The Shield
St. Martin's Protestant Episcopal School
Metairie, Louisiana
Volume XXVIII 1981
This • IS our Alma matec Forever it will remain.
St. Martin's is a way of life ; it is a way of seeing the world, of relating the past to the present, of finding unity amidst dive r sity At St. Martin's st ude nts, faculty, administrators, and staff know that what is special here is a special sense of togetherness .
We ' ll be fo. ithful And keep her hono r
Being at St. Martin 's has taught us to see the world as a pla c e in which all people and all events are connected Our loyalty to St. Martin's is based on our perception of the relatedness of all living beings. Let us be faithful to what St. Martin's has allowed us to see.
We're proud To cloim her name.
Our pride in St. Martin's grows from our knowledge of it's history- a history enriched by the dedicated service of many individuals.
No matter Life's cares
where e'er moy drive
Each of us is different, somehow separate W hile the diversi ty o f our interests may carry us to distant p laces, our need to love and share will draw us home- to St. Martin's . All of us are alike, somehow related.
Her teochings There to guide
wi II be us.
St. Martin's has provided us with a heritage of which we can be p r oud and through which we can be assured that integrity and loyalty will prevail.
Long live our deo.r St. mo.rtin's tho.tW e cherish ond we love.
Saints In Action
The common denominator in all activities al St. Marlin's is fun.
In work and in play, students find that good will, generosity, and merriment punctuate a day with joy and make the years memorable.
Upper School
The Upper School embodies this basic ingredient of fun al St. Marlin's. In the classroom students seriously attend lo their lessons, but they always keep one eye open lo the humorous side of things.
Middle School
The comic Spicil is neve, far from the Middle School. In grndes
6-8 students are presented many new challenges, and wherever there is substantial growth , a sense of humor is never far away.
Lower School
The joy of learning emerges undisguised on young, young faces.
The happine,s we know al St. Martin's is due lo the generosity 12 .
I of our parents and friends. We thank the many businesses, ~lubs, and organizations that support The Shield.
, Horold F. Witman
Headmaster's Address
This has been both our first and last school year together before you depart for a collegiate setting Despite this short time with you at St. Martin ' s, several of your qualities will always remain in my memory.
"Friendliness" was obvious as you gave of yourselves to strengthen the senior -freshman program. From a personal point of view, I have been grateful for the welcome you have accorded me; this class will always be a very special one because of that.
"Academic talent" was apparent as evidenced by the seven National Merit semi-finalists The very effective dayto-day achievements of many seniors was easily re c ognized.
"Cooperation and leadership" were present as you responded to a schoolwide plan to better care for our campus.
"Dedication" was evident in many ways. Some of you worked (and had fun) together to construct the brick bench in the Bell Quadrangle, others labored many hours to decorate the student lounge and gazebo, and still others gave almost countless time toward creating successful athletic seasons.
Each of you has so much to offer a community, just as you have given at St. Martin 's . I wish you well as you continue to develop your individual talents for the benefit of friends, acquaintances, organizations, and yourselves
Good luck! Our thoughts and prayers for a life of accomplishment go with each of you.
The Class of 1981 is proud to dedicate this issue of the SHIELD to Dr . Rex Mooney.
"I love him. I think he's neat; he's nice; he's funny ."
"He knows history and has an intense apprec iation for historical prospective "
"He has the most capable rapport with students that I've ever seen."
Words to describe a special person, a person who is more than a teacher- Rex Mooney. Dr. Mooney came to St. Martin's three years ago from the Greenhill school in Dallas, Texas with a BA in History from the University of Virginia and a MA and PhD from the University of Texas. "Doc" Mooney is an unusual blend of eruditi on and common sense -in a word, he is witty. His wit and his genuine concern for the studen ts at St. Martin 's make his con tributions to us imm eas urabl e.
Mrs. Florence B. Kreeger "Mrs Kreeger"
Who ha s proce sse d all applications for admission for over 25 years? Who ha s processed all grades and transcripts for all stud e nt s for a lm os t 30 years? Who makes sure that you r ece ive "good st udent " Driver Insuran ce, Study Hall Leave, and Athletic Eligibility ? Who is always there when yo u need a h e lping hand ? Only one p erso n- Fl orence Kreeger Mrs. Kreeger taught Bi o logy her fir st year at St. Martin 's and then went on to assume h er administrative position. Although student s d o no t get to see Mrs Kreeger often, it is r e as su ring to them to kn o w that her · dependable , steady hand is processing th e ir recordscarefully. Than ks Mrs Kreeger !
"I stay a t St. Martin's because I like it . .. It 's everyth in g about the schoo l that I like . . . St. Martin's just got to be a part of my lif e "
" I think St. Martin's has always had the greatest kids ... It 's been a wonderful job ... I get a c h arge ou t of th e stud ents ... It's all been a pleasure ... It's been a call ing "
Mrs. Jane Schm idt "Aunt Jane"
If you have a problem, Aunt Jane can h e lp you solve it. How is thi s petite grandmother o f two able to fix just about anything or anyone? She listens, and when you talk with her you know she's listening. We will always cher ish our gracious Aunt Jane, who came to St. Martin's in 1960 as Secre tary to the Head of the Upper School. From Father Jenkins to Dr. Thornton, Aunt Jane has undergone six staff changes It sounds like maj o r surgery, and it probably feels the same way- without anesthetic. A real trooper and an asse t to the administrative staff at St. Martin's, Aunt Jane has contributed ge'nerously to the St. Martin's way of life .
For Mrs. Belle Johnson St. Martin's is quite literally a "family affair." At this very moment three generations of the Johnson clan are active ly inv olved in the St. Martin's c ommunity - Mrs. Jo hn son, as a 7th grade Biology teacher, her daughter, Mrs. Brady, as a Middle School French teacher, and Colin Walker, her grandson, as a student in the Middle School. Mrs. Johnson started her 25 years of serv ice to St. Martin's as a physical education teacher. She has been teaching Biology for 16 years now and has been the Faculty Advisor for the Forum. Who are some of her graduates? Mrs. Kaston, Ms Boone, Mrs . Wilson, and Miss Rossiter. As Mrs. Johnson noted , "When I see them graduate, there goes a little part of me ... it's gratifying." Respected and loved by her colleagues and stud en ts, we thank you, Mrs. Johnson, for being you.
Mrs Bowman began working at St. Martin 's 31 years ago. Since that time she has combined her love o f musi c with her love for children, and the result has been a career composed of dedicated service. Her classes may often be heard sing ing or participating in rhythmi c activities. She teaches the children how to read music and how to play tune bells, as well as other in strum en ts. When th e Lower Schoo l has a chapel service or a Christmas program, Mrs. Bowman is behind the scenes.
For giving us so much musical pleasure throughout the years, we are deeply gratefu l to Alice Bowman.
When the Porters first came to St. Martin's, they were known as Mr. Porter and Miss Dorthy Dorsa. They were married in 1958. Coach Porter has taught Social Studies as well as coac hed football and just about any o ther sport. He was Athletic Director for some of his years, and when the school first began, he even served as Headmaster for 6 months. Mrs. Porter has taught Social Studies and was Department Head for many years. She has also taught Mathematics. When the Porters leave , the school will definitely lose two very ~pecial people
Mrs. Evelyn Anthon has been a part of th e St. Martin's family since 1952. Throughout these years, she has taught kindergarten . Mrs. Anthon feel s that teaching here at St. Martin's has filled her past 29 years with a sense o f meaning. When asked why she's stayed at St. Martin's so long, Mrs Anthon replied, "I love every minute o f it. Working with young ones is something I really enjoy." She also commented on how she enjoys meeting her student's parents. Mrs Anthon ha s one child, Penny who graduated from St. Martin's in 1968 She hates to think of retiring and so do the students.
Mr. Anthony Porter and Mrs. Dorthy Porter "Chief and Mrs. Porter" Mrs. Evelyn Anthon " Mrs. Anthon"Mr. H arold Graf has been teaching at St. Martin's for 29 years. At present he is teaching a ll c hemi stry and geology cou rses, but over the years he has taught all of the many science co urs es o ffer ed at St. Martin's. When asked why he 's stayed at S t. Martin 's for all thes e years, Mr. Graf replied , "I like St. Martin 's better than any place I can imagin e being . .. it is a personal pla ce." Mr Graf feels he doesn't have to be a policeman and likes the freedom to be creative in his cou rse s. He enjo ys teaching at St. Martin's and that is why he stays, and he will stay as long as he is ab le to teach . We appreciate Mr . Graf's dedi c ati on and h ope he is able to tea ch at St. Martin's a long time
Mr . James Latham has been teach ing at St. Martin 's for th e past 27 yea rs. In 1954, wh en he began , he taught Math , Scie n ce, and Span ish in th e Middle School. Beginning in 1956 he taught o nly math in the Upper Sc h o o l. He has been Chairman of th e Math Department for the p as t 20 years and at present tea c he s Math IV and C alculu s. When asked why he stayed at St. Martin's, he replied that it was a nice place and that he enjoyed work in g with the students Mr. Latham also enjoys talking to Alumni to find ou t h ow h is former student s are doing. The thing Mr. Latham considers most interesting is the fact that he h as taught several ch ildr en of his former students.
Mr Mit chell Berard has been teaching at St. Martin 's for the past 28 years. Before th at he taught at Tulane for tw o year s. He was born in Cecilia, Lo uisiana a nd is of Fr e n ch and Cajun descent. He has attended USL, Univer sity o f Bordeaux, Tulane University and the University o f Na ntes He has taught b o th Spanish and French. He has been Chairman of th e Foreign Language s Department for ove r 20 years. Mr. Berard enjoys sailing and art in addition to his tea c hing at St. Martin 's. Hi s paintings are often o n disp lay in the Upp er School Office and at various art exhibits throughout th e schoo l year Hi s tale nt and tea c hing abilities are always wel co me at St. Martin's.
Mrs. He le n Gregory " Mr s. Gregory"Mrs. Helen Gregory has been teaching 4th grade at St. Martin 's for 25 years. Wh e n she first c ame to St. Martin 's, she taught Langu a ge Art s an d ove r the years she started to teach Social Studies and math. At present she still te a c he s all three. When asked why she has taught at St. Martin 's she repli ed, "I just lo ve it , th at's all." She ha s enjoyed wo rking with the students and faculty and ca n't think o f a better pla ce to work. She enjoys keeping tra c k of her students through the Middle and Upper schools and after graduati on . Her son, Ri c k , began St. Martin's in the 2nd grade; he graduated in 1967 Because of Ri c k' s being a student at St. Martin 's, Mrs . Greg or y ha s felt a closeness to the students that has c arried o n thr o ugh today
Mrs. Nell Bernos "Mrs . Bernos"
Mr s. Nell Bernos sta rt ed tea c hing at St. Martin 's in 1952 and has taught 3 rd grade and Kindergarten. She has this to say abo ut S t. Martin 's: "I felt that it wa s an exce ll en t environment for teac hin g. It was an opportu nity to h e lp educa te our own two daughters, Ann and Rebecca, while my husband was star tin g in business. Tea c hing is my profession . I have always enjoyed watching c hildr en learn Learning is a fascina tin g and sometimes co mpl ex pro cess as eac h c hild is unique in his abi liti es, interests , and te mp era m en t. It is rewarding to observe and be a pa rt of this growth My wo rk n o w fills my day in a meaningful way while still providing me with time and m ob ility to spe n d with my own family "
Mrs. Jeanne S h epherd " Mr s. Shepherd"
This year is Mrs Jeanne Shepherd's 28th year at S t. Martin's. Mrs Shepherd has spent all of her 28 years in the Lower School tea ch ing Second grade and some First g r ade. Mrs. S h ep h erd fee ls St. Martin 's o ffer s a better educa ti on than do o th e r schools and th at St. Martin's is unique in many ways. Like so many o th e r teachers, she too has sent her ch ildren to St. Martin 's because " it o ff ers the most to everyone at different levels wh e th e r th ey are young or old." Why does s he teach in the Lower School for so long? "Because th e kids are delightful."
Board Of Trustees
(l e ft to right) Mr. Tom Schneidau, Mr . Hans Jonassen, Mr. Gordon Reische, Vice-Presiden t ; Mr Robert P e ttit , President; Mr. Jam es Burlingame. Bo tt om Ro w : Mr. William Mc Hugh , Mrs. Julie McCo llam, Mr. John Graham, Mr Gera ld Haydel, Trea surer. Missing from picture: Mrs. Sue Laud eman, Secretary; Hershel Abb o tt , Jr ., Mr. Albert Bossier, Jr. , Mr. Jam es Cain, Mrs. P o lly Durham, Th e Rev. Gedge Gay le, Mr. James Hamlin, III, Mrs. Susan Martin, Mr . Frank Ridd ick, Jr ., Mr . Ri cha rd B. S tep h ens, Mr. William Trotter, II , Mrs. Fran ces Whit e, Th e Rt. Rev. James Brown, Mr . Philip Jam es, Sr., Mr. Harold Witman
And Staff
Peter Waas Middle School Head Florence Kreeger Registrar Kitty Rawson Director of Communication and Alumni Relations Susan Gaumer Lower School Chaplain Donald Henderson Business Manager June Everett Larry Panna Print sh op Director Dot StengelCa£eteria And Maintenance
The Cafeteria staff this year continues to serve delicious food along with the spiendid addition of a salad bar The staff includes: (left to right) Mrs. Willie Mae Gi lbert, Mrs. Diane Henry, Mrs. Ruth Landry, Mrs. M Cockran, Mrs. Jay Burnette, Mrs. Earl Savoy, Mrs. Roger Masse, Mrs. Marie Crawford, Mrs . Etta Mae Roberson .
Photographs of Transportation were unavailable . The staff includes: Mr. Lester Barre, Mr Percy Barrois, Mr. Raymond Billetto, Mr. Raymond Capello, Joseph Impastato, Mr Johnesen, Mr. Frank Krauss, Mr Gaspar Melito, Mr. F Miller, Ms. Eleonora Parsons, Mr Harold Plaegar, Mr. Michael Scalco, Mr Thomas Smith, and Mr. James Torian.
The Maintenance staff includes: Front row: (left to right) Antonio Sanchez , Alf r ed Taylor, Anthony Franklin. Back row: Louie Sanchez, Roger McNair, Sam Franklin , Clarence Smith, and Earl Savoy.
Mrs Jo Waas Middle Sc hool Secretary Mr. Don Moreland Director of Transportation Mrs Jerry Williams Asst. to Business Manager Mrs. Alice Haight Die ti c ianSAINTS IN ACTION
St. Martin's Summer Camp, under the direction of Milton Y. Atebara and his associate John McGhee was a great success Every week the ch ildren went on at least one field trip. They went to the Don Carter Bowling Alley (right), on a boat trip on the Natchez (bo tt om), playground (far bottom), and more .
The kids in the Summer Camp also enjoyed swimming (bottom left and right), kickball and other intramural sports. They got a chance lo play as many games as th ey wanted and enjoyed par\ici paling.
The children not on ly had oncampus activities and went on field trips, but they had spec ial visitors Eri c Paul sen and Lea Sinclair along with several members of the New Orleans Saints were am ong the invited.
The Summer Camp ended with a lot of happy kids and with two successful direct ors. As the last day ended everyone left with a big smile
St. Martin's Begins A New Year . ,~ 1
This year began with a sense of "newness" -a new headmaster , some new administrators, and several new faculty and staff members. These changes in administration and staff have resulted in projects that have given the campus a new look. Students, with the aid of Headmaster Witman, constructed a bench for the Bell Tower. Extensive landscaping has beautified the St. Martin 's campus. And several "Pitch- In " dispensers remind us to participate in keeping our campus clean and attractive.
The Library Story
On April 28, 1979, the St. Martin's library was burned. Thousands of books were destroyed, along with video tape machines, projectors, and other expensive audio visual aides. The faculty and studen ts of the Middle and Upper schools experienced a great loss. The tragedy of the destruction of a collection of books which represented over 25 years of hard work is poignantly illustrated by these photographs.
Many faculty members, parents, students and alumni helped to donate books and put together a temporary library in the lecture room for 18 months while the new library wa s being built.
The modernized library was officially opened on October 8, 1980, to the joy of everyone at St. Martin 's
The Phoenix
There was an informal open ing of the library to the students of th e Middle and Upper schools on October 8. The formal dedication as the Ken Martin family library was on November 11 .
Due to the lack of spa c e in the temporary library, the Middle S c h oo l o rganiz e d a book brigade , thus redu c ing o ver c ro wding. As you can see ther e was cro wding.New Buildings
This year at St. Martin's new buildings and structures dot the campus. The Bell Tower Bench constructed by students has added a place for conversation and relaxation . Teachers and students gather at the Tower for various reasons; sometimes even in order to fly kites. The student lounge, the library, and the swimming pool are new buildings of which all the Saints are immensely proud.
The Swimming pool (right) has added a new dimension to campus life at St. Martin's. Students are now able to take swimming in P.E ., and if they qualify, to join the Varsity Swimming Team
The Student Lounge was relocated this year in the Upper School Building. Under the leadership of Ford Graham the area was painted and furnished with couches and games. Students can relax (below) or amuse themselves with foos-ball or asteroids (right).
The Bell Tower Bench was constructed over the summer with the guidance o f our headmaster, Mr. Wi tman (left) The ben c h has be come a popular spot for studen ts to meet, eat lunch, or just ta lk.
The library was o pened to the student s this year and has be co me a pla ce wh ere students c an do their homework, resear c h, and relax.
Pie In The Face
Pie Face Day, October 9 , was an auspicious occasion at the Bell Tower. It was on this day that four faculty members generously donated their faces as targets in a pie throw for the volleyball team. Mark Seneff began the festivities when his ticket was drawn, and he threw a pie at Mr. Atebara. Angele Andry chose as her target Mrs. Pearce. Greg Palmer got Coach Armstrong , and Anne Dunlap chose Dr. Thornton. It was a messy, but tasty event, and the money rai sed by the sale of tickets helped to pay the volleyball team's tournament expenses, such as lodging and meals.
Pep Rallies
St. Marti n's Pep Ra ll ies instill schoo l spirit in the students
Th e shou ts o f "Let's ge l rowdy" and "fire it up" are our way of enco u raging our teams, most notably the football team, lo victory. The Rallies excite a competitive spirit into th e tea m th a t p r e p a r es fo r co m petition .
Lana Bernos and Sean Duffy Beverly Cain and Geoff Collins Peggy Bernhard and William Manning Beth Crosby and John SchmidtSenior Weird Day
Fads come and go, but topsiders (left) have been popular among St. Martin 's students for a long time. The classical preppy styles have mad e a comeback and with them brought lace, ribb ons, and the Preppy Handbook. The western look (top left) is new at St. Martin's. This new style is probably derived from the movie Urban Cowboy. Other new items at St. Martin's include the stickers (above) sold at the St. Martin's bo oks to re. These stickers are placed everywhere - on books and clothes. They are as popular in the Middle and Upper schoo ls as in the Lower school. Although m os t people have fun following the fads, everyone, especialy the Class of 81, is highly individualistic.
Drama: Little Women
Director Carol Lawrence got St. Martin 's theatri ca l season off to a smashing success with the production of Lou isa Mae Al co tt's Little Women. A heart warming co medy set during the Civil War . The play starred Mis sy Benbow, Ann Fisher, Kathy Benbow, Rhea Plakotos, Rafe Payne, Kim Pagliaro and Melinda Benge. Three teachers with major roles in the play were Ed Rawson, John Ellis and Ron Pen, StM's new Music Director. In the scene to the right Rhea Plakotos as Marmee reads a letter to Ann Fisher, while Kathy Benbow sits behind Marmee. Standing fr om the left to right Missy Benbow, Ed Rawson and Kim P?gliaro. This year increased emphasis on the fine and performing arts has resulted in a co mprehensive program including many opportunities to showcase student talent.
St. Martin's Day
St. Martin 's Day , November 11, wa s a day o n whi c h the entire St. Martin 's Community gathered to share food, games and laught er The chapel pr og rams fo r b o th Middle and Upp er Schools emphasized the hi sto ry of St. Marlin , th e patr on Saint of Tours. The instrumental ban d played for th e Middle Schoo l c hapel, and The Rt. Rev. James B. Brown, Bish o p of La. spoke al Upper School c hapel. After a half day o f cla sses, Upper School students too k c hicken b o x lunches to Lower Sc h oo l studen ts. After lun ch stu dents enjoyed swimming, volleyball, vo lley te nni s, and relay races.
Christmas At St. Martin's
This year 's Interim held January 6-10, 1981, was quite an educational experience for all St. Martin's students Students were given the preference of on-campus activities like automechanics (top left), and photography (bottom right). Other students were allowed to take off-campus activities such as Chinese cooking (top r ight) and Italian cooking (above).
Interim not on ly inv o lved o n- ca m pus activities but also out-of-town trips to Sa n Fran c is co (top le ft ), and Virgin Islands. There wa s also a trip to Me xi co which is not pictur e d
Visiting Groups
On January 21, 1981, Colgate University's all male choir, The Colga te 13, ca me and sang various tunes for the entire school. One of the favorite attractions and the spotlight of the show is when they picked someone from the audience to be honored by the group. This year the group singled out Vicky Garcia, a Senior. After the performance, studen ts were allowed to talk to the members of the group and had an oppor tunity to buy their most recent record.
Another musical treat was the Centenary Choir , which performed for the Upper School in the small gym on January 28, 1981. They sang several medlies from Broadway plays and also some just plain fun songs . One of the members of the choir is an SIM Alum. Jenny Piner graduated in 1978 and is an Officer al present with the choir.
The Chairman of the Math Department is Mr. James Latham . Courses offered are Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Math IV, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, and Computer. These courses, along with the enthusiastic teachers, create a challenging and interesting Math Department.
Mr. Wayne Lumpkin Mr. James Marsalis Mr. James Latham Ms . Patricia NiermanEnglish
The English Department has flourished this year under the leadership o f Tim Foley, Mr. Foley, the new department chairman, comes to St. Martin's from Baltimore, Maryland, where he was department chairman at The Latin School for Boys. He's a splendid addition to St. Martin's English Department.
Mr . Tim Foley Ms. Debbie Schlichtmann Ms. Carolyn Pearce Ms. Ouida Muller Mrs. Elizabeth WellsForeign Language
The Foreign Language Department is run by Mr. Mit c hell Berard. The e nthu siasm of his staff has in creased the interest in learning of the students. The add iti on of Mrs. Susan Houghtaling as an Upper Schoo l Spanish teacher along with the veteran foreign language teachers has formed a truly outstanding foreign language department.
Social Studies
Social S tudie s Chairman Bill Rosenbaum has introdu ced a co urse whi c h will allow students to become inv o lved in serv ice to their comm uniti es.
Mrs. Dorothy Porter Mr s. Lisa Wil son Bill Rosenbaum Jim Davis Dr. Joe ThorntonFine Arts
The ch airman of the Fine Arts Department is the very tal ented Carolyn Bo o ne. She and her staff have created a varied department which includes musi c, drama, dan ce, and art. Shirley Timmreck is our artist in residence; Jean Parmelee is our typing tea cher; Carole Lawrence is our drama tea c her; Andrew Acs is our instrumental instructor; and Ron Pen is o ur choral director.
Th e Sc ience Department is run by the very intelligent and en thu sias ti c Mr. Graf who has been the department head for 22 years Geology was added 15 years ago, and Physica l Science wa s dropped. The Science Department is geared on a college preparatory level whi c h eases the tran siti on to college courses .
Mr Haro ld Graf Mr James Ma ursalis Mr. Milt o n At ebaraLibrarians
The Ken G Martin Family Library was dedicated November 11, 1980. This beautiful facility is the result of a patient, productive wait of a year and a half to develop the plans and raise money to rebuild our library which was destroyed by fire April 28, 1979. Alma Ruth Hess, the Library Director, along with her helpful staff including Janeth McKendrick, Media Specialist; Doris Baron, Cataloger; Margaret Loup, Coordinator of Middle School Library Service; and Bonnie Baine, Librarian, have done a tremendous job of reorganizing the library facilities The library is designed to encourage research, browsing, listening and viewing areas, production areas, small group study, conference rooms, and tutorial study.
Faculty Frolicst
and Officers
Top row: Martin Muller, President; Geoff Collins, Sgt. at Arms; Mr. James Latham, Advisor; Mr. Harold Witman, Advisor; Mr. Harold Graf, Advisor.
Bottom row: Stuart McDowell, Treasurer; Mrs. June Wells, Advisor; Mrs. Linda Trevino, Advisor; Mrs. Vivienne Guild, Head Advisor; Dayna Lago, VicePresident. Missing from picture: Mr. Mickey Landry, Advisor
Will You Ever Forget?
-Miss Minerva
-6th grade mice
-Tether Ball
-H ot Box
-"Stamp out Sarcasm"
-Being ten minutes behind Mrs. West when taking notes
-Catching up during her stories
-"Can I hep you?"
-Mrs. Sis trunk 's exerc ises during class
-"Clea r like mud"
-Camp Wellswood
-R olling Newman!
-Pop beads in Biology
-Mr. Waas's Garanimals and ties
-"Listen up gang!"
-Mrs. Guild's wardrobe
-Erin Callahan 's parties
-Mr. Trevino's classes and instant geography
-The last class to have Mrs . West, Mr s. Bolles, Mrs . Saik, Mr. Day, Mr. Hudson, Miss Hendr en
-Mr. Mc Millan and his dog
-Father Empson
-Father James' 8th grade Religion class
-8th grade Spring Dance, The Sock Hop, and The Pole
-"On ly ttree tudents in Time Savdr"
-Rosy's jokes
-3rd grade Partridge Family
-Father Rhymes
-Mrs. Wass' coo king class
-Interim trips
-The Barn fire
-The Library fire
-Platooning in 10th grade after the fire & Lower School desks
-Aunt Jane's notes
-Dr. Mooney's classes
-Mr s Porter's classes
-"This is grand!"
-Freshman Pep-rallies & the Spirit Stick
-The Junior Prom
-D oc's note s
-L ower School-
-Ring Day
-After the Ring Day Luncheon
-7th grade Bako Sales
-Mr s Johnson
-The 6th grade "U n " play
-Louisiana play
-"This is the la s t day . . . "
-Smoking in thEi bathroom in 5th grade
-The way Mrs. :..rerrington writes on th e c halkb oard
-The Punk Rocl:ers and The Cold
-Dogpatch Day
-Sawing the ch.1 ins o f the doors at the 8th grade Spring Dance
-Forging Sock :-fop tickets
-Easters in Deslln
-"Meghrian di d it !"
-Coors on the 9th grade retreat
-deMauriac's puns and trivia quizzes
-Breaking out cf Middl e School Dances
-Having three Headmasters
-Mr. Trevino sleeping on the steps on the 7th grade retreat
-The NO-Smok ing rules
-Casper, the fri ,3ndly Headmaster
-Riding Mrs. Scmner's bookshelf
-Chalk and era:;er fights
-Rock Steady a t the '79 Homecoming
-The girls teams winning all the State Championships
-Senior Weird Cay
-Atebara's Discii:,linary System
-Not having Mid:lle School Ideals
-Painting or n ot painting the Student Loung e
-Memorizing Macbeth
-Middle School projects
-The greens sales
-The 1979 Choir trip
-Singing in the chape l?
-Dr T
-"Excuse me, I have an announcement to make."
-Mr. Comfort
-The fight for McAlister
-May 29, 1981!!!11!!
It' s getting better all the lime. Paul McCartney
Jeff . . . cheerbop . .. CLAUNCH ... Jeanne .. . soccer B.B.B Sweet Sixteen Just kiddin In the car with L.K. & S.M being poor . .. Diets ... Boom Boom? .. . slide tackles? boys sexy 17's her legs Tied up
If you tell me why the fun appears impossible, I then will tell you why I think that I can get across it if I try.
Mariann e MooreMiggy . . . Chris . . . Styx . . . studying for Chemistry Mr. Graf The Cold Stairway To Heaven Jazz Dancing? Miggy Rooooo ! . . . Kris Kringle . . . Clayton? . . . Leslie Williams . . . Are the Ramones or the Cold # 1? Dan ce Class Alchies Claunch Action with Chris
I do not judge my a c tions by the opinions of o thers.
Running over blind men S P. inc
Walter Being late City '79 & State '80
Really?! You're not kidding? ... T&T . . . co ld hands . . . The Masher . . . Rusty . . . Du Kysser ekkel\l ... Being followed-leading men on World Politics brain only made a 98 . . . She intends to get there ...
No man ever injured his eye-sight by loo king on the bright side o f things. An onymous
Being late . .. SAT's .. . Poker . . . always talking to himself . . . Baton Rouge . . . England Tubes Steve Miller Band 1975-1981
Wise men are not alway s silent , but know when to be
Poker ace . .. Ben Franklin ... quiet .. . who 's that? his Dandy his car h is air co nditi oning addicted Fun Land Tennis I raise a dollar fifty . c an o e artist
There is no pleasure in having n o thing to do : th e fun is havin g lo ts to d o and n o t do ing it.
M.W. LittleTony ... Fl o rida ... Eur o p e ... Dr. Moone y ... Pat O's ... socc er ... Hat Sist e rs . .. Th e Mali bu leopard skin blanket Ho me co min g in the fog . . . toga party with Freshm e n ... Ma rd i G r as 1978
We all need to have people who mean someth ing to u s, people to whom we can turn knowing being with them is coming home .
M. CootheSoccer cheerbop Jeff cameras track . . . her gorgeous brother . . . China eyes her fast walk Kitty-touh Zacks skinny Mazda RX-7 boodie face where are you going out to lunch a month from today?
To live is like to love- all reason is against it, and all h ea lthy instinct for it.
Samuel ButlerTim, Tim, Tim, Tim Karen Florida Ultimate Preppy Burl Color my world Aun t Jane her mouth Her waddle Boy's soccer team manager . . . always comp laining
1968-1975; 1978-1981
All experience is an arch to build upon_
Henry AdamsQuiz Bowl ___ smart .. . Uh hil ... It's . .. you're coo l . . . his faces . . . sounds effects . . . too nice hi s smile spanish What now!
Genesis Albums his punk brother guess who? . . . computer stud . . . Barry the brain ... Punk Rock finally got his license poker games at Boelitz's ... Normals ... D-Fect-R's ... S till no car Tulane or Rennsalaer? My brother knows Chris Luckette Quiz Bowl Stud
Forget about likes and dislikes. They are of no consequence. Do what must be done. This may not be in happiness, but in greatness.
George Bernard ShawA 427 Son of a Guess who? Kilroy Cherry Ragar Chris yesss ! A NOPD Aw no B's Butterfly Al snelby . . . Bogart .. .
1970-197 l; 1974-1981
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from wh o m you ' ve learned it.
2 Timothy 3; 14
French pen fights That 's what I meant! # 1 French student John John John
Ahl The hat Right? OK? Alan soccer with John How tall was he? Wait!
Punking out in Quebec John on the roof at 5:30 a.m. Look Buddy! talking with her hand s Rogar
He was a great old man, he wa s. I s p ea k of the one wh o taught me th e value of using my time wi se ly ; for it is only this way that one ca n experience all the true joys o f life to the fullest.
V V V.Pele paint Taco cameras Jill hi s Z Montablan A 's at the last minute Ms Guild . .. soccer goalie . .. DC . .. Mr . Sophistication his stereo vide o whiz kid . .. sh owers .. . depest o ... Mississippi girls ... Th e Allman Brothers
The football field isn't the only place in life where a man needs a good line.
football Joff Anne Badow fine as wine man What's the hesitation? Pogo ... his dad ... Chim-Chim ... Uh, Ohl ... This is a bun ch of Snake Perry St. Is this like sharing? . .. Homecoming '79 ... me . . .
Keep your fa ce always toward the sunshine and th e shadows will fall behind you.
John Greeleaf WhittierArt her laugh Art History Mr. Perez Yoho Hojo Yowana Florida
Hohanna Yoya, see my cards? singing the Lord's Prayer with balloons . . Hendley ... It only happens to me he rates a 9 always sing ing ... excellent! ... loo nice ... wagon wheel ... Nancy N . ... your Navy guy .. . Pl u sh bottom ... Chantilly Lace .. . Love Poilion # 9 Oldies Queen Johanna Johanna Danna
To say that so mething c hanges is lo say that while ii remain s itself ii be co mes something different. A thing that c hanges must become someth ing different o th erwise ii does not c hange. Ho wever , ii must remain itself for ii is the "i t " that does not c hange.
Cupcake . . . The Curse . . . The psychiatr ist is "in" _ Hey you guys problems, problems , prob lems oh b eans I'm so intimidated Scott ... Prez ... swimming ... Well, I don ' t kn o w !
You may be whatever yo u resolve to be. Stonewall Ja c kson
Cammie's br o ther ... John's sidekick . .. red hair ... Swan .. . his suntan ... Official Na sty Notes K K.K op ie lookalike co nte st ... Blue Parka Badmint on Champ Ultimate Goal 5 push-ups? o ne o f the Three Stooges
Howdie Doodie twin ... Wrestling??? ? ... Durf going lo Bay St. Louis Tyra ll l Oh, n o Mr . Bill in Civics class with John . ..
He admits that there are two sides to every question - his own and the wrong side.
Hey, you l ... September 8, 1980 Newsweek .. Jimbob swimming work Hey, I know religious camp Laurie No, I never fingernail polish? ... Laura ... test? ... Jimbo George Washington Slept Here Algebra II in the Reading Lab? What was your score on the Sex test?
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is be c ause we do not dare that they are difficult
SenecaMistake s! . . . self-Senter ... sailors ... Nolichuck ... carry-all carry . . . 1( + 2) ir1 a one man tent ... mug-o-lunch ... pool shark ... fights in the locker room post basketball games Prince Caspian My legs are too long 1 ••• pididdles getting punched in the eye Norway
The Rag is back Gene Dickey The wreck Rag-a -muffin 1978-1981
If you don't go all the way , Then why go at all?
Joe Namath
Mark Senter ... Hene .. . Gene, Gene, the dan c in ' machine . . . 44 . . . De La Salle ...
Hygene stud skab Banana man making up Spanish words Kelly, first love Ann Burlingame in 9th grade? .. . Are you really Gene Doubleday, star halfback of St. Martin's? _ Rag his dad _ devil eyes Sub debs
I do not resent criticism, even when, for th e sake of e mphasi s, ii parts for the time with reality
Sir Winst on Spencer ChurchillTh e Cold Missy Mod Ro cker Sam Barthe Chr istopher Robin tennis
Safety Pins . . . vvvvttttl . . . Punk Rock . . One wild & crazy guy talking in Engli sh & getting dirty loo ks from Mrs. Guild his car Do you r eally think I care? Steve M HistorianChris Dorian Doreeane 1979-1981
We should enjoy here while we're here 'ca use th e re 's no here, there'
ZiggyFlemingo William T her c ar the three Muskate ers in 7th grade . . . Jana banana ... The Cold ... Jazz Dancing ... Fat Harry's . . Corpus Christy J.E Goldfish &. Sharks Kris Kringle ... Forgetting about school after the fire .. . Trotting with Grace? who is ii this week?
Mardi Gras '79 ... Sarah Robinson Club ... little girl Punk Rock at Cheerleading camp soccer
If you want lo gel lo heaven , You gotta raise a little hell. Ozark Mou ntain , Dave Devil
Duff football since 8th grade Jock the Karate fight anti-prep his fights his car stereo Perry St Ruff Duff Daffy Duffy Doc Hacksaw Puffy Duffy Duuufffyyy notes to Lana Stealing what in Hawaii? . I can't hear your radio hub cap Just kiddin ' Lana . .. fights with Mrs . Herrington and Mrs. Sistrunk ...
1975 -1981
'Tis easy enough to be pleasant , when life flows along like a song; But th e man worthwhile is the one wh o will smile When everything goes dead wrong
Ell a : Wheeler Wilcox
Spic ky Sp ic toi re babbling sailing
Eri c G . .. talkative . . . ING ... e xcurs ion lo Rain Forest S M The Cold ge t down The Cars Kri s Kringle at Kelly 's I'm from COLO MB IA .. . hairdresser . .. Polo shirts . ..
Eastern Onion
Th ere is o nly one success - to be ab le lo spend your life in yo ur own way.
C hri sto pher Mor ley
C laun c h acti on with Jon Ron Vo lleyball
Jon her smile Fl o ri da jock mooning .. . # 2 medium . .. A & P lie ... But , I don ' t unders tand , what kind o f eggs are th ey? trip to St. Bernard ga mes weekend s at her apartment fr ozen fish singing opera in c hapel Full- o flove her drinks c ri sco being the angel
If at first you don't succeed try and try again . Then quit, no use being a damn fool about ii. W .C. Fields
Mount Carmel Many Painting the lounge with Many The Cold Flash say, bro Punk Rock L.L.B 4:30 at the boa thouse in the A.M Bootsie Do ya wanna get a bottle o' wine? Baton Rouge Taxi to the lake
Happy the man, and happy he alone, He who can c all today his own : He who, secure within, can say: " Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have liv'd today."
Horaceclass brain ... swimming . .. Boy 's State ... he's so smart LaPlace Hawaii 1979-1981
1978- 1981
Great it is to believe the dream
When we stand in youth by the starry stream, But a greater thing is to fight lif e through And say at the end, "The dream was true."
Edwin MarkhamAll-American Kid ... Student Lounge ... Calling people at 8 :30 on Saturday morning to paint the lounge . . . Halloween party . . . getting along with football players . . . twisted logic . . . Chemistry brain paint'n the lounge and everyone else obscene swimming suits put Ford at the wheel .. .
Smile and be happy
For what is life but to live
And what is living without a smile e e cummings
Jose . . . Spain ... 3-D . .. Fred Flinstone ...
Canada Don't mind me Huggy Bear Kissy
fa ce City '79, State '80 D.H knowing everybody ... her sweet sixteen .. . Zack's ... Migu e l Irving has a problem swimming
Oh, I met this guy Rock Steady Lemonjuice ... really! .. . her gorgeous brother Disco Baby Spanish boys P.A.
LAURA ELIZABETH GLOVEN "Laura"1968-1969; 1975-1981
There are no rules of architecture for a cas tle in th e clouds.
G.K. Chesterton
Little Mis s Innocent? failed College
" Entran ce" Exams ... Billy ... mug- a -lun ch
SP In c Ragnhild's Rug . Raid City '79, S tate '80 "Why does everyone think I'm a snob?" . .. her haughty walk ... her murderous star es no one gets her jokes her! quiet? 1? .. . That was a home run . . . Why did you have to shift gears? Mike + Steve swimming
William . . . Billy E. . ..
All you touch and all you see Is all your lif e will ever be.
Pink Fl oyd
Algie Gr ee nee his c ar the lake & hi s car nev er study in Math before his hair S tuart Mc Dowell's party and " We all live in the Red Submarine" . . . Deep-6 . .. Alaska ... pass it thi s -a-way ... sex ... good guys wear b lack The Cosmic kid; never getting c aught
MOD's The Who 1974-1976; 1977-1981
I never let my schooli ng interfere with my education.
Aldou s Huxley
Math IV ... bi c ycle ... Spanish III . .. 14 , which one? Curtis girls any girls (good friends) let 's enjoy each o ther Mary Baldwin College
... his fan club ... national c hampi o nships . . . Destin '79 his Z The Allman Brothers State cycling champ ion Beth Heiden drunk?
... Sub-Debs '79 ...
The trouble with being punctual is that n o b o dy's th ere to appreciate it.
Franklin P GenesKe lly e ... C.D . ... ASPENite ... Baja .. . is the bolt stripp ed? NOT C r ules S B.G N K??? Sub-Debs '79 Sc oo t Jim's SCXJm id ol ... five finger dis co unt .. . what r ed light? where? . . . Lipid Sandwich? .. .
Men of few words are the best men. Anonymous
Quie t brain from Barthe Racetrack Stick jumping Jacks .. . BOB ... Dog where's my $20? basketball duh 11 FOOHBAHII doing jumping jacks the wrong way beach bum how are the ponies doin' Rob?? # 45, MVP of the game watch out for the lightpole'
Wi sh in one hand and spit in the other, and see whi ch one fills up faster.
Fran CurciP it t . anti-prep his hot rod car Melainie h is black adidas shirt long hair living a t the La kefront
You never leave a place you love. Part o f it you take with you, Leaving part of you behind _
Anonym ous
Volleyball ... No U-Turn? ... Belgium ... Party ... Being n e w ... Big Governm en t class .. .
But hey , that' s O.K., because everything is O.K., un less it hurts.
Anonym o u s
Fonzie girl Albie Fire up 1 • • • Whitie Deri's better than GiGi . . . He's so shy .. . Preppy . . . all the time at Valencia . . h er driving _ you like gum, Albie? Love Potion # 69 her r oma n ces
Love may not be all you need, But, with ou t it, Little else is important. An onymous
Lloyd Volleyball CLAUNCH
Volleyball tournaments in Baton Rouge Baehr co lle ction # 6 midnight rider Brown shoes with little while soles . . . # 20 .. . going home fo r mail track Do it, Do it, alright Love for a certain coach
The Ameri ca n system of ours, call it Ameri can ism, call ii Capitalism, call it what you like, gives each and every one of u s a grea t opportunity if we onl y se ize it with both hands and make the most of it.
Al CaponeKat ... manager . .. coming lo every V-ball game ... come, let me clutch thee .. . the Jimi Hendrix co n cert Phys ical Science brain Colleen Ku ebel ... Dayna in Algebra II class .. . Hethics six legged spiders getting busted on Ring Day
It's ni ce lo be imp ort ant , but important to b e n ic e . An o nym ous
Le ban ese Jew ... being too s h o rt ... painting the lounge with Angela ... The Cold .. . olde r guys losi ng Backgammon board s Mr. Graf RHPS C h ocola te Chips o bnoxiou s ... L.L.B .. . 13 year club .. . the sea ur c hins pun c hing guys Kling o n Lat e fo r th e Who Ca fe Banqu e tte LSU The Bo athouse
Love is like a butterfly; It goe s wherev e r ii pleases And pleases wherev e r ii goes. An on ym ous
P.K Happ e ning Pr e a c h er's kid religi ous Bennigan 's Butterfly SHANNOO .. . Rebehek ... S r . High '80 .. . Ke n, Th o mas, Lee? . . . Wh o is ii thi s lime? want a s umm er romance! . ..
MATIL DA KLINGER " Mary " SHA NN ON REBEKAH KINYON "S hann o n "1968-1981
It is not doing the things we like, but liking the th ings we have to do that makes life happy_
Dago . . . her smile . . . dizzy . . . I disagree ... h er immense common sense What? I don't ge t it Boys, Boys, Boys flirting
G r aham, Par ker? Gibby in Hawaii Sister's boyfriends Danelle, Terren . Doc
Across the lake parties Florida Pass ion Marks . . . New Year's Eve ... I have to be h o me a t one . . . Queenie ...
If there's one thing in my life that's missing, it's the lime I spend alone.
Lit tl e River Band
Br ian ... Everybody , look at Libby ... Florida Poobie cheerbop soccer
Vo ll eyball Uptown Far Outl Ohhh
Nooo 1 ••• Y'all The Cold Big __ #3
Food Fight with Kat & Jon The Pillowcase
P ep Rally . .. Swee t Sixteen! . .. Fat Harry's .. .
Hat S iste rs . . . Prom 1980 . . . Corpus Christi .. .
S exy 17' s
1968-1979; 1980-1981
It is easier to smile than to frown. It takes 64 muscles of the face to frown , only 13 to smile An onymous
Carol Bob Ragar Lee is my last name' The driverless car waiting 6 months for her ca r ... Sarcasm with Mr. Graf .. . Isn't she sweet? Godchaux's woman Hermie her brothers GH, AMC Betsy Sympathy?
Any Man's death diminishes me, be c ause I'm involved in mankind, and therefore never sin to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for th ee.
John Do nneDestin , Seasc ape 6 1A Kemosabee George , her passion . . . Phy sics is the pill s W ena .. Th e Denture Fairy ... her ca r ... Fr ec kle Fa ce . . . billy magdorf . . . cold medi ci ne in Wa shingt on . . . long distan ce ph o ne c all s . ..
1978- 1981
The way \o love anything is \o realize \ha\ it might be lost.
G.K. Ches terton
Ed Florida whose tennis raque\? The Cold . .. B. Springsteen .. . Stephen G., Claiborne Sanke, Garli c, Donald, Douglas Hat Sis ters . . . Corpus Christi . . . \he list o f pretty Seniors .. . Juni ors with boyfriends ... excursion lo Rainf o res t ... 13 year club ... horse s William open house Billy K Mardi Gras '79 .. .
I am no\ afraid of tomorro w , for I have seen yesterday, and I lo ve toda y.
Egna Lowk e y rock jock swamp baths? Ron straws up her nose carr y-all carr y busting int o strange houses 1( + 2) in a o ne man ten\ . .. mug-a-lun c h pancakes on the ceiling Spanish III Let's do i\ 11 Mr Latham ... 12 vodka coll in s in go cups, please paradi c ular
Now I'm riding on the crest of a new wave .
Dave MasonStuey _.. Little Mac Stu-Babe ... his "Z" NOSE La Pla ce P. King _ Partying during P E The down boys 4th period geology __ sex Karen His older friends his hair c uts mosquito UT _ his parties c u tie' Bugging Rag Talks with Dayna One tra ck mind
Everything not forbidden is co mpulsory.
T H. Whiteink splattered pants .. . mug-a-lunch the sto len egg We didn't ask fo r yo ur o pinion Did Chris get a good grade? So did I sleeping in a tent with how many girl s? . . ca rryall carry . . . swinging from the rafters . . . pi c kin g a yellow crayon . . . intellectual? ... Mr. dipomatic _ Do ya wanna get a bottle o' win e ?
The mo st I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend.
Minder ... Riva Ridge ... The Baby ... Mega working at Wendy's Charlie?? No, I don't li ke him Hawaii I'm stuffing myself Kon Tiki Inn Sanibal Island crushes her EXCELLENT driving Trinity me Crying in' Kindergarten never talking quietly
We can complain because our rose bushes have thorns, or rejoi ce because our thorn bushes have roses.
pancakes on the ceiling . . . pink cows . . . Scott Parker LSU me surviving Math IV Baskin-Robbins Junior campus leave painted toes Sugar Daddies track chi chas ... Munch-Out .. . Davis ... Roy Rogers LSU weekends When did you get in the car?
It' s always so mething. Ro sanne Rosanneadana burning his lawn Anne-Sere Shack Th e Cold Matza-ball his hair Hawkeye
Blame is better to give than to re ce ive. Rush
Fred's brother Bill's side-kick ... rail Winslow motor c ycles Official Nasty Note Jumping Johnny K.K.K Welll my mom cut it 1 ••• clam diggin', huh? ... Kellye's going to what? bad check cats, dogs, what? ... knife in geometry ... thinking out loud during c h emistry tests . . . singing in civ ics class 1976-1981
If si lence is golden I'm dead br o ke_ An onymous
"Sa vag e " Ab dul the big bad B.M always lat e for Engli sh IV ... going to bar at Karen's party with Jana .. . Sashimi ... Frank Prom 1980 with William T speeding ti c ke ts . . . partying in Florida . . . punkout . . . Nik on ... college . _. Eric Eric G . . . Dallas . . . Kamik azis _ _ all nighters The Cold SMU
The mo r e that things change, The more th e y stay the sa me.
RushJuni o r girls ... Jam ... 151 .. . c hurl . . The Mitch ell syndrome Bonnie . I l 24Q smelly shoes his driving breaking a jute box in Mex ico ... his funky car ... a stick shift? .. _ WTUL . . . hi s co n cert T-shirt collection ... WRNO swit c h blades? 13 year s (whew ) the Rush concert 1971- 1981
I love you for who you are, Not the one yo u feel you need to be
Sly StoneMu stang Doc rail Newt The snake ... the scar .. . 6th grade girls . . . Doc, didn't we do that in Wa sh ingt on? . . . Marty Carl's party
Juk e y 6060-842 socce r bask e tball ? go for it 7 th period English wi th Mrs. Guild . . . Ron . . . ooooh . . . WSTM
C h ris McEwen
S ill y, Silly, Silly, S illy.
Tay lor MartinW o rld Hist o ry with Davis stranding pe op le on top of locker Aster o id s wr es tlin g O ui da's son . . . going ou t by himself ... c heerop Mr. Mo de st? hi s walk freak mumbling ... a cce nt . . . o ldie s but goodies .. . h is well coo rdinated wardr o be Mr. Pud Jr S tu d?? Mr. Senter (best friend) Rocky can't stand still hi s hair c ut
Make something happen. Charles "Chick"
McGeehanBucky ... U.S. Hist ory with Mrs. Porter WSTM . .. Baseball ... Brick a Buck, Buck 1 Sq ui rmin Wehrman . . . Yac Yackak . . . roses .. . on time for art his gorgeous car Rat the Kat and Lib combina ti on ... Chief Porter's remark s keeping a low profile fights with Vicky Is your zipper broken? will you buy me a drink? hit any boulders lately?
Wherever yo u are it is your own friends who make your world .
William JamesMealy Mouth Ann Pumpkin Minnie Karyn another boy, another week
Fl orida The Cold Snappy Eri c H
Mik e K . . . soccer . . . B. Spr ingsteen . . . Hat
S isters .. . Whose drop letters? ... Stuart .. .
CLAUNCH H T.B.T Kill Dee Babeel
What do I do now party in 8th grade Cute . . . Vance . . . Mardi Gras '77 ...
1977 -1981
Parting is such sweet sorrow. William Shakespeare
Neat Watauga Stevelyn Ro y Fl or ida Freshman grades _ Doc _ Evan ... Je suit b o ys ... soccer .. _ Kris Kringle at Kelley's Bob Marley and the Whalers, Jamin ' _ Tastee Donuts Le s Ec o lierie breaking Thad's leg ... Martin breaking her c he e kb o ne breaking Steve's heart Ja c k no. 2 Pat O'Brian's ... Winst o n Lady .. _ all pati o talk .. .
Don ' t think twi c e , it's all right. Bo b Dylan
Spanish _. co mputer s Pabl o _ his hot rod his c ar 's interi o r his laugh say, ch ie f! his hair
PAUL JOSEPH PELAEZ "Pa ul "1972-1981
Let us make an honourable retreat.
William ShakespeareHello, St. Martin's School ... Halo .. . Mr. Graf doesn't intimidate mel Equal Rights?
Sneaking home Peasant wars her brother SOQ-(AMC&:GH) . . . her laugh ... little pest _ fun in Chemistry _
I'll be thereYou've got a friend
Carol KingSt. Paul's guys Knack Never say no, Nellie _. _ p.m. fevers ... shy? ... so sweet! ... Happening ... a butterfly? ... candy striper ... h osp ital romances ... stand up Band .. . Lyre 7th grade detention ... Bennigan's with C.F . . . . shorty .. . Nellie Bell .. . 1975-1981
Happy are those wh o dream dreams And are ready to pay the price To make them come tru e L.J. Cardinal Suenens
Basketball ... Spanish III ... Little Lou .. . Soc k Hop ti ckets Georgia You ' re cool 4th grade sex symbol ... Jana in 7th grade . . . 11 :O'.J c urfew .. . OOH br o ther s _.. 6th grade matches o n c halkboard . . . Dur! . . . 3 stooges ...
Smile and b e happy for what is life but to live and what is living with out a smile e e c umming s
Stephen _ Att emp ted murder? Baskin Robbins . . . Rat . . . her loud voice . . . Killer Rue ... Jail Bird ... Nod ul es? .. _ French I ... La Rue ... Vo lleyb all & soccer ... her car ... was the light red o r green? CLAUNCHFlorida _ her br o ther _. Ruzabeth Rue bee the big O
I can resist anything except temptation. Anonymous
Kat .. . macho man ... Mr. Track . .. hurdles ... fast stud ... Gut ii ou t, Hugol ... Miggy, Nancy I'm just trying lo play a relaxed game of Asteroids St retch P.M. Magazine claunch with Kat 6060-842
If winning isn't important why keep score?
Sam Barthe, JrSam Barthe . . . Louis V . . . Ramone . . . Sanfrado
Pasquale Domingo Fuentes etc The W.O.M.P.
Meth od stolen shorts . . the big # 17
Reagan ... oh no you don't ... you 're 18? . . .
The Ramones ... B. Ball Manager ... Free socks & Jocks
1975- 1981
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, a n d not, when I came to die, discover that I had n o t lived.
woods Outdoors disco Keith Liz hi s boat . .. his truck c hemistry major But it's no t accurate 24 Country Boy Under what heading is that, Doc his hair Je n ny
A friend is someone who kn o ws all about you but likes you Anyway.
Anonymous swimming? Hawaii trip Wolfcreek trip h er "wrecked" car Larry & Rob going ro lli ng the camper John P How wa s th e doors tep? notes in the 7th grade Michael . . . Kon Tik i Inn Florida Houlahan's Sanibal-sunburn
ROY KEITH SMITH "Keith" Thoreau MARGARET ANN SMITH "Margie"1979-1981
To strive , to seek, to find , And not yield. Tenny son
Running on fumes- again Bunny Movies 6th period Study Halls outs ide the Math Office ... Life in general stage a revolution? where am I going to College? the car the masses but , Doc having a fight in Dolphin books Mafia Boss need help in Geometry? GH . .. Fritz ... smar t ... Dr . Mooney ...
What you have inh eri ted from your fathers, earn over again for yourselves, or it will not be yours. Goethe
Ralph .. . camping ... diets .. . swimm ing ... "the disapp ea ring Jeep" .. . S tat e '80 ... muddy overa ll s . painting the lounge and more Navy studying for Biology II what's wrong with Michigan? . . . It makes your knees weak before a race . .. 6 bowls of salad?? ...
1978- 1981
This above all: to thine own self be true. Shakespeare
his bra ces broken jaw soccer churl .. _ Urrr urr urr .. . all night poker parties
p inball outer space ... O.K ... his 4 6's As teroids
He sa ys you a re loyal to three things. To your friends, to the republic, and the truth.
Augu stu s to Claudius quoting Germanicus I, Claudius
History ... Mr s . Wil son Mongo you're cool Captain Caveman Hollywood Ace h is legs . . . hair . . . being suave SMSM crazy legs strick Lisa H its swimming Duhhh
What's the use of worrying? It never seems worth while, So, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, and smile, smile, smile.
George Powell
The Cold Mel The corner parking place ... the Mack truck on 1-10 ... excursion lo Rain Forest . . Mark, who? ... more power to ya 1 At the flea market? sliding in grocery stores .. trip to LaP!ace- Florida ... Jace
It's nice to believe when the going gets rough
That your friends will come running to make things less to ugh,
But you'll find you are the strongest when standi ng alone
And the help you rely on is solely your o wn. Anonym ous
Sally's Sis ... basketball ... Ms Manager ... her bug be st friend at Newman Limited Wardr o be her 50 pairs of shoes . . . her dad . .. jeep
S m ile at eve ry o n e you see today- it'll drive 'e m c razy.
Ethelyn th e three muskateers in 7th grade W ataug o . .. socce r . . . 13 yea r club .. . patio talk . . . Gene KWE four !eat clo vers .. locking her keys in the ca r Bo ra- Bora Jimmy R .. . the boat Ziggy , Ziggy, Ziggy . .. Suprise 1 • • The Col d Anythin g Goes party H ugo
It is o nly with the heart that one c an see clearly LeRenard du Petit Pr ince
Can yo u r ela te? meh -harran tar ib asteroid s Tracy computer Aw , man under stands Calculus West Virginia Virginia is fo r lovers . . comments in Biology .. o ur fav o rit e im po rt? 1968-1981
SCOTT MICHAEL WHITE " Scott "1975- 1981
Stupidity is ignorence informed. An ony m ous
Lana P . . . his car . . . how long did your tires last? Perry St. _ Light 'em up _ his hair
Steve You ng 's gang wh e re's your stereo . __ again _. foo tb all ... basketball ... Jam ... how many ti c ket s?
If ii seems as th ough you'll have to do ii anyway, volunteer Anonym ous
Cadet Wrig ht ... Ci vil Air Patrol ... The SHI ELD Band Alabama Men? EYC Camp Hardtner . .. flute ... pi cco lo ... saxophone Thund erthought ... hair ... stolen senior ring . Don't slam the doorl ... 7th grad e detentions ... Jr. Houdinis Butterflies John USAF A men .. . Air Fo r ce ... Math ... Fran ce Sweden .. .
Cl) I.I.II 1--
Mr. And Miss St. Martin's
Martin Muller Tracy ConatserBest Looking
Beverly Cain Chris Dorion
Most Popular
Libby Krementz Gene DoubledayWittiest Stuart McDowell Kat Fullilove
Most Athletic
Judy Ketchum Geoff CollinsLANA BERNOS
Cecil Pickens, Sgt. at Arms; Dr. Rex Mooney, Head Advisor; Guy Farber, Treasurer Bottom row: Mrs. Shirley Timmreck, Advisor; Jo Ann DeMartini, President; Donna Hickham, Vice-President; Mrs. Carolyn Boone, Advisor; Michelle Marks, Secretary. Missing from picture: Mr. Mitchell Berard, Mr. Tim Foley, Mr. Jim Marsalis, Mr. Pedro Perez, and Mrs. Dorothy Porter, Advisors
Peggy Bernhard
Jeanne Bernos
Steven Bossier
John Bower
Susan Bower
Cydney Brown
Kay Campbell
Wayne Coleman
Beth Crosby
Chris Daley
Kemela David
Serge DeKraker
Barbara Delchamps
Jo Ann DeMartini
Jill DeMonte
Ginny Erwin
Guy Farber
Scott Farber
Guy Favaloro
William Fiebleman
Diana Fisher
Wendy Flake
Bee Fullilove
Martha Garcia
Mary Gause
Betsy Gayle
Pam Gloven
Billy Harrison
Laurie Herron
Donna Hickham
Alan Hild
Hi , I' m Je nnifer. Fly me 1But I thought you said it was edib]el
Anita Koek
Chris Lang
Allison Lewis
John Luck
Michelle Marks
Maria Matth ews
Nan cy Mayer
Beth Mil es
Jim Miley
Terri Occhipinti
Fred Olinde
Kim Pagliaro
Rafe Payne
Simon Payne
Paul Pearce
Cecil Pickens
Pat Porter
Dena Prichard
Kevin Quinn
Patti Reiss John Rob e rts
Arnesto Rodriguez
Parker Ro y
Mark Senneff
Scott Shakelford
Sharpe Stanfield
Donna Stanley
Gret c hen Steinbaugh
Mi chae l Stern
Drew Story
William Trotter
Peter Van W oaten
Mi ch ael Weaver
Tootie Weiss
Charlotte Woody
Steven Wulff Scott Zander Yes, W e're the studs of St. M artin'sSOPHOMORES
T Jim r-icrinli n, Vice-President; Mr. Wayne Lumpkin, Head Advis o r; George Diliberto, Treasurer Bottom Ro w: Kim Weller, Sgt. at Arms; Shauna Storey, Secretary; Missy Ni co ladis, President. Mi ssing from picture : Mr. Jim Davis, Mrs. Susan Houghtaling, Mr Chick McGeehan, Miss Mary Fayeth Rossiter, Miss Debbie Schlichtmann, Mrs. Lisa Wilson, Advisors
Jeff Armstr o ng
Alice Atkin son
Bonnie Baber
Daniel Becnel
Kathy Benbow
Melinda Benge
Dorothy Blackwood
George Bott
Susan Bower
John Burlingame
Ona Carson
Gordon Cashmore
Nikki Casseri
Brett Chiasson
Denise Coe
Keith Cox
Ginny Davis
George Diliberto
Anne Dunlap
Debbie Farmer
Sarah Ferguson
Ann Fisher
Robin Flettrich
Remi Fransen
Stephanie George
W ell, he's 6'2" and has blond hair
David Oelsner
Sarah Owens
Devan Pailet
Rhea Plakotos
Lana Prudhomme
Alma Quiroz
Steven Rizzo
David Robinson
William Roohi
Mi che ll e Salingre
Which one do we roll first?
Tracy White
Paige Yeargain
Melissa You ng
Elizabeth Schwarze
Susan Schakelford
Shauna Storey
Lauren Sullivan
Dana Thayer
Andrew Thigpen
Thomas Voigt
John Wallin
David We aver
Kimb erly Weller
Sexy , huh? You
Oh , I c an ' t believe it 1
CLASS OFFICERS AND ADVISORS: Top Row: Ms. Patti Nierman, Advisor; Mrs. Sue Edwards, Head Advisor. Bottom row: Lester Coe, President; Andre Berot, Secreta ry; Katherine LeJeune, VicePresident; Becky Contois, Treasurer; Stuart Gayle, Sgt. at Arms. Missing from picture: Mr . Milton Atebara, Ms. Karen Cochran, Mrs. June Everett, Mrs . Alma Ruth Ress, Mrs. Ouida Muller, Mrs. Carolyn Pearce, Mr. Ron Pen, Mrs. Kitty Rawson, Advi~ors.
Andre Bero!
Alexis Brown
Calandra Bush
Thea Casseri
Lester Coe
Shannon Conatser
Rebecca Contois
Debra Crosby
Robert Diliberto
Edmund Dunn
Carolyn Ec kert
Jennifer Fleming
Susan Frankland
Stuar t Gayle
Pam Georges
Anne Mitchell
Paul Mi tc h ell
Stacey Moore
Da vid Graham
Bru ce Hafford
Stefanie Harrison
Ri chard Hawkin s
Jeann e Herrington
Michelle Hoffman
Elizabeth Hofheinz
Da ni e l Hughes
Lynn Jackowski
Hill Johnson P au l Kirshbom
Iv a r Koe k
Juli e Koppman
Laura Lambert
Benjam in Lazi c h
Ka therin e LeJeune
Elizabeth Leveque
Me lissa Le wi s
Han s Luetkemeier
David Mill s
Tracey Moore
Jennifer Morga n
Faith Noullet
Does th is mean I'm a star ?
Hey , Stuart, You should' ve wo rn red'
Charles Roddy
Kevin Rourke
Valerie Roussel
Nicolle Sargent
I don't think that's so interesting.
You mean I'm stuc k here '
Jay Shannon
William Shiel!
Tyson Shofs tahl
David Snyder
Anne Steinbaugh
William Van Denburgh
Carr ie Williams
David White
I'm not just another pretty fa ce '
But of course I have my paper
Boys And Girls State
At Boy 's and Girl's State outstanding high school Juniors throughout the state participate in a weeklong mock government and run for office in an imaginary state. This program provides an opportunity for practical knowledge and experience in government and politics At St. Martin's the faculty nominates 8 to 10 students. This slate is presented to members of the Junior class which determines the final slate of delegates. The cost of this program is paid for by the Dad's Club and the Mother's Club of St. Martin ' s. The goal of this program is to develop character and integrity, to develop a sense of individual responsibility to the community, state and nation. The objective is to educate student leaders in the duties, privileges , rights and responsibilities of active citizenship.
Seven seniors from the Class of '81 achieved semi-finalist standing in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Only 15,CXX) students throughout the United States are selected for this honor on the basis of the previous year's PSAT scores . Finalist standing is achieved by reporting satisfactory scores on the SAT, by commensurate grades, and by recommendation by the school.
National Merit Semi-Finalists
National Honor Society
Chris Dorion, Evelyn Pelias , Tra cy Conatser, Doug Geehan, Ford Graham, Front Row: Clayton Sanford, Jill DeMonte, Kathy Stinson, Dayna Lago, Allene Cashmore, Susan Strain, Mark Senne££, Missing from picture: Billy Harrison, Helen Hansen , Sally Brammell, Scott White, Jill Jac oves.
The officers o f th e NH S for 1980 - 81 are Tracy Conatser, President: Doug Geehan, Vi ce - President: Scott While, Secretary: Dayn o Lag o.
Cum Laude
Back Row: Susa n Bower, Donna Hickham , Martin Muller , Keith Smith, Barry Can tin , Paul Pear ce, Middle Row: Charlo tt e Woody, Miss Mary Fayeth Rossi ter , Advisor Clayton San fo rd , Doug Geehan, Dayno Lag o, Kathy Stinson, Hel en Hansen, Chris Do rion , Tracy Conatser, Susan Strain.Quiz Bow1 Team
(abo ve ) Mr. Ron Pen, Choral Director. (right ) The members of th e Chorus include : Ona Carson, Stephanie Pagliaro , Melissa Lewis, Debbie Farmer, Paul Pearce, Shelly Hoffman , Shannon Kiny on, Paul Kirshbom , Bill VanDenburgh.
Stage Band
The Stage Band includes: Back Row: (left to r ight) Richard Hawkin s, David White, Kevin Rourke, Park er Roy, Gibby Andry, Sean Duffy, Le ster Coe, Stuart Gayle, Keith Cox, Bruce Haff o rd Front Ro w: D ' Arcy Blackwood, Beth Wright , Dean Yount , Jay Shannon, David Mills , Melissa Lewis. Bottom: Andrew Acs , Mu sic Director.
The Student Council
The Student Council (right) includes First Row (left to right): Cali Bush, Shannon Conatser, Missy Nicoladis, Becky Contois, Jennifer Morgan, Sally Brammell, Helen Hansen, Dayna Lago; Second Row : Gretchen Steinbaugh, JoAnn DeMartini, Char lotte Woody, Melissa Young, Donna Hickham, Beth Crosby, Hans Jonassen, Lester Coe, Jim Hamlin, Tracy Conatser, Devan Pailet, Marti n Muller. Missing from picture: Ford Graham, Peggy Bernhard .
The Officers: (below) include Tracy Conatser, President; Martin Muller, Vice-President; Sally Brammell, Treasurer; Helen Hansen, Secretary.
Chapel Committee
The Chapel Committee for St. Martin's Upper School joins with Father Otwell to plan and present chapel programs. Members of the committee (right) include: (left to right) Fr. Otwell, Lynn Hoffman, Jim Dellinger, Elena Lange, Ragnhild Daasvand, Shannon Kinyon, Miss ing from picture: Roy Cairns, Laura G loven, and Nellie Quiroz.
The Halo-School Paper
Sitting: Allene Cashmore, Martha Garcia, Betsy Gayle, Temple Beeson, Patti Reiss, Shannon Kinyon, Elena Lange, Beverly Cain, Photography Editor; Jill DeMonte, Susan Strain, Chauffeur; Charlotte Woody, Assistant Editor; Laura Rizzo, Edit or . Missing from picture: Ginny Erwin, Feature Editor; Mi chae l Weaver, Boys Sports Editor.
RIGHT Cha rl otte Woody, Assistant Editor; Laura Rizzo, Edit o r ; Mrs . Ouida Muller, Adviser; Michael Weaver, Boys Sports Editor.
The Lyre-Literary Magazine
TOP: Standing: (left to right ) Lauren Sullivan, Nellie Quiroz, Kim Pagliaro, Shannon Conatser, Nancy Jones, Ford Graham, Barry Cantin, Hans Jonassen, Douglas McCollam, Vicky Garcia, Libby Krementz, David Oelsner, Steve Rizzo, Gretchen Steinbaugh. TOP Nellie Quiroz, Mr s . Jun e Wells, and Shannon Kiny on.The Staff
The Shield
The Helpers
Top: (Left to right) Michele Salingre, Dana Thayer, Shannon Kinyon, Libby Krementz, Karen O'Meallie. Below: Dena Prichard, Lauren Sullivan, Kim Pagliaro, Ann Fisher, Charlotte Woody , Betsy Gayle, Robin Baber. Missing from picture: Anita Koek, Keith Cox, Ginny Erwin, Susan Bower (Junior), and Johanna Clark.VARSITY CHEERLEADERS
J.V. Squad
Despite the fact that our Varsity Football Team o nly dressed out 33 players, we "made something happen" and concluded the season as we began it - with a victory -and battled our way to an unexpected 5-5 season.
Although this year's team did not repeat last season's 8-2 record, I feel that this 1980 team progressed to a point far beyond most people's expectations. With most of the 1979 offensive line and defensive team lost to graduation 28 players the boys did an ex c ellent job; especially considering the small number of players and the number of serious injuries. Coaching a group of athletes through a season like the one we experienced this year was a very rewarding time for me. I feel strongly that the integral factors that exemplified this year's team would be courage, spirit, and determination. I am delighted to say that the season ended with the players and the coa c hes proud of their success; and thus a sense of accomplishment was shared by all associated with the program.
The 1980 football team , in a rebuilding year , proved their worthiness, by ending with a respectable .500 season. Th o ugh dominated by junio rs and sophomores, the team moved with leadership and pride, through 5 wins over Redeemer , Buras , St C harl es, Country Day, and St. Benard
While the whole team played well, some members played well enough to be nam ed to the All District Fo o tball Team They include: John Mill er - 1st team ; Willilam Tr o tter and Greg Palmer - 2nd team; Geoff C o llins , Gene Doub leday, Sean Duffy, and John SchmidtHonorabl e Mention.
(50) B. Colomb C / DT (44) G. Doubleday WB / LB (68) S Duffy T IDT (60) D. Geehan T IDT (81 ) W. Manning TE / CB1980 SAINTS
(12) G. Cashmore QB/S (56) J Autchens C/DT (21) D. Robinson WR/SGe o rg e Bo tt (3 4 ) and a teammate halt a Ne wman junior varsity player for no gain (top left). Steven Bossier (26) pulls tw o Greenies o ver the goal lin e fo r the sco re (near left) A h oar d o f STM player s led by Bec ke t Bec n e l (66) co nv er ge o n a loose ball (near right).
jv football
Number s a nd injuries we re th e key factors co n ce rning th e JV program in 1980. The team was very small , and this wa s highlighted by injuries to key players.
The high s p o ts of the season in cluded a win o ver Ridg e wood, and watching bo ys g iv e 100% on the field.
Th e coac hing staff b e lieve s that student parti c ipati o n will in c r ease in the progra m , and that successful seaso n s will follow Coac h Mc Millan
"I was extremely pleased with the team's performance thi s season. They made an impressive showing at the state to urn a ment , and many o f the girls were hon ored for their .;;,dividual performan ces when they were made a part of the All-State team We ' re losi ng many fine seniors this year, but the younger players are strong enough that I have great hopes for next year I look forward to working with them ."
Kneeling : Jeanne Herrington , Ang ele An dry, Tracey Moo re , Anne Steinbaugh. Seco nd Ro w : Shawn Arm strong, Missy Ni co ladis , Lex Brown, S u san Franklin , S tan ding: Ca li Bush, Anne Mitchell , Rob in Banksto n , Ginny Dav is. La st r o w: Peyt o n Pettit , Mis sy Piner , Missin g : Shannon Cona tse r
Coach Sue Edwards: "Th is year 's J.V. team has be e n o ve rwhelmingly st ro ng They have a n o ut standing record , and three individuals travel with the varsity team as alternates. Many o f them are so s tr o ng that I am su re they will be prom o ted lo the varsi ty team next year. "
Th e Varsity & JV Basketball teams proved to be groups of high-spirited young men in their 1980-81 season . Though lack ing in s ize and depth , they played with intensity and ent hu siasm, that in m a ny cases made up for the differences in size. Led by Coach McMillan the team le arned to play with consistancy & determination. Even in heartbr eaking losses, like the one against Ne wman , the team s never gave up and n ever quit fightin g. Thu s, in the rebuilding year that this was, STM can look ba c k to a se t o f teams that proudly d id their best and for that th ey are winner s
Stuart McDo well Ste ve New som John Mill e r Geoff Collins S tev e Young Lewis Sa m sThe 1980-81 St. Martin 's Soccer Team was a resounding success. They were in a tight race for the District Championship when this was sent to print. This feat was made possible through hard, serious practices, which neither rain, wet fields , nor cold weather co uld stop The team steadily improved and strengthened as the season wore on The pace for the season was set early on, when a quick win over Abramson came through. The Saints then lost to Newman and tied with Ben Franklin However, a surprise turnaround came about late in the season. Marked by the tremendous upset of Newman, the team pi c ked up momentum that is hoped to carry them to and through the playoffs .
The 1981 Ultra Mega Super Awesome Soccer Team includes: First Row: David Weaver, Eddie Dunn, Lawren c e Hoffman, Scott Farber, Ri c ardo Carvajal, Hans Jonassen. Second Row: Scott Zander, Nellie Quiroz, Manager; Chris Lang, Hans Luetkemeier , Patrick Sweeney, Fr e d Boeli tz , Ivar Koek, Allison Lewis, Manager. Last Row: Greg Palmer, Serge deKrak e r , Devin Graham, Chris Daley, Sean Duffy, Parker Roy, Coach Danny Wheal, Coach Pedro Perez, Jill DeMonte, Manager. Coach Pedro Perez
St M and Ben Franklin go at it in a night game whi ch eventually ended in a 1 to 1 tie (abo ve). Later in the season wh en the Sa int s su r p r ised Newman in an upset, they opened the possibility of a playoff spot. The happy smiles after th e game are seen in the above left picture. A Franklin player tries to move the ball past David W ea ver and Patrick Swee n ey but to n o avail (left).
In only its second year of competition the STM girl's Cross Country team compiled one of the best records in the slate. They placed 3rd in the Metro meet, Isl in in District 12AA, and 5th in the State. Next year's team, with all but one runner returning should have a shot al the slate championship.
The boy's Cross Country team, with three sophomore starters, showed continued improvement. They placed 5th in district. If we can acquire some depth, next year's team should move to second or third in the district.
Coach Marsalis
The boy's team included (lop, left to right), Chris Strickler, Don Aleman, David Weaver, Baltzer LeJeune, Marlin Muller, (bottom) Ricardo Carvajal, Cullan Hemenway (with the wings), and Michael Weaver (missing). Cullan Hemenway appears winded, in a practice that often included up lo 8 miles a day, over varied courses (above left). The heal and long practices did take their toll, as Don Aleman illustrates (near left). Don steps forward in another long practice, where the heat wasn't so bad (near right) Coach Marsalis directed both teams to successful seasons (above right). Through his coaching efforts 3 girls were named to the all district team; Jill Jacoves, Debra Crosby, and Beth Crosby. ·
The Varsity Swim Team lines up (below) for their pictures in and ou t of the pool. The dry version includes (Back Row ) Jim Dellinger, John Bower , Doug Geehan, Scott White , and Tracy Co natser. (Front Row) Susan Bower, Carolyn Ec kert, Nikki Casseri, Sally Brammell, Tom Hubert, Thea Casseri, and Billy Roohi. Hiding behind Carolyn is Helen Hansen. In the we t vers i on we see Laura Gloven (top left), Robert Vining (bottom left), and Kathy Stinson (next to Robert). Missing from picture is Ford Graham, photographer.
The 1980-81 Varsity Swim Team was strengthened with the addition of 6 new members. Last year's teams, after winning both the Girl's Sta te Swimm in g Title and the Boys AA State Swimming Title are only expected to improve this year since no members were lost. The new members include some All Americans and national caliber swimmers, who will be joining a set of already top notch swimmers. Led by nationally recognize d coach Dick Bower, the StM Sw im Team loo ks to be a powerhouse in State Swimming in the coming decade.
Kathy Stinson sho ws her finesse in b ut te rfly. Jim De lli nge r ge ts a p rese nt fro m the te am.The 1981 Bo y 's Vars ity Tennis Team include s (To p , le ft to right) David Oelsner , Gordo n Cashmore, Guy Faval oro, Al an Kirshbo m , Scott Amm o n , a n d Douglas McCo llam. (bel o w) Mi c ha e l Harold, Rafe Payn e, Je ff Min dell, Chr is Dorion, and Bill Co lo mb Missing fr o m pi c ture is Coach Andr e w Acs .
The gymnastics team has don e an outstanding job this year preparing for meets and exhibitions. Mrs. Kerry Vogt, th e coach, has done a tremendou s job helping the team perform lo its fullest potential. This year 's team includes (lop row) Mrs. Vogt, Coach; Jennifer Fleming, Jennifer Barone , Jennifer Morgan, Jana Fleming, Alma Quiroz. (bottom row) Melissa Young, Lana Prudhomme, Sarah Morr is, Kathy Benbow, Jill DeMonte, Denise Coe.
outdoor ed.
Mr Landry , once again led the Outdoor Edu c ation class o n a set o f highly succe ssful trip s and courses. Mr. Landry (belo w left ), planned th e trips, with the help of D'a r c y Black w ood (bel o w ) Together with th e w o rk space Mrs. M c Kendri c k d o nated , and the enthusiasm o f th e student s, the Outdoor Ed. p rogram progressed b eau tifully. Eight se parate trips w ere spo nso red to l ocati o n s lik e th e Pearl River Ba sin ; The Tic kf aw , Strong, and Bogue Chitta Riv e r s; an d sn o w t rips to the Smok e y and Roc ky M oun tian ranges. Canoei ng , bac k -pac king , rock cli mbing , a nd kayaking co urses were al so taught during t he y ea r. A ll i n all it wa s a great year fo r Outdoo r Ed. , and w ith th e continued su ppo rt o f th e stud ents th e co urses ' o utl ook is g ood.
Follo w the leader Rafe Payne glances upward as he and his pa rtn er paddle the Strong river" What do ya ' mean the matc hes are w et??""
Peter Waas heads our Middle School faculty. He is originally from Hamilton, New York, and was graduated from Springsfield College. He has a great sense of dedication and the thoughtful guidance which he gives to both students and teachers is very sound.
Peter Waas feels that the people - students faculty, and parents, are what makes St. Martin's a special place to be. "The faculty in the Middle School is like a family. They are a very close knit bunch of people who discuss problems and find answers. When a decision is reached, they stick together and support it," says Peter Waas . St. Martin's gives the individual the freedom to be creative, and he finds this very important. "Students at St. Martin's are bright and have an innate intelligence Educating is a challenging Job."
When asked what he would always remember about St. Ma r tin's, he sa id, "I will always remember how different things are from day to day . There is always a new need to be fulfilled, always a new problem to be solved. This is why I enjoy my job - I'm never bored."
New Kids On The Block
Th is year, three new people have joined the Middle School faculty, bringing with them p lenty of enthusiasm and great ideas . Fi rs t , there is Adair Pedrick who tea ches art. S h e was a student at St. Martin' s for th ir teen years and went on to graduate from th e University of Southern Miss iss ipp i She has a special love fo r o ur sc h oo l and is happy to be back. Then, th ere is Karen Sco tt who teaches Spanish She is a native New Orleanian who grad u a ted from Spring Hill University in Mobile, Alabama. She says people a t St. Martin's are friendly and warm, and she fin ds teaching at St. Martin's a pleasant e x perience . Last, but not least, is John Mc Mill an who not only teaches math, but also coaches. He graduated from Washington and Lee University in Virginia. During the 74-75 school year, he was a studen t teacher here at St. Martin 's He li kes the congenial attitude and the relaxed a tmosphere he has found here These th r ee teachers are a great addition to an a lready excellent faculty and everyone is pleased to have them
Miss Vicky Rucke r French Mrs. Margaret Loup Librarian Mrs. Adair Pedrick ArtCathryn Abbott
Heidi Banton
Susan Barone
Christian Berge
David Bowes
Susan Burkes
Patrick Ca lh oun
Peter Chin
Cynthia Churchill
Stephanie Clifton
Michelle Condray
James Corcoran
Russell Creel
Jennifer Daley
Alicia Daniels
Corinne de Kraker
Scott DeMonte
David Favaloro
Katherine Feibleman
Elizabeth Fensin
Kimberley Finklea
Elizabeth Glass
Martha Goldthwaite
Shannon Goodrow
Todd Graham
Daniel Guillot
Stu art Head
Cynthia Hild
Erik Huber
Janet Jenkins
Glenn Johnson
Samuel Klinger
Lilian Koek
Kenneth Lasky
Kimberly Lawrence
Ann LeJeune
Russell Levy
Frank Lombard
The 8 th graders at St. Martin's enjoy P .E Dropping test tubes . . . their privileges ... homeroom . . . the end of classes . . . being the o ldest in Middle School.
They will always remember sc ience tests th e work . . . small loose leaf rings . . . foo tball games
Chris Lozano
Laura McMahon
Bess Manning
Andreas Manske
Leah Miciotto
Harriette Miles
Poe Miles
Mi chelle Moore
Simon Moore
Page Morton
John O rm ond
David Paine
Richard Pollard
Paul Pratt
Reid Raymond
Todd Robinson
Andra-El ena Rodriguez
Jam es Rogers
Jay St. Pierre
Laura Sams
Laura Schuler
Lisa Se nn e ff
Ashley Serice
Ma rs ha Smi th
Shelton Sonia t
Benjamin Son th e im e r
Jennifer S tep h ens
Kri stin Su llivan
Nan cy Su mn er
Ma r k Talbot
Amy Thigp en
Robert Vining
Carol Watt s
Karen Wayman
Mark Weaver
Kri stin Wedemeyer
An n Wooten
Lee Abbott
Henry Adams
Alli son Andry
Edward Appel
Lore n Berot
Eri c Boling
Clayton Breaud
Robert Bridgewater
Dominique Brown
Sa c ha Bush
Kim Cannon
Lisa Converse
Robin Dauterive
Davin Davirn
Brenna Denton
Lisa Dublin
Chip Ehlinger
Carolyn Fisher
Laura Gowdy
Kelley Graham
Jorn Hansen
Gretchen Harmon
Kristin Henson
Ch istine Herman
Why do 7th grade r s like St. Martin's? friends . . . nice tea chers . . . intere stin g subjects . . . activities period . . . retreats ... never boring Friday night footba ll games . . . pep rallies . . . holidays . Kids in the 7th grade said they would always remember . . . linking verbs . . . the retreat to Wellsw ood Mrs. Lee's math class short stories ... Mrs . Johnson's lectures HOMEWORK.
Drew Herrington
Jeff ery Hodge s
Suzanne Howell
Ann-Marie Ingolia
Hilary Jackson
James Johnson
Katrina Keller
Terri Kogut!
Holly Kuebel
Carl Laird
Tra ci Levi
Stephanie Lorenzen
Douglas Lynne
Leanne McBurney
Jade Mary Bryce Miles
Alissa Miller
Julie Mills
Ron Murlin
Theodore Neff
John Reinhold
Hans Ryden
Allison Schwartz
Danielle Shields
Colby Spath
Richard Starr
Blake Stevens
Melissa Stinson
Trip Trask
Pau l Vining
Colin Walker
Peter Wanek
Willi am Wayman
Kathryn Weekley
Laura White
Mary Kathleen Williams
Ryan W omack
Brady Wood
Scott Youn t
Todd Zoblotsky
.. . And now we work for Charlie."Sean O'Neill Diann Pelias Robert Pettit William Rachal
Elizabeth Boudreaux
Melanie Branton
Rosilynn Bryan
Scott Burnette
Allan Burkes
Clayton Charbonnet
Donald Chin
Margaret Christy
Ma r cy C li nard
Mark Conto is
Kimberly Conway
Sheridan Cooper
Allison Cornelius
Helen D' Antone
Jennifer Davis
Todd DeMonte
Michael Denkman
Lisa DeSalvo
Fredrick Devall
Kristin Dorfi
The 6th graders, when asked what they liked best about St. Martin's, replied football P.E ... lunch ... Math .. . girls ... boys . . . Mrs. Kaston's birthday kisses ... being closer to the end of school
They will always remember their first day of Middle School their retreat to Waveland the noisy halls being run over by the 7th and 8th graders
Neil Dyhrokopp
Brent Edwards
Brandi Ermon
John Falhoust
Karl Findorff
Robert Foley
John Gardner
Rachel- Gateley
Catherine Gaumer
Mary Lee Gibbons
James Gibson
Troy Gilbert
William Gorman
Jeffrey Green
S tephany Griggers
Jean ine Grimes
Emi ly Haycock
Jeremy Head
Ch ri stopher Henderson
Troy Hill
Karen Holmes
Lind sey Jackson
Barton Jahn cke
David Jones
Michael Jordy
Graham Justice
Mi che le Karna
Karen Kirshbom
Dale Kiser
Wak e Lankard
Thompson Lykes
Elizabeth McCranie
Megan Magee
Max Merlin
John Moore
George Morris
Samantha Murphy
Glenn Northcott
Claton Page
Stephanie Pecquet
Robert Peyton
Sherrie Ploger
Thomas Reagaen
David Rice
Kathleen Rock
Kevin Roohi
John Ryan
Shannon Ryan
Rodger Schneidou
Amy Shaw
Elisia Shofstahl
Victoria Siegel
Cameron Smith
Matthew Sontheimer
Carol Steinman
Kimberly Stiebing
Clif Stautz
Reid Sutton
Kemper Taylerson
Daniel Valladares
Lauren Vedros
Jacques Villaume
Jonathan Wachtel
Nancy Wallin
Melissa Watson
Gretchen Wiemann
Margan Wilson
Eric Witherspoon
Le igh Yeargain
Cheer leaders
Cl) 1--
Dominique Brown, Katrina Keller, Vicky Segal, Lindsey Jackson, Jennifer Stevens. Middle: Nancy Sumner, Holly Kuebel, Andra-Elena Rodriguez, Laura McMahon, Loren Bero\, Bottom: Michelle Karno, Missing from picture: Megan Magee
Peter Chin
Jim Corcoran
Dave Favaloro
Erik Huber
Glen Johnso
Sam Klinger
Kenny Lasky
Russell Levy
Chris Lozano
Dave Paine
Richard Pollard
Reid Raymond
Jim Rogers
Shelton Soniat
Ben Sontheimer
Jay St. Pierre
Mark Talbot
Robert .fining
Mark Vv eaver
Jim Armstrong, Coach.
Sean O'Neil
Robert Peyton
Peter Wanek
Kevin Roohi
John Falgoust
Donald Chin
Robert Bridgewater
Matthew Sontheimer
Lee Abbott
Robert Pettit
Fredie Devall
Brady Wood
Jim Corcoran
John Gardner
Thomas Reagan
Jeff Green
Jon Hansen
John Moore
Mike Jordy
Rodger Schneidau
Mark Contois
Clayton Page
Neil Dyhrkopp
Davin Davin i
Blue Team Coach
A Team.
Allison Andry
Hei di Banton
Alic ia Daniels
Shannon Goodrow
Cindy Hild
Lilian Koe k
Jane t Jenkins
Stefanie Lorenzen
Andra Rodriguez
Mary Williams
Kerry Vogt, Coach
B Team.
Susan Barone
Vi c kie Benbo w
Paige Burkes
Sacha Bush
Di t Cooper
Bo o Cristy
Carolyn Fisher
Ra c hal Gately
Kelley Graham
Megan Magee
Shannon Ryan
Allison Schwarts
Elisia Shofstahl
Vi c to ria Siegal
Ka theryn W ee kly
Kerry Vogt, Coach
Boys Basketball
8th Grade
Jim Corcoran
David Favaloro
Sam Klinger
David Paine
Paul Pratt
Reid Raymand
Jim Rogers
Shelton Soniat
Jay St. Pierre
Robert Vining
David Rice, Coach
7th Grade
Robert Bridgewater
Drew Herrington
Bryce Miles
Sean O'Neil
Robert Pettit
Richard Starr
Paul Vining
Colin Walker
Peter Wanek
Scott Yount
Carl Laird
Jim Armstrong, Coach
6th Grade
Clay Charbonnet
Mark Contois
Fred Devall
Brent Edwards
Billy Gorman
Jeremy Head
Barton Jahncke
David Jones
Thompson Lykes
John Moore
Rodger Schneiday
Cliff Stautz
Kevin Roohi
Larry Panna, Coach
Girls Basketball
Heidi Burton
Beth Boudreaux
Dit Cooper
Alicia Daniels
Mary Lee Gibbons
Shannon Goodrow
Cindy Hild
Janet Jenkins
Mi che lle Karno
Lilian Koek
Leanne McBurney
Mi che lle Moore
Page Morton
Andra Rodriguez
Kemper Taylerson
Leigh Yeargain
Chuck Melito, Coach
Kerry Vogt, Coach
Boys Soccer
A Team
Edwin Appel
Peter Chin
Scott DeMonte
John Falg o u st
John Han sen
G lenn Johnson
Poe Mil es
Richard Pollard
Bill Weyman
Mark W eaver
Thomas Reagan
Robert Foley
Ron Merlin
Dan Gui o llot
Mathew Southiener
Mark Talbot
Stuart Head
Allen Burkes
Scott Burnette
Donald Chin
Mike Denkman
Ladd Ehling er
Karl Find orf
James Gibson
Jeff Green
Chris Henderson
Troy Hill
Erik Hub er
Michael Yardy
Andra Mas on
John Ormand
Robert Peyton
David Rice
Morgan Wilson
Kenneth Lashey
Ted Neff
Trip Tra sk
John W aectel
Mike Giffin
Eric Boling
Jimmy Johnson
Hroar Berge
Bill Spath
Girls Soccer
A Team
Allison Andry
Dominique Br own
Cindy Churchill
Jenny Daley
Corrine deKrak er
Brenna Denton
Martha Goldthwaite
Holly Kuebel
Ann LeJeune
Laura McMah on
Megan Magee
Bess Manning
Jade Mary
Leah Miciotto
Amy Shaw
Nancy Sumner
Kri sty Wedemeyer
Kathryn Weekly
Cathryn Abbott
Susan Barone
Loren Bero\
Sa c ha Bush
Robin Danterive
Kim Finklea
Betsy Glass
Jeanin e Grime
Krissy Henson
Ann Ingolie
Katrina Keller
Karen Kushbohm
Kim Lawrence
Harriet Miles
Ali ssa Miller
Julie Mills
Laura Sams
Ali sa Schwartz
Victoria Siegel
Jennifer Stephens
La uren Vedros
Laura White
Linda Trevino, Coach
Mickey Landry, Coach
Art Cl ub
Bottom Row: Michelle Condray, Harriette Miles, Glen Johnson, Mrs. Adair Pedric (Advisor), Top Row: Ann Wooten, Bess Manning, Kenny Lasky, Reid Raymond, Poe Miles, Robert Manning, Chris Lozano, Peter Chin, Susan Burkes.Chorus
Members of th e Middle School Chorus in alphabetical order by class: 8th- Cyn thia Churchill, Michelle Condray, Rusty Cree l, Frank Lombard, Bess Manning, Laura Sc huler , Carol Watts, Karen Waymen, Kristin Wed emeyer. 7th- Sacha Bush, Lisa Dublin, Kelley Graham, Terri Kogutt, Tracey Levy, Leanne McBarney, Alis sa Miller, Daniell Sh ield s, Laura White 6 th- Victoria Benbow, Melanie Branton, Donald C hin, Marcy Clinard, Kimberly Conway, Sheridan Cooper, Alli son Corne li us, Helen D'Atone, Chris ti an Dodi, Brandi Ermon, John Gardener, Rachel Gately, Catherine Gaumer, Stephany Griggers, Jeanine Gr imes , Emily Haycock, Troy Hill, Michele Karna, Saman tha Murphy, Stephanie Pecquet, Sherrie Ploger, Kathleen Rock, Shannon Ryan , Elisia Shofsthal, Cameron Sm ith , Kimberly Stiebing, Reid Sutton, Kemper Tayleson, Melissa Watson.
Mr. Pen, Choral DirectorMiddle School Band rr111 ..
Members of the Middle School band in alphabetical order: Marion Benson, Christian Berge, David Bowes, Clay Breau, Robert Bridgewater, Rosilyn Bryan, Beau Charbonnet, Elizabeth Fensin, Robert Foley, Mary Lee Gibbons, Laura Gowdy, Jeffery Green, Jeremy Head , Krissy Henson, Drew Herrington, Cindy Hild, Barton Jancke, Janet Jenkin s, Poe Miles, Ted Neff, John Reinhold, Hans Ryden , Rodger Schneidaeu, Bill Wayman, Gretchen Wiemann, Ryan Womack, Scott Yount, Todd Zodlotsky.
This year the Lower School would like to dedicate this section of the 1981 SHIELD to Mrs. Dot Stengel. She's done an outstanding job as the Lower School Secretary and is always there to answer your questions or be of some service when it is needed. If you're ever in the Lower School and need help, stop by Mrs Stengel's office and her warm smile will make you feel at home.
Lower School Faculty -
Mrs. Marjorie Conatser, Lower School Head Mrs. Alice Bowman, Music Mrs. Candy Kirby, Art Mrs Susan Gaumer, Lower School Chapla in Mrs. Barbara Bush, Music Mrs. Janet Russo, Assistant Physica l Education and P layground Superv isor Mr s. Jane Gu ill o r y, PK AideUnavailable
Sean Barnes
Billy Burk
James Daigle
Scott DeFoy
Perrin Ehlinger
Jennifer Foster
Chris Gant
Elizabeth Goliwas
Melanie Gordon
Bobby Grinstead
Pam Jenkins
Paige Kuchler
Cason Lane
Leonie Lorenzen
George McMahon
Step h en Mitchell
Vince Paceria
Jerry Paradis
Melissa Quiroz
Jody Wil so n
Hunt er W ood
William Young
Leslie Barnes
Will D'Amato
Suzanne Gueydan
Chad Harg on
Sean Keeney
Bart Kelly
Lou is Lambr emont
Ke vi n Levy
Vict o r Levy
Ted Lupberger
Sabr ina Maze r
Scott Mc Kay
Chris Mc Mah on
Kirk Moyer
Cheri Nel so n
Julie Nolan
Kendra O'Connell
Shann o n P owers
Fr e d e ri c k Stevenson
Jean ne Wanek
Mr s. Charlotte DicksonChris Beckman
Ann-Marie Berge
Brian Berke
Shawn Brennan
Todd Cleary
Charles Corcoran
Reid Dickson
Melissa Eckert
Chris Grace
Remy Gross
Greg Hodges
Brian Hughson
Christy Hollis
James Martin
Chad Poche
Kirk Talbot
Judith Thigpen
Ben Tubb
Kevin Williams
Lacey Wood
Is it really that interesting?
Seth Bagalman
Nico le Baillie!
Lynn Beckman
Jenn ifer Bingham
Debra Gray Boyd
Nathan Bush
Whit son Christy
Jones Dieth
Leslie Fens in
Sam Gardsbane
Christy Gilbert
Joe Le Blanc
Jonathan Levy
Colby Maher
Kristina Matthews
Sarah McEachin
Andrew Miles
Courtenay Neff
Ann Pollard
Brett Reagan
Mrs. Helen Gregory Courtney Schulman Anette Svendsen Ian WilliamsCan I Help ii if they like me?
Heather Adkins
Tommy Anzelmo
Lisa Arensman
Etienne Balart
Blair Boling
Ian Brown
Tucker Crawford
Theodore Fattel
Ken Glass
Lauren Gurvich
Stephen Huber
Charlee Marshall
Stacey McGeehan
Sally Mohamed
Garrell Morris
Robby Norion
Lisa Pankowicz
Heather Parker
Rayna! Ruch
Kimberly Sanders
Rob Walters
Kevin Witherspoon
Karen Wilkin
Christy Ames
Sal Caserta
Jean Charbonnet
Mi chael DePass
Lew Derbes
Shannon Evans
Sealy Faught
Mi c hael Godofsky
Kelley Griggers
Julie Henderson
Sue Hinge!
Elizabeth McElwee
Sumi Mikami
Suzan Mohamed
Jeffrey Moore
ErLc Reitman
Lea Sanders
Vin Tangpricha
Megan Urban
Austin Willi s
Mrs. Gloria Siegel Nan c y Wulff Kristin Yales YeargainJason Casbarian
Karl Cerullo
Perri Curren
Hanne Dahle
Mi chael Fanta ci
Amy Gillette
Genneysa Godchaux
Tra cy Harris
Elizabeth Hoskins
John Kahn
Jack Lambremont
Courtney Lane
Barbi Loewenthal
Ge o ffrey Morris
Mi chele Parmalee
Paxton Stelly
Stephanie Sumner
Lee Thomas
Scott Weber
Chicken affects different people in different ways .
Roby Arensman
Elizabeth Chin
Chad Cooper
Julie D'Antoni
David Elvin
Anne Falgoust
Matt Fransen
Vicki Hendrick
Sue Jenkins
David Lago
Lauren ce Lambert
Susan McBurney
Conrad Meyer
Ni co le Nels on
Ash ley Ri ce
Anders Ryden
Emma Tubb
Reynolds Wilson
Christian O'Neil 3g
Mrs. Erin Ca irn sDita Anderson
Marianne Bankston
Allison Chrestman
Roger Cornelius
Kristin Dascomb
What can I say?
Rusty DeFoy
Matt Dugal
Zachary Foley
Matt Gaumer
Noelle Houghes
Steven Kilinski
Jeffery Klein
Todd Kogut\
Molly Mcisaac
Matt Mitchell
Kara Nelson
Kristine O'Connell
Robert Suggs
Nan cy Turner
Kim Blumberg
Scott Branting
Sam Dunn
Bryan Frentz
Paul Gorman
Charles Haddad
Michael Karn a
Ashley Koerner
Me lanie Nathansen
Jennifer Nichol s
Mar c Powers
Kenneth Sanders
Al Schroeder
Heather Smith
Dan Tangpri cha
Jennifer Villaume
John Waits
Mary lee Wayman
Robyn Well er
Meaghan Williams
M Shirley Reinhardt rs.Christy Akman
Erin Bussey
Elizabeth Conway
David Ehlinger
Maggie Erwin
Bradley Gordon
Colleen Grimes
Jimmy Leonard
Tu c k Marshall
Thomas McEachin
Kenneth Miller
Aimee Miranne
Robert Nockton
Andrew Pearce
Todd Pittman
Ingrid Scheeler
Becky Shaw
Ryan Taylerson
Gretchen Wadell
Teddy Winstead
Dawn Arkema
Juli e Bailliet
Cavan Bordel o n
Aaron Condray
Betsy Erwin
Rachel Faster
Ben Goliwas
Cate Graham
Edmond Gueydan
John-Ryan Hevron
Jonathan Hodges
Katie Koch
Annie Lankard
Rob Marino
Stephanie Rogers
Wyndy Shelton
Scott Smith
Mike Sooder
Sarah Thornton
Jill Vedros
Mrs. Jan Carter Debbie Wilkin Nobody muscles in on my girlfriend.Joe Adams
Kri ste n Arkema
Kyle Branting
Eddie Chin
Lee de la Houssaye
Martha Claire Griffin
Sean Higgins
Burk Hughes
Amy Hughson
Gibson Lott
Alexander Maher
Ashley Meluis
Kelly Norwood
Robbie Rhoden
Kyle Sclafani
Amy Schulingkamp
Brett Simpson
Ashley Smith
Ra c hel Stolier
Mi c hael Sullivan
Erin Anzelm o
Truitt Balart
Peter Bo nhag en
C hri s Casberian
Je nnifer Costello
John Curren
Maureen Evan s
Gretchen Godchaux
Courtney Jones
Eri c Krieger
Pe ter Lea c h
Mark LeBlan c
Pao lo Me ss ina
Hiro Mikami
Meli ss a Murray
Ray Or rill
S uzi e Shaw
C hris Shofstahl
Meridith Stampley
Art Tontiplaph o l
"Aren't I cute?" Mrs. Brenda Kellogg Loye Willis Carter WoodJennifer
Bea.u Bethune
John Blake
David Bowman
Burt Clifton
Tanya. Cerullo
Ceci Cornelius
Christian Daigle
Richard Drouna.nt
Ka.tie Pa.le Faught
Micky Hinge!
Pa.ul Hogan
Mikki Houston
Jennifer Ma.nn
Kelly McGeeha.n
Campbell McKeogh
Courtney Melchers
Edward Pankey
Rebec c a. Ruch
Carter Balart
Peter Burk
Bradley Butler
Christopher Coffman
Edmund Dieth
Darby Fattel
Brett Guidry
Kathleen Haycock
Kenny Kilinski
Fritz Koch
John Lee Moss
Paige Nolan
Alex Pearce
Amy Pecquet
Jason Pounds
Reese Christopher
Tossy Sanders
Lisa Schultz
Jennifer Schupp
Sales Shelton
Lise Anderson
Kri sten Anzelmo
Samantha Brennan
Allison Brewster
Arthur Christy
John Cook
Gray Crawford
Douglas Foreman
Mi chael Hanemann
Thomas Hansbrough
Bradley Leeker!
Carter Marshall
Jimmy Maxwell
Dina Michael
Genny Morris
Jonathan Schudmak
Ryan Seidman
Chris Sooder
Alexis Stelly
Breck Trerino
Ricky Alford
Elisa Arkema
Gareth Beale
Ryan Casey
Petter Dahle
Kenneth Danton
Stephen Frank
Patrick Garvey
Sean Grace
Steven Griffith
Jennifer Hight
Virginia Holt
Melanie Kaye
David Kirby
Keith Kitahama
Jennifer Levy
Mary Beth Marks
Stuart Peyton
Sarah Robinson
Erin Salzer
Riley Busenlener
Ross Cole
Thaddeus Conti
Kendall Dinon
Mrs. Pam Rogers Happy Birthday! Douglas Hoskins Suzanne Miller Mitch Porcello Lindsay Romano Brent Scalia Elizabeth Wanek BrewerChapel In The Lower School
St. Martin's Day In Lower School
Lower School student s waited eagarly for Upper Sc hool "buddies" to bring them a b ox lun ch on St. Martin's Day. The e ntir e sc h oo l gathered on the fo o tball fie ld for fried c hi c ken and fun Potato-on-a-sp oo n , Over and Under , and dressing relay s are jus t a few o f the games that students e nj oyed.
Indian And Pilgrim's Day
On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving vacation first graders commemorate the holiday season through Pilgrim's Day. On Pilgrim's Day students engage in activities that were a part of the daily routine of the early American settlers. Students make candles and churn butter. They weave pine needle mattresses and construct corn husk dolls . Kindergarten and PreKindergarten students join into the festivities with a Thanksgiving Feast which they prepare. To show "Their Thanks" these students invite the faculty, the transportation and cafeteria staffs, and the adminstrative staff to be their guests at a Thanksgiving Feast. Mrs. Scalia's third graders (right) celebrate Indian Day.
The Christmas Program
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Congrad ula tions To The Graduating Class From The MOTHERS CLUB
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Congratulates The Class
Of 81
To The Class Of '81
National Honor Society Banquet
Girl's State
Boy's State
St. Martin's Day At The Races
American Field Service Program
Picnic Tables And Water Cooler For Lower School
Trophey Case For Upper School
Bulletin Board For Middle School
Spring Athletic Banquet
"In so far as winning trac k meets, the 1981 group did n ot fare so well. There we r e, ho we ver, some good e ff or ts put forth during th e season, a n d good exp e rience wa s g a in ed for the futu re of Trac k al S t. Martin's."
" By far the out s tanding effort of the season was by John Sc hmidt in the High Hurdles and 200 meter dash. John br o ke the sc hool r ec ord with a terrific time of 14.1 se c onds in the distri ct meet. Th e n, p a rti c ipating in th e St a te m ee t a t LSU, he wo n th e even t , a nd tied th e record o f 14 2 seconds "
"Congra tula tio n s to all and goo d lu c k to C o a c h Dave Ri ce in the futu r e years."
Coach Tony Porter
CHAMPION HURDLER John Schmidt Top Left
Sta te Champ John Schmid t (top left) broke slate records in the high hurdles doing 120 yards in 14.1 seconds St. Martin's will always be proud of John Schmidt and his great accomplishment
The year of 1981 proved to be a good one for the St. Marlin's Baseball teams. Depending on aggressive base running, good hilling, and a "big play" defense, each of the Saints squads turned in very compe titive records. The Varsity team turned in a 9-13 season record highlighted by winning the Country Day Invitational Tournament with a big win over perennial Alabama powerhouse St. Paul's Episcopal in Mobile.
"In 1981, the St. Martin 's baseball program conti nued lo gain strength as the teams turned in excellent season reco rds " Coach Jim Armstrong
Th e 1981 Upper School baseball team included (BOTTOM ROW) , Scott Farber, Jeff Arm s trong , Guy Farber, Steve Bossier, Brian Ary , (MIDDLE ROW), Sean Duffy, Cecil Pickens, Gibby Andry , Brett Chaisson, Lewis Sams, (TOP ROW ), Coach Ed Rawson , William Trotter, John Roberts, Daniel Becnel, and Coach Jim Armstrong.
The 1981 Middl e School baseball team included (BOTTO M ROW) Robert Foley, Dale Kiser , Troy Gilbert, Clay ton Page, Reid Sutton, (MIDDLE ROW ), Mike Giffen, Brent Edwards, Troy Hill , Jim Corcoran, (TOP ROW), Coach Dan Wheat , Ri c hard Starr, Jim Johnson, Trip Trask, Teddy Neff , and John Moore.
When asked about the 1981 Softball team, Coach Linda Trevino replied, "We all had a great time."
The 1981 a softball team included (BOTTO M ROW), loAnn DeMarlini, Becky Contois, Kim W eller, Mi ssy Ni coladis, Mary Trufant, Tracey Moore, (MIDDLE ROW), Lana Bernos, Elizabeth Rue, Kat Fullil o ve, Angela Gerrets, Pey ton Pe tt it, (TOP ROW ), Libby Kr emen tz, Ren ee Matthew es, Coach Linda Trevino, Dana Thayer, Lauren Sullivan, and Mi ssy Piner.HEAVENLY DAYS
Crowds of people gathered at St. Martin's on the weekend of May 1-2 to enjoy another smashingly success ful Heavenly Days. The '81 fes tival car rie d the theme o f a C o untry Western Extravaganza, and consisted of b o th Lower and Upper Sc h oo l area ca rnivals as well as a general area of bazaars and boutiques. In th e Lo wer School quadrangle, youngsters enjoyed booths and games especially set up for their age. There was a space walk and a paper airplan e thr o wing contest.
Kermit and Miss Piggy visit St. Martin's.SPORTS BANQUET
S te ve New som, Most Valuable Basketball Player Athl e ti c Director McGee han Th ea C assari, Most Valuable Swimmer Jill ]aco ves, Most Valuabl e Cross Country Runner Doug Geehan, Mos t Improved SwimmerAWARDS DAY
Mr. Foley gives the English Award to Cali Bush. (ABOVE ) Andr e w Thigpen receivmg the cab bage head award for Ion Martin. (BELO W ) Hans Jonassen and Baltzer Le]eune re ce iv e the Gustaf R. W estfe ldt Award. Doug Geehan receiving the Micheal John Mosley Memorial Award. (ABOVE) Barry Cantin accepts the Sp irit of St. Martin's Award. (BELOW) Mr. Labaree prepares for the event.GRADUATION '81
BENBOW , ELIZABETH · Cheerleader I, Student Council I; Spirit Comm itt ee I; Studen t Lounge Committee I; Art I; Swimming 2; Service Co mmittee 3; B.R E.W. Crew 3; Drama 3,4.
BERNOS , LANA Badminton I, Sw imming 1,2; Soccer 1,2,3,4, M ost Improved Player Award 2; Volleyball 2,3; Softball
2,3,4; Gymnastics 2; Homeco ming Co ur t
2,3,4; Cheerleader 3,4; Ring Day Ch airman 3; H omecoming Commi tt ee 3,4; W hose Wh o Among Ameri can High School Students 3,4.
BOELITZ, FREDERICK - Cross Country 3; Soccer 3,4; Halo Staff 4.
BR AMM ELL, SALLY - Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Sw im ming 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2,3,4, Treasurer 4; Beautification Committee 2; Heavenly Days 2; Ecology Club 2 ; Snack Bar Committee 3,4; Prom Committee 3; H o mecoming 3; Nati on al Honor Society 3,4; OE. Haring Awa rd 3; Student Advisory Committee 4; N ationa l M en t SemiFinal s 4; Shield 4.
BREAUX, LISETTE - Art 1,2,3,4; Pep Squad 1; T r ack l, Soccer 3.4.
BRESLER. JONATHA N A ssistant Out door Ed. Program 3,4.
BURLINGAME , ANN - Stichery Club I· A lgeb r a Aw ard 1; Honor Roll 1,2,4; Boys Soccer Manag er 2,3; Prom Chairman 3; Shie l d Ads Editor 3,4; Hom ecoming Co mmittee 3,4; Halo Repo rter 4; Pre- K indergard en A ide 4.
CAIN, BEVERLY - Soccer 1,2,3,4; Cheerleader 2,3; Track 2,3; Cross Country 3; H H o m ecoming Co mmittee 3,4; Ring Day Chairman 3; Photo Ed itor 4; H o mecoming Court 4.
CAIR NS, ROY - Cross Coun try 2,3; Football 2,3; W estling 2; Track 2,3; Disc i pl i n a ry Committee 2; Chapel Planning Committee 4; R. P Conce rt (P R.) 4.
CANTI N , BARRY Astronomy Club I; Socce r 1,2,3; Film Club 2; Spanish II Aw ard 2; Quiz Bo w l Team 3,4; Spanish III Awar d 3; John F. A sker Award 3; Literary Rally (Spanish III: Dis trict 2nd, State 3 r d) 3; Library / Bookstore A ide 4; Sen i o r/ Freshman program 4.
CA RVAJA L, RICARDO · Soccer 1,2,3,4; Audio-Visual Clu b 1,2,3,4; Halo 2 ,4; Cross Country 3,4; Prom Committee 3; Lyre 4; Sh ield 4; Sw imming 4; Track 4.
C ASHM ORE, ALLENE - Pep Squad I, Dra ma 1,2; Track 1,2,3,4; A r t 1,2,4; Film C l ub 1,2; Volleyball I, Soccer 1,2,3,4; Halo 3; Ring Day Committee 3; National Honor Societ y 3,4
CLAR K , JOHA NNA - Stitchery Club I; Art I ,2,3,4; Jazz Band 4; Drama 4
COLLINS, GEOFFR EY - Football 1, 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; Sargean t at Arms 3,4; Prom Comm i ttee 3; Senior/ Freshman Program 4.
COLO M B, WI LLIA M - Football 1,2,4; W restling 1,2,3,4; Te nnis 4.
CO NA TSER, TR A CY - Class President 1,2,3; Halo 1,2; Student Council 1,2, Secretary 3, Presiden t 4; Outstanding Swimmer Award 2; Shield 3,4; Pres i den t N ational Honor Socie ty 4; C u m Laude 4; Cross Country 4; Swimming 1,2,3,4
DELLINGER , JA M ES Sw i mming 2,3,4; W ashington Slept Here 2; Grease (Crew) 4.
DORION, CHRIS TOPHER National Honor Society 3.4; Tennis 3,4; Cum Laude 3; Senior / Freshman Program 4
DOUBLED AY , EUGENE Foo tb all 3,4; Soccer 3,4; Track 3,4; Senio r Steering Commi tt ee 4
DUFFY, SEAN - Football 1,2,3,4; Track I; Baseball 2,3,4; Soccer 3,4
FLE MIN G, JANA· Cheerl eader I .4; Tennis Team 1,2; Sw im Team (Driving) I ; Soccer 2,3,4 ; Track 2; Prom Committee 3; Ring Day Commi tt ee 3; Gymnastics 3.4.
FULLILOVE, KATHLEEN - J.V Volleyball 1,2; Varsity Volleyball 3,4; Badmi tt on I· Bas k e tball 2 ; So ftball 2,3,4; Soccer 3; Prom Committee 3
G AR C IA , VICTORIA - A colyte I; Track I; A rt 1; Stichery Club I; Homecoming Committee 2; Painting 2; H o n or Ro ll 2,3,4; Jun i or/Senior Prom Commi tt ee 3; Rin g Da y Committee 3; Cross Country 3; Tra c k 3; B RE.W Cre w 3; Halo 4; Shield 4; Homecoming Commit tee 4; Sen i or/F r eshman Program 4; Interim Committe e 4; Soccer Manager 4 ; Blue K ey 4.
GEEHAN, DOUGLAS · Football 1,2,3,4; Honor Poll 1,2,3,4; Sw imming 2,3,4; Chemis try Award 2; Prom Committee 3; National Honor Socie ty 3,4; Je ff erson Book Award 4.
GERRETS, ANGELA Apos tolic Representati v e I; So ft ball 2,3,4; Art Exhibi t 3; Red Cross Life Savi ng Asso ciation 2,3; Teacher (S wimming ) 3; Tutoring 3; Art Function 3.
GLOVEN, LAURA · Student Council I; Ski Club I; Basketball I; V olleyball I; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Art Club I ; Outdoor Club I; Swimming 1,2,3,4; G y mnastics 2
GRAHM, FORD Shield 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3.4, Captain 3,4; Halo 1,2,4; Chorus 1,2; Video Club 2; Production Cre w (Thea tr e) 2,3; Greens Committee 3; Prom Committee 3; Ring Day Committee 3; Student Lounge Comm ittee Chairman 4; Senior / Freshman Program 4; Production C rew (R.P Concert) 4; Grease4; Student Counci l 4; Nati ona l Honor Society 4; Deba te C lub 4.
GREENWELL, JEFFRY Homecoming Committee I; Soccer 1,2,3; Cross Coun try 3; Service Committee 3
HANSEN, HELEN - Track I; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll I ,2,3; Studen t Council 2,3,4; Beautihcation Commi tt ee 2; Ecology Club 2; Snack Bar 2; Prom Comm ittee 3; Homecoming Committee 3; Cum Laude 3,4; National H onor Society 3,4; O E. Haring Memorial Award 3; Shield 4.
HEMENWAY , CULLAN - Soccer 1,2,3,4; Class Treasurer I, Outdoor Ed. I; Track 2,3.4; Cross Country 3,4.
HENNESSEY , PATRICK - Football 1,2,3; Soccer 2,3,4; Art I; Hon or Roll 2,4; Track 2,3.
HICKMAN, LYNN - Soccer 1,2,3; Art 1,2,3,4
H!ENZ , ROBERT - Bas k e tb all 3,4; Football 4.
HOFFMAN, LYNN Art 1, 2; Acolyte 1,3,4; H omecoming Deco rations 2; Soccer 2; Choir 2; Prom Co mmittee 3; Chapel Planning Com mittee 4; Honor Roll 4.
HOWSON, JE NN IFER - Varsi ty Volleyball Manag er.
JOHNSON, RONALD - JV Football Manager 2; Art 2; Swimming 2; Varsity Football M anager 3,4; Greens Committee 3.
KETCHUM, JUDY - Volleyball 2,3,4; Track 2,3; Basketball 2,3,4; Softball 3.
KINYON , SHANNO N Volleyball 1,2,3;
Tra c k 1,2,3,4; Lyre 1,2,3,4; C h o rus l ,2 ,3,4; Crew W o rk in Plays 1,2; Pep Squad l; H omeco ming Deco rations 4; Hal o 4; Shield 4; C ommunity Awareness C o mmittee 4; Pan el fo r Interim 4; Chapel Planning C o mmitt ee 4.
KLI N GER, MARY · Pep Squad 1, Mame l; Lyre 1,2,3,4; Film Club l; Basketball 2; So ftball 2,3,4; Marc hing Band 2; Play 2; Ring Day C ommitt ee 3; No Name Newsletter 4; Hal o 4; RP. Concert 4.
KREME N TZ, ELIZABETH Cheerleader l ,2,3,4; Volleyball l ,2,3,4; Drivers Ed l; Trac k 1,2 ,3,4; Badminton I; Swimming l; Soccer 1,2 ,3,4; Ho me coming C o mmittee 1,2, 3; Softball 1,2 ,3,4; Prom Chairman 3; Ring Day C o mmittee 3; Homec oming C o urt 4; M ost Popular Girl 4.
LAGO, DAYNA Pep Squad l; Tra c k 1,2, 3; Soccer Te am 1,2 ,3; H o n o r Ro ll 1,2, 3,4; H om eco ming Deco rati o n s 2 ,3; Cross C ountry 2 ,3 ; Geometry Award 2 ; Student Coun c il 3,4; Ring Day Committee 3; Prom Deco rati o ns 3; Shield 3; Cum Laud e 3,4; Nati onal Honor Soc iety 3 ,4; Disciplinary Committee 3,4; Vice-President of Senior Class 4; Co-Chairman of Homecoming 4.
LANGE, ELENA · Lyre 1,2,4; Pep Squad
l; Track 1,2; H on o r Roll 1, 2 ,4; C ross Co untry 2; Socce r 2; Hal o 4; Chape l Planning Committ ee 4; Freshman / Seni or Program 4.
LEE, CAROL• Greens 3; Prom 3; Tennis
3; Drama 3,4.
LOKEY , ENGA Te nnis 1, Lyre 1,2,3 ,4;
AFS 1, Mam e I; Art l; lvy League Diving
l; Varsity Diving l ,2; Play (Asst. Direc tor)
2; Volleyball 2; Hal o 2,3; Art 2; Sna c k Bar
2; Basketball 2,3 ; So ftball 2,3; Outd oo r Ed
3 ; Pro m Chairman 3
1, 2 ,3,4; Vo lleyball 1,2,3; Badmint o n 3; Ba sketball 3 ; Prom 3; B.R E W. C r e w 3; Fre shman / Senio r Program 4; Public ati o ns 4.
MAN ING , WILLIAM - Seargant at Arms
l; Track 1,2; Bask e tball 1, Foo tball 2,4; G oll Golf 2,3; Vi ce President 3; Baseball
3,4 Greens Co mmittee 3
1,2,3 4; Trea sure r 1,2, 3,4.
leader 4; Best Sh o rt Sto ry (Lyre} 4; Distri c t Trac k Champ 4.
M c NAIR , MELINDA Ivy Leagu e Sw i mming l; Pep Squa d I , A c h o lyte l ; Trac k 1,2,3 ; Play 2; Ho m eco min g Decorati o ns 2; Socce r 2, 3; Cross Co untry 3; Hal o 4.
M ILLER, JOH N - Tenni s 1,4; JV Bask e tball 1,2 ; JV. Foo tball 2 ; Varsity Bask e tball 3,4; Var sity Foo tball 3 ,4.
MINDELi. JEFF. Foo t all 1,2,3; Socce r l; Ba sk e tball 2,3; Tra c k 2, 3; Tennis 4; R. P C o n ce rt 4.
MITCHELL , ROBERT J. V. Bask e tball 1,2; Cross Co untry 2; G ree ns Co mmitt ee 3
MO NTERO, SUZ ANN E D rama 1,2; Shi e ld l ,2 ,3,4; Homeco ming Commi tt ee l ,2,3 ,4; Hal o2, 3,4; Basketball 2; Marc hing Band 2; T he atre Awar d 2; C ross C o untry
3; Soccer 3 ; Prom 3; Advi sory C o mmitt ee
M ULLER , MARTIN · Foo tball 1,2; Wr estling 1,2,3 ,4; Trac k l ; Ho n o r Roll l; Stud e nt Co un c il 1,2,3 ,4 ; r ee n s Co mmitt ee
3 Stat e C hamp in Wres tl i ng 3,4; Stud ent L o ung e Co mmitt ee 3 ; B.R.E.W C re w 3; Cross Co un try 4; Stud e nt Co un c il V .P. 4; Se rvi ce Co mmitt ee C hairman 4; Se ni or C lass Pres 4.
NEW SOM , STEPHE Soc c er 1,2, 3; H o no r Roll l; C ross Co untry 3; Ba sk e tball 4; Tra c k 4;
O'MEALLIE , KAREN · Art 1,3,4; Socce r 2,3 ,4; H om ecomin g Deco rati o n s 2,3; Painting 2; Prom 3; S hi e ld 4; Freshm an/ Seni o r Pro gram 4 _
PALMER , GREGORY Tenrn s 1, 2,3 ,4; Cross Country 2; Wr es tling 2, 3,4; Ba sk e tball 2; Foo tball 2,3 ,4; Ba seball 2,3 ,4; Gre ase 4.
PALAEZ, PA UL. Aquarium Club l, Soccer 2; Co mput er s 3
PELIA S, EVELYN Swimmmg l , C h o ru s 1,2 ; Socce r 1,2, 3,4; R.P. Co n ce rt 2; Ring Day Co mirnttee 3; Nal! o nal Ho n o r Soc i e ty 3,4; Jazz Class Co mmit tee 3; Freshman/ Seni or Program 4; G re as e 4
RUE , ELIZABETH · C hee rl ead er 1, Student Co un c il l, V P o f Cl ass I, V oll e ybal l 1,2 ,3 ,4; Bad mint o n 1,2 ; Fres hm an Dan ce C ommitt ee l , Socce r 2,3 ,4; So ftball 2 ,3 ,4 ; LA SC 2; Pro m Committ ee 3
SAMS , LEWI S - Ba sk e tball 1,2,3 ,4; Prom Committ ee 3 ; Baseball 4; Ho no r Ro ll 4.
SANF O RD, C LAYTON · Nal! o n al H o no r Soc ie ty 3, 4 ; C um Lau de 3; Foo tba ll 4.
SCHMIDT , JO HN Foo tball 1,2,3 ,4; Tra c k
1.2,3,4; Mam e l
SMITH , KEITH Foo tball 2; O utd oo r Ed 3,4; H on o r Roll 4; Ca mpus C lean-U p C o mmitt ee 4 ; Literary Rally 4; Nati o nal H on o r Soc ie ty 4.
SMITH , MARGARET A co lyt e l , Tra c k
1,2; Swimmin g 1,2,3; Geo rge W as h1119/ o n Sle pt He r e 2; C ho ru s 2; Socce r 2,3 ,4 ; Pro m Committ ee 4 ; Ring Da y Co mmitt ee 4.
STINSO N , KATHERINE - JV Fi eld H oc key l; Varsity Tra c k 1,4; V ar sity Swimmm g 1,2,3 ,4 ; Sc ien ce Fai r 2; Li te rary Rall y 2; Lit e rary Fair 2; Na tional Ho no r Soc ie ty 2,3; Sw immin g Mana ge r 3; O ut standing Engli sh Stu de nt 3; O ut stan d in g Hi stor y Stud e nt 3; C um Laud e 3, 4; Cross Co untry 4; Sern or / Freshman Co mmitt ee 4 ; Tut o ring 4.
STRAIN , SU S AN C raft s l ; Spanish ll Award 2; English II Award 2; Film Cl ub 2; Ring Day Co mm i ttee 3 ; G ree n s 3; Quiz Bo wl 3 ; D AR Hist Award 3; C um La ude 3 ,4; Nati o nal Ho n o r Socie ty 3, 4 ; Na ilonal M e nt 4.
STRI C KLER , C HRI STO PHER No t Availabl e
SWEENEY , PATRI C K · N o t Availabl e.
TRUFAN T, MARY - Ba sk e tba ll 3 ,4; Vo ll e yball 3 ,4; So ftball 3,4.
WALLBl L LI C H , ME L AN I E · Cross Co ui 1try 3; Te nni s 3 ,4; Socce r 4.
WHITE , SCOTT al! on al H o no r Soc ie ty 4; Nal! o n al Merit 4.
W ILLIAM S, KELLEY · No t Available.
Ba sk e tball
M c EWEN, CHR ISTI NA Student Lounge
C o mmi tt ee l; Sna c k Bar 1,2; A c olyte l , Tra c k 1,2 ,3; H o no r Roll 1,2; Hal o 3; Lyre 1,2, 3,4; Play 2; Pro m Co-Chairman 3 ; Servi ce C ommittee 3; Advisory Co mmittee 3 ,4; Publi cati o ns 4; Homecoming Cheer -
QUIROZ , NELLIE Sl!c h ery 1, Instrum ental Music 1,2 ; Shi e ld 2,3, 4; Band 2,3; L yre 2,3 ,4; Gusta! R. W es tf e ldt Jr Award 2; Ch o rus 3; Socc er 3; Se rvi ce C o mmi tt ee 3; Wh o 's W ho i n Mu sic 3
RIZZO , LAURA · Art I ; Film Club I ; Lyre
2 ; Drama 2; Hal o 3 ,4; B.R.E.W. C re w 3; Gree n s 3; Nati onal M ent 4.
WRIGHT , ELIZABETH · Sllt c h e ry l; Ban d 1,2,3, 4; S h1 e>l d 2,3 ,4; Gree n Committ ee 3; Socce r 3 ,4; Stag e Ban d 4; L yr e 4.
YOUN G, STEPHEN Ba ske tball 1,3 ,4; Foo tb al l 1,4 ; T rack I