Over the years spent at St. Martin's, each class seems to develop a personality all its own. This personality can be called an "attitude" and ranges from the tenacious "saints in training" to our "unforgettable seniors." We have made several changes throughout the Shield and we hope that you enjoy and treasure this issue of the Shield.
The class of 1992 dedicates the Shield to Larry Panna. Always willing to tell you hello with an encouraging smile, Larry Panna has always been very supportive of our class in the halls as well as in the gym. The class of 1992 recognizes and appreciates the time and effort that Larry Panna has so graciously given to our class through the years.
Top Right: Larry Panna displays his award. Right: Larry Panna is pictured with the 1985 Middle School basketball team.
Over the school year we have seen the violent pictures of the L.A. riots to the mug shots of Pee Wee Herman. The violence, riots, trials, sports, and much more made the 91-92 school year.
Pee Wee Herman was locked up for indecent exposure in an X-rated movie theater. James Brown was recently released from jail after serving time for tax evasion.
There was much rioting over the verdict of the Rodney King trial. The video tape of the beating generated hatred and anger. The main aspect that caused those feelings to become action was the not guilty verdict of the trial.
In sports Magic Johnson revealed to the world that he had A.I.D S and announced his retirement. Michael Jordan had another great year leading the Bulls to win the championship over the Trailblazers.
To TV came live coverage of the Senate ' s Investigation of Anita Hill's allegations against Clarence Thomas Thomas was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. Also, William Kennedy Smith and Mike Tyson were on trial for rape. Smith was not convicted, but Mike Tyson received a sentence of 5-6 years
During spring, summer, and fall Juniors and Seniors participate in the St. Martin's Life Skills Programs. The course is designed to help students deal with the challenges and decisions in high school and to assist them in making the transition from high school to college. Concurrent with attending Life Skills classes, students complete 50 hours of community service . Each student must investigate and contract with an agency that will allow them to contribute time and talent by working ' directly with people in need
To p Ri ght: Aim ee Miranne volunt ee rs at th e YWCA Child C ar e C e nt e r Top Le f t : Eddi e Chin volunteer s at the Grace Child Car e Ce nt e r. Right : Jennif er Mintz and Nick Hinge! chang e a tire while Ruffy Suggs wat c hes
Instead of performing one play, John Pardee produced a series of one act plays, named the Apollo of Bellac, and the Impromptu . The cast included seniors: Jennifer Adams, Rachel Epstein, Nicole Houston, Anne Ogden, Christopher Tidmore, and Edward Pankey; and sophomore Melissa Smith. The Freshmen were Bradley Glaser, Brian Kendrick , and Brendan Mclean The producer and director, John Pardee , is a new member of the English department. He has participated in the di rec tion of many high school productions , and has performed the lead role in a major play The evening of One Act Plays was truly a success.
The Middle School did two casts of a traditional Christmas play, A Christmas Carol. It was performed right before Christmas, which sparked enthusiasm in everyone. The play gave many middle schoolers a chance to show their acting talents. The last Upper School production , "Tribute to the Tony's," was the final presentation by the new director , Mr. Pardee. It was spectacular and we look forward to seeing more productions by Mr. Pardee.
To p Left : Li sa Sco tt sho w s u s h er ama z in g sin gin g abili t i es in "A Tribut e t o th e Ton y's " Top Ri ght: Gretch en G o dc h aux definit ely get s h er audi ence ' s attention w hil e sin gin g her so l o Left : What an attra c tiv e tri o: H o ll y Mill s, Am y Co le m an, and Jenni fe r A d am s
Before the school year starts and classes begin, there are the high school and middle school retreats. These retreats are special for many different reasons Students are given the chance to be welcomed as a class , and to become reacquainted with friends. The new students are given the chance to be welcomed and have the chance to meet new teachers, and get to know friends. The advisory groups become acquainted and prepare for the school year. The teachers in middle school plan games to encourage team spirit and cooperativeness . After dark, there are movies to watch while eating snacks In the morning, there is a chapel service, then students pack up for the long ride home
The high school has many additions to this schedule The seniors welcome the freshmen into the high school on the SeniorFreshman retreat by joining in meals and team games. The seniors pair off with the freshmen and remain a type of big brother or sister throughout the year During all the upper school retreats class decisions are made The homecoming theme and class homecoming nominations are chosen, and students also join class clubs. Retreats are wonderful, fun experiences which promote friendship and school spiri t among students
Top Left: Seniors Robby Rhoden, Eddi e Chin, Micha e l Sullivan , John Blak e, and Ni c k Hingel hang loos e. Middl e Le ft : Bradl ey Glaser, Mark Wolf, and Brian Ke ndri c k t a lk while on th e Freshm a n re tr eat.
Abov e: Stacey Vial, Lisa Scott, and Ke lly McGee h a n are t a kin g a break on t h e ir retreat
Bottom Left: Fr es hm a n Claude Eyamba , Stephanie Jon es, Meredith Volk, Joanne C lose, Stephanie Ma rtin , Sh a wn Mannin g, Christina Thorneycroft, Elizabeth Ma ur e r, a n d Liev Thames wait to go h o m e fr om their retreat.
Homecoming W eek bega n o n Septe mb er t hirty for the entire St. Martin's com munity. In the Lower Schoo l t he third, fourth and fifth grade classes practiced their c he e rs a nd mad e T-shirts fo r the Lower Schoo l pep-rally. Meanwhile the Middl e Sc ho o l de co rated their halls a nd had a Spirit Day on Frid ay, w hen they wo re their St. Martin 's T-shirts and jean s On Sat urda y morning they p laye d their Home co ming game aga in st Co untry Day.
In t he Upper Sc hool the classes co mp ete d against eac h other for the most spectacular hall d eco ra ti o ns. On Monda y, the Fres hm an t hrew a Mex ica n Fiesta filling th e hall w ith st reamers and posters re fl ecti n g their " Run fo r t he Border" theme. Th e following da y, the Sophomores had a Mardi Gras, complete w ith a truck pa rade in the quadrangle. On Wedne sday, the Upper Schoo l went "u nd e r t he sea" as the Junior s brought a Slip N' Slide with them. And la st but not least, the Sen iors re li ved the 70's while roller skating t hrough the hall s. Each class s howed a treme nd ous amount of sp iri t; howe ve r, the Juniors won the co ntest with a splash. On Friday, all the classes ca me toget her for the homecoming pep -ra ll y where they roused everyo ne 's spirit for the game aga in st Port Su lphur That night , the Home co ming Court was esco rted by their fathers down the fie ld a t ha lf-t im e, a nd t he ho me co ming cheerleaders excited the stands with their performance. Unfortunately we lo st to Port Sulphur, but nothing was going to spo il the Homecoming Da nce on Sat urd ay. The littl e gy m had been transformed a nd was ready for a dance. The stude nts a rriv ed dre sse d up and ready to enjoy a night of dancing. Soon the homecoming court was an no un ced and Kyle Sclafa ni an d Mark LeBlanc crow ned Suzie Shaw Homecoming Queen. After the traditional d a nce of t he co urt with th e ir esco rt s, the dance contest began. There was some st iff co mpet ition but Sean Grace and Paig e Bush were decla red the wi nn e rs. When the dan ce ended everyone had thoroughly e njoy ed th e mse lves.
Top : Upp e r Sc h oo l foot b all pl aye rs sh are th ei r spiri t w ith th e ir Low er Sc h oo l buddi es.
Left : An ge l s, Ke ll y M c G ee h an and Je nn y Cos t e ll o ce l e brat e at th e H o m eco min g ga m e Ri ght: C h arl es Willi am s, Bill y D anfl o u s, Co llin Sc huhm ac h er, and Th o m as Pet ers are dr esse d up fo r t h e H o m e co min g d an ce.
To p Le ft : So ph o m ore g irl s in Se mi -Fo rm a ls at t h e H o m eco min g D a n ce. Middl e Left: Co-Capta in s of t h e foo t ba ll tea m , Ky le Scl afa ni a nd M a rk Le Bl a n c ra ll y s upp o rt fo r t h e t ea m at t h e Pe p - Ra ll y. M iddl e Ri gh t: Ray Or rill , C hri s ti a n Da igle, a n d Pa tri c k O d o m at t h e H o m eco m in g Da n ce. Le ft : Juni o rs, Ky le Bra ntin g, Bill Axe lr ad, a nd C la rk Adk e rso n rid e t h e Slip N' Slid e durin g b reak.
The Spanish I and II classes this year ce leb rated "D ia de las Muertos," mor e common ly known as "The Day of the Dead" o n November second. The Day of the dead is a rel igious ce remony of great importance to Mexicans. The people go to va ri ous cemeter ies to visit their dead re lat iv es. They then proceed to place bread and flowers on top of the grave in memory of the dead in hop es that the dead w ill come that night to eat the food. Ca ndl es a re ca refull y placed a round the graves as a s igna l for t he dead to come The c hur c h bell rings from six in the evening to su nri se every thirty seconds. Various items a re c rafted for the occasion, such as sugar candy sk ull s a nd ske letons, draw ing s, a nd paintings. The next day the relatives come and pick up the food a nd co mm e nce the feast in honor of t h e dead. The ce leb ration co ns ists of two parts a period of mourning and one of celeb rat io n. This represents the death-life cyc(e in which the c ultur es be lieve in
Locally, Mrs. Scott's and Mrs. Baier's classes pa rti c ip ated in this eve nt by decorat in g the library with "pape l picado ," thin sheets of tissue cut out with intricate designs. The st ud e nts a lso baked "pa n de mu ertos," a li g ht, sweet bread. Afte r eat in g lun c h together, the classes broke the bread and shared it in or d e r to signify the end of the day.
On November eighth students and faculty took a day off from studying to be reacquainted with the entire St. Martin's family. Decorating the school were the traditional red, white, and blue paper chains made by Lower School students
The day started with each school playing games where class spirit shined through. Then the whole school gathered for a special church service to commemorate our patron, St. Martin. During the service there were special choral presentations by each school. Upper, Middle , and Lower School students grouped into "buddies" and searched for items on a scavenger hunt. The Dad ' s Club prepared lunch for the entire school and because of the cold weather the planned picnic had to be moved into the gym. Towards the end of the day, various members of the school shared their feelings about the community at St. Martin's Then everyone joined together to sing the Alma Mater to end the day.
Santangelo on St Martin's day
Sophomore and Freshman girls wait their turn in line for an event on St. Martin's day
play for a picture with
Christmas at St. Martin's was a busy time of the year. All Lower Schoolers participated in three programs . The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten were in " One Special Star" ; the first , second, and third grades performed "Santa's Favorite Story", and fourth and fifth were in "Mrs Claus to the Rescue" The Lower School Chorus performed at Canal Place for the Oschner Holiday Festival. The Middle School presented the musical A Christmas Carol, with music by John Higgins Four performances were presented by two separate casts. The Middle School language students also worked diligently, as they prepared their Christmas Carols in foreign languages The Middle School Chorus sung in the French Quarter as part of "A Creole Christmas". They also sang a holiday concert on the riverboat John James Audubon. Exams were th e first priority for the Upper School, and they studied hard while Senior Favorites dwelled on their minds In addition to other Downtown business e s, the Upper School Chorus sang at McGeehee's School as part of the Preservation Resource Christmas Open House. All of the choruses presented a Holiday Concert in the chapel on Sunday, December fifteenth.
The Mardi Gras holiday was a welcome release from the schedule halfway through the second semester. Everyone had fun trying to catch the beads, doubloons, and trinkets thrown from the large and colorful floats. The vacation lasted from the Friday before Mardi Gras until the next Monday. Most families stayed in New Orleans to experience the parades and parties for the four days until Mardi Gras Tuesday, then relaxed to enjoy the rest of the holiday On the other hand, some took this nine day opportunity to go skiing in Colorado or to visit Mickey Mouse in Disney World . During the vacation, students particip ating in outdoor education went on an eventful trip, which included hiking around the Grand Canyon As always, Mardi Gras 1992 was an exciting holiday from the normal school routine.
In the weeks following Easter, the Juniors and Seniors searched for the perfect dress and tuxedo as they anxiously awaited prom night. Finally, on May 9, the students entered the City Club with expectant smiles. Some posed for pictures, others greeted friends, and many people danced. It was an enjoyable evening for everyone
In March, eleven teams participated in the Student Counci l sponsored 3-on-3 tournament. The victorious "Lethal Weapon" team of Tuck Marshall, Sean Grace , and Scott Schuber edged out a tough "Ladies' Men" team of Greg Page, Michael Odom, and Edmund Dieth in the finals. The tournament was a great success and great fun for all those who participated.
At the commencement of the 91-92 school year, the class of 1992 was overjoyed to assume the position of the head of the Upper School. The class of 1992 started off an "unforgettable" senior year with Senior Weird Day, during which they appeared in a variety of creative costumes which were later judged by the Dad's Club officers. Later that year, the Seniors gave younger students a refreshing change from their usual faculty member by assuming the responsibilities of a regular teacher. Then, on April 2 the Seniors presented the Juniors with their class rings in the annual Ring Day ceremony. During Senior Chapel, the room was filled with memories as the graduating class reflected on their life at St. Martin's. Finally, on May 29, 1992, the class of 1992 received their well-earned diplomas, marking t he end of their career at St. Martin's.
Top: Michael Sullivan, Kyle Sclafani, John Blak e, and Nick Hin ge ! dress as Spinal Tap for Senior Weird Day Middle Left: M anishi Prasad, Rach el Epstein , Stacey Vial, Nikki Houston, Anne O gde n, Lisa Scott, and Jennifer Mintz dress as the Alice in Wonderland characters. Middl e
the beginning of Senior Chapel. Left
Mark Ripps , Bea u Bethune, David Bowman , Brett Simpson, and Claiborne Schmidt
" Ya see, if you got three or four good pals, then you got yourself a tribe and there a int nothin stronger than that."
Billy the Kid
"All I need is a cool buzz, some tasty waves , and I'm fine."
Jeff Spicoli"You want lobsta, huh , I'm thinkin ' Burger Kang!" Ice Cube
Trudy Late night meeting w/ BS at Sj's - OPP Planet Earth chics w / PH,ED,and BS Beef Thrush Bro Tying up SJ w / B S, PH , MO ,a nd CC Hot Stuff Gecko , Ratt,and Armpit Good times with t he Graff Young Gun s w/ MO Teaming up on CB on the slopes Wild Thing Scammer One in a million Golf carts w/ PN,SJ ,a nd MO V-ball w/ MK , PN,MO
The Accused Late night call PN ' s sister w/ MO the c ras h w/ ED,CC,PH,MK,DJ,and CN ... Dan vs . Dave . . . Mack Daddy ... Sr. skip day ... slush football ... Vail @ Mardi Gras ... Metallica concert ... CD f-ball games w/ GP ... Good luck Carter, thanks mom and dad for everything!
Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; All-District 3, 4; State Pl a yoffs 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 3 , 4; Acolyte Club 3, 4; Track 2, 3 , 4 ; Baseball 1.
Remember me as a sunny day That you once had along the way
Diana RossAll my best memories , Come back clearly to me , Some can even make me cry. Just like before, It' s yesterday once more . The Carpenters
Adams ASHbuds Rodaboda w/SS Halloween 90Closing&Wreck Talk w/AP Grease LesE w/DG,CM,SM
BAMAw/SD 7 /4,St.Pat's,Bacchus90 OldMetGuys&Me
E LivingstonGang T-Th-Snights w/SM@ Tuck' s . I'm vaklempted Bible Class always singing MO'sVoice Big SisterEC,LA, CM Van-Halen'88 SeniorSkipDay Thanks to SS,KN ,A P,AJ,AM,BS , KM,SD, EC& DK Good Luck Leigh,her friends & BB buds Mom ,Da d , DeeDee,Man,& STM - I' ll miss you
Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4; Fashion Club 1 , 2, 3 (Parliamentarian), 4 (Secretary; Culture Club 3 , 4; O.E. Haring Award 3; Nat'I Forensics League 4; Girls' State Alt. 4; Plays 2, 3, 4 ; Honor Roll 1, 3,4 .
Leave out conditions , courageous convictions, Will drag the dream into existence.
Too often we are scared Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what peopl e might think if we tried We let our fears stand in the way of our hopes . We say no when we want to say yes We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. WHY?
After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid So STOP! Try something that you've never tried You have nothing to lose and everything to ga in Just do it.
STATE CHAMPS Petunia Bean-CS STM 17-New O Egg Marines Dumbest freshmen ever CD Sweet 16 - City Park. R.A. w/ CA , DB,BS,CD,PO , SS 4B? The Beast Let's Get Crazy St. Charles Inn GP ' s parties sum . 90&91 Nobody likes you Saab Dice - it ' s my Dad! . . Destin ' 91 w/BS, FK , MO,DB , CW . . . #25 Senior season(try to forg e t it!) #4 .. .
Homecoming '91 L Dream Seasons 1 &2 Head Shmuck .. . Coach Dozier -a real man Coach Gio & tarter sauce Good luck BS,MO,CW,PM,CD ,GP(Nip),DB,KS,FK, Molly - you're the best . . . Thanks to my family - esp. MOM & DAD There have never been two better p a rents. I LOVE YA'LL
1991 UNDEFEATED (23-0) BASEBALL STATE CHAMPS; National Honor Society 3, 4 ; All-District (CF) 3, Class President 4; National Merit Semifinalist 4; Student Council 2, 4; Honor Committee 4; Letterman - Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Acolyte Club 1, 2, 3, 4; 3-Year Starter - Baseball, District Champs (Baseball) 2, 3, Metro Champs (Baseball) 2, 3; Vanderbilt Bound.
We go to 11.
A dream is only over if you give it up - or if it comes true That is called irony
Neil Pe art
Nige Tanglewild (Dec.,G.H.) Spinal Tap Wild Thing 1978 (Beauty) Celica . The Vanimal (Far*nugen!) Destin - B's East . " Guys, that's FEEDBACK " Benny's - CR SWD '92 Major (NH) Healy Mardi Gras '92 w/ ] Nelson RR's Temple MS - 2 hands Grimlock+Conan KS-$10
Video cams and JH! .. Nice shoes MS! Crips 64+70 DIO! . 14 years?! .. : Exxon Tiger Bakin the turkey Concrete Buddha Studios JH Wesleyan ... EC and the Bank of Chin MS's house - PAWTEE! Gigs (Sybil's, C-boil, etc.) Cool brownies
MP IOU lunch SV Thanks: Mom,KS,NH , MS ,AF,JH , MP,EC,R R,and Dad - for more than I ever told you.
Halo 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, Letterman ; Tennis 1, 2, Letterman ; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Nat'I Honor Society 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Nat ' I Merit Finalist, SURVIVING!
If you're going fishing for Moby Dick, You better bring along tartar sauce.
Dr. Mike GiorlandoAll I know is you've got to run to win, I'll be damned if I'll get hung upon the line
Van HalenWinning is not a sometime thing; it's an all-time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
Vince LombardiDiceman Da-Da-Dice Seger Beast Super D Lunch with Nip Sleeping (not) on road trips Visualization w/the hampster Stupidest - Freshmen Ever Regulating Running away from MP Stop sign race MOvGP The Flood SCA - Sleeping Devoted fan MS's rides home w/MO&CS Senior season (try to forget it!) Dice, we're being followedagain Rocky I at Sam w /BS 1902 Honda Wooly Maverick "Can we convert?" Nine ball #52 SH w/ the Nip Florida w/BS,MO,BB,CW,&FK 4peat StM day . .. Thanks Mom, Dad, Earl, Old Buddy, and Barbar Good Luck Christopher and Sarah Beth , The Troll.
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2; Cum Laude 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; Acolyte Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Class President 1; Art Editor - Lyre 3, 4; National Merit Finalist 4; Key Club 3; Automotive Club 2; Poster DesignPlay 2; Literary Rally 2, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4.
" I'm hot, do you have a T-shirt?" R.J.E. Sproles
Izzy Stradlin ' / W. Axl Rose
Guns N' Roses
#1 ... State Champs Dream Seasons 1+2 Camp Odom August 28 , 1990 - Liz the Odom 's third son Deutscherschlagen The Letter (A Masterpiece) Nov. 1 , 1991PJP ... Nude Ninjas 6-3 + staying home Drago The Box w/ P H Grub w/ M O Goatees Georgetown P E.# 1 ( Prospector) STM 17, NEW O R.A. w/ P O ., B.S ,S S., B.B.,C.A ,D.B .... Loggin' at Football Camp Gn' n'R Eggs w/ C.B. , M N ., J.J., K.B ., C.A Slush Football C.D. Sweet Sixteen Winging w / C.S ., R S., B B the other C.D Mack Daddy thanks K.L. ... NOT Come to my castle an' we do the Loco thang Felche r ... El Loco Thanks Coach Dozier Liz , you're the best . M om, Dad, and Jimmy, thanks for everything auf geht 's nach der Uni
Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 - State Champs 1991, District Champs 1990, 19 91; Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Soccer 1, 4; Acolyte Club 2 , 3, 4; Civic Club 3 , 4 ; Civic Club Treasurer 4; Class Secretary 3
"Out for my own , out to be fre e one with my mind , they just can't see No need to hear things that they say life is for my own to live my own way."
Jenny ... St. Pat's Day ' 90 group hugs Rene ' s house toos lip, lip Skippy St. Elmo 's Fire twister DQOA in Olds w/SS,AJ $5 red cups@ P's TYPICAL in purses July 4'91 hot tub/dog towel scapegoat Trop. Isle Shaw Deli funk mac & cheez loner buds w /Alice luck w/AP hamb helper Miss mud Destin'90-72,16,1 . towed in Qtr w/BS,AS,RR,JC,SS,ST Mardi Gr.'91 morn w / AJ ,S S, KN fiascos tooey ... Sound Wa men first trials at Parkway Wald's w/junior girls SH Sw 16 '90 take me to Tastee loosing Muffy Scooby build a nest Destin '9 1 beach co traitors love & thanx Mom & Dad & all my friends!
Volleyball 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Angel 4; Culture Club 4; Fashion Club 1; CARE Club 3 ; Christmas in October 3; Honor Roll 3.
"You know I've always been a dreamer." The Eagles
"I hate Mondays."
Garfield the Cat
"Take what ya got and fly with it."
Kermit the Frog
Ray Curleyhead RHPS w/ KF . Stones - Nov. 13, 1989
Sweet 16 w/ EW lust poetry Tal ks w/JF . . SKI TO DIE New Year's Eve ' 89 w/EW SL GM Movies w/WW Scones
The fly Coup , Matt, Bailey,Lauren Mardi Gras'92
Tubing SENIOR YEAR ... Jazz Fests Al is King Pj's Breck t rips ' 90& ' 91 - thanks to Hank,Jan,Jeff I LOVE Y'ALL ANYWAY
Gulf Shores MA Friends Spring Brks 18th B-Day MAY 29 , 1992 Thanx to all my friends , Thanx to Mom,Dad , & the rest of the weird family, I LUV YOU Always BDBDBD THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!!
Halo Staff 3 , 4 ; School Play 2 , 3 ; Yearbook 1; Soccer 1; Lyre Staff 4; Key Club 2 , 3, 4.
I realize now it is not as boring as I thought it was.
R. Vaughan WilliamsGoodbye to all that. Robert Graves
Soccer Snake .. . The Death Wagon Pedro ' s Class CK at the FC Ordep Zerep Psycho American Grace King Game Pen Wars Paper Football Throwing the globe in the library Top Gun Battles ... Track Campaigning ' til we drop Goody Boyz in the Robin Hood Oriental Hand Signals Florida Tournament ... Tomato Throwing Way Cool! Thanks Mom, Dad, Sandra, Russ, Scott, PL, SG, ML, RR, DP, MS, and especially STM for all the memories . .
Soccer - Letterman 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Civics Club 4 ; Chess Club 3 ; Track 1; Honor Roll 1, 2, 4
There is a theory whi c h states that if even any one discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and unexplicable There is another which states this has already happened .
Douglas Adams
" The roooads are not navigable " . Roll 'de bon e s Evolution : Ground Zero - Quick Catherine -. Defcon Four -. Vertigo -. ?
Freddy Pink Elephants on St. Charles Ave To the tower !!!
Snake The Road Warriors A now popular acronym: EYAL Low life bagger Don't even breathe on the Tama's Live from New York where even the vegetarians eat meat, it ' s David Lett e rm a n Thanks for the inspiration, encouragement, and support (and mon e y) Mom , Dad, Bri , KAG, Justin , Tracy , BP, SD, NJ , KJ , MK
Famous last words : " let' s go PONCHOlate " .
Key Club 1, 2; Halo Staff 3 , 4 ; Civics Club 4; National Honor Soci e ty 4 ; Cum Laude 4 ; Avid Rock/Jazz/Fusion/Funk/Heavy Me tal / etc. percussionist 1-4
Far and away t he b e st priz e that li fe offers is the c han ce t o work hard at work worth doing
Theodor e Roos e v e lt
Men - you c a n't live with 'em - y ou can't shoot ' e m! St Elm o's Fir e
Goo How's it goin ' Good d e al back seat Hallowe e n 91 &92 Driving w / AH Roller Skating w /KM,CW ,JM&KN
The red kind Mini Pep Rallies Top Gun Mardi Gras a t DG's w/KM ... Silk Boxers Smacky mouth Bowling w / LS, K M&CW No U-Turn Tonsil Hockey watching TV Golf Course the four Musketeers Building a nest Pac- Man w/AP the Step Show CW ' s toys Ples e Livin g in East Jesus Girard w/JM I don ' t like apples! 2 Legit, 0 @ $%¢& . .. Thanks to everyone for the last 12 years ... I'll miss you - Mom ,Dad,Gen,&JD . .. Good Luck Marg e e & JD . .. Thanks Grandma & Grandpa .. . I love you Huggie
Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Captain 1, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Se wan ee Book Award 3 ; Student Council 1, 2, 4; Vice-President 4 ; Cum Laude Society 3, 4 ; Nat ional Hono r Society 3, 4 ; Key Club 3, 4 , Secretary 4; Fashion Club 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Home c oming Court 3, 4; Louisiana Girls ' State 3.
One can prove that social progress is definitely better with sugar
- The Bald Saprano Eugene IonescoIf you ' re not going all the way, There ' s no sense going at all.
Maximum Impact
I'm the one to die when it's time for me to die. So let me live my life the way I want to.
Jimi Hendrix
I wonder what tomorrow has in mind for m e, or am I even in it's mind at all , perhaps I' ll get a chance to look ah ead and se e, soon as I find myself a crystal ball.
We go to 1 1
Decadence/Tanglewild Vanimal Brks E Peart, OK Crips w/JB bandroom mulch what is and what should never be AF Spinal tap KS Mother popcorn 8 - I win RMg7 NC' s with JB Muff JH at MS house party The PainEC Red ballJH,SH,KM Firebird D IO! Stinger VHSIII Amazing Grace Led Zeppelin WILD THING Stumpy Joe Zippo Thanks to JBKSMSJHECAFRMRRSHAR thanks Mom Blake and Pa rents
Honor Committee 4 ; Varsity Letterman Tennis 1, 2, 3; Varsity Letterman Soccer 1; Cross Country 4 ; Halo Editor 4; Civic Club 3.
Life is short. Play hard Reebok
Do Dee L Sam Malone Winston chi3se Dads mad THE WHOLE-backhouse All nighters .i TH panics Tb chics CN ears DJ Graffix flavor of th~ month closet new years YEAH Ninja Destin Candlelight parties at home PJ forever thanks SJ & LA Mardi Gras Scamming one liners guns Beef skipping school Scooby football 52-3-1 Crazy girls thanks WEW for ALL your help - I LOVE YOU thanks Paige - I LOVE YOU THANKS TO ALL MY FRIENDS I LOVE YALL I LOVE YOU dad mom noo-noo Cammy Grandaddy Maw-Maw Paw-Paw Paula Meg - THANKS LATER
Football 1, 2, 3; Soccer 1; Track 2; Acolyte Club 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 2; 3, 4; Class President 3.
I've got plenty of co mmon sense, I just choose to ignore it.
Calvin & HobbesI live my life just how I please, satisfy one person I know that's me.
Too Short
I don ' t believe in d es tiny or the guiding hand of fate I don't believe in tomorrow or lov e as a mystical state. I don ' t believe in the stars or the planets or angels watching from above, but I believ e there 's a ghost of a chance we ca n find someone to love and make it last Rush
Drink with me to days gone by. To the life that used to b e. At the shrine of friendship , never say die! H ere's to yo u and here 's to m e Les Miserab l es
fake fish ISAS I' d sting him Lemon Mirangue what? Bright eyes Tak e off your shirt th e look week off Shirley Val e ntin e F-plan Don ' t stand so close to m e .. . Power Lost that lovin feeling volleyball scenes younger men Quebec rollercoaster whales Humanities roll with me cliffhanger yo u don ' t know Africa how do you spell W i nifr ed Marion Is Paul dead? Shark Stories Thanks M&D MP AA SV LM LH RE JM SD NB ... SV MV BO Flankster Chris and all the scum I've loved b efore.
What I've felt, what I' ve known
Never shine d through in what I've shown
Never free, n ev er me
So I dub thee Unforgiven. Meta lli ca
Pow wows ... 10-7-91 BT SKP LIVES the GRAFFIX scam ming I' m a blob DESTIN TAHOE PH's back house TB w/Graffix METALLICA SR turns N2 bulldog Scooby Am I ev il - yes I am ride to Destin w/CN Mardi Gras CC's ninja SECR ET S OPP M&M kool aid shooting the HK . Crazy ri des w/lN & AC always in troubl e 7 to insanity bad attitude your mean all night talks U R a stud crazy girls 6 months & counting Thanks to all my friends , especia lly Mom, Dad , Mike & Sam I love you all
Varsity Basketball 1; Track 1; Civics Club 3; Care Club 3; Acolyte Club 1-4; Acolyte Club Vice-President 4; Honor Roll 4; Golf Team 4; National Forensic Leagu e Member 4; Speech Team 4
"The games are played with your life on the line Some lose , you win if you keep on tryin"
I don't mind doing the time, I'm happier being alive Now I know the means to my oppression were all lies The only truth is your own most sacred lesson I' ve ever learned , I know we are free "
Grateful Dead
The times we shared, the memories we made will remain forev e r more, but I'll laugh and cry as I say goodbye and we all walk out that door.
St Pats 90 . .. VH . . . MT CR Garden 7-11 Ret90
EmRm3am . .. Renees . BthRm wDave GPs Thnx I C C Trop lie .. Jax ... Tchop Nat Walk Dev US23 ThnxEG ILUVU . .. PATIENCE Noth Els Mat OrngRag
Poo1Till6am ... Persidio .. . Fly Br King into Pauls Thnx mom dad guy miky matt&will llove you to all my friends H TH ML CN(DAD) CC 55 BM BS JC AM AP CS DJ AB BM SL WN THNX $ THE BEST TIMES OF MY LIFE I' ll MISS YOU
1991 Art Award; Track Manager 4; Homecoming Court 4 ; Care Club 2 ; Fashion Club 1; Culture Club 4
"The times we've had have been great, but there are so many more to come ."
Captain Wendy flippers Snowmass'91 the allnighters Pow-Wows w / DJ ,CC , CN ,TB MAG ' #2 Destin ' 90-'91 w/TH , ED ,TB , MB Xmas caroling w/RP,RR,CC,CN,DJ the pooltable Keflyn 52-3-1 Parties at PH ' s the fight Vail w / RW / JTN LeBlanc Hyundai the bathroom Becka scamming w / TH Metallica w/lW,AC,TH,DJ 1 vote is there something in your pocket sleepover w/MM , KH,&WG New Years Eve at PH's GNR w/KH , WG,MM,JTN,BM my face hurts CLARK thanx mom,dad,Joe , Becky,Keflyn,& the rat pack for all the great times! I LOVE YOU - see ya & wouldn't want to b e ya!
Football 1, 2 , 3, 4 Co-captain , 2nd Team All District; Soccer 1 , 2, 3, 1st Team All District; Track 1, 3, Treasurer 4 ; Vice President Acolyte Club 1, 2 , 4; Chess Club 3 , 4; Civics Club Parliamentarian 3
Rejoice! forward out th is feeling Ten true summers long We do round and round and round until we pick it up again Time flies , on and on it goes through the setting sun carry round and round and round and round until it comes to carry you home Yes
Excuse me, stewardess I speak jive Old lady from AIRPLANE!
Bp Dek The CK master Yom!Yom! The swiss cheese car Pedro and his giant SpV class Judi & Jami e - does age make a difference? NT Visiting OD @15404 Goos e John at EB Chickon Mental growth Golf Team - 4 years The Rainman Bubba Talkin' bout SS with MO Pool W /ML Ellis lives Beef talk The MIDI man Sittin' on the balcony with NT, DB 4th of July ' 91 - was I really speeding? Not one parade in 91' - Destin instead . .. RUSH concert 92' Sproles and the demo tape from CT Amwaywhat exactly is it? Realization Will I ever see Yes in concert? SS day 92' Thanks to my mom for being there so often, and thanks to mis amigos - may they never fade. I love you all! End phase 1
Some folks tell m e that we player s are soccer slaves. Well , if this is slavery, give me a life sentence.
Bobby CharltonTh e trouble with trouble is it always starts out being fun anonymous
KMM Soccer!! Kaston's adv. group Mini pep rally '89 w / LB Pele " Is your d a d always so cheerful?" Ice Steel Magnolias Dist. "t ra mps " Lane & Dave BMDCC Pagans Jen ' s hair co lor s Uptown w/ Adams Meg's parties Todd & Bear SENIORITIS !!! Thanx to JM,GG,LS,CW,JA, & esp. to DR: Th e lma and Louis e forever, Ma Masita! Special thanks to Mom , Dad, Stace, Chip, and to all the coaches for your s upport - I love yo u a ll! Good lu ck Saints!!!
Most Athletic Girl 4; Soccer: Captain 4 ; All Dist. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; All Metro 1, 3, 4; All State (Honorabl e Mention) 4 ; Team MVP 1, 3; Playoffs 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Track: All District 3, 4; Dist. MVP Field 3, 4; Team MIP 3; School Record - Discus 3, Shot Put 3, 4 ; Dist. Champs 3, 4; Volleyball : Capta in 4 ; All Dist. (Second Team) 4 ; Dist. Champs 4; Playoffs 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Ct . 2, 3; Key Club Me mber 2, 3, 4; Tr eas ur er 4; Acolyte Club 4; Fashion Club 1.
Experience is something you get too la t e to do a nything about the mistakes you made while getting it.
- anonymous
Look to the sky just before you di e its the last time you will.
- Metallica
Bear Cemetary Wars Tripple Alliance busted w/TM,TB , + PH Pace trash wars magic meat flute the island w /W G , RW,JTN ,TA,JP, +DK gator grabbin' midnight swims at da pass Skank turbo hurl war wagon SKP th e bash Big Daddy ' s Red Sonya DS=moron Fichetti 6-3 and staying hom e the sinkhole w/RW psyche sessions Walt's Camp Odom post Pat O's w/RW HOTALA! PoBomb flipping Mike B's jeep w/MB,CC+M L towling at the Cat House hypotheticals Snot. Mel Wiley's pirogue acrobatics thanks to Mom , Dad, Wes , and all my friends, happy trails
Football 1-4, First Team All-District 4; Wrestling 1, 2; Golf 4 ; Chess Club 3, 4; Automotive Club 2; Acolyte Club 4 ; Class Parliamentarian 3.
Please understand me I'm clim b in' through the wreckage of all my twisted dreams but this cheap inv est igation just can't stifle all my screams and I'm waitin' at the crossroads - waiting for youwaiti n g for you - where are y o u?
Gn ' N' R's
Your only validation is living your own life vicarious existence is a _ _ waste of time
Gn ' N' R's
State Champs Poohbear AM 12/1 /90 7/14/91 9/14/91 MO fights Chubby Destin wt BS Whipped Naked ninjas I LUV LW Sun fights 12/31/90 Kicked out . .. olo ... Talks wt CS,BS,RO ... Blow Pops ... Sorry
LW CD-JD Gn 'N' R's 33,42,11,7,3 S-talks Boz Scam in' Happy guy SP Rocky Cachi Horseback riding ... My Man ... carrot .. . Pet store ... Dogs ... Basement .. . AC-DC Thanks to all my friends esp Mom , Dad , Laura, I could not have done it with out you - I LOVE YOU!
Undefeated State Champs, All-District Soccer 2, 4; Class President 2; Student Council 3 , 4; Acolyt e President 4; Acolyte Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Civic Club 3, 4; Chess Club 3; Metro Champs 2, 3; Varsity Baseball 8, 3; Sport Letterman 1, 2, 4.
The anticipation o f Hiro is wo rse th a n d e ath itself!
Hiro MikamiI am crazy, sometimes I ev e n wond e r if I hav e a brain of my own! The Psycho,
Hiro MikamiOver mountains o ve r tree s, over oceans over seas, Across the desert, I' ll be ther e
The Escape Club
47 Kamikaze Dan/Dave .. FB Camp fighting0-0 bluffing MO to fight Cyb e rball Master Salsa burgers with PO .. . Can you be at up __ ? Mr.Sato Spanish4 .. . COLORS Spring Break 92 FX2 with MS+ EC sprained ankles
Camp Odom Metallica Homecoming '91 at TH ... Carmina Burana S/A sniping Jap Art w/ CS,NC,AK,SS,LA,Boon e
• 55 day 4/1 / 92 Top Gun TB =Brandon HM =Sam Malone STM day 4-0 What color is it? . Pictionary
Miyagi/Daniel-san . . Track ' 92 my Freshmen AB,BD MO EC PM MGL CW KS KN S"Queen " S PO KB - You guys are "fabulous!" MS - my best friend! Okasan , thanx for being there for me! Hasta la vista, bab y !
Footbal l 1, 2 (MIP Back) , 3, 4 (All District Honorable Me ntionRB) ; Soccer 1, 2, 4 (All D istrict 2nd Team) ; Track 1, 2, 4 ; Karate : Always 1st in League , 4th in Nationals; Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (President) ; Halo 1, 2, 3, 4; Culture Club 4, Science Olympiad 1; Class Secretary 4 ; Univers ity of Colora do (Boulder) 4 ½
Oh Lard Jumping Medians Earhart ewpy Country Day
Sweet 16 '90 City Park Mardi Gras 91 - Pit, Scum Water
Melon story Wagener's second per. Cade Red Tab at Summer ' 90 F.Q. on School nights '91 . Art seventh per ' 90'91 Golf on school days - CS CW BB Time Saver - Bad
Attitude Leagu e of nations Summer'91 - Jeep Party
See Y'all lata!
We laughed until we had to cry, and we loved right down to our last good-bye We we re the best, I think we ' ll e ver be!
Dav id Foster, St. Elmo's Fire
I' m trying to tell you something about m y life, Maybe give me insight between black and white The best thing you've ever done for me, is to help me take my life less seriously IT'S ONLY LIFE AFTERALL!
Bra flowers chocolate chicken D&C concert w/ EC . . funmellows trips to Chatta spinach dip on MO . . . Trop. Isle retreat '91 New Years eves JT o n the balcony in Destin talks w/Jonah SAJAM GNR '92 . .. the Duck w/ ES&AJ giving SS bangs ES's she bought the ice cream stories mini-peps till 4 :30 the church lives . . . late night talks w/ LW&EC Napoleon gossip perfect pe n cils senior skip day 4/9/92 Zeus ball officer Bob . . . Metallica Aj's Explorer attitude driving W / LW &EC ... Tha n ks Mom,Dad, and Car - I love U! Also thanks 2 AJ,AP , SS,LW, EC , ES , BS , & WW You're the best & I' ll never forget U!
Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Letterman) ; Basketball Letterman 1, 2, 3; Shield Club 2; Culture Club 3 , 4; CARE Club 3 ; Fashion Club 1; Honorable Mention Art Award 3 ; Honor Roll 1, 2; Homecoming Cheerleader 4.
"Let's give 'em something to talk about! " - Bonnie Raitt
"But now we ' re standing face to face, isn't this world a CRAZY place? Just when I thought my chance had passed , you always save the best for last. " - Vanessa Williams
"I'll take with me the memories , to bring ba c k sunshine after the rain. It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday." - Boyz II Men
HHWFH Flip ... 4 Muske t eers 2 dimes & a nickel
Homecoming Halloween Patch kit DELAUNE .. . Ms. Piggy Jeep dance talk about 6 cumbros . . . Last 2 go Dino Fats Prom Mardi Gras . . Jesus ... the D O Spring Brk Shamu TU doublemint ... Smacky Mouth 1 luv Kenner mini peprally chops ATILLA engaged pinky DOORS improv w/Rhees SUNBURN STEEL
The games are played with your life on the line Some lose you win if you keep on tryin' I don't mind doing the time, I' m happier just being alive.
It's been the hard road , edge of an overdose . No matter how high you're still too low I' ve been the dancer, the wicked romancer Its a never ending nightmare, edge of disaster -
Motley CrueK&B Drivin' to Destin with DJ meet me in 15 minutes busted with SM by Dad Wallace Burt pow-wows at Ned 's Pals Aggravated Assault?! scamming Mardi Gras Busted with cc+TH I hate plumbers ,'. Paul ' s house Trudie , put her in the buck storytime on thi,' soccer bus Yoohoo, I'll make you famous - Billy the kid DOC I shall finish the game - Billy the kid burnt in Destin with SP VH , thanx SM +AJ CS,TR,SM,MR,AJ,JJ,AW,AK,JW , PB , CH , RR , NC , AM ,A K,K D,KG,EW , KN,HM,KM,MF,CB,LP,MB,MM , DM, and MM thanx 4 nothin' Thanx to Mom, Dad, Greg, and my pals See ya!
Acolyte Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3 , State Playoffs ; Football 1; Wrestling 1; Track 2; Class Officer 4.
I ain't first class, but, I ain't white trash , I'm wild and a little crazy, too, some girls don 't like boys like me, and some girls do .
Sawyer BrownGotta love me! The Baby Dinosaurs
15 Dactyl Neighbs Bots toe cheese w /Chambers
6- 3 stayin' home nude ninjas chapel door hurlin at VH '88 Church sign w/CD , BM , BA ,W M halloween decorations w/PG , CC,CC , HM Nice hair, Ian Hairy Brain Say no to crack Cocoa Beach, the shampoo girl's bathroom stall walls w/CD,RO,BB Zubaz scars,tattoes,birthmarks w/CD,CB egging soph's w/CB,KB,CA,JJ winger and waterballoons w / CC,SG , BS Hank Williams , Jr w/ C C,BS,PG,BD,LA G'n ' R's '92 "S tudyin " w/CD ,BB, MO,KS , attitude w/Chambers
Track and FIELD Trips to LaPlace Good Luck Margare t Thanx Mom , Dad, Gram, and Grandad
Football 1, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 4; Baseball 2; Acolyte Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Civic Club 3, 4; Chess Club 3
"You see gentlemen, ya gotta keep testin' yourself everyday or else you get slow, and t hat's when they kill you "
Billy the Kid
" I can't stand to see a guy watch it go out of bounds."
Larry Bird
Live and die by the 3 Biking to S.J.'S w/T B MidCity Taco Bell Skiing in Vail w/ the Balarts Summer job w. B S Deny to the end Dixie Thick, Qui c k, and Woo R.O. 's method Studying for exam w/ C.W Glimpse of L.A.Whoa! Fights w/ H M and P M Dancing w/ a queen Dec. 28 Gorilla Race cars Cruisin ' Babes w/ F.K The test B-ball cap tain? Special Pair Young Guns w/ T.B
The Dink ... Egg Marines ... The Bear ... Taboo . . . C.'S .' s girl @ G.P.'s . .. War cry ... Petite ... P. N.'s sister w/ T. B.... Grub w/ C.D .... C.S. T-1000 .. . Slush Football@ Me try ... Thanx to family and friends ... Especially mom and pop . . . Thank You ... I' ll be ba c k.
Bask etba ll 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3; Basketball Captain 4; Regional Powerlifting Champion 4 ; Acolyte Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Acolyte Treasurer 4.
'Cause yesterday's got nothing for me , old pictures that I'll always see, time just fades the pages in my book of memories ...
Guns N' Roses
So nobody ever told you baby , how it was going to be , so what' II happen to you baby , guess we'll have to wait and see
Guns N' Roses
Pokey Wad Whale Kellito Sal&Sweetie Stanley&Stella Penni&Venni Pancho Warriors Chops&men the brick? Skip day Happy Birthdays Skating Super Heroes Talks w/Clam Veins Jennifaa Towel slap w/JM . .. Comforting Ruphus .. . Shaw Deli ... I' m Alive ... Jeep dance Hairy belly-buttons Cheeba-Doobie Locker spills
Crash&Burn I' m veklimpt Whip-Its Mardi G ras Hitchhiking Surprise Party I'm cute Trig Class Taos What are you trying to do? Like butter Destin Condo Switch
Mashed Potatoes All my love&thanx Mom,Dad,Justin,&Scho enfeld Family! I' ll miss you all! Steve,thanx for making me laugh!llu vU&I DO!
Volleyball 1; Basketball 2; Gustaf Westfeldt Award 2; Honorable Mention Art Award 2; Class Secretary 2; Honor Roll 3, 4; Culture Club 3 , 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3 (Letterman); Fashion Club 1, 2, 3, 4 {VicePresident); Cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Homecoming Court 4
Yesterday, there were so many things I was never told. Now that I'm startin' to learn, I feel I'm growin ' old.
W AxlRose
#29 state champs Ruphus Ishmael mauve need comforting - KN&SM Mozart mo ' money spying w/ CM&CS egg marines Stingray The Meat GN'R w/ CM&SS@ SS house Destin CM's room giving HM rides shot in the art room w/ TB no friends contests in Phys shving PO's head Super-popeyes all-district 1B poolball bulge Thanx Mom & Dad for putting up with me and getting me out of speeding tickets.
Baseball Letterman 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball Tri-Captain 4; Baseball State Champs 3; Class VP 2, 3; Student Council Rep 1; Latin Award Hon. Men 1, 3; National Latin Exam (Maxima Cum Laude) 2, 3, 4; Acolyte Club 3, 4; Homecoming Committee Chairman 4; 14 Year Club
Breathe, breathe in the air, don't be afraid to care. Leave but don't leave me. Look around and choose you r own ground For as long as you live and as high as you fly and the smiles you give and the tears you cry and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be
- Pink FloydHold on to your life, Hold on to each reality. You ' ve got to break each precious dream until they break your heart in two Build your life until you find whats right for you
- EMFAwesomeAnne Andreas Schklemeal86-92 MCC Sum merOfRDiscontent YoHo RainOnMe TCB Kickbacks
AlphaOmega Lightnin TheHill FriendsNLowPlaces
JazzFest Sting'em Britel's OE DM/CityPk
JC@AT's Waltzing ForeignFriends La' 12YearOId PinkFloyd'NCandlelite TakeYourLongestFingerna ii& Tradin gDatesW /Jen4Adam lceFightsW /Emil The Nikkster Mon .NitesW /Louis&Missy TakeOffYour Shirt&PlaylikeARealMan
RUSHx3 Prom FatFreddy'sTill5:30W /Cat(Steve) Will YourLastDayAliveBA sGoodAsThel st? Love& Thanx2AIITheFrie ndsWhoWere&R,HO,DO ,JC O,EO,JW,SD,PB,BD,AD,NH , BH , &Ev b @Lakeside#l HappyTrails,K eepSmilin&Rember,Sometimes UHav2DoWhatsReallylmportant2U,EvenlfltsNotPrac tical &No wHerAdventureWouldBegin!
I' ll tak e with me the memories and hope it gets me through tomorrow because it is too hard to say goodbye to yesterday.
G. C. CameronFor long you live and high you fly and smiles you give and tears you cry, and all you touch and all you see is all y our life will ever be .
Pink FloydWhen man discovers true love, he will have rediscovered fire. Unknown
Theatre is fantasy, Dreams are fantasy , Theatre is an enactment of a dream Theatre is my life. Therefore , my life is an endless dream ' consisting of happiness, hardships, and good and bad discoveries '
Ed PankeyEd Big Ed Freight train Pedro Kabuki . ? . Pump ' em up and let ' em fly tazmanian maneuver What are you deaf? Off. and Def tackle Thisbe Ed, let me tell you a story , Pankey Yeah, OK Tidmore Passage Show Group Ms. McNeil CC,EP,and CN at my house w/JD Student council speeches Lothar RR,JB , KS,JH, and NH Misfits LD&AV Greasy Pit 14 years at STM ARGHHH! Picnic NOCCA
Country Day girls Grand Duke Speech Please insert your owner disk . . . me,JM,GG,MN , CW,and KM . . . Senior Skip Day Soccer ManOWar Thanks ML,MOM,Dad catch 'ya later
Drama Award 5th; Speech Award 8th; Disney World Show Group Performance 7th ; St. Louis Show Group Performance 8th ; U .S. Show Group 1; ISAS Festival 1 and 3; Midsummer Night ' s Dream 2; Passage 3; Picnic at Hanging Rock 3; Impromptu 4; Apollo of Be/lac 4; 3rd at City Speech Tournament 4; 7th at State Speech Tournament 4; Student of Ms Lawrence 1, 2, 3
Typical Luck w/JC C3 w/AM&KP
timesave w/AJ
Scooby Sugar Bowl w/AM Feen Ch ild Senior Skip Day 4 / 9/92 360 on interstate the Legend getting towed talks w / JA, ES - she bought ice cream stand by me w/SM&AM AJ , McS&EG Saw AG&EG Zeu s ball shorty VH '88 Fisher w / BB , JC,AJ, &AM PH Baked Alaska w/ES ,JC , SM the Ridge Mainsail trips to BR See ya Senior retreat stealing Home tape Officer Bob Shooting star w / AJ Thank you Dad, Mom, and Kelly for everything
Thanks to AM ,JC,JA ,SL,SJS, ES , for the best times, I love you all and always will.
Volleyball 2 ; Care Club 1; Christmas in October 1; Honor Roll 1; Fashion Club 1; Homecoming Cheerleader 1; Senior Chapel 4; Friendliest Girl 4
Fortune favors the brave Vergil
N.O.C.C.A. Golden Destin summer 91 WN C.C. Harley Davidson Stone Cold DR,WS ,JF,AC Switch ... BS - HEW? - Christmas 90 Lunch w/NH,KMM Mamansita Thelma and Lo uise Gladiators Blaze rules; sorry ICE ... Homecoming The Trouble With Trouble Mardi Gras 1992 left handed Louise Waldo's Boots DM 's Credit ca rd tab! THE CLUB Applebee's the strawberry kind! I'm a very happy person KMM Thanx dad,mom , Denise , bill Theres no true friend like a sister
NOCCA; Soccer; Halo; HUMANITIES!!!
You have no shame, do you? Stacey Via l
To search for perfection is all very well But to look for heaven is to live here in hell. Sting
Miss Cheerleader USA ... Badish St ray Cat Strut car topics 4th row, 2nd from left . .. Yo, Spike, I got the MATS! I' d STING him Lemon meringue WHAT? vichysoisse Prince Eric purple cows ... baking time for brownies making up humanities 15-minute bathroom trips in AP Biology ... too young for PG-13 why Fargo?! ... grammatically correct Sting '91 Rush tickets in two hours SV's college apps suit size: 0 . spaghetti at my house power buy physics running a fever don ' t stand so close ... Manishi, TELEPHONE! you don't KNOW?! turtle brownies for THEM Thanks Mom, Dad (aka COLLEGE GURU), Meeta, JB, RE, NH, LM, SV, SS, SM, RT, Mr Cox Toadies, ST.M!
I don't want fifteen minutes of fame. I want a life I don't want to be a flash in the pan. I want a career. I don't want to grab all I can I want to selectively choose the best. I don't want to sell a company. I want to build one. But the rest of my goa ls are long te rm. The result of day to day determination I redefine the word consistency. Along the way there will sure ly be moments of brilliance. I a m , after all, me. I'll never look back with regret. I will always believe in the ideal. I hope to be remembered, not recalled. And I hope to make a difference.
The Ripper Rippsh** Ewok Zacceaaus The 100' s of other names Trip to Washington CD conflict Art sophomore year The ISRAELIAN STORY Egg Marines Being moved up to Varsity baseball two games before the district c hampionship Quitting baseball the year they won state Running in soccer The St. Charles game Dropping Psychology Arnold Horshack World History classes Missing Senior Sk ip Day Thanks mom, dad, and even you Shawn for getting me through High School
Nati o nal Latin Exam Award 1; Soccer State Playoffs 2; Baseball District Champions 2 ; Halo Photo Editor 2 ; Soccer State Playoffs 3; Halo Photo Editor 3 ; Soccer State Playoffs 3.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly . What is essential is invisible to the eye.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyStop looking out, Start looking in Be your own best friend Stand up and say , " Hey , this is mine , all mine ."
Van HalenI lov e the smell of napalm in the morning
Robert DuvallRobbie Bob Chester Mohammed bakin ' the turkey pool and Halloween parties Valtor BK! wallet poetry Deep Fried STAFF model? Emge Great Brittany cyberball la-ow-zy SOCCER 50 STM-O CBR-0 976-MEAT Mon ' s plates warpuppy 8 - I win! The Raving SURPRISE! The Big Q BSI firepole Chintendo 10 ft humanities w / Doc French video oven fire, Thanx KS ,JB , EC ,JH , NH,MS , MW ,C T,HM,Coach Goody, Coach Dozier, Ms JoAnn Thank You Dad , Mom ,Todd,Nan,Grandma Dot , P op s,Paw-Paw,Uncle Gary,Uncle Donny,Aunt Ann , Uncle SamAll my love always It's not where you're going, it's how you're getting there.
Halo 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Nat'! Honor Society 3, 4; Football Letterman 1, 2; Soccer and Baseball Letterman 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4 ; Captain of Soccer Team 4; Nat' ! Quill and Scroll Society 3 , 4 ; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice-President 1; Nat' ! Merit Commended Student; Cum Laude
" The person who said , 'W inning isn ' t everything' never won anything. "
It' s time to play, these last 4 y ears of madness sure put me straight, don ' t get back 14 years in just one day, so hard to keep my own head, just go away
Guns N' Roses
If you need a shoulder, or if you need a friend, I' ll be here standin' until th e bitter end Don ' t ever l eave me, say you ' ll always be there , all I ever want ed was for you to know that I care.
Guns N' Roses
HUSTLER Point Blank w / MO skating GN ' NRS Fluffy - CD&BS Artl-4th FrenchlV Wagner w/STU Carry On Bible w/Marshal l Bros Need comforting? I Luv CB , PG , PO , &CM Wher e' s Truitt? GRABER(89-91) veins
Airplane!w / RO Sal&Sweetie Stanley&Stella Loaded ' 82 Electra golf w/Woody Satan@Miley Skip Day '92!
Mardi Gras Hitchhiking Santa Fe OPERATIONS BLACK NW HITE,NIAGRA STORM,CURRENCY XCHANGE,FORT HOWARD,FERRIS WHEELER,DAILY HERALD whip- its w/CM , RO,C W@Botte surprise (1 /24/92) I'm cute Cheeba-whoah-N ot - Oh , Gank! Love&thanx to my family,frie nds,& The Norwoods .ILUVU , KELLY!Will you marry me?
Culture Club 4; Homecoming Committee 4; Acolyte Club 4; Homecoming Devil 4; Honor Roll 4; Senior Favorite : Wittiest.
"You have to live your life with a sense of humor, if you don't you'll go crazy "
Charlie SchmidtClaib Smither Country Day Sweet 16 Track Star S P three trees C.C. & B.S unk in a 35 Destin The lighter "they were born on the same day w/ the same name." getting rolled beating up D.D. w/ S P Vail@ Mardi Gras
Circle K w/ T H , K S. , R O., &C.W Three Wise Men Prelude "Your parents are out of town again?" slush football
May 19, 1991 working on race cars - M.O Herman
G n' R w/ M.H & R.A. T.B. & M B. Cocoa Beach Metallica
Racetrack Going to school on Sr. skip day Rolling Stones
Good luck R.S. , G.P. , E D., C.W , C.S., J.C., P.O., and C.M Thanks Mom and Dad for paying my tuition, only $75 ,000 left!
Basketball 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2; Acolyte Club 2, 3, 4; Operation Comeback 3; Service Project 3; Chess Club 3, 4; Soccer Manager 4; Parliamentarian 4
Summer's going fast, nights growing colder, Children growing up, old friends growing older, Freeze this moment a little bit longer, Make each sensation a little bit stronger , Experience slips away . Rush
A vow unto his own, that never from this day, his will they ' ll take away Metalli ca
Kee-lay Decadence/Tanglewild Nude ninjas 6-3 and staying home The masterpiece Good luck '92 FB+Camp Odom ... Jucy's P E #1 The Prospector Head Shmuck .. . 85 is alive Wild Thing Lists/lyrics Spinal Tap Good Luck RM , JH , HM , BS , BB , PM , PO , CC , MO Dinner at NH ' s HC '9 1 Mooney 's class Stealing signs Mike ' s thinking it will happen RR, JH, EC, JB, EP, + NH ... B-ball w/ HM Recycling at Rhodes Shoney's Aerosmith ' 90 Cheap shot artist Destin Circle K w/CS, RO, TH ... 4/3/91 ... CD Sweet 16 The Mav We made it, Mom ... Thank you Tanglewild and Families, th e Odoms, Mom , Rahna (I love you guys) Let's get outta here
Football 1 , 2, 3, 4 , Co-Captain 4, All-District 2nd Team 3, 4 ; Student Council 3, 4, President 4; Acolyte Club 1, 2 , 3; Civic Club 3; Track 2 ; Baseball 1.
Let's give 'em something to talk about Bonnie
RaittYou say my eyes are crazy eyes ; sometimes they are and so are you. Jane's Addiction
And these c hildren that you spit upon , as you try to change their worlds, are immune to your consultations; t hey ' re quite aware of what they're going through.
David BowieWENCH Lili Dr .SAM ... I ca n 't eat this I'm a veggie Hurricane Season . 4 musket ee rs . .. The Pipes Dev Leeman Rex What would you do if I? Double Baff
DSOTM Wungle Popsicles . .. Decadence Groupie Von Henry Santana IV 2/12/91 - Mardi Grass Shoney Boy
Dollhouse Lovers ATILLA Blue Corn Tortillas DOCS
The Beach ... TAZ Jolly Wendy' s Worker Thanx Dad,Mom, Tutu , Boo,JM , GG , K M, DR ,AO, LH ,JB ,A P, LD , DH ,T P,J D, TA,& esp ML & NH - for my sanity Good Luck Boo,AJ ,AC,& RP
Key Club 1; Fashion Club 1; Painting Club 2, 3; CARE Club (CoPres ident) 3 ; STM Chorus 1, 2, 4 ; New Orle a ns Master Chorale 2; Culture Club 4 ; Outdoor Education 1, 2; Ke y Clubber of the Year (Honorable Mention) 1; Plays 4; GRADUATION!!!
This is the beginning of a new day God has given me this day to use it as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very important because I am exchanging a day in my life for it. When tomorrow co m es this day will be gone forever. Leaving something in its place I have traded for it. I want it to be good not evil. Success not failure
Paul "Bear" BryantIf you ' re not going to go all out, why even go at all.
Christian Daigle & Chris StakelumSTATE CHAMPS #9 . 23-0 ... Let's get c razy STM 17 Newman O late-ni t e m eet ing w/TB@SJ's - OPP playing pool w/CM&JMC Allnighters . . . Planet Earth w/ED,TB,&PH
Bee f Egg Marine Hunting w/CS .. Work w/MO Sleeping @LG's w/CW HC Nite ... Van Halen Destin w/PM hsurht bros RA w / the Boys ... St. Charles Inn The Flood Spy Missions Senior Season - Try to forget it Team meet. @the Bell WT's The Bonnie New Year's Eve w/PM,CW, &HM Football games . .. Thanks to all my fri e nds Thanks M OM,DAD,ERIN,NELL, AND JORDAN AND ESP. COACH D Y'ALL ARE THE BEST .. . I LOVE YOU ALL
Baseball 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Undefeated State Champions 3 ; Metro Champs 2, 3 ; All District 2, 3; All State 3; Lette rman 1, 2, 3, 4; Tri Captain 4; District Champs 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Letterman 2, 3, 4; Captain 4; State Playoffs 2, 3; Acolyte Club 2, 3, 4; Civic Club 3, 4, VicePres 3, President 4 ; Chess Club 3
Go on, no don 't look back
Just realize where you've gone
Where are you going to , n o life's not done with you You 've only just begun, to liv e your life for you Testament
Suzie the clam St.Elmo's Fire . .. seeing Satan at MM w/RO, AJ,BS,SS Collin St.Pat's Day'90 Roda&Boda talks w/KN the Olds ... New Year's Eve'89 George from the jungle spinach in the olds w/AM,JA,MO Juicy CHOCOLATE ATTACKS w/KN&AJ ... dead oxen Pokey late night talks w/MO rice crispy treats w/ML FAB-U-LOUS Zwolle Where are you from? ... the test 7-11 Curly Chabeava Destin'90 ... Van Halen crazy bread Angel for ever young .. 12/26 .. . mauve Chops un photo? ss day Mardi Gras'90 ... Thanks AJ,KN,JA,A M,JC,BS&AP - I' ll MISS YOU.Thanks Mom , Dad , Becky&Meg for everything - I LOVE Y'ALL VERY MUCH!BYE BYE
Cheerleading 1, 2 , 3, 4 (Captain) ; Homecoming Court 1, 2, 3, 4 (Queen); Fashion Club 1, 2, 3 (Treasurer), 4 (President); Volleyball 1, 2 ; Christmas in October 1; National Honor Society 4 ; Girls' State Alt. 4; Culture Club 4 ; Most Popular Girl 4.
When I've sat by t he window
And gazed at the rain
With an ache in my h ea rt But never feeling the pain
And if you would tell me
Just w hat my life means Walking a long road
Never reaching th e end
Iron Maiden
Destin w / JC&ST H o t tub Babbles Funmellows Puking dog .. Van Hal en Skippy Big re d solo cups@ P's Mis s Mud . . . Midnight Flight to Malibu Being towed St. Pat's day'90 Days @RR Beach police Funk bubbles Dog
Towel S.H. Sweet 16 - ]C's car New Year's Eve '90- DJ's jeans Juicy Camella The zoo w / RP,AJ,BS&AS Flaming Dr.P ' s . Mardi Gras Day '92 Maclosky Purple passion 72 16 1 . . . 7/1 1 /88
Antipathy BS 's ticket Thanks Mom,D ad,Tim&AI for always being there To my friends :AJ AM SS AP
JA&JC - Thanx 4 t he memories&l ' II miss y a' II Thanx to my 2nd m o m fo r h e lping mew/everything Go o d Luck Guy!Later!#*!
Shi eld 1; Vo ll eyball 1, 2; Culture Club 4; CARE Club 3; Christmas in October 3; Homecoming Cheerleader 4; Wittiest 4.
I don 't worry ' bout nothin ', no , 'ca us e worrin's a waste of my tim e
Won 't you be my neighbor?
Mr. Rogers
We go to 11 TANGLEWILD
TANGLEWILD Rock' n Roll Dio my house Spinal Tap SA the vader Derek Smalls Major Hea ley c ucumbers nice shoes ... nice hair . . . nice car Metalli ca lists aquatic athlete the pain ... regular Sat. night thing video tapes it don't mean nothin ' ... that 's how they walk bananna-nut st uff Mr. Sato ... m y pencil? coo l mode Rome wasn't built in a day, m y brotha! Colors Carmina Burana JH - Hammertime BOLTS Wilson Inn Freaks Jack no pain ... hamburgers Beast Spring Break '92 Sybil ' s Gig .. . try everything once & do the fun stuff twice to all my friends - I love you - especially Mom,Dad , Lauren& Kris
SWIMMING : All-American Times in 100 Fly and 200 Medley Re lay ; Captain - 3, 4; MVP - 1, 2, 3, 4; City Champion in 100 Fly 3, 4; State Runner-ups and Undefeated District Champs 1991; XCountry Letterman 1 , 2, 3; Headmaster's Ath. Achievement Awd .; NHS ; National Merit Finalist; Research Science In stitute ' 91 ; JETS5th in Nation ; Key Club; Halo Managing Editor; Valedictorian.
A fetus world in limbo, what an incredible silhouette!
Victor HugoSo savor every mouthful and treasure every moment When the storms are raging round you , stay right where you are Queen
Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has mad e all the difference.
Robert FrostZowie Zoe .. Sgt Pepper Roller Coaster The BIG Thing AL If a train goes over you , its good luck That'd B 2 EZ OM Is Paul dead? positive attitude Andrea ' s doodlin
Dale the cl i ffhanger no pictures please U didn't know THAT!?! Leave your windows down so they won ' t have to break em roll w/you uptight . 2 ft death Don ' t stand So Get outa heah! what smut! movie nites wanna bet Mr. AR Chris Les Mis get down don't open my door 1st culture full days - NOT! Thanx 2 my family & friendsesp PM 4 college & Mom 4 E-THING I SURVIVED HUMANITIES! Its been Real, Its been Fun !SPV
Soccer 1, 2; Chorus 1- 4; Art 1-4; National Honor So c iety 3, 4; MAKING IT THROUGH SCHOOL 1-12!!!
W ooo! Pig ! Soo ie! - All Arka nsa ns
I rea ll y li ke winnin g. It ' s lik e b e tt er than lo sing - Nuke La loosh
Hu gg ie . Bl yth e v ille , Arkansas 8-0 23 -0 m e+ GG Just a squ eeze w e' re just fri e nds Dest in ' 91 Golf Cours e . no U turn s kating w / SS +KN Stm - 1 Sm e lly Ho-O It stink s in h e re . W Monro e . Fr e n c h Football(not) . Foot s ie w a t c hin g TV ClubMTV Donni e Mini p e p ra lli es sos Th a nx Coa c h D 1 7 -1 16-0 State Ch a mp s . Coco Be ac h Prom ' 91 I lov e you Gretchen , Mom , Da d , To mm y, a nd ev e ryon e e lse TH A NX se e you later.
All - Di stri c t C a t c h e r 3; Stud e nt Council 4 ; G raduat e d 4
Don ' t worry about it! Charles Sc h ae fe r
Loosen Up. Relax . Except for ra re life -and-death situati o ns. nothing is as important a s it seems H Ja c ks o n Brown , Jr.
Woodie ... Di c e Article . .. Studying in Fat C ity w / MO . . . Th e Note Rolling CS Sleeping in Class D e limon Cop w / ML Sl e eping at LG ' s w/BS Golfing w / SS & KN Slumb e r Parties at PN ' s . Ve nus Tim e Sav e r c op w /C S & DM H e lp from Paper Boy Top Gun Prom ' 9 1 " LMYDEE " Summer School w / Sm Laura & I are just friends AC / DC that LSU mentality . .. Mardi Gras ' 91 ... speeding tickets . . . Macchu Picchu . . . Destin .. . Good Lu c k Ashley . .. Mr. Clean . . . Jealous Boyfriends ... Vail .. . Miss. Polic e w/MB . .. Skip Day . . . Woodies Goodies passin g out on Mrs De nis e - twice soccer Trips to Phil ' s w / CS Thanks Mom Dad & Sp e n c er espErika & Laura
Honor Roll 1, 3, 4 ; Civic Club 3 , 4 ; Civi c C lub V P 4 ; Ac olyte C lub 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Ch e ss C lub 2 , 3; So c cer 1, 2, 3, 4; 1st Team All District 3, 4 ; Baseball 1, 2
Free Play
St. Martin's Day with the big kids
Little bathrooms
Ms. Janet
Ringing the bell in the morning
Playing kissing games
Throwing toilet paper in the boys' bathroom
Running into the poles on the breezeway
Chasing the boys
Heads-Up 7up
Going strawberry picking
Ms. Cairin's bathtub
Edward hanging from a hook from his underwear
Indian Day
World Day
Science Fairs
Service Club
Mrs. Siegel's classical music
Mr. Compagno
Hiro and Eddie Kung Fu fighting
Ms. Womack's marble jar
Listening to Michael Jackson in 4th grade
Carter and Truitt getting separated in Ms. Lazes' class
The first day
Bring home guinea pigs for the weekend
Swimming with Coach Bower
Lice pillows in the library
Ice Breakers
8 O'clocks
Paolo and Allison
Truitt and Suzie
Clif as Santa Claus for show group
Washington D.C.
The Scribes
Old Town
Mr. Landry
Mr. Lind's gas experiment
Beau's end of the year parties
Parties at Meghan Richoux's house
Tom Sawyer Day
Spin the Bottle
Playing in the back area during football games
8th grade blue jean rebellion
Mr. Ellis
Truth or Dare
The Natchez
Mollie breaking her arm jumping rope
Travis punching Hirn
Mr. Longstreth
Mr . Holliman
Sex-ed with Mrs . Kaston
Mrs. McCormick' s substitute
Egg drop contest
Mr. Rawson and Gonzo
Mr. Breazeale making paper airplanes
Jazz Fest
Mrs. Herrington hitting Claiborne
Advisory meetings
Mr. Hughes World Cultures history class
Mrs. Watkins and her ruler
Freshman retreat and meeting the Seniors
Mollie getting locked in Paul's bathroom
Van Halen
Spring Break
Dissecting pigs
Getting a license
Sweet Sixteen
Party pies
Trying to get the student lounge built
Ring Day
The morning show
The strange smells in the hall
The cafeteria burning
Turning eighteen
Winning state in baseball in 1991
Junior Homecoming decorations
Dress Code
The Regulators
St. Martin's Day sweep 4 - 0
Dirty dozen sneaking out on the Senior Retreat and getting caught
Senior Skip Day
Lunch Leave
Junior year at St. Martin's is always a very busy year. Besides winning the Homecoming decoration contest, this class inducted many new members in the National Honor Society and Cum Laude Society. Friday lunch leave was well utilized by this class as their cherished upperclassman privilege. Ring Day and Prom were exciting and fun and the Awards Day ceremony marked only one more year left with the Passing of the Light ceremony
Picture Not Available
Chad Aleman
Murtuza Ali
Ashley Amato
Lise Andersson
T. Bill Axelrad
Carter Balart
Veronica Bell
Kyle Branting
Carolina Bravo
Samantha Brennan
Mary Beth Chrestman
Arthur Christy
Sarah Close
Christopher Coffman
Nikki Corcoran
Junior class officers are Jay Adair, Parliamentarian; Justin Jones, President; Lise Andersson, VicePresident; Patrick Odom, Secretary; Meeta Prasad, Treasurer Jay Adair Clark AdkersonBenjamin Crawford
Amy deBoisblanc
Edmund Dieth
Nicole Eichberger
Katie Faught
Kimberly Garland
Patrick Garvey
David Gleason
Colin Gold
Sean Grace
Steven Griffith
Brett Guidry
Kathy Haycock
Gareth Healy
Brian Houghtaling
John Hyatt
Shannon James
Amy Johnson
Justin Jones
Melanie Kaye
Michele Kenny
Fritz Koch
Christopher LeMieux
Christian Leask
Alice Manard
Robbie Manard
Marshall Marice
Beth Marks
Carter Marshall
Dina Michael
Anne Monste d
Jennifer Moore
Scott Nelson
Paige Nolan
Patrick Odom
Gregory Page
Amy Pecquet
Michael Pitts
Meeta Prasad
Mary Elizabeth Robertson
Gretchen Ryan
Tossy Sanders
Scott Schuber
Jennifer Schupp
Christopher Shofstahl
Jay Ben St. Amant
Christo p her Stakelum
Ruffy Suggs
Ashley Tappin
Mitch Weatherly
Ian Williams
Shane Winter
Ashley Tappin relaxes between classes.Sophomore year marks ma ny forms of coming of age. Usually, students celebrate their sixteenth birthday when they are sophomores. The girls hold a "Sweet Sixteen" party that the entire Upper School is invited to. Many students also take the Dr iver Education class that is offered in the spring and the fa ll so that they can get their license for their birthdays.
Rahul Alexander
Stiles Anderson
Brian Axelrad
Mac Bauer
Brent Beaulieu
Landon Becnel
Dav id Bellard
Carrie Black
Vanessa Carroll
Jay Cerise
Christopher Chambers
Ford Church
Amy Coleman
William Danflous
John Diasselliss
Kendall Dinon
Ian Emond
Barbara Far ris
Wesley Fenner
Mignon Frey
Elizabeth Getten
Jimmy Gill
Jason Griffith
Kristi Hamlin
Marco Hidalgo
Ruchi Katoch
Amy Keeney
Kathryn Kimble
Jennifer Lee
Julie Lyeki
Rahna McKey
Merrick McKinnie
Camilo Mendez
Suzanne Mill er
Holly Mills
Michael More au
Kristen Nelson
Gregory North o n
Kristi Parton
Thomas Peters
Christopher Re ese
Stephen Rodrig u ez
Anouk Rognon
Lindsay Roman o
Rene Ronquillo
Shoshana Roth schild
Marie Louise Ry an
Whitney Samu e l
Brent Scalia
Morlas Schoen f eld
J. Collin Schumacher
Monique Scioneaux
Amy Scott
Erin Simpson
Melissa Smith
Breck Trevino
Greg Valladares
Elizabeth Wanek
Lauren Ward
Benny Whitle y
Charles Williams
Most freshmen walk through the Upper School doors to a whole new world. The experiences they have at St. Martin's remain with them always. They will always remember their first Homecoming, their FreshmanSenior lunch leaves, and most of all, their friends. Freshman crushes, especially on Senior guys, are popular, and their fifteenth birthday usually marks their first trip out behind the wheel.
James Angehr
Ashley Baier
Brooke Bailey
Dominick Bartolotta
Brett Bordelon
Allyson Bratina
Michael Bretz
Mario Caserta
Deepak Chakravarty
Joanne Close
Bradley Coffman
Jason Conway
Fairleigh Cook
Courtney Crossie
Brady Dugan
RiazAli Rishi AnandClaude Eyamba
Matthew Francis
Catherine Garvey
Lauren Gatti
Bradley Glaser
Sahil Godiwala
Scott Gold
Paul Gregory
Ashley Hall
Lee Hall
Katie Hartwell
Beth Huber
Alex Husserl
Staci James
Stephanie Jones
Adam Kartzke
Brian Kendrick
Duke Kerrigan
Mikalia Kott
Charles Labouisse
Marigny Lee
Ross Longo
Wendy Manard
Shawn Manning
Wesley Marchal
Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martinez
Jonathan Massicot
Elizabeth Maurer
Sharon McDaniel
Brendan McLean
Christina Murphy
Margaret Neighbors
Justin Norwood
Alexis Pantelides
Letic hea u Perkins
Cindy Perret
Robe rt Peterson
Mary Pettit
Sean Phillips
Ridgely Pittman
Ben Pre vost
Lee Prewitt
Rana Ramelli
Stuart Rose
Elizabeth Ryan
Jonat han Schenk
Foster Schlosser
William Schroeder
Louis Smith
Liev T hames
John Reily Thomason
Christina Thorneycroft
Robin Tompkins
Rachel Tuuri
Matthew Van Wie
Eric Veith
Stephanie Vial
Meredith Volk
Jeffrey Williams
Michael Williams
Mark Wolf
Thi s yea r ha d so me fun e ve nts fo r th e eig ht h gra d e s uc h as t he class p icni c, a class slumb e r pa rty, a nd St. Ma rtin 's d ay. The mos t exci tin g, how ever, was the cl a ss trip to W as hin gto n, D C. Ea rl y mo rnin g o n Tu es day, Ap ril 28 , t he e ighth gra d e me t at th e a ir po rt a nd b ega n an e nthusi astic jo urn ey to t he nati o n' s ca pt ial. Arri vi ng at 11 :45, t hey we re loa d ed o nto bu ses and bega n t he ir s ig htse e in g wit h th e fri e ndl y driv e rs Throu gho ut th e wee k, th ey visit e d ma ny sights incl ud ing t he Smi t hso ni a ns , th e Whit e Ho use, t he Wa shingt o n Mo num e nt , t he Jeffe rso n and Lin co ln Mem ori a ls, a nd Arlin gto n Ce me t e ry Fin a ll y, o n Sat urd ay , May 2, t he class of 1996 return ed to New O rl ea ns, their suit cases st uffed with so uve nirs a nd film , a nd t he ir mind s neve r to fo rge t th e wo nd e rful t im es shared in W as hin gto n. The class of 1996 e nd e d t he ir yea r w it h th e a nnu a l aw ards ce re m o ny a nd a class party. As t hey ce le brat e d t he beginn ing of su mm e r, t hey loo ked fo rw ard to t he ir fi rs t yea r in t he Upp e r Sc hoo l.
Curt Beaulieu
Bradly Becnel
Stephen Bellard
Shane Bohrer
Chris Bowman
Michae l Brown
Caroline Byrd
Mike Cavaroc
Andrea Cecil
Adele Dauphin
Jennifer Denuna
Bridget Dugan
Carla Dugas
Rebecca Dunn
Erich Faust
Wesley Felter
Alecia Fiorenza
Annie Flettrich
Tyson G eary
Debbie Glaser
David Godchaux
Kevin Goldblatt
Billy Goodwin
Paul Haley
Marshall Hevron
Tori Hodges
Jonathan Houston
Elizabeth Husserl
Nicole Irving
Guy Johnston
Kristi Lamarque
Stephanie Langlois
Lauren Lenter
Allison Martinez
Amanda Maxwell
Ian McAllister
Chip McGeehan
Elizabeth McManus
Kim Milano
Carole Miranne
Ben Moore
David Mueller
Ryan Ann Murphy
Sarah Beth Odom
Chike Ozah
Loren Pardue
Blake Schuhmacher
Courtney Schupp
Stephanie Sharpie
Keri Solis
Stephen St. Pierre
Maggi e Sullivan
Tiffany Tyler
Brandon Voss
Stacy Weber
Matthew Wessel
Nicholas Wilmerding
Mrs Houghtaling helps Stephanie Langlois with her history project, as Shane Bohrer and Michael Brown wait their turnThis year the seventh grade grew closer together, especially through the activities experienced. They went on an overnight to Vermillionville, Achafalya Basin, Baton Rouge to visit the state capital, and went on a tour of the U.S.S. Kidd. They learned a great deal of facts about Louisiana. Another big activity they had was Tom Sawyer Day . They enjoyed juicy watermelon, fun games, and a special visit from Mark Twain . It was a great year for the seventh grade and they look forward to their eighth grade year.
Mrs. Godchaux's Ad-
Co urtney Mcilwain , Jo e l George, Nisha Chakravarty, Elizabeth Harvey, Megan Hintz, Jason Clotworthy
Front: Brandon Dino n , Joe Montgomery, Brett Sutton, Charles Christy.
: Mr. Trevino's Advisees:
Marcie Campo, Brooke Miles, Anna Kilinski, Gene Chien, Christian Chauvin, Ari Burshell, Jeff Barnett (front) Dominique Matulich , Jeanne Bourg, Robby Clotworthy, Chad Flick.
Parker Argote
Ash l ey Authement
Jeffrey Barnett
Robby Bennett
Chr i s Bordelon
Jeanne Bourg
Ari Burshell
Marcie Campo
Nisha Chakravarty
Allan Chang
Ch ristian Chauvin
Gene Chien
C harles Christy
Jason Clotworthy
Robby Clotworthy
Lisa Abry Akash AnandJennifer Coleman
Katy Davidson
Arthi Devarajan
Brandon Dinon
Chad Flick
Roger Fox
Geoffrey Fraiche
Ja Juan Gair
Joel George
Doug Getten
Elizabeth Hanemann
Elizabeth Harvey
Megan Hintz
Kevin Hurtt
Asha Jayakrishnan
Robbie Kilbourne
Anna Kilinski
Emily Kimble
Miles Lewis
Jessica Lott
Kevin McCormick
Brooke Mil es
Jo e Montgomery
Steven Moor e
Roger Pear ce
Chris Psilos
Jim Reese
Michael Smuck
Melissa St. Germain
Zach Stead
Brett Sutton
Sara Thomason
Thomas Thom ason
This year was a great transition from Lower to Middle School for the class of 1998. The sixth grade enjoyed the new experiences that were presented to them , such as participating in the Middle School play and competing in the Geography Bee.
Late in May, the sixth grade hosted the first Asian Day. Part of geography class, this day was created through extensive projects and research. Additionally, each student made an Asian dish which was shared with classmates. The class of 1998 decorated the library and posted signs with the Asian translations for words such as "exit", "entrance ", "hello", and " door ." The food was great, and everyone had fun while they learned a great deal about the various Asian cultures
Op p os i te Page;
To p: Lauren Da ly, Am and a Abr am s, and Jenni fe r Dinsd al e r e l ax af t e r th eir retr eat. Bottom Left : Adri enn e Phillip s and Sa ra Van Wi e coo l o ff w ith th e ir so ft drink s. B o tt o m Ri ght: Mr s. Kas to n poses fo r a p ictur e with a few o f her si x th g r a d e stud e nt s. Thi s Page;
To p: Sixt h grad ers giv e prese nt ati o ns o n A sian D ay. Bo tt o m Left : C hri stin e Hill eren and Bri an K aye g iv e th e ir pr ese nt a ti o n o n A sian D ay . Botto m Ri ght: A Sixt h grader ge t s mad e o ver by Mr. Cox.
Robe rt Allen
Mark Angehr
Clay Arceneaux
Geoffrey Artigues
Zak Baig
Erik Bengtsson
Catherine Betz
Marty Black
Chris Bordelon
Emily Bordelon
Blake Bourquard
Stephine Caine
Peyto n Cavaroc
Andy Chrestman
Chri stopher Close
John Colfry
Andy Crawford
Lauren Daly
Michelle Delaney
Lauren Dellinger
Judith Diasselliss
Elise Dicharry
Jennifer Dinsdale
Jenny Ernst
Nihal Godiwala
Scott Graf
Anthony Guzzetta
Amanda Hall
Kelly Hall
Christine Hilleren
Thacher Holden
Matthew Houston
Jennifer Hwang
Emily Hymowitz
Bucky Kase
Brian Kaye
Jay Kott
Richard Lo
Erica Lopes
K. K. Martinez
Charlie Mcchesney
Michelle McDaniel
Meghan McDermott Caroline Merrick
Mr. Wilmerding's Advisees: L to R: Thacher Holden, Chris Bordelon, John Colfry, Spence Schwarz, Jay Kott, Zak Baig. Top: K K Martinez, Michelle McDaniel , Alison Rodriguez, Jennifer Dinsdale, Michelle Delaney
Adrienne Phillips
Beth Prewitt
Casey Ramelli
Amanda Reese
Alison Rodriguez
Joshua Roger
Spence Schwarz
Michael Schweitzer
Ashley Stewart
Vaughn Thames
Trey Thompson
Rebecca Tuuri
Sara Van Wie
Lauren Venturatos
This was the final year of Lower School for fifth grade students. It was a time of preparation for Middle School. The students participated in all sorts of events including the Science Fair, the Chess Club, and also the Service Club. During Service Club, each member is selected by the class to serve for a portion of the year. They are then given a task to be completed daily. Service Club teaches the students how to be dependable and responsible, qualities which will be useful in Middle School. Like the fourth grade, the fifth grade participates in the Louisiana Scholastic Chess League Grade School Tournament. They also learned about the laws of science by completing experiments, which are displayed during the annual Science Fair .
Jonathan Campo
Kari Cesta
Cara Chambers
Kendall Chauvin
Ann Clemets
Elizabeth Daray
Christopher Davidson
Preston Dugas
Seth Duplantis
Scott Felter
Juliana Fiorenza
Aimee Folse
, David Fransen
Christopher George
' Justin Goldblatt
Joseph Bravo Jason BrownKyle Goss
Mathison Hall
Michelle Hanemann
Charles Hawkins
Allison Johnson
Derek Larson
Lindsay Levine
Fletcher Maumus
William Maurer
Malain McCormick
Jo nathan Mendez
Al Minor
Justin Molaison
Brittany Olson
Emery Ordemann
Jonathan Perret
Brendan Pugh
Stephen Quinet
Clare Radford
Harris Rea
Jessica Resignola
Robert Richmond
Emily Rivers
Christopher Rodriguez
Ryan Santangelo
Amy Scalia
David Sharpie
Jonathan Sherwood
Taylor Simon
Jonathan Smith
Andrew Stakelum
Alan Stone
Justin Sv ec
Melissa Trahan
Daniel Trahant
Jerom e Volk
Alan Watts
Florie Webb
Caroline Williams
Malain McCormick is paying attention to her teacher.The Fourth Grade had a fun year They studied all of the countries of the world in preparation for World Day On this special day, everyone dressed up in costumes from around the world and put on a performance in the chapel. They also decorated the walls with pictures about different countries and set up tables with food and crafts The students and maybe even their parents gained a broad understanding of many foreign and exotic places in a fun and creative way. The Fourth Grade took part in Science Week, where they played games and learned about the wonders of science Also, the Lower School Chess Club, including its Fourth Grade members, went with Ms Finger to the state tournament.
Lindsey Abernathy
Kristen Adamson
Ryan Ad ke rson
Priya Anand
Blaise A nge lico
Raymond Areaux
Ainsley Becnel
John Bell
Anna Bengtsson
Michael Blatt
Kather i ne Bologna
Dana Rae Burshell
Alice Cacioppo
Jessica Carvin
Peter Castaing
Peter Catsulis
Michelle Chang
Ricky Clotworthy
Donald D' Aunoy
Nicole Dicharry
John Dubus
James Geary
Eric Gold
Spyros Goulas
Ginger Guzzetta
Robert Habans
Rufus Harris
Nicholas Hintz
Anne Hoskins
Thomas Hwang
Joshua Kaston
Gaurav Katoch
David Lee
Jordan Lenter
James Lodato
Katherine Marshall
Jonathan Martinez
Joshua Massicot
Shaun Mccarron
Andres Mendez
Thomas Merrick
Claire Meunier
Katherine Montgomery
Trey Moses
Diana Moustoukas
David Peterson
Christian Piccolo
Matthew Psilos
Richard Re
Drew Rodrig u e
Barry Rome
Ryan Rossner
Scott Samuel
William Shackelford
Richard Simmons
Robert Ski n ner
Adam Smith
Brent Smi t h
Daneel Smith
Matthew Stedman
Natalie Stein
Akila Su b ramaniam
Rahul Tikia
Sarah Tuuri
Adam Voth
Natalie Weil
David Wessel
Justin Wilson
Zac h ary Wool
Nicole Dicharry and Dana Burshell talk during classThe third graders had an exciting year. They par-ticipated in many events including Indian Day and Tent Day. Indian Day began with a program in the chapel for parents followed by a picnic by the Van Slate House. Next, the students began to play games. Each child made moccasins , carved pumpkins, and wore a special headband made of feathers. All feathers stood for achievements completed beforehand Most of all, Indian Day was fun because the third graders learned about the culture and way of life of the Indians. On Tent Day, everyone brought sheets and blankets to make tents. They were allowed to bring walkmans, games, and food to enjoy in their tents
Ryan Brown
Harold Buchler
Erin Cesta
Colin Clotworthy
Jonathan Coleman
Kara Contreary
Lindsay Crotty
Preston Dauphin
Pierre deBoisblanc
Ryan Evans
Ryan Farley
Brian Foret
Bradford Fournier
Ryan Francis
Thomas Getten
Rachel Arnold Jason BaerJeffrey Glaser
Regan Hamli n
Jason Harmon
Benjamin Janke
Bradley Johnson
Rhett Kleinschmidt
Brandon Lobell
Lauren Malone
Christopher Massei!
Patrick McCullough
Bryan McManus
Patrick Mendez
Ryan Monsour
Nicholas Mortillaro
Andrew O'Brien
Catherine O'Connell
Alexandra Pappas
Scott Robinson
Elizabeth Schoen
Chandler Sherwood
Richard Simpson
Michael Sistrunk
Patrick Somberg
Raymond Stewart
David Svec
Zachary Tyson
Georg Venturatos
John Von Behren
Sara Wa ll ey
Davis Webb
Thomas Welch
Gregory Williams
Jennifer Woods
Mary Yumukoglu
Miesje Zimmermann
The 1991-1992 school year for the Class of 2002 meant second grade , and that meant a lot of work, compared to past years, at least. These students le arned more complex math than ever before and have mastered t he concep ts that will become basic to t hem in future years. These children also learned how to read better and faster than ever before. They have had a little bit of fun each day at recess and P. E. During the ir recess period they relaxed and enjoyed themselves like the rest of Lower School, though at a different time . And P.E . was a treat with Miss Janet. She organizes games and exercises for the students to take their minds off their school work. These second graders also took a day off from learning to participate in the annual tradition of May Day on May 1, 1992 They took part in such activities as the Maypole dance for which they practiced for a long time and quite diligently. They also dressed in traditional white . Good luck to the second graders next year and in the future!
Alden Wilbur Bishop
Richard Blatt
Carly Caroline Boo s
Crista Marie Bourg
John Ca ine
Lissa Christine Capo
Leslie Cl aire Casamento
Margot Castaing
Sara Ca stano
Britton Chauvin
James Andrew Colburn
David Christopher Coons
Denise Daly
Michael Daly
Beau Derbes
Martha Goodwin Allen Margare t AlsfeldEvan Dicharry
Jonathan Richard Fleming
Richard Folse
Geoffre y Garside
Jennifer George Tracy Goldblatt
Cara Goss
Wheeler Graf
Lindsey Dianne Greer
Hance Haeuser
Elizabeth Aline Hall
Shellie Leigh Harmon
Edward Shelton Houghtaling
Shawn Hymel
Louis Kahn
Paul Michael Kendrick
Peter Lee
Joey Wayne Leone, Jr
Elizabeth Claire Levy
Graham Patterson Little Emily Lo
Jason Paul Martinez Meredith Maurer
Noel Mills
Christopher Mioton
John Moustoukas
Charles Mullin
Marshall Ordemann
Kirth Paciera
Jay Pardee
Megan Peck
Katie Piccolo
Lillie Rea
Matthew Rodrigue
Jonathan Ryan
Walker Fleming Saik
Jules Saunee
Sarah Schlesinger
Leigh Simon
Christine St. Germain
Mark Stanga
Benjamin Stein
Abigail Stern
Brett Vogt
Sarah Watts
Janell Weil
Elizabeth Wiegand
Patricia Wiegand
Grant Yelverton
The class of 2003 entered grade school this year. They felt much more mature than in their kindergarten years AGES ago. They started doing "grown-up" things, like writing in script and learning math. And now they get real grades - maybe that's one "grown-up" thing they could have waited for The first graders really did learn a great deal, but they also had some fun, too , because everyone knows that all work and no play makes a first grader a dull kid! In the learning department, they learned to write in script and refined their reading skills. More importantly, their "fun" department remained quite full, too. Like most of the rest of Lower School, the first graders enjoy a recess period each day to relax with their friends. Also, as in past years, the students took part in the annual Pilgrim Day. Unwittingly, they learned about the pilgrims and Plymouth Colony by dressing up and doing arts and crafts like those created in the pilgrim days. Once again, our wonderful Lower School teachers created a perfect balance between preparing these students for the next grade and having fun!
Courtney Brassea ux
Holly Brow n
James Fortier Brown
Julie Buhrman
Jordan Bun ch
Cristina Campo
Nicole Chopin
Ashley Conroy
Colin Contreary
Audra Cooper
Emily Crotty
James Crouch
Elizabeth D' Aunoy
Brendan Daly
Blake Nathaniel Duplass
Jackson Edwards
Meredith Emory
Morgan Erbstoesser
Thomas Favrot Ashley Fell
Jason Fleming
Jennifer Fox
Amelia Gariepy
Nicola Garside
Ryan Thomas Geoghagan
Lauren Gibbs
Leslie Gieger
Douglas Harris
Scott Mason Harris
Rebecca Hirsch
Brittani Holland
Louise LeGardeu r
Barry John Muldrey
Courtney Ni c holson
El i se Paciera
Ja c queline Patri ck
Christina Peck
Tara Perrin
David Price
Brian Pugh
Rebecca Quintal
Matthew Resignola
Kaitlyn Richard
Scott Andrew Saporito
Jessica Scales
Jonathan Schoen
Adam Shepherd
Jordan Sistrunk
Kevin Small
Kimberly Smith
Sarah Ann Smith
Ashley Anne Tufts
Taylor Ward
Cammy Watts
Bonnie Williams
Kristen Wilson
Mariann Wilson
John Young
This year' s kindergarten class , the class of 2004 , had a great year . As always, they began to learn how to read and write in preparation for their entrance into the first grade All of their classes and activities combined learning and fun , so they could not help but enjoy themselves in class . Nevertheless, most of t he kindergarteners would come to school early in the morning each day already anticipating their free play period. They would carefully plan out which of the jungle-gyms, the swingsets, or the sand box they would attack first. Then they would romp around the rest of the Lower School quadrangle with their friends from different sections Another break from the rigorous learning of the day was snack time Once again the kindergarteners would relax. In fact , one day this past year, the kindergarteners took the whole day off for Cowboy Day, an annual Lower School tradition where they all dressed up as c owboys, including the teachers . They pretended to be cowboys and cowgirls and learned more about the West on this day These kindergarteners are definitely ready for the challenging first grade , and even more ready to keep having fun in s c hool!
Julie Batt
Robert Beauchamp
Brian Bell
Adam Blatt
Courtney Block
Thomas Bradshaw
Ty Brockhoeft
Spiro Catsulis
Bradley Collins
Laura Denny
Anderson Dittman
Brittany Downing
Amy Evans
Rabun Samuel Fox
Emily Fransen
Cassie Alsfeld Andrew AngelicoDavid Mohrmann
Hunter Monsour
Sean Moore
Parker Morrison
Jack Odell
Angelo Phillip
Timothy Prechter
Ross Rodrigue
Alex Roy
Jessica Rae Salazar
Karl Senner
Sara Silvestri
Gary Solomon
Ch r istine Stanley
Robyn Tikia
Laura Van Rens
Charlotte Watkins
Hardy Weaver
Jessica White
Ashley Anna Wolff
Caroline Simone Woods
Harrison Wool
John Zimmermann
The Pre-kindergarteners had a very special year and introduction to St. Martin's. They participated in many events including the ir annual Mardi Gras parade , and Community Day During the parade, each child dressed in a unique costume with a theme and walked around the quadrangle throwing beads to parents and other lower school students . It was a pleasant break from normal school activities and a chance to celebrate the Mardi Gras festivities . They also took p art in Community Day, which is when they are put in charge of running little stores or stands with pretend shoppers. By the end of the year , each child has progressed intellectually, while becoming an important member of the class and St. Martin's community
Ashlan Capo
Courtn ey Chappuis
Mary Charlton
Jeanette Collins
Brooke Conroy
Casey Contreary
Anna Coons
Lisette deBoisblanc
Kristin Eckstein
Marina Erbstoesser
Megan Fell
Charle s Gariepy
Hillary Gibbs
Denve r Gray
Powell Henson
Mark Holden
Matthew Huffman
Margaux Hymel
Kenny Lass
Sophia Loupakos
Andrew Matthews
David Mcchesney
Daniel McCullough
Sky McElroy
Lauren Mioton
Tyler Palacios
Neema Patel
Neej Patel
Garet Patterson
Katharine Pugh
Rachel Ramelli
Chas Richard
Carter Rossner
Trey Ruello
Chris Saporito
Elizabeth Shackelford
Enjoli Sims
Caro lyn Small
Ruth Stedman
Yenkat Subramaniam
Jimmy Tiblier
Lauren Treadaway
Joe Uddo
Mitchell White
Spencer Wool
Blaine Yelverton Above Left: Barrett Bass r i ngs up the total on his cash register. Above : Rachel Ramelli enjoys some shade out on the playground Left : Spencer Wool has fun swinging. 163We will miss Fr. Mesa and Mrs. Rellstab!
Donald S Schwartz, Headmaster
Suzette Adair, Middle School Secretary
Dr. Harriet Aquiar, Chairman of Science Department
Jo Allen, Receptionist
Carol Baier, Spanish
Betty Bankston, Coordinator of Admissions
Doris Baron, Director of Martin Family Library
Eileen Beckman, Chairman of Englis h Department
Ann Bellard , Kindergarten Assistant
Carolyn Boone , Head of Visual Art Department
Doris Boos, Maintenance and Transportation Secretary
Erin Brady; Third Grade, After School Care
Glenn Brady , French
Carolyn Bosenlener, Lower School Art
Barbara Bush , Head of Development
Jane Caine , Upper School Math
Toni Caserta, Executive Secretary
Mary Ann Chrestmen , Pre - Kindergarten Assistant
Ronald Clark , Maintenance
Clarinda Coleman; Lower, Middle, Upper School Music
Marjorie Conatser, Head of the Lower School
Tootie Conway, First Grade
James Cox , Sp ee ch and Drama
M. Jeanne Cumb e rland , Fourth Grade
Francis Delaune , Director of Plant Services
Julie Dieth, Kindergarten
Mary DiFulco-Brignac, Physics
Sam Dozier; Physical Edu c ation, Head Baseball Coach
J Robert Drez , Latin
Tracy Ebbs, Middle School English
Mary Sue Edwards; Physical Education, Head Tennis Coach
Guy Farber; Fifth Grade Sc ience, Athletics
Sylvia Finger, Language-Learning Specialist
Peggy Fransen , Lower School Music
Maria Gerrets, Assistant to the Business Manager
Susan Godchaux, Social Science
Sally Goss , Kindergarten
Harold Graf, Alumni Relations
Dianne Greer, Mathematics
Christine Hamann, Development Office Secretary
Susan Hebert, Kindergarten
Stephanie Henson, Pre-Kindergarten
Carolyn Hermann , Lower School Science
Andree Herrington, English
Tina Hintz, Second Grade
Virginia Hoffman , Head Librarian of Lower School
Bruce Houghtaling, Head of the Upper School
Susan Houghtaling; Editor of the Bell , Social Studies
Charlotte Johnson, School Nurse
Vicki Johnson, Fourth Grade
Betsy Kaston; Social Science, Life Skills
Patricia Kelley, Librarian of Martin Family Library Jenkins Knighten, Grounds Keeper
J. Scott Lansing, Athletic Trainer
Ken Lass; Physical Education, Head Football Coach
H. Pierre Leger, French
Dr. David Lesley, Biology
Donna Lewis, Director of Admissions
Warren Lind, Science
Edith Long, College Counselor
Linda Lopes, First Grade
Mrs. Beckman enjoys reading some essays
Dr Wayne Lumpkin, Assistant Headmaster
Edward Maise, Maintenance
Jim Marsalis , Mathematics
Courtney Benton Martin, Mathematics
Brian McCarthy , Latin
Janis McCormick, Chairman of Mathematics
Linda McDermott, Kindergarten Assistant
Chick McGeehan; Physical Education, Head Coach of Girls' Soccer and Track
Luce Melancon, French
The Rev. Prospero Mesa, Upper School Chaplain
Mary Margaret Miller; Development Office, Annual Giving, Communications
Minna Ree Miranne, Admissions Assistant
Dr. Rex Mooney ; Social Studies, Humanities
The Rev Richard Moore, Middle School Chaplain
Kerry Mullin; Physical Education , Swimming
Kathy Orgeron, Certified Dietary Manager
Larry Panna; Printshop Director, Athletics
Susan Pansano, First Grade
John Pardee, English
Jean Parmelee, Word Processing
Kathy Orgeron, Alvin Clark, Ester Riva , Beverly Savoy, Willie Mae Gilbert, Yvonne Eiswirth, Lucy Guess, Louise
Pedro Perez, Chairman of Foreign Language Department
Margaret Perret, Second Grade
Stephenie Pittman; Fifth Grade, Summer School Head
Mary "DoBee" Plaisance; Physical Education, Head Girls' Basketball Coach
Ilene Pool, Upper School Secretary
Janice Rees, Lower School Librarian
Shirley Reinhardt, Third Grade
Ouida Rellstab, English
Cheryl Resignola, Pre-Kindergarten
Timothy Rice, Outdoor Education Instructor
Charles Rivet, Chairman of Social Studies Department
The Rev Edward Robertson, Lower School Chaplain
Pamela Rogers; Primary Science, Science and Math Enrichment
William Rosenbaum, Psychology and Life Skills
Vicki Roussel, A/V Librarian
Janet Russo; Assistant Physical Education, Playground Director
Barbara Ryan, Business Manager
Deborah Scalia, Third Grade
Margaret Schuber, English
Karen Scott, Spanish
Sue Shaw, Second Grade
Gloria Siegel, Fifth Grade
Alan Smith; Physical Education , Swimming
Michelle Soignet Snow, Lower School Computer Coordinator
Dot Stengel, Lower School Secretary
Ronald Szumi las, Athletic Director
Alfred Taylor, Maintenan ce
Al Trevino; Physical Education , Life Skills
Linda Tre vino ; Physical Education, Head Volleyball Coach
Linda Trotter, Fourth Grade
Kerry Vogt, Pr e -Kindergarten
Catherine Wa lker, Science
Carolyn Wanek , Lower School Reading Specialist
Adair Watkins , Art
E. June Wells , English
Jam es Wilmerding, Head of the Middle School
The 1991-1992 Saints football team, led by captains Marc Leblanc and Kyle Sclafani, ended the season with a reacord of 6-3 They showed a great amount of team effort, and had a very successful season. In the picture to the right, quarterback Chris Stakelum receives the hike
Freshmen: Ridgely Pittman, Christina Murphy, Lee Prewitt, Leave Thames, Stephanie Martinez, Mary Pe t it, Brooke Bailey, Claude Eyamba, Meredith Volk, Farleigh Cook, and Margee Neighbors.
"There are three types of people Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened."
Coach McGeehanUpper Left: Amy Pecquet, Scott Gold, Billy Schroeder, Camilo Mendez, Marigney Lee , Gretchen Ryan, Brian Kendrick, John Diasselliss, Amy Johnson, Stephanie Martin, (teacher) Tim Rice , Ford Church, Eric Veith , Kristi Hamlin, and Shane Winter are taking a swim.
Upper Right: Ford Church lives life dangerously while climbing a mountain Left: Lisbeth Habans and Stephanie Martin hike through the snow Above: The beautiful scenery of an outdoor ed trip.
And they' re off! Julie Lyeki starts the relay. Running to Shannon James she passes the baton. T h en Shannon takes off and passes it to Paige Nolan. Next, the baton is passed from Paige to Anne Monsted, who sprints to the finish line with a first place in the girls 1600 meter relay
Cheerleaders : Carole Miranne, Jennifer Denuna, Stacy Weber, Coleen Kenny, Alecia Fiorenza, Allison Martinez, and Amanda Maxwell.
Dance Team : Katy Davidson, Arthi Devarajan, Asha Jayakrishnan, Elizabeth Hanemann, Emily Kimble, Sara Thomason, Megan Hintz, Jennifer Coleman, Lisa Abry, Dominique Matulich, Ashley Authement, Missy St. Germain , Jeanne Bourg, Courtney Mcilwain, Marc Marcie, JaJuan Garr.
Top Row, L to R: Jennifer Schupp, Mark Wolf, Mike Pitts , Paul Gregory, Billy Schroeder, Alex Husserl , Sarah Close , Ms. DiFulcoBrignac. M i ddle Row, L to R: Melanie Kaye, Cindy Perret, Breck Trevino, Rachel Tuuri, Jennifer Moore. Bottom Row, L to R: Gretchen Ryan , Meeta Prasad , Nikki Corcoran, Mary Beth Crestman, Amy DeBoisblanc.
Top Row , L to R: Brent Beaulieu , Tyler Adkerson , Gr eg Page , Chris Chamb ers, Patri c k Garvey, Lindsay Romano Bottom Row, L to R: Jonathan Massicot, Justin Jones , Catherine Garvey, Lauren Gatti, Rachel Tuuri.
Mitch Weatherly, Clark Akerson, David Gleason, Colin Gold,
Katie Faught, Carolina Bravo, Kimberly Garland, Shane Winters, Colin Gold, Brett Guidry, John Hyatt, Sean Grace, Jennifer Moore, Sarah Close. Middle Row, L to R: Lindsay Romano , Mary Louise Ryan , John Blake, Mitch Weatherly, Robert Rhoden, Rachel Epstein, Charlie Labouisse, Mike Pitts , Dina Michaels , Joanne Close, Mary Beth Chrestman , Amy Johnston , David Bowman Bottom Row, L to R: Lise Andersson, Beth Huber, David Miller , Michael Moreau, Mignon Frey , Wendy Manard, Paige Nolan , Ms Wells.
Top Row, L to R: Matt Neighbors,
Brett Si mp son, Ray Orrill , Scott Schuber, Beau Bethune, David
Jackson , Claib orne Sch mid t, Michele Kenny, Kyle Scafa ni , David Bowman, Paolo Messina, Patrick Odom, Chri st ian Daigle , Carter Marshall , Chris Stake lum
Middle Row, L to R: Father Mesa ,
Jason Grffith, David Gleason, Ja son
Conway, Foste r Sch losser, Wes
Marchal, Brent Sca li a, Charles
Williams , Ruffy Suggs, Julie Lyeki ,
Paul Hogan , Liz Getten, Ch ri s
Chambers, Jimmy Gi ll , Sharo n
McDaniel , An ne Monsted , Va ne ssa
Carro ll , Kyle Branting, Kelly
McGeehan , C hri s Wright, Tony
Haspel, Shann on James, Truitt
Balart, Edmund Dieth , Mike
Odom. Bottom Row, L to R: Rana
Ramelli , Elizabeth Wanek, Monique Scioneaux, Whitney
Sa muel , Erin Simpson, Katie
Kimble, Holly Mills , Cliff Northan , Bear Marcal.
Top Row , L to R: Scott Goldblatt, Marshall
Marice, Chris Shofstahl, Steven DeWitt, Greg
Page , Carter Marshall , Matt Neighbors , Chad
Aleman, Clark Adkerson, Jason Griffith, David
Miller. Middle Row, L to
R: Kathy Haycock, Shannon James, Lise
Anderson, Brett Guidry, Patrick Odom, Christian
Leask, Chris Tidmore, Gareth Healy , Ruffy
Suggs, Edmund Dieth
Bottom Row , L to R: Anne Monsted, Tossy Sanders, Nicole Eichberger, Christian Daigle, Carter
Wood, Brett Simpson, Scott Schuber, Mr. Rivet.
Top Row, L to R: Beth Huber, Nicole Eichberger, Veronica Bell. Middle Row , L to R: Brooke Bailey, Staci James , Margar et Neighbors, BeBe Ryan, Amy Scott, Christy Nelson, Holly Mills, Leigh Adams , Rana McK ey, Lauren Gatti. Bottom Row, L to R: Li z Maurer, Sharon McD a niel , Catherine Garvey, Rene Ronquillo , Lauren Ward , Amy Keeney , Julie Lyeki , Rana Ramelli Seniors : Gretchen Godchaux, Kelly Norwood, Jennifer Adams, Suzie Shaw.
Top Row , L to R: Marc Ripps , Kyle Branting, Marshall Marice , Claiborne
Schmidt, Mark LeBlanc, Jason Griffith , Scott Nelson , Hirotaka Mikami , Deepak
Chakravarty , Greg
Northan Bottom Row , Lto R: Bear Marchal , Truitt Balart
Top Row, L to R: Clark Adkerson , Ben Crawford , Jason Griffith , Robbie Manard , Chris Coffman. Missing : Rishi Annand , Brendon McL e an , Edward Pankey, Meeta Parsad, Cindy Perret , Ridgely Pittman , Lee Prewitt, Stua rt Rose , Jay Ben St. Amant, Chris Stakelum , Rachel Tuuri , Mark Wolf, Mr. Cox.
Top Row, L to R: Brett Sutton , Chip McGeehan, Tori Hodges, Bradley Becnel , Stacey Weber, Jimmy Reese , Mark Angehr , Jessica Krinke, Adel e Dauph in. Bottom Row, L to R: Amanda Abrams , Jennifer Densdale , Elizabeth Hanemann, Jennifer Coleman , Courtney Mcilwain, Ja Juan Gair, Sarah Van Wie, Lauren Venturatos.
Top Row, L to R: Courtney Mcilwain , Doug Getten, Brett Sutton, Debbie Glaser , Jenny Ernst , Carline Byrd, Marcie Campo, Sarah Van Wie, Allison Rodrigez, Adele Dauphin.
Bottom Row, L to R : Courtney Schupp, Jessica Lott , Christina Hillerin, Beth Prewitt, Ashely Authement, KK Martinez, Jenny Hwang, Ashely Stewart, Catherine Betz.
Top Row, L to R: Ari Burshell , Courtney Schupp , Asha Jayakrishnan , David Meyer, John Colfry, Maggie Sullivan , Ms. McCormick. Bottom Row, L to R: Matthew Wessel , Wesley Felter, Carol ine Byrd, John David Godchaux
Top Row, L to R: Mark Angehr , Doug Getten , John Colfry , Nihal Godiwala , Matthew Houston , Ms Ebbs Bottom Row , L to R : Justin Meunier, Charles Mcchesney , Erik Bengtsson , Zak Baig , Blake Bourquard , Andy Crawford.
Top Row, L to R: Elise Dicharry, Amanda Abrams, Mark Angehr, David Meyer, Nihal Godiwala, Doug Getten, Ms Kaston. Bottom Row, L to R: Rebecca Tuuri, Richard Lowe, Blake Bourquard, Chris Bordelon, Zak Baig, John Colfry, Joshua Rojer
Marshall Hevron, Adele Dauphin , Doug Getten, Alecia Fiorenza, Courtney Macllwain, Ben Moore, Jennifer Coleman, Katy Davidson , Debbie Glaser, Ms Walker. Bottom Row, L to R: Kevin McCormick, Joseph Montgomery, Alison Rodriguez, Kevin Hurtt , Marcie Campo, Dominique Matulich
Top Row, L to R: Michelle McDaniel, Adrienne Phillips , Debbie Glaser, Stacey Weber, Adele Dauphin, Tyson Geary, Jennifer Coleman, Ms. Kaston. Middle Row, L to R: Kelly Hall , Courtney Mcilwain, Sarah Van Wie, Elise Dicharry, Courtney Schupp, Christine Hillerin , Jenny Hwang Bottom Row, L to R: Caroline Byrd, Lauren Delaney, Rebecca Tuuri, Ashley Stewart, Vaughn Thames , JaJuan Gair.
Top Row, L to R: Tyson Geary, Stephanie Sharpie, T iffany Tyler, Thomas Thomason, Andrea Cecil, Elizabeth McManus, Brandon Voss, Bridget Dugan, Ms Brady Bottom Row, L to R: Jimmy Reese, Roger Pearce, Megan Hintz, Ja Juan Gair, Asha Jayakrishnan, Elizabeth Hanemann, Robbie Clottworthy, Roger Fox.
Top Row, L to R: Jenny Ernst, Steven Moore , Marshall Hevron, Kevin Goldblatt, John Healy, Rebecca Dunn, Jennifer Denuna, Elizabeth Husserl, Carla Dugas, Ms. Scott Bottom Row, L to R: Chad Flick, Jonathan Houston, Christine Hillerin, Emily Bordelon, Ashley Stewart, KK Martinez
Top Row, L to R: Ryan Ann Murphy, Stephanie Langlois, Andrea Cecil, Emily Kimble, Amanda Maxwell , Alecia Fiorenza, Alison Martinez, Catherine Betz, Nicole lving, Missy St Germain, Elise D. 1 Amanda Abrams, Ms. Schuber. Bottom Row, L to R: Stephanie Caine, Brett Sutton , Mich a e I Smuck, Parke r Argote, Geoff Fraiche, Jennifer Densdale.
Tomorrow has come and I have changed my ways.
Tomorrow for once brought a better day.
The promises I made have strangely stayed, because Tomorrow isn't too far away.
Yesterday hides my painful memories
Especially the voice that spoke inside me. But yesterday is gone and tomorrow is here. The future seems bright and clear.
Tomorrow is wide open, the possibilities great.
Tomorrow brough t out the part of me I use to hide.
For once I can say I really feel good inside .
By David JacksonCongratulations
DavidCongratulations "Tanglewild"
New Orleans ' hottest band NOT!
Kyle, Nick, John and Mike
Love and Rockets, the Blakes, Hingles, Sclafanis Sullivans and Dee Brown
Congratulations Class of 1992, The Mothers' Club
President - Lesley Marshall
Vice-President - Judy Adams
Recording Secretary - Judy Duplantis
Corresponding Secretary - Sallie Odom
Treasurer - Eilleen Reese
We have watched you grow and accomplish so much. Our love and support will always be with you as you follow your dreams. All
JOHN/ ... and HIRO, too!
Lauren STM CLASS OF 1983 - 13 YEAR CLUB
- 22 YEAR CLUB -
Suzie, you are FABULOUS! It has been fun!
Love, Mom, Dad, Becky and Meg
Love, Mom, Dad, Brian, Kevin, Justin, & Tracy
Brett, Dreams do come true!
All my love, Mom
From a kindergarten parade
and all the special times in between -13 great years. Good luck for a bright future.
Love, Mom, Dad, and Leigh
to graduation day -
We Are So Proud Of You, Love, Dad, Mom, Jeanne, and El izabeth.
"Memories of the Past, Expectations for the Future, Dreams We Live By."
We hope that you have enjoyed the '92 Shield. We have tried to capture moments that will make you smile as you look back and recall this time of your life. We , the staff of the '92 Shield, would like to thank everyone who has helped us, especially Mr. Houghtaling, Mrs. Pool, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Kaston, Mr Ford Dieth, Mrs Houghtaling, Mrs Barbara Ryan, Ms. Maria Gerrets, Mr. Randy Oddo and Mrs Lynn Bolles (of Country Day) for their invaluable help and advice throughout the year. We know that there are probably some errors on our part but we hope you will excuse them and appreciate our ha rd work and efforts
Advisor : Mary DiFulco-Brignac
Editor: Jennifer Schupp
P.S. Our thanks to outstanding members Meeta Prasad and Paul Gregory (we will miss you!)