--r II ::::::=: :=:::: I ::::::::=::=:::::: 1 :1 . ~ =-- 11 THE SHIELD 2002 i
GSt. Martin's Episcopal School Prayer ·~
racious God, we pray to you for the mission and ministry of St. Martin's School. Grant that the members of our community, seeing the image of God in one another, may be guided in the ways of wisdom. May we pursue excellence, unite ourselves in bonds of love and be strengthened in patience, compassion and persistence.
Increase. 0 Lord, our intellectual curiosity and zeal for learning. Give us the will and strength to do our best.
May we never shrink from that which is difficult, and may we never fail to see an aura of wonder in everything on earth.
Most of all, dear Lord, surround us with your presence, so that all in the Sc. Martin's community will feel loved and secure. Amen.
•SCHOLARSHIP• S ST. MARTIN'S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Metairie, Louisiana VolumeXXII 2002 www.stmsaints.com
Student Life 6-31
Seniors 32- 87
Upper School I 8 -11
!Middle School 2 -13
Lower School I 0-1
' :. <~ - ~ · :::=
Sports 80-21 Organizations I 2-2 IFaculty & Staff i!! 0-2 Advertising I 4-2 Index Dedication 76-2 4-5 Shield Staff 280 3
When she came to St. Martin's in 1967 Mrs Beckman had a mere three years of experience, but she knew that she "had found a home." Although she took a six-year leave to spend the early years with her children, she returned to St. Martin's with her son as he entered kindergarten , and her daughter joined the following year. They have graduated and become successful in their careers , and Mrs. Beckman remains a Saint. "Over the years ," she says " I have come to treasure my relationships with students , parents , faculty, staff, and administrators, and especially the friendships that continue beyond the classroom." reflecting on the tragedy that her family experienced, Mrs. Beckman says, "In this year of personal tragedy for our family , I have drawn strength from the wonderful support of the St. Martin's family, both current members and those whose lives have taken them elsewhere. I thank the students for this honor and look forward to hearing of their successes when they return to visit St. M."
4 Dedication
"Mrs. Beckman helped me develop strong writing skills that have carried me through my career. I still have the papers I wrote in her class because her editing was always so helpful, and she made me feel good about my skills. I have tremendous respect for her teaching ability, her evident faith, and her resounding commitment to St. Martin's Episcopal School."
-Mrs. Patti Micklin '82
She was really challenging, but I learned a lot.
- James Sarpy
99 It was really amazing how much she frightened Bob Killion.
- Evan Dicharry '02
I love Mrs. Beckman and I love her laugh.
- Megan McQuaig '02
- Sarah Watts '02
Mrs. Beckman is a great teacher and a great lady.
- Walker Saik '02
Mrs. Beckman exemplifies strength and kindness.
Dedication s
11, 2001
September 12, 2001
School , 9 = House RO Ck! Faculty & Staff Play 9
Under Ms Arthurs' direction, the fall play Oklahoma was a success The show was particularly memorable because it marked the first time the Solomon Theater was used for a
production and the dedication of the production to Mrs. Beckman' s son-in-law, Michael Pescherine.
SchoolPlay 11
I 12
SchoolPlay 13
;-,<atherine Burke 6(_,a.ee,,/('
Aimee Hyatt
14 Court
Meri Maurer
Julie Rabalais
Ashley Conroy th
Hayley Hutchison
Jessica White
Becky Lusk Court is
16 Homecoming
Homecoming 17
1s Homecoming
The Homecoming game was the most exciting sports event of the year.
Fan support was lead by ! the seniors who,as always "brought the rouchus" and stormed the field after an amazing 21- 20 win in the last seconds of the game.
Senior cheerleaders, angels and devils all added to the growing support of the St. Martin's football team.
During half time, the fath er s presented the 200 lHomecomming court to the student body.
Homecoming 19
\ 20 Homecoming
200~ 21
''Reaching out to
22 St. Martins Day
the community''
Day 23
St. Martin's
24 St.MartinsDay
26 St.MartinsDay
St.MartinsDay 27
28 Christmas
Christmas 29
30 Christmas
Christmas 31
32 ~·o 'S~ ~----~----~-------------------.....1
Seniors 33
Speech 35
us 30 Mr. Siddiqui
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken"
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it!"
-Yogi Berra
You certainly made some wonderful choices during your senior year. You chose to embrace the invitation to be shapers and proclaimers of St. Martin's School spirit in ways that will have a lasting impact on our school community. The year started with great enthusiasm and energy with the dedication and grand opening of Saints Hall and the Solomon Theater. That these marvelous new spaces opened during your senior year was a serendipitous and synergistic conjunction of circumstances. You maintained the impetus provided by this great beginning of the year through moments of triumph and defeat, joy and sadness, clarity and confusion in the succeeding months.
As Mrs. Dorothy Porter so eloquently reminded us in her commencement address, the events of September 11, 2001, mark your senior year indelibly in the manner that the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, marked her own senior year of high school. Each event shook our nation's sense of security to its core. For many of us another reaction to 9/11 may have been a sense of the pure randomness of life.
While we never have the control in life we may occasionally convince ourselves is ours, I still firmly believe that your life will continue to be above all about the choices you make. While some few of us may find ourselves facing death in sudden and dramatic fashion, what will be important at our final moment- be it sudden or slow in coming- are the choices we have made in life. The vignettes of September 11 victims still published in the New York Times on a weekly basic make this clear in poignant fashion. These vignettes celebrate the circumstances of the persons' lives, not their deaths.
I urge you to continue to make quality choices individually as you have done as a class this year. Robert Frost reminds us that the quality choice is often not the popular one or the easiest. The best choice is always the principled one, the faithful one, and the noble one. In his idiosyncratic logic system, Yogi Berra has rightly discovered that choices will inevitably face us. He tells us that every moment of choice is an important one, and we must have the courage and conviction to face and make the choice. In that way we shall lead our lives, not be led by them. In that way we shall find the lives that God intends for us and our loved ones hope for us. God bless you now and always.
With esteem and affection, /4lf.~
Leo P. Dressel President and Head of School
To the Class of 2002:
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll Be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's cares may drive us, Her teachings will be there to
guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's thatwe
" If you smart people were so 'smart,' you would have been dumber and taken easier classes."
-Evan Dicharry
"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest ; Second, by imitation , which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. "
"It's a dangerous business , going out your door. You step into a road, and if you don ' t keep your feet, th e re is no knowing where you might be swept off to."
" If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it."
"Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time. "
-T.S Elliot
Sierra Student Coalition 1,2,3, 4 , President 2,3,4; NCBI 1,2,3, 4 , Secretary 2 , Vice-President 3,4; Science Olympiad 1,2,3,4, State
1, 2,3,4; JETS 1, 2 ,3,4 ; Music Club
3; Honor Roll 1, 2,3,4; Bishop Brown Scholarship 1,2,3,4
cherish and we love.
Thanks mom, dad, Robert, and St Martin's.
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll Be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's cares may drive us, Her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's thatwe cherish and we love.
Thanks mom, dad, Henry, and St Martin's.
When I die I want to go peacefully and in my sleep like grandpa , not awake and screaming like the passengers in his car
-Jack Handy
pineapplesdowhat...til..november. afterschoolw/ LR&JM Koala PK . . .thecut...Manythen few ... AH ... TG ... DW ... LR> MS .. .JC's ... ca-sa end Jryear ... what'sinthesebottls . .. lunchleave ... nomore . . free S .. st.kitts damcracker> venga sluta passthehukaw/ tLRTG CB lack th es hows @ Dixie. t. deftones rock BenJ'O I momyttuls jfest99 ,00 ,01.. gross yourmom freinds dontlet friends drive jess valianteffort please slowdown undercover .. cop . .. oohwee ... peaches OJ me work the adventurer (thedissapeared) 9/11
shimsham crazy the juniors
theppp,me , RyanP & BaggyD carsthe / rover truck infinitylight w i t ghettostyleside> crawfish . .. 1 etsbounce class of ' 02 good luck all. with love thanks mom&dad " !serious "
"T ime , don't let it slip away, raise your drinking glass, cheers to yesterday -Aerosmith
" The space between , the tears we cry, is the laughter that keeps us coming back for more "
- Dave Matthews Band
" We all take different paths in life but no matter where we go, we take a little bit of each other everywhere."
- Tim McGraw
Bubbles .Tini...Tweety Helpful Hanna Social Butterfly Charista " It 's Now or Never!"Elvis FuzzyDuck, ,horoscopes the bat mobile picnics by the flagpole in the bag room with the junior boys I learned from the best-NC .just sign out confessions
flyingspumoniatS&S CafeFrescaGranita Coloniel..."that'smy good handchild" justsignout "and what not! " "I believe in miracles"
711... whatever Lola wants, Lola gets horoscopes AO can't sing "turn off your phone now" "D id she just jump out the window?
Good Luck Seniors! ! ~M om , Dad, Amy, Matt,& Grand paw- Thank you for all of your love and support You mean the world to me. I ' ll love you always!~
Key Club 10, 11 ; Spirit Club 10,11 ; Shield Club I0 , l l , 12; Theater 10 ; Admissions Club I !;Lyre Club 11 , 12 ;NCBI 12
"You need to utilize you strengths and minimize your weaknesses you like that? I got it out of a book!"
-Julio Paiz
"The season is like when the sun shines in your eyes and your eyes shine back and ehhh what the hell am I saying, man? "
-Julio Paiz
"Everything in moderation - including moderation -Harvey Sleiman "If you haven ' t tried these things, you should. These things are fun and fun is good."
-Dr. Seuss
" Aim high, there's more room up there." -
Campaign Slogan
Soccer Covington? State Champs '02 20-0-3 'sup Newman? ehhh oooi The Movie The Afterparty everyone +C D , NP, SM JPM , AS, DW, TG @ Glendale& Sheridan +Taco Bell on Benz AS-lost taco turquoise room ? it w/JL JPM, BO, BY, JL, MT, JM, BL, DC , ED, WG , KB, KH legend ofT Woo Econ 00-01 Wallbangin falling desks XC State Champs '99 -2"''00. District&State ' 02-ML in the dust
17:09 BY,WS,PH,CH,HM "BQ you're wrong" Law Destin
'9 9 ED's house #3 Car BO = ( ODF-MM no ' 01 but we try 27 K car accident on 1-10 HC 2120 afterparty bringin the ruckus w/ ED school spirit '02 pride on the phonew/ BQ is itadate? WS- "yo u are worthless "BL-you owe me a chess game M&T at UPENN- ivy bound .l ' ll miss you Elise, Alyson, Mom, Dad
Soccer 1,2,3,4 I " in state'02; XC 2 ,3, 4 I " in state'99; Track 1,2 ,3, 4; Tony Porter Award 3; Science club 2,3 ,4; M&T @ U Penn; Lit Rally Math 2,3; Nat. Merit Finalist 4
"Don't ask me nothin' about nothin'. I just might tell you the truth."
- Bob Dylan
"Yesterdays are over my shoulder, so I can ' t look back for too long. There's just too much to see waiting in front ofme, and I know that !just cant go wrong."
-Jimmy Buffett
Kat..Beny Destin99-02 Rumors! Almost Drowning WI CP,CH,WE!"Ys"! P laying Sevensln TheRandomnCondo ! CrazyN ghts W/ SP SnipeOITheCenturys/ SC , LL, TG, MK Redgrets CheerCampsoapbox CBs+Boones LeveePrtys FlirtingDillimmas The Hot Spot..IdissappearForA Year JimmyBuffett??TheFly 14atBoot Sweetl 6 Belair "PeerPressure" JG ,L F Mi 11 ini um Al IN ghtr W/ CB D PY isitor N ewmanN ghts .!Reappear ForA Week Superior SecretRelationship EDsNew YearsParty Trapped
InFQw/ WG ,JL, JM ECC w/ WG TuxedoBlack TheTurquoisRoom Straight Talk W/ JL,JM TheLow Point OA R Bucktown Counting Crows S tateCham pA fter Party. fiesta BigBadWolStageW / SC ,LL,MK,JG,TG , SH Toallmy friends, it's been fun To my family, thanks for everything you ' ve done for me. Wheeler , you ' re the best friend and boyfriend I could ever ask for. I love you so much! Be good next year
! Sewanee
Cheerleading I 3/ 4,3: captain , Track I 3 / 4, Spirit Club 1,2,3,4:pres , Homecom ing Court2,3,4 : queen, ClassV P 2 , 3, Pres. 4
1998 - 2002
"I think the prime reason for existence, for living in this world is discovery"
-James Dean "If! had observed all the rules, I'd never have gotten anywhere."
-Mari lyn Monroe
Kehoe Trio Bball trips the gue r illa wooden teeth humanities fie ldtrips didyouread Wa l kerthe stalker chem RN's PH comments shhh econ farm fresh yr blur KF summers civics H video w LR, CM, LG "study" groups@CCs .Jesuit homecoming '00 MD parties 123we MB slobber fall into the gap lan getting lost @2am EG stories the bus party after prom footsie bandit...sophyrw JM, AV,AS forest hoover destinx2 '01 houston w MC,JG, MW, MR, JM Coach Reese .3yrsw AM& LW incubus concert climb-max New Years @ mythic JGslave lucky chengs .JCsleepovers bowling hote l w the girls RoDMR chewbacca
Trex MRpersonal shopper
Al Tomy friends- yall are the g r eatest,good luck in co ll ege, I' llmissyou guys Matty, thanks for always being there,lloveyouso much Mom, Dad, Lance - I love you, thanks for everything, I cou ldn ' t have done it w/o yall
Admissions 1,2; NCBI 3,4; Key Club 2,3,4 (Treasurer 4); Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2; Softba ll 1,2,3 (MIP 3); Basketba ll 1,2,3,4 (Captain 2,3,4; 2"' Team All-Distr ict 3,4)
"The only fear a rebel heart knows is nothing to do and anything goes."
-Brooks and Dunn
"Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die "
-Dave Matthews
sexymexi*beryl.emily.s im one* belair.di.boot.rackem. brunos. superiorgrill.mad is * flydays*weekdays.w / TG*CBparties*torquoiseroom* JLparties. rif.raf.patrol * sisters. w / MC&CB * soccerposseTG. MP.MK *sneaking. w /L L ' 00* des tin '99. '00. ' 0 I. ' 02*CD.swt 16.w/ TG *after.squires. '99*GRITSw/TG CB AM*opulence. w/TG.CB.JG*invisible. cowboy.w/TG*30yr.old .men?* $ I 500snipe. TG.LL.MK.KB*CDsenior.guys'99w/LL *TheLetter* dancing. on.bars @ di.boot * Jcrew*party.hardy "* I Son 18th. bday* 21 shts .BBw o lf
*"TheseAre TheDays When AnythingGoes" *TG,CB,&KF -wow, it's been crazy ! but thank you for the memories , i lo ve ya ' II & i ' II miss ya'II the most*T- " here's to being cute"*Lori-iluvyou so much! be good and have fun* Mommy- thanks for everything you'll never realize how much I appreciate all you've done.
iluvyou*Nick-i can't even imagine what i would have done w/ o you. you ' re amazing & I love you more than you' ll ever know* CUbound*STM-i'm out!
:John !B. CainE
"Men succeed when th ey realize that their failures are in preparation for their v ictories."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
"These are the days now that we must sav or and we must enjoy as we can. These are the days that wi ll last forever."
-Van Morrison
#3 #4 Johnny Cai n e kizaine # I Baby # 1 1-9- FB ' 01, 21 pis. vs. BF homecoming '0 I westbank = bestbank All- Un iverse Team P .Julie who's Beth? Mardi G ra s '02 .4'h period water chugging contest w/ JL , BO, JM , JM parties at JL and the turquoise room grant' s mom tailgates stranded on Trans/West Met. "Let's do it Sai nt s!" -ED hass got beef? you hoin? toasted d-wars physics Apollo '00 New Years '02 " I respectively disagree " - MT concussion '99 ear ly Saturday mornings with JS 89 yd. KO return vs Newman = TD running for freedom have you see n my baseball?
s l oppy pv @ BV's ED's house the old man see me after class shut up = I ' II see you at hom e t hanks Mom, Dad, and Steph foralwaysbeingthere and support in g all the decisions I h ave made VT Bound!!!
Football 1,2,3,4, Capt. 4 , MVP 4, 2"' Team All-District 3, 4 , All EJ 4 , Academic All-State 4 , Nokia Sugar Bowl Scholar Athlete 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4, MIP 2 , MVP 3, 4 , Capt. 3, 4, AllDistrict 2; National Honor Society 3, 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3, 4
" The good is the enemy of the best." - Philip Glass
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
"You lost your car keys again?!?"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- everyone
Airie "A" Ern weekend CC trips the goose AP Bio labs. " kot" the cat w/ Tatyana homecoming cheerleader. driving the Tahoe rooming w/ AO on DC trip. 14 mile trek to school. homecoming/prom committee w / MM, MM , EH, MO track meets @ Reserve the never-ending dummy session martijn mission trips and roofs never wearing any shoes tutoring Joe Bess the Camry where's my purse? Sister Wendy being punctual. ice coffee chasing Peeks dress shopping w / AO DM ' s obsession w/ hair. fickle bus 4 snow white , ?dwarfs , & the apple prom2002 w / the whole crew
G&G - thanks for all the pancakes and love Tyty- rides to school , partners in crime, 2many memories to count. Laurashower chats , having "girl time" . mum and dad- I love you both so much; I couldn't have done it w / out y'all. don't worry, I've got everything under control' GO LONGHORNS!
Cross Country 1,2 (MIP),3,4 (Spirit Award); Track & Field 1, 2,4; Admissions Club 1,2,3,4 (VP); Key Club l ,2,3,4(VP); Lyre 3,4(editor); Girls ' State Nominee; NHS 3,4; Chorus 4; O.E. haring Award 3.
"Turns out not where but who you're with that really matters."
-Dave Matthews
"So take the photographs and still frames in your mind, hang it on a shelf in good health and good time. Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial, for what it's worth, it was worth all the while. " -Green Day
Keen shows KILN CK ' s IS' h JJW cab w/ CO TD-CPC? fly Superior CO's Italy parties K-T Comments Bruno ' s Bucktown carwashw/MZ ACTweekend -thanks BG NOCC w / JS Jimmy's w / KL stupidity w/NK Sthbay87eviction = penthouse SB02 condow/ MF,Al,AM,KB, WW,BG l'msotallytober,occifer-NK my 17'" bday parties limo bus/ Boot nt Sycamo' hoes me ,MF , AP,TF Barna visits 8/ I0/ 01-8/ 20/ 0 I hammock game-NK,RE parties @ CO,CK, MZ,TD , KL Val Day in qtr w / BG Jam Scut.butt w / CK , HS ,TF MarGras Day w/ BG, Al , RM taking Newman to3. ElecCocktai I. OM Projects JSis na again CK,RE,MF, Al,AM, KL,PB,SW , MP,JS,ME-Thanksfo
rThe Memories Peter-I've had so much fun w / u this yr-I Luv U Daddoo&Mom-ya ' ll rmybest friends -thank u 4 everything BGu have made this yr so memorable 4 me & these past few months the best of my life-I ' ll miss u. G.R.l.T.S .(AP,KL, MZ, NK,LG, CO)ya'll r the best friends I could everask4-I LUVU! ROLL TIDE!
"The future doesn ' t belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave "
-Ro nald Reagan
" When I look at the television , I want to see me staring right back at me ."
-Counting Crows
Pac Dave Mr. Coons good morning, STM w/ MT & Mr. Marsa lis don't ki ll us, Mike!. speech into forensics Mr. Cox & Marissa/Tim, KK state champ '02 sc LASC "stop bymy office" lunc h debates about li fe QTw/ PLNSG JR cgrs and rw w/ JNM Juan , we're late let's do it Saints! VB, FB games (best fans ever w/ MT , JM, WO, ED, BY, etc.) swimming hey , I'm the gov fine, yo u ' re the boss sr hmcoming JL 's post state and MK ' s post homecoming parties = the best ever. PY at BV's Camellia Grill we do what we can Bucktown A-S crawfish thanks to a ll my friends, teachers, and fam. for making me what I am today especia ll y mom, dad, and AMC Wake Forest bound!
Boys State- Gov ; SCP 4; Mr. STM4; SC I , 2, 3, 4 (oratory st champ 3, 4); HC 4; Forens ics I , 2, 3, 4 (copres 3, 4) (All state 1-4) (Nat. 1-4) (St Champ 4); Morning Show 3, 4; Class Pres 2, 3; Swimming I , 2, 3, 4 (Capt 3, 4) (all st 4); Golf I, 2, 3; Italy Exchange 2; Cox TV I, 2, 3, 4; 14 Yr Club; Proud Memb. - STM's Legendary c/o '02- L ife
1995 -1997,1999- 2002
"Work is t he curse of the dr inking classes" - Oscar Wi lde
"After s i lence, that wh ich comes nearest to express ing th e inexpressib le is music" - Aldous Hux ley
"Enjoy yourse l f - Every day above grou nd is a good day" - Scarface
" because your move matters" -Lou is Erice
LeiaBethA ll ie exam poker chicken&cookies saaamy TO parties the room BGang dancing beac hed w ha le piece o furn 7thgr lu nc h la Riviera trut hordare games bourbon tease lo ll yrox PK&BL NY kids Ro dRyan lette r fam il yc hronic les Xmas97 wTG LRAS NewYr98 us ua l suspects darndest things PHA T summer98 wLR B ul worth CA COs rock JC&closet fun US? Aug99 junior boys blue d ress&PC mr spoon&dirty sock mg r spcl .07 may5 MG00 summer00 sx
c lub the note bow li ng-get back in the pe n lucky changs flying burr ito
NOCCA wAH MOO! wMA SB0lpigeons AL WS burns BL fling TWs mom on a rock at the lakefront... shu t up! warped & xboys 27yro ld D ixie taaka sty le wooden teet h tattoos
Byb los CCs RlPk itty CB&s in gi ng
Lou is Erice nicks rej ect bad schoo l nights bad schoo l days hey Loyo las onl y 15 m inutes away <3
Nat iona l Me ri t Sem ifi na list & Fina list 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; NCBI 3,4; Co -pres ident ofF ilm C lub 4
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, the end of the beginning. " -Winston Churchill
" Hello, is your refrigerator running? You better go and catch it."
-Uncle Bob
" It is better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. "
Super bowl XXXVI Key Club D.C C.C. trips on the bus Coach ' s driving with bikers headbands Friday nights at Applebees Most creative camera man on the morning show DVD ' s at cross country meets with quilts French class: casse-croute Everyday turkey sandwich New cafeteria oops new dining hall. Cross Country state meet in Alexandria Bringing Farhan out to lunch at Wendy's Watch out Tom Cruise , I'm your replacement in Top Gun Freshman video project The shaggin ' wagon out to lunch
Habitat for Humanity Running with the big dogs Working on carnations after school for hours
Christmas tree tying on the west bank Summers at Lookout Mountain Camp in Mentone, Alabama
Michel Prom 2002 Losing shoes during Cross Country races You can't get lost it's a circle Thank you mom, dad and Brendan for all that you have done for me. Good luck on your first year without me at home next year. I will miss you very much.
Key Club 2,3,4 Halo 3,4 Honor Role
4 Track 1,2,4 Cros s Country 1,2,3 ,4 Won MIP runner in C.C. my senior year. Lettered in Cross Country 1,2,3,4 Lette red in track and field 2 ,3,4
"Why should we be frightened ? No people who have ever lived on this earth have fought harder , paid a higher price for freedom , or done more to advance the dignity of man than the living Americans , those Americans living in this land today".
-Ronald Reagan
"Why don't they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as well as prohibition did , in five years Americans would be the smartest race of people on Earth."
-Will Rogers
dEEroche .edub # 14 not much-just perfection SX bus SX room 2kl2k2 goldenshaft frshmen spoon camp @ pearlriver tourny sloppynite @camp w/ MT JM BL BS midnight boatriding w/ JM destin centcom roundtable starting @9amw/ JF bettybashing sofabed laws & ordinances ofcentcom punishment w/ waterballons thesock goldenchild thedude florida v.lsu"therea game" turquoisroom ducks fly together fingers and wiches @ JL's PV @ BV's pell's angel. state champs'02 afterparty general deroche handcuffed JH in a tree we salute you dream team bustrip koolaid suprise miller high life google& carmex champagne ofmen swamp island hunch punch therind "let's do it saints" havin a roni the bird new years party broken table
Thank you mom, dad and Cori for keeping me in line . I love you.
Tennis 1,2,3,4; State Champs 3; Soccer l ,3 ,4; State Champs 4; Spanish Club 3,4
"who wandered around and around at midnight in the railroad yard wondering where to go, and went , leaving no broken hearts," - from " Howl " by Allen Ginsberg
and so im supposed to leave some words that noone will read but some faceless publication types will pick apart for sexual conotations and vulgar language but what is one to say when leaving a place they never want to return to? everything that comes to mind seems pretty melodramatic the problem is i have no memories i want to keep or immortalize in a book that i would rather burn than put on my shelf.. . so forget about it. i will remain quiet and just be another forgettable face on the glossy pages of your yearbook
dream team ... payp . .. beaz . .. baby. .
.jigga ... OLEARY. .. tdub ... kerrdawg .
. .sloppy Johnny. .. sloppy DeRoche . .
.joe: the room . .. rendezvous ... farm trips ... llama ben . .. bisquik: "the worst".
.destin: I. II. III. IV. traffic courtx6. Swimming 1,4 track 2,basketball 1,2
"If a man does his best, what else is there?"
-General George S. Patton
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
-Albert Einstein
"If you are going through hell, keep going."
-Sir Winston Churchill
So you're a ? Schoen Special! NB and I, "The Spot" NB, DT and endless nights of Halo Habitat for Humanity Mardi Gras 200 I w / NB,DT and Prestone! Prom2002 MR ,JS Global Domination "The Risk Dance" ... TG, DW Cypress Hall B-day 2002 Crawfish Boil. .. Holland 2001 w/ MB Greatest Trip Ever. MR andI"BIG" NODISC!. MB
"The full nastiness" MR,JS, Football Bros NB, DT, RB, JS, Destin 2002 ... NB "WTF?" Mom, Dad, and Aimee I love you and I will miss you next year NB, DT, gonna miss you guys JS and 1, Friends for Life
" The end is the beginning , beginning is the end Every road ' s gonna bring you round again
So stop and look around
It's time to move on " -Cross Canadian Ragweed
" There w ill be boy s who wake up w ith headaches, Girls who are ashamed, parents full of questions , But a l ways friend to blame."
-The Great Divide
Supe riorGrill.Boot.Brun os.J imm ys.BelAire.CasaGarcia.Madd is.Dl(DancingonBars) Destin.w/ MK. LL. AH 5 pm H otTu b F ly Days Soph S tri p A MR ?w / L L .AH.JG ~ Weekdays. w / SC ~ 3 0yrol dmen ? - CB parties ~ LLB ack room SC W i ndow J L Tu rq uo i se Room G RI TS /
OPPU LENCEw / SC. CB .J G 3N ights InARow.J & D .M& W. w / M K l eeves? Soccer Posse. w/
MK.SC MP -BayouTr i ps .Quakers quaker ~ DWlsunrise. w/ CB l 8onSCsl 8th ~ TheLetter~
NeverH ave I Ever. w / M K.J L.J M ~ Bourbon ' 02w / MK $ I 500snipe Brew.w / LL C. Dsw I 6w / SC ~ MK.LL.SC .AH.KB .JG. CB.MP.MC-
ThanksForThe Memories,Good& Badlt sBeen Fun &IIINeverForgetYou MK .SC.LL. SH -Y all Have Helped MEGetThrou ghTh is & Made ltA WildRide-Thanks& llo ve Yall ~ Mom &Dad-Don ' t Have Too Much Fun Now
That Ya! IAr eF in ally A lone-Thank You
You ~ Bri,Scott , Kev ,Ju st-ThanksFo r Putting UpW / Me-lloveYall Go GATORS! -UF BOUND!
V.Soccer- ; HonorRoll1.2 3.4; NHS -4 ; SpiritClub- ; AdmissionsClub-
"It feels like we're losing, but we've just begun so we might be winning." - Whippersnapper
"Sometimes I play, waiting for some bright holiday." - Bradley Nowell
"Work's hard. I'm not that good at it." - David Bordson-Bozzo
"Hurray for school, hurray for me!"
- Billy Madison
Simpsons Jaguar Dixie Tavern Carding SiB Lightning Quiz Bonus
Round 8th Period LatinlV Regina Ad Music Club Riso's SI6 party
Coggeshalle Dana Carvey DC Trip IKWYDLS Junto .4 'h Period
Chemistry The Helicopter Poop BMW keys Poo on the ceiling Carl B Joe Dirt... Soccer State ChampionshipLeone ' s House Spring Break
311 Day AS, DW, DBB, TG,JM-Jacobson ' s-the Benz
Your Mom! holesweat the freak out TG & TG best friends inflatablechay 12detentions
member Halo I; member Lyre 1,2,4 ; member Music Club 3,4 ; member Key Club 3 ,4 ; member Basketball Team 2, 3; member Track and Field Team 2 , 3 , 4 ; member Dude, Where ' s My Car Coalition 3 , 4.
'Tm not asking for much , just perfection!"
-Julio Paiz
"That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college."
-Homer Simpson
Graf..# I 0 SXBUS EDsCamp SXROOM GoldenShaft..State Champs'02 AfterParty FTW'0 I Nofatbchs Destin '02 Centcom Round Table EDsPunishment Bettybashing AudubonPoPo-MP ,NH ,JD Red Dog NatesLimo B&Ew/MP Nate?? hotspot ChemFaucet Tool in ' MT Secret Relationship EternalBwl NewYears RidingHorsesw/JL..Calling Hosses Tu rquoiseRoom PV@BYs FingrSan dwchs Parties @ EDs ECCw / KB lowpoint.. Iceberg Fiesta
Bucktown Counting Crows J
Kat-!Couldn 'tAsk For A Better ,, Girlfriend,NextYear Will BeTough, Be Good, ILoveYou
Mom ,Dad, Lisa, Martin , Scott,P, Grammy&Julie-1 Wouldn't,Have Made It ThisFarWithoutYou, Thanks ForEverything, You're The Greatest,! love You I' mOut!
Soccer l ,2,3,4;All-State 3,4; StateRunner-up3; State Champ 4;FrenchClub 2,3,4
"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go , we take a little of each other everywhere."
"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."
-Proverbs 16:9
"It is people, not things, that are life's most valued treasures."
The5 ft.club MM , MM , MO Pepperidge farm land JC isNOTa27 MM & MM Lonzy Greeer GY Don't cut me! GY What's that sound? A whip? MNM Zephyrs game w / MM MM & MO Uptown girl GY D'lights GY I was born I " so it ' s my 8-day! (MNM) MNM lovesGB(notGarth!) MO& WS - cutestcouple Gag mew / a phillyroll Carollas & Saturns EW the girl scouts are out MNM and gap toothed Ryan Mr. Dennis & the limo Oklahoma! Youth group w/ CM Oh , you will PP Go Major s MM MM MOCMGYKKWSEW- Luvya ' II somuch Thnx4beinggreatfriends
I ' II never forget u Mom & Dad, I love ya' II more than you' II ever know Thnx 4 everything
Key Club 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,4; Chorus 1,2,3,4 ; French Club 4 ; Class Treasurer 4; Theater 3,4; NHS 3,4; Honor Committee 4; Cum Laude Society 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Rall y Spanish 1,2 ,3; Spanish Award 2,3; LA Girl ' s State 3; H' coming Cheerleader 4 ; Volleyball 1,2; Tennis 1,2; 14 yr. Club
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll Be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's cares may drive us, Her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's thatwe
cherish and we love. Thanks mom, dad, and St Martin's.
-Scarlet O'Hara
Flagpole pinics Doc's art history Peyton Center Lunch
Economics'0l...LR's party '99 ... "We're going to be famous"JC &AH SAT with Blair J... P07 shows & NOCCA "the juniors" lunch leave sportsbar with Ben undercover cop
@cafe Siam ... Friends don't let friends drive ***** "Niceness is over rated" -CB .. . The cut ... . 'No more free***" -Lee Spring Break '02 "I need a shauver" -DW ... Kisses and hugs Nathan Mom, Dad, Aubrey, Grandmom, Grandad & mam -I love you!
There are places I remember in my life, thoug h some have changed Some forever not for better. Some have gone and some remain. All these places had their moments with lovers and friends, I can still recall. In my life I' ve loved them all.
-John Lennon and Paul McCartney
E-HALL Lulu Lisbeth Corridor STECLUB(MC) TG's Partie s Rambo "I' m so confused" Trunks Tower Pizza(ER) Smiley(GY) JutJut Luscious Lucius Corky+Barbie+Malibu Gargoyle Juicy Study Hall I I + 12 Tracy's Singing Destin LD '99TG, JR ,ER LSU gameED,JR,JL JC's surpise party Bourbon sightings MMA Arianna '99 Juan@Johnny's Mr.Williams Grundle V ideo
Mr.Markel AUS I' -0 I Chicago'00 Eric's party Christian Olympics"IW ANTA SHOVER" (DW) Tracy @La Riviera Titanic weekends w/ BenOBSESSED &UPSET " What color is your saca dos? "DWw/CM "RU ever in town? "Pretty as a Picture MC
NOCCA'0l : Dani/Rand
ADVMTH BIG D 9-11-01
ECALUVs?Study groups Tay Tay Breezmart+BMW Boo@the Zoo CCw/ER&JD Candy in the SunStewartArtDCDress MM
Be !AirJC"Saammy" Zebra SUV ... RSR143 ... Mom,Dad,Mathis: I love u & thanks for putting up with me Offto UGA!
" It's so much better when sea foam green is in"
-Brandon Boyde (Incubus)
" The older you get the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin ' man! L - l-V-1-N "
-Wooderson (Dazed and Confused)
Christ school fr / yrw / JS soph / yron the levee w / LG, CR , PG all the weekends at CB ' s house CMP ' s " Get your role on " video shoot w / MT and PG Torn ACL x 2 sorry JC , JS, RF , and RS I apologize for not having been more committed to the team Spring Break '01 w / LG and JD JS and MT I should have taken your advise about EF hopefully I'll never make a mistake like that again Mardi Gras ' 02 w / CC, KT, BY ect Tuesday ' s and Thursday's at the point w / CC , PA , DB, JW , TS , KT, BY, BM, CP, MM, and JS Brad hopefully we ' ll have better days then we had on SB '02.. Mom, Dad, Sarah , and Amanda thanks for putting up with me the last 18 yrs I love you all very much. Good luck next yr to everyone in the class of '02 , it's been real!!!
"Life without music would be an intolerable insult."
-Edward Abbey
"A good deed never goes unpunished."
-Gore Vidal
" The mind is like a parachute , it only works if it's open."
-Steven Tyler
"If God had intended man to smoke, He would have set him on fire."
Gigolo Senior skip day (7up ) "call me" sweet 16 .Tony wake boarding Daddy Brown 23:57 (PR) regionals (L&B!) .Jeremy & all my CC guys .Jeff Maria , Shannon & Crystal CC state finals in the rain.. Marines senior leadership day painting: " BBD" B.C. always: Brandon! ring days @ the PC (singing veg. tales).. Erin giggles the morning show eco tents , chikin-hot sos sandwiches , Ram's Head , Virgin Gorda, braids , rainwater pool lobsters , Roy lives! DOC, incubus ,aero! electric guitars ankletattoo p.s. w/ mom
Thanks mom & dad for always thinking about my future. Your persistence helped me finally start thinking about it too & now on to "bigger and better things " : Air Force (& California g&b hopefully!)
1,2 ; Track: 2; Lyre
Football I , Tennis I , Admissions Music club 4 2;Wrestling 2; Soccer club 2 , 3, 4;
Sometimes I laugh and cry, I can't r emember why, but I ' ll always love those good times gone by. -James Taylor
If you don't have anything nice to say, come and sit by me!
- Steel Magnolias
Pescado 2hr@CDwLL.. .The Grand/ BeauR ivagw / LL , MK AM Rw LL, TG,JG PikeF ireTruck BootSmrwJG,LL CCR - RKw BW,AC, LL STALKING Buddy BBQ JG - Stea lin gCat Lrzpn-Mard iGras0I w/JG,CB Pitcher OfJack/Coke St Pats0 I wJG Jaminw / A&Jfeat DJC T h e Boot/ Brunos/Rackems/Be ll air/ Sup e ri o r T heBackroo m Hhenry SamsHouse C heer camp= hell Desti n99-02 Co nd owLL, MK,&TG P inkPescados 5p m HotTub DestinJrYr=WOW The Lener CheerBuswLL,BW,KH, HB TheFly .Jul y401 w LL , MS ,NM, JS Gr it sw CB, MSW-WreckOnVa lence Apol lo00wJG-RIPsam Peeln BWLaw n PredicamentBW Juniors (espAC, BW):
ltWa sF un! ToMy Friends : CB ,SC, JG , KB,TG , MK,LL-Thanks For TheTimes !wouldn't Trade T hem
Fo rAnything! TheLevy's: Thanks For Being My2ndFamily! Aaron StayO ut OfTro ubl e& HaveFun! Ad l er
I ' IIMissYoul LoveYou! Mo m&
DadTha nk s ForAIIYou've
DoneILoveYall! CH, AM = roomies
Cheer l ead in g 1,2,3,4( capta in ); Hom ecom i ngCourt4; Spirit
C lu b I ,2,3,4(p res) ; Admissions
C lub 1,2,3,4; Key Club 1,2,3,4; NHS4
" Saturday nights we could a ll be found Rad ios up and our windows ro ll ed down , We never thought those days wou ld e nd We'll never be the same again Summer will be the last time we w ill ever be together! never knew I'd wake up some day In a brand new wor ld so far away"
-T im McGraw
May Marge thebackroom bzzzz(J M ) 4am w/Liz 3 :45 bayoudays redj ee p soccerposse.. TWT &BSB(TG) Sophstri p cyclopes "dea denddin gbat"SC touch& run trip lethreat (LL,AH). Lepardbook turquo iseroom leveesTG sma Ilb ladd e r. .carlyparties bedi ndesti n-A H 3 n ightsinarow- TG Bourbon02 6 Pudge C l ass of02vs0 I neverhaveieverT G , J L,JM boxcarvan destinO0 , O
1,02 mansoccer Marianne &wanda security man(LL) J&D(TG) bart enders@JL's quack ersquacker 5pmhottub parties 8amdrinks I 8onSC ' s
I 8th pin kpescados T he Marge Spence-stay crazy Lucy -yourmy bestfriend &lluv you , dontforget aboutme! LL, TG,JL-couldnthave madeitw/outyou , l ' llmissyall Mom,Arthur-thanks for everything , iloveyou AH,SC, CB,MP, JG , MC,KB& 02guys-you deny that we ' vehadfun
Soccer-I 234, track-I 234, XC-4, NHS -4 , Honorro ll-1 234
II..._ 52
"The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cau s e , while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one "
-Wilhelm Steckel
"The only way to change people's minds is with consistency. "
-Jack Welch
K.irs h couch Kirs h y poo s wimming picnic s DC GY being blunt Mr. Cox, "serious as a heart attack" Speech goes Forensic s, ZW JC KB DC CO MK JW JS Mari ssa and Tim Extemp and LO adventure s w/GY B-Day and friends BO LG MLM CM MNM MOWS GY Econ ' OJ Boys State DC BY GY , cult, Ookay Dookay Sk.inamarookay senior retreat Porsche RT golf RF Ultimate Fri s bee s lacker. bum chem lab faucet WG MT vinyl. Habitat: singing JR GY , digging , bus DB Lexus English papers General Electric red light green light. pen twirl. Dr. Einstein , Clive & Tom Mr. Eze Team
Genius DB WS BY Physics H '01 D War. English!Yw/Klebba
5 L guys Shut Up Kevin 1 ••• senior year. STM Class of 2002the Be s t! Hi z zeading to Lehigh!
Foren s ics 1,2,3,4, Pre s ident 3,4, NCFL 1,2 ,3,4 , NFL3, Quad Ruby , LA Point Leader 3,4; Key Club
2 ,3 ,4, Sgt-at-Arms4 ; Shield 2 ,3 ,4 ; JETS 4 ; Drama 2 ,3 ; Track & Field
2 ,3,4; Swimming 1, 2; Literary Rally Civics 10 ; LA Boys State, Mayor , National Honor Society 12
" If a brick couldn't s it on walls no more, what would you ask it? " -0.D.B.
"To me, it's a good idea to always carry two sacks of something when you walk around. That way , if anybody says, ' Hey , can you give mea hand?' You can say , ' Sorry, got these sacks. ' "
-Jack Handy
" This experience is for the whole experience Let it be applied , then drop that science." -0 D.B.
What up PK , SS, JA , NM, the former StM players who stayed true through the years (cuban links) spilled brains+ badrojans at Steve ' s the vanishing of NM Dream Team- KH, TW, NK , JF Hijacking Pepper from KH with baby Summer of Gotham 2000 Wu-Tang + goose + Philly + the Lord = the shhh Deftones Dec 2000 attempted duck murder at L. Park TW backyard staring into Viet-zong with BlackJ Thanks to my dog Reggie for the wise words of encouragement. Like Nas says , "It ' s always forward I'm moving" CSU here Icome.
Track 1; Basketball 2 ,3 ; Tennis 4; Shield Club 3, (co-editor)4
You tell me it's a cold world , stay in school. I tell you it s a man's world , play the rules -2pac
You know stunti n is a habit , chrome on the Navi TV 's in the rear headrest to entertain the traffic -Lil Wayne
You can ' t build a reputation on what you ' re going to do.
-Henry Ford
leon .jo 21 W D turquoise room fine s pilway folks fwb-the bluefish+no fatfemaledogs in my condo b Leam burnin-couch,wagon ,s pool,milk ju g,refr ig ,t ires,trees xS ben= m y llama b john dancers z7 I club-JM x2 JL JF Dodge club-BL..Z7 l+Big Roof Rack+no Ground C laren ce+ Sloppy Spillway= broken ca r Payp's Farm x23 eternal biz w/WG, payp sw imin w/atv' s w/JM payp' s golf carts you get cab le in yourcar? hote lj oey baby=my tuls low pnt w/WG+KB Sloppy oar co ncert.. Levee parties prom night 02 FQ w/MK, JM,TG champagne of men Conve rsat ion .4+2=6 CB 'shouse-where did you go 02? Destin 02 keep your clothes on son rntbl (sentcom) fly
11 "'-fly in solo w/02 g irl s run away kim qp day .4k summer-what a waste thankyou40 days Julio"JL+BL 2 most difficult players eva" .. v iolent mood sw in gs .. Mom, Dad thanks for the constant un-conditional suppor t. .Jessica don't be lik e yo ur brother..& quit sta rin g me down haha Marge and Johnny thank s for everyt hin gya ll w ill alwaysbeapartof my life
Honor Roll 3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4
" You only live life once so DO IT!"
-M arguerite King
" Now tonight there's a backroad, a pick-up truck, a cab full of buddies and they're getting' drunk there 's everyone who 's someone sittin on a tailgate , wishing they were single , or wishing they had a date! "
-The Great Divide
Tiny Lizabetly Cheez TheGrand/BeauRi vage w/M K,A H Stalki ng BP? The Backroom The Cottage w/SC , JG De s LinCondo w/TG, AH, MK TheLetter. SC's18thBdayLimo .4am w/MK,CK,BL. 4thJulyOI w/JS,MS,NM,AH TheBooL Summer w/JG,AH .4/1/00.
R.I.P.Rackems,Bellaire BL 'sS urpri se Security Man w/MK Seaside w/BL,MK 2h rs@CD
w/AH CheerBus w/BW,HB,KH,AH Prom Night ' 02 @JL 's The Fly All MaleReview?w/
TG ,JG ,A H. Brunos w/0 \ guys Brew w/TG TheLeopard Book w/ MK TrueSneaks: TG,MK , AH, SC ,KB,JG,CB, MC- l'llnever forget our tim es toget her both good and bad, loveUall ( MK ,A H-couldn'l ha ve done it w/o ya' ll ) To Juniors (esp.CV , KH)-it s been fun Brandon-You 've made the pa s t couple of years th e best I've had , you' II never know how much you mean to me, I LoveU Edward, Bev, Brad , Sniz-thanks 4 putting up w/ me , don t mi ss m e too mu ch- l ove ya' II. TCU!
Cheerleading 1,2 ,3, 4 (Captai n-4 ); Track 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Key Club 1,2; Spirit C lub 1,2,3,4; Admiss ion s C lub 1,2,3; PCP
"Life and death. energy and peace. If I s topped today it was still wo rth it. Even th e terrible mistakes I have made and would ha ve unmade if I could. The pains that burned me a nd scarred my so ul. It was worth it. For having been allowed to wal k where I've wal ked. which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back aga in , into, under. far between, through it , in it , and above "
-Gia Marie Cara ngi
"Religion i s for those who fear hell, spiritua lit y is for those who have been to hell and don't want to go back.'' -Anon Amo us
" I am a broken flashlight"' -Me
·' ( was within and without, sim ultan eous ly encha nt ed and repe ll ed by the inexhaustible var ie ty of life "
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
··Hang it up kids." -Mrs. Klebba
··Thereare only two people on this earth who will tell you the truth Children and drunks:·
-Drunk Old Man at the Bowling Alley
Pcrdido Key Prom0I@ KB's footsie bandit ED' s 3 sandw ic hes chasing carol out of the Peton cen ter stealing carol's rock w/ JC 4 th pd physics my best friend is Juli a Groom basketball w/ KB. MR, RN, Shoe&Clip Malihinda Climbmax Texaco lad y lunch w/ GY Benny he li copte r ';praise th e lord'' HOOP DREAMS ce llul oid exercizes "Am I to fruity for jou? Generation P-N I ' ll miss you Dr. Rosenbaum, and I ll be back 10 see you, thanks for getting me though.
Pa ssi ng Klebba English 2002
"Maturity is only a short break in adolescence."
-Jules Feiffer
"We must become the change we want to see in the world."
-Mohandas Gandhi
Let's do it Saints!..State Champs#l3 .. SX bus .. turquoise room .. club vinyl..Tiny Dancer .. Go Hwuan!..18 Big Apple .. Bud's .. PB+limeade =SC .. sailing the kat w/KLH .. Dinos then boot .. Centcom .. flips .. ED . . champagne of men .. the grind .. the wasted bowl.. lights out showers with BC. .JM and the unspeakable incident .. scuba diving in the Carribean .. BO and team phelia.. coached by the old man MT. .cpt Payp and crew of dream team .. we salute you
" I can't decide if ind ec is ion is good or bad " - Causey
" For by grace you have been saved throu gh faith, and that not of yourse lves, it is the gift of God. Not of wo rk s s hould any man boast." -Eph 2:8-9
"Character is what you are in th e dark." -
"It is easy to die for Ch ri st. It is hard to live for Him. Dy i ng takes only an hour or two, but to li ve for Christ mean s to die dai ly. On l y dur ing the few yea r s of thi s life are we given the privilege of serv ing each other and C hrist. We sha ll have heaven forever, but only a s hort time for serv ice here, and therefore we must not waste the opportunity." · -
Sadu S un dar Sing
Calsnpals Sally Big Red Cally-g irl Art l Sk inner LH& boys DisnyWld w/EH Boogala civ proj-LR KB LG cell n Civ.ex HEYWalks! Chem H Ex.a ll ng htrs CCs FCA Sweet l 6
Be li ze'00 sft ball DaddyReese
Olla unlucky Survivn Klebba Eng frozcoffee Get yo u rdressyet? Ju ly4
-0 I nDC JM-Je s u s love s yo u !..
Prom '0 l '02 Bdyjoys -RN l " graders
Ceramics- earrings! 9-11 Pe nguin sMO 8O-whts kicknckn? biolabs
poorcat DMFAMS Colorado '02
Philo sophy? Gu it ar '02 Habitat..
2myjrg r ls:Luv ya! Stay sweet! MR KB RN MM LGMMMOCBEHECJTIIIKPJM-
K. I. T! Mom, Dad, n Jill I love and will miss you! Thnx 4evryt hn g! Hug s -n- s mil es Living for Him!
Adm issions 1,2,3,4; FCA 2,3,4 Pres ident 4; Key C lu b 2,3,4 sec. 4; NCB I 3,4; Lyre 4: NHS 3,4;Vo ll eyball 1,2; Basketball 1.2 .3; Softba ll I ,2,3,4Captai n 4;Re ligion Award
J;L iterary Rally AP Bio 2 nd pl. 4; Honor
ro ll 1,2,3,4; All-Dist. Softball 3,4; Fr ie ndliest 4
"D ream as if you' ll li ve forever; live as if you' ll die today."
-James Dean
" whatever tears at us, whatever h o ld s us down; a nd if noth in g can be done, we' ll make the best of what's around."
-Dave Matthews
"Yo u only li ve once, but if you do it right , o nce is enough."
-Mae West
J C27 DC Lrip Europe flooding lh e bathroom & hanging out a window yo ur Dad's house N64 'sq ui s h y yet firm' The 'Vor m pl aying Worms- "Wo rthin gha m, you 11111st go on!" & Elog ious "I hate being your s is ter!" "Gir ls can't p lay dart s! 'o h yeah?!'" New Years '99 - across the window , eewww!. New Years '00- our first point se ttia s (aww!) & th e label maker (h a!) New Years '02- "the gi rl scouts are out!" gap- 100 1h ed Brian Soccer (Al) C lub 735 (we will go th ere some day) buying drin ks for *Nsync Bourbon St. li ves Lemon Mard i Gras'02 Pegasus ba l l...poinsettias (again!) Prom '0l beach house lta ly cowboys hott ub bing cook ies paint ing up ca rs *Nsy n c
co ncen(s) A&F model s s us hi toys
"wo uld yo u rather " " use it!" car talks "d ude , we must be hot " 80's
mu sic "t ipsy " LB is ER's eve ryth in g
Swee t 16 sandwic h es fresh man guys mebl. " num ero uno & el hombre de todos" g usrusse l 'k idnapping ' Marga re t 14 people in a hot tub twister. husbands Wayne Wagner! Taylor ( tiny s hirt) ' Ha! ' "good times" being a se-
Student Cou nci l Rep 1,2, Recording Secretary 3, VP 4; Class Secretary 4; NHS 3, Secre tary 4; Halo 3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track l; Tenn is 2; 13 Year Club; Homeco ming Cou rt 4; Miss St. Mart in 's 4
"Life is not tried, it is merely survived, if you're standing outside the fire "
-Garth Brooks
"Take it all in, it's as big as it seems. Count all your blessings, remember your dreams." -J.Buffett
'Tm old enough to know better, but I'm still too young to care ."
"The Goodbye makes the journey harder sti ll."
Good times Gaptoothed Brian Bourbon St. Helicopter. Testosterone table Use the width MW The badJenn-GY Gag mew/ a phillyroll hangin' out the window-Spain Warm & Delicious JC27 the Rock is not hot. " Dude , we must be hot!"-MM MEBL. LB is ER ' severything Dances in thecarw/MM N64 Buying drinks forNSYNC-MM Stubs & Nubs LSU vs. Auburn w/ SW sugar bowl champs Ehall KidnappingMargaret. Grantimus Gusrussle.
Hottubbin' Freshman guys w/ MM.. Sexy Ame li a MO&LG-1 lo ve ya'll! .5 years and countin', MM-You'll a lways be the best! To myfarnily-thanksforeverything Ya'll each taught me more about myself than you wi ll ever know To my Wiwum-Good lu ck in highschool. I' II always be there for you LSU bound w/ SW and can't wait Wish me luck!
Varsity Soccer 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2; National Honors Society; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Member of STM 14 years; Member of the class of2002-Life!
"Never let school interfere with your education "
-Mark Twain
"After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one."
-Cato the Elder " The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. "
-Bertrand Russell " Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. "
-Jimi Hendrix
Que hubo hey juan 2,3,4 say your whole name .JPFJMDGCCBHMP eagle eyes wrestlemania in DC songwriting in geo mr.pillsbury doughboy freestyling lsts N S 1619th + farm/2K s proke hasstag LSU football games the PPL...PV ping pong ballers battle pong rnany sausage parties turquoise room new year's-broken table BSB contest. Babyfood major tude juanitodanpalo man w/ no time the lost taco slither...isuhgey handshakes urthebetterman lebowski zzz 1/ 3 vi l lagepeople affairw/ schabes gold shaft...cl ub vinyl... postwincelebration ... pregame prayers .. cu I mi nation sec ch ualy harasst often human piflata nonviolent protest...i call bich insightful comments liberal propaganda? commy??. perfect attendance- 12th grade adelita sb2k2 centcom thepunishment-keep yer cloeson ... hone . .. johnpaul mender ... pedroisms ... shigm ... ny sass peter' sson ... i' mnotmex ican. colombia thanks to all who have helped me along my way thus far...especially my friends and family .i love you all...increase the peace chao
" I ca n fake it that I ' m thi s g lam aro us g irl , but in sid e I'm m y ow n persona l ve r sion o f the Three S tooges."
-Rose McGowan
·' In m y op ini o n , is ms a re bad. A person sho uld not believe in a n is m , a pe rso n s ho uld be li eve in him se lf. "
-Fe rri s B ue ll er's Day Off
" If I had permiss io n to do eve ryt hin g , I wouldn ' t wa nt to do any thin g. "
-J oe Palen
raqueezee sir, it ' s raqu e l(M & D) B ig D SH co n vos ph ys , eco n , c he m humanitie s fieldtr ip s c limb -max JM s urpri se part y 9 g uy GB forest ny mph s ho e & c lip K F w KK , BP , GB in cub u s co nce rt .JM & J C's parties SNS APFP FB w CB 18 w hee le r. get me a s ho ve r rn y t w in s(M & H) sprin g brea k '02 h o ly boy trinity jr
ad vis c hip s bball trips JR pulled m yS mu sc le footsie bandit. reakin into th e BMW CC's kat ' s pi cs ghetto woo d e ntee thbo w lin g lil feet. AY , AS , JM fall into the GAP wMB Ke ho eT rih o MGOO BS p o int after party t he gy m the lip s a ll - ni g ht e r s.. teach me to b a rk to all m y fri e nd s, I love yo u so mu ch , we better stay c lose to th e yo un g in s, mak e th e bes t of it mom , dad , g ma-1 lo ve yo u , don ' t mi ss me too much UGA bo und!
Key Club 2,3,4 Admi ss io ns Cl ub
1,2 NCBl3,4 Ha lo I Bas ketba ll l ( MIP ), 2, 3 , 4 Softball l (MIP),
2 Swimming I Vo ll eyba ll
2 HonorRoll l ,2,3,4 N HS4
" I do not se parate peo pl e , as many narrow mind ed others do , into Greeks a nd b a rbarian s. only di st in g ui s h them on th e ba s is of th e ir virtue. If ever there appear difference s amo ng yo u , th e n you mu s t not reso lve th e m by takin g to arms, but in peace. If need b e, I w ill ac t as yo urn ego tiato r. " -A lexa nderthe Great
" W e can dan ce if we wantto. W e ca n leave our fr ie nd s be hind. Cause if our friends don 't dan ce and if th ey don ' t dan ce then they ' re no friend s of min e " -M e n Without Hat s
Sacrifices for Se r v ices2k l Destin2k2/Sloppy De roch e/less is old th e s pill way a lways wins J , J oe z7 I 4 life ]Lon the p a pe r chase mayo , Tracy , & th e i sa nchmon ster the Hi s O in 2 Bip PPL w ll amaben a rt w Jaun chats w Andy QP in 2.5 hr c lu b turquoi se Under th e brid ge w/ Jaun, Joe Lacombe 4 x4 Payp partie s/fa rm dillo/J / nav blowouts 31 IJF,N K , PH Deroche partie s Juli o so be it man g 7'" stree t ball in dry Mardi Gras hippy w in s sta te team pe d toas ted JR re m s bran t ge t up for ga mes sex bu s go ld e n shaft allrighty CK dike ye SH g irl s SOP Spilt Milk/ Beej. s n a ke Band Club d ,JE r, hes te r GOYA bball. lYton yV Cjack Statechamps 20-03 runawa y kim BW winds over Sib e ri a bre tts I" tim e c igars w/ Pa c yaso u x io s Mot dad Diana and Yi a Yia s l hop e ! mad e it interestin g for ya ll , I lo ve a ll of yo u- Peace out STM
Varsity Soccer 1,2,3,4; Ho nor Roll 1,2,3,4; Na ti o nal Ho nor Society 3,4; Go lf 2 ,3; S pa ni sh C lub 3, 4; Drea m T ea m 1,2,3,4 ; GOY A pres id e nt 4; Soccer State C hamp s 4
Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what yo u ' re go nna ge t.
-from Forest Gump
Laugh at yourself first, before anyone e lse can.
-Elsa Maxwell
It is wrong to discriminat e based on skin color, when there are so many other rea so ns to dislike someo ne.
-Dennis Miller
SistaQuick Shorty Nigerian Nightmare Noles Nola I 'm not Fish My Ebony Queen lunch w/ KPEW shopping for dresses w/ EC(thanx,girl I love U!!) ED =Pimp Daddy SeniorWeirdDay KP laying on the floor talking to herself scary Algberall w/ Amelia@Sin the morning Prom w/ EC,KK,MO,GY,LG.Meri and Meghan after prom homeroom w/EW,CO webpub cla ss w/ CB,NC,DM,EC,ED Nicole-I learn from the best. where are my keys jumping out the window beating Evan at Marble s Drew how much was the baby on e-bay 1! who's u ' r dadd y com EC making people cry Phy sic s Class I ' m going to class Martjin&lil bow wow.. DON 'T HA TE!! going to the mall during lunch w/ EC. m y socce r buddies (u know u ' r selves) thanx to all my friends for making my time at STM fun and I'm going to miss all ofu especially u ERIN!! Thank s Mom&Dad for putting up with me! love u guys. Fish&FTkeep it real.Ore& Olamide I'm going to mi ss u guys thanx to everyone. STMl'M OUT! !!
Swimming I ; Soccer 1,2.3.4; Track 2; Key Club 2,3,4(Sergeant of Arms); Shield Club 3.4 : Honor Roll 1,2.3 ,4:
" Jfyou hold on tight to what you think is your thing you may find you're missing all the re s t. "
-Dave Matthews
"It ain't over till it's over" - Yogi Berra
be the goose 10+4 Club Flying Burrito w/GR sushi traitor Socrate trunk rolls MLM's b-ball dance . 5 foot club food! jazz w/GR " never conform" I" row, 50ydline w/ MNM that ole firecracker trick penthouse TUvsLSUw/ MNM clumsy Neutral Ground w/GR Pega s us poin se ttas w/MNM penguins W/ CM .. gap-toothed Brian "girl sco ut s"- MLM.MNM ,LDG 2guys Olivier Mafia-WS the dance w/ MLM Mardi Gras 02 banana w/ KK& WS fight club w/ MLM 11 pm teacher visits movie nap s Warm and Delicious thyme CD boys at habitat no car woes 14 people clowns the vi llage hot tub @M LM &MNM Shane Kenny 's FunArcade kidnapped! yellow light s- GR PB campingw/MNM magic sas h. St.Patrick's Parade w/ GR&MNM Mexico Well guys, It 's been an incredible 4 years. Thank s for all the memorie s. Mom , Dad , Martin , thank s for everything. llo ve you guys. Richmond , here I come!
Cross Country 1.2 ,3,4( captain, all di strict) Soccer I .2, 3,4(cap tain , all district) Tennis 2.3,4(captain) Track!
Key Club 1,2,3,4 French Club 2,3,4 NHS 3,4 Girls State4 Harvard Book Award
Life isn ' t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
-George Bernard Shaw
Those who dance are co nsidered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
-George Carlin
What lies before us and what lie s beyond us is tiny compared what lie s wit hin us.
-Oli ve r Wendell Holmes
Oops what button tea w/MM wallabies cool bean s pap e r topic s CRO bread for CB que stion s So this crow flew into a Canada A ir Jet contortions dancing? DC trip speec h elitists get the stick French teachers old ladie s birthday cakes protect-
ing JW falling 8'h period study hall with MB , LH,CM , RH,&LH feuds Mr Yo iture 11 apps TW and departure s the s pian s Canada tie your shoes lunch w/ GS in the theatre borrowing note s the ve l enki dance 20 day s Mom , Dad, & Robin thank you for always providing support, comfort , and a ride I'll mis s you next year. Brandeis Bound!
National Merit Finalist 4; National Honors Society 3,4; President Forens ic s Team 3,4; member Forensics Team 1,2; The Company I ,2,3,4 ; Admi ss ion s Club 2,3,4; Key Club 2 ,3, 4; National Foren s ic s League 1,2 ,3 ,4
"We confide in our strength , witho ut boasting of it; we respect that ofothers , without fearing it. " -Thomas Jefferson
"I do what I want!" -Cartman
"I have nipples , Greg! Can you milk me?" -Robert Deniro
"Fami li arity breeds co ntempt- and c hildre n. " -Mark Twain
"I've been around the block a time or two, done almost everything a boy can do. I've done some living, yeah I've had fun, but there is one thing that I haven ' t done!"
-Kenny Chesney
"Go Cavaliers " - Beau a nd Julie
"LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO OUR SCHOOL!"-JM "No seriously! How bad is she?"NM #I Baby #I-JC Narcolep sy -JV Soccer Party Turquoise Room Cu lmination "AwesomeMan"-JP "ActProper"-JP Scram! BeatOff1 Have Off!.. The Punishment-ED PY-Brett's Beach V-Ball !.. The His O in4-JM Operation HT.. Dickfor! Hass!.. 4'h period chugging contest. Jape Safety
Dance The Boot , Waldo s, Fats, Rackems! Club Vinyl Vinyl Vinyl!.. Piano Madness, Lockeroom Madnes s, Jonty Madne ss madness madnes s SlamBaam! " I respectfullydisagree"Fans What is a greenie? LFMT!
Destin 2002 ! JeepersCreepers !
All State, All Metro, All District Soccer 2002-8" , 9"' , 10", I l ", 12 'h Golf, Tennis , Track!TeamPheliaCaptain! Undefeated! STMSOCCERUndefeated! l9-0-3!AS , CP, BT, BT,SP, KF, BR,MM,CA,LC , AG, TG , BQ , JH , RK, LH , LFMT! Humanities survivor!
"Another turning point a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life "
-Green Day
Huff (etc.) taking Newman to 3 games District Champs 98-0 I Quacker Squacker w/ Soccer Pos se-SC, MK , TG Bayou 3:45 Vball Superfans Mardi Gras in the Quarter '02 Chris Owens' balcony w/ SW turquoise room Charlie ' s Angels ANJ 355 MC 's barkjacket. fist fight w/ SW " here 's to me driving " homecoming 01 De s tin 9902 SC's fights man hunt w/ MC & SW Bruno 's, Boot, DI...runover by SW & TG "deadendd i ngbat"-M K. LuckyCheng ' s " ta! Ifriend " Babyfood vide o Milwaukee & SW NOSAad ventures 02 guys hot tub parties Papa Peck Thanks to all my friends for all the good time s over the years. Christina and Katherine - what will you do without me next year?Mom and Dad - thank yo u for everything you've done for me the se past 14 years. I love you and couldn't have done it without you!
Volleyball 1,2,3,4 Captain 4, MVP 4 , All-State 4; Soccer 8, 1,2,3,4 ; Captain 3,4, MVP2 ,3,4; NHS 3,4; Cum Laude Society 3,4; Halo Editor 3,4
Men heap together the mistakes of their lives , and create a mon s ter they call De s tiny
-John Oliver Hobbes
It takes less time to do a thing right, than it does to explain why you did it wrong.
-Henry Wad swo rth Longfellow
The perso n who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused.
-Shirley Maclaine
The good ended happily and the bad ended unhappily. That is what fiction mean s
-Oscar Wilde , from The Importance of Being Earnest
Sunglasse s in the theater. THE ROOM Mr. Rivet's history class Queen Galaxia and Queen Meepnor. breaks in the Peyton Center. I " Per. Study hall senior year.. lunch at McDs w/ EW & AO JC , LR,SW , MM , MM , MR , AH ,MS , KB , RN , ED , DW,TG ,CB, NS,DO ,NB, and especially EW & AO I love and will miss yall so much!. Father Sprague thanks for everything, I don ' t know what I would have done without you, I love you 1..• Brian good luck senior year, you're the coolest stepbrother Thanks to ALL my parental units for the s upport and love yall have given me; I love you all very much!
Survi ving 14 years at STM Writing all those papers for Mrs. Klebba Editor of the Shi e ld 12.. .President of the Mystery Club 11 , 12 AII-District Softball 10 MIP Basketball 10
" The happie s t of people don ' t necessa rily have the be s t of everything; they just make the mo s t of everything that comes along their way." -Unknown
" The real g lor y is being knocked to your knee s and then coming back. That 's real glory. That's the essence of it. " - Vince Lombardi
Jul es INS 3 ga me s vball NOWAY Di s t Champs 98-0 I Fr Dan Trev Sue Trinity Kwan Hela s barn fire barges AP Bio Sweden Spitz trunkroll s Hmcming 0 I bro seat me or Beau Yeah Apollo chains New Years 00 0 I 02 2 sq uirrel s Erice attack Deep End JC Dorian s BC TS KC NBA time Ad Math - sa li s = BIG mi s take JC fence II ya weenie Gator. Food dre ss pv Mardi Gras 02 Nikita Levee OJ JC Athenians B B DJ J. s pat s s pit Geo Fro Kahtude Wait u r Jack LK fun Cpt Love Laredo pie s Woody @ Habitat G K death look "PF" Chang
Saik Superior va let SW S ice
@ JC Kenn ys Lazy I BO bf sc hon z Brits @ Wend ys s lue toa s ted pop sa lki Whoopi e J EB DQ Frwrongans Mom
Dad Frank Raphie - thank s for makin g me so happy I love you so much Britton - The pa st 2 yrs hav e been the be s t ever I lov e you with all my heart Wahoowa
Vb a ll 12 3 4 CoCapt; Tennis 1234 CoCapt; Spirit C lub 234; Homeco ming Co urt 34; F ren c h Club 234 Pres; NHS 34; Most Popular 4 ; Bishop Brown Scholar
"Ma ny que s tion s, no answers.just st ress Try to ho ld my head a nd re me mb e r th at I' m blessed."
"May be I wi ll neve r be all th e thin gs that I want to be, but no w is not the tim e to c ry, now 's the tim e to find out why. "
Noe l Ga ll ag her
" If truth is the end of life happin ess is a mode of it , to be che ri s hed in it s brief and tremulous mom e nt. " - F. Sco tt Fitzgerald
Lolly (Rox in bed) , Lei Beth & Allie, (!)ump , Whale, th e Zephyr, obsessed & up se t, c hapel sk its + Spam , s ac a do s? Bob , Firestarters , BHG I-room dancing, BU w/Tacy, "s tud y" g roup s, SP co nce rt , 7'" grade LOOS, Claydance & OS bo ys, Rio, Unususal Suspects, Sickbook,
c heeseboo ty, pinapp le? bj phone call, mud/crea med co rn wrestling, stalkin g, DarndestThings, nau ghty we ner, rain fr o lickin g , 7-4 at P's, stree tw a lkin g, lakefro nt hl ess man, wate rbottl es , s ubliminal me ssages , Jolo 4 Pres , Co lonial , pi ece-a-c heese, s neaki ng out P's hou se, " li ver"s po t, fetalp os itC arl & bottl es , blarin g L Park, LeM-C C'sByblos , how much 4 a tabledance 9 Russian Revolution, 40 Oz 2 Freedom, u-cove r cop, it 's o ld , hol y trinity , MG ' 02 , Eat It Lo ng , Breeze Mart 2Xpenet, what's that - and what' s that - oh shi- , nom o free Sex, Loui se Erice Class of '02 I'll mi ss yo uhu g toall. Family,you'vebeeneverythin g T hank s, 143.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."
-Samuel Johnson
"While we are procrastinating. life speeds by."
·'It' s my life , it's now or never. I ain't gonna live forever. I just wanna li ve while rm alive, cause it's my life 1"
-Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi lance is my everything homecoming 01. OC+WG bye bye bye grants face remsbrant/sen so dyne you hoin? creative writing JR CT RS AW NB louis erice lyre dad and i shotglasscheckers idletime/laredoJRJM .JR BY JM w/whoopie cushion wetts is le of men bourbon st w/ SW +MP all male review @boot. babyfood/ I wanna sex u up cha ching guys bsb performance AP bio sp itz/swede n cpt love CLES limp balloon aerosmith concert lucky changs.. hela s trinity winn dixie w/ JR BC. its okay tommygrand/cooks
JM kenny s/ fun arcade JR GY MM MO lazy eye/bo JR and orange juice #1 baby #1. mom dad + loren I luv you so much, thank s for everything and thanks to my friends, I couldn't live without you guys'!' Go Terrapins'
HonorRoll l ,2,3,4 NHS4 Cross Country 1,2 Track I Key Club
!. Spirit Club 4 French Club 2,3,4 French Club VP 3,4.
~alinda d?uj,w
" The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. "
-Eleanor Roosevelt " Be Silly. Be honest. Be kind. "
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Kehoe Trio , KB , RN, & MR Ms.Menson 's civics class with JC , RN , & MS Cally behind the wheel. Kehoe summer camp swapping email's with RN freshman yr. Westbank boys are the coolest... MB& CK Hey Rach look at that tree over there Jesuit homecoming with KB titman I, 2, 3, Whee, Whee, Whee , Wheeeeee softball let 's go Piccolo I " period study hall. RN and her younger man at spring break Malinda are you ever in class? hanging out in the peyton center. Kat. Raquel.
Amananda Janelle Friend
Ehall. MS'sattitude CB 's fro . .. Willie ... Good luck next year to Jilly , Toad, Wilbur , Retard, and Beka, have fun with Roma! Mom thanks for always supporting me and I love you.
Key Club 2,3 ,4; Key Club Senior Class Rep. 4; Shield Club 3,4; NCBI 3,4; Admissions Club 1,2; Varsity Basketball 1,2 ,3, 4; Varsity Softball 1,2 ,3; Swimming 1,2
Oh, the places you' 11 go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be score, there are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of
all. Fame! You'll be famous as famous can be, with the whole wide world watching you wm on TV.
- Dr. Seuss
Thanks mom, dad and STM.
, tu es idiot" Sieek Lo u is(e) beaut iful blue eyes ho me less Beau droppin ' the c la ss! Lu c ky seve n never fails han gi n ' w/ KK ,GY, MO , LG , MM,EC, MM banan a Oli v ier Mafia Nando Fando Mommy Bunny Let's do it Saints walkin th e walk, ta lk ing th e talk.. DBB=sophist, bo11omless pit,eskimo geek JW= lta lo Calv i no(little devil) KK, DC and AV Jimm ys vs. Kates KISS Stalker Wa lker. Pe te's pla y D in th e A . KK - How w ill h e go? Sugar Bow l & Mobile 9 :47 .4 and counting Thank s Mom, Dad, and Chris. Ya'll are t he g reates t- love you a ll. I ' m o ff!
Cross-country 9 ( MYP) ,10 (S tat e Champs!), 11 (S tate Runners -U p ), 12 , Cap; Track 9, I0 (Sta te Runners-Up ),1 l(MYP , 2'" 32 00m @ State), 12 ,Ca p; School Record
Holder 320 0m ; Basketball 9, I O; Baseball
9, IO ; Sc ie nce O ly mpiad 9, 10, 1 1, 12; JETS
10, 11, 12; Student Co un c i l 11 , 12 (Cor r. Sec.); Key C lub 10,1 1, 12; French Club
9,10, 11, 12
like a horse. Be dumb. Ju st run. " -Jumbo Elliott
It would take a hell of a l ife to cloud over the s hi ning glistening day s of cross country." -Adam Bat Ii ner
These da ys come and go, but they say nothin g, and if we do not u se the g ifts they bri ng, they carry them as s ilently away." -Ralph Waldo Eme rson
are what you think. You are what yo u go for. You are what you do!" -Bob Richards JR= g upp y ea ter. dEEEtennnlion BC abhors PB & J CC. Bus 4 Mo rnin g runs w/ JM (a k.a SJ),WD,ST,D88, BS 1067 6124 Be n Sm ith Road Trips ! pt 1 ••• Be the goose Classe d' AP burning breeges barges burning fir e hay " He la s! "( ba rn ) "Et ien
" The one way of tolerating existence is to lose oneself in literature as in a perpetual pleasure. "
" Books are made not like children but like pyramids ... and are just as useless!"
- Gustave Flaubert
" Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. But glory lasts forever." -from The Replacements
" Hakim dropped the ball" no car. D. War's laugh ... punching the Coke machine wanker's cramp 56k "your mom " ... watching NCAA totnnament in the library my friends NB RT RF
KP AW NA AR tardy everyday fantasy footbal I... in football for three days
Basketball 1,2 , 3; Halo 1,2
' That which doesn ' t kill us only makes us stronger."
- Friedrich Nietzche
" Most people don ' t realize that large pieces of coral, which have been painted brown and attached to the skull by common wood screws, can make a child look like a deer."
-Jack Handey
CS-Fr football talks w/LF lovin life w/MA, WH, DH learned a lot from teachers , coaches , foreigners APOLLO/SQUIRES Spring Break ... fly .. . Boot. .. Fats .. . Brunad ' s ... battle wagon v . white burb ... Pixie v. Sumo .Jared v. Keanu sleeping on hood of BW going out w/RS(2 of them?) Cinco de Mayo ' 01 concerts @HOB roadtrips w/MC. .4 th July w/ MS , NM , LL , AH TheMardi Grass Losing white burbw/MC Sat mornings in training room w/JC Fisher trash 20 tackles naked shots @Elec ' Tail. 2 30 yr olds in qtr CK-what, how did that happen? St G's alums-smartest around JDw/oanigav NOWEU Annie, Dorothy, Robert thanks for being there through it all Dad , you are the man. I love you all.
Football 2 , 3,4 (captain , I " team all district-4) , track 2 ,3. Tried to figure out what happened 3 ,4
"I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up."
" If you haven ' t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
-Alice Longworth
"Don't be humble You're not that great."
three time s softball practices 'Tm sick' " civic s clas s w/MR ,JC,RN Mardi Gras Canal Street... " ! don't have a phone" legless man- " nice bellybutton"eww! ! stay away from the dolphin s lil ' s b-day partie s English IV w/Ms.K , JM ,CO, MR JM chasing CO Ronald McDonald the lip Texaco lady Jef-
frey shopping for wedding gowns & platimun rings w/ AH oreo Ms Attitude AH,MR,KB,R N,LR , JC, EH,CB,DW,TG-stay close SA , LL-GoodLuck
Ronald - thank U 4 everthing ,I will always LUY U Thanks Mom, Dad, Grams.Danielle, Leta, Rod and everyone else-I LUY U All , Don ' t forget me when Igo to LSU,I'll miss U BOUND FOR TIGER COUNTRY!!!
Honor Roll 1,2 ,3,4; Key Club 1,2 ; Admissions 1,2 ; NCBI 3 ,4; Softball 1,2 HA!
1998 - 2002
It's the end of the world as we know it a nd I feel fine.
-REM song title
If people conce n trated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.
-Doug Larson
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
-Lao - tzu , The Way of Lao - tzu
baby koosh Katie ' s photophobia u ltimate Frisbee Martijn's party Hands on a Hardbody J 8 ones fo r Folse Pizza in night lab Holland's a third world country master of the obvious Your Mom Your Face CS space trader .4 planes 1 flight Sept. I I shou lder surgery sexytractor? The Savages D.Ram SSC trips Humanities = naptime
Member Sierra Stuentcoalition
9, 10, 11 , 12 Wrestling 10 Managed Track Team 10Managed wrest l ing team 11 Photographer for HALO and SHIELD 11 , 12 JETS 11 , 12 Science
Olympiad 11 , 12
"The se cret to creativity is knowing how to hide your so urc es."
-Albert Einstein
"Q uitt e rs ne ver w in! "
-Mr. Williams (o n smo king )
" Oh fatherofthe four winds, fill my sa il s Across the sea of yea rs
With no pro v is ion s but an open face Along th e s traight s of fear"
-Robert Plant
na rf ! benzmomisliquidhot sve kt ek #detnet obediah p. brown ne tbu s fwbbwb ... neutral gro und .. onea ngrydwarf ... spra y mount .. loui s... asty li zed w hat ? ! .. waf fl ehou se @ 2AM runnin g do w n th e way up the interweb.. dutchmaniac dud e, I ju s t farted s tfu , kth x. s hoppin g cart ri ce rockets ! ar te h h4 x festively plump Jer& J oe's kit c hen drownin g in m y car p ar t y@D-RAM's r eg ina ad s hot g un , no blitz crazy ga m e of po ke r WTF ? ze ph y r fi e ld parking lo t. fir s t rule ofbandclub seco nd rul e of b a nd c lub tea m NOS we ll ,ac tu a ll y yo urMOM 's a hi g hwa y c h a ri ce. AC-
130's narco le p sy RexCo
Cross Country I; Track & Field 1,2 ,3; L y re 2 ,3 ,4 ; Band Club 1,4
"Quitters never wi n !" -T. Williams on smo kin g
"Give ' em Hell, 54'" -Glo ry
"Whereve r I s it is at lh e head of the table."
- H.L. Mencken
' A liberal i s a man who wi ll give away eve ryth in g he doesn't own.'·
-Frank Dane
2/22/02-Game+Party Frail Man Old Man Deuce Triple Ni l Box of sa ndwich es Marke!LaboratoryKKWG WhiteChocolate BanksStreetPenitentiary PV BV MP football. Madness FTW2KI D2K2 Round T a bl e Put yo mo ney w he re yo house is ... Clubs Vinyl+Gemini-NoHair Rollers ... turquoise room ... EDs New Years ... Sloppy night at the camp Son you r pare nt s are neve r home Yaweh.. Sx Bus Coon Huntin ' Baller Blockin 8 th period Econ We dontserveyourkind Veloci people properL Y Teams phi Ii aandskan k- undefeated. STM socce r 2002- un defeated Newrnansocce r 2002-not. Lickitup telephoneDa vids Cup uptownbourgeoisie Mom Dad Alexis and A lli so n. its been a fun ride thanks for puttin g up w ith me Bound?
Soccer 234 , State Runner-Up 3, Undefeated Sta te C hamps 4, AII-Districl/ A ll EJ 4; Wittiest 4; Morning Show 4; Admissions C lub 34, VicePres id ent 4; On H ono r Comm itt ee 4; In front of H o nor Comm ittee 4; Diversi ty Committee 34 ; NHS 34; T ea m Taxi 234; Teams Phili a and Skank 4 , Coach 4, World Champions 4
"What a long, strange trip its been."
-Grateful Dead
"dear boy, have a cigar. You're gonna go far, fly high, You're never gonna die, You're gonna make it if you try"
-Pink Floyd
"Where are you? Where are ... we all? We're right here."
"Yo, I'm Cuban, be"
The only thing that interferes w ith m y lea rnin g is m y ed ucat ion.
-A lb ert Einste in
" Do not go where the path may lead, go in s tead w here there is no path a nd leave a trail."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
" If everybody is thinking alike , then somebody is n ' t thinking. "
-George S. Patton
Soccer-Undefeated State C hamp s Sx Bus Awesome Vinyl. Manual. keep it + Newmanwho? .JL's ED-grind Viera-wtf? CC State Champs 2nd PV twin t 's 101. 9 Helas! bouquetin il y a Markel who? JM-Stupid-sexy-ate leaves .JLprojectile at CK's-my $>yo ur parents ' Jules-Whoa!-Dwar-Detention-
stacks-NES. ic e Beau?-phi lia
DC-cup.. ArchdukeM-dorags
.JC-free food! BB-the pit. WS determination JZ-thanks for being there-Me too! Mom , Dad and Kelsey-thank you for allof your s upport- I am thankful to have a loving family-I love you.
Cross Country 1,2,3,4-S tateChamps
2; Soccer 1,2,3,4-State Champs 4; Track 2 , 3,4; Golf 2,3;French Club 1,2,3,4; JETS 1,2 ,3,4; Science Olympiad 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Admiss ion s 3,4; LA Boys State-Sec. of State 4; A+ Athlete 4; National Merit Finali st 4; Habitat for H 3,4; Classof 2002-Life.
" Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. "
-Eleanor Roo seve lt
"Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. "
-Mae We st
" Sometimes I lie awake at night , and I ask, ' Where have I gone wrong? ' Then a voice says to me , 'Thi s is going to take more than one night. "'
-Charlie Brown
" Slipping on butter at the palace w/KP Ja zz land w/Judge Muffin inability to pick good movies soph study hall Stanley steamer in the peyton center. 9/11 no I do not have my license McDonalds w/KP for a change failing ad math w/ MR ... Borsc he sega/nintedo 64 /game cube and saltines w/MLM FunPhysicsw/MNM hotglue gun finding the heater in the BMW co-pres of the my s tery novel s through the ages club smelly girl. senior advisory with AO in the morning buh-bye wishing everyone the best. I' II miss you esp. KP come back and visit. have fun everybody!"
Key Club 3; Honor roll 2 , 3 ,4
"My family and friends are the best things I've known, Through the eye of the needle I'll carry them home. This world offers riches and riches will grow wings, I don ' t take stock in those uncertain things."
-John Mellencamp
"Tomorrow is another day. "
-Scar Iell O'Hara
Manhunt. "A ren ' t you a lillle old forthat?" The Rock is.hot. youjabroni' "Wens " Midget fear. Mexicow/MM &MO MC'sbarkjackel Parties@ MP's 151 night.. Chris Owens' balcony w/ MP Mr. Roboto ANJ 355 " Uh , she's in the bathroom." Aerosmith w/ ER " Oh , I thought you shot from the s nake's mouth. " Baking w/ ER " Ju st let medo it!" Skydiving w/MM & MO? Fist fight w/MP 17 '"@ Lucky Chang's Milwaukee " Here 's to me driving! " -TG.. Homecoming '01. ER ' s drowning dance THE CO RPS E ! Lat i noQueen. " Baby s illing " w/ MM.. Born in 1972 ? Stalling w/ ER Running over MP Music video w/ ER and MP "Y ou call me tonight I give you my number. ".. Perdido Thanks Meg s, Erica , Meghan, Margot , Jules , and Me ri for all the great times. Thank you Mom and Dad for all your love and s upport. You mean the world to me, and I ' 11 mis s you. Look Alan, 1 graduated! Here 's to next year , Meghan. GEAUXTIGERS!
"S leep co mes to no o ne e lse lik e we have falling through the grou nd , fulfilling promises of end less summernights, I' m lo sing gro und , yo u ' re lo s in g so und. Somewhere throu gh a thousand blues a dragonfly descends with ju st a whisper, I'm lon e li er than God."
"St icking feathers up yo ur butt does not make you a chicken."
-Tyler Durden, Fioht Club
" There's no suc h thing as a so ul. It's ju st someth in g they made up to scare kids, lik e the boogeyman or Michael Jackson."
PTMFSIBS poop poop peedoop, so methin ' and scapegoats honkey-lighters and whistling kitty-chasers D-War' s physics diagrams turkey I am a cat, meow! Dixie Taverne , over 18? The ARK let's go to D guys! yea, I was just abo ut to say sx bus 2k2! it 's lik e a movie we don ' t die , we (ugh) multiply ca nd y is dandy but liqu or is quicker!. swo lblooh cs don ' t w ig out. they cu red me a lri ght. EZ c h eese and crackers.. D'ohl. jaguar? what jaguar?. fan cl ub taylor's 'yo ur mom ' jokes cu lmination that ' s right, baby' h o ld me closer, tony memento
Soccer 1,2,3,4 State C hamp ion s
The future belong s to the risk takers , not the secur it y seekers. The more you seek secur it y, the less of it you have; the more yo u seek opportunity, the more likely you w ill be to ach ieve the secur it y you desire. " -Br ian Tracy
"To me , it ' s a good idea to always carry two sacks of somet hin g when yo u wa lk around. That way. if anybody says, "Hey, can you g iv e me a ha nd ?" You can say, "So rry , got these sacks. "
-Jack Handey
Gra nti mu s Maxi mus-Meri M Gshores St Pats02-M egM LtN ghtT I ks. Mrgrta v i l e Ad ventures-KK Happenn i n g I ntl cn vnt n Jen nyJeep-LDG
SameTastesN Eveyrt hi ng greata l ks-MO S u garBCo urt s? Good Ti m esw/ JR .JadeMoonW/JM Bow Flex JCTia/ER Writing 4DCC Grantsmom JL ,JC,MT ,
JR,ER,WG etc notDCC Locker Room Tea Parties w/ DCC&KK 47tardies,43practices Julie sFace EricasFace Vanessa Boys State0I. SometimesYou Don ' t Think YouDoButltDoes.. PBP
Im such agreatp I an ner-B D.
I fl Cou Id BA nyCar , I wou Id n t BJimbos Ear lyMorningKC Breakfasts T heAnnoy in gJen Mom& Dad , Love you both Bgood Blaine Go Spiders!
Nat ion a l Honor Society 3, VP 4; Key Club I , Treasurer 2, Vice Pres. 3, Pres 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4, Admissions Club 1,2,3, Pre s id e nt 4; Swimming 1,2
Picture Above: The graduating class at Tulane University's McAllister Hall.
Middle Left: Salutatorian Brett Vogt recieves his diploma.
Middle Right: Valedictorian Walker Saik recieves his diploma.
Day Graduation 7 I
Bottom Right (L to R): Mr Leo P Dressel (Head of School), Mrs Dorothy Porter (graduation speaker), Mr Gary N. Solomon, Sr. ( Chairman Board of Trustees), and Dr. Wayne Lumpkin (director of Studies)
Will Hester
n Graduation
David Coons
Graduation 73
Jonathan Fleming
Meri Maurer ( 13) David Coons
Walker Saik
Megan McQuaig
Liz Levy
Johnny Moustoukas Liz Hall
thenandnow... i
Brett Vogt
Michael Daly (13) Juan Mendez
Wheeler Graf (13) Grant Yelverton
Megan Peck
Katie Piccolo
Lillie Rea
Lindsey Greer
;-11ft.s.s S,t.11tlfrtin~
Meri Maurer David Coons
;.- "'- \ .. . ""'" - "" '\ \ .' "'
16 Seniors
Most Popular
Best Looking
Julie Rabalais _ Juan Mendez ,
Seniors n
Lillie Rea Wheeler Graf
Marguerite King Brett Vogt
1s senzors
Janelle Malbrough Mark Tessier
Most Succeed
Megan Peck
Cally McCall
Grant Yelverton
seniors 79
David Bordson-Bozzo
er1._1or etreat
"The retreat was fun - being able to spend time with the whole grade, and getting to know our advisors better." - Eric D.
"I remember staying up real late. D-War came into the room and yelled at me. Everyone laughed at this, and we never heard from him again" - David C.
"I liked that we were given more freedom as seniors and not forced to stick to a schedule of planned activiteies."- Katherine B
"I enjoyed the retreat becuase I had been out of town all summer and hadn't spent much time with my friends." Tracy G
"The retreat provided a great oppertunity to get closer with people that I had not known very well before." Blair L.
"Staying up late with friends is always intresting. We all discovered something new about each other." Liz L
"I felt that we, the guys, had a good time. Although we did not get much sleep, the experience was interesting." WheelerG.
"I enjoyed the freedorn."Airnee H
80 -
The senior class paraded into the smoke filled theater and competed for different costume awards. On page 82 Beau Ordemann and Brett Vogt (A) acted out a crime scene and won the "most creative" award. Kathryn Bullock (B) dressed up as a teen from the 80's. Margot Castaing, James Sarpy, Tracy Goldblatt and Megan Peck (C) were the Charlie's Angels from the 1970's. Michael Daly (F) was Maverick from Top Gun. Meri Maurer, Erica Remsberg, Sarah Watts, Julie Rabalais and Megan McQuaig (D) were the Hair Bands from the 80's
On page 83 David Woodard dressed up as Brittany Spears in ten years (A) and received the award for "biggest hottie". Snow white, the seven dwarfs and the poison apple (B) won the "best overall group" Sara Castano, Liz Levy, Marguerite King (C) dressed up as Barbies. Juan Mendez and Johnny Moustoukas (D) were two of the Village People. Katherine Burke (Barbie) and Wheeler Graf (one of the Cash Money Millionaires) outside the Solomon Theater. All 42 Seniors (F) that participated in the weird day on the stage.
SENIOR Wl:IRll llilY
2C>C>I ' :,j Seniors 83
For one day, seniors take the places of their favorite teacher or staff. Top left: Rachael Nachman teaches voting districts to Ms.Mensens' students. Top right: Grant Yelverton preaches during chapel as Fr. Sprague. Middle left: Lindsey Greer poses for a photo with her students. Middle right: Will Hester is on the maintence crew. Bottom left:Erin Coatney teaches her lowers schoolers. Bottom right: Julie Rabalais answers the phone as Mrs. Toni Caserta
Top left: Cally McCall pushes one of her lower schoolers. Top right: Sarah Watts helps one of Mrs. Sauer's students.
Middle left: Walker Saik pauses for a photo.
Middle right: John Caine and Wheeler Graf prepare pizza. Bottom left: students aren't the only ones who switch for a day, some teachers get to do the students' job.
Bottom right: David Coons and Julia Groome hold a meeting with Mr. Dressel & Mrs. Micklin.
Picture 1: Some senior ladies pose for picture after the chapel.
Picture 2: Members of the St. Martin's Band: Will, Richard and Johnny.
Picture 3: Nick Ball and Rachael Rachman
Picture 4: More seniors pose for picture.
1 86 Seniors
Jerry Viera
Ms. Arthurs & Carol
Liz Hall & Cally McCall
Mr. Marsalis & Richard Thompson
Richard Folse
Erin Coatney
Arinola & Mr. Eze
Margot Castaing & David Bordson-Bozzo
Picture 1: Grant Yelverton gives the sermon.
Picture 2: Class of 2002 at the alumni luncheon.
Picture 3: Marguerite King, Mark Tessier and Mal inda Russo
Picture 4: David Coons rings the traditional bell, while others watch.
4 3 Seniors 87
er f)f)
Talerat Night
Kevin Kirschman doing a magical performance, ---Mark Tessier, Eric DeRoche and Margaret Olivier Observe.
Grant Yelverton &Meri Maurer
LJeremy Peres, Tyler Caotney, Mark Holden (Not Pictured) and Sky McElroy (Not Pictured) in the Undecided Band
90 Talent Night
Brian Bell
Garbriela Uribe
ITaylor Gray, David Woodard, Nathan Bark (NOCCA) and Brenden Polmer (Country Day) in Something in Between band
Charlie Thornton, Andrew Wegmann, Matt Woodard and Nat Wallace (De LaSalle) in the Half Past Seven band
David and John
Sadiha Ahmen, Emily Estes, Skye Eiswirth, Toume Torres and Amelia Gariepy in the Argyle Band
Emily Fransen
Talent Night
• 92
Daniel Becnel, III '83 and Kathryn Weekly Becnel '86 on Law
Brooks Emory '60 on Medicine
and Nick Hi nd Counseling
Sony Launey and Beth Prewitt '98 on Engineering and Industrial Design
Michael Pettit '68 on Journalism and Writing
• Ring Day 95
96 Prom
2002 Prom 97
National Merit Finalist
David Bordson-Bozzo
Jessica Colon
Evan Dicharry
Juan Mendez
Carol Ortenberg
Megan Peck
Walker Saik
Brandon Simpson
Brett Vogt
Salutatorian: Brett Vogt
Valedictorian: Walker Saik
Headmaster's Achievement Award:
Walker Saik & Bonnie Williams
Gustaf R. Westfeldt, Jr. Award: Hayley Hutchison
O.E. Haring Memorial Scholarship Award: Stephen Adams
John F. Aker Award: Bonnie Williams
Michael John Moseley Award: Walker Saik
St. Martin's Citizenship Awards:
Lindsey Greer and Brett Vogt
Mildred Ellis Herron Memorial Award: Julie Rabalais
E. O. Van Slate Service Award: Erin Coatney
Spirit Of St. Martin's Award: Walker Saik
English I: Neema Patel
English II: AshwinRao
English m (Columbia Book Award): Bonnie Williams
English IV: Brett Vogt
Art I: Kristin Malone
Honorable Mention: Tyler Coatney and Jack Odell
Art II: Ashley Conroy
Honorable Mention:
Olga Ivanova and Shyue Pyn Lu
Ceramics: Honorable Mention: Andrea Soto and Cally McCall
AP Art: Michael Abadie
Honorable Mention: Jessica Colon and Sarah Watts
Drama: Seth Babin
Honorable Mention: Meghan McQuaig, Meri Mauer and Carol Ortenberg
Musical Theatre: Brian Bell
Honorable Mention for Music: Johnny Moustoukas, Richard Thompson and Jerry Viera
Theatre Service Award: Mitchell White and Stephen Miller
Speech: Kevin Kirschman
Honorable Mention: David Coons and Carol Ortenberg
Spanish Award: Lindsey Greer
Spanish I: Ashley Scheuremann
Spanish II: NeemaPatel
Spanish III: Jill McCall
Spanish IV: Clancy Fink
French Award: Julie Rabalais
L'Union Francaise: Allison Hollinger.
French I: Max Gaudin
French II: Frances Derby
French III: Emily Fransen
French IV: Rebecca Quintal
French V: Erica Remsberg
Latin Award: Stephen Adams
2002 Harvard Book Award: Stephen Adams
Latin II: Jessica Wise
Latin III: Robert Graham
Jim Latham Mathematics Award: Walker Saik
Rensselaer Medal for Excellence in Science and Mathematics: Jonathan Lu
Yale Book Award: Jason Fleming
Algebra Award: Gretchen Hoffman
Honorable Mention in Algebra I: Savanna Engen
Algebra II:
Honors: Neema Patel and Danny Soto
Regular: Devon Green
Geometry Award: Drew Hill
Honorable Mention in Geometry: Devon Green
Advanced Math: Honorable
Mention: Stephen Adams
Trigonometry: Honorable
Mention: David Woodard
98 Upper School Awards
Calculus: Honorable Mention: Brett Vogt
Biology Award: Charles Gariepy
Honorable Mention: Neema Patel
AP Biology: Honorable Mention: Bonnie Williams
Alton Ochsner Award for 2002: David Bordson-Bozzo
Bausch & Lomb Medal: Bonnie Williams
Chemistry Award: Nadeem Arshad
Honorable Mention: Ashwin Rao
Physics Award: Walker Saik
Honorable Mention: Honors: Skye
Eiswirth and Jonathan Lu.
Regular: Jonathan Burke,Carly
Boos and Nicole Loeb
Chatham Book Award: Becky Quintal
Harold Graf Science Award: Brett Vogt
World History Award:
Charles O'Boyle & David Robins
Honorable Mention: Charles Gariepy
Civics Award:
Stephen Adams
Honorable Mention: Jill McCall
American History Award: Stephen Adams
DAR Medal: Becky Quintal
Jefferson Book Award: Seth Babin
History Award: David Bordson Bozzo
Religion: Sewanee Book Award: Emily Estes
Religion: Jessica White
Honorable Mention: Robyn Tikia
Honor Roll for every semester of their four years in high school
Michael Abadie
David Bordson-Bozzo
Kathryn Bullock
Katherine Burke
John Caine
Erin Coatney
Jessica Colon
Lindsey Greer
Amanda Hazel
Aimee Hyatt
Marguerite King
Meri Maurer
Cally McCall
Meghan McQuaig
Juan Mendez
John Moustoukas
Rachel Nachman
Margaret Olivier
Carol Ortenberg
Megan Peck
Julie Rabalais
Lillie Rea
Erica Remsberg
Walker Saik
Brandon Simpson
Brett Vogt
Beau Ordemann Grant Yelverton
Michalel Abadie
Kathryn Bullock
Cally McCall
Rachel Nachman
Megan Peck
Walker Saik
Grant Yelverton
Cum Laude Society
David Bordson-Bozzo
Lindsey Greer
Juan Mendez
Beau Ordemann
Julie Rabalais
Brett Vogt
Stephen Adams
Amelia Gariepy
Clancy Fink
Allison Hollinger
Jason Fleming
Jonathan Lu
Bonnie Williams
The 13-Year Club Members
Michael Daly
Wheeler Graf Meri Maurer
The 14-Year Club Members
Carly Boos
Sara Castano
Jonathan Fleming
Juan Mendez
Katie Piccolo
Brett Vogt
Grant Yelverton
Crista Bourg
David Coons
Lindsay Greer
Elizabeth Levy
John Mousoukas
Lillie Rea
Sarah Watts
Margot Castaing
Evan Dicharry
Elizabeth Hall
Megan McQuaig
Megan Peck
Walker Saik
Elizabeth Weigand
Literary Editor: Erin Coatney & Taylor Nolan
Art Editors: Emily Estes and Tourne Torres
Copy Editor: David Bordson-Bozzo
Scanning: Richard Thompson
Middlebury College Book Award: Taylor Nolan
Halo: Senior Editor: Megan Peck
Shield Editors: Katie Piccolo, Tracy Goldblatt and Blair Landers
Upper School
Stephen Adams Sadiha Ahmed Emily Ainsworth Seth Babin John Baker Jonathan Barret
Heather Boos Jonathan Burke Cristina Campo
Courtney Charvat
Nicole Chopin
100 Juniors
Kevin Comer
Ashley Conroy Emily Crotty Brendan Daly Janelle Duhon Blake Duplass Skye Eiswirth
Emily Estes
Thomas Favrot
Clancy Fink
Jason Fleming
Sarah Foley
Juniors 101
Charlotte Gallagher
Margaret Gallagher
Amelia Gariepy
Lauren Gibbs
Leslie Gieger Scott Harris Peterson Harter
Nicole Loeb
Andrew McGuire
Eduardo Medina
Peter Mortillaro
Michael Musso
,02 Juniors
Courtney Nicholson
Taylor Nolan James O'Leary Ryan Perry Becky Quintal
Alex Roberts
Jessica Robichaux
Henry Yosbein
Elizabeth Washington
Augusta Watts Mary Scott Westfeldt Bonnie Williams
Juniors 103
Mariann Wilson
N adeem A rs had Brian Bell Courtney Block Markham Bradburn Ilyas Chiali Bradley Collins
Brandon Darden Andrew deBuys Aaron Denn
Laura Denny
104 Sophomores
Amy Evans Emily Fransen
Alec Fritchie
Robert Graham De Von Green
Andrew Hill
Adam Hunt Hayley Hutchinson
Will James Amanda Janke
Sarah Jones
Jessica Leone Shyue Pyn Lu Blake Lusk
Alison Malone Jill McCall WayneMcGaw
Steven Miller
David Mohrmann Hunter Monsour
Sophomores 10s
Sean Moore John Odell Jason Olivieri Walker Olson Oluwafishayo Omidele Karla Perez
Michael Perez Brooke Rabin Ashwin Rao Hayden Rieveschl Ashley Riso
Mark Rosenthal
Karl Senner Jennifer Simpson
Christopher Snodgrass Gary Solomon Andrea Soto
106 Sophomores
Luis Soto Jonathon Sowery Alison Spindler Christine Stan ley
Jonathan Stout Charlie Thornton Robyn Tikia Tika Torre s
Justin Turner John Washington Matthew Weaver Andrew Wegmann
Derek Welch
Jessica White Geoffrey Wilkinson
Jessica Wilson Matthew Woodard
Sophomores 107
Harrison Wool Pat Zemanek
David Adams Dolapo Ayo-Vaughan Michael Baptiste Barrett Bass Ryan Becnel Andre' Bienvenu
Kathryn Bordson-Bozzo
Elizabeth Burck Geoffrey Byers Stephen Cacioppo Tyler Coatney Brooke Conroy
Chelsea Cusimano
Savanna Engen
;. l
Anna-Marie Coons
Ilise Greenstein
Nicholas Hee
Lisette deBoisblanc S. Frances Derby
Jordan Estes Charles Gariepy
Sara Goodman Brittany Gowland
William Diano Shane Duhon Preston Eiswirth
Maxwell Gaudin
Hillary Gibbs Hilary Goldberg
Joshua Gramlich Colleen Gravley Ryan Gray
Gretchen Hoffman Mark Holden Thomas Horne Danyael Hughes Brittany Jouandot Benjamin Leff
Sophia Loupakos Jennifer Lozano Rebecca Lusk
Kristin Malone
Andrew Matthews SkyMcElroy
Stephen McLaughlin William McQuaig Charles O'Boyle
Adedayo Ogunniyi Neej Patel
110 Freshmen
NeemaPatel Margaret Patterson Jeremy Peres M. Cole Piper
Rachel Ramelli Megan Ripoll David Robins Christopher Saporito Ashleigh Scheuermann Joseph Schwertz
Kathryn Weidner
Mitchell White
Jessica Wise Spencer Wool
Freshmen Ill
Blaine Yelverton Casey Zook
II 3
81/4 I
Adel Alizadeh Anastasia Apostolos Celeste Block
Benjamin Bologna Camille Bourgeois
Benjamin Brinson
Claire Bruton Jonathan Buring Stephen Chester Ani Childress
114 8thGrade
Edward Denuna Elizabeth Derby
Sarah Dunn
Stella Duplass
Preston Emory
Kristin Foret
Bruce Frommeyer
Michael Gieger
Natalie Keeney Spencer King
116 8thGrade
Martina Scheuermann
8thGrade 117
Washington DC Trip
11s 8th Grade
8th Grade students outside The Capital Hill. With them are Mr Dressel, Rev. Longstreth, Mrs Pittman, Mrs. Sauer, Ms. Pearce, Mr. Lind and Mrs. Godchaux
8th Grade 119
2001 120 8thGrade
8thGrade 121
7th I
Ryan Aldridge Kyle Anderson
LemboyeAyo-Vaughan Gretc h en Bangs James BatT Stephen Borrello
Matthew Campbell
Alice Cawley Stephen Chouest
El izabeth Crouch
Ellen Cunningh1m
122 7thGrade
William DePass
7thGrade 123
Margaret Johnston
7th Grade
7thGrade 12s
,, ! -.,:~ 7thgrade retreat 126 7th Grade
12s 7th Grade
Day 7th Grade 129
Shayan Ahmed Tolani Ayo-Vaughan
Jessica Baer
David Brernerrnann
Margaret Bruton
Susannah Bunch
Henry Boos
Michelle Borrello
Devvin Burgess Zachary Callaway
Parker Bossier
Marjorie Champaign~Basset
Srinivas Korrapati Elaine Kwon Macie Lunyong
Alex Prince Kevin Qui net
132 6thGrade
Ronald Ramsey
Michael Weaver Richard Weigand Jessika Whitbeck
6thGrade 133
~, Preston Stead
134 6th Grade
6thGrade Retreat
6thGrade 135
The 6th grade class pos~ for a
Dean's Award Winners, Bobby Quintal and Celeste Block flanked by Mrs Pittman (Middle School Head) and Mr Dressel (Head of School)
8th Grade Outstanding Citizenship
Award winners, Brian McCormick and Fehintola Omidele
Dean's Award
Celeste Block & Bobby Quintal
Outstanding Citizenship
6 th grade - Laurie Clotworthy & Jamie Matthews
7th grade - Lauren Waters & Sam Solomon
8th grade - F.T. Omidele & Brian McCormick
Highest Class Average
6 th grade - Stephanie Holden
7 th grade - Mira John & Lauren Waters
gth grade - Ben Bologna
Bishop Brown Scholarship
Katherine Weaver
6 th grade - Jamie Matthews, Stephanie Holden, Elaine Kwon & Alex Humphreys
7 th grade - Lauren Waters, Alex Lowe, Sarah Beth Provance & Jacqueline Lee
8th grade - Rachel Shuey, Jamie Kovacs, Ani Childress & Celeste Block
6 th grade - Jamie Matthews
7 th grade - Ellen Cunningham & Doyin Ogunniyi
8 th grade - Brittany Sharp, Brenton Ho, Celeste Block, Hunter Gilbert & Ben Bologna
6 th grade - Don Muller & Claire Bruton
7 th grade - Ben Smith & Maroshni Krishna
8 th grade - Camille Bourgeois & Hunter Gilbert
Social Studies
8th Grade highest class average, Ben Bologna. Ben also won the 8th grade Latin and Social Studies awards
Middle Sch. Awards
6 th grade - Elaine Kwon & Jamie Matthews
7 th grade - Maroshni Krishna & Mira John
gth grade - Ben Bo logna
7 th grade - Blake Johnston & Maroshni Krishna
8th grade - Cooper Johnston & Victoria Welch
7 th grade - Kevvin Dusang & Casey Lowe
8th grade - Ben Bologna & Claire Bruton
6 th grade - Susannah Bunch, Morgan Prieur & Henry Jordan
7th grade - Lauren Waters & Ben Smith
8th grade - Henry Gilbert & Kelsey Vogt
6 th grade - Stephanie Holden & Jordan Harry
7 th grade - Ben Smith & William DePass
8th grade - Camille Bourgeois & Ani Childress
8th grade - Megan Welch & Michael Gieger
6 th grade - Elaine Kwon
7 th grade - Joseph O'Donnell & Gretchen Bangs
8th grade - Margaret Rusch
Drama & Speech
6 th grade - Troy Patterson
7 th grade - Lauren Waters & Nathan Reveley
8 th grade - Kelsey Vogt & Tyler Martin
6 th grade - Kevin Quinet
7 th grade - Gretchen Bangs
8th grade - Cooper Johnston
Performing Arts
Celeste Block (8 th grade)
Literary Rally
Ben Bologna - Algebra I: 2 nd District, 2 nd State
Hunter Gilbert - Spanish I: 1st District, 3rd State
Claire Bruton -2 nd City, 3rd State
Tyler Martin & Kelsey Vogt
Gretchen Bangs
Elaine Kwon
Middle Sch. Awards 139
Kevvin Dusang
YOU MUST BE 42 W.L MOR[ 1l) ~bl nus ATTRACTION tANltS~ MCOM'PA. l) b.Y AD
51/4 I
Jennifer Baer Baylor Barnett Robert Breaux
142 5thGrade
Caroline Burg lass Garrett Casey Kylie Contreary
Kokorn Green Kelsey Haslett Natalie Hee
Raquel Helmer
Savannah Henderson Adara Hocut
Chelsea Hughes Averi Israel Evan Khodr Rishanth Krishna
Mitchell Leff Anastasia Loupakos
Maryclaire Manard Brant McConnell
5thGrade 143
Andrew McDaniel Anshul Mehra Logan Melius Michael Moore
144 5thGrade
Christine Schmidt Michael Smilari Pearson Smith
Adam Struppeck
Michelle Taylor Christian Yan der Walt
Chet Vaughn
Eleanor Vazquez
Alexander Vu
Andrew Wise Joshua Woo Margaret Yon
146 5th Grade
Joseph Adams John Alvendia Kody Anderson
Richard Arnoult Morgan Augillard Remy Bajeux
Daniel Chester Laura Coatney Christopher Cobb Douglas Collins
Robert Dusang Madeline Estes
Sonia Green
Brandon Hall
Patrick Heer
Chase Henderson
Andrew Ho Haleigh Hocut Elizabeth Holden
Philipp Hummel Joseph Jacobson
Thomas John Ethan Johnson
Olivia Johnson Morgan Kleinschmidt Mary-Elizabeth Lago
Stephen Lee Jonathan Lumpkin Katherine Matthew-Parker Ashlynn McConnell Samantha Mendoza
,so 4thGrade
Sara O'Bryon Dolapo Ogunniyi Kathryn Owens Scott Pearce Hunter Phillips
Nico le Riso Connor Roberts Spencer Sch lesinger Shannon Schweitzer Zachary Shickel
Conway Solomon
Chloe Suazo Ambika Subramaniam Michae l Tib lier Frances Truett
4thGrade ,s,
Ifreke U dott Richmond Walker Daniel Ware Ashleigh Waters Rachel White
1s2 4th Grade
4thGrade 1s3
Vincent Borrello
Catherine Brown Emily Burglass
Lauren Burns
154 3rdGrade
Daniel Campbell Lord Byron Cannon
Nicole Carter Jack Castellano Olivia Celata Max Champaign-Bassett Colby Chisesi Colin Chouest
Kyler Duhe
Alex Embree
Rhett Ernst
Ashley Gallagher
Chloe George ChristopherGiambelluca Andrew Goodman Ibi Green
Chase Haslett
3rdGrade 155
Katherine Honeywell
RohitJain Nicholas Keeney Blaine Kern, III Patrick Landry Andrew Lottinger Timothy Lunyong
Christina Noya
1s6 3rdGrade
Blake Ridley Stewart Scoggin Katherine Skinner Collin Stedman Taylor Tate Tyler Tourelle
Brodie Lyles
Leigh Martin Michael Martino
Christine Matthews
Taylor Nielsen
Alex Noemi
Samantha Pearce
Carter Van Horn Chase Webber
Erika Wiedemann
Nikki Wiggins
Kelly Williams
Kristina Woodward
3rd Grade: Native American Day
1ss 3rd Grade
Class of 201 ~rd Grade
KaitlynnArnoult Calvin Black Alyson Bordson -Bozzo
Caroline Bossier Austin Brackett
Catherine Brierre
Christine Catinis Emily Combe
Gabe D ' Angelo RushilDang
Benjamin Davis Otway Denny Carnrynn Dodge Kevin Donovan
William Farber John Flemiag, Jr.
Haley Guepet Joseph Hagensee
162 2ndGrade
Alexandra Kottemann Peter Kwon Gabriel LaFuente Zachary Ledet Susana Lopera Ellen Lu
Shaina Lu
Olamide Omidele
Taylor Sylvester
William Martin
-J orgen Opheim
Jacob Micki in Kevin Owens
Emily Tastet Connor Timmerman
Julian Moezzi Mitchell Montgomery Paulina Murphy
Michael Owens Madison Prince Joey Provenzano
Courtland Roberts Madeline Roohi
2ndGrade 163
Jonathan Waters Parker Yount Diego Zubizarreta
164 2ndGrade
Above, the 2nd grade class before the anual May Pole Celebration with Mrs Fransen (below)
166 1stGrade
Claire Adams Paul Alvendia Conrad Appel Andrew Baird Quentin Bernos Michaela Blondeau
Alexandra Daray
Tyler Dean Mitchell Duhe
16s 1stGrade
,.., Eric Hummel
Grant Reggio James Tufts Ariel Vallotton
1stGrade 169
Anne Leigh Weaver
110 LowerSchool
LowerSchool 171
Matthew Alikhani Arman Alizadeh Noelle Avanzino
Erin Bahn
1n Kindergarten
Allison Baird Hailee Barrett
Lainey Farber
Kindergarten 113
Kathryn Favaloro
Andrew Holdine ss Jefferson Honeywell Matthew Hu Jenni Hughes Gregorii Humphrey
Sam Hurley Danzel Kaigler
114 Kindergarten
Joshua Kemp Lili Killian Hill Landry
Juan Lopera
David Main
Sebastian Middelhof Kaitlyn Montgomery
AshwinNair MeghanaNanjappa
A very Provenzano BrandonRoohi Tia Schlesinger Phillip Scoggin Colby Simoneaux
Kindergarten 11s
Chelsey Solomon Courtney Taylor Alicia Van Horn McKenna Veca Joshua Weiss
Whitney Appel Rebecca Buhner Alexandra Cashman
116 PreKindergarten
Douglas Dillon Jack Jenkins Tiffany Baira
Simone Baldwin Jason Bremermann Clare Brierre
Emily Bryan Enrique Carrasquero Bonnie Cash
PreKindergaten m
Gerard Cook-Moulin Melissa DeGrado Steven Gogreve
11s PreKindergarten
Jeremy Ott BryanRecile
Zoe Vallotton
PreKindergaten 119
Isabel Zubizarreta
Front Row: Ryan Becnel , John Caine, Ryan Salomon , Will James , James Sarpy , Eddie Medina, Patrick Zemanek, Barrett Bass. Second Row: Brandon Darden, Max Gaudin , Thomas Favrot, Andre ' Bienvenu, Stephen McLaughlin , Karl Senner, Ben Leff. Third Row: Jonathan Stout , Blake Lusk, Brendan Daly , Richard Folse , Ryan Perry , Jonathan Schoen , Aaron Denn. Fourth Row: DavidAdams, Alex Roberts, Brad Collins . Top Row: Coach Lonn Ellzey, Warren Irwin , Matt McQueen, Mike Broussard, Troy Roddy , David Harper, Ernie Ba deaux. Not Pictured: Alec Fritchie and Tim Rosencrans
182 Football
tfrind Gators
VD.L.L£¥15A.L.L 200,
1s4 Volleyball
Volleyball 185
Yelverton, Jonathan Lu , Scott Saporito , James O ' Leary , Jessica Robichaux , Augusta Watts, Janelle Duhon, Kayla Morel, Erin Rose , Camille Bourgeois , Nicole Sistrunk; Not Pictured; Nicole Chopin, Jason Fleming, and Don Muller
ST. MART1N·s 1996 La. Hi
1s6 Swimming
Top Row (L to R): Coach Deen Reed , Ryan Gray , Neej Patel , Preston Eiswirth, Jonathan Fleming , David Coons , Jon Vail, Stephen Chester, Steven LaRosa , France Derby , Courtney Nicholson , Coach Mike Faliti; Middle Row (L to R): Geoffrey Byers, Bobby Quintal , Adel Alizadeh, William Vail , Michael McGuire , Rebecca Quintal , Laura Denny , Illise Orenstein , Ruth Stedman , Jessica Wise ; Bottom Row (L to R): Blaine
Swimming 1s1
Daly, David Bordson-Bozzo, Peterson Harter, Mark Rosenthal, Walker Saik, Hunter Monsour. Arms
Charles Gariepy, Joey Schwertz, Sean Moore, John Baker, Jordan Stone, Chris Humphreys, Josh Gramlich, Shane Duhon, Tyler Coatney, Stephen Cacciopo.
Casey Zook, Lizzie Burek, Katie Weidner, Erin Coatney, Marguerite King, Bonnie Williams, Maggie Rusch, Margaret Olivier.
I - -i 188 Cross Country
Above, Cross Country team picture. Back Row: Brett Vogt, Stephen Adams, Michael
Middle Row:
Front Row: Sara Goodman, Sarah Jones, Amanda Janke, Karla Perez, Amelia Gariepy.
Left: Team members warm up.
CrossCountry 1s9
Boys' Basketball
Nadeem 190 Boys' Basketball
L to R: Josh Gramlich, Adam Shea, Peterson Harter, Nadeem Arshad, Sky McElroy, Nick Ball, Jonathan Schoen, Ryan Salomon, Tim Littleton, Barrett Bass, Umar Tufail , Hunter Monsour, Chris Saporito, Brad Collins.
Peterson rebounds
Tim shot shots
Boys'Basketball 191
The Rise and Rise of The Saints
Following the huge success from the previous year, the basketball lady Saints made it to the playoff rounds andplaced second in their district. Coach Coleman praised the players far their hard work during the season and thanked the senior captains far their leadership spirit.
Jennelle down and never out during a home game againt Buras
1n Girls ' Basketball
Pictured Above (back to front row and left to right): Jill McCall, Hillary Gibbs, Neema Patel, Gretchen Hoffman, Laura Denny, Sarah Foley, Rebekah Smith, Sarah Jones, Megan Ripoll, Dayo Ogunniyi, Ilise Greenstein, Rachael Nachman, Jenelle Malbrough, Kathryn Bullock, Malinda Russo .
Malinda & her mother
Kathryn, Jenelle & Rachael
Jill McCall
St. Martin's Cheerleaders
Sarah Foley and Rachael
t 93
Sarah Jones throws Girls 'Basketball
Boys' Soccer
varsity team
Front Row: David Woodard, David Bordson-Bozzo, John Moustoukas, Neej Patel, Chris Denuna, Ben Bologna, Juan Mendez, Joey Leone, Back Row: Coach Al Salvas, Mark Tessier, Beau Ordemann, Wheeler Graf, Brett Vogt, Aaron Hyatt, Eric DeRoche, Ilyas Chiali, Coach Brent, Coach Juilio Piaz.
junior varsity
Front Row: Nsi Udott, Harris Diano, Charles Gariepy, Preston Eiswirth, Michael Perez, Charlie Thornton, Back Row: Coach Al Silvas, Neveen Kailas, Matt Woodard, David Adams, Drew Hill, Stephen Adams, Will James, Wayne McGaw, Coach Brent, Coach Juilio Piaz
t 94 Boys 'Soccer
Coaches Piaz and Brent with the players during halftime Boys 'Soccer
Girls' Soccer
Standing (L to R): Emily Fransen, Mariann Wilson, Casey Zook, Rachel Ramelli, Lizzie Burck, Amelia Gariepy, Frances Derby, Kristin Malone, Emily Ainsworth.
Kneeling: Ruth Stedman, Katie Weidner,Jennifer Simpson, Megan Peck, Tracy Goldblatt, Bonnie Williams, Margaret Olivier, Megan McQuaig.
Seating: Arinola Omidele, Marguerite King, Garret Patterson, Meri Maurer, and Jessica White.
Saints players line up for the traditional warm up before a home game
Goldblatt and Frances Derby
196 Girls' Soccer
tackle Country Day players
-----::-__ --:.._ ___ -.__-._-..-_ :.- ·_:
Megan Peck kicks, Lauren Gibbs looks on
Tracy Goldblatt goes for the ball
Marguerite King
STM Varsity Score Board Team We 8\ . St. homas Aqmnas 4 3 McKinley 2 0 Parkview Baptist 0 1 - ED White 3 4 - St.Charles 9 0 - Ecole Classique 9 0 - ED White 5 2 McGhee's 3 0 - St. Charles 6 0 - Ecole Classique 8 0 *ED White 4 3 " Country Day I 0 District Games *= District Championship " =Bi-District Playoff Girls 'Soccer t 97
Margaret Olivier defends
Vasity: Front Row (L toR): Brain McCormick, Andre Bienvenue, John Washington, Ryan Salomon, Jonathan Schoen.
Middle Row: Preston Eiswirth, Ryan Becnel, Chris Snodgrass, Alec Fritchie, Jeffrey Wilkinson, Chris Saporito. Standing Row: Coach Troy Roddy, Josh Gramlich, Shane Duhon, John Caine, Dimitri Loupakos, Bruce Fromeyer, Michael Geiger, Coach Scott Tregre.
Picture above Saints celebrate after a victory over the Redeemer-Satan Rams.
Picture on the right is team captain John Caine.
- --=---.....·-..:.,,;, ......... !..=-===
enior Ryan tt Harri s
Picture above is Ryan Becnel and picture on the right is John Washington ready to pitch.
Baseball 199
Above picture is Dimitri Loupakos Leftpicture team members cheer after a victory at Miley Field, home of the vaisty team.
Juan Mendez
200 Track & Field
Karla Perez
-·~'' 'i 'il.i : nu;··, - --\ -~··.. "'!:"""" mi · · ··
Members of the 2001 - 2002 track and field team wi
Sky McElroy
:th their coaches Chick McGeehan and Jim Marsalis
Sarah Jones
Track & Field 201
King Walker Saik and Brett Vogt leads Erin Caotney
Kneeling: Hillary Gibbs, Jill McCall, Katherine Weaver, Clare bruton, Gigi Gibbs, Jennifer Simpson.
Standing: Caoch Turnbull, Cally McCall, Lauren Gibbs, Frances Derby, Courtney Nicholson, Neema Patel, Ilise Greenstein, Janelle Duhon, Coach Al.
Not pictured: Ruth Stedman
Front Row: Preston Emory Jamie Kovacs.
Middle Row: Nsi Udott, Jordan Stone, Neej Patel, Barrett Bass, Venkat
Subramaniam, Jeremy Peres, Harris Diano.
Standing: Evan Dicarry, Eric Deroche, Coach Harper, Beau
Ordemann, Stephen Adams
Not pictured: Ryan Salomon
Left to Right: Margaret Olivier, Sophia Loupakos, Courtney Block, Jacqueline Lee, Robyn Tikia, Julie Rabalais, Ashley Riso, Collen Gravley, Jessica Leone, Skye Eiswirth and Coach Sue Edwards
Front Row: Jon Vail, Will McQuaig, Bobby Quintal, Nathan Reveley (manager). Back Row: Blake Duplass, Robert Graham, Charlie Oboyle, Tim Rosencrans, Justin Turner, Cole Piper, Mark Rosenthal, Jason Flemming
Front: Celeste Block, Clare Ripoll. Back: Coach Jones, Megan Ripoll, Sarah Jones.
Front: David Mohrmann, Cooper Johnston, Andrew Matthews. Back: Caoch Ring, Nick Hee, Nick Weigand
Middle Sch
204 Middle School Sports
Middle School Sports 20s
-~~~-~iddle Sch
206 Middle School Sports
Metro League Champions
oolSports ,!!ll. » ~- ·;_,I.~: j. Lr,.itt''l,,. c ) ~ • Y" "<: • ,_,- ' - -,-. '-'Cl l~ l\ ,• 55,. .~-l ·...~. 1 ;a. ~~ "' ? t 'f'f \ J ' .. .... : t1 '·• • I -Middle School Sports 201
20s MiddleSchoolSports
Middle School Sports 209
, I
2 10
Back Row ( left to right): Heather Boos, Elizabeth Washington, Aimee Hyatt, Danyael Hughes , and Brooke Rabin. Middle Row (left to right) : Emily Ainsworth, Kristin Howard, Liz Levy, Nicole Loeb, Leslie Gieger and Hayley Hutchison. Front Row (left to right): Christine Stanley, Eliska Torres , Kathryn Bordson-Bozzo, Brittany Gowland and Ashleigh Scheuermann
2 12
On October 4, 2002 eighteen new members were inducted into the National Honor Society . They are (pictured above )Tracy Goldblatt, Becky Quintal, Amelia Gariepy, Courtney Charvat, Marguerite
King, Bonnie Williams, Aimee
Hyatt, Lauren Gibbs, Kevin Kirschman, Johnathan Lu , Emily Crotty, Allison Hollinger, Amanda
Hazel, Rachael Nachman, Clancy
Fink, Courntey Nicholson, Emily Estes, and Skye Eiswirth
NationalHonor Society
i " • • ·"\ ..,·· l .\'( .. I -.1 · I •
214 NHS
On February 7, 2002
eleven new members were inducted into the National Honor Society . They are (pictured above): Jessica Colon, Lillie Rea, Adam Shea, Will Vail, Jason Fleming, Naveen Kailas, Cristina Campo, Erica Remsberg, Stephen Adams, Seth Babin, and Sarah Foley.
.. ,,,. , NHS 21s
216 Clubs ,) tvl 11 Hob,kii 1 "" 11< \wo thou ,, ' I 'i ,.
Front Row (L to R): Ameilia Gariepy , Meri Maurer , Jessica Wise, Laura Denny 2"' Row: Mr. Marsalis , Clancy Fink , Brian Bell , Je s sica White , Tyler Coatney , Hunter Monsour, Mrs Greer. Back Rows: Lindsey Greer, Bonnie Williams , Brittamy Gow land , Walker Saik , David Coons , Jonathan Lu , Beau Ordeman, Aaron McElroy , Gary Solomon , Becky Quintal , Juan Mendez.
Lindsey Greer, Meri Maurer, Katherine Burke , Carl Baloney
Allison Hollinger , Courtney Nicholson , Bonnie Willaims , Jonathan Lu
Derek Welch , Nadeem Arshad , Hay ley Hutchison , Gary Solomon
Clubs 2 19
Kri s tin Ma lone , J ordan Stone , Anna - Mar ie Coons , Brooke Conroy
The lyre is St. Martin's literary and art magazine During club meetings, the editors and staff members wade through student contributions and choose the poems, short stories, and prose pieces that will be publiched in the magazine. They then type and proof the accepted material, select art to accompany the literature , organize the layout of individaul pages , scan the art, and finally create a digital copy of the magazine to give to a professional printer
Quiz !Bowl
The Quiz Bowl Club participates in tournaments organized by The Louisiana Association for Academic Competition of which it is a member. The Association is composed of a network of 164 schools throughout the state. During the 2001 season, the team came in third in the final state competition held in Natchitoches.
220 Clubs
Standing (L to R): Danny Soto, Andrea Soto , Harrison Wool , Amelia Gariepy , Sa rah Foley , Cally McCall , Jessica Henderson , and Nick Ball. Kneeling: Cri s ta Bourg , E mily E ste s, Richard Thompson , Toume' Torres Seating: Mrs Wells , Ta y lor Nolan , Erin Coatney , and Dav id Bordson-Bozzo.
F ront Row (L to R): B ecky Quintal and Mrs Klebba Back Row: Venkat Subramaniam , Mark Rosenthal , Tim Rosencran s , St ephen Adams , Seth Babin. Not pictured: Jason Fleming , Naveen Kailas , Jonathan Lu , Adam Shea and Bre tt Vogt
The Halo is the voice of the St. Martin's community. It not only covers the events of our school and the world beyond, but also reflects student opinion on issues of campus life. The Halo staff works hard to capture the vitality and spirit of the St. Martin student body.
The Louisiana Scholastic Press Association named The Halo the Best Newspaper in the State in its division for the 2000-200 I school year. A number of state awards also were won for articles written by STM reporters.
This year's staff continues to maintain these high standards - and they get rewards in return.
"I like understanding the newspaper process, such as layout ,'' says senior Meri Maurer. " I also like learning everyone's opinion on current events."
"It gives me an opportunity to get into places where I normally wouldn't be allowed, like onto the football field during a game,'' adds senior staff photographer Brandon Simpson.
Ths year The Halo has covered all facets of STM life, from new construction on campus to the consequences of student stress. Student reporters have written about the fall production of"Oklahoma!", student reaction to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 , and such traditions as Senior Weird Day. Editorial writers have given their opinions on everything from dress codes to the prac• tice of saying the Pledge of Allegiance in homeroom every morning.
"The most interesting story I covered was the fresh• men Holocaust speaker last year," says sophomore Ashwin Rao. "We only read about the Holocaust in textbooks , but the speaker, Ann Levy , brough1 the whole thing to life."
By Megan Peck Halo Editor
Kneeling: Sky McElroy, Mark Holden, Harrison Wool, Robyn Tikia, Gretchen Hoffman.
Standing: Megan Peck, Ryan Saloman, Meri Maurer, Steve Miller, Ali Spindler, Savanna Engen, Brandon Simpson, Jeremy Peres, Ashwin Rao.
L to R: Blair Landers (Asst Editor), Wheeler Graf, Katherine Burke , Scott Saporito, Julia Groome , Tracy Goldblatt (Asst. Editor), and Liz Levy. Not Pictured: Ryan Salomon , Crista Bourg , Eric DeRoche , Brandon Simpson, Hayley Hutchison, Brooke Rabin, Kevin Kirschman and Farhan Saddiqui.
below (L to R) Katie Piccolo (Editor), De Von Green, Karla Perez and Arinola Omidele Clubs 221
This year, the St. Martin's Varsity and Junior Varsity J.E.T.S. (Junior Engineering) teams both came in first in their divisions. The Varsity team came in second place in the state overall.
c:::fV. C. !B _[!_
Members of the NCBI during a Spring workshop
Vasily team (picture above): Brett Vogt , Brandon Simpson, Becky Quintal, Dr. Warzeski , David Bordson-Bozzo , Bonnie Williams , Walker Saik and Kevin Kirschman. Junior Vasily Team (picture right)Ashwin Rao, Jonathan Lu, Naveen Kailas, Stephen Adams, Shyue Lu, Dr. Warze s ki , and Charles Gariepy
1 222 Clubs
cJll(iddfe ~hoot ~nt~unclf
The Middle school student council was organized this year and its purpose is to provide a place for student voices to be heard. The student council wants to build community outreach, school spirit, and student responsibility.
Admissions Club members describe student life to prospective students and their parents. Above are the officers and memebers of the 2001-2002 admissions club.
Front Row: (L to R) Sri Korrapati, Laurie Clotworthy , Erin Rose, Adedoyin Ogunniyi, Blake Johnston, James Matthews and Camille Bourgeois. Middle Row : (L toR) Steven LaRosa, Katherine Peck , Susannah Bunch , Kayla Marimillion, Lauren Waters, Claire Bruton and Don Muller. Back Row: (L to R) Jon Vail , Tyler Martin, Bobby Quintal (President), Scott Lazes and Mrs Janis McCormick
Clubs 223
Elizabeth Derby, Sarah Dunn, Andrea Guenara, Michael
Musso , Harrison Wool , Adam Hunt, Libby Odell, Toumee' Torres, Emily Fransen, Courtney Block, Lindsey
Greer, Brian Bell, Seth Babin, Grant Yelverton, Sarah Coker, Irene Matthew Parker, Clancy
Fink, Justin Turner, Sean
Moore, Gary Solomon Jr, Kevin Kirshman.
Haleigh Hocut, Katherine
Matthew Parker, Ashlynn
McConnell , Blake Bohner, Rachel White, Sara
O'Bryon , Ambika
Subramanian, Andrew
McDaniel, Garett Patterson, Joel Derby, Daniel Chester, Eleanor Vasquez, Maryclaire
Manard, Anastasia
Loupakos, Adara Hocut , Katie Odell, Margaret Yon
Every Year the American Library Association selects 100 books as the Best Books for Young Adults. Before this selection, middle and high school students participate in an open discussion of book nominated for the BBYA selection. This year 233 were nominated and more than 20 St. Martin's students participated in the critic of the books.
The Birthday Club makes birthday cards for all middle school students. We also maintain the birthday bulletin board.
L to R: Adnan Suleman , Elizabeth Weigand, Erin Coatney, Amelia Gariepy , Carol Ortneberg , Jason Oliveri, Ben Bologna, Tim Rosencrans, FT Omidele , Venkat Subramaniam, Mira John and Jansen Smith Kneeling: Camille Bourgeois and Sarah Dunn. not Pictured: Blair Lumpkin , Lauren Milner , Caroline Wiedemann, Seth Babin, Michael Abadie, Jessica Colon, Miriam Smith , and Jonathan Stout.
L to R: Pricilla Schlesinger, Katherine Peck , Marjorie Champaign-Bassett, Udy Udott, Jessika Whitbeck, Laurie Clotworthy , Sarah Beth Pansano , Denver Gray, Tolani Ayo-Vaughan, Bruce
Clubs 225
The Spirit Club's mission is to promote school spirit through support of athletics , the arts and other extra curricular activities in the middle school. We decorate for homecoming and special holidays as well as sponsor Spirit Nights for fall, winter and spring.
Picture below: Ana Apostolas , Kelsey Vogt , Taylor Roberts , Ashleigh Morales , Natalie Keeney , Maggie Rusch , Celeste Block, Irene Matthew Parker, Kristin Foret, Emily Hogue, Rachel Watts.
The Environmental Club is responsible for on campus recycling of paper and aluminum cans. We also maintain the Middle School garden and are involved in a variety of other "earth friendly" activities.
Picture above : Kay la Marmillion, Caroline Wilson, Blake Johnston , Morgan Prieur , Jessica Baer , Michelle Borello , Caroline Weidmann, Kristin Neilson , Jacqueline Lee, Deena Provanee, Ashleigh Morales, Natalie Keeney , Celeste Block Rachel Watts , Ana Apostol as, Kelsey Vogt , Victoria Welch , Emily Hogue, Irene Matther Parker.
226 Clubs
Picture abouve :Back Row (L to R) :Ms Turnbull, Andrea Guevara, Casey Lowe , Sussannah Bunch, Stephanie Holden , Kayla Morel , Ronald Ramsey , Sam Solomon Front Row: Jay Gilmore, Megan Dodge, Macie Lunyong, Nathan Reveley and Jamie Razza. Picture left: Casey Lowe and Andrea Guevara on the job.
Members of the worship club help the school Chaplains during litugical ceremonies. They acts as flag bearers, acolytes and readers. Membership is open to every student.
The Garden Club is a lower school club. Members take care fo the flowers and plants in the lower school. During all school event like the habitat project, members help with the gardening
Front Row: Chris Senner, Brenton Ho, Brittany Sharp Back Row: Ben Bologna, Aaron Hyatt, Adel Alizadeh, Katherine Weaver, Rev Longstreth.
Picture above is of the garden club members before a field trip and picture on the right are some some members of the club during the 2002 habitat project.
Clubs 227
Front Row: William Tuleu, Stella Duplass, Back Row: Mr. DeRoche, Bharat Sharma, Scott Lazes, James Henson
22s Clubs
' Front Row (L to R): Jeb Barr, Jonathan Buring, Jeffery O'Bryon Middle Row: Kyle Ridley, Nick Sanders, Adnan Suleman, Brian Milner. Back Row: Chris Humpreys, Jamie Kovacs, Brian Flick,Michael Gieger, Stephen Borrello and Spencer King
Clubs 229
Leo P. Dressel
Standing L to R: Kevin Gravley, Brian Bossier '78, Dan LeGardeur Jr. '68, Parker Waters, The Rev. Gedge Gayle, Tim Hurley, Marta Schnabel O'Bryon, Larry Gibbs, Otway Denny III, Tejas Godiwala, and Bob Holden.
Seated L to R: Jerry Saporito, Jan Rigdon, Beth Depass '79, Leo P. Dressel, Gary Solomon Sr., Dee Dee Estes, and Jennifer Buckley. Not Pictured: Sean Daly, The Rev. Stephen Holzhalb, Lonell Wright and The Rt. Rev. Charles Jenkins
232 Faculty & staff
Wayne Lumpkin
Harriet Aguiar-Netto
Stephenie Pittman
Facul ty & stc?ff 233
Allan Woodard
Suzette Adair Middle School Secretary
Kate Arthurs Music/Drama
Cap Baier US Spanish
234 Facuity&Staff
Thomas Bender MS/US Librarian
Justine D. Aguiar Computer Analyst
Doris Baron MS/US Librarian
Tony Bonura Boy's Basketball/P.E.
Billie Andersson Learning Specialist
Eileen K. Beckman US English
Doris Boos Transport/ Custodial Dir.
Eze Anomneze Library/Speech
Carole Beehler Admission Assistant
Timothy Boots Technology Coordinator
Ashley Woods-Bozeman First Grade
Jane B. Caine US Mathematics
Tootie Conway First Grade
Jennifer Brammell Communications Coordinator
Toni Caserta Adm. Asst. to Sch. Head
Donna Coons Athletic Secretary
Mike Broussard Athletic Trainer
Amanda Bunol Kindergarten
Sara Coker Music
Kathy Crouch Fifth Grade
Sheila Brown US Science
Roma Coleman Girl's Basketball/P.E.
Facuity&Staff 235
Jeanne Cumberland Fourth Grade
Erin Dazzo Student Accounts
Sue Edwards P .E./ Athletics
Guy Farber Fifth Grade
236 Faculty&Staff
Ann Goldblatt Pre- Kindergarten Assistant
Robert DeRoche MS French
Lonn Ellzey Football Coach/P.E.
Peggy Fransen LS Music Dianne Greer Mathematics
Julie Dieth Kindergarten
Christina Garrett Fourth Grade
Lisa Guevara LS/MS Spanish
Ana-Maria Dobrescu US French
Susan H. Godchaux MS Social Studies
Jane Guillory Pre-Kindergarten Assistant
Chris Hamann Alumni/Special Events
Warren Irwin US Arts
Vicki V. Johnson Fifth Grade
Anita Hamilton Pre-J(jndergarten Assistant
Craig Jackson Technology Instructor
Jerry Jones Athletic Director
Susan Harmon Nurse
Learning Specialist
Shai James LS Librarian
Betsy Kaston Social Studies/Life Skills
Michael Henderson Network Administrator
Ginny Hoffman LS Librarian
Michelle Jensen Swimming/P.E.
Faculty&Staff 237
Linda Keir Mail Services
I \
Lee Klebba US English
Warren Lind MS /US Science
23s Facuity&Staff
Jim Marsalis Mathematics Chick McGeehan Athletics
Jennie Larkins Learning/Reading Specialist
Elizabeth Little Second Grade
Carrie D. Massey US English
Deborah Menson US Social Studies
Julie Leppo Development Secretary
Edie Long College Counselor
Charles Maumus Human Resources
Patti Micklin Development Director
David Lesley US Science
Paul Longstreth MS Chaplain/Religion
Janis McCormick Mathematics
Rex Mooney US Social Studies
Rachal Moriarty First Grade
Susan Pansano Third Grade
Pedro Perez Spanish
Charles Ramos Latin
April Najolia US Secretary
Jason Parkman Third Grade
Margaret G. Perret Second Grade
@J r,; D (18 t'HJ
Dean Reed Swim Club Coordinator
Edwina O'Flynn Development Assistant
Heather Patterson MS/LS Counselor
Kathy Power Development Secretary
Cheryl Resignola Second Grade
Julie O'Flynn Administrative Assistant
Kathy Pearce English
Mary Quinet US Social Studies
Faculty&Staff 239
David Ring English
Chuck G. Rivet US Social Studies
Christine Sauer Studio Arts
240 Facuity&Staff
Christy Sevante Assist. Admission Director
Troy Roddy Football/B aseball/P E
Debbie Scalia LS Chaplain/Religion
Sue Shaw Third Grade
Pam Rogers LS Science
Margaret Schuber Admission Director
Gloria Siegel MS English
Alma Roohi Pre- Kindergarten
Karen Scott Spanish
Holly Silva Kindergarten Assistant
Pat Simpson Business Office
Linda Trevino P E./ Athletics
Kerry S. Vogt Pre- Kindergarten
Allison M. Smith Kindergarten
Linda R. Trotter Fourth Grade
Robert E. W arzeski US Science
Clyde Smith Mathematics
James W. Sprague US Chaplain/Religion
Kate Turnbull Science/Cheerleading
June Wells English/Lyre
Michelle Snow Web Publishing/Computer
Anita Vogeler Performing Arts / Speech
Facuity&Staff 241
Winifred Wendel Controller
Mary White Bookstore Manager
Marian Green Food Services
242 Facuity&Staff
Esther Reva Food Services
Meme Wilson Kindergarten Assistant
Shiela Jackson Food Services
Beverly Savoy Food Services
Lisa Yelverton Admissions
Michael Kraft Director of Food Services
O'Neal Bourgeois Maintenance
Devra Coleman Food Services
Betty O'Brien Food Services
Gerald Blume Maintenance
!!II! I,, '
I 1 Stl4' ' , -s-i:• /1 • .. ~t I
Roger Chatelain Maintenance
Lynn Aucoin Transportation
Maurice Coman Director of Maintenance
Lloyd Boos Transportation Transportation
Bill Keir Maintenance
Denise Callahan Transportation
Jenkins Knighten Maintenance
Faculty&Staff 243
Jan Callahan Transportation
Con ratulationi ~r1sta!
wt, I1l, ,uJ; f'W'~ ~{ 4f'JM-•
Love, your family
so proud ofyou I " Congratulations 246 Love, Your Family
We are
Love, Dad, Mom, & Stephanie
You have made us all so Proud.
Much Love, Your Family
Eric Michael DeRouche (~0 NGll1l'J1IJtA'J1I ONS
We are so proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad & Cori
1,, ,
, we. 1£ 1,t),.,tJ,"fDM--
Eliza th
Have a great time at
We love you, Mom, Daddy,
Go Da\Ngs
We are so proud of you! We love you very much & we'll miss you!
Love, Mom, Dad, FT, Olamide & Ore (& Barney)
Congratulations Lindsey I
We are so proud ofyou! May all your dreams come true. Continue your journey with courage and happiness.
Thanks for being our precious angel. Love you, Mom & Dad
M I L L s A p s B 0 u N D
' ,'i \ ' \ ' ~ ' -~ \1,8
25 1
252 c)o <JE7.fj pwu.d ofyou. ..£oueand. 112ti6- you! dlll.om
We are so proud of the woman you have become- spiritual, compassionate, intelligent, dedicatd, and beautiful
We enjoyed every game, KF, Little Farm, JPRD, and STM Your dedication manifess itself in everything you attempt
Congratulations Kathryn Thankyoufor manyhappy . memorzes
Mom,Dad, &Lance
We are very proud of you, B.D We admire your spirit, drive and determination. For 14 years we watched with pride and happiness as you set out to accomplish your goals. From Community Day to Graduation Day, you created very special memories for all of us!!
Mom, Dad and Kelsey
JONATHAN ...... Congratulations!
wish you happiness & success!
Mom, Dad, & Jason 255
Always remember to "Think big thoughts but relish small pleasure,
Be kinder than necessary, and leave everything a little better than you found it. ,,
Much love, Mom & Dad
Thank you for making parenting so easy.
I know you are ready for the next stage of your life. Make good choices!
Have fun!
Love, Mother
lt,AJ,t,, Alftu,~,A~, H"~ r;;i 1)~ CongratulationsMalinda!
How sweet it is.I
Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the year of your life will be many. I guide you in the way of wisdon and lead you along straight paths. Proverbs 4:10,11
Love, Dad, Lisa, Parker, the Gegenheimers, the Allens and the Ducombs
We're so proud of you and what you have achieved. We wish you the best at Sewanee!
Love, Dad, Mary, Elizabeth, Shannon, Patricia & John
Megan , we are so proud of you. Congratulations!
Lovefrom Mom, Dad, Christina and Katherine
258 .. ...-
ltGrowing up happens in a heartbeat. One d ay you 1 re in diapers; the next day you're gone. But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul."
Kevin Arnold, 'The Wonder Years "
What an awesome responsibilty God gave our Family in 1984. Today, that experience blesses us with great honor, true dignity and immense pride. We celebrate your achievements and may God's Grace and protection follow you all the days of your life.
Love, Mom and Ryan
Sisters by chance ...
best friends by choice
Con~ratulations, Megan!
I love you, Christina
To the guy who can do it all. We are very proud ofyou.
1)~, H~~, A~, Ttl),t,, t;~, AEA AEllELf1A.
Congratulations Grant~
We'll miss your humor and music
Love, Mama and Blaine
26 0
Johnny Moustoukas
You're the best "son" ever!
We are very proud of you.
Love, Dad, Mom & Diana
Kevin Kirsch1nan
We cannot become what we need to be by remain ing what we are .
DePree , in Leaders hip I s an Art
Never give in-in nothing, great or small, Large or petty-except to convictions of honor and good sense. Wilson Churchill said these words and they embody what you are.
Living by your convictions, you wi LL achieve success. We are very proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad and Brittney
!fopportunity doesn 't knock, build a door.
-M iton Ber le
perhaps imagination is only intelligence havingJim
-George Sc il abb a in Harvard magaz in e
A tnte friend is one who o ver/ooks your flu!ures and tolerates your successes.
- Do ug La rso n
Cally, We are so proud ofyou!
lt,41L, Ho~ i 1)~
Congratulations Margot!
lfe are so proud efyou/ Lov~ Mom~ Daddo & Peter
To Our Princess
We love you so much, Julie, and we're so proud ofyou!
Love, Mom, Dad, Frank & Raphie
We love you and are proud of you.
Dad, Mom, Worth and Monty Beau Ordemann
Best ofLuck as a Cavalier. May All Your Dreams come true. Your Family
Congratulations Ai1-nee!
We are so proud ofyou! We will miss you next year.
Love, Mom, Dad, Aaron, & Adler
We are so proud of you! Good Luck next year... Ill~ f•fN)I)!!
Congratulations Lizabetty~ 268 * '."'" ~~•5,;,:1;.MII'........,._,~ \
Love, Edward, Bev, Brad and Sniz
We love you so much and are going to miss you! Good luck next year at University of Florida and have fun!
Love-Mom, Dad, Brian, Scott, Kevin & Justin
Weare so proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad, Lucy & Spencer
270 ' ' L.. •-j,1• ..- • I ' ,.__ • .1,,..J... . • ·= ' .. ' --- - ----:--1
Con(ll'atu/atlons Joey! Weareverv proud of v~ul ' :; -.-t.~/~ ~•' •·' • · .,~,, .).·~ -~-· ._,. !7"~~~(;,..: Cove, Mom, Dad & Jessica 271
Sarah, Congratulations I We are so proud of you. You have grown into a wonderful young lady. Follow your dreams and keep on smiling!
Love, Mom, Dad & Alan
ErinKathleen Coatney
We are so proud ofyou, Erin!
Hook 'Em, Horns! With love, Mom, Dad, Tyler, Laura and Peeks
May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be always always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face ...
And may God hold you in the palm of His hand
Like a long, lonely stream, /keep running towards a dream. moving on, moving on. A la Famille! Love Mom, Dad, Elise and Nicole
f,u,~ '°~
1tnA Jt1t(t
1,t); f'l,OAJ_
"j"M-G"~J. U 4 lt,41.e,,
F ..
Abadie , Michael 38, 98, 99 , 225
Adair, Suzette 234
Adams, Claire 166
Adams , David 108 , 182 , 194
Adams , Joseph 148
Adams, Stephen 98 , 99, I00 , 188 ,
194,202 , 215 , 220 , 222
Aguiar , Justine D. 234
Aguiar-Netto , Harriet 233
Ahmed , Sadiha 91 , 100
Ahmed , Shayan 130
Ainsworth , Emily 100, 196 , 210
Aldrige, Ryan 122
Alikhani , Matthew 172
Alizadeh , Adel 114 , 186, 227
Alizadeh , Arman 172
Alvendia, John 148
Alvendia, Paul 166
Anderson, Kody 148
Anderson, Kyle 122
Andersson , Billie 234
Anomneze , Eze 87 , 234
Apostolos , Anastasia 114 , 226
Appel, Conrad 166
Appel, Whitney 176
Arnoult , Kaitlynn 160
Arnoult, Richard I 48
Arshad , Nadeem 99, I 04, 190, 219
Arthurs, Kate I 0 , 86 , 234
Aucoin , Lynn 243
Augillard , Morgan 148
Avanzino, Noelle 172
Ayo-Vaughan, Dolapo 108
Ayo-Vaughan , Lemboye 122
Ayo-Vaughan, Tolani 130,225
Babin, Seth 98 , 99 , 100 , 215 , 220 ,
224 , 225
Backer, Nicholas 234
Badeaux , Ernie 182
Baer, Jennifer 142
Baer, Jessica 130 , 226
Bahn, Erin 172
Baier, Cap 234
Baira, Tiffany 176
Baird , Allison 172
Baird , Andrew 166
Bajeux , Remy 148
Baker, John 100, 188
Baldwin, Simone 177
Ball , Nick 38, 86 , 190, 220
Baloney, Carl 39 , 218
Bangs, Gretchen 122 , 139
Baptiste, Michael 108
Barnett, William 142
Baron, Doris 234
Barr , James 122 , 228
Barrett, Hailee 172
Barrett, Jonathan I 00
Bass , Barrett I08 , 182 , 190, 202
Beckman , Eileen 4, 5 , 10,234
Becnel , Kathryn Weekly ' 86 92
Becnel , Ryan 108, 182, 198
Beehler, Carole 234
Bell, Brian 91 , 98 , 104 , 216 , 224
Bender, Thomas 234
Bernos , Quentin 166
Bienvenu , Andre 108 , 182, 198
Black , Calvin 160
Blaine, Kern III 156
Block , Celeste 114, 138, 139, 203 , 226
Block , Courtney 104 , 20;2 , 224
Blondeau , Michaela 166 276
Blondeau , Zachary 149
Blume, Gerald 242
Bohner , Blake 149 , 224
Bologna , Ben 114, 138 , 139, 194, 225, 227
Bonura , Tony 234
Boo s, Carly 39, 75 , 99
Boos, Dori s 234
Boos, Heather 100,210
Boos , Henry 130
Boos , Lloyd 243
Boots , Timothy 234
Bordson-Bozzo, Alyson 160
Bordson-Bozzo, David 40 , 79 , 87, 98 , 99, 188, 194 , 220, 222
Bordson-Bozzo , Kathryn 108,210
Borrello, Michelle I 30 , 226
Borrello, Stephen 122, 228
Borrello , Vincent 154
Bossier, Caroline 160
Bossier, Parker I 30
Bossier, Stephanie 173
Bourg, Crista 40, 74, 99, 220
Bourgeois, Camille 114 , 138 , 139, 186, 223 , 225
Bourgeois , O ' Neal 242
Brackett , Austin 160
Bradburn , Markham 104
Brammell, Jennifer 235
Breaux, Robert 142
Bremermann, David 130
Bremermann , Jason 177
Brian , Bossier ' 78 232
Brierre, Catherine 160
Brierre , Clare 177
Brinson , Benjamin 114
Broussard, Mike 182 , 235
Broussard, Thomas 161
Brown , Catherine I 54
Brown , Ronnie 167
Brown, Sheila 235
Bruton , Claire 114 , 138 , 139, 202 , 223
Bruton , Margaret 130
Bryan, Emily 177
Buckley , Jennifer 232
Buckley , Matthew 173
Buckley, Samuel 149
Buhler, John 179
Buhler, Scott 161
Buhner, Rebecca 176
Bullock, Kathryn 41 , 82, 99, 192
Bunch, Susannah 130 , 139 , 223, 226
Bunol, Amanda 235
Burck , Eli zabeth I 08
Burck , Lizzie 188
Burgess, Devvin 130
Burglass , Caroline 142
Burglass, Emily 154
Buring , Jonathan 114,228
Burke , Jonathan 99, 100
Burke , Katherine 14, 41, 82, 99, 218 , 221
Burke , Li zzie 196
Burley, Tyler 173
Burns , Lauren 154
Burst, Shawn 149
Busenlener, Carolyn 235
Byers , Geoffrey 108 , 186
Cabral, Christopher 149
Cacioppo , Stephen 108 , 188
Caine, Jane 235
Caine, John 42 , 99 , 182 , 198
Callahan, Deni se 243
Callahan , Jan 243
Callaway , Zachary 130
Callia, Matthew 167
Campbell, Daniel 154
Campbell , E. 122
Campbell, Stewart 167
Campo , Christina I00 , 215
Cannon, Lord Byron 154
Caotney , Erin 201
Caotney, Tyler 91
Carrasquero, Enrique 177
Carter , Nicole 155
Caserta, Toni 84, 235
Casey , Garrett 142
Cash, Bonnie 177
Cashman, Alexandra 176
Castaing , Margot 43, 74, 82, 87, 99 , 184
Castano , Sara 42, 75 , 82, 99
Castellano, Jack 155
Catinis , Anna 173
Catinis , Christine 16 I
Cawley, Alice 122
Cawley , Robert 149
Celata , Olivia 155
Chamorro, Paul 167
Champaign-Bassett, Marjorie 130 , 225
Champaign-Bassett, Maxwell 155
Chapman, Hunter 173
Charvat, Courtney I 00, 214
Chatelain, Roger 243
Chester , Daniel 149 , 224
Chester , Stephen 114, 186
Chiali, Ilyas 104, 194
Childress, Ani 114, 138, 139
Chisesi, Colby 155
Chopin, Nicole 100, 186
Chouest, Colin 155
Chouest, Stephen 122
Christmas 28
Clingenpeel, Sarah 167
Clotworthy, Laurie 131, 138, 223, 225
Coatney , Erin 43, 84, 87, 98 , 99 , 188,220,225
Coatney , Laura 149
Coatney , Tyler 98, 108 , 188 , 216
Cobb, Christopher 149
Cobb, Collette 167
Coker , Sarah 224, 235
Coleman , Devra 242
Coleman , Roma 235
Collins, Brad 182 , 190
Collins, Bradley 104
Collins , Douglas 149
Colon , Jessica 44 , 98 , 99 , 215 , 225
Coman , Maurice 243
Combe.Emily 161
Comer, Kevin 100
Conatser, James 167
Conners, Katie 179
Conroy , Ashley 15 , 98 , 101, 184
Conroy, Brooke 108,184,219
Contreary , Kylie 142
Conway, Tootie 235
Cook-Moulin , Gerard 177
Coons , Anna-Marie 109 , 184 , 219
Coons, David 44, 72, 74, 76, 85 , 87, 98 , 99 , 186, 216
Coons , Donna 235
Crotty , Emily 101,184, 214
Crouch, Elizabeth 122
Crouch , Kathy 235
Crouch, Kri stina 143
Cumberland, Jeanne 235
Cunningham, Ellen 122 , 138
Cusimano, Chelsea 109
D ' Amico , Jessica 173
D' Amico , Joseph 173
D ' Angelo , Gregory 161
D ' Angelo, John I 67
Daly , Brendan 101, 182
Daly , Michael 45, 75, 82 , 99, 188
Daly, Sean 232
Dang, Rushil 161
Daniel, Becnel III '83 92
Daray , Alexandra 167
Darden, Brandon I04, 182
Davis , Benjamin 161
Davis , Tyler 167
Dazzo , Erin 236
Dean , Tyler 167
deBoisblanc, Lisette 109
deBuys, Andrew 104
DeGrado , Melissa 177
DeMartini , E. Morgan 155
DeMartini , John 173
Denn , Aaron 104 , 182
Denny , Francis 161
Denny , Laura 104,186 , 192 , 216
Denuna , Chris 194
Denuna , Edward 114
Depass, Beth 232
DePass , Nicholas 143
DePass, William 122, 139
Derby, Elizabeth 114, 224
Derby, Frances 98, 109 , 186 , 202
Derby, Joel 143 , 224
DeRoche , Eric 45 , 91 , 194 , 202, 221
DeRoche , Robert 228 , 236
Dewey , Nolan 242
Diano, Harris 194, 202
Diano, William 109
Dicharry, Evan 5 , 46 , 75, 98 , 99 , 202
Dieth, Julie 236
Dietz, Madison 173
Dillon, Douglas 176
Dobrescu , Ana-Maria 236
Dodge, Camrynn 16 I
Dodge, Megan 123 , 226
Donovan, Kevin 161
Dougherty , Grant 143
Dovie, Andrew 123
Dressel , Leo P 36 , 71, 119, 232
Duhe , Kyler 155
Duhe, Merrin 173
Duhe, Mitchell 167
Duhon, Janelle 101 , 186 , 202
Duhon , Shane I 09, 188, 198
Dunn , Sarah 115, 224 , 225
Duplass , Blake I 01, 203
Duplass , Stella 115 , 228
Durby , Frances 196
Dusang, Kevin 123, 139
Dusang , Robert 149
Ebrahimpour , Bijan 155
Edwards , Sue 184, 202 , 236
Edwards ' 87 , Beth McCranie 93
Eiswirth, Preston 109 , 186 , 194 , 198
Eiswirth , Skye 15, 91 , 99,101 , 202
Eiswirth , Yvonne 242
Eisworth , Skye 214
Elazab , Cory I 6 I
Elazab , Dean-Michail 143
Ellzey , Lonn 182 , 236
Embree, Alex 155
Embree , Melinda 173
Emory , Brooks 92
Emory, Jackson I 61
Emory , Mary Catherine 173
Emory , Preston 115,202
Engen , Savanna 98 , 109,221
English-Rhoden, Shannon 123
Ernst , Rhett 155
Eslick , Kory 131
Estes, Dee Dee 232
Estes, Emily 91, 99 , 101 , 214 , 220
Estes, Jordan I 09
Estes, Madeline 149
Evans , Amy I 04 , 184
Faliti , Mike 186
Falk, Austin 168
Farber , Guy 236
Farber , Laine 173
Farber, Timothy 131
Farber , William 161
Fatsis , Irene 173
Favaloro , Jeffrey 149
Favaloro , Kathryn 173
Favrot , Thomas 101 , 182
Figueroa , Corinn 174
Figueroa, Zac 168
Fleming, Jason 98 , 99, 101 ,
, 203 , 215 , 220
Fleming , John Jr. 161
Fleming , Jonathan 46 , 74 , 99 , 186
Flick , Bryan 123 , 228
Foley , Sarah IOI , 192 , 215,220
Folse, Richard 47, 87, 182
Foret , Courtney 143
Foret , Kristin 115
Foster , Evan 174
Fouchi , Emily 162
Fox , Mason 149
Fransen , Emily 91 , 98 , 104 , 196 ,
Fransen, Peggy 236
Frischhertz , Cole 168
Fritchie , Alec 105 , I 82, 198
Fromrneyer , Bruce 115 , 198,225
Gallagher , Ashley 155
Gallagher, Charlotte IO I
Gallagher, Margaret 102
Gallaher, Paden 168
Gambrell , Laura 123
Gariepy , Ameilia 91 , 99 , 102 , 188 ,
196 ,2 14 , 216 , 220 , 225
Gariepy , Charles 99 , 109, 188, 194 ,
Garrett , Christina 236
Gaudin , Max 98, 182
Gaudin , Maxwell 109
Gayle, Rev. Gedge 232
Geiger, Michael 198
George, Cassidy 168
George , Chloe 155
Giambelluca , Christopher 155
Gibbs , Emerson 162
Gibbs, Gigi 202
Gibbs, Gillian 123
Gibb s, Hillary 109 , 184 , 192 , 202
Gibbs , Larry 232
Gibbs, Lauren 102 , 202 , 214
Gibson, Kincy 174
Gieger, Leslie 102,210
Gieger , Michael 115, 139
Gieger , Stephen 143
Gierger , Mmichael 228
Gilbert, Amanda 149
Gilbert , Henry 139
Gilbert , Hunter I 15, 138 , 139
Gilmore , Jared 123 , 226
Gilmore , Katherine 143
Godchaux , Susan H. 236
Godiwala, Tejas 232
Gogreve , Steven 177
Goldberg, Hilary 109
Goldblatt, Ann 236
Goldblatt , Tracy 47 , 82 , 99 , 196, 214 , 221
Goodman , Andrew 155
Goodman , Sara 109 , 188
Gowland , Brittany 109 , 210,216
Graf, Wheeler 48, 75 , 77, 82 , 99 , 194 , 221
Graham , Robert 98,105,203
Gramlich , Joshua I 09, 188, 190, 198
Gravley , Colleen 109,202
Gravley, Kevin 232
Gray , Denver 115 , 225
Gray, Ryan 109, 186
Gray, Taylor 48, 73 , 91
Gray , W. 149
Green, Asusi 168
Green , Devon 98 , I 05
Green , Ibidoboh 155
Green , Kokom 143
Green , Marian 242
Green , Tumini 149
Greenstein, Ilise I 09, 192, 202
Greer, Dianne 236
Greer , Lindsey 49, 75, 98 , 99, 216, 218, 224
Orenstein , Illise 186
Groome , Julia 49 , 85,221
Groth , Peter I 09
Guenara , Andrea 224
Guepet , Haley I 62
Guevara, Andrea 123 , 226
Guevara, Lisa 236
Guillory , Jane 236
Guyton, Ashton 168
Hagensee, Joseph I 62
Hall , Brandon 149
Hall, Elizabeth 50, 99
Hall , Liz 74 , 86
Hamann , Chris 237
Hamilton , Anita 237
Hamilton , Maverick 174
Hansen, Colin 168
Harmon , Susan 237
Harper, David 182
Harris , Scott I 02
Harry , Jordan 131, 139
Harter, Peterson I 02, 188, 190
Harvey 12
Haslett, Elizabeth 174
Haslett, James 155
Haslett , Kelsey 143
Hazel, Amanda 50 , 99,214
Hee, Natalie 143
Hee , Nick 109 , 203
Heer , Michael 162
Heer , Patrick 149
Helmer , Raquel 143
Henderson , Chase 149
Henderson, Jessica 51, 220
Henderson, Michael 237
Henderson, Savannah 143
Henson , James 123 , 228
Henson , Julia I 09
Hester , Will 51 , 72, 84
Hill , Alan 123
Hill,Drew 98,105,194
Hinge!, Nick 93
Hintz , Tina 237
Hirschfeld , Alexander 174
Ho , Andrew 150
Ho, Brenton I 15 , 227
Hocut , Adara 143 , 224
Hocut , Brittney 115
Hocut , Haleigh 150 , 224
Hoffman, Ginny 237
Hoffman, Gretchen 98, 110, 192, 221
Hogue , Emily 115 , 226
Holden , Bob 232
Holden, Elizabeth 150
Holden , Mark 91 , 110, 221
Holden , Stephanie 131 , 138 , 139 ,
Holdiness , Andrew 174
Hollinger, Allison 98 , 99, 102,214, 218
Homecoming 14, 15 , 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Honeywell, Jefferson 174
Honeywell, Katherine 155
Horne , Thomas 110
Howard, Kristin 102 ,2 10
Hu , Matthew 174
Hughes , Chelsea 143
Hughes , Danyael 110 , 210
Hughes, Herbert 123
Hughes, Jenni 174
Hummel , Eric 168
Hummel, Philip 150
Humphrey , Gregorii 174
Humphreys , Alex 131, 138
Humphreys, Chris I I 5, 188, 228
Hunt , Adam I 05 , 224
Hurley , Jack I 31
Hurley , Sam 174
Hurley , Tim 232
Hutchison , Hayley 15 , 98 , 105,210, 219, 221
Hyatt , Aaron 115 , 194 , 227
Hyatt , Aimee 14, 52 , 72 , 99,210 ,
Irwin , Warren 182 , 237
Israel , Ashley 168
Israel, Averi 143
Israel, Dy Ian 162
Israel, Zachary 178
lvanova, Olga 98 , 102
Jackson, Craig 237
Jackson , Shiela 242
Jacobson, Joseph 150
Jain , Rohit 156
Jain, Sunny 131
James, Shai 237
James , Will 105 , 182, 194
Janke , Amanda I 05 , I 88
Jenkins , Ian 168
Jenkins , Jack 176
Jensen , Michelle 237
John, Mira 123, 138, 225
John, Thomas 150
Johnson, Emily 162
Johnson, Ethan 150
Johnson , Olivia 150
Johnson , Vicki V 237
Johnston, Blake 139 , 223 , 226
Johnston, Cooper 115 , 139,203
Johnston , Margaret 123
Jones , Jerry 23 7
Jones , Sarah 105 , 184, 188, 192 , 201 , 203
Jordan , Henry 139
Jouandot, Brittany I I 0
Jurisich , Richard 162
Kaigler, Hrevie 174
Kai las, Naveen I02 , 194 , 215, 220 , 222
Kaston, Betsy 237
Kaufman, Mark 102
Keeney, Natalie 115 , 226
Keeney , Nicholas 156
Keir, Bill 243
Keir, Linda 237
Kemfack, Angela 178
Kemfack, Damien 162
Kemp , Joshua 174
Khodr , Evan 143
Killian, Alexa 174
Killian , Francesca 162
Kinard , Dustin 168
King , Marguerite 52, 78, 82, 87 , 99 , 188 , 196, 200, 214
King , Spencer 115, 228
Kirkpatrick , Connor 169
Kirkpatrick , Riley 178
Kirschman , Kevin 53, 91 , 214 , 222, 224
Klebba , Lee 220, 238
Kleinschmidt , Morgan 150
Knighten, Jenkins 243
Koppman , Julie 93
Korrapati , Sri 123, 223
Korrapati, Srihari 178
Korrapati, Srinivas 131
Kottemann, Alexandra 162
Kovacs, Jamie 116,138 , 202 , 228
Kraft , Michael 242
Krebs, Kaylie 169
Krishna , Maroshni 124 , I 38 , I 39
Krishna , Rishanth 143
Kwon , Elaine 131, 138 , 139
Kwon , Peter 162
Lafuente , Gariel 162
Lago, Mary-Elizabeth 150
Landers , Blair 53 , 99 , 221
Landry , Hill 174
Landry , Patrick 156
Larkins, Jennie 238
LaRosa , Steven 116, 186 , 223
Launey, Sony 93
Lazes, Scott 124 , 223 , 228
Ledet, Zachary 162
Lee , Jacqueline 138 , 202, 226
Lee , Jaqueline 124
Lee , Stephen 150
Leff, Ben 182
Leff, Benjamin 110
Leff, Mitchell 143
LeGardeur, Adele 124
LeGardeur Jr., Dan ' 68 232
Leone , Jessica 105, 184 , 202
Leone, Joey 54 , 74 , 99 , 194 277
, Clancy 73 , 98 , 99 , 101 ,
, 216,224
Leppo, Julie 238
Lesley , David 238
Levy, Elizabeth 54 , 72 , 74 , 82, 99, 210 , 221
Lind , Warren 238
Little, Elizabeth 238
Littleton, Tim I02 , 190
Loeb, Nicole 99,102,210
Long , Edie 238
Longstreth , Paul I 19, 238
Lopera, Juan 17 5
Lopera , Susana 162
Lottinger, Andrew 156
Loupakos, Anastasia 143 , 224
Loupakos, Dimitri I 02 , 198
Loupakos , Sophia 1 I 0, 184 , 202
Lowe , Alex 138
Lowe, Alexandra 124
Lowe, Casey I 39 , 226
Lozano, Jennifer I 10
Lu , Ellen 162
Lu , Jonathan 98, 99 , 102,186 , 214, 216 , 218 , 220 , 222
Lu, Shaina 163
Lu , Shyue Pyn 98 , 105, 201 , 222
Lumpkin , Blair 124, 225
Lumpkin , Jonathan 150
Lumpkin, Wayne 71 , 233
Lunyong, Alex 169
Lunyong , Macie 131 , 226
Lunyong , Timothy 156
Lusk, Becky 15, 110
Lusk , Benjamin 55
Lusk, Blake 105 , 182
Lyles , R. Brodie 157
Main, David 175
Maise , Edward 243
Malbrough , Jenelle 55 , 78 , 192
Malone , Alison 105, 184
Malone , Kristin 98 , 110, 196 , 219
Manard, Maryclaire 143 , 224
Marmillion , Kayla 124, 223 , 226
Marphis , Charles 243
Marsalis, Jim 86, 238
Martin , Gerald 178
Martin , Leigh 157
Martin, M. William 163
Martin , Nicole 169
Martin, Tyler 116, 139, 223
Martinez , Andrew I 16
Martino, Michael 157
Massey, Carrie D 238
Mathews , James 223
Matthew-Parker , Irene 116 , 224 ,
Matthew-Parker , Katherine 150, 224
Matthews, Andrew I 10,203
Matthews , Christine 157
Matthews, James 132
Matthews, Jamie 138
Maumus, Charles 238
Maurer, Meri 14 , 56, 72, 74, 76, 82, 91 , 98 , 99 , 196 , 216,218 , 221
McCall, Cally 79 , 86 , 98 , 99 , 202, 220
McCall , Jill 98 , 99 , I 05, 192, 202
McCall, Mary 56
McConnell, Ashlynn 150,224
McConnell , Brant 143
McCormick, Brian 116,138,198
McCormick , Janis 223 , 238
McDaniel, Andrew 143 , 224
McDaniel , Elyse 116
McElroy , Aaron 110 , 216
McElroy, Skeye 221
McElroy , Sky 91,190 , 200
McGaw, Wayne 105, 194
McGeehan , Chick 238
McGuire , Andrew 102
McGuire, Michael 186
McHugh, Bill 92
McLaughlin , Stephen 110, 182
McQuaig , Meghan 5, 57 , 73 , 74 , 82, 98 , 99, 196
McQuaig , Will 110 , 203
McQueen , Matt 182
Medina , Eddie I 02 , I 82
Mehra, Anshul 143
Mehra , Lushna I 69
Mehra , Ri shka 178
Melius, Logan 143
Mendez, Juan 57, 75, 77, 82, 98, 99, 194 , 200,216
Mendoza , Samantha 150
Menson, Deborah 238
Micklin , Jacob 163
Micklin , Patti 5, 238
Middelhof, Sebastian J 75
Miller, Steve 98, I 05 , 221
Milner , Brian 124 , 228
Milner , Lauren 124 , 225
Moezzi, Julian 163
Mohrmann , David 105,203
Molaison, George 124
Monier, Alexander 178
Monsour , Hunter I05, I 88, I 90, 216
Montgomery , Kaitlyn 175
Montgomery, Mitchell 163
Mooney, Rex 238
Moore, Christopher 105
Moore , Mason I 69
Moore, Michael 143
Moore, Sean 188, 224
Morales , Ashleigh 116, 226
Morel, Kayla 132, 186, 226
Moriarty, Rachal 239
Mortillaro, Peter 102
Morton, Christopher 169
Moustouka s, Johnny 58, 73 , 74, 82, 98, 99 , I 94
Muller , Don 132 , 138, 186 , 223
Mura, Jennifer IJ2
Murphy , Paulina 163
Murphy , Thomas 169
Mus so, Michael 102,224
Nachman , Rachael 58 , 84, 99, 192, 214
Nair , Ashwin 175
Najolia , April 239
Nanjappa, Meghana 175
National Merit Finalist 98
Navo, Daniel 243
Neilson, Kristin 226
Nicholson , Colin I 16
Nicholson , Courtney I02, I 86 , 202, 214, 218
Nielsen, Kristin 132
Nielsen, Taylor 157
Noemi, Alejandro 157
Noemi, George 144
Nolan , Taylor 99 , 103,220
Noya, Christina 156
Nugent, Julia 144
Nwadei, Ifeanyichukwu 178
O ' Boyle, Charles 99, I 10,203
O ' Brien , Betty 242
O ' Bryon , Jeffrey 116, 228
O'Bryon, Marta Schnabel 232
O ' Bryon , Sara 150 , 224
O ' Donnell , Bonnie 144
O ' Donnell, Joseph 124, 139
O'Dwyer , Gabrielle 179
O'Flynn , Edwina 239
O'Flynn , Julie 239
O'Leary, James 103, 186
Odell, Jack 98 , I 05
Odell, Katie 144 , 224
Odell , Libby 124 , 224
Odell, Richard I 16
Ogunniyi, Adedolapo 150
Ogunniyi , Adeolu 157
Ogunniyi, Dayo 110, 192
Ogunniyi, Doyin 124, 125 , 138 ,
Oklahoma 10
Oliveri , Jason I 05, 225
Olivier, Margaret 59, 9 I , 99, I 88 , 196, 202
Olson, Walker 105
Omidele , Arinola 59 , 72, 87, 196
Omidele , F.T. 138,225
Omidele , Fehintola 116 , 138
Omidele , Fisayo 184
Omidele, Olamide 163
Omidele, Oluwafishayo 105
Opheim, Jorgen I 63
Oqueli, Ashleigh 144
Ordemann, Beau 60, 82 , 99 , 194, 202 , 216
Ortenberg, Carol 60 , 98, 99, 225
Osaretin , Osayumwena 156
Ott, Jeremy 178
Otway, Denny III 232
Owens , Kathryn 150
Owens, Kevin 163
Owens, Michael 163
Pansano, Sarah Beth 124, 125 , 225
Pansano , Susan 239
Parker, Waters 232
Parkman, Jason 239
Patel , Neej 110, 186 , 194 , 202
Patel , Neema 98 , 99 , I IO, 184, 192 , 202
Patterson, Garet 196 , 224
Patterson , Heather 239
Patterson , Margaret I I 0
Patterson, Troy 132 , 139
Pearce, Kathy 239
Pearce, Na than 150
Pearce, Samantha 157
Peck , Katherine 132 , 223 , 225
Peck , Megan 61 , 75 , 79, 82 , 98 , 99, 184,196 , 221
Peres , Jeremy 9 I, I I 0 , 202, 221
Perez , Karla I 05, I 88, 200
Perez, Michael I 06, 194
Perez, Pedro 239
Perret, Margaret G. 239
Perry, Ryan 103, 182
Pescherine, Michael 10
Pettit, Michael 93
Phillips , Brandon 169
Phillips , Hunter 150
Piaz , Juilio 194
Piccolo, Katie 6 I, 72, 75, 99
Pinico , Madison 169
Piper , Cole 110,203
Pittman , Stephenie 233
Podret , Jana 132
Podret, Phillip 116
Polmer , Brenden 91
Ponce de Leon, Oscar I 16
Porter , Dorothy 37 , 71
Power , Kathy 239
Prewitt, Beth 93
Prieur, Morgan 132 , 139 , 226
Prince , Alex 132
Prince, Madison 163
Provance, Deena 124 , 125
Provance, Sarah Beth 138
Provanee, Deena 226
Provenzano, Avery 175
Provenzano, Joey 163
Qui net , Kevin I 32 , I 39
Quinet, Mary 239
Quintal , Becky 98 , 99 , I 03 , I 86 , 214 , 216,220,222
Quintal , Bobby 116, 138, 186, 203 , 223
Rabalais , Julie 14 , 62 , 77 , 82 , 84 , 98, 99 , 184 , 202
Rabin, Brooke I 06, 210, 221
Rachman , Rachael 86
Rally, Literary 139
Ramelli , Rachel 111, 184, 196
Ramos, Charle s 239
Ramsey , Ronald 132, 226
Rao , Ash win 98 , 99 , I06 , 221 , 222
Razza, Jamie 124, 125, 226
Rea, Lillie 62 , 75 , 77 , 99, 215
Recile, Bryan 178
Reed , Dean 186, 239
Reggio, Grant 169
Remsberg , Erica 63 , 73 , 82, 98 , 99 , 215
Resignola , Cheryl 239
Restrepo , Catalina I 16
Reva, Esther 242
Reveley , Charles 124 , 125
Reveley , Nathan 139, 203 , 226
Reynolds , Megan 163
Richard , Marcelle 156
Richard s, Jon 157
Ridley , Blale 156
Ridley, Kyle 133 , 228
Rieveschl , Hayden I 06
Rigdon, Jan 232
Ring, David 239
Ripoll, Clare 133 , 203
Ripoll, Megan I 11, 184, 192, 203
Riso , Ashley 106 , 184 , 202
Riso, Nicole 151
Rivet, Chuck G. 240
Robert s , A lex I03 , 182
Robert s , Connor 151
Roberts, Courtland 163
Roberts , Taylor I 16
Roberts, William 144
Robichaux, Jes s ica I 03 , 186
Robins , David 99 , 111
Roddy , Troy I 82 , I 98 , 240
Rogers, Pam 240
Roohi, Alma 240
Roohi, Brandon 175
Roohi, Madeline 163
Roop , Ashley 144
Rose, Erin 133, 186, 223
Rosenbaum , Bill 240
Rosencrans , Tim 103,182,203 , 220, 225
Rosenthal, Mark I 06 , I 88 , 203, 220
Rothschild, Sarah 144
Rouquette, Amanda 179
Ruello , Michael Ross 144
Rusch , Maggie 188
Rusch , Margaret 116 , 139
Russo , Malinda 63, 73, 87, 192
Ryan, Barbara 240
Saik , Walker 5, 64 , 71 , 74 , 98 , 99 , 188 , 201,216,222
Salomon , Ryan 64 , 182 , 190, 198 ,
202, 221
Salvas, Al 194
Sanchez, Kristina I 03, 184
Sander , Lorraine 243
Sanders , Nick I 16 , 228
Saporito , Chris I 11 , 190 , 198
Saporito , Jerry 232
Saporito , Scott I 03 , I 86 , 221
Sarpy , James 65 , 82 , I 82
Sauer , Christine 240
Savoy, Beverly 242
Scalia , Debbie 240
Scheuermann, Ashleigh 111, 210
Scheuermann , Martina I 16
Scheuremann , Ashley 98
Schlesinger, Priscilla 133, 225
Schlesinger, Spencer 151
Schlesinger , Tia 175
Schmidt , Christine 144
Schmidt, Michelle 124, 125
Schoen , Jonathan I03, 182, 190,
School , House Rock 8
Schuber , Margaret 240
Schweitzer, Shannon 151
Schwertz, Joseph 111 , 188
Scoggin , Philip 175
Scoggin, Stewart 156
Senner , Chris 117 , 227
Senner, Karl I 06, 182
Sevante , Christy 240
Shah, Ravin 163
Sharma, Bharat 117, 228
Sharp , Brittany I 17 , 227
Shaw, Sue 240
Shea , Adam I 03 , I 90 , 215, 220
Sheth , Ankit 117
Shickel, Zachary 151
Shuey , Rachel 117 , 138
Siddiqui, Farhan 65, 221
Siegel, Gloria 240
Silva, Holly 240
Silvas, Al 194
Silvestri, Mia 117
Simoneaux, Colby 175
Simpson , Brandon 66, 98, 99 , 221 , 222
Simpson , Jennifer I06, 196, 202
Simpson , Pat 241
Singh , Guneet 179
Sistrunk, Nicole 11 I , I 86
Skidmore , Sarah 163
Skinner, Amanda 133
Skinner , Katherine 156
Smilari, Michael 144
Smith , Allison 241
Smith , Ben 124 , 125 , 138, 139
Smith, Clyde 241
Smith , Jansen 117 , 225
Smith, Miriam 66, 225
Smith , Pearson 144
Smith , Rebekah 111, 184 , 192
Snodgrass, Chris I06, 198
Snow, Michelle 241
Soloman, Ryan 221
Solomon , Chelsey 175
Solomon, Conway 151
Solomon, Gary 71, I 06, 216 , 219, 224 , 232
Solomon , Sam 124 , 125 , 138, 226
Soto, Andrea I 06, 220
Soto , Danny 98, 220
Soto, Luis 106
Sowery , Jonathon I06
Spindler, Ali I06, 221
Sprague , James W. 241
Stanley, Christine 106,210
Stead , Preston 133
Stedman, Collin 156
Stedman, Meredith 163
Stedman , Ruth 111 , 186 , 196 , 202
Stengel , Dot 241
Stone , Jordan 111 , 188 , 202 , 219
Stout, Jonathan 107 ,182,225
Struppeck, Adam 145
Suazo, Chloe 151
Subramaniam, Ambika 151 , 224
Subramaniam, Venkat 111 , 202, 220, 225
Suleman, Ad nan 117, 225 , 228
Sylvester, Taylor 163
Tastet , Emily 163
Tate, Taylor 156
Taylor, Courtney 175
Taylor, Michelle 145
Tessier, Mark 67, 73, 78, 87, 91, 194
Thompson , Richard 67, 73, 86, 98, 99 , 200,220
Thornton, Charlie 91, 107 , 194
Tiblier, James 111, 151
Tiki a, Robyn 99, I 07, 184 , 202 , 221
Timmerman , Connor 163
Torres, Eli ska 2 I 0
Torres, Tika I 07
Torres , Tourne ' 91 , 99, I 03, 220, 224
Tourelle , Tyler 156
Tregre , Scott 198
Trevino , Linda 241
Tricker , Thomas 179
Trotter, Linda R. 241
Truett , Frances 151
Truett, John 133
Trujillo, Andrew 111
Tufail, Umar I03 , 190
Tufts, James 169
Tuleu, William 124 , 125, 228
Turnbull, Kate 241
Turner, Justin 107,203 , 224
Udott , Amanti 179
Udott, Ifreke 151
Udott , Nsi 111 , 194,202
Udott , Udy 133, 225
Uribe, Gabriela 91, 111
Vail, Jon 117 , 186 ,203,223
Vail, Will 103, 186 , 215
Vallotton , Ariel 169
Vallotton , Zoe 179
Yan der Walt , Christian 145
Yan Horn, Alicia 175
Van Horn, Carter 157
Vaughn, Chester I 45
Vazquez, Eleanor 145 , 224
Yeca , McKenna 175
Viera, Jerry 68 , 86, 98
Vogeler, Anita 241
Vogt, Brett 68, 71, 75, 78, 82, 98, 99, 188, 194, 201, 220, 222
Vogt , Kelsey 117,139 , 226
Vogt, Kerry S. 241
Yosbein , Henry 103
Vu , Alexander 145
Wade, LaTrice 73
Walker , Richmond 151
Ware, Harvey 151
Warren, James 145
Warzeski , Robert 222, 24 I
Washington , Elizabeth 103 , 210
Washington , John 107 , 198
Waters, Ashleigh 151
Waters , Jonathan 163
Waters, Lauren 124 , 125, 138, 139 ,
Watts , Augusta I 03 , 186
Watts, Edward 133
Watts , Rachel 117, 226
Watts, Sarah 5, 69, 73, 74, 82, 85, 98, 99
Weaver , Anne Leigh 169
Weaver , Katherine I I 7, 138 , 202,
Weaver , Matthew 107
Weaver , Michael 133
Webber , Chase 157
Webber, Elizabeth 145
Weeks , David 117
Wegmann, Andrew 91 , I 07
Weidmann, Caroline 226
Weidner, Kathryn 111
Weigand, Elizabeth 69, 75, 99, 225
Weigand, Nick 117, 203
Weigand, Richard 133
Weiss , Joshua 175
Welch, Derek 107 ,2 19
Welch , Megan 139
Welch , Victoria 117, 139 , 226
Wells , June 220 , 241
Wendel, Winifred 241
Werdner, Katie 188
We s tfeldt , Mary Scott 103
Whitbeck , Jessika 133, 225
White , Jack 111
White, Je ssica I 5 , 99 , I 07, 184, 196, 216
White, Mary 242
White, Mitchell 98
White, Rachel 151,224
Whitehead, Sara 145
Wiedemann , Caro 124 , 125,225
Wiedemann, Erika 157
Wiegner, Katie 196
Wiggins, Nikki 157
Wilkinson, Geoffrey I 07, 198
Williams, Bonnie 15, 98, 99, 103, 188 , 196,214,216,218,222
Williams, Kelly 157
Williams, Tom 73
Wilson , Caroline 124 , 125 , 226
Wil son, Jes s ica 107
Wilson, Mariann I03 , 196
Wilson, Meme 242
Wise , Andrew 145
Wise , Jessica 98, 111, 186, 216
Wodard, Matt 194
Wollfarth, Joshua 179
Woo , Joshua 145
Woodard , Allan 233
Woodard, David 70 , 82 , 91, 98,194
Woodard, Matt 91 , 107
Woods-Bozeman, Ashley 235
Woodward, Kristina 157
Wool , Harrison 107 , 220,221,224
Wool , Spencer 111
Yeldell, Lynn 92
Yelverton, Blaine 111, 186
Yelverton, Grant 70, 72, 75, 79, 87, 91, 99 , 224
Yelverton, Lisa 242
Yon , Margaret 145 ,224
Yount , Scott 163
Zemanek,Pat 107,182
Zook, Casey 1 11 , 188, 196
Zubizarreta , Diego 163
Zubizarreta, Isabel 179
Jeb Barr
Jonathan B uring
Jeffery O'Bryon
Kyle Ridley
Nick Sanders
Adnan Suleman
Brian Milner
Chris Humprey
Colin Nicholson
Brittney Hocut
Mia Silvestri
Chris Humphreys
Ankit Sheth
Tyler Martin
Oscar Ponce de Leon
Jamie Kovacs
Brian Flick
Mmichael Gierger
Stephen Borrello
Spencer King
Wheeler Graf
Katherine Burke
Scott Saporito
Julia Groome
Liz Levy
Ryan Salomon
Eric DeRoche
Brandon Simpson
Hayley Hutchinson
Brooke Rabin
Farhan Saddiqui
Brandon Simpson
Tracy Goldblatt-Asst. Editor
Blair Lander-Asst. Edi tor
Katie Piccolo-Editor
Mr. Eze Anomneze-Advisor
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GSt. Martin's Episcopal School Prayer ·I'S-'
racious God, we pray to you for the mission and ministry of St. Martins School. Grant that the members of our community, seeing the image of God in one another, may be guided in the ways of wisdom. May we pursue excellence, unite ourselves in bonds of love and be strengthened in patience, compassion and persistence Increase. 0 Lord, our intellectual curiosity and zeal for learning. Give us the will and strength co do our best.
May we never shrink from that which is difficult, and may we never fail co see an aura of wonder in everything on earth.
Most of all, dear Lord, surround us with your presence, so chat all in the Sc. Martin's community will feel loved and secure. Amen.