1985 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook - Redo Pending

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The Shield

LA RS St. Martin's Episcopal School Metairie, Louisiana Volume XXXII 1985

The Senior class dedicates the 1985 Shield to Diane back from lunch - need we say more

For all the "trains we've on thew,

The very large number of St. Martin ' s graduates, parents and former parents , and facul· ty attending a recent debutante party emphasized once again the strong feeling of " family " which permeates this School. This feeling is one which many of you helped perpetuate

Members of a family can have different goals and desires; you demonstrated this at the Senior Retreat. You emerged from that experience more aware of both individual goals and class respon· sibilities and purposes. Striving for those varied goals has provided numerous successes.

As family members , whether at home or at School, creative striving for a smoother effort or better program proved beneficial to you Many of you improved in your ability to coordinate efforts and achieve common goals as you moved through this year. Your 1984-85 presence in the St. Martin ' s family will be remembered and your continued membership in the broader school fami ' ly appreciated

Bell Ceremony

A Tribute to the Witmans

Harold Witman, Headmaster of St. Martin's from 1980 to the spring of 1985, began his leave of absence having con· tributed immensely towards establishing a strong academic program and a more efficient physical plant. In addition, the long-range plan he initiated and began to implement will carry St. Martin's through the remainder of this century.

In his first year at St. Martin's, he identified curriculum goals that have resulted in the addition to the curriculum of Latin, Honors and Advanced Placement courses, concurrent enrollment at Tulane University for seniors and Computer Science for the entire school with Advanced Placement courses in the Opper School. Another major curriculum revi· sion was the development of the Family Life classes which resulted from Sunday evening discussions with Opper School students in his residence. All of these changes, plus numerous others, have served to enhance the academic standing of St. Martin's School.

Not satisfied with academic success alone, Mr. Witman made tremendous strides in improving the physical plant. Gnder his leadership and instigation, three attractive resource centers (Math, English and the Social Sciences) were developed. These centers are staffed at all times during the school day and allow students seeking additional help to find it readily available. He saw to the completion of the Mar· tin family Library and upgraded the number of computer terminals available for students from six to forty-two with more additions in the very near future. He was able to obtain over a quarter of a million dollar improvement to the Thanksgiving Pool as well as provide a storage facility for our Outdoor Education program.

In the latter part of his tenure, Mr. Witman and the St. Martin's Trustees developed a long-range plan for the school. Phase I of this plan (which involves million of dollars

over many years for both physical plant and academic program Improvements) is presently under serious considera· tion by the Trustees of the School.

Mr. and Mrs. Witman will be especially missed for their personal involvement in the lives of St. Martin's students. For example, few people knew that Mr. Witman read every report card. He and his wife Carole rarely missed an athletic or drama event. Not many people were aware he personally participated with the students in the Outdoor Education pro· gram travelling to such places as the Boundary Waters of Minnesota and hiking in Alaska. He initiated an annual senior retreat and was the leader of an advisory group. All of these improvements and his personal involvement with the students were accomplished while reducing the debt of the School, while upgrading faculty salaries and enhancing the program, and while still maintaining tuition at a level at or below the !SAS school in the New Orleans area.

Mrs. Witman has been equally unselfish and thoughtful in her expressions of care and kindness to faculty, students, and all friends of St. Martin's. How often she graciously opened her 'heart and home for innumerable meetings and lovely social gatherings, helped new faculty find housing, visited ill and moving faculty with homemade gourmet treats in hand, and contributed her energy and gifts to St. Martin's Garage Sales and Heavenly Days!

One of her favorite contributions has been the beautifying of the physical surroundings of the Headmaster's home and school grounds. Her endless hours of effort and thought are apparent in the home's lovely English garden and Chapel memorial landscaping.

Indeed the Witmans have left a tremendous legacy for St. Martin's, and their efforts will enrich the lives of students and faculty for generations to come.

Harold and Carole Witman


s K A

24 Candids
Candids 25


28 Candids
Candids 29

Champion the right to be yourself, dare t0 be · different and to set your own pattern; live your . own life and follow your own star.

Calhr'I" Bo'IJ AUoll "Cathryn" 1972-1983

What is essential is invisible to the eye. It is only with the heart that one can see clearly.

CAB Cabiba Hans L11rry Bremm falling out of Flopsy SC Prez nic fit running red lights car accidents fighting in the Quad "It can't be fixed!" LT in the partico 2-1 and lump spaghetti white water trip being rolled sexy eyes "But of· ficer, he was following us!" sweet sixteen the 15 angels cruising St. Charles "mother you are making an incredible scene!" "Can l have a sip of your t11b?" 9 lives you girls look like the Go·Go's wine, champagne and pizza Destin sunrise Forum's hitting parked cars SNHS falling at Bennig1:1n's "I will never set foot in a bar!" I'm allergic to smoke don't smoke in my car "Can ! play polo?" Page's asthma attack AEIOU sometimes Y roaches in Russel's room Madness the Police Concert Heik, Domo Ms. Maes this is our class President ii doit amour hansy ha ... What makes Jesse run? : what's shakin'? the 4 soccer studs 13 yrs , Nancee, choice and Lauri· la Lake Cale ground meat I hate oozoes , you wrecked my car ring around the polo Greek gods l and II ... Julie, ln general Lee, my baby Mom and Dad, you couldn't have been better,

J.. ,un. 'J:J,·,.n, .Ag .. iar "Tina"


If you don't understand my silence, you won't understand my words.


Loyola sweetie face her mom chemistry McGehee's with Riette and Ann her perfect complexion xeroxing notes for Laura the cabin Berlin G.H .... Ms. Shoulders the Police Steele Eros "Pedro's 8th period Espanol class LSU overnight USL Biloxi Rachel's cards girl talk Tory's turquoise balloon Monica's raintree the waterfight Mr. Wallace's logic class Y.O. Ranch Mr. Phil JCC JZ/DB Freshman in· itiation Old Tab Miss Shephard up at 6:00 .. Bear Scor· pi.o ... Frisco Suzie her nails ... Ruddock Tory's sauna

Venu& ML Uskall's P~try Class Mrs. Thompson's English

The Shield Daisy Rebecc11 Carrations W.F.F.B Jon's hanging silent

34 Seniors
Guy de Maupassant

..JleiJi Caroline /Janlon "Heidi" 1972·1985

AH, but a man's reach should EXCEED his grasp, or what's a heaven for?

Robert Browning

Robin Zander Cheap Trick Windsor Court 1984 were we at the Fair? Peter Curtis Grace Fowler Tulano Raybean Sister Serious and the Party Policeman Robin's chin a 5 ft. radius at the Cheap Trick Concert Michelle Marvin horses •.. Flash Heather's Lost Weekend .•. the smell what does Mr. Lee Roth do? •.. Winnie·the-Pooh phobias .•. you, uh, need It! thank you "that's not a disco" Europe the man In the win· dow ••. Stella Solaris July 1. 1984 ping pong table .•. Opasl Zimmerman System nicknames for everyone ..• The Greek under the table building Card Houses pou ine Yiannis? Robin Ma·ri·ah Aspen Ft. Lauderdale with Peter and Michelle Rockford Sheila:s It's my turn what was your name Snowball , Diggy fighting with Diggy over RZ ROBIN ZANDER , Michelle, you'll always be my best friend! .••

SuJan J:ongl,,y Barone



There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us that it hardly becomes any of us to talk about the rest of us.

Mathilda, Mathilda, take the money and run BEN Charlie's Angels small change St. Louis 13 yrs Jay R. Taco Bel! Dr. P Marby Rushes Premotions Cats T.J.'s Zacks .•. Uptown Froing ..• Do I?, No Do I? ..• Champagne Byron Eating in Geology l.M.M Is that Jay? .•• Nashville, Octavia, Jefferson Minnie the Pooh Fla. w / Martha Thrift City Hair so wild That's what I like about you Don't you ever

•.. Aramis Button Flies Gilligan's Island It's the Go-Oo's screwdrivers wierd stares stuck on you Build me up, Butter· cup driving around burnout schwoo Oh, oh I'm in trouble shopping •.. Grapes laughing J.M.E N.Y.C. ccr The zoo psychopath do a little dance .•. punching Hey Dude Oh, one last kiss Scandal Goodbye to you R. W Dane· ing Screaming I'm so humiliated He's got class Cool

Rider Deja Vu Cheese fries at IL' Later SLB

Seniors 35

':J>.,v;J f.?ob11rl Bowu "David"


I'm a dreamer in the daytime, the nightime

All of my lifetime

Watch me, I'll make it

What a world to see in shadow shaping.

Frank Wyatt, of Happy the Man

killer sax player perfect handwriting the only boy in French class "Girls·and-David" smartie pants Quiet'?! "h'llo"

Outdoor Ed the Super killer - Mondo mega·Bone Crushing·Back

Breaking·B!ood and Guts work list being in an all-girl English class the Harem Hubig's Pies Golf Geology, one·on·one ... Combo 42 having to drive light years to school sitting in his car listening to the Orchestra Soccer Stud Sweetie!

S,uatt Paig~ B«,./,u "Paige" 1979-1985

Only those who attempt the 11bsurd can achieve the impossible. Anonymous I may not be perfect, but I'm always me.


Stage earring5 tall mode! her posture smart JA her hair fingernail polish flourescent socks "smile" her driving Hog's breath Andy Where are my pink hi·tops? Burgundy St. at 2:00 a.m .... her trash box ... Maddonaish

Susan C. Deja Vu Capp'11 drink and drown at Chap's artsy BK on the phone till 5:00 a.m. Da Glo Thanks for everything Mom and Dad - I love you!

36 Seniors

I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes, And just for that one moment I could be you. I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes. You'd know what a drag it is to see you.

Patric/, Cu/1.oun

Isn't fun the best thing to have? Anonymous

Red road trips to Baton Rouge drinking scooters lounging at Rockins with Miss Emma Library with fish and Cheech The VII Thirsty Thursday The Cutter Espanol 8th period with Pedro Wal's Party's STM with James RC's in the summer the basement the cord The Cajun Crew wrestling.,. Fat H's at Christmas Time and Mardi Gras Screw and Chuckles. at STM The Tavern in the summer Fla. with Tunes, JB, and Mule listen· ing to tunes on the Veranda LBF Thanks to JCR, RUS, WWS, RMC, BM, CP, RP, JW, and Special thanks to Mom, Dad, Tina, Drew, and John

Shopping cart on Breezeway the TANK Swiss army knife hair· cut crewcut flat tire off Transcontinental "Fetus" Steve for V.P Don·L getting drunk Speed racer, going 100 to H.C Spray Paint "Let's go to Cotton-Eyed Joe's and get a beer!" the Fly Sasha '68 caddi·yack Quarts after school keeping Dixie Brewing Co. in business his parties Where did you get that physique? LAMP-LIGHTER LOUNGE!! sleeping in Reinhold's rabbit, Destin '84 Royal Lippizan Stallions .•. Page's 280zx par· tying in JR's red love bug fox's Den "Aw come on man" "the waste" "Q·tip" GOLF on 2 beers 3 guys from France disciplinary referral for peeling out Seeing monsters in Destin Legs contest - 1st place Sharkbaif' •.. Chaboud's Marine Fulton Street "Big Man" .•. hit and run accident "Gotta get some gas" Hangin' out at the canal "Ragcort" President concerts Jumping World's fair fence to get to the car Molsen Golden "you don't look old enough"

.Arnold Steven C/.,,.1,,,..,J .J.J.J "Steven" 1981-1985
"Patrick" 198CH985
Seniors 37

Peter :lJougfaJ Ckin "Peter"


"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May.

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try."

- The Temptations


1st of the Chin Dynasty Buddha, Sumo, Big Guy, Great Wall, Mr. Chin "My Girl" muscle man Secretary of State ... dirtiest old man on Washington trip horny hats Frank's shampoo computer wiz flirt TPT and the T-team vs. Sputnikman his cousin·? Algebra II stud 8th grade homeroom harem ... the KKB (killer koala bear) 3 guys from Prance Mathematical sound ef· fects snoring in Calculus the Bowes-Chin Connection Ket· chel Competition po-boys every day the art supplies black market the computer room arcade his OJ bottle collection Myer's chest his journal in Ms. Thompson's class Voltron Chin, Inc "I'm on your face."

C11nlhiu J.lammonJ Church;// "Cindy''


"It is good to be without vices, but it is not good to be without temptations."

Walter Bagehot

Choich .•. Leroy "Do you think I really care?" being grounded common denominator Lionel ... Prom '84 Commodores "break the law" "It must be the name" Stealing signs Destin flying high EDC "At least we don't have two heads" her pool can I come swimming ooga ooga car what's shakin'? David ..• her shadow pass out Rick Springfield the party wagon II her driving sv·-~• 16 and the 15 angels notes at school·•.. "jess" civil disot __ ,_,,,ce the Mooch thumper Lynne Sheila the Jag the maggot DP, MT, and GJ yeah, Cindy? yeah? soccer kiss the clock East Livingston Gang Richard Pryor at BBL Human Touch nicknames ... Cisco's ML freshman Belle Chasse game spending the night at her house sneaking out with HM ... AM's at 5:30 a.m bowl· ing ball mother make lover Anna Mae and Rosemary "get together" ... JD w/HM hi guy you drove in a ditch baesball games with NS horses in SG's yard Police Concerts .•. Taco Tico Mac, Sum and Rat thanx mom good luck to Lynn best wishes to the greatest class ever!! ...

38 Seniors

Jim Corco,-an "Jim" 1976-1985

The only way to have a friend is to be one.


Cork smurf II "I like movies" cutie pie I kept it going 'til, the sun fell down, uh Captain six pack Geologically speaking Spring Sub Debs his little brother Espanol 8th period with Pedro precious .•. his car "No I'm serious" 'Tm fried!"

COOLBUZZ Grape races officer friendly Smirnoff Per· dido Bay Ponies Tex He's a coe Lionel 300zx - someday Disco Dan Rat Auburn Melito Peeping-Tom Wild Bill Basketball captain faith's party. Let Rich drive Walsh Wagoneer you guys are facetious Ritts You took the fashion risk today Sand Pecker Destination Pun in the Sun Beau Chene Phi Slama Jama Hey Bud, let's party Hello Getting drunk off Lite Beer the world of wheels! his singing!

ffl1c!.,,/I,, .J!ee ConJ,-a,; "Michelle" 1979·1985

someday I will look back to these days, and I will laugh because they make me happy, and l will cry because they are gone. I am glad for the now, but someday l will be even gladder for the memories.

Waco Taco lady, taco Supreme "Michelle, did you get your Talbot's catalogue yet?" my "cousin" Rosie bug eyes her mom moving Texas David P's girl friends letters

#'s 1-6 Washington trip pickles TyTy the play Grand Isle fried shrimp calling Scott Destin 9th Snipper mice soccer "Big Guy" Prom '84 "Rosie, I need you!"

Colbycneewa Mr. Coxey and studying for the wrong exam talks with Doc and Pedro Popsicle Fred Luther's Malt-o·Meal in French Ana's makeover Tyson Bummb-Bummb-Beer·Bum· Bour Valentine from EB "how can we make 'em jealous?" crush on "Incredible Hulk," JC Glenn "Mr. Hands" at cc·s DDP and Cheeze·its caffeine fix HC Cheerbop Special thanks to Mom, Dad, Aaron, and Allyson - I could't have done it without you! Good Luck to the class of '85 I'll miss you!

Seniors 39

Jenni/er J:ee ;]),,leg



Live life like a fried egg, with your sunny side up.


Ormond Jingle Bell Rock Party! Soccer Eros Franklin, Tenn Hawaii New York Inlet Reef - 109 Do ya'II have a blender? Mike and Lynn PG&R NJ Maitais Stanford water polo team ... KYLE "we're cruising!" Jr. Prom - RHPS Jam! Chem w /Bess DND fun times w/GG, BK, KK, LH, AT, KS, KW ... the dub the caravan to the C.D. game Party earrings exit signs wide-mouth frog surfers - act casual take·a·picture formal wear in the morning dog·the-Bob just look under "stud" MARDI GRAS rolling parties too small shoes "I wanna party with you!!!" Athena decorating for the H.C. game Fr. yr. pants track her cute brother! 5th floor of the Holiday inn getting paged in the TG&Y model pictures in locker ... I'm so confused!! cheese and Fr. club hanging out the car windows "SaM you should drive w/a license" Ted "Don't say Oih" John Curtis tubing w /Donna World's Fair

J:?uJ&eff 'Uhfliam Creef "Rusty"

1977-81, 1982·85

Waiting out the worst, we keep the best inside us. In hopes our hearts can hide us, in hopes our tears don't show. And you know we're not the first to try and breach the distance, and though we reach resistance, the love between us grows.

Reagan-Bush '84 4141 his car Young Republican soldiers of love military school intellec· tual smogs "I don't like her anymore" Dallas '84 Ari· ington Central family hot tubs lucky 7 "Have your cake and eat it too."

New York, New York

Long Island iced tea Mario limos his voice Ron the chauffeur wrecking Dad's Mercedes plastic roofing keep the change Bess M lying about his age in Destin Espanol 8th period w /Pedro seeds in the keyboard So Russ, how many dates ya got this weekend? Morris argu· ing w/Mr. Fitzmorris. Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming .• dump him Shelly C·OO·L somebody bring me a mirror D'Shay Luther V Auntie Julie ATN Hillary G Dirty D. Spanish sports car ... F&M's bullet Johnny Walker Red, neat I could borrow some money? Cash's Seville quarters beating Laura ... Sand Piper 1042 SHO The Constellation Room

Purple Rain

Shelly McConnell

40 Seniors

.Alcia ..J<aye :lJani el


Ali c ia "


To expose feeling is to risk exposing your true self To love is to risk not being loved in return : But risks must be taken , be ca use the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

"Woo!" Hello hypnotizer at Andra 's the caddy The Fly DLS boys the big " V" He Knows You're Alone Get me out , there are snakes in here! Doc BK Lounge for 3 hrs steal· ing her ring on the Washington Trip Sweet 16 I hate ozoas

Are you Miss Mae 's husband?! My shirt's on fire! " Wait I love you" Destin Sunset INXS Jellybean CM Passout

Halloween '81 Police Concert Chasing Devan to the Airport

The Boot with J.D and K F Graduation ' 84 Lana "It wasn't my fault, I swear" purple pomegranate seed Almost getting hit by the train Older men?!? getting stopped at Lenfant's pretty "Wait!" have a big car ... Melissa's twin Happiest Millionaire Special Thanks to Mom , and Chad I love you

Cir.-Jtori,r ,,t,, :lJa,.,. ,l

"Chr is "


Winning isn't everything , It's the only thing!


Chuck E Cheese's Tex Dallas Kathryn the truck the luggage rack " son, ya' home?" ... "no, Dad " . Sub-debs Mar· di Gras his cats Kyle SMU Basketball captain Destin " Alicia's brother" Peyton "sink or drink it" Rich and Cork tickets "not in the last 4 hrs ." Coach Melito Jenny Texas tongue I HATE PINK CHAMPAGNE! Jeep Wagoneer Alabama babe Let's jet it Lawn jobs My dad ' s gonna kill me Ralph Rick Springfield Pictures in lockers on the line 6 in 30 in the corner.

Seniors 41

(;reg ';J)ef C;J "Greg"


"Remember this before you go we can all sink or we can all float cause we're all in this same big boat one world is enough for all of us."


Lisa his trumpet life saving class his ties ... "Hey Mr. excite· ment! What's up?!" Eros Ball ... always late tight shirts Italy Always asleep sleeping beauty Missing tests jumping in the pool at Diliberto's party frisbees I'm thirsty Trying to get home from Sub-debs the Wisconsin State Fair Dancing at 75 mph jacuzzi action at Skitz's for four days!! ... Berlin and love life car stalling in front of the projects Soccer Love that Quarter combo with Billy, Gary Hans, Dave, Kristen, Poe Band camp with John •.. CIT what Carl at the Harsin around Dancing at Park Avenue Rock it Talks too fast Molson Golden at 1l 5 mph 6CC nice van many thanks to my Mom, Dad, sister and relatives for being there when I needed them.

monique :11.;r;JJe ';J).,t,az



If I am not myself, who else will be?

ii dolt amour Jap·jack model I brought my lunch jour by jour plays Derek's imitations "that's Or. Aguiar" Schmellmobile Perrier Kappa Sig Brandon smoking turkey and tea Skinny·dipping E.B. and woo nose rest Thumper it's an antique Madness Hel, Domo! DLS ... On Golden Pond with Devan B.K. lounge for 3 hours ... AEIOU•soem· times Y .•. I'm hip DESTIN! .•. shaked tail feather at L.P Thank U Berr·Gene! it can't be fixed where are we going Kawaii!!! Sweet 16 and the 15 angels w2 in a p.c wait -I luv u ... L.T what makes Jessie run the snake SHP 4 soccer studs Das Boot ... Joman yesh ... Shan's Cork Ski·ramp calling cabs flamethrower the woman Heybay, gimma a 11'1 kiss get outta town Mike with a BMX whiners vanilla wafer oui 0 Bordeaux Jeez Gawd! Latro Farley

ATll's but for how come H.C. angel psycho Thanks Mom and Dad - I love ya!

42 Seniors

pobody's nerfect"



Brian BAK parents? car wreck - never Aspen Katy love Pip - I mean Kip Purp Gotcha A0K RX·7's Jew boys.. Okydoe The Strip Destin or Bust I guess it's time for bed assignments now the cure Oelchamps Surf Hut Holiday Inn Are you wet yet green ke cream on our faces fab 4 a complete set Riazar Jr. out of boredom Can I give her my hour Someone logical "dating Mike" Aw right dude you hoe Amy, let me drive b-ball and bowling with BJC get a grip A gust is coming You're losing your perspective Sar· casm Schmuck If I get away with this you know I'm a senior My summer roommate Amy, don't make me go J.C. guys and Nell summer '83 and '84 N.b. days what's-his-name-the short one asylum This isn't Gary anymore Kevin The Pimp Strange boys, Aim a rose from a stranger should l ask Oette to iron my shirt smile and wave full of I'm losin' it what are you mumbling Fred Von Hommer Schlamer Kramer we're in se· cond place and moving up getting dragged in for a haircut Ifs too early to get grounded diet bet with Nell big screen T.V Putt-Putt.

:1),.";J Byron :J..,,,./oro "David" 1977-1985

He who loves not red meat, wine, women and song is a fool his whole lifelong.

Chesh Captain "60 Harriette Cindy Mary Ashley, Michelle, Nancy, Shannon, Laura Mc, and Lisa Laura Mark Weaver, Mark, and Glenn Flirt true blue cute behind foot· ball his smile Destin the BMW muscles TCU perv Jeckyll Island Italian Stallion Whop frog Willie Herb .•. his Mon's 300zx •.. roses Daiquiris and creams knows everyone Middle School with NS refuses to wear jeans PGS and PPS Always on the phone Cold duck the quarter staying up with Cindy and Riette til 5:30 you're impossible secrets with CC Riette's Drills

Swimming at football camp leaving him, GJ, and MT at McD's last night in Destin with the cops love the one you're with sleeping in Dan's yard Quickie Champagne and the sunroof Shelly's dinner party "Why're you in such a bad mood?" summer jobs Jump the rose from CC and HM blow pops "write me a note" putting holes in the physics wall painting in te bleachers the vet sunglasses

Jim, Rich, and Chris Wham Van Stank tank Driving Nancy's car Thanks to Mom, Dad, Guy, and Gerald •..

J(afh,,rine Sara :Jei/,/,,mat1 "Katy"
Seniors 43

"Kim" 1977-1985

Though nothing shall bring back The hour of splendor in the grass Glory in the flower we shall grieve not Rather find strength in what remains behind.


Kimba bestest buddies w / JM lifeguard Clothes Horse hey ho! hair Sippin Shanahan's Graduation '84 big, gray, ugly rabbit. Provoke her nice, big, firm arms. FOHO skinny dipping my savage tan Parking lot in Hilton for 20 minutes Lemfides , getting pulled over John D. , , gold card ladies night at Cafe Banquet Mark E. the opera Karate fights cast your walk the bartender Pat O's and JM "18" Loren Riviera 8·9·84 Baskin Silver Bullet Mexican food w /Cindy P B 52's The Boot w / AD and JD Scotty nelile nail bitter "K" date w /LCnightgown and sweater. red MG Trinity daunch talks vibrating car seat ... ya love me triangle pull over set· tie it awhah, huh going after Aw's·on canal hit by a van night out w / Mom drinking partner wait. don't leave me jacuzzHng music in the morning Thanks to Gran, Granddad, Mom and Dad, I love you all! At last '85 I finally made it

"Elizabeth" 1978·1985

The important thing is to carry the sun with you, inside of you at every moment, against the darkness. For there will be a great and terrifying darkness.

Has anyone seen a TARDIS New York Trip Kreweof Mestigators Kevin the Beatles Jaime le Princesse de Galles Richard Ill Mrs. Frank's R2D2 Lady Di Dr. Who white tiger. Frank

44 Seniors

:});,./. :Jreeman "Dirk"


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.


Dirk the Jerk , 13Q WNOL Jersey Julie, Shelly, Neil,and Dirk in Beer Garden "He's our age?" DJ Dad, about your car?! being kicked out of his house Jad II

martl.a fief/ (l,,/Jtl.waite "J\'\artha"


If you dream of someone You want to be You're wasting the person That you are.


party animal her haircuts her laugh Laura W wild clothes Herman and Wilbur Destin Hog's breath Saloon Is that Darryl? Cats daiquiries and Bongo's Derek crawfish boil Champagne Fla. with Susan l love accents weenie wars Superchick Button flies Katy Byron weird looks I'll melt with you Gi!l!gari's Island Berlin I've got the Visa wah woah Don't you ever Capps Minnie the Pooh Burn Out Marby Rushes •.. He's got a Mohawk grapes Thrift City laughing driving Uptown Matt and Craig It's "Martha· Nell NYC CCR Nancy L. .. , The zoo peeing working glasses Breakdancing Was I there? He's got class Want to dance Deja Vu He gave me his card premonitions Do you want to see my big screen T.V Putt Putt Geology I'm so humiliated I'm In love

Seniors 45

Sianno11 }0'11n,,/ (fooJrow "Shannon"


Whatever the challenge, whatever the test, whatever you're striving for give your best.


Danny Shay volleyball - state champs '83 basketball Destin with Danny summer camp softball Cooch Melito shot put discuss , Ana David P. in 9th grade jockette Vincenzo's freshman year Sweet Pea Snooks Big Sis Squirt Chan·Chauni Pey lab partner in geology , Mr. Hustler's gal the Boot after CD basketball game -· Feb. 3, '84 , Happy Buddha before sub Debs Prom '84 , Millsaps taking picture! Brooke Shields sexy spoiled , Just Missed Sweet thing SJG stop sign "50 and "21 LUV "Who Dat?" Kappa Sig lady bunny - too cute Mr. Mom ... family cheering section Mrs. Trevino Daddy Al Breck and Melissa letters in Civics Mardi Gras '84 floating from room to room on raft pandas and hearts her jewelry Friday lunch leave with D junior jr locker 124 "you don't understand" Doc Mooney Mrs. Caserta , Spanish Class '83 "I am " Farrah (Sue) '81 ping pong "I Just Called to Say I Love You" Lionel Richie CD volleyball tourney '84 Amtrak Thanks for everything Mom, Maw·Maw, Paw·Paw, and Danny - I love you all!!

:JoJJ (frat,,,. "Todd"

1975·1981. !984·1985

Upon the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of countless thousands, who upon the dawn of victory paused to rest, and in resting died.

John Trembly

Reagan·Bush '84 , Young Republicans , Cheerleader Mr. Metriculation Pritz and Tits the hole in his pants Fritzbusters , , girls dropping pencils blowing his nose on laura .Mac's jacket in 4th grade , Capt. form take a chill pill swimmer , Coach Bower Mr. Labaree, do you wear dentures the cruise machine draft shampoo senator crew cuts , , Hey I'm 18! 3rd oldest in school Yes, Joan Let's swap swiss bank accounts I don't need a Mercedes Benz ... Life has its ups and downs Quack

Toddums limos Kaptain Kangaroo "keep the change"

Big Man next StM cheerleader Prez Graham future politi· cian ... Hey Ron, Let's do that lunch thing dynamic duo

46 Seniors


Good, better, best, Never let it rest,

Until your good is better, and your better best.

rnargarel q,.,,,,,:mo "Sallie"



Pat Karen Jen N.Y., w/C.H., T.M., J.P., C.T., D.M., A.L Fun times w/J.D., K.S., A.T., K.W., K.K., B.G., party mobile No Sallie, this is Transcontinental piano study Jingle Bell Rock street signs Caz Camp convertible queen Destin '84 spy· ing pool parties exercise in Destin midnight swim "Salaroo" Chem Labs towels in convertible nananana laughing ln Chapel bracelets her smile gas at T.S Straw D's salty exam papers dear braces T.E mystery tours Tracy, Bob, and Joe ! wanna party w/you! , decorating for homecoming game Fr. yr. Memory Mrs, Beckman's English tests Luv ya Sal AP Biology I'll dean the kitchen Only 9 minutes and 52 seconds left cream eggs cheese and French club hanging out car windows running red lights set the cruise at 75 MPH - it will go down Wendy's drive thru pineapple juice popcorn diet sighing singing , her tan station wagon Fr yr Thanx for everything Jen and Karen, PA.TO

';J:,anie/ f!eton (}udfot "Dan"


It's been such a long time I think I should be going.


Godfathers shy one Sweetie curly Q his twin sister Andreas and Stuax preppy braces wrecking his car PE notes the green machine EDC Destin shuttle bus Caie getting stuck in City Park Jeddy East David Letterman The Beatles Destin I can't get no satisfaction watching the mean· ing of life where's the missing link? Bum Coors Boston Laser soccer

Seniors 47

J:,Ja _J/.,nkinJ "Usa"


Changes are taking the phase l'm going through.

David Bow Chang,

North Carolina Poe cheerbop quiet? Uptown Girl cheerleaders night out at Cafe Banquette Usa Pancakes pock• book pails brake-through ladies night Spanky and ti Wiz Kid soccer manager Wooo, Boo and Loo ! want a vanil one that's obscene boobie Gross M&M's make friends. Bess lchie Owie Mission Impossible Curads help boo bo, heal fast I hate it when that happens thanks, but wanna he a story? Yea! say it, even if it sounds silly back rubs cheerleading camp I ain't fraid of no ghost I've got a plan Flapper Twins situation under control Ghostbusters He Cow Ouija woman You're my best friend want to go to ti zoo KK Ha Ha Ma Ha Ha Ha New Kid in town carpool wi John O oh my the board told me peace, love, and harmon

Stuart j.J,aJ ''Stuart"


Ifs a new road I follow where my mind goes, The Psychedelic Furs

Godfather's Destin Bartender the elephant vac the trium· virate Andreas and Dan Scott D Head Air Guitars The Moose Call Holy jeans the ZZ top concert EDC DOB

BR time Speedy's coming Manic Mechanic The Tan Can Birds fisheads Hof Brau House, Munich 14 year club Halloween Traditions The big "P" tickets and more tickets BWCA the West Coast Oh Boo! College friends Stu Soft Inc Neer Beer caned for six weeks

48 Seniors

/).,/;,, (J,,//ifl,_ _/.lmin,j!Otl '"Julie"

Jules Shreveport Biily Wrudy wid wed wimple Our little vomit Mrs. T Stumble and Shoe Leather F!op5 her ch11in Poe ... her tail e11rings Torn B(?) her nccent her clothes never shuts up b<1d influence hose clamps Jonathon Essential Baim 18th B·day Nite , Things like this don't happen in S'port l/4's with Poe Jen ripped otf her undies ... 5 schools Honey. are you missing an earing? REO Speed· wcgon says it best coffee cups '84 w / Shelly at Boot Neil Lunch w /Poe Photos at Boot Stumble and Schmell Mother, you are making an incredible scene Roman Holiday Watusi CAB was airborn Ono Diet Beer What, it had 3 ?!ct;s! Kamikazi Nile I and 2 We're cuzes red hair Poboys w /Poe Boy We're defrocked TAB girl5 AElOU Y the SOCIALS ..• You have the brains of an ice cube. , These're for drugs I smell Mona's sippin Poe Tapes Put it in your butt. Rob and Poe and her tail oldest student 1st Nafl Bank of Julie Poe's Ac· countant Grazing in Andra'! ft. yard , Picnic for Sub·Debs w/ Poe Baptist Reviv11ls w/ Bess The Scir, CP. CD, Auntie, UJ, and the Douglases C11thryn 12nd I are best buds pair of pantyhose 2 sizes 2small

Cvnlkia _,4,,,.~ _j/JJ "Cindy" 19741985

Dream what you dare to dre11m, go where you want to go, be who you want to be.

The fundamental things 11pply, as time goes by.



Ecgtheow clw11ys late "Here come, that Horizon 11gain!"'

Jed's a 4 am hitting parked ccrs and trnins color blind KO. Ivy Lecgue , NYC whipped-cream at Hiiagen·Daz! moon goddess yellow light luck under tall , D to B Junior Hild "It matches my eyes!" cruising Broadway WDW '84 "Aloooha'" RED z11ckophiie 6/4/84 3hifting one-handed fireworks , Yale St. Sign Life Cereal , mathematical sound effects , , Irishmen from Jesuit K and cream PM at LWE , "Stop twirling your hair" pseudo-big brothers pigeon-toes

Doc Brady Bunch "sunglasses at night"

Tastee Donuts

Mardi Gras '84 the blinking sign "Gosh. we're all really impress· ed down here" , hallucinating at 7 am the big chill at the Big Chill medical kits in Lafayette , meat market Jefi and John from Dubuque Fhia 11nd HarHforf "Let's transcend" St.

Auschwitz "Sclve Magister" 4" heels , Huey FTW

Anne with an E "It must be Fate" Extra special thanks to Mom, JJ, and MS - I couldn't h11ve mcde it without you!.

them e11t cake.
M11rie Antoinette
Seniors 49

"Erik" 1972-1985

Please remember people that no matter who live, thrive and survive, there are still some same you, me, them everybody.

are or what you do to that make us all the


You never leave a place you love. Part of it you take with you, Leaving part of you behind.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas.



Alaska Outdoor Ed Let's sing I'm sorry They forgot my birthday birthday roses you bet l'M what's happenin'! yeah, right earcuff the dutch broke Mt. Fuji with K.W shut up short stuff busy·body EX·swimrner Michael stories sunburn after Hom Island ! need a hug l was stuck in bridge traffic it was SO funny listen I was so mad it was great stop it signs to get to her house in East jesus Wanda from the Westbank Kamikaze woman transcending in English BUtterscotch MS with RC the best was tiny feel wait no problem Opie Monch!chi sock paddle guess the TV show with RC the T-bone I'm having technical difficulties Special thanks to Mom, Dad, Peter, ML, TF, RC, MW. AS, NW, and JJ.

Nervous Outdoor Ed Weird

The things you see when you don't have your gun Remember the time when his laugh ha, ha. ha "that's a runnin' car man" bright clothes The West baseball cap North Shore Driving everybody's car but his own Mr. Meat Smoker Colt Trooper 357 magnum.

50 Seniors
Elwood Blues

Ja,ref Caro/ J,,./,;,.;

"Janet "


I would be the least among men w i th dreams and the desire to fulfill them, rather than the greatest with no dreams no desires.


Juanita Jan -Jan "The herm i t" Mardi Gras ' 84 raw bunnies in the 5th grade Brady Bunch Huey Zacophile gray hairs "Writhe-writhe!" mathematical sound effects Tastee Donuts "Let's transcend moviephobia supreme Schism K and cream Joe Farm from Dubuque involuntarily Paul "the blinking sign" Doc nice Michael and Jonathon bowlegged?!! 13 years!!

(fl,,.,. _)J,wl.fl }ohnJon

"Glen "


Wise men are not always silent, but know when to be


TENNIS Beach Club Rolling his house his mom Minnie Mouse Peanutbutter Heineken JH and MM in Destin Joyce eating his food left at McDonald's with MT and DF Sleeping in Dan's driveway Awesome stereo Big Country "I hate black music!" "She's strange, but I like it! " ''I'll have a happy meal." "Hello Officer Friendly - 39 in a 20?!" GW - True Love Donna " What happened last night?" Rosebushes? D and C and B and C Holes in Physics wall Prelude Thanks Mom and Dad , for everything

Sen iors 51



!here are no such things as secrets in life, they are but an illusion erased by time.

Signor Faliero Masi Truth is one of life's secrets.


hear you kiss and tell" cross country brain running, runn· ing, running soccer "Aloooha!" WOW '84 mathematical sound effects weightlifter nervous legs "Gosh, we'e all really impressed down here, I can tell you!" that destructive Physics lab Yale St. sign '84 Beer in hair Mexican bride , Hey Bebbee KSC Haagen Daaz Mikey and FTW handicap· ped newspaper staff. don't knooow" accent Mier· coies Thanks to Mom and Father, Mickey, Kristin, the Brady Bunch and Mikey!!

Get a job and fight to keep it Strike out to reach a mountain Be so nice on the outside But inside keep ambition.

Student Instructor Bagel factory Le Car , Boys' State Phil Somebody left my roof open orange VW slowback I may be slow but I go, go, go "Homework?!" mathematical sound effects orange roach circumstantical lunches The Who sun· bums Smiley helping Chabau pass chemistry the Wi;td, Outdoor Ed Mickey Goula face.,. ACE. ! can't drive 55 The causeway trip The Super Killer Mc,nclonne,"' Bone Crushing Backbreaking Blood and Guts work list TPT Chin Com petition Sputnickman Alex and Peter, Ceramics class Marsalis Computer room Arcade Po 0Boys, Everyday! St. Martins Wilderness Skills Consortium IT'S HARD! Quadrophenic

52 Seniors
"Mike" 198H985 Pete Townsend

..J<ennelk J!a&Ly "Kenny" 1976-1985

Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.


What's love got to do with it?

I have something more to do than feel.

the fleshmoblle pig-out time do you have any gum? Sophomore Homecoming tennis I didn't study! Did you finish your homework? France! l hate this class! he's like, AWESOME I know I failed I get to school early so no one will hear it knock Pizza Hut Popeye's tennis tan Where do you want to go for lunch? Where am I? 360 on Jeff. Hwy Do you have any money? Wait, what?! Tell me! Does this have a lot of calories I'm on a diet this week, starting after lunch What?

I don't understand Me's so fine!!· Death Mints Mickey spit water in my face blushing Look\ I just drive this thing, o.k.! I think I'm lost getting kicked out of 11eometry I hate it when people talk about me uniform +O.M •. S.B.F. - 5 F.F.P

His parties! Dallas '84


Julie C Morris loves you Mary Joseph The Boot The Lasky Hotel •.. sheets? ATN Kenny go "D" How Original Baton Rouge his driving Julie from BR his sister Smogs Mike's car Jew , always lending money Mike's I.D seven and sevens Destin with John and Rusty Seville Quaters savage tan same blue jeans "How big is your oven?" stretching his shirts Lasky bar and grill spasky Lasky ''Can I have a ride home?"

Tango's Confetti's SMU for the summer Cash's Faux Pas Dinner with his Grandfather Fred the dancing Bear Crown Buick fat Harry's Getting thrown out of Hillary's His less than average memory preoccupation with clothes waterskiing Fastest drinker in the South His Death Valley Humor Benny

J!dian Cfa,,Jia Pri~cdfa ..J<oeJ.
"Lilian" 198(}!985
T. Turner Charles Lamb
Seniors 53

jJ,rn1 ';J)ormun




Talents differ; all is well and wisely put.

The show must go on.

Emerson Anonymous

"I sail!" Namrod army tactics Destin Littlest Lejeune Teddy and Marty Caesar the Duck Zke·baby LeJeune logic hotel parties smart family Amazon I boogie cheers dipping on Sr. retreat 13 yrs raming the dock Sweet 16 meaningless stories young "You look good - today" EDC Arlene curly top cemeteries for the play infatuations soccer. ain't nobody Anabelle kangaroo. Annie·Bannannie piggy-back leg musdes flop-Mop cold hands Buddy· buddy Sport city Jupie·Anpie ... Halloween '83 w/SH, EWM, MT H.C. cheerbop Thanks Mom and Dad, Kate and Baltz, this is it.

Rum// '2),.,,;J ..£11111 "Russell"


Be scarce babes, I'm a busy man.


Your incident at Heavenly Days cost you a once in a lifetime chance to be captain of your football team.

Jim Armstrong

Beth Mohawk Man Russy Tony Destin '84 Room "1077 $1046 Jimmy Nielson Snuggles and Munchkin 143 'Tl! bite his ear off" Grape Races Hazing freshman PGS Pitt excursions with Dave - Paddlewheel, Casinos, Kiss concert , Long nights on Decatur Street Hanging out with Kevin Luther's feast "'58 "Where did all his fat go?" ... Sexy eyes

wrestling Joe football He·man Nov. 22 March 5, 1984

Beached Whale unshaven Psycho Andra for 3 d11ys The Love Machine The Pleasure Palace "Wanna see a flick?" His Van His wild parties Felicia!!! Dancing for money STN with BP Fun nights with Jill wild Senior Retreat Later dude

54 Seniors


..J<;,nberfv _.KarJe .J:ewiJ "Kim" 1982-1985

The boat signal has sounded now and we must sail out toward an unknown port. We'll sail a long, long way and dreams will turn to truth. Oh how sweet the name Listen! Now it's time.

Scorpio spacey 3 boy crazy food and diets White Rus· sians hot reds candy necklaces living across the lake St. P. boys talent show graduation the weirdest boys why do we like them?! the Producers Jeffrey Osbourne Destin B.G. jeep Delchamps parking lot late long distance phone calls Holiday Inn conquistador friends forever Wendy Page riding the bus the dub weird next door neighbors Mr. Graph's turns horoscopes crushes on P.R., D.H., J.C. Ger· man quarters Grand Q the boat Amauds and the Hilton with K.F., J.O., J.S Aspen chair lift embarrassments it must be better there COLLEGE thanks Nimi for putting up with me on the weekends Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, and Randy! I love y'all!

:Jrank WcCorf.fe .J:ombarJ "Frank" 1979-1985

Not what we give but what we share for the gift without the giver is bare Who gives himself with his alms feeds three Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me.

his harem Karen kissing E.F. under the airplane yearbook! his fingers the panda La Place Wally bells voice lessons untwisting his ring Lions on the steering wheel Mudge Attack!! J.D.'s elevator. StM garage sale St. Gen! Chorus (only guy) optional teor Groan! Yark! Qui Qui! Footloose! Fred Debating with Janice during lunch swerving

P.E lunch at Popeye's Birdie Building Let's not and say we did Belch grunt Snoopy eating dinner with Christian every night Risk Oz make-up night for Oklahoma quiet and shy Where haven't you been? Summers Math Forum

P.F.'s stories Pig Gloop (dish of the day) Red Roads Dodger Blue KS, KS and BS Don't drink, smoke, or swear Are you real? Agatha Christie you're so funny dependable opus

Boy Binkley closet of insecurities special thanks to KS, KS, CS, GW, JD, PF, EW, IC, and thanx Mom and Dad, l luv ya!

Seniors 55

Until it ends, There is no end.

t/i.1ai.tJ. W1,/ 'llla11ning "Bessn 1977-1985


Bess Stffer Barge Boo and Loo Spanky and The Whiz Kid Teddy and Marty ORK RWC JTH crushes Poe ...

Homecoming '83 The 8 Fancy Dress Plastic Roofing Pink Panther Strut coffee cups w / Jules at Sippin' Lis Anne The Best Manning Comedy Hour Picture 'dis Europe '82 The Wave "But Ashley, I don't see any horses" Mission Impossible Pablo Woo Woo and The Whirly Birds PBLHT Watoosie Tinman teaching Julie to drive Flopsy w / Andra and Leah in· timate w /the tree giving her bra to GOD Mormons "Get a grip" Jenn in Chem Ya·Ya Graff flashbacks this is the plan let's do it Curads help boo·boos 'tater salad Mr. Potato-Head D. of the Day Awards water-guns , mayonaise GD! square as a box this bump He He Ha Pen revenge w/ JGH on Sr. retreat being grounded Wilcox Rd and The Aloha Village I want a vanilla one "My car's gonna blow up!" - it did: Sept. 26 '84 Psycho Killer Hees a soda Revivals w / Julie Ladies' Night Mom and Dad - words are inadequate but I'll have to settle on these - I love you both.

~4,.J,.,,J nla .. JL. "Andreas" 1979-1985

My philosophy is that if you're re11lly swinging you should be able to do it in your underwear with one lightbulb.

David Lee Roth

Ashley his eyes "No Boy George!' , his car Van Halen Pres. of E.D.C. Gin and tonic Sterlings Heather flloosehead "Pick me up at Pat O's" G.F.'s ZZ TOP Coors M.M. on the orange chair Twisted Sister The sea cows "How long are your parents gone?" staying at the rainbow S.D

The Big A Panama "He's so shy" his lucky rock The El Camino "party at Andreas"' , Getting Blackmarks Russell's Party , Tennis Pro Getting stuck in City Park , "Who gives a flip!" Scorpions The Boot.. Sippin past the sunset 3M

"Reach the Beach" Motley Crue It's B.R. time! Destin l would like to thank D.S.R. in getting me through school

56 Seniors "

.Ana !J,a/u/ 'fJJeJa "Ana"


You just call out my name and you know wherever l am I'll come runn· ing to see you again. You've got a friend.

Carol King

BILLY S!Jrprise Party Print me please The Fair her hair ..• "Put on a happy face" Ms. Frankil's dance class Dec. 20, 1983 "Si, honey Si" "Yo te amo mucho" Mardi Gras Piggy Prom '83 # 47 football games Algebra II class dance Friday's lunch leaves MIiis Homecoming '83 Sweet 16 ... fights crying "Big Guy" Luther's "popsicle Fred" prom·make-over her brothers laying out "Baby stay with me tonite!" da Mustang "o-o-o·sexy!" Malt-O·Meal in French getting "picked-up" at work I gotta lose 10 lbs "Ana - you can talk now" Prom '84 Summer '84 "Big Guy's dance" Ana. I really don't care Mardi Gras Balls Feb. 14, 1983 ..• talking to Ashley Sophomore year lockers 185 and 330 How does my hair look? Your head is too big! Lila and the operator Labor Day Alright Ana Dr. Mooney but Lila Shannon Michelle Special thanks to Mom, Billy, Dad, Lila, Carlos, and Alfredo. Special thanks to Billy - I couldn't have done it without you!

J:,. ..,.,. Stewart me matm "Laura" 1972·1985

There are places I'll remember all my life, though some have changed. Some forever not for better. Some have gone and some remain. All these places had their moments with friends l can still recall. Some are dead and some are living. In my life I've loved them all.

Mac Mac attack bathroom stops LT. on the partico Nance, Choich, and Cab jungle juice night in Destin Tewie bruises the motown sound a certain crush her pillow AT ll's and the Boot crisis at convenient Royal O and Amaretto sours 3 Douglas ..• Hugmuffin and kissbiscult thumper cool ..• Sweet 16 the fifteen angels Pass out Mai Tai .•. jam· balay~ on the peace train .•. Cisco's little feet and hands Johnny fever Cheerbop We are the baddest girls in all the na· tion crashmobll the bus Jackson 5 and Diana Ross MP taking naps Richard Pryor at B.B.L. spoons lump spaghetti middle school hot legs ... Alowicious camp kiddies soccer Laurie-la East Livingston gang 13 years Mom and Dad, thanks for everything, and good luck Porge Doc and Pedro, thanks for all your help Class of 85, I LOVES YA!!!

Seniors 57

J:,,.J. (}ai61tni~ 1JJ;, hfollo "Leah" 1979,1985

Hey, wasn't it me who said that nothin good can last forever, And wasn't it me who said let's be glad for the time together, John W,B,D, , , Rich , , Scrambled eggs , The Stang , , , Wop ,.#$%"$,,. Odom Heebee.,. The yellow bomb.,, Clogs,,, Long hair , , 4th of July w / Jen , , , be a lady , burping , , sailor mouth , , , Cheerbop , , spazz , soaps , , Jen breaking the window , , FRESH , Carma Chameleon in rounds , , , her driving , H.C w/Les , Passout , , , Taco Tico . , , Grit in the toes , , Fuzz in the mouth , , Kung Fu fighting , , Provoke , , , Gin and Tonic , , Happy Buddha , , falling in front of Luthers , , , Putting dg out in J,D.'s drink . , , bodacous, , miscrotem , . P. fight submarine imitations, , , mom· ing at the opera pt II , Volleyball stud , , Levee walks , celebrate , GNO , , Car Dance , the lookout tower , , pro dynamo Country Club, , White wine , , Hello Star. , meeting Chad and friends at T,S, , , secrets w / Ash , , car on fire , , "OK NOW" , , surfing , , kiddo , , . J,W, imitations , , sweet 16 and 15 angels , , quarters in AR's room , , . 'Tm getting excited" , , The Boy , , Andra falling in the pond, , , Where is Doctor Lumpkin, , Goon Patrol , Hello pretty, I've got you hanging right here , , , Dianne M, I'll miss you , , Jen, Hydra, Ash, Snot, and Week, I love y'all thanks for all the good times Thanks Mom and Dad, Lots of love , , ,

.J.larri,ft, Ulat~rJ m;1,; "Harriette"


Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves·?


Riette Rat "Hey Rit" Radishes PARTY ANIMAL

Malformed Merci Southern Bal! Natural Wonder Pinky fantasies w / NS P, J, S, and T in Destin vogue her laugh

D.C. with Page D.LS "just think their feet touch that ground"

Tuna-fish bar hopping John, Shelly, and Page lunch at C.D shooting J.D. with C.C. Covington Labor Day picnic drivers Ed. with Ron Time Saver Rusies , Hillaries at X·Mas

, the Fly Alabama I.D , Annamae and Rosemary mono Sting "l l.95 for this?" Rolly Polly Colbychewa Buumm

Buum Beer Bum Bow M.C.'s care package pencil points , Sweet 16 and 15 angels,,, delivering cake,., D.LS, plays Aibear

Bertmobile , , , dragging an X·Mas tree , , driving by guys house , , , moving each year, #'s HS, bum charts,., Horoscopes,,, Dai· quiris , , . her thumper sign . , , Grand Isle with M,C , getting caught outside M,T.'s house picnic at Metairie Playground , , diets , , , David's rose. , , Sewanee , , Camp Hardtner , , , Shelly McConnell , , carrot , wrecks , , , CAMERA CRAZY , , , A,M.'s at 5:30

Ponderosa , , , DKE parties , , Pagie Poo , , , M,T, G.J. Choich and David,

58 Seniors

Uhf&am Po,.,J 9 ,. m;1,,J 11 "Poe"


"What the gods get away with, the cows don't."

Jellybeans jollyranchers Boris the Socials Jimmy Lisa drummer soccer stud "Little Poe" the Jabberwalky his curls Russ Good advice - 23 years "the East Liv· ingston gang" splash on Metairie Road Po·boy's w/Poe·boys his truck/jeep 13 years Bess "Poe Miles from the Socials?"

Riette's cuz Senior buddies freshie quarter with Julie the Roach plastic rooting his stereo and albums Chris Lang

Destin '82 screwdrivers $250 for the bomb Quarters champ Cindy's parties Picnic at Metairie Playground his Sacred Heart fans Juk the 18 wheeler Little teeny boppers

Quarters Shark Roll bar gymnastics Get a real life say it even if it sounds silly Bacon and eggs The Police concert street races the terrible trio P.K. and D.Y "We'll see!" l, 2, 3, 4 John's zit My xyphoid process Stewart Copland share the big Al double quarters state champs in cross country "I hate running·• "Who do you date now" Tug Quarters w/Billy at Anne's haircuts with Julie speaking in couplets "You never tell me anything"

m;,J,,,fle moore "Michelle"


What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.


GT Stella Solaris the Zimmerman System George's souvenir cheekie cheekie London and Greece Mike's water fountain I take it out that is not a disco the Windsor Court one more time "OPAS!" the ping pong table and the ruby deck Cheap Trick Destin the World's fair costas! All My Children waving to JB "Nothing, forget it" fort Lauderdale NOCC - every weekend with Heid 5 am with Leslie and her microphone Aspen MTV Sheila's July 1, 1984 Charlotte Woody's party Mrs. Rossiter's calculator and Estelle "will you just wait your turn?" drip

Seniors 59

So Much of life ahead we'll find a place where there's room to grow, and yes, we've just begun.



PaglePoo Dimples what? 13 yrs E. Livingston gang John - his advice Riette is not my sister "Oh my mamma pap· pa" horoscopes boyoholic driving by boys houses DLS boys skipping school liquid lunches Labor Day picnic hot reds I'm so cold DP's sex ed Elton John in 5th grade Gaboo Shoes Camp Hartner Ted bar hopping dragging Christmas tree lo D.D.'s house putting blinking light in W.D.'s yard Party Animal Summer '84 in Alabama police escort to Preston's party pushing the wagon down the driveway buying Playgirl w/Shelly Mc Sewanee eating paper Rolling Mrs. Rucker Rocky Horror Shorter guys whip it with S.A BL Countdowns till Destin waiting for D. V what about your Hot Tub party White Russians meeting Kaptain Kangaroo Limo to LSU Surprise parties green M&M's Apollo with John dancer in Les Pierrettes Sweet 16 Love ya - H.M., J.O., K.L., M.R Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, and Gray!!

.A,,tl.ov {]wg~ r/o, J)._()..J




"Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. I'm afraid ifs time for goodbye again."'

Billy Joel

Sleeping in the library English Uptown Christmas vacation "the jacket" Loyola The Cold Ugh - Geometry "Will you tell us your last name?" Ridgewood Chipper Geometry with Mr. Coxey Spanish with Pedro Geometry again, but this time with Rick S McD's every day of summer school his stories

60 Seniors
.J<a,/4"',. Pav~ rt/o,.1o,, "Page"

Sf.ell, J:'lnn Oecf..;ner "Shelly" 1981-1985

It is nice to be important, but it is better to be nice and important. Anonymous

MacMcF!! Schmell Kamikazie night Pat O's "A,E,1,0,U sometimes Y" goofus and foogball blow it off - the Shelly Oechsner attitude Who annoys you the most in English? Brelly and Shett "I brought my lunch" Schmell mobile Gina's apartment it's an antique photosesslon at the Boot Amaretto Freshman Destin fr.G skeetan, skaten, skooten at Chris Steak House Get outa town Sweet 16 and th 15 angels Just Think - DLS Boys Shannahan's Halloween Party Po-ko-dot Mad Max , Mike with a BMX! Maine hives BL and the Split ENz Flamethrower with Mo .•. Mou.sse fights Summer fun with John O convertible smoking turkey I can't hear you Defrocked Tab girls The Buddha The 3 B's Let's take pie· tures always a party on Bordeaux Latro .•. Dancing with the animals at the zoo SR, LA, BM, TO, MM, Mac Mcfadden!! Thanks Mom and Dad for everything It has been OREA T

Jo/.n Winkler O..monJ ..JJ'



Thank Heaven for little girls.

Sail on honey, Good times never felt so good.

Lionel Richie

Beth Wilhelm Claunch talks with Jenny Zoid nief Stud party animal water fights sippin liftin his harem gossip king parties w/o parents Gigi! Zack's Puiggy Uptowner Pensacola '83-84 talks on the beach Purple Rain Destin '84 . • Elener D' Shay "Who should I date, John?" his haircut Rocky Horror Valley guy Marie driving everyone in his car his Mom, Suzanne Happy Buddha preppy perv his laugh Come and give me a kiss sweet pants Wooters and Pooters being catty on the phone w / Julie shop· ping w/JH •.. Arnauds Ormie Sun God "Jump" Prom '84 w /Beth, Beth and Russ - dinner twice! .•. "Hello" July '84

41·41 Mardi Gras day at his house Chinese Restaurants w/AM and NJY Swimming at Hil's "I need a hair cut!" rewriting songs Pleasure palace Sweet l6's cardinal Chinese Village OM surprise party Apollo dance umphing in Destin grooving in Limos The Great Mailbox Caper "Ghostbusters"

"I saw a real ghost" dance floor w / M.M. at the sweet 16 Haunted house "I wear my sunglasses at night his parties "it's a trainnn!"

Maurice Chevalier
Seniors 61

"David" 1973-1985

The truth is found when men are free to pursue it.

JC shy boy stud belly ZEBRA # 40 his dimples poker in his car Room J 077 Jimmy Nielsen Kettles Har· bor Docks football '83·'84 Singles with Blake Sum· mer of '83, Miss Maes and Times between the buses at CD? Basketball SWEET the line" Runaway to Destin with Reid PEDRO


I am to be two things - dare to be a radical, and not a fool; which, I may judge by the exhibition around me, is a matter of no small difficulty.

James A. Garfield Tolerance is the patience shown by a wise man when he listens to an ignoramus.

TPT Alaska not eating in Alaska Mark threw up on me man Mickey Man! This is a big airport the car '75 caddy land yacht The Good, The Bad and Ugly Dirty Harry High Plains Drifter guns underhand on a bight I hate chili, and I hate beans "Head for the hills" Russian Music North Shore plain hamburgers Ricardo Polardo mental block baseball cap T·shirts North Carolina "My brother is a cop, ok?" Lebanese uncle Let's play army! R.A.P.

62 Seniors

f<obed Porler "Robert"


Computers technician for all the plays Mr. Coxey Math Whiz the caprice "You blew up the bug?!!" The Rock Climbing Trip Canal Villere "How do you fit in that bug?"

f<eiJ f<a'lmond



Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.

Lelox STUD Jenny Stacey Reid Racer HANG LOOSE! jellybeans with J.S., A.W., and D.P.... Jimmy Nielson "Sorry officer, it was peer pressure" Captain Smore Nikki 11 77 football John, tell her I want a date grape races Ram man "I see you've met Yellowbeard" By the way you n; 11 , I'm only 17 shooting peppermint schnapps at Bob's with N.S singles with Blake I've been to Hell and back, STM football camp '83-84 stealing cement dogs "Alright you slimy worms" get· ting punched by D.W. at R.L's party Jungle Juice bum (never at school) Whitey's Visa Vodka with a twist Reid Collins

Runaway to Destin freshman year Brownie in Mr. Lind's fish tank

Rellim Reeb Miss Mae's and T.J.'s summer '83 Operation kettles Piccadilly Mrs. Chuboff Jen's lab partner

Reslewdub Reidite Chaka Destin Hogsbreath growl H.C. '83 with J.S

Seniors 63



"Todd" 1980- 1985

Either attempt it not or succeed.


Kim All·American Swimmer Wally Toad English with 36 girls color blind. heart tickler Mississippi lights at night lit· tie house EXTREME BUTTERFLY IMPROVEMENT "someday 1'11 catch up with my feet" communication Dessert Plans Shame on you! Dinner, Prom, Afterwards State Meet '83-84 Rootbeer , National Honor Society Vice Pres Mediocre to fair Luggage Cancun Full Moon It looks like Indonesia An· toine's kee Bilby's kitchen floor Tequilla HTB, WTB finally 16 JR's C.C. Levee I'll give you two-thousand You owe me I could use a hug Beebe Ta Oh, Tutu Bim My little buddy River Road Mom don't catch up with your feet Kid from Japan Watusi Wa Anata o Aishiteemasu Billy Joel/I swear! don't "Liza" and "Rhonda" No big deal Thank You ,


"Remember goodbye doesn't mean forever Just to say goodbye doesn't mean we'll never be together egain." from The Goodbye Girl

Mark morning show A.W.'s surprise party fighting with Mark the fight in Destin Jembaleya on the peace train G.C. Cheerbop slumber parties Groove talks Perm Spic Fifi The McGinnis's Out a!I night with Jen Ring Day her parties Jen's twin May 21st Amusement Park "It's essen· tial" quarters with Champagne J.H. grazing her yard Doc failing in Taco Tica C.C "HONK" Hydra passing out at Leah's King of the bed your song Commanders getting caught In the jacuzzi Russel 3 days nice cars G.N.0 Hep· py Tunes Passout Carma Chameleon in rounds Cocktail Hour strip quarters car dance Volleyball Track Look at this mess, Andra·Elena she's disappointed Quarters in her room nose moves when she talks sweet 16 and 15 angels

Anastasia gave bamey a S.G. and B.D. at Jen's window backing into a car hitting Joe's car G.L. The Boy Pink Ladies fall· ing in the pond ATl!'s Mark 143 Good luck next year Mark

Thanks for everything - Jen, L.M., Jenny, A.W., Doc, M.M., and especially to Mom, l love y'all!

..AnJra-1..'/ma f<od~ig11.,z "Andra"
64 Seniors

./:aura Jenni/er 5!anu



Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love. St. Martin's Alma Mater If J never see your face again, think of me as a permanent friend.

Rod Stewart

Laura (Laoora) TALKING Lewis' little sister Charlie's Angels !3 yrs slumber parties being the only girl in Spanish class Mr. Coxey's murder attempt Kevin - St. Louis making rounds Uptown with Su her voice cheese fries at AT2's her bulldog fighting with Russell ln the eighth grade Michael Jackson JME Espanol 8th period with Pedro "Mr. Uskali, Rusty's beating me!" 9th period in the Math lab Laoooora crazy woman cursing out Patrick and Drew in front of Mrs. Chuboff soccer practice with Tracey E Stef baseball games with Sam the chair of anxiety (where - the chair) the missing Don Quixote book staggering into Spanish class after Friday lunch leave Greens, Greens, and more Christmas greens!! Special thanks to Doc, Pedro, Mrs. Chuboff, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Kreeger, all of my friends, family, and to St. Martin's for giving me thirteen years full of wonderful memories.

Jamet. :J,J /:!Qgm j_J.J "Jim"


"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, Than to take rank with those poor spirits, who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, be<:ause they live in the gray twilight that knows, not victory or defeat.''

"If winning isn't important, why keep score?"

Theodore Roosevelt


Valerie stud 11 87 Room 1077 1500 dollars slim Jim Grape Races Football Camp '83, '84 Jimmy NielsonBACF The twilight club Jellybeans Ms. Mae's 3 a.m "Should ! hit him?" Basketball On the line Police Concert Kettles Les E. '83 stealing dogs longnecks walking up at the Fly Summer '83 ..• Ain't Nobody Summer League Lefty the wreck Destin '85?!? Jimmy T Thanks Mom and Dad

Seniors 65

J:,rnra Patria Sek.,/.,, "Loura" 1977·1985

Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime. We'll take the best, forget the rest, and someday we'll find. These are the best of times.


Houston talking with her hands So organized her laugh swimming parties caviar in the cafeteria DL Schuler first woman president Gucci poochie Randy and her Sherri Pedro eyelashes Glenda, the good witch Karen Laura McShuler catty •.. "Don't shush me1" ••• Brett, Hilary, and Kevin in Galveston "Since you're gone" Europe Trip '82 "Milano, Milano!" disco in Florence shopping in Rome Hofbrau Haus

Capri Nick in DE Dance with Ms. Frankl! Haagen Daaz

, Ciacio, Sweet 16th Cookies for DF and GK carwashes

David May 28, 1983 "Don't let it End" Chicago roses

Styx Champagne and the sunroof jealousy setting the first Chemistry experiment on fire Key Club Surprise Parties Stu· dent Council Picnic '84 "I can still remember the first time"

Hilary , Rockport The Cars Chill's Busboys , . Tupperware lunches "Ms CBD" SMU Gary.,. "Come Sail Away"

Native Texan rilways shopping 'Tm So Excited" KWFriends forever! , MOM and DAD Thanks for everything, l LOVE YOU!.

Af.x _(fc.f,,.,;/,u


1981-1985 But I'll get to where I'm gonna end up And that's ali right by me.

I don't know where I'm going I don't know what I need

Laugh and say I'm green I've seen things you've never seen!

Hey Awesome , Vicious ALASKA! Raquetball Led Zep· pelin Uncool T-Team TrfE WHO! BJX Quadrophenia Bark at the moon , It's hard The Mick Voltron Are you sick? A Clockwork Orange Low Brace I can't drive 55 My G·G·Generation! Be Radical The Colloquium The Symposium 125+ in the 240z The helper (Morgan) Ketchel and Mr. Chin Mrigic Bus The Legend in his own mind PO Boys - every day Slip kid. Ted's Prospector With la Cooche Cooche St. Martin's Wilderness Skills Consortium , Crash Going Mobile.,. I'm Air-conditioned, Gypsy Ted: Fear is the key to your soul! The song is over

66 Seniors
Peter Townshend Peter Townshend

rflar,/.,. J:11nn Smal. "Marsha" 1978·1985

What we are speaks louder than what we say.

JFK quoting Emerson

The supreme organizer the bottomless purse perpetual promptness Life Cereal WDW '84 "Let's transcend" Jed's at 4 a.m Jesuit Italians silver prelude zackophile Broadway "It must be Fate!" Miss Conservative "Ya wanna get outa the pools?!!" ferris wheels ''rJooha!" Keith's little sister meat market Bill the "blinking" sign Jim·pot Europe '82 Yale street sign the big chill at the Big Chill mathematical sound effects "writhe-writhe" pink DOM bag boys Brady Bunch "Just stand there Matt" Europe '83 VB target practice.. "You don't accept VISA?!" Doc Tastee Donuts

FTW gigbag Mardi Gras '84 "Hello" yellow lights otillion '84 "Mom" gymnastics Dachau Prep nice "and this is called having fun!" sweaters James' crazy S's . , . A· sours HHH of H Peanut Butter B2 Chicken Dance G lovster JFK 11: l l J965 red Porsche Huey Chicago '84 The Fair Tulane

J:;,a atn Senne// "Lisa" 1973-1985

It's such a good feeling to know you're alive.

Washington . , . her laugh Pink in Lower School Frank's skating parties , , Little Sniff her rats Kristin in Middle School stuffed animals how many guys does this make? cruising at the pet store , "He is so cute" sexy her animals the priest chicken little Callaway dudes yamamma Louie, Louie Sniffy weenie wars in 7th grade, Who do you like this week? "Scoop!" "is it your perfume?" the cute little man in the paper

Don Ho "The Beaver" party surfing homophobia "Go for it!" (cough, cough) "Guess who's here?" invisible houseguests roadtrips Donald's B·Day party . , . juggling the Music Mobile 'Tm not hocking my stereo for you" Gotta brush I really do take classes No problem, it's only art The Sandbar

Seniors 67

Life is too short to worry about what others think, So live your life for yourself not for other people.


Michelle Miller '"38 TD Man Jay·Jay BFD !3 yrs Bay St. Louis IGFSB The Car Gallon Night Jerry Joseph Jr Roache:, in Russel's Room Jut Grab On Then!! Playing Quarters on NOCC Golf Course "Don't make me chase you, even Doves have pride" Apollo Mom's cooking at Homecoming '83 TT Beer and Tenni5 don't mix Roach Busters/ Al Busters break-dancing Hey Jay what you say how about some fun today? 6-pack golf h'exellent 1999, COOL, What time do it ... Van· dy all the way Later Much People Thanks for everything Mom imd Dad I love you all, Mom, Dad, Nicolle. Monique, and Stephen

Je,i11i/,r ofyn S,u,J "Jenny" 1978·1979, !981·1985

It's my turn, if I don't have all the answers. At least! know, l'll taker share of chances. There ain't no use in holding on when nothing sta the same.

GUY be home at J l the CCs Reid Anne Bag·n·Snot Pink Ladles Ash's surprise party Sweet 16 and 15 angels mono cardance chillpill jenn's parties Mardi Gras Chris' truck Turkey "Ms. I spilt my wine" A·herl "yrn understand when you're a senior" Shauna '83 Rial cardh quarters Y-ello. the war with R.R groove talks zoid obnoxious with jQ sandplpercove patrol hickies chico·chi "Jessica" HUP spades w/Ams Drama·rama PARANOIA "this is a nice treat" Muther Little Lolitta Flirt fighting caught in the act the cruise It's 1 house·boom! breaking dates The Couga V·Dance y want to dance? be a lady the closet scene snort Guidi Light WWII at Eric's pender poopsie dorm floor with A GNO guysie H.C. '84 special thanks to - Guy, D, John, EM, Bag, Jenn, Ash, Leah. Andra, Julie, BK, and Mama Sne, I'll never forget ya'II. you mean more to me than you'll ever kno;; LOVE you all!

68 Seniors
Diana R<

Jennifrr J:,,./;,, St,.pl.,,nJ "Jennifer"


I'll take with me the memories and hope it gets me through tomorrow because it's too hard to say goodbye to yesterday.


Stuart Jenn Sweet 16 and the 15 angels DESTIN I'm Lutha brownie mix counting sheep Ringo Passout swimming in the ocean with BB at midnite happy tunes 10 cases hitting a house 143 Kathryn rolling ravioli Provoke quaters in AR's room Guiding Light - Reva Burl riping JH's panties off pink ladies groove talks Taco Tico Bubba Smith GNO cocktail hour excuse me, are you a DKE? cheerbop the sheet. HUP 6 minutes "Amo!" out all nite with AR A T!l's - jellybeans and wedding cakes The Boot feet NOCC per·retty quarts of Bud her freshman crush we're not looking for a Jewish party Billy Jean burning the fort with KW 7 / 4 in Destin with LM downing drinks for $ •.• OKE rush girl screwdrivers camel strip quarters 7 and 7 car on fire The Buddha stripping in the elevator breaking KK's chair quarters at LM's - ifs my house - BOOM freshman year HOMECOMING '84 Special thanks to Mom, Dad, AMS, Claire, Kathryn, Leah, Jenny, Ashley and Andra Good Luck next year KW THANKS, STM!

_j(,.,Jfin 11J,.,.;,, Sufdvan "Kris"


I've got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's cold outside I've got the month of May One day I'm gonna stand out in a crowd, One day I'm gonna be somebody gonna make somebody proud.

The Time

Chinese baking soda in 8th grade Jimmy Club Crewie and M.M. on the train , 7+7 beach night Parakeet Destin '84 sunburn walk N.B. day Forget this coke stuff her sheets of paper Brian 43 Gene Bob H20 skiing gingerbread garlic friendship Puff her rhymes Beach Blanket Bingo Sunday Bloody Sunday Are you wet? Awright Dude Alki Party Animal Flasher on Bourbon St hurry and get the food her car her driving "You hit what?" the satellite where do I go the priest the little guy in the newspaper Irish Delta Tau Delta yea - and you know it grody and carody I'm sorry Fine Do you want to muscles in her hose the "Flu" Bor· rowing the shirt I love M. but don't tell Katy hey, your socks match your shirt The green bag Night of the Zombies Frogs D.C. Cab. eating shells Oh, ! guess you need a ride to the Fair

The Temptations
Seniors 69

ma,,1, '.Jall,01 "Mark"


It's not the size of the dog in the fight, It's the size of the fight in the dog.


Solitaire you're a doorbell 8th grade Washington Vincenzo's football your mom superstud tacos Mardie Warkie Bert and Ernie playing drums on the steering wheel picnic in park in tux " JO Kirk bouncing to music Rebel Colo the Quarter The Cars Magic Seth and Katy the Cherokee Destin Jr. year Sandpiper Ajax hat skiing in Snowmass his hair true blue quiet? baby pictures Joyce eating his food Brennan's B·day party Daiquiris Shoney's Breakfast the B·Day cake at Lafreniere Park 13 yrs Breakers and saints soccer DF and GJ

Jeckyll Island Lucky Dogs

Screwdrivers Harriette hiding beers in Destin Halloween '83 with AL, SH and EWM pouting I can't sleep here, I'm le11ving world's worst drink: Mark Talbot Sleeping in Dan's yard I'll be your super stud , Dynamic Duo What do you call this drink?the Mark Talbot Manachotti or Lasagna Kermit

n.. ,uv Bamw~II Sumnu "Nancy" 1972-1985

So many faces in and out of my life; Some will last. Some will just be now and then. Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes: I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again,

Natasha cheerbop , the cavalier party wagon lizard amaretto brownies Destin Lady Di riding around with bags on our heads we're the baddest girls in all the nation Kamikazi night "one tequila" she loves me back Big Red skinny PP queen Mac, Cabby Ba, and Chrichie HC court Mai Tai freshman year Pass out her brother Robert being left at Les E ! love you, you're my best friend . , . dates with George the chandeliers sweet 16 the 15 angels Deke rush girl the Motown sound want a candy cane , Helminth what's shaking , the snake in soccer with Cab Ecole game amaretto sours never sweating Pat her hair N. Sum David F in Middle School "Do you think I really care?" Big tool bench warmer 4 soccer studs 13 yrs Pepperoni's "Nobody loves me" Kiss the dock GRIND maniac smiley boy rating behind at baseball games with CC Freshman Belle Chasse game Taco Tico Cisco's the whiners. , Jane Fonda Thanks /11\om, Dad, Stef, and ST/Ill ! love ya!

70 Seniors

RoLerl Prentice 1/ining "Robert" 1973·1985

Why run when you can walk, why walk when you can stand, why stand when you can sit, why sit when you can lay, but never look back, for something may be gaining.

Satchel Paige

SHANNON Bobby V Bert Robert renob Jennifer F ... grey flannel man swimming shaving his legs teenie weenie bikini tapes can I play polo? it tasted like mustard the dir· ty diaper "! like little girls" women his sister Nancy his name on all the bathroom walls coming to school in his tux NIKKI Beverly Cain . . H to H Carter's phrases at football prac· tice Mr. GQ BODY Destin '84 Jimmy Nielson Room "1077·$ 1500 Lindsey H Kettles Harbor docks (Whitey and Visa) grape races "Where's Rob? He's sleeping!" Ring Day in R.L.'s van 6 in 30's on the line "Ever been to the !akefront?" his brother roadtrip to V.H. '84 with the green monster "just tell them you're hung like a bull - Robert!" BR Hilton 13th floor the blowout "Where's RV today boys? Ah, he's in the hot tub" the talk of the ladies' room BEEPS Mrs. Fullilove (Carins) roundball Prom '84 Thanks - Mom, Dad, Paul and the class of '85 - I love you all

.Am11 {!/.,.;,fine 'Jl.i,n,in "Amy" 1978-1985

The wonderful thing about Tiggers is that rm the only one.


Mot Arnette Arnot. Can we get in your trunk? Deja Vu F.Q Are you at home Aim? lampdances loss of braincells

Where was I last night? her ears gorgeous eyes 7 and 7 beachnite ostrich skating H20 Skiing 'Tm in love" whas up? Estes park Time Saver in 8 minutes Holiday Inn

Clepto breakfast bars and search the halls that's what we'll do elevator parties snoozing at S.A.T.'s You mean I can't marry Mel Gibson did you say "thank you"? does this mean I have to get dressed? just put me on a plane and surprise me remember I have parents leaving a trail in K's hall Sure Aim have some Corn Flakes What does your haircut mean? l don't believe in electrocution No Mom that's not it - would you beieve You're gon· na die and I'm gonna get raped You new wavers I swear Where are your shoes rebel youth making friends and influencing peo· pie Katy's kitchen floor and sink the ruins John and the Renegades car stereo So who's driving you home tonight, Amy? bubble face "He's taller than me!" Depeche mode, simple minds Cats Ladies Night burritos Falling on the bathroom floor and I love you - the sure signs 0 out of 15 in Algebra F.l. - I'm a senior Confiscated mail Is it the weekend yet? drink· ing off the table hi babe "bye love," changing places with Kate on Carrollton shut up, what'd you say? so your parents are going out of town "What are you mumbling"

Seniors 71

Rici. UlaM, "Rich" 1983·1985

The glory is not in failing, but in rising every time you fail.

Wish Wash Haring Court Kathryn going steady with Jen in 6th grade Cork back flips new kid chewing gum the white car Jennifer B. Kehoe France Basketball Captain Smurf I 3 musketeers dancing Leah busted at the Boot soda Chris getting busted at 7 a.m I would die for U ESP duckhead killing soldiers ponies 32 ounces Jeep Wagoneer Mustang my Beau Chene baby Tim f/1ontgomery

Cork in Coma destination Perdido Bay Resort Disco

Dan I'll make you see God Black Supra Ralph Auburn 6 and 30's football grape races Reid's jungle juice Tex Chuck Daiquiris Saints Games lucky dogs Espanol 8th period with Pedro You drive Cork "'RAT' .I'm ineligible It's gotta be a Coe Ain't nobody Melito Rick Springfield in Destin

Kathryn's dance Pizza Man - do you do yards? Can I borrow some money Jim You make the Purchase Walter Dunk it, Tex Billy H knocking on your window Phone calls at 2:30 Ya Man Pat Wild Bill Yeah, we're neighbors Thanks Mom/Dad for everything

_Ka.-~n O'/?,.iett Wayma11 "Karen"


There are places I'll remember all my life though some have changed. Some forever not for better, Some have gone and some remain. AH these places had their moments with lovers and friends I still can recall. Some are dead and some are living. In my life I've loved them all.

It's just the beginning. There is no end.

Lennon/ McCartney

"I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing·· Always on the phone saving notes CC's letters Auntie Em Firebird Ms. Frankil's dance class Spanish with Pedro setting first Chemistry experiment on fire Police Concert GK Christmas Caroling '83 visiting I.. with D and G "Come sail away" !6th birthdays George Robert Mark Hyperactivity after Navarre "God we're so catty!" Kentucky Houston during Mardi Gras contacts carpool Stephanie Key Club The Wedding Beatles Styx The Cars Haagen Dazs Washington Trip Brady Bunch the office Mad Crushes

Carl Jeff "Go for it!" 'Tm so excited!" To LS: thanks for being the best friend anyone could want To Mom and Dad: Thanks for everything! I love you!

72 Seniors

..J(,.;j W.,J,,,,.,,'I",. "Kris" 1977·1985

So many men seem destined to settle for something small, But I won't rest until l know I'll have it all. So don't ask where I'm going - but listen when I'm gone, And far away you'll hear me singing softly to the dawn.

"Let's go crazy. Let's go nuts!! Mt. Fuji w/K.J her laugh drama woman Shelia's GORDON her eyes PBHL T! OZ "Hey ya woman ya!" Jr. Prom - RHPS the Fair SU water polo team exit signs! WMS totally awesome gorgeous hunk front porch w /B.M. and the umbrella 8th grade parties

ISTIS "Can I wear what you wore last night?" - "Sure, it's hers"

"I can't. Gordy's coming in this weekend" K.C. and Preservation Hall FOF trapping K.F. in the car w/exploding coke freshman scrolls Thursday night Destin '84 the more the mauler Fashion Club all the plays S'This is not a senior way to act"

Martha's Vineyard - Star trek and Monkees Sandbar - all night I'm gonna buy me a dog Shoney's Breakfast bar

Teaching KF how to tap dance on wine and Kaluha her bracelets "We're crusin' baby!" SURFERS!! Act casual Dyin' for a daquiri 'Tl! drive" Special thanks to Mom and Ded for putting up with me - I love you!!

rtlar'I .AJUe'i WooJ,1 "Ashley" 1981-1985

Though you want to last forever you know you never will and the good· bye makes the journey harder still.

Anastasia. Smashley Shovey *$•! CC's the torch Pink Ladies sexy·n·17 surprise party jellybean at T J's falling in canal HUPS rial "Nyello" Doc Shawnie-head surf· ing secrets with Lay-er Bobbey D Taco Tico Happy Bud· dha Daiquiris Eric melt the ice Erk the jerk Eric's lit· tie house Odom's parties Feesh the Boot ... STM camp counselor Clothes Horse Destin Daddy's$$$ Fifi jam· balya on the peace train falling up Snot's stairs Mamma Sneed HC cheerbop Haunted House Aquarius Car dance

"Car on fire!" Emile Per·retty Jonathon Ladies Night Out whip·its rolling Stu's "Frank and Ashley - our editors" throwing Kim's puke sweater in canal track studette nights out with Aimee and Faith sneaking in boy's locker room eating out with Diann speech impediment Bubba Smith "what happen· ed to your arm?" Leah, Jenny, Andra, and Jenn - thanks for al! the great times special thanks to Mom and MawMaw for making it all possible STM - it's been real!!

Seniors 73

Senior Class 0 • cers

Senior Farewell

Although we say we are ready to leave, We know in our hearts we want to stay. The good times we've had with you Will never go away.

St. Martin's - we give our thanks to you For everything you've given us. Our memories will never leave us. And as time goes on, we'll cherish them more, and more.

74 Seniors Ann
Left to Right: Leah Miciotto, Parliamentarian; Laura McMahon, Vice· Presisdent; Stuart Head, Treasurer; Cindy Churchill, President; and Jen· nifer Stephens, Secretary.
Blevins Wootten '·Ann" !978·1985
- The Seniors of '85
Seniors 75
Cathryn Heidi Susan Stuart
76 13 Year Club
Erik Janet Ann Laura Top Row, Left to Right: Janet Jenkins, Heidi Banton, Stuart Head, Michelle Moore, Laura Sams, Jay St, Pierre, Nancy Sumner, Mark Talbot, Laura McMahon, Abbott. Bottom Row, Left to Susan Bamne, Kristin Sullivan, Anne LeJeune, Missing from Poe Miles and Erk Huber. Poe Michelle Page Kristin Nancy

Father Otwell's purple puzzle tree

... Monsieur Dardant

, Kristi Rambis and Emmet Pearce on the sofa

homemade ice cream at Mrs. Shepherd's

... learning center

... bounce, bounce, catch

... free class passes to Skate Country

... Benjamin Sontheimer's clothes


... Mr. Labaree's 5th grade math class

... spin the bottle parties in middle school

. . . Phil on the sailing trip

Mr. Lind's impossible science class

... Mrs. Kreeger

the smoking patio

... tubing trip

... math with Mr. Miller


8th grade punk toga party

Paul Pratt and Stacy Bourgeouis


8th grade commercials

... rolling Mrs. Rucker

Mr. Fauchi

... 8th grade trips - Washington, sailing

... progress reports

Ms. Rossiter and Mr. Atebara

... the barn fire, library fire, and the bathroom fire

... Mrs. Frank

... breaking test tubes in Mr. Graf' s class

... hanging out at the fly

Ms. Guild's dance class

... the spirit stick

... kettles

Jimmy Neilson and room #l 077

Ms. Cochran, Jonnathon Horn


Mr. Coxey's "Time out, be nice"

library passes

Mr. Whitman's jackets

... Stormin Norrnan, George, and Clarence


Stm. Day - pile the class on the platform

Mrs. Pearce and "awareness of the universe''

... Happy Budha


Mrs. Beckman' s English classes

Saturday detentions

... Father Byrd live in concert w / banjo

Peter Chin, ''I've got sunshine ... "



Hillaries, the Boot, Metro, Fat


sippin in the sunset

cheese fries at A TII' s




Pat O's

fake ID's

Andra's parties

Ashley's surprise party

... STM 45·CD 321 !!!

... Roll Saints



John's parties/Wilham

... painting at Cathryn's and Kenny's mini pep-rallies at H. C.

... "dipping" on the senior retreat

STM crew parties


... Russell's wild parties

Mohawk man - Tony Manero

... Nerds and Pink Ladies

"Tree tudents in de Time Savr tore"

... Destin '85


... Mama Laoora

12" stretch


... Sugar



Junior/Senior fight

May 3rd

Senior prank

Senior Chapel

... Cancun

May 31, 1985!!!


Seniors 77


The sirens wailed as President Reagan, escorted by his Secret Service, drove up to St. Martin's. ft was the morning of Senior Weird Day and that was just the beginning of the Seniors' ce!ebra· tion of Halloween. Many other seniors made their appearances. Bunnies hopped through the halls; Tony Manero and some nerds got "Saturday Night Fever" in the quadrangle; the Supremes sang; and the Pink Ladies "ruled the school!" There were clowns, ghostbusters, a ninja, nuns, mimes, witches, Coke cans, bums, a Christmas tree, and many others!

78 Senior Weird Day

"Yes, lam most likely to succeed!"


"Don't mention the HC pep rally again!"

"This sure beats history."

"Give me a break, Coach Bower!"

"Boys just wanna have fun!"

"You wish you were as cool as me!"

"Following in daddy's footsteps."

"Two more days till Danny Gets home!"

Senior Candids 79
"I got sunshine on a cloudy day "Disco Tony" "You guys are wild!" "Excuse me?" Senior Candids

"Nay sittin ' on the grass after hours!"

"Reagen - 4 more years!"

"Bottoms up - here I come!"


Isn ' t school fun! "

"Davey - Doo!"

" Not now! I'm studying my lines."


I can't wait till Friday!"

"Just call me Tex!"

"I don't know, I just woke up!"

"How dare you!"


8 ]

"Study party at my house, again 1"

"The mad scientist!"

"The board never lies!"

"God, I can't wait till Friday either!"

"Is this supposed to be candid!"

"Wish they all could be California girls."

"For today's lecture "

"Yes, I am a stud!" 82 Senior Candids



"Justtakethe •,0$%$ picture!"

"Ain't l cute?!"

"What did you do Pagie Pool!?" "Who is that masked man?"
Senior Candids 83
"Kristin Jay on Broadway!"

"I can't believe I make it to class on time."

"Smile pretty, Janet."

"! can't smile forever!''

"Isn't this interesting'?!"


"My dog ate my homework!"

"Last minute studying."


"You wouldn't believe what I just saw'" "Tel! me about it stud!" 84 Senior Candids

"Give me a break!"

"Who did you set me up with?!"

"Please don't hit me!"

"Yea, lknow I'm fine!"

"Aw! ~tout of here!"

"They don't call me cool for nothing!"

"Isn't chapel exciting!?"

"Who says I'm shy?"

"On three, throw everyone in the fire!"

Senior Candids


"Hi! I'm Laura, fly me!"

"Who put this in my locker?"

"I forgot my combination!"

"l gotta a secret!"

"Tuggie's English is tough!"

"You put what in my car?!"

"Open your eyes, Tina!"

"! just got an A!"

Senior Candids

"It's howdy doody time!''

"Wail for me!"

I -
Mr. Witman's Advisory Group: Left to Right, Back Row: Mr. Witman , Danielle Shields, Terri Kogutt , Justine Cotsoradis , Ira Christiani, Karen Sutton, Sacha Bush. Front Row: Ted Butler , Frank Mays , Doug Lynne , Jim Johnson, Jimmy Hondroulis , Teddy Neff. Coach Armstrong's Advisory Group: Left to Right, Back Row: John Calhoun , Hans Ryden. Front: Coach Armstrong, Paul Calonje, Clay Tidwell, Todd Zoblotsky, Blake Stevens , Chris Leopold, Peter Wanek. Mr. Marsalis' Advisory Group: Left to Right, Sitting on Bench: Mr. Marsalis , Mr. Landry , Marcie Carter, Katrina Keller, Christi Page , Kim Cannon , John Reinhold. Standing in Background: Anjay Keswani , Brady Wood , Mark McGinnis , Drew Herrington , Bill Wayman, Paul Vining , Lee Abbott , David Aguiar, Bill Thomason , Bruce Gladden. Ms. Boone's Advisory Group : Left to Right, Standing in a Row : Diann Pelias , Guy Cook , Dom Brown, Kathryn Weekley, Colin Walker, Scott Yount , Norma Jean Young , Allisa Miller , Allison Schwartz, Carolyn Fisher , Kathleen Ford Kneeling: Ms. Boone , Hilary Jackson. Mrs. Wells Advisory Group: Left to Right, In Tree: Ann lngolia, Chase Phillips, Richard Starr. Front: Ryan Womack, Robin Dauterive, Mrs. Wells, Samantha .Mcinnis. Mrs. Edwards Advisory Group: Left to Right, On Lockers: Mark Altschu!, Eric Boling, Lisa Dublin, Kay Williams, Yeldell. In Front: Davin Davini, Mrs. Edwards, Glen Kelley, Eddie Appel, Traci Holly Maria Ktistakis, Christine Herman. Junior Class Officers: Left to Rif)ht, On Slide: Allison Schwartz, Treasurer; Loren Berot, Secretary; Terri Kogutt, Parliamentarian; Mary Kay Williams, President; Paul Vining, Vice President. Robert Pettit. lorenBerot. utz, Jenny Calzada, E Findorff. I, Graham Justice. Ba, V sory p: Left to Right, Sitting: Lindsey Jackson, Jim McCain, Megan /lllagee, Rachel Gately. Standing: Eric Witherspoon, Mike Broxson, Dan Valladares, Cameron Smith, Allan Burkes, Donald Chin, Carlos Mesa, Clayton Page, Jady /lllitchell. Mrs. Frank's Advisory Group: Left to Right, Sitting: Mark Contois, Gretchen Weimann, Stephanie Griggers, Kim Stiebing. Standing: Robert Peyton, John Falgoust, Todd DeMonte, John Moore, Lynn Frank, John Gardner. Mrs. Stroup's Advisory Group: Left to Right, Bottom Row: Emily Haycock, Carol Steinman, Stephanie Paquet Middle Row: Kathi~ Lawler, Rachel Wittich, Kristin Dorfi, Nancy Wallin Top Row: Laurabeth Stroup , Jeremy Head , Martin Grogono, David Heupel. Mrs. Esslinger's Advisory Group: Left to Right, Bottom Row: Melanie Branton, Vickie Benbow, Paula Plaia, Karen Kirshbom, Ar Shaw, Kelley Esslinger. Middle Row: Marcy Clinard, Brent Edwards, Michele Karno, Lauren Vedros , Kim Conway Top Row: Shannon Ryan, Brett Phillips

isslng from Pictures: Standing, Left to Right: Kevin Roohi, Jim Ander· Class Officers: Standing, Left to Right: Jeremy Head, Parliamentarian; n, Jon Wachtel, Greg Hammerstrom. Sitting: Beth McCranle, Beth Patter· Todd DeMonte, Vice President. Sitting: Brett Phillips, Secretary; Brooke An· n, Lisa Goodyear. dry, Treasurer; Graham Justice, President.

r. Longstreth'• Advisory Group: Sitting, Left to Right: Boo Christy, Mara Wernet, Birgit Saintzer. Standing: Paul Longstreth, Beau Charbonnet, Scott ghtower, J.P. Villaume.

Ms . Edwards' Advisory Group: Left to Right, In Tree: Kristin Regel , James Daigle , Kristin Rolke, Jeanne Wanek Standing: Tyson Vaughn, Elizabeth Goliwas, Charles Schaffer, Shawn Richard· son , Pamela Jenkins, Andrew Shore, Ms. Edwards " Typical freshman!"

Freshman Class Officers: Left to Right, Standing : Jean Wu , Paige Kuchler , Melissa Eckert. Reclining: Chris Grace, George McMahon Mrs. Greer's Advisory Group: Left to Right. Standing: I.Isa Bern,tein, Robbie Anne Piazza, Jean Wu, Paula Wi1new1ki, LynDe Churchill, Julie Campell, Shelia Kelley, Suzanne Oueydan, Jennifer Fo•ter, Kerryn Sherry. Sitting: Deaness Greer, George McMahon. Ms. Parmalee's Advisory Group: Len to Right: Benjllmin Tubb, Bri11n Mmphy, Ms. Pllrmelee, Leslie Holt, Marie-Paule Sinyard, Lacey Wood, Denise Hafford, Shawn Brennan, Melissa Eckert, Louis Thompson, Remy Grolls, Mark G111ff11gini.
- --- t: :::::: -- ---- ---- ---- ---------------'\
Ms. Wilson's Advisory Group: Left to Right: Laurel Salley , Elizabeth Kitchen, Judith Thigpen, Melissa Quiroz, Ann Grogono, John Rogers , Annelisse Ullman , Mildred Herron, Sean Keeney, Brian Berke , Jody Wilson. Miss Albright's Advisory Group: Left to Right, Back Row: Chris Beckman , Chad Hargon, Miss Albright , Jason Cannon , Cason Lane. Middle Row: Kirk Madison, Jennifer Freeman, Paige Kuchler, Shannon Powers , Anna Lisa Appel, James Martin. Kneeling: Fredrick Stevenson, Chris Grace Mr. Holiman'• Advisory Group: Left to Right, Back Row: Mr. Hollman, John Robinson, James Parrish, Charles Corcoran. Middle Row: Chris Gant, Victor Levy, Kevin Levy, Julie Nolan, Amber Bishop, Kirk Talbot. Front Row: Hunter Wood, Scott McKay. Kieth Dublin Millie Herron and Kendra O'Connell Roger Fowler


. /
·" ) ..
Left to Right: front Row: Laura Sams, Jennifer Stephens, Cl)_tis tine Herman, Jenny Calzada, Michelle Condray, Ashley Woods, J~nny· Sneed. Ba~ Row: Frank Lombard, Paul Vining, Brae!y Wood, Rick Samuels, John Ellis, Kare ( Weaver. Missing From Picture: Br90ke Andry.

Student Council


Left to Right, Top: Elisha Shofstahl, Secretary; Jay St. Pierre, Vice-President; Cathryn Abbott, President; Cindy Churchill, Parliamentarlan; Laura McMahon, Treasurer. Second Row: Bess Manning, Peter Wanek, Morgan Wilson, Lee Abbott, Laura Sc!J.;uler, Kim Conway. Third Row: Brady Wood, Chris Beckman, Boo Christy: Drew Herrington, Michelle Condray, Mary K. Williams, Mr. Perez. Last Row: Graham Justice, Jeanne Wanek, Lacey Wood, Jean Wu, Chris·Grace.
Left to Right, In Tree: Lee Abbott, Robert Pettit. Back: Jady Mitchell, Nina Ketchel, Dirk Freeman, Father Byrd, Laura Schuler; Graham Justice. Middle: Scott Hightower, Elizabeth Fensin, Marion Benson, Morgan Wilson, Kristin Jay, Cindy Hild, -ienny Sneed, R1Jsty Creel, Julie Herrington, Todd Grahm. Front: Ms. Deyo, .John Rogers, Kris Wedemeyer, Mrs. Lawerence, Cindy Churchill, Bess Manning. Missing.from Picture: Cathryn Abbott, Leah Micdotta, Chris'Leopold, Jim Anderson, Frank Lombard, Clay Tidwell, Ropert Port1;r.

ational onor Society

Left to Right: Ted Butler, Mel Leavitt (WYES Moderator), Bill Thomason, Jim McCain (Coach), Smith, Piper Freeman (alternate), Ryan Womack (Captain). Back Row, Left to Right: Nina Ketchel, Peter Chin, Jan Jenkins, Lilian Koek, Paige Burkes, Karen Wayman, Laura Schuler, Bess Manning, Jay SL Pierre, Kris Wedemeyer, Sally Grogono, Kristin Sullivan, Ana Mesa, Michelle Moore, Kelley Esslinger. Middle Row: Marsha Smith, Karen Sutton, Sacha Bush, Ju11tine Costoradis, Loren Berot, Mary K. Willaims, Marcie Carter, Anne LeJuene, Lisa Dublin, Terri Kogutt, Frank Lombard, Elizabeth Fensi, Michelle Condray, Harriette Miles. front Row: David Aguiar, David Bowes, Mike Ketchel, Todd Robinson, Ann Wooten, Katy Feibleman, Amy Thigpen, Cindy Churchill, Laura McMahon, Hans Ryder.

Cum Laude:

:National Merit Finalists

Cum Laude: Left to Right, Back Row: David Bowes, Mike Ketchel, Ann !ngolia, Mary K. Williams. Front Row: Lisa Seneff, Katherine Feibleman, Nina Ketchel, Cindy Hild, Laura Schuler, Karen Wayman.
National Merit Finalists: Left to Right, Back Row: Frank Lombard, Daved Bowes, Glen Johnson, Jay St. Pierre, Mike Ket· Cindy Hild, Karen Wayman, Harriet Miles, Left to Right, Standing: Nina Ketchel, Marsha Smith, Janet Jenkins, Peter Chin, Mr. Tugwell, Colin Walker, Ryan Womack. Sitting: Cindy Hild. Left to Right, Back: Samantha Mcinnis, Frank Mays, Ms. Wells, Ann lngolia, Justine Colsoradis. Laying Down: Nina Ketche!I. 11\iiii,ling from Picture: "We, the staff of The Lyre, promise to publish despite cryptographic contributions, ambulatory artwork, alleged folding machines, and impotent staplers."

1985 Fashion Club Members: Left to Right, Back Row: Paige Burkes, Anneliese Wiman, Shannon Powers, tynn Churchill, Jennifer Sneed, Lynn Yeldell, JoBeth Rees, Kristi Rolke, Brian Berke. Middle Row: Kristi Wedemeyer, Paula Wisnewski, Laura Sams, Sheila; Kelley, Amber Bishop, Emily Haycock, Jenny Daley, Marcy Clinard, Mrs. Toni Caserta, Monique Detraz. Front: George McMahon, Julie Herrington, Nancy Sumner, Alicia Daniels, Anne LeJeune, Alliosn Schwartz, Leron Berot, Hunter Wood.

1985 Key Club Members: Left to Right, Back Row: Eric Boling, Kim Conway, Amy Thigpen, Marcy Clinard, Melanie Branton, Lisa Bernstein, Robbie Piazza, Jennifer Freeman. Middle Row: Jean Wu, Jeanne Chatelain, Marsha Smith, Karen Wayman, Harriette Miles, JoBeth Rees, Michelle Karno, Mrs. Diane Greer. Front Row: Kristen Sullivan, Kim Lewis, Laura Schuler, Michelle Condray, Page Morton, Kerryn Sherry, Lisa Senneff.

Left to Right, Back: Jady Mitchell, David Bowes, Greg Del Cid, Gabriel Whyel, Richard Pollard, Elizabeth Fensin, Mr. Holliman. Front: Scott Hightower, Tyson Vaughun.
Left to Right: Kim Steibing, Gretchen Wiemann, Mrs. Wilson, Karen Sutton, Ira Christian!.


Left to Ri9ht, Back Row: Carolyn Fisher, Ms. Deyo.Sitting: Kim Stiebing, James Parrish, Tyson Vaughan, Elizabeth Kitchen, Laurel Salley. Kneelina: Dirk Freeman, Kirk Madison.

The Fashion Club Presents: the Rainbow

St. Genesius Players

The St. Genesius Players, the St. Martin's Drama dub, played an active part in campus dramatic life, this year. In addition to working back stage for the plays, they participated in many other activities. At Christmas the members spent hours making presents for the sick children at Oeschner Hospital. This hard work was made worthwhile when the children saw the assortment of Santas, reindeer. and elves delivering presents. Valentines Day provided the opportunity for the next successful project. For weeks in advance, orders were taken for valentines that were to be sent from teachers, boyfriends, girlfriends, and secret admirers. Days before Valentines Day, people frantically made valentines during all their free periods. The finale of the year was the sparkling musical, Carnival, St. Martin's 1985 dramatic season was a busy and smashing success. Drama Club: Left to Right: Back Row: Alicia Daniels, Lisa Dublin, Frank Lombard, Kim Stiebing. Gretchen Weimann, Karen Sutton. Middle Row: Monique Detraz, Shelly Oechsner, Danielle Shields, Carole Lawrence, Kathleen Ford, Samantha Murphy, Ira Christiani. Front Row: Terry Kogutt, Jenny Sneed, Kris Wedemeyer, Stephanie Pecquet.

The Drama Department opened the year with a student production, "The Prime of Miss .Jean Brodie." After weeks of hard work and rehearsals, the opening finally arrived. Unknown to the audience, this show had its share of hlc>r1r,i>r•s 1 Hiccups, Alicia's ad· libs, scene changes, and John loud orders were some of the mishaps. Despite all this, the cast crew pulled together to produce possibly one of the best dramas this school has ever seen.

Kris Wedemeyer's portrayal of Miss Brodie was truly commendable. The little girls won over everyone's hearts. From the shyness of Mr. Lowther to the debonair attitude of Mr. Lloyd, the love life of Miss Brodie added a new dimension to the StM stage. All in all, the student cast handled a rather mature play with a very professional attitude. It was definitely a success that everyone should be proud of.

Drama 123

The circus came to St. Martin's in March with jugglers, dancers, clowns, puppets, Siamese twins, a magician, a rab· bit, a dog and many others! It was Carnival, the Spring musical. The big top was raised in the chapel and the cast paraded through the campus causing excitement in the student body. Michelle Condray, Graham Justice, Beau Char· bonnet, and Monique awed the audiences with their talent. The Bluebird girls danced their hearts out, the chorus truly sparkled, and who could ever forget the Roustabouts! Carnival was a fun, exciting, and memorable play!

Little Mi r unshine

er Celebrates

School Christmas

N 18 132 Homecoming Homecoming Friday

Homecoming Dance

After a festive week of celebrating, decorating and preparing, Homecoming weekend 1984 finally arrived. Despite the rain, everyone's spirits were high . At 2 :45 we gathered in the gym for the traditional Homecoming pep rally. At the game, alumni , faculty, parents and students all cheered the Saints to a victory!

The hard work and planning for the dance paid off! Saturday night, the gym looked great! "Way Down Yonder in New Orleans" was the theme for the decorations At nine o'clock that evening, the Senior football players presented the Court, and David Favaloro crowned Jennifer Stephens Homecoming Queen of 1984.

Homecomino 133


Bell Choir: Back Row' Left to Right: Frank Lombard, Karen Sutton, Ira Christiani, Gretchen Wiemann. Middle Row: Cameron Smith, Piper Freeman, Kim Stiebing. Front Row: Mrs. Wilson, Director. 134 Bell Choir


Andra Rodriguez - Sen. Leah Miciotto - Sen Dominique Brown - Jun Jennifer Stephens - Sen. Lisa Hankins - Sen. Mary K. Williams - Jun. Laura McMahon - Sen Katrina Keller - Jun Shannon Ryan - Soph Nancy Sumner - Sen. Christi Page - Jun Beth Patterson - Soph.
We Are the Saints · , Couldn't Be . Proud ·ou Can'·t Hear Us, We'll Yell a le Louder! RLEADE

The Saints had an excellent football season this year. The team was in the playoffs for the second consecutive year and was also tri·district champ.

The season began in early August when we went, by bus, to Ocean Springs, Mississippi for the second annual football camp. The camp developed the skills and knowledge necessary for a fine season, produced team spirit, a companionship among us, and more importantly, some great grape racers emerged. We then returned to open the season with a scrimmage against Redeemer.

In pre·district play, we beat St. John in the Jamboree. The season opener was lost to a tough Newman ball club, but we came back the next week to beat Lutheran. A loss to River Oaks and a win against Ben Franklin gave us a 2·2 record going into district. The first game in district proved to be the most exciting win we had had in many years. While down by 17 in the second quarter with the Cajuns getting ready to score again, we in· tercepted a Cajun pass on the goal line and prevented the touchdown. We came back to crush the Cajuns in a 45 to 31 romp. Ignited by the victory, we then streaked through district with wins against Ridgewood, Crescent City, and Fisher. Unfor· tunately we lost the final game to Ecole Classique. In the first round of the playoffs, we defeated Pope John Paul II, but lost to Boothville·Venice in regionals. We finished with a 7·4 mark and a season of which everyone could be proud.

Disciplined leadership by captain David Favaloro and seniors Jim Corcoran, Reid Raymond, Russell Levy, Jim Rogers, Mark Talbot, Richard Walsh, David Paine, Jay St. Pierre, and Robert Vining along with excellent coaching by Chich McGeehan, Don Chuboff, and Jim Armstrong gave the team and the school a season to remember for many years.

l.eft to Right, fourth Row: Kirk Talbot, George McMahon, Hunter Wood, Sean Keeney, Brian Berke, Kevin Levy, Chuck Cor· coran, Victor Levy. Third Row: Coach Arm· strong, Coach Chuboff, Blake Stevens, Kevin Roohi, Clif Stautz, Brett Phillips, Brent Ed· wards, John Moore, Robert Pettit, Chris Gant, Coach McGeehan. Second Row: Mark McGinnis, Paul Vining, Drew Herrington, Todd Zoblotsky, Guy Cook, Jimmy Johnson, Chris Leopold, Jimmy Hondroulis, Bill Wayman, Chase Phillips, Paul Colonje, Bruce Gladden. first Row: Jim Corcoran, Jay St. Pierre, David Paine, Jimmy Rogers, David Favaloro, Reid Raymond, Robert Vining. Russell Levy, Richard Walsh, Mark Talbot. Missing: Mark Charbonnet.

Saints Football Captain: David Favaloro.
STM STM STM STM STM STM STM STM STM STM STM VS vs vs vs VS VS vs VS vs VS vs Newman H6 Lutheran 7-0 River Oaks 19-21 Ben Franklin 13-0 Country Day 45·31 Ridgewood 52-6 Crescent City 28-18 Fisher 54-10 Ecole Classique 14-15 Pope John Paul II 21-0 Boothville·Venlce 7-35 139
Senior Saints: Left to Right, Back: Russel Levy, Reid Raymond, Jim Rogers, Robert Vining, David Paine, Jim Corcoran. Front: Richard Walsh, Mark Talbot, David Favaloro, Jay St. Pierre.

Varsity: Left to Right, On Car: Lisa Hoffman, Boo Christy, Shannon Ryan, Kathryn Weekly, Holly Kuebel, Leah Miciotto , Megan Mage e, Andra Rodriguez, Shannon Goodrow. Standing: Diann Pelias. Sitting: Mary K. Williams.

The 1984 Gir ls Varsity Volleyball team, under the coaching of Linda Trevino and Connie Suprean, took the fo ll owing outstanding titles in their seaso n : ISAS tournament champs, Ivy League champs, District 6-ABC champs, and reaching quarter finals at State. Their final season record was 25 · 10 Th e individua l honors went to Mary Kathleen Williams , Shannon Goodrow , Andra Rodriguez , Boo Christy , and Leah Mi c iotto for an outstan· ding season. The Girls Junior Varsity Volleyball team , coached by Sue Ed· wards, took the following season titles: Iv y League Champs, Ivy Tournament Champs , and ISAS Tournament Champs. Their final season record was 22·3. The individual honor went to Lisa Goodyear, who was MVP.

Junior Varsity: Left to Right: Lisa Hoffman, Denise Hafford, Paige Kuchler, Pam Jenkins , Lindsey Jackson, Lisa Goodyear, Rachel Gately, Lynn Yeldell , Victoria Siegel, Emily Haycock, Lauren Vedros, Millie Herron, Jeanne Wanek, Lacey Wood , Jullie Nolan.

Memorie s of the season are : Lighten up bus rides Leah ' s talks se lling cokes "Stay Outs id e the B lu e Line" Umpa Lump a tour · naments Zachary Perfect Hey Ho ll y - Best Western Se rv e·a·thon THE INN District c h amps choco lat e c hip sh akes flying on Megan feet . 3 on 3 sp r aw l s Kathryn·s laughing attacks Good Luck ·55 VB team We love you Trevio 1·2·3 SA INT SSAINTS - SA INT S.

Girls ' Varsity Track: Left to Right, On Pole: Coach McGeehan, Jean Wu, Vickie Benbow, Lynn Churchill. Sheila Kelly, Amber Bishop Standing: Katrina Keller, Jenny Calzada. Regan Kelly. Lynn Beckman Sitting: Lacey Wood, Amy Ca l zada, Anna Lisa Ap · pel. Nancy Sumner, Anne LeJeune, Andra Rodriguez, Jeanne Wanek. Shawn Brennan, Dom Brown Boys ' Varsity Track : Left to Right, Back Row: Coach Clif Stoutz, Hans Ryden, Richard Pollard, David Favalo r o, Vining, Robert Vining, Chris Leopold, Eddie Appel, Tcx:ld Steven Chabaud, Jeremy Head, Brian Burke, Victor Le Reagan. John Robinson, James Daigle, Hunt er Wood, Cannon o Right: Back: Hunter nis, Scott Yount, Robert , Robert Pettit, Colin d Walsh, Chris Daniels,

The 1984-85 season proved to be the most successful i n years for the girls ' basketball team The Vars i ty team finished with a district record of 5 -3 and an overall record of 10-9 The Junior Va r sity had a 51 dist r ict record and a 6-2 overall record The Vars i ty ended the season in the first round of the playoffs. Team honors went to : Shannon Goodrow - First Team AllDistrict, and AII-Eastbank , Mary K - Second Team All-District, and Michelle Moore - Honorable Mention.

Events to be remembered from this past seson are : State Play-offs ... Crescent City

36 30 Headlines

Players of the Week Defense: The Key to Success Shots of the Week .. Red Hightops

Episcopal Tournament Kris Kringles .. Fuddruckers Comedi N Scrap· book " Don ' t Stop " ... Cov i ngton

Thanks to a great coach , Ms Connie Suprean

Varsity: Left to Right , Back: Paige Kuchler , Michelle Moore , Jeanne Wanek . Front: Heide Banton , Mary K Williams , Pa ige Morton , Lisa Hoff· man , Lynn Yeldell , Jenny Calzada , Shannon Goodrow Junior Varsity: Left to Right, Back: Julie Nolan , Paige Kuchler, J enny Ca l zada Middle : Beth McCran ie, Li ndsey Jackson Front: Millie Herron

The girls' soccer teams did very well this year under the STM vs Country Day 1 2 strict discipline of Coaches STM vs Newman 1·2 Trevino and Chuboff. The var· STM vs Newman 0-1 sity team led by only four STM vs McGehee 4 1 seniors, ended the season with STM vs Ben Franklin 2·2 a 6-3-2 record, being defeated in STM vs Ecole Classique 7·0 the play-offs by Slidell High. STM vs Ecole Classique 2·1 The junior varsity team STM VS Country Day 1-1 was STM vs McGehee 3·1 undefeated and hopefully will STM vs Ben Franklin 2·1 keep up their superior record STM vs St. Scholastica 2·0 next year.

Girls' Soccer Team: Left to Right, Top Row: Ci ndy Churchill, Lynne Churchill , Sheila Kelley, Jenny Daley , Anne LeJeune, Vicki Benbow, Megan Magee, Suzanne Gueydan, Kerryn Sherry , Laurel Salley. Middle Row: Coach Don Chuboff, Beth Patter · son, Shannon Ryan, Jean Wu, Ann lngolia, Marcie Carter, Kathleen Lawler , Melissa Eckert, Brooke Andry, Marcy Clinard, Maria Ktistakis, Christine Herman, Pam Jenkins, Kendra O'Connell, Allison Schwartz , Holly Kuebel, Dom Brown, Christi Page , Michelle Condray, Coach Linda Trevino Sitting: Lauren Vedros, Robin Dauterive , Amy Shaw , Amber Bishop, Paula Wisnewski, Kristin Dorfi, Rachel Gately , Lisa DeSalvo , Jennifer Foster. ~y•• Varsity Team: Left to Right, Standing: Coach Pedro Per:ez, Greg Del Cid, Teddy Neff, David Bowes, Stuart Head, Dirk freeman, Poe Miles, Bill Wayman, Bruce Gladden, Ryan Womack, Carlos Mesa. Kneeling: Peter Chin, Dan Guillot, John Ormond, David Heupel, Marl Talbot, Jimmy Hondroulis, Eddld Appel, Glenn Johnson, Gabe Whyel. Reclining: Guy Cook. The J.V. Team: Left to Right, Top Row: Oabe Whyel, Carlos Mesa, Martin Grogono, John Robinson, Karl Findorff, Kirk Talbot, Remy Gross. Pint Row: Coach Pedro Perez, Robert Peyton, James Daigle, Kirk Madison, Michel Broxson, John Falgoust.


Varsity Baseball: Left to Right: Back: Coach Armstrong, Frederick Devall, Chris Daniels, Jim Corcoran, Bill Thomason, Robert Pettit, Blake Stevens, Coach Chubboff. Middle: Drew He,rrm,arc,n Paul Colonje, Peter Wanek, Chris Beckman, Carlos Mesa, Jim· my Hondroulis, Ben f'ront: George MacMahon, Alfredo Mesa, Jason Armstrong (manager}, Clay Tidwell, Todd Zoblotsky, Charles Corcoran.


Left to Right: On Roof: Ann lngolia , Shannon Goodrow, Christine Herman, Cindy Churchill , Paige Kuchler. On Hood: Amy Shaw, Pi per Freeman, Maria Ktistakis , Robin Dauterive By the Door: Kendra O ' Connell. Missing From Picture: Coach Suprean, Coach Melito , Rachel Newman, Ruth Mora Boys' Andreas Kirk Madison, Boling, Glenn Johnson, David Heupel. Back: Richard Starr, Broxson. Front: Eric Gide' Varsity Tennis: Left to Right: Bade Victoria Siegel, Lisa Goodyear, Boo Christy, Heidi Banton. Front: Karen Kirshbom, Emily nav'"""''· Ira Chritiani, Kim Conway, Michelle Kamo, Michelle Moore. From Picture: Mary K. Williams. Varsity Wrestling: Left to Right : Back: Morgan Wilson , Patrick Calhoun , David Favaloro , Russell Levy, Coach Hossley , Blake Stevens , Kevin Levi , Todd DeMonte , Glenn Kelly Front: Chad Hargon, Chris Grace, Hans Ryden , Jim Anderson , Mark Gr affagn i ni , Daniel Valladares , Clay Tidwell Boys' Golf: Left to Right: Back: David Bowes , Chase Phillips , Allan Burkes , Bruce Gladden Front: John Falgoust , Mark Altschul , Gabriel Whyel.

The St. Martin's Sal~ts left their mark wherever they competed. After taking the di-strkt IOA title in both boys' end girlt' Vanity Divisions, the team looked ahead to State, Hard, strenuous work,outs monopolized the days before the State Mttt and the work paid off. The girls took third In District A and AA aind the boys placed fourth in the Division A race, Eighth grader, Brntt Rea-gan. was named to the AU-State team after placing second over·a!I.

The team wm always remember this past ,ea.son es we say good·bye to Poe Miles, our Senior Captain, We will especially rernember: The State Meet ghost stories , the two mile course , mosquitoes. - ont pilee at. ROA. , lnjuries. work"Outs on the leviee, "easy" mlle inter· vals l.s.d. , pronunci..1tions of Anne, Alliison, Eli1ia, and Anna Usa the cross country car pool wreck , the train on Airline Hwy W.S. Coach's ke-ychain expensive watches

Left to Rlgllt, Back: Coach Rice, Anders Ryden, Eddie Appel, Chris Leopold. Poe Miles, John Robinson, James Daigle, Ian Brown, Brett R"agan. Front: Keith Dublin, Stephen Moore, M11lachy Nugent, Edward Wldofsky, Jeffery Morris, Amit Ahuja, Destin Hoffm,m. Left to right: Back: Coach Rice, Lynn Beckmnn, Sheila Kelly, Lynn Churchill, Jennifer Foster, Regan Kelly, Amy C11lmdn. Front: Kristine Rolke, Sue Dingle, Eliai11 Shofatahl, Ann11Ua11 AppeL Left to Right, Back: Jenny Bingham, Rachel Wittich, Kristine Rolke, Jo Beth Rees, Sarah McEachin, Leslie Holt, Julie Campbell, Kim Cannon, Ann Pollard. Middle: Nicky Corcoran, Stephanie Sattatt, Kellie Enloe, Lee Phillips, Rayna! Ruch, Donielle Daigle, Rebecca Ruch. Front: Alexandra Mooney, Christina Thorneycroft, Allison Bratina. Missing from Picture: Christine Herman. Left to Right, Back: Michael Sullivan, Todd Robinson, Doug Lynne, Brett Reagan, Clayton Page, Brian Murphy, James Martin. Front: Michael Sooder, Bryan Frentz, Glenn Herman, Jonathen Schenk, Brendon Mclean, Foster Schlosser, Trey Jones, Scott McClave.
Sports Candids 153
154 Sports Candids
Sports Candids 155
156 Sports Candids
Sports Candids 157
158 Sports Candids
160 Sports Candids
Sports Candids 161
Outdoor Ed 165
166 Outdoor Eel
••• 168 Destin '85
Destin'85 169

The Junior Senior


170 Prom
Prom 171

U per School Awards

Tht! English Awards

English I: Krissy Regel

English H: CamerofSfftitH ·

Columbia Book ;Awar:ff'.;(i·

Senior English 1" wa'r~{Cii~JHil~:. " \ 1}:~i~ •J ; :::. ,:+;::.

The Fine Arts Al,Vanl

Art Awards: Tina/Aguiar:

Drama Awards:

Best Actress: Moniqi,e

Best Actor: Graham justice

Best Supporting Act~ss: Michelle ~dray

Excellence in Technital Achieveme raham


Musk Awards:

Vocal Conducting A~ard: Kare

Piano Composition ftward: Ira

Instrumental Music Award: Davi

Fine Arts Award:'-°Kris Wedemeyer

The Foreiglfl...i).~guage A~k4s: The Spani~a A·.,.;avd: Nina Ketd1~'-,

The Frenct;·Award: Kath~rine Feibleman

Chemistry: Karen Sutton

Physics: Peter Chin, Mike Ketchel

Bausch & Lomb Medal (AP Biology): Marcie Carter

St. Martin's Science Award: David Bowes

"Soclaf Sfblli~ll AWifils'f

orld History: Ted Butler

lVl -;Ahh LeJeune" '

m ' fftt'istbry: Afirffhgoiia•

he 5bc(i\t'.$tµd,ies Awit(4;.Jariet;Jenkins

doi)r:L;edersbi ri~tin Jay

mWu:tfi So.ok.Awmd~ . Sutton icat~:s:xw:a,aa~:;::.:

ield Editor: F;~~:k Lombard

rary Rally Awards: i,

m Conway: French 14th place f:>istrict

an Wu: Adv. Math 4th Place Di~trict

Christia_ni: Tt~n'l-etry 4th place district git Saintze;(f~*~h !Jlt3rd plaqe district

n Dau.t~frir~;Spanfsbi Ill 3rd A!ace district son Va~~fian': Latrri lf 13rd place district ina Ket~el: E;r,gli~~-fV.}rd plac~ district, 4th ace Stat~·:· •· ·· ·· · · <".,,,., ;

dy Wilso 2nd iface ~istrict 2nd plac~ district ench IV 2nd pli,ce qistrict

n Tubb: Biology 2nd place d!,trict and state ren Sutton: Chemistry 1_.~,iplace district ,..,..J: de Carter: Biology-lt'-fst place distri<;tu·,-~ :· thleen Lawl~r';ench II 1st plac.~.dfstrict antl !';/'

The}::atir.!.A_~;,r4;, B.iriJ!t):i~lntzer '<::~in: Geometry: 1st p,:e.,drsfl'iet7'2nri

Ha~e.rd Book Award: Robi11Dauterive estate

The Mattieqiatics Awards: ; vid Bowes: Physics 1st pla~e district, 4th 9.late

Renassel.s~' Met,t,iematiet. Ahd Science Award: lra state ...• ' . ·.... ,;.,•.. :{,

Chri&tiati1 .<D '·h Ted Butler: Gen. History: 1st pl<:1ce distrk:1';,,4th ·

Tula;~-80~1tt•1~rd:' ia •!'tgu,~r place state ·.·•· · · '· ·., , ·• ·:;:.__ \ ,·, ·~, • , "!' • "". _.,, , .•. ,, ·•.•.:· •

Jim Latham· Matb.. A-wctrtl: i'!1i°ke t<e~hel- .· ·,~ ,, ,, JoknF; Aket'Aj;t;d: ft~tht;~n,Wil.liams

The Media Award: Scou:l;jjgh~ef t.'.E.Q;_Viu:l,~l~ef<~a;d; ,.r,i:i,Mc"Mahon

The Religion Awards: C '•· • ·~ '-1sei'l\aftin'~ Citizer,sh'i'p Awards: Shammom

The Sewanee Book Award: David Aguiar • ·· Goodr~;;:,,:·David Bowes

The Religion Awards: Julie Henrington, Pcitrick


The Science A wards:

Biology: Tyson Vaughan

Geology: Danielle Shields

O.E. Haring Memorial Award: Kim Cannon

Gustaf R. Westfeldt Jr. Award: Graham Justice

Michael John Moseley Memorial Award: David


Spirit of St. Martin's Award: Laura Schuler

.:·:.:.. .,,
174 Upper School
MS Candids 179
180 MS Candids
MS Candids 181
Left to Right: Sue Hinge!, Stacey McGeehan, Alfredo Mesa, Dolly Hightower, Stephen Huber, Charlotte Marshal, Kristin Kreeger. Top Row, Left to Right: Karen Witkin, Adam Shore, Ann Pollard, Sumi Mikami, Courtney Neff. Bottom Row: Amiee Roy, Suzanne Mohamed. Back Row, Left to Right: Kellie Enloe, Leslie Fensi, Sally Mohamed, Ruth Mora. Front Row, Left to Right: Andy Wi!tkh, Cathy Thomason, Tucker Crawford, Thomas Mann. Left to Right: Steven Moore. Edward Widofsky, Jennifer Mullis, Lisa Pankowicz, Rob Walters, Vin Tangpricha, Rayna I Ruch. Left to Right: Kendall Morris, Ian Brown, Lauren Gurvich, Blair Boling, Kristin Yates, Lynne Beckman, Sal Caserta, Liz McElwee, Malachy Nugent. Left to Right: Brett Regan, Matt Hindman, Brand Seask, Ashley Cerise, Annette Svenson, Austin Willis, Shawn Ripps, Debra Boyd, Joe Le Blanc, Jenny Rees, Lee Sanders. Left to Right: Michael De Pass, Jones Dieth, Sealy Faught, Jenny Goodyear, Shannon Evans, Etienne Balart, Sean Charbonnet. Left to Right: Whitson Christy, Jonathon Levy, Jeff Moore, Kevin Witherspoon, Lee Shows, Kristina Matthews, Nicole Balliet.

Latin Day

Latin Day celebrates the arrival of spring while at the same time commemorating the assassination of Julius Ceasar. Students dress in togas, perform original skits, and enjoy a delicious banquet. Latin Day makes a dead languge come alive!

Eighth Grade 189

8th rade Washington Trip

190 Washington Trip
Washington Trip
192 Washington Trip

You Better Belize It

Belize 193
194 Belize
Belize 195
Left to Right, Stan~ing: Lee Phillips, Kelly Petro, Sally Schuber, Kristine O'Connell. Left to Right, Sitting: Matt Mitchell, Conrad Meyer, Stephen Loeb, Christian O'Neil. Left to Right: Steven Kilinski, Kim Valederos, Michele Parmeloe, Chad Cooper, Katherine Adams, John Cotsoradis, Reynols Wilson, Marianne Bankston.

This year St. Martin's hosted 22 students from Episcopal Day School, located in Jackson, Tennessee. Taking part of this years exchange program, their activities included riding the St. Charles street car, the World's Fair Gondola, and experiencing the full flavor of New Orleans flavor during the Mardi Gras season.

T D a a m w y e r
C:hor110: Left to Ri9ht, Sltlh19: J. Wu. K. Koch, J. Nichols, Mrs. Wilson, M. Wayman, S. AhuJa, R:. Sotturi, S, Fowler,/\. Lankard. First Plow; flt Erwin, J. Vedros, B. Shaw, D. Koerner, S. Rogen. J. Villaume, M, Gerise, E. Conway. Second Rowz J, Weiner, C Bordelon, P. Gorman, G. Herman, J. Hodges, B. Goliwas. Third Row~ A. Condray, R- Nockton, T. Pittman, S. Dunn, T. 1-tarshall, J. Leonard, T. McKeachm, R Arensman. fourth Row: C Haddad, M. Bernstein, A. Bingham, K. Miller, W. &haef fer. C, Delaune. Middle 8<11001 Band; Left lo Right: D. D•igle, M. Noth•n•<n, Mr Holliman, M. Ki A. Frank, E. Krnst, S. Caaertn, 8, Frentz, S. Brenting, C Vedande, Kim Va!ladere: Jones.

The Middle School forum serves as an introduction to the challenges and respon· sibilities of student government.

Members: Top Row: Scott Weber, Malachy Nugent, Jenny Goodyear. Middle Row: Jeffrey Morris, Dannielle Daigle, Ian Brown. Bottom Row: Debbie Witkin, Lisa Arensman, Tuck Marshall.

Chorus: Top Row: Anders Ryden, David Elvin, Chad Cooper, Robert Suggs, Matt Gaumer, Malachy Nugent, Trey Hill, Kendall Morris, Jones Dieth. Bottom Row: Leslie Monroe, Elizabeth .McElwee, Ruth Mora, Katie Dodson, Mimi Bensrieti.


Max Bernstein Robert Nockton

Outstanding Citizenship

Amy Calzada

Mark Herman

Highest Class Average

Mathematics Science Social Studies French Latin Spanish

Shelby Snyder

Stephanie Sarrat

Nicole Bailliet

Sarah McEachin

Shelby Snyder

Kristina Matthews

.Jeff Moore

Shelby Snyder

Elizabeth McElwee

Malachy Nugent

Brett Reagan

Trey Hill

Kevin Witherspoon

Nicole Bailliet

I I I ! '
1 , Outstanding
English Mathematics Science Social Studies f
Citizensh Robert Nockton English
Mark Herman

Chad Cooper, Vin Tangpricha, John Kahn, Rob Walters, Michael Depass. Front: Jeffery Moore, Mark Herman, Sal Caserta, Etienne Balart, Robert Suggs, Marcus Con· roy, Christian O'Neil.

Matt Mitchell, David Elvin, Scott Hall, Michael Fantaci, Jason Casbarian. Matt Fransen, Paxton Stelly, Laurence Lambert, David Lago.

Left to Right, Back: Coach Armstrong, Whitson Chris· ty, Alfredo Mesa, Jonathan Levy, Andy Wittich, Stephen Huber, Tommy Mann, Conrad Meyer, Coach Panna. Middle: John Cotsoradis, Michael Barnett, Jones Dieth, Left to Right, Back: Coach Meliito, Jeffery Klein, Roger Cornelius, Stephen Loeb, Reynolds Wilson, Scott Weber, Beau Bisso, Mike Godof· sky, Coach Chuboff. front: Chrls Casbarian (manager), Jack Lambremont,


Girl•' Softball: Left to Right: 81111::k: Karen Witkin, Shannon Evan11, Ashley Cerise, Saroh McEitchin, Kristina Matthews, Anette Sven:ien, Nancy Wu!ff, Elizabeth McElwee, Sulllln Mohammed. Middle: Ursulo Edquist, Michelle Pllrmelee, Rachel Newman, Katherine Bailey, Laura Gladden, Leslie Monroe, Elizabeth Chin, Kim Valladares, Susan Jenkins, Dana .Jones, Blair Bol· ing. front: Kelly Petro, Fanny Martinez, Stephanie Sumner, Melany DelCid, Ruth Mora, Shelby Snyder, Usit Ponkowicz, Kelly Griggers.

Boym' Ba!IEl:nllil: Left to Right: Back: Coach Ritwson, Nathan Bush, Conrad Mayer, Alfredo Meaa, Tucker Critwford, Mike 0odofsky, Jonathitn Levy, COllch Armstrong. Middle: Jeff Moore, Etienne Balart, ,l\\ike Barnett, John Cotsorndls, Lawernce Chad Cooper, Steven Huber. front: Owen St. Amitnt, P. J. Staklum, Mark Herman, Geoff Morris, Matt Gaumer.

Teams honors were: Second place in the Ivy League Tournament and Lee Sanders made the All Tournament Team. Their season record was 10-2.

Left to Right, Back: Mrs. Edwards, Nancy Wulf, Jenny Goodyear, Kristine O'Connell, Lee Sanders, Lynn Beckman, Cathy Thomason, Charlee Marshall, Ms. Suprean. Middle: Rayna! Ruch, Elizabeth McElwee, Amy Calzada, Ruth Mora, Dolly Hightower, Stephanie Sumner. Front: Michelle Parmelee, Courtney Benton, Karen Witkin, Annetta Svendsen, Melany De!Cid, Emma Tubb, Shawn Ripps.

Girls Soccer: Back Row: Left to Right: Courtney Neff, Shelby Snyder, Allison Chrestman, Jennifer Rees, Lisa Pankowicz, Sue Hinge!, Lesley Clinard, Stacey McGeean, Kristin Kreegar, Oita Anderson, Elizabeth Hoskins, Khristen Yates, Jennifer Mullins, Sarah McEachin, Shannon Evans, Mimi Bensrieti, Regan Kelly, Rachel Newman. Front Row: Left to Right: lee Shows, Molly Rogers, Laura Gladden, Fanny Martinez, Kristina Matthews, Kathy Krust, Susan Mohamed, Leslie Fensin, Aimee Roy, Nicolle Bailliet, Lisa Arensman, .Sany Mohamed.

Varsity: In Tree: Dolly Hightower. Kristine

O'Conell, Elizabeth McElwee, Shannon Evans. Standing: Nicole Baillet, Nancy Wulff, Jenny Goodyear, Charlee Marshall, Lee Sanders, Shawn Ripps (manager).

Kneeling: Kristina Matthews, Fanny Martinez, Lisa Arensman.

Junior Varsity: On Top: Stephanie Sumner, Lauren Gurvkh, Stacey McGeehan, Emma Tubb. Standing: Katherine Bailey, Kelly Griggers, Sealy Faught, Elizabeth Chin, Rachel Newman, 1~ichele Parmalee.

Kneeling: Elizabeth Hoskins, Monique Cerise, Laura Gladden.

Girls' Track: Left to Right: Back: Kristine O'Connell, Stacey MeGeehan, Christi Kreeger, Lynn Beckman, Sue Hinge!. Middle: Barba Loowentha, Jennifer Rees, Lisa Arensman, Katie Dodson, Lee Sanders, Leslie Clinard, M.oUy Rodgers, Rayna! Ruch, Allison Chrestman, Aimee Roy, Heather Parker, Lelie Fensin, Mohammed, Kathy Krust. Bottom: Coach MeGeehan, Dita Anderson, Mimi Bensriete, Court·. ney Lane, Emma Tubb, Ellzabeth Hoskins, Coach Chuboff.

Boys' Track: Left to Right: Back: Coach Rice, Edward Widofsky, Sal Caserta, hm Brown, Rob Warters, Johnes Diem, Joe LeBlanc, Andy Wittich, Sumi Mikami, Malachy Nugent, Marcus Conroy, Jean Charbonnet. Trey Hill, Renwick McLean, Coach Larry. Front: Scott Weber, Roger Cornelius, Scott Hall, Anders Ryden, Reynolds Wilson, John Kahn, David Elvin. Michael Fantaci, Matt Mitchell, Jeff Klein, Mark Herman. Boys' Tennis: Back, Left to Right: Chris Dunn, Tommy .Mann, Whitson Christy, Michael DePass, Jack 1 "mt,e,rm,mt Front: Matt Hindman, Amit Ahuja, Brand Leask. Girls' Tennis: Back, Left to Right: Stephanie Eberts, Jenny Goodyear, Lauren Gurvich, Kellie Enloe, Charlee Marshal. Front: Lee Shows, Shawn Ripps, Anne Falgoust.
Sports Candids 227
228 Sports Candids
Sports Candids 229
230 Sports Candids
Sports Candids 231
232 Sports Candids
Sports Candids 233
234 Sports Candids
Sports Candids 235
236 Sports Candids

The Art of Staying

Young Depends on You . . .

nothing else to count

a man's years until he has

Finally you stay young

by continuing to

:--:~,. -~ .. :· ..-:~;.; :t:~'.~

not growing.

grow. You do not grow old, you become old by

Left to Right, Up Slide: Hire Mikami, Murt Akdamar , Mark Le Blanc , Chris Casbarian, Andrew McLean, Christian Daigle, Edward Pankey. Standing, On Steps: Lisa Scott, Jennifer Adams, Kelly Norwood, Maureen Evans, Courtney Melchers, Stacey Vial. In Front, Kneeling: David Bowman , John Blake, Michael Sullivan, Carter Wood, Michael Odom. Standing: Jessica Schenk

. ". "'it'~
•. ~t ,~. ,.
Left to Right: Standing: Aletta Cooper, Gretchen Godchaux, Mollie de Shazo, Nikki Houston. Sitting: Jason Doss, Beau Bethune, Truitt Ba lart, Travis Flower, Peter Leach, Eddie Chin. Left to Right, Standing: Amy Schulingkamp, Kelly McGeehan, Meghan Richoux, Catherine Waskes, David Schweitzer, Brett Simpson , Marc Riggs. Sitting : Craig Mertens, Robbie Rhoden, Cliff Northan

5th Grade t Science Fair

-'I-..:. - "'!Ill t.,,~ ·" ~;.,_ i ....., _i,---- _ ,:..,.. ~· - ...,..~ .... ...~t,-~· --~·,.,: ,.-~=- 'lii;:',i;- - ·.::.:-
Left to Right: Scott Schuber, Rebecca Ruch, Fritz Koch, Michele Kenny, Patrick Odom, Robbie Manard, Jennifer Schupp, Chris Sooder, Lenore Schaffer, Jay Ben St Aman!. Left to Right: Standing: Brett Guidry, Stepen Frank, Doug Forunan, Brett Cothren. Middle Row: Michael Hanemann, Billy Bassett, Peter Burk Front Row: Samantha Brennan Amy de Bolsblanc, Kathy Haycock Left to Right: Sta11di119 Clockwlse: Shannon James, Ryan Fairman, Chad Aleman, Arthur Christy, Ryan Himel, Katie Faught. Slttmg: Edmund Oieth, Ryan Casey, Orey Crawford, Jay Adair. Left to Right: T!;!p Row: Dina Michael, Cathy White, Reid Walters, Paige Nolan, Will Newman, Chris Reese. On Stairs: Tossy Saunders, Jennifer Wandell. Standing: Christan Shofstahl, Philip Kogas.
• .,;::!> i in"--
Left to Right: Standing: Ken Kilinski, Stuart Peyton , Ruffy Suggs, Chris Leask, Steven Griffith, Sean Grace Sitting: Beth Marks, Lisa Schultz, Jennifer Levy, Amy Pelquet Left to Right: Top Row: Elizabeth Byrd, Jim Eberts, Patrick Garvey, Bryan Cothren, Sarah Close. Bottom Row: Cherie Jontenot, Lise Andersson, Kenny Danton, John Cook, Chris Coffman. Left to Right: Top Row: Carter Marshall , Jimmy Maxwell , Greg Page , Christopher Stakelum. Middle Row: Erin Salzer , Kerri Schibler Bottom Row: Ryan Smith , Johnathan Schudmak, Eddie Wicker. Left to Right: Top Row: Bradley Butler , Carter Balart , Ricky Alford. Middle Row : Annie Friedman, Ben Crawford, Daniel Caliri, Nikki Corcoran. Bottom Row: Melan ie Kaye, Amy Johnson, Julie Frank Standing: Ben Hightower, William James, Collin Schuhmacher, Michael Manske. Sitting: Suzanne Miller, Anouk Rognon, Amy Keeney, Amy Scott. Bottom Left: Carrie Black, Ashley Heath, Rebecca Blake, Brent Beaulieu, William Joins, Ross Cole, Bruce Borden, Riley Busen Lener,


Indian Day 261
262 Indian Day
Indian Day 263
w: Elaine Barnett, Adam
,., ,.:.c9 ,n: Jud r,athansen, Bobby Peterson, Josh Magee, Brendan McLean, Joey Schweitzer, Taylor Martin, John Parker, Lee,Prewitt, Wendy Manard.
1 '
Left to Right: On Jungle Gym: Katherine Brown, Staci James, Jason Conway, Dominick Bartolotta, Jim Angehr, Lee Hall, Beth Huber. Standing: Fairleigh Cook, Mikalia Kott, Sarah Barkman. 'fop Photo: Top Row, Standln9, Left to Right: Allyson Bratina, Ridgely Pittman, Mario Caserta, Phyllis Huang, Mary Pettit, and Brett Bord€ Bottom Row, Kneeling, Left to Right: Jason Perryman, Nicolas Cottone, Ryan Rivet, and Stephen Hanneman. Bottom Photo: Top Row, 8tandln9, Left to Right: Tristan Rappold, Jennifer Smith, Albee Mooney, Catherine Garvey, and Cindy Perret. J tom Row, Standing, Left to Right: Jonathan Massicot, Davey McCallum, Byme Evans, and Jonathan Schenk. Standing, Left to Right, First Row: Trey Jones, Scott Danton, and Jeff Williams. Second Row: Josh Cooper , Julie Clark, Kelly Kepper, Christina Thorneycroft, Jill Czerwinski , Lange Allen, and Tony Anzalone Third Row: Robin Tompkins , Melissa Stampley, and Sharon McDaniel. Fourth Row: Joanne Clos , Jesse Schudmak, Marshall Klemm!, Spencer Doody , and Justin Norwood. to Right: rtney Sc Schuhmac Left to Right: Top Row: Greg Frank, Michael Brown. Second Row: Haddad, Christopher Bowman, Sean Donnelly, John """""'"'''rn Bottom Row: Andrea Andersson, Nicole Irving, Stephen Bellard, Jonathan Houston, Laura Gannon.


Back Row, Left to Right: Erin Murphy Anna Kilinski Dominique Ma!ulich Front Row, Left to Right: Jayson Lipsey ' Ryan Nagim. Left to Right: Cosey Ramelle, David Meyer, Katherine Martinez, Megan Ofsowitz. Left to Right: Erik Bengtsson, Andy Crawford, Christopher Close, Elise Dicharry. Left to Right: Kelly Hall, Matt Houston, Jennifer Hwang, Michelle McDaniel. Left to Right: Adam Rumlvk, Robert Richmond, Mark Angehr, Mark Welch, Kristin Saunders.
the boys are"
Preparing for class "fµture weathermen" 292
"Our porn-porns are in the trees!"
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. Some Favorites! Next stop Las Vegas! Who's that behind those Foster Grants? Sexy Eyes
Lagniappe 293
Come on, you guys! Alas, poor York. I knew him well!
l LOVE the Yearbook Staff!
Ahhhhh! The Gncola!
Ma and Pa Kettle



President - f o,rd Dieth

Vice President -

James McElwee

Treasurer - James


Secretary - Jerry St.


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The Captain, Mrs. K tistakis, & Maria



Sixteen years ago, we threw you out of our tree house to see if you would bounce, (We always did feel guilty about that!)

And you responded with forgiveness (though not before telling Mom and Dad and shedding a few tears.)

Fourteen years ago, we allowed you to referee our football games instead of play, (We were too important to let you play.)

And you responded with enthusiasm.

(You loved even being the referee and made our games more fun.)

Twelve years ago, we tossed you in the pool and told you not to breathe until you got to the end, (We were sure you'd never make it.)

And you responded with determination.

(You swam twenty-five yards without a breath and went on to win the State Meet.)

Ten years ago, we envied your winning the Summit Camp "Honor Camper" Award for being the best camper of the summer, (Something we had never achieved,)

And you responded with happiness (Your happiness was infectious, and we forgot our jealous envy.)

Eight years ago, we ignored your feats and bragged about our own, (though secretly we were proud of you, just too embarrassed to show it.)

And you responded by cheering us on, (though you refused to let your feats be ignored by anyone!)

Five years ago, we accidentally slammed the car door on your hand and broke your fingers at the joints, (We hurt with you and cursed our rowdiness.)

And you responded with stalwartness. (You took the pain in stride and even laughed at our stupidity.)

Two years ago, we forgot our cares and prayed for you as you lay critically ill in an intensive care unit. (We wished we could do more than feel very, very helpless)

And you responded with a stubborn will (You refused to let your body give in or up and everyone gained strength from you.)


A year ago, we watched you on T.V., cheering others at the Republican National Convention (We were amazed and let you know it.)

And you responded with excitement

(You spread your excitement to St Martin's and vowed to start a Republican Club.)

This year, we watched as you returned to your "home school," (We wondered why it took so long.) And you responded with boundless spiiit. (You've made a special place in the Class of '85 and we think they are richer for it.)

Today, we're proud that you survived our pranks and envy, pride and selfishness, but most of all, we're proud of you! You've responded to us and all of life with a generous spirit, an excitement for each new day and an enthusiasm for tomorrow which we, your brothers, have always loved.

Thanks, Todd, for the lessons. Keep teaching all of us!

Your brothers, Ford

and Cale Love, Cate

P.S. Congratulations "Huggy Bear!"
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