1997 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

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-----THE SHIELD 1997
----. __;:;::- ----=-~ •SCHOLARSHIP• S ST. MARTIN'S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Metairie, Louisiana VolumeXLIV 1997 1
f#r.if:t 0$ CQJ\19"'~s ..-.: 4 ~lf&....~ FACULTY 10 - 21 S1 'UDENT T,lfb' 24 - 51 SENIORS 54- 97 PEOPLE 100-175 SPORTS 178 - 217 CLUBS 220- 243 ADS 246-263 STAFF & INDEX 264 - 272 2
I 3


Carolyn Whitley Strickler exemplifies the motto of St. Martin ' s: Faith, Scholarship, and Service .

Carolyn came to St. Martin ' s as a bright eyed Kindergartner. After thirteen years as a student, she graduated as a distinguished member of St. Martin's Class of 1962.

Using the valuable skills she acquired at St. Martin ' s, Carolyn attended Newcomb College where she earned a degree in art.

In 1972 she seized the op-

portunity to return to her alma mater as the art teacher. For 25 years, Carolyn was a crucial part of the school's environment.

Carolyn Strickler has been a friend and a confidante to the students throughout her career. Her humor and council will be missed by all When she returns to campus, she continues to bring smiles to the faces of the students and faculty Carolyn Whitely Strickler leaves behind a legacy of faith, scholarship, and service




To the Class of 1997:

" the fear of the Lord is pure , enduring forever ; the ordinances of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold ."

You have the distinction of being the class graduating during our golden year as a school. May that distinction be an omen for your future achievements. I really do pray that you will shine during your collegiate years and beyond . I thank you for your achievements during your career at St. Martin's. May a commitment to achievement be part of your approach to school and life in the years ahead.

The image of gold is a powerful one , with many ramifications as I reflect upon all of you You are golden in your giftedness. You certainly have already received many precious opportunities for growth during your years at St. Martin ' s, and you consistently seized those opportunities. Part of your charge as adults will be to transform your giftedness into a gift: for your family , your community , your church , your world St. Martin ' s Episcopal School is a model of service learning in this community , a nd our status is in large measure rooted in our belief that giftednes s is the medium of generosity and not merely privilege.

St. Matthew ' s Gospel is also elo quent in its wisdom about our gold, our treasure The best aspiration is for those treasures that transcend the material measures of our world, the treasures that reflect the deepest and purest and noblest yearnings of our hearts. May you be people of great heart and compassion in the days ahead . Having negotiated the years of adolescence and its stunning array of challenges, may you each be attuned to the particular challenges that your fellow human beings face.

The above quotation from the Book of Psalms also echoes my hope that St. Martin's Episcopal School's principal gift to you will be one that transcends gold. My deep desire is that our school's legacy will be one related more to value than to talent. May you be people who live lives rooted in an ethical system that recognizes a power greater than ourselves , a power I choose in faith to call God. That indeed would be the greatest treasure St. Martin's could provide you

I am reminded of Zachary Goodyear ' s call to reconciliation on St. Martin ' s Day. The value of forgiveness and healing can not be underestimated. Whether your career here was stunningly successful or a struggle on many days , may each of you heed Zach's call : "All I hope for is that we make the mistakes of yesterday our lessons for today .. ..So do your school, your friends , and yourself a favor: stick together , put the past behind you, and keep St. Martin ' s A Perfect Fit." So, as I say farewell to you on behalf of all the faculty staff who have known and nurtured you here at St. Martin's , please know that I pray that you go in peace! God bless you always

With esteem and affection ,




Back Row, LEFT TO RIGHT: The Rt. Rev. James Brown, Michael Flick, Donald McDaniel, Jerry Saporito, Marjorie Beer, Robert Nolan, Peter Labouisse III, Sean Daly, Charles Peterson and Marlene Samuel.

Front Row, LEFT TO RIGHT: The Rev. Ron Clingenpeel, Gary Solomon, Sr., The Rev. Gedge Gayle, Dr. William Brooks Emory, Leo Dressel, William B. Coleman III, Marion Groome and Leo Beaulieu. Not Pictured: Thomas Getten, Richard Adkerson, Lawrence Gibbs, Edie Wilson and Joseph J. Mansfield.

1996 - 1997 Officers

Chairman: Dr. William Brooks Emory

Vice Chairman: MR. Jerry L. Saporito

Secretary: Mr. Gary N. Solomon, Sr.

Treasurer: Mr. Charles H. Peterson

\ I
Right: Assistant Head of School, Dr Wayne Lumpkin and Secretary, April Najolia. Head of Lower School, Allan Woodard and Secretary, Dot Stengel. Left: Head of School, Mr. Leo Dressel and Administrative Assistant, Toni Caserta . Right: Head of Upper School, Mr. Roger Barbee and Secretary, Mrs. Ilene Pool.
Secretary, Suzette Adair and Head of Middle School , Margaret Schuber.

The English Department II

The Performing Arts Department

II 12
Left to right: Noel Waddington, Stacey Miner, Mary Katherine Carlton-Stewart, June Wells, Roger Barbee, Judy Sharple, Chairman of the English Department Eileen Beckman, John Pardee, Lee Klebba, and Jean Parmelee. Left to right: Head of the Performing Arts Department Kate Arthurs, Rinda Coleman, and Peggy Fransen. Sitting: Jimmy Cox.

The Foreign Languages Department

The Math Department

Left to right: Carol Baier, Glenn Brady, Chairman of the Foreign Languages Department Pedro Perez, Vincent Drago, Jim Silkensen, Leslie Wagner, and Karen Scott.
Left to right: Louis Thompson, Stephanie Pittman, Chairman of the Math Department Janis McCormick, Jane Caine, Jeanne Cumberland, Jim Marsalis, and Dianne Greer.

liThe Fine Arts Department

Left to right: Standing: Patrick Hunley, Warren Lind, David Lesley, and Elizabeth Mead-Farber. Seated: Head of the Science Department, Dr. Harriet Aguiar-Netto, Carolyn Hermann, Pamela Rogers and Robert Warzeski.
Above, Left to right: Carolyn Busenlener, Amanda Cabral, Leslie Wagner, and Christine Sauer. Right: Head of the Fine Arts Department, Carolyn Strickler.

j[he Social Studies Department II

II The Religious Education Department II
Left to right: Rev. John T. Farrell, Rev. Trawin Malone, and Chairman of the Religious Studies Department Rev. Edward R. Robertson, Jr.
Left to right: Susan Godchaux, Gloria Siegel, Vicki Johnson, Mary Quinet, Betsy Kaston, Edith Long, Bill Rosenbaum, Dr. Rex Mooney. Kneeling: Chairman of the Social Studies Department Charles Rivet, and Glen Sutherland.
16 I I
Left to right: Doris Baron, Jim Durbin, Jean Parmelee, Sitting: Pat Kelley, Ginny Hoffmann and Janice Rees.
Physical Education
Left to right: Linda Trevino, Chick McGeehan, Alan Smith, Robin Martin, Sam Dozier, Sue Edwards, Tony Bonura. Sitting: Donna Coons, Director of Athletics Michael Giambelluca, and Janet Russo .

The Development Offices

II Nurses
Left to right: Susan Harmon and Kim Uddo.
I I 17
Left to right: Harold Graf, Christine Hamann, Director of Development, Barbara Boat Bush, Mary Margaret Miller and Patti Micklin.

The Admissions Offices

The Business Offices

Left to right: Director of Admissions, Mary Schreiber, Carole Beehler and Laurie Herron. Left to Right: Charles Maumus, Suzan Daily, Pat Simpson, Kecia Ovella, Donna Coons, Maria Dazet, Business Manager Barbara Ryan and Jan Signorelli.



Left to Right: David Troutt, Bill Keir, Edward Maise, Clarence Smith, Jenkins Knighten, Roger Chatelain, Maintenance Director O'Neal Bourgeois and Gerald Blume. Right: Gus Gustafson.
Left to Right: John Thornton, Clarence Smith, David Troutt, Charles Marphis, Claudette Giardina, Jane Burnthorn, Ernest Burnthorn and Transprotation Director; Doris Boos.

The Cafeteria Workers

Special Employees

Left to Right: Nolan Dewey, Rochelle Anderson, Yvonne Eiswirth, Director of Food Services Jane Alpha, Esther Reva, Beverly Savoy, Marian Green and Betty O'Brien. Charles Allen; Bookstore Manager.
Mary Jackson; Lower School Custodian and Lunch Coordinator. Louis Horn, Jr. Campus Services.

Mothers' Club Officers

Dads' Club Officers

Left to right: Jenny Kottler, Teresa Guzzetta, President Jan Rigdon, Ann Geary and Louise Saik.
Left to right: Jeff Kaston, Billy Groome, Nep Smith, Steve Chauvin, President Ron Faust, Jack White, Andy Goodyear, Otway Denny.

Ybges 24 ,., s1

""ll 'l l -l I I I
Above: The 6th graders work very diligently on an assignment. Above: Three 6th graders serve a meal for a huge group. Above: Mrs. Coleman's advisory group tries to get a student over the rope. Above: An advisory group stops for a picture while on a nature walk. Above: Some students have some fun painting their faces green and wearing a funny hat. Above: The 7th grade class participates in "tug of war." Above: Elizabeth, Richard, Britton and David stop for a picture after an activity.
Above: The 7th grade had fun in the sun at the beach at Camp Abbey.
Above : Some 7th graders walk on a log. Above: After a long day of hard work and play, the 7th graders take a picture before loading the bus. Below: On the 8th grade overnight, the girls have a fun time in their room. Above: Colon plays the guitar for the group. Above : The 8th grade loads up the bus. Above: Chris and Brian stop for a picture wearing sunglasses and a funny hat.
Above: Four girls walk over the walk after playing in the grass.


Above: Classmates look on as Dominique and Megan play the piano.
Above: The Seniors get ready to watch a movie . Above: Stephen, Christian, Lea, and Brett relax between activities. Above: Ja Juan, Jenifer, Marcie, Megan, and Asha stop for a picture on a break.


Above: Jeff and Robert relax during a break from activities. Left: The Junior class participates in the "lap sit" to learn trust and cooperation.
Above: K.K. and Jill lean on each other at the Junior retreat.


Above: Chris, Bill, David S. and David F. try to find a way to get their group across a line with only six points of contact.

Above: Mrs. Edwards referees the intra-advisory group volleyball games.
Above: Matt, Danny, Rebecca, Brittany, Justin, Allison, and Justin pose for a picture while on a break. Above: Lovie leads the prayer at the end of the day.


Above: Adam, Kim, Josh, and Ryan discuss upcoming activities. Above: Katherine, Nicole, Shelby, Natalie, and Jessica go outside on a break from activities. Above: A group of Freshmen play water volleyball .
Above: Mrs. Klebba' s advisory group engages in a task.

in9 lileek

Right: Geoff Fraiche setting up for senior decorations. Left: Megan, Ari , and Asha in their 70' s day outfit. Bottom: Jill Wren posing for a picture in her green jumper. Above: Megan Hintz and Jennifer Coleman as the Homecoming angels. Above Right: Saints charge on the field though the cheerleaders run-through. Right: Junior girls cheer on the Saints with the Homecoming Devil. Left: Junior court, Lauren , Michelle and Kelly, circle the field before the game.
Bottom: Ms. Arthurs leading the lower schoolers in the National Anthem

a n C e

On the right: The 1996 Homecoming Queen, Candice Carbo , her court and their escorts.

Above: Some senior and junior guys having a good time the night of the dance

Below: Emily Kimble , Deane Smith, Zack Goodyear, and Steven Sherman gather around for a picture at the dance.

On the right: Football captains; Brett Sutton, Mike Truax and Christian Chauvin crown homecoming queen, Candice Carbo


On the night of November 2, 1996, the entire St.Martins upper school gathered in the gym. It was a night of dancing and fun led by the d.j. Around I 0:30 everyone gathered for the procession of the homecoming court and the crowning for queen. As the court moved

around the floor, everyone cheared and yelled. Finally the time had arrived when the 1996 St. Martin's homecoming queen was to be announced. As the football captains; Brett Sutton, Mike Truax and Christian Chauvin , made their way down the court, they stopped at

Candice Carbo. The traditional dance began with Mr.Dressel and Candice Carbo , the newly crowned queen. The night was filled with excitement and everyone seemed to have a really good time.

On the left: Gathered around and having a good time, some seniors pause to take a picture.

Below: Candice Carbo and Mr. Dressel dance the traditional first dance together.

On the left: A group of junior girls along with the three junior court members gather together to take a picture.



Ashley Authement Candice Carbo Queen Marcie Campo Emily Kimble


Kelly Hall Lauren Venturatos Michelle McDaniel Julie Fiorenza Ginger Guzzetta
Grant Melius
38 ,, , L SCHOOL< w E R A. •SCJro A Perfect Fit

This years St. Martin ' s Day will be remembered for the fun, food , games, and COTTON CANDY. I'm sure no one will forget the swarms of children circling Mrs. Clothworthy and Mrs. Rigdon , hoping to get a stick of the " pink stuff."

Also, the games(which were pretty much the same as last year , and the year before that , )offered everyone a time to pull together

and help their class win.(By the way , the Seniors won!)

Following the games came the customary S T M. Day questionnaire. Everyone had a great time searching for the answers to these questions.

As the days events came to a close , the students left knowing that during St. Martin ' s Day, the Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools indeed formed " a perfect fit "

ee I • Don't worry, I' II take care of it. What are you looking at?
Lunchtime! Amen. 39
Megan and Charles run for their class.

I hate these shoes!

I hate this shirt!

I do?
Now what do


Out of my way, people!

not what it looks like . 41
This is

She ' s not heavy!

Andrew Staklum and his Ii ttle helper. Plenty of tomatoes to go around.

Please don't drop it! Please!

Run Kevin' Run! Ms. Janet and Coach Sam pose with the lower schoolers. Charlie Hawkins prepares to do the reading . Ahhhhhh
Bell Choir Serenades the huge crowd.

The Lower School performed its annual play on October 18-20 in the Chapel. The play On Time was a perfect balance of art, music and humor. With the choreographic expertise of Carrie Arthurs and the accompaniment of Peggy Fransen, the cast stunned the entire crowd with a vivacious yet humorous performance. The long standing ovation was welldeserved by the cast and crew lead by producer/director Kate Arthurs. Distinguised performances were delivered by Gary Solomon, Stephanie Gill, Harrison Wool, and Brian Bell.

Hardy Weaver and Sara Silvestri perform duet filled with tango .
Barrett Bass performs a solo towards the middle of the play. Upper School and Lower School students join to prepare the stage for the upcoming scene. Gary Solomon, Ryan Becnel, & Adrian France anxiously await the winner of the door-prize to come forward . Jessica Haley takes Gary Solomon, who portrays a boy who does not want to go to bed on time , to bed.

'The Cast and Crew of On 'Time

Harrison Wool stops for a picture between scenes. Jessica White, Lisette deBoisblanc, & Kelly McDonald catch a breath between scenes.

Mrs. Arthurs works intently to get everything in order before the curtains open.

--, I


Right: Some first grade students with second grade students, Anna Tisdale and Caroline Wiedemann, and third grader's, Camille Bourgeois, Mia Silvestri and Andy Brinson.

Right: Mary and Joseph Brittany Yeager and Ben Bradshaw both from the Fourth Grade. Below: The Three Kings Lloyd Beckett, Matthew Woodard and Siva Chandramohan, from the fifth grade .

Above : Second and Third Grade Nativity Scene
Right: Emily Fransen, Amy Evans and Jessica White, Fifth Graders, on the Bells.


Left: Kindergartners Libby Weber and Anne Funk Right: First, second and third grader's gather around the Elve's Table. Below: BrandonNajolia, Michael Tiblier, Julia Small and Anne Funk entering the chapel before the play.
Left: Andy Brinson and Mia Silvestri play Mary and Joseph in the Lower School Christmas Play. Right: Lower School Head, Allan Woodard, wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday.

Xational Honor u Society

First Row: Lauren Venturatos, Elise Di Charry , Kelly McManis , JaJuan Gair, Jennifer Coleman, Dominique Matulich, Amanda Hall, KK Martinez, Asha Jayakrishnan, Rebecca Tuuri, Nisha Chakravathy, Kim Tsai, Chad Flick, and Ari Burshell. Second Row: Randall Snare, Megan Hintz, Amanda Abrams , Elena Perez , Jennifer Dinsdale, Marci Juneau, and Marty Black. Third Row: William Rolston, Charles Christy, Lisa Lowery, Ashley Stewart, Peter Adair, Andrea Roohi, Amanda Reese , Stephanie Caine, Nick Pappas, James Ashcombe, Trey Thompson, Mark Angehr, Werth Groome, Kevin Solis, Allen Chang, Akash Anand, Deane Smith, and Jimmy Reese. Not pictured: Adrianne Philipps.

Mrs. Schuber addresses the crowd at the fall tapping of NHS . Father Farrell leads the students in a prayer to give thanks for their abilities. Chad Flick speaks of the values and the meaning of NHS at the Spring Tapping

$all 'tapping

Rebecca Tuuri, and Randall Snare . Second

Andrea Roohi, Tori

Seixas , Marty Black , Kim Tsai , Jennifer Dinsdale, and Marci Juneau. Third

: Stephanie Caine, Kelly McManis , Lauren Yenturatos , and Adrienne Phillip s. Fourth Row: Peter Adair , Mark Angehr, Richard Lo , Nick Pappas , Nihal Godiwala, and Kevin Solis.

Spring '[app ing

Rebecca Tuuri inducts Trey Thompson into the National Honor Society .
_.....,.________,_,...______ __.,._..,_____ ___..
First Row: Elena Perez , Ashley Stewart , Elise Di Charry , Amanda Abrams , Row: Row
Ill j k,1 l l \ ll,.I
Mr. Dressel congratulates Jennifer Dinsdale and Amanda Abrams on their induction into NHS.
l·.iu l 1" ar~ 11p. en tl
Amanda Reese, William Rolston, KKMartinez, Amanda Hall, Trey Thompson, and Beth Prewitt. Mrs . Beckman welcomes Richard Lo into NHS. Deane Smjth introduces the guest speaker at the Spring Tapping.
Mr. Charles J. Hemenway addresses the assembly at the Spring Tapping.
97 52



I 9,19 I 997

"We are sorry to inform you that we cannot accept you for the '97 -98 academic year."


"Vos abiturus colo, magistri. Vivite!"


"The only person that makes no mistakes is the one who does not try anything."


A&G Saracen Gary Seinfeld A.P. Biology Destin Diner w/ T Work out talks w/ B.K. GOOCH Salsbury "You're out of the band!" Mardi Gras '97 Quantity is Quality Humanities VivitLingua Latina Quitter... Chillin' w/TT, LS, AG, AC, JR, RC...Talks at DM's N64 Rolling NC's "Why are you called Rowdy's?" Holy Order of AIA Cheese MC-I tried!?! Aladdin They' re crooked Guido Docs Bass craze Glory Quest..."It's only you and Mr. Drago!?!" ... Sapere Aude!

Cum Laude3 ,4;Nat'l Honor Socty3,4; Swimming I ,2 ;Track2, 3 ;Service Club3,4;Secretary 1,2,3,4;Biology Award;Latin Award

/9,J:J .. /997

"Everything matters, but everything is nothing "

-Thacher Holden ·

"You fellas have nothin' to worry about... I'm a professional"

-Parking Attendant in Ferris Beuller's Day Off

#3 Mystery Andretti Nature Rambo 1st Blood AF's House stop sign carbonized Vandals Bounce Mondamin w/BM Da Beach Kenna Roll...Big Mistake CAG WAR LesMis finesse the seniors did it...nite swim ... C.Mouth ... nice mat...where'd that tree come from? Pens. & bonding w/DS Pianist Pens. w/BM Mandeville w/ CC why? House Party Jazz Fest...Table Top Dancing Pausing LSU Trip ... Shania Nights ... SundayMorning ... Texasw/MS,CW ... Going Home E.S.P No respect... Gettin' Triggity Mute CRw/CE CC's Ghost... Campingw/ST ... Animal Noises ... "Hatch -ling " ... Thanks Mom

and Dad for putting up with me Catherine , If memories make highschool, you made mine a palace, I love you


Tennis 1,2; Footba ll 2,3,4 ; Soccer 1,2,3,4, Captain 4, State Finals; Honor Roll 1, 2,3,4 ; NHS;
7!Aash ?lnan<i

7f.s£/ey f.d 7/uihemenl


"Nobody ever got in trouble by keeping their mouth shut."

-F. Gump

"I hope my l ife isn't a joke- because I wouldn't get it."

P udge Ash-a-wee MTV Beach ho u se w/EG&LM Harrisb urg

Penny Pitchers Hunting season parties .F lorida w/ML&fam Bush w/ CS Dave Mathews The Trip w/ML... Busted Rolling Co nstruction Watching w/KB&EK .. .Skiing w/JW ... Clueless ... Mr Clean Chateau summer w/LM Nights at GFs Mt.Car CJ- 7 Pony Fina l s ... 7-9-96-thanx E. Boos ... Homecoming bus ... Xmas

decorat ions w/EG&LM on BCs car MM house 96 Lator ia?

Ho l ly-wood OF Bow- ling w/EK. Sta lking Josh w/EK & MC

OJ G u ilty Quarter w/KC JWs poo l w/BC,LH,GF Maple Gardens w/EK&KB BCs tram po-line w/EG CPS -MM ,Cox, LJ, BD,Boos Pony-tale thanks EG, JW, WS,KB, EK-it has been in-teresting! Mom, Dad,LM & ML- my best friends, thanks.I love you all.

Soccer 3,4, Horor roll 3 ,4, Ci vicCI ub3 Senior Favorite ... Shield 1,2 ... And many more!

;James 7. 7/.s£corn6e

1992.- /997

"Excuses are monumental of nothing; they build bridges to nowhere, and anyone who uses them is incompetant."

-Coach Wil lie Richardson

"Wherever I may roam where I lay my head is home."

Me Pi l iar. #35 Oaf.. .Jack Phi lo sop her. length What? 1 Great Awakening?!? Ham&Cheese Prom '96 Freesia Princess Stalling Mr. M i stoffelees Ri bena Homecoming '96 Goosemer Chihuly . .. WYSE-fainting w/ AC. .. A Long December. .. Endymion '97 ... Mardi Gras w/ AB ... Yellow Cup! ... 105.3 80's lw .. .l would walk 500 miles St Stanislaus Newman by 1 !...Blackjack w/ AC,AB,&CC Deep in terms of depth Pooh socks 33 pts Keep i n to u ch!: AC,AB,CC,LL,EK,JR, ZG Al43 Good Luck Mark; Mom, Dad, I Love You . .. Later U.S.A. Hello Nottingham. Basketball 1,2,3,4 captain 4 A ll -District 3,4 MVP 3; go lf 2,3,4 MIP 2,3; tennis 1,3; NHS 3,4 VP 4; Science Olymp iad I ,2,3,4;JETS 3,4;Civic club 3; Boys' State4;Jefferson&Yale book awards 3; Ra ll y 1,2,3.


X/fy 9. 2Jecnel


"You can always retake a class, but you can never relive a weekend. "

-Armando Ramos

"In this great future, we cannot forget our past. "

-Bob Marley

"This is goodnight and not goodbye ."

DHS aftermath w/ KE,SD,& Jboys C&C24/7 Dom 's 70sw/ BD Oxford DTM Destin94-96 201 w/MC Mtalks w/ MM,KE,&MD the fly stargazingw/SD watch the stuffing 9021 Ow/ AJ , BS , GF , &BM LSUtri ps Aspen SMU w/ MB DiCaprio in L.A. Uof Aw/ AJ the l 8ths 3waytie Derek w/ EK&AM .. .4runningw /EP .. .Ii ving w/BB&MD ... tru stfall w/B D ... 50$bet w/EK. Zinoni 45280 Laplace PBdrivebys Parisw/DB Widespread w/MD ... dumb& dumber. .. dirty dozen+ 1...to the DD:the road goes on 4 -ever &the party never ends, y ' all are my touchstones ,Ilove you to mom& dad:thanx for the tools toMeg:there was never a better little sis D thanx GL Ryan See ya in a few , take care of you

Softball 3 ,4.

Warle 23. 2Je1z


"Whatever. "

-E Bordelon

" It's not easy being green. "

-Kermit the Frog

"When you are so low you gotta look up to look down, beat yourself hard on the foot with a stick for a while . At least you will feel better when you stop."

-F. Gump

" Love- it starts with a smile, leads to a kiss, and ends with a tear. "


Brittany Berry Boy Dodge Ram Thomas ' Parties Pensacola meet Worm Hair. Basketball MT, RG, ZG , JA, MS , BS Billy C. in

Clearwater meet. Boston people Robbie vs. the mack truck Mike and I in Bacchus . .. the St. Charles twins State swim meet... JR's poofy red hair... Civic Club crawfish boil... rubber cement...Good luck next year Catherine and Brittany. Thanks for everything Mom and Dad I LOVE YOU ALL!

State champ ion ship swimteam 1,2 ,3 , 4 ; captain 3,4; M.I.P. I ; All American; Ba s ketball 4 ; Track 2; Ba se ba ll I; Civic C lub 3 ; Che ss Club 1,2,3 ,4


7/r.i e. !73ur.s.heff


Life is like a marathon. It has its ups and downs. It s pains and joys.

Tel l a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he ' ll believe you Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

There are beginnings and there are endings. What meaning and effect your experience here will have in your life only you will ultimately know. The responsibility as always, is your s to make of it what you will. Bon voyage, my friend s

si ll y lisa trix are for kids .. blackjack b-ball pool..watery car..x-mas tree block ob bracelet..oe necklace mind games .law w/ jr&ss .. i can't take it..ernest goe s to jail..MARDI GRAS? so they tell me .. camping that was a big one kid sis " friend s" sincerity idk.. gargoyle rol lerblad i ng .. jimmymars special influence s tati sties u n cuch i I lo x-cou ntry cl i m bmax programs abroad LDC 2 pi . ivory .. pedro worth storie s effects on people immediate undeniable nausea

ender's game poems aug4jog celestial helio centric .. revolve .. chai hair..corky truck applebee ' s forceful truths canoeing lf you're looking for your name in appreciation search no further. Thanx to A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H .I .J.K .L.M.N.O.P.R.S.T.U.W .Y. Z Thanks to al l supporter s Bye dad and chai. Mom remember you ' re the greatest of them al l! Dana , I'll miss ya!

Junior Achivement 1,2 ,3,4 ; X-Country & Track 1,2 ,3,4 mvp xc 4 ; National Honor Society 3.4 ; 14 Year Club: Cum Laude 4.

9irard G. !7Jo.ineau


"If something's hard it's not worth doing."

-Homer Simpson

" I claim this land for Spain."

"Is he dead."


-Random Person

Shadow Madigan' s G Gargoyle Gargofly Popcorn u abbuusea Jerry files Mastagni parties Adam Stories marry me ... marbolos Ryan Dangerous driver coming through Erin stop picking your nose Gotcha! .I'm from Ireland De La Salle Korn concert Tom playing pool ...

How big are your legs? Carrot

Top McDonald's Lot-A-Donuts Hey Matt 2fingas

Tapoo Jerry's Kid ... pooh 94 year old id Thanks to my parents and all my friends PEACE!

Track 2,3; Chess Club 2,3; Civic Club 3; Sierra Club 2,3,4; C ulture Club 4.


Candice G Gar6o


" If you fall stand tall & come back for more ." -2Pac

Can #33 Michael..Oct. l 4'94 Destin 94- 7 Xmas'94 Pregame w/GJ LA

AF CK Gloria&Joan My 18th Bday week FH ' s-home The HOB SpeechTourneys P s ychoChris Pat in Boston My twin Do the Nacho s w/CE JG Nights at AJ's Murderwascase w/ LA .. Teredactyl. .. ThumbsUp Thumbs DownPblt..YipYip Dog . .

RollinHouses w/ JW BubbleBathProm ' 96 StudyHall&with Fat& Fat..Hairlip &Crispy TheW-KB DoBee - World'sGreatest Coach

Plan sMS Fight Night w/ AC,JC,LA Angy ,Bev ,Jack ,Dav &Cpt. EO

Ron ' sPocket Nose Strap 02 to my back Recipe4KingCake - CB

PooFaceJones TheKehoe CrewRG-BFF Tearin'UpOldMet w/ GJ AF.

Rippin' ItU p ..B-BallBuddies-TakeltEasy .. TheLiesTheLetterThe SWFRock On AllHai!BigJimmy

GoodLuck toAIIMyPeeps esp.JC SG


Thatl CouldRunThisPlacew/o Y'all..

IM i ss UPaPa MB-WeB oth

KnowThisis NotTheEndILuvU

Honey&Pops , Thanks4Everyth n glLuvY ' all .. Mom, You ' reTheBest-

ILuvYou STM-It's Been Real..

We ' reOut

!lKa.rcie e. Campo


Here ' s to it. May you do it when you get to it. If you don't do it when you get to it , may you never get to it to do it again

Jigglers&Powar w/ EK. Stalking 2 for 1 w/AA. ABC's rose from JC. out!. Want some Dessert? Biloxi w/ RS & MD Great Father ' s Search-JD Pinky Argentina Boy Billygoat. .JC, I s aw him in the light!. DG at the microwave Babysitting EK. Bird Songs More tea ?- No, Andrew .. .This is revenge ... Nutria ... Modern w/ CN ... 9thBD,LA , JD , CB,KP,MH Andy & Tommy Lafayette DG in car. Blame it on the rain frying pan Laundry Twins Mc D toys Jon did what? babycar. dancing with JD .3 Musketeers Centra l Park ... Cap,Aries , Cancer , Leo .I will survive Thanks to all my friends!. .I love you Munchy and Cracky! Jon , Good luck!(not that you ever need it!) Mom and Dad, Thanks for putting up with me! .I Love You All!

Civic Club ; Service Club; Shield ; Culture Club ; Homecoming court; 14 yr. cl ub; Friendliest girl; Girl's State Alternate.

60 B -
l 2 3 ;
, 3 , 4;FCA 123
vic Club 3
Club 2;Speech 34 ;Drama 34
Ct. 23-Queen 4; Student
2; Sr.Cl
Pre s; Mi
; Cheerleader2
;Fa shjon

:X:i"sha GhJ°rauarfy


It's the heart afraid of breaking , that never learns to dance. It's the dream afraid of waking , that never takes the chance It's the one who won't be taken , who cannot seem to give. And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live.

-Bette Midler from "The Rose "

Miss Nish Nishaaa Mosquitoes End of Year Sleepovers

Khakis Sheraton '95 Pretty Woman Another Night. Corne II

Trips- party w/ police Milwaukee summers How Wesley& I'm the maid ... the Lauren story .. . Boston w/SM & the noises humanities minority posse so long to the many all too many thanx & g'luck DM,LL,JG, MH,AJ,EK,AA , Char les- I'll miss the nickname Katy- Together we lit up the world! The Cornell gang- U made me laugh esp. AV - 2 the ta lks, the memories, the years, I love you! & most esp. my fam Dada-best big bro & BFF Daddy- I'll be your Iii girl 4ever Mommy- IOU e/t If only we were the same age .i love ya'll Wharton bound

Nat'! Merit Finalist; Shield I , Copy Ed 2, Editor 3,4; Halo I , Editor 2-4; NHS 3,4; Tulane2-4; Class Sec 1,2; Softball 2-4

7/ffan Chang

19&9 .- 1991

"If know ledge is power then a God am I"

-The Riddler

"Judge not lest ye be judged yourself. Before you Judge me Take a look at you"

-J. Hetfield

" Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups"


#30 Alaing Wang Cha-Chang #21 Homeconimg ' 96(uh-oh) Golfing on levee w/JA .. . Bombing NC ' s ... AIA(foreign invasion) ... SARACEN(ha) .. . AA in trunk at MC's Speed Rules Michae l , Peter, Walter, What?? Tin Man lHOP Soggy Biscuit Drive-thrus w/JA, AA , RC ragging on NC you ' re a rat... N64 Lollapalooza Metallica Blackjack (sirens)not again 28-Pitch Go lf Regionals ' 97 " The Shining " 33 Chillin w/ Scarecrow +Dorothy To the rest of y ' all, (AA , AB , CC , JA , AJ , NC , MH , JG , DM , EK,LL) peace out...Adieu

Science Olympiad 1-4:co-capt.; JETS

1-4:State Champs; Sierra Club

2,3;NHS 3,4;Bausch & Lomb Meda l ; Honor Ro ll 1-4; State Rally;Shield

3 ,4; Service Club; Civics Club; Golf

l-4(VL): MIP; Soccer l-4(VL) :MIP; Track 3,4(VL):MIP All-District-4th

Regionals; Football 4:All-Dist. I st team , All-State Academic Comp.


G.£ar/es G.&-.isly


A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are made for.


Do you think I'm made of money?

- --Mom

Don't marinate it!


Aquafresh ... Chuck. .. Lucky Chucky ... Chardog ... Doctor. .. h/coming '96 w/TS . . . Proms w/TS . . . AP's ... 'vert ... Coach Hawn ... self esteem Shippy WKRP 1 Brwn Bear NoJealousy Married PDA ... Quality time ... hole in 1...Rubber Chicken ... entourage .. .Mardi Gras

355days a year RE Pallbearer. no fights ... 2nd place soccer. ..Is that leather? Chuck Day .Xmas tree roadblock weekly tape and watch ... Thankx to Doc , Mr. Cox, Mrs.Klebba(3/4 )and holy or... the fellas:CF,AB(RE),JA , AC,AA, JR,TNT ,SS.theladies:TS ,AJ,LL , EK,SC,AS Mom, Dad, Art, Thanks for everything, I love you guys Tori, love was just a word ti! I met you. Its not over yet! stuck,odd, grr,Love you MORE!

Football 1, 3,4 , Soccerl-4, NHS, Speech 2-4, Scho lar At h lete of the week4

G.&-.is/.ian 23. G.£auv.in


"I firmly believe any man 's finest hour is when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and he lays exhausted on the field of batt le, victorious! "


"It is fatal to go into any war without the will to win it."


"There are n o unbeatable odds "


#1...Showtime PA h its tree Fr Yr Fisher-It 's good Lake Front w/ DH Surburban w/DG Bungee Jumpin w/JR Soundgarden Hootie night w/BS,SF Skiing w/RS Skin heads w/LP Mandeville Destin 94 -97-0cean w/ PA Destin W/CB You do n ' t have to call me darlin-LSU monkey grass worstkid-TH Pause Depres sed Dream Team-LSU EA's tooth Tuesdays Gone stop s ig h n . Shania nights w/PA Pensacola-night swim w/ TH Sat isfaction-w/BS,SF kickingw/ CB Squires Hurst St. MCCw/ BC .Thanx to all of my "real" friends who were there for me : you kn ow who you are! Special thankstomom ,dad,Kendall , Britton ,Margie, Doc,and CuITie Love

Ya'I I. Geaux Tigers

Football, l 234 ,Captain4 ,AI I Dis-234, All East bank 23,All Metro 2 , AII StateHM 2; Soccer 1234,AII Di s1234 ,State runner-ups; Track I ,All Dis I ; Young Republcans C l ub34; Civic Club3.


:J?o6erl !J?. Glo/Q)(Jrfhy


"Whoever said it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game, must have been a born loser."

"If you're not into metal, you are not my friend."


Robdog Rudy Footbalicarnp RavishingGrasshopper JBird Bannanaboy JV Roadtrips Carry On Dames DungWong Big Jimmy"Do it like it was a toot." Afro Gooch"Well uh, you know and stuff."

AgentOrange CC Thumbs up thumbs down "Pbbtthft!" Metallica

Saracen The band AA&JR sorry Allan Rendon TV Barnett... Poo Face Jones Thomas' B'day

bash Hard headed Mack trucks & running laps Mr.PotatoHead

Massager from JC Homecoming

'96 fantastic voyagew/ AA AC JA

JS EK LL MH DM AJ... Thanks to Mom, Dad, Ricky, Colin, and Laurie I love y'a ll.

Dames at Sea 4; Football 2,3,4 ScoutSquad POY, and Academ ic All State 4; Soccer 1,4; State Runner Up 4; Speech 4 Nationals w/CC

;/a.son Gfo/QJorlh_y


"For what is man profited, if he sha ll gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"


"When you're tired and hurting a winner will look deep inside himself to find out whether he is a real man or not."


Prophy ..J-something .. Destin 94- 7 .. 80 cases .. Cowboy Mouth Hootie Soundgarden w/CR BS DH. DG.LP.AJ...Meters w/CC.TA.CC. Fatshome. 822. Madagans. Rendin weekends at JR Disco lives Robosuk Rolling/pumpkin Babin w/o saturday morning hell mile naked n i njas squires w/ EK. ML..Appollo Hermes w/ BC. O le miss-LSU weekend w/ MS. CC. PA.EA. SF. with MT Dream Team

Shooter Mcgavin Fisher 16 tackles Mardigras hang 'oer worst person hunh ! tiggo l b itties 50/50 party at AB Blackhawk I thank all my friends for the good times and I wish them luck. Special thanks to Mom Dad and Corrine Geaux Vols

Football 1,2,3,4 All District 4, Coaches Award4; Baseball I ,2,3,4, All District 3,Captain; Basketball I Track 3; Civic Club 3; Key C lub I; Chess Club 3,4; Young Republicans Club 3.


Wifh"om 21 Goleman IV


"No man is a failure, who has friends. "

-George Bailey

" Race the word impossib le. "


"The same people you wave to on the way up , are the same people you wave to on the way down. "

-my dad

"Being the bes t of the be s t , means you make mistakes , a nd then you move on."

-Top Gun

"T here no unachievable goals."


Fr. Nights w/Deke till 6am taking Roll s w/SF left in Buffalo Beachnights w/CC/ PA/LP Kennanights w/LP Xmasnights w/AA/EG Coming back from DestinCUPS? GUif Shores with BIG IO GIRLS m " 1L! " j Flood w\BS-YMariaF! PHIL. 94summer w/ KellyP Bronco-FH EZS poolnights w/ AA/LH

hell w\ Coach Wood s (you ' re the best )go i ng 20 point -I st at Jr 3 time s making 3-Sr. cuts All-Amer ican Recruiting trips-becoming a MUSTANG!!! night s w / CC. Li z be Good! me too! you know what I mean'!! My fr i ends, ( forever) , Ua l l are the best! Thanx SB !Sabina ,Brownie Mr.McG .TL Ua ll , Opop -Gigi,Bebe-Renate than x IL Uall! MOM-DAD ILU ! Dad I could not have done it without you' Read you ' re the best bro- ther , a brother could have!IL Uall 1 Thebestisyettocome! SMU! GOMUSTANGS!

Swim 2,3,4; All-American; Captain 4; Civic Club 3; YR club 3,4.

Jlenmfer c5. Goleman


"Take it all in, it ' s as big as it seems. Count all your bles s ing s, Remember your dreams. "

-Jimmy Buffett

"Everyone is odd."

-Lisa Abry

Jen Yaaa'lllll...BumpBump Destin 95, 96 , &97 the lies, the letter, and the SWF just driving w/LA Mardi Gras 97 Bette Davis Eyes "we will sit & pretend " w/ CC & SG Siskel & Eibert w/ LA Hobnobber. the Fight Night w/AC,CC,&LA Tear it up!! twins w/MC. fights at Cash's w/CC. the rose w/MC. stalking the 4th w/ SG ... Angie ,Jack,&Eo .. .ABW w/JG . . .You Dropped A Bomb On Me Susy P9 NHS lunchw/JG,BV, &CB Ron ' s PocketNose that cheek thing . .. FH's .. .Thumbs Up Thumbs Down Ppllbbtt...F&F 8th per. .. Good Luck Shel & Jes-Have Fun !. Thanx to my friends esp. LA,MC , CC , &SG-I Luv Ya'II. Thanx 4 everything Mom , Dad, Melissa&Amy-I Love You ROCK ON! 1

Class Pres. I; J V. Cheerleader ; Chorus 1234; Speech 123; Musical s 1234; Soccer 1; Track I ; Cross Country 23 ; NHS 34 ; Civic Club 3; Girls State 4; Who ' s Who In American H. S 4; Wittiest 4


c5!ephen e. 9aus/


Some men see things as they are, and say why , I dream of things that never were , and say why not.

-Bobby Kennedy

An intellectual is someone educated beyond the bounds of common sense.


It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

#12 GOON QB The Wreck w/PA ,BS ,BM ,CC , AJ Hurst st. w/JR Troy

The Country Wolfatized w/LP , BC ,CC HOME Skinny Larry's The Iron Eagle Hootie w/BS ,C C on the Westbank The Mouth w/BM

Squires ' 94 S-Squad Destin '9 4- ' 97 LP+COP '9 4 Amarillo ' 95 Destruction ' 96 Gettin Trigidy ' 97 Slide! w/JR The Cabana w/BS Homes

County Newman '96 w/TH The Fish w/BS Pensacola ' 95 Danna

The Barn Yard LSU w/WP

Tooth? Dream Team Football '96

w/CC JBWOB Mardi Gras ' 97

The Gunman Prom ' 96 w/AA


ILUVU +All My Friends + Coachs

Football 1,2,3,4 ; Ba se ball 1,2 ,3, 4; Student Council 4 ; Honor Roll 4; Civics

C lub 3; TARS3,4 ; President Acolyte

1,2 .3 ,4: Pre s ident 4

23ranc/4n V. Vinon

19&:J .. 1997

It's not about East or West , it 's about, , power and money, riders and punks, what side are you on?


When angry , count four, when ve ry angry, swea r.

-Mark Twain

There is only one right in the world, and that right is mine!


I told you ·'B" - S. W. One time , one time!

-B. D.

I say Dinon 's in da house, oyeah!

K. R.


# 13 , Di non , Slater, "B", Handyman , Honeybear, MAC 1 The Fly! De s tin' Parties at KR and JR's. Pool w/ SW. Slidell.. Destin '96 & Doublin St. 1 F H 's & W 's ' When SW goesoutoftown! Shack w/PR. Tommy-Two-Tone&Dr. Bobo! Bass! Westside! Only forHBI 's ! BBC!

Talks w/ TH, RS , KR! Study Hall w/ MS. Tcecream w/ KR. T & Super-Tl DS! Benji & Beau! 280lbs. & up!No prom, grad., Cancun!EA's tooth! DU! Billygoat!Shout out to all my boy z! Suave out peace!Love Mom, Dad , & Kendall. Sarah you're the best.

Soccer 1,2,3 ,4 I st Team All District

2 ,3,4 State Fina ls MVP 2,3,4 Captain 3,4; C.C. 2; Track I , Swimming I.



"There was a quote that [ was gonna write [ haven ' t yet; there ' s st ill a chance [ might. An open book that [ want to close. I'll find the time someday I suppose " -The Mighty Mighty Bosstones

" Adventure Excitement. The Jedi craves not these thing s " -Silent Bob

Dolce Vita Hahvard Yahd Pat. Snowball. One Brown Bear. .. Smoothula ... Gavel. . .Flaming ldiots ... Strike This! ...

Balderdash Dames Fouth Hole Shippy Greasy Elvis VHS or BETA? ... Rubber Chicken ... Ceci n ' est pas une pipe ... Turtle Teeth . .. Red Heads Ruining Swimmers DP's Glamour Shots Ms. Zebra 355 Days a Year. .. Chocolate Chip

Pancakes Chuck Day The Ba

Hennesey .It ' s possible Somogi

Clouds Aqua fresh S SR

BlackTruck ... Thanks to all: TP, RE, EK, LL, GF, DM, JR, TS, CC, KN, RT, RS, KT(2) , TNT, AJ, JA, KM. AMR, Mom, Dad, Frank , B, Frannie, the almighty Jimmy and Doc, couldn't have done it without you' Cya!

Speech 2 ,3 ,4; Cross Country 4; Swimming 1,2,3; Sierra Club 2 ,3,4 ; Student Council 4.

9oejfrey !h-aiche




I don't really see the hurdles, I sense them like a memory.

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

We don't have to be what you want us to be.

JuanBlair ...# 14 ... attitude ... GeeQ ... Pusshead ... whateva... hairlip&c1ispy ... bagel ... Gen. JJ bananas in D.C Crazy, deranged EH and the disease of the lip nightlabs Oh my God, danger!. Doing the nachos w/CC red baron knubs the crime scene mens ginseng P9pride ABW w/ JC Enywey! butterface drama See my thang is 2fingaz scribes calculus & humanities class, it's been fun boom, boom ... talks w/AA, AC, & NC ... summer '96 ... tossing salads ... Prom '96 Great! good luck B-ball studs! Nishaaaa Quint, I Love You, More! Mama and MawMaw, thanks, I love you!. so long to the many all too many I got no more time for fake ones!

N.H.S. 3,4; Vice-President 2,3,4; Girls' State; Cheer leading 1-4 ; Track 1-4; MVP; Hurdles State Champion '96; Basketball 1-4 ; All-District '96; Most Athletic

:lJougfas V. 9el/en

1990.- 1994 199.5--1997

"Gettin' out of bed just ruins my whole day."

"Yesterdays are over my shoulder so I can't look back for too long. There's just too much to see, waiting in front of me and I know that I just can't go wrong."

DOUGSTER Mitch hug hottubbi n WP waldosW /BS

RUBtheBEAST ... sta irwell ... N64weekendW/SF ... WFSw/BM&JR F i ghtW /MEACH lta Vero infatuation secrettal ks W /AF. FLY bluedog 5508Hurst. wafflehouseinDESTIN FH' sW / posse ... W & Lw/B D ... FACw/SF ... AJ' sParties ... NUDw/ RG paintin'upfor Newman undercover cops b-dayW/ GA steak&egg-think you Aerosm i th w/LP&SF

JAZZFEST the mouthW/CR

dblb'sW/AF ... Mardi Gras .. .

Emily 4eva movin to Miami?

terrible GirlsLuvme ... thanx Mom, Dad, Ted-you can only try to be as good as me;Liz-see ya at Sewanee catcha on the rebound!

Football 1,2; Track I ,2,4;Chapel Council I ,3(V-P),4(Pres.);Teen Age Republicans (chairman) 3,4;Most Likely to Succeed 4.


Zachary 2 9oo&ear

199:J .-/997

"If you want the ultimate , you have to be willing to pay the ultimate price ."

-Bodi , Point Break

"You ' ve got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything."

-Aaron Tippin

" The road goes on forever and the patty never ends. "

-Joe Ely

Trinity ... Gilligan .. .8 ig 8 ird . .. Ostrich ... Ori ving . .. Getting lost.. .Father/ Sons Lost/5hrs l 2 year olds Tapping Majik Mart...Bahamas

Barracuda MHP w/ MW ,PN ,& WG Horses? Epitome CCB

Locket. Contract? Sweet 16 Stalker IDs 80/55 Physics

Sparkle PSB Big Jail. Hold my hand Raining under the bridge

Toothpaste Fiji Tootsie Roll Attempts w/ Sara Harry the Alligator ... Matthew ' s Finger. ..

ATG's Wedding 11/16/96

New Year ' s '96 ,' 97 Friday visits w/ GS To all my friends , you know who you are, thanks for everything! Ginger, I love you more than you know! Mom , Dad, & the fam., thanks, I love y'all! More memories to come!

Sewanee, I'm on my way!!!

Ba s ketball 1,2 ,3,4; Shield 1,2,3; Halo 2 ,3 ; Speech 4 ; FCA 2 ; Civic s Club 3; SCP 4; HR 4 ; Admis. Club 4; Honor Committee 3,4 ; SCP 4; Mr. STM.

?lnrlreQ) G 9ooch


"Sey haello to my leetle friend. "


" It 's like a jungle sometimes it make s me wonder how I keep from going under. "

-Grand Master Fla s h

" Everybody needs a little rebellion."


"I cru s h the ru s h , I rule you fool. "


Ya Mama (R.C.) Uhhh and stuff .Let memarinate my thoughts 4 a sec Keep it real , dawg (C.T ) Mr. Co x ' s brown jelly Do it like it wa s a toot.Gott a love it , baby Wuzzup A+M Crane,Can we come in yet?(A+G) What the heck RU doing in the s ink?(mybad) Iky LaPiki Wiki 1 •• BookaT Ya!..Thanx (Grand) parents ,God ,Friend s, Coaches , Teachers, Relatives ,etc.

Soccer 9 , 10 ; Track 10; Football 11,12; Wrestling 11 : 3rd in State, 12: 3rd in State; Art Club 9 ; Chess Club IO ; Civics Club l l ; AcolyteClub 11 , 12 ; Young Republican s Club 11, 12.


9'?e6ecca EJ. 9ordon


Let me listen to me and not to them.

-Gertrude Stein

On risque de pleurer un peu si !'on s·est laisse apprivoiser.

-Antoine de St. Exupery

What's so amazing about really deep thoughts?

-Tori Amos

Damnant quad non intelligunt


Do I dare di s turb the univer se?

-T. S. Eliot

Hate on and love through unrepining hours..

-W. B. Yeat s

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

-Oscar Wilde

weetzi e k Iaus chic kens RAM al tern a teens .special friend TPT sweater punk hecubis jackers you lied to me? we're only joking 1 troll punky the ange l contacting the mothersh i p bowie the bean donerkebab GothGap fish' redkey gadar bass *.fat..CZV teen angst.. insipid evilnurseshoes thatway s-mechanic realnice zen gratitude 2: km, ad, mf, gk, cb, cs. lw,jb,jl,jp, mm, cc, dg nietzche 2: bp, ac,cw

UKA- 1,2,3,4; Chorus- 1,2.3.4; Cum Laude3,4; NHS-3,4; Film club-3,4; Halo FineArts Ed.-4: Lyre-4; track-2: cc-3: drama award2; japanimation club- 4

!7(o6er/ JI 9reen 1994--1997

"Life is a journey, enjoy the ride " Oriental man from Nissan commercial

The Green Machine Skinny Larry's24/7 self-destruction booth w/ G.J May 24, 1996 Kehoe group 70's party out till sun up mo' money two destin 's in a row w/ M.M To the moon and back morning practice w/ T.H.,M.S., and B.S T-roni Econo lodge w/ C.C. Stamina w/ D G nud The Coast w/ M.M Western Civilization re l axed Four times to many ! Ole Miss w/ C.C and J W Party of Five Ride Green 's train going home trigity , trigity !man in the mirror dinner every night October 5, 1997w M.M Bachuss w/ A F. Michelle thanks for a great two years, I will love you a l ways and forever Good luck to all my friends Candice, Mike & Wade thanks for a great 13 years we wi ll always be B.F F Mom ,Dad,Ricky, and Kim thank you for your love and support through-out my wonderful academic career .l LOVE YOU UT here I come. GO VOLUNTEERS #1.

Basketball 2,3,4 (All-District, All East Jefferson); Baseball 3; Chess Club 3; Honor Roll 4 (first quarter).


!lKe_yan G. Yhnlz


Do ya' walk to work, or bring ya' lunch?

- Dad

There are no dumb questions , only dumb answers.

- Anonymous

GREAT! ! Bi ff. .The Cap ' n Gen. James Jackson of the Con federate army I need a MAN! *. phat...Boo Meep Pokey ATO Gleet...Neanderthal Man condiments RF okely dokely I like em ' soft & chewy Popsicles .ICE Beretta Get the get down Joker. Holy Order of Machismo Operations Bowman 's yellowne ss Techno Truth butterflies Hardtner. .. banana s ... the wenches . .. Kiss Me Quick . .. Red Herring .. . Lootapalooza Circle of H Caritas night lab s She puked in my mint plant!. PPH & ReeRee Mitsy, Tammy , Darlene Daddy Moocka and the harem .The Dead Guy .Juan Blair. Boom Boom Bagel, Plum nuk The

Bean Don ' t make purple!. Thanx DM , AJ , JG , EK , LL , NC, AA , AC, AB , JA , CC , JR , CF , & TT , I love y ' all!. .Jimrny , truce? Good luck next year KT , MJ, ED, SC , AP , NH , & SW Mom & Dad , I couldn't have done it w/out you . .. Nick, hang in there! It's not that bad! .I love you all more than you know Sewanee bound! 1!

W.ilfiarn lv. 9roome


Let ' s ride the wind down this old road tonight. Let 's pack our dreams and leave the rest behind.


Something s uddenly came up.

-Marsha and Greg Brady

Outside the classroom pokey yellow thing oatmeal. MHP w/ MW, PN, ZG ... toothpaste ... pooh bear. .. lions , tigers , and bears w/ NA, MW, DS, ZG majic mart...Nantucket summers 12 year olds making Zach walk .4am Waffle House Oxford privileges funny cokes beach bovines Karen first blacks at Crested Butte w/ CW cross county bus lamb of my life crusty thing ... EP ... homecoming feud ' 94 ... SSC Radisson Diamond ... Jim .. poopee ... DD/CB ... day off w/ ZG , PN berryberry theduck CD punch parties baccus ride home area codes & the dow bathmat(s) trip to kenner w/ SS , EA ... mamacita locking my car at MHP... Thanks to all of my friends Mom, Dad, Monty & Julia, thanks, I love ya'll...Go Quakers!!!

Cross Country 3,4; The Shield 1,2 ,3 ,4; Track 2; Civic Club 3 ; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3 ,4; NHS; Civics Award 2 ; American History A ward 3

NHS 3,4; Volleyball I ,2 ,3,4; Captain 4; Soccer 1,2 ,3, 4; Captain 4, AllDistrict; Softball I ,2,3,4; Captain 4; School Productions 3 ,4.

7fs£a Ya_yd.r.i.shnan

199 1.- 1997

There was never a night or problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.

Apes Droopy Elmo obese eyes frog face .Tigger bananas cookies stuff TWO! India· 94 Harvey Prom ' 96 fressia&boss playing marbles taking control A.P.Biology Night Labs no boxes What? !Great Awakening?! 1.• .4-21 windows down,doors unlocked 'Killing Me Softly ' -Dance Camp ' 96 ... Endymion' 97 ... Reckless .. .

Mr.Mistoffelees Boom,Boom

Ernie talks w/MD Humanities Goose mer Chihuly Thanx

Ms.Long & Mr.Marsalis Good Luck SC, DB, RT , KN, TS, AB, DB 1143 Good Luck Tic & Babycakes Thanks for everythjng Mom & Dad- I love you!!

See ya later STM !!

Student Council 1,3; class pres. 3· Xcountry 2 , 3 ,4 (MIP2); track 2 ,3,4 ; NHS 3,4; cum laude 3,4; John Aker & Chatham Book awards 3 ; nat'I merit finalist 4; Girl s State 4; most likely to succeed.

7/nclreQJ !JJC Yaspan 1992.-1997

"Celebrate these days, cause life is short but sweet for certain. "

" Jump on let ' s go, lay back and enjoy the show, everybody gets high, everybody gets low, the se are the days when anything goes. "

The J Ralph Dirty tommy 2-tone Dow's parties New years eve w/KH,MM,LV,DG,BM ... The Audi wreck w/MM,KH ,AP .. .Times w/ MM JR5508Hurst. Summers at NOL TC High timesw/ BS,BM,GF,JR,and the rest of the boys the fly minivan-blown up by NP and DH Destin '93-97 cabanna nights .Taco Bell runs late nights at AT II ' s EA ' s tooth State Finals #I !. Times spent w/ GO 1/21/97 EW'shighway patrol. " Duuude , watch the stuffing" Weeknights at GF's QPin Destin friends in rehab ... X-mas break parties ... Mini-pep night... Pensacola w/ the boys Mardi Gras .Driving w/DD the levee Happy Gilmore the trip w/EA+GF Tattoos w/BS+GF P.C's w/ KR,JS

Key Club 3,4 President 4; soccer 1,2,3,4.


0milj 9. Xim6/e


It scares me that you're not scared of me. D.M.

Before putting on a frown be absolutely certain that no smile is available.

RONI. .. plays chats ... Maple Gardens w/KB+AA ... Labor Day w/ EG ,SB ,CS sneaking out in ski clothes stalking w/MC midnite jog w/SB Mighty3some bowling sick w/AA , AJ , BS , GF Obsessions ... X-mas nite w/JC .. .construction watching .. . POW AR ... prom w/ Derek ? brake testing w/ES , AM , JK. waking up w/ML+ES stickering LP +BC ' s cars RS ' s 18th b-day busted on Ft. Sewall w/

CR Mardi Gras relative spott ing /insulting Good luck

RS Dug4-evaTo my FAM , JC +ES-THANX-ILOVEYOU!! 1

StudentCouncil-l ,2 ,3 (Sec) ; Soccer-l ,2 , 3(Vars) ; X-Country -2 ; Kek Club-2; Civic Club-3; Culture Club; Service Council-4 (officer); Class Teasurer-1.

0r.in V. Xflogg

19&3~19&9 1996~1997

'what is life ? It is the fl as h of a firefl y in the night ,lt is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime , It i s the little s hadow which run s acro ss the gra s s a nd loses it s elf in the sun s et. "

-Crowfoot of the B lackfeet people

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you mak e."

-The Beatles

Rita ... Cali style . . . da TD+TB ... Pom-Pom twins ... JJ+CCw/ D.U ... boat. ..frogwindow ... OLR. ..Jaime+M .M+S.S ... chones ... '' friend'' ...spa w/D U poncho fun w/J.G Selly Klater w/J.F. would you still be my friend if. . .Mexican lobsters w/J.G ... Chad-pole . .. Lucky Chucky+Slick Willy Boris shirt...wompas w/R I...cookie Mardi Gras'97 we are the most terrible gals .. . Abita ... magicPeugeot .. . loopie+B . B .. . fl yingw /C. P . .. 123stop 12a.m. drives in the int w/D.U polka dots purple boy spring breakw/L.L. .gold toothbrush b? Jen +Dean-luvya my heart=L.L,A.A , A.C , A.J , J .A , N.C,D.M , J.G,M .H , C.C , C F , A.B ,J.R ,J.F. .. Mom +Dad , you ' re the BEST! California , here I come

Honor Roll 1234 ,Culture club 4 ,Sierra club 4, Senate 123 ,Lyre 4,Junior Guard s 123.


:/Jorninirue G. !lKalulic.6


"I won't say that I ' m always right, but I can tell you that I'm never wrong."

Nique Dome Heavy D PPH & ReeRee BooMeep Juan Bla ir Casper & the Jesuit boys Aerosmith 2-9-94 mini-pep ra ll y '94 w/ MC. .. plum, peanut butter & bagel (RL,MC,CO) ... pre & post-dance parties Willy's buses "She puked in my mint p lant!" AP Bio night labs Spring Break '96- The Beast, T-Love, Bellyring posse The Oxford Tradition '96 "Boom Boom" GREAT!!. Hu-manities F lora-Bama, Hazel's & Li lian's w/ K " st imulation discussions" w/ DG & GA . .. Biff. . . "Joe called" ... C ircle of H... Techno Truth TheCapt' n . Tulane ATO So long to the many all too many My Cousin- Good luck! Britt- Don't worry, I' ll be fine! .. .The Gang- MH, EK, LL,AA,AC,NC,JG,AJ, I'll miss you all Doc- Thanks for every-thing ... Mom & DadI'm outa here!

Volleyball 1,2,3,4 (captain); Soccer 1,2,3; Cheerleading 1,2,3,4 (captain); National Honor Society 3,4; Culture Club 4 (president).

Elisa 7/. ldomr:y


" ... expecting always some brightness to hold in trust, some final innocence exempt from the dust, that, hanging solid, would dangle through all "

"I wi ll not grow conservative with age"

Spacegir l. Time's Out. Mardi Gras97&AB Spring Break97 crosscountry Oxford BRguy driving to schoo l w/Bec BecBday The Stupids si lly Lisa trix are for kids Jim Chadpole my phases window down doors unlocked ... the dentist..Apple Bees ... Grandpa, I wi ll a lways love and miss you - I'll make you proud Love and Thanks-Mom &Dad, Bee, Karen,EK,AB,AJ, CF,MH,NC,JA,JR,AA,LR,DB, KP,DM,JG,CC,AC,RT,TS.

honor roll; NHS; cross country3,4; track 2,3,4; service club


Eeonder J£ :Perez IV


Always Take the offensive, because the defensive ain't worth a darn .

-Judge L.H. Perez Sr.

Boy, I've got on underwear older than you.

-The Cop in Destin

#27 ... Troy ... country nights ... BS 's window ... Wolfetized w/ SF , BC,CC Kenner nights w/ BC Gully Mess Bing

Goon Baby "B" Antimony Fear. MLJ Skinheads w/ CC. Nantucket w/MG-favorite week 3qp at fh w/MS,TH Tuesdays

Gone ... Aerosmith w/ DG,SF ... Talks w/ CA ... 7 - 5-96 . .. Dream team Metairie Rd beatings Amarillo hunting w/ BC. Soph. snob

squad - wp ... Wo w/ CR etc .. .

Homecoming '96 Pensacola

Stop Signs I want to thank everyone who has been there for me; Mom Dad, Papa.Patsy, Kelly,Monty(3 always), Ethel, and Chief-I love y'all and take care

Football 1,2,3 ,4 , 2nd Team AllDist, Academic All - Sate Team. Wrestling 2,3, Captain, 3rd in State . Key Club 1,2. TAR 3,4, Treasurer. Civic Club 3.

.%ger lv. !Pearce

1991~1993 1996~1997

What the heck's wrong with you? You been eating retard sandwiches again!

-M att Dillon

The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say.

-Pink Floyd

5:55 Ha you fell, Ha I fell...Jefferson lndoor. Mardi Gras Mombo ... Don ' t worry , be happy ... Beast.. .Chandelies . ..0 -Dog ... St. Louis Red Light. Norwood Brechtel...LPS Lionel Possee H. Girl. Toilet battles We're in ties Boot there it is Skate Country Audubon Park Swoosh! Walk of shame .J.P./P.F. Weekend Burger King w/JD Fan Possee OOH!. Country House Body Shots To the Usual+Squirrels Grad. Night 10/ 11 Lilly's Eyes BIS 1 !! 9 timesSB/97 AT's yard sale Rollin ' in X-mas spirit. THE POSSEE, The Dog Pound, and especially JD,RV,AT"2,JR ,KD ,JB, Mom, Dad, and Andy! I love you all!!

Soccer l,II,II; Track II; German Club V.P. III; Drama Club 11,III .


Vau.id 9. cSduflz


"You'll never reach your destination if you never try."

-G. Brooks

"The releasing of anger can better any medicine under the sun. "


"It's none of your damn business , and I'll thank you to stay out of my persona l affairs.''

-Ace Ventura

swishers w/ M.T Iced tea no AG Ole Miss b.b. camp w/LS Destin w/ LS,TT.,LH Sleep talk w/ MT Pool jumping w/ EB Mission impossib le at Alabama w/ LS,MH,AS Parties in TT'S massive backyard Getto Boys w/ MR Are my teeth swollen LH SK Walks w/ LS,TT Jungle juice and the Birdcage w/ TT,LS G.Brooks in Mississsippi w/ the who le crew. obnoxi ous dks Rainman Woodchuck and the Bulldog

Spending Mardi Gras and the week before at L.S. ' S house You won ' t be able to finish that many TI ' S birthday at LS ' S house Head butts w/ LS Can you feel that Barricade snatching for parking GOGOGO Security at the Galleria w/ JW

Damn leg .Thanks to all my coaches, and all those who stood by me Thanks Mom and Dad your hard work and sacr i fice is appreciated more than you'll ever know.

Football (4) MIP , All state cademic , honorab le mention Baseball (2) Mip Track(2)

The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe. But the stupid man will just lay down on some seaweed and roll around unt i l he's completely draped himself in it. Then, he' II stand up and go, "Hey, I'm Vine Man."

---Jack Handey

I want to conquer the world/Give all the idiots a brand new religion/Put an end to poverty, uncleanliness, and toil/Promote equality in all of my decisions/With a quick wink of the eye and a "God you must be joking!"

---Bad Re ligion

Individuals, run for cover, for the multitudes of thoughtless clones have reached a critical mass. Individuals, hide in fear, under cover, s h e ltered by the wafer thin veil of intelligence.

---Bad Religion

RE at Mardi Gras '97-nothing else in the history of the uni verse can compare and is therefore unworthy of 's Going to AMHERST!!!;

14 Year Club; track (hurdles!) 3; Shield Club 3,4.


'5/eoen Y. '5.£errnan


"You are the master of your own fate."


"I want to be the first to welcome you to Holmes County State Park."

"Keep it real dawg!"

-Coach McGeehan


#77 #3 Sherm Shermanski Squirms Shermanator... Shermy HSJ conclave NFTY Football 94-96 Football Camp Enough

Said Coach Hawn falling down hill... Coach D's talks Coach Farber's stories Coach McGeehan' s cliches mullets sled!!! Mrs. McCormick's class ... EG . .. enough said ... CliffNotes'96 ... Barf What?? AS,JS Gum VendorEK,EG , AA, KB,MC H/ComingBus .E.O??? lucky head pat DS and CC Homecoming '94 WG , DS , ZG Baseball 94-97 MS BR. ria 2 weeks ChemistryClass'96 ... Stead vs Sherman ... French class w/Herrnan/Melancon Gulf Shores

ZBT LSUvsBama-FB LSUvs VandyBB 2-2-97FH FHw/WG , RG Good luck to all my friends , esp.WG , EK , CC, DS, ZG, RG, DS , LP, BS , SF, BC,EO, and my lov e EDNA!!' I Love you parents and grandparents. Good luck Benjamin , Courtney and Alan. GEAUX Tigers

Football 2,3,4; Baseball 2,3 ,4; Religious Studies Award 3; Chess Club/ Team 1,2,3,4; Civics Club 3; French Club 1,2; Honor Roll 4.

Jfoaxzryf 7>.


"We are all ofus failures at least, the best of us are."

"I like coconuts, you can break them open and they ' ll smell like ladies lying in the sun and if I had my way--I'd give a coconut to everyone"

--Widespread Panic

"Sometimes I think and other times I am "

Trinity HancockCounty Mute perv prv lgs Beepingbus bannanna split. .Ihaveagirlfriend Shoney' s Shaggy Dog GulfShores 12yr olds Chigago whostolemyG Alpine Kenner! b&noble positive negativism preinsti tutional foundation troll. AreaCodes CDsparkle uptowntourw/ZG Edna.SS Endemeyon beeners, w&s/c umwhatelse it's like thunder. breadbox Pappies alipine

gangsta mensa. [your dot-dot here!] To my family, friends, and Fred, Thanks--you've made it great. Semper Fi!

Shield l ,2,3;Sierra2,3,4;Service3,4; NHS3,4,pres.4;Football2 ,3,4 , AllAcademic-All-State4 ,Scout Squad Player of Year3;Wrestling 1,2,3,4 , capt.3,4, 3rd City & SthState 3,4; Honor Roll l,2,3,4.



"I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude."

-Henry David

"Success is a dream turned into reality"


"Cowboy ' s don ' t cry, and heroes don ' t die, Good always wins. again and again. Love is a sweet dream that always comes true, Oh if life were like the movies I'd never be blue

Bromstead Little Bitty Bird Legs Mike Lowery.. Devilchild Multinationality boy lce Cream @ football camp Ice cream during baseball road trips I promise mom, those are T's X-mas trees wff.T. Westbank Partiesw/A A Parking Lot. Wife Beaters Wal-Mart w/MR , TT, DS Poems Woodchuck TT's backyard parties The Oyster truck Stealing barricades Obnoxious Ha Ha Mission Impossible Building Walls kids tylenol @ G.B. concert w/ TT,DS,WB,CB,EB ,AS,AR, JD sharing taxis w/DS Dave,you don't need your seatbelt. Russ

bodyslamming DS The Bulldog Chicken drops Mom, Dad.Melissa I love yall,Thanks for putting up w/ me.I ' ll miss you Shadow.Good luck to all my friends I' ll leave behind , especially you Devilwoman,l love you.

Baseball 1,2 ,3,4 Best Defensive Player 3, Honorable Mention All-District 3 ; Soccer 1,2 ,3 All-District; Football 4; Civic Club 3.

!JJ(ichaef 21 c5muc/4 ;Jr. 19114


You only live once-but if you work it right, once is enough.

-Anoonymous Shoot it Fatty!'

-T. Holden

I' m gonna up set the world.


Smuck ... B ... # 15 ... 105.3 ... Pensacola w/WPs ... 3QueP ... Explorer. . .Lost in Orlando w/NK Destin94-97 Depressed w/TH&CC Arr. Pact.. LSU/D .A.Coe ... Critic ... the usual ... Minnie ... Summer w/TH&BM ... Art I Port of Call. JR's parties Mardi Gras 96 Z7 l Perdido Daisy Dunk LSU-DHvsEA tooth? Ghetto Bird Deving TheRoom w/

TH-my nose!! STM 46-Newman 35 Bus w/MT Riverbend

Study Halls w/BD DWw/WR The ride to Destin 96 Goodluck

TH , EA, RS,DD Thanks to the WPs . . . Thanks for everything

Mom , Dad, Stacey , Stephanie , and Buttons Wesley you're the best... I love ya'll...TEXAS .. .

13 year club ... Track 1,2 ... Basketball 1,2 , 3,4

Lettered 1,2,3 ,4 MIP

3 Captain 4 Student Council

2 NHS 3,4 Civic Club 3.


:J.£omas 2 :J.£omason

19tJ4 ... J997

" Life's a dance you learn a s you go, sometimes you le ad, sometimes you follow.

-John Michael Montgomery

"T he true way to a man's heart is through his stomac h"


Christmas Ribbons Cast party Elvis Lives Dames at Sea refrigerated head butt eat at Joes .T. got my gold Hee Hee 104.1 Jump on it. 2 gallons , 3 guys,] night superfreak EB's mixed emo tions Whatever. Ghetto booty Chicken Drops Woodchuck Garth Brooks w/LS,AS,JD, WB, DS, CB, DS ,E B, AR What did the Ants say? Walmart in Drag The Bull dog .Destin Diner w/A.A Building a wall Prophets of Persia w/ AS week end backyard partie s w/ citronella candles SMOKEY Bacchus ball


My 18th B - Week Destin ' 97 w/ DS , Bird,EB,DS,2girls from BR

All of my friends who have helped me get through my senior year w/out too many tears: LS , EB, CB, WB, AR, Bird , AA, Stew , JD,SC,MB, RC, GB , GS, G, DS,EH, CC, SG,Dr CC, Pigdon, .I hope I made yo u proud Dad I love you mom

Good luck to all of my friends, I hope ya'all have friends as good as I had.

X 2Jrell cSullon

19tJ4 ... J997

"Feel the Flow, Know the Groove."

-Noel Brooke Miles

"Everything I enjoy is either Illegal , Immoral, or Fattening."


"I don't worry about nothing no, cause worrying 's a waste of my time!" -Ax.I Rose

KB S #21 Gross Worst.. H.B. I. .Pro bulation ' s Cabana Nights .. .. Rock On Nice .. Dude .. Bass .. Big Red Truck .. Dow 's .. Shortn-Sexy 14problems Goldchains - n-thangs TheFly.. Phat Superman .. 70's retro . .Triple Lending Evenings .. Reilyhouse parties Mardi Gras Destin 97'-Speedo Electric Expressions w/AJ+ GF .July 4th w/JR Pensacola w/ theWP Da DreamTeam Rehab

Arrested Cheese Summer's at AJ's the Fish w/SF .Lay it Down .. SatShirts + Diqres w/ JR Riding Bikes 2 Fat H's w/ BM,JR,EA, NK,ML.. Much love+Many Thanks 2my Mom,


Football 1,2,3 ,4 ,Captain 4;Basketball 1,2, 3,4 ; Baseball 1,2 , 3 ,4

Track I ,2,3,4;Wrestling
,; Football 3 ,4;Speech

!JJ(ic.haefW. 7ruax


"Far better is it to dare m ighty things. to win glorious triumphs. even thoug h checkered by failure , than to take rank with those poor spirits who knows not victory nor defeat."

-Theodore Roosevelt

"That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest. "


"Just give me a cane pole and a shady spot to sit that's about as c lose to haeven as a man can get."

-Joh n Anderson

Sw ishers w/ Dave Talk in my s leep Footba ll Camp . .. Sweet rolls at b reak .. .44 .TT's B-Day party Pregame movements Golf w/Houston & R igdon Bacchus Naked N i njas ... Bi ll ygoat...I go to the bat hroom to ea t.. .the sta lkers Boudreaux & Beefcake Not a c loud in the sky Footba l l. Basketball. Trackw/ DS, AC, TT. .. Mass produced cream filled pastries thanks MR, DS, TT, WB , RG , CC Kehoe-France .. . RG thanks Thankyou fami ly fish i ng at Delacroix matt's do llar Latin Calculus foo t ba ll training . . .Mike Truax is bound!


Footba ll 1234:All-district 4;AII East Jeff 4 ; NFF Scholar Athlete 4;Basketball 24;Track 34;Wrestling 3.

G&-i.slian 7. 7.£omsen


" You wanna run wid us You mean play basketball?"

-White Men Can't Jump

" The on ly place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

-Vince Lombardi

' ' I eat pieces of 'poo' like you for breakfast You eat ·poo· for breakfast?"

-Happy Gi lmore-Censored

O'Reilly Dorn # 19 Pachina ineligable Orange baracades BroM art 2Hole-i n-Ones Purgatory Bottom's Chute ... Laughin' Money Hill...Crooked Arm the Tour Keep it Rea l- Don't Sellout. I'm Fixin' to rrred drink Poo Face Jones . ..l am Tiger Woods Chicken Wang We got ice K-F Posse Y iking Asa Homes 5of7HBP ... HR vs.Fisher. No you did i nt...ain't no thang ... show me da $ Fo' tru .justjoshin' "Put ] me i n coach" Gooch's J poem ridin ' the pine w/ Lind ... sup ... house of Dorn 368 good luck to all the homeses Ro ll Tide-but wait. ups for 20 bucks from ZB Knoxvi ll e-200 in 30 .I love y'all Mom and Dad.

Baseball 2 ,3 ,4;Basketball 2,3


Senior Winter Athletics Senior Spring Athletics


Senior Fall Athletics

Senior Spring Athletics


Mr. and Miss. St. Martin's

Candice Carbo

Zachary Goodyear


Most Likely to Succeed Asha Jayakrishnan Douglas Getten

Marcie Campo Deane Smith

Most Popular

Best Looking

Emily Kimble
Brett Sutton · Ashley Authement Michael Smuck

Most Athletic

JaJuanGair Christian Chauvin
Jennifer Coleman Roger Pearce


Yes, it was the year of men in capes with X-ray vision. This year, Senior Weird Day was not held on October 31 due to homecoming week. Instead costumes showed their stuff on November 15 which was all the better. After all, everyone looks wakky on Halloween, but it takes a special STM senior to look wakky two weeks after. The most popular dish of the day was the superhero surprise, but some were more appetizing that others. Of the fantastic foursome, the group of Geoff Fraiche as Batman, Ashley Authement as Super Girl, Emily Kimble as Wonder Woman, and Brett Sutton as Super Something?!?! took first place in the competition. The other four superheroes who gave a super effort were Stephen Faust as 1/2 Batman, Billy Coleman as 1/2 Superman, Lea Perez as 1/2 Darth Vader, and Parker Argote as 100% Rambo. The Barbie Family (no relation to Mr. Barbee), which took second place, consisted of Rob Green (Ken), Candice Carbo (Barbie), and Jennifer Coleman (Skipper). The Ghost-Busters included Zach Goodyear, Worth Groome, Christian Thompson, and Robby Clotworthy; they took third place, despite missing Marshmallow Man, Steven Sherman. Among other noteworthy masquerades included the cowboys Thomas Thomason and Lowery Smith as well as Braveheart Roger Pearce. All in all the day was fun, proving that even seniors like "to play dress up!"

Jennifer Coleman, Rob Green, & Candice Carbo walk into assembly as the Barbie Family. Above: Jimmy Reese on his roller blades as "Weird Speed Skater"
Rebecca Gordon as the Punk Fairy enchants the Assembly. Geoff Fraiche skates around school as the Caped Crusader. Forget Dean Cain, STM's Elvis-turned Superman Brett Sutton rocks the hallways.

vErSt.OOla in's!!!

For Senior Weird Day, Charles becomes Ari, Ari becomes James, & James becomes Charles. Stephen Faust as 1/2 Batman, Lea Perez I /2 Darth Vader, & Billy Coleman as 1/2 Superman for Sen ior We ird Day. Lowery Smith and Thomas Thomason challenge each other for a duel in Chapel. The Ghostb u sters Worth Groome, Christian Thomsen, Zach Goodyear, & Robby Clotworthy invade STM. The judges Mr. Ron Faust, Mr. Jeff Ashcombe, Mr. Andy Goodyear, and Mr. Wayne Gordon had a tough time picking one winner from the many wacked-out seniors.
Braveheart Roger Pearce poses for a picture with "Elvis-Turned-Superman" Brett Sutton and Wonder Woman Ashley Authement.

Life Skills Program

St. Martin's requires that the Juniors and Seniors take Life Skills as part of the curriculum. The course requires that fifty hours are spent doing community service , such as, visiting the elderly or spending time with underprivileged children

The course, which only lasts one semester , is worth halfacredit. Working with disadvantaged people makes the students realize how lucky they are. Life Skills also makes the students awareofthjngs that could happen to them, such as suicide or rape. It teaches them stress management. It also teaches everyone about real Ii fe issues and respect for others.

Right: Alisa Baum talk with some of the residents at Poydras Home. Above: Doug Getten works with a patient at New Orleans Children's Hospital.
Right: Roger Pearce poses with a patient at Malta Par. Right: Marty Black assists a Senior Citizen at the Kenner Day Care Center.

Senior Internship

The Seniors are offered a once in a lifetime oppertunity before they graduate. Each student does a two week internship in the field they hope to enter after they complete college.

This lets them see a little part of what the job entails. At St. Martin's this rounds out their education and gives them a head start on the vocation they think they would like.

Left: Erin Kellogg feeding Cinnamon a sea lion housed at the Audubon institute. Left: Chad Flick assists Dr. Brooks Emory in the Pulmonary disease Department at the Ochsner Clinic. Above: Lea Perez at the controls of a Crew Boat, working in the Gulf of Mexico.
Left: Thomas Thomason working the control board at Radio Station WCKW.
u 96 J C·.,l : !a¢:;Ciiiill...--....

Amanda Abrams

Peter Adair

Evan Alford

Eric Allison


Geoffrey Artigues

Alisa Baum

Meghan Becnel

Catherine Betz

Marty Black

Emily Bordelon

Blake Bourquard

Stephanie Caine

Peyton Cavaroc

Andrew Chrestman

Christopher Close

Andrew Crawford

Michelle Delaney

Lauren Dellinger

Judi th Diasseliss

Elise Dicharry

Jennifer Dinsdale

Devon Durant

Jennifer Ernst

Annie Fowler

Roger Fox

Sharmel Genthon

Jonathan Giffin

Nihal Godiwala

Anthony Guzzetta

Amanda Hall

Kelly Hall

Robert Hicks

Thacher Holden

Matthew Houston

Emily Hymowitz

Marci Juneau

Brian Kaye

Richard Lo

Katherine Martinez

Charles McChesney

Michelle McDaniel 101

--, r 102

Meghan McDermott

Kelly McManis

Caroline Merrick

Kathryn Nugon

Patrick O'Brien

Nicholas Pappas

Elena Perez

Adrienne Phi Iii ps

Elizabeth Prewitt

Robert Ramelli II

Amanda Reese

Thomas Register

Matthew Rigdon

Alison Rodriguez

William Rolston

Andrea Roohi

Jim Scheurich

Victoria Seixas

Randall Snare

Kevin Solis

Ashley Stewart

Robert Stone

Jeffrey Strahan

Cynthia Tan

Emily Taylor

Vaughn Thames

Kiki Theriot

Trey Thompson

Kim Tsai

Rebecca Tuuri

Lauren Venturatos

Brian Werth

Katie Wester

Richard Wilkie

Jill Wren


Deepa Bhatnagar

Justin Bourgeois

Jason Brown

Jon athan Campo

Ishwaria Chandramohan

Kendall Chauvin

Madeline Chimento

Ann Clements

Courtney Cole

Elizabeth Daray

Thomas Dobie

Lovie Doucette

Courtney Duhe

Seth Duplantis

Scott Felter

Juliana Fiorenza

Aimee Folse

David Fransen

Justin Goldblatt

Tanya Gorowara

Monty Groome

Mathison Hall

Charles Hawkins

Allison Johnson

Vijay Kailas

Lindsay Levine

William Maurer

Malain McCormick

Grant Melius

Jonathan Mendez

Jose Mendez

Al Minor IV

Justin Molaison


Daniel Na var

Brittany Olson

Emery Ordemann

Jonathan Perret

Ted Perry

Grayson Pool

Matthew Rappold

Jessica Resignola

Megan Rigdon

Christopher Rodriguez

Rebecca Rogers

Ramin Sadeghpour

Amy Scalia

Kelly Schwab

David Sharp le

Jonathan Sherwood

Jonathan Smith

Andrew Stakelum

Alan Stone West Stout

Justin Svec

Daniel Trahant

Chandler Truax

Alan Watts

Florie Claire Webb

Christopher Weigand

Caroline Williams

Elizabeth Williams


Ryan Adkerson


Mark Ashcombe

Jarret Bauer

John Roger Bell

Kimberly Brizzolara

Katherine Bologna

Dana Burshell

Alice Cacioppo

Ondina Canales

Jessica Carvin

Peter Castaing

Michelle Chang

Richard Clotworthy

Donald D' Aunoy

Whitney Davis

Nicole Dicharry

James Geary

Eric Gold

Kelly Goodwin

Ginger Guzzetta

Nicholas Hintz

Leslie Hooper

Trey House

Joshua Kaston

Gaurav Katoch

David Lee

Jonathan Martinez

Joshua Massicot

Tyler McGuire


Rachel Mcilwain

Andres Mendez

Edwin Merrick

Steven Milano

Diana Moustoukas

Gordon O'Leary

Ashley Peterson

David Peterson

Christian Piccolo

Stephanie Pickett

Keith Pyburn

Laney Robein

Ryan Rossner

Scott Samuel

William Shackelford

Robert Skinner

Adam Smith

Brent Smith

Emily Smith

Virginia Spencer

Matthew Stedman

Natalie Stein


John Talbert

Rahul Tikia

Sarah Tuuri

Adam Voth

Carol Wang

Shelby Westfeldt

Matthew Wilson

Nathaniel Woltering

Zachary Wool

112 ,, I I u iii\ II I\ I i 111 1111 1111 I

Jason Baer

Gerry Beckett

Jessica Boe

Ryan Brown

James Buckley

David Christian

Colin Clotworthy

Jonathan Coleman

Kara Contreary

Lindsay Crotty

Pierre deBoisblanc

Thomas Diano

Ryan Evans

Ryan Farley

Amanda Flores

Bradford Fournier

Ryan Francis

Chad Gaudin

Lauren Giles

Jeffrey Glaser

Jason Harmon

Elizabeth Hollinger

Christopher Ingold

Benjamin Janke

Nina J ayakrishnan

Bradley Johnson

Christopher Johnson

Praveen Kailas

Stephanie Kaston

Samantha Keene

Rhett Kleinschmidt

Clayton Koenig

Brandon Lobell

- - ---- - - - - - - - -

Rebecca Lowry

Billy Lu

Lauren Malone

William McCulloch

Patrick McCullough

Megan McDonald

Bryan McManus

Patrick Mendez

Hallie Merrick

Ashley Mohrmann

Ryan Monsour

Aimee Moreau

Nicholas Noel

Andrew O'Brien

Catharine O'Connell

Alexandra Pappas

Robert Paydo

Cooper Richardson

Scott Robinson

Nathaniel Rogerrs

Elizabeth Schoen

Chandler Sherwood

Shuchin Shukla

Anna Sneath

Dennis Stewart

David Svec

Zachary Tyson

Georg Venturatos

John Von Behren

Latrice Wade

William Welch

Gregory Williams





Michael Abadie

Carly Boos

Crista Bourg

Katherine Burke

John Caine

Margot Castaing

Sara Castano

Britton Chauvin

Erin Coatney

Jessica Colon

David Coons

Michael Daly

Justin Davis

Eric DeRoche

Evan Dicharry

Jessica Ellis

Jonathan Fleming

Richard Folse

Tracy Goldblatt

Wheeler Graf

Lindsey Greer

Elizabeth Hall

Shellie Harmon

Rebecca Harrison

Aimee Hyatt


Peter Lee

Joey Leone Jr.

Elizabeth Levy

Graham Little

Jason Martinez

Meredith Maurer

Meghan McQuaig

Juan Mendez

Nicholas Mills

Christopher Mioton

John Moustoukas

Marshall Ordemann III

Carol Ortenberg

Megan Peck

Katie Piccolo

Chay Ratliff

Lillie Rea

Robert Rusch

Walker Saik

Jules Saunee IV

Richard Savoie

Lucius Spencer IV

Christine St.Germain

Benjamin Stein

Abigail Stern

Brett Vogt

Sarah Watts

Elizabeth Weigand

David Woodard

Grant Yelverton


f ·~, roirrBl'


Heather Bethley

Heather Boos

Holly Brown

Jordan Bunch

Jonathan Burke

Cristina Campo

Kevin Comer

Ashley Conroy

Colin Contreary

Christina Cook

Emily Crotty

James Crouch

Elizabeth D' Aunoy

Brendan Daly

Blake Duplass

Jackson Edwards

Meredith Emory

Emily Estes

Jessica Farris

Thomas Favrot III

Jason Fleming

Lauren Gibbs

Leslie Gieger

Douglas Harris

Scott Harris

Brian Heitz

Allison Hollinger

Alexander Hutchinsc

Olga Ivanov a

Naveen Kailas

James Lasome

Louise LeGardeur

John Levine

Dimitri Loupakos

Jonathan Lu

Andrew McGuire

Eduardo Medina II

Peter Mortillaro

Barry Muldrey


Courtney Nicholson

Tara Perrin

Bryan Pugh

Rebecca Quintal


Matthew Resignola

Timothy Rosencrans

Kai ti yn Richard

Scott Saporito

Jessica Scales

Jonathan Schoen

Adam Shepherd

Kevin Small

Kimberly Smith

Sarah Smith

Alanna Sneath

Andrea Sneath

Jared Spencer

Lind say Swetnam

Ashley Tuft s

Jimmy Wall

Augusta Watts

Bonnie Williams

Mariann Wilson

- - - --- - - - - - - - -

s I X T H




Julie Batt

Robert Beauchamp

Lloyd Beckett

Brian Bell

Courtney Block

Jason Bourgeois

Beau Bradshaw

Ty Brockhoeft

Chelsea Broekstra

Spiro Catsulis

Siva Chandramohan

Bradley Collins

Laura Denny

Cori DeRoche

Anderson Dittman

Amy Evans

Rabun Fox

Emily Fransen

Allyson Funk

Ashby Geary

Ryan Geoghagan

Stephanie Gill

Graham Hopkins

Wendy Jacobson

Will James

Amanda Janke

Elizabeth Kreher

Philip Kritikos

Jessica Leone

Andrew Levine

Lower School Reading Specialists: Carolyn Wanek and Susan Hamilton

Hsueh-Ping Lu

Alison Malone

David Mohrmann

Hunter Monsour

Chad Nolan

John Odell

Karla Perez

Chelsey Ratliff

Alexander Roy

Karl Senner

Sara Silvestri

Gary Solomon Jr.

Alison Spindler

Christine Stanley

Robyn Tikia

Matthew Weaver

Jessica White

Ashley Wolff

Matthew Woodard

Harrison Wool






Barrett Bass

Ryan Becnel

Jacob Boe

Gregory Boner

Benjamin Bradshaw

Tyler Coatney

Jeannette Collins

Brooke Conroy

Casey Contreary

Jeffrey Cook

Anna-Marie Coons

Nicholas Darensburg

Lisette deBoisblanc

Frances Derby

Laura Dugas

Kristin Eckstein

Jordan Estes

Katherine Fenerty

Adrian France

Hillary Gibbs

Sara Goodman

Colleen Gravley

Paul Groth

Jessica Haley

Patrick Harrison

Mark Holden


Kaitlin Killoy

Benjamin Leff

Sophia Loupakos

Kristin Malone

Andrew Matthews

David McChesney

Daniel McCullough

Kelly McDonald


Lower School Computer Coordinator, Michelle Snow

William McQuaig

Lauren Mioton

Parker Morrison

Tyler Palacios

Neej Patel


Garet Patterson

Jeremy Peres

Katharine Pugh

Rachel Ramelli

Charles Richard Jr.

Carter Rossner

Trey Ruello III

Christopher Saporito

Taylor Scheinuk

Elizabeth Shackelford

Ruth Stedman

V enkat Su bramaniam

Jimmy Tiblier

Joe Uddo

Gabriela Uribe

Tom Wall

Kathryn Weidner

Mitchell White

Jessica Wise

Spencer Wool

Brittany Yeager

Blaine Yelverton


F 0 u R T H




Third Grade Teachers: Sue..Sh._~b_bie Scalia and Erin Bradv


Erich Abbott

Adel Alizadeh

Jake Arakal

Nate Beckett

Celeste Block

Benjamin Bologna

Camille Bourgeois

Andy Brinson

Claire Bruton

Jay Carisella

Stephen Chester

Ani Childress

Rebecca Denny

Christopher Denuna

Elizabeth Derby

Matthew Dozier

Sarah Dunn

Stella Duplass

Preston Emory

Kristin Foret

Evan Francis

Lindsey Gengo

Elizabeth Gibert

Michael Gieger

Hunter Gilbert

Denver Gray III

Ryan Gray

Meredith Harris

Thomas Hennington

Matthew Hobbs


Brittney Hocut

Worth Hopkins

Patrick Hutchinson

Aaron Hyatt

Cooper Johnston

Natalie Keeney

Jamie Kovacs

Steven LaRosa

Andrew Mayeux

Brian McCormick

Elyse McDaniel

Alexander Minno III

Colin Nicholson


Richard Odell

Phillip Podret

Allen Porter III

Robert Quintal

Taylor Roberts

Stacy Savoie

Christopher Senner


Rachel Shuey

Mia Silvestri

Carolyn Small

Adam Tosh

Amelia Trask

Jon Vail

Kelsey Vogt

Rachel Watts

Katherine Weaver






ade Teachers: aret Perret and Rebecca Fransen


Ryan Aldridge

Kyle Anderson

James Barr

Pepper Baumer

Colin Berthelot

Stephen Borrello

Brooks Brumfield

Matthew Campbell

Lori Castano

Elizabeth Crouch

Ellen Cunningham


William DePass

Roger DeSanti Jr.

Christian Dittman

Taylor Eckstein

Shannon English-Rhoden

Bryan Flick

Logan France

Anderson Funk

Anna Geoghagan

Gillian Gibbs

David Gibert

Marithe Gutierrez

Andrew Heaton

Donnie Jackson Jr.

Trevor Jackson

Blake Johnston

Benjamin Key

Erin Killoy

Joey Kovacs

Jacqueline Lee

Adele LeGardeur

Blair Lumpkin

Camille Mallery


Alexander Mann

George Molaison

Libby Odell

Alexander Orlean

Kayla Osorno

Sarah Beth Pansano

Deena Provance

Jean Riess Kyle Roberts

David Sabludowsky

Scott Saunders

Craig Scales

Sam Solomon

Travis Stead

Anna Tisdale

JimmyUddo BobbyUddo

Lauren Waters

Caroline Wiedemann

Caroline Wilson

- -
s E C 0 N D



Jessica Baer

Elizabeth Baker

Baylor Barnett

Charlotte Bauer

Jamie Bethley

Henry Boos

Michelle Borrello

Parker Bossier

David Bremermann

Leslie Brockhoeft

Margaret Bruton

Susannah Bunch

Devvin Burgess

Marjorie Champaign-Bassett

Erica Clark

Laurie Clotworthy


Hugh Edmundson

Cary Gray

Evans Hadden

Taylor Hayes

Stephanie Holden

Jack Hurley

Katherine Kemmerly

Macie Lunyong


James Matthews

Kayla Morel

Donald Muller

Troy Patterson

Katherine Peck

Jana Podret

Morgan Prieur

Alex Prince

Kevin Quinet

Kyle Ridley

Erin Rose

Jordan R ytlewski

Hilary Scheinuk

Amanda Skinner

Hamsini Sridharan

Preston Stead

Julia Tecchie

Christopher Tosh

John Truett III

Jerry Wang

Edward Watts

Michael Weaver

Richard Weigand

Parker Wright


F I R s T





ti, Ann Bellar~

d Julie Dieth


Jennifer Baer

Robert Breaux

Marshall Brumfield

Caroline B urglass

Olivia Carisella


Kristina Crouch

Beau D' Aunoy

Nicholas DePass

Joel Derby

Dean-Michael Elazab, Jr.

Courtney Foret

Anne Funk

Stephen Gieger

Liam Hutchinson

Katie Kerut

Evan Khodr

Parker Lachowsky

Mitchell Leff

Anastasia Loupakos


Maryclaire Manard

Mark Matheny

Andrew McDaniel


Logan Melius

Madeleine Michelli

Brandon N ajolia

Katie Odell

Nikos Pantazis

Michael Ruello

Katherine Saunders

Julia Scales

Spencer Shaw

Jordan Simpson

Julia Small

Pearson Smith

Adam Strappeck

Michelle Taylor


Chester Vaughn

Libby Webber

Rachel White

Sara Whitehead

Andrew Wise






Kindergarten Teachers:

·~Jane Guillory,Cheryl Smith, Ckeeyl Resignola and Kerry Vogt.

Harry Batt IV

Samuel Buckley

Shawn Michael Burst

Christopher Cabral

Daniel Chester

Christopher Cobb

Douglas Collins

Stephen Crow

Madeline Estes

Mason Fox

Martin Gray

Brady Hadden

Elizabeth Holden

Ethan Johnson

Olivia Johnson

Mary-Elizabeth Lago

- -~ 170

Jonathan Lumpkin

Kevin McCullough

Sara O'Bryon


Kathryn Owens

Hunter Phillips

Nicole Riso

Connor Roberts

Ariana Rose

Spencer Schlesinger

Joseph Signorelli

Conway Solomon

Ambika Subramaniam

Michael Tiblier

Wallace Trask

Jeannie Wang

Ashleigh Waters

William Watson


The St. Martin's volleyball team had a great '96 season! Lead by team captains Dominique Matulich and Megan Hintz, the team had a great season that included big wins

over Fisher and Buras. The team also competed in several tournaments, playing very well against teams from much bigger schools. The Junior Varsity also had a great sea-

son, which included a big win over their archrival Newman. The Middle School Varsity and Junior Varsity teams also had a great seasons, along with two sixth grade teams.

Right: Lauren Venteratos tips the ball over the net as Megan Rigdon and Courtney Duhe look on . Below : Florie Claire Webb goes to the floor for a successful dig, as Megan Rigdon move to the net.
Right: Marci Juneau goes up high for a block. Right: Emery Ordemann high fives Courtney Duhe after she serves up an ace.

Below: Emery Ordemann goes up for a kill as Marci Juneau , Florie Claire Webb and Megan Rigdon watch.


Buras w ' -,.,.. ,.., \ -,.. ,-

Newman L

Riverside L

St. Charles L

Fisher w

Ecole w

John Curtis w

Lutheran w

The Varsity Volleyball Team

Left to right , Top row: Lauren Venturatos , Jennifer Dinsdale , Stephanie Pickett , Marci Juneau , Amy Scalia and Coach Linda Trevino. Second row: A s hley Petersen, K.K. Martinez , Michelle McDaniel , Madeline Chimento , Catherine Betz. Bottom row: Captains Dominique Matulich and Megan Hintz

The Junior Varsity Volleyball Te a m

Left to right, Top row: Rachel Mcllwain , Emily Smith, Courtney Duhe, Kelly Schwab , Lauren Yenturatos , Florie Claire Webb , Lesley Flores , Lindsay Levine , Lovie Doucette a nd Coach Sue Edwards.

Bottom row: Carol Wang , Kim Bri z zolara , Marci Juneau , Emery Ordemann and Meg a n Ri g don.

Below: Lauren Venturatos sets up a slam by the front line.


"Go Saints, all the way!"

This year the swim team had a very succesful season Both boys and girls teams won the state title. We had several all american qualifications in individual events as well as relays . Congratulations

to our swim team, especially our seniors, Billy Coleman and Wade Betz.

This team displayed an amazing amount of spirit and enthusiasm this year W e all love the swim team!

. rr· (' I, ~u
· ---
~((~ ··=;--
Above: Roger enjoys a break after a hard race. A picture says, "a thousand words!"
Top to Bottom , Left to Right: Mathis Hall , Wade Betz, Billy Coleman, Andrea Roohi , Coach Alan Smith , Allison Rodriguez , Richard Lo , Charlie Hawkins , Justin Molaison, Gordon O'Leary , Jose Carlos Mendez , Bill Maurer , Matt Rappold, Jonathan Campo, Adam Smith, Jonathan Sherwood , Scott Felter , David Fransen , Sunny Katoch, Rabun Fox, Elizabeth Williams , Adrienne Phillips , Nicole Dicharry , Leslie Hooper, Malain McCormick , Matthew Steadman, Andres Mendez , Robbie Paydo, Brittany Olson , Allison Johnson, Kelly Goodwin , Aimee Moreau, Sarah Tuuri, Jessica Resignola and Rebecca Tuuri. Above: Billy checks his time after winning an easy race . Right: Andrearaces ahead to the finish.

St. Martin's

Opponent Girls Boys

Rummel/Chapelle w L

Jesuit/Dominican L L

Holy Cross w

Brth. Mar/Mt. Carmel w L

Ben Franklin w w District 4th 4th Metro 7th 4th State Championship 1st 1st

Below: Adam Smith takes a breath while competing in the back stroke.

Above: The swimmers prepare themselves for a very strenuous race.
Left: Richard Lo rests Above: Rebecca Tuuri after a tough race with a takes a breath in the great finish. breaststroke.

Led by the seniors, the Cross Country team had a great year, even though Coach Marsalis thought this would be a rebuilding year. The new freshmen surprised both the coach

and the team and helped them to achieve victory.

Freshmen Dana Burshell and Mark Ashcombe led both the girls and boys to a second place finish in the District Meet. The

girls finished ninth, and the boys were eighth in the State Championship Meet. Congratulations to Coach Marsalis and the whole Cross Country Team.

Jonathan Mendez, Jeb Bauer, Alan Stone , Peter Adair, Ty McGuire, Trey House , Brent Smith, Thomas Merrick , Ricky Clotworthy , Ari Burshell , David Lee, Chad Flick , Worth Groome, Alisa Baum , Katie Nugon , Chandler Truax , Julie Fiorenza, Elizabeth Daray, Tori Seixas, Elena Perez, Grant Melius , Aimee Folse, Caroline Williams , Ondina Canales, Lisa Lowry, Asha Jayakrishnan and Dana Burshell.

Right: Aimee Folse, Monty Groome, Rebecca Rogers, Grant Melius, and Julie Fiorenza pose for a picture at the first cross country meet. Below: Kendall Chauvin struggles to place in the meet. Right: Dana Burshell receives girls' second place district trophy. Upper School Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Mark Ashcombe , Mr. Marsalis , Kendall Chauvin , Justin Goldblatt ,

St. Martin's

Dominican Girls-6th

Newman Girls-6th ;:;,~ /

Shaw/DeLaSalle Girls-6th ~/4' '

Frederick Doug. Girls-6th c:=:!kJ · ~\'I

Boys-7th &C:'~h;~1.

St.Josephs Girls-2nd er-\p


Catholic High Girls-4th

Boys-10th -~· -------~ \U/

U.S.L. Girls-6th


CD/Jes.IBM. Girls-2nd Boys-4th District Girls-2nd

Boys-2nd State Girls-9th


Below: Alisa Baum stops to take a drink after a hard work out.
Above: Worth Groome shows a strong stride at the half way point of the district meet. Left: The girls begin the district race strongly.
Above: Worth Groome and Chad Flick take a break during the usual practice.

The 1996 Saints football team

never gave up The season began with high expectations as 17 seniors and 17 juniors prepared for the coming battles. Senior tri-captains Brett Sutton , Christian Chauvin, and Mike Truax led the team to a disapointing 3- 7 record in the toughest football district in Clas s 2A.

Several key injuries plagued the Saints throughout the season. The loss of tailback David Shultz in the second game seemed to set the tone for the season. The Saints bounced back after the first two losses, and won two in a row again st St. Bernard(] 0-0) and Ben Franklin (14-0) Following another two losses, the team traveled down to Buras and the offense finally seemed to come alive in beating the wildcats. After a loss to St. Charles , the team came up against a wall win the last two games or miss the playoffs for the second straight year.

The Homecoming game against Fisher was the epitome of the heart , desire,and the never say die attitude that the team had. Dominating Fisher in the first half, the Saints couldn ' t hold on, and Fisher tied the score. Every player put everything they could into the game , making the overtime loss especially painful. But the team had one more game to go , and the Saints played their hearts out against arch rival Newman.

The sea son was marred by the win/ loss column , but overall , the team was forced to come together and never give up. It wa s a team that fought until the final buz zer.

Far Right: Stephen barks out the cadence while Rigdon prepares for battle.

Right: Evan is thirsty.

Coach Sutherland, Coach Giambelluca, Coach Dozier, and Coach McGeehan , Kevin Solis, Ryan Adkerson , Matt Rigdon, Dean Smith, Steven Sherman , Thomas Thomasan , Allan Watts , Keith Pyburn , and Scott Samuels, Casey Ramelli, Matt Houston , Charles Christy, Anthony Guzzetta , Roger Fox, Danny "Carlos " Navar , Jim Sheurich , Chris Close, Lowery Smith , Robby Clotworthy , Jason Clotworthy, Christian Piccolo , David Sharpie, Peter Castaig , Mike Truax, Andrew Gooch, and Mason Talbert, Jason Brown , Marty Black , Brett Sutton , Seth Duplantis , Lea Perez, Parker Argote , David Shultz , Alan Chang , and Andrew Stakelum , Chri s tian Chauvin , Robert Stone , Brian Werth, Danny Trahant , Thatcher Holden , Stephen Faust , Jeff Strahan, and Even Aldford

Top to

Coach Dozier discusses the next play ' s strategy with Stephen Bottom, Left to Right:

STM Football Scores

Aug. 30 Pope John Paul Jamboree

Sept. 6

Sept. 14 Country Day

Sept. 20 St. Bernard

Sept. 27 Ben Franklin


4 Episcopal of Baton
Riverside Academy 24-3 W 30-35 L 13-16 L 10-0 W 14-0 W 14-43 L 0-49 L Oct. 18 Buras 42-31 W
Oct. 11
Oct. 25 St.Charles
8 Newman 0-41 L 14-20 (OT)L 0- 35 L
Above: Christian kicks a field goal, while Brett holds
Below: Alan Chang breaks away for a touchdown. Right: Brett celebrates like a beast, while Parker recovers a fumble Left: Coach Dozier and M i k e Broussard help injured Mike Truax off the field. Mike Broussard and his student athletic trainers : Kelly McManus, Emily Taylor , Kim Tsai, and Elise Dichary .
Coaches: Glen Sutherland , Mike Giambelluca , Sammy Dozier, and Chick McGeehan


It was a record setting season for the St. Martin's boys varsity soccer team. The team entered the first round of district with confidence and poise as they came away from St. Charles with a 3-1 victory and a 1-0 record in district. However, the team knew that their greatest task would be next ; defeating the Newman Greenies. Under a terrential downpour, each team fought hard for the win for the lead in district. Unfortunately when the mad bath was over, the Greenies emerged with a 1-0 victory over the Saints. After another loss to the Greenies , and

another win over St. Charles, and the Saints earning district-runner status and advanced to the playoffs with a 2-2 district record.

The team knew it wou ld be a difficult road to the finals. The first match was against the Country Day Cajuns, a team who the Saints tied 1-1 with earlier on in the season. However , hardwork a nd preparat ion lifted the Saints to a 2-0 victory over the Cajuns earning a spot in the state quarter-finals. Up next was the Vandebi ltTerriers, the defending sta te champions. Both teams featured impeccable de-

fenses squar ing off at 0 -0 after two overtimes. However , the Saints proved to be stronger as they tookthe victory in a nail biting shootout propelling the sa ints to a win and a berth into the semifinals. This was not the end of their s ucces s, the te am went on to meet the St. Louis Saints in the finals

For the first time since St. Martin ' s was founded , a championship game was played on Tony Porter Field. However.this was not to be our Saints day. They lost 4 to 0. This team had gone further than any soccer team in the history of St. Martin's Soccer, in becoming the State Runnerup

Below: Below, Andy Jaspan fights through PJP defender for possession.
Right: Christ ian Chauvin maneuvers in the open fie ld. Top Row, left to right: Mgr. Kelly Mc manus, Ryan Rossner , Allan Chang, coach John Terri, Brandon Dinon, Lowery Smith, Charles Christy, David Sharpie, West Stout, Thomas Merrick, Don D'aunoy, coach Julio Paiz, Middle Row, left to right: Bill Mauer, Kendall Chauvin, Mark Ashcombe, Thomas Dobie, Antohony Guzzetta, Robert Stone, Patrick O'Brien, Vijay Kailas, Adam Voth, Bottom Row, left to right: Eric Gold, Andres Mendez, Scott Samuels, Justin Svec, Andy Jaspan, Robby clotworthy, Jonathan Campo, Ricky Clotworthy, and Jonathan Martinez. Right: Allen Chang out jumps PJP defender for the ball.

Center: The senior members of the team pose before presenting their mothers with the honorary roses during the last regular season home game.

Top: Andy Jaspan traps down the long ball.
Independence w Rummel L Ecole w Sarah T. Reed w St.Thomas Aquinas L St. Charles w Ecole w Newman L =Country Day T ..rJJ Bonnabel L Newman L St. Charles w Pope John Paul T Country Day (Bi-Dis) w Vanderbuilt Cath. (Qtr) w Ouachata (Semi-Fin) w St. Louis (Finals) L
St. Martin's
Above: Charlie McChesney uses his dribbling prowess to slice through the defense. Left: Christian Chauvin Jukes a PJP defender on his way to a goal.
Above: Justin Svec dribbles past an Ecole defender.

irl's Soccer goes through a Rebuilding Year!==========

This years Girls' Soccer team was lead by captains Megan Hintz and Amanda Abrams. Their record was five wins , eight losses and one tie , with many of the losses by narrow margins. The girl's

worked hard through out the year and were rewarded with a playoff berth against Country Day.

The team, led by Senior Megan Hintz, will virtually have the whole team back next

year. Coach Trevino feels that with MVP Emery Ordemann and Goalie Priya Anand, along with the other returning under-classmen, she has laid the foundation for a great season in 1998.

Above:Top{lt. to rt. ICoach Trevino,Ginger Guzetta,Megan McDermott,Emery Ordemann,Stephanie Caine , Adrienne Phillips ,Dominique Matulich, Megan Hintz ,Caroline Merrick , Megan Rigdon , Kelly Schwab,Malain McCormick,Coach Al. Middle : Katie Nugon , Cynthia Tan, Grant Melius, Vaughn Thames, Amanda Abrams , Ashley Stewart, Kelly Hall, Amanda Hall, Julie Fiorenza, Tanya Gorowara, Linds a y Levine, Deepa Bhatnager, Coach Quinet. Bottom:Shelby Westfeldt, Jessica Carvin, Akila Subramaniam, Katherine Bologna, Diana Moustoukas, Natalie Stein , Michelle Chang , Dana Burshell, Leslie Hooper, Alice Cacioppo,Ginger Spencer. Sitting: Priya Anand,Sarah Tuuri and Kelly Goodwin .

Below: Megan Hintz takes the kick out of the goal.
Right: Stephanie Caine goes into battle with the Cajuns. Right: Kelly Hall hurls the ball into the air.

St. Martin's

Below: Dana kicks the ball away from the opponent. Above: The team huddles to discuss their strategy.
Country Day L Karr Magnet w Episcopal L Destrehan w McGehee L DeLaSalle w Immaculata w Cabrini L Newman L McMain w Ecole Classique L Newman L McMain w Dist. Pla:toff Country Day L
Above: Natalie kicks the ball down the field with hopes of scoring a goal. Left: STM sucessfully kicks the ball away from the Cajuns
Above: Katie Nugon goes into battle with the opponents.

New Coach Leads Saints Wrestling Team

Despite being small in number , the St. Martin ' s wrestling team placed fifth in the state.

1 Led by new coach Mike Snyder, the Saints sent four wrestlers to the finals: Peyton Cavaroc ( 112), Danny Navar (125) , Andy

Chrestman (130), and Marty Black (135). Danny Navar came out victoriously in the finals with a fall in 1:02. He was voted Outstanding Wrestler of the State Tournament. The other three finalist ended the season as state runner-ups. Seniors Andrew Gooch (160) and Deane Smith (145) got 3rd and 5th respectively. Two eighth graders placed in the State tournament. Dennis

Stewart (152) got 4th place , and Jonathan Coleman (103) got 6th place. The Saints were 3-2 in dual meets. They had wins against East St. John , East Jefferson, and Fountanbleau , all of which are large schools. The team will lose only two wrestlers for next year and with four State Finalists returning, the team could be one of the best in the state.

Above: Marty Black scores a winning takedown in the semi- finals of the State Tournament.
Right: Andy Crawford crushes the competiton. Top to bottom, Left to Right: Coach Mike Snyder, Bryan McManus, Peyton Cavaroc, Sonny Katoch , Andy Chrestman, Coach Dave Dumestre, Dennis Stewart, Andy Crawford, Deane Smith , Andrew Gooch , Danny Navar, Marty Black, and Jonathan Coleman. Right: Andy Chrestman celebrates after a pin in the first round of the State Tournament.

Above: Danny Navar celebrates after winning the State Championship.

Below: Peyton "The Powerhouse" Cavaroc trows his opponent back to the mat.

St. Martin's

East Jefferson w

Fountain Bleau w

East St. John w

Buras L

John Ehret L

Patriot Invit. 2nd

State Tournament 5th

Tournament Places

Casio-Danny Navar. Marty Black 3rd.

Trygg-Danny Navar I st, Marty Black 3rd.

Tiger lnvit.-Danny Navar 2nd , Marty Black 3rd.

Bro. Martin lnvit.-Danny Navar 2nd, Peyton Cavaroc 3rd. Patriot lnvit.-Danny Navar I st, Jonathan Co leman, Andy

Chrestman , Peyton Cavaroc, and Dennis Stewart 2nd,Dea ne Smith, Andrew Gooch , Marty Black 3rd. Brusly-Peyton Cavaroc I st, Danny Navar, Marty Black 2nd, Andrew Gooch 3rd.

Lee High-Peyton Cavaroc 3rd. Lafayette-Danny Navar 3rd.

City-Andrew Gooch 2nd , Deane Smith, Peyton Cavaroc 3rd.

State-Danny Navar I st(Outstanding Wrestler) , Peyton Cavaroc , Marty Black, Andy Chrestman 2nd, Andrew Gooch 3rd.

Above: Andrew Gooch drives to take down his opponent.

Below:Deane Smith takes contro l of his opponent.

Below: Danny Navar goes for the pin in the State finals.

Coach Robin Martin's captured the District 2A the second round of playGirls' Basketball team had title, with a 10-0 record. offs before losing a close a very successful 1996- CatherineBetzwasnamed game to South 1997 season. Although DistrictMVP,andallother Beauregard. Next year's limited to only a few play- starters received either a team will have continued ers, they were able to ac- spot on the district team success and leadership as complish many great or an honorable mention. five juniors return. things . With hustle and Led by captain, JaJuan determination the girls re- Gair, the team made it to

Jennifer Dinsdale, Micki Delaney, Catherine Betz, Jill Wren, Madeline Chimento, Emily Smith and Coach Robin Martin

Right: The 1996-1997 Girls ' Basketball team poses with coach Robin Martin and managers Lovie Ducett and Emily Smith . Below: Catherine Betz goes up strong for an uncontested lay-up
Right: Catherine Betz leads the team as they prepare to set up an offense against South Beauregard. Above: The 1996-1997 Girls' Basketball Team. (From left to right) Lovie Ducette, Aimee Folse, Amy Scalia, Emily Hymowitz, Laney Robein, Cpt. JaJuan Gair, Cpt. Candice Carbo, Right: Amy Scalia and Micki Delaneyplay excellent hands up defense , trapping a player in a corner.

Below: The Girls ' s Basketbal I team huddles together to Middle: Madeline say a prayer before the big Chimento dribbles down playoff game against South the court and avoids Beauregard. oncoming defenders.

St.M Girls' Basketball District Scores

St. Charles w

Riverside w

Buras w

Fisher w

Newman w

St. Charles w

Riverside w

Buras w

Fisher w

Newman w

Coach of the Year: Robin Martin

All East Jeff. Team: Catherine Betz

Above: Coach Robin Martin coached her team well for a second season, going undefeated in disrict. Here she is shown giving last minute instructions to her players during a time-out.

Left: JaJuan Gair works to Above: Jennifer Dinsdale play good defense against her hustles to dribble around anopponent. other player.


With the experience and leadership of seven seniors, this year 's basketball team had high hopes for the 1996-1997 season. Those hopes could have been dashed with the introduction of a new coach , but Coach Tony Bonura came

in and "let them play ." He admits his aim was to avoid disrupting a talented team, and his gradual implementation of ideas worked well. The Saints finished with a 15-12 overall recore, giong 6-4 in the district to win one of the two wildcard spots in the State Tournament. The highlight of the season was an 11 point

victory over Newman in the Palaestra. This victory over Newman , and home win aganist St. Charles put the Saints in the playoff. The Season was capped with Robert Green and James Ashcombe' s being selection to the All-District team, both having a season average of 15PPg.

Below: Robert Green goes high over his opponet for a shot from the comer.
Right: James Ashcombe goes high above the rim for two points. Varsity Basketball Team, Left to Right: Brett Sutton, Nihal Godiwala, Michael Smuck, Chris Weigand, Jonathan Smith, Zach Goodyear, James Ashcombe, Michael Truax, Robert Green, Mark Angehr, Drew Wilkie, Nick Pappas and Thacher Holden Right: Michael Smuck drives to the basket for two more points.

St. Martin's

Ben Franklin w

Country Day w

E. Jeffer s on L

Ridgewood w

Country Day w

McMain L

Ben Franklin w

Belle Cha se L

Vanderbilt L

Fisher L

River s ide w

Buras w

Newm a n w

St. Charles L r-~ -

Fisher L (J:7<...:f,.

Riverside w I' !I

Buras w

Newman L

St. Charles w

Christian Life L

Below: Brett Sutton goes up for a rebound, between several defenders .
Above: Michael Smuck goes up for a lay up on the end of a fast break. Left: Robert Green drives to the basket between several defenders.
Above: James Ashcombe blocks out for Michael Smuck.

Softball Turns it Around!

What a turnaround this year ' s girls ' softball team has made Under the leadership of new head coach Sue Edwards, first yrar assistant John Pardee , and coach Charles Maumus, the team has improved in all aspects of the game The eliminated the mental errors and

displayed impressive skills.

As always , Saints competed in the difficult district , battling Newman , St. Charles , and Riverside. Facing undefeated disstrict champions Riverside, they led until the 7th inning. At the East Jefferson Tournament they finished 2nd , beating EJ a 5A team. At their own tournament the finished in a 2nd place tie with St. Bernard

The team wa s led by co-captains senior Megan Hintz and junior Marci Juneau. Marci had three wins and Megan led the team with a .489 batting average Only losing two senior , and with several injured player returning , the team looks for continued improvement next year.

Above: Emily Bordelon running in .
Right: Malain McCormick running home to score. Above : Coach Maumus, Malain McCormick, Jessica Resignola, Emily Bordelon, Courtney Duhe, Nisha Cakravarty, Micky Delaney , Marci Juneau, Stephanie Caine, Meghan McDermott, Kelly Becnal , Megan Hintz , Tanya Gorowara, Ashley Peterson , Kim Tsai , Carol Wang , Ondina Canales , Coach Edwards. Right : Ondina Canales takes a lead off first base.
Sacred Heart East Jefferson McGehee L w L St. Bernard L Episcopal W Buras L Buras L West St. John W Ascension Catholic L St. Charles L Newman L Fisher W Riverside L St. Charles L Newman L Riverside L . Fisher W
Stephanie Caine up to bat.
St. Martin's
Above :The whole team gathered around their knew pitching mashening. Above: Kelly Becnal hitting the ball hard.
Left: Ashley Peterson pitching.

This year, the boy's tennis team, coached by Steve Boyle, had a very successful season. During the regular season, the team led by Ninal Godiwala and Eric Deroche excelled in both doubles and singles. After persistant practice and conditioning, the bo s went to Re ionals

at City Park where Nihal and Eric advanced to the state tournament in Baton Rouge. There, with a lot of teamwork they reached the semi-finals. With a lot of teamwork they reached the semi-finals.

The Girl's Tennis Team also had a great season. Lead

by juniors K.K. Martinez, Tori Seixas and Ashley Stewart, the team improved and worked hard. Sophomore Florie Claire Webb, along with K.K and Tori qualified for the State Tournamaent. Both the Girl's and Boy's teams are to be Congratulated.

Right: Jonathan Mendez returns the serve with a hard slam. Far Right: Rahul returns a deep lob with a backhand. Right: Eric waits with anticipation for a chance to volley. Far Right: Jonathan attacks the net to hit a winner.
Left to Right: Jonathan Smith, Mathew Stedman, Sonny Katoch, Justin Svec, Nihal Godiwala, Ramin Sadeghpour, Jonathan Mendez, Justin Molaison, and Vijay Kailas.

Below: Ashley and Deepa work hard at practice.

St. Martin's

Reginal Finalist

State Semi-Finalist

Nihal Godiwala

Eric Deroche

Reginal Finalist

Florie Claire Webb

K.K. Martinez

Reginal Finalist

State Quarter Finalist

Tori Seixas

Below: Priya and Akila shake hands with Ashley and Deepa after an exciting practice match. Below: Akila returns a serve from Deepa on the back of the court. Left to Right , Tori Seixas, Ashley Stewart, Deepa Bhatnagar , K.K. Martinez, Florie Claire Webb and Emery Ordemann .
Above: Deepa is ready to serve and win the match.


The St. Martins Saints baseball season ended abruptly with a loss to district opponent St. Charles Catholic , giving the Saints an overall record of 6-12 and a 3- 7 district. Despite their rather in au spicious record , the s aints competed well against several larger schools, namel Baker and

Hannan. In district, the Saints managed solid games against both Riverside and Newman , and gained impressive victories over Buras and Fisher.

Several players finished the year with notable achievements and strong individual performances . Christian "Dorn " Thomsen batted .350 with one home run . Third

ba seman Lowery Smith turned in a fine defensive year. Brett Sutton and Stephen Faust posted personal bests at the plate . Juniors Jeff Strahan and Nick Pappas were selected First Team All-District. Next year the Saints hope to be in the running for a playoff berth .

, Halo

Below: Trey House takes a giant cut at the ball during a district game
Right: Pitcher, Nicholas Pappas winds up and throws a strike right down the middle. Standing, Left to Right: David Peterson, Jeb Bauer, Nick Hintz, Lowery Smith, William Rolston, Christian Thomasen, Jeff Strahan, Steve Faust, David Schultz, Nick Pappas, Jason Clotworthy , Coach Tony Bonura and Coach Sam Dozier. Kneeling, Left to Right: Trey House, Peter Castaing, Eric Gold , Andrew Stakelum, Brett Sutton and Steven Sherman. Right: Coach Bonura check the sign with Coach Dozier as the runner takes a lead at first.

St. Martin's RECORD

6 - WINS



3 - WINS



Nicholas Pappas

Jeff Strahan

Below: Andrew Stakelum is ready to poke a hit into the out field.
,:.i - :·' !!'::.!111111!!!:::~......=- ~=-·
Above: Jeff Strahan knock one into the outfield for a big hit. Left: Eric Gold goes back to snag a pop fly.
Above: Steven Sherman warms up in the big gym before going out to the Ball Park. Left: Trey House awaits the throw from Lowery Smith while warming up between innings.

Golf tees off at STM!

During the 1996-1997 year , the golf team made it to the regionals , which was held at the LSU Gold Course. Unfortunately they were unable to advance to the state tournament. The team was led b seniors

James Ashcombe and long hitter Matt Rigdon. Other contributors were Allan Chang, Jonathan Martinez , Matt Wilson , Adam Voth, and seventh graders Jason Martinez and David Coons. The team record was 3 and 3 with a sudden death loss to SA Rummel.

The team finished 3rd in the district behind St. Charles and Newman. In the regional tournament they finished 7th out of 19 teams. Jonathan Martinez qualified for the state tournament and ended up 18th overall. The team is looking for a winning season in 1997-1998

Below: Jonathan stikes a good shot from the fairway.
Right: Allan Chang tees off on a par 3. Back Row, Left to Right: James Geary, Adam Voth, Ty McGuire, Thomas Dobie, Coach Pat Hunly, Matt Rigdon and Jonathan Martinez. Front Row, Left to Right: david Coons, Richard Folse and Jason Martinez . Not Pictured: Matt Wilson and James Ashcombe. Right: Adam Voth takes a practice swing before teeing off through the trees .

St. Martin's RECORD

3 -3


Jon a than Matinez


Below: Allan Chang warms up prior to the regional tournament at LSU. Above: Allan Chang, Jason Martinwz and Matt Rigdon pose for a picture prior to teeing off.
Above: The team poses with Coach Hunly after winnig a tournament trophy. Left: James Ashcombe tees off through the woods.

Below: Thomas Loosens up before his first throw at the St. Martin's invitational. YOU CAN DO IT, T!

This years St. Martin's Track team was lead by Seniors Mike Truax, Thomas Thomason, David Schultz, Allan Chang, Ari Burshell , Doug Getten , Lisa Lowery and Ja Juan Gair. The year started off slow but as district and regionals rolled around a number of athletes had come to the front. Ja Juan was undefeated in the 100 meter hurdles,

Catherine Betz, a junior, was setting record after record in the javelin , Mike Truax was moving up in the standings, throwing the shot put and freshman , Dana Burshell was keeping up with the big girls in the distance events.

In the District Meet STM qualified nine athletes and one relay team for regionals. Four of these, qualified for the State Meet

in Baton Rouge. Senior Ja Juan Gair broke her own state record in 100 meter hurdles with a time of 15 .19 seconds. Catherine Betz threw the javelin 132+ feet to win the event and Dana Burshell finished fifth in the 3200. Rounding out the meet was Mike Truax who finished 7th in the shot put. This year's girl's team finished seventh just ten point out of first.

Right: Mike concentrates on the pit before throwing the shotput for a personal record. Top to bottom , left to right:Mark Ashcombe , Coach McGeehan , Andres Mendez , Coach Marseilles , Trey Thomp so n, Alan Watts , Ted Perry, Ryan J. Rossner , Jonathan Giffin , Kevin Solis, Lea Rae , Mike Truax , Chris Weigand , thomas Thomason , Seth Duplantis , Alan Chang, charlie Hawkins , Mathis Hall , Peter Adair, Coach Sutherland , Trainer Mike Babbin , David Francin, Alan Stone, Grayson Pool , Justin Svec , Josh Kaston , Wendell(West) Stout, Danny Trahant , Brent Smith, Ricky Clotworthy, Whitney Davis , John Roger Bell , Kelly McManis, Cynthia Tan, Kiki Theriot , Caroline Williams , Rebecca Paisely Rogers , Monty Groome , Ali sa Baume , Michelle Chang, Cather in e Betz , JaJuan Gair, Jessica Carvin, Ginger Guzetta, Natalie Stein , Katherine Bolongia, Lisa Lowery , Asha Jayakrishnan, Dana Burshell. Right: Danny stands in the blocks, ready to race, as Alan helps hold him down for a great start.

St. Martin's

Newman Boy's Riverside Girl's Boy's St. Martin's Inv . Girl's Boy's District Girl's Boy 's State Girl's

Lisa runs at a hard pace to win a strenous race Below:Ju Juan celebrates after winning the 100 meter hurtles .
6th 5th 6th 4th 3rd 3rd 4th 7th
Above: Ginger gets out to a fast start in the first leg of the relay .
Above: Lauren Dellinger arches the javilin high into the air during the St. Martin Invitational Track Meet.

1996 - 1997



For the first time in awhile the cheerleaders this year had a new coach, Cavan Bordelon. Cavan taught the girls many new cheers , stunts and dances . They also had a new sponcer , Father Farrell who helped get them organized and increase

crowd perticapation at the games. The captains were seniors Candice Carbo, Ja Juan Gair and Dominique Matulich . With the help and leaderships of these people the 1996-1997 cheerle a ders had another fun and exciting year

Right: Top to Bottom, Left to Right : Dominique Matulich , Grant Melius, Jennifer Dinsdale, Ja Juan Gair , Amy Scalia , Catherine Betz. Emily Taylor, Emily Bordelon , Sharmel Genthon , K K. Martinez, and Julie Fiorenza Below: The junior varsity and varsity coach , Cavan Bordelon
Right: K.K Martinez doing the "lean " cheer.
Right: Devils Robert Green and Andy Jaspan and captains Ju Jaun and Dominique lead the senior moms and the lower school in the cheers at the homecoming pep- rally .


Grant, Sharmel, Dominique and Catherine practicing an elevator before a game. Above: Cheerleaders, along with Homecoming cheerleaders gather around Jill Wren, "the cow", to take a picture
. . \i( - •-..---=>-
Left: The cheerleaders cheering in the rain at the Frankin game , who we defeated.
Above: Julie, Emily, Kelly and Amanda cheer on the football team as they break through the banner.
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- } YI I I . 215




--·-·-· ' '?• ••• ' * • " .... . 217

Senior Class Officers

Junior Class Officers

220 '96-'97
Treasurer Ari Burshell, Vice-President JaJuan Gair, President Candice Carbo, and Secretary Akash Anand. Vice-President Marty Black, President Robert Stone, Secretary Micki Delaney, and Treasurer Eric Allison.


Sophomore Class Officers

Vice-President Kendall Chauvin, Secretary Jessica Resignola, President Amy Scalia, and Treasurer Mathis Hall.
Treasurer AkilaSubramaniam, Vice-PresidentPriyaAnand, Secretary Katherine Bologna, and President Adam Voth. The '96-'97 Student Council led by Mrs. Greer, Mr. Marsalis, and President Zach Goodyear.
Zach keeps the student body informed at the weekly Monday The Senior' poster for the Canned Food Drive is taken to the Upper School from the Gym. Assembly. Reps Matt Rigdon & Jonathan Martinez stop for a picture outside the Chapel Zach makes posters for the Student Council's Annual Canned Food Drive. Zach Goodyear and Christian Thomsen make a "Ghost-free" Morning Announcements on Senior Weird Day. Chad adds his ideas at a brainstorming session. Mr. Marsalis looks on as Andrew Gooch anchors the Morning Show.
Asha Jayakrishnan and future president Nihal Godiwala listen keenly during a meeting.




I1 1 229










cfldrnissions Club ~------------------

Back Row, Left to Right: Mary Schreiber, Drew Wilkie , Doug Getten, Jeff Strahan , Carole Beehler and Robie Hicks. Front Row , Left to Right: Deepa Bhatnagar, Ja Juan Gair, Jessica Resignola , Elise Dicharry , Michelle Delaney and Kelly Mc Manis.

Sierra Club

Coulon addresses the students and the media at Joe's Landing. Courtney Duhe piles the trees during a trip to recycle Christmas trees. Standing: Elizabeth Daray, Ishwaria Chandramohan, Erin Kellogg, Courtney Cole, Kelly Schwab, Kelly Goodwin, Nathaniel Woltering, Thomas Dobie, Courtney Duhe, Scott Felter. Kneeling: Caroline Williams, Annie Clements, Megan Hintz , Dr. David Lesley, Lauren Dellinger. Sitting: Deane Smith and Chad Flick Annie Clements and Courtney Cole enjoy king cake at the meeting. Dr. Lesley discusses plans for upcoming trips with club members. Dr. Lesley works diligently to organize the fundraiser.
Erin Kellogg listens intently at the meeting.




I 244

NISHA , You reached your goals

The best is yet to come

Follow your Dreams

All Our Love Mom &Dad

Peabody ... Hoppy Farm .. . noody head .. . hugoo .. .cheese sandwich alligator... meteor. but, but... Yes, sori bab bigman

Oh Yes! The years have whizzed by! We are now an empty nest. To our little girl , who has grown so fast , and so eager to conquer the world, take care , keep safe. We wish you the very Best at WHARTON!!

We have shared some of the funniest , saddest & sweetest moments in life . .. .. . This is just the beginning - there is so much more to come ...

See you on a weekend at Cornell & if you are a good little sister

I may just surprise you at Wharton!

Love, Dada



OF 1997


Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

and Dad

i~·d ve Da.r·111g Creative J;;eq_,.l, ess \S\\"\-'b -~i\et1t Confident -x,\e • '<}: soc" Competitor 248 BRETT SUTTON GRADUATE CLASS '97 CONGRATULATIONS LOVE MOM&DAD Love, Short&s exey Life of the Party . <tea.. ~\"\-et'b\ -¼sc1i.iev10 48 3 Letter Man vos\\\·"1e Winner
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Congratulations Jason Follow your dreams ..... and be true to yourself.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thank you for the memories .... You are our Pride and Joy Love, Mom, Dad and Corinne • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 249


You've made us all proud and we'll miss you so much You're future is now up to you, so MAKE IT GREAT!

All our love and kisses Mum, Dad and Mark.



congratul,ates its alum


You have accomplished so much in these last fourteen years. We are so very proud of you!!! The very best of luck with your dancing and studies at Indiana U.

We Love You , Mom, Dad, Jonathan , Molly andMax

Congratulations Marcie

14 Wonderful Years at St. Martin's Love, Mom and Dad Frank & Bryan

252 ,..; ' \ ·'t ~ · .J , u ,r -


Sail on Silver Girl

Sail on by. Your time has come to shine.

All your dreams are on thier way.

See how you shine.

We ' re very proud of you .

Love Mom a nd Dad

Congratulations Parker

From your 1st day of school you have made us proud.

Love, Mom, Dad and Leslie



From the Students, Faculty & Staff of St. Martin's


Zachary Taylor Goodyear

Reach for a star and take hold! There are many good years ahead

Much Love, Mom, Dad and Young Louise


Dear Kelly, It's been quite a journey from St. Joan of Arc, Dominican, Oxford to St. Martin's.

Congratulations, we are so proud of you.

Love, Dad, Bridget, Meghan and Ryan



We are so proud of who you are, what you have accomplished, and where you're going!

Love, Mom andDad




Christian, we are proud that you are a young man of great integrity. Continue to work hard toward your goals, never surrender and remember that our love for you will always fill our heart. Love, Mom, Dad Kendall and Britton


THE 10 + 4 CLUB





•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 258 •



Take care and good luck next year! I' 11 miss you! Love, Lea

LEA, We've shared so many great times together. I'll


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Abadie, Michael 121

Abbott, Erich 145

Abrams,Amanda 48,49, 101, 188

Adair, Peter 48, 49, 101, 182,204

Adair, Suzette 11

Adkerson, Ryan 184

Barnett, Baylor 157

Baron, Doris 16

Barr, James 151

Bass, Barrett 44, 139

Batt IV, Harry 169

Batt, Julie 133

Bauer, Charlotte 157

Bauer, Jarret 109, 182, 109, 200

Aguiar-Netto, Dr. Harriet 14

Aldford, Evan 101, 184

Aldridge, Ryan 151

Alizadeh, Adel 145

Allen, Charles 20

Allison, Eric 101, 220

Alpha, Jane 20

Anand, Akash 48, 56, 220

Anand, Priya 109, 188, 221

Anderson, Kyle 151

Anderson, Rochelle 20

Angehr, Mark 48, 49,

101, 194

Arakal, Jake 145

Argote, John P. 56, 184, 185,253

Arthurs, Kate 12, 33, 44, 45

Artigues, Geoffrey 101

Ashcombe, James T. 48, 57,91,194,195,202,203, 250

Ashcombe, Mark 182,186,204


Authement, Ashley L. 36, 57,86,91 B

Babbin, Mike 204

Baer, Jason 113

Baer, Jennifer 163

Baer, Jessica 157

Baier, Carol 13

Baker, Elizabeth 157

Barbee, Roger 11, 12

Baum, Alisa 182,183,204 94, 101,

Baumer, Pepper 151

Beauchamp, Robert 133

Beckett, Gerry 113

Beckett, Lloyd 46, 133

Beckett, Nate 145

Beckman, Eileen 12, 49

Becnel, kelly F. 58, 195, 197,255

Becnel, Meghan 101

Becnel, Ryan 44, 139

Beehler, Carole 18, 236

Behren, John Von 115

Bell, Brian 133

Bell, John Roger 204

Bellard, Ann 162

Berthelot, Colin 151

Bethley, Heather 127

Bethley, Jamie 157

Betz, Catherine 101, 179, 192,193,204

Betz, Wade B. 58, 180

Bhatnagar, Deepa 105, 188,199,236

Black, Marty 48, 49, 94, 101,184,190,220

Block, Celeste 145

Block, Courtney 133

Blume, Gerald 19

Boe, Jacob 139

Boe, Jessica 113

Boineau, Girard C. 251 59,

Bologna, Benjamin 145

Bologna, Katherine 109, 188,204,221

Boner, Gregory 139

Bonura, Tony 16, 200

Boos, Carly 121

Boos, Doris 19

Boos, Heather 127

Boos, Henry 157

Bordelon, Emily 101, 195

Borrello, Michelle 157

Borrello, Stephen 151

Bossier, Parker 157

Bourg, Crista 121

Bourgeois, Camille 46, 145

Bourgeois, Jason 133

Bourgeois, Justin 105

Bourgeois, O'Neal 19

Bourquard, Blake 101

Bradshaw, Beau 133

Bradshaw, Benjamin 46, 139

Brady, Glenn 13

Breaux, Robert 163

Burnthorn, Ernest 19

Burnthorn, Jane 19

Burshell, Ari E. 32, 48, 59,91, 182,220

Burshell,Dana 109,188, 189,204

Burst, Shawn Michael 169

Busenlener, Carolyn 14

Bush, Barbara Boat 17 C

Cabral, Amanda 14

Cabral, Christopher 169

Cacioppo, Alice 109, 188

Caine, Jane 13

Caine, John 121

Caine, Stephanie 48, 49, 101, 188, 195, 197

Campbell, Matthew 151

Campo, Cristina 127

Campo, Jonathan 105, 180, 186

Bremermann, David 157 Campo, Marcie E. 28,


Canales, Ondina 109, Brizzolara, Kimberly 182, 195

109, 179

Carbo, Candice C. 34, Brockhoeft, Leslie 157 35, 36, 60, 84, 90, 192, Brockhoeft, Ty 133 220

Broekstra, Chelsea 133

Broussard, Mike 185

Carisella, Jay 145

Carisella, Olivia 163

Brown, Holly 127 Carlton-Stewart, Mary

Brown, Jason 105, 184 Katherine 12

Brown, Ryan 113

Brumfield, Brooks 151

Brumfield, Marshall 163

Bruton, Claire 145

Bruton, Margaret 157

Buckley, James 113

Buckley, Samuel 169

Bunch, Jordan 127

Bunch, Susannah 157

Burgess, Devvin 157

Burglass, Caroline 163

Burke, Jonathan 127

Burke, Katherine 121

Carvin, Jessica 109, 188, 204

Caserta, Toni 10

Castaing, Margot 121

Castaing,Peter 109,184, 200

Castano, Lori 151

Castano, Sara 121

Catsulis, Spiro 133

Cavaroc, Peyton 101, 190, 191

Chakravarty, Nisha 48, 61,195,246,261

109, Brinson, Andy 46, 47, 36, 60, 85, 251

Marjorie 157

Chandramohan, Ishwaria 105, 236

Chandramohan, Siva 46, 133

Chang, Allan 48, 61, 185, 184, 186, 203, 204

Chang, Michelle 109, 188,204

Chatelain, Roger 19

Chauvin, Britton 25, 121

Chauvin, ChristianB. 28, 34,62,87, 184,185,187, 257

Chauvin, Kendall 105, 182, 186, 221

Chauvin, Steve 21

Chester, Daniel 169

Chester, Stephen 145

Childress, Ani 145

Chimento, Madeline 105, 179, 192, 193

Chrestman, Andrew 101, 190

Christian, David 113

Christy, Charles 39, 48,

62, 91, 184, 186

Clark, Erica 157

Clements, Ann 105

Clements, Annie 236

Close, Christopher 101, 184

Clotworthy, Colin 113

Clotworthy, Jason 63, 184,200,249

Clotworthy, Laurie 157

Clotworthy, Ricky 109, 182, 186, 204

Clotworthy, Robert R.

63, 91, 184, 186, 248

Coatney, Erin 121

Coatney, Tyler 139

Cobb, Christopher 169

Cole, Courtney 105,236

Coleman, Jennifer S. 28, 33,48,64, 87,90

Coleman, Jonathan 113, 190

Coleman, Rinda 12, 24

ColemanIV, William B. 64,91, 180 Collins, Bradley

Davis, Justin 121 Dozier, Matthew 145

Davis, Whitney 109,204

Dazet, Maria 18

Dean-Michael Elazab, Jr. 163

deBoisblanc, Lisette 45, 139

deBoisblanc, Pierre 113

Delaney, Michelle 101, 236

Delaney, Micki 192, 220

Delaney, Micky 195

Dellinger, Lauren 101, 205,236

Denny, Laura 133

Denny, Otway 21

Denny, Rebecca 145

Denuna, Christopher 145

DePass, Nicholas 163

DePass, William 151

Derby, Elizabeth 145

Derby, Frances 139

Derby, Joel 163

DeRoche, Cori 133

DeRoche, Eric 121

DeSanti, Jr. roger 151

DeSanti, Alyssa 157

Dewey, Nolan 20

Dozier, Sam 16, 43, 184,

185, 200

Drago, Vincent 13

Dressel, Mr. Leo 10, 35, 49

Ducette, Lovie 192

Dugas, Laura 139

Duhe, Courtney 105, 178, 179, 195, 236

Dumestre, Dave 190

Dunn, Sarah 145

Duplantis, Seth 105, 184, 204

Duplass, Blake 127

Duplass, Stella 145

Durant, Devon 101

Durbin, Jim 16

Eckstein, Kristin 139

Eckstein, Taylor 151

Edmundson, Hugh 157

Edwards, Jackson 127

Edwards, Sue 16, 179, 195

Eiswirth, Yvonne 20

Ellis, Jessica 121

Emory, Dr. Brooks 95

Emory, Meredith 127

Crouch, James 127

Crouch, Kristina 163

Crow, Stephen 169

Cumberland, Jeanne 13

Cunningham, Ellen 151 D

D' Aunoy, Beau 163

D'aunoy, Don 186

D' Aunoy, Donald 109

D' Aunoy, Elizabeth 127

Daily, Suzan 18

Daly, Brendan 127

Daly, Michael 121

Daray, Elizabeth 105, 182,236

Darensburg, Dominick 151

Darensburg, Nicholas 139

Diano, Thomas 113

Diasseliss, Judith 101

DiCharry, Elise 48, 49, 101, 236

Dicharry, Evan 121

Dicharry, Nicole 109, 180

Di chary, Elise 185

Dieth, Julie 162

Dinan, Brandon 186

Din on, Brandon D. 65

Dinsdale, Jennifer 48, 49, 101, 179, 192, 193

Dittman, Anderson 133

Dittman, Christian 151

Dobie, Thomas 105,186, 202,236

Doucette, Lovie 179

Emory, Preston 145

English-Rhoden, Shannon 151

Ernst, Jennifer 101

Estes, Emily 127

Estes, Jordan 139

Estes, Madeline 169

Evans, Amy 46, 133

Evans, Ryan 113 F

Farley, Ryan 113

Farrel, Rev. John 15, 48

Farris, Jessica 127

Faust, Ron 21, 91

Faust, Stephen E. 28, 65, 91,184,200

Favrot III, Thomas 127

105, Felter, Scott 105, 180, 236

127 Conroy, Ashley 127 Conroy, Brooke 139 Contreary, Casey 139 Contreary, Colin 127 Contreary, Kara 113 Contreary, Kylie 163 Conway, Tootie 156
Christina 127 Cook, Jeffrey 139 Coons, Anna-Marie 139
David 121, 202
16, 18
12 Crawford,
Collins, Douglas
Collins, Jeannette
Colon, Jessica
Comer, Kevin
Coons, Donna
Cox., Jimmy
Crouch, Elizabeth 151
Fenerty, Katherine 139 Getten, Douglas V. 85, Green, Marian 20 Herron, Laurie 18 Fiorenza, Julie 37, 105, 94, 236, 267 Green, Robert J . 69, 90, Hicks, Robert 101 182, 188 Giambelluca, Michael 194, 195 Hicks, Robie 236 Fleming, Jason 127 16 , 184, 185 Greer, Dianne 13, 222 Hintz, Megan 28, 32, 33, Fleming, Jonathan 121 Giardina, Claudette 19 Greer, Lindsey 121 39,48, 179,188,195,236 Flick, Bryan 151 Gibbs, Gillian 151 Groome, Billy 21 Hintz, Megan C. 70 Flick, Chad M. 48, 66, Gibbs, Hillary 139 Groome, Monty 105, Hintz, Nicholas 109 95, 182, 183, 223, 236, Gibbs, Lauren 127 204 Hintz, Nick 200 252 Gibert, David 151 Groome, William W. 48, Hobbs, Matthew 145 Flores, Amanda 113 Gibert, Elizabeth 145 70, 91, 182,183,258,262 Hocut, Brittney 147 Flores, Lesley 179 Gieger, Leslie 127 Groth, Paul 139 Hoffmann, Ginny 16 Folse, Aimee 105, 182, Gieger, Michael 145 Guillory, Jane 168 Holden, Elizabeth 169 192 Gieger, Stephen 163 Gustafson, Gus 19 Holden, Mark 139 Folse, Richard 121, 202 Giffin, Jonathan 101, Gutierrez, Marithe 151 Holden, Stephanie 157 Foret, Courtney 163 204 Guzzetta, Anthony 101, Holden, Thacher 101, Foret, Kristin 145 Gilbert, Hunter 145 184, 186 194 Fournier, Bradford 113 Giles, Lauren 113 Guzzetta, Ginger 37,109, Holden, Thatcher 184 Fowler, Annie 101 Gill, Stephanie 133 188, 204, 205 Hollinger, Allison 127 Fox, Mason 169 Glaser, Jeffrey 113 Guzzetta, Teresa 21 Hollinger, Elizabeth 113 Fox, Rabun 133, 180 Godchaux, Susan 15 H Hooper, Leslie 109, 180, Fox, Roger 101, 184 Godiwala,Nihal 49,101, Hadden, Brady 169 188 Fraiche, Geoffery 32, 194, 198 Hadden, Evans 157 Hopkins, Graham 133 66, 90 Gold, Eric 109,186,200, Hal, Mathis 221 Hopkins, Worth 147 France, Adrian 44, 139 201 Haley, Jessica 44, 139 House, Trey 109, 182, France, Logan 151 Goldblatt, Justin 105, Hall, Amanda 48, 49, 200, 201 Francin, David 204 182 101, 188 Houston, Matt 184 Francis, Evan 145 Goldblatt, Tracy 121 Hall, Elizabeth 121 Houston, Matthew 101 Francis, Ryan 113 Gooch, Andrew C. 68, Hall, Kelly 33, 37, 101, Hunley, Patrick 14 Fransen, David 105, 180 184, 190, 191, 223 188 Hunly, Pat 202, 203 Fransen, Emily 46, 133 Goodman, Sara 139 Hall, Mathis 180, 204 Hurley, Jack 157 Fransen, Peggy 12 Goodwin, Kelly 109, Hall, Mathison 105 Hutchinson, Alexander Funk, Allyson 133 180, 188, 236 Hamann, Christine 17 127 Funk, Anderson 151 Goodyear, Andy 21, 91 Harmon, Jason 113 Hutchinson, Liam 163 Funk, Anne 47, 163 Goodyear,ZacharyT. 34, Harmon, Shellie 121 Hutchinson, Patrick 147 G 68, 84, 91,194,222,223, Harmon, Susan 17 Hyatt, Aaron 147
Ja Juan A. 28, 48, 254, 258 Harris, Douglas 127 Hyatt, Aimee 121 67, 87,192,193,204,205, Gordon, Rebecca L. 69 Harris, Meredith 145 Hymowitz, Emily 101, 220, 236 Gordon, Wayne 91 Harris, Scott 127 192
Chad 113 Gorowara, Tanya 105, Harrison, Patrick 139 I
Ann 21 188, 195 Harrison, Rebecca 121 Ingold, Christopher 113
Ashby 133 Graf, Harold 17 Hawkins, Charles 43, Ivanova, Olga 127
James 109, 202 Graf, Wheeler 121 105, 180, 204 J Genga, Lindsey 145 Gravley, Colleen 139 Hayes, Taylor 157 Jackson, Jr. Donnie 151 Genthon, Sharmel 101 Gray, Cary 157 Heaton, Andrew 151 Jackson, Mary 20
Anna 151 Gray III, Denver 145 Heitz, Brian 127 Jackson, Trevor 151
Ryan 133 Gray, Martin 169 Hennington, Thomas 145 Jacobson, Wendy 133
Doug 236 Gray, Ryan 145 Hermann, Carolyn 14 James, Will 133 266

James J. Reese, Jr. 75

Janke, Amanda 133

Janke, Benjamin 113

Jaspan, Andrew M. 71, 186, 187

Jayakrishnan, Asha 28, 32,48, 71, 85,204

Jayakrishnan, Nina 113

Johnson, Allison 105, 180

Johnson, Bradley 113

Johnson, Christopher 113

Johnson, Ethan 169

Johnson, Olivia 169

Johnson, Vicki 15

Johnston, Blake 151

Johnston, Cooper 147

Juneau, Marci 48, 49, 101, 178, 179, 195

Kailas, Naveen 127

Kailas, Praveen 113

Kailas, Vijay 105, 186, 198

Kaston, Betsy 15

Kaston, Jeff 21

Kaston, Joshua 109,204

Kaston, Stephan ie 113

Katoch,Gaurav 109,180, 190, 198

Kaye, Brian 101

Keene, Samantha 113

Keeney, Natalie 147

Keir, Bill 19

Kelley, Pat 16

Kellogg, Erin V . 72, 95, 236,253

Kemmerly, Katherine 157

Kerut, Katie 163

Key, Benjamin 151

Khodr, Evan 163

Khodr, Rami 139

Killoy, Erin 151

Killoy, Kaitlin 139

Kimble, Emily G. 34, 36, 72, 86

Kleinschmidt, Rhett 113 Lu, Jonathan 127 McCullough, Kevin 171

Knighten, Jenkins

Lumpkin, Blair 151 McCullough,Patrick 115

Koenig, Clayton 113 Lumpkin, Dr. Wayne 10 McDaniel, Andrew 165

Kottler, Jenny

Kovacs, Jamie

Kovacs, Joey

Kreher, Elizabeth

Kritikos, Philip

Elyse 147

Lunyong, Macie 157 McDaniel, Michelle 33,

M 37, 101, 179

Maise, Edward 19 McDermott, Linda 162

Mallery, Camille 151 McDermott, Meghan L Malone, Alison 135 103, 188, 195

Kristin 139 McDonald, Kelly 45, Lago, Mary-Elizabeth Malone, Lauren 115

Lachowsky, Parker

Klebba, Lee 12 Lu, Hsueh-Ping 135 McCullough, Daniel 139
21 Lumpkin, Jonathan 171 McDaniel,
139 169 Malone, Rev. Trawin 15 McDonald, Megan 115 LaRosa, Steven 147 Manard, Maryclaire 165 McElroy, Sky 139 Lasome, James 127 Mann, Alexander 153 McGeehan, Chick 16, Lee, David 109, 182 Marphis, Charles 19 184, 204 Lee, Jacqueline 151 Marsalis, Jim 13, 182, McGuire, Andrew 127 Lee, Peter 123 204, 222, 223 McGuire, Ty 109, 182, Leff, Benjamin 139 Martin, Robin 16, 192, 202 Leff, Mitchell 163 193 Mcllwain, Rachel 111, LeGardeur, Adele 151 Martinez,Jason 123,202, 179 LeGardeur, Louise 127 203 McManis, Kelly 48, 49, Leone, Jr. Joey 123 Martinez, Jonathan 109, 103, 185, 186, 204,236 Leone, Jessica 133 186, 202, 222 McManus, Bryan 115, Lesley, Dr. David 14, Martinez, K.K. 48, 49, 190 236 101, 179, 199 McQuaig, Meghan 123 Levine, Andrew 133 Massicot, Joshua 109 McQuaig, William 141 Levine, John 127 Matheny, Mark 165 Mead-Farber, Elizabeth Levine, Lindsay 105, Matthews, Andrew 139 14 179, 188 Matthews, James 159 Medina II, Eduardo 127 Levy, Elizabeth 123 Matthews, Kim 162 Mehra, Anshul 165 Lind, Warren 14 Matulich,Dominique 28, Melius, Grant 37, 105, Little, Graham 123 73, 48, 179, 188 182, 188 Little, Liz 162 Maumus, Charles 18, Melius, Logan 165 Lo, Richard 49, 101, 195 Menard-Beebe, Anne180, 181 Maurer, Meredith 123 Marie 156 Lobell, Brandon 113 Maurer, William 105 Mendez, Andres 111, Long, Edith 15 Mayeux, Andrew 147 180, 186, 204 Louis Horn, Jr 20 180, 186 Mendez, Jonathan 105, Loupakos, Anastasia 163 McChesney, Charles 101, 182, 198 Loupakos, Dimitri 127 187 Mendez,JoseCarlos 105, Loupakos, Sophia 139 McChesney, David 139 180 Lowery, Lisa A. 48, 73, McCormick, Brian 147 Mendez, Juan 123 204, 205, 251 McCormick, Janis 13 Mendez, Patrick 115 Lowery W. Smith, Jr. 77 McCormick,Malain 105, Merrick, Caroline 103, Lowry, Rebecca 115 180, 188, 195 188 Lu, Billy 115 McCulloch, William 115 Merrick, Edwin 111 267

Merrick, Hallie 115

Merrick, Thomas 182, 186

Michelli, Madeleine 165

Micklin, Patti 17

Milano, Steven 111

Miller, Mary Margaret 17

Mills, Nicholas 123

Minno III, Alexander 147

Miner, Stacey 12

Minor IV, Al 105

Mioton, Christopher 123

Mioton, Lauren 141

Mohrmann, Ashley 115

Mohrmann, David 135

Molaison, George 153

Molaison, Justin 105, 180, 198

Monsour, Hunter 135

Monsour, Ryan 115

Mooney, Dr. Rex 15

Moreau,Aimee 115,180

Morel, Kayla 159

Morrison, Parker 141

Mortillaro, Peter 127

Moustoukas, Diana 111, 188

Moustoukas, John 123

Muldrey, Barry 127

Muller, Donald 159

Najolia, April 10

Najolia,Brandon 47,165

Navar, Daniel 107, 184, 190, 191

Nicholson, Colin 147

Nicholson, Courtney 129

Noel, Nicholas 115

Nolan, Chad 135

Nugon, Kathryn 103, 182, 188, 189

O'Brien, Andrew

O'Brien, Betty 20

O'Brien, Patrick 186

O'Bryon, Jeffrey 147

O'Bryon, Sara 171

O'Connell, Catharine

Perry, Ted 107, 204 115

Peterson, Ashley 111,

O'Leary, Gordon 111, 179, 195, 197


Peterson, David 111,200

Resignola, Cheryl 168

Resignola, Jessica 107, 180,195,221,236

Resignola, Matthew 129

Odell, John 135

Phillips, Adrienne 48, Odell, Katie 165

Odell, Libby 153

Odell, Richard 147

49, 103, 180, 188

Phillips, Hunter 171

Piccolo, Christian 111,

Olson, Brittany 107,180 184

Reva, Esther 20

Richard, Jr. Charles 141

Richard, Elizabeth 25

Richard, Kaitlyn 129

Richardson, Cooper 115

Piccolo, Katie 123 123

Ordemann III, Marshall

Pickett, Stephanie 111, Ordemann, Emery 107, 179

178, 179, 188, 199

Orlean, Alexander 153

Ortenberg, Carol 123

Osorno, Kayla 153

Pittman, Stephanie 13

Podret, Jana 159

Podret, Phillip 147

Pool, Grayson 107, 204

Ovella, Kecia 18 Pool, Ilene 11

Ovella, Taylor 171

Porter III, Allen 147

Owens, Kathryn 171 Prewitt, Elizabeth 49, P 103

Paiz, Julio 186

Palacios, Tyler 141

Pansano, Sarah Beth 153

Pantazis, Nikos 165

Pappas, Alexandra 115

Pappas, Nicholas 48, 49, 103,194,200

Pardee, John 12

Parmelee, Jean 12, 16

Patel, N eej 141

Patel, N eema 141

Patterson, Garet 141

Patterson, Troy 159

Paydo, Robert 115, 180

Pearce,RogerW. 74,87, 91,94

Peck, Katherine 159

Peck, Megan 123

Peres, Jeremy 141

Perez, Elena 48, 49, 103, 182

Perez, Karla 135

Prieur, Morgan 159

Prince, Alex 159

Provance, Deena 153

Pugh, Bryan 129

Pugh, Katharine 141

Pyburn, Keith 111, 184

Quinet, Kevin 159

Quinet, Mary 15, 188

Quintal, Rebecca 129

Quintal, Robert 147 R

Rae, Lea 204

Ramelli, Casey 184

Ramelli, Rachel 141

Ramelli II, Robert 103

Rappold, Matthew 107, 180

Ratliff, Chay 123

Ratliff, Chelsey 135

Rea, Lillie 123

Rees, Janice 16

Ridley, Kyle 159

Riess, Jean 153

Rigdon, Jan 21

Rigdon, Matthew 103, 184,202,203,222

Rigdon,Megan 107,178, 179, 188

Riso, Nicole 171

Rivet, Charles 15

Robein, Laney 111, 192

Roberts, Connor 171

Roberts, Kyle 153

Roberts, Taylor 147

Robertson Rev. Edward 15

Robinson, Scott 115

Rodriguez, Alison 103, 180

Rodriguez, Christopher 107

Rogerrs, Nathaniel 115

Rogers, Pamela 14

Rogers, Rebecca Paisely 107,204

Rolston, William 48, 49, 103,200

Roohi, Alma 168

Roohi, Andrea 48, 49, 103, 180

Rose, Ariana 171

Rose, Erin 159

Rosenbaum, Bill 15

Rosencrans, Timothy 129

PerezIV,LeanderH. 28, Reese, Amanda 48, 49, Rossner, Carter 141 103, 74,91,95, 184,256,259 103

Perez, Pedro 13

Perret, Jonathan 107

Perrin, Tara 129

Reese, Jimmy 48, 90

Register, Thomas 103

Reith, Ayla 129

Rossner, Ryan J, 111, 186,204

Roy, Alexander 135

0 115

Ruello, Michael 165

Ruello III, Trey 141

Rusch, Robert 123

Russo, Janet 16, 43

Ryan, Barbara 18

Rytlewski, Jordan 159

Sabludowsky,David 153

Sadeghpour, Ramin 107, 198

Saik, Louise 21

Saik, Walker 123

Samuel, Scott 111, 184, 186

Saporito, Christopher 141

Saporito, Scott 129

Sauer, Christine 14

Saunders, Katherine 165

Saunders, Scott 153

Saunee IV, Jules 123

Savoie, Richard 123

Savoie, Stacy 147

Savoy, Beverly 20

Scales, Craig 153

Scales, Jessica 129

Scales, Julia 165

Scalia, Amy 107, 179, 192,221

Scheinuk, Hilary 159

Scheinuk, Taylor 141

Scheurich, Jim 103

Schlesinger, Spencer 171

Schoen, Elizabeth 115

Schoen, Jonathan 129

Schreiber, Mary 18,236

Schuber, Margaret 11, 48

Schultz, David G. 200 75,

Schwab, Kelly 107, 179, 188,236

Shackelford, Elizabeth Smith, Lowery 91, 184, Stone, Robert 103, 184, 141

Shackelford, William 111

Sharpie, David 107, 184, 186

Sharpie, Judy 12

Shaw, Spencer 165

Shepherd, Adam 129

Sherman, Steven 34,184, 200,201

Sherman, Steven J. 76

Sherwood, Chandler 115

Sherwood,Jonathan 107, 180

Sheth, Ankit 147

Sheurich, Jim 184

Shuey, Rachel 147

Shukla, Shuchin 115

Shultz, David 184

Siegel, Gloria 15

Signorelli, Jan 18

Signorelli, Joseph 171

Silkensen, Jim 13

Silvestri,Mia 46,47, 147

Silvestri, Sara 44, 135

Simpson, Jordan 165

Simpson, Pat 18

Skinner, Amanda 159

Skinner, Robert 111

Small, Carolyn 147

Small, Julia 47, 165

Small, Kevin 129

Smith, Adam 111, 180

Smith, Alan 16, 180, 188

Smith, Brent 111, 182, 204

Smith, Cheryl 168

Smith, Clarence 19

Smith, Howard D. 34, 48,49,76, 184,190,191, 236

Scott, Karen 13 Smith, Emily 111, 179

Seixas, Tori 49, 182, 199 85, 258

Seixas, Victoria 103

Senner, Christopher 147

Smith, Jonathan 107, 194, 198

Senner, Karl 135 Smith, Kimberly 129


Smith, Nep 21

Smith, Pearson 165

Smith, Sarah 129

Smuck, Micahael B. 28, 86, 184, 194, 195, 256

Snare, Randall 48, 49, 103

Sneath, Alanna 129

Sneath, Andrea 129

Sneath, Anna 115

Snyder, Mike 190

Solis, Kevin 43, 48, 49, 103,184,204

Solomon, Conway 171

Solomon, Jr. Gary 44, 135

Solomon, Sam 153

Spencer, Ginger 188

Spencer, Jared 129

Spencer IV, Lucius 123

Spencer, Virginia 111

Spindler, Alison 135

Sridharan, Hamsini 159

St.Germain, Christine 123

Stakelum, Andrew 107,184,200,201


Stout, West 107, 186

Strahan, Jeffery 103, 184, 200,201,236

Strappeck, Adam 165

Strickler, Carolyn 14

Stuart, Ashley 188

Subramaniam,Akila 111, 188,221

Subramaniam, Ambika 171

Subramaniam, Venkat 141

Susan Pansano 156

Sutherland,Glen 15,184, 185,204

Sutton, Brett 28, 34, 78, 86,90,91, 184,185,194, 195,200,248

Svec, David 115

Svec, Justin 107, 186, 187,198,204

Swetnam, Lindsay 129 T

Talber, Mason 184

Talbert, John 111


Stanley, Christine 135

Stead, Preston 159

Stead, Travis 153

Stedman, Matthew 111, 180, 198

Stedman, Ruth 141

Stein, Benjamin 123

Stein, Natalie 111, 188, 204

Stengel, Dot 10

Tan, Cynthia 103, 188, 204

Taylor, Emily 103, 185

Taylor, Michelle 165

Tecchie, Julia 159

Terri, John 186

Thames, Vaughn 103, 188

Theriot, Kiki 103, 204

Thomason, Thomas F. 78,91,95, 184,204

Thompson, Louis 13

Stern, Abigail 123 Thompson, Trey 48, 49, Stewart, Ashley 48, 49, 103, 204 103, 199

Thomsen, Christian T.

Stewart, Dennis 115, 190 79, 91, 200, 223

Thornton, John 19

Stone, Alan 204 107, 182,

Tiblier, Jimmy 141

Tiblier, Michael 47, 171

Tikia, Rahul 111


Tikia, Robyn 135

Tisdale, Anna 46, 153

Tosh, Adam 147

Tosh, Christopher 159

Trahant, Daniel 107

Trahant, Danny 184, 204

Trask, Amelia 147

Trask, Wallace 171

Trevino, Linda 16, 179, 188

Troutt, David 19

Truax, Chandler 107, 182

Truax, Michael W. 34, 79, 184, 185, 194, 204

Truett Ill, John 159

Tsai, Kim 48, 49, 103, 185, 195

Tufts, Ashley 129

Tuuri, Rebecca 48, 49, 103, 180, 181

Tuuri, Sarah 111, 180, 188

Tyson, Zachary 115

Uddo, Bobby 153

Uddo, Jimmy 153

Uddo, Joe 141

Uddo, Kasey 165

Uddo., Kim 17

Uribe, Gabriela 141

Vail, Jon 147

Vaughn, Chester 165

Venturatos, Georg 115

Venturatos, Lauren 33, 37,48,49, 103,178,179

Vogt, Brett 123

Vogt, Kelsey 147

Vogt, Kerry 168

Voth, Adam 111, 186, 202,221

Waddington, Noel 12

Wade, Latrice 115

Wagner, Leslie 13, 14

Wall, Jimmy 129

Wall, Tom 141

Wang, Carol 111, 179, 195

Wang, Jeannie 171

Wang, Jerry 159

Warzeski, Robert 14

Waters, Ashleigh 171

Waters, Lauren 153

Watson, William 171

Watts, Alan 107

Watts, Allan 184

Watts, Augusta 129

Watts, Edward 159

Watts, Ian 204

Watts, Rachel 147

Watts, Sarah 123

Weaver, Hardy 44

Weaver, Katherine 147

Weaver, Matthew 135

Weaver, Michael 159

Webb, Florie Claire 107, 178, 179, 199

Webber, Libby 165

Weber, Libby 4 7

Weidner, Kathryn 141

Weigand, Christopher 107,194,204

Weigand, Elizabeth 123

Weigand, Richard 159

Welch, William 115

Wells, June 12

WendellStout 204

Werth, Brian 103, 184

Wester, Katie 103

Westfeldt, Shelby 111, 188

White, Jack 21

White, Jessica 45, 46, 135

White, Mitchell 141

White, Rachel 165

Whitehead, Sara 165

Wiedemann, Caroline 46, 153

Wilkie, Drew 194, 236

Wilkie, Richard 103

Williams, Bonnie 129

Williams, Caroline 107, 182,204,236

Williams, Elizabeth 107, 180

Williams, Gregory 115

Wilson, Caroline 153

Wilson, Mariann 129

Wilson, Matt 202

Wilson, Matthew 111

Wise, Andrew 165

Wise, Jessica 141

Wolff, Ashley 135

Woll, Harrison 45

Woltering, Nathaniel 111, 236

Woodard, Allan 10, 47

Woodard, David 123

Woodard, Matthew 46, 135

Wool, Harrison 135

Wool, Spencer 141

Wool, Zachary 111

Wren, Jill 32, 103, 192

Wright, Parker 159

Yeager, Brittany 46, 141

Yelverton, Blaine 141

Yelverton, Grant 123

Zimmerman, Miesje 115

Right: Dorthy McDonald , volunteer coordinator busily handles sales for Alice Cacioppo , Diana Moustakas and Kelly Goodwin Left: Middle School Student, Brad Fournier, Pierre deBloisblanc, James Crouch and Thomas Favrot look over the book selection at the Middle School and Upper School Bookfair.
Left: Seniors Roger, Brett and Andy complete their work before making purchases!

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