I'd like to read to you a letter of ntroduction directed to the :piscopal Day School in Jackson , rennessee, introducing our Dr rhornton :
)ear Episcopal Day Students : We at St. Martin's Ep iscopal 3chool in New Orleans want to ?;ive you some important nformation . At St. Martin ' s, Dr . fhornton was the head of the Jpper School , thus hav i ng to be a ::lisciplinarian , a teacher , and a iriend to t he student body.
The first year Dr. T . came to St. Martin ' s , the senior foo t ball )layers were kidnapped by the ::heerleaders and treated to xeakfast , according to tradition -lowever , this happened to fall on 3 school day . The breakfast was curned into a b r unch, a very late )runch , in fact. they never showed JP at school. When the students 5ot home they found out that the ~dministrators were not at all
pleased. A group of students went over to the Thorntons' house that night to plead their case His decision was to suspend their lunch leave for six weeks . On top of that he made them all eat their lunches in Mrs West's Biology Lab , among all of her biological specimens. This is a prime example of Dr . T . 's creative discipline.
As an educator, Dr. T makes classes interesting because he's so enthusiastic about life and the students he teaches. He wants each student to realize his or her full potential. He amalgamates the teachings of Aristotle, Plato and Machiavelli to form his own type of philosophy. He doesn't force this philosophy upon us , but he makes it available to us all by expressing what he feels personally, not what any typical teacher might say. This makes us feel comfortable when we ' re with him in a class or at a meeting of
some sort.
I am reminded of the time that our class took a trip across the lake as Juniors. With the help of some wonderful teachers , we finished our scheduling promptly , enabling us to have more time to discuss school related issues. Dr. T sat back and watched us handle ourselves as a community . It wasn ' t until the end of the retreat that Dr Thornton commended us, but when he did he made us feel that we were special to him He let us know that we had the potential to be a productive class . I ' m afraid that the St. Mart i n's Senior Class of 1982 is losing one of the best men that we ' ve ever had the pleasure of working with . We hope that you will en j oy him at · Episcopal Day School as much as we have here .
St. Martin ' s Senior Class of 1982August 25 , 1981
The opening of a new school year!
November 11, 1981 StM Day was filled with fun and action , climaxing with a tug-o ' -war between Seniors and Juniors.
December 18, 1981 The Lower School celebrated Christmas by reenacting the nativity scene
November 2 4, 1981
Colonial Day was an occasion for which to dre ss up On this day , Middle Schoolers portrayed 17th century settlers.
October 24, 1981 At the Homecoming party Saints danced in Hollywood to the music of " The Family Players "
Watching this class in action has been a great pleasure! Your cohes iveness in special moments of press u re - the Belle Chase and St. Charles football games were excellent examples - demonstrated once again t hat difficult goals can be achieved.
You early set a positive direction for this year, displaying at the Junior Retreat an enthusiasm which has remained spirited . The development of a number of leaders then and during the next few months resulted in the creation of a much stronger Student Council. An excellent Senior Teacher Day and other special events will always be remembered with appreciation .
Mastery of numerous goals in the future is within your reach. Good luck to each as you progress toward them !
Top Row Left to Rig ht: Hans Jonassen , Mrs. John M. McCollam The Reverend Gedge Gayle , Robert Shofstahl, Mrs . Jack- Gordon , Mrs . Ken Martin , and Herschel Abbott.
Bottom Row: Dr James Hamlin , Mrs. W Eliot Laudeman, William McHugh, Secretary ; J. Gordon Reische, President ; the Right Reverend James Brown, Gerald Haydel , Treasurer ; and Robert Pettit.
Left to Right: Jim McElwee, Treasurer; Mike Sullivan , Secretary; Bob Vining, Vice-President ; Bob Bailliet , President ; and Ford Dieth .
Left to Right: Myra Kogutt, Secretary; Claire Yeargain, President; Tootie Conw a y, Vice-President; Jean Yates , Treasurer.
Milton Atebara
Assistant to Head of Upper School
Marjorie Conatser
Head of Lower School
June Everett
Dean of Admissions and Community Development
Don Henderson
Business Manager
Mona Herbert
Associate to the Dean of Admissions and Community Development
Florence Kreeger
Registrar and Historian
Joseph Labaree
Dean of Studies
Dr. Wayne Lumpkin
Dean of Students
Don Moreland
Director of Maintenance and Transportation
Kitty Rawson
Director of Communications and Alumni Affairs
Dr. Joseph Thornton
Head of Upper School
Peter Waas
Head of M i ddle School
The .1982 Maintenance Staff.
Top :"F> erry Davis , Lewis
Sanchez , Joseph Glapion ,
Brian McDonald , Anthony
Franklin. Bottom : Alfred
Taylor , Clarence Smith.
Missing from picture : Mark
Bodanheimer , Samuel Ray
Franklin , Roger McNabb , Tony Sanchez , Martin Smith.
Jo Allen
Betty Bankston
Admissions Assistant
Toni Caserta
Secre t ary to the Headmaster
Barbara Dupree
Secre t ary in Community Development
Susan Hall Secretary
Karen Hebert
Upper School Secretary
Vickie Hill
Secretary to the Director of Maintenance and Transportation
Diane Mary
Bookstore Manager
Norma Mcloughlin
Schoo l Nurse
Kathe M i ller
Computer Operator
Larry Pa n na
Printshop Director
Janet Russo
Assistant Sports Education and Playground Supervisor
Dot Ste ngel
Lower School Secretary
Jo Waas
Middle School Secretary
Jerry Williams
Assistant to the Business Manager
Carol Lewis
Director of Cafeteria
The 1982 Cafeteria Staff.
Etta Mae Roberson, Ruth Landry, Diana Henry, Louise Rauch, Marlene Custodio, Willie Mae Gilbert, Norma Massa, Marie Crawford, Beverly Savoy.
St. Martin's Episcopal School has embraced two generations of students, a span of thirty five years from 1947 to 1982. Yet it is impossible to think of any school in any period of time that has had such an extraordinary impact on students and the community it serves Through the years St. Martin's has stood for academic excellence, sportsmanship, and community involvement. It has offered to the students the opportunity to study, work , and play in a Christian community, a place where students , faculty, and administration care.
Most schools are built around administrators and faculty members , but St. Martin ' s is built around the entire community It is the students' skills and unquenchable curiosity which are at the heart of St. Martin's success
Being a student at St. Martin ' s is an honor, and the school has attracted the finest students in the New Orleans area. Everyone who is involved with the schoolparents, students , board members , administrators, faculty membe r s, and staff strive for the best. They aim for the best of academic instruction, the best of spiritual guidance for each student here . That is why the theme for this year's Shield is " The Best of Life. "
Each week at St. Martin's offers students a variety of experiences
From Chemistry lab to Chapel students are exposed to situations which encourage them to think for · themselves, to find insight into world events and insight into themselves Programs in the visual arts, music , drama , and dance bring variety and spontaneity to campus life.
Attempted assassination of Pope John Paul Assassination of Anwar Sadat El Salvador Crisis
The world did not end on March 15
The wedding of the century Polish Solidarity Movement U.S . Hostages released from Iran
I RA terrorist Bobby Sands starved to death in prison hunger strike
Morgan Thatcher became first female Prime Minister of England Falkland Islands conflict Anti-nuclear sentiments
Hyatt Regency " skywalk" collapsed in Kansas City
Sandra Day O'Conner , 51 , appointed to the Supreme Co ur t
Liz Taylor and Warner break up "Oklahoma!" at StM Acid rain
Maison Blanche became the New Maison Blanche Space shuttle Columbia's first flight
Air Traffic Controllers strike
Genie Frances left General Hospital
Pam Am Flight #759 crashes in Kenner
Baseball strike
John McEnroe won Wimbleton and U.S. Open
Los Angelos Dodgers won World Series
StM Quiz Bowl Champs 2 consecutive years
Saints' George Rogers NFL Rookie of the Year
Bum ' s first year
Gaylord Perry 300th win
StM Soccer beat Argentina 2-1
In Cinderella Bowl San Francisco defeated Cinncinati
StM football had winning season
"On Golden Pond"
"Chariots of Fire"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark"
"An American Werewolf in London"
"Superman II"
"Richard Pryor Live on Sunset Strip"
"Rocky Ill"
"E T."
This year Mrs. Florence Kreeger retired after 31 years of dedicated service to the St. Martin's community. On behalf of everyone who has been fortunate to have worked with Mrs Kreeger, the Shield staff would like to say, "Thanks and best of luck!" Mrs . Kreeger has been connected with StM longer than anyone else in the history of the school - as a parent , as a teacher and as an administrative officer. This association began in 1947, the year the school was founded at St. Martin's Church. In September of that year her eldest daughter entered kindergarten. All four of her children have to StM from kindergarten to graduation, the youngest finishing in 1968. In 195051, the first year the school occupied its present campus , Mrs. Kreeger taught biology and general science The following year she was appointed
Registrar, a positio n she has held ever since. In addition to preparing transcripts and keeping records , Mrs Kreege has handled admission processes, served as college counselor , and sponsored the Future Nurses' Club
About 25 years ago Mrs. Kreeger and Marie Roussell of Newman initiated a cooperat ive program for admissions through which several private schools exc h ange test scores, saving parents the expense of multiple testing Mrs. Kreeger received a B S. in Chemistry from Newcomb and a M.A. in Zoology from Tulane . She was elected to the honorary science society Sigma Xi. Research that she conducted while a graduate student resulted in the publication of four papers in scientific journals. Much, much more has been accomplished by this remarkable lady. We'll miss you , Mrs. Kreeger .
Zorro rides again! These prices are just ridiculous
How did you pass the entrance exam? The secret word is rose s.
The 1982 Mardi Gras Holidays proved to be a great success for New Orleans this year. Provided with the most beautiful days of the year, St. Ma r tin ' s joined the city in partying the week away. The crowds helped the fes t ivities to be a success by creating a pleasant atmosphere and generally looking out for one another. All in all, the city of New Orleans enjoyed the traditional Mardi Gras Holidays and the Saints enjoyed participating in the festivities Left: An alligator joins in the parade Below left: Jill Jacoves and Beth Crosby are decked out in Mardi Grad beads. Below : StM Saints wait uptown for the Rex.
The Drama Department began a successful season with the production of "Miracle Worker , " a play based on the early life of Helen Keller, admirably played by Kim Lawrence. As her teacher , Anne Fisher's performance was spirited, at times brilliant. Then, on March 24 StM's Fine Arts Department presented "Oklahoma!", Rogers & Hammersteins ' acclaimed musical. Wayne Coleman and Ona Carson took the leads as Curley and Laurey
suntan oil roasting alive
curfew the surf
shades Peggy's surprise birthday party born to be body surfing Parker ' s midnight swim throwing
Mr. M and Dr. L in the poo l Alan H. ' s jam box invasion of the Sony Walkman James Taylor
40 times Putt - Putt multiple sunburns Chris Daley ' s stitches
Commando Raids water balloons stealing tables singing on' the rooftop RED RUM running out of $$ being reprimanded by the chaperones
Having Fun
On June 4 , 1982 the Upper School faculty entered the chapel as a group and sat in front section seats , facing the speaker ' s stand and a table filled with silver bowls , trophies, plaques and certificates The day had come to honor those students who had achieved excellence in their respective fields After the Invocation by Father Byrd and some introductory remarks by Mr . Witman , the program began . The two Seniors who had the highest averages for all four years of h igh school were Charlotte Woody and Scott Zander ENGLISH AWARDS went to Cindy Hild, David Snyder , Shauna Storey and Ann Fisher. Winner of tne - C?\UMBIA BOOK AWARD ~as Tootie Weis. The ART AWARD went to Allison Lewis and Gretchen Steinbaugh; the DRAMA AWARD to Betsy Gayle and William Feibleman; the MUSIC AWARD to Missy White and Paul Pe arce, and the FINE ARTS AWARD to Paul Pearce. SPANISH AWARDS went to Mike Ketchel , Amy Thigpen , Katherine LeJeune and Scott Farber. SENIOR SPANISH AWARD was presented to Susan Bower
The SENIOR FRENCH AWARD went to Pat Porter. The RENSSE-LAER MEDAL for outstanding achievement in math went to Liz Schwarze The TULANE BOOK AWARD was won by David Grogono , and the MATH AWARD was presented to Diana Fisher. MEDIA AWARDS went to Ivar Koek, and Beth Miles. The RELIGION AWARD was presented to Paul Pearce. the winner of the BAUSCH and LOMB Medal was Ann LeJeune Chris Huber won the GORDON ATWATER MEMORIAL, and winner of the CHEMISTRY AWARD was Paul Kirshbom. The SCIENCE AWARD went to Peter VanWooten with an Honorable Mention to Chris Daley DAR Medals went to Ann Fisher and JohnWallin The SCHOLAR ATHLETE AWARD to Mark Senneff and Jo Ann DeMartini; JOHN F AKER AWARD to Hans Jonassen; the O.E. VAN SLATE SERVICE to Chris Huber and Parker Roy; STM CITIZENSHIP AWARD to Paul Pearce ; the O E HARING to Ann Fisher, The GUSTAF R WESTFELDT, JR to Katherine LeJeune ; the MICHAEL MOSELEY MEMORIAL to Scott Zander and the SPIRIT of SAINT MARTIN'S to Charlotte Woody
Jim Armstrong Physical Education
John Ashton Physical Education
Bonnie Baine Librarian
Doris Barone Librarian
Eileen Beckman Chairman English
Mike Berard Ch a irman , Foreign Language
Carolyn Boone Art
Dick Bower Swimming Coach
Glenn Brady M.S French
H. Payne Breazeale M.S. Math
Karen Cochran U.S. Biology
Nick Compagno Instrumental Music
James Cox Speech and Drama
Rita Dailey U.S. Math
Sue Edwards Physical Education
John Ellis M.S. Science
Caroline Frankil Dance
Susan Godchaux M.S . Social Science
Harold Graf Ch a irmen , Science
Dianne Greer M.S . Mathematics
Vivienne Guild U.S . English
Willard Henson Latin
Andree Herrington M.S. English
Alma Ruth Hess Director of Library
Carole Hodges M.S English
Isabel Johnson M.S. Science
Betsy Kaston M.S. Social Studies
Charles Landry U.S . English
Carole Lawrence Theatre
One of the interesting things about St. Martin's is the faculty Even though this is a very diverse group of people , they share a common interest - the students at St. M. When asked what they l iked best at the school, teachers replied that it is the students that are really special special here. Father Byrd said, "We have a chance here to deal with life issues both seriously and humorously, and we can learn so much from each other "
Myrth Bankston M.S Mathematics
Wa r ren Lind M.S. Science
Edith Long U.S. Social Studies
Ma r garet Loup Librarian
Jim Marsalis U.S. Mathematics
Charles McGeehan Athletic Director
Janeth McKendrick Media Specialist
Charles Melito Physical Education
Jane Minor M.S English
Rex Money U.S Social Swdies
Patti Nierman U.S . Mathern e. 'ics
Jean Parmelee Typing
Carolyn Pearce U.S . English
Ad air Pedrick Art
Ron Pen Chairman , Art
Pe d ro Perez Spanish
Dorothy Porter U.S. Social Studies
To ny Porter Athletic Store
David Rice Physical Education
Bill Rosenbaum Chairman , Social Studies
Ma r y Fayeth Rossiter U.S. French
Leslie Samuels M .S. Social Studies and English
Karen Scott M. S. Spanish
Dana Shepherd U.S. Spanish
Linda Trevino Physical Education
The ' 79 cho ir trip
The Y.O. retreat
Ms. Elkovitch , Sir!
Miss Louisiana Pageant in 5th grade
The J.V. Cheer leaders of '78-'79
" We Will Rock You" in 8th grade math
Miss Minerva
Escape hole in Mrs. Bryson's c l ass
Night rendezvous in 8th grade
"Oliver "
Gettin g locked in the bathroom at McDonalds
Mr Trevino's c l asses
Tether Ball
Fouchi a m a
Camp Wellswood
Father Rhymes
Int erim
The Barn Fire
The Libr ary Fire
Pl atoonin g in 9th grade after the fire
Bake sa les
Brad Girault
Smoking in the bathrooms
Dog Patch Day
Having 3 headmasters
Pop J ames
Monsieur Dardant
Mr. Waas' clothes
Father Otwell
Robert Rader 's huge lun ches
6th grade football games
Girls winning all sports events
Monday nights in the basement
Swimming parties
" Bring your own beer"
Concerts and roadtrips
" Is this physics or what?!?"
Laurie 's parties
Lunch leave
" Is 5 -c- 2P = 2DMF
" Is this Mardi Gras or what?! "
" The Beanstalk and Jack " in 7th grade
Father Wiley's 7th period religion class
Bounce and catch, and bounce a nd catch
8th grade commercia ls
Dr. Lumpatons
Quarters at H offman's house
Junior retreat
Hanging ten in the quad
The photo a lbum
Aspen Ski Tr i ps
Skipping out to lun ch
Chapel with Father Byrd
8 suspensions in a week
Sleeping in the li brary
Getting kicked out of the library
Community Awareness Week
Mrs. Ateb ar a
" Grease "
Falling through, Mrs. Porter
Mrs Timmre c k
A new Student Lounge every year
" Lit'I Abner "
Rock Steady for 26 stra ight minutes
Miley's moustache
6th g rade football games
Dr. Thornton
" Oklahoma!"
Chick's swimming test
Feibleman 's party
Sharpe's Batmobile
Jill 's Senioritis
Zander and Mr. Lath am
En g lish notes
St. Martin 's Day
Ch u g-a-lug
Mechanical room
Soccer day slid e diving contest
lander's pretzels
Sl osh soccer practice
ST. M. 13 Belle Chasse 6
Reading Doc Mooney 's books
Mrs. Kreeger
Atebara Disciplinary System
No more Student Lounge
" I left my books in my car, Ms. Guild
Robin Saber's parties
Beating Belle Chasse in football , basketball and baseball
Rolling Newman
Alonzo 's
Farber 's van
Greens sales
Jr. Prom
The crawfish boil
Pedro and Dr Mooney
Ring Day
Senior Weird Day
April Foo l 's w ith Ms. Guild
Thi s is the last time
Destin 1982
Th e Senior Trip
Best c lass ever to hit ST M.
Graduation practice
June 4 , 1982!!!
You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find , you get what you need
Mick J agge rJobe Mr Cool California Kid Roth of the Vector the Defender Kaam-e-Roe tennis skiing with Housey His T-shirts His looks the emotional type Poetry Manatee
You can win them all, if you don't count the ones you lose
Remy his loud , red camaro LSU running high jumping The Pep p ermill . " tell your boyfriend not to peel out " #1 Lady water skiing " my mom will sew it for you" Airline Animal Clini c summer of 81 ' 1979
Jealousy is all the fun you think they had Erica Jong
Quiz Kid R.W.B Ecole-13 yrs Laurie Ann ... Baletist ... Gib ... Bee and Laurie H. on Bee's 18th b-day ... Wuv's w/N.J .J ... . Dixie ... Hillary's This is so preppie Port of Call?? "All you do is get off 1-10 at Franklin." Chalmette going to Newcomb Wellesley? Dancing her bass voice . . . "Who do you have a date with tonight, Jeanne?" ...
The same wind blows one ship east, the other west: it's not which way the wind blows, but how you set your sails
"What a flip !!" ... Gretchen ... 6/24/'81 ... The Three Muskateers ... Mech . room .. his singing ... 14 yrs. old "Eudis" the fourth floor his great stamina "Oinkle Doinkle" 5'10" , 155 lbs Bolla Sparky and Willie T hangin' free in Hawaii . . . Gilbert, my hero ... McCoy ... " The Kid" ... peep holes ... where's Girault? ... baseball THANKS DRENNAN!! you ' re nothing but a B . H.!! ...
It's Better To Burn Out, Than To Fad e Away.
Neil Young
" Alex" ... Peewee . .. team captain ... Narkansas ... Fla ... " Zonk " . .. " Brown Nose " .. "43" .. .
Neil Young puns Payless Shoe Store
Destination Nooooo Mardi Gras with Scott ... the cemetery ... " Mr . Mean. " . .. "Walk the chain for $5 " " Tree of Life " Va Va Va Voom!
J A on the be ac h
You can ' t always get what you want , But if you try sometimes , You might find, You get what you need . Jagger - Richards
AAAAH! ... Mulberry ... Brillo Hair . .. Alcoholic Capri stealing his van KROT Good ol' Rock 'n Roll When you've got it, you've got it Life's a C.O.S Photography
Destin Meps Disco Chain Concerts in Bi loxie
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, 'cuz sinners have much more fun!
Billy Joel
Calculated Risk cemetery licorice Zack's Bobby " wrecked your car? " Brian King's Knight ... Parking Lot Fight with Newmanites Kay C " I can't go out, I' m working! " Jill J skinny dipping Noel Garbage truck Spliff! ...
Do not follow where the path may lead Go instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.
DONALD whaat? d izzy Taco Tico or bust l00's Grease all smiles her clothes . .. Nick's ... Judas Priest ... paranoid ... binaca . .. palm trees ... Cutie . . . 200SX ... Baptist ... Sam Barthe Jam on that looking for that good stuff
" Jennifer " ELIZABETH BABER " Ro bi n "19 7 5-1982
Don ' t walk behind me , I may not lead, Don ' t walk in front, I may not follow, Just walk beside me and be my friend.
STEVEN her eyes blue bomb Chello cheerbop Mama Pippy being late . N E . . . notes from Willie ... Homecoming Court ' 80 ... Aspen " Grease " Rauell "Where's my rearview m irrow? " "Oh dear, adeer!" Alvin "Screechmobile " . Little Biddy Best Fr iend . . . de ath of the blue bomb .. . Court '81 STEVEN!! !
To make t h e tr uth interesting - you have to lie a little.
Ano n ymous
Horses Van G Dixie Shanahan ' s Jam Jam . . . The Monkees ... " I u sed to date that boy " . . . LSU ... Ecole ... farm in Miss ... Swing ... Cydney ... flirt . .. Siamese cats ... no mad money "give me your peppermint " Jeanne French Exam Tastee ' s Marshall's
I let it lie, fallow perchance , for a man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone
PEGGY T B Little Biddy SO FINE
STIBIDON Bossyia Aspen " Zonk"
Vette . .. wimpie ... "J.D." ... his car ... " Who's your buddy? " .. . Ya ever notice? . .. blue eyes ... stealing signs with Bee Green M&Ms popping gum the Farbers his jammin' stereo!
PEGGY!! " Hey Spanky!! "
" Jeanne "
True innocence is ashamed of nothing.
Bernie Mike Knight!! blushing stomping her foot ... missing school . . . " Ya ' II " .. . the "ga ng " . . . D-22 . . . Hillary's . . . nose job ...
E.M.T.T Graham Robin Eric Pat O's her car Mr Spike class of ' 80 boys volleyball "blue jeep " driving by 30 Maryland Dr . ... Playing with her hair ... Simon . .. W.T. Buldge Frustrated Boys! Do it for Mike! . . . N.E . ... Call Mike for me ... "Jam on that! " ...
No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.
William BlakeTrack with Mr. Davis . .. Spanish . . . Chris M ... her margaritas speedy cutlass Bennigan's the guys at state "Let's go jogging" Mercedes Lady decisions, decisions 3 movies a week whiz kid Arnesto Prom night 1981
The very root of honesty and virtue lie in the felicity of lighting on good education.
Swimming . . . Belle Pudman ... "Natural Fro" .. . White water canoeing . .. Fla. '81 . .. retreads .. . jokes The "Ghost" " Awoooo" E.S.A D Warren "J.D." losing the bet Curly Cue his socks "Did you do your report yet?" His jokes and limericks "Cutie"
Let to-morrow take care of to-morrow, Leave things of the future to fate: What is the use to anticipate sorrow? Life ' s troubles come never too late.
Charles SwainCHUCK! cemetery Kay just killed her car licorice paying back her dad motorhome to Hammond Florida Rats Track backing her car into a motorcycle gang . . . "I don't remember, really!"
But, of course , it isn't really Good-bye, because the Forest will always be there and anybody who is Friends with Bears can find it.
-A. A. Milne Winnie-the-PoohLSU Temple Shanahan ' s 7-26- ' 80 Mack the Knife Dixie Roadtrip C & W . NYC whose wreck? Ya-ah! Ticklish Tootsies K & B NO MOOLA bandanas little roadblocks ... Th2 Swamp ... "JAM ON" ... Vogue
There are a lot of doctors that tell me, I better start slowing it down, but they're more old drunks than there are old doctors , so I guess we better have another round.
Willie Nelson
" Dawayne " STUD A.D B football not a whole lot " Watcha doin ' man? many, many good times 12 h i s car it's not a gang , it's a club shrooms glares waiting in line " macho "
"S uzy "
Tomorrow is not promised Us , so let us take today, And make the very most of It the once we pass this way.
So smart being new being shy modern dance 4th grade with Ch arlotte her southern accent ... Shreveport ... the retreat
"Chris "
Between the picture of time behind the face of need
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.
Jon Anderson of Yes
Excellent! Ormond the studio high cheekbones N.J D & D Paul's engineer concert clapping at football Destin
I got life mother, I got lau g hs sister , I got freedom brother, I got good time s man, I got crazy ways daughter, I got million do l lar charms cousin , I got headaches and toothaches and bad times too like you.
BurgerScott Fel icia Cheerbop running track Flipper . .. finding things on her front lawn .. . Bet " I ran into a tree, Mom." Parker St. and Tequila McGoober Stick Led Zep peeling out .. . Friday mornings . . .
I think it's sad that the opinion you had was the only one voiced.
Black Sabbath
Columbi a hole in student lounge wall " check it out man " "Oh, man!" Bobo Simon in love with Beth $2 a piece Dutch boy killer dogs sexy machine gun blast Only certain concerts I like your name S.A. Furniture shipments S.F. before the game
The heights by those men reached and kept Were not attained in a single flight But the while their compan ions slept Were to i ling upward in the night.
Mark! ... Wolleyball .. . tennis .. . her jeep ... Gene . .. stealing street signs . .. David Dr . . . Where at? Amy says Playing dress-up Morgan City sure flirt sexy dcees sleeping outside with Mr. L on Jr. retreat 1980-1982
Oh , the treasure's not for the takin' It's the lovin' after the gameThe lovin' of the game.
Mr. D and his gray cords Coach Ponds volleyball escape to Eddies talks with Perdo 10 Soph. English B-ball with Ms. Nierman softball Don ' t call me woman super set only ? ? ? more days 'til Fla .. . CSR .. .
It's nice to be important, But important to be nice.
Bubbaha Dizzy "I don't understand" Barbie & Ken Sweetpea Ballentine U S. History? Paradise roadblocks her laugh N.C I swear someone hired us eye exercises Taco Tico or bust!
It costs so little I wonder why We give it so little thought; A smile, kind words, a glance, a touchWhat magic by them is wrought.
Gin-Gin Virgy Stupifyin' Jones her wrecks switching Louis E M T T White wine M.M . LSU Hillary's Mardi Gras '81 . .. Paradise . .. Shan's .. . diets
The Cold " da gang" "Pardon?"
I am as bad as the worst, but thank God, I am as good as the best.
Walt Whitman
"I'm Jill, she's Beth " ... D.G . ... " Oh, God, Doc" mud wrestling "God , he's gorgeous!"
Mardi Gras '81 her walk VQB alternate phone bills Ga Tech ROTC "Everybody's against me!" Waveland girl boys soccer manager cross country Steve Garvey
Krewe of Tux "among other things" her mouth
1977 -1982
Ideals are like stars , you will not succeed in touching them with your hands But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides , and following them you will re ac h your destiny .
Carl ShurtzBeth (4 years ) his brothers van Give me? impre ss ions of Rich ar d Pryor 23 Stud Nark ansas Bo Zonk Class Pres " Changes " .. . pookie .. . puns ... jam on that .. . ROD-NEY cemetery Patrici a
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do , life ' s been good to me so far .
Joe WalshMELISSA . " Noo - Noo" his mansion Scott ... The Van ... his parents ... " Which Farber are you?" . . . Lambie ... Feb . 2 , ' 80 ... Fla ... " Zonk " ... -10- . .. Destination ... Mechanical Room . .. his jokes " Just dropping in! " Quarterback frisbee imitations jamming out Nan Boys State Meliha
You only go a round once in life , but if you do it right the first time , once is enough!!
Leo Feiblehead Super Prep Stud $$ . . . "Grease " .. . How ' s life? ... his license? .. .
Let ' s do it! Trey Yuen Aug. '81 K B !?!
Life's rough! ... Awesome! . .. Midnight Munch .. .
Doughnuts Easter " 81 Mercedes Cutie Mike's car? " Be casual!" Stacey
When I'm with you, it doesn ' t matter where we are or what we're doing, I' m with you ; that's all that matters.
Karen . . . Italian Stallion ... tennis . .. Wop .. . strength women his body hand shake Football Tulano's playing Timmy S in Morgan City .. . 1979-1982
If life is like a song that you don ' t know all the words to , hum the rest and smile
her brothe r ... Jesuit boys .. . trips with Dena her eyes sp a ced out her car mad driver her leotards " Pogo " Wendy's before " Abner" play practice "Gabby"
"24" 28 BB games 115 MPH Baton Rouge Rush Sub Debs Picnic Mono?! "Oh , My Gawd!" "I can't take this" pitch i ng signals . .. " I'll take it!" .. . D .S. the M H.G bothering Coach Schnieder's BB team
Living and dreaming are two different things but you can't do one without the other
Malcolm Forbes
Skinny Hawaii, what a trip Hydroslide
405A lost in the zoo ; pink bird? Lafreniere . . . Corpse ... locking key s in running car .. . Skeeter football games Colorado , Mickey's , and 7 /17 French wine
WENDY LYNN FLAKE "Wendy" DIANA CAROL FISHER " Diana "Dwell not on what might have been but on what has. Be grateful for the road you've walked Forget the one not taken.
Jim MetcalfeSad eyes "do the Mary" 3 muskatets
The AP Camp Hardtner Fire Engine
"W e are family" .. . 4 G's . .. Illinois dudes .. . security guard? skeet
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane.
Jimmy BuffetMICHAEL ... E.M .T. T .... oo da dooo . . . CLAUNCH barbe lls and ski gloves at the butterfly ding dang dong DKE house turk E.S. and D N.E Cardi green M&M's losing keys and contacts sweet 16 exam night poody we be doin' it Mike's party Biloxie Kevin Bee's Beer truck drivers chaz fleabag ... her party 1977
You just call out my name and you know wherever I am I'll com e running to see you again You've got a friend
Carol King
Batty DBB Butterfly PK Michael turtles . . . Hardtner ... gullable .. Shanahan ' s .. . 3 muskatets ... 4 G's ... Jimmy . . . Club ... flirting lavender " Grease" Clay Yeah-man
Yaay! easy to pick on Duane stop
Wherever you are it is your friends who make your world
William James
Marty Roy too queer for words her laugh paranoia First S France thumper leaning on doorball ... Butterfly ... Destin '81 . .. 4 G's Big Schles talks with Gretch a nd Pattie Peanut Butter Templ e' s Farm Fren c h ex am s ... the "Devil " .. .
You must be willing to take a chance, for if you don't take a chance , you can ' t win, and if you don't win, you always lose Anonymous
Golf Pre s. of US? 16th at Augusta profits playing g olf with Manning gunshots in Hawaii friends with Becket Hawaiian thief Pano bookem ' his " stud" walk
Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon . Winnie the Pooh
"We are family" Destin ' 81 4 G's 3 muskatettes Sub Debs Dinner hitting Patti ' s car air p lane bottles "party on the beach " Masada the eyes of an Indian 2 ½ cases? snow plow? cruise thru thumper flammable chicks and bunnies ... 714 ...
1969 - 198 2
What human intellect can ' t sway
Must be explained away - Earth widsom , religions of men
Search without end to fill the spirit within Simplicity of God somehow escapes man
Russel Taff
cute nose Fla. ' 81 713 chicks and bunnies lady Genevieve weenie weezer prima Donna gangwhite Klutz Club born again " YEAH US " clock watcher skipping out ... cutie ... cookie bandit . .. David Dr .. .. Porsche
If I am not myself, who else will I be? Thoreau
Scott . 2 ½ hrs VI track EMTT ES & D . . . her p a rties ... D-22 . .. CLAUNCH . .. fl ashed by W.T. " We be doin ' it" DKE parties Fla flashing lights " . " the gang " jewelry . . . French exam night . . . PP starfish . . . Gre g , Snappy, Sandy, et c Newman " Cutie " J.B truck drivers
Man to m an is so unjust, you don't know who to trust. Your worst enemy could be your best friend. And your best friend , your worst enemy.
Bob M a rleyFast Larry Larry Baby Dancing Mr. Seductive Fla. Poste r " I'll get by " G.Q Spunky Destin Awesome M D. 20 / 20 bandanas Wash trip date with A.S.K James Taylor soccer winning goal against Newman Halloween night Lightweight swimming i n the lake
What counts is not the number of hours you put in, but how much you put in the hours
Basketball tall Motown Sound Jam
Hildy ... two L ' s ... Dr . Almost Dunk ... photography ... burn rubber ... " take my picture " . . . Dr. A. " I wish I were black " Ms Elkavitch 's class vanilla thunder super freak
A great o b stacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness .
Swimming ... Mr . Latham ... DeLaSalle . .. Fla. '81 Pac-it-man! "Turns back and falls" But pi ' s not 3 14 , it's 22/7 "swimming in Columbia" tennis Arizona made in Taiwan Panama Jack at Navarre
It's not the mountains ahead that wear you out , it ' s the grain of sand in your shoe .
Huber Duber Chrisper his mom lcey bear Camp Hardtner Susan Huba bear French with Mr . Berard ... Quiche Loraine ... " I love French" Outdoor Ed computer class with Peggy B Last of a great dynasty
NANCY JEAN JONES ' ' Nancy ' '
I have the simplest of tastes I am always satisfied with the best.
Osc a r Wilde
Agnes Scott roadblo c ks Brent and Canal St ... N .C .... " Gag me 1000 times! " .. . VISA . . . Jimmy club Shan ' s NYC SYC Macaroni & Cheese preppette clothes that ' s odd Oh my God! Park City Bon-Dog
There are places I remember all my life - though some have changed-some forever - not for better- some have gone and some remain-all these faces have their moments .. . In my life I've loved them all.
The Beatles
" Stand-up, Jill " TRIP " Jack-a-vees" M G.B Swiss Family Robinson cross country cheer-bop calculated risks switching Perch! pretzels The Dream Palace small fry " Oh, my Gawd!"
Whether it ' s a nother paragraph or equation or rep or serve or t a ke d own or lop DO IT!!
Jew-boy Kirshy Bomm am hand shake his wheels sarcastic Ms. Nimma wrestling tennis . . . Ny a-Nya . . . C ap t. Marsupi a l .. . Green & Gold . .. Tul a ne's . . . Kro tc h Hosli . ..
You never know until you try It ' s hard to see which side you ' re on Some people say you're half way here Some people say you ' re half way gone Jimmy Buffet , JD Souther and the Coral Reefe s Band
ACE you loser worm Myron + Buron Engelbert hates shaving his car his shirts jean jacket lumbojack 6O's music . . . Beatles ... Hippi ... Country music Buffet Moose Kelley-y
1969 - 1982
I journeyed fur, I journeyed fas'; I glad I foun ' de place at las '!
Joel Chandler H ar ris
Holland Americanizing " Me , run? " Juanita loo king good " It ' s OK, she ' s not American" notes " Blon d ie " you lived in Iran?
. . . volleyb a ll . . . " Wh at's more, a dime or a nickle?" Krewe of Jefferson A.P Flowers from Flori da ... " Grand Illusion" Kurt ... 52 c h arac ter s on a line L.H .
To expose f ee lings is to risk exposing your true self. To love is t o risk not being loved in return
But risks must be taken , because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing
Phil Gu gg liazza
JEFF MOORE Dizzy her laugh that's funny taco tico or bust Jewish Priest Forever ASK Nick 's I want a fever Terren
WEE-WEE Shopping Southern comfort
Doc and MAM I ' m shocked Fla
Take your time , think a lot Why think of everything you've got For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not Cat Stevens
Ally Cat LOUIE LSU the gang , girls night out ... Shanahans . .. Sam Barthe guys .. .
DAVY being Baptist racquetball (ally oop) art CLAUNCH Mardi Gras '80 community houe whose wreck? D-22 soccer manager R.C Melissa horizon (H.D.) her curfew being late
But like the wind that blows and the tide that flows I have my ups and downs
Jimmy Buffet
Lightnin ' Lang . .. "10" .. . swimming across kitchen ... DENISE OBSESSION ... soccer ... yeesh .. . awesome Gigolo Lang Florida "16" "Where are my shoes?" Have to wash my dog ... "I like her liver , lungs " ... bustop ... " Se Bud " .. . Don ' t fear the reaper ... Lightweight ... Buffet Stealing Kurt's Van Albie Orange
racquetball ultra mega superawesome D C on Rye
What's the use of worrying? It never was worth while , so pack up our troubles in your old kit bag, and smile , smile, smile!
Po-Po Shelly weird Friday mornings Easter '81! hungry Taco Tico or Bust southern comfort . . . MAM . . . Bobcat action .. . cheering " He so cute!" Dante ASK and DOC Trey Yeun shocked Willie F
For long you'll live
And high you'll fly
But only if you ride the tide
Balanced on the biggest wave Race towards an early grave
Pink Floyd
" You need a haircut! " JOHN LUUUCK Too pretty to be a boy moped mon funny Kay's classroom lover ... his hair .. . Stephen Klein Bee's life long lov er Jennifer ' s buddy Clay Asteroids and 7 & 7 LaPlace " Man, this " Chuck Wasted Days & Wasted Nights
Sincerity is the key to success
Once you can fake that. you've got it made Glyme
Mini Mayer ... tennis .. . sweet midgets and big daddies .. . V.B . ... sleeping outside on Jr . retreat
"Buy a ticket to the Bowl?" Missy's driving Sunday lunches taxman picking irresponsible rides . ..
I am not going to conform to this I am not going to be different just not to conform. I am just going to be me.
soccer .. . 7th grade table ... C.C . .. . 7th grade note . . . Mr. Sayer . . . her 396 engine .. . Wendy's "I'll fight ya for 'im! " Mexico before "Abner" play practice ... Irish twins ... B .W. I... . "Bubbs" "we're doctors" shrimp feathers
1969 - 1982
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend Just what you want to be you will be in the end .
JustinH ayward
JiimmMilleyy .. . moustache . .. his arguments .. . his car g eology with Graf Slim Jim Florida
" Zonk " " Your roll , Jim " Smiley Jim pulls throu g h . .. Blues on the bass . . . Jimbo .. . fights with Mr Lumpkin stories in Alg II class A Legend " The St a ng " . I would just love to hit Isaacs in the face , I mean right in the face, not just on the fa ce, but in the face
A friend is one who knows you as you are , understands where you've been, accepts who you've become and still invites you to grow Anonymous
" I ' m Beth , she ' s Jill " ... Jacks in ninth grade ... outdoor ed . trips . .. 7th grade table ... Shield tribulations Rafe's Mail Truck HAPPENING blue je a ns " He ' s such a sweetheart " Double sleep overs Exile Laura's sweet (?)
16 Butterflies Arguments about pencils up his nose
"Fred "
"Life is a series of paradoxes."
Father Ralph ByrdAdolf run away! King Lightweight LSU runover by a boat Fla. poster skyman his ankle brace ... Treasure Island .. . Halloween night
Suzanne Jambalaya being rescued by D.F I don't think so Drew Ms Elkavitch's class they're coming to take take you away, HA.HA Oh, Fred! His harem across the lake ... French Ill with Berard .. . Cartoons ... Amy . ..
The spirited horse, which will of its own accord strive to win the race , will run still more swiftly if encouraged
Ovi D .
short Italian quiet 4 Volvo family getting lost uptown somewhere Bennigan's Irish Joy a long ride home Irish Joy Flin Tory Mr. L. pulled out my hair Covington S Wood horses her brain her clothes .. . track .. . Krewe of J efferson ' 81 .. .
1979- 1982
' ' Rafe ''
Things may c ome to those who wait But only th e things left by tho se who hust le Abrah a m Lincoln
7th grade t ab le ' 79 c hoir trip . " The Beanstalk and Jack " . " Tom Jones" Marrying Sam Wendy's before " Lil Abner " play practice Dance , Rafe, Dance Ralph & Kackoo ' s 4th grade love Raf e ybaby long talks late again his disco m ail truck 7th grade religion class with Fr. Wiley the Pa per Route the left fenderbender by B M
K i m "
I am what I a m . T o look for 'r e as ons ' is beyond the point.
Joan Didion
Her eyes her walk chasing the team bu s her crushes S.W green dres s John worrying . . . being sick a ll year ... pumping iro n . . . bartenders ... part ies . .. Bennigan 's .. . Sloe Gin Fizz the " h a iry canary " b oys , boys , boy s . California gi rl havin g fun 1971-1982
If you put something off long enough, chances are someone will do it for you.
Clyde Adams
pigeon-toed ... sweating buckets ... the Honolulu mess Mr Marsalis ' s class rampages Cecil and the Beach Boys foot kissing cece surfing ... fish ... Laurie's party Otis-he loves us garbage cans
Keep on keepin ' on. Max Lane 1896-1980
Tennessee his guitar R.A. Uuhh well ... D&D .. . Bastille Day . .. playing at the Farbers' ... music ... Wulff's guitar room .. . football ... RUSH screaming at Country Day cartoons in French . .. AC / DC ...
The world as it stands is no illusion , no phantasm , no evil dream of a night; we wake up to it again for ever and ever; we can neither forget it nor deny it nor dispense with it.
Henry JamesWendy's best friend . .. Alligators ... Bear . . red head . .. The Cold ... Ritz . . . Sweet 16 . . . Baton Rouge Rush Crutch races Daddy's girl Tshirt tribute . . . Dan . .. lost pearl .. . Sub Debs Picnic ... Pritch ... Wag . ..
A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money . W.C Fields
His vacat ions short wave radios the candyman related to Mary Todd Lincoln Benjamin Franklin in 1976 ... 13 year club . .. Monsieur Dardant and French notebooks Vicksburg saw Mr. Rosenb aum in London
1980 - 1982
So many faces in and out of my life; Some will last. Some will just be now and then. Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes : I'm afraid it ' s time for goodbye again
Billy JoelMARC ... Kibbutz ... " I need a man! " ... Cookie Bandit occasional parakeet leader of the Jews Pratell Softy Pres skidding on Jeff Hwy ... Ricky Burped . .. playing with auto parts
Drunken bum at front door " Go away bad dream! " Pen Top Kidnapper
'Cause I've seen incredible things in my years
Some days are laughter while others were tears. If I had it all to do over again, I'd get myself drunk and just jump right back in .
Jimmy Buffet
Janky . . . KELVIN . .. BEC ... Jack Daniels
KEVY . .. Cutie . . . Sam Barthe . .. Groin Pulls model alcoholic Shan ' s wild turkey
Jimmy Buffet & Jerry Jef f .. . " I like to sleep late in the morning" B H asleep on 1-10 POODY fruiton those cheek bones gorgeous
Men are wise in proportion , not to their experience, but to their capacity for experience .
Bernard Shaw
Bernabe . . . Hermano ... Escape to Eddies ... Chacha ... end of the year wrestler . . . Beat the deaf 200SX with louvers Charlene Pam M. and Susan B . . . Patti's class . . . " Bud-dy!" ... Football .. . track . . . soccer ... Ms. Nimma . .. J.T. Concert Bully for you! Arnie! Emmanuel le
Learning is the key to all success.
Ben FranklinRacquetball Super Prep hair cuts DATSUN Trey Yeun Easter ' 81 moddy grumpy Dixie " Awesome" Michelle ' s buddy ... basketball .. . Graham ... his knee . . .
The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. Vince Lombardi
Sparki soccer red It. district Bunk
The Kid Basement KY tower Earl Captain A with van Mechanical room stang & Z this is true GAG late nights with van the fishing camp Kamikaze parties Yukon Jack peep holes what a flip Earl Burke
... Thanks to Gilbert, Willie T . Van , Warren, Warren, The Bowl, Drennan, Cary A ., The Hebe special thanks to Mom , Dad, and Charles
The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing you'll make one .
Terrorist bombs builder
12 You're obsessed working out being smart "I know I ' m going to fail" Mt. St. Porker Hui-Nalu
M.G T It ' s been there's always the bridge depression sleeping in all his classes #54
It's all been very interesting Mary Wortly Montgau
Batman Computers tower of power you're looking Sharpe today typing his notes Sharpie most popular guy at Sam Barthe calling Sp ain collect
The original mistake was inventing the calendar, this led in due course to having Mondays.
H.V. WadeWho do you like this week? .. . racing George Diliberto to school ... always eating . .. DIXIE ... take a lap - make it 2 - make it 3 Really! #66 Shanahan's Destin
The first step in making your dreams come true, is to wake up . Anonymous
Jack Gretch the Petch Pinocchio Klutz club ... "c hick in the chair" ... Gretchy baby ... Vish ... Cookie Bandit ... basketball ... fan club whining Fla. ' 81 smoking tricks volleyball " yeah us" Butterfly
It's great to Arrive , but the trip ' s most always most of the fun Anonymous
Joe . . . Hawaii ... Summer of '80 .. . hydrosliding? her mansion Cafe Banquet when will she get her new car? friendship with R.P swiping her dad's jag never mind
If sometimes we can't give the time they deserve to our friends, and loved ones , we hope they will understand and forgive us After all , we didn't change, everybody else did.
His eyes stereo in his car rock-n-roll the twins ... Rush ... Concert pictures ... SAB man Girault 's fist Dwew! Drummer ta l king to himself " Let's go for it" "Oh Mighty Orlin!"
Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
"Tha Du" Mikey Jacksons jammin' on the drums "Be cool " Stern Bra driving WF around "What's kickin' chicken?" Du Stu 18 and oldest cutie Florida '81 C G being late large appetite August ' 81
Trey Yeun
The world is divided into people who think they are right.
Smart his car pinball wizard D + D fantastic computer ideas Greenwell's car quiz bowl practice Peetah UBETT Current events "outdoor dungeons" POKE 16405, 131
The most important thing is that nobody playing is trying harder than me
Jana WET football track lovemachine red man Home of the Whopper mechanical room . . . Elvis is King . . . Peep holes . . . 3 muskateers Dough but DB JAO #24 Hanging Free in Hawaii Girault STM Stud
Flashing Laurie
PETER ANGUS VAN WOOTEN " Peter "My needs a re simple ; My wants are expens ive Miss Pig gy
" Kinky " Med students Pizza Hut lunches Nelson her horse Foots 4th grade love " obviously" Tootsie Party, Party , Party Older men Geology lunches with C u French Ill 13 long years
It is better to burn the candle at both ends, and in the middle , too, than to put it away in the closet and let the mice eat it.
Henry Van Dyke
MARGIE!! Miguel Cruise Mobile Muffy Honey basketball Cookie Mirrors Hui Nalu terrorrists bomb Haloed polo shirts
Hawaii trip 3 holes of golf per day snorkeling strike
If I leave here tomorrow will you still remember me? For I must be traveling on now, 'ca use there's too many places I've got to see.
Many good times Nancy ' s brother body wolfman wolffa water slide guitar fall back the plumber Sandi Houston back of Kurt's van . .. 12! ... " When are you going to eat the frog?" umph! yeesh 35 Life guard , real tough job
It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance
Amoco station . .. Janey Prom ... ESPI RIT ... twilight zone ... Get the beer! ... Patrick ... cookie bandit ... open mouth-insert foot . . . P .S.' s bugar heart mimmie Donna Summer hair! Temple's farm
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time Any fool can do it. There ain't nothin' to it.
James TaylorJoe College terrorist bomb porker stories pretzels R-ball pulling the fire alarm swine his imitations "See you Wed " spoons Quiz-bowl sand fights Zanderman "You didn't study again?"
Once ag a in Homecoming was a success at StM Each class took an active part in decorating. The school signs were p ainted, crepe paper and balloons were strung along the hallways and throughout the campus to get the football team fired up for the big game o n Friday night. On the afternoon of the game , class trucks were deco ra ted to be r idden around the track that night. Followin g the spirit carav an each girl on the Court rode around the track in the traditional 450 SL Mercedes. The presentation of the Court at halftime was stately although a cold , strong wind blew the g i r ls' hair in their faces . The next evening the festivities resumed with a Homecoming Dance whose theme was " Hollywood ." The band " The Family Players " added an upbeat mood to the evening The crowning of the queen Beth Crosby was the highlight of the evening
Donald Aleman
Angele Andry
John Andry
Jeffrey Armstrong
Alice Atkinson
Bonnie Baber
Becket Becnel
Kathy Benbow
Melinda Benge
Dorothy Blackwood
George Bott
Susan Bower
Harry Brammell
John Burlingame
Ona Carson
Gordon Cashmore
Nikki Casseri
Brett Chiasson
Above: Juni o r (-:lass Officers a n d Sponsors: Bottom Row , Ped r o Perez , Sponso r , Geo r ge Bott, Sergeant a t Arms; Becket Becnel, Tre as urer; George Diliberto , Vice-President; Dr Wayne Lum pkin, Sponsor. Rita Da ile y, Sponsor; Denise Coe. Secre t ary; Baltzar LeJeu n e, Pr esident.Denise Coe
Keith Cox
Ginny Davis
George Dileberto
Anne Dunlap
Debbie Farmer
Ann Fisher
Robin Flettrich
Remi Fransen
Sarah Ferguson
Stephanie George
David Grogono
Jim Hamlin
Michael Harold
Leanne Hennessey
Ashley Jackson
Trey Johnson
Hans Jonassen
Karen Kuebel
Douglas Mccollam
Cara Macy
Jon Martin
Renee Mathews
Nancy Mauthe
Sarah Morris
Missy Nicoladis
David Oelsner
Sally Owens
Devan Pailet
Rhea Plakotos
Jennifer Posner
Lana Prudhomme
Alma Quiroz
Adele Richie
Steven Rizzo
David Robinson
William Rooh i
Michele Salingre
Elizabeth Schwarze
Susan Shackelford
Michael Southerland
Shauna Storey
Lauren Sullivan
Andy Thigpen
Tommy Vought
John Wallin Jr
Kim Weller
Tracy White
Paige Yeargain
Melissa Young
Aimee Altschul
Shawn Armstrong
Derek Barnes
Andre Berot
Alexis Brown
Drew Ca lhoun
Thea Cassen
Lester Coe
Shannon Conatser
Becky Contois
Debra Crosby
Bob Diliberto
Jennifer Fleming
Susan Frankland
Stuart Gayle
Bruce Hafford
Stefanie Harrison
Richard Hawkins
Jeanne Herrington
Elizabeth Hofheinz
Daniel Hughes
Stephen Hussey
Hill Johnson
Paul Kirshbom
Julie Koppman
Traci Kugler
Gary Knipe
Ivar Koek
Laurie Lambert
Benjamin Lazich
Katherine LeJeune
Elizabeth Leveque
Melissa Lewis
Hans Leutkemeier
David Mills
Anne Mitchell
Tracey Moore takes a " st u dy " b r ea k!Paul Mitchell
Billy Mohamed
Stacey Moore
Tracy E. Moore
Tracey W Moore
Jennifer Morgan
Faith Noullet
Stephanie Pagliaro
Peyton Pettit
Karl Peyronnin
Charles Roddy
Kevin Rourke
Valerie Roussel
Meg Salem
Nicole Sargent
Jay Shannon
William Shiell
Tyson Shofstahl
But the guy told me the gir l came with the car. Mi ssy White Carrie Williams Brandt Wood Woods Yount David Snyder Glenn Solomon Anne Steinbaugh Talley Van Den burgh WhiteCather i ne Abbot t
Heidi Banto n
Susan B a rone
Christi a n Berge
David Bowes
Paige Burkes
Patrick Calhoun
Steve Chabaud
Peter Chin
Cindy Churchill
Michelle Condray
Jim Co c or a n
Jenn ife r Daley
Ali ci a Da niels
Cor i nne DeKraker
Scott DeMonte
Monique Detraz
David Favalo r o
Katherine Feibleman
Elizabeth Fensin
Betsy Glass
Martha Goldthwaite
Shannon Goodrow
Sally Grogono
FRES HM AN C LASS OFFICERS: Top Row (1. to r.) Patrick Calhoun , Treasurer ; Poe Miles , Pres ident. Bottom Row: Jenny Sneed, Secretary; Cindy Churchill, Vice Pre siden t ; Bess M a n n i ng , Sargent at ArmsDaniel
Stuart Head
Cynthia Hild
Erik Huber
Kristen Jay
Janet Jenkins
Glenn Johnson
Mike Ketchel
Nina Ketchel
Lilian Koek
Kenny Lasky
Kim Lawrence
Anne LeJeun e Kim Lewis
Russell Levy
I-rank Lombard
Laura McMahon
Bess Manning
Andreas Manske
Ana Mesa
Leah Miciotto
Harriette Miles
Poe Miles
Michelle Moore
Page Morton
Chip Noe
Shelly Oechsner
Above: Eri c Huber in a character isti c pose Above Left: (Left to right ) Becky Contois , Laura McMahon , Leah Mi c i otto , and Ca therin e Abbot t are h av ing a "s erious " discuss i on Guillot ~( NO PHOTO AVAILABLEJohn Ormond
David Paine
Richard Pollard
Reid Raymond
Todd Robinson
James Roddy
Andra Rodriguez
Jim Rogers
Laura Sams
Alex Schreiber
Laura Schuler
Lisa Senneff
Marsha Smitn
Jenny Sneed
Jennifer Stevens
Jay St. Pierre
Kristin Sullivan
Nancy Sumner
Mark Talbot
Amy Thigpen
Robert Vining
Brigitte Wangberg
Karen Wayman
Kris Wedemeyer
Laura Williams
Ashley Woods
Ann Wootten
This season was one of peaks and valleys. Despite two serious injuries at the beginning of the season which riddled the already undersized Saints squad, St. Martins did manage to upset stateranked Belle Chase 13-6 and embarrass Ridgewood Prep 21-0 on Cox Cable television. Although their losses to Newman and River Oaks clouded their visions for State-Playoffs, we did manage to hold on to defeat St. Charles 2822 in a thrilling final contest at St. Charles. This year's senior-laden squad worked long and hard to achieve its success and placed several members on the All-East Bank and All-District teams Such rewards are exemplary of this year's slogan, "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity."
William Trotter-TB , OLB
Steve Wulff-FB, MLB
Gibby Andry-QB , WB , S
Brian Ary - WB , CB
Steven Bossier-$ Wayne Co leman - OG , DT
Chris Daley-WR
Guy Farber-QB, S
Scott Farber-TB, S
Guy Favaloro-OG , DE
Jim Miley-TE, DE
Paul Pearce-OT, DT
Cecil Pi ckens-OT , DT
Kevin Quinn-OT, NG
Arnesto Rodriguez-OG , DE Parker Ro y-OG, OLB
Mark Se n neff-C , MLB
Scott Sh ackelford -OT , DT
Above: Br
t Wood
Newman Top
JUNIORS: Back Row: ( left to right) David Robinson , John · Burlingame , Harry Br amme l, Michael Sutherland. Front row: (left to right)
Gordon Cashmore, George Diliberto , Becket Bechnel, George Bott, Jeff Armstrong.
Middle right : SOP HOMORES: Back row (left to right) Ty so n Shofstahl , Kevin Rourke , Bob Di l iberto Front row: (left to right) Drew Calhoun, Brandt Wood, Charles Roddy.
Bottom Right: FRESHMEN : (Back row)
Robert Vining. Middle row: (left to right)
Reid Raymond, David Paine , David Favaloro , Mark Talbot. Bottom row: (left to right) Patri ck Calhoun , Jaime Roddy, Jim Roger s, Russe l l Levy
Inexperience and lack of size highlighted this year's J .V. football team. Although the squad was graced with such players as John Burlingame, Brandt Wood , George Diliberto, and Tyson Shofstahl , they were unable to arise victorious once this year . Despite these seemingly obvious consequences , the Saints became more and more competitive and aggressive as the season progressed and evolved into good future varsity players
RIGHT: Coach Linda Trevino disc u sses strategy with members of the t eam.
BELOW: 1981 -82 Vo ll eyba ll Team members: Gretchen Steinbaugh, Jeanne Bernos , Kemela David, Peyton Pettit , Donna Hickham, JoAnn DeMartini , Tracey Moore, Angele Andry, Jenny Davis , and Nancy Mayer
Angele Andry
Jeanne Bernos
Kemela David
JoAnn DeMartini
Jeanne Herrington
Donna Hickham
Nancy Mayer
Tracey Moore
Peyton Pettit
Gretchen Steinbaugh
The J V. team had a very challenging season, and with the help of their coach Ms. Sue Edwards, they won most of their games They also competed in the Ivy League Tournament and won second place. Even though it was a lot of hard work, it was fun .
1982 Junior Varsity Volleyball Team: Below, standing: Coach Sue Edwards, Shawn Armstrong, Paige Burkes, Alicia Daniels , Shannon Goodrow, Shannon Conatser, Jan Jenkins. Kneeling : Leah Miciotto , Lilian Koek , Andra Rodriguez, Heidi Banton and Manager Martha Goldthwaite.
Top , left, In order to stop their opponents , Jan Jenkin s and Andr a Rodriguez put double for c e on the ball
Top , r ight , Cind y Hil d prepares to set - up while her teammates get r eady.
Bottom, left , Andra Rodriguez gets in position to smash the ball wh il e Shawn Armstron g l ooks on.
Bottom, right , Lilian Koek and Shawn Armstro n g both get ready to play the ball to th e setter
Becket Becnel
John Burlingam e
Lester Coe
Stuart Gayle
Jim Hamlin
Alan Hild
Danny Hughes
Dave Robinson
Bill Roohi
Mark Sennett
Tyson Shotstahl
Michael Weaver
The foundation of a succ essful basketball program was lai d by Coach Chuck Melito in h i s first year as Vars ity head coach . He turned the idle program into one f illed with enthusiasm , hard work , and perseverance. I n an injury - riddled season, he led t h e Saints to a record of 10 wins and 19 losses , the best in recent years Early in the season , the basketball team captured first place in the prestigious Pope John Paul Tournament.
The La d y Saints' basketb all season was marked by spirit and enthusiasm. Hustle, determination , and pride were the key factors for the Saints in their victory over Newman. As usual the rivalry was intense and close , but the Lady Saints let nothing stand in their way . The exciting evening began with StM's JV defe ating Newman 23-14, while the Varsity, under the experienced leadership of Missy Nicoladis , danced and cheered in the stands La t er , the Varsity jumped off to a half-time lead of 21-13. With Pettit and Steinbaugh dominating the boards and DeMartini ripping the net, the Saints finished the game with an easy vi c tory .
St. Martin's Soccer season was a successful one. The soccer team had five wins, four losses and three ties . The season went slowly in the beginning, but picked up its pace considerably with a three-game winning streak Coach Pedro Perez commented concerning the 1982 Soccer season that "it was the best season we have had so far." Thirty boys participated and the team won third place Division B
Bottom Row: Dan Guillot, David Mills, Stuart Head. Second Row : Steve Wulff, Fred Olinde , Chris Lang , Scott Zander, Chris Daley, Lawrence Hoffman, Brandt Wood
Third Row : Scott DeMonte , Mark Talbot, Ben Lazich , Drew Story , Scott Farber, Baltzer LeJeune , David Oelsner , Billy Vandenburg.
Fourth Row: Managers , Jill DeMonte and Jennifer Barone , Ivar Koek, Andy Thigpen, Guy Farber, Hans Leutkemeier, Parker Roy, Coach Pedro Perez. Missing from picture : Serge DeKraker, Hill Johnson, and John Ormond.
Sarah 's j o kes chalk fights the mud fight ice fights Gregg our winning se a son let's get serio us! Matthew' s temper-tantrums "Cartoon Rat" " r i ding that train " Paige ' s honorable mention male nur se? the Lonesome Loser Flamingo's.
Russel Levy
Pat Calhoun
Lee Abbott
Hans Ryden
Alan Kirshbom
Brady Wood
Arnesto Rodriguez
Coach Keith Hosli
Clay Tidwell
Manager Jill
The 1981-82 Wrestling Team had a year it could be proud of This season saw the groundwork laid for many successful years to come The team defeated such rival schools as Curtis and Newman, and StM p l aced third in the StM Invitational Tournament. The team was priviledged to have one of its members - Arnesto Rodriguez - place in the state tournament. Four Middle School st udents joined the team this year and competed admirably against their high school opponents. Team members elected Alan Kirshbom Most Valuable Wrestler and Russell Levy Most Improved Wrestler . The real c r edit for this year's success, however , goes to Coach Keith Hosli whose encouragement and expertise enabled team members to achieve success
1982 GOLF TEAM: Kneeling: Julie Koppman, Frances Talley. Second Row: Michele Condray, Robin Baber, Valerie Roussel. Top: Aimee Altschul and Stacey Moore Below: Michael Weaver, John Andry, Gary Knipe. Sitting: Chris Lang and Becket Becnel. Missing from picture: Billy Harrison and Jim Hamlin.
We are the champions!
I hope Anne is watching.
We ought to change money for this act.
Team. Standing : Coach Patti Nierman, Susan Bower , Peggy Bernhardt, Melissa Young, Ann Dunlap, Coach McGeehan , Laurie
Lambert, Shannon Goodrow, Anne Steinbaugh, Coach Panna. Middle row: Jill Jacoves, Bess
Manning, Debra Crosby , Sally Owens , Laurie Herron , Ruth
Aleman , Charlotte Woody , Jeanne Herringt on. Bottom row: Stacey McGeehan , Robin
Fletterich, Anne LeJeune, Andra
Rodriguez, Leah Miciotto, Corinne DeKraker, Debbie Farmer , and Liz Schwarze .
St. Martin's Baseball Team enjoyed its most successful season in its short four-year history by posting a 12-11 season record and winning the St. Martin's Invitational Tournament. William Trotter, Gibby Andry, Jeff Armstrong, and Guy Farber were named to the All Tournament Team, with Jeff Armstrong selected as Most Valuable Player.
A rookie squad with 11 new players out of 16 finished their district season with a 3-5 record, winning the last two games. With fifteen players returning, hopes are high for next year
Two StM swim team members qualified for United States Swimming Junior Nationals i n Tuscaloosa, Alabama Thea Casseri swam the 200 yard free style, and John Bower , who won the senior men's high point trophy at the Louisiana State Swimming Championships , swam the 200 yard freestyle, the 500 yard freestyle and the 1000 yard freestyle. Thea was selected the " Outstanding Female Swimmer" of the Louisiana State Swimming Championship Meet.
On Friday April 30, the Louisiana State Swimming Championship was held at Sa i nt Martin's. Forty two teams from around the state came to compete. Some came in anticipation of winning, but the Saints he l d their ground . Led by John Bower and Tom Hubert , the boys ' team came up from last year's fourth place to a third place finish . The girls' team led by Thea Casseri, won the state title for the third straight year, despite hard competition from the Baton Rouge team. In other meets this year, the Saints fared equally well.
1982 Varsity Swimming Team. Bottom Row: Meagham Williams, Raynal Ruch, Lee Sanders, Katherine LeJeune, Missy White , and Captain Thea Casseri. Middle Row : Captain John Bower, Doug Lynne , Ryan Bell. Top Row: Kim Cannon, Nikki Casseri, Shannon Conatser, Mary Williams, Kristin Jay. Coaches Barbara Micklin, Dick Bower, and Warren Lind Missing from picture: Kevin Roohi and Christine Herman
Outdoor Education is much more than a mindless tromp through the woods. In Outdoor Ed students spend time in class seeing films, repairing equipment, practicing new skills, learning about new areas , about various environments, and most importantly about SURVIVAL. Thi s year's Outdoor Ed c lass spent weekends paddling and hikin g the swamps , rock climb in g at Sandrock and in the Ozarks, backpacking in Tuni ca Hills and in Homochitto Forest , making waves on the Rio Grands, the Chattooga, the Nantahala, the Locust Fork, and the Ocoee Rivers. But even more than the exciting itinera ry of the Outdoor Ed Pr ogram is the feeling of trust a n d friendship that g r ew out of the program t hi s year. As Becky Contois stated about this year ' s program, " Nature , in its simp le st form emphasizes the strangeness and wonder of existence A longing for this ce lebration of lif e brings together individuals from vastly different backg r ounds and holds them in a unique, close ly knit gro up Outdoor Ed has provided these people with an opport unit y to live and grow under one of the finest learning experiences availab le anywhere.
Varsity athletes were honored on May 14 at the Annual Athletic Banquet sponsored by the Dad's Club It was held at the Fair Grounds Clubhouse again. Parents , students, coaches , faculty, and administration gathered to honor those athletes selected by their team mates as Most Valuable and Most Improved. Athletic Director " Chick" McGeehan presided over the award ceremonies. GIRLS
Jacoves MIP Katherine Le
MVP Paige Yeargain MIP Tracey
Moore and Alice Atkinson BOYS
Steve Wulff. BOYS GOLF MVP Billy Harrison MIP Becket Becnel and Chris Lang GIRLS TRACK MVP
Debra Crosby MIP Bess Manning.
MIP Bill Roohi and Brandt Wood
MVP Scott Ammon MIP Gordon
Cashmore and David Snyder .
MIP Jeanne
Herrington . BOYS
Gibby Andry MIP
Steven Bossier.
MVP Thea Casseri
MIP Missy White
MVP John Bower
MIP Todd Robinson.
Marsha Smith and Jennifer Barone
MIP Peggy
Alan Kishbom MIP
Lee Abbott. GIRLS
JoAnn DeMartini
MIP Anne
Steinbaugh. BOYS
Allan Hild MIP Jim
JoAnn DeMartini
MI P Peyton Pettit
William Trotter Ml
Back Brian Ary MV
Line Parker Roy Ml
Line Wayne
Below 8 t h grade gi r ls exhibit their maturity . Dom Brown , Holly Kuebel , and Diane Pelias Right : Peter Wanek , Bryce Miles , Colin Walker , Drew Herrington , Mark McGinnis , Eddie Appel , Trip Trask and Sc ott Yount.
Allison Andry
Eddie Appel
Loren Berot
Eric Boling
Robert Bridgewater
Dominique Brown
Sacha Bush
Kim Cannon
Robin Dauterive
Davin Davini
Lisa Dublin
Patrick Files
Carolyn Fisher
Mike Giffen
Laura Gowdy
Kelly Graham
Gretchen Harmon
Christine Hermon
Drew Herrington
Jeff Hodges
Brad Howell
Ann Marie lngolia
Hilary Jackson
Jimmy Johnson
Katrina Keller
Paige Kirn
Terri Kogutt
Holly Kuebel
Carl Laird
Chris Leopold
Traci Levi
Doug Lynne
Mark McGinnis
Bruce GladdenAlissa Miller
Bryce Miles
Lee Miles
Julie Mills
Kim Morgan
Teddy Neff
Larry Oggs
Sean O'Neil
Christi Page
Diann Pelias
Robert Pettit
Chase Phillips
John Reinhold
Hans Ryden
Mr. Rosenbaum's jokes . . . graffiti . . . verbals . . . Walkmen ... Stones concert morning meetings in the library ... tube trip ... Guido's ... Generative singular ... Tuggy ... food fights .. . phone calls ret r eats water balloons Upper school, here we come!
Allison Schwartz
Danielle Shields
Richard Starr
Blake Stevens
Melissa Stinson
Clay Tidwell
Trip Trask
Pau l Vining
Colin Walker
Peter Wanek
Bill Waymen
Katheryn Weekly
Laura White
Mary Kathleen Williams
Rya n Womack
Brady Wood
Norma Jean Young
Sco t t Yount
Todd Zoblotsky
In the picture to the right Eric Witherspoon, Donald Chin , and Karl Findorff consult with Mrs. Godchaux about their need for an "automatic A" on their social studies projects.
Brooke Andry
Ryan Bell
Vickie Benbow
Marion Benson
Hroar Barge
Beth Boudreaux
Melanie Branton
Jarret Brown
Mike Broxson
Rosilynn Bryan
Allan Burkes
Scott Burnette
Kelli Carpenter
Beau Charbonnet
Donald Chin
Boo Christy
Marcy Clinard
Mark Contois
Kim Conway
Dit Cooper
Allison Cornelius
Ashley Cornell
Todd DeMonte
Lisa DeSalvo
In picture to the left Allan Burkes, Morgan Wilson , and J . D. Moore "tune-in" to a concert in Chapel.
Freddy Devall
Kr istin Dorfi
Neil Dyhrkopp
Brent Edwards
Brandi Ermon
John Falgoust
Beth Ferry
K a rl Findorff
Robert Foley
John Gardner
Ra chal Gately
Cricket Gaumer
Jimmy Gibson
Troy Gilbert
Lisa Goodyear
Bi l ly Gorman
Stephany Griggers
Jeanine Grimes
Emily Haycock
Jeremy Head
Chris Henderson
Sean Hewitt
Lindsey Jackson
Barton Jahncke
Left: Elicia Schfostahl and Lisa DeSalvo are ready for anything!
Right: John Wachtel , what's that you were saying about be i ng calm , cool, and collected?
David Jones
Graham Justice
Michele Karno
Karen Kirshbom
Dale Kiser Wake Lankard
Thompson Lyles
Beth Mccranie
Megan Magee
J.D. Moore
Nancy Moore
Jody Morris
Samantha Murphy
Clayton Page
Larry Panna
Stephanie Pecquet
Robert Peyton
Brett Phillips
Brenda Pistole
Sherrir Ploger
Thomas Reagan
David Rice
Patrick Riley
Kathy Rock
Kevin Roohi
Eric Witherspoon
Rachel Wittich
Leigh Yeargain
Shannon Ryan
Amy Shaw
Elis i a Shofstahl
Victoria Siegel
Cameron Smith
Matthew Sontheimer
Carol Steinman
Kimberly Stiebing
Clif Stoutz
Reid Sutton Kemper Taylerson
Dan Valladares
Lauren Vedros
J.P. Villaume
Joh n Wachtel
Nancy Wallin
Missy Watson
Gab e Whyel
Gretchen Wiemann
Morga n Wilson
If you ca n ' t say something Preppy, don't say anyt hin g at a ll!Leslie
Sean Barnes
Chris Beckman
Ann-Marie Berge
Brian Berke
Amber Bishop
Shawn Brennan
Billy Burk
Jason Cannon
Charles Corcoran
James Daigle
Will D'Amato
Jim Diaz
Reid Dickson
Melissa Eckert
Jennifer Foster
Chris Gant
Liz Goliwas
Chris Grace
Mark Graffagnini
Bobby Grinstead
Remy Gross
Suzanne Gueydan
Denise Hafford
Chad Hargon
Duke Herbert
Millie Herron
Greg Hodges
Lisa Hoffman
Brian Hughson
Pamela Jenkins
Se a n Keeney
Bart Kelly
Eliz a beth Kitchen
Paige Kuchler
Louis Lambremont
Cason Lane
Mr. Ellis , is tha t yo ur Ha ll oween cost um e?Kevin Levy
Victor Levy
Ted Lupberger
Scott McKay
Chris McMahom
George McMahon
James Martin
Sabrina Mazer
Allison Miles
Stephen Mitchell
Kirk Moyer
Brian Murphy
Julie Nolan
Kendra O'Connell
Lauren Oggs
Vince Paciera
Shannon Powe r s
Melissa Quiroz
Shawn Richardson
John Robinson
Kristie Rolke
Laurel Salley
Andrew Shore
Fred Stevenson
a nd if you ever chew gum in class againJeff Stolier
Kirk Talbot
Judith Thigpen
Ben Tubb
Tyson Vaughan
Jeanne Wanek
Monica Ward
Jenny Ware
Jody Wilson
Paula Wisnewski
Hunter Wood
Lacy Wood
Jean Wu
Top Row : Coach Jim Armstrong, Jimmy Johnson , Paul Vining, Colin Walker , Drew Herrington, Scott
Yount , Clay Tidwell, Robert Bridgewater, Middle Row: Jeff Hodges, Thomas Reagan, Dave Rice, Thompson Lykes , Brent Edwards , Trip Trask, Brady Wood, Todd Zoblotsky , Mark McGinnis.
Bottom Row: Bryce Miles, Richard Starr, Larry Oggs, Lee Abbott, Blake Stevens, Robert Pettit , Edd ie Appel , Kevin Roohi , Billy Gorman .
Top Row : Freddy Duvall , Chris Leopold , Mike Giffin , Doug Lynne , Peter Wanek , John Moore, David Jones
Second Row : Larry Panna , Barton
Jahncke , Patrick Files, Clayton
Page , Gabe Whyel, Dale Wiser Third Row: Clif Stautz , Ryan Bell, Reid Sutton, Mark Contois, Sean O ' Neil, Bruce Gladden , John Falgoust
Fourth Row : Troy H i ll, Matthew Sontheimer , Robert Peyton, Bill Wayman , Pat Riley , John Wachtel.
Middle School Varsity Basketball
Team : Top row: Colin Walker, Jeff Hodges , Robert Bridgewater , Mark McGinnis, Drew Herrington, Scott Yount, Paul Vini ng, and Coach Larry Panna. Bottom row: Larry Oggs, Richard Starr , Robe r t Pettit , Bryce Miles, and Peter Wanek
Middle School Junior Varsity Basketball Team: Top row: Coach Jim Armstrong, Chase Phillips, Freddie Devall, Brent Edwards, John Moore, Thompson Lykes , Brett Phillips. Bottom row : Blake Stevens, Kevin Roohi , Jeremy Head , Jody Morris , Billy Garmon, Mark Contois.
Middle School Volleyball Team: Top Row: Ann lngolia, Dominique Brown, Allison Schwartz, Carolyn Fisher, Sacha Bush, Kelly Graham, Lisa Dublin, Emily Haycock , Sheridan Cooper.
Middle Row : Christi Page , Traci Levi , Lindsay Jackson, Lisa DeSalvo, Kim Conway, Lauren Vedros, Lisa Goodyear , Elisia Shofstahl. Bottom Row: Terri Kogutt , Julie Mills, Rachael Gately, Leigh Yeargain, Vickie Benbow, Kemper Taylerson
Top Row: Mary Kathleen Williams, Megan Magee , Holly Kuebel, Allison Andry . Bottom Row: Shannon Ryan, Margaret Christy, Victoria Siegel.
Middle School Girls ' Basketb a ll Team : Top Row : Coach Sue Edwards, Sheridan Cooper , Meliss a Stinson , Kimby Cannon , Sa cha Bush , Diann Pelias , Elisia Shofstahl , JoAn n DeMartini. Middle Row : Hilary Jackson, Beth Mccranie , Boo Christi, Lisa Goodyear, Paige Kirn , Linds e y Jackson, Laura White Bottom Row : Michelle Karno, Ca rol Steinman , Kemper T aylerson , Le a Yearg ain, Beth Boudreaux
Middle School Wrestling Team : Top Row : Coach Keith Hosli, Ca r l La ird, Trip Trask , Danin Davini, Jim Johnson, Todd Loblotsky, Neil Dyhrkopp , Clif St outz. Middle Row : Todd DeMonte , Sean O'Neil, Hans Ryden , Brady Wood, Clay Tidwell, Lee Abbott. Bottom Row: Wake Lankard , Dan Va lladares, John Reinhold, Matt Sontheimer, Patrick Files , David Jones , Dale Kiser.
TEAM. Front Row : Kevin Roohi, Clay Tidwell , Peter Wanek , Jody Morris, Robert Pettit, and Matthew Sontheimer. Back Row: Drew Herrington, Jeff Hodges, Colin Walker, Trip Trask, Todd Loblotsky , Blake Stevens, and Coach Jim Armstrong
BASEBALL TEAM. Front Row: Brett Phillips, Sean Hewitt, John Falgoust , Jarrett Brown , Jimmy Gibson , Brad Howell. Back Row: Coach Chuck Melito, Allan Burke , Teddy Neff , Da le Kiser, Reid Sutton , Tray Hill, Mike Giffin.
Middle School Boys' Track Team: Top Row: Coach Jack Ashton, Paul Vining , John Moore, Freddie Duvall, Brady Wood , Thom as Reagan , Mark McGinnis , Chris Leopold, Scott Yount, Coach Dave Rice. Middle Row : Bryce Miles , Billy Gorman , Jimmy J ohnson, Clif Stautz, Barton Jahncke, Cook Allender , Bill Way man, Sean O ' Ne il, Gabe Whyel , Eddie Appel. Bottom Row: Pat Files, Lee Abbott, Graham Justice , Chase Phillips , Dave Rice, John Wachtel, Jeremy Head, Larry Oggs , Bruce Gladden, and Thompson Lykes.
Middle School Girls' Track Team: Top Row: Elisia Shofstahl, Kim Conway , Norma Jean Young, Dominique Brown, Kim Cannon, Paige Kirn, Sacha Bush, Brooke Andry, Nancy Moore , Alissa Miller, Kelley Graham, Lisa Dublin. Midd l e Row: Karen Kirshbom, Beth Mccranie , Megan Magee, Lauren Vedros, Sheridan Cooper, Lisa DeSalvo, Lindsey Jackson, Carol Steinman, Vicki Benbow, Kim Steibing , Kim Morgan.Bottom Row : Carolyn Fisher, Katrina Keller , Holl y Kuebel , Julie Mills , Terri Kogutt, Shannon Ryan , Traci Levi , Allison Schwartz , Christi Page.
SW IM TEAM Front Row : Ryan Beau, Kevin Roohi , Cl ayton Pace , Doug Lynne
Second Row: Gretchen Wienman, K at hy Rock, Beth Ferry , Rebecca Reis c h Top row Rachel Witti c h , Christine Herman , Mary Williams, a nd Coach Bower. Mis sing from picture Kim Cannon and Coach Lind.
The Washington trip was one to remember.
We went in the Spring and not in December.
We saw all the sights! On and on we went, We only missed going up in the monument.
From the Mall to the Capitol (the Smithsonian too)
We walked and walked until our feet were blu e !
The Air and Space Museum was quite a sight; It contained many things all abo ut flight.
Street vendors in Washington sold us a bunch, (They were ripping us off, I had a hunch )
The trip was nice ; we had a good time, Wh ile all the others did was learn how to climb.
Eric BolingAnd
I know my homework is here somewhere. OUR SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER!
8th grade machisimo.
A teacher is a person who nags you to do your work like a shepherd urges his sheep on.
A teacher is a person who catches you doing something bad like a cougar catches its prey .
A teacher is a person you wish you had never heard of as much as you wish for Christmas
A teacher is a person who eats and drinks during class and you feel Mr Starvation is creeping up on you.
A teacher is a person you can hate and like just like a friend
A teacher is a person.
William YoungThis was the first year dance was offered as an arts elective in the Middle School. The students began the year learning basic dance exercises a nd movements - stretching, rhythmic patterns , simple dance combinations. Attending a performance of the " Nutcracker Ballet" danced by the Delta Festival Ballet of New Orleans helped the students understand what a professional ballet looked like This was further reinforced by viewing videotapes of everything from the Royal Ballet ' s "Cinderella" to the Paul Taylor Dancers. The dancers also participated in a Master Class in Modern Dance taught by Daniel Maloney, Associate Director of the Mary Anthony Da nce Company of New York. Middle School Dancers learned a " Torn a do Dance ," " Chorus Line, " which they performed during Fine Arts Week, and " Fame," a dance choreographed by the entire class.
Sir Sad
Sad would be found sitting at home all alone. He would be crying. He would be dressed in his pajamas, sleeping. Sad rides on a donkey. Sad really wishes to have friends He dreams every night about it. Sad never goes anywhere. He is all alone all of the time
Shannon PowersMr Rejected
He flunks all of his tests. When he tries to run, he falls down like a dead cow. All the kids always tease him and won't let him play with them He sits in a desk in the corner of the room with nobody around him The teachers ignore him He just sits around like a door in an abandoned house with nobody to open him up.
Ms. Shy
Ms Shy is a lonely girl who faces problems with no one to help.
Ms . Shy feels abandoned like trash left i n the middle of a street.
Ms . Shy looks like a girl ... who wants Santa to bring her a special doll.
Anna Lisa AppelIn November the sixth grade turned the clocks back to celebrate again Colonial Day. Students dressed in Colonialstyle clothes and experienced a day similar to a day in the early years of our country's history. They viewed a spinning and weaving demonstration presented by former teacher Kathy Chastant. Then they observed how candles were made in colonial days when John Ellis got out his candle making paraphernalia. One of the most memorable displays involved the students' sampling some homemade bread which was prepared just as the colonial homemaker would have prepared it. The festivities featured a presentation of flags that have flown over the United States.
The cu l minating activity for a six weeks seventh grade project, Tom Sawyer Day, was scheduled to take place on May 5th at the home of the Dick Piners on the banks of the Mississippi at Algiers Point. After researching the period of Mark Twain's boyhood and reading and discussing Tom Sawyer , the students planned and executed Tom Sawyer Day . Students researched t he food of the 1850 ' s, planned a menu, and even prepared the food themselves. Another committee initiated activities such as barrel racing , rope jumping, unicycling, playing baseball and croquet, kite flying, and fishing. Entertainment included medicine shows, vaudeville acts , reenactments of historic events, and guest phrenologists. Costumes of the period added to the authenticity of the day T he highlight of the day was the celebrated jumping frog contest. Each seventh grade homeroom chose, named , trained , and raced a "prized jumper " amidst cheers and encouragement from their supporters . All seventh grade parents were invited to join the kids celebrate this very special day.
Sal Caserta
Michael DePass
Jones Dieth
Shannon Evans
Michael Godofsky
Kelly Griggers
Stephen Huber
Jonathan Levy
Kristina Matthews
Margie Morgan
Robby Norton
Lisa Pankowicz
Heather Parker
Eric Reitman
Lee Sanders
Angela Turner
Rob Walters
Austin Willis
Karen Witkin
Andrew Wittich
Ch r isty Ames
Michael Barnett
Jennifer Bingham
Debra Gray Boyd
Ch r istina Chamberlain
Tucker Crawford
Lew Derbes
Le slie Fensin
Sam Gardsbane
Ke n Glass
Lauren Gurvich
Trey Hill
Sue Hinge!
Sh e a Kastl
Eli z abeth McElwee
Sumi Mikami
Andrew Miles
Ga r rett Morris
Ann Pollard
Anette Svendsen
Seth Bagalman
Nicole Bailliet
Lynn Beckman
Ian Brown
Nathan Bush
Jennifer Goodyear
Paul Longstretch
Charlee Marshall
Stacey McGeehan
Sally Moh 9med
Steven Moore
Courtenay Neff
Malachy Nugent
Brett Reagan
Creed Romano
Raynal Ruch
Kim Sanders
Adam Shore
Lee Shows
Steele Yeargain
Lisa Arensman
Dean Bell
Blair Boling
Jean Charbonnet
Whitson Christy Sealy Faught
Joe LeBlanc
Co l by Maher
Sarah McEachin
Suzan Mohamed Jeffrey Moore
Kendall Morris
Shawn Ripps
Courtney Schulman
Ch r istian Shannon
Vin Tangpricha
Edward Widofsky
Kevin Witherspoon
Nancy Wulff
Kristin Yates
Roby Arensman
Allison Chrestman
Chad Cooper
Perri Curren
Julie Henderson
Vicki Hendrick
Elizabeth Hoskins
Sue Jenkins
Steven Kilinski
David Lago
Courtney Lane
Susan McBurney
Conrad Meyer
Rachel Newman
Ryan Rockwell
Robert Rolke
Anders Ryden
Lee Thomas
Casbarian Jason
Eliz abe th Chin
Anne Falgoust
Zachary Foley
Matt Fransen
Matt Gaumer
Mark Herman
Amanda Higgs
Joh n Kahnlambert
Lau r ence bremont
Jack La~oewenthal
Ba_rba~: O ' Connell
Kristi O'Neil Christian
Ashley Rice
Paxton Stelly Robert StephanieSuggsmner SuDita Andersson
Marianne Bankston
Roger Corne lius
Kristin Dascomb
David Elvin
Michael Fantac1
Amy Gillette
Noelle Houghes
Jeffery Klein
Todd Kogutt
Matt M itchell
Leslie Monroe
Geoffrey Morris
Nicole Nelson
Michele Parmelee
Emma Tubb
Scott Weber
Reynolds Wilson
Cavan Bordelon
Aaron Condray
Sam Dunn
Maggie Erwin
Rachel Foster
Paul Gorman
Edmond Gueydan
Ash ley Koerner
Rob Marino
Thomas McEachin
Aimee Miranne
Jennifer Nichols
Robert Nockton
Becky Shaw
Heather Smith
Mike Sooder
Sarah Thornton
Meaghan Williams
Jennifer Wu
Christy Akman
Kim Blumberg
Chris Delaune
Ben Goliwas
Bradley Gordon
Cate Graham
Colleen Grimes
Charlie Haddad
Glenn Herman
Jimmy Leonard
Tuck Marshall
Marc Powers
Stephanie Rogers
Kenny Sanders
Scott Smith
Romi Sottiurai
Jill Vedros
Jenny Villaume
Mary Lee Wayman
Julie Bailliet
Andrew Bingham
Scott Branting
Elizabeth Conway
Betsy Erwin
Bryan Frentz
Gen n eysa Godchaux
Jonathan Hodges
Miachel Karno
Katie Koch
Annie Lankard
Kenneth Miller
Melanie Nathansen
Todd Pittman
Wyndy Shelton
Ryan Taylerson
Gretchen Wandell
Robyn Weller
Debbie Witkin
Murat Akdam ar
Kyle Branting
Eddie Chin
Ceci Corneliu s
Jennifer Costello
John Curren
Jason Doss
Richard Drou a nt
Maureen Eva n s
Lauren Fischer
Paul Hogan
Burk Hughes
Mark LeBlanc
Kimberly Longstreth
Gibson Lott
Kelly Norwood
Edward Pankey
Marc Ripps
Amy Schulingkamp
Suzie Shaw
Art Tontiplaphol
Stacey Vial
Ashley Smith
Rachel Stolier
Catherine Waskes
Carter Wood
Jennifer Adams
David Bowman
Clifton Burt
Chris Casbarian
Martha Claire Griffin
Sean Higgins
Nicky Hinge!
Eric Krieger
Peter Leach
Alexander Maher
Kelly McGeehan Campbell McKeogh
Courtney Melchers
Ashley Melius
Hiro Mikami
Robert Rhoden
Rebecca Ruch
Claiborne Schmidt
Beau Bethune
John Blake
Christian Daigle
Lee de la Houssaye
Katie Faught
Travis Flower
Gretchen Godchaux
Nikki Houston
Amy Hughson
Courtney Jones
Becky Katz
Analyn Megison
Paolo Messina
Ray Orrill
Jessica Pistole
Kyle Sclafani
Lisa Scott
Brett Simpson
Meredith Stampley
Michael Sullivan
Loye Willis
Geri Wilson
Jay Adair
Ricky Alford
Arthur Christy
Chris Coffman
Bryan Cothren
Ben Crawford
Gray Crawford
Anne Friedman
Patrick Garvey
Ryan Himel
Melanie Kaye
Ken Kilinski
Fritz Kock
Dina Michael
Will Newman
Amy Pecquet
Chris Reese
Erin Salzer
Tossy Sanders
Jonathan Shudmak
Jennifer Wandell
Samanth a Brennan
Peter Burk
Bradley Butler
Cherie Fontenot
Brett Guidry
Thomas Hansbrough
Kathleen Haycock
Elena Juris
David Kirby
Bradley Leckert
Leigh Linden
Beth Marks
Jimmy Maxwell
Greg Page
Stuart Peyton
Lisa Schultz
Ryan Seidemann
Jennifer Sproul
Richard Thornton
Breck Trevino
Kristin Anze l mo
Allison Brewster
Elizabeth Byrd
Ryan Casey
John Cook
Nikki Corcoran
Kenneth Danton
Ryan Fairman
Stephen Frank
Travis Gordon
Sean Grace
Christopher Hartwell
Virginia Holt
Genny Morris
Alex Pearce Jason Pounds
Sarah Robinson
Jennifer Schupp
Sales Shelton
Chris Shofstahl
Mr s Lisa St aplesLise Andersson
Erin Anzelmo
Brett Cothren
Edmund Dieth
Douglas Foreman
Steven Griffith
Michael Hanemann
Jennifer Hight
Jennifer Levy
Robert Manard
Carter Marshall
Paige Nolan
Todd Rupert
Kerri Schibler
Chris Sooder
Nicholas Stakelum
Alexis Stelly
Kim Vedros
Re id Walters
Alex Zusman
Anouk Rognon
Brent Scalia Collin
Katherine Wu
Leigh Adams
Richard Barnett
Emily Callih an
Ross Cole
Brett Daigle
Kendall Dinon
Matthew Fantaci
Jason Griffith
Sally Hall
Douglas Hosk i ns
Emily Hughes
Amy Keeney
Christopher Laderer
Susan Neal
Michael Plauche
Rana Ramelli
John Robertson
Kelle Roedel
Christian Abernathy
Gareth Beale
Laney Blessey
Andrew Brewer
Riley Busenlener
Julie Clark
Noelle D'Amato
Erin Deaton
John Diasselliss
Ashley Dugas
Rebecca Friedman
William Goins
Bethany Himel
Melanie Hobden
Wyatt Kapastin
Colin Krieger
Michael Manske
Suzanne Miller
John Moss
Lindsay Romano
Amy Scott
Emily Sneed
Elizabeth Wanek
Christopher Britt
Br a d Coffman
Ni c holas Cottone
Scott Danton
Sally Glenn Taylor Martin
Scottie McKeogh
Monique Mills
Sarah Beth Odom
Bobby Peterson
Mrs . Ann Elvin
M ic hael Beach
Fairleigh Cook
Catherine Garvey
Lauren Gatti
Mark Godofsky
Steve Hanemann
Beth Huber
Lane Linden
Justin Norwood
Mary Pettit
lLee Prewitt
Foster Schlosser
Grant Smith
Dominick Bartolotta
Ch r istopher Bowman
Allyson Bratina
Jill Czerwinski
Karen Douthwaite
Trey Jones
Sharon McDaniel
Wendy Manard
John Martin
John Parker Mrs . Mabel Himel
Okay, now who brought the Ouija Board?
" Look! Pencils!"
Bored? Never!
" I'd place my bet on Pollard if I were you ."
1981-1982 OFFICERS
Robert M. Bouilliet
Michael A. Sullivan
Herschel L. Abbott, Jr.
Robert R. Vining TREASURER
James W. McElwee
"Avondale People Have Their Ship Together''