at the years we have spent on Green Acres Road. There have been moments of happiness, moments of sadness, moments of satisfac ti on , and moments of discouragement. However, when the final tally is recorded, we can say together, "These were good year, years in which we have profited as we have given, years during which we have made lasting friendships, and years from which we have gathered unforgetable memories."

And now the time has come to go our individual ways, but not alone, for we are, out of our joint experiences, each a part of each other, and we always will be

God be with you and all of us as we move on to all the adventures that lie ahead May we return often to renew our bonds with this school. May what we have learned together help us be better friends to all we are about to meet. May what we have learned help us better to help others and more freely to give of ourselves. May what we have learned give us a sense of awe and respect for Him whose children we are. May we be ever grateful for the opportunities that have been ours here, and may we express our gratitude for what we have received by all that we do in what lies ahead.



The senior s of 1980 proudly dedicate this edition of the Shield to two unique personalities , Chief and Dorothy Porter, who have unified the spirit of Saint Martin's for thirty years

This couple has worked at improving Saint Martin ' s in every phase . With her ever present smile and grand expressions , she has made each day an experience that has filled all of us with memories His continuing effort to help each student to achieve his highest potential will never be forgotten by those who have worked with him To Mr and Mrs Porter , Thank you!


Keep A Sense Of Fun And Adventure . The Life Of The Mind Is Fun And Has Rewards

You Have Never Dreamed Of .

Table Of Contents

Faculty and Administration 18

St. Martin ' s finest are captured by Ford Graham

Upper School 46

Whil e Anna Olinde and Laura Babin worked on the senior portraits, Jenifer Arant and Annette Hickham highlighted the underclassmen Middle School 102

Jeff Martin and Billy Fowler tell who ' s who in the Middle School. Lower School 134

The little people of St Martin ' s are a wild bunch as Karen Weaver and Ginger McFadd e n , find out. Sports 172

From volleyball to football , Todd Muller and Tracy Conatser show you the St. Martin ' s Saints.

Organizations 212

Publications , Student Council, A F.S , N.H.S. , and Ouiz Bowl are a few of the organizations Jeff Bailey and Michelle Marks cover in this section

Activities 224

Nellie Quiroz and Beth Wright capture all the exc itement and craziness of :>rientation, Senior W e ird D ay, and variou s other t? vents. Favorites and Homeccming 232

Judy Becker and Ginger McFadden display all the energy of homecoming and also introduce us to St. Martin ' s favorite seniors. Advertisements 246

The companies and bu s inesses that helped finance The Shield were found by Ann Burlingame and Danelle Lago.

Faculty Advisor , Mr Jon Prentiss

Editor , Cammie Colomb

Assistant Editors , Karen Weaver and Tracy Conatser

St. Martin's began a new year with a fresh outlook for the 1979-80 school year. With this new look came dozens of new faces in the faculty department. These new teachers bring to St. Martin's new ideas and thoughts. It is new input of fresh creativity that balances the traditional view of St. Martin's .. and it is these new people we call "The New Faces."

The New Faces

Mrs. Carol Lee Hodges
Mrs. Glenn Brady Mrs . Carolyn Pearce Mr . Benjamin E. Miller

The Old Guard

It is only with honor and pride that St Martin ' s can point to the more experienced and illustrious members of its faculty, and reverently say that these teachers of traditions and value a r e " The Old Guard"

Mr . James W . Latham Mrs . Frankie Yeargain - Mr. David Rankin Mrs Belle Johnson Mrs. Myrth Lee Mrs Shirley Timmreck ,
I -21
Artist in residence

Administration t Staff

There is a destiny that makes us brothers, None goes his way alone : All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.

Mrs Marjorie Conatser Head Lower School Mr . Joseph Labaree Mr. John Comfort Headmaster Dr. Joseph Thornton Head of the Upper School School-wide testing and college Mr Bruce Houghtaling counselor Director of Admissions IMr. Peter Waas, Head of Middle School

The Administration and Staff come into the new year with high hopes and aspirations. These were not ill founded as Mrs . Conatser, Mr. Labaree, Mr Houghtaling all moved up to top Administration jobs . Other members of the Staff were also given new offices and surroundings .

Mrs . F. Kreeger Reg istrar Mrs Joe Allen M. S. Secretary Mrs . Peter Waas M.S. Secretary Mrs. B Bankston Asst. to Registrar Mrs. Jane Schmidt U.S. Secretary Mrs. Diane Mary Secretary
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Mrs. B TisdaleBookstore Manager Mrs Dot Stengel LS. Secretary (Far Bottom) Mrs. F. Yeargain Receptionist
IP EE L Mr Dave Rankin Director of Development Mrs. Kitty Rawson Development and Communications Mrs . Kathe Miller Development and Communications
nBy Many Hands The Work Of God Is Done."
Mr Larry Panna Director , Printing Gallienn Mrs Ouida Muller Director , Public Relations Mr. Don Henderson Business Manager Mrs. Williams Assistant to Business Manager

Maintenance & Cafeteria

It is only with a great deal of sorrow and a feeling of loss that STM says goodbye to Percy Burton who is retireing at the end of this year.

This year our cafeteria has brought to STM the same delicious food it has always served. The maintenance continues its excellent and highly competent service to the school.

Mr Earl Wilkin leads the STM maintenance program as its new director
The illustrious maintenance crew ( from left to right ) F Rankin, A Marshall, T Franklin A Taylor. Earl Savo y, ( bottom ) A Sanches, and A Shan. Missing, Clarence Smith Mr. Percy Burton Good luck StM
Mrs. Jay Burna (above )(below) Mrs. M. Cockren Mrs. W. Gilbert (above) Mrs. G. Kuger Mrs. Ruth Landry (above) Mrs. Roger Mazza Mrs. E. Roberson (above) Mrs Earl Savoy Mrs. H. Milazzo (above)

Social Studies

Study The Past If You Would Divine The Future.


The Social Studies Department began anew in the midst of new courses and new pupils. A European history cour se was born and World Politics was dropped from the curriculum . The courses offered by Mrs . Porter's department ranged from Economics to 20th Century Russia. These courses offered to pupils a chance to study people and history which only time has replaced .

Mrs. Dorothy Porter Mr Bruce Houghtaling Mrs Dorothy Porter is the head of the Social Studies dep art men t. She graduated from Peabody College . Miss Lisa Huggins

History Repeats Itself; So Do History Teachers

people its time to do something constructive "
Mr Rosenbaum Social Studies IDr . Rex Mooney Upper School Social Studies Mr . Jim Davis Upper School Social Studies Mrs. B. Kaston Middle School Social Studies

The religion department continued its work , not only at home , but at fellow schools and churches , too.


I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day.

The Rev. Jerry D. Otwell M.S . Chaplain Welsly The Rev. Marshall 0. James Director Christian Life Program Mrs. Susan Gaumer LS. Chaplain


The librarians, recovering from the massive fire , began the tremendous act of rebuilding and refurbishing a new library . This gigan t ic job incorporates the work of all students and faculty as well as our dedicated librarians .

Mrs Alma Ruth Hess Library Head Mrs Margaret Loup, M S librarian Mrs Gay Nel Jordy LS. Librarian Mrs . Jan McKendrick Media Specialist Mrs. Doris Baron U.S. Librarian
'Tm just an ordinary, eve r yday All -American , secretary on the phone."

Fine Arts

The Fine Arts Department gained new faces in many areas this year . These faces include those of Mr. Rom , the new choral teacher for the Upper And Middle Schools, & Mrs . Lawrence, the new drama teacher for the Upper and Middle Schools .

It is well to think well ; It is divine to act well.
Horace Mann Mrs Carolyn Boone is the chairman of the Fine Arts Department Mrs. Timmerick (below ) is our Artist in residence. Mrs Carole Lawrence Upper School Drama Mrs Ka st on Art

Some familiar faces include those of Mrs. Parmelee,


Mrs. Candy Kirby Art Mrs. Alice Bowman Music Mr. Alexander Rom Music Miss Ellen Solloway Crafts Mrs. Jean Parmelee Typing Ms . Mary Leblanc Instrumental Music
Typing; Leblanc, Instrumental Music; Mrs. Kaston, Art.

uEvery Man Is A Volume If You Know How To Read Him."


Many new faces appeared in the English department, including Mr. Landry (at the near r ight), Mrs. Muller ( middle right) and Mrs . Schlictmann ( far right). Mr . Landry teaches U.S. English , as does Mrs . Muller . Miss Schlictmann is the reading specialist. Mr. Landry also is the instructor for the Outdoor Education class .

IMr Jon Prentiss Chairman of the English Department Mrs June Wells English Mrs . Vivienne Guild English Mrs. Carolyn Pearce Engl ish

The Middle School added some new faces, Mrs Jane Minor and Mrs. Margo Adkins, who teach Middle School English and reading respectfully.

Mrs. Jane Minor M.S. English
"If You Have Built Castles In The Air, Your Work Need Not Be Lost; That Is Where They Should Be Now Put Foundations Under Them."
Mrs. Andree Herrington M.S English Another new face at St . Martin's is Mrs. Lee Hodges (left ) She is a new M.S. English Teacher
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Mrs Eileen Beckman M S English

The knowledgeable Mr. Latham, who heads the invigorating Mathematics program has an energetic staff who enjoys the challenge of passing their widely acquired knowledge onto their eager students.

The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.
Mr Wayne Lumpkin Mathematics
Lloyd James
Mr 8. Miller Mathematics
Mr. James Latham , Math Ms. Patti Nierman Mathematics Mr Jim Marsalis Mathematics
1 ;j'
Mrs Myrth Lee Mathematics
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Mr Greg Ford Mathematics Mr John Comfort Mathematics


The science department, headed by the intelligent Mr. Graf, is a combination of The Old Guard and The New Comers, who work together to form a captivating program.

Study Nature as the Countinance of God.

Mr. Harold Graf , Chairman, Upper School Science Mr . James Marsalis Science Mr. Warren Lind Science Ms . Karen Cochran Science Mrs. E. D Johnson Science "Of course, I invented the light bulb! Mr Milt Atebara Science Mr. John Ellis Science Mrs . Allison Koy Science Mrs C. Hawthorne Science

Foreign Languages

The Foreign Language Dept here at STM had many new teachers this year With enthusiastic teachers such as Ms Rossiter , Mrs. Grau and Mrs. Rawson , who could go wrong?

If you have knowledge let others light their candles at it.

Mr . Berard; Head of the Language Dept. Mrs Glenn Brady M.S. French Miss Mary Rossiter U S French Markham Miss Vicky Rucker M.S . French Mr. Pedro Perez Spanish Mrs. K. Rawson Spanish Mrs Ginger Grau Spanish
I will study and get ready and perhaps my chance will come
Mrs. Rodriguez Spanish Mrs. Judith Rielly Spanish

Boys athletics gained new respect in the community with the arrival of the new pool, the new wrestling coach, and a winning football season. This new winning attitude can only be attributed to Coach Flettrich's tremendous coaching job. May this continue on into the future.

Mr. Houghtaling Soccer
A Man Is A Worker. If He Is Not ThatHe Is Nothing Confucius Sports
Mr . Robert Flettrich Athletic Director
Mr. Jim Armstrong Athletics
Mr Jim Latham Athletics
----~ -,,.--
Mr Earl Wilken Athletics Mr Milt Atebara Athletics
"""' .. '
Mr. Jim Marsalis Athletics Mr. Keith Hosli Wrestling Mr . Tony Porter Athletics
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Mr Jim Davis Athletics

Not Failure

But Low Aim Is Crime

The girls athletic department has been successful this year in many fields . The coaches led their teams to many challenging victories.

David Rice Sports Education Warren Lind U.S. Swimming Sue Edwards Sports Education Pedro Perez U.S. Soccer
Dick Bower Swimming Janet Russo Sports Education Lowell Marshall James U.S Soccer Greg Ford U.S. Athletics Kerry Vogt Sports Education Linda Trevino Sports Education
Karen Gamble Sports Education


Our Bus Drivers : Jim Armstrong, Lester Barre, Percy Burton, Dean Edinger, Greg Ford, Joseph lmpastado, Frank Draus, Mary LaBlanc, Spurgeon Lewis, Wayne Lumpkin, Fritz Miller , Elli Parksons, Harold Plager, Don Rose, Mike Scalco, Clarence Smith, Tom Smith, Mellisa Sperling, Jim Torian and Henry Grind

Mr. Don Moreland, (below right ) director of transportation, led his department in the never-ending task of providing transportation to St. Martin ' s students



Mr. Bob Pettit heads the Board of Visitors and the Board of Trustees He presides over the two boards as they direct the school policies that will carry St. Martin's into the 1980's and beyond.

BOARD OF VISITORS , Mr. Lawrence K. Benson, Sr Mr. James M. Cain, Dr Adrian B. Cairns, Jr., Mr. John F. C. Chaffe, Sr., Mr. Bailey T. DeBardeleben, The Rev. Albertus Lee Deloach, lll, Mr. David D. Duggins , Mrs James K. Feibleman. Mr. Ralph M. Garrard, Mr. John M. Girault. Sr., Mrs. Jack M Gordon , Mrs. Ford Graham, Mrs. Gladys Harin g, Mr. Manly Horton, Mr. Davis Jahncke, Dr. Karl Keller, Mr. Robert Livingston. The Rev Hu gh McKee. Mr Mike McLean. Mr. John Mamoulides, Mr Philip Manning. Dr. John Rourke, Dr. Julian Sims, Mr Doyle Spell, Mr Billy Gray Taylor , Dr. Andre Touzet , Mr William Trotter, Mr William Waters

BOARD OF TRUSTEES , Front row ( left to right ) Mr. Gerald Haydel. Mr. William McHugh. Mr. Richard Stephens. Mr. Waldemar S. Nelson Back row ( left to right ) Dr James T. Hamlin. Mr. Robert L. Pettit. Jr .. President. Mr. C. Murphy Moss. Mr T R. Schneidau, Jr. Missing from picture, Mr. James M. Burlingame, Mr. Albert L. Bossier, Jr. , Mrs. Max H. Durham. Jr. The Rev W. Gedge Gayle , Mr John J. Graham. The Rev. John S. Jenkins, Mr Hans A. B. Jonassen. Mrs. W. Elliott Laudeman. lll , Mr. John M. McCollam , Mr. J. Gordon Reische, Dr Frank Riddick. Mrs. Dan White, Mr. Albert J. Wolf Jr The Rt. Rev. James B. Brown, Mr Phillip E James, Sr Advisor


Faculty Flicks

" Now listen , Ya'II "

"She's my girl! "

"HH-OH, here come trouble."

just got the bill for

Doctor T , Father James and???!! Mr. Mad!!! Mr. Mickey Landry (near right ) the carry-alls wrecked on the camping trip
"Hellowww" •
"You don't say?"
Our illustrious faculty
Honorary Faculty member, Dave Treen


Laura Ellis Babin " Laura"

Happiness runs in a circular motion

Love is like a little boat upon the sea Everybody is a part of everybody anyway You can be happy if you let yourself be!


Babs ... Mike . .. Cheering . . . Fat Harry ' s ... her splits "yo u got annebriated" O.J front lawn toilet talking 200 mph swimming in cheerleading clothes Wang Sandy

Jenifer Layne Arant " Jenifer "

The secret of love is opening up your heart. It's okay to feel afraid

But don't let that stand in your way

'Cause everyone knows that love is the only road.


Cat woman North Carolina piano dancing around ... her laugh . .. M.C. in N.C. .. . chemistry footnotes ... leaving Anna at Flame ' n ' Burger cat eyes?


,. 46


Nothing is more valuable nor sacred to me than what I learn about myself through other people.


Mr . Goldbergs . . . "Well gee guys" . .. Alabama Bronco tuxedo king Lydia front lawn toilet Mr. Prep himself 500 Club "Pass me one of those cold ones!" . . .

A man may make mistakes; but he isn't a failure until he starts blaming someone else

John Wooden "Bear" ... Mr. Bo ... joyrides ... sign? ... Judy . .. his grabbing hands ... passing ... Pink . .. boys or girls phone calls Gary? Laura? skiing in the raw ... Mr. Chauvinist ... cutie

Jeffry Franklin Bailey "Jeff" Lloyd Frederick Baehr "Lloyd"


It's always something.

Rosanne Rosanneadana

His Z Allison oldest in class artist soccer The Lyre Whiz? no shoes in class

his humor Computer

Judy Marianne Becker " Judy "

Past dreams, present happiness , And friends make all laughter ; Thoughts of good-bye are hard , But good-byes are not forever


Budy J V.B eating Hawaii H.C. cheerbop ... P .C. . . Iii ' jock ... Europe . .. Destin balcony ... Sports Illus . . . loves STM . . .

Christopher Hollan Benbow "Chris" 1968-1977, 1978-1980

1973 -1980

Robert Foster Benson " Rob "

He gave me beauty for ashes , the oil of joy for mourning , the garment of praise for the s pirit of heaveness; that I might be a tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified Isaiah

Spread the word prayer meetings under the tree . . . motorcycles . . . what happened? . . . bumper stickers

Andrew Thompson Benson " Andy"

Thou has seen nothing ye t. Cervantes

Religious gatherings prayer meetings unde r the tree Romina giving pamphlets in Fat City Harvest house ... his singing ... chic ... clo t hes

1973 - 1980



Leslie Appleton Blake "Leslie "

What is Eve holding scows? every night? Wezzo . . . Puerto Rico . . . Tennis instructor cold stares cynic smashed get out of my life ...

Robert Bernhard " Rob "

I never put off until tomorrow what I can possibly do the day after.


Dr. "B." salad corsages Bern sha-rona Basketball Zeke Punk Rocker Tom Snyder honeymoon in Grand Isle lobster dance Are you punished again? Dr Dunk

1977 - 1980


Michael James Brown " Mike "

Laugh and the world laughs with you, Weep and you weep alone

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Monte Mouse " I wasn ' t drunk " soccer ... lazy load ... quiz bowl . .. Englishman .. . Wins ton his party " God save the Queen "

Donna Marie Bossier " Donna "

Happy the man, and happy he alone , He who can call to - day h is own , He who, secure within, can say , To-morrow do thy worst , for I Have lived to-day Horacee

Donna Perona Country Day Bill Guy Shanahans "We don't go out anymore " her cars can't stop moving whining what a mouth


5 1

Don't listen when people talk about being free, because your real prison in life is walking alone.


"Did you hear about my accident?" Lopsided Lou runthroughs A+ in English romp unscrewing lightbulbs kissing in the chapel

I love to laugh

Mary Poppins

Driving .. . Tulane boys ... a farm girl .. . T erie T Clothes sewing Jeff front lawn toilet Grandpa David Sultan Ababama Ha-


1975-1980 Tracey Lynn Callison " Tracey" Lydia Murphey Caffery " Lyd " phazzard


Camille Marie Co lomb "Cammie "

Rejoice! Confusion is the beginning of wi s dom Anonymous

Volleyball ... Shield _.. . Girl's State . .. hyper intellectual football ... Camillia ... Destin balconies

J.B.'s hammock go colomb your hair

Stephanie Lynn Chisholm "Stephanie"

Anyone can live with order . But to live with disorder , to wade through and progress and make a contribution to life in spite of it - this is a challenge And this is what life really asks.

Patricia Penton Leimbach

"take me , please " Scott, Scott, Scott Jesuit boys King Doobie Brothers Concert making noise





Bryan Vernon Dupepe Jr . " Boo "

I never let s c hool interfere with my education. "

Aldous Huxley

Red . . . Red Claude . . . Boo . . . Ey elashe s . . . Dupeep hi s enthus iasm captain Mike M ' s party ... Ta r a ' s Boo Boo .. . Zeke sleeping in the bathtub love for a certain cousin Red Snapper Wyoming Bozo ' s Sargeant Boo the churchyard

Vanessa Connell "Teddi"

Remember the Alamo!

Sam Houston

MG George Benjamin Sportscar Costumes

. .. "I got a problem! " ... Chuck .. . d . .. cohortz perfect attendance record . . . TEXAS . . . Texas Fight Hook ' em Horns Old Friends Weekends at Lakeway " Zack attacks" Mommie Dearest Scarlet Rose of Te x as




Jaime Lou Fleming • " Jaime Lou "

"Sm ile , It makes people wonder what you ' ve been up to ."


Horses . . . parties ... " where ' s Lou? " ... horse shows . .. Little Lee . .. Jaime Lou .. . skippy ... gett ing lost in Big Ben New Wave safety pins? . .. J.F . ... #I in the nation . .. getting along (with or without ) Dr T # 356, # 48 , # 504 in Firebird

Jeffrey Neal Farber

"Jeff "

"Smile, and somebody will think that you ' re up to something."

Anonymous Leroy .. . his clothes . . . his mansion . .. his stories ... jokes ... Beverly ... O.J . ... the rest of the Farbers horses bug eyes Rig Excalibur his exagerations the first day to schoolsenior year " want the rest " .




David Beer Fried Ill " David "

''I' ve got a name , I've got a name , and I carry it with me like my daddy did , but I'm livin the dream, that he can ' t feel "

Jim Croce " Beer " Siggy Jew getting sick in Mexico

Brain short , short, short , short Fred "But Doc? " tennis Freud cross country What band?? Basketball

Edmond Fowler "Billy "

"If at first you don ' t succeed, try, try again Then quit; no use being a damn fool about it " W.C. Fields

Willie hops trumpet #I punt blocker "Foweller" ... Flower . .. pictures in class . . . inventing nickname black sneakers




Eric Harold Groh " Eric"

"The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives."

Albert Schweit z er Kirk ' s twin Lakeshore GROG lakeshore "monsta" Golf OTLC "Ferdi" Tina .. . that smile .. . the Rat ... skipping out of ethics study parties Lisa Fitzmorris Treen ' s victory party to Mother's with Q - bal and the gang . . .


Jack Murphy Gordon Jr. "Jack"

Tm as tall as a shotgun and just as noisy!"

Truman Capote

Cheerleader ... Very short .. . moped man . . . safe driver award Rondo his holly sales The Princess Math with Mr Latham State Wrestler ... " Hey , Hey , Hey!" . . . Andouille Fest ... "What's up?" "READ MY LIPS" Peppermint

Schnapps The Churchyard




Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth


Tennessee darlin ' Ms. Pele soccer Vanderbilt Defender of oil industry Little Red Camero The Republicans are coming! Odyssey " that lady " beagle Harold. J H

The fun is not in having nothing to do but having something to do and not doing it.


Eric's twin ... cheerleader ... his laugh ... brain tumor . .. his library of Cliff Notes . . . Do homework?! babbling on deMauriac wrestling

That's pretty funny there! Super Notes


Stacy Elizabeth Grove "Stacy" Kirk Paul Groh "Kirk"


John Covington Henry " John"

Who so would be a man must be a nonconformi s t. Ralph Waldo Emerson

J H stand up comic master of disaster Kathy Lloyd's partner what is his last name? ... philosophy . . bay berry bushes . .. John, you ' re not funny! swimming pool christening

Lori Ann Hendler "Lori "

There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. Lady Blessington

Let's make her laugh ... always talking ... engine trouble? never being able to decide on anything chemistry footnotes always so organized Hendler's supermarket goodluck charms can I have a ride? . . .

1979 -1980

Michael Ryburn Hollan d " Michael "

Relationship s ar e totally irrat ional a nd absurd , but we need the eggs

Woody Allen

hollow " Fine as wine " Rondo comments to Mr. Latham ... Corvoir? ... Have y ou been working on your car ? ... long walks at Easter ... spagetti and egg salad i n Florida Peg s

If you see someone without a smile , give him one of yours Anonymous

"Just how tall are you?" twin fat ankles skiing volleyball scuba tennis weeezzer . . . her eyes . . . intellectual football Vladimir ... her exchange students .. . two years at state! h igh pockets Hickham her van Hickadoo

1974-19S0 Annette Louise Hickham "Annette" 1969-19S0

Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images.


his mom ... video wiz kid ... his rowdiness? .. . preppie NOCCA his laugh going to 7-11 with Colleen and Danelle Schnapps Florida . .. wrestling manager . . . Donna Summer ... getting out of study hall the Duke


I feel as if I were a mosquito in a nudist colony; I know what I want but don't know where to begin

"E" Goose Karen vs. Missy S S basketball captain his jokes B-52's Devo Zeke Julie G A&P parking? Orea mud pies . . . rock lobster . . . ' 68 Impala . . . Karen!! !

1967-1980 Leonard Victor Huber Ill "Beau" Lewis Holtzman "Eric"
1968-1976, 1979-1980

If you have behaved badly , repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better the next time On no accounts brood over your wrongdoing Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean .

Aldous Huxley

Stud ... w r estling ... Allison ... Fat Cit y lookout back rubs Dr ive - Ins wine bottles Physics part ies ...

What real truth can I say about my life except . .. I really love eggplant .


disco king French God Leslie, Amy, Michelle ... his bald spot .. . Belgium . .. AFS ... poetry with Mrs. Guild George Carlin concerts paraphernalia Oh, she's so fine!! what a sweet talker ... Lisa G ... man in hammock .


1974-1980 Stephen Phillips Kantrow " Steve " Mark Lewis Kantrow "Mark"

1968-197 3, 1975-1980

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self . To love is to risk not being loved in return. To live is to risk dying; to try is to risk failure. The person who risks nothing, does nothing and is nothing He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn , feel , change , love-LIVE

Phil Gugluizzo

Coachie Pres his grades Doc Reeb his macho bod tiff.

Margaret Elizabeth King " Peggy "

Friendships that have stood the testTime and change- are surely the best; Brow may wrinkle, hair grow grey ; Friendship never knows decay

Joseph Parry

Pegs her eyes Michael, Rob, Stuart tennis . . . George .. . Florida . guys with long blond hair .. . Brut by Faberage.


Terren David Klein "Coachie"


Success is getting what you want Happiness is wanting what you get


Spike Leslie cone DA flirt Texan "what was your license? " . basketball? the Churchyard ...

I live for those who love me , for those who know me true; for the heaven that smiles above me, awaits my spirit too For the case that lacks assistance, for the wrong that needs resistance, for the future in the distance, and the good that I can do

Horses ... Cheerleading . . . the jag . . . older men preppie Homecoming '78 crushes Destin ... Q - ball . . .


64 . " .. • • • * • •• • • ··; ·· : -
Keith Ray Kyler " Spike " Colleen Margaret Kuebel "Colleen"


Robert Broussard Landry Ill " Jo Bob "

The horizon is limited only by the s cope with which one views it .


Jo Bob Di x ie Beer Le Jardin Mr Defense Corky Let the Good Times Roll working out Act IV

Danelle Marie Lago " Danelle "

A laugh is just like sunshine

It freshens all the day

It tips the peaks of life with light, And drives the clouds away.


Let go my Lago ... Dunel .. . Bla z in ... Danny Tranelle soccer Dumnelle . s quinting eyes David the " brat " we killed ourselves laughing .. . Dayna ...


6 5


Thomas Sutherland Mackie " Tom "

Th ' mem ' ry comes like a banshee mese lf an me wealth between, Ah ' I long for a mornin's mornin ' in shanahan's ould she been . Gerald Brennan

Ashley . . . Shanahansll . .. Babee ... McGehee .. .

Wackie prep Gucci Mack the Knife

When the shark b it es Steve "Later gator! " ... Skiing ... football stance . . .

If I am not for myself , Who is for me?

And being myself, What am I?

And if not now, when?


Nancy Rabbi Fine Diamond head I Mono Nosebleed Skiing in the raw perfect Florida His hair His smile Spanish ... Fourth of July ... being a Jew .. .


Tobin Scott Lassen "Tobee"
t g \ Ct




Glory gives herself only to those who have always dreamed of her.


Tennis anyone? . . . move over Chris Evert . . . Big Mayer Covington Cashmere " Good set Lisa!" Her bombs so - so intellectual football Volleyball


If all the world is a stage , then your act had better be good.


Lana Jerry the Ferret Shiek of Metairie football Criticism Taylor Wrestling

Bacchus ... U.T .. . " Je f f, the school needs " Photography . .. Hit the slopes . .. The plantation "Shake it off" Monobreath C.D ftball party Snowbunnies Bowhunting


Elizabeth Mayer " Lisa" Glenn Martin "Jeppy "


Some men see things as they are and say why I dream things that never were and say, why not.

Steve . .. Austin . .. U.T . ? . .. Mac ... Wild ... Laplace .. . Grease? . . . Soccer . . . Softball . . . Pat

O's N S.D T gatoring at Ivanhoe's Blue Nun Blow it off her eyes

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.


Soccer Bacardi party Allene eating cigarettes "Let's donate this practice to __ " Red Streak Soccer stud going wild peeling out


Nancy Carol McDowell "Nancy" F. Kennedy John James McCarte "John" Cardinal Suenens


Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.


If at first you don't succeed , try, try a couple times more, then quit. There's no point in making a fool of yourself.

Her clothes 13 years Europe Miss Vogue pink lady thin your car broke down again? .. .

People today think cynicism requires courage. Actually, cynicism is the height of cowardice. It is innocence and open heartedness that requires true courage-but we are often hurt by both.

Erica Jong

Moody plays Stephen lite Cosmopolitan Soccer M.M.'s yacht "This is hurting my world" ...


Virginia Ann McFadden "Ginger" Rogers W.C. Fields Allison Heather McEwen "Allison"

The secret of life is to reduce your worries to a minimum . Snoopy

Nurse ' s son guitar Ann " I c an't wait t il I get my licen se" Punk rocker Making Pope at Danelles . . . Zeke . . . WTUL . . . from Zeppellin Tshirts to ga t ors llp m. visits his parties how many ye ar s of Algebra ...

Some are born great , some achieve greatness , and some have greatness thrust upon ' em.

W . Shakespeare

I got :2 articles ... I thought you were a jun ior Soccer Cutie Bacardi Cher ie

1971-1980 Michael William Mcloughlin " Mike " Jeffrey Neal McIntire " Jeff " 1976-1980


Anne Mary Motte " Anne"

"Nothing in life is to be feared it is only to be understood."

Marie Curie

" yes " Mott Saver Time AFS Belgium

. . . Eric in Belgium . . . Mark . . . Kathy . . . cute English . . . kissing American boys . . . comme ci comme ca . . . laughing constantly . . . philosophy

Frederick Wing Miller , Jr "Fred"

Get back on your feet you ' re the one they can't beat and you know it . Come one, let's see what you ' ve got Just take your best shot and don't blow it.


Fast Freddie motorcycles his party in Miss ... Waveland ... Check that out ... Dad's Hawk II




Build for yourself a strong-box , Fashion each part with care ; Lock all your heart aches within it, Then sit on the lid and laugh

Berth Adams Bodeus

New New .. teddy bear ... colonel ... Pat O's . . . her hair Queenie 'T m sorry" New York drums "fine Physique " singing 3 A.M. excursions in la Place N.S.D.T wacko

Though I be made weak by time and Fate, I am strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. I can be anything I choose.


deer hunter Ruby park car in living room #13 ... macho ... photography ... boot party .. . bright ideas strut Hot Toddy Call me churchyard


Nancy Brenda Newman "Nancy" Todd Allen Muller "Todd"


Anna Verline Olinde "Anna "

Where there is an open mind , there will always be a frontier .

Charles Kettering Verline , Verline the asparagus Queen! Treasure Island Anna Banana pink lady Nanette's side kick uptown Shan ' s Destin balconies

J B.'s tennis shoes famous e x cuses claws .. . prom breakfast ... 13 years .

Constantine Fr ank Nicoladis "Dean"

You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm .

Hope Johnson

Dick ... his driving? ... his car ... pres?? ... Cherie girl dreams spaghetti in Bay St. Louis? Joe " Hey, I want some! " greek physique





Yes , its pretty hard, the optimistic old woman adm itted. I have to get along with only two teeth-one upper , one lower- but. thank goodness, they meet.


Gary Todd's Brew Crew "Alazon" T.C.U . . . late to eco ... J.S. & Pat 'O's ... lllb ... any bosco? .. . Farber's party ... horses . . . always being bummed out

I do not judge my actions by the opinions of others.


Wack his I.Q 'Tm gonna kill 'em" intellectual English HACK "I play football!"

Bleeder Tennis Scab Shankers! earth to Hack OOH-OH " Shut up Bucky !"


Patricia Kay Piner " Patty John Conway Palmer "Hack"


Kathryn Lynn Reische "Kathy"

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

Phillipians 1,3 volleyball . .. Bob ... Reische-a - roni .. . Sarah H.C. cheerbop Farrah church retreats corn nuts Anne track Colorado intellectual football J's hammock GO FOR IT! !!

Randal Don Rampp "Randy"

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps

It is because he hears a different drummer; Let him step to the music he hears , However measured or far away


his car . .. mad scientist . .. peeell outt! .. . Bonnabel girls . . . wrestling . . . SARCASM! . . . fat city cook outs



Silence is more eloquent than words.

Thomas Carlyle

E=mc2 ' Chuck "d" the cohortz Birds ... the crow ... diet?! . . . long walks ... Jesuit boys mover over Beethoven! always studying ... Sherrie Riemer .. . Cherry ... "Richard" ... bringing U-Haul on awards day "Jeffwy"

For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks; the ultimate for which all other work is but preparation.


Dante my bell belle chase mohawk

Michelle vette laid back tuna chauvinist . .. sweet ... romanticist ... Lou ... Doctor M ... tequila ... MLB.


1976-1980 Cherie Louise Riemer "Cherie" Dante William Renzulli


Nancy Hall Romaine "Nancy"

This above all, to thine own self be True , and it must follow, as the Night the day, thow canst not then be false to any man.

Shakespeare lettuce head Romainooo cheese Country Day

Europe Olivia soul train penguin swing that arm D.S me, gullible? Shan ' sl say babe . .. instantaneous crushes . .. Seagrove .

James Graham Roberts


Gr a ham "

It doesn't matter where you ' ve been as long as it was deep

Ric Ocasek

The Caro

Oxfords top siders uptown prep his walk ... Grammy .. . Grambo .. . soccer H.C. .. . Mono wrecks The Cars Newm films his speed . Dixie Perez Doc Cardinal Puff ... one.

p ,. -,\ . " •:' , ... . ~ , \ -I ...,.., 77


Stacey Maria Salamone "Stace "

Life is like eating artichokes - you've got to go through so much to get so little .

Thomas Aloysiuis Dorgan cookie monster Prez Eric?!? S S.' s back rub service . . . f irst grade romance . . . Spumonie . . . Grace King baseball bus rides football team ... new hous e ... H.C. breakfast . . . Sr . trip?

Thomas Griswold Russell " Tommy"

How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something, but to be someone

Gabrielle Chanel

Jaime . . . enthusiastic . . . Black Eye! . . . Jimbo ... " Wake Up" " That ' s due today? earth to Tommy




Tara Renee Schultz "Tara"

For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope


Cheerleading "Schultzie" Mississippi Boo Boo? .. . Wait, how many tickets? ... LS .LI ... .

H C. '79 "Do you understand this math?"

Trenchie hey babeeeeel! . F J and Maxie food fight .. .

Love is rare

Amy Leon a Sandridge " Amy "

I'm Getting My Act To gether and Taking It on the Road

Gretchen Cryer

Time keeps on slippin, slippin into the future .

Steve Miller

Who ever has a sweet 17?! " I drive better -really!!" midnight rides Existentialism

Feminism liberalism Andover! Manhattan

19 75-1980 79


Julie Marie Slavik "Julie"

To see the world in a grain of sand Heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour

William Blake

... Bars! ... John ... J .D . . .. Julie ' s Taxi Service?

"Hey I hear ya! " P P and Pat O's LLB Ivanhoe ' s and 500 Club . . . Rondo . .. 3 A.M. excursions in La Place underground N.S D.T Fearless Foursome

William Cooper Scott "Bill"

Show us not the aim without the way For ends and means on earth are so entangled That changing one , you change the other too ; Each different path brings other ends in view

Ferdinand Lassalle , Franz von Sickingen

Diamondhead I God hands lifesavers

Question of the Day football soccer

Spanish and answering in class .. .




I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints;

The sinners have much more fun .

Billy Joel

... Nelly ... moped ... running ... The Boot .. . Peggy Cross-country six miles with RYssell after Homecoming Gra c e King Prep "I like Dixie" Wuv's JC? look at the muscles in her legs

Learn as if you were to live forever Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.

John Wooden

Diamondhead I Captain Patty mohawk ... football ... Lloyd ... Mr. Bo ... weekend spent on Veterans joy rides sign? Diamondhead II??? . . . Skiing in the raw . . . S. . . . snow skiing Tequila dam sliding You win the battle of the BULGE!! Heart boxers being late ... wrestling .. .

Sally Adams T rufant "Sally" James Gary Sutton "Gary"

I looked for my soul but my soul I could not see I looked for my God but my God eluded me. I looked for a friend and then I found all three .

Burger King Guy "Right" Liz Ard woman of the world her trampoline England, Arabia, Russia

If you can't move fast, you can ' t move at all.


Lucky Lou Lopsided Lou Tracey torn between two lovers Ginny out to lunch Devil up to no good you're just playin now

1978-1980 Karen Elizabeth Weaver "Karen" Louis Nat Vitrano "Lopsided Lou" 1979-1980

I cannot be governed by what others seek , and I cannot take less.

Robert Owen computer mind his Math ing at Winn Dixie ... LSU football work-

Jon Harold Werner 0 Jon "

Pain is ninety percent psychological. The Surgeon General Kat his cars two weeks of wrestling Soccer . .. Aspen .. . holly sales with J .G . ... Drama . . . weird cheers with Martin . . . purple alligator shirts Psychology jokes " Keep those tips up" "This program works, though "

1976-1980 Robert John Williams "Bobby"
13 Year Club
Laura Babin Judy Becker Jaime Fleming Jack Gordon Stacy Grove Eric Holtzman Terren Klein
~ ·'' ,,,+,-ii,llt-'11
Ginger McFadden Lisa Mayer Fred Miller Nancy Newman Anna Olinde
Bobby Williams

Will You Ever Forget?

bounce and bounce and bounce and catch "Miss Minerva"

Mrs. Shilling's "blood book"

sixth grade parties

Mr. Conley's sixth grade recess

Mr. Fouchi's "Kiss a friend for Valentine's Day ."

Wolf creek

Otis "Egg" Jernigan

Food fight's

Mrs. Lobenstein's "kiss of nighthood . "

Mr. De Mauriac ' s trivia quizzes and writing to "Smead "

Mrs. Saik's pretty little pictures and jot jots.

Mrs. James' " people"

Mr. Berard's "X" on hand.

Mr. Marsalis' "do me first"

Mrs. Porter's smiles, "grand, marvelous, and schmaltzie "

Mrs. Guild's socks and lecturing to the ceiling

Lunch leave as seniors??

State champs in soccer, tennis, and twice in volleyball!!!

Having a football team to cheer for - 8-2!!!

Senior Wierd Day?!

Three sets of twins.

"What happened to the library?"

Classes in lower school?

Pep rallies!!

The Secret Line Drawer?!!!

Aunt Jane's life saving notes.

Rolling Newman!!!

Most Deficiencies?

Doc Mooney's affection for the girl's?

Choir trip '79-Mass suspension!


Homecoming Prom

Level I, II, and Ill.

Football parties

Rock Steady for 26 minutes straight!!

MAY 23, 1980!!!!!!!



Benbo w , Elizabeth

Berins, Edward

Bernos, Lana

Boelitz, Frederick

Brammell, Sally

Breaux, Lisette

Bresler, Jonathan

Burlingame, Ann

Cain, Beverly

Cairns, Roy

Cantin, Barry

Carvajal, Ricardo

Cashmore, Mary

Chubbuck, James

Ciervo, John

Clark, Johanna

Collins, Geoffrey

Colomb, William

Conatser, Tracy

Daasvand, Ragnhild

Doubleday, Eugene

Dellinger, James

Dorion , Christopher

Duffy, Sean

Fingerman , Clay

Sgt. at Arms- Geoff Collins, Treasurer- Stuart McDo w ell, President- Tracy Conatser, Vice-President- William Manning, MISSING, Liz Saunders.

Fisher, Amanda Fleming, Jana

Fox , John Fullilove, Kathleen

Garcia, Maria

Geehan, Douglas

Gerrets, Angela Gloven, Laura

Graham , Ford Greenwell , Jeffry

Hansen , Helen

Hemenway, Cullan Hennessey , Patrick Hickman , Lynn

Hienz, Robert Hoffman, Virginia

Johnson , Ronald Kalil , Rho n da

Ketchum , Judith Kinyon , Shannon

" So, wh at do you want me to do?! "

Klinger, Mary

Krementz, Elizabeth

Lago, Dayna

Lee, Carol

Lokey, Enga

Mackenzie , Catherine

Manning, William

McDougal. Mark

McDowell, Stuart

McEwen, Christina

McNair, Melinda

Miller, John

Mindell, Jeff

Mitchell, Robert

Montero, Marcia

Muller, Martin

Newsom, Stephen

O'Meallie, Karen

Palmer, Gregory

Pelaez, Paul

Pelias, Marilyn

"No Cathy - I don ' t want a plastic bag in m y ear

Quiroz, Nellie

Rizzo , Laura

Rolling, Laurie

Rue , Elizabeth Sams, Lewis Sanford, Clayton Saunders, Elizabeth Schmidt, John Smith, Margaret

Smith , Kei t h

Stinson , Mary Strain , Susan

Strickler, Christopher Sweeney, Patrick

Trufant , Mary

Wallbillich, Melanie Webber , Michael Williams , Ethelyn

Woolbert, Carrie Wright, Elizabeth Young, Steve

Which on e of you th re w that down m y s hirt ?!?"


Aleman, Ruth

Ammon, Scott

Andry, Gilbert

Appel. Kurt

Arant, Williams

Ary, Brian

Baber, Robin

Barone, Jennifer

Beeson, Temple

Bernhard, Margaret

Bernos, Jeanne

Bossier, Steven

Bower, Susan

Brown, Cydney

Campbell, Kay

Coleman , Wayne

Crosby , Donna

David Kemela

Delchamps , Barbara

DeMartini , JoAnn

DeMonte, Jill

Erwin , Virginia

Farber, Gu y

Farber, Scott

Favaloro, Guy

,1,F_,· Michelle Marks, Secretary, Donna Hickham, Vice - president. Jo Ann DeMartini, President. Gretchen Steinbaugh, Treasurer, Steven Wulff, SgJ at Arms.

Feibleman, William

Fisher, Diana

Flake, Wendy

Fullilove, Rebecca

Garcia, Martha

Gause, Mary

Gayle, Elizabeth

Girault. Bradford

Gloven, Pamela Harrison, William

Herron, Laurie

Hickham, Donna

Hild, Allan

Hoffman, Lawrence

Huber. Christopher

Jacoves, Jill

Jones , Nancy

Kelley. Robert

Kirshbom, Alan

Klein, Anne-Sere

Lang, Christopher

Lewis, Allison

Luck, John

" Me Tarzan , you Jane"
9 1

Machado, Pamela

Marks , Michelle

Matthews, Maria

Mayer, Nancy

McKibbon, Anne

Miles, Elizabeth

Miley, James

Occhipinti, Terry

Olinde , Alfred

Pagliaro, Kimberly

Payne , Rafe

Pearce , Paul

Pickens, Cecil

Porter, Patrick

Prichard, Dena

Reiss, Patricia

Roberts, John

Rodriguez, Arnesto

Roy, Parker

Senneff, Mark

Shackelford, Scott

What do you want?

9 2
..____ ._

Stanfield, Sharpe

Stanley, Donna

Steinbaugh, Gretchen

Stern, Michael

Story, Drew

Toft, Eric

Trotter, William

Van Wooten, Peter

Weaver , Michael

Weis, Ale x andrea

Woody, C h arlotte

Woolbert, Polly

Wulff, Steven

Zander, Scott

" If he does that to me one more time! " ) I •11 ~t-1 \ ___
and the animals came two by two.
9 3


Aleman, Donald

Alltmont , Nan

Anderson, Andrea

Andry, Angele

Andry , John

Armstrong , Jeffrey

Atkinson , Alice

Baber, Bonnie

Becnel, Daniel

Benbow, Katherine

Benge, Melinda

Blackwood, Dorothy

Bott, George

Bower, Susan

Burlingame, John

Carson, Ona

Casseri, Nicole

Coe, Denise

Collins, Kynan

Cox, Keith

Diliberto, George

" \ No, you can ' t have my last cookie! "

Class Officers, Alma Quiroz , Secretary , Missy Nicoladis , Vice-President. Devan Pailet , President, Denise Coe , Treasurer, Jeff Armstrong, Sgt. at Arms

Dorman, Susan

Dunkin, Richard

Dunlap, Anne

Durham , John

Ellis, Leslie

Farmer, Deborah

Ferguson, Sarah

Fisher, Ann

Flettrich, Robin

Fransen, Remi

George, Stephanie

Hamlin, James

Harold, Michael

Hennessey , Leanne

Hollier, Larry

Huber, Thomas

Hutchens, Jay

Jackson, Ashley

Jonassen, Hans

Kuebel, Karen

Lange, Alan

Laudeman , Keppler

LeJeune, Baltzer

NO PHOTO AVAILABLE ' NO PHOTO AVAILABLE " Lloyd just walked by! !!!!" "My place tonight? S,00?"

Lemoine, Michelle

Macy, Cara

Martin, Jon

Matthews, Renee

McCollam, Douglas

Miller , Ross

Morris. Sarah

Nicoladis, Maria

Oelsner, David

Pailet. Devan

Plakotos, Rhea

Prudhomme, Lana

Quiroz, Alma

Rizzo, Steven

Salingre, Michele

Shackelford, Susan

Storey, Shauna

" Can' t someone explain this to him?"
Sugar 'n ' spice ' n' everthing nice l

Sullivan, Lauren

Thayer, Dana

Thigpen, Andrew

Walker, Kimberly

Wallin, John

Weaver, David

Weller, Kimberly

White, Tracy

Yeargain, Paige

Young, Melissa

" Leave me alone " "My most photogenic side ." " Doesn ' t everyone just lov e my Farrah -Faucett sm ile? "
"i" V f, ~ " l,a,:,[7 j - ~ - i \ r ' l, , ' J~ ?
Serrhel Adams Shawn Armstrong Derek Barnes JoAnn Barone Andre ' Berot Alexis Brown Calandra Bush Joseph Cairns
Kimberly Capin

Shelly Carter

Thea Casseri

lester Coe

Shannon Conatser

Rebecca Contois

Debra Crosby

Elizabeth Denton

Robert Diliberto


Edmund Dunn Carolyn Eckert

Jennifer Fleming Margarite Focas

Susan Frankland Stuart Gayle

Pamela Georges Ekkehard Gomm

10 5
) 106
Bruck Hafford Stefanie Harrison Richard Hawkins Jeanne Herrington Elizabeth Hofheinz Michelle Hollier Jonathan James Hill Johnson Kyle Killiam
Paul Kirshbom Julie Koppman
Laura Lambert Stephen Lasky Katherine LeJeune Elizabeth Leveque Melissa Lewis
Hans Leutkemeier Todd Lupberger

Mary McKibbon

Patrick McCormack

Robert Megrian

David Mills

Anne Mitchell

Paul Mitchell


Stacey Moore

Tracey Moore

... 708
Jennifer Morgan Faith Noullet Peyton Pettit Stephanie Pagliaro " Billy " Mohamed

Karl Peyronnin

Marion Piner

Kevin Rourke

Nicole Sargent

Jon Scheurich

Amy Schwendimann

Tyson Shofstahl

David Snyder

Anne Steinbaugh

David White

William Wood

Dean Yount



Cathryn Abbott

Erol Akdamar

Heidi Banton

Susan Barone

Stacie Bourgeois

Susan Burkes

Peter Chin

Cynthia Churchill

Stephanie Clifton

Michelle Condray

James Corcoran

Russell Creel

eAlicia Daniels

Etienne DeFelice

Scott DeMonte

David Favaloro

Katherine Feibleman

Elizabeth Fensin


Kimberley Finklea

Christopher Fransen

Elizabeth Glass

Martha Goldthwa ite

Anja Gomm

Shannon Goodrow

Todd Graham

Dan Guillot Edith Hall
1 1 2
Stuart Head
Lynn Heinish Cynthia Hild Erik Huber Janet Jenkins Glenn Johnson
Walter Keenan

Ann LeJeune

Frank Lombard

Christopher Lozano

Elizabeth Man ning

Lori Marr

Kevin Mccaffery

Karl Keller

Samuel Klinger

Danielle Lambert

Kenneth Lasky

Susan Laudeman

Kimberly Lawrence


Laura McMahon

Harriette Miles

Porcher Miles

Michelle Moore

Page Morton

David Paine

Angel Parks

Leslie Ploger

Richard Pollard

Paul Pratt



James Rogers


Laura Sams

Laura Schuler

Lisa Senneff

Ashley Serice

Marsha Smith

Shelton Soniat

Benjamin Sontheimer

Jay St.Pierre

Jennifer Stephens

Kristin Sullivan

Nancy Sumner

Thomas Svendsen

Mark Talbot Arny Thigpen

Robert Vining

Rosalind Waters

Carol Watts

Karen Wayman

Mark Weaver

Kristi Wedemeyer

Kellie Lynn Wiggins

Patrick Williams

Ann Wootten

11 7

Lee Abbott

Henry Adams

Allison Andry

Edward Appel

Loren Berot

Eric Boling

Clayton Breaud

Robert Bridgewater

Dominique Brown

Sacha Bush

Sydney Callison

Cher Chester

Brett Collins

Catherine Corder

Davin Davini

Brenna Denton

11 9

Searr Dunn

Ladd Ehlinger Jr.

Carolyn Fisher

Alex Focas

Rebecca Fransen

Patrick Gorden

Laura Gowdy

Jon-Erling Hansen

Gretchen Harmon

Kristin Hensen

Andrew Herrington

Kendra Hill

' 120

Jeffrey Hodges

Suzanne Howell

~~In-Marie lngolia

I ary Jackson

Katrina Keller

Terri Kogutt

Holly Kuebel

Caroll Laird

\ I ,. r~

Cortney Lang

Traci Lev i

Brad Lokey

Stefanie Lorenzen

Douglas Lynne

Daniel Macy

wendy Manshel

• 122

Jade Mary

Leanne McBurney

Brent McFarland

Gaylynne McFarland

Mark McGinnis

Trey Mclendon

Brice Miles

Alissa Miller

Julie Mills

Ronald Murlin

Theodore Neff

Sean O'Neill

I ' .. f~· : : , . '
12 3

Diann Pelias

Robert Pettit

Bill Rachal

Hans Ryden

Paul Schwendimann

Colby Spath

Brian Sirridge

Blake Stevens

Carol Strong

John Trask

Paul Vining

Colin Walker

Peter Wanek

William Wayman

Kathryn Weekley

Laura White

Mary Williams

Ryan Womack

Brady Wood

Scott Yount

12 5

Tom Sawyer Day

' -~. J; d :1. l 126
--' Y" \ . ,,~> .......·~ 127

Middle School Forum

1 28
Left to Right , Top Row, Jim Rodgers, Mary McKibbon , Andre' Berot, Cali Bush, Mark McGinnis, Drew Herrington, Middle Row, Carolyn Eckert, Laura McMahon , Lori Marr, Julie Koppman, Loren Berot. Shannon Conatser , Jay St. Pierre. Bottom Row , Billy Mohammed, Lester Coe, Gay McFarland, Laura Schuler, Carolyn Fisher, Scott Yount



Christmas Decorations

lnstumental Films

'°'' ·'! \ii .•• • i • \ i •t r _j
Sewing Cooking
,,. r , ""' .. - -) l ,, 1 29


Combining expert skill. extensive training sophisticated equipment, and the utmost dedication to bring you the finest in

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fora good look.

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Best Wishes From MARTIN EXPLORATION COMPANY And Good Luck To The Class Of SO

Without depositors-and their faith and trust in us-we'd have no bank. And we never forget it. If you bank with us, we promise to treat you like you own the bank ... because in a sense, you do! JEFFERSON BANK AND TRUST COMPANY KENNER OFFICE HARVEY OFFICE CAUSEWAY OFFICE 3525 N. Causeway Blvd. 2141 Veterans Memorial Blvd. 1520 Westbank Expressway Harvey • 368-5555 Metairie • 837-3333 Kenner• 722-2231 ELMWOOD PARK OFFICE 1130 S Clearview Parkway Jefferson • 733-0341 VETERANS OFFICE 3620 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Metairie • 888-8670 133
CWhdll treat you li~you own the bank?

Lower School Service Club

Members of the Lower School Service Club are elected from the fourth and fifth grades The Service Club performs duties such as raising and lowering the flag, delivering messages, and ringing the bell to end each school day The e ntire fifth grade participates in the 4-H C lub The 4-H Club

Picnics, Plays, and Visitors

i 4
f . \ "i .:... • • , - --~ "Y ' ... ' J
1 38
,) " ~( : ,, ... ' lll1 I J ~ · i \lilc , "'4::.,> 139

The Lower School would like to dedicate this section of the 1979-1980 Shield to Marge Conatser, a dedicated administrator and teacher. Her many years of service to St. Martin's her leadership, expertise, willingness to help others, and her warm and giving personality make her a favorite in the Lower School. She does an exellent job and enables the activites of the Lower School to run smoothly. A true friend to all members of the Lower School community.


What do you want to do when you are a senior?

"Be the varsity captin for football, baseball, basketball, and be engaged." -Brent Edwards

"be a modle, be in a quir, be a cheerleader"

-Kelly Luck

"buy a coke, have a car, and not fail."



14 2
Sandy Barne tt Dale Kise r Matthew Sontheimer Beth Boudreaux Mrs Koy Robert Peyton Nan cy Walli n Rosilynn Bryan Ne il Dyhrkopp Lindsey Jackson Sherri Ploger Gretchen Weiman Mark Contois Allison Cornel ius Helen D' Ant o ni Stuart Ellis John Falgoust Rac hel Gat e ly Barton Jahncke John Ryan Protecto rs o f t he hall s! Scott Whittingt on Morgan Wils on Marion Benson Melanie Branton Donald Chin Mo Emory I,,. Karl Findorff Mary Lee Gibbons Billy Gorman Troy Hill Mrs Dickson I' David Jones Graham Justice Karen Kirshbom Satoshi Kitahama Beth McCranie Denise Rachal Gemelle Saak Cameron Smith Kim Steibing Kemper Taylerson "Oh no! It's coming to me! " Christian Toft
14 3
Jonathan Wachtel Leigh Yeargain
Mrs. Callison Troy Gilbert
Four -C
Milton Phillips Karen Holmes CA
Elisia Sho f stahl
Lauren Vedros Vickie Benbow Mike Denkman Wake Lankard Victoria Siegel J P Villaume Scott Burnett e Brent Edwards Kelly Luck Daniel Valladares tric Witherspoon Margaret Christy Kim Conway John Gardner Cricket Gaumer
Max Merlin Jody Morris
\. >,.•· - i • I
Mrs. Doss Brooke Andry Allan Burkes
~l :",.'-4"' ,. -
Beau Charbonnet Sheridan Cooper Kristin Dorfi Steve Gallaher Jeremy Head Michael Jordy Michele Karno Thompson Lykes Megan Magee John David Moore Glenn Northcott Clayton Page Colleen Rielly Kathy Rock ) Shannon Ryan Roger Schneidau Carol Steinman Clif Stoutz
Melissa Watson Mrs Andry
14 6
"When I am a senior I'm going to try to start a nice profession for a person that age that will make a lot of money."
-Todd Cleary
Melissa Eckert Remy Gross Frederick Stevenson Mrs. Helen Gregory Perrin Ehlinger Pam Jenkins Jeff Stolier Kristin Breaud Charles Corcorna Sealy Faught Chr is Gant Sean Keeney Christy Lagasse Ben Tubb Jeanne Wanek Billy Burk James Daigle Melanie Gordon Chris McMahon Jean Wu Pam Capin Reid Dickson Chris Grace
) I
14 7
Dane M indell William Young
Leslie Barnes Sherri Harrison Bart Kelly
Leonie Lorenzen Sean Barnes Kirsten Hill Andrea Kolich Td lupberger Todd Cleary Greg Hodges Cason lane Sabrina Mazer Mary Davie Paterson Scott DeFoy Elizabeth Goliwas Suzanne Gueydan Brian Hughson Mr. Rawson Kevin levy Stephen Mitchell Kirk Moyer
Scott McKay Mark Rielly Tony Thierry Shannon Powers
Anna Lisa Appel Chris Beckman
-... --,
Brian Berke Randy Bourgeouis
"\""' ,~ -.
Mrs. Siegel Shawn Brennan Jennifer Foster Bobby Grinstead Paige Kuchler James Martin George McMahon Julie Nolan Kendra O'Connell Vince Paciera Jerry Paradis
' \
Chad Poche Melissa Quiroz Kirk Talbot
Tyne Thierry Tyson Vaughan Jody Wilson Kevin Williams Hunter Wood Lacey Wood

What Does The Third Grade Like About School?

- "Art and Free play and yum yum! because we can make something and play and I get to eat some french fries ."

- "math, because it's fun , Art, because I make good things , Music , I like to sing , Lunch, I like to eat, Free Play , I like to play. " -Kevin

- "free play is my favorite thing because you are free ."

1 50
" Now I can have some fun!" Christy Ames Seth Bagalman Nicole Bailliet Ian Brown Nathan Bush Jean Charbonnet Whitson Christy Theodore Fattel Leslie Fensin Lori Gallaher " What's this for?" Sam Gardsbane Ken Glass
Calby Maher Charlee Marshall J P. McMahon Suzan Mohamed Mrs Scalia f.
Heather Parker Eric Reitman Estella Schoen Courtney Schulman Austin Willis Nancy Wulff Heather Adkins Lynn Beckman Jenny Bingham Tucker Crawford " Just call me ' Mean Joe "' Lew Derbes Shannon Evans Mark Frame Michael Godofsky Sue Hingel Stephen Huber Jonathan Levy Kristina Matthews Sarah McEachin Sumi Mikami Andrew Mile s Courtney Neff Kelly Petro Thorsten Stoever Rob Walters Laura Winstead
IMrs . Cairns Kevin Witherspoon Kristin Yates Steeie Yeargain Tommy Anzelmo Lisa Arensman Etienne Balart Devon Becnel Blair Boling Michael DePass Jones Dieth Cristy Gilbert Lauren Gurvich Joe LeBlanc Mrs. Womack Elizabeth McElwee Sally Mohamed Jeffrey Moore Garrett Morris Robby Norton Ann Pollard Rayna! Ruch Lee Sanders Anette Svendsen Vin Tangpricha .. Megan Urban Ian Williams
15 3
Karen Witkin

Do you like school?

" Yes, exspcilly Math ."


" yes because it is fun and egecaitel. "

-Christian O ' Neil

" yes becus the school is grat "

Scott Branting

" I love school becease I love my tecer much ."


" Yes I lik school. "


1 54

" When the y walk this wa y p ull yo ur e n d ."

Dawn Arkema Jason Casberian Rusty DeFoy Ashley Engerran Matthew Fransen Elizabeth Hoskins Conrad Meyer Anders Ryden Heidi Toft Emma Tubb Chad Cooper Anne Falgoust John Kahn
.. ·~,_:; .... .,, .. ;
Robert Suggs Nanc y Turner Kristin Dascomb Michael Fantaci Mrs . Reinhardt Jeffery Klein Laurence Lambert Barbi Loewenthal
1 55


Roger Cornelius Perri Curren Hanne Dahle David Lago Elizabeth McMahon Matt MitcheH Paxton Stelly Stan Walker Mrs Shepherd
Dita Andersson Amy Gillette Geoffrey Morris Stephanie Sumner Reynolds Wilson
Roby Arensman Genneysa Godchaux Kristine O'Connell Elizabeth Chin Ben Goliwas Michele Parmalee
" What is it?!"
Marianne Bankston Scott Branting Karl Cerull o · Ian Childs Lunch time ! Allison Chrestman Julie D ' Antoni David Elvin Matt Gaumer Trac y Harris Noelle Houghes Susan Jenkins Steven Kilinski Todd Kogutt Christina Kolich Courtney Lane Susan McBurney Nicole Nelson Christian O ' Neil
1 57
Mrs Carter Le e Thomas Sc ott W e ber " Hey fellas 1·

What do you want to do when you are a senior?

"Foot balIB!ayer for the Saints"

George Patterson

"Spe ak Chinese Japanese Spanish"


"I do not know"

Becky Shaw

"I yot to plly soccr"

-Joe Schulman

What is your Favorite thing to do at school?

"I like to write my whole alghabet"

-Charlie Haddad

"hug teacher"


Sam Dunn Thomas McEachin Scott Smith Mrs Lewis
Davy Ehlinger Hiro Mikami Mike Sooder Rachel Foster Matt Morgan Sarah Thornton Chr ist y Akman Julie Baillie! Cavan Bordelon Aaron Condra y Bryan Frentz
~§~~~s= . -:w
Cate Graham Jonathan Hodges Andrew Pearce Stephanie Rogers Ingr id Schee le r
Jennifer Villaum e Gret c hen Wandell Erin Busse y Davey Denkman Delayna Dorman Mrs Kellogg and friend. Maggie Erwin Bradley Gordon Edmond Gueydan Charles Haddad Michael Karno Aimee Miranne Jennifer Nichols George Paterson Todd Pittman Jordan Schulman Rebecca Shaw Dan Tangpricha Ryan Taylerson Mary Lee Wayman Robyn Weller Meaghan Williams Debbie Witkin
p" We use ultra-bright !" Elizabeth Conway Betsy Erwin Paul Gorman John-Ryan Hevron Kibo Kitahama Katie Koch Ashley Koerner Annie Lankard Mrs. Staples Rob Marino Tuck Marshall Martha Meyers
; . ' .
Kenneth Miller " He ' ll never find his lunch money! " Melanie Nathansen Robert Nockton Marc Powers James Riley Al Schroeder Jill Vedros Teddy Winstead
ore-c 161
Jennifer Wu
Jennifer Adams Joe Adams Murat Akdamar Peter Bomhagen Mrs Anthon Kyle Branting Ashok Childs Eddie Chin Jennifer C ostello Christian Daigle Richard Drouant Kathryn Faught Gretchen Godchaux Mark LeBlanc Alexander Maher Jennifer Mann Marlowe Moran
./ ~ '-
CAMERA SHY Kelly Norwood Robert Rhoden Christian Shofstahl Rachael Stolier
K-A 163
Catherine Waskes Todd Whittington
'\ .. · ·.J I • " •
Mrs. Bernos Beau Bethune David Bowman
I / ' t
Jennifer Breaud Tanya Cerullo
Coei Cornelius Maureen Evans Darby Fattel Sean Grace Paul Hogan Nikki Houston Burk Hughes Keita Kitahama Eric Krieger Bo Mccranie ampbell McKeogh Melissa Murray "On the count of three, push!"
KB 164
Ray Orrill Amy Petro Stuart Peyton Claiborne Schmidt Ashley Smith Carter Wood Erin Anzelmo Kirsten Arkeman Truit Balart Nicky Hingel Courtney Jones Ashley Melius Mikie Moran Edward Pankey Marney Peuler Garic Schoen Ale xis Stelly John Blake Paolo Messina Rebecca Ruch Amy Schulingkamp Michael Sullivan John Curren Lee delaHoussaye
Mrs Fattel 711
Suz ie Shaw Art Tontiplaphol Meredith Stampley
Loye Willis
NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Jennifer Lev y Jimmy Maxwell
'Tm a natural blonde"
Elisa Arkema Brett Guidry Paige Nolan Peter Burk Ken Kilinski Mrs. Niehaus Mitch Porcello Michael Prado Brent Scalia Lisa Schultz Breck Trevino
Marlo Urban Kimberly Vedros
Kirsten Anzelmo ter Wandell Jenni John Cook Matthew Witman Bert Rom ; Richard Thornton Reid Walters Alex Zusman
"I like P.E ., lunch , math, and reading because they are fun."
r1 - Z'.:::J 169
-J. Bart Kelly P.S. I also like art.

Lower School

Do you like school?

"I like school very much because we get so many holidays ."


"I like school because if we didn't have it we'd all be dumb!"



And More Lower School

What do you want to do when you are a senior?

"be a football player and join the army."

-Kirk Talbot

"I want to study on being a baker."

Cason Lane


-Matthew Dugal

"I want to be a cop."

-David Elvin

"" ,;.-: !!Ir · .~
• -. ;/ f ----/~ .·" , l I • ___,_ • 171
Lloyd Baehr Rob Bernhard
Brain Dupepe Jeff Farber Billy Fowler Eric Groh
John Henry Eric Holtzman T erren Klein Keith Kyler Robert Landry
Tobin Lassen

V ictory At The Sugar Bowl Newman 0 STM 28

' I • J
Co-captains Gary Sutton and Don Renzulli led the Saints to a 2S-0 v ic tory over the Greenies J.P. celebrates 6 pts Greenie Meat! Mike Mcloughlin Tom Mackie Jeff Martin Fred Miller Todd Muller John Palmer
1 79
Randy Rampp Don Renzulli Graham Roberts
Bill Scott Gary Sutton Louis Vitrano
Bobby Williams

Juniors , Top Row, John Schmidt. Patrick Hennessey, Michael Webber, Sean Duffy Geoff Collins , John Miller. Bottom Row , Jeff Mindell , Greg Palmer , Doug Geehan , Gene Doubleday , Ron Johnson - m a nager

Sophomores , Top Row, Jim Miley , John Roberts , William Trotter , Wayne Coleman , Steve Wulff , Scott Zander , Arnesto Rodriguez , Middle Row , Scott Farber, Parker Roy, Paul Pierce, Cecil Pickens , Guy Favaloro , Mark Senneff , Scott Shackleford , Bottom Row , Brian Ary , Gibby Andry , Guy Farber , Steven Bossier , Lawre n ce Hoffman , Brad Girault.

Freshmen , Top Row , Jeff Armstrong , George D il iberto, Jay Hutchens, Bottom Row, George Bott , John Durham, John Burlingame


Middle School In Uniform

(left to right)-lst row: Trip Trask, Robert Pettit, Blake Stevens, Sean Dunn, Eddie Appel, Colby Spath.Davin Davini; 2nd row: Scooter Adams, Lee Abbott, Robert Bridgewater, Sean O'Neil, Ron Murlin, Ladd Ehlinger, Brian Serridge, Bill Rachel; 3rd row: Coach David Rice, Colin Walker, Patrick Gordon, Peter Wanek, Jon Hansen, Trey McClendon, Carl Laird, Bill Collins.
Red Team, ( left to right )- 1st row , Todd Lupburger , Peter Chin, Mark Weaver , Derek Barnes , Paul Pratt , Dan Macy. Richard Hawkins. Ken Lasky , 2nd row ,Serrhel Adams , Kevin McCaffrey, Dean Yount Walter Keenan, Jim Rogers, Hill Johnson , Scott Yount. Glenn Johnson , Rusty Creel, Eric Huber ; 3rd row, Jon Sc heurich , Richard Pollard David White, Kyle Killam, Coach Mike Goodrich , Coach Larry Panna , Paul Pratt , Etienne Delice , Joe Cairns Blue Team, ( left to right ) - 1st row , David Favaloro, Billy Mohamed, Mark Talbot. Jay St.Pierre, Jim Corcoran. Drew Herrington , Lester Coe , Mark McGinnis , 2nd row , Jon James, Karl Keller, Kevin Rourke, Tyson Shofstahl, Eddie Dunn , Porcher Miles, Jeff Hodges, Clay Breaud ; 3rd row, David Paine , Shelton Smiat , Stuart Gayle, Brendt Wool, Coach Jim Armstrong , Robert Diliberto , Eral Akdamar, Chris Lo z ano Sam Klinger

Varsity Basketball

Top Row , Coach Ford, Geoff Collins , Eric Holtzman , Lloyd BaeKeithhr , Kyler , Rob Bernhard , Robert Hienz, Brian Dupepe , Coach Wilken Bottom Row , Louis Vitrano , Fred Miller, Lewis Sams, Stuart McDowell , Brad Girault , John Miller
Coach Earl Wilken, Manager Loui s Vitrano
Robert Bernhard Stacey Salamone, statistician Brian Dupepe Fred Miller No individual picture of Robert Hienz available. Lloyd Baehr Eric Holtzman
Keith Kyler Stuart McDowell John Miller
Lewis Sams

The middle school basketball teams. from which our future varsity team develops, will be covered in the 1979-1980 Supplement.

• • k:J I
Geoff Collins Brad Girault

J. V. Basketball

John Burlingame, Michael Weaver, John Durham , Mark Senneff, Becket Becnel, Michael Stern, Jon Martin, Allen Hild, Billy Harrson , Douglas McCollam Jim Hamlin. Coach Ford


Martin Muller State Champion, 138 lb class Gary Sutton Runner -Up 16 7 lb class Robert Landry Runner-Up , 185 lb. class
Jeff Martin , Captain. Keith Hosli, Coach, Stephen Kan t row , Captain , State Champion , 132 lb class Kirk Groh Randy Rampp John Henry
Jack Gordon Bill Colomb Paul Pearce
19 3
Jay Hutchens
, .. , t I ff ft H 11 ,,,. lltl >l>Jt 1!'1 ,.,.11 •• •HH,. loH • t "" 'HIH UH Pl ,.;, lHI H • tllH ii JHH •H H• • t< "'"'" ""IHfi H•HIH ·,::::;Vi::
Top Vow, Bill Scott. Jeff McIntire, Mark McDougal, William Trotter, Patrick Sweeney , Jon Werner, Sean Duffy, Mike Brown, Todd Muller, Bottom Row, Ricardo Carvahal. John Mccarte, Jeff Farber, Tobin Lassen, Graham Roberts, Gene Doubleday. Coach Pedro Perez Ann Burlingame manager Peggy King manager
Nancy Newman manager

Varsity Cheerleaders

Tracey Callison Senior Tara Schultz Senior Laura Babin , Captain Senior Colleen Kuebel Senior Libby Krement z Junior Lana Bernos , Junior Beverly Cain , Junior What a lineup ! Jack Gordon and Kirk Groh, Seniors Go! Beth Crosby, Sophomore
Mic h e ll e Marks , Sop h omore

Our Volleyball State Champs

The volleyball team started preparing for a repeat of last year's championship season by attending a camp at Auburn University At the first tournament of the season, held at UNO, the team finished in second place and was awarded the spirit trophy. The team participated in many other tournaments held in such places as Southeastern Univ in Hammond and St Joseph's and Episcopal schools in Baton Rouge.

19 8
Annette Hickham , Senior JoAnn DeMartin i, Sophomore
~,1~iS4 1·10 ·· • r,,. _ .»' &..,_~
Libby Krementz, Junior Judy Becker , Senior -Manager Elizabith Ru e , Junior

1979 Record

After placing first in District 7AA, the girls went on to Lafayette where the State Tournament was held There, Coach Linda Trevino led the team to the state championship for the second consecutive year. Both Annette Hickham and Cammie Colomb were named to the All-State team.

Cammie Colomb, Senior Lisa Mayer , Senior Coaches Trevino and Nierman I ; , Ka t hy Reische, Senior
Kat Fullilove , Junior

Number One

The champs receive the first place trophy
What goes up, must come down - right?
The team tries to hold still for a shot.

Junior Varsity Volleyball

Middle School Volleyball



Top Row , Peggy Bernhard, manager, Melinda Benge , Gretchen Steinbaugh, Donna Hickham, Shannon Kinyon, Middle Row , Nancy Mayer , Jeanne Bernos , Kemela David, Bottom Row , Missy Nicoladis, Robin Baber , Anne McKibbon , Angele Andry J.V. in action. Top Row, Peyton Pettit. Anne Mitchell, Carolyn Eckert , Debra Crosby , Middle Row, Stacey Moore , Cali Bush , Shannon Goodrow , Anne Steinbaugh , Bottom Row , Jeanne Herrington Jan Jenkins , Tracey Moore , Shannon Conatser
\ r ,>\. " •--.,.... ( -
20 1
Top Row , Mary McKibbon, Alicia Daniels, Missy Piner , Page Mor · ton. Susan Franklin Katherine LeJeune, Middle Row , Stacey Moore Danielle Lambert. Lori Marr , Rosalind Waters, Brenna Den · ton, Stacie Bourgeois, Bottom Row , Stephanie Clifton, Gay McFar · land, Cathy Corder, Andra Rodriguez , Su Su Laudeman

000 Soccer

Front Row , Peggy Bernhard, Beth Crosby, Angele Andry. 2nd Row , Allene Cashmore, Paige Yeargain, Bonnie Baber , Nancy Mayer , Lana Bernos, Kat Fullilove , Elizabeth Rue, Tara Schultz, Allison McEwen, Nancy McDowell, Beverly Cain, Donna Bossier, Julie Slavic , Stacey Grove, Judy Becker. 3rd Row , Evelyn Pelias, Karen O"Meallie, Lisette Breaux, Laurie Rolling, Maria Matthews , Anna Olinde . 4th Row , Jana Fleming, Kelley Williams . Coach James
CHARGEIII Let ' s get 'eml Tearn organization
Is this the end?I


IFront row , Todd Graham, Robert Vining, Doug Geehan. 2nd row, Margie Smith , Katherine Leleune, Kathy Stinson-Mgr, Tracy ConatserCapt., Carolyn Eckert. Cathy Abbott, Helen Hansen, Sally Brammell, Laura Gloven. 3rd row , Nikki Casseri, Susan Bower, Shannon Conatser, Thea Casseri. Mary K. Williams. Missing, Ford Graham Follow the leader


It only LOOKS like I'm drowning!

But you can't take my picture I haven ' t done my hair !

What'd'ya mean, we have to do three 1650's?
The Nestea Plunge ! It 's the goggles that make smile this way
0 206 00 Basketball
• • 11 ;ii iii II · am B f
Front row , Sarah Ferguson , Robin Baber, JoAnn DeMartini, Missy Nicoladis, Chris McEwen, Back row, Dayna Lago, Cammie Colomb, Gretchen Steinbaugh, Judy Ketchum , Annette Hickham, Kathy Reische, Kimberly Weller
000 J. V. Basketball
~7-: . ~--1,-.... - r----..........,...."'
1st row , Ruth Aleman , Laurie Herron , Dayna Lago , 2nd Row , Kim Weller, Missy Nicoladis, Susan Shackleford, Alice Atkinson , Sarah Ferguson
• l lliiii •• 207
The J.V. put one over on Port Sulphur.

Cross Country


Beth Crosby , Missing From Picture , Coach Jim Marsalis, Sally Trufant. Melinda McNair, Vicky Garcia, Sarah Ferguson, Jim Fixx Front Row , Donna Hickham, Jo Ann DeMartini, Annette Hickham, Ginger McFadden, Back Row, Peggy King , Cammie Colomb, Missing From Picture, Lisa Mayer, Kemela David, Cathy Mackenzie, Jenifer Arant. Nancy Mayer Coach Sue Edwards.

000 Junior Varsity Cheerleaders

Middle School Cheerleaders

Bottom, Robin Flettrich, Lana Prudhomme Stephanie George , Melissa Young , Michelle Lamoine Top , Kathy Benbow, Alma Quiroz, Denise Coe.
Bottom , Andra Rodriguez, Terr y Kogutt, Jennifer Fleming , .:lndrow, ulie Koppman, Susan Baronne, Susu Laudeman , 3rdrow, Katrina Keller , Sidney Callison, Allison Andry. 4throw , Stacey Bourgeois, Faith Noullet. Jeanne Herr ingto n -CP T.

Student Council

Officer s, Bill Scott - Vice President. Terren Klein -President Tobin LassenTr e asurer , mi s sing , Trac y Conatser -Secretary Top Row , Mellisa Young, Denise Coe , Devan Pailet. Lana Prudhomme , Laura Babin , Michelle Marks, Bot t om Row , Sally Brammell, Martin Muller, Helen Hansen , Charlotte Woody, Dayna Lago , Missy N icoladis, Cammie Colomb , JoAnn DeMartini , Anne -sere Klein , Donna Hickham , Dean Nicoladis, Pe ggy Bernhard , Tracy Conatser, Bill Scott, Tobin Lassen, Terren Klein

National Honor Society

Standing, Clayton Sanford, Sally Trufant, Chris Dorion, Leslie Blake, Annette Hickham-President , Stephanie Chisholm, Terren Klein, Ginger McFadden-Secretary, Dayna Lago, Tobin Lassen , John Henry , Cammie Colomb, Tracy Conatser, Kathy Reische, Helen Hansen Doug Geehan, Sally Brammell. Kneeling, Robert Benson, Tracey Callison, Karen Weaver, Amy Sandridge, Nancy Romaine, Laura Babin , Tara Schultz, Bill Scott, Li sa Mayer Missing, Stephen Kantrow, Jeff Bailey -Treasurer , Michael Brown-Vice President, David Fried, Dean Nicoladis, Keith Kyler, M.K. Stinson.

Faculty Advisor, Miss Mary Rossiter

Senior Class Of 1980

216 ..-! .. I C 0 f f # I C e r s
"'! r' <. ~ '' . --. r ,;·.); ,-, T' .. . i ~., t I '' -~ll . . y 1' :· , illllll •"' C
The best organization of them all!
II!,, ;
Bryan Dupepe , Sargent at Arms , Judy Becker , Secretary , Tobin Lassen , Treasurer , Nancy Newman , Vice President , Stacey Salamone , Presid e nt

National Merit Semi-Finalists

Boy's And Girl's State

Cammie Colomb , Cherie Reimer, mi ssi ng -Stephen Kantrow
21 7
Bill Scott , Laura Babin, Cammie Colomb, Terren Klein
Faculty Advisor and Editors, Amy Sandridge, Mrs. June Wells, Leslie Blake, missing - Chris Benbow Standing, Diane Fisher, Mary Gause. Sitting, Ann Fisher, Allison Lewis , Leslie Blake , Amy Sandridge, Mark Kan trow, Stephanie Chisholm, Andy Benson. Floor , Darcy Blackwood , Nellie Quiroz , Robert Benson, Shannon Kinyon, Mrs. Wells

Halo .-i

No Name Newsletter

Standing , Colleen Kueb e l. Bobby Bernhard, Sally Trufant. Jeanne Bernos , Laurie Rolling Sitting , Stacey Salamone, G r aham Roberts , Don Renzulli , Donna Bossier Allison McEwen missing, Faculty Adviso r- Mrs. Ouida Muller
Bill Scott , Mark Knatrow

Top Row , Brn Fowler, Kurt Appel, Lori Hendler , Suzy Montero Todd Muller , Ginger McFadden, Susan Shackelford, Beth Wrgiht. Annette Hickham , Judy Becker, Charlotte Woody , Jenifer Arant. Cydney Bf-own, Martha Garcia, Drew Story , Jeff Bailey, Karen Weaver, Jeff Mart in, Mr Jon Prentiss , Dav id Fried Sitting , Nellie Quiroz , Darcy Blackwood, Anna Olinde, Ginny Erwin. Ann Burlingame. Temple Beeson Cammie Colomb, Michelle Marks. Missing , Ford Graham , Laura Babin. Jeff Bailey. Tracy Conatser. Danelle Lago

Editor -C ammie Co lomb, Faculty Advisor-Mr Jon Prentiss. Co -Editor - Karen Weaver MissingTrac y Conatser
Photographers, Judy Becker, Bill Fowler, Kurt Appel, David Fried, Drew Story, Todd Muller, Jeff Martin Missing, Bill Colomb , Karen Weaver , Ginger McFadden, Cammie Colomb , Chris Huber

Cum Laude

Varsity Quiz Bowl

Terren Klein, Kathy Reische. Annette Hickham , Cherie Reimer , David Fried Missing , Dean Nicoladis, Leslie Blake Larry Hollier Scott Zander. Hans Jonassen. Christopher Strickler, Mike BrownCaptain, Barry Ca ntin

American Field Service

Donna Bossier, Rob ert Landry Allison McEwen, Mr. Alexander Rom -Choir Director, Pa ul Pierce, Shannon Kinyon Missing , Andy Benson , Ona Carson, Kim Walk er
22 3
Jud y Becker, Kath y Reisc he, Annette Hickham Mis sing from picture , Mark Knatrow -President. Michael Brown -Vice President, Anne Motte, Co lleen Kuebel. Tobin Las se n, Bill Scott, Johanna Clark, Leslie Blake , Danelle Lago, John McCarte, Sta ce y Sala mo ne, Laura Babin , Ginger McFadden, Mr Pedro Perez -Fa c ult y Advisor

Some people have more fun

Orientation Day

On August 27th of 1979 , St Martin ' s Upper School students returned to school for Orientation Day This year something new was tried to acquaint the new students with their classmates Each class went to a different location for a class picnic and class meeting

Garage Sale

On the weekend of the 6th and 7th of October 1979 , the St Martin ' s Mother 's Club sponsored a 700 family garage sale in order to raise money for the new library and the Phoenix Collection. The Mother ' s Club did a great job, and the project was a big success .

Hurry up, we ca n ' t smile fo rev e r . No , I'm not for sale
Than ot her s

Tapping Ceremony

On October 30, 1979, the scholastic tradition of the National Honor Society Tapping Ceremony was continued. Membership is limited to those Juniors and Seniors who meet the requirements of a high scholastic standing and service to St. Martin's and the Community.

Don't just stand there Give it to me!

Okay, who put the whoopie cushion in my chair?


This year the St. Martin's Saints showed their spirit at pep rallies and games as they cheered on the 1979 Saints football team.

Don't you ever get sick of Rock Steady?

Only their hairdresser knows for sure.

Here's one for you, Anne.
Senior Weird Day Homecoming 228

Tom Jones

On the nights of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of November an all-star cast of St. Martin's students and faculty members put on the first dramatic production of the year. Tom Jones is a comedy set in 18th century England. The production was lively and enjoyed by those who attended.

Newman Tree Ceremony

I'll give you 14 points in the game Friday.

On October 10th, selected St. Martin's students went to Newman School to present a tree in appreciation for all their help when our Library burned. Just 2 days before the big St. Martin's vs. Newman football game, the atmosphere was competitive but friendly. This is a good example of how competing schools can help each other in the search for a good education.


St. Martin's Day And Dad's Day

On the 9th of November the students gathered in the gym for an all school Eucharist. Afterwards, Dads of the students came to visit and eat a special lunch with their children. The Upper and Middle School Dads went to classes with their sons and daughters while the Lower School Dads played in games and relays.

Christmas Concert

On December 19th, parents and friends gathered in the Chapel for the Upper and Middle School Christmas Program The St. Martin's Band with some Beginner students performed several Christmas songs After an intermission the Middle School Choir and then the Upper School Choir sang Traditional and Holiday Songs.

Hey Dad, Now we're famous!
Yes, Cherie, there really is a Santa Claus. Hey, thanks y'all I've always wanted an empty box. Favorites Alright!! ! I got it!
Christmas Party
IWow! Wait until Mom hears about this! .. -...__,_:.; 11111 Here , see for yourself. I'm not lying . 231

Mr. And Miss St. Martin's

Nancy Newman Terren Klein

Most Popular

' ,,' :> 4' ,.. .,,. f :::
Gary Sutton
.. 7' 1 .. 235
Danelle Lago

Best Looking

Laura Babin Tobin Lassen
Nancy McDowell Jack Gordon

Most Athletic

Cammie Colomb Lloyd Baehr
The 1979 Homecoming Cheerleaders are ( from left) standing- Kirk Groh, Liz Saunders, Jeanne Bernos , Judy Ketchum, Beverly Cain, Peggy Bernhard, Kathy Reische, and Jack Gordon, kneeling- Colleen Kueble , Libby Krementz , Judy Becker , and Anne - Sere Klein This year , as a change from the past, alumni escourted the court. The court and their escor t s watch the Homecoming game.


24 1
Nancy Newman
Patty Piner Tara Schultz Laura Babin
Danelle Lago

Court Of 1979

Tracey Callison Lana Bernos Beth Crosby
Michelle Marks

Lagniappe Homecoming

Nancy And Terren Patty And Mike Tara And Todd laura And Randy Danelle And Graham Tracey And Keith Lana And Jeff Beth And Jeff
Michelle And Don




The Class Of 80


Congratulations To The Seniors From Your DADS' CLUB

Major annual projects of the Dads' Club

.. . sponsoring a Ja z z Breakfast in honor of Upper School scholars sponsoring the annual Athletic Banquet in May

... underwriting and awarding academic and athletic awards

... co-sponsoring the American Field Service chapter

... underwriting costs of two St . Martin ' s delegates to Pelican Boys ' State . . . providing financial assistance in establishing a scholarship fund for St. Martin 's students providing funds for landscaping and playground equipm7ent

... assisting Heavenly Days with ma power and money

... providing film service for athletic events

... sponsoring a Dads' Club fellowship event in the fall



DONALD W. LEWIS , Vice-President



Members of the Board








( Vic e -President for Special Events )







25 1
Congratulations To The Graduating Class From The MOM'S CLUB

We Wish Much Success To The Class Of 80

25 4 Where do we go from here? KING HALL AND ASSOCIATES INC . Insurance And Employee Benefit Plan Consultants Ill Rue Iberville New Orleans, LA 70130 568 -0180 Good Luck To Class Of 80 To Future Generations At STM We Hope You Strive For High And Mighty Goals From The CLASS OF 80

We gratefully acknowledge the work and time spent by Kurt Appel and Drew Story developing for The Shield to insure its success.

Luck To
From KAREN AND ANN Much Success And Good Luck To The Seniors From T.E.S. T. INC.
The Class Of 80

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