ScrrorARsHIP, SE qrII{ 0 THE SHIELD 2001
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racious God, we pray ro you for rhe mission and minisrry ol
Marrrn'-s School. Granr thar rhe members of, our cornmuniry, seerng the image of God in one anocher, may be guided in rhe
' : 1YIXV I4^€''fl€lf, ! never. [ar] co see-m-tf Mosr of all. all. in rhe St. Martini
,nd may we
-4-ScrrorARsHrP. ) cg ST ]VIARTIN,SEPISCOPAL SCHOOL Metairie, Louistana Volume XXI 200t I
hr Faculty Srudent Life Seniors IJpperSchool MiddleSchool LowerSchool Sports Clubs Ads sraff & Index /4-) 6-19 20-47 48 - 704 706 - 725 726 - 755 756 - 793 794 - 233 234-259 260 -297 298 - 304 I usmPAl !1l,i d rt 2 fiI 't: t7 .5 c- f { E* I I N i * { t' \
!' 'rodnction to 'Tfu /Shiebt
'Welcome to the 48th edition to the Shield. The student editors and staffhave dedicated many long hours to create this years book of memories. From the graduating class of 2001 to the Pre - K class of 2014, we have made every effort to record the most important events and joyful moments. \We have captured from the funniest moments to the most touching with the snap of a camera. My hope is that during in the time you spend flipping through this yearbook you will relive the tears, the laughter, and joys of being a part of STM. From the construction of The Saints Hall and the new cafeteria, we were there. From the sharing of love on St. Martin's Day to the celebration of service at Habitat for Humanity, we were there. \Thatever mistakes or omissions these pages hold, let this yearbook remain a true memento of the best times of our lives. Finally it is with pleasure that we, the class of 2001, dedicate this yearbook to Mr. Chuck Rivet.
Catharine O'Connell Editor
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The Class of 2001 proudly dedicates this year's Shield to NIr, ChuckRiaet
Most enjoyable teacher.
-Ryan Evans
(( when we go to the St.M vs. Newman events we sit on the bleachers between Newman & St.M and hold
-Mr. Rivet )) hands.
The most fun I have ever had in a class.
-Thomas Diano
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/ f k ! i '\*, s ry , LJ T -l '*
Far East was the best class ever. We will miss you Mr. Rivet.
-Far East class
Mr. Rivet is a man. good hearted
5 I TIx 3 : .,e L t *iri* "l.;Fi I I { lifl I
-Miesje Zimmerman
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President and Head of School
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Elo arcl of Trr..-Istees
Front Row Seated(LtoR): Jan Rigdon, Gary Solomon, Jerry Saporito, Leo Dressel, Dee Dee Estes, and Bob Holden Back Row (L to R) Brain Bossier, Steve Jones, Gedge Gayle, Jennifer Buckley, Dan LaGardeur, Parker Waters, Tejas Godiwala, Kevin Gravley, Beth De pass, Brooks Emory, and Edie Wilson. Not shown: Sean Daly, Larry Gibbs, Lonell Wright and the Rt. Rev. Charles Jenkins.
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Leo P. Dressel
r of Stuldies and Dirzisiorr Heads
Wayne Lumpkin Director of Studies
Harriet Aguiar-Netto Upper School Head
Stephenie Pittman Middle School Head
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Allan Woodard Lower School Head
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Suzette Adair Middle School Secretary
Robin Adams
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Billie Andersson Lcaming Specialist Pre- Kin dergarten Computer Analyst
EzeAnomneze Library/Speech/Yearbook
Kate Arthurs Music/Drama/Performing Art
FNicholas Backer Kindergarten Assistant
Cap Baier Spanish
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Doris Baron MS/US Head Librarian
Eileen Beckman English ( ltroIc
Thomas Bender MS/US Librarian
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Tony Bonura PE Coach
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Scott Beard Middle School Science
Doris Boos Transportation/Housekeeping
Tim Boots
O'Neal Bourgeois Maintenance Director
Ashley Woods Bozeman First Grade Inlbnnation Technology
Michael Broussard Athletic Trainer
,* Shelia Brown School Science
Amanda Bunol
lq.e' ss & s aw s*-s $fq
Carolyn Busenlener Lower School Art School Mathomatics Admin. Asst. to the Head of Sch
Sheila Coggeshall Upper School Art
Sara Coker Music and Band Director
Roma Coleman PE /Cheerleaders Director
r'tr 11 rl I -j r I I J mc ,f j a \ *-q I
Tootie Conway First Grade
I t T T I u I I I r I s I
{ Lt I I rl I I ,> Robert
Wre rnn Manager oiStudent Accounts G FI il h I I #s I
Kathy Crouch Filth Grade Margaret Cumberland Fourth Grade Suzanne Daly Purchasing & Operations
DeRoche Jr. Middle School French
Julie Dicth
Carmen Dobrescu
t \ I \ tt'
Guy Farber Fifth Grade Kindergarten Upper School French
Peggy Fransen
Christina Garrett Fourth Grade
Susan H. Godchaux Middle School Social Studies
School Music !8 ,,t rFy , l,/ ' l'--'r:S. Donna
1I lt ,d i1 :l { b.*
Ann L. Goldblatt Pre-Kindergarten Assistant
Coons Athletic Secretary
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Sue Edwards PE Coach
Lisa Guevara Spanish Teacher
Iina Hintz Leaming Specialist
June Hall Communications Coordinator
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Anita Hamilton Pre-Kindergarten Assistant
Dianne Greer Mathematics Teacher
Jane Guillory Pre-Kindergarten Assistant
L 1,,1i{Lw II
Chris Hamann \lumnae Coordinator
Susan Harmon Nurse/RN
Ginny Hoffmann Lower School Librarian
Robin Jermann-Rabito Mathematics Teacher
Craig Jackson Iechnology Instructor
r I \ $ i.{ I m
Vicki Johnson Fifth Grade Teacher
Michelle Jensen PE/Swimming Coach
j t d k \ T re n ! t r h 3n ! t I n w$ *& ffi I -/ h.. J t t tr
Shai James
Betsy Kaston Middle School Social Studies
Linda Keir Mail Print Roorn Coordinator
Lee C. Klebba English
Michael Kraft Director of Food Services
David Lesley Upper SchooI Science
l* Warren Lind Science/Director of Enrichment
Elizabeth Little Second Grade
Edie Long College Counselor
Danicl Markel
Jim Marsalis Mathematics/Coach
Carrie Massey Upper SchooI English Middle School Chaplain Dean of Students/Chemistry
Charles Maumus
Barbara Maurer English
Janis McCormick Mathematics
?L*q{S q I\ 1 I\ : i i 1 1 q Frq h- J r. rd ! q &i g 3 ,$";&
Chick McGeehan PE Coach
Manager of Human Resources
Deborah Mensen Social Studies/Coach
na O'Flynn Dcvclopment Oftice
Heather Patterson MS and LS Counselor
Ilene Pool
Patti Micklin
Julie O'Flynn Admin. Asst. to the Business Man
Kathy Pearce English
Rex Moonev Histow
Susan Pansano Third Grade
Pedro Perez Spanish
Mary Quinet Upper School Social Studies
April Najolia Director of Studies Sccretary
Jason Parkman Third Grade Second Grade f
Development Director
Margaret Perret Sr
15t: IJ I .F * F ' I f T :u 1
Kathy Power Development Secretary Charles Ramos Latin Upper School Secretary
9.r,3(ragoE " tl
Dean Reed Coordinator of Swim Club
Jerry Reese Athletic Director
Cheryl Resignola
Chuck Rivet History Second Grade
Troy Roddy PE Coach
Pam Rogers Lower School Science
Alma Roohi Pre-Kindergarten
Bill Rosenbaum US Counselor/Life Skills
Barbara Ryan Business Manager
Christine Sauer Studio Arts
Debbie Scalia
Margaret Schuber Director of Admissions
Karcn Scott Spanish
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A tr A T j s h
Sue Shaw Third Grade
Lower School ChaPlain
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Gloria Siegel English
Holly Silva Kindergarten Assistant
Pat Simpson Accounts Payable
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Allison Snrith Kindergarten
Rev. James Sprague Upper School Chaplain/Reli gon Web Publishing/Computer
Dot Stengel Lower School Secretary
Jeri Studdard Speech/Drama/Perf Arts
Louis Thompson Mathematics /Coach
Linda Trevino PE Coach
Linda Trottcr Founh Grade
Kerry Vogt Pre-Kindergarten
Carolyn Wanek Leaming/Reading Specialist
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Robert Warzeski Upper School Science
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Michelle Snow
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Courtncy Wclborn First Gradc
June Wells US Enslish/Lvre Advisor
Winnie Wendel Controller
! u I il I I I
Mary White Bookstore Manager
Ihornas Williams Jr
M6m6 Wilson Kindergarten Assistant
I I h# E k I I I t I
Lisa Yelverton {ssistant Admission Director English
Yvonne Eiswirth Food Service
Marian Gree Food Servict
Sheila Jackson Food Scrv/Bus Driver
! I I I t T I rel , 18 Beverly
Food Service & ,l t L ,lI 7 ti :t F & : T
Betty O'Brien Food Service
, J w 'r,l , ., ,,: E Fs t Er t $# t s nry" h^ d &rI M U
Nolan Dewey Food Service
Roger Chatelain
Gerald Blume Maintenece/HVAC Operator
Reva Food
5 n I
Bill Keir Maintenance
Jcnkins Knightcn Maintenance
Edward Maise Maintenance
Daniel Navo Maintenance
Clarence Smith Maintenance
David Troutt Maintenance
Louis Hom, Jr. Campus Service
Lloyd Boos Transportation
Denisc Callahan
Jan Callahan
Charles Marphis Transportation
19 r'iF T
Y r# s Y F I t * J a jj '! ,*', K: I I
Lorraine Sander Transportation Transportation Transportation
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T/," Srhn/ A/ur",a^^,w 21 f\ a I
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V,{hile The Lights Were Out!
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)q-r& \ 1.' It ktr N"\r ! T: t I s* i ;
(--l Liz Hollinger z,Lleer2
Alex Pappas Lauren Gtles
Catharine }'Connell
Lillte Rea
Kathertne Burke
Julie Rabalais
Meredith Emory
Hayley Hutchison
Bonnie Williams
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"...I guarantee you some day you will find yourself lost in the nostalgia of 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, quarter to quarter, August to May, Lower to Middle to Upper, and finally to graduation and you will smile because you loved something here, even if it was leaving. And you will realize the love I told you about today and say, 'God I love this place'."
There was no mistaking the good humor in the address that Jeff Glaser delivered at your senior chapel. Even more striking and consoling than the good humor of the speech was the sweetness of spirit and heartfelt affection that permeated it. I certainly appreciated Jeff's willingness to acknowledge his gratitude and love for our school so warmly and openly. But, more importantly, his words stand as testimony that many of you had journeyed to a point in your lives at which you had begun to appreciate the wisdom and truth of the words of Leo Rosten quoted above.
During your senior year we placed special emphasis on the quality of the relationships on our campus. More particularly, we explicitly and proactively confronted the damage done by teasing, bullying and harassmentclassic weapons of the weak and cruel. When I held a series of conversations with members of the Class of 2001 in the spring of your senior year, many of you expressed the conviction that over time you had come to appreciate a greater number of your fellow classmates much more genuinely. In so doing, you had let go a bit of the strategies of teasing or clique-building that may have appealed to you when you were younger. In so doing, you had made great progress in becoming gentle and strong human beings.
I urge you not to step away from the path of gentleness in the days ahead. That will be a significant temptation during your college years and beyond. You have been in a school, indeed in a place that almost all of you have truly loved, in which you were known by name, handled with care, and guided firmly and lovingly. We send you forth confident in the conviction that you are able to promote and live values such as gentleness and compassion without the daily support that the intimate environment of St. Martin's Episcopal School has provided.
Embrace and take with you on the next stages of your journey the memories that Jeff invoked so touchingly and strikingly in his senior chapel sermon. Properly understood, nostalgia can empower and embolden us. I pray that in the days ahead you will have the strength to be gentle and the courage to be compassionate. Please know that you move forward with our love. God bless you now and always.
With esteem and affection.
Leo P. Dressel President and Head of School
To the Class of 2001
"It is the weak who are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong."
-Leo Rosten
-Jeffrey Glaser, '01
52 i F & I I a I o
\i { :c _-"d i:t s s I t, ,' rd 53
9n .gr lZecie//
Pain heals; chicks dig scars; glory lasts forever!
-Keanu Reeves in The Replacements
To be great is to be misunderstood.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never do today what you can put off till tomonow
-William Brighty Rands
Ice and Advil.
-Mike Broussard
"GEB"..."Gray Bucker"... "Sriff"... "White Shoes"... "Chime" ..."Lead" ..."Keeto"... "Cadillac Ranch"..."Faded" ..."Napster" ..."Csonka"... "Keet"...Many more I can't write...#21...#24... artacked by CC w/ ice bucket in DC...Baseballroommatesw/PC+NH...BaseballQuarterfinals'98...theGoat...63 yds @ Episcopal...KH v DH in Atlanta...Football playoffs @ CedarCreek + Menard... 'Study' Halls: "don't you ever do any work?"...Senior Retreat: NOTHING HAPPENED! ...NHS: I made it (finally!)...Hoops Playoffs @ Loreauville...Lloyd + Nate: I'll always be your 'big' brother ...Mom + Dad: Thanks for everything. I love you both...TULANE bound ...1t's GERRY!! !t !l !!!!!!!!!!! Ir
Baseball 1,2,3.41 Basketball 1,2,3.4', Football 3,4; National Honor Society 4; National Merit Finalist 4l Chess Club 1,2; Admissions Club 4; Honor Roll
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid. "
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."
- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Hey wow, dofdots...I can't be arsed...rubbers are erasers, honest ...bagsie first go...ya wee bairns...Wally Wanker plz contact airport info...digestive biscuits...put your bag in the boot...check under the bonnet...cheeky rascal...dead chuffed...spend a penny... dodgy geezer ...jolly good rodgering ...dustbin...f = chant, England!...folse gufTing ...stairs or lift?...Park City'00...Vai1 '01...fancy a snog ? ...ahhh pants...bender in the library ...mouth/elboe www. roball. com ...cheerio...full stop.
54 1 m \ * ,t i*i
finnrrfn B ZJ.o&nann
"True friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget"...Unknown
"l like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."...Dr. Seuss
"You should dance like no one's watching, sing like no one's listening love like you'll never get hurt, and live life like it's heaven on Earth"... Unknown
"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened, likewise happiness never decreases by being shared"...Buddha
takin pix @ esplanade the nextday....My buddies(A.A..N.H.,H.N.,& M.M)...A.A. always taking about da fire p.. .da lakefront crew. and EM modeling TT's car. .MW not being able to take the keys from thejeep. ..AM hiding fiorn herdad during comm sewice. ..BV. ...da tbbish dictionary....getting lost in Versai wid AT & RH...looking4dem Memphishotboiz wid ML.....hittin upEuphoriawid DE., LE.. & BE....TL...DJ Barrle...chillin @ vsA tournament with L.N., DN,AT,TC,CR & AA....seeing HN trip in front of braking for VH......Whooshl!! & Kapow!l!...VH's obsession wid Rubert...CT looking though my clothes 4 food....hittin up triple a wid PN,TN,AH,AA & TT....
Member French Club 2l member NAHS 1,2; memberSADD I ,2; member FCA 4l
/ qq.5-2001
"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." -l Corinthians 13:13
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." - Plato
"Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. I am the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today will be is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I will have!" -Lisa
To all my pepes: Don't wanna be a playa' no more! RoBall Tranch. NiBall Jar Ju Trice Noli Lindz Aimes Cass Lizard Spirit Maty, all my fiesh. luv ya. Twin:Good luck in h/s Patel! Teenie/Fran be good, stay out of trouble Andrea:stay a qt My hot Girl and ur hot girl sittn by d bayou..Golddigga' Babe Ruth Mo Sally Jilly Daddy Reese Ghetto Rubbermaid Fish Grassy RomaCo., - Pops Lee Aker: Thankx 4 all ur sup. thru d years.
Boeisms: Cheeze, Shinanigans/gi Anyway.. Goober, Cool beans, J.Boe Woodi. Reductionl Dos Frijoles, Hercules.. Hercules... 123 SAINTS! Chillin Iike a villan, Let's getttiton, JaBoe Monroe has left the building... .1 eva' Best Bank PROUD! Hasta Luegol I AM BSC BOI]ND O!
Softball 12, I I,10, 9 s.ball MVP I l; Basketball 12, 11,10, 9l FCA l2,ll; Admissions Club 12,1 I,10,9; Worship Club l2,l l,l0l Key Club l2,l l; NCBI 10.9; Chorus l2.ll, Cheerleading 12, Volleyball 9
ferrrbo B. 13rn
55 I Jfl W i .a I \ J ,q
Oourd U. C6rus/ian
"Hey, don't be playing any frisbee or soccer cause I don't want y'all looking like yahoos."
-Coach Marsalis
"Life moves pretty fast, ifyou don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."
-Ferris Bueller
"The Lord works in mysterious ways."
-Elwood Blues
"Don't give up. Don't ever give up."
-Jim Valvano
Chop Suey...Room w/BJ, PM and TWon DC trip and Ben's wandering camera...making Wagner kiss the rat...improving PR by I :46 in B.R and beating CE by I sec w/ a little Coke and Fl KH's hand sign & "YEAH!! !" & in CC. ..coxisms and speech class...BJ: slap it down...econ class...prom 2000: memories of Faith w/ ML & SE...Endymion Extravaganza w/ EN... State CC meet: 2nd in state... shake it fast...trying to teach CC to drive...Big D...Slim Jim...Ted...RC's stories keeping me occupied while running...pace yourself ...WD god of running. DS trying to pu ll my leg. .quiz bowl practices ...CC overnights...retelling movies with CC and RH Atlantica with RH and BJ...Sugar...Uncle Sly: Slip n' Sly...Dis Donc...Mom and Dad, thanks for all that you have done for me.
Cross Country 2.3, captain 4; Trackl,2,3,4; Class Treasurer 4; Speech 1,2; Shield Club 3,4; NHS 3,4; Science
Olympiad 3,4; JETS 3,4; Quiz Bowl 1,2,3,4; French Club 3,4.
"Havin' A Cood Time" -Widespread Panic
"lf the phone doesn't ring, it's me." -Jimmy Buffen
"why?...Because it would be too easy, it would make too much sense, and we'd have pav too much fun." -Cujo
n#ll...Buck...Mini Brah...ChateaufKenner...Poolagonia...Football'01?..3200ydCLUB w/ RE.WM.TD.CJ,BS,BJ.SR...The White S l.2.RIP3...DRAFT'99-RWaCJ=?...Desrin 99-01(citation w/CS 00)..Newman Cirls-GO HOME!...afromrn..hourpower..Jello..Tats w/ CK..Oiling up Cd nighr..OVA!...12/30/00=ll-28...who Dars w/ CJ...Pepper nighrs @ Bel-Air(R.l.P.)..T: Pepper Nightw/JDB.SB,CJ...lhefly...TD'sbackporchw/theboys..TD sshed/babysitter...superior...$.50 nights/waldorks...Summer '00 at Jimmy's...Tuck s w/ NR. CV...huppy hr @ Bruno's...Cujo vs. Buddy?"l mOut"...KeenatTip's(F&M sl)...BucktownAII-stars(DoWhatchaWannal)...JazzFest '01 w/ TF...Jimmy Buffett...Pat Green @Varsity...DAcconcert w/BS. CG...Carrollon Balls w/ TF, JG...Squires 98 w/ NR...mardi gras-always...xtreme tubin'-JG=9.85...CK's camp-George's Bar= caesar dressing...waterfallin w/ JG...the grapes... Seinfeld w/ CJ.BM...mock drafls...reindeer humping-the chase...parties@ CK,MZ,CO,NR, FR,MP,CM...Mr. Kenny Dozier...Bama Trips w/ RE,CK,WM... Perdido w/ Bruce's...7 hanksgiving at HPC w/parents... spendin da nights grass angles... pdies@ CKMZCONRFRMPCM ...Covington... Me&Ev vs wM&KS?...San Destin w/ TF,MS,PS,BB ...Shem & Froeb=Chateau 4
Life!...EfUf-ya'll are the best-may the best days ofyour past be the worst days ofyour future...BethYou made my yearwoilh while. I'llmiss you...Mom, Dad, Sara,Melissa-Thank you so much for everything. I Love You...ROLL TIDE. EH
Football Golf 2.-3.4( State 3)l Track and Field l; Key Club 2.3: Chess Club 1,2; Shield Club,l; PTDT I,2,3,4 fi*nnt C. lZu"r{hy
r /\/! 56 I / r T \ .'-t
fi"ro/6on 9(
Coh*o, 1933-2001
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
-Roger Kint
"The stupider people think you are, the more surprised they'll be when you get them."
-William Clayton
"I say deliver me from Swedish fumiture."
-Tyler Durden
What up, God, mike d's everyday, time to get ill, quigs (the big bawler), mike d, sultans, shotgun (12), chubs, octagonathan, jc for me, spring break sucksdwar = ridiculous, keyser soze, cucos (tradition) with jefe, pullin stunts all day, everyday, Jefferson highway closed, senior year (snicker snicker), tealing, belly, having lots and lots of friends, the internet (sucks), kobaYashi, trojans, wrestling, typical NOCCA & STM "the administration (hehe), this year in sports (hehe)... I
Wrestling (7,8,1 ,2,3,4), CaPtain (2,3,4), Awesome club (1, 3) President ( I ), NOCCA stuff (4), Being the Best (at everything) (1,2,3,4), Most Humble (4)
I 967-2001
"Isn't it funny how one minute life can be such a struggle, and the next minute you're just driving real fast, swerving back and forth across the road?"
-Jack HandeY
"Don't ever get your speedometer confused with your clock, like I did once, because the faster you go the later you think you are."
Jack Handey
Cdog...Tdub...Kerrdawg...yeah beez...weekends at Tdub's.. wendy's bumpin' in da jimmy...rollin' in da cobra...our own Fightclub...daydreamin'fazes Hessmer ,need I say more...internet... schlop...Thurgood..we're not packin'up "pop, ben goudi...Mardi gras 0l...dave's apartment. .dancin' on stage on StCharles ave dresscode?wut dresscode? ..HG's in FQ= wow...whoopin' hogan in spanish3&4 Dr' Dro(l Serious, I quit)... Colorchanges LSBD ...KMK. .the freaky cabana hessmer sand castle...wutsup... bya bya ...Remix...lunch leave everyday anticrombie...sampson...sir S,A LOT... david the gnome...lil' tilde...tinker deuce ...7 gargoyle's ...DRACOO ...hol lopic ...wait who?...cell-phone recordings 01... welcome to Alabama...mind right, money right... blingin' the excursion limo.. .Thanx 4 itall Mom,Dad, Rob, Rik,Laurie
Midfielder. soccer team l,2l Lettered, track team I ,2 in 200 yd dash;Breaking 1300 point mark on SAT's: Getting $l0G's a year from LOYOLA UNIVERSITY,4.
C"/)a F. Ct"t*r./67/
57 q i! (
Trarrn " Re/e" de.73ots6[on"
I 987-2001
"The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."
- Ecclesiastes 9:l I
Praise God; I've made it through four years of high school, and 12 years ofregular school, and I'm **finallyx* ready to move on. Don't know where I'm going to college'll be alright...Praise the Lord...and I really do mean that. Kill your ego. It'll do you a lot of good.
Editor Lyre Club 4, member 3; member Science Olympiad 3, 4; member JETS 2,3, 4: member FCA 3,4; member Wrestling Team l, 2i member Halo Club 4
Do yourself a favor and learn all you can; then remember what you leam and you will prosper.
-Proverbs l9:8
There are places I remember, in my life, though some have changed. All these places had their moments with lovers and friends, I still can recall. In my life, I'll love them all
-The Beatles (The original Boyband)
People who think they know everything are an annoyance to those of us who do.
Lynza...lonz..just the 3 of us...nsync concerts...bsb concert WJL...haha club...pig w/ JJ...sharing JC w/MM...french w/BJ,LM,MV,DS,DC...library talks...we got game w/ DB,AS&tennis w/BK.JR.MO.MC.LH,LM...vballw/frdanny,AP, MZ,CO,MC.JR, MP ...homecoming dance w/vball team 00... biolabs w/dles,JR,ER,stud,ML..toughest class w/AM...KL at all StM functions w/ AA. tag,R&B...To my StM friends-I'm gonna miss yall so much, keep in touch ...KL,JL,JJ,JB,AM-we been through so much, thx for being there... Mom, Dad. Emily-thx for supporting me through everything, I couldn't have done it without you. I love you...stay *NSYNC
NHS 3.4Sewanee Book Award 3 Chorus I (Carnegie Hall),2,3,4 NCBI 2,3.4 Vball 1,2,3,4(All-Academic team 4) Tennis 1,2,3.4(co-captain 3&4. MIP l&3)
B-dtoy 1rfnnn Cro/Q
58 q t I i-ad
,tlJdl\ fr*
"We're just the good old boys, never meaning no harm, that's just a little but more than the law would allow."
"How can I forget a weekend I can't even remember."
#62. .5-pin. .fr.yr.WhatHappened. .FlyOnWed.w/Cush. SneakinOut w/ N.R...WestWill.David w/N.R.G.V.B.S?...Perdido'99 w/N.R...Conv. Cent.Blvd.w/B.S...RidenBikes w/C.K.W.M...NewYrs.'99 w/B.S... B.P. w/theBoys...SwiminglnPond w/M.C...YachtClub w/B.S...Not Remembering Wk.Ends...FishenW/theBoys...RubAloeOnMeDestin'00... JumpinRoad w/W.M...NightslnTheTrailer w/W.M.S.G...BourbonSt. w/ W.M.B.S...Will Incanot=Box
Football' 00='1... R.E.K.w/The
Crew Vail w/C.O...NightslnThe Boat w/D.H... Thank Mom, Dad, Harry, and Kata for putting up with me, don't worry I'm out of here (hopefully) ...Reba lBound!
Football 1,2,3,4',4000 yd. Club; B and B club; Soccer 1 day; Wrestling I day; AFC Certified
C[oy/", 8rs,t,*/6
"Brevity is the soul of wit."
"There's no 'i' in 'team' "..."but there's a 'ross' in 'cross country' " for long!"
-Ross Hogan and Marsalis
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday"
-Donald Robert
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Dean Eisley...thrasher...TAB... Yellow Boy... KerrDawg...T-dub... Do Ho (HaarvardBoy)...C-dawg... Raj and the flying carpet...Nav... SandCastle... 353 l7 ... Mountaineer...champagne Jimmy... the Ridge... KehoeCrew... JctheRap... yahoo...grandma... what's the science..."what"game...levee...TW's house...the cabana...stay out of the're ruinin' everything... ohhhBen... funniest man alive...pie graphs. incest joke... Sacha w/CE,JC,MD,DH,etc.. burning cuticles...Wendy's...MardiGras'0l...fight w/Stiles...ll7mph... SB'01? Thurs?. DepthCharges w/Quiggs .bum Kerry you're gonna screw it up...angry drunk ...naptime in Humanities ...procrastinating ...CC trips...the bus...Slim Jim...above and beyond...
Duke; Cross Country: 2,3,4 Cap.; Football: I ; Track:1.2.3; Science Olympiad:2,3,4; JETS:1,2,3.4 Cap.l Quiz Bowl:2,3,4; National Honor Society:3,4; National Merit Finalist: too many AP's; Yale Book Award; Columbia Book Award: Bausch and Lomb Science Award: PTDT 4
f6o*ot 9. Diono
; !{... ;Y '4.
Ry* g"r"p6 7o.hy
"Since the dawn ofman, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities, the political, the religious, the educational, authorities who have attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing, forming in our minds their view of reality. To think fbr yourself, you must learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness, chaotic, confused vulnerability, to inform yourself. Think for yourself. Question authority."
-Tim Learv
"The Master observes life, but trusts his inner vision. He lets things come and go. His heart is open as the sky."
"Our body is light, we are immortal. Our body is love, we are eternal." Tool
"There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you'll be free if you truly wish to be."
-Willy Wonka
good feelings. donut. love ya'll, i'm off.
Ry* th//6e,1ron,
"Holdin' on, Holdin' on, 'til another day comes. 'Til another day comes, you gotta live through today." - Reckless Kelly
"It sure isn't fair, but I'm not aware of the patience that is required." - o.A.R.
"Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or to keep one."
Robert E. Lee
#52...Ev...Destin...the fly...back porch...bucktown...CK camp...Endymion...RIP BelAir...$.50night...Thanksgiving@HPC...Augl'00...JG=9.5...Superior-F&J'sPofC...BootMardiGras...Draft'99...summer'00@Jimmy's...HrOfPower...Cinco De Mayo @VeraCruz...REK@HOB2x.Tips3x...ReindeerHumping... Butfett$1200... Mississippi &Covington w/KS...Osiris'00(sorryEN)...CKl8th@LiveBait...LSU28 #lUF2l... bleeding profusely@FR...KBsalad&LHfame...UpperDeckin'SrGirls w/ RK...PG @Varsity...Rick w/!VM,Bland,CJ ...MrKenny-ChocLimoDriver... RK@ Lucy's ...J Jw@HOB...Bruno's$lHH... BU's w/ CB,CK,WM...DMB@Jazz Fest2x ...NO-31 St.L-28...2liveCrew@DKE ...OpenB's w/ KS...Good Luck ME, MC ,n2k,Hunt, Karl...EN-Thanx Sellout ...PTDT-We're never packin' up...Katie-You are one of a kind, I love you...Dad, Mom,Nanny,MawMaw, Amy-Much thanks and love...ROLL TIDE!
Track & Field I ,2; Student Congress 1,3; Dozier Football 1,2,3; Regular Football 4 (3,200 yard club w/JB,BS,SR,CJ ,WM.BJ, TD +All-District Offense); Russian CIub President & Co-Founder 4; l4 Yem Club
l$ 60 E tqj
# ,l -..1 t t I
Bor.nn R. 9rfnt
I 996-2001
"How lucky am I to have something so hard to say goodbye to."
"ln this great future, you can't tbrget your past, so dry your tears, I say -Bob
Law-rehn...GRITS. ..Superior...$.50 night...GoodTimes... MCsKilnHouse ...You GoGirl...shadowpuppets-AP...Mini peprally...BelairRlP... Homecoming98 ...daTercel...Springbreak-Destin... BamavsAU-AP. CO. NK, EN. ..Mobile.. .road trips-MZ, AP, SL...gummyCabRide-MZ, AP...REK concerts...GRITS song. .quarters. prom98-SL. .MardiGras. .Jimmys/Boot/AT2s AValdos/Brunos/ GRITS/DI...RAs backhouse-AP...CKsl8birthday@live bait...DInightKL...NewYears98...gummin...Coe...$60-AP. MZ...BillyJoel-Sl-, MZ, SK, NK...pimps...sun-in summer...PerciQuinn...ElectricCocktail... COsltalyparties. FlyDays. MZsPanies. .JrYrDrama. .Chubs&Slim. .CulfShoresAP... Kanuga...Crazy-ME...Destin98-MZ. CO... in the tub w/MZ...WhiteTrash ...Oreos&Cs...TRshouse-AP, MZ. TD, CS...SeniorBowl-AP, M2... Destin-VarsityTeamO0... Destin0 Igetting evicted...To my family-thanks for always being there for me, I will miss you so much...MC&ME-Good luck, it's been lun...GRITS-Yall have meant so much to me, I don't think I could have done it without you...Go Bulldogs!
Key- I,2,3,.1; Shield Club- I ,2,3,4; Spirit CIub-3,4; Homecoming Court-3,41 Nat.HonorSociety-3,4; B&Bclub1,2,3,4
It's notjust the ups and downs that make life difficult. It's thejerks.
-Alfred E. Neumann
Get right to the heart of matters. It's the heart that matters more.
-Counting Crows
I dr? the boogy man. -Mr. Marsalis
The imponant thing is not to stop questioning.
-Albert Einstein
Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight and see the dawn before the rest of the world.
-Oscar Wilde
What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
-Dr. Suess
SieraClub 1,2,3,4(president); JETS 2; Science Olympiad 2: Key Club 3.4; French Club 3,4; Lyre Club 4(art editor); Dancing 4; Drama 1,2: NHS 3,4; Chatham BookAward 3: ArtllAward 3: HonorRoll |,2.3,4
Zrdtny %. Z-nny
61 l a 'h
.& ,l L
-J I
I #ffi *x @-r tffi; "&f
fioto, B. J{or-o,
"Don't let the sun set on tomorrow before the sun rises today."
-Nine Days
"The road goes on forever and the party never ends."
#?...Mailman...Moss...J-Dawg... Lil' Chocolate...Dallas Chocolate... fade ..boarding school'?...THE CATw/BM...the broads... Destin'O0,'O I .Apollo w/CJ,BM,SR/I don't wanna hearanymore o'your. .nights@CK's/ is this O'Doul's ...Cujo vs.Buddy? ...Belaire/RlP... Boot/$.50 night... psycho broads... Jimmy's... REK/are we fishin'yet?...REK w/CK,RE,KS ...RKw/ED,CJ,LB... glowing jellyfish @ED's... PV...Fly...7th Street pushups... Perdido night w/SH,JL... getting' on the Back Porch...Military School?... Superior Grill/RIP... new Tahoe... it's camo time/@ CK's ...Bruno's PTDT ...DB's
= Cap, Bud,Jack... Good ole boys =BM, SR,CJ,BJ,CK, RE, RK,WM, ZT,JB, BL,BS,GV, NR, DS,JG, TD...Thanks Mom& Dad for putting up with me. Thanks Shell for being there for me. I love y'all. Thanks Ellie for changing my life. You were the light at the end of my tunnel, and I'll always love you. I'm out!
Fnfrny 9. 9forn
'Life is far too important to be taken seriously"
-Oscar Wilde
Puge S.A.K...#63..."I think I lost my finger"...Dot dots... Spenden' da Nite at CK's house/camp..."We're not packing up"..."Have some respect"...Die Mexican...PV...Reindeer + Midnight Tolker = High speed chases...Eggs...Buck Town... Carrolton Ball...Fly Days...Atlanta blues...Boneraaaa ...Destin... What's on your face...ML's shoes... fighting NR...Midnight locker rade w/ SR...Shuchin's car...Dirty Work w/ RK...JB BBQ Sandwich ...I'm cut bad...Wrestling KL on the beach ...TD's Christmas drive...Back your truck up...DS's Sidewalk driving... Hceeps...Robbed outside CK's... Waterfall...P on CK's bed...CO Lil' Sis'...Ovaa...
Seminole...Belair RIP ...Leather Jacket...Risky Business
Thanks Brad, Mom, and Dad for your love and support
Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,41
Track 1,2; Speech State Champion Duo Interp 2,3; Speech Captin 4; Drama Award; O.E. Harring Award; Admissions Club 1,2,3,4
62 a ta \
I 997-2001
"Just do me one favor. Never go bungee jumping in Mexico, they just don't have the regulations." -Chip Douglas
"I got rims bigger than yo future" -Big Tymers
"I'd rather die like a man than live like a coward" -2Pac
1Wffi# s r
Kerrdawg. .LEG !...Come on don't you wanna live?. .7 shots in a minute...what's up what's up. Kerrdawg mobile... Kerrdawg we love you !. Hey girls...And he says...How much does this guy suck?...vacant house...Swanky fire...chronic...Galthom...Drink 'em while they're cold boys...Bobby?...7 car pile up...Sammy...Lil Bow Wow getting taken advantage of...Shoo Shoo?...Abercrombie Ad...On stage at KMK...near arrest at cleary exit...Yes I would like 2 white ??? is falling I don't this is the dank stuff?...Biya Biya...Dwar getting hit by spring. .Bucho. ..1'm untouchable baby !. Destin 97-0 I ...betterthan that s7o+7o...bball playoffs...fights w/ rob...thanks Mom Dad Debi and Bob for putting up with me. Rob I'm coming. Go Sooners! ONE
9?orr .7{ogo, t997-2001
KH. DH, CE, Dh, CC, PK, Tdubs...Rdog...Kdogg...Tufa rap...Where's CE...Coleman + Dufy= Foreva...Spring Break '01 need I say more... CABANA...Sacha A WTF are you doing here...Lil' Rosey Hogan... Why am I wearing a hardhat...Mardi Gras war zone at Dh apartment... BAM lovin WW... Buying lemons at CE...Biking experience...Liquid lunch...You gotta catch up...Shotgun...Football freshman year what was I thinking...Gimme the money...Wait who?...Excursion limo NICE...Hangin at Tdubs every weekend! ! ! !...Dh ah not on the couch??... Broken Home all Alone...You know what else my cell phone does...They 're finally building something...Oh my gosh I am a senior...Kdumas + RH= that's assault brotha...Doug is outside and he is not happy...SQ Big Hands... Spring testing'0l...Losing to CC in Spanish 2 yrs...Dr. Dro I serious you guys...Running a lot I mean like a lot of running Jim Mars... Abercrombie ad on Hesmer...I'm going to Hesmer ...Thanks Mom and Dad for High School love you both.
National Honor Society 3, 4; State Rally winner overall Environmental Science; 4 Science Olympiad State Runner up Water Quality 3,4, Cell Biology 4; J.E.T.'s 3,4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4',Track and Field 1,2,4; Soccer 1,2,3;
.TCn rgr
Cross Country l0 Basketbalt 9,10,1 l,l2Track 9
Domtntb 7""d
I 997-200t
"The word 'impossible' is not in my dictionary
-Napoleon Bonaparte
"The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given him. This is success, and there is no other."
-Orison Swett Marden
What are YOU doin'l KH,TW,HB,PK,BJ.CE,DH,RH...#l l...Loureville...Destin bet -MH.AG,KH...Destin...No, but you can...OK David...Winning $75 from PC,NH...Pennyslide@CNN Tower...Wafflehouse and Stormy-JC,KH,HB. KS...Homies- JC, SQ, KH...pizzahut funnel...the visor fightDP... Kehoe Crew-KH.SL,CE.DH,RH... Mr.Schwanky... Burning TWs House w/OFFTW,KH,PK...l'm allergic to dust-HB...Dtree...DWAR-"detention"... Abercrombie Ad...goin to physics class...just shootin pool-TW...your ruining it- PK,KH,TW...l have ELECTRONICS...No$$for parking-BQ...GUMMY BEAR-BQ...deep sea tishing-BQ.BW...pier sunset-HB...vini?...what-EVER...KH-New Year's gesture... Bacchus Ball-HB,KH,KS,PK ...Hessmer...LLw/H8... Centerfield's $250 ...uh. no...summer @UC.. .mardi gras dance...take a rip of the. U/r'sse.s ...coolcool...Thanksforeverythingmom and dad...couldn't have done it without yall...Harvard 2005
StuCo Pres 4l Basketball 1,2,3,4 (Captain, All-District)l Halo 1,2,3,4 (Editor); Debate 1.2 (Top20@ Nationals) ,3(NFL.
CFL, State Champion),4; NHS 3,4t Nat'l Merit Commended 3: Junior Class Pres
3; Honor Roll 1.2,3,41 Mr.St. Martin's
4:Jefferson Award 3
"Share this smile."
Matthews Band
"The least I can do is nothing, so I'll do you one better."
"Having dreams is what makes life tolerable."
pink talks JC...grunge? AM book bag...Drive Rite SL...DC w/ JC...the goose CC ArtH ever w/ DH...buspaint CC... fresh fiasco...skiparties... fresh paintballing...soph study hall...le pepper DH... sarcasm and hangman CE...l8? Yeah?...neutral RF, CI...pool parties...Dunkin Donuts... golf course?'s stuck!...temple monkeys...awwwite LC...
TRUNKROLLS! JR, LC...tour of the dream mansion...jr. prom'l...Vergil ROCKS tennis ever BO... grandm
aw...hottubbing...what's the password
JG...Thanks mom and dad. allie and mike for putting up with me for so long and not kicking me out ofthe house. Ryan you've made my years unforgettable and I can't thank you enough. School's out for summerl
Soccer-2,3,4t Tennis-2,3,4(captain)l Cross Country-2,3,4: Drama-1,2,3(best actress),4i Class officer-1,3t NHS-3,4: Homecoming court- I ,2,3,4(queen)l Lyre club-3,4(pro. Editor)l Miss St. Martin's
64 8/)rofnt6 B. J{o[/)agn fl en ;#* { #N Gsryq 1 'q
/ 997-2001
"I'd love to go back to when we played as kids, but things changed, and that's the way it is"
Thrasher...RH bike ride...CE breaking the fence...apartment Mardi Gras 2001...LSU trip w/TW, BJ, MD, RS, WW... Kerrdawg ...Drink it while it's cold boys...TW's couch... tugapoo ...RH and KD statutory...RH head shot...C-dog...DH Abercrombie Ad...CE's hottub...LC...leg!...doug's outside ...KMK...T Dub...You're ruining everything...liquid lunch ...BJ's tooth...Hessmer...Da Ridge...cabana...TW's House... NK what's up...T Dub mobile...biya...Destin 2001 ...come on don't you wanna you know live...Give me the Dad thanks lor everything... Mark and Chris good luck ...Let the party never stop, LSU here I come...
Soccer 1; Cross Country 1,2; Track I.2
C6ris/opie. 7 9rg"/d
"We play music to align the spirit.
-Traditional Hindu Saying
"Music must serve a purpose; it must be a part of something larger than itself, a part of humanity. I am a man first, an artist second. As a man, my first obligation is to the welfare of my fellow men. I will endeavour to meet this obligation through music - the means which God has given me - since it transcends language, politics and national boundaries. My contribution to world peace may be small, but at least I will have given all I can to an ideal I hold sacred."
-Pablo Casals
Bye everyone. I'm off to college now. Much love and peace to all. Have fun.
INOCCA 3,4; Wrestling 1,2; Golf I,2
Dorrd Tr"/on
sc \ n t
"Ya tin Ellatha vre yamoto"
-All Greeks
"We live as we dream. alone."
-Joseph Conrad
"O Aetos petheni ston aera eleftheros kai dinatos"
-Notis Sfakianakis
"l don't give a flying frizno about your shizno, bizno"
"Every man dies, but not every man really lives."
-William Wallace. B rave heq rt
Ya tin Xio vre yamoto...Grk Man...Can I get a Xio's al jajiki...Grk Clb'l...Holy shizno...Fooln teachrs w/ my shizno...Get off this...LaPlaz...My boy Maxy...Mny crushs, no cigar...Alwys late...Come on Peter, I serious PP...Fuego verde w/ Beezy ...teachn Beny Grk songs...JaBoe's cheez
...Hangn W my road dawg LW... Chats w/ BigRed...EurocrewMI RB MB AT RT RF
NB JB...Oop Que pasa mang JM...fightn w/ blue Focus...Von lngenhouz / Helmont wus w/ GW... Welcome 2 the Drk
Reactions...Hingle's clss @ Hly Cross...U sir get out of here... Summrs @ Ellas 98 99
Much luv 2 my peeps @ school...UNO here
National Honors Society 3,4 Key Club 3,4
Chess Club 2,3
Admissions 3,4 FCA 3,4
Chorus 2,3,.1 Football 2,3 Soccer 2 Swimming4? Track 2
lZen/arnnU. Fonin /
"lf you put out, you're gunna get results"
-Coach McGheen
"There is no "I" in team, but there is a 'Ross' in 'Cross Country"'
-Ross Hogan
"The closest thing I got to a 4.0 in high school was my b/a"
-Megan Wein
"To not do your best is to waste the gift"
-Steve Prefontaine
"Take a right at the ****x man"
ross getting shot. Vietnam=TW's back yard. .srk's jewcanoe. keep the ew in hebrew... liquid lunch... lsu... ce=wrong whole... altoidbox=dui kit... shotgunnin' on radio towers Bam X 7 = stm day I 999. Mardi Gras @ Dave's appt. two years of confusion. props to - tdubbs, kemdog, prav, jc. dean, thrash, doho, colin, dave, srk, colon, nachman, hazel, lillie, miriam, piccolo, kat, melinda, meri. margaret, mike d, matt, quigs, stiles, goody, alex, lauren, willie, silent pat, TAB, sacha, lauren, julie, taytay, liz, jordan, max, laura. kristen, metzger, lesley. BBLB, h6mard, midol, herzog, lisette, megan, lopez, natalie, and tex for great I 4 years. Thanks to my family for everything. To my friends - One hundred. Amanda, I love you.
Wrestling: I .Cross Country: 2,3,4; Track: 2,3. Admissions: 1,2,3,4
iW*ro,l)'9. 9oonrr&t
66 ;M -".{ ,"w L. r
C6rrs/op&er 9. fir6nton 1966-2001
"So many faces in and out of my life, some will last some will just be now and then, life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again."
-Billy Joel
"There is a God after all!"
-Jim Henderson Saints3l Rams28
"So take it from me you'll learn more from your accidents than anything you could ever learn from school."
-Billy Joel
#l6...Cujo...Belushi...Batmobile..."Destin 99"00,0l...Shoreline2,3,4...Cujo& Jef'sn DestinBash'0 "Draft99" @ JB... BelAirRIP... Ift ePeppa Nightw /JB' JDB(wingman)... Boot$.50...Jimmys... steamrolled2... busw/BJ,ZT... LiveBait/C Kbday...4Bucktown... RecklessK... Keen... Buffett...Coe/JJW@HOB... PG @ BR... Mississippiw/JH,CK...MardiGras98-0t...Nights@CK,NR,CO,FR... "nice try jerry!"...TheChicken...3200rollclub...Apollo00,0l...SquiresOl...LesPOl... Ckcamp ...Playin Golf@2am?w/AS...WhoDat4life=AS,CJ,JB...SaintsGamesw/AS...Tkank u D oz i e r/ Farbe r/Rodd y/M c G ee h an "Spendin da night"@CK &Jefe...JazzFest ...RlP3Stooges= #2#16 #33...It's been a blastJH,AS,BJ, CK,ZT,JB, RE.wM,BM. SR.BS, BL, RK,GV,NR,TD, JG=PTDT... Thanks mom and Dad, I love u, I couldn't have done it w/o u..."Yea that's right". ."1'm Out.Babyl'mOut"-G.Castanza... GEAUX TIGERS
Tirodfny 9. Fo6r'o,
"Bradley, for once in your life stay away from a keg and concentrate on English for this weekend"
-Mrs. Klebba
"Education is a progressive discovery of your own ignorance"
-Will Durant
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler"
-Albert Einstein
#55.. .#33. .Jefe. .Bejefe.. Beef ..Meat. ..BJ.. .This test you want this test- Mrs Maurers class DC trip-Dont touch the ceiling Mrs. Scotts class-camera Sleepover @ NRs house daqs nmovies w/BMJH SRPM...BenchBros= KH BJJG... FAAKER... Waterfall @ CKs... CKs camp The Fly RIP 3Stooges= CJ BJ ZT-bus... Mardi Gras Destin 2 3'l-Superman ...DestinBash...WEREGOINGTHATWAY...RIPBelair. .RIPNav... Keen... PV @ JGs Got it Jimmys Getting arrested w/ NR JS BS Helping IZ w/ MW SL Ari-wrong medication Pat Green Fake N Bake w/ JH MW AHHH CABANA PTDT watering the flowers w/ PH Maverick & ry Bucktownconcerts w/JG CJ BG ...MW=only friend...Thanks friends forbeing there when I needed them Thanks parents for helping me and putting up with me all these years, I love u. .Good luck to all in college I'm out
Football I , 2, 3.4 State Playoffs 3.4 3200 Yd Club 4 Basketball l, 2, 3,4 Second Round State Playoffs 4 Baseball l, 2, 3. 4 State Playoffs l, 3 Captain 4 Wrestling 4 Track4 TeamB&C 1,2,3,4
Football 1,2,3,4 2"d team all district 4Baseball 1,2,3,4 I' team all district .1 2"d team 3 Captain .1 PTDT 1,2,3,4 Team BC 1,2,3,4 AFC 2,3,4Graduate 4 1 tr! 67 'tt I 'I I r I
?.ounn, R .fGr{ot
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things leli by those who hustle."
-Abraham Lincoln
Prav...Yoda... Hessmer parties.. parties @ my house & TW's...late nights on the levce...going to Wendy's...Bonedog = Whatsup?Bya...STM day pileup...Praveen, this is Daddy... Upstairs in my garage...MardiGras'00,'01 MW= l35...liquid lunch... Eng w/TBIRD. .getring caught rokin' ir w/KH & WW...finding TW's kit in the cabana... KMKings -[t's time to...quack quack quack...Wait.Who'l...Destin'0l...offroading @ Taco Bell...GP's car = canal...DH - Do you know who my father is?...JL=72 Schindler's List... KH's victory dance...McGehee girls...LC
+ 6 = legal...RR & RA = princess...concerts in Biloxi w/TW, BJ & CC in pain...Russians in the carpet...haha Bisso haha...JC + MD F O...DH's pickup lines...TW's mom...DH- Halloween '99 - 45'BHAMI ...CC = Peace & Love...SQ's 2AM Yahoos...doing ghetto donuts w/ MP&JF...Chevy Malibu LSBD...U of C w/DH KH's sis.. asking out Skye...Banisho...helmet 2K...Farley Splief...angry marines @ spanish fort...MRxl0=me on floor...MW + Leopard = obvious...Kehoe = corruption... Goldeneye w/GP, Bonedog. TW, & CC in the theater...Jimmy doesn't like that...CE = beautiful...Angry Dave...rollin' bout I 08 on inlerstale... Blingin' in the Excursion limo. ..Thanks to all my boys, you know who you are... Mom, Dad, & Naveen I love you and thanks foreverything
Soccer l23l Track 231 Tennis l; NHS 34; JETS 231 Quiz bowl 2; Key Club3; Science Olympiad 1234
F..9, B. fo6r'on
"l yam who I yam and that's all that I yam!
"Don't live for the past or think about the future, for today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."
"Life is but a dream"
-Angela Bassett
Wow..97..ThehahaclubJJ.LC,JL.AC.AF.FT,MC..theclick..Sp. I ..thepigLC..chipsnsalsaw/ JL..homecoming9T...letsgetitonw/JB..Jazzlandw/NC...ghertosuperstar@CO..98..TD & herboys.. | /2theday sover.. KA.. Nov2 7.. kc &jojo.. sai ntsgume s.. Cl ub 6.. we're lostw/ JB.TD..JanetJackson...Ktisnotgay..freakazoidw/CD..cookachu@KW..bellyw/ C D&CC.. M u lanw/PR.. Damnyankees.. firstcarridew/J L&TD..homealone..hey beautifu I ..thefightw/JL&TD..myeinstienLC..varsitybluesw/JL.CD.CC.TD.MD&SC.. Conn. boysw/ NC..lookatthoselegs!..summerschoolw/HN,EA,JL.LW.JF..mardigras98.. Copelandsw/ OT,J L& M D... I 2 3 ru n.. oh a h u h w/H N.. the40day trip w/W R, N R, & m o m s ..boysboysboys..99..maddy ..getoffthe rope.. ruftrydersw/JL,MD.&OT..thelak e..ll2..lamsofinew/LC..shananiginsw/JB..plays...Nov.w/NC,JL,&V8.. needisay more ..Ju'sl8Bday...Mardigras0l... iwanna belikeJL...coffeetalks..Bistro ..Cucos.. borosw/ MD..BourbonSt..&theotherish ..Wow ...Ju. onecantake your placeb/ curatrudiva..LC..luvubae! Fella sluvu!
ThesistersMDJLOTJJ ...The-l stoogers JL.JJ, &LC,BFF..peep siluvu &will always... thankudaddy... STMwill neverbe thesamew/ ojar... ImaRattlerNowl
Swimming 1.2.3. Cpt. .{; Basketball 1.3. Cpt. .l: Track 2, Cpt .1: Admissions 2,3..1; NCBI 1.2 VP 3..1: Comm.ofD&M I,2,-1,,1; Chorus 2.1,,{; Drama 2.3.4: Speech 1.,1: Witliesl,l: Being me..Forever!
I I 6B h{h&"1{ I hlr
I 987-2001
-#dI W ry
"l rant therefore I am"
-Dennis Miller
"You met me at a very strange time in my life"
-Fight Club
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"
Tephanie w/an S...Skunk...lsrael 99&sushi-SL... JC w/o Destin snrinr98..."thatdidn'tworkdidit"...forwhy-Lc...COweweretight...AIPAC..Klebba's Engl0.l2...4'hprCivics...6'hprPhysics...7'hgradehell.-b-daysw/AM 'thatnitew/MZ 9th-...cheerleader'l...faculty brat...the Ridge-RH,CE,DH ..hangin w/Hesmer crewPK.KH.WW...Ker.y'r.oi...Stil"t=hubbic...BJ, RH,KH,DH-study w/ CK&WM...Wank Mikc? tub parties @ EH's w/ AP,CO.LC. SL.MZ gum " Mimosa ...boner nite 98...T-Dub's house...summer '00 w/JK.. Thanksgiving w/ Ev.CO.EN.WM,JB&CK+fam...Av&AS...fight Sprng Brk'00...Close Up w/Mo...S.B.01
eviction w/ AP.LG, CO.KL.SL,EN. NK,MZ,MC... "nothing leaves Kiln"... 80s nire W/CO&AP... Latin!...Ms Bettie ...Jew Canoe(l-5)... reiected from Boot= KA house... prom 0l=?...Eventing w/ dad...BT...AU bound...visit w lJosh 4l2Ol 0l...Zig Man&Jil Pil, Mom, Dad-I luv U much, thanks 4 everything-what a wild ride it's been!
Student Council l; Class Secretary 2; Vollevball l,2l Track l; Colf Capt. 2l Equestrian l, 2,3, 4; Key Club 1,2,3,4; Shield Club 1,2.3,41 Homecoming Cheerleader 4; School PIay 4; Spirit Club 3,4-president 4; Cheerleader l. 2: B & B Club 1,2,3,4; 14 year club: Nominee for Girl's State
#81...#8...BIG TIME...FB 97-99, FB Commitment 2000 Ha-Thanks guys...Soccer 2kl...SXBus...JULIO...spennin da nights at CK's w/ RE,TC,WM,CK,PM,JG JG of the jungle/CP/KB reindeer humping ...sweet azz ...the chase 1,2...PG... nightmare ...DAC...destin 99(dilerious)-00(KO by Jose)-0 I (upper deckin'). bleeding profusely w/ CK,RE,JH,TD...draft day 99...die Mueller ...RIP BelAir...the fly ...eggs...bag of poo...JC?...MW#l- Jesuit dudes...MW#2- more dudes...KB... CV/Cathay...Superior...I'm out ...4x412-71... Red Lightning...DOZIER ! FARBER ! ...MCGEEHAN !... reese. Haslett's Army...B-Rob is toast...twin towers?...the bet-2 out of 3 ain't bad ...QB?...TShaw - 4.5...yelling out of cars wAVM,RE,JG... WM=Cpt Box xtreme tubin. .Jeff=9.85. .BL- thanks for being the best friend a guy could have...See Mom and Dad I told you I'd get into college, Thanks for everything ya'll did for me, I love you...Morgan - try and keeP Mom and Dad in line...To everYone who thinks I can't. I can and I willIt's Hoosier time
3 t"p6.,
a i7" /6'7Co' lon
69 5
!f F ; *
All District 3, All EJ 3, Screwed 4; Soccer 1234, CaPtain 34. All District 234, All EJ 4, All Metro 4; Track 1234: Speech 1234, Captarn 4. State Champ 2: Admissions Club 1234. President 34; Student Council 234, VP 4; PTDT 1234
"6*, {/ M ,' ..; .i i. fj .d I
.V6b // D o u
3*nor/6o fr Bnunnr/en
"Show me that smile again. Don't waist another minute on your crying. We're no where near the end-the best is ready to begin."
-Growing Pains theme
"Do you remember those days hanging out at the village green? Engineer boots, leatherjackets, and tight bluejeans...drop a dime in the box, and play a song about New Orleans. Cold drink! Hot lights! My sweet romantic teenage nights !"
-Billy Joel
Saammy...Kehoe-Tine!...GRITS...drkFr-AR...dirtynote-CO..."skipping"'l-DH,KH...prom99-LG,KS...speech frquarter-GT,MW,AA ...paperparties-ZT...SSamfanclub... Sweet I 6wRK JGhistory... topdown&412-LH...Hcoming98 ...swmmn-AS,NC,JV,JS,LC. AM,MW,JJ,JR...Doc... MGballs-BM, AS...lsrael99-SK,CF...MoWSal-s ...Mobile... BillyJoel99... REK... Destin99-0 I (eviction=penthouse) ...Cancun00 MG99-GW/0I -JZ.AA. MW-Endemion? ...coffte/sushi-SK, AM ... phone, good'?-AP...crushes ...blanket-NK...cute/ badgirlsMZ...Boot /Belair...Jryrdrama... HSstatesleepovr... MC&ME-good luck!... Brosn Brauds... my best friends -too much tun; you know you're irreplaceable Mom,Dad &Alex-lt's been a bumpy, hilarious ride-Thanks and I love you! Go Gators!
Student Council: Swimming l-4(allstate l-4, Captain 4):Track l,2l News-
Chy TGen,g
"For the promises our feachers gave, if we worked hard if we behaved. so the graduations hang on the wall but never really helped us at all"
-Billy Joel
"Listen boys, you all have been a problem all night. I think its time for you to leave."
-Squires President
#4... Clay...Tahoe4x4... Fly... RIPBeI-Air... PepperNights... Bruno's... Draft'99 RipCujo...Boot-MardiGras...$.50Nights... Jimmy'sSummer2K...CampTrips"WereNotPackin'Up"...Bucktown...BU'Sw/RE,WM,CB...KeenX5...PatGreen... Buffett...l8'hBday...DestinX4... SpendinDaNight...Miss.w/JH,CJ,JL,RE... BrainCells=Rip...Spillway... DRIVING... TripleClay...SXBus...Vandalism... ReindeerHumping...Superior...SignStealing...2.5Hr. BrewRunw/TD...Animal House...Cuz$h!t...Julio...Squires'0l...George'sBar...BackPorch...6'hPeriodPhysics HourPowerw/RE.KS,RK,KB... AC-Oll21l0l-04/28/01-'l'l/??/??GolfcartRlP-wM ...2LC@DKEhouse ...Thaksgiving@HPCw/TheFamily...LSU vs.UofAw/ MZ,JP...WereJustTheGoodOl' Boys... MC-Only5MoreYears 1...2-7 I Club=RK.CK...BentZ-7 1 Club=NR...
Covington...ThankYou ToThe Anheuser & Busch Familes... PTDT=JH. CJ,BJ,ZT, JB.RE, WM,BM,SR.BL.BS. RK.GV.NR.
TD.JG= TheBestFriends IWillEverHave... Mom and Dad thanks for putting up with me. I will always love you...ROLLTIDE ..."lmoutBabylmOut"-George Costanza
Football 0: Soccer l.2,3,State Runner up 4, Captain 3,4t Golf 2,3; PTDT I,2,3,4 Transportation Director 2.3,41 Russian Club-Vice President&Co-Founder
I ,2,3,41 Admissions Club I
(VP 3.4)l B&B Club 1,2,3,4 f F 70
Sometimes you've got to grab your world with your own two hands, Set it spinning off on a course all your own, Find yourself some good times, and bnng them on back home' -Pat Green
Old enough to know better, but still too young to care.
-Anon E. Mous
#1...#l l...Loble...Bern...Superior...Dilbert. .RA's Punch...reindeer humping 'being chased w/ a gun. ..PG @ Varsity. .Bus ride from Riverside. SxBus..."Bleeding Profusely" in my car w/ CK, RK, JH, RE,TD...RIP Bel-Air...$.5Onight...the fly...Eggs...Poop in a bag...Homecoming'99-Dad as AA LimoDriver&Beating TD...CK l8'h B-Day @ LB...Destin'99-'01...upperdecking...ProjectDL...ChineseVillage.. Cathay.. PV...CK's camp...l'm OUT...4/01/00...butterfly..."Ahhh, I think I lost my finger"'JG...ExtremeTubing..."We're not boys anymore"-TD .Julio-GoldenShaft ...Wallbangin...Canasta w/ Mooney&PawPaw,RK,JG...PTDT. .Exam parties' Cheese...LL-9l12199-?...sick in LL's room...Double secret probation ..LASC. .Back that Thang up @ dad's w/ SK, AP, WM, RK, JG, JB, CK...Bruno's...Nights at dad's house...Gbangin DW w/ the soccer team...Oyiiii...Com on...Liz, you've made the past couple of years the best years of my life, I Luv You...Thanks fbr everything Mom, Dad, and Mike. I couldn't have done it w/out youl...TCU bound
Student Council 2,4; Football 1,2,3,41 Soccer I ,2,3, State Runner Up 4; Track I ,2.3,4; NHS 4; Admissions Club 1,2.3,4; Committee of Diversity and Multiculturalism 2,3,4; Best Looking .l; Speech Team l: PTDT I .2.3,4;
F"[a D"rdv 1997-2001
"The greatest change happens on the brink of chaos." -unknown
"What we can see is only a small percentage of what is possible." -unknown
ha ha club. F/Sp class...quad. .TD arrives. the fight... 1 ,2,3,4 run...St. Aug. games...cacky hat boy... running for your life...lake... Canal St... Trolley Stop...Cuco's... I'm NOT... coffee w/ PR...singing w/ LW on the bus...class talks... Figaros...Jazzland...wigs... shopping w/ MD...Houston trip w/ MD. .Ruff Ryders concert...rumors fly. Meri & Meghan at play rehearsal... Mardi Gras day w/ LL,SM,JJ...D'Angelo concert...OT parents meet mafia... meet AH...What were we thinking... stalker...4'h July weekends... Thanksgiving weekends. ..French Quarters w/ VB, NC,JJ. .Gremlin...Late night talks...Suge & Tigger...Bowling w/ VB,NC,JJ...FAMU= all eyes on us...Bets. ..Odie...Can u really hearthrough the door...parking lot dances. .Are they really...poledancing... weekends w/my PNC'S... Thanks Mom andDad fbr your support ! I Luv u guys ! Gene, thanks for being so greatl Jar, well u know how I feel about you! Well, STM will never be the same! I'm a Rattler now !
Chorus 1,2,3,4 Volleyball I ,2 Tennis l, 2 Basketball 4
NCBI 2,3 ,4 Drama club 2,3,4
73.ordon 9/T. DoSn[
71, ,* ffi
TDrff,'*, C. 9T"Cu[[""6
"You maybe right I maybe crazy but it just maybe a lunatic your looking fbr'
-Billy Joel
"How can I forget a night I can't even remember"
#65... Curly...CK'ssleepovers...CK'scamp... thechase# I ...reindeer humping ...huntingw/TD...JumpintheROADw/TD...Backporch
...3200yardclubw/JB,RE,TD,BS, CJ,BJ,SR... Trailer...Destin...
Draftparty... RIPBelaire... Pepper nights...Fly... Brunos
...GoodOlBoys...JG'sfinger ...Dino's...PTDT ... Keenconcerts...
PG@varsity... Thanksgiving w/parents @HPC... The Boot
DACconcert... Me+K Svs JB+EV?...Squires ...Apollo
...B+C...JJWconcert ...Best Fiends JB,JD, GD,CR,WT, EW,SC ...Golf cartvs .ME... Jbuffet concert...2lc @ DKE house... Boot... BU'sw/CK,RE ...Bucktown ...Roll Tide!... Thanks for everything Mom.
Football 1,2.3,4 2^t team all district 3,4 PTDT Varsity letterman Track 1,2
Bou.n, Zhxrs %Co["rn
I 963-2001
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will."
-Romans l2:2
"[ am not afraid of tomorrow. for I have seen yesterday and I love today."
William Allen White
Laure-Laure...sneaking into Mme. Brady's roomloreos,war muffins...ATM Hola!...2.4,6,8, everybody integrate...Prov. -j:5-6...Rapunzel cracks...Beachin'it w/ AF, AM, JB. ES. AS. MM...Australian-ran!l!...good start...small&homely ...eraser clap...hw'l...procrastinatin'sensation...3am delirious...Chili's&martial you have vocal cords?...transcendent being...Sneath lives onl...pop days...LC&the bands...AF's cherry Popsicle fiasco&the killer sneeze...calc...cheese crackers...troll patrol...our bench... everyone's gone...stalker...zat ink!...Adam's Lament meets STM...Jewel w/AF, ES-interesting...enough Deliriousl, Earthsuit, Jars...Phil.
4:13...L{L & LFYM-- love you
guys...K-B...Tillin Inn. Pancho's Suburban party .80s NIGHT.. ro all of Kristin and Katie's viclims-l'm so sorry .Thanks. teachers...To my STM buddies- y all are the best. I'll miss youl...Mom. Alison. Kristin-Thank you. I love you so horizons...
Student Council l,4t Class Vice-President 4: French Club l, 2, 3, 4; Siera Club 2,3,41 Lyre 3,4 (art editor); Halo 3,4: FCA 3,.1; Key Club 3,4; Tennis 2,3,4t 13 Year Club; NHS 4l Friendliest 4
72 E I T r--. II I t
l$rd"' '..
/ q87-2001
"Well, l've been down a time or two, but it never lasted long. I can always make it through on a wing and a prayer and a song.
-Clint Black
"Just gettin' out of bed ruins my whole day."
-Jerry Jeff Walker
Zrihy.7( 966.*ann
.,So many races in and ,,,", ^1,1,!.!:33!,!^s' some wi,, then. Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. I'm afraid it's a again."
"Fun times, Fun times" -us
just be now and time for goodbye
Mo. Mohms, Mohrmy, Morms, "Mom", Ash, Ash # 2, "Straight A', "Unstopable A"...CCC summers 99-01(GK,GB,BB.AB,JB.JH,SF,JR,BV)...Jimmy's...The Boot... "Hcy now. I'm an allstar..."(AB)...LSUf-ballgames...DP&JD...CCC,enoughsaid...stkrsandobsessns..LuvTrngls.. AB &F..."dnnr&amovie (CK/AM)...eddie?(AB/GK)..."sleeping@JR's"...CHATEAUQUEEN... "Charles Barkley"...the cops... "bten to a crsp"(AB/AM)... roundtrip to nowhere"...2:30 Klebba nights w/ MW...bixby's buddies (MWAM)...Mw's 6-toed bf... "luloring w/ Gl(/ ES"...saints games...coff'ee w/ SL...babysitting lil' barqs... x-mas eve '00... sleep overs @ BB's...bedn-breakfast...Prom 01, where's the bus?!...TWBW driving 2 the Boot... the "car srowl"...BB's alarm...BN/JC...closeuproomies...4'hcivics&8'hecon..."vinyl"(BL&MT)"ljoke"(GK).. skitrip wilZ..."WHORU?!"...CBdays...TopCun(AB/AM)..."MyBestFriend'sWeddin8"..."Chillaxin"..
"Chillin like a Villian" (BB)...Club Brngn...AB workiog for iree... "bring a t'riend day"... "Aunt Ash"...late nite study sessions w/ diet w/ MW...pws...wkd extrav...HOLY LAND FEST...Destinw/AB(97-01)...TheLuvMobile(Jw/BM)..."GK,howmuchdoIowe'l".. "MWhow much do U owe?!"HC '01 w/JZlMw...MW & AM's JHS fags... "the plan's ofl -satan.. "woudie"(BB)... "odr in the cfl'(GB. AM, AB)...Ash-n-Ash...Ash^2...Hessmer nights... "o, boyl" (AB)...1/4 nights...ltaly 00... hearing aid tund (CK)...TC's red cups...sun-in...sleeptalking w/ CK... mall brks... "remember CK, there's 4 quaners in a tball game"... ES's b-day bash...GK running away... "doublemint twins"(DM/AM...thanx to all my fams. u know who u r...1 Iuv yalll...Beeeej, have fun @ LSU. ill miss our phone chats everynite: )... Slacker, momma luvs u !...Ash, good luck next yr. u'll need it! I'll miss u, I luv u !...Gretch-babes. what would I do w/out u 1... It's been real Billy. ill miss u a lotl Have fun @ UGA...Cood luck David & Jackie, it goes by way too fast so don't waste ur life away...Nana & Paw Paw, I loveyall somuch!...Mom& Dad.thanxfor everything, I don't know what I would have done il w/out yalMt's been fun!
Volleyball 9, |0Swimming I 1. I2 Basketball 8,9, 10. I I (Captain I l) Softball9,10, I l, l2 (Captain 11, l2)Trackg,10, I I, l2 (All-Metro I I, District Champ Pole Vault I I, 2*r District | 2) Key Club 9,10, I I ShieldClub9,10, I I, l2SpiritClub I 1. l2
Homecoming Cheerleader 12
#,17... Boots...B-Mac...B-Whack...Shotgun rifle & 2WD...What'l much sense.2 place @ thetable3.5,4
Uh Uh Yeah...2 easy, 2 TE DRAMA...shooting Dozier&Frber...Draft Day99...DED 1,2... I l/ the Boot... B parties upb/fgames. l9199 at CKs spendin da n
JB... Apollo... REKx3... JJW...PG@BR... DAC...BJ...RIP
rng w/ WT. .the CAT w/ JH. ..epic battles I -0- l .wild turkey nights. .aoe Camplv"'." not packin up"...97mph on Hollywood w/ NR Physics...Jimmies...Cujo/Buddy'?...sign stealing...CKs bday... did they know...spare keys...PTDT...Team B&C...the jeans tha frickin lane...MW 36/6 ...EMW (bft-)... the bread... C w/promise... hey, Lopez... driving w/EM... citizen Kane... MY-l had a great time.. .bullum head. .boys in the band ..,kids in the hall towels...little gods
REAL Friends JC JH SR CJ BJ NR GV JG CK BL B DS WM JB RE RK BS ZT JMC...Thanks for everything Mom Dad & Liz ...1 love you all...l've never rolled b/f, but l'm ready to roll...l'm Outl...ROLL TIDE
Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 8,1,2,31 Track l; Class Treasurer 2; Boys' State 4; Friendliest Guy 4; Russian Club 4; PTDT 3.4
S/np6n, 9("9(oru'
-Billy Joel
73 ry r4& ! \
on St.Charles wCJ Pcriod ...ATTs... little ie .l f
Zr-nn B. 9(ornou
t991 -2001
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Peaches...Aims... small& erasers...the bench...sweet l6...JB w/ goober...LC and shadow...Mme Brady w/ oreos&muffins...watermelon woman...SL w/ top or bottom...the beach 9'h...laure-laure...underwater races... wait what is it on?...dirt writing @ swimming...SW food mix...cheerleader w/ MW, SK, JB, SL, AM...JR is it l3 panels'l...CCSC for l0yrs...wlyb...the quad & squall...5:00AM...deck changing...big's my way or the airline hwy...LW's hugs...talks w/ my StM friends, take care and I'll miss you! my coaches MF, MW, MW, EB, SW, thanks! IluvU! &2my parents&brother, thanks for always being there...luv U always!
French club 1,2,3,4: Sierra club 1,2; National Forensic League l; Swimming 1,2, 3, 4; Captain 4; MVP for swimming 1, 2, 3; Tennis team 1, 2; FCA 3,4; Most Athletic 4; State champion, All Metro. All District for swimmingl,2,3,4
Ry* 7ou,[9Tortor.
I 991 -2001
"(Come in under the shadow of this red rock), And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust."
- T.S. Eliot
"Give me a museum and I'll fill it."
- Pablo Picasso
"The food in this place is really terrible. Yes, and such small portions. That's essentially how I feel about life."
- Woody Allen
"Few things are harder to put up with than a good example."
- Mark Twain
Cross Country 1,2,3,4 State Champs 3, Runner Up 4; Chess Club 1,2; Lyre Club 4, Production Editor; Student Government 3; Track 1,2
I I J q I q
Zrd.n* 9(. O'lZ.ien
I 990-2001
Ca/ O'Conneff
I 937-2001
Glass $5,6 bottles $400. receipts on table $40-$50, "broken Blender" $20, Stolen phone $80, Neighbors antenna $40. European wallpaper-ireplaceable, neighborjumping the fence-just doesn't happen, a party at Catharine's house-PRICELESS
-Alex Pappas 5:30am
bigcat...bigrine...Hcoming98...rollingcorollas-MZ,SL,NK...summer00 lets go crazy...terrence&phillip-AP...KL bday...boot/waldos/grits/tats/nicks/jimmies/DI/ ATs...BelairRIP...Vail...REKx3/JJW/COE/JBUFFET...cujos crazies.. .CRITS. Caj unland...chillen w/ the padres-TD.. .triple k-NK. .bigbro-littlesisJG...BahamasO0-AP(S100)...MZ=joker...flydays...Buddy vs Cujo?... Grueciox2...Belair pool w/MZ(holes)...thanksgivingl999-CK,WM,JB,SK,RE,EN ...NKs teeth...sweets w/MZ, AP... Holdenplease...popeye...ltalyO0party2weeks ...6bottles...wallpaper?... oysterpunch...Kiln...Donald to rescue...MZs house enough said...2"d period Spanish... to the on me crying... bama ...home home-CL,JT,MH...draft,TD,BS, WM dartmouth ...F&M's-superman-NK,AP.MZ...CANK-AP, war vs BM&JHS ...NK=cliffhanger...walking the dogMZ...vail-TD...eviction#S7 table w/AP. MC&ME-goodluck. to the boysyall are awesome ill miss I love yall so much I couldn't of made it w/ out my sisters-yall are my best friends I love yall thank you for everything ...GRITS-Road goes on forever and the party never ends-l love yall...GO DAWGS!
Volleyball 1,2,3,4 ...Soccerl,3
...Court 4...Yearbook Editor 3,4
...B&B club 1,2,3,4
"Well,I just had to laugh..."
- The Beatles
"All human life has its seasons, and no one's personal chaos can be permanent: winter, after all, does not last forever, does it? There is summer, too, and spring, and though sometimes when branches stay dark and the earth cracks with ice, one thinks thEy will never come. that spring. ihat summer. but they do. and always."
- Truman Capote
"I know the feelings of my heart, and I know men. I am not made like any of those I have seeni I venlure to-believe that I am not made like any ofthose who are in existence. If I am not better. at least I am different."
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
To my family and mentors, anything I write here could not possibly indicate the giatitude and appreciation I have fbr your love and support. Rather, in this moment of completion, in this moment of significance, I would like for you to know who you are and for your names to be remembered.
Et vobis, amici carissimi, velim sciatis quantum vos vere diligam. Me superbietisl Curate ut valeatis.
The rest is silence.
Honor Roll l, 2, 3. 4tChess CIub l, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4 (State runner-up 4); Lyre StafT 1,2,3, 4 (Literary Editor 4); Quiz Bowl 2, 3, .1; Halo Staff 3, 4; National Merit (Commended)
75 F I
Zfn, o, {ro'Ne"[n Topp ot
So before we end and begin again, let's drink a toast to how it's been. I've loved these days.
-Billy Joel
Papdat. .GRITS. DoubleTrouble-M2.. .UGoGrl... REKx3,JJW,Coe. Summer00 LetsGoCrazy... Bootinlt/Waldos/DI/Jimmys/Fats/Grits... Belair RIP...MZsParties ...JrYrDrama...Sweets-MZ,CO,KvBK...PNCNK...COsItaly parties...Gummin fakedncin-MZ...RoadTrips... $.50nite...GulfShores-LG... Bahamas- CO($ I 00)...Own World-M2... Bamaboys... AUvsBama-CO,LG.NK Superior......CKs I 8th@LiveBait BsOnCeiling@ Nicks-CO,NK... DESTIN/VarsityTeam/Eviction0 I = Penthouse DraftParty99@JBs...CabRides ...NK= Cliffhanger ...F&MsSuperman...Kiln... HoldenPlease...Crushes...CarWar VsBM, JHS...MardiGras5V-M2...$60-LG,MZ... ShadowPuppets-LG...Free Meal @VeraCruz-MZ... Hcoming98't...CANK-CO,KL, NK... RAs Bckhouse -LG... FlyDays...WkendWarriors-NK... BoyTalks-SL... LemonDropsSK...NNiteMS-CO.NK...WereUGood?-SL... StCTavernTil8am-NS,MZ, NK Sen i orBowl-MZ.LG...MZ myMofH...G oodLuck&StayCrazy ME.MC... Mom.Dad&Nick-Thank youJustlsn't Enough,Iluv Ya'll ...Finally2 theGRITS-TheRoad GoesOn Forever& The PartyNever Ends... SMUBoundl!
Key Club l,2,3...LyreClub l,2...Spirit Club 3,4... Volleyball I,2,3,4 (CoCaptain)...Basketball l,2...Colf 3...Sof'tball l,2...Cheerleader 1,2,3... Homecoming Court 2,3,4...Student Council 3...Shield Club 1,2,3,4...B&B Club 1,2,3,4
%e/Q Cottrdy Rnntn
I 999-2001
lmagination is more important than knowledge.
-Alben Einstein
I told my dad I stopped raising hell and he called me a quitter. -Anonymous
You will do foolish things, bul do them with enthusiasm. -Colette
I do not develop. I am. -Picasso
I've learned...
That it's takes a long time to become the person I want to be.
That you keep going long after you can't.
That we are responsible for what we do.
That you control your attitude or it controls you.
Thut money is a lousy way ol keeping score
That I can be angry but that doesn't mean I can be cruel.
That true love grows over the longest distance.
That heroes act despite consequences.
That sometimes we have to forgive ourselves too.
That friends change and it huns.
That people see things tolally different.
Thal when you have no more lo give and a friend cries out, you find the strength to help.
Newspaper 2,3,4 Editor 4 Sierra Club 2,3,4 Secretary 3,4 Chorus 1,2,3,4 FCA 3,4 Key Club 1,2 National Honor Society 3,4 Soccer 1,2,3,4 Softball 1,2,3,4 Cheerleading 2,3 Honor roll 1,2,3,4 76 f**'E r \ ry I li l t L [*-*ry " {# iI r ,..lru I L nry,**@Y I, I r f -''"il ,l L-,.._
Xo/donrbf Roge.s
Should I try to be a straight "A" Student, Ifyou are then you Think too much.
-Billy Joel
I guess he aint read the signs that say I've been to prison, someone ought to warn him fore I knock him off his chair....
-David Allan Coe
Keep on driving, Keep on driving, Fighting for more yards.
-Walter Payton
Senior Year...All Eyes On 5...1'm Out...FB'00-Where's Dozier and Farber?... JD aI lunch...Superior... R.l.P Bel-Air... Red Eye w/GV... Yacht Club w/ TD,BS...Destin '00 w/GV.RR,TD,DS,BS ...2-'7 lClub NR,DS,RK'l,CK?. Bouncing@WalDorks. Draft Party'99 w/CJ.. Bachelor Club...HPC...Cinco de Mayo...E-Z serve Dogs...Set of Bricks w/ DS,GV...97mph on Hollywood w/BM...TD and B-T-B...BB'01-Playoff win ( Yeah ZT ) K8... Squires'98?...White Jean Shorts... REK... Pat Green DAC... Pedro...The two V's...S.T.S...80yd KO return for TD...Gold Chains...OPPx2(in 3 days)... Booted from The Boot. AT2's'98...Tuck's w/JB ,GV ...Talking FB w/ BM,RK...Back Porch... Bruno's... I4yrs old@the Boot... CG-The Girl Of My Dreams... Mom, Dad, Rebecca, Gee thanks for all the support I Love you.
Football 1,2,3,4: Chess Club 1,2,3; PTDT 1,2,3,41 AFC 1,2,3,4; Basker ball 1,2,3,41 Track 1,2,31 Golf 3; Graduating 4
"Without pain, without sacrafice, we would have nothing."
-Fight CIub
"The highest cost of livin's dyin, that's one everybody pays, so have it spent before you get the bill...ifyou don't look ahead nobody will, there's no time to kill."
-Clint Black
"They say, best men are moulded out of faults; And, for the most, become much more the better for being a little bad."
#33...l,l25yds...2.1TDs...State Chanrp-revenge...JRob...Horsey...The Fly...Ripped ...Apollo Jryear"l'm tired of all your..."w/JHBMCJ...Keen@Tips...Destin...gone lst night...condoparty...$.50-Boot...Jimmys'summe12k-tireslashed...Coe@LiveBait ...Waldos...ApolloSryear-Taylor...Sophhomecoming limow/KL&BL...MardiGras98, 99,?,01 -TS...V1l=pnssout...MC-notworthit...Sweetl6s sophyear...Buck'sdraftparty'l ...Brunos'haphr...RecklessKelly'l=TSsick...parties@CKMZJGNRCO...CKspartybus...lunchbud-JG...Superior Grill RIPw/JH...senioritis...PromOl -Bus?...CKsCampwfalls...9:00locker runw/JG...Belair...Bayou/Jaxdaxs...Temptations-$25in2min ...roadtrip PatGreen@ Varsity... PTDTw/ JG,BM,JH,JC,CK.GV, BJ.WM,RE,TD. JB,BL.RK,BS,NR,CJ ...Taylor-l will never forget you. I Love "all of you"
Thankyou Mom. Dad, and Laura-l couldn't have made it without you, I Love you all...UVA BOUND!!
Football 1.2 MlP.3 MVP.4 MVP All District, All Metro, All EJ, Academic All State; Wreslling 1,2 MIP,3 MVP State Champ. Captain: Track [; NHS 3,4; Who's Who3.4l Boys state 4: Class President .l: Class Vice President 3: Student Council 3l Cum Laude 3.4: Kev Club 2,3; PTDT 1,2.3,:1r
Sco// F. Ro6-ton
;-' 77 -*"g*.sd \ Ch %l'-' F /
Ignorgn Z. Snoun
I 999-2001
"I love the feminist movement, especially when I am walking behind it'
-Rush Limbaugh
"How can I forget a night I can't even remember?" -Me
"If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie, then I don't want to go."
-Hank W. Jr.
"My intent is to take the light side of life and live it to the extreme."
Hey Fellas, I Never Talk Like That.l'm Drivin.It Would Make Too Much Sense, Be Way too Much Fun, And Be Way Too Easy.T-Town Weekends.Gad I love that.Never Ate Here, Ever.Should Have Listened To Mama When She Said No Fooseball.Can't Stay Away From The Old Crow.Destin->O.K Cancun->Better.Buddy Vs. Cujo, Still Waiting and Still Confident.Keen'00, Europe sryle on Met. Rd. W/ Naked Men In The Back.Oh God Were Not Stopping, Clay Get Off The Gas.Thank you to everyone who has helped me through the years.(Mom. Dad. Ans). EsPecially The Old Crow and B. L. LOOK OUT T-TOWN HERE I COME. I'M OUTI ...finally.
". ..And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us..."
-Our Father
"The past is gone It went by like dust to dawn... ...I know it's everybody's sin Y6u got to lose to know how to win ...Live and learn from fools and from sagis You know it's true All the things come back to you"
Foul Queen every game... SmoothieKing...the tracks...JigglyPuff crew...3musketeers...bell tower...thecompany...Tulane FB...Sinatra in the Bentley by the library on the mountain drinking coke. ..BooBoo Queen. .freakin cheerleaders... showering in the boys locker room w/JJ..'bonding time in the TR/sachristy...heeere, lizard. lizard, lizard...JBs dancin...CRs bathroom...nights in the hottub...petty vandalism...revenge is sweet...hacky sack...LC CP & SpecialO...Steve's
girl...Cindy, I love you... LC crew at Tulane... Elizabeth Schlong... ???... Cood luck next year Mike... Mom, Dad,& ya'll I'll never forget
Student Athletic Trainer I .2.3..1 Basketball 1,2,3,4 Track & Field 1,2,3,4 Key Club I ,2,3 vp,4 president The ComPanY 1,2,3,4 Sierra Club 1,2.3,4 Tulane Student Trainer 1,2,3,4 Special Olympics Head Volunteer Coach 1,2,3,4 SPeech & DebateTeam 1.2 FCA founding member 3,4
8[ro6n/6 C. 3.6on,
XW fl I wq -q il
ry rftq
"Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of Values."
-Albert Einstein
"l can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me"
"I've got Texas in my Soul"
-Pat Green
Stubu..Bubu;.BrianBurke..GVusing"Reggie"for4years..BellaireSkeets'stories. PissToday & watchingTD.inBroncoNYeve00'..But he's my fiiend" Thanx Coach Farber&Dozier- "d.D.d.thebomb?"..SetofBricks w\NR.&GV..on the kitchen table@GV's..K.S.' sballoon@mardigras00'.. Nat'sDad in Destin. "AllForMe"'. Squiresg8w\NR&GV-(OOPS)Spillway&4wheelerw\C.K.. Birds&Bones..Blake Jersey&BlakeJerseyJ r..takingSlK toChuckieC's ..iluvURems. StupidFun& Camelia G.w\CG..TRUST MY DRIVING.. Italian&Greek.. 5pin=B**s,Bx*bs &Tunes.. Z'7\=my Sportscar. .E.2. serve cups.. ."SillyHead" BNL concert
w\AJ ..ORWAKw\B.M ...A.H-"I'll Pass" .Phrat party afterB.J. BFFwUack. D&Jim .B..TwoHanded Bandit. .LNDC'sto F.H-KIT..Thnks Dr. Weaver .AH,TYF CintoML, ILU;. CG, thanxforallyou havegiven to mylife,I.LoveUt Thanx AJ, You willalwaysbe MLB,ILU. .Thanx M&Dformaking mewhol am,ILU Finally to my boys, You are all irreplaceahle. In the words of CUJO. "l'm Out"
"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. "
-Thomas Jefferson
"Don't look like a bunch of Yahoos"
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
-Henry Ford
BM...Show tunes... Big G...Iron Mike...Smooth sailing
...Violet Wonder...AMO...Cardinal ...Svitch... Wildride...
Indians vs. Braves...Coke... CC...Badger... Vicious... Big Al Gore... Sally Foster...'trepid ...p... CC trips... Bergis... Suec Trunk rolls... Sveckla...French Competitions... Yahoos... You should know dis...
Coach... Left- hand shake...
Blank stare... Pardee... Mom, Dad, Justin, thanks for the support and guidance! ND
Boundl Go Fighting Irish!
Tennis 1,2,3,4 State 2,3 Regional Champions 3; Student Council
1,2,3,4 Treasurer 3; Cross Country
1,2,3,4; Shield Club 3,4 Editor, Quiz Bowl 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Science
Olympiad 1,2,3,4;
Dennrc B. 8/e*or/
79 fi{ p
Znd.n* R. fron"6-o
I 993-200/
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's cares may drive us, Her teachings will be there to guide us.
Long live our dear St. Martin's thatwe cherish and we love. Thanks mom, dad, and St.Martin's. Love you all.
Zo"6o.y F 7yt",
l'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun. -Billy Joel
I'm old enough to know better, but I'm still too young to care.
-Wade Hayes
Some never find it, some only pretend, but I just want to live, happily ever after now and then.
Jimmy Buffett
#8. #21. #2...3 stooges= #2,#l 6.#33...Spillway Crew-CK,JH,WM,RE.BS.DS-JG jeep=titanic...Destin'99 '00...Prom Date '00? ...Clay's study group ever w/ SL...the truck...PV w/RK,JG.CK.NR,GV...Bucktown...twin towers w/ pen w/ NR,GV,BJ,JG. ...side leenay w/DP,CP...LSU's w/BQ...Boot, Waldo's, Jimmy's, BelAir, Fly. Superiorl ...Spennin'the nite! ...Butfett, BJ and EJ,CA...Jefe's Truck'I... BB'01 Playoff win(Yeah GV.NR That's Right!) ball...Cot [t!...parties @CK's and MZ's ...clutch city...l000+pts....Playoffs=FBl. BB2, B84...PBR wl BQ...CKl8@LiveBait...Pic's house'00'l ...the shirt w/BQ... MardiGras... td+ dunk+hr=Superman...sleepin@ jefe's...
PT DT=CJ. B J,J H,N R.G V, R K.C K, JG.RE.WM. BM.BS.TD.JB.SR...the catch w/#16...r rex...JH and the cat...bus...3 stooges RIP...BQ its been fun, love you lots...thanks Mom, Dad. Nanny, BJ, and Dutch foreverything, I couldn't have done it with out yall. I love you...its time for some more b-ball
Honor Roll I,2,3,.ltFootball 4l Basketball
MIP 2; Captain 4; MVP 4;1" Team All-District 4; All-EJ 4l 1000ptsl Baseball
80 ru
\ i
\ T Zt
Captain 4
Fr, ' Jfl"h
F"6n ( ( tlfax ) ) T)on lBn{unn
1991 -2001
"I do not recognize anyone's right to one minute of my lif'e."
-Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
"lf A is a success in life, then A equals .r plus .v plus z. Work is .r, -v is play and; is keeping your mouth shut."
-Albert Einstein
"Voici mon secret. Il est tres simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Thanks DS, KB, MI, AO, GW, BF, DM for making STM great. .BF glad you did your thing. .Senor, gracis Mme. D. Merci beaucoup, thanks tbr realizing my potential... BBS...VFC. Mr. Drago .Roman settlements. LCM MBE.. .UGH. .Tatyana. . . DM. ..S&W. DWTS. .Quote test. .DWGRH. .HATO .Rome. .Greece. .Thanks Mom&Dad,,,UF&FF... GROUG!!!!
Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Czar 4; Honor Roll 3,4
I" Come on baby, Don't say maybe, I gotta find if your sweet love is gonna save me"
- Travis Tritt
" I've never been hit that hard in my life"
-#l I Franklin
" I'm gonna be somebody, someday you can bet your hard earned dollar I will"
- Anyomous
#51 ."Busted" w/TD,NR...Destin '00,'99. ..Squires98 w/NR??. PG@BR. l5l w/BS,TD...Test Dr... 66-63... Backroom @NR... $.50nght... Bachelor' s Club...Cush shot CK's B-Day...Heavenly Bodies...Set of Bricks w/ DS,NR... Buffet&BJ. Bucktown Backporch w/boys...RIP BelAir .TU Frat party band w/DS,CJ,TD...HPC w/40+mwf..."Hold this"...Are you crying?...u turns UPT w/DS...History =50-45 w/NR,ZT...Red Eye w/NR...Train Jumpin@Fly...BeachSleepin w/TD...37yrd Int=TD...97 mph w/ BM,SR,NR...Good times@ Bruno's w/ Leslie...REK & JJW...Baldie @ LiveBait...CountryFest99... Fly Days...SARAH only time will tell...Covington w/ the boys...BS naked again...Georg's Bar til close@ CK's camp...Edmond x2 thanx... Later Brothers it's been a ride...Mom. Dad, & Lauren you mean everything to me...l couldn't have done it without you!
9no.g 7 Un/ura/os
Football l.2,3,4Captain4 All-Mctro4 AllEast Jefferson 4 All-District 4 Academic All-State 4 Basketball 1,2,3.,1 All-District .1 PTDT r.2.34 AFC 1.2,3.4 B&B 1,2.3.4 300Lb bench 3.4
t ..j I \
Ur[['*n"76omas" TDehA
I choose a rocky path but that's how I like it.
Life's a bowl of punch go ahead and spike it.
T-Dub...Head...HWAP...PK + KS = oh my god...#8 on my car....JC + LS = 5 to 10...pockets stay full of that good...... BABY!!!...tony with BL, RS, NK...CABANNA!!!
SHWANKY.. LC + 7 years = legal... the illest (blank) in Nebraska...the sand castle...2507a...the booming Jimmy...DH + off = no backyard....poodle in CE hot do they go so fast without pedaling?...C-Dog in the C-obra... getting caught with KH...Mom. Dad thanks for everything... Maggie you've made these the best years of my life. i'll miss you...LSU aint ready for love Baseball 1,2,3; state poetry honorable mention
Ba Trice 9(. Uodn
"lfwhat you did yesterday still looks good to you, then you haven't done much today"
-Vince Lombardi
"Life is a God given gift, the quality of life is predicated upon your ability to make good choices"
2myRealDogzStayCool ! YITTIDIE !2daGBBteam:l-luvYallBroadsYeahlLuvYallBroads! J-Boe-N-DosFrijoles!SmokeDogg!BoobalalFishie-pooh! LateNightRapSessionOnTheBus Cassidy/BETTY !-KB-StayCool !-MRWhatChuSay !-DoYoThangDontBe SCURD !Daddy REESE !Li l-Noli ! MrB'sHugs!JuliaWhachaDoin... TakinABreakOnDaBench! Hey-Papi! SenorPerez!- LoveYaBlGRED(CM)-OhNoWeSuckAgain!-Rachie-pooh!RomaCo!All MyFreshman BUDDIES! Whoo WhooPullOver Dat AZZ TooFAT! T-Bird! DrMooney !2al lThose-I-4 got, Thanks4all Yal-uv- NSupport! lil wade33200l@yahoo is OUT!
Admissions Club 1,2,3,4; Key Club
1,2,3,41 Key Club Sergeant at Arms
3,4; FCA 3,41 NCBI 1,2; Chess CIub
1,2; Worship Club 2,3,41 Girls' Varsity Basketball 1,2,3,4; Girls Basker ball Captain 2,3,4; Girls' Basketball MVP 2,3,4tGirls' Varsity Softball
I,2,3,4; Girls' Varsity Track and Field
82 {
I , \
I{ I b- A TDrt'*nt 1987-2001
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on the earth, for in these I delight', declares the Lord'"
-Jeremiah 9:23-24
"Overcome the devils with a thing named love."
-Bob Marley
"Ventum ad supremum est." -Vergil
Thanks to my friends, especially Andy and Dave. I've really enjoyed it. Mom, Dad and Bonnie, thanks for everything. I'll try to make you proud. Erin, what can I PossiblY say except I love you. Ad Miorem Dei Gloriam.
NHS 3, 4 (President), Quiz Bowl
2,3,4 (Captain,3'd in State), Chess Club l, 2,3,4Lyre Staff 4, Soccer
1, 2, 3 Cross Country 2, 3, 4 Honor Roll l, 2, 3,4
gTnogon D. fu)r'en
/ 999-200/
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."
"NO! I do not have to go through customs to get to school!l!"
Slacker. Frick-n-Frack. .Cheesecake. PIC. Wien-. Piggy. Poopie leopard book ...Deena&Paul...FIBA...U got beaf?...therapy w/J-ro...sandal buddies...Bixby's...morning PJ's w/ SS and JF...American Butthead...Icee & red Volvo-Ebo....1:30am...royal blue wrangler bandits-HC...Bash sist^ "oh its LB's dress"...AMV...destination Holy Land...TS's!...MG 01 wl SL 1Z AA...random medication <-not good, I think?...Coyote Ugly, right Ash?...detentions...SING JZ SING...BF bus...St.Charleslnn.. I HATE 18-wheelers "Xcountryl...Gubalogy...surviving Alcatraz ...the corrupted 6-JR SS MW JF SV SM ET Daq's...Stupitl Sprinters...MoWSal-s...Altoids... l35...Jesuit dudes. 'BJ's only friend...interesting talks w/ BQ.. Boot Buddy Liza...campouts...Gungho's a little place called Algiers Point...watermelon woman..Janie's Gotta Gun... Hello CARI-prom...yes, Thomas' Jac... BM's boardchecks Bum nites w/ SL... thanks BJ JH BM lbr "toughening me up for college"...WB customs... PrincessEm...arethoselines white/yellow ...hawaiiboy...old hot choc spillage .NOA lifer/STM slackerswimming thanks Momma A and the HL fam 4 everything you have done 4 me, where would I be w/o ya'll? Em-ur the best sisler. but STOP stealing my clothes...Daddy thanks for starting my days ofl right. Mom thanks lor trying to keep me inline I know it isn't easy... I love you all! Houston is a Gol
Graduating l2
B3 F*
,ti ^l \q L:x F ffi d
ei;llllweq r{f$,
7 Zoo6 2000-2001
TMPhelp...swimming party's... I 2 slices..."l'm a Hugger!"...d-team. .The wonderful debate!..WJK..l got all dressed up for this'l?...SURPRISE
PARTY ! it for me?...position books?...Disney World 50...Di's "blond" camp...swinging w/ MP...we got a man!...Tylenol PM...Skittles...J-like the letter...hatched from an for Invitational...Titanic fix ! my twinnee !...WPIAL QUALIFIERS 4x4!..We don't run distance We sprint it!...3 weeks BEFORE a confession-2 years LATER-enough said! roadhouse buzzer 'that look'- CClark...Starbucks...Kell Bell, Heel Toe, Big Bird. Jac Attac-CC LOCKE SQUADI! Donuts and those bones Locke..liberty bell...AP BT AJ..Sweetheart w/AW...82 -thank you-...RH-Cafd Fresca'?... Jimmy's-dancing w/SR...Mardi Gras 0 1...O' Henry's with BJ SL AA MW (was she sleeping?)..."Unstoppable A"...Breck00...MIKE V...JGmy favoritist...GY little while !... MW-PROMISES ?...BVQUESTIONS! can always make me laugh!...BARBIE commercials Casey...your the besydon' t you ever change...l love you Mom and Dad, Thank You tbr always being there and giving me all the love and support I could ask for...lts been a Wild ride with 8 STOPS and 3 HS...My mind is made UP! looking's time to run like a run like a Commodore!
9Ttbyb Z. Zrm-ermann
"Every now and then I get a little bit nervous the best of all my years have gone by"
-Bonnie Tyler
"Ifyou haven't, you should, these things are fun, and fun is good!"
-Dr. Suess
Yeah Meesh...Joker...GRITS...doubletrouble-AP ...SouthBay-EVICTEDpenthouse...crazy summerO0-AP,CO,KL,NK...DAC,JJW,REKx3...Superior...bootiV
RIP...flydays...GoodTimes...sweets-CO,AP...MardiGras5V-AP... $60LG,AP FM's/Grits-NK-9am. Destin99-01 Erk&Himself-NK... gum.. ownworld-AP.. WalkingDog -CO...tub-LG...soph.yr.FL?...BillyJoel-LG.SL,NK.RM,SK... LSUvs UA -CK,JP.. kiln... freemeal @VeraCruz-AP.. .CK I 8 @ LiveBait. .roadtrips-AP,SL,LG
...cute-SL. .poolholes-CO. ..homecoming-98?. ExcuseMeSir-AP. ..LBI-MSZ,CZ,SG snkybndts-NS...jumptiming -AP.. FanOn High@CO ...Brady'sBack housel/2NK...O&C-LG...Ugogurl... Holden Please ...HPCfridays-NS...fake dancing- AP... carwarVSbm&jhs... House Pilties ...stalksMC...St.Ctav-prom8am-AP, NS, NK... $.50night... CabRides ...COs During Italy....F&M's Superman-CO,AP. NK... Bro's& Braud's Club.4eva!...AP-MofH ...crazyMere &MC good luckl...JS-l
Mom-il' we were only the same uge-it would be crazyIILOVE YOUI...Dad&famthanks for everythingl I loveyou!...and toAP.LG, CO.SL.SK,KL, NK,EN-we will always be the girls ofGRITS -fight,fight,fight!
"UGA, that's a Big Dawg!"
w a I d o s / f a t s / j i m m y s / d. i / n i c k s / I i v e b a i t / b r u n o s B e I A i r -
84 *j "*hi I I I T liltr *. N * i#
85 t t , ,* I s "{ p t a t a I * I \// *4 rtS ,$
86 ) {" t a i& J HSmtll
c {. ) I t I j I \ $ ::.'.' I 87 .l
,* d l1 6F a> E>, :o =6 ;:< E; o= AC d6 -.> >\o P> -EcP r6tr d-3 P' >J aO rrl-9 F!Y _..o ': =Eo =jJ-o 323Y e o o.S E-E> O 6- o- d"i >,"'= eE> @- bo ._LO -'^a E;d '€o. UhE uca< 88
ECo -cqF oe= aE * c o.= .6C/]N VEE a-Q< ^ HoO-.v 6 s> *tr1 E ,: 3bi 6Aa u5a \J01* beIFE9 (d o-; trcr; 6 o;N \.,/ : o o<c/) dz *oo >-06 ^48 = -2 : o-o :54 5 aA -!! 89 E ,&h .J F $ 3 .u ,d g r r- a! 1* *..* r ; a f .'S.a t
and Miss St. Martin's
"I \ t I
Dominic Hood and Liz Hollinger
Best Secretary
90 rf a J rrl I T a I dK3 F , &s \ I J * : x -"C
Mrs. Ilene Poole
Most Athletic Rhett Kleinschmidt and Aimee Moreau Best Inoking Brandon l-obell and I-auren Giles 9l t ,t .f { .l ! $ Jt
Most Popular Clay Koenig and Alex Pappas ,l :i i ! i Friendliest Bryan McManus and I-auren Malone 92 I t 1 * q ) ? fi j -*\I "r.l l,;o €'
Most Likely to Succeed
,{ I
Jacquelyn hok and Clayton Eiswirth
* ifr" pry 93 ., t .q L B 1 & & J
Jetr Glaser and Jarlyn Johnson
The retreat is a the time for the class of 2001 to get together as friends before the school yearbegins. Senior Ross Hogan says, "The retreat gives us the perfect oppurtunity to strengthen our bond as a class."
d ,n il ) 94
I l' l I I I t: 3 I ,(
Senior Ryan Evan says, "The whole trip was fun and everybody had the time of their lives, being in the compay of fellow seniors was the best part."
95 n I ti \ --t & (
I ITAY 'L .t ;N Y I f J I i#\ t I 96 fk*' *'. E t , { I I
I {I t / Q 1 .il , i, f \ ii'l a+' 97
One day every year, seniors take the role oftheir favorite teachers. This year was no exception. Left is Thomas working withhis lower school students. Right, Robbie Ball doing the librarian's j ob.
--:_, I
4 :a I
TLeft, Georg teaching his lower schoolers. Below, AndrewO'Brian takingthe role of Dr. Ran-tos
Left, Manoli serving king cake. Below are seniors playing the roles ofthe administration for a day.
s t tt I I &* I l 2 .t -g !. l I I I * ,-: {, I if a & r: rs I ?.r t 98
To the right is Dominicteaching
Mrs. Quinet's students. Far right are senior P.E. coaches, Sam Zach,Alex,and James. Below is Ashleyteaching her little lower schoolers how to make biscuits.
I t {,-- XI
Y h
i:.; :! ^.- ., JrJ -da$ffim r$t5''.\i tr' {tt Ii .d\ \ 2
Below is Ross Hogan giving abad middle schooler a detintion forplaying games on thecomputer.
x a I { @ ).t { m 99 tI A \ , 7t\ E 'tll
To the left is Chris, as the school's nurse. Below are senior cafeteria workers, Clay and Jason with Ms. M. Green.
PUTTING THE PIECES Carrer Day -> & fi il IN ttrH L r 55r I I I i r & ; t .xI 100 .rQlr.> *,, * i I I l r I 1 G /1" i._t "{ * It ;p-s \ I r'
-Serubr frtternsfitp
__..*EIX ,; , SrtXi*t*. & 'f {nc&t}*llirll,f,k k;ffi !!Jk--
f;t i t l0l I
,i: i; I I. t* { ! il
Colen with New Orleans Convention Center
Lauren wlth
&",*, ) with DC
* rf.
with Children's.Hospital
L 5a
Jonathan with 106.7 Radio
"?* I. Sentbr 1 l "!:-:. rl t I llr us32 I G a 3 fE5 Y {s ry rouor<vs I .,'t )ordr / 8,P' .tt {p t !, i.t s{9 *l * ffi 102 d,i:;i &$
-r -r .r( r[\l Il I a \ z a + 103 I t't si*; ',1 a li 'l:e,\ Bh D Nt n .e n
Gladiator Dumb&0umber Cast Awav Hannibal Goonies ; f 5
Ladies Man Reinder Games Double Take Dogma Bedazzled
El Camino Galant leep Neon PT Cruiser
Saints mieht move Napster banned Baltimore wins Superbowl 35 School ShootinEs Gore lost
Popular The Mole Celebritv Death Match Bie Brother Strip Poker II
& Bixby's Picadillv McDonalds 6pplebees Barreca's
Wal Mart AE Lerner lC?ennev Super K Mart &ullt 5
Jackass Friends Sopranos Jack & Jill
Commanders Superior Grill Galitoires Frankie&Johnnv's 104
BMW Tahoe 6udi Range Rover Jefe's 94 Taurus .i,::-
Man Show 5 BEST Houston's
Bush Wins Clinton's Scandal Boys
runner-up Girls vball beets 6SH
J Crew Perlis BeBe Banana Republic Express { r $ ll*
5 BEST NEWS STORIES Saints win plavotf game
titLL YOU gvgR ePRq,T"'
Service Club
Ms. Bradv's Tub
Kissv4irl Club
Snack Time
Nap Time
?rettv Amanda
Skate Counrtv
Steph in the Chair
Mrs. Washington
T?nt Dav
Heavenlv Davs
Heads up Z Up
Mr. Luke&Bradford
May Dav
Mr.Farber's Stories
Herman Fits
D.C. Trip
Pop Test on Mondav
Elizabethan Dav
8 O'Clocks
Mrs. Maurer
Tom Sawver Dav
Food Fisht-8th Erade
Mr.Lind's Room
Patrick I love vou
DisectinE Pies
Dean Rivet
Throwing lce
Core Course
Will's Tooth
Mrs. Snow Web Pub.
Mr.Williams-love vou
Lunch Leave
BeingaEednsr ITUR
{ ., r ,., ''{- \r ^ t L if r|( 105 a' ti t, 't,' O'o "t n I I '\. .-*.3\ x) I * l I -lI
...:.. : :a:.1 ::,i::: ':11::.' :::.r:'. .l * &L -\ c:-i T I q..I -T rt edff I ,"ln*,t 7t r 1 il,,,. 1 ffi v ! / I /-w ""*{ h *l ,1 I 106
h ta tlt : 107 Ta 'lri$ rtr' a a>'' \ t 6)-
I I i i Y. I I \ \ ,( i., #; { t .s" I ff I a 't IIt 'j: ,* $ I t a ; l, l' 108
I I -td 109 I i { b."t 'f I \ \ o a\
edigrunfrearO"Despirindly Itumettasiile "ItrortlrallIteach thirchilrLi'I I'fio$rhartat hagute rg56ofnlre -J 110 ',&i I -a* t t d .J
,ffit**' *,,.ffiffi**
1 I t t tI lll C & 1 I I I I I t q i
F a I ,} ?, fl I -;is# t. & ar' I I J l; dt&s,. :: r E E t a L a 112 I
( 'J< u ir* {x} w E t" , .lb u & *C # d m *? ! I { I , ,l I I \, * I .J t '1 '# #x I * 1l l ,i I rl ..{(. ' x..\ t &J E rI IIII II *I .!r 'll { r d L ..1 { 1ffp n fr..$, ! I d# 1 l 13
Michael B. Abadie
Nicholas G. Ball
Carl Baloney
Carly C. Boos
David Bordson-Bozzo
Martijn Bouquet
Crista M. Bourg
Kathryn L. Bullock
Katherine A. Burke
John B. Caine
Margot M. Castaing
Sara M. Castano
Erin K. Coatney
Jessica B. Colon
David C. Coons Michael Daly
Eric M. DeRoche
Evan R. Dicharry
Jonathan R. Fleming
Richard F. Folse
$**f 114 -r1 cr L aro (':r Oo i //th t t t' i \
Tracy A. Goldblatt
Wheeler Graf
Taylor Gray
Lindsey D. Greer
Jutia H. Groome
Etizabeth A. Hall
Amanda M. Hazel
Jessica S. Henderson
William E. Hester
rAimee J. Hyatt
{ 115 I ffiq t 'l t %tr il il t *
Marguerite M. King
Kevin D. Kirschman
Blair J. Landers
Peter H. Lee
Joey W. Leone
Elizabeth C. Levy
Benjamin D. Lusk
Nathaniel J. Maher
Jenelle M. Malbrough
Meredith L. Maurer
Calty McCall
Meghan N. McQuaig
Juan P. Mendez
John N. Moustoukas
Rachael F. Nachman
Margaret N. Olivier
T. A. Omidele
Beau Ordemann
Carol R. Ortenberg
Megan R. Peck
-1 't 'j A I
I 776 \ l1
I \ +* fs
{, *,' I
Katie M. Piccolo
Julie C. Rabalais
Lillie M. Rea
Erica M. Remsberg
Tatyana V. Rudcova
Malinda G. Russo
WalkerF. Saik
Ryan J. Salomon
James F. Sarpy
Farhan H. Siddiqui
Thomas B. Simpson
Miriam C. Smith
Mark A. Tessier
Richard V. Thompson
Gerardo A. Viera
Brett D. Vogt
Sarah E. Watts
Elizabeth A. Weigand
David W. Woodard
Grant R. Yelverton
f,\ IE
fi t@ r il ) I ;7 I 777 a I i \ i V ffi & s I I q ? .5
Sadiha B. Ahmed
Emily C. Ainsworth
Seth M. Babin
John A. Baker
Jonathan A. Barrett
Heather M. Boos
Jonathan I. Burke
Cristina L. Campo
Courtney T. Charvat
Nicole A. Chopin ;
Kevin A. Comer
Ashley S. Conroy
Emily C. Crotty
Brendan P. Daly
Janelle M. Duhon C'--'j
,b ta ! t
(:C-.J; L )>.- '
v' # H w s "v s x 118
/2rh I
Stephen Adams
Blake N. Duplass
Skye E. Eiswirth
Meredith B. Emory
Emily R. Estes
Jessica L. Farris
Thomas B. Favrot
Clancy Fink
Jason B. Fleming
Sarah A. Foley
Margaret C. Gallagher
Charlotte S. Gallagher
Amelia M. Gariepy
Lauren R. Gibbs
Leslie D. Gieger
Leonid Godunov
1,1.9 ,/h*qQ
Scott M. Harris
Peterson C). Harter
Allison M. Hollinger
Kristin L. Howard
Olga A. Ivanova
Naveen R. Kailas
Mark B. Kaufman
Timothy M. Littleton
Nicole H. Loeb
Dimitri G. Loupakos
Nicholas S. Lowe
Jonathan J. Lu
Drew McCuire
Eduardo Medina
Peter A. Mortillaro
Michael J. Musso
Courtney A. Nicholson
Taylor E. Nolan
James C. O'Leary
Ryan Perry
I t
fI| I r ai- t I ri I t, T
& I I l I I I & * t ,s. ulEF w ,6.1." * t* !T I 720 I /
Rebecca I. Quintal
Matthew R. Reese
Jessica E. Robichaux
Cameron P. Rolland
Timothy Rosencrans
IKristina S. Sanchez
Scott A. Saporito
Jonathan E. Schoen
Adam R. Shea
Kimberly E. Smith
Meaghann C. Smith
Lindsay M. Swetnam
Tourne G. Torres
Umar R. Tufail
Etizabeth Washington
Cammy Watts
Mary Scott Westfeldt
Bonnie F. Williams
Mariann R. Wilson
I H x 727 * r@r t llf. {ll 'S*'
.''- r MT Fl- -qtr rL {tL V T t I '-a ,l I I t
Nadeem S. Arshad
Lloyd F. Beckett
Brian P. Bell
Courtney A. Block
Markham D. Bradburn
Ilyas Chiali
Brandon T. Darden
Andrew M. deBuys
Lindsey D. Defosse
Aaron J. Denn
Laura L. Denny
Amy E. Evans
Emily C. Fransen
Gustave A. Fritchie
Robert S. Graham
DeVon C. Green
Andrew B. Hill
Frances F. Howard
Haytey J. Hutchison
George W. James
O !-
I It
S, U 122 CF L v' r. o c-' \-' : i eth * I & I ,l I I & A Ii It ir I -..I r
ffi r
Amanda W. Janke
Eric M. Jones
Harrel C. Kimball
Jessica W. Leone
Shyue Pyn Lu
Blake J. Lusk
Alison K. Malone
JillM. McCall
Wayne T. McGaw
David T. Mohrmann
Hunter C. Monsour
Christopher S. Moore
Jason F. Oliveri
Walker A. Olson
Oluwafishayo Omidele
123 *,ss: I $ {* I L
Karla G. Perez
Michael L.Perez
Jonathan E. Porobil
Brooke P. Rabin
Ashwin P. Rao
Hayden K. Rieveschl
Ashley N. Riso
Martha C. Rolland
Mark S. Rosenthal
Karl A. Senner
Jennifer E. Simpson
Laura L. Smith
Christopher Snodgrass
Gary N. Solomon
Luis D. Soto
Andrea C. Soto
Alison A. Spindler
Christine E. Stanley
it' -lri r,lr i!,t irll
i i i
# & t # ffiT bd Y 724 $, I 1 ) I *L t I J I $ , lr I t L n [ffi $ / \ I f;
Jonathan M. Stout
Norwood C. Thomton
Robyn Tikia
Eliska C. Torres
Justin M. Tumer
Nathaniel S. Wallace
John L. Washington
Matthew H. Weaver
Andrew N. Wegmann
Derek E. Welch
Jessica A. White
Geoffrey O. Wilkinson
Jessica L. Wilson
Ashley A. Wolff
Matthew J. Woodard
Harrison G. Wool
John P. Zemanek
i i I
# T 725 ru t \ I I t & A fr
a <e-4,+ .-)'*t-q 1 t 126 .-r1 l I d .\I * x q r tqo I &. I* I ---J )
ll 1 -r7 t -* I +.3ffi rJrl I I I & \ t * l ;!
X* L i I I \ I L .t .!l "i , h (3) 128
I I I F 129 ti.l: i )r , o_, .a" ll'.:-, ' j'Ha t r $ I )
gth Grade Retrea;
a I I "r:i' *g' / I tI '- I a ", ,l l" , rl {L - r'.1\\$' i A t 'ic \ l I I I
I r3 a I f* t ,&sp 1 f lr, 'hr. I s 131
t I \
f fi a ; r I T l { ae r34
135 qr J rl} I
K l t r $"; C. t $ I { L t . .' .:' k' iF .i. * '..1 fr ..{ I --( I-Y't r36 1 t f,,.' dF s ,Yf \* .." --,ta t ',*' :{ "t
t, .-r. : fi J} s ,I' u * I I ,1 f! t"f I rT rng .1 ,ilr ro sr II :. t I F1' I .1 ! i \37
dJ a
t .t :' '1.t 1 rl I
ar. I
L L Hll )tr I >, I ili !!: ' Eii',I ilffiwl I l rlt llt t 139 t,\ -J " ',;i a:ry I { 'i ;*.f' ;r \' 1 I 1'tl:--.-Y. r1 'I ir,l '* t' " .\' t rl
(D il I ii?!: ilrr iq! t40 1 t d $ '. !1.J f, I f J Fr. qr * trr I:; ,. 'r * tr |& gli Tt ) fia I s rtl I a \ \ j i /
.. :: !. r'& ;: .i: ,L [' Yr t41 I a t t t la * I rli * .t ! {t .! i {
* dl t t-t i 'd .t
# I Il gT &, tt ,fF I i ', q .::-. .Y' ta" ! d {} ! t t t
f,il & k *!i \ I * I'J * ..t x I .Sr. . /' t },*_ t t * t { *, 3* F { : *
Barrett F. Bass
Ryan M. Becnel
Andre E. Bienvenu
Jacob M. Boe
Kathryn Bordson-Bozzo
Stephen P. Cacioppo
Tyler M. Coatney
Brooke S. Conroy
Casey G. Contreary
Anna-Marie Coons
Lisette H. deBoisblanc
Sara F. Derby
William H. Diano
Shane A. Duhon
Preston S. Eiswirth
Jordan A. Estes
I 1,44 j \ I \- sth t I
Hillary E. Gibbs
Sara E. Goodman
Brittany L. Gowland
Joshua A. Gramlich
Colleen S. Gravley
Ryan H. Gray
Peter P. Croth
Nicholas J. Hee
Julia S. Henson
Gretchen Hot'fman
Mark C. Holden
Thomas A. Horne
Brittany M. Jouandot
Rami H. Khodr
Benjamin W. Leff
David Adam
Michael Baptise
ffi ry n H t 745 L _:* ! t r* L ,. l.
Neej J. Patel
Sophia S. Loupakos
P. Lozano
Rebecca M. Lusk
A. Malone
Andrew C. Matthews
A. McElroy
P. Mclaughlin
William N. McQuaig
J. Patel
Margaret F. Patterson
Jeremy C. Peres
Rachel L. Ramelli
Megan A. Ripoll
Gustavo Rodriguez
716 I E
* rb
Christopher B. Saporito
& r'3q
Ashleigh Scheuermalrn Elizabeth Shackelford
Nicole E. Sistrunk Jordan R. Spinosa
Ruth M. Stedman Jordan Stone Venkat Subramaniam
Andrew R. Trujillo Nsikak A. Udott Gabriela F. Uribe
"t1. ",f i 747 I *t-l I I I I
Kathryn E. Weidner Jack M. White Jessica L. Wise
Spencer B. Wool Blaine T. Yelverton Casey D. Zook
Nathaniel P. Beckett
A. Block ',9 & r* ! C.t*t li1'l Il
Buring ) 1I 6 r rrrdl l
ry !rrxtft r rtLIrIt 148 t cF fie L v' ! t 7rh /3 1 xx\,( I l( t.' i\\' r Y\\.I ). \,( t Y) *"til'd {'.., fl Y :.t" * \/ L. I \ \'1 Y Fi. Yr). trr.(
Erich E. Abbott Adel L.
Anastasia Apostolos
Benjamin C.
Camille R. Bourgeois Benjamin A. Brinson Claire T. Bruton Jonathan C.
Stephen J. Chester Ani A. Childress Lawrence Comiskey Edward C. Denuna Elizabeth A. Derby
Sarah E. Dunn
Stella Duplass
Preston B. Emory
Kristin K. Foret
Bruce A. Frommeyer
Michael P. Gieger
Hunter B. Gilbert
Denver F. Gray
Thomas Hennington
Brenton F. Ho
Brittney D. Hocut
Emily A. Hogue
Christopher Humphreys
Arthur A. Hyatt
William C. Johnston
,6Br,f* '*rB r.Y m fk
dr rNf O r rt.tfli I
T ,llrNn -(!r--f,try149 i I I ,;dr& .$ ,* I c { *.. hw {
Natalie E. Keeney
James D. Kovacs
Steven R. LaRosa
Andrew F. Martinez
lrene Matthew-Parker
Brian E. McCormick
Elyse C. McDaniel
Alexander M. Minno
Ashleigh J. Morales
Colin M. Nicholson
Jeffrey C. O'Bryon
Richard G. Odell
Fehintola O. Omidele
Phillip J. Podret
Oscar Ponce de Leon
il dt rHl LlArL,".-
Robert E. Quintal
f #
Taylor A. Roberts
r! ,]" I a
il Mmd I I SAINT$ I I tl -*1 150 Inll'i#'
Bharat Sharma
w. 16*
Stacy A. Savoie
Martina Scheuermann
Christopher Senner
Ankit D. Sheth
Rachel F. Shuey
Mia A. Silvestri
Jansen M. Smith
Adnan M. Suleman
Jon M. Vail
Kelsey D. Vogt
Brooke M. Walker
Rachel W. Watts
Katherine B- Weaver
David J. Weeks
Nicholas Weigand
Victoria G. Welch
t, L 151
\ \ 1 --{
o 'I r,
Ryan F. Aldridge
Kyle K. Anderson
Gretchen C. Bangs
James E. Barr
Stephen J. Borrello
Stephen M. Chouest
Elizabeth K. Crouch
Ellen N. Cunningham
Dominick Darensburg
William K. DePass
a \-
I rT :l \1 tr I
E. M. Campbell
(& t t I
I 752
r n .r7 c-' CT I L J. \ a 6rh J I I i t I T " **I*** Irt * {" ft { *e{Er fi$rg::l ,l r
Pier Capasso
Megan M. Dodge
Andrew C. Dovie
Kevin Dusang
Shannon English-Rhoden
Bryan A. Flick
Gillian Gibbs
Andrea C. Guevara
James Henson
Alan O. Hill
Mira M. John
ry L. T I #s ffi
I I T f?
I I t1& I {
153 "j q *{tt/r' I a E J !h I t I L I
Margaret Johnston
Richard S. Jones Scott A. Lazes
' ,.,, ,r.,
Jacqueline N. Lee Adele Y. LeGardeur
Alexandra C. Lowe Blair D. Lumpkin
Kayla L. Marmillion Brian T. Milner
Lauren E. Milner
n} ,H .'ii'Yi il,ri'i!,i I .'.'- i i',i ; ' , I r'. : : I i ' : I 154 t -\r m ** .* rffi ffi, v 'q
George L. Molaison Joseph O'Donnell
Elizabeth A. Odell Sarah Beth Pansano
Deena Provance Jamie D. Razza
t-a I 155 I I ry' 1 'a I t I .d W
Michelle V. Schmidt Mials M. Scurlock
Benjamin Smith Sam M. Solomon
Lauren Waters
Caroline Wiedemann Caroline B. Wilson
I Ir t NI l.r I 156 i J)t I ,t I -l [* ,d ts."q\ I I T &. "kJ I "q 1ryF-"\ .,
rFi- F-r. t)/ + "!; t 1 .. 1 F Y \ F I \ , $., I I
I o\). -*---r*. L-Afrrr{-* 158 rl ,,, n t. i*r. ii,,, I
e , i I $ hi--.{ 159
I * <.$ t I
$ 7"
a O
erucarl .i :: T Ff* - lar'* s ,t T I K { '{ I ll, J J ,u ? I 160 d $i,' f' & * \' ,f *
161 I H I ! i I I -2 .\ .\ :. I I
_:3 I t
l.t ; UT I E I x
mmm 162 {" I I i { T U t I k l \ I
a I r i11;,1tr; 11,rllr g F eaco 9Toy" t. ( 163 I Iu rl I ffi I m _# I C. t q .a / 1 Irl I ll
$ l i ,,,,.,,,.,,i.l:.,. .*w 'lryq, il*' l ,'.il # ! '\ ,,..,1... K r . ",\. I I $_ , t * bI ip l lll# t t * \ t msy Inx +f , I L rl k
Shayan A. Ahmed Jessica C. Baer
Henry E. Boos Michelle E. Borrello
Parker H. Bossier David E.Bremermann
Margaret B. Bruton
Susannah C. Bunch
Dewin A. Burgess
Zachary D. Callaway
l: I r 166 n r(\ c"' d cr L ./ .! \ t 5rh (_ I I f I I *
Marjorie Champaign-Bassett
Laurie E. Clotworthy
Stephanie R.Defosse
Kory M. Eslick
Jordan Harry
Stephanie E. Holden
Alexandra N. Humphreys
Jack P. Hurley
Sunny S. Jain
Katherine M. Kemmerly
Elaine S. Kwon
Macie J. Lunyong
#I I rs + t, i. ,' + + + *t' t + T} ru t \.r{. S
167 .t I t ,: i \
James L. Matthews
Kayla S. Morel
Don A. Muller
Jena L. Mura
Kristin E. Nielsen
Troy L. Patterson
I I ,"
Katherine B. Peck
Jana N. Podret Morgan Prieur
.168 t I I ua t IJ t ,ffi"u \ilF w &, J$. A ,1 ,ll d I r L fur --*flld$ r [, l F
Alex C. Prince Kevin M. Quinet
Kyle Ridley Clare Ripoll
Erin Rose
Priscilla Schlesinger
Amanda M. Skinner
Preston T. Stead
.lack H. Truett
Udeme A. Udott Edward P. Watts
769 i J * I ,k .}i'
.* * I ! { E *lM .t?. 'rff" w -tM ry er a
Ben Weaver Richard A. Weigand
Jennifer L. Baer
Baylor Barnett
Robert A. Breaux
Caroline M. Burglass
Garrett Casey
Kylie Contreary
Kristina A. Crouch
Nicholas H. DePass
Joel E. Derby
Grant N. Dougherty
,\ a \ a i a 4rh I t 11 ' s6 \-
rtl?l L*tig! Y^5 09 cr ra C., U tr U 770 L vr-.-.r fa ,J& * , I I $l t \i ** I L i* ,t:l&:i**, I t s,
Dean-Michael Elazab
Courtney A. Foret
Stephen W. Gieger
Patrick Hagood
Kelsey L. Haslett
Natalie J. Hee
Savannah B. Henderson
Adara E. Hocut
Averi L. Israel
Evan R. Khodr
Mitchell Leff
Anastasia Loupakos
Maryclaire T. Manard
Brant McConnell
Andrew S. McDaniel
t-,-. II u 177 s, I \ "t t. \ i' .b.t \ r'* I -! r T I I j rw------=y I * ril, ,:Y, l I iu ln r("\ LL-
Anshul M. Mehra Logan E. Melius
Michael F. Moore Brandon C. Najolia
Julia S. Nugent Bonnie L. O'Donnell
Katherine G. Odell William R. Roberts
Ashley C. Roop Sarah B. Rothschild
t H rl 172
*\ ,s ,*1},
I $- t ) .v s 3 r rl.. r :1 i: }-'! * wff .f f\ r] t -5 il
Ross Ruello Christine A. Schmidt
Oliver Seher
Michael Smilari Pearson A. Smith
Adam Struppeck Michelle A. Taylor
Chet Vaughn Eleanor Vazquez
AlexanderVu Libby Webber
Sara Whitehead Andrew M. Wise
t H $ I I ffi 773 1 xff ,r I T 17 i .q [:
Joshua J. Woo Margaret Yon
Shawn-Michael Burst
r()nrc C., L,'
Christopher Cobb
Douglas P. Collins
t! h-. -r O ! ! \.-
John P. Alvendia Kody Anderson
Joe Adams
Morgan M. Augillard
Remy E. Bajeux
Zachary Blondeau
Blake T. Bohner
Samuel O. Buckley
C. Cabral
J. Chester
E. Coatney
V * ffi T; I 774 a a, 0
wI I Srtur :;:.:=:=:::::r *,,"
Martin Gray
Brandon M. Hall
James Handelsman
Chase P. Henderson
Andrew F. Ho
Haleigh R. Hocut
Elizabeth A. Holden
Robert Dusang
Madeline C. Estes
Mariel E. Fallon
Jeffrey Favaloro
Mason B. Fox
KAmanda Gilbert
, 175 1.. :; t' :. + .l
Philipp M. Hummel
Joseph L. Jacobson
Thomas V. John
Ethan A. Johnson
Olivia K. Johnson
Ra.jan J. Khurana
Morgan Kleinschmidt
Mary-Elizabeth Lago
Katherine Matthew-Parker
Ashlynn McConnell
Samantha A. Mendoza
Sara D. O'Bryon
Kathryn R. Owens
Scott Pearce
Hunter J. Phillips
Marc H. Rasi
Stephen J. Lee
Jonathan D. Lumpkin
176 h,' ,' "* ffit, V ry =t (ffin ffi* ,UIr U .{
Connor S. Roberts
SpencerC. Schlesinger
Zachary Shickel
Taylor L. Slack
Conway S. Solomon
Andrew P. Spinosa
Kevin G. Starr
Chloe Suazo
Ambika Subramaniam
Michael Tiblier
Frances E. Truett
Ifreke A. Udott
Richmond C. Walker
Daniel Ware
Ashleigh K. Waters
William C. Watson
Nicole L. Riso
177 i 'll 5 a'*
Rachel M. White
Vincent M. Borrello
Catherine C. Brown
Catarina P. Buettner
Emily C. Burglass
Daniel E. Campbell
Nicole E. Carter
Jack Castellano
Olivia J. Celata
Max Champaign-Bassett
Colby Chisesi
Colin C. Chouest
Michael C. Danahar
Morgan DeMartini
Kyler M. Duhe
Bijan L. Ebrahimpour
Alex M. Embree
Rhett Ernst
Savanna Farris
Chloe N. George
Christopher Giambelluca
rb t it + t rt a tr-
ar"--* fdl*;:,'3 \ I
nn -r\ t bt t "5d,i.5 OF -,Jj# -t -t r 778 \, t i { r II .\, *.* Fq & ELS.F.I* " xusr ; & t
Andrew Goodman
James l. Haslett
Katherine D. Honeywell
S. Jain
M. Keeney
S. Kern, III
Amika A. Khurana
Patrick T. Landry
179 , i
Andrew M. Lottinger
\ I \ Ir
Timothy R. Lunyong Robert B. Lyles
Leigh F. Martin Michael Martino
Christine A. Matthews
Taylor C. Nielsen
Christina M. Noya
Samantha Pearce
Marcelle Richard
Jon P. Richards
I t !\ 180 / :I lls*!' t a z i{ t f!,r I \I i I -!Giiliu l.Y] t .l i
Blake Ridley
Stewart Scoggin
l .* s-.4 "- l\
Katherine Skinner
Collin B. Stedman
Tyler Tourelle
Carter B. Van Horn
Madeleine C. Watson
Chase Webber
Nikki L. Wiggins
Kristina M. Woodward
I I 181
I *.ll$a. t ,l I 1
Miguel A.Zwiga
Benjamin G. Beatty
Calvin J. Black
Alyson L. Bordson-Bozzo
Caroline E. Bossier
Austin G. Brackett
Catherine M. Brierre
Thomas Broussard
Scott F. Buhler
Christine A. Catinis
Emily S. Combe
t, i tut
.'\ s.&Sx:r*. *
*l r-.
Gregory G. D'Angelo
Rushit L. Dang
S-U*}: \ -a nr*' t t fi d t r \ tr m 182 t a l* 1 I E I x' J ,! I "! $ ! ! t E i ffi -r 4_l i\r
Benjamin J. Davis
Otway Denny
Camrynn M. Dodge
Kevin B. Donovan
Cory M. Elazab
Jackson J. Emory
Wiltiam M. Farber
John P. Fleming
Emerson R. Gibbs
Haley N. Guepet
Joseph T. Hagensee
Dylan A. Israel
Emily E. Johnson
Blaise Jurisich
I U 183 \ {7 q ,:; b' v * 'u,
Kevin H. Owens
Francesca A. Killian
Peter H. Kwon
Gabriel L. LaFuente
Zachary J. Ledet
Ellen Lu Shaina Lu
Wiltiam Martin
A. Micklin
B. Murphy
Lekshmi Nair
T. Owens
i?: \-.:' W 184 ."
Lihr E a J t x -, r , i I \ ) F
Madison M. Prince
Joey Provenzano
Megan E. Reynolds
Courtland N. Roberts
Madeline Roohi
Tripp Ruckman
Ravin Shah
Sarah Skidmore
Meredith T. Stedman
Taylor L. Sylvester
Emily E. Tastet
Connor B. Timmerman
Jonathan P. Waters
Parker Yount
185 "r, *
Claire A. Adams
Eric B. Alexander
Paul J. Alvendia
Conrad H. Appel
Andrew C. Baird
Quentin M. Bernos
Michaela Blondeau
Ronnie P. Brown
Matthew J. Callia
Stewart J. Campbell
Paul A. Chamorro
Sarah F. Clingenpeel
Collette M. Cobb
James B. Conatser
t t-
*t 186 a I a L a I ,&x - Lt w' a l II\ , ) \
John J. D'Angelo
Alexandra R. Daray
Tyler J. Davis
Tyler C. Dean
Mitchell J. Duhe
Austin C. Falk
Carter Figueroa
Cole P. Frischhertz
Paden R. Gallagher
Cassidy S. George
Ashton R. Cuyton
William Handelsman
Colin C. Hansen
Eric W. Hummel
Ashley S. Israel
Ian J. Jenkins
Danzel Kaigler
Charvi C. Khurana
Ttr\x fl} H n 187 q I fr I
Dustin S. Kinard
Connor Kirkpatrick Kaylie M. Krebs
Alex G. Lunyong
Nicole A. Martin Lushna M. Mehra Ross M. Minno
t F ffiII 188 t I I J h
# I I *l I I ! 1r n I.l 1
Mason T. Moore Christopher Morton Meaghan Mulvey
Koran Murphy
Blake A. Najolia
Kieron L. Oliver
Brandon B. Phillips
Daniel U. Rasi
Grant P. Reggio
Joanna E. Smilari
Ariel Y. Vallotton
Anne Leigh Weaver
r('t '** 189 r \ 1 I fi I h tri -{ II &,, ''E i{ v 1 il n r
Katherine J. Woo
,t * t t t t t* 70-
Noelle E. Avanzino Erin S. Bahn
Allison L. Baird
Gabriel T. Blatty
Stephanie C. Bossier
Matthew P. Buckley
Tyler A. Burley
Gerard Cook-Moulin
Jessica L. D'Amico
Joseph V. D'Amico
AK {*
I r \ \ :t { * k f Ib"190
Maverick Hamilton
I )
John C. DeMartini
Merrin L. Duhe
Melinda C. Embree
Laine C. Farber
Corinn E. Figueroa
Alexander Hirschfeld
Andrew R. Holdiness
'r +F * * rt Ifeanyi Nwadei 191 \ \ l ; I rl s F; _/ k i lL m T -r' .& ta I; T *i, irr r'. q JA,d r'! 2 Ghs xi .; r t$ &-" t ,.ti, U -"{ t \'L I &..{ d ^{ l 'l 7 7 I J r t,, i l rr i-' MT I' I b^SrJ { ' ** * Tl h-J t*J
Jefferson Honeywell
\ I d
\r N
Matthew Hu
Lili Killian Hill S. Landry
Shelby R. Leonhard
David J. Main
Andrew C. Markel
Isaiah J. Molden Avery Provenzano
"192 ,,: ; E* ;i *.
Brandon M. Roohi Philip Scoggin
Tia W. Schlesinger
Colby A. Simoneaux
Chelsey D. Solomon
Courtney M. Taylor
Amanti A. Udott
Aticia L. Van Hom
McKenna E. Veca
Joshua H. Weiss
.James B. Whittow
t i : $rl 193
$ \ .t' )ik, & s; rI j I *
# i t I I
Gisela L. Zwiga
& (', \. rl f t
T s t. V t ,"{ L *\"_L L\ {* i$q vt ; !il t.+r#r 4 r* t e $p ,/'l "r& 194 -
rrd * { tI o I t , 'e €b ait \'. I t rL , E ..s;$ rrt ? i+ "$ I 195
2u-llll \. G-,
Top Row, left to righ: Gerog, Rhett, Thomas, Zach, Wlll, Bradley, Boudreaux. Middle Row: Boots, Bouie, Nat, Brandon, Bottom Row: Ev, Cujo, Scott, and Jeff
Left: The Seniors line up for a coin toss in the Jamboree against Redeemer Seton.
Right: Georg slams some juice
Left: Ev and Sarpy
196 l :t ft ir .\ J D\S
Right: Dennis takes a snap from Ev
l Bottom Row: Brandon Lobell, John Caine, Nathaniel Rogers, Zach Tyson, James Buckley, Dennis Stewart, Pat Zemanek, and Chris Johnson. Second Row: Gerry Beckett, Thomas Favrot, Michael Perez, Will Hester, Scott Robinson, Jonathan Burke, Brandon Darden, Karl Senner, and Bryan McManus. Third Row: Chris Snodgrass, Georg Venturatos, Ryan Evans, Bradley Johnson, Umar Tufail, Eric Jones, Thomas Diano, Jeffery Glaser, Will McCulloch, Jon Stout, and Tim Rosencrans. Fourth Row: Jon Schoen, Buddy Seaver, Alex Fritchie, Brendan Daly, Ryan Perry, Matt Reese, Eddie Medina, Rhett Kleinschmidt, Peter Mortillaro, Aaron Denn, and Jim
e *r&t .i *{ 7 l# :'Tl/ B t." \i t t &
Above: Will, Zach, and Ryan
Above: The Saints celebrate their win
797 re E r} B 1r ,i I t ,."/. $e h(rf sp' ! t r L. .* "# \ .\
Left: Dennis waits for the snap Right: Saints wins another game
r o. I t tr I* { ! \\ r,3 t J I I I I l a -, t\ rYff' 'lt /. -> s I a !i i .'i EM IT/ -r rI {l 19u
2 0 0 0 S Episcopal Fisher e St. Thomas Aq. Ben Franklin A Ecole Port Sulphur S Booflrville Lutheran O Crescent City Country Day n Menard 7-0 w 34-7 W r4-3s L 28-2lW 34-7 W 0-26 L t3-42L 4-6 W 40-21W 18-19L 13-17 L 199 E tt .fr * *
T 'l* I r / \ ! t' {
YOtIEYBAtt 2OOO Only the Strong Surviver
,S airtt,s YVtrz D i,s t rtc t
The StM volleyball team won the District Championship. The team, led by seniors Catharine O'Connell, Alex Pappas, Miesje Zimmerman, and Lindsay Crotty had an unprecedented, successful and rewarding season. The Saints crushed highly ranked Sacred Heart and defeated Country Day more than twice. The team's lost to Episcopal in the State semi-finals did not undermine the great success the team had. Next year, the girls will miss the strong leadership of the four girls, but the junior girls will move up and help the team achieve another successful season.
Varsity Volleyball Team - Standing: Coach Dani Davis, Megan Peck, Catharine O'Connell, Miesje Zimmerman, Lindsay Crotty, Alex Pappas, Julie Rabalais and Coach Linda Trevino. Kneeling: Carly Boos, Margot Castaing, Jessica Leone, and Allison Hollinger.
Alex getting ready to serve 200
UD a s ) rr, a a I a to,
Coach LindaTrevino
r t
zz 4 o.lf
Junior Varsiry Volleyball Team - Standing: Coach Dani Davis. Emily Crotty, Kristina Sanchez, Ashley Conroy, Meredith Emory, Mary Scott Westfeldt, Carly Boos, Ashley Wolff and Coach Sue Edwards. Kneeling: Martha Rolland, Fishayo Omidele, Hsueh-Ping Lu, Jill McCall, Laura Smith, Jessica White, Ashley Riso, Jessica Leone and Robin Tikia. Ground: Amy Evans.
Lindsay serving the ball
STM VOLLEYBALL RESULTS 2OOO Hammond W Riverdale W John Curtis L Sam Houston L Episcopal L Woodlawn W Newman L St. Charles W McGehee W R. Christain W Port Sulphur W Ben Franklin W Grace King W Lutcher W Immaculta W Chapell W Pope John P W McGehee W A. Catholic W Country Day W ED White W Sacred Heart W Country Day W Grace King W Episcopal L 2-0 2-O 0-2 0-2 0-2 2-0 0-2 2-O 2-O 2-O 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-O 2-l 2-l 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 I I I 2 1 21 0Margot
201 2 1 l' 7 s IS s t3 \ s*' I Some memebers
up as N'Sync for Homecoming. \ t, 1 a::: &YK T& N S Y-".asi JC ,,
The team switching sides
goes up for a spike!
Conroy tips the ball over,
of the volleyball team dress
{l r {!FF ,& t I I ,a l 14 1 F ] 7 F t" r) I ! .t' 202
Saints Boys and Girls finish in second place
Congratulations to the 2000-2001 Swim Team for placing2nd in the State Championships in both the Girl's and Boy's events
Ifr PION 5n{ 5 \,t [l\ Sr. Menrrx's 1996 La. lligh School Boy & Girls mprons R5 s
Back Row: Coach Dean Reed, Jim O'leary, Kevin Kirschman, Scott Saporito, Michael Musso, Jonathan Lu, Manoli Ioannides, Naveen Kailas, and William Vail Middle Row: Coach Michelle Jensen, Janelle Duhon,Laura Denny, Sarah Watts, Jarlyn Johnson, Courtney Nichloson, Jessica Robichaux, Meagan Wien, Samantha Levenstein, Aimee Moreau, and Coach Mike Faliti Front Row: Camille Bourgeois, Ruth Stedman, Becky Quintal, Jessica Wise, Nicole Sistrunk, Ashley Mohrmann, Jon Vail, Stephen LaRosa, and Stephen Chester
I 203 ; 'l G t\ 1 ! { ttIt t/ *11e
Boys: State Runners-Up Girls: 5th in State Boys and Girls District Champs
'..tr_ {:qp-ip.-fff L I'' I. Ilrrll , tI
Far Right Top: JacquelynZook sprinting to the finish.
Far Right Middle: Walker Saik maintains his lead.
Top Middle: StM runners hold on to the lead.
Left: Erin Coatney looks are her watch, after a huge finish.
Top: Megan Wien sprinting to the finish
204 2000 r tj 4 :L.x? r I a J F J t 'em*gi; * 'd I \ $ 4,, I ai &
Left: The Boys performing last minute preparations at their first meet in Audubon Park.
David Bordson-Bozzo,Margaret Olivier, Erin Coatney, Wlaker Saik, Brett Vogt, and Coach Warren Lind. Back Row,
Jim Marsalis, Clayton Eiswirth, Benjamin Janke, Elizabeth Hollinger, Jacquelyn Zook, David Christian, Ryan Monsour, and Ross Hogan.
r **il I * .;rY ,g'ts \
Top: Girls posing for a picture before they start running at State.
Right: Ross prepping David, Walker, Brett and Clayton at the state meet.
k205 .ii
Front Row, Left to Right: Markham Bradburm, Ilyas Chiali, Alison Spindler, Hayley Hutchison, Brian Bell, Amanda Janke, Karla Perez, Shaun Moore, Ryan Monsour, and Andrew Hill. Second Row, Left to Right: Skye Eiswirth, Jessica Farris, Bonnie Williams, John Baker, Peterson Harter, Kevin Comer. Third Row, Left to Right: Evan Dicharry, Michael Daly,
Right: Coach
I _\,d. l: .;" 4,*
Bottom: Peterson Harter running in Audubon Park.
BoUs Basftelhall
Varsity Team, from Left to Right: Nathaniel Rogers, Ryan Saloman, Taylor Gray, Blair Landers , Kerry Hicks, Georg Venturatos, Zach Tyson, Bradley Johnson, Jeff Glaser, Gerry Beckett, Dominic Hood, Peterson Harter, & Adam Shea
Ryan Salomon waiting for a steal as three seniors look on.
!,tL:1, 3{ ,1 li'{r 35 ,...[[r.. Z1 I ,.!. rll,'../., t I 5 F l ..--|. L. L
Nate Rogers looks to pass. Adam Shea lays a two
Junior Varsity, Left to Right: Harrel Kimball, Umar Tufail, Farhan
Saddqui, Taylor Gray, Blair Landers, Jonathan Schoen, Jonathan Burke, Eric Jones, Hayden Rieveschl, Aaron Denn, Timothy Littleton, Peterson Harter, Adam Shea, & Hunter Monsour ,
Saint Boys In Playoff
The varsity team made it to the second round of the playoffs this year; the second time in school's history that this has happened. In the first round of the playoff, the team traveled to Loreauville to beat the first ranked team in that district. In the second round the Saints played at home against the current state champions Southem Lab. Though the Saints lost, it was a hard fought game. Next year, the team will lose eight seniors including Zach Tyson (left photo) ivho had a career 1056 points at St. Martin's. 'oNext yeaf', says Coach Bounra "should be fun and challenging".
Umar shoots free throws. Kerry looks as Adam lays it in.
-] .ivt7s' I I i \ *
Coach Bonura talks to the team during a time-out.
/ {t.Ullllh I
Above: Coach Coleman. Next page, top right Coach Jerry Resse.
Above: After winning the district title, the Saints pose for a victory picture Center below, Far Right: La Trcie Wade goes up for two and, Kathryn Bullobk drives by the defense.
Above: Freshman Jill McCall prepares to shoot for a two.
f ) tr fl 208 t I h""r
Right: Coach Coleman gives words of encouragement to her lady Saints.
fr r.s& StM Girls GotGame!
The girls basketball team surpassed everyone's expectations this year. With hard work and determination, the Saints captured the l0-1A district title, and advanced to the playoff semifinals.
Along with their district title, the Saints got a number of post season awards, including Coach Roma Coleman getting the Coach of the Year award.
Above, Saints victory celebration. Left: The 2000-2001 Saints (from left to right) Bottom: Fisayo Omidele, Cally McCall ; 2nd Row: Julia Lundy, Jessica Boe, Jill McCall, Neema Patel, Jarlyn Johnson, Kathryn Bullock; 3rd Row: Rachael Nachman, Malinda Russo; Top: La Trice Wade, Jenelle Marlbrough; Not Pictured: Elizabeth Schoen
209 .t il :aiI SI. Drs ,tts a Ot1
I $l
Top pictures: The Saints in action; Jenelle, Jessica, Jarlyn, and Julia.
during a match-up
Saints Endwrh232-1
Captains Rhett Kleinschmidt, Clay Koenig, and Ryan
Farley, under coach Julio Panz,led their team through an excellent season which ended in the state finals. They placed second in District,losing only to Newman.
I t ?
t I
Back Row: Coach Angel Planells, Wheeler Graf, Beau Ordemann, Andrew O'Brien, Brett Vogt, Ben Lusk, Rhett Kleinschmidt, Mark Tessier, Clay Koenig, Brandon Lobell, and Coach Julio Paiz. Front Row: Derick Welch, David Woodard, Will James, Ryan Farley, Johnny Moustoukas, Joey Leone, and Pablo Mendez.
"ilr *dxtri tr&rft
Above: Coach Paiz
2r0 I
the reserves
with Newman. Right: John Woodard goes the extra mile to head the ball back into the feild.
a F I t , t!\ xll i{tr".-:* a
-/ -')'
Top left:Beau Ordemann goes for the Attack. Top right goalie Ryan Farley with a huge save. Middle Lefi: Coach Paiz and the boys during a hatf time. Middel
211 I I I { hkirxrr** ! * $#. " tlu.:, l ,*..--...e.-.i rffi t "{\'i J
Right: Seniors on the 2000-2001 team. Drew, Clay, Rhett, Brandon and goalie Ryan. Left Picture: Juan Pablo Mendez sends the ball out. Picture above: Rain, sun, cold, very cold, you can count on St. Martin's students to come out and support our athletics.
The Girls Soccer Team. Front Row: Sara Castano, Lauren Gibbs, Megan Peck, Tracy Goldblatt, Kim Smith,Cassidy Reese. Standing: Coach Trevino, Megan McQuaig, Meri Maurer, Margaret Olivier, Marguerite King, Liz Hollinger, Emily Ainsworth, Jessica White, Mariann Wilson,Emily Fransen, Arinola Omidele, and Coach Shane.
Garet Patterson on the dribble.
Above, Coach Shane and GoalieLauren Gibbs during ahalf-time. Right, halftimeduring a game with Newman.
212 a a r 6 s ) E tt t8 -22 $r s U rf' { "13 "2 -ft -s ) 'to ) u -2 I rI Id I I K} # a, I ,.* $ { 't <-. ro
Lady Saints resting at half time
Girls' Soccer 2001
Marguerite King kicks the ball!
Great offensive play by Emily Ainsworth.
Lady Saints in one of their best defensive positions.
Megan Peck sends the ball out
Tracy Goldbaltt readys for defense.
pl I II I ruE II I E 213 ,t tI I I , l I J -3 r iI * I t
Soint Mortin's Wrcstling
m-m \1,,'"'
Saint Martin's Wrestlers, Standing Form lefi to right: Coach Dan Duplass, Tim Rosencrans, Mat Reese, Jonathan Porobil, Karl Senner, Dennis Stewart, PeterMortillaro, Justin Turner. Brenden Daly, Jon Stout, and Brendan Simpson. Kneeling from left to right: Eddie Medina, Brandon Darden, Jason Fleming, Lloyd Berkett, Jonathan Coleman, and Jason Oliveri. Seating: Will McQuaig, Tyler Coatney, Blake Duplass, Pete deBoisblanc, Sean Moore, and Robert Graham
Above: Joanthan Coleman rides his opponent.
Right: Blake Duplass receives his state championship award.
t* I ;i .t\ I .s $lf ,*ii ! ,, I A
Top left, Eddie Media is set to wrestle.
Top right: Blake Duplass brings his opponent to the mat.
Middle left: Mat Reese works a move.
Middle right: Jonathan Fleming sets his opponent up for a take down.
215 t * ,}
Above left: Jonathan Coleman works for a pin. Left: Tim Rosenchams defends against a possible take down.
"#-* L
t I
Members of the team from left to right: Brett Vogt, Andrew Matthews, John Moustoukas, Coach Harper, James Buckley, and Nick Weigand.
Middle left: team captain James Buckley.
a l} I ( I , ? t '*l 216 L^'3r I ! '@E ? T I i I t{ t *'
Above:John Moustoukas watches his ball afterahit. Left: Co-captain Brett Vogt.
Top left: Middle school golfers: Nick Weigand and Andrew Matthews
Top right James Buckley monitors his ball.
Middle Right: Coach Harper.
tr* I 217 I I P*q L d k* *J sq*.'1.* I I t I F L,, I 5 6 t;p b" nt tr t t' I l j ,U l l
Above: Nick Weigand after a stroke. Right: Andrew Matthews.
2t8 t T ! { ?rr rll ,, ll Ll7 J h.&\ , qF ,,\ ,& -ir: .}q. tr $ il .i]t f k; ! t
Top right: Lindsay Crotty and Liz Hollinger, team captains. Top left: Lindsey smashes a ball across the court! Center right: Margot Castaing L and Meredith Emory cooling off. Middle left: Courtney Charvat and Skye Eiswirth show their enthusiasm for after a win. Bottom right: Saints girls, Margot, Skye, Liz and Margaret, take a break.
Middle right: Skye and Aimee. Bottom left: the boys exercise in a circle before hitting the courts to play. Bottom right: Julie and Lindsay.
() 2 a ()
Top left: Coach Burgis Kanga and the boys. Top right: Beau and Venkat take a stance.
219 1 t * Y x * \
Back Row. Left to Right: Coach Parkman, Malinda Russo, Kathryn Bullock, Ashley Mohrmann, La Trice Wade, Jessica Boe, Betty Reese, Cally McCall, Jennifer Simpson, and Coach Jerry Reese, Front Row: Lauren Gibbs, Ruth Stedman, Neema Patel, Jill McCall, and Courteny Nicholson
LaThrice Wade makes a run for it.
Above, Co-captain |essica Boe ready to Pitch.
= =-_ =:*
Right, Coach Jerry Reese
B-Venice Port Sulphur McGehee Lutheran Ecole Crescent City Country Day B-Venice Port Sulphur Lutheran Ecole Crescent City Country Day Central Catholi 9-20W 12-2 L 4-6 W 6-ll w l8-9 L 8-10 w 4-2 L 3-16 W t'7-l L l0-l L l0-2 w 12-29 W 3-5 W 7-8 W t2-5 L c High L 220 / t ,i l' * * * I x g,r a o *
Ben Franklin
Building On
With the lost of no seniors the previous, the team was in a good position to make a playoff run. Senior leaders came out strong for the squad. Captains Ashley Mohrmann and Jessica Boe anchored the infield corners while LaTrice Wade and Cassidy Reese solidified the outfield. Junior Cally McCall also worked the outfield. The middle infield was held by underclassmen Lauren Gibbs, Jill McCall, Courtney Nicholson, Rachael Nachmann, Kathryn Bullock, Malinda Russo, and Ruth Stedman.
f -$r
221 J # !+ .t * '{ 1 .o! I ,' v {\& 'a& l\ 4
Top left picture, Neema Petal readys to hit Right, Cally McCall. Right below, Ashley Mohrmann. Left below are seniors Cassidy Reese and Jessica Boe.
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0se o tew!&i$swsffi-wi I A =n t::ss i:: i I I
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Below, Coach Troy Roddy. Left and upside down is Mr. Jim Marsalis finishing up the baseball season. Mr. Marsalis please turn around!!
Cheerl eaders
Kneeling L to R: Leslie Gieger, Katherine Burke, LizLevy, Emily Ainsworth, and Nicole Loeb. Standing L to R: Kristin Howard, Lindsay Swetnam, Aimee Hyatt, Beth Washington, Jessica Boe, Heather Boo. and Mariann Wilson
YWith the Homecoming Cheerleaders. Standing L to R: Cassidy Reese (Homecoming devil) Jessica Boe, Jarlyn Johnson (Homecoming angel), Samantha Levenstein, Megan Wien, Jacquelyn Zook, Stephanie Kaston, Aimee Moreau, and Ashley Morhmann
n *!n .i
226 i
I* a il p : I
The Girls getting their shine on during a pep rally
Samantha and Miesje
The Cheerleaders are whooping it up for the game
Cheerleaders taking a break !*e+-'.. a' .l ;r-,r-Tm,t'-m $ ) )-7
Cassidy and Ross (Homecoming devils) with some Cheerleaders
r e ] $ I q r5 J l x--
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I 228 a \ , Y' F il
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l* I T j ll T i; ,1 m \ I t "a I &v t I t3 l rK 7 t I ^a I I _.1 235
National Honor Society 2000-200r
Fall Tapping
The new members of the National Honor Society after the fall tapping at the Van SlateHouse. Grant, Michael, Kathryn, Brandon, Cally, Lindsey, Gerry, Cassidy, Erin, Brandon, Walker, Carol, Meri, Julie, David, Megan, Lauren, Margaret, Beau, Meghan, Brett, and John.
Top Right: Lindsay and Ross after the tapping ceremony
Right: All members of the National Honor Society after the Fall Tapping.
236 ffi
Below: David Svec, Ppresident of National Honor Society.
II TI ilI sll &xd I I E
I **x d I I m s'.x
National Honor SocieU 2000-200r
IK , fr rll' lctc g&d \E:! I t:. I I
Top left: Some members of the NHS. Left: The entire National Honor Society members from both the fall and spring tappings. Below: Praveen during the tapping reception
237 E $ :-.4 i f '' i.f'" r t$\ I a d I L. l .i s i I I J a I t r ru n I :
The new members tapped duringthe Spring: Mark Tessier, Johnny Moustoukas, Katherine Burke, Juan Mendez, andAndrew O'Brien.
Sludent Couneil Be[resentatiue$
Left to Right: Bonnie Williams, Clancy Fink, Brian Bell, Jonathan Lu, David Mohrmann, Dominic Hood, David Svec, BrandonLobell, DavidCoons, Meri Maurer, BeauOrdemann, JuanMendez, RhettKleinschmidt,Naveen Kailas, William Vail, and Lauren Malone.
Top: Students workingon the Council's organized Habitat for Humanity project.
Top Right: Dominic Hood, Council President during the annual St. Martin's day.
Right: Mr. Marsalis, David coons and Michael Daly working on the morning show.
238 x.S'
f b J :. I t r t l I I I r il i 3 t3 r I \ ,k
FarRight: Scott Harris sabotaging the seniors during thc school's penny drive.
Seniot Glass 0fficet$
F ) a luniot 0fficer$ I
Scott Robinson (President), Lauren Malone (Vice-President), Ashley Finney (Secretary), David Christian (Treasurer)
23<) U I I I t3 I { trl I I r t c '$ $$,4 tr{ \ l t I t\ \ 3 i ' x {rJ L I T I .i Ml r F 't*"q
Kevin Kirschman (Treasurer), Erin Coatney (Secretary), Katherine Burke (Vice-President), and David Coons (President),
$onhomole Class 0fficel$
lreshman Class 0fticels
Jason Fleming (Treasurer), Meredith Emory (Secretary), Jonathan Lu (Vice-President), William Vail (President)
Hunter Monsour (Treasurer), Courtney Block (Secretary), Gary Solomon (Vice-President), Jessica White (President)
240 I I h. -1 M \r*V I It*n
8Ih grade Glass oflicGls
It[ Gmde Glass fficerc
Jordan Stone (Treasurer), Neema Patel (Secretary), Sky McEleroy (Vice-President), Ben Leff (President)
241 J t*$ I .1 Fp , d fl I i I 3t &-}'* , I i I 1b"-"
Martina Scheuermann (Treasurer), Celeste Block (Secretary), Steven LaRosa (Vice-President), Ben Bologna (President)
Members of the speech team and Coach Marissa Johnson after a very good tournament at McDonaugh 35. Form left to right: Kevin Kirschman, Coach Johnson, Carol Ortenberg, Samantha Levenstein, David Coons, Jessica white, Ali Spindler, and EmilyFransen.
l I
ffi il $umao# 242 :9, ,r xxg 1 i E E &*. I ttr "y ,{ t' r:.Z SrF"* i r t ,l I r [t -\
Top: Middle School Chours stops for a pose during practice.
Below: Lower Schoolers leading the national anthem at a football game.
Top and Top Right: Upper School Chorus members are doing last minute preparations before performing in chapel.
Left: Lower School chorus singing during STM Day.
243 tiriS".*t''**,Ir rrlr '\ ll ' i 'd !i$ I rl\ " ff * sr< 1 [.' f I t i t. l .q ol I ,J % , { \ i lr I 1 4 .l a It I 'th
Admissions GIub
Gerry Beckett, Will James, James Sarpy, Rhett Kleinschmidt, Samantha Levenstein, Lindsay Crotty, Carol Ortenberg, Brett Vogt, Grant Yelverton, and Charlotte Gallagher.
Mrs. Margaret Schuber, Julia Lundy, Jessica Boe, Cally McCall, Tracy Goldblatt, Ahmed Sadiha, and Emily Estes
Top Row: Malinda Russo, Jenelle Malbrough, GrantYelverton, Walker Saik, Clancy Fink, CourtneyNicholson, Cally McCall, ArinolaOmindele, Manoli Ioannidis, Rachael Nachman, Lindsey Greer, Erin Coatney, Kevin Kirschmann, John Caine, and Michael Daly. Bottom Row:M att Reese, Margaret Olivier, Jill McCall, Laura Denney, Emily Crotty, Bonnie Williams, Stephanie Kaston, Lauren Giles, Ashley Finney, LaTrice Wade, Lauren Malone, Jessica Boe, Kathryn Bullock, Leslie Geiger, Tourne Torres, and Jessica Henderson.
244 I l $ I ? A F ? I v s 6 nl z.: q q ru 't: Ii tr l, t .t ., I
Front Row:
We[ PuHishing
Web Publishing members from Front Row, L to R: Mr Craig Jackson (sponsor), Mark Holden, Pier Capasso, Nick Hee, Stephen Chouest, Brain Flick, Richard Odell, Kyle Anderson, Andy Brinson, Scott Lazes, Mials Scurlock, James Henson, Ryan Aldridge, BrainMilner,JosephO'Donell, SamMickal Solomon. BackRow, LtoR: Ben Leff, SkyMcElroy,AndrewTrujillo,Michael Baptiste, Stephen Borello, Willaim Depass, and Jeb Barr
Members ofthe Web Publishing club working on the school's website,
q r$
I 245 t J I' f, I x ! G t., sTl !i t * l.
Left to Right: Jarlyn Johnson, Julia Lundy, Lindsay Crotty, Jenelle Malbrough, Mary Quinet (advisor), Cally McCall, Elizabeth Hall, Malinda Russo. Rachael Nachman, Doris Baron (advisor), Miriam Smith, and Carl Baloney. Not pictured: Mike Abadie and Justin Turner
Halo 246 I * .t , ..i r tl il h@ I .! _{ L, I S&t I {t ild & : I a
Back Row (Left to Right: Pete deBoisblanc, Carrie Massey (advisor), Andrew O'Brien, Megan Peck, Ashwin Rao. Lauren Malone, and Brandon Simpson. Front Row (Bottom Row): Cassidy Reese and JacquelynZook.
Back Row (Left to Right): Brian McCormick, Colin Nicholson, Shane Duhon, Nate Beckett, Hunter Gilbert, Jordan Estes, Casey Contreary, Blaine Yelverton, Philip Podret, andChris Humphreys. Front Row: Oscardeleon, JefTO'Bryon, Preston Emory, Preston Eiswirth, Chris Denuna, Jonathan Buring, Brittney Hocut, Mia Silvestri, Camille Bourgeois, Stella Duplass, Neej Patel.
247 I .,{ l 't- t '*l v i, { ) * il ; .l I I il { : 'i # fi, \".
Middle pictues: members of the Sheild Club hard at work. Picture above is Catharine O'Oconnell, Sheild Editor and Mr Eze Anomneze sheild advisor. Right are staff members, Katie Piccolo and Meredith Emory
n ms(
(Left to RighQ: Elizabeth Hollinger, Greg Williams, Mrs. Wells(adivsor), Andrew O'Brien, Jonathan Coleman, Peter deBoisblanc, David Bordson-Bozzo, Jonathan Porobil, and Danny Soto
tj It IUlr; 248 lU]G I ,th I"*J w { { I * \ r*1 I I I I J t r t I '1 rt
Above the cover ofthe 2000-200 I copy ofThe Lyre. Center Right: Lyre members at work. Right: Senior member of the Lyre group, Ashley, Lauren, Drew, Liz and Pete.
// 0u
I! - E[ I I d... 'gm I .a tl. I / & 249
Members of the Quiz Bowl: Dominic Hood, Clayton Eiswirth, Mrs. Lee Klebba, Greg Williams, Jonathan Coleman, David Christian, Andrew OBrien, and David Sve. Below are pictures of the members practicing.
o-.f.d[ ft'. ?qu "'d' <rG.:t. ".E @ t ''iilID' ' , , 250 I r s I il t $ rW r* a
Sierra Club memebers: Leftto Right: Dr. Lesley, Michael Abadie, Robert Graham, Ashley Finney, Lindsey Defoese, Emily Estes, Justin Turner, Ashwin Rao, Sarah Foley, Amelia Gariepy, Amanda Janke, Karla Perez, Jessica Wilson,Shyue-Pyn Lu, Sadiha Ahmed, and Lauren Gibbs. Pictures below, members of the Sierra Club during a camp out.
$ciGnGe 0lumilad
Members of the middle school science olympiad and their sponsor Mr. Warren Lind
Below memberwatching Mr Lind demonstrate atheory
i { --.#a'
.; .. n'', *. ^ri, ln u. L 251 "rp I \I I ]T I I * I
Left, Members of the Art Club (left to right): Gretchen Bangs, Drew Dovie, Dominick Darensbury, Alan Hill, Stella Duplass, Megan Dodge, Gabby Uribe, E,lizabeth Derby, Mr. Bonz, Elizabeth Shackelford, Shannon English-Rhoden, Lauren Milner, Chris Sauer (sponsor), Becky Lusk, Nicole Sistrunk, Ruth Stedman. Pictures below show art club members at work.
, a.* t
Members ofthe Etiquette Club front row, left to right: elizabethCrouch, Jessica Wise, Ellen Cunningham, Ryan Aldridge, and Chad Jones. Back Row: Barbara Maurer (sponsor), Harris Diano, Barrett Bass, Ryan Becnel, Spencer Wool, David Adams, and Gloria seigel (sponsor),
(t { -)(l 'tr Er L} t'r 'r';l T x i l -..--...€ ",1, qr |lr4t I I I t*.rt.l : ./ i l, , '.i I:I ; I t ,t
Members of the etiquette club during their weekly meeting. The members learn to be gentlemanly and lady-like.
Beading s,ffi1$,. \ I ffi m ffi rIUf, -@r rp
Chess Club members, from left to right: Andy Brinson, David Weeks, Thomas Horne, Lawrence Comiskeyu, Nick Weigand, Paul Groth, Nick Hee, Ankit Sheth, Nsi Ndott, Craig Jackson (sponsor), and Blair Lumpkin.
253 .& e" ) &.. & I ? t I I I I q I { I !| # 'fi,Il $ $ :i T 3 I * r/ t
Reading Club members from left to right: Jacqueline Lee, Carloine Wiedemann, Gigi Gibbs, Sarah Beth Pasano, Adele Le Gardeur, Kayla Marmillion, Kathy Pearce (sponsor), and Martina Scheuermann.
$alsa ti
254 ! *t I ffi'; 'tll(| llt tt A I x %: I "'W i: * r T .: c il, -l
Salsa Club memebers Left to Right: Elizabeth Crouch, Caroline Wilson, Kayla Marmillion, Blake Johnston, Grethen Bangs, Lauren Waters, and Karen Scott (sponsor).
Members of the Spanish Club. Front Row L to R): Brian Milner, George Molasion, Lauren Waters, Elizabeth Crouch, Stephen Chouest, Pier Capasso, Drew Dovie, and Dominick Darensberg. Back Row: Gretchen Bangs, Mira John, Blake Johnston, Kayla Marmillion, Caroline Wilson, Brian Flick, Jeb Barr and Blair Lumpkin. Pictures below are lower school Spanish club members displaying their posters.
.o*r. "b *i '.'Ei ! k )(5 fi t \ il .dJtr n ?,,* n L 0 a "11,....
mrJ {p\
256 :il i {} i I ryfi I a tl .{ I t I qI t Lt ll I , t' l> \, a
Member of the Birthday Club. Front Row Left to Right: Ani Childress, Black Johnston, Michelle Schmidt, Martina Scheuermann, Natalie Keeney, Elizabeth Derby, and Emily Hogue. Back Row (L to R): Gretchen Bangs, Mira John, Kristen Foret, Taylor Roberts, Stacy Savoie, Victoria Welch, Rachel Watts, Libby Odell, and Susan Godchaux (sponosr)
sIi ril
outside New Orelans Children Hospital 257 I t € ,rflIt \ I
a l. b, tr ffi { L .{4 *s' I i Q !' \ lt I q I n I
!,' alr I t "* ry ,ia \ I It I ,ft H t, b"* $ * {* s * T,\d Ths
Member of the Spirit Club. Front Row, Left to Right: Adele Le Gardeur and Megan Dodge. Middle Row (L to R); Sarah Beth Pansano, camille Bourgeois, Stella Duplass, Cleste Block, Ani Childress, Elizabeth Derby, Laureen Millner, and GiGI Gibbs. Back Row (L to R): Susan Godchaux (sponsor), Taylor Roberts, Stacy Savoie, Emily Hogue, Kristen Foret, Rachel Watts, Claire Bruton, Brooke Walker, Britteny Hocut, and Victoria Welch. Member
Club and their sponsor Betsy Kaston,
lower $cnool Hand[ell
Lower School Handbell team. Back Row, from lefttoright:Chet Vaughn, Pearson Smith, Andrew Wise, MaryClaire Manard, and Michael Moore.
Front Row (L to R): Kesley Haslett, Ashley Roop, Sarah Rothschild, Sara Whitehead and Jennifer Baer.
Pictures below, show handbell memebers during various activities during the school year.
258 t r d"l I a *s ."4 { il t 1i I % i a, \ # al R
louler $chool Gatden (4th Gtade)
louler $chool Gatden (3td Grade)
Members of the 4th Grade Garden Club, form left to right:Sara whitehead, Katie Odell, Michelle Taylor, Robert Breaux, Will Roberts, Baylor Barnett, Dean Elazab, Caroline Burglass, Anna Loupakos, Kristina Crouch, Mitch Leff, Grant Dougherty, Ashley Roop, sarah Rothschild, Eleanor Yazquez, Margaret Yon, brando Najolia, Andrew Mcdaniel, MaryClaire Manard, and Pearson Smith.
! ..q
I )<o \ G ;) p $ :':c. ) .r",f ..t. * {l tih I * w t i r C' r l'
Members of the 3rd Grade Garden Club, Back Row form left to right: Katie Owens,Mary-Elizabeth Lago, Katherine MatthewParker, Samantha Mendoza, Ashleigh Waters, Amanda Gilbert, Morgan Kleinschmidt, Madeline Estes, Conway Solomon, Chritopher Cabral, and Haleigh Hocut. Front Row (L to R): Remy Bajeux, Daniel Chester, Tommy John, Scott Pearce, Laura Coatney, Spencer Schlesinger, Chloe Suazo, Michael Tiblier, and Nicole Riso
o I l 1 I : \ IC & f & t: ic I t a r JN /r n ae a k s ..;. s- ,a$ : q-, l*w" T tb 260 I
From the Economics Club: Colored coke & fries... "Mark, stay after class"...Mark'svinylhaircutsaloninabax...ridingtheblowfish@viny,inabax...lunchtime help sessions. Buddy & Andrew's profanity. Golden Shears. "Grandma" kickboxing minigolf. "wall bangin "' ...N.O. in a bax... "Brandon is special". ."lil Deb". .Kirschy Squirts. "vinyl, vinyl, vinyl" . . "Hittin up the base" ...Saints Stories...Kerry Collins & Ms. Mensen on the island of Po... Palm Pilots... inside-out bag games...March Madnesstests. . SenoraNogales. . .Ferris Bueller's Day Off...the "Machine"... Monopoly. Ben's hot grandma. "she's sweating!" (BL) .There's agirl inmyhammerlock Ryan's napping & drawing Meri's markers... Brandon's stripping... "Kavin Kirschman"... "little Debbie action figures"... "Rrrrramossssss"...Ceteris Paribus... Rrobbie's Balls ...Ben Jammin on his Janke...Daly Days...Pen 15... "I love it, I love it, I love it" (BL)
eongratulntiorus, Co lin!
Tharuk youforyour smiles dnd kughter that brughten our dnys Wdre s0 prnud ofwho lou are. bue, Mom, Dad, Robby Ricky, arud Laurie
261 I ,l -.i. ,$*ii $ l f, I
il To Our Pumpkin, Our Princess Our Stephanie You are nowAmerican Univ. bound. We hope D.C. is ready for you. Love, Ziggie, Jill, Ellie, Mia, and Missy P.S. 0h yeah-we'll miss you too ! Mom, Dad, and Josh \ )62 $;; :K ,-r. q Fry\ I F b *-e -'t {-'. n{p qu" 3" ^f .&. i.11*I-"rl I ct ffi I
Coryrntnlntions Alev! lTfe're 1$o ?row{ of /on! Love, Mom, Dad, & Nick 263 I 5 J : I ./ , rl,f .* I
B*uen/ Love, Mow, Alisovl, and"rcrtsttn 1h4 "Y\ -j TT "l F d" i& ft Gru w,xF I a 1 I
6it atay /o confuer /6e *or/{ 1E pn lris wny to ()L Tllnrtins ehr'rs {ofi.nson Love, Mom & Dad 265 .3.: ll@ rysq r1 a Sr. r\{ulrtxic NN\ \ Sn :{ qi ! *" $ J J gt !\.
266 TtCo-as YOUZIblT! Lotso ) a I l n *f T { MomrDad, I{uta,)and Hurris f Fa I a ! ( I T I ( t :! .-; '\*-. 1 I I I
{nson, Tiz ew{ of one ionrney - tlw {re7inning of nnotlwr - ortny nll yonr ilrenus cotole trne - welre yrowd, i I o( yon. Low, J/y'lou, Znrt, nw{ .$lwllie I a{ '54 267 I I i' \ ,t r$ 1 \\ 1
Love, Mom, Dad, David, 8L Jackie
llt{r s ) 268 ,ia t t & 5 L , J lr -l IF{ m" Ek EX. *& L / fl T I L* I 6., iYl m \. a-a .rv. '}a; *..kt' \ .1 l \t
ffrnwl,on, lt hns rteen n fnlnlons t'onrteen yeltrs. l4)e!re yronr(, ot' yon!
t \ 269 a .I z w i{lllP" ! { { r\ o I { !
Low, J//lou, znil, t 14like d,
Rynr, lr1)e're ?rrnd, of yon nnil bve y0n. Znr[, T/lotnr nnil Awry 2'70 : *ff r.l * T J a w w r, I ,ix J I * I q * {, \ o t"
ez2 Gorzgr-o /u-fo /rbrz -s / **--*** --_ r*.F r*XI pffir r*:.dFd rlr.- 'il :! I -t & Tji
our love, Mom, DAd, and Eltzabeth STMARNNiS -a L*t 2'71 9T.9Ton(zs *rp I i T t '} l} { l I I I I I rl I I :' F
We are so proud
Love, Mom ,ri\ 272 I ry :$ Lp Xkin i I '-.r 3 + I r a a
e had a great run so "for Andrau. And, While I lcnow tltat St. Martin's has been a great, nurturing place, believe ffi€, the best is yet to come.
9,, Y0u frve eeru suc ^ll M|ru n
/ ond,,
MlchneI & ( I d s i , tr-- r ffi, ,/ x I 213
roile nlwnys,
wLnfi'o yt,9! o I lLnl)?/Ll" 274
tAonryotulolroilt I a I Lre ot? s I t H lsdt trcd of r a I t uYl oll thl" *x I I scm I t .l, 275
KerU Gameton Hiclrs
From "smilingElf', to "Little Rabbit", to "Big Tigq", ue areproud, ofboru)/ou haue h and,lcd, life's journq) so far, Meet eacb neu cballmtge ulitb dignrty, horrcsQ, sensitiuiQ, and, focuts. K@ frEffiihldeWl ha.ercalid dtlru,g&wMtim6 injru,r@'Wfrm* inWbhryy t0 mMmet YutntrcrcU)lad,, Mont,M,andR& 276 i -*-'! $ n $,{ ? $r: tr F \* !q J 'i l F
thcsc 0ars DtlY'I eY( 'hg 0 rne a f l tx iiYotthave Ol orrhevc ccn/ryt clot^{N fiIY .d tsEAcll (ffi'LYor DEVTL. IO otth(Vt hrtn rn ut sNow tsutlvll NN tlov I Wflt \_ ,*? lIL*, , l-ovc, MoYrt 277 I "i|r !i l ) 14 lE,sJ I: r * , ,,.{;T t l I l \I il" bc rrq bil. anA ouf \ 7
9*y We are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Bonnie 278 ,r@ r \ .,yF.,,,# I 1il\ : 3/!;\ EI T pF{W t: d p, I a t, * ilF*d * '-, c/ I ,'"1 t. la. ' XI* H i 'd t I f-
ll&nyS,e*rc agw I ttbselated ln jnu o positltr stfilttdc uniqu* in a bcty xt 3,wung. This .rcsJarrt,lrsrqpprtlr* hrr.s pnrwn tewurding all t:hese;Gsi, and will tr* ytur $trcngth ln fl friture.
Nwa3.x rtmcmber to thank tiid fitr the r*anygifts aad td,lcnts tle has gir*n ,,ou. llse those gifts and-talents ttt glorify t{im and to help e>th*rs. You are most ccrtainty the tnost pret:itsus gift I have lrr:,en gitnn! The opportunity to raise Wu and wotch txru grow into such a frne S*>ury7 msa hss bc.n mygreatest j<ly. t)w,d
o o
*atd'dria&.' ... -f,,,,. "'ly , i,rlyro 'Soo'i '" c#e ,,t &o'*o'/{'**'// &
crnd Cathy 279 a * Ir I ,*,.rqd J n n&t J { * wtF
ltl-fut a,
S*,pr ake' .,. *xa,t* *ru.r" ,., }{,.1.* , r I
*c't a
We wish you happiness and success in all your future endeavors
Love, all the Giambellucas and Craigheads
vDu yrond, of Vou, Conntfi.nn |e so r..J a, t, * q. dL n, i r , * 3 er' I r { { d?r
280 FJI *,- 6' & "re*( r flf f / t tr 3^ "r / Lr-Li t
and Good luil at ISG w eil, mrss y or,r, fi tlild,l ,o*.6f,ttl'l'*'* Loue, Mom, Dad, €a Christopber 281 r J -& 2000 r I ry h t w ffi & I \t'
{ s c s $ *s cnthnnw, we love you nnl nre so yroufi, of you. Iwe, Mom, oad, Kendra, rcnftirw, I-fri,Lrenl wil, a glfrk( rc\ .I& &. .4& 1 $ 7 F 1( tF/trt Lr] ,tr ,j.t 1 e r I rI il 282 ll,e I F 1 I ,": a a/ &.,rql> 3 _,.$ I i
We are sa proud of how you've grownphysically, intelle ctuully, spirituolly.
Best of luck in eill your endeavoursJ Have a great college experience!
Love, Dad, Mom, and Emily
Frsm toddler
to yesung womun . . .
2tt3 t 5 rS 5 J Ii h" il ..t \ t.: n ffi r 1 I
a Zo"6'ary
for all the wonderful memories you ltaue giuen us through the years / Good luck wtth Loyola Basketball fr t I I GO WOLFPACK! Love, Mom, and Dad 'r '.i'!-.1 j ZI 284 ry ,'rp t"? 1 "/ ,5 -z T l \ T I I t Flw! t F* ai rJ tr r-* E&. u _sry$ E.wI
fles.L 9waern
*t{|'ts, $j.r'$l*'$ts@ *sa{.s u$ury istenl ond
unddd.eunined.lo sc0ie${ r6car''ll]e 6 etie*e arrd tulst *cculin gaw and ,fcrt{c'l ffff**tda,u-ueu* 285 !n I a r... ..!,1..: rils ft T & {; t S* j I d{
Since gor
&g.tre 6eert Pctr
Wit& caurlage in goun frisnf and utith q"d ey yu* oid*".. funthtt* Wtlt paffr. to our'ceoo an'd' fr'a"ppittcoo! 'l$e a,r.e aa pwu"d. u{ Vnu and b$& VM, Oad, iil,aru ArV * ll*atta 286
I I ! {r b * I !}" I , B I s ll H ek .eb* I: {q &i &I a
@ioru, PoCa da
Cortrntnlntions nndu Qood, ,Lnck Ewl'd'y! l, _l Wc'rc of you Loue, Mom, Dad, 287 \ I I i f b* L-; { I 3 t&f--.*-all
.dfi Congro/ufo/rbns I ?tl,i,odi'iO 000 LHSAE ;AA STATE CR( 9latt (roll aolkrt I May all your hopes and dreams come true. Wrth love and pride, Mom, Dad, Hunter and Lucy iz tt \r Dh. 288 I i t-.. '1 !T q I s I
G rnglalulalions Gassi t k)n oLl Mom, Dad Allison &Maff From Texas to Tigertoyvrt ,: t *. ' -.! J .t t I 289 L t''1n .\'t o F x "\ * lf,E t 1 i ,i L** I L. { t & { , , t, ;' -1. ,j
I a)/ \+_. x :1-, Corqrntnlntions pfiztt, Vollow yonr tlutenwtS! Low, ffiom, bnd', t T/lor6n, 290 , L It/ ) k t f .sJ: ?.
Thank you for being suclt a special part of our lives. Yott ltave touclted many people!
an o yo
291 I ;
res dS t,
We are so proud of you a Boo€,p"
'SH, MAN!*...CO going off-road @MC"s Kiln house...CK"s lt6 t> day.. .CO"s oy$er punch...AP & Newrnan guys. MC&KL's Cajun & 72 yr-old rnen...ME=Knockers, Tar{ Soccer Mom...nothing kaves Kiln-..NK's 4am.bnrf *sarre your acorm"...LC's cracksr wl SKMC... AP,SK&LG ls Kiln trip...NK w/ MB next to CO...JJValker concert-AP & bcthroom etterdsn CO in cab:'Jtxl take nE l0 7 Shadow Ln!...Twater
tI r@ Sup. MZ's dog "Ralph". mini
1 peprally'...Jay t-ern hcc...MZ's I 86 Lday party @ KL's...CO's 5e gr. lashion slpw...AP's 18il bdaybesting S{c. Hn...MC @WaHo'soops. .CO's Italy partLx. MC&[,lZ's Ev. Wllnx. lunchleave"..'N Syrx dancers. ncver-have-l-ever giltle in Kiln. .AP&MZ's tapdance...CO& Silffrt Bob... MZ&MC'tock t}r housc...*all I want for x-fius arc my 2 funt teethl*-NK. ..THANKS fON, GMNG US THE BEST DAYSOF OUR LIVES" WE LOVE YA'LLMORT THAN ANYTHINc
-Margot & Mercdith
H'{ (ffi 1t Hi :,p"Afit,[ AL EXi CArhA}EI N E } K-ArI g} MA[t"qOT M I 6 f' rv"t 6rC,gD I r$.,{EIeN i L/q (,tle6 N .S-T-EPT'ANIEiSAM H +*.q#'5 YH
92 2 I \ T *.. ,$: J I
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E*CL N* tt{t\E tthD -I\\r liur or ouF .co Z 7O. \-, ]( 64 €I= k G AND U.E OW T AUYTO YOUL \q N\nUo \1,'J gN, \At-'Ju\"o' f,r,AiL\\,PMP['AM\ ; l\U g{Ft{' ADK\ANA.NArALlr v\9.b1€l rYr\*B##N-l!' 'frbKWnur {N*DOM*KrKY* womil,rcEfrrfu, TO Moov, TO flU' nrowd, il,t( tttfiverN, Ndhnfu nlnivt. Forever ts forever. God is God. A brother ts not just a brother Itb something that b forever Sent by God. Good luck at Vanderbilt Ben! I'll miss you! Your sistetrAmanda J fu( fu( # 293 Auoryrutil,ts
$ I ll \ t ri!!i*rnl a Z You Made ltl! {*rq ir'{ ?n jllftw s ,,k I I :hr dd' Je' s .:' :!.,1 ;ilt .$r '| 1b 16 -**"s 294
Goodufu. atilue Ltntvernry t rbYinn Love, Mom, Dad, & Alexandra I {-ETASS or 20C/ Brass oF 200/ Brass r O El \S S S \ ca r-{ ct) ct) O El \S S S \ r S S \ Et{ O cI) ct) Fl &a \ S S \ Er p ssvtp /00A,tlo ssvr$ / ssvrg trlF ffi,b ti,,'"' : f. I .{ h' q,f -1 ;n'..*"t. . '1i .t t :1 .ld Lrrve,, Fnu,tky nrud Stfrff 295 s I ) b
C on gratul at i o ns Ja c qu e lyn !
Ourfirst born, our shining star, our challenging and joyful daughter. You have always been persistent in everything you wanted to do and you have had the perseverance to stick it ouL We are very proud of you and all your accomplishments. Stay strong in your faith and God will direct your path in everything you do. Remember Phil. 4:13 - I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. We love you dearly and forever, Mom, Dad, Casey, Fuzzy, and Lexi Geor1
tt has heen n wondert'ul t'ourteeu-
elyerience nt St. Martin's, t' o* Pre-k to senior yenr.
we love you, very much, Mom, Dad,, and. Lauren
296 , ;f' F,., .Y i; ,". ,s {'rl 1".,! ^ r -:t ;rry F \ ]l -J Q& -, *t* ilW x ,I \) -,t, ^
Catharine and Jeff We are so proud of ya'll. Thanks for the memories... ... IT'S ALL IN THE FAMILY Love, Low, Low, The GlaserFamily & The O'ConnellFamily Corylmtnlntions Alav! Co*Srntnlntions a {} 1 t tr$S' Ztq/ / From your Families and Friends 297 1 - \tl.\llilir , trlrNiri * "L k Aa-r
Abadie, Michael B I 14, 246,250
Abbott, Erich E. 148
Adair, Suzette 10,302
Adam, David 145
Adams, Claire A. 186
Adams, David 252
Adams, Joe 174
Adams, Robin l0
Adams, Stephen 118
Aguiar, Justine 10
Aguiar-Netto,Harriet 9
Ahmed, Sadiha B. I 18, 250
Ahmed, Shayan A. 166
Ainsworth, Emily C. 118,212,226
Aldridge, Ryan 152, 245,252
Alexander, Eric B. 186
Alizadeh, Adel L. 148
Alvendia, John P. 174
Alvendia, Paul J. 186
American Day, Native 160
Anderson, Kody 174
Anderson, Kyle 152,245
Andersson, Billie l0
Anomneze, Eze 10, 247, 302
Apostolos, Anastasia 148
Appel, Conrad H. 186
Arshad, Nadeem S. 122
Arthurs, Kate l0
Asia Day 140
Augillard, Morgan M. 174
Avanzino, Noelle E. 190
Babin, Seth M. 1 18
Backer, Nicholas 10
Baer, Jennifer 170,258
Baer, Jessica C. 166
Bahn, Erin S. 190
Baier, Cap l0
Baird, Allison L. 190
Baird, Andrew C. 186
Bajeux, Remy l'74,259
Baker, John I 18, 205
Ball, Nicholas G. I 14
Ball, Robbie 98
Ball, Robert J. 54
Baloney, Carl 114,246
Bangs, Gretchen 152,251,254, 255,256
Baptiste, Michael 145,245
Bamett, Baylor 170,259
Baron, Doris 10,246
Ban, James E. 152,245,255
Barret, Jonathan A. I l8
Bass, Barrett 144,252
Beard, Scott l0
Beatty, Benjamin G. 182
Beckett, Gerry 54, l9'7,206,244
Beckett, LloydF. 122
Beckett, Nathaniel P. 148,247,302
Beckman, Eileen l0
Becnel, Ryan 144,252
Beehler, Carole 10
Behren, Max Von 8l
Bell, Brian 122,205,238
Bender, Thomas l0
Berkett, Lloyd 214
Bernos, Quentin M. 186
Bienvenu, Andre E. 144
Black, Calvin J. 182
Blaine, Kem 179
Blatty, Gabriel T. 190
Block, Celeste 148,241,257
Block, Courtney 122,240
Blondeau, Michaela 186
Blondeau, Zachary 174
Blume, Gerald l8
Boe, Jacob M. 144
Boe, Jessica 55, 209, 220, 226, 244
Bohner, Blake T. 174
Bologna, Ben 148,241
Bonura, Tony l0
Boo, Heather 226
Boos, Carly 114,200,201
Boos, Doris I I
Boos, Heather M. 118
Boos, Henry E. 166
Boos, Lloyd 19
Boots, Tim I I
Bordson-Bozzo, Alyson L. 182
Bordson-Bozzo, David 114,205, 248
Bordson-Bozzo,Kathryn 144
Borello, Stephen 245
Borrello, Michelle E. 166
Borrello, Stephen J. 152
Borrello, Vincent M. 178
Bossier, Brain 8
Bossier, Caroline E. 182
Bossier, Parker H. 166
Bossier, Stephanie C. 190
Bouquet, Martijn 114
Bourg, Crista M. I 14
Bourgeois, Camille 148, 203, 247, 2s7,302
Bourgeois, O'Neal I I
Bozeman, Ashley Woods I I
Brackett, Austin G. 182
Bradburm, Markham 205
Bradbum, Markham 122
Breaux, Robert 170,259
Brierre, Catherine M. 182
Brinson, Andy 245,253
Brinson, Benjamin A. 148
Brodmann, Jennifer L. 55
Broussard, Michael I I
Broussard, Thomas 182
Brown, Catherine C. 178
Brown, Ronnie P. 186
Brown, Shelia I I
Bruton, Claire 148,257
Bruton, Margaret B. 166
Buckley, James 56, 197,216,217, 302
Buckley, Jennifer 8
Buckley, Matthew P. 190
Buckley, Samuel O. 174
Buettner, Catarina P. 178
Buhler, Scott F. 182
Bullock, Kathryn 114, 208, 209, 220,244
Bunch, Susannah C. 166
Bunol, Amanda 1l
Burgess, Devvin A. 166
Burglass, Caroline 170,259
Burglass, Emily C. 178
Buring, Jonathan 148, 247
Burke, Jonathan 118, 197,207
Burke, Katherine 31, 114,226,217, 239
Burley, Tyler A. 190
Burning, Joanthan 302
Burst, Shawn-Michael 174
Busenlener, Carolyn I I
Cabral, Christopher 174,259
Cacioppo, Stephen P. 144
Caine, Jane 1 I
Caine, John 114, 19'1, 225, 244
Callahan, Denise l9
Callahan, Jan 19
Callaway, Zachary D. 166
Callia, Matthew J. 186
Campbell, E. M. 152
Campbell, Nicole 178
Campbell, Stewart J. 186
Campo, Cristina L. I 18
Capasso, Pier 152, 245,255
Caserta, Toni I 1
Casey, Garrett 170
Castaing, Margot 114, 200,218
Castano, Sara l14,2l2
Castellano, Jack 178
Catinis, Christine A. 182
Celata, Olivia J. 178
Chamorro, Paul A. 186
Champaign-Bassett, Marjorie 166
Champaign-Bassett, Max 178
Charles, Rt. Rev. Jenkins 8
Charvat, Courtney I 18, 218
Chatelain, Roger l8
Chester, Daniel 174,259
Chester, Stephen 148,203
Chiali, Ilyas 205
Childress, Ani 148, 256,257
Chisesi, Colby 178
Chopin, Nicole A. I 18
Chouest, Colin C. 178
Chouest, Stephen 152, 245,255
Christian, David 56, 205,239,249,
Cinco de Mayo 163
Clingenpeel, Sarah F. 186
Clotworthy, Colin 57, 88
Clotworthy, Laurie E. 167
Coatney, Erin I 14, 204, 205, 239, 244
Coatney, Lawa 174,259
Coatney, Tyler 144,214
Cobb, Christopher 174
Cobb, Collette M. 186
Coggeshall, Sheila I I
Coker, Sara I 1
Coleman, Jonathan 57, 89,214, 215,248,249
Coleman, Roma I I
Collins, Douglas P. 174
Colon, Jessica B. I l4
Combe, Emily S. 182
Comer, Kevin I 18, 205
Comiskey, Lawrence 148,253
Conatser, James B. 186
Conroy, Ashley I 18, 201
Conroy, Brooke S. 144
Contreary, Casey 144, 241,302
Contreary, Kylie 170
Conway, Tootie I I
Cook-Moulin, Gerard 190
Coons, Anna-Maie 144
Coons, David ll4, 238, 239, 242
Coons, Donna 12
Crotty, Emily 118,201,244
Crotty, Lindsay 58, 88,200,218, 244,246
Crouch, Elizabeth 152, 252,254, 2s5
Crouch, Kathy 12
Crouch,Kristina 170,259
Cumberland, Margaret l2
Cunningham, Ellen 152, 252
D'Amico, Jessica L. 190
D'Amico, Joseph V. 190
D'Angelo, Gregory G. 182
D'Angelo, John J. 187
Daly, Brendan I 18, 197
Daly, Brenden 214
Daly, Michael 114, 205,238,244
Daly, Sean 8
Daly, Suzanne 12
Danahar, Michael C. 178
Dang, Rushil L. 182
Daray, Alexandra R. 187
Darden, Brandon 122, 197,214
Darensburg, Dominick 152,251, 255
Davis, Benjamin J. 182
Davis, Dani 200,201
Davis, Tyler J. 187
Dazzo,Erit 12
de, Oscar Ponce Leon 150, 302
Dean, Tyler C. 187
deBoisblanc, Lisette H. 144
deBoisblanc, Pete 58, 88,214,246, 248
deBuys, Andrew M. 122
Defosse,Lindsey 122,250
deleon, Oscar 247
DeMartini, John C. l9l
DeMartini, Morgan 178
Denn, Aaron 122,207
Denny, Laura 122,203,244
Denny, Otway 183
Denuna, Chris 247
Denuna, E.C. 302
Denuna, Edward C. 148
DePass, Nicholas H. 170
Depass, Willaim 245
DePass, William 152
Derby, Elizabeth 148, 251, 256, 257
Derby, Joel E. 170
Derby, Sara F. 144
DeRoche, Eric M. I 14
DeRoche, Robert 12
Dewey, Nolan l8
Diano, Harris 252
Diano, Thomas 4, 59, 98, 197
Diano, William H. 144
Dicharry, Evan I14, 205
Dieth, Julie l2
Dobrescu, Carmen 12
Dodg, Megan 257
Dodge, Camrynn M. 183
Dodge, Megan 153,251
Donovan, Kevin B. 183
Dougherty, Grant 170,259
Dovie, Andrew C. 153
Dovie, Drew 251,255
Dressel, Leo P. 8,52
Duhe, Kyler M. 178
Duhe, Merrin L. 191
Duhe, Mitchell J. 187
Duhon, Janelle I 18, 203
Duhon, Shane 247,302
Duhon, Shane A. 144
Dunn, Sarah E. 149
Duplass, Blake 214,215
Duplass, Blake N. 119
Duplass, Dan 214
Duplass, Srella 149, 247, 251, 257, 302
Dusang, Kevin 153
Dusang, Robert 175
E.Bremermann, David 166
Ebrahimpour, Bijan L. 178
Edwards, Sue 12,201
Eiswirth, Clayton 59, 93, 205, 249
Eiswirth, Preston 247 , f02
Eiswirth, Preston S. 144
Eiswirth, Skye 119, 205,218
Eiswirth, Yvonne l8
Elazab,CoryM. 183
Elazab, Dean l'70, 171,259
Elizabethan Day 134
Embree, Alex M. 178
Embree, Melinda C. l9l
Emory, Brooks 8
Emory, Jackson J. 183
Emory, Meredith 31, 119,201,218, 240,247,302
Emory, Preston 247,302
Emory, Preston B. 149
English-Rhoden, Shannon 153,251
Emst, Rhett 178
Eslick, Kory M. 167
Estes, Dee Dee 8
Estes, Emily ll9, 244,250
Estes, Jordan 144,247,302
Estes, Madeline l'7 5, 259
Evans, Amy 122,201
Evans, Ryan 4,60, 88,95, 197
Faliti, Mike 203
Falk, Austin C. 187
Fallon, Mariel E. 175
Farber, Guy 12
Farber, Laine C. 191
Farber, William M. 183
Farley, Ryan 60, 88,210
Farris, Jessica 119,205
Farris, Savanna 178
Favaloro, Jeffrey 175
Favrot, Thomas ll9, 197,225
Festival of Arts 163
Figueroa, Carter 187
Figueroa, Corinn E. 191
Fink, Clancy ll9, 238, 244
Finney, Ashley 61, 239, 244, 250
Fleming, Jason I 19, 214, 240
Fleming, John P. 183
Fleming, Jonathan ll4,215
Flick, Bryan 153, 245, 255
Foley, Sarah I 19, 250
Folse, Richard F. 1 14
Foret, Courtney A. 170, l7l
Foret, Kristin 149,256,257
Fox, Mason B. 175
Fransen, Emlly 122,212,242
Fransen, Peggy 12
Frischhertz, Cole P. 187
Fritchie, Alex 197,225
Fritchie, Gustave 4,. 122
Frommeyer, Bruce A. 149
Gallagher, Charlotte 119,244
Gallagher, Margaret C. I 19
Gallagher, Paden R. 187
Gardeur, Adele Le 253,257
Gariepy, Amelia 119, 250
Garrett, Christina l2
Gayle, Gedge 8
Geiger, Leslie 244
George, Cassidy S. 187
George, Chloe N. 178
Giambelluca, Christopher 178
Gibbs, Emerson R. 183
Gibbs, GiGI 253,257
Gibbs, Gillian 153
Gibbs, Hillary E. 145
Gibbs, Larry 8
Gibbs, Lauren ll9, 212, 220, 250
Gieger, Leslie 119,226
Gieger, Michael P. 149
Gieger, Stephen W. 170, 171
Gilbert, Amanda 175, 259
Gilbert, Hunter 149,247 ,302
Giles, Lauren 30, 61, 91, 244
Glaser, Jeffrey 52, 62, 89, 93, 197,
Godchaux, Susan 12, 256,257
Godiwala, Tejas 8
Godunov, Leonid I 19
Goldblatt, Ann L. 12
Goldblatt, Tracy I 15,212,244
Goodman, Andrew 179
Goodman, Sara E. 145
Gowland, Briuany L. 145
Grai Wheeler I 15, 2 l0
Graham, Robe* 122, 214,250
Cramlich, Joshua A. 145
Gravley, Colleen S. 145
Gravley, Kevin 8
Gray, Denver F. 149
Gray, Martin 175
Gray, Ryan H. 145
Gray, Taylor ll5, 206, 207
Green, DeVon C. 122
Green, Marian l8
Greer, Dianne 13
Greer, Lindsey 115,244
Groome, Julia H. I l5
Groth, Paul 253
Groth. Peter P. 145
Guepet, Haley N. 183
Guevara, Andrea C. 153
Guevara, Lisa 13
Guillory, Jane l3
Guyton, Ashton R. 187
Hagensee, Joseph T. 183
Hagood, Patrick 170, l7l
Hall, Brandon M. 175
Hall, Elizabeth'115,246
Hall, June 13
Hamann, Chris 13
Hamilton, Anita l3
Hamilton, Maverick 190
Handelsman, James l'75
Handelsman, William 187
Hansen, Colin C. 187
Harmon, Jason 62, 88
Harmon, Susan 13
Harper 216,217
Harris, Scott 120,238
Harry, Jordan 167
Harter, Peterson 120, 205, 206, 207,225
Haslett, James I. 179
Haslett, Kelsey 170, 171 , 258
Hazel, Amanda M. 115
Hee, Natalie l. l'70, 171
Hee, Nicholas J. 145
Hee, Nick 245,253
Henderson, Chase P. 175
Henderson, Jessica 1 15, 244
Henderson, Savannah B. 170, 17l
Hennington, Thomas 149
Henson, James 153,245
Henson, Julia S. 145
Hester, William l15, 197
Hicks, Kerry 63,206,302
Hill, Alan 153, 251
Hill, Andrew 122,205
Hintz, Tina l3
Hirschfeld, Alexander 191
Ho, Andrew F. 175
Ho, Brenton F. 149
Hocut, Adara E. 170,171
Hocut, Brittney 149,247,257
Hocut, Haleigh 259
Hocut, Haleigh R. 175
Hoffman, Gretchen 145
Hoffmann, Ginny 13
Hogan, Ross 6J, 94, 205, 302
Hogue, Emily 149,256,257
Holden, Bob 8
Holden, Elizabeth A. 175
Holden, Mark 145,245
Holden, Stephanie E. 167
Holdiness, Andrew R. l9l
Hollinger, Allison 120, 200
Hollinger, Elizabeth 64, 205, 248
Hollinger, Liz 30, 90, 212, 218
Homecoming 2001 34
Honeywell, Jefferson 191
Honeywell, Katherine D. 179
Hood, Dominic 64, 90, 99, 206, 238,249
Hom, Louis 19
Horne, Thomas 145,253
Howard, Frances F. 122
Howard, Kristin 120, 226
Hu, Matthew 192
Hummel, Eric W. 187
Hummel, Philipp M. 176
Humphreys, Alexandra N. 167
Humphreys, Christopher 149,247
Hurley, Jack P. 167
Huston, David 65,302
Hutchison, Hayley 31, 122,205
Hyatt, Aimee 115,226
Hyatt, Arthur A. 149
Ingold, Christopher P. 65
Ioannidis 66
loannidis, Manoli 203. 244
Israel, Ashley S. 187
Israel, Averi L. 170,171
Israel, Dylan A. 183
Ivanova, Olga A. 120
Jackson, Craig 13, 245,253
Jackson, Sheila 18
Jacobson, Joseph L. 176
Jain, Rohit S. 179
Jain, Sunny S. 167
James, George W. 122
James, Shai 13
James, Will 210,244
Janke, Amanda 123,205, 250
Janke, Benjamin 66, 88,205
Jenkins, Ian J. 187
Jensen, Michelle 13, 203
Jermann-Rabito, Robin l3
Jim, Aaron Denn Sarpy 197
John, Mira 153,255,256
John, Thomas Y. 176
John, Tommy 259
Johnson, Bradley 67, 88,197,206, 225
Johnson, Chris 67. 88,197.225
Johnson, Emily E. 183
Johnson, Ethan A. 176
Johnson, Jarlyn 68, 9),203,209, 226,246
Johnson, Marissa 242
Johnson, Olivia K. 176
Johnson, Vicki 13
Johnston, Black 256
Johnston, Blake 254, 255
Johnston, Margaret 153
Johnston, William C. 149
Jones, Chad 252
Jones, Eric 123, 197,207
Jones, Richard S. 154
Jones, Steve 8
Jouandot, Brittany M. 145
Jour de france 162
Jurisich, Blaise 183
Kaigler, Danzel 187
Kailas, Naveen 120, 203, 238
Kailas, Praveen R. 68
Kanga, Burgis 219
Kaston, Betsy 14
Kaston, Stephanie Ruth 69, 88, 226,244
Kaufman, Mark 120, 302
Keeney, Natalie 150, 256
Keeney, Nicholas M. 179
Keir, Bill 19
Keir, Linda 14
Kemmerly, Katherine M. 167
Khodr, Evan R. 170,171
Khodr, Rami H. 145
Khurana, Amika A. 179
Khurana, Charvi C. 187
Khurana, Rajan J. 176
Killian, Francesca A. 184
Killian, Lili 192
Kimball, Harrel 123, 207,225
Kinard, Dustin S. 188
King, Marguerite 116,212
Kirkpatrick, Connor 188
Kirschman, Kevin I 16,203,239, 242,244,302
Klebba, Lee 14,249
Kleinschmidt, Morgar 176,259
Kleinschmidt, Rhett 69, 89, 91, 197 , 210, 238, 244, 302
Knighten, Jenkins 19
Koenig, Clay 70, 92,21O,3O2
Kovacs, James D. 150
Kraft, Michael 14
Krebs, Kaylie M. 188
Kwon, Elaine S. 167
Kwon, Peter H. 184
LaFuente, Gabriel L. 184
LaGardeur, Dan 8
Lago, Mary-Elizabeth 176, 259
Landers, Blak 206,20'7
Landers,BlairJ. I16
Landry, Hill S. 192
Landry, Patrick T. 179
LaRosa, Stephen 203
LaRosa, Steven 150,241
Lazes, Scott 245
Lazes, Scott A. 154
Ledet,Zachary l. 184
Lee, Jacqueline 154,253
Lee, Peter H. I l6
Lee, Stephen J. 176
Leff, Ben 241,245
Leff, Benjamin W. 145
Leff, Mitch 259
Leff, Mitchell 170, 171
LeGardeur, Adele Y. 154
Leone, Jessica 123,200,201
Leone, Joey I 16, 210
Leonhard, Shelby R. 192
Lesley, David 14,250
Levenstein, Samantha 70, 203, 226, 242,244
Levy, Elizabeth C. 116
Levy,Liz 226
Lind, Warren 14,205,251
Little, Elizabeth 14
Littleton, Timothy 120,207
Lobell, Brandon 71,88,91, l9'1, 210,238
Loeb, Nicole 120,226
Long, Edie 14
Longstreth, Rev. Paul 14
Lottinger, Andrew M. l'/9
Loupakos, Anastasia l'70, 171
Loupakos, Anna 259
Loupakos, Dimitri 120,225
Loupakos, Sophia S. 146
Lowe, Alexandra C. 154
Lowe, Nicholas S. 120
Lozano, Jennifer P. 146
Lu, Ellen 184
Lu, Hsueh-Ping 201
Lu, Jonathan 120, 203, 238, 240
Lu, Shaina 184
Lu, Shyue-Pyn 123,250
Lumpkin, Blair 154, 253,255
Lumpkin, Jonathan D. 176
Lumpkin, Wayne 9
Lundy, Julia 71, 209, 244, 246, 302
Lunyong, Alex G. 188
Lunyong, Macie J. 167
Lunyong, Timothy R. 180
Lusk, Becky 251
Lusk, Benjamin 116,210
Lusk, Blake J. 123
Lusk, Rebecca M. 146
Lyles, Robert B. 180
Maher, Nathaniel J. I 16
Main, David J. 192
Maise, Edward l9
Malbrough, Jenelle 116, 244,246
Malone, Alison K. 123
Malone, Ikistin A. 146
Malone, Lauren 72, 89, 92, 238, 239,244,246
Manard, MaryClaire 170, 17l , 258, 259
Manoli 98
Markel, Andrew C. 192
Markel, Daniel 14
Marlbrough, Jenelle 209
Marmillion, Kayla 154, 253,254, 255,302
Marphis, Charles 19
Marsalis, Jim 14, 205,225
Martin, Leigh F. 180
Martin, Nicole A. 188
Martin, William 184
Martinez, Andrew F. 150
Martino, Michael 180
Massey, Canie 14,246
Matthew-Parker, Irene 150
Matthew-Parker, Katherine 176, 2s9
Matthews, Andrew 146, 216, 217
Matthews, Christine A. 180
Matthews, James L. 168
Maumus, Charles 14, 302
Maurer, Barbara 14, 252
Maurer, Meri 116,212,238
May Pole 158
McCall, Cally I 16, 209,220,244, 246
McCall, Jill 123, 201, 208, 209, 220,244
McConnell, Ashlynn 176
McConnell, Brant 170, l7l
McCormick, Brian 150, 24'l, 302
McCormick, Janis 14
McCulloch, Will 72, 197,302
Mcdaniel, Andrew 170, 171,259
McDaniel, Elyse C. 150
McEleroy, Sky 241
McElroy, Aaron A. 146
McElroy, Sky 245
McGaw, Wayne T. 123
McGeehan, Chick 14
McGuire, Drew 120
Mclaughlin, Stephen P. 146
McManus, Bryan 88, 92, 197 ,302
McManus, Bryan Stephen 73
McQuaig, Meghan 116,212
McQuaig, Will 146,214
Medina, Eddie 120, 197, 214, 215, 225
Mehra, Anshul M. 172
Mehra, Lushna M. 188
Melius, Logan E. 172
Mendez, J Pablo I I 6, 210, 237 , 238
Mendoza, Samantha 176,259
Mensen, Deborah 15
Micklin, Jacob A. 184
Micklin, Patti l5
Millner, Larreen 257
Milner, Brian 154, 245, 255
Milner, Lauren 154,251
Minno, Alexander M. 150
Minno, Ross M. 188
Moezzi,Julian 184
Mohrmann, Ashley 73, 88, 203, 220
Mohrmann, David 123, 238
Molaison, George 154
Molasion, George 255
Molden, Isaiah J. 192
Monsour, Hunter 123, 207,240
Monsour, Ryan 74,205
Mooney, Rex l5
Moore, Christopher S. 123
Moore, Mason T. 188
Moore, Michael 112,258
Moore, Sean 214
Moore, Shaun 205
Morales, Ashleigh J. 150
Moreau, Aimee 74, 91,201,226
Morel, Kayla S. 168
Morhmann, Ashley 226
Mortillaro, Peter 120, 197,214
Morton, Christopher 188
Moustoukas, John 1 16, 216
Moustoukas, Johnny 210, 237
Muller, Don A. 168
Mulvey, Meaghan 188
Mura, Jena L. 168
Murphy, Koran 189
Murphy, Paulina B. 184
Musso, Michael 120,203
Nachman, Rachael 116, 209, 244, 246
Nair, Lekshmi 184
Najolia, April 15,302
Najolia, Blake A. 189
Najolia, Brandon 172,259
National Honor Society 236
Navo, Daniel 19
Ndott, Nsi 253
Nicholson, Colin 150, 24'1,302
Nicholson, Courtney 120, 203, 220,
Nielsen, Kristin E. 168
Nielsen, Taylor C. 180
Nolan, Taylor E. 120
Noya, Christina M. 180
Nugent, Julia S. 172
Nwadei, Ifeanyi l9l
O'Brien, Andrew 75, 98, 210, 237, 246,248
O'Brien, Betty l8
O'Bryon, Jeff 150, 247 ,302
O'Bryon, Sara D. 176
O'Connell, Catharine 3, 30, 75, 200,102
O'Donell, Joseph 245
O'Donnell, Bonnie L. 172
O'Donnell, Joseph 154
O'Flynn, Edwina 15
O'Flynn, Julie l5
O'Leary, James C. 120
O'leary, Jim 203
O'Oconnell, Catharine 247
OBrien, Andrew 249
Odell, Elizabeth A. 155
Odell, Katherine G. 172
Odell, Katie 259
Odell, Libby 256
Odell, Richard 150,245
Oliver, Kieron L. 189
Oliveri, Jason 123,214
Olivier, Margaret 116, 205,212, 244
Olson, Walker A. 123
Omidele, Arinola 212,244
Omidele, Fehintola O. 150
Omidele, Fishayo 123, 201,209
Omidele, Olamide 184
Omidele, T. A. I 16
Ordemann, Beau ll6, 210,238
Ortenberg, Carol 116, 242, 244
Owens, Kathryn R. 176
Owens, Katie 259
Owens, Kevin H. 184
Owens, Michael T. 184
Paiz, Julio 210
Pansano, Sarah Beth 155,257
Pansano, Susan 15
Pappas, Alex 30,92,200
Pappas, Alexandra 76, 88
Parkman 220
Parkman, Jason 15
Pasano, Sarah Beth 253
Pass, Beth De 8
Patel, Neej 146,247
Patel, Neema 146, 209, 220, 241
Patterson, Heather 15
Patterson, Margaret F. 146
Patterson, Troy L. 168
Pearce, Kathy 15,253
Pearce, Samantha 180
Pearce, Scott 1'76,259
Peck, Katherine B. 168
Peck, Megan l16, 200, 212,246
Peres, Jeremy C. 146
Percz, Carla 302
Perez, Karla 124, 205, 250
Perez, Michael 124, 197
Perez, Pedro l5
Penet, Margaret 15
Perry, Ryan 120, 197
Petal, Neej 302
Phillips, Brandon B. 189
Phillips, Hunter J. 176
Piccolo, Katie 247,302
Piccolo, Katie M. I 17
Pittman, Stephenie 9
Planells, Angel 210
Podret, Jana N. 168
Podret, Phillip 150,24'1,302
Pool, Ilene 15
Poole, Ilene 90
Porobil, Jonathan 124, 214, 248
Power, Kathy 15
Prieur, Morgan 168
Prince, Alex C. 168
Prince, Madison M. 185
Provance, Deena 155
Provenzano, Avery 192
Provenzano, Joey 185
Quinet, Kevin M. 168
Quinet, Mary 15,246
Quintal, Becky 203
Quintal, Rebecca I. 121
Quintal, Robert E. 150
Qunital, Bobby 302
R.Defosse, Stephanie 167
Rabalais, Julie 31, 117, 2O0
Rabin, Brooke P. 124
Ramelli, Rachel L. 146
Ramos, Charles 15
Rao, Ashwin 124,246,250
Rasi, Daniel U. 189
Rasi, Marc H. 176
Razza,JamieD. 155
Rea,Lillie 31, ll7
Reed, Dean 17,203
Reese, Cassi 76, 212, 220, 226, 246
Reese, Jerry 17,220
Reese, Mat 121, 197, 214, 215, 244
Reggio, Grant P. 189
Remsberg, Erica M. ll7
Resignola, Cheryl 17
Reva, Esther l8
Reynolds, Megan E. 185
Richard, Marcelle 180
Richards, Jon P. 180
Ridley, Blake 180
Ridley, Kyle 169
Rieveschl, Hayden 124,207
Rigdon, Jan 8
Ripoll, Clare 169
Ripoll, Megan A. 146
Riso, Ashley 124,201
Riso, Nicole 177 ,259
Rivet,Chuck 3,4, 17
Roberts, Connor S. 177
Roberts, Courtland N. 185
Roberts, Taylor 150, 256,257
Roberts, Will 259
Roberts, William R. 172
Robichaux, Jessica 121,203
Robinson, Scott 77, 89,197,239
Roddy, Troy 17,225
Rodriguez, Gustavo 146
Rogers, Nathaniel 77, 197, 206, 22s,302
Rogers, Pam l7
Rolland, Cameron P. l2l
Rolland, Marlha 124,201
Roohi, Alma l7
Roohi, Brandon M. 192
Roohi, Madeline 185
Roop, Ashley 172,258,259
Rose, Erin 169
Rosenbaum, Bill l7
Rosencrans, Tim 121, 197,214,
'tfieSfrieffizooo St"ff
Catharine O'Connell
Layout Editors
Katie Piccolo
Ross Hogan
LaTrice Wade
Senior Editors
David Svec
David Christain
Upper School Editors
Ross Hogan
Kevin Kirschman
Middle School Editor
]ordan Estes
Lower School Editor
Meredith Emory
Sport Editors
Carla Perez
Photo Editors
]ames Buckley
Kerry Hicks Members
David Huston
Rhett kleinschmidt
CIay Koenig
Members Cont.
Julia Lundy
Will McCulloch
Bryan McManus
Nathaniel Rogers
Mark Kaufman
Casey Contreary
Shane duhon
Preston Eiswirth
Neej Petal
Kathryn Weidner
Blaine Yelverton
Nate Beckett
Joanthan Burning
E.C. Denuna
Stella Duplass
Preston Emory
Hunter Gilbert
Brain McCormick
|effery O'Bryon
Phillip PodretOscar
Ponce De Leaon
Bobby Qunital
Mia Slivestri
Colin Nicholson
Kayla Marmillion
Eze Anomneze
Thanks to all staff, students and parents that helped. Special thanks to Suzette Adair, April Najolia, Dot Stengel, and Charles Maumus. As you paged through the yearbook, you probably noticed pictures set up in block formation. This formation was chosen to reflect the 2000-2001 year theme, "Building Blocks", introduced by the head of the school.
-Eze Anomneze (Shield Advisor)
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