1986 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

Page 1

The Shield

LARSH\ St. Martin's Episcopal School Metairie, Louisiana Volume XXXIII 1986

Headmaster's Adieu

Dear Class of 1986,

This is my first opportunity to write the Headmaster's "Address" in The Shield, and I can't think of a Senior Class that I would want to write to more than you, or one for whom I bid farewell with more difficulty and a sense of sadness as you move on past your days at St. Martin's.

Each class develops its own special character as it progresses through its years of school. Yours has been a very special spirit because you have come in touch with a profound, difficult, and yet exciting discovery.

The Bible speaks of time as chro110s and as kairos. The first means time as a succession of days, the second means living fully in terms of the fullness of the moment. In the famous Broadway show named for the main character Pippi11, the boy cries out, "I want my life to be something more than long " Your class has captured Pippin's quest. In many memorable ways it has l ived in the kairos. The evidence of this is found in your class' remarkable spirit - not just the loud and unbridled kind of spirit that is often associated with adolescence. Rather, it has been a spirit that grasped the sense that the cl1ro110s was fleeting, therefore the moment must be seized; and you filled it with joy,

purpose, and enthusiasm. And in doing so you came in touch with one of life's great secrets, something that is recondite for many, that the very goal for which many pay dearly in a desperate accumulation of more and more things is to be found in the simple grandeur of a loving community sharing the fullness of the moment. And because you have celebrated this wonderful mystery, all of us have been touched.

It would be absurd to say that we will remember you forever. James Hilton in his wonderful book Good-bye Mr. Chips points out a sad truth about life as he says that" all things are forgotten in the end." Such is the price of the chro110s. But maybe your spirit of the kairos has been grasped by the rest of us, even some of us, (more than likely a few of us 1). If this is so, then this legacy which you have handed down is one of the incalculable worth I shall miss you all very much and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. And with that said I bid you an affectionate adieu.

My love to you all,

2 Headmaster's Adieu


The Board of Trustees salutes the Class of 1986. We are proud of your academic progress, your maturity, and perseverance, and your loyalty to St. Martin's. We applaud your participation and achievements in extracurricular activities and in sports.

We pray that the roots which grew and nurtured you while at St. Martin's will serve you well. Remember your Alma Mater!

of Trustees 3
Pictured Top Row, Left to Right: The Rev. David A. Cameron, William (Billy) James III, The Rev. W. Gedge Gayle, Dr . Donald Erwin, J. Gerard Jolly. Second Row, Left to Right: Martin R. Banton, James W. McElwee. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Herschel L. Abbott, Jr., Lane T. DeBardeleben, Mary Anne O'Neil, Robert M. Shofstahl, John J. Graham. Absent From Pictured: Fred Devall and James Burlingame . Board


The leader assumes that his followers are working with him, not for him. He considers them partners in · the work and 'sees to it that they share in the rewards. He glorifies the team spirit.

Top Row, Left to Right: Father Horgan III (Assistant Headmaster), Dr . Mooney (College Counselor), Dr. Lumpkin (Assistant Headmaster), Harold Graf (Head of US). Bottom Row: Charles Mickey Landry (Dean of MS), Marjorie Conatser (LS Head), Bill Rosenbaum (Assistant Head of US).
4 Faculty
Wilferd Peterson

"Now for those of you who didn't do their homework."


"Isn't Spanish fun, Jones?"

Faculty 5
RELIGIOUS LIFE: Left to Right: Father Byrd, Susan Gaumer, Father Trent LS AFTERNOON PEROGRAM: Bet Byrd
6 Faculty
ENGLISH: Left to Right : Ouida Rellstab , Janis Rees, June Wells , Eillen Beckman, Jane Henson , Bill Tugwell , Jim McCain , Thomas Uskali. MATH: Left to Right: Cheryl West, Jim Marsalis, Dianne Greer, Janis McCormick, Payne Breazeale, Kelly Esslinger, Jerry Sossamon.
Faculty 7
SCIENCE: Left to Right: Linda Trotter, Pamela Rogers, Harold Graf, Mary Chuboff, Carolyn Deyo, John Ellis, Warren Lind, Harriet Aguiar, Carolyn Hermann.


Clockwise from 12:00: Ed Rawson, Edith Long, William Rosenbaum, Susan Godchaux, Betsy Kaston, Terry Fitzmorris, Dr. Mooney.
8 Faculty
FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Left to Right: Pedro Perez, Ted Forbes, Pierre Leger, Jim McCain, Glenn Brady, Vincent Drago, Karen Scott, Carol Baier, Lorabeth Stroup. Missing: Karen Weaver. ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT: Top, Left to Right: Connie Suprean, Linda Trevino, Janet Russo, Kerry Vogt, Sue Edwards. Middle Row: Chuck Melito, George Scheaffer. Bottom Row: David Rice, Jay Howard, Mark Roberts, Paul Burgard, Murray Burch, Don Quinn.
Faculty 9
FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT: Standing, Left to Right: Arthur Holiman, Mary Wilson, Carole Lawrence, Carolyn Boone. Sitting: Carol Jane Myers, Jimmy Cox, Adair Watkins (and baby). LIBRARIANS: Left to Right: Nona Beisenherz, Pat Kelley, Janis Rees, Francis Wells, Doris Baron.
IO Faculty
5th GRADE: Left to Right: Linda Trotter, Stephanie Pittman, Gloria Siegel, Debbie Brown. 4th GRADE: Helen Gregory, Jeanne Cumberland.

3rd GRADE: Left to Right: Debbie Scalia, Shirley Reinhardt. Sitting: Erin Cairns .

1st GRADE: Left to Right: Donna Lewis, Angela Womack, Susan Bowman.

2nd GRADE: Left to Right : Tina Hintz, Sue Shaw, Margaret Perret. ·

KINDERGARTEN AND AIDES : Standing, Left to Right: Chris Thomas, Julie Dieth, Margaret Handy Sitting: Francesca Monachine, Susan Mann, Evelyn Anthon

Faculty 11


PRE K. AND AIDES: Top Left: Minna Ree Miranne. Below: Ann Elvin. Sitting: Jane Guillory. Roof: Mabel Himel, Pamela Rogers, Kip Blake. In House: Tootie Conway, Nancy Buckman.
12 Faculty
SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Counter-Clockwise: Ann Keller (Art), Carolyn Wanek (Reading), Becky Coats (Music), Ginny Hoffman (Library), Margaret Barry (Library), Carolyn Herman (Science). BUSINESS OFFICE: Top, Left to Right: Ro y Chenevert , Maria G e rre ts. Bottom: Jer r y WilJi a m s, Sheryl Baltar " Tangipahoa Raft Guide. "
Faculty 13
DEVELOPMENT OFFICE: Top, Left to Right : Father Horgan , Larry Panna, Joe Allen , Betty Bankston. Bottom: Allison Pendergast , Kitty Rawson, Dianna Jones, Mona Herbert. SECRET ARIES: Clockwise from 12:00: Jean Parmelee, Jane Schmidt, Dot Stengel, Toni Caserta, Dianne Mary, Vickie Hill.
14 Faculty
CAFETERIA: Left to Right: Carol Lewis, Norma Massa, Beverly Savoy, Kathy Marriott, Marie Crawford , Claire Pfeffer, Louise Rauch, Willie Mae Gilleen. MAINTENANCE: Up the Ladder: Tony Sanchez, Tang Ngyuen, Louis Horn. Bottom, Left to Right: Willie Davis, Larry Johnson, Clarence Smith, Alfred Taylor, Norman Marshall, Martin Smith, Jenkins Knighten
Faculty 15
BUS DRIVERS: Left to Right: Jerry Meunier, Jim Starkes, Harold Plaeger, Nick Bravata, Joe Impastato, Joanne Guillot, Tom Smith, Lester Barre.
u / ------Ir-.... G,. ,\\\\~• )" I I II ' I ~. ,.
" When will the greens be in , Pedro? "
' s
16 Faculty
" Before XEROX machines . 'TH throw it away, Kids ."
all in a day 's work ."


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:Jhe Senior C/ajj ';J)eJicafej !he 85-86 Gdifion

o/ the Sliield to mr. William Rojenbaum

Reajon and Judgment Are fhe Qua.iliej

o/ a c:feader.

Dedication 33
34 Seniors

';J)auiJ ofaurence Aguiar


When in doubt, mumble


David . Shims North Carolina SSSS Landrey food fight Ansay cast .. the fist gold pen computers . Regression soccer . . . Pedro Lines .. Ag attack Moth ... " Nopsi? " A Clockwork Orange "Beep " . . Sockhop dancing .. . Don Carter's .. Nashville Wharf . .. " Sounds Russian to me! " "It's the Same Old Song " ... " Coke are it" ... Boys' State Girls ' State Lust busters "Muster" . . . " Assumption Airade" Sears pizza ... Que Sera ... Florida JCC ... CIT Holly Ho . . Houston Astroworld liver bologna Concession booth Bear Quiz Bowl . SCTV National Honor Society . Grease FOHO Elena Marshmallow " Deluxe" Auburn

mark Andrew AltJcliul


N o man ever hurt his eyesight by looking on th e bright side of things



StM DAY ' 84 Blessy St. Mr. Snowman Meals on Wheels


Hawaiian Punch ·on The Roof!? LIMPY ... CAPPY Jew Boy SLEEPING BAG Crusty Windows DILPERES BRBR 69e r The Brown Syndrome Raisin Cream Pies ... My dad fired me Mel and Sue .. Dead Raven ... Next Day -q1ues

PMFS Strange Places Grody Brown Shanks . Pregame routin e Great Wall Wrestling ... he eat's anything . ..

Snorkels Christian s . .. The Clubhouse ... DESTIN His Dog .. Sunday Stains Hold on, the tub ' s full ... Homecoming .. . Dish Pan Hands The Bucket ... The Collection ... Ch 12 Auction Elmwood Industrial Park .. My knees?? ... Mel ' s lectures ... I' m fine , BOOM .. Thanks to Mom, Dad, and Aimee ... I love you all .. TB , FM and Families, too

Seniors 35


Old boys have their playthings as well as young ones; The difference is in the price. Benjamin Franklin

Eddie Apple . .. watch out! Jim's his bodyguard Pool games, scratchin ' the 8 ball Gulfport Big Ed Vaa Vaa Voom ... val Grace Queen Golf ... " You lucky dog " ... The Buick LSU Room . Key Club Pres Cross Country soccer Cross Country to Belle Chase before the Ecole game with Z-Bob and Psycho! . pizza in Gulfport with Eric ... his sis Treks to NO East ... Leslie? money all over his car and room .. Fnmch Quarter Mardi Gras with EB and TN his eyes ... Golden Toe Casual Cross Country dancing . . Prince dancing machine Hans will drive . .. going- under the bridge . .. Ed's long phone conversations ... Stand Up(Ho Tay) Jamrnin ' . Val 's History " Help me Ed " Ponderoso . .. Sunglasses at night Ted's Air freshener in car . a different girl for every night in Destin picture in photo booth

J!oren ChriJline I.Jerol


I have the simplest of tastes -I am always satisfied with the best!

Oscar Wilde

Lor e n LCB Loreena " It's Loren w / an " o, " not " au " " . best friends with AM and AS love letters from 55 in 6th grade Prelude carpool w / the Williams Hanyshanies (Shanahans) K. KEHOE tennis lessons w / BS swimming ... weenie bikini Secretary -4 yrs Ms Arlene , Big Al, and Miss Andre 16th b-day at Pat O ' s w/ DP , KW, DB, and KF Sweet 16 Joe Lifeguard living across the street from Michael H . Di e ts camping with AM .. deep sea fishing after Cash ' s Ladies' Nite Illahee -8 yrs . . DIET COKE Sewanee w / AM and HJ Prometheus slime Royal Sonesta for Mardi Gras ' 83 and '85 OS and the DLS Prom I love ya! talking back Destin Moods Kirsten ... New Year ' s Eve '84 w / AM and AS . Life ' s a b---- nose job . . . sassy " Wait, I have a question! " . AT IJ ' s, Cafe Banquet, and Fat Harry 's .. . taking pictures Les Ecoliers w / DP ... Jam Box in AM 's car . .. infinity money Shanahan 's ' 84 w / KF Andre on the weekends " Who ' s driving?" wreck another notch HC Cheerbop . Thanks Mom and Dad for everything you ' ve given and done for me .. AM, AS , HJ, DP, CF, TR , AA , KF, and AB -I never could have done it without you. I Love ya always .

36 Se niors
£J'Jar Conrad _Appel

Die f<edey Bo/in<j 1979-1986


I only want to make things last so how could this have gone so fast, and now we're leaving.

Dom Bcept the fact Chuck-a-Luck Alex-"The chemistry" ... Capt'n cheerbop ... Vivian Pepina Sue and ID But Mr. Forbes ... DB, CP, BW - the levee Later on Pecan WEE ID Thrift City World Destruction Fri the 13th Sleeping at Nora's ... Deja Vu . The quote of the day is Mace Shanahan's dog ROCA . Wonna ya lemon Latah . Big Banana ... Ladies Nite Drink and Drown ... 4:00 am calls ... Prince with SK, KW, MG, DB ... Country Truck . .. Greene Country ... Dom, Norma, and Traci are the world Happy Easter ... A door is ajar ... toe Did you talk to Mr. Compagno "and I was nude" ... " come on, move up" PROPA PH A.K. Om Band-aid Lusciously fine lookin' ... Elena Frey ... The microphone of misunderstanding Chaps DB, TL taping RW The Party Van Washington JD nite with Brady, Holly, and Drew Hey Hoser Suburbia Kaboom ... singing with TL in chapel come on nah Toyota Tim E class DUDE! ... Bran ... Manhands Fly ... Prom '85 ... The commercial model Ivy Nothing like a light with your best friend The Jerks ... Weird To the class of '86 - I'll miss you ... Thanks Mom and Dad -I LOVE YOU XXXOOOXXXOOO

Don't stop thinking about tomorrow, don't stop, it will soon be here. It will be here better than before, yesterday is gone, yesterday is gone.

Bol ... October 23, 1984 Sentra Roller Coaster Relationship Tennis Party in N.O. East Tennis? Team Ole Miss Estaban .. Brigette Un.N.O. ID Chimney Wood Diane ... Scuba quarts ... winning Springsteen tickets ... Royal Flush Unemployment '85 ... Key Club VP ... Thrift City Mr. C's Billard's room Tenneco by his house ... Polaroid in the Plaza his bulletin board ... No room for luggage d'Shay 8 ft. Molson bottle ... sailing Luigi's Miami Vice his Mom's great cooking ... Taco Bell Tennis at 1:00 AM ... Destin '83, '85, '86 ... GNC Washington trip Mardi Gras with Ed and Ted Intralox Kinks Concert CONSERVATIVE! his Pizza gourmet cook the bottle collection "Shut up Teddy" East Jesus Greek Pro driver chauvanist ... beverages in the sauna guns ... "No more movies!" daily tan ... bedroom bar ... the boat! ... Happy Tooter . .. cops in Lafreniere Park Animal House future EX

Seniors 37


Be young, be foolish, but be happy. The Four Tops

Marianne Little Ms. Innocence Ria Me llamo Mariana Am I supposed to laugh now? Can you translate? Help! . . The interstate-walk Tubes and snakes St. Elmo's Fire ... I'm in touch with that emotion .. . RHPS Tears for Fears with KF, SM, LD My first Whopper ... apples at McDonald's ... Did you say free lunch? Coconut bread pudding Snadder The Knitting Club calling long distance Tete-a-tete ... hairy legs ... Tut og Kjr Smile! ... Rd '87 'Noli me 'tangere .. "Don't you forget about me ... "Right!"

Sacka CkriJline r/JuJk


Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food. Austin O'Malley

Sacha ... Molasses Cookies cocoons Michael Landon ... Amazon Woman Lady Mud ... the sticky test Experiments in Tae-Kwain-do Mad scientist human popsicle ... UMYF

13 yr. Club Amy Grant May 6, 1985!!! ... Chip 'n' David Sssh-Bssh Freshma French tripping off the alarm at Newman Sushi ... Coach Bower Michael Jackson in 9th grade English Eros and Agape RHPS . . Lots of Love and Luck to the class of '89! ...

38 Seniors
marianne Brydoy


I follow where my mind goes.

Psychedelic Furs "Love My Way"

"Ted" Next day blues Old Crow walking home SAAB .. . Spaghetti and Cheese Dogs THE FARM - Modesto, Calif Welcome Wagon - his sister's friends GRODY BROWN ... "Face down in the pavement" "If you're not 18 you shouldn't be drinking" bush hog "I just want to touch it." .. . DAGO his wardrobe the stripper ... "Get out of the car chief" ROBERTS stat ... Great Wall "That's it, I'm quittin' drinkin'" ... Christians's summer '85 I got the sweet one ... his driving . . earrings "I swear she's 16!" .. dead raven shrub swine Dr. )ekyl and Mr. Torada ... Destin '84 ... StM day '84 ... Globetrotter ... "the interstate is faster" the 'stang ... Goodbye, thanks everyone for everything!!!

John Caldwell Calhoun


Once I cruise Spanish, I'm never going to her side of the building again.

John Stud Soccer in BR #l The Cold ... chicks Florida with the guys the cuff ... The Destroyers ... back rubs, the best ... coo l breezes - warm fires handcuffs oxfords and khaki's Mr. Conservative ... Wolf Creek with the Titans clutter Chuba ... Duff Killer ... Cookie the CALHOUNS ...

Seniors 39


You've got to go through Hell before you get to Heaven Miller

Duf Teddy Bear Webster Cutie Emu Geometry 55 Art in the morning Wake up , Paul. brillo head Trading shirt at parties skromp the boat . . Metromaniac . . Capt. of the ship Destin '85 . . skiing ' Tm not late, am I?" ... Pat O's w / SH and JS Algebra II w /Mrs. Albright ... mellowman ... Party Animal the Boot ... N.S gigolo . . the Bronco

_j(imberf'I Piper Cannon


The more obligations we accept that are self-imposed, the freer we are John Schroeder

Kim ... TR hearts U ... Bear Arkansas .. Rab W.Walk?! Lehotsky MK's snap shirt ... Girls' State Swimming

Berkley . Icees little house Donuts - JR and RR Latin III Brownies - white sugar skiing ... Steamboat Wash. DC ... July 4, 1985 ... Caribbean Kimbaboom ATO parties ?!? ... Sr. Retreat . . Homecoming '84! I luv ya! Homecoming "85 Sweet 16 Movies with OF Party at my house! .. "You owe me lunch" "See this ring!" EASTER ' 85! horse back riding ... Please don ' t leave me Fred will miss you! talk to me ... snowball on Sunday - WOW! . . . Squirrel, Squirrel, Rabbit it's 1:30 - go back to sleep. sleep JR/SR Prom '84 Roses Katherine's swim teacher "Mother" ... TWR

What's wrong Cancun beaches Kimby . . I luv you Mom and Dad! eep-oop-ork -ahah! . .. Siberia polo with JC OS! .. tears help TODD! ... HTB Doc . . Smile!

40 Seniors
Pauf Stephen Cafon;e


So before we end and begin again Let's drink a toast to how it's been. I've loved these days. Billy Joel

Marcie ... Pnut ... Rab ... Miss Marcie . . . Peter ... BMW ... stop signs Alfa Completely Classy stomach muscles soccer ... "Are we swimming today?" ... You're joking, right? ... 2 amwhat does it say? pizza banana boat brownies JR and RR tall, blonde, BV a party - my house? PV pizza man 4:30! Sweet Pete singing 8 to 10 AP BIOLOGY Benny Ha Ha's Jr 1st period straws ATO Little sis WES and KIM HC '85 Mimi's Sp and D DL Sue's Party '82 Godspell Perlis Man tux what? OF Kimby

J!'inlon (}u'i Cooh 111


I can't give you what I don't have.

Guy Lincoln cookieman Spethal, Spethal, Spethal beaker ... JENNY ... Yug . . . the boat . . . Driving RP's truck, Hah . . . Room 208 w / JH, DH, OF, BW, and others . .. NICK'S . . . Big Guy F-Chart Cal i f ' 85 Hi, my name is Greg I wish I were a computer chip soccer in BR #l Cook'em Guy Arkansas - when? yo u , Astro New car? Goon Binaca in the dugout Shaba Daba Dool bottom locker Guysie Christian Brothers snorkling Austin's WT w / RP Chevy Chase out in Drew's Bronco ev iction notices Dio Wolfcreek what's happ in' Zelma-Jake marshmellow fightSr Retreat MKW's house Fr year DH's 18th b-day sleeping on the streets . . . you're deprived ... moped accident . . . The Police ... Babe Ruth ... Taco-Tico . .. red beans and rice - help me - shut up Cook StM-23 Newman-21 haunted house with TL Thanks to all my friends and family for everything

Cathe rine maiden Carte r
Seniors 41


Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character. Happy he who acts the Columbus to his own soul. Strephen

"Justine" Alicia's party .. . no cups? Boo Greek " You wild party animal!" "Didn't I always tell you so?" "A' .. . studying at McD .. "Could you please speak up?" . .. "Please help me with the poetry explication" The Lyre ... where are we going for lunch? "I have my apple" .. Agape and Eros tripping off the alarm at Newman Rocky Horror Show Discussing stocks and bonds in Mr Witman's advisory meeting Mademoiselle Cotsoradis Peeling McNuggets Lishia, Bye, Thanks ... Danielle's Project .. .

Robin ofee ;})auferiue


Do nothing out of selfish Ambition or vain conceit

But in humility consider others better than yourselves Each of you should look not only to your own interest, But also to the interest of others. Philippians 2 : 3, 4 (NIV)

Robin mad fullback ... knocking over port-o-lets St. Pat's Day Rockin' Robin ... MADDOG Spanish with Ms. Baier ... have faith in your tree ... Banana Boat 2:00 am - What does it say? Robin's numbers - 129 DESTIN '85 FREEDOM singing musicals How young is he, Robin?! .. . MONKEES D and F twins Chiquita W-BAP .. . Godspell BFC Betsy ... "Life goes on!" Marleen Dauterive M and M's RCco ... biking ham sandwiches at Sam's deep convo's until 2:30 THE DUNGEON Cruising Poplarville .. freaking out Ms. T on Sr Retreat I hate to get wet! . .. BTO . P ASCA CONAN ... 2JWRed and 7 The Knitting Club I'm quitting tonight Uptown Girl . . W-THUD Wrappers's Delight .. . Billy Mayo Ruby Tuesdays Oack) Don't laugh if it's not funny

None a' that ... SM, MK, CH, KF, CF Mrs. C ... Andy psychology ... good-weird Hugs ex-yat and dr SAMOM ... Gregs soccer, softball Bin, Bobbin, Bouf(toi) William Feibleman Cajun Food ... M.R.S.C Jodie Foster . . Joy 102

'Tm gonna grow up and be best friends with Amy Grant!"

MYF Christian I' m weird, but I'm happy!!! ...

42 Seniors
JuJfine Julia CofJoradiJ

'J)avin Jojeph 'J)avini


I'm a ramblin' guy.

Steve Martin

Dav Cobras Metallica Fix-a-Dav Founder of the attic

BEARCLAM Long Island w/out White Lightnin' Nick 0

Teen VH Marshall Modified Strat Baby Bic New Vettes "Bad Friday night, 'cause I forgot it " Mint Cut Compagno's class w/ Todd Mom always AWAKE when he comes home "I've got the tape for the night" the closet w / Rich before crafts " EVH, the GREATEST" Audi Zeppelin lover in 7th grade "It says sprocket, not socket" Lana's party Franko ' s class "Can't wait till Friday " In-house suspension kill Zissis "Davin, come to the office, please " Clay w / Mills' trombone Ring pro "I can ' t work on weekend nights " ... ID forger . .. Paul eating his roast beef the 2nd time around ... 31 IBF's in Middle school ... Dove hunting in his backyard clean room Geology w / Wesley Fed ' s $2 nights

Wop Scared of Richard's dog Cuv it Cheg! Cuv it throwing up in Civics exam Nightrain? Road trip to River Oaks GK at RG's party " We got five minutes, let's go across the street " "Gimme four cheeseburgers and a glass of water"

J!ija .Ann 'J)ubhn


And these children that you spit on as they try to change their world are immune to your consultations - they ' re quite aware what they ' re going through - changes '

All I wanted was a Pepsi!

Suicidal Tendencies

BOO Hey Guls! Marion Dude Baby Beast I lead an alternative lifestyle The Shop MAC ATTACK Get a real haircut LC, PF, SG OOBOOSKABOO Zeus! Copeland's on St. Charles Cindy's party A Fiat can go 148.6 Lisa What a concept uptown zig, zig , Zigmunt CRL " The Power! " 1 Cell stogie JR year Don ' t get all uncool and heavy Neil mellow out take a chill pill Goon language Japanese P P what is used to scare off demons ... the bowling commercial . .. locked in the bedroom .. . take responsibility for your laundry IHA T weekend Pee Wee H e rman Korous white hair? " I don ' t remember" xroads the poof Apt. #412 Lookin' stupid snurp punt it . . . Blue demon . . . paper clothes . . . breakdown in Psychology Cuco ' s Zacks He-aaay! for lease call Joe Dude Bra Wicked Nice-KD Chili Charlie's take care of us Beast The sorry sorry Unagi "Somebody" Sushi Heaven Smoke Out! Edited Dot Dots Roon - I'll love and miss ya -1 more year - DO IT!

Seniors 43

Yat/leen Sl..annon :J.orJ


And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make The Beatles

Leeny ... Bean KK . Jesuit boys Jesuit party before trig final ... HM and GG Jesuit HC '84 with Nick Patrick , find me a date - please! Bobby Carolyn, MH, PS, JM I play a real guitar is that like a tail the knife ... Carolyn, please don't leave me with these people! Cheap Trick with CF drama room lunches ... is Blake really your cousin? MD another new car? Mustangs FREEDOM D and F twins . .. he can date me Destin '85 with SM, PB, and MS 4:30 am with Mand B C'est cool waiter/clothes designer at Cucos 1st pd geology with RD, CF, CH, and Mrs. C MONKEES the Beatles ,. Steven TC at Tortilla Flats StM plays ... Carrot Top the knitting club CSR and SRC Laughter! Kris and Dorsey Christmas Sub Debs '84 ... decorating Louis' room with LD get a real haircut road trips to LSU! 4:30 am for Tears for Fears with Sam Danny C Opinions! Sam and Leeny in trig with the Senior boys Vicki get over it ... I guess you had to be there I can handle it 2:00 am heart-to-heart with NW Birgit The Monty Python Club ... "Bring me a-Shrubbery!"

"Run away, run away!" "a bit, a bit" I'm not from Mississippi Robin's version of Uptown Girl Billy F Ires cute I'm in touch with that emotion Zack attack June 6, 1985 I love you all

Bruce ;})avid (}faJJen Jr.


The victor has his victory for his pains. Stephen Vincent Benet

#66 ... WWI ... Highway 88 Ashley TJ's animal ... Supernova ... Biology Cash's AD-DT '84 Ecole can't find Bruce at the beach Bourbon Street ... It's rag dude P. Whipped The Boot ... Gladiator's 2 hours to take Moan home Metro ... Ponderosa's mammoth L.M Sandpiper pier

M&M's Algebra II Dorothy Destin '84 ... Anne T Double team Mardi Gras '84 . . . Talbot's lawnchair

Fudrucker's in FLA CD ... Bridgette Mardi Gras '85

Celeste in FLA ... STUD Dude Chase at the parade-blood BRST always ... Kenner curfew SubDebs Prom Graf's party Russel's party Daises Ridgewood Freshman

World's Fair Destin '85 Football State Playoff's Summer '85 Ecole 19 StM 27 ... CD 31 StM 45 OG ILB

Never Surrender football camp AT !I's pitrnobile .. . Ecole Pre-Destin Bash ... Spanish class with Pedro The Byrd Newman Fight Soccer fullback StM 2 Franklin I .. . Kevin's Condo Nick's Which one? Senior Retreat Seascape LSU 7-4 Cheese finally 17 ... 16th hole Inlet Reef Rod's City Park Party Extravaganza II ...

44 Seniors


Thanks for the memories

Bing Crosby

Stine Monty Python ... and there was much rejoicing - yea . .. Civics w / MK, RD , SM . AL jr wild and crazy teach me how to knit Soccer Queen ... Are we swimming today?

TICKLISH hugs - love taps W-BAP Prom ' 85 . .. Geo w / RD, KF ,CF, and Mrs C The Mad Scientist Don ' t laugh if it ' s not funny .. . TRM accents ... Yes - I'm Spanish M&M's - RC Inc ma locka crushes . . JC bahuma . SOS . .. the word sarcastic humor Oh well, life goes on Guess you had to be there or at least a mile away ... never runs out of energy Baton Rouge Come on nah RD ' s 17th B-Day surprise . kidnapping the freshman soccer players ... joke war w / Drew ... Maria , I did not steal your energy Meg N . acquaintance . .. MRS. C Spanish class w / Pedro Green Tank , Pulsar Porsche . define obnoxious - Christine softball . . . Chris the Chemist . blonde bombshell .. Zack's for Mrs. C . . quejarse, quejarse , quejarse . Who? Me? Robin and I share Paul ... I'm suppose to be in class right now Dad and Mom - Gracias y os amo SM , MK, RD, KF, CM, VS, and all the rest -I lov e ya ' ll Mrs. C, Mrs. T, and Pedro - Thanks mucho for todo StM -I love you . . Class of '86 - I love most of ya ' ll and I'll miss you Hasta la vista . ..

.A-ndrew ';])avid .JJerringfon


If we only wanted to be happy it would be easy; But we want to be happier than other people , Which is almost always difficult , Since we think them happier than they are. Montesquier

I want to keep on making music We've got to keep on keeping on You ' re only as good as your last record ; You know that some day we ' ll be gone. BTO

Drew ... Droodles Ah! It ' s the old - routine! . . Weeble Wobble . Th e Turkey Sanford White Dog Avenger the leg Rm 208 .. The Ouzo Dance . . I'm playing my cards right 18th B-Day in the boat . . Nick 's The Game Plan Aspen .. . JD night w / HK and DB .. Computer Geek . .. Lurch Mike Corley One -legged dancing . .. you Astra Tequila surfing w / Mark Brok e dancing My ' Dream -a bad a - Bronco Joke war w / Christine Spanish 3 Muskateers- JJ, MM , DH Summer School Specialist Rocket Full in the sunset w / Mark and Jimmy when the dog bites, you gotta bite it back the 13, 14 ye ar club Oh Yeah! Let's Rock ' n Roll shake it easy ... Don ' t let your meatloaf The Freshman Foursome- MM, PV , BW, DH I wish I had a million dollars The Pres

Seniors 45


It's better to be stupid for a moment Than ignorant for a lifetime


When the dog bites, bite it back.

D. Herrington

Jimmy ... Paula the Socials ... Charles Peach My name is Lau ponytail homo ... Lafreneire Park w / RP, LA, JH, and SY Mr T Cereal w / Bud Ouzo Nick's ... the Appliance .. his hair and bracelets ... Destin '84 his music REM turtle ... the machine EMU ... computer geeks - JH and DH slide, slide, slip and slide ... Mick Minnie III ... Rozie's soccer - BR '85 - 1st ... IKE get a haircut ... nose

Rocket fuel in the sunset w / MM and DH Skromp in the morning #4 Blue Highway /DH #10 ... soccer Pedro BMW Wendy's morning w / MM and GC 2/3 - 57 yd .. .

Violent Femmes Jimmy the Greek . . . Drew's 18th B-day ... earing on Sr. Retreat 208 318i ... Why be normal Thanx to Mr. Perez and especially Mom and Dad for their love and support ... Thanx to all my best friends PSO, MM, DH, GC, PC, JH, BW and L Thanx ... bandana bracelets - the origination StM 23Newman 21 . .

Ann marie .Jngolia


For long you live and high you fly

But only if you ride the tide

And balanced on the biggest wave You race toward an early grave.

Roger Waters

Ann, aka Max the Knife wait, wait, don't get my knife wet ... the Gerber ESAD FOAD ... the last hippie Grace Slick cannibal song Spanish getting kicked out of Ms. Long's U S. History class The Bomb obscene bumper sticker - SYM editor Lyre queen soccer goalie InGOALIEya ... hey man that's a crock "I don't like skirts" Levis Lower School Terrorist Chris Jones and Mrs. Hughes and her migrains ... omnipresent Walkman - "is it attached?" Pink Floyd Neil Young peace, man Rocky Hororor ... go for the gold moccasin boots help! it's cool dude ticklish feet ... better sense than incense it's better to bum out than to fade away ...

46 Seniors


When I leave I don't know what I'm hoping to find, And when I leave, I don't know what I'm leaving behind. Rush

Jim SAM BARTHE ... Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, Jumbo, Dumbo ... The Metro liar ... Destin '85 Blue Bomber ... Prince bicycle u-know-what #75 ... pool w /Ed parlimentarian? ... the handshake Sting Jr/Sr Prom '85 w/ ES, HR, CM, GD . 32 oz stack Angus Young Padty w / EA and EB Mr. Recordstore bum Rick Springfield ... Kevin + ES (gotcha!) Turtle(blak and blu) can+ floor= notch ACE and AL food .. Oingo Boingo bad jokes and great comebacks The Sun-In Trick s leeping in Mickey's class ... the beard Catholic girls ... FM and TB in the Desert Ex, A, B, C, xl XI, X2: none worked pizza in Destin James Bond Pinto(it blew up) limo w / Mr. Bob novelist Potemkin film God on the phone Coach Hostile/ leg drives "It's 8 am" Rice Krispies The Spanish 3: down w / Mrs. B RatherRapidRate(I don't speed) "you're vile" Thanks to Mr. Ellis, Pedro, Tug, Doc, Mickey, and Mr. U ... Good luck to Bo!, Neff, Turtle, ES, Carlos, Gant, D. Monte, Frank M, Doug, Jason C, Nancy W, and you To Eddie A, Ted B, and Hans - may you have the best of luck and thanks for being great friends Most of all, my love and thanks go to Mom and Dad for their love, support and faith throughout the years

_J.jifar'J Ann Jach!>on


Perfect by definition is the best one can be; therefore, I am perfect because I am the best I can be.


So long, farewell, it's time for us to go "Sound of Music"

Hi! Bean Brain Hillbean Jackson hangout ''I'm sooo tired" doubling and shopping w / Kim fights with John ... "We're in the newspaper for Pat O's" Christmas Eve at John's ... Les Ecoliers asleep at Sat's Sewanee w / AM and LB trying to study exams w / John O 16th birthday w / AM, LB, AS, NJY Sam(B.A.C.CH.) spy club David's trunk sliding in the ice over NO bridges w / DS ... "Groovy" Allison's convertible in the winter Poe's hand in the car door ... walks in the park "Don't touch the windows!" OKE rush parties Johbn Dreiling dancing "No Way!" .. . talking fast Kim's keys locked in the car " but, John, I'm the only girl here!" "Fright Night" False river with SF and LG Dad and cat in pool Audi 5000 turbo .. "You can spend the night at Hilary's House" house" "Stop eating my dress!" tubing forever ... "Let's ask the twins " cult movies .. . fashion fashion show w / AM, MN, and TG ... drowning rats on the beach ... World of Wheels w / JD and KL . .. psycho bare foot St. Martin's Angel I ain't got nobody

Seniors 47


Take your time, think a lot, think of everything you ' ve got For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not. Cat Stevens

"KAT" Rich great driving record ... omen I hear ya, Toyota the knee . . . the 3 B's seweet 16- ' 84 Pink Gorilla Miss. Summer House Wolf River - Our River 2 girls20 guys The Fearsome Five Interstate-110 at 3:30 It's a country truck Mardi Gras '85 Snuggle Harbor .. . 8th grade New Year's Eve w /Douglas and Drew G&t Levee nigh tMKW ' s house Sat. detention every week - KK, TL, HK taking Kim G ' s car Spit Sisters! ... " Fred" and the tubing trip Do somethin' - say somethin ' Cheerbop 8-10 Metro-home at 10 :30 . .. cheerleading camp '85" I just want to talk to Rich! " . . . Ash-Destin ' 85 confidence night ... black eyes killer rake! The Fly LSU w /KJW the Snake ... Spring Sub Debs Fantasy Island w /BW KJW's tragedy weekend TJ's HC '85Mini pep rallies Summer ' 84 - Take off to Destin! "We ' re only friends, I swear!" Later on, pecans! I love ya - BW, MM, DH, GC , JH, and PV Special thanks and love to: HK, WEEK , CAP , DB, TL , Rich, Mom, Karl and to my Dad who always knew I could do it And to St. Martin 's: Thanks for the best and most special years I ever knew

(lien Patrick Yefle'I


It's not which way th e wind blows, but how you set your sails


Always do right. This will gratify some and astonish the rest. Twain Mark

Glen Psycho! Cross Country to Belle Chase before the Ecole game with Z-bob and Apple Running into the tree at Bill ' s house Hom e coming ' 84! HaHa! Haus the Weege . 4 :00 am caller Graf's party ... Swimming in what? Help me I'm falling I had a crush on you in 10th grade a one man riot .. . Late night calls to Dom . I like girls Rosie Am History w / Long ... cramming at Fitz ' house for th e WAM e xam Your brother 's so weird You look maarvalous The Attic ... Chinese food The thing in Atlanta Outdoor Ed .. . Mickey's English class Wrestling . I don't drink Well , not anymore! To relieve stress - Shut up Blake . .. I'm in love HH's on MGD ' 85 Mardi Gras ' 85 w / Paul, Robert , Clay , and Todd Cheering at football games with Richard and Davin Rambo The " P" at the Marriot DF Lee Thanks a lot to Mom and Dad, Mickey (for making me think), and Rosie for being there and St Martin ' s for letting me be me

48 Seniors

--4niay (lovinJ _J(e!Jwani


:Jerri Sondra _J(ogull


Every ending is just another beginning for whatever you leave behind, there is something you take with you.


JAP ... Chris .. Mouk's Madonna BBYO SoFTY ... who turned off the radio Ford Escort Smoke Out ... fake roads and 1-way streets "Don't worry about it" Great Wall Cuban and Russian A ... flying elephants ... I Would Die 4 U The Gummi ... "I didn't drive in" ... Cindy's party ... Sea King experience .. endless phone calls Copeland's on St. Charles . the Y Formals ... "you're going out with WHO?" Cucos . meep meep ... is it sacrilegious to wear a cross "Don't give me a hard time" firecracker in the car on 1-10 ... Polo and Kouros ...

FREEDOM StM plays ... The Fly KGB Les E '84 Pat O's on Labor Day . 148.6 . drama room lunches attack of the albino blanket ... Prom '85 quejarse, quejarse, quejarse De La Salle Back to School Dance Bongo Summer '85 w / ML, SH, HD, JB, BG ... animal crackers and sunflower seeds ... Femmes concert Thrift City ... Sarah's party . .. Homecoming '85 ... Deja Vu ... DK, EG, SS, MM, SC, and AB - my bestest friends Thanx to everyone especially Lisa, Danielle, and Kathleen - never forget the memories from the past 4 yrs!!! And to Mom, Dad, and Todd - I'll always love you. Goodbye STM. TO THE FUTURE

The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it But what he becomes by it.

An jay ... Bunga Top Ten ... "Just a Gigolo" ... "An jay, crawl back on your water buffalo" ... camels "Wake up, Anjay, class is over" ... sit-ups in the library ... What a bod Great physical condition Football Mgr ... Party animal ... cat ... death by Bunga Taj Mahal . Lions Club parking lot ... Beedies Biology class ... Oh, no, not again JB ... CD brown sugar What's that hickey on your neck? ... Grungy ... Kamala the Ugandan giant ... Senior year Saints ate Greenie meat 23-21 Saints ...

Seniors 49

1975-1978, 1983-1986

Life is what you make of it.


Maria . . Mar K ... New York ... Pennsylvania ... vacationing Grecian Islands and guys Chians conventions Warren JV .. . Supra ... Greek Festival 1983-1986 ... dancing ... Biloxi Greek Nites ... New Orleans Greek nights w / John and Hilary ..

Denny's ... I have never the refrigerator the Pyramid ..

SILVER jewelry ... (l+B)M ... (F+J)P ... brothers .. Lynne ' s puz- zle ring Jesuit Steven and Martin ' s ... Maria Christakis Boufo! . Dirty Mind bad compliment TZ ... dinnerProm '85 Dominos party like a Greek .. Ouzo NV Panama City ... mobile .. New Year ' s Day '84 my-locka . going out w / T, L, and G spelling problem Jesuit drives w / Mary MRS. C ... soccer ... softball ... come on nawh party w / Big Gulp .. studette . .. for-sale signs Tower of Trihes fire alarms 'Da Park ... Na! Mike's dancing sash ... Crazy Greek Huh? ... you've got great diagonols! .. I don't resemble my mom! ... football game talk w / RD and Sandra . . Chemistry don't steal my energy! Sam's driving confusion I'm so lost! . Sun Goddess arguing w / MR Chios 1974, 1980-19?? summer crushes Vamos A La Karavel! ... Special thanks to Mom, Dad, and the best friends ever - Mike, Maria C, Sam, Roula , Maria S, ILYA, Bobby, Mike K, Angeliki K, Christine, Robin, and You! Thanks for everything! I LOVE YOU ALL!

.JJofly marie .J<uebel


The key to happiness is having dreams, The key to success is mak- ing them come true.


So far away, doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore - doesn't help to know you're just time away Carole King

Holly . MARIE .. . de Seville Clarine BK Lounge ... " But I'm too young!" - 8th grade N. Y.'s Eve - Douglas and Drew wig check Craig Cheerbop Fishie Cotter pin ... Bee JD nite w / DB, BW, and DH ... hook'em horns- LSU-LSU Teq nitemare fist fights w / CP ... "It's a country truck " Wolf River nightly men ... Baby Doll The 3 B' s Allison Andry Cheeta Hilly Boobies .. DESTIN . BE condo Cash's Bandana Bracelets FEARSOME 5 StM Sweet 16 . .. Todd D ... THE BOOT What's Happenin' Dude! Levee nite at MKW's house under the table w /Evans The Fly Patrick P ... ? What chicken butt Kathryn's sis ... totally DKE "they're your brothers!" interstate 1-10 at 3:30 . "Fred" - tubing trip ... summer crushes Special thanks to Mom, Dad, Cheryl and the family and best friends: Kat, Guy, Dom, Mark, Chris, Paul, Week, Drew, Traci, Jim, and Brady - I'LL LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!!!

50 Seniors

ChriJlopher John J!eopofJ 1981-1986

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that know not victory or defeat. Theodore Roosevelt

I never let schoo l interfere with my education. Anonymous

Z-Bob His crawfish boil in the river w /PV, RP, BS, TZ His legs ... went to ROA ... CC ST ATE Champs '83 Nissan truck Snorting chalkaine CC to Belle Chasse w /EA, GK I'm not chauvinistic, just practical Fishing w /PV, TZ, RP Geology party his Aunt's house 5th period Geology class All-State traffic was bad Crashing at PV's after track meets ... Rusty U.S.L. Lynn, shut up! This is stupid! shooting pool w /JR ... Oscar's Gone Fishin Cajun Magic Picking up hitchhikers StM 13 BC 6 How long does it take you to get to school? ... Track Where the hell is Belle Chasse the haircut at camp Bedico ... Leopold Oh my goodness oh my soul, I just saw Chris Leopold Thanks to StM and faculty, Mr. Labaree, Coach Rice, for the unforgettable 5 year experience Special thanks to Mom, Dad, ABO w / Love Plan your work, work your plan ... I did it June 6th 1986 The day

..Alicia ..Ann J!avi<;ne 1982-1984, 1985-1986

Time may change me but I can't trace time

David Bowie

We thought we had the answers but it was the questions we had wrong. I can hear the children crying, take me home. U2

What we do not have seems better than everything else in all the world but should we get it, we want something else.

"Lisha" C.M.S .... 1/2 Country Day ... sailing skiing soccer softball toes ... Artist jam'n parties the Boot .. . the Fly Spring Break '85, Fort Walton, Blue Horizon Mardi Gras '85 Apollo Ball '85 my party w / no cups ... Arkansas Sweet 16's camp T.M.C M.B. 2-1-85 Leroy ... veeg Louie ... Rob, swimming at 3:30 am .. . 18-wheelers sneaking out the blue mobile rolling ... Dr. Tichenor's green apples Christmas tree scent ... barefeet old songs Violent Femmes Big Chill U2 yesterday tommorrow Charley whose ring? behind the sand dunes electric seat buttons Do you know where your mattress is? cooking waffles when C's parents came home do the time warp ... my obnoxious sister Urs. Lions . .. Hey Boo, thanks for everything ... What are we doing for lunch? popcorn and Diet Coke are you coming? dreams we're in babes Humanities ... Chirp see - Food from Christine "I can't talk up, it's naturally that way" ... bye now thanks Mom, Dad, C., and StM Love ya'II

Seniors 51


Laughter is not a bad beginning for a friendship and it is by far the best ending for one Wilde

The fun is not having nothing to do but having something to do and not doing it. Anonymous

Triky LON "Do you know where Touro is?" MARDI GRAS '85 TL loves ART class "I hate you for that!" ... Scott, USM and the hubcap . .. hook'em horns Licorice Sticks Monster Mouth ... Tylertown ... The Rocket ... "Dom, Norma, and Traci are the world" ... "You crazy!" ... Rocky Sosa - the Spanish Connection ALWAYS locking herself out of her house Studying for exams with DCB ROCA "Mom, I'm sleeping at Trey's house." ... Kand Miles at TS Tl's boardin' house .. In the name of RUV her laugh ... Fluffs Bitour Brother Picking up guys on slope .. . Partying ... He's bummin . . . Cafe Du Monde w / OW going out w / Vinings green brew her dimples ... road trips . . Mace Arguille Mays . Happy zapato pueblo Thanks to my dad and Terry for making a lot possible Thanks especially to my mom for always being thereI LOVE YOU! ... Thanx to ALL my friends - I'll miss you all so much! I couldn't have made it without any of you ... Also to LON for making so many years the best -I LOVE YA! Thanx Mommy-TE QUIERO MUCHO!! It's been a blast - HK, DB NJY!!!

':lJou'JfaJ Steven of:'lnne


And after all the violence and double talk There's just a song in all the trouble and the strife You do the walk, you do the walk of life. Mark Knopfler- " Walk of Life"

Why worry, there should be laughter after pain There should be sunshine after rain These things have always been the same So why worry now. Mark Knopfler-"Why Worry"

Doug PCjr ... Latin I-III Club the hair .. Go west, young man swimming D!O!U!G! grungy Goodbye NO!! Big 32 long distance calls YG '82-'85 I-Mark diesel the bridge ... JI 5:30 am

52 Seniors

(leorge ':J.rankhn ma'JJ


You just can't wish for your dream to come true, You have to make it happen Pee-Wee Herman

Frank Channel 12 Auctions Latin I-III snorkels CS

The Frarm - Modesto, Calif ... Saab Nick's Mr. Snowman

The Bucket The Collection ... Pre-game routine Great Wall "How about off" Shag . Christians walking home PMF my good friend Jack X-mas; AB ... Crusty Windows

skanks EIP-lime Perrier Prom, Jr hair grease and bow tie ... Sweet 16's autophile . .. rides in the country ... Sandmar

Mustang/Suburban Hollywood . .. party " about go " TB and the tree polyester women Hawaiian Punch ... Fly Blessy St on the rouf cappy the sweetone - JC ... the AL sleeping bag .. . Benotto w / quarters .. coppertone

MEL and SUE 16 Candles Chemistry mabh attack critical mas ... the rat/lamb dog ... Citroen MA - the phone and tub ... Swiss Army - the tweezers Dead Raven carwash Edge fight w / MA Rm. 101 slow eater Tropical Isle quarters "sorry, AM only" JH and cops MKWCivics ... ann you !#@?* MA, TB, FM, and the whole gang Many thanks to the Butlers and Altschuls, especially my parents

JoJeph mark mc('J;nniJ

1976-1980, 1982-1986

It's not how big the man is in the fight, It's how big the fight is in the man Woody Hayes

Never say DIE. StM Football Team '85

Mark #11 ... Hammer StM 23, Newman 21 the QB Steve Stone Teg surfing ... Rambo Andra Nick's .. WT Nights ... Arkansas girls Destin '85 the big fight ... St. Paul's Ecole game '83 CD game '84 Audi Spoiled Ouzo lost himself at AT II's Fat Boys Football and Basketball Captain Clorets with DH 11:55 StM Wonderboy Miss B's asleep, don't worry about it .. Destin '84 HK and CP "Sunday and Tuesday" 4:30 am - Mark needs to talk Football camps in Ocean Springs 14 but Awesome ... Padre Bob Rocket Fuel in the sunset with DH and JH fine as wine ... limo rides with Hugh ... 6th grade HK and DH KK and MM ... Bandana bracelets the Mac attack ... Lana freshman year It's a Wendy's kind a morning with JH and GC ... Thank you to all my coaches especially Coach Rice for leading me in the right direction To my best friends JH, GC, BW, DH, PV, HR, and KK- thanks for being the most awesome friends a buy could have To my Dad, Mom, Kelly, Paul, Michael, Kodi, and Kristen- thank you for giving me the best start on life

Seniors 53

Samantha Ann mc..9nni"


Since God made us to be originals, why stoop to be a copy. Billy Graham

SAM racing green Porsche woman Kids? Hah 157 .. . Do you have my life? ... Ozzy?!? 4:30 w / Bean - Tears for Fears rippled shirt ... stuffed bunny tris w / Harry " I like to learn." mentally ill people Prom '85 ... school in socks

"HOLA , chica!" BLUE fingernails?? ... Mrs. Mary I don't get mad Mark's wrestling shoes Live, Love, and Laugh ... pk and blk ... PB's art Barnie the traffic director .. the word LUCEDALE ... Cuco's I've known u 4 7 years? I bought it, I drive it, I love it . 18-wheelers INDEED shoe collection

GEOGE ... Lime Perrier Sweet '16' ... Samon "I talked to Christ in the hall." MRS. C ... Samolinabdo HUGS B/f and aft pies No hurting here, ever Outdoor Ed Destin '85, '86 TC's w / TLC fork-n-egg C'est coo(l) ... like a lollipop KF, MS, PB, SM - Rm 107 be on the beach watch it ... D-n-F the beach scene ... FREEDOM Summer in Paradise mountain THE DUNGEON JC KK RC Holland Scout PASCHA .. PARIS McD's Mrs. Baier .. Jacque P ... Smile, God loves u lots of luck- StM family-Bouftoi, Mark, Stine, Max, Bean My family I'll miss ya'll and Chap's

Carina meUum


Man mener sa mangt med det man sier, Men en da litt mer med det man portier Li vet er hardt, Men nadelcest. Anonymous

Carina Ina ... "Memory" Prom '85 - Rice Krispies, Mr. Bob, Es, HR, FF, and GD Haraball lunch at McD's with RD The Knitting Club liver extract ... Pusur TEARS FOR FEARS .. Tete-a-tete with Marianne B, I'm in touch with that emotion .. Swimming-CS, LK, and A ... At Stravinski with Camilla ... Mitra Chickelacke- chickelacke- show-show-show . . RHPS the pig's sad because it's going to die ... Apple-sandwiches pink Caviar

54 Seniors

AhHa rhco!e miller


You can't get away with the crunch Cuz the crunch always gives you away. Cap'n Crunch

Alissa .. Miss Aliss . . Liss We ID Otay panky midget feet and big lips pool sharks at the Metro ... only in a jeep clang clang clang .. 3-wheelin tractor trips in sun sweet 16 at Moran's . . my car has 3 transmissions roga rides with MM TR-This is a good icee Marco polo w /LF and CF . . Fat Harry's at 4am cheese fries exam cram at the fly Homecoming cheerbop Destin drama king Alf .. happy cop ... What do I need? ... late nite drive thrus ... she needs to be calmed . .. 2 different shoes on a date ... DE-nots at Nick's wake up and smell the soy sauce baby . pictures ... exploration '85 World's Fair w /NJY, TD, JT, BR, and MM ... AS, AM, LB - 3 musketeers ... blueb ird GQ fashion show w /HJ, TG, and MN .. deep sea fishing after Cash's ladies nite .. cemetaries w / Ann L .. . strawberries and rice peppy naps K at Time Saver Houston's Redrum ... parties at CE and Hj's Sewanee w /HJ and LB Prometheus BK lounge AT2's Cafe Banquet - Dec 31 Boston snorkles at MA's ... doughballs at Mothers's Stanislaus w /TL and NJY ... "Christine" lunch at CD driving LY's car GODSPELL Kristin TV theme songs . .. w /JR, RP, CF and BC ... thumper ... Thanx to the Schwartz's, Berot's, Bob, JJ, RP, NAM, Jeff, and Lisa, RR) and LA), LF, LG, HJ, TR, MM, CE, AJL, HAS, LCB, Mamma and Papa, Millers ... Mom-I Jove you!

It's been a trip ya'll! .. .

~heodore ';J)iuquid r/e//


If you think I'll stand around as the world goes by, You're thinking like a fool, 'cause it's a case of do or die Out there is a fortune waiting to be had, If you think I'll let it go, you're madYou've got another think comin'.

Nerf Lilly ... The Bear ... Magruder's pony-man The Cleaver's Beaver 2(G+T)'s The Grand Prix Dustin instant neighborhood Bull's Corner secret part ies ... tapes cha1wanist USCL ... wrecks and tickets ... breaking into his roomm not another movie ... quarts Cleaver's Cove too tall Cynical MASH 4077 the embezzlement CCL Mariner's Cove Terdy Nerf The Wease l . .. losing race to Pete ... cancer-lip .. "gimme a dip" Geology Dr. T. D Nelson . .

Pat O'Briens American Cars ... Zeppelin, Priest twin cousin Doogit ... peeling out everywhere Ilsa Mardi Gras with Ed and Eric '84 .. the hatchet the shotgun his awful Homecomings

Weaver's ... Chris Owens Lark St. scene grounded Plaza

Polariod thrown in the pool at Hilary's party no gas . Taco Bell missing the Sr. Retreat ... Bearin' behind Graf's classroom church low the mawn Sharps h oo ter ... Lamborghini Jost on Mardi Gras Day H . Chemistry with Graf ... Bomb Ursuline Uraslime Runaway June and Ward . Love Bites

Seniors 55


Memory keeps the past alive And a good past is a bundle of todays well lived

Christi D on the B smallpage ... Lester ... Tuno ... skylark DB, BW, CP - on the levee Radimir ... Shanahan's ladies nite PROPA light fixture . Riley ... wait-listen cap't cheerbop EYC kidnap-BS ... the fearsome five H.A.S Prom 85? bubble-dub ... I hear ya Toyota ... Cash's Faux Pas UNC-LSU-Hook'em horns "Tuesday" ... Teq. nitemare When is your nail coming back? ... confidence nite ... bathtub .. roga CP-KW little talks ... woodchuck the P'UP .. Babydoll-Babydoll Pat O's - "I go to UNC" Chap's Destin lagoon . Chappecan "I got ya plate numbers." ... get it "awn" ... Alexis bracelet ... ya jammin' quiteselaropa ... The Fly ... no c., no p ! Sebacious! ... "I wanted to fly" . . m. cars in destin the Circle Jerks - "a slammin' affair" 4:30 at the air- port Lisi. iced tea ... crusin' ... beautimus Chr-is OAP and CAP ... the natural Joanna 3:30 at 110 on the interstate - HK, KK, CP World Destruction ... the deva suit fist fights with HK ... 'Tm gettin' excited-" ya lemon ... Love to "Marie, Jane, Anne, Celeste, Helen, and Anita."


Why must you waste your life away You've got to live for today then let it go.

Never wait or hesitate get and give before it's too late You may never get another chance.

I guess one of the saddest things about growing bigger, and older, was that no one was large enough, or strong enough, to pick you up and hold you close and make you feel that safe again. Anonymous

Diann ... Don the B CAP and OAP - the food triples

My piggy has a first name it's - let's go to the Bay motorcy- cle man, Mardi Gras Day ... Ml or M2 Dairy Cow 13 yrs1 ... athletic Diet Pepsi 844B lassolicerice ... let's listen to this song one more time ... Pammy ... Munchkin Miguel UB40 phone bills ... Living in a Picture B might all Lite Weasel .. P-L-U-N-K-U-S ... AA, DD, LP, DP - Grandma's house - how did they know?

56 Seniors

Robert cfee Pettit 111


It isn ' t a party ' ti! something gets broken! St. Elmo ' s Fire

Robert The Bronco SMU bound JR/SR Prom w / CP

Austin ' s WT snorkles w / GC woodchuck Shaba daba doo

Carrot Top Have fun with me Latin I-III Club Mardi Gras ' 85 Happy Buddah w / GK, SY, LA, and Beth Murphy's with PW and CT ... Pretenders concert on RB ' 84 ... Colin's car ... Ralph with CT Pey ' s Iii bro his football career you mean to tell me they fenced in the water hole droopy I love you Rob , but " you ain't got nobody" ... The pizza provider ... Binaca in the dugout painting my body for Newman game with PC and GK " Not this cowboy " take me top off your car " What happened" The Green Machine Beau water skiing w / BW people drowning at spillway 8th grade Latin w / CT, TZ, and BW chasing people w /LA 13 Year Club

Wendell Clw,e Pl.il/;pt,


If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired of waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies; Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise. Rudyard Kipling

Chase #28 Christian ' s Vermillion Hunt his farm PH after golf practice finally going out with a swinger don't rag my car Prom night switchin ' at the Prom Destin '85 summer school 4 yea~ letterman Biology Class Algebra II class T-Bird trashing KL ' s house sharin' M and M ' s Nick's . .. The Metro ... The Boot ... HC '83 ... Cash's ... Destin ' 84 ... papagayos ... Mexico ... New Laredo ... Boystown ... watching Mr. Rogers his Jet Ski The Inlet Reef alarm clock at Maria ' s ... Bracelet from Destin . .. BF ... Mardi Gras ... Bourbon Street sleeping in a strange room 18 lunch leave before Florida 200 SX crash crash AK KL parties laying out pumping up Pedro Beedie FB Limpy Ewok CB talk Sandpaper City Park

Seniors 57

'J)ino Jojeph RaJojfa


I'm cleaning cleaning my brain. David Byrne ? ... Computers $MONEY$ nature ... That car Diving . .. P.E. stud! EXERCISE LEADER ... Mustang G.T ... . McDonald's Prince ... burn rubber ... What are Dot-Dots? .. . Are you gonna shave?

John 'Jl.omaj ReinhofJ


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, cause the sinners have much more fun And only the good die young.

Billy Joel

Johnny T Scooter . . . His cars Grades ... Shootin' Pool at Ms. Mae's The BRONCO 4 time 55 vet ... Native Floridian .. . TR6 Cheering for football Not Hobie, Prindle VW's .. Great Wall '84 w / MA, LG, TR, KC Can I borrow a dollar? JR an GK, Devils in H/C ... "24 hrs. a day " ... Where are your fish? DESTIN '85-B-1, The kitchen, #2005 Dragin' Wagon ... Jennie Day Thrift City 5 years of Latin Minou Earring Short football career Summers in Fl Let's take the Jag W-Skiing w/ BW Lips ... Nick's ROSS ... Got pulled out of the Metro by POPS ... H/C "Elena" party .. . Study Hall 9th .. . Arthur Bach ... "¼ers" - 67 times in a row Ch. 23 at MA's "Do you have a license?" "Kind of" The red LTD conv't Ole Miss ... football camp '85 . .. " and we'll have big fun!" Thanks everybody! Especially: Ralston, Mom, Dad, Page, Ginger, Cindy, Katy, Ross, and Every one of my friends "ya ain't seen nothin' yet!" ... "Have fun!" Pat O'Briens

58 Seniors

.J.J-an!J :Jredrik Ryden 1977 -1986

It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Midnight Oil

Goals without dedication are empty dreams. Chris Campbell

Hans ... Weege The Metro and dizzy evenings the bicycle-uknow-what Depeche Mode "Who do u think u are?" - God, of course State wrestling champ Baldy .. Prince '85 a n d the popcorn ... Prom '85 w / Greg, Mr. Bob, CM, ES, and JJ . Norway Tigg-ger Squi res '84 and the shoes "Gotta grow" ... MG '85 . Lynn G's !'ii chick check at Glass Gardens Thompson Twins $1 matinees 007 in KL's yard . . "There isn't THAT much ice in Norway" Killer Cheve tte .. Mr. Pole Vault THE TICKET Drama Fres h man year Sound Ware h ouse . Wrestling God ... camping out 4 tickets ... Trivia l Pursuit at Pelican w / JJ and ES Men w /out hats Mr. Synth ... The Korg SWAH Lati n Scholar? ... sightseei n g in Destin .. . Shave! )J's WC Adventure JJ's car door the carpet Ed's chaffeur the wine rs killing Ed in the we ight room JF ... CP T h anks 4 everything StM Thanks Mom, Dad, And Anders Good luck to the class of '86 Thanks Coac h Hosli and the StM Wrestling Team

.J.J-efen _A//;_1,on Schwarfz

1973 -1975, 1980-1986

A friend is a present you give yourself

Obnoxious people are a fact of life!

Anonymous Anonymous

Alli Sweet 16 w/ ED, AM, JS, JO, NJY at Moran's Clang Clang Clang Soda in Minnesoda Ms Arlene ... Sebacious Latin teachers Bunny in Destin ... 39~ hamburgers 2 hour exam cram at the fly w / AM guppy garbage Big Al the convertible crying w / CAP on Sr retreat ... x-country LF, TR, CE, MM, AH - lunch at CD Sowee Chawee, no pok fwied wice camp Hy-Lake w/ RD LCB, ANM, HAS - Charley's Angels doughballs at Mother's Prometheus ... Tw irleeAlvin in Destin '83 Party at CE's and Hj's Thumper "drama queen!" ocifer friendly soccer Homecoming '85 SPC - I love you! ... have fun Michael D! ... 3 yrs of Boone and art ... Fashion w / Toni . I just like to look at him ... Thanks: CB, AM, LB, CP, HJ, LY, GK, and especially Mom, Dad, and Donny - I love you ALL! .

Seniors 59

';J)anieffe Suzanne SJ.;e/Jr, 1980-1986

We are so both and on e ful night cannot be so sky sky cannot be so sunful i am through you so i.


1 min 39 sec ring of fire tidy bowl man Ann the man: African queen sorry sorry kicked out of Birdie Sweet Sixteen toilet pictures .. 8th grade phone calls who ate the props A and D always w /pearls . .. Destin Soph. yr . on the Pavillion . Jacket built for 2 If ya hear somethin dripping Ann ' s knife . Only one dry on Sr. retreat Gossip w /Coxman in Drama room diff. strokes ... Huggie's diaper inc . Cindy 's party .. . Karen at RHiPS ... Sr. retreat at gas station mouth wired Russian and Cuban A . hot tub talk . .. burning eng. book .. Scar: green eyeliner its like .. . time capsule the Fly animal crackers and sunflower seeds . .. whats up your nose ... Does it hurt to be so ugly??? Laura on the ledge in Wa. D.C Breakfast at McD H e nry Jay and Prom Darin Dairy Cow; Boom - Boom; Jellybean ... Rick, RB, PF , CH , CN, SC, and Patrick in summer school ... Mama C. - Geology gooneria . .. Mardi Gras Soph. yr. at KA's Psychiac Mom Gangreen ... always analyzing .. Club soda and lime - let Danielle drive . . Georgia Jean ... Daddy, Daddy the house is burning StM I love you and I'll mis you!

/<;cl.ard mattl.ew Starr


You can ' t get to heaven unless you raise a little hell. Anonymous

Richard . The ATTIC Phout ... the Le Sabre ... Thorny ' s Fed's $2 night Colonial with Brad Trips to Hattiesburg . Escape from Gulf Shores George and Beast Magruder's Bull's Comer .. The Bear Brothers ... Ya-boy Herman ... Debbie Irvin . .. Sour mash The Club Tennis Practice? Driving to Regionals '85 That's some wind, huh Eric .. The Closet with Dav before Crafts VH in Biloxi " Blake revealing stress" ..

60 Seniors


If you don't go all the way, then why go at all!

Everybody's got mixed feelings about the function and the form, Everybody's got to deviate from the norm

Blake going to lunch w / Bott snowman ANIMAL

Shake-n-Bake Cheech Destin Howling in the outfield

VH '8 4 .. . MUGAMBO . .. Breakin ' Blake . .. wrestling . . . #47 . . .

Boner Hurl dugout #14 STH Connie Country Day

Buses parking with TZ, DP, PV EC and CD girls the Attic "S linky" Floor 13 7 /5/85 w/ Roohi AU Herman tsibuki 8th grade rock climbing trip come fly with me I've got spiders on my back FL Y'IN machete Quails Steve passout halfmast STM 28-EC 19 STM 45-CD 31 hands AC his speed EXTRAVAGANZA I choo-choo CS State Playoffs HUNTING The Van Halen tape Metro Crawfish Boil in the river Crew-out marshmallow fight Sr Retreat Class Clown Coke adds life! Vitamin X Rubinsteen call T for AH Thanks Mom, Dad, Brad, and everyone else who's made it real!


I blink my eyes and it happens again, I lose my way but I find a friend. UTOPIA

The harem her party Gizmo shirt her hair Ira YPS! Yip, Yip, Yip 50's Poodle skirts Senior Sock Hop! Senior Retreat Singing in Chapel her Christmas cards Yark! Bonzai! Hi! You're in my Biology class, right? 18! Her Brother Remember the guy across the street? Well the Subaru "You're cute" the summer in Europe Yeeeshk You sing, too? Tommy Shaw Concert Rocky Horror Yes Doctor . . . Freshman Cathy and Jones ... Who's UTOPIA . .. snakes ... Not in my car! ... a turtle .. . "Don't know" . . . strange friends "Oops, Wrong Planet" 'L'il Dixie " Keep your scissors off my hair!!! No, Kim does her nails during breakfast! Learn how to spell "your" Oh, shoot-a-monkey! Blotto

Going to football games Zack's Lunch leave! Star Trek Dance Caravan Youth Group Concerts Bells Socks St. Genesius plays Star Wars Fan Club BLOOM COUNTY OPUS the Penguin D and D Felgercarp

Thwap That wig heels! STYX sci fi Orph, Orph, Orph

Seniors 61


One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow.

Apple II ... The 50's ... Baseball ... base hit . .. game winning RBI 250 Batting Average VQB Stud marshmallow war Boys ' State losing to Ganus by 25 points 6 o ' clock musters the only Junior in Physics ...


It's not whether you win or lose, It's how good you looked. David Lee

Clay Domino's Cup Full Van Halen '84 the earring good friend Neil "What's College?" Mad, bad, and dangerous to know his locker mouth of the South Mr Blunt the Attic I know your sister! Bearclam Chirping with Blake Grandpa 13th Floor the Piazza Man can I sleep in your backyard? living in Doug's closet DLR "I love cops" ... WDFA! .. . tough guy ... Snowshoe City . .. 'Tm straight as a board!" Fishstick cookout with PV Who loves ya baby?!

Wd&am Brian :J/iomaJon
62 Seniors
John Cfaylon :Jidweff

Paul Raymond Vinin~ 1973-1986

Yes, there are two paths you can go by But in the Jong run, There's still time to change the road you're on. Led Zeppelin

The Turtle Aimee The Attic Dude his eyes Big Boy Everybodies big baby Cutie Las Vegas Herman Pauln-Party catfish shack Dave and Pee Wee($11.97/hour)

'Tm sorry Bra!" Mr. "T" look My Padner come to a screeching halt street signs Mr. Punctuality ''I'll call you right back" stereos fruit what? Porpoise 52 his brilliant plans the WHO Scorpions "B uying " a Datsun station wagon Carter Jimmy Nielson Room #1077-$1500 kettles his brother roadtrip VH '84 with the Green Monster the blowout Reubonovich checkitout Coach Purple Haze

Jennifer Wunn illegal bowl between the buses at CD?

Football camp, '83-'84 ... Resiewdub .. . Ole Miss road trip with NJY, Clayton, and X Destin '84!, '85!, '86 ! eighth grade lemonaid w / Clay men's threat and women's pet I Drink

Alone the ponies Bitners, snowshoes and Praire fires w / Rob-bra, Clay, and Todd The Funnel Boysenberry Hilly Boobes Thanx to all my pals, it was worth it 1 love you Mom, Pappa Vine, and Rob-bra-I'm an Auburn Bound "War Eagle"

Cohn Walker


The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it you'll be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the priviledge of owning yourself. Wm. Faulkner

Colin SWAC Mary Shea Burke Cutie Freshman fan club 2 years in a row Mr. Cox said we have to do the speeches together Producers concert w / LA and RP Baby Oil the whole bird! Weekend Blowout CD Graduation Tri-H-L Metairie Rd. w / SY -a night to remember Bad Luck w / SY Hearsh Good 'ol Evan before B-ball Big Man We don't do that anymore ... Destin - summer of '84 w / LA, Sy, and RP .. . My good Buddy Weiser Stoly 6'n 30's On the line! Last weekend of summer '84 - What a party! It's too big! Road trip to Laf. w / SY Eckerd's w /k CS setting CS up fights w / WS Thanks for all the good times and support through the years to SCS, LA, SY, BT, RB, and a special thanks to TT, ADB III, and Mom

Seniors 63

Peter Jo3epk Wanek 1973-1986

In the streets the children screamed, The lovers cried and the poets dreamed, Not a word was spoken, the church bells all were broken, And the three men I admired most - the Father, Son and Holy Ghost

They caught the last train for the coast The day the music died. Don McLean- American Pie

Sweet Pete sweets Tuno II Wanjewsky .. . White . . . street signs hand signals out the car . I could've had a V-8 . . . Jr/Sr Prom - seeing the sun rise Pat O's The Boot Lester Coe? Talk to Me Sr Retreat singing at The Metro at TJ's term paper at Tulane Chris Owens ... Time Saver in White Thunder take the comers . AP Biology . . . Party at my house ... Cyclones ... ticklish? Kami Kazes - keep ' em coming Phi Delta Party scuffle w / McD's clerk five dollars for parking,@?!#* That's a farce .. .

Wdlam Rittenkou3e Wa~man


All men have their frailties And whoever looks for a friend without imperfections will never find what he seeks.

#31 Wayman, Waymer, Wyman , Wymer, Will, Billy ... convertible undefeated in Football StM 45 CD 31 ... StM 41 CD 22 StM 29 Ecole 6 .. . Ponderosas Feeling good in Destin Parties in Condo ... a different girl everynight in Destin Destin ' 85 Shelly - The Baton Rouge Pit . . I can't believe you haven't called her Kelly K-9 puppy bombs .. . Christi . .. Chaps Phone calls .. . Nice butt, nice eyes Not in my car prude Karen Tammy SAM The Moan Tom Petty The Moan at Prom Bruce taking 2 hours to bring the moan home . . . Fights with Sam Corona with Chase's family She's not 15 yet, She ' s not 18 yet .. . Off to Mexico ... Papa-gayos You no , then I give good , why not? You queer? Rocky Joes's throwing up at Rocky Joe's Carrying Bruce out of Ecole and Soccer parties My sister the - Darlene's Birthday party . .. Michele Kevin's parties Jimmy massaging Lauren ... Thanks

64 Seniors

..J<aikr'ln Jane Weekfe'I


It's better to regret things you ' ve done than things you haven't.

Reach for the stars and not for the horizon, for if you reach the horizon you may never reach the stars. Anonymous

WEEK Jane Cheerbop the fearless five pigs C'mon nah . .. JL's best buddy Katballoo ... Bud and Dottie falling down Darcy lips chicken hawk EYC kidnap B.S B-S BSEPT the fact . I was a perfect lady SUB-DEBS rep ... Les Ecoliers . Les Pierettes Haring court crew girl wonder RICH-143 road trips to her house speed demon t-tops .. . totally DKE temperture gauges What's happenin' dude?! .. . the permanent guest Holly's sis Bucket ... don't fool around on the freeway attacker dogs Ultraman . .. sliding to see Santa Prom '85 ... the Sena Mall zone double bikes . .. ya man Pat Happy Buddha .. . get it "awn" Jata dude ... Daniel Carson turbo charge Dom's 16th - Flamingo's CAP's little talks giggling making tapes with JLS pantyhose commercials with Leah dealer cars trips to Dallas with Jen .. . look what I brung ya! Beau Chene CD Bladder problem ... sliding down the escalator equilibrium problem her suprise party weekend ... 'Tm in Jove again" goon patrol ... chickenplain Ketchup! T.L! . .. DKE rush girl fashion club pres ... "Missy, you boozer!" .. Shoney's Nothing like a Lite with your best friend apple daiquiris ... Cafe AT H's LYNTON . . . All my love: Mrs. Mary, JLS, DB, HK, KK, CP, DP, Jane, TL, GC, BW, DH, MM, JH, RICH, CD. Especially to Mom and Dad - 143! Thanks StM XOXOXOX

ma," ..J<atkleen WdliamJ


The best is a matte ~ of standards - and I set my own standards I inherit nothing. I staJ/ld at the end of no tradition. I may perhaps, stand at the beginning oflone . Ayn Rand

Mary K dizzy blonde I am eeevil going 300 feet under water and have finger sloughed off . .. RX7, Porsche, and the LOVE MACHINE ... her eyes Miss Mary Georgia Trip's Six Flags Happy Buddha ... the all-knowing eye, path of righteousness and the burning flames of desire cheerbop swimming, tennis, volleyball, and b-ball ... Patrick Wild family swimmin_g "friends" ... Pey, Tracy, Julie Girls ' State ... faculty volleybaIT game Sweet 16 . . . Study sessions w / Ann Motorcycle Momma "The Prez" ... Jr/Sr Prom '85 Hussy Woman II . BL, CW, CG, FL? the Pin ... Chamberlin's Kong Carter and the big 18 ... 13 yr Club lightweight He's soooo FINE got to be at least 6' . .. keep your sanity Pedro good luck next year MM, SR, VS, EH, RG, ES, A and CM, FM, SF, JW, Land JG, LH Zack's butcher knife Mary Kay Cos Miss Mom dig deeper Watson #40, #4 Farewell Class of '86 luv ya

Seniors 65

Rgan Patrich Womack


There is a time for departure even when there ' s no certain place to go Tennessee Williams

Death or glory becomes just another story The Clash

Mosquito swatting Flesh for Fantasy I'm sorry Mrs. O ' Neil Jost in Boston ... ammonia soccer yellow bomb 7+7 junk food . . Prom '85 VQB Ganus no chaser, please late-night writing 2 hours, 1 minute animal! ... midnight adrenalin

/Jrad'I _j(raah Wood


Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning! Anonymous



Brady Student Council Pres "knock on Wood" . a millionaire before he's 20 the best senior class ever his mom his party house Wood is Good water skiing 101 . .. SKI NAUTIQUE The Cobra Klan "LIFE is a four Jetter word" . .. Jeeps Purple Pick-Up Truck . .. JD night Grady Bubbleclub summer road trips to Aspen .. Sadie Destin and the class of ' 85 Sam Barthe Brandt's little brother Wanna buy some Vuamets? Bula Loops Levee night - MKW house Padre Bob ... limo.rides with Hugh bandana bracelets The Gant in ASPEN Cutie Fantasy Island with KK "we ' re only friends -I swear!" No, you can ' t go out with my sister!! dark room Major Business Man ... "Don't worry, it's a rental " . . . DH, MM, GC, JH, PV LP, LM, AW, SM, DB, KK! Best friends Thank you Mom, Dad, Lacey, and Brandt -I couldn't have done it w /out you!!!

66 Seniors

J!'lnn Sfa'llon '/jefJeff


Hold on to sixteen As long as y ou can. Changes come around real soon Make us women and men

" Jack and Diane"

Lynn Skee ... Puffy Peldell . DA Vera . Jonathan, It ' s Golden! ... Kathy " Dootsie" Bailey always happy "Only in a Jeep! " . joking with BW(or WB) " But I'm a girl!" HLA . . GAH HJH ... " Riding around in my GTI, with no particular place to go! " little sisters - Laney and ME Dominos before Prom with Grant ... Infinity money ... "Hey, Lynn, tum in your term paper" " I'm Barna bound" ... Destin with CS ... the best senior class ever! ... the Steamboat experience with KC-11 Mississippi, 12 Mississippi .. "My dad is 6'5" " .. throwing water on TG at the Metro ... Priscilla computers with AM ... " Why don ' t you go to Country Day?" .. . talks with Doc . .. 'Tm never going in that hot tub again! " Brodie .. . Rocky Horror ... GQ locker ... model Pedro class B-ball and softball HC angel Sweet 16 . .. " I just hate when that happens!" . .. " Thank you East a Bunny" ... Jennifer and Renwick - you were the best freshman ever! Mom , Dad , and Will -I love you . . thanks everyone for the fun times! " StM is number one and don't you forget it!!"

r/orma Jean '/Joung


Though you want to last forever, you know you never will, and the goodbye makes tha. journey harder still . Cat Stevens

" Norma " ... the qV.ote of the day is Traci , Dom , and Norma are the world . being on TV w /TL . .. gnat attack . .. motorcycle man on Mardi Gras '85 . .. w /DP Do I look fat? Disneyland at Spring Sub Debs . Streetcar w /CF ... Rick, Rock, and Neville Microphone of Misunderstanding Les E '84 JG's House Painting at CR's house ... Abbot and Costello We can't have hamburgers w /outout Sherry Sweet "16 " at Morans Smurfs, Mardi Gras ' 85 Tylertown Bitour .. Miss Stanley ... H.C. Cheerbop . .. Do you know where Touro is? . . . Hey , ya lemon . . . Green County 4th of July Thursday nites w /DB, AC, and MD the Tavern U .S . History w / Miss L Haunted House at Prom ' 85 Sippin' in the sunset New York ' 83 Fighting w /DW cross country the Bay party at HJ's So, you want to meet my boyfriend the Rocket Latah the Killer orange punch . .. suspended twice Tl ' s car got " side-swiped" suprises mini-bus nite Dom, there ' s a cat in the back seat Homecoming '84 Thanks to all of my friends -I love ya'll and I'll miss you! Thank you Daddy for making it all possible -I love you ...

Seniors 67

Scoll ParLer Yount


De Do Do Dooo De Da Da Da is all I want to say to you The Police

Scott Green Machine Metairie Rd bus stop sign ... Prytania and Octavia tickets 75! ... which license? . Audubon Park bike path at 70 ... we're dead The Appliance ... sleeping at Lee's Bob and Doug ... Three times a charm -beauty, eh! ... get- ting in trouble w / CBW ... Mixologist Tri-HL FBR ... liquid lunch ... AP Biology 7&7 ... Pat O's-a table? Evan before b-ball practice summer of '84 in Destin . .. U of B ... 8 to 10bottoms up ... Kami's at TJ's Hurricanes. in Destin Chris Owen ' s ... Tom Rock's for Jocks-Geology ... basketball - who me, Coach? Breakfast Club ... corrupting CMC Newman fight ...

:JoJJ .Afan ZoUotjL'J


You don't get something for nothing, You can ' t have freedom for free, You won't get wise with the sleep still in your eyes, No matter what your dream might be Rush

Todd ... zip-zap ... Harry ... 69 THE licence .. . Blackie .. . parking in the Mustang ... sleeping at Hofbrau w / PV and CT dog police ... Las Vegas Herman ... Honest, Dad, we only had a few busted in River Ridge .. car breaking down on the way home from football camp VH '84 Mardi Gras '85 .. pause BUTTON ... let's go, Paul Can you spare a Ruben? always last ESCescape from Gulf Shores losing six partners at MG's party ... push it forward Bitners drums getting lost on the way to Loyola with Davin THE ATTIC ... 23 Did anyone do their Latin homework Jewish? between CD buses w / BS, PV, and DP

68 Seniors

Senior Class Officers SCHO

Senior Farewell Address

As we, the class of ' 86' leave we know that we will never forget our years at St. Martin ' s Each of us has our own memories, whether they are from Lower, Middle, or Upper School. We wish for every class at St. Martin's the same fun, closeness, and ex-

periences our class has shared . We thank the teachers and administration for all they have given and done for us. We know that each member of our class will succeed as we go on to our new lives. Thank.you St. Martin's for our years with you.

Left to Right: Lor e n Be rot , S e cre tary ; Alli s on Schwartz, Tre asur e r; Jimmy Johnson , Parliamentarian; Peter Wanek , Vice President; Dre w H e rrington , Pr es ident.
Seniors 69

Hilary -a mother-to-be

"Hang Ellis? Really?"

"Mom - it ' s just a little make-up!"

Ready, Set, GOOOO! "What did you say about Cajuns!?!" "Tigger, go GRRR!" " What did you put on this chair?!?" " He can date me!! " " Sit back and mellow out ."

"California - here I come!"

'Tm really asleep."

"This smile can't last forever!"

'Tm only here today so I can play in the game tonight!"

"Yea, I know I'm cool!"

"Yes, Mr. Rogers is my boyfriend."

"Melts in your mouth - not in your hands!"

"When I'm in school - I sleep."

"Have you seen my latest Porsche?"

"There are roaches in my locker!"

"Where ' s Kim?"

"Ya11, I can't do that!"

"I came to America to date Norweigean guys!"

"I'm free Friday night!"

"This is what I do at school!"

"Yea, I'm bad!"

"Guess who?"

"Hi- I'm from Norway."


'Tm a wild and crazy guy!"

"This is what I think of school!"

"Pick me! Pick me!"

"Wait, this isn't my car!"

"Come hither!"

"You got my knife!"

No words needed.

"Shut up - I'm trying to impress her!"

Ready for a job at McD's, Danielle?

lYou're smiling, Glen "O.K., kids, this is what you do "

"He called!"

No wonder teachers always look bored.

"Charley's coming!"

"M&M's don't stain your teeth!"

"Oh my GA WD! "

"I've got to pass this test."


" What was that last comment?"

Such a teddy bear! Another G. Mac original haircut.
"I can't believe you just took that picture!" His look of excitement.
A regular
-Coo l! I I I I • . I
I set a new speed record 140 mph 1"
"Mount Holyoke - here I come." " The Greek Festival is this weekend! "
I pwmise if I' m elected president to " I 111ea11t to miss the goal."
" Hey - I know the answer to this one." "

"What can I say? I'm loved."

"No, we're not gonna mud wrestle."

"What a drag."

"And then you throw the ball ."

"Did you see that?"

"I really did my homework."

"Are we having fun ye t? "

"There's got to be a book in here somewhere."

"It's almost Spring Break!'"

On Bridge, Left to Right: Hilary Jackson, Ann Ingolia, Sacha Bush, Robert Pettit, Alissa Miller, Paul Vining. In Descending Order on Slide: Loren Berot, Peter Wanek, Katrina Keller, Drew Herrington. Standing: Mary Kay Williams. Paul Drew Alissa
Peter 13 Year Club 77
Ann Mary Kay


Imagination is the main factor for a successful Sr. Weird Day. On October 31, each Senior lived his fantasy for one day; fantasies ranged from being Batman and Robin to being criminals. Appearances were also made by a pimp and his hookers, a Greek goddess, a couple of flappers, ZZ Top, a bunch of Purple People Eaters, a snake charmer, some lemons, and many others too numerous to name.

78 Senior Weird Day
Favorites 79
Mr. and Miss St. Martin's Drew Herrington Kim Cannon Brady Wood
Wittiest Friendliest
8 0 Fa vo ri tes
Glen Kelley Christine Herman Lynn Yeldell Mark Altschul

Most Likely to Succeed Most Athletic

Peter Wanek, Loren Berot, Mary Kay Williams, Mark McGinnis

Favorites 81
Best Looking Most Popular Guy Cook Dom Brown Christi Page Jimmy Hondrulis 82 Favorites

Will You Ever Forget

... making ice cream, soup, and butter in Kindergarten

4A, 4B, 4C-Quiet down!

... Eskimo movies, baboons, and the Caribou Game

... Homemade Rockets

... Third grade Fonz Fest

... Listening to KISS during lunch

Grape races

Mrs. Bowman and Con Quiz

... Charlie's Angles, Shawn Cassidy, and John Travolta

Service Club

yo-yo's and hoola hoops

Jazz Fests


Metric System

... L.S. Field Trips

... Indian Day in 3rd grade

... World Day in 4th grade

... Bounce, bounce, catch

... square dancing

... 5th grade dance on tennis courts

... Soccer before school in lower school

... Learning Center

Chapel and lunch in the Little Gym

... Science and Social Studies fairs



... Girl Scouts and Brownies

... 5th grade Camp Le Combe

... Percy Quinn and Camp Wellswood



SRA - Reading for Concepts

Uncle Benny

... Commemorative plaques on everything from water fountains to tables

Mr. Lind's teeth

... Mr. Sweet and Mr. Couget - ET

... Mrs. Lee, aka Mrs. Bankston, and the Null Set

7th and 8th grade tubing trips


... The librarians

... This week at the Athletic Store

... Coach Armstrong's Assembly Addresses

... Coach Melito, Coach Chuboff, andCoach


... Mickey Landry's Mega Mondo TestsAnything Goes

... Lee Abbott, Allison Andry, Tim Zissis

... John Ormand's $5.00 parties

... countdowns till DESTIN

the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

... Time Saver runs

... Jr. lunch leave on Fridays

... partying before school events

... being a Senior


Senior Retreat - buses breaking down, and the 1 mile hike to Poplarville

... swinging from the rafters, marshmallow fights, getting thrown in the lake

... looking for Ann's knife

... Senior picnic at Robert's house

... Karen's Sock Hop

... Ring Day '85

... Father Byrd's true stories?


Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Labaree, Mrs. Greer, and Mr. Ellis



Monsieur DarDon

Sean Hansen - Mr. Star Wars

... 8th grade trips - Washington and Wilderness

Mr. Comfort, Mr. Witman, and Father



... Doc Mooney and Pedro

Loren and Kathryn's 7th grade

Valentine's Party

... Father Otwell

... The Library Fire

Valencia, Ice Breakers, 8 O'Clocks, Les Ecoliers, and Sub Debs

Sweet Sixteen


... Prom '85 and '86

... Robin and Christine's M&M' s football game spirit-beating Country Day

STM 23-Newman 21-Never say die


... Destin '86

... Save a Saint

... Senior Sleepover- Brady's sandpits and Glen's speech

Grounded to campus for the rest of the year!

... It's not your show

... Senioritis and crawfish boils

... The best class ever!

... June 4, 1986!!!

Seniors 83
84 Introduction to Upper School
C. E Adler Jim Anderson Bro e d Marion Benson Melanie Branton Mike Broxson Allan Burkes Jenny Calzada
Beau Charbonnet Franziska Clamer Marcy Clinard Mark Contois Kim Conway
Juniors 85
Todd DeMonte Lisa DeSalvo Freddie Devall Kristin Dorfi Brent Edwards I Brandi Ermon Karl Findorff Piper Freeman Stephany Griggers Jason Hall Greg Hammarstrom Jeremy Head David Heupel Scott Hightower
86 Juniors
Lindsey Jackson Graham Justice Karen Kirshbom Christina Klein-Westhoff Kathleen Lawler Beth Mc:Cranie Carlos Mesa Jo n oo Clayton Page Beth Patterson Stephanie Pecquet Robert Peyton JoBeth Rees
Juniors 87
Amy Shaw Elisia Shofstahl ' Victoria Siegel Heather Sislen ClifStoutz Dan Valladares Jon Wachtel
88 Juniors
Gretchen Wiemann Lacy Williams Cameron Smith Brian Vandegrift j Morgan Wilson Carol Steinman Lauren Vedros Mara Wemet Eric Witherspoon Kim Stiebing Gabe Whyel Rachel Wittich


liss Ee ert Jennifer Foster Christoph r B c man Julie Campbell Brian Berke Picture Not Available Jason Cannon Amber Bishop Lynne Churchill Roger Fowler Chris Gant LizGoliwas Shawn Brennan Charles Corcoran Keith Dublin Erik Flamm
Sophomores 89
Chris Grace Suzann ueyd n Denise Hafford Chad Hargon Laura Hartline illie H rron Lisa Hoffman I Leslie Holt Helen Jahncke
Pam Jenkins Sean Keeney Sheila Kelley
Paige Kuchler Hilda Landry Sophomores Marianne Mehlum Brian Murphy Julie Nolan Kendra O'Connel James Parrisn Shannon Powers Melissa Quiroz Shawn Richardson Tyra Robinson John Rogers
Sophomores 91
Kristi Raike Laurel Salley Fred Stevenson B n Tubb
92 Sophomores
Tyson Vaughan Picture
Available Jeanne Wanek Charles Schaefer Shawn Shanks rnest ir Talbot Louis Thompson Anneliese Ullmann Jody Wilson Hunter Wood Lacey Wood Lisa Arensman Nicole Bailliet Blair Boling Ian Brown Nathan Bush Michael Butler
Ashley Cerise
Jennifer Chenevert
Leslie Clinard John Cooper Tucker Crawford
Freshmen 93
Michael De Pass Jones Dieth
Chris Dunn liJ , Stephen Huber
94 Freshmen
Regan Kelley Sara Ellefson Kristin Kennedy Kellie Enloe Sealy Faught Matthew Hindman John Houghtaling Whitney Johnson Kristin Kreeger Joseph Le Blanc Brand L ask Sarah McEachin Sally Mohamed Susan Mohamed Jeffrey Moore Ruth Mora Kendall Morris
Freshmen 95
Jennifer Mullins Courtenay Neff Lisa Pankowicz Jennifer Rees Rayna! Rue Lee Shows Shelby Snyder Anette Svendsen Vin Tangpricha Perry Trotter Kevin Witherspoon Andy Wittich
96 Freshmen
Nancy Wulff Kristin Yates
- -
.A. "Aren't we talented?"


"i Para mi - la vida regalada! "
I can ' t believe you said that to me! "
" You weren ' t supposed to see that! "
I 10 H o m eco min g
.JJomecoming Court 86 Ucioria
Chrijfi Pa<Je Queen
H o m eco min g 111
Brown Cannon


Homecoming '85: A weekend of tradition and surprises! Red, white and blue flanked the walls and halls of St.M for Homecoming week. Even though the Juniors won the decorating contest, the Seniors led the school in spirit. Through the rain, the mud, and the loss of the game, the Saints' spirit prevailed. The muddy track and the muddy cheerleaders were a memorable sight, and who could forget Lacey's fall?

112 Homecoming
The 1985 Homecoming Cheerleaders, Angels, and Devils: Back Row, Left to Right: Loren Berot, Diann Pelias, Norma Jean Young, Julie Nolan, Beth Patterson, and Kathryn Weekley. Front Row, Left to Right : Holly Kuebel, All ison Schwartz, Alissa Miller, Traci Levi, Glen Kelley, Melissa Quiroz, Hilary Jackson, John Reinhold, and Lynn Yeldell. Missing From Picture: Katrina Keller, Lacey Wood, and Mary Kathleen Williams.
Homecoming 113
The 1985 Homecoming Court: (pictured with their fathers): From Left to Right : Lacy, Liz, Amber, Christi, Dom, Marcie, Kim, Shannon, Victoria, and Lisa.


The student body presented themselves well, and they danced to the beat of Windchimes (if they could get past the army at the door!) The highlight of the night was the crowning of Christi Page as Queen. Everyone had , an incredible time and partied all night long ...

Homecoming Court: Left to Right, Top Row: Christi Page and Bill Wayman, Dominique Brown and Clay Tidwell, Kim Cannon and Jimmy Johnson. Left to Right, Bottom Row: Shannon Ryan and Jimmy Hondroulis, Victoria Siegel and Blake Stevens, Amber Bishop and Mark McGinnis. Opposite Page: Left to Right, Top Row: Marcie Carter and Paul Vining , Lacy Williams and Drew Herrington. Left to Right, Bottom Row: Liz Goliwas and Guy Cook, Bruce Gladden, Lisa Arensman, and Todd Zoblotsky

114 Homecoming
g 115 Hornecornm
of the Queen! The crowning

The Junior Senior


116 Prom
Prom 117

Organizations Shield

118 Organizations
Back Row, Left to Right: Jimmy Johnson (Business Manager), Jenny Calzada (Assitant Editor and Sports Editor), Christine Herman (Head Editor), Brooke Andry (Assistant Editor) . Front Row, Left to Right: Terri Kogutt, Pam Jenkins, Lynne Churchill, Loren Berot, and Victoria Siegel. Missing From Picture: Advisors - Mrs. Karen Weaver and John Ellis.

Boys' and Girls' State

Student Council

Standing, Left to Right: David Aguiar and Bill Thomason. Sitting, Left to Right: Mary K. Williams and Kimby Cannon. Back Row, Left to Right: Terry Fitzmorris (advisor), Elisia Shofstahl, Drew Herrington, Kim Conway, Brady Wood, Marcie Carter, Peter Wanek, Pedro Perez (advisor). Middle Row: Lisa Arensman, Lisa Pankowicz, Emily Haycock, Charlee Marshall, Kristin Kreeger, Loren Berot, Mary K. Williams, Graham Justice. Front Row: Donald Chin, George McMahon, Rayna! Ruch, Lacey Wood, Jeanne Wanek, Chris 119 Beckman, John Rogers.

Quiz Bowl Team

The Quiz Bowl Teams compete against other school s in academic trivia . In order to go to th e semi-finals, the teams go through an e limination process where they knock out other te ams , or they thems e lv es are knocked out. Our Quiz Bowl Team has had an outstanding season this year. They defeated Ridgewood Prep 390-175 , and came back from a 220-100 deficit at the half to beat Jesuit 310-235. Our Quiz Bowl Team advanced to the 3rd round in the competition However, the team met defeat against Newman , the champions for three consecutive years. Already next year's team is preparing. They plan to be a Jean, mean, Quiz Bowl Team!

National Honor Society

Standing, Left to Right: Mr. McCain (advisor), David Aguiar (substitute) , and Al Smith. Sitting, Left to Right: Bill Thomason , Ryan Womack, Cameron Smith , and Ted Butler. Standing, Left to Right: Cameron Smith , Eric Witherspoon , Ann Ingolia , Terri Kogutt, Lisa Dublin, Robin Dauterive , Loren Berot, Peter Wanek, Mark Charbonnet, Jeremy Head, Donald Chin , David Aguiar, Ryan Womack, Samatha Mcinnis, and Sacha Bush. Front Row, 120 Sitting: Piper Freeman , Danielle Shields, Justine Cotsoradis, Gretchen Wiemann , Karen Sutton, Mary Kay Williams, Marcy Carter, Emily Haycock, Carol Steinman , Stephany Griggers, Kimberly Stiebing, Marcy Clinard , Kathleen Lawler, and Mrs. Esslinger (advisor)

God Squad

Ke y Club

The Key Club has been very busy this year. In the fall the members manned booths at the Renaissance Festival as a community service. Later earthquake victims of Mexico received over $100 from a Key Club bake sale. During the Christmas holidays, money, time, and toys were donated to needy families, and one family in particular was adopted. Key Club was also able to raise money by selling helium balloons for the Homecoming Game and by selling Valentine carnations during February. However, this is not to say that all the club members do is work. They also play. There are several parties during the school year between these projects.

Sanders, Christina Klein - Westhoff, Norma Jean Young, Hilary Jackson, John Houghtaling, Jean Charbonnet, Jontathan Levy, Joe LeBlanc, Jennifer Mullins, Renwich McLean. 2nd Row: Jennifer Chenevert, Shelly Snyder, Sealy Faught, Kellie Enloe, Nicole Baillet, Annette Svenson, Helen Jahnke, Kristin Dorfi, Aimiee Roy, Nancy Wulff, Liz McElwee, Vickie Benbow, Kristi Rolke, Ashley Cerise, Regan Kelley, Jennifer Rees, Georgia Graham, Mara Wernet, Eddie Appel (Pres.), Paige Kuchler. 3rd Row: Mrs Greer, Susan Mohammed, Cathy Thomason, Sally Mohammed, Whitney Frilot, Melanie Branton, Anna Lisa Appel, Shawn Ripps (over Appel), Michele Karno, Kathleen Lawler, Laurel Salley, Laura Hartline, Stephanie Sarrot, Ann Pollard, Jo Beth Rees, Fanny Martinez. Bottom Row: Emily Haycock, Kim Conway, Donald Chin, James Parrish, Jenny Bingham. Missing From Picture: Jimmy Johnson, Hans Ryden, Eric Boling (Vice - Pres).

Back Row, Left to Right: Jo Beth Rees, Jadi Mitchell, Father Byrd, Tucker Crawford, Beau Charbonnet. 2nd Row: Stephanie Pecquet, Samantha Mcinnis, Liz McElwee, Scott Hightower, Graham Justice. 3rd Row: Kathleen Ford, Marianne Brydoy, John Rogers. Front Row: Christine Herman, Maria Ktistakis, James Parrish, Glen Kelley. Back Row, Left to Right: Sarah McEachin, Lee


Th e quarterl y newspaper, the HALO , informs the student body of everything that is happening in and around school. It covers a wide range of topics from our new coaching staff to Mr. Rosenbaum ' s birthday! The HALO has special articles which we all look forward to , such as the baby picture edition! (Everyone tries to match the senior with his baby picture .)

When the word is out that the HALO is back from the presses, everyone wants one, maybe two!

Chess Club

Sitting, Left to Right : Laura Hartlin e, Kimb y Cannon , and Tyra Robinson Kneeling: Jeremy Head, Mr . Tugwell (advisor), Colin Walker, Jimmy Johnson, Peter Wanek, and Donald Chin. Sitting, Left to Right: Vin Tangpricha, Jeff Moore, Whitson Christy. 1st Row, Left to Right : Sumi Mikami , Tim Huntington , Donald Chin, James Daigle, Chris Grace , Joel Ullman , Mike Godofsky , Kevin Witherspoon. 2nd Row, Left to Right: Perry Trotter , Chris Dunn, 122 Andy Wittich, Steven Huber Michael De Pass, Karl Findorff. By Himself: Nathan Bush

National Merit Finalists


The St. Martin's literary magazine, the LYRE, comes out twice a year with poems, essays, short stories, plays, and artwork done not only by the students - but by the faculty and alumni. The magazine reflects the creativity of the school, and the ability (possessed by the students) to express a certain feeling in a group of words so that anyone reading their poetry understands the author's message

This year the LYRE sponsored a contest for the best short story and poem with a first place prize of $25! (second place is $10!). Congratulations!

Standing: Ryan Womack. Sitting: Karen Sutton. Front Row, Left to Right: Kathleen Ford, Cathy Thomason, and Sally Mohamed. 2nd Row: Stephanie Sarrat, Justine Cotsoradis, Shelby Snyder, and Jennifer Bingham. 3rd Row: Danielle Shields, Samatha Mclnnis, Rachel Wittich, Mrs. Wells (advisor), Mike Godofsky, Ann Pollard, and Ann Ingolia.

Fashion Club

This year, the Fashion Club has 52 members making it the largest club at St. Martin's. At the beginning of the year, the club went to a leukemia fashion show to see how a formal fashion show is put together. Mrs. Caserta, the Fashion Club advisor, helped the members put on a veritable extravaganza called, "New York,

New York," at the Hotel Intercontinental where a luncheon was served. Along with the club members some middle and lower schoolers also modeled The members wore clothes from Kreeger's, and the middle and lower schoolers wore clothes from Kiddos. "New York, New York" was quite a success for the club and for the middle and lower school participants. However, the year did not end there. The Fashion Club members put oil a show of their own in the chapel for the entire upper school. Those daring members managed to pull it off without any help from Mrs. Caserta The club modeled clothes from Beneon. "The Fashion Show" was not only a challenge for the members, but it was a huge success!

Fashion Club outing: Leukemia Fashion Show
. , ,.
Fash10n Cu I b 125

Quiz Bowl Club

The Quiz Bowl Club is the younger version of our Quiz Bowl Team The Club members make up questions and have mini quiz bowl tournaments to practice and learn the trivia needed in the Quiz Bowl.

The Quiz Bowl Club meets during ninth period twice a week for the entire year. They practice with the Quiz Bowl Team while the Team is in the competition

The Quiz Bowl Club is for anyone who loves trivia and likes to compete against others

Cum Laude

Left to Right: Vin Tangpricha, Karl Findorff, James Parrish, Kevin Whiterspoon , Mr. McCain, Tyson Vaughn , Kneeling: Donald Chin Back Row, Left to Right: Donald Chin , Cameron Smith , Keith Warren , Eric Witherspoon, Sacha Bush, David Aguiar, Scott Yount. 2nd Row, Left to Right: Justine Cotsoradis, Kim Stiebing, Lisa Dublin, Samantha Mcinnis , Karen Sutton . Front Row, Left to Right: Terri Kogutt , Marcy Clinard, Kathleen Lawler, Stephanie Griggers, Marcie Carter, Ann Ingolia

The St. Genesius Players

St. Genesius Players or StM Drama Club Face painting for Halloween Selling balloons for Valentine ' s Day ... Working at the Garage Sale to help the Mothers' Club .. Making gifts to bring to the children at Oeschner Hospital Assisting backstage for the different dramatic productions during the year . The St. Genesius Players have

had a very productive year and have been very active on the St. Martin's campus all year long!

Drama 127
Left to Right, Back Row: Trey Hill, Karen Sutton. Left to Right, Middle Row: Kim Stiebing, Laura Hartline, Kendall Morris; Carole Lawrence, Kathleen Ford,Danielle Shields. Left to Right, Front Row : Stephanie Pecquet, Terri Kogutt.


The 1985-86 theatrical season at St. Martin's began with a comedy by Neil Simon, "The Sunshine Boys." From auditions to the last show, the cast was filled with frustration, doubts, and the expected excitement of a new show. The show revolved around the lives of three main characters: an ex-vaudeville team, Al Lewis and Willie Clark, and Willie's agent and nephew, Ben Silverman. Colin Walker and Bill Gorman put in marvelous performances as the seventy year olds, Lewis and Clark. The cast also included such talents as Ted Butler, Karen Sutton, Chase Phillips, Tyra Robinson, and Kendall Morris. After weeks of rehearsals, opening night finally arrived and did the cast shine!!! This show will always hold special memories for the cast, crew, and all who saw it!

128 Drama
Drama 129


A lot sure happened in Rodney, Mississippi two hundred years ago or so. This is the story of The Robber Bridegroom. Jamie Lockhart (Beau Charbonnet) is the Bandit of the Woods who saved Clement Musgrove (Eric Witherspoon), the richest planter in the territory, from Little Harp (Trey Hill) and Big Harp (Cameron Smith), who is a head in a trunk, one night down at the inn. Rosamund (Kathleen Ford) is Clement's only daughter and is in love with the Bandit, not realizing he is Jamie. These characters, along with Salome (Karen Sutton), the talking bird (Kirn Stiebing), Goat (Bill Gorman), and the rest of the residents of Rodney, make this musical a "romp-stomping" show everyone is sure to love. AND THEY DID!!!

130 Drama
\ . Drama 131
132 Heavenly Days
HEAVENLY DAYS 1986 Going Going Gone
·Heavenly Days 133


134 RingDay


The English A wards

English I: Stephanie Sarrat

English II: Tyson Vaughn

Columbia Book Award: Cameron Smith

Senior English A

The Fine Art A ward

Hono able Brydo , Fr z Jerem He d


Best Actress: Kat

Best Actor : Billy

Best Supporting Excellence in Tee




Piano /Com posit

Fine Arts A

The Foreig

Spanish Award

ward : K Award : : Kare

Honorable Ment aria

Snyder (II) J ilson

Bruce Gladd )

French Awards: Wo

Honorable Me Eliz

Nicole Bailli en Tubb (III}, Kathleen L (V)

Fra · na , Inc. Award :

Lati thleen Lawler ards


The Religion A wards:

The Sewanee Book Award : Jeremy Head

The Religion Award : Lynn Yeldell He got"

1p Award:

F. Aker Awar 0. Van Slate Ser


d Shelby Snyder cha , Sarah y Hill , and Lawler, Tyson

avid Aguiar

n Ingolia , Mary K

der and Stephanie

ison, Tyson

!er and Cameron

ed Butler and


The St. Martin's Citize and Dav · ·


Trigonometry: LA

Math IV: Justine Cot r

Calculus : Marianne Brydoy

Computer: Bill Thomason , Jonathan Levy, Vin


Rensselaer Mathematics and Science Award: Eric Witherspoon

Tulane Book Award: Donald Chin

Jim Latham Mathematics Award: David Aguiar

R ~inson yra

The Michael John Moseley Memorial Award: Peter Wanek

The Spirit of St. Martin's Award: Kim Cannon

~~~---~T_::h:_ e ·
Upper School Awards 135

We , the class of '86 , would like to thank all of the administration and faculty members for bearing with us throughout the years . Thank you for your guidance, support, and understanding. And most of all, thank you for the love and respect you have bestowed upon us. We could not have made it without you. The St. Martin ' s community will always hold a special place in our hearts . This is our Alma Mater . Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor .

We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's cares may drive us, Her teachings will be there to guide us.

Long live our dear St. Martin's thatWe cherish and we love .


Many people think of graduation as the end of one part of life and the beginning of another. This is partially trueour graduation does terminate our years of school at St. Martin'sbut graduation is not the sharp dividing point some make it out to be. We are not ending here tonight a certain set of years, a phase of life called high school, which can be lumped together in a generic mass. And, while we are going on to college, we cannot think of the next few years ahead of us as "college years . "

Our years at St . Martin's cannot be thought of as a single block in our lives followed by a swift leap into another block. Instead, we have been changing all along . Our years at St . Martin's are not all of one type; we as individuals changed greatly while we were here, and so did the school. As we enter college and pursue careers, this constancy of change will remain the same. We will continue to grow and change , and our presence will cause changes in those around us. Nothing can be done to stop it. We cannot freeze the present and hold it. The present can never be made to be the same as the past. Nor can we avoid the future, or separate ourselves from our past.

We can never return to our time at St. Martin's. Things will never be the same as they were here, but we cannot forget the time we spent here. Our memories will remain, and we will continue to be influenced for the rest of our lives by the things we did here, the people we knew here, and what we learned here. So, while this is an ending of sorts, it is not a final ending, sealing our past away . The past, though unchangeable , continues to surface and have its effect on the present. This graduation is a turning point in our lives, a point marking the end to a time we can neither go back to nor forget, but every day in life is the same kind of turning point. Things will never be the same tomorrow as they were today simply because we are all living, changing people. It is not only at special times like graduation that the past becomes a place of no return and the future becomes challenging and different, but every day. Although the changes from day to day may be less dramatic and apparent, they are still there . From day to day the past fades away, and the future remains an unknown and mysterious place. Thus every day of our lives becomes a new, exhilarating and frustrating experience.


STM is #J ...

And Don't You Forget It!

Christi Page Dom Brown Holly Kuebel Katrina Keller Kathryn Weekley Beth Patterson
Shannon Ryan Lacey Wood Amber Bishop Julie Nolan Liz Goliwas
Melissa Quiroz



GIRLS' VARSITY VOLLEYBALL: Left to Right, Back Row: Je nn y Goody e ar , Lisa Hoffmann , Megan Magee , Rachal Gately , Jeanne Wanek , Kathryn Weekley, Holly Kuebel , Lisa Goodyear , Victoria Siegel , Emily Haycock. Front: Shannon Ryan , Diann Pelias (Manager), Mary K. Williams GIRLS JUNIOR VARSITY VOLLEYBALL: Left to Right, Back Row: Julie Nolan , Stacey McGeehan , Denise Hafford, Paige Kuchler, Fanny Martinez, Stacey Flannigan, and Millie Herron. Front Row: Lacey Wood, Nancy Wulff, Nicole Baillet, Kristina Matthews, Lisa Arensman, and Lee Sanders.


The 1985 football season started with a bang against Ecole, but fizzled towards the end with a 21-0 deleat against Bootheville. In the season opener, the Saints totally dominated the weaker Spartans with a final score of 29-6. The Saints went on a six game winning streak, stomping their way from the Bayou all the way to Cajun Country The Saints and their fans set out in full force to Country Day on a sunny Friday afternoon The Saints showed theu strength by completely overwhelming the Cajuns, their long time rival, 41-22 The Saints ended their winnin$ streak with one of the greatest wins in STM history. The Samts and the Greenies both entered the field with a 5-0 record, but only the Saints left with a 6-0 record The game was before a capacity crowd on dedication night of the Michael Lupin Field. The Saints', "NEVER SAY DIE," attitude ensured them the game. They were down 21-20 with two seconds left, when Jimmy Hondroulis kicked the winning field goal, for the Saints greatest win and the Greenies worst defeat. Injuries plagued the second half of the season, with their losses to Pope John Paul, Port Sulphur, Buras, and Bootheville Venice. The Saints ended another great season with a 6 -4 record.

The Saints lost 2 out of 3 of their captains, Drew Herrington and Paul Vining, before the season opening, because of injuries. But they also had several honored pfar,ers: All District - First Team Were: Mark McGinnis (QB), BIii Wayman (WR), Blake Stevens (TE), Bruce Gladd en (G), Guy Cook (DE), and Brett Phillips (LB).

Left to right, Front Row: Jimmy Hondroulis, David Heupel, Mike Broxson , Mark McGinnis, Cliff Stoutz, Hunter Wood, Clay Tidwell. Second Row: Victor Levy , Bill Wayman , Kevin Roohi, Andy Wittich, Blake Stevens, Paul Vining, Guy Cook, McHardy Stoutz. Third Row: Kirk Talbot, Brett Phillips, Sean Keeney, Mark Gafagnini, Michael Butler, Bruce Gladden , Todd Zoblosky. Fourth Row: Brian Berke, Roger Fowler, George McMahon, Charles Schaffer, Chuck Corcoran , Chad Hargon, Anjay Keswani. Back Row: Coach Schaffer, Smiley, Doc Prenell, Coach Quinn, Doc, Coach Burguard.
142 Football
Left to right: Senior Captains: Drew Herrington, Paul Vining , and Mark McGinnis. Head Coach: Coach Paul Burguard. Left to right: Senior Football Players: Bruce Gladden , Bill Wayman, Mark McGinnis , Jimmy Johnson, Jimmy Hondroulis, Guy Cook, Blake Stevens, Clay Tidwell , and Todd Zoblosky.


Coach's long talks . . . handouts . . . no dress code . . . chrome dome . . . JH' s cancerom. drinks ... "J, what color is the $# + today?" ... intervals ... "charge those hills" .. around the CC tree ... to, around, and back from Laf. Pk!?! .. . figure 8's ... broken clod the first day ... Repeat ... Lynne or Lynn ... Eddie, Lynne, can you take me home ... Lynn's got new shoes - finally ... Dixie ... he's dissipating ... the Rice Wagon ... sore muscles ... Sat. morn meets - up bright and early ... AS's 3 mile limit. Shoney's ... "What's your split?" ... to State w /CD and RO ... Super 8 Motel ... GK redecorating their motel room The Hole in the Wall Gang fresh towels off the cart look 4 the guys in green ... shooting ice in Piccadilly ... Space Cowboy - no AA ... District Runners-Up8 ... Nititoches ... State!!! ... Thanks Jeremy ... Thanks Coach ... Goodbye Glenn, Allison Chris ... Sit, Ubu, sit ... Good dog ... Arf .. .

Cross Country: Left to Right, Back Row: Coach Rice, Shelia Kelly, Lynn Beckman, Lynne Churchill, Jeremy Head (manager). Middle Row: James Daigle, Reyonlds Wilson, Eddie Appel, Edward Widofsky, Amit Ahuja, Jan Brown, Glenn Kelley, Anders Ryden, Chris Leopold, James Parrish. Front Row: Allison Schwartz, Judy Thigpen, Reagen Kelley, Marion Bankston, Rayna! Ruch, and Dita Andersson. Missing From Picture: Anna Lisa Appel.


Swimming: Left to Right, Back Row: Kim Cannon, Brian Murphy, Clayton Page, Mark Graffagnini, Ann Pollard, Kathy Thomason, Leslie Holt, Nikki Cocran, Hunter Wood, Lee Philips, Rayna! Ruc h , Kristi Rolke, Georgia Grahmn, Sacha Bush. Front Row: Mike Sooder, Michael Sullivan, Julie Campbell, Shelby Snyder, Rebecca Ruch, Stephanie Sarrat, Coach Howard.


The 1986 basketball season came to a finish with the loss to Pope John Paul II. The defeat capped off a successful season with not too many ups and downs. Much of this was due to the fine coaching, enthusiastic spirit, and constant encouragement of head coach, Chuck Melito. The boys slid past McMain in the district playoff game, but were defeated by Pope John Paul in the State Playoffs. The boys finished the season with the best record ever in St. Martin's history, 15-12, and thanks to the best coach, Chuck Melito.

Boys' Basketball: Left to Right, Back Row: Chris Dunn, Peter Wanek, Scout Yount, Mark McGinnis, Robert Petit , John Moore, Chris Beckman, Stephen Huber, Joey Kreutziger Middle Row: Greg Hammarstrom, Louis Thompson, Keith Dublin, Mark Contois, Nathan Bush, Mr. Rawson, Coach Melito, Coach Quinn. Front Row: Fred Devall, Alfredo Mesa, Kevin Roohi, Mark Charbonnet, Doc.


Girls' Basketball: Left to Right, Back Row: Jeanne Wanek, Lisa ioffman, Stacey Flanagan, Jenny Goodyear, Jenny Calzada, Anette Svendsen, Nancy Wulff, Charlee Marshal. Front Row: Lacey Williams (manager), Julie Nolan, Mary K. Williams, Denise Hafford, f Lynn Yeldell, Beth Boudreaux (manager).


148 Golf
Boy's Golf: Left to Right: David Heupel, John Falgoust, Gabe Whyel, Mark Altschul, Allan Burkes.

Girls' JV Soccer: Left to Right, Back Row: Suzanne Gueydan, Pam Jenkins, Leslie Clinard, Jennifer Mullins, Kristin Yates, Sarah McEachin, Regan Kelley, Lynn Churchill, Sue Hinge!, Gerogia Graham (manager). Middle Row: Amber Bishop, Aimee Roy, Kristina Matthews, Jennifer Rees, Shelia Kelley, Paige Kuchler, Nicole Vaillet. Front Row: Susan Mohammed, Lisa Arensman, Leslie Fensin, Stacey McGeehan, Kristin Kennedy, Fanny Martinez, Anna Lisa Appel, Sally Mohammed.

Girls' Varsity Soccer: Left to Right, Back Row: Suzanne Gueydan, Sarah McEachin, Regan Kelley, Amy Shaw, Shelia Kelley, Rachel Gately, Beth Patterson, Meagan Magee, Lauren Vedres, Pam Jenkins, Vicki Benbow, Stacey McGeehan, Lisa Arensman. Front Row: Ann Ignolia, Robin Dauterive, Carina Mehlum, Alicia Lavigne, Maria Ktistakis, Samantha Mcinnis, Christine Herman, Dom Brown, Christi Page, Allison Schwartz.



Back Ro w: Carlos Mesa , Allen Burkes, Jimmy Hondrulis, Clay Tidwell, Drew Herrington , Robert Pettit, Peter Wanek , Freddie Devall, Brett Phillips. Front Row: Chris Beckman , Sean Keeney , George McMahon, Alfredo Mesa , Jonathan Levy, Tucker Crawford , Nathan Bush , Shawn Shanks.


. . . "Bob" . . . Keep your skirt down Alice! ... Singing on the bus "Shout" "American Pie" California Girl Robin, Robin do the jerk! Let me see your body work. Say Robin, Work! Work! ... Come on baby shake and shiver. Let me see your liver quiver Freshman carry the benches bugs in Port Suphur Ruth, Christine, and

Fanny - homeruns The Squeeze "She's going" Good Luck Seniors! We love you Coach Melito and Ms. Suprean - luv Lynn, "Bob," Maria, Ann, Robin, Jenny, Amy, Shannon, Ruth,, Kelli, Fanny, Nancy, Anette, Nicole, and Liz. Thanks Elisia and Carol - managers

Girl's Softball: Left to Right, Back Row: Shannon Ryan, Jenny Calzada, Robin Dautrive, Maria Ktistakis, Ann Ignolia, Lynn Yeldell, Christine "Bob" Herman, Arny Shaw. Front Row: Liz McElwee, Stephanie Sumner, Ruth Mora, Fanny Martinez, Nancy Wulff, Nicole Bailliet, Anette Svendsen, Kelli Mayrnan, Elisia Shofstahl, Carol Steirnan.
Softball 151


Girl's Track: Left to Right, Back Row: Kristin Yates, Kellie Enloe, Whitney Johnson, Stacey McGeehan, Kristin Kreeger, Susan Hinge!, Jeanne Wanek, Amber Bishop. Front Row: Suzanne Gueydan, Judy Thigpen, Katrina Keller, Beth Patterson, Amy Roy, Sealy Faught, Jennifer Rees, Jenny Goodyear. Missing From Picture: Lacey Wood, Christi Page. Boy's Track: Left to Right, Back Row: Reyonlds Wilson, Ed Widofsky, Andy Wittich, Sal Caserta, Renwick McLean, Jeff Moore, Trey Hill. Third Row: Coach Rick, Victor Levy, Remy Gross, Keith Dublin, Chris Gant, James Daigel, Coach Roberts. Second Row: Louis Thompson, Todd DeMonte, Jermey Head, Jim Anderson, Brian Burke. First Row: Paul Colonje, Eddie Appel, Chris Leopold, Mark McGinnis, Paul Vining. Missing From Picture: Jimmy Johnson, Hans Ryden .


Boy's Tennis: Left to Right, Back Row: Thomas Mann, Chris Dunn, Michael DePass, Whitson Christy , Ian Brown. Front Row : Robert Peyton , Mike Broxson, Kirk Madison, Matthew Hindman Girl's Tennis: Left to Right: Victoria Siegel , Emily Haycock , Karen Kirshbom, Lisa Hoffman, Mary K. Williams , Lisa Goodyear , Charlee Marshall , Melissa Eckert, Milly Heron. Front: Shawn Ripps

Today I had to write about StM Wrestling, which I know nothing about, so I asked the students. When asked to describe wrestling, this is what they said, high-spirited ... competitive boring physical . .. muscles .. . gross ... the shoes Baker, Louisiana ... good we keep winning, so they must be doing something right AWESOME! ... unreal ... Actually, I am speechless, it's too good to describe 5 state champs ... Great Job ·Guys!!!

Wrestling: Left to Right, Back Row: Coach Hosli , Mark Graffagnini , Hunter Wood, Glen Kelley, Bill Salvaggio, Blake Stevens, Todd DeMonte, Clay Tidwell, Mark Altschul, Vin Tangpricha, Maritn Muller. Front Row: Hans Ryden, Sumi Mikami, Fred Stevenson, Anders Ryden, Jim Ander-,on.
... • ' ·- t ~- ., ,... ' r · ; ,,, ,. ~. • ..

Our Amazon Queen!

A "This is my main man!"


A "Do you notice any resemblance?" T

T What a Party Animal! Picture Perfect.
> • I "'-··A· . " . , . . ' . ..:.,- -..r -·.. ;/i:j ,: .. .. ·~,.:- ;::·
A "Don ' t tell anyone that I'm buying cafeteria food!" A What a Wittich face!

A Yes, I'm sexy!


A Alright, how are you?

•- You do love F..,re.n ch , d on ' t you Mi,_ch elIe ? _ _


.6. Aren't the freshmen girls beautiful?

l' After all that effort - the tree looks dead!

l' What about the Holmes Jr. Board? lllllllll;IIS' r


Outdoor Educat ion

Outdoor Education, under the leadership of Ted Forbes and Mickey Landry, continued to have another great year of adventuring in the outdoors. First semester, the Outdoor Ed group went on six weekend trips, some of which included a backpacking trip to North Caro lina and paddling in the Everglades. During the second semester, the Outdoor Ed group went on six more weekend trips; some of the trips included a cross-country skiing trip in Tennessee and some paddling in the Florida Pan Handle. Some of the people who contributed to this year's program were Morgan Wilson, Sheila Kelley, Ben Tubb, and Eric Witherspoon All of the Outdoor Ed studen ts said that they "had a great time and learned a lot." Once agai n , St. Martin's can boast that it has the best Outdoor Education program in the South.

Outdoor Education 169
1VO Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education 171


172 M i dd l e Schoo l
"White meat or dark?" "Is this really how Mr. Spock did a mind probe?"
Middle School Candids f73
From this? Knowledge? Two Hot Mammas!
174 Middle School Candids
"Coach Rice taught me this grip!" "Can I stop smiling yet?"
Middle School Candids 175
"We're the Fruit of the Loom girls!" "Look, Mom, I brushed my teeth!" "Wait, I'm supposed to be working?"
"Being a stud comes naturally!"
176 Middle School Candids
''I'll never break another yardstick, I promise!"
"(gulp), What Gum!?!" An intense studier
Middle School Candids 177
be j-j-jammin'!'' Faculty look alike contest.
178 Middle School Candids

A first hand view of the Landry method of discipline!

"Hi! We're the nerdettes!"
"And what can Santa's sexy helper do for you?"
Middle School Candids 179
"O.K.! My science homework is in the Blue folder!"
180 Middle School Candids
"29 to the right 63 to the left and 52 back to "
"We don't have to go to a party! We ARE the party!"
Middle School Candids 181
Faces only MOM could love! Left to right: Amit Ahuja, Dita Andersson, Katherine Bailey. Left to right: Stephanie Eberts, Roger Cornelius, Kathleen Dodson.
Left to right, Top: Beau Bisso, Amy Calzada. Bottom: Rimi Bensrieti, Marianne Bankston, Elizabeth Chin. Left to right: John Cotsoradis, Allison Left to right, Top: Michael Fantaci, David Elvin.
Chrestman , Chad Cooper. Annie Falgoust. Left to right, Top : Matt Gaumer, Scott Hall, Matt Fransen Bottom: Laura Gladden, Pat Garcia. Left to right: Holly Hill, Mark Herman, Christine Harvey Left to right: Dana Jones, Marc Jennings, Elizabeth Hoskins. On all fours: Left to right: Cameron Lee Chris Lawler, Rachel Newman, Michelle Mowad, Barbara Stephen Loeb Lowenthal, 8TH
Left to right: Todd Kogutt, John Kahn Sitting: Left to right: Kathy Krust, Laurence Lambert, Courtney Lane. Left to right: Christian O'Neil, Kristine O'Connell, Julie Orringer, Michele Parmelee, Tim O'Brien. Standing: Molly Rogers. Sitting: Lee Phillips, Kelly Petro
Left to right: Sally Schuber, Owen St. Amant, Anders Ryden
J -I(,. • I J ..
Left to right: Scott Weber, Kim Valladares, Stepahnie Sumner, Emma Tubb, Reynolds Wilson. Left to Right, Standing: Scott Branting, Andrew Bingham, Ketil Brydoy Sitting: Monique Cerise, Shalini Ahuja.
Left to Right: Roby Arensman, Cavan Bordelon, Laura Bailey, Judy Baillie!, Max Bernstein. Left to Right: Betsy Erwin, Stacy Fowler, Maggie Erwin, Rachel Foster, Bryan Frentz.
Kneeling: Chris Delaune. Left to Right: Jim Dineen, Elizabeth Conway, Donielle Daigle, Sam Dunn ..,., Left to Right: Gregory Green, Paul Gorman, Cate Graham, Ben Goliwas, Charles Haddad.
-, I \ I I I I I
Left to Riehl: C,lenn Herman. Michael Karno, Jonathan Hodges, Devlin Hartline, Benjamin Jennings. Left to Right: Kenneth Miller , Thomas McEachin , Tuck Marshall , Melanie Nathansen , Franziska Messerli. 7th Left to Right : Annie Lankard , Katie Koch, Ashley Koerner , Eric Krust, James Leonard. , .-


Left to Right: Becky Shaw, Michael Sooder, Claire Snyder, McHardy Stautz, Romi Sottiurai. Left to Right: Will Schaefer, Todd Pittman, Jennifer Nichols, Stephanie Rogers, Isabelle Petit. Left to Right, Standing: Debbie Witkin, Meaghan Williams, Mary Lee Wayman. Sitting: Jeff Wiener.
Left to Right: Jill Vedros, Jennifer Villaume, Catherine Verlander, Frika Washington.
Left to right: Murat Akdamar, Marcus Bachrack, Jennifer Adams. Left to right: John Blake, David Bowman, Chris Casbarian. Left to right: Beau Bethune, Truitt Balart, Beth Baron . Left to right: Jenny Costello, Aletta Cooper, Ed Chin Left to right: John Curren, Mollie Deshazo, Christian Daigle. Left to right: Gretchen Godchaux, Sean Higgins, Martha Claire Griffin. Left to right: Travis Flower, Lauren Dunn, Jason Doss
Left to right: Nick Hinge!, Nikki Houston, Paul Hogan.
Left to right: Raj Kulkarni , Alliosn Johnston, Ste ph e n Kog os. Left to right: Andrew McLean , Kelly McGeehan , Craig Mertens Left to right: Peter Leach , Rob Marino, MarK Leu,a, K. Left to right: Aimee Miranne, Paolo Messina, Hiro Mikami. Left to right: Michael Odom, Kelly Norwood , Clifford Northon Left to right: Meghan Richoux, Robbie Rhoden , Manishi Prasad Left to right: Edward Pankey , Amy Petro, Ray Orill
Left to right: Claiborne Schmidt, Marc Ripps , Jeff Rouse.
Left to right: Amy Schulenkamp, David Schw e itzer , Lisa Scott. Left to right: Catherine Waskes, Michael Sullivan , Stacy Vial. Left to right: Karen Shell, Brett Simpson, Suzie Shaw. Left to right: Carter Wood, Kim Wilson, Loye Willis.


From AJ?ril 27- May 2, the eighth grade class was m Washington, D.C. From dawn to dusk , we were kept busy There were four kids in a room at our hotel, The S,kyline Inn On Sunday, we went to the zoo and saw, among other things, the pan- das, That evening we went to the Georgetown Mall . Later that night we walked to the Washington Monument, which was a really -long walk. Monday morning, just like every morning, we were waked up before 7 a.m. We went to the Supreme Court, and heard a trial about gambling in Puerto Rico. Later, we went to Mt. Veron and Arlington Cemetery For dinner, we ate at the Ofd Post Office, which is similar to the Jax Brewery. We then went to the Vietnam Memorial, which put everyone in a sad mood Tuesday, we went to the White House. Later, we went to the Smithsonian, which was fun. That night we saw Hot Mikado , a funny musical at "Ford 's Theater. On Wednesday, STM investigated the FBI and more of the Smithsonian. That night we went to the White Flint Mall in Maryland All of Thursday was spent in the colonial town of Williamsburg . That evening we went to the airport to come home In At1anta we had a 3 hour layover, but we finally got home at 2 a.m The low points of the trip were all the walking and being waked up at the crack of dawn. The hign points were the FBI, Air and Space Museum, sleeping in the Senate Chamber, and goint to the White Flint Mall Most peopfe seem to enjoy the trip very much

Tom Sawyer Day

On May ninth , the seventh grade class boarded the busses for an exciting trip into ye s terday The students and faculty were dressed to represent the age of Tom Sawyer. The first event of the day, after arriving at the Piner ' s home, was a costume contest. There were also bubble gum blowing and frog jumping contests which livened things up and set the mood Games such as tug-of-war and potato sack races kept the spirit up throughout the day There was a minstrel show in which some of the seventh graders sang and danced, and the announcers kept the action going. For lunch , many of the students baked pies and other deserts for the class The students spent the rest of the day swimming and swinging on the rope swing Luckily enough, the weather was wonderful , and everyone had a superb day

200 Tom Sawyer Day
Tom Sawyer Day 201

6th Grade Overnight

The excitement began with a 45 minute bus ride to Holy Redeemer . Once the 6th graders arrived, they divided up into groups to explore the area and participate in an obstacle course. One station had a small box made up of sticks in which the whole group tried to fit. They walked across a rope strung from two trees while holding on to another rope above their heads and enjoyed many other challenging activities Then the students divided into red and blue teams to play M* A *S*H . This was a game where doctors had to rescue patients, and the team with the most patients won. There was swimming in a pool, excellent food , and skits performed by the groups . They watched a movie and had a chapel service outside . The highlight of the night was the birthday party with all the food. The next morning after waking up at 7:00 am, the students packed and went swimming until it was time for the ride back to school. One sixth grader summed up the trip as "FUN!"

202 6th Grade •
6th Grade 203

E R I T A G E D A y

A survey of a sixth grade class revealed some diverse opinions on Heritage Day

Heritage Day was . a different and challenging experience fun dressing up in costume and eating ice cream .. . boring and stupid because we had to dress up and wear these stupid Indian costumes and read reports a lot of hard work to research for the reports okay.

Jason, a sixth grader, is quoted as saying, "I liked Heritage Day because of the ice cream, the plays, and learning about different famous people ."

The consensus of the class was that the ice cream was definitely the best part of fieritage Day!!

204 H e ritage Day
H entage Day 205

This year's Middle School musical, Once Upon A Mattress, as dedicated to Mrs. Adair Watkins, a favorite teacher of the ast and crew. The play centered around Prince Dauntless, portrayed by Anders Ryden, and his search for a wife. His search is completed when Princess Winnifred, played by Cate Graham, passes an almost impossible test set up by the Prince's parents, Sally Schuber and Jimmy Leonard. Other talented per- formances were put in by Cavan Bordelon, David Elvin, Elizabeth Hoskins, and Owen St. Amant. All of this was combined to create a truly magnificent show!

206 Drama
Drama 207

An All School Production:

The musical, Oliver!, was a smash at St. Martin's. This was the first all school production in recent history. The cast, ranging from Lower School to Faculty, consisted of 114 performers. Jimmy Cox, the director, and Mary Wilson, the musical director, realized the difficulty involved in teaching 46 orphans the words to "Food, Glorious Food." However, they both did an incredible job and were ultimately responsible for the show's success.

I ~08 Drama

The entire cast did a fantastic job. Sean Grace and Andrew McLean both showed the audience their talent as Oliver. Freshman, Trey Hill, will be long remembered as the villain, Fagan. Other notable actors were Cavan Bordelon and David Elvin as the Artful Dodger, Colin Walker and John Ellis as Bill Sykes, and Kathleen Ford and Heather Sislen as Nancy. Everyone who viewed, acted in, or had anythin$ to do with Oliver! will never forget the special experience it provided.

Drama 209
210 Drama


Chorus and Band 211
Front Row, Left to Right: Manishi Prasad, Karen Shell, Catherine Waskes, Suzie Shaw, Mollie DeShago, Mary Lee Wayman, Beth Baron, Anne Lankard, Allison Johnston, Gretchen Godchaux. Second Row, Left to Right: Kim Wilson, Nikki Houston, Kelly Norwood, Juhe Baillet, Maggie Erwin, Jennefer Villaume, Elizabeth Conway, Katie Koch, Catherine Adams, Becky Shaw, Claire Snyder, Amy Schulenkamp, Catherine Uerlander. Third Row, Left to Right: Care Graham, Erika Washington, Fran Messerli, Lisa Scott, Melanie Nathensan, Stephanie Rogers, Monique Cerise. Left to Right: Scott Branning, Michael Sooder, Steven Kogos, Michael Sullivan, Paolo Messina, Chris Casberian, Raj Kulkarni, Eddie Chin, Paul Hogan, Christian Daigle, Mark LeBlanc, Martha Claire Griffin, Loren Dunn, Jenny Costello, Holly Hill.

Middle School A wards

Dean's Award

Elizabeth Hoskins ,iiil.lJ~~~l-'-'l,lW,l.i..-----


6 John Blake

Jennifer Adams

7 Scott Branting

Katie Koch

8 Jeff Klein

Stephanie Sumne


6 Robbie Rhod~n

Honorable Menti

Jeff Rouse, Ka en Shell, Michael Sullivan, Manishi Prau , Mollie Desh

7 Donielle Daigle

Honorable Mentio

Verlander, St

8 Amit Ahuja

Honorable Menti

Foreign Lan


7 Monique Cerise

Honorable Menti

8 Amit Ahuja


Spee~~ ant Fine.,,,-•••ny Schube

et, Donielle Daigle, rmelee, Max in mant and odd Kogutt

Honorable Mention. Sp 7

Pa elee

National Mathern cs L~ague

Ahuja, der, Deb


6 Mkhael.Sullivan

Honorable Mention : David Bowman, Je ou ,

Karen Shell, Mollie Deshazo, Robbie Rhoden

7 Donielle Daigle

Honorable Mention: Meghan Williams, Charlie

Haddad, Ketil Brydoy, Jonathan Hodges

8 Dita Anderson

Honorable Mention: Amit Ahuja, Jeff Klein

gebra I . y ja a odson

abeth Chin


Miss Mathematics Leagu

8th Grade: ·

2nd in Jeff miicrt)t

6th Grade: 1st in Jeff Parish

1st in La

7th in Tri State area

Certificate to Karen Shell, Robert Rhoden, Edward Chin

- w~~~:..,::_:'.:_~~<tli~ r ;;r,e~.i2~~is;~
e to Ketil Brydoy
212 Middl e School Award s


Cheerleaders: Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Allison Crestman, Debbie Witkin, Catherine Verlander, Betsy Erwin, Stephanie Sumner, Courtny Lane, Katie Koch, Elizabeth Conway, Kristine O'Connell, Kelly Petro, Maggie Erwin, Emma Tubb.


Varsity Football: Left to Right, Back Row: Michael Karno, John Cotsoradis, Chris Delaune, Chad Cooper, Scott Weber, Reynolds Wilson, Lawrence Lambert, Will Schaefer, Tim O ' Brien. Middle Row: Ben Goliwas, Cameron Lee, Thomas McEachin , Jeffery Klein , Tucker Mar- shall, Sam Dunn, Michael Fantaci, Paul Gorman, Matt Fransen , Eric Krust, McHardy Stoutz, John Kahn. Front Row: Charlie Haddad, Roby Arensman , Mark Herman, Todd Pittman, Jimmy Leonard, Glenn Herman, Brian Frentz, Scott Branting, Johnathon Hodges, Cavin Bordelon, Christian O'Niel.


Boy's Basketball: Left to Right, Back Row: Coach Larry, Scott Weber, Chris Delaune, Matt Fransen, Christian O'Neil, Thomas McEachin, Charles Haddad, Michael Karno, Will Schaefer. Front Row: Sam Dunn, Jeff Klein, Jeff Green, Scott Branting, Tuck Marshall, Jeff Weiner, Eric Krust.



The 1986 girls' basketball team proved to be very successful. They were composed of an 18 girl team made up of seventh and eighth graders. They finished with a successful record even though they fell short of the Ivy League title. They were knocked out of the possibility for the title in their own tournament. The team shows great potential for next year and even had three eighth graders, Arny Calzada, Stephanie Sumner and Kristine O'Conell, who played with the high school JV team.

Girls' Basketball: Left to Right, Back Row: Stacy Fowler (manager), Sally Schuber (manager), Kirn Valederos, Michele Parrnellee, Kristine O'Connell, Katie Dodson, Stephanie Rogers, Holly Hill, Stephanie Eberts, Ashley Koerner, Katie Koch, Barbara Lowenthal. Mi dd l e Ro w: Elizabeth Chin, Courtney Lane, Arny Calzada, Anne Falgoust, Stephanie Sumner, Elizabeth Conway, Julie Baillet. Front Row: Cate Graham, Mary Lee Wayman, Becky Shaw


Boys' Soccer: Left to Right, Back Row: Coach Rice, Michael Fantaci, Tim O ' Brien, Todd Pittman , Roger Cornelius, David Elvin, Chris Lawler, Amit Ahuja , Mark Jennings , Scott Hall , Roby Arensman, Ketil

Broydoy Front Row: Andrew Frank, Max Bernstein, Mike Sooder, Matt Gaumer, Owen St. Amant, Calvin Bordelon , John Cotsoradis , Jimmy Leonard, Todd Kogutt , Andrew Bingham, Kenny Miller .


Girls' Soccer: Left to Right, Back Ro w: Kathy Krust, Lee Phillips , Elizabeth Hoskins, Rachel Newman, Dita Anderson , Rachel Foster, Emma Tubb , Mimi Bersrieti. M i ddle Ro w: Monique Cerise, Patricia Garcia, Betsy Erwin , Meaghan Williams, Jill Vedros, Laura Gladden. Front Row: Shalini Ahuja , Allison Chrestman, Melanie Nathensen, Molly Rodgers, Debbie Witkin, Kelly Petro.


Varsity: Left to Right, Back Row: Stephanie Sumner, Rachel Newman, Kristine O'Connell , Elizabeth Hoskins, Laura Gladden, Anne Falgoust. Front Row: Cate Graham, Meagnan Williams , Jill Vedros, Monique Cerise , Debbie Witkin.

Junior Varsity: Left to Right, Back Row: Holly Hill, Elizabeth Chin, Lee Phillips, Emma Tubb, Ashley Koerner. Middle Row: Julie Bailliet, Becky Shaw, Stacey Fowler, Michele Parmellee, Kathy Krust, Allison Chrestman Front Row: Elizabeth Conway , Stephanie Rogers, Molly Rodgers, Courtney Lane. Front: Betsy Erwin.


Boys' Track: Left to Right, Back Row: Max Bernstein, Coach Larry, Ben Goliwas, John Kahn , Reynolds Wilson , Scott Weber , Beau Bisso , Chris Lalwer , Roger Cornelius , Stephen Loeb , Coach Rice. Front Row: Scott Hall , Will Schaefer, Thomas McEachin , Andrew Frentz , Jonathan Hodges , Roby Arensman , Paul Gorman, Devlin Hartline. Girls' Track: Left to Right, Back Row: Katie Dodson, Rachel Foster, Melanie Nathensen, Romi Sotturai , Annie Lankard, Debbie Witkin , Franziska Messerli, Maggie Erwin, Julie Bailiet, Coach Smiley.


Boy's Baseball: Left to Right, Back Row: Lawrence Lambert, Chris Delaune, Christian O'Neil, Charles Haddad, John Cotsoradis, Mark Jennings. Middle Row: Owen St. Armant, Glenn Herman, Todd Pittman, Mark Herman, Michael Kamo, Chad Cooper Front Row: Jimmy Leonard, Sam Dunn , Michael Fantaci, Jeff Weiner, Cavan Bordelon, Scott Branting
Softball 223
S o ftball: Back Row, Left to Right: Lee Phillips, Laura Gladden, Stephanie Sumner, Debbie Witkin, Stephanie Rodgers, Dana Jones, Kathy Krust. Front Row: Elizabeth Chin, Erica Washington, Jill Vedros, Meagan Williams, Monique Cerisire, Becky Shaw, Mary Lee Wayman.


Tennis: Left to Right, Back Row: Jeff Green, Jeff Klien, Tuck Marshall, Scott Weber, Amit Ahuga, David Elvin, Eric Krust. Front Row: Anne Falgoust, Elizabeth Conway, Katie Koch, Kristine O'Connell, Cate Grahm, Rachel Newman, Shalini Ahuga, Stacy Fowler, Stephanie Eberts Boy's Wrestling: Left to Right, Back Row: Stephen Loeb, Beau Bisso, Laurence Lambert, John Kahn, Martin Muller Front Row: McHardy Stoutz, Anders Ryden, Mark Herman, Glenn Herman.

The Fall Guy!

I thought I had it.
Got it! 232

Anybody's ball!

Step, swing, hit!


got it!

The Many Faces of . .. LOWER



Left to right, Top: Brad Butler, Edmund Dieth, Stuart Peyton, Rebecca Ruch, Cathy White. Top to bottom: Carter Marshall, Ryan Himel, Erin Salzer, Ryan Smith, Steven Griffith, Samantha Brennan, Philip Kogos, Nikki Corcoran, Arthur Christy, Meeta Prasad Bottom: Jen- nifer Levy, Michael McDermott, Ryan Fairman, Ruffy Suggs, Michael Hanemann.
Follow your pencil in a circle: Elizabeth Byrd, Sarah Close, Ben Crawford, Brett Cothren, Amy Pecquet, Jennifer Schupp, Daniel Caliri, Jimmy Maxwell, Jay Ben St. Amant, Douglas Foreman, Lise Andersson, Lisa Schultz, Chris Sooder, Chris Reese, John Rawlins, Jonathan Schudm~k, Tossy Sanders, Chris Leask, John Cook, Sean Grace.
Follow your pencil in a circle: Chris Shofstahl, John McMath, Timothy Eberts, Kathy Haycock, Paige Nolan, Gray Crawford, Amy Johnson, Julia Frank, Chris Hartwell, Chris Coffman, Chris Stakelum, Carter Balart, Lenore Shaffer, Patrick Odom, Dina Michael, Brett Guidry . Missing from picture: Chad Aleman, Katy Faught, Scott Schuber, Reid Walters.
Follow your pencil: Jay Adair, Michele Kenny , Will Newman, Kenny Kilinski, Patrick Garvey , Bryan Cothren , Peter Burk, Stephen Frank, Ricky Alford , Beth Marks , Greg Page , Lisa Kreeger , Shannon James , Robbie Manard, Fritz Koch , Eddie Wicker, Chris Pickering, Melanie Kaye, Arny DebBoisblanc, Ann Friedman Left to right, Top Row: Wendy Wolf, Anouk Rognon, Elizabeth Wanek, Lauren Ward, Lamond Parker, Erin Simpson, Suzie Miller, Collin Schuhmacher, Michael Manske Bottom Row: Brent Scalia, John Rees.
Left to right, Top Row: Rebecca Friedman, Rebecca Blake, Carrie Black, John Diasselliss, Andrew Brewer, Brent Beaulieu, Brian Caruso, Riley Busenlener. Bottom Row: Leigh Adams, Douglas Hoskins.
Standing, Left to right: Ross Cole, Jason Griffith, Melissa Fowler, Kendall Dinon, Bethany Himel, Dana Blake Sitting, Left to right: Richard Barnett, David Bellard, Matthew Fantaci, Tami Hill. Back Row, Left to right: Stewart Neff, Gregory Northon, Robert Trapani, Jamie Twigg. Front Row, Left to right: William James, Matthew Roger, Breck Trevino, Nicole Smith, Amy Scott, Lindsay Romano, Christine Quinn.

Scott McClave

Bobby Peterson

Jonathan Massicot

Brian Kendrick

Ashley Hall

Katie Hartwell

Jason Perryman

Stephen Hanemann

Sarah Barkman

Lange Allen

Brad Coffmann

Joshua Banis

Lauren Gatti

Allyson Bratina

Katherine Brown

Jason Conway

Lee Prewitt

Jeremy Reed

Jesse Sch udmak

Lindsay Wilson

Meredith Volk

Rachel Tuuri

Ridgely Pittman

Robin Tompkins

Left to right: Left to right: Left to right:
Left to Right: Dominick Bartolotta, Bradley Ceaser, Matthew Francis, Jim Angehr, Fairleigh Cook, Julie Clark, Catherine Garvey, and Phyllis Huang. Left to Right: Marshall Klemmt, Cindy Perret, Robby Cole, Brendan Mclean , Justin Norwood, Mikalia Kott, John Parker, Beth Huber, and Joel Nathansen.
Left to Right: Ryan Rivet, Taylor Martin, Jeffrey Williams, Rana Ramelli, Stephanie Vial, Louis Smith, and Ben Prevost.

Jennifer Smith

Mary Pettit

Christina Thorneycroft

Sharon McDaniel

August Perez

Jonathan Schenk

Joey Schweitzer

Mario Caserta

Sahil Godiwala

Matt Bachrack

Tony Anzalone

Monique Durbin

Elaine Barnett

Joanne Close

Brett Bordelon

Adam Kartzke·

Lee Hall

David McCallum

Kelly Kepper

Staci James

Wendy Manard

Trey Jones

Josh Magee

Left to right: Left to right: Left to right:
Left to right, Top Row: Ruth Thieneman , Zachary Rouse , Matthew Wessel , Michael Megison , Sarah Simpson Bottom Row: Stewart Jolly , Stacy Weber, Chike Ozah , Deidre Quinn , Courtney Schupp Left to right, Top to bottom: Tori Hodges, Carla Dugas , Bridget Dugan , Nicole Irving, Laura Gannon, Lisa Dwyer 12:00 - Ali Copeland , 2:00 - Stephen Bellard, 4:00Sean Donnelly, 6:00 - Andrea Andersson , 8:00 - Mike Beisenherz, 10:00 - Shane Bohrer. Top: Curt Beaulieu. Middle Row: Jonathan Houston, Jenny Denuna, Greg Frank. Front Row: Gretchen Garrison, John David Abernathy, Caroline Byrd, Emily Lifsey , Alecia Fiorenza, Jennifer Cortese. Clockwise, From Top Left: Matthew Welch, Chrissy White, Stephen St.Pierre , Michael Schultz, Jason Thibodaux, Katharina Ullmann. Top: Elizabeth McManus. Middle: Amanda Reed , Sarah Beth Odom, Amanda Maxwell. Bottom: Blake Schumacher, Chip McGeehan.
Standing, L. to R.: Stephen Haddad, Rebecca Dunn, Elena Arensman, David Jones, James Kahn. Sitting, L to R: Guy Johnston, Michael Brown, Christopher Bowman, John David Godchaux. L to R, Top to Bottom: Katie Leonard, Randi McCreight, Michael Kreeger, Coleen Kenny, Allison Martinez, Kim Milano. Top: Brandon Voss. Middle, L. to R.: Carole Miranne, Colin Hubbard, Olena Tampira. Bottom, L. to R.: Ryan Ann Murphy, Mark Pearce, Matt Rivers. Top to bottom: Ari Burshell, Kadi Dreher, Parker Argote, Michael Bower, Nicole Bode Top to bottom: Karen Holman, Matthew Fowler, Elizabeth Hanemann, Star Dunaway, Jayson Lipsey
' ;t\ ;;5::k>;·'•C7 I lA -
Up the slide: Christine Melchers, Jonathan Rastegar, Sara Waldman, Jeffrey Rawson , Jimmy Reese, Courtney Mcilwain, Kristy May, Ryan Nagim, Ryan Sharp
Clockwise from 11:00: Michael Bordelon, Brittany Bates, Mary Brennan Backrack, Michael Barkman, Randy Alford. Top to bottom, Left to right: Robby Clotworthy, Brandon Dinon, Shannon Garrison, Lauren Francis, Geoffrey Fraiche. Left to right, Top Row: Brett Sutton, Erin Murphy, Barth Melius, Dominique Mautilich, Thomas Thomason Bottom Row: Drew Morock, Stephen Oliveri, Elizabeth Griffin, Claire Salzer. Down the ladder: Ashley Authement, Marcie Campo, Charles Christy. Left side: Katy Davidson. Right side: Chad Flick. Down the ladder: Megan Hintz, Erin Kellogg, Anna Kilinski. Left side: Jessica Krinke Right side: Miles Lewis.
·. • :,;. -~~.; -!' . ::: .c.:::-~"";;~~-s; ._......... .-c. lC
Left to right, Top: Lewayne Parker, Kevin McCormick, David Smith. Middle: Michael Smuck, Steven Moore. Bottom: Christy White, Robin Schafer, Mark Schulingkamp.


Down the Ladder: Robert Allen, Marty Black, Andy Chrestman, Brett Cowand, Christopher Close.

Down the Ladder: Jonathan Perret, Trey Thompson, Michelle McDaniel, Meghan McDermott, Jim Scheurich, Brian Kaye.

Down the Ladder: John Gerry, Lauren Dellinger, Judith Diasselli, Andy Crawford, Nicole Dampeer.

Down the Ladder: Robie Hicks, Kristin Jolly, Nihal Godiwala, Kelly Hall, Loretta Hoskins.

Clockwise: 1:00 - Ryan McCreight, 2:00 - Kio Lance, 5:00

-K K. Martinez , 7:00 - David Meyer , 10:00 - Justin Meunier , 11:00 - Casey Ramelli.

Left to Right, Top : Anthony Ranatza , Mikey Schweitzer. Middle Bench: Lauren Venturatos, Kristin Saunders, Josh Robgers. Ground : Spendcer Wood.

Top to

Peter Adair , Barbara Brown , Charli Copeland , Matthew DeShazo, Erik Bengtssor.

Left to Right, Top: James Gambrell , Emily Hymowit z Bottom: Erin Donnelly , Amanda Hall, Abe Kunen.
Left to right, Top: Zak Baig, Elliot Beaudoin, John Bergeron. Bottom: Jonathan Cerise, Mark Angehr. Left to right, Top: Jenny Ernst, Elise Dicharry, Scott Donnelly. Bottom: Lauren Daly, John Colfry. Down the ladder: Nicholas Pappas, Amanda Reese, Matthew Rigdon, Michael Sanders, Aubrey Warren, Melissa Morock. Left to right, Top: Jennifer Hwang, Matt Houston. Bottom: Theresa Kappel, Jay Kott, Christine Hilleren, Richard Lo.

Clockwise: 1:00 - Jessica Resignola, 5:00 - Robert Richard, 6:00 - Brendan Pugh, 9:00 - Fletcher Maumus, 11:00 -

264 Pre-KA
Down the ladder: Kevin Brown, Mark Busenlener, Jason Brown, Anna Bengtsson, Brandi Bates. Left to right: Julie Fiorenza, Annie Clements, Chris Davidson, Michael Landry, Melain McCormick. Grant Melius
p K A
p K B
Left to right: Brooke McCleary, Philip May, Derek Larson, Trey Moses, Justin Molaison. Left to right: Caroline Williams, Jeremy Schudmak, Emily Rivers, Warren Price, Alan Watts
Pre-KB 265
Top to bottom: Lauren Hill, Preston Dugas, Christian Jones, Angie Anzalone, Holland Dauterive.
266 Pr e -KC
Top to bottom: Richard Parker, Brittany Olson , Jeremy Rawson, Megan Rigdon . Left to right: Victoria Ullmann, p Nancy Scabrini, Amy Scalia . Front: Joseph Saborio, Jerome Volk.
Left to right: Lindsay Levine, Jonathan Campo, Mathison Hall. Front: Al Minor, Barrett Bowers.
p K
Left to right: Timothy Pinter, Steven Quinet, Aimee Scheuermann, John Ratte, John Rotonti. DLeft to right: Taylor Simon, Stacy Whitlow, Meghan Ware, Justin Svec, Chris West.
Pre KD 267
Top to bottom: Seth Duplantis, Kari Cesta, Elizabeth Matthews, Allison Johnson.


As September began, the Lower Schoolers were excited about starting another new year at St.M. Seeing old friends , meeting new ones, finding out who would be their teacher, and getting back to those monkey bars they thought of all summer filled their minds. To start off the year's activities, Mr . Rotoni from Felix's Restaurant, with his son John, visited the Pre-K . He brought his famous seafood and showed the children how to scale fish and shuck oysters. Only the brave ones tasted the slithery delicac !



Fall was in the air m the month of October and the Lower Schoolers were ready. The children participated in the Homecoming activities by wearing red t-shirts bearing the Homecoming logo. Many children attended the game and brightened up the crowd . By the end of the month, everyone was thinking of Halloween. Masks were made and decorated and pumpkins were chosen at the flea market . The children designed the pumpkins' faces and Halloween at St.M was in full swing

I 270

I 1985 I


November came and weather began to get cool. leaves were falling and there was a definite change of season . The children were getting ready for St. Martin's Day by decorating the Lower School red, white, and blue.

St.M Day was filled with excitement as the Upper and Middle Schools joined the Lower School and St. Martin's was one big family The next thing the children knew,, it was time for Thanksgiving Everything from hats to paper turkeys were made to celebrate Pilgrim's Day. By the end of the day thoughts of paper turkeys switched to real ones and the children were really thankful.

:. ~t : --:: ,...f, • .:.~;;; ~.!.;,,.;,:~· I

1985 ff



December was a month the entire Lower School was waiting for. Early in the month the classrooms were already covered with seasonal decorations as the children were getting ready for Santa's arrival. Preparations were also being made for the Christmas play Costumes were designed and songs practiced each day until the big event. The final day came and the play was a huge success. Christmas was the main interest, and certainly thinking " bah

... ... . 276 .._________ ____.

January came and many Lower Schoolers were returning from their holiday ski trips . The children were ready for a rather routine month of learning and playing. However, January 28 was not a routine day This day will be remembered throughout history The students of St. Martin's, as well as students across the nation, heard about or even watched the space shuttle CHALLENGER explode shortly after takeoff. The whole nation mourned the death of the seven crew members by lowering the American flag to half mast. Although this national tragedy had to be explained to the younger children, they knew something was wrong. This section of the '86 yearbook is specially dedicated to the seven crew members and their family and friends, who will mourn their deaths forever.



Everyone knew what February meant . . MARDI GRAS!!! The children began designing the floats for the annual Mardi Gras parade around the quadrangle . Many different costumes were worn, from clowns to animals to even Roman Warriors . After their own parade, the children were ready to spend their week off catching the beads and trinkets of the real parades . The children felt quite lucky to be in such a great city where great fun takes place!

I 1986


Science defined the month of March as the fifth graders were both proud and nervous about the yearly Science Fair. Some students were prepared for the fair as early as the summertime, when they began growing, building, and producing an assortment of projects. The little gym was filled to the brim with different projects ranging from solar energy to skeletons. When it was time for the award ceremony, the children were excited and surprised, but each deserved a special award for their talent.


The Lower schoolers knew what Ap r il meant: Spring breezes, Easter Bunnies, Heavenly Days and just the month of May until Summer! Many spent their ' Spring Break ' in Florida, but some did stay in New Orleans to enjoy their Easter eggs and jelly beans . Heavenly Days was a huge success as the children spent a fun-filled day playing games and winning prizes. Some Summer vacations were already planned and the children couldn't help but get fired up!

I 282
1986 283

May: simply the most exciting month! May receives the trophy for the most 'days': May Day, when pretty girls dress up in their white Spring dresses; Indian Day, a salute to the fascinating Indian customs; and the famed World Day, an exciting exhibition of food and dance from each country Mr Landry displayed his outdoor skills by taking the Pre-K on a camping trip and STM turned into a wilderness adventure for the children, as canoes were loaded into the pool and tents were set up next to the House

All the festivities of May were equally enjoyed by everyone, and the 1985-1986 school year will be remembered for its array of such fun activities!

I 284

I 1986 I


Lower School Dedication

Evelyn looks back at her 34 years of teachin2: at_ St. Martin's with pride, gratification and many memones. She remembers her first teaching assignment at St. Martin's in 1952. It began at Little School on Metairie Road under Mr. Louise Martin. Evelyn taught kindergarten there until 1958, and was then moved to the existing campus where the kindergarten was relocated.

When asked why she has enjoyed teaching the little ones for so many years, she replied that she prefers smaller children because they say and do such cute things. If they love you, they will respond to you. Evelyn remembers one child coming up to her and saying, "You smell just like my grandmother!" Somewhat taken aback, Evelyn asked, "How?" The young man replied, "I think it's the same kind of perfume!" Evelyn wishes that she would have written down some of the cute things that her children have said to her during the years . " Why, I'd have as much money as Art Linkletter," she laughed!

One of the cutest stories that Evelyn remembers is one involving th e time that she drove a carryall. When she first began teaching on Metairie Road, all of the teachers drove the children home at noon in carryalls. One day she was going a little fast, and a policeman stopped her. She had dropped all of the students off except one youngs ter who quickly came to his teacher's defense say ing, "Oh, please, Mr. Policeman, don't 'underrest' her!" The policeman could not help but laugh, and he told Evelyn to go on, but to slow down some!

Evelyn has found her teaching years to be very rewarding ones. She has tried to provide experiences that would increase the children's knowledge, improve skills and develop desirable habits and attitudes.

Evelyn contends that because of the excellent faculty, administrators, fine children, and cooperative parents, her 34 years at St. Martin's have been short and very rewarding!

Helen's name had become synonymous with St . Martin's Lower School. She became part of our family in 1956 - 30 years ago. Helen remembers starting her teaching in the Barn until Building A was completed. She has worked under three headmasters and five principals

When asked why she preferred teaching fourth grade, she replied, "Well, I guess I was never smart enough to move to fifth grade!"

We all know that Helen's sense of humor is one of the things that has made her so special to us! She laughs when she thinks that one of her first students is now teaching at St Martin's!

Helen's memories will always keep her a part of this school. She remembers the year that it snowed and she just happened to look out of the window and saw the snow before the children did. Helen yelled, "It's snowing . . .!" Before she finished the sentence, there was not one child left in the room! "I wasn't far behind them either!" she laughs.

286 L.S. Dedication

Lower School Dedication

Then, as now, St. Martin ' s Lower School was always doing enriching activities. One year, Book Week was established and each class had to represent a book or a movie by putting on a skit. Helen ' s class decided to do "101 Dalmatians" with all of the children dressing as dogs Who do you suppose Cruella deVille was? Helen said that she was the old witch and she dressed up with half of her hair black and the other half white!

The children come back year after year to visit their fourth grade teacher and to laugh with her about some of their antics and some of their

memories. "Remember the April Fools' book drop, Mrs. Gregory, when the students dropped their books every hour?" "Don't forget the Service Club, Mrs . Gregory! "

When asked why she enjoyed teaching, Helen replied, "The interest the children have in learning and the cooperation from the parents have kept me here so long Teaching has been my life and I'll never lose my interest in St. Martin ' s." Helen relates that the care faculty has for one another has been great , and it's (St Martin's) just like home to her!

LS. Dedication 287


State High School Literary Rally: 1st Place: Vin Tangpricha (Biology 1), Shelby Snyder (Spanish II), Ryan Womack (Physics). 2nd Place: Jody Wilson (Spanish III), Kirk Madison (Geometry), Ben Tubb missing (Chemistry). 3rd Place: Ann Ingolia (Biology II), Laura Hartline (French III), Tyson Vaughn missing (English II) 4th and 5th Place: Stephanie Sarrat (5th English I), Cameron Smith (4th American History), Nicole Bailliet missing (4th French II).

288 Literary Rally

Special Foreign Language and "Open" Events: Superior: Tyra Robinson (French II Interpretive Reading) Excellent: Trey Hill (Latin II) , Freddie Devall (French III Extemporaneous Speaking) , Stephanie Griggers (French IV Interpretive Reading) , Jeff Klein missing (Latin I). Good and Fair: Piper Freeman (Good French III Interpretive Reading) , Edward Widofsky (Good French II Extemporaneous Speaking), Kathleen Lawler (Good French IV Extemporaneous Speaking) , Graham Justice (Fair Spanish IV Interpretive Reading).

• •
Literary Rally 289

Greater New Orleans Literary Rally: 1st Place: Jody Wilson (Spanish III), Vin Tangpricha (Biology I), Ryan Womack (Physics), Kirk Madison (1st Place and Overall Winner in all 4 Divisions), Shelby Snyder (Spanish I), Stephanie Sarrat (English I), Ben Tubb missing (Chemistry). 2nd Place: Rob Walters (Algebra II), Ann Ingolia (Biology I), Laura Hartline (French III), Cameron Smith (American History), Sumi Mikami (Algebra I). 3rd, 4th, and 5th: Kathleen Lawler (5th French IV), Marianne Brydoy (3rd Spanish I), Justine Cotsoradis (5th English IV). Missing: Loren Berot (3rd Spelling), Nicole Bailliet (3rd French II), Jeff Klein (3rd Latin I), Trey Hill (3rd Latin II), Tyson Vaughn (4th English II), Elizabeth McElwee (5th French I), Karen Kirshbom (5th Spanish IV).

290 Literary Rally

Two of St. Martin1 s highly respected teachers were honored for their dedication to their professions . Dr. Harriet Aguiar won Woman of the Year, and Mr . Terry Fitzmorris was named the top teacher for Tulane University.

Four St. Martin's students went to the Grand National Tournament League in Baltimore, Md. ihey competed against 1700 students and came home with exceptional awards. Graham Justice and Trey Hill won 2nd place in duo interpretation of literature. Elizabeth McElwee and Tyra Robinson won 22nd place in duo interpretation of literature.



The yearbook staff would like to thank all those who have supported the Shield.





Congratulations Seniors! from The Student Council

1985-86 Representatives


l isa Arensman

Kristin Kreeger

Charlie Marshall

Lisa Pankowitz




Chris Beckman

George McMahon

John Rogers

Jeanne Wanek

Lacey Wood


Donald Chin

Emily Haycock Kim Conway

Brady Wood

Marcie Carter

Graham Justice Loren Berot Peter Wanek

Elisia Shofstahl Drew Herrington Mary K. Williams

294 CONGRATULATIONS: KATHLEEN No matter how old you get BABY! Telephone 392-5550 · 650 W Rodriguez · P O. Box 6339 · Biloxi, Mississippi 39532
Bye St. Martin's Beth H. Love, Ashley H. Rana R. Monique Mary P. Rachel T. Katherine B. Ridgely P. Meredith V. Lindsay W. Lauren D. LeeP. Joel N. Phyllis H. Catherine G. Wendy M. Stephanie V. Kelly K. Sarah B. Julie C. Staci J. Elaine B. Allyson B. Katie H. Sharon M.


Board of Trustees:

St. Martin's Back Row, Left to Right: William James, Marvin Banton, John Wilson, Gedge Gayle , James McElwee, Donald Erwin, Gerard Jolly. Front Row, Left to Right: David Cameron, Douglas Johnson, Herschel Abbott, John Graham, Mary Anne O'Neil, Robert Shofstahl, Bishop Brown , and Lane DeBardeleden.




1985-1986 OFFICERS President Ford Dieth

Vice President For Special Projects

-Sal Scalia

Vice President For Membership

- Jim Bingham

Secretary - Allen Perret

Treasurer - Warren Schultz


Good Luck to . . .

A Tiger (Ed) -

''Show em' how to dance at AU!''

A Mustang (Ted)-



'Capt. Stubing says: Have fun

B . b ',, IX y.

A Cavalier (Hans) -

'Keep Yours priorities straight:

1. wrestling 2. women

3. study''

Auburn Virginia SMU and Millsaps Rule!

Thanks for everything, from ''The Terminator''






298 Congralufalion3 ':Jo ':Jhe C/a33 of 1986 :l-rom
':lhe mother3' Club
RUBY RED'S Steak Burgers Beer & Soft Drinks Mixed Drinks ''Where To Families Welcome Call'' Orders to Go 1525 Laplace Blvd. Open 11 AM - Midnite Harvey Sun.-Thurs. 367-5496 11 AM-2 AM Fri. & Sat. Available For Private Parties French Quarter Location Only 435 Esplanade Av . 945-1167 Good Luck r: "T' -...- general con~ruction to services, inc. Project Manager• 6100 ELYSIAN FIELDS AVENUE The Class of 86 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70122 504•283•4304 from BLESSINGS The To The Class of 1986 St. Genesius You are loved. Players "Padre" and Mrs. Byrd 299


From Big Al and Miss A wlene

Herff Jones · Graduate Supply House 3131 Metairie Road Metalrie, Louisiana 70001 lo from m,.. & m,.j. Rolert Suggj
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Thank You For Being You!

We Love You, Dad, Mother, Mark, & C. B.

Congrotulotions To The Closs of 1986

Good Luck To The Class of 1986

Tli~ l\~~CLUl3

Congratulations Jimmy Hondrulis

Love, Mom, Dad, and Laky

We are very proud of you, son, and we wish you the best.
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WE LOVE YOU, ALWAYS DAD, MOTHER, TIFT, MARILYN Congratulations and Good Luck Justine Cotsoradis We Love You Mom&Dad
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