2000 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

Page 1

,n .t -i .) +l ,\)I rl ) ri 1 n THE ; e t I t I r I SHTELD I :) )J oq 1c9 IITT ) R{E s t S CHo IP S H LAR 2000
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racious God, we pray ro /ou for che mrssion and ministry of Martint School. Granr thac rhe members of our comrnuniry, seeing rhe image of God in one anorher, may be guided in rhe

la d{ ll It :l II lt HIH TII !lt ril TI ;, II \.
.S -Scrr I 0 oIARSHIP ST TVIARTIN,S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Metairie, Louistana Volume XX 2000 I
lnt mI .eron a $r I Table of Contents Dedication Faculty Student Life Seniors Classes Sports Clubs People Ads Staff & Index 4- 5 6-79 20-47 48-93 94 -769 770 -207 208 -237 232 -237 238 -255 256 - 267 ,'} 2 & dt I s,.\l\ir \: L q I I a a a a a a a I I


Introduction to The Shield

Welcome to the 47th edition to the Shield. The student editors and staff have dedicated many hard hours to create this book of memories. From the graduation class of 2000 to the Pre - K class of 201.3,wehave made every possible effort to record tl're important events and joyful moments that have made the millennium an exciting experience. We have captured from the funniest moments to the most touching with just the snap of a camera. My hope is that as you turn the next couple hundred pages, you will relive the laughter, the tears, and the joys of the millennium at our school. From the construction to the opening of the 4'r'and 5'r' classrooms, we were there. From the sharing of love on Saint Martin's day to the celebration of service at the 2^d Harvester's Food Drive our staff members were there. Whatever mistakes or omissions theses pages hold, they are a true memento of the best times of our lives. Finally it is with pleasure that we dedicate this Yearbook to Dr.

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This year, the senior class has chosen to dedicate The Shield to Dr. Rex Mooney. Dr. Mooney, known to the St. Martin's community as "Doc", has been a great friend and teacher to all his students. He is also a sure favorite among the St. Martin's Faculty.

Doc came to St. Martin's in 1978 as a History teacher. Over his years, he has taught many subjects including , Civics, Russian History, Chinese History, U.S. History and World History.

Eighteen years ago he started a Humanities class with Ms. June Wells, which he still teaches today. Doc, whose favorite food is chicken enchiladas, has always gone out of his way to get to know his students. He is a very understanding and intelligent man who is liked by everyone. When asked what his hobbies were he said that he reads too much and sleeps too little, "that's about it."

Doc is a remarkable teacher who has made an impact on the class of 2000. We have loved him as our teacher and friend and will miss him very much. Doc says, "l have enjoyed St. Martin's tremendously, most of all I have enjoyed the people. The

Tne CLAss
people I've worked with and the people I've taught."
j r w I 4 ( ui *
-Shelby Westfeldt
"Doc is the most intelligent teacher I ever met. I know if I was ever on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire', and there was a history question, he would be the guy to call."
- Robert Skinner
"f respect him becouse it's kind of hord to teoch o closs ond give oll those p?esents of the some time."
- Josh Koston
"He's always concerned about how you are doing."
- Michelle Chang
"Dr. Mooney is a good friend and mentor."
5 * h rl I i: M ?
- Natalie Stein


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Board of Tkustees

Standing (Lto R): Dr. Brooks Emory, Larry Gibds, Dan LaGardeur, Leo P. Dressel, LonellWright, Bob Holden, and Dr'Tejas Godiwala. Seating (L to R): Edie Wilson, Sean Daly (Treasurer), Gary Solomon (Vice Chariman), Jerry Saporito (Chairman), Jan Rigdon (Secretary), Dee Dee Estes, and Jennifer Buckley'

President and Head of School

Leo P Dressel

8 I I t' r t I tkffiP ,, * t-s ptf x I ) !{) m $ $#"


Dr. Wayne Lumpkin Director of Studies Dr. Harriet Aguiar-Netto Head of Upper Schoo! Allan Woodard Head of Lower School
9 I I ] n :m ! { I d I t 1 :
Stephenie Pittman Head of tvliddle School Suzette Adair Middle School Secretary Justine Aguiar Computer Analyst Jen Aitken Assistant Director of Admission Billie Andersson, Ph.D. MS/US Learning Specialist Eze Anomneze Publication/ Speech/ A.V./ Library Kate Arthurs Music/ Drama / Department Chair Rev. Jack Rogers blessing students and pets & Nicholas Backer Carol Baier Spanish wKim Matthews Bantom Kindergarten Doris Baron Kindergarten Assistant MS/US Head Librarian Scott Beard MS Science/Cheerleading Coach Eileen Beckman US English/ Department Chair Carole Beehler Admission Assistant
10 s f, ", fI r-!
Thomas Bender MS/US Librarian
Tr \ ffi s '{ie ! i
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[)oris BoLrs Transportation/Custodial Director Timothy Boots Technology Coordinator
O'Neal Bourgeois Maintenance Director Glenn Brady '65 Erin Brady Michael Broussard Athletic Trainer Toni Caserta Administrative Assistant to the Head of School Carolyn Busenlener Lower School Art Shelia Coggeshall Upper School Art AmandaCabral Kindergarten Sara Coker General and Instrumental Music French Jane Caine US Mathmatic:/ Dept. Chair
MaintenanceCrew Tl'rird Grade .$ {* .w I 11 ral rtttt BqI I 1 K. I I I I I H tru
Tootie Conwav First Grade
a d,d qq [ "]t;r T I 5 -l ,r..:. dt" F I ..1 I /".#*B .*T $ i I s{I ;\ ryx
Tony Bonura Boy's Basketball Coach,/P.E. Roma Coleman Cirl's Basketball/MS Track/P.E Donna Coons Athletic Department Secretary Jimmy Cox Speech and Drama Jeanne Cumberland Fourth Grade Suzanne Daly Maintenance Secretary Erin Dazzo Manager of Student Accounts Tommy Bender at work Julie Dieth Kindergarten CarmenDobrescu USFrench/Dept. Chair
Sam Dozier US Football/Baseball/P.E. Latit-t Sue Edwards P.E. / Athletics/Summer Camp Director Julie Ellington Middle School English Guy Farber '82 Fifth Grade,/Football Coach
12 I _i h .d ** ffi \ a I ,l I J \
Peggy Fransen Lower School Music
r d !ry u s G'l I ,s{ft. I
Vince Drago
Christina Garrett Fourth Grade June Hall Communications Coordinator Trna IIintz Lt'.r rttittg Sl-tr'ialisi Susan Godchaux MS Social Studies AnnColdblatt Lisa Guevara LSlMS Spanish
DianneCreer Mathematics Prekindergarten Assistant Sara Coker working on her tune mSusan Harmon Nurse Craig Jackson MS/US Computer JaneGuillory Prekindergarten Assistant Tim Hill Network Administrator Robin Jermann-Rabito Upper School Mathematics
13 ff dC r' t ! & ; al 1 d m ffi \ I
IGinny Hoffman LS Head Librarian Chris Ilamanr.t Alumni /Spe.ciaI Errents
Bb s
Vicki Johnson Fifth Grade Betsy Kaston '72 MS Social Studies / Life Skills Linda Keir Mail/Print Room Coordinator Lee C. Klebba USEnglish/Dept.Chair Michael Kraft Cafeteria Manager David Lesley, Ph.D. US Biology Transportation Crew Warren Lind Science/ Enrichments / Athletics Elizabeth Little Second Grade Edie Long College Counselor Chemistry / Football / Wrestling / Jim Marsalis Mathematics/Cross CountrY Carrie Massey US English/Film Studies/ Publications Charles Maumus Manager of Accounts Payable/Human Resources
14 It T j A I ry r ,* I T t$ tt E&
Janis McCormick MS Mathematics
m" ryd I I i:i uffi,,'
Chick McGeehan Athletics Deborah Mensen US Social Studies/Athletics Patti Micklin Development Director
r I
Rex Mooney US Social Studies April Najolia Director of Studies Secretary Edwina O'Flynn Development Assistant Rev. Jim Sprague giving out communion Julie O'Flynn Business Office V Kecia Ovella C.P.A.; Controller Susan Pansano '66 Third Grade Pedro Perez Spanish Margaret Perret Second Grade Ilene Pool Upper School Secretary Kathy Power Development Secretary
15 ffi ,. *I affi#' ",ffidffi \ \ g .#.
Mary Quinet US Social Studies/ Dept. Chair
Dean Reed Swim Club Coordinator Janice Rees Lower School Librarian Jerry Reese Athletic Director Cheryl Resignola Second Grade Chuck Rivet Dean of Students/Social Studies Jack Rogers MS Chaplain/Religion
,l I
Cafeteria Crew Pam Rogers Lower School Science Aima Roohi'83 Prekindergarten Bill Rosenbaum US Counselor / Life Skills Barbara Ryan Business Manager ChristineSauer Studio Arts Department Chair DebbieScalia LSChaplain/Religion Margaret Schuber Director of Admission
76 Ir .iq $F$ * ! fl g I $1 ...,1 rd X & ; & tt spffiffi :W"Y" Lv# -J
Karen Scott Spanish
Judy Sharple Middle School English Sue Shaw Third Crade Gloria Siegel Fifth Grade HollySilva Kindergarten Assistant Kate Aurthurs conducting tl-re Junior Chorus Pat Simpson Business Office Clerk AllisonSmith Prekinclergarte.r.r CherylSmith Prekindergarten Assistant MichelleSnow Web Publishing/ LS Computer Jim Sprague US Chaplain / Religion / Dept. Chair
* jj$. I
Dot Stengel Lower School Secretary Katherine Stewart Middle School English Louis Thompson '88 MS Mathematics/Coach Linda Trevino P.E./Athletics
17 X T xw k I F ffi T' m -l
Linda Trotter Fourth Grade
/. 1 -Ifl.
Kerry Vogt Prekindergarten Carolyn Wanek LS Learning / Reading Specialist Robert Warzeski USScience/DeptChair CourtneyWelborn FirstGrade JuneWells Engish/Ly,re Mary White Bookstore Manager rThomas Williams Upper School Engish
MeMe Wilson Kindergarten Assistant Ashlev Woods '85 First Grade Elroy Bingham Food Service Nolan Dewey Food Sevice Yvonne Eiswirth Food Service Marian Creen Food Service
18 q ,ti I lr $ ( 1
Betty O'Brien Food Service
Shannon Woods SwimCoach/P.E.
Esther Reva Food Service
Beverly Savoy Food Service Gerald Blume Maintenance Roger Chatelain Maintenance Bill Keir Maintenance Jenkins Knighten Maintenance Eddie Maise Maintenance Daniel Navo Maintenance
!t iN-*
Dave Troutt Maintenance Lloyd Boos Transportation I DeniseCallahan Transportation Inez Catzman Transportation Claudette Giardina Transportation il tl
Charles Marphis Transportation LorraineSander Transportation Louis Horn, Jr. Campus Service
T'h lfti ,: 79 E I otl |::_} t/ ' '* '{Sr \y I : '* at
MClarenceSmith Athletics/Maintenance
t I f I T t .a,l I II / fr o : J o 20 *r p" r' ls.. ss ia J J -r& l *J I I 1 t* *Jf, *U \ t: ;r 1 1 I &
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St. Martin's journey to the millennium

Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Haring establish foundation for the benefit of Christian education in the Diocese of LAwork begins on 2nd and 3rd grade

Feb. 19,1947 classrooms grant

STM church opened on Met. Rd. and weekday Kindergarten group established, first teacher, Ms. Anne Leigh


Reorganization & fundraising campaign begins, board of trustees formed, 8 of the l5

Fall 1951 choosen church

Sept. 1947

2nd & 3rd grade classrooms complete

lst grade classrooms complete; hurricane hits & floods Met. Rd. for 3 weeks, many students going to school in boats

Oct. 1951

Summer 1951 $47,000 raised to date.

Sept. 1948


lst school year wl second grade & 3rd grade

Fundraising campaign ends, raising about $225,000; more money would be aquired in next few years from development & sale of home sites in Green Acres Subdivision

early 1952

The first annual editionof The Shield appears

Jan. 1980

New library opens as the building project begins to reach stage of completion

1980 grades

Insurance claim

settlement moneyfor the library is received & soon after, STM was able to raise $349,000 for building the new library. Also, with a generous gift from the Ken G. Martin family it was possible to plan a more sophiscated study & research center for the library

The annual St. Martin de Toursaward for outstanding service by an alumnus to St. Martin's school is presented to W. Brooks Emory '60.

Sept. 1999

Construction starts on the 4'h and 5'h grade building.

Nov. 1999

Sept. 1980

John Comfort departs & Harold F. Witman takes the reigns as headmaster

Computers are introduced as teaching tools for the 4th &. 5th 1982

Brent Smith '00 is selected as a National Finalist for the Wendy's High School Heisman Award. Brent presents the southeastern district, on the of the l3 in the nation.

Nov. 1999

The Jefferson Parish presents St. Martin's Dr. Harriet Aguiar-Netto the prestigious educator's award

Dec. 1999

Ellsworth O. Van Slate becomes headmaster
II * T &s ry

Harings give $20,000 more to build 4 more classrooms

Spring 1949

The first issue of Tfte Halo is published



Harold F. Witman resigns position of headmaster


F. Hathorn Eddy sells Green Acres farm (300 acres) off Airline Hwy. for $167,000


225 students enrolled w/20 staff

Sept. 1950-1951


The Rev. David Colony becomes headmaster

fall 1961

Lower School classes at Metairie Rd. campus departmentalize as the students are moved to the Green Acres Campus

Donald S. Swartz takes over as headmaster


new campus opens comprised of 9 two-classroom cottages, a gymnasium, a temporary cafeteria & offices

STM is officially become a diocesan school

Oct. 11, 1963


Fullscale computer program is established at STM as an integral part of the learning process

w/school in debt due to its vast building projects & expansion w/lack of funds, Rev. Colony resigns


Apr. 13, 1951

Upper/Middle School library burns & adjacent classrooms 7 offices are heavily damaged, the entire complex suffering smoke & water

1975 damage

Van Slate retires-John Comfort takes over as STM headmaster

Swartz resigns & Leo P. Dressel is hired to the headmaster position




The Capital Campaign started at St. Martin's with the goal of raising money to add more infrastructures and building to the school.


Jeff Glaser'01 directs the faculty production, "How To Eat Like a child."

The new 4'h and 5'h grade building is open to students.

March 21,,2000

May/ June 2000

STM graduates it's 50 class. and continues to live up to its high standards of faith, scholarship, and service into the new millennium

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"I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to live in Italy for two weeks."-

"This experience was truly unique and amazing. I am thankful to have had such an opportunity."-Sarah

"Italy was fun."- Nathaniel Woltering

IIAIU 2000 I
d$flrql r* David Coons
,; 24
David Coons trying somethang new David Coons and Sarah Tuuri
P e I I re il I I j k ff / \,/ tT 'i* I i a I E'--! l I \t
Zach Woot, David Coons and Nathaniel Woltering and

"I enjoyed Italy so much that I am planning to go back the summer after my senior year. I hope the school keeps the exchange program going."-

"I only wish that everyone at St. Martin's could have experienced what we did. Love isn't a strang anough word."- Zachary Wool

"It was very satisfying to me to see the reaction of the students as they got a real taste of Italy I was five students fall in love with Italy, it's people, its language, its food, its way of life. This was perhaps the most rewarding of my more l5 trips to ltaly."- Mr. Vincent Drago

Ashley Mohrmann "t*.fJf:) Ashley Mohrmann and host family David Coons and Zachary Wool
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27 'a .rj t I rr ? I
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lunior-Sertior Prom


FI I ! 'Ur V a x t I q ;# 1S\ t; *a*? 29

1: This man to the right has been living in our garbage can for some time now!

2: St. Martin's Episcopal School's Class of 1975 reunion

3: Watch out Farrah Fawcettll The man in the rniddle has got your spot.

4: A nriddle schooler with a moustache...tlow that's a sight! !

5: "Dad, why do I have to wear black all the time?",said the tall boy with scars on his face. "I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you", said the short father with a moustache.

r.o rs
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ggsE)ffi g)a o6D EAGE

1: This is where it all happened on that dark and stormy night.

2: From left to right. Wednesday, Gomez, Lurch, and Pugsley (top), Morticia, Uncle Fester, and Thing (bottom).

This year, the school production of Arsenic and Old Lace, with an amazing cast, was a success! The cast (picture 2 on the opposite page) from left to right: Meri Maurer, Manoli Ioannidis, Matt Reese, Tourne Torres, Elizabeth Schoen, Rhett Kleinschmidt, Liz Newlin, Meghan McQuaig, John Roger Bell, Kate Arthurs (director), Carol Ortenberg, Kevin Kirschman, Brandon Lobell, Jeffery Glaser, Jessica Boe, and Celeste Block. The crew (kneeling left to right): Hardy Weaver, Allison Arthurs, Markham Bradburn, Gary Solomon, Emily Fransen, Lauren Stentz, and Courtney Block.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! John Roger Bell and Elizabeth Schoen pose fbr a picture before prom.
1 2 31 !s l,: s I I l, { I Ii 6.,
I just gave a lot of blood! !


%n 9TCusic
The Cast of Music Man
wonder if my
Call Backs for the Dick Van Dike Show will start in five minutes. I
cupcakes are done
t{ ,
Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Stymie, SPankY, and the babysitter.
rf -
if I close my eyes he'll think I'm sleeping.
Iwonder if is is my line now Do you guys realize that we can't read yet?
Don't pass "Go", don't collect $200.00, just burn the MonoPloY guy!
lr ,1,' " & t tl &l 32
t:Houston, we have a problem...there's a guy with a bowtie in the control room.
And I, the Monopoly guY, do declare.

step, shuffle and shuffle...follow me...And rainbow...Now it your turn boys and girls...Do as I do...


Can you believe what she is wearing'?!?!

Oh. excuse me!

Tryouts for Mary Poppin's will start shortly

Jarlyn is very excited to be a part of the play

' l' I
s {,' i' I Something is obviously funny backstage 'We welcome you to munchkin land 33
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JfrolYIeco\YIIA|"G tr * fi a t $ ;:'& *" ")l m f t,I 36 q I * .H, :j 3 &t qdtYr€ 1999 'tl I ,s* "ir, 'i. ,/' . /#d .,:t tM -;.;.vA ffi t I B '.'. i,'..';, 1 a t I I l I I I f^ ; f lr I I & * t E
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Against all odds, the last Homecoming Dance of the century turned out to be one the best in the school's history. It took place in the small gym to discourage back-sliding. Students piled in at around 9:30pm with their dates. The fun was intemrpted at 10:30pm to present the Homecoming Court by their escorts. A deserving Ginger Gtzzetta was crowned the1999 Homecoming Queen. The dance soon ended at 12 midnight. It was greatly enjoyed by all the students who "Partied Like It's 1999".Two days after the dance, the varsity volleyball team lost a "should-have-won" game. Good thing the homecoming dance comes after the game.

38 ;4 j t ,t '' a I ltl t I _T a I a , a t i t a I t t 3 il

DANCE 1999

I I I 39 * l t , ? i p il { I 'i] 5

Ginger Guzeffa

Jessica Carvin ShelbyWestfeldt
w \ I I pffil "'s h ffi I:l *; 40 a'i|r* ,' &,,, I
Ashley Peterson Elizabeth Hollinger Lauren Louise LeGardeur Giles Lillie Rea
l(atherine Burke 11 wffiffi ryF P ffiry ffi"t {1'
Alex Pappas
A11 ! 1 IT ;T
Kindness To
Rev. Sprague blesses the acolytes.
'l'alrx +{ii{r
Mr. Dressel's words of wisdom STM Fire Dept
'-'{ t
Say Cheese! Lower School bell choir rings in STM day
Ginger Guzzetta takes communion
12 Lower School studetnss bring offerings '.-) I { * L I, ?:i *{Hr ,,il J I \. : I \ : s "{n
Adam Voth gives the traditional Student Body President speech.

St. Martin's Day

That's a whole lotta shoesl

I Squish You !

Look, I'm a big potato!

Takin' a breather

" You have no more Senior priviledges ! "
Middle School lines up for relays Tim, the ladies man!
Get away from me, Booger Head! 43
I - ?
t. k J:

" No, I will not hold hands with you! "

Can I have a hug? "

t:;' iU
"Here's a dollar, now smile."
"I like mine with lettuce and tomatol'
-!irt;"_;.! {'
".{'. " I've
got a big blue ball!
" Mr.
get out of the candlel
44 q {! x& {
Sara Adams takes a picture with Shelby's little sister.
rtr : & I # '# fth SF u,Sr f, "ri " There's a lot of love on this field. ' Er" You're blocking my sun!" !aI nF* ..,1 a*lrr s 3rl q I Love Picnics! " I Drop the kid.
" I've been in high school longer than you've been alive. "
45 l; r s t ! JF., tj i i r JA j ,l ,T rt I i il "lb **
Carol Wang blows the seniors towards victory.
Late spring donkey
?IJ I ,r
" Seniors are so cool! "
Shelby and Natalie pose for a picture with their lower school kids. "Where's Waldo?'
gf .*r * lM.: \iar
" WOWI You're the coolest! "
46 GingerandGiGi. Line up forCommunion t ,-A & ? I I I I I I E l g -# t ,l u :rldf :.,, * t
Super Secret "B" Club. Awww! Cute couple.
" Brent, you re not in Pre-K! " And they're off... " Mr. Eze, the camera's out of focus ! "
"I like my burgers undressed, please." Middle SchoolN.C.B.I.
--3 ,!Q I
l' I 1 t, .'..'..
" Have you seen this boy? " " AWWWW! " " Merry Christmas, love the Gulias. "


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To the Class of 2000:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world'

Mandela, 1994 inaugural speech

I discovered the above words in a collection of inspirational speeches, and you came to mind. I agree with President Mandela that fear of success can be at least as paralyzing as fear of failure. You enter the next stage of your lives with hopes riding high and with successful completion of a challenging St. Martin's education to sustain you. However, that very success can make the expectations regarding future prospects more rather than less intimidating. The anticipation is that you will be successful, and that can be frightening.

Listen to president Mandela. Do not let fear of success and of your talents deter you. Neither you nor our world can afford that' you do no one any good by "playing small." I must confess that those two words reminded me of your class. I would venture to say that some of you individually and all of you collectively as a class were playing small at times before your senior year.

That is the reason that the successes of your senior year have been particularly gratifying to me- and clearly to you. At the senior chapel in early May I heard again and again the theme of your delight at what you had accomplished this year, perhaps even surpassing your own expectations for your class- let alone the expectations of others. Your pride is well founded, and your positive legacy at St. Martin's School assured.

Carry that with you and let it embolden you in the days ahead. You need to "play big," and our world needs you to play big. The .u.."r, you have experienced here when you refused to play small will be replicated in the future in the important arenas of family, school, professional and community life. And you, your families, and your world will be the richer for it.

May you approach the challenges ahead with good and generous hearts. Please know that you remain in our hearts as you continue yourjourney. God bless you now and always.

With esteem und affection,

A"A hw'nk
52 r r
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%ry" Zn*rd


"There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it."

Pre... UTAustin97... PoolShark... (KB)AndIanRumour... MardiGras97...

Where'sPriya... ShaneAndBrian... SpurStations(MC)... NewYear's98

Coastguards. ..9guy s... UVAlie Squ are.. Puppy Power( AS ) Key ClublnternationalChicago...NFL/CFL...SpeechDinners(KB ZW JC JM AV AndTheRest) ...Promise(MC) ...NSYNCconert... BackstagePass?... HauntedHouses(MC and DB)ScreamGuys... SteevesIceCream... HitAndRun... GirlsState99...Prom99...PFChangs...BeefJerky... London99...LasVegas00-KickedOut... HomecomingAngel(DM)...5 128/ 99...(MS)BF... Mike'sParty...Angel...PhoneCards...ShotGlasses...

LettersTooMuch... S c ottFe st00... MarryMe ?... Dayzlnn... Mariott ...Cheesecake... I 43... SoccerChampsBM...MardiGrasOO...tiredOut... PromO0...STMcrew(MC KB DB DM AS JC AV ZW TH AndThe RestLuvYa) SpringBreak00...To FriendsTimeFlewByThanks...

TotMStSo Many Great Memories

PuttingUpWithMeAndSAT' s Don'tMatter... EmoryBoundl

MissSTM 4: Class President,l; Vice President 1,2,3; Key Club 3,4; Speech I ,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Honor Roll I ,2,3,4; Soccer I,21 Tennis I,2.

frofiert fry* fl&e-"o,


"Ifsomething's hard to do, then it's not worth doing"

"That's why I love them high school girls man, I get older, They stay the same age."

-Dazed and Confused

#75 Roose. TheTruck. Shipswheel-S P,DD. DreadlockFight-RH, WW,SP. Fly. MetryPG. pafies @ KM. AsheDrinkingDip. TAMyahoo@ SW Backhouse... STimes. .Westbankin @CT.. ChateauBusBoy. Catholic Fighting League... youngins... WettingCPU's... HolmesCountyHell... HCWalkout... MT-McGyver... RH,DD,KM?...BlueBayou-JC,SW,KM, PC. GettingBustedFromAlaska... CaesarBall=ruinedTux. I "Time-SP ...Jill+BellAire...RummelRing...DestinCloset-JG(AS?)...CasinoNoises... ChapelFire(NoMorePlays)-dD... LandOfTheBeast... Vandy PunterSS...MW'sCondo...Blu Thndr...CM/RR-MT,MW,FR...NantucketJG...$.50night...AT's-KM...

BustinCaplnSS...party @ DD(9'h)

-. f)ri veToP.Ce nter-JG l2l l2l 98... Squires-MW...LosersClub

Manowar-PC,AS... Drabs-

D P... pa rt ie s W/ I 0.1 C lean in ToiletsWDD...Finding MT-SP...

ToTheFellas+TheGirls Of'99It'sBeenBA...

Football I.2,3,4 (O-Line MVP, All-Dist.. All-East Jeff.); NHS; National Merit Finalist.

I 4 3 T o T h e F a m T h a n k s F o r

fie-rvt E %oue, t993-2000

"Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records."

"Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals. Except the weasel."

Baseball...#32...oh baby...AM/DM...soph/ sr season... legion...district champs... vs ARS...mardi gras'00...bacchus...raceland... RocknRoll baby...the knock...Cleetus...Yeah, that's right...DC trip...room w/ RS,SH... love doctor... ladies man... RS obsessions... Sat fball...juicy tidbir. ..RN,KB,MR. MS w/JH,JB,SH. .Glider. .bowling at DC. .practices w/KB...Nov l3,l999...MGB...May 22,1998...Sunday baseball w/ KB,JB... my trucks...theMustang...Mom,Dad,Crystal,Jenn... It's been wonderful.. .thanks for your support through everything, and for helping me beat the odds...I love you all so much ...GO WOLFPACK!

Baseball 1,2,3,4 (co-captain4,MIP

2) Hon. Mention All-District2,3; Cross Country l,2i NHS3,4l SNHS3,4; Key Club3,4 (Secretary 4); Lyre Club3,4 (Copy Editor 4); Most Friendly I Honor Roll |,2,3,4.

Gy*t B.%rrk-


"I thought I had mono once for a whole year, tums out I was just really bored."

-Waynes World "but it tasted like bananas, so it was good."


"The innocent and beautiful have no enemy, but time."

-W.B. Yeats


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%a6u*Q fl. Srr".oforo


"They see us as they want to see us, in the simplest terms, with the most convenient definitions."

- The Breakfast Club

"You may say ['m a dreamer. but I'm not the only one."

- John Lennon

"l'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints 'cause the sinners ue much more fun."

- Billy Joel

KehoeOldSchl..RetrtAV..HCKLKiss..Gooch&KS( Ew)..HUFrYr..DrmTeam..M

BFlLProposal..LosingKL..DavidKRumml..RFBall..GreenGuy..Binge&Country..WCate/ WWater..l lMonths..UTPA..lanlncident?..OMeg..Heiny.Plse..RL..GoinBlonde.. StarbucksM nts..NavyGuyJay.. S peechDi n ners.. DamnEI iti sts..Ce l l Phones.. B ingo ..JimsRoom..HI..CC'sBoyz..UVAAS..DepressWes..Alex'l..NY99PA&MC.. | 2Guys ..CoastGaurds.. Prom99PA.MC.AS.DB.. LimoDash&Flasks.. H U Sum mer.. Ash&Rob

..2 I Bases..Alaska&Tex.BenNJer..BrettJC&Midgits..Dylan&Simon..MobyL..JoelJC &DH..Rav4Alarm..LstickArt..DailyDiets..NY00&Scottfest( BL&MH )..BosJC,ZW. DH..MadiGras00MC,PA.AS..Janet&Amaya..BigAzzDaqz.. Beeps..Mardarin&RedsW/ MC..WeDon'tDo..ReflectiveHair..24Oz..A&F..PinkLighter..FUBFl2..Really wh ite..l f You'reGon naDo It. Do ItRight ..SoMuchCuter..Bixby's&Cigs..MC,PA, DB,AS.ZW,JC,You' veMadeltReal..

ToAllThosel' veLoved.ThankYou..

I' llAdoreYouAlways..KeepBeing

S weet& AbFab.. K sse s.. C i ao. Darl ings

..1' I lBeSunning@ Stanfbrd..

SpeechTeanr 1.2.3,4 - Captain -j,4; Hl State & NFL Champ 2; Newpaper 1,2,3..1 - Editor 3.4; LitMag I ,2,3.4 - Editor.l: CumLaude 3.41 Rally English 1,2,3.4: Columbia Book Award 3; ChathamBookAward3:SouthernVoicesPub-

Iished 3,4; Quiz Bowl I .2.1..1: Nat. Merit Finalist.


"Hate is a waste of emotional energy." -unknown

F"He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know."

-The Tao

"Amo ergo sum" -I love therefore I am "Without God, we cannot; without us, God will not." -St. Augustine

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."


"I have so much to do today, I have to pray two hours instead ofjust one."

Ben Hur...RS "watching" for bluejays...stool...WS with a wig...Chilis RS JB TP...David's pants and cereal...NY '98. .cab drivers. .."are these preshrunk?"MB...football RS SH JB JH AP DD...Brian-falling for the bucket...rainX...Mia...YX... SB-TP... SWB-CD...duck sauce...Orpheus '00...The Company...CF in drag...vroom & boom...track TP GP AW ...WD asleep...WD-Jeff Gordon? ...OC-web site...JG-ADD jar... Gulfport '99...thebubble...6l l4-6|3099DLD...Joseph...Ohenrys&Bennigans ring s...peanut fights... popeJR... where's

Justin?... MM-F&H... lakefront...

DCs... zoo-monkeys... Vairo-Raptor

...Chattanooga...Carol dancing...

walkinon water...RC...JC...KA... EC

...VA...JS...WD...J,S,MR...SS... Brian ...Grant ...MM...MH ...AG ...Jw

LG...RR... JG ...SC... Thanks to Mom, Dad, Brian, Deanna, & God for their love and support.

trackl,2; basketball I ; swimming2,3; chorus 1,2.3,41 theaterl,2,3.4;

9"6, %g* gdt
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On&no fiIC,G*r"te


"There's time enough for sleep in the grave."

-Doc Mooney

"Rule for happiness: Something to do, someone to love, something to hope for."


"I still remember the cute little girl with the drool coming down the side of her mouth...so adorable. So I ask myself, what ever happened to you?"

-Jennifer Canales (my hermana)

Ya'll ready for this...l9Naughty9l...BigK...theCraft... wazzuplr. ...Lead'99...tight...LakeVista...seamen...Tinkerbell...se despataro... Miami'99...Luv2 CW,RS,JG,STPBP...MG'00 w/R...who's your papi?!

...CasasGrandes'97 w/los primos...deadSexy...Carol:can ya bring weapons up there?...college trips w/Jen+Fern...why ya'll gotta be wastin' my flaval...never too hot...BigJoe:ya just hate me cause ya ain't me...Gracias por todo el apoyo mamri, pops,y Jenl Los extranar6. Ya really are on fi're, Rich,xoxol Adios tamilia Canales y mi Boo-Bool I

NCBI President 3,41 member 1.2,3,4; NHS 3,41 SNHS 3,4; Sierra Coalition

3,41 Admissions Club 2,3.41 AP Scholarship Award recipient 3l Key Club 4l Halo StafT4; Spanish tutor 2,3,4; Softball lr Honor Roll


"When you see someone of worth, think how you may emulate. When you see someone unworthy, examine your own character."


"It is also an art to be a student. Learning is such a painful business. It requires humility at an age of arrongance."

-May Sarton

"In the mountains, there you feel free. I read much of the night and go south in the winter."

-T.S. Eliot

"Turn on the faucet. Wash yourself with the emotion."

-Mitch Albom

"A teacher affects etemity; he can never tell where his influence stops."


"Look with all your eyes, look."

-Michael Strogoff

Student council 1,2,3,4; Corresponding Secretaty3,4; Cross Country

1,2,3,41 captain4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; captain4l Trackl,2; Secvice clubl,2,3; NCBIl,2,3; Spirit Club4;

D*ro fr, 8ru'6el[
57 r

?eler E Gastaay


"We were always on the run. We were bad tbr one another, but we were good at havin fun. One night we got wild and rolled a car. We knew the girls at every dancehall, and had a tab at every bar."

"It's funny how I never f'elt so good. It's a feelin' that I know. I'll never forget. It was the best time I can remember and the love we shared - is lovin' that'll last forever."

#43Wartime...beatinC.D.2l-18...K.M.'s porch w/theboys...JaxDax w/R.A.&D.D

....B.S.'s cabana w/D.D.&J.K...Aspenw/C.T.. K.M.. G.M...Destin w/the crew...me&C.T.'s Des(in trip...theFly '98...Fresh.year w/Donk...A J.'sParty w/ R.H.&D.DTexHuntin w/R.A.&S.S...Apollow/M.W...GreenSt....Hogsw/S P...ADhuntin w/K. M. &S. K... Hu n tin w/B B el aire... HydeP.w/N. H... C at'sM. w/M. W., M.W.,K.M.,S.S.,S.P...ManOWar w/A.S.&R.A...Kiln...Destin Revenge w/K.M... BlueB w/J.C.&S.W...Country w/B &S.S...MardiG.2000...MotownNight w/G.G.&S.W..

DozierTalks...Losin' it 8/12l97...Fishinw/C.T.&K.M...M.T.inDestin-rareForm

C.T.'sHallow.Pany... R.E.K con.at Tip's ...West.Conn.w/R.H.&D.D... Tanked w/ T.D...ClassOf 99girls...S.W.. G.G..N.S..& J.C.-gonnamissyall...My Bros:S.S.,D.D., R.A.,R.H., M.W.,M.W., N.H,,K.M., S.PBonds That'll Never Break. Chandler, thank you for tolerating me and always being there.

I'm so lucky to have you. I love you. MargotWhat will you do w/out my guidance?

Daddoo&Mom-I never could have made it without your support.Thank you for everything.l love ya'll...Aubum Bound! |

Football I ,2.3,Captain4: Baseball I ,2,3

0. Garuth


"l always knew I'd look back on the times I cried, and laugh, but I never knew I'd look back on the times I laughed, and cry."

-Samantha Levenstein

"We are so much cuter than everyone else"

-Natalie, Shelby, Ginger & Mayer

SpoiledAngel. .WorstDriv. ..Fr.lnt. BSL,MS...Antione's=7btls

SexyT...Fearsome4someAP,AY,PH...Harvard-KB,ZW... RS=ewww sar= kickedOut-GG...MardiGras-NS...Driving-AM...JimmyGone' WhatHappend?NewAshlnTown... JrYr-PS... NoCollege-NS...ChengsGG.ML.DD... Duets-NS... Jackson-SW... HelloTaTa-GG...Central... AllNightersw/4... RK?... NewmanX3... PigmanDeadBodyw/4... Sushiw/ NS... BluBay-KM.PC,SW,RA...Eating&Weird Times-RA... Baths-GG... CasinoSW,NH, AM.RA...Goodluck-MSW,LL,JG,BL,CO,AP,MZ.LG, GVespJrs:RK,SL.JG-yallR the bestl...Speech Tools-don'tQuitb/ cHe'sGone...Jimmy-URtheBEST thisSchoolCouldHave...AV,KB,ZWI'llMissYou...BadBoys-Couldn't HaveAskedForBetter, I luvYall... MyFutureGoldenCirls-GG,SW.NS-i Couldn' tHaveMadeITw/oU.You' ll AlwaysBeMyBFF... DanielIWishWeHadMoreTime.ILoveYou I MyFam& Senners-NoBetterFamilyIluvYou... NS-seeUinEurope ...RebelRoomies-GG.SW-4moreYrs !

StudentCouncil I -4,Honor Committee4, ClassOff.4,Spirit Club4Pres.Homecoming Court-3,4... Admssions2-4....French Club-3,4; Speech Teaml,2,3,4-NFL&TC State Champion Dramatic Interp.

58 I r. .s E J r& T F r r* ,"'q& E I} 'y I 3 f

frr'"6.rd O. Ct"tan t6y 1966-2000

"There is nothing I love more than people telling me something can't be done. And then doing it."

"Ash to ash, dust to dust, fade to black, the memory remains."


"lt's just one of those days."

Freshmen year Cross Country at state...State Champions Cross Country...State Runner Up Soccer...#l7...STM vs. CD I -0...Ya Mom...breaking my arm...Super V6...Lunch leaveraces withTM, WD, TH...Bowling league with MA...Booming with Kickers...2, 2.5, 3,...slow down... I -7...snakey...sig figs...we're not packin' up...chicken lady ...decision of the millennium ...not straight...go flush your head down the toilet...who's your daddy? ...pace yourself...calm down...you love it...giddy up...i'm serious ...Mom and Dad thanks for everything. Auburn Bound!

Honor Roll l, 2, 3,4; Cross Country l, 2,4 (State Champions 4); Soccer l, 2, 3 (State Runner Up I )l Track 1,2,3,4: l4 year Club; Chess Club I ; Key Club

91C'"6.Ilb Gfiorrg


"Friendships are fragile things, and require as much handling as any other fragile and precious thing."

Michelly.. .girl w/ bass.. New Years Eve 98 w/ PA,KB & coastguards. Mardi Gras 97 w/ PA ...Shane & Brian...Spurs Station...Scott Fest 99 w/ PA,KB,MS,AS..."who's on the ground w/ MC?"...NSYNC concert w/ PA...what we'd do for a BSP...Prom 98...blue suede shoes...limo incident..."Where'd everybody go?"...Summer 99 w/ RS.TG & gang...BOOM... "promise" w/ PA...4 am summer dayz...Mardi Gras 00...Janet/Amaya...BP run w/ PA & KB...squats... Debash...BM guys... Pre & Capone...M.Reds & KB..."if u're gonna do it, do it right"...getting FUBAR before noon...Destin 00 w/ PA & BM guys...Rons...Yikes...Whoa tiger. obsessions. Square...Ghetto MC...babyG ...Bix w/ KB..."we'll never understand BM guys & their women"...Thanx 2 DB & AS...KBit's been too much fun this year...Pre,SexyB-Luv Ya Lots & thanx 4 everything. I'll miss u! I luv you mom & dad...Allan, l'll see ya next year! LaterDayz...Illini Bound!

NHS 3.41 Honor Roll Soccer 1,2,3 (co-captain)i trackl.2 (all district long jump); Key Club I ,2,3.4.

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"It is always easier to apologize than it is to ask for permission."

-Dr. David Lesley

"If you should die before me, ask if you can bring a friend-"

-Scott Weiland

"l'd love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down"'

-Fred Durst "Nothing is stable."

-Margaret W. Johnson

Mr. Jimbo...kinky kinty man...hate the game.'.Treyand his potential woohoo...Wednesday with MJ...my name is James!..'why is Whit on the floor?...Midget runningW/Jason miles.. smashing atoms... Justin +Jello=Ruined Carpet...stayin awake in Dr.War's class once... Ricky's women...walking home from movies W/WD...windburn innuendo... Wendy&Jason 4eua or 2 weeks ...Whitney and Trey:You guYs rock Keepbein cool. Wendy and Margaret:I love you both and I'll miss you. Ash:Be good.M&D: Thanks. Ilove Ya'all Off I go now.

Key clubl,2,3,4l President4: Wrestling 1,2: Golf 1,2,3; Outward bound2; LASC4; KCI Convention deligate3,4; Lamisstenn Convention Detigate3; Lyre CIub4;Layout Editor4l Theater employee 3,4.

7D6rln.y Daoh


"To not do your best is to sacrifice the CIFI."

-Steve Prefontaine

"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."

-Ursula K. Le Guin

"The harder you fall the higher you bounce."


"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God'"

-Leo Bescalgia

LG = Michelin Man...JG can'tdrive...X-country state champs...Funky butt...XC road trips...RC pervert...l am God...We da baddest team in all the land...Fetal position...JC straight tike a circle...Lunch leave races...Distance rules"'8 accidents...Thank you Allyson, Dad' Justin' Tyler, and the rest of my family and friends. Y'all have been there when I needed you every time. Thanks Coach, you're the best coach and the best old person I've ever had as a role model. I'M FINALLY DONEI

Track 1.2,3.4; Basketball 1,2; Cross Country 3,4; Tony Porter Award 3; Most Improved Track 3; District MVP Running 3l All District Cross Country 4i Cross Country State ChamPion 4;

ffi I
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9age- By* 9uzzella


"Sometimes I laugh and cry, I can't remember why but I'll always love those good times gone by."

-James Taylor

"We are SO much cuter than evervone else-" -JC,NS,SW,AM

FoxyAngel..3D's..NoRashAMin..fly..4thstudywAJ..NSother half..troublewEA..AntionesTBottles..newyearswNS,GJ,SB.. Frlnit..BSL,MS..ToastwJC,SW,KB..JJW@HOB..Skynard.. Superior..OMiss/AlawSW..OH'SwMW,NS..Sing/laugh/cryw/NS..yahoow/ SW,RA,CT..ChengswJC,DD,ML..Smelby..Chunk..735 ...Destin..talkswSW..68hrswJC..Hello,Tata..Fats/BootiUAT2/HPCwNS.. MTBBQ..PigmanDeadbody..JCSmokey..SwirlwMT,SW ..BSBwPC,SW ..REK@Tips..RASleepovers..Allnighters...BR&DM-Thanks ! Jr,Soph,Fr.U KNowWhoURJGstayCRAZY!BadboysURlikeBrosToMe,IluvU I MyFuture GoldenGirls(NS,SW,JC, )URthegreatest&mostimp. people to meIluvUalwayslTomyFamThanks"IAin' tGotNothin' ButLove ForYa" ! Max. IluvUmoreThan WordsCanSay..TheRoad Goes OnForeverAndThePartyNever Ends ! ! !

Honor roll 1,2,3,41 Cheerleading I ,2,3;Homecoming Ct. |,2,3,4 (queen);BAClub 1,2,3,4.

i" ?o"[ 9"td


"Drums is a rickshaw being pulled by a manic mule down a dusty road. Drums is falling eloquently down a long flight of stairs and landing on your f'eet. Drums is like learning to ride a bicycle built by Dr.Seuss. Drums is schizophrenia at its best. Drums is four limbs floating gradually out from the center until you are nothing, but a butt on a seat supporting a brain on automatic pilot looking down on the whole affair and laughing in hysterical disbelief. Drums is the dam bursting. Drums is the breeze whispering. Drums is so good it will make you want to pop."

"To not do your best is to sacrifice the GIFT."

-Jonathan Fishman

"Today a young man realized that all matter is mereley energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all ofone consciousness experiencing ourselves subjectively. There is no such thing as death. Life is only dream and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here'es Tom with the weather.


"We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents."


Thanks Mom, Dad, Colin, and Scott. I love you all. Hampshire bound.

67 :l
Soccer 1,2,3: Speech I,3,4; NOCCA4.....

7*y 3{oute


"Just once I wish someone would call me 'sir' without adding 'you're making a scene."

-Homer J. SimPson

"Laurie got offended when I used the word 'puke,' but to me that's what her dinner tasted like."

Big Trey House...Oscar...Doll...Brick..'Crack...JG is an honorable man...2,3...2.57...7 car pile up.. 'Gettyup.. 'Lunch leave races w/ TM. WD. MS...Rides w/ WD...Playoffs '98 vs. Buras/lota./PJP"' Radio edit...Playstation tournament w/ Bball team. '.comeback against Ker on blue fielcl...Gamoto Genea...I don't want to disappoint myself...you do not or donot?

...JG's worst decision of the century...sweet score ...PA nail polish...l shot you that's bull. .007 sessions. sweet sassy molassy...Nick, hang in there, you'll get out of high school, eventually...Mom, Dad, Sarah, thanks...Ciao

Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Speech 1,2,3,4: History Award 3

)Gb6"t^ 70. Zfiira


"I went through a lot of good women, shook old Jim B's hand, if I never see the pearly gates, I've walked through the promised land" -Hank Williams Jr.

BrothaE...Kong...Destin98-00...DWIw/RH..'KM&RAParties.... DeputyPorch...GreenSt...BH...N.Yrs.Evewreck w/DD,MT,WW, RH...Fly...R.I.P.OldGold... l88-dayw/SW...St.Patsday.'.Promw/ SW, RH,MG...Me&WWvs.guyson corner...Dugan'sJeep.'.Condo circus...cokecanw/SP...roadtripw/PC,AS,DD...mysterygreen? ...LSUw/MT,RH,WW...ApolloTABw/KM...JESSIES'GIRLw/ SW... FUNBUS...Fellas, y'all are the most BA guys I know! Keep it REAL!...Mom. Dad, Meg-thanx tbr watchin' my back all these years. I love you guys... SHELL, nothing could ever replace the times we've spent together. We both know this isn't the end. I love U!... TERRYWOO, JanuarY 1"... MT, it's going to be crazYl GeauxTigers!!

Football 1,2,3,4...AllDistrict4 ...Baseball 1,2, 2.5...BATEAM 1,2.3.4... Captain4.

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BiG uPs To ThE wB pOsSe Jl,Ab,Dc,Mr&Rb...PaRtIeS @1B's...FoOtBaLl@LuNcH w/ Cb...KeOkI...$bil-l On FiYa...Tokin on da "Green Mile"w/AT&JD...Mardi Gras 9800...BFHS dances&parties...Norrhern Lights @ BG' s ...Accidents w/ wild boars I I total

9ot6uo 9. %^/rn


"Today if you are not confused, you are just not thinking clearly."

U. Pcter

"Be good, if not, then be good at it."

- Anonymous

Lunch leave w/ SS...drives w/CB...MLK w/ DD & RF...BS's Cabana w/ PC & DD...State Palace w/ CB...lare nights & early mornings w/ JP, DV, &, DN. .do min i can. .Tulane Dorm rooms. .Belaire. .panama city sucks.. .dawn patrol...bourbon st. blues w/ AV & AS...dragon's den...fun in library...the FLY...the ZOO...rides w/ AC...bffw/NOPD... security... shotguns... boot... Mick's...MJ...Levee fires... bands...MMM... movies.. thanks Mom & Dad ior everything and good luck Steph ...$: @ ) I'm out.

Class Treasurer 2, 3. 4;Football 2l Wrestling l; Track and field l, 2, 3; Yearbook stafT 4.

63 II x II tII =il # I

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"There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetary. You can't do any buisiness from there."

"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."


"Goodbye. I am leaving because I am bored."

North Sho...Woo Hoo...who's your daddy?...ya mom...2,3,2.5...you love it...just reading the articles MrsP.. I heard a rumor...Holy Geez. .chicken lady...decision of the millinium...like you wouldnt believe... I -7...chimney stash... Tyson...straight as a circle...flush your head down the toilet 3 times...Noel Phillip...JG's coordination ...wholesale audio...vega

...MAssandwich...candystand. com

WD's super V-6...emulators

...Boots...log (Bo(x))...Dodge

Ram...lunch leave races...Thanks

Mom and Dad... Hang in there Drew

...Kentucky ...Go Cats !

Cross Country 1,2,3; Colf 1,2,3; KeyClub l; ComputerClub l; Year Book Staff 4


"Every man dies, not every man really lives."


"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."

Tino...Mojave...Martinez, is that your first name?...BUTA, according to RE&JC...Tight, dawg...Not at all.'.Haylol...There it isl...Bush "BH-ing with Jim...Fab 5 of McGehee-MS,TS,MY,SP'LS...Mo the Ho...The Shaft" AMF Club...Study Sessions (AKA-Bond)...I shot you, that's bull...Circle of FireJM,AS,AV,MS...Destin '00...MS with 52, a new record...AV-l'm 21, aren't I?...Special relationship with TS...friends with benefits...Good times at Camp Pleasant...STM/LSM faited relationships...Fox&Hound...the hook up "Speech

dinners...TS's couch...illegal basketball pools... Florien (JL,ES,DP,JM) ...Hey, DQ... Sha-theed...NP... 6/2/00...GATech.

Student Council 1,2,3,4; Class VP 4l NHS 3,4: Soccer l; Cross CountrY 2; Golf 1,2,3,4', MVP 2,3,4; CaPtain 3,4; Yearbook 1,2,3,4;Announcements3,4.

9rno/6*, fr,fiil(adnez
64 I I .d*& f FtF! I F,x :. .l,i.'r ( *fr'I

grrdre Z frTerrdq.


"Crossing the highway, Red juices spew from my head, An anteater mates."

-John Q. Williams III of Canterbury Cathedral, upon dying.

"Porque es 1a naturaleza del imperialismo la que bestializa a los hombres, la que los convierte en fieras sedientes de sangre que estan dispuestas a degollar, asesinar, a destruir hasta la ultima imagen de un revolucionario, de un partidario de un regimen que haya caido bajo su bota o que luche por su libertad"



"6et Bindtoy 9Jbl[o*n


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

-Anonymous "Truly, great friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget."

-G. Randolph

"What is meant to be, will always find a way."


Rach...princess...mstripsw/B.p....countryfest...MGOO... Sillygoosemoose ...ron...L/LJYr...catnaps...Cap... pinkgirl... getawayw/JAt TB...countrylife ...classw/A.C....fiestathurs.DW 99 "...nmybestfriend"... Ray- Ray...smuskateers...issues... trigclass...thanx for everything mom and dad I luv ya'allso much... thanx Randall and Elizabeth ya'all are the best...also I luv U Bran thanx for always bein there 4more yrs... last but not the least my lil buddies Taylor and Jordan good luck I luv you both...

"The horror, the horror."
65 L I t r

Diana )C flff"uslout€as


"True friendship is like phosphorescence - it glows best when the world around you goes dark."

-Denise Martin

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything."

902 l0w/AS&JH. ArtHistPosse&Klebbs. RingDance/Nose. Spetsa.. .214. .GOYA...Roncabulary. ."SB99". ..Fraanz. .AC'sMen...MattSilo...#l Driver ...TripsW/EL...Crayola JM'sCrew...ZestNanni...TheBigVx2...Love SoapOpeara... FlatTirecang...CB'sNames...JesuitGames...Michi,Kiki, Debash...IceCream... Wanna Fight... Shela3Rap... Eliminator... Ghetto

Tour... PortaPotty... PlayTimeW/JH... Horse... MG' 98,99...ThatCat... Goodluck:c/o2002,AP,LL, DL,SL,LH. Thanks2:JH,EL,ES, &theSTM Crew. Mom, Daddy, J-Byrd & Family-Thanks for everything. I've been truly blessed & I love you. Hello Emory!

Soccerl ,2;Tennis I ; Volleyball AV3; National Honor Society 3,4; Goya President3; LA Girl's State3; Homecoming Angel4; Friendliest Girl4; Honor Roll1,2,3,4.

edurh 16oor^ fllTe-rrb[ A. l99O-2OOO

"lt is very difficult because the ways of those with whom I live, and probably always shall live are as different from mine as moonlight is from sunlight."

-Napoleon Bonaparte

'But I don't even believe in Jebus!"

-Homer J. Simpson

...TG: I 2M...OW:TOE...SL: I 2AM...TB:ES...SK:DRSL-

HILTSW&LTB...HH;RR...J&EC:HP...JW:K...SL:GBAU...DL: D... WA:R:... PTA:M... RS: A... M S: TD... RL:



IB :7THS...AK:Y...MB :BS...DW

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Do,,rd G. ?.1"-*n 1966-2000

"Keep it real."

-Christian Thomsen

"Everything's gonna be all right."

-Bob Marley

Burner...Road trip-Buras/Iota,/PJP...Panama city w/JS&CW...Bayou DeSiard w/spectator & all day...Cedar Creek...Drabs...Atlanta

...Playstation w/bball team...Mardi Gras@Camp...McGehee

Girls...Casey...Pathetic...Destin...#23...#55...Hick...JV @Riverside...

26v Ccity...Rivarlry w/JB &CD...Chats w/LT...Coaching w/!VL... AC...Skittes...Wagon...BabyBlue...Witch... Whitey...Rizzo...

Bejefe...S+P...Duels@the Hound...My other home...Side leenay...Lost by one to a girl

...Florien...Mulligan' s...Johnny O' & Harrison...Hornbeck ...Sunday golf...I love you mom & dad...Get ready big Pete I'm coming to Fort Worth... 14 years.

Basketball 1,2,3,4: Letter2,3,4; Captain 4 All district4; Baseball

1,2,3,4; Captain 4;All district 3; Golf 2,3,4; Letter 3,4; Captain3,4; Homecoming devil; Yearbook staff 4.

Zsfitey O. ?ulur"*,


"Celebrate we will, Cause life is short but sweet for certain."

Peterson...Ash...Pete...DD'slstParty...CA'sAptW/Sw(fish)...l5thBday W GGHeadOutBackWindow...GirlsNight@ KA&GM's.'.S.HeartSweet I 6(NS)...Scream2W/JC,PC,NS...FlatTireW/DD,PC...MM' sParties ...DancingW/AF,MM...JBvsAY @Boot... MardiCras'98W/NS'SW onJB' sShoe...MonopolyW/JC,PH,AY...TheFly..DateW/JW,JJ,B B ...JHSSoccerW/CF,JC,NS...StalkingW/KA...Squires... DoYouLike Your B urgersDressedOrUndressed?W/J C,RA... S pec ialTalksW/KA, SS 'AY ,PH...50CentNights...AntoinesW/AP,CO,SL,SK...Freshmanlnitiation Kerry' sPart ies... AT's... Gook&PJ... NewmanGuy s... C. MouthW/ KA,LV,AA,LF,LS,SH... RGJoggingOnLA.Ave...AspenW/KA... Completi ngTheCircleW/S S NewYear'sCupPyramid... MetairiePG Dixie's...ND'sGoingAwayParty...Afy,We'veHadSomeWeirdTimes... KA,ThanksForEverything.You're TheBest... Robert,ThanksForAlways HavingSomethingForMeToLook ForwardTo.NextYearWon'tBeT hatBad...Courtney,YouKnowYou're GonnaMissMe... Kyle,HangIn ThereW/outMe..Mom&Dad,You KnowI' llReturnTheFavor!Thanks ForEverything!...ROLL TIDE!

Volleyball l -4(Captain, All-district 1,2,3,MVP4;All-State4); Softball I,21 Cheerleading l-3; Spirit Ctub 4 (CoPres.); Shield Club 2,31Key Club 2,3; French Club 2,3; Homecoming Court 2,3,4; MostPopular.

67 ry j I k T
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"We are the people our parents warned us about."

-Jimmy Buffet

" You're either barbeque or mildew."

-Pimpin Ken

Delacroix vs Shellbeach... in Westonia..J&C at Belair..FCS...

Pool...JerryJeffWalker at HB.. CBC..run 'n gun w/KM,MW.. Slidell w/CW,PC,CT..9am w/RA..Quarter w/RH.DD..KM'S house..rip z7 l..rip Lexus.. I 50vs I ..MW' s condo..SW's Mardi gras party..country f'est..SS is having a baby..S show by DD..Mr.Clean..

S p ri n gbre ak.. t rac kw/S S.. Caught on l7'h B-day w/1\4G


MW's B-day on Bourbon st..

To my mom and dad, thanks for dealing with me I love you.

Football 1,2,3,4 Team BA 1,2,3,4 CBC1,2,3,4; Yearbook staff4.

Cfirislian % ?tcco[o


"The bad part about being lazy is that you can't stop to take a rest."

"Besides pride, loyalty, discipline, heart, and mind, confidence is the key to all locks."


#l 8, I 5...piccy...lazy... thankyouNo... hitman...CdrCreeekPsycho ...ohNo!... Ya Knowwhatlsmell(cclkrm)... tweets... greensofa...New Years98... Sideleenayw/Dp, 2T... SH3...Criples!...Destinw/Dp,FR... PK,LaughTrack...Can' tsing... MardiGras'00@thecamp... parties @FR'sHosue...PsinAti. ...ApfibalIW/RT,PP... Newcomer...collge visits ...Burnerlnsults...Pkhouse...upt.hoppin...KH,DHFight... Homecoming98... LV3-LZ...OneuponRa...comedyhour... springbreak 99...1 l/29199... IOU's!... LSUgamesWm&M...ZP'StM Thanx 4 everything Mom, Buddy, Mel. Mike, Katie. Brian & DAD &Deb It was Fun...UVA BOUNDI

Footballl,2,3,4; All-District3,4; AllEastJeff4: Academic All-state4: FNF Sch. Athlete4l Basketball I ,2,3,4; Captain4i All District (hon. mention)3; Best Defender3l NHS3,4: Sheild Clubl,2;

#t,'x\ fffiA Y&/ ?' r

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fry*r 8 frotore-


"l ask myself, 'Do I even care?"


"Simplify, simplify, simplify."

"Left a good job in the cityAVorkin for the man every night and daylAnd I never lost a minute of sleepin/lVorryin bout the way things might have been."

Thank you Mom, Dad and Carter for all you have done; You've done very well. I love you. Carter, goodluck, I know you'll do great things. SFA bound.

Football 1,2,3,A11-State4; Soccer l,2,captain3; Track & Field I ,2,3,State Champion discus & shotput 4, school record discus & shotput 4.


"Crises can indeed be agony. Butit is the exquisite agony which a man might not want to experience again - yet would not tbr the world have missed."

"Oh, Lisa, you and your stories: Bart a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now let's go back to that... building...thingie... where our beds and TV ...is."

If my path be smooth or rugged If with thorns or roses strew where I go the Father seeith and He will Ieave me not alone. If i take the wings of moning far within the giant sea even there His hand will leave me Even there my Cod will be though the gloom of night be round me Thought I cannot see my way yet the Lord will see and guide me Because unto Him the night is day. If my thought are good or evil sety me think to hide them not there is one above all seeing And He beholdth every thought Ans ever more my eyes beholds me and all my ways to Him ae known and His loving arms enfblds me. He will leave me notalone. 4MMR.Until we meet again.Thanks Carson, Jeanie, Cody,Deedah,Curly. My friends know bout the times we had. RMC Yellow Jackets. And I'm Spent.

Football 3,4; Honorable mentions; Soccer 3,4(Captain and all-district); Most athletic #13 All-East Jefferson (soccer).Baseball 3,4; All District Soccer 4. l0 Varsity Letters.

3{errry frr^"
-Henry David Thoreau
-John Fogerty
69 '.\. .: ..sk 't at

fr"fierl g. Srtn u


"No trumpets sound when important decisions are made. Destiny is made known silently."

-Agnes de Mille

"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right."

-Mary Kay Ash

"There is no failure except in no longer trying."

-Elbert Hubbard

STM football games...Little One...ClanceCarter...candystand... announcing...D.C.Trip...Lyre&Halo...CampAbbey... J.B.&O.C. enrouragement... N.H.L...TheCrew SF&JS... Palace... STMDay... Sr Teach... FreePlay... Kickball... New4thRooms... Journalism...P&C... JCHMCMNL...M2M...BW.bling...97Tahoe...Cleetus... I 4Years... MardiGras99...DonCarters...Where's everybody goin?... Homecoming9T 8thGirls... I 4& I 5...LG.whatever!... BonBon...crosswords...DS: GoodJob.. .Thanks mom and dad for everything...Franklin's SH... SeniorYear... Graduation... Good Luck Next Year: NHL,BFW, AR, LRG, DMS, JCR,MGR,RFN,KLB, CM,KMP,JMM,LMW

Lyre Club2,3,4; Halo Club3,4; Shield Club2; Stage Crewl,2,3; NHS3,4; SNHS3,4; Golf2; Sports Announcer3,4l Honor Roll 1,2,3.4


"The difference between a successful person and others is not the lack of strength, not the lack of knowledge, but rather the lack of will."

-Vincent T. Lombardi

"Let It Ride!"

-Richard Dreyfuss

LFball-camp...#55...The fl y...6/l 6199 - 12/25199... Darkie...Boatlaunchw/ PCandCT...Talks-NS... S.Tomas/RA,PC... U.Jack AndA.Betty... OBSESSIONS... 2/24198...Millenium... DOC...Can I?... Met.PlayGround...Bel A ir... HuntingW/PC... Begetus... Roose... Destin99-Drama... Sandy Creek... Study Hall... Pouncer... KM's House... FGw/MW;BS...Cab Drivers... May99... Skl-Lct...$.50

Nights...RA Tabs...The Bum...Mom & Dad: I love Y'all. Thanks For Everything. Boys:I Couldn't ask for better friends. Katherine:l Love You and I am going to miss you a lot. Be Good. Vandy Bound.

Football 1,2,3; Soccer I ,2,3: Tennis 4: National Youth Leadership Conference

3; NHS 3,4; Spirit Club 4; Chess Club

1,2, BA Club l;2;3;4.

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Srenl 3. 3r*t6


"Simplification of means and elevation of ends is the goal." -Thoreau "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Einstein

"Freedom lies in being bold." -Robert Frost

"The thing to remember when traveling is that the trail is the thing, not the end ofthe trail. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for."

SwIm&RuN...NY heismanboy..."crazy"girl on a plane...coolness with NOA...AS w/ airhorns and swim team at x-country meet...X-Country State Champs w/ WD&WS...miracle cod liver pills of AM and RT...57o... veins...pinky swear w/ DB...escape to florida-428 miles...l serious, pray for me...shaving down...stalkers...peaches...dead body on the beach, helicopter spotlight search, fugitive...island native...beach bonfires,hans, and WD40...modeling w/CA and CS...UNO soap opera...BSB and +Nsync concerts for MW+fans ...USC BOUND-GO TROJANS!!I

Swimming Lettered l, 2, 3. 4, MIP 3, Captain 4; X-Country Lettered l, 2, 3,4, MIP 2, Captain 4; Track Ler tered l, 2, 3, 4, MVP 3, Captain 4; State Rally-Spanish-First Place l, 2, 3l National Spanish IV Exam 2"d in Nation 3; High School Heisman National Finalist 4; Presidential Scholar 2000; 14 year club!

gdar, fr. 3r*t6


"If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance." - Anon.

"Don't sweat the petty things, Pet the sweaty things" - BB

"Don't hate me baby because I'm beautiful" - Mannie Fresh Adam2...too many close calls-netbus,that exam.tuuri probation.sneaky doc.. MSC w/ JS,Jv,LC,SL.KS,ST,MS,KH,JB,beast...that new years...tyrone..BOOM..the hookup.. wranglerpimpdaddy,the blue one is "definitely"better...failed parties w/RS.. MW drrvingproblems..3/28/98 but way before that really..zone4Xbaby. Juniors finally.. Ca$hMoney.. rap partna AB.. Bobby,Ronny,Ricky,etc..dude,wasthatyou?..bondfest.. He's the 8'h man w/onlyTnipples..Christmas wJF,TW,MC,MR.JS.studying withMs, JM.. 2 words-NP.. BC4life..Nosharksroundhere..MG '99,'00..735..CircIe of Fire.. OWCw/ steve..DWshe owes you lObucks.. Freshman year w/SL..Destin'00 w/mike'?.. Filling the shoes ofChen-Chi..Chupalo..She's gettin a focus?..Who's gonna run this place w/o Adam and Adam?.. Dude, drink tillshe'scute..sheet it..JR's contagious smile.. Jimmy the env sci ADD nightmare.. 2 yrs went by really fast, but l'll always be waiting for you under that tree..52MS..l8s bday.. backhouse.. FTB club Pres.. Finally rid of LPD .STM swimming will never be the same.. JS NGA all-star.. Destin '99 w/ AV, RS.Oz.JC.TR.. Redroom.. mikesahomo.com.. 3 years of David Earl.. TwoDogorHooch?..Timmy Harfalis..One more time and that's a detention Pimpyota and his girl..Mom Dad Sarah Ginger, I know I haven't been easy, but you've always stood behind me and though I don't make it obvious I want you to know I love you so much. Watch out Ivy League, Adam is PENN bound!

HonorCommittee4;Swimming 1,2,3,4;Captain ,1; MVP 3.4; MIP 2; NHS 3,4 (Pres. 4); Student Council 3,4 (Vice President4)iHomecoming Escort 4i Speech [, 4l Class Secretary 3; Announcements 3-4.

r 71

frTottfie, B.St.d**,


"Some choose to live their lives like a slowly burning candle others choose to live like comet streaking through the sky."

If something goes wrong, blame the guy who can't speak English."

Circle of fire w/Jm, AS, AV...Late night Bond sessions...Taco Bell runs...study bangouts W/AS,JM,AV...Pensacola meet...LR's Parties...anouncement appearances...Chillin in front of RS's house...Destin and Mardi Gras times...Fitting 1 6people in an explorer ...nights WJM,AV,TS,MS...3 years w/ crazy doc...ADD JG...getting kicked out of Don Carters,,,STM day 7 car pile up...hangin out with the PJ's group...night W the emmwood and MSC crowd...Say that again please ...bumpin at 735... Thanks Mom, Dad and Ruth for everything. I'm college bound.

Computer Club 1,2; Swimming 1,2,3,4; State Champs 1,2; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Chess 1,2,3; Lyre Club 2,3,4.

E*rQ 9r'6son 3rut6


"The truth Hurts. Oh, sure. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with no seat on it, But it hurts."

-Naked Gun 2 l/2

"lt's jobs. We gotta get jobs. Then we get the khakis. Then we get the chicks."

Trinity...SB99...CB sick @ McD...Nanni...My Porch w/ Jk & AC, Summer 98...Mr Larry...WF & his "Lover"...ARs dumb Ques...Roncabulary...Blue Dress sock... tOth gr clothes trade...l Stripe 4Life...Art History Humor...Franze...ACs men...ACK...DeanFrog...Dog Boss...Flat Tire Club, pres Alice...Ash Crazy Spells...DG...Kidney disaster...Newman FBall games...Hippos...DMS Love life...Geautreaus...Talks w/HMA Bones...Sheltab, Ghetto Cheeze... Kenya...Cyrus names...mom, dad, deane, Fam. DNM, AR, CY, SP, DRM, AC, JK, That hat guy I date & every l:thank you & good luck.

Basketball l; Volleyball 1,2,3

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"You've gone a million miles, how far'd you get, to the place where you can't remember and you can't forget."

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

- Anonymous

New Years'00- Scottfest w/ MC,PA.KB...Aurora CC w/LH... Homecoming'99...KB+French Quarter Cannon... Gen.DeGaulle:LH ...DM+JHSoap Opera...Bixby's...Prom'99 w/MC,PA,KB.DB: Cops+we're Cone...UVA w/KB...the 220's+320's... KB+Wes. Alex ...the Quarter...Bug...90210 w/DM...PA-Puppy Power...Tennis'99 w/ FCW...JR-We Got Game(Three Words)...It's all relative ...obsession w/ God...MC+NSYNC...DB on tape:70t...Redroom+ Hpark w/BB,DL, etc...Tennis '00 w/LC, LH...Summer nights w/BB+Gang ...Vandy w/ KB... Midori w/BB... Lonnie's...Rons....Talks w/Doc...Mardi Gras '00. ..To all my friends:it's been funthanks fbr all the memories...That+ Pats-thanks for always being there, I love ya'll...Mom&Dad-You've given me so much support, I love ya'll...Venkat +Ambika-GoodLuck.

Tennis 1,2.3,4(Co-captain); Soccer

1,2,3,4; Quiz Bowl 2,3,4(Captain); NHS 3,41 Honor Roll 2,3,4; Most Likely to Succeed 4;NMF.

)Gtof,a 9. 3/*n


"Just letting it roll, letting the high times carry the low. Just living my life easy come, easy go."

-Jerry Jeff Walker

"Celebrate these days, cause life is short but sweet for certain."

-Dave Matthews

"We are so much cuter than everyone else!"

-Ginger, Shelby, Jessica, Mayer: "The Five"

ThatNat. ..5 wrex... alniteFlites... WestfeldtTrips... Destin... MardiGras @SWs...Fly... ItWasn'tMe...NOrASH/AMin...Bair/AT2s/Bootlt/ FATS/

H PC -C G... RAs S leepovers... ta lks wS P/S S ...99gi rls... B S Lw5 GJ?. .central. KMs24l7 Newman*3. SNL-SW...arrested99.. laugh/cryl sing-GGtwin... JJW @ HO/REK @Tip/Buff @ NOA/Skynard-SWGG... AntionesTbottles...CatholicBoyswJRgrls... HeyElvis.. stalkingwMZ... initiation...ChilidipwBadBoys Superior... BRSwMT...WkndwriorsRA...SnkyBndtswMZ...Pigman/ Dbdyw4.. CopsInS B...J RS:esp MZCKWMJB:WuzUP!BAD BOYS :esp SPRAMTSSKM:The RoadGoesOn ...FutureGolden Girls CCJCSW:SoMuchFunToBe ABadGirl... DadBenJeffB il lDinnerWi I lBQuiet... Mom UWi llA lways BeMyB F... Me, aYankee?

Soccer: I,2,,1 Softball:2Track: I WittiestGirl


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"There is no limit to extending our services to our neighbors across state-made frontiers. God never made those frontiers."


"Death comes to us all, Oroku Saki, but something much worse comes for you, for when you die it will be - without honor!"

-Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Roach Man... Rahuli fried SNAKESKIN... Animal noises. C'mon Adkerson, you can't hit the ball... LUNCHBOX Rod Munch ( 1996 Shield, p. 23 1)... Balboa. NIVfor life...Thx mom, dad, Robyn - best of luck to you, god bless.

F"d, 9(^o, Totfiert


"C is for cookie, it's good enough for me."

-Cookie Monster

"He who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else."


#69...mae mae...dunkin runs...parties@RA,KM,DD...PCcountry house...RIPold goltt...lolly pop twins w/RH,NH,WW...Mud on NH from rock...car rides destin w/RA...AS finding me in destin...NS&GG wont shut up...NS being a giant B...RH+MW+KM=DWI...swirling w/SW&GG... milk w/SW...JC no inside joke4u...fight w/SP...football campgross...Bellaire...Boot...hit game wA',lH...DD+RH+KM =Ridgewood "what are they going to do kick me out"...FLY...Land of the Beast...Fight w/NH in ENG. ..MW always driving...WW is a mouse...RA is Pelican...NH is Chinese...Pink panther w/CO and smells bad...homecoming'99 thanks to everyone...Hey boys keep the BA club alive @college...Thanks Mom&Dad for being there for me...Love the truck...NH&KM see you next year...GEAUX TIGERS!!l

Tennis 1,2; Football l,2,3,4camP l, MVP D-Line 4; BA club 1,2,3,4 capt. 4.

74 .\ b I, B L". 1 m I j /

3.r-6 C. Tuuri


"Great men are not always wise."

-Iob 32:9

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."

- Helen Keller

"You always pass failure on the way to success."


How can she go so fast l7 seconds ??? So you want to see me tlex?

Guys move away or she will run you over TUURI power lives FOREVER! l7 yrs strong! Track'98. Summer Run'n w/ Mr. M... Dead Doggies Leach her Butt... Dusty Walker fan club lives forever! Sarah's rule! EBunny. Granies... Good old days swimmin w/ Coach Smith...You are the wind beneath my wings... Coach M. Thanks for everything... Love you Mom Bug Kepits

Neenie Here's a hug!- Scoot.

Swimming (statel234); Track 3,4 (state3); x country 4 (All State & Metro. 4. district champ) Swimming

Double state Champion 2; Most athletic. Honor rolll234: Cum Laude: National Honor Society 3,4; Siena Clubl Petit Award 3; MVP Track 3, MVP swimming 2, MIP swimrning l, Science Olympiad 1234; JETS 234.

gd.n D. A"/6


"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." -Anon

"l'm still standin' better than I ever did. lookin' like a true survivor. feelin' like a little kid."

-Elton John

Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world.

-Oscar Wilde

Adam2...circleOfFire...what'sThatSmell?..NitelabMS52...chemExam46 g ue s s I'l I S h e e t I t... Fs i z e4... O x f ord 99... S p rin g b re ak 99 W/ A S, R S, OZ,JC,TR...l8thBday735...LAS...EltonJohn3X...BMWZ3...MardiGras00...NYLC98..

Too Many Close Calls...Bond Fests AllNite...Adam &AdamDidlt...announcements ...oldCrusty... thisPlacelsGoingToBeSoooBoringW/OUs... Ricky,Bobby, Reginald,Leron...Careful They're In TheBushes..SpringBreak00...That's some good bassdude...SleeplesssummerNights...Bio/EnviSciW/DavidEarl..Jimmy!.. Dragon's Den WMsX...MaineSummers...Campin'W/Barbe...theQuarter...Shaggin'Wagon...ldunno Nuthin'...NP...Homecoming Escort...RedRocket ..Speech00... itWas So Much

Fun!JC,ZW,KB,JG,RK,SL...l had A Blast WishlWouldaStartedEarlier... Damn Elitists

...It went By So Quickly and now that it's overl wantyou all to knowHow much I Love you and will miss youandl couldn't've doneitwithoutyou..especially you Mom,Dad, Hunter...lamThePoemthatDoesn' t Rhyme...lt'sbeenone HelluvaRide ...ER, JC,AS,JK,ZW, PA,TS.MS, JM, MS, AG, AP.JP,CH..you guys are great I"ll always love you so much. Middlebury boundl

Student Council Pres. 4i Class Pres. 1,2,31 NHS 3.4; Science Olympiad l, 2, 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4;Mr.St.Martin's4;SpanishNHS 3,4:Lyre Club l, 2. 4;

Speech 4; CFL HIDI Champ 4; Duo State Champ 4t Golf l, 2: MIP

36"t6y Scotl lDolfetdl


"Yesterdays are over my shoulder so I can't look back for too long, there'sjust to much to see waiting in front of me and I know I can't go wrong."

-Jimmy Buffett

" We are so much cuter than everyone else!"


She 1.. fabfi ve/norAS H/AM..7bottles.. B SL.. M ilkw/MT.. mowtow nw/ PC,GG..PM@ 5..pigman...BlueB.w/RA,KM,PC,JC..3EBw/JF..fat man 2 heads..swirlw/MT,GG..ATII..jessegirlw/NH..yahoow/RA,GG'CT ..toastw/JC,GG,KB..l92Vo show/FCW..JJW..tucks..HB+bama FBTw/ JF,MG,FCW..scottlikesyouw/NS..jeepw/NH..PCcountryhousew/FCW,MG, JF,CT+guys..Fr.ln...JC @LittleTokyo..BootM.G.'99..WrestlingPC..minipep.w/ NS..St.Pdayw/NH..spyin on RA+JC..blindw/DD,CT..BelAir..Tr.St.w/ KM..deliriousw/NS..Mom,Dad,M.S.+Dugs Thanks for everything, you're the best. I love you. PM Stay sweet, Luv ya! NH Thanks for the great times and the many more to come. I love you more than anything. Be good! Futuregolden girlsNS,GG,JC+Bad Boys-PC,RA, MT,MW, SP,SS,RH, DD,KM-Stay over served! The road goes on forever and the party never ends...

Cheerleading l, Soccer l, Speech I ,3, French Club 2, Spirit Club 4,Homecoming Court 1,2;B.A. Club I ,2,3,41Yearbook staff 2, (senior editor)4.

Gorn[ Bnu fu)*g


"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar."

"There's an intrinsic value in doing something without being the best at it."

Pokemon...Paper fiogs...How's my driving... "l am not Japanese!"...read ahead... nothing "R" rated please...doodling on Mr. Marsalis's chalk board... always getting sick...squeeze the talking Pikachu...getting "yelled" at by Mrs. Sauer...neurotic?... "Where's my Mewtwo?"... "Where's my Charizard?"... "You hit a mailbox again?"... brine shrimp... censor Ondina... "Would you draw me something?"... 4-foot long redfish... To all the Docs, write a book... Never forget yourself but always think of others...I'll rniss everybody !

Science Olympiad 1,2,3,4: Jets 2,3,4; Lyre 2,3,4(Art Editor): Sierra Club 3,41 Diversity Club 3,4; Volleyball 1,2; Softball 1,2(Most improved player)l NHS;Haloll Drama.

76 I 1 I j A !t


"Turns out not where, but who you're with that really matters."


" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwesome"


4-LIFE...The Ranch w/ MM JL BS MW NK TG WF EM. .dinosaur stories w/ RG MM...Destin 12345...Run n'gun w/ KM SP...Team BA... TD = no box...EM loves water balloons...the name game/no really w/ CO...MZ = mean green...MW and the abandoned temple...THE FLY IS OURS Mattimo's Bday 5Ocents ...bye bye AT's...skiing w/FF BH WW AR...Aw Ioves his honey bear...FOD...the roof w/ MM AM NK BB RG...after school w/ GG...OPP = happiness...EW = my bad conscience ...weekend warriors BELAIR... VGR. .JG, you're not as rhink as you crazy are. .To the families of MM MW NK WF MM RG JL BS CN, thank you for always having fbod and shelter for me, I wouldn't be the suas that I am without y'all. Thanks to anyone else who has made me laugh or laughed with me, you're better than prozac. Celeste, your rash will go away. Mom, you're my best friend, I love you. Bob, you're crazy but I got nothing but love for you. Dad, I know you would've been proud of me. I think about you everyday. How about thar picture guys? Pretty STM. "Big gulps huh? Well, see ya later" -Loyd Christmas

th//6e- 9. Urt*,


"lf l never see the pearly gates, I've walked through the promise land. If Heaven ain't a lot like Dixie, I'd just as soon stay home."

-llank Williams Jr.

"lf I go crazy, will you still call me superman?"

-Three Doors Down

Mrs. A...Northshore...Condo... "Party@Kerry's"...$.50...SOpH

Summer@AT's...JR Summer@Boot...Apollo w/PC...Met. p.G...Cat's w/ KM.PC,MW,SP.SS...Grand Isle... RA's Parties... Lakefront... SAT w/ LH... BackPorchin It... F.Pete w/DD,PE... LH's Backhouse... Fishin w/

KM... RH's Apt... Squires w/RA... BumNights ...SW's Parties...Land of the Beast...FG w/SS...Memphis...Brew HaHa...Fty on Fri...Alpine... BBQ@CT,SP...HPC... Bush w/NH...Jimmy Club?... Mystery Green... DD,s l" Party...Blue Thunder...Bus to CC w/SP... Donkey... 188=$22wlpC... O'Henrys w/GG,NS... "What did I just do?"... Thanx: Jim B, Bud

L...Team BA: Thanx for coming out.

Don't ever lel the party stop...

Golf 1,2,3,4; Football 2,3,41 Baskec ball I I ShieldClub 3l OE 2; WW 2; PC

3; Who' s Who 3,4; Honor Roll

6,7,8;Team BA...

D. Urb,fq
& ! $ r m ,r ..arl 6

Xol6*rrd lil"[ln*rng


"At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins."


"To go too far is as bad as to fall short."


"To the uneducated, an "A" is iust three sticks."


"Well, you see, I have developed a plan to do that."

Bond + Study... sessions... shggy...horseboy... 3 am:goes...AP Night Labs ...mornings W/Drago + Marsalis. the parking spot...Grand slam...90'4runner...99' civic Si...golden Rod...Car Magazines...ltaly 2000-getting sick(thanks Chiara)...NIV for lif-e Baby!...Jack+Fanta...Sheila...the letter...R/C Boat racing WDad...Hobby Hut...Chemistry genius " Freshmen + Sophomore girls...Physics' sounds...Speaking my mind, everywhere...BM...it'sbeen real ...Thanks for everything-Mom Dad Catherineliz Atila Reg...Case Western Reserve University Bound.

J.E.T.s.l,2,3,4; Science OlYmpiad2,3.4; Science Ctub 1,2,3,4; SienaClub I ,2,3(VP)4; National Honor Society 3,4; National Merit Finalist 4i StateLiterary Rally3,4; Honor Rolll,2,3,4; Italy4; The Hut3,4; Yale Book Award3.

Zorfiory Bog*, TD""[


"Carpe Diem!" -Hoarce

"Did I s-s-stutter?" - JimmY Cox

"It is not enough to aim, you must hit." -Anonymous

"Knowledge rests not up on truth alone, but up on errors also-"

Speech mafia... KB & JC-thanks lbr 2 great years! I love you guys. .AS AV MS JM-Don't party too hard... NFL '99...Harvard'00...VD DC AM ST NWGratzie... Destin 2000... Moster-Mash-Arama...Wool Bar Mitzbvahs..'my office...GF LK RM JC VD JW El-what more can a student ask for?..'who traffed?...it's textbook...Tacobell W/AV... Shaggin' wagon/Brown mobile...Lunch leave in the wrangler...JC's morning radiance...Starbuck, shogun, DF W/ the Speech tools ...KB's perkiness...AS's tie tying ability...KK-you can't be mel... GDelitistel ! BROWN BOUND!

Speech team2,3,4-Tournament Director &Team Captain 3,4-ExtemP State Champion4; French Club3,4-President4; JETS 2,3,4-2nd in nation 2, State Champion 4; Tennis 1,2,3; National Merit Finalist 4; Exchange program with Italy

78 K \ l T
tlort zooo a r Sr M,qnnrft!5a9Nrt 5afft
r & \ 79 .J a :! e" { .J*d"J-&,1-&b.*&-&..} qf Y I t I / , ; { ,{ I a ,l. lt + ,& i.3 i ! T i
m Y I h i 80 qsr t, - " l.'a' ..]:,, -. -4, w,! a : s \ {,, :igf $il. I' s d{",n - ^ ar "i &i \ Sr ]vlutrlN's e{h *r I r I t I I I "X 1tr
*-.<rrflssn 81 s 'I {")l I I, '.) A ET I. Itr I !
W. !$ !t' / **ff ri !I I Ir l .-'.,,J .'{ I j t t !,rr t t n \ I 5 ffi &d L.i ffi ! h T !{ r t \ r I : B r l. I I t *lut *
The fourteen
Dana Burshell Peter Castaing Ricky Clotworthy Nick Hintz
Zach Wool
Adam Voth Rahul Tikia Matthew Stedman
WL I t *ffi sffis qre o i\v' lt '*> rI'i. Mr I ,l $r rl t Ir J t I
Brent Smith Ryan Rossner

ear Club

The Thirteen \6ar Club

*'; ?ff
Jonathan [t/lartinez Josh Kaston Andres Mendez David Peterson
i* m- t
Jessica Carvin Robert Skinner Natalie Stein Akila Subramaniam
83 1 c
Christian Piccolo

Mr. and Miss St. Martin's

84 b" "q ! { i \ J i t 1 I c J ry
Priya Anand
Best Looking Wittiest
Peter Castaing
Ginger Gtzzetta Matthew Wicker
I 85 It { i { t F -J * f I I I d ..
FNatalie Stein

Most Popular

Ryan Adkerson Ashley Peterson
Most Likely to Succeed
trAkila Subramaniam L.1 E6 q d \ , t I I r I r d.f
Most Athletic
Frank Riess l.
I q
87 I I ; ,t l s
'11 t
Sarah Tuuri
Jeb Bauer
Diana Moustoukas
1r s #tr
Picture 1.' Ashley Peterson takes Jessica's temperature as the school's nurse. Picture 2: Dana Burshell and Jessica Carvin sit in on a meeting with Mr. Dressel and Dr. AguiarNetto. Picture 3: Nick Hintz teaches a lower school class. picture 4.' Andres Mendez writes Trey a detention as Mr. Rivet.
2OOO SflJNJIOR j $ 1 ryk
2 I 3 U 1 { d 5 4
Picture 5.' Whitney Davis gives Miesje a few pointers on her paper. milrR
lll.'u@ i,lln*
Shelby Westfeldt as Coach Edwards Robert Skinner as Mrs. SharPle
t & r r{ ,\ a l;, ,'\\ \ 1 e I TI t ri a ,l t r , I \ I \, l
Josh Kaston as Mrs. Pool
Jessica Carvin as Mr. Leo Dressel


Picture 1.'Carol Wang between Art classes as Mrs. Sauer. Picture 2; Eric Gold entertains some lower schooler with the drums. Picture 3.' Diana Moustoukas helps in Mrs. Vogt's class. Picture 4; David Peterson shows Mr. Thompson's class how math is done.
'l ,tl,n' 1 2 3 fr"3i41s ;lr 4 ?
Picture 5.' Frank Riess, Adam Voth and Adam Smith cook a tasty brew as part of the cafeteria crew. Matt Stedman as Mrs. Schuber Priya Anand as Mrs. Caine
Ondina Canales as Senor Perez
5 ll I i I a. 'i -€:3 I ,. t L** { m ffi I r
Matt Wicker as Mrs. Pittman

EeniorWeird Oay

Picture 1: Mike Ditka (John Roger Bell) strides down the center of the chapel with the unspirited seniors looking on, Picture 2: Dr. Evil (Jimbo Geary), Mini Me (Ricky Clotworthy), and Fat Bastard (Ty Mcauire) stand around waiting for the Senior Weird Day presentation to begin.

Picture 3: Keith Pyburn wails at the front of the chapel dressed as a Backstreet Boy.

Picture 4: Priya Anand stands at the ,ront ot the chapel in her pajamas.

1 I 2 I 3 I 4
Ginger, Natalie, and Shelby Matlhew Stedman as Hilly Joe Hobert
West 90 1 .$ I 'I .t a i 1 I I a -j
Dr. Evil, Mini Me and Jim
,,. ! s-
Jeb Bauer as Ricky williams
Senior Internship * .b H |I _,..,.,,,,,;,,,.,,,r,*,iiD 1*> , I i * i J 91 3* \ I rw ?% L! F \ F -t h \ ? :I u *' { b ry T ry-l k t i$ , I L SJ Y ry -d j:I?-' I lj { ri ! $ r "} I ,i 4 { J 7 T ffi &l re f td.. d t I
Sometimes you want to go where eoerybodY knowsyournama r7 -rt 92 So*:i &, ,M, t i- $ ,r{ I 4 1t t b" \ .-! ;Y \ t ,cb $' h*A*liaegLl s L
Senior Chapel:
I L EL 93 I F \ I w I T > : I :l { &&s *I I ) I t ., J l*
;.: run ff. -'t.:* w rf x -/ 1a_ , 3 l ^* I !l t y tJ V t lrY?fi l.;t t ST , Y+ * xltt
*q / @ ,{ I .j m*'tffi., r rT *'s :l r v" t * J { r l1 l r k*r' q .w ,;} I I ) ,. u i-" F-."* " & I il i\, ,i fl r,.... ,@ 7r I G*c.,' Y ,w X L-i -ry L # ']FU L i lI I n I h b.JI r'd -.! \ l ,-1 r{ I & r* @rft -q f,' -ffi \ r-rt 7--! 7 ,iA{ I l* trr i.--.tF{ c / &4C{ r N J r qr , 7t 95
Robert J. Ball Gerry Beckett Jessica L. Boe Jennifer Brodmann James BuckleY David W. Christian Colin ClothworthY Jonathan Coleman Lindsay E. CrottY TifTany M. Davis Pierre deBoisblanc Thomas G. Diano
96 { J_ v R \ & *, I !!l. { i t I t i F { ll ,. lr! I I ;ll l. e{ 'r1 t: \ : l\ h ry{d J f k---{ ! I t I r;l_ 1 ^/ t e / 7 t 'rqr''A k--I U l'".r,'X t \i -, I C }I d { r ffi I a ffi m i'$t :q "...ri. E3 ffi ki [: -J d( 7 \&
Clayton Eiswirth Ryan M. Evans Ryan J. FarleY


s 2001
Ashley Finney Lauren R. Giles Jeffrey G. Glaser Jason L. Harmon Kerry Hicks Ross Hogan tElizabeth Hollinger Dominic Hood David Huston Ingold Emmanuel krannidis Benjamin Janke Bradley Johnson Chris Johnson Jarlyn Johnson
97 I {,r TI I r" r3 r'*1( ti l f!-i' rd r I
. Iqrer'r>i Praveen Kailas Stephanie Kaston Rhett Kleinschrridt Clayton Koenig Samantha Levenslein Brandon I-obell Julia Lundy Lauren A. Malone William McCulloch Bryan McManus Daniel Miller Ashlev Mohrmann I Ryan Monsour Aimee Moreau Elizabeth Newlin Andrew O'Brien Catharine O'Connell 98 f, I Tp F l I I l.* { .-.. \' t, il t $\ .; : -d 4t '6r'r {} ;{

Theodore Oster

Alex Pappas

Cassidy Reese

Scott Robinson

Nathaniel Rogers

Dennis Stewart

David Svec

Andrew Tranchina

Zachary Tyson

Georg Venturatos

John Von Behren

LaTrice Wade

William Welch

Megan Wien

Gregory Williams

Elizabeth Schoen Buddy Seaver
t $*s w h
99 m ! ) -1 J '! r a ,l 'r '1,
Miesje Zimmermann

Michael Abadie

Julius Backstrom

Nicholas Ball

Carl Baloney

Carly Boos

David Bordson-Bozzo

Martijn Bouquet

Crista Bourg

Kathryn Bullock

Katherine Burke

Margot Castaing

Sara Castano

Erin Coatney

Jessica Colon

David Coons


Michael Daly

Justin Davis

Eric DeRoche

Evan Dicharry

Jonathan Fleming

John Caine
100 nr E---] I \ ?, I 4- -'* s & 0 {

ass o 2002










Richard Folse Goldblatt Graf Graham
{ {
Gray Lindsey Greer
Groome Elizabeth Hall Amanda Hazel William Hester
ffi, {ffi*M#llfll s ts, ry 101 I I I f k
Aimee Hyatt Paul Kendrick Killion King Kirschman
Landers Peter Lee Joey Leone Elizabeth Levy Benjamin Lusk Nathaniel Mahar Jenelle Malbrough Meri Maurer Cally McCall Meghan McQuaig Juan Mendez John Moustoukas Rachel Nachman Margaret Olivier Arinola Omidele Marshall Ordemann Carol Ortenberg Megan Peck Mark Pelleteri Katie Piccolo Julie Rabalais Chay RatlifT Lillie Rea Erica Remberg
R$b tp ,rm"A.t V . s jr. v 102
Malinda Russo
I i{
Walker Saik Ryan Solomon James Sarpy Farhan Siddiqui Thomas Simpson Miriam Smith Lucius Spencer Mark Tessier Richard Thompson i*-l*r-II Brett Vogt Sarah Watts Elizabeth Weigand David Woodard
103 i t s I * I I I -$t i I I a{ I p'
Grant Yelverton
{ fi#r -
rjlry l ? l -r
s t 104 !I I ''"- t *tr !frr \/ q r
Sara Adams Sadia Ahmed Emily Ainsworth Seth Babin Jonathan Barrett Y
Heather Bethley Heather Boos Jonathan Burke CristinaCampo
KevinComer Ashley Conroy EmilyCrotty Brendan Dalv Janelle Duhon Blake Duplass Skye Eiswirth Meredith Emory Emily Estes Jessica Farris Thomas Favrot

ass 2003

Leslie Cieger

Leonoid Godurov

Scott Harris

Peterson Harter

Allison Hollinger

Kristin Howard

Olga Ivanova

Naveen Kailas

Mark Kaufman

James Lasome

Louise LeGardeur

Timothy Littleton

Nicole Loeb

Cameron Lombardo


Katherine Fink Jason Fleming Charlotte Gallagher Margaret Gallagher AmeliaGariepy Lauren Gibbs
105 "!.. "|' ! tE t
l I
#" t*d xltr, ry & *s* -s. ry Nicholas Lowe Jonathan Lu Andrew McGuire Eduardo Medina WilliamMinge
Peter Mortillaro
Taylor Nolan James O'Leary WilliamPerry Becky Quintal Matthew Reese Ayla Reith Kaitlyn Richard Jessica Robichaux Lauren Rogers Cameron Rolland I a tr t V T t 106 '-. .\ r r ;l: ,-& ! E r.{ \ k tr
Courtney Nicholson



Jared Spencer

Lauren Stentz





Elizabeth Washington


Mary Scott Westfeldt


Mariann Wilson

Chantal Wood

Tim Rosencrans
,. St}I ffir
Kristina Sanchez Jonathan Schoen Shea Swetnam Watts
--a x r- It ,i
\ *d * i
w fr j
Scott Saporito Rebecca Saunders
s , t I 108 =! I * 3 , ",t tt' .i ,tr,\I.ttr I *, -1 J I a I r fi { 1! I 'd l l I
sdwd ?fr..
,i t --a T s .109T $! \ t I il h I -

Sth grade retreat

I tradition of the A middle school is the !--Iclass annual retreat. Students look forward to this, not just as a time to be away from classes, but to relax, pray and prepare for the coming academic year. For most eight graders, the 1999 retreat is their third and last as middle schoolers.

Left: Mr. Warren Lind goes over expectations during the retreat.

?Yo querio Jesus Girls just wanna have fun Mr. Lind and the boys during the retreat Boy gets first aid Students take a break from activities
110 A s I ia c I f II,
ir , * T
You can't swim all day! & rS)
)an we do this everyday? s@ G ,t
Lord, show us the way
Mrs. Stewart and the
Mrs. Godchaux and Mr. Cox with the boys
Boys just wanna rest 111 7 ',} .'1"1ri--riX \ *,F *t i d t. I I I I lt. I it lncoming..... x ts S[*-
Mrs. Janis McCormick and the girls

Tthgrade rctreat

For mosvrn qraqers h16s1oo on tnl retreat

I the fJeling is "deja vu". That was not different for the the 1999 - 2000 7th graders. Soon they find out that the presence of different faculty members with them also implies different rules, games and expectations. Gan the retreat experience be different and equally good? The class of 2005 would say yes. Left: Mr. Jackson goes over the rules of an activity.

follow me...
Waoh! this is so
fun Come,
Mrs. Sharple and her group Come together, right now! Ms Scott and her group
772 ) *\* *6
Round and round we go.
* I t {l l sr 7 {* l! / -t d 1. I

Football anyone?

All that I am will reioice.
can do this the whole day
Ms Sauer and her group
Ms. Dobrescu and her group
See you next year 113* I I x, i $,r*p I '.' ',1 .t u' f -b t l,: {'. . I i rl
IMr. Beard and the group

6th grade rctreat t

rFh" mroore scnoor, I and in fact the St. I Martin's experience does not actually start for anyone until after the 6th grade retreat. lt completes the beginning of the journey. You come to realize that you are now a grown-up whose iudgment can be trusted. The retreat helps prepare you for what is ahead: life of studies, service and faith. Left, a reminder that you are never out of sight.

t I
ri !
Friends forever Mr. Jackson the shepherd Mrs. Pittman in a group sharing
Show me a better placel Where in the world are we? 714 !& \t', frA r l
,( t r,. il i it ,S'f
Evening at the retreat rllir
Can I paint now?
Working together is key to everything Next game please...
thing I am the umpire
going, we have to get to the finish line. Some yoga is good. 115 .lrilr l* T F f, \ j a J I --i'a' ,1 -
&a r
Nadeem S. Arshad Lloyd Beckett Brian P. Bell Courtney A. Block Mark Boersma Markham D. Bradburn Thomas "Beau" Bradshaw
Chelsea M. Broekstra Siva S. Chandramohan Bradley T. Collins Andrew M. Debuys Lindsey Defosse Laura Lynne Denny Emily C. Fransen
116 ** w'l a T I l I# a\ { id r I
Gustave A. Fritchie Ryan T. Geoghagan 9xldes

ass 2001

Stephanie E. Gill

Robert S. Graham

Andrew B. Hill

Amanda D. Hogue

Will James

Amanda W. Janke

Eric M. Jones

Jessica Wren Leone

Robert S. Lewis

Hsueh-Ping Lu

Jill M. McCall

David Mohrmann

Blake J. Lusk Alison K. Malone
177 s
t\ r.\ I 1;, {t

Hunter C. Monsour

Christopher S. Moore

Chad G. Nolan

Jack P. Odell

Jason F. Oliveri

Fishayo Omidele

Karla G. Perez

Jonathon E. Porobil

Ashley Riso

Martha C. Rolland

Kyle S. Schmidt

Karl Ashby Senner

Sara J. Silvestri

Laura L. Smith

Gary N. Soloman

118 ,- a -'- ., , -,''.. '-.
t *".
t t
lt i
I f #.at;
Alison A. Spindler Christine E. Stanley Robyn Tikia Eliska G. Torres Malthew H. Weaver Jessica A. White Matthew B. Williams Ashley A. WolfT Matthew J. Woodard
ti dI .i I 719 \ \ .\ *.1 I in- .-, \ !irl T ,d l*t* rxl; : i T ,$ ! *--q r f
Harrison G.Wool
ln)nsfi.i ton
Picture 1: Students take a good look at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Picture 2: Students gather on the lront steps ot the Senate Building. Picture 3: Eighth graders pose for a picture during a tour of the city.
I4 Museums are cool This city is cool Looking for a house? The camera is over here 720 $ #, I 1 1 r* 3 I s \ ) $ $ fi t. d I q r I lr. Qt V .t I 3
Picture 4: Students visit the Capitol Building.

Viy 1444

Picture 1: Eighth grade class officers prepare to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Picture 2: The eighth graders gather for a group picture.

Picture 3: They gather for more pictures.

Picture 4: The students make their own planes in the National Air and Space Museum.

we cool or what?
We love
place Are
rI cannot do this right 121 I 1 I I a I I I .Q 2 ! 3 T sli t* : t" t1
Smile for the camera
Elizabethan *ri f: 122 !I ) ,1 "{* , / F J .! *{ {F , * If \ I
rw t rl!r I r I t\ T V 123 ;Y \ ,r7 \ t Il I k
Day 1999
Barretl Bass Ryan Becnel Jacob Boe Elise Bordson-Bozzo Benjamin "Ben" Bradshaw Stephen Cacioppo Tyler Coatney Brooke Conroy Casey Contreary Jeffrey Cook
Anna-Marie Coons Nicholas "Nick" Darensburg Lisette deBoisblanc Frances Derby Jordan Estes Adrian France
Hillary Gibbs Sara Goodman Brittany Gowland I ffi w t 121
$x t d I \ \ E T I I stx ) - a I 1

so 2005

Paul Groth

Jessica Haley

Julie Henson

Mark Holden

Thomas Horne

Brittany Jouandot

Rami Khodr

Benjamin "Ben" LefT

Sophia Loupakos

Jennifer Lozano

Rebecca Lusk

Kristin Malone

Andrew Matthews

Joshua Gramlich Colleen Gravley Ryan Gray Daniel McCullough Aaron "Sky" McElroy Wiiliam McQuaig
in IH JI 125 ! .{b ,\ffi{ .Vi"#--".,F-.-j-----
Nick Hee
@ak ..O.--: :*q
Neej Patel Neema Patel Carret Patterson Jeremy Peres Katharine Pugh Rachel Ramelli
Siena Reith Charles Richard
D, fil
Megan Ripoll Carter Rossner Trey Ruello Chris Saporito Taylor Scheinuk Ashleigh Scheuermann
:ii ,:4!:r t i Eld l "4, &-,& I I t t' T *.qU T b'. ! .,/" 726
Elizabeth Shackelford
*m t.. lr , J 7
Nicole Sistrunk Jordan Spinosa Ruth Stedman Jordan Stone Venkat Subramaniam Jimmy Tiblier Andrew Trujillo Gabriela Uribe Alyson Webb Katie Weidner Mitchell White Andrew Wilson
* ffi Y Y * *!H, v &ee
127 B I *-f, .$ ,',Q I kl I !I ! & I *i:i. Y !_ a. m ,, I YJi
Jessica Wise Spencer Wool Blaine Yelverton

Tbm f S P''

I \,l; lffi*,,w FR f :t 728 I

Fomiliority breeds contempt. How occurote thot ' is. The reoson we hold with it.

-fulark Twains Nofebook

I T ,{ { 129 ti , ffi t Jtr o,'.lgJ. ' : , i:' ,rl .,. .h,.j a t 'a". -'""1 a c I 4..: t : .!
?, truth in such resPect is *' becous e we hove so little #i opportunity to get fomilior
6 #
Erich Abbott Adel Alizadeh Travis Bayer-Russel Nate Beckett Celeste Block Benjamin Bologna Camille Bourgeois Andy Brinson Claire Bruton Jonathan Buring Gabrielln Burst
tD s 130 r-1 ll *j $,, .* l :l \ 1 / \ J 1 h ;rt] t B * ff g-
Stephen Chester Ani Childress Lawrence Comiskey Becca Denny Chris Denuna

Elizabeth Derby

Matthew Dozier

Sarah Dunn

Stella Duplass

Preston Emory

Kristen Foret

Lindsey Gengo

Elizabeth Gibert

Michael Gieger

Hunter Gilbert

Denver Gray

Thomas Hennington

Brenton Ho

Brittney Hocut

Emily Hogue

Chris Humphreys

131 a { 1 t

Aaron Hyatt

Cooper Johnston

Natalie Keeney

Jamie Kovacs

Steven LaRosa

John Martell

Andrew Martinez

Peter Matheny

Irene Matthew-Parker

Billy Mayeux

Brian McCormick

Elyse McDaniel

Alex Minno

Ashleigh Morales

Colin Nicholson

Jeffrey O'Bryon

Richard Odell

Fehintola Omidele

Phillip Podret

Bobby Quintal

tG "lr $\ :" t
132 g-? ---i .$8. rirr^ ry Xgxo il , T "t *. \ffin us '* Y * r-\ l Ld l .s EUrRs
Taylor Roberts Stacy Savoie Martina Scheuermann Christopher Senner Ankit Sheth Rachel Shuey Mia Silverstri Jansen Srnith Adnan Suleman Jon Vail
Kelsey Vogt I Brooke Walker Rachel Watts Katherine Weaver
f t #.t w _rry--\\ 'r --',--.t1 133 i I I i ai *. r*$*o' i#U ry
Nick Weigand Whitney Woods
ton ny \ # r ds -,rtx I )q ) I ..: )'<-/ I I FT' I )Gr= v -r V' t ' ..i'hi q F i \ $J * 734 *
){ t I ,,i r 135
r* f ,d I ) I ,I i& wt I r s. \ I .! 3r I t L j I j ;-: ry a s
t '1 I -hr"r. U "{t .c.Y.{.f
Ryan Aldrigde Colin Allan Kyle Anderson Jeb Barr
Stephen Borello Matthew Campbell Stephen Chouest
I )
Elizabeth Crouch Ellen Cunnignham Dominick Darensburg William DePass Max Dickinson Megan Dodge
$T T Fu-s 138 I ililI \ I lr! *r}tlltat t r L t T
Andrew Dovie Kevin Dusang Shannon English-Rhoden Bryan Flick

ass 2007

Logan France

GiGi Cibbs

David Gibert

Andrea Guevara



Donnie Jackson

Blake Johnston


Scott Lazes

Jacqueline Lee

Adele LeGardeur

Blair Lumpkin

Kayla Marmillion

Andrew Heaton Henry Henson Alan Hill
\ I l
t Chad Jones Kovacs
1.39 l !I ! j i f
George Molaison Joseph O'Donnell Libby Odell
/t's \ I l i i
Sarah Beth Pansano Deena Provance Jamie Razza
J T t', 140 tu tre ffiv ' '., I T 1 x 3 ,{ I
Catherine Rogers David Sabludowsky Scott Saunders Craig Scales Michelle Schmidt Benjamin Smith Sam Mickal Solomon Lauren Waters t Caroline Wiedemann
ft II ffi ffi flr" r$i::iilitl ia:l rliij &il I
Scott Williams
Lr--* *${* 141 r1 I d \EII a' : a
ff h.qt
Caroline Wilson

Shayan Ahmed

Jessica Baer

Jamie Bethley

Henry Boos

Michelle Borello

Parker Bossier

David Bremermann

Margaret Bruton

Susannah Bunch

Devvin Burgess

I I i -l
Marjorie Champaign-Bassatt
I I I $ y I *t 142
Erica Clark
' ti Ll I L q ?q
Laurie Clotworthy

Stephanie Defbsse

Kory Eslick

Jordan Harry

Taylor Hayes

Gabrielle Herbert

Stephaine Holden

Alexandra Humphreys

Jack Hurley

Katherine Kemmerly

Elaine Kwon

sMarcie Lunyong

James Matthews

1.13 I i T
liY \ 's' t { l d t*ya: F il 'ffi'
?. ( ^ *r{ /'
Kayla Morel Donald Muller Jennif'er Mura
Kristin Nielsen Troy Patterson Katherine Peck Jana Podret Morgan Prieur Alex Prince l I
Kevin Quinet Kyle Ridley Clare Ripoll Erin Rose
a \ I I i t tt s t
Hilary Scheinuk


* II rI
Prissy Schlesinger Amanda Skinner Preston Stead Christopher Tosh Samantha Trattler Jack Truett Edward Watts Ben Weaver Richard Weigand
145 $ IN I ! r ! r-t -"-G T I ,/ + rr 't I 7 .I t e l li .r,i--. .i l. l\-.ar* f,fi trry r f s \ I !. I t" *r. l*i, ! J F ) I $t 'Y
E I m fi
Jennifer L. Baer Baylor Barnett Robert Breaux Caroline Mary Burglass Kylie Contreary Kristina A. Crouch Nicholas H. DePass Joel E. Derby Grant N. Dougherty Dean- Michael Elazab Courtney A. Foret Stephen Wesley Gieger
146 { s; ,ti,..1.1 ffi ilr *ffiu V t ! t t, 6 ty I & [.,.-U 1' - jk-"fl o I T' ;; 3..: ql I di \
Patrick Hagood Natalie Hee
SO 2009
Liam Hutchinson Evan R. Khodr Phillip Jefliey Lee Mitchell Leff Anastasia Loupakos Maryclaire Manard Mark Matheny Brant McConnell Andrew S. McDaniel
Anshul M. Mehra Logan E. Melius Micheal F. Moore
147 ;# '*ilffi*t w {r 1 t ri a i 'eJ" * , '& sd*;r* fi&en{b :"\'! {x cx' tM*
Brandon C. Najotia Julia S. Nugent
Katherine G. Odell Nikos Pantazis Garrett Parent Ashley Roop Sarah B. Rothschild Michael Ross Ruello Julia E. Scales
148 , n I *4&f ft *
Christine A. Schmidt Michael F. Smilari
I .l I

Pearson A. Smith

Adam Struppeck

Evan M. Sullivan

Michelle A. Taylor

Chester Vaughn

Eleanor Vazquez

Alexander Vu

F.lizaheth Webber

Sara Whitehead

Peter A. Wilson

Andrew M. Wise

Margaret Yon

# F*l F ; *$ers r!
'>4 d,L*. 149 i I t!' i

2n e

John Alvendia

Kody Anderson

Remy Bajeux

Zachary Blondeau

Blake Bohner

Sam Buckley

Shawn-Michael Burst

Christopher Cabral

Daniel Chester

Laura Coatney

Christopher Cobb

Doug Collins

Hanna Dickonson

Brontay Dickson

Robert Dusang

! ,*l 't 150 v e,,** :s_ss ,a--\' 1-. i I o

Madeline Estes

Mariel Fallon

Jeffery Favaloro

Mason Fox

Amanda Gilbert

Martin Gray

James Handelsman

Andrew Ho

Elizabeth Holden

Joey Jacobson

Ethan Johnson

Olivia Johnson

Rajan Khurana

Morgan Kleinschmidt

Mary-Elizabeth Lago

Stephen Lee

Jonathan Lumpkin

Katherine Matthew-Parker

Ashlynn McConnell

Samantha Mendoza

20 10
I I i i { I 1 151 q {\ $ -.- *t'

Miles Minno

Sara O'Bryon

Kathryn Owens

Alex Pantazis

Hunter Phillips

Marc Rasi

Nicole Riso

Connor Roberts

Ariana Rose

Grant Saunders

Spencer Schlesinger

Zachary Shickel

Taylor Slack

Conway Solomon

Andrew Spinosa

* 152 .I 't t l t\ s I *u$. -B ry I \

Kevin Starr

Chloe Suazo

Ambika Subramaniam

Michael Tiblier

Frances Truett

Richmond Walker

Ashleigh Waters

William Watson

wRachel White

Kyle Woods

153 @ ,l ,l I tr i:'a x t li tr ..1 ;, xr n f


Vincent Borello Emily Burglass Daniel Campbell Nicole Carter Jack Castellano Olivia Celata Max Champaign-Bassett Colby Chisesi
154 I { & ! $ I \ *. ','!i\1 ,t , *,. | .' I #." ,wm ry t
Colin Chouest Michael Danahar Morgan DeMartini

Kyler Duhe

Bijan Ebrahimpour

Alex Embree

Rhett Ernst

Savanna Farris

C.J. France

Chloe Ceorge

Chris Giambelluca

Andrew Goodman

20 11
*tF -t v
Katherine Honevwell
155 SG 4 t -*fr.** qI t n ;I { a , , I ,
Nicholas Keenev

Blaine Kern

Amika Khurana

Alexandra La Cour

Patrick Landry

Dylan Langsford

Andrew Lottinger

Timothy Lunyong

Brodie Lyles

Leigh Martin

Michael Martino

Christine Matthews

Taylor Nielson

Christina Noya

Marcelle Richard

Jon Richards

! .* }'' t I \:
'''l:..-\ *.ffi. Y L,I ,.ts i .1 I * *., T r E et L ] T FTT n* ffi" ,{fr\ ,&, v ry j 156

Blake Ridley

Stewart Scoggin

Katherine Skinner

Collin Stedman

Tyler Tourelle

Carter Van Horn

Madeleine Watson

Chase Webber

Erika Wiedemann

Nikki Wiggins

Kristina Woodward

Miguel Zuniga

l t 157 * I 1>*$ffi a

Benjamin G. Beatty

Alyson Bordson-Bozzo

Caroline E. Bossier

Austin G. Brackett

Catherine M. Brierre

Scott F. Buhler

Heidi B. Clark

Emily S. Combe

Gregory D'Angelo

Rushil L. Dang

Benjamin J. Davis

F. Otway Denny

Korelle J. Dickson

Camrynn M. Dodge

Cory M. Elazab

; ...&158 l-b -
F X -/-r /.: , sG, { Ik I I

so 20 12

Jackson J. Emory

William M. Farber

John P. Fleming

Emerson R. Gibbs

Haley N. Guepet

Joseph T. Hagensee

Robert K. Hillyard

Dylan A. Isreal

Emily E. Johnson

Blaise Jurisich

Francesca A. Killian

Peter H. Kwon

Gabriel L. Lafuente

Zachary J. Ledet

Ellen Lu

't rl \*-- r {.{\ 4 159
I q ;'y' 6 {r, a vS1 6,1 1' i,'rr* & s ei .$r F '\'

Shaina Lu

William Martin

Jacob A. Micklin

Julian C. Moezzi

Paulina B. Murphy

Lekshmi Nair

Sharat Nayak

Olamide O. Omidele

Michael T. Owens

Thomas D. Pellegrin

Madison M. Prince

Joseph A. Provenzano

Megan Reynolds

Courtland N. Roberts

Madeline E. Roohi

Tripp Ruckman

afo a trj a
b I I I 160 t t t T Y* r8 \s, I t a I { I r 't & .ilk. *wu i I
Ravin H. Shah Mason O. Siegrist Sarah E. Skidmore $1.-4qps
Taylor Sylvester Meredith Stedman Emily E. Tastet J t il Connor Timmerman Daisy VanDenburgh Jonathan P. Waters
161 I $ T s it .!!id@ T
* Lawrence Wiedemann Alexander J. Yacoubian Parker S. Yount
d s#; "*:*-f#'*"E'?i
8:!9,ra :t "{'t
s A
Eric Alexander Conrad Appel
*/ Itr I'i! 162 d ,r} - '!1 1 { h lr Li*
Andrew Baird Quentin Bernos
Ronnie Brown Matthew Callia Stewart Campbell Sarah Clingenpeel Collette Cobb

so 20 13

James Conaster Alexandra Daray Tvler Davis Mitchell Duhe
J :r- 163 &ry n J F k r I r t $ ,t' i r ..,(
Carler Figueroa Cassidy George Ashton Guyton J.C. Huffman Katie Huffman
Hervie Kaigler Riley Katz Dustin Kinard
--d,-l ,rffirh
Connor Kirkpatrick Kaylie Krebs Alex Lunyong Nicole Martin Lushna Mehra Ross Minno Mason Moore Christopher Morton
164 {hs u !ff; t u TJ, I I I 1, r I .{
Meghan Mulvey Kenan Murphy
Blake Najolia Kieron Oliver Brandon Phillips Avery Provenzano crant Reggio Mason Sheen
t ,,i *r' -Ar"ara { I , 165 , .a t t I r t { { I d -
Joanna Smilari Ariel Vallotton GiGi VanDenburgh
Cfirrs/rnas 3/. 9f t l t(' ! # t1 I \ ! I I \ 3 : {fl ri r b" ."\ r 3 766 I 1
I { * I -.a4 \\ t , l^. 167
t 1'$ {ry r\ \*, 'r' "!-s" l ,' t t t I l I i I ,**x ^tb* E j . '.: w I x It I 1[( / tt! tlF 3"r #"e a t J 1.: 168
I , ,q ,i I , I A -: :$' I a ff'. it t i t I I I s t I 169 !,
I.[II. 170 I '* Tt{ ff e s , ! * r& * -t I t \*: N $' &e I Fr5 J r
f| I I 777 3 I 1 .I I q? ! l, u t I \ * Y \ C , a w S{ il ;r t , {

Saints'Football 7999

Scott Robinson, Jonathan Burke, Peterson Harter, Peter Castaing, Bryan McManus, Third

Brendon Daly, Georg Venturatos, Ryan Evans, Bradley Johnson, Matt Resse, Tim Rosencrans, Thomas Diano, Jeff Glaser, Will McCulloch, Scott Harris. Fouth row: Keith Pybum, Jared Spencer, Mason Talbert, Jon Schoen, Theo Oster, Matt Wilson, Ryan Adkerson, Eddie Medina, Richard Folse. Fifth row: Buddy Seaver, Ryan Perry, Rhett Kleinschmidt, Jason Harmon, Jim O'Leary, James Sarpy, Elizabeth Schoen. Coaches: Guy Farber, Dan Markel, Sam Dozier, Chick Mcgeehan.

The Whole story

After a ( I -9) record in I 998, the Saints had a huge turnaround finishing the season (7-4). They will look forward to an offense that returns nine starters, but will suffer great losses to the defense and special teams, by losing the nine graduating seniors. The Saints have to find a way to replace Peter Castaing, the captain, and Nick Hintz, who spent the season leading the defense as inside linebackers. They must also replace Frank Riess, an outside linebacker, and Christian Piccolo, a two way standout at cornerback and wide receiver. In the defensive trenches they need replacements for Mason Talbert, Keith Pyburn, and on offense, Ryan Adkerson. They will also have to filt the void left by Ryan Rossner on special teams. Most of his kickoffs went for touchbacks, and his long fietd goals put points on the board. Ryan's booming punts consistently gave the Saints great field position keeping opponents on their side field. The Seniors will be hard to replace and sorely missed for their talent and leadership. They will be remembered as the class who brought the Saints back to the playoffs and restored a winning tradition.

SATIvTS I I - ldrr* fr \ I *t lxs- S u"'m, &ry-r :'l{,unr tr i.lr.."vr H *t :r.lfr'Rrhi
Left to Right, Front row: Brandon Lobell, John Caine, Nathaniel Rogers, Justin Davis, Ryan Rossner, James Buckley, Dennis Stewart, Frank Riess, Chris Johnson, Christian Piccolo. Second row: Gerry Beckett, Peter Mortillaro, Thomas Favrot, Clay Spencer, Nick Hintz, row:
I t L l
-David Peterson Right: Coach Dozier celebrates from the sidelines after beating Country Day

The DreamTeam

n Lb Episcopal (BR) 48 Fisher 31 T.Aquinas 2't Ben Franklin 14 EcoleClass. 44 PortSulphur 15 Boothville 10 Lutheran 47 Crescent City 24 CountryDay 21 Cedar Creek 3 Them 7 0 35 1,2 -t4 24 43 7 20 18 27
773 i r q (rai 'Hr: *t t} t ,-} rt ,'
Top left: Chrls Johncon knows we are number one. Top righfi The Satnts gather at ttre footbdl banquet Center left:Coach Guy tr'arber and Coach San Doder from rldeline. Center right Touchdownl Bottom plcturer: Salnts conffnue thelr dominance.

Left: Saints before a home kick off.

Center left: Saint waiting for a tackle.

Center right: Saintr gather in prayer after beating Country Day.

Bottom left: Peter Casteing with the sack.

Bottom right: Practice hard, play harder and win good. Saints pracicing. Nert prge.

Top left: Saints' defense waiting to rock.

Top right: Mrion Trlbert and Thomas Iliano line up for next play.

Middle left: Srints' fans cheer the term on.

Middle right: Elizabeth Schoen

Bottom: Senior football pleyers and their ptrents.

t.:,a( Jt ,ll'ltllil , r ilr,l1/sl J, -,..-t'r, dl ':('r\ 774 I I L */ n** l.i frn .3* ti 3I * , 't/ry lt.
, l' ..* ! a bf :* 8a U i U * w ;, rrY ;: ;'&"*{ l. I I 775

Saints Lose to State Champions

The St. Martin's Saints lost to Episcopal School of Acadiana (ESA), l5- I I , l5- 1 at the Pontchartrain Center in the State Quarterfinals. ESA controlled the net throughout the match, and their height proved to be the difference. The two teams played back and forth until ESA (27- I 3) pulled away at the end of the first game. ESA pulled out to a four-point lead I 2-8, and maintained the four point lead difference. In the second game, ESA pulled away by taking a l2-0 lead before the Saints reached the board. They scored their lone point of the game at that point during the match.

ESA came in as the reigning Division V State Champions for the past 1 2 years. They continued the winning tradition defeating Delcambre in the Championship, increasing their Championship run to I 3 straight years.

The Saints ended the season with a record of 27-9. With the defeat, the Saints suffer another loss, losing their only senior and captain, Ashley Peterson. With her leadership and setting, she led the team to a district title and the playoffs. As she departs, the rest of the team gets a year stronger. With five starters returning, Saints shouldcontinue toplayexcellentvolleyball. Playoffs should be certain, and a State Championship is not out of the question.

Varsity Volleyball Team: Standing LtoR: Coach Linda Trevino, Allison Hollinger, Julie Rabalais, Megan Peck, Miesje Zimmerman, Alex Pappas and Jenelle Malbrough. Kneeling LtoR: Lindsay Crotty, Tiffany Davis, Ashley Peterson, Catherine O'Connell and Margot Castaing. -David Peterson
776 {
Above: Megan Peck gets airborne for a kill.
St. Martin's (27-9) Results 2-O 2-0 2-0 2-l 2-0 '1.-2 0-2 2-0 0-2 2-1 2-O 2-0 2-0 2-1 2-0
Hammbnd W Riverdale W St. Bernard W ESA W Woodlawn W B. Sullivan L Sacred Heart L McGehee W Newman L Riverside W Hannan W Port Sulphur W Reserve W Delcambre W McGehee W Ascension Catholic W Country Day W Westminster L Country Day W Ridgewood W Grace King W Redemptorist W Mandeville W Chapelle W SSA L Port Sulphur W ST Aquinas W Country Day L Parkview L Carencro W ST More L Country Day W Bonnabel W Eastleff. W Runnels W ESA L
Junior Varsity Volleyball Team: Standing L to R:Coach Sue Edwards, Rebecca Saunders, Sara Castano, Carly Boos, Ashley Conroy, Tilde Casserleigh, Sarah Watts, Louise LeGardeur, Mary Scott Westfeldt, Kristina Sanchez and Lauren Stentz. Kneeling L to R: Cally McCall, Tourne' Torres, Amelia Gariepy, Rachael Nachman, Lauren Gibbs, Lindsey Greer and Katie Piccolo. Right: Allison Hollinger spikes the ball Below:Themiddle schoolers check out a volleyball game during a middle school spirit night.
t2-l 2-l 1.-2 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-l 2-0 2-O l-2 2-0 2-0 0-2 1-2 2-0 't-2 2-O 2-O 2-0 2-0 0-2 777 I i I * "l3 a, { I
Bottom Right: Allison Hollinger, Tiffany Davis, and Lindsay Crotty take time for a group picture before a game.

The Upper School swim teoms hove both done really well this seoson including, both the boys ond girls plocing 2nd ot the stote meet. The teoms pulled through to hove o great yea?. Coach Shonnon Woods led the swimming Soints into o successful seoson.

n s
mm W
M 5
Jessica Wise, Jarlyn Johnson, Samantha Levenstein and Aimee Moreau give big smiles right before their race. Jonathan Lu in shock. Matt looks determined to wins this race! Top Row, L to R: Coach Shannon Woods, Grant Yelverton, Kevin Kirschman, David Coons, Brent Smith, Aimee Moreau, Meagan Wien, Jarlyn Johnson, Ashley Mohrmann and Coach Dean Reed. Middle Row L to R: Jonathan Barrett, Taylor Nolan, Drew McGuire, Jonathan Lu, Becky Quintal, Sara Adams, Scott Saporito, Cameron Rolland, Janelle Duhon and Courtney Nicholson. Bottow Row L to R: Donnie Jackson, Jon Vail, Adel Alizadeh, Whitney Woods, Logan France, Camille Bourgeois. Jessica Wise. Ruth Stedman and Nicole Sistrunk Relay Team: Scott Saporito, Juan Mendez, Andres Mendez and Will Vail Nicole Sistrunk prepares for Jarlyn Johnson looks up to her race check her time.
778 N / I tt, r\:S')ttu"
Sarah Turi takes the lead. Yuck, this water has way too much salt in it!

1999 LHSAA

StM Swimmer Soints

date opponent results

Sept. 16 Hahnville G-W B-W

Sept. 23 Andrew Jackson W W

Oct.6 Destrehan W W

Oct. 14 Newman L L

Oct.23 District 2nd Place

Nov. 18-20 State Champ 2nd place

t999 LHSAA ,.-.r& *^

The Girls State Swim Team Accepts the Second Place Trophy. L to R: Courtney Nicholson, Jessica Robichaux, Ruth Stedman, Jessica Wise, Meagan Wien, Samantha Levenstein, Aimee Moreau, Coach Shannon Woods, Ashley Mohrmann, Whitney Woods, Sarah Turri and Becky Quintal. Aimee Moreau f'lies into the lead! The Boys Slate Swim also takes second place. Bottom Row L to R: Andres Mendez, Brent Smith, Adam Smith and Matt Stedman. Top Row L to R: William Vail, Scott Saporito. Jonathan Lu, Coach Dean Reed, David Coons and Juan Mendez. Sarah Tuuri atter a hard race.
1'79 t 1f ,:f
Coach Woods nad Jessica Wise Juan Mendez plunges into the pool
Samantha Levensteinl
x 'b k$*l 46 a
Varstiy ( From left to right):Chay Ratliff, Jonathan Fleming, David Peterson, Gerry Beckett, Trey House, Bradley Johnson, Zach Tyson, Georg Venturatos, Kerry Hicks, Christian Piccolo, Jeff Glaser, Walker Saik, Dominic Hood, Nathaniel Rogers, Ryan Solomon. Kerry Hicks drives to the goal against Country Day. The captains and the coaches pose with the team's second place trophy for the St. Martin's Invitational.
180 Trev House on the ball ul\'ts l!' J e' !* sl '* \' rfi d 1{ t{ *t $r{ nfis * lns { :*6 ! ; l, I rr .f t ; , r Y 2 t rtE {, lt .,
Georg Venturatos goes up for the layup against Boothville Venice.

The Saints Went Down But Didn't Go out!!!

Their record cannot measure the19992000 Saints basketball team. Throughout the season, the saints had many close losses, yet they played hard until the final game. A bright spot for the team came when they placed second in the St. Martin's Invitational. Senior, David Peterson received all-district honors and junior, Zach Tyson received honorable mention. The Saint went 5-7 in the district and 11-17 total records.

funior Varstiy(L to R):James Sarpy, Chay Ratliff, Peterson Harter, Umar Tufail, Taylor Gray, Farhan Siddiqui, Blair Landers, fonathan Fleming, Martijn Bouquet, Jonathan Burke, Jonathan Scheon, Cameron Lombardo, Walker Saik, Ryan Soloman, Dimitri Loupakous, Ryan Perry. Dominic Hood reaching Kerry Hicks spins ry Kerry Hicks scores two points on a fast break against East jefferson.
\J gllL. L7 a, Ilb } l.s I
-Georg Venturatos Peterson Harter assists in a basket Walker Saik drives against Lutheran
181 I.L . $I ri gs &3 ${ $rrlt fuw Til TX -< a -*<:a€ I "-l ..! rrrx r:.- " !' W a ${
tt I i I I
Gerry Beckett catches up to Ecole, i$'

6IRI5' BASKETBALL Varsity and Junior Varsity

!l !',t'Df tI
\', 1,S[ 2,1''
Left to right: Coach Roma Coleman, Ashley Mohrmann, Neema Patel, jill McCall, Rachel Nachman, Malinda Russo, Sky Eiswirth, Katie Piccolo, Jarlyn johnson, Kathryn Bullock, janelle Malbrough, Jessica Boe, LaTrice Wade, Elizabeth Schoen, Janelle Duhon and Coach Jerry Reese. Cally McCall goes for the basket, Kathryn Bullock looks on.
LaTrice Wade blocks while Ashley Mohrmann goes for the points. Coach Roma Coleman inspires the team during a time out !!r! Number one girl's basketball fan, Jaclyn Murphy, is a top cheerleader in training.
182 -.4' \e l{Fq. I ry U
Jessica Boe goes for the sweet basket that seals a victory over Lutheran.
s * I I TI it I I rS '{$ : ,f I J ! :l .i tl O, xomr l=A t

Saints Season Ends in First Round

The Saints might look back on their exit in the flrst round of the playoffs with some disappointment, but this team should be proud of itself afterthis season. For a team with no seniors, and a completely new coaching staff. they have made great strides in just one year. The ladies placed second in a tough district.

After a 0-5-season opener, the team improved steadily and ended with an 11-10 record. By getting to the playoffs, the Saints got a taste of what they can accomplish next year. Each lady brings her own style of playing to the team. Captains Kathryn Bullock and LaTrice Wade will lead the team. Kathryn will help the team with her shooting ability, while Latrice brings her aggressive style of scoring back. Junior Ashley Mohrmann also brings her good shooting touch back. She will be supported by the plays of Jarlyn Johnson and Jenelle Malbrough. Juniors Jessica Boe and Elizabeth Schoen will be back in the middle providing strength inside. Eight Grader Jill McCall and Seventh Grader Neema Patel will return next year as both get a year older and wiser.

As everyone returns next year the hopes are high. No one is content with second. Next year Coach Roma and Coach Reese will look to guide their ladies to a district title.

The trill of victory, Jarlyn Johnson and LaTrice Wade jump up to cheer their fellow teammates. Elizabeth Schoen goes for the rebound Katie Picollo with the ball -David Peterson Saint players take a time out to during a practice session Jenelle Malbrough goes up for a shot. Ashley Mohrmann looks for a teammate.
183 ,k$ I ! d I a ; t I \ {
LaTrice Wade jump shoots,


Back Row L to R: Coach Julio Paiz,Andrew O'Brien, David Bordson-Bozzo, Theo Oster, Rhett Kleindschmidt, Ben Lusk, Frank Reiss, Clay Koenig, Beau Ordemann, Brandon Lobell, Coach Angel Plannels, Front Row L to R: Juan Mendez, Robert Killion, Johnny Moustoukas. Andres Mendez, Brett Vogt, Wheeler Graf, Joey Leone and Ryan Farley
184 t
'-*"! a r, px r; o a t ft [N , i q** I tii It
the goal. I 'i ." T I t
in man , t.
Back Row L to R:CoachJulio Paiz, David Bordson-Bozzo, Andrew O'Brien, Manoli Ioannidis, Greg Williams, Theo Oster, Brandon Lobell, Joey Leone, Coach Angel Plannels, Front Row L to R: David Woodard, Leo Godonov, Naveen Kailas, Ryan Farley, Jonathan Lu, Johnny Moustoukas and Robert Killion Brandon Lobell goes for a tackle.
Craf aims
Ordemann dribbles
\/ -t , *.." & L -,N .{ ,-} v \ :t e,t I 1r 'g T ! I t
Juan Mendez and Brett Vogt.


Finish In G1ory

With an impressive 15-3-3 record, the Boys' soccer team had one of its best finishes. Led by captains Frank Reiss, Rhett Kleindschmidt and Clay Koenig. While the St. Martin boys' team had only a few upperclassmen and just two seniors, Frank Reiss and Debashis Mallik, the team had a core of talented sophomores like, Wheeler Graf, who always manages to score at least one goal per game, Joey Leone' Beau Ordemann, Brett Vogt, Juan Mendez and Ben Lust. The Saint's defense was the strongest factor in the outstanding success. Without doubt, the Saint's defense was one of the best in the state.

The Saints defeated some top ranked schools, including Rummel High' The latest poll of the Louisiana High School Soccer Association ranked St. Martin's 9th in it Division III. Next year should be a better one for the Saints; having only two seniors on it's roster, the team will come back with most of it members 365 days more experienced.

Qpponenl . .. $ite Resu]ts



*Faith Christian University (Bi-District)

Day (Regionals)

* Denotes District Game

Beau Ordemann dribbling past a defender
185 H-*. a FT: * T.r &-J Et t
Brett Vogt heads for the goal.
East Jefferson Counrry Day Rummel St. Charles Country Day E.D.
Bonnabel Redeemer *Lutheran *1.{ewman *Karr *Faith
Home Away Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Honre Home (w) 2-1 (L) 3-0 (w) 2-1 (w) s-2 (w) 2-0 (T) l-l (w) 3-1 (w) 3-1 (w) 9-0 (T) 0-0 (w) 8-l (w) r7-0 (T) 2-2 (L) 2-0 (w) 7-0 (w) 7-0 (w) 6-3 (L) 2-l
rlo-?l ,t
Jol'rnny Moustoulas streches towards the ball. ]oey Leone makes a move. Frank Reiss works on a rler{'ntove.
fr, ,1, # 'l
Frank Reiss and Clay Koenig go over a questionalbe call.
cr F * v \ \ t ^.t { m
)uan Mendez tries to fake out the other players, ri.f*t;

Varsity Team

Top left to right: Meri Maurer, Meghan McQuaig, Margaret

Olivier, Liz Hollinger, Dana

Burshell, Ginger Guzzetta, Natalie Stein, Catharine

O'Connell, Cassidy Reese, Margeurite King and Coach

Al Silvas. Below left to right: Akila Subramaniam, Mariann

Wilson, Mary Scott Westfeldt, Emily Ainsworth, Louise

LeGardeur, Kimberly Smith, Tracy Goldblatt and Lauren

Gibbs. Not Pictured: Michelle Chang, Sara Castano, Megan Peck & Jessica Farris.


Junior Team

Top left to right: Mary Scott Westfeldt, Louise LeGardeur, Charlotte Gallagher, Maggie Gallagl-rer, Becky Quintal, Beth Washington, Emily Ainsworth, Kaitlyn Richard, Meredith Emory, Jessica Nicholson, Mariann Wilson and Kimberly Smith. Below left to right: Amelia Gariepy, Cameron Rolland, Lauren Gibbs, Clancy Fink and Bonnie Williams. Not Pictured: Jessica Farris, ATOmidele and Sara Adams.

Ginger Guzzetta and Meghan McQuaig The team does their routine warm up before a game
,ctrJ I ll 186 ; * , r : 'qi E el 20 t; { )t {

A Record That Is Simply Best

The 1999-2000 girl's soccer team had a great season. They finished with a 15-4 record. Under coaches Al Silvas and Linda Trevino, the team grew in strength and skill and had a higher level of confi"dence. Seni.or team members, Dana Burshell, Michelle Chang, Ginger Guzzetta, Natalie Stein and Akila Subramaniam, will be missed next year.

ltffi I ,lt
!k STM Varsity Record (15,4) {4,21* @ McMain 8 0 McGehee 2 0 Pearl R. 5 1 Faith Chr. 4 L Episc. Tournament: Lee 4 1, McKinley 4 2 Episcopal 4 2 Cabrini (win) St. Charles (win) McGehee 4 0 Blenk 5 0 Sac. Heart 1 3 E.D. White 3 0* Ecole Cl. 7 1* Count. Day 1. 6* E.D. White 7 7* Ecole Cl. 11 2* Count. Day 1 5* Sac. Heart 1 5#
Akila Subramaniam dives for the save Catherine O'Connell dribbles her opponent Margeurite King working on her moves before a big game Sara Castano practicing a free kick Mary Scott Westfeldt practicing a corner kick while others look on Liz Holiinger and others warning up before a game Cassidy Reese looking for team-mates
*District #Playoffs
Dana Burshell aims at the goal
and takes advantage of it. 787 -s\ n rl t" l * J -$ n I lr Br! \ 7 f e'e L .; I d M * ,,1 i \, *1 n "qa €'t r mm dt_"M # ',. *, l I 1i t E* r liD. LT ,J6 E? w { rel!#I * b I s j l r&
Megan Peck finds an opening

Saints Finish Third in State

The St. Martin's wrestling team had a successful '99-'00 year. The team proved to be strong and competitive and during the season, defeated some larger schools like De LaSalle, Pearl River, Fisher, John Curtis, Buras, Belle Chasse and Jesuit. The team also traveled long distances to prove themselves as an elite team in the state; they participated in tournaments at Comeaux, Jesuit, Brother Martin, Grace King, John

Curtis, Holy Cross, St. Paul's, and Lee High. The team's record is one of the best in St. Martin's history, placing third in the state. Scott Robinson and Dennis Stewart won State Championships, while teammates Jonathan Coleman gotsecond. Jason Fleming and Tim Rosencrans finished third in their events. Expect the team to be stronger next year.

188 t I t 1 l .n 1 \t, Fi .,j t'rW t ) { \, '., I # \
Back Row: Brandon Simpson, Sean Moore, Bryan McManus, Jason Harmon, Coach Dan Markel, Scott Robinson, Dennis Stewart, Thomas Diano, and Tim Rosencrans. Front Row: Coach Dan Duplass, Blake Duplass, Beau Bradshaw, Jason Fleming, Jim O'Leary, Matt Reese, and Coach Danny Navar.

2000 0l

Top left: Scott Robinson celebrates his first place finish at the top of the podium at the 2000 Wrestling State Championships.

Top right: Dennis Stewart poses with juniors who came to support him after his first place finish at the Ponchartrain Center.

Center right: Bryan McManus flexes his muscle on his opponent during theState Championship.

Below left: Jason Fleming tries to pin his opponent during the State Championship.

Below Ieft: Tim Rosencrans receives two points after a legal takedown against an early round opponent with the referee looking on.

I ! d I ; rI d lL-f '&' I I I I \ S-** ". $ 3 T' r ffi,

Cross Country

St. Martin's runners with the state trophy
Sara Goodman leads From Left to Right: Coach Jim Marsailis, Kevin Comer, David Christian, Ross Hogan, David Svec, David Bordson-Bozzo, Whitney Davis, Greg Williams, Evin Dicharry, Michael Daly, Clayton Eiswirth, Ricky Clotworthy, Ben Janke, Brent Smith, Bret Vogt. Ryan Monsour. Bottom Row: Bonnie Williams, Jessica Farris, Skye Eisworth, Elizabeth Hall. Erica Remsberg, Lauren Rogers, Sarah Tuuri, Erin Coatney and Margaret Olivier
Whitney Davis and Brent Smith
I I?Se LHS*{A x it{- f -tt( rn t -] a w l*I
Sara Tuuri about to take the lead

Boys Meets


St. Joseph's Invitational l0th (43 teams)

Catholic High 14th (47 teams)

Meanard Invitational 3rd (17 teams)

ULL Invitational (Formerly USL) 4th (16 teams)

Bishop Sullivan Classic I st (22 teams)

District lst (District l0A)


Top Right: Whitney Davis, Ben Janke, Ross Hogan, Brent Smith and David Bordson-Bozzo.

Below Left: Whitney Davis and Walker Saik

Below Right: Brent Smith and Brett Vogt

Girls' Meets


St. Joseph's Invitational (3rd Junior high)

Catholic High (2nd Junior High)

Meanard Invitational 4th (17 teams)

ULL Invitational (Formerly USL) 5th (16 teams)

Bishop sullivan Classic 7th (22 times)

Disrict 2nd (District l0A)

State 3rd IN STATE

Oct.2 We ran in the St. Joseph's lnvitational at Highland Road Park in Baton Rouge. The boys' team ran to an impressive lOth place finish out of43 teams. Brent Smith's time of l7:08 was the best StM 3 mile time since the legendary Reynolds Wilson in 1989! We didn't run a full girls' team. Instead we used our top freshmen girls on the Junior High team. That squad took home third place honors, led by swili 7th grader Sara Goodman in l4:00.

Oct 9lt was wet and wild at the Catholic High Meet. Times were generally slow on the soggy course, but there were some notable exceptions. Our girls took home the 2nd place trophy in the Junior High division, led by Sara Coodman's 9th place finish in a time of 14:05.Walker Saik ran a big PR 17:22 to lead the boys varsity to l4th in the.l7 team field.

Oct 16 The boys team took 3rd place honors and the girls got 4th in the l7-team Menard Invitational in Alexandria. Walker Saik's l7:45 highlighted the boys' eflbrts. Whitney Davis and Brent Smith followed him. The winning team from host Menard became the first single A team to beat the Saints this season. Brett Vogt and Ryan Monsour were the other scoring Saints. Sarah Tuuri ran a l4:01 to lead the girls. This was the first time that our 9th grade and middle school runners joined the varsity, and it resulted in a fine team finish. Margaret Olivier and Jessica Farris were the second and third Saints to cross the finish line, Ieading a tightly bunched group ofStM runners. Dana Burshell and Kathryn Weidner were our other scorers.

Oct 23 The ULL (Louisiana University - Lafayette) meet produced our best performances this season. Many team members ran their best times as the boys raced to 4th in the I 6team filed, while our girls were 5th. Once again, Menard was the only single-A school to beat our teams. Walker Saik ran l7:10 for a seventh place linish to lead the boys. Dependable Whitney Davis followed in l7:35. The best news was Brett Vogt's dramatic improvement to l7:39. Brent Smith (17:50) and Ben Janke (19:23) were our other scorers. Silah Tuuri dropped a half a minute from her best time to lead the girls with an I lth place time of l3:30. Sara Goodman also dipped under l4 with a l3:48. Jessica Farris (14:20), Bonnie Williams (14:32), and Sara Silvestri (1.1:38) rounded out the Saints scoring.

Oct 30 Yahoo! Our boys' team won the Bishop Sullivan Bayou Boogie Classic in Baton Rouge, finishing first out of22 schools. And we finally beat single-A rival Menard. winning by a scant seven points. Whitney Davis led our guys with a I 7:47 time over the relatively slow Fairgrounds course. Walker Saik was right behind in I 7:47, and Brent Smith, Brett Vogt and Ryan Monsour were our other point-scorers. Jessica Farris ( l4:22) and Margaret Olivier led our girls to 7th place, as several of our top runners sat out the race to let nagging injuries heal.

Nov 4 The Saints have both individual champions in District I0A. Sarah Tuuri easily took the girls' title in l3:32. Finishing 2nd in district on the Lakefiont course was Sara Goodman (t3:45). The Country Day girls won the meet, edging St. Martin's 26 to 29. Both Sara Goodman and Sarah Tuuri earned All-District honors. Our boys dominated the sparse district field, capturing the top six places! Brent Smith (17:08)just edged Walker Saik (17:09) for the championship. Whitney Davis (17:29), Brett vogt (also l7:29) and Ryan Monsour ( I 8:50) were the other All-District honorees.

NovemberlT The boys and girls teams traveled to Nachotish, Louisiana to run in the Louisiana High School State Athletic Association State Meet. ln competition with Menrd of Alexandria, Cedar Creek of Ruston, archrival Country Day of Metairie, and several other schools, the girls' team managed to win an impressive 3rd place. Competing on a notoriously difficult course, Sara Goodman (13:46) and Sarah Tuuri (14:02) got 4th and 7th place respectively. Our other girls' runners were Margaret Olivier, Jessica Fanis, Dana Burshell, Sara Silvestri, and Bonnie Williams. Our boys' team, in competition with powerhouse teams such as Menard, Cedar Creek, and Hanson, won the team's first state championship since 1983. Although the school has won state championships in higher divisions, coach Jim Marsailis described the 1999 team as "The best cross country team that St. Martin's has ever had and probably will have for a long time." The team had 5 runners in the top 15 of a field composed of nearly 200 runners. Brett Vogt (16:57,4th place), Brent Smith (17:l0,7th place), Walker Saik (17:13, lOth place), Whitney Davis (17:34, I lth place), and Ryan Monsour (18:07, l5th place) ran Our other state runners were David Bordson-Bozzo

some of the best races of their lives and Ben Janke.


Boys Baseball

Saints Finish With An Outstanding Record

The St. Martin's Baseball team finished district in second place. The Saints' (14-5,9-3) finish was enough to secure them a home playoff game in the opening round of the 1A playoffs. After finishing the first round of the playoffs in a three-way tie for second place, the Saints surged ahead down the stretch to beat out Boothville-Venice

and Country Day. The team started the second round with a win over Ecole Classique. They then had a big game against Boothville-Venice where they avenged a loss earlier in the season. 7-1. After a win over Lutheran that included a no-hitter by Jeb Bauer, the Saints faced Crescent City in a Game that was shortened by rain. The Saints then defeated Country

Day 13-10 in a game that lasted over four hours. Finally, the Saints secured second place with a win in Port Sulphur, l1-3. In the Playoff game against Cedar Creek, the Saints unfortunately lost with a score of 195. Overall, the Saints had a great season.

Chris Jol'rnsor-r witll a close miss , Zach Tyson slides into second base Frank Reiss at the bat
-Becky Quintal
Coach Dozier goes over strategy with the team.
792 F I * w li II -: F t.tr

Back Row L to R: Coach Brett Emery, Zach Tyson, Brailley Johnson, Cbach Sam Dozier, feb Bauer, Trey House, Coach Tony Bonura. Middle Row L to R: Frank Reiss, Chris Johnson, Gerry Beckett, Thomas Welch, David Peterson. Bottom Row L to R: |onathan Schoen, Dimitri Loupakos, Walker Saik and John Caine.

* Denotes Distict Game

#Denotes Class lA Playoff Game

Site Opponent Score Miley Buras l5-1 (W) MileY Reserve Christian ll-1 (w) Miley West St. John l2-0 (W) Away Buras 2l-10 (W) Away Bonnabel 10-11 (L) Miley xEcole 16-0 (W) Away *Boothville-Venice 4-7 (L) Miley *Lutheran 17-3 (W) MileY Pope John Paul Rained out Wentwood *Crescent Ciry 3-6 (L) Miley xCountry Day 9-8 (W) Away Belle Chasse 3-8 (L) Miley *Port Sulphur 7-2 (W) Miley Belle Chasse 8-7 (w) Away xEcole l2-l (W) Miley *Boothville-Venice 7-l (W) AwaY xl-utheran 13-1 (w) Miley xCrescent City l-3 (L) Bertolino xCountry Day l3-10 (W) Away xPort Sulphur I l-3 (w) Miley #Cedar Creek l9-5 (L)
The Seniors (L To R): Trey House, Jeb Bauer, Frank Reiss and David Peterson and Coach Dozier say goodbye to St. Martin's baseball.
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The team huddles up before a game.
193 : it"
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Saints player waiting on the side line

STM 2000 Softball Team

Back row, left to right: Courtney Nicholson, Kathryn Bullock, Janelle Malbrough, Malinda Russo, Cassidy Reese, Katie piccolo, and Coach Jerry Reese. Kneeling, left to right: Sky Eiswirth, Lauren Gibbs, Rachael Nachman, LaTrice Wade, and Cally McCall. Sitting, left to right: Coach Roma Coleman, Neema Patel, Ashley Mohrmann, Miriam Smith, Amanda Hazel, Jill McCall, Leslie Geiger, and Jessica Boe. Missing: Jessica Colon and Remi Wood. The team made it to the dist yofT with a record of 6- l3- I LaTrice Wade hits the ball and runs to first base
Pitcher, Katie Piccolo, concentrates on the batter Cally McCall sets rcadv ro srnash the hall whilc- at hrrt
I l
tCatcher, Neema Patel awaits for the ball.
The team flexes their muscles after a good game
Jessica Boe gets her batting stance ready Coach Jerry Reese gives pep talk after a game
il f' l ,Y ? I d. ,a U '/
Ashley Mohrmann before swinging at the ball. Ashley Mohrmann, Miriam Smith and Amanda Hazel after a game Cally McCall and Katie Piccolo take practice swings. Sky Eiswirth prepares for the pitch, ready to swing The teanr takes a picture with their number one cheerleading fan. Cally McCall smaches the ball for a double. Jitl McCall watches the batter from the fleld.
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Lauren Gibbs steps to the plate, ready to hit the ball.

Track and Fields

196 J I i & f I x ;
Above: Track coaches Chick McGeehan and Jim Marsalis pose with the track and field team.

Ryon Rossner (right) won Stote in both the discus ond shot put, He corried the teom to 2nd ploce ot stote with his excellent preformonce, At the stote meet Ryon olso broke the school record for the discus,

I I i t I t' I I I I I \L 797 _l.lI s {q-' {a- VS I r'\ I

Track and Fields

198 a !s
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Right (l) and below far right(2): St. Martin's gymnast Olga Ivanova. Olga finished third in the state's division I with an total score of 36.30. She also 1 finished second on the bar. Below(3): fellow gymnast, Cristina Campo, perfectly her skill on the bar.

A line up of St. Martin's faculty and staff that help judge home track tournaments
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The golf team improved tremendously and had the most successful season in St. Martin's history. The team that has struggled with a three-year losing streak finally broke out after a close victory over Ben Franklin right before the regional. The team then tackled Riverdale Golf Club for the regional where the team qualified for the State Tournament for the first time in school history. The Saints qualified for the state finals mainly because of a strong finish in the regional by CoCaptain David Peterson who shot 74, one stroke off the winner. The team tied for third under the guidance of first-year coach, John O'Connell. At the State Tournament at Emerald Hills Resort and Country Club the team finished 8th overall led by other Co-Captain, ]onathan Martinez. Martinez shot 81-75 to place 8th in the individual competition. It was a successful year for the Saints, and the success now has the golfprogram in the school on the right direction.

Above: David Peterson -David Peterson Above: STM golf team finishing up a hole
* L s i 200
Above: Jonathan Martinez with Country Day's leading golfer, Jonathan Levenson pose before the State Finals Tournament. Left, St. Martin's Golf team (L to R): Wheeler Graf, Jonathan Martinez, David Coons. Brett Vogt, Dominic Hood, David Peterson, James Buckley, Johnny Moustoukas, and Beau Ordemann.
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Above: Brett Vogt prepares for the state finals at Emerlad Hills Resort.


St- Martirr's lirriscopal Sck.r.rl

Eric Deroche and David Svec during a practice section. Girls' Team (L to R): Meredith Emory, Lindsay Crotty, Lindsey Greer, Elizabeth Hollinger,Margaret Olivier, Akila Subramaniam, Meri Maurer, Julie Rabalais, Meghan McQuaig, and Lauren Malone. Boys' team (L to R): Ryan solomon, David Svec, Matt Stedman, Rahul Tikia, Eric Deroche, Neej Patel, and Evan Dicharry.
i, r Margaret Olivier Meri Maurer il n
I J ISAA All-SJrtrrts A'warrt ffieChar'rpior,s ZOOO 201. l*"- { 1 I Ii .t l if

Aimee, Lindsay, Cassidy, Tracy, Meredith, Heather, Katherine, Leslie and Clancy smile

Varsity Cheerleading

Top L to R: Alex Pappas, Cassidy Reese, Lindsay Swetnam, Tracy Goldblaa, Meredith Emory and Aimee Hyatt

Bottom L to R: Catherine O'Connell, Katherine Burke, Liz Levy, Heather Boos, Leslie Gieger and Clancy Fink

Coach: Mr. Scott Beard

Above: Cassidy Reese cheers on the football team to victory. Above right: Varsity Cheerleaders with excitement on spirit night.
202 tl -/ I ,\ I { \ I il ' .., 'o *\ .I 4 ., { j t J , ! .t T T r I T \,. q l { p-5
Right: Lindsay cheers with a future St.M cheerleader.

Freshman Cheerleaders

Top L to R: Heather Boos, Lindsay Swetnam, Meredith Emory, Ayla Reith, Clancy Fink, Leslie Gieger

Bottom Left to Right: Emily Estes, Katie Richard, Kristen Howard, Beth Washington, Mariann Wilson

Right: varsity Cheerleaders Aimee, Katherine, Alex, Cassidy, Heather, Meredith, Lindsay, Catherine, Tracy and Clancy pose with Miss Marian at a football game. Below right: the jv and varsity cheerleaders pump up the crowd at an all school pep rally Below left: Leslie and Heather are up in a stunt.
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Middle School Sports Molt

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Above right: Michelle Chang and Priya Anand smile for the camera. Right: Members of the NHS after the Fall tapping of in front of the Van Slate house. Below: Speaker Dr. Frank Svec.
Manoli Ioannidis, Praveen Kailas, Scott Robinson, and Clayton Eiswirth relaxing after being initiated into NHS.
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New members of the 1999 Fall tapping. Top row From left to right:Ryan Adkerson, Jeff Glaser, Rahul Tikia, Scott Robinson, and Matthew Stedman Middle row (L to R): Clayton Eiswirth, Praveen Kailas, David Svec, Ben Janke, Dominic Hood, and Manoli Ioannidis. Front row (L to R): Lindsay Crotty, Elizabeth Hollinger, Pete DeBoisblanc, Lauren Ciles, and Ashley Finney.

Top Lef t: Ondina Canales, David Svec, and Carol Wang pose for a picture. Above: New member Ryan Adkerson with old member Scott Samuels.Member of the NHS after the Spring tapping.Below: Spring speaker, Jerry Saporito

r*D-: Old members Ben Janke and John Roger Bell stand with new member David Christian.
;lii \r ; 1 \uc^ * I 277 I {--&. I I I rlf {f t _ if'\. lil , 'l a
New members of the 2000 Spring tapping: Gregory Williams, Jonathan Coleman, Ross Hogan, and David Christian stand with Ms. Beckman and Mr. Jerry Saporito.


Student Council

president, Adam

Harry Lee one

bears the council helped raise fund to buy. Operation teddy bear provides dozens of teddy bear that deputies carry in their cars and give to children during calls.

Below left and middle: St. Martin's students displaying cookies and caddies with pride, the student council sells candies to the student body to raise money for it's activities.

Below far right: Student government president, Adam Voth, and his vice, Adam Smith, during a Council sponsored rally.

From L to R: David Coons, David Svec, Jessica Carvin, Jonathan Martinez, Rhett Kleinschmidt, Dana Burshell, Adam Smith, Becky Quintal, Meri Maurer, Adam Voth, Scott Robinson,Alex, Pappas, Will Vail, Clancy Fink, Megan Peck, Bonnie Williams, and Lillie Rea. Student Council Voth, gives Sheriff of many teddy
sr!{ 2t2 .t$ ri' I .i $$Ne\ i1 -./ 1 I. { I ar ,--

Class of 2000 Offrrers

President: Priya Anand (Right)

Secretary: Jessica Carvin (Left)

Vice-president: Jonathan Matinez (Top)

Treasurer: Josh Kaston (Bitting finger)

Class of 2001 CCTS

President: Dominic Hood (Left)

Vice-president: Scott robinson (Right)

Secretary: Ryan Monsour (Top in-box)

Treasurer: Elizabeth Hollinger (Above in-box)

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Class of 2002 Offirus

President: David Coons

Treasurer: Elizabeth Burke

Vice-president: Katherine Burke

Secretary: Erin Coatney

Class of 2003 CCTS

President: Heather Boos (Middle)

Treasurer: James Lasome (Right)

Vice-president: Meredith Emory (Cheerleading)

Secretary: Seth Babin (Left)

214 E t *x.x,r*tx .: I r I {. l I

Class of 2004 Offirers

Class of 2005 Offtc'ers

David Mohrmann (Co-secretary) Beau Bradshaw (Historian) Gary Solomon (President) Brain Bell (Co-secretary) Stephanie Gill (Vice-president) Brooke Conroy (Vice-president) Anna-marie Coons (Co-secretary)
215 rtp d t
Jordan Stone (Parliamentarian) Jessica Wise (President) Sara Goodman (Co-secretary)

Shield Club

Left (L to R): Catherine O'Connell (Shield Editor)

Kevin Kirschman (Lower Lchool editor), David Christian (MiddleSchool Editor) David Svec (UpperSchool Editor).

Below Left, Ginger Guzzetta, Sport Editor, working on the girl's scoocer pages.

Below middle Shiel staff, Ricky Clotworthy, Ty McGuire, and Trey House.

Below Right, Shelby Westfeldt, Senior Editor.

Stabding (L to R): Benjamin Bologna, Jordan Estes, Michael Gieger, Chris Denuna, Preston Emory, Alex Minno, Nick Hee, Matt Dozier, Aaron Hyatt, Phillip Podret. Jeffrey O'Bryon, Colin Nicholson, and Brian McCormick. Kneeling (L to R): John Martell, Nate Beckett, Adnan Suleman. Travis Bayer-Russell, Brenton Ho, Jonathan Buring, Chris Sinner, and Thomas Hennington. Seating (L to R): Sophia Loupakos, Decca Denny, Emily Hogue, Martina Scheuermann, Mia Silverstri, and Ani Childress.
21,6 1 I r:'' l I I $*|r l v ,! t I U'Y# I I ___= I I

Above, Middle School Science Olympiad.

Standing(L to R): Casey Contreary, Venkat

Subramaniam, lloyd Beckett, Ryan Gray,Siva

Chandramohan, Karla Perez, Trey Ruello, Carter

Rossner, Brain Bell, Andy Brinson and Tyler

Coatney. Kneeling (L to R): Mr. Warren Lind (advior), Neej Patel, Andrew Wilson, Jansen Smith, Mitchell White, joshua Gramlich and |on Vai.

Right, Brian Bell and Lloyd Beckett.

ScieLCe OTltmpiad
Upper School Science Olympiad. Back Row (L to R): Brett Vogt, Michael Abadie, Zach Wool, Clayton Eiswirth, Dr. Robert Wazeski (advisor) and Pra ee., Kailas. Middle Row (L to R): David Bordson-Bozzo, Davis Svec, Walker Saik, Pete deBoisblanc, Ross Hogan, and Nathaniel Woltering. Front Row (L to R): Daniel Miller, David Christian, Carol Wang, Sarah Tuuri, and Akila Subramaniam.
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Speech CTub

Left to Right: Dominc Hood, Mr. John Knight (coach) Jeff Glaser, Rhett Kleinschmidt, David Coons, Kevin Kirschman, Kimberly Brizzolara, Jessica Carvin, Zach Wool, Adam Voth, Rriya Anad, CarolOrtenberg, Mr. Jimmy Cox (advisor and Louisiana State Speech Coach of the year '99r00)and Mr. Eze Anomneze (coach). St. Martin's speech team with the New Orleans Catholic Forensic League's first place thropy. Miss Kate Arthurs (Performing Arts chair) Jeff Glaser, Adam Voth, Priya Anand and David Coons. rLeft: Spencer Wool, Priay Anand. and Zach Wool.
278 il
Right, Seth Babin and James Lasome
ffi l .T \ * a" r{* ffi w t q 4 I -. --J $

Chorus Club

Right, MiddleSchool Chorus. BackRow: Elizabeth Shackelford, Shayo Omidele, Elyse McDaniel, Irene Matthew-Parker, and Gabriella Burst. Middle Row: Frances Derby, Rachel Suuey, Fehintola Omidele, Emily Fransen, and Courtney Block. Front Row: Ashleigh Scheuermann, Sarah Dunn, Elizabeth Gilbert, Celeste Block, Elizabeth Derby, and Camille Bourgeois. Below, Right and Left: Middle School Chorus members during rehearsal.

Back Row: Kayla Marmillion, Stephen Borrello, Elizabeth Crouch, Sarah beth Pansano, Michelle Borrllo, Katherin Peck, and Samantha Trattler. Middle Rwo: Hillary Scheinuk, Katie Odell, Mark Matheny, Andrew McDaniel, Kristina Crouch, Jamie Bethley, Erin Rose, Mogan Prieur, and Katherin Kemmerly. Front Row: Elaine kwon, Priscilla Schlesinger, Garret Parent, Joel Derby, Anastasia Loupakos, Margaret Yon, and Claire Tipoll.
219 i \ ,, & I I I l" { &- t E I c ,'i I '< ll JI I I I I I i* (* I $. + t I h I I - t*j I

Key CTub

Bottom Row: Left to Right:Jessica Boe,Heather Bethley, Carol Ortenberg, and Malinda Russo Second Row Left to Right: Catharine O'Connell, Arinola Omidele, Erin Coatney, Lindsay Greer, Margret Olivier, Stephanie Kaston, and John Caine Third Row: Juan Mendez, Rachel Nachman, Ondina Canales, Lauren Giles, Ashley Mohrmann, Mary McCall, and Kevin Kirshman Fourth Row: Grant Yelverton, Elizabeth Schoen, Michael Daly, Jimbo Geary, LaTrice Wade, Lauren Malone, Manoli Ioannidis, Elizabeth Weigand, Lillie Rea, Walker Saik.
220 I ,r{ #.ry 't I t *$. ! + lp' ? t J I I _*dq r t'! "l .s rrf I El*,1* & t' t j' t' { ;{ --4 Ft - fr tfrP. ** rii {/ 1l '1 )' .t
Above and Right, Key Club members work on roses before Valentine's day

VVeb Publishing Club

l,t u
Standing (L to R): Mr. Craig Jackson, Stephen Chester, Sky McEIroy, Mark Holden, Nick Hee, Carter Rossner, Mitchell White, Richard Odell, Andrew Trujillo, Jamie kovac, and Denver Gray. Kneeling:John Martell, Steven LaRosa, and Andy Brinson Right: James Buckley and |ohn Caine working on St. Martin's web site. Below right: William McCulloch and Jason Harmon in the Web publishing room.
II *4 *. 221
Below Left: Akila Subramaniam and Michelle Chang find time to laugh during the busy web publishing class
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Etiqtette CTub

222 { f I lr il t \\ I i' ?* \ \ ' .r' fte "ut, ',' tltr;,\.S
Standing (Lto R): Miss Julie Ellington (advisor), Matt Williams, Amanda Hogue, Jill McCall, Lindsey Defosse, Jessica Haley, and Mrs Susan Godchaux. Bending (L to R): Jordan Spinosa, Jordan Stone, David Mohrmann, Charles Richard, and Chris Saporito. Kneeling (L to R): AnnaMarie Coons, Eliska Torres, Gary Solomon, Spencer Wool, and Christine Stanley. Seating (L to R): Megan Ripoll, Ashleigh Scheuermann, Hillary Gibbs, and Setphanie Gill

Samaritan CTub

Member of the Samaritan Club organize food dirves and during holidays and special dates, package and distribute the food to needy familiies and organizations.

Above: Hardy Weaver, Tyler Coatney, Katharine Pugh, Nicole Sistrunk and Neema Patel packaging food at the 2nd Harvester's Food Bank.

Right: Colleen Gravley, Brittany Jouandot, Elise Bordson-Bozzo andlisette deBoisblanc. Bellow Left: Nicole Sistrunk. Bellow Center: Hardy Weaver. Bellow Right: Becca Denny.

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Worship Club
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HandbeTT Club

Admissions Club t I
Back Row: Jenelle Malbrough, Cally McCall, Amiee Hyatt,Will Hester, Ben Janke, Lindsay Crotty, and Mrs. Margaret Schuber (advior). Middle Row: Julia Lundy, Thomas Diano, Rhett Kleinschmidt, Jessica Carvin, Samantha Levenstein, and Erin Coatney. Front Row: Jarlyn Johnson, Ondina Canales, and Jessica Boe.
225 lax$ \r a t I a ii i s $ m
Back Row (L to R): Caroline Wilson, Adele LeGardeur, Kayla Marmillion, Logan France, Michelle Schmidt, Shannon English-Rhoden, Andrea Guevara, and Mrs Peggy Fransen. Front Row:Jonathan Henry, Stephen Chouest, and David Gibert,
Back Row: Mrs. Doris Baron and Mrs. Mar Quinet (advisors). Middle Row: Michael Daly, Eddie Medina, Michael Abadie, Jenelle Malbrough, Julia Lundy, Jarlyn Johnson, and Lindsay Crotty. Front Row: Carol Wang and Ondina Canales.
Birthday CTub 226 il t * # _tr {tr! r -* k r--!
Back Row: Frances Derby, Brittney Hocut, Garet Petterson, Kristin Foret, and Mrs. Glenn Brady. Front Row:Camille Bourgeois, Kelsey Vogt, Ani Childres, and Lindsey Cengo.

Junior Achievers

Reading Club

T \.*
Back Row: Thomas Horne, Colin Nicholson, and Lawrence Comiskey. Front Row:Jon Vail and Chad Nolan
Thomas Horne, Andrew Trujillo, Daniel McCullougl-r, and Jonathan Porobil
:! it! a a
Art Club E ryii&l
,, nl
Elizabeth Derby, Sarah Dunn, Ms. Christine Sauer, Celeste Block, and Irene MatthewParker
228 t i t I , t T l! U * Spirit Club r I t. I i I I I d ,*_-r I,l, ,.\
Stella Duplass, Ashleigh Morales, Claire Bruton, Natalie Keeney, Brooke Walker, Stacy Savoie, and Taylor Ann Roberts

EnvironmentaT CTub

Garden CTub

)? "r : L
Back Row (L to R): Blaine Yelverton, Jacob Boe, Gus Rodriguez, Ryan Becnel, Rebecca Lusk, Elizabeth Shackelford, and Gabriella Burst. Middle Row: Bobby Quintal, Joshua Gramlich, Siena Reith and Jordan Estes. Front Row: Peter Matheny, Paul Groth, and Stephen Cacioppo. Back Row (L to R); Katie Odell, Joel Derby, Pearson Smith, Alexander Vu, Dean-Michael Elazab, Julia Scales, Kristina Crouch, Libby Webber, Baylor Barnett, Jennifer Baer, Robert Breaux, Jack Truett, and Andrew McDaniel. Front Row: Maryclaire Manard, Sarah Rothschild, Ashley Roop, Courtney Foret, Christine Schmidt, Margaret Yon, Caroline Burglass, and Anastasia Loupakos
229 {
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Ei* siiuil ffiw &* B IHffiffi 't Br8ill m B r t8l & frxlh Lyre
Left to Right: Kimberly Brizzolara, Cassidy Reese, Bonnie Williams, Jenelle Malbrough, Samanthat Levenstein, Lauren Gibbs, Diminic Hood, Olga Ivanova, Ross Hogan, John Caine, Jonathan Coleman, Trey House, Farhan Siddiqui, Robert Skinner, and Miss Carrie Massey
I ffi r I -* ,1 ilt;ttI tt tll ,I -I\ t 230
Members of tl're Lyre at work, from left to right: Andrew O'Brien, Jeb Bauer, Jimbo Geary, Matt Stedman, and Kimberly Brizzolara

Chess CTub

French CJub


Zachary Wool, Ashley



Megan Peck, Erica Remsberg, Julie Rabalais, Aimee Moreau, David Christian, and Beau Ordemann. Front Row: Adam Voth, Lauren Malone, Lindsay Crotty, Margaret Olivier, Carol Ortenberg,and Mrs. Dobrescu.

Back Row (L to R): Brant McConnell, Kylie Contreay, Hilary Schenuk, Gabrielle Hebert, preston Stead, Dean-Michael Elazab, Kyle Anderson, Maryclaire Manard, Evan Sullivan, Ethen Johnson, Jeffrey Favaloro, Liam Hutchinson, and Mitchell Leff. Front Row (L to R): Marc Rasi, Robert Dusang, Alex Pantazis, Remy Bajeux, Chester Vaughn, Alexander Vu, Courtney Foret, Sarah Rothchild, Sara Whitehead, Margaret Yon, and Michael Moore. Back Row: Brett Vogt, Smith, Finney, Rea, and Saik. Middle Row:
231 lfA}I t'if. { Ir { I tJ tJ , * *r l
I ffiild t, ffi It: m* w Gr'-, Kt -r*rt \' 232 /'w t q3 T ,O I J { r-" a\ I I .a( ^ds!t -{BX&t 'l t \ 1 { L. I .l l !
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I WorldDay r:il,' 237 {r. * r "3r.-t * TE -\i ll '{.
$ tt a d c)N$-' / o M 'rtwn"t/ h b{-l' o/qt 4"<. OTfi Congrfrtulations Iass of 2000. 4aw,0 t", -t,% t- Nt ,Lt r ( s \-' h ,) /rt[t,1 / /O#lretu U,rff ,*l' 238 O$r^1- /(,u* ^"t tr! '(.
Con ations enslve Ri ht Tackle 1$ Ibam r All lllstiot lst leam r AII tast letlercon Academic fll $tate Love, Mom and Dad 239 a ,sr : E i Ttr wf n * "i iil { i J il::,tl n * L
i:I:r:t : : rl Ailatlons frttil , Lovn) Mout & Deo I I 240 x * t I # a. I T I r
I J} Ow Littfchincess I i /ufalions RncHEn! I fi* LovE, Deo, Movr RaNpALL AND ErzanETH T pe ,'aI It !A '' L: x 241 r IF ! I &[ { J { ,*'--lr I t :l .* x* slr :i
$ fir'n6o, 70" ,r't6 /ou conhtzued J suceess n l6e fulure. lDe for.,e you *rd czne aqy p*rd ofyou. 9I(o-, Ood a g'66y * ils }{ f la t * $ ;,ff "1 ]! ) tl I 1. j .*wt t T r -"U l I ; J T
SpeciatArye[ ru'' Bouu, Aoil7, F"6rny Gongralufalions Oiona. TD.'re .to Prcu ffi * &s" d ofyor. 9ICo- & a dd I Y T lI$ {** i "t I \ 213 \\ J a 'a I & l I I
% Our
Co ttons x fiv{a { I :,1 &r,, Y{ # { i Jt + I .{ X ;" re $ r I t I I j "TDfialeaer you ean doro, dreorn, you can rtrfiegin il. $"lc{nn" .6o" guzt'us, pooer, *td *agic trt , 9oe/6e Lovp, Mona, DAo, AruonBw, AND PETER. tl. ,, 244 a r ffi { v jg -{ {{ 1 : I T ct ..1 I I 'x \ $r1 fl I ru ru rorro , m

Congratulatinns Arllm ! I

TTranks fur a rvtmderful joumny.

t-)ur lovc lbr you is and always will he "bigger than the univsrssl".

Mum' Dad" Hunter S#l , & Fasit (tlA(:)

fr & t t. a $ I n
II '* * * 245 rere t r I J E : rl* \ I i a E * d : I ,$ Itt t I i I * i
CoilGBArulAlolt$ Bvnr ! we nre so fsulof y*t gest. of h{k ntsru. Mfry nllyour ilrenms awtslus como trlta. Lrvc, Mory onl, & cnrtsr. 246 a FI k ! .T T" { t I ffi t I tb- t{ i* h. II I ..jl J I I lI l M

Oh The Pla s You'll Go!

"Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go. You'll look up and down streets. Look'em over with care. About some you will say, 'l don't choose to go there.' With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you're too smart to

go down any not-so-good street. And you may not find anyyou'llwant too down. ln that case, of course, you'll head straight outof town.lt's

opener thee in the wide open air. Out there, thinds can happen and f requently do to people as brainy and footsy as you. And when things start to happen, don't worry. Don't stew. Just go right along. You'll start to happen too. OH! THE PLACES YOU'LL GO! You'll be on your way up! You'll be seeing great sights! You'lljoin the high fliers who soar to high heights. You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed. You'll pass the whole gang and you'll soon take the lead. Whereever you go, you'll be the best of the best. Whereever you go, you willtop all the rest. Except when you don't. Beacause, somethimes, you won't. l'm sorry to say so but, sadly, it's true the Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you. You can get hung up in a prickle-ly perch. And your gang will fly on. You'll be left in a Lurch. You'll come down from the Lurch with an unpleasant bump. And the chances are, then, that you'll be in a Slump. And when you're in a Slump, you're not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done. You can get so confused

that you'll start in to race long wiggled roads at a breaknecking pace and grind on for miles accross weirdish wild space, headed, I fear, toward a most useless place. NO! That's not for you! Somehow you'll escape and that waiting and staying. You'll find the bright places where Boom Bandsare playing. With bannerflipflapping, once more you'll ride high! Ready for anything underthe sky. Ready because you're that kind of


guy! Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be had! There are pointsto be scored. There are games to be won. And magical things you can do with a ball, will make you the winning-est winner of all.

FATME! you'll be as famous

as famous can be, with the whole wide world watching you on TV. But on you will though the weather be foul. On you will go though your enemies prowl. On you will go thought the

HakkenKraks howl. Onward up many frightening creek, though your arms may get sore and your sneakers may leak. On and on you will hike. And I know you'll hike far and face up to your problems whatever they are. You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and rememberthat Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be desterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) KlD, YOU'LL I/OVE MOUNTAINS! so be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or MordecaiAli Van Allen O'shea, you're off to great placeslStephen Nathaniel Woltering... Today is your day! You mountain is waiting. So... get on your way!'

...Love Mon, Dads, Catherine, Attila, Debbie, Meme, Goose, Regina, Paula, Peter, Rhet, Maggiie, Benjamin and the wonderful Dr. Seuss.

U) Ftr o Et-r J o 5 z S) t+ l-r J I t{ J lro o t= o tra FF o H lro H J 0a

't .
**-,w,,VC $


Congratulations Zachary!
are very proud of you-
Chap and Most LikelyTo Succeed!
know that you will be a leader and scholar in Brown's class of 2004! 248
Your Dreams, Mom, Dad, Harrison & Spencer f,.;t "u t I ilT .I I x ! k I a L I s ir I I L I .rfr"* Xif ry -19 .{ffil(ffir r:EIr 'l

Brent, it has being a fabulous 14 years! We lozte you and are so proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad, Kimberly, Nicky and Gambit.

249 3 / ,,, ,r* I t * ,* { x -. ii ry ig & ffi
Congratulations nnd Goodluck osh \ .fl' oi'r \ .fl' 1C s9 $9 Love, [Vom and Dad *$ Peter, We're so proud of you! Love, Mom, Daddoo, margot, Maw-M?w, Belle & Boudreaux. il !n-4 I I Im ffi ,.* a { 250 n'li I
Congralufalions / fromgvforu, Dan, :Ei{cen, krd, Annnna, fiCatfiefuu, eerubpa flofdo, rufJ arrlgiene! I { $; t-c * i l'*"["u* le]Tr*'"1* $ U.,r. Lu i I I t-ni"l: r-f +'ur* " Ltl{{ I ft ** r Fq d , fi1errq d*e*n' s**l 251 GI 1 -r I ilr .: Itt .I a I FL [q* H ,ffi \ L dI I I .s



PM,6atof fir{
r. 252 { h \.T \ t l atMiami, g{ottyuoo[ A lBeyounl! fuie,fit{offi, Dad SapA zfuy, IA fivfissy,Effic, Ugvtia .i! ', t M ! 3 I t ffin .r5 }j,. r ,.sr h l*'

Congratulations Frank!


will we do without you? Lots e, De e da,b, Cars on €t CoxGRATULArroNs, RrcKY!!! 253 GI tQtg-= F'! F* *B -*--- n w r 1 r'f,$ t YOUR PERSEVER/INCE DARING YOUR 14 YEARS AT ST. MARTIN'S ITAS MADE US PROUD. Lorse, Mom, Dad Robby, Coliry & Iau.rie I ,ff ru rry a!* ''s .:r.:;,'l


E. WICKER 1950.1992 Congrats and "I-alos" ! Mom, Dad, Ari & Chai.
ttThfrt's my buddy" DAVID
Matt, DonI do anything
donl uant to read about on the
Page of the uniuersity's neuspaper! Loae, Mom dr bob rll Felicidades y buena suerte, monse. Te querremos mucho, Puruunguita! I-ove, Mom, Dad, Jennifur y Boo-boo ,i ; ,f .,X. .f '*t * I * ,# c&e I 254 q 1 l f ,& A I T lual 1 T J _l "e{ w l l
Dear Debashis, Congratulations! We are proud ofyou. Best of luck in your future endeauors. V(/ith hue, Ma, Papa, Didi, Debesh, & Simba Dr. Rex Mooney ...CARING TEACHER/ ...WISE MENTOR/ ...LOYAL FRIEND/ eNo CHnISTIAN EXAMPLE To ALL. WTTU THANKS AND APPRECIATION/ THro Osrsn II Cmss or '01 Congr,atulations ry We're proud of you. Loue, Mom, Dad, arud Dreta. Congratulations closs of 2000! Dreams come true. wAt_LY psRTrft AS$SCIATr$ "'* 255 B' 1 :},

Peter Castaing

Ricky Clothworthy

Whitney Davis

Josh Kaston

Ty McGuire

Keith Pyburn

Robert Skinner

Matthew Wicker

Lauren Giles

Ben ]anke

Praveen Kailas

Stephanie Kaston

Georg Venturatos


Sophia Loupakos

Emily Hogue

Martina Scheuermann

Mia Silverstri

Ani Childress


Catharine O'Connell

Senior Editors

Shelby Westfeldt

Ginger Guzzetta

Ti.y House

Upper School Editor

David Svec

Middle School Editor

David Christian

Lower School Editor

Kevin Kirschman

Sport Editor

David Peterson

Layout Editors

Becca Denny

Jordan Estes

Ashley Mohrmann

AIex Pappas

Becky Quintal Advior

Eze Anomneze

Benjamin Bologna

Michael Gieger

Chris Denuna

Preston Emory

Alex Minno

Nick Hee

Matt Dozier

Aaron Hyatt

Phillip Podret

Jeffrey O'Bryon

Colin Nicholson

Brian McCormick

Iohn Martell

Nate Beckett

Adnan Suleman

Tiavis Bayer-Russell

Brenton Ho

Jonathan Buring

Chris Sinner

Thanks to all staff , students and parents that helped throughout the production of this yearbook. Special thank goes to the Mother's club, Suzette Adair, Ilene Pool, Dot Stengel, Ashley Woods and Sara Woodard.

-Eze Anomneze (Shield Advisor)


Duplass,Stella 131, 228

Dusang, Kevin 138

Dusang, Robert 150,231

Ebrahimpour, Bijan 155

Eddy, F. Hathorn 23

Edwards, Sue 12,777

Eiswirth, Clayton 96, 790, 210, 277

Eiswirth, Skye 104, 182, 190, 794, 195

Eiswirth, Yvonne 18

Elazab, Cory M. 158

Elazab, Dean-Michael 146, 229, 237

Elizabethan Day 722, 123

Ellington, Julie 12, 222

Embree, Alex 155

Emory, Brett 193

Emory, Brooks 8,22

Emory, Jackson J. 159

Emory, Meredith 704, 786, 201, 202, 203, 274

Emory, Preston 737,276

English-Rhoden, Shannon 738, 225

Ernst, Rhett 155

Eslick, Kory 143

Estes, Dee Dee 8

Estes, Emily 104,203

Estes, Jordan 724, 276, 229

Ethan, Gilbert 151

Evans, Ryan 172

Evans, Ryan M. 96

Farber, Guy 72,172,773

Farber, William M. 159

Farley, Ryan 184

Farley, Ryan J. 96

Farris, Jessica 704, 786, 790, 791

Farris, Savanna 155

Favaloro, Jeffrey 751,237

Favrot, Thomas 704,772

Figueroa, Carter 153

Fink, Clancy 786, 202, 203, 272

Fink, Katherine 105

Finney, Ashley 97, 270,237

Fleming, Jason 105, 188, 189

F1eming, John P. 159

Fleming, Jonathan 100, 180, 181

Flick, Bryan 138

Folse, Richard 107,772

Foret, Courtney 229,237

Foret, Courtney A. 146

Foret, Kriston 731,226

Fox, Mason 151

France, Adrian 124

France, C.J. 155

France, Logan 739, 178, 225

Fransen, Emily 31,219

Fransen, Emily C. 116

Fransen, Peggy 12,225

Fritchie, Gustave A. 116

G.Wool, Harrison 119

Gallagher, Charlotte 105, 186

Gallagher, Maggie 186

Gallagher, Margaret 105

Gariepy, Amelia 1,05, 777, 786

Garrett, Christina 13

Gatzman, Inez 19

Geary, James 60

Geary, Jimbo 90, 220, 230, 242

Geiger, Leslie 194

Gengo, Lindsey 137,226

Geoghagan, Ryan T. 116

George, Cassidy 163

George, Chloe 155

Giambelluca, Chris 155

Giardina, Claudia 19

Gibbs, Emerson R. 159


Gibbs, GiGi 139

Gibbs, Hillary 1.24,222

Gibbs, Lauren 105, 777, 786, 194, 795, 230

Gibds, Larry 8

Gibert, David 739,225

Gibert, Elizabeth 131

Gieger, Leslie 105, 202,203

Gieger, Michael 131,216

Gieger, Stephen Wesley 146

Gilbert, Elizabeth 219

Gilbert, Hunter 131

Giles, Lauren 47, 270, 220

Giles, Lauren R. 97

Gill,Stephanie 275,222

Gill, Stephanie E. 717

Glaser, feff 23, 772, 180, 270,218

Glaser, Jeffery 31

Glaser, Jeffrey G. 97

Godchaux, Susan 73,222

Godiwala, Dr.Teias 8

Godonov, Leo 184

Godurov, Leonoid 105

Gold, Eric 61, 89

Goldblatt, Ann 13

Goldblatt, Tracy 101, 786, 202

Goodman, Andrew 155

Goodman, Sara 724, 790, 791, 215

Gowland, Brittany 124

Graf, Wheeler 707, 784, 200

Graham, Matthew 101

Graham, Robert S. 117

Gramlich, Joshua 125, 217, 229

Cravley, Colleen 125,223

Gray, Denver 731,221,

Gray, Martin 151

Gray, Ryan 725,277

Gray, Taylor 101, 181

Green, Marian 18

Greer, Diane 13

Greer, Lindsey 707, 177, 207, 220

Groome, Julia 101

Groth, Paul 725,229

Guepet, Haley N. 159

Cuevara, Andrea 139,225

Guevara, Lisa 13

Guillory, Jane 13

Guyton, Ashton 163

Gvzzetta, Ginger 38, 40, 42, 67, 85, 786, 21,6

Hagensee, Joseph T. 159

Hagood, Patrick 146

Haley, Jessica'125,222

Hall, Elizabeth 101, 190

Hall, June 13

Hamann, Chris 13

Handelsman, James 151

Harmon, Jason 772, 188, 227

Harmon, Jason L. 97

Harmon, Susan 13

Harris, Scott 705,172

Harry, Jordan 143

Harter, Peterson 105, 772,781

Hayes, Taylor 143

Hazel, Amanda 70'1,194, 195

Heaton, Andrew 139

Hebert, Gabrielle 231

Hee, Natalie 146

Hee, Nick 725,216,227

Hennington, Thomas 137,276

Henry, Jonathan 739, 225

Henson, James 139

Henson, Julie 125

Herbert, Gabrielle 143

Hester, Will 225

Hester, William 101

Hicks, Kerry 97, 180, 781

Hill, Alan 139

Hill, Andrew B. 777

Hill, Tim 13

Hillyard, Robert K. 159

Hintz, Nicholas 62

Hintz, Nick 82,88,172

Hintz, Tina 13

Ho, Andrew 151

Ho, Brenton 137,276

Hocut, Brittney 731,226

Hoffman, Ginny 13

Hogan, Ross 97, 790, 191, 217, 277, 230

Hogue, Amanda 222

Hogue, Amanda D. 117

Hogue, Emlly 131,216

Holden, Bob 8

Holden, Elizabeth 151

Holden, Mark 725,227

Holden, Stephaine 143

Hollinger, Allison 705, 176, 177

Hollinger, Eilizabeth 186

Hollinger, Elizabeth 4'1,, 97, 1,87, 2O1,, 270, 213

Homecoming 34,36

Homecoming Queen 38

Honeywell, Katherine 155

Hood, Dominic 97, 780, 781, 200, 270, 273, 218,230

Horn, Carter Van 157

Horn, Louis Jr. 19

Horne, Thomas 125,227

House, Trey 62, 780, 193, 216, 230, 240

Howard, Kristen 203

Howard, Kristin 105

Huffman, J.C. 163

Huffman, Katie 163

Humphreys, Alexandra 143

Humphreys, Chris 131

Hurley, Jack 143

Huston, David 97

Hutchinson, Lram 747,237

Hyatt, Aaron 132,276

Hyatt, Aimee 707,202,225

Ingold, Christopher 97

Ioannidis, Emmanuel 97

Ioannidis, Manoli 31, 784, 270, 220

Isreal, Dylan A. 159

Ivanova, Olga 105, 199,230

Jackson, Craig 73,227

Jackson, Donnie 739,178

Jacobson, Joey 151

James, Will 117

Janke, Amanda\N. 777

Janke, Ben 190, 197, 270, 277, 225

Janke, Benjamin 97

Jermann-Rabito, Robin 13

Johnson, Amanda 151

Johnson, Bradley 97,772, 780

Johnson, Chris 97, 772, 773, 792, 793

Johnson, Emily E. 159

Johnson, Ethen 231

Johnson, Jarlyn 97, 178, 782, 183, 225, 226

Johnson, Olivia 151

Johnson, Vicki 14

Johnston, Blake 139

Johnston, Cooper 132

Jones, Chad 139

Jones, Eric M. 117

Jonson, Bradley 193

Jouandot, Brittany 223

Joundot, Brittany 125

Jurisich, Richard B. 159

Kaigler, Hervie 164

Kailas, Naveen 105, 184

Kailas, Praveen 98, 270, 277

Kaston, Betsy 14

Kaston, Josh 5, 63, 83, 88, 273, 252

Kaston,Stephanie 98,220

Katz, Riley 164

Kaufman, Mark 105

Keeney, Natalie 732,228

Keeney, Nicholas 155

Keir, Bill 19

Keir, Linda 14

Kemmerly, Katherine 743,279

Kendrick, Paul 101

Kern, Blaine 156

Khodr, Evan R. 747

Khodr. Rami 125

Khurana, Amika 156

Khurana, Rajan 151

Killian, Francesca A. 159

Killion, Robert 101, 184

Kinard, Dustin 164

King, Marguerite 101, 186,787

Kirkpatrick, Connor 164

Kirschman, Kevin 31,'107, 778, 276, 218, 220

Klebba, Lee 14

Kleinschmidt, Morgan 151

Kleinschmidt, Rhett 31, 98, L72, 784, 212, 278,


Knight, John 218

Knighten, Jenkin 19

Koenig, Clay 184, 185

Koenig, Clayton 98

Kotler, Courtney 156

Kovacs, lamie 732,227

Kovacs, Joey 739

Kraft, Michael 14

Krebs, Kaylie 164

Kwon, Elaine 143,279

Kwon, Peter H. 159

Lafuente, Gabriel L. 159

LaGardeur, Dan 8

Lago, Mary-Elizabeth 151

Landers, Blair 101

Landry, Patrick 156

Langsford, Dylan 156

LaRosa, Sleven 132,227

Lasome, James 105, 274,278

Lazano,Jennifer 125

Lazes, Scott 139

Ledet, Zachary J. 159

Lee, Jacqueline 139

Lee, Peter 102

Lee, Phillip Jeffrey 747

Lee, Stephen 151

Leff, Benjamin "Ben" 725

Leff, Mitchell'1,47,231

LeGardeur, Adele 739, 225

Legardeur, Louise 41, 105, 777, 786

Leone, Jessica Wren 117

Leone, Joey 1,02, 1,84, 785

Lesley, David 14

Levenstein, Samantha 98, 778, 779, 225, 230

Levy, Elizabeth 102

Levy,Liz 202

Lewis, Robert S. 117

Lind, Warren 14,217

Little, Elizabeth 14

Littleton, Timothy 105

Lobell, Brandon 31, 98, 772, 784

Loeb, Nicole 105

Lombardo, Cameron 105, 181

Long, Edie 14

Lottinger, Andrew 156

Loupakos, Anastasia 747, 279, 229

Loupakos, Dimitri 105, 193

Loupakos,Sophia 125, 216

Loupakous, Dimitri 181

Lowe, Nicholas 106

Lu, Ellen 159

Lu, Hsueh-Ping 117

Lu, Jonathan 706, 178, 779, 784

Lu, Shaina 150

Lumpkin, Blair 139

Lumpkin, Jonathan 151

Lumpkin, Wayne 9

Lundy, Julia 98, 225,226

Lunyong, Alex 164

Lunyong, Marcie 143

Lunyong, Timothy 156

Lusk, Ben 184

Lusk, Benjamin 102

Lusk, Blake J. 117

Lusk, Rebecca 725,229

Lyles, Brodie 156

Mahar, Nathaniel 102

Maise, Eddie 19

Malbrough, Jenelle 102, 776, 782, 183, 794, 225,226,230

Mallik, Debashis 63, 255

Malone, Alison 224

Malone, Alison K. 117

Malone, Kristin 125

Malone, Lauren 201, 220, 231

Malone, Lauren A. 98

Manard, Maryclaire 147, 229, 237

Mariel, Madeline 151

Markel, Daniel 14, 772, 188

Marmillion, Kayla 139, 279, 225

Marphis, Charles 19

Marsalis, Jim 14, 1,90,1,91,,196

Martell, John 132, 216,227

Martin, Leigh 156

Martin, Michael W. 160

Martin, Nicole 164

Martinez, Andrew 132

Martinez, Jonathan 64, 83, 200, 212

Martino, Michael 156

Massey, Carrie 14, 230

Massicot, Josh 250

Matheny, Mark 747 ,279

Matheny, Peter'1,32, 229

Matinez, Jonathan 213

Matthew-Parker, Irene 132,279,228

Matthew-Parker, Katherine 151

Matthews, Andrew 125

Matthews, Christine 156

Matthews, James 143

Maumus, Charles 14

Maurer, Meri 31, 102,785,201,272

Mayeux, Billy 132

McCall, Cally 102, 777, 782, 194, 795, 225

McCall, Jill 182, 183, 1,94, 195, 222

McCaIl, Jill M. 117

McCall, Mary 220

McConnell, Ashlynn 151

McConnell, Brant 747,237

McCormick, Bri.an 732, 276

McCormick, Janis 14, 111

McCulloch, Will 772

McCulloch,William 98,221

McCullough, Daniel 725, 227

McDaniel, Andrew 219,229

McDaniel, Andrew S. 147

McDaniel, Elyse 732,279

McElroy, Aaron "Sky" 125

McElroy, Sky 227

McGeehan, Chick 15, 772,796

McGuire, Andrew 106

McGuire, Drew 178

Mccuire, Ty 90,276

McGuire, Tyler 64,255

Mcllwain, Rachel 65,241

McManus, Bryan 98, 772, 1,88,789

McQuaig, Meghan 37, 1,02, 786, 207

McQuaig, Wiiliam 125

Medina, Eddie 172,226

Medina, Eduardo 106

Mehra, AnshulM. 747

Mehra, Lushna 164

Melius, LoganE. 747

Mendez, Andres 65, 83, 88, 1'78,779,784

Mendez, Juan 102, 178, 779, 784, 785, 220

Mendoza, Samantha 151

Mensen, Deborah 15

Merrick, Edwin Thomas 66

Micklin, Jacob A. 160

Micklin, Patti 15

Miller, Daniel 98, 217

Minge, William 106

Minno, Alex 132,216

Minno, Miles 152

Minno, Ross 164

Moezzi, Julian C. 160

Mohrmann, Ashley 25, 98, 178,779,782,783, 794,795,220

Mohrmann, David 275,222

Mohrmann, David T. 117

Molaison, George 140

Monsour, Hunter C. 118

Monsour, Ryan 98, 1,90,797,213

Mooney, Rex 3, 4,75,255

Moore, Christopher S. 118

Moore, Mason 164

Moore, Michael 231

Moore, MichealF. 747

Moore, Sean 188

Morales, Ashleigh 1.32,228

Moreau, Aimee 98, 1,78, 179,231

Morel, Kayla 144

Mortillaro, Peter 706,772

Morton,Christopher 164

Moustoukas, Diana 66, 87, 89, 243

Moustoukas, John 102, 184, 185,200

Muller, Donald 144

Mulvey, Meghan 164

Mura, Jennifer 144

Murphy, faclyn 182

Murphy, Kenan 164

Murphy, Paulina B. 160

Nachman, Rachel 102, 177, 794, 220

Nair, Lekshmi 160

Najolia, April 15

Najolia, Blake 165

Najolia, Brandon C. 147

Natchman, Rachel 182

Navar, Danny 188

Navo, Daniel 19

Nayak, Sharat 160

Newlin, Elizabeth 31, 98

Nicholson, Colin 276,227

Nicholson, Courtney 778, 779, 194

Nicholson, Jessica 186

Nielson, Taylor 156

Nolan, Chad 227

Nolan, Taylor 178

Noya, Christina 156

Nugent, Julia S. 147

O'Brien, Andrew 98,784,230


O'Brien, Betty 18

O'Bryon, letfrey 732,2'16

O'Bryon, Sara 152

O'Connell, Catharine 3, 98, 776, 786, 187, 202, 276,220

O'Donnell, Joseph 140

O'Flynn, Edwina 15

O'Flynn, Julie 15

O'Leary, fames 106

O'Leary,lim 172, 188

Odell, Jack P. 118

Odell, Katherine G. 148

Odell, Katie 219,229

Odell, Libby 140

Odell, Richard 132,221

Oliver, Kieron 165

Oliveri, Jason F. 118

Olivier, Margaret 102, 186, 187, 190, 797, 201, 237

Olivier, Margret 220

Omidele, A.T. 186

Omidele, Arinola 102,220

Omidele, Fehintola'132,2'1,9

Omidele, Fishayo 11.8,219

Omidele, Olamide O. 160

Ordemann, Beau 184, 185, 200, 231

Ordemann, Marshall 102

Ortenberg, Carol 31, 102, 21.8, 220, 231

Oster, Theodore 99, 772,'184,255

Ovella, Kecia 15

Owens, Kathryn 152

Owens, Michael T. 160

Paiz, |ulio 184

Pansano, Sarah 140

Pansano, Sarah beth 219

Pansano, Susan 15

Pantazis, Alex 152,231

Pantazis, Nikos 148

Pappas, Alex 272

Pappas, Alexandra 38, 41, 99, 176, 202

Parent, Garret 219

Parent, Garrett 148

Patel, Neej 726, 207, 277

Patel, Neema 126, 182, 183, 194, 223

Patterson, Garet 725

Patterson, Troy 744

Peck, Katherine 744, 279

Peck, Megan 702, 176, 187, 21.2, 231

Pellegrin, Thomas D. 160

Pelleteri, Mark 102

Peres, |eremy 126

Perez,Karla 217

Perez, Karla G. 118

Perez, Pedro 15

Perret, Margaret 15

Perry, Ryan 172,181

Perry, William 106

Peterson, Ashley 40, 67,86,88,776

Peterson, Davtd 67, 83, 89, 772, 176, 180, 183, 793,200,252

Petterson, Garet 226

Phillips, Brandon 165

Phillips, Hunter 152

Piccolo, Christian 68, 83, 1.72, 1.80

Piccolo, Katie 102, 177, 182, 194, 195

Pittman, Stephenie 9

Plannels, Angel 184

Podret, lana 144

Podret, Phillip 132, 216

Pool, Ilene 15

Porobil, Jonathan 227

Porobil, Jonathan E. 118

Power, Kathy 15


Prieur, Morgan 144,2'19

Prince, Alex 144

Prince, Madison M. 150

Provance, Deena 140

Provenzano, Avery 165

Provenzano, Joseph A. 160

Pugh, Katharine 126, 223

Purrunguita 254

Pyburn, Keirh 68, 90, 172

Quinet, Kevin 144

Quinet, Mary 75,226

Quintal, Becky 106, 178, 179, 186, 192, 272

Quintal, Bobby 1,32, 229

Rabalais, Julie 102, 176,207,237

Ramelli, Rachel 126

Rasi, Marc 752,237

Ratliff, Chay 102, 180, 181

Razza, Jamie 140

Rea, Lillie 47, 1,02, 272, 220, 23'1

Reed, Dean 76,778,179

Rees, Janice 16

Reese, Cassidy 99, 186, 187 , 194, 202, 230

Reese, Jerry 16,1,82, 1,94

Reese, Matt 188

Reese, Matthew 31,106, 172

Reggio, Crant 165

Reiss, Frank 184,185,192,193

Reith, Ayla 706,203

Reith, Siena 126,229

Remsberg, Erica 702,237

Resignola, Cheryl 16

Reva, Esther 18

Reynolds, Megan 160

Richard, Charles 126,222

Richard, Kaitlyn 106, 186,203

Richard, Marcelle 156

Richards, fon 156

Ridley, Blake 157

Ridley, Kyle 144

Riess, Frank 69, 87, 89, 172, 253

Rigdon, Jan 8

Rimsberg, Erica 190

Ripoll, Clare 144

Ripoll, Megan 726,222

Riso, Ashley 118

Riso, Nicole 152

Rivet, Chuck 16

Roberts, Connor 152

Roberts, Courtland N. 160

Roberts, Taylor 133

Roberts, Taylor Ann 228

Robichaux, Jessica 106, 179

Robinson, Scott 99, 172, 188, 189, 210, 212,


Rodriguez, Gus 229

Rogers, Catherine 140

Rogers, Jack 16

Rogers, Lauren 106, 190

Rogers, Nathaniel 99,772, 180

Rogers, Pam 16

Rogers, Rev. Jack 10,224

Rolland, Cameron 706,778, 186

Rolland, Martha C. 118

Roma, Coach 183

Roohi, Alma 16

Roohi, Madeline E. 160

Roop, Ashley 229

Roop, Ashley C. 148

Rose, Ariana 152

Rose, Erin 144,219

Rosenbaum, Bill 16

Rosencrans, Tim 107, 172, 188,789

Rosner, Ryan 197

Rossner, Carter 1-26, 2'17, 221

Rossner, Ryan 69, 82,172,246

Rothschild, Sarah 229, 23'l

Rothschild, Sarah B. 148

Row, Bottom 193

Ruckman, Tripp 160

Ruello, Trey 126, 148, 217

Russo, Malinda 702,782, 194,220

Ryan, Barbara 16

Sabludowsky, David 140

Saik, Walker 103, 180, 181, 191, 217, 220, 231

Saikn, Walker 193

Samuels, Scott 211

Samuels, Scott Richards 70

Sanchez, Kristina 707, 177

Sander, Louranie 19

Saporito, Chris 726, 222

Saporito, lerry 8,217

Saporito, Scott 107, 778,179

Sarpy, James 103, 772, 1,81

Sauer, Christine 76, 228

Saunders, Grant 152

Saunders, Rebecca 107,177

Saunders, Scott 141

Savoie, Stacy 133,228

Savoy, Beverly 19

Scales, Craig 141

Scales, fulia 229

Scales, fulia E. 148

Scalia, Debbie 16

Scheinuk, Hilary 1,44, 21,9, 231

Scheinuk, Taylor 126

Scheuermann, Ashleigh 1.26, 21.9, 222

Scheuermann, Martina 133, 216

Schlesinger, Priscilla 219

Schlesinger, Prissy 145

Schlesinger,Spencer 152

Schmidt, Christine 229

Schmidt, Christine A. 148

Schmidt, Kyle S. 118

Schmidt, Michelle 741.,225

Schoen, Elizabeth 37, 99, 772, 174, 182, 183, 220

Schoen, lon 772

Schoen, Jonathan 107, 781, 193

Schuber, Margaret 16, 225

Scoggin, Stewart 157

Scott, Karen 16

Seaver, Buddy 99,772

Senior Internship 91

Senner, Christopher 133

Senner, Karl Ashby 118

Shackelford, Elizabeth 126, 279, 229

Shah, Ravin H. 161

Sharple, Judy 17

Shaw, Sue 17

Shea, Adam 107

Sheen, Mason 165

Sheth, Ankit 133

Shickel, Zachary 752

Shuey, Rachel 133

Siddiqui, Farhan 103, 781, 230

Siegel, Gloria 17

Siegrist, Mason O. 161

Silva, Holly 17

Silvas, Al 186

Silvestri, Mra 733,216

Silvestri, Sara 191

Silvestri, Sara J. 118

Simpson, Brandon 188

Simpson, Pat 77

Simpson, Thomas 103

Sinner, Chris 216

Sistrunk, Nicole 127, 778,223

Skidmore, Sarah E. 161

Skinner, Amanda 145

Skinner, Katherine 157

Skinner, Robert 5, 22, 70, 83, 88, 230, 257

Slack, Taylor 152

Smilari, Joanna 165

Smilari, Michael F. 148

Smith, Adam 77, 89, 179, 272, 231

Smith, Allison 17

Smith, Benjamin 141

Smith, Brent 22, 7'1, 82, 778, 779, 190, 797, 249

Smith, Calrence 19

Smith, Cheryl 17

Smith, Emily 72

Smith, Jansen 133,277

Smith, Kimberly 707, 186

Smith, Laura L. 118

Smith, Miriam 1,03,794, 195

Smith, Pearson 229

Smith, Pearson A. 749

Snow, Michelle 17

Soloman, Gary N. 118

Soloman, Ryan 180,181

Solomon, Conway 152

Solomon, Gary 8, 31, 275,222

Solomon, Ryan 103,201

Solomon, Sam 141

Spencer, Clay 772

Spencer, Jared 707,772

Spencer, Lucius 103

Spindler, Alison A. 119

Spinosa, Andrew 152

Spinosa, Jordan 727,222

Sprague, Rev. Jim 75,77,42

Stanley, Christine 222,224

Stanley, Christine E. 119

Starr, Kevin 153

Stead, Preston 145,231

Stedman, Collin 157

Stedman, Matt 89

Stedman, Matthew 72, 82, 90, 779, 207, 270, 230,244

Stedman, Meredith 161

Stedman, Ruth 127,'178,779

Stein, Natalie 5,73,83,85, L86

Stengel, Dol 17

Stentz, Laruen 177

Stentz, Lauren 31, 107

Stewart, Dennis 99, 172, 788, 789

Stewart, Katherine 17

Stone, Jordan 727, 275, 222, 224

Struppeck, Adam 149

Suazo, Chloe 153

Subramaniam, Akila 73, 83, 86, 786,'187, 20'1, 277,227

Subramaniam, Ambika 153

Subramaniam, Venkat 727, 277

Suleman, Adnan 133,216

Sullivan, Evan 231

Sullivan, Evan M. 149

Suuey, Rachel 219

Svec, David 3, 99, 790, 201, 210, 211, 212, 216, 277

Svec, Dr. Frank 210

Swartz, Donald S. 23

Swetnam, Lindsay 1,07, 202, 203

Sylvester, Taylor 161

Talbert, Mason 74, 772, 774

Tastet, Emily E. 161

Taylor, Michelle A. 149

Tessier, Mark 103

Thompson, Louis 17

Thompson, Richard 103

Tiblier, Jimmy 127

Tiblier, Michael 153

Tikia, Rahul 74, 82, 207, 270

Tikia. Robyn 119

Timmerman, Conor 161

Tipoll, Claire 219

Torres, E1iska 222

Torres, Eliska G. 119

Torres, Tourne 31, 177

Torres, Tourne' 107

Tosh, Christopher 145

Tourelle, Tyler 157

Tranchina, Andrew 99

Trattler, Samantha 745,279

Trevino, Lrnda 77, "176

Troth, Dave 19

Truett, Frances 153

Truett, Jack 229

Truett, John 145

Trujillo, Andrew 727, 221, 227

Tufail, Umar 107, 787

Tuuri, Sarah 24, 75, 87, 778, 779, 190, 797, 217

Tyson, Zach 1,80,1,92, 193

Tyson,Zachary 99

Uribe, Gabriela 127

Yai,lon 277

Vail,Jon 733,178,227

Vail, Will 212

Vail, William 107, 779

Vallotton, Ariel 165

Van, Ellsworth O. Slate 22

VanDenburgh, Daisy 161

VanDenburgh, GiGi 165

Vaughn, Chester 749,237

Yazquez,Eleanor 149

Venturatos, Georg 99, 772,


Vu, Alexander 149, 229, 237

Wade, LaTrice 99, 182, 783, 794, 220

Walker, Brooke 133, 228

Walker, Richmond 153

Wanek, Carolyn 18

Wang, Carol 45, 76, 89, 277, 277, 226

Warzeski, Robert 18

Washington, Beth 186, 203

Washington, Elizabeth 107

Washington Trrp 120,721

Waters, Ashleigh 153

Waters, Jonathan P. 161

Waters, Lauren 141

Watson, Madeleine 157

Watson, William 153

Watts, Cammy 107

Watts, Edward 145

Watts, Rachel 733,224

Watts, Sarah 703, "177

Wazeski, Robert 217

Weaver, Hardy 37,223

Weaver, Katherine 133

Weaver, Matthew H. 119

Weaver, Michael 145

Webb, Alyson 127, 223

Webber, Chase 157

Webber, Elizabeth 149

Webber, Libby 229

Weidner, Kalie 727, 797

Weigand, Elizabeth 103,220

Weigand, Nick 133

Weigand, Richard 145

Welch, Thomas 193

Welch, William 99

Wellborn, Courtney 18

Wells, June 18

Westfeldt, Mary Scott 707, 177, 786, 787

Westfeldt, Shelby 4, 40, 76, 88, 276, 257

White, Jessica A. 119

White, Mary 18

White, Mitchell 127, 277 , 221

White, Rachel 153

Whitehead, Sara 1.49,237

Wicker, Matthew 77, 85, 89, 254

Wiedemann,Caroline 141

Wiedemann, Erika 157

Wiedemann, Lawrence 161

Wien, Meagan 99,778, 179

Wiggins, Nikki 157

William, Greg 190

Williams, Bonnie 107, 786, 190, 197, 272, 230

Williams, Greg 184

Williams, Gregory 99,271

Williams, Matt 222

Williams, Matthews B. 119

Williams, Scott 141

Williams, Thomas 18

Wilson, Andrew 127, 277

Wilson, Caroline 147,225

Wilson, Edie 8

Wilson, Mariann 107, 186, 203

Wilson, Matt 772

Wilson, Matthew 77

Wilson, MeMe 18

Wilson, Peter A. 149

Wise, Andrew M. 749

Wise, Jessica 727 , 178, 779, 275

Wise, Will VailJessica 178

Witman, HaroldF. 22,23

Wolff, Ashley A. 119

Woltering, Nathaniel 24, 78, 217, 247

Wood, Chantal 107

Woodard, Allan 9

Woodard, David 103, 184

Woodard, Matthew J. 119

Woods, Ashley 18

Woods, Cullen 145

Woods, Kyle 153

Woods, Shannon 18,778, 779

Woods, Whitney 1,33, 778,'179

Woodward, Kristina 157

Wool, Harrison 224

Wool, Spencer 727, 278, 222

Wool, Zach 217, 218

Wool, Zachary 24, 25, 78, 82, 86, 237, 248

Wright. Lonell 8

Yacoubian, Alexander l. 161

Yelverton, Blaine 727, 229

Yelverton, Grant 103, 178, 220

Yon, Margaret 749, 279, 229, 231

Yount, Parker S. 161

Zimmermann, Miesje 99, 176

Zuniga,Miguel 157

185, 190, 791, 200,
180, 181, Vogt, Brett 703, 184,
217, 231
Kelsey 1,33,226 Vogt, Kerry 18
42, 75, 82, 84, 89, 21,2, 21,8, 231., 245
Voth, Adam
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