St. Martin's Episcopal Sc hool Metairie, Louisiana
Volume XL 1993
Remembering The Year
Welcome to the fortieth issue of the Shield . In the pages that follow we hope you will fondly recall the 1992-1993 school year , the building of the Stuart Kemp Pey ton Student Center , 9-1 football season, the Girl 's St ate Championship victory in basketball, homecoming court , STM Day, the winning Sophomore Homecoming decorations, the Junior-Sen-
ior Prom, Lunch leave, class rings , Asian Day , Tom Sawyer Day , the S th grade trip to Washington , Egg Drop Contests, Peter Pan, Contact with the Space Shuttle World Day, May Day, Cowboy Day and Pilgrim Day, writing letters to Santa, Royal Readers, WHAT?!! You don't remember? Well - turn the pages and see
The Class Of 1993 Dedicates This Yearbook to Sam Dozier And Stuart Peyton
This year displayed a time of change , hope , and destruction Before George Bush was ousted, he gave support to the Somalians in their time of need By majority vote, Bill Clinton arrived in the White House with his wife, Hillary , in charge of health care, and Al Gore became Vice President. In Brita i n, the royal family fell apart. In late August , hurricane Andrew damaged Flor-
History '92-'93
ida and surrounding areas A radicalist group detonated a car bomb in the World Trade Center, and a David Kores h held hostages in Waco, Texas At St. Martin's the students were finally a llowed to wear blue jeans, and the student center was built Additionally, the girls' basketball team won the state champio nship. The past yea r will always be remembered.
To p Right , George and Barbara Bush admire the crowd Above , Ross Perot g iv es a s peech about the economy Right, The problems continue for Prin ce Ch a rles and Princess Diana Photographs courtesy of TimeLights, Camera, Action
This year the St. Martin ' s students participated in three plays Under the direction of Mr. Pardee and Mr. Cox, The Odd Couple was pe rformed with virtually no hitches even though the actors had to perform a week earlier than planned After g iving up much of their free t ime , the participants returned to their normal schedules with the satisfaction of knowing that the play p r oduced a bigger audience than any other non-musical in several years Also this year, students performed in
The King and I, directed by Jimmy Cox, John Pardee, and Rinda Coleman. The musical drew such a large audience that many people had to stand in the back to watch the sold out performances Having multiple casts allowed many children to participate , but also extended rehearsal times . Finally, the Middle School students performed Peter Pan with two different casts . All three plays were excellent, and the students look forward to acting in next year ' s performances
Top Right , Director Jimmy Cox applies makeup to David Bellard ' s face. Ri ght , Middle schoolers pose for a picture. Above, Justin Jones poses with low er schoolers for a picture.Service With A Smile!
St Martin's requires its students to participate in the Life Skills program, which was developed as a half - credit course to accompany the required fifty ho urs of community service The purpose of the class is " to address issues about which students needed to be informed in order to make a proper transition from high sc hool to college ". It covers t o pics such as stress manag ement, death , and explorat i on of careers Students ' service hours must be spent
working directly with disadvantaged persons, which ranges from schools to shelters for battered women. Mr. Rosenbaum hopes that students complete their project with a sense of having helped someone He finds it " wonderful that students are willing to give of themselves in such an upbeat and spirited manner " Altogether , this program is a success in that it lets students sympathize with the less fortunate and help oth-
ers Top Ri ght , Chri s tian Leask poses for a picture with a woman at the Kenner Adult Da y Care Ce nt e r. Middl e Le ft , Mary Be th Chrestman is pi c tur e d with childr e n from th e Cre s cent Hous e Middle Ri ght , Marco Hidalgo and Carri e Black are pi c tur e d with a woman at the Ke nn e r Adult Da y Care Center Right , Ma r s hall Mari ce is pictured with hi s lady fri e nd s from the New Orleanean Top , Dina Michael work s at Capers Child Development Center during the summer Le f t , Amy Pec quet works at Colonial Oaks Middle Right , Brent Beaulieu has a snack wit h two girls at Camp Rainbow Above , John Hyatt works at Bridgedale Elementary School.Court 1993
Kaitlin Boyce Monique Scioneaux
Julie Lyeki Ashley Baier Ashley HallHom ec omin g Week genera te d a lot of excitement t h r o u g hout the entire sc ho ol. The Upper School's ac tivities includ e d decoratin g th e hall s, sel e cting the Hom ec omin g Court , an e xc i tin g football game again s t t he Fisher Gators and the t r aditional Homecoming Dan ce. In the Middle School t he Homecoming activities culminated on Thur sda y, Octo b er 22 with hall decorat i on s and a g ame again s t Co untr y Day that evening
Beat The Gators!
Lower School students dressed up as ang e ls and devils and went to the Upper School football game to show their support. Before the game , Lower School students had joined US cheerleaders to do class renditions of some well known cheer s. This year Homecoming had one special event , a ceremony in honor of Olympic gold medalist Ashley Tappin. The entire school met on the Van Slate House front lawn to cheer and celebrate her accomplishments
We shut Fisher out and showed them we had the best defense .
- Chris CoffmanIt's really fun to see your friends, and it's outside of school ... Homecoming is like a party!
Elise DicharryOpposite page, Top , Chris Stake lum crowns Lise Andersson Homecoming Queen Bottome left , Chris Coffman, Patrick Odom , Steven Griffith , and Chad Aleman celebrate their victory. Bottom right , Jimmy Tiblier and Neema Patel lead the Kindergarten parade to celebrate Hom ecoming and to congratulate Ash ley Tappin. This page , Top left, Little devil s Beau Ordemenn , Matt Rodrique , and Chris Mio t on show their spirit. Middle left, The winning decorations of the Sophomore class Bottom left , The Sophomore class - winner s of the US homecom ing decorations . Above , The Middle School cheerleaders Mis sy St. Germain, Jeanne Bourg , Megan Hintz , Ja Juan Gair, Lisa Abry , and Katy Davidson at their homecoming game.
Top left, Murtuza Ali helps decorate the senior hall. Top center, Lower school shows their spirit.Top right, Steven Griffith escorts Monique Scioneaux as she is presented at the Homecoming Dance. Above, Beau Bordamen, Nick Mills , Ben Stein and Matt Rodrigue take a break from cheering at the US Homecoming game. This page , right, Coach Farber inspires Wes Marchal. Opposite page, left, Miesje Zimmermann cheers at the MS Homecoming game Opposite page, right , Beth Marks and Veronica Bell take a break from decorating the halls.Top ri ght, The Homecoming Court and their fathers , Kaitlin and Jerry Boyce , Mi c hele and Bill Kenny , Paige and Bob Nolan , Alice and Jerry Manard , Li se and Paul Anders so n, Julie and John Lyeki , Monique and Mike Scioneaux , Wesley and Bill Rol s ton , A shley and Mik e Baier , and Ashley and Bill Hall. Above left , (top row from left to right) Sharon McDaniel , Ashley Hall, Rana Ramelli , Christian Leask , Ashley Bai er , and Robert Faust ; (bottom row , I to r) Stiles Anderson , Gareth Hea ly , and Brian Hou ghtaling enjoy the Homecoming activities Above right , Guy Williams clowns around Right , Devils and cheerleaders generate some enthusiasm at the pep rally
Top left , Mrs. Dieth , Katharine Pugh , Courtney Chappuis and the Kindergarten class admire hall decorations Top right , Kathy Haycock and Kim Garland are spirited angels Above , Blake Schuhmacher, Chike Ozah , Woodward Oge , Andrea Cecil and Ryan Ann Murphy enjoy the Freshmen Homecoming Dinner at Stephanie Sharpie 's house before the dance Left , Mrs Resignola and the Pre-K class show off their banner in hon or of Ashley Tappin., Cheerleaders Catherine Garvey , Elizabeth Wanek and Lauren Gatti decorate the halls Top right , The Juniors
their spirit! Above,
r) Kathy Haycock , Anne Monsted , Kim Garland , Catherine Garvey , Wendy Manard , Carolina Bravo, Samantha Brennan , Tossy Sanders, (bottom row, I tor) Claude Eyamba , Lauren Gatti , Staci James , Nikki Corcoran and Shannon James pause for a picture. Right, (back row, I to r) Alexandra Pappas , Catharine O'Connell, Elizabeth Hollinger , Aimee Moreau , (middle row , I to r) Miesje Zimmermann, Mary Yumukoglu , Christina Zaharis, Ashley Morhmann , (bottom row , I tor) Sara Walley , Lauren Malone , and Stephanie Kaston all pose for the Shutterbug photographer.
Top left show (back row, toThe MS Homecoming game was especially exciting for us because we played Country Day.
i - Michelle DelaneyFun ' n Garnes As Memories Are Made
St. Martin ' s Day 1992 was a g r e at one . Unlike last year , November I 3 th was a bright and s unny day The day started off with an all school chapel s ervice in the big g y m After it was over , Upp e r , Middle and Lower School s separated to particip a t e in relay games . The US st a yed in the gym for their co mpetition s where the vict or s were the Juniors , followed b y the Seniors , Sophomo re s and Freshmen Meanwhil e, in the MS , the stud e nt s had relays in the ir c la s s room s and hallwa y s The g a me s ranged from sitting on a balloon and popping it t o whi s tling with a cracker in on e ' s mouth . Similarl y , the LS ha d re lays in the little gym and g am es lik e bingo in cl ass room s.
Top , C ha rl e s C hri sty and Ri c ha rd Odell a ns we r d isco v e r y hun t q ue s t io ns Righ t , Eve r yo ne e nj oys th e s uns hin e, lun c h and e a c h o th er 's co mp a ny.
Afterwards the whole school joined up in their LS classroom to be with their US , MS , and LS buddies Together students competed against all the othe r advisory groups in a s cavenger hunt. Students ran back and forth to count the trees in the front lawn , the number of lofts in the LS , and to find out the y ear that some teacher s had graduated from STM After the discovery hunt everyone went to the quad for a great lunch that the Dad 's Club provided Following that e v er yone went to the chapel to lau g h at the video that s howed the da y's activitie s and to hear the winners of the discover y hunt Mr Houghtalin g's g roup! It was a wonderful STM Da y!
Homecoming is a chance to stay after school, eat pizza with your friends, and have fun with the MS!
- Lauren DellingerI love the idea of having a LS and US buddy .
- Judith Diasselliss Top right , Greg Northon and Liz Getten help th e Juniors win the relay race s. Middle left , Anne Monsted and David Gleason race to the fi ni s h line Middle right , Mr Giambelluca gets ready to e njoy hi s lunch Bottom right , Carole Miranne s ucc ess fully pops the balloon Top left , Chip McGeehan and Colin Clotworthy pause for a picture Top right, Matthew Stedman and Colin Clotworthy enjoy the relay games Middle left , Thomas Welch and Brad Coffman battle it out over a game of chess as Marigny Lee looks on . Middle right, The entire school at the end of the day Left , Students line up to get their lunchBlue Jeans
This year at St. Martin's , ne w ground was broken on the dress code In previous y e ars , students wearing blue d enim to school received a d e tention Now, students ar e allowed to wear blue j e an s. The student council made a proposal to the admini s tration to alter the d r ess code to include blue j e an s, tee-shirts , and other minor changes Jeans that ar e town or have holes in t hem , however, are not acc eptable Brian Kendrick , a sophomore, says, " The old r ule wasn ' t fair What is the d i fference between blue
jeans and black jeans? Color ." Caroline Byrd also disagreed with the old dress code, stating, " With blue jeans you can wear anything. It was silly to have a rule over color " Brandon Voss appreciates the change, remarking, "I think being able to wear blue jeans is the best thing to happen to the dress code in a long time I have worn blue jeans almost every day for the whole year- different pairs, though!" Now that the code has changed, students flock to school in their blue jeans, grateful for the revision.
Top Ri ght , Morala s Schoenfeld relaxes in the library. Above , Stephani e Sharpie sits outside during third pe riod Middl e Right, Ford Church poses for the camera. Far Ri ght , John Hyatt walks to his locker Photographs by Scott GoldIt gives us more variety in our wardrobes.
-Ashley TappinTop Left , Jennifer Denuna , Courtney Schupp , and Holl y Mill s p os e for a pi c ture Far Left , Ben Prevost stops for a pi c ture in the cafeteria Middle Left , Kaitlin Boyce pos e s for a picture in the physi c s lab Above, Chris Reese pauses for a picture in the hallway
Best And Worst 1992-1993
Scent of a Woman
The Crying Game
Untamed Heart
A League of Their Own
A Few Good Men
Indian Summer
Indecent Proposal
Benny and Joon
My Cousin Vinny
Best TV Shows
Beverly Hills 902 I 0
Melrose Place
Home Improvement
Seinfeld Restaurants
Bennigan's Cucos
Groundhog day
The Dark Half
Hot Shots: Part Deux
Loaded Weapon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Home Alone 2
Prelude to a Kiss
Pearl Jam
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Metallic a
Aerosmith Places To Shop
Banana Republic
J. Crew
Worst TV Shows
Family Matters
Doogie Howser, M.D.
Major Dad
Full House
Saved By the Bell
Kentucky Fried Chicken
The STM Cafeteria
Those Honor Roll Breakfasts
Burger King
Vanilla Ice
New Kids On the Block
Billy Ray Cyrus
K.D. Lang
Color Me Badd Places To Shop
K Mart
Sam's Wholesale
This year, St. Martin's celeb rated Christmas in many different ways. The Lower Schoo l students performed their annual Christmas programs ; the children's costumes, plays, and songs were a delight to the audiences. Middle School also celebrated Christmas. The sixth graders learned about Ch ristmas customs in differe nt cultures, and they decorated the Middle School halls after learning about winter holidays in different parts of Europe. Language students sang carols in Spanish ,
~Tis The Season
French and Latin. Additionally, the Lower, Middle, and Upper School choirs prepared for a holiday choral performance Upper School students were nervous about exams, staying up late studying for them the week before vacation. They also looked forward to the day before vacation.when Senior Favorites were announced Finally, after many festivities, Christmas vacation gave the students a chance to relax after the first semester's end.
Above right, Sant a greets the Upper School. Bottom right, Fr. Moore exc han ges peace with Co lin Sc huma c her , Kyle Branting, and Patrick Garvey during the Christmas chapel serv iceti
Above left , Jennette Collins and Mar ina Erbsto e sser participate in the Chri s tma s Nativity. Above right, Chri s Bordelon helps Laura Denny compose a letter to Santa Middle left , The fourth and fifth graders perform duri ng the LS Chri st mas pageant. Above , Enjoli Sims participat e s in the Christmas pe rformance Left , Catherine Garvey and Lauren Gatti are Santa ' s helpersOpposite page , top left, Erin Durbin and Mitch Weatherly sing at the Christmas Chapel serv ice. Top middle , Katie Kimble and Brent Beaulieu receive the Eucharist. This page, top right, Seventh grader , Patrick O ' Brien helps first grader Harrison Wool write his letter to Santa Opposite page, bottom left , Allision Johnson reads the response during the Christmas service Bottom middle, Michele Kenny unwraps her gift from Santa Bottom right , Santa Perez gets ready to distribute Christmas gifts
Opposite page , left , Meeta Prasad receives her Christmas present of being voted most likely to succeed. Top middle, Brad Collins and Brian Be ll give their performance during the LS Christmas show. This page , top right, Anne Monsted reads the poem written especia ll y for her to announce that she i s the most athletic girl. Opposite page , bottom left, Lisette deBoisblanc and Erin Hugenel sing during the LS Christmas performance. Middle bottom, Santa throws candy to the students. Above , Lise Andersson is given a s tanding ovation by the senior guys as she is voted best looking girl.Many special events occurred throughout the school year for the high school students For the juniors and seniors , one of the most exciting events that occurred was Ring Day . Dave Jahncke described this day as " a special day when the seniors develop as role models " A special ceremony was held to celebrate this occasion . Each junior chose a seni o r from whom he would like to receive his senior ring Some juniors chose their older siblings ; others wanted their best friends to present their rings Mike Pitts remarked , " My favorite thing
Ring Day
about Ring Day is the Mother ' s Club reception after the ceremony " Following the presentation of the senior rings and the reception, the junior and senior classes enjoyed lunch at Commander ' s Palace Describing the experience, Dave Jahnke explained, "When I came to St Martin's, I felt like I was missing some kind of a family key, and when I got my ring , I felt that I had finally gotten the key to the St. Martin ' s family " This affair is one of the first steps of the transition from a junior to a senior, and will always be remembered.
To p Ri ght , Pai ge Nolan presents Breck Trevino with her ring Above, Rene Ronquillo and Anne Monst e d turn Suzie Miller ' s ring after the ceremony Ri g ht , Charl es Williams turn s Thomas Peters ' s ring after the ceremony Top Left , Kyle Brant i ng shakes hands with Brent Beaulieu after he presented him with his ring. To p Right, Mac Bauer turns Jennifer Lee's ring while Ste v en Griffith and Anouk Rognon talk Left , Junior girls pose for picture after the ceremonyJunior-Senior Prom
Everyone looked forward to Prom this year. This year's Juniors took a different approach to Prom by deciding to host the dance on the John James Audubon riverboat. Breck Trevino teamed up with Class Presid e nt Jason Griffith to organize the event. Along with many other hard-working Juniors, decisions were made concerning decorations , location, catering and music.
Many people danced on the upper deck of the boat as it cruised along the Mississippi, and the scenic view of the city lights from the river was truly spectacular The ship was ornamented with the traditional red , white and blue colors of STM The juniors and seniors had a great time and the juniors can ' t wait until next year
Having Prom on a riverboat made the night espec i ally memorable.
-Breck Trevino
To p , Billy Danflous takes over as lead guitarist to e nt ertain his classmat es and their dat es. Right , Junior girls (from left to right) pose for a picture with their date s, Kri ste n Nelson, Amy Scott, Kristi Hamlin , Breck Tr ev ino , Melissa Smith, Mignon Fre y, Kristi Parton and Lindsay Romano.
Top, Edmund Dieth , Lauren Gatti , Kathy Haycock , Clark Adkerson, Greg Page and Anne Monsted pose for a picture before the Prom. Middle, Erin Durbin , Beth Marks, Melanie Kaye and Gretchen Ryan enjoy the Prom festivities with their dates Bottom, Lep (David Gleason) resorts to Marshall and Greg after no date could be found.
US Awards
Valedictorian , Meeta Prasad
Salu t atorian , Dina Michael
National Merit Scholarship , Murtuza Ali, Ben Crawford, John Hyatt , Meeta Prasad
Am e rican Legion . Beth Robertson
Air For ce Academy , Ben Crawford
ENGLISH I, Courtney Schupp
ENGLISH II , Sahil Godiwala
ENGLISH Ill , Michael Moreau
ENGLISH IV , Dina Michael
ART I: Brian Axelrad, Ashley Baier, Ford Church, Kristi Ha mlin , Vi c ky Law , Wes Marchal, Dina Michael, Margee Ne ighbor s, Tossy Sanders _ _
ART II , Cart e r Balart, Nikki Corcoran , Mignon Frey, Kim Ga rland, Patrick Garvey, Holly Mills , Amy Pecquet, and Me eta Prasad
ART Ill : Am y Johnson
CER AMICS , Veronica Bell
BO O K AW ARD TO , Alice Manard and Chris Staklum
BEST ACTRESS , Erin Durbin
BES T ACTOR : Mitch Weatherly
THE SPEECH AW ARDS , Jay Ben St. Amant
THE MUSIC AW ARDS : Erin Durbin and Mitch Weatherly
SPANISH I, Caroline Elliot
SPANISH II : Curt Beaulieu , Jennifer Denuna, Stephanie
Langlois , Kerri Solis , and Tatum Truax
SPANISH Ill , Ridgely Pittman
SPANISH IV: Kendall Dinon
SPANISH V, Justin Jones, Alice Manard, & Dina Michaels
FRENCH I, Taylor Wohleber
FRENCH II : Andrea Andersson, Andrea Cecil, Elizabeth
Hu ss erl , Muffin Labouisse, Stephanie Murray, Wesley
Rolston , and Courtney Schupp _
FRENCH Ill , Rishi Anand , Vanessa Carroll , Lauren Gatti & Jennifer Lee
FRENCH IV : Carrie Black, Beth Robertson, and Marie
Louis e Ryan _
FRENCH V: Nicole Eichberger , Tossy Sanders, & Lise
THE FREN C H AW ARD , Arthur Christy
LA TIN I, Margaret Neighbors
LA TIN II , Caroline Byrd
LA TIN Ill , Jim Angehr and Rachel Tuuri
LA TIN IV , Mignon Frey
LA TIN V: Sean Grace
THE LATIN AWARD , Michael Moreau
ALGEBRA I, Stephen Bellard, Jennifer Blatty, & Stacy Weber
ALGEBRA II : Elizabeth Husserl
GEOMETRY , Rachel Tuuri
ADV. MATH, Vanessa Carroll and Mignon Frey
CALCULUS : Nicole Eichberger and Alice Manard
YALE BOOK AW ARD, John Diasselliss
THE RELIGION AW ARD , Chris Chambers
BIOLOGY AWARD , Wesley Felter
PHYSICS AW ARD , Alice Manard
CHATHAM BOOK AWARD , Vanessa Carroll
DAR MEDAL : Vanessa Carroll
HISTORY AW ARD , Nicole Eichberger
MS Awards
Essay , Spence Schwarz
Fiction : Akash Anand
David Meyer
Poetry , Arthi Devarajan
English 6
Megan Rigdon
Writing Lab : Bill Maurer
Caroline Williams
French 7
Eli s e Dicharry
French 8
James Reese
Latin 7
Nicholas Pappas
Latin 8
Ar t hi Devarajan
English 7
Lauren Venturatos
Writing Lab : Er ik Bengtsson
Richard Lo
English 8
Honors English
Courtney Mc llwain
English 8
Allan Chang
Writing Lab : Ar thi Devarajan
Mathematics 6
Jonathan Mendez
Mathematics 7
Stephanie Caine
Nicholas Papp a s
Mathematics 8
Stephanie Hamm
Algebra 1
Ari Burshell
Kevin Mc Cormick
Science 6
Megan Rigdon
Science 7
Jennifer Dinsdale
Nihal Godiwala
Science 8
Michael Smuck
Social Studies 6
Jason Brown
Social Studies 7
Rebecca T uuri
Social Studies 8
Jeanne Bourg
Spanish 7
Kevin Solis
Spanish 8
Kev in Mc Cormick
Library Media Center Award
Nicole Bernstein
Best Girl Athlete
Ja Juan Gair
Best Boy Athlete
Christian Chauvin
Brandon Dinon
6th grade - Danny Trahant
Caroline Williams
7th grade - Amanda Abrams
Erik Bengtsson
8th grade - Arthi Devarajan
Parker Argote
Drama / Speech
Chris Bordelon
Music Award
Kevin Mc Cormick
Mid d le School Performing Arts Award
Jennifer Coleman
Outs t anding Citizenship
Sixth Grade
Amy Scalia
Derek Larson
Seventh Grade
Lauren Venturatos
Deno Zaharis
Eighth Grade
Arthi Devarajan
Charles Christy
Dean ' s Award
Thomas Thomason
Environmental Club Award
Charles Christy
Art Club Award
Stephanie Williams
Promising Young Writers Award
Ja Juan Gair
SAREX Saints in Space Writing Awards
To The Class Of 1993:
Every school year is special and holds great meaning to each member of the community. Accomplishments, both personal and communal, are mile stones which open new doors for us and give us added energy to try anew.
The 1992 - 93 school year has been a banner year for St. Martin's and for the Class of 1993. Academically and extra-curricularly, we have had few classes which could equal the performances displayed by this year's seniors From a first and a second place in the State's Emma Wilson Emery High School Poetry Contest to a State Championship Girls Basketball team , the members of this class have given much to St. Martin ' s They have also gained much in return
This class has earned a record number of college credits through their efforts in Advanced Placement courses. They have gained entrance to some of the most competitive collegiate institutions within our country and the number of offered merit scholarships has been impressive. They have distinguished themselves in community service and they have proven to be able, student leaders for change within St. Martin's Energy , determination, enthusiasm, and solidarity are all adjectives which describe the Class of 1993. This group of young men and women has made its mark at St. Martin's and I wish the seniors well as they assume the challenges of higher education. Good luck from the entire faculty and staff.
Sincerely ,
Donald S. Schwartz HeadmasterLA~
Free play with Mrs . Janet St. Martin ' s Day with the big kids
Service club
Ms Cairin ' s bathtub
Running into poles in the breezeway
Heads up 7up
Kiss and Chase
Kickball , Medicine Ball , and Ghost Ball
Indian Day
World Day
Cubby Holes and Nap Time
Mrs Gregory
Art with Mrs Kirby
Swimming with Coach Baur
Getting the Guinea pig for the weekend
Lice on the library pillows
Mr. Domecq ' s English class
Mr. Brezeale ' s Porsche and making paper airplanes
Wally (Mr . Lind) dancing with Tina turner
The Scribes of the Washington trip
Mr Stewart forgetting the Middle School slogan
Coach Hughes ' concepts
Sixties Day
Miggy ' s Eight o ' clocks
Ar Holliman
;ex Ed with Mrs Kaston
·he Egg Drop contest
:;etting a License
, in ja overnight
llrs Maumus ' class (blue)
: h ad falling through the roof at th e overnight lanned from the Food Court freshman year
Ar . Wagner ' s Algebra class
:r Mesa
/lock Trials with Mr Rivet
)peration Tesla
lill breaking the faucet in the Chemistry Lab lobbie and the Fire Extingui s her
:;arbage Can Hunting
Aay 2 8, 1993 !!!!
Richard Clark Adkerson
I don't have any weak point s.
Arnold Schwarzenegger There is nothin g I find so little to my taste as carelessness in life Wom e n and c hildren can afford to be careles s. Men cannot.
Don Vito Corleone The Godfather
James William Adair 1982-1993
Never , never , never , never , never give in Winston Churchill
If you ain ' t dreamin ' then you ain't livin ' Deion Sanders
Jay #72 Hit or be Hit BJDozier no escape now , David BoysSt library steps Mardi Gras ' 92@1C Metallica / GnR Justin , a car 's coming Sp w / Pedro Homecoming ' 92 religion wd list AC / DC Rush is Right # I Braves fan
$2 5mil PP coffeehouse = liberal think tanks fire drills
Thor blue debates w/ Chas@b-ball studyhall Rawh
Dahmer-a tragic hero 5:30am Lexington Thankstomy friends , Mom , Dad goodluckPete &GodBless, you'llneedit w / aDemocra tPresident
Football I , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Baseball I , 2, 3 ; Basketball 4 ; Quiz Bowl I , 2 , 3 ,
4 ; Honor Roll I , 2 , 3 , 4; W Civ Award I ; Civics Award 2 ; Dist Rally I , 2, 3 , 4; St. Rally I , 3 ; JETS 2 , 3 ; Class Parl. 3 , 4 ; Boys St. 4 ; NHS 3 ,
4 ; Friendliest
You know , sometimes I ama ze even myself.
Han Solo
Arnold Classic w / FK & IW Bacchus Axl's BDay-Da Fisha Boys w / CS" Whatta ya , helpin ' him?" H-town
12 / I 3 / 92
PE w / FK & GN (2) " These are pretty ." -KN lawn jobs w/ SG & KB # I 5- " Stop starring , it makes me uncomfortable ."
Bushwick s Cyberball w/ JBS 9/2 8 / 92 Pedro parties SG and chemistry the cold game CS and the bad obsession p ee ping toms Hilton Head Pancho's w / JBS 203 w/ KH ..
Beaver Creek GNR Biloxi the freak next door LCD 245 at I 3 5 2/2 8 / 93 thanks Mom ; thanks Dad Ty-good luck
Rya n lift Kath y- I love you 5000
Pres ident and Founder -Muscle and Fitness Club 4; VP Civic club 3 , 4 ; Halo I , 2 , 3 , 5; Chess I , 2; Baseball I , 2 ; Soccer I, 2 , 4; Lifting 2 , 3 , 4.
Murtuza Juzar Ali 1991-1993
Nothing is reall y work unless y ou ' d rather be doing something else ? Is man o ne of God ' s blunders o r is God one of man ' s blund e rs ? Nietzsche Stand firm in your refusal to r e main conscious during algebra. In real life , I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra
Fran LebowitzWhere are you from , Palestine ? You were near Iraq , did you hear the bombing? Maaartoooza Mort T ooz Quiz Bowl Karate QB vs Newman , Cussing on TV Doc 's American History Class You ' ve graduated already, why aren ' t you in college ? AP Biology , A man was swallowed by a fish! Hope! Hoooaaa! Bowling and pool with MW , GR , AP and JH I 7th Birthday Many l ate nights with Mitch for The Halo Quiz Bowl ' 93 Backstage for The King g I~ The Odd Couple Bye everyone Good luck AC , SW , MW , GR , JH , MP , MPr , AP Thanks Mom , Dad , Ree I' m finally out of high school !
National Honor Societ y 3 , Cum Laude Soceity 3, JETS 3 , 4 , AP Scholar 4 , Cross - Countr y 4 , Cricket I , National Merit Finali s t 4 , The Halo 3 , 4 , Quiz Bowl 3, 4 , The Ly re 4
Chad Jude Aleman 1984-1993
I ain ' t no En gli sh m aj or Sam Do z i er Adieu , adieu , kind friend s, adi e u, adi eu, adi e u, I ca n no lon g er s ta y with you I' ll hang my harp on a weeping willow t r ee , and ma y th e world well with t hee Anon.
I know karate , nin j it su, jujit su, and all that yo u ai n't never heard of Kung Fu Jo e
FB 92 - Dist cham p s Stat e c hamps 91 (23 -0 ) C an hunt in Zeph y r egg marines - The Chase operations Te sla , paperbo y Head Schmuck Innsb r uck w / TS , PN , LA nude b e ach disco nude ninja Lakefron t w/ TS Streaking w / PO , BA D r 's out Shwr s Houston ' s GNRinMS #32 2 + years Do you love it ! GP ' s parties guts FB camp BLUE g olf c s. driving chased by cop s Aguiar Ci g ar s Toss y De s t. 91 w / BB tm JV New 13-0 SthGrFB Thanks Mom , Dad , TA , CA , TS , Dr San
Ashley Elizabeth Amato 1989 - 1993
I see rny future like a rainbow ' s end, happy hour s, timeless friends , and if I ever chance to find rn y way, rest assured I will stay.
8 Squire
Darkne ss will be there , with danger at its heart , and teeth about to tear Even then I tell you change ; so it be strange.
For everything I long to do , no matter when or where or who , has one thing in cornrnon to - it's a sin
SKP spring break D - world bubble west banana Jalapenos taco bell lake fr Subgrade fatty covington rnan cooler than bb-ff truth rr -ee rnagnus surnrner '9 0 LC , ZL, CN, DP rnardi gras e ' s Only You tree pork shabla lcecrearn rnan Florida $ 5 all Bizarre Goldie Fortress study groups Doc ladybug beach hole Nih Patience Veni, Vidi, Vici Thanks Dad , Morn, Tre We made a vow we ' d always be friends , how could we know that promises end? the Ridiculou s nuttin ' Fr Ort Every end is a beginning
Lise Renate Andersson 1980-1993
I'v e been afraid of changing ' cause I'v e built rny life around yo u Bu t tim e makes you bolder , Chi ld ren ge t older, and l'rn ge ttin g o ld er too
Stevie Nicks
Lota Lic e Esil fat soph english with PM Snowmass ' 90 +' 93-rnaint'nce ofice magic school rollrblading w/ PN and AM Greece ' 90 - scooters on the beach Jalapeno ' s w/ ED dancing at t Miss. trips w / MB and farn Soul Provid e r sli p' n's lide at HC ' 91 haircut at CPC allnighters hello , hello at S~E with MK and SJ parental taxis at 2am Grand Isle talks
Look how far we drifted Innsbruck ' 92 w/ PN , TS , and CA P, P, and L Blue chip , n. beaches , and fatal hike the bird 3 and 5 rnan mini-peps Thanks SJ , PN , MK, AM , TS AND KH for all the great times I'll miss you Morn , Dad , Orea , Dita , and Yiayia I love you all.
Lyre C lub 2 , 3 , 4 , lit edito r ; Honor Roll I , 2 , 3 , 4; NHS ; Soccer I , 2, 3, 4 (cap) All -dist ; X-c ountry 3, 4 All-dist. MVP , State Runners -up ; Tr ac k 2 , 3, 4 State Champion s; Cheerldr I ; Trea s. of class I ; Vice - P. 2 , 3; President 4 ; H Court I , 2 , 3, 4
James Farrish Carter Balart 1980-1981, 1982-1993
I'v e be e n going to this high s c hool for seven and a half years
Charles DamarAnd you run and run to catc h up with the sun , but its sinking And racin g around to come up behind you again The sun is the same in the re lative way , but you're older Short e r o f breath and one day closer to death
Pink FloydBalart . . Distric Champs .. 9 -2 .. Homecoming 92 , I 7-0 . . New Years Eve 92 w/ NG I'm Pa ralyzed Football Camp 92-naked ninja s Chili Peper ninjas w/ KB My sister friends are great De s tin 92 Catholic ,0-0 Red card w/ Wax Lad w/ CM , PO , SS Op e ration Tesla Snowmas s 93- " Go Back To Seaworld " Thursda y night w/ CM , PO , SS Guts Charred Mail w/ SG , MM , KB Player s Axl ' s B-day w/ CD , MN , CA , KB , JJ Road Trips Mud b o wls at Metr y .. S-ball . . Destin w/ SG , JG , CC , BA-BABY GOT BACK Duck c amp wars(SS) Sr skip day Destin 93 Vail w/ TB and MO Jerky Thanx to CM , PO, SS, CA , BA , KB , SG , SN , JG , AK , LW , and espcially NINA Good luck Anne , Thank you Mom , P o p , ATN , and Truitt - I love u EBG ?
Fo otball 4 , All District 4 , District Champs 1992 , Socc e r I , 2 , 3 , 4, Letterman 2 , 3 , 4 , Most Improved 2 , State Playoffs 2 , 3 , 4, Chess Club I , 2 , 3 , Civi c Club 4, Ba s eball I , 2 , JPRD Champs
Thomas William Axelrad
1988 - 1993
Christ , did a cow - in he r e ? The Ke ntucky Fried Movie
What? .. The Lagoon . . Destin ' S9 w/ lW , Skp , CL .. Destroying Bacteria The Blue Hole Figh t in Bildo Gasers The Fl y lifting Sep t I 5 Poaching w/ PO , CC St reaking mohawk operation TESLA Snuggling Carry on Sk p 9 -2 Xmas92 w/ RR Blu e French is fun fun w/ CS Dots at 3rd Fishing w/ lW Good luck RR, BA , SM , AH , CC , BB Thanks Mom , Dad , Sheryl , Brian , Rana, The Peytons , and all my friends , I love you all and couldn ' t have made it withou t you!
Football 1-4 , Mo st Improved Lineman 2 , 2nd team All-District 2 , 3 , I st team 4 , All Ea s t Bank 4, State Semifinals 4, Wrestling I , 4 , State Champ I S9wt 4, Track 2 , 4, Key Club 1-4 , Parlimentarian 4, J ets 4 , Science Olympiad 4.
Kyle Prosper Branting
1979-1983 , 1989-1993
V i izz it d erri z zo rnan y mo orzisa zz iz danderiz orzis
Cluadius Reynaldo
So me peopl e without brains do an awful lot of thinking.
The Scare-crow
Wh e r e it all end s I can ' t fathom rny friends , if I knew I might toss o u t rn y anch o r , so I'll c ruise along alway s searching for songs , not a l aw ye r , a thi e f , or a banker
Jirnrny Buffett
Fill e r up # I I Football & Football camp Killer " The Band"
3 0 3/ wow A x l 's Birthday w / CB , MN , CD , CA , JJ Tesla w / PO ,
PG, C B, BA , CC Ne ws Print w / SG , PG , CA Lawn Jobs in Clarks BM W Ca rds w / J&Moose 7 years w/ CL Futons and Tristan?
A p p l e b ees w /C A Air pi CL + life-guard(ME) = PAR-T
Ma rga rit av ill e- Destin 93 Pla y ers@lunch w / CL , SN , MM Canal w/ JBS, SG , JB , MM, & her CHILI PEPPER NINJAS Thanks Haw k eye and mo rn for putting up with all of it. Sp e cial thanks to the C apt ain , U DA MAN ! "
BYE BYEFo o tball 2, 3, 4 (2nd team all district) ; Track 2 , 3 , 4; Acolyte Club 2 , 3, 4 ; Che ss C lub I, 2 , 3
Veronica Bell 1989-1993
What we do on some great occasion will probably depend on what we are; and what we will be the result of previous years of self-discipline
H D LiddonEvery artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature Henry Ward Beecher
vern vero vb rn&rn thethreestooges foodcourt ' 89 ninjasat seniorretreat rnardigras ' 93 iris ' 93 sparta ' 93 rnelanie ' s caraccident whatadizz nicholi rnelanie bef amos midas blue dotdots whatapain intheneck senior englishclass whata joke prorn ' 93 thanksrnorn anddad , beth , melanie , nici, meeta, gretchen goodluckto allrnydear sweetfriends
Carolina Bravo
1990 - 1993
You know life , it ' s all about expression You only live once , and you ' re not coming back, so express yourself. You gotta be you and only you babe , express yourself , and let me be me
The best lack all conviction , while the worst are full of intensity
W.B. Yeats Just Do It.
You should know time ' s tide will smother you, and I will too
The SmithsThe ag bulletRC's door T nights at DMs Mardi Gras'9 I w / KF&AF ' 92w / SG Banana- nut b-day mush AFs bye-bye party RS&the university of Toronto at ATTs Disco w / KF Buttercup Coffee w / SG Tanglewild groupies w / AF MS-ILUVUalways Covington Cha tee's Homecoming '92w / SB&KG Doc's or not to Doc ' s w/ SC ator ' s w / SB&KG Halloween ' 92 w / SB&KH Birdie-Cheez Just-in-Case SDDR Espresso w / SB&HS Movin ' Out Thanks to the Close ' s for everything Sam- l LUVU
Rollerblading w / JM ILUVU all SB , SG, JM , SC, AF , NB, AA , KF , KG, MS, MOM&JERRY-THANKS
Halo, I ; Lyre , 2
Samantha Scott Brennan 1980-1993
If you could see the you that I see When I see you seeing me You ' d see yourself so differently
Believe me
Rollins Band
Well, I been down a long time , days crawl away and die, forever is a long time!
White Zombie
Stare at me with empty eyes and point your words at me mirror on the wall will show you what you're scared to see
Alice i n Chains
One who doesn ' t care is one who shouldn't be.
Cha tees Mardi Grasw / KG, AJ, &R I Homi The Clown I Can See Clearly Now Jalapenos Fatty Bob New Year's Eve w / KG , AA , &AS Gwarw / AA You So Fine Spring Break Heavies 2on I 5Happinessw / JF, WM, KG, AA, KF, NF Halloweenw / CB KH SMIRNOFF amy ' stories Covington Moscas
Fogcutta Munchies Fathead Lollapalooza w / AA&KG MAN
Swillin SKP Scratches w / CL It 's Pluto Africa w/ TS , SB, SA D W I LFw / KG Ch i keeMonkey Goodluck KF , AJ , KG, AA , &CB. Thanks for everythi ng CB, AA , Shawn, Steph , &D addy I love you all very much.
Arthur Montgomery Christy, Jr. 1980-1993
If a t fir s t y ou do su c ceed , tr y to hid the astonishment. Anonymous
A man doe sn' t automatically earn my respect he has to get down on kn ee s and b eg for it
Jack Handey
Mary Beth Chrestman 1991-1993
Days are long , but life is short
You shouldn ' t go through life with a catcher ' s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back
Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated Smile a lot. It costs nothing and its beyond price
Measure people by the size of their hearts
rudolph spring break ' 91 and ' 92 randomn man #2 3 mr H' s american history class Robbie and the fire extinguisher hammer dates from hell mr. P' s engli sh cla ss rush " woman " jump come on george want a cookie junior homecoming decoration winners torn shorts mardi gras ' 92 delirious the complexes wwl sharles best of luck : J.M ., S C. , D.M , N C., C.B , J.S ., A.D. , A A., and K.F thank you Dad , Mom , Allison , and Andy for your love and suppor t -I'll miss you
soccer 2 ; softball 2 ; care club 2 ; acolyte club 2 ; lyre club 3, 4; yearbook club 3; spanish honorable mention ; honor roll ; culture club 4
W o men, y ou c an ' t l i ve with them , pa ss the beer nuts.
NormPeter son
f er r e t rt s top calling me archer the food court incident ho nor 's e ng li sh c la ss- th e renegade s blue the ferns in us2 th e mol e blue bull e tin board chemistry and the fight 6-hour d ete ntion dr lumpkin 's alg 2 class the girls at wendy ' s in fla goo dy sh' retire slaps it lousy stanima most unlucky 8th per e ng li sh- movietime yelling & flipping things in the lib r ar y Thanks to mom , dad , charles , nancy , and everyone else for th e la s t I 3 y e ar s see ya!!
Socce r I, 2 , 3, 4; State Playoffs I , 2 , 3, 4; Letterman 2, 4 ; Quiz Bowl
I , 2 , 3, 4; Nat'I Honor Societ y 3, 4; Baseball I , 2
Sarah Jane Close 1984 - 1993
You don ' t look ba c k along time but down throu g h it , like water Sometimes this comes to the surface, sometimes that , sometime s nothing . Nothing goes a way .
Margaret Atwoodsarah jane snoo t y english mcmuffin ralude you ' re so slow the beamer motley crue-smoke poison sweet I 6 -woman f, harden fight halloween party ' 91 totaling the drivers ed car . . same lunch for 4 yrs . . (norman) .. pj ' s regulars .. english craig 5per II w/ dm- mi ke miley sleeping at school " surprise " I 8th bday the digression queen thanks to everyone-esp nc / cb / jm / mbc / &dm my adopted sister mom / dad / joanne f, chris i lov e you all
Brian Coffman 1980-1993
Burn the bridge behind you , leave no retreat
Remember in this game we call l ife that no one said it's fair Guns ' N Roses Times have changed and times are strange , here I come but I ain't the sam e.
Ozzy Osbourne
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished , that will be the beginning
Louis L' Amourmeathead yohimbe dr I. manager with RO the c atch arresting mrs. m blue honor lifting cigars #89 / te fb camp #68 / t playin in the dome last season camp odom chad ' s party mardi gras 92&93 bus t ed with po powerlifting with po 965 spring break 92&93 g'nr concert asleep on a porch waiting for 93 season dozier stm I 7, fish 0 9-2 hangin with the boys super bowl party support group cut tin w/ cs 2 stu d y halls thanks mom , dad, sandy, brad , todd and all my friends i 'II miss you
football 2 , 3, 4 : 9-2 state playoffs , 2nd team all - dist t; socc e r I , 2; track 3, 4 ; powerlifting 3 reg runner-up ; speech I , 3; nhs 4
Benjamin Joseph Millard Crawford
I'v e always been crazy but it ' s kept rne from going insane Waylon Jennings
Write a wise saying and your name will live forever
Anonymous Join the Armed Forces, Visit inter est ing places , meet interesting p eo ple , and kill them !
turtle flash #62 crawford I 4 7 f drothar the omniscient, hi gh master of rernulak censorship rnurray too li ght for the rninirnurn "t he tank" " the monster" 6 'Ii mpg yosaka iyurnbay " this is going to hurt you a hell of a lot more than it ' s going to hurt rne " violent man blue finishing rny summer service project the next march pjp senior year " to a bluebird " thanks to rnorna, daddy, andy same to j a, sg, bg, ca, po , everyone else i probably forgot
football I , 2 , 3 , 4 : wrestling 2, 3, 4 : track I, 2, 3, 4: quiz bowl I , 2, 3, 4, halo 3, 4, nh s 3, 4
Nikki Katrina Corcoran
1981-1987, 1989-1993
There are three types of people, those who make thing s happen , those who watch things happen , and those who ask ' What happened?'
Coach McGeehan
If the land of make believe is inside your heart it will never leave Like a fountain of gold you can never grow old where dreams are made anonymous
corky have any candy or gum? blue n1n1a s pulls nikki rny clean car jailbird rny favorite ph ah in the wheelchair is it dupont mooch liz ann camp from kentucky oasis truck stop w / pg&ca rolude moo-cow I - night@ drn ' s refill i'rn not a snow one-eyed willy the crab rny prom date brewster , you're so cool (en) ditz street nikki, owe collin, wanna wash rny car. blaaa nicole , how's bone tchau!! thanx, and lots of luv to , morn , dad , uncle rnurf, alison, and the booper
swimming I , 2 , 3: tennis 2 , 3, 4: soccer 3, 4: yearbook (sports ed ) I, 2, 3: jv cheerleader I : culture club 4: honor roll I , 2, 3, 4
Edmund Warren Dieth 1980-1993
Burn the bridge behind you , lea v e no retreats their ' s only one way home
chindu edward beef manowar parties partying w/ ph , th, cc, ml, tb , dj des tin ' 90 , ' 91 , ' 92 I 066 evicted the bowl busted w / gp, rs , and sp skp the crash w/ ph &ml school nights junior year upstairs at tone loc ' s the guard w / gp & rs thursday nights w / iw pow -wows near -death w / ba pantera w / dumas, lw, and lg thank you to all my friends , mom , dad , jonesie , and lauren i love you very much c ' ya!
football I, 2 , 3, 4; most valuabl e back I , 2 , 3; track I , 3
Amy Elizabeth deBoisblanc
A f ter all , we do o nl y go around on ce. Ther e' s reall y no tim e t o be afr aid
So stop
Try something y o u' ve never tried
Nike ads
Freeze this mom e nt a little bit longer , make each sensation a little big stronger
Change is never easy , you fight to hold on y ou fight to let go
Wonder Years
brain tumor water ballet the we t poodle i ' m making tea
I 812 submari ne races daniel jumping off hi s balcony rush concert dd lists ono lettuce vista shors mud wrestler ut w / st k w l climbing the com. cent er dm ' s parti es the god tram p olining lemonhair ok , qu i ck baske t ball court ab ' s notes camp abbey city park the snac k bar setting alarm o ff add tap water lifeg uarding t hank s to everyone-esp mom , dad , pete , weisey rp mm dd js mbc come and visit me next year!
yearbook 2 - 4; lyr e 4; fashion club I ; honor roll 1- 4
Nicole Ann Eichberger 1989-1993
No g uts , 110 glory.
Smile , it makes the world go ' round! No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
The onl y soft about the g ame is the name
E Roo sevelt Al Trevinorn &rn sni c ker s wttn ssvern ap ice bucket training r oom with doc .. jay ' s journalism party .. nick , nicole, whatever . . t hat's why they call rne thumper softball 1991 last inning of l ast g ame ap biolog y doc ' s stories basidiocarps meal worms from hell world series I 991 nisswa goofy slippers . . july I , 1992 .. iri s ball s .. girls state .. muster . . tight two ' s spar t'a spectacular 2 / 12-2 / 14 grocery shopping hurna rnr s. d - b, & sugar softball ' 93 deja vu thanks & love ya rnk, rnp , gr , brn , dr.rn. , big al , si ss y, re , re, morn & dad miss you pa volleyball I , 2 , 3; softball I , 2 , 3, 4 ; honor roll ; civics club 2 , 3, 4 ; mock trial competition ; jets 3, 4 ; national honor society 3, 4; curn laude societ y 3, 4 ; young republicans 3, 4; dar; bausch & lornb ; girls s tate - district attorney
Erin Eugenia Durbin 1992 - 1993
" And now l'rn glad I didn't know the way it all would end the way it all would go My life was better left to chance I could have missed the pain , but I'd have missed the dance Garth Brook s " Love doesn ' t make the world go 'round. Love is what make s the ride worthwhile Franklin P Jones
bye-bye mercy we almost made it heath sfi ' 90 , 91, 92 bradle y peoria it ' s rny only talent in life algebra ii 12 pg letter " huh" rneeta , giz&rny pole tec40 vietnarn , canada?! sa ssy singy rnardi gra s 93 ju s t a walk in th e park the king and i thanks ya ' II in bocco de lupe , rnw opening nite " hi anna " thanks jbs, jrj&the cast cartunes w / rneeta toot da horn s trn party again riverdale " I ' s" rnand e ville " shadowlands " boca bound thanks j bs , rny partner , i'II miss rny next year can we talk? luv to morn , dad, j , p, the family
drama club I, 2, 4; chorus I , 2, 4; speech team I , 2 , 3, 4 ; national honor society 3, 4 ; student council 2
Kathryn Pate Faught
1979 - 1993
I knew when I looked back on my tears they wou l d make me laugh , but I never knew l ooking back on my laughter w o uld make me cry.
We 're just two lo s t souls swimming in a fish bow l year after year.
Pink Floyd You can't always ge t what you want , but if you tr y sometimes you just might find you get what you need
The Rolling Ston es
spring break 92 , chatees galleria kh&the mice kg part y prom 92 ' iri sh parade w/ kh&kg lake w / aa , wm , nf&j f the jet ta j alapeno s disco w / cb cow song coving ton mardi gras w / kg& aa b ig dave kg&kh wrestling spoon u denny 's trips to 5 happiness soccerball jone s amy 's stories lonely man kh&kg wreck what is that , velvet? eddie 's ears . trooper t r ey . . fogcuta .. biff .. j oe banana .. shut up katie! af/eskimo rr&pb/carmel richy ri c h triple k thanx kh , aa, kg, aj , cb, trey-mom , dad&sealy-i lov e ya!
fashion club I ; lyr e 2, 3; halo 4; softball I
Kimberly Posey Garland
Say what you wanna say and do what you wanna do
Smashing Pumpkins
We are but flowers amongst th e weeds of life.
Margie Schmidt
To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower , to hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour
Willia m Blake Nothing Gold Can Stay
Robert Frost
my part y the wreck tarzan heaving stealing horses chatees joint presidency w / stu lake w / hippi and am be r fathead , sb new year's eve spring break w / aa j f kf af ne verending story jalapenos i can see clearly now sychoX wrestling w/ kh soccer ball jones what is that, velvet? fog cut ta paranoia 2 on I sharing a brain fatty openminded spoon you hadayada swimming herb and sid mattfer x o is it yes maybe so to mul t iple an d us thanks for the lau ghs no regrets i appreciate it mom and dad
state records, state champion, all-american
David Robinson Gleason 1990-1993
Som e tim es y ou ju s t have to say " What the ----"
Thi s i s d e pre ss ing !
Live y ou li fe as if eac h se c ond was the final one
The p as t i s th e p as t don ' t regret it.
Patrick Bryan Garvey 1978-1993
I wanted to li v e life passion at e l y, in lu x uriou s fre e form , without squads , without uniform s or ranks Freedom was the only thing I had ne ver known , and it wa s time to walk with abandon, immune from the battalions , answerable only to my se lf I would make my own wa y now, conscious of my singularity , proud of it I would run wild, out of step , and unrestrained And though I had learned in the barracks that I would alwa y s be afraid, I had al so learned that I was not for sale and could not be rented out for any price I had found one thing - at la s t, at last - to like about my self.
Pat Conroy
I want to stay as clo se to the edge as I can without goin g over Out on the edge y ou se e all kinds of things you can't see from the center
Kurt Vonnegut student council 2 , 3 , 4: class treasure r 4: natl. honors society , football I , 2, 4 : dist champ s 4 : track I, 3, 4 , all dist , all east bank , I st r e g iv : acolyte club I , 2 , 3, 4 : chess club 3
Tom Cruise
Gre g Page Larr y Gre e ne Marietta
l e p fit z ha s th e wor s t audobeen hair the flute method sw e aty trunk r i d e in bmw fk , ss , gp and cm, one da y you ' ll make milli o ns o ff me 0 fo r 3 I, don ' t think so , try 8 for I 4 head or not? lock e ro o m wars with whitey greg , i love those flags on y our shir t swilling gretch ' s hidden talent stupid study hall anti cs don ' t put my car in neutral what ' s her name? my hou se c ollin s, g ood luck next year with the od ' s thanks for e v ery thin g mom and dad i love y ou and fen , j en and lie
Sean Patrick Grace 1978-1993
That 's why we gotta' love those people who live life like the re' s no tomorrow , because when you get right down to it , there isn't.
Lauden Swainlittle man scrawn goldfish toss wrestling I 3-foot python with rm playing pool champ nerd herd hey-hey-hey-hey dance champion the datsun superdome message board I 5-year club blue ow! a bee stung me, get the adrenaline ms house party hanging out w / tanglewild wrestlemania cc with dr good luck to junior buds thanks to stm community and friends , and thanks esp. to mom, dad , heather , chris, and rob. arrivedercci!
cc I , 2 , 3, 4 , all-district and mvp , wrestling I , 2 , 3 , 4 , state champ, runner-up , and mvp, track 2, 3, nh s 3, 4, homecom. dance champ 3, 4; civics I , 2 ; halo 3; lyre 3
Colin David Gold
Though he should conquer a thousand men in the battlefield a thousand times, yet he , indeed , who would conquer himself is the noblest victor.
The BuddhaThere are only two forces in the world , the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit
Napoleon Bonapartetaekwondo I 3 8-1 7 with cs mud bogging on cd ' s field where ' s colin making rounds intro chem honors no problem 1992 summer pilgrimage I 8th b-day in monte carlo pool long lunches philosophizing never been caught yang moon friday movies how about that poland nomadic bedouin snack bar hiking through a mine field nap time the finger ampsterdam aikido porch chat thanks mom , dad, scott , and eric it was fun , but i ' m glad it 's over see ya
wrestling 2 -3; football I , baseball 1-2 ; track 3 ; halo 2-3; lyre 3; civics club 2 , 3, 4
Steven Franklin Griffith Jr .
I think that I was a king in my past life becaus e I lik e it when peopl e do what I say
Jack HandeyBrett Lawrence Guidry
1979 - 1993
I t' s b e tt er to r egre t thin g s y ou ' ve done than thing s you haven ' t
Micheal Caine
No man e v e r hurt hi s eyes i ght b y looking on the bright side of t hi n gs
A nonymous
b I 4 yea r s sprocket s blu e t c b .y mag sc hool c c meets ge ttin g th e boot I / I / 93 senioritis playing poo l dr iver e d w / sg mardi gra s t ennis w / karl p.p at sh y o u' r e g oin g where ? the coli c nhs - 1 sem too late sk ip p in g so c c er fr. and sph y ear s n o. night games doused w ith mud the hy att blinky joke s t hanks stm , teach ers, and fr i end s for all t he me morie s, with spe c ial thanks to mom and dad g oo d l uc k c l ass of '93 and jd
soccer I , 2 , te nni s 2 , c c 3 4 , c ivic s c lub 3, 4, chess club I , 2 , honor r o ll I , 2, 3. 4 , nh s 4
Better to be judged by twelv e then carried b y si x
Anonymous On the plains of Hesitation lie th e black e ned bon e s of countles s millions , who , at the dawn of victory sat down to rest , and resting, died.
Let me show you baby , I'm an Italian boy
Vince Lombardi
anouk landscaping w/ kbca c harred mail r e d dots w/ cbkbmm senior skip day newsprint w/ cakepg mardig r as w / kbmmjsjb accident w / ar radar love throton stick a t lun c h earl paralyzed z football , camp , district c hamps. cr e amed corn , naked chili pepper ninjas , b j dozier, iw in bed, hard races des tin, stealing the van , 3-man sling shot (apple) , simms , 5- finger discount g uts mud bowls carry on sp tapin g me tallica gnr in biloxi player ' s lunch good luck ne xt year jason mom dad , i love you and thanks for everything!
pre sident of civics club 3 , football letterman 2 , 3, all - district honorable mention def e nsive line 2 , 3, honor roll 1- 4
Kathleen Marie Haycock
1980 - 1993
I found it hard , it wa s hard to find , well whateve r , nevermind Nirvana
Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone el se expects of you Never excuse your self
Henry Ward BeecherIf your life is free of failures, you 're not taking enough risks.
H Jackson Br ownkathwath wr ecking wendys w / kg kg party 8th g aleria ms shad's mice wrestling w / kg shut up , kt! 3blind mice sb&am what is that velvet ? th e pizzas are in orbit joe ban ana 5happiness&jalepenos denny's 2onl beach club aspen ' 92 destin skiing w / ca w / cas homecoming ' 90 ' 9 I ' 92 angel the fly shark 9 / 28 / 92 & 12 / 13 / 93 my b- days w/ as hadda yadda c avemen on ha ll oween stu mini pep wrestling w/ cl at texaco crooked hilton head w / em , ts , ca thanks t o all my friends , i love ya ' II! esp mama , daddy , em , & tiger! i love you , clark!
volleyball I ; track I ; soccer I , 2 , 3, 4 ; tennis I (mip) , 2 , 3, 4; lyre club I , 2 , 3; civics club 3 , 4 ; hono r roll
Gareth John Healy 1990-1993
Be prepared for sudden aggrav at ion Maryland Department of Highways
It is not necessary to underst and things in order t o argue about them
You wouldn't like me when I'm angry
Davis JahnckeDavid Banner
how do you pronounce that? velcro mercedes & it's destruction hunting in the civic w / dj vh ' 91-the pier metallica / gnr ' 92 mardi gras ' 92-the goal & the rental ca r w / bt, sa, mb halloween ' 92 ' 93 homecoming ' 91 w/ ap-the limo driver summer ' 92 w / dj, sa , bt , mb rack ' s w / at dhs w / dj mardi gras ' 93 w / dj, ox , etc almost freshman / senior party w / dm - woops homecoming ' 9 2 w/ dm the wallet thanks mom, gene , bron , rich esp dj , sa , etc i love y ' all i wish you were her e dad skp later
wrestling 2, 3 , 4; civics club 2 , 3 , 4 ; football 2
John David Hyatt
So what about artificial stim ulants , john?
Dr. Rex MooneyWhat you own is your own kingdom , what you do is your own glory, what you love is your own power, and what yo u live is your own story. ·Rus
Gimme some sugar, baby!
Bruce "Ash" Campbell
If all the ignorance passed a second ago, what would you say, who would you obey.
t . monger .. i'm on I-dopa .. ehh?-ahh! .. yabo .. andover . . 1
liked you better w / normal hair " she's got huge tracts o' land renaissance man philosopher prince video cam w/ jb st ch. t. w / nh hound t - baby endymion '93 pool-it ' s pretty-it's so pretty durango 95 spoo huh-ah! year cool! (jb) 4 one of these things does not belong-thanks ksjbrrnhecms good lu ck to everybo dy love and thanks to momdad marshallluke l aurenk im andmatt.
national honor society; harvard book award 3; nat'I merit finalist 4; x-country 2-4, lett er man , mip 2, 3; track I, 3; letterman ; halo I , 3; l yre 3; civic club 2, 3, 4
Amy Johnson 1983-1993
You can look in all directions , but the answer is in your mind.
dMichael Darby
Place yourself within the mirror , you stand alone the pic t ure is clear , put yourself between the lines , pure reflection tells no lies.
Michael Darby People askin ' questions, lost in confusion , well I tell them the r e ' s no problem, only solution.
John Lennon
discosoftball sprgbrk cv mardigra s kg party horses du zack reidakagup cats navy oe-smokies ks&com know motown b illie de stu mrsnoc lunch-kfs ' surfin ' chatees mm / flipside sailing europe russia lp ' 92w / buck bloodsis prom lanceakaconan introchem lonelyman shabla jazz&bluesfest roadtrip / snowboards-freshies inthepowpow chkpt specialman i&tm rrobbins thanks , family , gp ' s mom, dad (bud) , rw , rh , kf , kg, aa , sb , cb , kh /i love you!
fashion club, I ; volleyball , I; sof t ball , I; outdoor ed, 2 ; care, 2 ; lyre, 3; culture club , 4 ; halo , 4
Shannon Elizabeth James
1982 - 1993
These are the days you'll remember These are the days you might fill with laughter until you break These days you might feel a shaft of light make its way across your face And when you do you'll know how it was meant to be.
I 0 ,000 Maniacs and the goodbyes make the journey harder s t ill.
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.
Cat Stevens
Bill and Ted ' s
nannon shanny krazy krewe snack while you crash santa ' s helpers did it james lizard the human wi sp gecko, ratt&armpit one in a million destin ' 92 w/ iw grand isle 7/ 4 / 91 girls on the hood mini-peps ruston chem nerds w / am mr h's class jbs fighter pilot good luck liz g & ah hawaiian punch w / pn ala w / pn , mk, & la sidetrax thank you mom , dad , mamaw , papaw-i love you-staci & wi l l ian-thank you&i love you lots thanks pn , la, mk , am&ts for showing me how good it could be i love y ' all
soccer 2 , 3, 4 ; all-district 3, 4; all-state (hm) 3; team mip 3; captain 4; track - state champs 3; regional champs 3; district champs 2 , 3 , 4; cheerleading I , 2 , 3, 4; captain 4
Melanie Anne Kaye 1979-1993
Ex perience is a hard teacher, she gives the test first, the lesson af terwards
Vernon S. LawLi fe is like a dog sled-race. If you ain't the lead dog , the scenery ne ver changes
Designing Women
The gra nd esse ntials of happiness are something to do, something to l ove, and somet hing to hope for.
Isn't life delicious?
Justin R. D. Jones 1987-1993
rio eggs h.c san jose c & p at sb wrapping paper pedro blue the jeans coach rice jonesy the bear citation calypigeon caged tiger s.c. pres the b .s midge lounge , no sorry , student center the canadian t.r p g k b. c.a. 800 400 class pres s.m doc phys religion word thats all , thanks for the good and bad that have made me stronger ' see ya '
Allan K. ChalmersLife Savers Candy
mel - anie bl ocks w / rw irisball '9 2 '93 spartaspectacular
2 / I 3- 14 / 93mp? endymion '93 runfor theborder
2 - 1S0sw / bm joke s'ti 14am concerts huma dolphins l atenight s db bef , nicoli , maeyta, vern, gizz, derb, bm&ad , gr&tp, mp &mv nici, nicole , whatever callaway mardigras ine edt h e phon e takehim w / u! freedom vampires diduknowhim? onlyn'nawlins twoweek mistake mightymouse big / littledaddy flucksntraot s 't il uhiccup! t ha nks& good luck , vb , mp , ne, gr, ap , ed specialthx, rw , bm , ad, &jerry thanks, mom , dad , brian goodluck littlebro! luvya'II
k ey c lub I , 2 , 3 , chorus 2 , yearbook 3, 4 , culture club 4 , fashion club 4, volleyball I , 2, tennis I , 2 , 3, 4, honor roll , 14 year club
Harry Sanford Koch IV
198 0 -1993
All I ever settled for was that we 're born to live and t hen to die, and we 've got to do it alone, each i n his own way, and I guess that's why we ought to love those people who deserve it l ike there 's no tom orrow, cause when you get right down to it. there isn't.
Drop that zero, and get with the hero
Michele Joanne Kenny
You are so beaut i ful to me.
Joe Cocker
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break fr o m all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn 't you like to get away? Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your nam e, and their always glad you came You wanna be where you can see troubles are all the same You wanna go where everybody know s your name
Theme from " Cheers "
kenna vail'93 w / cc girls on the hood ramada 810 i neve r w / tb , mo , po, sj, am crushed w / pn-psm crash-"santa's helpers did it" dancin g at t destin w / am & pn michella foreva w / jc phone talks w/ p n II w/ cc minipeps ro ll erblading w /cc houstons flash i ng mr h ala ./ sidetracks t hanks pn, la , sj, am & ts-i will never fo r get ya'II chris-i wouldn ' t have made it without you-i love you good luck coleen - i will always love you-dad, aunt joanne, uncle tom , austin and esp mom-my best friend i will miss ya'II
volleyball 1-4-un d e feated district champs 2-4-most improved 3-all district 3-4; track I; soccer 2-3-state playoffs ; cheer leadin g 1-4 captain 4; care club 2 ; fashion club 1-2 ; culture club 4; homecoming court 3-4
Lowden Swain
Robert Van Winkle
# I 5 putt-putt w / lep dance lessons , swamp tour bk balls w / ml drawin the tears w / c m confessions w / clark we couldn't help it mrs. trotter b ook what ' d you say lep? laser gun w/ marmar summer leagu e w / hamster floridaw / bb , b s, mo , beast lipscomb pumpkin clark 's girlfriend (charlotte) flex-ing i luv mo#3 manowar thanx coach geo lind scotte marie louise ryan "your cute" katie, thanx 4 all the advice. i luv u thanx mom dad, i luv u 2 skp "c arry on" vaya con dios
Christian Benson Leask
Tun e in to what this place has got to offer , cause we ma y never be here ag ain
Van HalenC an I get another kiss from you , kiss me right here on my tattoo Red Hot Chili Peppers
D O H!!!
Christopher Kyle LeMieux 1989-1993
Your add says jacuzzi
Mark Knophlerlernieux state party 92 players lunch city slicker reunions dave for president tempo i saw a gun the cart des tin 93 the vador like sunflaki rnichelle ' s dude! i ' ve turned over a new leaf the possy bonnie, mike, and bob 7 yrs with branting 4yrs with " wax " nice hair book bouncing champion 93 blue morning ' s with cs thanks for everything morn and dad i love you both keri i love you roll tide!
1991 200 freestyle relay state champs, 1992 50 and I 00 free state champion , I 992 all arnerican times in 50 and I 00 free , yearbook I, 2 (ads editor 2)
Horner Simpson
sk p, ma y 19 , 1991 tattoos bass westbank it ' s a westbank th ang twili ght z one - 9 weeks halloween '90 w / sp - iw / too many l oo k at my hand crooked timber pad gadget goin t o sle e p to antra x flirting wandering the halls all day jacci ' s t att ooin g w / iw - twice pest ering am destin ' 88 ' 89 ' 90 ' 9 I '92 ' 93 te rrninatro w / rnp - ww sharin w / rs r s bl extreme music r ac e c ar driv er soccer with rs hans horner ernacirated mini pep rall y devil thanks to all my friends , morn , dad , and e sp e ciall y brand wish you were here stu later
socce r I , 2 , 3, 4, wka winter national champion ' 92 , 2nd place ' 92 wk a nation al s eries, 2 time region 4 champion , 2 time state champion
Ali c e Marchal Manard
1989 - 1993
If y ou don ' t have any thin g ni ce t o say about an y bod y, come sit b y me.
Ol y mpia Dukakis , " Steel Magnolia s"
I' d trade all my t o morrows for a single ye s terda y.
Janis JoplinIf you ' re going t o walk on thin ic e, you might as well dance
Robert Manard
Strange things ar e afoot at the Circle K
Bill and Ted ' s Excellent Adventure
silly schmal krazy krew trinity rollerblades- pn , la des tin gnr / metallica - camp outw / mk , ak , jc , wm!;aj campground w / ec , pk citat i ons-a jone s lagoon w / sb chem nerds w /s j psycho party ' 91 sailing trips homecom i ng-date from hell radiators - tm, j l live ins - km , nm ca r aw ay from car-mk every now f; then i fallapart pow pow - pn , es , jl baseball-pn , ts evacuating to kenner thanks , team roach jl , e s, lg , rr , lw , cc , cw - i ' II mi ss y ou mom , dad f; dod esp pn , la , sj , mk , t s, kh , am -" I get b y with a little help from my friends ."
volleyball 1- 4 , al l -distri c t ; basketball 1- 4; tra c k 3-4 , ' 92 state champ s, all-distri c t ; x - country 4, all-district!;metro, ' 92 state runner - up : rally 2 - 4; j ets 3,4: honor roll 1- 4 , nhs ; cum laude ; all - state academic
Mary Elizabeth Marks
I alw ays knew that lookin g back on our tears would make us laugh , but I neve r th o ught that looking back on our laughter would make us cr y.
O ne half o f knowing what y ou want i s knowing what you must give up b e fore y ou g et it
Isn' t lif e deli c iou s?
Marshall Powell Marice
If we weren ' t crazy , we would all be insane
Some say life i s a -
Jimmy BuffettCypre s s Hill
mar-mar the bomb maker chared mail w / cb , kb , sg limo dive homecoming night w / sn , cl , jh , bp video chronicals w / gp, fk, cl , jh, lep snakes w / sn reflector theft w / cl , sn doin up the night with t he laser guns mardi gras ' 93 da athena goggles car alarms 7th period where am i lunch big stick sweet 16 at nikki's movie night at my house w /c b , kb , sg , cc , pg , js des tin ' 92 quarder w/ kb, ca fire alarms the cop w / fk , gp dave and his limo lost w / fk bb des tin ' 93 later , my thanks to my friends and famil y p s I.I. cool jay and the wreck
Sidney Howard
Life Saver's Candy
be f b m adamal roachman nun doppleganger w hat' s that ar e youlooking atmybum gh ohmygod t hey' re th e s amep erson thethree stooges mybestestfriend ki ss, ki ss happening3 4 hardtner winterlight sure blu e y e ah , i'm sureyouare deathbybrandon singingin therain mardi gra s' 92 summer'9 I writeitdown causei ' ma blonde j flucksandtroats z tillyyouhiccup latenights shutup t hr ee strike sy ourout prom ' 92 shtp gdluck , sm , rp , bv , jr , c p , rk thanx foralwa y s being there , mom , dad , mw , mk , vb , ne, gr , ap , mp , e d, as , jr , t; e sp e ciall y adam , iloveyou
v oll ey ball I , 2 , b asketball I , 2 , 3, key club I , 2 , president 3, chorus 2, 3, 4 , greas e I , picnic Lyre , production e ditor 4
2nd place 3on3 tournamentDina Lang Michael 1980-1993
fhe essentials of happiness are something to do, something to love , md something to hope for.
- Allan K. Chalmers\Jo bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.
- Robert Frost1ight s w / af , cb , sc , nc nikki , fellow ph (harden) 16 re ' s Jarty me w / re , nc , sc , af weena ralude? blue! oasis is it dupont? dr lala headquarters uh , i pulled a nikki ,elloooo norrnan the close ad opted daughter ninjas bayou g)lsu bash '92 kentucky? all-nighters w / nc broke w/ ;c hiding at lsrnsa spring break ' 92 (rninnie) moo c hing $ From nc @ ft special than x to morn, dad, sarah , and my little Juddy joanne i'II miss you and i love you all later!
:urn laude society ; national ho nor society ; key club I, 2, 3, 4 (sec.); •he lyre; varsity soccer I , 2 , 3, 4.
Howard Carter Marshall
Many feel that I should be balanced with equal time Wrong. I am equal time
Do one thing and do it better than anyone
Rush Limbaugh Orville Reddenbaucherc-rnoney rnar shall cat hatchet #34 trash ta l k lipscornb rnoni e spying w / ro!;cs skp-carry on cuddling w / rno regulating w/ fk alaska ' 89 thursday night w / po, ss , cb east livings t on gang snowrnass ' 93" go back to seaworld " egg marines content? playing pool w / bs!;jrnc bible w / trn, jh, ss skiing near death w / po see's the court too well ever, never, i p romise lad w / cb, po, ss duck camp wars rnanowar road trips good luck cs!;j c gnr w / rol;ss odorn dog des tin guts thanx to everyone especially morn , dad , tuck , char lee , !; kacey
basketball I, 2, 3, 4 ; letterman 2 , 3, 4; captain 4; most improv ed 3; all district hon. mention 4; tennis 2; class officer - vp I; civics club 3, 4; acolyte c lub 3; chess club 2; I 3 year club
Anne Wing Mons ted
Give y ourself an hour to cool off before responding to someone who has provoked y ou If it involves something really important , give your self overnight.
H. Jackson Brown JrA real christian is a person who can give his pet pa r rot to the town gossip Anonymous
If someone tell s you that you can ' t do s omethin g, you make sure you prove them wrong
Dobee Plaisanceannie girl -belle-annie 111 - lady anne-rnonster , fk 30 , 55 cd sweet 16 ' 90 pm-carrot lb 5- 1-91 stu trips w/ rnanards di .. w / sb, kh .. wrecking buick - kg , kh, rrn .. busted in buick + 2x .. wagon towed homecoming ' 91 &92 des tin ' 92&93 aspen ' 92 w / sb , kh , ec az w / south belles mini pep rally ' 92 12-592 + I 000 fights w / rr&rm apollo ' 93 - rs pn surp - par t y 12-27-9::l + crazy tappin + atlanta ' 96! pvpit / doug / spike / 3000gt i 'II miss rny b-ball buds-rr , jl , sj , bf , es , sm&pn + stuck@ dq special thanx 2 dobee & chick all my friends esp kh , rob & rnanards geo , cat , c-4 , gin esp morn & dad - thanx 4 e / t! luv always the caboose
93-undefeated state champs b- ball track state champs ' 92 : vb + 1 ·
3: bb + 1- 4 / dis tr. ch all-distr. 2 , 3, 4 / all east b metro 3, 4 / all state
3 / east all star : track + 2-4 / distr ch ., all distr east b rnvp 2 ,3 / all-Metro state 3 / state ch.-lj 2 , 3 400111 3: civics&acolyte club 2 , 3,
4 : homecoming cheerleader ' 92
Jennifer Lee Moore 1989-1993
Th e re is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way
I t may be those who do most , dream most.
Christopher Morley
Stephen Leacock
To appreciate nonsense requires a serious interest in life
George Burgess
whitey pj ' s randomness diets nails in 9th i ' m not a bad driv er! c r epes rollarblading w / cb rush concert p arti es at dm 's nc at b lake (eels) " yuppie " x-mas at dm & mbc 's sarah mbc rolling stones concert '89 peppy the sp oil e d sprin g break '92 "the squatting bird " class, to to or not to go halloween ' 91 at sc's homecoming ' 91 nc ' s parties the fly dancing sleep? nevermore friends forever!!! cb , sc , nc , mbc , j s thanks daddy , mommy , ben & peppy , i love you !!! - boppereaux
l y re 3, 4: yearbook 2 , 3: swimming 2 , 3: tennis I : culture club 4: parliamentarian 2.
Scott Craig Nelson
wax . . dr g dre . . lemieux 's party . . the vader .. limo dave mardi gras 93 ' pla yer ' s lunch city slicke r reunions the grocery cart .. red card w/ cb .. stm 1-cd O .. chemistry 4th .. michelly ' wate r plug 4th karr shootout s tate tennis w/ carl detention w/ cb, cs cruising the cutoff w/ am , rh, wf , ab acl club alla 93 ' the posse bob , dave , bonnie des tin 93' southbay 2 5 w/ fk , kb , cl , ca like souflacci tennis at ace stanky
soccer all-district I , 2 , 3, 4, s occer captain 4 , tennis mvp 2
Paige Ga r land Noland 1979-1993
I remember all the thing s you taught me , I learned how to laugh and I le arned how t o cry, I learned how to love and I learned how to lie, so you'd thi nk I c ould learn how to tell you good-bye
Diamond/ Barbara Streisand l'v (i? run throug h rainbows and castles of candy , I've cried a river of te i1 rs from the pain I've tried to dance with what life has to hand me , and if I co uld I' d do it all over again
Stevie Nicksnol ~n hyper hippo kraz y krew j vail w/ po grand isle 7th sh 1N/ me , be , r m .. sheila . . all nighters . . walkout .. st. pat ' s day w/c wko pi z z a laugh attacks susie stories mini -peps cra i! Y anne v bball tartan w/ es , jl , ts destin baseball w/ t il am inn s beach d isco ppl crushedw / mk , psm free'zer mg w/ la am out-of -control rollerblades phone talk ~ w/m k bh II w/ po g ood luck rr , jl , e thanks mom , dad , jn , & be & my unforgettable friends, mk, la , ts, kh, am , sj , am esp po-I love you! tha nk s for the me mor ies-i luv ya ' II
volle ybal l I , 2 , 3 , 4 (captain, all-state , all -metro) , basketball I , 2 , 3, 4 (cctptain , all -district) , stat e champs ' 93 , student council 4, lyre club 2, 3 , 4 (literar y editor)
David Gregory Page 1981-1993
If you refuse to accept anything but the best , you very often get it.
Somerset Maugham
All I know is you've got to run to win, I'll be------ if I'll get hung upon th e line
Van Halen
Character is not an inheritance, each man must build it for himself
That Chris Mullin kid , he ain't nothin' special.
Patrick Dickerson Odom
I'd rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints
They got no spark of ambition in their minds
Billy JoelAnonymous Do you love it!!!
Sam Dozierwembley 5'6"-5 ' I I" poolw / ss des tin 92 / pn mg93 tesla bustedw / mh warsatduckcamp 6w / cs I 0-17-93 gnrinms brawling cb od-mc vailw / pn lasstyear9 I dozier-myidol 28-25-2 newmanjv latenightvakm visitsw / cs lsumentality II bhw / pn neardeathatsm thick, nig , + beelzebub . . tripw / ba, cc . . destin9 I w/ b-ball . . warcry . . petro and mirranne .. food .. bas in8th .. pika .. r-trips .. pl nosew / mh .. sg-93 pigchase thur w/ cm, ss , cb thanks friends thankyou mom, dad, woo, am-spiglet iloveyall . . paige thanks for keeping me happy, i love you.
football I, 2, 3, 4, d-champs 92 ' , all-district; baseball state champs 9 I'; track 3: national honor society 3, 4; student council 3, 4: most improved lineman 3
Michael Richards Dixie PistolPostrolus Baldwin wembley iguana des tin I 066ev iction summer parties-i, ii, iii boyz'n'the ridge the regal monti training rules the hamster the ron yr rappin wi t h dr j the bj club she's 2101 tko by lit 3inl 5-4in20 kissing m o sharks hats IO inches track star-s.p the fleetwood how / rs codes soph yr balcony lipscomb the lockout da hut the dea at bk e&g j kingsmill 87 /55 iago ocat lleb enchilada the dink good luck cs&jc many thanks to mom , dad, and christie boo-ya
varsity basketball I, 2, 3 , 4 2nd team all district 3, all district 4, all east bank 3, 4 , varsity track I , 2, 3, 4 all east bank 3, all district 3, student council I, 2 , 3, 4
Michael Mason Pitts 1987-1993
You c an just call me God Coach Chuck Hughes
It 's hard to l ook cool when you only have one arm. Anne Pi tt s Foll o w men' s eye s as they look to the skies , the shifting sh afts of shinin g wea v e the fabric of their dr eam s. "RUSH"
Gimme so me su g ar , baby! Bruce " A sh" Campbell
It 's mor e fun than y ou oughta be allowed to have. Dr Rex Mooney
univ e rsal bulldog goodness! yabo tea bag bag-t - beefy hair y brain dead squirrel ta s tes just like candy! so what ? j ourgensen righteous indignation / necropolis / vertigo / y o saka iyumbay god , she 's stupid! j stanima zulu / ect / ebbs wear boots hoo-ahh! my eye! yabba-dabba-doo!
culebra dido / pedrito / pedrifino spoo / evil / pud en d ymion paulie & spike klatu , ver a ta , ni-ahghaah rt , you ripp! budabea s ts . . blue! . . t - monger . . cheeseburger .. wax . . thanx to the ' rents , anne , & the cats
t r ack letter I , 2, 3, soccer letter 3, 4, lyr e & yearb o ok art editor 3, 4 , ho nor society
Amy Elizabeth Pecquet
This world fall s o n me with dream s of immortality. Everywhere I turn all the beaut y ju s t keep s shaking me.
Indigo Girls
Let everyone sweep in front of his or her own door , and the whole world will be cle an
This is my life and this is my time , I have been given the freedom to do as I see fit
I will not play a tug o ' war. I'd rather play at hug o ' war
Shel Silversteinfamous amos aimless tree hugging granola hair so n g manic depressi v e bag church people howard is my friend #3 4 & #3 5 ear cow that thanksgiving my matts bird daisies i left my wallet in el segundo brain network go team hello this is richard what ar e you talkin ' about oh my dear lord goodne ss is that mistletoe? snotno s e sn ugglebutt frog t - shirts blue! leaving gizz in vado take me home I 6 5 thanks for making life livablemoms , steph , ki s, & my angesl - es, mr , jr , gr , ps , wc , mh , bd , tr , sm , Id
outdoor ed 2 , 3, 4, national honor society , yearbook I , 3, soccer I , softball I , quiz bowl 2
Meeta Prasad 1985-1993
There is no intellectual exercise that is not ultimately usele ss. Jor g e Lui s Borge s I don ' t want to run the world, but I wouldn ' t mind taking it for a little ride
That which does not kill us makes us stronger
Virginia Slims
Fredrich Niet z che Life is like a dog -s led race , if yo u ain ' t the lead do g, the sce ner y never changes.
De signin g Women
boo! IO I 590 he , jr toot da hon! spar ta ' 93 blue moonwalk hoo - ah s tin g dances wl mv joke on ro rice - sitten cartunes wl ed late nights hamlet raahww dancing @ h-c ' 92 endymion nevermind! huma jh bbb bet wl mw minipeprally pshaw cs cru sh pla ys the new car princejh kingjj ca thru ceiling l y re cover g.s wi ne arguments wl dad apchem- awl sd.s t of v ie p h. , n o.c lunches grthud m- l 434 e thanx , teachers ; thanx & goodluck vb , bm, ap , gr, mw, jj , mk , ne , ed , mv , sk , rt , mom , dad , mani shi - iluvu! thank u 4 e-thing! later, dudes!
tennis 1- 4, letter, mip 2 , key club I, 3, 4, treas 4 , ye arbook 1- 4, sub-ed. 3, 4, choru s 4 , nhs , cum laude , nat ' I merit finali s t , most likel y to succeed , girls state ; cheerleading 1- 3 , class officer 3, 4 , huma&apchem!
Mary Elisabeth Robertson 1990-1993
I would rathe r be ashes than dust I would rather my spark should burn out in a brilliant bla ze than it should be stifled in a dry-rot I wo uld rather be a superb meteor , every atom of me in a magnificent g low , than a sleepy and permanent planet.
Ma n's chief purpo se i s to live , not to exist I shall not waste my days try in g to prolon g them I shall use my time.
Jack Londonbeth as a brunett e? doc ' s sand castles " i need a vacation. "v.c madam e zsa zsa ms. brady' s 3rd grade moucher i sas alright , people ! s tres s lafreniere benches lunch discussions - ho w many connotations? sound effects (to everyt hin g)- hornk humanities-straight back rubs summer 92quebec - the hill ut wi th youth chorale-ultimate socializers na 's m&ms mardi gras 93-d. shop zoned out " used to you "- jj th e king and i - assertive little headwife garden district -how many pi c tures? yo u're in my sun is sings jeopardy get away from me (dr lov e)! prom 93 thanks rk , sm, vc, wf , is , di, mom and dad
new orleans youth chorale 2, 3, 4, school musical 3, 4 , chorus club I , 2 , 3, 4; culture c lub 4; voice 3, 4 , piano I , 2 , 3, 4 ; mock trail team 2, j e t s 2 , honor roll I, 2 , 3, 4; national honor society 3, 4, cum laude socie t y 3 , 4
Gretchen Lindsay Ryan 1989-1993
In wilderness is the preservation of the world
Henry David ThoreauSo we must love , while these moments are still called today
Indigo Girls
gizzard river pebble tree hugging granola rex gizz econ smokies flipping on rio x-mas canyon last to camp canyo nlands the palace the roby house oe parties aj, can you hurl quieter? punchbowl stop the bloody car wagopuss brain network daisies white van what do you eat? pines b-52 ' s, ps boys dr prong new year's eve endymion hooah philosopher prince awl hi anna callaway thanx tr , jw, kw , tp, ap , mw, mk, rw , j j , dh , ad, g friends- mom , dad , beau , i luv u, g' luck b! see u above cayuga's waters.
outdoor ed I , 2, 3, 4; key club I , 2, 3, jv cheerleader I , honor society 3, 4; mus i cals I , 4; humanities 4 , cornell , here i come !
Dian Hitt Sanders 1979-1993
So before we end and begin again
Let 's drink a toast to how it ' s b een. I' ve loved these days
Billy Joel
Som e day I will look back to the se days , and I will laugh because they make me happy , and I will cry because they are gone I am glad for the now, but someday I will be even gladder for the memories
Melody Mosleyt oss y tosser vball, bball , tennis innsbsruck w / ca pn, la disco lakefront chad sweet I 6 dr out gossip africa w /s b partners rua walkout des tin ' 92 shwrs shoney's bb am ' s house on the marathon late nights houston 's susie stories rolling gnr pa r s tartan mood swngs worrier ra mada inn baseball ' 91 w/ amgpn ca 's surprise party the zep hyr thanks to all my friends for all the great memories esp. the alemans , mama , lee g chad it's been fun!!!
volleyball I , 2 , 3, 4 (district mvp), tennis I , 2 , 3 , 4 , basketball I, 2, 3 (captain) , c ivic club 3 (parliamentarian ), 4 (treasurer); acolyte club I , 2 , 3, national honor society 3, 4 , honor role I , 2, 3, 4
Jennifer Suzanne Schupp 1972 - 1982 ; 1983-1988 ; 1989-1993
No w t hi s is no t the e nd , no t even the beginnin g of the end , but p er ha p s th e end of the beg inning
Al l th e wo rld to me is a stage we ar e merel y players , performers, and p o rtr aye r s each anothers audience .
Yo u know you g ot it if it makes you feel good.
Scott Beacham Schuber 1983-1993
Through all the happine ss and sorrow I gue s s I' d do it all again. Live for today and not tomorrow It ' s still the road that ne ver ends
I'm feeling a bit sauc y today Do you take ca s h
Ozz y Osbourne
Wa y ne Campb e ll colliflower uga r oad trip thursday night w/ po , cm cb egg marine s pool w/ po grande isle 3- man loveshack ai r lin e w/ mo ro downs snowmass w/ cm , cb g o back to seaworld 9th grade lat in lad guts monie duck camp wars meat market movies in the backhouse pool at em 's des tin earl stamboat w/ cm, kk , skp we ' ve got our beards wars b/ t cb po . . shooting cb .. g'n ' r w/ ro cm . . circus act .. mardi gras ' 93 w/ po, bs cw fr id's w/ cm 8000 rpm the yard thanks to all my friends and especially mom, dad and dog fo r alwa y s being there for me .
basketball I, 2 , 3, 4, state playoffs I, 2 , tennis I , 2 , s tate tournament 2 , most improved 2 , acolyte club 2 , 3 , 4, civics club 2 , 3 , 4
Janis JoplinLif e is a wonderful my stery not a problem to be solved .
Ev er y great j ourne y be g ins with a single mistake
I wi s h I didn ' t know now what I didn ' t know then
Bob Segers hi e ld I , 2 (c o -e dito r lower school) , 3 (editor -in -chief) , 4 (editorin-chi e f) , volleyball I; s occer I ; outdoor ed 2, softball 2 , nhs 2 , 3.
P. Peter Jay St. Amant Ill
I'll ride the wa ve where it takes me.
Chr i stian Arie Shofstahl 1980-1993
The morning will co me when the world is mine , tomorrow belongs to me
CaberetTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood, and 1-1 took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference
The road to glory leads through the valley of pain
Pain is temporary, but pride is forever
Robert FrostPaul
Life is like a job , the harder you work, the more you get paid.
Lass Theron J Larroquettebehemoth behama jamama manchild Iii tyson discman #5 5 $ I mo vies w/ david g hey dave "yo u is spooky look in " st m-45 cd-6 138-17 w/ cg mud bogging on the cd fb field don king jr wwf wrestling w/ s.k.p shows at lunch fr soph trips t o the lagoon kim whitingham homecoming
92-blue car white chariot ucb trip klaus bubba theron lynn r be nching 41 5 6-6-92 code 6 chasing gang at movies traci g mardi gras on 6th inga thanx lynn , theron, mom, da d, ty, e, g-ma , g-pa.
football-all stat e, metro , eastbank, dist 92 ; track-mvp all metro, eastbank , dist; shot discus state champ, st.m district records ; district champ discus-90, 91, 92 , shot-91, 92, javelin-92. full scholarship-unc
Eddie Vedder
To sin by silence when we should protest makes coward s out of men
Ella Wheeler Wilcox I'll make you famous.
Try not Do, or do not. There is no try
Billy the Kid
jay ben #2 state champs joe speech epp p car wrecks mardi gras 93-athena serious goggles midas touch w/c s, cm, cb, &iw ali abu skp lauren, yaita alrigh t blue fatal attraction ii
68 tan k fy-sej french w/ la superhero w/ kb little sis lw new year's 93-baithouse i don't get play egg assaults the yard mick's kin g jb sniper w/ ca&cs mkvsat xtra credit @ t isle w/ la c ar thief thanks to cs, lw , ca , cb, kb, fk , pg , cm, le, ak&esp mr c ox&coach d i love you mom&dad good luck lw
speech 4yrs, captain 92-93 , t o p 24 in nation 91, district champ 91, hational qualifier 92, triple national qualifier 93; baseball 4yrs, state champs 91, regionals 92 ; the k ing g i 92 ; soccer 2yrs
Christopher Reid Stakelum
1985 - 1993
The last thing I worry about is what other peopl e think of me
Roger ClemensI believe that the individual is smart enough to so lve his own problems and does not need to depend on big government for resolution of all his problems ; that compassion is defined not by how many people are on the government dole but by how man y no longer need government assistance
Ru sh Limbaugh#10 23-0 state champions licensele ss and lasle ss senior year (9-2) ba london lady wl ca friendliest w l cm spying w l ro 15 cm . . hunting w l bs .. the flood . . egg marines .. 902 IO wl cm angel admiring w l ca doubling wl po prom wl ro 15 ss mys tery rose calfzilla austin to no wl po cutting w l cc wife of cc w l po . . thanks for everything coach dozier . . thank s for the rides cd, po , cm, jb bs , ro, cl, c c. state champion ; 4 year football, captain, all -eastbank-district ; 5 year baseball , captain , all-district.
Frank Alfred Suggs 1980-1993
Life moves pretty fast , if you don't stop to look around, you just mi g ht miss it.
Enjoy your childhood years, you only li ve once.
3 words to live by, Deny , Deny , Deny .
Ferris Beuler?????
Steve SandersLiv e your lif e so yo u know that you left your mark . SKP
ruf fy s nak e ia go wl gp adams st wl spks 16th bir t hday wl mh - flip .. codes in art . . the hut .. des tin ' 92 .. I 066 ev icted the bowl family circle terminator wi the lizard .. lana .. ph 's backhouse .. mardi gras ' 93 .. pick-up lines . . 2on I wis e parties at paul ' s new years eve '93-moosee fun arcade late night runs slop football wl the metry boys scammin wlt b15ph thanks to all my friends- especially mom , robert squeaky , " o ", and c hubb y wish you could have been here dad and stuart - i mi ss you!
socce r , 2 , 3 , 4; wrestling , I ; baseball , I ; golf , 3; soccer regional pla yoffs , 4 ; civic club, 3 , 4 ; acolyte club , 2, 3 ; chess club , 2
Ashley Tara Tappin 1989-1993
If you didn ' t wan t to push yourself, yo u would ' ve joined the tennis team
The Finals
My intent is to t ak e the light side of life and live it to the extreme Jimmy Buffett
I believe if you look at yourself and see what is right instead of what is wrong, that is t he true mark of a healthy individual.
o-well can ' t win em all ytcfm ic im stmtc 8% whatever smurfin' into new yrs. 92 busted! clowns from w/ le & ba " don ' t fo rget the m.p .'s stick em on the trees ya ll " ae night home from barcelona w/ le & bb met to uptown to f.q olympic cards cats meow glass of water no ' s country club films new yrs 93 w/ aylin i ' m glad we don ' t get embarrased mardi gras 93 centurians the ladder w/ lc major party fault you never break the bottles you're the wind beneath my wing s alan i love you mom lenny and aylin , thanx for being there
v-ball ; soccer; tra c k ; swimming , 4 yrs. mvp; 6 state hs records russia , paris, east berlin , rome , australia , cuba & barce l ona ' 92 olympics (gold).
Edward Mitchell Weatherly 1990-1993
Carry on my wayward son
Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven.
May we fly as high as the eagl e and be as brave as the lion Larry .1nd I Are you Wigging out?
Erin Durbin
thanx mom larry dad terri cp mg giz 2 / 13 /9 3 mp do you re member hooah endymion93 grapenut prevalentines i ndigo girls rw haans p er v tickle wars pool w/ jh un poco d e lupo in yo ur eye s dr prong slick b52 's summer'92 .. up all night w/ sg .. oflahertys .. lun tha .. flirting w/ rm chapelle prom92 mr s. d & colonge lq586 intro chem hr lu v t ap mp suz ed rm bm rp aj Ip good luck jh mp ma I / 16 / 93 gg's leg lust poetry mikes tob thumper climb on nevermind da sweat a sweet I 6 92 felix it's so prett y das vidonya
track I, 2, 3, 4; football 2 ,; newspaper I , 2 , editor 3, 4; chorus I , 2 , 3, 4; cross country 3, 4; king and i 4 ; odd couple 4; lyre 3, 4; salute to the tonies 3
Ian Craig Griffith Williams 1988-1993
Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run .
Always business , never personal.
If something is hard to do, it 's not worth doing
The Gambler Nino Brown Homer Simpsonslinky ipanema skp destin , everyyear most dedicated athlete anti-social crazyhorse partying w/ curtis , ton loc , and lew all nite reunions shannon, i love you boom , i gotcha girlfriend , mf .. halloween ' 90 w/ skp and cl-2 many .. tattooman all u can eat the simpsons the bad dudes gang flex i quit! going to bryan ' s jacci ' s w/ cl- the arnold classic w/ fk and ca . . the muscle and fitness club .. and now that it's finally safe to say it-yeah right! ian the master mexico w/ alex busted! thanx to my friends and parents for putting up w/ me , i know it ' s been tough bama bound!
football 2, 3, 4, all-district / eastbank 4 , player of the week 4; wrestling I, 3, 4, state champion 4 , president and founder of the muscle and fitness club , honor committee 4 , chess club 2 , 3.
Shane Winter
Most Likely To Succeed
Most Popular
Meeta Prasad and Chad AlemanMost Athletic
Best Looking
Anne Monsted and Greg Page Lise Andersson and Bill AxelradTeacher For A Day
On Februar y 4 , each seni o r tr ad ed place s with a facul t y , admini s trator or s taff me mb e r o f STM , takin g on suc h task s as preparing lesso ns and ev e n dealing with a dmini s tr a ti ve p r oblems Mos t se ni ors and und e rc la ss me n e njo y ed a break fro m th e no rm al r o utine of cl asses
Some seniors came awa y from the experience with ver y special memories Mar y Beth Chrestman ' s first graders made Valentines for her , while senior Steven Griffith said , " I learned how difficult the job i s I enjo y ed the e x p e rience , but I can ' t imagine doing it ever y da y."
Every year the senior class, a day or two before Halloween, uses their imagination to come up with costumes for Senior Weird Day. This year, Senior Weird Day was on October 29, 1992. The costumes ranged from Indian Princesses to the ever favorite Brandon and Dylan from the T.V show " 9021 O "
Bill Axelrad, Steve Griffith, C arter Balart, and Jay-Ben St. Amant won the award for the most original group with their comical imitation of the L.A police department. Beth Robertson won the award for most original girl as a psychic. Robbie Manard
Weird Seniors
and Anne Monsted won the award for dynamic duo as " Saintsaitions. " The best boy group award went to Greg Page, Edmund Deith , and Ruffy Suggs for homecoming queens. The best girl group was Santa ' s Helpers with Tossy Sanders , Michele Kenny, Lise Andersson, Paige Nolan, Shannon James, and Alice Manard These were only a few of the many awards given out to the senior class. Even though everyone did not win an award, all of the costumes were very amusing and the day was not only enjoyed by the seniors, but the rest of the students
Top Right , Ian Williams and Clark Adkerson , dres se d as "Barbarians ," flex th e ir muscles Above, Amy Deboisblanc and Jennifer Schupp came dressed as th e Little Caesar " Pi zza! Pizza!" guy Right, Samantha Brennan and Kathy Haycock parad e in as bikergirls.Top Left, Chris Stakelum , "Brandon Walsh ," and Carter Marshall , "Dylan Mc Kay ," portray these characters from " 90210," perfectly . Top Right, Greg Page , Edmund Dieth , and Ruffy Suggs , " the Beauty Queens ," pose for a picture Middle Rig h t, Bill Axelrad , Carter Balart, and Steven Griffith mock the Los Angeles Po lice Department Middle Left , Chris Coffman, dressed as a paraplegic fro m the movie Trading Places, poses for the camera.
Above, Ben Crawford , " Flash ," Jay Adair, " Superman ," and Sean Grace, " Incredible Hulk ," compare costumes Left , Chris Lemi e ux and Scott Nelson , dressed as the rap group " Kris -Kross ," have their clothes appropriately backwards
Tyler Adkerson
Stiles Anderson
Brian Axelrad
Mac Bauer
Brent Beaulieu
Landon Becn el
David Bellard
Carrie Black
Kaitlin Boyce
Vanessa Carroll
Chr i s Chambers
Ford Church
Amy Coleman
The best thing about being a Junior is the seniority you have over the ninth and tenth graders and also having lunch leave on Fridays.
Left , Mr Hou ghtalin g gets to know new j uniors Susan Neal and Kaitlin Bo yce Ri ght, Juni o r Jason Gr iffith welco me s freshmen Shan e Bo hr er and C hik e O zah to the Upp er School. Leigh AdamsBilly Danflous
John Diasselliss
Kendall Dinon
Ian Emond
Barbara Farris
Robert Faust
Wesley Fenner
Mignon Frey
Liz Getten
Victoria Glad ney
Jason Griffith
Kristi Hamlin
Marco Hida l go
Dave Jahncke
Ruchi Katoch
Amy Keeney
Katie Kimb l e
Victoria Law
Jennifer Lee
Julie Lyeki
you know you're a junior when ...
-you have to peddle wrapping p aper
-you get your ring
- you have Friday lunch leave
-you start visiting colleges
-you have a hard schedule
-you have more privileges
-people lo o k up to you
Rahna McKey
Merrick McKinnie
Camilo Me ndez
Suzie Miller
Holly Mills
Michael Moreau
Susan Neal
Kristen Ne l son
Greg Northon
Kristi Parton
Thomas Peters
Chris Reese
Stephen Rodriguez
Anouk Rognon
Lindsay Romano
Rene Ronquillo
Shoshana Rothschild
privileges we wish we had
-lunch leave every day
-leave during study hall
-leave during third period
-bigger lockers
-longer lunch
-open study hall no matter what -sleep in class uninterrupted
Marie Louise Ryan
Wh i tney Samuel
lrfan Sayyad
Brent Scalia
Morlas Schoenfeld
Collin Schuhmacher
Monique Scioneaux
Amy Scott
Erin Simpson
Melissa Smith
Breck Trevino
Greg Valladares
Elizabeth Wanek
Lauren Ward
Charles Williams
Top , Kri sti Parton , Jennif er Lee, Marie Lou i se Ryan , Kendall Dinon, Amy Scott and Breck Trevino try to hide from the ca mera durin g lunch Bottom, Macho guys M o rla s Shoenfeld and Bria n Axe lrad flash t heir big mu sc l es.
Riaz Ali
Rish i Anand
J im Angehr
Ashley Baier
Brooke Bailey
Dominick Bartolotta
Brett Bo r delon
Allyson Bratina
Michael Bretz
Mario Caserta
l e f t, lee Pre wi tt s tudi es befo r e
Eng li s h c lass whil e
Riaz Ali hid es hi s
f ace fr o m th e ca mera Rig ht, Matth e w Fr a nc is a nd
Jim Ange hr r e lax in t he libr a r y
Deepak Chakravarty
Joanne Close
Brad Coffman
Jason Conway
Brady Dugan
The teachers expect more from us since it is our second year o f high school.
Jeff Elizardi
Claude Eyamba
Matthew Francis
Catherine Garvey
Lauren Gatti
Bradley Glaser
Sahil Godiwala
Scott Gold
Ashley Hall
lee Hall
Beth Huber
Alex Husserl
Staci James
Stephanie Jones
Adam Kartzke
Brian Kendrick
Robert Kerrigan
Charles labouisse
Marigny lee
Ross Longo
you know you're a sophomore when
-you can drive
-you're a y e ar older and still have no upper classmen privileges
-you don't understand what seniors are saying
-the work gets hard
-you are not the lowest in the high school
-you don't have lunch leave
left , Tri s tan Rappold , Christina Murphy. and Wendy Manard pose for a picture during breakWendy Manard
Shawn Manning
Wesley Marchal
Stephanie Martinez
Jonathan Massicot
Liz Maurer
Sharon McDaniel
Brendan Mclean
Christina Murphy
Margee Neighbors
Justin Norwood
Cindy Perret
Bobby Peterson
Ridgely Pittman
Ben Prevost
favorite food served in the cafeteria
-frozen yogurt
- bagels
-chicken strips
-none - its all too expensive
Top , St ephani e Jon e s, Joanne Close , M ar gee Nei ghbor s, and Liev Thames talk in the hallway durin g third period Bottom Le ft , It's Friday and Claude Eyamba can't contain her exc itement. Bottom Right, Scott Gold , " Mr GQ 1993"Lee Prewitt
Rana Ramelli
Tristan Rappold
Stuart Rose
Jonathan Schenk
Billy Schroeder
Louis Smith
Liev Thames
John Riely Thomason
Christina Thorneycroft
Robin Tompkins
Rachel Tuuri
Eric Veith
Meredith Volk
Jeffrey Williams
Mark Wolf
wo r st thing that has ever happened to you while driving to school
-1 backed into a post
-i side swiped a tree
-i drove into a ditch
-1 hit a fire hydrant
-i smashed into a parked car
-my car speaks for itself
Left , Tyson Gea r y and Blak e Sch um ac her stud y for t heir t es t s dur i ng third p eri o d Ri gh t, Lore n Pardu e Br ad Becn e l, and Ke vin Go ldblatt p ose fo r a pi c tur e durin g ho mer oo m
John Abernathy
Andrea Andersson
Curt Beaulieu
Bradley Becnel
Stephen Bellard
Jennifer Blatty
Shane Bohrer
Chris Bowman
Michael Brown
Caroline Byrd
Mike Cavaroc
Andrea Cecil
Jennifer Denuna
Rebecca Dunn
Caroline Elliott
I love being in Upper School. There are so many cute guys!
Erich Faust
Wesley Felter
Alecia Fiorenza
Annie Flettrich
Tyson Geary
John David Godcha u x
Kevin Goldblatt
Billy Goodwin
Tori Hodges
Jonathan Houston
Jennifer Howard
Elizabeth Husserl
Guy Johnston
Coleen Kenny
Muffin Labouisse
Stephanie Langlois
Allison Martinez
Amanda Maxwell
Ian McAllister
Chip McGeehan
you know you're a f r eshman when
-you can't drive to school
-middle schoolers look little
-you have to beg for a ride
-seniors step on you
-when your big privilege is the cafeteria making food for you during exams
-you get no respect
-the big yellow bus blows the horn for you every morning
Mary McKinnie
Elizabeth McManus
Kim Milano
C arole Miranne
Ben Moore
Ryan Ann Murphy
Stephanie Murray
Sarah Beth Odom
Woodward Oge
Chike O za h
Loren Pardue
Wesley Rolston
John Russell
Blake Schuhmacher
Courtney Schupp
To p , Co urtn ey Schupp, Brandon Voss , and Ca r o lin e By rd s tud y durin g English class. Bottom Lef t , Woodward Oge c lown s around during br ea k Bottom Ri ght, We sl ey Felter is un successfu l in hi s attempt t o hid e his face from th e c am er a
Holly Schwin
Stephanie Sharpie
Keri Solis
Missy Spencer
Stephen St. Pierre
Tatum Truax
Tiffany Tyler
Brandon Voss
Stacy Weber
Nick Wilmerding
Taylor Wohlerber
what do freshman do in the presence of seniors?
-they t r y to fit in.
-they r un and hide.
-they t r y not to stare.
-they t r y not to look like freshman.
-they beg for rides.
-they don't let anyone know about their 9:3 0 pm curfew.
-they t r y to act mature.
-they always carry their parents keys so t hey look like they have their licenses.
Top Left , Ca r oline Elliott , Stephanie Murray, and Mi s sy Spence r discuss what they ' re goin g to do with their free t imeFar Ri g ht , Je nni fe r M cA lpin e d ec id es o n a name fo r her fl o ur b ab y Ri g ht, Mr s Scot t 's Spani sh c l ass w or k s hard o n th e ir t es t.
Lisa Abry
Akash Anand
John Argote
James Ashcombe
Ashley Authement
Jeffrey Barnett
Robert Bennett
Michael Bordelon
Je anne Bourg
Ari Burshell
Marcie Campo
Nisha Chakravarty
Allan Chang
Christian Chauvin
Gene - Hon Chien
We are the seniors of the middle school.
Photographs by Ryan Ann MurphyCharles Christy
Jason Clotworthy
Robby Clotworthy
Jennifer Coleman
Katy Davidson
Arthi Devarajan
Brandon Dinon
Stephen Faust
Chad Flick
Ja Jaun Gair
Douglas Getten
Stephanie Hamm
Elizabeth Hanemann
Megan Hintz
Kevin Hurtt
Andrew Jaspan
Asha Jayakrishnan
Anna Kilinski
Emily Kimble
Jessica Lott
Far Le ft , Akash Anand pla ys with a game d uring cl a ss Top Right, Mr Wilm e rding helps Park e r Argo t e with his flo ur baby Bottom Right , Za c k Stead tries to sleep during Spanish class .
Dom i
nique Matulich
Jennifer McAlpine
Kevin McCormick
Courtney Mcilwain
Brooke Miles
Joseph Montgomery
Steven Moore
Roger Pearce
Christopher Psilos
Jim Reese
best band
- red hot chili peppers
- metallica
- guns n' roses
- pearl jam
- public enemy
worst band
- nirvana
- kris kross
- new kids on the block
- ugly kid joe
- boys 2 men
Lowery Smith
Michael Smuck
Missy St. Germain
Zachary Stead
Brett Sutton
Sa r ah Thomason
Thomas Thomason
Stephanie Williams
best movie
-basic instinct
-school ties
-a league of their own
-home alone 2
-sister act
worst movie
-bebe's kids
-batman returns
-prelude to a kiss
Top Left, Ashley Authement smiles fo r the camera. Middle Left, Sarah Thoma so n works on her Spanish test. Middle Right, Brandon Dinon , Jeanne Bo urg , Anna Kilinski , and friend talk during class. Left, Asha Jayakrishnan , Megan Hintz , Courtney Mcilwain, Athi Devarajan, and Mr. Lind display their model of the s pace s huttleAmanda Abrams
Peter Adair
Robert Allen
Mark Angehr
Tiffany Applewhite
Clay Arceneaux
Geoffrey Artigues
Zakir Baig
Erik Bengtsson
Catherine Betz
Marty Black
Christopher Bordelon
Emily Bordelon
Blake Bourquard
Stephanie Caine
I had a great time on the rope swing and playing tug-of-war on Tom Sawyer Day.
Peyton Cavaroc
Andy Chrestman
Christopher Close
John Colfry
Andy Crawford
Lauren Daly
Michelle Delaney
Lauren Dellinger
Judith Diasselliss
Elise Dicharry
Jennifer Dinsdale
Jenny Ernst
Nihal Godiwala
Scott Graf
Mitchell Groover
Anthony Guzzetta
Amanda Hall
Kelly Hall
Thacher Holden
Matt Houston
Far Left , Tiffany Applewhite hold s her pet pig for a pie ture . Above, K K Martinez , Jennifer Din s dale , Stephaine Caine , and Elena Perez pose for a picture during lunch Left, Emily Bordelon is surprised by the photographerEmily Hymowitz
Bucky Kase
Brian Kaye
Jay Knott
Richard Lo
Erica Lopes
K.K. Martinez
Charlie McChesney
Michelle McDaniel
Meghan McDermott
Caroline Merrick
Justin Meunier
David Meyer
Patrick O'Brien
Nicholas Pappas
Elena Perez
Adrienne Phillips
Beth Prewitt
Casey Ramelli
Amanda Reese
Mat thew Rigdon
Ali&0n Rodriguez
Josh Roger Spence Schwarz
Kevin Solis
Ashley Stewart
Vaughn Thames
Trey Thompson
Rebecca Tuuri
Lauren Venturatos
Deno Zaharis
what is the best thing about seventh grade?
-going to wolf creek
-the parties
-compe t ing against other sc hools in sports
-you're old enough for your parents to trust you
-the dances
-not being the youngest in middle school anymore
Top , Robert Allen , John Colfr y, Richard lo , and Nicholas Pappas are distracted from their artwork Bottom , Some sev e nth grade boys clown around while waitin g to get into the cafeteria for lunch.Sixth grade is enjoyable because you get lots of freedom . In the beginning of school it was much harder. Now that I have gotten used to the rushing , it ' s a lot more relaxing .
Just in Goldblatt
Tanya Gorowara
Kyle Goss
Mathison Hall
Michelle Hanemann
Char les Hawkins
Michael Hollinger
Allison Johnson
Derek Larson
Lindsay Levine
Fletcher Maumus
William Maurer
Malain McCormick
Grant Melius
Jonathan Mendez
Jose Mendez
Al Minor
Justin Molaison
Brittany O lson
Emery Ordemann
Jonathan Perret
Keith Phelan
Stephen Quinet
Lee Rea
Jessica Resignola
Robert Richmond
Megan Rigdon
Chris Rodriguez
Ryan Santangelo
Amy Scalia
best actress
-j ulia roberts
-demi moore
-whoopi goldberg
-sharon stone
- michelle pfeiffer
Top Left, Sixth grade st ud e nt s participate in class. Top Ri g ht , Alan Stone prepares hi s sea t for Mrs. Kaston ' s c l ass Right, Kendall Chauvin , Chris George, Jonathan Smith , and C hri s Davidson relax during class.-tom cruise
-mel gibson
-luke perry
David Sharpie
Jonathan Sh erwood
Ta y lor Si mon
Jonathan Smith
Andrew Stakelum
A l an Stone
Daniel Trahant
Jerome Vo lk
Alan Watts
Florie Clair e Webb
Chr i stopher W e igand
Caroline Williams
best actor
-steven segal
-kevin costner
Top Le ft , Keith Ph elan , Se th Dupl anti s, Ju s ti n M o lai so n, and M athi s Hall t ak e no t es durin g c la ss To p Rig ht , Jus ti n Mola iso n and Scott Fel te r w o rk o n ho me work t oge th er Le f t , Mr s Ka sto n ans w ers stud ent s qu es ti o ns
Rig ht, Mr s. Siege l' s students are surprised by the camera. Far Rig ht, Bre nt Smith is always drawing on Mr Fa r ber 's chalkboard.
Li nd s e y Abernath y
Kr ist en Adamson
Ryan Adkerson
Priya Anand
Blaise Ang e lico
Ray mond Areaux
Jeb Bauer
Ainsle y Becnel
John Rod ger Bell
Anna Bengts s on
Michael Blatt
Kat herine Bo logna
Dana Burshell
Alice Cacioppo
Jes s ica Carvin
O pening car doors and picking up kids in the af t ernoon are the best things about Service Club.Photograph s by Rachel Tuuri
Peter Castaing
Peter Catsulis
Michelle Chang
Ricky Clotworthy
Donald D' Aunoy
Nicole Dicharry
John Dubus
James Geary
Jordan Gill
Eric Gold
Spyres Goulas
Ginger Guzzetta
Scott Hamm
Rufus Harris
Nicholas Hintz
Josh Kasten
Gaurav Katoch
David Lee
Jordan Lenter
Katherine Marshall
Left, Fifth grader s are definitel y not camera shy Above, Students work on a math assignmentRi g ht , Mr ~. Pittm a n s st ude nt s love to sho w o ff . Top
Ri ght , Fifth rad e rs watch a g movie during c lass. Bottom
Ri g ht , Mr s. Siegel ' s class is hard a work
Jonathan Martinez
Joshua Mass1cot
Shaun McCarron
Andres Mendez
Thomas Merrick
Claire Meunier
Montgomery Katherine Moses
Moustoukas Diana
David Peterson
Christian Picc olo
Matthew Ps1los
Richard Re
Drew Rodrigue
Barry Rome
Ryan Rossner
Scott Samuel
Will Shackelford
Richard Simmons
Robert Skinner
Adam Smith
Brent Smith
Daneel Smith
Matth e w Stedman
Natalie Stein
Akila Subramaniam
Rahul Tikia
Ann Tompkin s
Sa r ah Tuuri
Adam Voth
Natalie Weil
David Wessel
Just in Wilson
Zachary Wool
Top Le ft ; Ka th e rine Mo nt g omery , Diana Mou s t o uka s , and Kri s t e n Ad a ms on lo ve f ifth gr ad e To p Ri g ht , C hri s t ian Pi cc ol o and Fl o ri s Dirk se a r e th e next Pi cassos Le f t , Mr s Pittman ' s s tud e n ts love to s ho w o ff th e ir pear ly whit es
Far Ri gh t, Rhett Klein sc hmidt is s t art le d by the ph otog r ap her. Ri g ht, Scott Robinson ge ts hi s bo o ks r eady fo r c lass.
Jason Baer
Drew Buchler
Co lin Clothworthy
Jonathan Coleman
Kara Contreary
Lindsay Crotty
Pierre deBoisb lanc
Ryan Evans
Ryan Farley
Brian Foret
Bradford Fournier
Ryan Francis
Ted Getten
Jeffrey Glaser
Jason Harmon
I really like being in service club because it makes me feel special.Photographs by Tori Hodges and Stuart Rose
Elizabeth Holling~~
Christopher lngo
Ben Janke
Bradley J hnson
Christopher o
Stephanie Kastondt
Rhett Kleinschm1
Clay Koenig
Brandon Lobell
Lauren Malone
k McCullough Patric
Bryan McManus
Patrick Mendez
Ashley Mohrmann
Ryan Monsour
Aimee Moreau
I las Mort illaro N1c10
w O ' Brien
Andre O'Connell
Far Left, II and Ashley O'Conne Mohrmann work together during Left, Jason class ame Baer enjoys a g of football during free play.Alexandra Pappas
Scott Robinson
Elizabeth Schoen
Chandler Sherwood
Dennis Stewart
Zachary Tyson
Georg Venturatos
Top Le ft , Pierre deBoisblanc, Bradford Fournier , and Ben J anke smile for the camera. Top Ri g ht, Lind s ay Crotty and friend play hopscotch Above , Zachary Tyson and Ted Ge t t e n walk back to clas s. Middle Right, Fourth grade prepares songs for World Day. Rig ht, Mr s. John s on and he r g irls , Eli zabeth Schoen , Laur e n Malone , and Mary YumukogluJohn Von Behren
Sara Walley
Thomas Welch
Gregory Williams
Mary Yumukoglu
Christina Zaharis Miesje Zimmermann Top Left , Catherine O 'C onnell and Miesje Zimmerman enjoy their senior teacher Scott Schuber at free play. Top Right, Nicholas M o rtillaro , Max Von Behren, and Dennis Stewart listen to Mrs Johnson. Far Left , Rhett Kleinschmidt and Brandon Lobell get r e ady to play football. Above, Fourth grade listens to Mrs. Reese read a story. Left, Patrick Mendez and Ryan Brown stop for a picture during free playFa r Ri g h t , Abby St e rn , Le igh Sim on , and Kat he rin e Burke c he ck out what is for lun c h Ri g ht , Li ss a Cap o and Cri s ta Bour g s mil e for the ca mera
Margaret Alsfeld
Richard Blatt
Carly Boos
Crist a Bour g
Katherine Burke
, Joh n Caine
!I! Lissa Capo
Leslie Casamento
Margot Castai ng
Sara Castano
Bri tton Chauvin
James Colburn
David Coons
Denise Daly
Michael Daly
I like to read in the bathtub in Mrs. Brady ' s room .
Photographs by Tiffany TylerEvan Dicharry
Jonathan Fleming
Richard Folse
Geoffrey Garside
Jennifer George
Taylor Gill
Tracy Goldblatt
Cara Goss
Wheeler Graf
Lindsey Greer
Hance Haeuser
Elizabeth Hall
Shellie Harmon
Teddy Houghtaling
Shawn Hymel
Paul Kendrick
Peter Lee
Joey Leone
Elizabeth Levy
Graham Little
To p Rig h t , Sh awn Hy me l di spl ays hi s lu nc h mo ney Botto m Rig ht , A thi r d grad er wo r ks o n a p ro j ect. Ri ght , Ka t her in e Bu r k e, C hri s tin e St.
Germa i n, Ca r a Goss , Leig h Si mo n, and Me ri
M aur er enjoy t he c o uc h durin g snack t im e
Jason Martine z
M eri Maurer
Meghan McQuaig
Juan Mendez Noel Mills
Chr i stopher Mioton
John Moustoukas
Chas e Mullin
Be au Ord emann
Kirt h Paciera
Megan Peck
Katie Pi c colo
Lillie Rea
Matthew Rodrigue
Bradley Ryan
Walker Saik
Jas Saunee
Leigh Simon
Christine St. Germain
Mark Stanga
Benjamin Stein
Abigail Stern
Brett Vogt
Sarah Watts
Elizabeth Weigand
Janell Weil
Patricia Wiegand
Grant Yelverton
Left , Taylor Gill, Sara Watts, Janell Weil , Shellie Harm on, and Sara Castano pose for a picture Above, Richard Blatt clowns around for the cameraFar Ri g ht, Blak e Dupla ss, Ta y lor
W ard, and friends
pra c tice
coo rdination skill s.
Ri g ht , Ja c k son
Edward s and Jason
Fl emmin g do sit -ups
Heather Boos
Holly Brown
James Brown
Julie Buhrman
Jordan Bunch
Cristina Campo
Nicole Chopin
Ashley Conroy
Colin Contreary
Emily Cr otty
James Crouch
Elizabeth D ' Aunoy
Brendan Daly
Blake Duplass
Jackson Edwards
We went on field trips to pick strawberries and to the French Quarter this year.
Photographs by Kaitlin BoyceMeredith Emory
Morgan Erbstoesser
Jessica Farris
Thomas Favrot
Ashley Fell
Jason Fleming
Nicola Garside
Lauren Gibbs
Les l ie Gieger
Douglas Harris
Scott Harr i s
Rebecca Hirsch
Brittani Holland
Stephen Hoskins
Louise LeGardeur
John Levine
Dimitri Loupakos
Jonathan Lu
Eduardo Medina
Peter Mortillaro
Far Le ft , Camm y W a t t s.
Jon a than Scho en, and Loui se LeGerder w ait in lin e Abov e, Stev en Hos kin s, Br y an Pu g h, and Colin Contr e ar y wa t c h th e i r friend s pla y Le f t, Kimberly Smith smi l es for the camera I
B.J . Mu ldrey
Courtney Nicholson
Elise Paciera
Jacque line Patrick David Paul
Christina Peck
Tara Perrin
Bryan Pugh
Rebecca Quintal
Matthew Resignola
Top Left, Je ss ica Farris, Morgan Erbstrosser, and friend play patty cake. Top Right , Matthew Resignola, Jonny Young, Dimitri Loupakos , and James Crouch get together for a picture. Ri g ht , Se c ond grade ge t s ready to stre tch for PE c la ssKaitlyn Richard
Scott Saporito
Jessica Scales
Jonathan Schoen
Adam Shepherd
Kevin Small
Kimberly Smith
Sarah Smith
Ashley Tufts
Taylor Ward
Cammy Watts
Bonnie Williams
Krissi Wilson
Mariann Wilson
John Young
Top Left , Kaitlyn Richard and her anonymous friend. Top Right , Dimitri Loupakos clowns around during PE class Left , Holly Br own and James Brown play it up for the camera.Far Ri ght , Andrew
An ge li co and friend
pla y basketball du rin g free play
Ri ght , Ally so n Funk , Christ in e Sta nl ey, and St ephanie Gill p o se for a pi c tur e durin g snack
Cassi e Alsfeld
Andrew Angel i co
Julie Batt
Robert Beauchamp
Brian Bell
Adam Blatt
Courtney Block
Jason Bourgeois
Beau Bradshaw
Ty Brockhoeft
Chelsea Broekstra
Spiro Catsulis
Brad Collins
Laura Denny
Anderson Dittman
I like all my classes because school is fun!
Photographs by Billy SchroederBrittany Downing
Amy Evans
Rabun Fox
Emily Fransen
Allyson Funk
Charles Gallavan
Ryan Geoghagan
Ashby Geary
Stephanie Gill
Daniel Hobbs
Graham Hopkins
Daniel Hoskins
Wendy Jacobson
Will James
Amanda Janke
Eric Jones
Philip Krit i kos
Jessica Leone
Andrew Levine
Paul Lucky
Left , Kati e Fenerty and Anna Marie Coons talk during snack time Above , Fi rs t gr ader s pla y foo t b all du r in g free pla y.Alison
Malone Mohrmann Monsour Moore Nolan Odell Rodrigue Alex Roy Salazar Senner Top Left , Robyn Tikia displays her excellent artwork. Top RighL Fir s t grade r s pose for a picture. Above, Christine Stanley is hard at work. Right , First graders he lp each other.Sara Silvestri
Gary Solomon
Alison Spindler
Christine Stanley
Robyn Tikia
Charlotte Watkins
Hardy Weaver
Jessica White
Ashley Wolff
Harrison Wool
Far Ri ght , As hl an
Ca p o and Willi am M cQ uai g ea t th eir snacks. Ri ght, Alli so n Mal o ne l ov e s to pla y o n th e slid e.
Clark Alsfeld
Barr e tt Bass
Benjamin Bradshaw
Evan Breaux
Laura Buhrman
Ashlan Capo
Courtney Chappuis
Mary Charlton
Christopher Chugden
Jeannette Collins
Brooke Conroy
Casey Cont r eary
Anna Coons
Lisette deBoisblanc
Kristin Eckstein
I like football, swimming, and the playground!
Marina Erbstoesser
Megan Fell
Katie Fenerty
Adrian France
Hillary Gibbs
Powell Henson
Mark Holden
Erin Huguenel
Rami Khodr
Sophia Loupakos
Kristin Malone
Andrew Matthews
David McChesney
Daniel McCullough
Sky McElroy
Wil McQuaig
Lauren Mioton
Parker Morrison
Tyler Palacios
Left , Ruth Stedma n and Denver Gray play on the equipment during free play Above, Kinde r gartners pose for a picture during free playNee ma Patel
Neeja Patel
Mar g aret Patterson
Je r emy Per e s
Katharine Pugh
Rach el Ram ell i
C harles Richard
Carte r Rossn er
Trey Ruello
Chris Sapor i to
Top Lef t, Laur en M io l en c hec k s on th e clas s bunn y rabbit. Top ri gh t , Kind er ga r te ner s wait in lin e fo r sna c k Middl e Lef t , Elizabe th Shac k el fo r d says , " W ait ! I d o n't have my v eil o n ye t !"
M i d d l e Ri gh t , C hri s Sap ori to , Park er M o rri son , and Ty ler
Pa l ac i os enjoy th ei r free tim e in th e kind erg art en r o om Ri ght, C has Ric hard and Bl ain e Yel ver ton r eac h o ut fo r eac h ot her in mi d swin g.
Elizabeth Shackelford
Enjoli Sims
Ruth Stedman
Venkat Subramaniam
Jimmy Tiblier
Joe Uddo
Gabriela Uribe
Laurel Walley
Mitchell White
Jessica Wise
Andrew Wood
Spencer Wool
Blaine Yelverton
Top Left , Jessica Wise , Anna Marie Coons, and Katie Fenerty pose for a picture during free play Top Right , Chris Saporito chas e s Hillary Gibb s around the playground. Middle Le ft , Ruth Stedman builds a freeway for her car Left, Casey Contreary and Mark Holden play in their clubhouse Bottom Left , William McQuaig and Tyler Palacios get ready to build their forts in the sand
Erich Abbott
Adel Alizadeh
Clarke Armatis
Brice Bass
Benjamin Bologna
Michael Bossetta
Ben jamin Brinson
Jay Carisella
Stephen Chester
Chad Colon
Gordon Cranner
Kaitlin Das tugue
William Depass
Rebecca Denny
Matthew Dozier
Stella Duplass
Preston Emory
Kristen Foret
Lindsey Gengo
Michael Gieger
I like housekeeping because there are clothes and a baby.
Photographs by Courtney SchuppDenver Gra y
Meredith Harris
Thomas Hennington
Worth Hopkins
Margaux Hymel
Brandon Janssen
Cooper Johnston
Natalie Keene y
Lauren Kerr
Steven Larosa
Stephanie Lucky
Andrew Ma yeux
Brian McCormick
Colin Nicholson
Jeffrey O ' Bryon
Richard Odell
Phillip Podret
Allen Porter
Robert Quintal
Ta ylor Roberts
Christopher Senner
Mia Silvest r i
Carol yn Small
Ame lia Trask
Kelse y Vogt
Emil y Walter s
Ra c hel Wa tts
Carra Williams
O pposite Page , Jay Car ise lla dump s th e sa nd ou t of his s hoes befo r e ret ur nin g to class Th is Page, Far Left, Brice Bass , Gor d o n Cra nn e r, and Amel ia Tr ask get r ea d y t o slid e do wn
Lef t , Be njamin Bolog na, Kai tl yn Dast uge , Ame li a Tr as k, an d Go rd o n Cra nner en j oy t he view fro m a bove
The Board Of Trustees
Officers , Mr . G. William James Ill , President ; Mr . Michael Flick, Vice-President; Mrs . Betty Bailliet , Treasurer ; and Mr . Michael Odom , Se cr et ar y
Me mb e r s,
Mr s. Muffin Ba la rt
Mr. Le o E Bea ul ieu Ill
Mr Tho ma s Jac ks on Be thun e Ill
Mr He r bert B Bow ers 111
The Rt. Rev J a mes B Br o wn
Mr Ja mes M Burlin ga me
Dr Will ia ms Broo ks Emory
The Rev W Ge d ge Gay le
Mrs. J a ne He nso n
Mr Ern est E Ho wa rd Ill
Mr Pe t e r La bo ui ss e
Mrs Br e nda Manard
Mr Charle s D Mar s hall , Jr
Mr s. Rita Mcilwain
Dr Brian Henr y Me liu s
Mr Rob e rt Be rnard Nolan
Mrs Mar y Ann e O ' Ne il
Mr Mar s hall F Ord e mann , J r
Mr Charl es H. Pe t e r s on
Th e Re v Hill Riddl e
Mr Jerr y L. Saporito
Mr s. C arroll Sug gs
Dr. Luth e r Ch as e William s
STM Thanks The Board Of Trustees For Their Outstanding Support And Hard Work!
Throughout the year , The Board of Trustees has made numerous accomplishments St. Martins has greatly benefited from the new Student Center , which their Building Committee coordinated The Board is also boasting of a tremendous turnout this year , concerning the An nual Giving Representati v es from the Mother ' s Club, Father ' s Club, and of course faculty have also helped to make this year successful.
Morns' And Dads' In Action
The Mothers ' Club is an e x tremely important organi z ation at St Martin ' s The c l ub is a helpful asset to the c o mmunity . They donate la r ge amounts of money and e q uipment to our school. T h e Mothers ' Club's big f undraiser of this year is a p arty , titled Juleps n' Jazz . The Mothers are hoping this Sp ring fundraiser will make a la r ge amount of money for our school. They will use the funds raised for new lower s c hool playground equipment , athletic needs , and add i tional money for the Stud e nt Lounge as needed The Mothers ' Club also hosted St. Martin ' s Day Family Fest
in the fall. It was a fun-filled evening of bingo , games , raffle , delicious food, and a fabulous gourmet booth
The Dads ' club is headed by Leo Beaulieu this year They will put the majority of their time and dedication into the Fall Fellowship and the Athletic Banquet. The other interest of the Dads ' club includes sponsoring bus rides and getting more involved with their children.
The Dads ' club is not so much a fund raising organization as the Mothers ' Club , but is still very active and involved in many school activities
We plan on using the money we raise for Lower School playground equipment, athletic needs , and additional funds for the Student Lounge , which we have already contributed a great deal towards
Th e Mother s' C lub officers , (s eated) Judy Adams (President) , Ann Colfry (C orr es ponding Sec r e tar y ), (s tanding from Left t o right) , Margo Dichary (T r ea sur er ), Mar y Beaulieu (Recording Se cretar y ), and Nancy Hodges (Vicepresident)
The Dads ' Club officers ,
Th e Offic er s, Stev e Griffith , Dan Duplass , Fr e d Schuber (Treasurer) , Leo Bea uli eu (Pr e sid ent) , Mike Mcilwain , Brant Houston (SEcretar y) , Glen Glaser (Hi storian) Not pictured, Dale Crawford (Vice President)
As presid e nt, I would li ke t o t r y a nd ge t people to more f ull y understand the purpose of th e Dad 's Club . That it is for father s to meet o ne anoth e r and learn more about their child ' s sch oo l ac t iv i ties .
- Leo
Beaulie u
c l ock wi se, Jud y Ada ms and Nancy Hodges call the meeting to order Tamm y Jones , Jen ny Collins, Pam Wester, Diane Erbs t oesser, C l audia Tufts , and Eva McDaniel listen intently at a meeti ng. Mke Su ll ivan and Peter LeBou i s enjoy some crawfis h at a Dad ' s C lu b Meeti ng C har lie Ma r sha ll , Fre d Sc huber , and Mick Mcilwain enjoy the Dad ' s Club end of t he year part y Pat Simpson , Margo Dichary and Jaquee Carvin participate i n the Mother ' s Club meeting
Suzette Adair
Harriet Aguiar
Jo Allen
Carol Baier
Betty Bankston
Doris Baron
Eileen Beckman
Ann Bellard
Kip Blake
Carolyn Boone
Doris Boos
Erin Brady
Glenn Brady
Carolyn Busenlener
Barbara Boat Bush
Dianne Cahanin
Jane Caine
Toni Caserta
Mary Ann Chrestman
Clarinda Coleman
Marjorie Conatser
Tootie Conway
Donna Coons
James Cox
Receptionist Jo Allen answers a call.M. Jeanne Cumberland
Francis Delaune
Julie Dieth
Mary DiFulco -Brignac
Sam Dozier
Vincent Drago
James Durbin
Tracy Ebbs
Mary Sue Edwards
Manuel Eguigure
Guy Farber
Sylvia Finger
Peggy Fransen
Maria Gerrets
Michael Giambelluca
Joseph Gill
Michael Giorlando
Susan Godchaux
Sally Goss
Harold Graf
Jackie Graham
Dianne Greer
Jane Guillory
Christine Hamann
S. Hamilton
Susan Herbert
Caro lyn Hermann
Andree Herringto n
Tina Hintz
Virginia Hoffman
Left, Vince Drago tells of his trip to Rome Cap Baier discusses the Spanish ass ignment with Carole MiranneBruce Houghtaling
Susan Houghtaling
Vicki Johnson
Betsy Kaston
Patricia Kelley
Lee Klebba
Iris LaBruyere
Pierre Leger
David Lesley
Warren Lind
Edith Long
Linda Lo pes
Rickie Luk e
Wayne Lumpkin
Edward Maise
James Marsalis
Courtney Martin
Janis McCormick
Linda McDermott
Chick McGeehan
Luce Melancon
Mary Margaret Miller
Ree Miranne
Rex Mooney
Fr. Richard Moore
Kerry Mullin
Iris Niehues
Larry Panna
Susan Pansano
John Pardee
Jean Parmelee
Pedro Perez
Margaret Perret
Stephenie Pittman
DoBee Plaisance
Ilene Pool
Janice Rees
Shirley Reinhardt
Cheryl Resignola
Tim Rice
Charles Rivet
Fr. Ed Robertson
Pam Rogers
Bill Rosenbaum
Janet Russo
Barbara Ryan
Deborah Scalia
Margaret Schuber
Don Schwartz
Karen Scott
Sue Shaw
Gloria Siegel
Fr. Scott Slater
Alan Smith
Clockwis e f rom up 1 picture M"k per eft • 1 e Gi b follows th I am elluca e esson dchapel L urmg ee Cont pauses for a avesprie Moore greet:'thteure Father
Congregation L enjoys dinner . uce Melancon club at Cr with the French R epe Nanou estaurant Cl plays the p ia arfmda Co leman D no or h r Harie t A ui er cla ss. entertain s h g ar - Netto er class
District Champs
This year was one of the most exciting and most succ essful football seasons for St Martin's . Fourteen seniors le d the team along with the ne w head coach, Sam Dozier They played their best each week , supporting each other and playing as a unit to bring v ictory to their school, t heir team and themselves. The team ' s will , determinat ion and many hours of pract ice paid off when they
To p to Bottom , Left to Right , Coach
C hick McGeehan, Tyler Adkerson, Steven Griffith , Patrick Garvey , C hri s Chambers, Chris Shofstahl , C hri s Stakelum , Jeff Williams, Brad Coffman , Coach Kenny McCollugh , Jr., Coach Guy Farber , Bradley G la ser, Bill Axelrad , Jonathan Schenk, Ben Crawford, Charlie LaBouisse, Brent Scalia, Erich Faust , Carter Balart , Chris Coffman, Jason Griffith , Coach Rick Moore, Coach
Sa m Dozier , Coach Al Trevino , Dominick Bartolotta , Curt Beaulieu , Chad Aleman, Ian Williams, Edmund Dieth , Thomas Peters , Michael Brown , Pat Odom, Jonathan Houston , Wes Marchal , Woodward Oge , Ben Prevost , John Reily Thomason, Sha ne Bohrer , Brent Beaulieu , Kyle Bran ting , Benny Whitley , Chip McGeehan, Brady Dugan, Brian A xelrad and Mike Bret z.
To p to Bottom, Left to Right , Coach
Mike Giambelluca, Christian C hauvin , Je ffrey Barnett, Doug
Ge tten, Thomas Thomason , Stephen Faust, Jim Rees e, Lowery Smith , Robby Bennett, Charles Cristy, Coach Al Tr e vino , Allan Chang , Roge r Pea rce , Steven Moore , Parker Argote , Michael Smuck, Brett Sutton, Jason Clotworthy , Gene Chien, Zach Stead , Kevin Hurtt , Andy Jaspan and Robby Clotworthy.
proved that they were best in the district.
Winning the Homecoming Game against The Fisher Gators earned them a place in the regional playoffs for the first time in several years Although many of the players were disappointed about losing in the playoffs, they were very happy to have won district. The Saints closed out a spectacular season with a record of 9-2
Opposite Page; Top, The Senior football pla y ers make the 1992 season one of the best in STM history Thi s Page, Top Left; Chad Aleman runs over a Country Da y player during his last Dome game.Top right, ' Nuff said ! Above, Chris Chambers , Kyle Branting and Brent Beaulieu look back on another vic t ory.
ernorable ornents
9-2 District Champs ... Regiona l Finalists ... Coach of the Year -Sam Dozier I 000-yard rusher - Aleman All State: Shofstahl All District: A leman, Axe lrad, Balart, Chambers, Odom, Shofstahl, Stakelum and Williams.
The Upper School volleyba ll team had a very successful season , definitely one th e y can be proud of. Besides placing first in their di s trict, they also beat many rival teams This qualified th em for the playoffs. Unfortunately, however, they were defeated in their first game Yet , they went home winners , proud of their accomplishments .
The Middle School volley-
Spike It To 'Em
ball team did their coach proud. Coach Sue Edwards commended them on their love of the game, understanding of positions and commitment to the team Even though they wanted to win, just being able to play was enough for most. "Of course , we played to win, but teamwork is what it is all about, " commented Megan Hintz Teamwork!
Var sit y. Top row L to R, Eli za beth Mc Ma nu s, T ossy Sanders , Lauren Gatti. Sharon McDaniel , Michele Ken ny, Alice Manard, Paige Nolan. Bottom row L to R, Breck Trevino, Ran a Ramelli , Mignon Frey
Jun io r Varsity Top row L to R, Coach Plaisance, Mrs Russo , Keri Sol is, Coleen Kenny , Sharon McDaniel , Ryan Murphy , Stacy Weber , Muffin Labouisse , Coach Edwards, Coach Trevino Bottom row L to R, Allison Martinez , Stephanie Mur r ay , Eli za beth Hu sse rl , Cindy
Per r et , Rebecca Dunn , Jennifer Dun una , Stephanie Lan g lois , Wesley Rol s ton , Sara Beth Odom
Middle School. I st row L to R, Sara Thomason , Jenny Ernst, Jennifer Coleman, Dominique Matulich, Lisa Abry, JaJuan Gair, Jeanne Bourg, Anna Kilinski. 2nd row L to R, Megan Hintz , Emily Hymowitz , Emily Bordelon, Mikki Delany, Eric Lopes , Lauren Venturatas, Rebecca Tuuri , Amanda Abrams. 3rd row L to R, Lauren Dellinger , Vaughn Thames, Adrienne Phillips, Judith Diasselliss, Meghan McDermott, Caroline Merrick , KK Martinez , Amanda Hall. 4th row
L to R, Michelle Mc Daniel, Lauren Daly , Jennifer Dinsdale, Asha Jaykrishanan , Missy St. Germain, Catherine Betz.
emorable oments
All-State, All-Star, All-Metro, All-District, and AII-
Tournament: Paige Nolan ... All-District I st team: Tossy Sanders (MVP), Michele Kenny, Alice Manard ... All-District
2nd team: Mignon Frey, Breck Trevino ... All-District
Honorable Mention: Rana Ramelli ... Academic All-State: Alice Manard ... Academic All-State Honorable Men t ion: Tossy Sanders.
Mainly I would like for them to enjoy their experience as a member of a team and to learn responsibility and commitment. - Mrs. Edwards
You get to know people better and build friendships with those who are not in your grade. -Tossy Sanders
rAbove left , To s sy Sanders spikes the ball from the back row . Middle left , Tossy Sanders again demonst r ates her skill of spiking Left, The Varsity Volleyball team relaxes before a game. Above, Michele Kenny tries to block a spike by Paige NolanStroking To Success
The Upper School swim team completed another successful season this year
Th e girls f inished third in the sta t e swim meet and the bo ys finished ninth The high sch oo l swim team traveled to Fort Wolten , Houma , and Bilo x i this year On each of the s e trips the team did ver y well , and next year the team has hopes to travel mo r e Although swimming can be a lo t of work , each swimmer enjoys competin g ag a inst other teams The team had a very good year
and hope s to do just as well ne xt year .
The Middle School won their biggest swim meet this y ear , which was a great accomplishmen t. The team had about 65 members which he l ped them to their victory These swimmers consi sted of student s that were in the fifth grade through the eighth grade The young team was very enthusiastic about competing Coach Allen Smith hopes that these students will want to stay on the swim team in high school.
Up pe r Sc hool. T o p r o w L t o R, Ri c hard Lo, A shl ey Tappin , Moniqu e Sc i onea u x, El iza b et h W anek , Ian Mc A lli s te r , Ra c he l Tuuri , J o hn D avid Ab ern ath y. Bott o m r o w L t o R, Enil y Hy m o wit z, Whi t ney Samu e l, All ys on Brati na, Kim Gar l and, Chri s Le me iu x, Mi chae l Mo r ea u
Mid d l e Sc ho ol. T o p r o w L to R, C o ac h All en Smith , Richard Lo , C ather in e Be t z, Re b ec c a Tuuri , Elise Dicharr y, Li sa Abr y.
Upper School
3rd GNO Co-ed Leagues
3rd St. Championships (G)
8th St. Championships (B)
memorable oments
STM VS. Middle School
I st GNO MS League
I st Dual Meets
Above Lef t , Ian McAllister is glad with his time. Above Right , John Daviv Abernathy Whitne y Samuel and Elizab e th Wanek hang our between events. Left , Eli z abeth Wanek practices her breast s trok e.
Above, Whitney Samuel dives in Opposite page, Ian McAllister sneaks in a few minutes of sleep before returning to the pool.
Ashley Tappin - nine state records ... Chris Lemiouxfive state records All-American team: Ashley Tappin, Chris Lemieux, Kim Garland, Monique Scioneaux, Allyson Bratina. Titles .. . Biloxi ... Houma ... "Does anyone have any shampoo?" I 0,000 yards!?!
Going The Distance
Cross country is a co-ed sport in which the members must have discipline , training and patience for long di s tance running. Jim Marsalis, the teams' coach, was dedicated to providing the support for the teams' training. Both teams had a successfu l season. The girl's team , with Lise Andersson as captain, went to state and won second place Of the girls that qualified,
Alice Manard came in ninth place ; Wendy Manard and Monique Scioneaux finished twelfth and nineteenth, respectively. The boys' cross country team was led by captain Sean Grace. The boys ' team also had a great year, winning second place in district. All successes were due to much dedication and hard work We look forward to next year's promising season
, lrfan Say y ad , Matt Francis , Brett Bor d elon , John Hy att , Sean Grace , Br e tt Guidry , Michael Moreau, Moniqu e Scioneaux , Julie Lyeki , Liz Ge t te n, Andrea Andersson, Ashley Hall , Murtuza Ali , Riaz Ali, Vanessa Car ro ll, Catherine Garvey , Lauren Gat t i, Katie Kimble , Tori Hodges, Jo hn David Godchaux , Alice Manard , Li se Andersson, Andrea Cecil , Wendy Manard , Carole Miranne , A shl e y Baier
Top to Bottom , Left Right Top t o Bot tom , Left to Right, Nich o la s Pappas , Spence Schwartz , Mark Angehr, John Colfry , Zak Baig and Erik Bengt ss on Photographs by Kaitlin Boyce and Holly Millsemorable oments
Girls : 2nd in District ... 3rd in Metro ... 2nd in St ate . . .
State Team - Lise Andersson, Katie Kimble, Julie Lyeki, Alice Manard, Wendy Manard, Marie Louise Ryan and Monique Scioneaux .. . Wendy Manard - District Champion ... Wendy and Alice Manard - All-District ... Alice Manard - 9th in State Boys: 4th in District Sean Gr ace - Top Runner in every meet .
Opposite Page , Top, Sean Grace focuses on finishing first. Thi s Page , Top Left , Katie Kimble concentr a tes on keeping her pace Top Right , Sophomore Allyson Bratina warms-up with teammates Tristan Ra ppold, Andrea Andersson and Tori Hodges for a practice run Above, Riaz Ali shares his water with senior Kim Garland after the race
Th e Upper School Girls
Soc cer team did very well th is y ear. The Varsity team e nded up with a 7 - 7 season
Th e JV ended their season
wi t h a 5- 4 record . This year
th e Varsit y team was led by th e ir two s eniors , Lisa
A n der s on and Shannon
Ja mes. The team made it to th e playoffs again this year
Un for tunately , the team had to play in a Bi - District state
Pl ay off s and met Newman in th e first round , losing 0-4 Th ey hope to again make the
Tough Break
playoffs ne x t year and advance
The Middle School girls soccer team finished 1-9 , yet each player enjoyed th e ir practices and working out with their new coach , Roby Aeronsmith. Roby attends college during the day and coaches these girls in the afternoon The girls lost th e ir heartbreaking second playoff game to Country Day , and were eliminated for the season
Up pe r Sc hoo l. I s t r o w L t o R, C o ach
M cGee han, A ndr ea Ce cil, Trist an
Rap p o ld , Co l ee n Ke nn y, Andrea
A nderso n, To r i Ho d ges, M e r e dith
Volk, Ste phani e Murr ay, Caroline
Elli ot, Co ac h Ar e nsman 2nd row L to
R, Shann o n James, Lis a Ander son , Ashley Baier , A shle y Hall , Li z Ge t ten ,
Amy Kee n ey , C arol e Mir a nn e,
M argee Ne i g hb o r s, Cat herin e Garv e y, Leig h Adam s. 3 rd r o w L to R,
Eli za b e th Hu sse rl , Brook e Bail ey,
Sa r a Be th O d o m, Ho ll y Mill s, W e nd y
M ana r d , A l is h a Fior e n za, W e sl ey
Ro l s t o n
Mi d dl e Sc hoo l. I s t row L to R, S t e ph a n ie W i lli a m s, Tiffany
Appl ewhit e, M eg an Hint z, Jennifer
C ol e man , St e phani e Caine, A shl e y
Stu a rt , Amanda Abram s, Emil y Bo r de l o n, Adri e nn e Phillips , Ke lly Hall. 2nd r o w L t o R, Re b ecca Tuuri ,
Emi ly Kimbl e, Jea nn e Bo ur g, Be th
Pr e witt, Vau g hn Tham es , Erica
Lo p e z, M eg an M c D e rmott.
Photographs by Billy Schroeder' Country Day (I)
' Sacred Heart (I)
' Vand Cathol i c (I)
' Country Day (2)
' Sac r ed Heart (2)
' Vand Catho l ic (2)
w L L w
Ep i scopal Salmen McGehee Ecole
emorable oments
STM VS. L w w w
Pearl River
Ben Franklin State p layoff s, Newman ' District record , 2 - 4
Left, Li z Ge tt e n throw s th e bal l back into p lay. Above r ig ht , Sha nn o n James ta kes th e ball d ow n th e fi e ld. Above, Tori Ho d ges stea ls the ba ll fr om her op p onent. O pp os ite page, Th e t ea m r est du r in g ha lfti me
All -District : Catherine Garvey, Lauren Gatti , Shannon James . .. balloon balls ... " no cleats in the locker room " ... " h · d b " " S · h b 7" " R' ht171 " w en m ou t , . . . crimmage t e oys . . . . 1g ... . . . state playoff s , again ... more running ? ...
The Upper School soccer
t e am has worked hard and a c complished a lot more t h an any written record c o uld show . They learned a lot from each other and as a r e sult won many games. They made the playoffs as a team and they even drew a rather lar ge crowd After the second playoff game , which they lost , they went away as c hampions and were not bitt e r because of their lost.
The Middle School soccer
High Goals
team was amazing this year and has a record to prove it. With the help of a good defense they are undefeated in season play The team had a couple star players who brought about the well deserved success . The team hustled and was on the ball. In practice the players work hard and stick together . They like what they do and enjoy learning new skills . They worked hard to achieve their high goals .
Up p er Sc ho o l. I st r o w L t o R, Curt
Be auli eu, Le e Hall , Arthur Christy ,
M ark Wolf , Adam Kartzke, Mac Bauer , C harl es William s, Scott Ne lso n C hri s Re es e , Brad Becnel ,
Ste ph en St. Pi err e, Christian Leask.
2 nd row L to R, Ruff y Su g gs , Mike Pitts, Billy Danflou s 3rd row L to R, Bre nt Beauli eu, Cart er Balart , Clark
A dk er son Missin g, Scott Gold
M i ddl e School. I st row L to R, Kevin
M cC ormick , Zack Stead, Lowery
Smith , Chri s Bordelon , Brandon
D i non , Dou g Get t en, Robby Bennett, Roge r Pe arce 2nd row L to R, Robby
Clo tworth y , Charl es Christ y, Chad
Fli ck 3rd row L to R, Patrick
O ' Brien , Anthony Gu zz etta , Ari
Bur shell , Kevin Hurtt , Gen e Chien , Ro b ert Allen
Left, Ty l er Adkerson he ad s the ball away fro m his oppo nent. A bove , Br ent Beaulieu prepares to shoo t. Above top , Lee H al l and C lark Adkerso n take the ball down the field. Oppos it e page, Th e team liste ns to Coach Goo d y during halftime
Undefeated State Champions
The St. Martin ' s Girls' Basketball team consists of outstanding athletes as well as their terrific coach, DoBee Plaisance Three seniors, Anne Monsted, Paige Nolan and Alice Manard, helped lead the team through an incredible season . For the first time in St. Martin's history , the Girls' Basketball team went into the playoffs undefeated with a record of 3 I -0 The players had the in t ensity and determination to overcome any obstacles that stood in their way.
This year's motto, "United We Stand and Divided We
Fall ", summarizes what these girls are all about and what they believe in The team finished the season with a record of 36-0, breaking yet another STM record . They have not only accomplished something that no one at St. Martin ' s will ever forget, but also made a name for thems e Ives in the city and throughout the state. When asked about the season, Julie Lyeki said, "It is impossible to describe the feeling of winning a State Championship, but it's worth all the hard work we put forth to achieve our ultimate goal. "
Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Barbara Farris, Shawn Manning, Paige Nolan, Rene Ronquillo, Alice Manard, Coach DoBee Plaisance , Stacey Webe r , Mignon Frey , Anne Monsted, Ju l ie Lyeki, Staci James , Tatum
Truax , Claude Eyamba , Coach Linda
Tr e vino , Rana Ramelli and Erin Simpson
Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Arthi
Devarajan , Dominique Matulich , Lisa
Abry , Ja Juan Gair , Anna Kilinski, Eli se Dicharry , K K Martinez, Elena
Perez , Amanda Hall , Lauren
V e nturatos , Judith Diasselliss , M i chelle Delaney, Michelle
McDaniel , Jennifer Dinsdale , Catherine Betz and Emily Hymowit z.
Opp os it e Pa ge ; Top , " Unit e d We Stand and Divid e d We Fall. " Thi s Page ; Top Left, Th e girl s pr e pa r e t o be c o me St a t e Ch a mpion s. Top Ri g ht, The gi rl s be ca me St a t e Champ ion s . Abov e, Middl e Sc hool er Mi c hell e McDani e l s ho ot s a jump s ho t while Anna Kilin s ki pr e par es t o s hoo t a fr ee th row
emorable oments
3 6-0 Undefeated State Champions . .. Buckeye 49- 4 3 .. .
Barbara Farris - Division 2A MVP ... Sleeping at Dairy
Queen ... DoBee ' s practices ... 3 1-0 headed for playoffs
... "It's Unbeliev able!" ... The Price of Victory.
Dr. Michael Giorlando ret urned to the St. Martin ' s community this year as head basketball coach. He was an assist ant under Coach Jerry Hernandez at STM for two years, then an full - time assistant at UNO before his return. His superior coaching ability revitalized the program, earning recognit ion city-wide for not only himself , but St. Martin 's as well. STM was picked last in the district at the beginning of the season, but through hard work , perseverance , and the desire to succeed , f inished the season as Dis-
tric t Runner-Up The team had practices throughout the summer accompanied by a strength/conditioning program . during the Fall, 6 ,00 a m practices were commonplace which exemplify the team ' s dedication. The seniors, with captains Greg Page and Carter Marshall , did a superb job of leading the team through thick and thin, and they will be deeply missed next year They helped the underclassmen improve tremendously and left their mark on St Martin's forever
Varsity, Top to Bottom, Left to Ri ght , Carter Marshall, Robin Tompkins, Jay Adair, Louis Smith, Sa hil Godiwala , Greg Pag e, Collin Sch uhmach e r , Jim Angehr , Scott Schuber, Ja so n Conway, Dave Gleason and Frit z Koch.
J V., Top t o Bottom , Left to Right , Jim Angehr , Robin Tompkins , Louis Smith , Sahil Godiwala, Collin Schuchmacher, Jason Conway, Chike Ozah , Chris Bowman , Blake Schuhmacher , Jonathan Hou st on and Michael Brown
Opposite Pa ge, Top , Carter Marshall watches the free throw, looking forward to the rebound Th is Pa ge , Top Left, Greg Page s how -off hi s ver tical during the ju mp Top Ri g ht , Pa ge is honored b y teammate Robin Tompkins and fans for e nt er in g the I 000 -point club Above, Fritz Koch s top s to take a rest after hustling for an e n tire ga me.
" You Gotta' Be @$ *?!&# Me! "
cakes Defense
the key PJP II 'Manni.
Wrestling had an outst anding sea son this year
C o ach Moore ' s coaching led t h e team to an amaz i ng fo urth place in state Their ov er - all match record was 16 1- 9 5 with a Division 2A r eco rd of 5 - 1. Both Ian W i lliams and Bill Axelrad w er e s tate champions while Sea n grace and Stiles And er son placed second and th i rd r es pectiv el y
Father Moore was very pleased with this year ' s outcome , because they won their predicted place in state Next year ' s team looks just as promising , for there are twelve returning wres tiers , seven of whom lettered this year in addition to many upcoming freshmen As a result of senior leadership , the 1992-93 Wrestling team had a terrific year.
T op t o Bo tt o m , Le ft to Ri g ht ,
Th o mas Th o maso n, Ben Crawford ,
Th o mas Pe t er s, Ian William s, W e s
M arc h al , Ju s t i n No rw oo d , Brett Bo r d el o n, Co ac h Ri c k M oo r e, Kevin
Gol dbl a tt , D uk e Kerri ga n , Stil e s
A n de r so n , Sea n Gr ace , Laur en
Pard ue and Bri an Ho ughtalin g.
To p t o Botto m, Le ft t o Ri ght , And y
Cra wfor d, Jos hu a Roge r , Geo ffrey
A r t i gues , M a tt Ri g d o n , Th o ma s
Th o m aso n, Je ffr ey Barn et t , Brian
K a y e , Co a c h A l Tr ev in o, Erik
Beng t sso n , M art y Bla c k , Andy
C hres tm an, Ju s tin M euni er , Pey ton
Cava r oc and Bl ak e Bo urquard
ernorable ornents
State: T earn - 4th; Bill Axelrad and Ian Williams - I st; Sean Grace - 2nd; Sti les Anderson - 3rd ... 161-95 .. . I I
lettermen ... Coach Moore ... Coach DeMonte .. . Dual Meets: 6-5 ... Division 2A: 5-1 ... "Truly good fun".
Opposite Page ; Top , Brian Houghtaling rules his opponent and controls the mat This Page ; Top Left, They ' re still learning Top Right, Sean Gr ace defeats his opponent with ease Bottom Left, Ben Crawford attempts to pin his competitor Above , State Champion Ia n Williams tak e s down his opponent. Left , Brian Houghtaling finishes off the bout.Aces And Winners
The St. Martin's boys' tenni s team competed on a higher level this year thanks to their new coach, Danny Echt. They got off to a slow start because Coach Echt w as still coaching soccer, and many players were not finished with their fall sports. They quickly gained pace when UST A ranked Jona than Massicot joined up wi th seniors Dave Gleason and Scott Nelson to lead the team. Coach Echt has revolutionized tennis at St. Martin's by broadening the players ' fundamental games as well as the mental aspects, and is whom St. Martin's tennis has been lacking for many
The St . Martin's girls' tennis team also had an exceptional season, finishing with a 9-3 record. Led by seniors Nikki Corcoran, Kathy Haycock, Meeta Prasad and T ossy Sanders, the team dominated their opponents in all aspects of the game. Coach Sue Edwards went out of her way to work with her players by going to City Park , Beach Club, and Chateau Country Club to find open courts . Their results at Regionals and State are reflective of their efforts, and with many skilled players returning next year , the team looks just as promising.
Top to Bottom , Left to Right, Dave Gl e ason , Morlas Schoenfeld , Scott Ne lson , Sahil Godiwala , Robin Tompkins , Eric Veith , Jonathan Massicot , Greg Valladares , Deepak Chakravarty and Jeff Williams . Top to Bottom, Left to Right, lossy Sanders , Allison Martinez , Nikki C o rcoran , Erin Simpson, Ashley Baier , Kristen Nelson , Whitney Samuel and Kim Milano . Not Pictured , Kathy Haycock and Meeta Prasademorable oments
Pushing The Limit
Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Alice Manard, Chris Chambers, Marie Louise Ryan , Chris Coffman , Greg Page , Shannon J a mes, Julie Lyeki , Katie Kimble, Holly Mills , Jason Griffith , Barbara Farris, Bria n Houghtaling , Patrick Ga r vey, Mitch We atherly, Justin Jones, Kyle Branting, Mich a el Pitts, Louis Smith, Brad Coffman , Jim Angehr, Matt Francis , Mario Caserta, Le e Hall , Liev Thames, Shawn Manning, Dominick Bartolotta, Catherine Garvey, Claude Eyamba, Christina Murphy, Tristan Rapp o ld , Wendy Manard , Mark Wolf, Erich Faust , Billy Goodwin, Woodward Oge, Chike Ozah, Chip McGeehan , Elizabeth Husserl, Stacy Weber , Tatum Truax, Andrea Cecil, Elizabeth McManus , John Abern a thy , Steven Bellard and Wes Felter.
Th e Saints track team had yet another s uccessful year at Regiona ls. Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Coach Chick McGeehan, Liev Thames , Lise Andersson, Shannon James , Claude Eyamba , Coach Jim Mar s alis , Elizabeth Husserl , Tatum Truax , Anne Monsted, Ju lie Lyeki, Coach Mike Giambellucca , Wendy Manard, Catherine Garvey, Beth Huber, Patrick Garvey, Ju s tin Jones , Holly Mills , Alice Manard, Shawn Manning, Barbara Farris, Mitch Weatherly and Greg Page
Sophomore Beth Huber hurdles into the last stretch. Top Left, Julie Lyeki impresses spectators during the long jump. Top Right, Wendy Manard paces herself while focusing on the finish Above , Robbie Manard demonst r ates his pole vaulting skills which earned him recognition state-wide. Left, Senior Gr eg Page struggles in the high jump.The purpose for taking a sport is to experience what it means to work in a team atmosphere and work on individual goals Track provides a good combination of the two DoBee Plaisance
Top Left, Middle sc hooler Brandon Dinon practices the l ong jump Top Ri ght, Holl y Mills hurdles her way to the finish line Middle, Claude Eyamba combines her speed with her leaping ability to become one of STM ' s most impressive hurdl er s Right , Middle Schoolers show off their troph y after another STM victory.This year the Upper school sof tball team had a very go od seas on They did v ery well in district and placed 4th in the district tournament. Last year the softball team only won I ga me This year they won 7, yes seve n games . Many peopl e have improved greatly . Leading the team pitching was Stephanie Langois and Mi g non Frey Breck Trevino and Stephanie Sharpie took th e other place in the batte ry. Even though they did not make it to State this ye a r , they are already aiming
Up pe r School.Top row L to R, Coach Trevino , Victoria Law , Vanessa
Carroll, Mar y M cK innie , Ryan Ann Mu rphy, Amy Coleman , Joanne
C l ose, Jennif er Lee, Mi gnon Frey , Melissa Smith, Stephanie Sharpie, Bre c k Trevi no , Li z Maurer Middle row L to R, Annie Flettrich , Christina
Thorneycroft, J en nifer Denuna , Court n ey Schupp , Stephanie
Lan gois, Ta y lor Wohl eber, Rebecca Dunn. Bottom row L to R, Stephanie Jon es, Stephanie Martine z, Rachel Tuu ri, Cindy Perret, Anouk Rognon
Aiming High
for next year
This year the Middle School softball team depended on 3 eighth graders and 16 seventh graders
They faced many teams like Country Day, Sacred Heart, Newman , Aurora Gardens, and Trinity Missy St. Germain, Dominique Matulich , and Emily Hymowitz led the Saints. Throughout the season they fought to the last run, but found it hard to stay in the game Yet, they learned a lot, hoping for next year
Mid dl e Sc hool. Top row L to R, Emily Hym ow it z, Dominique Matulich , Car-
o Ii ne M e rrick , Amanda Hall , Stephan ie Caine, Jennif er McAlpine
Bottom row L to R, Emil y Bordelon, Laur e n Daly, Mi ssy St. Germain , Mic key Delaney, Re becca Tuuri , Elena Pe re z.
Lef t , Nic i Ei c hb e r ge r watc hes t he batt e r Ab ove r ig ht , Mi g no n Frey wa its fo r th e bal l. Above , St e ph a ni e La ngo is pit c hes Opp o sit e p age, Br e ck Tr ev in o hits a whopp er .
ernorable ornents
"The only things soft about the game is the name !" . .. " Hit
h C$#1 b Ill " H I H I "Wh ' b t? " " t e {;:, . a . . . . ome . ome. . . . ere s my a . . .. swing level and run like the devil. " ... " Hit it! Bust it! " "G b I" "N ,, o atter. . . . a na na na na na na na . . . . . .
I c hanged from coaching boys because I feel that girls are more attentive and willing to work harder . -Roge r Langlois
We are friend s, trying to improve with spirit.Stephanie Langl oisTop left , Vanessa Carroll waits for a pop fly Top right , Breck Trevino hit s a foul ball. Left , Stephanie Langlois on the mound Above , An nie Fl e ttrich prepares to take a le ad
Despite the fact that only I 3 eli g ible young men played on the ba s eball team this ye ar , the team did surprisi n gl y well. Playing such t e am s as Pope John Paul II, Ne wman , Buras, Fisher , and Re deemer , the Saints finis hed with a winning season . This is not a big surprise c o nsidering St. Martin ' s win-
ning tradition in baseball. With help from Coaches Sam Dozier , and Guy Farber and team captain Chris Stakelum , the team worked hard to achieve their goals We are all proud that this small team could pull off such a great effort with a lot of spirit , pride , and heart.
Up per School Baseball. Top row L to R, Coach Farber , Jonathan Schenk , Jay Ben St. Amant , Chris Stakelum , Bo bb y Peterson, Brian Ax le rad , Scott Gold , and C o ach Dozier Bottom row L t o R, Guy Johnston , John Dav i d Godchaux , Blake
S c huhmacher , Brent
Be aulieu , Shane Bohrer , C a milo Mendez , and David Be llard .
Mi d dl e Sc ho o l Ba se ball.Top r o w L to R, Coac h Br oc kau g h , Jim Ree se, Jeffe r y Barn e tt , Brian Ka ye, Stephen Faus t , Low e r y Smith , Ja s on C l o tw o rth y, C hri s tian Chauvin , C o ac h Ri c hard son Middl e row L to
R, Za k Bai g, Ro bb y Benn e tt , Mart y Bla c k , Br e tt Sutton , Ge ne Chang , Chr i s Psil os, C harl es Chri sty, Cas ey Rame lli , Bu c k y Ka se. Bo tt o m row L to R, Ju s tin M euni e r , And y Crawford , Patri c k O ' Br i e n, Robb y Clotw o rth y, Ari Bur she ll , Pey ton Ca v aroc , Chris Bo rd e l o n, Nihal Godiwala , Richard Lo , Jo shua Ro ge r
Memorable oments
All District - Chris Stakelum, Jonathan Schenk, Bobby Peterson All District Honorable Mention - Brian Axelrad, Jay Ben St. Amant ... All East Bank - Chris Stakelum ... All East Bank Honorable Mention - Jonathan Schenk .. . All Metro - Chris Stakelum ... leaving at 12 o'clock ... not doing 5th, 7th, and 8th period homework
The I 99 3 golf season was slightly disappointing. After starting out with thirteen go lfers, seven dropped out fo r various reasons . The six that remained played with en t husiasm. They tried to better their scores by practicing at Elwood driving range and the City Park golf course
Still Hoping
The members of the team were Mac Bauer , Chris Chambers, Billy Danflous, Jason Conway, Billy Schroeder and Chris Bowman. They were coached by Coach Michael Giorlando . Most are planning to play next year They hope that they will have a better year next year. Hopefully that will turn out to be true .
Golf team . Chris Bowman, Mac Bauer , Billy Danflous , and Billy Schoeder.
Opposite copy , Coach Giorlando assists Mac Bauer with his stroke .
Left , "The club is suppose to hit the little white ball, Chris " Coach Giorlando tells Chris Bowman
Right, "Hold the club straight."
C oach Giorlando helps Mac Bauer
Go Saints!
The St. Martin's Cheerleaders are selected the previous year according to their ability to cheer and dance , not just their look s Over the summer, they attend numerous cheerleading camps to help sharpen the i r skills W i thin the school , they encourage school spir i t and school pride The Va rsit y Cheerleaders organize pep rallies and choreograph
most of the dances performed On Homecoming Day , they decorate the Upper School halls and Varsity Football Players ' lockers. At the Homecoming pep rally, the y offer an inte r esting skit and often patro nize the Newman Cheerleade r s The St. Martin ' s cheerlea d ers are the most vital link in communicating between winning and losing .
Varsity Cheerleader s Top row L to r , Ashley Hall , Lauren Gatti, Catherine Garvey , Staci James , Ashley Baier. Middle row L t o R, ClaudeNat halie Ey amba , Leigh Adams , Melissa Smit h, Lindsay Romano , Wendy Manard Bottom row L to R, Shannon James , Michele Ke nn y, Paige Nolan
IIJV Ch e erl e ad e rs Top row L to R, Carole Miranne , Anni e Flettri c h, J e nnifer Denuna , Rebecca Dunn , Alecia Fior e nza Bottom row , Cole e n Ke nny , Stacy Weber , Andrea And e r s son , Amanda Maxwell.
Middle School C heerleaders. Top row L to R, Anna Kilinski , Jennifer
Coleman, Li sa Abry , Dominic Matulich , Megan Hintz Bottom row
L to R, Emily Kimble, Missy St. Germain , Ja Juan Gair , Jeanne Bourg , Ka t ie Davidson
Dance Team. Top row L to R, KK
Ma r tinez , Amanda Abrams , Emily
Bo r d e lon , Jenny Ernst , Lauren
Dellinger. Middl e row L to R, Erica
Lope s, Judith Diasselliss , Rebecca
Tuuri, Mich elle Mc Daniel. Adrienne
Phillip s, Ke lly Hall , Ashley Stewart, Vaughn Thame s. Bottom row L to R, La ure n Venturatos, Caroline
Me r ri ck, Emily Hymowitz, Jennifer
Dinsdale , Meghan Mc Dermott, Amanda Reese , Stephanie Caine, Beth Pr ewitt.
Top , The cheerleaders lead the school in a cheer Middle , The Varsity cheerlead e rs imitate the Newman cheerlead e r s. Bottom, Michele Kenny , Staci James , and Elizabeth Wanek say "Saints ar e #I ."
Wild Adventures
Outdoor Education is a unique program that is very speci al to St. Martins Outdo or Ed is one of the only p r o gr ams o f it s kind in the en tire South The program co nsist s of about IO stud e nt s who parti c ipate in m an y activiti e s including , r o ck climbing , biking, hiking, and c ampin g The students are t aught important skills b y Dr Tim Ri c e, wh i le Dr
David Lesley contributes his time and knowledge to the program as Co-teacher As each new skill is mastered , the Outdoor Ed Program offers each student a new sen se of self - confidence and self-esteem Besides all of the s e adventurous activit i es , the students also learn about the environment and discuss important environmental issues
Ou t door Ed ucat i o n To p r ow L t o R, Ri sh i An nand , Ford C hu r c h, Br ian Ke ndrick, A my Peq u et , Brand o n V o ss. Botto m r o w L to R, D r Les l ey, Gr e tc he n Rya n, Dr Ri ce, Ri d ge l y Pi t t man Not Pi c tur ed, Je ff Eli zard i, Kr i sti H amli n, St e ph ani e M ar t in e z, Tys o n Geary, Shane Win ter
emorable oments
Lord Byron ... FC Herring ... Amos ... Gizz .. .
Barishakopf ... Gecko ... Box ... Kozmos ... Eli Snapper ... Wiggs ... Doc ... Tim ... Bogue Chitta River
... Black Creek ... Smokies ... Enchanted Rock . . .
Okatoma River Big Biloxi River Kistache
Canyonlands Econfina River Preen-man Van Horn
... Man talks ... Lee-man, Trip, Dev ... Snapy's ideals and requirements ... Fatboy football ... Gizz's OE party ...
Hanggliding and ice skating insurance problem s Rish scare Eric vertical hiking Poidag Amos ' mood swings did you know gullible isn't in the d . . 7 1ct1onary .
Top lef t , Jeff Elizardi , Dr Ric e , Stephanie Martinez , Am y Pequet and Dr Lesley enjoy their lunch
Top right , Dr. Les ley , Ridg ely Pittman , and Kristi Hamlin show their enthusiasm . Above lefL Dr . Lesley s hows Brandon Voss how to work a harness. Above, The team is happy they made it to the top of the cliff. Opposite page Top, The team cuddles together for warmth
Bottom left , Brandon Voss enjoys the view Bottom right , Amy Pequet waits in t he canoe for her partner
The Student Council org anizes activities to improve the school and stud ent life at St. Martin ' s, such as homecoming, and activiti e s ranging from the hall d e corations to the court el e ctions Perhaps the most important project of the y e ar is the building of the student lounge Justin Jones , presid e nt and four-year member, has been working cl o sely with the administrati o n to work on the project
Leading The School
The Council is also more service-oriented this year, another goal of Justin's beginning with the Hurricane Relief Fundraiser This Council is more visible than ever to the students and teachers , provoking changes to improve the school. The Student Council has followed through on many plans to improve the St Martin ' s famil y. Keep up the good work!
Ab ove ri ght , Patrick Odom listens att entiv e l y to th e ad v i so rs ' id eas b e for e int erj ec tin g some o f hi s o wn ., Ne ar ri g ht , Chad Al eman g lan ces ove r som e note s b efo r e th e Stud e nt C oun c il mee tin g a t lun c h., Far ri ght , A p ens i ve Ty l er A dk e r son r e fle c t s o n t he minut es of th e mee tin g a t t he e nd o f i t.
Th e St ud e n t Co un c il. Back r ow , Paige Nol an, Robin Tompkin s, Jim A n ge hr, Pa tri c k Gar vey, Gr eg Pa ge, C had A l eman , Ty l er A dk er son ; Seco nd r ow, C ath e r i ne Gar vey , Lind say Roma n o, Ca rol e Mir an n e, Br e nt Bea uli e u, Laur e n Ga tti , El iz abeth Hu sser l, Mr s. D ia nn e Gr ee r (advi sor ), Botto m r o w, Mr C har l es Riv e t (ad v isor), Pat ri c k Od o m, Curti s Beauli eu, Ju st in Jo nes. Mi ss in g from pi c tur e, C hr i s Bo wman , C hri s C hamber s, Jona th an Ma ss i c o t.
The Stu dent Council is the area with the most power to change the school. I wanted to instigate changes in the school, to make a positive difference.
-Justin JonesLeft , Justin Jones , t he Student Council President , conducting a meeting with a smile , Middl e, " Mr. Rivet , don ' t you think my idea would wo r k better ?" asks Lindsay Romano of the Council advi sor , while Curt Beaulieu tries to avoid the conversation ., Below left , Elizabeth Husserl and Carole Miranne, new-come r s to the Council , watch and listen carefully to the other members. , Be l ow right, Brent Beaulieu adds his input to the meeting
Be ing on the staff of the Shield may be one of the t o ughest e xtracurri c ular acti v itie s in the school. It is an al l- year commitment that inv o lves constantl y staying on t o p of all the events around sc hool. For each event , a staff me mber must take pictu re s, write a summar y , conduct int erview s, and desi gn a l ayout for the book
In her se cond year as adviso r , Ms DiFulco -Bri gnac has
Publishing The Year
rearranged and greatly improved the format of the y earbook Working side-byside with editor Jennifer Schupp , she has developed a yearbook with a more contemporary and professional look without sacrificing the appeal of consistency from year to year. The hard work of the students and the discerning eyes of the editors truly make the yearbook of good quality
Top r i ght, Ro b i n To mpkin s, and Su san Nea l co n fe r o n a l ayo u t d e si gn, whil e Rac hel Tuuri and
C in d y Per r e t c ut pi c tur es ., Middl e l eft, Je nnif e r D e nun a and Co urtn e y Sc hupp li s t e n c ar e full y t o d ir ec ti o ns , Middl e ri ght, Bill y Sch ro e d e r t r i es to fi x th e ca mer a
Th e Shi e ld St af f. Back row , l e ft to r i gh t, M s Di Ful co -Bri g nac (a d v i sor ),
C ind y Perr e t , Gr e t c hen Ry an , Br ec k Tr e vi no. Je nni f e r Schupp , M elanie
K a ye, Ro bin Tompkin s , M ee ta
Pr asa d , Co urtn ey Sc hupp , Mark
W olf. Je nnif er D enun a, Ra c hel Tuuri ,
A l e x Hu sse rl. , Middl e row , Ford
C hur c h A my d eBo i sblanc , St e phani e
Lango i s, Li z Ge tten , Whi t ney Samu el, Kat i e Kimbl e , Kai t lin Boy c e,
M argee N e i g hbor s., Bo ttom row ,
Bil ly Sc hr oe d e r , Kr is tin N e lson ,
A n d r ea C e c il. Ry an Ann Murph y, Jen ni fe r M oore , Sarah C l ose, Susan Nea l.
Photographs by Liz GettenI enjoy working with the st udents, but it's a lot o f work. -Ms. Difulco-Brignac, advisor.Top left , Jennifer Schupp and Ms Difulco-Brignac after a long day ' s work on the yearbook .; Middle, Billy Schroeder , Michael Pitts , Ale x Husserl , and Scott Gold crowd around to proof the page s., Bottom left, Kristen Nelson devotes all her att e ntion to reading the summary. , Bottom r ig ht , Amy deBoisblanc relaxe s as she cuts pictures for th e yearbook .
To d o se r v ic e for o ther s. Th a t is th e go a l of the Ke y Club , th e C ivi cs Club , and th e Builder s' Club . The Ke y Cl ub and the C ivi cs Club are t wo of the lar gest clubs in t he s chool. The y both req uire their me mber s to c ompl e te fou r o r f ive serv ice ho ur s e ach month to r e tain me mber s hip ; the hour s can be obtained in a variety of a c tivities , from bakesales to t ut orin g at a local element ary s cho o l. These clubs
Th e Key Club To p r o w , lef t to rig h t , Ru e hi Kat oc h, Suzie Mi ll er , Jennif er Le e, Meli ss a Smith, Eli za bet h McMa nus Stacy Webe r Elizabeth Husse rl. Sarah Beth Odom. Amanda Ma xwe ll , Ra na Rame ll i , Sharon McDanie l, Bi ll Axelrad .1 Seco nd r ow , Bra d y Du gan, Jo na th an Schenk, Joa nne Close, liev Th ames, Bet h Hube r , Chr istina Murp hy, Step han i e Jones, Wes l ey Ro l ston, A lec i a Fioren:rn, Co ll een Kenn y, Andrea Ande r sson, Meredith Volk , Tri s t a n Rappo ld , Wendy Mana r d , Mic hae l Mor ea u.; Bo ll o m row : Shawn Manning, Ch r is Bowman, Eric Vieth. C har ie Labouisse , Ka t ie Kimbl e, Susan Nea l. Monique Scioneaux, Bar ba ra Ferri s, Cla ude Eyamba, To ri Gladne y, Mee t a Pra sa d Vanessa Ca rro ll Dina Mic hae l C hri s Co ffma n
Community Service
teach their members the importance of responsibility and c harity
The Builders ' Club is a Middle School organization correlated with the Key Club. Mrs Kaston and Fr Slater direct this service club and encourage its members to be more conscious of the world around them Thank you to these clubs for all they have done for the school and the community.
Th e Civ ics Club. Back r o w, le ft t o rig ht , Bl'e t t
Gui d r y. Brent Scalia J ason Gr iffith , Marco Hida lgo, We s le y Fe nn e r Jennifer lee Ty ler
Adker so n, Kri s t in Ne lso n, Jo hn Diasse ll iss , Ma r ie Lo uise Rya n C hr is Shofsta hl. St il es Anderso n,
The Builders ' Club. Top row , left to right , Amy Scalia , Linsay Levine , Julie Fiorenza , Allison Johnson , Malain McCormi c k , Mrs Kaston , Eri ca Lopes , Florre Webb, Vaughn Thames , Michelle McDaniel , Meghan McDermott , Fr Slater., Bottom row , Jessica Resigno l a, Cara Chamber s, Elise Dicharry , Caroline Merrick, Lauren Venturatos , Ashley Stewart , Amanda Reese , Adrienne Phillips, Kelly Hall. Emil y Bordelon, Geoff Antigues, Laure n Dellinger.
I believe service is important. The opportunit i es I had as a student to do service were important to me. I am excited about being able to sponsor a club that wi ll give these opportunities to current Middle Schoolers. -Mrs . Betsy Kaston, advisor.Top, opposite page, Nicole Eichberger takes notes as Mr Rivet explains the next Civics Clu b project ., Top , this page , Mrs. Kaston and Florre Webb discuss the latest is sues in the club ., Middle left, Tossy Sanders , treasurer , and Steven Griffith, p resident , lead the Civics Club meeting ., Middle right , " Oooh! I can ' t wait for the next Key Club meeting !" says Brady Dugan to Jonathan Shenk.
The Upper and Middle School Acolyte Clubs and the Christian Athletics group include people who wi sh to improve themselves and their performance through strengthening of their spirits. Father Moore di rec ts both the U.S. Acol y t e Club and the Christian A t hletes, encouraging parti c ipation from everyone in the clubs and in chapel. The Christian Athletes hope to join the National Federation
The God Squads
of Christian Athletes and hear from other groups in the program, such as the New Orleans Saints. This is a new club to STM, though it does not lack in enthusiasm.
Directed by Father Slater , the Middle School Acolyte Club serves the same purpose as its high school equivalent , to participate and lead others in chapel. God bless the members of all these clubs!
Th e Upper School Acolyte Club
T o p row , left to right , Anne
M o nsted, Chad Aleman, Julie
Ly e ki , Catherine Garvey, Kyle
Br anting ., Middle row , Patrick Garvey, Ashley Hall , Liz Getten ,
Er i n Simpson, Whitney Samuel ,
C o llin Schumacher, Brian
A x elrad , Ashley Baier. ; Bottom row , Rana Ramelli, Staci James , Brooke Bailey , Sharon McDaniel.
Th e Christian Athletes. Back row ,
l eft to right , Fr Moore (advisor) ,
St acy Weber , Billy Goodwin, Chris Bowman , Chris Shofstahl , Bobby
Pe terso n Front row , John David
Godchaux , Eli z abeth McManus , Blake Sc humacher
Photographs by Alex Husserl, Julie Lyeki and Elizabeth Wanek .pag e, Brian Axelrad and Father Moore discuss the ne x t chapel during the me eting ; Top , this page , Chris Shof stahl leads the prayer at the beginning of the Christian Athletes ' meeting. ; Middle left , Beth Prewitt , Jerome Volk , and Brian Ka y e dress up for chapel. ; Middle right , Tiffany Tyler and Stacy Weber relax during a me eting of the Christian Athletes
A c olyte C lub Left to right , Taylor Simon , Lee Rea, Fr Slater ( advisor ), Dom i nique Matulich , Jerome Volk , Elizab e th Hanemann , La uren Daly, Courtne y Mcilwain , Jessica Resignola , Park er Argote , Cara Chambers , Michael Smuck , Allison John son , M i ch ell e Delaney , Brian Kaye , Charl es Hawkins , Ken d all Chauvin (l y in g down)
I enjoy being an acolyte for chapel. I also enjoy helping Fr. Moore. I think we should also do more community service for the sc hool, though, instead of only acolyting. -Liz GettenTop , opposite The Middl e Sc hool
The Speech Team , the Drama Club , and the Chorus all make up an integral part of t he Performing Arts Department of St. Martin ' s . Led by Mr . Cox , the Speech team has been very enthusiastic and successful this year
Th o ugh smaller than many oth e r teams , St. Martin ' s competes favorably at tournaments and often wins ove r all awards .
The Drama Club , coordinat e d by Mr Pardee, also dis p lays enthusiasm The
Lights, Camera, Action!
members hope to learn more about the theater and develop their acting skills through participation They plan to both attend and perform in a few plays durin g the year .
Mrs Coleman , the music teacher at St. Martin ' s , has renewed the interest in the chorus . In the past few years , the chorus has grown to a healthy number . Good luck to all the talented performers!
Th e Ch o ru s. Standing, l e ft t o ri gh t, Erin Durbin Ian McAlli st er, Mit c h Weatherl y. Brandon Voss , Cou r tn ey Sc hupp , Mr s. Col eman (di rec tor) , Paul David L o n g streth (ac c ompani s t) .; Kn ee ling , Be th Robert son , Carolin e By rd, Be th Marks, Sho shana Roth schild, Am y Colem an., Sittin g, Rid g ely Pittman , M ee ta Pr asa d, Bre c k Tr evino
Th e Sp e e c h Te am Standing, left to ri gh t, Stuart Rose, Michael Brown , St eph en St. Pi err e, Chik e Ozah , Ashl ey Tappin, Erin Durbin, Rachel Tuur i, Lee Pr e witt. ; Second row , Brandon Voss , Cindy Perr e t. Ridgley Pittm an, Chri s tina Thorne y croft. ; Sitt i ng, Mark Wolf.
Photographs by Kristen Nelson, Stuart Rose , Whitney Samuel, and Mark Wol fTop , opposite pag e, Breck Trevino and Meeta Pr asad li ste n c lo se ly to Mrs Co leman ' s directions in chorus practice .; Top thi s page , Mr Cox he lps Brandon Voss per fect his piece ., Middle left, Stephanie Sharpie reads over a script for a pos s ible spri n g production .; Middle right, Mrs Coleman accompanies Erin Durbin ' s and Beth Robertson's beautiful voices
The Drama Club Back row , left to right , Kristi Hamlin, Tyson Geary , Brian Kendrick, Melissa Smi th , Stephanie Sharpie , Ta y lor Wohler .; Front row, Stephanie Martin e z, Mr Pard ee, Brandon Voss
My main goal is to maintain high standards of performance that has been established by the speech program through its past awards and recognition.
-Mr. Jimm y Cox, advisor
Ms. Well s, an Upper Sc hool Eng li s h teacher , directs both th e Halo and the Ly re , two of th e thr ee major St . Martin ' s s tud e nt publication s. The Ha lo is a quart e rl y newsp ape r that keep s the stud e nt s informed about the hap pe nin gs around campus
The is sue s have been put out in a v e r y timel y manner , and th ey ar e more in s ightful and en t e rtainin g ev e r y time The s t a f f member s , many of whic h t ak e a journali s m clas s
Hot Off The Presses
with Ms . Wells , have worked hard this year to produce a good paper , and their work paid off!
Th e Ly re is a magazine that c ompile s the poetry , short stories , and artwork of St Martin ' s students , faculty , and alumni It is an annual publication that comes out towards the latter part of each year Congrats to both of these publications for j o b s well done!
Th e Ha lo Sta ff To p r ow , le f t t o ri g h ~ hil Go diwal a , Lee Ha ll , Br a d ley Gla se r , Be n Cr a wfo rd , Ross Lo n g o , A s hl ey A ma to , Murt uz a Ali , lrf a n Sayy ad ., Bott om row , J im A n ge hr , Mit c h
We a t her ly, Victo ri a La w, Ka t ie Faug ht. Ca r o lin a Br avo . Miss in g fr o m pi c tur e , Cla rk Adk e r so n, Li s e And e r s s o n, Dav id Gleaso n, Amy Jo hn so n, C hr is St a k e lum , Eliz abe th Wa ne k
The S t aff To p ro w, lef t t o ri g h t, Cha rli e La b o ui sse, Mar y Be th Ch r e s t ma n , Sa r a h C lose , Br ia n Ho u g h ta lin g, Ga r et h He al y , Mit c h
We a th e rl y , Er ic Vie th ., Middl e r o w, Amy d e Bo is bl a nc , Je nnif e r Mo or e , C a ro lin a Br avo , Kat hy Haycoc k , An ne Mo ns t e d , Pa ige No la n, Bet h Ma r ks ., Botto m r ow , Mary Lo ui s e Ry a n , Ms . We ll s (a d v i so r ), J e ff Eliz a r di.
Photographs by Jennifer Moore and Tiffany TylerTop opposite pag e, Ben Crawford reviews the fruits of his labor ; Top this page , Beth Hu ber and Charlie Labouisse read a humorous article together , Left , Ed i tor Mitch Weatherly laughs at the changes Sahil Godiwala Ross Longo Bradley Glaser. and Lee Hall suggest ; Middle, Murtuza Ali and Carolina Bravo review and edit the most recent issue .; Bottom left; Eric Vieth proofreads a story for publication. ; Bottom Right , Michael Moreau ju s t sit s around waiting for someone to give him something to do
Being the editor of the Halo is a hard job; it takes a lot of work and dedication. But all the compliments when the issues come out make it all worth it.
-Mitch Weatherly
In both the Middle and the Up per School, there is a wide in te r es t in the student body in the game of chess In both , students can play amongst each other as part of the chess team. The Upper School team , led by Mr Ped ro Perez , plans to enter t o urnaments in the spring as a part of the New Orleans Chess A ss ociation Whether the y win or not , " We always have a fun time ," says Mr Pere z
Kings Or Pawns?
The Middle School chess team also practices for individual tournaments Some of the players have already attended tournaments and have placed high in older age groups They play each other during their activity period , and they all take the game very seriously. To them it is a challenge of the intellect , not only a game for recreation Good luck to both teams in their tournaments!
The Upp er School Chess Club
To p row, l e ft to right , St eve n Gr if f ith , Kyle Branting, Camilo Mendez , Ja son Gri f f i t h, Shane Winter ., Bottom r o w , Erich Faus t , Bradley Becnel , and Loren Pardue
The Middle School C he ss C lub Top r o w, l eft to rig h t, Ta y lor Simon, Presto n Dugas, Ju s tin Goldblatt , De r e k Lar so n, Andrew St akelum. ; Bottom row , L ee Rea, Jonathan Sm ith , Jonathan Mendez , Charlie Hawkin s
Photographs by Kevin Goldblatt and Scott GoldTop , opposite page , Patrick O'Brien thinks carefully before making his next move., Top , t his page , Jason Griffith also think s carefu lly , mapping out his stra t egy t o win., Left, Erich Faust and Bradley Becnel set up a game., Middle , Casey Ramelli, Jay Kott , Josh Roger , Andy Crawford , and Patrick O 'Brien crowd around the c hess board. , Below left , " I won! I won! " cries an excited Guy Johnston ., Below right, Loren Pard ue and Bra dley Becnel enjoy a g ame.
I, myself, enjoy chess, and I like to see the students involved in such an extracurr i cular activity in which they use their minds but still have fun.
-Pedro Perez
The French, Spanish, Fashion , and Culture Clubs at St. Martin's all explore new cultu r es, and sophisticate their members The French and Spanish Clubs primarily involve learning about the cultures of specific areas of the world and learning more of the languages .
The Fashion Club teaches its members how to eat right and dress right to look good on any occasion. Various guest speakers are invited
The Cultured Ones
to teach the girls , and in the spring, the members participate in a fashion show as models
The Culture Club attends numerous performances and samples many restaurants during the year to get a taste of all the cultures in New Orleans Consisting of only seniors , the members get together once or twice a month to go out together All four clubs make their members more " cultured ."
Th e Fa shion Club Standing , l e ft to ri ght, Gr e tchen Ryan , M eeta Pr as ad, M e lani e Ka y e , Er in Du r bin , V er o ni c a Bell , N i cole Ei c hb e r g er , Si ttin g , Cind y Pe r ret. Kim Milano, Carole Miranne , Rebec c a Dunn Keri Soli s, Rid g el y Pittman , Rachel Tuuri
Th e Fr ench Club Top row , left to ri g ht , Bi ll y Schoeder , Nicole Eichb er g er , M s. Luc e Melancon (advi so r) , Mary Franci s Labouisse , Lau re n Gatti , Alli son Bratina , Bott o m r o w, Mari gny Le e, Liz Maurer, W end y Manard
Photographs by Camilo Mendez , Amy deBoisblanc , Gretchen Ryan , and Jeff ElizardiThe Culture Club . Top row, left to right , Amy Johnson , Ms. Boone (advisor) , Tossy Sanders , Shannon James , Michele Kenn y, Amy Pecquet , Sarah Close , Mary Beth Chrestman , Beth Robertson ; Bottom row , Veronica Bell , Melanie Kaye , Gretchen Ryan , Dina Michael , Jennifer Moo r e , Lise Anders s on
People of ten don't take Fashion Club seriously; they think it's a joke. I think it's impor t ant to dress appropriately and look good for every occasion, especially when we are in the professional world. That's why I joined. -Meeta PrasadTop , opposite pa ge , Sarah Close samples Thai food at a local restaurant while she is on a Culture Club field trip , Top , this pa ge, Allison Bra t ina and Marighy Lee listen carefully as Ms Melancon explains a point about Quebec ., Left , Rigdley Pittman , Melanie Kaye , and Ve r onica Bell crowd around Cindy Perret ' s desk as they make plans for the guest speaker The Spanish Club . Left to right , Peter Adair , Mr s. Scott (advis o r) , Tr ey Thompson , Brian Kaye
The artists of the school, in both Middle and Upper Schools , can participate in clubs to develop their creati v e skills such as the Bulletin Board and Art Clubs in M i ddle School and the Drawin g Club in Upper School. The Middle Schoolers decora t e the bulletin boards in the hall and complete various other art projects in the Bulletin Board and Art Clubs. The students enjoy these
The Artists
extracurricular clubs because they allow them to expand their creative talents and utilize them more than through the classroom only.
In the Upper School, the students have the opportunity to do the same through the Drawing Club, led by Mr. Leger. A new club this year, it is small but en t husiastic Keep drawing , artists, and beautify our school!
Th e Bull e tin Board Club Back row. l e ft to right , Joe Mont g omer y, Chri s Weigand , Doug Ge t ten , Brooke Miles , Mr s Schuber (advisor) , Cara Chamber s., Front row , Megan Rigdon, Eli zabeth Daray , Grant Melius, Kei t h Phelan
Th e Drawin g Club Standing , left to right , Chike Ozah , Mr Le ger (advisor )., Sittin g, John Rus s el , Mike Ca v aro c. Photographs by Stephanie Langois, Ryan Ann Murphy, and Ford ChurchThe club is to give students an opportunity to extend their creativity in techniques already learned and to explore new techniques and media that are not used in the classroom.
Top , opposite page , " When is break? I can ' t draw this a nymore !" says (hike Ozah ., Top ri ght , this page , Cara Chambers makes decorations for the bulletin board in the Middle School hall., Middle lef t , Grant Melius watches as a classmate designs letters so she may do the same. , Middle right, Ms Watkins instructs Stephen Faust on how to do the next project.
The Art Club Standing , left to right , Mrs Adair Watkins (advisor) , Scott Graf, Pe y ton Cavaroc , Anthony Guzzetta , Stephen Faust, Lo wery Smith , Arthi Devarajan. Sitting , Stephanie Hamm, Stephanie Williams , Ashley Authement , J udith Diasselliss, K K Mart inez, Amanda Abrams, Amanda Hall.
-Mrs. Adair Watkins, advisor
Stud ents at St. Martin ' s wh o want t o ex er c i se their kn o wl e dge b es ides in the c l as sr oom can do so b y partic i p a tin g i n Qui z Bowl or M at h C o unt s Upper Sc hooler s wh o join the Qui z Bowl t ea m, l e d b y Mrs . Klebba, mee t a fe w tim es a week to prac t i c e answ e rin g trivia qu e stion s in the minimum amo un t of tim e. They did sp e cial r ese arch from which th ey de riv e d questions to
Academic Competition
prepare for intramural competition
Middle Schoolers with a love for math can join the Math Counts team , sponsored by Mrs McCormick , the head of the math department. In preparation for their competition , they meet to practice s olving very difficult math problems Good luck to both of these academic teams ; we know you ' ll do well!
Q ui z Bow l. Bac k r o w, l e f t to ri ght , Jim A n gehr , A r t hu r Ch r is t y , Jay
A d ai r , M ur t u za A li , Lo ui s Smi t h, Jeff W il lia m s, Sa h i l God iw a l a, Br a d Coffman , Be n Cra w fo rd ., Fr o nt r o w, Br e t t Borde l o n , Riaz A l i , M att Franci s, Va ness a Carro ll , C hr i stina Tho rne y c r oft.
Mat h Co unt s. Ba c k row , l e ft t o ri ght, Mark An ge hr , Sp e n ce Sc hwar z , C h r is t op h e r C l os e, J i m Reese, Court n ey Mc ilw a in , K ev in Mc C o rmi c k ., M iddl e r o w , Emil y Kim b l e, Ni c ho l as Pa pp as, Jennif er
D in sd al e, Jo hn Co lfr y, A ll an C han g, A ri Bur shell , Mrs McC o rmi c k ., Fr o nt r ow , Ryan Sa nt an ge l o
Photographs by Breck Trevino and Rachel TuuriIt's like a giant game of trivial pursuit . -Jim Angehr
Top , oppo s ite page, Courtne y Mc il wain and Allan Cha ng enjoy a Math Counts practice .; Top , this page , As Ben Crawford reads out the question , Arthur Christy tries to peek at the answer ; Left , " I kn ow the answer! " exc laims Murtuza Ali as he buzzes in.; Middle , Jay Adair , Ben Crawford , Arth ur Christy , Jim Angehr , Murtuza Ali , and Sahil Godiwala , the heart of the team .; Bottom left , " You are absolutely correct !" says Louis Smith .; Bottom right, Jim Reese waits expec t antly for Allan Chang ' s answer
In the Middle School , there are three clubs that re a ch out to learn more about the world around them, the Geography Club , th e Environmental Club , and the Amateur Radio Club The geography club, in its fourth year , is growing with interest and ideas ; it has twentyon e members that meet twi c e a week The students enjoy it thoroughly , from the Geography Bee to the pen-pal letters to Japan . The Amateur Radio Club , led by
Discovering The World
Mr Wilmerding , reaches out to the rest of the world via a ham radio He hopes to expose the students to a new hobby that will allow them to reach out to the rest of the world
Finally , the Environmental Club performs services mainly around school to help the environment , such as separating trash for recycling, among other projects To all three clubs, Good luck in all your endeavo rs!
The Geo graphy Club Top row. l e ft to ri ght , Flet c her Maumus , J e r o me Volk , Chri s Davidson, Pr es ton Duga s, Ju s tin Goldblatt ,
Aim ee Fol s e , Linsday Levine ,
Tan y a Gorowara ., Bottom row, Ta y l o r Simon. Le e Re a, Ky le Goss , J o n a than Campo , Emory
Ord e mann , Mr s. Kaston (advisor) , Robert Richmond , Charlie
Haw k in s Brittany Olson , Megan Rigd o n, Nicol e Bernstein
The Amateur Radio Club Back row , left to right , Kevin Hurtt. Joe Montgom e r y, Charle s Chri s ty , Doug Getten ., Bottom row , Mr Wilm e rding (advisor ), Robert Be nn e tt, Chad FlickTop, opposite page, Lindsay Levine points out a country in the Middle East to the rest of the club.; Top left, this page, Charles Christy and Chad Flick listen carefu ll y to Mr Wilmberding's explanation of how to work the radio.; Middle left, Akash Anand and Kevin Hurtt sort through the trash to separate the paper recyclables.; Middle right , Tanya Gorowara and Annie Clements focus all their attention into making boxes for separating trash. •
The Environmental Club. Top row , left to right , Akash Anand, Charles Christy , Jennifer Coleman, Katy Davidson, Marcie Campo, Megan Hintz , Robbie Clotworthy .; Second row , Mrs Walker (advisor ). Matt Rigdon , Jennifer McAlpine , Courtney Mcilwain, Dominique Matulich , Asha Jayakrishnan , Mrs Martin (advisor).; Third row , Tanya Gorowara , Stephanie Caine , Nisha Chakravarty , Ja Juan Gair , Lauren Daly, Aimee Folse. , Fourth row , Kyle Goss , Alan Matts, Elena Perez , Robert Richmond, Megan Rigdon , Jessica Resignola , Allison Johnson , Annie Clements , Emily Hymowitz ., Bottom row , Jerome Volk , Kevin Hurtt , Mitch Groover
I hope to broaden young people's views and develop an understanding of the various cultures that they share a world with . -Mrs. Betsy Kaston, advisor
Academic And Class Leaders
Every good class is led by g o od leader s, and this year ' s cl a sse s elected some of the b est. As a cla s s officer , a st udent mu s t fulfill certain re s ponsibilities to ensure th e ir peer s' enjoyment durin g class activities, such as prom , cla ss retreats , and other exciting events The officers also lead the fundra ising programs for the cl a ss . Certainly all the stud e nts a g ree that these offi-
cers have made the year fun!
The National Honor Society is also composed of leaders These students are chosen by a panel of faculty based on their academic performance , their leadership abilities, the ir tenacity , and other criteria . The NHS is rather large this year , due to the overwhelming number of excellent students here at St. Martin's .
Opposite page, Gretchen Ryan inducts Carrie Black into the National Honor Society Th i s page, left , Mrs. Beckman , the NHS faculty sponsor, introduces the spr i ng tapping ceremony as the members of the soc i ety wait eagerly to tap a new member.
Th e National Honor Society. Left t o ri gh t: Chad Aleman. J en nif e r Sc hupp , Mi c hae l Pitt s, Mignon F re y, Brett Guidry , Patrick Odom, Lise Andersson , Erin Durbin Ca rr ie Black , Kendall Dinon Alice Man a rd Meeta Prasad, Vanessa Carroll, Paige No lan , Gretchen Ryan. Murtuz a A li. Amy Pecquet , Chri s Coffman, J o hn Hyatt, Nicole Eichberger , Jay Adair, Sean Gra ce, Patrick Ga rvey Ju s tin Jones, Tyle r Adkerson Dina Michael. Ben Crawford, Katie Kimble , Amy Keeney, Arthur Christy , Kaitlin Boyce, Marie Loui se Ryan , Moniqu e Scioneaux , Michael Moreau , Tossy Sande r s, John Diasselliss Camilo Mende z, Beth Robert so n, Mr s. Beckman (adviso r ), Kristi Parton
Sophomore Cl ass Officers. Left to right , Rachel Tuuri , Jason Conway , Robin Tompkins , Louis Smith, Jonathan Massicot.
Freshman Class Officers. Left to right , Colleen Kenny, Courtney Schupp , Sarah Beth Odom , Stephanie Sharpie , Victoria Hodges
Good luck, Mary Beth Lots of love! We are proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Allison,~ Andy
To big bruiser, I'm proud of you, Ben!
Love, Tiny (and Daddy, Mama, Andy and Bertha)
and the Class of 1993
Marshall P. MariceGareth! Love, Mom and Gene, Bronwyn and Rich Porter, Carly and Morgan
~~Martialis, te magnopere superbimus. tibi operi bene acto gratulamur." Mater et Pater
Do not follow where the path leads. Rather go where there is no path and leave a trail.
We are very proud of you.
Peace,Love,and Best Wishes at Cornell
The Nature of This Flower is To Bloom
Mom, Dad, and Beau
Time changes eve r ything but love, and love changes time into passing dreams.
Jay, Brent, David, Kendall, John, Jus t in, Paige , Patrick, Amy, Michael, Beth, Anouk, Lindsay, Rene, lrfan, and Breck ---- 4th period physics ----
the most memorable and fun teaching experience :
Where ' s Patrick? Get away from my desk, Dr Love ! Jay and the bagel Brent, you ' re #I! Kendall & her soap .. Justin & Rene .. Brent & Beth .. Breathe & lose fat Buttafuco what page? what problem? wait. you talk too fast I just don't understand .. where ' s.. oh , s / he dropped the class hi , miss Dif, hi, Miss Dif. HI, Miss Dif I w ill miss you all - you will always be in my heart
Lots of Love & Best of Luck, MDB
DGPOver 1,000 points and over l,000,000,000 loving memories
of loose ball fouls an d "Nice features" and "Do-se does"
We're so proud of you!
Hugs galore, Mom, Dad , and Christi
JENNY and the CLASS of 1993
The past years have been wonderful and we hope the next years will be even better! We'll miss you!
Love Always, Mom, Dad, Ben, and His Royal Lowness
uWhen We're Together We're A Hell Of A Crew."
- Jimmy Buffett
THE CLAN Gator ' s dancing at Tchops girls' night out Waldo ' s D&D 6 abreast Bourbon walkout girls on t h e hood sprawling Shor eline Townhomes Houston's Long lsland Ice Teas Santa's Helpers
Port -O -Call O ' Henr y's- birthdays trouts Playboy bunnies and bik e r babes Parlay 's beaut iful the forbidden-Hofbrau out of control your mama pulled a spark plug psychotic s leeping and meeting at AM ' s I can't believe we pushed the Burban sneaking out of SJ's house rolling PN' s s lumber part ies Sweet 16- A Night on the Town lat e night food binges
Taco Bell Destin -Spring Break Hu rr icane party scam s tori es MK & CC 8th grade girls hating u s freshman year boy fr iends AM=bad influence
r oad trips to Kenner mini - pep ralli es GNR concerts camping out thumper s sign check questio ns never July 4th in Destin eviction in unit 5 4-6 pm 6 ,09 90210 & Me lrose pa rt ies salt lines Romeo -T h e Bottom Line dancing on tables and swinging from chandeliers the fly 1st lunch leave ever - Jeep Mardi Gras ' 92 " little birdie in the tree " Awards Day '91 MK pouring upside down shots total eclipse of the heart
" Now and forever , I will always th ink of you D idn ' t we come together Didn ' t we live together Didn ' t we cry togeth er. Didn ' t we play together Didn't we love together And together we lit up the world "
Good luck in all your future endeavors!
Working with you for the past two years has made my job worthwhile. I will always treasure our friendship. You have my admiration and respect!
Love, Mrs. DiFulco-Brignac
Joanne KennyWe are so proud of you! Thanks f or all the memories ! It's been FUN!
Michelle, thanks for being a wonderful sister and bes t friend anyone could ask for! Good luck next year!
P.S . Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So Explore. Dream. Discover
Love Always, Mom, Dad, and Co leen XXX(XX)
New Mothers ' CoffeeFinally The Finale
From all of us to all of you , so long and farewell! We hope you enjoy your memori e s as much as we have enjo y ed putting them tog e ther The members of the s t a ff wish to thank Mrs Su san Adair , Miss Jo Allen , M r. Ford Dieth , Mrs Mary Di f ulco-Brignac , Mrs Chris Hamann , Mr Randy Oddo , M r s Ilen e Pool , Jennifer Schupp , and e veryone else who contributed to The Shield Good Luck Class of 19 93 in all your future end e avors.
Rig ht , Blain e Ye lve rt o n pla y s on th e s win g s durin g free pl a y Far Ri g h t , C harl es Willi a ms and Ro b e rt Fa us t pa use for a pi ct ur e Ri g ht , Juni or g irl s s ho w th ei r r in gs o ff af t e r Rin g Day
Farewell To The Seniors
Thi s Page , Top Left , Who started it? Top Right, Huh ? Middle Left , Samantha, you smil e too much Middle Right , Isn ' t that against the Student Center rules Ben? Bo ttom Left , Nothing to do again Brian? Bottom Ri ght , What smells? Opposite page, Top Left , I wonder why we have bugs in the hall ? Top Middle , Are you stu d y ing again Brett? Top Right, What are you up to now Kirn? Middle Left , Scott will you explain this to me. Middle Right, Really this is my first one.
you know you're a senior when
-you walk into a freshman and they apologize
-you see the inside of the library more of ten than the classrooms
-you don't know any of the freshman but they know you
- you only have tw o real classes
- you don't have to bring your parents to destin
- you don't wake up early to get ready for school
Top Left, What did you say Greg? Top Middle , High on life Top Right, Chris gets into his picture posing mode Middle , I only read " Teen" for the articles. Middle Right , What was the question Mrs Kleeba? Above, The LAPD police department. Right , Wax is captivated by the dictionary. Far Right , Meathead displays his s
Top Left , Hey , what are you doing tonight?
Top Middle, Check ou t my new sweater.
Top Right , Come sit on my lap Middle Left, MarMar strikes a pose Middle , Alllllright , Middle Right, You ' re not going to take my picture Far Left , It was this big, I swear. Middle , Is that extra credit? Left , What did you say about Tossy?
Top Left, Ashl ey continues to read unaware that c la s s has already ended Top Middle , Wha t do you mean I have to go in again? Top Right , Wai t what did you say? Middle Left, What did you say about me? Mi d dle , Friends Forever Middle Right , Oh John , naught y, naughty Bottom Left , I'm too cool for this Bottom Middle , Yes , of cour s e physics is fun Left, Murtuza ponders.
Top Left, Cheese! Top Right, What did you say? Middle Left , What about it. eh? Middle, You only think I'm studying. Midd le Right , Working on her masterpiece Above, Ph ys ics buddies. Right , Don ' t take my picture Far Right , Come on.Top Left, Oh my god , my shoulder hur ts. Top Right , Show ' em your pearly whites. Middle Left , Please , I' m trying to study Middle Right, What happened? Bottom Left, This is a layout Bottom Right , Cheese! Bottom, I t hink I have this one.
ABBOTT, Erich 148
ABERNATHY , John 108, 17 0, 171, 186
ABER NA THY , Lindsey 124
ABRAMS, Amanda 116,167, 174, 198, 221
ABRY, Lisa 19,112,167,170, 178, 198, 251
ADAIR, Jay 56, 95, 99, 180, 222,223 , 226,227,243, · 258
ADAIR, Peter 116, 219
ADAMS, Leigh 100, 174, 197
ADAMSON, Kristen 124, 127
ADKERSON, Clark 45, 56, 176 , 177, 256
ADKERSON, Ryan 124
ADKERSON, Tyler 100,177, 204,208,227
ALEMAN, Chad 19, 56, 93, 204, 208, 210, 226, 227, 246,255
ALI, Murtuza 20, 57; 96, 172, 214, 215, 222, 223, 227,257
ALI, Riaz 104, 172, 17 3, 222
ALIZADEH, Adel 148
ALLEN , Robert 116, 119, 176
ALSFELD, Cassie 140
ALSFELD, Clark 144
ALSFELD , Margaret 132
AMATO, Ashley 58, 96 , 214,257
ANAND, Akash 28, 112, 113, 225
ANAND, Priya 124
ANAND, Rishi 104,107,200
ANDERSON, Stiles 22 , 100, IOI, 182
ANDERSSON , Andrea 108, 172,1 73, 174 , 197 , 208
ANDERSSON, Lise 16, 19, 22 , 41, 58, 91, 94 , 172, 174, 186, 219, 226, 227
ANGEHR, James 104, 180, 186, 204, 214, 222, 223
ANGEHR, Mark 116 , 172, 222
ANGELICO, Andrew 140
ANGELICO, Blaise 124
APPLEWHITE, Tiffany 116, 117,174
ARCENEAUX, Clay 116 , 118
AREAUX, Raymond 124
ARGOTE, John 112, 113, 211
ARMA TIS, Clarke 148
ARTIGUES, Geoffrey 116, 182,209
ASHCOMBE, James 112
AUTHEMENT, Ashley 112, 115 , 221
AXELRAD, Brian 100, 103, 164,194,208,210,211
AXELRAD, Thomas 27, 59 , 94, 99, 164, 208, 254
BAER, Jason 128 , 129
BAIER, Ashley 22, 104, 184, 172.178, 197 , 210
BAIG, Zakir 116, 172
BAILEY, Brooke 17,104,174, 210
BALART, Carter 59, 95, 99, 165, 176, 208, 254
BARNETT, Jeffrey 112, 182
BARTOL OTT A, Dominick 104,186
BASS, Barrett 144
BASS, Brice 148, 149
BA TT, Julie 140
BAUER, Jarret 124
BAUER, R. McGeorge 43, 100, 176, 196
BEAUCHAMP, Robert 140
BEAULIEU, Brent 39, 43, 100, 176, 177,194,204, 205
BEAULIEU, Curt 108, 176, 204,205
BECNEL, Ainsley 124
BECNEL, Bradley 108, 176, 216,217
BECNEL, Landon 100
BELL, Brian 41, 140
BELL, John Roger 124
BELL, Veronica 20, 60,218, 219,259
BELLARD, David 12, 100, 194,208
BELLARD, Stephen 108, 186
BENGTSSON, Erik 116, 172, 182
BENNETT, Robert 112, 176, 224
BERNSTEIN, Nicole 120, 224
BETZ, Catherine 116, 118, 167, 170, 178
BLACK, Carrie 14, 100, 227
BLACK, Marty 13, 116, 182, 189
BLATT, Adam 140
BLATT, Michael 124
BLATT, Richard 132, 133, 135
BLA TTY, Jennifer 108
BLOCK, Courtney 140
BOHRER, Shane 100, 108, 194
BOLOGNA, Benjamin 148, 149
BOLOGNA, Katherine 124
BOOS , Carly 132
BOOS, Heather 136
BORDELON, Brett 104, 170, 172, 182, 222
BORDELON, Christopher 5, 37,116 , 176,190
BORDELON, Emily 116,117, 167 , 174,198,209
BORDELON, Michael 112
BOSSETTA, Michael 148
BOURG, Crista 132
BOURG, Jeanne 19, 112, 115, 167,198
BOURGEOIS, Jason 140
BOURQUARD, Blake 116, 182
BOWMAN, Christopher 108, 180, 196, 208, 210
BOYCE, Kaitlin 5, 17, 22, 33, 100, 200, 227
BRADSHAW, Benjamin 144
BRADSHAW, Thomas 140
BRANTING, Kyle 27, 36, 43, 60, 186, 210, 216, 230, 253
BRA TINA, Allyson 104, 170, 17 3, 218, 219
BRAVO, Carolina 24, 61, 214, 215, 231, 252
BREAUX, Evan 144
BRENNAN, Samantha 24, 61, 91,252
BRETZ, Michael 104
BRINSON, Benjamin 148
BROCKHOEFT, Ty 140,143
BROEKSTRA, Chelsea 140
BROWN, Holly 136, 139
BROWN, James 136, 139
BROWN, Jason 120
BROWN, Michael 108, 180, 212
BROWN, Ryan 131
BUCHLER, Harold 128
BUHRMAN, Julie 136
BUHRMAN, Laura 144
BUNCH, Jordan 136
BURKE, Katherine 132, 134
BURSHELL, Ari 112, 176, 222
BYRD, Caroline 108, 110, 212
CA V AROC, Mike 108, 220
CA V AROC, Peyton 117, 182,221
CECIL, Andrea 23, 108, 172, 174, 186, 200
CHAKRA VARTY, Deepak 104, 107, 184
CHAKRAVARTY, Nisha 112, 225
CHAMBERS, Cara 120, 121, 209, 211, 220, 221
CHAMBERS, Christopher 100, 186, 208, 251
CHANG, Allan 112, 114, 222, 223
CHANG, Michelle 125
CHAPPUIS, Courtney 144
CHARLTON, Mary 144
CHAUVIN, Britton 132
CHAUVIN, Christian 112, 114,189
CHAUVIN, Kendall 120, 122,211
CHESTER, Stephen 148
CHIEN, Gene-Hon 112, 176
CHOPIN, Nicole 136
CHRESTMAN, Andrew 117, 182
CHRESTMAN, Mary Beth 14, 62, 96, 214, 219, 232, 259
CHRISTY, Arthur 62, 91, 176,222,223,227,254
CHRISTY, Charles 26, 113, 114, 176, 224, 225
CHUGDEN, Christopher 144
CHURCH, Ford 32, 100, 200,200
CLEMENTS, Ann 120, 225
CLOSE, Christopher 117, 222
CLOSE, Joanne 104, 100, 190,208
CACIOPPO, Alice 124
CAINE, John 132
CAINE, Stephanie 116, 117, 178, 190, 198, 225
CAMPO, Cristina 136
CAMPO, Jonathan 120, 224
CAMPO, Marcie 112,225, 251
CAPO, Ashlan 144
CAPO, Lissa 132
CARISELLA, Jay 148, 149
CARROLL, Vanessa 100, 102, 172, 190, 192, 193, 208,222,227
CARVIN, Jessica 124
CASAMENTO, Leslie 132
CASERTA, Mario 104, 186
CAST AING, Margot 132
CAST AING, Peter 125
CASTANO, Sara 132.135
CA TSULIS, Peter 125
CA TSULIS, Spiro 140
CLOSE, Sarah 63, 200, 214, 219,257
CLOTWORTHY, Colin 31, 128
CLOTWORTHY, Jason 28, 113
CLOTWORTHY, Robby 113, 176,225
COFFMAN, Bradley 31, 104, 186, 222
COFFMAN, Christopher 19, 25, 63, 91, 99, 186, 208,227,254
COLBURN, James 132
COLEMAN, Amy 100, 190, 212
COLEMAN, Jennifer 113, 167,174,198,225
COLEMAN, Jonathan 128
COLFRY, John 117, 119, 172, 222
COLLINS, Brad 41, 140
GEARY, James 125 hHh
DEV ARAJAN. Arthi 113, 115,
GEARY, Tyson 96, 108, 109, 178,221
HAEUSER, Hance 133
DEBOISBLANC, Lisette 41,
Barbara IOI, 178,
FARRIS, Jessica 137,138
GENGO, Lindsey 148
HALL. Amanda 117,167,174, 97, 200. 207, 214, 239, 186,208
GEOGHAGAN, Ryan 141 178, 190, 221
GEORGE, Christopher 122
HALL, Ashley 17, 22, 105,
GEORGE, Jennifer 133 172, 197, 210 144 256
DEBOISBLANC, Pierre 128,
FAUGHT, Katie 67, 91,214,
GETTEN, Douglas 113, 176,
HALL, Elizabeth 133
HALL, Kelly 117,174,198, 130 217
FAUST, Erich 109,186,216, 220,224
GETTEN, Elisabet h 30, IOI, 209
HALL, Lee 105, 176, 177. 186, 208,227
DIASSELLISS, Judith 167.
FAUST, Robert 22, IOI 172, 174, 175, 200 , 208,
FAUST, Stephen 113,221 210,226 214,215
FAVROT, Thomas 137
GETTEN, Thomas 128, 130
HALL. Mathison 121, 123 178, 198, 221
FELL. Ashley 137
GIBBS, Hillary 145, 147
HAMLIN, Kristi 13, 44, IOI, DICHARRY, Elise 117. 170, FELL. Megan 145
GIBBS. Lauren 137 20I, 208, 213 178,209
DICHARRY, Evan 133
FELTER, Scott 120, 123
GIEGER, Leslie 137
GIEGER, Michael 148
HAMM, Scott 125
SHOFST AHL, Chris 87, 91,
TAPPIN, Ashley 25, 89,
SILVESTRI, Mia 149 170, 212 , 256
THAMES, Liev 106, 107, 186,
SIMMONS, Richard 127 208
SIMON, Leigh 132, 134, 135
THAMES, Vaughn 118 , 119,
SIMON, Taylor 123,211,216, 167, 174,198,209
WALTERS , Emily 149
WANEK, Elizabeth 5, 24,
ZIMMERMANN , Miesje 20, 103, 170, 171, 199, 208 24,131
WARD, Lauren 103 , 208
WARD, Taylor 136,139
WATKINS, Charlotte 143
WATTS, Alan 123, 225
WATTS, Cammy 137,139 224
THOMASON, John Reily
SIMPSON, Erin IOI, 103, 178, 5,107
WATTS, Rachel 149
WATTS, Sarah 135 184 , 208, 210
SIMS, Enjoli 37
THOMASON, Sara 115, 190
WEATHERLY, Mitchell 39,
THOMASON , Thomas 114, 89, 96, 186, 212, 214, 215,
SKINNER, Robert 127 115 , 182 255
SMALL. Carolyn 149
SMALL. Kevin 139
THOMPSON, Trey 119 , 219
SMITH, Adam 127 Christina 107 , 190, 212 ,
SMITH, Brent 124 , 127 222
SMITH, Daneel 12 7
SMITH, Jonathan 122 , 123,
WEA VER , Hardy 143
WEBB, Florie 123 , 209
WEBER, Sta~y Ill, 178 , 186,
TIBLIER , Jimmy 147 197 , 208, 210, 211
WEIGAND, Christopher
TIKIA, Rahul 127 123,220 216
SMITH, Kimberly 13 7, 139
TIKIA, Robyn 142 , 143
WEIGAND, Elizabeth 135