The Shield
The Class of 1991
Proudly Dedicates The Shield To Pedro Perez
Dad's Club
Board of Trustees
Headmaster's Address
Dear Class of 1991,
On the opening day of school, in two ' s and side by side, you filed into the chapel as we began St. Martin's forty-fourth academic year You took your places to the left of the altar and you led the Upper School in song and in prayer. You looked like seniors and you acted like seniors. Your sense of responsibility impressed us then and your performances individually and as a class , throughout your senior year, have endeared you to the many of us who remain at your alma mater.
The members of your class have performed brilliantly in evety area of the school's curricular and extracurricular programs. Within your ranks there are scholars, athletes, singers, poets, cartoonists, actors, debators, writers, and artists You have used your talents to make the most of your experience at St. Martin's and you have transferred those positive experiences to people less fortunate than you, both during and after your service projects.
Among the many qualities each of you possesses, affection for one another and an upbeat spirit are two of the most obvious. You smile a lot and find something to appreciate in almost every task. You have been a pleasure to teach, to coach, and to counsel. May each of you rise to the challenges of college and find success in whatever pursuit you choose Good Luck
Oh what a brute
A Kodak moment. Ate those the new eye drops which came out of the 7th grade lab?Some juniors are enjoying St. Martin's day.
Best Friends Forever
Cool! didn't do it.
"Hey guys, wait up!"
Sleepy time gals.
What? WHAT!!
"I like playing in the sand!" " all for the Saints stand up and lean!!" Happy go lucky lunch goerspass that note.
Justin Jones and Debbie pose for a piaure during the track meet. Ashley Baier, wake up! Class is starting.U.S. ground force: _·ed troops sprii Iraqis mauled
Allies plan to encircle . Iraqi troops
by U.S. power
By The Associated PressBush orders C€
ase-fire in gulf
Metro N.O. listens withjoy to cease-fire broadcasts
Kuwait liberated, president declares
Metairie school 'damaged by fire
The Arts Building of St. Martin's Episcopal School in Metairie was heavily damaged by fire Friday ..
Sixteen firefighters fought from 2:56 to 4:15 p.m. to control the fire at 5301 Airline Highway, said Fred Weidert, assistant chief of the Jefferson Parish East Bank Consolidated Fire Depart- ment.
The heaviest damage was to the roof of the two-story, wood-
frame building; Fire damaged the second-floor crafts room and the first-floor arts classroom. Two kilns were ruined, he said.
Water damaged'the bookstore, Weidert said.
The building also houses the cafeteria, several classrooms and offices, he said.
The cause of the fire was under investigation, he said. Children had been seen playing in the area before the fire.
Roby Arensman 1977-1991
An optimist says the winds will change a pessimist says they won't. I Choose to change the sails.
Ok hete we go Mrs. Mose Folsum tent Promand rocky Three hours from Chicago Q-Bert .Slapped!. Van Hom Texas Soccer!!!What did happen in the sun room? Coo and my father Lazy boy and the chase Who's the master? The Speech Who hasn't been in the sun room? Sandwiches in the Shower Juvinile Citations Phantasy and China Town Breckenridge Why don't the rwo of you go out?? Second home in Kenner Biking to CV TIA TLF Christian The bench ADV WD JC. Nov. 26 and the oak tree 89 locker room Snow Balls St.M. 1 CD 0 St.M. 2 CD 1. MVP? Tandom Patner Lepards or Leppers Chatooga "With You" Chapel Stairs in Oklahoma All the days of swimming DLB. .love to all my family and friends Dad, Mom, Lisa, Elena A. Lita U Roben Roor Ryan Yuri Christina Jen Mike and Ross (not Dunross) Thanks B.F.
Shalini Ahuja 1984-1991
I don't worry about nothing , No 'cause worryin's a waste of my time. Guns 'N Roses Shalu. Neb Sheen(EC) What's the Shalini route of Ma-Ma, I luv my muppets w/BE Dial 911 to make the cops come Summer school '89 w/BB,IMP,LHC. D C. w /DD,DW-BFF!!. Mary's scavenger huntred"p" Dita Captain-comic reliefl Hows ya Aspen, '90 MG '89 Hodges "HAVE YOU CLIMBED THE SUMMIT?" Kenna' w/ Maggie ' n Betsy... Happy B-day to U-Hey w/ ME ... 2 you-to die ... Mocker w/LHC Germany w/EW Luv notes from hmmm. w/DJ,CM Dr Woop Woop Mag'n Bet's Corona Homecoming '90 . . .Yeah Liz!. .. My future's so bright I gona wear shades ... TS-so incredibly fine!. Yeah,I luv Jason Liz,lock ya doors Dot, save me from MF WENDY LUVS OUCHE dudes -CL,AT, ML, BB .I LUY U SUMIT-YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND 4EVER!! Thanx Ma,Pa,my bro Amit,and my BESTEST PALS at STM-BE,ME,IP,LB,LC,EC,EW Sray CRAZ¥,I luv Ya 'll ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
Julie Elizabeth Bailliet 1978-1991
Measure wealth not by rhe rhings you have, but by the things you have for which you would not take money.
Jewels .Ju-Ju Nobody likes me Key club Orlando -heart burn video Washington D.C. - You are so Beautiful to Me getting lost in Quebec Waiting for buses for an hour un, deux, ttois, bye bye Puerto Rico Belize Annie's Chauffeur poof chair Berty & Bob Movie Colleaion Driving with you at night is like driving with Stevie Wonder muddy adventure Homecoming '90 TURN LEFT blushing Expo Oz Lone Pine Ayers Rock. Because I have nothing better to do Physics class sinep wrapping paper. Exploration Canobie Lake Tracy & Kendra tunning away from Leonid Nicole's little sister. getting locked out in London .Jung frau waiting for Bush's lime in France no metro stop on Bastille Day trying to learn Moonlight Sonate Grease dating? holiday cakes Romi(o) & Julie(t) Thanks Mom, Dad, Nicole, Oaire, Annie, and Romi
Laura Elizabeth Bailey 1985-1991
Did I ever tell you that you're my hero, You're everything I wish I could be .cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
"Beaches, Bette Midler-to my DADLeaning out of the window of my car and wishing on another lucky star
"Permanent Record"
Little bit Devil child Munchi-chi Craig veggies Destin '90 w/EW ,LC,RC,ML,AB Excite Hanky Panky.. Brakes work! Horse shows w/IP,VM,SW,LL,ET..Prom '90 - "Julia" BG's b-ball games w/JV Little feet eyes that kill w/KK .locker buddies w/SA Destin newspaper. Summer '90-AMBoston w/CS,CP Best Female singer stress O.J Eleonore buddies Drakaar lights Homecoming '90-15 stag-"a little toiletage" SM-car-pool buddies .icees sing MF & a rose after Two Moon Juction Toby 'n Chester Silver kiss back massages wreck w /LC&MB EW ,LC,MW ,JN ,Coo, RC,MK,SA,Brunerd-I'll miss y'all Good luck Frosh (BB) Thanx for everything .! luv you-MOM,KBB,&big bro.Michael.. "Here's where the future startsto you DAD
Cavan Rene Bordelon 1978-1991
Oh, but a man ' s reach should exceed his grasp Or what's a heaven for ?
Susan Marie Bennett 1987-1991
A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the wisest men.
All hail EZ Susan!. Dead Bob apple Jolly Ranchers Mo,O, and D Speech Trips .If I tell you a rooster dips snuff. . .Jojo's, CoCo's , SoSo's and Jimmy(?) . . .Sweet tea for you? Philip Sally is dead!. It's not us,IT'S THEM NHS We were the FIRST Prom '90 w/Mo,O,&D Jesuit Prom ' 90 Dash concerts Mona's Homecoming w / Annie and Will .. .Thanks to OS,MT,DB,AL,CB ,CV, and my best friend WL. .I couldn't have made it without you all! Annie, you're the best! .I love you Mother, Daddy, and Bryan William, YOU ARE EVERYTHING-I LOVE YOU!. . .I'm off to see the Wizard!
Robert Browning
What I have may not amount to a hill of beans, but this is my hill, and these are my beans
Frank Dreben
Big "C" Yeah Cavan Speech Rambo Missions "His Woman " . . .Rahna . . .Tonya . .. Me , lock them out? . . . Lightening . . .M .C. Whiteboy 4a m and wrong way on Airline Water Skiing Best black dancer ' 89 Dance contest ' 90 Homecoming dinner 7 0 bucks Baby Definitely .IfI tell you a rooster dips snuff Natl 's 88 ,89,90 She Stoops Your hands, Pamolive Prom '90 w/ Coo Shotgun!. Hey, You on the golf course! NHS District Champ Thanks to SB,TP,AL,AO,MT,OS,CLJC, but Especially Mom, Dad, Chuck and Lisa , Craig and Deniese, Melissa, and Dara .I couldn't have made it with out you all!. Well, yes I could!
Michael Elden Brunet 1987-1991
Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them and a Friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end.
Michael W. Smith
A man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much.
Scott Briant Branting 1977-1991
It is berter to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Llfe moves pretty fast-You don't stop and look around once in a while, You could miss it.
Ferris Bueller
October 29, 1988 Hawkeye "Peanut" "Pot" Volkswagen Fighting with GG Bowling with the Buddahs Basketball 23 suicides Put some ice on it Fat boy A baseball cap for each day Math with the nerds & freshman Stupid
Iliut ... Birthday parties ... Art I 4th period ... Football .. Newman JV .. . Sending signals to EW on the morning show QB 4' 11 " Crawfish track Statman Arguing in English with DW . . .5mph ...Just do it ... French IV ... Thanks for the memories STM, it's been fun Thanks for everything Mom and Dad, good luck Kyle
Milo Micky Brunerd Dork..CV MLW Outdoor Ed Prom '90 .I'm as good as gold belching tooting climbing trip w/ Amy RA LB c'est la vie .The youth group Soccer Mickey likes it the Jeep w/LB, LC.cramming of English JN O.K, who did it? Del Rio the pool room Roby's sun room .I'm so tired Sting concert w/ME,EC,EG ME ball mud fight LW MB tedy's winner of the sobriety award .I can play v-ball French !IL.Want a Benadryl? Grand Isle Rescuing the pig on the Econ Devil '90 the Jeep Folsum Mississippi..Cashflow pump tapes Chatooga KSS good friend Fred DG the lines Thanx WR,RAJN,LB, CV,Mom,Dad for getting me through H.S thanx STM for grest memories .! love you Mom,Dad,Snook,Domino BFF RA Amen
Christopher Erin Calandro 1986-1991
The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven
John Milton
Void Colanje .Jerry's Kids Lower School, J V ., Girl's soccer , 3rd string benchwarmer w / RC. The pitt chase in the French quarter w/ J.M.C.J C.J T.. Experiencing both of R C.'s parties C.C. I.D ' s going around & actually working What a strange experience at Sound Warehouse Getting raided at Taco Bell w/D.P friends going insane over the summer 8th grade, 1st period w/ Doc Brown & C.V Getting lost in the best neighborhoods of Baton Rouge w/M.H & R.C. Preppie at the Dead concen. Lydia Summer school w/ most of my English class. Almost flying off the bridge in the Omnibus w/ M.H Going skiing w/ 3 wacky girls & 18 hour drive to Utah The tanning man .J.M C.J C.,D P .,R C.,T M , J .H -the coolest dudes in school. Thanks to Llzzie, Mom, and Dad for everything What a shon & strange trip its been Later!!!
Robert Hamilton Brierre Chaffe 1987-1991
Only 18 lines?!? Lupus Chicken RC 100 Francis Chap Stick NOID!. Blah! Ear Breaking Wind-ows Oh you moose Rocket parties Savage I want a meal, not a snack Jimmy Cawdor O'China Going through the best neighborhoods of Baton Rouge The party "No mom, I promise, I just woke up!" The other party "How's the door?" Going w/NC to Julio Cookie dough .JMC & the $20 Casa Grande 10 seconds w/RG on Halloween HS & Big Daddy's Lagoon .4am joyrides Strange, but enjoyable drive Babysitting at Motley Crue That fateful W&T night, well just T night Opus Fhouse Lower school-girls-JV-soccer bench-warmer Wrestling treadmillrunner 93 Yes Chaffe, man, how could you (HK, Taco, Lars, ea.)?" Monroe(LT<)!. Wina No hair, no scare MORON!. Next party, B.Y.O.D Good luck to all my sophomore (now junior) buddies, especially Nik .I LOVE YOU!. 000000000! Tchau, baby
Monique Andree Cerise 1984-1991
Here I go again on my own!!
White Snake
Zmo.The Rebel.White shoes w/red socks.The Exclusives! U think that's the name of the street? Destin '88. Kitchendive.pixie sticks&bunny slippers.get out of the car Jefflalways have FUN out w/CV.TARTAN.AK,don't break rurns.5 or stop.ED & Earhart WEWON! Sweating bullets.what if aliens landed on top of U'r car. tree in my eye.gardening @TacoBell.cuttin' glass.BUSTED! Got any profs?GO MO,LuvPAI!U talking to me YEAH WELL-1-13-90Bullec's DEAD! u can learn alot from a dummy!SUMMER90 w/ MW.AT,S rules.bigredl.airpump@Chilies's. I could pick it out w/my teeth.HOOCH & ZULU R AWESOME! MoonPatrol.Mobile homes are not safe in hurricanes. HC90-cheerbop.Mo&BetsBFF!Good Luck Tossy. To my friends: BE,AK,CV,&MW, U da goods.Thanks MOM & Keary. GOOD LUCK JAY, I hope U survive.esp thanks to Ash(the sis), for helping me see the wild side oflife .I'm outta here - P.S. ILUVEMEAG, SONT U EVERFORGET..PPS, thanks to the Koemers for giving me a home away for home!! LaTeR•!•!
Elizabeth Ann Conway 1978-1991
Remember all the good times you had, your friends and experiences which carried you through the day. But if the tears must fall , let them fall Do not be ashamed, for it is always hard to leave a place you love
Ashley Howard
Secret ftiends&life probs w/ ME SCCC. .L&M dub BS&JV fr. yr Wann a buy a bouche 45 min pig out w/ BS Les E Pres Cheerbop-6 yrs .7 / 18/ 88PC. Destin ' 88 w/ JV&MC. Beach strip MCC. 3 Musketeers twinLL MPR '88-lost , 89-GOD BLESS , 90 original LSU crew Grease TE MG 89-truck w / ED,90-living in car w/ DM&ME Almost E.Livingston gang .love&war w/ PC&BL JR-4ever CPC. wet w/ LS MS.w / ML,ED,JD 7/ 8 / 89 w/ ED ,PCJC. Gcomm w/M F &WR Desin 90-lone cig,Belinis,siesras w / SF,sunrise&IHOP , KM Ba&Inez breaking BF ' s w / DM Flings w /BL. S-ralks w / MF boat talks w / DM&ME rebel retreat 90 Scott Friends are like good wines , and I've had the best.Thanks for everything-ED,WR , MF,ME , DM,BL.ESP MOM&DAD. Thanks for the older advice,KIM Good Luck JASON ILOVE YA ' LL SO MUCH!!!!
John Mark Church 1987-1991
Lead , Follow , or get out of the way.
Red Warrior Awww Shaquool. Keuul Hey Keuul .J .B..T.B. Did you grow an inch last night Who is this guy? That fire hydrant was moving pretty fast Suicides for driving drinking (coke) and driving Fla to N.O 3 hrs Car fire at Bird's Cage .I've got the tickets already and I don't need a third Kool Kar Get off that blade of grass picking up Newman chicks w/ BS &CM The pitt chase in the Quarter The Meters All I have is a 20 Bowling Quiz champ W A G W A R.G U-Turn Sunburn Inn the Shalarnar Motel. I'm in I'm in The be is so rockin' Just chill out man RC losing it at Sound Warehouse RC's parties Rocket parties I'm getting my money's worth The country Psychotic drawings Triniry srories .Mr Poatato head .I'm a senior Eyal .I've perfected the jump-shoe (GG)
Matthew David Coy 1989-1991
Captain Jack will get you by tonight.
Billy Joel
Hmm there it is, trend setter Trip to- the boat Breakfast at McDonald's Chemistry 101. Shell Card P the Gorilla Earheart 140 or so Wrapping paper Donuts and other tricks Funny grade on paper Making movies New Years scar You are not allowed to sleep here anymore What a limo! Prom, yeah right!!. Chelas bien eilodes while playing pool. Audobon Park's greatest hits brother can you spare a dime Why are they waiting at the door Why are they playing with handcuffs ... Busted!! ... Ace of Spades ... Spin that wheel. .. Cool and the Gang Smoking McDonald's Cheating at cards Broken fenders ...
Amy Cecelia Coulter 1990-1991
Free at last
Dr. Marcin Luther King, Jr. and U2 (Pride) New girl. the door to Mary Burke (Capstone '90) No, you can't go to Newman. You have co go co STM That's funny, fuh-ny Parenthood at S R.'s Scott's combat boots Dead Head T.P. and D.H caking the cool one getting on the Interstate Play-doh .leccersfrom McD Escapades co T.C.B.Y Falling for S R.'s freshman her accent her boarding school buds "If the sun refuses co shine" Tall women are the future of America Homecoming(A.J. and A.C. having a blast!) The limos .Huggie the curb Nick and B.T. save the night give me some candy my extreme crash on C.R the cute guys(P.G.,S.P.,E.P.,N.H.,R.C.) my Destin buds P.O., M O., S.S., C.W Kangeroo man Mohammad Kool and the Gang Come and gee it (Farb) S.R.'s b-day w/Dina,E.T.,F.S cake it up "American Pie" -T.P .''Everythings better when wec"(Sceve Miller-] uly 7th, 1990
Christopher Scott Delaune 1981-1991
I will not follow where the path leads, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.
M. Strode
Lesley Hays Crawford 1987-1991
The momenrs are only temporary, but the memories last 4ever, & someday we'll look back on these days & laugh b/c they make us happy, & we'll cry b/c they're gone. We're glad for them now, but someday we'll be even gladder for the memories.
ALF Leslo Crawfish big 2 miles 3/5? the Ridge LR,CL. movie line s w/EW HC'88-90 Life on LD 's bookcase Aero w/EW,MN Where are we-somewhere around lost!. Mocker .JAWS cool NissanJust Do lt,H andyman,the W ALL,Slater,BA's Z C.Rock, 1st class,oksa,DM@MV,follow u s,Brazil,Aspen '90,Vaporizer P.Key w/LB AC,Ff's $2 lunch,stars,poetr y,2moonJuna.,cheese sandwich,h2o-skiing,RP concert, "I quit,! swear.",! owe you one (&more),Drakaar Destin '90,SM said he'll beat me up,newspaper,tal ks,BB,balcony jumps w/EW,LB BK@l0BH,Tesla,Ced,Sweetl6,Prom'90,R M(LoL),Bp 3,Merrick.2st Mac-only the good die young, so B bad&live 4evet!Ta n 2Ma,Pa,Kees,Marx,AM,C&R,AA,RH,BH&many others 88-143,EW,LBJV, AJ&Mom!-GoodLuck Aligash&G-1 am outta here!
Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.
V. Lombardi
CD Moe basketball stud b-ball@ MK's AL over the fence or what ever rank yah vickin' w/seniors EEEEE goin' crazy in Pedro's room aw nah hey Toneee KleinCool. 22 EK wee the bed yer right ribbage II hi guy you are de man Harish-22 ping-pong body of Rob, brain of Sproles best baseballer in the world hold on, guy dose .intellectual c allestenic. oh naw!. watcha doin'? hey CD Delaune mowers .I don't s ay foolin ' art 4th Mike Reed's locker win a game IAINOWHIBOY no money the "B" word oh, no .lunch crashes Mr. Delone Carne I. Thanks Mom, Dad and Tami, it has been great!.
Samuel Thomas Dunn 1978-1991
I don't work nearly as hard as I could.
When man lies he murders part of the world.
The paths of glory lead but to the grave .
James P .Dineen 1985-1991
So understand-don't waste your time always searching for chose wasted years. Face up, make your stand, and realize you're living in the golden years.
Iron MaidenJD ... Flip Wilson ... Looking Lizard ... ESP .. .animal rights ... bridge jumping w/DH,TP cable hurdling "Whaddaya mean the water's not deep enough?" .laugh when it hurts the doc stage diving w/ Megadech wrecking on the way co Biloxi breaking skis at Keys cone Mecallica "It's ok, I've got a spare" Conradical Wungle Fawn Ninja hiking TI in the GC. he can flip it face plane GDIM "I can teach ya chat if ya wane" alright, where's my pick still can't drive (legally) blazing diving marine biology Hey Tim, How do ya do chis?
... Many thanks co Mr.H, Mrs. P, Ms. Boone, Mr. Rosenbaum, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs G., Mickey Glen, and all who helped me at ScM Much thanks and love co MOM, DOT, GRANDMA, ETOILE, TIM, and AMY- " for letting me be me "
Elle MacphersonMetallica
Thomas GrayThe SHUM STD car for a week-Peugot 8-yr old champs Sam works? ping-pong watcha doin' .I never complain .. .intestinal problems in chemistry ... Dita... the goat? . .. shut up Karno itch,itch,itch SD Shmu Crew Austin's stupid quotes the shot(e-team) the welder Uri St.-Avenue E-W Metairie-Loveland what? we never move ... Au revoir mes amis ...
Margaret Hartigan Erwin 1978-1991
Keep on smiling through the rain, laughing through the pain, just flowing with the changes, ti! the sun comes out again.
Maggie secret friends/life problems w/EC. pixie stix w/MC. L&M club SSC' 8 7 snob al Is BANG Bud's Gee Ricky HC'90 BFw/JV Awesome-4some The Exclusives Doodle dee Wubba w/JC. Pink Pig Halloween '87 w/SH,11.,EC(pofD) Cute Outfits s 16 w/JH Revelation Tapes M.G. '88 w/MC,'90 living in car w/DM&EC. "I never" on EG's boat 11.'s truck on beach SD & LE w/CG 3 musketeers DM's boat w/EC&DM cheering w/EW-chair in shower Buffett concerts mini P.r's-GOD BLESS Houston's w/SA Grease '90 locker27 pole w/DM singing in cars Paradise crazy nites w/DM,EC&WR Wittable Maggicita SD w /LL,MF,DM Sewanee w /GM,JK,BE Boston w/WR D.C. w/DM sitting D w/TS MANY thanks:SE,EW-1'11 back you up anytime!To Mom,Dad,Ginny,Martin,Susan,Cal,Franny; To my BEST friends:EC&DM1'11 miss ya'll&thanx 4 the memories!& esp HGM&WR-1 thank U more that words can say!BE-GOOD LUCK&ILUVU!
Elizabeth Oliver Erwin 1978-1991
The goodbye makes the journey harder still. Cat Stevens Betsy SC pres Wella Gee coco BE&MC-BFF the rebel. Mardi gras '88' 90 w/MC. French Quarter. out w/EC,SH,LL. Mad Dog Bud's LP '88 w/MC,AC,KM,MD around MD's block. Plum St SCCC '87 Met.playground(snoballs) I never on EG's boat one&one Awesome 4some the exclusives AT's w/MC,MW Kenna ' w/SA .J .B uffett concetts Prom '89 w/MD,AK,NB,SB,ATN P.Passion jug long talks w/HG you always decide mental affair picky eaters polka dots Uncle Hunt weakest moments clean vs. messy cheerbop ·87- '91. EW -camp roomie chair in shower 7th hall '89 "Paige-When I was a freshman" Becksy Get out of the car, Jeff. God Bless Sewanee w/ME,GM,JK. Monique-Prom date '90 knees The jerk. Good luck PN and SJ Thanks for everything MDIloveU Thanks Mom,Dad,Gin,Martin&MAG-ILOVEU TO MY BEST FRIENDS-MC & WHG: I LOVE YA'll & I'LL MISS YOU THANKS FOR GREAT MEMORIES STM!
Brian Jay Goldblatt 1989-1991
What a long strange trip its been. '
The Grateful Dead And the srorybook comes tO a close. Gone are the ribbons and rose. Things ro remember~ places to go.
The Eagles
Briiii LSU games w/ AW and AS Keith's acting school Days Inn Lakefronc w/ LD & GG !D's B-ball at Karna's Bowling w/ the pro. AW's parties the fro Henley in Pensacola w/ LD The NJ shuffle Mr. Mojo Risin' Latin Bush Navarre w / AW Destin w/ GM,AW,EW Ratt W / GM & EW Biloxi F-G and conventions footballchamps sleeping in the Cabanna and Lew's house w/ MK & KD the Tank and minivans
Mom's cooking GG's Malibu & MK's Regal Nashville Newman, USN, MBA, Newman, St.M thanks to all the friends I've had along the way the past I 3 years, and especially my parents, brothers, and sister for putting up w/ me
Bryan Gary Frentz 1978-1991
We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything.
Thomas A. Edison Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names
John F. Kennedy
Bry College Man Tulane England over the summer Cambridge (the Americans) Purley w /DS and the Colwills the student council retreat ( the car breaking down on 1-10 w/JJ & CT) Spring Break '90 w/ Karno, Wiener, Jean, BT, & Aurelia ... Spring Break '91 w/RA, CB, MB, JJ,& SS NHS Cum Laude Yearbook Swimming ... Tulane football games w /SB .. . the Eclipse ... Thanks & love co Mom, Dad, Grandma Aurelia & Helen and all chose who have helped me at STM
William Hunter Graham 1986-1991
It's a great day to be alive.
Chuck Hughes
Hunt #34 The Boat ACDC concert pretzels dustbuster VO security guard The Old Crew:EG,HG,MS lagoon Thing baseball stinks Buffet w/EC,WR,ME The Beast Jen and her dogs DG's hottub Baby, wasn't me Lil' Happy B-Day award The Last Great Act Of Defiance Ian's skin disease book. Perdido w/BB,SW,BS .Jill M red tobe and cowboy hat runa & ding-dongs at Matt's .J uv.Det. w /IP,S:W Bissonet Spanish dances w/DG The Unifed Mobile Long talks w/BE Erwinberg messy vs. dean polka dots NO,you always decide I'm thinking it's just the best I love cold weather Good Luck # 's 1,2,10,32,35,45,47,66,67,80,85 strive to be the best Thank you Cori for all the great times, I love you David & Bersy yall are the best, I LOVE Y'ALL.Thanks MOM,DAD,GEORGIA, and StM for giving me a great start on life!
Courtenay Cate Graham 1978-1991
Cause to dreamers the real world can be a dream.
Fl/ Alb The fivesome lipstick fight negative articude .Jesse Ford's bed Disney World burn and die the midget Aspen '90 w/SA+LC. the sled blue corn chips Pout La France Crystal Palace .late night talks the creek Sweet Sixteen No one to impress at StM the wardrobe Mardi Gras the wall "Where's Autora? Shalu wants to meet John Elway" M.R.oh L.C.-Shalu can't ski too young to die Barbara blue runaway ski lift Chris Rock in airporr D.C. Aspen w/Coo B.H.'s w/Coo Out igloo You and the neighborhood hooligans overproteaive mothers running in the rain hopeless diets Don't cow Chem w/JBS Drives w/JJ vball(c.b.w./KM) .]J.P Queen?."day's" CG' s schools of driving-readen 'n speeden Thanks to LC,SA,DW,SB,AJ,LCJN,MB,MW, and RA.I'll miss ya'll.OS, you got me thru, thanks CRV+CCG-Best Friends Forever Coo, thanks for being there. You're a true friend.I'll miss you.To my boys,I made it!I luv you mom&dad,thanks for believing
David C. Grevemberg 1987-1991
If people only knew how hard I've worked to achieve my mastery; it wouldn't seem glorious at all.
There's only one goal in life, to be the best What else is there?
J. Robinson, Wrestling Coach, University of Minnesota Big Dave #65 The Flex The Man with the plan WrestlingJock Football vs. Plaquemines Parish (your Crazy) Welfare mobile Ph 1 eve!. . .It's a little slippery . . .ASICS . . .Junior Nationals ... Rodwane .. .H ot Tub Drivin' through the projects Homecoming ' 90:PB,LHJM,H G,BE,KM,ME,EG,EC,SM DM The door Brinzer vs Lynch Really much . .. Don't you like to look at my face ... Bave . .. What are you doing Massage anyone? Pen wars Sports Clinic. Wildcats LaLa Son g .I can take em Brodway Can I borrow Yeah Thanks Mom, Dads, Sarah, Mat, Hunt, Betsy, and especially Paige for everything all of yo u have done for me .I love you Thats Match
Gregory T odd G reen 19 8 5- 199 1
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun - And only the good die young.
Billy Joel
Gregarious Gregwaah You are da man 22 Rank Yah Vertical jump .it ain't easy bein' cheesy Psycho-American Ribbage 2 Malibu Will U die 4 him Eyal Farb Sproles .Yaronville Baskerball w/MK,CD,S TD,Eyal,BT JMC,Farb Gweg Shmengy AZA!.. Puzzle org-BT,ER,MK
Cheese club-BB and others Grease Rump Shamu Keedie- Boo .S hmoms Going crazy-CNDJK,MK,CD ,STD,BT CG Randy Savage Wha t are U like Sister Christian 3/5? S'gan Tommy Bryant Famy Bod of Rob Neon-dean red-heads Aw Naw Green Sox LLL Honahbay Golf High?jump Conventions Biloxi Prom w/LN B anana boat Toujague night out Wave Pool- ER,KJ,Shark,YG Mick Tuesd ay night in the Mustang .Is your name Sue Hotel Calorina ER's wave Hwrr! You stole? Curfew-You lied? Thanks to Mom,DadJennifer, an d all my Kool Friends Bye Guys!!
John Devlin Hartline
It's not "natural","normal" or "kind" the flesh you so fancifully fry
The meat in your month as you savour the flower of murder No no no it's murder Who hears when animals cry?
And When I'm lying in my bed I think abour life and I think about death And neither one parricularly appeals to me And if they came when I felt a natural emotion I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie In the middle of the street and die I'd lie down and die
Love, Peace, and Harmony are very nice But maybe in the next world
Edmond Maurice Gueydan 1978-84, 1987-91
It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate, it takes strength to be gentle and kind. #88 STM 28 CD 27 DESTIN MR's nose another one bites the dust THE BOAT 4 or 5 times a day 2J's in Destin w/ML. AC DC Agu7,88 they were white jeans Top stair creeks Stamina you can put these gloves in icewater .incredible enlarging pretzels shotgunning w/ the megaphone "I Never" the big gun Hunt & Ed in the shower. Chad's leg dustbuster NE1469 Tuck I have to talk to you so many movies Mini pep rally the Destin bible making dinner w/HG&DG Mac"am I clean" Sweet 16 w/MLW Their huge Stoutz sense of adventure Brand X fun in the Honda extra help <lass football practice w/HG BS & CC. parties after FB games Rick Williams Destin w/Tassie Gold's Poor Golden The Beast .RAX Pre-game warmups .JL #3 Robocop Thanks for everything Renee HG DG MLW DM MB TM Thanks mom dad and Suzanne, I love you and I could not of made it without your encouragement BYE STM
D. Jennings 1985-1991
I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untraveled world whose margin fades forever and forever when I move
Sto the Car.Stop the Bloody Car! 70 Blind Rabbits My Feet
Brian Varnell's Paddle Hey Ben! Help I'm Being Followed by Roy Orbenson Ben-jamin Come My Hyppolita Bingo Fr Mesa?
Yes, but Its a Very Dark Blue Sruck in the Pig Elf Elf Elf I'm a Physicist Weekdays With Mr. D Big Detention Looks Pretty Tricky Mr. Wagner Doyle Maybe if We Run Really Fast and Jump 5 Minutes to Answer Life Back of the Envolope Stm
1/ 20 of My Life . . . Bald Perikets .. . Julia Childs ... First You Cut the Turkey Red Man/white Man Big Mother Number I Have You Now! You Thought Buckeye Was a Bisau Some Say Love
Those I Have Met and to Those I Have Known, Respeafully YoursJMNl P.S. Oi! Ninja-in My Day Todd/Jim
Jonathan Allen Hodges 1979-1991
Things be happenin'
Robert Massey Hodge Hatchet Conan "honey,the nerd ' s here " .4thperiod Civics the bench stomach virus- " Oh,God! Oh, God " . the Fox Home boy Homecoming Basket ball(sta te playoffs :4yrs ) Rfuel w/ Rc&JMC. May25 "the neighbors know : strip dice w/ AKJN,MLW napkins The Brick Leo Getz USF&G Kidney disease The Allman Brothers "Don't say dude, ea " dd's w/ EW,OA world history in my bed .I Promise I Believe Captain The Palace laying pipe Saints Mississippi skiing . 8 0 % Japaneese Jeopardy The C-word Mr. Bower's class plug into a power plant "You don't have any self-control!" ditto .lock your doors Thanks TM ,RCJMC ,TMc and most inportandy Mom , Dad, &Tori .. .Erika, love you always . . .
Michael David Karno
Smile, and they'll think you're up to something
Anonymous B-ball at my house-Jordan's coming Golf wjRM,LB&MS Golf does take coordination Golf MIP Formal w/JM Proms w/ Amy Homecoming w/MP Fourchinate Homecoming w/LN, scum, and Y.G Ping-Pong nights The stars are starring w/RM Where is the moon? E Y.A.L 22 Uncle Harish F-G #118 GODol,S ' gan,Mazkir D.B.'s and Navs Roads college-navigation school. SKool. Keedie-Boo Ball Hoggie Fla. w /BT,BF,JW ,Gene, &Aurelia Winning $100 Ride home w/RM & JH Time Saver w/DB Football '87 & '88 Flammster Doug Jones Killers Coach Last Kool with a Kapital "K" Rides w/AW chess dub-4yr letterman bus fights w /CO Buddy B! Gnarly Charlie's gnarly parries Puzzle org. w/BTJMC,ER,GG Grease Eugene Sushi at Shogun 2 wrecks in one month span-RTA & telephone pole Brain of Rob CLTC. .JYC dance Carla'a house w/KBBH,BB Leon P Biloxi w/KD,BG making fun of EW & JH Meridian Missihippi Thanx Mom,Dad, & Michele. Laida!
Amy Elisabeth Jones 1987-1991
Good times come and good times go, I only with the good times would last a Ii ttle longer
Social Distortion
I don't talk like thaaat the T-square OE trips bustin boats w/LS Ping in my pants on Smokies w/CV&KW French I w/SR,BA&CW Shopping w/DW crying all the time for no reason ... being put in garbage cans ... green rice crispy treats w/CV MB eating them 3 months later driving by Toby's, but I don't like him ... the night w/no sleep w/MLW,MD,RS ... shrimp scampi w/WC. the morning after prom ML whose dub Amy love red heads ... studying for the English exam w/MLW Whipcream Homecoming'90 Remember, playing stupid will get you everywhere in life ... Thanks to Momma, Daddy,Coo,Debbie,Mary,Casey,Rodney,Shannon, and everyone else that has put up with me .I Love You Time to go Bye - Bye
Ashley Bacon Koerner 1978-1991
HOOCH Zash Chris Got any profsZ The stealth Va noskcaj Jesuit locker room smells like cinnamon Mardi Gras '89?.NB.MG RM SM MB Herman PDA Washington trip ... Bosco& Sue ... getting culture w/RA,SB&MB ... Ian &the roses .. . RIB ... The shadow ... driving the Jeep ... the competition-MB&EG .. . It's not a Spur Pai's Bobby Brown dance B-ball-the crew the tire pump at Chili's stealing pumpkins at Allpebee's Cuttin glass you don't brake on turns PottOCall I am a walrus Party Bullets Prom'89w/BE,MD,NB,SB&EB sleeping on the sofa at MD's I don't do that Mr.JACKon Clearview Bas Barma JB concert w/ME,EC,DM,BE&MC Eric Clapton-almost Rocky Horroe Picture Show I don't ever like fish Ya da goods Pardom me, homes?.Little green apples it's in , I'm fine singing forks summers in Destin the Mills incident roaches at Mrs. Deyo's w/CV yea, you could fit Wayne's world Good Luck&Lotsa luv : Mo,Meag,Bosco, Adams,Rirr,Pai, Toss&Ed i luv u Thanx mom&dad XOXOXO
Kathleen Mary Koch 1978-1991
"Regardless of what you've lost, what matters is what you do with what you have left.
"If you don't understand my silence, you won't understand my words.
Erik Lit 'Nerkie Destin"90 with Jen & Erik How many colors has your hair been? homebody you changed your shirt, isn"t that Erik's? Fritz's manly rules Dr. Sweat Detroit brothers my little baby Maryland w/J B summer '89w/CM JV's lessons 4 married weels w /EB the Baker bathroom EB fertilizing @ Putt-pun late nights w/Will I don't even like fish! Please write your zip code-70002! totaling the Porsche @ Sharkey's too many Pua's MH freshman yr Pizza Hut w/AK-old time R-n-R Thanks to my bestest friends-JBJVJN,&Meaggie for listening. I owe u all so much Mom & Dad , your the best parents anyone can ask for! Fritz, good luck little bro and remember, anything's possible Erik you've been the greatest thru it all I love U all and Always will YIASOU
Dorothy Claiborne Manard 1989-1991
So we must love while these moments are still called today Streching our youth as we must until time makes history of us.
Indigo Girls
McG sexy six w/ SB,CB , AI,LW,ML TGIC. STM soccer w/ SB . . .RM & fights w/ CB ... DESTIN '90-belini's sunrise night, siestas w/ SF, lone cig , my TR/ DI Pensacola w/ CB, NM-red rooster Tele. pole night w/ ME Labor day fiesta CB-wall Mardi Gras w/ EC, ME runawy to EC's 3 musketeers w /EC, ME rebel rerreat Grease night from hell THE BOB CREW 6/20/89 w/ AI spies are us crazy relationships w/MF,TE,PC ,EG May day chem s-talks w/ HG GOD BLESS-mpr night goodluck
PNJL,AS,MBC,MK & ESP ALICE! Thanks Mom and Dad My real friends Court, Ash, liz, Mag, Wen, Edmond , and esp Susan and NicoleI'll take with me the memories and hope it gets me through tomorrow because it's too hard to say goodbye to yesterday. I love ya 'll
/ ananne Lankard 1979-1991
In the darkness the trees are full of starlight Eponine, Les Miserables
I don't want life to imitate art, I want life to be art. Cartie Fisher Fights with T.P. in Spanish IV nerd humor The Wreck '88 ... I wanna go home ... Lafreniere with Coo/Debbie DH/MB/BT Grease Ren Fest .I said B.L.. ..All hail easy Susan... Apple J oily Ranchers . . .Mail order Boy Friends .. .Gulf Shores . .. The Ferry Ride ... Do you have any candy? Back off Pankey, you're treadin ' on thin ice .OK City '89 .. .Annie Warthog . . .the people wall. .. Baton Rouge Rally Ripley's Museum Mac and cheese date with mh .It's so much fun to be bad shut up Michael Thanks to: JB, TP, CB, AJ, and I would also like to thank the Academy
Charles Donald Marshall III 1978-1991
It doesn't matter what you did yesterday, tell me what you've done today.
Kemper Todd Tuck Basketball (state playoffs 4yrs ) Captain The Palace training rules The Radiators sleeping in the truck Snowmass The Brink always pulled over w/TMc "I promise I can park here" Destin '90-'91. Ponderosa HC '89 borrowing from Texaco w/TB,BM,PH Captain ID .. .combat water skiing ... running home from Harry's ... camping on beach cts. w /JMC, TMc speeding tickets Rfuel w/RC. HOUND the book in Washington Mark Hunter's house swamp root The Dead, You sold your ticket? Alaska '89 Mew Years '90 Alford makes your legs weak Pedro's class East Livingston gang Thanks to JH,RC,TMcJMC, and especially Mom,Dad,Carter,Charlee, & Kacey!!!
Sean Christopher McDonough 1986-1991
Kenneth Doyle Miller 1978-1991
And now for something completely different
I may be crazy, but I'm not STUPID!!!
Jennifer Chistine Nichols 1978-1991
I can't help feeling that the best is yet to come
Bryan Ferry
Jen Ben Ben Jenny Summer '89 & '90 w/ Katie Chronic Wedgies Beau Prom '90 Skin Deep No, it's blue I'm an angel. The hammock burping Kim way Bosco & Sue Plethera Mushy mushy .I like to do the wild thing Navarre w/ MLW Strip dice w/JH,AK,MLW Bob Moi & Toi Sl6 w/PT Study Groups bab #1 w/EW the levy the itry bitty tcommittee rib Ms Koerner, please leave the Mazda way HC cheerleader Rudy, toot toot V/H Concett Picken bugars w/ED Cheese nips ... HC '89 w/GM ... Sony prelude ... Bib cheaters KK, JN, & AK .. .Calls from Chicago Night before SAT's b/c you're funny looking Softball Where's her body I can only see her feet mud riding w/EG,MB, RA Skate or die dude. , .the pool rable the church walls come crumbling down Sharing a jeep the note to BB from IP Brakes work. .. fire extinguishers .. .thanx for the ride lady ... Folsum . .. To the class of '91-GOOD LUCK.and a special thanx to KK, Sue, MLW, LB, RA, & MEB .I luv you & will miss you all Finally to my mom & Guy-I love you both & could not have made it w/ out y'all
John Geese ?
srupid calculator nicks "Kenny Miller" song "Kelvis" "Hunka-Hunka burnin' love" best physics class ever fun with numbers the planbook random doodles ANOTHER video game!. "I can sray all night - yes!!!" evil twin brother Bucky the Maxmobile Official figurehead of the RPG dub IBM Shooting Gallery Stupid limericks The Morning Show Leland & Todd's stupid blender tricks .'Tm a Great and Powerful Sorcerer" - Zap!!!. Lakeside and Fun Arcade BJ's house for lunch Wolfen gers naked "Kenny in a T-shirt" THE GROUP: KM BJ MB TK DB RH the Animator DOYLE!. the hammer of Justice Cyberpunk 'ti! 3am Captain Kamikaze The Japanimation Game Kenny's Honda Ben tries yet another RPG rolling "Rob Rolls" Banzai Tim 2d4 Battle Pods FTL blimp Max-cross Saga... TMNT-The Movie... Miller-man ... SO LONG-ITS BEEN REAL (REAL WHATI)
Isabelle Marie Petit 1982-1991
One minute here and one minute there and then you wave good-bye.
Faith No More Beau Iz Bell!. my name he's got a bronco cars The Cult Destin & shore shires .litcle mermaids summer school '89 Biblical Studies w /EW & JV cowboys & boots Trade winds raven hair. horseshows w/DZ & SA Premiere-your 2nd home helpful advice from CDC. Gleek accidents cat manBT. Englewood thanks for dinner. my W' sis Angelique SW 16 w/HG sushi at Shogun .Ian's lee press-on talks w/Carlos skinny dip phone conversations w/D.J 3/18/90 central lockup the Girls noogies Bongo's Florida w/BB canoe trip w/CM, AK , RN, & BB 24hr shopping puppies CSM horses indoors w/Holly . . . Bahamas w / AP ... purple piggy shoes ... someone's dying culcurized family Good luck co the best of friends-David & Shalini, I miss you .I love you mom & dad;especially Beau, my best friend, I LOVE YOU ALWAYS
Stephen Todd Pittman
The human mind is a sanctuary that takes a lifetime to fill but only a moment to forget.
A Thought, even possibility can shatter us, even transform us.
Rex sinep Christmas trip(s) Buzz Gee these are are heavy May 23 Amy's at lunchtime Rex+Gizz Grrrr SSITSSTDA not your keys are in the trunk? KM scud rapper artical for Halo Kim is your neighbor home? I'll clean it tomorrow DM, OMD,REM, TheCure Hey, Morrissey!. the band(TP,DH,RC,LD,DE,MG) tHE HILT. Schism Destin w/MG rambo missions had Resie called yet? Wease no, Matt, not yet! 15, 22, 54, 69 p.j from hell .JRL's trips the best Physics class eh? Bill and Ted's Proms '89-'91. O.E. definitely rocks Thankx to all who helped me live life to the fullest
Juan Carlos Rodriguez 1989-1991
Arriva!! Arriva!! Andale!! Andale!!!, YEEEEEEEEEE!
Speedy Gonzalez
Late nights corresponding Monday mornings Texaco lunch out junior year Busted Yeah, Right prom night "I thought you paid for a limo" Mucho Cowboy killers English III (she's insane (M.C.)) State Patrol coming coming back from the boat ... "It that a real person?" .. .In Florence "I thought the period was over" Almost in W angen "They are Crazy" ... We always get the worst rooms ... Sorry ' Matt NO MORE BOOM Living off of change, for a week One flying lesson European magazine collection ... Whatever you need somebody... Rick: you are crazy
David Charles Pruyn 1987-1991
The other night, I drifted nice Continental Triptfied, a mountain said in a line, "It's the end of the world, but I feel fine."
Michael Stipe
Chuck,Ptune,Squirrel,Elvis,Queso,soccer wizard,awesome eyes,stay gold,oh ma God, Strawberry and banana,you mean deese, No no Pedro,oily,VBF,Tatum,Randy,HANG DUDE, Saddam's insane, Cave was a hippie, mole hair,Haag,Hunt+Dave,musde ronge,the fear in the ski, immediate expulsion, REM,funky METERS,Plate13(0pus),Hey Chaffe-there's a lady JJspace,remember Scvie Ray Vaughn+John Fogerry,toonces,time for dance,in China Country Joe Davenport, meeyah,no hair no scare,I've fallin', OaireJohnny he was my main man,Quien is mas macho?queen of hearts, klendal,JBL,jing-jing, the monk,ya funny,woowee! Jonathan+Devaiah,Barques,Taco Smells, get off my landscape,eeyEAh,yout doomed, alrightCavan,the beach in Boston,the brick, Thanks to Mom,Dad,Kelly, Laurie,Reed,Kurt,Larry life, mountains, wind and rain,special thanks to boohoo kirry.
Stephanie Maria Rogers
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, .. to know even one life has breathed easier because of you This is co have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson Edwina California bound .GEORGE!!!. A ticket co Oregon Homecoming ' 89& '90 Wonderful tonight stretch limo w/DR .. .Mick and Jerry .. .Halo's Pansy blue ... Do you know the way to SJ D.L.S. Prom'88 blonde heat and coffee rabies at Scare If I cell you a rooster dips snuff Nationals '88,'89,'90 No,I can dunk The Big Blonde Single and Ready to mingle rail women are the future of America Franklin buds AC's driving Sweet tea for dyou? Protecting P.G from corruption Thanks so much, Mom, Dad, and Jim I love you!!!
Claire Frances Snyder 1985-1991
The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.
Ivy Baker Priest
Clarence . .. Clairy ... Claire S. . .Lovey ... Shelby and David's little sister. Key Club pres. and Lt Gov District board meetings .International conventions District Convention '90 & '91. the Kiwanians Grde K events so when are you going to date BM? BASKETBALL. Denise and Louis GD&JC. the Airshow baking for the C-team Homecomings with P.S and S.K ..... Mr. Bower's class Lane Lucifer Davendork. Atkinson's class Sossamon Quebec Denis Hugo Peter-trans formed older men Presidential classroom Christmas carollingEarhart Expressway ... the Romer .. .Student Council. .. The little mermaid .I have nature don't touch me Thanks to Mom, Dad, David, Shelby and especially Julie-my quieter half Gradurion '91.
Rebecca Lynne Shaw 1978-1991
Yesterday is not ours to restore, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. Lyndon Johnson
JOE the other Becky Child 's Play Shane you're fine Nov. 12, 1989 .Will... Prom '89 w/JL,CL,&MD Kenner Trout JJ fad Lee .45 min PIG OUT w /EC. Bennigans vs. Houstons Sweet 16 w /JL. I can't find the hole cigs w /JV .. .late night visitors ... the Diamond Ring . .. McDonalds bathroom w/JV "wanna buy a bouche?" AK&MC in Callaway Richard BSJV&EC fresh. yr wreck w jWR make it go faster, faster Becca ... Homecoming '90 dancing w / Mark. .Joseph Thanx to all my friends Good luck Suzie & Mark, I LUV you! Thanks you Morn & Dad for always being there. Joe, you are the best & I will always love you. Bye STM, It 's been great!! Good Luck to all my friends. See ya around
Jill Suzanne Vedros 1978-1991
Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime, we'll take the best, forget tthe rest, and someday we'll find-these are the best of times
Jilber Garrick Aley Mario Shane Robbie Civ c-It's about time You know what'll cure that Prom '90 GS-yellow & blue make green knees "Destin" bunny Slumpkins, Halloween '89 Destin '88 Mo,Jill,Liz Warpigs Purple passion Edmond .Jason Teaching KK everything .I didn't get it 30 sec. man Micah Richard MDFF ... Wanna squeeze ... ear tickle ... say it-Dah Brad . .. Kenna trout Wanna buy a bouche JV,EC,BS-fresh yr. 5th gr fight awesome 4some Battlestar galaaica GS-14 months As long as I have my shoes on-Retreat '90 Good Luck class of '91. Special thanx to my mom dad,marms & friends-I could not have made it w/o y'all Finally thanx to KK for all the great times (besides the fights)-I luv ya Cootie .I miss y'all WE OUTIA HERE
Brett Trotter 1987-1991
If a lad doesn't know what is impossible it sometimes comes' off. Andy Capp Man is something that must be overcome; and therefore you shall love your virtues, for you will perish of them.
Friedrick Nietzche
Destin ... Homecomings ... Proms ... Retreats ... Basketball.. Trotter jokes B-ball at MK's .. EYAL. Not holding hands Movies Cerebal Calculator Visualization RC's party-DG and the door. Debbie Why did you move to/from Destrehan Taking care of AC at Benny's 22 Kool Klien Boy's Geek. Chess Anyone? T square Coach Todd Claire's food after C team games Coach H getting pulled over. NOT Math w/the Freshman-MS AC getting on I-10 Foul, Bucket, I should be a ref. Getting flashed by AJ at SR's AJ and MS's leg attempting dunks w/JMC. .. Ho no ... Mes Amis de francais II&III. .. Leon P Trotsky Thanks all, it was fun!!!Thanks Mom & Perry
Christina Randall Vial 1986-1991
Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision but today's friendship makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Chinua Achebe
Other things may change us, but we starr and end with family.
Linda Catherine Verlander 1984-1991
For the Colonel's lady an' Judy O'Grady are sisters under their skins! Rudyard Kipling Cat Puddle .Judy Cha-Cha The Green Machine Que is not a French Word Jesuit & Br Martin Guys Hot Tubbin' watching "Movies" w/the crew .Jazzfest '89 w/MC. Nerd Humor sometimes you gotta say you know what'll cure that? The Deal w/God Mutt & Jeff. Sr. Retreat-we kept our shoes on wedgies on the lawn Club Verlander .Italian guys sleeping in class the Dance Contest The 3rd Floor Got any profs? end of summers w/MC. Halloween '89-The Slumpkins-Toddle House dating best friends wjWL. The Kenner Rats & The WestBankers No Matter James Taylor concerts w/BL(?)&WL. the fight w/BL & EB .I think I left my shoes in the cabana Destin '89-'91-All the stories!. Thanks Mom, Ma & Papa Doc, Rory (for the bookcases!),WL,MW,SB,MC,BL,VV, JV, & EB -I LOVE ALL OF YOU!
Anthony Brandt
Sigh Coo Ms Psychiatrist passing out in math class 8th grade Spanish w/CC Casey fern cany on Phantasies snowballs wjRA I'll call you back JH 1/4 pd Rio Grand studying wjRA KK OK w/DE senior retreat Fr. Mesa's office Lafrieniere w/DW AL Amy PIP in Smoky's w/KW Who did it ? tomorrow I'm to songbird Aspen Coffee Mardi Gras w/SL WD AV proportions w/ AL driving the jeep "dream" the car lives Disney World DC w/ GG FM JN Good luck CC JB nerd NH 1H LS Vanhorn rice crispy treats rescuing the pig on the econ stress favorite cuz GG PG HG Thanx STM PP DE SC WD TR LV MJV JG MV Friends Forever DH DW RA CG AL SB MB AJ TP SM and Jeanne ! love you Daddy Alicia Andre Dede and especially mom
Erika Lynne Washington 1985-1991
Some people think it's holding on that makes us so strong. Sometimes it's letting go.
Matthew Neighbors
I'd rather have 30 minutes of wonderful then a life time of nothing special. Steel Magnolias Air Hodges Germany w/SA,DW French w/MB, AM, KM wonder wagon ... movies w/LC (NLV, 16Cs, BC, etc.) Mr.Fat Jack "U're doing it wrong" Destin w/ME, BE balcony talks w/LB, LC Jeopardy /TM, JH bag on face @FTs b-day w/ME, EC fr. yr cheerbop camp=chair in shower/ME, BE, EC JAMAICA
S16/TM aerobics w/SJ & her men May 25/JH Beetlejuice/BS, SF, CW, MO Napkins "neighbors knows" Conan Cood Luck Tori, Margee, & esp. Brian (I Luv U) BFF/LB & LC Thanx ME, TM CW, CN, IP, JN, mom, dad, & STACY, & PH, CC, BM 4 Beating Me Up Jonathan, I may not have said it much but I Love You nerd Matthew, thanx 4 being there & making me smile: I luv U!
Erica Leigh Watkins 1989-1991
Maybe I'm wrong, but who's co say what's right.
Go not where the path may lead, but go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Eries Frenchy Kader Tired Huffed Baby Band na Babe Mini-skirts whale fat lipstick Homecoming wB Mandeville girl. caught by the alarm Florida w/P moonlighting New York
w /J Sneaking guys w/ J Dating twins mock/prom w/B Suicide horse jumps WA scandal. Tesla INXS meetings at the mall wrecking cars w/Steph FQ nights Homecoming w /Dev time to get up!. late night CG causeway ride!? cross lake dates w /M,S,P Mardi Gras madness Bomb Ball. Descin?S Franco guys older man not your typical all-American girl. .I'll miss UHumanities class!. Thanx M+D .1 luv U all!
Meaghan Elizabeth Williams 1978-1991
Nothing is more valuable nor sacred to me than what I learn about myself through other people
'Tm fat, ugly,stupid, crazy & I have no friends" swimming zuzu silver bullet L2 then there were 2 U know what' II cure that! Got any profs? everything U ever lost I've hidden in a bus locker U said he's just a friend Jan 13,'90 THE BULLET'S DEADl Jesuit locker room Slumpkins Toddle House-Halloween ·89 tartan PottOcall gardening at Taco Bell can I pick out w/my teeth? why is it always a lawnmower & bicycle shop? U can learn a lot from a Dummy! My future's so bright I gotta wear shades!. BARBARINO-SUMMER '90 Mr. Jack on dearview Doctor wood wood Detroit Nat'is'goul DD & JL. Get on the wall DonDon I don't even like fish! STYLIN' FOOL! kk THOUGHT IT
WAS A GIANT PIGEON HEY How R YA? She's got legs-Mardi Gras '90 BOLTS Radiators .I can't help it, it's genetic! Thanks to all my friends AK,CV JV,KK, & especially y Mo, I'd never survived w/o U! Thanks to my family. I love U MOM. Thanks for everything. I'll love & miss U all! Farewell
Mary Lee Wayman 1919-1991
We laughed until we had to cry and we loved right down to our last good-bye. We were the best, I think we'll ever be!
David Foster
Navarre w/JN Destin Freshman year Sacred Heart Sweet 16 w/BS & EG Barna vs Aubum Cyn teaching Jen how to make grilled cheeses &ole vs Stm Matt N robbing the cradle Prom '90 the airpott-X-mas 89 Ron S "We're just friends" Grandma Moses ER for cut on leg slumber par ties scavenger hunts whipped cream Ormond .J avawoman custom cruiser camping in Percy Quinn Strip dice w/AKJNJH Labor Day 90 Trey vs Ed Barna Bound Thanks-Papa Ed,Brent, Cyn, AJJN & BSThanks for all the wonderful memories!! will never forget ya'll! Ron,you made my senior year the best it could be!you kept me laughing through it all!I love you and always will!. Thanks to my 2nd Mom and Dad-Mary Eileen and Denis Danny,Eileen, Andy, Timmy-what would I do w/out ya'll! I Love U & will miss U!. Mom,Dad,Karen,Bill-Thanks!I Love U To the class of '91good-bye & good luck!I'll miss ya'll!
Debra Jo Witkin 1978-1991
Oru greatest glory consists not in never failing , but in rising everytime we fall. Oliver Goldsmith Debbi e . Zebbie dream song #7 zsock bag circle time MBW Magnolia School. Pete .laughing in movies w / Coo wooring John Calvin w / Maggie and Betsy Coach Ashtin S/16 VB'90-reach for the best-do you have a rubberband? 13 years PN-awesome SSTM ofr 3 weeks banana nut bread PEW must have been PN .laughing attacks take (con)Troll. .Josefina and Lucia Mac. ferrets Brick wall Mardi Gras w/Sarah Camp HVLake Spanish V w/SA&Pedro rooming w/ DD & SA in DC. Mary Lee 's sea venger hunts scap stress supers tici o ns last one SOCCER removing the sign & returning it dateless Ginger Timin VB Mrs McCormick's advisory group happy feet "Who 's walking? " setting w/TS&SS . " I want to hold yout haand" hacky sack Karen ' s license hitting Drago Lafrenaire w/Coo&AL "I can tell UR nervous designated dtiver thanks Mom,Dad (Doody) , kar, Gram , Grarnps, & esp. Coo, Coach McG. & StM! Iluvya!
Sen io r Class Officers
Roby Arensman
Julie Bailliet
Cavan Bordelon
Scott Branting
Elizabeth Conway
Sam Dunn
Betsy Erwin
Maggie Erwin
Bryan Frentz
Cate Graham
Michael Karno
Katie Koch
Ashley Koerner
Tuck Marshall
Kenny Miller
Jennifer Nichols
Todd Pittman
Stephanie Rogers
Becky Shaw
Jill Vedros
Debbie Witkin
Remember Mrs. Lewis' first grade Christmas play?What do you mean I look funny?
Look at the birdie , Julie Bailliet Bryan Frentz on the other side of the camera for a changeYou can be serious says Susan
Jennifer Nichols, what are you looking at? Shalini Ahuja says, Oh my God! B y Shaw chi at you must be kidding.Senior Chapel
Senior Weird Day
Senior Trip
Senior Teacher Day
Most Athletic & Wittiest
Most Likely to Succeed ·
Jennifer Adams
Truitt Balart
Beau Bethune
John Blake
David Bowman
Chris Casbarian
Edward Chin
Jenny Costello
Christian Daigle
Steven Dewitt
.Miriam Dunbar
Rachel Epstein
Gretchen Godchaux
Scott Goldblatt
Lisbeth Habans
Tony Haspel
Nicky Hinge!
Paul Hogan
Nicole Houston
David Jackson
Manishi Prasad
Dina Rachal
Robert Rhoden
Marc Ripps
Claiborne Schmidr
Stephen Schoenfeld
Kyle Sclafani
Lisa Scott
Suzanne Shaw
Brert Simpson
Michael Sullivan
Barbara Sutton
Chris Tidmore
Stacey Vial
Career Wood
Chris Wright
Jay Adair
Clark Adkerson
Chad Aleman
Ricky Alford
Ashley Amato
Lise Andersson
Bill Axelrad
Carrer Balart
Veronica Bell
Kyle Branting
Carolina Bravo
Samantha Brennan
Paige Busch
Elizabeth Cavaroc
Mary Beth Chrestman
Arthur Christy
Sarah Close
Chris Coffman
Nikki Corcoran
Ben Crawford
Amy deBoisblanc
Edmund Dieth
Nicole Eichberger
Ryan Fairman
Katie Faught
Anne Friedman
Kim Garland
Patrick Garvey
David Gleason
Colin Gold
Sean Grace
Steven Griffith
Brett Guidry
Cecile Hardy
Kathleen Haycock
Gareth Healy
Lisa Helm
Brian Houghtaling
Leigh Adams
Tyler Adkerson
Rahul Alexander
Stiles Anderson
Brian Axelrad
Brent Beaulieu
Landon Becnel
David Bellard
Mohamed Bensrieti
Carrie Black
Christopher Chambers
Ford Church
Amy Coleman
William Danflous
John Diasselliss
Kendall Dinon
Anna Dunbar
lam Emond
Wesley Fenner
Alexis Fernandez
Mignon Frey
Elizabeth Geccen
Jimmy Gill
Paul Gregory
Jason Griffith
Kristi Hamlin
Marco Hidalgo
Ruchi Katoch
Amy Keeney
Katie Kimble
Elizaberh Landis
Jennifer Lee
David Little
Julie Lyelci
Camilo Mendez
Suzanne Miller
Holly Mills
Michael Moreau
Kristen Nelson
Gregory Northon
Kristi Parton
Thomas Peters
Christopher Reese
Stephen Rodriguez
John Romano
Rene Ronquillo
Marie Louise Ryan
Whitney Samuel Brent Scalia
Morlas Schoenfeld Collin Schuhmacher
Monique Scioneaux
Amy Scott
Erin Simpson
Melissa Smith
David Sroessell Breck Trevino
Greg Valladares
Elizabeth Wanek
lauten Ward
Charles Williams
Charlotte Zatarain
In Memory of Stuart Kemp Peyton
March 18, 1974-May 16, 1991
Carry On
The northstar always guides me when winter skys are grey, and I wait for the sun when all are one I shall not betray Calling at me, I am waiting when all are led esrray ... Carry on my soul's forever, carry on when I am gone carry on for when the day is long; forever carry on.
And you've gone over the edge. So close your eyes and know there's No romorrow. So live, So drink, So scream So learn So burn So love So you can know you've lived and left a mark and know you won't be forgotten.
- Stuart Kemp PeyronHomewmi119
Court 1991
Ke[y McGeehan Gretchen Godchaux Suzie Shaw Lise Andersson Pa19e NoCanHome
Sean Samuel lights the homecoming bond fire. p'cal da a~ er exa s.Comin
The One
Picnic at
,. Chris Coffman ages Alecia Fiorenza gets ringlets from Gretchen Godchaux Ben Jennings checks his provisions as Ed Pankey looks on.Hanging Rock
The cast and crew even the dead ones! Tea time l Gretchen Godchaux & Ben JenningsEXA
District Literary Rally
1st place: Dina Michael - English II
Robert Rhoden - English III
Susan Bennett - English IV
Michael Moreau - Latin II
Kendall Dinan - Spanish II
Meeta Prasad - Spanish III
Alice Manard - Geometry
Chris Tidmore - American History
2nd place: Beth Landis - English I
Ben Crawford - Chemistry
Jonathan Hodges - Physics
3rd place: Carrie Black - French II
John Diasselliss - Algebra II
4th place: Anhur Chrisry - French III
State Literary Rally
1st place: Meeta Prasad - Spanish III
Chris Tidmore - American History
2nd place: Carrie Black - French II
Alice Manard - Geometry
4th place: Anhur Christy - French III
Kendall Dinon - Spanish II
Ring Day
Stephanie Rogers presents a ring to John Blake. Jennifer Mintz and Gretchen Godchaux model their rings on the way to the ring day lunch.Upper School Awards
Valedictorian-Claire Snyder
Salutatorian- Kenny Miller
English I-Vanessa Carroll
English II-Dina Michael
English III-Michael Sullivan
English IV-Claire Synder
Columbia Book Award-Michael Sullivan
Word Processing-Paige Nolan
Art Award-Allison Johnston & Erika Watkins
Best Actress-Annie Lankard & Susan Bennett
Best Actor- Ben Jennings
Speech Award-Susan Bennett & Catherine Verlander
Music Award-Roby Arensman & Christina Vial
Spanish Award-Shalini Ahuja
French Award-Claire Synder
Latin Award-Devlin Hartline
Harvard Book Award-Peter Leach
The Rensselaer Math & Science Award-Michael Sullivan
Yale Book Award-Eddie Chin
Jim Latham Mathematics Award-Julie Bailliet
Sewanee Book Award-Gretchen Godchaux
Religon Award-Betsy Erwin & David Grevemberg
Biology Award-Michael Moreau
Physics Award-Jonathan Hodges
Chemistry Award-Meeta Prasad
AP Chemistry Award-Julie Bailliet & Michael Sullivan
Bausch & Lomb Medal-John Blake
The Alton Ochsner Award-Bryan Frentz
The Harold Graf Science Award-Bryan Frentz
Chatham Book Award-Manishi Prasad
Society of Women Engineers-] ulie Bailliet
Western Civilization Award-Katie Kimble
Civics-Jay Adair
American History-Stacey Vial
DAR Medal-Chris Tidmore
Jefferson Book Award-Michael Sullivan
Social Studies Award-Brett Trotter
Shield Editor-Bryan Frentz
Lyre Editor-Kenny Miller
Halo Editor-Stephanie Rogers
DAR Citizenship Award-Scott Branting
The Gustaf R. Westfeldt, Jr Award-Justin Jones
The 0. E. Haring Memorial Scholarship-Jennifer Adams
The Michael John Moseley Award-Brett Trotter
The St. Martin ' s Citizenship Award-Christina Vial & Michael Brunet
The E. 0. Van Slate Serice Award-Bryan Frentz
The Spirit of St. Martin's Award-Scott Branting
Atheltic Awards
Headmaster 's Athletic Achievement Award-Michael Moreau & Debbie Witkin
Coach A.G. Porter Track Award-Michael Brunet
The E. Douglas Johnson Memorial Award-Anne Monsted
The James M Burlingame Award -Chris Delaune
The Robert L. Pettit, Sr. Award-Debbie Witkin
The Glenn "Abe" Martin Award-David Grevemberg
The Dave Rice Award-Hunt Graham & Debbie Witkin
The Times-Picayune Female Athlete of the Year -Ashley Tappin
Class AA Academic All-State Basketball Team -Brett Trotter
Girls' Cross Country
MVP -Paige Busch
Boys' Cross Country
MVP-Sean Grace
MIP-John Hyatt
MVP-David Grevemberg & Edmund Dieth
MIP-Bill Axelrad & Chad Aleman
MVP-Paige Nolan
MIP-Meaghan Williams
Girls' Basketball
MVP-Julie Lyeki
MIP-Tossy Sanders
Boys' Basketball
MVP-Chris Delaune
MIP-J ohn Mark Church
Girls' Soccer
MVP-Kelly McGeehan
MIP-Leigh Adams
Boys' Soccer
MVP-Roby Arensman
MIP-Carter Wood
MVP-Jonathan Schudmak
MIP-David Grevemberg
MVP-Chris Delaune
MIP-Chris Wright & Ray Orrill
MVP-Mignon Frey
MIP - Amy Coleman
MVP-Jonathan Hodges & Michael Karno
MIP-Fritz Koch
Girls' Swimming
MVP-Ashley Tappin
MIP-Monique Scioneaux
Boys' Swimming
MVP-Michael Sullivan
MIP-Chris Lemieux
Girls ' Tennis
MVP-Kristen Nelson
MIP-Meeta Prasad
Boys' Tennis
MVP-Scott Nelson
MIP-Nick Hingle & Scott Schuber
Girls' Track
MVP-Anne Monsted
MIP-Kelly McGeehan
Boys' Track
MVP-Scott Branting & Chris Shofstahl
MIP-Michael Brunet
Junior/Senior Prom
Hunt Graham and Betsy Erwin Cate Graham, Christina Vial, Catherine Verlander and Debbie Witkin enjoy the prom.Valedictorian Address
Ladies and gentlemen , fellow graduates Tonight we have reached another one of life's major points of transition, and as we move on, we will be faced with the challenge of finding our own new niche. We cannot allow ourselves to merely exist in this world but must actively participate in order to live fully.
Throughout the past years , we have heard innumberable times that we are the generation of the future and that it will be up to us to correct all of the mistakes of the generations who came before And this is indeed true to a point What this statement fails to say is that we are also the generation of the present. We cannot afford to wait one year , five years, or twenty years to begin making a difference. We are all fully capable of making a difference in an infinite number of ways now, and it would be truly tragic for us to wait until the "future, " whenever that may be, to begin correcting the problems of the past
There is, however, a large obstacle in the way of progress This obstacle is nothing so easy as a lack of funds or a lack of ability The thing that holds us back from reaching our potential is fear. American society today breeds children of mistrust. One of the first things parents tell little children is not to talk to strangers and not ro open the door to people they don't know. I'm not saying that this isn't necessary; I'm saying that it is a shame that we live in a world that is afraid to trust and afraid to care because I don ' t think that it has to be that way
A friend once told me that we should always weigh the potential benefits with the risk involved . By caring , we risk a great deal . All of us have, at some time of another , cared about someone or something and been hurt And the old saying "once bitten, twice shy" is not without basis. Afrer all, we put ourselves on the line when we care , and it is uncomfortable to be vulnerable For instance, how many of us have passed a begger on the street on our way somewhere and given him or her some money only to pass by an hour latter to find them enjoying a bottle of cheap liquor Occurences like this one give us an empty, used feeling; nevertheless, it is not an excuse to stop giving money to beggers on the street The begger you pass up just may be the one who would buy bread or milk with the money Or instead of giving them money, you can give the person in need food or allow them to do some odd jobs around the house Just whatever you do , don 't do nothing By helping out a person in need, we risk very little and the benefits are immeasureable.
It is true that by caring, we open ourselves up to the possibility of being hurt. However, caring is the only thing that can help us improve the world and correct the wrongs of previous generations If only , if only we could overcome the fear that is crippling us. A truly courageous person is not someone who drives too fast or jumps out of planes; a real person of courage is someone who isn't afraid to care
I believe that our society is not without hope, that we can indeed come together and make the world a better place . The task that lies before us will not be easy to accomplish, but we cannot afford to avoid it
Our years at St Martin ' s have taught us a lot, and not just math or English Through our past school experiences, we have been given the abilities that we will need once we go our separate ways . These abilities may be used to build new bridges and set the foundations for improvements yet to come. At the same time, we must destroy the obstacles which have been blocking our path for too long. Most importantly, however, I hope that St. Martin's has taught us to have the courage to care With this all important quality , we can accomplish, oh, so much, but without it, we are paralyzed and unable to even help ourselves .
As we go off, in search of our new niche, bringing with os the experiences and lessons of the past , we must always endeavor t be full participants in life. In doing so, we must always have the desire to make a difference and the courage to care With these two qualities combined, we can truly have the world can be a better place Thank you
Claire SnyderSalutatorian Address
Greetings! Welcome parents, friends, faculty, and trustees to the commencement exercises of the graduating class of 1991.
Each class that comes through St . Martin ' s is unique, and ours is no exception . Some say ours is the most intelligent and creative class to graduate in many years; that may be so, but there is something else perhaps even more important. We are a diverse group, a conglomerate of individuals, yet able to overcome and respect our differences and to form a whole and work together. We are scholars, athletes, and artists. Each of us excels in some field. For example, tame me and David Grevenberg. I program computers; he wrestles. I could never wrestle; I would be pinned in five seconds if even that long He might not be able to write a computer program But that does not matter; we are each at what we do, and respect each other's abilities and accomplishments. We are elements of a complete class. That is what matters.
We have participated in the numerous opportunities St. Martin's has offered . Some of us have have here for thirteen years, others for only one But each of us has had many experiences over that time. Ours is a very special school with a faculty that cares about us as people. Over the years, our teachers have given us the tools, the toolbox, and the skills we need to succeed in our futures The tools, the varied facts and techniques we have learned, from spelling to writing essays, from adding to integration, from crayons to acrylic, form the very essence of our experience. The toolbox, the discipline and moral standards which form the very fundation of our learning, is almost as important as the tools themselves; as the toolbox keeps the tools together, readily available when needed, our discipline and standards keep our learning together and available. The skills, the applications and purposes for all that we have learned, complete the experience; without the skills to recognize how to use our varied tools, even the best tools are of little use .
Truly, we owe a debt of gratitude to those who made our great education possible. We are indebted to the faculty, who gave so much of themselves and their time and ablities We will repay you by bravely facing our future, trying our hardest, and taking pride in what we do We are indebted to our parents, for their continuous support, both monetary and spiritual. We will repay you by becoming self-sufficient and self-supporting - eventually. We are indebted to the board of trustees, for the standards and policies which set St. Martin's apart. We will repay you by striving to be outstanding citizens who reflect pride upon the school. For all that St. Martin's has imparted in us, we are confident that we can repay these debts. We have been given knowledge that will serve us in our future, and friendships to endure the inevitable hardships and challenges. We have been given the gift of service, that we may improve our world.
As we depart , each going our separate way, let us always remember our parents and teachers, and the values they have given us We must take advantage of our gifts to make the world better for future generations. We must use our toolbox full of tools not just to help ourselves, but to build a brighter tomorrow
Kenny MillerParty
UPP 001
The Shield
National Honor Society
Members, Back row L to R: Cate Graham, Monique Cerise, Meaghan Williams, Michael Sullivan, Rob Rhoden, Jim Dineen, & David Bowman. Middle Row L to R: John Blake, Stacey Vial, Gretchen Godchaux, Sean Samuel, & Carlos Rodriguez. Front row L to R: Eddie Chin, Manishi Ptasad, Amy Jones, & Davey Pruyn.Honor Scoiety Members, Fifth row L to R: Monique Cerise, Meaghan Williams, Cate Graham. Forth row L to R: Stacey Vial, John Blake Third row L to R: Eddie Chin, David Bowman. Second row L to R: Jim Dineen, Catlos Rodrigues, Manishi Prasad, Sean Samuel. Front Row L to R: Davey Pruyn, Amy Jones, Michael Sullivan, Gretchen Godchaux, Robert Rhoden.
Cavan Bordelon present Sean Samuel for mem Bryan Frentz tapped Eddie Chin during the ceremony ·p in the National Honor Society.Student Council
Student Council, Back row L to R: Jim Marsalis, Justin Jones, Jay Ben Sc Amanc, Chad Aleman, Patrick Garvey, Diane Greer. Third row L to R: Lindsay Romano, Brent Beaulieu, Tyler Adkerson, Breck Trevino. Second row L to R: Paolo Messina, Kyle Sclafani, Edward Pankey, Chris Tidmore, Greg Page. Front row L to R: Brett Trotter, Claire Snyder, Betsy Erwin, Scott Branting, Bryan Frentz. A rypical student council meetingKey Club & Cum Laude
Key Club Members, Back row L to R: Jean Parmelee, Beth Marks, Dina Michael, Chris Coffman, Lisa Helm, Lesley Crawford, Gretchen Godchaux, Fritz Koch, Greg Page , & Ken Lass. Middl e row L to R : Whitney Samuel, Kristen Nelson, Vennesa Carole, Kelly McGeehan, Jennifer Mintz, Meeta Prasad, Gretchen Ryan, & Melanie Kaye. Front row L to R: Julie Bailliet, Claire Snyder, Amy Jones, Justin Jones, & Bill Axelrad
Laude Membe r s, Standing L to R : Kenny Miller, Eddie Chin, Bryan Frentz, Michael Sullivan, David Bowman, Claire Snyder, Brett Trotter, Stephanie Rogers, Amy Coulter, Julie Bailliet, Davlin Hartline, Gretchen Godchaux, & Todd Pittman Sitting L to R: Amy Jones, Stacey Vial, Debbie Witkin, Catherine Verlander, & Manishi Prasad
Fashion Club
Quiz Bowl & The JETS Team
Quiz Bowl Team Members, L to R : Anne Friedman, Aurthur Christy , Ben Crawford, Meeta Prasad, Marrin Liocano, Jay Adair, Amy Pecquet.Drama Club & Sprit Club
Drama Club Members, L to R: Mr. Jim Lyron, Devlin Hartline, Roby Arensman, Todd Pittman, Ben Jennings, Edward Pankey, Brendan McLean, Ms. Carole Lawrence. Kneeling L to R: Beth Robertson, Annie Lankard, Christina Vial, Stacey Vial, Lisa McMillan, Nicki Housron.Acolyte Club
Senior Members, Standing L to R: Shalini Ahuja, Dorothy Manard, Maggie Erwin, Elizabeth Conway, Laura Bailey, Ashley Koerner, Meaghan Williams, Monique Cerise. Kneeling L to R: Stephanie Rogers, Betsy Erwin, Hunt GrahamState Champion Baseball Team
Halo & Lyre
Halo Staff members, Standing L to R: Nick Hinge!, Priscilla Maumas, John Blake, Robert Rhoden, Scott Goldblatt, Patrick Garvey, Clark Adkerson, Michael Sullivan, Colin Gold. Missing: Stephanie Rogers.Outdoor Education
Members, Standing L to R: Reid Walters , Tim Rice, Gretchen Ryan, Amy Jones , JeffWagener , Ben Jennings,&: Shane Winter Kneeling L to R : Eddie Chin, Marie Louise Ryan,&: Todd PittmanCheerleaders
Elizabeth Conwa Ca tain) Manishi PrasadBaseball
Br avo, Saints: State Champs
Led by Coach of the Year, Sam Dozier and the team captain Chris Delaune, the Sc. Martin's baseball team was undefeated. Their outstanding talent and team efferc won chem the
Back Row, L to R: Murray Burch, Brian Goldblatt, Robbie Rhoden, Christian Daigle, Chad Aleman, Beau Bethune, Sam Dunn, Chris Delaune , Ch ris Stakelum, Brian Axelrad, Guy Farber, Sam Dozier. Front Row, L to R: Brett Simpson, Andrew Stakelum, Chris Wright, Jay Cerise, Patrick Odom, Paolo Messina, Ray Orril.VOLLEYBALL
Back Row, L to R: Warren Lind, Greg Page, Chris Delaune, John Mark Church, Brett Ttoccer, Jonathan Hodges, Tuck Marshal, Jerry Hernandez. Front Row, L to R: Scott Schuber, Beau Bethune, Fritz Koch, Carter Marshal, David Bowman, Michael Odom, Brett SimpsonWRESTLING/CROSS COUNTRY
Captains: Meaghan Williams, Hunt Graham, & Michael Sullivan Team Members: Ashley Tappin, Chris Lemieux, Kim Garland, Michael Moreaux, Nikki Corcoran, Jenny Moore, Alison Bratina, Monique Scioneaux, Michael Williams, B~ent Scalia, Reid Walters, Rachel Turri, J asor Griffith, Annie Friedman
Track & Field
'"Award Winners
Varsity Players, Standing L to R: Coach Guy Farber, Debbie Witkin, Laura Bailey, Erika Washingcon, Shalini Ahuja, Betsy Erwin, Monique Cerise, Susan Bennett, Catheri ne Yerlander, and Coach Chick McGeehan. Kneeling L to R: Dina Michael, Kelly McGeehan, Shannon James, Michele Kenny, Kathy Haycock, Lise Anderson, Nikki Housron, and Staci Vial. Sitting L to R: Leigh Adams, Holly Mills, Breck Trevino, and Amy Keeney.BOY'S SOCCER
The Boy's soccer team, again had a successful season. Boasting a record of 14-4-1. The team once again won an opening in the state play-offs for the second year in a row. They participated in two tournaments, one was held in Florida. Coached by Manuel "Goody" Eguigure, and lead by captains Mike Brunet and Roby Arensman, and seniors David Pruyn and Todd Pittman, the saints continued to strive for success .
iddle S
Rishi Anand
Jim Angehr
Ashley Baier
Brooke Bailey
Dominick Barcolotta
Brett Bordelon
Allyson Bratina
Michael Bretz
Mario Caserta
Joanne Close
Bradley Coffman
Jason Conway
Fairleigh Cook
Courtney Crossie
Justin Norwood
Cindy Perret
Robert Peterson
Mary Pettit
Sean Phillips
Ridgely Pittman
Ben Prevost
Lee Prewitt
Rana Ramelli
Stuart Rose
Jonathan Schenk
Foster Schlosser
Jesse Schudmak
Joey Schweitzer
Louis Smith
Levi Thames
Matthew Van Wie
Stephanie Vial
Meredith Volk
Jeffrey Williams
Mike Williams
John Reily Thomason Christina ThorneyaofrAndrea Andersson
Curr Beaulieu
Bradley Bern~
Stephen Bellar
Shane Bohrer
Christopher Bowman
Michael Brown
Caroline Byrd
Mike Cavaroc
Adele Dauphin
Jennifer Denuna
Bridget Dugan
Carla Dugas
Rebecca Dunn
Wesley Felter
Kristi Lamarque
Stephanie Langlois
l.auten I.enter
Allison Martinez
Chip McGeehan
Elizabeth McManus
Kim Milano
Carole Miranne
Ben Moore
David Mueller
Ryan Ann Mutphy
Sarah Beth Odom
Chike Ozah
Loren Pardue
Brian Rosenberg
Marcie Campo
Allan Chang
Christian Chauvin
Janis Chenevert
Gene Chien
Charles Christy
Jason Clotworchy
Robby Clotworchy
Jennifer Coleman
Kacy Davidson
Michael Bordelon Jeanne BourgMiles Lewis
Dominique Matulich
Kevin McCormick
Courtney Mcilwain
Brooke Miles
Joe Montgomery
Steven Moore
Chris Psilos
Jam es Reese
Mark Schulingkamp
Michael Smuck
Melissa Sr. Germain
Zachary Stead
Brett Sutton
Sara Thomason
Thomas Thomason
Elizabethan Day
The eight graders enjoyed celebrating Elizabethan Day. There were many great costumes of that time period. They were entertained by a lady from the Louisiana Nature and Science Center who flew hawks and falcons. They also feasted on great food from the Elizabethan era.
Sherlock Holmes
In January, the Middle School Fine Arts Department produced Sherlock Holmes with a cast of thousands! Brendan McLean (Sherlock) pitted his wits against his arch enemy Garrett Hrncir (Moriarty). It was an evening filled with fun and sleuthing featuring some very talented middle school students. Their antics were rewarded with stupendous applause and a host of flashing cameras. Bravo! Well Done! Cherio!
Elementary, My dear Watson. Lon on own folk Moriarty, in disguize, is then captiveThis year the seventh grade had their annual meeting with the first graders to help them write letters to Santa Claus. The first grade asked for many wonderful gifts and had a terrific Christmas.
Tom Sawyer Day
Tom Saywer day was a great success this year. The seventh graders dressed up into their 19th century costumes They had a visit from Mark Twain . They played great games including the frog jump with live frogs. It got pretry sticky during the bubble gum contest, but everyone made it back to the present in one piece.
6th Grade Overnight
The sixth graders took a trip to Camp Abby for their overnight. They went through many obstacles and carved pumpkins. The sixth graders ended their day by sitting around a camp fire and telling ghost stories. They had a great time and look forward to next year's overnight.
7th Grade Overnight
The seventh graders had a great time learning about the history of Louisiana on their overnight trip. They explored the state capital and other parts of our wonderful cajun country. It turned out to be a wonderful experience.
Washington D.C. trip
The annual eighth grade trip to Washington D.C. was very tiring, but lots of fun The eighth graders saw a great deal of sights throughout Washington. Some of the places were the Lincoln Memorial, White House, State Capitol, FBI, the Washington Momument, and many other historical sites
Flour Babies
Each eight grader was given a bag of flour and told to dress it and take care of it for a week. They pulled pieces of paper out of a hat to see whether they were single, married, or divorced. The students did this to learn about responsibilities envolved in caring for very young children. They enjoyed this life skills project and when it was over some of them commented that they would never have children.
Middle School A wards
Dean 's Award
Jim Angehr
6th-Elizabeth Hanemann
Thomas Thomason
7th-Adele Dauphin
Tyson Geary
8th-Cindy Perret
Sahil Godiwala
6th-Jennifer Coleman
7th-Elizabeth Husserl
8th-Alison Bratina, Ridgely Pittman, Rachel Turri
Foreign Language
7th-Elizabeth Husserl
8th-Lauren Gatti
7th-Keri Solis
8th-Ridgely Pittman
7th-Matthew Wessel
8th-Rachel Tuuri
Social Studies
6th-Jimmy Reese
7th-Elizabeth Husserl
8th-Jim Angehr & Ross Longo
Brady Dugan
6th-Kevin McCormick
7th-Courtney Schupp
8th-Rachel Tuuri
6th-Ari Burshell
7th-Elizabeth Husserl
8th-Stephanie James
Louis Smith
Allyson Bratina
Rachel Tuuri
Ridgley Pittman
Best Athletes
Boy-Jason Conway
Girl-Shawn Manning
Highest Class Average
6th-Elizabeth Hanemann & Jimmy Reese
7th-Elizabeth Husserl & Matthew Wessel
8th-Rachel Tuuri
Girls' Volleyball & Soccer
Varsity Players, standing L to R: Mary Petit, Staty Weber, Shawn Manning, Stephanie Vial, Mikahlla Kott, Staty James, Sharon McDaniel, and Coach Sue Edwards. Kneeling L to R: Claude Eyamba, Sarah Beth Odom, Fairleigh Cook, Alyson Bratina, and Rana Ramelli.Boy's Basketball
Girl's Tennis, Kneeling L to R: Elizabeth McManus, Alison Martinez, Tori Hodges, Liev Thames, Sharon McDaniel. Sitting L to R: Fairleigh Cook, Rana Ramelli, Ashley Baier, Kristi LamarqueBaseball & Softball
Cheerleaders & Sports Candids
Cheerleaders, Top Row L to R: Katerine Garvey, Stacy James, Lauren Gatti, Ashley Hall, Elizabeth Maurer, Wendy ManardSCHOOL
Teacher: Mrs. Pittman Amanda Abrams iiH l:th h Peter Adair Roben Allen Zak Baig JohnColfry dy Crawford Lauren Daly Jenny Ernst Nihal Godiwala Christine Hilleten n Houston Richard Lo Katherine Martinez Charlie McChesney Ryan McCreightScience Fair
Kati Cesta Annie Clements Chris Cuccia ott Fel er Derek Larson Jonathan Mendez Justin Molaison itt y Ison Ham's Rea Chrisopher Rodriguez Ryan Santangelo Jeremy Schudmak Daneel Smith Justin SvecWorld Day
Lindsey Abernathy Blaise Angelico Anna Bengtsson Peter Castaing ~..;"1)1 g;f-~ Nicole Dicharry Spytos Goulas Ginger Guzzetta Rufus Harris Josh to Joshua Massicot Oaire Meunier Christian Piccolo Drew Rodrigue Batty Rome3C
Ryan Adkerson Priya Anand Joh Ra Bares Katherine Bologna Peter Catsulis Michelle Chang Lauren Eckstein Jimbo Geary Eric Gold Sunny Katoch Jord Lenter Jonathan Martinez ndres endez Sarah TuuriIndian Da
Teacher: Mrs. Perret
Teacher: Mrs. Conway s cano Michael Daly Evan Dicharry Jonathan Fleming Chase Mullin Meghan PecklC
Teacher: Mrs Haydel en Bishop Richard Blatt Crisra Bourg Leslie Casamento Beau Derbes Hance Haeuser Louis Kahn Paul Kendrick Elizabeth levy Emily Lo Juan MendezBird Feeders
Teacher: Mrs. Hebert Emily Crotty James Crouch Jackson Edwards Meredith Emory Jason Fleming Leslie Gieger Rebecca Hirsch Stephen Hoskins Christina Peck David Price Becky Quintal Matthew Resignola Scott Saporito Cammy WattsGreek Ganies l l
Sarah Smith with a Greek head piece.Elves ' Workshop
Dani Hoskins Wendy JacobsonPKB
Brian Bell Adam Blatt Ty Brockhoeft Amanda Janke Phillip Kritikos Jessica Leone drew Levine Jennifer Lo David Mohrmann Rachel RamelliPKC
Mardi Gras
Robyn Tikia is all decked out for Mardi GrasThe Christmas Production
Have you had your VS today?
Can we see your bunny?
What a lovely tongue!
Sitting on cop of the wocld. Alvin and the Chipeccs.English
Jerry Hernandez
Jean Parmelee
Andree Herrington
Eileen Beckman, Chairman
Margaret Schuber
Ouida Rellstab
June Wells
Priscilla Maumus
Performing Arts
Peggy Fransen, Music
Jim Lytton, Music
Chuck Hughes, Chairman
Oarinda Coleman, Music
Carol Lawrence, Drama
Jimmy Cox
Visual Arts
Carolyn Busenlener
Carloyn Boone, Chairman
Adair Watkins
Courtney Martin
Jim Marsalis
Janis McCormick
Jane Caine
Dianne Greer
Noc piaured: Jeff Wagener
Foreign Language
Vince Drago
Carol Baier
Karen Score
Luce Melancon
Pedro Perez
Glenn Brady
Pierre Leger
History Standing :
Betsy Kaston
Edie Long
Sue Houghtaling
Rex Mooney
Susan Godchaux
Gloria Siegle
Kneeling :
Bill Rosenbaum
Bruce Houghtaling
Chuck Rivet
Stephanie Pittman
Guy Farber
Carolyn Hermann
Harriet Aguiar , Chairman
Jim Marsalis
Stephanie Rogers
Warren Lind
Jeff Wagener
David Lesley
Standing: Vicki Roussel
Doris Bacon
Pat Kelley
Seated: Ginny Hoffman
Macgatet Loupe
Reading Specialist
Carolyn Wanek
LanguageLearning Specialist
Sylvia Finger
The transient 4th grade teachers! The fire that destroyed the barn dislocated these three teachers and their students first to the little gym and then again sending Mrs.Johnson to the upper school library and Ms. Trotter to a pre-K classroom. These teachers deserve several medals!
Marjorie Conatser, LS Head
Barbara Ryan, Business Manager
Wayne Lumpkin, Asst Headmaster
Bruce Houghtaling, US Head
Doris Boos, Operations
Toni Caserta, Headmaster's office
] o Allen, Receptionist
Suzette Adair, MS
Ilene Pool, US
Dot Stenge, LS
Wilmerding, MS Head College Counselor Rex Mooney US Counselor William RosenbaumPhysical Education
Ken Lass
Llnda Trevino
Al Trevino
Janet Russo
Chick McGeehan
Sue Edwards
Physical Education
Sam Dozier
DoBee Plaisance
Murray Burch
Llsa Mayer
Alan Smith
Bookstore/Business Office
Betty Bankston, Coordinator of AdmissionsDevelopment
Jane Henson
Chris Hamann
Mary Margaret Brunson
Harold Graf
Larry Panna
Print Shop Director Larry Panna Front Row: Back Row: Sue Houghtaling, Editor The BellCafeteria
Standing: Louise Rauch, Lucy Guess, Glen Richards, Esther Reva, Beverly Savoy, Delores Williams. Seated: Kathy Orgeron, Certified Dietary Mgr.; Cynthia Richardson, Willie Mae Gilbert, Berry O'Brien, Yvonne Eiswirrh.
-Bus Drivers
Ernest Burrhome, Nick Bravata, O ' Neal Bougeois, Pat Casey, Louis Horn, Lester Barre, John Thornton, Jim Starkes. Not Pictured: Clarence Smith; Joanne Guillot, Barbara Horridge.
Jenkins Knighten, Oarence Smith, Willie Davis, Perry Ducote, Tony Sanchez, Sharon Kahrs, Alfred Taylor, Jerry Orr, Eddie Maise. Not Pictured: Ronald Clark, Elliot Huland.
See Faculty and Staff At Play
The J. Gordon & Lou Ann Reische Outstanding Teacher Award
This award was conceived and endowed by Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Reische, honoring their daughters Julie, Susan, and Kathy with the express purpose of recognizing and rewarding outstanding teaching within the faculty of St. Martin's Episcopal School. This award is given to the faculty members whose considerable enthusiasm, expertise, and dedication make St Martin's the revered institution it has become.
Vince Drago
Our vety own Latin teacher won the National Endowment for the Humanities/Reader's Digest Teacher-Scholar award for the state of Louisiana. This award will support his full-time independent study of Latin in Italy for a whole year He will live in Rome and study with a Latin master This will begin in the summer of 1991.
Crawford, Ben
Crawford, Lesley
Crawford, Leslie
Cross, Cara
Crossie , Courtney
Crotty, Emily
Crotty, Lindsay
Crouch, James
Cuccia, Chris
Cumberland, Jeanne
Dozier, Sam 145, 146, 212, 288, 289
Drago, Vince Ducote , Perry Dugan, Bradley Dugan, Brandy Dugan, Bridget Dugas, Carla Dugas, Preston Dunbar, Anna Dunbar , Miriam Dunn, Rebecca Dunn, Sam Dunn, San
D'Aunoy, Donald
D ·Aunoy, Elizabeth
Daigle, Christian
Daly, Brendan
Daly , Denise
Daly, Lauren
Daly, Michael
Danflous, Bill
Danflous, William
Daray, Elizabeth
Daulphin, Shannon
Dauphin, Adele
Dauphin, Aldod
Dauphin, Preston
Dauphine, Adele
Davidson, Chris
Davidson, Kary
Davis, Willie
deBoisblanc, Amy
deBoisblanc, Pierre
Dec harry, Elise
Delaune , Chris
Dellinger, Lauren
Denny, Laura
Denouna, Jennifer
Denuna, Jennifer
Derbes, Beau
Dewitt, Steven
Diasselliss, John
Diasselliss, J udirh
Dicharry, Evan
Dicharry, Nicole
Dierh, Edmund
Dierh, Julie
Dineen, Jim
Dinan, Brandon
Dinan, Kendall
Dinsdale, Jennifer
Disherry , Nicole
Dittman, Anderson
Dorsey, Michael
Downing, Brittanny
Eckstein, Lauren
Sue 208, 209, 288,
Dr W
Betsy 62, 63, 67 , 76, 107, 118, 119, 130, 136, 144, 155, 164
Dr Donald
Erwin, Elizabeth
Hidalgo, Marco
Hildago, Marco
Hille, Chad
Hilleren, Christine
Hinge!, Nick
Hinge!, Nicky
Hingle, Nicky
Hintz, Nicholas
Hintz, Tina
Hirsch, Rebecca
Hodges, Jonathan
Hodges, Tori
Hoskins, Anne .......
Hoskins, Daniel
Hoskins, Stephen
Houghtaling, Brian
Houghtaling, Bruce
Houghtaling, Sue
Houghtaling, Teddy
Houston, J ohnachan
Houston, Jonathan
Houston, Mace
Houston, Nicki
Houston, Nicole
Houston, Nikki
Howard, Ernest E
Hrncir, Garrett
Hrncir, Garret
Hrncir, Trent
Huber, Bech
Huffman, Lee
Hughes, Chuck
Hughes, Gretchen
Hughes, Lauren
Huntz, Megan
Husseral, Elizabeth
Husseri, Alex
Husserl, Alex
Husserl, Elizabeth
Husserole, Alex
Hussrel, Alex
Hwang, Jennifer
Hwang, Tommy
Hyacc, John
Hymel, Shawn
Hymowitz, Emily
III, Thomas Jackson
Ikeberger, Nicole
Irving, Nicole
Jackson, David
Jacobson, Wendy
James, G William
James, Shannon
James, Staci
James, Scacy
James, Stephanie
HJames, Will
Janke, Amanda Janke, Ben
Ronquilo, Doobie 149 Ronquilo, Rene 149
Rose, Stuart 173, 190, 206, 212, 214
Rosenbaum, Bill 281
Rosenbaum, William 287
Rosenberg, Brian 176, 206
Rossner, Ryan 236, 273
Valladares, Greg
Vedros, Jill Suzanne 57, 62, 63, 65,
Venturacos, Georg
Vial, Christina 20, 61, 74, 118, 135,
Vial, Stacey 83, 128, 129, 131, 134, 135,
Vial, Stephanie Vial, Scphanie
TKerry Volk, Jerome
The Yearbook staff would like to thank all those who have supported the Shield
to the Cfass of 1991
Congratulations Katie and the Class of 1991 Love always,
Dad, Mom, and Fritz
Your Mother penned these words about you when you were only two years old - one of the things mothers do that daughters never know about. I thought it ' s time you read them since at such a young age you were already showing the world the talents you would develop . And so, to you our singer, our athlete, our student, our love, we are bursting with pride not only for what you've done, but for who you have become.
Congratulations "Troll"!
We love you! Dad
Courtenay Cate GrahamYou are so little and your eyes so big
But not innocent the way babies eyes always areNever Never innocent!
They are overflowing with questions, love, and wisdom but most of all determination, and they are ages old!
You watched our mouths from the time your baby eyes could focus.
Your gaze never wavered but mesmerized, held steadfast until we stilled our lips
What marvels sounds held for you.
Music was your calming agent
You listened, you tried singing, you were sung to. It was as though you had spent lifetimes without it and would not let it go now that you had found it again .
You are fire when things do not go your way but even fire is beautifully electrifying and so are you You set us all ablaze with love or anger or laughter And you know it deep within your soul. You stand on sturdy legs and gaze di1ecdy. It is the way you will always deal with life
I will see, forever, your flying silhouette half running, half skipping down our bedroom hall.
·I never saw you walk it from either direction What was at the end that was so important for you to get to or get away from?
Or perhaps it was just the changeThe anxious to get on through life that kept you running.
We know you came to teach us. There was never any question about that, but you must slow down if we are to learn. We cannot run with you. You must walk with us
And, as we look upon the beauty that you are Our mind cannot begin to conceive the beauty you can become.
Prehaps shining through you is all "the kingdom and the power and the glory" that we never recognized before.
Cate Graham and St. Martin's
From: Your "Favorite" brother Todd
• appreciate you, so ... WE SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST!
Frotn: Your ''Favorite'' brother Ford
From: Your "Favorite" brother Cale
You've taught us well and we
Michael David Karna
To My Wonderful Son
by q Susan Polis SchultzJo see you happy laughing and joking smiling and content striving towards goals of your own accomr!ishing what you set out to do having fun with yourself and Y,_our friends capable of loving and being loved is what I always wished for you
Today I thought about your handsome face and felt your excitement for Ii{e and your genuine happiness and I. as your mother. burst with pride as I realized that my dreams for you came true What an extraordinar.y, person you have become and as you continue to grow please remember always how very much I loue you
With all our love, Mom, Dad, & Michele
We have watched with immeasurable pride and joy
· As you have grown from a beautiful baby boy to a warm, loving, kind, generous, sensitive young man. How could these past 13 years have gone so fast? Now we must let you go - spread your wings and fly! Off and away to MIT . ..
reap the rewards of a great scientist!
Congratulations, all our love and best wishes for a bright, happy, successful, future.
Thanks For tfie Menwries
... while studying the arts & sciences
... participating in sports
... making new friends
... and keeping the faith Love,
Carolina Bravo You made my day
October 6, 1974
Congratulations To The Class of 1991 From the St. Martin's Dads' Club
Congratulations to the Class of 1991 from The Mothers' Club
Robin HoustonPresident Judy Adams - Eileen ReeseTreasurer Lesley Marshall - VicePresident Sue Close - Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryThe St. Martin's Board of Trustees
Would like to Congratulate and wish the
Best of luck to the class of 1991