GSt. Martin's Episcopal School Prayer~
racious God, we pray co you for the mission and ministry of St. Martins School. Grant chat the members of our community, seeing the image of God in one another, may be guided in the ways of wisdom. May we pursue excellence, unite ourselves in bonds of love and be strengthened in patience, compassion and persistence. Increase. 0 Lord, our intellectual curiosity and zeal for learning. Give us the will and strength to do our best.
May we never shrink from chat which is difficult, and may we never fail to see an aura of wonder in everything on earth
Most of all, dear Lord, surround us with your presence, so chat all in the Sc. Martin's community will feel loved and secure . Amen.
----:::=-----=-~ •SCHOLARSHIP• ST. MARTIN'S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Metairie, Louisiana Volume XXIII 2003 www.stmsaints.com
Mrs. April Najolia
Came to St. Martin's inAugust 1995, however she did not become a part of the Upper School until two and a half years ago when she became the Upper School Secretary. Her position as the Upper School Secretary brings her into daily contact with every high school student and she enjoys knowing and interacting with the students. When Mrs. Najolia is not in school, she is spending time with her three children, Brandon (12), Blake (8), and Olivia (5). Asked what the most dramatic changes she has observed during her time at St. Martin's, she says, "the influx of technology". Mrs. Najolia recalls that when she came to the Upper School, the class of 2003 welcomed her with open arms and this made it easy for her to know the class very well. Mrs. Najolia will continue to be and integral of the St. Martin's community. For your devotion to students, the class of 2003 says thanks you very much.
-Wesley Campbell.
4 Dedication
Dedication 5
Faith, Scholarship
Father Longstregth and a guest Religious offer communion during a chapel service.
Mrs. Kaston's Social Studies class using the mobile internet lap tops.
6 School
Phillip Podret and his Lower School buddy color coins.
Julie Hensen, Colleen Gravely and Jennifer Lozano lend a helping hand on the Habitat for Humanity House.
Caroline Burglass and Will Roberts offer pennies during the St. Martin's day Chapel service.
Elizabeth Crouch, Lauren Waters, Catalina Restrepo and Harrison Wool on St. Martin's Day.
an.d Service
Katherine Honeywell shows off her science design, pull tab opener.
Fra nces Derby, Tim Rosencrans and Jordan Stone during Mr. Preez' Spanish class.
Mart i na Scheuremann, Laura Denny and Becky Lusk get ready to paint.
Harrison Wool leads other acolytes on St. Martin's Day.
Gabriela Uribe carries the St. Martin's banner.
School 7
Middle and Lower School acolytes on St. Martin's Day.
•Ul?Tf 1
Above: Elizabeth Crouch, Ellen Cunningham and Sarah Beth Panasano show their school spirit.
Top left: Father Sprague leads the chapel service on St. Martin's Day
Right: Junior Sarah Jones lends a helping hand in the Lower School.
Below: Little angels during the Lower School Christmas program.
Above: Father Longstreth and Mrs . Godchaux dress up for the eight grade Elizabethen Day.
Left: Lauren Waters helps Courtney Alexander and Ifeanyi Nwadei on St. Martin's Day.
10 School Pla y
1) Seth Babin and Christopher Flowers face off over their common love.
2)Queen and King-Beth Washington and Markham Bradburn
3 2
3 )Fairies:(left-right) Prissy Schlesinger, Lauren Milner, Jasmine George, Ambika Subramaniam and Sara O ' Bryon
Seth Babin is the crossed lover
Clancy Fink plays Tatania
Justin Turner - The Playwright
Stage workers Celeste Block and Matthew Campbell
)Nathan Reveley must make his point to Ambika Subramaniam.
2)The Mechanicals-Dr. Ramos, Brian Bell, Ms. Coker and Will McQuaig.
3)The Dueling Fairies: Clancy Fink and Sean Moore.
4)The Elves (left to right): Joel Derby, Garrett Casey, Chet Vaughn, Alex Lawhon, Nathan Reveley and Michael Moore.
Michael Musso performing
Helena is Emily Fransen
Markham Bradburn backstage
Stage manager Courtney Block at work
3 4 S chool Pla y 11
Below: Caroline Wilson and Libby Odell dress up as Mexican on the "Day ofthe Dead"
l2 School
Above: Some Middle School faculty pose for a group photo during a Middle School dance
Right: Ana Loupakos getting a makeup from Ms. Vogeler on Asia Day.
Right: Mr. and Mrs. Dressel and their pet during the blessing of the animals.
Some Lower Schoolers collaborate with the Middle School during the production of Annie. Photos on this page show the cast during the play.
School 13
Above: Senior Seth Babin as Orin Scrivello performs dentistry on junior Brian Bell as Seymour Krelbron.
Below: Janelle Duhon, Beth Washington , Sean Moore , Skye Eiswirth and Will McQuaig are common citizzens.
Above: Seniors Emily Estes and Amilia Gariepy at as bums on the street.
Below: The technical crew in the booth. M s. Coker, Mitchell White and Lauren Milner.
14 School Play
Right: Brian Bell (Seymour Krelborn), Tourne Toures (Audrey) and Michael Musso (Mr. Mushnik) gaze at the magnificant "Audrey II".
Center left: Seth Babin (Orin Scrivello) and Brain Bell square off over Audrey I and Audrey II.
Center Right: The Ronnettes (Clancy Fink, Cristina Campo and Hayley Hutchison) strike a pose at the end of a song.
Below left: Stephen Adams (1st customer) talks about the great plant with Brain Bell.
Below right: Drew McGuire and Sadiha Ahmed act as bag beggers.
School Play 15
?J Ashley Conroy
Skye Eiswirth
16 Homecoming Bonnie Williams
Beth Washington
Hayley Hutchison Riso
Elise Bordson-Bozzo
Kelsey Vogt Hom eco ming 17
Brooke Conroy
St. Martin's Saints vs. Fisher Gators
Left (from left to right): Sadiha Ahmed, Emily Crotty, Jonathan Barrett, Jonathan Lu , Adam Shea, Jason Fleming, Clancy Fink, Nicole Chopin, Amelia Gariepy, and Emily Estes relax in Saints Hall.
Below: Mariann Wilson, one of the homecoming angels , showing off her school spirit.
Above: Quarterback Brad Collins doing his thing on the football field.
18 Homecoming
Right: StM Footballers Brad Collins and Jonathan Burke at work.
Saints Guillotine Gators or did they?
Homecoming this year started with the customary hall decorations. This year the decorations were themed on decades. The Freshmen rocked back to the '50s, the Sophomores grooved through the '80s, the Juniors recalled everybody's memories of the '70s with pictures of our beloved teachers from that decade, and the Seniors left no stone unturned with the '20s BC.
The Game was on a soggy evening, however the spirit was far from dampened as the rain fell. The team played valiantly even though three of the best players were injured-Cooper Johnston (wide receiver), Jonathan Burke (running back), and Thomas Favrot (line backer). The game drew to an end with a heartbreaking, but very memorably drippy, loss of 7-17.
-Wesley Campbell
Below: Homecoming Court members Ashley Riso, Hayley Hutchison, Ashley Conroy, Bonnie Williams, Beth Washington, Skye Eiswirth, Jessica White , Brooke Conroy, Elise Bordson-Bozzo and Kelsey Vogt.
Above: The Middle School cheerleaders prepare to support the team. From left to right: Lauren Milner, Kayla Marmillion, Blake Johnston , Sarah Beth Pansano, Shannon English-Rhoden, Lauren Waters and (below) Megan Dodge.
Pictures above: Senior court members and their fathers, clockwise: Bonnie Williams, Beth Washington, Skye Eiswirth and Ashley Conroy.
Above: Elise Bordson-Bozzo and sister Alyson take shelter in the Adkerson Gym foyer.
Homecoming 19
Ho co n-iing n, e
During Homecoming Week, it is customary for each class to choose a theme. The Sunday before Homecoming Week, each class has two hours to decorate a section of the hallway in accordance with their theme. On the Wednesday before the Homecoming game, everyone dresses up to reflect the theme chosen by their grade. This tradition is a fun way to celebrate our school spirit.
Middle picture : The Left: Skye Eiswirth, Freshmen
Tourne' Torres, the '50s . Claire Courtney Nicholson, Bruton, Anastasia Clancy Fink and Apostolos, Brittany Leslie Gieger take Sharp, Ashley time out of thier busy Greenstein & Martina lunch to pose in Saints Scheuermann Hall.
Below, The senion; have the Left: The Junior Class has a stone age . Olga lvanova ,
20 Homecoming
theme is
theme of the ' 70s . Drew Hill, Heather Boos, Mary Scott Derek Welch, Brad Blanchard , Westfeldt , Kristina Sanchez , Jessica Leone and Wayne Michael Musso and John McGaw are back in the '70. Baker.
Above: Seniors Janell~ M · n Wil- Duhon and anan son are dresed as cave women for their theme.
· and Left: Amelia Gariepy Mariann Wilson, Homecoming angels, run through the crowd.
Right: Senior devils, Adam Shea and Peterson Harter, cool things down with squirt guns.
It's Britney Spears!!
Senior cheerleaders rock!
I..:> Look at that
Homecoming 21
Peter Mortillaro makes quite a cave man.
Homecoming Dance
"Say Cheese"
(Brittany Gow/and and Lisel/e deBoisblanc)
Bonnie Williams and Skye Eiswirth smile for the camera.
"Ooooh yeah"
22 Homecoming
(Blake Lusk and Jessica White)
"I wish I could have those glasses"
(Mariann Wilson, Jessica Robichaux, Janelle Duhon, Olga Jvanova, Clancy Fink and Amelia Gariepy)
"light as a feather, stiff as a board"
(Blake Duplass , Jonathan Lu and Adam Shea)
"smile, you're on candid camera"
(Jessica Wilson, Shyue Pyn Lu and Sarah Foley)
"Dance Freshman Dance"
(Martina Scheuermann)
"We're Dating!"
(Aaron Hyatt and Katie Mozier)
" I'm hard core, I swear"
( Chris Snodgrass, Dimitri Loupakos and Karl Senner)
This year's Homecoming dance took place on Saturday, October 26, 2002. It was a great success due to the excellent participation of students and faculty. A DJ gave us loud music for everyone to dance to. The highlight of the evening was when Thomas Favrot and Peterson Harter crowned Ashley Conroy the new Queen. Everyone had a great night.
dances with our new Homecom-
Freshmen Rock
Kenner for life
"Waaasup ?"
(With an StM guest and Blake Duplass)
"Looking good"
Homecoming court after their presentation
(Heather Boos, Kristin Howard, Ashley Conroy, Becky Quintal)
(Leah Phi/lips, Terri Lorden and Ke//y Martinez)
(Ashleigh Morales & Ashleigh Scheuermann)
Homecoming 23
(Below: Scott Harris and Peterson Harter)
STM DAY 2002
24 St. Martin's Day
Below Left: Seniors Michael Musso and Leslie Gieger straddle their way to victory! Below Middle: Caroline Bland enjoys her donut on snack day. Far Right: Seniors Janelle Duhon and Mariann Wilson plan their futures in parenting.
Above Left: Senior Emily Estes and her buddies, Jaclyn Murphy and ' Ashley Bossier pose for a shot. Above Middle: Joe Hagensee re cieves communionfromMrs. Scalia. Above Right: Emily Crotty and her STM Day Buddy , Sarah du Plantier, buddy up!
Far Left: Dr. War zes ki's senior advisory with their Kindergarten buddies. Picture below: Senior Heather Boos and Kinde rgart en friends, left to right: Heather Labra , Bonnie Cash, Heath e r and Angela Kemfa c k.
Fritchie , Harris Diano, Karl Senner and Blake Lusk snack with their Lower School buddies.
Below: Mrs. Vogt, Austin White and
Colin Brown during the St. Martin's Day service.
Right: Sophomore Gare/ Patterson and junior Michael Perez
Left: Adler Hyatt and his STM day buddy Max Gaudin enjoying the STM day.
Below Left: Lower School students Margaret, Anna , Melinda and
Rachel, during one of the day's activitites.
Below: Senior Ashley Conroy eats a donut with her buddy Nicole Guidry.
Day 25
St. Martin's
Far left: Simone Baldwin and Zoe Vallotton.
Left: Elizabeth Crouch and her buddy Katie Conners.
Miss Janet, Laine Farber, Erin Bahn and Brittany Gowland on STM Day.
Left: Nick Hee and his buddies, Tyler Dean and DeanMichael Elazab.
Far left: Brad Blanchard and his buddy Otway Denny on the Lower School breezeway.
Left: Anne Leigh Weaver, Caroline Burglass and Shannon O'Malley.
Far left: Eleanor Vazquez and Meghana Nanjappa smile near the Lower School quad.
Left: Vince Fouchi, Brandon Wilson, and Aleks Vogel.
26 St. Martin 's Day
Random photos of students on St. Martin's Day. Clockwise, starting from the top left comer: 1) Max Champaign-Bassett drops his red ball. 2) Ashton Guyton and Tyler Davis run with balanced tennis balls. 3) Mr. Lind observes Jordan Harry during a game. 4) Maverick Hamilton runs with a balanced tennis ball. 5) Elise Bordson-Bozzo and Stephanie Bossier "eat" lunch on STM Day.
6) Katie Woo and Kenan Murphy play patticake. 7) Below: David Bremermann and Jack Hurley run with balloons. 8) Damien Kemfack, Christopher Cabral, Isabel Zubizaretta, Rivers Bruce and Olivia Celata serve during the chapel service. 9) Amanda Gilbert and Daniel Campbell doing the hulahoop. 10) Amanti Udott at play in the Lower School quad.
Day 27
St. Martin's
-rhe Faces
~--IVI 3 4 28 St. Martin ' s Day
Picture 1: Katherine Peck, Sarah Lawhon and Amanda Skinner
Picture 2: Cammy Watts, Mariann Wilson and Heather Boos.
Picture 3: Amira Khalil and Ashleigh Scheuermann and their little buddies, Jessi D'Amico and Jenni Hughes.
Picture 4: Katherine Woo and Jane Ball show their awesome faces.
Kathryn Favoloro
Lord Byron Cannon
Damien Kemfack collects Pennies
Michael Perez & Amy Evans
Clancy Fink
5 2
Caroline Wilson & Emily Bryan
Picture 1: Chris Giambelluca, Timothy Lunyong, !bi Green, Brittany Sharp and Michael Smallpage Picture 2: Zachary Israel and Alex Monier.
Day 29
Picture 3: 3rd graders getting ready for games Picture 4: Ashley Conroy, Thomas Favrot and Adam Shea. Picture 5: Allison Baird, Danzel Kaigler, Jessica Wise and Anna-Marie Coons.
A: Andrew Lottinger, Ibi Green and Daniel Campbell show their enthusiasm for their Christmas Program.
B: Justin Brown-Gnarra sings a solo during the Lower School Christmas Program
C: Khowa Agbojo and Angela Kemfack look adorable during the Kindergaten and Prekinderarten Christmas program.
D. Kindergarteners watch their fellow students perform during the Christmas Program.
E: That's it folks, the entire fourth and fifth grades!
F: Another group of Kindergarteners performing a song druing their program.
G: Nicholas Keeney, a shepherd in the Christmas Program, poses for a photo.
H: Jasmin Frisk introduces the next group of students at the Kindergaten Christmas program.
I: A group of first and second graders sing during 1st to 3rd grades Christmas Program.
30 Holiday at STM
Christmas at St. Martin's
handler are angels in the k Buhler, Jason Bremerman, li, Bryce Vazquez and Jack Brown portray the other traditional roles in the Nativity.
K: The Hand bell Choir performing during one of the StM Christmas Programs.
Holiday at STM 31
A: ClareRipoll,MorganPrieur, Jena Mura, Jessica Baer, and Jessika Whitbeck enjoy candy and time with their friends at the holiday themed breakfast.
B: Santa welcomes the Upper School to the Senior Favorites Christmas Chapel.
C: A group of Middle Schoolers during their chapel service
D: Branson Bennett, Wiliam DePass, Ben Smith, Matthew Campbell, Kyle Anderson, Brian Milner and John Kondylopoulos show their holiday cheer at breakfast.
E: Margaret Bruton dresses up as Santa Claus for the seventh grade production of "A Cajun Night Before Christmas."
F: Father Sprague is giving the final blessing before Christmas break.
G: DJ Bremermann and Moustafa Khalil play animals in "A Cajun Night Before Christmas."
H: Seniors Kristin Howard, Leslie Gieger, Emily Estes, and Amerlia Gariepy cheer as they watch their classmates recieve their certificates for being voted as senior favorite in different categories.
I: Hunter Monsour and Harrison Wool are 'Santa's Helpers' at the Senior Favorites Christmas Chapel.
J: Kokum Green, Will Roberts, Chet Vaughn, Garrett Casey, Andrew McDaniel, Matt Higgins, Alex Lawhon, and Mitch Leff enjoy time with each other before leaving for Christmas break.
32 Holiday at STM
. 9iJ/uiJnlflJJ
Holiday at STM 33
J!/rJU; ~)ondet{td
Above: Amelia Gariepy is an angel at the Homecoming Pep Rally.
Top right: Sadiha Ahmed, Emily Estes, Peter Mortillaro, Courtney Nicholson and Clancy Fink travel back to the Stone-Age.
Right: Mariann Wilson, Janelle Duhon, and Becky Quintal relax in the quad.
Below: Peterson Harter and Thomas Favrot crown Ashley Conroy as Homecoming Queeen while Beth Washington looks on.
Above: Naveen Kailas and Casey Vosbein make sandwitches on Senior Leadership Day.
Left: Toume' Torres, Leslie Gieger and Ameila Gariepy take a snooze during class.
36 Sen iors
We are the kids your
parents warned you about I"
Seniors 37
Schools are places of beginnings and endings, and your recent graduation had a bit of both. The ending involved was a bit clearer and more definitive. May 30, 2003, marked the conclusion of your careers as St. Martin's- a moment that brought feelings of accomplishment, relief and sheer joy (the various motivations for that latter emotion will go unexamined in this message!). And, while we traditionally refer to the graduation ceremony as commencement, the exact life path that now begins is not nearly so clear as the one you have just trod at St. Martin's. The infallibility of hindsight has long since been duly noted.
While each of you has clarity about the next academic destination, so much else is not so clear. As a result anxiety may replace joy as you confront the future, but have faith that this time is ripe with possibility. I pray that dreams come true for you in the days ahead. Whether you have a desire to share the good news of dreams that have come true or a need to find some wise and empathetic guidance when you may have wandered from the path of faith, scholarship and service, rest assured that there will always be people at St. Martin's Episcopal School ready to lend an ear. Our concern for you certainly did not stop when you left the stage at McAllister Auditorium on that Friday graduation evening. In that sense your relationship with St. Martin's is certainly not intended to have ended.
The issue of daily prayer has been the stuff of lively discussion during your high school years. That conversation has been fruitful and enlivening in the main. I unabashedly hope that you develop the habit of reflection and prayer in your lives after you leave us. We pray not to get God's attention for our concerns, but to remind us to pay attention to the eternal dimensions of the lives we lead one day at a time. Above all we can be consoled that no matter what we do or where we go, God is faithful. Called or not called, God will be there.
With esteem and affection, c4(?~
10 the c:;1ass of 2CJCJ~:
"The pain of leaving those you grow to love is only the prelude to understanding yourself and others."
-Shirley MacLaine
"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning."
- Ivy Baker Priest
Se niors 39
Leo P. Dressel President
Head of School
f (}<)~J-9003
" If you want to see a good comic str ip, then you should watc h me in the s hower"
- Groucho Marx
"T h is is one of those times when on ly she knows she is kidding"
- Lauren Gibbs "Hubba Hubba"
- Mr. Eze
Grayton Beach, thnx AG Argy le Bichup Steve L Tag MardiGras 2002 w / SE , 01 , PE, SM , NP Horse Georg & Mano l i Graham Green & the Destructors Bunch O'Bananas with EE&JM Ms. Beckman ' s advisory FamilyFest 1999 nose ring I st Period PE Palace ofFun @ AG&CG Harry Potti Physics Study group with SE , CF , CN DMF AM Scottis h Baglady Toni
Braxton w / JD Homecoming game'02 - the rain Fudpuckers fight - no Starbucks "Save the Dolphins" Charlie DeRoche's F r e n c h
Class Zoolander Vortex Habitat w/LG and Rex Brownie loves White Choco late Web Pubw/MW, EC , LG&JB Clay
Class w/Sauer. Hot Cop w / LG 2 Art History Study group w/B W ,JD&C W Senior year Bday parties Freddie Prinze Jr. is Hott, so is Jason Thanks to all those who considered me a friend love ya ' ll and will miss ya'!! a lot!
fillrJfffl sfld(1f,lo
"A little science estranges a man from God. A lot of science brings him back."
- Francis Bacon
"The race is not to the swift, or the battle to the strong , nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance overtake them all."
- Ecclesiastes 9: I I "Though this be madness, yet there be method to it. "
- Polonius , Hamlet Finis Ecce Laborum!
We're the Reeeeeeeeemans!. Look! Anothe r Vergilian Acc ident! Hey , new kid!. the yankee from Ohio? boys are stupid , girls are mean veris imilitude PARTY @ DRAM'S Taylor: T he Musical Let ' s pus h it into the ocean and set it on fire! LYAP2K3
Human itiesSurv i vor .. . omphaloskeps is Mementote
Rema n orum! Thank you Mom and Dad for all your encouragement and love, and thank yo u David and Joe for all your support. T hank you God, most of all.
Tenn is 1,2,3,4 , Captain (4); Crosscountry 3 ,4 ; Soccer 3 ,4 , State Champions (3 ), Captain (4); Qu izbow l 2,3,4 , Captain (3,4); Louisiana Boy's State; Eagle Scout; Nat iona l Honor Society 3,4; Habitat for Humanity 2,3 ,4; Lillie Shop of Horrors 4.
40 Seniors
1 C)C)(J_}Q0 3
guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love. Thanks mom, dad, sisters and St. Martins.
f (J(JC)_}QQ ]
" He who joyfull y marches in rank and file has alre a dy earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake , since for him the spinal cord would suffice. "
-Albert Einstein
" Men of genius are admired. Men of wealth are envied Men of power are feared. But only men of character are trusted. "
- Arthur Friedman
Se ni o rs 41
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's care may drive us, Her teaching will there to ... 6mily Slli1m1xJ!t
ru playing mp wout me . .. 1nr. nasty ... camel. . . shagin ' wagin ' .. . ted . .. bar hopping buds ... spy girls . . . bff. .. cherry bomb ... savior . .. loa girls ... the herd kob fqw / r . aboleen . . . lil ' bit. .. b3 .. . montreat. twigitty in the jungle shh shh keep it down char dancing kt bz jz mumu erin holly I bore you brandens bzsappt. ddffsundaa us49 ? concert from the plant. pjs piercings why am I wet. Millsaps 9-11 the twins " today has been a good day nothing bad happened" exam break( mg) lunch
dfotlalliatl !iBaiielI
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's care may drive us, Her teaching will there to
guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love. Thanks Mom, Dad and St. Martin's.
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin
"You only live once , but if you work it right, once is enough."
- Joe Lewis
2 years al Rummel, accomplished nothing RHP Mr. President Sunshine(MM) Penguin(LG) Bird(CC) Tree(JB) Air(SE) Bum(JS) Ski vies Gulf Shores '02 w/ JS & RF MIB w/ JS Texas 49 - Tulane 0 Jazzland "Party on the Northshore" the 8 couples Stage Crew Hey sport, what's up? (BB) Survival of the fittest Racing on Earhart w/JB the " lude"(UT) "The risk dance" Beating Grand Isle in B-Ball Conq uering Sumner. Twister w/LG Football party ' OI Muddy Socks Girl (SJ) Smiley(KP) Webster's Wafting Biology w/ DM Now Ya'll (Mrs.Greer) Science Olympiad Bench Buddies w/ JS, NA,DR 8 years of friendship w/ MM we have many grea t memories, good luck at CMU Good luck to everyone in the class of'03 Thanks Mom and Dad for all your support love you both very much Next Stop USA
Basketball 2,3,4; Golf 2; Cross Coun try 2,3; Science Olympiad 4; Sierra C lub 2,3; Admissions C lub 4;.
42 Seniors
" You tried your best, and you failed miserably The lesson is, never try."
- Homer Simpson
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off
" I got a lot of living to before I die , and I aint got time to waste" - 50 Cent (Wankster, 8 Mile Soudtrack)
Holla at ya boy CDS25-STM34 What? Braggin Rights Forever. " Till I collapse " puking on kid CD game 8.O.S.S Burzerk T-Bell " l ' ve got places to go I' ve got people to see " Rillafied Cuban Destin ' 02 Daly The TRJO MLee Disney '03 R.1.P. MERLIN Mizzissippi MLK wked Jet Sking wegotano Da Stang Biggie Team NoS merge w/ Team Education citta style l'I H Disney
J8' h 8-day Mandy 2/16 / 02
Fort Yukon Barrett ate Europe '02 Suga The DreamTeam
Eminem Lake Mardi Gras ' 03 Tricouncil Scrilla
Fu mar I Haaaattttteee
Stubbi Coolio " forced retirement" TU bound Thanks Mom and Dad for the love and support. Peace out playas
Football 1, 2 ,4 All - state Academic 4 Basketball 1,2 Track and Field 1,2,3,4.
"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere"
- Tim Mcgraw
" Too many tears to count , enough smiles to remember"
- Beth
LunchLeavew/KH , TF Freshmanlnitiation(l ,4) FarmWreck PH , KS , JF , DH
Robert Earl Keen(Happy I 7!) Centerfield BloodyMarys@Mary ' s HarborSurprise!
KH Destin SB( 1, 2 , 3 , 4) JazzFest w / KR OT/DH HeyGirlsKH
BacchusBall (2,3 ,4)home @ I Oam oilwrestling @ Boot. PatGreen Sneakout KHouse House Party( I 0brokenglasses , 2flattires) HotelQuintal
DJpantryCWSweet I 6(DH) Prom(2) Clay'sHouseHour Power
Prom(3)BusBaySt Louis K&B Homecoming(4) lbottleKH Cheer
Bus flgHtLG bubbles crack Pete ' s Garage Nelly Hessmer Halloween
Babies Outlatew / MSW , AC BW'sParties " YoHo " MSW @ Tux Condo
Drinks / PH , MS W BW twins
AC Destin Chicks 341
CincoDeMayo BEAST
PierDH Fly Car Pushing
KH , KS,AC Trash CanPunch
Turquoise Room KH, BW , KS , BQ , MSW , AC -Best friends in the world, I ' II miss you guys! Mom and Dad I love ya ' II thanks for everything!
Cheerleading(l ,2,3,4); SpiritClub(3 ,4)
Seniors 43
Cfi5oadney Cfi5/iawal
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's care may drive us, Her teaching will there to
guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love. Thanks mom, dad and St. Martins.
Cfi5wlina Cfi5am;w 1988-9003
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."
- Yoda
"If you are going through hell, keep going."
- Sir Winston Churchill
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
- Albert Einste in
BeRandom! "TeamNOS" CIAS 88 DT Destin MardiGras
"WhatchaDoin?" Sweetness Lakefront. KentSt. Tri a Farm
Driving CafeFresca Bravo's Astor hotel. AudobunClub Coconut Beach Craw fish LittleShop Of Horrors DeadOrAlive
BigBooty Blake
scaraudio Lu's Campaign
Gibberish Mandeville
&Covington ... 3am Bowling
La teN i gh tGrocery
StStanislaus Homecoming
Wood lands.. Sophmore
Prom "ThePerfect
Height" "SugieBoogie"
... Street BikinglnTheRain ...
Arkansas ... New York ... The Cruise
44 Seniors
"No society can be of value to man's life if the price is the surrender of his right to his life."
- Ayn Rand (The Virtue of Selfishness)
·'All events in the past happened at the times and places stated: all those set in the future are possible. And one is certain. Sooner or later we wi ll meet Kali"
- Arthur C. Clarke (The Hammer of God)
" I may err- I am but man; but I believe in all I do."
- Dr. Van Helsing (Dracula, Bram Stoker)
"Life was such a wheel that no man could stand upon it for long. And it always, at the end, came round to the same place again."
- Stephen King (The Stand)
"' Why," whispered Smith, disappointed, "there's no one here at all, is there? No one here at all."'
- Ray Bradbury (The Exiles)
"Let me pray that , if I do not survive this manuscript , my executors may put caution before audacity and see that it meets no other eye. "
- H.P. Lovecraft
"'Perhaps how wonderful!
Think, that for all time, all conflicts are finally evitable. Only the Machines , from now on, are inevitable!"
- Isaac Asimov
Cross Country 1,2; Soccer 1,2; Track and Field 1,2; Lyre 1,4; Halo 1,2; Key C lub I
@Alrxle q;Jflf[llfl
f CJ88-f C)CJ51 )000-)003
the bus creepy Allen northshore club hanging out at starbucks banana twins (NC and AG) NAC - civics honors the dumb award martijn's house my freshman CT code names w/ CC and SE chi lien in MS with CC liljohnnie baker. "monkey lovin" (MR) hola Jaime (MM) "that was random" (OM) Blue Bayou/Jazzland trips ... shh! (JS) ... Halloween 2001 ... O-Syndrome chick ... tung chow chicken leopard shoes web pub w/ AO PT Crusier. llama blanket. after-parties massage chair neck jobs makin pot (JB) MFL couches Oays lnn lakefront w/ OM hot tub crackmart ... bowling ... SSA spelled backward (CW) ... the lost kitty in OM's car. .. limo rides "how old do you have to be, I'm23"(CC) smoothie trips w/ OM BUO ... 8O is so cheesey ... Seafood/Hurriane Fest. "you know your ghetto when"
167 ... deathstar (AR) ... team nos CC'sgerman man handler ... "sleezeball !" (CC) CC's window LU's campaign senoraJu I ia (CG) hanging out at the Y ... fishing w/ OM ... my affair w/ OM "Im a man" (OM) .I WILL STILL LOVE YOU ON MONDAY!
Seniors 45
JA1idey Cfifonwy 1989!?003
" I wa nt to soak up life for a w hil e , in laid back mode , No boss, no clock, n o stress, no dress code. "
- Kenny C hes ney
"I have com mon sense, I just c hoose to ig nore it. "
- Ca lv in a nd Hob bes
1-lurricaneParties ReckingSS 'sgolfcart( 2) TurquoiseRoom(3) V's @ Clay's AC, Stop B e i n gA S -MSW BM a ri es @ M ary' s N oCover Ba th roomK H, MSW DestinClosets-MSW Sneak in gOutKH BW @ RobEarlKeen SuperiorGri ll Sta lkin g-SW Hessmer Levy ( I ) Fresh( nit i at ion ( I , 4) FU fa mi I y g r o up - K H, KS Superb ow I -
MSW, TF Tras h ca n Punch F ly FootBal IGa m es???-KS Prom BusPassouts(3)
KS ' s BDay @ Lu ckyC han g ' s Phoebes BayStLouis Pi keTruck-BQ Runn in g
OverPeop le-H B,TF "G i veMeAH u g " -CV Halloween Babies.. ReckinMS W'sCarMS Mardi Gras Troub les(l,2,3,4) Swee t1 6 Limo Fa llin DownSta ir s Reck in MS W'sCar-MS 3-KH , MS W PH ' sGarage(3,4)
NewYear'03 - BW , HB. Ja zz
Fes tW / KR( I) Doorbel I s @ 4am T heBoot Stea lin St.S igns
JumpinOffRoof @ Msw ' s
DirtyConvos @ Break W/ KH , KS, HB , BW , MSW,BQ , SS,TF , CV, PH Mom, Dad , & Fam il y- I cou ldn ' t have done it w/ o ut yo u. Broo ke - Be good , but not too good!
I love y ' a ll So long STM!!!
Vo lle yba ll ( 1,2 ,3,4), CoCaptain (4 ), A ll District (3 ,4) , All State (4).
Track ( 1, 2 State). Fre nch C lub (2 , 3,4). Key C lub( 1,2) Homecomin g Cour t (3,4 Queen)
0mily Cfifw/ ly
" Ontoge ny recapitul ates phylogeny DUH'" - Dr. David Lesley
"It is better to li g ht a cand le th a n to c urse the darkness. "
- Bill S hma g h e ti
" The difference between the ri g ht wor d and a lm ost the right wo rd is the difference between li ght nin g and a lightnin g bug."
- Mark Twain
Hauss Em S nak e- hi ss hi ss WEEHA! did you just ca ll me a bafoon? s hufflin g buffa lo Jacques dans la boite hi e r so ir pour qui Spri n g Break ' 02 w ith the gi rl s and Capt C huck F udpucke rs fight-yeah Starbucks!(SA) kiss me , I ' m c hiri sh effi ng in structions 8 h ours = n ew record ! ha ve that sa me shirt , but n o sp in th e phon e c hocolate covered oreos 2/ 28 = the worst ni g ht ever Hubba Hubba-Eze nights o ut w ith 0 1, CW ,
MW ,JD CheepCheep Kov good/ bad Emi l y theAsian connection the Swoop Bacc hu s 03
parties S n a keandC I a mm y.
Shmaghetis Cra ig Kilborn night.. fi g pluckers in red and ye llo w lea th er.. thank s Mom, Dad , and Lindsay for everyt hin g yo u 've done I appreciate it more than you know I lo ve ya ll adam-thanks for a ll the good times to the ga ls - a h , the times we had 1'11 mi ss ya ll good times, good times Track
; Survived
46 Seniors
Fri sbee 4; NHS 3 ,4(Pres)
AP Bio 4; Being
1, 2,3 ,4
1, 2,3 ,
Vo ll ey b a ll
pt) ; Soccer S tar
"We all take different paths in life , but no matter where we go, we take a little of eac h other everywhere"
-Tim McGraw
"Crazy friends provide for crazy time s and crazy times we've had "
- Neil Young
Jan Norco padu Probe TheYilla cHeAp Destin03 MardiGras boot.. J immys waldos ju stCA LLmeP-CW TNrpst H Cw/To n y&Carmel lo StateRnrups H urrFesl PatGreen02 BQ-clothesTW IN J ROdonjuan ROOTH allOurDestructionKB DAD curfew? NorthshorePartiesB W i sT h i sF AFSA (mr.)J IM Nati Light. enuffDOC theToe I wasntTH EREM W
DHSafterProm @ BBW Cutlass HoffJMP.. GDN ! Bacchus03 fakenbake.. discvrBW weekends@LSU pintobeans S T R ETC H &co Al. MKnasty CALLS yeahDALY CUTsOwnHa irw / SSRS? DMgumbo lam so canUtell?. chillbeast "theface" ponce whoUcallinAho OLGER fanclub 28MW.
HOT bi I ly DEW A R6thprd .REMEDIAL sa l saCLUB
anyways yeah fake ID!.
verynice REX SH Sc / 099goodtimes S Iw / MW fatarm
I LuvUgA LS :M WCW Mom &Dad: I love YouNoOneBetterThan
h a ngN th ereS ON! ho 11 y(an
ti)B EGOOD ! Chase-B EST2yrs
Swimming I ,2,3,4;Cap .4 ,StateR unn e r Ups 4; Soccer 2, 4; So ft b a 113 , 4; OpenStudyH a114; Homecomin g Cheerle ader4;SalsaClubYP; clubs
SlJiendan @aly 1CJ89Y003
"Our generation sees the world not the same as before we might as well just throw it all and live like there 's no tomorrow "
-The Offspring
~' I' m normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!"
-Homer Jay Simpson
" I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will gel you through life. # I: Cover for me. # 2: Oh, good idea , Boss! # 3: It was like that when I got here :·
- Homer Jay Simpson
Destin 2K2 Colorado02-03 Bling Bling Ring Team NOS Style Snuggles XBOX
Projector Style JB's Burnouts JB's Temper. RP 's Brownies BD's Shirtless RP 's Stupid Sayings She Likes Me I Know PM's House English Movies With EM Yeah Janelle M3 Cruising UT's Pecs EM's Houston Girls Northshore Girls The Untapped Resource Deuce Komradz D Line Pride Joke Time EM's Denver Consp irac y Theory ExpressTrain
JL's Rice RealMenDrive
Sticks Porsche(Restln Pieces)
Lakefront Cruising MD's Famous Sayings and Amazing Drivin g Skills CD Game 34-25 Bragging Rights Forever!
Football 1,2,3,4,Captain Football
All District Honorable Mention
3,4 Football All State Academic
Team Nokia Sugarbowl Scholar
Athlete National Honor Society.. I " Place Economics District Rally .4'h Place Economics State Rally Honor Roll 1, 2,3,4 National Merit Scholar Honorable
Seniors 4 7
Eillul 0.iJJt/li
1 C)<)<J-J003
" If good times nev er came to an end, there would be no good times"
-Brian McCormick
"S how me that smile again. Don ' twaste another minute on your crying. We ' re nowhere near the end, the best is ready to be g in "
-Growing Pains
Missing U so badly RS SA ma ss ive fish attak SD AS ' s hand stuck in cup holder study weekends @ Starbucks SA CF CN Spring Break 02 Mardi Gras 02 SA 01 PE SM NP Fartspray / backdoor horse Sunburn Awards Total Eclipse ofthe Heart SA AG EE TT Karaoke DM Spin the Bubbles Blind Woman DL SA SA bf officer meetings Raining HC game Bubble space walk State XC-Hotard Bathroom & Tennis, Meet the Parents Blarin classical DS Mars smeln $ drive-bys Graham Green and the Destructors physic sH catch phrase birthdays temporary insanity dancN SA AG
EE TT thanks for the memories. Mom & Dad , thanks for everything. Pre s ton & April, enjoy high schoolitends too fast. Good Luck Clayton!
I © U all 1 Tulane Bound!
XC-1 , 2-M I P,3-manager,4-M IP; Tennis 2 , 3,4-captain; Basketball , I; Softball I ; Admissions club 2,3,4-VP; Sierra Club 2 , 3,4; Key club 3; Science Olympiad 4; Class Secretary 4; Girls State 3; Homecoming Court 3,4; NHS 3,4 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3, 4 ; NHR4; play4; Superior interp. reading- Span 2,3
[11ak ?lJtfd{JM
1 CJ CJ 1-JOO3
"Some days wouldn't be special, if it wasn 't for rain; Joy wouldn't feel so good, if it wasn't for pain."
-50 Cent, Many Men
"This is your life and it 's ending one minute at a time."
-Tyler Durden, Fight Club
"Sail on till you find your heart's desire."
45 shots-45 minutes-3 little guys the Tank the forest 7 days ofpopeyes with ums smokin buddies with ed physics test style with burke trio northshore girls 7 girls in 6 months! frisbee / football with pete-big bro Kyjuan attic! Stir the Crowd Destin I (with Lu) , II and 111.. Kent St... my obsession with J Wise!. wrestling dunk on front lawns BOSS Mandy
runnin from Beth runnin from cops with ums - lose em in the ridge!.. Amanda!!! - first love! strong safety/senior rookie storytime 24-3 senior year. wrastlin ' the captain was here
Wrestling -8,9, 10, 11 , 12. Wrestling State Champion - 2001 (119 lbs ), 2003 (145 lbs.)
48 Seniors
75/iorilao !?lauio l
"I don't know what I've been told , you never slow down, you never grow old."
Tom Petty "I've got a rifle , a shotgun, and a four wheel drive , and a country boy can survive."
- Hank Williams, Jr.
Froshlniate@ Fly Humpday w/ SS&SH TKsBdayHunt w/ BE&AS Pu ll dOver onVets w/ AS + TK Floatin the Barl @ TKs n 8'" w / TK , AS , BE , PS , CH,SH Be laire Wreck w / TK Destin 01-MIP AgainSarpy? Goin2MrBs w / AS , MF Workin w / GW DuckHuntsnSlidel-crew I" prd EgginCarsw/ AS&BE Partys @ TKs Covington Crawfish w/ CDguys&ASHgirls SinknTheBoat w/ PH,AS,GH,KD,BE Utah w/ TK,JH,CMlceLooks PrettyThin , uh-oh SS Nicknames Oi l Wrestling @ Boot. PH Donuts n MyCar. G W n TroubleAgain? DrivnJoshsCar w / ED CowTipn w / AS-doesnt wrk BballBck of bus Kenny C w/ CS Pat G w/DH,CM-DidntHappen DontTe ll TottyAS I I 00 PetesPassdOut. Bloody Marys w / AC,MW Lunch w / KH,HB AS PeesOn JH AC HitsPpl , WrecksGolfcart.
Partys @ CSs Venicew / CS,TK , MP,KM.. 34-25over CD! Mom, Dad ,thanks 4 always puttin up w/ me&the crew. Jenn, see u next yr, thanks4it all. Celie I love you&am goin2miss you. Lots of good times. Everyone e lse, take care! Go Mustangs!
Footba ll 1,2,3 Capt. 4; Baseball 1, 2; Track 3; Admissions Pres. 4; Investment VP 4;
0mi!y 60/eo 1995Y003
"Life seems unreal , can we go back your place?"
-Fabrizio to Emilie
"I missed the last bus, I'll take the next train. Try what you see , it's hard to explain."
- The Strokes
Sam Picken - Pah We're no angels l'm w / stupid Dusty Hay City Spherical Spiral YWH Ringo-stick w i the drums Liam Thunder. Would you care for some Shomp - pagnya TT's man voice Trokhm Dr. Brian/ Babette Clark Ruby's seance Sat nights @ Barnes&Noble lt ' s a mad world call me Wegs Emilyo Estesvez Bohemia Amish territory Caddy Jelly Bean Game Dr. David Ding scary church lady rally toenail. Fatum no scruples Liz ' s flannel shirt silverware at O ' Henry's locker 42 flowers this nights been dicky it's skipping breakup over bobafett comaclistic relief inter-faith alliance Paul's Mario tune pity dance sexican bishop twinsw / CF xmas tea Grayton '02 SA,EE, JM-bananas Dad, E be trip' an what's the dealio? the kiss club ARGYLE bottom ' s up cont'd TT TT , AG, SA,SE, LG,LG, CN,CF,BQ ,AH-it's been a blast, I'll miss you! Thanks Mom, Dad , Jordy, and Maddie-I love y'all!
Lyre Club 2,editor3,4; admissions club 2,3,4; French club 2 , 3 ,4(VP); Humanities 4; Book Club 4(VP&co-founder); bag lady in Little Shop of Horrors 4; Argyle 3,4; NHS 3,4
Seniors 4 9
dlaoon !!l!emin5
So I said I must get out of these wet clothes and into a dry martini -
Homer Simpson
hair of the dog that bit me fine spillway folk centcom deroche's punishment. starting at 9am w e-dub rendezvous farm trips hunting quadrupeds, illegal hrs slum bum both rookies shotgun(24) sph yrw JO wide open turquoise room qp in 2.5 hours P. Pablo's garage .I guess some people just really like mud ... people ... zong toys ... you boys havin' some fun? .. .I can always drive ... except those few times .. . 'gator. .. burning couch on the
levee de-roche parties vant to go to valdo's? dream team you're cruisin for a bruisin ... gotta get a little wet before we go out. no big deal
Track 1,2; Swimming state runners-up 3, champs 4, co-captain 4; wrestling 8,1,2,3, state champ 3 , co-captain 3; honor roll 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4
"They ma y say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. "
- John Lennon
"Powe r is nothing unle ss you can turn it into innuence."
- Condo leeza Rice
"T urn s out not where but who you ' re with that really matters. "
- Dave Matthews Band
" I'm talking about manners. When the big chicken is talking, the littl e chickens s hut up !"
- Pedro B. Perez
clompsy (clanci)pot saucy mrs. grende l ee + cf - twins salem: w / a mouth that big stool boom s issy cov. parties bw cutting lines @ j-land yesss!-a h bq's jokes & radiating love HC00 - s huffling buffalo wee ha! jazzfest 01,02 SB02 crew - "we on ly act stup id in public " go tim!-ah mystery 02, 03 chris & the door. buffoon-ec thejewels w/ hh , cc in the forest? manhole econ thewave-js.
donnyosmond? ... hi story "notes" w/ cn thanks MsA & Doc SB02 girls & The Company: thanks for the memories, I'll miss you a ll. mom and dad: thanks for everythin g, I lo ve you be good Boyd! GO DAWGS!
The Company 1-4 (principle 2,4); Key C lub 2 -4(Pres id ent); Student Cou ncil l-3(Rec.Sec.); Choru s 2, 3 (Music Award), 4; NHS 3,4; Cum Laude Society 3,4; Gir ls State Superstar 3; Spanish Rally 1-3; Spanish Award 2,3; Spanish Survivor 14 years; AP Eng li sh Survivor 3 ,4; Most Likely To Succeed G irl
50 Seniors
/?link 19972003
Cfilwdolle <f:Ja!!a!/iei
Lost in MS C.B .> venga sluta! "Concert From the Plant" aour hit . .. E.M . 's housecat. . . the levy ... homecoming cheerleader , barefoot in the rain at HC 2002 yeah Northshore! . . . M.M.'s farm w / L.G . & J.S .... 9/11/ 2001.. . waking up wet. .. Harry Potter (Rupert and Seanyeah Sadiha!) .. . hit by a car *ouch* ... my girls K.P. and S.J D-War'sdiagrams Thoth memories Mr.Ring
Zephyr Field w / J.O. and H.C . . .. The Strokes concert w / T.T. & E.E . (The MooneySuzuki)
Paul McCartney concert w / D.D. & Co J.S. (period, big oops!) ... at PJ's w / E.A (I'llmiss you!) Bye people, bye New Orleans, "I'll still love you on Monday!"
B!fJ!ey ;)0002003
" We never thought we could ever grow old. " -Bob
Foley / Foley-age / Foley-ator. Lunch outside W / JW , JM , AS , DG , HW Alyssa Shenandoah .JW: Sierra club trips SL ' strampo Ii ne Grapes Longdrives
DAAH .. .Velvet. .. Are you sisters? .. .Kiss the birdie ... Green hair. ..Marker fight at FO ' s ...Hole in the backyard ...Leaming to drive ... Fast food at TC ...Whats in the bush ... HW :Summerville ... Where ' syour brother. .. See my smile ... NG ' sB-day ... Hoolllyy Ni ighhttt. Library mornings Sugar babies Where ' s my stuff .. . DMandthe KC Tigra Brother
Joey Titanic God God .. . stained pants . . . sadism .. . TF: Beating BB Speakers
S eniors 5 I
simelia <flaiiepy
19901992 1999~003
" If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet , you ' d best teach it to dance."
- George Bernard Shaw
" Educat ion is the progressive discovery of our own ignorance "
-Will Durant
"Anyt hin g that is too stupid to be spoken is s un g "
" A day wit hout lau ghter is a day wasted."
-Charlie C hapm an
Allen & The Northshore Bus Rally Ron Eagles C la ssy Laser Tag Nalgas Fuertes The B ishop Det. Romanowski Bug On Leaf Archie Leigh Manumina John Proctor. Beckman advisory hushhush, eye to eye #81 ARGYLE the
wise Foucault. BQ & John The Vortex Palace of Fun The Strokes WebPubsophomores
... Desperado ... Grayton '02 8111 period Humanities Em ilie , Tourne (NY ?!), Dust, Leslie, G ibbl e! , Allie, Co urt , Skye, Saucy, Becky , Nicole , Em.C - 1 lo ve yall ! Thanks for being s uch g reat friends Cha rles- good luck with the WILD one! Mama and Papa-I lo ve you and I'll mi ss you!. WASH U. BOUND!
Halo editor, Cross Cou ntr y, Soccer , Lyre C lub , Student Counc il , Senior C las s President
utia~lie <flatla~/iei 19992003
"It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen."
- Alex Delarge (A Clockwork Orange)
"when times are bad, I can't believe you can live without fantasy or imagination."
- Terry Gilliam
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Henry David Thoreau
Art 1 Award Art 2 Honorable Mention ... the worst week of our lives! 2002 homecoming game Mrs. Klebba's Englis h class partie's at Campo's Tchefunte Country Club
Crescent City Tattoo and Piercing Thoth Ball. .. Mr.Ring's English Class lunch with Emily
52 Seniors
Now your cook in ' -Dad Life's battles don't always go To the strongest or fastest man ; But sooner or later the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can!
Kites rise highest against the wind , not with it.
-Winston Churchill
Grayton Beach'02 fudpuckers fight... you ' re the best AG White Choe luvs Brownie A.Carter ' s Hot Cop Yortex crazy old man. pottery class&web pub habitat 4 humanity Daniel! TB KZ oops! detention with DM ' that's Gibbs Hall'.. music class.. instructions-let me see AS. homecomingdances? Spanish class with Tessier& Maonli Spanish time warp-AG figher fighter!. el fuego verde.. rotten bananas flippingcar. promsoph yr. GB Mr.Ring VA boy slumber parties Pakistani breakfast goalie pitching coach reese pigpen SA , LG,EE , TT , AG,SE , CN realKB , TS, I R,N D , M F, TD , B F, KR,JF miss you!!
soccer 1, 2, 3 ,4-c; softball 1,2 ,3 ,4; volleyball I ;sierra club 1,2,3 ,4;
fleo!ie <fJief}~
" Great dancers are not great because of their technique they are great because of their passion. "
- Martha Graham
"If you can find a path that with no obstacles , if probably doesn't lead anywhere."
- Frank A. Clark
"What would life be ifwe had no courage to attempt anything?"
- Vincent Yan Gogh
TCU Bound Homecoming game (4-in the rain) and the dances Prom 01 and 02 Always DANCE Sunshine Ring Day on my Birthday Getting me to rap SA Beach with MB Cheer leading bus gossip Oh my God , what is wrong now Pop , Six , Squish, Unna , Cicero, Liptious KV Mr. DeRoche ' s French Class-are those certs TT Chocolate ice -cream in the hot tub at midnight Cheerleading drama 2 good years with MM 9-17 PJ parties 911. STM Cheerleaders 5" place at nationals Talent show 03 with KV- " Play That Funky Music " Tracy ' s starburst.. " My mom buys my underwear" CG B-day picture cakes White chocolate-Brownie SA & LRG
S l am and Jam 03 Muffin / cupcake FB party at coconut 00, TD scrabb l e " Everything I touch is destruction " TT 2003. Thanks Mom and Dad for 14 years at STM!
Cheerleading 1,2,3 ,4 (captain I , 4, leadership award) Basketball
Cheerleader 1,2,3 ,4 (captain all)
Softball I Chorus 1, 2,3 , 4 Key C l ub 2 , 3,4 (Treasurer) French Club 3,4.
Seniors 53
" From the moment I cou ld ta lk I was ordered to listen "
- Cat Stevens
" How is educat ion supposed to make me fee l smarter Every time I learn something new it pushes o ld stuff out of my brain Remember when I took that home winemak in g course and I forgot how to dr ive"
- Homer Simpson
"One who makes no mistakes never makes anything" - Unknown
Garage Hesmer Nicknames life or death CS Bay St.Louis SS Cov ington
TF Pulled over doing donuts A ll ergies TF JL. MSW ' s House TK ' s house I lpm fa llin g out of TK's go lf kart while driving SH AS Hurricane Party Trips in wheelchair NK ATF Sinking Boat TF MIA I " prd Levee TF DL ' s ba lcony Apartment
SH Fi s hing TF TK Cd ' s @ NK STM 34 - CD 25 party in 8'"TF SH JL DL BC HM
AL. .Juniors , swing one way BBa ll AS UT HM BC JL ' s car
alarm Wannabe Dream Team NK
JF AL BC Back of Bus TF BJ
CJ J Oscreen i ngcal Is Yagers AC laughing Thanks for the help STM and e veryone there.
Dad , time to make you proud.
Footba ll I, Baseball 1, 2 Cross Country 2,3 Basketba ll 1,2 , 3,4
MVP Habitat 2 Investment C lu b 4 Graduat ing STM De s tin 2, 3 ,4
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name.
54 Seniors
No matter where e'er life's care may drive us, Her teaching will there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love. Thanks dad mom, and St. Martins.
"Love your enemies. It really pisses them off. "
"Yes my life is better left to Chance I could have missed the pain, but I'd had to miss the dance"
-Garth Brooks
Sneakingoutl NoCoverBathroom4W / AC , MW BathW / Clothes , I B W ptbtB W ,2 J azzfestw / KR , I RingdDoorbell2AC Tourquios
Room Rob Earl Keen Bday Suprise4 Destin RondevousW\KS TCUw/ LL , BW ,4 BoatW \ BL AfterPromW IMP , 3 Cheerbus 1, 2,3 , 4 Hessmer Parties Destin 1,2,3,4 NewYorkw / BL PhylisW / KS,3 Freshlnitiation 1,4 FufamilyGroup AC , KS
Lunch leaveTF , H B Pushing H BCarl n Rai nHB,AC, KS MW & B W parties 341 destinchicks coach WannabeW / Hb,Lg Fly A(eww) , Hb Greekfest Trash CanPunch PeteGarage BW , JM,BL,30hno chanpaigne homecomingw/ HB CVs @ break.. Halloween babies E D @ ST. Pparade. Thetly lS awAShark PatG , BW dad 0 i I Wrestle @ boot Prom3?? 3SomeW / AC ,MW BaySt.Louis Dublinsw/ KS Nel l yw / KS , HB HB , BW,KS,MW,AC, BQltHasBeenTheBestWith Yall; I' 11 N everForgetYou Ben , ThanksForAlwaysBeing There Mom,Richie,Kaitlynn , RichardlloveYouAndlWill MissYou
Cheerleading 1,2 , 3 ,4 (captain -4 ) Howard
S't!!io0n c.JCo!lin~}~ 19932003
"Come and relax now Put your troubles down No need to bear the weight of your worries Just let them all fall away"
- Dave Matthews Band
"In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock."
- Thomas Jefferson
"Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance."
Dave Barry
SB '02 w/gals fat 'Iii book Chimichanga from Czechos lavakia Covington
1,2,4 Mr. Giggles-IF landshark-ECC,hauss manhole, got ' em-KCF Norwegia, bet you $ I 0-BFW movienight-CAN spectacular vernacular. APBio nightlab humanities drama homecoming '02 saint's games hurricane parties Mardi Gras '03 BD ' s scream, star pants monkey lu!, ah lu, ah humanity , luis bug on a leaf-AG SlamN-Jam econ juniors silly putty dancesw / Pugh king cake ultimateFrisbee
Zoolander. thanks family for everything, I'm the world's luckiest girl. What a wonderful world
Volleyball 1,2 ,4 (co-capt); state run-up 4; class treasurer 3; NHS 3,4; Key Club 4; French Club 4; Homecoming Cheerleader 4; Habitat 2,3,4; Slam-N - Jam 1,2,3,4; humanities survivor!!!!
Seniors 55
(!){8-a oYvanova 19962003
"We laughed together , we swore together , we struggled together- sure we laughed at stup id things sometime s , and we swore unnecessarily but damn it was fun."
- Kramer
" Turns out not where but who you ' re with that really matters "
-Dave Matthews
0 )g s ... 0 lgie ... 0 lger(RP) . . . vulgarOlger(JD) ... mother Russia(D-whoelse) ... gym-no gym! Grandma Olgie w/ MW she is gone country northshore gatherings @ BFW's -too much , Br.-R 1.P Prom ' 02-'03(CW Bday) not driving = prob Mardi Gra s '02 Vegas '03 - lost?Worstnight. hungry?tacobell! a.m. ' s w/CW Russia ' 03 Tht Boot. My 18' h Bday Jimmy's Destin ' 03 wow! theFly " no you can wa l k home" -itch nocurfew-Sleep
overs @ Fat. attr ./obss. w/ "JC " Tnos-(esp.RP , Lu&UT) Pete ' s garage CC's party -video w/ me + wjob!(thanx UT) classw/ D + cocki nessfl ex ch oc ec Iair (JD+ MW).. Teduc SOCIALL
E ECH ! -omg theregoesth e stank! . . . EC-u 'redabest. .. KH
+ HB! 2 all my friend: thanx 4 the memories, cou ldn't live w/o yall , I'll miss yall A loi +have fun!
Mom + Dad-thanx 4 giving me IHlS. life &putting up w/ Me iluv u > than u know off2 Study Hard @ LSU!!!
Habitat 3,4;Learning English;
" Don ' t worr y, be happy " - Bobb y McFerrin
"You can ' t lose on 22 's."
" I just want to conquer peopl e and their souls " - Mike Tyson
" Any fool can make a ru le, and any fool will mind it. "
-Henry David Thoreau
Scrillin w/ Jim, J Sia, Beez , Bum , Payp , Tomwee&LS , Pete y, Billy J, Shea Bomb , B Vail, Crack , D, Sanchatrain, Princess, Nasty , T-Fav , Bisk , Blunter , MSW, AC, Dad , Nikki , JerrBear , GP , Dago , BQ , MS , JM , NOS
DreamTeam = KH,TW , BL,JF,
NK Hessmer's on fire ultmte Fri s bee Exercise Room F&M ' s strung-out Bum + SH Huh?!
P.H. ' s garage Viet Zang upsde dwn , bck style visors
Hurricane Parties, woooh ! summers @ MyHouse oye! .4 Mardi Gras @Jim ' s The Crack Spot.. fizarm = mad'dillo hunting trips in the wheelchair . . . cabanaparties . . . " Tell meaboutltlater, Pete. " peace and love to Mom and Dad , take it easy Prav , thanks for the support.
Soccer 1, 2,3 ,4 ; Swimming 2; Investment Club President 4; DreamTeam 1, 2 ,3 ,4;
56 S eniors
75imo lliy fLi /ltelon
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head e x plodes with dark forebodings too
I' II see you on the dark side of the moon
- Pink Floyd
Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a moron.
-George Carlin
Bum Baby Tom we Sanch Jim Jayhoesph Petey Pab lo Baby ' s house Driving around Team Educat ion Sanc h notes PH ' s garage Break Lunch After School. X-Mas Decorations Northshore Sanch ' s car. A ll night chillin with Scott L i fe Skills Service Project Mardi Gras @ Jim's Blair and Payp Joestyle
" Canyougetsome? " MSW ' s tickets MSW ' s house Bisk"The " Levee wa lks Meeting Up Nikki andLessley " UHM UHM " Web Pub Living @ Baby ' s House Basketball with SheaBomband Pete
Basketball 2 ,3 Swimming 2
Football I
Jtimh !Xaafnan
" When I was young I used to think that money was the most important thing in life ; now that I am old , I know it is "
- Oscar Wilde "Moving on is simple. It's what we leave behind thats hard."
- Anon
Starting to go out end Jr. Year. Bum, Baby, J , D, Petey, TB, Billy Princess managing to drive a new car every week Calling up LSU to see if JD got in Ha ll oween at PH's house 5th period calculus where we learned co ll ege wasn't meant for everyone Staying awake through physics Mardi Gras with JD ,CW ,MW Baby's cast le Going out to lunch with Dad and Princess Playing golf 8 th period with KC and JL Getting in arguments with D over politica l issues Starting investment club with D, and Baby Going over to TB's house Going out to the Harbor with Billy Going to Craig Kilborn show with AS , EC,0 1, BW , SS.
Member of Speech team 1,2,3; National Forensics League Qualifier 2 ,3; Member of Regiona l Youth Group Board 3; President of Regional Youth group 4; Co-Founder oflnvestment C lub 4; Quiz Bowl 3 ,4; Yearbook 2 ,3.
S eniors 57
" No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
"Fr iends are tho se rare peopl e who ask how we are a nd then wait to hear the answer " -
Ed C unnin gham
when pu s h co me s to s hov e, he 's so anal a bout it party gone wro ng-jr cw ea teeni e-we can change a tire SNUGGLES 130 lb s-jr LG baby??chjv chickens what an odd a nimal. Jellybean hello , it 's me, eeyore jro's rocket dog s s he could be a bowling ball - jv will 's boat-cj kh 6 18 Green Acres-cheerleaders! fat looks becoming on u s je ss Hailey the m ec hanic
Brittany you 're not go nn a lie! dr kavorcian who egged the sc hool ? An d w ho put g um on the wall?! ** 1-20** cjthank you for always being there 1' 11 mis s you paul. thank yo u mom a nd dad for neve r le ttin g me give up I love yo u! ASU BOUND!!!
C heerleadin g 1,2,3, cap tain 4; Track and Field 3,4; NHS 4
?i)imilti ~oa;whoo 19892003
"Accept cha llenges , so that yo u m ay feel the exhilaration of v icto ry."
- Ge n era l George Patton
"Amer ic a has never bee n united by bl ood o r birth or so il. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond ou r backgrounds, li ft u s above our int erests and teach us w hat it means to be c iti zens. Every c hild must be taught th ese princip les. Every c iti ze n must uphold them. A nd every immi gra n t, by e m braci n g the se idea ls, m akes o ur co unt ry more, n ot less, Amer ica n"
- George W. Bus h
HAAASSSSSSSS AEYESSSSSSS w h o do you think yo u are? w h y? w hy not? u have bee n destroyed Destin 03 ... Ma rdi Gras 03 the boot jimmy 's wa ldo's 6'" period phy s ics Sophia and Anna I love yo u Mom , Da d th eo vas ili and BeeBee and the rest ofmy big fat greek fa mil y thanks fo r a lw ays s upportin g me a nd being there D ring "ye a o h yea I agree, no no I agree " .. sophia's friends BG and CG ur lik e my s iste rs ... my latin fri e nd BQ ... th e juni or
g irl s Riso (s is), amy, Jessica and brooke Jay, nasty, princess , baby, bum a n d tommy boy
Ma ri ann .. Ryan a nd Karl in Vegas t h e cough Spanis h I V
H Blood upon the snow s u ga r pa nt s i f eve r yone g i ves li ke $5 w ill hav e like $80 tictactoe pi $$ in g of the libr ar i ans argu in g w ith the libera\s w ith Dwar. In vest me nt c \ub Spa ni sh cl ub
GOYA STM baseba ll wit h
Fritchie a nd Chris My bro Johnn y GO SA INTS I
P r es id e nt of In vest m ent C lub.
President of GOY A (Greek Ort hodox Yo uth of A m e ri ca) Hon or Role
58 Seniors
3 an d 4
" I cried when I had no shoes , until I met a guy that had no feet, then I laughed really , really hard."
- Jerry Blank
What's your fantasy? (AG,NC,MG,CG) Allen Halloween 01 ' Starbucks fishing(NC) The Grand Hotel. O-Syndrome chick camchops SSA spelled backwards (CW) get up witch(CG) CC and OM song hang out at the Y Hurricane Fest. webpub(AO , CB , NC) massage chair(CC) German Manhandler(CC) category " MyVisonfire"(NC) F AFSA.. "smoothies" (NC) PT Cruiser limo cruisin ' "How old do you have to be , im 23 " (CC) Cede " Juice it " (JB) SSA girls the Fly w/ CW CC rolling window down after parties Bourbon crew Days lnn seafood fest...the hot tub the lakefront with NC Bio w / JB crack mart datew / JL. appt affai rw / Nicole MardiGras balls
Northshore crew the bridge
Gumbo (JD) Amy Evans Oolly letters (CG) fooseball w / EW Pinto party(CW) booche (CW , EW) Astor whose yourdaddy?(AO) NCand OM cat. study halls Blue Bayou studyhal l(CW)
Jimmys CW ' s 1O leather pants little red bag Thanks Mom, Dad, and Ty, love ya ' ll. UT here I come!
Swimming 1,2 , 3; French club 1,2,3,4 ; Riding 1,2,3
dfotlalliatl fttl 1989!}003
"It's not that I' m lazy , it's that I just don ' t care."
-Peter, Office Spa ce
" Life moves pretty fast. If you don ' t stop to look once in awhile , you could miss it. "
-Ferris Bueller, Ferris Buel/er 's Day Off
" Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. "
Waldo Emerson
Team NOS BD UT PM J8 RP BDJB EMT Billy Johnson ALICE Baby Bum B J-
H ovah Sheabom b Hauss PeteyPablo TommyBoy Yim Pa y p.
Bisquik Nasty Killa Hessmer. Destin'0l '02 ' 03 Walking on the highway at 3am w/ BQ call in 411 to find a pizza place Covington Farm Lake front. Team Education Miss Angel (AH) Senior Retreat. Pete ' s Garage State Swim Champs Safety
Dance Meatloaf Irish Dancing
Homecoming Game ' 02 Monkey
Face Palace Sign [MoD]
UltimateFrisbee LASC
Wafflehouse Luau Trampoline
Game SCP Elections '02 " 108 on the interstate" I want to thank my family and friends who helped me through the years Senior Year 2003!!!
Ultimate Frisbee Team; Swimming 1,2,3,4 (Capt 4); All-District; All-State; State Champs-4; Track 1,2 , 3,4; SC 2,3,4; SCP 4; HC 4; C lass VP 2,3; Mr. STM
Se niors 59
"I can imagine a world without war , a world without hatred. Then I can imagine us attacking that world because they would never see it coming "
- Jack Handey
"Bad bees! Get away from my sugar! Ow! Ow!! Oh, they ' re defending themselves somehow! "
- Homer J Simpson
"Every empire must live its time , then die"
- Frank Herbert
CubanB Team Nos roll in with the boys PM,UT ,JB,BD ,JB , BD , RP ,JL.. attic style levee style freestyle rap wrestling yeah its over H-town houston girls northshore , yeah sry this is the southshore section smokin buddies w / BD sayings from MD jimmy's the forest raft I, II, & Ill.. Ellzey/ the pirate Bad-O Airborn, no way , ahhhh HALO breadsticks! chemistrywith NL.. Taco Bell bonnie's parties northshore girls , the untapped resource Samson video flaming weasel.. mike with rake BD lack of shirts odd hook ups cheesy or ghetto ? ! one strange year 03 '
Football 1,2 , 3,4 soccer I wrestling 2 , 3 ,4 track I baseball 2 worship l , 2 NCBl l,2 chess 1,2 lyre 4 speech l , 2 honor roll , l,2,3 ,4
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's care may drive us, Her teaching will there to
guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love. Thanks mom, dad and St. Martins.
60 S e niors
Cf6owl,1£lj @A;fJ'J,fium
" I always have a wonderful time , wherever I am, whoever I ' m with.''
- Elwood P. Dowd
" If your not falling now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe."
-Woody Allen
DMFAMS smelling $ grayton beach ' 02 total eclipse of the heart
STARBUCKS movie night AH cutting lines atjazzland big box of steel. study groups Dwar signs art history Empire Records quotes CF CAN civics group dump award case of the giggles une sippito bunch o' bananas EE&SA senior werid day total eclipse of the heart argyle study hall gossip the excorcist. the barn senior bday parties disposable date donny osmand 3 dates prom '02 my softball family daddy reese batting lefty
JM soccer w / Shane morning swim practice alfred / alfonse I' ' graders history
" notes " HA! courtillian
CaNick negative points BW to my friends thanks for always being there , Colin STM will fly by - enjoy it! Mom and Dad thanks for always being so wonderful and supportive I love you guys!
Key Club 2 , 3 ,4 (Historian 4); National Honor Society 3,4; Softball 1, 2, 3 (MIP I); Swimming 1,2; Soccer 1,2 ; Chorus 1, 2; French Club 4 ; AP English Survivor 3; Class Secretary 3 ;
"Someone show me a way to get outa here , Cause I constantly pray I'll get outa here , Please won ' t somebody say I' ll get outa here?
Someone gimme my shot or I' ll rot here "
- Seymour Krelbourn
" It ' s now or never" - U2
, Lillie Shop of Horror s
"Being up north does not necessarily mean being higher up "
- Michael Musso
John-Thnks for sticking by my side through high school, thnks for the IaughsRobert- Thnk s for always being you. We ' ll have fun in college. CMU here we come!Leslie- You changed me 4 the better. Thnks 4 the fun times babe Ms. A- Thnks 4 opening the acting world to me, I would not have found w/ o u. Mom and DadYa '11 have put me thru some stuff, but w/ o it I couldn ' t be the person I am today. Sean and Denver-thnks for sticking w/ me against the odds
Rummel 98-00- Too Wong Foo
Thnks 4 nothing Markham
Clancy.. Fallon Mle BB
JW JT Char. CB.. KP.. SJ
TB StM Cheerleading Eddie &Vatican Theatre Bonnie'sn Disney Atlantis 02 All other inside jokes
But I er > Mins tre I > Fa rm er > Bi I I ion are > RussianPsych iatri st> Donkey > FatFioristOwner Male Cheerleader
"The world must be all " messed" up when men travel first class and literature goes as freight."
-Wise Catalonian
The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe But the stupid man will just lay down on some seaweed and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he ' ll standup and go, "Hey, I'm Vine Man. "
- Jack Handy
Ninja Spanish donut alligator. flame-thrower shotgun doggie no its my soul vampires staying alive blah blah blah where'd my bag go? boards don't hit back trust is not when your best friend steals your girlfriend hug-a-bear. what? taylor: a musical primary consort roses seta conspiracy titanic dreams ? but all those people died noodles hey move your fat... why is everyone kicking me commie lordofchaos Italian vampires tony emo bag why does everything funny involve a violence?
diwneo Of£m»J
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e'er life's care may drive us, Her teaching will there to
guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love. Thanks mom, dad and St. Martins.
62 S eniors
@A/o!r1n 1999-2003
$flu; {Qui,lni
" Success: To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent peop le and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest crit ics and endure the betrayal of false friends , to appreciate beauty , to find the best in ot hers, to leave the world a bit better , whether by a healthy child, a garden patch , or a redeemed social condition; to know eve n one life has breathed easier because yo u have lived. This is to have succeeded!"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
BQ Becko.. Humpy BootNights Froshlnitiation Hessmer. BW + DS ... RR.JM.ZT ... MGras'00w / RK , AC ... VandyGras ... PikeTruck-Z#2 (everywhere)
9/13 / 02 John Mayerw/ AG KHoSecretBook Sisal ' 02(BuBu,GPM , CA,AM,JT)
=New BQ Bruno 's AI. JDClothesTwin CoplnKBLot HBBustin DH BW 's Parties MK Y AG AP ChemExam-Lu,DH Cancun/ Hou.-ZT BW,AC's 18th NOS Physics ' 0I-JR, DBB, MT Destin BQJokes
Dom? ToMy Boys:Lu, DBB,DL, BW , AC, KH,HB, AG,EE - AhThe Memories , ILoveUA II ZTmyBF for2
Bob ,C G- Continue the Excellence Much Love4 Mom,DadThanks Ya'JI AreThe Best 1 Princeton ' 07
Humanities 4; NHS 3,4; Sc ience C l ub 1,2,3 , 4; Honor Ro l l 1,2,3, 4; Quiz Bowl 3,4; Student Council 1,3, 4; Swimming 1,2,3; Soccer I; John Mayer Fan Club 4 (President); PRINCETON
!Jl/ym l geolj
"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don ' t try."
- Beverly Sills
"l never think of the future - it comes soon enough."
- Albert Einstein
Destin 2002 Colorado (the hot tub) Las Vegas trip in the Jetta RING ... caw moot. flotafajationalism Disney Wor ld extra gravy You are amazing but you have been destroyed! Hollie Hutchison Saturday nights are the best ... What are you doing? ... HASS ... SUGARRR . . . no football. .. Ann 's Peaches Motter is the greatest. Barrett's burnouts Burkes frustration Daly's speed.. B lake 's shirtless Umar's girl. Peter's a gorilla Eddie's spankin Lu's Rice Dimitri 's cockiness. my brownies
French cheese is bad!. " What the $H!7 pick up the $H!7" " If everyone gives $5 we'll have like $80" Who do you think you are? Why / Why not? the truck!. mowing lawns Dots and T ic Tac Toe The $L " 7!!! "I am waiting for the bell" 34-25 .. . " you have me in tears" "she likes me I know it " PROM '03
Seniors 63
dleooica !I1o6icliaat; 19992003
" I' m ju st watc hin g the w heel go round."
- John Lennon
" Nobody goes there anymore , it's too crowded. "
- Yogi Berra
" Don ' t frown because yo u never know who ' s falling in love with your smi le. " -Anon.
Jer. JRo(be4JLo} Swimmeritis 00 , 0l JV Co rrupt er MW Wheres my PC d a.d. all the way KR LSU weekendsw/ EK 11 *04 girls JR,JD bestcaptsever. Sakew/ JJ Bein AM Wheres ikabod beast=player. stretch Pre Pathfinder days Fat looks becoming right NL Chateau sum mers Zeus ball 4 yrs JR ,JB,AM , no need to say more Always getting carded Better than Ezra I 8'hbday JV holidays Wisey pisey Thugs from the South Don Juan ' s bag MIA at the F ly Rooth Driving problems rip NOA Push comes
to shove BeyNbo Party mishap w / CW , NL , EA I 30lbs Mardi Gras03 Movie watc her s trend w/ AM,JB She could be a bowling ball. $ IO Sleep job JM,JS ,JV ' s break in San Destin03 l don't dance " lockdo wn" VIP passes w/ MW The " Ro " boat.. 1-larry Soap opera life Mango " why"
UT JB ' s contagious smil e B and Da, I couldn't have been lucki e r to have you. Thank you for everything.
I love you. James, I' m glad yo u 've been there these past 3 yrs.
SHMIL Y! Later gator. I' m Cha rle ston bound!
Swimming 1,2 , 3,4; Captain 3,4
Slliet; !J1 o6edo 20012003
"You only live once, and the way I live, once is enough."
- Frank Sinatra
"lfThe Alien was my friend , I'd like to be with him when he went to the dentist. When they started drilling, he'd probably go nuts and start eating everybody. That Alien!"
- Jack Handey
Being Late Habitat for Humanity Birthday suit costume@Halloween
'O I Homeless in Destin, Thanks for the beverages Folse!. Chair Surfing Peyton center games and the 6gallon jug Ebay My friends and family: Mom,Dad,Will,Mizzle+Stizzle,Pepper. Reefer. "Dude, Can you tell?" Cinco de Mayo +My Birthday+Last day of classes +Jose'C an unbeatable combination .Jaegers Thursdays Seniorcrawfish boil. Endymion Ball. My darling Aimee So long STM, we had two great years but I 'm C U. Boulder Bound!
"W hen the chairman introduc ed the guest speaker as a former illegal alien, I got up from m y chair and yelled, "What ' s the matter , no jobs on Mars?" When no one laughed , I was real embarrassed. I don'tthinkpeopleshould make you feel that way." Jack Handey
64 Seniors
j C)C)(7 } QQ{J
This is our Alma Mater. Forever it will remain. We ' ll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name.
No matter where e'er life's care may drive us, Her teaching will there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love. mom, Thanks dad and St. Martins.
" I Love to Love"
""Life is too short so love the one you got cause you might get runoveroryou might get shot'' -Sublime 'Tm not like Stifler I'm just like thi s nice boring guy"
-Seaim W. Scott
Neg&J igga DestinJan ·03 :AC 's ankle "Sanch "a train triplesecretprobation Mardi Gras· 00: my Ba 110011,' 03: bootchaos Bourban w / AC, MSW , J F "50Cnites SpringBreak'00, ·o I, '02, '03 HB 'sRek @ J F's farm z,x,&v's @ lunch N.Carolina w / MS W:fishingcontest BW - D.D.4life.. ESP "theGarage•· The Boot:JM ' OJ carwreck w/ payp ' 02BaySt.Louis:golfcartw/ PH DestinRendezvous 'w/ KH freshmenyr onHessmer Fudpuckernonsense: MS W , J F BeatingNewman :thepartyafter. '02Hurr icane Sleepover. BustaMove Bum Bum:Liberty SW's Debut Party w / MSW LSUtnp w / AC:Freds, w/ KH:Dublins Halloween ' 02 @ pete's,Brunos
TripsTo Nort h Shore: Bum
Throwing Up Popping HB's Tires "LeAnne•·;·Anferney"
:BabyKilled writingN ates: Debbye,Susan star Baby 's Parties Till I 0 Ne lly/ Aerosmith co ncerts BWluvs ReesesPuffs
"HeyGirls"-KH Hungry
Dugan Capt ianO bvious Heeaaay. LSUherrelcome.
volleyball( I , v3, vc4 );soccer(2); tennis(4);trivial pursuit(3,4)
7'5irnolky !Jl/,01Jencwn1J
Seniors 65
dfotlalliatl Ei/clioetl
"W heth er yo u think you can , or think you ca nn ot , you a re rig ht. "
- Henry Ford
"I nsi de o f the ring or out, ain 't nothin g wrong w ith go in g down. It 's stay in g down tha t's wro ng. "
- Muhammad Al i
"Yes, th a t ' s right... love s hould come before lo g ic On ly t hen wi ll man come to understand the mean in g of l ife. "
- Fyo d or Dostoevsky
friday nights und e r the light s STM 21 BF 20 STM 34 CDS 25 sat urd ay mornin g footba ll. playing CS for d ays on e nd utopi a B IG!!!! fi eld crew 2000 so ph track le tt er in g in t wo weeks " here lets put the trash-can at the finish lin e, I' m gonna ne ed it " da
benc h patrol - basketball O1-02 JS JB a nd NA basketba l l 2002 and m ar di gras break. p ar t y @ DRam's!!! 1 ••• spri ng break 2002
w ith the se n iors rex s leepi ng on the beac h during s prin g break s umm er in the keys 2002 crazy ex gfs "you guys are r ea l morons " - J.M. in sen ior calc CGD + JE S foreve r. MR RF SF RT JB a nd AR = my best fr ie nd s
Varsity Footba ll 1,2 , 3,4 (3 - year le tt erm a n); Varsity Baseball 1,2,3 ,4 (Ca pt a in 4, 2-year letter man ); Va rs it y Track 2 (le tter ma n) ; Vars ity Basketball 2,3; Hon o r Roll 1,2 , 3,4; KeyClub2,3; Sierra C lub 1,2; Latin C lu b 4
film/I fila;lfRilo
" I gotta go where it's warm."
- Jimmy Buffett
"A Little backroads driving , littl e bit of the o ld top down , Yea h , everybody gotta get away someti m e "
-Pat G r een
40 "dad " nicknames Be l Air Robert E. Keen The Boot. 50c night Pat G ree n x2 Jimm yB uffetw / tf.. Jimmy's B run o ' s Fres hm an ini t iat ion 1,4 j azzfest w / A L,LJ , K D Oi IWrest! ing the(si lverbul l et)twins Oberonw / RR , KD,TK,JH,TF Apo ll o x3 Sq uir es x4 Pass C hri st ian Destin humpday @ fl y w/TF , SH GW in trouble mill e nnium party in P.C.. " Humm " I 1:00 Pete's passed o ut. DKE strippers w / Tf. Go lf car t barricades AC and her wrecks CV co n versatio n s worki n g @ B ig Kahuna ' s w / CV raking the beach w / MR,CV , JL C inc o de Mayo DH dr iv in g hom e " B ubbl es "HB to t h e guys, we had some fun to my friends @ STM, CDS , ASH , a nd NEW- I w ill mi ss yo u a ll , Keep in touch!! Thanks Mom , Dad and C hri s for every thin g, I love yo u. Rebel bound!
Swimming: 1, 2 , 3 , (Cap t a in ) 4; Track & Field: 2,3; Admiss io n s (stude n t r e p ): 2 , 3,4; D i vers it y Co mmi ttee: 2 , 3,4; Key C lub: 1,2
66 Sen iors
1 CJCJ8-J003
·'No human thing is of serious importance."
- Plato
"Yes, 1'm leaving, ·cause this just won't work, they act like Romans , but they dress like Turks. "
- Julian Casablancas
"When I was twelve , I used to think I was a genius and nobody had noticed. If there is such a thing as a genius , I am one , and if there isn't, then I don't care."
-John Lennon
Ice Lolly Switchin ' Shoes? Creme Tangerine, Montalimat. Hey Hey My My Appa-laychee-en Luhv oracle trapper john / huntingjim / greased lightning / kaska Wisconsin's finest. .. the centaur ... Montefiore ... Tori Bosch ... Barefoot Tweety . .. Buck: "Wanna be in a pohno?" Pictures from the lock-in Bright truck yellow dancing monkey / organ grinder. Ethan Craft: Graveyard Love John Sinclair/ Peyote Mind/ FAT boy Shadow Owens Strokes '02! TheProfessor deranged Mark Twain shower at Mele's uncle lothar: king of the hill people .. .Jim 's twin ... Steve Lasertag made the list! ... the"drive-by" stalkings.. Emily: But I'm a cheerleader. Ah ' m Sorreh The Penelope Cruz Blues Alphabet
Eyes modern(fa)china Ems , Ams , Teeks , Mumsy, and Sidsy , I love you William- I like you better than the dictionary of culturalliteracy,Mikeand lke's ,and Johnny Depp combined this is it
Lyre Club 2,editor3,4; admissions club2,3 ,4; French club 2,3,4; Book Club 4 (P and founder); chorus 1,2,3 , 4; Band Club 4; theatre 1,2,3,4; Key Club 2, Argyle 3, 4
"Popping a balloon is like killing an angel, all they do is float and make people happy."
-Peterson Harter '03
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
- Voltaire
"We didn ' t lose the game; we just ran out of time." (Stm Bball)
- Vince Lombardi
" I think I'll sit this one out guys , I'm gonna throw up''
-The Class with Class 2003
Table w / LS,RP,UT the helicopter. Sheabomb NFL limo driver. Ring Day '03 w/ BC steals***Team Nos + Team Education reese's , fudge covered oreos, chocolate milk bball playoff win. "cc was better last year" bench squad w / PH,UT, TG man's three ultimate Frisbee the Pontiac ZONG! Lebron = Jesus T-Bone orbi disc senior. chapel meatloaf. Lil Penny being an individual w / PH homecoming slip-n-slide pete's garage good luck juniors , sorry for messin things up for yall Thanks Emily for always being there for me thanks for everything Dad and Dianne thanks Jim and Mackey for all of your direct and indirect support. thanks especially Mom, I couldn't have done any of it without you The Class with Class 2003
Basketball 234, captain MVP; CC 4, all-dist; track24; student council 4; NHS 34 , VP; Wittiest 4; sideburns 234
Seniors 67
i CJCJ7-J003
"My manners, abominable at times, can be sweet. As I grew o ld er I became a drunk. Why? Because I like ecstasy of the mind. I ' m a wretch. But I love lov e."
- Jack Kerouac
"Only the fool will look at the finger that points to the sky ."
- from Amelie
" I'm Calm like a Bomb! "
- Rage Against the Machine
Am I ta lkin g to a brick wall Ants in the pants Fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down Eat dirt. Every dog has his day Fork out Garl ic is as good as ten mothers The gravy train Happy as a duck in water. A dog eat dog wor ld Like flies on poo Not worth a hill ofbeans Taste
like chicken When the cows come home Useless as a bull You say potayto, I say potahto. Thanks: Nirvana
RA TM The White Stripes The Pixies Pink Floyd Sex Pistols Tourne, If you were a flower I'd pick yo u!
Mom , Dad , Jon, and Paco you're the best. I'm off to Chicago, because no one else can take my place.
9.lrflfll 75ufad
-Notoriou s B.I.G.
untamedgori Ila ... I was a capt. .. destin03 ... bear.. .Merlin ... BOSS ... the Lude Mississippi NOS S WP Senate triumvera te Citta nicknames foreveryl .JRO=* UFCIDB hafngawgtkidaindtt S T R E T C H KMILUF BRtrips w/BD,PM Motter. JuveCourt6x ring s table outrunnincops FUNT DEB quincy slappy spanky
BtheBuff Pizza
wegotanO HUMPY stilemedia indebt orcarn ah? chaliay petespeakinurdu
... bisq ... fubar. .. civicsvid
sopapillas DRE 50 slim ... murph ... dream team . .. mom and dad thanks for everytin ... hala I kno ur goin 2 miss me ... im out peace.
Basketball captain for 2 weeks, 12
68 Seniors
"T he sky's the limit"
elizaM/i CU)aJu,l8·km
" I could drink a case of you and still be on my feet."
-From Pra c ti cal Magic
Beffs & Fluffy & Bethany & Breath (JS) & X & Hurricane parties 4 & Lobsters & Stalking & CK, JB , AC, trolley stop cafe & Destin, I (BQ), 2, 3, 4 & Prom , I , 2, 3, 4 & Mardi Gras I , 2, 3, 4 & Rob. Earl Keen , bar/ cups & MSW parties I, 2, 3, 4 & Bronco & d.a.d. I Special K & twins HB & Old Met Stuck, AC / AH & CCRW & Cheer bus (not 4) & My parties & Petesgarge & Port of call & The Boot & BQ soccer, I & Hbparty & run in with cops 3 & AC down steps & Fresh. Initiation , I , 4 & Bay St. Louis KH , BL, JM, 3, oh no & The Fly & P & Dennis parties & red wrangler & Tipitinas & rendezvous JB , 4 & Apollo, 2 & KH bath w / c lothes & PT BT & IS aw A Shark & LSU & TB BPS & Bellaire & MCC & Ob w / AS, 2 & I sis 4 & TCU / KH, LL & Sweet 16 & 4 , Ob w/ BD & Have A Nice Semester & Bonnie 's parties & Home Limo , I &4 3 CK parties & Thanksgiving Big V, 4(AC) & Pat G,4 & 01 guys & T fav , dad , pete , Bi&STG& Greek fest Trash D scar & trash punch& Disc. J D & Seaside AC, 2, 3, 4 6th premedical physics & juniors & NC & 18th Bday AC & KH , MSW, KS, HB, BQ, AC, its been better than I could have asked for & Hyatts / Conroys thanks for making me your other daughter all these years & Aunt Beth/Uncle , Edward, y'a ll made my senior year, I love y'al l so much! & Mom/ Dad/KT/ John, I love y'all, thanks for a lways being there for me! GO TIGERS!
Cheerleading 1, 2,3: Track 2, 3
Soccer I: Honor comm ittee 4: Homecoming Court: 4 Spirit club I , 2, 3, 4 (pres); Admissions club I, 2, 3, 4 Shield club 1,2 ,3 ,4
cYCerl»j ':iJJein
"The reason why Santa is so joyous is because he knows where all the bad girls live."
-Larry Flint
First year@ STM 01, LL?? Problem? Riding trucks on beach SS MR JL Jimmys SS the green monster.AS, EN,DP never forget BEAN!.AS, EN Undercover Cops??? AS chasing the imposible ECL! ! ! ID's anyone?? milweed Lifeguard big kahuna .. SS ... Aww gimmie a hug ... AC .... Crystal on the corner KH..PH, JO ..... Destin 01 AC, BW.KR Nasty breakconvos! !.. everyone Mexican BQ haha NASTYP!!!! Spring Break 03 ... .prom night.02 .. LL. .. WOW! Riding trucks on levy! Bar Convention 01...6!!! In 7 ... .Liz, thanks for putting up with me. Cant believe we are still together .... Its well worth the wait, eh? Mom, Dad and Lauren thanks for everything University OfArizona Bound !!!!!!!
Seniors 69
Cf6ammy CfJ)allo 1989fJ003
"Worry ing is lik e a rocking chair. It gives you somet hin g to do, but it doesn't get you ve r y far."
-Van Wilder
" How luck y I am to have known so meone w ho was so hard to say goodbye to. " -Anon.
PIZZA s he' s go ne country put the menorah up the boot Prom ' 03 and my bday! jimmy ' s petey's garage z ulu fo' u (MW) olger ' s 18 'h bday spr ing break 03 .just call me P! PED (jan) l ' m the birth of venus O1 n ' EM v id eo at CC ' s no curfew s t r e t c h team NOS(never dies!) early a.m. @ TB bw's ns partie s TNRPST roof,meow ,oink (KH , HB) s tm a w/ blaire and victora dean can't read project pat. je su crise CAW (JB) harr y potter. dm-what a waste bacchus 03 hurrican e fest 02,03 the fly muffin 5'" per calc-where co ll ege isn ' t for all of us Pat Green funt! (UT) Mardi Gras 03 cha cha delicious pinto parties( B W , JD) SOC IA L LEECH 1 sea men (SA) c.w.how may I help yo u ? doc's movies AH st udying @ chateau cafe we ll I' m off- thanks mom a nd dad for everything I don't know what you are going to do without me! as for rach anded hav e fun whi le I'm gone , to all my friends and family-1 luvallya'llsomuch!'!
Swimming 1,3; Spanish club 4
Jl/1,aty filco/1 CfJ)eolfo!dl
" Never take life too serious ly , nobody gets out a li ve anyway"
- Groucho Marx
"I'll miss the hi gh , but I won ' t miss the sc ho o l"
Jigga&Neg.. Halloween '02 @ PH , Bruno ' s DestinJan ' 03 " Three " w / KH , AC
Bourbon W /J F ,AC , KS T h eWreckW / MS,AC Aerosmith W / SH , J F ,KS,AC , TL
Roo fJ ump i ngW / PH NC W / KS Prom Bus' 02 Susp. ' 99W / KS , A C.
NoCoverBat hro omW/ KH ,AC.. BoneThugsW / PH,Cbass ClosetCloseO n eW / AC
KuturaC hupi sika LaborDay ' 03 REK'02 PG ' 02 SuperBowlW/TF , AC
SW' s DebutParty W / KS C ran n & V Tri psTo No rth Shore Bay St. Louis
= GolfCartTroub le "YoHo " W/ HB @ Friar ' s HatsW / KS PoolShark TheGarage
:Petey, Bum , Scoops , Baby,Sanch
' RentsCondoW / HB , PH
Fr. lnnitiation ' 99 , '02.
Mardi Gras ' 03 :Apo I lo, Iris
RIPZong&Slide F i shing
Tournament Go in gO ut @ Bay St. Louis ESP Destin *4.
Heeay LateNights @ MSW ' sZ's&
V's Fud puckerN on se n se W / KS,JF Bustamove Trip @ NK ' s NK 'sParties @ I 0 Hungry
8 Ba 11 J M @ Boot.
Stea l in S i g hn s / Decorations W / AC , TL , KS Wknd.lnjuries. HerelCome,ALABAMA!
Volleyball: I , 2;Soccer: !.
70 Seniors
uflauWlll ~)t!111tl
"When the good times come around they gallop in like wild hors es. You just try to stay on them for as long as you can. And when they throw you off. youjust wait in the shade until they come around again."
- Jimmy Buffett
"Who's to say, who are you to judge me anyway? This is my road, and I take the car as fast as it will go.·•
- Pat Green
Mariana who'slNmyHOU SE camel Betwixion-SCM MM M u se TH EwidthMMMM howYOUdurin l 'm here today be ready-SL.crossword champion S TR ETC H Beth's baggage STM girls night. NOS one love-AS is thi s fafsa Shaggin' wagon ve lvee ta SCPelection yes, I sto le ic e cream Destin 03 th e toe Rex my faces Prom02 Mr.Jim G* *-AG Dimitri ncCoxCOM MUN I CA TI ONS Bacchus03 theBOOT jimmys W ALDOS leeche s who yo u callin a ho Pat Green MSWparties Natty Petey' sho use red s 28 Dad oops-BR karl. REM EMBER
WHO YOU ARE-mom kd-best
?weeks Thank stoa llm y friends, you made my senior year a blastJD CW BWOIBWBQJRMSWKS
BVRPDLAS MomandDad thanks for all your support, its been fun Caroline be good and HA VE FUN thanks STM AUBURN BOUND!
Varsity Soccer I 2 3 4(spirit award);JV
C heerleading I 2; Homecoming Ange l; Ridin g ( 11 years, 6 horses); SCP (didn't win); 14 year club; Wittiest; Hon or roll (2 quarters); Spanish Club 3 4(President); Parrothead (LIFE)
" Ifit doesn 't work out, there ' ll never be any doubt that the pleasure was worth all the pain "
- Jimmy Buffet
"Don't burn the day away."
- Dave Matthews
babs bonkie boon daddy spring break 02-turn around, we only act stupid in public SB 03 - JG Saints games-AH I am Norman Hand the little house you know what?-WS nalgas fuertes-AG Taco Bell at 2am-CW. "c urfew " at Olger's Covington twins, wee ha , dueling dragons-EC el jeepo (what's that smell?) and whitey the Boot-we go forthe pizza waldo's jimmy 's .Jazzfest 02 Mardi Gras 02/03 esp. Bacchus w/ JD,MW ,C W hurricane parties 2/28/03= worst night ever or CK bet you $10 shuftling buffalo HC 00/01/02 PG fun cutting Iines PC in honor of JF CC= way too many years ain't going down ti! the sun comes up to the girls-AH, CF, CN-it's been a crazy ride class of 03-1'11 miss ya'II Greg-here's to all the stuff we didn't tell mom and dad Mom and dad-thanks for everything & much as I deny it, I ' ll miss "quality time" free at last!
XC 1234 (all-district 34) Track I 234;StudentCouncil 123(Treasurer)
4(VP) Miss St. Martin 's4 Class Pres. 3 School Newspaper I 34(Editor) Homecoming Court234 Humanities
Survivor4 NHS 34
Seniors 7 I
( \
Below: Skye Eiswirth receives her diploma from Mr Dressel during the ceremony.
72 Seniors
Above: Scott Harris, Kevin Comer, Blake Duplass and Mark Kaufman pose for a photo after the commencement.
Right: Graduation Valedictorian Bonnie Williams and her brother Greg Willaims ' OJ
Right: Courtney Charvat and Drew McGuire outside the McAlister Auditorium of Tulane University
Top left: Heather Boos and Bottom left: Eddie Medina DominicHood '00atthegradu- and his guest ation .
Top right: Sarah Foley and her family.
Seniors 73
Bottom right: Seth Babin and his family
Below: Ashley Mohrmann 'OJ, Jes- Right: Kristin Howard smiles sica Robichaux and friends. for the camera.
74 Seniors "
Above: Walker Salk'02 congratulates Adam Shea, Mariann Wilson and Janelle Duhon
Right: Mariann Wilson and her family.
Top left: Charlotte and Maggie Gallagher and their family.
Bottom left: Freshmen Katherine Weaver, Claire Bruton, Victoria Welch, Jordan Bocage-Martin, Ashley Greenstein and Mari Katz at the graduation reception.
Top right: Ana and Sophia Loupakosposeforourcamera.
Seniors 75
Bottom right: Jim O'Leary pauses to smile.
13 14
Ashley Conroy
76 Seniors
Heather Boos
Emily Crotty
Brendan Daly
Jason Fleming
Scott Saporito
Scott Harris
~., Leslie Gieger
Cristina Campo
Senio rs 77
Cammy Watts Courtney Nicholson
Favorites I Mr.and Miss St. Martin's: 1 Bonnie Williams and Jonathan Lu J Vlllttlest: Mariann Wilson and Adam Shea Most Spirited: Leslie Gieger and Michael Musso 78 Seniors
Most Artistic:
Toume' Torres and William Vail
Most UkelV to Succeed: ..
Most Athletlc:
Lauren Gibbs and Blake Duplass
Sadiha Ahmed and Ryan Perry
Seniors 79
Stephen Adams and Clancy Fink
Senior Retreat
Mr. Marsalis, Lauren Gibbs, Emily Estes , Courtney Nicholson, Sadiha Ahmed, Michael Musso , Sarah Foley, Clancy Fink, Maggie Gallagher, Seth Babin and Stephen Adams chat together.
80 Seniors
''It was a great way to get to know everyone outside of school. It definitely brought us closer together."
-Ashley Conroy
Above: Ashley Conroy tries to take Kristina Sanchez's hat as they sit in the bus .
Left: Emily Crotty attempts to duck behind Jonathan Lu to avoid the picture!
Above: Adam Shea and Allison Hollinger play an intense game of dominoes!
Left: Charlotte Gallagher and Leslie Gieger smile big for the camera!
Musso plays a trick on John Baker as he tries to sleep!
''I liked that our whole class got to spend time together. I talked to people that I had never talked to before. It was really fun!''
-Sadiha Ahmed
"I enjoyed the freedom that was given to us as seniors. We had a lot offun, even though we didn't get much sleep!"
-Kristin Howard
Seniors 81
Seniors wear costumes to compete for awards.
1) Mariann Wilson is a tacky tourist and wins best solo.
2) All the participants line up.
3) Alex Roberts and John Baker dress as bubble wrap boys.
4) Drew McGuire and Nicole Chopin are a McDonald's meal.
5) Jonathan Lu and Tourne' Torres (Avril Levine) pose for a photo backstage.
6) LSU fans Jessica Robichaux, Olga Ivanova, Skye Eiswirth and Janelle Duhon.
7) Adam Shea does his impression of the Lord of the Dance.
8) Michael Musso and Clancy Fink as Spartan Cheerleaders.
9) Amelia Gariepy and Becky Quintal as US. and Mexican money.
10) Sadiha Ahmed and Emily Estes pose as bananas.
11) Bonnie Williams and Alison Holinger as Saints players carry Skye Eiswirth.
Seniors 83
Drew McGuire serves dessert for that day's lunch.
Cammy Watts teaches spanish in place of Sra. Scott.
Seniors play with Lower School studetns in P.E.
Jonathan Barrett folds shirts in the book store as Mrs. Mary White.
Mariann Wilson bleeds purple & gold as coach McGeehan.
Brendan Daly and Thomas Favrot hard at work as maintance.
Jonathan Schoen teaches 8th grade science class.
I l fl I 1 · I
Janelle Duhon helps a sick lower schooler.
Peter Mortillaro and Charolette Gallagher are librarians helping Will James.
Below: Heather Boos, Scott Saporito and Leslie Gieger remind the seniors of Lower School memories.
86 Senior
Above: Seniors sit on the floor during the chapel that commorates their years at St. Martin's.
Right: Mariann Wilson gives the sermon to her fellow class mates.
Right: Seniors line up outside the chapel before the event.
Top Left: Sadiha Ahmed and Clancy Fink pose for a photo before entering senior chapel.
Bottom Left: Eddie Medina, and Tim Littleton recall senior memories at St. Martin's.
Top Right: Michael Musso performs for his classmates.
Senior 87
Bottom Right: Before the chapel, seniors traditionally dine in the Peyton Student center and are ofjically recognized as alumni.
Blake Duplass and Adam Shea Carry Skye Eiswirth to the stage during the Homecoming Dance.
Allison Hollinger and Bonnie Williams are New Olreans Saints players for the senior weird day.
Dimitri Loupakos stops to reject during school break. Boos and Scott Saporito pause to pose for our camera during a pep rally.
: I ( I 88 Seniors
Who are you listening to?
"Simon and Garfunkle" -Naveen Kailas
"The Dimitri" -Ryan Pen·y
"The White Stripes" -Allision Hollinger
"Pat Green" - Mariann Wilson
"Bush" -Emily Ainsworth
"The Strokes" -Amelia Gariepy
"50 Cent" -Jonathan Barrett
"Rascal Flats" -Leslie Geiger
"Pride is All I Have" -Christina Campo
"B.I.G." -Peter Mortillaro
What is you,·favorite movie?
"Dumb and Dumber" -Jim O'Leary
"Chicago" -Clancy Fink
"Clueless" -Nicole Chopin
"The Sandlot" -Janelle Duhon
"Braveheart" -Jonathan Burke
''Top Gun·• -Jonathan Schoen
"Pretty Woman" -Heather Boos
"Goonies" -John Baker
"Super Troopers" -Mary Scott Westfcldt
'The Pest" -Umar Tufail
"Harry Potter" -Cammy Watts
Who is your favorite celebrity?
"Dolly Parton" -Drew McGuire
"Winona Ryder" -Taylor Nolan
"Charlie Sheen" -Emily Crotty
"John Basedow" -Will Vail
"Russell Crowe'' -Ashley Conroy
"Freddie Prinze Jr.'' -Sadiha Ahmed
"'Anthony Hopkins" -Maggie Gallagher
"Matthew McConaughey" -Jessica
"Ashton Kutcher" -Olga lvanova
These senior favorite results are borrowed from the Senior Halo of 2003
Courtney Nicholson, Leslie Gieger, Lauren Gibbs and Sadiha Ahmed are cavewomen for the senior wired day.
Adam Shea slides Ashley Conroy during the St. Martin's Day activities. seniors cheer the volleyball team during a home game.
Seniors 89
Spring inductees into the National Honor Society, Brendan Daly, Jonathan Stout, Brandon Darden, Amy Evans, Ali Spindler and De Von Green
Right: Hilary Goldberg, Colleen Gravely, Chelsey Cusimano and Lisette deBoisblanc.
Sistrunk, Jill McCall
Above: Vickie Nguyen poses for a snapshot.
Below: Basketball players Nicole
and Neema
pose in the gym foyer.
Top: Cooper Johnston gets down at the Homecoming Dance.
9 1
Left: Emily Estes, Tourne' Torres and Amelia Gariepy pose for the camera.
Below: Andrea Soto on the piano Right: Leah Phillips, Will and John Soto on the drums. McQuaig and Cole Piper warm the audience with a rendition of Alicia Keyes.
92 Upper School
Above: Jeremy Peres joins members of the Half Past Seven, Andrew Wegmann and Charlie Thornton during a performance.
Right: Masters of Ceremony Michael Musso and Jonathan Lu get a cue from Mrs. Greer.
Top left: Emily Estes and Sadiha Ahmed do the banana dance with Skye Eiswirth as Mr. Marsalis.
Bottom left: Leslie Gieger and Kelsey Vogt take their turn on the stage.
Top right: Dancer Brooke Rabin.
Upper School 93
Bottom right: Emily Fransen sings to Tourne' Torres' guitar.
Below: Jill McCall poses with Right: Heather Boos, and Courtney Nicholson after the Ring Peterson Harter after Ring Day. Day ceremony.
94 Upper School
Above (left to right): Senior girls , Tourne' Torres, Emily Estes, Leslie Gieger, Sadiha Ahmed, Ameila Gariepy, Skye Eiswirth and Lauren Gibbs take a photo during the Ring Day reception.
Right: Ring Day speaker, Mr. Jay Adair '93 emphasizing the true the value of St. Martin's education
Top Left: Laura Denny and Stephen Adams walk before the ceremony.
Bottom Left: Juniors Robyn Tikia, Rachel Harrison and Tika Torres show off their rmgs.
Top Right: Seniors Ryan Perry and Dimitri Loupakos congratulate junior Carl Senner.
Upper School 95
Bottom Right: Senior Skye Eisworth gives Ali Spindler her ring on Ring Day.
Below: Casey Vosbein, Ashley Conroy, Dimitri Loupakos, Heather Boos, Thomas Favrotand a guest pose for photo during the prom.
96 Upper School
Above: Seniors Allison Hollinger, Leslie Gieger , Amelia Gariepy, Courtney Nicholson, Janelle Duhon, Cammy Watts, Skye Eiswirth and Bonnie Williams during the prom dance.
Left: Jack Odell, Aaron Denn and Colleen Gravley taking the train ride to the venue of the prom in the Audubon Zoo.
Right: Derek Welch, Chris Snodgrass and Brad Collins pose for a photo.
Top left: It's the prom of all Bottom left: Prom Orgaproms time, Alex Roberts, his nizer Hayley Hutchison and guest, Nicole Chopin, John Brooke Rabin pose for our Baker and Jonathan Burke are camera. all smiles for the camera.
Top right: Yearbook editor Beth WashingtonandAshley Conroy force a smile during the night.
Upper School 97
Bottom right: Mark Rosenthal and his guest pose a prom photo.
English I: French Award:
Vickie Nguyen
Becky Quintal
Honorable Mention: Honorable Mention:
Michael Gieger & Hunter Gilbert
French I: Marisa Katz
English II: French II: Wesley Campbell
Gretchen Hoffman
English III (Columbia Book
French III: Jennifer Lozano
French IV: Robyn Tikia
National Merit Finalists Award): French V: Emily Estes
Stephen Adams
Seth Babin
Clancy Fink
Naveen Kailas
Bonnie Williams
Salutatorian: Stephen Adams
Valedictorian: Bonnie Williams
Headmaster's Achievement
Ali Spindler
English IV: Bonnie Williams
Latin Award:
Stephen Adams
Art I: Latin II: Ben Bologna
Harris Diano
Latin III: Jessica Wise
Honorable Mention: Latin IV: Robert Graham
Catalina Restrepo
Art II: Jim Latham Mathematics
Kristin Malone
Award: Jason Fleming
Ceramics: Rensselaer Medal for
Cristina Campo
Excellence in Science and Stephen Adams & Bonnie
Mathematics: Robyn Tikia Williams
Gustaf R. Westfeldt, Jr. Award:
Charles Gariepy
O.E. Haring Memorial
Scholarship Award:
Brian Bell
John F. Aker Award:
Jessica White
Michael John Moseley Award:
Jason Fleming
St. Martin's Citizenship
Stephen Adams & Jonathan Lu
Mildred Ellis Herron Memorial
Sadiha Ahmed
AP Art:
Olga lvanova
Honorable Mention: Yale Book Award:
Wayne McGaw
Robert Graham
Drama: Algebra Award:
Seth Babin
Ben Bologna
Honorable Mention: Honorable Mention:
Hayley Hutchison
Algebra I: Dee Dee Hui
Musical Theatre: Algebra Il Honors: Vickie Nguyen
Michael Musso
Theatre Service Award:
Celeste Block
Jessica White
Honorable Mention:
Ben Bologna
Geometry Award:
Neema Patel
Honorable Mention:
Honors: Gretchen Hoffman
Advanced Math:
Music: Honorable Mention: Drew Hill
Brain Bell
Trigonometry: Honorable
Honorable Mention: Mention: Brad Collins
Sean Moore
Spanish Award:
Jason Felming & Bonnie Williams
E. 0. Van Slate Service Award: Spanish I: Allison Hollinger
Sara Foley
Spanish II: Hunter Gilbert
Spanish III: Gretchen Hoffman
Spirit of St. Martin's Award: Spanish IV: Jill McCall
Bonnie Williams
Calculus: Honorable Mention:
Sarah Foley
Biology Award:
Ben Bologna
AP Biology: Honorable Mention:
Sarah Foley
Chemistry Award:
2003 Harvard Book Award: Neema Patel
Williams College Book Award: Jessica White
Sean Moore
Honorable Mention: Mark Holden
L'Union Francaise: & Tyler Coatney
Brain Bell
98 US Awards
Washington Uni. in St. Louis
Book Award: Ashwin Rao
AP Chemistry Honorable
Mention: Jill McCall & Robert Graham
Physics Award: Bausch & Lomb Medal: Drew Hill
Alton Ochsner Award for 2003: Becky Quintal
Harold Graf Science Award: Sarah Foley
World History Award: Ben Bologna & Allan Farber
Civics Award: Jessica Wise
American History Award: Ashwin Rao
Jefferson Book Award: Jessica White History Award: Emily Estes
Religion: Sewanee Book Award: Patrick Brown
Religion: Jessica Wise & Gretchan Hoffman
American Legion's Citizenship Award: Courtney Nicholson Runner-up: Brendan Daly
Middlebury College Book
Award: Andrew Debuys
Lyre Editors: Taylor Nolan, Emily Estes, Tourne' Torres and Danny Soto
Amelia Gariepy, Bonnie Williams, Ashwin Rao, Ali Spindler & Robyn Tilda
Shield Editors:
Beth Washington and Karla Perez
Jonathan Lu (St. Martin's Citizenship Award), Bonnie Williams (Valedictorian, Headmaster 's & Spirit of St. Martin's Awards) & Stephen Adams (Salutatorian, Headmaster and St. Martin 's Citizenship Awards)
Brian Bell (O.E. Haring Memorial Scholarship Award & L'Union Francaise), Emily Estes (History Award) and Sadiha Ahmed (Mildred Ellis Herron Memorial Award)
Ali Spindler (Columbia Book Award) , Jessica White (John F. Aker, Harvard Book & Jefferson Book Awards) and Ashwin Rao (American History Award & Washington University in St . Louis Book Award)
Shield staff Kristin Howard, Ashley Conroy and Beth Washington (Shield Editor) pose with Mrs. Najolia. The 2003 yearbook is dedicated to Mrs. Najolia.
US Awards 99
Class of 2004 l
Brian Bell
Bradley Blanchard
Courtney Block
Markham Bradburn
Tia Bradley
Malcolm Bromham
J. Patrick Brown
Ilyas Chiali
Bradley Collins
Brandon Darden
Andrew deBuys
Aaron Denn
Laura Lynne Denny
Amy Elizabeth Evans
Emily Fransen
G. Alec Fritchie
Robert Graham
DeVon Green
Rachel Harrison
Brian Bell as Britney Spears at the 2002
Homecoming Pep Rally Markham Bradburn, Laura Denny, and Jill McCall
adeem Arshad
100 Juniors
Robyn Tikia takes a moment to pose for a picture.
" This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pillthe story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Morpheus, The Matrix
- Brandon Darden
"I guess it's hard for people who are so used to things the way they areeven if they're bad- to change. 'Cause they kind of give up. And when they do, everybody kind of loses."
Haley Joel Osment, Forward - Jill McCall
Drew Hill
Hayley Hutchison
Will James
Amanda Janke
Sarah Jones
Jessica Leone
Blake Lusk
Jill McCall
Wayne McGaw
David Mohrmann
Hunter Monsour
Sean Moore
Jack Odell
Walker Olson
Karla Perez
Michael Perez
Brooke Rabin
Ashwin Rao
Hayden Rieveschl
Ashley Riso
"The great thing about this grass is that you can play 36 holes in the afternoon, come home and Just [have fun] out of the bejeezus. "
- Will James
Bill Murray
Juniors 101
Mark Rosenthal
Karl Senner
Jennifer Simpson
Christopher Snodgrass
Gary Solomon
Andrea Soto
Danny Soto
Alison Spindler
Christine Stanley
Jonathan Stout
Charlie Thornton
Robyn Tikia
Tika Torres
Justin Turner
Hardy Weaver
"I don't want to waste my time, become another casualty of society. I'll never fall in line, become another victim ofyour conformity."
Sum41, Fat Lip - Laura
"Will I ever get to where I'm going? If I do, will I know when I am there? If the wind would blow me in the right direction, would I even care? I would"
102 Juniors
"I have often regretted my speech, never my silence. "
- De Von Green
Incubus, Nowhere Fast
- Jonathan Stout
Andrew Wegmann
Derek Welch
Jessica White
Geoffrey Wilkinson
Jessica Wilson
Matthew Woodard
Harrison Wool
Patrick Zemanek
Above: Sean Moore is looking hot hot hot as King of the Fairies in the fall play
Above: Michael Perez waits eagerly for Robert Graham to finish signing out for lunch leave.
dley, Emily Fransen, Courtney Block, ·ca White, Jennifer Simpson
Above: Karla Perez is hard at work.
Above: Wayne McGaw , a supercool guy
Juniors 103
Chris Snodgrass strikes a crazy pose in the hallway
l®bn Class of 2005
David Adams
Dolapo Ayo-Vaughan
Michael Baptiste
Barrett Bass
Ryan Becnel
Andre Bienvenu
Elise Bordson-Bozzo
Lizzie Burck
Geoffrey Byers
Stephen Cacioppo
Tyler Coatney
Harry Cole
Brooke Conroy
Anna-Marie Coons
Chelsea Cusimano
Lisette deBoisblanc
Frances Derby
Harris Diano
Brett Doussan
Shane Duhon
Above: Chelsea Cusimano and Lisette deBoisblanc sport the 80s style during homecoming week.
Brittany (STM guest), Rebekah Smith, Gretchen Hoffman, Dolapo Ayo-Vaughan, Nicole Sistrunk, Frances Derby and Tyler Coatney at the 2002 Homecoming Dance
104 Sophomores
Above: William McQuaig and Jordan Estes rock back to the 80s.
Preston Eiswirth
Savanna Engen
Jordan Estes
Charles Gariepy
Max Gaudin
Hillary Gibbs
Hilary Goldberg
Brittany Gowland
Joshua Gramlich
Colleen Gravley
Ryan Gray
Ilise Greenstein
Nicholas Hee
Julie Henson
Gretchen Hoffman
Mark Holden
Thomas Home
Danyael Hughes
Amira Kahlil
Sophia Loupakos
Above: Harry Cole fights off one of our cameramen.
Left: (Left to Right) Lizzie Burck,Rachel Ramelli, and Caret Patterson pause for a picture on dress up day.
Below : (Left to Right) Preston Eiswirth, Philip Podret '06, and Joey Schwertz take a break for the camera during the Newman Invitational Cross Country.
Sophomores 105
Above: Sophia Loupakos shows her spirit on St. Martin 's Day. Max Gaudin walks behind.
Q & w~A ~o/"'M11,~4i,
~,,,d,k H~~JtJL?
"2002 Soccer. Winning State and going the whole season undefeated. "
"2003 homecoming game in the rain. Everyone got wet but we had so much fun. "
"Beating Newman in volleyball because it was awesome. 0515, 15-11, 15-07"
Jennifer Lozano
Rebecca Lusk
Kristin Malone
Andrew Matthews
Sky McElroy
Stephen McLaughlin
Will McQuaig
Charles O'Boyle
Neej Patel
Neema Patel
Garet Patterson
Jeremy Peres
Cole Piper
Rachel Ramelli
Chas Richard
Megan Ripoll
David Robins
Chris Saporito
Ashleigh Scheuermann
Joseph Schwertz
106 Sophomor es
- Neej Patel
- Charles Gariepy
- Megan Ripoll
Q & w~A I
"Scarface because it has intriguing violence and it's exuberant. "
"Clueless because it is so cute and we love it."
Nicole Sistrunk
Rebekah Smith
Ruth Stedman
Jordan Stone
Venkat Subramaniam
Jimmy Tiblier
Albert Triulzi
Andrew Trujillo
Nsikak Udott
Gabriela Uribe
Katie Weidner
Mitchell White
Jessica Wise
Spencer Wool
Blaine Yelverton
"Dumb and Dumber because it's my type of humor."
"'1,~M-1, dl-~ ~,('~ ~N~, w4,
- Chas Richard
Colleen Gravley & Brittany Gowland
Sophomores 107
Andre Bienvenu
Jeffrey Albrecht
Ana Apostolos
Celeste Block
Jordan Bocage-Martin
Benjamin Bologna
Camille Bourgeois
Claire Bruton
Jonathan Buring
Wesley Campbell
Stephen Chester
Samir Chiali
Ani Childress
Chris Denuna
Elizabeth Derby
Stella Duplass
Michael Eastman
Preston Emory
Allan Farber
Christopher Flowers
Ryan Fremin
Camille Bourgeois and Kelsey Vogt are back in the 50s during Homecoming week
Above: (Left to Right) Brenton Ho , Jonathan Buring, Kelly Martinez, Jonathan Gamble, Terri Lorden, Ashleigh Morales and Adnan Suleman watch their classmates during the StM day activities.
108 Freshmen
Stephen Chester gets ready to dive during the St. Martin's Swim Invitation!.
Bruce Fromrneyer
Jonathan Gamble
Michael Gieger
Hunter Gilbert
Denver Gray
Ashley Greenstein
Taylar Hart
Brenton Ho
Alex Hodnett
DeeDee Hui
Tyler Humphrey
Christopher Humphreys
Aaron Hyatt
Cooper Johnston
Marisa Katz
Spencer King
Christopher Kirkwood
Jamie Kovacs
Arno Kristel
Steven LaRosa
Ben Bologna is hard at work in the Martin Family Library
Left: Colin Nicholson, Irene Matthew-Parker & Richard Odell show their enthusiasm for the Freshman Homecoming Party
Maggie Rusch goes down after a huge play during the State Volleyball championship. Teammate Kristina Sanchez '03 watches the ball. St. Martin 'sfinished second in the state.
Freshmen 109
Victoria Welch and Martina Scheuermann during the Homecoming Dance
......, l ' .
W~~o/"M ~~,Wt tV~,
St. Martin's Day because we can leave early and the food is good
Homecoming week because it's fun and you don 't have to do anything.
The Homecoming game is my favorite thing during the school year because you can sit with all your friends during the game and even if we lose, it's still fun!
Terri Lorden
Tyler Martin
Andrew Martinez
Kelly Martinez
Irene Matthew-Parker
Brian McCormick
Elyse McDaniel
Ali Miller
Ashleigh Morales
Katie Mozier
Hunter Nelson
Vickie Nguyen
Colin Nicholson
Jeffrey O'Bryon
Richard Odell
Elizabeth Peterson
Leah Phillips
Phillip Podret
Oscar Ponce de Leon
Bobby Quintal
110 Freshmen
- Catalina Restrepo
- Cooper Johnston
- Elyse McDaniel
& w~ A k,~M, IA~,,,
I guess it works, but it 's aggravating when people cut in line.
John Rappold
Catalina Restrepo
Maggie Rusch
Martina Scheuermann
Christopher Senner
Bharat Sharma
Brittany Sharp
Ankit Sheth
Michael Smallpage
Jansen Smith
Adnan Suleman
Jason Toney
Jon Vail
Kelsey Vogt
Rachel Watts
Katherine Weaver
David Weeks
Nicholas Weigand
Victoria Welch
I could care less about the "Lunch Lottery. " As long as I get my food, I'm a happy camper.
I like it... Its rockin'
- Wesley Campbell
- Eliz Peterson
Fr es hm e n 111
- Bobby Quintal
Above: Erin Rose shows her holla hoop skills.
Top right: Kylie Contreary, Kelsey Haslett, Courtney Foret and Christine Schmidt get into the Hawaiian Sprit.
Right: Kayla Marmillion, Blake Johnston and Shannon English-Rhoden in Washington D.C.
Below: Taylor Michals and Sara Whitehead make use of the schools lap-tops.
Top: Kayla Marmillion and Branson Bennett show off their baby during the eight grade flour baby week.
Left:Top right: Adele LeGardeur, Elizabeth Crouch and Sarah Beth Pansano show off their looks at the Middle School dance.
Tucker Adams
Ryan Aldridge
Kyle Anderson
Lemboye Ayo-Vaughan
Gretchen Bangs
Jeb Barr
Pepper Baumer
Branson Bennett
Heather Booth
Stephen Borrello
E. Matthew Campbell
Alice Cawley
Stephen Chouest
Elizabeth Crouch
Ellen Cunningham
Jillian Davis
William DePass
Megan Dodge
Andrew Dovie
Kevin Dusang
Casey Lowe tries to bust the balloon during the St. Martin 's Day game
Members of the Middle School Varsity Volleyball team rest after a game , from left to right: Jamie Razza, Adele LeGardeur, Amanda Perkins, Jacquelin e Lee and Deena Provance
114 8'" Grade
Jillian Davis and her friend, Courtney Alexander 'I 5 (left)
Shannon English-Rhoden
Bryan Flick
Laura Gambrell
Gillian Gibbs
Jay Gilmore
Ryan Guercio
Andrea Guevara
James Henson
Alan Hill
Kate Hoolahan
Hunter Hughes
Stephen Humphrey
Mira John
Blake Johnston
John Kondylopoulos
Sri Korrapati
Maroshini Krishna
Scott Lazes
Jacqueline Lee
Adele LeGardeur
Above: Scott Lazes runs to the finish line during the St. Martin's Day activities.
Left: 8th grade class officers during the class retreat, (left to right) Jillian Davis, Lauren Milner, Blake Johnston and Benjamin
Below: (left to right) Jamie Razza, Jeb Barr, Stephen Borrello and Lemboye Ayo-Vaughan get their balloons ready during the St. ,, Martin's day events
8th Grade 115
Above: Jacqueline Lee reads the second reading at the St. Martin's Day service
Alexandra "Casey" Lowe
Brennan Lowery
Blair Lumpkin
Brian Milner
Lauren Milner
George Molaison
Joseph O'Donnell
Libby Odell
Sarah Beth Pansano
Above: Rev. Longstreth shares a meditation with some 8th graders, clock wise: Fr. Longstreth, Michelle Schmidt, Elizabeth Crouch, Libby Odell, Kevin Dusang, Joseph O'Donnell, Sam Solomon.
Above left: Lauren Milner
Below: Lauren Milner (far left) and Shannon English-Rhoden sign the honor code. Casey Lowe and Sri Korrapati wait their turn. receives communion from Rev. Longstreth. Right: The entire 8th grade class at Camp Abbey for their last retreat as middle schoolers.
116 8'" Grade
Amanda Perkins
Deena Provance
Jamie Razza
Nathan Reveley
Kyle Roberts
Michelle Schmidt
Benjamin Smith
Sam Solomon
Lauren Waters
Caroline Wilson
Above: Rev. Longstreth and his advisory group
Above: Mrs. McCormick and her advisory group
Above: Some 8th grade boys find time to relax and play under the watchful eyes of Mr. Lind (far left)
Above: Mrs. Godchaux and her advisory group
8'" Grade 117
Above: Mrs. Sauer and her advisory group
'E¥fli-tfi <;jrade
'Wasfiing-ton 'D.C. 'Trip
Above left: A group of eighth graders poses for a picture in front of the National Museum of Natural History.
Above right: During her visit with the students, Senator Mary Landrieu takes a photo with Jillian Davis.
Left: The teachers said no monkeying around in the Smithsonian Institution, but we didn't listen
118 8th Grade
Above, left and right: Introducing Mrs. President and the First Gentleman, Elizabeth Odell and Stephen Borrello.
Above : Senator Mary Landrieu with the entire eighth grade and their chaperons at the nation's capital.
Lauren Gambrell , Lauren Milner and Elizabeth Odell marvel at the freshly fallen snow.
8 '" Grade 119
Above: A magnificent view of the Washington Monument.
Below : Lauren Milner and Libby Odell pause from their Elizabethan Day celebrations to pose for a picture.
120 Elizab e than Day
Above : The 8th grade poses for their tradtional Elizabethan Day photo.
(front to back): Michelle Schmidt, Kayla Marmillion and Blake Johnston take a break to have a picture taken.
Right (clock wise): John Kondylopoulos, Jeb Barr, Ben Smith, Andrea Guevara, Casey Lowe, Laura Gambrell at their table filled with tradtional food.
1) Sri Korrapati, Caroline Wilson, Ryan Guercio, L..,.;l.._
Drew Dovie, Shannon English-Rhoden enjoying 3)Left to right: Ellen Cunningham, Adele the day. LeGardeur, Sarah Beth Pansano pose for the cam-
2) Left to right: Lembo ye Ayo- Vaughan, Maroshini era.
Elizabethan Day 121
Krishna and Blair Lumpkin walk down the hallway 4) Jared Gilmore savors a chicken leg. to join the festations.
Shayan Ahmed
Tolani Ayo-Vaughan
Jessica Baer
Henry Boos
Michelle Borrello
Parker Bossier
DJ Bremermann
Margaret Bruton
Susannah Bunch
Devvin Burgess
Zachary Callaway
Marjorie Champaign-Basset
Laurie Clotworthy
Kory Eslick
Timothy Farber
Class of 2CXJB
Above Right: St. Martin's Cheerleaders, Alex Prince and Prissy Schlesinger
Above Left: Margaret Bruton reads her English paper to the class. Left: 7th grade 2002 Merit Winners: Ls1lJ..m:y_ (L to R): C. Ripoll, G. Lossi, E. Kwon, S. Jain, P. Stead, J. Matthews, P. Westling, K. Peck.
2nd Row: J. Harry , D. Burgess, T. Patterson, R. Weigand. '?rd Row: M Lunyong, S. Holden, M Champaign-Bassett, S. Bunch. 1..lh._B,my_: U. Udott, A. Humphreys. Too Row: J. Baer, P. Bossier
122 7'" Grade
Jordan Harry
Stephanie Holden
Alexandra Humphreys
Jack Hurley
Sunny Jain
Moustafa Khalil
Bobby Korrapati
Elaine Kwon
Gigi Lossi
Macie Lunyong
James Matthews
Kayla Morel
Donald Muller
Jena Mura
Kristin Nielsen
reviews her English paper.
Left: Henry Boos and Jack Hurley smile for the camera on Homecoming Day
Below, left to right: Alex Prince, Elaine Kwon, Kristin Nielsen, Jessica Baer, Laurie Clotworthy, Margaret Bruton, Jessika Whitbeck, and Tofani
strike a pose on Mis-Match Day
7"' Grade 123
Above: Morgan Prieur and her Grandma fill out a worksheet in science classroom on Grand Friends day
,WA-1, o/"'M-1, 0-v-"~
I liked the bonfire because we had to tell all these stories.
There wasn't a strict schedule. We had a lot more free time. The bonfire was really fun too.
I guess that we got lots offree time and we got to swim in the pool.
Troy Patterson
Katherine Peck
Jana Podret
Morgan Prieur
Alex Prince
Kevin Quinet
Ronald Ramsey
Kyle Ridley
Clare Ripoll
Erin Rose
7th graders get instruction before one of the retreat activities
124 7"' Grade
Q7th&JJ.e w~
- Kristin Nielsen
Mrs. Belkhouche and her group pose for a photo at Camp Abbey
- Alex Humphreys
- Kevin Quinet
Q7t ,i 4jCMUJ,,J.). d-eM1,~5w~ wM w,e~ 1,,e,,
We could bring food and electronics because it would give us something to do.
There could be air conditioning in the cabins. It was really hot.
Prissy Schlesinger
Amanda Skinner
Preston Stead
John Truett
Udy Udott
Edward Watts
Ben Weaver
Richard Weigand
Porter Westling
Jessika Whitbeck
I guess the air conditioning in the cabins too.
- Kayla Morel
- James Matthews
- Bobby Korrapati
7th Grade 125
Ms. Vogel er and her group takes a photo break during the retreat Henry Boos thinks , "Retreat without FUN? NO WAY!"
Below: Mrs. Pearce gives instruction to her group during the day.
126 7'" Grade
Above: The class of 2008 pose for a group photo on Tom Sawyer Day.
Right: A group of ?h graders pose for a photo in their Tom Sawyer Day costumes.
Right: ?h grade advsors
Mrs. Sauer, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Patterson, Ms . Vogeler, Mrs. Marchal and Mrs Scott
Top left: Katherine Peck tries her chances at winning the bubble blowing contest.
Bottom left: Jana Podret just noticed the hole on her gum. To right: Troy Patterson going for the win on Tom Sawyer Day.
7'" Grade 127
Bottom Right: Laurie Clotworthy goes for a swing while other students wait their turns.
Jennifer Baer
Jane Ball
Baylor Barnett
Robert Breaux
Caroline Burglass
Garrett Casey Coates Charbonnet
Kayla Clemons
Kylie Contreary
Kristina Crouch
Nicholas DePass
Joel Derby
Daniel duPlantier
Dean-Michael Elazab
Courtney Foret
Stephen Gieger
Katie Gilmore
Kokom Green
Kelsey Haslett
Class of 2C09
Kayla Clemons celebrates the annual Grand Friends day with her mother.
128 6'" Grade
The sixth grade class makes a ruckus during a Middle School spirit night.
Ross Rue/lo and Sarah Rothschild work on a project during Mrs. Kaston 's Social Studies class.
Natalie Hee
Raquel Helmer
Matthew Higgins
Chelsea Hughes
Evan Khodr
Rishanth Krishna
Alexander Lawhon
Mitchell Leff
Ana Loupakos
David Loy less
N abila Maliki
Maryclaire Manard
Brant McConnell
Andrew McDaniel
Anshul Mehra
Taylor Michals
Michael Moore
Hannah Morris
Julia Nugent
Bonnie O'Donnell
Elazab, Rishanth Krishna and Alex Vu enjoy a little snack on the bleachers.
Left: Courtney Foret, Sarah Rothschild and Taylor Michals smile wilh their rabbit during the blessing of the animals.
Below: 6th grade cast members of "A Midsummer Nigh! 's Dream" (Left lo Right): Alex Lawhon, Garrett Casey, Michael Moore and Joel Derby
6'" Grade 129
Eleanor Vazquez plays a game with a classmate on St. Martin's Day
Katie Odell
Ashleigh Oqueli
William Roberts
Ashley Roop
Sarah Rothschild
Ross Ruello
Christine Schmidt
Michael Smilari
Adam Struppeck
Amy Taylor
Michelle Taylor
Christiaan van der Walt
Chet Vaughn
Eleanor Vazquez
Alexander Vu
130 6'" Gra d e
James Warren
Elizabeth Webber
Sara Whitehead
Andrew Wise
Joshua Woo
Margaret Yon
Left: Brant McConnell, Stephen Gieger, Matthew Higgins and Robert Breaux demonstrate their cheerleading skills at Camp Abbey.
Below Right: Ms . Roma 's advisory smiles for a picture in front of a bridge at Camp Abbey, from left to right: Eleanor Vazquez, Margaret Yon, Katie Gilmore, Christine Schmidt, Natalie Hee, Ms. Roma, Stephen Gieger, Robert Breaux, Brant McConnell , Matthew Higgins , and Anshul Mehra
Kylie Contreary, Christine Schmidt, and Kiki Abril pose for The Shield during a spirit night.
6'" Grade 131
Below: Courtney Foret and Right: Chet Vaughn Kristina Crouch enjoy their pauses for a photo op. food on th e Japan table.
Above: 61" busy with their food on Asia day. Clockwise: Josh Woo, Rishanth Krishna, James Warren, Chris van der Walt, Cory Elazad, Brant McConnell, Dean Elazad and Alexander Vu
Right: Clockwise, Sara Whitehead, Kelsey Haslett, Courtney Foret, Krsitina Crouch, Jennifer Baer , Maryclaire Manard, Caroline Burg/ass and Taylor Michals.
132 6'" Grade
Top left: SriKorrapatigets ready to entertain the 6th grade class with her Indian dancing skills.
Bottom left: Elaine
Kwon and Marcie Top right: The China table. Lunyong demonstrate Clockwise: Ross Ruello, Anmarshal art techniques. drew McDaniel, Garrett Casey, Kokom Green, Robert Breaux, Baylor Barnett, Joel Derby and Michael Smilari.
6'" Grade 133
Bottom right: A parent helps Kian Abril, Eleanor Vazquez and Nabila Maliki set up their table.
Mrs. Pittman congratulates
Sam Solomon (Dean's Award)
Mrs. Kaston congratulates Stephen Gieger (6th grade Outstanding Citizenship and Social Studies Awards)
Mrs. Pittman presents a gift to Jillian Davis (8 th grade Outstanding Citizenship Award)
Dean's Award
Sam Solomon
Outstanding Citizenship
6 th grade - Kayla Clemons & Stephen Gieger
7th grade - Gigi Lossi & Troy Patterson
8 th grade - Jillian Davis & Nathan Reveley
Highest Class Average
6 th grade - Caroline Burglass
7,h grade - Elaine Kwon
8'11 grade - Mira John
Bishop Brown Scholarship
Lauren Waters
6 th grade - Michelle Taylor & Kylie Contreary
7th grade James Matthews, Elaine Kwon, Laurie Clotworthy & Clare Ripoll
8' 11 grade - Jacqueline Lee, Brennan Lowery, Blake Johnston & Maroshini Krishna
6111 grade - David Loyless & Michelle Taylor
7th grade - James Matthews
8'11 grade - Kayla Marmillion, Kate Hoolahan, Jamie Razza & Mira John
6111 grade Caroline Burglass & Jane Ball
7' 11 grade - Jordan Harry & James Matthews
8'h grade - Mira John
Social Studies
6 th grade - Stephen Gieger, Caroline Burglass & Porter W esling
7th grade - Elaine Kwon
81h grade - Ben Smith
134 MS Awards
Mr. Dressel presents the honor roll medals to Sarah Beth Pansano and Deena Provance
7th grade - Preston Stead
8 th grade - Blake Johnston
7th grade - Porter Wesling
8 th grade - Casey Lowe
6 th grade - Joshua Woo, Matthew Higgins & Andrew Wise
7th grade - James Matthews
8th grade - Jillian Davis
6 th grade - Jane Ball & Ross Ruello
7th grade - Stephanie Holden & Troy Patterson
8th grade - Brennan Lowery
8th grade - Gigi Gibbs & Troy Patterson
6 th grade - Kylie Contreary & Eleanor Vazquez
7th grade - Elaine Kwon
8th grade - Libby Odell & Sarah Beth Pansano
6 th grade - Joshua Woo
7th grade - Porter Wesling & Katherine Peck
8th grade - Ben Smith & Sarah Beth Pansano
Nathan Reveley
6 th grade - Mitchell Leff & Robert Breaux
7th grade - Laurie Clothworthy
8 th grade - Kate Williams
Performing Arts Service
Mat Campbell
The entire class of 2007 on the stage of the Solomon Theater.
Jl.,l,:v. Pittman congratulates Nathan Reveley (8 11, grade Outsta11di11g Citizenship a11d Drama Awards)
Dr. Ramos co!lgratulates Porter Wesli11g (Latin and Social Studies Awards)
l'vlrs. Belkhouche congratulates Blake Johnston (French and English Awards)
MS Awards 135
Gigi Gibbs receives the Outstanding Athlete Award ji'Oln Dr. Jones
Above : Otway Denny and Jonathan Waters show their school spirit at a baseball game.
Top right: A group of Kindergarten girls at play in the Lower School quad.
Right: Mrs. Goldblatt's Pre-K class dress up for Halloween.
Below: Some first grade girls dance on French Day.
Above: Lord-Byron Cannon shows off his science invention.
Left: Madeline Roohi and Emily Fouchi snack on St. Martin's Day.
Joseph Adams
John Alvendia
Kody Anderson
Richard Amoult
Morgan Augillard
Blake Bohner
Samuel Buckley
Shawn Burst
Christopher Cabral
Robert Cawley
Daniel Chester
Laura Coatney
s topher Cobb
Douglas Collins
Robert Dusang
Class of 2010
Above Right: Sara O 'Bryon, Ambika Subramaniam and Jasmine George are ready to go on stage during the fall production of "A Mid-summer Night 's Dream."
Above Left: Rachel White reads a prayer during an all school chapel Left: Members of the bell choir, from right to left: Sara O'Bryon, Olivia Johnson , Laura Coatney, Spencer Schlesinger, Madeline Estes and Ashlynn McConnell on St. Martin 's Day.
138 5'" Grade
Madeline Estes
Jeffrey Favaloro
Mason Fox
Jasmine George
Amanda Gilbert
Martin Gray
Sonya Green
Brandon Hall
Patrick Heer
Andrew Ho
Elizabeth Holden
Philipp Hummel
Thomas John
Ethan Johnson
Olivia Johnson
Above: 5th graders eat donuts and talk with their Middle School buddies.
Right: Elizabeth Holden steps out of the pool after a swim.
5 '" Grade 139
Above: Mrs. Crouch watches over Thomas John and another student during the St. Martin 's Day activities.
l)t,,~ lt,MV~~; "&H~ S<k~L~ ~,w4,
Yes, because you get a lot more privileges and you have more fun.
Yes, because you get to wear more kinds of shoes.
Yes, I am excited and also nervous but I know if I study hard I will do well.
Mary-Elizabeth Lago
Jonathan Lumpkin
Katherine Matthew-Parker
Samuel Maynard
Samantha Mendoza
Sara O'Bryon
Scott Pearce
Hunter Phillips
Nicole Riso
Spencer Schlesinger
Shannon Schweitzer
Conway Solomon
Chloe Suazo
Ambika Subramaniam
140 5'" Grade
-Robert Dusang
-Chloe Suazo
-Chris Cobb
Social Studies because I love history.
Art, because it is fun and we get to make a lot of crafts and pictures.
Michael Triulzi
Frances Truett
Ifreke Udott
Richmond Walker
Ashleigh Waters
Rachel White
love to draw.
Below: Sonya Green and Rhett Ernst 'J 1 compete against each other in a hula hoop contest on St. Martin's Day.
-Elizabeth Holden
Above: The 5th grade bell choir, from left to right: Mary-Elizabeth Lago, Chloe Suazo, Ambika Subramaniam, Ashleigh Waters, Morgan Augillard, Katherine Matthew-Parker and Ashlynn McConnell
-Thomas John
Art because I
5'" Grade 141
-Nicole Riso
Below: Samantha Mendoza, Brandon Hall, Richmond Walker and Joe Adams put on their performance.
5'" Grade
Above: Doug Collins, Ashleigh Waters, Frances Truett, Madeline Estes, Katherine MatthewParkers and Kody Anderson during their play.
Right: Sara O 'Bryon reads to the audience during the play.
Right: Rachal White, Ashlynn McConnell and Laura Coatney clap to the tune of their song.
Top left: Ethan Johnson, Ifreke Udott, Morgan Augillard and Jasmine George.
Bottom left: Some 5th graders wait for the beginning of another scene.
Top right: Ambika Subramaniam dancing to a traditional Mexican song.
5"' Grade 143
Bottom right: Madeline Estes, Chloe Suazo, Sam Buckley, Martin Gray, Chris Cobb and Thomas John.
Vincent Borrello
Melanie Bremerrnann
Catie Brown
Emily Burglass
Lauren Bums
Daniel Campbell
Lord Byron Cannon
Nicole Carter
Jack Castellano
Olivia Celata
Max Champaign-Bassett
Colby Chisesi
Colin Chouest
Morgan DeMartini
Class of 201 1
144 4'" Grade
Above Right: Osana Osaretin and Samantha Oppenheim coloring pennies during the St Martin's Day activities.
Above Left: (left to right) Samantha Pearce, Olivia Celata, Tim Lunyong and Chris Giambelluca during the St. Martin's Day games.
Left: Mrs. Johnson explains the "human chair game" to her 4th graders.
Above: 4th and 5th graders pause during STM day for a photo, from left to right: J. Lumpkin, S. Green, P. Heer, A. Gilbert, L. Coatney, R. Ernst, D. Campbell,A. Lottinger, S. Maliki, C. Van Horn, N. Keeney, E. Burg/ass and C. Matthews.
Kyler Duhe
Alex Embree
Rhett Ernst
Ashley Gallagher
Chloe George
Chris Giambelluca
Andrew Goodman
lbi Green
Chase Haslett
Katherine Honeywell
Nicholas Keeney
Blaine Kem, III
Patrick Landry
Above: Nikki Wiggins looks up for a photo op during the St. Martin's Day activities.
4'" Grade 145
Left: (left to right) Carter Van Horn, Nicholas Keeney, Rhett Ernst, Andrew Goodman and (Back Row) Andrew Lottinger smile for the camara.
Q & w~A~'°~ StH~~, w4,
"I like St. Martin 's Day because we get to hang out with our friends. "
"I like the food. I just moved here and at my other school the food was horrible. 11
"My favorite thing about St. Martin 's is book reports because you have to be creative. 11
Sarah Lawhon
Andrew Lottinger
Timothy Lunyong
Brodie Lyles
Samir Maliki
Leigh Martin
Michael Martino
Christine Matthews
Taylor Nielsen
Christina Noya
Samantha Oppenheim
Osana Osaretin
Samantha Pearce
Marcelle Richard
146 4'" Grade
-Chris Giambelluca
-Sarah Lawhon
-Carter Van Horn
Photo on opposite: Freshmen Victoria Welch, Ashley Greenstein and Mari Katz outside Gibbs Hall (4th and 5th grades building)
"My favorite teacher is Mrs. B. because she makes art fun, and Mr. Parkman because he was fun to play with."
Jon Richards
Blake Ridley
Stewart Scoggin
Katherine Skinner
Collin Stedman
Carter Van Hom
Chase Webber
Nikki Wiggins
Kristina Woodward
"Mrs. Trotter is my favorite teacher because she has lots of activities that we can do and she is very nice, and Mrs. Garrett"
-Marcelle Richard
"My favorite teachers are probably Mrs. Shaw and Mr. Mockler because they are very fun. "
•.J.\ l ' . t+~ St.H~'~'
4'" Grade 147
-Nicholas Keeney
Below: Tim Lunyong, Emily Burglass, Marcelle Richard, Sarah Lawhon, Ashley Gallagher, Rhett Ernst and Melanie Bremermahn are the New York Broadway dances
148 4'" Grade
Above: Theentireclasso/2011 during the World Day celebrations.
Right: Leigh Martin introduces the Janpanese scene of the World Day presentations.
Right: Colby Chisesi, Taylor Nielsen and Patrick Landry are Mexican dancers.
Top left: Some 4'" graders doing the chicken dance from Norway.
Bottom left: Byron Cannon and Stewart Scoggin clap the sticks while Morgan DeMartini and Osana Osaretin jump and dance.
Top right: Tim Lunyong and Rhett Ernst are New Yorkers.
4'" Grade 149
Bottom right: Margaret Agbojo, Samantha Oppenheim, Chloe George, Christina Noya and Nikki Wiggins entertain the audience during the day.
Kaitlynn Amoult
Calvin Black
Alyson Bordson-Bozzo
Caroline Bossier
Austin Brackett
Catherine Brierre
Thomas Broussard
Scott Buhler
Christine Catinis
Emily Combe
Gregory D' Angelo
Rushil Dang
Benjamin Davis
Otway Denny IV
Camrynn Dodge
150 3, d Grade
Above Right: Gabriel D 'Angelo runs in the egg race on St. Martin 's Day.
Above Left: Amanda Kruse, Shaina Lu and Gregory Zheng eat and color during the 2002 St Martin's Day
Left: Mrs . Shaw 's third grade Halloween Party
C"I like making Christmas ornaments because every year I give them to my parents as presents. "
"My favorite cartoon is "SpongeBob SquarePants " because he brings it around town!"
Kevin Donovan
Cory Elazab
William Farber
John Fleming, Jr.
Emily Fouchi
Emerson Gibbs
Haley Guepet
Joseph Hagensee
Michael Heer
Dylan Israel
Emily Johnson
Richard Jurisich
Damien Kemfack
Amanda Kruse
Peter Kwon
"My favorite books are the American Girl series. They are things that happened to girls in the old days. "
s-Emily Tastet
-Otway Denny
3,d Grade 151
-Emily Johnson
My favorite player is Deuce McAllister because he s really fast.
I liked how John Carney talked about college and about what he does as a kicker for the Saints.
My favorite player is John Carney. Hes the kicker, and hes really good at it.
A re 1-J,bU reAAr, fbr .Sbnie
Mr. John Carney, a New Orleans Saints Football Player visited with the third grade. He told the students stories from his NFL experiences In gratitude the third grade gave Mr. Carney two St. Martin's bears for his children.
Gabriel Lafuente
Susana Lopera
Ellen Lu
Shaina Lu
William Martin
Olivia Maynard
Jacob Micklin
Julian Moezzi
Mitchell Montgomery
Jack Morris
Paulina Murphy
Colin O'Malley
J orgen Opheim
Kevin Owens
Madison Prince
-Thomas Broussard
152 3'"'1 Grade
-Megan Reynolds
-Michael Heer
-Laura Denny '04
Joseph Provenzano
Megan Reynolds
Courtland Roberts
Madeline Roohi
Sarah Skidmore
Meredith Stedman
Taylor Sylvester
Emily Tastet
Lucy Taylor
Conner Timmerman
Jonathan Waters
Gregory Zheng
Diego Zubizarretta
Austin Brackett is so photogenic.
It's time for questions!
Below: Mr. Carney and StM bears
, , ,,, ,
Below : Otway Denny and Mr. Carney
3 ,J Grade 153
Gabe D 'Angelo and Emily Combe are riveted by Mr. Carney's talk.
Below: Ellen Lu, JoeHagenesee and other 3 rd graders sit in a circle during the ceremony.
154 3'" Grade
Above: The entire class of 2012 on stage for the ceremony.
Right: Conner Timmerman peek a look at the camera off stage.
Right: Julian Moezzi, Caroline Bossier, Gabe D 'Angelo, Joey Provenzano and Oliva Maynard act a Native American tradition.
Top left: Austin Brackett does a ceremonial dance.
Bottom left: Opheim, Ravin Shah, Caroline Bossier, Calvin Black, Hayley Guepet and Meredith Stedman during their class presentation.
Top right: A 3rd grade section during a musical portion.
3'" Grade 155
Bottom right: Gabriel Lafuente, Amanda Kruse, Paulina Murphy, Jack Morris, Will Farber, Blaise Jurisich listen while Aly Bordson-Bozzo introduce their presentation.
Claire Adams
Paul Alvendia
Connor Appel
Andrew Baird
Quentin Bernos
Ronnie Brown
Justin Brown-Gnarra
Matthew Callia
Stewart Campbell
Paul Chamorro
Collette Cobb
James Conaster
John D 'Angelo
Tyler Davis
Above Right: Ian Jenkins and Cassidy George hula-hoop during St. Martin 's Day activites.
Above Left: Justin Brown-Gnarra races during St. Martin's Day.
Left: Ronnie Brown races off as Mrs. Resignola and her class look on.
156 2"" Grade
Tyler Dean
David Dobie
Mitchell Duhe
Austin Falk
Carter Figueroa
Cole Frischhertz
Paden Gallagher
Cassidy George Asusi Green
Ashton Guyton
Top Left: Mrs. Little's second grade class watch the St. Martin 's Day games.
Top Right: Paul Alvendia enjoys a snack with his St. Martin 's Day buddy.
Above: Freshmen look on with their second grade buddies during one of the St. Martin's Day activities.
Right: 2nd grade students root for their classmates during St. Martin 's Day activities, left to right: Ashton Guyton , Alex Lunyong, Anne Leigh Weaver, Tyler Davis and Lushna Mehra.
2"d Grade 157
2n de w~ k~M-
Colin Hansen
Eric Hummel
Ian Jenkins
Dustin Kinard
Connor Kirkpatrick
Alex Lunyong
Nicole Martin
Mason Moore
Christopher Morton
~'1NJ4t 4,~Mt>t.
158 2"d Grade
"St. Martin s is a great school because its magnificent."
- Ashton Guyton
"I like my school because I can play with my friends I "
- Joanna Smilari
"St. Martins is the best because I have a lot of friends and we learn a lot. "
- Tyler Davis
Kenan Murphy
Shannon O 'Malley
Madison Penico
Brandon Phillips
Grant Reggio
Joanna Smilari
Jay Tufts
Ariel Vallotton
Anne Leigh Weaver
Katie Woo
"St. Martin s
"I like St. is the best Martins because its because I fun and the have good people are friends and " nzce nzce. teachers. "
- Mitchell Duhe -Tyler Dean
"St. Martin s w~ t,k~,a
is the best place I have ever been to. "
- Alex Lunyong 2 nd Grade 159
4~MtSt. H~'~ 5J«,i)
Below: The 2" d grade gets ready to warm up the crowd.
160 2"" Grade
Above: The entire class of2013 poses for a group photograph before the celebrations.
Right: Some of the boys dancing to the Maypole tune They include Autin Falk, Ronnie Brown, David Dobie , Andrew Baird, Alex Lunyong, Asusi Green and Eric Hummel.
Right: The 2"d grade boys take their turn on the dancingjloor.
Top left: Mrs. Fransen joins Lusha Mehra and Joanna Smilari during the celebration.
Bottom left: Collette Cobb, Cassidy Weaver,AnneLeigh Weaver, Nikki Martin and Shannon O 'Malley sing during the outdoor celebration.
Top right: Mrs. Perret, Mrs. Resignola and Mrs. Little help the students setup the pole.
2"'1 Grade 161
Bottom right: The entire 2"" grade girls and Mrs. Fransen, as a backup, celebrate Maypole.
Matthew Alikhani
Arman Alizadeh
Erin Bahn
Allison Baird
Hailee Barrett
Rachel Beck
Stephanie Bossier
Matthew Buckley
Anna Catinis
Hunter Chapman
Jessica D' Amico
Joseph D 'Amico
Carter DeMartini
Merrin Duhe
Melinda Embree
Classof2014 ,
Above Right: Carter DeMartini, Kaitlyn Montgomery & Maverick Hamilton take a game break.
Above Left: Carter DeMartini and Sam Hurley smile for the camera during the St. Martin 's Day Snacks.
Left: 1st graders do the lap dance on St. Martin's Day.
162 l " Grade
Above: The entire I st grade forms a semi-circle in the Lower School quad.
Right: I st graders gather with their I 0th grade buddies on snack day
Laine Farber
Kathryn Favaloro
Corino Figueroa
Evan Foster
Kincy Gibson
Maverick Hamilton
Elizabeth Haslett
Alexander Hirschfeld
Andrew Holdiness
Jefferson Honeywell
Matthew Hu
Jenni Hughes
Sam Hurley
Adler Hyatt
Danzel Kaigler
Above: Kaitlyn Montgomery, Maverick Hamilton, Hill Landry, Corinn Figueroa, Philip Scoggin, and Brandon Roohi get ready to run in the "balance a tennis ball" relay
l • .J f• •l _·" 1. • ; <' .. ir- ,l
I" Grade 163
Above: Libby Haslett and Joshua
play outside with their bouncy kick balls
Top Right: Mrs. Busenlener 's class plays in the Lower School yard.
Right: Some 1st graders enjoy playtime in the Lower School quad.
Joshua Kemp
Hill Landry
Grant LeJeune
Juan Lopera
David Main
Kaitlyn Montgomery
A very Provenzano
Jake Reed
Blake Roberts
Brandon Roohi
Tia Schlesinger
Philip Scoggin
Colby Simoneaux
164 I " Grade
I get more homework and have less free time
Chelsey Solomon
Courtney Taylor
Alicia Van Hom
McKenna Veca
Joshua Weiss
Margaret Zheng
I like P.E. and Art in 1st and we have more fun than we did in Kindergaten
I like the 1st grade teachers more, but not the homework they give
H"Mi~ f~ ~'
Below: 1st grade girls relax during P.E. left to right: Anna Catinis, Chelsey Solomon, Rachel Beck, Melinda Embree, Stephanie Bossier and Tia Schlesinger
- Tia Schlesinger
Above: 1st grade boys take a break during P.E. Left to right: Alex Hirschfeld, Josh Kemp, Joshua Weiss, David Main and Jefferson Honeywell
- Brandon Roohi
I" Grade 165
- Margaret Zheng
Below: Kincy Gibson , Stephanie Bossier, Joshua Kemp and Maverick Hamilton preforming for the audience.
166 ] " Grade
Above: Theentireclasso/2014 during the celebrations of the French Day.
Right: Allison Baird, Stephanie Bossier, Margaret Zheng, Merrich Duhe , and Kathryn Favalaro
Right: Jessie D 'Amico dancing through the loop.
Top left: Alicia Van Horn , Joey D 'Amico, Merrin Duhe, Rachel Beck, Melinda Embree, Danzel Kaigler, Meghana Nanjappa, Andrew Holdiness , Hailee Barrett and Evan Foster clap and sing for the audience.
(Front) , Kathryn Favaloro , A very Provenzano, Margaret Zheng, (Back) Blake Roberts , Brandon Roohi wait for their cue.
(L-R) Grant LeJeune, Anna Catinis, Josh Weiss , Courtney Tay1or, Matthew Hu and Kincy Gibson enjoying their French Day
Front row (L-R) Ashwin Nair, Jessie D 'Amico, Anna Gibbs, Josh Weiss , Courtney Taylor, Matthew Hu, Kincy Gibson, (back) Philip Scoggin, Colby Simoneaux , Chelsey Solomon , Juan Lopera, Adler Hyatt and Libby Haslett waiting for their turn to play games
Bottom left:
/ " Grade 167
Bottom right:
Khowa Agbojo
Courtney Alexander
Whitney Appel
Tiffany Baira
Simone Baldwin
Jason Bremermann
Clare Brierre
Jack Brown
Rivers Bruce
Emily Bryan
Jack Buhler
Rebecca Buhrer
Enrique Carrasquero
Bonnie Cash
Recess is an anticipated time for Kindergarten students to play, enjoy the company offriends and just be out of the classroom Pictures on the top left and left show students taking advantage of recess.
168 Kindergarten
Above Right: Friends Thomas Tricker, Mason Wooton, Enrique Carrasquero and Amanti Udott in the Lower School quad.
Alexandra Cashman
Isabel Celata
Katie Conners
William Dean
Melissa DeGrado
Douglas Dillon
Harrison Downs
William Downs
Sarah duPlantier
Terrell Edwards
Jasmin Frisk
Stephen Gogreve
Zachary Israel
Jack Jenkins
Angela Kemfack
Tiffany Tavassoli and Jack Brown play in the Lower school yard on Halloween. Tiffany is dressed as a royal princess and Jack as a retired football player.
Right: Jacly n Murphy parades in her costume on Halloween.
Kinde rgart e n 169 •
Above: Waleed Ali rests in the Lower School quad on St. Martin 's Day
Riley Kirkpatrick
Srihari Korrapati
Heather Labra
Angus MacLeod
Gerald Martin
Rishka Mehra
Alexander Monier
Ifeanyi Nwadei
Jeremy Ott
Bryan Recile
Ross Reggio
Silvino Rosado
Joshua Rosenberg
Amanda Rouquette
Dana Saba
I like playing housekeeping because its fun!
I love to make witches because they 're fun and its fun to make art.
I like to play on the computer because playing Mrs. Spider is really fun
170 Kinde rgart e n
- Bonnie Cash
- Dana Saba
- Hari Korrapati
Tiffany Tavassoli
Thomas Tricker
Amanti Udott
Zoe Vallotton
Bryce Vazquez
Aleks Vogel
Frank Washington
Brandon Wilson
Joshua Wollfarth
Mason Wooton
I like to chase boys because they 're cute!
Joshua Yon
Jesse Young
I even like to jump with the boys because its sweet!
- Sarah duPlantier
I like to play with my friends because we play football and thats fun.
Mason Wooton
Kindergarten 171
- Angela Kemfack
Patrick Adams
Chad Aucoin
Brandon Beck
Caroline Bland
Ashley Bossier
Emma Bossier
Colin Brown
Jay Lee Campbell
Vanessa Chandler
Katherine Combe
Max Cook
Michael Fleming
Vincent Fouchi
Payton Frischhertz
Grant Glorioso
Above Right: Morgan Wood enjoys playing in the sandbox.
Above Left: Julia Weaver cuddles with Janelle Duhon '03 on St. Martin 's Day.
Left: Jaevin Reed, Ashley Bossier, Austin White and Sahil Rawat smile for a picture during their play time.
172 Pre-Kindergarten
Father du Plantier blesses Ashley Bossier on St. Martin's Day. Behind Ashley are Julia Weaver, Jay Lee Campbell and Raj Shah.
Collin Guidry
Nicole Guidry
Chase Harold
Isaac Hirschfeld
Lars Jensen
Joi Johnson
Stewart Main
David Miller
Paul Miner
Abigail Muller
Right: Mrs. Guillory helps Joi Johnson during arts and crafts class.
Pre -Kinde rgart e n 173
Above: Vince Fouchi sits in a box smiling for a picture during a visit by our photographer to the PreK class.
Gwen Murphy
Jaclyn Murphy
Morgan O'Malley
Steinar Opheim
Jaevin Reed
Stephen Richards
Stephen Sandel
Megan Santillan
Raj Shah
174 Pre-Kindergarten
I like to goon the monkey bars.
-Max Cook
I enjoy I like playing the with the jlexipuzzles. blocks.
-Abigail Muller -Sahil Rawal
My favorite colors are the rainbow colors.
I like gray be. , cause zt s the color of my cat, Gracie.
Alex Toups
John Wall
Julia Weaver
Austin White
Michael Woolf
Morgan Wood
Isabel Zubizarreta
My favorite color is orange.
-Katherine Combe
Pre -Kinderg art en 175
-Alex Toups
Above: Scott Saporito looks at his time after his swim.
Top right: The STM volleyball team with their state-runner up trophy.
Right: Football player makes a major tackle
Below: Mariann Wilson defends an opponent during a soccer game.
Above: Katie Weidner makes a big leap during the STM invitational.
Left: Ben Smith avoids a pin down.
, Aaron Denn, Cooper Johnston and Stephen Cacioppo. Third Row: Richard Odell , Alec Fritchie , Jonathan Stout, Michael Eastman, Chris Kirkwood , Jonathan Schoen , Blake Lusk, Oscar Ponce de Leon , Brendan Daly and Spencer Albrecht. Fourth Row: Aaron Hyatt , Jonathan Burke, Michael Gieger , Andre Bienvenu , Harris Diano , Karl Senner , Stephen McLaughlin, Robert Graham, Andrew Wegmann and Bruce Frommeyer. Fifth Row: Chris Senner, Brandon Darden, Max Gaudin , Thomas Favrot, Nadeem Arshad , Alex Roberts , Michael Perez , Chris Saporito and Chris Denuna. Sixth Row: Preston Emory, Blake Duplass ,Will Jame s, Ryan Becnel, Eddie Medina , Brad Collins , Patrick Zemanek and Barrett Bass.
After a long rebuilding year in 2001, the Saints looked to rebound during the 2002 season. Expectations were not quite met with a 2-8 record, yet many things were gained. They did win two impressive games over Country Day and Ben Franklin.
2002 Saints football team: Top to bottom (left to right) Coaches Troy Roddy , Warren Irwin , Lonn Elzey , David Harper , E. Badeaux , Dr. McQuinn and Mike Broussard. Second Row: Ryan Perry, Andy deBuys, Ben Bologna, Jimmy Tiblier, Chas Richard, Tyler Humphrey
Right: Blake Lusk brings down a Redeemer-Seton player.
178 Sports
Below: Jonathan Burke breaks free from the RedeemerSeton defense.
Top Left: Jonathan Burke dashes for the end zane
Above: Quarterback Brad Collins handing off the ball.
Left: Running back Aaron Hyatt on a sweep play
Below Left: Karl Senner spins free from the Newman defense.
Below: Brad Collins on a bootleg pass.
Sports 179
Above: Kristina Sanchez, Ashley Conroy, Jessica Leone, Allison Hollinger, Amy Evans and Maggie Rusch pump each other up before the big state title game.
Right: The Saints pose for a photograph holding their new State Runner-Up trophy. (second row , left to right) Caroline Wilson, Ashley Riso, Amy Evans, Jessica White , Elizabeth Crouch, Maggie Rusch, Jessica Leone, Coach Danny , Coach Trevino and Coach Edwards ( Front Row , Left to Right) Allison Hollinger , Emily Crotty, Ashley Conroy and Kristina Sanchez.
Below: The JV Volleyball team (Top Row: left to right) Katie Mozier, Anna Coons, Sophia Loupakos, Brooke Conroy, Katherine Weaver (Bottom Row: left to right) Ashley Greenstein, Martina Scheuermann, Megan Ripoll, Hillary Gibbs and Neema Patel.
Above: Allison Hollinger and Amy Evans watch Kristina Sanche z pass the ball.
Left: Teammates, (left to right) Allison Hollinger , Ashley Conroy, Jessica White, Maggie Rusch and Amy Evans congratulate one another after a game.
180 Sports
Above: (left to right): Elizabeth Crouch and Ashley Conroy congratulate each other after a point.
State :cyctnner-Upl
For the past three years the St. Martin's volleyball team has been overlooked, but this year was the eye-opening season for the Saints. The Saints finished business in district matches, going undefeated the entire season. The Saints also won the small-school tournament. Gaining a playoff spot, the Saints were scheduled to play the seven-year state champions, Newman. The Saints, believing in themselves, shattered Newman's hopes for another state trophy in 3 games. In the semi -finals, the Saints faced Westminster; again the Saints battled their way to victory, knocking off Westminster in 3 games. The Saints fought their way to the state final game against Episcopal of Baton Rouge. The Saints, despite great playing, fell to Episcopal in 2 games. The Saints ended their season as State Runner up and gave the St. Martin's community a rebirth in school spirit.
For the Record
Above: Ashley Conroy goes in for the kill while Amy Evans backs up.
Above: Ashley Riso serves the ball into play.
Above: Jessica Leone and Caroline Wilson jump up for a block.
Above: The STM Volleyball team prepares to take on Episcopal for the state title. Left to right: Caroline Wilson , Emily Crotty, Jessica White, Maggie Rusch, Elizabeth Crouch, Amy Evans, Ashley Conro y, Kristina Sanche z, Jessica Leone and Ashley Riso
Riverside w 2-1, 2-0 Redeemer Seaton w 2-0, 2-0 West St. John w 2-0, 2-0
Games Quarter-Finals Newman w 2-1 Semi-Finals Westminister w 2-1 Finals Episcopal B.R. L 0-2 Sporrs 181
District Games
The swim team had a successful season. The boys' and girls ' teams went undefeated in the District. The STM team did well at Metro, competing against bigger schools. At State, the big meet of the season, STM stepped up, took their mark and swam their hearts out. The boys' team defeated the Newman boys, who had won State the past four years. The girls' team swam hard and placed second
Newman girls ' team.Coming from a third place finish the previous year, the girls were not expected to top their 2001 record, but their dedication paid off. The teams had the leadership of seven senior captains. The entire team qualified for District, 15 members qualified for Metro, and 31 members qualified for State The 2002 - 2003 Saints swim team has a lot to be proud of this season
STM vs: AJHS 112 Country Day 129 Destrehan 103 Hahnville 128
Left: (left to right) Scott Saporito , Jim O ' Leary and Jason Fleming before their 50 Free. Will Vail (top picture) looks up as he finishes his
event The above picture shows the team doing dryland before practice which improves strength and conditioning.
The boys' team captains at State. left to right: Will Vail, Jonathan Lu, Jason Fleming, Jim O'Leary and Scott Saporito.
182 Sports
The boys team proudly hold their well-deserved first place trophy.
Left: Nicole Sistrunk, Camille Bourgeois and Frances Derby pose together as Nicole and Camille sport the team's new and fun looking firecracker designed
Us Them 130 Country Day 104 118 127 33 64 so 23
Back to front (left to right): Geoffrey Byers, Jon Vail , Jim O 'Leary, Bobby Quintal, Steven LaRosa, Stephen Chester, Preston Eiswirth, Neej Patel, Elyse McDaniel , Elizabeth Derby, Coach Falati, Ryan Gray, David Adams, Blaine Yelverton, Laura Denny, Frances Derby, Nicole Sistrunk, Ruth Stedman, Jessica Wise, Erin Rose, Kayla Marmillion, Coach Jensen , Coach LaRosa, Will Vail , Scott Saporito, Jason Fleming, Jonathan Lu, Janelle Duhon , Jessica Robichaux, Camille Bourgeois, Kate Hoolahan and Ilise Greenstein.
Jessica Robichaux swims the 100 fly at the Hahnville meet.
Wise waits for the signal to begin her 100 back. Jessica made an All American Consideration time in the I 00 back at state. Congratulations!
The girls team is all smiles as they accept their second place trophy at State
Sports 183
Jessica Robichaux and Janelle Duhon share a moment of celebration after learning of the team's second place finish.
The story of 2002 Cross Country was that of a team in a rebuilding stage. The team lost several runners who were seniors last year. As a result the team drew a large portion of its runners from underclassmen and the few remaining seniors. The team is young, looks very promising and will be a force to reckon with next year. The Saints team chose as its Move Valuable Runners Chris Humphreys and Maggie Rusch.
1) The Entire Cross Crountry Team (L-R) Adam Shea, Hunter Gilbert, Wesley Campbell, Jordan Stone, Mr Marsalis, Tyler Coatney, Stephen Adams, Shane Duhon, Markham Bradburn, Chris Humphreys, Brian McCormick, Phillip Podret, Ashwin Rao, Brenton Ho, Matt Woodard, Charles Gariepy,(next row) Amanda Janke, Sarah Jones, Karla Perez, Elise Bordson-Bozzo, Amelia Gariepy, Sarah Foley, Skye Eiswirth, Bonnie Williams, Becky Quintal, Celeste Block, Garet Patterson and Maggie Rusch.
2) The State team boards the bus for the trip to Natchitoches
3)7th grader Majorie ChampaignBasset competes with older runners.
4) Seniors Peterson Harter and Adams Shea rest after the boys run.
6)Junior Sarah Jones strides to complete the course.
6)Maggie Rusch takes an early lead at the Newman Invitational at the Audubon Park.
7) Mr. Marsalis with the boys team just before the start a race .
8)Markham Bradburn is seen in pursuit of Tyler Coatney and the finish line.
9)Bonnie Willams maintains her lead.
lO)The girls team prepares to compete at state in Natchitoches.
184 Cross Country
Cross Country 185
The entire team (left to rigth): Chas Richard, Michael Gieger, Adam Shea, N adeem Arshad, John Baker, Michael Eastman, Hunter
Monsour, Brad Collins, David Robins, Sky
McElroy, Michael
Baptiste, Peterson
Harter, Bruce
Frommeyer, Chris
Saporito, Barrett Bass and Brenton Ho.
The 2003 Saints basketball team had a tough season this year winning only two games against Ecole Classique and Grand Isle. One of these wins had a historic twist; the victory against Grand Isle was the Saints' first home win in 2 years. Senior captains John Baker, Peterson Harter and Adam Shea did a great job of keeping the team focused.
186 Sports
Above: Saints try to hold a tight game from slipping away.
Right: Peterson Harter get ready to pass the ball to a waiting Adam Shea. Middle right:The Score board depicts the Saints . . .
w1nn1ng a very impressive game against the Grand Isle Trojans.
Below right: John Baker, Brad Collins, Hunter
Monsour and Coach
Michael Odom watch a junior vasity game form the sideline.
Below left: Chris Sapirito gets ready to take a free shots while Adam Shea watches.
Sports 187
The girls basketball team had a very successful season. They were forced into a tie breaker for a playoff spot with Redeemer Seton but came up just short of making the playoffs. One highlight of the season is the inclusion of Jill McCall into the 1000 point club, making her the only student to enter this exclusive club as a Jumor.
Above: The team join hands during a timeout.
188 Sports
Right: Sarah Jones shoots a free throw as the other members of the team get ready to rebound.
': ~ ,:;i
Above: Coach Coleman and Ilise Greenstein discuss play plan.
Lorden and Camille Bourgeois.
Left: The Saints try to break the Tojans of Grand Isle's defense.
Right: Asst. Coach Mockler and the rest of the team watches on as the Saints roll to victory.
Below left: Neema Patel passes the pall to Jill McCall for the easy lay up. Below Right: Coach Coleman talks to the team during a time-out.
Team Members from left to right: Gretchen Hoffman, Nicole Sistrunk, Neema Patel, Deena Provance, Sarah Jones, Claire Bruton, Megan Ripoll, Jill McCall, Ashley Greenstein, Ilise Greenstein, Katherine Weaver, Irene Matthew-Parker, Sarah Foley and Elyse McDaniel. On the floor: Jordan Bocage-Martin, Kelly Martinez, Terri
Sports 189
Be>~s te> ~er1
This year the St. Martin's boys soccer team consisted of eight Freshmen, three Sophomores, six Juniors and three Seniors. The team was very young with seven starting freshmen. Being so young, yet coming second in the district and advancing to the first round of playoffs was monumental. In the playoffs the team fell to University High 2-1 in a very close game. Throughout the season, the boys attended many well respected tournaments including the Louisiana Showcase and the Pearl River Tournament. The team competed well in both of these tournaments. The team had a very good showing this year.
-Garet Patterson
The Boys Varsity Team.
Sitting, left to right: Jonathan Buring, Ben Bologna, Michael Perez, Chris Denuna, Chris Humphreys & Spencer King.
Kneeling, left to right: Drew Hill, Neej Patel, Naveen Kailas, Matt Woodard, Preston Emory and Derek Welch.
Standing, left to right: Coach Julio, David Adams, Joey Schwertz, Aaron Hyatt, Will Vail, Stephen Adams, Ilyas Chiali, Wayne McGraw, Stephen Chester and Coach Brent
190 Sports
Right: Senior Captain, Stephen Adams says, "the boys soccer team was very sucessful this season".
Left: Freshman Aaron Hyatt keeps the ball from a defender during a game.
Left: Jonathan Buring stretches on the sidelines before a big game.
For the Record
District Games
Player Honors
MVP: Neef Patel
MIP: Joey Schwertz
Coaches: Aaron Hyatt
Spirit: Chirs Denuna
Neef Patel
Chris Denuna
Joey Schwertz
Aaron Hyatt
All-Parish: Chris Denuna
Far left: Senior Naveen Kalis. Left: Senior and first time soccer player Will Vail.
JV Team: (Sitting, left to right) Chris Senner, Michael Smallpage, Samir Chiali, Ben Bologna, Chris Denuna, Spencer King and Jonathan Buring. (Kneeling, left to right)
N si U dott, Drew Hill, Preston Eiswirth, Neej Patel, Michael Perez, Chris Humphreys, Matt Woodard, Jordan Stone and Charles Gariepy. (Standing, left to right) Coach Brent, Stephen Chester, Derek Welch, Venkat Subramaniam, Joey Schwertz, David Adams, Stephen Adams, Will Vail, Ilyas Chiali, Aaron Hyatt, Wayne McGraw, Max Gaudin, Preston Emory and Coach Julio.
St. Charles: E.D. White: Ecole: Playoffs w,w L,L w,w University High: L 2-1 3-1 '3-0 4-0 ' 6-0 4-0 ' 2-1
Sports 191
Right: Coach Julio goes to work during a game.
,,, GI 000000000
192 Sports
Front: Elizabeth Derby, Catalina Restrepo, Martina Scheuermann, Victoria Welch, Maggie Rusch and Ali Miller. Middle row: Gigi Gibbs, Rachel Ramelli, Gabriela Uribe, Frances Derby, Garret Patterson, Emily Fransen and Jamie Razza. Back row: Amelia Gariepy, Mariann Wilson, Janelle Duhon, Lauren
Gibbs, Emily Ainsworth, Mary Scott Westfeldt, Bonnie Williams and Coach Al Silvas
Left: Senior team members (left to right) Mariann Wilson, Janelle Duhon, Lauren Gibbs, Bonnie Williams, Amelia Gariepy, and Emily Ainsworth pose by the field.
Below: Garet Peterson in a wonderful defensive play
District Games
E.D. White 2-4 SO (L)
St. Charles 3-2 (W)
Eco le Classique 7-0 (W)
E.D. White 2 - 5 (L)
St. Charles 3-0 (W)
Ecole Classique 5-0 (W)
Playoff Games
Parkview 0-1 (L)
Above: If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! The team cheer Bonnie Williams as she walks to receive flowers from Allison Hollinger
Above: Elizabeth Derby looks cute sitting on her bag
Below: Emily Ainsworth dribbles a defensive player.
Above left: Victoria Welch, Frances Derby and Katie Weidner walk down the field.
Left: Goalie Lauren Gibbs fiercely protects her goal.
Right: Coach Al goes back to the drawing board with the team during halftime.
Sports 193
The Wrestling team
This year's team, though small in number , achieved a huge milestone. The team hosted a tournement and picked up very important wins at the state tornament , Blake Duplass won state in his division.
Rules of Engagement
Left to right: Coach Jim Clairy , Bobby Quintal, John Vail, Allan Farber, Will McQuaig, Robert Graham, Ben Smith, Cole Piper and Blake Duplass.
"You must outsmart your opponent every split second of a round."
194 Sports
-Blake Duplass
"You have to be physically and mentally prepared at all times."
-Mark Rosenthal
"You have to be in shape at all times; during and outside the wrestling season."
-Robert Graham
"You must be patient. The reward that wrestling brings come with patience."
-Tim Rosencrans
"Ggrrr we're rough and tough." Photo on
left shows team members after
prectice. Left to right: Tim
Rosencrans, Mark Rosenthal, John Vail, Blake Duplass, Allan Farber, Eddie Medina, Will McQuaig, Robert Graham and
~ -""'..-,;c.-"",:.:"".;;,.~~.;....,"""""'~~
Above: the team huddles to discuss their strategy.
Cole Piper.
Below: Tim Rosencrans wrestling his way to victory.
Sports 195
Above: Ben Smith goes head to head with a rebel.
Above: Second baseman Brenton Ho
preparing for an appearance. Far left: Spencer Albrecht takes a swing.
Left: Short-stop Brian McCormick anxiously awaits some action.
Above: The 2003 team and their coaches: Brenton Ho, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Michael Gieger, Phillip Podret, Jonathan Buring, Brian McCormick, Jonathan Schoen, Chris Humphreys, Ryan Fremin, Bruce Frommeyer, Spencer Albrecht, Andrew Martinez, Josh Gramlich, Chris Snodgrass, Michael Eastman, Alex Sims, Shane Duhon, Dimitri Loupakos, Coach Troy Roddy and Assistant Coach Scott Tregre.
I 96 Sports 000000000 ~-,T New Orlear l ) Cuisine ---Iii Boiled Seafo Daily , E 288- 01· - -=..lo=. ,, • ,, 85J(i Pontchnrt r ,1u-i
Outfielder Chris Humphreys gets the signal from first base.
Pl! • " ~w,w• ..,.,.
Getting Closer
The Saints finished their season with an 8-15 record which was good enough to place them in a three way tie for a wild cardplay to enter the playoffs. Unfortunately, the Saints could not clinch the game. They look forward to a stronger season next year with the loss ofonly one player from this years roster.
• New Orleans "I/- Cuisine - .~ Boiled S_eaf ood Daily 288-0711 853& Pe>nlcl>lltt•~ln Blw~- l
Bruce Frommeyer takes an aggressive lead.
JBrian McCormick & Brenton Ho wait for more action.
Shane Duhon takes care of the come-backer.
.,,........ ----.i.--..-... ii!
Michael Gieger is ready to catch the ball.
Sports 197
A Newman batter gets a ticket to the dugout.
Jill McCall awaits some action on 3rd base.
Above: Seniors Janelle Duhon and Lauren Gibbs pose for the camera. Far left: Neema Patel is ready to take a swing.
Left: Gigi Gibbs waits on 3rd base for an opportunity to score a run.
Above: The 2003 team and their coaches, (front row) Gig Gibbs, Katherine Weaver, Claire Bruton, Mari Katz, Ashley Greenstein, (back row) Coach Marchal, Katie Mozier, Neema Patel, Hillary Gibbs, Jill McCall, Janelle Duhon, Lauren Gibbs, Ilise Greenstein, Jordan Bocage-Martin and Coach Al Silvas.
198 Sports
Katie Mozier goes for a vicious swing during a game with Newman.
The team poses for a group photo before their last game.
Jordan Bocage-Martin, Neema Patel, Jill McCall, Katherine Weaver and Claire Bruton pose for a group photo.
Lauren Gibbs hits one into the field.
Coach Kate Marchal signals her players.
Sports 199
Neema Patel sets her eyes on the ball.
Above: Sarah Foley maintains her lead.
Above middle: Elizabeth Burck gives herself the extra push.
Left: The entire 2003 Track and Field team.
Below right: Maggie Rusch holding on to her lead.
Below left: Kristin Malone throwing a shot put.
0000000 . " l . . .. ' ' . i\
200 Sports
Adam Shea take an early lead
Karla Perez gets ready to send her discus.
Sarah Jones lets her javelin go.
Andre' Beinvenu watches as his javelin spins on.
Will James, Brad Collins, Chris Saporito and Hunter Monsour relaxingduring the StM invitational.
Aaron Hyatt goes up to complete his long jump.
Sports 201
Rebekah Smith makes a final push to the finish line
Sarah Jones, Megan Ripoll, Celeste Block and Coach Jones.
Andy Matthews, Nick Weigand, Jack Truett, Cooper Johnston, David Mohrmann and Coach Jones.
202 Sports 000000000
Jessica Leone, Courtney
Block, Ashley Riso, Jacqueline Lee, Krsitina .,., Sanchez, Colleen Gravley, Skye Eiswirth, Rachel
Ramelli, Savanna Engen, Kelsey Vogt, Robyn Tikia and Coach Edwards.
Samir Chiali, Barrett
Bass, Jamie Kovacs, Hayden Rieveschl, Preston Eiswirth, Harris
Diano, Venkat
Subramaniam, Stephen Adams (captain), Nee}
Patel, Preston Emory, Hunter Gilbert, Colin Nicholson and Coach
Mike Juhas. Not pictured: Jordan Stone.
Sports 203
204 Sports
Above: The cheerleaders show the number of their football player during homecoming week.
Above: The cheerleaders wow the crowd with their triple daring pyramid.
Left: During a pep-rally, cheerleaders show off their dancing skills and enthusiasm.
Above: The team smiles for the camera during a football game.
Left: Nicole Loeb strikes a pose during practice.
Back row: Terri Lorden, Brittany Gowland, Kelly Martinez, Sean Moore, Denver Gray, Michael Musso, Ashleigh Morales, Heather Boos and Lizzie Burck.
Middle row: Christine Stanley, Tika Torres, Nicole Loeb, Emily Ainsworth and Kristin Howard.
Front row: Hayley Hutchison, Jordan BocageMartin, Leslie Geiger and Ashleigh Scheuermann.
Going National
This year St. Martin's cheerleaders competed in a national competition for the first time in the school's history. They performed an amazing routine that included difficult stunts, tumbling and dance moves. At the end, they were awarded 5th place, bringing home their first trophy.
Above: Seniors Leslie Gieger, Kristin Howard, Michael Musso, Heather Boos and Nicole Loeb enjoy their last Homecoming together.
Right: Coach Coleman and the Cheerleaders.
Above: Kristin Howard and Heather Boos anxiously await their competition.
The cheerleading team.
Sports 205
Above, center and below: Middle School football team members in action during a home game.
206 Sports
Above, center and below: Middle School volleyball team members pose for different group photos.
Sports 207
OM'» 00000 , li;I ; : : : .' ¾
2 os Sports
Above, center and l . Middle School be ow. girls soccer team members pose for Photos. different group
Above and center: Middle School Cheerleaders cheer their football players during a home game. Below: They join the Upper School Cheerleaders during a pep rally.
)lt,Jtlfe Sports 209
Above: Middle School girls basketball team pose for a group with their coach after their district win. Center and below: The boys team during practice.
210 Sports
Some members of the Middle School swim team relax between rounds.
Kevin Quinet holds a narrow lead during the Newman Invitational.
Ben Smith locks his opponent down during a wrestling game.
: Ir~ ~~00000
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Sport s 211
2 12
Above: Shayan Ahmed takes on Don Muller in Chess Club.
Top right: Members of the Speech Team practice for a tournament (left to right): Jessica White, David Weeks, Jansen Smith ,Nsi Udott , Jordan Stone & Ms Vogeler.
Right: Robyn Tikia of the Halo interviews Pop Star Aaron Carter.
Below: Tolani Ayo-Vaughan, Jack Truett and Michelle Borello Play scrabble during their club meeting.
Above: Amelia Gariepy inducts Robyn Tikia into the National Honor Society.
Left: Garet Patterson and Cooper Johnston during Publications.
Below: Amelia Gariepy , Emily Estes , Courtney Nicholson and Sarah Foley pose during the reception following the ceremony.
Above all members including : Stephen Adams , Seth Babin, Cristina Campo , Courtney Charvat, Emily Crotty, Skye Eiswirth , Emily Estes , Clancy Fink , Jason Fleming, Sarah Foley , Amelia Gariepy , Lauren Gibbs , Allison Hollinger , Naveen Kail as , Jonathan Lu, Courtney Nicholson , Becky Quintal, Adam Shea, William Vail, Bonnie Williams and faculty advisor Mrs. Beckman
B e low: Naveen Kai las, Jonathan Lu and Jason Flemming congratulate Blake Duplass.
Far below : Gary Solomon, Sr. delivers his keynote speech at the Fall tapping.
Above: Senior Adam Shea inducts junior Gary Solomon into the NHS.
Above : The faculty advisor Mrs. Beckman gives her opening remarks.
214 Clubs
Left : Mrs. Beckman and the new members (front): Laura Denny , Sarah Jones , Emily Fransen , Robyn Tikia and Emily Ainsworth . (Back): Brian Bell, Sean Moore , Jill McCall , Ashwin Rao , Jessica White, Blake Duplass and Gary
Right: Mrs. Beckman and the new members Amy Evans , Ali Spindler, De Von Green, Brandon Darden, Brendon Daly and Jonathan Stout after the ceremony.
Below: St. Martin ' s National Honor Society president Emily Crotty introducing the Keynote speaker.
Far below: Mrs. Renee Peck from The Tim es-Picayune delivers her keynote speech at theSpring tapping
, Courtney Charvat , Emily Crotty, Laura Denny , Blake Duplass , Skye Eiswirth, Emily Estes, Clancy Fink , Jason Fleming, Sarah Foley , Emily Fransen , Amelia Gariepy, Lauren Gibbs, Allison Hollinger , Sarah Jones, Naveen Kailas, Jonathan Lu , Jill McCall, Sean Moore, Courtney Nicholson, Karla Perez , Becky Quintal , Ashwin Rao, Adam Shea, Gary Solomon , Robyn Tikia , William Vail , Jessica White, Bonnie Williams , Amy Evans , Ali Spindler, DeVon Green, Brendon Darden, Brendon Daly and Jonathan Stout. Clubs
Below: The St. Martin's Episcopal School National Honor Society Crest flies proudly on tapping day.
Above: Courtney Charvat, Emily Estes and Amelia Gariepy after the Spring tapping.
Above: Nicole Loeb a new inductee pauses for a snapshot.
Above, The entire members of the 2002-2003 NHS : Stephen Adams, Seth Babin, Brian Bell, Patrick Brown
Cristina Campo
216 Clubs \
Student Council
Front (LtoR): Tyler Coatney, Charles Gariepy, Becky Quintal and Amelia Gariepy. Back: Mrs. Greer, Brooke Conroy, Jon Vail, Laura Denny, Nadeem Arshad, Sky McElroy , Jessica White , Steven LaRosa , Bonnie Williams, Bobby Quintal, Jonathan Lu, Hunter Monsour , Kelsey Vogt and Adam Shea.
Kelsey Vogt and Char le s Gariepy are seen with Santa (Coach Ellze y) at the Senior Favorites Chape l.
Below: Jessica Wise , Lizzie Burck and Anna Coons display their grass skirts at the STM luau.
Mr. Marsalis is getting his hair colored pink by Sadiha Ahmed as a part of the Luau and The Methodist House fund-raising. Syke Eiswirth and Emily Estes look on .
The Student Council also sponsors the StM participation in the ISAS Habitat for Humanity house. Adam Shea is moving supplies into the house.
Dolapo AyoVaughan , Jonathan Lu, Becky Quintal Neema Patel and Rebekah Smith stand by one of the many gifts given to the Lowes family when their new house was completed.
Head of school, Mr. Leo P. Dressel wishing the family well at the Habitat House dedication
at Work Clubs 217
Class officers
Seniors: Jason Fleming , Skye Eiswirth , Sadiha Ahmed and Amelia Gariepy
Juniors : Derek Welch, Brooke Rabin , Hayley Hutchison , and Nadeem Arshad
Sophomore: Spencer Wool , Elise Bordson-Bozzo , Frances Derby , and Will McQuaig
Freshmen: Adnan Suleman , Celeste Block , Maggie Rusch , and Tyler Martin
21 s Clubs
Front row (left to right): Ryan Gray, Elyse McDaniel , Gretchen Hoffman, Toume ' Torres , Emily Estes , Amelia Gariepy , Amanda Janke , Taylor Nolan and Ms. June Wells Back row (I tor): Charles Gariepy , Elizabeth Derby , Ani Childress, Camille Bourgeois , Charlotte Gallagher and Danny Soto.
Front: Ms Massey , Gretchen Hoffman, Julie Henson, Mark Holden , Jeremy Peres, David Weeks and Patrick Brown.
Back: Jennifer Lozano, Ali Spindler, Ashwin Rao , Bonnie Williams , Amelia Gariepy , Robyn
Tikia and Lisette deBoisblanc
Halo Clubs 219
Front: Sadiha Ahmed , Leslie Gieger , (Middle) : Madame Dobrescu, Cristina
Campo , Amy Evans , Sarah Jones , Robyn
Tikia , Tourne' Torres , Emily Estes , (Back) : Charlie Thornton, Brian Bell, Thomas
Favrot, Markham
Bradburn and Sean Moore
Front: Dr. Ramos , Laura Denny , Jill McCall , Michael Gieger , Ryan Gray , David Weeks , Mark
Holden , (Back) : Spencer Wool , Jordan Stone , Chris Senner, Ben Bologna, Preston
Emory and Harr ision Wool
Not Pictured : Stephen Adams and Jonathan Schoen
Latin 220 Clubs
Front: Becky Quintal, Bonnie Williams, Cammy Watts, Janelle Duhon , Mariann Wilson, Jack Odell, Brad Blanchard, Drew Hill, (Middle) : Sarah Foley, Danny Soto, Casey Vosbein , Skye
Eiswirth, Amelia Gariepy , David Adams, Michael Perez, Venkat Subramaniam, (Back): Ryan Perry, Jonathan Lu, Thomas Favrot, John Baker, Michael Musso, Johathan Schoen, Harrison Wool , Charles Gariepy and Spencer Wool
Front: Emily Estes, David Weeks, (Middle) : Patrick Brown , Seth Babin, Allan Farber, (Back): Danny Soto , Stephen Adams, Mr Irwin and Toume' Torres
Book Clubs 221
Front: Beth Washington, Thomas
Favrot, Michael Perez, Karl Senner, Aaron Denn, Scott Saporito , Frances Derby, Neej Patel, Preston
Eiswirth, Skye Eiswirth , Lauren
Gibbs, Sadiha Ahmed, David
Mohrmann , (Middle): Aaron Hyatt, Harri Diano , Chris Senner, Jessica
Leone , Amy Evans , Ashley Riso , Jennifer Simpson , Gary Solomon, Courtney Block, Dolapo AyoVaughan, Hilary Goldberg, Kathryn
Weidner, (Back): Laura Denny, Walker Olson, David Robins , Pat Zemanek, Brandon Darden , Jonathan Stout, Brad Collins , Chris Snodgrass , Will James and Jonathan Buring
Stephen Chester, Nadeem Arshad, Jessica
Wilson, Sarah Foley , Stephen Adams, Mat Woodard , Amanda
Janke, Dr. Lesley , De Von Green , Lauren Gibbs , Sadiha Ahmed and Skye Eiswirth
Sierra 222 Clubs
Front row: Scott Saporito, Michael Perez, Thomas Favrot, Karl Senner and Alec Fritchie
Second row: Allan Farber, Hunter Gilbert, Andrew Martinez, Brian McCormick and Venkat Subramaniam.
Third row: David Weeks, Ankit Sheth, DeVon Green, Will James, Spencer Wool, Mark Kaufman, Dimitri Loupakos and Alex Roberts.
Front row: Ruth Stedman, Ana Apostolos, Martina Scheuermann, Victoria Welch, Ashleigh Morales, Marisa Katz, Lauren Gibbs , Danyael Hughes , Brooke Conroy , (Second Row): DolapoAyo-Vaughan , Hilary
Goldberg , Kate Weidner, Tia Bradley , Markham Bradburn, Michael Gieger , William McQuaig, Ryan Gray, Cole Piper , Blaine
Yelverton , Joey Schwertz , (Third Row): Amy
Evans, Jessica Leone , Walker Olson, Ilyas
Chiali, Geoffrey Byers, Tyler Coatney, Clancy
Fink, Justin Turner, Maggie Rusch, Ani
Childress , Julie Henson , Anna Coons, (Fourth Row): Elyse McDaniel , Celeste Block ,
Vickie Nguyen, Bonnie Williams , Allison
Hollinger, Courtney Nicholson, Charlotte
Gallagher, Leslie Gieger, Jill McCall, Brain
Bell, Ashwin Rao , (Fifth Row): Courtney
Block, Ashley Riso, Nico le Sistrunk, Ashley
Greenstein , Gretchen Hoffman, Preston
Eiswirth, Neej Patel, Frances Derby , Mr.
Rivet, Michael Perez, Aaron Denn and Neema Patel
Key Clubs 223
Front: David Weeks, Jansen Smith, Ms. Vogeler, Ali Spindler, Jessica White, (Back): Markham Bradburn, Christopher Flowers, Nsi Udott, David Adams and Jordan Stone
Speech & Debate
Laura Denny, Wesley Campbell, Taylar Hart, Kristin Howard, Garet Patterson, Beth Washington, Ashley Conroy, Jesica Robichaux, Cooper Johnston
Not pictured: Karla Perez
Shield Club 224 Clubs
Front: Bonnie Williams, Naveen Kailas, Ryan
Perry, Sarah Foley, (Back): Robert Graham, Becky Quintal, Jonathan Lu and Drew Hill
Varsity JETS
Front: Venkat
Subramaniam, Jill McCall, Hunter
Monsour, Nadeem
Arshad, (Back): Charles Gariepy, Preston Eiswirth, Ashwin Rao, Tyler
Coatney and Danny
Junior Varsity
Clubs 22s
N CB I 226 Clubs
Front: Ankit Sheth , Neema Pate l, (Second Row) David Weeks , Ruth Stedman, Vickie Nguyen, Elise Borson - Bozzo, Catalina Restrepo , Hillary Gibbs, Jeremy Peres, Nadeem Arshad, Josh Gram li ch, Nicole S istrunk , (Third Row): Rebekah Smith , Amira Khalil , Neej Patel , Preston Eiswirth, (Back Row): Ilise Greenstein , Nsi Udott, Chris Flowers, David Rob ins and Skye McE lroy. Photos below are ofNCBJ members in a leadership workshop.
1 I
MS Spirit Club Clubs 227
Front: Heather Booth , Sri Korrapati, Amanda Perkins, Blake Johnston, Sara Rothschild , Chelsea Hughes , (Middle): Bonnie O ' Donnell , Michelle Schmidt, Jacqueline Lee , Kate Hoolahan , Jamie Razza , Jillian Davis , Macie Lunyong , Elizabeth Webber , Taylor Michals , Maryclaire Manard , (Back): Caroline Wilson, Deena Provance, Pepper Baumer, Susannah Bunch and John Kondylopoulos. Photo s below are of spirit club memb ers working.
Front: Clare Ripoll, Chelsea Hughes , Andrew
Wise , Ross Ruello , (Middle): James Matthews , Shayan Ahmed , Preston
Stead , Caroline Burglass , Erin Rose , Laurie
Clotworthy , (Back): Kylie
Contreary , Katie Odell , Caroline Wilson , Jacqueline Lee, Elizabeth
Crouch , Lauren Waters , Lauren Milner and George Molaison
M S Student Council
Front: James Warren, Alex
Vu, Josh Woo, (Middle): Stephen Chouest , Rishanth
Krishna , David Loyless , Shayan Ahmed, Dean
Elazab , Robert Breaux , Mitch Leff, Jordan Harry , (Back): Ben Smith , Blair
Lumpkin , Don Muller , Richard Weigand , Hunter
Hughes , Tucker Adams ,
Lemboye Ayo-Vaughan and Mr. Juhas
Strategy and Garnes
Preston Stead, Daniel duPlantier, Henry Boos, Moustafa Kahlil, Sunny Jain , Ben Weaver, (Second row): Kory Eslick, Nicholas DePass, Anshul Mehra , Udy Udott, Adam Struppeck, Jack Truett , Stephen Humphrey, (Third row) : Tim Farber, Zachary Callaway , Michelle Borrello and Bobby Korrapati
Front: Ronald Ramsey , Andrew Wise, Baylor
Barnett, Kokom Green, Evan Khodr , Ross
Ruello , Mrs. Marchal.
Back row: Coates
Charbonnet, Ana
Loupakos , Julia
Nugent , Ashleigh
Oqueli and Katie Odell.
Environmental Clubs 22 9
Green Thumb Garden Club members include : Emily Combe , Gabriel
D ' Angelo , John Fleming, Jr .. Haley
Guepet , Susana Lopera , Olivia
Maynard , Meredith Stedman, Lucy
Taylor, Calvin Black, Camyron Dodge , Kevin Donovan , Joe
Hagensee , Ellen Lu, Shaina Lu , Murphy Conway , Sara Skidmore , Taylor Sylvester, Megan Reynolds ,
Madeline Roohi , Courtland Roberts , Peter Kwon , Thomas Broussard ,
Rushil Dang , Otway Denny , Emily Fouchi , Michael Heer , Emily Johnson , Damien Kemfack, William Martin , Kevin Owens and Mrs. Rogers
LS Garden
Members include: Morgan
Augillard, Laura Coatney, Madeline Estes , Katherine Matthew-Parker, Sara
O'Bryon , Conway
Solomon , Amanda Gilbert and Ashleigh Waters
L S Bell Choir
230 C lub s ~. - ' {1 -.._,, . ' ·---:1c '~111
Above: Members of the US chorus performing dur ing the NHS Spring tapping: Front row: Emily Fransen , Clancy Fink , Sarah Jones , Allison Hollinger and Stephen Adams Back row : Sean Moore , Seth Babin , Brain Bell , Michael M u sso and Harrison Wool.
Chorus Clubs 23 1
Below: The Lower School Chorus on St. Martin ' s Day. Far below: The Lower , Middle and Upper School Chorus members performing together
Above: Ms. Mensen blows out the candles on her birthday cake.
Top right: Mrs. Greer, Dr. Mooney and Ms. Wells are acolytes for a chapel service.
Right: Mr. Anomneze assists students during Publications.
Below: Coach Ellzey dresses up as Santa for the Upper School Christmas Chapel.
Above: Mr. Perez carries the school banner during a chapel service.
Left: Mr. Marsalis addresses the Upper School at assembly.
Board of Trustees
President and Head of School Leo P. Dressel
Standing (Left to Right): Mr. Tim Hurley, Mrs. Jennifer Buckley, Mr. Otway Denny, Mr. Ken Prieur, Mr. Dan LeGardeur, The Rev. Gedge Gayle, Mr. Lonell Wright, Mr. Brian Bossier, Dr. DeeDee Estes, Mr. Kevin Gravley Seated (Left to Right): Mr. Bob Holden, Mr. Jerry Saporito, Mr. Leo P. Dressel, Mr. Gary Solomon, Mrs. Beth DePass, Mrs. Jan Rigdon, Mr. Sean Daly, Dr. Tejas Godiwala, Mr. Parker Waters. (Missing): Mrs. Marta Schnabel O'Bryon and The Rev. Stephen Holzhalb.
Above: Mr. Dressel and Brian Bell'04 234 Faculty & Staff
Barbara Ryan
Vice President for Programs
Stephenie Pittman Head of Middle School
Harriet Aguiar-Netto Head of Upper School
Faculty & Staff 235
Allan Woodard Head of Lower School
Suzette Adair
MS Secretary
Justine Aguiar
Computer Support
Billie Andersson
Learning Specialist
Eze Anomneze
Kate Arthurs
Lynn Aucoin
Bus Driver
Carol Baier
US Spanish
Doris Baron
MS/US Librarian
Eileen Beckman
US English
Carole Beehler
Admission Assistant
Dalila Belkhouche
MS/US French
Thomas Bender
MS/US Librarian
Gerald Blume
Doris Boos
Tramportation Dir.
236 Faculty
Left: Fr. Longstreth poses with his students on Mix It Up Day.
Mrs. Klebba and Dr. Aguiar-Netto enjoy each other's company on STM Day.
Ashley Bozeman
1st Grade
Jennifer Brammell
Communications Spec.
Lloyd Boos
Bus Driver
O'Neal Bourgeois
Michael Broussard Athletic Trainer
Wendy Buhler
PK Assistant
Amanda Bunol
Carolyn Busenlener
LS Art
Jane Caine
US Math
Denise Callahan
Bus Driver
Jan Callahan
Bus Driver
Antoinette Caserta
Head-Admin Assist.
Melissa Chandler
Mgr. of Human Res.
Sarah Coker
Fine Arts/Music
Right: Mrs. Guevara prepares to play ball.
Far Right: Mr. Juhas and Mrs. Kaston pose with their students.
Faculty 237
Roma Coleman
Maurice Coman
Dir. of Phys Facilities
Carroll Conley
Food Service
Kammer Conway
3rd Grade
Donna Coons
Athletics Secretary
Kathy Crouch
5th Grade
Brandi D' Aquin
Technology Specialist
Erin Dazzo
Manager of Stud Acct.
Nolan Dewey
Food Service
Julie Dieth
Carmen Dobrescu
US French
Mary Sue Edwards
Yvonne Eiswirth
Food Service
Lonn Ellzey
238 Faculty
Left: Mrs. Schuber, Mrs. Beehler and Ms. Sevante show school spirit in red, white and blue.
Right: Fr. Sprague gives a sermon.
Guy Farber
5rh Grade
Julie Ferris
Isl Grade
Peggy Fransen
LS Music
Christina Garrett
4rh Grade
Alan Gatzman
Bus Driver
Susan Godchaux
MS Social Srudies
Ann Goldblatt
PK Assr/Exrended Day
Marian Green
Food Service
Dianne Greer
US Marh
Lisa Guevara
Jane Guillory
PK Assr./Exrended Day
Christine Hamann
Coard. Spec. Evenrs
Anita Hamilton
PK Assr./Exrended Day
Susan Harmon Nurse
Right: Ms. Arthurs cuddles her dog.
Far Right: Ms. Massey and Mrs. Pearce talk during an all school pep rally.
Faculty 239
Michael Henderson
Network Administrator
Tina Hintz
Learning Specialist
Virginia Hoffmann
LS Librarian
Michael Holmes
Warren Irwin Studio Arts
Sharon James
LS Librarian
Michelle Jensen
PE/Swim Coach
Vicki Johnson
5th Grade
Curtis Jones
Food Service
Jerry Jones
Di rector-Athletics
Michael Juhas
MS Math
Betsy Kaston
MS Soc. Stud./Life Skills
Linda Keir
Mail Service
William Keir
Lee Klebba
English Teacher Jenkins Knighten
240 Faculty
Left: Dr. W arzeski takes a rest after dealing with the senior class during the class retreat.
Right: Dr. Mooney and Mr. Dressel watch the Homecoming events.
Virginia Larkins
Learning/Read Spec.
Kevin Lavelle
Director-Food Service
Mancil Lemoine
Julia Leppo
Developmenr Secretary
David Lesley
US Science
Warren Lind
MS Scien./Coach/Enr.Dr.
Elizabeth Little
2nd Grade
Edith Long
College Counselor
Paul Longstreth
MS Chap.I Religion
Edward Maise
Katherine Marchal
MS Science
Charles Marphis
Bus Driver
James Marsalis
US Math/Coach
Carrie Massey
US English/Halo
Janis McCormick
MS Math
Linda McDermott
Kindergaten Asst.
Fr. Longstreth gives communion.
Right: Teachers take part in the traditional STM day ceremony.
Faculty 241
Charles McGeehan PE/Coach
Deborah Mensen US Social Studies
Patti Micklin Dir. of Developement
Christopher Mockler 4th Grade
Rex Mooney US History
Rachal Moriarty I sr Grade
April Najolia US Secretary
Daniel Navo Mainlenan c e
Betty O'Brien Food Service
Julie O'Flynn Adm Ast. to Bus. Mgr.
Michael Odom PE/Coach
Susan Pansano 3rd Grade
Heather Patterson MS/LS Counselor
Kathy Pearce MS English
Left: Lower School teachers watch over their students.
Right: Ms. Patterson poses with her dog during the Blessing of the Animals.
242 Faculry
Pedro Perez
US Spanish
Margaret Perret
2nd Grade
Mary Quinet
US So c ial Studi e s
Charles Ramos
For e ig n La11 g ./La ti11
Cheryl Resignola
2nd Grade
Esther Reva
Food S e r vice
Charles Rivet
US History
Troy Roddy
P E/Coa c h
Pamela Rogers
LS S c ie n ce
Alma Roohi
Pr e -Kinde rg art e n
William Rosenbaum
US Couns e lor/Life Skills
Lorraine Sander
Bus Driv e r
Christine Sauer
Studio Arts
Beverly Savoy
Food S e rvi ce
Right: High School teachers rearrange shoes during St. Martin's Day activities.
Far Right: Mrs. McCormick gives instructions to students.
Fa c ulty 243
Deborah Scalia
LS Chaplain/Religion
Michelle Scandurro US English
Julie Scarengos US Science
William Schroeder
Alumni Coordinator
Margaret Schuber
Karen Scott
MS Spanish
Christy Sevante
Asst. Dir. Admissions
Sue Shaw
3rd Grade
Gloria Siegel
MS English
Holly Silva
Kindergarten Asst.
Patricia Simpson
Accounts Payable
Allison Smith
Lori Smith Food Service
Michelle Snow
LS Comp. Coard
244 Faculty
Left: Coach Roma Coleman loves to hang out with her Middle School students.
Right: Madame Dobrescu helps Lower School students during STM day.
Jame s Sprague
US Chapla in Doroth y Stengel
LS Secretary
Ana Nichole Tardo
Food Service
Linda Trevino
Linda Trotter
4th Grade
Anita Vogeler
Pe,f Arts/Speech/Drama
Kerr y Vogt
P re-Kinde rga rten
Robert Warzeski
US Science
June Wells
US Englis h/Lyre
Winifred Wendel
Calvin White
Bus Drive r
Mary White
Bookstore Manager
Right: Dr. Ramos includes some of his theatrical talent when teaching latin.
Far Right: Mrs. Sauer and some senior girls in the art room .
Faculty 245
Mariann Wil son Kindergarten Asst
Although you are
You will always be a little Vrincess to me! Love, Dad (and Christie, Brooke, Emma and Lily)
Homecoming Queen
Con9 ra.ttA \a.t~o()S 1 mo.r'j Sc.ot+
will O'li ss 'f ou Lo"e- 1 rnovn, Do..d) She.lb'j I DIAj411 Q.V\d 24 7
Adam: We are so very proud of all your accomplishments. Your sense of humor and overall personality have touched so many. No matter where you go or what you do, you will succeed and be happy. You have what it takes! So much love, Mom&Jim
Congratulations Mariann!
Love, Mom, Dad &
dreams come true. We are so proud ofyou.
& Dad 249
Love, Mom
Thank you for all the joy you have brought into our lives. We are so proud of you. May all your dreams come true. Love Mom, Dad, Michael, & Stephen
You have been such a joy. We will miss you AND your friends.
All our love, Mom, Dad & Jennifer
CAJUNS .. * .. : .... ... : .... 'iiij(j1 ... .." BAU ON OO _ WN ..... . : . -· - === GU ESIS . .. : . . ... "' . . ....... YOSJO GO QJR : . : : ...... . : .... .
Congratulations Dimitri
We are so proud of you
Love, Mom, Dad, Sophia and Ana
athan Bar
To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To give of one's self;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded"
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Conuratulatlons Nicole
We are so proud of you
Your Family 255
Brendan Daly
For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes -- not that you won or lost -- but how you played the Game. We are very proud of you, including how you played the game.
Love, Mom, Dad and Michael
Congratulations to our wonderful daughter Heather. You are blessed with many talents & people who love you. We are excited about your future. With love and pride, Mom, Dad & Sparkie
Kristina, we love you!
Mumsie and Dad II
Kristina, we are proud of }Ou! Mom and George
Congratulations Jessica! We're proud of you! -------.-------------, Love, Your family 260
onuratulations, Jonathan
We are SI 1roud II VII and lovevou
Commit to the £ortf wliatever you tfo, )f rufyour pfans -will succeed. (<Prover6s 16: 3)
Love, :Mom aruf (])atf
JASON ........ Congratulations!
We are very proud of you.
May your successes be many & your disappointments few Love, Mom, Dad & Jonathan
Lf<.i s+i tJA) we.. AR..E. so PR.OUb OF 'f CJU_ . .
f{Onl,Qo.d. I leYl!:t K<-j le.
the. t:ku-e be.lDlljS +o ,hose who e.L.i e.ve i h '#1-e. bea.u4-; of- The., r d l--C4.n1 s . " - E(~or Zooscue(-t 263
St Martin's
To the BEST Uncle in St. Martins thi \Qor\d
Class of' 11
i q u
Class of' 14
Class of' 13
Congratulations Drew!
We're so proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad& Ty
Congratulations Cou.:rt ~:'111 14 years ar STM and still smiling!
& Colin
Love, Mom, Dad
Frot'Y'\ Cla.ss of'?? +o Cl 4tS of ·o~, ti~ flt~S wna"\ I OU..·~ ........ . . . . . . . . . : .. :. : .. :
We're so yroud of fiow you 'v~ grown from todc[[er to co{{ege-6ound young woman!
We {ove you!
Mom, Vad, and Lindsay
1:mi{y, 269
StephenYour accomplishments in school and athletics
delight us. Our greatest joy, however, is in your strong character, your kind heart, and your love for the Lord What a gift you are to us!
Love, Dad, Mom, &Joe
Washington University will never be the same!
Love, Mama, Papa & Charles
Congratulations Scott Keep on Pluuuing!
LYM, Mom, Dad and Chris
Casey, we will miss you next year!
Love, Mom, Dad, Rob and Lauren
/ r~J _. 274 'Emi{y !fwse 'Estes Congratulations! . 'We fove gou.
:Mom, 'Dad, Jordan ant£:Made{ine
(')ff! /r<11~y(i((,
Jf-•r all tlwlryN1 tN'rf'.
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Pete and Friends 2003
What the mind can conceive and believe, it can ACHIEVE .....
12 years at St. Martin's
Our son "Eddie"
From the moment you were born. we knew you were bright. determined, talented and adorable. In the 12 years at St. Martin's, you have become smarter. focused. ingenious and have grown into a handsome young man. Just remember to follow your vision, wherever it will lead. We are so PROU[) of youlll
Support and Love always. Mom & Luis, t>ad & Amanda. brother Luis. Ta-Ta, Grandma & Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends and cha-cha from heaven.
C 0 N G R A T u L A T I 0 N s
What the mind can conceive an
Kristin, You are a precious gift from GOD! The memories of your smile , laughter, and tears will always be a special part of our lives Thank you for the wonderful journey we have shared
With all our lov e, a lways,
We are so proud of how you have grown physically, intellectually, and spiritually. We pray that you continue your success in all your future endeavors. Remember, God is beside you as He closes one door and opens another. We will miss you and always have you snuggled in our hearts.
Richie, Mom, Ri chard, & Kaitlynn
Dad & Bob
Congratulations Gordita Good Luck at Princeton Love, Mom,
Schoolwork, Key Club
And many plays
Have filled all your St. Martin's days.
Gifted teachers and Steadfast friends
Create fond memories That never end.
As you go on to UGA, We're glad St. Martin's Has paved the way. Though mixed emotions We cannot hide, Our hearts are filled With love and pride.
We love you!!!
Dad, Mom and Boyd
Janelle Duhon w~w
You 're a big senior! Where did all those years go?
Good Luck and reach for the sky, for your capabilities in life are unlimited. Remember who is watching over from heaven (pawpaw ).
You have all our love and support, Mom, Dad, Shane, Holly & Mawmaw!
Love, Brenda
Lauren Rita Gibbs
Varsity Soccer Goalie, Varsity Softball Pitcher, Competitive Event Rider, National Honor Student, Great Sister, Wonderful Daughter. Couldn't ask for anymore ... any questions?
With enormous pride, love, and wonder we have watched as you entered St. Martin's as a beautiful but dependent member of the pre-kindergarten class in 1989 and now as you prepare to leave St. Martin's as a beautiful, independent, intelligent, and dignified young woman and member of the graduating class of 2003.
You worked hard and played hard, and learned enduring lessons on the field and in the classroom. In the fourteen years at St. Martin's you have emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually developed in many ways. Each bit of wisdom and experience has added another bright facet to your bright and wonderful life.
The character of a man or woman is shaped and sometimes revealed by adversity and disappointment. In addition to enduring the presence of your two sisters on the varsity softball team, this season, like every season, was full of moments of joy, exhilaration, adversity, and disappointment. It is easy to display character and class during the victories, but it is a little harder during the tough times. Despite the errors, the hits, the scores in many of the games, your character, class and leadership skills stood out and will be remembered long after the score of the game fades from memory.
You were a dedicated and competent goalie on the varsity soccer team. I remember your enthusiastic words of encouragement to fellow players and the very tense moments at the end of a game when you blocked the shot that eventually led to a St. Martin's victory. I also remember the exhilaration and spontaneous celebration when you scored a goal in a league game ... not bad for a goalie.
You and Red Beans & Rice gave us many thrilling moments and tears of joy, just as Patriot gave us many disappointments and tears of sadness. Both in life and in the stadium you jumped over hurdles that many thought were impossible. You were always composed, confident, and exhibited appropriate emotion. Throughout all of your athletic and social endeavors, you have always conducted yourself with dignity and grace. You have manifested courage and understanding that few, even those much older and supposedly wiser, could match.
You know how much we love you because we intentionally showed you and told you everyday in many ways for more than 18 years. What may not be so obvious is that we admire and respect you. We are most proud of the person you have become and are becoming. You have a lot more distance to travel to perfect your skills to be fully human, but you have traveled a long way in the right direction. We are very proud to have collaborated with God, the great teachers and coaches of St. Martin's, and many others to make the masterpiece we call Lauren Gibbs. We are comforted by the warm rays of your sunshine. We are proud to call you our daughter.
Some last minute advise before you depart for Vanderbilt University in Nashville choose a boyfriend and most importantly a husband that is as maintenance free, stable and dignified as you. (Hint, that will be hard to find.) A handsome face and six-pack will surely diminish with time, but the benefits and beauty of a stable philosophy and internal strength will increase as time goes on and will continually bring joy and seretlity to your home. Teach your future children the value of inner strength and clear thinking and always be true to yourself . . . yourself is wonderful. We love you,
Mom, Dad, Melissa, Brian, William, Hillary, GiGi, & Emerson
Congratulations, Beth!
You've worked hard, you've done well and we're proud of you. Keep up the good work, Isobel! We love you.
Mom, Dad, John and Katie Molly and Rosa too
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6) Emily Ainsworth
Jonathan Barrett
Wesley Campbell
Ashley Conroy
Taylar Hart
Kristin Howard
Cooper Johnston
Garet Patterson
Jessica Robichaux
Laura Denny - Asst. Editor
Karla Perez - Asst. Editor
Beth Washington - Editor
Mr. Eze Anomneze - Advisor
GSt. Martin 1 s Episcopal School Prayer
racious God, we pray co you for the mission and ministry of St. Martins School. Grant chat the members of our community, seeing the image of God in one another, may be guided in the ways of wisdom. May we pursue excellence, unite ourselves in bonds of love and be strengthened in patience, compassion and persistence. Increase. 0 Lord, our intellectual curiosity and zeal for learning. Give us the will and strength to do our best.
May we never shrink &om chat which is difficult, and may we never fail to see an aura of wonder in everything on earth.
Mose of all, dear Lord, surround us with your presence, so that all in the Sc. Martin's community will feel loved and secure. Amen.