1990 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

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.. 0 0 )AR SH , , •".", The Shield 1990

The Shield

OLARSH\ St. Martin's Episcopal School Metairie, Louisiana Volume XXXVII 1990 l
To/Ao/~ Dedication 4 Mother's and Dad's Oub 6 Board ofTrustees and Chaplains 7 All Schoollife 8 Upper School 28 Seniors 30 Senior Candids 67 Juniors 79 Sophomores 84 Freshmen 88 Upper School Life 94 Upper School Organizations 124 Upper School Sports 140 Middle School Life 166 Middle School Candids 178 Middle School Evenrs 184 Middle School Sports 198 Lower School Life 218 Lower School Candids 248 Lower School Evenrs 260 Faculty and Staff276 Index 296 Ads 302
____......... 4 - Dedication


Dear Class of 1990,

Four years ago, you were wide eyed freshman with your whole high school experience ahead ofyou. A little unsure but willing, you quickly took advantage ofthat which was offered, and you made places for yourselves. Youexcelled in speech and debate, the Key Club, the Chess Club, and the Quiz BowlTeams. You madenames for yourselves academically and athletically You showed enthusiasm, spirit, and determination. You had ambition.

No two ofyou are alike, but within your diversity, there has developed unity through the acceptance ofone another. During the last four years, while each ofyou were finding a niche within your class, you contributed to its strength through your individuality. Strength and wisdom stem from an openness to differences ofopinion and personality. Your class has been receptive to all members

The most notable ofyour many accomplishments, however, is your attainment ofrespea from the student body. You learned that respect had to be earned and could not be demanded You realized that you needed greater opportunity for responsibility,and you asked the school for it. Whengranted,you aaed upon it and the result has been gratifying. You have matured greatly as a class and as individuals this year. You have pioneered new opportunities for Senior responsibility, and the classes which follow will, we hope, benefit as you have benefited.

Ihopeyou willbeas wideeyed andindividuallyaggressiveenteringcollegeasyouwerewhenyouenteredhigh school. I also hopeyou will retain your openness to diversity and yourdrive for respect. You haveleftyour mark on this institution, and you will be fondly remembered by us all.


Headmaster'sAddress - 5

Mothers's Club

Dad's Club

Left to Right:Robin Houston (Vice President), Pat Fiorenza (RecordingSecretary), Myra Kogutt (Treasurer), Cheryl Washington (CorrespondingSecretary), and Caroline Tubb, (President)
6 - Mother's and Dad's Club
Left to Right: Charles Peterson (Vice President), Allan Petro (Secretary), Don Adair (President), Steve Griffith (Historian), Fred Schuber (Treasurer).

Board of Trustees


Standing, Left to Right:John Graham, Lane DeBardeleben, Michael Odom, The Very Rev David Lowry, George Sumner (Secretary),Rev Hill Riddle,TommyBethune, MichaelFlick (Treasurer), HerschelAbbott. Sitting, Left to Right: Rita St. Amant, Rita Mcilwain, Brenda Manard, Betty Bailleu, Muffin Balart, Mary Anne O'Neil (President) Missing: G William James (Vice President),The Rt. Rev James B Brown, Donald Erwin,The Rev W Gedge Gayle, Ernest Howard, Charles Marshall,JohnWilson
Board ofTrustees and Chaplains - 7
Left to Right: Joy Worth (Middle School Chaplain), The Rev. Prospero Mesa (Upper School Chaplain), Susan Gaumer (Lower School Chaplain)


ChristinaVial, Lisbeth Habans, DebbieWitkin, and Cate Graham enjoythe footballgame. The Seniors showtheirspirit atapep rally. ClaireMeuniergazes intothe camera.
10 - All School Candids
Gretchen Ryan and Jim Dineen work at a Key Clubbakesale. Loren Pardue, Brian Rosenberg, Elizabeth McManus, and Brad Becnel wait in line for the cafeteria. Christine St Germain, Cara Goss, and Shawn Hymel play on the junglegym Wesley Felter is dressed for a Middle School Christmasplay. Elizabeth Hoskins and Chris Lawler relax in the Seniorhallway IAndrea Andersson says chat she doesn 't have any time to go Christmas shopping in a Middle School play Meghan McQuaig smilesat the camera SomeSeniors are dressed up for SeniorWeird Day. SomeFreshmen boysenjoythemselvesatthe retreat Brad Becnel andJames Kahn relax outside oftheMiddleSchoolbuilding. Brent Smith explains to Emily Saab what a football is. Owen St Amantpledges his loveto MaureenTimpa.
All School Candids - 11
Chip McGeehanwalkstodramaclass.

How longdo wehave tohold thissmile?


Howdid shegrowsotall?

Don'tworry, it'sjust my littlebrother

Those littlecritterssureatehard togetout. Gee, Kelly- you'vesuregrown!
12 - All School Candids 'l
Some faculty members aredressed to kill.

Don'tworry, Mr. Lindwillneverevenknowit'sgone.

Don'tevertake mypiaure again. Ihope noonenoticesthe smell

Yes,Emily,youneedtotakeanSATtogetinto college.

I'm holding her hostage DebbieGibsonwanna-bes. Raiseyour handsifyou'resure. ???????
All School Candids - 13

St. Martin's Da

MichaelWilliams enjoys thechapelservice Luce Melancon g uid es Leslie Cassam e nto off th e field Mr. Kaston as St Martin descendsfrom his horse.
14 - STM Day
Ms Worth and Fr. Mesa were a part of the chapelservice. Shalini Ahuja, Manha Allen, Laura Bailey, and Ashley Groth sit togeth er. MaureenTimpaand CourtneyBrasseaux spend time together. and Amanda Reese watch the Leslie Cassamento at the chapel service
-r • •
Srudents from St. Martinsmakeshapes on the field. Thesrudents release the balloons intotheair.

St. Martin'sDaywas adayof unity and festivities among the STM community and the celebration of our patron Saint, St. Martin. Following a church service in the Lower School quad with prayer and songs, the day consisted of fun,games, and the releasing ofhundreds ofballoons while singing our Alma Mater According to Upper Schooler Christian O'Neil, "I had fun It was exciting playing with the little kids " All in all, it wasan experiencethat will be fondly remembered for along time.

Agroupofstudents fromeachlevelprepare to havelunch together Emily Crottyand Elizabeth Chin enjoytheday. Su e H ebert and Kinh Paciera at th e chapel service. TeddyHoughtaling and PeterLee Oneofthemanysignsmadeto representagroupofstudents. JameyShawand Ian Blanchardposeforapiaute Meredith H oward and Cristina Campo spend tim e togeth er Cammy,James, and Matthewin the quad.
STM Day - 15
Christin O 'Neil sp eaks of hi s m em ori es at St Martin s. Hangloosedude!!! So, do you reallylikehim?? Hold thatthought until Ifinish mydrink. Iwish I wasouton that courtplaying. SorryDeon, shealreadyhas aboyfriend. I have the power.
16 - All School Candids
And ifIcan justreach alittle bit further Justhanging out.

Let'shope that itis a 7thgrade cosrumeparty.

rGo away!! We weren't going to take these, honest We were just rearrangingthem.

MichaelJordan watch out! Ican'tstandmuchlonger.IthinkI'mgoingtotipover. NoElizabeth, H20 iswaternot air. SomedistantJacksonrelatives.
All School Candids - 17
Future DianaRossand the Supremes
18 - All School Candids
All School Candids - 19
Comeonyoucanbeat him! Dramamakesyou crazy. Hereallydoes want to come with me. Kacie, we never knew you had such sexy legs. Notwhile we're eating! Can someonepleasehelp me down? Dita, canyou teach us to bejustlikeyou'" Strikeapose! 20 - All School Candids

It's 3:30 finally! Uh,whateveritisIdidn'tdoitMatt!

And you think Idid??

Katie, when will thisceremonybe over?>

HaHa - Rabbit ears on you! Somegirls anxiouslyawait the pep rally. True cafeteriaetiquette. The otherside ofafreshman.
All School Candids - 21
22 - All School Candids
All School Candids - 23

Whatdo you think you'relookingat?

I can'ttake this much longer; I really want togohome.

FutureFrito Saleswomen.
"You've lostthatloving feeling
Andifanyofyoutouchmytruckagain. This retreat stuffis solame.
The eigthgradesureis atight knitclass.
24 - All School Candids


Who is that behind that beard?

I hope no onecatches me eating in thelibrary.

One day I'llbe aSenior
6thgraders incostume.
Don'twemakeacute couple?
are you looking at?? Is there something on my mouth?
Lookoutbelow! What
pump it up and pain.
All School Candids - 25
26 - All School Candids
All School Candids - 27
44! V..,..._,_M JIii ,..,,~~:-,,...• """' .,....,..__..,."_..,.. ,""-~"J ,t,\ ool ...... .._: 29

Amit Ahuja 1984-1990

G lass of brand y and wa ter! That is th e current but no t the ap p ro pri ate na me : as k for a glass ofliquid fireand distilled damnation

Dita Georgianna Andersson 1977 - 1990

J ust rern e m bt' r in t h e w inrt r t h a t be nea th th e bitt e r snow lies th e see d that w ith th e s un 's love , in the sp ri ng, beco m es the ro se.

Berce Midlerfrom "TheRose"

Bab ies are h ig h all the rime , th ey ass um e nothin g, th ey d ra w no lin es, th ey are co ,n plc td y ope n ro pa in and joy , th ey see thin gs as t hey rea ll y are unt il th ey g row up . Zorba One way the yellow yup-yups Shoney's Ne Sto Cats, Chicago, and t he ru b of rears. th e qu as i - rh eto ri ca l Li ttl e B oy essay Dante D o ubl e dates with PG-"beefin··with CO mixed up potofsongs Grad Night '87 agreed tO d isag ree I ca ll it ca rni va l. T end e rn ess 1st pe ri od study hall an<l W edn esdays .Growing up at PWT Ponce The veranda. .The fly with EK,KO,PG. The Great Flood the kids-we never should've taken e m $ 72/ hr t, e's so in te rest in g' .d es g r os g r a nd gr a in d'orge/patrick Copelands, boyfriends,+ stressed clutch Mr.Bower. Zen. Kaneis ruff-ruff! .Kingcake with pebble for Chrisrian thc primate LLL II. 6 week silence with MK THANKS REYNOLDS! ANDALLMY FRIENDSFOR THEGOODTIMES-YOU KNOW WHOYOU ARE AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE. MOSTLY, THANKS TO MY FAMILY-esp yiayia.

Youth isa blunder; Manhood astruggle; Old Age a regret

Benj a m in D isra eli Amit, what do smart people ear for breakfast' cheeze sandwitch .shut up Shalini11 duke of STM, A-No.I Anthrax, Iron Maiden, Beethoven, Run D M.C. GOLF'- let's tlyw/JK,IV,SH,MK Dan and Vance that other guy (my rowel, where is it") man in superdome A+mir. ZINK YA! chessinSr.Bernard Areyoulooking forthe Fat Man'. AmirA-hooha K=Kool. You heard me1 plethora of near-miss accidents Shocking Asia ice hockey in the summer' Awww, Comeon 1••. doubles at CC (IV hits yet another over) baksheesh hair in my burrito'@'# is it wet or dry' Johan .late nightsat CL's $ 1 cheerleaderwho "died ·- did you see that! Shish Kabab Gawel - - it's our111 tennis anyo ne?

Ilove you MOM,DAD, and yes even you SHALINl 1


Katherine Brennan Bailey


Memories are theshadows oflife. Me Howmysteriousandconsideratearethewaysinwhichlifeconstantlydropshints and clues for us todecipherand perhapsbenefit from Anonymous Micheal. labor day w/e in mud@DK's w/ DA STM HC @414I. Ulrravox impact pouporri @CB's "let's go camping" PJ's patio Kiraro. .Sid Vicious- I did it my way". .ann@lsadora $6 night campin@Cat's-WhereisEd'. the unexpected@theCrystal. F&M's tit 7. Destin w/Meg&Ash boat house buddie Kakan Ninja turtle hardcore,dude rubbin elbows w/Toad only w/ Amba·s help skiing @Sugar w/theShannon's XTC.. SIpies Sub DEbs episode @Little Larry's Spanish tiles handmade cake .Thunder Chicken Fish Fag Katrina my brown eyed girl. .J B's mom Radiators. sun.w/ Ben&By. Midnight Madness in Va chicken butt. nails .future brain surgeon Rainbow Convention 7/4/89@Macl's w/ BL. fatal atrracrions WaskleWabbit. Convosw/ MN&Tom ceramics pow wows w/LS. w/e @Hollins Buclclha&Pooka Tues w/SE New York w/' w/e@LSU skiing@SP's .cldates w/Jen&Jcl Leibka Fest. Ermine I LOVE YOU Mom,Dad,LEB-esp Michael, for everything we've shared' ThanksSTM good luck Laura

Marianne Sargent Bankston


'Cos th e best is yet to come!


Have you mer Miles ( Are ya'II married(. W.A.jr. FSU Hes HOW old' Hot AND Cold The plan Of course we've h ear d of th e m The Sacred One N or a chemical person. .you· re overtall J.E.,P.C.,R.S., R.A.&s.c. the mustaches Ooh, lori's madnow. just a bite ro ear and a nap and i t's rime ro go oasis in the Quarter. The power of negative thinking Ir 's ugly with a dumb hair cut Mc Donald 's and c ho co l ate. .vegararian!. .Have you two met Miles!. .the laundry room Lun ch! A.I.in Destin cabi n fev er in Destin Shade tans dr ive up moron No good laughs Th e y' re too cute T h e Book. Dar messages in my bible Whose ru m to drive! Why Jo weirdos keep cal king ro us ! the se ni c route IO minute capes the lost ring Sp littin g a large pizza harrassed at Popeyes Erica and Stacy. Staci o r Bambi !. .Lu nch with the guys I COULD the paper babes. .Cross-country no team Are ya· II always in h e re!. .t h e moron twins Him#! SO

Your're go in g our with who( Prom 89' the aftermath Love to K.M.,M.H.,DP., but especiallyto K.H.-thanx for putting up with me can·, h e afford some better jeans! Before yo u go, I want you to meet Miles.


Rima Abdelhafiz Bensriti


I haven', Ide su alivt: in )'l'ars, the moon is shining in the sky reminding me ofso 111,Hl}'ud,L'r nigh1s, when n1yeyeshave beensored, I'vt·bct:nmisw.ken fordead But nu{ tonight.

Depeche Mode

IRMA SMWC dev \Xlhar would yuu du ifI. pin. wungk you r;tng Religionpapu3 monrhshm.:& still passing. .acrually licking ashuc. .cv1.:ryday is likesunday morrissey isgod~ afternoons w/spaz&gigi .e h .youarcsohad he'shut. thejohns lentrnentmod<: eighthgrade\X/ashin gtun1rip qu:incrsintheairportw/7up theworstwestern MF&ACand rhepre.: ssuriznlhus Likt:Totally _~7 inurn:class Ramir,1. U.S.History w/ MF ,JK,D U. hair un fire in chapd Yt·s,I am a moron Rima says garage t:xpnlition

Linde Remus heating upCLin Chemistry HettyHoup RRRRima aco w,11t:t(king herinthewuuds Rimi(.'_ 1 did nothitawall. H(.'ar JTI (.' nowburbeli(.'v e rne later, thinkahuur itsumetin1e buttakeanoteufit now little missmustacht:

.fn.:shmancnglish, ) liulcangds succerbunny outduuredie suphmoreenlgis h w/ Mrsl:pstt.:in& Rirhard \Xiang Wench Ihave ro put thisin mydot dots

Thanx Mum,Dad,Muh,Rascha,and all myfriends,especiallyLH,TP,JDH,LH,an

d KF Iloveand will miss youalll. and nuw heradventurewould begin.

Lane Russell Barrocas 1986-1990

Death Row Fat City Pool. Malibu 75-25 Green Turbo Wafers Tastee Hit& Run More Cushion Blockade Whats up! Rallys

3 WrongWay ThumbMaster Ifyou'renocchearin Roar All Nighters LANEIS GREAT! Shell $ from RM BJ•) NAIPLA Rules!! Formal KW. Surplus ScubaDiving Righ, 1..•Toucha 1/4 NoCop No S<op CandySrripers InsuranceFraud! MIP Backseat Babes NadaMucho OCR Gundown TO HO! Ittakes2 SpitorSwallow .Training Scalping .Sceppin'ouc. EU,TU,LSU S hadow,AJ, Fonzi. .69. Devil. .Irsnotwha1youknow Or Pepper Atmore-Lucedale .J ustdoit S-0 Youcan'twinunlessyouplay Famouslines )mindances RabHoppin g .Jacuzzi .Trus1. PuttingGreen Who'ssranin NOW Beach Gyros Take•3 Raincoats Summcr'89 Thanksforthememories:FH,TC,AT,FT,TB,TM,TJ,SD,B&N be ep Airline&Chef HWY Road Trips Panchos Thanks rn my amigos:RM,MS,GL, JM,LD,Pedro EXxperimen1 new things! ll1anksro my woman HSand ALL cheorhers-Ir never gets old Pump & Dump! Ron-Frankly I think you·re an Thanks Mom, Dad,Ike,Nat,Phil,Nanny

lovetheone-yourewith StephenStills 1/4 Babba Racer X Dcsrin-y KF Fighr ar FT BBYO l51bs SBCl5,l32 Cool. L-Bow 1/ 1/89 .Jealousy 2). .SOS Faithful! Women. Baggable 3dozen

W i ll i am Anthony Bisso IV 1983-1990

I wu11'1 miss the detail wurk,the game an,ilysis,tllt' short list-hut,thl' sidl'lines ll1L l'XL"ite1ne111,1he deLisions-tha{·swhat I!uve

They know yawant it,y,1gort,l 111,1kt'"um think y,1dun"t!

Ch,1d Cooper MARINES sernper fi !-"LY NAVY Beau Uycw lku hisun Uc.1ud1hid a # 7 I you sink·um ,w L' raise·um I\ 1()1-1A \\1 K VIVlI) JEANS. Mad Srroup-fren,J1Ida ) yr. pl.in stroker OhmyGod thisisthe grcatl'SI who"s rhruwin"iL"e J.'Ucunp Ul\1,PII sumo. Sn,1kL· Plisk.111 who pulled the tail ulP 0-(,SUPERDOME9/8/89 stallin'tlw VETTEw/ lJS 111 Fl.1 AC/ DC w/ MF,MF,CC,BS,HC,EC ROI.I.I NC STONES w/RM,1.B,MO NEW YEAR'S 1989@llJS's Mardi Cr,1s 89w/Sl.,lJS JUSI plain STOKIN'STEPH .friends w/ SS in M.S l81h9/ 2)/ 89 than, CC Brooke's Hug Chcrk111:'s w/ lF,CS,UU frumunda-lF Xtr;1 winter fresh Barhar.1X/89 w/ Md-ldywicked mu!. theb.irkin'duµ LOCAL MOTIO N BRONCO(," Dad's ground rull'(DlJA) Where· rU guin'What rU duin' locker room hench TI-IANX MOM&DAD,1.ILl,GPA.GP-EXTRA THANX CHAD AND SlTPHEN Goud lu,k'90 ILOVE YA'I.L. surryAC:. IMPllil!

Deon Demo nd Brown 1987- 19 90

Well isit known rharambitioncancreepas wellassoar.

Edmund Burke

Dr. D TheTank. .INXS. .Ramada Inn Sunglassesat night Summerschool with S M ,G.L.,C.G.,&J.D riding in the trunk Quality Inn The Gang "Fine, you win!' "Eh! Who died & left you boss?" Unique s. "Windows down! It's Friday!' The Sound of Mucous VinsmultifunctionalcarwithT.H.&S.S. ChinesefiredrillswithS.M.'s & C.T "This isn't a go-cart" .U2 Joseph You don't have to swear Anders'driving Rocky Horror. C.T.'sB-dayatHardRock 'Ey,woman!Getoffmy back! .SheStoops Mygood friend Proxy YourloveislikeSara

Ellefson' The Walker. Spring Break '89 Making fajitas in Destin 7 minutes "She'sgotthelook" .Leeron Fran Wilwithone L. Sandcastlesin

Ft. Walron Palmer's Parry Gor my ring back Oklahoma American Montage Prom'89withA.L. IcehockeyinphysicswithAA D.H changingchorus lyrics .Ickey Brown #31. .JC. Daryll-1-1 L-1-lloyd Bad,bad VSQB .I know! Goin' to da party?! HRAAANK!!! Ya,Mia,Tria, You heard me! Ms Sheila comin' back! You fool! Hwonk! HAMMER I AM! Thanks co everyone who helped me with the past three years - especially SB,SM,CT,SM,&TH GoodLuck toSB, AL,RA,CG,TP, andDH



Amy Jane Ca lz ada 1983-1990

Seryour hearton becoming noran angel(angelscan'tsoar) burahawk, aneagle or- the ultimate- alouse-ridden,carrion-eating, baldheadedturkey vulture. Aim high Be abuzzard.

Edward Abbey

Sunshine running-everday Hotchkiss killer suicide drill w/Dobee bluebullet bustedonAirline Curly-n-Red Venus90 7hrsin rain for RS rickets w/KV MWx2 racing to Light my Fire REM

w/MM SWEET 16 GO GO Go Taco Bell at 4 AM Alec w/MM 24 hr bus ride from hell w/Elvis "DI" 24HO SD,AS,CR,BB,BD,CO& BM all in 2days HC'87

"Aretheyfor sale'"NO' 1.29 ar B-store RHPS Mine was ugly, yours wascute Do you like your FF's HOT' cracking under pressure buttoning up her sweater Fred(wehope) Sok,Sallright,Swatever Atlantaairportordeal Carnival-We should have listened to her bread on KV's floor Scottish guys American Pie w/ Andy Thanks to Kim,Liz and esp. Michelle JW thanx for thegood rimes Chris thanx for everything Mom,Dad &Jen- ILOVE YOU!

Lawly Brooke Bur ns 1987-1990

Nothing can touch you in thesegolden years. David Bowie

It's hard to leave whenyou can't find thedoor The Eagles Bugar running r-lightson Sr. Charles screaming o's Copelands first I'm onn HeyAlice all nite at minicats w/ B.J,C.S& C.B 6$ nires Is that just a bunch oflimes' excellent wild berries hot rusty firepokers. 1/216offromunda CHarlenesw/ I.F,C.S,&B.B Lennun Bernard David Bowieon backwards footprints on the car window quickdraw mcgraw braah Northshore H.C.'88w/S.S,C.S,&KJ scandals& the galleria "let me tell you about my castle"-M.K P.J's w / M.K Italian men minisgot a big ole butt oh yeah E.B's red undees the p word The martin 6am w/ the DTD guy Mr. Breitbard TheHurting Mr. Sushi w/MK,A.B, &JH Rendon Afternoon naps w/A.B "He justgot out ofjail for beating agirl but he's betternow" adventuresonthecomerofNapoleonandSaratoga LARbff ,,Where yar' Thanks to my friends, best ofluck mini & Dad I loveyou see Idid it!!


Catherine Allison Chrestman 1977-1990

Keep similing-it makes your friends wonder what you've been up ro.

Elizabeth Bo Chin 1977-1990

I' m so gald we had this time together Juse to have a laugh or sing a song. Seems we just get started, and before you know it, Comes a time we have to say so long.

3rdoftheChinDynasry 13yrs.andstillalive1•.•AW,MAN! Dude! Hey,Holtnesokay, Maison Blanche! .. .4th grd. brute ... Student Council ... treas. of everyt hing . .. Umm, letmethink SL'sandLDR's, ,SWT 16'87/'88-MBinFQ:yessir,yessit,overtheedge of the dance floor, MM rrodding through it Kiss me, I'm Italian TAM guys & FMW PKWY-trying to Ppk, the Soc. ladder of life w/KV and MM H.C.'8689,esp.'87,hot da te-missin' out on de fun ... PROM '89 ... the midterm wreck. .. Girls' State '89 w/SS K V my travel agent you look oldest,you do it Superstore shopping storage-busted! VENUS '90 A.P.Chem w/MM pro modelingHA! a!tt!ebitofeach Grd pry '87 @ KV's .I got it on sale!. 8th Grd DC w/CC. stolencar alwsb-sttg SumSchPhysics-fieldtripsandfloorhockey Rolling Stones'89w/KV,AC. snoozin' inCivicsw/Fitz ToKV,MM,andAC:THANX,you made it all worthwhile KV-you took me everywhere,an d mo re Pete,Don,and Ed-I love you guys, and I'm gonna miss you ... MOM-I wanna be like you when I grow up ... and Dad-I'll see yo u in a week.


Big AJ Chris double trouble-SS Devil Child Forever 4 H20-SS Putt Purt-MF,PG,CO Sorry French Chris who 1,2,3 Swicch-MF,BS,KP VwaaacRM .Intro Art Huma Huma Bib Studies buddies-KP,LDJM,MR The DC bet w/MF Geek Shell CCC(almost) You are such a nerd Angel #2 Stub WildThing-SS,BS,JK. DWw/SS,CL. Lovely-you winasilver. 3 Muskaceers ... Nonherners .. .I'll call it carnival (RF) ... Bus#7 ... Sheldon ... Phone talks-BS sharing-CB,SS,CS badmoods randomman DatelessatSubDebs '89. America-SS,BS. Osh. Gi bralcar. Come on-le's dance spillage Mimes Shower MG'89-SS,CL,KP. dead baby my bro Beau .Shorry Sleeping w/ another 33 fights-Chris L. Bell in ChemSci Do U wanna ride in my mercedes-MC,BE tape-SS,PG No,No,No, YES PuricanBM,TB Soccer stud Rod Stewart-PG,JK,Mona Chased by rebelsMP,KO,EH,SS Doin the Do Crush on CA. Where R U going-what R U doing Rax w/CP video tape-CL. .I chink it's reeb singing-CL. speed waling MG'89 w/BB Destin Chase'SS w/CL and SS Go Beau .I Never w/MFJK,SS Good luck to Betsy and Monique (thanks for making me laugh') Many thanks toallofmy friendsand family foralways being there-Mom,Dad,Mary Beth,Andy,Stephanie,andChris-Iloveyou!


Roger Martin Cornelius 1977-1990

Ain 't it funn y ho w it is, you never miss it 'til it 's gone away.

Chad Dom i nic Coo per 1978-1990

I'm a leader , no not a follower

Go for the gold; don't wait for the the go ld to come co you .

Rob Base

Beau Bisso Chad ... Tammy . . the bus w / BB ... jfcticbfiehimwl. .. Capta in ... student co uncil pres acolyteclubpresw/BB MF MLF sexychest gettingadvicefrom Isabelleand Dir. grandmother's gumbo Mike H-C '88 pain of football. nintendo addict ... little ears ... 28-2 1 over the Daises . .. Ya gotta hav e a hefty ... Trad e Winds Motel. Punk Rock Day 82 shaved by EG AC/DC w/ BB MF MLF BS HG EG 8ballposse don'teatthatsruf. Latinw/Drago Mr. Forbes Tone Wild Thing but fights w/SE I'm huge HUGE no Destin .8thgradedancechamp w/EC. Iloveher theSuperAnts StMDayrapw/ Lou theHonda theGREY GHOST. SENIORFOOTBALLPLAYERSCOBBMFMLFSHSWJK BS IF, Ilove yall Gina Gleek Vince. thlake Beau'sAngels MLFgoestoDestin,baseball vs B-C. St. Mary's dances w/Gerald Good Morning StM w/ SS PP EP Ms R Whoa OMGAYFC. Nasty Al. WWF Wresting w/ Matt Risha Wang ... BJFLH ... Thanks to Beau for my campaign . I co uldn 't have don e it w /o you Thanks to MOM PERRY MARG PAPA BOO DIT SHANNON ENJOLI TAMMY. Iloveyall Peace, I'mouttahear,YEAH

Iron Maiden

Man y dr ea ms come true , and some have s ilv er linin gs. live for my dream and a pocketful ofgold.

Led Zeppelin

The Fearsome Foursome (CL,DE,RC,&OS) busted at the farm. .Destin Yan Halen '88 Anything Goes at McGeHee's fast Audi "How's life'" .Jimmy·s. M&M war with PJ at OS's bowling as trouts at Paradise "The Bassmaster" the band(DE,MG,RC,TF,LD,&DH) eighth g rade parr ies in th e cafe teria "pn eumonia is not fun " I wanna rock skiing Steamboat. "That guy has a gun!" Owen's parry '88 "I think we got too much" biblicalstudyhall. serviceprojectatMagnoliaschool. jamming "I'm so s i c k o f chis" class re treats Fourth of Jul y crack Mardi Gras Hermes HardRockCafe LittleSchool. sailingcampwithDE .''I've beenherefor 13years" Yuarnet "noguts,noglory" AnimalHouse, ."Why do Ialwayshave togetit'" Bandit. Wildside Eddie ,Thankssoverymuch Mom, Dad, Allison, and Ceci. Icouldn'thave madeitwithout you.


Kathleen M er le D odson 1984- 199 0

You may be right, Imay be crazy; But it just may bea lunatic you're looking for.

Toabsent friends.

Lela n d Kenneth Davis 1 986-1990

In the woods is perpetualyouth

Ien1oy thislife as a jester

It see m s ro keep me moving aro und .



TheRocky Horror Picture Show

Good morning' sigma' where sigma' no see sigma GRADMAN11 Ack RHPS isn't that special What'" SMURF'AARG11 ifI hear "Oglethorpe" onemoretime Help' I'm trapped in herewithalunatic' GPGC Grades '89 rule11 Godzilla Kruegar, the 6-foot anti-smurf. I'm confused Ben, ifyou tell methe 'hourand ten minutes' jokeone more time 42 Stairway tO Heavenand the ImpossibleDream "cyko" theMaxmobile mybrainjustwentthroughahyper-spatialtimewarpand is terrorizing theworld in theyear2013 ColorScheme! 'Tmonlydunking yo u to show my real love!" yo u can't go in there, they're, uh , havi ng a discussion' nyyu, ack, nyyu, ack Dr. Pepper ojoy o raptureo bliss the Most Unholy Church of Eternal Internal Insanity Gesundteit Gotcha' Ack' Robocow the mini Time Warp you may all now "WHAT" among yourselves Prom '89 Special thanks tO CE, MB, BJ, SE,TK, KM, BC,&DK- y'allarethegreatest missya, Amy;goodluckin CA Iloveyou, Rob

I'll nevergrow up'

Peter Pan Bib studie buddies w/ MR,JM,KP,&AC Sleeping in Bib studies Fitz·s 4th period w/ Big Al Asbestos baseball w/ the sun "Oh no' Not the mandollins 1" •. St. Charles Tavern Prom '88 The party umbrella Juggling in A.P. Chem blender tricks the "W" position 100,000 mileceremony jugglechainsaws' little feat Dev,Le-man,&Macon at thePost thatlimpsmycheese OhBaby slurp milk thelasershow Schism The Hilt stretch bars radishes the best Physics class Co-omnipresent Summer trip w/ Wungalis, Dev, Willy Wilbur Wilson & Willy Wilbur Wilson Silverton What would you do if! popsicles 6 dumptrucks Yak-attack shoe lick van lick The "L" J in you S pj from hell Daniel Ivan S.J Rey-Bear BB the sailor cupholders KNT Wench Lisaville srork pose pencilsin the ceiling action pose Boise w/ Ellen skinnydip at Chattoga

Em e rso n
Mexican H a t , N o brake s 39

David Michael Elvin 1977-1990

Righ t. AU right . Fine! All right , OK then, fine!! No problem. No problem . Suits me. Good idea Typical-absoluclytypical.

On e fl ew east , One fl ew west, One flew ove r the cuckoo 's nest.

Do I contradi ct myself?

Very well chen I concradicc mys elf, (I am large, I co nt ain multidues.)

Stephanie Erin Eberts 1982-1990

N ever forget exactly where t he light shin es.

For th e m oo n neve r beams wit ho ut bringi ng me d reams

Susie Wesco n


Sceph E ScephanieJean where the light shines. .fishead StephTTTWGI w/MK witchwoman(by RW+JL) stars New Years Eve-2 in I. The Radiators Angel #I w/ AC .7+3 Snowmass w/EH,ET,+MP 007w/MH,EH,ET+MP The Producers w/ET,MP,+DA Grad niteatpw·sw/DA,PG,KO,CS,GM,+RF wirnessrhesplendorw/SJS Areyoulaughing oc ccying' Green problems w/SW siting Mel w/PG I found the moon sentences w/JKJO,WS,EB,+SJS A very Sub Debs. .Hey Home the trampoline w/CE,SW+C' Echo Canyon Eric Clapcon w/SAS+LP FT's parking lot MYEEDA ethnicnight FRANCE. .petitefetesw/ID,EB+DA Ponce G 26 TonillaFlatsw/OD,SW,CW,SJS,KM+LA manscams rropicaldepressionnite w/SW stopsigns+VitCw/SW+Chris InterestingdrivehomefromFHw/MF Fcu Fru ,Co nch+Nig ara. W e almost got killed!R eally? Yea~ M ercredis a L'Agem bur fightsw/CC. THEBRICKHASFALLEN HaveagreatsenioryearMaggie Thanx co the CBsociery-ID,EB,WS,SWJO,VB+SJS+ ro OD+SAS forthe LNtalks Thanxro ALL myfriendsandfamilyesp SALLY-THELOUDFAMILY-MOM,DAD,+TIM .I LOVEYOUALL!.




Dawn Allison J o nes .. . I don't believe you went across the lake ... blond hair. .tan skin goodcurves andblondhair. Russ'Busw/DJ,DN,MP,MG&RR willsomeone please help me ca rry rhis ? closer poet Freshman lun ch leave another week ,anorher wom an .I just don 't know I am not an achiest pig!! Nobody loves me bur my momma, a nd s h e might be jivin ' roo. .socce r stud, why don't you get a life ?... Blue Haze CANTON .l-00kin'dirtyRey,Feelin'dirtyDave tudoisl'aimer playusa song Dave The Lodge My Wild LoveJM&DOORS .4-SOME! piano hands I alwa ys know what's rig hc ,buc it 's irreleva nt The Dome Like it doesn't crank. yea D awl, wekum ruh kennaland ... The Dazs ... Craig ... The wall of indifference , . ,Tham: Dawn,Doug,Rey,Dica,Mel,lan,Mike.IluvuM&D


A nne Maria Falgoust 1 977 - 1990

Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. Marcus Aurelius 50/ 50 chance w/MP Soccer Stud How many Chris' do I know' Latin w/Drago Grad patty'87 w/SS Goose Jesuit guys w/SS study hall w/ PG,KT,CC. .Dead Show w/SE B'way w/Cyn B-Day lunches w/Bone Bacchus'89w/BV&MB(nevermade it) "Anne, where's the hubcap'" $6 w/KV,JF,DV&Red "sick" on Ring Day RADS w/AW,CR,AM Greensboro w.KV "OH MY GOD! - My car was stolen? Have you seen it!?!" State '89 w/SR TENNIS dancing w/CS,TM,MB "whireholes"w/WC. GNO's w/JS&MM bullseye bets w/ChrisHardie 6/20/89 human sponge Sarah Bernhardt Ken's B-Day:"Look,thesun'scomingup!" "1-2-3-5"- Mojo ProfSchmidt w/MC,SA,PK&Wing Dong Wang GQ w/Harry 5 am BUSTED - the tradition continues rid es w /RM & MH DePas s ,Mann&Fanraci shaking it on the fence Tommy's laugh Majic Penny SubDebs w/WC,KB,MS - where's Katherine? LSU game w/RW. "money,money,money" NOH w/MH&MN HumaHuma w/AC,KM,CC. Boodie MH's parking jobs a lefr&a lefr&a right w/SS&SE sameB-DayasCL. AM'ssurprisepattyw/RW,MHJK- wyoudid what on his rug? Good luck Stuarty!. .Bye EW,MN,RO,MLW,AK Thanks mom,dad&esp.John(MYOVERPROTECTIVEBROTHER)- Iloveya'll. .rakeiteasy, bur nor too lightly!!

Michael Lou i s Fa n taci 1977- 1 99 0

If they can't cake a joke, em!

Sometimes votes don't always turn out the way they should.


DonaldS. Schwartz

Fifi ... Worry about yourself. .. be tter than CO ... muscles .. .If we lose it's you two's fault two-point play CRAMP BBQ's and pool b-ball competitivie Elroy &Judy .John'skillerplanrs MLF+RF-LOVE kneeball MD,MF,TMshaking it on the fence studying for Englsih in hot cub .I hate the Cuban!. .I'm better than you! you're crowding my tri ceps Riccio Eraser Head 308 Magnolia=my home away from home ... frust r ated .. AC's twin brother ... t he Cerise sisters Homecoming 87 &88 G-Committee w/EC & WR ... #1 2 ... KELLY ... dating a cerrorrisc ... Destin over baseball 88 ... eating and fling talks w/EC. .S-talksw/EC&ED .leasrdedicated athleteinhisrory phone datingw/BE ralksaboutBB'sw/ME Fantasy Hair. THANKS Mom, Dad, andMatt ANDMattF. andespecially ELIZABETH C. SMILE111


Matt Remy Fransen 1978-1990

Shannon Tay Thew #1,#89 Football 4 years grape Races Idon'twanttogtowup Poomobile Bob 1-2-3Switch putt puce4thefunofit secretlovers studypartiesinthehottub Kung-Fu Fridays STM-28-CD-2l VandyCath.-theonethatgotaway goIrish ... Nae'! Champs HeyJK-ND is better than LSU ... Sloth ... All Nighters OhyearHeyPN-ClosethedoorI'mdressing Will'sMYbestfriend Frumpball head Destin w/RM+BS mow fest nightgolf Bakea cakeand eatit tollsomeballs ChemChomBowlingHarriet Physics Hockey League Snowmass w/CO Coney Gladejump skiing w/no bindings hey pal sure don't touch my coiffe spaghettios + Doritos waffles! stair leaping Baseball in the face RM in Neil Diamondville He don't want the rock bull scream the wavepoolwant to right now wrestling w/CC Fifi Boodie Potent concoctions BurgetKingfor2weeksstraight BHsandwichbedhead JK + the shell pile knee ball scared ofS]'s parents he'll club me w/hisforearm Mo Poops Thankstomyfamilyandfriends.-it'sbeen fun Shannon-Thank you, and now it's safe to say to say it-I love you later!

Ia n Cald er Flam m 1986-1990

May your sword stay wet like ayounggirl in her prime Manowar 69 the numberofthefeast Renegade crankup theTeslaand cruise to the pack-a-jug Death to false Metal Holy War kicked out of Newmanin8thgrade Diew/yourBootson R•u•s•H IronMaiden Manowar Neil Diamond French Quarter Charlene's w/BB,BB,CS I'd like ahalfpound offromunda Is this free' Well, we couldwocksomethingout serviceprojectatMetairieManowar/Chirs' Drool Hall w/CO Lola & Sister Al gcannybashing at Tesla Manor w/the woman w/no jaw candystcipers paging Dr.Bishop King Cobra 11-11 black lable Matassa's Grocery & Deli You Raise 'em We Suck 'em Julius& EthylRosenburg HeyAlice-Getthatbatouttathere'Itaint artistic Black Houdini Big Daddy's top and bottom Throwing bricks at Marlene Horgan·s car & kicking perverted old men JudasMettalicaRella concerts w/ MN,] W Grey and Wolfman almost busted on the river with a colt w/MN old fashioned bummin' 35 Bellies w/DG 3Greeksinahottub France'89w/DA,SE handsteam

Hot Buttered Corn Blow Your Speakers You're in Humanities> I loveMecairie Thanks and locs oflove to Erik, Page and Lamont Bye'


Pat ricia Garcia

1 986-1990

Yesterday'sovermyshoulder,Ican'tlookbackfor toolong, there'stoomuchto see, wa itin g in fr o nt o f me, and I know th at I ju st ca n 't g o wr o ng .Jimm y Buffett Pat Prieur No way,No way MasterofDisaster-KO,PL Corona LE P-man Big Switch-CO,KO,AM Frankie Brent's Intro Arr .1'11 Call it carnival(RF) MEL GIBSON stub. Patty Gar S talks-SS,KO Baby.whenIthink PPP Osh fallingoffSSback The Nasty honeybuns Igotta T Craazee passing up KO blinded P-wars Milli Yanilli 3'scompany-AC,)K New Year'sEvePL corn isgood HI, WE'RE BACK CCcloset-SM Juanster sho rt hair Di va Co nc e mpra ur e ri s m s irin g Mel w /S E e ur e ka Fla.-DO HeavenlyDays KarateMan Mrs. West X-Mas-PM Sorry French crying to Mr.H beefin-CO,DA,PL is it dark' doubledatesw/DA drying AC'sbed Patrish Nitew/ RW Puttputt-CO,AC,MF sleepingat KO Whatif' Soccer-AC SPw/ KO Grad night '88 lunch-AC,DA,JK,Mr.H Pancho's Secret loversMF Erik Estradaw/ BB FalseRiv.-KO,KG Miss.w/CO,LLL,LP she'sgotta legs tape-AC,SS Loli getting punished Eureka' smoothies singin on DA's bed Mom, dad, Prieur, Kristine, Dita, John, Allison, Martha, Vicky, Brent Thanks for putting up w/ meso long-Ilove ya'l1 1

Matthew Richard G a ume r 1979- 1 99 0

Shadows appear ar your doorsrep, bur don't worry; life'slesson has blossomed now.

Skating away on thethin ice ofa new day.

Gregory Norberr


Matt "Rock-N-Roll" Gaumer Gaumerella Bra' Matt the Hoople

Maaaat PuppyDog Mrs. Carter'sclass Guitar The Band(s) Playingguitarsolos behind hishead "cookieparry" at L.H.'s parriesat

MikeJ's cross country to Lafreniere hangin' out in Bersodi's Son, what's that thing in yourear' Super8 Motel playing at the PennyPost

Primal Scream Therapy The band playing at O.5's parry forming new band with Roger "Bassmaster'' Cornelius Yea, we're playing there at rh e end o f the summ er . 2 hours lat e to jam sess io n in D es tr ehan . Ch e rn. in summerschoolw/ L.H., ET., & C.O GeometryQuarterly Led Zep

Les Paul Custom Tulane Parties Destin w/ R.C McGehee's every weekend for I6 weeks St Charles& 7th Bacchus'89 Matt,youramp's toobig Claptonconcertw/J T

BackstagepassestoRobert Plant The Cult talks w/ ES Good ol' Burt, who the heck is Burt' Thanks to Mom,Dad,Cricket,Renee.Jeff,and Mike. Icouldn'thavedoneitwithoutyou


Kenneth Reid Gilchrist

1986 - 1990

NAKED LUNCH - afrozen momentwhen everyoneseeswhat ison the end ofevery fork

William S Burroughs

A god-like enciry. .PSAT "prep" w/ IF and MN "She ate it!". cut that hair. Troutman Dick Bohn Dial "M" Hey Reid, how's it goin'!. .Bud's 3 a.m. bathroom visit by EH,MP, and EF Coffeehouse chicks 27 years old?! GWAR w/ PK,MB, and MM U-turns Excellent Driver. Study hall w/ LD Mr. Fitzmorris. .Ax!? Led Blimp Home cheese SLATANIC. Zodiac Mindwarp and theLoveReaction...3hourconvos...LeifGarrett. .."Oh No-Not the Mandolins!" Eva Destruction "field trips" w/ MN and MH U.S. Hisrory Captain Rog Mardi Gras ball Elvis Liz's Jungle Gym at 3 a.m R'n'R Encyclopeida St. Charles Tavern Molten Love Rock "Play some KISS!" Boise w/ Ellen. . .Lemmy. .Bob Dylan sings Metallica. ..teasing SS w/ LD "Matt's coming w/ us to the cafe." English Desk Illustrations FearandLoathingin NewOrleans "do you feeltheneed to ticket me?" JK,the party man "What's the deal w/Raymond?" Action Poses Thanks ro my family and friends!

Scott Lee Hall 1984-1990

I got a letter from a friend the ocher morn in g H e says it's hot down by Moncego Bay

I got the point and now I chink it's fi nally daw ni ng Yeah, yeah, I got to gee away I got to cake myself a permane nt vacation.

There 's a feeling I get when I look to the wes t And my spirit is crying for leaving

In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke th rough the trees

And the voices of chose who stand looking And it's whispered chat soon if we all call the rune Then the piper will lead us to reason

And a new day will dawn for chose who st an d long And che forests will echo wi th laug hter And it makes me wonder.

Aeros mirh Led Zeppelin

Elvis ... Skinny ... Slim J im ... Th e Mean Mac hine ... Riding back in Leland 's tru ck US2 "AreyoulookingfortheFatMan?" "SaintsDrill" Anklestretch

Larin The Triad Master Th e Man Stang Co nv D escrahan Tenni s?

Racing Eng li sh wi th Matt R icha rd Hu ang Har ry the Molem us socce r '89

NoParking Thanks Momand Dad THEEND It'sover!!!!!!

Elizabeth Mau r een Hoskins 1977-1990

Whensomeoneisseeking,ithappensquiteeasilythatheonlyseesthethingchatheis seeking; that heisunable to find anything, unable toabsorbanything, becauseheis onlythinkingofthething heisseeking,becausehehasagoal,becauseheisobsessed with his goal. Seeking means: to have agoal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive,tohavenogoal.

YoumakemefeellikeIamfun again.

Kerr i Teresa Hardin 1 988-1990

Youwere herewhenIcame,and you'llbeherewhenI'mgone


"Have you met Miles?" the VAMPIRE man ABDUL?!' bored SO! forgetting napkins Ofcourse we've heard ofthem, idioc!!!Maybe he'llgo away imposters brown hair?laundryroomsthemorontwins YO,ROCKO!!!we'resurronded Li'lJ. .theleech merecenary .lukewarm stepping into pictures "Are U single?" what goes in the trunk TERROR TWINS the plan paper babes questionnaires purple, again rucksack. Do I look like a Scacy-harrassed at Popeye's kick in the door the college haveagoodlaughwithRA. papermoustacheon JL. .JohnnyWishbone&the Prince of Zamunda the Solitaire King green leather the SACRED ONE the nose. .rewriting songs shmillions Bambi PC,RSJE(both of 'em),and SC. the daily lecture .Is he talking co us, or himself making new friends at the Dome w/KW sister torture w/MB walking places with Val. .Insulting SW every weekend UrsuslimeandSisterRuch. beignplaguedonvacations. .mygoal gooneyguhu to my best buddiesfor putting up with me (SUSAN,VAL,AND MARIANNE) my friends forever All my love to DAD, LORI, GIZZY, AND MY FAMILY, all of whom I lovemorethan theyknowThanksandlovetoMrs. BankstonandDr. Aguiarfor beingsogreat. "Beforeyougo, Iwaneyou to meetMiles."



Beguiled again- a pill he is abzurd sing imagine seriously cats and the darkness Cafe Degas .lady in black. mp billy idol lip .mouth full of sand pb&j 1n a little while missing at rhe hyatt? you decide biking fine o.k.fine .I used co like you coziness pj's .it's only skin honey ireland. .dee. 20 tomysuperfamilyxoxoxox andcp yaneva know you know.


Meredith Joy Ho ward 1986-1990

Be kind,for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Anonymous John MJ & SJ what's behind thesmile'..where's thesidewalk w/SW

$150 damages Spring Break 88 snowmobiling in Snowmass - MP crashes 007 w/ MP,ET,EH,SE frozen dinner w/JK for RW,ML,ES,IF

Mrs.Kahn Art Halliman w/ AC,RM,AF fried eggplant w/ Lizs tan m e,s un pa int a dress g in ge rbr ead h o use s w / th e g irl s ri s ing cookiedough - creative ni ts w/SJ I'm hungry sneaking out in the suburban black eye freshman yr DePass,Fantaci& Mann shaking it on thefence 2wheeling in thesuburbanw/ AF the magicpenny rolling housesw/SJ skatecountryw/ ES &JK "secret saints" Canada ccsw/ MOM GoldenChickenw/ Kris thecontestw/ KV& thebashof the yr' Panchoson the roof New Yrs Eve window w/ DA& DD The Bud Man dancew/TW & what'shisname Meradiss Brock,it'saone way street KV's bon fire on the beach AF's cargetting stolen my favoriteskibuddy- DAD John,you'reBAD Skiingw/JK mom is watching LSU games w/the Kahns Emily,Tim, & Sal-ya'II are the best of friends-THANKS' Good Luck Brock I LOVE YOU, DAD,MOM,BROCK & LIZ John,my BEST FRIEND, I love you ALWAYS in the twinkling ofan eye

John Joseph Kahn Jr. 1977-1990

Our g reat es t glu ry con s is t nor in neve r fa llin g But in ris ing t: ver y rim e we fa ll.

Tha r whi c h d ues nut ki ll u s mak es u s stro nge r.

An o ny m o us

Fr ied ri ch N ietzs che

Meredith JUAN The Stallion washingrnn trip w/RW,MF,&MF chick en legs juan ba ron is ir d ark ! i wanna know spe nd ing rh e n ite w/ MH &SS spend ing rh e nig ht w/ MH # 2 1 it is ov e r mere,are yo u as le e p! Ta s tee w / R W&CO ju ansra m y i c k is m y i ts are w/ KO,MF,13S,&KC red jeep ED's miniskins sophmore retreat w/1313 des1inw/13S&MF flooded inat thefootw/RW&JL dinnerw/ MH wildthing LSUgamew/ MH,IF,ES LSUgamew/MH,KP,&MF theyare asleep skiing w/howard family ineverw/MF,AC,&SS PHYSICS i feel yucky hey.Ron! I'd do 'er THATS DER 1 • • Joe brown 5th p e rio d art c an w e go to t he pa rk no ,jo hn c ivics k un g- fu m ov ie d ays w/coach hughcs speech bubbles w/ MH THE DINNER w/ MH what ar e yo u t hi nki ng ~ STM 28 CD 2 1 . STM specia l pass fro n1 mik e. caught theball the 13S charm fighting forStacey'slove !egos w/ MF&SJ

Thanksforall1hetipsonwomen 13S ThanksAC&PGfor beingsuchgoodfriends

Wehad somegood timesRW,CO,&JL DER ThanksMom&Dad ilove you ILOVEYOU MEREDITH HOWARD


W ill ia m Jeffery Klei n 1 977-1990

Loseyourdreams,andyou willloseyourmind. Lookupon theworks, ye Mighty,anddespair.

Goodtimes- ain'tweluckywegot'em!

Melan i e Wh i tle y Ko ch

1987- 1 99 0

Alittlerebellion, nowand then,isagoodthing.


Taos agreed to disagree cool college cops what'schis @ cousins .let me cell youaboutmycastle Budda,madetoconfuse stuckoncauseway andthen there weretheseidiots,ohthatwas you moo spreadthegospel. haven'tseen lightof day Mr.Sushi w/AB,BB,Sybil "yeah, he was put in jail for bet e'n agirl, he's better now" the hurting GFH adventures on Saratoga & Napoleon rarun polts in the pantry jogging after interval be screaming o's, BB on her boccom+r-Ics the martin scopis magregis YomKippur w/JHH "them girls were so hideousi prayed for then coo" Murdock hostel BAM good friday Copeland's w/ all wakeup team the boat that sat. mom. escapade .Aibedoobedoo at Dance so,chere we have it chanksco all who madeitsweet,especiallyMa'nPa. Iluvupeoples!!



Themesongfrom ''GoodTimes'' Jeff. .JEF-K Yale,UVA, or Delgado betting &losing to Gerald Latin w/ Drago. .Rufus. .KING DIAMOND. .HARISH. .Jim-my Gobear .Jumpin'Jefff "ya nevuh know" .Jethro. wait .Jeffery,Jeffery, Jeffery Buddy Swine A.C. George Kobitz's apprentice the rock pile incident w/MF Mcduff. red head tennis stud "Jesus,my windshield" .4-way calls w/AA,IV,SH. the golfking London 7th grade Gorn .lying to Mrs. Parmelee in w.p.b/cofC.L. he'saquizbowlwizard there'sgotcobeatwist Loyola&brokenleg w/MF kicked out of TheUnholy w/C.L. you can tell Ranger Rick. if this is candy K=Cool. .following O.S.&Strain'em tennis temper response coJulie 0. in 8th lronMan/Changes vote songs KING shrine in locker. .GregG.&ChrisD. R

COOL WORD R-theta EEE!. chess spectator Don Ho nite History w/RIMA racing VT 22 Duke B-balll. Thanks to all,esp Mom,Dad,and friends Valete!!!


Courtney Alison Lane 1977-1990

T oday w ill be go n e in an in sra nr , bu r th e p as t w ill b e w ith u s fo reve r. An o ny mou s Courr Forever 4-AC,CL,KP&SS KP&CL-BFF 7+3 Where are U going'What are U doing' Chip & Dale w/KP the boat Can U do chat backwards'. .Grease ratinglegsw/SS luckyleaf. weekend parryatEG's 2 nat tires Animal w/SS gimme a beat Percy Quinn .Joan Jett song w/ MF,EG&KP dancing "I quit" "Where's your shadow0•• the Worst Western w/KP,SS&ET 3 muskeceers-AC,CL&SS Friday's sardines .I chink it 's ree b .. .. di e tin g & exe rc is in g w / BS ... rand o m m an ... Sh e ld o n ... MTV con cert w/BS,MR&PT Mac attack Sweet Child 0-Mine Edmond spring break chase w/AC&SS KP-my other half. 'Tm not a sucka so I don't need a bodyguard· .analyzing w/ PT lasagna exams'89 w/ BB slow so ngs co m pet in g for g u ys w / SS LS U ga m es w/ rh e Pe tro s KP 's g uest house clocks&cats puttin on the ricz w/ ET Shell CCCalm ost. BABY! " Jr 's so we ird sw eatin g in the BMW Curn y th e Incident prom'89 no,no,no,yes 1••• video cape w/AC. red toothbrush 10 cil 10 head ac hes "yo u wa nn a burge r o r a - ?' ' w hat tim e is it ? latching beads. .cheerbop I Love You Mama, Daddy, Cason and all my friends-Thank Y

Todd Bradley Kogutt 1977-1990

Scavenger. Killer. .Tabasco(along w/ Pancho, Cisco &Nabisco) Psycho2 Lak eGaryMuddyWaterRevival. .K'farG'Dlah AHHH (Tensionbreaker). Tam

Arabi w/ the Walrus) Y-B-JAMIN (Jesuswho') Erin Endymion ·s9. the s hroud .' 'It 's n o t a n '

50 Na t. Con. .Biennial. SoFTY Marian God Jr Uncle Dave,Flash, Satchel, Soc, Cool Dude, Psycho, and the rest. Max. Tll make those braceletsevenru aly" li zard - bu s te rs Skiin g and

CATS Mid s um. Dream Genesis+Tull. .The Great Fugaboo Hunt. To my family and friends, th anx for everythin g ... Peace! !!?

o u so mu c h fo r eve ry thin g !!. 48
Sea y sa ne in sid e in sa nit y. Ri chard O ' Bri en N eve r g ive up , neve r slo w d o wn , never g ro w o ld , ne ve r eve r di e yo ung JamesTaylor And in rh e e nd , th e love yo u g ive is e qu a l to rh e love yo u m ak e. The Beatles
ara N ac ir es ta r loco T.A. G S. T .lJ. D 's Ad e na V a ri o us co nce rr s(JP in
t y
r N
nea r! go in ' spl a t w / M G "So m et hin g to
membe r
the res t of o ur liv es" " Irreg ul
m o unt up! "
R '!" Amn es
Fo reve

Christopher Parnell Lawler


It'sbeenreal,andit'sbeenfun. Bueitain'tbeenrealfun.

Ch r istopher Roger Laglois 1987-1990

Don'ttalkaboutthe nextstepuntilyouclimbedtheoneinfront

Itain'tbragginifyou reallydoneit.



Fly #45 BASKETBALL. OW11 PracticeswithGerald SummerLeague'89and lovingthecoach LIAR Pedro'sclass. .wallsigning YouKNOW who thecaptain is-TUCK Deion Sanders Blue Jay Connection Hot Dogged House Tecmo Bowl. AC-Yousmelllikemygrandmother .JACKSONVILLE 1-800#girl. Teslad at Brent's house PCB '88 & '89 .I bet I know what kind of perfume you have on water bed Ridgewood Football games 7th period Alegra II classes UNO Team Camp-The PALACE. (3-1) Say what now? GA babes Syrup #40 Rex #3 Good Luck Swingin' DJH,TM,and GP Zephyrs Fighting w/Allison .JUST DO IT!. Altanta Hawks RAP11 FSU Seminoles 31 LSU Tigers 21. LA Raiders 17th B-Day at SS's Runnin' Reds April. come Fly w/me Chris' Kats gonna be aJaguar or a 49er?, Thanks Steph, Mom, Dad, for putting up with me.


Van man Madame Luscious .Jimmy Gobear The red devil. ,.Juan Chikahn Amada$#% superdome foam blackula TG!Prom Don Ho night EnglishMaster. friendorfoe? .fearsomefoursome playguitar MaumUgh late nights aren't you gonna kiss me? snowballs at the laundromat, Dante's where's my fork? classical idiot .long distance liz Chris the nip doll food games wax with shells w/ MP hyper children ghostbusters where's your car at? jazz senior citizen night rocks at yourwindow tossingtapes AnnieHall Dylan jokingly billyidolbabe co okiesforChris Ghoscmobile avoidingcertaincharacters areyoutired? biking through UNCF piancil Mr. AustinMoore dec.20. .dompin'boots mycozy friend .ChristopherBearresurreaed honey Lizandthefivedwarves theback room strawberry yogurt no more flowers meeting my crazy clan cold footed Zeus fifth floor hiding from Lutherans .i'll be home for xmas .I've been covered in worse thanks mom, dad, and kathy And Liz, I will always remember.


Samuel A . Mcinnis II 1986-1990

Winning isn'teverything .it's theonly thing.

Itisbetterto besilentand bethoughtofafoolthan tospeakupand removeall doubt.

Pacheco mow fest he doesn't want the rock study hall w/ Art. LS U=DER Tridorkus maximus Roger and Gene Malibu teslaville-Neil Dimondville Destin '89 the man KF Roxanne at Belle Chasse w/ AM BE, is that you imptovise,overcome,adapt we want a pitcher not a belly itcher .it's notwhatyou know trick to these ifyou're notcheating surpluss creates waste T.B. at 1:00 w/ lKE unbelievable blockade take,take,take Bower's math class hit&run no cop no stop putting green time is money beauty playin' first one to hang up waiting in line for Stone's tickets w/MO bacon another bend bake a cake and eat it S-O roll some balls lightening run .I mean, if you say so DCR lotta green my closet,fresh. year vwaat 75-25 LB Rally's, whas' up keys are warm LD,SDS jacuzzing in the winter midnight madness w/BS carramba sianara back scratches frankly Lane, I don'r care what you think Thanks for everything Mom,Dad, and Samantha

Stephen Aron Loeb II

198 4- 1990

Yea,thoughIenterthevalleyoftheshadowofdeathIwillfearnoevil,forI am the baddest in the valley.


# 73 2 yrs. of ball. grape races Roohi & Stautz for seniors sweets plum killer Scout Ronsta Monsta Firebird TURK. Pacheco Zeester I&II. state for wrestling and football. track trips beef j for C O'Neil. parry at M.F teslad kang Cooper Dozier can't make the dub in the rub Picadilly Shoneys whose walking open a can of whip - Marines B.B truck ya gotta learn the ions Mardi Gras '89 with B.B. and B.S at 4:30 a.m freezing KISS Geolgy with Julie B blowing dirt the barking dog BIG

LOU NARFUS Tah Kwan Do AC hot tub ya want some get some Espanol with B.S Birdman Highpoint with Beau Arts study hall. rides with Kang and Calhoun working out with J H O M G.I N FAL.T.B I.M.W.L. the spillway pulling B B. out Thanks to MOM,Mike,Karla,and Kath thanks to my friends .it'sbeen GREAT.


Matthew Benn e tt Ni chols

1987-1 9 90

Wecan makeit WecanrakeitALLTHEWAY


Don 't le e the evenings chat devour you lie fore ver

There 's no easy way

Michelle Kay Mowad 1985-1990

I beli eve that imagination is strong er than know ledge.

That dreams are mo re powerful than fa ces

That hope always tr iumphs over experience

That laugh te r is the only cure for grief

And I believe that love is stronger than death

Robert Fulghum

Sh elly Mowadsk i that hair! you 're so coo l. s'ok A cl ai rpt o rd eal lun ch leave-

4 yrs getting to know the city places we can 't go back. Sho ut w / Scott s I wa nt OT &GF alitdebirofeach HC86 Whocalledataxi HC87 Aretheyforsale> broom stops died shoes soc ladder at Park w/EC&KV busted w/ KVBnews Swl6 TxA&m guys GoGoGo MW2x crashing at KV's. P-rally at K's .]Page-soawesome questforfood chgcontest HC88 breadonK'skitchen floor Pry in Alec. twilight zne Elvis 24hr HO SD,CR,AS,BB,BD,CO,BM3days PR M 2 5 c att m pt to get in v an fai r-s ho ul d've liste ned RHPS 1 2 9 at b- score we love your plu sh interior d ead battery at ap t ca ug ht in MB in FQYesir crico h ouse .defi nitely Tulanians She's from M auii ! t hx Fred Sw eeny's Venus'90 YesYesYes!. Yeahyouright. CurlynRed-ALW All mylove,kisses, and special thx ro Mom, Dad, Samba, Boozy, Cichy, Sunshine, Chin, Kimmy n Jen :·well,what'reyou waitingfor'Let'sDANCE 1"




Ian Gillan Guys ,why do we hang out at trees ?.. Downtown d eathride! . Rom eo wouldn 't drive th e Causeway . .. Ser the Fly on fi re!! .. T yner-we made it through another year. . .the fog on Earhart goodol'Brian .JohnandtheVIPERcrusade!!.ICF JTS Pedro!!Grego ry is still so lost ... San Isidro . .. She 's my "Sou thern Rose "... Old Fashioned Bummin ' .JTW and strange encounters West Wars Streetcars in the night That man I oakslikeawolfl MentorBreland Mrs Epstein .littleblueCelica Toallmyfrien ds special chanx co : St.Mart ins,my pa rents, K im,Michael,NeaJ,and the W h ite Tigers andToallthepeoplewhohaveleadmethroughthishardroad ThestoryofaN O kid wholivedontheedge


Kristine Donovan O'Connell 1978-1990

Talk about the future, forget about the past , it will always be with us , it's never gonna die. AC/DC

Alfredo Masterofdisaster. "S"talksw/SS &PG FrankieBrenes PWars

IgottaT Chasedbytherebelsw/EH ,MP,AC&SS scuseme deadbong

Nowaay-Noway Feb6, 1988 Youcameback' Destin '88-lockingdoors w/D.A.JH.,&A.M "snowedin"inB.R EddierheCuban I'mthirsty,let'sgo eat corrupting P.G eatingC.O.'scob sandwich , IrishJig Sweet 16in the limow/C.O myickis, myitsarew/K.K,MF.,B.S.,&K.G wharif? dointhedo hit and run in the suburban w/J.K. &C.O sure pal hor as balls poker w/MF.&Rawson CrazeeCavan thebigtradeoffw/A.M.,C.0.,&P.G fooled you' Tine C.P.C.82-87 singinginbedw/D.A.&P.G Al&Fred paddle boarsw/A.M.,C.S.,&B.L cavewoman Ramone englishstudypattiesatM.F.'s

Fredo-Man you'recure fightingw/P.G overC.O beinggoofyw/J.K.,B.L & A.M grad '87 pancho'sw/J.K.,&P.G Lovc&ThankstoMom,Dad,&Denise! Good Luck Laurcn&Catherine! Speical love and thanks to S.S.,D.A.,B.L.J.K.,C.S.,& especiallyKendra,Patricia,Chrisitan,&Barbara-the5GREATESTfriends'Alfredo-thanks formakingitallsospecial'ILOVEU

Phyllia Nugent 1986-1990

HowdoIsaygood-byetowhatwe'vehad'Thegoodtimesthatmadeusglad,outweighed the bad. I' ll cake with me these memories, and hope it gets me to tomorrow ... because it's sohard tosaygood-byetoyesterday.

G.C. Cameron

Flea George K-my senior 2 bits, 4 bits, Kobitz, a bu ck CH,LH,WD,MT,KD Homecoming '87 w/Dev Biloxi '88 w/LH+MT Kirk's CM,DH Runaways unitards it's a bridge elephantpiaures Oreos+diet Coke Where's Magazine Sr' Noah's Ark U.S. Coasr Guard they're all dead Torment . Look! a boar . Styborski School Daze How far is it co Descrehan? c'estjoke NewYork NOCCA walkstotheparkwithKristin and Kevin , Loyola Ballet Easter night '87 Areyou related toTed? The Blue Angel KD+her m+m's . managers . Jinx ... Boo . The Nympho Nun . BK lounge. Smokey, ,,MicroHoss FleighWhit luauatWH's WindBeneathmyWings

Can Can Bailee South Private Marlboro Army National Guard Grecian Delights My Wild Strawberry Ford Escort! hunny bunny dead bunnies Midnight,Phylos,Baby,Shasta I'll alwaysloveyou+miss you Grandma and YaYa

Laura-I miss you Kevin and Kristen - I love you boch(more) Whitney-I love you+I miss you I love you, Dad I love you, Mom Thank you all for everything!


Jeanne Collisson Ogden 1 989-1990

Ch r istia n Gregory O'Neil 1977-1990

Live fast, die young, and leave agood looking corpse.

John Belushi

TESLA #31 Megan profsub-0 Elcapican caveman the BigO helicopter shopacpack-a-jug thenaked avenger Oriental redeye SpatTeslaManorw/IF 8 ballpossegot it-RollinacLLL'sJuly 4,89 Pacheo ThePie Wagon with sunroof get some losing theVinthewagon PuttPutt- 4thefun ofit Stm 28 CD 21 240sx Wreckin it w/ Briedie watch out foe the wall that was one crazy summer('89) Snowmass 85-89 w/ Mo & Tay chose nasty chics what'sskiingw/outwipeoutsbusts&hist Destin89w/Julio,LLL the--film "I'd do her" Nose pool w/RW,JK,JL the limo w/KO Hey Aliceget that bat out your--- COMPTON w/JR WeslaTesla&Bad friscperiodw/ DocBrown 2wild&crazyguys thefest w/Meg,Ash,& T .. FBcamp 1,11,IIl,IV grape races SumoWrestling HuntingBearM w/lF mylil'Roni(MK) Ez-NWA-LLCoolw/the posse Hangin' out at Tucks, Harolds, &the Foot Better than MF EspanolconPedro myonlypalsBE- ME,&EC ThankscoMom,Dad and Sean for everything Thanx KO and LLL for always being there and especially Meg "straightouta Comptonand I'm outta hereBra"

Evenafoolknowsyoucannotreachoutandtouchthescars,butitdoesn'tstopawise man from crying.

Judge HarryScone

G-Anne Jeanneee Timothy MCC summer before 9th grade DD,PR,SS HokeyPokey maninthebushes spitballfightsw/PW+CMin

French THE GANG weekends at JF's Friday nices at JS's w/TL,ER,JF,CL,ML,PW,CM etc DESTIN '86-90 Luchers ]S's 16 BDay Miami B's He likes you! Sweet 16 w/BVR Moviecime w/JB+JE+BR Go-carting trampolining Fascfood friends Bud's Summerschool O'Henry's Ponch MusclePunch gonewiththewind Beaches Teasersw/LG,CC,MP,DP,VPetc RB MH WISHING ON STARS w/BA+JL Long talks Mardi Gras w/BA,JL,MG,AH

Softballgames Using thephoneat UP SQ w/AH Timesaver w/Coach San Fransisco YO 1MTV RAPS born co be designated driver MOTELY CRUE What it be'w / ] ussi AD+AO Squaring w/AH dinner w/ED,DS,+Prescott friends w/THE BUTCHER New Years Eve w/BA,DG,JS BA+MGspendingthenight Oh myGod,itwasHISjeep.

Caterpillers w/SC,JR,RL,MB,AL Halloween'88 Mr.TPw/CL "T" 42 w/JL,AH switchingschools SMILE ThanksMOM, DAD,ANNE, LIZ, JL, AH.BA andeverybodyelse' Iloveya'll!I'moucahere1


Michele Elizabeth Parmelee 1977-19 9 0

It 's been a long time - seems like we've come a long way. My but we learned so slow, and heroes they come and they go and leave us behind as if we 're supposed co know - why do we give up our hearts co the past, and why muse we grow up so fast?


Chele Random Man 240sx EH's furnirure=firewood CLH $150 damages. Chasedbyrherebels Snowmass'88 Acrempcscoski V-ball9rh. TheMail Hunts for ET SnowmobileAccident Feeding EH CO Springs w/ET Promw/MH,ET,MB TheProducers DesrininJune Em'sparentsour w/MB & LE SL's cil 5 w/PL,RN Endymion Harvard Summer School Donny Springbreak87-90 NewYearsEve'88 4/28/89 151 D&fly afrerschool MylirtlebroWill LOO % offarAlvin's FeedingRNsralebread On a scale of 1-4 Srcanded w/PL Thumpers Where were you going at 2am? Supersrore before Destin Animal Club feet Suicides w / Dobee Come onthisiseasy Blueeyedmen ETmychauffer MEP&KEP Desrin4thenight Nervous brake down in the projeas Photoscope Whittie Birds Swt 16 Earhacr Whatthisparry needs Sours Aunty Em Eagleson the beach Thanks Mom,Dad,Mawmaw,&all my friends esp.RACHEL,EMMA,LIZ,&KRISTEN-1 LOVEYA'LL-Foreverjustgota!orshocrer

Kelly Elizabeth P e tro 1976-1980 , 198 1- 1990

Asmile is the closest distance between two people.


Ke!. .the Forever 4-AC,CL,KP,&SS. .CL&KPBFF...PLUE...Sheldon...Hurry up!...Pensacola.. .I so hyper. ..can me sun cheerbop chat curly hair!! the M's Dr. Pepper can u dance? where r u going? what r u doing? Frazier Fir. pecan pie? Little Blue Fuzzy Thing makin bees w/ SAS&SJS no,no,no,Yes 10 cil 10 Mikey "Cry Liccle Sister" 3 fender benders Lebanese women-"chat's right, we're terrorises!" the Worse Western w/CL,SS,&ET-is she dead? l-2-3swicch w/BS,AC,&MF BB's Caddi w/ES&AC. "it'sso strange" Random Man. .MEP&KEP Chris w/a K 2 flat tires .Joan Jetc song w/ CL,EG,&MF being picky pigs in Physics w/ AC&SS. .pillow. .guest house-sweet 16...chocolate chicken w/ AM&AP who can I like? club feet. .sardines w/CL,EG,&MF CL-my ocher half & "my shadow" Thanks for the memories-esp. CL-forstayingaloyalfriend Tomyfamily, Mom,Dad, & Amy, Ileavemanythanksfor yourloveandsuppocc. . .I loveyouall, and I alw1ys will.


Lee Hohn Phill i ps 1984-1990

I heard a little voice inside my head say don't look back you can never loo k back. those days are gone forever , I should just let them go.


Lee Peppy HotRod 10/15/88 Sweecpea Sweetnesses barnerds cracking knees .I spy w/SS ,Eric Clapton w/SS & SE BTO & The Guess Who w/SS & SE New Year's Eve '88 w/RA & SE Bible w/MP,EB,&SF This is easy man Come on Random Man Rather D i d d i pty D o I t t h e eggbeater Mississippi w/LL,PG, & CO .I love you Bat0n Rouge Uncle Bri Bri .. .I live in a zoo ... Dee dee & the attack bear ... Spades ... the ul timate kingd om of nerdom car of death Homecoming '88 "Cheer up little camper" burn ed bodies w/SS swimming dub feet dropped at cheerleading camp '88 1-2-3 GO FOR IT! the easter egg soft Ca re Bears w/SS Ma rd i Gras '88 w h at a dummy Slider's study hall w/MM making fun of DJ & BB w/ SS Bennigan's TCBY "Why would they go see an intellectual movie?" ... Thanks to all my friends for everything especially Mom ,Dad , Carol , Jo han na,& Dee dee.

Anders R y de n 1978- 199 0

I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you dean.

We love the things we love for what they are.

Robert Frost

Latepapersw/Mrs. Beckman Chemfatigue w/SAM,AD,PM Heiko Wake-upcalls from Fr. Mesa+SAM Stargazing BS class Leg.+Ill. lunch leave U get the notes at the end of Chem Quarter nights w/CT +SGM Pool. Oder women .4 week fight Speaking Norwegian in fron of SGM Prom '88,'89 Speeding.I'll do it tomorrow morning .. .I'm failing Adv. Math ... Life lines ... Risks ... The gang ... 2 Homes Perfection LafreinerePark Don'tcellD+D IllegalAlien Did Ievercell you? Sally, make me a Coke Please 3 ice cubes no more no less 2 / 7 / 89, 3/29+30/89 So who's THIS girl?!' Doing nuthin' Kicking bad habits Sally's mirrors Sally's ice-how USA SGM-Personal massesue SGM's lcee cure for headaches The old cars Curfew-Late again Personal Questions Office Sunglasses at night, Pillow fights Audobon w/LF Doc my best pal Homecoming '88 U have one? Wrestling-6 yrs Cathy the Mediator. SGM-the human pillow Phoenix .Jealous Mi ssissipp i swim Thanks Coach Rice,Coach Burns,Coach Hosli,Doc,CT,SAM,LF EspeciallyMom,Dad,HansandSally-ILoveyou

C. K. Chesterton

Emily Ann Saab 1987-1990

Absence makes the hean grow fonder.

Sally Jena Schuber 1983-1990

It is not easy co find happiness in ourselves, and impossible to find it elsewhere.


Sally-Jean Tena random man red & black w/SAS bets w/SAS,KP,&SE Saldog Can 1drive yourcar' IBC FullMoonRituals Descin'88w/KP,MH,MP,ES,& EH $150damages PLUEpillow Pensacola campfirein ashtrayatRS PEPals and studying for exa ms w / KP can me,sun hp hair you ge t the • out of Honors English 1 so hyper. Chris w/a K E's trip bench warmers w/KP & MP parries SAS breaking the swing Gold Card member CONGELE SB '89 w/AC,SAS,SE,CL,KP,LP,MP,ES Skittles SE's mother guy in the white shirt wreckinJK'sjeepw/SE,MH,&SM X-mascardsw/SE .]K's next SubDebs &LesE Radiators .l'm hungry pies in movies w / MH & SM rolling houses, coo ki e dought, & creative nites w/MH DT&GF HMCG'88 Morning Call-Thank you Palsw/GLw/AC. CanUdance' TheWorstWesternw/ET, CL,&KP- is she dead ?!!. .. well, you don't have ro swear. .b'day weekend '89 ... Tortilla Flats ... DH & VHconcers Tparties&cakebottomsw/Mr.H.,SM,SW,MC,&JV YSSSinBoulder w/A, A, Z, E, "B" Nerds w/LP,SAS,&SE Thanks to all of my friends - esp. STEPHANIE Mom, Dad,&Scott, Iloveyou! ThanksforEVERYTHING'


NO PAIN NO GAIN! Renegades Can I tell you? TheMarve AMIT OliveJuice Sralone receedinghairline "GetNice" 24score SADE Long WayDown BERKLEE HiyaAya STEVE H.D.,K.D.,A.S.&MaryJane

ROBERTA DONJUAN SUPREMES Wharamlgonnado' Shockadudad

K.V &the 3am boacride "SunserofGold" Fitness Instructors Whacchacallic? rinfoilbird lips w/cheese skatecountryw/M.H.&J.K kibbiwibbi&bubba guitar DUCKCALLINGCLUB Roge TARA cheesewiz "FeelSo Good" Maggie&thepizza Panchosw/J.K.&M.H Random Man track'88 KUDOS RESPECT M.P.,L.P.&S.S.-"Addicredtolove" I'msodepressed shaloo Beau'sPlayerpiano EatingatJohn's ILOVEYOUDON1 ThanksFo ,EverythingMr.H.&Ms.Longw/outTheWhittWhatWould!Do A.C.&K.P.-l'mSoHun gary!CouldEatABakedPoratoe. EmmayourMyObsession Sreph-TheTalks. Stop! t-Clay,Catter&Mart ThanksToMyBescFriendsESP-LIZ,ELISE,Wil!James,MikeD,Kell iM,Leigh,Bec,Is,Tara,Karen,Sreph,Michele,Mereidth&JohnILOVEYOU! Mom&Da d-Nowlt'sMyTurnToCurMyMear!YOURFABULOUS!laterBRA!


Owen Bennett St. Amant


Out of the night char covers me , black as the pit from pole co pole, I thank whatever god there may be for my unconquerable soul. I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.

Crush the weak.

William Brent Smith 1987-1990

Sometimes it 's easy to forget where your're gain' Sometimes it's harder to leave And everytime you th inks you know just what you 're <loin' That's when your troubles exceed.

G uns n Roses

Dawg #44 #26 Saints 28 Cajuns 21 AlabamaRULZ PerididoKey w/BB&theVette Halley DustBuster AC/DCw/MF,MLF,BB,CC,HG&EG NewYeareve'88-'89 Neil Diamond's "America"w/AC&SS PhoneTalks w/AC 1-2-3 SWITCH w/KP,MF, & AC - DESTIN '89

Rick Astley LightningRun BSCharm Youwannafightnoww/MF ChemComBowling. Schmillions inkwars. BIODork Roger&Gene DonCaner,Paradisew/RM & CL The Cu rse Professinal Complainer Pace Picanre Sauce Rebel Yell just anothe r band in the river of life Buffa lo wings Destin -Su mme r '89 w / JK & MF "But that's stealing" Kung Fu Theater Mardi Gras '89 R oach es Coolbreeze Improve, overcome, and adapt Bye Bye Baby w/ RM & MLF Brohaus Mow fest tridorkusneomaxamuszimbabwe 240 sz W ild Thing w/AC,JK, & SS Thanks ro my mom and all ofmy friends for being therewhen I needed them.


Harvard Forensics Tournament Slogan

Nichole the fearsome foursome(O.S.,R.C.,D.E,C.L.) Hey 0 3 cars,5 injuries,not bad Bigfooting w/LD U-ruming w/RG .]R 's red floor. parrot sketch .locked in the sa una w/TH Big Bird arrogant , ere. CATS,Chicagofooling Matt jojo 's,coco's, soso's&J i mmy? Big Dog Mike & Drivers' Ed Black Sheep Your love is like SE Cheeks take a swim w/CT Speech Trip-San Antonio'88,0le Miss'89 If I tell you a rooster dips snuff. Kentucky lnstitute'89 the b-day party'88 .ISAS-siamese twins Mardi Gras(feb 18)88silly string,NHW ... Clark Kent ... State Champ'88 ... movi es w/TH ... dinners w/NW&KD .JD&Shannon-aaaahhh!. PJ&lossofinnocence thering .Thanks ro Mom&Dad&Joe Bob&esp.TH,RC,SB,MT,CB,DE,AV,KW,PJ,MG,Mr.Cox,Coach Hughes,assoneddebatebuddies,CGJen,Kris,&Nik-Iloveyouall I'moffroseethe wizard


Austin John Donald Sumner


Through being considered clever I have suffered much lfyou put new ideas beforetheideasoffoolsThey'llthinkyoufoolishandworthlessintobargain;And ifyou are thoughtsuperiorto thosewhohavesomereputation forlearning, you will become hated.


Whenever I'm caught between two evils, Irake theone I've nevertried before.

Mae West Some touch the flameand live, some neverleave the flame

One too modest to takecredit Austin you fool, slow down the five will live forever. people change and always do .life is made to be lived and enjoyed some things are good somethings aren't but everyone enjoy .I'm not a hippe I'm a beatnik only becauseIwas toldto mentiontherank WhilewaitingforthepigeonsIbuilta nice toy oneof many

Ca th

Michie Stout z 1986-1990

Katrina Da Corna Queen skipin w/ BB Hell Trips

word Gigaboo Roada+RondadaRollaDerbyQueens spiced tea ifheonly had s· J'"+3/ 4

Niagra,FruFru+Conch Dragon Lady Nails. The Globe .Charlenes w/ BB,IF+BB Da Northshora the cage Nitcmarc at NCs. Super p·· LEGAL. HWY I00w/KL. Rumpus+BLA ASH PALS I LUV U Mom,Dad,Clif,Mac+Taaf+THEGANG FRIENDS4-everI'M GONEt>

Y o u ca n 't a lways ge t wh a t yo u w ant , but if yo u tr y som e tim es yo u ju s t mi g h t fi nd, yo u get wh a t yo u need R o llin g Stun ts Ne v e r ex pl a in ;yo ur fri e nd s d o n 't nee d it and yo ur e ne m ies d o n 't care an yway An o no mu s Mini Cat. Birdman Boodie Lil Fast. Wkeds w/ MM SSC. My Miss. Boys. The Mata Mobile Hord Gamard. .All Niters w/BH+RG .Summer 88' Uptown Girl. Da Shoe $6 gets U far Leaving Oates M a r y m o un t S quatt y I ta li a n M e n. .3 /3/ 87 ... Goofy +Animal. .. C ru s h es ... Mi s tak es. .n o rid e ho m c . .. m1 ss 111 c urfew w h e re's Ed ? n eve r ca ug ht. Mardi G ra s w / JN SR in N .O H ang in w/
you rc
M a rtin e rs Diet s? Wh o le Io ta lim es Ar e u un coo rdinat e d ? R at.
J"m not shrinking
growing The


Stephanie Andrews Sumner 1977-1990

No man ever injured his eyesight by looking on the bright side of things.

More than anything else-I love to win!

Maureen Michelle Timpa 1986 -1990

You will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

John 8:32

If it is truth that you are looking to find, it is nowhere outside ofyou mind.


Mo ... Angles ... didn't you used to havegreen ... haircut

II speech trips Hardtner windshield apprenci

C'est joke Lawrence school ofphilosophy-drama

JNR ... frolicers ... thrust skyward . . .blond-hippie-roadslut nature girl loc'in after dark spangeled shorts


Traci-my alter ego peanut-butter chats get over yourself... Sally's dead, you ... eunuch ... Boo .. . life is art AMDG. \ \ t
Lil'Sum #LO double trouble-AC forever 4 BASKETBALL1-Jackson & Jordan firesraner 3musketeers Steph2 Iph&Barbi Fifi IMUST WIN CluelessGeorge BABY 1•• Bri V silverbullet sharing-CS,AC,CB wildthing-AC,BSJK Stalk-PG,KO rape-AC,PG Clapcon-SE,LP 1,2,3go forit Ispy-LP manscam Ithinkir'sreeb datelessatSubDebs '89 I never-ACJK,MF MG'89AC,CL,KP red & black-SS making fun of BB,DF w /LP friends w /Greenies(Omar & KMS) random man comparing things to poo Animal-CL Shell CCC(almost) going out & making bets-KP,SS Northerners AmericaAC,BS dead baby bigones-PT,MR beingchasedby rebels-MP,AC,EH,KO competing4gusw/CL no,no,no-YES bigbro-CM racinglegsw/CL Homer gimmethe keys puh noise-PN talksw/Em truefriendsw/BBsinceMS lastofchegang'skids goodluckfreshMEN(BG,SS)& MLW,AK,ESJA,AM thankscoceachers,coaches,& all friendsespAllison-thanksmom & dad for being great parents & Nance-you've been a great shadow to follow-good l uck class of'90-1loveya!

Emma Katherine Tubb 1979-1990

Now ic seems co me some fine things have been layed upon your cable , but you only wane the ones that you can't gee.


limle Em obsession desperado Dier Coke red head' K&B Aunty EM W.H 4 2 yrs Producers Earhart Sub Debs Dad's Celica parents our w/MB,M.P,L.E FLY BYS Park City X-Mas "officer do you rcalJy feel the need?" lost after J.G's parry Snowmass '88 Converrable 6/ 1/88 .'Tm sayin" Tchoupatulous chauffer Col.Springs w/M.P CLH Destin '87 .Jim Shorts Armed Response Brah WENDYS Hurricane w/e w/E.H D & the Fly afrr. Sch Summer Sch. w/E.H Danielle Prk "I woulld liikc" Destin 4 a nr w/MP 7/ 11 Busted P.J's Circle K. Alvin's ls 100% off. Oct. 8th 88 .last period S.H w/MP purple hair possessed blender .lunch Iv evety year Puffthe M.Dragon airbom in parking lot convias in post office E.H 's c hurch hicn ' run ''yo u ' re a sick little gi rl aren't you?'' tren c h coat Campfire ac Radisson ... Te.i.sers .. .J.C. stealing CLH flag ... 2 fav words ... " littering isn't cool" biblems Thanksforthesupporr&LoveMOM,DAD&BEN! &toAllfriends'! esp. CHELE, Liz,&C.P MICHAEL,Those were the Best ofTimes-Thanks for alJ the memories!!Je t 'aime!! " How I've loved these days

Kimberly Renee Valladares 1984-1990

Insist on yourself; never imitate.


I'm not confused about what's weird and silly and crazy and absurd.And I'm not confused abou t the lack of or-t he need for-imagination in high or low places Pass the crayons please


He has to have a ni ce car Destin 4 th of July MH , ES , at the begin. of summerF1. KV&ESnightout(3a.m.boatridew/John&Veau) $6w/AF,DV,JF&Kenr not feeling well on R -da y.. .as soo n as th e house is built ... Grad.Parry at her house '8 7 ... her house-crsh cmr U.S. A partylimo B-mer K 's sun roof. MH-we still haven't finished the contest. Our BASH card ed at a RP movie .I'm fr om Hawaii Yea chat 's ri g ht we go to Tulane ... Are they for sale?NO ... Prom-Michelle-I owe U one ... carton's on my neigh. lawn Br ea d on kitchen floor HC '88 7 hrs. in rain for R S. tckrs Venus debates w/ MM dancingat red lights questfor theparty BFthat didn't happen w/MH&ES forever obs. scl.lddr. w/MM&EC. Good luck next year Greg ThanksMom,Dad,Dan,MH,ES-specialrhnxtoEC,MM,AC&Greg-youalJarethe best. I'll missyoualJ ByeBye


Katherine Ann Wallace 1989-1990

ifoneadvancesin thedirection ofhisdreams, andendeavorsto livethelife which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal,and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; ortheold lawsbeexpanded, and interpreted in his favor inamore liberal sense, and he will live with the license ofa higher order ofbeings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. Ifyou have builtcastles in theair, you work need not belost; that is where they should be Now put the foundationsunder them.

Henry David Thoreau

The guy, the earring and Circus World PKN lead-out Walden Weekend Diet M.D.=Chinese parries JELHELL Bean Heads OuterRim 89 Dead Bean Society Miss S.B.I.C Kat J.C. Club 88 Yoyogi Park Dizuny-Rand and the obento Baby Blue Hoshino Sensei broken window hana "She's having a baby'" pitapower tofu case Rhodes' drummer AH4! Cricket Inn cruzm' H/Bwrecksin Sp.class HondaScuter J.S.'sparry JAco obbf I min nemasu N H buddies

Ian Verschuren 1988-1990

Nothing'severeasywhen you do ityourself, all youcan doistry. Life', not unfair, life's just life.

J.B .

The new kid IV Guru of golf four-way calling with Jethro,Ahuha, and Scotty The Farman R=theta Revised numerical system Harish Daryus Tennis anyone> A.P. bio A.P. Chem Word Flying lessons Mile high club "You've corrupted us" Cool duels K=Kool Golfwith AA+JK+SLH. Dutch Movies "Shoot Stick" say something in dutch T1000 Elvis You heard me Let'sfly you'redriving Ian Versc--Twenty two betting for pennies creating havoc St. J's AIS Chuck-it quarriad thecup,pur itin my hands Iam Hammer Jeffs panther walk Sam man Harang meet King Kool You're crazy "graph it Ian" Jeffs subscription. arcaic man Loe is broke Michelle here and there Cujo "Is ranger Rick around>" The Queen ofgullibility "Highlight it" ScottytheParancer AU myfriends atSt.John'sand at AI.S.,thanks Allmy friends here oh heck, dotdot's shmotdot's,Goodbyeeveryone.


Scott Jackson We b e r 1979-1990

Life itself is a race, marked by a start, and a finish. It is what we learn during the race, and how we apply it that determines whether our participation has had particular value, i f we learn from each success, and each failure, and improve ourselves through chis process then at the end, we will have fulfilled our potential and performed well.

Someti mes votes don't go the way they should.

Edward Reynolds Wilson 1977-1990

Sometimes th e votes don't go the way they should.

Parting with friends is a sadness, a place is just a place.

Donald S. Schwartz

FrankHebert Rey. .the 626(bad luck) Growing up in P-way T the Beast build me a fire CO LostatJethroTull Tastee ChestWarsw/MF CrescentCityH.C.w/MFand MD shootingLL floodedinatrhefoot outw/JK,COJL. outw/PG. .sheonmy ru g THAT co ld THAT is a nice steroids make yo u immune to nuclear attack is it possible to cru sh you own skull ? Looking dirty Dave , feeling dirty Rey Watch that car John Berr,goodoleBert.WhotheheckisBerr' ErtoJuanThenfalloldlady What do you chink will happen if I shoot this straight up ? Uh, Roberc!I c's on fire Hey, chat 's our rechest Oh,sorry about that steamboat '89 Europe '89 .ls there a problem here?... Thank you Dita for making m y life so interesting ... P.S . How the - - - - did we gee here?

Ferdinand Porsche (POR-SHA)

Donald S. Schwartz

#64 Vader STM28CD21 HolyWar wonderweber Eagle Ididn't messupIndianDay! 5-61-91-92-8 Dec4. 1987KillerZombiePimpsfromHell

Where's the sidewalk w/Wink CD Homecoming '89 w/BA

MG RM WS AB Bronco & The Valdez Mardi Gras '89 w/Hickum etc Busred (& Again)

Philmont Hickum & Butcher Ralph & Kacops ArmedResponseRoxBrah

Mrs. Epstein-Homecoming '87-He's better than the rumors! Friday Kung Fu Theater w/CoachHughes Shoe WOW!!!WOW!!!WOW!!!WOW!!!WOW!!!WOW!!!WO W!!!WOW!!!Lye Sux Gitsum Mono Twice(duo?) Yeah I'm gonna wresrle! Tankyaz:MikeBrad+ 2nd family: CarolDr. GeorgeMark&Beeben MomDAdYStaeFisbeaux&STMILUYYAU CIAOBABY!!!


Someday we wi[ Cook 6ack on tfiese clays arnl faU9 h

6ecause they make us happy, arnl we wi[ cry 6ecause they are 9one. We are 9W for them now, 6ut someclay we wi[ 6e even 9Caclder for the memories.

Seniors - 63
Senior Class Officers, Standing, Left to Right: Owen St. Amant, Vice President; Christian O'Neil, Parliamentarian . Sitting, Left to Right: Michele Parmelee, Secre tary; Kelly Petro , President; Elizabeth Chin, Treasurer.

Will U Ever Forget.

Having Mrs. Anthon and Mrs. Bernos in kindergarten

Free play with Ms. Janet and Art with Ms Kirby

Bringing home guinea pigs for the weekend

Playing Heads Up 7-up on a rainy day

Roller skating parties and Christmas plays

Lawrence being in love with Ms. Sneed

Tracy Harris always asking, "I can play?"

Cubby holes and snack time everyday

Ms. Cairn's bath tub

Lice pillows in the library

Four square and pizza pizza patio

Playing murder ball and blob and square dancing in PE

Shel Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends

Mrs. Gunderguts and her baboons

Service club ringing the bell every morning

Steven Kilinski's mother doing all ofhis projects

Sixth grade overnight skits and obstacle course

Making signs and throwing chalk at Mr. Campagna

Mr. Ellis throwing plastic cups and chewing on straws

Family life class with Ms. Himel

Mr. Longstreth's head-spinning inappropriates

Ms. Henson's pink room, red pen, and Gucci purse

Being Ms.Johnson's last biology class

Ms. Pedrick and her ruler

Mr. Breazeale and making paper airplanes

The Fearsome Foursome

64 - Will U Ever Forget
• •

Mr. Rawson and Gonzo-Re

Rima lighting her hair on fire in chapel

Parties in the cafeteria

Food fight at Ruby Reds

The Washington trip

Falling asleep in the Senate

The dealy in the Atlanta airport

Homecoming dances

St. Martin's dance team

Ms. Deyo crying in class and dancing during movies

Mrs. West and her projector

Dissecting the fetile pigs in biology

Mr. Fitzmorris' classes with Big Al

Mrs. Epstein'sdaydreams and migrains

Richard "the wanger" Huang

St. Patrick's day parades

the crazy friar

Proms and party pies

Finally being Seniors and having lunch leave Homeroom for the first time

Senior Weird Day

Forever Young

Graduation -June 1, 1990

Will U Ever Forget - 65

13 YfAR a tJB

Standing,Left to Right: KellyPetro,JeffKlein,ReynoldsWilson,JohnKahn,AnneFalgoust,Stephanie Sumner, Courtney Lane, Christian O'Neil, Marianne Bankston. Sitting, Left to Right: David Elvin, Roger Cornelius, Michele Parmelee, Elizabeth Hoskins, Dita Andersson, Allison Chrestman. DitaAndersson MarianneBankston Elizabeth Chin AllisonChrestman Anne Falgoust MichaelFantaci Elizabeth Hoskins John Kahn
66 - 13 Year Club
CourtneyLane Christian O'Neil Michele Parmelee Kelly Petro Standing, Left to Right: Michael Fantaci,Todd Kogutt, ElizabethChin. Roger Cornelius
JeffKlein ... StephanieSumner David Elvin Todd Kogutt ReynoldsWilson


No wonder they call him Dino.

Wish you were me, don't you'

Country Day was never this fun
Stephen Loeb- outforan afternoon stroll.
I \ ,, ...
David Elvin gives his impression of Billy Idol. A mugshot ofbirdman. Getaway- You don't look like Mel Gibson.
MUSTget roclass. Do nor rakemy picture.
What NOW
Ms Lawrence' Scott Hall shows his enthusiasm for Calculus.
Reid Gilchrist in Humanities- Whosaid miraclesdon't happen' Michael Fantaci at least he'sgot the brawn. John Kahn thinks, "Meredith mudwrescling!?!' · The day Ian Flamm came out of the closet. Brent Smith says, "ROAR11" Deon Brown asks the question why. Matt Nichols - theJudas Priest. Katie Dodson displays the benefits of MFP (Maximum Floride Protection). Todd Kogutt a face onlya mothercould love. Phyllia Nugent - she doesn't do windows. Someone give Anders Ryden the directions to Pe e-wee·s playhouse. Rima Benseriti wonders, "Where's Kadifee when we need him?"

Getout of my way- I'm in a rush

Whatdid you just sayabout me'

Beau contemplates thesum of2+2

ateenage mutant

No- its Verschuren - can'tanyone pronounce mylast name right'

This wasn't supposed to happen this way.

No - there isn't a library book in my purse. Why would you think that'

Wonder Weber Stephanie Eberts is all geared up for Advanced Mach class. Melanie Koch feels the pressuresofbeing ninja turtle. Christian O'Neil a.k.a. Tesla.
Whatdo you want
When Leland Davis thinks ofPhysics class No, thesearen't Doc's hands.
Ihelpyou' Shannon
What - we had Biology homework' A typical Emily Saabexpression. May
Shannon. What's wrong now Dita? Isn't

I'rn totally innocent.

You got WHATon your test' Iswear I just cameback from Photoscope.

Hey Florida - I'rn going to Rhodes.

TheRonster is ready.

Wedidn't know Physics was sofun.

Corneon you guys - help mewith these books. My parentsareoutoftown again. """ ___.,

Only ten more minutesofHumanities

The next Sean Penn

John,what are you up tO now'

Courtney in thespotlight.

You need it WHEN Mrs Maumus' Shutup- I'm trying tO study.

Ican't hold this smile much longer.

Sometimes you justgotta say.

Doc·snot here again roday in World Hisrory.

Hey Newman Allison, do you like French class' Afuture Eric Clapron'

Senior We ird Day

What time during the school year do you see the Jackson Five and members ofthe Love Boat sitting in the same class room? Or Roller Derby Queens skating down the hall and almost knocking down a pair of teenage mutant ninja turtles' Or flower girls walking around with Chip n Dale dancers' Only on October 31, St. Martin's annual Senior Weird Day, where WEIRD was definately the word for it.

"Come aboard" Chris Lawler and Liz Hoskins "are expecting you!" Chris tian O'Nei l and Kristine O'Connell p repare to go Schwegmann shopping. The Westwego Witches Baby! Stephanie Sumner, Anne Falgoust, and Courtney Lane. "Peace Dude, " says Katherine Wallace Dita Andersson' Ic 's as easy as 1-2-3 wit h the Jackson 5: Ke lly Petro, Michele Parmelee, All iso n Chrestman,EmmaTubb,and EmilySaab.
Senior Weird Day - 73
Chad ·'Rocket" Cooper and Beau "Ice Cube" Bisso.

Senior Teacher Day --

Anxious seniors await the day chat has become an annual tradition atSr. Martins, SeniorTeacherDay.Ir is a day for seniors co experience the chaos chat teachers go through in a day. The seniors had co prepare a lesson plan for their classes and reach the students. This day shows the seniors chat the reaching proffession is not as easy as it may seem. It was a fun and exileracing day for the student, a learning experience for the seniors, and a break for the teachers

John Kahn helps Mr. Stuart disciplineJay Cerise. Christiano Neil readsto the third graders. Meredith HowardactsasMs. Boonefortheday
74 - Senior Teacher Day
David Elvin rakesover Dr Aguiar'slab Owen St Amant hastheMs. Long look El izabeth H oskins prepa res the chape l service for the lower school.
a Mid d le Sc hoo l ma ch
Alli son Chrest man teaches class fo r Ms. Marrin. Mr. and Miss St. Martins
Favorites - 75
Chad Cooper Stephanie Sumner

Most Likely to Succeed

Amit Ahuja, Michele Parmelee


Ron Mclnnis, M eredith Howard

76 - Favorites
Best Looking
Favorites - 77
Matt Fransen, Melanie Koch
Most Popular Kelly Petro, Christian O'Neil
Most Athletic
78 - Favorites I
Reynolds Wilson, Kristine O'Connell
Emma Tubb, Ian Flamm


Shalini Ahuja

Roby Arensman


Julie Bailliet

Susan Bennett

Cavan Bordelon


Michael Brunet

Christopher Calandro

John Cavaroc

Monique Cerise

Robert Chaffe

John Church

Elizabeth Conway

Matthew Coy

Lesley Crawford


James Dineen

Samuel Dunn

Betsy Erwin

Class Officers: Top Row, Left to Right: Christina Vial, Betsy Erwin, Erika Washington. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Bryan Frentz, Robert Chaffe.
Juniors - 79

Maggie Erwin

Bryan Frencz

Brian Goldblatt

Cate Graham

Hunt Graham

Jonathan Hodges



Michael Karna

Katie Koch

Gregory Green David Grevemberg Edmond Gueydan Devlin Hartline
80 - Juniors
Ashley Koerner Annie Lankard DorothyManard Tuck Marshall Sean Mc Donaugh Kenneth Miller Jennifer Nichols Isabelle Petit Todd Pittman
Juniors - 81
David Pruyn JuanRodriguez StephanieRogers SeanSamuel BeckyShaw ClaireSnyder
8 2 - Juniors
Rorni Suttiurai BrettTrotter JillVedros Verlander Cathenne ChrisrinaVta! ErikaWashingron EricaWatkins MaryLeeWayman
Juniors - 83
Meaghan Williams DebbieWitkm



Truirr Balart

Beau Bethune

John Blake

David Bowman

Christopher Casbarian

Edward Chin

Jenny Costello

Christian Daigle

Steven DeWitt

Rachel Epstein

Gretchen Godchaux

Lisbeth Habans

Tony Haspel

Nicky Hinge!

Paul Hogan

Nikki Houston



Mark LeBlanc

Class Officers: Left to Right, Top Row :Ray Orrill, John Blak e, Kelly Norwood. Bottom Ro w: Paolo Messina, Gretchen Godchaux.
84 - Sophomores

Bear Marchal

Kelly McGeehan

Paob Messina


David Miller

Jennifer Mintz

Aimee Miranne

Marrhew Neighbors

Clifford Norchon

Kelly Norwood

Peter Leach Martin Loicano Michael Odom
Sophomores - 85
Anne Ogden


Claiborne Schmidt



Natasha Somers

Ray Orrill Edward Pankey Amy Petro Manishi Prasad RobertRhoden Meghan Richoux Elizabeth Saab Kyle Sclafani Lisa Scott
86 - Sophomores
Michael Sullivan BarbaraSutton ChrisTidmore StephanieVial LoyeWillis CarterWood
Sophomores - 87
Chris Wright


Jay Adair


Chad Aleman

Ricky Alford

Ashley Amato

Lise Andersson

William Axelrad

Carrer Balarr



Sarah Boggs

Kyle Branting

Samantha Brennan

Paige Busch

Elizabeth Cavaroc

Arthur Christy

Sarah Close

Christopher Coffman

Nikki Corcoran

Benjamin Crawford

Class Officers : Left to Right :Paige Nolan, Carter Mars hall , Lise Andersson, Chad Aleman, Shannon James .
88 - Freshmen

Edmund Dieth


Nicole Eichberger

Ryan Fairman

Katie Faught

Ashley Folse

Anne Friedman

Kimberly Garland

Patrick Garvey

Colin Gold

Glen Dastugue Amy DeBoisblanc Sean Grace
Freshmen - 89
Steven Griffith



Brian Houghtaling

John Hyatt




Melanie Kaye


Brett Guidry Cecile Hardy Kathleen Haycock Helm Fritz Koch
90 - Freshmen



Chris Leask Robbie Manard Beth Marks CareerMarshall DinaMichael AnneMonsted JenniferMoore Scott Nelson Paige Nolan PatrickOdom Greg Page Amy Pecquet Stuart Peyton Michael Pitts
Freshmen - 91
MeetaPrasad John Rawlins Gretchen Ryan Tossy Sanders Scott Schuber Jonathan Schudmak JenniferSchupp
92 - Freshmen
Don Schwartz Chris Shofstahl JayBen St. Amam ChristopherStakelum TaaffeStautz Frank Suggs AshleyTappin Francesco Tenore Ian Williams
Freshmen - 93
James Wolfley
' • ' .,,,.. t ..,. ,,, '-• T • .• •• f .. .. .... 1 , • ,. • • ' • • • • • ' • ' • • . ...
/ \ , / JI ' ) .. ! I .,.., ...
Jusrsay no Michael. Roby Arensman - Outdoor Ed'sgourmet. Behind bars at last' Epiladyworks well doesn't it» Truir Balart takes iteasy.
96 - US Candids
We were so close. Caught in theact.

lsn't 9thgrade fun?

Ican'r believe you justsaid that.

:hel e Parmelee and Emma Tubb demonstrate true school rit. Our furure government leaders Carbon copy Toocute
US Candids - 97
Calm down David, it's justa play

Don·tyou just loveSophomoreguys' Won·tyou be my neighbor' Love at last.

You didn'tsee that Humanities makes you do thestrangest things

What, Ihave co run ten extra miles roday?
Stephen Loeb showsa Freshman who's boss.
98 - US Candids
you justsay about Mr Houghtaling'
Humanities fun this year'
think I'm astud oranything When those with equal I.Q.'sbond Leave mealone.
just letting him win
Freshmen Whydo you evenask' US Candids - 99
Whatever it is, 1didn't do it Bosom Buddies Yougora problem' Now Marr, theshortertheskirt, the higher thegrade. You'll look SOgorgeous with your hairslicked back to a tapered point
I00 - US Candids
The after-effects ofaSophomore retreat Just call him Kenny Van Gogh. Aren'rfriends great' Term papers start ar fifty dollars. And ifIam elected Ptesidem, Iwill. Fansat the Sr.Martins/ Ecolegame. Hey, how do you do that/ Will you Sophomores please hurry up' Yea, l'm cool.
US Candids - 101
Who waxed the floors'

Upper School Retreat s

The summer was almost over, and although it may have seemed that school had just ended, it was time to go back to school. Each high school class went on a retreat to reunite with friends and meet teachers. Each class· retreat had different activities planned: the Seniors performed skits; the Juniors had a special chapel service; the Sophomores watched movies past midnight; and the Freshmen performed the famous cheer, "Jumpouc," for the Seniors. Fortunately, everyone managed to survive and make it back to school alive.

Freshmengirlsshow theirstuff. Hey ohn Kahn watch whatyou are filmin 1 Michael Brunet and Stephanie Rogers are picruff perfect. ,, ""'
102 - Upper School Retreats
Futureolympicswimteam, AshleyTappin,andfourothers:ShannonJames, Kim Garland,LiseAndersson, KathyHaycock. More embarassin freshmen ames for Veroni ca Bell Kathy Haycockexclaims, "Youguys!!" Christian O'Neil treatsa freshmen right

The Literary Rally is an annual academic competition which allows students to demonstrate superior academic achievements in a number of subject areas. Faculty members select their strongest students to represent Sc.Martins at the District Rally held at UNO. There they compete against students from 21 other Division III high schools. At the State Rally held in Baton Rouge, winners then have the chance to pit their wits against the best in the state.

State Literary Rally Results

1st place: Kenny Miller - Physic

Robert Rhoden - English II

Kerri Hardin - English IV

2nd place:Jonathan Schudmak - French II

Jeff Klein - Biology II

3rd place: Stacey Vial - French III

Jay Adair - World History

4th place:Meeta Prasad - Spanish II

Edward Chin - Chemistry

John Blake - Geometry

Stephanie Rogers - Advanced Math

Special Open Foreign Language Speaking Events

Superior: Claire Snyder - French III

Michael Pitts - Spanish II

Peter Leach - Spanish III

Exr ,lent:Sean Samuel - French IV

Arthur Christy - French II

Debbie Witkin - Spanish IV

John Hyatt - Latin I

Sean Grace - Latin II

District Literary Rally Results

1st place:Jeff Klein - Biology II

Jay Adair - World History

John Blake - Geometry

2nd place: Kenny Miller - Physics

Dina Michael - English I

Jonathan Schudmak - French II

Stacey Vial - French III

Chris Tidmore - Civics

3rd place:Robert Rhoden - English II

Kerri Hardin - English IV

Meeta Prasad - Spanish II

Ben Crawford - Algebra II

4th place: Manishi Prasad - Spelling

Jennifer Schupp - Spanish I

Betsy Erwin - Spanish III

Edward Chin - Chemistry

Stephanie Rogers - Advanced Math

Ian Flamm - Trigonometry



104 Homecoming
Dita Andersson Merecfitfi Howard Queen A[ison Chrestman Ke[y Petro

Court 1990

E(izabeth Conway Betsy E1Win Dorthy ManarcC Ke[y McGeehan Suzie Shaw
Homecoming 105
Lise Andersson


The week before the game was full of excitment and decorations, as each class was trying tO outdo the other. Showing their school spirit and their support fot the football team, the seniors won.

The cold and wind could not keep the St. Martin's fans from supporting their football team Friday afternoon Although we lost tO Belle Chase, the game was full of suspense, and our team played well.

The fans were on the edge oftheir seats and the bleachers were full of noise and helpful chants.

Following an action packed game

Ron Mcinnis and Lane Barrocas the Home- Chad Cooper congracualtes Meredith Howard, the Homecoming devils coming Queen
- :=:::::::p~ '
Elizabeth Cavaroc, Tossy Sanders, and Samantha Brennan enjoy the Homecomingdance.
106 - Homecoming
The Senior classwon thedecorations Betsey Erwin being escorted by her father at th Homecominggame TheBellTowerwascoveredwithdecorationsdurin theweek.

week 1989

gainst Belle Chase, the excitment began J build up as the fantasy of the Home}mingdance was fast becominga reality t eight o'clock, the fun began. Limo ttersleek streched limopulled up packed ,ith students eage( to dance the night way. As the groups arrived, they were reeted by their enthusiastic friends. The rowning of the Homecoming Queen, 1eredith Howard, was the highlight of :i.e evening. In all, this was a week for veryone to remember.

Kelly Petroand Patricia Garciapose byaSeniot decoration Freshmen decorations showed their spirit ,tephanie Sumner, Moniqu e Cerise, and Paige Nolan pose for a picture a Allison Chrestman is escorted by her fahe dance ther at the game Nikki Corcotan and Tossy Sanders at thedance
Homecoming - 107
Me redith Howard and Mr. Schwartz are dancing in the spotlight.

On acool evening in November, students, parents, and friends ofSt. Martins gathered together in the Dan Francis White Chapel to watch the production "A Midsummer Night's Dream." After weeks ofpreparation, it was opening night, andJenni Moore, who played a fairy, said, "I had butterflies for hours, but I was also curious to see who was in the audience and how the rest ofthe play wouldgo." THelights dimmed and a hush fell over the audience as the play began. As the actors, dressed in contemporary clothes, took the stage set, in the middle ofcentral park, it was obvious that this play was not an authentic Shakespearean play. An alumni of St. Martins stated after the play, "Ienjoyed the play, and the different approach it took to Shakespearean theater," Al in all the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was a very innovative and enlightening play.

Hocus Pocus thinks Cavan tlordelon.
108 - US Play
Cavan Bordelon puts Annie Lankard ro sleep.
A ffiidsummer
Deon Brown goes for thegold Alleluia!
Cavan Bordelon and Maureen Timpaplot. Deon Brown expresses his love for Laura Bailey Cavan Bordelon watches Annie Lankard. Theyarestill praising thesky.
US Play - 109
IMaureen Timpagets in trouble with Cavan


GREASE, this year's Upper School musical, was a smashing success! With a huge talented cast, GREASE brought SRO crowds both nights, including the alumni who performed in StM's 1981 production of the play. The outstanding choreography by Harry Novelino, the superb musical direction by Candy Armstrong, and the wonderful stage direction by Carole Lawrence are all to be complemented. It was a spectacular production!

Thewholegangsings "WeGoTogether" as theyenjoyabeaurifulnightin
1 "I
j Teen angel, eon Brown, and his "Beauty School"·girlstryroconvinceFrenchytogoback to hii,h school. park.
Roger, (Greg Green), and Doody, (Matt Gaumer), sing about their "Rock nRollPattyQueen" atRizzo's patty.
110 - US Play
Sandy, (Dorthy Manard),wows 'em! Cha-Cha, (CatherineVerlander),strutsherst attheRydell highschooldance. Rizzo,(JenniferAdams),Jan,(JenniferMintz),: Frenchy, (Stephanie Eberts), provide back-up I monyin "Freddy MyLove" atMatty'splace

Doody's"MagicChanges" drives

Sandymeetsthe Pinkladies. Theboyscontemplatetheirnextmoveafterhaving "ripped-off'asetofhubcaps. thegirlscrazy Rizzoflirts with alltheguysduring "SandraDee." "SummerLoving" Danny,(David Elvin), is "AllChoked Up"!
US Play - 111
Earpiercing?Frenchy takescontrol.

This Spring the scudents in allgrade levels at St. Martins were fortunate enough to have theirarc work displayed publicallyat Poydras Plaza. According co Ms. Boone, "it was the arc show ofthe year."

112 ...

Spring break

Except for chose few unlucky Seniors who had co go visit colleges, most of the high school cook a break from their rigorous classes and headed co Florida for a well deserved vacation. There they found sun, sand, and fun. During the day they worked on their cans and swam in the ocean, and at night, they metnewfaces atpartieson the beach orin various condominiums. Actheendofthe week, allweresad co return co the daily life after a week·offun in the sun.

- 113

Junior /Senior PROM

Stephanie Ebercs, Michael Fantaci, and Elizabeth Conwaypose for apicture.
114 - US Events
Elizabeth Chin and Katherine Wallace at Prom ShannonJames, KristineO'Connell, and Kelly Petro
Ma"Fransen,AllisonChrestman,BrentSmith,John Kahn,and MichaelFan relax for awhile ichael Karno shows his affection for Becky Shaw Ke!Jy Petro and Courtney Lane Emily Saab, Anne Falgoust, Meredith Howard, A!Jison Chrestman, Courtney Lane, Ke!Jy Petro, Michele Parmelee, and EmmaTubb pose for a picture.
US Events - 115
Sa!JySchuberand StephanieSumner

Athletic Awards

GirlsTrackandField),AshleyTappin (MVP GirlsSwimming),AndersRyden (MVP Wrestling, JamesM.BurlingameAward) MiddleRow,LefttoRight:DebbieWitkin(MIPVolleyball,MVPGirlsSoccer),MattGaumer(MIPBoysCrossCountry),AmitAhuja(MVPBoys Tennis),KimGarland(MIPGirlsSwimming),BrentSmith(MIPBoysTennis),RobbieManard(A.G.PorterTrackAward),LisaHelm(MIPGirlsSoccer),DinaMichael(MIP GirlsTrackandField,HeadmastersAthleticAchievementAward),JonathanSchudmak(MIPWrestling),PaigeBusch(MVPGirlsTrackandField,MVPGirlsCrossCountry, E.DouglasJohnsonMemorialAward) FrontRow,LefttoRight:ScottHall(MVPBoysSoccer),RogerCornelius(MIPBoysSwimming),KristineO'Connell(MVPVolleyball), ChadCooper(MVPLineman,Glenn"Abe"MartinAward),ChristianO'Neil(DaveRiceAward),StephanieSumner(MVPGirlsBasketball,MVPSoftball,DaveRiceAward, Robert L.PettitSeniorAward), LaneBarrocas(MVPBoysBasketball),AnneFalgoust(MVPGirlsTennis),ReynoldsWilson(MVPBoysTrackand Field,MVPBoysCross Country), Chris Delaune (MVP Baseball, MIP Boys Basketball),John Mark Church (MIPGolO. Missing:MarianneBankston (MIPGirls Cross Country), Stacey Vial (MIP Softball).


Back Row, Left to Right: Kathy Haycock (MIP Tennis), Chris Stakelum (MIP Baseball), Michael Sullivan (MVP Boys Swimming, Headmasten Athletic Achievement Award), ChrisShofstahl(MJPLineman,MIPBoysTrackandField),RonMcinnis(MVPGolO, Hico Mikami(MIPBack),DavidGrevemberg(MVPLineman),TruittBalart(MIPBoys Soccer),EdmundOieth (MVP Back), Paige Nolan GirlsBasketball, MIP
116 - Athletic Awards
Paige Busch with some ofhermany awards. Stephanie Sumner and Christian O'Neil, the first winners ofthe Dave Rice Award

Ring Day

ring: a never-ending circle, asymbolofunity,eternal friendship, and expensive token of our meaningful experience in high school. On arch 29, 1990, the upper school students, faculty members, and my parents gathered in the Dan and Francis White Chapel to mess the traditional events of the Ring Day ceremony Those ;embledhad theopportunity to watchas themembers ofthe Classof D bestowed the senior rings upon the members ofthe Class of '91, xt year's Seniors. After the ceremony, the Juniors and Seniors joyed adistinct lunch at Masson's. Each student will remember their perience by this one lasting token, his ring

Greg Green and Maggie Erwin model their rings. Jill Vedros, Meaghan Williams, and Katie Koch with their rings. Oneofthe highlightsofeveryJunior'syearisto recievetheirclassring. SomeSeniors, EmmaTubb, StephanieSumner,Stephanie Eberts, Sally Schuber, andMicheleParmelee,enjoythereceptionafterward.
US Events - 117
ChristinaVialand CateGraham finally havetheirSeniorrings

Senior Chapel

On Monday, May the fourteenth, ti: Class of 1990 bid St. Martins a fon farewell in their Senior Chapel preser tation. The ceremony included a sin along with David Elvin, "Hold M Soul," followed by Lower, Middle, an Upper School memories, slides of OL younger years, Emily Saab reminding a of "The Way We Were," and a tearfi recession to "The End ofthe Innocence. Though they rang the bellsignifying the departure, their memories of StM wi always remain in their hearts and wi help to keep them "Forever Young"

118 - US Events

Upper School Awards


Michele Parmelee


Amit Ahuja

The English Awards

English I: Dina Michael

English II: Robbie Rhode

Columbia Book Awar

English IV: Michele Par

Word Processing: Meet

The Fine Arts Award

Art Award: Kelly Perro,

Best Actress: Maureen Ti

Best Actors: Deon Brown

Speech Award: Owen S

Music Award: Christina

Spanish ---L.lllllr,~ijiQl,I~


Latin A

The Rensselaer Mathematics and Science

Award: Bryan Frentz

Yale Book Award: Stephanie Rogers

Jim Latham Mathematics Award: Michele Parmelee

The Religion Awards

Sewanee Book Award: Bryan Frenrz

Religion Award: Beau Bisso, Patricia Garcia

The Science Awards

athan Hodges

Amit Ahuja : Amit Ahuja

Snyder awler


izabeth Ho

ltor: Chris Lawler

Citizenship Aw

e Gustaf R. Wes

The Michael John Moseley Memorial Award: Ron Mcinnis, Jeff Klein

The St. Martin's Citizenship Award: Michele Parmelee, Owen St. Amant

The E.O. Van Slate Service Award: Kelly Petro

The Spirit of St. Martins Award: Stephanie Sumner

Upper School Events - 119

I am indeed honored and grateful to have this opportunity to stand before you today and share a few thoughts with you. We are at an important juncture in our lives . Graduation marks the end of our high school days, days that we may one day look back upon and say were the best times of our lives . Graduation also marks the beginning of our e ntry into adulthood and symbolizes the beginning of total freedom. The time has come for us to leave our homes, our families, our friends and everything else that we have depended upon . To some of us that's a scary thought. We will be leaving behind a wonderful group of teachers, teachers who have often gone above and beyond their call of duty, teachers who have guided us and shaped us into what we are today. In the same way, our parents, who have helped us, reassured us, and have always been there for us, will no longer be there to catch us when we stumble and fall It is my belief that the Class of 1990 is well prepared to meet the challenging world that lies ahead of them. Success, as you know, is not that simple to achieve. St. Martin's, however, has given us the tools, the strength, and the confidence to go into the future and not only succeed but shine in whatever endeavor we choose to embark upon. Now we have to build our own future by our own efforts. No one is going to do it for us. We will undoubtedly face new challenges like never before We will face terrible dilemmas, and we will have to live with our decisions . I give you but one piece of advice. Never think twice about what you did or what could have happened if you took the other road . Always believe that whatever road you decided to rake was the right one, and I guarantee you will live a much happier life . When I first came to St. Martin's in 7th grade, I was really lost. I can still remember Mrs. Henson's Enlgish class when all we use to do was dissect sentences. I could cell the difference between nouns and verbs, but gerund phrases and subordinate clauses ' Needless to say, I was completely befuddled. Fortunately, the guy who sat in front of me helped me out and made me look like I knew what I was doing. From that time to the preseni, St. Martin's has done one very important thing for me . It has built my character. It has made me unique and it has made this whole class unique. We as a class have achieved and accomplished a lot in the last four years . Under the terrific leadersip of Kelly Petro, we have relly pulled together in our Senior year. The respect we have for each other is tremendous. We do things as a group, and no one feels left out. That is how close we are, and that is the indelible scamp that St. Martin's has left on our class . Sure, making good grades is important and so is doing well outside of the classroom, but I think one of the main functions of a school and its teachers is to develop camraderies between srudents, to develop mutual respect, and most importantly, to produce a group of young well-mannered men and women who can bond at any time and accomplish any feat if they set their hearts and minds to it. The Class of 1990 is a living testimony to that goal. St. Martin's will be losing a group of fine scholars and tremendous athletes. Today, we leave the school in body, but our minds will always return to this day and the wonderful days we had in high school. Many a tear will be shed in remembering those days, knowing that they are lost to us forever. In conclusion, I would like to say one last thing to the Class of 1990: I've really enjoyed being a part of this class, and I'm really going to miss ya'II.

We, the Class of 1990, would like to welcome the St. Martin's faculty, our families, and our friends to this ceremony. Our commencement marks the end of one life and the beginning of another. A famous authoress, Kate Chopin, describes such a stage in her short story entitled "Emanc ipation : A Life Fable." It is about a tiger who was placed in a cage where he was raised and cared for. The animal thought that he was content in the cage and had everything that he wanted until the one day that the door to his cage was left open. At first the tiger was afraid to leave his cage , since it was his home , but with reluctance and a nticipation , he rushed out of the cage. He ran around smelling, seeing, and rouching everything. He plunged into the unknown, never to return to his cage. When we entered St. Martin's, we moved into a metaphorical cage. We became that timid tiger. J use as the tiger was fed, we were nurtured intellectually and emotionally. The faculty and the student body have made St. Martin 's our home , and although St . Martin's has been a place that we must attend every day, it has not limited our minds or restriced our personalities. Our minds were cultivated, and our knowledge grew. St. Martin's has caught us how to think, to make decisions, and to form our own opinions, and most importantly, it has encouraged our development as individuals. We have learned to respect and admire our class ' diversity; as a result, our class has become a unique blend of individuals who care deeply about each other. Therefore, it is not all the formulas or the vocabulary words that we have l earned through the years, but the life long friends that we have made that has made our time here special, enjoyable, and memorable.

Just as the door was left open for the tiger , so St. Martin ' s has opened the door for us. St. Martin's has nurtured us and has prepared us for this night for thirteen years, and tonight, as we sit here for the final time together as a class , we are ready to plunge into the unknowneager to smell, see, hear, and feel everything. St. Martin's has given us the gift of knowledge and what we do with it will be our gift to St. Martin's. Naturally, the tiger could never return to his cage; thus we leave behind our high school days, but we will not forget them . We, these 62 people, will always be St. Martin's class of 1990, and chat knowledge will bind us forever because there are some things that are deeper than time and distance these are our memories of our school and our relationships with each other. No matter how long it has been or how far away we are, we will always remember our times here and what we have learned from them . Even though we will not be physically present, we will never be fully separated from the place we love. For as we leave this place which has been our home, we take with us to our various colleges a part of the spirit of St. Martin's, but we leave behind a piece of ourselves to the spirit on campus. We are raking the knowledge that we have acquired and a sense of who and what we are , leaving behind our individual and group accomplishments. Tongiht June 1, 1990, as we walk through the doors of Mc Alister, like the tiger escaping his cage, we are plunging into the unknown. However, we will look back to our experiences here for guidance, and giving thanks to St. Martins and the faculty, we will look to the future with hope.

!/~ d ~d

Graduation Party

EmmaTubb, Michele Parmelee, Srephanie Eberts, and Emily Saabpose for apicture David Elvin, Amit Ahuja, and Roger Cornelius
122 Graduation Party
Michelle Mowad,Jeanne Ogden, Kim Valladares, Elizabeth Chin, Rima Bensrieri, Meredith Howard,and Katherine Wallace are e nj oy in g rh e mselv es. Kelly PerroandMichael Fanra
John Kahn and Kristine O'Conne Anne Falgousr Amy Calzada and Kim Valladares Chad Cooper and Maureen Timpa Scott Hall and Lane Barrocas smile big for thecamera. Katherine Bailey and Christian O'Neil Allison Chrestmanand Courtney Lane
Graduation Party - 123
SallySchuberand Owen St.Amant
124 - US Organizations


The Shield

1990 - The year began with a new room, but the sam mission. As five dedicated editors, (Michele Parmelee - U~ and Editor-in-Chief, Lee Phillips - MS Editor, Amy Calzad, - LS Editor, Bryan Frentz - Spores Editor, Emma TubbBusiness Editor), one wonderful advisor, and a few staff mem bers cried to put out a three hundred and twenty page yearbool on their own. And WE DID IT!

We would like to thank all who contributed to our success chi year: faculty, administration, contributing photographers an, writers, and Mark David our sales representative from Taylo Publishing Company.

We hope chat the 1990 Shield is accurate, memorable an, enjoyable!

The 1990 Scaff

Left to Right: Carole Lawrence (Sponsor), Lee Phillips (MS Editor), Bryan Frentz (Sports Editor), Michele Parmelet (US and Editor-in-Chief), Emma Tubb (Business Editor), Amy Calzada (LS Editor).
126 - US Organizations
The Staff, Standing, Left to Right: Nikki Corcoran, Lee Phillips, Bryan Frentz, Michele Parmelee, Emma Tubb, Amy Calzada. Sitting, Left to Right: Stacey Vial, Meeta Prasad, Tossy Sanders

National Honor Society

The purpose ofthe National Honor Society , is " to createenthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop charaaer " The National Honor Society is more than a recognition of academic excellence; candidates must also exhibit leadership, service, and character Students in the 11th and 12th grades who have been enrolled in StMartins for at least one semester and who have a cumulative high school scholastic average ofat least 6 0 (on the weighted 9.0 scale used by the school) are academically eligible for possible membership. The faculty council meets twice a year to review candidates and vote on their acceptability with regard to the qualities of leadership, service, and charaaer.

Amit Ahuja presents his sister, Shalini, to the NationalHonorSociety. Liz Chincongratulates Devlin Hartline.
128 - US Organizations
BackRow, LefttoRight:ToddPittman,JonathanHodges,Ron Mcinnis,KennyMiller,KatherineWallace,BrettTrotter.MiddleRow, left toRight: Ms. Beck.man,Deon Brown,Devli Hartline ToddKogutt,StephanieRogers,JulieBaillet,JeffKlein BryanFrentz ShaliniAhuja,MichelleMowad,ElizabethChin,ClaireSnyder,KatieDodson,DavidElvin MaureenTimp CavanBordelon,SusanBennett,BetsyErwin,DebbieWitkin,ChristinaVial.BottomRow,LefttoRight:AmyCalzada,AmitAhuja,CatherineVerlander,LeePhillips,MicheleParmelee

s T u D E N T C 0 u N C I L

TopRow,LefttoRight:ScottBranting,BetsyErwin,JeffKlein,ChadCooper,StephanieSumner,ElizabethChin,Pedro.MiddleRow,LefttoRight: SeanGrace,ChrisTidmore,CarterWood,GretchenGodchaux. BottomRow,Left toRight: AnnieFriedman,JustinJones,GregPage,JayBenSt. Amant ThehostsofGood MorningSt Manins, Chad Cooper(thePresidentoftheStudent Council)andStephanieSumner(theVicePresidentoftheStudentCouncil).
US Organizations - 129
Pedrosuffersfrom thestressthatisaresultofbeingtheStudentCounciladvisor. ChrisTidmorelistensintentlyonthediscussion

Key Club

The 1989-1990 school year has been very successful for St. Martin's Key Club. Not only have they raised over $1500 through various fundraisers, but they also spent muchoftheirtimesupportinggirlsfrom St. John's home Over the Christmas holiday, the dub adopted a kidney dialosis patient and furnished him with manygifrs. During teacher appreciation week and Key Club week, the dub performed several service jobs for the teachers and student body. Thanks ro the great sponsors and active leaders, the Key Club has had a wonderful year.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Bill Axelrad, Deon Brown , Michael Su!Jivan, Veroncia Bell, Melanie K aye, Lesley Crawford, Nicole Eichberger , Beth Marks, Katie Koch , Din a Michael, Laura Bailey, Erika Washington. JulieBaillethelpsorganizethecarnationsforValentine's Day Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Anne Ogden, Christina Vial, Mrs. Greer, Romi Sottiurai, Annie Lankard, Julie Baillet, Gretchen Ryan, Rachel Epstein, Glen Dastugue, Jay Adair, Chris Coffman, Edward Pankey.
130 - US Organizations
Anne Ogden, Beth Marks, ClaireSnyder, andJulieBailletattend apartyatSt.John's home. Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Kelly McGeehan, Nicky Houst Natasha Somers, Jennifer Mintz, Susan Bennett, Claire Syn< Shalini Ahuja, Mary Lee Wayman, Amy Jones, Maggie Erv Debbie Witkin, Justin Jones. JillVedros,ClaireSnyder,MaggieErwin,andKatieKocher themselvesacaKeyClubparryacSkateCountcy. The installation of the officers - Christina Vial (V.P.), Su Bennett(Tees.),JulieBaillet(Sec.), andClaireSnydec(Pees.

quiz Bowl

The 1989-90 Varsity Quiz Bowl team finished the season 1-1, advancing to the second round ofthe single elimination city-wide tournament. Coached by Mrs. Rellstab and Mr. Rivet, the A team was led by team captain Jeff Klein, Claire Snyder, Deon Brown, Cavan Bordelon, and Annie Lankard. The season's first match St. Martin's easily beat Warren Easton 19590. The second round match was a close loss to Mandeville, 205-190. When questioned about the season, captainJeffKlein said, "the results ofthe first match were encourageing. Maybe with more intense practices, we could have had the speed ro continue winning. Overall, the team did a great job."

,... _.,..:!' , .- J ' Iii~
tanding, Left to Right: Claire Snyder, Debbie Witkin, Julie Bailliet, Bryan Frentz, Jeff Klein, Stephanie Rogers, ~erri Hardin, Roger Cornelius, Kenny Miller, Elizabeth Chin, Maureen Timpa. Sitting, Left to Right: Deon Brown, ,mit Ahuja, Lee Phillips, Michele Parmelee, Amy Calzada, Michelle Mowad, David Elvin ;tanding, Left to Right: Susan Bennett, Ian Verschuren, Peter Leach, Ben Crawford, \1rs Rellstab, Mr Rivet. Sitting, Left to Right: Cavan Bordelon, Claire Snyder, Annie Lankard, Deon Brown,Jeff Klein.
US Organizations - 13l

Fashion Club

TopRow, LefttoRight: KatherineWallace,RimaBensrieti,KellyPetro, CourtneyLane,CatherineStoutz,JeanneOgden,SallySchubt StephanieSumner, MeredithHoward,StephanieEberts,MoniqueCerise,ElizabethSaab. MiddleRow,LefttoRight:SamanthaBrenna Tasha Summers, Nikki Houston, Rachel Epstein, Jennifer Mintz, Gretchen Godchaux, Jennifer Adams, Leslie Crawford, Mary L Wayman,IsabellePetit,KellyNorwood,SuzieShaw,AliceManard,PaigeNolan.BottomRow,LefttoRight:ElizabethCavaroc,Shanm James, Cecile Hardy, Lise Andersson, Lisa Helm, Michele Kenny, Paige Busch, Jennifer Moore, Amy Johnson, Katie Faught, Di, Michael.
132 - US Organizations
Meredith Howard, the President of the dub. CourtneyLane and StephanieSumner model theirclothes. Catherine Stoutz Stephanie Ebetts and Kelly Norwood EmilySaab and SuzieShaw do theiraetobiccoutine LowerSchoolersin thefashion show Therewerealso afew MiddleSchoolersin theshow. JenniferAdams,Sally Schuber,and Elizabeth Saab model their Guess wear.
US Organizations - 133
JenniferMoore,StephanieEberts,andKellyNorwoodshow offsomeevening wear

Tfie Hafo

Standing, Left to Right: DebbieWitkin, ShaliniAhuja, StephanieEberts, KatherineBailey, ElizabethHoskins, Ms. Wells, Kenny Miller, Christina Vial, Chris Langlois, Ian Flamm.
134 - US Organizations
Standing, Left co Right: Anne Ogden, Owen St. Amanc, Todd Kogutt, Deon Brown, Chris Lawler, Stephanie Rogers, Jeff Klein, PhylliaNugent, NickyHinge!, Reid Gilchrist,Mrs Maumus. Sitting,Left toRight: CatherineVerlander, AnneFalgoust,MarcRipps.

Outdo or E duc ation

)ucdoor education is a class of learning through :laing.Theyhike, rockclimb, paddle, mountain bike, ;ki, and learn co live in the world of nature. Class :ime is spent moscly in preparation, and the learning Kcurs in the field. They've traveled co the Smokies, :he Grand Canyon, Colorado, and most places in Jetween. Through their travels they learn new skills rnd how co feel good about themselves. Mose ofall, )ucdoor Ed is a family, joined by friendships forged m good times and hardship, and memories chat will lase alifetime.

ToddPittman,GretchenRyan,andLelandDavisonanOutdoorEd excursion Ben Jennings, Devlin Harline , Roby Arensman, and Christina Vial Standing, Left to Right: LisaScott,MatthewCoy, Gretchen Ryan, BenJennings, Leland Davis, Lisbeth Habans, Roby Arensman. Sitting, Left to Right: AmyJones, Christina Vial, Eddie Chin, Chris Tidmore, Francesco Tenore, Timothy Rice, Devlin Hartline, RimaBensrieti,JamesDineen. Timothy Rice, the Outdoor Ed inscruaor, poses fo r a picture. Lisbeth Habansand AmyPecquetfighting atough rapid.
US Organizations - 13,5
Jennifer Nicholscanoes down theriver.


Chess Club
Standing, Left to Right: Chris Coffman, Hiro Mikami, Pedro. Sitting, Left to Right: Brett Trotter, Lane Barrocas. Steven Griffith, Christian O'Neil, Sean McDonough, Edmund Gueydan, Peter Leach.
Fiction Club I I
136 - US Organizations
Standing, Left to Right: Chris Tidmore, Katie Dodson, Todd Kogutt, Ben Jennings, Deon Brown, Kenny Miller.

The St Genesius Players, better known as the Drama Club, produced 3 major productions this year "Midsummer Night's Dream," "Charlotte's Web," and "Grease." The students in the organization work on stage, back stage, off stage anywhere they are needed. To mount alarge production, it takes agreat deal ofdedication and a huge amount ofwork by a lot ofpeople!!!! But its fun!!!!

Back Row, Left to Right: Todd Kogutt , Ben Jennings, Deon Brown. Middle Row, Left to Right: Katie Dodson, Annie Lankard, Cavan Bordelon. Front Row, Left to Right: Phyllia Nugent, Carole Lawrence (sponsor), Gretchen Ryan. Not Pictured: Maureen Timpa. Everybody gets into the act'
US Organizations - 137
Ms Lawrence with the Drama Award winners: David Elvin, Deon Brown, and Maure en Tim pa.

Standing, Left to Right: Katie Dodson, Marianne Bankston, Todd Kogutt, Amit Ahuja.

Boys' and Girls' State

Sitting, Left to Right: r

Elizabeth Chin, Scott Weber, Stephanie Sumner

Acolyte Club

Top Row, Left to Right: Chris Wright, David Jackson, Christian Daigle, Beau Bisso, Allison Chrestman, Chad

Cooper, Deon Brown, Hunt

Graham, Father Mesa. Middle Row, Left to Right: Kyle

Sclafani, Matt Neighbors, Patricia Garcia, Kristine

O'Connell, Matt Fransen, Maggie Erwin, Elizabeth

Conway, Stephanie Rogers, Michael Odom. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Claiborne

Schmidt, Cliff Northern, Brett

Simpson, Patrick Odom, Michael Fantaci, Betsy Erwin, Patrick Garvey.

. \ .\
National Merit t
"l '------~--""'""~...--,
138 - US Organizations

The Speech Team • Culture Club

Standing, Left to Right: Jay Ben St Amant, Annie Lankard, Owen St. Amant, Stephanie Rogers, Cavan Bordelon, Deon Brown. Kneeling, Left to Right: Katherine Verlander, Monique Cerise

Left to Right: Katherine Wallace, Rima Bensrieti, Ms. Boone, Meredith Howard, Jeanne Ogden, Katherine Bailey, Anne Falgoust, Sally Schuber, Stephanie Eberts, Stephanie Sumner.


Rima Bensrieti, Lisbeth Habans, Christina Vial, Roby Arensman, Lisa Scott, Jeanne Ogden, Allison Lewis, Anne Ogden, Natasha Summers.

US Organizations - 139
Left Right:


Kelly Petro
Maggie Erwin
142 - US Sports
Betsy Erwin Allison Chrestman ErikaWashington Elizabeth Conway Becky Shaw JenniferAdams Gretchen Godchaux Manishi Prasad Kelly Norwood
US Sports - 143


The 1989 Saints football team finished their season with a two-andeight record including victories over Clifton L. Ganus School and Crescent City Baptist School. Several Saints were members of the 1989 District 12-AA all district team: Mike Fantaci, DB (First Team); Scott Weber, DE; David Grevemberg, OT; Chad Cooper, OG (Second Team); Mark

LeBlanc, WR; Edmund Dieth, RB; Hunt Graham, LB; Chris Shofstahl, DT; and Chris Stakelum, DB (Honorable Mention). Despite their record, the Saints will always share fond memories of playing in the Superdome, "gassers," and the many famous football quotes: "Tesla," "Who's Walking?!," "The Flying Machetes," "Get some," and of course "Kum bah sah, kum bah sah hit 'em in the head with a kum bah sah! raw meat!!!"

144 - US Spores

PLAYERS: ROW 1: Blake Schumaker, Jason Griffith, #1 Matt Fransen, #2 Mark LeBlanc, #10 Chris Stakelum, f/;12 Mike Fantaci, #16 Chris Wright, #20 Cavan Bordelon, #21 John Kahn, #25 Bill Axelrad, #26 Brent Smith, f/;28 Robert Rhoden, Colin Gold, Chris Coffman. ROW 2: Colin Schumaker, #31 Christian O'Neil, #32 Chad Aleman, #33 Paolo Messina,#34 Hunt Graham, #35Edmund Dieth, #45 Patrick Odom, #47 Hiro Mikami, #50 Chad Cooper, #51 Mike Pitts, #55 Chris Shofstahl, #58 Hunter Horgan, Ray Orril. ROW 3: Doc Murray, Coach McGeehan, Coach Lass, #75 Donnie Schwartz, #62 Ben Coleman, #63 Sam Dunn, #81 Christian Daigle, #82 Patrick Garvey, #66 Paul Hogan, #67 Bear Marchal, #85 Kyle Sclafani, #69 Ian Flamm, #70 Nick Hingle, #77 Steve Griffith. ROW 4: #60 Scott Barras, #64 Scott Weber, #65 David Grevemberg, #84 Scott Hall, #68 Sean McDonough, #88 Edmund Geuydan, #71 Beau Bisso, #72 Jay Adair, Coach Hughes, and Coach Dozier.

US Sports - 145
I/ }1 J . _,;' t;i, 146 I
VARSITY PLAYERS, Standing, Left to Right: Emma Tubb, Paige Nol CateGraham, Monique Cerise, Debbie Witkin, KellyMcGeehan, Doroc Manard. Kneeling, Left to Right: Tossy Sanders, Kristine O'Conn Stephanie Sumner, Michele Parmelee, Michele Kenny.
JV PLAYERS,Top Row, Left co Right: Ashley Koerner, BarbaraSunon,Anne Friedman, Monique Cerise, Amy Johnson, Mi che le Ke nn y, Je nn y Cos te llo , Am y Petro, S u zie Shaw, J e nnifer Adams, Din a Mi c ha e l , Tasha So mm e rs , Nicole Eichberger, Je nnifer Sc hupp , Beth Ma rks, Me lan ie Kaye, Anne Mon s tc ad. Standing, Left co Right: Tossy Sanders, Alice Manard, Elizabeth Cavaroc, Samantha Brennan, Sarah Boggs, Amy Miranne, ShannonJames.
SENIOR CAPTAINS: Michele Parmelee , Kristine O'Connell, Stephanie Sumner. SENIOR MANAGER: Emma Tubb .

Cross Country

Top Row, Left to Right: Anders Ryden, Coach Rice, Michael Sullivan, Reynolds Wilson. Bottow Row, Left to Right: Marianne Bankston, Paige Busch, Sean Grace, Matt Gaumer, James Angehr, Rahna McKey.
148 - US Spons
Reynolds is out for an afternoon stroll. Matt Gaumer thinks,''I'm not going to lose Run Marco, run!


Standing, Left to Right : Coach Burns, Bear Marchal, Hunt Graham, Scott Weber, David Grevemberg, Anders Ryden. Kneeling, Left to Right: John Hyatt , Jonathan Shudm ack, Ricky Alford, Ruffy Suggs, Sean Grace. Billthinks, "I'vegottopinhim." Austin tries to pin the opponent. Andersmentallyprepares for the match. Please turn over.
US Sports - 149
Getback to the mat


VARSITY PLAYERS, Standing, Left to Right: Brett Simpson, Michael Odom, Beau Bethune, Chris Delaune, Brett Trotter, John Church, Jonathan Hodges, Tuck Marshall, Greg Page, Scott Branting, Fritz Koch. Kneeling, Left to Right: Chris Langlois, Lane Barrocas, Ron Mcinnis Gregprotects theball from the Newman defender.
150 - US Sports
Chris shoots over thedefender. Everyone waits to seeiftheshotgoesin
Laneconcentratesonmaking his free throw St. Martins warms upduring halftime Brett shootsafree throw

Girls' Basketball

Top Row, Left to Right: Emma Tubb, Erin Simpson, Aimee Miranne, Mignon Frey, BethMarks, PaigeNolan,KellyNorwood,JenniferAdams,TossySanders,KatieKoch.
~JlrtJl US Spores - 151
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Alice Manard, Stephanie Rogers, Meredith Howard, StephanieSumner, Michele Parmelee, Ashley Koerner, Anne Monstead


VARSITY PLAYERS, Standing, Left to Right:Scott Hall, Edward Pankey, Robert Rhoden, John Blake, MatthewNeighbors,Paolo Messian,David Elvin,MarkLeblanc,ScottNelson,Roby Arensman. Kneeling, Left to Right: Steven DeWitt, David Pruyn, Marc Ripps, Carter Wood, Tony Haspel, Michael Brunet, Truitt Balart Robert Rhoden scrimages against David Elvin.
152 - US Sports
DocMurray and Mike Brunet observe thegame.
It bettergo far!
Mark prepares to kick the ball. Sr.Martinsrakes theballdown field uncontesre, David Pruyn disagrees with thecall.


VARSITY PLAYERS, Top Row, Left to Right: Coach Farber, Maggie Erwin, Erika Washington, Stephanie Eberts, Anne Falgoust, Shalini Ahuja, Besty Erwin, Kelly McGeehan, Monique Cerise, El izabeth Conway, Stacey Vial, Coach McGeehan Second R ow, Left co Right: Patri cia Garcia , Catherine Stoutz, Laura Bailey, Allison Chrestman, Catherine Verlander, Susan Be nnett, Debbie Wickin, Suzie Shaw. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Leigh Adams, Dina Michael, Lise Andersson , Lisa Helm, Anne Friedman, Brec k Trevino. Shalini heads theball. Some players smile for the camera.
Katherinepasses the ball offro Dina.
St. Martins makes agrea( defensive play.
US Sporrs - 153
Anniegetsthe ball.


154 - US Sports

Physical Education Staff

US Sports - 155
'op Row, Left to Right: Sue Edwards, Sam Dozier, Dobee Ronquillo, Ken Lass, Alan Smith, Chick McGeehan. Middle ow, Left to Right: Murray Burch, Linda Trevino, Janet Russo, Al Trevino. Sitting, Left to Right: David Rice.

Girl's Track

156 - US Sports
Top Row, Left to Right: Cecile Hardy, Debbie Witkin, Dina Michael, Catherine Stoutz, Kristine O'Connell, Coach McGeehan. Middle Row, Left to Right: Ashley Tappin, Michele Kenny, Paige Nolan, Kathleen Haycock, Anne Friedman. Bottom Row, Left to Right: ShannonJames, Paige Busch, Lisa Helm.

Boy's Track

op Row, Left to Right : Patrick Garvey, Hunter H organ , Chris Shofstahl, Justin Jones , Michael Pitts, Ryan Fairman, ,hn Hyatt, Benjamin Crawford, Robbie Manard Middle Row, Left to Right : Coach Dave Rice, Martin Loi c ano, lifford Northon, Kyle Sclafoni, Mark Leblanc, Edward Pankey,John Blake, Paul Hogan, Truitt Balart, Edmund 1ieth, Greg Page. Bottom Row, Left to Right: David Grevemberg, Hirotaka Mikami, Michael Fantaci, Reynolds 7ilson, Matthew Gaumer, Chris Lawler, Anders R yde n Scott Branting. Up, Up, and over! ChristianO'Neilthrows his javelin
Going Going Gone US Sports - 157
Edmund Diethgees ready co run

Boy's Tennis

Girl's T en nis

Left to Right: Amit Ahuja, Matt Fransen, Jeff Klein, Scott Hall, Ian Verschuren, Ron Mcinnis, Christian O'Neil, Lar Barrocas, Brent Smith, David Bowman.
158 - US Sporrs
Left to Right: Tossy Sanders, Anne Falgoust, Stephanie Eberts, Paige Nolan, Kelly Norwood, Meeta Prasad, Manis Prasad.


US Sports - 159
Left to Right: Amit Ahuja, Lane Barrocas, Brent Smith, Matt Fransen, Ron Mcinnis, JeffKlein, Christian O'Neil, Scott Hall, Ian Verschuren
"'~ ~ "'cl '.,.,,, - "" 160 - US Sports
Standing, Left to Right: Coach Hernandez, Chris Stakelum, Matt Neighbors, Chris Delaune, Chad Cooper,RayOrrill, Coach Dozier. Kneeling, Left to Right: Christian Daigle, Sam Dunn, Beau Bethune, ChrisWright, Chad Aleman, Claiborne Schmidt Sitting, Left to Right:Robbie Rhoden, CarterWood, BrettSimpson, Paolo Messina, PatrickOdom, MarcRipps.
IA ti 'i • • • • • • • US Spons - 161
'layers, left to right:Stacey Vial,StephanieSumner,Elizabeth Chin

Sports Candids

162 - US Sports
US Sports - 163
164 - US Sports
US Sports - 165

Eighth Gra de

Leigh Adams


Rahul Alexander

Brian Axelrad

Brent Beaulieu

Jarnes Bennett


Jay Cerise


Ross Cole


John Diasseliss

Kendall Dinon

Matthew Fantaci

Wesley Fenner

Mignon Frey

Elisabeth Getten



Marco Hidalgo

Class Officers, Left to Right: Kendall Dinon, Lauren Ward, Lindsay Romano, Br e ck Trevino.
168 - 8th Grade

Timuthy Hung

Rud1i Katud1

Amy Kn:nt:y

Julie Lyt·ki

Rahna McKey

Suzannt: Milkr

llully Mills

Michad Murt:au

Kristt:n Ndson

Grt:gory Nurrhun

Kristi Parton

Juhn Rees

Christopher Reese

Anuuk Rugnon

Lindsay Rumanu

Rt:ne Ronquillo

Whitnt:y Samud

Url'nt Scalia

Cullin Schuhm,tchn

Monique Scioneaux


Erin Simpson

David Stuessell

Breck Trevino·

Elizabeth Wanek

Laurl'n W,trd

Charles Williams

Kelly Workman

Charluttl' Zararain

8th Grade - 169

Seventh Grade

Lange Allen

Rishi Anand

James Angehr

Anthony Anzalone

Ashley Baier

Dominick Barrolorra

Brett Bordelon

Allyson Bratin,1

Mario Caserta

Joanne Close

Bradley Coffman

Jason Conway

Fairleigh Cook

Kdly Dastugue

Christopher Eaker

Claude Eyamba

Matthew Fran cis

Catherine Garvey

Laur en Garri

Bradley Glaser

Class Officers, Top Row, Left to Right: Brendan McLean, Catherine Garvey. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Taylor Martin, Staci James.
l70 - 7th Grade

Sahil GoJiwala

Ashley Hall

Lee Hall

S rt ph e n Han e mann

Karie Hattwell

Potter HolJen

Garrett Hrn cir

Beth Huber

Alex Husserl



AJam Kattzke

Melissa Kase

Brian KenJrick

Duke Kerrigan

HarolJ Kim

Mikalia Kott

Ross Longo

Wendy Manard

Wesley Marchal

Stephanie Mattin

7th Grade - 17 1
Jonathan Massicot Elizabeth Maurer Sharon McDaniel Brendan McLean Justin
Bobby Peterson Mary Per
Sean Phillips
t Lee Prew
Rana Ramelli RafaelRiera S
art R ose Elise
Be n Sarrat
l72 _ 7th Grade
Pittman Be njamin Pr evos
JonathanSchenk Jesse Schudmak Joseph Schweitzer
Louis Smith David St.Germain LievThames John ReilyThomason Christina Thorneycrofr Robin Tompkins RachelTmri Matthew Yan Wie Stephanie Vial Meredith Yolk
7th Grade - 173
Jeffrey Williams Mike Williams

Sixth Grade

John David Abernathy

Andrea And e rsson

Elena Ar e nsman

Curti s Bea ulieu

Bradley Becnel

Stephen Bellard

Shane Bohrer

Chri stopher Bowman



Adele Dauphin


Bridget Dugan

Carla Dugas

Rebecca Dunn

Lisa Dwyer

Wesley Felter

A lec ia Fi o renz a

Annie Flerrrich

John David Godchaux

174 - 6th Grade

Kevin Goldblatt




Elizabeth Husserl

Nicole Irving


James Kahn

Coleen Kenny

Kri sti La marqu e

Lauren Lenter




Haddad Hodges Houston Allison Martinez Maxwell McAllister
6th Grade - 175




Sarah Simpson



Brandon Voss

Brian Washingt0n


Matthew Wessel

Chip McGeehan Elizabeth McManus Kim Milano Carole Miranne Ryan Ann Murphy Sarah Beth Odom ChikeOzah Loren Pardue M a tt Ri ve rs BrianRosenberg
176 - 6th Grade
',,!,,1 ' I~11 111111\\\\\ ,,Ill\\\
MS Candids - l77
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. 2. Terence Trent d'Arby's wishing well dancers. 3. Hold still I'm almost done. 4. Victims of Mr. Lind's gravity experiment. 5. Hello, boys and girls. Can you say Bible? 6. Ugleeeee!
178 - MS Candids
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Hulk Hogan, Watch out! 2. Hey, big boys! 3.Don't tell anyone you caught us eating this. 4. Help! I'm going to explode. 5. I'm innocnet. I promise.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. You must use the force. 2. Wow! I could have had a V8. 3. Food is good. 4. Saints, Number 1 in '91. 5. Please, I just woke up! 6. Middle School is the pitts. 7. Yeah, I'm going to Georgetown.

MS Candids - 179
180 - MS Candids
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Matt - you're just likeyour brother, always picking up on girls. 2. I think he's gone mad! 3. Yeah - I was in a fight. I lost. 4. Sarah Beth,check that cuteguy ourover there. 5 This is me at my best.

Heavenly Hash Newspaper/Geography Club

The Club members, Top Row, Left to Right:Jonathan Houston, Adele Dauphin, Allison Martinez, Mrs. Kaston, Ryan Anne Murphy, Elizabeth McManus. Middle Row, Left to Right: Elizabeth Husserl, Kim Milano, John David Godchaux, Wesley Felter, Sarah Simpson, Brandon Voss, John Abernathy, Carla Dugas. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Brian Rosenberg, James Kahn, Zach Rouse, Chike Ozah, Brad Becnel, Christopher Bowman.

'he Newspaper Staff, Left to Right: ~endall Dinon, Kristi Parton, Carrie Hack.
MS Organizations - 181

Math Counts/Science Olympiad

182 - MS Organizations
Top Row, Left to Right: Jonathan Massicot, Louis Smith, Jimmy Bennett, Stephanie Vial, Curt Beaulieu, Rachel Tuuri. Middle Row, Left to Right: Mr. Lind, Chris Bowman,Jeffrey Williams, Cindy Perrett, Jonathan Houston, Chike Ozah, Mrs. Walker Bottom Row, Left to Right: Ridgely Pittman, Wesley Felter, Zach Rouse, Steven Haddad, Breck Trevino. Top Row, Left Right: Louis Smi Jim Angehr, Da, Stoesseil, Jimmy B1 nett Bottom Ro Left to Right: Br Glaser, Cindy Perr Jeffrey Williams.
I I I t I \ # ,., . • •

MS Overnights

It has become a tradition that, in the beginning ofthe school year, each middle school class takes a two day break from classes and has an overnight. The purpose of these overnights isfor theclass t0 get reaquainted with each other. On these overnights skits are performed, games are played, and the kids talk in small groups with each other.

184 - MS Events
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. A football game is simulated in a strange fashion. 2. The sixth graders show offtheir pumpkin creations. 3. Randi McCreight and friend imitate Dobbie Ronquillo. 4. The 8th grade girls boogie down for the 8th grade boys
MS Events - 185
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. The 7thgraders await their turn for their skit. 2. And which MS teacher could we be mocking, Jason Griffith? 3. Yeah, we're the studs of this class.

Elizabethan Day

The 8th graders enjoyed a day offfrom their classes to celebrate Elizabethan Day. The girls and boys dressed out in costumes from the Elizabethan period. They feasted on the same foods eaten back then, and they listened to music ofthe period. Also, Mr. Cox made an appearence as Henry VIII. Jennifer Outlaw from the Nature Center did a demonstration about falcons and hawks which were used for hunting in those times.


2. Yeah, I know my costume is the best. 3. Some 8th graders enjoy their feast 4. Jennifer Outlaw shows an interested spectator her falcon. S. Am I an Elizabethan stud or what?

186 - MS Events
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Mr. Cox and Mrs. Herrington show off their from the Elizabethan period.

Day of the Dead

has become a tradition in the fall for e Middle School classes to celebrate the ay ofthe Dead. The students prepare a ,nquet and decorate the library

Uncle Myron's Christmas Review

This year, at Christmas time, the 6th grade drama class put on the Christmas play, Uncle Myron's Christmas Review. Mrs. Lawrence starred as Uncle Myron.

2-.. ......
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Christina Thorneycroft and Joanne Close show off their costumes. 2. Taylor Martin, Sean Phillips, and Jonathan Schenk pose as the three amigos.
MS Events - 187
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Ryan Anne Murphy and Elizabeth McManus as two Christmas tree ornaments. 2. Andrea Andersson as Mother, Brad Becnel as son, Loren Pardue as the playmate - "Hey Mom, this is my new friend." 3. Uncle Myron sings with the cast

Charlotte's Web

After many hours of practice, the Middle School students demonstrated their acting abilities in their production of "Charlotte'sWeb " Theyperformed for theiraudiences on both January26 and 27 Theiraudienceswereveryentertained bythe wonderful performances of the entire cast. Ms Lawrence directed them to their very successful performance

Upper Right: The three readers, Sarah Beth Odom, Kally Workman, Adele Dauphin, narrate the story to the audience. Middle Left: At the fair, spectators crowd around Wilbur's pen and the announcer, Brandon Voss, to hear the results of the contest. Middle Right: Charlotte, Rachel Tuuri, displays her work of art, the humble weaving, to Wilbur, Brandon McClean. Lower Right: Wilbur reclines as he talks with Goose, Lee Prewitt; Gander, Zach Rouse; Sheep, Kristi Lamarque; and Lamb, Bridget Dugan.

188 - Charlotte'sWeb

,bove: Templeton (Matthew Wessel) converses with Wilbur Brandon McClean), Goose (Lee Pruwitt), and Gander (Zach '.ouse).

Fern Arable

John Arable

Martha Arable

Avery Arable....

Homer Zuckerman

Cast ofCharacters

Rebecca Dunn

.. Cure Beaulieu

Arny Keeny

Chris Eaker

Bradley Glaser

Edith Zuckerman ...... ..... . Alecia Fiorenza


Wilbur . . . ..

Jonathon Houston

............ Brendon McClean

Charlotte. ........ .. ..... . ... ...........Rachel Tuuri

Goose Lee Pruwitt





Reader 1

Reader 2

.Zach Rouse

Bridget Dugan

Kristi Lamarque

Matthew Wessel

Kally Workman

Sara Beth Odom

Reader 2......... . ............ ....... Adele Dauphin

First Spectator.. .. .. .. . .. ..... . ... .....Stephen Bellard

Second Spectator ... . .. ................... Stacy Weber

First Fairgoer

Christina Thorneycroft

Second Fairgoer.. .. . .... . .. .. .. ....... Ridgely Pittman

Announcer Brandon Voss

.. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .
. .
. . ... . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . . . .
. . . .. .... .. .. ..... .
. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .
. .
.. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .
Charlotte's Web - 189

MS Parties

Throughouttheschoolyear, eachclasshas its own party celebrating times such as Christmas, Halloween, and the end ofthe year. For the Halloween parties, everyone comesdressed in some strange coustumes.

Top to Bottom, Left to R ight: 1. "Isn 't this neat, you can see my bones!"

190 - MS Events
2. Rid 'em cowgirl. 3. Honest, I didn't eat all the cake! 4. What a colorful bunch.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Awww! Isn't this sweet? 2. The two pink sheeks bare their legs. 3. We look like this all of the time. 4. Boogie on, Mr. Lind and Mrs. Herrington!! 5. Some watch as others dance

MS Events - 191
192 - MS Events
Overnight to Cajun Country

Tolll Sawyer Day

In May, the 7th grade imbarked on a journey through time - back tO the 19th century and life on the Mississippi. The 7th graders dressed in costumes from the days ofMark Twain, participated in tug-of-wars, and had a frog jumping contest

MS Events - 193
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Some of the 7th graders participate in the bubble blowing contest. 2. Mark Twain makes a special visit. 3. 7th graders struggle for victory in the tug-of-war. 4. 7th graders are anxiously awaiting Mark Twain's appearence.

Washington, D.C.

Annually, the eighth graders cake a trip co Washington, D C. After stepping off the airplane in Washington's airport, their adventures begin. On their trip, they see such sights as the Lincoln Memorial, the White House, and the Smithsonian Museums. Everyone walks miles, but the creek is usually worth it.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. Taking a load off their feet. 2. Ross Cole enjoys the ride on the subway. 3. Some of the 8th graders filling their stomachs with food for the day.
194 - MS Events
4. The 8th graders are happy that they are riding not walking .

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: 1. The 8th grade class pictured with Louisiana's Senator Bob Livingston. 2. "I've always wanted to touch Abraham Lincoln's leg." 3. Charlotte gives a pretty smile on the plane ride home. 4. Lauren takes a nap after a long day in Washington.

MS Events - 195
1 , r, 196 - MS Events
Awards Day •

Mid dle Schoo l Awards

Dean's Award

Christopher Chambers

6John Adele

7Jesse Joann

8 Tyler Carrie Bla Eng

6 Br An


6 Wesley Felter

7Jonathan Massicot

8 Jimmy Bennett


Best Girl Athlete

Julie Lyeki

r's Sp cial Recognition

Highest Class Aver

6 Brandon Voss

MS Events- 197

MS Sports


VARSITYPLAYERS,StandingLeftto Right:CoachFarber, MarcoHidalgo,TylerAdkerson,GregNorthon, Chris Chambers, Bob Peterson, Wesley Marchal, Brent Scalia, Ross Cole, John Diasselliss, Coach Dozier Kneeling,LefttoRight:JimmyBennett,TimHong,CharlesWillams,JasonGriffith,JayCerise,MattFantaci, BrentBeaulieu,John Rees, Colin Schumacher, MatthewVan Wie, ChristopherReese.

JVPlayers,TopRowLtoR:StephenHanemann,BrendanMcLean,BrianKendrick,JohnParker,JeeseSchudmak,BradleyGlaser, Tony Anzalone,Rishi Anand,JeffreyWilliams,John Thomason,SahilGodiwala, TaylorMartin MiddleRow LtoR: Benjamin Sarrat, Jonathan Schenk, Marc Francis, Louis Smith, Mario Caserta, Adam Kart zke, Justin Norwood, Brett Bordelon, Brad ley Coffman, Domini ck Bartolotta , Robin Tompkins , Alex Husserl , Harold Kim Bottom Row, L to R: Robert Kerrigan, Ross Longo, D avid St. Germain, J ason Conway, Lee Hall , J oey Schweitze r, Porter Holden, Stuart Rose, Sean Phillips, Ben Prevost.

200 - MS Sports


5tanding, Left to Right: Rachel Tiuiri, Amy Scott, Sharon McDaniel, Mikalia Kott, Claude-Nathalie Eyamba, Kristen Nelson, foanne Close, Stephanie Jones, Christina Thorneycroft, Rahna McKey, Lindsey Romano, Holly Mills, Stephanie Vial, Lauren Ward, Kelly Dastugue. Kneeling, Left to Right: Anouk Rognon, Carrie Black, Kristi Parton, Katie Hartwell, Lee Prewitt, Ashley Baier, Ashley Hall, Catherine, Garvey, Liz Mauer, Meredith Volk, Melissa Kase, Mary Pettit, Lier Thames.
MS Spores - 201
Where's theother ream' Mignon is meditating beforethegame.

Boy's Basketball :, t

Back Row, Left to Right: Greg Northon, Tyler Adkerson, Bobby Peterson, Christopher Chambers, Timoth Hong. Middle Row, Left to Right: Jason Conway, Brian Axelrad, John Diasselliss, Jason Griffith, Charles Williams, Collin Schuhmacher, Coach Warren Lind. Kneeling: Jay Cerise.
202 - MS Spores
BackRow, Left to Right: Harold Kim, BradleyGlaser, Stuart Rose, Sahil Godiwala, Garrett Hrncir, Robin Tompkins, Louis Smith, Coach Panna,James Angehr. Front Row, Left to Right: David St. Germain, John Parker, Jonathan Schenk, Dominick Bartolotta, Porter Holden, Ross Langer.

Girl's Basketball

MS Sports - 203
tanding, Left toRight: ElizabethMaurer, Mignon Frey, StephanieVial, ReneRonquillo, MaryPettit,Julie Lyeki, RanaRamelli. Jieeling, Left to Right: Mellissa Kase, Kelly Dastugue, Sharon McDaniel, Fairleigh Cook, Staci James, Erin Simpson, Beth luber. Sitting, Left to Right: Claude Eyamba, Allyson Bratina, Katie Hartwell, Mikalia Kott, Liev Thames, Lee Prewitt.


VARSITY PLAYERS, Top Row, Left to Right: Coach Rice, Brent Beaulieu, Christopher Reese, Brian Kendrick. Second Row, Left to Right: Ross Cole, Matthew Fantaci, James Bennett,John Rees, Mike Williams, Brent Scalia, Marco Hidalgo, Lange Allen. Bottom Row, Left to Right: MatthewFrancis, Alex Husserl, Adam Kartzke, LeeHall, BradleyCoffman, BenjaminSarrat. Marco kicks the ballaway from theother team. St Martinsgetsagoalkick. Brentprotects the ballfrom thedefenders. Brentthrows the ball inplay.
204 - MS
Ross asks Coach Rice theplay. Spores St. Martins makesagreatoffensiveplay.


St. Martins criestoget the ball from thedefender St. Martins makes agreatoffensiveplay. Thegirls knocks over thedefender. VARSITYPLAYERS,Standing,LefttoRight:CoachFarber,CarrieBlack,KendallOinon,KristenNelson,Amy Scott,AmyColeman,LindseyRomano,SuziMiller,LizMauer,CharlotteZatarain,AmyKeeney,LaurenWard, Rahna McKey, Elise Saab,Joanne Close, StephanieJones, Coach McGeehan. Kneeling, Left to Right: Wendy Manard, Rachel Tuuri, Whitney Samuels, Kally Workman, Ridgely Pittman, Meredith Volk, Breck Trevino, CatherineGarvey,AshleyBaier,LizGetten,LaurenGatti,LeighAdams,HollyMills,AshleyHall. Theteam tries toscoreagoal.
MS Sports - 205
Coach McGeehan talks strategy with the team. St. Manins brings the ball up the field alone.


206 - MS

Boy's and Girl's Tennis

,tanding, Left to Right: Ross Cole,James Bennett, Sahil Godiwala, Christopher Chambers, Robin Tompkins. Sitting, Left :o Right: Justin Norwood, Ross Lango,John Rees, Lange Allen.
MS Sports - 207
,eft to Right: Anouk Rognon, Kendall Dinion, Elisabeth Gettan, Charlotte Zatarain, Erin Simpson, Leigh Adams, Whitney Samuel.


208 - MS Sports
Girl's Track I
MS Sports - 209
eft to Right: Julie Lyeki, Holly Mills, Lauren Ward, Amy Keeney, Erin Simpson, Rene Ronquillo.


.. ~~ " · ~- .. ·, !\'>,. 210 - MS Sports


MS Sports - 211


212 - MS Sports

Middle School Cheerleaders

Middle S·chool Dance Team

rop Row, Left to Right: Kelly Workman, Leigh Adams, Anouk-Helene Rognon. Middle Row, Left to Right: Breck trevino, Lauren Ward, Rahna McKey. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Lindsay Romano, Amy Keeney.

Sports Candids

214 - MS Sports
MS Sports - 215
216 - MS Sports TUIIS 1'79 I
MS Sports - 217

Lower ol

TopRow,LefttoRight:CounneyMcllwain,Kevin McCormick,JimmyReese,DavidSmith.BottomRow,LefttoRight:DominiqueMatulich,ChristyWhite,BrettSutton,BrianHong. TopRow,Left to Right:Brandon Dinon,JenniferColeman,JanisCheneven,JasonClotwonhy BottomRow,LefttoRight:GeoffreyFraiche,ChadFlick,LaurenFrancis,RandyAlford
I r J " fi
,ft to Right:Mark Schulingkamp,Joel George,Chris Psilos,Jayson Lipsey, Zack Stead, Megan Hintz,Jessica Krinke, Elizabeth Hanemann ,ft to Right:Robby Clotworthy, Ari Burshell,Gene Chien, Chris Bordelon, ParkerArgote, Ashley Authement, Marcie Campo, LisaAbry. TopRow, Left to Right:RobbyBennett,AllanChang,AkashAnand,CharlesChristy.MiddleRow,Left to Right:Lauren Hughes,Elizabeth Harvey,JeffBarnett. Bott Row,Left to Right:SeanBradley T o p Ro w , Left to Right :Thomas Thomason, Steven Moore, Miles Lewis, and Michael Smuck. Bottom Row, Left to Right:Sara Thomason, Missy Sc. Germain, Ai Kilinski. >p Row, Left to Righc:Jenny Ernst, David Deming, Emily Hymowitz,Jenny Dinsdale, Emily Bordelon. Botton Row, Left to Righc:RobertAllen, Marcy Black, Heath rdan, BuckyKase,ChrisClose. >p Row , Left to Right:Trey Thompson, David Meyer, Rebecca Tuuri, Missy Morock, Adrienne Phillips. Bottom Row, Left to Right:Justin Meunier, Richard Lo, Brian 1ye, Jay Kott , Beth Prewitt, Vaughn Thames. TopRow,LefttoRight:LorettaHoskins.JudithDiasselliss,LaurenDaly,ChristineHilleren,BrettCowand BottomRow,LefttoRighc:MattHouston,AnthonyGuzzecta,JohnColfry,ZakBaig,MarkAng TopRow,LefttoRighc:JoshRoger,BrianWerth,RyanMcCreight,SpenceSchwarz,CharlieMcChesncy BottomRow,LefccoRighc:MeghanMcDermott,MichelleMcDaniel,SaraVanWie,AubreyWar EricaLopes. Left to Right: K.K. Martinez, Amanda Reese, Lauren Venturatos, Alison Rodriguez, KellyHall Left to Right: Mikey Schweitzer, Casey Ramelli, Nicholas Pappas, Jonathan Rastegar,AmandaHall LefttoRight: NihalGodiwala,ErikBengtsson,PeytonCavaroc,LaurenDellinger,ScottGraf.
4C 225
Left to Right: Elise Dicharry, Andy Chrestman, Peter Adair, Andy Crawford, Aimee Folse. Not Pictured: Patrick O'Brien. Top Row, Left to Right:Fletcher Maumus, Jose Carlos Mendez, Trent Hrncir, Al Minor, Justin Molaison. Bottom Row, Left to Right:AllisonJohnson, Michelle Hanemann. TowRow, Leftto Right:MathisHall,David Fransen, SethDuplantis,JonathanCampo,JosephBravo. Bottom Row, Left to Right:Kari Cesta, Annie Clements.
Leftto Right:LeeRea,DaneelSmith,JessicaResignola,BrittanyOlson,EmilyRivers, Danny Wasserman,John Rotonti,Taylor Simon. f '-1.
Back to Front: Trey Jeffcoat, Lindsay Mallary, Lindsay Levine, Preston Dugas, KyleGoss, and Charlie Hawkins. Back Row, Left to Right: Craighten Attaway, Angie Anzalone, Jason Brown. FrontRow, LefttoRight: ElizabethDaray,HollandDauterive.
BackRow,LefttoRight:RichardParker,JeremySchudmack,AmyScalia,ElahehSluder,RobertRichmond,CarolineWilliams.FrontRow,LefttoRight: Jero me Volk, Ryan Santangelo, Mi c hael Sand e rs, Danny Trahant, John Ratte, Michael T resrman. Top Row, Left to Right: Bill Maurer, Andy Browder, Michael Dorsey. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Cara Chambers,Julie Fiorenza.
Top to Bottom:Gretchen Hughes, Malain McCormick, Grant Melius, Dereck Larson,Jonathan Mendez, Christopher George Left to Right: Missy Trahan , Aimee Scheuermann, Page Schinder, Jonathan Perret, Stephen Quinet, Chris Rodriquez, Justin Svec, Andrew Stakelum , Afan Watts, Brendan Pugh. Chris Cuccia Top Row, Left to Right:Chris Donaldson, Nicole Dicharry, Anna Bengtsson Bottom Row, Left to Right:Katherine Bologna, Dana Burshell,John Ray Bares. Top Row, Left to Righc :Rufus Harris, Trey Moses, Christian Piccolo, Matthew Psil os. Bottom Row, Left to Right: KatherineMarshall,JenniferKrinke.
Left t o Right:Drew Rodrique, Zachary Wool, Rahul Tikia, Ryan Rossner, Robert Skinner.
Top Row, Left to Right: Raymond Areaux, Peter Castaing, Ryan Adkerson. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Crystal Cruse, Michael Du Trembla. Top Row, Left to Right: Jason Dwyer, Jonathan Lindsay, Nicholas Hintz. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Lauren Eckstein, Anne Hoskins.
Top Row, Left co Right: Barry Rome , Natalie Weil, David Wessel, Akila Subramaniam, Andres Mendez, Joshua Massicot. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Roxanna Shah, Brent Smith. Row, Left to Right:Jonathan Gardes,Jimbo Geary, Sunny Katoch, Spyros Goulas, Peter Catsulis. Bottom Row,Left to Right:Alexandra Harris, PriyaAn ,ten Adamson. to Right: ScottSamuel, Richard Simmons,Adam Smith, Will Shackleford, David Nierenberg,RickieRe, Natalie Stein, Kristen Miller, Diana Moustoukas.
LefttoRight:RickyClotworthy,GingerGuzzetta,JordanLenter,RobbyHabans,BlaiseAngelico,JessicaCarvin,MichaelBlatt,DonaldD'Aunoy, Joshua Kaston. Leftto Right: MatthewStedman,DavidLee,SarahTuuri,ClaireMeunier,RendaMorton,JonathanMartinez, DavidPeterson,JessLipsey,Adam Voth.
.. tlr II -
Top to Bottom:Tara Rotonti, Brandon Lobell, Jason Martinez, Lauren Malone, Elizabeth Schoen, Patrick McCullough. Top to Bottom:Lindsay Crotty, Martha Allen, Rhett Kleinschmidt, Brian Foret,Jason Harmon, Ryan Evans.
-.. ., r- ·c3y , • al' J{ ~--~ ' J I I J l A 23
Left to Right:Greg Williams, Sara Walley, Patrick Somberg, Georg Venturatos, Michael Sistrunk, Zachary Tyson.
Top Row, Left to Right: Christopher Massell, Patrick Mendez,JoshuaJordan,BryanMcManus.BottomRow,Left to Right: Taylor Martin, Amanda Huckaby, Stephanie Kaston. Left to Right:Jeffrey Glaser, Preston Dauphin,Jason Baer, Ryan Brown, Megan Fuselier Left to Right: Ashley Mohrmann, Max Von Behren, Miesje Zimmermann, Julie Wasserman, Scott Robinson, Thomas Welch. TopRow, Leftto Right: ErinCesta,PierredeBoisblanc, Kara Contreary. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Colin Clotworthy,Jonathan Coleman. TopRow,LefttoRight:BradleyJohnson,AlexandraPappas, Kristina Hughes, Bradford Fournier. Bottom Row, Left to Right: ChristopherJohnson,AndrewO'Brien,BenJanke
Left to Right: Keith Schindler, David Svec, William Sossamon, Jennifer Woods, Mary Yumukoglu, Andrew Simpson, Ryan Farl ey, Elizabeth Sanders.
Left to Right:Shellie Harmon, Teddy Houghtaling, Elizabeth Hall, Jonathan Fleming, Wheeler Graf, Louis Kahn. Left to Right:Alden Bishop, Lissa Capo, Denise Daly, Carly Boos, Ashley Fell, Elizabeth Donaldson. Left to Right:Paul Kendrick, Peter Lee, Chase Melancon, Kirth Paciera, Juan Mendez, Laura Palumbo. Left to llighj:Eric Trestman, Lei
,, I I I I' f I I I J i J I I I I I I , I I 1 I I I I " , / ,"' ,/ ·l r;,.,
Top Row, Left toRight:Richard Blatt,MargotCastaing,SaraCastano BottomRow, LefttoRight:CristaBourg,LeslieCasamento,MeganBrowder Left to Right: Elizabeth Rankin, Meri Maurer, Walker Saik, Christopher Mioton, Matt Ridrigue, Chase Mullin. Back Row, Left to Right: Abby Stern, William Shumate, Eric Vogel. Front Row, Left to Right: Ashley White, Brett Vogt.
".!I: -
Left to Right: Nicholas Mills, Cara Goss, Graham Little, Andrew Colburn, Michael Daly, Meghan McQuaig. Left to Right: Scott Saporito, Lillie Rea, John Moustoukas, Bradley Ryan, Mark Stanga, Sara Schlesinger. Left to Right : Patti Weigand , Grant Yelverton, Sarah Watts, Adrienne Tardo, Scott Sternberg. Jennifer George Shawn Hymel Joey Leone Elizabeth Levy Megan Peck Christine St. Germain
Elizabeth Weigand LefttoRight:HollyBrown,HeatherBoos, CourtneyBlock,StephenHoskins, EmilyCrotty,ScottHarris,JamesCrouch. Left to Right: Thomas Favrot, Colin Contreary, Christina Campo, Courtney Brasseaux, Danielle Bishop. Left to Right:Amelia Gariepy, Sarah Smith, Tara Perrin,John Levine, Dimitri Loupakos, Nicholas Malaya,Joey Ford.




Top Row, Left to Right: Courtney Nicholson, Kimberly Smith, James Shaw, Adam Shepherd. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Elise Paciera, Taylor Ward, Becky Quintal. Left to Right: Ian Blanchard, James Brown, Jordan Lipsey, Benjamin Gardes, Kathleen Van Evans, Elizabeth Van D'Aunoy. Left to Right: Lauren Gibbs, Leslie Gieger, Louise LeGardeur,Jonathan Lu, Christina Peck,Jessica Scales,Johnny Young
Left to Right: Colin Contreary, TaylorWard,Johnny Young, Nicole Chopin, Emily Crotty, CourtneyBlock,Thoma Favrot, Holly Brown,John Levine, Dimitri Loupakos, Louise LeGardeur, Nicholas Malaya, Heather Boos, Christin: Peck. Left to Right:Jordan Sistrunk, Benjamin Gardes,Jordy Lipsey, B.J.Muldrey, David Price, Sarah Smith,Tara Perrin Kimberly Smith, Ian Blanchard, Becky Quintal, Adam Shepherd, Danielle Bishop,James Brown, Scott Harris.

Millican Award

Jimmy Reese

Schilling Award

Jennifer Coleman

Schilling Runner-

Marcie Campo

Allan Chang

Elizabeth Hanemann

Academic Averag Ak Anand u ell LS AWARDS - 247
RDS High

The Many Faces of . .. LOWER

248 - LS Candids

lower school

LS Candids - 249
Ls Candids 250-
Crista urgshowsh smile BrentSmithisjusthangingaround. Randy Alford andBrianHongareREADYfor theweekend Ryan McCreightshowshisspirit

You justthink MichaelTrestman looks innocent.

BarryRome is flying. LillieReaand ElizabethLevyaregossipingagain. Just downing around with Warren Price, MichaelTrestman, and Steven Quinet. Third gradegirls love to have their picture taken. 252 Lower School Candids Pryad Okash is not impressed. Adayon the junglegym with Walter Saik.
William Shumateexperiences the thrill ofvictory!
Emily Crotty.
Shawn Hymelisdefinitelyup
ChristineHillerin and SaraVanWiesay, "Cheese!" Justhangingoutwith Katie Piccolo. Kimberly Smith looks at things from a different petspective. Alexandra Pappas and MaryYumakuglu inspecttheircupcakes Benjamin Gardesand BeckyQuintal smilefrom the top.
y , )
AmyScaliaand Malain McCormick- bestfriends forever. Chad Flickdoes not wanthis piaure taken. Claire, Ginger, Sarah,Jessica, and Kaceyloveto party! Kindergardenersat play
DanielleBishop does herJane Fonda
LS Candids - 257
258 - LS Candids
LS Candids - 259


261 1


~..,i,... ,i
the true meaning ofThanksgiving
Elizabeth Donaldson concernplates
down onhisThanksgiving cupcake
Ashley Fell as Pocahontas Lauren Malonedisplays her homemade jelly Louis Kahn guards his drum Shellie Harmon hangs ouron theswing Kriscina Hughes butters her muffin
Andrew Simpson and Ch ristopher Johnson show their excitement
about Pilgrim's
1 , r .• ' ., ,,. , • t ~.,
Mrs Johnson scales rhe Christmas tree Fa lalalala lalalala r -".;:
Christmas in theOaks with rhe 4thgrade
the mike
James Brownar
WheelerGrafsings hisheart
Santa's helper, Matthew Rodriquez Hance Haeuser in thespotlight Do you hearwhat Ihear' LillieRea sir.gs out in joy Martha Allen as the Christmastree

Mardi Gras

Abby Sternas Helen ofTroy. EmilyCrottyshows offherred,white,and blue. CammyWattsgettangledupinherexcitement WalkerSaik throws toananxiousgroup ofLowerSchoolboys. LindseyGreersays, "Hi 1"
266 - LS Events
Sara,Courrney, and Nicholas strut theirsruff. SusanHebertexplains toastudentwhyshe's holdingapitchfork.
Our future Beauty Queen, CourtneyBlock! JasonFleminglovesTexas! Stephen Hoskins and Holly Brownlookat the crazyparade-goers. AshleyWhite caughtoffguard.
LS Events - 267
James Brown as Uncle Sam

Science Fair


MillerRichmond builds avolcano. LaurenDellingerobservesthephotographyexhibit Jennifer, Katherine, and Maxlearnaboutstaticelectricitywith ballons Elizabeth Levyand Megan McQuaig learn allabout circuits.
268 - LS Events
Thomas Welch learnswhatmakesavolcanoerupt AmandaRusestandsintriged bythe projects. RebeccaTurriand herexperimenton Hydrophonics. Christian Piccolo and Robert Skinner work on a hands on experim ent with sand
LS Events - 269
"From theDepthsoftheEarrh" byMissyMorock.

World Day

270 - LS Events

Indian Day

LS Events - 273

May Day

I \ ... ~ -
274 - LS Events
ts _ 271 LS Even

Cowboy Day

272 - LS Events

5th Grade Pla8 '

LS Events - 275

faculty and staff

276 - Faculty

Faculty and staff come in all sizes, shapes, colors, and personalities. The blending of all these differences is what makes the faculty and staff of St. Martins so very special. With strong school heads, the faculty can express its diversities They share with one another, and they support one another. Thesepeopleare supported by thestaff- operations, admissions, publications, secretarial, cafeteria, bookstore, and maintenance. There is a warm camaraderie among this very speicalgroup as you will see on the next few pages.

.-.-, 1/dJJ~ l:l i.4 rkvolid 0 Uf 11wAt w/w, AP/alt wdlt ~ c r/Jg~, ~I s l y ai¥PJ(J, d!f.
Faculty - 277

Coaching the football ream are just some of the things otherwise "normal" faculty

Jimmy Cox and Becky Shaddock do at St. Martins.

P ierre Leger, ohing and ahing at the all school art exhibit this spring. Pierre, along with Eddie Long, instituted the new guidelines for behavior in the cafeteria this year, which resulted m a lovely atmosphere in which to dine.

278 - Faculty
J anis ~.! Corm1ck presents the math awards at the Middle School ceremony. C arolyn Boone after the awards ceremony, anticipating graduation ceremonies held later that evening.

Sam Dozier enjoys a little snack always ready to help out abake sale Ah, the work ofthe faculty is never ending

fr . Mesa stops for a moment to share asmile But then he is always smiling. Doris Baron ·with her ever ready pencil and Pat Kelly seem involved in a very serious matter.
Faculry - 279
KenLass, head football coach, signals from the sidelines Coach, are you certain chose refs can read)

Science Department, Back Row, Left to Right: Jim Marsalis, Pam Rogers. Middle Row, Left to Right: Ben Bones, Warren Lind, Becky Shaddock, Harriet Aguiar. Front Row, Left to Right: Carolyn Hermann, Cathy Walker, Arleen Lunsford.

Fine Arts, Standing, Left to Right: Allison Lewis, Carolyn Busenlener,Jimmy Cox, Rinda Coleman, Carole Lawrence, Chuck Hughes, Lee Somers. Seated: Carolyn Boone.

280 - Faculty and Scaff H "" , e H ,~ r ,. $1 i, S CJ #H Cd i,.. ·5t 'rte ~. ~t ht Tl Ptl' Bi PQ 41 ltl'I
English Department, Standing, Left to Right: Andree Herrington, June Wells, Ouida Rellstab,Jean Parmelee, Margaret Schuber, PriscillaMaumus. Sitting, Left to Right: Eileen Beckman, Jerry Hernandez
Faculty and Staff- 281
Foreign Language, Standing, Left to Right: Pedro Perez, Vince Drago, Michael Giambelluca, Luce Melancon,Pierre Leger. Sitting, Left to Right: Carol Baier, Karen Scott, Kristin Jay-Childress.

Math Department, Standing, Left to Right: Dianne Greer, Janis McCormick, Jerry Sossamon, Jim Marsalis, Courtney Martin. Sitting, Left to Right: Jeanne Cumberland, Stephanie Pittman.

History Department, Front Row, Left to Right: Gloria Siegel, Chuck Rivet, Edie Long, Betsy Kaston, Susan Godchaux, Bruce Houghtaling. Back Row, Left to Right: Rex Mooney, Chuck Hughes, Bill Rosenbaum.

282 - Faculty

Upper and Middle School Librarians:

Vicki Roussel

Doris Baron

Pat Kelley

Margaret Loupe

Lower School Librarians: Ginny Hoffman

Janice Rees

The libraries are the heart of St. Martin's campus. The use of the libraries extends to cover all phases ofcampus life:


Pleasure Reading



Hosting Meetings

Hosting Parties

Art Shows

Video Viewing

Luncheons for Students, Faculty, and Alumm

and Even Becoming a Theatre.

Thelowerschoollibraryadds suchwonderful activities as story telling and during the November flood, it became a refugee center for stranded children and faculty.

Faculty - 283

The J. Gordon & Lou Ann Reische Outstanding Teacher Award

This award was conceived and endowed by Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Reische, honoring their daughters Julie, Susan, and Kathy with the express purpose of recognizing and rewarding outstanding reaching within rhe faculty ofSr. Martin's Episcopal School. This award is given to those faculty members whose considerable enthusiasm, empathy, expertise, and dedication make Sr. Martin's the revered institution it has become.



Rex Mooney, College Counselor

Bill Rosenbaum, Asst. Head ofUpper School


Jim Stewart, Head of Middle School

Bruce Houghtaling, Head of Upper School

Nor Pictured:

Wayne Lumpkin, Asst. Headmaster


Marge Conatser, Head of Lower School

284 - Faculty
Vince Drago, Stephanie Pittman


Sue Houghtaling, Communications Coordinator

Jane Henson, Director of Development

Harold Graf, Alumni Relations

Mary Margaret Brunson, Secretary


Minna Ree Miranne, Secretary

Betty Bankston, Coordinator ofAdmissions

Donna Lewis, Director ofAdmissions

Faculty - 285


Doris Boos, Operations

Suzette Adair, Middle School

Dot Stengle, Lower School

Toni Caserta, Headmaster

Not Pictured:

Ilene Pool, Upper School

Jo Allen

Business Office

Roy Chenevert, Business Manager

Jerry Williams, Asst. to Business Manager

Jim Noullet, Accounting/ Computer Operator

Joe Crist, Accountant

286 - Faculty
Maria Garret Coach Porter


Standing: Marie Crawford

Luc Guess

Yvonne Eiswirth

Esther Reva

Melinda Gay

Betty O'Brien

Willy Mae Gilbert

Roy Anderson

Sitting: Beverly Savoy

Louise Rauch

Kathy Ogeron, Dietary Manager


Back Row:

Willie Davis

Edward Maise

Ronald Clark

Robert Friedrick

Clarence Smith

Tony Sanchez

Front Row:

Jenkins Knighten

Sharon Kahrs

Elliot Huland

Perry Ducote

Alfred Taylor

Jerry Ott

Not Pictured:

Martin Smith

Roy Chenevert

Luciana Depass

Faculty - 287

Bus Drivers

Ernset Burthorne

Tony Cash

Nick Bravata

Barbara Horridge

Lester Barre

Louis Horn

Jim Starkes

Joanne Buillot

John Thornton

Not Pictured:

Clarence Smith

Pat Casey

Dave Rice, track and field and cross country coach, retires after I7 years at St. Martins Coach wanted to teach his students morethan just howto jump, run,and throw. ''I've tried to educate boys and girls to become good citizens through competition." To honorRice's concern for individual athletes, St. Martins has established an award in his name to be given to the Senior boy and girl varsity athlete who has displayed the most caring attitude toward teammates. At the faculty luncheon, Coach Rice was honored and given a resolution for long term service from the Board of Trustees and then presented a Chair.

288 - Faculty

!JM/r}, #f.Olrll.

Jerry Williams

Sue Edwards

Clarence Smith

Ouida Rellstab

Eileen Beckman

Willie Mae Gilleen has fed over 20,000 children and prepared mo re than l ,000 pots of red beans and ri ce in her illustr io us and lo ng care er at St. Mart i ns. Seve ral of h e r "c h ildren" are now bac k as Sen io r T eac he rs. hen ce he r ni ckname, Mama . S he rec ieved a reso lution from th e boar d anda Chairplus aportrairpainted by Carolyn Boone.

Marie Crawford

Louise Rauch

Stephanie Pittman

Karen Scott

Carole Lawrence

Faculty - 289

Chuck Hughes takes a moment for some introspective thought. or is he asleep'?

Doobie Ronquillo and Dianne Greer substitute on the morning show for Chad and Stephanie on Senior Teacher day

Marge Conaster is not really camera shy, just very, very busy.

Headmaster Don Schwartz soothes a rampant beast during festivities on St. Martin's Day. In his position, heis called upon to deal with all sorts of "problems."

290 - Faculty

This is one of the skills that helped Vince Drago become a Teacher of the Year. Notice the precise cut of the pear, the grip on the knife, the perfect aim into the mouth

Alfred Taylor, master carpentar, nailed down a delicious meal at the faculty luncheon in May.
Faculty - 291
Stephanie Pittman is a master engineer. watch her run that Xerox machine.

Bill Rosenbaum enjoying yet another article on an important aspect of student life. Bill is constantly challenging the students and faculty co examine their beliefs and positions on social issues.

292 - Faculty
J enkins Knighten and Wille Mae Gilleen pose for the camera. These are two very hard working staffers. Ginny Hoffman, LS Librarian, swears the telephone has become a permanent attachment to her ear. Fourch grade teachers Vickie Johnson and Linda Trotter watch their students perform on World Day Is thata look of pride on their faces)??)

Perry Ducote, electrician, not only keeps our A/ C running, but is light and sound man for the theatre productions. On weekends, Perry is a professional clown111 The talents of this faculty and staffare far reaching.

C arolyn Wanek, Reading Specialist in Lower School.. is she talking to Ginny'?,, Dor Stengle helping another teacher have a good day.
ti' .,. t
A portrait of concentration!! MS Head Jim Stewartand Don Schwartzat the MS A wards Ceremony
Faculty - 293
Gloria Siegle caught offguard but always ready with a laugh.

Aian Smith takes a few moments out ofthe pool to play on St. Martin's Day

Linda Trevino hard at work on grade reports the highlight offaculty life!!

294 - Faculty
Jerry Sossamon offers a cookie toast to Vince. Wayne Lumpkin and Chuck Rivet try to convince Sue Edwards to teach Civics next year.


has a smile for everyone all the time.

] immy Cox, speech reacher and Renaissance Man. Adair ] im Marsalis explains a theory so well, his class wants to ride the wave
Faculty - 295
Allisonand DonnaLewis wish BeckyShaddock Clements a fond farewell. Becky and her new husband are Barna bound.

Branting, AndersRyden 157

Branting, Kyle 88

Branting, Scott 79, 129, 150

Brasseaux, Courtney 14, 243

Bratina,Allyson 170, 203

Bravo,Joseph 226

Brennan, Samantha 88, 106, 132, 147

Browder,Andy 228

Browder, Megan 238

Brown, DeonDemond 35, 68, 108, 109, 110, 128, 130, 131, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139

Brown, Holly 242, 246, 267

Brown,James 244, 246, 264, 267

Brown,Jason 227

Brown,Michael 174

Brown,Ryan 234

Brunet, Michael 79, 102, 152

Burns, Brooke 36, 74

Burshell, Ari 221

Burshell, Dana 229

Busch, Paige 88, 116, 132, 148, 156

Calandra,Christopher 79

Calzada, Amy 36, 123, 126, 128, 131


Catsulis, Peter 231


Abennathy,John David 174, 181 Abty,Lisa 221 Adair,Jay 88, 130, 145 Adair, Peter 225 Adams,Jennifer 84, 110, 132, 133, 142, 147, 151 Adams,Leigh 153, 168, 201, 205, 207, 213 Adamson,Kristen 231 Adkerson, Clark 88 Adkerson, Ryan 230 Adkerson,Tyler 168, 200, 202 Ahuja, Amit 32, 76, 116, 122, 128, 131, 138, 158, 159 Ahuja,Shalini Aleman, Chad Alexander, Rahul Alford,Randy Alford, Ricky Allen,Lange Allen,Martha Allen,Robert Amato, Ashley Anand, Akash Anand, Priya Anand,Rishi Andersson,Andrea 14, 79, 128, 130, 134, 153 88, 145, 160 168 220, 251 88, 149 170,204,207 14,233, 265 223 88 222 231 170, 200 10, 174, 187 Andersson, Dita Georgianna 32, 66, 73 Andersson,Lise 88, 102, 132, 153 Angehr,James 148, 170, 182, 202 Angehr, Mark 224 Angelico, Blaise Anzalone, Angie Anzalone, Anthony Anzalone, Tony Areaux, Raymond Arensman, Elena Arensman,Roby Argote,Parker Attaway, Craighten Authement,Ashley Axelrad, Bill Axelrad,Brian Baer,Jason Baier,Ashley Baig, Zak 232 227 170 200 230 174 79, 135, 139, 152 221 227 221 88, 130, 145 168,202 234 170, 201,205 224 Bailey, Katherine Brennan 33, 123, 134, 139 Bailey,Laura 14, 79, 109, 130, 296 153 Bowman, Chris 174, 181, 182 Cesta, Kari 226 79 228 168,200, 202,207 Baillet,Julie Balart, Carter 79, 128, 130, 131 Bowman,David 84, 158 Chaffe, Robert 88 Bradley, Sean 222 Chambers, Cara Balart,Truitt 84, 96, 116, 152, 157 Bankston, Marianne 66, 116, 138, 148 Bankston, MarianneSargent 33 Bares,John Ray 229 Barras, Scott 88, 145 Barrocas, LaneRussell 34, 106, 116, 123, 136, 150, 158, 159 Bartolotta, Dominick Beaulieu, Brent Beaulieu,Cuttis 170, 200, 202 168,200,204 174, 182, 189 Becnel, Brad 10, 11, 174, 181, 187 Behten, MaxVon 234 Bell, Veronica 88, 102, 130 Bellard,Stephen 174, 189 Bengtsson, Anna 229 Bengtsson, Erik 225 Bennett,James 168, 182, 200, 204,207 Bennett, Robby 222 Bennett, Susan 79, 128, 130, 131, 153 Bensriti, Rima Abdelhafiz 34, 68, 122, 132, 135, 139 Bethune, Beau 84, 150, 160 Bishop, Alden 236 Bishop,Danielle 243, 246,256 Bisso,Beau 35, 73, 114, 138, 145 Black, Carrie 168, 181, 201, 205 Black, Marty 223 Blake,John 84, 152, 157 Blanchard, Ian 15,244, 246 Blatt, Michael 232 Blatt,Richard 238 Block,Courtney 242,246,267 Boggs, Sarah 88, 147 Bohrer, Shane 174 Bologna, Katherine 229 Boos, Carly 236 Boos, Heather 242, 246 Bordelon, Brett 170, 200 Bordelon, Cavan 79, 108, 109, 110, 128, 131, 137, 139, 145 Bordelon, Chris Bordelon, Emily Bourg, Crista 221 223 238,251
Campo,Jonathan 226 Campo, Marcie 221 Capo, Lissa 236 Carvin,Jessica 232 Casamento, Leslie 238 Casbarian, Christopher 84 Caserta,
170, 200
Leslie 14
Cristina 15, 243
Castaing, Margot
Castaing, Peter 230 Castano, Sara 238
Elizabeth 88, 106, 132, 147 Cavaroc,John 79 Cavaroc, Mike 174 Cavaroc, Peyton 225 Cerise,Jay 74, 168, 200, 202 Cerise,Monique 79, 107, 132, 139, 146, 147, 153 Cesta, Erin 235 Chambers, Christopher Chang, Allan Chenevert,Janis Chien, Gene Chin, Eddie 222 220 221 84, 135 Chin, Elizabeth 15, 37, 63, 66, 114, 122, 128, 129, 131, 138 Chopin,Nicole 245, 246 Chrestman,Allison 37, 66, 73, 74, 107, 114, 115, 123, 138, 142, 153 Chrestman, Andy Christy, Arthur 225 88 Christy, Charles 222 Church,John 79, 116, 150 Clements, Annie 226 Close, Chris 223 Close,Joanne 170, 187, 201, 205 Close, Sarah 88 Clorworthy, Colin 235 Clorworthy,Jason 220 Clorworthy, Ricky 232 Clorworthy, Robby 221 Coffman, Bradley 170, 200, 204 Coffman, Christopher 88, 130, 136, 145 Colburn, Andrew 240 Cole, Ross 168, 194,200, 204, 207 Coleman,Amy 168, 205 Coleman, Ben Coleman,Jennifer Coleman,Jonathan Colfey,John Conroy, Ashley Contreaty, Colin Contreaty, Kara Conway, Elizabeth Conway,Jason Cook, Fairleigh Coons, David 145 220 235, 251 224 245 243,246 235 79, 114, 138, 142, 153 170, 200, 202 170, 203 238 Cooper, Chad 38, 73, 75, 106, 116, 123, 129, 138, 145 Corcoran, Nikki 88, 107, 126 Cornelius, Roger Marcin 38, 66, 116, 122, 131 Costello,Jenny 84, 147 Cowand, Brett 224
Coy, Matthew 79, 135 Dugan, Bcidgec 174, 188, 189 Fournier, Bradford 235 Gcaham, Hunt 80, 138, 145, 149 Crawford, Andy 225 Dugas, Carla 174, 181 Fraiche, Geoffrey 220 Green, Gregory 80, 117 Crawford, Benjamin 88, 131, 157 Dugas, Preston 227 Francis, Lauren 220 Greer, Lindsey 238,266 Crawford,Lesley 79, 130 Dunn, Rebecca 174, 189 Francis, Matthew 170,200,204 Grevernberg,David 80, I16, 145, Crawford,Leslie 132 Dunn,Sam 79, 145, 160 Fransen, David 226 149, 157 Crotry, Emily 15, 242, 246, 253, Duplantis, Seth 226 Fransen, MattRemy 42, 77, 114, Griffith,Jason 145, 168, 185, 266 138, 145, 158, 159 200,202 Dutrernbla, Michael 230 Crotry, Lindsay 233 Ftentz, Bryan 79, 80, 126, 128, Griffith, Steven 89, 136, 145 Dwyer,Jason 230 Crouch,James 242 131 Groth, Ashley 14 Dwyer, Lisa 174 Frey, Mignon 151, 168, 201, 203 Gueydan, Edmond 80, 136 Cruse, Crystal 230 Eaker, Christopher 170, 189 Friedman, Anne 89, 129, 147, Guidry, Brett 90 Cuccia, Chris 228 Ebercs, StephanieErin 40, 69, 110, 153, 156 Guzzetta, Anthoney 224 D'Aunoy, Donald 232 114, 117, 122, 132, 133, 134, 139, 153, 158 Fuselier, Megan 234 Guzzetta, Ginger 232 D'Aunoy, Elizabeth Van 244 Eberts, Timothy 89 Garcia, Patricia 43, 107, 138, 153 Habans, Lisbeth 10, 84, 135, 139 Daigle, Christian 84, 138, 145, 160 Eckstein,Lauren 230 Gardes, Benjamin 244,246,255 Habans, Robby 232 Daly,Brendan 245 Edwards,Jackson 245 Gardes,Jonathan 231 Haddad, Stephen 175, 182 Daly, Denise 236 Eichberger, Nicole 89, 130, 147 Garipy, Amelia 243 Haeuser, Hance 238, 265 Daly, Lauren 224 Elvin, David 40, 66, 67, 74, 111, Garland, Kimberly 89, 102, 116 Hall, Amanda 225 Daly, Michael 240 118, 122, 128, 131, 137, 152 Garvey, Catherine 170,201,205 Hall, Ashley 171, 201, 205 Daray, Elizabeth 227 Epstein, Rachel 84, 130, 132 Garvey, Patrick 89, 138, 145, 157 Hall, Elizabeth 236,262 Dascugue,Glen 89, 130 Erbstoesser,Morgan 245 Gatti, Lauren 170, 201, 205 Hall, Kelly 225 Dascugue,Kelly 170, 201, 203 Ernst,Jenny 223,253 Gaumer, MatthewRichard 43, Hall, Lee 171, 200, 204 110, 116, 148, 157 Dauphin, Adele 174, 181, 188, Erwin, Betsy 79, 106, 128, 129, Hall, Mathis 226 189 138, 142, 153 Geary,Jimbo 231 Erwin, Maggie 80, 117, 130, 138, George, Christopher 228 Hall, ScottLee 44, 67, 116, 123, Dauphin, Preston 234 145, 152, 158, 159 142, 153 George,Jennifer 241 Dauterive, Holland 227 Hanemann, Elizabeth 221 Evans, Ryan 233, 254 George,Joel 221 Davis, Leland 39,70, 135 Hanemann, Michelle 226 Eyamba, Claude 170, 201, 203 Gettan, Elisabeth 168,201,207 De Boisblanc, Amy 89 Fairman, Ryan 89, 157 Hanemann, Stephen 171,200 De Boisblanc,Pierre 235 Gerten, Liz 205 Hardin, Kerri Teresa 45, 131 Falgoust, Anne Maria 41, 66, 73, Geuydan, Edmund 145 Delaune,Chris 79, 116, 150, 160 115, I16, 122, 134, 139, 153, 158 Hardy, Cecile 90, 132, 156 Dellinger, Lauren 225, 268 Fantaci, Matthew 168,200,204 Gibbs, Lauren 245 Harmon,Jason 233,254 Deming,David 223 Fantaci,MichaelLouis 41, 66, 68, Gieger, Leslie 245 Harmon, Shellie 236,263 Denuna,Jennifer 174 114, 122, 138, 145, 157 Gilchrist, Reid 44, 68, 134 Harris, Alexandra 231 DeWitt, Steven 152 Farley, Ryan 235 Gill,Jimmy 168 Harris, Rufus 229 Diasselliss,John 168,200,202 Faucheaux,Jonathan 238 Glaser, Bradley 170, 182, 189, Harris, Scott 242,246 200,202 Diasselliss,Judith 224 Faught, Katie 89, 132 Hartline, Devlin 80, 128, 135 Favrot, Thomas 243,246 Glaser,Jeffrey 234 Dicharry, Elise 225 Godchaux, Gretchen 84, 129, 132, Harrwell, Katie 171, 201, 203 Dicharry, Evan 238 Fell, Ashley 236,262 143 Haspel,Tony 84, 152 Dicharry, Nicole 229, 254 Felter, Wesley 10, 174, 181, 182 Godchaux,John David 174, 181 Hawkins,Charlie 227 Dieth, Edmund 89, 116, 145, 157 Fenner, Wesley 168 Godiwala, Sahil 171, 200, 202, Haycock,Kathy 90, 102, 116, 156 Dineen,James 79, 135 Fiorenza, Alecia 174, 189 207, 225 Helm,Lisa I16, 132, 153, 156 Dineen,Jim 10 Fiorenza,Julie 228 Gold,Colin 89, 145 Helms, Lisa 90 Dinon,Brandon 220 Flamm, Ian 42, 68,78, 134, 145 Goldblatt, Brian 80 Hidalgo,Marco 168,200,204 Dinon,Kendall 168, 181, 205, Fleming,Jason 245,267 Goldblatt, Kevin 175 Hillerin,Christine 224,254 207 Fleming,Jonathan 236 Goss, Cara 10, 240 Hinge!, Nicky 84, 134 Dinsdale,Jenny 223 Flettrich, Annie 174 Goss, Kyle 227 Hingle,Nick 145 Dodson,Kacie 39, 68, 128, 136, Flick, Chad 220,256 Goulas, Spyros 231 Hintz, Megan 221 137, 138 Folse, Aimee 225 Grace, Sean 89, 129, 148, 149 Hintz, Nicholas 230 Donaldson, Chris 229 Folse, Ashley 89 Graf, Scott 225 Hodges,Jonathan 80, 128, 150 Donaldson, Elizabeth 236,262 Ford,Joey 243 Graf, Wheeler 236,264 Hodges, Victoria 175 Dorsey,Michael 228 Foret, Brian 233 Graham,Cate 10, 80, 117, 146 297
Hogan,Paul 84, 145, 157 Kahn,JohnJoseph 46,66, 68,74, LeBlanc,Mark 84, 145, 152, 157 Massicot,Joshua 230 Holden,Porter 171, 200, 202 102, 114, 122, 145 Lee,David 232 Matulich,Dominique 220 Hong, Brian 220,251 Kahn, Louis 236,263 Lee,Peter 15,237 Mauer,Liz 201, 205 Hong, Timothy 169,200,202 Karna, Michael 80, 115 LeGardeur, Louise 245,246 Maumus,Fletcher 226 Horgan,Hunter 90, 145, 157 Kartske,Adam 171, 200,204 Lenrer,Jordan 232 Maurer,Bill 228 Hoskins, Anne 230 Kase, Bucky 223 Lenter, Lauren 175 Maurer, Elizabeth 172, 203 Hoskins,Elizabeth Maureen 10, Kase,Melissa 171, 201, 203 Leone,Joey 241 Maurer, Meri 239 45,66, 73, 74, 134 Kaston,Joshua 232 Levine,John 243,246 Maxwell, Amanda 175 Hoskins,Loretta 224 Kaston, Stephanie 234 Levine,Lindsay 227 McAllister,Ian 175 Hoskins,Stephen 242,267 Katoch, Sunny 231 Levy, Elizabeth 241, 252,268 McChesney,Charlie 224 Houghtaling, Brian 90 Katuch, Ruchi 169 Lewis, Miles 222 McClean,Brandon 188, 189 Houghtaling, Teddy 15, 236 Kaye, Brian 223 Lindsay,Jonathan 230 McCormick,Kevin 220 Houston,Jonathan 175, 181, 182, Kaye, Melanie 90, 130, 147 Lipsey,Jayson 221 McCormick,Malain 228,256 189 Keeney,Amy 169, 189, 205, 209, Houston,Matt 224 213 Lipsey,Jess 232 McCreight,Randi 175, 184 Houston, Nikki 84, 130, 132 Kendrick, Brian 171, 200, 204 Lipsey,Jordan 244 McCreight,Ryan 224, 251 Howard,MeredithJoy 15,46,74, Kendrick,Paul 237 Lipsey,Jordy 246 McCullough,Patrick 233 76, 106, 107, l15, 122, 132, 139, Kenny,Coleen 175 Little,Graham 240 McDaniel,Michelle 224, 251 151 Kenny,Michele 90, 132, 146, 147, Lo, Emily 238 McDaniel, Sharon 172, 201,203 Hrnci r, Garrett 171,202 156 Lo, Richard 223 McDermott,Meghan 224 Hrncir, Trent 226 Kerrigan,Dulce 171 Lobell, Brandon 233,251 McDonough, Sean 81, 136, 145 Huber, Beth 171,203 Kerrigan, Robert 200 Loeb, Stephen Aron 50,67, 98 McGeeHan, Chip 11, l76 Huckaby, Amanda 234 Kilinski,Anna 222 Loicano, Martin 85, 157 McGeehan,Kelly 85, 130, 146, Hughes,Gretchen 228 Kim, Harold 171, 202 Longo,Ross 171,200 153 Hughes,Kristina 235,263 Kim, Harold 200 Lopes,Erica 224 Mcllwain,Courtney 220 Husserl, Alex 171,200, 204 Klein,Jeff 47,66, 128, 129, 131, Loupakas, Dimitri 243,246 Mclnnis,Ron 76, 106, 116, 128, Husserl,Elizaberh 175, 181 134, 158, 159 150, 158, 159 Lu,Jonathan 245 Mclnnis,Samuel A. 50 Hyatt,John 90, 149, 157 Kleinschmidt,Rhert 233 Lyeki,Julie 169, 201, 203, 209 Hymel,Shawn 10,24l,254 Koch, Fritz 90, 150 McKean, Brendad 200 Malaya, Nicholas 243,246 Hymowitz, Emily 223 Koch, Katie 80, 117, 130, 151 McKey, Rahna 148, 169, 201, Mallary, Lindsay 227 205,213 Irving, Nicole 175 Koch, MelanieWhitley 47, 69, 77 Malone, Lauren 233, 263 McLean, Brendan 170, 172 Jackson,David 84, 138 Koerner, Ashley 81, 147, 151 Manard,Alice 91, 132, 147, 151 McManus, Bryan 234 James,Shannon 88, 90, 102, 114, Kogutt, Todd Bradley 48, 66,68, Manard, Dorothy 81, 110, 146 McManus,Elizabeth 10, 176, 181, 132, 147, 156 128, 134, 136, 137, 138 Manard, Robbie 91, 116, 157 187 James,Staci 170, 171, 201, 203 Kott,Jay 223 McQuaig, Megan 11,240,268 Manard, Wendy 171,205 Janke,Ben 235, 262 Kott, Mikalia 171,201,203 Melancon,Chase 237 Jeffcoat, Trey 227 Krinke,Jennifer 229 Marchal, Bear 85, 145 Melius,Grant 228 Jennings,Benjamin 80, 135, 136, Krinke,Jessica 221 Marchal, Wesley 171, 200 137 Marice,Marshall 91 Mendez, Andres 230 Laglois, ChristopherRoger 49, Mendez,Jonathan 228 Johnson, Allison 226 134, 150 Marks, Beth 91, 130, 147, 151 Johnson, Amy 90, 132, 147 Lamarque, Kristi 175, 188, 189 Marshall,Carter 88, 91 Mendez,jose Carlos 226 Johnson, Bradley 235 Lane,CourtneyAlison 48,66, 73, Marshall,Tuck 81, 150 Mendez,Juan 237 Johnson, Christopher 235,263 115, 123, 132, 142 Marshell, Kacey 229 Mendez,Patrick 234 Johnston,Allison 84 Langer, Ross 202 Martin, Stephanie 171 Messina,Paolo 84, 85, 145, 152, 160 Johnston, Guy 175 Lango,Ross 207 Martin, Taylor 170, 172, 187, Lankard, Annie 81, 108, 109, 130, 200,234 Meunier,Claire 10,232 Jones, Amy 80, 130, 135 13l, 137, 139 Martinez, Allison 175, 181 Meunier,Justin 223 Jones,Justin 90, 129, 130, 157 Larson, Dereck 228 Meyer,David 223 Martinez,Jason 233,254 Jones,Stephanie 171, 20I, 205 Lawler,Christopher Parnell 10, 49, Michael,Dina 91, I16, 130, 132, Jordan,Heath 223 73, 134, 157 Martinez,Jonathan 232 147, 153, 156 Jordan,Joshua 234 Leach,Peter 85, 131, 136 Martinez, K. K. 14,225 Mieux, ChristopherLe 90 Kahn,James 11, 175, 181 Leask, Chris 91 Massell,Christopher 234 Mikami,Hirotaka 85, I16, 136, Massicot,Jonathan 172, 182 145, 157 298
Milano,Kim 176, 181 O'Neil, Chrisrian 15, 53, 63, 66, Pirrs, Michael 91, 145, 157 Romano, Lindsay 168, 169,201, Miller,David 85 69, 73, 74, 77, 102, 114, 116, Prasad, Manishi 86, 143, 158 205, 213 123, 136, 145, 157, 158, 159 Miller, Kenny 81, 128, 131, 134, Prasad, Meeta 91, 126, 158 Rome, Barry 230, 251, 252 136 Odom, Michael 85, 138, 150 Ronquillo,Rene 169, 201, 203, Odom,Patrick 91, 138, 145, 160 Prevost, Benjamin 172, 200 209 Miller,Kristen 231 Odom, Sarah Beth 176, 188, 189 Prewitt, Beth 223 Rose,Stuart 172,200, 202 Miller, Suzi 169,205 Ogden, Anne 85, 130, 134, 139 Prewitt,Lee 172, 188, 201, 203 Rosenberg, Brian 10, 176, 181 Mills, Holly 169,201,205,209 Ogden,Jeanne Collisson 53, 122, Price, David 242,246 Rossner, Ryan 229 Mills, Nicholas 240 132, 139 Price, Warren 228,252 Rotonti,John 226 Minor, Al 226 Okash, Pryad 252 Pruwitt, Lee 189 Rotonti, Tara 233 Mintz,Jennifer 85, l10, 130, 132 Olson, Brittany 226 Pruyn, David 81, 152 Rouse, Zachary 176, 181, 182, Mioton,Christopher 239 Orrill, Ray 84, 86, 145, 160 Psilos, Chris 221 188, 189 Miranne , Aimee 85, 147, 151 Ozah,Chike l76, 181, 182 Psilos, Matthew 229 Ruse, Amanda 269 Miranne,Carole 176 Paceria, Kitth 15, 237 Pugh, Brendan 228 Ryan, Bradley 240 Mohrmann, Ashley 234 Paciera, Elise 244 Quinet, Stephen 228,252 Ryan, Gretchen 10, 92, 130, 135, Molaison,Justin 226 Page, Greg 91, 129, 150, 157 Quintal, Becky 244,246,255 137 Monstead,Anne 91, 147, 15l Palumbo,Laura 237 Ramelli, Casey 225 Ryden, Anders 55,68, 116, 148, 149 Moore,Jennifer 91, 132, 133 Pankey,Edward 86, 130, 152, 157 Ramelli, Rana l72, 201, 203 Saab,Elise 172, 201, 205 Moore , Steven 222 Pappas, Alexandra 235, 255 Rankin, Elizabeth 239 Saab,Elizabeth 86, 132, 133 Moreau,Michael 169 Pappas, Nicholas 225 Rastegar,Jonathan 225 Morock,Missy 223,269 Saab, EmilyAnn ll, 56, 70, 73, Pardue,Loren 10, 176, 187 Ratte,John 227 115, 118, 122, 133 Morton,Renda 232 Parker,John l72, 200, 202 Rawlins,John 91 Saik,Walker 239,266 Moses,Trey 229 Parker, Richard 227 Re, Rickie 231 Saik,Walter 253 Moustoukas,Diana 231 Parmelee, Michele Elizabeth 54, Rea, Lee 226 Samuel, Scott 231 Moustoukas,John 240 63, 66, 73, 76, 97,115,117,122, Rea, Lillie 240,252,265 Samuel, Sean 82 126, 128, 131, 146, 151 Mowad,Michelle Kay 51, 122, Rees,John 169,200,204,207 Samuels, Whitney 169,205, 207 128, 131 Parton, Kristi 169, 181,201 Muldrey, B.J. 242,246 Peck,Christina 245,246 Reese, Amanda 14, 225 Sanders, Elizabeth 235 . Mullin,Chase 239 Peck,Megan 241 Reese, Christopher 169,200, 204 Sanders, Michael 227 Murphy,Ryan Ann 176, 181, 187 Pecquet,Amy 91, 135 Reese,Jimmy 220 Sanders, Tossy 92, 106, 107, 126, Resignola,Jessica 226 146, 147, 15l, 158 Neighbors, Matthew 85, 138, 152, Perret, Cindy 172, 182, 201 160 Resignola, Matthew 242 Santangelo, Ryan 227 Perret,Jonathan 228 Saporito, Scott 240 Neil, Natalie 230 Rhoden, Robbie 86, 145, 152, 160 Perrett, Cindy 182 Sarrat, Ben 172, 200, 204 Nelson,Kristen 169, 201, 205 Richmond, Miller 237,268 Perrin, Tara 243,246 Scalia, Amy 227,256 Nelson, Scott 91, 152 Richmond, Robert 227 Peterson, Bobby 172,200,202 Scalia,Brent 169,200,204 Nichols,Jennifer 81, 135 Richoux, Meghan 86 Peterson,David 232 Nichols,Matthew Bennett 51, 68 Ridrigue, Matt 239 Schenk,Jonathan 172, 187, 200, Petit,Isabelle 81, 132 202 Nicholson, Courtney 244 Petro, Amy 86, 147 Riera, Rafael 172 Scheuermann, Aimee 228 Nierenberg, David 231 Petro, Kelly Elizabeth 54,63,66, Ripps,Marc 86, 134, 152, 160 Schinder,Page 228 Nolan, Paige 88, 91, 107, 116, 73, 77, 107, 114, 115, 122, 132, Rivers, Emily 226 Schindler, Keith 235 132, 146, 151, 156, 158 142 Rivers, Matt 176 Schlesinger, Sara 240 Northen, Greg 200,202 Pettit, Mary 172,201,203 Robinson, Scott 234 Northern, Cliff 85, 138, 157 Peyton,Stuart 91 Schmidt, Claiborne 86, 138, 160 Rodriguez,Alison 225 Schoen,Elizabeth 233 Northon, Gregory 169, 202 Phillips, Adrienne 223 Rodriguez,Juan 82 Norwood,Justin l72, 200, 207 Phillips, Lee Hohn 55, 126, 128, Schuber, SallyJena 56, 115, 117, Rodrique, Drew 229 123, 132, 133, 139 Norwood, Kelly 84, 85, 132, 133, 13l Rodriquez, Chris 228 Schuber,Scott 92 143, 151, 158 Phillips, Sean l72, 187, 200 Nugent,Phyllia 52, 68, 134, 137 Piccolo, Christian 229,269 Rodriquez, Matthew 265 Schudmack,Jeremy 227 Roger,Josh 224 Schudmak,Jesse 172 O'Brien,Andrew 235 Piccolo, Katie 237,255 O'Brien,Patrick 225 Pittman, Ridgely 172, 182, 189, Rogers, Stephanie 82, 102, 128, Schudmak,Jonathan 92, 116 205 13l, 134, 138, 139, 151 Schuhmacher, Blake 145, 176 O'Connell, KristineDonovan 52, Rognon, Anouk-Helene 169,201, 73, 78, l14, l16, 122, 138, 146, Pirtman, Todd 81, 128, 135 Schuhmacher,Collin 145, 169, 156 207, 213 200,202 299
Schulingkamp, Mark 221 Stakelum,Andrew 228 Tiuiri, Rachel 201 Watts,Cammy 242,266 Schupp, Counney 176 Stakelum,Chris 93, 116, 145, 160 Tompkins, Robin 173,202,207 Wacts, Sarah 241 Schupp,Jennifer 92, 147 St. Amant,JayBen 93, 129, 139 Trahan, Missy 228 Wayman, MaryLee 83, 130, 132 Schwarcz,Don 92, 145 Sr. Amant,Owen 11, 57, 63, 74, Trahant,Danny 227 Weber, ScoreJackson 62, 138, Schwarz,Spence 224 123, 134, 139 Trescman,Eric 237 145, 149 Schweitzer,Joey 172, 200 Sr. Germain, Christine 10, 241 Tresrman, Michael 227,252 Weber, Stacy 176, 189 Schweirzer, Mikey 225 Sr. Germain,David 173,200,202 Trevino, Breck 153, 168, 169, Weigand,Elizabeth 241 Scioneaux, Monique 169 Sr. Germain,Missy 222 182, 201, 205, 213 Weigand, Pani 241 Sclaes,Jessica 245 St. Pierre,Stephen 176 Trotter, Breer 83, 128, 136, 150 Weil,Janele 237 Sclafani, Kyle 86, 138, 145, 157 Sranga, Mark 240 Tubb, Emma Katherine 60, 73, Welch, Thomas 234,268 Stead, Zack 221 78, 97, 115, 117, 122, 126, 146, Werrh,Brian 224 Scott, Amy 169, 201, 205 151 Scott, Lisa 86, 135, 139 Stedman, Matthew 232 Tuuri, Rachel 173, 182, 188, 189, Wessel, David 230 Shackleford, Will 231 Stein, Natalie 231 205 Wessel, Matthew 176, 189 Shah,Roxanna 230 Stern, Abby 239,254,266 Tuuri, Rebecca 223,269 White, Ashley 239,267 Shaw,Becky 82, 115, 142 Sternberg, Score 241 Tuuri, Sarah 232 White, Christy 220 Shaw,James 244 Stoesseil, David 182 Tyson, Zachary 233 Wie, MatthewVan 173, 200 Shaw,Jamey 15 Stourz, CatherineMichie 58, 132, Valladares, KimberlyRenee 60, Wie, SaraVan 224 153, 156 122, 123 Shaw,Suzie 86, 132, 133, 143, Williams, Caroline 227 147, 153 Stourz,Taaffe 93 Van Evans, Kathleen 244 Williams, Charles 169,200,202 Shepherd, Adam 244,246 Scuessell, David 169 VanWie, Sara 254 Williams,Greg 233 Shofsrahl, Chris 93, 116, 145, 157 Subramaniam, Alcila 230 Vedros,Jill 83, 117, 130 Williams, Ian 93 Shudmack,Jonathan 149 Suggs, Frank 93 Vencuratos,Georg 233 Williams,Jeffrey 173, 182,200 Shudmak, Jeese 200 Suggs,Ruffy 93, 149 Venruratos , Lauren 225 Williams, Meaghan 83, 117 Shumate, William 239,253 Sullivan, Margaret 176 Verlander, Catherine 83, 110, 128, Williams, Micheal 14 Sullivan, Michael 86, 116, 130, 134, 139, 153 Simmons, Richard 231 148 Verschuren, Ian 61, 131, 158, 159 Williams, Mike 173,204 Simon, Leigh 237 Sumner, AustinJohn 58 Vial, Christina 10,79,83, 117, Willis, Loye 87 Simon, Taylor 226 Sumner, Stephanie 59, 66, 73, 75, 128, 130, 134, 135, 139 Wilson, Mariann 242 Simpson, Andrew 235,263 107, 115, 116, 117, 129, 132, Vial, Stacey 116, 126, 153 Wilson, Reynolds 62, 66, 78, 116, Simpson, Brett 86, 138, 150, 160 138, 139, 146, 151 Vial,Stephanie 87,173, 182,201, 148, 157 Simpson,Erin 151, 169,201,203, Suttiurai , Romi 82 203 Witkin, Debbie 10, 83, 116, 128, 207,209 Sutton,Barbara 87, 147 Vogel, Eric 239 130, 131, 134, 146, 153, 156 Simpson, Sarah 176, 181 Sutton,Breer 220 Vogt, Brett 239 Wire, Steven De 84 Sistrunk,Jordan 242,246 Svec, David 235 Volk,Jerome 227 Wolfley,James 93 Sistrunk,Michael 233 Svec,Justin 228 Volk, Meredith 173, 201, 205 Wood, Carter 87, 129, 152, 160 Skinner,Robert 229,269 Synder,Claire 130 Voss, Brandon 176, 181, 188, 189 Woods,Jennifer 235 Sluder, Elaheh 227 Tappin, Ashley 93, 102, 116, 156 Voth, Adam 232 Wool, Zachary 229 Smith,Adam 231 Tardo, Adrienne 241 Wallace, Katherine Ann 61, 73, Workman, Kelly 169, 188, 189, 205, 213 Smith, Brent 11, 57, 68, 114, 116, Tenore , Francesco 93, 135 114, 122, 128, 132, 139 145, 158, 159,230,251 Walley, Sara 233 Wright, Chris 87, 138, 145, 160 Thames, Liev 173,201, 203 Smith,Daneel 226 Wanek, Elizabeth 169 Yelverton, Grant 241 Thames, Vaughn 223 Young,Johnny 245, 246 Smith, David 220 Ward, Lauren 168, 169, 201, 205, Thomason,John 173, 200 209,213 Yumakoglu, Mary 235, 255 Smith,Kimberly 244,246,255 Thomason,Sara 222 Ward, Taylor 244,246 Zatarain, Charlotte 169, 201, 205, Smith,Louis 173, 182, 200, 202 Thomason, Thomas 222 Warren, Aubrey 224 207 Smith,Sarah 243,246 Thompkins, Robin 200 Washington, Brian 176 Zimmermann,Miesje 234 Smuck, Michael 222 Thompson, Trey 223 Washington, Erika 79, 83, 130, Snyder,Claire 82, 128, 130, 131 Thorneycroft, Christina 173, 187, 142, 153 Samberg, Patrick 233 189, 201 Wasserman,Danny 226 Somers, N arasha 86, 130, 147 Tidmore,Chris 87, 129, 135, 136 Wasserman,Julie 234 Sossamon,William 235 Tikia, Rahul 229 W ackins, Erica 83 Sottiurai, Romi 130 Timpa, Maureen Michelle 11, 14, Watrs, Alan 228 59, 109, 123, 128, 131, 137 300





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