1984 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

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LARSH\ () ..
Shield 1984
LARSH St. Martin's Episcopal School Metairie, Louisiana VolumeXXXI 1984
The Shield

We entered the Upper School together in 1980. As I established my goals for the Upper School that first year , you as freshmen were doing likewise .

Very early in your freshman year, the Class of 1984 was identified as willing to work hard to meet both in · dividual and c ollective goals. A number of you par · tic i pated in formulating the St. Martin's honor system, a practice which is expected to prove of lasting benefit to the School.

As individuals , your talents are worthy of much praise Each year since 1980 you have gained in many ways It will be fascinating for us as a faculty to watch you from a distance as you continue to formulate directions for your careers

Best wishes to each of you!

Mr. Harold Witman, Headmaster
2 Hea dm as t er ' s Addr ess

School Heads

Peter Waas is a person who possesses a sp ec ial talent for handling young people These young people best describe him as " cons iderat e," "fun lov · ing," " intelligent , " "understan ding ," ··compassionate," and ""S UPER " His devotion to the Middle School has gone into creating traditions which will long be remembered - ··overnights , " " Washington Trip , " " Merit Awards," "Honor Luncheons , " "Cross Country Teams , " "St udent Ex· change Programs," " Faculty Luncheons at th e Royal Sonesta ," ··vacation Trips to New York and Disney World." St. Martin ' s will miss Peter Waas. We wish him well at his new sc h oo l.

The leader does not say "get going!" In· stead he says, "Let's go!" and leads the way. He does not walk behind with a whip; he is out in front with a banner.

Administration 3
Standing From Left to Right : Mr. Joseph Labaree , Dean of Studies. Sitting: Dr. Wayne Lumpkin , Dean of Students ; Mar· jorie Conatser, Lower School Head.


This year , the yearbook is dedicated to two outstanding members of the faculty. We are proud and honored to dedicate the 31st edition · of THE SHIELD to Mrs Evelyn Anthon and Mrs. Nell Berryos. They have both been with St. Martin's since 1952 , an.o through their many years of service they have shaped St . Martin ' s into the community it is today

Evelyn Anthon represents a calm, self assured guiding force in the lives of her kindergarten children He r ded i cation to her students, St. Martin's and a Christian life is beyond reproach Parents are comforted and guided b y her gentle and kind words of wisdom. She is always mindful of the fact that her students are just little children who are changing from week to week in their capabilities Children leave her classroom feeling confident and capable what more could a kindergarten child need?

Nell Bernos is a warm , loving woman with a gentle sense of humor She instills a quiet , confident manne r i n those around her. She is kind , caring and sincere - always thinks in terms of what ' s best fo r the whole class as well as each individual child She values each child ' s uniqueness and lets the child be aware of it. Her pos i tive a tt i tude toward life is evident in classroom - relaxed , secure, open for exploration and expression , fair , stimulating yet comfortable , and always fun

Two wonderful human beings - master teachers - true ladies - dear friends!

D e
I a t
I 0 n
4 Dedication

In Memory of Patrick Williams

In this final year of high school, we look back over all of the people we have met and all of the things we have l earned from them. Patrick is one person who we will always remember. He touched our hearts and taught us courage, and has left us an example of how to live which will forever endure

As we leave , he will leave with us, we will carry his friendship in our hearts forever. We will never forget him.

Love, Seniors '84

Memorial 5
Left to Right: Willie Mae Gilbert , Beverly Savoy, Norma Ma ssa, Richard Robinson , Louise Rau c h, Kathy Marriott , Diana Henry , Marie Crawford, Carol Lewis. SCIENCE - Left to Right: Warren Lind , Harriet Aguiar, Belle Johnson , Harold Graf, Christine Hawthorne, Mary Chuboff , Carrie Deyo , Joan Gunderson , Jim Marsalis , John Ellis FOREIGN LANGUAGES - Back Row, Left to Right: Ted Forbes, Pedro Perez , Willard Henson , Jill McCain , Jonathon Horne Front Row, Left to Right: Lynne Frank, Carol Baier, Glenn Brady , Kar en Weav er, Karen Scott.
. '
PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Left to Right: Kip Blake, Jane Guillory, Cheryl Ellis , Ann Elvin, Mabel Himel, Pam Rogers.
Left to Right: Lynn Anderson, Sue Mann, Evelyn Anthon.


- Top to Bottom,
16 Faculty
Left to Right: Kerry Vogt , Janet Russo , Linda Trevino, Helen Dann, Sue Edwards , Chick McGeehan, Jim Armstrong , Dick Bower, Dave Rice , Jack Ashton, Chuck Mel ito, Don Chuboff.
Candids 19
20 Ca nd ids
"Put 'lour hand in mine and
:·-~:;. • "',y Ca ndi ds 2 1
logelher we jhaff conquer the worfJ"
24 Ca nd ids
i:1 nol b/e al all Candids 25
28 Ca ndid s

education in il:1eff"

Candids 29
30 Candids
Candid s 31
32 Ca ndids \';I . ..._ - ;<

Remembrances From a Friend

It is a great privilege to write a farewell to the class of 1984! I hold many happy thoughts and cherish many hap· py memories of this outstanding group of students. Twenty-eight of these students were among the first fifth grade mathematics students that I taught when I came to St Mart i n's eight years ago. They immediately impressed me as the most talented group of students I had taught in more than two decades in educat i on : their subsequent development certainly continued in that academically competitive style. Fifteen of these folks were here as kindergartners - can you imagine what a joy every morning must have been for Mrs Bernos and Mrs Anthon? No doubt these talented young adults feel they have outgrown their ' childish ways ' but fortunately for St Martin 's they continued to bring to every year ' s classes and activities the joyous vitality and enthusiasm of those exciting lower school years.

Mr s. Johnson reminds me that Shannon Conatser was president of 'Forum ' during her eighth grade year ; that same leadership in school affairs characterized this class in high school. It was this class that brought new leadership to the Student Council and wrote the Honor Code by which we all now live. As seventh graders this class inaugurated ' Huck Finn ' day and pictures of them in costume at the Piners show them to be just as full of fun as they are today (Have you seen any of the recent pictures taken at their " Destin Retreat" during Easter break?)

Every graduating class has characteristics outstanding to itself; certainly this class may be the most academically talented in the school's history. One quarter of them were designated National Merit Semifinalists: many of them have won scholarship attention from the competitive colleges and universities to which they will go upon graduation More important, however, than their ' statistics ' or thei r fun -filled memories throughout their years at St Martin ' s is the residue of love which has filtered out of this class and settled on the school , on all those who have had the privilege of working with them.

As Father Byrd is fond of reminding us frequently in chapel, "Faith, Hope and Love" are our guides in working with children and with each other. "84 " has received much faith and hope from its faculty throughout the years; more especially it has had visited upon it a wealth of love. This class has marvelously and hugely , joyously and without selfishness returned these gifts and will be long remembered for its many contributions to the school , to each of those who worked with it, and especially by me, who consider myself enormously enriched by the years I have been able to work with and to know these splendid folks Best wishes to you all!

Seniors 35

Will You Ever Forget

Mr. Labaree jumping on tables

Mr. Comfort

. .. Learning Center

... Bounce, bounce, bounce, and catch

Square dancing in P E

Purple Puzzle Tree

4 -a-Qu-i·et it down!

... Playing football during Varsity Football games

Fire drill and confetti egg on Mrs. Gregory

Soccer and Newcomb everyday before school

Dog Patch Day

Capture the flag and Percy Quinn

Parties at Lambert's house in Covington

Recorders and Conquiz


Mrs Hearst pulling teeth

Barn fire

1st grade snow

Miss. Janet "Bread and Butter Lady"

Chicken fights

Playing jacks in 3rd grade

Tracey's pony tails - everyday of lower school

SRA - Reading for concepts


Show and Tell

... Making clay bunnies - every year

Father Hotwheels

Monsieur Dardant

The Fonz and Farrah Fawcett

Making ice cream at Mrs. Shepherd's Library fire

Harrington Hotel in Washington


Mr. Fouchi's L TC

•.. # 10 copyright by McGraw-Hill Inc.

New York trip

8th grade commercials

Mrs. Koy -Malcolm , Kev, and Ms Bridges

Mr Ford and Mr. Jones

Skate Country

Boogie Nights


Disco - the Hustle - the Jump

Mr. Houghtalings Battlefield


. .. Matching gator shirts and army pants

Slumber parties

"Wh o is it this week, Stuart?"

Uh one, Uh two , Uh three, Uh four

The tripping game

P&S quizzes

Ms Niermans extra credit

Father Byrd 's true stories

St M librarians are crueler than bouncers

Student lounge!?!

Rolling Newman

Ghost stories and back rubs on sophomore retreat

Camp Bunga Bunga

Mr. Berard and Mrs. Porter . . . Coach Rice's watch

"this week at the Athletic store "

Sub Debs - Les Ecoliers - Les PierrettesAppollo and Squires

"this Wednesday will be a special chapel"

Surviving Mr. Graf

Ring Day '83

Pillow and toilet paper fights on Sr. retreat

Deep discussions

popcorn craze

State Playoffs for football : Stm 27 - Ecole 19

Girls ' Volleyball and Boys' Cross Country take STATE ' 84

"Smartest Class ever"

The Moore's of '84

Destin I, II, Ill, IV

Glenn's Prom Party

Roll Saints

Last Chapel

First class to have a serious Senior trip

CANCUN - Thanks Brandt


June 1, 1984

36 Seni o r s
Year Club
Top Row, From Left to Right: Anne Mit chell, Peyton Pettit, Andre Berot , Katherine LeJeune , Melissa Lewis Middle Row , From Left to Right: Nicole Sargent, Tracey W Moore, Shannon Conatser, Richard Hawkin s. Bottom Row, From Left to Right: Kevin Rourke , Lester Coe, Tyson Shofstahl. Missing From Picture : Laurie Lambert. Richard Kevin Lester Anne Andre Melissa Tyson ., A atherine Nicole
13 Year Club 37
Shannon Laurie

Aimee J!yn Aft!Jckuf

1980 -198 4

I can ' t change yesterday , I can live for today , And look with hope towards tomorrow Anonymous

" The Quad " asthma attacks peeling out rolling Fat Harry ' s " Hold the mayo " FG Sweetheart golf pro driving in PJ's horoscopes chocolate emotional nights doubling w i th Andre Sudden tennis craze Dorians parking lot Rocky Horror W.C.P flicks Melvin -r i ng and run discussions with P.P shooting tequila coed slumber parties Snickers The Pr omise DLS buddies late night convo ' s volleyball at LCC Mardi Gras Who's sock is this? The Tennis Club

Vasoline-Gasoline F & M's Dailey Monique ' s r elative Heb ' s b i g sister Good Luck Charm -Fa i th songs the elevator 22 Destin quarters take me home N Y E 82-83 The Wave sunburns skiing F r anklinton " Which one do you want , Faith? " The Plan confirmat i on Scarlet Letter Cisco ' s Butterfly French Quarter with Trac i late nighters Just Kid · ding spying Spec i al thanks to my parents and Mark , and best friends Valerie , Meg , Julie, Carrie , Faith , Joey , and Greg I love you all!

Skawn mari e Arm!!lrong

19 7 8- 1984

Ta ke your t i m e, t h i nk a lot , think about everything you've got, for you will st i ll be h ere to m orro w but your dreams may not.

Cat Stevens

STE V E Sh a wni e He y Cutie Are y ' all sisters? Let's get ph ysic al L SU W h en are you goi n g to get your license? AFF

Yo u kn o w w ha t I m ea n I su r vived Cis c o 's ' 83 Char l otte's Ri des I' m too youn g to die Stop at Pizza Hut NOW!

C h eese bu rgers are t h e bes t What'cha do in '! Porky ' s with PP & S W Pla st ic Pa nt s Face & Head her brothers Halloween wi t h A imee and F ranc es Tennessee Socce r teach i ng dance

Are y'a ll our che erleaders? Chauni Celebrate good times

Budd i es Ho ll y water and c racke r s Awesome Raquetball Player

M a hon ey Watch out for the tra i n Isn't chocolate good for di ets ? Ou r Sen io r Almost hitting a tree

Co m m a I L o v es Ya ! Flo r ida

Shawn Nicholson

Scary Hancock 's with KL

Making Sh oe s B o wling Big Counselor Are they still following us ? Should w e drink it? Eat i ng slow Caught dancing to " Jump on i t" B este st Friends

38 Se n i o rs

:lJereh {:/iriJlopher r/Jarn eJ


Falling on your face is still a move fo r ward.


Drik Duran Duran Mon o in " Fla " "Your mother don ' t even have to know about it " Cops AT Country Day Orange Crush " Just do it in the ice cube bag!" Lice Mot el Escaping Killer Mustang on Vet s Nikko Inn Food Fights " Damn, this room stinks" setting his shoes on fire His x ' s i n Mr. Graf's c lass " LATER " Nicole Brenda Traci imitations " That's DR Agu i lar!" Burger King for Homecoming " Don't worry about itit's not my dog! " Destin Skrote red head The Failures BMW The Producers Stairway collisions water moccasin at· tacks " Party at your hou se!" his GQ shirt High five-OOPS!

Canoe expert on 8th grade trip "Send me to Broadway!" Tell · ing ghost stories Puppets knives Looking in the doorways on Bourbon w / Ben rare blood diseases scaring Val Sexy Seven· teen Surprise Witty Wat & Lancey Poo special uses for curling irons Drik and Ween

Andre 1hc!oria r/Jerol


If at first you don't succeed, try , try again

Scottish Folklore

When one has much to put into them , a day has a million packets.


Talks too fas t SEVENTEEN simple Bacardi and Gail horses 1234 walk "pret ty " dead flexible head Dance Queen vocabulary corruption w i th Adrian NYC : FN Your uncl e Billy Scares me Loren Knights at the round table w / the Crosby's hyper " over the weekend!" Bdaliezatzchiena piece of chalk Oh my God! Miss Arlene and Big Al mature Sr. retreat Ms Secretary pachino 3 languages P.Y. T Cool bit " I want to run for that" Mr. McCain (AB) 2 en · thanasia Drama Queen Girls ' State spelling queen 13 yrs " got any ic e cream at your house? " boy's name fake bit mooch $ major Pendennis vietnamese baby Dorians Michael's sister Boom chick a boom! longest hair Thea ' s weekly driving lessons manhunt with Kate Snakester fine guys ride hun ters big time weekend plans Forever and Julie J V. c heerleader Destin '83 with Shane, Ash, Plate , and Ann Marie thanks to Henson , Doc Pedro Miss Rossiter , Monsier , Mr. Labaree, Hoot, & Mick ey a special thanks to L.L. , B .C., K.L., S.H., P L., M H ., H.J , J .W ., S.S., C.M., F R , C.P , P.M ., L.B. , M L. , C.E , B.D., C.A., A.A , MOM and DAD, I couldn't have done it without you!!

Seniors 39

..Afexi j J!eigh Brow

1976-198 4


Kiss today good -bye - the sweetness and the sorrow, Kiss today good-bye - and point me towards tomorrow

Chorus Line

Lex Sexy Lexy her taste in clothes the tank WCP flicks I can dr i ve , I swear she' buying China? Joey ' s bo·bo finger Earrings Flamingo ' s Exlax Roadtrips Best Friends DDL Franklington Tab Private Parties Dom Perignon FYMAD FOADFACE I'm going with God Bucko Destin

Delchamp's: Are you sure you are 41? Screwdrivers Exercise dri nking from peanut butter jars H C. 82! Regulars Dae· quiri's Bruno ' s 3 :00 am with Stef Volieyball manager manager of the STATE V B CHAMPS ' 83 Tintinabula rolling traitor ' s houses " The horn ' s stuck " " Flex " " That's a J J. question " " Vella is your color " " That's Presh " Just 2 more years before the world ends Party at LEX's " what th e new mouth? " SWAMP PARTY (A B.) 2 popcorn wars Party Animals Bunny Bash Fiesta Forever H C. Angel Thanks, I Love You Mom & Dad!.

W end~ (luiza Brown

It is n o t h o w m uc h w e hav e, but how much we enjoy that makes h ap p i n ess.

Charles H Spurgeon

Bl o ndi e Goofy Su g ar freak hyper hot tub " That guy ' s gorgeo u s!" " d o n ' t hyperv entilate! " " Oh the Wood?" St Paul 's B oys Da g w oo d J C. paranoid friends forever A n ne Les li e Kim Gum Queen " We are so obnoxious! " livin g ac ross th e lak e puddin g on hamburgers stomachs!

N M Mi ss Sk i relaxing on t o p of th e peak Mike Ho lzer , eh? T h e Boot INX S Duran Duran " Lock the doors! " " Tell th a t c ut e w ait er x, y, z!" Po rsche 911 ski instructors! barefoo t ba r s sexy l ex y p arty animals " This isn ' t plain iced tea!" Fl amin g V o lc an oes Anne ' s House HWL Fiesta F ore v er !!

40 Se ni ors

Gric Jokn IJutlner


Each is given a bag of tools , A shapeless mass and a book of rules ; And each must make , ere life is flown

A stumbling block or a stepping stone

R. L. Sharpe

New kid Wisconsin Steve Husi reincarnated Senior re treat His red truck ; " Chateau's hell on wheels ."

GdwarJ Cairnj



1982-198 4

" It is much easi er to r ide the horse in the direc tion that he is going "

JOE The Four TEM Football Junior Jamboree Party Pep e Laga·laga night golf " yesh " talks with TEM in Spanish 2 and 3 Joe Blow patio - eighth grade - first kiss Moses eight g i an t marshmallows Ne ticklez pas la Mona love just radiates TM and BW - bestest forever Aspen '82 " What happened t o your hair ?" Joman " Blackout " to New Orleans East during lunch with George B Crawfish Boils his LAUGH " Th e Wood" " Let's get hungry! " Jo Jo

Seniors 41

.Andrew Pichen!J Calhoun .!J.!).!)

1981 -1984

I feel a feeling which I feel you all feel.


ANNE STD Am I a lifeguard? the Cord C Man BSL Coon & Bag AMC the Texan and the Harbor COON can· nons Big Red BAG W L.M. , C.H B ., J M C., and B E.P

Sherr'! J!'lnn Canepa 1982-1984

Conformity is one of the most fundamental dishonesties of all. When we reject our specialness, water down our God·given individuality and uniqueness, we begin to lose our freedom The conformist is in no way a free man He has to follow the herd


Ecole the wreck patches are sexy Marcel Jeffery Cutie Munholland straw hats passing notes Bunny face J D. Salinger Karine Bellvert et Valerie Morant La Rochelle Chinys bars Quiz Bowl ave the French girls " He got his ear pierced? " Darryl SAILING " Miss Conduct" A Day In A Life " Gross - How can you eat that? " Spirit will absolutely meet to· day " Quel Dommage!" A Perfect Day for Bananafish Holden French class "Je ne sais pas! " From T T to N Y., N.Y And in the end , The love you take, Is equal to the love, You makeThe last lyric in the last song on the last Beatles ' album BEATLEMANIA FOREVER Shanagan's Monsoon's at Port of Call Table atop A T ll's Ona Mae ' s friend Robin , Nancy, and Sherry loved Geology Et quam multa queas, fac quoque multa velis Monet fanatic Le jour n'est pas plus pur que le fond de mon coeur 221 ILMFAE

42 Seniors

" What's the use of worrying? It never was worthwhile , So pack up your troubles in you old kit-bag , And smile , smile , smile."

Swimming Chemistry with Lex writing notes Mold Ears LOAD where's that voice coming from trouble maker in c lass just kiddin ' around stomach muscles Algebra 2 Andre ' s tutor Sister Thea Maria We all need computers Accident prone Mazda T C. It doesn't matter to me I'm not going to worry about it Penn State Listen, Listen , this is sooo funny Kindergarten lover (big-time lollipop) I can ' t believe he tried to do that racoon bank G Q. in Hawaii I can ' t help it , I can ' t stay in my own lane Italiano no, he ' s ugly bright green and plaid pants No Way Myloe Scrawny there ' s a man standing up there P L.S T Morning traffic with C , P, and P Well , if you would have called yesterday master -planner Is this a good song Is this right or left Adios.

.J:e!Jler Verner Co e JJJ 1971-1984

To St. Martin ' s: The finest years I ever knew, were all the years I had with you

Pres basketball stud whitewater canoeing with Bob "Unbelievab le" "I hear ya" Christi scramble true sleuths muscles Fat Albert Lionel Richie Ooga , ooga, ooga ooga· ooga L -C-0-E the Malibu (white lightning) Nizaragua

TUNO Colleen Keubel's Deb party clothes sweat pants painter hats VICTORY TA VE losing Steve Hussy finding Steve Hussy "0-TA Y" Jacksons Boys ' State " That's a quarter " typewriter salesman SM & TM at the top of the list Pepe getting his nose hit tub pact " Chicks dig me!"

Homecoming ' 84 Destin " He smells like a brewery! " StM 13 years touch football

Seniors 43

Shannon cfee Conal:1er


We rarely find that people have good sense unless they agree with us

maniac driver what ' s that on your arm? "Go·Away" Wake u p Shan non Let's get physical It's a mustang! C.T Chaz motorcycle King c akes in 8th grade with J and T somnambuli st scream queen " singing" Shannon T V Queen Scooby Doo p ani c button 63 stitches Doc swimming coo l car The " Big " Z baseball her dentist untaping the cha ir s Johnny Bench I hate driving around like this Well , what do you want t o do? It's the Soul Train Tommy baby in Ha w aii You sa w him , where? Jesuit Just get behind the bushes P.L S.T How about Wendy 's? Well , I have an idea W.A I.L I l ove this song Alright , if you say so what kind of car is that? There h e is; I swear that's him

Rebecca cfynn Conloi,i


I do not know what I appear to the world , but to myself I appear to have been only like a c hild at the seashore diverting myself in now and then finding a smoothe r pebble or prettier shell than ordinary , whilst the great ocean of Truth lay all undiscovered before me

Mamase mamasa ma ma soo sa

Michael Jackson

Becky " Hey , Bob!" French Woman Outdoor Ed. ace pep rally on senior retreat " Boom chic·a boom " Marie shameless E co li basketball studette Dandy girl GPGC Beaky 52 !-shirts climbing trees " Becky , a !rain ' s been here " car stereo Honor System poet " you can sit any ole place " Rebecca Baraka " damn glad to meet ya " sex class Alaska fund falling asleep in class longshoreman NYC :FN birdwatching on Friday nights penguins I'm a good driver Julia Child imitations arguments with Paul in English Christmas carol · ing Richard Nixon style France juggling Sesame Street music the spa trying to catch a red light veni, vidi , vici her term paper topics Popeye 's biscuits Jean patrick Schwegmann ' s "swimming " Girls ' State donuts in French class dancing on Airline Hwy dancing anywhere braces sl eeping in Leanne's Z iced tea Physics lab special thanks to Bf, D, MW , AB , LH , JT , KS, AND ML.

.........,,._ 44 Seniors

:l)ebra Ann Crojb'I


The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time Any fool can do it There ain ' t nothin ' to it

Lancers & Newman Brett walks like a pigeon the cliqueDC, JF , SM , TM, & JM Running Tastees Cheerleading Camp Augies David Lee Roth Popeyes Drive thru Whiskey Sour Mix in my Gym Bag? Destin Summers with S.M 8th grade reu · nions Chocolate Chips Purple Van Wa She ate soap Last day of Summer ' 82 Going Out with S.M Dancing at the Bounty Deebra Dog patio 8th grade !st kiss Time Saver - 8th grade Stealing the car Fla ' 84 - the best! We are the baddest girls in all the Nation Clandestin Bathroom - H.C. '82 the peeper Dancing at Ciscos ' TM, SM , AND JM J M .' s crude notes Brown nose Cheerbop Queenie " Are y'all sisters?"

Rober! John :1);/;/,erlo


"The road i s long , there are mountains in our way , But we climb a step everyday. "

Boob jumping off the garage roof Kathy's football party 21 Andra Ashley Camero " Destroyer " Celica How many can fit in a sleeping bag? Bobby D " Get me out of this table! " hiding under the covers at Breakers East guzzlin ' beer at the Round Table Football camp " Bobby" strip quarters canoeing experts Baby Bob " Hey Baby, we are SENIORS!" cruis ing with Stuart Destin for the summer PEDRO Football parties The Coaches

Seniors 45

.Stuart (ledge (layfe


"Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. I'm afraid its time for goodbye again.

Billy Joel

Pao Pao Red Pop JH , LM , JS BMOC Gee Quu Destroyer St St Stuart It's a handicap Do it Stu , do it Jam Bob ' s best buddy French St standing up JS Prom Night ' 83 hangloose Clarence & Tyrone hoop 143 M & M want another coke? Do it in the bag GF sleep walking at c amp Jennifer " Hey bud , let's party" flexing w / Bobby strut what a bod Shmoo true sleuths Bacardi in City Park never -ending crush Wail 105 losing hussy the art of roll· ing " No, uh that's a Monza" twenty dollar bet with CD

BASKETBALL pro "The Jerk" singing to JS "go west"

Jeanie LM's whirlpool always serious 6 / 11 / 86

Jennifer J:ynn :J/eming

1973- 1984

So much of life ahead

We ' ll find a place where there's room to grow And yes , we just begun.


The clique - DC , JF , SM , TM , JM, "The failures " Do it! Cut it out You are wild, I wanna par· ty with you Danielle Party on Jenn ' s tramp Ragu Jane Fonda Stay and Jenn Squeeze-our tape Quarter nose

Jenn -a-ween Drik and Ween

He ' s a dream VS Cheerleading camp We are the baddest girl s in all the nation Cheerbop Duck lips " Ya Momma! " Ah boodine Fla. ' 84 - "the best" Changing in the parking lot

Father and Son Dixie Brewery I'm go i ng on a manhunt

Jubilee Cisco ' s Pass Christian Wild Women Augie 's at 5:00 am The Boot Clandestin Thanks to Mom , Dad , Jack , Jana , Danielle , Sharon, SM , TM , JM , & DC - I love you Catch ya later!

46 Seniors

Bruce :Jfioma :S .JJalforJ

1978- 1984

"Two men look out through the same bars : One sees the mud , and one the stars ."

" A dog is a dog except when he is facing you ."

Marshmallows i n 8th Moooose Wake up , Bruce, or else The answer is "Mr. Perez is getting mad at you! " Pepperoni in ears

Mr. Walkman In the Navy The BLUE JACKET fall, winter , & spring pes t ering the "Sex Machine " the Monday shirt snowflakes " You mean to eat pizza?" the Bronze Bus 8th grade canoeing trip!

Stefani e ofee .JJarri:Son


There are place s I'll remember all my life though some have changed. Some forever not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places had their moments with lovers and friends I still can recall. Some are dead a nd some are living In my life, I've loved them all.

It's "F" not "PH" Simon Payne herkness Leroy Projects C.T Jeff's fun DDL sleeping at Walt's Mike A Guys from Tennessee Sw i tch he 's a marine how did you meet Mike and Willie and my dog ran away I love your profile candy bar s finally got her license Massa c husetts Cash's until 3:00 w / G.D Pink Floyd the Wall Chinese Food I thought you were spending th e night with Lex! Corruption with Adrian Big waves and strapless bathing suits don ' t mix late , as usual your blush looks fine Chemistry Stuffed Potatoe s Just two more years before the world ends, again

Seniors 47


How am I supposed to know

Hidden meanings that never show Fools and pro p hets from the past Life ' s a stage and we ' re all in the cast.

13 years Ex. Tardies writing DHM Mom on the Senior trip Evicted Spring Break '83 The "Beach" Hard Rock Daredevil Soccer street signs ' He hit us ' A ' C' in golf! I got another ticket Hey, Mick, I failed another test " Forum - GodspellO u r Town" Ring Day '83

Jeanne .Andree .JJerringlon


You ' re no bunny 'till some bunny loves you.


Leonard bunnies speed reader cheerbop 6th-12th Destin or Bust Regulars Houston A H G3 chocolate C, C, f, M Fac e! Get away! Luthers Jr. Prom PRO C.S F ights w / L.I. nubs f, sag WAIL 105 Jane ' s workout M f, M 's Life guard The Savage Tan always smiling cute toes Ragoo The Best! New Years ' 82 Cisco's Cash ' s Swamp Party Tulane Quad Hilton Crew always exaggerating obnoxious hiccups The Famous Volleyball trips

STATE V.B CHAMPS ' 83 U S L. Sharp Dorm Thanks S W #7] CLAUNCH Just 15 more minutes Florida w / Pey

Studying for exa ms " Wait , time out!" Alligator Woman Jambox Ski Bum Dixie Rabbit Can I borrow ? Party Van " Bab y" Captain Mohawk A A A " Wild and Loose" Court " 83 " Bunny Bash Party Animal old times w / T W M A M .F Later, Much! Fiesta Forever!!! Thanks Mom f, Dad, 1.4.3

48 Seniors

'JJanie/ Roterl fiugh ej .!).!).!)


Smart men may not know all the answers But they know where to find them


Danny You loose Buckwheat Pal Basketball sports fan # 1 Volleyball fan Mr. Nice Guy Football games Baseball 'Tm Sorry!" The parking lot of Chuck E Cheese! garbage cans Dan D " That's a quarter"

/Z.charJ fidlman Johnjon Jr.


" The bell doth toll for him that thinks it doth!"

Hill snakes 4th grade sex symbol " exxthellent " his Walkman " Hill, no! " A l exandra Cross in 4th grade Hilly Billy Chemistry Brain New car nice hellos those look s he gives - dangerous! Big green cruisemobile

.....,_,_.... ':? Senio r s 49

1J; el Jol.nJon

1982 -198 4

Pl ay in g littl e g am es, lik e not l oo king at it for a wh o le day and then look· in g a t it , t o see if I still lik ed it I DID!!

lndicipline , King C rim so n , Adrian Bel ew

Ho m e i s wh ere I want t o Be

But , I g u ess I'm alr ea dy th ere

L es s w e say abou t it the better

M akin g up as we go along

Thi s m u st be th e pla c e , Talking Head s, David Byrn e

Wa nn a Pa rt y? Eh Ra sta Man , Eh What you Say? Public Image Ca lifornia E n si e Jou D i vi si o n new order memor i es f ade o n tirel es s wav es M o nkey Sc andalous Hugh, Dave , Paul , E ri c, C hri s, Phil , An s J ogn Ca shed Big B Talking

Hea d s Kin g C r i ms o n Don Juan Ar e You Exper i en c ed?

C h i c ago Buri ed in th e sand L.I.G F B Tulane Lazy B Hits Jamai c a, Ha waii , Tha i Satisfact i on Kill the preps

D ri ving I ge t by o n automati c , no surpr i se at all Dread Ian C urti s i s dead Love will tear us apart New You He thought that so m e of th ese fac es might be right for him Hurt, abuse me!

Paul m; cl. e! .J(;,.Jl.bom

1979-198 4

A man walked , as it were , casting a shadow , and yet o ne co uld nev er say which was man and wh i ch was shadow , or how many th e shadow s that he cast

Willi am Butler Yeats

And I know of the futu re j udgement , How dreadful soe ' er it be , That to sit alone with my c onscience , Will be judgement enough for m e.

Excalibat Burning Busch Misanthrope Doors in Florida Cap Mr Wrestling Pessimist of the Year Th e Buzz B o mb 2 week Easter Vacation M ISTAH Kir shbom Mrs Herrington ' s best friend Seavi e w Cottag e s Pu r se Snatch er " Whistlin " ' Paul You ' re in my way one of the three Beerateers Banned from Putt Putt Barney Bear MIT Quality Mr. Atebara and Fireside Inn No P.E Yelling something at Bec k et in Assembly MENSA Chocolate Chip Cookies Scones and t ea in English good cook muttering in class Grunt climb i ng The ba seball bat taking every sc i ence at STM Airplan es in Physics

50 Seniors

Rober/ (lar'I Ynipe


If at first you don't succeed try , try again, then forget it, it isn't worth being a damn fool about it

Gary Piano Pooh Pooh! Skippy Robby Goon Gry Golf Mainard I can handle that! his leg Hey dude what's kicking chicken? " What? Huh?" Out to lunchAlways Bells on his shoes Come said away JENNIFER in Ohio Mean Green Ma c hine Gobute Hey Dudette Play me a song Pleeease! Landmark Hotel Mr. Sneakers and Soda Pop! Shades Grace King danc e I don't understand

Jvar (lerarJ Carof Yoeh


He who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away -Anonymous

Eef lfuh Vicious Eef Revar "the stork " pal # 2 Crawfishman Catch the fever FWB triathlete Cycling fine tuning " the bike " track open quarter the all even t pur· pose luminous green reflective track shoes near perfect han · doffs from M.M getting so close in the 880 relay MANAGER fastest team manager in the state We Managers get No Respect " Stoopid that's not the way its done Here! " Eef do you have a screwdriver All those wonderful meals at Picadilly " You need something, you say Please!" "Ya'II call y 'all selves Seniors? " Hey I done conversations with Pal # I driver of the flesh mobile

Seniors 51

Julie Yoppman


Be young , Be foolish , But be happ y · The Four Tops

Lulie twins little Kappa the ' quad' late night talks Conformation The Boot J.T S slow Neat Cheerbop!!

Jules Bu l es su rpr ise party Poo poo n ' Drik Awesome

O ldi es She loves me back NYC:FN Girl - I' m gonna get you now Abdul " my little desert l eaf " Corey "a ll night " chats in t h e loft Cu ddle s Rolex Jenny All my Kids h er advice Bike riding with Anne Cash Wholesale Kehoe France

Juju bee Crawfish bash pender Todd f, Debbie th e " snake" We 're hot Juie Kopan

'Jraci Beth Yul/fer

1981 -19 84

Whenever I see your smi ling face I have to smile because I LOVE YOU!

Slug seasons in the sun Oh, thats so funny Popeye' s com· m er ci al waiting at Hill ary ' s we're going on a manhunt crawl · in g on th e l evee xlax " Just anot h er chapter in the book of our li ves" I know , I know snoring prickly white fuzz Califor · ni a gir l B ro ken zippers Derek Forget it - we're not going out, I've got nothing to wear Cisco ' s I want a Skate Country Jumping Bean!! AAA Coconuts n ' pineapples the si ns of Lana and Slug T L I'm so exc it ed Inlet Reef raid Lookth e ba c k of my hair is dark CAT how many bathing s uits??

Burn o ff all that rum - get it all off out turns -turns Sub Debs '83

Light s - Camera - action with Laurie at Holmes Shot in the head with a Bowie So fun audi 4000 Linch w / FEN n ' nubs I'll be ready in 3 ho ur s To all my pals (and you know who you are)ce lebrate the good times and keep your c hi n up through the bad Although w e all will not be together the memories of the smiles and tears we ' ve sh ared will a l ways stay with us, I'll never forget how co uld I pos sibly?! I ' ll mis s you M om and Dad, Thanks. I need you and I love you!!! L L ., F.N. , M .S., W.W ., A.A , V .R ., B.B. , B.A. , B P., M.D ., T.L. , Remember kids: Friends forever and ever and " Well you kn o w the rest XOXOXO.

52 Sen ior s

J!aurie J!ee J!amberl


"Take your time, think alot, Why think of everything you ' ve got ; For you will still be here tomorrow, But your dreams may not."

Clark Laurie Lama Porsche 944 Lappin ' Lama jogg· ing on St. Charles w / T K Lula Mae Popeye ' s commercial w / Traci mowing the grass December 27, 1982 "O h Laurie, you ' ll love the single life " Miss Mae ' s screwdrivers Go back and tell the bouncer, this really IS your license pickle toes 25¢ movies in the French Quarter the sins of Lama and Slug S M U seasons in the sun w / TK and FN Mocca Boo Cisco's happy hour " What, we're not supposed to chew gum?" cheeks _ in love with love T F. Syndrome mellow music Cat Stevens the Mustang man Mouse Like a cough, love cannot be co ncealed (C.G.) Triple L

Clark, Faith, Val , Meg , and Traci - I leave no goodbyes, just my love Mom and Dad - Thanks for the memories.

1980 -1984

Life 's been good to me so far.

Ben Madness Bensville Soccer Stud Can I borrow a pen?

2402 Peppermint Patty Shoes Porkypine head being chased on Veterans w / Derek "Do you have anything to eat at your house?" " Just do it man!" Gretchen escaping Killer Mustang Mania c on Vets Destin with Tov Peep shows on Bourbon St. Nikko Inn Food fights Stolichnaya "Where have you been?"

Hit ch hiking w / fags in a 69 Cadillac Limosine F.T. - Always driving " Are you and Frances going out?" The Hot Tub Pact The Islands Grapefruits Getting up at six on Sunday mornings

"10" Spanish with Pedro "Wanna play with my camera? "

Up late st udying for physics at FEN ' s infatuation with eyes

Fast Times " Who's that under the bunkbed?" Ag & Gag with LL. + T.K Drik + Ben getting well paid by his boss 'Tm in Grammercy, can you pick me up?"

Seniors 53

Yalherine :1JoJJJ J!e!)eune 1971-1984

Yo u can not stay on the summit forever ; you have to come down again so why bother in the first place? Just this One climbs , one sees. One descends , o ne sees no longer, but one ha s seen There is an act of conducting onese lf in the l o wer region by the memory of what one saw hi gher up. When one ca n n o longer see , one can at lea st still know

Pr es Baby Kate "frail southern belle " smilin' Katherine Burger King for Homecoming untaping the chairs our crushes 2FF his l egs sweet knees Fla '83 with Ash , Shane , Pa c hina David Tommy S. in 1st grade J C. in 8th grade

dumb blonde Ena Kay f, Duke Plat e Camp Monterey

Outdoor Edie NOL S Tom Blu e Sling Shhhhh harsh take fou l is fair what party? the middle of three LeJeunes who taught you how to eat? paddling partner Mr. Ford Mr. Davis sl eeping in George Alaska! J .V. cheerleaders " my perm fell out" " I ca n ' t wink" Spring Sub·debs Bronco Patrick and Cu ll en Homec oming cou rt ; 4 yrs Earl Schwartz 13 years seamst ress muggles Bit o Hon ey Christmas caroling St Martin 's cand le Dorian's Weekend goons Major Penden · nis Specia l Thanks to S A., A B ., B .C., S M ., A & B L., Doc , Pedro , J T ., Mi c key , H J. , S S. , M.H ., J.W. , A H. , and especially Mom and Dad

Ghzabelh .Ann J!e11e9ue


Come to think of it, I'll have a Heineke n And so will my friends. Anonymous

Liz Talking upside down Steak f, Egg Heineken Pizza Inn Ff, M's younger men, older men Lyre Woman loud and obnoxious Joe Blow Prince grafitti Elvis Costello her hus· band her "Pink" car The Fuzz!!! Stella!! "He ' s just too cool!" Sexual Healing " Dig the guy in the shades! " Mr. Cox · ey impressions Miss Juice Ethel Merman imitations strange poetry "Ge t down! " " We bad!" " Bruise is my favorite color!"

Miles Trapper Keeper The Rat Sweatshirts Whisky Sours punking out in the quad Awesome Brain Sucker

"A lcohol is good for the complexion! " " Boze" Miss Aggressive " Call me impetuous , call me a lover of life!" Variety is the spice of New Orleans! "I could re ally go for some good rock a·billy about now!" " Party!"

54 Seniors


Come sai l away with me STYX

Mel Jesuit boys WALTER Roadtrips w / Lex Frank ' lton

C.T Jeff's fun D o mPerignon DDL Let ' s be BEST FRIENDS 28th Slumber Party I gotta go to church

NYC :MF bicycle built for two community House Fa loves Pa

Mr. Policeman Dead Fl e xible Head P.S. infatuations Prom night ' 83 - D.T ., P P., P.S , " You don ' t know him , he goes to Jesuit " LOU BABE D H HOC.MES TACOS VAIL w / S.M " I don ' t play P.E." WASHINGTON The Big " V " Bowling SMURF DAVID "E want to be 24" etc Allison

HAWAII Let' s clean out the Party House DEV J E., M A. , S D , F K., K M , S.M., K M ., JAN L.B , S.H , S.M., I LOVE YA!!! 13 YEARS!!!

..Jlan!J (}eorge of!uefkemeier


Life ' s battles don ' t always go to The stronger or faster man, But sooner or later the man who wins Is the fellow who thinks he can Anonymous

Hansel Hansi soccer h i s dad's accent Helping Ben with his computer dozing during Geology Russel's Party? River Oaks 17 14 Toby Charles Imitation Golden foot Pedro 's Class Oakwood GNO bridge Jazz Festival CB Hey Dude! #6 soccerball? His car stereo Don ' t touch that stereo fast hands Combo Ridgewood Who?

Seniors 55

'])avid Jonalkan milt


Be yourself

No one can ever tell you you ' re doing it wrong

Mills Brothers " Otay, Borky" Mr. Video " Who cares? " impressions of just about everyone " he could have dressed up like Gandhi!" Ana ' s bodyguard Melito ' s slave Mills , the pole· vaulting manager Mohammed ' s brother "What was this movie about?" Videographer Dog Sticke r s GIG ' EM AGGIES!

.Anne Yent mackell


Ver y littl e i s n eeded to m,:ike a happy li fe. It is all w i thin yourself , in yo u r way of thinking

Ar e y o u Rob' s si st er ? silver bracelets soccer champagne Grease bubb le gum Chinese food Elizabeth and Susan ar e yo u E ri c's siste r ? Flamingo ' s Mrs Timmreck Mike Hol ze r , eh ? Quill 's volleyball trips STATE V.B CHAMPS ' 83 slid in g o f f the fr o nt seat Mardi Gras hairdo ' s pita f, spr o ut s Br andon Tab anyone? The Pol ice Duran Duran

W endy U2 P.L. INXS Tulane Skiing is not her sp o rt M f, M 's D.D 12 Mexicans? Pretenders v ege t ar ian Destin ' 83 popcorn prom ' 83 Swamp Party

Th e B oo t AT's Country Day diet Stef, Lex, f, Me l Br ia n Carri e David Bowie piercing ears in Destin doesn ' t drink Th e Gr eat Wall climbing the fence at Ff, M ' s Paul's cou sin ? I 3 y ears popcorn war whipped cream w / D C. Fie sta For ev er Jeanne , Pey , and Trace! Party Animals

St even Godc haux H C. cheerbop " The power of Christ compels you !" Ex o r cis t b day weekend flam i ng volcanoes The Qu ad Boodi e c lothes Vogue Sting Thanks Mom , Rob , a nd ev er yon e, i t ' s be en great

56 Seni o r s

1976 -19 84

I would rather h ave my own ignorance than another man 's knowledge , because I have got so much more of it

The chorus deep voice artwork eight year club back of class are you Anne's brother?

Bdt ';J)ean mokam ed


198 1-1 984

" If at first you don ' t succeed, try , try again ."


ANA Billy 12 years at StM Muhammed Ali "Dot"

PAL# I spoo n s Nabilly peasant #47 "Si, honey , si! " Taco Tico for lun ch " T h e Wood" always giving advice

Belna " Oh man , look at that Mustang! " jamming in the Combo special thanks to Mom , Dad , Ana , Lila , Suzan, E, Sally - especially to Mom

Seniors 57

Stace'! cl'Jnn moore


" Don't cry my friends, this is not th e end , this is only the beginning ."A Altschul

STAY Mi ss Priss the clique - DC , JF, SM , TM , E, JM 10 / 7· 8 / 83 bar in h er car TANQUA " Where 's my butane hose? " 7·1 1 manhunts cruisin ' in her Vette " what" Hercules

"A re y'a ll si ste r s?" the B oot changing clothes in the parking lot quarters " Stay, you hit that man 's car!" soccer h angovers C i sco's etc. w / JH, TM, E, JM Destin summers w / DC DIETS st udying in h er pool SUNGODDESS Texas

l ast day of su mmer '8 2 " what ca nal ?" purpl e van going out w / DC dance floor at Cash's 8th grade reunions and trips to T S

h ell ooo meeting guys from all ove r the co untry "wait ya ' II "

Per cy p arty on J en n 's tramp Hilton ' s lifeguard gum

Spacey Stacey Jenn E, S tay Squeeze·our tape Vail w / ML h er cute freshman he ' s a dream the FLOWER horos co pes

Po peye ' s drive t hru " We w ere in Pat O 's?" Fla ' 84 - the best NO CC C hin ese food clandestin arm E, HAMmer

Augie 's at 5 :0 0 A.M s ingin g Produ ce rs w / TEM " he ' s gorgeous" mom's credit cards daddy's little girl H.C. cheerbop

FLIRT TracyTraceyStacey Moo re the M oo r e's of ' 84 Thank s for every thin g E, I LOVE Y ' ALL!!! - DC , JF , TM , ML , E, JM thanks especia lly M om , Dad , E, Jeff CHOW!!

:Jrace'J Wirt!. moor e


The trouble with t ro uble is it always starts out being fun.

Redpop Tracey Red 2602 failing J.T .S Fred Barkers pig tail woman for 6 years c ar trouble - all the time bargain shopper Pao Pao mayonnaise Clady Clady luv luv She loves me back Mr. Mann red head skrote The Hilton C rew All My Kids The Scooter her clothes Tracey's Wirth Moore Awesum Anis J C her lemon bernerd Sports sexy mole Pussycat theatre H C. Cheerbop nicknames pender moneyholic Tracefa ce volcano head Cash wholesale A M F unly fats weather woman after swim write Tracey or ELSE " Watch the wir es" volleyball queen " Somebody make Andra stop biting me! " no pun intended Angele remote control K Tel the green pea guess you had to be there or at least a mile away 13 year club

CLAUNCH State V.B Champs ' 83 oompa

TraceyTracyStacey Moore the Moore's of '84 Fat Tuesday the Bay 0% hum i dity - Paradise! major burn I love Traoomp JMB chocolate old times with J.H Scramble Thanks mom , I love you! later much

58 Se, , io r s

:lra c'I f.:lixab etl. m oore

1981-198 4

" Do n' t give up until you drink fr o m th e silv er c up , And ride that highway in the sk y " America

GUY Tracy E the c liqu e - DC , JF , SM , TM , E, JM 10/ 7· 8 / 8 3 bar in Stay ' s car TANQUA th e B oo t Ra c y littl e brown fa c e JC E, BW - bestest for e ver si ng i ng Produ ce r s w / SLM " what canal? " class of ' 8 2 DIETS h er ro c k TEM talks w / JC - constantly " you , you , y o u " dan c in ' at the Bounty w /D C, BW, TK E, JM " Does Tracy have an 'e' or not ?" doubling w / JH Fla '82 her bla c k bug J D o n the ro c k s Joe her hoop skirt at Prom ' 83 Inspe c tor Moore "c hello " Ring Day t rauma George B flunking track Guy always in Bat on Rouge friends w / M el i ssa - FINALL Y her camera pa r ty on Jenn ' s tramp L S U a lway s a t Hilla r y 's w / Guy NOCC Fla ' 84 - the BEST soc cer hang o v ers J en B " che z" Teddy K Ci sco 's et c. w / JH , SM , E, JM B oo Guy - always FLIRT H C. C heerbop ' 8 3

TracyTraceySta c y Moore the Moor e' s of ' 84 thanks for e verything yall : DC , JF , JC, SM, BW , E, JM special thanks t o m o m for putting up with me thru the 8th E, 9th grad es to d a dd y for sacrificing June '83 -June ' 84 to my sister , Nancy to Joe E, Brandt for your kind advice E, friendship t o Guy for alw a y s being here when I need you

Jenni/er micl.e!le morqan


Keep you chin up boy, Forget the pain. I know you can make i t if you try again. There ' s no use quitting when the wor ld is waiting for you Supertramp

Lancers and Newman drop the bomb " cruise the lakefront " heaven Tastees Van Ha l en Oh Dave! gas station dude red MG Dancing at Cisco ' s with SM. JM, DC Greek Night in Biloxi with SM Sub Debs '83 hey ho! the clique - DC, JF , SM, TM E, JM Karate fight s Pat O's with BM and KF hurl being bestest friends with KF I don ' t want to be seen with you m u sic in the morning great tennis skills unbelievable skinny

Ken VQ Yea , me an d Phil and Bob , so what! organ you love me model Dancing at the Bounty with TK , BW , TM, E, DC greek

Seniors 59

:l-ailh {:/izabelh nou!!et


We had joy; we had fun; we had seasons in the sun. But the wine and the song, like the seasons, have all gone."

FEN Bambi Faith, Hope & Charity tennis rolling in her "outfit " frozen duck head eating dead frogs red turbo 280zx Destin tricks , pranks and jokes dancing in cars her imita· tions the hot tub pact obnoxious answering machine dia· mond rings fingernails Lincoln Continental, Fiat Spider, 280zx what's next? Great Wall w / AM & CW her momma putting a leash on her in the store cuties Aimee 's good luck charm Meg's twin " Pickles" bikini sneaking out with AA & CW silent room with Laurie David W and the rearview mirror sunglasses Mardi Gras '83 Halloween costume with Laurie Scary movies with L.L. 8th grade commercials with Derek JC / JG / DD / BB " People who think they know everything are par· ticulary aggravating to those of us who do!" Pee-Wee Seasons in the Sun with TK & LL "Pass the Wind" with Laurie 90 year old stuntman 101 ways to have fun with sourballs the hairlip making faces Debra C. in middle school " Can I borrow a pen· cil?" Billba the "C law " Mocca Boo Melvin - ring & run Matt Houston Nubby Thank You Meg , Aimee, Laurie , Traci , Carrie, Anne and especially Bit and Jake - I love you all!!!

Peylon Crowe// Petlil 1971-1984

I'm so glad we had this time together Just to have a laugh or sing a song Seems we just get started and before you know it, Comes a time we have to say so long.

PAAYY! her love for policemen boy crazy 3 wrecks in 1 year boy crazy CLAUNCH Regulars Daiquiris Scramble Destin w/Jeanne-Arkansas " Just 15 more minutes" C , C , & M c hocolat e " Wait time out!" 13 years basketball & volleyball Pat & Philip Tulane Quad The Boot discus· sions w / A.A o l der men C.B infatuation A T's Patty Aini s Bunson Boerner PAYDON! C.T & J H in the quarter Pat O's at 4 am her Destin house Vail EHS " my car is cursed" c.c Alligator Woman SWAMP PARTY Rob the Ar c hitect D.H and C.D " I swear we didn ' t tell the cops Chuck E. Cheese parking lot fights w /C. D Special Olympics '83 - Ray and Scott TWM 's philosophy for me on boys "Hey Hu ss ! " ST A TE V B. CHAMPS '83 Fiesta Forever! Party

Animal s - T M , L B ., J.H., A M. , P.P Marge & Becky H C. An ge l " The horn 's stuck" POZ 13 years 6'1" and tons of fun!! Good luck Leah , Andra , Robert , Mary Kay and M.L. I'll miss you! IMYM C. D.!! Thanks Mom and Dad! , I DID IT!

60 Seniors

..J<arf Chrijfopher Pe'lronnin

1971-1982 & 1984

Breathe , breathe in the air

Don ' t be afraid to care

Leave but don't l eave me

Look around and choose your own ground

For long you live and high you fly

And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry

And all you touch and all you see ls all your life will ever be

Mr. Frisbee back again? Fencing he ' s fighting Washington trip harassing Pat Porter 12 years Rush Heavy Metal

Cliarlej Adamj Rodd'!


We all know success

Chuck Charlie sleepin g in class Nowwww the Chuck Wagon rides again Es Mejor Chuckie Babie philisophical rap on the senior retreat racing cars Deb party with A.A the cor · ner of West Esplanade & Marseilles Big Daddy's Saloon #64

C.A R " Hot Rod " "Real Nice! " his coats Destin Rm 206 Community Car in Destin "Chuck, where ' s your money?" alway s awake Always on time (you can count on it) Yellow Birds & Golf (trying to hit the ball straight) eating breakfast at Time Saver

Ex Lax brownies car in t h e shop for seven weeks (minor repairs)

Pat O ' Brian ' s 18 yrs old (legal) " How does that sound? "

You know Spanish Class the seductive wink havin' fun

When we all find our own dreams And our lov e i s enough To knock down any wall And the future ' s been seen As men try to realize The simple secret Of the note in us all.
Seniors 61

_j(evin Pauf Rourh e 1971-198


I've been walkin my mind to an easy time, my back turned towards the sky , Lord knows when the cold wind blows it'll t urn your head around James Taylor

Kev Nostradamus BMW Brooks Brothers " I'm a WOP " always getting Mr. Berard off the subject Kojak #70 Lionel Richie the Vikings small appetite summer at SMU Luthers It's " Kevin" not " Brian " Big Kev Homecoming ' 83 bringing people home on Halloween laid back

198 0-19 8 4

So before we end and begin again

L et' s Dr i nk a toa st to how i t' s been I've l o v ed these day

Bill y Joel

Th e Qua d Th e Pro mis e Franerie - i nseparab l e Homecomin gs w / FT N ewman Boys sleeping w / AA f, RM dancing ju ice Pig Day She Loves Me Back fi c kle scheming D u ra n Dur an yo ur eye s ar e clo sing horoscope Where ' s Jill Bay S t. L o uis a t 5am w / JM Do I have food in my teeth din · ner a t FT' s Dad 's Pick ' em up truck Destin Pink gator shirts bl ew it in 9th wasps trolls Dill er Killer DB ' s rare blood di se a se stairw a y c ollision w / DB up all n i ght trouble w / CW F ren c h talk s w / DB c urling iron s d oo r scenes DB's imper· so n a t io ns c allipygians 5 in one summer I want a phone call c a r tr o ubl e Par t y Queen s Don't worry about it, it's not my d og Pupp et s w / knives driving by houses AT ll ' s Cisco's w / TK Sh o ve m e some of that the recepti o n summer crushes

Manhunt Mardi Gras w / FT cat atta c k Math IV w / LL, FN , M S Spec ial thanks and love to my family and best fr i ends : D ere k , F r an ces, Aim ee , Carri e, Andy, and Jill

6 2 Se n io r s

margarel Ann Salem


The afte, noon has gently passed me by, Evening spreads itself against the sky

Waiting for tomorrow

Just another day

So I bid this yesterday GOODBYE Sting

Meg Smeg Peg Walk Woman Holly N.Y Bunny Ears! potato farmer Pitt Grill parking lot Gazelles! " Hi there! I'm from Ohio! " Get Away! Destin or Bust! fish " Wild and Loose" CCM Chocolate The Famous Mardi Gras '82 & '83 Face! Da iquiris Luther 's party cu ps Jane Fonda party on Jen 's tramp Ragu Cisco's Wild Thing! Fat Harry 's rolling the citation peeling out New Years '82 & '83 Nightime rendevous Ro c ky Horror The Deli spying on TK & MM Inlet Reef Raid! AAA Crawling on the levy We're going on a manhunt! waiting in Hillary 's Flashdance night Ex·lax Wendys TK ' s pool " Just another chapter in the book of o ur liv es" Bitty FEN ' s twin Nubby! cuties! late nights in the jacuzzi! granola trick or treating! " Monkey toes! " " Wait ya'II, I have a great idea, whoever gets the baby brings th e next King Cake! " A special thanks to my family and friends who have stayed with me through all the times, good and bad I love you and I'll miss ya'II!!

rh cofe Allain Sargenl


If one advance s confidently in the dire ction of hi s dreams , and endeavors to liv e the life which he has imagined , he will meet with a success unexpe cted in common hours Thoreau

J.D Devoted to Salinger Bruce Springsteen Heineken Sargentism! Lil Miss Prep Holden Caulfield pink and g reen The Lyre older men MEN Peppermint Schnapps Bloodie s DUCKS M&M 's Robert and Paul Sexual Healing

PRINCE short Woody Woodpecker "D ig the guy in the suit! " Bowie lockermen Nothing but the Best Pro football thinks she's perfect best friends with Liz for five year s "c hocolate divinity" noisy Lyre bit two novels her la ugh Preppy long fingernails Ford Graham Tulane Sam New Jersey So you really believe asparagus is an aphrodisiac "I am not stupid! " Princeton or Newcomb? MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN 13 years complaining Motown soul Dallas Cowboys her life story: past , present, and future her grammar Liquid Paper

Seniors 63

Jay J!airJ .Shannon


One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow.

OHIO Laird girl's point of view Jayne Shut up Becky waterslide after retreat blue sling (shhh!) speaking Russian State spelling champ Boys ' State Buckeye Boy I love French "One day in the week, I feel I should dress nicely ." trivial infor· mation "Talk slower Jay " limmericks Quiz Bowl Jock Cross Country health food nut eyeballs climbing ace juggling crawfish losing class ring Scout Capitols of the world : Abu DHabi, Nd;amena

:J,pon Brahm .Sl.o/,1tal.t


"No thing is at last sacred, but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Melito imitations 40 Big Captain Troy Stovall Tyronne Ty Shof STUD!!! Jennifer or Debra? TOUCHDOWN!

" Tyson , you broke the window!! "; " What window? " Injured Limbs Jock his little brother Elisia his car stereo FOX

DUNK Hey! always around D.R. in ' 83 Mrs Porter ' s pet Rolling Newman Tugwell Captain Crunch four musketeers Latin MaBoone Karen summer studies at Tulane Florida , forget?! Journey StM 13·Belle Chasse6!

Miss "T" Chick Washington sleeping in the car white tux· edoes arcades the Rev and C.L. in Media Kathy B sum· mer camp co unselor Ocean Springs, Mississippi Mr. Labaree 13 years.

64 Seniors

':l>a11iJ Veta Sn'Jder


" - and it all seems rosy and romantic to us who were young then, for we will never feel quite so intensely about our surroundings any more."

Pope David I DeViouS F i ddlestickshead Fury and Wrath MISTER Snyder! red camaro Rolls-Royce fish with scales or cloven hooves quote of the day free lance grammarian Renaissance man speedy sings the Death Mass and selections from Evita upon request Pia no "Talk faster " philosopher 17th century France Prince of Wales stupid piece of chalk

"On ly an A-? !" fancy handwriting God the Crown Jewels - on the chalk board?

(}fenn Jane J Solomon


" Look around and choose your own ground For long you live and high you fly And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be ."

"Boogie till you puke! " Anonymous

great parties Bronco "You brillow·head, you!" cutie his accent popcorn for Mrs. Mary stupid questions Craig Gregg Hypernuse the dacquiri machine " Hi ya'II! " Algebra II class Glennbo movies Prom ' 83 Party "Howdy Glenn! " Que Sera with J M f, D.C. Are you sure you don ' t have it? Gleeeeuuunn 2nd Bronco McComb women road trips to B.R with J H " MOO -HOWDY" "like a big dog" Drew 's party the good times on the boat " Oh! My pi ctures!" M.H. in Florida Blake's Buddy The Pier Thanks Dad and Mom

Seniors 65


I wish the world had all happy people then there would be no more wi shing to do

The Commodores

DREW Bag n·Coon Snot Silver Bullet the c loset -scene pender Thanksgiving Day ' 82 Where da car Dr. Mooney

Please be nice Th aa nks Nana love letters from Mexico quarter fli cks with Snot n 'coon Lydia Anna Banana The g r ee n pea She loves me back Annban Baugh Pat Gillians

Sub -deb rep wintergreen lifesavers oldies Unly Fats Cheerbop failing JTS Poo Poon ' Drik lfa Fluent French Anis All night long Stei ni e boy Anne " Everyone wants to say ehllo to their mother " Don ' t tell me to shut up sexy mole my name is De enie the couga problems problems a plain hamburger 1$ n ig ht with Julie and Jenny crawfish bash Red Pop n ' Jenn-a-ween All my kids We ' re totally hot The Petch Todd n ' Debbie Mr. Mann The Boot Later Dude ,

5-ranceJ (luthrie Jaffey


If you see someo ne without a smile , give them your s.

We seniors baby!

B Diliberto

The quad Crawfish Bash Destin shove War Franerie inseparable homecoming w / V.R. f, D.N late night phone calls Diana f, George w / D F manhunts scheming Skye car trouble w / V R driving by houses party queen vanitizing men ' s bathroom at ATll 's The grey bomb Sweet 16 ' s Din · ner at Dad ' s reception at V R.'s She 1,.oves Me Back Callipygians A M singing cornhole Kiss Mama Ola tourista door scenes I'll drive the pick 'em up truck and you get in the back the thing that's presh, darlin ' wait , the funniest was Throwing rocks at V.R.'s window Airline driving for Ben Are you and Ben going out? Do I have food in my teeth? Dorians M S years w / K A., M F. , f, D B Les E w / DG, Sum· mer Crushes spying on MM f, TK Mardi Gras w? V R I smell egg salad First date w / B.B Newman Mash w / K.A Memorable times in Munroe outings w / M.H de Ia Salle homecoming w / M F hayride w / T E M Thanks to my friends, The Roussels, esp Val - Special thanks to Mom , Dad and STM. - I lo ve you all!!

66 Seniors

Wdtam meriwelher Van ;])enburgh


Only the good die young.

Billy Kim Sailing Mr. Pen Chorus Dinners Coach Rice's workouts Cross Coun t ry Soccer Destin (waking up in strange rooms) the police b reaking up his party Pat O'Brien ' s

The Rat Dixie Campus Liquor Store Tu lan e ' s game the Park Going out on School nights turning 18 legal at last F & M ' s being late (speeding down Airline) Riding his bike to school Monday ' s TGIF Everclear U S. History Crawfishman Triathalon Series

You got to believe in foolish miracles Win or lose , its up to you , you can choose.

,Whitey Parris diesel, not unleaded Ozzy fake pitt average then 3 concussions disowned -1 on an English paper I din't do it no " R" movies Pig Latin Baptist Mardi Gras parades are heathen "A re you jammin , bro? " t utti frutti ice cream dream giving Tyson all his silver dollars 1st grade sex symbol Let's play a game? How ' bout 7 -up " When I'm a sen i o r I ' m going to be 6'6 " , 220 pounds, and be able to dunk it " All my tapes are gone" Losing bets to Derek Being locked out of Billy ' s house in his underwear hitting Reid at Russel's party Zebra Breaking into his house and getting stopped by police avoir bra evicted in Florida Damn! This room stinks " That ' s coo l " Dungeons and Dragons freak in 8th grade Eating competi · tion in lower school Whitehead sticks out in a crowd Pitt ex · cursions with Russel in Casinos, Paddlewheel , concerts, skate country

Seniors 67

!}enni/er ..J.Je/en Whit e


Vis ions are born and die in those who behold them From an ancient Chinese Myth

Missy Moonack Moosehead swimming the wet look " no proble m !" getting mugged at Steak ' n Ale , Homecoming '81 the mystery of the missing earring " Who is Jennifer White ?" Turk i sh swimming - no , canoeing cereal grape-nuts

" Well, you eat it! " work ing out, ru n ning, biking her dog lifeguard Halo "bruting" Outdoor Ed having a b i rthday on New Year's Eve thum p er straight A's " Take it light " living in Iowa , West Virginia Dandy girl Homecoming Program '83 Boundary Waters trip perfect tan "T·x minutes and counting! " in Chemistry stuff like that going bird-watching on Friday nights Rubber Duckie "cheerios" blender sports upstream swims playing dead fish polo "It's just lik e wearing a bikini! " my special thanks to Mom, Dad, A B ., K L. , B .C., K.J., J.T , L.H. , and M L.

Carrie Gmmel Wi/fiam,i

1980 -1 984

Smile and be happy for what is life but to live and what is living without a smile. e e cummings

Care Michael Florida '83 under the bathroom si nk Pretty Kit · ty Parties w / John K JOEY summers in N .Y DLS boys DLS Prom in trouble with Val all n ig ht parties Scheming Louie Sneaki n g around! SKINNY! KE Parties Tubing A.T. ll's Bloody Sock NO DOZ Where ' s Jill? Duran

Duran Cookie dough Now they'll nev er trust us! riding bikes w / Val Great Wall W / F.E N. , & A.M Popcorn Dixie Brewery with F E N Chemistry Trolls "Eve ry breath you take"

horoscope songs Tennis Club On the Prowl Manhunt

Mardi Gras Melvin: ring and run Kermit C.B. infatuat ion M S on the sofa at J D.'s Cash's with Joey and Bo China men

Camper Carrie Regulars Sleeping through Vital info

Pushing F E N. ' scar u p the driveway Chinese Food Motorcycles

Special thanks to Mom , Dad , David, Valer ie, Aimee, Faith, Anne M.


68 Seniors

Wdlam Brandt Wood 1979-1984

Speak softly , but carry a big stick

#22 Captain JC , TK , f, GB Aspen Melissa Sam Barthe stud Jeep Blee c hie Keechie his skiing 87 yards stereo Football Camp smart hunting c rawfish boils spec kled trout his house Nautique his mom CARS patio 8th grade " Beer is a great source of carbohydrates!"

older friends the mile Debra damn universal joint ski camp w / Ted hi s musi c his " calendar girl " skiing JC f, TM - bestest forever fishing w / Ted , Joe , f, George

Blak e mJ!rady WoodJ

1979-198 4

Leaves have fallen all around Time I wa s on my way

Thanks to you I'm much obliged

Such a pleasant stay

But now I know I've go t one thing I g o tta d o Gotta keep on rambling on Led Zeppelin

ANNE Nic e car The Hot Rod Camaro Th e c l a ss o f ' 81 Junior Mechanic the Z cruising the lake Anni e' s Blak e·O Glenn ' s buddy Roc k n ' Roll Big 18 ra c in g again! The Police concert When is the wedding?

Se n io r s 69

Roy ce 'J) ean Younf , Jr.

1977-198 4

B lesse d is he wh o e xp ec t s nothing , for he shall nev er be disappointed.

Alexander Pope

D ean O b sce ne Dean Who hit who? LSU Ring Day Pi gs " Dea n Yo unt , drunk?!! " Mr. Polo "How did you get so t a ll ?"' str ee t si g n thi ef Putt -Putt sign One of the three B ee ra t ee r s " But Dean , I don ' t hate you! " Why are ditches so c lose t o th e roa d ? It wa s Andy's fault Fir eside Inn two week E aste r vaca ti o n " Dean , do you want to go to LSU? " Sophomore lun c h l ea v e Dean , Dean the drinking machine Putt -Putt ' 'I'm t a ll er th an you! "' Member of the Terrible Trio

Farewell of the class of 1984

As the seniors of 1984 say farewell, we do so with many feelings Each graduating senior excitedly anticipated the events of his n ew life about to start Perhaps this excitement is dampened a little by the ner· vousness we feel about leaving our familiar surroundings ; but a s the class of 1984 continues through life, it will no longer be a unit as it is now , each student will become members of different groups Yet , somehow , we will all remember the growth we shared in school and it will always be a part of us We give our best wishes to all students at St. Martin ' s school and hope that you will experience and learn with others in a unique way as we have done To all involved with St Martin "s we hope we have touched your lives in some way as we have touched each other.

70 Seniors
The Senior Class of 1984 Andre Berot, Secretary; Julie Koppman , Treasurer ; Tracy Moore, Parliamentarian; David Snyder, Vice-President; Lester Coe, President
"Moo , howdy! Like a big dog ! " " Who stole my yogurt?" C O O L, that spells cool!! The Nazi ' s have arrived ' "Shut up, you re so stupid!"' ' "If you only knew what I just did ." "You honestly want ME to read in chapel?" Sooo cute! Wouldn 't she make a great mother? Lying down on the job again.
oo k
" I pray she w ill say ' yes '."
" No w , l
" "
Yea , I dan c ed in t h e sc hool pla y , so w hat
" He's go t t o be at lea st 6 ' i ."
Who's that behind those Foster Grants?
" Get out of my faccce! " Kev , you ' re such a wit.
''I' ll kill him for that ! "
" •••
" I love old er me n ."
Mr. Video him self

On her way to U.V A RECRUITED

"The peanut butter is stuck to the roof of my mouth. "

"There ' s a 3 for 1 at T.L. 's, what time?"

''I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

"I'll only do it if you ' ll stand guard for me. "

'Tm a goon, the uniform just makes me look cool!"

"Yea , we're going to State!!!"

" You wouldn't! "

'Tm not the only one who doesn ' t study! " Believe

she '

it or not
s almost finished

"A sw i m meet today?! "

" If I would have been president Ultrabrite whites!


" If I rob that bank , I'll never have to go to school again.!"

" Oh goodie!"

" Please don ' t tell me Todd ' s flight was delay ed!! "

" Come on i n , girls! "

"And you think I only have books in here

" I sure wi sh Ann were h ere " " Trig i s so boring!" " Thi s is supposed to be a candid? Well , why didn't you tell me fir st?"
" I hate dress -up days. " Will he ever stop talking?!!
A" Believe me , I'd never do this for a liv i ng ." "Vidal did my hair today , ca n ' t you tell?" " Hey dude , let's party!" "A nother Wednesday , another chapel." " He called! " "Wa lter brought me Taco Tica?" "Your place or mine? " Definitely the executive type! 75



If she hits me "
ught off guard
"Hold it,
me pose." Ca
"I see my name tip in lights! "
An intense st udier
, I'm here some of the tim e. "
76 COMMUNITY STU!!! "Who put this in here?" " These History tapes sure are exciti ng "
Only a couple more months of this ."
Upper School
JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS - Lett to Right: Cind y Chu r c hill , V ice Pres iden t ; L ea h Mi ciotto , Parli a m e nt a ria n ; Stua r t Head , T r ea sure r ; Je nnife r Ste ph en s, Secre tar y; Ca thr y n Abbo tt Pres id e nt Steven Chabaud Mi c hell Condray Jim Corcoran
78 J u ni o r s
Chri st o ph er Daniel s Co rinne De Kraker Justine Aguila r Heidi Banton Susan Barone David Bowes Paige Burkes Peter Chin \ \ Russell Creel Jennife D I y Alicia Daniels Gr egor y Del Cid Mon ique Detraz David Favaloro Ka erin Faibleman Elizabeth Fensin Kim Finklea Dirk Freeman Bet Glass rt a Goldthwaite Shannon Goodrow Sally Grogono Daniel Guillot Lisa Hankins Julie Herrington Cindy Hild Erik Huber Kristin Jay Janet Jenkins Glenn Johnson Michael Ketchel
Juniors 79
N i na Ketchel Lilian Koek Kenneth Lasky Russell Levi Kim Lewis Frank Lombard Elisabeth Manning Andreas Manske Laura McMahon Ana Mesa Leah Miciotto Harriette Miles Chip David Paine hard Pollard Robert Porter
80 Juniors
Re id Raymond Todd Robinson Jim Rogers Laura Sams Alex Schreiber Laura Schuler Lisa Senneff Jay St Pierre J i er Stephens Nancy Su mner
Robert Vining
Junior s 81
Richard Walsh Karen Wayman Kristi Wedemeyer Ashley Woods Ann Wooten Mark Altschu l Eddie Appel Cynthia Beckert SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS - In the Tree, Left to Right : Scott Yount, Treasurer ; Peter Wanek , Vice President; Mary K Williams
82 Sophomores
Standing , Left to Right: Laura White , Parliamentarian ; Loren Berot , Secretary Lee Abbott Eric Boling Sacha Bush Ted Butler John Calhoun Paul Calonje Kim Cannon Justine Cotsoradis Robin Dauterive Davin Davini Janice Dodson Lisa Dublin Kathleen Ford Bruce Gladden Christine Herman Drew Herrington Jeff Hodges Jimmy Hondroulis ,---...... James Johnson Katrina Keller Anjay Keswani Terri Kogutt Maria Ktistakis
Sophomores 83
Holly Kuebel Alicia Ann Lavigne Traci Levi Mark McGinnis Sama,ntha Mcinnis Allisa Mill er Teddy Neff Sean O'Neil
, -.,----r-
Lawrence Oggs
Christi Page Diann Pelias Robert Pettit Chase Phillips John Reinhold Hans Ryden Allison Schwartz
84 So ph o m o res
Danielle Shields Richard Starr
I ~· i:--
Blake Stevens Christine Sumrall Karen Sutton Bill Thomason Clay Tidwell Pa I in ' g Colin Walker Peter Wanek William Wayman K thryn kle Laura White Mary Williams Ryan o ack Brady Wood Lynn Yeldell Norma Jean Young Scott Yount
Sophomores 85
Tim Zissis Todd Zoblotsky
86 Freshmen
Top Row, Left to Right: Brooke Andry , Treasurer ; Jeremy He;:id , Vi ce- President ; Todd DeMonte , President ; Brett Phillips , Se c retary. Kneeling: Allan Burkes, Sergeant at Arms. Beth Boudreaux l Mark Charbonnet Vicki Chumney Melanie Branton Michael Broxson Jeannee Chatelain Michael Chatelain Marcy Clinard Mark Contois James Anderson Vickie Benbow Allan Burkes Donald Chin Kimberley Conway Brooke Andry Marion Benson " Jennifer Calzada Margaret Christy Ashley Cornell Lisa De Salvo Frederick Devall Kristin Dorfi Brent Edwards Brandi Ermon John Falgoust Karl Findorff Piper Freeman
John Gardner Jim Gibson Step any Griggers Jeanie Grimes Martin Grogono Scott Hightower Troy Hill
Freshmen 87
Lindsey Jackson Michele Karno Karen Kirshbom Kathleen Lawler Thompson Lykes Megan Magee B th c ranie Carlos Mesa Jady Mitchell John Moore Meaghan Nugent Clayton Page Beth Patterson Stephanie Pecquet Robert Peyton
88 Freshmen
Brett Phillips Josephine Rees
J 1
Kevin Roohi Elisia Shofstahl I Victoria Siegel Clif Stautz Daniel Valladares Lauren Vedros cques Villau e Jonathan Wachtel ncy allin Gabriel Whyel
Freshmen 89
Gretchen Wiemann Morgan Wilson Eric Witherspoon Ra c hel Wittich Leigh Yeargain

The Fashion Club

Back Row, Left to Right: John Falgoust , Brett Phillips, Nancy Sumner, Lynn Yeldell, Brooke Andry , Lauren Berot , Kathryn Weekly, Laurie Lambert, Julie Koppman, Cliff Stoutz Front Row: Monique Detraz, Francis Talley , Jeremy Head , Rachel Gately , Nancy Moore , Megan Magee, Lindsay Jackson, Laura Sams , Beth Boudreaux, Jianee Chatelain , Kris Wedemeyer , Thompson Lykes , Jeanine Grimes, Traci Kugler , Mrs Toni Caserta

Quiz Bowl

The 1984 Qu i z Bowl teamDavid Snyder , Jay Shannon , Dean Yount , Paul Kirshbaum , and Bruce Hafford - had an excellent year. They defeated Archbishop Shaw , Morgan City , and St. John Vianney. They advanced to the quarterfinals , but were defeated by Ben Franklin which was one of the finalist teams

Boys' and Girls' State

Louisiana Boys ' an d Girls ' State took place last summer from August 3 -11 , 1983 The delegates elected from St. Martin ' s spent one week on the I.S .U . campus along with delegates representing schools from all over the state of Louisiana . The boy s and girls are in different p r ograms , and each one cons t itutes an imaginary state , the 51 st state of the Union Each delegate becomes a member of that imaginary state The goal of those attend i ng the program i s to learn about politics and our state government on the local , parish and state levels by elect i ng officials exactly like those o f the state of Louisiana . Becky Contois , Jay Shannon and Lester Coe all served on the City Council of their respective cities , while Andre Berot served on the Girls ' Stat e Senate At the elections for state officers, th e state is divided into two political parties which are led by a State Party Chairman , and on the parish level , by a Pari s h Party Chairman and two helpers Becky was elect ed to be a h elper to the Parish Party Cha i rman , and she se rved as t he party ' s Ways and Means Chairman Throughout t he week , the citizens li ste ne d to speakers such as Mary Landrieu , Representative Woody Johnson and Dave Treen. There were also spirit contests and lots of chance s t o meet interesting , different people The final n ight w a s spent at the Louisiana Capitol building wher e mock Louisiana House , Senate and Supreme Court sessions were held A beautiful ceremony on the st eps of the build i ng ended the evening The last day , many awards w e re given and Becky was sel ected as outstanding citizen of her city The program end ed sadly as these s p ecial people who were destin ed to congregate left each oth e r.

Sitting: Dea n Yo unt , J a y Shannon , David S n y d e r , Paul Kir s hb o m Standing : J im M cC ain , Mil L evitt , Bruce Hafford
L este
O rga niz a ti o n s 9 1
From Left to Right : Jay S hannon , A ndr e Beret , B ec ky Co
tois ,

National Honor Society

, Mi c hell e M oo re, Mi ssy
, Ca th er y n A bbott , Lau r a M c Maho n , Paige Bu r ke s, Laura
n ki n s, A na M esa,
K oe rk , Nina
ll , Ci
r c hill
National Merit
Back Row , Left to Right : Mike Ket c hell , Todd Robin so n , Hill Johnson, Han s Luetkemier , Dean Yount , Bruce Haffo r d, Mr. Willard Hen son (adviso r ), Jay Shannon, Blake Woods , David Bowe s, Eric Butner, Sa ll y Grogono, Aimee Thigpen Second Row : Ann LeJeune , Kristen Sullivan , Shannon Conaster, Heidi Banton
, Becky Contois, Katherine
Mars ha Smith ,
y Hild , Ca rrie Williams, Anne Mitchell, Nicole Sarge n t, Katie fiebleman , Karen Waymen
Front Row : Paul Kirshbom, David Sn yder, J ay St. Pierre, Shawn Armstrong, Andre Berot, Faith Noullet , Janet
ndy Chu
, Bess Manning ,
Wooten M.i11lng
From Picture : AimeeA ltschul Julie Koppman, Frank Lombard Back Row, Left to Right: David Snyder , Paul Kirshbom , Jay Shannon, Bruce Hafford , Hill Johnson, Richard Hawkins , David White , Bla ke Woods, Lester Coe , Dean Yount Front Row: Katherine LeJeune , Andre Bernt , M issy White , Becky Contois, Nicole Sargent, Jennifer Morgan.

Student Council ,.{

Cum Laude

Standing , Left to Right : David Snyder, Dr e w Herringt o n , L ee Abbott , Lester Coe , Mark Contoi s, Brandt Wood , C in dy Churc hill, Peter Wanek , Brady Wood Seated: Dr. Rex Mooney, Andre Beret , Laura Schuler , Kim Conway , Boo Christi, Elisia Shofstahl , Katherine LeJeune , Cathryn Ab· bolt, Laura McMahon. Front: Pedro Perez
l e ri e Rou
Organizations 93
Back Row , From Left to Right: Dean Yount , Hill J o hn so n , Paul Kirshbom , Jay Shannon , David Bowes , David S n y d e r. Middle Row : Katherine L eJeune , Bruce Hafford , Paige Burkes , Dr. Lumpkin , K a tie Feibl e m a n , Eric Buttner , Heidi Bant on, Becky Co nt o i s, N in a Ketchell , Nico le Sargent , Dr. Mooney Front Row : Ann LeJeune , Laura M c Mah
o n , Va
, Shannon Conaster , M issy White

God Squad

The God Squad shares in the plann i ng of liturgical events in chapel and assists in other aspects of religious life on campus Left to Right in Ascending Order : Ca r o le Lawrence, Ju li e Herrin gton, Cris Wedemeyer, Andre Berot, E l izabet h Fen sin , Fran ces Talley , Ben Lazich , Missy W h ite, Robe rt Porter , Bec ky Con· tois , David Mi ll s, Grah am Justice , Frank L ombard, M o r gan Wi l son, L ee Abbott , Clay Tidwell , C hri s L eopo ld Missing From Picture : Ru sty Cree l and Ca thr yn Abbott
94 Organizations Halo •
Left to Right: Nina Ket che l , Becky Co ntois , Ted Neff, Cindy Hild, Hans Leutkemeier, Jan Jenkins , Tyson Shofstahl , Danny Hughes , Sasha Bush

Key Club


The Lyre produced two issues this year of which they are very proud. One staff member was heard saying, " The Lyre iso-tay!"

Back Row From Left to Right: Ms. June Wells , Nicole Sargent, Liz Leveque, Frank Mays. Front Pow: Ann In· golia , Nina

Back Row From Left to Right: Kim Lewis , Page Morton , Harriet Miles , Jo Beth Rees , Frank Mays , Amy Thigpen , Eric Boling Sitting, Left to Right: Shannon Goodrow , Kristin Sullivan , Laura Schuler , Marsha Smith , Karen Wayman , Jeanine Grimes, Michelle Condray, Mrs. Diane Greer, Janet Jenkins
Organizations 95

Homecoming Court of 1984

96 Homecom in g
Katherine LeJeune Debra Crosby Queen Anne Steinbaugh Jeanne Herrington Nancy Sumner Christi Page Laura McMahon Victoria Siegel Jennifer Stephens
Homecoming 97
Marcie Carter

Senior's last homecoming terrific spirit memorable decorations - juniors won . . . Sr. H .C. cheerleaders and angels party: wild crying Tracy ' s ankle the famous pyramid cartoons excitement going stag Lester breakfasts car accidents

The court was presented at 9:00 and the crowni ng of Debra Crosby was the highlight of the evening. We danced to the beat of 151 after the Headmaster's dance

Top Left : Debra Crosby and Joe Cairns, Katherine LeJeune and Brandt Wood, Anne Steinbaugh and Drew Calhoun Top Right : Jeanne Herrington and Bob Diliberto; Nancy Sumner and Tyson Shofstahl. Bottom Left: Laura M c Mahon a nd Kevin Rourke; Jennifer Step hens and Stuart Gayle ; Christi Page and Gary Knipe. Bottom Right: Marcy Carter and Billy Mohammed; Victoria Siegel and Hans Luetkemeier.

0 M € C 0 M I N G '8 3
98 Homecoming
Homecoming 99


..,, , ,
mr. and mijj St. marlin 'j ..J<aiherin e of!eJ eun e of!e jfer fo e I 00 Favo rit e s
, ~
Favorites 101
102 Fav o rit es
Stuart (}ayfe Jeanne ..JJ-errin'i/lon
Favorites 103
104 Favorites
Succeed - :l-riendliejf
';})avid Snyder Andre r/Jerol
Favorites 105
:Jraci .J<u<jfer Joe Cairnj


Octob e r 31 was not a normal da y for the seniors , although some ma y disagree . One could see among them a couple of astronaut s, a girl who grew overnight , a woman digging in the trash, 3 Hershey ' s kisses , 4 colorful c rayons, a pile of sheets , a pink pig , a dalmation, the famous Sonny and Cher , creatures of the night , the " Pope ," a preppy at a toga party , 2 red ants, a cou· pie of pa rt y animals, Ozzy Osbourne , Hitler, and many others

106 Se ni or W ei r d D ay

Ring Day

The Ring Day ceremony symbolized the passing of responsibility from the seniors to the juniors It was celebrated by a senior presenting each junior with his ring.

The juniors have now taken on their " new status" which implies not only greater recognition , but also weater responsibility.

We are proud of the accomplishments of the Class of 1984 and look forward to the leade r ship the Class of 1985 will provide.

Ring Day 107


•.,,,liO .." . ... .. ..._-'

Junior-Senior PROM

The 1984 Junior -Senior Prom was a smashing success! It was held on April 28 in the beautiful Grand Ballroom of Le Pavilion Hotel on Poydras. Everyone enjoyed jamming to the sound of Vortex , this year ' s " funk " band. Those who weren't interested in dancing enjoyed munch· ing down all the delectable goodies that were available. Between the fantastic room , great band , and delicious food everyone thoroughly en· joyed themselves Let's Do It Again!

. . .. l . . ' . ., -- \ f: ·:\ -:.;-e ...

Upper School A wards

The Math ematic s Awards:

The Re n sse l aier Medal for O u tstan din g achievement in Math ematics and Science: Mik e Ket c hel

$1000 Merit Scholarship to P:=====:::g m,:;ecl-llff'fm Cornell University

$1000 Merit Scho l arship to Hopkins University , and a l so the winner thereof a beneficial - Hodson Scho l arship

$1000 Merit Scho l arship sponsor by Murphy Oi l U S.A , an a l so the winner of a Jeffe f on Sc ho l arsh ip at the University o f Virginia

$1000 Merit Schola r ship to i'-u k e J a;.;y S h.;. a n n.;. o n ___. Univ er sit y a n d a l so the winner of a n Army R.O.T C. 4 -yea r scho l arsh ip

$ 1000 M er it Sc holar sh ip to ale Univ er sity

Rec ipi ent of a Cha rl es

F M ye r s - Burlington H' n or Scholarship at Davidson Co lleg e

The Engli s h A wards

English I: Mar cy C linard

English II : Ryan Womak

Senior Engli sh Award: Kat

2n d pla ce Short Story : D ln go lia

1st place Short Sto r y: L ev equ e

The Fin e Arts A wards

The Art on


c hn ical Ac hi

Th e Tulane Book Awa rd for excel l ence in h er wo r k in Mathem'atks

trMed , re Sutton

A Da id Bow es a:

ie Roussel , Ann LeJeune ,

The St. Martin' s Science Award for 1 4 : Paul Kir shbom

The Social Studies A wards :

U.S. History: Cynthia Ann Hild and M c he ll e Moor e World-History. ::ltlstine €o t-soradis

Civics: Paul Kirshbom

Th e Jefferson Book A ward: Katherin Fiebelman

tud e nt of tf Study of Hi sto r y

rd Rebec Conto i s

t1ons. Pey o n Pettit


The Gustaf R Westfeldt , J r Award: Andrew D Herrington

Th e Michael John Moseley Memorial A ward : L ester Coe

The Spirit of St. Martin 's Award: Katherine LeJeune

114 Upper School Awards
is d
David Snyder

J.V. Cheerleaders

Top to Bottom: Left to Right: Lindsey Jackson, Beth Patterson, Beth McCranie , Lisa Goodyea r , Nancy Moore, Megan Magee, Shannon Ryan, Vicki Benbow

ether losin , cheer-ch -cheer some - Varsity Cheer



The Division Ill State Champion Volleyball team, 3()-6, for the year began their season in t he East Jefferson Jamboree in late August Defeating several top AAA schools, the Saints finsihed the Jamboree with the best tea m record Two weekends later we traveled to Episcopal in Baton Rouge and finished 3rd in a field of 16, with Peyton Pettit being named MVP of the tournament. In the Tulane Invitational , we finished in the top 4 , also in a field of 16 Tracey Moore was one of six players named to the All Tournament team for her outstanding play Our first Tournament win was the ISAS Invitational Country Day. In the SLU Invitational , we finished

J.V. Volleyball

3rd in our pool. As the season began to wind down , district play found us undefeated in 8 straight matches Our domination of the district earned us several more honors

District MVP - Tracey W Moore

District 1st team - Peyton Pettit, Jeanne Herrington

District 2nd team - Shannon Goodrow, Andra Rodriguez , Mary Kathleen Williams

Winning the state Championship capped off a very long successful season.

Standing, From Left to Right: Mrs Vogt, Marsha Smith, Anne Mitchell, Mary Kay Williams , Jeanne Herrington , Peyton Pettit, Tracey Moore , Shannon Goodrow , Janet Jenkins, Shannon Ryan Lex Brown, Coach Trevino Kneeling: Cindy Hild , Leah Miciotto , Andra Rodriguez , Boo Christy.
Sports 119
Top Row, From Left to Right: Emily Haycock, Rachael Gately, Megan Magee, Boo Christy, Shannon Ryan, Elisia Shofstahl. 2nd Row: Lindsay Jackson, Katheryn Weekley, Diann Pelias , Kim Con · way, Lisa Goodyear, Lauren Vedros.

Football '83

What a season! The 1983 Saints created a spirit of school pride that won't soon be forgotten It was this school-wide spirit and support that propelled the Saints to state playoffs sporting a record unmatched by the Saints of recent years.

It all began with the revival of an old St. Martin 's tradition, football ca mp The weeklong stay in Southern Mississippi proved to be a valuable experience providing both skill development and a feeling of brotherhood among the team Another change was the shift to district 10-A , making the playoffs more accessible to the ambitious Saints

In pre-district play the Saints crushed Lutheran, defeated the powerful panthers of River Oaks and although leading for three quarters , lost to Newman. Once into district play, the Saints fell to Country Day in the first game then streaked through the district winning every game, including the homecoming The final game was against Ecole Classique and it was a must-win situation. If we won we would go to the playoffs, if not, we stayed home Ecole had the home field advantage , it was their homecoming and they were favored to win Despite these things the Saints brought with them the burning desire to go to playoffs and hundreds of screaming fans. The game was intense and hard hitting and when the final whistle had blown the scoreboard read HOME 19 - VISITORS 27. We had defeated Ecole and would play Port Sulphur in the playoffs Port Sulphur had previously been state champions and although the Saints fell to them, their heads were high and St. Martin ' s was proud.

Disciplined leadership by ca ptains Brandt Wood and

to a 6-3 record and a playoff berth. A season to remember!

STM vs Newman STM vs. Ben Franklin

vs. Country Day

vs. Lutheran

vs. River Oaks

vs Crescent City

vs Ecole Classique

vs Fisher

vs Ridgewood

vs Port Sul phu

Tyson Shofstahl and exce llent coaching by Charles McGeehan, Jim Armstrong, Don Chuboff, and Jack Ashton led the Saints
120 Sports
PLAYERS - ht Row, Left to Right : Billy Mohamed , Hans Luetkemeier , Kevin Rourke , Gary Knipe, Bob Diliberto, St uart Gay le, Derek Barnes , Drew Ca lh oun, David White , Joe Cai rn s. 2nd Row, (L-R): Jay St. Pierre, Peter Chin, David Paine , David Favaloro , Tyson Shofstahl, Bra ndt Wood , Mark Talbot, Jim Roger s, Reid Raymond 3rd Row, (L-R): Mark McGinnis , Paul Vining, Drew He rrington, Todd Zoblotsky, Brady Wood , Guy Cook, Ru sse ll Levy , Lee Abbott , Jimmy Hondroulis , Blake Stevens, Jim Johnson 4th Row, (L -R) : Brett Phillips , Morgan Wil son, Carlos Mesa, John Moore , Thompson Lykes, Brent Edwards, Clif Stautz, Chase Phillips , Bruce G ladden.
r 15·21 15·23 22·49 37· 8 17 14 22· 7 27·19 22· 7 31· 0 8·32
Sports 121
Standing, Left to Right: Don Chuboff, Chick McGeehan, Jack Ashton Team captains , Tyson Shofstal , Brandt Wood

Boys' Varsity Basketball

The Saints had a strong block with Senior leaders, Danny, Lester, Stuart and Tyson These boys led the team through a demanding season and came out with a better we should have an ex · citing team next year with the leadership of the upcom· ing seniors.

Boys' J.V. Basketball

The 1983-1984 J V Basket· ball team had a winning season, defeating 7 out of 10 district teams. The team lost the first 3 games by an average of 2 points, losing 2 of them in overtime. The last 7 games were won by an average of 12 points.

Standing: Peter Wanek , Larry Oggs , Colin Walker , Scott Yount, Freddie Duvall , Jeremy Head. Kneeling: Jeff Hodges. Being Held: Coach Ed Rawson

From Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Robert Vining , Jim Corcoran , Coach Melit o, Stuart Gayle, Danny Hughe s, Jim Rogers , Lester Coe , David Pain e, Mark McGinnis , Larry Og g s, Chris Daniels , Rich Walsh , Ty son Shofstahl.
122 Sports




Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Page Morton , Anne Steinbaugh , Shannon Goodrow, Peyton Pettit , Becky Contois , Lisa Goodyear , Vicki Chumney , Mary Kay Williams Missing from Picture: Michelle Moore , He i di Banton.
Sport s 123
From Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Kim Conway , Michele Karna, Lynn Yeldell , Vicki Chumvey, Mary Kay Williams , Emily Haycock, Lindsey Jackson , Lisa Goodyear. Missing from Picture : Beth McCranie , Leigh Yeargain.

Boys Varsity Soccer

Boys J. V. Soccer

Standing From Left to Right: David Mills , David Bowes , Hill Johnson , Ivar Koek , Richard Hawkins, Bob Diliberto, Guy Cook , Derek Barnes, Poe Miles , Brandt Wood , John Calhoun , Philip Chin Kneeling: Ben Lazich, Sean O'Neill , Jimmy Hondroulis, Mark Talbot, Glenn Johnson , Bruce Gladden, Bill Wayman , David Hueple , Rusty Creel , Peter Chin, Hans Luetkemeier. Missing From Picture: Pedro
124 Sports
From Left to Right: David Aguiar , Donald Chin , Bill Thomason, Scott Hightower, Coach Jim McCain, Allan Burkes, John Ormond, Robert Peyton , John Falgoust, Jonathon Wachtel. On Fence: Greg DelCid, Martin Grogono, James Gibson

Girls' Soccer Varsity

Top Row, Left to Right: Debra Crosby, Anne Mitchell, Tracey Moore, Jennifer Morgan.

Second Row: Jeanne Herrington , Stacey Moore, Lex Brown , Coach Mike Owens.

Third Row: Anne lngolia , Nina Ketchell , Dominique Brown, Cindy Churchill , Michelle Condray , Laura McMahon , Christine Herman , Jennifer Dailey , Lauren Vedros, Ann LeJeune , Bess Manning. Bottom Row : Allison Schwartz, Christi Page , Amy Shaw , Nancy Moore, Ashley Cornell, Jeanine Grimes , Coach Trevin o


Top Row, Left to Right: Lauren Vedros , Jeanine Grimes.

Second Row: Shelly Oechsner , Hariette Miles, Monique Detraz, Nina Ketchel , Melanie Branton , Robin Dauterive , Stephan i e Pecquet , Coach Mike Owens

Fourth Row: Dominique Brown , Traci Levi , Christine Herman, Alicia Lavigne, Coach

Trevino Bottom Row: Anne lngolia, Allison Schwartz, Chr i sti Page , Amy Shaw , Nancy Moore, Ashley Cornell, Kristen Sullivan

Sports 125

Kneeling From Left to Right: Hans Ryden , Jim Anderson , Glen Kelley, Mark Graffagnini , Mark Altschul , Kevin Levy , Clay Tidwell. Standing: Blake Stevens, David Favaloro , Jimmy Johnson , Coach Kieth Hosli , Russell Levy , Scott DeMonte, Lee Abbott , Ted Butler.

Wrestling Swimming

Kneeling From Left to Right: Brian Murphy , Jenny B i ngham , N i cole Baillet , Allison Bratina , Ann Po llard , Regan Kelley, Danielle Daigle , Michael Sullivan 2nd Row : Coach Warren Lind , Loren Berot , Coach Dick Bower , Clayton Page , Shannon Conatser , Christine Herman , Thea Casseri, Kevin Roohi , Sarah McEachin , Jennifer Rees, Marcy Carter 3rd Row: Fred Stevenson, Shelley Snyder , Catherine Waskes , Katherine Adams, Michael Sooder , Megan Williams , Glenn Herman 4th Row: Lisa Bernstein, Robert Vining , Rachel Wittich , Mike Ketchel, Jo Beth Rees, Sacha Bush , Kimby Cannon, Todd Robinson

126 Sports

Varsity Baseball

J. V. Baseball

Standing From Left to Right: Coach Don Chuboff, Danny Hughes , Lester Coe , Bob Diliberto, Chris Daniels, Guy Cook, Jim Corcoran, Drew Calhoun, Patrick Calhoun, Larry Oggs, Jeff Hodges, Coach Jim Armstrong. Sitting: Jimmy Hondroulis, Brett Philips, Clay Tidwell, Robert Pet· tit , Blake Stevens , Todd Zoblotsky, Peter Wanek.
Sports 127
Standing From Left to Right: Coach Don Chuboff, Teddy Neff, Blake Stevens , Larry Oggs , Guy Cook , Freddie Devall, Allan Burkes, Ryan Womak. Sitting: Pobert Pettit, Jimmy Hondroulis, Brett Philips , Clay Tidwell , Todd Zoblotsky , Peter Wanek


Back Row, Left to Right: Coach McGehan , Tracy E Moore, Stacey Moore, Dominique Brown, Megan Magee , Beth McCranie , Andra Rodriguez, Jennifer Fleming, Coach Larry Panna. Bottom Row: Debra Crosby, Anne Steinbaugh , Ashley Woods , Brooke Andry , Nancy Moore , Ashely Cornell , Vicky Ben · bow, Jennifer Daily , Bess Manning Back Row , Left to Right: Coach Rice , Poe Miles , Chris Leopold , Richard Pollard, Troy Hill , Jimmy Johnson , Tyson Shofstahl, Ben Lazich , Paul Vining , Sean O ' Neil, Coach Jack Ashton Middle Row: Mark Talbot , David Favaloro , Brandt Wood , Joe Cairns , Mark McGinnis , Ivar Koek, Billy Mohammed, Jeremy Head , Carlos Mesa Bottom Row: Cliff Stautz, Jim Anderson, Hans Ryden , Eddie Appel, Greg DelCid.

Cross Country

Standing, Left to Right: John Robinson, Jay Shannon, Dean Yount, Coach Dave Rice, Poe Miles , Billy VanDenburgh, Chris Leopold, Eddie Appell. Kneeling: Bess Manning, Allison Schwartz , Karen Kirshborn, Lynn Beckman , Lisa Pankowicz , Raynal Ruch , Debra Crosby. Missing From Picture: Sean O'Neil.
Sports 129
From Left to Right: Davi d Bowes , Gary Knipe , Bruce Gladden , Chase Phillips , John Falgoust, David Favaloro , Mark Altschul.

Varsity Tennis

Top Row, Left to Right: David Hueple, Eric Boling, Andreas Manske Bottom Row: Jay St Pierre , Troy Hill , Glenn Johnson , Ron Shiell , coach
130 Sports
Left to Right: Michele Karna, Heidi Banton, Emily Haycock, Mary Kay Williams , Karen Kirshbom , Victoria Siegel , Faith Noullet , Margaret Christy , Leigh Yeargain , Michelle Moore Missing From Picture: Coach Sue Edwards
y~ • \.e
Can you find these people ? Kristin Sull i van , Shawn A r mstrong , Christine Herman , Peyton Pettit , Amy Shaw , Cindy Churchill , Vick humney, Lex Brown , Alicia Lavign e, Tra cey Moore , Leah Mi c iotto , Jeanne Herrington , Robin Dauteriv e, Shannon Ryan , Coach Melito , Diann Pelias , Ann lngolia , Jeanine Grimes , Shannon Goodrow, Lynn Yeldell , Maria Ktistakis , Piper Freeman ·
.. ,1fl.RTIN·5 PROTESTANT EP . 1~• SCHOOL ISCol\ HOME OF THE ...SAINTS132 Upper School Sports
S hool Sports Upper c 133
134 Upper School Sports ...'J>- IL\
Upper School Sports 135
Clay Pins His Man
136 Upper School Sports p l-
A Winn ing Team ; A Winn ing Coach
ii -•• Upper School Sports 137
S hool Sports 138 Upper c
S hool Sport s Upper c 139
140 Upp er Sc h oo l Sp o r ts
Upper School Spo r ts 141
142 Upper School Sports
Upper Sc hoo l Spo rts 143
Sc h oo l S p orts 144 Upp e r
C: "O "O !!i (f) (") ::r 0 Q. (f) "O g r V> :;;: \.J1
146 Upper School Sports
I u Upper Schoo l Sports 147

Bell Choir

The St. Martin's Bell ensemble (or the "Dead Ringers" as they affectionately call themselves) was comprised this year of ten players from 9th to 11th grade. Their efforts were always appreciated by their audiences for chapel services , the Christmas Concert and Heavenly Days. In Tree from Left to Right: Gretchen Wieman, Eric Witherspoon, Cameron Smith , Frank Lombard, Karen Sutton, Piper Fried· man , Kim Steibing. Standing: Jady Mitchell, Scott Hightower, Janice Dodson, Jan Reeks - instructor.

St. Genesius Players

This year the St. Genesius Players have been very instrumental on the St. Martin ' s campus. Our Valen· tine Card project once again was a success and gave us the opportunity to work together as a club. We have had numerous professionals come and speak with us Our busy year came to a climax with our field trip to Le Petit We saw our advisor Mrs Lawrence in a leading role in Room Service. The following week we again visited Le Petit , only this time we toured the building. It was a first-hand look at professional theater. We also worked on a children's play " Winnie the Pooh" for the lower school. In all, it's a trying yet rewarding year. 1st Row on Floor: Cindy Beckert , Kris Wedemeyer, Terry Kogutt , Jenny Sneed, Rusty Creel. 2nd Row: John Ormond, Nancy Wallin, Brandi Ermon , Kathlenn Ford, Danielle Shields, Graham Justice. 3rd Row: Stefanie Pecquet , Kim Stiebing, Gretchen Wieman, Karen Sutton, Frank Lombard, Janice Dodson, Carol Lawrence

Drama 149

"There's no business like show business!" Ap· proximately 35 students and faculty members found this to be true when St Martin's dramatic season opened with the staging of Thorton Wilder's Our Town, presented by the St. Genesius Players. The cast included such talented people as Larry Oggs, Jimmy Cox, Cathryn Abbott, Carrie Deyo, David Snyder, Kris Wedemeyer, Frank Lombard, Ed Rawson, Richard Hawkins, Jenny Sneed, Ralph Byrd, Lee Abbott, Sean O'Neil, and Graham Justice. Wilder portrays the growth of young adolescents through life experiences and into awakening after death. The powerful performances drew standing ovations.

150 Drama
Late for school, Emily and WIiy (Kris Wedemeyer, Frank Lombard) gulp down their breakfast as their mother looks on. While Mr. Webb tries to comfort his daughter, Cathryn and Carrie share confidences while stringing beans


Drama 151
hile Larry shows the audience around the town, David and Kris get ready to be married, and Cathryn gives seventh grader Kim Sanders a little ug

Every year the St. Genesius Players present two plays, a musical and a drama or comedy. This year's musical, Bye Bye Birdie, was pure energy . From the auditions to closing night , the cast was filled with excitement. For weeks the campus was quivering with anticipation . Final· ly the big night arrived, and Birdie came to life! How could you go wrong with a cast like this?!! Ted Butler was a natural , Michelle Condray was awesome , Monique Detraz was wonderful, and Jenny Sneed brought the house down when all else failed Although the cast was plagued by illness , people like Kris Wedemeyer and Joe Cairns filled in for people who could not perform, and the show was great . Of course who could ever forget Laurie Lambert as Glor ia Rasputin or Julie Herrington as Ur· sula? Oh, and Jonathon Horn? ... Well , Birdie sizzled. From the Shield Staff , congratulations to the cast for a job well done, and condolences to Frances Talley, the or iginal Mrs. Macafee

152 Bye By e B ir d ie



154 Drama
---~' , F ' .. :, ' , ,, , 'J • · /
1 9
8 3

Prog rams

1 9 8 3
Nick Compagno, Troy Hill , Elizabeth Fensin, Todd Zoblotsky, Gary Knipe, Poe Miles, Hans Luetkemeier , David Bowes , Greg DelCid , David Mills , Scott Hightower, Cameron Smith, Jady Mitchell, Gabe Whyel, Jeremy Head.
158 Drama
Bottom Row: Sally Grogono, Jennifer Daley Middle Row: Joe Beth Rees , Kim Steibing , Melissa Lewis, Karen Sutton, Kristin Dorfi, Kathleen Lawler , Birgit Saint izer. Top Row: Kathleen Ford , Kris Wedemeyer, Gretchen Wiemann , Jan Reeks
l; /. ~---~ f 1/ c::::::J iddle School 1/ 159


the most of yourself by fanning the tiny spark of possibility within you into the flame of achievement.
- Peterson

Memory keeps the past alive; and a good past is a bundle of todays well lived. - Peterson


You use your imagination to look at everything with fresh eyes, as though you had just come forth from a dark tun· nel into the light of day - Peterson


Aliis diebus te amant

Aliis non amant
White meat or dark?
170 Middle School
Middle School 171

6th Grade

Top Standing, Left to Right: Jeffery Klein , Ja so n Casbarian, Scot t Hall. Kneeling: Reynolds Wil so n
..,. ii - ;, -ltsstt 172 Sixt h Grade l ,_
Back Row, Left to Right: Robert Suggs , Paxton Ste lly , Jack Lambremont Standing: Elizabeth C hin , Dana Jones
Sixth Grade 173
... \~
Sixth Grade Overnight ~JI-

7th Grade

Top Row, Left to Right : Stephen Huber , Vin Tangpricha Bottom: Karen Wilkin , Stacy McGeehan, She l by Snyder , Matt Hindman.
---1-....-178 Seventh Grade
Top Row, Left to Right : Creed Romano, Jenny Bingham , Ann Pollard , Jean Charbonnet , Austin Wi lli s. Bottom, Left to Right: Robby Norton , Andrew Miles , Ian Brown , Renwi c k McLean.
, Seal r. G de 179 Seventh ra
180 Seventh Grade
Seventh Grade 181
Top Row: Marcus Conroy, Leslie CJinard, J,\elly Griggers, Trey Hill. Bottom Row: Debra Boyd, Ken Glass, Nicole Baillet, Rayi:!aL Ruch.
182 Seventh Grade
- Top Row, From Left to igh nny Good Lauren Gurvich , Christy Ames. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Whitson Christy, Steele Yeargain, Andy Wittich

Top Row, Left to Right: Kevin Wither · spoon , Garrett Morris , Sal Caserta. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Lee Shows, Stephanie Sattatt, Lisa Arenzman

Standing, Left to Right: Nathan Bush, Lee Sanders, Jennifer Re es. Sitting, Left to Right : Leslie Fensin , Kellie Enloe, Annette Svendson, Aimee Roy , Kendall Morris

Seventh Grad e 183

Seventh Grade Raft Trip

184 Seve nt h Grade Raft Tr i p
Seventh Grade R f at Trip 185

.A. Pulling together - Tug of War Great form~

.A. Edward tests his balance You mean I didn't win?~

0 ms a w y e r
a y
.& Wendall at the end of his rope Mark Twain himselfl' Ch r istina and Stacy, together again
.& The old shell game Nice Shorts, Mrs Minor!!! l'
188 Eighth Grade
Eighth Grade 189
190 Eighth Grade
- "(
From Lelt , to : Kir ~i'k-1~ n, Benjamin b , Eliz tchen , Scot t Kay . Sitting From Left to ght: Jean Wu , Li sa ernste i n to Right: JaSQn Can·
Eig h th Grade 19 1
. Bottom Judith Appel ·" algte :'
<D N rn ciS" ::,- :r
e uchler, Melissa , to Right: Mark Graffagnini , Standing From Left to Right: G~~ges, Julie Nolan, Jody Wilson, Tyson Vaughan . Sitting From Left to R t ght : Jeanne Wanek , Lacey Wood .
<Cl l,J - t!_!lili!f,!L,._keft t9
Rig1it: &ine5_J,;tartin, Kirk Talbot. Siffmg, Left to
Monica Ward, Laurel Salley, Pame1a Jenkins.

Washington D.C. I

Our Washington , D.C. trip was o ne the students loved. Everyone became better friends and the teachers liked the trip almost as well as we did We left at 8:00 A M. Saturday morning on a bus and started the long ride to Knoxville , Tennessee That night we ate and slept in a Best Western Early the next morning we piled on the bus for Washington, D .C. the trip was long and hot , but we survived and reached our hotel which was c lose to the Capital. Then we went to see the Washington Monument The rest of the days and nights we toured the whole city. We saw the FBI Building which is the head· quarters in Washington , D.C. We also saw the Bureau of Printing a nd Engraving and all of the monuments and memorials , such as the Washington Monument , Jefferson Memorial and Lincoln Memorial. We also saw Thomas Jefferson ' s house , Monticello , and Mount Vernon. We toured the Capital building and ate with the Con· gressional Delegation. We sat on the floor of the House of Represen · tatives and saw the Senate. We had a terrific experience in Washington , D.C. and hope next year ' s eighth grade will enjoy it as much as we did

I a m s b u r
I I I i 11

Colonial Day

198 Colonial Day
Colonial Day 199

Chorus and Band

Back Row, Left to Right: Brett Reagan , Trey Hill , Denise Hafford, Lynn Churchill, Lauren Oggs, Elizabeth McElwee, Cathy Thomason Middle Row: Kendall Morris, Stephanie Eberts, Sally Schuler, Anne Falgoust, Leslie Monroe, Allison Chrestman, Courtney Lane , Marianne Bankston Front Row: Mark Herman , David Elvin , Anders Ryden, Matt Gaumer , Jones Dieth, Malachy Nugent, Kevin Witherspoon.
200 Chorus and Band
Standing, Left to Right: Nathan Bush , Steele Yeargain , Amy Calzada , Kristin Dascomb , Dana Jones, Nick Compagno, Christy Ames , Shelby Snyder, Debra Gray Boyd , Edward Widofsky, Sal Casserta, Kirk Madison , Cris Grace , James Martin , Michael Godofsky , Karen Witken , Sally Mohamed , Ann Pollard , Steven Kilinski , Nicole Balliet Kneeling: Melany DelCid , Dolly Hightower.


SCIENCE - Reynolds Wilson

Math - Katherine Adams

English - Kelly R tro

Emma Tub

Social Studies

Citizenship -

Highe st Grade

Science - Natha Bush

Math - She l by Sn der

English - Lewis i er bes

El1zabei h McE l wee

Sarah cEachin

Social Studies Shelby Snyder

Latin - Jeff Moor

French - Kristina atthews •

Spanish - She l b Snyder


Citizenship -


Science - Jean

Math r1 urphy

Alg Jean

En Greg Hodges



Drama - Lauren Oggs and E l izabet

Fine Arts - Jennifer Freeman

Citizenship - Robbie Piazza and Georg e McMaho n

ool A
Middle Sch
wa rds
.... ~ ,... ~ ~-~,-..e:::. ... •-...
son Vaughn
,._.....,.._ ....-
202 Middle School Awards

The Cheerleaders

Top Row, Left to Right: Christine Chamberlain , Sta c y McGeehan, Melissa Eckert. Left, Standing: Liz McElwee , Anna Lisa Appel, Julie Nolan , Christy Ames , Liz Golwas , Lac ie Wood , Kim Sanders , Jeanne Wanek , Melany Del Cid.

Fall Sports Varsity Football

What a season! St. Martin ' s Middle School Varsity Football Team put the finishing touches on a spectacular season with a resounding 30-0 pasting of a big and tough Crescent City Pioneer squad to finish the season undefeated, untied, and unscored upon! For the year the Saints were 9·0 and scored 305 points (34 pts. 1 game) while shutting out all nine opponents - a truly remarkable record!

Standing From Left to Right : Remy Gross , Chuck Melito, Greg Hodges, Sean Keeney, Brian Berke, Chri stopher Bec kman , Jason Cannon , Hunter Wood , Jim Armstrong 2nd Row: Scott McKay, Andy Wittich , George McMahon , Charles Cor c oran, Victor Levy, Charles Schaefer, Brian Murphy , Christopher Gant. 3rd Row: Alfredo Mesa , Kirk Talbot , Creed Ramano , Kevin Levy, Chad Hargon, Mark Graffagnini.
204 M.S Sports

J.V. Football

Cross Country

Third Row, Left to Right: Coach Jack Ashton, Tu c ker Crawford, Rob Walters , Jones Dieth , S tephen Huber , Jeff Mo ore, Vin Tangpricha , Trey Hill , Coach Larry Panna 2nd Row: Lewis Derbes , Sal Caserta, Kevin Witherspoon, Michae l DePa ss, Marcus Co nroy , Robby Norton , Steele Yeargain 1st Row: Joel Ullmann , Michael Barnett , Fred Stevenson , Cason Lane , Etienne Bala r t , Jonathan Levy
M.S Sports 205

0 I I e y b a I I

In Tree: Millie Herron , Pam Jenkins , Melissa Eckert, Fanny Martinez , Jenny

Goodyear, Jeanne Wanek On G r ound : Denise Hafford, Lisa Hoffman , Liz Goliwas , Julie Nolan , Paige Kuchler.

Top Row, Left to Right: Karen Witkin , Courte nay Neff , Shawn Brennan , Kendra

O ' Connel. Second Row: Charlee Marshall, Lauren Gurvic h , Jean Wu , Lisa Arensman , Lacey Wood Bottom Row : Lee Sanders , Sheila Kelley , Nico l e Baillet , Dolly Hightow er , Shannon Evans , Nancy Wu l ff.

206 Middl e Schoo l Sports

Varsity Basketball J. V. Basketball

Standing From


Benjamin Tubb, Keith Dublin, Brian Berke, Chris Beckman , Sean Keeney , Scott McKay, Coach Jim Armstrong Sitting: Gregory Hodges , Chad Hargon , Fredrick Steveson , Garrett Morris , Hunter Wood, George McMahon

Standing From Left to Right: Coach Larry Panna. Matt Hindman , Stephen Huber, Alfr edo Mesa, Andy Wittich , Nathan Bush, Whitson Christy , Creed Rozmano. Kneeling: Tucker Crawford , Steele Yeargain , Louis Derbes , Jeffrey Moore , Ed Witofsky

Left Right:
Boys Basketball 207

Varsity Girls Soccer

J. V. Girls Soccer

2 10
Standing, Left to Right: Suzanne Gueydan , Kristina Matthews , Jennifer Rees , Denise Hafford , Sue Hinge!, Elizabeth Goliwas, Kendra O'Con· nell , Amber Bishop , Pamela Jenkins, Jennifer Foster. Kneeling: Regan Kelley, Sheila Kelley , Jean Wu , Melissa Eckert, Christina Chamberlain, Sta c y McGeehan , Suzanne Mohamed, Lisa Arensman, Shannon Evans , Fanny Martinez Not Present: Nicole Bailliet , Lynn Churchill, Sealy Faught , Sara h McEachin , Lisa Pankowecz , Kristin Rolke Coaches: Don C huboff and Linda Trevino. Standing, Left to Right: Allison Mile s , Kelly Griggers, Leslie Clinard , Kristin Yates , Heather Parker, Aimee Roy , Christy Ames. Kneeling: Shawn Richardson , Monica Ward , Courtney Neff, Kimberly Sanders, Paula Wisnewski , Kerryn Sherry, Robbie Piazza Not Pictured: Laurel Salley and Lee Shows. Coaches: Don Chuboff and Linda Trevino

Middle School Track

t ..., l ,...., ,: ~ . ·~ ,cr r , ' '~
Back Row: Brett Reagan , James Daigle , John Robinson , Keith Dublin , Jason Cannon , Brian Berke , Sean Keeney , Chad Hargon Middle Row: Alex McLean , Victor Levy, An d rew Shore , Remy Gross. Front Row: Whitson Christy , Renw ick McLean , Etienne Balart , Andrew Miles, Joe Leblanc, Rob Walters , Adam Shore , Trey Hill, Malachy Nugent , Steven Moore, Marcus Conroy , Edward Wedofsky , Sal Caserta, Shea Kastl.
Middle Sc hool Sport s 211
Back Row, Left to Right: J ennifer Wiggins , Kris t i Rolke , Lacey Wood , Kendra O'Connell , Jeanne Wanek , Lynn Beckman , Paige Kuchler. Middle Row: Heather Parker , Ann Pollard, Allison Miles , Amber Bishop , Jennifer Foster, Ly n ne Chur c hill , Suzanne Gueydan , Judy Thigpen, Jean Wisnewski, Kellie Enloe , Courtney Neff, An n a Lisa Appel , Christina Chamberlain , St ac ey McGeehan , Lisa Pankowitz, Ann Grogono , Melissa Ruiroz, Sally Mohamed , Suza n ne Mohamed. Missing From Picture: Lisa Arensman

Girls Tennis Boys Tennis

212 M idd le Schoo l Sp or t s
Left to Right: Lee Sanders, Jennifer Goodyear, Julie Nolan , Millie Herron , Lisa Hoffman , Melissa Eckert , Lauren Oggs , Pam Jenkins Left to Right: Michael DePass , Kirk Madison, Kirk Talbot , Steele Yeargain, Jean Charbonnet, Ian Brown, Matt Hindman
214 M iddle Sc h ool S ports 2.. -
t 2 15 M i dd l e Sc h oo l Sp or s
2 16 Middl e Sc h oo l S p o rt s
., • + '" ... I:;; t ; ' • f ! : 1 ... ,. :t ½..U..W....L--l .i....Jt.t::¼ Middl e School Spo rt s 217
~N .. ...___ _ r 111111 uu, u 1UlfiUIIJ l'ltl• ; 111: • 1,0 iii111 .... 218 Middle School Sports
--~--I ·-.,,, Middle School Sports 219
"'J 220 Middle School Sports rtl//lflll'



Middle School Sport s 2 21
222 Middle School Sports
,..«;, • I ~ ,. I Sports 223 Middle Schoo
224 Middle School Sports
Middle School Sports 225
226 Middle School Sports
You have to learn to duck fast when Steele se rve s
" w . . _ W~~ . C () ,,,_. ,,, 'tr ~?~- I"'~

We learn laughter from the little children by thinking their thoughts, dreaming their dreams, and playing their games. So, meet each day with a sense of "" humor.

r 0 () QI :, 0.. a: "' I\J
You are the heirs of the ages. Men reaching
For the stars have created for you a world
of wonder and challenges
Pre·K 245
e O IQ :
Brendan Britt, Jeanne tany Bates. Left to Right: Christine Melchers , Ryan Nagim , Megan Hintz , Robin Schafer Davidson , Burshell. Dinon ,


Top Row: Tiffani Delap, Marcie Campo. Bottom Row: Jayson Lipsey , Ched Clockwise: Christopher Close, Miles Lewis , Dominique Matulich, Shannon Gar· rison .,. Top Photo on Page 249 Left to Right: Erin Murphy, Johnathan Blanchard, Joshua Pesses, Chad Flick. Bottom Photo on Page 249 Left to Right: Kevin McCormick , Tony Beale, Sara Czer· winski , Alison Sullenberger. Voss, M ark P Tampira. Sit Ro u se, Anup P
itting in Swing: Standing , Left to Leo nard, A lll so n Mart Mirann e. Top Row: Sean Donnelly , Bridget Dug an , Rebe cca Dunn Bottom Row : James Kahn , Patri c ia Kastl , Laura Gannon.



Top to Bottom : Randi McCreight , Guy Johnston , Chip McGeehan, David Jones, Chike Ozah, Kimberly Milano.

Thristy, L. to R. Stephen Had· dad , Gretchen Garrison , A l ecia Fiorenza, Katherine Doss, Jonathan Houston

Slide, Top Photo on Page 253 Good Buddies, L. to R.: Jennifer Car· tese , Curt Beaulieu , Andrea Andersson, Christopher Bowman , John Bang s Bottom Photo on Page 253 On the Tires, L. to Jl. : Blake Schuhmacher, Ruth Thien e man , Amanda Reed , Stacy Weber , Matthew Wessel , Jason Thibodeaux


Top Row, L. to R.: Matthew Welch , Sarah Beth Odom, Stephen St. Pierre Bottom Row, L. to R. : Sarah Simpson, Mi chael Schultz, Katharina Ullmann.

L. to R. : Lisa Dwyer, Jennifer Denuna , Micha el Brown , Shane Bohrer , Nicole Irving.

AL. to R.: Brett Schibler , Mike Beisenherz , Matt Rivers , John Abernathy , Carla Dugas

Top Row, L. to R : Amanda Maxwell , Michael Kreeger , Elizabeth McManus , Michael Megison , Bottom L. to R.: Stuart Jolly, Matthew Cohen.

, ;,,, n; · ..,"' ' f? ,.. , Y. V ',, ,, t. • , ., ,· ~ . <»t~ .. "' . ""
Kindergarten 255
Top Row, Left to Right: Aimee Dugas, Debra Fontenot, Lauren Gatti, Catherine Garvey Bottom Row: John Sharp Holmes l. Monique Mi Caserta 6. Catherine Hob Kennerly 11. Ridgley Pit 15. Josh Cooper 16. St Taylor Martin 20. Mary P
I\) \J1 <D
On Ground, Left to Right: Tristan Rappold, Melissa Stampley, Joel Nathansen Elizabeth Agnelly, Sarah Barkman, Meredith Volk, Beth Huber, Sharon McDaniel. On Bench, Left to Right: Brian Kendrick, Jim Angehr, Lee Hall , Bryne Evans, Ryan Rivet, Cheistopher Britt, John Parker, Scott McClave, Spencer Doody, Jason Pen man, Brian Vaughn, Lange Allen, Marshall Klemmt . Front Row, Left to Right : Tre Lee Prewitt, Matthew Francis, Williams. Back Row, Left to nifer Economy , Allyson Bratina chlosser , Randy Gibbens , Bre

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. ' ,-., M1iler,, -• Sneed : Parker, : ADouk _ , Stan• Wanek;' , : Riley
Second Grade 269
Left to Right: Will Newman , Dina Mi c hael , Stuart Peyton, Robert Mahone, Greg Page Back Row , Left to Right: Rebecca Ruch , C hri s Sooder, Jennifer Wand ell , Bre ck Trevino Front Row : Kim Vedros , Li sa Schultz.

Indian Day

I I 1 1 J I I

Indian Day

Top Row, L. to R.: Amy Johnson, Kathy Haycock , Michele Kenny. Bottom Row: Brad Leckert , Cherie Fontenot. op Ro Jonathan Schudmak , Nicky Stakelum Middle: Nancy Walters Bottom Row: Scott Schuber, Christian Shofstahl.


- f-.._I r 5-A .. - •-.. -------
by Arensman, Eric Krust, Kenny Miller. Op Stairs, Bottom to Top: Rachel , e arno, Julie Bailliet, Maggie Erwin, Gretchen Wandell, Isabelle d Pittman, Cavan Bordelon, Mary Lee Wayman, Romi Sottiurai, Glenn Her·
Fifth Grade 285
Bottom of .w.in'fling , ndrew Bingham, Mike Sooder, Jennifer Wu, Betsy Erwin, Gorman ,1robyn W ~r. Jennifer Nichols, Debbie Witi(in ; Ashley Koerner, William Schaefer , Jill Vedros , Scott &a-;;ting , Christy Akman, Sam Dunn, Mark Pow._ers, B adlef Gordon, Chris Delaune , Becky Shaw .
Fifth Grade 287
5-C 288 Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade 289
REAL ESTATE a lot_for a little J. Folse Ro y, Presid ent 3301 W. Esplanade Ave., So. 290 Ad s Metairie, La. 700002 SENIORS OF 1984 We ' re proud of you!! Best wishes for the future! ST. MARTIN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2216 Metairie Road Metairie, Louisiana 70001 (504) 835-7357 The Reverend W. Gedge Gayle, Rector Tel. 835-1701 Yeah Wendy, We love you!

Brennan's by nightit's different.

Breakfast at Brennan's - a great way to s tart the day . But Brennan's by night is a lovely way to end it. A t night the pace s lows, as our g u ests experience unhurried gr a ciousness, casual elegance, and a menu b orn of New Orleans itself.

Dinner is a cozy ce lebration of candlelight, whispers and wine and redfish and crabs and s hr imp and love .

Sauces bubble, bisques thicken, and the promise is kept.

Dinner 6 to 10 p.m . daily Br eakfas t 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. daily

Hotel , M otel A uthonzed The Key ro the City " HOLIDAY MAGAZ I NE AWARD (26th Cons e cutiv e Ye ar) TWINO
417 Roya l Street • 525-9711 Ads 291
292 Ads

Best Wishes to Aimee Altschul and to the Class of '84

We love you madly, Mom, Dad, and Mark

Good Luck to the Class of '84

Luckmore Finance Corp.

Ad s 2 93

Thanks Mom, Dad, Loren, and Casual Elegance

29 4 Ad s
''Confronting C o nfusi o n Discovering Direction"
Crawford Distributing Co., Inc. &
KENTWCl>D 100% Naturdl Spring Water A ds 295
Crawford Supply Co., Inc. Congratulates the Class of '84 Tucker Crawford Class of 1989
296 Ads Congratulations Class of '84 We are p roud of you The Motller's Club

to the Class of '84 from Jefferson-Guaranty Bank

A ds 297
GRADUATE SUPPLY HOUSE HERFF-JONES COMPANY 313 1 M ETAIR I E R O AD M ETAIRIE LA 70001 P H O N E 837-1786 C L A SS R I N G S - I N V I T A TI O N S - YEAR B OO K S - CAP S & G O W N S 298 Ads Thanks for the memories, Seniors! It's been FUN!! with love, The CliqueDebra, Jennifer, Stacey, Morgan, and Tracy E. GOODLUCK to the class of '84 from the National Honor Society

13 years is a long time but it has been worth it. Good luck at Baylor.

Love, Mom, Dad, Robert and Mary.

Congratulations Peyton!!
Ads 299
300 Ad s An Unbeatable Casd ® Typewriters, Calculators and Word Processors SONY: Dictation Equipment and Wo rd Processors Typewriters SHARP® Calculators Canon· Copiers & Calculators I-IENDRIX ® Typereaders nobm NEW ORLEANS BUSINESS MACHINES We Service Whel We Se// Call For Free DemonstraUon 834-3134 3760 Airline Highway , Metairie WE LOVE YOU, LESTER
Congratulations, Danny and Billy We are going to miss you! Good Luck! Luvya always, Shannon and CONGRATULATIONS TO FAITH NOULLET AND THE CLASS OF 1984 11,~111 TENSOR GEOPHYSI CAL SERVICE CORPORATION Ana flast er ~nlb & ~iluersmit4 GO LD , SILVER, AN TIQU ES and CUSTOM DESIG NED JEWELRY PER SONALIZE D JE WELRY MADE TO O R DER VIEU X CARRE , i FAT C IT Y 5 ~J C 0 H E 8 Hans Luetkemeier Co. Ads 301

Best Wishes BEAU BISSO

302 Ads
• I from IVIA~INE co. NEW /J~lEA/Y.g, l II.

To Faith

There comes a time in a parent's life When time flies b y too fast And reaching out and taking hold Won't make your childhood last.

It's times like these that make us see What couldn't be seen before: When you'd be out and on your own, A time we chose to ignore.

A first step now t o ward what's ahead, A change in strid e that's new We give to you ou r deepest love And wish the best for you.

We've enjoyed being part of your lives. May your college years be enjoyable and fulfilling!

4 Months

-j984 Ads 303


Camp '83 "Do it" in the halls " We ' re hot , we ' re hot, we're totally hot " Cheering in the rain State Playoffs '83 Boogie Cheers Beating Ecole going to D and O Calling Captain Get

away those Green ies What ' s a safety? Gourmet kidnap breakfast Flirting with the Refs Ready? O- T ay! STM is# 1 and don ' t you forget it!

Debra Crosby Anne Steinbaugh Andra Rodriguez Leah Miciott Laura McM hon Nancy Sumner Jennifer Stevens Christi Page Katrina Keller
304 Ads
Congratulations to the Thirty-Fourth Graduating Class From the Board of Trustees Ads 305
306 Ads Congratulations to the Class of 1984 From Drew Storey GOODLUCK to the SENIORS of1984 From the Sophomores Best Wishes to the Seniors Compliments of JACK P. MURPHY, JR. M.D. Congratulations Graduates RAV BRANDT DATSUN INC. 1884 Westbank Expressway Harvey, LA 70058/367-1666 Don Blake Woods '58 General Sales Manager
~z ~., ?~ -~;J~--:._ .,_, _.. ' l~cc'.Y') ~\ Jtu/4-t-C~ /9 J'~ Zj- II -:Ad s 307



1983-1984 Officers

Dr. Michael A. Sullivan

James W. McElwee

Ford J. Dieth

President Vice President of Special Events and Membership Secretary Treasurer

James A. Bingham ,

Congratulations Tracy E. Moore


Don ' t be afraid to be differentjust because everybody else does it, doesn't make it right!

Tracy, you'll always be special. In a way we grew up together, each learning to coexist with the Guru. Bless you, and launch on to the next adventure!

310 Ads
as I sayNot as I do.
Congratulations on the present Good fortune for the future - May you tackle life
all The fervor and enthusiasm of your mother and dad.
member a ever forget: hile you ma ave the bread he peanut but r may
they love you
And you of tender years Can't know the fears That your elders
by Just know
CSNandY 1970

Best Wishes to the Seniors 011984

W e are really going to miss you. T h anks for the memories. With all our love,

The Juniors

Class of 1985

Tomy classmates and friends,

Thanks for the past and good luck in the future. I couldn't have done it without you!

Love always, PEYTON '84

Ads 311

Yearbook Staff

A yearbook is the combined effort of many dedicated people who put in a great deal of work in order to achieve publishing sue · cess. The staff would like to pay special tribute to Drew Story, a St. Martin's alumnus, who gave freely of his time and energy to take great sports pictures, and print in the darkroom.

Many thanks; The Staff

Front Row, Left to Right: Tracy E Moore, Aimee Altshul, Ashley Woods, Tracey Moore , Stacy Moore. Standi ng , Left to Right: John Ellis. Hidin g From Camera: Karen Weaver, Frank Lombard, Peyton Pettit. Taking Picture: Rick Samuels
312 Yearbook Staff

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