1994 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

Page 1

.... _,a 0 0 OLARS THE
------lARSHI St. Martin ' s Episcopal School Metairie, Louisia n a Volume XLI 1994
, ~· ' BUILDIN' UP ... .t ··1 -Student Life 18 BRICKS OF LIFE '1 -Ads t 234 A PIECE OF THE ACTION ·I -Sports 148
-~I I ' ' I I V c l di& yALL PIECED TOGETHER - Index 260 A BIT OF CLASS -People 56 BRICK BY BRICK -Organizations ;- ':,-' . if ;; ; .,,, ,._.,,,-"' 182 A STEP ABOVE -Events 218 f ,,;;,,- I ' 11' "" .~' ,,,. -

A Yearbook is a pictorial record of a school. This book attempts to show through pictures and copy the accomplishments, activities, disappointments, wins, loses, and most important, the people of St. Martin's 1994. The faculty, staff, students, parents, and alumni that comprise our school are represented. St. Martin's _ Episcopal School offers many opportunities for all of us to grow, learn, and enrich our lives. The Shield staff has atempted to cover it al I ...

[[I] C i ndy Pe rret I

August 25, 1993 ...

Upper school over nights .. . 6th grade retreat ... 7th grade retreat ... 8th grade retreat ... Little Shop Of Horrors ... pep rallies ... Football ...

Homecoming Game . . .

Homecoming Dance ... Volleyball ... Cross Country ...

Swimming ... STM Day ' 93 ... advisory groups . .. detentions . . . Saturdays .. . assemblies ... dress code ... 3 inches .. . lunch leave ... National Honor Society .. .

Student Council ... clubs . .. Speech Tournaments ... Literary Rallies . . . Christmas plays ... Basketball . .. State Championships ... Soccer ... Wrestling ... Softball ... Baseball . .. Track ... Tennis ...

Cheerleading . . . Indian day ... World Day ... May Day ...

May 27, 1994 ...

I Open ing m

The Class of 1994 dedicates the 1994 Shield to Bruce Houghtaling

Portrait of a Man

Your face fills the sky like a windmill with the look of living certainty and a smile dissolved in the air You sit on your shoulders We see hair, mouth the nose on your face and the light brown in your light brown fifteenth century eyes one looking inside the other looking ahead you wear black the color of the universe and the blue sky is white in back

What we don't know is what you are about to say

[W Sen ior Class '94 I

Whether in the classroom, in the hall, or in the gym, you always look out for us, helping us in all that we do. You pic k us up when we stumble, hold us when we cry, and cheer us up when we're sad. You've taught us to learn, to love, and to be great in what we do. We want to say THANK YOU, but that doesn't seem to be enough. Instead, we'll use what you've taught us and pass it on to our children .


Dedication C:Z::O

Salute to the Class of 1994

To the Class of 1994 :

The 1993 -94 school year will always be very special for me . Not just because it is my last year as the Headmaster of t his outstanding secondary institution , although that does have significant meaning for me Rather , it is a special year be c ause of this particular class Each of you have played an important part in the development of St. Martin ' s this last ye a r , as well as in many prior years

This , your senio r year , was one of significant change in the heart and the environment of the Upper School. The St. M a rt i n' s student commun ity needed a year of steady , thoughtful leadership from its upperclassmen - a year where the good of the institution and its members as a whole took precedence over personal ambition and gratification You provided that leadership in a ll areas From the classroom to the playing field and stage, you observed , you listened , and th e n you led

Th e unde rclassmen who follow you have learned much about leadership: It takes sensitivity and caring to earn the re s pect and appreciation from fellow students and from the faculty ; it requires a strong sense of duty to stick with tasks which are necessa ry , but not particularly appealing ; and it takes strength of character and self-confidence to be able to ac c ept disappointments and to continue on your course

Compassion , resourcefulness , perseverance and unity are adjectives which are synonymous with the actions and character of the Class of 1994 You have played a significant role at St. Ma rtin 's and you have left this commun ity with an appreciation for each of you individually as well as a class I wish you the best in all your future endeavors The un iversities and colleges into which you matriculate are fortunate , as they , too , will recognize and appreciate your pr e sence Good luck from the ent ire faculty and staff

Sincerely ,

[ill Cindy


Mr. James M McKinnie

Jr , Mr. Michael C. Odom , Dr. William Brooks Emory , Mr. Marshall F. O rdemann , Jr , The Rev W Gedge Gayle, Mr G William J ames Ill , Mr. John Peter Labouisse , Mr Donald H McDa niels , Mr Robert Bernard Nolan , Mr Charles H Pete rson , Mr Thomas Jackson Bethune Ill. Front Row , Left to Right: Mrs. Brenda Manard , The Rev Ronald H. Cl ingenpeel , Mr. Michael A. Flick , The Rt. Rev . James B. Brown , Mrs . Betty Bailliet.

1993 -1994 Officers

President: Mr . Michael A Flick

Vice-President: Dr. William Brooks Emory

Secretary : Mr. John Peter Labouisse

Treasurer : Mr Michael C Odom

Pictured Back Row , Left to Right: Mr. Leo E Beaulieu Ill , Mr. Thomas F. Getten , Dr. Luther Chase Williams , ,
I Board of Trustees WJ

School Heads

Ri g ht: A ss ist a nt to the Head of the Upper School , Jane C a i ne , Hea d of Upper School , Bruce Houghtaling , and S ec reta ry Il e ne Pool

[:[:I:QJ Head s &
Right: Head of th e Lower School , Marj o rie R. Conatser and Secretar y Do t St e ng e l
Left: St. Martin 's Headmaster Mr. Donald S Schwart z and Administrative Assistant to the Headmaste r , Ton i Caserta Left: Head of the Middle School , Ja mes W W Wilmerding and Secretary , Suzette Adai r.

Religious Education, English and History Department

Left: Upper and Middle School Chaplin The Rev. Trawin Malone , Upper School Religion Jeanne Robertson , Chairman of Religion and Life Skills , and Lower School Chaplin The Rev. Edward Robertson , Jr

Right , Standing Left to Right : Chairman of English Department Eileen K. Beckman, Andre Herringto n , Michael A. Giambelluca , John Pardee,Margaret Schuber ; Seated Left to Right: Jean Parmelee , Lee Coffey Klebba , and June Wells.

Left: Vicki V Johnson , Chairman of the Social Studies Department Charles "Chuck" G Rivet , Gloria E Siegel , Dr. Rex 0. Mooney , Susan S Houghtali ng, Bruce H Houghtaling, Susan Godchaux, Danny Echt , and Betsy T. Kaston.

I English & History [jI]J

Mathematics and Science Departments

Ri g ht: Pamela A. Rogers , Guy C. Farber , Chairman of the Science Department Dr . Harriet G . Aguiar-Netto , Carolyn M. Hermann , Carrol Lessig and Dr. David E . Le s ley Not pictured : Warren A. Lind and Catherine W a lker

Above : Standing , Left to Right: Jane Caine , Jeanne M Cumberland , Stephenie Pittman , James R Marsalis , Jr Seated , Left to Right: Chairman of the Mathematics Department Janis S. McCormick and Dianne F. Greer
[f}2J Math & Science

Foreign Language, Visual Art and Performing Arts

Right: Carolyn S Busenl e ner , Head of the V isual Art Department Carolyn W. Boone, A dair P W atkins. Right : James Cox and J o hn Par d ee. Left: Glenn J. Brady , Michael A. Giambelluca , Mary Hermann, Vi ncent 0 Drago , Karen D Scott , Chairman of the Foreig n Language Department Pedro B. Perez a nd Carol P. Baier. Not pictured : H. Pierre Leger .
I Languages & Arts OTIJ
Left: Chairman of the Performing Arts Depart ment Clarinda A. C o leman, Lee Contavasprie , and Peggy Fransen.

Physical Education Coaches and Library Staff

Left Back Row : Athletic Director Joseph J Gill , Mary Sue Edwards , Alan Smith , Darlene Rabalais , Michael M . McGuire , Mary "DoBee" Plaisance, Charles T. "Chick" McGeehan. Front Row : Donna B . Coons , Linda Trevino , Janet C. Russo , Al Trevino , Samuel A . Dozier .

Right , Standing: Janice J Rees , Jim Durbin , Head Librarian , Lower School Virginia W Hoffmann Seated : Chairman of Library Department Doris Barron and Pat Ke lly.

® P E & Library

Development, Admissions and Business Office

LRight Standing : Christine Hamann, Harold Graf Seated: Mary Margaret Miller , Dire ctor of Development Barbara Boat Bush and Patti Micklin. Right: Ernest Montgomery, Director of Foo d Services Sandy Pe rkinson , Beverly Savoy , Louise Marks , Yvonne Eiswirth , Marian Green , Betty O'Brien Left: Business Manager Barbara Ryan , Maria Dazet , Dianne Caha nin and Sheryl Readinger .
Administration & Cafet eria 15
Left: Betty P Bankston, Minna Ree Miranne and Director of Admissions Carolyn Wanek

Maintenance and Bus Drivers

[ffi7 Main!. & Tr ansportation I
Right: Clarence Smith , O'Neal Bourgeois , Ernest B urnthorne , Jane Burnthorne and John Engeron Not p ic tured Doris Boos Director of Transportation
Left: Harlan "Tony" Willis , Robert Gustafson , Jenkins Knighten, O'Neal Bourgeois , Clarence Smith , Facilities Director Wayne Schulz , and Robert Peterson. Not pictured : John Pulley , William Keir , Mary Jackson and Louis Horn .

Mothers' Club

Dads' Club

Right: Correspondng Secretary , Becky Ramel l i , Trealu rer , Margo Dicharry , President , Nancy Hodges , Vice-President , Cher i Hall and Recording Secretary , Laura Casamento
I Moth e rs' & Dad s ' Club s DIJJ
ILeft: Treasure , Glenn Glaser , Vice-President at Large , Bayton Duplantis , Pres ident , Dale Crawford , Secretary , Bob Chambers , Vice-President , Lower School , Dan Duplass , Vice - President , Upper School , Steven F Griffith , Sr. Not Pictured : Vice-President , Middle School , Brant Houston.
I Student Life

Student Life

Student Life Cig]]

> CD cc C

Time magazine described 1993 as "the year it rained news ". The worst flood in United States history occurred this year in the Midwest. Los Angeles, also troubled by natural disaster, felt the rumblings of an earthquake and the cost of a billion dollar fire. Bill C l inton assumed the presidency and began to fulf i ll his campaign promises , turning his attention to homosexual military service and , with Hillary RodhamClinton ' s help , to the formation of a comprehensive health care plan.

C l inton did not escape accusations of scandal, however. Whitewater dealings surfaced just as Clinton ' s presidential ratings had stabilized , giving Clinton yet another issue to distract him from his work.

Other issues arose. Musician Michael Jackson dealt with

accusations of sexual misconduct. Steven Spielberg ' s Schindler ' s List won many Oscars; his Jurassic Park earned the largest movie profit. On the global scene , Israel and Palestine finally made

a peace treaty , and Nelson Mandela won the presidential elections in South Africa.

Many events occurred in the sports arena. Norway hosted and won the Winter Olympics, but most of the Olympic attention went to the saga of Tonya

Harding and Nancy Kerrigan. Ke r rigan lost first place by a narrow margin , but earned a silve r medal in figure skating. Also in sports , Michael Jordan retired from basketball to experience minor-league baseball. Later , Monica Seles was stabbed during a tennis match . In local news, the crime rate reached a record high. Governor Edwards legalized casino gambling , and Mark Morial won the Mayoral race. In scholastic news , the girls athletic program once again had an extremely successful season. It won the state basketball championship and was in track and field.

The 1993-1994 school year will be one to remember.

I["lliJ '93 - '94 in Review I

Oppos ite Page: The Health Care debate begins Top Left: Former President Nixon dies. Left Center : The California earth quakes Right Center : The World remembers "D Day" after 50 years. Bottom Left: Tragedy on the ice Nancy Kerrigan is injured Bottom Right:Nelson Mandela is elected president of South Africa Photographs courtesy of Time and Newsweek

I '93 - '94 in Review ®

Working to Serve Others!

The Life Skills program was developed as a half credit course, which addresses issues about which students needed to be informed in order to make a proper transition from high school to college. The course covers such topics as stress management , death and exploration of careers. The course also requires fifty hours of service to the community. Students service hours must be spent working directly with disadvantaged persons .

They work in areas that range from schools to shelters for battered women Mr. Rosenbaum hopes that students complete their project with a sense of having helped someone. He finds it "wonderful that students are willing to give of themselves in such an upbeat and spirited manner" . The program allows the student to become involved with those less fortunate and therefore is a great success.

Life Skills
Above: Julie Lyeki poses with children from the Crane Child Care Center. Left: Greg Northan Works with some young boys at the Waldo Burton Center.
I • ·u
I Service to Other s [ill]
Top : Chris Chamber playing ball with some of the boys at Bridgedale Elementary. Above: Liz Getten and Monique Scioneaux are pictured with Aunt Jane Schmidt at Poydras Home . Left: Breck Trevino works with a patient at The New Orleans Rehabilitation Center

Learning What The Job is All About!

Th e "Int e rn sh ip Program " is in it' s sec ond year at St. Ma rtin 's Th e program is fo r se niors only and is de s igned so that they can get a f eel for the vocation th ey would like to enter int o Each senior finds a bu s in ess in the field he or sh e is interested in and th at is willing to show them what the job entails

The senior and the business enter into a contract and the student agrees to work for two weeks following final exams . Both the business and the senior critique the experience Hopefully it will help each one to better understand what is required in the job and make better decisions for the future

Senio r Internship I
Above : Stiles Anderson sets up d isplay of color tubing for Luis Studios , Inc . Above Left: Mignon Frey works at the computer at the office of Walk , Haydel. Left: David Bellard with his students at Keller Elementary School.

Far Left: Collin Schuhmacher doing research for Pat France

Attorney at Law .

Left: Katie Kimble unwraps pottery at Orient Express. Middle: Mac Bauer running off prints at Eskew Filson Architects

Bottom: Thomas Peters works on floor plan at Barry Fox Arch itectural Firm.

&Mfr l7 I
I Senior Internship

U nder the direction of Mr . Cox , Mr . Pardee an d Mr. Luke , St. M a rtin's students pa rticipated in three m a jor plays in '93'94. In the fall both Mi d dle and Upper Sc h ool students came to gether for three nights of Litttle Shop of Horrors The man ea t ing plant came ali v e before the au d ience 's eyes. In t he Spring , director Ri c ky Luke , brought

out the talents of the Middle School in Dracula the Musical From the sets to the costumes the entire performance came off without a hitch. Later in the Spring the Upper School students returned to the stage in Come Blow Your Horn. Mr. Pardee directed the comedy that contrasted two brothers who were at odds with their parents.


Above : Carrie Black , Ian McAllister and Billy Danflous pose in front or the "Flower Shop" . Left: The Doo-Wop Sisters , Ridgely Pittman , Holly Mills and Jennifer Coleman as theY finish a number.


Top Left: Audry with her baby plants, Marco Hidalgo , Ian McAllister , Carrie Black a nd Billy Danflous Top right: Amy Coleman , Catherine Garvey and Staci James
Productions ffiJJ
Above Le ft: Billy is attacked by newspaper woman, Carol ine Byrd. Above: Scott Gold has a deal Billy can not pass up.

Middle School Dracula the Musical

Top : The cast of Dracula the Musical Center Left: Marty Black , Brian Werth , David Fransen , Adam Voth , Jason Brown , Amanda Abrams, Elise Dicharry and Annie Clements Center Right: Diana Moustouskas , Josh Kaston , Matthew Stedman , Jenny Ernst , Michael Blatt, Natalie Stein, Aimee Folse , Shann Mccarron , Nicole Dicharry and Marty Black Bottom Left: Annie Clements , Grethen Gleason , Alan Stone , Amanda Reese, Brittany Olson, Jonathan Me ndez , katherine Bologna and Sunny Katoch. Bottom Right: Mrs. Coleman straightens Brian Werth's tie before the performance

Upper School Come Blow Your Horn

Top: Rebecca Gordon dreaming about what is to come. Middle Left: Caroline Byrd takes a message for one of her sons . Middle Right: Brad Glaser tries to explain their relationsh ip to Rebecc a Gordon Left: The Cast from Left to Right: Chris Bo rdelon , Ca roline Byrd , Rebecca Gordon , Bradley Glaser , Billy Danflou s and Christina Thorneycroft.



Monique Scioneaux Queen

Kaitlin Boyce Cindy Perret I Julie Lyeki Lauren Ward
Court 1993
Ashley Hall Ashley Baier Tristan Rappold Wesley Rolston Melissa Spencer
\ Homecom i ng Court CfilJ
Emily Kimble



@ Cindy Perret
Above : The '93 Homecoming Court before the g a me. Right : T h omas Peters and Chris Chamb e rs , football captains , crown the '93 queen , Monique Sc ioneau x Left:Mr Schwatz takes the traditional first dance with the Homecoming Queen
I Homecoming 1993 WJ
Lower left: Ashley Baie r, junior court member , escorted by senior football player Robert Faust. Lower right: Emily Kimble , a freshman court mem b er , escorted by senior football players lrfan Sayyad and Dave Jahnke. Top left: Freshmen making their decoration Top right ; The junior homecoming theme "Spook the Jaguars " Above : Lower schoolers admirering the decorations
[[fil Cindy Perret
Right: The Freshmen decorated the Upper School doors to go along with their theme "Games People Play."

Left : Juniors , Tristan Rappold and Jason Conway decorate Middle left : The senior homecoming theme "Sta i rway to Heaven . "

Middle right: Juniors , Wes Marchal , J ason Conway , Dominic Barolotta , Ben Prevost and Porter Holden pose with t heir new friend " one-eye . " Bottom left: Sophomores decorated the hallway according to their theme "Life Is A Highway ."

Bottom right: Lower Schoolers admire the junior decorations.

Homecoming 00]

the Game

Homecoming Day was the wettiest in recent memory , but the students refused to allow the elements to lessen their enthusiasm , Atthe Pep Rally , the highlight was a dance contest led by the cheerleaders. Several Upper Schoolers , including Morlas Schoenfeld , Andy Jaspan , and Stephen St. Pierre , participated. It was won by Ted Getten. The game was , in a word , wet. Brave students and even braver cheerleaders stood in torrential downpour to cheer on the Saints as they played in the slop. The poor field conditions limited the offensive's efforts in the second half, but the defense played exceptionally well. At half time , the

Homecoming court was introduced. Their fathers escorted them through the mud to have their picture s taken with towering umbrellas Despite the conditions , there was a surprisingly good turnout. The stands were jammed with multi -colored umbrellas and raincoats , a s well as some brave souls who faced the rain wearing hats. Students realized they couldn't hold their umbrellas and clap at the same time , so many weighed their options and tossed their umbrellas so they could cheer even louder. By the loud cheering couldn't stop a last minute touchdown , causing the Saints to lose by one by Halo staff writer Sahil Godiwala

Above : Chris Chambers makes an awesome in f light reception Right: T he team huddles during ha lftime.
00 Cindy Perret
Above right: Homec o mi ng "devils" Billy Danf lo us a nd Charles W illiams exci te t he crowd during the pre-game pep rally.

A patrol car pulled into the STM parking lot at 11 :30 Saturday night , and a policeman informed a chaperone that neighbors had complained about the noise. The 1993 Homecoming Dance was proclaimed a success Earlier that night , students ignored the 50 degree temperature to crowd into the little gym. Despite the cold, girls wore thei r light dresses , picked out weeks in advanced. Inside the gym , students were greeted by the rocking sounds of Even Ground , a popular local band At a quarter past ten , the crowd settled down to watch the pre s entation of the Homecoming Court. After the presentation , everyone eagerly awaited the crown -

ing of the queen, Monique Scioneaux A few minutes later, onlookers crowded around the dance contest participants to watch them swing for the title. Marco Hildalgo and Mol ly Urann took up a large section of the floor with their flamboyant style and won. Then the eyes of the crowd shifted to the stage to cheer on freshman Andy Jaspan as he took command of the drums with Even Ground. Thanks to the careful planning of Lindsay Romano and Mr. Marsalis , the festivities went smoothly , and even those who watched from the sidelines appeared to be having fun.

the Dance

Below left: Cur l Beauleiu and Andrea Anderson enjoy the band at the dance Below right: Cather ine Garvey and Alecia Fiorenza sing along to the music. Far left: Christina Thorneycroft and Riaz Ali dance to the beat. Far right: Tyler Adkerson and Missy Spencer pose for a picture.



1993 was a great year for St. Martin's Day. At last, the weather was agreeable - there weren't Arctic conditions like in years past. On the contrary , the day was sunny and cool - perfect for a day of fun and festivities . The morning started off with an all-school chapel service in the big gym, followed by the anxiously anticipated games.

The upper and middle school classes were paired

with a lower school class to participate in the annual scavenger hunt. Lunch followed in the Upper School quadrangle , graciously provided by the Dads' Club. To end the day , everyone gathered in the chapel where they watched a video of the day's events , trying to catch a glimpse of his of herself on the screen Everyone returned home , tired from all the activities , but fondly remembering the fun they had

Alex Husserl
-"'~· -·..4c , ,. . ft;--- .::
ST. MARTIN 1S DAY 1993 STM Day '93 I 39 Q


St. Martin 's Day could best be described as "Unified Competition " Although a bl a tant contradiction in terms , Saints young and old ce lebrated together by partic ipating in various relays and contests The Lower School enjoyed games such as the spoon relay and hoola-hooping in their recently r emodeled quadrangle or on the tennis courts . Middle schoolers had their fun on the football fie ld while the Upper School remained in the gym . Incidentally , the senior class re-

claimed the title for the second year in a row

The scavenger hunt took place after everyone completed their games . Each group , consisting of Saints of all ages , scurried across campus to answe r questions re lated to STM Some would trade their answers in the hasty attempt to get their results in as qu ickly as possible. The winners we re announced in the chapel after lunch Everyone enjoyed the games ... after all , a little competition can't hurt.

[8g] Breck
\ .. \ '
"The Juniors should have won!"
. , STMDay '93 DD]
- Alex Husserl (Junior)

11 1enjoyed songs performed by the Upper School Chorus and the Lower School handbell presentation. 11

- Breck Trevino

@ Robin Tompkins I
STM Day '93


The music started , the crowds hushed , and out came adorable children. Some were in their Christmas best , while others wore "uniforms " of blue skirts or pants , wh ite skirts , and red "ke rchiefs " or ties On December si xteenth , the day before Christmas break began , Lower School performed in a series or plays wi t h Christmas season as th e theme The youngest "Saints ", adorable pre-kinde rgartners and kindergartne rs , formed their mouths in litt le O's as their sweet voices fill ed the air. Boys had little su its with bow ties ; girls wore dr esses As they sang , the fir st line shifted off the risers to t he back and the second lin e came up , rotating. With th eir innocent little faces , and

babyish voices, they resembled angels. At nine thirty , the second group , first , second , and third graders , walked down the middle aisle in pairs , waving to parents and smiling broadly. They grouped by grade on the risers , ready to perform " Christmas Around the World ", written and directed by Mrs. Peggy Fransen . A family started the play by deciding to explore how Christmas is celebrated around the world. The play continued , portraying such places as Germany, Denmark , and England Children came up to the microphone to inform the audience of how each country had contributed to America 's Christmas. The three grades sang Christmas fa-

vorites such as " Feliz Navidad ", "The Twelve Days of Christmas ", and "Silent Night " The third grade bell choir also performed pieces , including "O come , 0 come Emmanuel " At the end , a voice wished all a merry Christmas, and the children joined hands and sang "God Bless All ". After a short break , the last play , performed by the fourth and fifth grades , began. Mr. Rickie Luke directed this play entitled "A New World Christmas ". Definitely not a traditional play, this one focused on modern issues like saving the environment. It also sent heartwarming messages such as "The best gifts of Christmas are the ones that are free. " The play had comedy in it , in-

eluding sketches with Southern accents and a girl smiling to display her missing tooth as she declared , "All I want for Christmas is my one front tooth " Many children had individual parts in this play , such as narrators, radio announcers , poets reading original poetry , or soloists When Lower School finished their performances , many parents stayed to socialize and snack on the refreshments offered . The chapel was filled with comments such as , "Oh , weren 't they precious?" and , "Look how adorable they are. " Indeed , the hundreds of Lower School children who had performed so eagerly had helped to put everyone into the holiday spirit.

[[ill Lower School
jchristmas ProductionOO]


The night of March 23 , 1994 , the junior class got little sleep

They were all too excited about whet would take place the following day. On March 24 , 1994 , the Class of 1995 would receive their class rings. At 10 o'clock Thursday morning both the junior and senior classes assembled in the chapel to practice . Once dismissed , the juniors anxiously awaited the commencement of the ceremony During the ceremony , the junior class received a visit from an old friend , Mrs Herman , who taught them science in lower school Mrs Herman told stories about when they were little , bringing tears

to their eyes. She e xplained that the ring has no beginning and no end and is a symbol of their lives Then , each senior presented each junior with his class ring. After the ceremony , both classes , their teachers , and Mrs Herman boarded two greyhound buses which took them to the Windsor Court Hotel. They enjoyed a delicious lunch of baby artichokes with smoked mozzarella, dodine of chicken nantua , a medley of seasonal vegetables , chocolate pecan pie , and coffee. Many rem a rked that it was the best Ring Day celebration ever

Right: Jon ath a n Massicot and M rs. Herm a n pose for a pict u re. Cindy Perret Top left: Christy Parton presents Duke kerrigan with his class ring Top right: Marco Hildalgo tries to give Scott Gold his class ring Left: Mario Caserta has his ring turned by his mother.
Ri ng Day
Bottom left: The Class of 1995

Senior Prom 1994

Last years ' prom was held ab oard the John James Audubon Riverboat. So as not to be out done this years prom was held a moung the fish at the Aquarium of the A mericas. Ev erything from decorations to the band made for a most memorable evening. A ll w ho attended had a enjoyable time.

Junior - Senior Prom I
Top Left: Michael Moreau and his date , Vanessa Carrol and lrfan Sayyad. Top Right: Tristan Rappold and Brian A xe lrad. Left: Ashley Baier , Robert Faust and Whitney Samuel and her date.

Susan Neal, Katlin Boyce , Monique Scioneaux , marie Louise Ryan , Liz Wanek , Katie Kimb le and Holly Mills. Front Row: Whitney Samuel , Leigh Adams and Julie Lyeki.

Standing : Jonathan Schenk , Wes Marchal , Ben Prevost , Brady Dugan and Micheal Bretz. Kneeling: Charles Labouisse , Mattew Kohnke , Jason Conway , Porter Holden , Dominick bartolatta and Collin Schuhmacher.

[Junior - Sen ior Prom 00
93 best 94 movies Cool Runnings Malice 8 Seconds places to eat Houston's Chili's Barecca's albums
JAM "Vs."
BROOKS "In Pieces"
BLOSSOMS "New Miserable Experience" da}'s GRADUATION May 27, 1994 RING DAY March 24, 1994
April 16, 1994 93 worst 94 movies The Firm Robin Hood: Men In Tights Wayne's World 2 laces to eat Applebee's Mc Donald's Shoney's § The Best & Worst I albums da s FIRST DAY August 25, 1993 HOMECOMING October 29, 1993 END OF VACATION January 3, 1994

What do you do when you're .. .

stressed bored

1. eat

1. reach out and touch

2. s leep someone

3. .

2. eat ex ercise

4. beat up on siblings

5. sc ream

6. t ake a bubble bath

7. thr ow things

8. drive a round

9. bla re the radio

10. get away

love struck

1. call hi m

3. watch old movies

4 . channel surf

5. annoy people

6. clean your room

7. go out

8. . exercise

9. do homework

10. work on the yearbook

7. write his name on

2. #1 and hang up your books

3. sen d roses

8. write your names on

4. stalk him the bathroom wa ll

5. send him notes

6. drive by his house

9 . ask him out

10. t a lk to him

I What do you do? I 5 1 n

Upper School Awards


I : Rebecca Gordon

11: Courtney Schupp

Ill: Rachel Tuuri

IV: Vannessa Carroll


Algebra I : Stephanie Hamm , Chris Bordelon, Chad Fli ck

Algebra 11: James Ashcombe, Worth Groome, Stephanie Sharpie , Erika Tolar

Geometry: Stephanie Murray , Wesley Rol ston

Advanced Math : Catherine Garvey

Calculus: Va nessa Carrol l


Biology: Erika Tolar

Physics : J eff Williams

Chemistry: Tatum Truax

A P Biology : Vanessa Carro ll

Bausch & Lomb Medal : Loui s Smith

Alton Ochsner Award : Vanessa Carroll

Chatham Award : Ridgely Pittm an

Harold Graf Science Award : Michael Moreau


Western Civilization : Erik a Tol ar

Civics: Allyson Bratina

American History: Rache l Tuuri

D A R Medal : Staci J ames

Jefferson Award : Sahil Godiwala

History Award : Vanessa Carroll


Sewanee Book Award : Loui s Smith

Religion Award : Ridgely Pittman

Biblical Studies Award : Tatum Tru ax


I: Parker Argote , Catherine Garvey, Muffin Labo ui sse, Eliz abe th

McManus , Tristan Rappold

11 : Mario Caserta , Kristi Ham lin , Vicky Law , Merrick McKinnie , Kristen

Ne lson , Rene Ronquillo

C e ramics : Hol ly Mills

Art Award : Joanne Close , Kendall Dinan


Best Actor: Billy Danflous

Best Actress: Caroline Byrd

Performing Arts Award: Carrie Bl ac k


Speech Award: Billy Danf lou s


Music Award: Carrie Bl ack , Amy Coleman


I: Molly Urann

11: Kevin McCormick

111: Ri az Ali , T atu m Tru ax

IV: Sahil Godiwala

Spanish Award: Katie Kimble


I : Kathryn Kirshman

11 : Asha J ayakr ishnan , Dominique Matulich , Jim Reese

111: Andrea Cecil, Muffin Laboui sse, Stephanie Murray , Wesley Rolston

IV: Rishi Anand , Lauren Gatti

V : Marie-Louise Ryan

French Award : Carrie Bla ck


I: Doug Getten

11: Akash Anand

111 : Caroline Byrd

IV : Loui s Smith , Rac hel Tuuri

V: Michael Moreau

Latin Award: Jame s Angehr


Shield Awards : Cindy Per ret, Robin Tompkins

Halo Awards: Liz Wanek , Sahil Godiwala, Wesley Felter , Erin

Simpson, Liz Getten , Brad Gl aser , Louis Smith

Lyre Awards: Beth Huber , Joann e Close , Jeff Williams , Wes Felter ,

Marie-Louise Ryan , Michael Mor ea u


Harvard Award: Ridgely Pittman

Gustaf R Westfeldt , Jr Award : Stacy Weber

0 E Haring Memorial Scholarship Award : Staci J ames

John F. Aker Award: Robin Tompkins

Michael John Moseley Memorial Award : T y ler Adkerson

St. Martin's Citizenship Awards : Vanessa Carroll , Mignon Frey

Mildred Ellis Herron Memorial Award: Breck Tr evino

E. 0. Van Slate Service Award: Liz Getten

Spirit of St. Martin's Award: Lind say Rom ano

00 Upper School

Middle School Awards


6: Andres Mendez

7: Justin Svec

8 : Adrienne Phillips

H: Rebecca Tuuri , Nicholas Pappas


6 : Christian Piccolo , Ryan Rossner

7: David Fransen , Caro l ine Williams

8: Lauren Venturators , Mark angehr

H: Kelly Hall , Beth Prewitt


6: Cristian Piccolo

7: Jonathan Mendez

8: Lauren Dillinger

Alg. I: Stephanie Caine


6 : Akila Subramaniam

7: Jonathan Mendez

8: Rebecca Tuuri


6: Jeb Baue r

7: Jose Carlos Mendez

8: Nicholas Pappas , Rebecca Tuuri


7: Michale Hanemann

8: Elise Dicharry


7: Jose Carlos Mendez

8: Peter Adair


7: Jonathan Mendez

8: Nicholas Pappas


G: Catherine Betz

B: Marty Plack


6: Zachary Wool

7: Jose Car los Mendez

8: Anna Bai ley


6: Sarah Tuuri , Thomas Merrick

7: Caroline Williams , Andrew Stakelum

8: Amanda Abrams , Anna Bailey


8: Marty Black , Rebecca Tuuri


6: Christian Piccolo

7: Jonathan Mendez

8: Nicholas PAppas


6: Priya Anand , Zachary Wool

7: Malain McCormick , Andrew Stakelum

8: Tori Seixas , Mitch Groover


Rebecca Tuuri

Middle School Award s

Will you ever forget.

Cowboy Day

Pilgrim Day

Louisiana Day

Indian Day

World Day

Trips to the capital

St. Mart in's Day

May Day

Science w/ Ms Hermann

Music w/ Ms Coats

Free play w/ Ms. Janet

Tent Day

Nap time

Service Club

End of the year parties

Ms. Carin's tub

Mardi Gras day parade


Heave n ly Days

Talent shows



Heads - up , seven-up

Red light , green light

Tie dying

Christmas plays

Science fairs

Washington D. C.

Coach Todd

Colonial Day

Life Skills w/ Ms. Kaston


Heavenly Hash

Eighth grade sleepover

Tom Sawyer Day

Conference Corner

Coach Panna

Cafeteria parties

Coach Hughes

Ms. Kaston's ghost stories

Frustratio n bottles

Four squares

Paul B. Johnson State Park

Inappropr iates

Eight o'clocks

Homecom ing week

Football games

Senior Weird Day

Senior Teacher Day

Retreats at Rosaryvi l le

Physics a nd Trig w/ Ms. Less ig

English w/ Mr. Pardee

Lunch leave

Hacky sac

Sweet Sixteen

Retreats in the library

Ring Day

Freshma n/ Senior party

Jr ./ Sr. Prom

Microscope parts

Rainy ho mecoming

Latin w/ Mr. Drez

Support groups


Graduation disputes

Cafeteria food

Mr. H's speeches

Dr. Mooney 's lectures

Student louge

Mr. Marsalis' wordplay

Communi t y Day

Egg drop

Lower school murals

Library lock-ins

The Well

Pack the gym nights

Ms. Rellstab's Media song

Parachute games

Our Bookstore accounts

The detentions that flow like wine

lwill You Ev e r Forget ~
-~ -tl -·People


-tillDBR\t • ,c:,
[ People
[[ill Nineyt-Four
- - N-in- e-ty - --Fo ur__OOJ

William Tyler Adkerson 1990-1994

Don·, ,n akc ,ne an g ry. Yo u wou ld n' 1lik e me whe n I' m angry. - Bru ce Ba nn e r

Leigh Gardner Ad ams

1982- 1994

Love is lik e a nam e , it burn s yo u w he n it 's ho t.

-Naza reth

How lu c ky a m I to have so me thin g so hard to say goodbye to. -A non y mo us

Pugs Pu gs ley Me mb e rs Only .Z imb obway Apri l 27 , 199 1 CPC. Trinit yG uys w/ LG Sybil s Pe n w/A K, LW SSw/ BD Rosewood Harold Dcs tin Mi ss trip s Bill ' s Bul le ts E Li vin gs to n Gang G a nd J w/T P Waffl e Ho use Ji ve Ta lkinw /CG Bow lin w/S R Bowwowwoww/JL Ne ut ra lw/LG 5.0w/AK Rain w/ BD S h h 1 w/AKL WHMJL AC DK w/BB T H E CUE w/ BDSRSDMH .Thank s Mom Dad a nd Je n for you r love.T hank s to a ll the 14 g ir ls Special th a nk s to LS, EH, CZ and LG for a lways being th e re Bill y: th a nks fora II of th e memo ries a nd good lim es!

Fas hi o n C lu b I .2,3; Vars il y C hee rleader2,3; Yearbook S ta ll3.4; Cu lture Club4; Se ni o r Fres hm an Pro g ra1114 ; Socce r I ,2.3.4; A ll - Di s tri c t Soccer Cap ta in4 ; Vo ll eyba ll l ,2: So f'lb a ll I : Witti es t Se ni o r Gir l4: Juni or Var s it y Chee rl ea de r I

#75 Hol ,n es Co un1 y s ta te park Madi so n Di strict Cham ps '92 office pa rt y wa ffl e house mee tin g Ru s ty w/ cc ,bb.b s, ba fa nc lub S lee py c hi cke ns ... pani cs w/ba ... dri vebys w/ bb ... co=p unk ... Throwtron @jg's .. honey Co llin 's ho use N BA J AM- 150-0 Mardi Gra s ' 94 w/ lw,jd ,la 21 @ cs· s g ut s ''W he re· s yo ur boom?" Ped ro Luth e r ' s .fa llin g d ow n in Des tin P.G. ·s w/ cc ,bb.jg,c s.b s, ba ,ms.jd Ra lphie ' s part y planet Axe lrad IOl imes-bs Beaver C ree k Ho uston w/ba Th a nk s jd,cc,cs,jg ,bb ,bs, ba, fc,ie, ms- es p. Li z good lu c k C la rk a nd Ryan mom a nd dad-I love yo u both stud e nt Co un ci l 1,2,3 ,4, Trea s ure r 4: Footba ll 1.2.3 ,4. Second Team a lld is tri c t 3.4: Natio na l Hono r Society

3.4 : Hono r Com mitt ee 4; C ivic C lub


C lass o f 1994

Brian Alexander Axelrad 1989-1994

I live in my o w n li ttle wo r ld. But th at ' s ok ay, peop le know me th e re -A no ny mo us

Th ose peo pl e w ho say it can ' t be do ne, a re us ua lly be ing int e rru pted by so meo ne d o in g it. -A no ny mou s

W e l co me t o p l a n e t Axe l ra d 199 1 BB U nd e fea te d Sta t e Ch a mp s #2 0 Ax Zezezzs Brii n ne .4 y rs .: I mi st. Flatb ac k 28 0Z Su m me r d es t in w/ JG ,C B,SG A B' s wind ow re pa ir. Mee ti ng Rusty hoo ps w/ CS Offic e pa rt y: Ko· d .T A ' s ho te l. Bi o ni c a rm l do nt pl ay ca rd s Hom eco mi ng ' 9 3, good nig ht ; bad da te Kil le r bees .T HE BULL ' s HAT. Ra lph y ' s ho use BB's des tin road tr ip s ... Part ie s w/ T A ...Frid ay ' s w/ T R .. .T ha n ks, Mo m, Dad , Bi ll , Hu g h, Jed , Sh e ry l; Tr is tan -y ou ' re the bes t. viva las vegas!

Stiles Anderson


I' d be a lot coo le r if you d id -Woode rso n

Free d o ms' j us t a no t he r word fo r no th ing le ft to lose -K ris Kri stoffe nso n

All my fri e nds kno w th e low- r id e r - Wa r

Lig h t. Bow lara ma t urn Fin a Ha lf-ca r. Rac ke tee rs Wa x man - bd Wha t b r?.. .L uc ky c ue Des tin .T exas Bro's Sa c red Gro ve Ca n yo u see how di rt y my ca rp e t is? Lo o k a t it 1 •• Yo u kn ow I ta ke b. h's Pro fess io na l poo l tab lc ls th a t a do rk j o ke? Wres t li ng 4 yea rs Rive rwa lk ta lks w/ mm .T he n y Hac ky sac king a t brea k Dad wa rs Op e ra w/ AK LW , M H 1 wa nt to th ank my pare nts, fri e nd s ( M UMBBM HGVGHG NNCN WMMLW ) a nd eve ryo ne I was too lazy to me nti o n G oo d lu c k to a ll o f yo u So lay ba c k a nd c ru ise esse 50 yard line CAS HED'

Wres t lin g I , Var sity 2,3.4, M IP2, MVP 3, Ca ptai n 2,3,4 Footb a ll I , C i vics Club 3, 4 Cu lt ure C lub 4 Ho nor Ro ll 3.4 Bes t- Lo o kin g G uy 4.

Va rsity Foo tba ll 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; 2 nd tea m All

Distri c t Foo tba ll 4 ; Va rs ity Ba se ba ll

1 2,3,4 :H o no rab le Me ntio n All Distr ic t Ba se ball 3 : Va rs ity Socce r 4 : All Di s-

t ri ct Fo r ward 4 : Va r s it y Trac k 4: Reg io na ls 4 ; 4 Sp o rt Le t1 e rma n 4 ; C ivics C lub 3.4: A rt I Ho no ra ble Me nt io n 3:

Class of 1994

Brent Edward Beaulieu 1981-1994

F la s h Go rd o n , q ua rt e rba c k New Yo rk J e t s.

- F las h G o rd o n O nce up o n a tim e th ere was a hap p y g u y a nd th e re was no thin g th e c ut e a nd ru zzy b unni es co uld d o a bo ut it.

- O ne C ra zy S um me r

Ii ·s a l I in 1h c re fl exes 1

Robert McGeorge Bauer 1991-1994

Som e m e n see thin gs a s the y ar e and a s k w h y I think of thin gs tha l never we re a nd as k w h y not.

- Rob e rt F. Ke nn e d y

A re yo u se ri o us, C lark ? - Eddi e

Th e Qu a ntum #4 Ly in ' 8, s hoot in ' 3 GOO N l have a cli s h was her. Go lf wrr A , JD , a nd C R Poo tin ' s h oo l. a s mall w hit e ru ss ia n PJ' s LB w ha 1 s that sta nd fo r. G a r y M c D o na lcl 's af te r socce r. Pi zz a fo r a bu ck M ugg s ,

La rr y, a nd Zo Yes I am No, I d o n ' t have c abl e " F loy cl '' H oB , BE. L BTR ,

PLT' s .4 sc hoo ls, 4 ye ar s En g la ncl , I th o ug ht yo u sa id lt a ly No nul s, yo ur nut s ! lik e so mm o ' pe anut s, pl ease A littl e th a nk s to TA , LB FC , J G , BS ,

C S & o th e rs A lo tta th a nk s to M o m , D ael , A l, Le hr ( Be hr & L S ) Reese fa m ,

A A , and a ll my tru e fri e nd s.

Socce r 3 ,4: Go lr 2.3.

-J ack Burt o n , Bi g Trou b le in Lilli e C hin a

D o n # 9 KI NG OF ME T A IRI E R OA D w ar wago n B- Ball ' s Dirt y Do zc n D il\ il co Ph ys ics J e m a n g e F ran ce... Bi g R e cl fee lin g mi g ht y ri ne S he ba thc batt le of th e loc ke rs Wh y yo u so fa t ? m ee tin g Ru sty th e dr i ve w/C S & S R Office Pa rt y I Re el eye , 2 bl ac k ni g ht s- Des tin fr ee co ke g uy B FS w/J G S tcve a u C hi c kee- Ba bi e s yo u ' re a l 1- ri g ht POL E ' " Mardi Gra s wo me n a nd th e ll oa t. DB TA & yo u d ro pp e d yo ur' ' ! clicl w hat las t ni g h 1r BA T S Ev il , H ey H ey Pudd y Pudd y " Gre ates t man a li v e Th e

M o nk ey N ut. Icee th e B e ar. Ch ea p s hot.. Dri ve-

B ycs C R AZ Y th a nk s to m y Morn , Dad , c oa c h es, friend s (you know w h o yo u a r e). C urti s , Mr.T ,

D a rkrn a n. a n d Fl as h yo u h ave s h ow n m e h ow t o li ve life t o th e fu l les t. L e t 's f ini s h th e ga m e'' '

So cce r al l-d is tri c t 3 .4: Ca pt a in

4: Foo 1ba ll 1.2.3,4: Ba se ba ll 1.2,3,4;

C i vics C lub 3.4: Class P res id e nt 4 ?

Class of 1994

Landon Richard Becnel 1990-1994

I wa tc h th e m pl ay for an hour a nd if th ey mi ss more th a n o n ce I know I can beat 'em - Luth e r La ss ider

Wh e n I rea li ze d th a t w h at I had turn ed out to be was a lo u sy, t wo bit pool hu s tl er a nd drunk , I wa s n ' t dep resse d at a ll. I was h appy to h av e a profess io n - Da n ny M cg oorty

David Kirk Bellard 1982-1994

Ne ve r judge a m a n until you h ave wa lk ed a mile in hi s s ho es, th e n if h e do es n o t lik e what yo u h ave to say, yo u ' re a rn j Je away a nd yo u h ave hi s s h oes. -Anon y m o u s

Th ere is n o s u c h thin g as a n or m a l life, th e re is ju s t life - Doc Holid ay

Dr. Love Bird Da zed a nd Co nfu se d w/ s rn , vc,gv Exxon peo pl e rul e we a re goi n g o n a jou rn ey of e pi c prop o rti o n s nin e a nd a half rninutes s urn rner sc holar s fourt h tlo ora nti cs rn a rdi g ras 93-94 s prin g break hu111 a niti es w/ ta , bb pa ss it along ga rn e " loo k it 's E nri c h o Pula zzo" the wave Bat s , Bat s everyw here lead b y Drac ul a lun c h w/ sa,g n , rnh ,gv .T h anx Do c M. for a ll th e kn ow le d ge and s up port l lu v u 111 0 111 , dad , and eve n s teve b es t of lu c k bb , ta,vc, rk ,s rn ,gv, rn s,j g c heck yo u la te r!! '

Honor R o ll 2,3, 4 ; Civ ics C lub 3 ,4 ; Dra m a C lub 1, 2,3; C h ess C lu b

1,2,3,4 ; Var s it y So cce r 2,3; V a r s it y

Baseball 2 ,3; le t te rman

White s h o rt s Rac k ' s S hreveport trip A rte r awhi le s he eve n loo ke d goo d B ig Ea s y at lun ch Sen io r prorn Mr.Drez Pool with B.D Goon Hackysac k

Class of 19 94

Kaitlin Dahl Boyce 1993-1994

May be no thin g las ts ro reve r, no t th e mo untain s o r the sea : but th e tim es we had toge th e r. th ey will a lways be w ith me.

-Th e Sa mp les

Yo u can neve r be too ri c h or to o thin.

- Prin cess Di

Cu ltur e c lub out in gs ca mpin g s prin g brea k prom .ja zz fes t-Martin ma neat e r mardi gras wahoo New Year ' s Eve Did yo u have to ge t a co ke?MA C. DD.MR , BW lial y ri s h, mo nk eys , a nd llamin goes delux e l loveyo u, Ho ncy trip s to th e lake CC. go ld s pa nd ex man B-c lub cas t part ies

PBMa xx quitt e rsc lub pa sse d aro und Sampl es- in th e bathroom ! lose r mag ne t. hone g rounded •) I' 111 s ure 1 lun c h time soa ps go lf injury so yo u're 22•) 29·, 35'' .Thank s to my f'ri e nd s a nd fa mil y for mak in g hi g h sc hoo l grea t 1 •• I loveya' ll. ..

Carrie Elizabeth Black 1982--1994

Love do es not consi s t in gaz in g at eac h o th e r but in lookin g together in th e same direc tion.

-A nt o in e d e Saint - Exupery

Le t th e win e of friend s hip neve r run dr y Here ·s to yo u and he re· s to me. Les Mi se rabl es

Dancin g Marc o-3+ Group Beggar s& Choosers Take it s leezy Ee ri e Gold e n Arche s Ka tonker. Kodak Mo me nt s Flour c hildre n He re's to yo u. He re's to me You don ' t kn ow'. Fl y away Berd Slammer s l ' m th e MAS TER ! wa nt Mc Donau x's Bandido s NY FAX Wi lly l don ' t see no ran gs on d es fanga s Sweet 16 Ca nc un ' 92 .J offrey BBS Di s hin ' PDA Mi ss Than g

Aud rey Spring Break s 8 st. HA LF Parad e Markle 24/7 Waaah MTP

Thank s to my family , I lov e yo u! Good Lu c k to MB , MC, IM , BY , JC , es p.

BJV Marco- LUMM ro reve r'

Nat io nal Hon or Socie ty3 ,4 ; C um Laud e Societ y3 .4: Choru s 1. 2 3 .4 ; Hon or Ro ll 1. 2,3,4; C lass Treas ure r I ; C ulture C lub4 ; Ye arb oo k Staff I: Th e Kin g a nd 13 : L ittl e Shop of Ho rror s4: Lit e rar y Rall y 1.2.3: JotTrey Ba ll e t Sc hoo l2: Mus ica l Th eatre Proj ec t3: Graduatio n 111

Socce r I. 2: C rew 2 : Spa ni s h C lub I:

Key Lea rnin g C lub I : Yearbook C lub

2. 3: C ivics C lub 4: Ca re Across

Ca mpu s 4: Admi ss ion s C lub 4:

Cu lture C lub 4: Secre tary 4: National

Ho no r Soc ie ty 3.4 : Hono r Ro ll I 2, 3,

4: Hom eco min g Co urt 3,4:

C lass Of 1994

Christopher Matthew Chamber s 1988-1994

Pain is m ot he r ' s milk to a co wbo y. -A non y m o us

Y a go tta ju s t sac rifi ce y our body. - Bo b C ha mb e rs

Leave th e m b oys a lo ne. - Boce phu s

Ju s t g i ve m e a ca ne- po le and a s had y s pot to s it c au se that ' s a bout as c lose to heave n as a man ca n ge t.

-John A nd e rso n

Ru st y Sunn y Hal fway H o use B oce phu s 9 - 2 di st. c ha mp s Love

Sh ac k Frec ks Th e D a nce Ho gs Co lo rad o w!fay Po a c hin g w l B A

PO Coac h D Ro d eo 9 4 ' U S L.. G ra nd e Is le Bat s # 44 Fi shin ' w l Paw Ga tor huntin ' wl th e fe ll as M o m , D a d , Cara, Sta c i, An ge l, Ma gg ie, fi s h, Ali , S unn y- Th a nk yo u so mu c h for be in g b y m y s id e throu g h it a ll. ! LOV E

YOU ALL. Ca ra, g ood luck in th e futur e a nd have fun .Ta y, ha ve a g rea t se ni o r yea r, I ' ll mi ss yo u G E AUX TIG E RS!

C las s Pres id e n t I ; Aco ly te Club 1,2 ,3 ;

Ci v ic s 3, 4 ; Stud e nt Co uncil 2 ,3,4; SIC

V P. 4; B oys State 3 ; Tra c k 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Ja ve lin Di s t. C h a mp 3 ; Fo otb a ll 1,2 ,3,

4 ; Foo tb a ll Awa rd s- Di st HI M 2 ; All

Di st 3 ,4 ; A ll Eas tb a nk 3 ,4 ; All Di st

MV P D e fe n se 4 ; All M e tro 4 ; All

stat e H IM 4 ; C a ptain 4 ; Re li g io n

Awa rd 4 ; Powe r Liftin g 2A S ta te

C h a m p 198 l bs 4

Vanessa Ge rm a in e C arroll 1990-1994

Th e w ill to d o , th e so ul to d a re

- Sir W a lt e r Sco tt

Winnin g i sn ' t e ve ry thin g, but w antin g to w in i s

- Vin ce Lo mbardi

Hub c ap wlCC. ..E xxo n Lad y Rul e s ... K Park wl SM , DB , & GV ... Bo ogi e Bu g gi e ...4 -

3 Surpri se P aseo Z - Hit l ' ve go ttowa te rm y pl a nt s Po o l. 2B #1 7 .That w a s my I Diel yo u he a r w h a t th ey c all e d us ? Ye ah y a turk ey Y e llo w Bircl L e mon

C arcl s .Jun e Bu g G SP Esc ap e Y IN in h a ll wl KN .T -N ig htCall s w l JL.. R- Da y

TKO wl IS Attitucl e .T a nge nt s D&C Po p No Worri es .Thank s Mom , Dad , &

Dai sy be l - Ya ' !! a re th e bes t. .Th a nk s Robert fo r th e in s pir a tion One da y l w ill mak e a ll of yo u ve r y proud!

Softb a ll 3 , 4 ; Cross C ountry 2, 3; T rac k 2 ; Ke y Club I , 2 , 3( Vi ce- Pres) , 4 (Pre s id e nt ) ; A c ol y te Club 2 ; National H o nor

So c ie ty 3 , 4; C um La ud e 3, 4 ; J e ts 2 , 3; Hon o r Ro ll I , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Girl s Stat e; M os t Likel y to Su ccee d

Class of 1994 Wl

Amy Clarinda Coleman 1989-1994

I ge l by w ith a linl e he lp fro m m y fri e nd s. --T h e Bea l les

If I co uld rec apture a ll o f th e m e m o ri es a nd brin g th e m l o life, s ure ly I w ou ld. M a ri a h Ca rey

Co le rn a n Ro nn e tt e K A ME g o s to p go M e rnb e r s Onl y W e nh e rs parti es a t K P Sa int s Ga rn es w/ KP Littl e Shop - no rh y thm Des tin 9 4 F-s hop W a fn c Ho u sc En g li s h pa pe r s w/ KP , HM G oss ip w/ BV Fax Li s l.. La fa ye ll e-swee p th e fl oo r w/ L C. FONK no ID w/ HM Gin a nd Jui ce smo kin g o r no n Be lc h thurnp e r s M a rdi Gra s 9 4- pull ove r dad S wee l I 6 c ri s is w/ KK .J ea h upp e r a rm w/A S rn a n ly hu gs Bo om s hika .Th a n x 111 0 111 d ad , M e l ILU , G oo d lu c k J e n , ha ve a goo d lim e! Thanx KP , HM , KK , BT , LA , B Y , Lee, K N 1' 11 mi ss yo u lo ts 1 See ya la te r 111

Ford Reese Chu rch


On e thin g we kn ow: o ur G o d is y our G o d. Th e ea rth is prec io u s to him a nd to harm th e e arth is t o h e ap co nt e mpt on it s c re at o r.

- Chi e f S ea ttl e

Oft e n tim es it h a pp e n s that we li ve o ur li ves in c h a in s and we neve r k n ow we h ave th e k ey

-Th e E a g les

M a n Mount a in Dea n Air Na t. Na ture Fc He rrin g O E Trip s G ra nd Ca nyo n '93 C lirnbin g W a ll At StM E l t o n J o hn Co n ce rt Mini P e p R a ll y

N ight H o m eco m i n g Ord e al...Culture C l ub Dinn e r s S wee t 16 N ig ht At S N 's

Ho u se C a mpin g W / M L , KB ,& S N G eo rge Po rt e r A tTip s .Thro ws be,Ae rob e,&

Ha c k ysac kin g in th e Qu a d M a rdi Gr as '94 W /A F Funk e n g ru ve n

C on ce rt...CCBH o u se w /JM C &Fri e nd s De s tin ' 94:P owe r H o ur ,C hattin g w/

D es tin C op s w/ ES & MS , Fight in #6 1 Prom Gr a duati o n 1 •. M o m A nd

Dad ,Th a nk s Fo r 4 Grea t Ye ar s S ee ya in De n ve r.

Outdo o r ED 1, 2,3 ; C hess C lub 3 .4 ;

Shi e ld 3; Culture C lub 4 ; Ca re Ac ro ss

Campu s 4; Ho no r R o ll 2,3,4; W es tfe ldt

Awa rd 2;

C ho ru s 2 , 3,4; Sa lut e to th e T o ny's2; Th e Kin g a nd I 3; Litt le S h o p o f Horro rs4; S peec h 4;C ullure C lub4 ; So c ce rl ,4; So flb a lll ,2 ,3 ; M IP So ftb a ll I

C lass of 1994 . ..... . ••••••••

William Louis Danflous 1991-1994

Onl y th e m e di ocre a re a lwa ys a t the ir bes t.

-J e an G iraud o ux

H o w c om e he ge t s t o ge t up ? l f he ge ts up , we' ll a ll ge t up , it ' ll b e an arc h y, it 's o utta m y hand s.

-J o hn B e nd e r( Br ea kfa s t C lub )

Peopl e w ho think th e y kn ow eve r ythin g a re ve ry agg ra va tin g to th ose of us w ho do 1

-U nkn ow n

Th e Cha se Le mo n S t... Boo m HM , L W ,LA ,M C, AK , LW ,HM ,Th a n x La di es AK ,l Sti ll Ca n ' t Be lieve Yo u T o ld LA A bo ut Us Des tin 9 0 - 94 Fl o obin w / C W ... C W ,MH ,TP ,MM ,B oog ,S A, Sl o p,l lov e u g uys .. .TP 's Fa rm .. . Lau re n ' s lik e a s is te r Me a nd C W o n th e w a y to be d ev il s Brea k lea ve M y bull e t s Mul e kid ,Nyg il ,a nd T wo- T o n , He y ni ce g uys P oo l w/LB Lu c ky Cu e Mi c k ' s S y bil 's T.J 's W a ffl e H o use Luth e r. Pa rtm a n A ll - ni g hte rw / SA Al.. Ro sewood Rain w/L A Po ok y .l ' d bea lo t coo le r if yo u d id !

B as ke tb a ll 1,2 ,3; Fo o tball I ; G o lf 1,2 ,3 ,4 ( M Y.P. 3,4); G ymna s ti c s I ,2 ,3 ,4 (St a te C ha mpi o n 1;3 rd in sta te 2);C hess club I ,2 ,3;Socce r 3; Sp eec h 3 ,4.

John Louis Diasselliss IV 1981-1994

Wh y we ha ve to di e is th e que s tion tha t we' re und e r, but eve r yo ne kn ows th a t eve ry d ay's a diffe re nt numb e r , so w he n yo ur tim e co me s , ju s t re m e mb e r " G " , yo u ' 11 a lway s have a pl ace in thi s wo rld as a m e m o r y - Gh e tt o Boys










Sta te Runn e r- up 2A Power Li ftin g , 18 1lb

Ca ss ; 5th in Reg io n O ve rall ; Di s tri c t

Runn e r- u p , Di sc us; 4 th in R eg io n

Class of 1994

Ian Greg Emond 1990-1994

Li fe is Whal Happen s to You Whil e Yo u're Busy Maki ng Oth e r Pl ans. -J o hn Le nn o n

Kendall Leigh Dinon 1980-1994

Th e re is no pl eas ure in ha vin g not hin g todo , th e fun is havi ng lots todo a nd no t doin g it 1 - M.W.Litt le

Ju st w he n yo u th o ug ht yo u kn ew all of life's an swe rs, th ey we nt a nd c han ge d a ll th e qu es tion s -Anonymou s

Ke n So cce r Groupie Destin Sup e r freak poo l pa rti es vid eos rn y so fa s la te nite visitor s Sw ee t 16 BB ea tin po1pouri Marlbolo 1oon s w/EG Xmas in the Oak s w/JP levy s urfin BA NDIDOS di sco in w/lE S hyea fun nit es w/ AS , JL , BD&JP H ECTOR Dr&bath s w/ PR t o urin Ke nn e r w/ AS Sheera&Skeletor. Wrinkl es Mobil w/ AS&CZ Hom eco min g ex ploding lo l y p o p s J epo rd y FRO B EV P ro m '93 Mardi Gr as Wr e n k WB THANG Spa z Award SPY TEK Good Lu c k- BD , IM , MN&U l 5!T ha nx: th e fam ,AS ,JP , PR ,EG ,JL , KN , IE, FC,LB , BL ,E M,SD ,ML&LS - 1LUY YOU

Yea rbook I ; Key C lub 2; Cho ru s 3,4: C ulture C lub 4; Soc ce r 1,2; So ftball 1,2; Nati o nal Ho nor Soc ie ty 3, 4 ; Literary Ra ll y 1,2,3; Stat e Lit e rar y Ra ll y 1,2; Littl e Shop of Horror s 4.

Yes I am What eve r 1.•• Case oft he Di seapear'n W. C.s Di sc o Li ves We ' re G o in g Lo Floricl a Ba nana 1••. Wh e res Harry WOOWHOI Fin a Fo rcl 's o r th e Quartcr. Grcc nca rcl ?.. lceo n th e roof. StogerOge r. Strawberry Fi e lcl s Lib , and proud or it. .. Die t Pe ps i ... Of Co ur se I' m Fre nc h 1 K.l.H in ma1h ... Mas1e rof Funk S mu gg lin g in c us to ms S ub way Pi c ni c EY IL' Co njun ct io n Jun c tion Des t in94 My Pc n Th a nk yo u to m y famil y, fri e nd s, a nd th e fac ult y o r ST M for all th ey have give n to me

Foo tball I ;Soccer2.3:C ulture C lub 4;C hess C lub l ,2; Outd oo r Ed 2 ;

Class of 1994

Robert Moreland Faust 1992-1994

"Th e troub le w ith troub le is that it a lways s tarts o ut bei ng fun " -Bertra nd Ru sse l

" There is no joy in having noth in g to do , th e fun is hav in g lots to do a nd not doin g it."

-J ohn W. Rap pe r

" Twi ce is 111 y fa vo rit e nu111b e r. " -SCARFCJL

Wh y they ca ll yo u booge r? 13 y rs a nd 6 s u111111 ers EG 's trunk w/ BM Ke y to th e gate w/ RB WC. .J .0. in CWC w/M K S L C W Razor & Poo lst icks w/ SL.Centra l w/ MK EG Ol e Mi ss w/T P CW DJ SB Socce r tr ip s w/ RG BD SL. Kee per. .T hur s. w/SL TPCW Sta rbur st. Biolo gy x3 La ure n ta lk s 50 ya rd line Dad wa rs Re d111 ou th Ho ll a nd ER Thank s to CJ WC MM MK EG TT BB BM SW NS PM JW TP CW RB CA DJ BO-Fr ie nd s lik e ya' II a re hard to find ! LOVE YOU Mom , Dad , a nd Ri c h- HANG IN THERE MOM AND WE ' LL BEAT THIS TH ING Set h, thank s forbeingyou AS H, yo u mean th e wor ld to 111 e, I LOVE YOU Mr s. Baier - Don ' t wo rr y, s he's in GR EAT hands lt had n' t been easy bei ng GREASY.

So ccer l ,2 ,3,4 Captain4 All - Me tro 2 All-D istr ict 2,4 Football 4 A lldi s tri c t 4 Ba se ba ll 4

Barbara Janine Far r is 1991 - 1994

Th is tim e, lik e all ti111e , is a very good o ne ifwe bu t kn ow what to do with it. -E 111 erso n

Today wel l li ved, 111akes yes te rday a dream of happ in ess a nd tommorow a vis ion of hope -U nk wow n

Bigsacajawaca goo d hai r ni ce s hoes ge t o n th e lin e not for sa le Franci s wha teve r. fr ee dr ink s .l ts 111 y birthda y Lun c h leave w/ KN., RR. , AS., JL.

DQ Jeep Gra nd C hero kee Fin a Ear ha rdt...Mi sse d th e boat. brickwall Ho 111 eco 111in gcheer laede r. hoo c hi e111ack oh but no BDB Big Bad Bab s ba rn ey .T ha n x to a ll 111y fr iends: Jaso n, my age nt; DP ,TP ,JL , IE,CC ,SW ,S J ,

TT ,J G,SM do in g s tu ff and thin gs Or la nd o Tha nk s to 1110111, dad , d o ugie, e bon y, frisky; J w ill a lways love yo u.

Key C lu b 2,3,4: Basketba ll 2,3,4: State c ha111 ps 3, 4 , M.V.P.:Track and Field2,3,4, Sta te Champs 2,3:C ivics C lu b 4:Cu lt u re C lub 4:

Class of 1994

Mignon Marie Frey 1988-1994

G re a t mind s think alik e - ?? ?

Y ou h ave to li ve yo ur life w ith a se nse o f humor if yo u don ' t y ou ' ll go cra zy - Ano ny mo us

If I loo k co nfu se d it 's b eca u se T'm thinkin g - Sa m Go ld wy n

I nev e r p rac ti ce ,! a lways p lay.

- W a nd a La nd ow s ki

W es tb a nk b oy s c oo kin /ea tin # I /#2 bluntn ess lun c hes w/ AR s prin g bre ak 9 3/9 4 p a th e ti c (A R/S G & MF/ MT ) we t I-s hirt & dai zy duk e c ont es t. up s tairs Boo ni e Quart e r- PO AR 's dri v in STAT E CHAMPS Gerald 's Hou se

BI G Al/LT dinn e r & a m ov ie .X - ma s/9 3 C D Hom e comin g /9 3 B-ball po liti c s Bibl e talk s that o th e r thin g tun g a MM / BT n e utral g round .3 0 s b y th e way BT in co nsta ntd e nial s ub way fr ec kl es seni o riti s EM Raw 24-

7 P DA Prom qu ee r th a n x mo m , d ad ,&fa m l L U Y U , Mt H E R E' S


C um La ud e S oc ie ty 3 ,4; Na ti o n a l

H ono r So c ie ty 3 ,4 ; Ho no r Ro ll

1,2 ,3, 4 ; Bas k e tb a ll 8 , 1, 2 ,3, 4 :

V olley b a ll 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; S oftb a ll 8 , 1,2,3 ,4;

C i v ic s C lub 3 ,4 ; C ulture C lub 4

Wesley Chaffe Fenner 1991-1994

Chall e nge s c an b e s te ppin g s ton es o r s tumblin g bl oc k s. lt ' s ju s t a m a tt e r o f h ow you v ie w th e m.

- Unknown

In m a tter s o f st y le , sw im with th e c urrent; in m a tte rs o f prin c ip a l, st a nd lik e a ro c k.

-Thoma s Jeffe rso n

The D - M o bil e Q.T. Pie D a nd C YR U so A. R ? C us A fe w pa rt s and a S aturda y V.L. and P.L. on a co ol e r with VK and OJ in Mi ss E XP in P ar unv Vin ce , E uni c e, and VM Both e rin g V.L. in I. C I. S .H.D Na u g ht y ZOOT Prom 9 3 ' Ba cc hu s ln th e Qtr. bab ys ittin g .T o r D W e nd y' s an y on e? Sh o rt Stor y En g li s h w ith S.M Fork D eaf .J W N KD O.S

Handl e PPI , Prom 94 ' Hippi e Lo v e All the d o t dot s I fo rgo t SN M BR

GV MP RK lS DB VC SA JR .TS HA MB AG ML.. T o m y famil y, MOM , Le ig h, J.B ., Mike , Tramp a nd G e rt , 1 love yo u a ll.

Culture Club 4 ; C i v ics C lub 3 ,4 ; Honor Ro ll 3

C lass of 1994

Elisabeth Hobson Getten


V is io n s o f g ood tim e s th at bro ug h so m uc h p le a s ure m a ke m e wa nt to go bac k

aga in


Jim m y B u ffe t

Ju st le ttin ' it ro lJ , le t t he hi g h t im e s c ar r y the low. Ju s t li vi n ' m y life e a sy co m e ea sy go.

-J e rr y Je ff W a lk er

W o nd e rfu I thin g s awa it a lI w ho have th e e ye s to see them

-T he N ut crac ke r

L iz Lu cy C hri sti a n Powe r H o ur. La te N ig h t S nac k s w/E S H e ld U p w/C D

PM LW Wh a teva Baby- M a rdi Gra s ' 9 4 M a diW a W a's F umbl e d C ra zy

Da nce s w/E W Lo ner Bu d s w/ES Ne ut ra l... C MW -T Late Nt. Talk s w/C D

G rad .'92 .JJ W a lk e r w/ES EW KB MLR SN RF D i nn e r- Go ss ip w/A H AA

.Jim my Buffe t. B ike Ri de s w/E W W S S u m me r ' 92 w/ L A G oo dLu c k A H

AA M a n y th a nk s to m y i nc re di b le fr ie nd s SG LA W S MS KK L V M C a nd Li z

I Lov e Yo u Lo t s M o rn D add y D o ug a nd Te dd y- th a n ks fm eve r y thin g

C H R ISTI AN - yo u ' re th e bes t- th a n k s fo r ma kin g me la ug h- I ' ll ca ll yo u S EW ANE E

IIC la ss Offi ce r 2,3; Aco ly te C lu b 1,2, 3, 4 ; C i v ic C lu b 3,4 ; S hi e ld 3; H a lo 4; Care A c ro ss Ca mpu s 4; Soc c e r 1,2 ,3 ; Vo ll eyba ll 1,2; H ono r Ro ll 1,2 ,3, 4 ; Hum a niti es 4.

Jason Fra n klin Griffith 198 1- 1994

For an y da y th at s t in g s two be tte r day s it br i ng s Not hin g is a s ba d a s it se e m s. -M an ow ar

E s cap e is ne ve r th e s afe st p la n - Pear l J am

If yo u r life is fr ee o f fai lure yo u're no t ta kin g e n o ug h ri sk s. - H J ac kso n B ro w n

It 's be tte rt o reg re t thin g s yo u 'v e d o ne th a n thin g s y o u have not d o ne - Mi c hae l Ca in e

69 SG B ig ,J r, Prec io us Sacajawac a ta lk s w/ D o bee, Sta c i ,and Juli e j o kes w/ Ca ndi c e a nd Sara h De stin w/ GN ,JA ,SG, C C , B B, CA ,C B,a nd C S summ e r sc hoo l w/ Nove Fa uuu s t GB B A 11 YM CA N a me G a me C amp e rs 9 th -2 nd pd study ha lI S KP re li g io n cla ss Foo tba ll Madi so n B. BFJ 2/2/94 offi ce pa rt y Lea n o n m e s coo p BB , BS , TA , JD ,L A , BA , C W , A C,CE , M S , AH , BD ,

TP , CM , M F, M + TT , P O , P edro , M s B , B e th ,Gay n e l I,Jud y , D oz ie r , F a rb e r , Cand ic e, Sa ra h , R e n e , Ba r a ba r a , S tac i ,C h ri s, Co l Ii n ,Ju I ie , D o b ee S t eve n , M o m , Dad ,a nd Gra ndp a.T ha nk s fo r he lpin g m e th ro ug h it a ll , I love yo u a ll''

SC Pres id e nt 4 ; C la ss Pres ide nt 3;

Tr ea s .4 ; He a d of Mo ne y- M a kin g 1,2 ,

3, 4 ; Ch ess C lub 1,2 ,3 V P ,4 P re s ; C i vic

C lu b 3, 4 Pa rl. + Co mm He a d ; Aco ly te

C lub 1,2 ,3, 4 He ad Re p. 3 ,4 ; Foo tb a ll

1,2 ,3 S e t. S q d. M V P ,4; 2 nd T eam

Di s t. ;Pro - Pit and Fi e ld 2 ,3 ,4 ;G irl s BB a ll

4 St a te C h a m p s; Pow e rl ift in g 2,4 Ca p-

t a in ; Sw i mm in g I ,2 ,3 ,4 ; La. Boys S ta te

4 ; Sp eec h 2 ,4 ; Ho no r Co mmitt ee 3,4 ;

Mr. S t Marti n 's

Class of 1994 CTI7J

Marco Esteban Hidalgo 1989-1994

Lo ve is a n a n ge l di sg ui se d as lu st. - I 0 ,000 Maniac s

Everyo ne is a m oon a nd ha s a da rk s id e w hi c h he n ever s how s to anybody. - M ar k Twa in

Of a l l sex u a l a bb e rrat io n s, c ha s tit y is th e g rea tes t - Ana to le Fra nce

Can yo u see h ow d irt y m y ca rp e t is look at it Carr ie L UM M c h ase it wo n ' t be rai nin g SRsock squee zy te l pol es sac red grove n o Sega bea pro poo l ta bl e in t he zo ne yo u kn ow I take big ig u a na .J o hn 's peace ful. Nap House Swee t 16 Fontainbl ea u p re KJ .J azz Fest. De a thNY 11 min Luc ky C ue Spr in g Brea k p a rt y ba ll O h Yea h d oogyrots Pub Po rt ofCa ll m o nt ez uma .J e tt a o pera w\SASo.comfo rt J age r. T h e

FACE banana p ape r. 50yd in th e dawn o f m y li fe , m y future burn s bri g ht it 's cas hed I

Kristi Lynn Hamlin 1990-1994

To be g rea t is to be mi s und e r stood - R a lph W a ld o Emerson

Kosmos I love ro pesw in gs Sl ee pin g uncl e rth ecoverecl bricl ge Pai nt e d B losso m I t 's ok Gizz Worcl oft heclay D oc Mart in Punk boot s (green) Notm a- Koz .Te lurid e Wh oo m p s i loes getti n gcrazy wit h th ec h eezw i z Fo nk Bob isGod LOLLAP ALOOZA ' 92 N IN ' 94 Th eGrand Ca n yo n Trip s '93 Fort Stockton B o uld e r. Wh y is a le mon 'c ause it ca n sw im P o i Dog a t T ip s Anger isagift Hey Brand o n , REST!. .J aso n , Don ' t break m y Ac h y- Bre aky h ea rt. ln te r at the Zep h yr. ! pla y Ba ss 'Z A-h u t. Lu v ya' ll , It was g rea t , es p .O E

Dram a C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 Outdoor e d. 1. 2,3 Civ ics C lub 3 Cu lture C l ub 4

Na t io n al M e rit Final ist 4;N HS 4;NSE

I s t e tc. 2,3 ,4 ; C ulture C lub 3,4;C ro ss

Count ry 2,3; tra c k I ;c h ess c l ub I ;

Littl e Sho p 4;C i v ics Cl ub 3,4; Ho n o r

Ro ll I , 2 ,3 ,4 ; foo tb a ll 1,4;

Class of 1994

Ruchi Katoch 1989-1994

T o find out a g irl 's fa ult s, prai se he r to her friend s - Be n Franklin

G od c re ated th e world , but it is the devil w ho kee p s it go ing. -Tri s tan Be rn a rd

Davis Lee Jahncke


Le t ' s pa c k a fatty , Jank 1 -Q-Dog

Lond o n89 .. .MG Ball ... X Ma s 92 .. .Jan I I-Fe b 15 ... Mar. 93 ... Bali ... Bacchu s 9 3 Prom 93-Bet h 's hou se Graduat ion 93 IY C Dance 92 Beach Part y 90 pt s Lo ndon 94 -Sat 12 SO , TB , SC , BR , PL , BC , -Age 22-Lo ndi s Rafa and Fl o pp y, High beach , V- mon ster. HC 94 Long Walk s ( Lo nd o n) 3 minutes .lndia 92 .4 Pud s Wreck (C T) Purpl e Bage l 16 B - Day CT , LP , and se c rets Change s 94 We s in M iss Pard ee's C lass ! ha te U Mike Sr. Yr .! Love- Mom , D ad, Su nn y and Brutu s Good Luck - CT, LP , CP, NC and RA

Fas hi o n Club I Key Club 2 ,3 ,4

Culture Club 3 ,4 Honor Ro ll 1,3 ,4

Indi a n Youth Club 1,2,3 ,4 Swimmin g I Cross Country 2 Save Mar s h La nd 2,3 Commun it y S e r vice

2 ,3 ,4 LS U MC 4 Biolo gy, Math

Aw a rd I

Sopp y .J unki e WFS:Q - Do g ,Cl yde, Paul: Ri ve r Rat s Skiing w/ AQ ,PH ,CPH Mardi Gra s 9 3,94 P lantation w/ RJ The Key s De stin .TatooZoo Football party .. .St.Pa ts float w/LW, HM ... Mi g ht yC hitl en ... Hunting w/GH ... Farm w/ HM Out a ll ni g ht w/RJ...Thurs. at BF' s w/CW,TP , MM .44 mag. w/ HM , RJ.. IOft. C hi c ke n Thank s Mom , Dad a nd Gra ndpare nt s-y ' al l ha ve bee n g rea t , Love y ' al l. TH an ks to a ll M y fri e nd s, we 'v e ha d so me rea ll y goo d ones. H o ll y, y ou ' ve been great , loveyoull! Lat e r Days, Y ' a ll !

Footb a ll I ,2( WFS ) 4(STM); Lacrosse I ,2(WFS ); Soccer 3( STM) ; Wres tlin g I ( WFS ); Civic s Club 3 ,4;

Class of 1994 [illJ

Amy Michel Keeney 1980-1994

Two out of three ain ' t bad!

- Al ice Manard

And th e goodbye s make th e journ ey ha rd e r still.

-Cat Steve ns

Be fore we e nd and begin aga in le t s drink a toast to ho w it 's bee n -B ill y Jo e l

9-ba ll... sa gge rs Des tin Mi ss Tr ips W C W-MM .I Ne ve r. .Th e pa rt y be for e th e party SS-LA Dom e Parkin g Lot. BD S ca nd e l. HC Ni g ht / Shon eys Pr. o f 9 s Pool s hark s- LW S ham ee l/Sh a m a l-JL...Th e o pe ra -SA , MH, LW LM VT RO Dream s -CW Bright s- LW ,JL...TB run s SK dip-De s tin ' 9 3 2 y rs- only 3 month s MM H aro ld PTH 5.0-LA Trivial Pur s uit. Mini P ep rally Gator s WOP lnflat e d To e P ie rl. .JL,LW Tha n x for a ll th e g re at yea rs Lo ve y a MM / LA ,CZ ,ES , EW , LG , MS , KK , HM ,C W ,TP , RF , DJ ,SA,JC. 1 Love you Mom,Dad , S e an forev e rythin g, Thank s ! ByeS TM


Kathryn Eugenie Kimble 1990-1994

Li fe is no t tri e d it is mere ly s ur vi ve d if yo u ' re standin g outside th e fir e. G a rth Brook s

Drea m until yo ur dre am s come tru e - Aeros milh

KT K.. KA ME . . .ha! f- pint. .. no n -s to p talk e r. .. Trinit y Days ... T c hefuncta ... the qua rt M ' he ad s umm e rs mpr ni g ht s N. Seabury Messy w/ EW , ES broken trunk D.World w/ WS Mad iwawas Kinko 's b ' room w/ HM s m oo th / ro ug h Figaro 's b-day th e c hi c ke n BK ball s w/ MS , KB , S N, MLK s in g in g in c ar s w/ HM HN dan ce C ru s h dan c in ' Midnight Madne ss AII -A merican w/ AS A ' bo n w/ MLR Bu s ted - Des tin 93 ' w/ LW , LA, ES, AK lat e ni g htt a lk s w/ ES , MS LaPl ace trip s Dena K Pe ugy po we rhour million pt s w/KB Easte r part y thank s HM ,MS ,W S.ES, LG , EW,AC , KB ,MLR , LW , LA ,JL ,AK ,EK fora !! th e mem o ri es. Good lu c k M + John , thank s Mimi and Pa pa a nd es p 1110111 - I lo ve yo u a ll 11

Cro ss Co u111r y 3, 4 , M IP : Trac k 3 (S ta te C ha mp io ns), 4 ; Shie ld 3,4; C la ss Pa rliamenta ri an 2,3: Ca re Ac ro ss Ca mpu s 4 ; Na t io nal Ho no rs Society 3, 4; C um Laud e So c ie ty 3, 4 ; Ho no r Ro ll 1,2,3,4 ; We s te rn C iv ili za ti o n A wa rd I ; Spani s h aw a rd I ; Al ege bra aw ard I

of 1994

Jennife r Marie . Lee 1990-1994

I expect to pa ss through thi s world bu t onc e; any kindn ess that I can s how to an y fe ll o w c reature , le t me do it no w; for I s hall not pa ss thi s way ag ain - Ste phen Grell e t

I qui c kl y lau g h at eve ry thin g, for fea r o f ha vin g to c ry. -Pi e rr e d e Beaum a rc hai s

Je nnifa Rhonda Li sa T. Brt s w/ Cre w 8pd SH w/ KN De stin 9 3 Rw e nk oh yea? Be tta than McDonaux? GNO RA W What' s Happnin' Ho t Stuff .. Ma rdi Gra s 9 3,94 ... BSSH ... Whatta Man ... PJ' s ... Thinkin ' - DC ' s.. .Cat in th e hat. ..s pytech .. .419 ?3 I I ? ... Cuddl y ... Od yss eu s ... GP ' s ... banana ... hum a niti es w/ AR .. .Yo Mama ... Sh yea . ..that 's fli rtate ou s... 3som e ... GD.. ho ochi e ... bri c k wall. kid 's ni g ht w/ KD ,JP ,AS call me kook y G e t ta s te ppin de s tin 94 Le nn y Kra vit z w/ KP ,AS ,CZ s kittle s s ugarc ubes KO ? Way ne , it 's bee n fun .Th a nk s Mom a nd Dad , I Lo ve Yo u.

Vi ct o r ia Bla ir Law

19 92 - 1 994

It is ea s y to be b rav e a t a sa fe d is ta nce -Thi d

It is easy in th e wor ld to li ve b y th e wo rld ' s o pini o n; it is easy in solitud e to live after on e ' s own ; but th e gr ea t ma n is he w ho in the mid s t of the c row d ke e ps with pe rfect swee tn es s th e ind e pe nd e nce of solitud e.

-Unkno w n

Fig htn w/ A B Hea rt to hea rt s A bs tr ac t Da ys De ad Ma n 's Tree SprBrk ' 93mote l/ po nd fi e ld wa rwago n BYOS La la pa lo o za Lo nd o n Les Mi s Ca rn a by St...Texa s St a r Mo te l. .T ha t ni g ht / ma re S hut up ? Xrna s ' 9 3 campin g my bed Eve ryo ne' s co min g o ut on mel. Pub Re ntn w/ CR Da ze d and Co nfu se d Did yo u dri ve us ho me las t ni g ht ?/ SD Wild at He art.

Ka ldi ' s Mardi G ras' 94/ tiltaw hirl. gd w/ WF in Mi ss T ruth o r Dar e Nau g ht y .Thank s : AB , SD , C R, PL , WH , WF , S M, RM , RH , LL , AM , LM , RM , MG , BM , TG , AK , BM , SW , Mo rn , Dad, a rt , Ms B Do n' t wa ke me up ! Bye ev e ry bod y, I ' ll ca ll fr o m Lo nd o n

Hal o 3; Ly re 4 ; C ulture C lub 4 ; A rt

Aw a rd 3.

Key C lub 2 ,3, 4 ; Ci vics Club 3,4 ; Culture Club 4 ; So cc er I ; Cro ss

C o untry 2; So ftball 1,2,3,4; NHS 3 ,4.

Class of 1994

James Merrick McKinnie 1991-1994

I told yo u o nce yo u so n of a g un , I' m the bes t th at's ever been.

-C har li e Danie ls Band

Gonna li ve fo reve r i f th e goo d d ie yo un g.

-Tracy La w re nce

Nige l... Stud y hall w/CW Sho ney's w/ AK ,DJ , HM ,SL SS w/ AK 2yrs yet 3

mth s w/AK Hey Mr. Nice Gu y F il -A-Bon Pairof9 's Brya n ' s w/CW ,

DJ ,T P .Jul y4 th w/ SA ,MB BBa ll a t CW 's GN ' s Ho use ! am God WCW w/

A K O' He nr y ' s BDay $40or25cent s Dad War s Ri ve rwa lk ta lks w/SA

Waffle Hou se w/ AK, LW, C W, BD ,AC Des tin '94 We ndy 's w/CW,

BD , RF Billy ' s Bu ll ets Madde n Th a nx Mo m & Dad, Fo ll ow 111 y foot s te ps

M P 1 Lo ve Ya ' ll ;T ha n x to 111 y fri e nd s, I owe ya ' II a lot & mo ney; Lou ,A I,

S loppy , Boo g , Ha rry, Bad Ha ir, Nhoj , Ham111e rti111 e, Pu gs; I Love You 9-Ba ll (AK)!

Di shes Are Do ne Man


I 've run throu g h rainbow s and cas tl es of ca nd y a nd I've c ri ed a ri ve r o f tea rs from th e pa in I tr ied to dan ce with w ha t life had to ha nd me a nd if I co ul d l ' d do it a ll over again

-Stev ie Nicks

Two o ut of three ain ' t bad

-A li ce Ma na rd

Prec io us 13 B-ba ll c ha111ps '93' 94 Wond e rful Toni g ht w/M H Des tin T a lk s

w/LW Ha rd Roc k Cafe w/A K Ba it House w/S J ,CC ,&SS I000PTS Scanda ls Secre t Re nd ezv ou s w/ LW Sha111e l S ha111al w/A K H/co 111in g w/ JC S honey s New Years Ev e Ma rdi G ras ' 94 & T he O111e le t A ndrea's PLot Ca fe Degas w/A K, MM ,& J C I St h Bd ay & Th e Du c k Sout h Ba y #72

He ll Condo Waffe l Ho use Good Lu c k SJ... l Lu v U: Mo111, Dad , Jann e ll , J ess ica & Do bee --cou ld n' t have do ne it w/o ut 'ya ll Tha nks LA , HM , MM , TP , RF , R R, CW , JG LW & A K- -Th a nk s for a ll th e un fo rge tabl e times .J C: I love yo u & Thank s fo r a ll th e 111 e 111 o ri es Th e fun is not ove r ye t 111

Bas ketba ll; Trac k 1,2,3,4; Cro ss Co untr y 3,4; Vol ley ba ll 1,2; Civi cs C lu b Tr es ure r 4; Aco ly te C lu b 1,2,3,4; Fa s hi on C lub 2 ; C ulture C lub 4 ; C lass Sec re ta ry 3; Ho111 eco 111in g Court 2,3, 4 ;

Ba ske tb a ll I ,2,Ca pt a in 4;Go lf 4;

C ulture C lu b 4 ;Aco lyte C lub ,VP ,4 ; Ha lo 4 ;T he Ma n 1,2,3,4.

Class of 1994

Suzanne Nicole Miller 1981-1994

If yout h did no t o ut grow th e blu s h o f inn oce nce th e n a l l wo uld be lost. -Jeff Fo nt a in e

I do no t fea r tomorro w, for I remembe r yes te rda y a nd I love toda y -A non y mo us

It 's fix in' to be a lo t better , ma n ! -Slater

4-30-92 .Tree/S hru b Rebel L...B acc hu s93 KK& HojoAC. WI SNER 11 Exxo n Rul es ... Mo un tain w/ BR .. .Wa te nn e lon @ RE' s ... 16th Bcl ay .. .$3 w/ KP &

TT CASABO, BYOB DEA F Fo rk Lak e w/ MP Dri veT hru w/ LK Cuco' s w/ RE-always .Dopp lega nge r WF in MS 9 MI NUTES 8 ma y be 15 .T/D w/ WF & VL...Moby/Pucld y .Tik i w/ MW WF- 7 T IM ES Rup a ul s hoes St w/ MP @ Ri ve r Dazed & Co nfu se d 2 yea r s ! w ant it R a nclom Man Sp li f Pro m .Than x Mo m/ Dael/ Ke nny, KK , RK , WF , VL , DB ,G V, VC , lS,RE , MW , BMM ,A G. KK - WAS NOT! U' II a lway s be my BF!! I lov e yo u Mik e 1

Camilo Manuel Mendez 1991-1994

Li ve a nd Le t Li ve

-Sco tti s h Pro ver b

Onl y dea d fi s h sw im with th e s tr eam.

-A nony mo us

Life moves pre tt y fas t,if yo u do n't s top a nd loo k around, yo u cou ld mi ss it.

- Fe rri s Bu e lle r

lc e Juli o #33 Mo nt y Py th o n .J CM a nd MPM Undefeated Stat e

C ha mpion s 199 1: 23- 0 Sta tm a n Outclo o r Ed .JD , FC ,TlM ,AND T INA A P

Chem LHSPLA Reg ional C ha mpi o ns hip s Go ld 's G ym .Thank s Sea n .40 5

MR H 's Ho me room " My Pe n Swee t 16 SM , RT ,AN D LP .4 th Pe ri od

Stud y Ha ll... Ca rd s, Pape r Foo tb a ll , a nd Hack n' Sack RA , DC , MB Ho no rs

Phys ics BA , BB , RF Lun c h with PBP Fath e r Me sa C- YA " Wi s h yo u we re

he re" PO a nd HO B C hess C lu b Lifti ng w ith Greg and C liff

Base ball 1,2 ,3,4; Nat io nal Hono r So c ie t y 3,4 ; Powe r Liftin g T ea m 4 ;

Chess C lu b 1, 2,3, 4; Qui z Bow l I ; State C ha mpio ns hip Ba se ball T eam Stati sti cian I

Fa s hion C lu b I ; Cross Co untr y 2; Ke y

C lub 2 ,3,4 ; Cu ltureC lu b3,4; Lyre Staff 4 ; Ho no r Roll 4

Class of 1994

Holly Bevan Mills 1987-1994


- Dav is Lee J a hn c ke Il l

Pro I11i se me yo u won ' t fo rge t me , beca use if! thou g ht yo u wo u ld , I wo uldn ' t leave.

- Pi g le t

Love is no t see n in th e eyes , b ut felt in th e heart , fo r th e ey es ca n dec i ve th ee.

- ???

Beva n S lopp e t Chiffo n .Tr ish Whitti e #33 100 s NOI D Brea k cl ri ve s no Ill o re B w/ KP Fire A la rm in DC. lnh a le ta lks w/LW Quarte r w/ KK ,AS StPat s flo at w/ LW ,DJ Sho neys w/ DJ ,AK ,SL ,CW ,MM,JL...T oo ne Des tin 94

Yicl eo Ca m Gin - n-Jui ce .Tat o o Zoo Fl o ricla w/ DJ My Di xe la ncl De li g ht..

Th a n x C hri s , Ni c k, Mo m , & Dad -No w I kno w w h y A II my fri e nd s-es p KK , LA, AC ,LW ,JL ,AK Th a nx for puttin g up wit h m y dr a ma ti c s- I lov e yo u a ll so mu c h Je n Lu v Ya , Lose r ! Dave yo u a re th e be s t, but I lo ve yo u mo re ! C hec k YaLat e r.. Ma y 27 , 1994

So cce r 1,2 ,3,4 ; A ll-di stri c t 3; Tra c k 1,2,3 ; Di str ic t C ha mp 2,3 ; Reg iona l Champ 2 ,3 ; Sta te C ha mp s 2 ,3 ; C ivics C lub - Pres id e nt 3,4 ; C lass P arlim e nt a ri a n 4 ; Hon o r Ro ll ; S peec h T ea m 4 ; Mu sica ls 2,3,4 ; Ho I11 eco min g C hee r lea de r 4

Michael Andrew Moreau 1989-1994

My id ea of a n ag ree a bl e pe rso n is a pe rso n w ho ag ree s with me - Be nj am in Di s ra e li

Fo r 1011 et /wee o li111 111 e111i11iss e iuv a b i 1. Pe rh ap s a t so I11 e tim e, it wi ll be pl ea sin g to re me mb e r eve n th ese thin g s -Vcrg il

Rules a rc t he re a in ' t no rul es ! 5 Illin eat in g gra ss Ki ra&So nn y Skip w/ JM ear ly faI11 e Ba I11 a pe n pa ls Jll ov ie s w/ RW Lav e rn e bo1tl e n stan d loc ke el o ut. fit G ilcl a, Li Iy& Ma ci e line Morea u truth /da re bu zz Z iggy T0 I11 &Je rri w ha t. nut s to s ha rk s s wimmi ng soa p opera sc hmi 11 io ns Lo ri & Rho ncla cl uc ky Sni c ke rs ra nso m no te ph o ny Bi g Re cl blinkin g eye brow s Ba be l 's s tall. ta nge nt s me ssa ges by LS poe tr y b y BB DAQ

Da up hin Is l Me lro se PF E, sa vin g th e pl ace fir e cl rill BFC. DDS

Ra nd y Peac hes G ra pes H&G Whatcliffe re nce cl oes it mak e?

S wi I11I11 ing 1 2 3.4: Ly re 2,3, 4 ; Key

C lu b 3.4: S pec ia l O ly m p ic s 1,2,3, 4 ;

Sp eec h a nd De ba te teaill 3 ,4 ; C ro ss

C ou nt ry 1,3; T rac k a nd Fi e ld 1,2:

Sc ie nce O ly illpi ad Tea m 4 ; Na ti o na l

Ho no rs Soc ie ty 3.4; J ET S T ea I11 2 ,3;

C are Across Ca m p us C lu b 4 ;

Acl va ncecl Place I11 e nt Sc ho la r; G ra ci e

A big Bro th e r.

Class of 1994

Kristen Ann Nelson 1986-1994

Vi s ion good times th at broug h t so mu c h pl eas ure makes m e wan t to go ba c k agai n. -Ji m m y Buffe t

I a lways knew tha t lo oki ng back on our tea r s would m ake u s la u g h , but I n eve r thought t h at looking ba ck o n our laug ht e r wou ld m ake u s c r y. -anony m ous

la u g h attacks bana n a 8 pd. S H run / talk s w/JL. Boot Scoot in ' Boo g ie w/ RR ,

AS Mardi Gras 93 Sweet 16 S H/lun c hes w/ B F. sk ippin g L. w/ KP RR drawin g sta mp s gi rl 's night o u t... thumper s Bart w/crew AS save m e AS do yo u re m em ber ? WildT c h ps w/JL , RR phon e talk s w/AS, JL...Fi n a Kim 's M e mb ers Onl y.. VCR Rudprec t. te nni s w/MR,CC,ET,A M ,JB , an d coac h th e bet. Ecdor .JD w/RR I cn t.p Becky goo d lu c k MR t h a nk s to a ll my fri e nd s esp. m om,dad, a nd Scott fora II of t h e g r ea t m e mori es ! ' II mi ss you an d I love yo u a ll.

Susan Lela Neal

1982-1983 ; 1993-1994

Y o u ca n 't h ave w h a t yo u wa nt unless yo u da re to sec thin gs throu g h

-J e rr y J e ff W a l ker

Th e re is n o ple as ure in ha v in g no thin g to do; the fu n is i n ha v in g lots to do a nd no t do in g it.

Life is too s hort to leave th e so uth.

- U nkn own

Su z CCBS PBM a xx Mill er. 6,000do ll a's It 's not eve n lea tha thur s. ni g h ts o ut. W a h oo Port ofCa ll. ML 's bad innu e n ce too tal l. we we r e vo lunt eerin g rea l ly Mr S do n ' t hug m e .Tori ' s 5 min dr i v in g record pa sse d aro und I s t.. .ca m pi n g , mi l le r th e ki ll er. th e n eve re nd in g s to r y .j azz fe s t , m arti n , s mu gg li ng , o ut w/ m om J e rr y J e ff Walker , Sa m so n , Ke ntu c k y pa ss the b ea n s te nni s s kirt s law s tudent magn e t. co nce ntr a ted O .J w/AS ML ' s theori es go l f'7 th eq uitt e rscl ub BK bowhead lt 's bee n f un 1•• LSU.

Key C lub 3; Yea rb ook C lub 3; "Th e Kin g and I" 3; C i v ics C lu b 4; Cu ltu re C lub 4; Care Across Ca mpu s 4; Admi ss ion sC lub4

KeyC lub 1,2 ,3 Fas hionClub2 Shie ld

3 C i v ics C l ub 3,4.. Cu lt ure C lu b

4 Honor rol I H onorab le Mention A rt

!. Soccer 1,4 .Te nni s 1,2,3,4 Mo s t

Valuabl e 1, 2 2nd R eg ional s 2 1s t

Re gio nal s 4.

Class of 1994

Gregory Martin Northan 1982 - 1994

Th e wo rld is min e. -Sca rface

Th ec ha se Bu c kto w n USA DAQ B um St eveca n 'tdri ve st ra p o n Mobi le 5 0 POW wows a t m y ho use .Th e f e ll as D o n 't hass le it T he bi g o ne Dra g R ac in g Is a ru s h th e Ca di Pink F loy d '94 Co mfort aba ly numb M o ro cco M a n .J o hn .J o hn 's we ird fri e nd s Loo k a t rn yca rp e t. W a nna ra ce .! did bea t P a ul. To rez is nex t. a re y ou co o l, rn a n .lt 's bee n a coo l fo ur years

Kristi Leigh Parton 1986-1994

No love, no fri e nd s hip ca n c ro ss th e path of our d es tin y w ithout le a v in g some mark on it for eve r.

-Fra nco is M a uri ac

It 's be tt e r to reg re t th e thin gs y ou 've don e th a n th e thin gs y ou hav e n ' t d o ne.

-M ic hae l Ca ine

P a rtin g is s uc h s w ee t so rrow.

- Will ia m S ha kes pe are

S afe 2 say . .. Wh a t 's yo ur s ig n . ..Bib le sex talk s ... Skippin g L w/KN . ..

Y C R Ge r ' s p a rti es Fl y aw a y B e rd M e n nit es w/ AS

Car los Thumb s up St e inm a rt. DC B egga rs/cho ose r s F l irt in ' is fu n .JR - D a ll as T w in s G a mbino 's w / AC Harv es t of H op e/

Kn oxv il le Sprin g brea k ' 9 3,'9 4 ER R aw: I d o n ' t se e no ran gs o n d ee s

fa ngas OK 24/7 IE 1,2, 3,

l NX S Le nn y Kravit z Ba rt 's

Ne w Y ea r ' s at P o ll y's '93, '9 4

He re ' s 2 yo u , he re ' s 2 m e ... Ro o ll

T ide Goo d luc kJ C, LA ,MC , BJ Y

, BY,IM Th a nk s 2 M o m , D a d ,

JR ,C B, AR , A C ,e tc. TLOV E YOU

Nat io na l H o no r Soc ie ty m e mbe r 3, 4 ;

H ono r Ro ll 1,2,3,4 ; K ing a nd I 3; Yea rboo k s taff I ; C ho ru s 2 ,3 ,4; C ulture C lub

4; Vo ll ey ba ll I ; Soft ba ll I ; Cross Co unt ry 2.

Footb a ll I ; Base ba ll 1,2; T ra c k 3; Ch ess C lub 1,2.

§ Cl ass of 1994

Christopher Todd Reese 1981-1994

l ' m ge ttin ' re ally good at barely ge tti n ' by.

All I really go tta do is live and die , but I'm in a hurry a nd don't no why


What thi s wor ld need s is a few more red necks.

Crease thank s LB typ in gw/G N ,S R computer man guy-CS,CW 23 yea r club frenchw/BV me lanconisms-vea l,ect...homecoming'9 l s top at th e nex t tim esave r socce r th e ben c hw / LH(bump) WHERE l S THE ACCOUNT AB lLITY ,SS ? jim , notjimmy goody go lfw/T A , MB , JD bba ll. 4wheelin 'w ith R C in cp goo n fodcourt. drivin g too fast. tick e t s &mafiaman MB&the Quantum th e country track De s tin '9 4 fa ll ing do wn rentamob pwrhr. d e rn tootin ' RUSH IS RIGHT lib s&2 nd per eng thank s mom ,dad,a m anda- 1 lo ve yo u a ll LETS ROCK 1

Thomas Maxwell Peters


Liv e fas t , die yo un g, a nd le ave a good looking corpse.

-Jo hn Be lushi

L et me tell yo u thi s, the o ld e r yo u do ge t , th e more rule s their gonna t ry to get yo u to fo ll ow. You just go tta keep li v in , L-I-Y-1-N.

-W ooderson

C hi cks dig th e hog!

-TPand HP

AL. #42 .Dad War s Wolf skiing Tatoo zoo .Th urs. night s D+C lun ches Habits wI HP Moby Duck Mi ss w/ AR,LR, +MMH " Did you see that chicken?" Dre Day St upid w/ HP+RW RW 's ea r fight. Swim w/ LW,JL, +Chickenhawk LW+JL' s condo w/ SS BUNG rat-tat-tat. The TOAST WOP Yahtzee .TKB Back in Nam Ah, Sen ior. football brawl...THANKS: Lou, S lop,Boog,N ige l, +Pit , Hone y's JL+AK ,HP ,S B ,RW , JM ,DC , MC ,JA ,TT , PW , Mom ,Dad ,Jam es, Ro umain ,+Mel. Lauren, Thanks for eve rything: 2y r s ,6mo. , and count in g, I love yo u .. .sc hoo l: l0 % in,90 % was out. ..It 's been fun , bu t no w it 's off to hunt th e mighty Chi t lin.

Footbal 1,2 ,3, 4 (Cap tain ), D strict Champs 3; Wr es tling 1,2,3; Honor Committee(Stude ntR ep );CivicsClub 3 ,4 ; Acoly te C lub 2,3,4.

Soccer 1,3, 4 Go lf 2 , Track 4 , Civic s C lub

Class of 1994 [fil

Lindsey Elizabeth Romano 1981-1994

Lo ve doe s not consist in gaz in g at eac h other, but in lookin g together in th e same direc ti on.


Anto in e De Sa int - Exupery

For a kni g ht -e rra nt w ith o ut a lady lo ve was lik e a tree w ithout leave s or fruit, a bod y wi th ou t a so ul.

- Ce rvant es

Linn y Ly nard Skynard palooza 92&93 w/NS FortKinkaid Mini P ep Rally A llni g ht e rs w/NS Greek Fest w/NS& JS Stefan STP , Rollins , &Pu mpkin s w/NS Benn y's Metairie w/NS&a ll. OleMi ss v is it w/NS Mardi

Gras 93&94 w/NS .J es uitH C92&93-La d y in Re d w/NS .Jane ' sAdd ict ion

&PF Spri ng Break 93 w/NS& JL &94 a tBluHo w/NS ,RR ,LB ,& GL... M e m o rie s LR Dotw/TDE , KH ,&MD S li ver's BFFw/E W NS 's Tattoo lu v u

Rahna T h anks Mom , Dad,Creed,&Jo hn -1 lo ve u alway s N ic k yo u mean so mu c h-1 lov e u What a long road STM 1 Good Luck everyone

S tu d e nt Co un ci l 1,2,3,4, Secre tary 4 ; C he e rl eade r 1,2 ,3, 4 , Capta in 1,4; Mi ss Sr. Martin 's 4 ; Girl s'S tat e 4; 14

Year C lub ; Hom ecom in g C ha ir m an

4; Hono r Comm itt ee Sub s titut e 3, 4;

Ly re C lub 3; C ulture C lub 4 ; Softbal l

2, 3; C it y a nd S ta te Rally 4.

Anouk Helene Rognon


The great co n so lation in life is TO SAY EXACTLY WHAT ON E THINKS.

-Vo ltaire

The truth is ge nera ll y see n, rare ly heard.

- Gracian

Let me s ho w yo u baby I'm a TALENTED boy.

-Princ e

St eve n Lunch es w/MF. OK .Trying to m ake eve r yone e lse happ y .lt 's sa f e to say The root of a ll ev il...W est Bank Boy s Long talk s w/JH We ' re ju st Datin g MM&BTon th e ne utral gro und Dinn e r and a Movi e w/MF. RA W BT in co nsta nt denial. Harvest of Hope w/T H Mardi Gras ' 93 JB m y be s t fri e nd .Jan e Mack Tru c k Spring Bre ak 92 -4 .4th pe riod ph ys ics .J od ie Foster? PDA. I'm just hon es t. .The Frey Fam Bil !. Free Dinner. .Jim June RexY 'a ll impressed m e Thank YOU m om, dad , mimi , pop i & JB /T H /BT/ JL / KP/MF ! 'LL MISS YOU.

Varsity Softb a ll I 2 3 4; Cros s Cou ntr y 2 3 4; Vol ley b a ll I ; C iv ic C lub 3 4; Culture C lub 4; Chee rl ea de r I ; Yearbook C lub I ; Care Acro ss Camps 4; Hon o r Roll; Nat iona l Fore ns ic Leag ue.

Class of 19 94

Marie Louise Ryan 1990-1994

Drink with me to day s gone by , to li fe that u se d to be. Le t the w in e of fr ie nd s hip never run dry , at the s hrine of friendship never say die. He re's to yo u a nd he re's tome

-Le s Miserables

We ought neve r do wrong w hen people are looking. -Mark Twain






Rene Monique Ronquillo


lf you r li fe is free o f fa ilures , you 're not taking e nou gh ri s ks

-H. Jack so n Browne

Light e n up whi le you st ill ca n , don ' t eve n try to under stand , ju st find a plac e to make you r s tand. We ma y lose, and we may wi n , but we wi ll never by here again , so open up I' m climbing in.

-Eag les

Why go fo r two wh e n you can s hoot for three.

-Co llin Schuhmach e r

Ch ic ke n 55 Poop S 16 '92 Val e ntine s ' 92 HCg '92 Thumper s Waveland w/ AS ,MR,JL. C isc o .Darren WildTchops FenderB e nd ers Pheonix'92

Dinners w/Dad MardiGr as ' 93 King J o hn .4thPer.Phy s ics DQ in Wel sh 55 ,

13,30 Unbelieveab le Bourbon Mudbugs Summer ' 93 Mine better be good

Aug.8 , '93 w/AM,JL,S J Outall night w/KG ,MM Kelly ' s S urpri se Am y ' s

BO BootScootin ' B oogie Watch Out Now LK w/KB,SN E is th e FMa s te r..

JD w/KN Repeat'94 Freckle s Weare theChampion s Marj & Lydia,! luv

U Babie s .Thank s & I luv U Mom,Dad,Doob ,A nna,Beth ,Ray! IO it all to U!

Basketball I ,2,3 ,4;Cap tain 4 ; Di s tri c t MVP3 ,4; A11-Metro4 ;All-Stat e 4;State Champ s 3,4;Track 2 ,4 ; AllDi strict4 ;State Champs 2; Voll ey ball

1;Softball 4;Key Club 2,3;Fashion Club 2;Civic s Cl ub 3,4;C ulture Club Pres. 4;Art Award 2 ;Honor Roll

1,2,3 ,4

Class of 1994

lrfan Azeem Sayyad 1993-1994

On e o f th e a d va nta ges of be ing di s order ly is that one is co ns tantl y makin g exc iting di scove ri es.

M oney, it turn e d o ut , was exac tl y lik e sex , you thou g ht of nothin g e lse if yo u cl idn ' t have it and th o ug ht of o th e r th in gs if yo u did.

Wh a t tim e is it. Hi M s. Dif. L e t s ha ve a s tud y hall. Cameel O ' Nea l. Hack scrape r Foot ba lI c amp #80 The hit Thecatch Madi so n Hi g h Pla yo ffs Soccer se a so n # 10 Dann y a nd Ja v ier. V a nd e rbilt , CD .Track prc T mad e it to stat e Prom 94 Do gg in g th e fit ' n trim .Thank yo u ve ry much Aunt Farida Good lu ck Za k Thank s Mi c hae l, Uncle Bill , David and ofcourseJaime Thank s Jun e Bu g a nd goo d lu c k Marc h 26, 1994 Rin g Day 94 Cha nd e li e rs talk Ca lc ulu s wordpla ys Stup id doohick y Thank s everybody for m a kin g m y time at STM a m e morab le o ne

Whitney Elise Samuel 1989-1994

Trul y g re at fri e nd s are hard to find , hard e r to leave , a nd impo ss ibl e to forg e t.

Be y our se lf, no on e ca n eve r te ll you yo u are doin g it w ron g.

Sprout .Jo ey Sprin g Brea k w / EW Shoppin g Mardi Gra s Lan e Know s Every thin g Bik e riding w/ EW LG Cafe D egas Talk s w/ CS Ce le bration Station w/EW Di sney World w/ KK. D ea th Stop B igBird .J ay 's Boathou se HN Dance Souffle Date s w/ L V CA. Caddy Click w/EW LG S wee tSi x tee n Ch in ese Mil ey w/ ES Sop hm oreD inn e rs w/ EW Wrec k w/ EW KKMS Founhof Jul y w/ JC EWES HMTP Vanderbilt. Mary Poppin s Legal. .Joe y I Lo ve Yo u .Thank s For Eve ry thing Mom Dael Gi g i S e an a nd Sco tt. .Thank s Dad For All Th e CS and BF ' S .lL ove You AII B ye STM.

Cla ss Vic e Pr es id e nt4; Swimming 1,2,3 ,4 ; Tennis 1,2 ,3, 4 ; C i v ics Club 3, 4 ; Nationa l Honor 's Societ y 4 ; MVP T e nni s2,3; MIP Swim min g2; Swim Captain4; Stat e Swim Champ s4 ; Tenni s Captain4; Honor Roll ; 1,2,3 ,4 ;

Natio nal Ho nor Soc iety 4: Halo 3; Che ss C lu b 3, 4 ; Football 4 ; Cro ss Co untr y 3; So cce r 3, 4; Tr ack a nd Fi e ld 4; Ba se ball 3; Ho nor Roll 3, 4.

Class of 1994

Morlas Voorhies Schoenfeld 1991-1994

It s not whether you win o r lo se, its whether I w in -Marvelou s Marvin Hagler

Wa s it over when the Ge rm ans bombe d Pearl Harbor? -Bluto (Animal Hou se )

Mo s t people think I ' m fu ll of de ni a l, but I don ' t think so. -M. S c ho e nfeld

SLEEZY" " Duck " .Tunga .l ' m ve ry proud of ya ! Don't ca ll me Sure Iy gett in g very " happ y " o ut s ide of AT2 's HM-De stin93 c low n w/o a c irc us whoomp , th ere it is crui se:92,9 3 Bible w/Ma n u & Big Sac Ratboy S tm Yille W affle Hou se Famil y Truck ster: 1982 -93 Dest in : 92-94 Mard i Gras:Sth & La. Ave hikin g in Tenn Ae ro smith: 94 GNR: 92 Ruprect...LW 's hairy veg Speech 2nd per. w/ Jocco ... happ y -jack ... Luth e r ' s . .. hitchhikin g-Mardi Gra s : 92&93 ... BB v s the s ting ray Thank s and love to Mom, Dad , Ade le , Ben, and Steve LS U bound.

Brent Daley Scalia 1981-1994

The brid ge wi ll only tak e y ou halfw ay there. The la s t few s te p s you ha ve to take a lone.

-S hel Silv e rste in

T he hatred of tho se near to us is oft e n th e mo s t violent

-Tacitu s

Pain is li fe.

-C h ar le s Lamb

Grim Fre ck s #65 Dad War s Kumatae W\JG+CC CDB Drive B y W\ BD Rusty Office Part y's 1+11. Su n ny Day ' s Locke r War s Lunch at m y house W\CC+BB Braw l W\Madi s on Two Old Cat s Like Us Ga rth Brook s Ha lfwa y Hou se Bacchu s W\ TA+CA BB Jumping On TheF!oat. Mi ss ion

Immp o ss ibl e .. .Operation Barn y ard ... Power Hour W\CC ,BB ,SG+FC. .. Let s Roc k Al i Baba and Th e 40 T hi e ves S hm amere d W\CC + TA Grad uati on Thank s To: Mom ,Dad ,Am y ,th ec oache s, CC , BB,TA ,JG ,MS+A II of m y ot he r friend s Ci nd y , I ' II Miss You Yaya Co n Dio s

Football 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Wre s tli ng 1,2 ; Acolyte Club 1,2,3 ,4 ; Ci v ic s Club 3 ,4 ; Special O lympic s Volu nt e e r 1,2, 3, 4;

Tennis 1, 2 , 3 ; Letterman2, 3; Soccer 2; Honor R o le I ,2 ,3 ,4 ;H omecomm in g Committee! ,2 ,3, 4

Class of 1994

Monique Terese Scioneaux 1989-1994

Yes terday s a re ove r m y s hou ld e r so I ca n ' t loo k ba c k for too lo ng , th ere's j us t too m uc h to see wa itin g in fro nt of me a nd I kn ow that I ca n ' t go wrong.

-J immy Buffe t

Some tim es I laugh and cry , I ca n ' t re m e mb e r w hy bu t I ' ll alway s love tho se goo d t im es go ne by.

-Jam es Ta y lo r

MO K A M E Bo lt s Eri c Mr. Co p H SC w/ES Pla y in g poo l to YMCA. .J ay 's Boatho use Ru s ty ' s C has in g Dimpl es a nd Duk e S lap pe d by ES L ocked in S u bwa y w/ ES 1s Lad as big as th e c ubi c? SPRING BREAK '9 4 Power Hou r. .Jun g le w/ LG Eas ter P a rt y Savi n g ES w/ FC. St. Patri c k 's Da y '94 Crus h Ma di wawa 's Mini - Pe p Ra lli es Prom w/ KB , KK , AS ES , KK , LG ,

W S, EW , &es p E ri c- Thank s for a ll th e m emo ri es- I ' ll mi ssyo uall 1•.. Good Luck

Mon ica! .T hanks for eve ry thin gMo m&D ad ! I LOV E YOU ALL VERY MUCH!

Na t io n a l Honor Soc ie ty 3 ,4; Secretary

2; Vi ce Pres id e nt 3; Ho m ec oming Co urt

I ,2 ,3,4 (Qu ee n); Sw imm ing I ,2,3 ,4(capta in ); S ta te Sw im C ham ps4; A ll -A m e ri -

c an Swimme r; Jr. Na ti o na ls 9 ; MIP

Swimm in g 9; Brok e 2 Sta te Reco rd s;

C ross-Co untr y 3 ,4 ; A ll - Di s trict Cross-

Cou ntr y4 ; T e nni s 4 ; Ho norRoll l ,2,3,4;

Ac o lyteC lub 2; KeyC lub 3;CareAcro ss

Ca mpu s 4.

John Collin Schuhmacher

198 1-1994

No Dinn e r for m e, on ly fluid s th e d oc to r sa id.

-P hil A nse lm o

Wh y go for two w he n yo u ca n s hoo t for three -John Co llin Sc huhm ac he r

I promi se d m yse lf so m ew he re in tee n age life, I ' d neve r s ubrnitto th e o nes I w ill no t be lik e. Liv e in a h o le bu t sta y clo se to m y kind , cau se th ey und ersta nd w ha t burn s in my mind

- Pa ntera

and Have F un to a ll m y Frie nds T hanks MOM , DAD , BL A KE ,& KIBBS ! Love yo u ve r y mu c h WALK ON HOME BOY 1!!

Baske tb a ll 1,2,3,4; MIP 3; Ho n orab le M e nti o n4 ; Ca ptain4; Track3,4; Cross Co untr y3; C i v ics C lub4 ; Aco ly t e C lub 2,3; C hess C lu b I ; Hon o r Rol l 3, 4 ; 14 Yea r C lub ; TCU A WAIT S

D nill oc s h ow time tip s #43 PANTER Aw/JC th e rid ew/ SR&BB boom partyo n MET ALLICA monop o ly de stin ge ldin g St. Pa tti 's 94' w/ J C& JS . .. b e in g a n i d i ot. .. " Pa v ilh ao Nove " .. pull e d ove r w/ SR&MH g ut s M e ta iri e ni g ht s w/ DB , FS , J S , J C , BP , PH , WM , MB , BD , & Blak e r. ATR UNSCA RR ED BY TRIALS ba s ketba ll battl esw/co ac hes WRO NG GRADE STRONGE R THAN ALL...lon e s ta r s ta te s ty le w/ RL HO STrLE sega w/T A ge ttin ' na sty DING th e bass m ac hin e Good Lu c k ...

Class of 1994

Erin Patricia Simpson 1982-1994

Ju st le ttin ' it go let th e hig h t imes carry the low. Ju s t livin ' m y life easy co me easy go.

-J e rr y J eff Wa lker

Amy Lawrence Scott


Pas t drea m s, pre sen t happine ss and friends make a ll th e la ug ht e r. Though ts of goo db ye s a re hard but goodb ye s are not forever.

-A non ymo us

So on a nd o n I go, th e second s tick the time out , th ere 's s o mu c h le ft to know, and I'm o n th e road to find o ut.

-Ca t Stevens

Aim Rita .l forgot...S hyea Trip to Bart s Hopp in w/BT Destin '94 Fro sty Bev Guy 1-2 Mardi Gras Crab KN ,save me Mobil in BR Gossipw / CZ Sweet 16 G lowin w/LR Fun nites w/KD,JP , JL. Rwenk .I ' m thinknDC ' s l /2of prom Hector. Ph o ne ta lks w/ KN ,JL , KD Thumpers GP ' s & ba na na . ..Comparing OMA w/ KP ... LKravitz ... RR'sstamps ... 3 11 ?4 19 ... Spy tec h Pat. La ug h a ttacks Touring Ke nn e r. DC & Wert hers Upper a nn Ea rhart & Fi na Th e Quarter. .T hanks to my family(esp th e D ' s)& ALL my fr ie nd s- I LOVE YOU & WILL MISS YOU ALL!

Ke y C lu b 2,4 ; Yearbook 3 ; Fashion

C lu b 2; Civics Club 3 ,4; Care Acro ss Campus 4 ; Culture C lub (VicePresident) 4; Te n nis I ; Softba ll 2; Soccer 1,3

E Mad iWa Wa 's Wh a teve r Baby KAME Destin Ph il osop hi es Harold Egging w/LG,A K Power Hour. Cra z y N ig ht w/JL ,PN,CW,BS in o n BS ' s Brawl w/EW Who 's t he Master. Wh e re's Dimpl es HS C w/MS Sh irt s off. Grad ' 92 Rusty ' s New Yea rs w/KK , EW Hiding at WafHou s w/LG

Spinn in 'w/AK Minipera ll y still go in g Caged(Thanks MS ,FC) Late nite s nax w/LG Road trips .JJWalk er w/LG ,EW ,MLR , KB ,SN ,RF .J ' s Boathou se MardiGra s ' 94 Good luck RR,TH,S BO Th anks to my friend s & Mom,Dad , Brett , Ne ll , Jordan Even th o ugh I nev e r say it yo u know I love you.

Tenn is 1-4 ,M IP 2 ,3 State Champs

4;Soccer4, Ca ptain ,A II -D is tri c t ;

Ba ske tball l-3,A II-Di stri c t2, 3,S ta te Champs 3 ; Vo ll eyba ll I ,2; Honor R o ll

1-4 ; N HS 4 ; Civ ics C lu b 3,4 ; Aco lyte

C lu b 1-4; Care Across Ca mpu s 4;

C las s Treasurer 2; Ha lo 4 Feat ures Editor.

Class of 1994

Kathryn Breck Trevino 1980-1994

I w i ll s mil e m y bes t s mil e a nd lau g h like it it s goin g out of s ty le - G a rth Brook s

A dre am is like a riv e r e ve r c han g in' a s it flow s and the dream is ju s a ve ss e l that mu s foll ow wh e re it g oes .Tr yn to le arn from what s be hind you and ne ver kn o win g what s in s tore mak es each da y a con s tant battl e ju s to s ta y between the shore - Garth Brook s

Melissa Morgan Smith 1990-1994

If havin g fun mean s I ' m not a lad y, I g ue ss I' m not a lad y

-Tomb stone

Wh e n th e re's onl y on e rac e and that 's man kind , we s ha ll be free

-Garth Brook s

Th e road g oe s on for e ve r and th e part y ne ve r e nd s

-Joe Ell y

Pla yer Ev e ry bod y's with us M.M. and B.T. on th e ne utral g round Prom on

BMX S e arc hin g for were wo lf with J .A ! got a man .J es uit ch ee r Whoo s h

Pop Ban g -Ban g H C. ba seball Tool s hed Wh e re's m y rin g ls it M s or Mr s

Mi ss iss ippi Bri c k wall Smokey 's c ontribution Garth 's wearin g Rop e rs Th e Rule s lo s ing car with L.R Hi g hwa y Bandit s Shoop Flour fi g ht w ith B.S

Sho-Gun Ug ly A s hley se arch part y S.J. 's prec iou s Man hunt You in da ' hou se .lt 's moving , It 's moving .! g ot tim e Good Luck Bre nt, Ste ph a ni e, and Brec k. Thank s for e ve rythin g Patt y, Kati e , a nd th e S c ali a's Mo m , Dad , and ev e n Lowery I lo ve you and I'll mi ss you. A.S.U. Bound!!!'

Dram a 1,2; Ke y Club 3; C hee rl e adin g 1,3, 4; Culture Club 4 ; T eac he r 's Aid 1,2 ,3,4 ; Softb a ll 1,2 ,3, 4

# I 0 Bree hoppin g w/ ALS Sprin g Bre ak ' 9 3 Wheres my rin g Mardi Gras

' 9 3 Sunri se TR ' 9 3 3 1 I ? werth e rs what s m y line s yb le s carshow s w/

LG,MF ,BP ridin g th e s quare Good Luck SL&LS Smoky 1852 Metalicca

w/JR ,C W ,SW ,MS,AS .Travi s Tritt w/CG,KN ne utral ground black wear

C as h 's ab solute ly KB is the man thank s Mom and Daddy l lu v u!

Vo ll eyball I ,2 ,3 ,4All-Di s t , M e tro , St a te; So cc e r 1,2, 3,4 All-Di s t , Metro ,

Sta te h.m. ; Softball 1,2 ,3, 4 All-Di st ,

Me tro , MVP ; Swimmin g 1,2, 4 ; Track

1,2,3 Ye arbook 1,2 ,3, 4 ; Student

C o uncil I ; Girl s State 4 ; Chour s 3 ,4;

Culture C lu b S ec .4 ; John Aker Award

3 ; Mo st Athl e ti c 4

00 Class of 1994

Elizabeth Caroline Wanek 1981 - 1994

K eep smi lin g- it makes people wonder what you've been up to.


You can h ave everything yo ur heart desires except the way it used to be.

-Ano nymou s

Re me mb er th e time s we had and s mi le -Locals Only

HB Brown Suga Sweet 16 Thanksgiving'89 Dest in Jay's Boathouse

Egging -LG ,E S Graduation '92 Mini-Pep Rally Night. Caddy C liq ue - LG, WS Are you ge ttin ge nough ? Loonie s Rad iators-LG Frat - LG .Ju ly 3, '92Limo No s hirts at CW B lanch e Bike rides- WS ,LG Halloween '93

Chjcken AAM Scandal s The HN Dance Crush-the gir ls REA Surprise

Party- th e kinky cowboy NH-NSPM&JL... 1/3 0 /9 4 ya ' 11,cows you ' re so pretty bubbl e bath Thanks Mom ,Dad ,Peter ,Jeanne-T LOVE YOU - LG ,WS , LR, ES ,KK,MS ,LA ,AK ,LW ,AK ,JL ,AB,es p.TYLER - BYESTM

Greg Stacy Valladares


In s ist o n yo urse lf; never imitate -E me rson

A ll m y Friends kn ow th e lo wride r. - War

I' d be a lot coo le r if yo u did.


No Worri es.

-Greg Northon

Hadres Slater. George Little Ceasars 8, ok maybe 15 Th e Magic Bu s .it ' s only been 9 minut es Mov ie Pictures Snap attheducks .The Big One Going over th e Hu ey Long Khin e My ha t...T he walls of m y room freshman year. The day before my Geome tr y exa m Co mfortabl y numb .I ' m go ing to beco me a professional po o l tab le Getting lost on th e way to De stin P la y ing pool at th e food co urt Th e q uad at eig ht pe riod Lo wrid ing in Ph ys ics Zang Thank s Kim. No worries Check yo u later.

Football 1,2, T e nni s 2,3, C hess Club 1,2,

Halo 3 ,4 -Editor ; Cheerleader 1,2 ,3,4Co-Captain; Swimmin g 2 ,3,4 -CoCaptain ; National H o nor Society; Civic Club 3 ,4; Acolyte C lub 1,2,3

I . ~: .
C la ss of 1994 001

Charles P. Williams 1988-1994

I broke a th ou sa nd hea rt s be fo re I me t yo u, I' 11 bre ak a th o usand mo re bab y before I am th ro ug h

-G eo rge Thourou g hg ood

I s le pt in yo ur tre e ho use, My middl e name is Ear l

-TomPc ll y

LOU C HAKU MR .N ICEGU Y MULE # 11 S tud y Ha ll w/MM Br y's

Pla ce META LLI CA w/ th ega ng BILLY D .JO in CWC w/ RF I AM GOD


MM Des tin 9 3' w/ DJ RF IAN Des tin 94' w/ RF MM DJ BD VideoCra c k

11 DAD WAR S SCAMMER Sc hoo l N ig ht s w/ MH Sca mm e r. .Th e Hi gh


YO U KNO W Woo cl e r so n MR. LOY AL. 50 YARD LI NE Funn y Stuff.

Thank yo u Mr. Rose nb aum fo r eve ry thin g Stay Cool MR.H ST M BOYS - DJ





Socce r I ,2,3 ,4 Ca pt a in 4 A IIDi stri ct 3,4 MVP 3 BLUE KEY CLUB~ ACOLY T EC L UB

Lauren Elizabeth Ward 1983- 1994

Drink with me to cla ys g o ne by, to li fe that use d to be. Le t th e w in e of fri e nd s hi p never run dr y, at th e s hrin e o f fri e nd s hi p neve r sa y di e. He re ·s to yo u a nd he re's to me.

-Le s Mi se ra bl es

W e o ug ht neve r do wro ng w he n pe op le a re look in g . - Mark Twainive it o ur way. "

- Metallica

Morti c ia LaWa De s tin Don ' t s lip in th e s how e r. Dom lot. Bri g ht mc .TB run s BD s BVD s Yaht zee Mi ss s l ip s Sw ee t 16 PTH Th e Toa s t WOP SK P Bar e- J L , G D , TP Secl na Scan d e Is TC -5 0 -

A K,J M , MC. TH o m es Pool. W a ffl e H o u se G&J... H e l I co ndo 72-

JL ,A K,LA,HM ,AC. Trs pt. Sn ea ks- J L,SS ,TP Po looza Poo l s hark s- A K Mini

Pe p .J BS &CA-6am G L: LG Ma , Dad ,Tania ,J e nn y. Br e nt - Be c ra zy & ! w u v u .GV , PV ,ML2 AK& J L - Th ey' r ewo ncl e r year s JBS ,SL , LA,CZ ,SB , HG , RF , HM ,M M.DJ ,CW,SA , B D-Wh a t a trip .TM IPP

Oct.29 /9 1-2&6 1 L U Y U,24/7 CUto m lm in a H URRY & Do n 't 1

NHS4 ; Soccer4 ,3, 2 , I ; Civ ics C lub 3

Vi ce Pres id e nt4 ; C lass Pres id e nt2: C la ss

Vi ce Pr es id e nt I ; T rac k I ; Aco ly te

C lub4 , 3,2, I ; C ultur e C lub4 ; Honor

Ro1 14,3,2, I ; C heer lead in g2 , I ; Fa s hi o n

C lub 2 , I ; HC4 ; Mo s t Popular.


Thirteen Year Club

Headmaste r Donald S. Schwartz with David Bellard, Leigh Adams , Brent Beaulieu and Chris Reese These students attended St. Ma rtin's from Kindergarten through their senior year.

Fourteen Year Club

The following students attended St. Martin's from PreKindergarten through their senior year: Coll i n Schuhmacher , Amy Scott , Breck Trevino , Liz Wanek , Amy Kenney , Jason Griffith , John Diassellliss , Kendall Dinan , Suzanne Miller, Anouk Rognon, Lindsay Romano and Brent Scalia

[ 13 & 14Year Club [gI}]
Mr. and Miss St. Martin's Jason Griffith and Lindsay Romano
R I .
Cindy Perret

Most Likely to Succeed

John D iasselliss and Vanessa Carroll

Ian Emond and Susan Neal

1f.~ I~ &t:J- =:a!ffll04WI
Senior Favorites

Most Popular

Ch arles Williams and Lauren Ward

Best Looking Stiles Anderson and

Monique Scioneaux

1/!!Z!I I. ii a
Cindy Perret

Most Athletic

Chris Chambers and Breck Trevino


B rent Beaulieu and Leigh Adams

Senior Fav o rites 00:J
Juniors;-- =--.!J. "",.~ @r--::c in dy Perre t __,I" ~' ,r...,...-.' ~ ~.; ,::;: \

Riaz J A li

Rishi Anand

James C Angehr

Ashley M Baier

Brooke Bailey

Dominick A. Bartolotta

Brett Bo rdelon

Allyson M Bratina

Michael A. Bretz

Ma rio R. Caserta

Deepak Chak ravarty

Joanne E . Close

Bradley Fo rsythe Coffman

Jason R. Conway

Brady Dugan

Jeffrey Blake Elizardi

C laude-Nathalie Eyamba

Matthew Kenneth Francis

Catherine Anne Garvey

Lauren E Gatt i u

Bradley Glaser

Sah il T ejas Godiwala

Scott M Gol d

Alison Marie Grice

Ashley W. Hall

Lee P . Hall

Porter Ho lden

Beth Ann Huber

Alex Husserl

Stac i James

Stephanie R Jones

Adam C . Kartzke

Brian W Kendrick

Robert E. Kerrigan Ill

Charles Janv ier Labouisse

. 4-.
f!':1 o.
1 )
; \
, ri
~ - ~, Ti
f ··-
I ,_
t- :ti
- '
t ' -
-- I f ~ \ \.
~/ I , Junio rs
Cindy Perret

Ross M. Longo

Wendy E. Manard

Shawn Merritt Manning

Wesley D. Marchal

Jonathan E. Massicot

Sharon M. McDaniel

Brendan McLean

Christina E. Murphy

Margaret "Margee" Neighbors

Cindy Abigail Perret

Robert C. Peterson

Ridgely S . Pittman

Benjamin Webb Prevost

Lee M. Prewitt

Tristan Rappold

Stuart W Rose

Jonathan Schenk

William A. Schroeder IV

Louis 0 . Smith Ill

Brian H. Talbert

Liev A. Thames

John R. Thomason

Christiana M. Thorneycroft

Robin Tompkins

Rachel E. Tuuri

Eric H. Veith

Meredith A. Volk

Jeffrey 0. Williams

Mark B. Wolf

Not pictured:

Rana L. Ramelli

Molly K. Urann

\\ j \I L _A \ ..,.....,.,___ _ + *18Z_7'$1 't 'I'. • + ?(· X XX·X·Xx,xx,;.". ~- ,1-: :# ~~, ~.&, J
Juniors Wl


Cindy Perret


John David Abernathy

Andrea S. Andersson

Curtis E. Beaulieu

Bradley D Becnel

Stephen F. Bellard

Jenn ifer T. Blatty

Shane Bohre r

Christopher S Bowman

Michae l W. Brown

Caroline P. Byrd

Mi ke Woodward Cavaroc

Andrea Maria Cecil

Jennifer Denuna

Rebecca D. Dunn

Caroline Davis Elliott

Erich Walke r Faust

Wesley Michael Felte r

Alecia A. Fiorenza

Annie Louise Flettrich

Tyson Lykes Geary

John David Godchaux

Kevin Andrew Goldblatt

William :"Billy" P Goodw in

Victoria "Tori" L Hodges

Jonathan B Houston

William Guy Johnston

Co leen Kenny

Mattthew N . Kohnke

Mary-Francis Joy Labouisse

Stephan ie J Langlois

Allison M Martinez

Ian McAllister

Charles T. McGeehan II

Mary P. McKinnie

Elizabeth Ann McManus

j ? " - "'-'>
Sophomores ITgI}]
Cindy Perret

Kimberly A. Milano

Carole L. Miranne

Benjamin A. Moore

Ryan A. Murphy

Stephanie B. Murray

Sarah Elizabeth Odom

Woodward Oge

Chike Ozah

Loren E Pardue

Wesley A. Rolston

John T. Russell

Blake Schuhmacher

Courtney Schupp

Stephanie Sharpie

Keri W. Solis

Melissa S. Spencer

Stephen P. St. Pierre

Tatum N Truax

Paul C. Tusa

Brandon G Voss

Stacy E. Weber

Nicholas H. Wilmerding

Taylor E. Wohleber

Matthew Zeller

Sophomores I i
nT647- c-- --l 1ndy Perret \ j I J. ' ¥ l

Lisa Marie Abry

Akash Anand

John Parker Argote

James T. Ashcombe

Ashley L. Authement

Jeffery Sheal Barnett

Wade B. Betz

Michael "Chris" Bordelon

Ari E. Burshell

Marcie E. Campo

Candice C. Carbo

Nisha Chakravarty

Allan Chang

Christian Chauvin

Charles Christy

Jason Clotworthy

Robert R. Clotworthy

Jennifer Coleman

William B . Coleman IV

Brandon Dallas Dinan

Stephen Ewing Faust

Chad M Flick

Ja Juan Ashika Gair

Douglas Vandever Getten

Andrew C. Gooch

Zachary T. Goodyear

Rebecca L. Gordon

William " Worth" W. Groome

Emily L. Guiza

Stephanie Leigh Hamm

Megan C. Hintz

Kevin G. Hurtt

Andrew M. Jaspan

Asha Jayakrishnan

Emily G. Kimble

Freshman Cindy Perret

Kathryn M. Kirschman

Nick Kohnke

Joseph N. Marcal IV

Dominique Christia Matulich

Jennife r McA lpine

Kevin McCormick


Noel " Brooke" Miles

Leander "Lea " H Perez Ill

James J. Reese , Jr.

Steven J Sherman

Howard "Deane" Smith

Lowery Wayne Smith, Jr .

Michael B . Smuck , Jr.

Zachary R. Stead

Brett K. Sutton

Thomas F . Thomason

Eri ka S. Tolar

Michael W. Truax

Stephan ie D Will iams

Not pictured :

Jennifer Carr

Jason C. Go ldsmith

Andrew Haspel

Scott P Ve r ret

\ \ ( J \ j ' . e - '" I 'l J, ,c-- :l'
F res hman

8th Grade

Cindy Perret

Amanda M Abrams

Peter D Adair

Robert S Allen

Mark M . Angehr

Tiffany M. Applewhite

Clay E. Arceneaux

Geoffrey C. Artigues

Zakir A. Baig

Anna Bailey

Erik Bengtsson

Catherine M. Betz

Marty D. Black

Christopher W. Bordelon

Emily A. Bordelon

Blake P . Bourquard

Stephanie Anne Caine

Peyton Bernard Cavaroc

Andrew Henson Chrestman

Christopher J . Close

Andrew C. Crawford

Lauren Daly

Michelle L. Delaney

Lauren Dellinger

Judith L. Diasselliss

Elise N . Dicharry

Jennifer J. Dinsdale

Jennifer Christine Ernst

Nihal Tejas Godiwala

Scott Graf

Mitchell Hasty Groover

Anthony R. Guzzetta

Amanda J. Hall

Kelly C. Ha l l

Thacher Holden

Matthew R. Houston

8th Grade
[[II:QJ Cindy Perret

Emily S. Hymowitz

Bucky Kase

Brian R. Kaye

Trevor L. Landry

Richard Chen-Chi Lo

Katherine "KK" A. Martinez

Charles B. Mcchesney

Eva "Michelle" McDanie l

Meghan E McDermott

Caroline A. Merrick

Kathryn M. Nugon

Patrick A. O'Brien

Nicholas Pappas

Elena M. Perez

Adrienne L. Phillips

Elizabeth F Prewitt

Robert "Casey" C. Ramelli II

Amanda Jane Reese

Matthew M. Rigdon

Alison S Rodriguez

Spence Schwarz

Victoria "To ri" Seixas

Kevin L . So lis

Ashley M. Stewart

Vaughn W. Thames

Trey Thompson

Rebecca A. Tuur i

Lauren M . Venturatos

Brian C. Werth

Richard "Drew" Wilkie

\ J i l / L I
8th Grade

7th Grade

=-- if ----~::_---..., 'i ( r . , l [[:iig] Cindy

Nicole I. Bernstein

Jason P. Brown

Jonathan P. Campo

Cara M. Chambers

Kendall Chauvin

Ann Dulany Clements

Elizabeth Ann Daray

Christopher John Davidson

Preston James Dugas

Courtney Duhe

Seth Samuel Duplantis

Scott R. Felter

Juliana M . Fiorenza

Aimee E. Folse

David Remy Fransen

Justin Todd Goldblatt

Tanya Gorowara

Kyle Goss

Mathison Guy Hall

Michelle A. Hanemann

Charles M . Hawkins

Michael E, Hollinger

Allison Kay Johnson

Derek A. Larson

Lindsay M . Levine

James I. Marshall

Fletcher Maumus

William J. Maurer

Malain McCormick

Ellise M. McDonald - Doussan

Grant K. Melius

Jonathan Mendez

Jose' Carlos Mendez

Al F. Minor IV

Justin E. Molaison

7th Grade
Cindy Perret I J J


Brittany M. O lson

Emery E. Ordemann

Jonathan Fernandez Perret

Stephen A. Quinet

Harr is G. L. Rea IV

Jessica A Resignola

Megan E. Rigdon

Christophe r E. Rodriguez

Ryan William Santangelo

Amy E . Scalia

David Sharpie

Jonathan W. Sherwood

Taylor M . Simon

Jonathan F Smith

Andrew M. Stakelum

Karla D. Stewart

Alan D Stone

Justin Svec

Daniel J. Trahant

Jerome M. Volk Ill

Alan 8 Watts

Florie Claire Webb

Christopher A Weigand

Amanda N Wethey

Caroline D Williams

.,,,,. f ~, ~1 ,.,. ,y,
7th Grade

6th Grade

Cindy Perret

Lindsey E Abernathy

Kristen M Adamson

Ryan Adkerson

Priya Anand

Blaise Matthew Angelico

Raymond Areaux

Jarret "Jeb" E. Bauer

Ainsley Michael Becnel

John Roger Bell

Anna Bengtsson

Michael L. B latt

Katherine R. Bo logna

Dana R. Burshell

Alice Brennan Cacioppo

Jessica E . Carvin

Peter E Castaing

Peter Georgiou Catsulis

Michelle Chang

Richard 0 Clotworthy

Donald George D'Aunoy

Nicole A Dicharry

Floris Dirkse

John Ray Dubus

James Favrot Geary , Jr.

Jordan Lindsay Gill

Gretchen Gleason

Eric P Go ld

Zachary M. Groover

Ginger L Guzzetta

Scott Doug las Hamm

Rufus C . Har r is IV

Nicholas W. Hintz

Joshua A lan Kaston

Gauray "Sonny" Katoch

Dav id H. Lee

\ J. ~•=·! r. ~ --~4 . • j \ 0 :~ ~, , ~ ~\1 A f . L u.-..L<..- .;...i ) " ,..
6thGra de
• ft ~,,t; I 0 · , T ; I P(iiii\:1 , 't)t~ I -
11 If' ~ ..,.. tf 1 • • " ' .,r "~:::t,1::.,::,-,~ t ·~~~c.:··,•~::_,.,,~f-;_7) ~•,,' .-.!•A!,~·:.j•:;.,,(. ·,~,l. ·; i °',!:.:;f" -.':, ; )l."¥,41 """...:• '' .. .?tt~g~~ff~t
Cindy Perret

Jonathan R. Martinez

Joshua A Massicot

Shaun C. Mccarron

Andres Felipe Mendez

Edwin T Merrick

Trey Moses

Dianna N . Moustoukas

Dav id C. Peterson

Chr istian M . Piccolo

Matthew A Psilos

Richa rd M Re

Drew Rodrigue

Barry Rome , Jr.

Ryan J Rossner

Scott R. Samuel

William G Shackelford 111

Richard Simmons Ill

Robert Aust i n Skinner

Adam Robert Smith

Brent S. Sm ith

Daneel S. Smith

Matthew L Stedman

Natalie A . Stein

Akila Subramaniam

Rahul Tikia

Ann H . Tompkins

Sarah C Tuuri

Adam D Voth

Dav id M. Wessel

Chr isten M. Wethey

Justin H . Wilson

Zachary L Woo l

?-" ·~ " """' ..... _,,r J
6th Grade
5th Grade "'
nd Mrs. Pittman I Coach Farber a hers · Mrs Siege , 5th grade teac . • - Cindy Perret

Jason M. Baer

Ryan M Brown

Col i n J Clotworthy

Jonathan Michael Coleman

Kara Alette Contreary

Lindsay E. Crotty

Pierre J. deBoisblanc

Ryan Matthew Evans

Ryan Joseph Farley

Ryan J. Francis

Jeffrey G. Glaser

Jason L. Harmon

Elizabeth L. Hollinger

Christopher P. Ingold

Benjamin W. Janke

Bradley G Johnson

Christopher G. Johnson

Stephanie Ruth Kaston

Rhett L. Kleinschmidt

Clayton Koenig

Brandon M Lobell

Billy Lu

Lauren Alexis Malone

Patrick J. McCullough

Bryan Stephen McManus

Patrick Mendez

Hallie M Me rrick

Ashley E Miller

Ashley K . Mohrmann

Ryan Pau l Monsour

Aimee L. Mo reau

Andrew M O ' Brien

Catha rine D. O'Connell

Alexand ra Pappas

Coo p er E Richa rdson

I I. r, ·~ ' , ~/i'-~ _____ ,, I 'C: • > ~1 . )
5th Grade
f-~ ,,.,._ > ( ' \ ._ 1t_ ' ) .:.,.: ....... 1 ,.., A I
Cindy Perret

Scott J Robinson

Elizabeth C. Schoen

Chandler A Sherwood

Dennis L. Stewart , Jr.

Dav id Svec

Zachary J. Tyson

Georg P. Venturatos

John M. Von Behren

William "Thomas" T. Welch

Gregory T. Williams

Mary C. Yumukoglu

Miesje A Z immermann

Not Pictured:

Bradford M. Fournier

Thomas Edmund Getten

i ~<I, I " ,--1--.a...J ~Uilifr". / n I j - i- L Ell ~,J[:J
5th Grade

4th Grade

c::> iE WORL
4th grade teachers: Mrs . Cumberland , Mrs . Trotter , Mrs . Johnson Cindy Perret

Richard L. B latt

Carly C. Boos

Crista M. Bourg

Katherine A. Burke

John Ba l lard Caine

Lissa Chr istine Capo

Leslie Claire Casamento

Margot M Casta i ng

Sara Castano

Britton Chauvin

David Chr istophe r Coons

Denise Elizabeth Daly

Michael Daly

Evan R. Dicharry

Jonathan Richard Fleming

Richard F. Folse

Geoffrey Thomas Garside

Taylor Whitney G ill

Tracy Allison Goldblatt

Cara Goss

Wheeler Graf

Lindsey Dianne Greer

Hance Haeuser

Elizabeth Ali ne Hall

Shellie L. Harmon

Edward S Houghtali ng

Shawn R. Hymel

Paul M Kend rick

Peter H. Lee

Joey W. Leone , J r .

El izabeth Cla ire Levy

Graham P L itt le

Peter A. Marshal l

Jason P Martinez

Meredith L. Maurer

,, I\ ' f ·~\ r~ '"'ii"- ' i " . l e_, ,,. ; -~ -I 'lire. ~ j~Jii J, •
4th Grade
Cindy Perret

Meghan N . McQuaig

Juan Pablo Mendez

Nicho las L. Mi lls

Chr istopher B. Mioton

John N. Moustoukas

Marshall "Beau" Ordemann

Kirth M. Paciera , J r.

Megan R Peck

Kat ie M . Piccolo

L illie M. Rea

Matthew L. Rodrique

Robert W Rusch

J. Bradley Ryan

Walker Fleming Saik

Jules "Jas" A . Saunee IV

Ch ristine L. St. Germain

Leigh E Simon

Mark J. Stang a Benjamin J . Ste i n

Abigail A. Stern

Brett C. Vogt

Sarah E. Watts

Elizabeth A. Weigand

Grant R. Yelverton

.J--4th G rade O]z}J
3rd Grade l
3rd. grade teachers : Mrs. Shaw , Mrs. Brady , Mrs Scalia Cindy Perret

Heather Boos

Holly C. Brown

James Fortier Brown

J ulie M. Buhrman

Jordan David Bunch

Cristina Louise Campo

Nicole A. Chopin

Ashley Soule Conroy

Col i n Cian Contreary

Emily Catherine Crotty

James A. Crouch, Jr.

Elizabeth Katherin D'Aunoy

Brendan P. Daly

Blake N. Duplass

Andrew J . Edwards 11

Mered ith B Em o ry

Morgan Erbstoesser

Jessica Lea Farris

Thomas B. Favrot I ll

Jason Bradford Fleming

Nicola K Garside

Lau ren Rita Gibbs

Leslie D iane Gieger

Douglas K Harris , Jr.

Scott M Harris

Rebecca L. Hirsch

Br ittani L . Holland

Allison M. Hollinger

Stephen J. Hoskins

Louise B. LeGardeur

John R. Levine

Dimitri G. Loupakos

Jonathan Jin-Chih Lu

Eduardo Medina II

Peter A. Mortillaro

l • ~ r .-- ~ _ ----
3rdGrade @
Cindy Perret

Barry J. Muldrey, Jr.

Courtney Nicholson

Elise M Paciera

Jacqueline S. Patrick

David W. Paul

Christina F. Peck

Tara R Perrin

Bryan Pugh

Rebecca I. Quintal

Matthew R. Resignola

Kaitlyn M. Richard

Scott A. Saporito

Jessica M. Scales

Jonathan E. Schoen

Adam M. Shepherd

Kevin A. Small

Kimberly E. Smith

Sarah Ann Smith

Ashley A. Tufts

Taylor H. Ward

Augusta "Cammy" C. Watts

Bonnie F. Wil liams

Mariann R. Wilson

John F. Young

Not pictured: Cristina Cook

j '
3rd G rade

2nd Grade

fl · '
2nd grade teachers: Mrs. Perret , Mrs. Hintz , Mrs Fransen Cindy Perret

Andrew P , Angelico

Jjulie C. Batt

Robert V , Beauchamp

Brian P. Bell

Adam D . Blatt

Courtney A. Block

Janson Bourgeois

Thomas "Beau" L Bradshaw , Jr.

Ty J. Brockhoeft

Spiro Georgiou Catsulis

Bradley T. Collins

Laura Lynne Denny

Viktor Dirkse

Anderson Walker Dittman

Brittany P. Downing

Amy Elizabeth Evans

Rabun Samuel Fox

Emily C Fransen

Allyson lorraine Funk

Charles Bernard Gallavan , Jr .

Ashby E, Geary

Ryan Thomas Geoghagan

Stephanie E. Gill

Daniel S , Hobbs

Graham D , Hopkins

Daniel M. Hoskins

Wendy C, Jacobson

Will James

Amanda W Janke

Eric M , Jones

Philip T Kritikos

John J. LaGuardia , Jr.

Jessica W , Leone

Andrew S. Lev ine

Jeffrey Y Lin

.'Tt1 _ n I I -\ iii " r "v"'"'Y :::::% .... ...... ,.. -.: ·~•~
2nd Grade
rtto rttt ·
Cindy Perret

Hsueh-Ping Lu

Paul Lucky

Al ison K. Malone

David T. Moh rmann

Hunter Clay Monsour

Chad G. Nolan

John (Jack) P. Odell

Karla G . Perez

Ross Rod rigue

Alexander P. Roy

Jessica Rae Salazar

Kar l A. Senner

Sara J Silvestri

Gary N Solomon , Jr

Allison A. Spindler

Christine E. Stanley

Robyn T ikia

Charlotte Watkins

Matthew "Hardy" H. Weaver

Jessica A. White

Ashley A. Wolff

Harrison G. Wool

John (Brooks) Zimmermann

Not pictured : Chelsea M. Broekstra

I / \ \ ~.""""' I ~ ---~l ,~
2 nd Gra de Wl

1st Grade

1st Grade Ms . Menard , Mrs . Pansano and Mrs . Conway Cindy Perret

Ba r rett Farrington Bass

Benjam in "Ben" T. Bradshaw

Evan Authu r Breaux

Laura N. Buhrman

Ashlan Capo

Courtney Kr isten Chappu is

Christopher R Chugden

J annette A. Collins

Brooke S holars Conroy

Casey Garrett Contreary

Anna -Marie Coons

Nicholas A . Darensburg

Lisette H. deBoisblanc

Laura M. Dugas

Kri s tin Ec k s tei n

Mari n a Erb s toesser

Ka th e r ine A. Fe n e rt y

A d ria n K. France

Hillary El yse Gib b s

Mark C. Holden

Hea t her M . Holla n d

He len T. Howard

Rami H Khod r

Brian Lessig

Sophia S Loupakos

Krist in A. Malone

An d rew C Matthews

David S. McChesney

Daniel C McCullough

Aavon "Sky" A McE lory

Willian N. McQuaig

Lau ren M Mioton

Pa rke r L. Morrison

Robe rt T. Palacios

Neej J ash Pate l

1st G ra de
~JP ~..,,
Cindy Perret

Neema Jash Patel

Margaret F Patterson

Jeremy Christopher Peres

Katharine Pugh

Rachel L. Ramelli

Charles "Chas" W Richard , Jr.

Carter W. Rossner

Kenneth "Trey" B. Ruelle Ill

Christopher B Saporito

Madhav Saxena

Elizabeth B. Shackelford

Ruth M Stedman

Venkat Subramaniam

Jimmy E Tibl ier

Joseph F Uddo I l l

Gabriela F. Ur ibe

Robert M. Watson

Jack M. Whi t e Ill

Jessica L. Wise

Tian-Ping "Billy" Wong

Andrew C Wood

Blaine T. Yelverton

Not pictured : Spencer B. Wool

"' .,._I 6a
1st Grade

Kindergarten l~

Kindergarten Standing :Mrs McDermott , Mrs Graham, Mrs. Dieth

Seated: Mrs. Bellard , Mrs. Hebert, and Mrs Goss

"' • ,,, .,,,
,~ r ,.,,._,
Cindy Perret

Erich E Abbott

Adel Alizadeh

C larke R. Armatis

L indsey L. Becker

Celeste A. Block

Benjamin C Bologna

Michael J. Bossetta, Jr.

Benjamin A. Brinson

Ian T Brown

Claire Bruton

Jay Carisella

Stephen J. Chester

Ani A . Childress

Chad Michael Colon

Kaitlin Chase Dastugue

Rebecca La i ne Denny

Matthew Dozier

Sarah E Dunn

Stella Dup lass

Preston B. Emory

Carolyn Fish

Julie Fisher

Kristine Kane Foret

Evan J . Francis

Lindsey Michelle Gengo

Michael Paul Gieger

Elizabeth A Gilbert

Hunter B Gilbert

Denver F. Gray Ill

Meredith L. Harris

Thomas A. Hennington, Jr.

Worth Hopk ins

Margaux M Hymel

William C Johnston

Natalie E Keeney

) \ ' rt! . , \ J
Kindergart en
I '
Cindy Perret

Garrett M. Landry

Steven R LaRosa

Stephanie Louise Lucky

Andrew W Mayeux

Brian E. McCormick

Elyse C McDaniel

Alexander M Minno Ill

Colin Nicholson

Jeffrey Gunther O'Bryon

Richard G. Odell

Phillip J. Podret

Allen C. Porter Ill

Robert E. Quintal

Gregory N. Re

Taylor A. Roberts

Christopher R. Senner

Ankit D . Sheth

Rachel F. Shuey

Mia A. Silvestri

Carolyn N. Small

Adam Tosh

Amelia L. Trask

Kelsey D Vogt

Enily Caroline Walters

Rachel W Watts

Katherine B Weaver

Carra J. Williams

(!'!l .t
Kindergarten §


Pre - Kindergarten Above : Mrs. Wagner , Mrs Resignola , and Mrs. Vogt

Below: Mrs. Chrestman , Mrs Guillory and Mrs. Blake

Cindy Perret

El izabeth T . Baker

Brice D. Bass

Kara Breau x

Emilee L. Brown

Brooks A. Brumfield

David H. Carr

Lori Castano

Catherine A. Chappuis

Gordon C. Cranner

Ellen N Cunningham

Dominick A Darensburg

Chr istian W Dittman

Tay lor Eckstein

Tony Fazio

Bryan A. Flick

Anderson J. Funk

Anna E Geoghagan

G ill ian B Gibbs

Dommie C. Jackson , Jr.

Michael B.Janssen

Margaret B . Johnston

Richard (Chad) S. Jones

Adele Y LeGardeur

Bla i r D Lumpkin

Camille A Mallery

Alexander R Mann

Benjamin A Mayer

George L. Molaison

I Pre-Kinde rgarten
Cindy Perret

Elizabeth (Libby) A. Odell

Sara Beth N. Pansano

Jean Riess

Erin Rose

Scott L. Saunders

Craig F. Scales

Sam M Solomon

Travis J. Stead

Nicho las P Tr ist Ill

James L. Uddo

Robert B Uddo

Paul M. Watson

Caroline B. Wi lson

McCall "Mackie" P Young

Not pictured: Chad L. Laukhuff

\ Pre-Kindergarten
• IP .i~.~ Sports



FOOTBALL Building the Foundation

This year's football team had to overcome a lot of adversity Senior captains Chris Chambers and Thomas Peters led the team in addition to yet another great coaching effort by Coach Sam Dozier. Although hampered by key injuries early in the season , the Saints rallied through a tough schedule with big wins over Ridgewood , Belle Chase , Fisher and Ben Franklin .

They managed to advance into the state playoffs for the second straight year , only the second time in Saints football in which they have made consecutive playoff appearances. The junior Saints look forward to a promising season with returning starters Jason Conway , Dominick Bartolotta , Jonathan Schenk , Wes Marchal and othe rs

Varsity Football Team: Top to Bottom , Left to Right: Coaches Guy Farber and McGeehan , Thomas Thomason, Tyler

Adkerson , John Reily Thomason , Coach

Sam Dozier , Doug Getten , Erich Faust ,

Jeff Williams, Stephen Faust, Coaches

Gi a mbelluca and Trevino, Wes Marchal,

Jonathan Schenk , Alex Husserl , Charlie

Labouisse , lrfan Sayyad , Brent Scalia ,

Brent Beaulieu , Jeffrey Barnett , Eric Vieth ,

Ja son Griffith , Marco Hidalgo , Brad Glaser ,

Mike Truax, Matt Kohnke , Dominick

Bartolotta , Curt Beaulieu , Zach Stead, Ja-

son Clotworthy , Charles Christy , Thomas

Peters , Chris Chambers , Mike Bretz , Brady

Dugan , Dave Jahnke, Jonathan Houston,

Lea Perez , Christian Chauvin , Ben Prevost,

Ross Longo , Shane Bohrer , Brett Sutton ,

Ja son Conway Robert Faust Brian Axlrad, Woodward Oge and Chip McGeehan.

Middle School Varsity Football Team : Top to Bottom , Lett to Right: Casey Ramelli, Geoff Artigues, Chris Bordelon , Kevin Solis ,

Matthew Rigdon, Nihal Godiwala , Spence

Schwarz , Clay Arceneaux , Coach Burke, Blake Bourquard, Bucky Kase , Brian Werth ,

Matt Hous ton , Marty Black , Drew Wilkie ,

Scot t Graf, Thacher Holden , Peyton

Cavaroc , Trey Thompson , Andy Crestman , Anthony Guzzetta , Erik Bengtsson , Charlie

McChesney and Robert Allen ,

Annie Flettrich


Summer Train ing Camp ... Sloppy Homecoming ... Road

Trips ... Slop ... Fishe r Game ...

"Do you love it?" ... That's what

I'm Tai kin' Abo ut. .. The Program ... Lattimer... Big Sack .. .

Gambahoochie ... No Trainer/Vanishing Mike ... Playoffs .. .

BFS ... Whooping.

Ridgewood w Country Day L Hannan L Redeemer L Belle Chase w Fisher w Buras L Newman L PJP L Ben Franklin w Riverside L
Top Left: Jason Conway looks for an opening . Top Right: Jason Griffith on the tackle. Above: Chris Chambe rs runs over a Cajun . Left: The Middle School team sets up its offense

VOLLEYBALL Setting the Standard

The Upper School Volleyball team , according to a sophomore player , "had a pretty good season this year , although it wasn't as good as last year's ." Two dedicated seniors , Captains Breck Trevino and Mignon Frey , led the team along with three returning lettermen , Rana Ramelli , Sharon McDaniel and Elizabeth McManus . The Saints' toughest opponent was Sacred Heart , to whom they lost after a tough battle .

Nevertheless , they gave 100 % and were proud of their overall accomplishments. One player commented that the team seemed more united and worked together better this year This was apparent in the dedication and hard work exhibited in games as well as practices. The players enthusiastically await next year's season while remembering the good times they shared this year

Upper School Varsity: Top to Bottom , Left to Right:

El iza beth McManus , Sharon

Mc Daniel , Colleen Kenny, Al l ison Martinez , Stacey

W eber , Stephanie Langlois , Br eck Trevino , Stephanie

Murrray , Rana Ramelli and Cindy Perret.

M iddle School: Top to Bottom , Left to Right: Coach

Pl a isance , Amanda Abrams ,

K K. Martinez , Tori Sei xas ,

J en nifer Dinsdale , Caroline

Merrick , Lauren Daly ,

Lauren Venturatos , Annie

Tompkins , Kelly Hall , Cara

Chamb e rs , Emily Bordelon and Coach Edwards

Q152 I Tyson Geary



Ri ve rd a le w

A sce nsio n C ath o li c w

C o untry Day w

Lut he ra n w

Rid gewo od w

Mt. Ca rme l L

New ma n L

Eco le w

Hannan L

S ac red H ea rt L

McGe h ee w

Newman L

Hannan w

S acred H ea rt L

Destin .. All District - Rana Ramelli and Breck Trevino .. All-State Breck Trevino ..

Where's the warm-up tape .. Pass , Set , Kill .. Sub one .. Nofat.. Semolina 's.. No more buses, ever .. Pasta Garden ..

Riding in Episcopal's Bus .. On the rise to the top .. Pool work-outs ..

Top lef t: B r eck serves it up Top right: Let's g ive a big hand. From Left to Right: Rana Ramelli , Stephanie Langlois , Cindy Perret , Colleen Kenny , Breck T revino , Sha ron McDaniel , Elizabeth McManus , Stacey Weber , Allison Martinez , Stephani e Murray . Center Left: Coach Tr e v i no c alls a tim e out.Bottom : Set'em up ! Left to Right: Amanda Abrams , Ka t hryn Nugon , Kristen Adamson.

Courtney Sc hupp I 153 Q

SWIMMING Boys and Girls State Champions

Led by strong senior captains Michael Moreau , Whitney Samuel , Monique Scioneau x , and Elizabeth Wanek , the Upper School Sw im T earn had a fantastic season. After a fou rth place finish by the boys' team in the New Orleans Metro Swim Meet and a third place fin ish by the girls , both teams were ready for state. St. Martin's ranked first , ma king them state champion s

The Saints also performed very well in the dual meets , both teams end i ng the season with winning records

Unfortunately , the swim team was only able to t ravel out of town for one meet , which took place in Fort Walton Ne xt season the swim team will be joined by some very talented rising freshmen Along with the current members , the team hopes to dup licate this season ne xt year and to claim the state champ ionship once again

A bove : Mi c hael Mor ea u ,

W ade Bet z an d Li z W a nek rel ax d urin g th e meet .

A bove rig ht: Rac he l Tuuri

gra sps the side o f the pool fo r dear life after f i nis hi ng he r tires o me event.

Ri gh t: Upper Sc hool Swim

T ea m : Top to Botto m , Le ft to Right : K e v i n

M c Corm i ck , Tri s ta n

Ra ppold , Jo a nn e Clo se ,

Jo hn Ru sse ll , B i lly

Co lema n , Ian Mc All ist e r ,

Jo hn Abernathy , Mi c hael

M orea u , C o ach Smith ,

Ra chel Tuur i , M e redith

V o l k , W i t ne y S a mu e l ,

Br eck Trevino , Li z W a nek ,

M o n i que Scionea u x ,

B r a ndon Di n a n , Ch a d

Fli c k , Br ian K aye an d

W ade Be t z .

Q154 I Chr ist i na T horn e ycrof~
.. ':: .,. " •
'"S ..
·'. ?.MRTJ
·1 MARrn·s
, __ ;r, )Uli1'{\· t~TJ~ • .


First Place in Small Schools, State Meet.

Third Place in Metro Meet


First Place in Small Schools , State Meet.

Fourth Place in Metro Meet.

Boys and Girls State Champions ... Road

Trip to Fort Walton Beach ... Tuesday Weighin's ... "Loseten pounds!?" ... Alan swimming in his clothes after state meet. .. Liev borrowing shampoo.

Top Left: Michael Moreau, Monique Scioneaux , Coach Smith , Breck Trevino , Whitney Samuel and Liz Wanek gather together after winning state Top Right: Liev Thames adjusts her goggles in preparation for her event. Middle Left : Whitney Samuel heads for the finish line Above : Tristan Rappold , T i ffany Applewhite , Monique Scioneaux and Whitney Samuel pose for a picture after a meet. Left: Christina Thorneycroft, Alison Rodriguez , John Russell , Meredith Volk , Tristan Rappold , Liev Thames and Joanne Close smile for a photo.



Your Life

Each day a small frac- Both the boys' and girls' tion of high school stu- teams consisted of dents packs their cars strong members deand heads for spite the girls' loss of a Lafreniere Park to par- third of their runners to ticipate in this demand- last years' graduating ing sport. They com- class. The highlight of peted in nine exciting the boys' season was meets, many of which their trip to Lafayette occurred at the for the U.S.L. lnvitaLakefront where condi- tional. Incidentally , they tions were not always achieved their best ideal. times for the season there .

Above: Wesley Rolston , Katie Kimble and Monique

Scioneaux enjoy a leisurely pace.

Top Right: Ari Burshell , Riaz Ali , Matt Francis , Wendy Manard and John

David Godchaux are eager to reach the end of the course

Right: Upper School Cross Country : Top to Bottom , Left to Right : Amy Keeney , Julie Lyeki , Monique

Scioneaux , Andrea Cecil , Tori Hodges , Lauren Gatti , Katie Kimble, Anouk

Rognon , John David

Godchaux , Ari Burshell , John Abernathy , Matt

Francis , Billy Coleman and Riaz Ali.

IPhotos by Mark Wolf I
N>i: f,;.,;, ,...., J •®· ' -

Top Left: Zak Baig enjoys a stroll through the park.

Top Right: Wendy Manard keeps her pace Above: Senior Anouk Rognon and Wesley Rolston take a shortcut. Far Left : Riaz Ali gets sidetracked , but is eager to get back on course .

Slick ... Heee! ... You forgot to take off your mascara ... Ya'II ,

where's ma car? ... Nappy Big Bob ... Cherry Bomb .. . T Layer

Rocket Fuel. .. Burrito ... The Spoon ... Shut up before I stick you to a wall. .. Uh oh, um I Think we're in trouble ...

Aaaarrri ii !. .. See ya next year.

Above : Middle Schoolers Dana Burshell a nd Rebecca Tuuri jog along side varsity coach Jim Marsalis
R. Longo & M. Wolf j 157 0



Champs ... Again!

After a successful first half of the season which saw the Saints' accumulate a 19-3 record , the girls' basketball team put to gether an impressive state playoff run to take the 2A championship for the second year in a row. As undefeated district champs (8-0), the Saints earned the right to host the first three playoff games at St. Martin's. Showing their playoff experience , the team trampled Loranger, Berwick, and Opelousas Catholic , winning by an average of thrity points. The saints traveled to

Sixteen tou rn ament and defeated South Beau ragard in the semi-finals . In the state championsh ip game , the toughest challenage of the season presented itself in Iota , a team out to avenge last year's playoff loss At the end of regulation , Iota shot a free throw to tie the score at 33 and send the game into overtime The game extended to yet another overtime period in which the Saints outscore Iota 7-4 , bringing a dramatic end to the '93-'94 season

Ab ove : Co ac h Plai sa nce accepts th e coac h 's awa rd. Above Rig ht : Th e t ea m huddl es up

Va rsit y. Top , left t o right: Coach

DoB ee Pl a is an ce , J a Juan Gair ,

Sh aw n Ma nnin g , Stace y Weber ,

Eli z a b e th M c M a nu s , Cl a ude

Eya mb a , St ac i J a mes , Candice

C arbo , T atum Tru ax , Ja so n Griffith

( manage r) Bottom , left to right:

Ba rba ra Farri s , Juli e Ly e ki , Rene

Ronquill o , Mignon Frey

Mid d le Sc hool Top , left to right:

El e na Pe rez , Judith Di a s s elliss ,

Mi che ll e M c Daniel , Lauren

V e ntu a to s , Jennif e r Dinsdale ,

Emil y Htm o wit z , KK Martinez ,

C ath e rin e Betz Middle , left to right:

Ni co le Be rst e in , Grant Me lius , Cara

Ch a mb e rs , J ess i ca Resignola ,

Em er y Ord e m a nn , Amy Sc alia ,

Flor ie Cl a ir e W e bb , Aim ee Folse

Bott o m , left t o ri ght: Ptiy a anand ,

Mi c h e ll e Ch a ng , Aki l a

Sub ra ma ni a m Ann e Tompkin s

Annie Flettrich
Shreveport fo r t he Swee t
by Halo staff writer Louis Smith


Unbelievable Shoop Jubilee Freckles Sneaky Sui Moo cow Two foot two a nd a monkey ' s uncle Rene is wrong , write it down ...Do you hear a fly buzz ing? .. . Check'n out. ..The name game ... TATS 11 .. .YMCA ... Big Sacajawaca Hide and seek Tunga Snickers Shoney's Get on the line United we stand , divided we fa l l. Strive for success through excellence STATE REPEAT.

I ! r t .,, ., ' 'I; - !! •
Ecole 49-38 Vanderbilt 36-22 Minden 56-36 Byrd 42-44 Newman 69-15 Buras 49-20 PJP II 53-18 S Beauregard 59-45 Iota 44-41
Top Left: Barbara Farris dominates the jump. Top Right: Shawn Manning tries to shoot under the goal. Above : Rene Ronquillo throws the ball in. Left: Mignion Frey looks for the open man. Caroline Elliot

BASKETBALL Jumping To New Heights

St. Martin's Upper School varsity basketball team had high goals for the 1993-1994 season. Junior Ross Longo summed them up with these words: "We want to beat Newman , have a winning season , and rea ch the state playoffs." Even after a season plagued with injuries and turmoil, the dedicated basketball team made state playoffs for the first time in three years. Unfortunately , the team lost45-43 in the first round to the state's first-place team , Varanda. However , players did win several games against superior opponents and finished the year with fourteen wins and fifteen losse s. Captain Collin Schumacher felt th at the team did surprisingly well, cons idering all of the obstacles which

the team had to overcome. Merrick McKinnie , also a captain , feels that the team had a successful season with its new coach , reaching the playoffs despit e many injuries. He is optimistic about next year's team , which should be successful under the leadership of rising Seniors. Ross Longo believes that head coach Mike McGuire did a great job in spite of the many adversities the team had to face during the season Hopefully, next year 's team will have more victories and take accomplishments of this year ' s te a m a few steps farth e r into the playoffs. Overall , the 1994 varsity basketball team members proved that , with determination , they could overcome many obstacles and attain their goal.

A bove: Jim Angehr attempts to put the ball in the hole after Ross Lo ngo 's missed foul shot.

Above right: The team huddles during a timeout

Top to bottom , left to right: Coach Warren Lind , Jim Angehr , Sahil Godiwala , Loui s Smith , Rob T o mpkins , Collin Schuhmacher, Coach Mike McGuire , Ross Longo , Chike Ozah , Merrick McKinnie , Jaso n Conway and Chip McGeehan.

T o p to Bottom , Left to Right: Coach Warren Lind , J a mes Ashcombe, Sahil Godiwala , Rob Tompkins , Bobby Peterson , Michael Brown , Chip M cGee han , Blake Sc huhhmacher , Brett Sutton , Jaso n Clotworthy, Michael Smuck , C hri s Bordelon and Brooke Miles.

Alex Husserl


Ridgewood w

Country Day L

Hannan L

Redeemer L

Belle Chase w

Fisher w

Buras L

Newman L


Ben Frank l in w


Collins ... Siske l and Ebert .. .4th coach, 4th year... playoffs ... 6AM ... Carte r... injuries ... beating Eddie and Redeemer... BZSHZZSHSHZZ ... Varmado's fans ... J.

T. ... Mardi Gras Massacre ... 1st Senion Year... performance ratings ... fan support. .. Angeh's skateboard moves ...

Dangerous ... Neck ... Woofa ... Shotime revisited ... preparing for 2nd Senior Year.

L .-'1\i ,1 ,.,
Top Left: Ross Longo goes up for a lay up as Robin Tompkins comes in for the rebound. Top Right: At a time out , Coach McGuire says a few words to his players. Above : The Saints play tough defense against Hannan. Left: The team captains: Collin Schuhmacher , and Merrick McKinnie Ross Longo

SOCCER Kicking UpA Storm

In the past , St. Martin 's a nd Country Day girls' so cc er teams have both cons is tentl y secured play off berths in District 8-2A with ease

However , th is season Newman joined the district , making the competion for the two berths fierce In the first round of district play , Country Day won the title , and Newman edged out STM for second by half a game , the result of the Saints' tie with Country Day. Therefore , the Saints entered the second round needing at least a second place finish to make the playoffs

Early in the second round , the Saints suffered a tough 2-1 loss to Newm a n, ending any chan ce at winning the round Going into the January 25th home game against Country Day , STM still had a chance to salvage second place with a win Unfortunately , the Cajuns , winners of both rounds of district play , proved too tough for the Saints , handing them a 3-0 defeat and an end to their season.

Above: Breck T revino d rib b les before pass in g to Ash ley B a ie r.

Above r i g ht: L aure n Ga tti d ribb les dow n t h e f ie ld a nd prepares to shoot.

Vars ity. Top t o bottom, lef t to right: Chr i s t ine N e l son, Cat h er in e Garvey, T rista n Rappo ld , La ur e n W ard , Erin Sim pso n , A my Kee ney, Lauren Ga tti , Brooke Ba il ey, Ra na

Rame ll i , Mered ith Vo l k, Br eck

Trevino , Stepha ni e Mu rray, A shl ey B aier, Sara Be th Odom.

Junior Varsity. Top to bo tt om, lef t t o rig ht : T ris t an Rappo ld , Andr ea

Cec il , Ca r ro le Mi ra n ne, W es ley

Rolston , Em il y Kimb le , Je nnif e r

Coleman , Ki m Ma lin a , Me re dith

Volk , Andrea Anderson, Muffin

Labouisse, Mega n Hint z, Dom inique Matu li c h , St ep ha ni e Willi a ms.

Anni e Flettrich



Sacred Heart Newman

Mc Main


Vanderbilt Catholic

Country Day

Ecole Newman


Lauren Gatti Erin Simpson Breck Trevino


Breck Trevino


Breck Trevino

Episcopal Tournament Vandy Tournament Ryan's Picadilly Newman 1- STM 2 when in doubt, kick it out Good Ball experts in overtime

w L
w L
L w L
Above left: Meredith Volk decides not to join the team in stretching. Above:: Cather ine Garvey dribbles and attempts to keep the ball away from the defender Left: Amy Keeney kicks the ball between her opponents legs Caroline Elliot


SOCCER Achieving Its Goals

Boys ' soccer began this season with help from many talented team members such as returning seniors Brent Beau lieu , Robert Faust , lrfan Sayyad , Charles Williams , and Chris Reese , as well as freshmen Brandon Di non and Parker Argote Coach Echt , promoted from assistant to head coach , put new excitement and enthusiasm into the program. Assistant coach Javier Pastor , who plays soccer for the professional Riverboat Gamblers , imparted a lot of knowledge to this year ' s team The boys ' soccer team hoped to prog res s through the playoffs and win the state championship. This

goal seemed realistic after the varsity team won a scrimmage against Lutheran at the beginning of the season and was later victorious in the game a gainst Redeemer , by the score of 10-0. Unfortunately , the Saints lost close matches to Hahnville , Pontchatoula , and Vanderbilt Catholic Coach Echt views the junior varsity program as a ch ance to prepare for upcoming seasons , for many of these players will make important contributions in the future. With the tremendous amount of talent on this team , boys ' soccer had an great year .

Ab ove left: Step hen St. Pierre kicks a co rn e r s hot. Ab ove ri g ht: Bri an

A xelrad ac t s disg uste d alt e r he mi sses an att empt.

V ar s it y Top t o bott o m , lettt o right : Coac h D a nn y E c ht , Andr e w

G ooc h , Mar k W o ll , Ri shi An a nd , Robe rt Fa ust , Chri s Ree se, Brian Ax e lra d , Ass is ta nt Coac h J anvier

Pa s t o r , lrt an Sayya d , Ch a rl es Wil-

li a ms , Sc ott Go ld , Mac Ba ue r, Curt

Be a uli eu , Lee Ha ll , St eph en St.

Pi e rr e, P a rk e r Ar go t e , Br e nt

Be a uli e u , Br a nd o n Din o n , Ak as h

An a nd , Chri sti a n Ch a uv in

Juni o r Va rs it y. T op to bottom , left

t o rig ht: Co ac h Da nn y Echt , An-

dr ew Gooc h , Mi ch ae l Br ow n , Al ex

Hu sse rl , Be n Moo re , Stu a rt Rose ,

John Ru sse ll , Bri an Kendrick , Doug

G ett e n, Ass ista nt Coac h Ja nvier

Past or , Jim Reese , Bra ndon Di non ,

Par k e r Arg o t e , Billy Goodwin ,

Mi c hae l Bord elon , Allen Chang ,

Bill y Sc hro e d e r , Z ac k Stead , Andy

Jaspa n , Kev in Goldbl a tt , Roby

Cl otworthy , Ch a d Fli c k

[o:EI Boys' Soccer

Charles Williams

Robert Faust

Christian Chauvin

Brian Axelrad

Brent Beaulieu

STM VS. Country Day T Ecole w Episcopal T Vanderbilt Catholic L Country Day w Ecole w Vanderbilt Cathol ic T
Top left: The Saints take t he ball up the field Top right: Lee Hall fights the opponent for the ball. Above left: Stephen St. Pierre tries to take the ball from his opponent. Above : Mike Cavorac passes to Brent Beaulieu Left: Coach Pastor and Coach Echt talk s t rategy during a intermission
Matt Francis


Winning in the Clinch!

The '92-'93 St. Martin's Wrestling team was one of the most successful in the school's history with Bill Axelrad and Ian Williams finishing first in their weight class , Sean Grace second , and Stiles Anderson third. This year's squad hoped to match or surpass that team's accomplishments. Led by team captains Stiles Anderson and Duke Kerrigan , the team memb ers we re Brett Bordelon , Mario Caserta, Brad Becnel , Erich Faust , Guy Johnston , Loren Pardue, Dean Smith , Thomas Thomason , Marty Black, Geoffrey Artigues , and Erik Bengtsson. On the weekend of

Right Standing : Erich Faust, Co-Captain Stiles

Anderson, Loren Pardue , Co-Captain Duke Kerrigan, and Mario Caserta . Seated: Dean Smith and Brad Becnel.

Jan. 8th, the saints began !hair march toward State when they finished third in the St. Pauls Tournament. Anderson captured first place in his weight class , Faust , Johnston , and Par due second, and Kerrigan Third On Jan.21st , the Saints traveled to Lafayette to take part in the ComeauxTournamem , whem Anderson finished sixth in his weight class. Before State , the wrestlers participated in the City Tournament. In the J. V. division , Johnston took third in his weight class and Thomason took second. On the Varsity level , Anderson finished third and Kerrigan took sixth 11111 11111 ii II IR



In the State Wrestling Finals

February 11 and 12, 1994

Stiles Anderson finished 2nd and Duke Kerrigan finished 3rd.

Top Left: Stiles put a hold on Erich Faust in practice. Top Right: G uy Johnston is declared the winner . Above : Duke wins his match. Left: Duke tries to complete the pin.


Close Call at the Plate

Even though the baseball team was a young team by most standards , everyone hoped for a possible return to the playoffs tor a fifth consecutive time. Led by seniors Brian Axelrad's pitching and Brent Beaulieu in the field, they came within one run in an extra inning game. The game against Buras for second place in the District was very exciting The season brought out a lot of new young faces and with only three seniors returning again next year things look

promising. Joining , returning seniors , Jonathan Schenk , Scott Gold and Bobby Peterson are Nick Konke and Brian Talbert . Both were ineligible to play this year but practiced with the team and will be welcome additions Underclassmen Shane Bohrer at third base Guy Johnson at second , Lowery Smith and , freshman , Brett Sutton , who started all season , are expected to be just some of the stand outs returning. Next year should be even more exciting than 1994

Varsity Top to bottom ,left

t o right: Bryan Ta l bot , Robe rt Faust , Shane Bohrer , Wade Betz , Jonathan

Sc henk , Nick Kohnke , Bob Peterson , Camilo Mendez , B r i a n A x elrad , Lowery Smith , Scott Gold , Jason

Clotwortht , Stephen Faust , Blake Schuhmacher , John

D a vid Godchaux , Brent

Beaulieu , Doug Getten , Guy

J o hnston



So close but yet so far See you next year Bobby extra innings we'II miss you Brian Coach can we stop for a burger? You've come a long way baby

Newman Fisher Buras PJP II Newman Buras Fisher PJP II Buras Country Day L L w w L L L L L w
Top : Robert Faust hits a grounded Middle: Brent Beaulieu catches for Bryan Talbot. Left: Brent Beaulieu throws .


Touching all the Bases

This years softball team p rovided plenty of exc itement ending both rounds in a three way tie for second place in the district with Newman and Pope John Paul. Wh ile in the end the team did not make the playoffs they gave it their all and everyone was very proud of them.

Next years team will be very young with mostly underclassmen returning.

Four seniors will be lost but the freshman , sophomores and juniors are expected to pick up the slack. Returning pitcher

Stephanie Langlois , who pitched every inning of every game is only a junior

The high point of this years season was the second game with Newman. Even though it was a loss it was a most incredible game the team feels.

Ab ove left: A no uk Rog n on up to bat. Above ri g ht: Rene Rongui ll o com in g o ff th e fi e l d Above

St e ph a ni e L a ng o is a nd Br e ck

T rev in o co n s ult ing with Co ac h

T rev in o. Ri ght : Mign on Fr ey selects a ba t.

Va rs it y. T op t o bott o m, left t o right :

M ega n Hint z , St e ph a ni e Sh a rp ie ,

Vanessa Ca rro ll , Mignon F rey , Ca nd ice Ca rb o , S haw n Mann in g ,

J enn if er Lee , Ry a n An n M u rphy ,

Re ne Ro nqu il lo , Mi ssy Spen ce r,

M ary M c K l nni e , Domi ni q u e

M at uli c h , T ay l o r Woh l eb e r ,

St ep hani e Langoi s , Br ec k T rev ino ,

Rebecca Du n n , Jennife r De nun a ,

An o uk Rog no n , Anni e Flettri c h .

-- -
Breck T rev ino


_uthern ::;ountry Day

=isher 3uras

)ope John Paul




)ope John Paul



Mignon Frey and Breck Trevino

Snapbacks USL Tournament swing level and run like the devil how does it feel to walk

L that line juicy, juicy Miley

I I w
w w
w w w L
Above left: Stephanie Sharpie as catcher. Above right: Shawn Manning plays outfielder. Above: Stephanie Sharpie on first. Left: Mignon Frey steals second base.

Girls and Boys TENNIS Acing

Their Opponents

This years girls' tennis team was definently on top of it all. After finishing as regional champ along with the boys , they went out and won the Division 4 State Championship for the fourth time since Coach Sue Edwards took over.

Led by singles runnerups Jennifer Blatty and Kristen Nelson and Whitney Samuel and Erin Simpson in doubles the team had a terrific ending to a great year. In addition Ashley Baier was a semifinalist in singles, and Kim Milano and Deepak Chakravarty were quarter finalist in mixed doubles. The Team finished the season ten and one.

The boys' tennis team had a very successful season in 1994, They had two third place finishers in the State Tournament, Jonathan Massicot and Andy Jaspan. Both were the teams Most Valuable Players . They usually played at the one and two spots Jonathan finished the league schedule undefeated which greatly contributed to the saints 7-2 record. The doubles teams were Andy Jaspan and Jeff Elizardi; Robin tompkins and James Ascombe. Each pair made terrific showings in both the reginals and state playoffs. Chris Close often played the number two spot while Andy played doubles. Deepak Chakavarty , Mark Angehr , Nihal Godiwalaand Jeff W illiams also made significant contributions to the squad .

Above : Chris Close gives it his all. Girls. Left to right: Monique Scioneaux , Sara Beth Odom , Ashley Baier , Erin Simpson , Whitney Samuel , Alecia Fiorenza , Allison Martinez , Jenn Blatty , Christine Nelson , Kim Milano .
Boys. Left to right , top to bottom: Jeff Elizardi, Deepak Chakavarty , Robin Tompkins , Parker Argote , J o nathan Massicot , Andy J a span
STM VS. Girls Retjnlls State Boys Regionals State1st 1st 1st 2n d STATE CHAMPIONS ... REGIONGAL CHAMPIONS ... City Park ... U. N. 0. (windy) 4 great seniors
Above: Erin Simpson , Ashley Baier , and Whitney Samuel with the three points of a serve . Left: Robin Tompkins' incredible forehand .

TRACK Going the Extra Mile

What do you do after two very successful seasons and the lo ss of some key players? That is the question that faced Head Track Coach, Chick McG ee han and his assistants Jim Marsalis and Mike Giambelluca. For the past two years the STM girls team has won the state meet and the boys have moved up in the standing. Throughout the season the teams continued to improve By the time District and Regionals came along both teams were ready. The girls won the U.S L Meet leading up to the District Meet , where they finished first again. The boys finished third in District and saw some of the team move on to the Regional and State Meet.

The girls finished second in Regionals and fell just short of their third consecutive State title.

Their relay team finished strong with the help of junior Wendy Manard. Wendy also finished strong in the distance events with personal bests at Regional and State. Rene Ronquillo and Staci James finished strong in the javelin throw , in the event's first year in girls competition. The boys had strong showing from Billy Goodwin and Collin Schumacher in the pole vault , lrfan Sayyad advanced to state in the quarter mile and Chris Chambers, defending district champion in the javelin, was engaged in very intense competition throughout the seaso n. The boys showed much promise for next year with strong field, distance, relay , and sprint performances from underclassmen.

Ja Juan Gair was one of the state's outstanding freshman runners , performing at the state meet in hurdles and sprint events

Girls . Top to bottom , left to right: Ja Juan Gair , Jennifer Coleman , Claude Eyamba , Coach Giambelluca, Barbara Fa rr is , Tristan Rappold, Liev Th a mes Erika Tolar , Shawn Manning , Staci James Lisa Ab ry , Julie Lyeki , Katie Kimble , Keri Solis, Beth Huber, Stephanie Murray , Margee Neighbors , Coach Marsalis , Emily Guiza, Rene Ronquillo, Co ac h McGeehan

Bo ys Top to bottom , left to right; Coach Giambelluca , Mi c hael Smuck , Michael Bo rde lon , Chike Ozah, Mark W ol f, Chris Chambers, Loren Pa rd ue , Thomas Thomason , John Diasselliss, lrfan Sayyad, Chris Reese , Jason Griffith, Louis Smith, Brandon Dinon, Michael Brown , Wesley Felter, Coach McGeehan , Ari Bu rs hell , Billy Goodwin , Colin Schuhmacher.

Left: Claude Eyamba running the last leg in the winning relay

STM VS. Girls

2nd 2nd. 1st. 1st. 2nd 2nd. 4th . 3rd.

Not another lap ... Staci beat who? ... The bus driver gets a vote too? ... One more time with the hand off, we'll get it right this time ...

Newman Metro USL District Regional State
USL District
Track [ill]J
Top left and top right: l rfan Sayyad and Chip McGeehan in the triple jump . Above left: Chike Ozah in the high jump. Above: Claude Eyamba thanking her "fans." Left: Tatum Truax assisting the boys' relay team. Stuart Rose Top Left: Wendy Manard alone in first place . Top Right: Billy Goodwin attempts a new height. Middle Left: Rene Ronquillo lets fly the javelin. Bottom Left: STM girls' relay team discusses strategy.
Top Left: Stac i James releases the j avelin. Top Right: Ja Juan Gair making up gro und. Above : Colin Schuhmacher clears the bar. Left: lrfa n Sayyad into the pit in t he long jump. Bottom Left: Ja Juan prepares to start the girls' relay.


Leading the Saints to Victory

Top: Lauren Gatti with the lower school cheerleader. Middle : The Homecoming cheerleade rs , angels , and devils.

Bottom : The cheerleade rs at half time during a b a sketball game

Cindy Perret

Top left: Stacey Weber leads the crowd in a cheer. Top right: The cheerleaders do one of the most favorite cheers, "Bang , bang , choo choo train." Bottom left: Catherine Garvey makes sure everyone knows what the next cheer is. Bottom right ; The j unior cheerleaders.


Track & Field

Most Improved Girl: Stac i J a mes

Most Valuable Girl : J a Ju an Ga ir , W e nd y Manard

Most Improved Boy: Bill y Goo dw in

Most Valuable Boy: lrf an Sayyad


Most Improved Girl : A s hl ey Ba ie r, Kim Mil a no

Most Valuable Girl: J e nn Bl att y

Most Improved Boy : An dy J as p an

Most Valuable Boy: J o na th an Mass ico t


Most Improved : A ll an C ha ng

Most Valuable : Bil ly Dan flou s


Most Improved : Sha ne Bohr er

Most Valuable: Bria n A xe lrad, J ona th an Sch enk


Most Improved : T ay lo r Wo hl eb er , St e ph ani e La ngl ois

Most Valuable : B reck T rev in o


Most Improved Girl : Li ev Th ames

Most Valuable Girl: Mo niqu e Sc ioneaux

Most Improved Boy : Wade Bet z

Most Valuable Boy : Mi ch ae l Mo rea u


Most Improved Girl : Ra na Ra me lli

Most Valuable Girl : E rin S im pso n , B reck T revi no

Most Improved Boy : St ep he n St. Pierre

Most Valuable Boy : Robe rt Fa us t


Most Improved : Duk e Ker ri gan

Most Valuable: Stil es An derson


Most Improved Girl: St ac i Ja mes, Stacy W eber

Most Valuable Girl : Ba rba ra Fa rri s

Most Improved Boy : C hik e O za h , Bobb y Pete rso n

Most Valuable Boy : Co llin Sc huhm ac her


Most Improved Back : J aso n Co nway

Most Improved Lineman: W es Ma rc hal , J aso n G riffith

Most Valuable Back : Chri s C hamb ers

Most Valuable Lineman: J onat ha n Sc he n k


Most Improved: Stacy W ebe r

Most Valuable: Br ec k Tr ev in o

Cross Country

Most Improved Girl : Kati e Kim bl e

Most Valuable Girl: W e nd y Ma nard

Most Improved Boy : Ri az Ali , Matt Fra nc is

Most Valuable Boy : Jo hn Dav id Godc ha ux

Special Awards

Tony Porter Award : Co llin Schu hm ac her

Headmaster's Athletic Award : Loui s Sm ith , Laure n Ga tti

Dave Rice Award: Ja so n Griffith , M ign o n Frey

Robert Petit Award: Br ec k Trev in o

Glen Martin Award : B re nt Bea uli e u

James Burlingame Award: Bri a n A xe lr ad

E Douglas Johnson Award: Juli e Lyek i

§ Robin
Top Left: Senior Girls try to get the correct picture. Top Right: Erin Simpson receives "Most Valuable Player" in Girls' Soccer. She shared the award with Breck Trevino Above Left: Chris Chamber receives "Most Valualble Back" award. Above
Right: Katie Kimble received the "Most Improved" award for Cross Country. Left: Stephen St. Pierre receives the "Most Improved" award for Boys' Soccer from Coach Pastor.
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@ Organizations
,.,., ......,,,, r Organizations "":> a;;- r· _. di ~ Organizations


The National Honor Society , a large selected group of Juniors and Seniors , values academics , leadership , and strong character. After induction , members eat and see plays together , hold meetings , and tutor students struggling in courses. Mrs. Beckman , head of the English Department , sponsors St. Martin 's part of the National Honor Society . She matches tutors and students , arranges meetings , and organizes induction ceremonies. Recognizing these bright students' talents and contributions rewards them for being a wonderful part of the St Martin 's community.

184 Nat io n a l Hono r Soc iety
Top to Bottom , Left to Right: Jennifer Lee , Riaz Ali , lrfan Sayyad , Jeff W illiams , Marco Hidalgo , Robin Tompkins , Tyler Adkerson, Louis Smith , John Diasselliss , Mignon Frey, Rishi Anand , Michael Moreau , Bradley Glaser , Sahil Godiwa la , Ridgely Pittman , Advisor Eileen Beckman , Rachel Tuuri , Monique Scioneauux , Lee Prewitt, Amy Keeney , Marie Louise Ryan , Kait li n Boyce, Liz Wanek , Katie Kimble , Vannessa Carrol, All ison Grice, Jonathan Massicot , Mark Wolf , Lauren Gatti , Catherine Garvey , Lauren Ward , Christina Thorneycroft , Erin S impson , Whitney Samuel , Allison Bratina and Camilo Mendez
1 ..
tS I
Left:\ ~aitlin Boyce inducts Christina Murphy into the National Honor Soc iety. Right: Michael Moreau , Valedictorian for the C lass of 1994, congratu lates Jonathan Massicot as he receives his award.
National Honor Society 185
Left: Jennifer Lee taps Sahil Godiwala into the Society while (Right) Marie Louise Ryan bestows the award upon Jim Angehr

The 1993-1994 Student Council , under the leadership of Student Body President Jason Griffith , Vice President Chris Chambers, Secretary Lindsay Romano , Treasurer Tyler Adkerson and Parliamentarian Catherine Garvey proved to be successful. Its primary function is to govern aspects of the student body , promote service activities and sponsor fund raisers that will in turn raise revenue for various activities. The Student Council is also responsible for organizing Homecoming , which was a tremendous success this year. From the Homecoming Program to the Dance , the S.C.'s involvement made the event a memorable one . With contributions to the Blood Center of Louisiana , Habitat for Humanity and the Red Cross , the representatives upheld the school's commitment to service. The Council raised money by sponsoring the Homecoming Program , the 3-0N-3 Basketball Tournament , Heat-to-Heart , and more.

Student Council
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Doug Getten, Jason Griffith, Chris Chambers, Robin Tompkins , Catherine Garvey, Stacy Weber , Jim Angehr, Brent Beaulieu, Emily Kimble and Asha Jayakrishnan. Not Pictured: Lindsay Romano, Ja Juan Gair, Jonathan Massicot, Blake Schuhmacher and Ian McAlister .

The Council met every Monday in Mrs. G reer's room with her a nd Mr. Marsalis to discuss student related issues, especially those pertaining to the student lounge. As it is the newest addition to the upper school, consequently , it becomes of central importance. The responsibilities of revising the guidelines , purchasin g furniture , and monitoring the lounge all fell upon the Student Council. All in all, the Council definitely gave 100% effort in making sure the 1994 school y ear was a good one.



for Humanity
Cross Blood Drive Homecoming Dance Heart to Heart
for the Hungry
Student Council
Left: 1993-1994 Student Council President Jason Griffith and Senior Class President Brent Beaulieu bid farewell to STM on Awards Day. Right: Incoming President, Jonathan Massicot, prepares to take the reigns and lead the Upper School through the 1994-1995 school year.

Left to

Whitney Samuel, Kaitlin

Boyce, Holly Mills, Jason Griffith and Brent Beaulieu


Godiwala, Christina Murphy, Brad Glaser and Jonathan Massicot.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Andrea Andersson, Curt

Beaulieu, Coleen

Kenny, Carole

Miranne and Sarah Beth Odom.

Right: Left to Right: Jim Angehr,
Class Officers I

Class officers are elected in the spring of the year prior to taking office. The i r ro les range from lead ing class meet ings to managing the finances of the class, to recording the decisions made by the officers. The Seniors lead not only their own class but set an example for underclassmen , while Juniors are primari ly responsible for Prom , for which they must raise funds throughout the year. The Sophomores and Freshmen have a series of fund ra isers and service projects to prepare them for uppe rclassmenship In addit ion to their many projects , inclding laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Sold ier in Was hingtin , D.C. , the Midd le School class officers learn the responsibilities of leadersh ip and are "in training" for Upper School.

Left to Right: Akash Anand, Jennifer Co leman , Nisha Chakravarty and Kevin McCormick

Left to Right: Advisor Warren Lind , Jenn ifer Dinsdale, Amanda Abrams, Micky Delaney

Ms. McAllister, Jason Brown, Malain McCormick , Aimee Folse , Mathis Hall

C las s Officers

The Shield staff authors the yearbook every year. Each member is given assignments such as writing , photographing , or editing The staff member must meet set deadlines for the yearbook to be produced on schedule. Two editors , juniors Robin Tompkins and Cindy Perret , head the club , providing the necessary instruction and guidance Mr. Durbin , the yearbook advisor , oversees the entire operation. This yea r' s Shield staff hopes to create the best yearbook yet.

Students works in pairs or in groups . They learn to work together and to divide the work equally and fairly. An assignment entails taking pictures and identifying people in them; making captions; and writing about the subject. Shield members also learn responsibility by making deadlines If a member of Shield makes a mistake , he is responsible for correcting it.

One Shield member declared that he enjoys the "opportunity to participate in an extracurricular activity which provides a fun experience." While a few admitted that they joined Shield for the extra one-half fine arts credit , many enjoyed taking pictures and writing essays There are many areas in which members may participate , including clubs , events , sports , and layouts. The club works into the summer unt il the last deadline is met.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Cindy Perret , Mark Wolf , Robin Tompkins , Advisor , Jim Durb i n, Tyson Geary , Matt Francis , Stuart Rose, Deane Smith , Allison Grice, Lee Hall , Ross Longo, Alex Husserl, Zach Goodyear, Worth Groome , Christina Thorneycroft, Nisha Chakravarty, Megan Hintz , Dominique Matulich, Courtney Schupp , Caroline Elliott, Asha Jayakrishnan, Kathryn Kirschman, Emily Kimble, Breck Trevino, Lee Adams , Tori Hodges , Ryan Ann Murphy , Missy Spencer, Allison Martinez and Annie Flettrich. Lay-out editor Tori Hodges confers with Tyson Geary about her Shield assignment. Left: Stuart Rose perfects his lay-out technique while Christina Thorneycroft and Alison Grice (Right) observe last year's book
'\! ¥l 7Jl 1i:; n .,
- ~ ii l' •.
Zach Goodyear shoots Freshmen with their Lower Schoolers on St. Martin's Day.
Breck Trev i no and Cindy Perret break from their work during one of their weekly meetings to smile for the camera. Mark Wolf

Halo , the Upper School newspaper , chronicles recent events around St. Martin 's each quarter. Halo includes articles on sports , plays , editorials , and annual events ; it also provides book , mus ic , movie , and restaurant reviews Faculty advisors June Wells and Sue Houghtaling and Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Wanek headed the pa per dur i ng the 1993-1994 school year Many members of Mrs. Wells ' journalism class joined the staff with other interested students to improve their writing skills and to see the school from a different perspective. During club meetings , staff share suggestions and editing advice on different assignments before producing the final draft of an excellent publication.

Top to Bottom , Left to Right: Ben Moore , Charles Williams, Liz Wanek, Merrick McKinnie , Lou is Sm ith, Kevin Goldblatt , Erich Faust, J im Angehr , Liz Geten , Erin Simpson, Allison Bratina, Ross Longo , Mario Caserta , Mac Bauer, Bradley Glaser , Advisor June Wells , Robert Faust , Nisha Chakravarty , Lauren Gatti , Collin Schuhmacher, Nick Wilmerding , Sahil Godiwala

and Riaz Ali -

Liz Wanek revises an article while Ms. Wells discusses the paper with lay-out editor Wesley Felter and Sahil Godiwala. Stacy Weber Louis Smith and Brendan McClean conference with Ms. Houghtaling about how to improve their work.

The 1994 Lyre was both the best and the most expensive issue eve r produced at St. Mart i n 's Many devoted writers and editors produce this literary magazine which involves the whole school. Ed ito r Jeff W i lliams explained that "everybody works together to sift through all the poems and to decide " which ones w ill and will not suffice. The editors do many tedious layouts during weekends and af ter school. All students involved in t he production agreed that the best and most contributions were submitted this year This year, many people , including advisor Mrs. Wells, editor Jeff Williams , Jo Ann Close , Wesley Felter , Ridgely Pittman, and the creative writing c lass , greatly helped produce and improve this pub l ication.

Far Left: Ms Wells looks over a page of the layout. Left: Brendon McLean looks over layout to see where one of the pieces might fit in. Left : Victoria Law ponders what art might fit in with a particular writing. Bottom Left : Ms Wells works on a piece with Luren Gatt i while Brendon McLean looks on.
Billy Schroeder


All members of Civic Club played a vital role in its operation. To stay in the club , members must complete several hours of community service each semester Mr. Rivet monitored and helped to organize the efforts of members Through raffles and other fund raisers , Civic Club raised enough money to have these guest speakers as well as visit prisons and host field trips to movies Schindler 's List and Gettysburg

Civic Club also held several luncheons with guest speakers . At one , St. Martin 's graduate Mr Spell , talked to members about different aspects of Louisiana law. Later , he invited students to his federal court case against the Jefferson Parish Police Department. Eric Vieth and Sharon McDaniel assisted Mr Spell on this case , raising issues such as "How much force is too much?" and "Is force justified even if based upon false pretenses?" To balance Mr Spell 's presentation , a pol ice officer also told the club about Louisiana politics , justice , and law enforcement. These e xperiences taught members much about legal situations

Whether through court cases , guest speakers , or campaigns , members of Civic Club learned a great deal.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Wesley Fenner , Brad Coffman , Chris Reese, David Bellard, Louis Smith, Scott Gold, Eric Vieth, John R iley Thomason, Jason Conway, Ben Prevost, Rishi Anand , Jonathan Massicot , Jeff Elizardi, Dave Jahnke , Riaz Ali, Mark Wolf, Brian Axlerad , John Diasselliss, Susan Neal , Lee Prewitt , Brady Dugan, Wes Marchal, Sharon McDaniel, Ashley Hall , Liz Getten, Liev Thames, Collin Schuhmacher, Ashley Ba ier, Billy Schroeder, Brooke Bailey , Meredith Volk , Beth Huber, Margee Neighbors, Tristan Rappo ld , Kaitlin Boyce , Jennifer Lee , Anouk Rognon , Mignon Frey, Erin S i mpson, Whitney Samuel, Kristen Nelson, Cindy Perrett, Claude Eyamba, Rachel Tuuri , Jason Griffith, Lauren Ward, Advisor Chuck Rivet, and Holly Mills. Billy Schroeder

To remain in Key Club , members had to be enthusiastic , ac ti ve , and devoted participants. Members met every Tuesday during break and each completed five se rvice hours every month.

Key Club contribute d to both the St. Martin ' s and the local community in many ways. This year , the club bought food , gifts , and a tree to provide an underprivileged family with a special Christmas. Later in their year of service , members gathered to improve St. Martin ' s by painting Mrs. Robertson ' s classroom.

Key Club encourages students to help the less fortunate and to improve their environments by dedicating t hemselves to others .

Elizardi , Stephanie Jones , Joanne Close, Wes Marchal, Andrea Andersson, Brooke Bailey, Tristan Rappold , Ben Prevost , Porter Holden, Ashley Hall, Claude Eyamba , Eri c Vieth , Wendy Manard , Duke Kerrigan, Liev Thames , Beth Huber, Meredith Volk , Andy Jaspan, Curt Beaulieu , Sharon McDaniel , Sarah Beth Odom , Staci James and Rana Ramelli.

Far Left: Brent Beaulieu , Chris Chambers and Chris Reese get their hours for the Civic Club as they bundle Christmas trees to save Louisiana's eroding marsh land. Immed iate Left: Key clubber Ashley Baier fulfills her commitment to service as she paints Ms. Robertson's classroom.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Jeff Emily Kimble


The 1993-1994 chorus provided a pleasant and uplifting voice in many school activities. The choir not only performed at school functions but also in the community with the guidance of Mrs. Coleman , choir director. During Christmas season, chorus performed for the Home Preservation Tour and held a concert in the chapel and sang hymns to celebrate Christ ' s birth . Chorus also performed for Kenner Adult Day Care , where many St. Martin's students complete their service projects. St. Martin ' s students have enjoyed choir members' voices during school ceremonies , including the National Honor Society tappings and St. Martin ' s Day. All of the performances received gratuitous applause. Overall , chorus was a great success at school and throughout the community.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Jennifer Coleman, Thomas Thomason, Kevin McCormick, Brandon Dinan, Rebecca Gordon, Lee Prewitt, Courtney Schupp, Advisor Clarinda Coleman, Er ika Tolar, Ridgely Pittman, Ian McAllister, Brandon Voss, and Caroline Byrd. Lee Hall

Acolytes lead the procession at the Commencement Exercises for the Class of 1994.

The 1993-1994 Acolyte Club participated in all aspects of the Church at St. Martin's this year . They led Chapel, whether reading Lessons or reciting Psalms , and also were i n charge of processions. Tak i ng turns, they shifted responsibilit ies within the club, and even made an appearance at Graduation . As vital members of the Upper School , they represent Christian devot ion, morals and doctrines for which this school stands.

Left: The Upper School Chorus sings for the ent ire school at St. Martin's Day . Below: The group, in formal attire, displays their talent in the library.
I Chorus and Acolyte

Wolf , Bradley Glaser , Jeff Williams , Louis Smith , Michael Moreau , Wesley

Fe lter , Kevin

McCorm ick , Lee Prewitt , Advisor Dr. Harriet

Aguiar - Netto and Christina



Schupp ,

T atum Truax , Wesley

Felter , John David

Godchaux , Al lan Chang , and Erika


Top to Bottom , Left to Right: Mark Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Courtney
hm a n I SCIENCE O LYM ~ I A ID JETS VARSITY Cs Ba Hi Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Tl Pb Bl Po !At Rn V Fr Ra
Kathryn Kirsc

Sch u hmacher have no idea what they ' re playing with , but suspec t it was built by someone from Jet s.

Ian Emond and Collin Top to Bottom , Left to Right: Jim Angehr , Sahil Godiwala , Louis Smith , Bradley Glase r, Jeff Williams , Ridgely Pittman , Mignon Frey and Rachel Tuur i. Billy Schroeder


This year's Upper School Chess Club, under the careful instruction of Pedro Perez, the club's advisor, had a very productive year. They held many intraclub tournaments throughout both semesters. These tournaments were single elimination and took place during the club's normal meeting time. Mr. Perez was very excited about the turnout for the club, and had to cut some students away. The team also planned to compete in tournaments against other schools in the city. Win or lose, the members of the club always had a good time and enjoyed the competion.

Top to Bottom , Left to Right: Erich Faust, Camilo Mendez, Jason Griffith, Bobby Peterson, John Abernathy, Brian Kendrick, David Bellard, Deepak Chakravarty, Charles Christy, Steven Sherman, Adam Kartzke, Advisor Pedro Perez, Kevin Hurtt, and Collin Schuhmacher. Jennifer

This year 's quiz bowl team had a successful and rewarding season. After practicing with buzzers, sample questions, and computer programs for five months, members traveled to Boo t hville-Venice High School to compete in the regional Quiz Bowl tournament. There , St. Mart in's undefeated team qualified for the upcoming state tournament.

Tension ran high during the team's sixhour trip to Natchitoches for the state competition. " Riding with Mr. and Mrs. Klebba was interesting ," explained Sophomore Wesley Felter , "but I probably shouldn't say why." Although , in Sophomore Chris Bowman's words , members "came together as a team to compete against other schools," St. Martin's lost to Sacred Heart in the third round of state competition.

Team members agreed that they enjoyed participating in Quiz Bowl this year. Christina Thorneycroft , a Junior , went to her first tournament this year and looks forward to next year's competition. Junior Riaz Ali talked about the 1993-1994 team . "We weren 't as successful this year, but we have some good memories." Mrs. Klebba, the team's sponsor, also enjoyed this season, her second year coaching Quiz Bowl. She enjoys the members because "They 'r e bright, quick , energetic , and funny," and she loves watching their enthusiastic and opt imistic efforts. Next year's Quiz Bowl team will have enthusiastic and experienced members to help create a successful season.

Left: Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Jim Angehr , Riaz Ali , Sahil Godiwala , Mrs. Klebba, Louis Smith, Alison Grice, Wesley Felter, Christina Thorneycroft and Chris Bowman. Below: Quiz Bow l team members, playing Jeopardy on the computer in Mrs. Greer's room , practice for a match under the guise of Jim Marsalis.
Quiz Bowl & Chess

The Upper School Speech team had a very successful season this year. The team won or placed in many tournaments that had before been thought to be out of their grasp. In addition the excellent preformances at local tournaments , the team also fared well at the city and state competitions. Through their strong finish at the city tournament , Brandon Voss , Curt Beaulieu , Chris Bordelon , and Ridgely Pittman were qualified to attend the National Catholic Forensics League Tournament in Wisconson. Competing against the best in the country Brandon came in seventh in Humorous Interpretation , Curt captured seventh in Prose / Poetry , and Chris placed thirteenth in Dramatic Interpretation. Chris Bordelon ' s finish at the state tournament also qualified him to be able to attend the National Forensics League tournament , to be held in Kansas during the summer.

Speech & Drama I
T op to Bottom , Left to Right: Advisor Jimmy Cox, Caro l ine Byrd , Jenn ifer Coleman , Ridgely Pittman, advisor Lee Contavasprie, Curt Beaulieu, Brandon Voss , Chris Bordelon, Billy Danflous and Jim Angehr.

This year ' s Drama Club was a great learning experience for its five members. The dedicated group, consisting of Rachel Tuuri, Rishi Anand , Kristi Hamlin, Tyson Geary , and Brian Kendrick, met once each week during lunch period. Mr. Pardee, head of Drama Club , explained that his group most benefitted those who enjoy acting but lack the extra time to participate in school plays. The club hopes to create a play and present it to students during assembly.

Speech team members with advisor Lee Contavasprie celebrate yet another of their winnings at assembly.

Left to Right: Brian Kendrick, Rachel Tuuri, Rishi Anand and advisor John Pardee. Not pictured: Tyson Geary and Kristi Hamlin
Lee Hall

Art at St. Martin 's enables students to express themselves in a relaxing environment. As an escape from cumbersome math equations and long hours of English reading , students exer c ise their creative capabilities Carolyn Boone and Adair W atkins teach des ign courses whic h make the learning process relaxing and entertain i ng .

In Art I, assignments are graded on motivation and effort , so students with little skill shou ld not be hesitant to take this class . Students in this class say that they enjoy acrylic paint ing and clay work most. Art II and ceramics offer additional challenges for more am b itious art isans This year , the Art II class decorated chairs , tables , and other types of furn iture while ceramics students used clay wheels to create pots and vases Students seeking work as craftsmen after completing school have many options in today ' s expanding job market. Ms. Boone explained that "art is everywhere today Everything is influenced by some kind of art , from food you eat to products you buy ." St. Mart in ' s "All School Show" demonstrated students ' talents in a formal exhibit. Artists from kindergarten through t w elfth grade exhibited their dedication and their pieces in this show at the year's end.

Art & French
Left to Right: Joseph Marcal IV, T he Advisor to the Art Club Pierre Leger and Andrew Gooch .

French Club , which met every Wednesday morning , enjoyed many act ivities this year. Members invited v a rious guest speakers from whom they learned many interesting th i ngs , and they watched movies both in and out of school. A few times , Mrs. Melancon prepared dinner for them at her house , where they sampled French cuisine while watching movies. Often , on weekends and during the week , the club ate at various French restaurants. There , chefs spoke with them about French culture and cuisine

Each student also chose a French meal to coo k . Students brought their creat ions to school , and French Cl ub met at lunch to enjoy t he various recipes

French Club members , with the help of Mrs . Melancon , learned from their many valuable and unique experiences involving French culture

Members of the French Club enjoy good food prepared by some of their own, while they converse in trench.
Guy Johnson and Blake Schuhmacher at one of the Club food tests. Robin Tompkins

The Middle School Acolite Club is made up of students from the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. They come together to read and discuss the word of God and to plan religious activities for the Middle School. They are primarily concerned with Middle School Chapel , planning the liturgy and assisting the Chaplain with the service.

Acolite & Builders I
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Ryan Adkerson, Trey Moses , Justin Wilson , Andrew Stakelum, Advisor , Father Trawin malone, Amiee Folse, Brittany Olson, Jessica Resignola, Grant Melius and Daneel Smith. Diama Moustoukas, Julie Fiorenza, Lindsey Levine, Emery Ordermann , Zach Groover and Florie Claire Webb. Jordan Gill, Michelle Delaney, Allison Johnson, Malain McCormick , Jonathan Mart inez.

M S Builders Club

The Builders club is the middle school's equivalent to the upper school ' s Key club. Under the supervision of Father Malone , they preformed various services to both the community and the schoo l.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: David Fransen , Alan Watts, Gerome

Volk, Advisor, Father Trawin Malone, Andrew Stakelum, Jason

Brown . Elise

Dicharry, Cara Chambers , Jessica

Resignola , Amy

Scalia, Tonya

Gorowara , Gretchen

Gleason , Aimee

Folse. Charlie

Hawkins, Al Minor , Emery O rdermann , Julie Fiorenza , Kristen Adamson, Nicole Dicharry, Diana

Moustoukas. Jim

Geary , Michelle

Delaney , Daneel

Smith, Malain

McCormick and Brittany Olson. Not p ictured; Advisor, Mrs. Kaston .

I Robin To mp k i ns


M S Science Olympiad

The middle school Science Olympiad team had an excellent preformance once again this year. They won their district, and went on to the state competition. There they narrowly missed a first place victory, and captured second place.

M S Science Olympiad

1st row - Richard Lo, Chad Flick, Alan Chang, James Ashcombe, Justin Molaison

2nd row - Mr. Lind (advisor), Kenin Hurt, Kyle Goss, Rebecca Tuuri, Josh Kaston, Akila Subramaniam, Justin Svec, Jonathan Perret, Jonathan Mendez, Joshua Massicot, Elena Perez, Mrs Walker (advisor)

Science Olympiad

MS Math Counts

The Math Counts team annually competes in a competition with other schools in the city. Students are tested on their knowledge of math and their ability to apply it. Under the teaching of Mrs McCormick the St. Martin ' s team always fares well against their competit ion.

Math Counts
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Amanda Abrams, Jennifer Dinsdale, Stephanie Caine, Lauren Dellinger and Advisor, Mrs. McCormick. Rebecca Tuuri and Anna Bailey.

M S Enviornmental Club

Through the leadership of Mrs. Walker and Mr. Echt, the members of the Enviornmental Club learned the benifits of recycling and how to help save the planet. They also started a white paper recycling program in the middle school that was very successful.

Environmental Club I
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Mrs. Walker (advisor), Seth Duplantis, Karla Stewart , Math is Hall, Lindsey Levine, Jonathan Smith, Alan Watts , Preston Dugas, Taylor Simon, David Sharpie , Courtney Duhe Caroline Will iams, Mr. Echt (advisor). Christen Wethey, Anna Bengtsson, Elizabeth Daray , Cara Chambers , Malain McCormick , Allison Johnson, Megan Rigdon. Ginge r Guzzetta , Alice Cacioppo, Nicole Dicharry , Jessica Carvin , Katherine Bologna, Natalie Stein, Lindsey Abernathy.

In Middle School , Mrs. Kaston helps a gr o up of si xt h and seventh graders to participate in Geography Cl ub. Stu de nts gather weekly to play geographical computer games and review mat erial in preparation for the state Geography Bee. In yea rs past , St. Martin's has attended the Bee , held every year in Baton Rouge. Stu de nts could not participate this year due to many activities in Middle School. The club plans to accomplish more in the future.

Left t o Right: Elizabeth Da ray , Cara

Chambe rs , Malain

McCorm ick , Karla Stuart , Allison

Jo h nson collect paper to be recycled.

Top to Bottom , Leftto

Right: Derek Larson , Adam Voth, Rahu l

T ikia a nd Christian

Piccolo . Chris weigand , Dana Burshell , Priya Anand , Miche ll Chang and Advisor Mrs Kaston.

\ Geography Club



M S Heavenly Hash

The Heavenly Hash is the Middle school newspaper. The eighth grade students are the editors , and they write the majority of the articles , layout the newspaper , and then help to distribute it. Thanks to the supervision of Mrs Herrington , the Heavenly Hash is something that all the middle school students look forward to receiving every quarter

[:Ifill Heavenly Hash
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Advisor , Mrs Herrington, Elise dicharry , Stephanie Ca ine , Jennifer Dinsdale, Richard Lo and Kevin Solis . K . K . Martinez, Judith Diasselliss, Amanda Abrams, Amanda Hall , Mitch Groover and Zack Baig. Rebecca Tuuri, Catherine Betz, Emily Bordelon and Michel le Delaney.

M S Bulletin Board Club

Keeping the middl e school looking good was one of the main priorities of the Bulletin Board club . They kept students up to date on the events and activities that were occurring during the year. Festive decorations were also added during the different holiday seasons.


Sara Tuuri , Allison Johnson, Aimee Folse, Ann ie Tompkins, Cara Chambers, Jenny Ernst, Jennifer Dinsdale , Stephanie Caine, Ashley Stuart, Amanda Reese, K.K. Martinez , Lee Rea and Justin Goldblatt. Stephen Quinet, kendall Chauvin and Bill Maurer.

Left: Annie Tompkins prepares art work for the bulletin boards
Bulletin Board
to Bottom, Left to Right:


The Middle School Spirit Club was established this year to promote activities throughout the Middle School. Whether it be a single student or an entire group the club tried to call attention to it by placing information on bulletin boards and spreading the word across the campus. In it's first year the club was very successful in increasing participation and attendance at all planned activities.


C L ·LJ.I 1B "
Spirit Club
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Ananda Reece , Advisor, Mrs. Schuber , Michael Hollinger , Lee Rea and Chris Close. Ashley Stuart, Tori se ixas , Tiffany Applewhite, Aimee Folse, Cara Chambers , Annie Tompkins , Jessica Resignola and Grant Melius. Diana Moustoukas, Dav id Lee , Daneel Smith , A llis on Johnson, Sara Tuuri , Florie Claire Webb, Michelle McDaniel , Justin Goldblatt , Lauren Venturat ios Richard Simmons , Vaughn Thames, Robert Skinner and Shaun Mccarron.

T hi s yea r t he computer club had a number of knowledgeab le stude nts who able to work with the newer, in experienced people. They brought sof tware from home and gave talks on the use of modems and 1 bulletin boards

Trying out one of their computer games is Peter Catsulis, Adam Voth and Michael Blatt.


Left to Right: Roger Bell , Adam Smith , Don D'Aunoy and Thomas Me rrick . Peter Catsulis , Barry Rome , Raymond Areaux, Zach Groover , Alan Stone, David Fransen , Michelle Chang and Priya Anand. Adam Voth, Michael Blatt, David Lee and Matthew Stedman.

C o mputer C lu b
Top Bottom,

The Middle School Chess Club provides young students to develop sportsmanship while being able to compete and develop strategies. The club used both computer games and the standard board game which allowed them to not only play against each other but also against the computer .

[[fill Chess Club
Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Chris Bordelon, Blake Bourguard, Spence Schwarz , Clay Arcenaux and Advisor Coach Sam Dozier. Andy Crawford, Mitch Groover , Charlie McChesney, Robert Allan, Raymond Areaux and Eric Gold. Patr ick O'Brien , Casey Ramelli , Zach Groover and Akila Subramaniam.

C h ris Bordelon , Robert Allan and Charlie

McChesney study the next move.

Raymond Areaux and Aki la Subramaniam f ace off
Chess Club





Each year a day is set aside for the seniors to take the place of faculty and staff

The senior chooses the subject and teacher he or she would like to be for that one

day. They arrive dressed as

the teacher early in the morning and must be prepared just as the regular teacher is They lecture , give quizze s and even grade the tests which they give.

Teacher Day I
Pictured from top to bottom , left to right: Katie Kimble, Charles Williams , Monique Scioneaux, Camile Mende z and Vanessa Carroll
. ~ , \ : ·~ , _____ """ 1111ri.,. V } / \ I' ... ,c• I Senior Teacher Day WJ
Pictured Below : Chris Chambers , Susan Neal , Kristi Hamlin , Collin Schuhmacher , Suzie Mil ler and Ford Church

Senior Chapel

Each year the senior class sh a re memories of their time at St. Martin's with the unde rclassmen , faculty , family and friends This year was no different. They went from lower school to today remembering all the good times and some of the bad Th ey showed their favorite slides , played their favorite music and recited their favo rite sayings Everyone reminisced , laughed and cri ed

The seniors arrive in merriment and song.
Carrie Black gives one of the readings. Lauren Ward, Robert Peters and Julie Lyeki remember a part of yesteryear.
Rene Ronquillo does one of the classes favorite readings. lRobert Faust addresses the seniors and their friends . Carri e Bla ck, Kristi Parton, Amy Coleman a nd Kendall Dinon sing a song for the ir cl assmates and friends. Lindsay Rom a no, Erin Simpson and Liz Wane k t e ll about Middle School.
I Senior Chapel
Ford C hu rch , Liz Getten and Erin Simpson say good bye after ringing the bell.


Each year for the past three years the seventh grade class has taken a one week trip to Wolf Creek On this trip the students get a first hand look at the real out doors complete with overnight camping with only the bare essential They learn how delicate our natural surroundings are and how if properly treated they are our friend While there are none of the conveniences of home everyone seem to enjoy the trip and plans to go back at some later date


The campers are taught how to climb and repel using ropes and harnesses. They actually ascend and descend using the rope and the wire strung between trees ..

The entrance to a week of fun and adventure.
Seventh Grade

The campers prepare for tomorrow's trip into the wilderness.

After setting up camp , they make a fire and prepare supper.

It is not home co o king but after a long, hard d a y it will do.

Everyo ne seems to have had a good time and is looking forward to their next adventure.

Ready for the bus ride home . Wolf Creek

Tom Sawyer Day

Each year the seventh grade take a trip back to the turn of th e century . On Tom Sawye r Day the girls dress in an t ebellum dresses and the bo ys in rolled up jeans and straw hats . To prepare for thi s trip they read the book by Mark Twain and study th e history of the era. They visit a antebellum home and pl a y games that were popular in the late 1800s

Above: Mrs . Schuber gets a hug as she poses with Mark Twain. Far Left: Mrs. Schuber introduces the days events as Mark Twain looks on . Left: Some of the seventh grade boys show off there jeans and straw hats.

@ Seventh Grade

Ms. Brady shows us how it should be done.

The boys are still blowing bubbles , could they have lost the tug-of war?

The girls with their pig tails and straw hats get ready for the first game. Who wi ll blown the biggest bubble? An old fashion tug-of-war, boys against the girls. An old rope swing.
I Tom Sawyer Day WJ

Washington D. C.

The Eighth Grade Class on The Capital Steps

§ Eighth Grade

This year the eighth grade class again took it's annua l trip to Washington D C They visited the Capital and the White House along with many of our nations most memorable monuments This year they spent a lot of t i me in the Smithsonian Institute looking at art and viewing the history of our country.

Upper Center: The class wait to go on the next outing. Upper Right: Students present a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Far Left: The ceiling of the Capital. Left: The Class visits Mt. Vernon.

Left: Remembering the veterans of past wars. Far Left: Remembering the nurses that took care of them.

Washington Tr ip

You-Nique Week

At the beginning of the second semester the Middle S c hool celebrated YouN ique-Week. During this w eek classes were specially designed to help the student find out who he or she was and how they were different from one another The students designed class T s hirts , made plaster masks of themselves and learned to line dance. It was a real le a rning experience and everyone had a good time.

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Mrs. Schuber's and Coach Dozier's class display the T shirts they designed . Left: The class display their plaster masks. Above: A group is learning to line dance.

World Day

Each year the Lower School Celebrates "World Day" . The students spend a week learning all about the various countries of the world. On Friday of that week each class put together presentation depicting the culture and ways of their particular country. They display the art, food and clothes and customs of the land they have been studying

Above: The coral group gets ready to sing and perform songs and dances about the country they have studied
Lower School
Art depicting the environment and cultu re of Africa. Art showing the dress and flags of various European countries.

May Day Celebration

In t he Spring the girls and bo ys of the second grade pu t on the prettest dresses and white shirt and tie to sing and dance around the May Pole

The girls and boys pose for pictures during their coral presentation.

If""" Above Left: The boys show us a few of the steps they have learned. Above Right: The girls get ready to dance around the May Pole. Left: The girls weaving in and out in the May Pole Dance.

- - --!.ii&.£lif.W--~• z "' Lower School ,_

The Passing o f the Light

At the end of each school year we witness the ritual of "The Passing of the Light " It is the end of the senior class year and the beginning of a year of leadership for the juniors. From a community candle all the seniors light their candles and than as they leave the chapel for t he last time each passes the light to a junior

Above: The seniors light their candles and prepare to leave the chapel for the last time as a student.

Left: The juniors with their candles lit stand ready to take over the leadership role of the Upper School.

Upper School WJ
r Advertizements I





Stuart Peyton Kemp Student Center
Athletic Fields
Breck Trevino
Lower School Quad Word Processing Computer Lab Chapel Gardens

Memories Forever

I am very proud of you , Erin! Love , Mom



My wish is that the future brings you the kind of happiness that you have brought to me these last eighteen years I love you Mom xoxoxo . . . . . .

Good Luck Robert and Chris - We'll Miss you!

Ch ris #44 Boog #18 .waiting ou ts ide the locker room one-onon e 9/ 17/ 93 questions

Mud bugs ... Ropers ... 10/ 19/ 91 ...

Footbal I. ..O sca rs ... Movies . .. Soccer ...

Country Colorado Tay age 25 M ay 27.1994 ...

We love you , Ashley Baier and Stacy James Congratulations and Good

[j ·. ·.o . . o ·o ·. .. ·• .
·o .
Luck Class of 1994
Breck Trevino

Amy , You are a child of the universe , no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether of not it is clear to you no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be , and whatever your labours & aspirations , in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham , drudgery & broken dreams , it is still a beautiful world. Be careful, Strive to be happy.


(Found in Old Saint Paul's Church, Baltimore - dated 1692)

We love you and are proud of you from Dad, Mom, Roddy, and Sean and of course Nanny and Pop Pop, and Ya Ya.

To New Beginnings

Love, Mom and Dad.

We are Very Proud of You

From Great Beginnings l
Breck Trevino I
Way to Go Anouk

Good Luck Robin on your new adven ture- We'll Miss You!

It has been great working with you this year. Your hard work and innovations have been a great help and an inspiration to all of us. We know you will do an outstanding job for your new school.


Mr. Durbin, Cindy and the Entire Shield Staff

Congratulations. Merrick!

Love. "Parsons". Mom and Dad.

Congratulations Miss I Love You, Brett.

Ads [ill]J



quote from the river by Garth Brooks

Cindy Perret

Morlas Voorhies Schoenfeld

Is this really Deke material?

Mom, Dad and Amanda

To David

School Days are filled with Wonder .

Future Days are filled with Hope.

May all your days be filled with Happiness. All our love and Best wishes always.

Mom and Dad and Stephen Congratulations "Little" Big Sister.

Love, Marty

Breck Trevino
I l ~!Ii!i:!ll'!lh&i!!l!l!Si!lf!!!!IGI lllllLiiiiil May your memories always keep you smiling. Congratulations Michael We Love You Mom, Dad and Aimee Ads
l • Congratulations Collin Best of Luck at T.C. U. Love, Mom, Dad and Blake Breck Trevino I

Congratulations, Jason!

We are so very proud of you Love Dad , Mom and Steven

\ Ads







B reck T revi no
Congratulations, Carrie!
a great balancing a ct ! Love, Mom and Dad. Ads

Congratulation Robert Good Luck Seniors

'1 I

We Love You, Mom, Dad and Richard, Ayko and Zeke.

!""'-"'~ \."'" _,
Breck Trevino

Congratulations, all our love and best wishes for a bright, happy, successful future full of great works!

Mom and Dad


Such a short time ago you were announcing " Here I Am" to St. Martin's. As you get ready to announce "Here I Am" to the world , these words from a Carl Sandburg poem are dedicated to you.

"I love you for what you are knowing so well what you are. And I love you more yet , child , deeper yet , than ever , child , for what you are going to be , knowing so well you are going far , knowing your great works are ahead , ahead and beyond "

Iii · r=B -, • • • •• ,
A d s

Po o les ... Sagger s .. .Laeren ... trivial pu rsuit - our way destin '90 - '94 the password is road trips GNR , Metallica concert. Mississippi behind the hot tub shameel-shamal. l t ell ya , I tel l ya too! Dominican parking lot. Ray 's face

L G. house after 8 'oclocks party before the pa rty flamin Dr Peppe rs circle k Erin's div e ... roof dancing ... the crush ...JTJ ... Sybils ... un c le Jack at C . Z ...Vinny .. .AI. .. Dam ... Phil Mak racin ...buger king .. .Shane stories . .. Thomas' all ey way .. .the p .h . jump .. .Mick's ... Paulifer. ..

Sweet 16 eggrolls double fisting 2 out of 3 ai n' t bad Diol & Curtis A.K loves a K.A Amy sc a ndel. Julie's scandel. Lauren's scandel. mini pep rally nigh t. Miss Sue Miss Gay kitchen slash laundry room sla s h l never pool players our ni g ht on the town ... the talk with M .M ... mi les ... bed or floor ... secret re nde z vous ...die ... yeh probably ... air tal k Daryle , Bruce , Ross Home Alone .. .punch buggy ... mr. wendell. ..

Sh a ne's dogs ' smell. .. TPH .. . sure! ... wh atever ! wanna be an airforce ranger ... faith ...finger up the nose . .. mufelob ..the jazzfest. ..so there I was in raw hide too cool. allright just ca lm down! .. .the fly ...de brother . .. do it to me the tolmas stop sign summer of '92 ... Jimmy Buffett...master me rger towed from shoreline plug in ebp -ebp hey how ya doin' the wi nk porcelin god spide r l chov ch u stricly dinner funkie dances sumo wrestling the gutter ed l ride th e bus ... will you stop shakin' it. .. the package is op e n .

Two out of Three, not bad , But three out of Three is even better !
IJllf ,., -
Breck Trevino

Congratulations To The Class of 1994 From The Dads' Club

I Ads @V]
I Ii l .. . Congratulations to the Class of 1994 Breck T revi no From the Editors and Staff of the Shield
Thanks to our Parents, Faculty, S t aff and All our Friends. Ads
1993-1994 A Great Year for St. Martin's

William (Bill) L. Rosenbaum Upper School Counselor

Bill in his role a Upper School Counselor has designed many programs to help the students of St. Martin's. From the Life Skills and service projects to the support group and Senior Internships he helps the student find h is or her place in society.

Dr. Wayne Lumpkin Assistant Headmaster

Besides his primary responsibilities as assistant headmaster , Wayne usually teaches at least one class a semester. The course is generally a math or sociology In addition he helps with counseling of both Middle and Upper School students and also works with some support groups.

Making a Difference I

Jo Allen Receptionist

Jo answers the phones and gets the messages to whoever is needed. That's not all she does , though , she sorts the mail , work with development in preparing mail outs and assists wherever she can in order to make someone else job easier

Charles (Chuck ) Allen Book Store

Chuck can be found most of the time behind the counter a the Book Store. He is either helping a student find a book , receiving supplies or trying to find a book or supply for a teacher's project. No matter what he's doing though , he is always willing to help you when ever you walk in.

I Behind the Scenes


Nisha Advisor

Emily Kimble

Chakravarty Jim Durbin Kathryn

Caroline Elliott

Editors-in-chief Kirschman

Matthew Francis Ross Longo

Cindy Perret

Ja Juan Gair Dominique

Robin Tompkins

Tyson Geary Matulich

Zach Goodyear Jennifer

Alison Grice

Worth Groome

Lee Hall

Stephanie Hamm

Layout Editors

Tyson Geary McAlpine

Stuart Rose Ryan Ann

Missy Spencer Murphy

Tori Hodges Billy Schroeder

Meghan Hintz Christina Thorneycroft Deane Smith

Alex Husserl



Copy Editor Stacy Weber

Courtney Schupp

Ad Manager

Breck Trevino

Mark Wolf

Robin Tompkins I

..J olophon

THE SHIELD distinguishes itself from other annual publications in that it cherishes tradition . From the perennial white embossed cover to the flattering assortment of candids , St. Martin's studen t s , faculty and a lumni feel a sense of herit age and schoo l pride. Nevertheless, the product ion of the 1994 SHIELD underwent many changes With over forty staff members , contributing writers and photographers, the support for this issue allowed for the numerous alterations in its production Jim Durbin , in his f irst year as SHIELD advisor and liaison with the business/ administration offices , expressed his enthusi a sm through flexibility a nd persistence. He approp riated funds within the budget for a new ALLEGRO computer by Horizon and a GRID IBM compatible computer, both with 8 MEG RAM and 270 MEG hard drives In addition, a OMS PS-410 Laser printe r aided in the visual presentation with graphics and various emulation fonts In its second year with Josten ' s , THE SHIELD switched from the conventional submission of pages to disks The 272 pages on 80 pound gloss ename l were finaled on June 22 with a Fall delivery in September . The 8x11 book was produced on Aldus Pagemaker 5 0 and Wordperfect 6 0.

Each staff member was given a quarterly assignment was supervised by a des ignated section editor. These editors would then report their progress to the editors-inchief and subsequently the ::idvisor Layouts , staff coordination and indexing (via Josten ' s Last Name First Prog ;·qm) were primarily the task of the editors-in-chief a nd a select group of qualified staff mE 11bers.

Prior to printing , the estimated cost of the book amounted to $32 ,000 This sum includes pictures , printing costs and supplies

The revenue raised for THE SHIELD was accumulated from the selling of the book and ads. The 1994 book went on sale for $35 in the Summer of 1993 . Ads were sold throughout the Fall by Breck Trevino ' 94 . Twenty-four pages were allotted for ads at $175 per page Those unsold pages were reserved for candids

Ba rber ito Photographers , a full service sc hool photography company , was responsible for portrait and team pictures , while the staff shot faculty , organizations , and candids .

The theme of Unity was decided upon by the Class of 1994 and was conveyed throughout the book with bricks on the division pages and subtitles referring to the topic .

Type throughout the book was various po int sizes and tones of Helvetica Headlines ranged from 18 point to 48 point , while caption copy fell in the 10-12 point range.

The entire SHIELD room was reorganized and cleaned during the Summer of 1993 New filing systems , cabinets and desks were provided to better equip the staff for production of the book.

THE SHIELD staff would like to thank the numerous contributors who aided in the success of this issue Special thanks to Jost en 's Representative Randy Oddo for his patience and dedicated commitment in what is best described as "The Conversion Year. " Jim Durbin also deserves special tha nks for his insurmountable contribution to THE SHIELD . Perhaps most importantly , thanks to THE HALO , its advisor June Wells for her assista nce , editors Liz Wanek and Sahil Godiwala for their time and help , and the various writers and photographers whose contributions were vital to THE SHIELD. The editors would also like to take time out to express their t hanks to those members of the staff who gave so much of themselves to see this become a success: "What a tremendous service Look at what you 've done ."



A s hcombe , James T ______ 105 , 16 0 , 208

Baker , Elizabeth T ________

Bankston , Betty p _ Mrs _

Bologna , Katherine R _ 28 ,

117 , 210

Boone , Carolyn w_ Ms ____ 13 ,


Boos , Doris D_ Mrs _ 16

Bordelon , Brett _ 97 , 166

Bordelon , Christopher W _

109 , 150 , 160 , 202, 216 , 217

Bordelon , Emily A _ 109 , 152 , 212

Bordelon, Michael "Chris " 29 ,

105 , 164 , 174

Bossetta Jr _, Michael J ___ 141

Bourgeois , Janson _ 133

Bourgeois , O ' Neal Mr _______ 16

Bourquard , Blake P_ 109 , 150 ,


Bowman , Chris ____ 201

Bowman , Christopher s __ 101

Boyce , Kaitlin Dahl30 , 49 , 64 ,

184 , 185 , 188 , 194

Bradshaw , Benjamin T _ " Ben "


Bradshaw Jr_ , Thomas L.

" Beau "---------------- - ----- --- 133

Brady , Erin Ms _______ 128

Brady, Glenn J_ Mrs _ 13 , 227

Bratina , Allyson M __ 97 , 184 ,


Breau x, Evan Authur ___ 137

Breaux , Kara __________ 145

Bretz, Michael A. 49 , 97 , 150

Brinson, Benjamin A _ 141

Brockhoeft , Ty J ____ 133

Broekstra , Chelsea M __ 135

Brown , Emilee L. ____ 145

Brown , Ian T __ 141

Brown , Jason p __ 28, 113 ,

189 , 207

Brown , Michael w _ 101 , 160 ,

164 , 174

Brown , Ryan M __ 121

Brumfield , Brooks A _ 145

Bruton , Claire _ 141

Buhrman , Laura N __ 137

Burnthorne , Jane Mrs. - 16

Burnthorn Jr _, Ernest Mr 16

Burshell , Ari E . 105 , 156 , 174

Burshell , Dana R _117,211

Busenlener , Carolyn S. Mrs . 13

Bush, Barbara Boat Mrs _ 15

Byrd , Caroline P 27 , 29 , 101 , 196 , 202

Caine ,

Stephanie Anne

Cacioppo , Alice Brennan 117, 210

Cahanin , Dianne D _ Mrs _ 15

A Abbott , ColonErich E _____ 141 Abernathy , John David _ 101 , 154 , 156 , 200 Abernathy , Lind s ey E ____ 117 , 210 Abrams , Amanda M _ 28 , 109, 152, 153 , 189 , 209 , 212 Abry , Lisa Marie _ 105 , 174 Adair , Peter D _ 109 Adair , Suzett Mr s _____ 10 Adam s, Leigh Gardner - - 49 , 60 , 91 , 95 , 190 Adamson , Kristen M _ 117 , 153 , 2 07 A d kerson , Ryan _ 117 , 206 A d kerson , William Tyler ___ 3 7, 60 , 150 , 184 , 186 A g uiar-Netto , Harriet Dr _ 12 , 19 8 Al i, Riaz J __ 37 , 97 , 156, 157 , 184 , 194 , 201 A li zadeh , Adel---- ---- ----- 141 A llen , Charles - ----- -------- 257 A ll en , Jo -------- ------- ------- 257 A llen , Robert s ___ 109 , 150 , 2 16 , 217 A nand , Ak as h _105 , 164 , 189 Anand , Priya _ 117 , 158 , 211 , 2 1 5 A nand , Ri s hi ___ 97 , 164 , 184 , 194 , 203 Anderson , Stiles ___ 24 , 61 , 94 , 16 6 , 167 Andersson , Andrea s _ 37 , 10 1 , 162 , 188 , 195 A ngehr , James c _____ 97 , 160 , 18 5 , 186 , 188 , 192 , 199 , 2 0
M ___ 109 Angelico , Andrew P ________ 133 Angelico, Blaise Matthew 117 Applewhite ,
M _ 109 , 15
, Mark
5 , 214
A rceneau x, Clay E _ 109
2 1 6 A re au x, Raymond _117, 215
21 6 , 217
A rensman , Roby Coach Mr _ 0
A rgote , John Parker105 , 164 , 17 2
r matis, Clarke R ___ 141
A rtigues , Geoffrey c ______ 109 , 15 0 , 166
6 1, 150
194 INDEX 8
M _ 121 Baier , Ashley M _ 31 , 33 , 48 , 97 , 162 , 172, 173 , 194 , 195
p _ Mrs _________ 13
r A __ 109, 156 , 157 , 212 Bailey ,
__ 109 , 209 Bailey , Brooke __ 97 , 162, 194 , 195
15 Barnett
Sheal ____ 105, 150
s_ Mrs _ 14
A _____ 35 , 49 , 97 , 150 Bass , Barrett Farrington _ 137 Bass , Brice D _ 145 Batt , Jjulie c _ -133 Bauer , Jarret E _ "Jeb " _____ 117 Bauer, Robert McGeorge " Mac " __ 25, 62 , 164 , 192 Beauchamp , Robert v _ 133 Beaulieu , Brent Edward _ 62 , 91 , 95 , 150 , 164, 165 , 168 , 169 , 186, 187 , 188 , 195
, Curtis E ____ 37 , 101 , 150 , 164, 188 , 195 , 202 Becker , Lindsey L _ 141
Eileen K _ Ms _ 11 , 184
, Ainsley Michael __ 117 Becnel , Bradley D __ 101 , 166 Becnel , Landon Richard _ 63 Bell , Brian p _ 133 Bell , John Roger ____ 117 , 215 Bellard , Ann Mrs __________ 140 Bellard , David Kirk 24 , 63 , 91 , 194 , 200 , 244 Bellard , Stephen F _ 101 Bengtsson , Anna ____ 117 , 210 Bengtsson , Erik109, 150 , 166 Berke , Brian Stephen Mr _ 0 Bernstein , Nicole I. _ 113 , 158 Betz , Catherine M _ 109 , 158 , 212
Wade B __ 105, 154 , 168 Black , Carrie Elizabeth _ 26 , 27 , 64,222 , 223 , 244 , 249 Black , Marty D_ 28 , 109 , 150 , 166
Kip Ms _ 144
, Adam D ___ 133
, Michael L. 28 , 117 , 215 Blatt , Richard ______ 125
, Jennifer T _ 101 , 172 Block, Celeste A ___ 141 Block , Courtney A _ 133
, Shane _ 101 , 150, 168
, Benjamin c _____ 141
Authement , Ashley L. _ 105 A xelrad , Brian Alexander_
, 165 ,
Baig , Zaki
, Jeffery
Baron , Doris
Bartolotta, Dominick
Beckman ,
Blake ,
P ------· 113
E. 105 Capo , Ashlan 137 Carbo
Caine, Jane Mrs. 10 , 12 Carisella , Jay _ _ 141 Carr , David H - ---· ---·-· 145 Carr , Jennifer -------·- 107 Carroll , Venessa Germaine 48 , 65 , 93 , 170 , 184 , 220 Carvin , Jessica E. ___ 117 , 210 Caserta , Antoinette "Toni " Mrs. - - 10 Caserta , Mario R_ ·- 47 , 97 , 166, 192 Castaing , Peter E ---------· 117 Castano , Lori - 145 Catsulis , Peter Georgiou 117 , 215 Catsulis , Spiro Georgiou 133 Cavaroc , Mike Woodward 101 , 165 Cavaroc , Peyton Bernard 109 , 150 Cecil , Andrea Maria 101 , 156 , 162 Chakravarty , Deepak97 , 172 , 200 Chakravarty , Nisha 105 , 189 , 190 , 192 Chambers , Cara M 113 , 152 , 158 , 207 , 210 , 211 , 213 , 214 Chambers , Christopher Matthes 23 , 32 , 36, 65 , 95 , 150 , 151 , 174 , 181 , 186 , 195 , 221 Chang , Allan __ 105 , 164 , 198 , 208 Chang , Michelle ----· 117 , 158 , 211 , 215 Chappuis , Catherine A 145 Chappuis , Courtney Kristen 137 Chauvin , Christian 105 , 150 , 164 , 165 Chauvin , Kendall---- · 113 , 213 Chester , Stephen J_ ·--- - 141 Childress, Ani A - 141 Chrestman , Andrew Henson 109 , 150 Chrestman, Mary Ann Ms. 144 Christy , Charles-- 105 , 150 , 200 Chugden , Christopher R. 137 Church , Ford Reese 66 , 221 , 223 Clements , Ann Dulany · 28 , 113
, 209 , 212 , 213 Campo , Jonathan
Campo, Marcie
, Candice C
, 170

Clotworthy , Colin J


Darensburg , Nicholas A 137

Dastugue , Kaitlin Chase 141 Davidson , Christopher John

Dazet , Maria Gerrets Mrs 15 deBoisblanc , Lisette H 137 deBo isblanc , Pierre J 121


Elizardi ,

Erbstoesser , Marina 13 7

Ernst , Jennifer Christine 28 ,

109 , 213

Evans , Amy Elizabeth 133

Evans , Ryan Matthew 121

Eyamba , Claud e- Nathalie 97 ,

158 , 174 , 175 , 194 , 195

FFarber , Guy C Mr . Coach 12 ,

120 , 150

Farley , Ryan Joseph 121

Farris , Barbara Janine 69 ,

158 , 159 , 174

Faust, Erich 192 , 200

Faust , Erich Wa lker 101 , 150 ,

166 , 167

Faust , Robert Moreland 33 ,

48 , 69 , 150 , 164 , 165 , 168 ,

169 , 192 , 223 , 238

Faust , Stephen Ewing 105 ,

150 , 168

Fazio , Tony 145

Felter , Scott R 113

Felter , Wesley Michael 101 ,

174 , 192 , 193 , 198 , 201

Fenerty , Katherine A.. .. ... 137

Fenner , Wesley Chaffe 70 ,


Fiorenza , Alecia A. .. . 37 , 101 , 172

Francis , Ryan J 121

Fransen , David Remy 28 ,

, Chr istopher J 109 ,
, 214
Close , Joanne E 97, 154 ,
, 193 , 195
Clotworthy , Jason 105 , 150, 160 , 168
Clotworthy , Richard 0 117
Clotworthy , Robert R 105 ,
, Bradley Forsythe 97 , 194 Coleman , Amy Clarinda 27 , 66 , 223
Coleman , Clarinda A Mrs 13 , 28 , 196 Coleman , Jennifer 26 , 105 , 162 , 174 , 189 , 196 , 202 Coleman , Jonathan Michael
133 Collins
13 7
121 Conway
136 Coons
Anna-Marie 137
B Mrs 14 Co x
James Mr 13
202 Cranner
Gordon C 145 Crawford
C 109
21 7
145 D
Coleman IV , William B 105 ,
Collins , Bradley T
, Jannette A
Conatser , Marjorie Mrs
Conroy , Brooke Sholars
Contavasprie , Lee Mr
, 202 , 203 Contreary , Casey Garrett
Contreary , Kara Alette
, Jason R 35 , 49 ,
, 150 , 151 , 160 , 194
, Tootie Mrs
Coons , Donna
, Andrew
Crotty , Lindsay E
Cumberland , Jeanne M. Mrs 12 , 124 Cunningham , Ellen N .
D'Aunoy , Donald George 117 ,
Daly , Lauren 109 ,
Danflous , William Louis
27 , 29 , 36 , 67 , 202
Daray , Elizabeth Ann 113 , 210 , 211
Darensburg , Dominick A. 145
Delaney , Michelle L. 109 , 189
207 , 212 Dellinger , Lauren 109, 209 Denny , Laura Lynne 133 Denny , Rebecca Laine 141 Denuna , Jennifer 101, 170 Diasselliss , Judith L. 109 , 158 , 212
IV , John Louis 67 , 91
194 Dicharry , Elise N 28 , 109 , 207 , 212 Dicharry , Nicole A 28 , 117 , 207,210 Dieth, Julie T Mrs 140 Dinon, Brandon Dallas 105 , 154, 164 , 174 , 196 Dinon , Kendall Leigh 68 , 91 , 223 Dinsdale , Jennifer J 109 , 152 , 158 , 189 , 209 , 212 , 213 Dirkse , Floris 117 Dirkse , Viktor 133 Dittman , Anderson Walker 133 Dittman , Christian W 145 Downing , Brittany P 133 Dozier , Matthew 141 Dozier , Samuel A. Mr Coach 14 , 150 , 216 , 230
, Vincent 0. Mr 13 Dubus , John Ray 117 Dugan , Brady 49 , 97 , 150, 194 Dugas , Laura M 137 Dugas , Preston James 113 , 210 Duhe , Courtney 113 , 21 O Dunn , Rebecca D 101 , 170 Dunn , Sarah E 141 Duplantis , Seth Samuel 113 , 210 Duplass , Stella 141 Durbin , James E. Mr 14 , 190
, Tracy Mrs O Echt , Danny Coach Mr 11 , 164,165 , 210
, Kristin 137 Eckstein , Taylor 145 Edwards , Mary B Mrs. Coach 14 , 152
E Ebbs
Ms 15
, Yvonne
Blake 97
Davis 101 , 190
Ian Greg 68 , 93 , 199
Preston B 141
Johnny Mr 16
Elliott , Caroline
Emond ,
Emory ,
Engeron ,
Fiorenza , Julian a M . 113 , 206,207 Fish , Carolyn
Fisher , Julie
Flettrich , Annie Louise
Flick , Bryan A
Flick , Chad M.
Folse , Aimee E
Foret , Kristine Kane 141
Fournier , Bradford M 123 Fox , Rabun Samuel 133 France , Adrian K 137 Francis , Evan J 141 Francis , Matthew Kenneth 97, 156 , 190
113 , 20 7, 215 Fransen , Emily C 133 Fransen , Peggy Mrs 13 , 44 , 132 Fransen , Rebecca Mrs 132 Frey , Mignon Ma rie 24 , 70 , 158 , 159 , 170 , 17 1, 184 , 194 , 199 Funk , Allyson lor raine 133 Funk , Anderson J 145 G Gair , Ja Juan Ash ika 105 , 158 , 174 , 177 , 186 Gallavan Jr ., Charles Bernard 133 Garvey , Catherine Anne 27 , 37 , 97 , 162 , 163 , 179, 184 , 186 Gatti , Lauren E. 97 , 156 , 162 , 163 , 178 , 184 , 192 Geary , Ashby E 133 Geary , Jim 207 Geary , Tyson Lykes 101, 190 , 191, 203 Geary Jr ., James Favrot. 117 Gengo , Lindsey Michelle 141 Geoghagan , Anna E 145 Geoghagan , Ryan Thomas 133 Getten, Doug 164 , 168 , 186 Getten , Douglas Vandever
150 Getten, Elisabeth Hobson 23 , 71 , 192 , 194 , 223 Getten , Thomas Edmund 36 , 123 Giambelluca , Michael A. Mr Coach 11 , 13 , 150 , 174 Gibbs , Gillian B 145 Gibbs , Hillary Elyse 137 Gieger , Michael Paul 141 Gilbert , Elizabeth A. 141 Gilbert , Hunter B 141 Gill , Jordan Lindsay 117 , 206 Gill , Joseph J. Mr ... .. ... . .. . .. 14 Gill , Stephan ie E 133 Glaser , Bradley 29 , 97 , 150 , 184 , 188 , 192 , 198 , 199 Glaser , Jeffrey G 121 Gleason , Gretchen 28 , 117 , 207 Godchau x, John David 101 , 156 , 168 , 198 Godchau x, Susan Mrs 11 Godiwala , Nihal Tejas 109 , 150 Godiwala , Sahil Tejas 97 , 160 , 184 , 185 , 188 , 192 , 199 , 201 Gold , Eric P 117 , 216 Gold , Scott M 27 , 47 , 97 , 164 , 168 , 169 , 194 Goldblatt , Justin Todd 113 , 213 , 214 Goldblatt , Kevin Andrew 101 , 164 , 192 Goldsmith , Jason C 107 Gooch , Andrew C 105 , 164 , 204 INDEX Wl

Goodwin , William P "Billy "

10 1, 156 , 164 , 174 , 176

Goodyear , Zachary T 105 ,

190 , 191

Go rdon , Rebecca L. 29 , 105 ,

19 6

Gorowara , Tanya 113 , 207

Gos s , Kyle 113, 208

Goss , Sally Mrs 140

Graf , Harold F Mr 15

Graf , Scott 109 , 150

Gr a ham , Jackie H Mrs 140

Gr ay Ill , Denv e r F........... 141

Gr een, Marian M s 15

Gr eer, Diann e F Mrs 12 , 201

Gr ice, Alison Marie 97 , 184 ,

190 , 191 , 201

G ri ffith , Jason Franklin71 , 91 , 93 , 150 , 151 , 158 , 174 , 186 ,

18 7, 188 , 194 , 200 , 247

Groome , Worth ........ ....... 190

Groover , Mitchell Hasty 109 , 212 , 216 , 217

Groover , Zachary M 117 , 206 , 215 , 216

Guillory , Jane L. Mrs 144

G uillot , Jo Anne Mrs 0

Guiza , Emily L. 105 , 174

Gustafson , Robert Mr 16

Guzzetta , Anthony R.. .. .


Hidalgo , Marco Esteban 27 , 37 , 47 , 72 , 150 , 184

Hintz , Megan C 105 , 162 , 170 , 190

Hintz , Nicholas W 117

Hintz , Tina G. Mrs 132

Hobbs , Daniel S 133

Hodges , Victoria L. "Tori " 101 , 156 , 190 , 191

Hoffmann , Virginia W. Mrs 14

Holden , Mark C 137 Holden , Porter 35 , 49 , 97 , 195

Ho~en , Thacher 109 , 150 Holland , Heather M 137

Hollinger , Elizabeth L.

Johnson , Vicki V Mrs 11 , 124

Johnston , Margaret B 145

Johnston , William C . ..... .. 141

Johnston , William Guy 101 ,

166 , 167 , 168 , 205

Jones , Eric M 133

Jones , Richard S. (Chad) 145

Jones , Stephanie R 97 , 195

Kartzke , Adam C 97 , 200

Kase , Bucky .... .... ... . 111 , 150

Kaston , Betsy T. Mrs 11 , 207 , 211

Kaston , Joshua Alan 28, 117 , 208

Kaston , Stephanie Ruth 121

Katoch , Gauray "Sonny " .. 28 , 117

Katoch , Ruchi ........ ... .... .. .. 73

Kaye , Brian R 111 , 154

Houghtaling , Susan S Mrs 11

Houston , Jonathan B 101 , 150

Keeney , Amy Michel 74 , 91 , 156 , 162 , 163, 184 , 239

Keeney , Natalie E 141

Keir , William Mr 16

Kelly, Pat Mrs .. .. ... .. ...... .... 14

Kendrick , Brian W 97 , 164 , 200 , 203

Kenny , Coleen 101 , 152 , 153 ,


Kerrigan Ill, Robert E 47 , 97, 166 , 167, 195

Khodr, Rami H 137

Kimble , Emily G. 31 , 33, 105 , 162 , 186 , 190

, Emily S 111 , 158

Ingold , Christopher P

Jackson , Mary Ms

Jacobson , Wendy C

Jahncke , Davis Lee

James , Staci

James , Will

Janke , Amanda W .

Janke , Benjamin W.

Janssen, Michael B

Jaspan ,


Johnson , Allison Kay

Hermann , Mary Ms

Herrington , Andree K. Mrs. 11 , 212

, 206 , 210 , 211 , 213, 214

Johnson , Bradley G 121

Johnson, Christopher G. 121

Kimble , Kathryn Eugenie 25 , 49 , 74 , 107 , 156,174,181, 184 , 190 , 220

Klebba , Lee Coffey Mrs ... 11 , 201

Kleinschmidt , Rhett L 121

Knighten , Jenkins Mr 16

Koenig , Clayton 121

Kohnke, Mattthew N. 49 , 101 , 150

Kohnke , Nick 107 , 168

Kritikos, Philip T. . .. . ...... ... 133


Labouisse , Charles Janvier

49, 97 , 150

Labouisse , Mary-Francis Joy 101

Labouisse , Muffin 162

Labruyere , Iris Mrs 0

LaGuardia Jr ., John J ..... 133

Landry , Garrett M 143

Landry , Trevor L. .. .... ... ... 111

Langlois , Stephanie J 101 , 152 , 153 , 170

210 H
W 31
97, 194
195 Hall
Kelly C 109
152 Ha ll
Lee P. 97
164 , 165 , 190 Ha ll
Mathis 189
210 Ha ll
Guy 113
D. Ms 0 Ha mlin
Kristi Lynn 72 , 203 , 22 1 Hamm
Scott Douglas 117 Ha mm
Stephanie Leigh . 105 Hanemann , Michelle A 113 Ha rmon , Jason L. ....... .... 121
rris , Meredith L 141
rris IV , Rufus C . .. ....... . 117
109 , 150 Guzzetta
Ginger L . 117 ,
Ha ll , Amanda J
Ha ll , Ashley
, Mathison
Ha mann , Christine Mrs
Hamilton, Susan
Haspel , Andrew
Hawkins , Charles
Hebert , Susan F. Mrs
He nnington Jr ., Thomas A.
Hermann , Carolyn M. Ms. 12 ,
E 113
214 Hopkins
133 Hopkins
141 Horn
... 133
121 Hollinger , Michael
, Graham D
, Worth
Jr ., Louis H
Hoskins , Daniel M ... .. . ..
Houghtaling , Bruce H Mr 6 , 7,10 , 11
200, 208 Husserl
41 , 97 , 150
Houston, Matthew R 109 , 150 Howard , Helen T ....... .... ..
Huber , Beth Ann 97 , 174 , 194 , 195 Hurtt , Kevin G 105 ,
, Alex
, 164 , 190
M 141 Hymowitz
Hymel , Margaux
121 J
Jackson Jr ., Dommie C
, 194
, 174 , 177, 195
Andrew M 36 , 37 , 105 , 164 , 172 , 195
, Asha 105 , 186 , 190
LaRosa , Steven R 143 Larson , Derek A 113 , 211 Laukhuff , Chad L. 14 7 Law , Victoria Blair .......... ... 75 Lee , David H 117 , 214 , 215 Lee , Jennifer Marie 75 , 170 , 184 , 185 , 194 LeGardeur , Adele Y 145 Leger , Pierre H Mr 13 , 204 Leone , Jessica W 133 Lesley , David E Dr 12 Lessig , Brian 137 Lessig , Carol Mr s 12 Levine , Andrew S 133 Levine , Lindsay M 113 , 206 , 210 Lin , Jeffrey Y 133 Lind , Warren A Mr Coach 12 , 160 , 189 , 208 Lo , Richard Chen-Chi 111 , 208 , 212 Lobell , Brandon M 121 Longo , Ross M . 99 , 150 , 160 , 161 , 190 , 192 Loupakos , Sophia S 137 Lu , Billy 121 Lu , Hsueh-Ping 135 Lucky , Paul 135 Lucky , Stephanie Louise 143 Luke , Rickie Mr 26, 44 Lumpkin , Blair D .. ..... ..... . 145 Lumpkin , Wayne C. Dr 256 Lyeki, Julie 22, 30 , 49 , 76 , 156 , 158 , 174 , 222 M Maise , Edward Maise Mr 0 Mali no , Kim ...... ...... . .. ... .. . 162 Mallery, Camille A 145 Malone, Alison K 135 Malone, Kristin A 137 Malone, Lauren Ale xis 121 Malone , Trawin E The Rev. 11 , 206 , 207 Manard , Wendy E 99 , 156 , 157 , 176, 195 Mann , Alexander R 145 Manning , Shawn Merritt 99 , 158 , 159 , 170,171 , 174 Marca! , Joseph N IV 107 , 150 , 204 Marchal , Wes 194 , 195 Marchal, Wesley D 35 , 49 , 99 Marks , Louise Ms 15 Marsalis Jr , James R Mr 12 , 37 , 174 , 201 Marshall , James I. 113 Martin , Cortney Benton Mrs a Martinez , Allison 172 , 190 Martinez , Allison M. 101 , 152

162, 172 , 194

Nicholson , Colin 143

Nolan , Chad G ............... . 135

Nothem , Grego ry Martin 22 , 80

Nugon , Kathryn M 111 , 153 0

O' Brien , Andrew M 121

O ' Brien , Betty Ms 15

O ' Brien , Patrick A 111 , 216

O'Bryon , Jeffrey Gunther 143

O ' Connell , Catharine D 121

Odell , Elizabeth A (Libby)


Odell , John P (Jack) 135

Odell , Richard G 143

Odom , Sarah El iz abeth 103 ,

162 , 172 , 188 , 195

Oge , Woodward ... ... 103 , 150

Olson , Brittany M 28, 115 , 206 , 207

Ordemann , Em ery E 115,

158 , 206 ,2 07

Ozah , Chike 103 , 160 , 174 ,


Palacios , Robert T 137

Panna , Larry Coach Mr 0

Pansano , Sara Beth N 147

Pansano , Susan N Mrs 136

Pappas , Alexandra 121

Pappas , Nicholas 111

Pardee , John Mr 11 , 13, 26,


Pardue , Loren E 103 , 166 ,


Parmelee , Jean Ms 11

Parton , Kristi Leigh .. .. 47 , 80 , 223 , 238

Pastor , Janvier Coach 164 ,

165, 181

Patel , Neej Jash 137

Patel , Neema Jash . .. ...... 139

Patterson , Margaret F 139

Peres , Jeremy Christopher


Perez , Elena M 111 , 158 , 208

Perez , Karla G 135

Perez , Pedro B Mr 13 , 200

Perez Ill , Leander H "Lea "

107 , 150

Perkinson , Sandy Mrs 15

Perret , Cindy Ab igail 99 , 152, 153 , 190 , 191 , 194

Perret , Jonathan Fernandez

115 , 208

Perret , Margaret G Mrs. 132

Peters , Thomas Maxwell . 25 , 32 , 81 , 150 , 222

Peterson , David C 119

Peterson , Robe rt Mr ... .... .. 16

, Jonathan 20 6
, Jonathan R 119 Martinez
Katherine A "KK " 111
152 , 158,212 , 213
, Jonathan E . 46 , 99 , 172 , 184 , 185 , 186 , 187 , 188 , 194
, Joshua A 119 , 20 8
Andrew C 13 7
, Dominique Christia 107 , 162 , 170 , 190
, Fletcher 11 3 Maurer , William J 113 , 21 3 Mayer , Benjamin A 145 Mayeu x, Andrew W 143 McAllister , Ian 26 , 27 , 101 , 154 , 186 , 196 McAlpine , Jennifer 10 7 Mccarron , Shaun C 28 , 119 , 214 McChesney , Charles B 111 , 150 , 216 , 217 McChesney , David S 137 McClean , Brandon ... .... ... 192 McCormick , Brian E 143 McCormick , Janis S. Ms .. 12 , 209 McCorm ic k , Kevin 107 , 154 , 189 , 196 , 198 McCormick , Malain 113 , 189 , 206 , 207 , 210 , 211 McCullough , Daniel C 137 McCullough , Patrick J 121 McDaniel , Elyse C 143 McDaniel , Eva "Michelle " 111 , 158 McDan iel, Michelle 214 McDaniel , Sharon M. 99 , 152 , 153 , 194 , 195 McDermott , Linda Mrs 140 McDermott , Meghan E... 111 McDonald - Dousson , Ellise M. 113 McElory, Aavon A. "Sky" 137 McGeehan , Charles T. Mr "Chick " .. ..... .... .... 14 , 150 , 160 McGeehan II , Charles T 101 , 150 , 175 McGuire , Michael M Mr. Coach 14 , 160 , 161 , 174 McKinnie , James Merrick 76 , 160 , 161 , 192 , 241 McKinnie , Mary P 101 , 170 McLean , Brendan 99 McManus , Bryan Stephen 121 McManus , Elizabeth Ann 101 , 152 , 153 , 158 McQuaig , Willian N 137 Melius , Grant K 113 , 158 , 206 , 214 Menard , Anne - Mar ie Ms 136 Mendez , Andres Felipe 119 Mendez , Camilo Manuel .. 77 , 168 , 184 , 200 , 220 Mendez , Jonathan ... 28 , 113, 208 Mendez , Jose ' Carlos ... .. 113 Mendez , Patrick 121 Merrick , Caroline A 111 , 152 Merrick , Edwin T 119 Merrick , Hallie M 121 Merrick , Thomas 215 Michael , Chad 141 Micklin , Patti Reiss Mrs 15 Milano , Kimberly A 103 , 172 Miles , Noel "Brooke " 107 , 160 Miller , Ashley E 121 Miller , Mary Margaret Ms 15 Miller , Suzanne Nicole 77 , 91 , 221 , 251 Mills , Holly Bevan 26 , 49 , 78 , 188, 194 Minno Ill , Alexander M 143 Minor IV , Al F. ....... .. 113 , 207 Mioton , Lauren M 137 Miranne , Carole L.. 103 , 162 , 188 Miranne , Minna Ree Mrs .. 15 Mohrmann , Ashley K 121 Mohrmann, David T. .. .. ... 135 Molaison, George L 145 Molaison , Justin E 113 , 208 Monsour , Hunter Clay 135 Monsour, Ryan Paul 121 Montgomery , Ernest Mr 15 Mooney , Rex 0 Dr 11 Moore , Benjamin A 103 , 164 , 192 Moreau , Aimee L. 121 Moreau , Michael Andrew 48 , 78 , 154 , 155 , 184 , 185 , 198 , 245 Morrison , Parker L......... . 137 Moses , Trey 119 , 206 Moustoukas , Dianna N 28 , 119 , 206 , 207 , 214 Mullin , Kerry Coach Mrs 0 Murphy , Christina E. 99 , 185 , 188 Murphy , Ryan Ann . 103 , 170 , 190
, Stephanie B 103 , 152 , 153 , 162 , 174 N Neal, Susan Lela 49 , 79, 93 , 194 , 221
, Margaret "Margee " 99 , 174 , 194 Nelson , Kristen Ann 79 ,
Peterson , Robert C.. 99 , 160 , 168 , 200 Phillips , Adrienne L. ..... ... 111 Piccolo , Christian M. 119 , 211 Pierre , Stephen St. . 164 , 165 Pitre , Deborah Ms 0 Pittman , Mrs Stephenie 12 , 120 Pittman , Ridgely S 26 , 99 , 184 , 193 , 196 , 199 , 202
, Mary "DoBee " Mrs 14 , 152 , 158 Podret , Ph illip J 143 Pool , Ilene S Mrs 10 Porter Ill , Allen C 143 Prevost , Benjamin Webb. 35 , 49 , 99 , 150 , 194 , 195 Prewitt , Elizabeth F 111 Prewitt , Lee M 99 , 184 , 194 , 196 , 198 Psilos , Matthew A 119 Pugh , Katharine .......... .... 139 Pulley , John Mr 16 Q Quinet , Stephen A 115 , 213 Quintal , Robert E 143 R Rabalais , Darlene Coach Mrs 14 Ramelli , Rachel L 139 Ramelli , Rana L. 99, 152 , 153 , 162 , 195 Ramelli II , Robert C "Casey " 111 , 150 , 216 Rappold , Tristan .. 31 , 35, 48 , 99 , 154 , 155, 162 , 174, 194 , 195 Re , Gregory N 143 Re , Richard M 119 Rea, Lee 213, 214 Rea IV , Harris G. L. 115 Readinger , Sheryl Ms 15 Reese, Amanda Jane 28 , 111 , 213 , 214 Reese , Christopher
, 195 Reese , Janice J Mrs 14 Reese Jr. , James J 107 , 164 Reinhardt , Shirley M . Mrs 0 Resignola , Cheryl R. Mrs 144 Resignola , Jessica A 115, 158 , 206 , 207 , 214 Richard Jr ., Charles W . "Chas " 139 Richardson , Cooper E 121 Riess , Jean 14 7 Rigdon , Matthew M. 111 , 150 Rigdon , Megan E 115 , 210 INDEX
Todd 81 , 91 , 164 ,174

" Chuck " 11 , 194

Rob e rts , Taylor A .. ... .. ... .. 143

Robertson , Jean Mrs . 11 , 195

Robert son Jr. , Edward The

Rev 11

Robinson , Scott J 123

Rodrigue , Drew 119

Rodrigue , Ross 135

Rodriguez , Alison S. 111 , 155

Rodriguez , Christopher E.


Roger s, Pamela A Mrs 12

Rognon , Anouk Helen 82 , 91 ,

15 6, 157 , 170 , 194 , 240

Rolston , Wesley A. 31 , 103 ,

156, 157 , 162

Romano , Lindsey Elizabeth

37 , 82 , 91, 93 , 186 , 223

Rome Jr. , Barry 119 , 215

Ronquillo , Rene Monique 83 ,

15 8 , 159 , 170 , 174 , 176 , 223

Ro se, Erin 147

Rose , Stuart W. 99 , 164 , 190 ,


Ro se nbaum , William L Mr

22 , 256

Ro ss ner , Carter W . 139

Ros s ner , Ryan J 119

Roy , Ale xa nder P 135

Ruello Ill , Kenneth B. "Trey "


Ru sse ll , John T 103 , 154 ,

155 , 164

Russ o , Ja net C Mrs Coach


Ryan , Ba rbara H Mrs 15

Ryan , Marie Louise 49 , 83 ,

184 , 185

Sa lazar , Je ssica Rae 135

Samuel , Scott R 119

Sa muel , Whitney Elise48 , 49 ,

84 , 154 , 155 , 172 , 173 , 184 ,

188, 194

Sa nders , Lorraine Mrs 0

Sa nt an gelo , Ryan William 115

Sa porito , Christopher B 139

Sa unders , Scott L. 147

Sa voy , Beverly Mrs . .. ... ... .. 15

Sax ena , Madhav 139

Sayyad , lrfan Azeem 33 , 48 ,

84, 150 , 164 , 174 , 175 , 177, 184

Sca les , Craig F 147

Scalia , Amy E. 115 , 158 , 207

Sca lia , Brent Daley 85 , 91 , 15 0

Scalia , Deborah W Mrs 128

Schenk , Jonathan 49 , 99, 150 , 168

Schoen , Elizabeth C 123

Schoenfeld , Morlas Voorhies

36 , 85 ,2 43

Schroeder IV , William A 99 , 164, 194

Schuber , Mrgaret Mrs 11 , 214 , 226 , 230

Schuhmacher , Blake 103 , 160 , 168 , 186 , 205

Schuhmacher , John Collin 25 , 49 , 86 , 91 , 160 , 161 , 174 , 177 , 192 , 194 , 199 , 200 ,


Schultz , Wayne Mr 16 Schupp , Courtney 103 , 190 , 196 , 198

Schwartz , Donald S. Mr . .... 8 , 10 , 33, 91 ,272

Schwarz , Spence ... 111 , 150 , 216

Scioneau x, Monique Terese 23 , 30, 32 , 37 ,

, 155 , 156 , 172 , 184 , 220 , 248

Scott , Amy Lawrence 87 ,

Scott , Karen D Mrs

Seixas , Victoria "Tori " 111 , 152 , 214

Senner , Christopher R

Senner , Karl A

Shackelford , Elizabeth B

Shackelford Ill , William G

Sharpie , David

, Stephanie

Smith , Daneel S 119 , 206 ,


Smith , Howard "Deane " 107 ,

166 , 190

Smith , Jonathan F 115 , 210

Smith , Melissa Morgan 88

Smith Ill , Louis 0 99 , 160 ,

174 , 184 , 192 , 194 , 198 ,

199 , 201

Smith Jr ., Lowery Wayne107 ,


Smuck Jr ., Michael B 107 ,

160 , 174

Solis , Keri W . 103 , 174

Solis, Kevin L. . 111 , 150 , 212

Solomon , Sam M . 147

Solomon Jr ., Gary N 135

Spencer, Melissa S 31 , 37 , 103 , 170 , 190

Spindler , Allison A.... .. .... . 135

St. Pierre , Stephen P.. ..... 36 , 103 , 181

Stakelum , Andrew M . .... 115 , 206 , 207

Stanley , Christine E 135

Stead , Travis J 14 7

Stead , Zachary R 107 , 150 , 164

Stedman , Matthew L 28 , 119 , 215

Stedman , Ruth M 139

Stein , Natalie A. 28, 119 , 210

Stengel , Dot H Mrs 10

Stewart, Ashley M 111

Stewart , Karla D 115 , 210

Stewart Jr , Dennis L 123

Stone , Alan D 28 , 115 , 215

Stuart , Ashley 213 , 214

Stuart , Karla 211

Subramaniam , Akila119 , 158 ,

208 , 216 , 217

Subramaniam , Venkat 139

Sutton , Brett K. .. ... .. 107 , 150

Svec , Dav~ 123

Svec, Justin 115 , 208 T

Talbert , Brian H. 99 , 168, 169

Thames , LievA 99 , 155 , 174 , 194 , 195

Thames , Vaughn W. 111 , 214

Thomason , John Riley 99 , 150 , 194

Thomason, Thomas F 107 , 150 , 166 , 174 , 196

Thompson, Trey 111 , 150

Tikia , Robyn 135

Tolar , Erika S. 107, 174 , 196 , 198

Tompkins , Ann H... 119 , 152 , 158 , 213 , 214

Tompkins , Robin 99 , 160 ,

161 , 172 , 173 , 184 , 186 , 190 , 241

Tosh , Adam 143


Smith , Alan Coach Mr 14 , 154 , 155

Smith , Brent S.. . .. ... .. .. ....

Smith , Clarence Mr

Thorneycroft , Christiana M 29 , 37 , 99 , 155 , 184 , 190 , 191 , 198 , 201

Tiblier , Jimmy E 139

Tikia , Rahul 119 , 211

Ri vet
G . Mr.
, Charles
49 , 86 , 94 ,
210 Sharpie
128 Sherman
sSteven J. 107 , 200 Sherwood , Chandler A. .. 123 Sherwood , Jonathan W 115 Sheth , Ankit D........ ...... .. . 143 Shuey , Rachel F 143 Siegel , Gloria E Mrs 11 , 120 Silvestri , Mia A 143 Silvestri , Sara J 135 Simmons Ill, Richard 119 , 214 Simon , Taylor M 115 , 210 Simpson , Erin Patricia ... .. 87 , 162 , 163 , 172 , 173,181 , 184 , 192 , 194 ,2 23 , 237 Skinner , Robert 214 Skinner , Robert Austin 119 , 214
Carolyn N 143 Smith , Adam Robert 119 , 215
Shaw , Sue P Mrs
Small ,
, Daniel J 115 Trask , Amelia L 143 Trevino , Al Coach Mr 14 , 150, 170 Trevino , Kathryn Breck 23 , 42 , 88 , 91 , 95 , 152 , 153 , 154 , 155 , 162 , 163 , 170 , 171 , 181 , 190 , 191,242 Trevino, Linda Coach Mrs. 14 Trist 111 , Nicholas P 147 Trotter , Linda R. Mrs 124 Trua x, Michael W .... 107 , 150 Trua x, Tatum N 103 , 158 , 175 , 198 Tusa, Paul C 103 Tuuri , Rachel E. 99 , 154 , 184 , 194 , 199 , 203 Tuuri , Rebecca A 111 , 208 , 209 , 212 Tuuri , Sarah C 119, 213 , 214 Tyson, Zachary J 123 u Uddo , James L 14 7 Uddo , Robert B 14 7 Uddo Ill , Joseph F 139 Urann , Molly K 37 , 99 Uribe , Gabriela F... ... ...... 139 V Valladares , Greg Stacy 89 Veith , Eric H 99 , 150 Venturatos , Georg P 123 Venturatos , Lauren M . 111 , 152 , 158 , 214 Verret , Scott P .. .. .... .. ..... . 107 Vieth , Eric 194 , 195 Vogt , Kelsey D 143 Vogt , Kerry S. Mrs 144 Volk , Meredith A 99 , 154 , 155 , 162 , 163 , 194 , 195 Volk Ill , Jerome M . 115 , 207 Von Behren , John M . 123 Voss , Brandon G 103 , 196 , 202 Voth , Adam D.. 28, 119 , 211 , 215

Wagn e r, Allison Lew is Mrs 144

Walker , Catherine Mrs 12 , 189 , 208 , 210

Walters , Emily Ca roline 143

Wanek , Carolyn D Mrs 15

Wanek , Elizabeth Caroline49 , 89 , 91 , 154 , 155 , 184 , 192 ,


Ward , Lauren Elizabeth 30 , 91 , 94 , 162 , 184 , 194 , 222

Watkins , Adair P. Mrs ...... . 13

Watkins , Charlotte 135

Watson , Paul M . .. ... .... ... . 14 7

Watson , Robert M 139

Watts , Alan B. . 115 , 207 , 21 O

Watts , Rachel W 143

Weave r, Katherine B 143

Weaver , Matthew H "Hardy "


Webb , Flo rie Cla ire 115 , 158 , 206 , 214

Weber , Stacy E 103 , 152 , 153 , 158 , 179 , 186

Weigand , Christophe r A. 115 , 211

Welch , William T. "Thomas "


Wells , Elizabeth June Ms. 11 , 192 , 193

Werth , Brian C 28 , 111 , 150

Wessel , David M

Wethey , Amanda N .

Wethey , Christen M.

White , Jessica A


Wilkie , Richard "Drew "

, Carra J . ... .........

Williams , Charles P 36, 91 , 94 , 164 , 165 , 192 , 220

Williams , Gregory T 123 Williams , Jeffrey 0 . .. 99 , 150 , 184 , 193 , 198 , 199

Williams , Stephanie D 107 , 162

Willis , Harlan "Tony " Mr 16

Wilmerding , James W.W.

Mr 10

Wilmerding , Nicholas H. 103 , 192

Wilson , Caroline B 14 7

Wilson , Justin H 119, 206

Wise , Jessica L 139

Wohleber , Taylor E 103 , 170

Wolf , Mark B 99 , 164 , 174 , 184 , 190 , 194 , 198

Wolff , Ashley A 135

Wong , Tian-Ping "Billy " 139

Wood , Andrew C 139

Wool , Harrison G 135

Wool , Spencer B... ... ... .... 139

Wool , Zachary L 119

Worth ", William " W . Groome 105 y

Yelverton , Bla ine T 139

Young , McCall P. "Mackie " 147

Yumukoglu , Mary C . ....... 123 z

Zeller , Matthew 103

Zimmermann , John (Brooks) 135

Zimmermann , Miesje A 123

119 ,
White Ill
Jack M . ... .. ... ....
111 ,
Williams , Caroline D 115 , 210 Williams

To th e Sen iors:

We a lways end th e year w ith a farewell to o u r friends a nd our teachers , but thi s yea r when you rin g th e bell nin ety -four time s, you w ill also say good - bye to your a lm a mater. During hi g h sc hool , yo u probably aske d, "When will this e nd ?" or remarked " I ca n ' t wait until I leave." Well, you are finally out of here . After the next few months, though yo u will wish you were ba ck. You can a lways come back to vis it , of co u rse, and your memories will las t a lifetim e. To help you remember , we ' ll show you so m e pictures from t he past. Yes, in the black tu xedos and drap es, yo u all look ha ndsome and beautiful , but who's go in g to remember that ? Funny faces , sad lo oks, and the s mil es are what you will c heris h for the rest of your life. Treasure this yea rbook , and never forget

I l
Cindy Perret
Senior Farewel l W]
Cindy Perret
' , , ~ S::-en::-:--=-io~rF:a"''r·,::,e,w~vP.ellll
Cindy Perret
I Senior Farewe ll

Good-bye and Thank you Don & Alice

After eight years as Headmaster of St. Martin's , Donald S. Schwartz has chosen to move o n to new challenges as Headmaster of All Saints' Academy in Winter Haven Florida . M r . S ch wartz's assoc iation with our schoo l goes back a quarter century. He came here as a yo u ng history teacher in 1969 and became the school's first Middle School Head in 1973. Af t er a number of years away from St. Martin's in school administration and the world of business , Mr. Schwartz returned in 1986 to assume the Headmaster's position. Under his ca p able leadership , St. Martin's has thrived. Our reputation in the community , our financial position , the quality of our students , and our sense of purpose have all been enhanced du ring his tenure

St. Martin's is not just losing a leader , we are saying farewell to an old friend an devoted su p porter of the school. As a teacher coach , administrator , and parent , Donald Schwartz has always made the interests of our students his major priority.

Good -bye Do n & A l ice [

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