2012 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

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-~ ---:::::;::.:::::= • CHOLAR.SHIP·
T• EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Metairie, Louisiana Volume LIX 2012
• Student Life Seniors Upper School Middle School Lower School Sports Organizations Faculty/Staff Senior Ads 2 • 6-21 22-63 63-85 86-99 100131 132-152 154-167 168-171 172-192 •

"Pass those puppies in!" Devoted to St. Martin's for seventeen years, Mrs. Quinet has shown a tremendous commitment to her students. She spends hours gathering materials for lessons and challenges her students to do the same. In 2011, Mrs. Quinet suffered from breast cancer, but that did not stop her from teaching. The first day of school we did not expect to see her, but she found a way to be there. In her recovery, she found time to Skype with her classes every day. This makes her the first teacher at St. Martin's to Skype her class. Mrs. Quinet talents are very diverse. She was the head of Diversity club and Current Events, and is currently the teacher sponsor for MUN, but did you know she was the soccer coach in 1997. You may have even seen her cross the stage in Brigadoon, Romeo and Juliet ,and Songs of Survival.

We will never forget her infamous Quinet shuffle,advisory lunches, or her movie night where she would cook authentic food for us. For all that she does, The class of 2012 would like to dedicate the yearbook to Mrs. Mary Quinet.


Student's at St. Martin's always find time to serve the community. Students collected and distributed food for Second Harvest, manned soup kitchens, planned healthy lessons for students at Good Shepherd School, and held a coat drive for the homeless at Ozanam Inn. These were only a small selection of the many service projects student participated in over the year!

1. 3rd grade students sold bracelets to benefit Team Gleason.Steve Gleason's charity to help those affected by ALS.

2. Students help pass out awards to survivors at the Susan G Komen Race for the cure.

3. 6th Graders help organize food items at the Second Harvester's Warehouse

4. Father Baer introduces Ashley Tappin Doussan '93 at St. Martin's Day. Students raised almost $4 ,000 to help fund a team of pediatric surgeons mission to South America.

5. Madeline Davis mans an event at Race for the Cure.

6. Students with our Race for the Cure Honorary Team Captain, Mary Quinet.

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Anoush Stamm and Sarah Millican share a snack with their sock monkey. Paul Alvendia and his brother Luke Allison Baird and Camila Figueroa


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Faith Brannon Homecoming Queen Alyson Bordson-Bozzo Mallory Young Meredith Stedman Joanna Smilari Jessica Tan Cassidy George Anna Catinis
Alexandra Kern
Kay la Gerard

Julius Caesar


Arms and the Man


Miss Julie

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown ,HE l)OCi'OR ts Lili_

Flat Stanle


Mr. & Miss St. Martin 1s

Most Likely to Succeed

Most Athletic

Jonathan Waters and Meredith Stedman Ravin Shah and Shaina Lu
Kelly Still and Beau Egan

Most Spirited

Most Creative

Wittiest Friendliest
Austin Brackett and Olivia Maynard Gregory Aihevba and Ellen Lu Kevin Nguyen and Mallory Young
Darius Calliet and Mary Catallo

13 Year Club

Top to Bottom: Dylan Israel, Shaina Lu, Connor Timmerman, Rushil Dang, Gabe D'Angelo, and Ellen Lu

14 Year Club

Top to Bottom: Daniel Campbell, Courtland Roberts, Blaise Jurisich, Ravin Shah,Jonathan Waters, Sarah Skidmore , Meredith Stedman, Will Farber, Catherine Brierre, Emily Tastet, Madeline Roohi , William Martin, Cory Elazab, Caroline Bossier, Austin Brackett, Benjamin Davis I , ,..A..)'ijro,, t: '

Senior Chapel

2012 Apocalypse

raduation n

une 1J 2012

Jean Paul Barbe' 2008-2012 Gregory Aihevba 2008-2012 "Thinking wi ll not overcome fear but action will. " -W. Clement Stone Backflip fa il Are you ce rea l? _ _Night Craw lers Parkour Yolo Smoothie King Sharks Matt Millet Li sp GPA Pickup Basket ball D War Nola Buffalo Wi ld Wings Mc D run Yoo- Hoo Robot Arm Sk ill szz Sports bus.. Country Day Ninja Ben's We igh t room Ind oor Soccer shirt less B&K Superbowl Peeps in Oman and all other count less memories Peace. Discus State Champion 3 Honor Counc il President 4 National Honor Society 3, 4 District Champs Footba ll 3 All Metro Track and Field 3 All Academic 4 lll!lliJ I//

Alyson Bordson-Bozzo

1998 -2003,2008-2012

"Don 't cry because it 's over , smile because it happened ." -Dr Seuss

Frisbees unleash the pow er of Michael.it's not a big deal.your hair is like Dido.Jeremy being rolled do w n the hallway.mcdonalds Fridays.the skirt (thx Ca t h).just call me Wendy.SB2K 12cheeze puffs on the couch all day.the cat cos t ume.bald eagle.jerry sh irt.core.our sweet 16 (s) tchoupitoulas challenge.senior retreat#emotional.minnie.is there something wrong with your neck.ci vics seating arrangements.biology drawer.Ellen 's freshman party.sea world.stevhan you got a skeetar on yer face.friday night football games.sake.thank you all so much its been wonderful.

Caroline Bossier 1998-2012

"Somebody told me that home is the place where everyt hing is better and everything 's safe ." -

Cbo Honeywell/Bossier dinne r soccer girls say fab five soccer sleepovers .Econ class wit h Mr. Ri vet yeah son what makes yo u beau t iful. St. T homas mardi gras 2K10 park ing spot w it h Aus t in starbucks Foam parties suck long islands Crystal Beach yo lo Co lin ' s house parties danc ing on stage

Volleyball 1, 2 , 3 , 4 Soccer 1, 2 , 3 , 4 (Captain) Tennis 1, 2 , 3 , 4 (Cap tain 3 & 4)

Faith Brannon 2008-2012

Paint party Palms drama "l'm in the hun ge r games" rage on Ma l's bdays SB2K "I'm from jersey" "no no I'm fin e" "that's not ra in " How Low "Chris that's not the alarm" "Where's hunter? uhoh" Bio class Whop Wobble New Years Fnms Junior homecom in g with rush Chris 17 bday Scavenge rhunt Red eye wednesdays Lucky dogs Me a nd rush and addy Rushil 's raves Rick and Matt " Blake talked to me! " "C hris th at's not the alarm" Alex's meowing Scal in g wa ll s with Mal Samson Maynard Cow t ipping

Austin Brackett 1998-2012

"You have all witnessed, t hat I have not finished, so keep your mouth closed, and let your eyes listen"- Lil Wayne

"One should never take life too seriously. After all, no one gets out alive." - Mark Twain

Blaise lzzos Achates Charlie Ramos Fingers Shoe Dude Pizza 's herel. Bijan , get in the car!I. Khaji it... Mark Clayton Big Chief Who? DEEZ NUTS happy sle epove rs Fire

Riqu elme Fumbl es Bailey Arnett Seven Card Stud Curt is Kevins Arms Jets Brett Favre Coast Puss-Puss Devil Dogs Base Cover Th ree Showers Annabe ll e KISS Theres a snake in my boot Daryl 's mom BP chant Cum Romae Est... Connor's happy rants Jim Mardukas

Accompl i shments

All district footba ll : 1,2,3,4

Basketball: 1

Baseball: 2 Track and Fie ld: 1,4 Key Cl ub: 1 Ec o War ri ors: 4 Class Vice Pr esident 3

Catherine Brierre 1998-2012

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go" - Dr. Seuss

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Rico GORI LLLA Sth period study hall family are the cookies edible ana t idaephobia

HOBO Meow-and I am not above hissing eipc cat videos babyboo fundip-the food of hurdlers DC vs. CB corner locker if it fits it ships snakes with arms Kitcat & Ressie BPM omgpop SOS me gusta turtle club prunes Happy f un music Fridays

Wednesday breakfasts s lushy puppies Funday Mondays Cohhoninnh popped persona l bubbles may the odds be ever in your favor it's an AM IBA selfies don't forget the Mexican spices SQU IRELS that awkward moment You jus t lost the game ET,MR,JH,HH,AB,KS

Cross Country 1,2

So fl ball 1

T rack and Fie ld 2,3,4

Spirit Club 1,2

Key Club 4

Eco Wa rriors 4

Darius Calliet 2008-2012

Parker Caronia 2007-2012

'Ther e are three types of people in this world. Tho se that make it happen , those that watch it happen, and those w h o say, 'w h at the heck happened?"'-Coach Mcgeehan "The man in black fl ed across the desert, and the guns lin ger followed. "-Stephen King

Woo doo 14 footba ll aq uaman bloodybi ll basset moosewebber f reshmandanceoff coach carter d. lineeeee crawl. Aly brewc re w weekoneshu n TAS pithy undefeated parkou r break. in rosenbaum .4x 1 pride lastplay benshouse tsylvester hottub Eli. kevo juice tbomb hoop stm vacarro roux ha rp corkys M longhair skyrim darkso ul s grease rs . HAM pu ll edpo rk levees taurus nate mooney gira rd coachcazeux lake D2 SC 3 . coachderrick biking f ullpowerclean FN M thanks mom and dad : )

Daniel Campbell 1997-2012

Mary Catallo Christine Catinis

Gregory D'Angelo 1999-2012

"Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy."-Albert Einstein

"I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."- Mark Twa in " I don't hate people. I just feel better w hen they aren't around."- Charles Bukowski

"The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept."-George Carlin

"Truth is stranger than fiction , but it is because Fi ction is obl iged to stick to possibi lities ; Truth isn't."-Mark Twain

"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer she lf life. "

Boi ling water Always fixing an english teachers computer. MLG .We blew up the ship Could be worse, it cou ld be raining Pink eye Night y'all" (gerally said before 9:00 AM)

Rushil Dang 1999-2012

Benjamin Davis 1998-2012

Don 't aim for success if you want it; just do what you Jove and believe in, and it will come naturally. -David Frost

Huntersorange Fligwdc 7-3 seeinghowfarstyp YO L O sb2k12w/ jscelfougonnacjpratherdalton mmw leprechaun bei n kar dr.chachefskii ms. wang FATTHHHAA 18bdayy stephendalecagle blueduck Christmaswithdarylpau ldaniel.. drawingonleprechaun anchoman lafrankgohoward jccs districtchampsfb cwebberrelgion buttist banegas hitin th eneck

Football : 1,2,3,4 (a ll district linebacker)

Soccer: 2 Track & Field: 4

Lynn Detillier


Spencer Didriksen 2008-2012

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."- Mae West wifey snail. twin pep talks poop track star cape club cracker slacker

Severin Didriksen 2008-2012

Accomplishments: Track & Field 4 1 (district and regionals) Soccer 1 National Honor Society 4 , 3

Hunter Dupepe 2010-2012

Matt Damon for president , Donnie Darko ' s wild night , THREE, wacky night , Bono , Mrs. Julie , SERENA!!! Simple jack The Handshake Montequilla Who killed Rodger Rabbit Good Will Hunting, "Can I watch Cowboy Bebop with your dad?", CORY!!! , MCOY!!! , Wanna be a balla shot calla , Mickey Mouse , October 30th, Senior Retreat , Night Crawlers, Anchorman , Smelling like hibachi at a dance , Yeah Hill Landry Yeah I Sean Legendre , Drivers ed at Victor Manning, being a detective with Connor, M, OP , Put on the hate Timmy! , movin like Bernie.

Earl Egan 2007-2012

"To learn for the future look back on the past, but don 't stare. "-Chick McGeehan " If you want to feel alive then learn to love your ground. "-Marcus Mumford

Dr.Chachefski HBKD Drodriguez Jose Michael. Amps The Palms 3 Rules

Boatlaunch lce Burg Slim Honeys Tutti Frutti How was your weekend Sake Hackey

Sack Stanky Legg Donnie's Death Sporty Spice Matt Damon Overlord TFM Blood y Bill Basset & Moose Webber lt 's hot outside C-bro -2 Halle Berry Notorious BIG M&S Steven Glansburg Snow day SB2K12 Band class Daps Parkour PainVFoam

Party Aqua Man BP Senior Football Kavanaugh s MG2K10 The Park RHCP

Cage RRT...You need to be checked Presents Keith Stone Steve Erwin LPQZ's

Always strapped

Football 1 ,2,3,4

Basketball 1,2 ,3 ,4

Dodgeball 2,3,4

Film Studies Club 2 ,3

Diversity 3 ,4

Baseball 1 ,2

Cazeaux Crazies 4

William Farber 1998-2012

"Life is as extreme as you make itl" - Spongebob Squarepants

State Swim Meet winter walk around zombies parkour Blockbuster Colorado homecoming decorations li feguarding tub ing the Coast Paramore OAC

Perception Dylan's birthday sleepover Disney World Paintball & Macaroni Grill Orange Beach MD The Hangout & Blonde John's longboarding Waffle House Sunny D Chateau Boys' State Harry Potter premiers swim team ice cream trip Voodoo 100yd f ly swim team campout soccer side lin es nostalgia

Cory Elazab 1998-2012

"Searching is half the fun: life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party."-Jimmy Buffett

"Winners get to do what they want " - Will Ferrell

Taps there w il l be pizza snow day santa fey chicken Retreat E.R. trip Orange Beach Slugo Invitational Voodoo Jazzfest. Sake lzzos? St. Francis Villa TRUCKS Jersey shore parties Steven's hparty lndoor SuperBowl Pensacola WII and Austin's Prank Calls Ancho rman.

Swim Team 1,2, 3, 4 (Captain)

Key Club 1,2,3 (VP), 4 (P)

Outdoor Adventure Club 2, 3, 4

NHS 3, 4

Boys' State 3

Nathan Farber 2007-2012

"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted." - John Lennon

"To infinity, and beyond!" Buzz Lightyear

Sit down chocolate 11 /4/ 11 "Live Lifel" Calvin's Reese's tuxedos Colin's parties Family of thugs Nate and Nate at 8 Cazeaux Crazies Grenades at Army Surplus BB St. Martin's Day Breaking a wa ll. Coach Dan The D-WAR Capt. Log Ms. Wang's study hawr Pedro Where-ya-at -bah? 62 C-Bo Shey Shun Ecomonom ics LSU bound Sake EEE 3 Snow Day Chop some wood Size of an eyeball. Cazeaux heads Doc Money .W Gordy Coach McGeehan The bald eagle Discipline relentless Fifa Indoor track Dear Edwina Jr 32 136 Melon Coach Bookstore Captain Jeff...StM family

Diversity Club: 1, 2, 3 , 4

Key Club: 4

Footba ll: 1,2,3,4 (MVP) Capt

Soccer: 2 , 3, 4 (MI P) Capt

Baseball: 1, 2

Indoor Track and Field: 1

Eco Warriors: 4

Class Vice President: 1, 2

Joshua Fresneda


"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been t rusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

"You boys talking bout baseball?"- Julian Scha rdt

Ky Elmwood Indoor Soccer Parkour City Park Slides Darre l's Party Carter's Open House Farmer Sarge Carter and his ca t Dog named Cheese Fr ies.. hunters and gathers car paint wars sophomores fail bible class chord watermelon at tailors moth attack ha lo and Mario noobz TF Alex vs Sarah Ab Cha llenge TRUCKS

Tensas Game Mardi Gras Voodoo and Jazz Fest... wb Kyoto - Texaco - T ay lors Kids

Gotta Eye Ball. Snai l Tap Tap Revenge Kevin Black and Gold Superbowl..

Timberrrr Plan Dealin Big 0 Quarters Water BBall Fails in Engl ish Overheated Jag


ll 1,2,3,4 (Captain) Basketball 1,2,3, 4 (Captain 3
4) Baseball 1,2,3,4 (Captain)

Ayme Haydel 2011-2012

Gibert 2010-2012
TGIM Muskratz4 1yfe arrest. Confederacy man cave Mag noli a Discou nt. LJ Mrs. Espinedo cowboy Boot and Palms trees staining brick floors Pensacola baby pool and wooden pelican Spring Break Santa Supe rior Grill. Metairie Clu b Estates New Years country and toga parties

Jessica Herbert 2010-2012

"Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt , dance like nobody's watch ing , and live like its heaven on earth " -Mark Twain" ' Some day I hope you get the chance To live like you were dyin .' Like tomorrow was a gift, And you got eternity To think about what you 'd do with it. An ' what would you do with it? " - T im Mcgraw

Translation dabomb.com/ yourmom totes magotes Richard- - Possy WAHHH H Stephen you got a skeeter on ya face prom letter fai l Mmm zzt SB 2K12 YOLO TillyTilly 11 / 11 / 11 @11 :11 hot tub nights without pants always Aly: just ca ll me Wendy

Key Club 3,4 Eco Warri ors 4 Outdoor Adventure Club 3,4

Haley Holcomb 2003-2012

"Scars are tattoos with better stories "-Fear Like Us

Parcore Movie Nights Cow tipping Disney Pretty Girl Rock Hunger Games Hot tub Nights Harry Potter Night...Cbombs Avatar DWar 52 pickup paint party burn sb2k 11 troy MIP Zumba duckboots

Eco Wa rriors 4 Socce r 1 2 3 4 Soccer MVP 3 4 Soccer Coach's award 4 Soccer All District 1 2 3 4 Soccer All Freshman T eam Honorable Mention 1 Key Club 1 2 3 4 Cross Country 1 3 4 T rack and Fie ld 1 2 4

Richard Jurisich 1999-2012

" I can't comp lain but sometimes I still do, Life's been good to me so far. " - Joe Walsh

" Being seco nd is to be the first of the ones who lose. " - Ayrton

Dr. warzeski's c la ss m rs wa ng 's "study hall" ramos BLAISE? B's P after vic tory daryl's mom after victory dylan 's forehead conner's rants neutral. coach chri s li eut enant dan cazeaux craz ies sa ints super bowl. perception blamb 54 chicago 2k11 FIRE!. will 's prank calls daniel 's pa rti es mooney 's class l am woooooo!. ronaldo fl ops th e truck sa ll y med ieva l party SB2k11 SB2k 12 dylan 's house brew crew achates jokes

MCCOY!. undefeated district champs TCU bound!

Dy Ian Israel


"Th ere are three types of people. T hose who make it happen. Those who watch it happen. And those whossay, "What just happened? " -Cha rl es McGeehan

"Live th e life you love. Love th e life you live." -Bob Marley

Blaise hbkd 4 .1 7 .11 mcshipley forehead wah mar mar achates pa r kou r dinne rs with ramos voldemort tfm connor' s rants Richards rave GPA fifa The sluggo storming the co urt on stm day wang stu dy ha ll. warzeski. OKKK JB statuses dan diodene izzos? Coast...jtan du tch blamb54 mooney carter stamm Fear 4 Stephen 's party sb 2k12 yall hayyy jets latin class anchorman dude!. messin with vacarro and mi lli can the villa

Football 1,2,3,4

Soccer 2,3,4

Track&Field 1,2,3,4 (3&4 A ll Di strict)

Class Treasurer 3 Cazeaux Crazies Co -Pr eside nt 3 ,4 Eco-Warriors 12

Football: 1,2 ,3 ,4 (Captain 4)

First team All-distr ict 3 , 4

Hon. Mention All -state 4

Track and fi eld: 1, 2 , 4

Golf: 3 , 4 (Most Imp roved 3) National Honor Society


Ellen Lu 1999-2012

"The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things."•Henry Ward

pretty girl rock ABB.CB.FB.CC.RD.AH.HH.JH.OM.MQ.KS.MS.MY the giiirls rooom MRS. THOMAAAS&thecreati vecats.CG.SL.SP.sirens in the river.mary oh contrary softball love coach matt&the gun show alex of the pebbles wings NY2K12//twitpics mardi gras if found plz call..SB2K12 YOLO .honk if you're.call me baby.haley is in the hunger games//her bricks are stained black&yellow bp junior year lunch table MR. WILLIAMS stats.GZ loves to .blaise getting defensive.the spear! dr. warof1812ski natey baby satchie snellings powderpuff pros volleyba ll bench with KG and AL segway man ellenthemelon SENYAZZZ hey y'a lll

Class President 1

Class Secretary 4

National Honor Society 3,4

Volleyball 1, 3, 4

Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain)

Key Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sergeant of Arms)

Diversity Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (VP)

Shaina Lu


"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity." -Coach McGeehan

" In three words I can sum up everything I know about life: it goes on." -Robert Frost

List of quotes lt 's 2 pieces of wood! Will's Ranch midnight miles w/Sam MG'10/'11f12 MGBalls fundaymonday SB2K11 fresh off the boat amy's quotes don't touch the mulch w/Ellen mini games club PVjokes&diets xmas parties at Mere's/Sake/Sakura scrapbooking w/Haley LASC girlsstate/sleeplesstorture fball games snowday kenner starbucks piratesx2 sweet16 Prom JHUMUNC AP Art retreat. race for the cure'0S-'11 homecomings Katrina MR.ET.SS.SP.MG.EC. people who know my life through sunroof...CC'11 loveyall classof'12, mom, dad, & shyue!

Track & Field 1, 2, 3, 4

Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4

Key Club 1, 2, 3, 4

Volleyball 1, 2, 3

Cross Country 4 NHS 3, 4

Trailblazers 2, 3 MUN 3, 4

Olivia Maynard 2002-2012

"Don 't mistake my kindness for weakness " -Mr. Williams "So , Lone Starr , now you see that evil wi ll always triumph, because good is dumb. " - Dark Helmet

mybricksaresta ined econclass foampartiessuck flowerpants 2012do ' s&don 'ts hungoverowls redwhite&bl uestore youpriceofshot thebomb poloobsession set ueporclavos nastyga lisawebsite faithoutrunninghunter longislands basilik Uganda pukefest2012 iamgoingtodieinthehungergames accidentintheschoo llot monstererryday TG IW 11 / 11/11 palmsnightfromhell SB2K12 you fittycentnight socksgalore lostonthewank wherespoland?

Michael William Martin 1998-2012

"love the life you live.live the life you love. "--Bob Marley

"That which does not ki ll us makes us stronger. " Friedrich Nietzsche

D-WAR shutting down computers ms wang's study hall parkour thinking with power heehaw hand grenades snow day we ll, heh PA & OAC Y'ALL silence .4.17.11 bio with stace alright ayvon chocolate milk and doughnuts stevo fridays at ben's POW capra senior retreat. warrior dash counting cards YOLO

key club 1,2,3,4; treasurer 4

Cazeaux crazies 3,4

diversity club 1,2,3,4

Outdoor adventure club 3 ,4

trai lblazer 1,2 ,3 ,4

soccer 1,2,3,4

cross country 3,4; MIP 3 , Coach 's Award

tennis 1,2 ,3 ,4; MIP 2 , MVP 3,4

All-State Academic 1,2 ,3 ,4

Eco-Warriors 3 ,4

Kevin Nguyen 2008 - 2012

"Well I'm not go ing to, ·ever•! Even if there's a fire'" - Will Ferrell

lzzo ' s. KEVIN! over beauty. Blake gets brain-washed. COLD. SB2K 12I Bahama problems. Getting yoked. GPA. pickup sports. Chill days. Pool part ies. Kevin mittens. Cazeaux Crazies. #62. Undefeated season. 10-0. MG2K12. Working out every day. Austin 's impressions of anyone. PHO with the guys. T ank tops. keeper. Christopher Giambelluca. Blaise. Penguin H uddles. Emerson=HRod. S ikaffy. Napoleon Dynamite Dance. Messing with Ramos. Anchorman. Creepy.

Juan Newell

Colin O'Malley 2001-2012

Wooderson : "Le t me te ll you this , the older you do get the mo re rules they're gonna try to get you to fo ll ow You just gotta keep on livin' man L-I-V-I-N."

Donnie Darko: "I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief , because th ere will be so much to look forward to."


"We must become the cha nge we want to see " - Mahatma Gandhi

"People usually say , the sky's the lim it. ' I be li eve the sky is just the beginning " - Unknown

"Gorillaaaaa blue betta+ye ll ow be tta= green betta it's a freaking seahorse it's a bird , it's a plane, it's an amebal. rico D.war Physics webcam max numbers (modi fi ed) Me gusta. Me gusta. Me gusta ifunny ice wa rs are these cook ies edible? snake with arms kit cat and ressies tap tap wars you don't say? Doc- American Hi sto ry personal bubble logger pro and white boards je ffaf afa 2nd row omgpop may the odds be EVER in your favo r spark babies how did you get the tickets? No fl ip the t able fami ly watchdog french fries June 7,20 11 Fore nsics: 3 brains= failure "

Accomp li shments

Parkour Champion 1 Pole Vau lt District and Reg ional Champ ion 3 OAC President 3,4

\ I
PARKOUR HBKD T erryG GREEN Brands SB2K12... ...Jose Felix .Woodstock Skeletor Nep t une Magneto .VOODOO Dwar Dock Hacky Sack
Chorus 2 ,3,4

Sara Pendleton 2003-2012

"Things do not change ; w e change. " - Henry David Thoreau

meltingpot creative cat cc road trips infamous e lmwood saki Sflippsthetab le breakcheckin serial killers hibachi disco gaurdstorlite running Audubon minivan racing dotdots take forever thankyou brownies math dood les voodoo ' 11 &' 10 dino-ha t @shell station StPatties ' 12 mondayfunday kilt chasing ."that's it , I'm done , goodbye " LSU 201611 Go Tigers11


Cross Country: 1234

Lyre: 1234

Halo:1234 T Track:234

Morgan Quigley 2007-2012

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappoin ted by the things that you didn' t do than by the ones you did do So throw off t he bow lines. Sail away from the sate harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sa ils. Explore. Dream. Discover. " H. Jackson Brown Jr apartret reat.sirensint h eriver.mrsthomas.maryo hcontrary.creativecat. EL .CC.SL.CG.SP sottball love "i' llcl imbyoulikeatree"matt.tanlines sb2k 12yolo.jonessoda.casperthetriend lyghost.das t rii iip .captain -dhead.wisco.pretty gi rl rock.<32<3 skipping freshman year .BA thing o da week junior year lunch tab le mees taweelyams miyako mg2k12: it found call. marinestorbeads miss emelda 's bus voodoo biarritz :long plane rides & trench boys bball. 67p t avg drwarot1812sky capta inlog MY.KS.JH.HH.AH.ABB. OM. FB. R D .C B .ADG.MS. i love you all.

Madeline Roohi 1998-2012

STMJoBros ET&SL MMS "yo ur cryi ng shoulder'' HC 11 bes t day ever! flockin oh look at the tim e! I DON'T CARE IF YOUR SORRY Tues night priorities Tswift car concerts from the car HH 's B-RoomCL? demo n pe ts@lakeside she ruined my shirt! fundaymondayl.. kick@zz NailFail!ET CC team road trips Oregon runs wolverine AC fresh off t he boat sb12 here we go AGAIN wo r king airline yolo boy walk of shame swaggy "bye see you never''. TH XMOM& DA D:) Lsu !

Courtland Roberts 1998-2012

"Shut up and Sit" Dr. Warzeski

"here is a pleasure in the pathless woods; / There is a raptu re on t he lonely shore; / There is soc iety, where none intrudes ,/ By th e deep sea, and music in its roar;/ I love not man th e less, but Nature more f' - Lord Byron

Ojom Michael Drodriguez Carlos Jose Aqua Man Captain Gary Bloody Bill Basset & Moose Webber DWAR of 1812-Okayy Ms. Wang D(R) ick Doss 3 Rules The Trees

Champs Kittin Check your emai l. Snow Day Ri chard Ferrel Professors Railroad

Revival Tour-Deluna C&C Grass Cutting CBO You need to be checked 3rd Times a cha rm Mumson 10:22 Hoots Honey 's coot shoot Uncle Buck Always strapped Steve l rw in You stepping on my shoes? C-Cope Burger King Mickey Mouse Crab People Rodney LPQZ's Dyno 's New Beat N o Problem

Swim Team 11, 10,9

Track and Field 12 , 11, 10,9

Cross country 12

Sh ield Clu b Co -E ditor 12 , 11

Ravin Shah 1998-2012

"In the middle of difficulty comes opportunity. " - Albert Einstein "Stay hungry , stay foolish. " - Steve Job

dude shah im in mac jobs dance central. is hornets saints superbowl xliv woo blaise? kevin waters is god izzos ta les from the crypt perception national treasure kanye west & jay-z otis welcome to havana anchorman satisfaction sharks cazeaux crazies ! was about to grab his jersey brew crew fingers crazy cam bio raves boost.. skyrim wall ball slime soccer pickup at ch ristine ' s thesaurus camp rainbow pink pajamas penguins on the bottom lion king chicago fire spumoni. spam tex ting does he have a concussion? selfies with kelly snow day piano dude


NHS 3 ,4

Honor Roll 1,2 ,3 ,4

Honor Council 3

Key 1,2,3 ,4 (Secretary)

Diversity 1,2 ,3 ,4

Cazeaux Crazies 3 ,4 (Vice-President)

Track & Field 1,2,3

Football 1,2

Basketball 1 - Soccer Manager 3

Sarah Skidmore


SB'12 Yeahyeahyea hyeahyeah YO LO fFi p the table Homecom ing 2011 3rd period chorus Captain log D War Here we go again! ! don't care if you ' re sorry! Must be nice! Funday Monday Disco hibachi Fl ocking season Freakin' college prep school Oh look at the time Skidz .Where's Poland?! So that's what they're calling it now #4 lf I was funny I'd be on t he T V- Coach Mike

Chorus 1,2 ,3,4

Swimming 1,2,3,4

Meredith Stedman 1998-2012

" It's w hen you cry ju st a littl e, but you laugh in the m iddle that you 've made it. " - Jaso n Mraz

Tonight, Not Aga in " In t hree words I can sum up everyt hing I know about li fe: it goes on "Robert Frost

niddypaw&bdawg mr.g s class shou t out to my bb s/ nasty cats the icemakers parko ur rus hil's raves the new man crew be nz stati on-wago n how was your weekend? keith stone ... AP Ame ri can "study groups" dance central. sake amps&pa int pa rti es the ne ut ral ground Satu rday nights @ so nic dirt road a nthem rave on t he gul f cou rse crowd-surf ing @ voodoo temp le run "the lis t" se lfi es t he trouble bench supe ri or grill dance pa rt y after e ndymion SER E NA #pipp in problems the yolo group sb2k12 hu nger games pin k pajama penguins on t he botto m borgo re CC. BE


Austin Smith 2008-2012

Giacobbe 1,2,3 ,4 St udent counci l 1 2 3 4 Theate r 3,4

Kelly Still 2005-2012

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. "--Henry

CC.EL.MY.RD.JH.HH.MS.MQ.CB.AB2.FB.OM pretty girl rock beyonce watch the throne james palms it 's okay universal. disney world new years 2k12 twipics you were dressed when I left st inky still. love in this club real of freshmen year purple lobster .rush hour 3 sticky glue black and yellow bp jaaackie what are we talking about? cuz das ma boi pink panther hunger games spanish with withco delilah stained bricks meesta weelyumz aaron craft selfies with rav sb2k12 yolo , but really shutup cinderblock ew the catinis family deaz

Volleyball 1, 2 , 3 , 4 (Captain)

Basketball 1, 2 , 3 , 4 (Captain , MVP)

Track 1, 2 , 3 , 4

Tennis 2 , 3 , 4

Diversity Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4 (President)

Key Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4

NHS 3 , 4

Honor Council 1, 4

Emily Tastet 1998-2012

"Be bold-and mighty forces will come to your aid" -Basil King

Fridaynightfootball. sake kennerstarbucks santasupper MR&SL.. onlyfreshmancheerleader BP springbreak2k12 meow lying on the ground ap euro study group the creepers MG Father's jokes english outlines girlsstate shopping days pinkbery class of 2012!

Cheerleading 1 2, 3 4 (Captain)

Theater 1, 2 , 3 , 4 Shield Club 3 , 4 (Co-Editor)

NHS 3 , 4


Jonathan Waters 1998-2012

" It's not whet her you ge t knocked down it's whether you stay down. AYOO" - Coach

Blaise? coast. ms.wang JETS Bahamas bocajuniors dylansforehead t imhoward blamb54 i zzos wholefoods bla isestruck KEVIN & frat..coachmcgee han pingpo ng fifa JBsta t uses CAR TE RSTA HM ca rterclo ne lt. dan spidermantackle dy lansbiotextbook Bio H GPA..super happys leepove rs co nn orshappy rants watersisgod faganislo rd . La Prep fingers&theshoe zephyrsfield colinspart ies jt an derrick cazeauxcraz ies jess icaceda tol brocklesnar feydor omgpop darkages

Connor Timmerman 1998-2012

stm ten nis raps sluggo in vitational. Ja maica Austi ns im itatio ns Spanish leather Star/ Cigar Perception Co lin s "pa rt ies" Karno Mcsta ch il l past coast. Cha rles in charge

Cambe ll t h row me parkour .Doc Moo ney real talks naz i zombies golden dove pusp us umb un tu wa te rs neutrality Lehig h vs. Duke the game is 7 card stud Tha iland C lass officers fb yal l. CD: hey__ ---Yes?

Mallory Young 2005-2012

'Happiness is like a butterfly ; the more you chase it , the more it will elude you , but if you turn our attention to other things , it will come and sit softly on your shoulder. "•Henry DavidThoreau

cb.k~.cc.fb.rd.jh.om.hh.el.ms.mq.absquared. zl. griff. Sb 2k10 , 11 ,12. mardi gras apartments. homecoming. goob 6. senioritis since ' 10. hunger games. amps. sailors. selfies galore. bbm and iphones. prom x 3 lunch table. pretty girl rock. he party. elections. flappers. sk8. "is it raining?" "call me maybe. " football games & ben ' s house. christina themas. chrissy matthews. universal for 17. disney for 18. the buried life with cs. beach. dementor. nose goes. italian love new years. pjs. I love all 13 of you girls and my fam.

Cheerleading 1 2 , 3 , 4 (Captain)

Student Council 2 , 3 (Corresponding Secretary) , 4 (VP)

Key Club 1 2, 3 (Sergeant in Arms) 4

Diversity Club 1 , 2 , 3, 4

Admissions Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4

NHS 3 , 4

French Club 4 (President)

Class Officer 3

Volleyball 1

Most Spirited Girl 4


Gregory Young Zheng 2003-2012

"If I'm free , it's because I' m always running"- Jimi Hendrix
r BP Skyclad April 17 MardiG ras Pic37 Jasmine FR AT Fea rsome Foursome Peniston Black& Ye ll ow Edgard Sake Lay laaa Spumon i md Lilweezyana Prom2k11 Voodoo Palms MaryJane Mmmkayyy Cobalt... Laffy Eggs Nightcrawling Ch aser Savannah Saga Sha lm iVDisalattre 12oclock T erryG HONDA. Ncaa Gatlin bu rg SteadyMobbin Wank Serg WOOO ldgaf DJoe Exp los ive GOODL What do you think Raving in Bio Trainspotting Parkour Me and Keedy

Fall Tapping

Above : Father Baer arrives with the guest speaker Mason Lecky Above: James Conatser is inducted by William Martin Below : Guest speaker Mason Lecky
Above (Left to right) Ca ssidy George , Tyler Dean , Ian Jenkins, Paden Gallagher, Jessica Herbert , Austin Falk , Blaise Jurisich , Mitchell Duhe , Paul Alvendia , Tejas Shah, James Conatser, Claire Adams , Alex Lunyong, Samantha Price, Will Kuehne , Lindsay Andrews, Vishal Shah , Laura Nussdorf , Jessie Troxler , and Madeline Davis (Above) Mallory Young inducts Morgan Quigley (Above) Dylan Israel, Kevin Nguyen, Morgan Quigley, and Nydia Araya outside the chapel (Left) NHS president , Aly Bordsen Bozzo , introduces the speaker (Above) Kelly Still inducts Nydia Araya
NHS 2012 69
(Below) Guest speaker , Peter Stedman '71 Right: Emily Tastet and Brandon Phillips enter the chapel Center Joanna Smilari, Daniel Campbell, Annie Weaver Left: Jessica Tan and Haley Holcomb enter the chapel Left: Kelvin Cho and Ellen Lu enter the chapel Below: Blaise Jurisich and Tyler Dean Bottom Left: Mychal Truxillo and Alexandra DeGravelle Left: Colin O'Malley and Piers Cropp Top Left: Madeline Roohi and Hannah DellaCroce Bottom Left: Piers Cropp, Morgan Gorney, Jake Robarts, Alex Daray, Shannon O'Malley, Ana Rosales



en a:

I Paul Alvendia Taylor Aucoin Andrew Baird
Adam Bernberg Benjamin Bonner Christian Borges Paul Chamorro Kun Hee Cho James Conatser Piers Cropp
__ -'/
Alexandra Daray Georgia Drury Tahj Joseph Zachary Lange Madeline Davis Mitchell Duhe William Kuehne Alex Lunyoung A lexandra de Grave ll e Austin Falk 1, ______. Maddie Guidry Ty ler Dean Hannah DellaCroce
Paden Gallagher Cassidy George I\)
I 75
Col in Hansen William Heine
Brandon Phillips
a: I
Kellie Phillips Samantha Price Patty Rattermann Gabriella Ray Charles Rees Grant Reggio Neil Ripley Jacob Rob arts Hunter Rodriguez
z 76
Ana Rosales
0 I
Vishal Shah Tejas Shah Joanna Smilari Eleanor Stefani Jessica Tan Jess ie Troxler Mychal Truxillo Lauren Vega Remy Voiron
Anne Leigh Weaver

w a: I-

Alayna Adolph Daniel Amoss Erin Bahn Allison Baird Hailee Barrett Antoine Barriere Timothy Birdsong
Stephanie Bossier William Bower Jacob Bretz Jacob Broders Matthew Buckley Anna Catinis
0 / I 0 en
Amy Clement Joseph D'Amico
0 I
Jessica D'Amico Gabrielle Danna Emily Diaz-Brenes Merrin Duhe Melinda Embree Laine Farber Kathryn Favaloro Ryan Gamble Kincy Gibson
'' 79
Samuel Griffith Jiyun Han Aiden HiUTis Brooke Hathaway Henry Haydel Andrew Holdiness

w a:

0 0 I Cl. 0 Cf) 80
Jefferson Honeywell Alexandra Kern Megan Hoolahan Ian Kuehne Sam Hurley I Isabella Lala Adler Hyatt Alexandra Jackson Hill Landry Ali Lange Brandon Roohi Tia Schlesinger Louis Schott Philip Scoggin Hunter Sikaffy Chelsey Solomon Courtney Taylor Frank Thomas
Lauren Triay Lee Yignes Stephen Yondenstein John Ware
Samantha Werner Trevor Wilson Griffin Young Margaret Zheng
Travis Adolph Whitney Appel Trinity Barriere William Brannon Jason Bremermann wClare Brierre John Brown
Rivers Bruce Mya Carter Bonnie Cash Ali Cashman Casey Cazeau
Cf) w a: LL 82
Isabel Celata
0 I
William Dean Joseph DeCorte Melissa DeGrado Paulos DeJesus-Loureiro Paige Du b lin__.., Sarah DuPlantier Nathan Fernandez Jordan Fresneda Kayla Gerard Randy Gervais Paige Holcomb Zachary Israel Jack Jenkins
Srihari Korrapati Gerald Martin

z w I en

w a:

Desmond McGovern Jared Pigeon
Ethan Robarts ' Alexander Monier Bryan Recile Amanda Rouquette Jeremy Ott Ross Reggio Kellen Ruffin Iris Palazzolo Nicolas Phillips Rodney Rice Elise Ripley Mason Scofield River Shay
Trevor Smith Aleksander Vogel Breuna Westry
Joshua Wollfarth
0 I 85
Mason Wooton

Washingtort D.C. Trip

..c I • ..c C) w 90
Patrick Adams Madison Aucoin Michael Fleming Payton Frischhertz Tristan Autin Ashley Bossier Joshua Castaneda Madison Cummings Hampton Davis Ashley Garrido B urckel Gervais Kailee Gibson Ashton Harris GiGi Herberg
Kyle Herbert Madison Kahn Jessica LeCoq Betzy Liriano
0 C\I
Stewart Main Belin Manalle MyaMethe David Miller
\ \
Jaclyn Murphy Morgan O'Malley WanYah Phelps Gabriel Rodriguez Sotomayor Stephen Sandal Raj Shah Abby Sims
Sydney Strahan Vennela Vellanki Julia Weaver James White Daniel Zito

8ea Cacnp

William Baird Heaven Barriere
Dylan Bryan Daisha Calliet Jakob Castaneda Austin Chamorro Rickeia Colman
-c CJ i-= '{
Jonathan Davis Lane Davis Gabrielle DeLaToba
Nicholas DellaCroce Jared Dents Jaulet Ebrahimpour Tyler Falk
I ' C Q) ,, ' > ( Q)
Johnathan Glenn Maxwell Gremillion Christopher Hyman Ashton Merret
Cl) 94
Grace Moore Sean O'Flynn
' 0 C\J
Adam Pendleton Jesse Reeves Stephan Richards Dillion Roaf Victoria Skidmore Ashken Stamm Bailey Taylor
Monty Truett Savvannah Watermeier Brooke Williamson Jeff Zheng


w 0 <( a: CD I I>< Cf) 98
i1 J. Alexandra Bartholomew Chloe Batholomew Khaja Bradley Zoe Carter Andrew Devall Olivia Fernandez Gabriella Bennett Taylor Cummings
V' I __,..-----_
Camille Fowler Ben Benton Joshua Davis Ju Ies Franee Brenna Bonura Chase Descant GiGiHalpem
CX) '
Harrison Hedgepeth Garret Kalogiratos E lizabeth Kuehne ,. 'Ill
... ..1111 C\J
No Photo Available Drew Dongieux Hannah LeJeune Carlos Liriano Rimi Manda! Tony Manzella
Evan McCollum Bruce Miller Sarah Mi llican Bryce Monier Alex Ormond Diego Ortega Brett Pfefferle Alber t Phi ll ip Maansi So lanky Anoush Stamm

Cultural Experience Day

1() ~(-::: .. .. : . I ...,! .. · .v.:.I ·:) .. ' ' ... ' 111


I t --. 114
Douglas Bland Benjamin Bone Natalia Bourg Jake D'Arensborg Bailey Davis Noah Devlin Joshua Freeland Griffin Gansar Andrea Goh Rico Coleman Ethan Everitt Pierce Gremillion Madalyn Cranford H 1 Jack Fleishmann Mitchell Halpern Ellie Hurley Bennett Kahn Elise Lafleur Victoria Morgan Patrick Motes Cameron O'Brien Riley Pigeon Ruby Reeves Cole Russell Blake Truxillo Gabby Lagarde Jessica Pickens Anna Beth Talbot Mollye Varon Enzo Marcello Lainey Pickens
Griffith Thomas
I\) 0 I
Farah Wells
..c I • ,.__ :::J 0 LL ' ---~
,.. Jack
No Photo Available
Nicho las Lobrano Zachery Day Rafae l Fig ueroa Char lotte Fow ler Alyssa Garrido Brycen Malbrough Ian Moore E ll iot Peyton Jack Reeves ,t
0 0
Carrington Roaf Christian Salassi Malorie Saucier Bailey Shofstahl Bharat Solanky Brandon Stokes Jacob Thomas Jackson Van Meter Sahith Vellanki Amber Wyatt
-c ,.._ ..c I-
Gabby Bonura Clara Co natser Cameron Barrett Isabe ll a Bartho lomew Bent ley Boudreaux Jonathan Castaneda Ryan Coope r Eric Berthelot Hannah Bonnette
H C hristop her Cat inis Ty Cazeaux Samantha D'Arensbourg Caro line Deroche
I\) 0
Thomas Devall Colin Doyle Prudence Dudley
I\) I
Camila Figueroa Alexis Jurisich Fiona Marks Ford Millican Avani Mitra Ashton Nelson Sofia Ortega Mya Porter Noah Relan Ryan Smilari Sanjana Subramaniam Marcelo Torres Saje Troye r Betsy Van Meter Evan Walker Aiden Womack
Q) -c cc CJ -c C 0 (.) Q) CJ)
0 I\) I\)
Mycah Porter Colin Saucier Taylor Stokes Michael Talbot Daniel Thompson Matthew Varon Raeanne Zito Scotty Cooper Elena Costello Avery Donnelly
r I •
Justin Hall Harris Huber Ian L ind en Olivia_Merington Peyton Miller
en 1i.... LL
George Mueller
0 I\)
August Schmedtje William Scofield Isabelle Sigel Caroline Spiers Samantha Thompson Teagan Tonti-Rouse Javier Torres Fleur Vignes
C Q) I • '-Cd C) '--0) -c C
Ashley Ga3>ard Taylor Guillory Carter Corsetti Kamro n Darkshani Emmy Farber Ka itlyn Hall Alexandra Hough taling Abraham Kamal Michael Odom Preston Rieder Gabrielle Rubin
0 I\)
Hari s Saddiqui Lisa Smith William Sossaman Reilly Tafaro Kaitlyn Tillery Sofia Urrego Walker Van Meter Bishop Womack Andy Yang
C Q) I • co C) 1....Q) -c C Cl) 1....(L
Tristen Bartholomew Ella Bozeman Ch loe Callaghan Ava Collier Leopold Davis
I\) 0
Erin Johnson Cole LaCoste Isabel Lovera Anisha Mitra Carter Ringney Jadon Troyer Anthony Zheng
Q) C) ccs I • I • 0 () 130
Christopher Becnel Kayden Joseph Lucy Mizell Michael Smuck Arthur Deutcsh William Lee ~ ·Fulton 1l
1~0 '
Fulton Pigeon Riyah Shah Tate Fischer Clark Liu Samari Porter Wynter Smith Samaikhya Gadi Morgan Markey Braden Saucier No Photo Available Payton Williams Rachel Hernandez Ralph Mauer Parker Skelly Layla Zeitoun Charles Adriance Frances Blazek Ashton Breaux Christopher Chancellor Jansen Dents Claire Deroche j Christopher Fein Tristan Lopez Marcella Ng Corbin Nicoladis Aidan Rizer Jude Schiro Ava Schott Katherine Strausser Sophia Uddo Victoria Vicuna A varie Clarke Charles Dovie Wrex Palmisano Caleb Schott Meredith Walker Gavin Cummings Sam Peter Fandino Nathan Reider Liana Sigel
Q) cc CD 131
Saura Wolfe-Duke 0 ,-+ ,-+


Team: Dylan Israel, Desmond

McGovern , Parker Caronia , Hunter Rodriguez, Jack

Jenkins , Beau Egan , Jared Pigeon , Austin Falk, Chandler Patten, Jonathan

Waters , Jack Brown , Ethan

Robarts , Will Brannon , Sam

Hurley , Mason Wooton , Neil

Ripley , Henry Haydel , Tyler

Dean , Casey Cazeaux , Stephen Young , Juan

Newell , Colin Hansen, Nathan Farber , Will Dean , Paul Chamorro , Mason

Scofield , Hunter Sikaffy ,

Brandon Roohi, Ben Davis, Morgan Gorney , Darius

Callie! , Dani e l Campbell ,

Tre v or Wilson , Bryan Recile , Blaise Jurisich , Jacob

Broders , Kellen Ruffin , Kevin

Nguyen , Jake Robarts, Greg

Zheng , Rivers Bruce , David

Main , Louis Schott , Greg

Aihevba , Ste wa rt Campbell ,

Kyle O'Neal , Austin Brackett , Tahj Joseph , Jefferson Honeywell , Ian Jenkins , Grant Reggio


Caroline Bossier , Christine Galinis , Ellen Lu , Kelly Still , Taylor Aucoin , Amber Perkins , Joanna Smilari , Alayna

Adolph , Erin Bahn , Kincy Gibson , Ali Lange , Margaret Zheng , Trinity Barriere , Clare

Brierre , Emily Bryan , Paige Dublin , Sarah duPlantier , Kayla Gerard , Ilana Springer , Taylor Stone



Patrick Adams

Travis Adolph

Ali Cashman

Anna Catinis

Joey D'Amico

Will Farber

Jordan Fresneda

Cassandria Goh

Maddie Guidry

Megan Hoolahan

Allie Jackson

Hill Landry

Olivia Maynard

Laura Nussdorf

Iris Palazzolo

Ross Reggio

Rodney Rice

Tia Schlesinger

Abbey Sims

Sarah Skidmore

Jessie Troxler

Joshua Wollfarth


Cross Countr

Aly Bordson-Bozzo

Haley Holcomb

Shaina Lu

William Martin

Sara Pend leton

Madeline Roohi

Connor Timmerman

Benjamin Bonner

Ian Jenkins

Shannon O'Malley

Tejas Shah

Ian Kuehne

Margaret Ann Bryan

Joey Decorte

Alex Monier



s Soccer

Will Farber, Dylan

Israel , Nathan Farber, Colin O'Malley , William Martin , Stephen Young , Ben Davis, Daniel Campbell , Jonathan Waters, Greg Aihevba, Darius CaJliet, Ian Jenkins, Piers Cropp, Will Kuehne, Hunter Rodriguez, Mitchell

Duhe, Hunter Sikaffy, Grant LeJeune, Antoine

Barriere, Henry Haydel , Hill Landry, Jack Jenkins , Jack Brown, Gerald Martin , Josh Wollfarth, Rodney Rice , Paulos Loureiro , Trevor Smith


Girls Soccer

Caroline Bossier

Haley Holcomb

Jessica Herbert

Joanna Smilari

Jessica Tan

Alayna Adolph

Alexandra Kern

Kincy Gibson

Tia Schlesinger

Kathryn Favaloro

Taylor Stone

Trinity Barriere

Paige Holcomb

Ali Cashman

Whitney Appel

Kayla Gerard

Ilana Springer

Sydney Strahan

Mya Carter



s Basketball

Beau Egan

Juan Newell

Josh Fresneda

Zac Lange

Tahj Joseph

Sam Hurley

Will Bower

Griffin Young

Ethan Robarts

Desmond McGovern

Bryan Recile

Mason Scofield

Mason Wooton

Will Dean

Jeremy Ott

Kellen Ruffin

Ashken Stamm


Girls Basketball

Christine Catinis

Kelly Still

Taylor Aucoin

Alex de Gravelle

Laura N ussdorf

Amber Perkins

Mychal Truxillo

Ali Lange

Margaret Ann Bryan

Paige Dublin

Iris Palazzolo

Breuna Westry

Maddie Aucoin

Burckel Gervais

Abbie Sims

.. ...


Stewart Campbell

Zac Lange

Hunter Rodriguez

Tyler Dean

Austin Falk

Caleb McIntosh

Trevor Wilson

Jefferson Honeywell

Sam Hurley

Will Bower

Henry Haydel

Kyle O'Neal

Chandler Patten

Jeremy Ott

Desmond McGovern

Mason Wooton

Jared Pigeon



Ellen Lu Morgan Quigley Taylor Aucoin Alex de Gravelle Mychal Truxillo Bonnie Cash Kayla Gerard Burckel Gervais Bailey Taylor
Khaja Bradley

Track and Field

Members of the track team: Greg Aihevba, Aly Bordson-Bozzo , Austin Brackett, Catherine Brierre, Darius Calliet, Parker Caronia, Christine Catinis , Ben Davis, Spencer Didriksen , Jessica Herbert, Haley Holcomb, Dylan Israel , Blaise Jurisich , Shaina Lu , Colin O'Malley , Sara Pendleton, Madeline Roohi, Austin Smith, Meredith Stedman , Kelly Still, Stephan Young, Maddie Guidry , Ian Jenkins , Amber Perkins, Grant Reggio , Alex de Gravelle, Erin Bahn, Jacob Broders, Amy Clement, Jessica D'Amico, Kathryn Favaloeo , Kincy Gibson, Josh LeCoq, Brandon Roohi, Louis Schott, Frank Thomas, Samantha Werner, Hill Landry, Travis Adolph, Whitney Appel, Will Brannon, Clare Brierre, Jack Brown, Emily Bryan, Mya Carter, Ali Cashman Casey Cazeaux, Will Dean, Joey DeCorte, Jordan Fresneda, Kayla Gerard, Zac Israel, Jack Jenkins , Alex Monier, Ross Reggio, Rodney Rice, Trevor Smith, Ilana Springer



Members of the boys tennis team:Will Martin

James Conatser

Gerald Martin

Nick Phillips

Rivers Bruce

Jesse Reeves

Paden Gallagher

Members of the girls tennis team :

Caroline Bossier

Hannah Dellacroce

Kellie Phillips

Stephanie Bossier

Miranda Martinez

Tia Schlesinger

Tiffany Tavassoli

Christine Catinis



Will Bower
Nathan Fernandez Blai se Juri sich Srihari Korrapati


Faith Brannon

Rushil Dang

Emily Tastet

Mallory Young

Meaghan Mulvey

Annie Weaver

Hailee Barrett

Stephanie Bossier

Jessie D'Amico

Emily Diaz

Merrin Duhe

Melinda Embree

Kathryn Favaloro

Alexandra Kern

Madison McQuaig

Courtney Taylor

Samantha Werner

Whitney Appel


MS Girls Basketball

j::.=-.-=-.,;""";!!-..... --~--- --,::::-~iiili;H~~ M Girls 148

MS Boys Basketball

MS Cheerleading


MS Girls Tennis

MS Boys Tennis


MS Track and Field

LS Baseball

LS Cheerleading

Upper School Student Council

Back: Vishal Shah , Mitchell Duhe , Alex Lunyong, Ethan Robarts , Tim Birdsong , Catherine Favaloro Middle: Emily Bryan , Ali Lange , Madeline Davi s, Kincy Gibson , Jacob Robarts ,Hunter Sikaffy, Joey DeCorte, Joanna Smilari Front:Faith Brannon , Caroline Bos s ier, Meredith Stedman , Mallory Young, Shaina Lu

Senior Class Officers Junior Class Officers

Sophomore Class Officers Freshman Class Officers

Darius Calliet, Christine Catinis , Ellen Lu, Will Martin Alex DeGravelle , Alex Lunyong , Paden Gallagher, Mitchell Duhe
Jefferson Honeywell , Stephanie Bossier, Antoine Barriere, Sam Hurley Gerald Martin, Alex Monier, Tiffany Tavassoli, Isabel Celata


Key Club
Back: Tia Schlesinger, Madeline Davis , Joanna Smilari , Jefferson Honeywell , Brandon Roohi , Emily Diaz , Joey D'Amico , Mitchell Duhe , Joshua Fresneda, Ian Jenkins, Austin Falk, Breuna Westry , Yishal Shah, Ross Reggio, Joey DeCorte Middle: Hannah DellaCroce , Erin Bahn , Jessica Tan ,Laine Farber, Madeline Roohi , Amy Clement , Shaina Lu , Paoulos, Connor Timmerman , Front: Will Martin,Cory Elazab, Will Farber, Ravin Shah , Ellen Lu Kevin, Nguyen, Hunter Rodriguez Front: Bonnie Cash , Iris Palazzolo, Amanda Rouquette, Ellen Lu , Connor Timmerman, Paul Alvendia
Back: Miranda Martinez , Sara Pendleton , Stewart Campbell , Colin Hansen , James Conatser, Ethan Robarts, Zac Lange , Grant Reggio , Lynn Detillier, Gabe D'Angelo, Antoine Barriere

Eco Warriors Club

Front: Emily Bryan , Bonnie Cash, Jordan Fresneda, Haley Holcomb, Antoine Barriere, Jessica Tan, Paige Holcomb , Trinity Barrier,Kayla Gerard Second; Kathryn Favaloro, Ali Lange , Tia Schlesinger, Madeline Roohi , Catherine Brierre,Kevin, Nguyen, Dylan Israel, Samantha Price

Thrid: Alayna Adolf, Courtney Taylor, Ali Lange , Jes sica Herbert,Merrin Duhe , Paige Holcomb, Ana Catinis, Ellen Lu, Griffin Young, Shaina Lu, Jonathan Waters. Nathan Farber. Paul Alvendia, Emily Diaz

Back: Jefferson Honeywell , Hunter Rodriguez , Will Farber, Dariu s Calliet , Adam Bernberg , Jake Robarts , Mitchell Duhe , Piers Crop , Stephen Young , Will Martin , Paul Chamorro , Ian Jenkins , Morgan Gorney , Colin Hansen, Vishal Shah, Will Kuehne

Breakthrough Club
Front: Zac Lange. Cassidy George , Jessica Tan , Hannah DellaCroce Back: William Martin , Juan Newell, Steven Young, Darius Calliet, Adam Bernberg , and Piers Cropp

Cazeaux Crazies

Diversity Club

Back: Ana Catinis , Madison McQuaig , Megan Hoolahan, Jordan Fresneda, Breuna Westry , Emily Bryan, Third:Taylor Stone , Ilana Springer, Amanda Rouguette , Laine Farber, Alexandra Kern , Stephanie Bossier, Will Martin, Sarah DuPlantier, Bonnie Cash Second: Isabel Celata,Antoine Barrier, Merrin Duhe, Meaghan Mulvey, Tia Schlesinger. Mya Carter,Emily Ripley , Clair Brierre
Front: Kelly Still, Ellen Lu, Nathan Farber, Darius Callier

Model United Nations

StM Connections
Back: Grant Reggio, Ben Bonner, Laura Nussdorf, Paden Gallagher,Tyler Dean ,Brooke Hathaway , Will Kuehne Front: Tiffany Tavassoli , Isabel Celata , Ilana Springer, Iris Palazzolo , Jordan Fresneda, Madeline Davis , Tia Schlesinger, Joey DeCorte ,Alex Monier, Paul A lvendia Back; Ian Kuehne , Paden Gallagher , Tyler Dean , Joey DeCorte , Brooke Hathaway , Alex Monier Middle: Laura Nussdorf, Shaina Lu , Amy Clement, Laine Farber, Emi ly Diaz
Front: Ben Bonner, Will Kuehne, Jessica Tan

Honor Chorus

French Club

Back: Adler Hyatt, Tim Birdsong, Daniel Amoss, Lee Vignes Front: Brooke Hathaway, Sarah Skidmore, Madeline Davis, Emily Diaz , Samantha Price Back:Kevin Nguyen , William Bower, Joshua Fresneda, Juan Newell , Lauren Triay, Travis Adolph Middle: Kelly Phillips, Chelsea Solomon , Lauren Vega, Aiden Harris, Allie Jackson, Jacob Broders, Meaghan Mulvey , Mme. Dobrescu, Mallory Young, Louis Schott

Spanish Club

Science Olympiad
Back: Tyler Dean , Mitchell Duhe, Will Dean , Paul Al ve ndia Middle: Ian Kuehne. Shaina Lu, Laura Nussdorf. Iri s Palazzo lo , Jack Jenkin s Frony: Alex Monier, Paden Gallagher , Joey DeCorte , Joey D'Amico
Back:Au stin Falk , Jan Jenkin s, Middle: Catherine Brierre , Tiffan y Tavassoli, Eleanor Stefani , Jessica Tan , Sarah Pendleton , Madeline Davis , Sarah Skidmore, Tim Bird so ng Front: Nydia Araya, Olivia Maynard , Madeline Roohi , Shaina Lu , Kelly Still
Breakthrough Club
Ana Rosales, Zac Lange , Dylan Israel, Kevin Nguyen , Cassidy George, Jes sica Tan
Back: Eleanor Stefanie, Jessie Troxler, Laura Nus sdorf, Matthew Buckley , Miranda Martinez , Sarah Pendleton , Claire Adams , Sarah Skidmore, Hari Korrapati , Gabe D'Angelo, Grant Reggio , Mr. Ben Kopel
Front: Nydia Araya, Linsey Andrews , Gabby Ray , Shaina Lu , Madeline Roohi , Margaret Ann Bryan

MS Ping Pong Club

The Cloak
Camille Fowler , Chloe Bartholomew , Allie Bartholomew , Maansi Solanky , Elizabeth Kuehne , Olivia Fernandez , Evan McCollum
Back: Ashken Stamm , Jared Dent, Daniel Zi to , Kyle Herbert, Monty Truett Front: Lane Davis , Nick DellaCroce , Austin Davis

Classic Movie Club

Trivial Pursuit Club
\' ;; I '1 ,J ' i' l'Y ;{ ,, I I I I \
Chri s Han, Jeff Z he ng, Stephen Richard s, David Miller, Au stin Ch amorro , Tri sta n Autin
Back : Au stin White, Bryce Monier, Chase Descant, Brett Pfeffe rl e , Jo shua Davis, Gigi Herberg F ront: Jul es Fran ce , Zoe Carter, Mya Meth e, Abb y Sim s, Ka il ee Gibso n

Ancient Arcade Games

Science Fiction Movie Club

Tony Manzella, Christopher Hyman , Carlos Liriano, River Relan , Johnathan Glenn , Harrison Hedgpeth , Albert Phillips, Diego Ortega , Kanghee Cho, Gabriel Rodriguez
Rickeia Coleman , Tyler Falk, Max Gremillion, Alex , Bruce Miller ,Joshua Castaneda , Adam Pendleton Dylan Bryan , Christian Rice, Stephen Sandel , Jonathan Davis

Chess Club

Spirit Club

Dillon Roaf, Ben Benton , Matt Clement, Raj Shah, Andrew Devall , Evan McCollum , Garret Kaligaratos
Rimi Manda!, Victoria Skidmore, Taylor Cummings , Brenna Bonura , Heaven Barriere , Anoush Stamm , Daisha Cail!
Garden Club
Gracie Moore, Jessica LeCoq, Madison Cummings, Julia Weaver, Payton Frischhertz, Les lie Bahn , Patrick Adams , C hanghee Cho, As hton Merrett

Board of Trustees: Front: Sandra DiMartini , Alan Brackett.Fred Devall '87, Michael Nicoladis '78, Clifford Sutter

Second row:Charlee Williamson '89 , John Girault '55,Betsy Kasten '72, Walker Saik'02, Dr. Peter Stedman '71,

Third row: Jeff Meckstroth'77, David Reeves

Not Pictures: Stephen Huber '89 , Dr. Brian Melius '74, Marian Gibbs, The Right Reverend Morris Thompson.


The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Baer

Head of Middle School Jane Caine Head of Lower School Deacon Deborah Scalia Head of Upper School Michelle Scandurra Peter Adair Billie Andersson Lisa Angerer Shawn Aucoin Leslie Bahn Doris Baron Lynette Batiste Eileen Beckman Kristina Bernard Mary Bond Andrea Bonnette Evan Bordes Ashley Bozeman Marion Brian Pam Brierre Mary Brown Danielle Calamia Toni Casserta Frank Cazeaux Elisabeth Clark Roma Coleman Jenny Collins Tootie Conway Andrew Crusse Caroline Davis Jeff Davis Erin Dazzo Deborah Flanagan Peggy Fransen Leslie Gamble Chris Hamann Anita Hamilton Mike Henderson Anne Honeywell Lamar Howard Caroline Hunt Leigh Deutsch Nolan Dewey Julie Dieth Carmen Dobrescu Guy Farber Stephanie Gaspard Wayne Golden Susan Goudail Lisa Guevara Jane Guillory Carrie Hill Cynthia Hill Nick Hingle Tina Hintz Ginny Hoffman Aimee Hyatt Nan Hyatt Vicki Johnson Mario Jones Megan King Lee Klebba Matt Liuzza Kelsey Napier Susan Pansano Charles Rivet Eileen Smilari Al Tritico Jenkins Knighten Stephen Martinez Cary Nichols Susan Pendleton Sarah Rivlin Miriam Smith -Woodrich Joe Vaccaro Ben Kopel Richard Landry Julie Laskay Shannan LeJeune Ainsley Malich Janis McCormick Chick McGeehan Jeff Millican Donna O'Connor Julie O'Flynn Michael Odom Kem Opperman-Torres Margaret Wally Porter Charles Ramos Cheryl Perret Resignola Alma Roohi Bill Mary Lee Keith Schwarz Rosenbaum Saucier
Michelle Snow Keith Stanton Kiki Stelly Julie Talbot Barbara Winnie Wendel Mary White Greg Williams Weaver Warren Lind Connie Munson Stacy Richards Lisa Sibal Allison Thomas Jiny Xiaome

We are so proud of you and your many accomplishments during your 14 years at St. Martin's. Good luck at Loyola!

We love vou! Mom & Dad

Elizabeth Tastet
Second Grade 2002
Congratulations!!! We are so proud of you Love, Mom, Dad, Shyue & Derek

AAdair, Peter 166

Adams, Claire 72

Adams, Patrick 88 , 134

Adolph, Alayna 76 , 133, 137

Adolph, Travis 134

Adriance , Charles 129

Adriance, John 124

Aihevba, Gregory 34, 132 , 136

Alvendia, Paul 72

Amoss, Daniel 76

Angerer, Cole 124

Angerer , Renee 118

Appel , Conrad 72

Appel, Whitney 80 , 137

Araya, Nydia 72

Aucoin, Madison 88 , 139 , 146

Aucoin , Taylor 72, 133 , 139

Autin, Tristan 88

BBahn, Erin 76

Baird, Allison 76

Baird, Andrew 72

Baird , William 92

Barbe' , Jean Paul 34

Barrett , Cameron 118

Barrier, Antoine 76

Barriere, Antoine 136

Barriere, Heaven 92

Barriere , Trinity 80

Bartholomew, Alexandra 96 , 146

Bartholomew, Chloe 96, 146

Bartholomew, Isabella 118

Bartholomew, Tristen 126

Becnel, Christopher 128

Bennett , Gabriella 96

Benton, Stephen 96

Bernberg, Adam 72

Berthelot, Eric 118

Bland , Douglas 114

Blazek , Frances 129

Bone, Benjamin 114

Bone , Lauren 120

Bonner, Benjamin 72 , 135

Bonnette, Hannah 118

Bonura, Brenna 96

Bonura , Gabriella 118

Bordson-Bozzo, Alyson 14, 35 , 135

Borges , Christian 72

Bossier, Ashley 88

Bossier, Caroline 35, 133, 137

Bossier, Stephanie 76

Boudreaux , Bentley 118

Bourg , Natalia 114

Bower , William 76, 138

Bozeman, Ella 126

Brackett , Austin 36, 132

Bradley , Khaja 96, 146

Brannon , Faith 14 , 36 , 145

Brannon , William 80, 132

Breaux , Ashton 129

Bremermann, Jason 80, 135

Bretz , Jacob 76

Brierre, Catherine 37

Brierre , Clare 80

Broders , Jacob 78

Brown , John 80 , 132, 136

Bruce , Rivers 80 , 132

Bryan , Dylan 92

Bryan , Emily 80

Bryan , Halle 120

Bryan , Margaret Ann 80, 135, 139

Buckley , Matthew 76

CCallaghan, Chloe 126

Calliet, Daisha 92

Calliet, Darius 37 , 132, 136

Campbell , Daniel 38, 132

Campbell , Stewart 72, 132

Caronia, Parker 38, 132

Carter, Mya 80, 137

Carter, Zoe 96

Cash, Bonnie 80

Cashman , Alexandra 80, 134 , 137

Castaneda, Jakob 92

Castaneda, Jonathan 118

Castaneda, Joshua 88

Catallo, Mary 39

Catinis , Anna 15, 76, 134

Catinis , Christine 39, 133, 139

Catinis , Christopher 118

Cazeaux, Casey 132

Cazeaux, Ty 118

Celata, Isabel 80

Chamorro , Austin 92 , 147

Chamorro , Paul 72 , 132

Chancellor, Christian 129

Cho , Chang Hee 88

Cho, Kang Hee 88

Cho, Kun Hee 72

Clark, Avarie 129

Clement, Amy 76

Clement, Matthew 88

Coleman, Rickeia 92, 146

Coleman, Rico 114

Collier , Ava 126

Conatser, Clara 118

Conatser, James 72

Cooper, Ryan 118

Cooper , Scotty 122

Corsetti, Carter 124

Corsetti, Ella 118

Corsetti, Jack 116

Costello, Elena 122

Cranford, Madalyn 114

Cropp , Piers 72, 136

Cummings, Gavin 129

Cummings, Madison 88

Cummings, Taylor 96

DD'Amico , Jessica 64, 77

D'Angelo , Gregory 40

D'Arensbourg , Jake 114

D'Arensbourg , Samantha 118

Dang, Rushil 40, 145

Daray , Alexandra 73

Darkshani, Kamron 124

Davis , Austin 88 , 147

Davis, Bailey 114, 146

Davis, Benjamin 41, 132

Davis, Jonathan 92

Davis, Joshua 96

Davis, Lane 92 , 147

Davis, Leopold 126

Davis, Madeline 73

Day, Zachary 116

Day , Zachery 116

de Gravelle , Alexandra 73

Dean, Tyler 69 , 73 , 132

Dean , William 81 , 132 , 138

Decorte , Joseph 81,135

DeGrado, Melissa 81

deGravelle , Alexandra 133

DeJesus-Loureiro , Paulos 81, 136

DeLaToba, Gabrielle 92

DellaCroce , Hannah 73

DellaCroce, Nicholas 92

Dents , Jansen 129

Dents , Jared 92, 147

Deroche, Caroline 118

Deroche, Claire 129

Descant , Chase 96

Detillier , Lynn 41

Deutcsh , Allison 126

Deutcsh, Arthur 128

Devall , Andrew 96, 147

Devall , Thomas 119

Devlin, Noah 114

Diaz-Brenes, Emily 77

Didriksen, Severin 42

Didriksen, Spencer 42

Dongieux, Drew 97

Donnelly, Avery 122

Dovie, Charles 129

Dovie, Donald 126

Doyle, Colin 119

Drury, Georgia 73

Dublin, Paige 81

Ducote , Alexandra 120

Dudley, Prudence 119

Duhe , Merrin 77

Duhe, Mitchell 73 , 136

Dupepe , Hunter 43

duPlantier, Sarah 81


Ebrahimpour , Jaul et 92

Egan , Earl 43 , 138

Elazab , Cory 44

Embree , Melinda 77

Everitt , Ethan 114

FFalk , Austin 73 , 132

Falk , Tyler 92

Fandino , Samuel 129

Farber , Emory 124

Farber , Laine 11 , 77

Farber , Nathan 45 , 132 , 136

Farber , William 11 , 44 , 134 , 136

Fassbender, Angelo 126

Favaloro , Kathryn 77 , 137

Fein , Christopher 129

Fernandez , Nathan 136

Fernandez , Oli v ia 81 , 96

Figueroa , Camila 119

Figueroa , Isabella 126

Figueroa , Rafael 116

Fischer , Tate 128

Flanagan , John 126

Fleishmann , Jack 114

Fleming , Michael 88

Fowler, Camille 96, 146

Fowler , Charlotte 116

Fowler , Colleen 120

France , Jules 96

Freeland, Joshua 114

Fresneda , Jordan 81 , 134

Fresneda , Joshua 45 , 138

Frischhertz , Payton 88

GGabi , Sammy 128

Gallagher , Paden 73

Gamble , Ryan 77

Gansar , Griffin 114

Garrido , Alyssa 116

Garrido , Ashley 88

Gaspard , Ashley 124

George , Cassidy 15 , 73

Gerard , Kayla 15 , 133 , 137

Gervais , Burckel 88 , 139 , 146

Gervais , Randy 81

Gibert , Joseph 46

Gibson , Kailee 88

Gibson , Kincy 77,133,137

Glenn , Johnathan 92

Goh, Andrea 114

Goh , Cassandria 88 , 146

Goh , Samuel 120

Gorney, Morgan 53 , 73 , 132

Gremillion , Maxwell 92

Gremillion , Pierce 114

Griffith , Benjamin 73

Griffith , Samuel 77

Guidry , Maddie 73 , 134

Guillory , Taylor 124

HHall , Justin 122

Hall , Kaitlyn 124

Halpern, Charley 120

Halpern, Mitchell 114

Halpern , Virginia 96

Han, Jiyun 77

Han , Seongmin 88

Hansen, Colin 73 , 132

Harris , Aiden 77

Harris , Ashton 88

Hathaway , Brooke 77

Haydel , Ayme 46

Haydel , Henry 77 , 132

Hayes , Darby 129

Hedgpeth , Harrison 97

Heine, William 73

Herberg , GiGi 88

Herbert , Jessica 47

Herbert , Kyle 89

Hernandez , Rachel 128

Holcomb , Haley 47 , 137

Holcomb , Paige 81 , 137

Holdiness , Andrew 77

Honeywell , Jefferson 78 , 132

Hoolahan , Megan 78 , 134

Houghtaling, Alexandra 124

Huber , Russell 122 , 129

Hurley , Elizabeth 115

Hurley , Sam 78, 132 , 138

Hyatt, Adler 78

Hyman , A. 92

Israel , Dylan 48, 132 , 136

JJackson , Alexandra 134 Jenkins , Ian 73 , 132 , 135 , 136

Jenkins , Jack 81 , 136

Johnson , Erin 127

Johnson , Ryan 120

Joseph , Kayden 128

Joseph , Tahj73 , 132

Joseph , Zachary 73

Jurisich , Alexis 119

Jurisich , Richard 48 , 132

KKahn , Bennett 115

Kahn, Madison 89

Kalogiratos, Garrett 97

Kamal , Abraham 124

Kern, Alexandra 78 , 137

Kirchner , Kevin 124

Korrapati , Srihari 81

Kuehne , Elizabeth 97

Kuehne , Ian 78 , 135

Kuehne , William 73 , 136

LLaCoste , Cole 127

Lafleur, Camryn 120

Lafleur, Elise 115

Lagarde, Gabrielle 115

Lalla , Isabella 78

Landry , Hill 78 , 134, 136

Lange , Ali 78 , 133 , 139

Lange , Zachary 73 , 138

Lankard, Aika 124

LaVie , DJ 129

Lawler , Christopher 129

LeCoq , Jessica 89

LeCoq , Joshua 78

LeJeune , Grant 78 , 136

LeJeune , Hannah 97

Linden , Ian 122

Liriano , Betzy 89

Livingston , David 120

Lopez, Tristan 129

Lovera, Isabel 127

Lovera, Sofia 120

Lu , Ellen 49 , 133

Lu , Shaina 49 , 135

Lunyong , Alex 73


Main , David 64 , 78, 132

Main , Katherine 120

Main , Stewart 89

Malbrough , Brycen 116

Manalle , Belin 89

Manda! , Rimi 97

Manzella , Anthony 97

Marcello , Vincent 115

Markey , Morgan 128

Marks , Fiona 119

Martin, Gerald 81 , 136

Martin , Michael William 50 , 135 , 136

Martinez , Miranda 78

Maurer , Ralph 128

Maynard , Olivia 50, 134

McCollum , Evan 97

McGovern , Desmond 82 , 132 , 138

McQuaig , Madison 78 , 79

Merington, Olivia 122

Merrett , Ashton 92

Methe , Mya 89

Miller , Bruce 97

Miller, Peyton 98, 122

Millican, Ford 119

Mitra , Anisha 127

Mitra, Avani 119

Mizell , Lucy 128

Monier , Alexander 135

Monier , Bryce 97

Monier, Lauren 120

Moore, Grace 92

Moore , Ian 116

Morgan, Victoria 115

Motes , Patrick 115

Mueller , George 122

Mulvey , Meaghan 74

Murphy , Jaclyn 146

NNanjappa , Meghana 78, 79

Nelson , Ashton 119

Nelson, Mitchell 122

Newell , Juan 51 , 132 , 138

Ng , Marcella 129

Ng, Mason 120

Nguyen , Kevin 51 , 132

Nhem, Karuna 52

Nicoladis , Corbin 129

Nicoladis, Michael 122

Norton , Jeremy 122

Nunez, Isabella 122

Nussdorf, Laura 74 , 134

0O'Brien , Cameron 115

O'Flynn , Sean 92

O'Malley, Colin 52 , 136

O'Malley , Morgan 89 , 136

O'Malley , Shannon 74 , 135

O'Neal , Kyle 132

Odom , cooper 124

Ormond , Alexander 97 , 147

Ortega , Diego 97

Ortega , Sofia 119

Ott, Jeremy 82 , 138 p

Palazzolo , Iris 134

Palmisano , Wrex 129

Park , Gabriel 120

Patten, Chandler 132

Pendleton, Adam 93

Pendleton , Sara 53

Perkins , Amber 74 , 133 , 139

Peyton , Stuart 116

Pfefferle , Brett 97, 147

Phelps, WanYah 89

Phillip , Albert 97

Phillip, Isabella 120

Phillips , Brandon 74

Phillips , Kellie 74

Phillips , Nicolas 82

Pickens , Jessica 115

Pickens, Madelaine 115

Pickens , Richard 122

Pigeon , Jared 132

Porter , Mya 119

Porter , Mycah 121

Porter, Samari 128

Price , Samantha 74

Prisco, Chiara 78

QQuigley , Morgan 53

RRatermann , Patty 74

Ray , Gabriella 74

Recile , Bryan 82 , 132 , 138

Rees , Charles 74

Reeves, Jesse 93

Reeves , John 116

Reeves , Ruby 115

Reggio , Grant 74

Reggio , Julia 93 , 146

Reggio , Ross 82 , 134

Relan , Noah 119

Relan, River 93

Rice , Christian 93

Rice , Rodney 82 , 134 , 136

Richards , Stephen 93

Rieder, Nathan 128

Rieder , Preston 124

Rigney , Carter 127

Ripley , Elise 82

Ripley , Neil 74, 132

Rizer , Aidan 129

Rizer, Dax 129

Roaf , Carrington 116 , 117

Roaf , William 93

Robarts , Ethan 132 , 138

Robarts , Jacob 74 , 132

Roberts , Courtland 54

Rodriguez Sotomayor , Gabriel 89

Rodriguez , Hunter 74 , 132 , 136

Roohi , Brandon 79 , 132

Roohi , Madeline 54

Rosales, Ana 74

Rouquette , Amanda 82

Rubin , Gabrielle 124

Ruffin, Kellen 82 , 132 , 138

Russell, John 115

sSalassi , Christian 117

Sandel , Stephen 89

Saucier, Braden 128

Saucier, Colin 121

Saucier , Malorie 117

Schiro , Jude 129

Schlesinger , Tia 79 , 134 , 137

Schmedtje, August 123

Schott , Ava 129

Schott , Caleb 129

Schott , Louis 79 , 132

Scofield , Mason 82, 132 , 138

Scofield , William 123

Scoggin , Philip 79

Shah , Raj 89 , 147

Shah, Ravin 55

Shah , Riya 128

Shah, Tejas 75, 135

Shah , Vishal 75

Shay , River 82

Siddiqui, Haris 125

Sigel , Isabelle 123

Sigel , Liana 129

Sikaffy , Hunter 79, 136

Sims, Abigail 89 , 139 , 146

Skelly , Parker 128

Skidmore , Sarah 55 , 134

Skidmore, Victoria 93

Smilari , Joanna 15 , 75, 133 , 137

Smilari, Ryan 119

Smith , Austin 56

Smith , Lisa 125

Smith, Trevor 83 , 136

Smith, Wynter 128

Smuck , Beckett 128

Smuck , Michael 128

Solanky , Bharat 117

Solanky , Maansi 97

Solomon , Chelsey 79

Sossaman , William 125

Spiers , Caroline 123

Springer, Ilana 83 , 137

Stamm, Anoush 9, 97 , 146

Stamm , Ashken 93 , 138 , 147

Stedman , Meredith 14 , 56

Still , Kelly 57 , 133 , 139

Stokes , Brandon 117

Stokes , Taylor 121

Stone , Taylor 83

Strahan , Sydney 89 , 137

Strausser , Katherine 129

Subramaniam, Sanjana 119

TTalaro , Re illy 125

Talbot, Anastasia 115

Talbot, Michael 121

Tan , Jessica 15, 75 , 137

Tastet , Emily 57 , 145

Tavassoli , Tiffany 83

Taylor , Bailey 93 , 146

Taylor , Courtney 79

Thomas, Frank 79 , 138

Thomas , Jacob 117

Thomas , James 115

Thompson , Daniel 121

Thompson , Samantha 123

Tillery , Kaitlyn 125

Timmerman, Connor 58, 135

Tonti-Rouse , Teagan 123

Torres , Marcelo 119

Troxler , Jessie 75 , 134

Troyer , Jadon 127

Troyer , Saje 119

Truett , James 93


Truxillo , Blake 115

Truxillo , Mychal 75 , 139

uUddo, Sophia 129

Urrego , Sofia 125

VVan Meter , Betsy Hunt 119

Van Meter, Charles 117

Van Meter, Walker 125

Varon , Matthew 121

Varon , Mollye 115

Vega, Lauren 75

Vellanki , Venkat 117

Vellanki , Vennela 89

Vicuna, Victoria 129

Vignes , Fleur 123

Vignes , Lee 79

Vogel, Aleksander 83

Voiron , Remy 75

Vondenstein , Stephen 79

wWalker , Evan 119

Walker , Meredith 129

Ware , John 79

Watermeier , Savannah 93 , 146

Waters , Jonathan 58, 132, 136

Weaver , Anne Leigh 75, 133

Weaver, Julia 89

Wells , Farah 115

Werner , Samantha 64

Westry , Breuna 83 , 139

White, James 89 , 135

Williamson , Brooke 93

Wilson , Trevor 79 , 132

Wolfe-Duke, Saura 129

Wollfarth , Joshua 83, 134 , 136

Womack , Aiden 119

Womack , Arley 125

Wooton , Mason 83 , 132 , 138

Wyatt , Amber 117

yYang , Andy 125

Young , Griffin 79, 138

Young , Mallory 14 , 59 , 145

Young, Stephen 59 , 132 , 136

zZeitoun, Layla 128

Zheng , Anthony 127

Zheng , Gregory 60

Zheng , Jeff 93

Zheng , Margaret 79

Zito , Daniel 89

Zito , Raeanne 121



I love STM because I love ort, - Jeremy

Shield Editors

Madeline Roohi and Emily Tastet

Alex Lunyong

Hannah DellaCroce Photographer

Antoine Barriere

Special Thanks to:

Wally Porter

Parker Waters

Scott Hall

Dana Truxillo

Advisor- Leslie Gamble

I love STM because love art . - Sco t ty

Ilol'I STMbecause !love our STM fam,/y.-Avery it /~lo veSTMbecouseI 1 1 Art. ·Conner fit STMbecous · 9rode we ern first . 9ettogo f1eld trip c on° form
l love STM because ' the nurse is so good -Peyton A
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