The Class of 2015 has dedicated this yearbook to the unanimously loved Roma Coleman. Coach Coleman worked at St. Martin's for 16 years as a varsity basketball and track coach, middle school volleyball coach, and P.E. teacher. Most of her students will remember her as "the lady with the loud laugh who always threatened to throw her shoes at people." More importantly, though, Coach Coleman is someone whom everybody respected and admired. She is caring, dependable, and was always there for and happy to help her students and athletes in their times of need, acting like a "mother" to many people. She made every individual feel welcomed and comfortable and had a special relationship with everyone in the school. There wasn't anyone who didn't know her name. Coach Coleman was one of the most positive faculty members on campus with her enthusiastic and supportive "you can do it" attitude. She shared advice, many life lessons, and her wisdom believing that anyone who wanted to could conquer the world. She was so much more than a coach. She was a mentor, a role model, and most of all, she was a best friend. The student body will surely miss her smiling face, warm hugs, and beautiful spirit, but she will always remain a part of the St. Martin's community. We love you, Coach Coleman!
Schunard (Isabel Celata) sings to Mark Cohen (Evan McCollum) , Roger Davis (Ashton Angelle), and Tom Collins (Gabriel Rodriguez) about her luck drumming that day.
Above: The cast of Rent sings La Vie Boheme in Live Cafe following Maureen's show. Below left: Mark Cohen (Evan McCollum) and Joanne Jefferson (Rebecca Buhrer) dance the Tango Maureen.Below: Mayzie (Breuna Westry) tells Gertrude (Isabel Celata) her tail is too small.
Above: Sour Kangaroo (Rebecca Buhrer) sings about the craziness of Horton the Elephant.
Fresh: Cheer w/ SG & DB, don't go to CS findin KB in a cave w/ D da V Squad begins SB r you a v? Rick's d's at pjs Soph: so many new ppl joes n cuties play all day VDay party at KBs CanadaApples Junior: badkidsallintakenola MidS MG w/ KB SW <loin M .. lazy daze w/ the crew .... srsly Buku w/ Dorris ha .. bust'it..snowed in spring/summer w/ SKgang Senior: still actin like a kid me agnst the world evryear voodoobukubreaksRablurr Friends: shoutout KB MM
SW BK CB SG MT PD DO SD JZ WP DS DT RM JC BDVZB AR CB TL RR TW & tha sibs Gilly Oph Sac yall stay cool it's all overrated but..
Tm only friends with pretty people. " -Maggie McCormack "Here's to never growing up." -Avril Lavigne
(insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here) (insert overused immature phrase here)
#getinmyvan my name on plaques die another Tuesday OAC
Voodoos Spring breaks Mardi Gras MC concert Country
Day/Homecoming games Joi .. Drama .. SYC .. Decadence Fest.. summer
workouts Lamar Track managers sweet sixteens Proms MG ball
Christmas boyfriends RHCP concert Jimmy Tatro PJs STM
reunions ;) AM Art Week Watercolor/Seaside/Grayton Pool tables
Journalism .. Valentine ' s Day> Silver Scribe .. LSU/Alabama game .. Gap Orchestras Milkfish Counts Acid Wash Earmuffs Illahee
"If you were waiting for the opportune moment. That was it. " -CJS
Cheerleading 1,2 ,3,4
Soccer 1,2,3 ,4
Halo (ENC) 3,4
Spirit Club 1,2,3,4
Art Club 3,4
CITE ... David-David-David .. .Moe and Larry ... Black man in White Mike? Or Mike Jr? FORRKSS! Athlete-Student...Gogo dancer I'm a airplane Frostbite Klutzy & Leo Gelala Tammy & Lorraine St. John's Wood Buy iphone , wear abercrombie, eat mcdonalds Pani Cash Backstroke Party Run On the roll OTH Climbing Buddies You're failing your team Antwanette Anonymous 007 flying bonnie Caught you Miring spontaneity pleather no crying in chemistry 2015 IB trinny and the jets @ me
" Life isn ' t about waiting for the storm to pass It's about learning to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene
" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. " -Winnie the Pooh
Soccer 1,2,3,4 (captain)
Volleyball Manager 3,4
Honor Council 1,2,3,4 (president)
Anya6 or ?stupider or stupidestthe milkmantwo wordsthe barber AmsterdamShakespeares left eye browdeath stare 224tree hatAnggieyoure failing your teamgelalaPWthe mechanical bullmade in Croatiapink panthers201 get involvedshoot em up, bang em upSt. Johns Woodthe black man in whitethat time I ran into a windowOCceiling fan balloon pops what happened?
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt do than by the ones you did do." -Mark Twain "Photography is a means of recording forever the things one sees for a moment." -Aaron Sussman
Eco-Warriors 2,3,4
Spirit Club 2,3,4
National Honor Society 3,4
Volleyball 3
Volleyball Manager 4 Soccer 4
I respect everyone's opinion even though that opinion is wrong who else did you expect.... proud of you ... I'm on the FBI watch -list. ..I'm not dead, not yet anyway Jason, Which way do we go? I hold in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies This class should be rated NC-17 Where'd I go right.
"The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create his own meaning. If it can be written or thought, it can be filmed." -Stanley Kubrick
"I never set out to be weird. It was always other people who called me weird ." -Frank
Zappa "Son" -The FishermenRotationFreebreezyBig Daddy LesSquadWaffle HouseBeelzebubThats pretty neatMedusaBears poboysGymratGymrat2.0Fishin s6nStixxBail CityBrick Tamlandsock drawerCowdoggeorgeFamOne last timeSunday Voodoo 2014Trap HouseBachiFumpsTastee Doughnuts Vogel dudeTaste of TokyoRIP Brothers
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. " John
BrodersLil LettuceCarolBPMMr.Ts 2015 loveOh dear Land HO-ver
thereCITEWhat comes in sets of 9-CA TS Moose brown fur Thats why were friendsShakespeares left eyebrowGregs bag of tiny forkssnapchatSpiritual MudMole in a jar You lost THE game
" No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. " Robin Williams
" Being cremated is my last hope of a smoking hot body." Carol Inked
oooohhh whaddup BD!. bail city htpgone fishinhandshake with Maxhandshake with Kevinhow neat is that? ... thats pretty neatclassic Zel#freebreezyNamiabcod#idgtspring break yik yakss6nSunday voodoo 2014South Carolinablimmy blomsbachijet lifesquadthats so brothersBeelzebub and Medusaone last time
"He who sleeps on the floor does not fall off the bed." Robert Gronock "I love living. Its infectious. Its something that you cant fake." Will Smith
Football 1,2,3,4
Excellence in Spanish II
just do itstuco trioLASCyoohoo . .. costuaishahappyhappyEat McDonalds! Buy !Phone! Wear Abercrombie!polizeipush
2m&fpuke®oupamelia#mysticsjoumeyjays to the domebrooke davisknee probzsquad uppaiges birdssb2k14,15college tripsyoloEurope14 OTH#IO!esfruit roll upshoco tshirt14truck yeahdrink a knifeisland blueprom lolpotatohoco angelem&ash frogsswag seezter&momdeutschland hurricanesbears< cousinschipotle2am sushivoodoo CRODtrin#avengers IS PH AC#seniorslove you all forever class of 2015<3
"Its the oldest story in the world. One day youre seventeen and planning for someday, and then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today, and that someday is yesterday and this is your life."
Nathan ScottSpirit Club 1,2,3,4 (preside nt )
Student Council 1,2,3,4 (art director)
Volleyball 1,2,3,4
National Honor Society 3 ,4 (secretary)
Class Officer 3,4 (treasurer)
Track 1,2,3
Where are your pants? How many knifings are left in this knife , Chino? CockfostersShhh! Run! Girl thats a buttyholeOu est Lee? St. Johns WoodTheres a magic show here, in ten minutesis there wifi? Man with goose in his bag Wheres the gelala?Myas Starbucks at Disney WorldPor favor mantengase alejadros de las puertasBoo yah! I can attract both men and women at the same timeChorus trip to Disney WorldEuropeTheatre
"Life moves pretty fast. If you dont stop to look around once in a while you could miss it." Ferris Buellers Day Off
Only 0TH has a pilot...Squeegee Honest livingFirework emoji Peace up A town ... Sneezing ... Veggie Tales ... Oh Where Is My Hairbrush? Roger that...Burlington Coat Factory Smoothie King Friday jeans Lederhosen .I walked into a tree Dino nuggets Las Cotorras .Is that rice? Moonbooty Hellen
Geller. Project365 Minion Mondays Michael Flately Lord of the DanceThe Chargerive got a placemat#71StrawberryMarco
PoloPotatoMismatched socksThe elvesMy left or yours? Should I spray paint my cat?Not qualified
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. "
~Marilyn Monroe
"I dont know where Im going , but Im on my way. " ~Carl Sagan
Varsity Basketball 1,2,3,4
Spanish Club 2,3,4 (CoPresident)
Theater 4
National Honor Society 4
Spirit Club 3,4
Cross Country 1
Lyre l
Lil Wayne' s daughter Black girl makeup Go for the hair. yes black people tan Weave .I am Beyonce Pimpin frostbite how many knifings are left in thi s knife Chino? Christians drink water. Bounce dance .I had senioritis freshman year. What you want baaaaaaby? DONT INTERUPT. RUDE! So wait. Do you take a mini curling iron and curl your hair ? I'm gonna sweat my weave out...eyebrows on FLEEEEK. Mr. Triticooooo SECURITY!. Your tweet s are so salty Disney You fell in a bush Theater Moe Larry RUN AW A Y Camegie speech Rasa Kp Carrie Lynette nae nae whip D. C. retreat. Track Soccer. Spring break Mardi Gras Break food
" I was a Beyonce in a school full of Michelle s " " Forget what's gone, appreciate what remains , and look forward to what's
welcomeyouin abreast. puke®roup scrunchies theagony real ta! k triticovsminivan danceteam cah .izzy&phineas .imlost! raptorrap irisisstillmad miniforks thewaitress unbiologicalsistah cl an strandedisland "bushes'' chiffarobes lourraine&tammy jiggilypuff. .. chennaiexpress ... zzhole ... stmeurope ... mirin ... operationskate rcat. vbfwfl smack banquo CCs busbuddies latin klutzy&leo logpenetration dinonug goodkid stucotrio costu moyai ciao
"If its time to go , remember what youre leaving. Remember the best. My friends have always been the best of me" -The Doctor
"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it!" -Monica
GellerStudent Council 1,2 ,3 ,4 , (corresponding secretary)
Halo 1,2 ,3,4 (photo editor)
NHS 3,4
Dance Team 2
Softball 1
Diversity 1,2
French Club 1,2,3 , (secretary)
Geobles scrunchies puke and regroup times are tough booger. welcome you in tangible tear. the agony .Iris is still angry about Freud ... 20 million Nigerians . . . isa epa . .. peach lollipop peach mirin stmeurope20 I 4 cos tu ze bebe abreast.. good night all. weast...fiesta like there's no mafiana bb's rolling in the bushes pippin the waitress moyai dancer. can you peel an orange log penetration dance team LASC donutjoke clan right now in ten minutes stuco trio duty tritico vs minivan st. john 's wood ... chameleon ... gelala ... pizza drew ... sos ... celata sisters
"Thomas Edison's last words were 'It's very beautiful over there ' . I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful."
- John Green, Looking for Alaska
Student Council 2, 3, 4
(Recording Secretary)
NHS 3, 4 (Vice President)
Performing Arts Club I, 2, 3, 4 (President)
Theatre I, 2, 3, 4
Chorus 3, 4
jay UP Aisha I love squad ACL. oh my god I am s uch a Cali girl. #Advengers yah so n Pool Table Mardi Grasss Febl 7th The White Wall #GetlnMyVan These Things Happen YOOHOO!. AParty M&F talk at voodoo OTH booo Buku
Voodoo2kl 1... What is school. #Allysquared #ilydoe work out crew can we invite hunter and them Hang out fest. Oh ma god its SENIOR year. aye yo snow bunny wait Jacob is your brother. #DieAnotherTuesday Oh my god you're Childish Gambino Se lfie with McLoven Corey you are in squad now EWW I hate sake Billy is pregnant!!. I don ' t mess with YOU Grif Man
"I wanna dive into your heart baby not slide in your DMs" KYLE
"I Don't Get Tired" - Kevin Gates
Key Club 1,2,3,4 Spirit Club 3,4
undefeated cheese dotdotdot. sis bro cuz mr. titico the monkey haus snozbo whodatkat you good dude ? VOODOO kia swag tbl2nation cml3 spraaang break kony2012 Camp Ozark nugg fam 335651 bigles atta boy bro the superior. fnms joll yranchers osage ftrsbctrbsp religion class mardi gras prom@ sector 6 ? grape k i b swag walk looker 2 weeks Ptolemaic where are we? federal ism pie fam kimjongunftw snapchat. hashtag marry me?
" Versace versace versace versace versace versace versace versace versace versace versace versace.
-DrakeFootball l , 2 , 3 , 4 all-district
Basketball 1, 2 , 3 , 4
Track and Field 1, 2 , 4
MUN 1, 2 , 3, 4
Key Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4
Com nose Paw Paw's palace Fred's party slope fields Bach's piano ... dominoes , hopscotch , and frisbee ... freaking Tritico out every day 15 moyai dancer banana pics nice gang signals
CC's ON where's Lee ? mirin the fire extinguisher Wednesday at Sri's .Je Suis Fromage Cuba health and happiness bushes Palinurus aborophilia COSTU
RB006 ... bushes ... Banquo's Ghost .. .lighters ... 96 NO PE ... QUOS
EGO Moore Method Kappa UCLA bus
"A mathematician is a device for turn ing coffee into theorems." -Paul
Erdos"What I came to realize is that fear, that's the worst of it. So , get up , get out in the rea l world , and you kick it as hard as you can right in the teeth. " -W.W.
Student Council: 1,2,3,4
Cross-Country: 1,2 ,3,4 (CoCaptain)
QuizBowl: 2,3,4 (VicePresident)
MUN: 1,2 ,3,4
Ha lo: 3,4 (Copy Editor)
Math Club: 2 ,3,4 (President)
Science Olympiad: 1,2 ,3,4 (CoPresident)
Juggling Club: 4 (Head Clown)
Dot. ..Liverpool. .. Football=Life ... PsgSucks . .. BanterPol ice .. .Jun ... Skinn
yCat G-Will BikePump Hom work !PleaseN oTimeForThat.
Jeremey " Jose"Ott Cool Cool. You Won'tGetAnythingDoneBy Planning
Moose .Jeep FiFA 4-2 Beckman Inbetweeners
Peaches Wanyah LadBiBle Grendel. Edmodo Abba Blue Ch icharito WorldCup
" You can only talk rubbish if you're aware of knowledge." Karl Pilkington
"If you ask why I play soccer, I ask you why do you breathe." Mario Balotelli
Asparagus ... The broken chair ... Mustache ... Sassafras ... potato Strawberry Marcopolo .It's happening a whole new experience study hall The adventures of Burlington Coat Factory Jim Math charades smoothie king Ripped pants Flying chair Lederhosen elves Toothbrush Stupider or stupidest? 7 THEN 6 Anya mismatched socks oh where is my hairbrush hot tub talk ... ahchoo .... I'm not a mach in e ... shoot em up bang em up ... I'm bouncin flouncin happy bunny sad bunny
"What and how much I had lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what I myself had wished to do?" -Ralph
Ellison"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." -John
MorganKey Club 9,10,12
Mandarin Club 9,10 11 (Pesident)
Asian Cultural Club 12 (Founder, President)
Health Club 12 (Founder)
llloi;alll"""-1 French Club 10,11,12
Current Events 12
Soccer 9,11 , 12
Tennis 11,12
Do you know Of course I know Tarrible Sed people Keebler Elf Foul.. April 31st Head nods in the halls Free writing MardiGras 2014 Cameras Ripley Voice We are a good egg Eyebrows on fleek This is why we can ' t have nice things Nush , Pedge, and Eb.. Robes killing Sri using Gatorade Melissa throwing chairs Study Hall Anya Nola.com lnjury number? My Scooter P-Money Chitin Mr. Moreland Chemistry puns Group texts Madge and Peeta Daily dose of Josh Peace up A-town Art I... Get out mee car. Teeth brighter than your future Clique Wanda Aphrodite *tsk* awe Sheldon the hammer. 7 THEN 6 Whatcha doin with the whip Jesus Tiffany " Mista" T Donkey Shoot em up, bang em up Double frocket Fridays I'm bouncin, flouncin The whip Anonymously Good night all..
·'The human world it ' s a mess." -Sebastian the crab ' Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it ' s not the ~nd." -Ed
SheeranVolleyball 1,2,3,4
Basketball 1,2,3,4
Softball 1,2,3,4
Film Club 1,2,3,4
Honor Council 2,3,4
Spirit Club 1,2,3,4
fat suits parker..Why are you the way that you are? NO GOD NO don't even get me started on the splinters my 6th grade and senior year boyfriend Ryan started the fire!!..happy dance Stella shoulder..I'm an airplane #sacrifice2014 Anna and the milkman hey where was Sarah for all of sophomore year? BWomb the locker room floor..Maddie dropped a screw down my throat.my mysterious lion man N.O elbow the beach incident.that time at that concert.JD part 3 shoot happens Maddie's house Muscles no pants trying to save a cat on the side of the road bangerzbangerz he 's a warehyenia!..we go places just to lay on the floor..soccer..hashtag blessed the jeep HEEEEEEEEY sweatpants redbull and concerts remember Mobile Mount Everest.RIP to all the boys i love myself should we talk about our feelings lol..The Bywater.Sarah and Maddie's world travels ice cream cake pizza de licious .let's play "where's Tiffany?" that one night at Travis's HC decorations or pool party? he breeds parrots and he farted in my face math class/study hall..Isabel stop singing .Janoskians Room service at Disney World Y ALLA Mrs.Klebba's advisory Adventures in the Baby Maker. Mike Will made it.
Shrek is love. Shrek is lifeNo ragrets HairsprayLittle ShopRent Selfies with AlMonkey HouseJames and Leigh SnozboFilm clubEco WarriorsFootball gamesHomecoming Escorts ShieldHaloHomy frogs? "Pumpkin"VoodooJazz FestP ARKOURSmolcieSector 6 prom?NERDBonnie/FergieDisney worldChorus Disney trip 2014RUN AW A YDaddies princess Crew members only"The mountains " DerrickGeorge GlassSenior ChapelClass of 2015
" Well that was nothing like High School Musical at all."
" Dont cry because its over. Smile because it happened. " Dr. Seuss
Mardi Gras lciss Paulos varsity soccer nathanfem proud of you you want to join our band Jun refuses to put his seat belt off Paulos listens to french rap ... .. Stand up comedy 24/7 .. .I'm the ocean ... Syrup poem Paulos; journal about me
" Your sweat smells like pizza" -Jun
" If you can't do it don't do it." -Karl Pilkington
Eco Warriors 1,2,3 ,4 (President 3,4)
Film Club 2,3,4 (VP 3)
Shield 2,3,4 (Editor 3,4) Theatre 3,4
Halo 3,4; Key Club 1,2,3,4
ISA EPA Sarah Sideswipe Getchusome Scruffy Lana Del Bae
Frick and Frack Push 2 FRESSSHHMMAANN Baby Blue Tritico
Snozbo Monkey House Brick Wall, Waterfalls Breezeway lunches
CNO Squad We back whack Freshman Year Homecoming Decorations I cant hear you, I have a banana in my ear. The AVENGERS Dance Team KG"2 THINGS #hashtag fishy
" If you ain't first , you're last. " -Ricky Bobby "A lion doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of a sheep."
i.£ Volleyball 1,2,3,4,5 (Captain)
.ii Softball 1,2 ,3,4 ,5,6 (Captain)
Soccer 1,4 (Captain)
Track 1,2,3
Runner gir!AishaStich&Smallsgetinmyvandieanothertuesday Im the captain nowEmily, youre groundedYoohoo! ... Avengerscircle of trustmy happy happy ACLduckbootsBWWGoebbelsGo frogs!. UterusSquad LakefrontPool tablesCROD .SimpletonsDaycare WatercolorLamarLSUOTHSeminoles JaystothedomeSakeyo, daughterthe birdsDestin Pointe ElizabethMovie nightsCanadaSweet 16sDragosnosebleedsbunny earspuppyBooboodrama class all boysmonocountsmomma bearhoney bunchesthesethingshappenchummy " Like, do blondes, like, do they really have more fun?" How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
"Some people are worth melting for." Olaf, Frozen
Class Officer 3, 4
Homecoming Court 2, 3, 4
Spirit Club I , 2 , 3, 4 (President)
Eco Warriors I, 2, 3, 4
Ohm Zone 10, 11, 12
Soccer I , 2, 3 (MIP), 4
The Halo 4
Track and Field I , 2
Tom Brady4 Time Super Bowl ChampionGOATGo PatsLance
Armstrong7Time Tour De France Championit is what it isfake chowWere on Cincinnati tb12nation 12tb12below the hard deckride or dieWe eatin elusive 4thno points forsecondplaceTopGunBraveheart7.36.4B uilt Ford
Toughrollin coal brah.Dieselbig Dround 2 anyoneeither die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villainice cold no mistakes30 STredline it brahswagthe rod walkchillinbang it hotBrady
asjhdbfsdjfhfsbjh sfdjkbsfjdkba sfjknskfjand.skdjfbsjbf sdfjbasbfjhb ghpkpoop opokpokp ueue889we
"Dot Dots are DUE TODAY BY 3:30, WE NEED 90 % PARTICIPATION" - class of2015
Soccer 1,2 ,3,4 Track 1,2,3,4
Football 1,2
National Honors Society 3,4
Cum Laude 3.4
#getinmyvan can i tell u a secret? Can I give you a kiss Kissther cookie dough in a shoebox gap fitting room weekends at the fly cider orchestra syc decadence fest...hot voodoo security guy counts uterus mason derulo jean dress Newman smiley smirkpatrick Matt the bear ... #Mitchel lS unda ys ... dragos ... watercolor ... Heartbeat. .. yoga mornings vegan fakes pho comas valentines day joumalism bangs the advocate DieAnotherTuesday
"Well, I don't know how many years on this Earth I got left. I'm gonna get real weird with it." Frank Reynolds
RBA ai dont make it awkward Bertha Sally PooPourri SSB cuddle bunnies oh tutti frutti sequence quelf. semolinas math party heroes Mario kart my skinny girl find Sri free Sri chennai express mustache gelala RB006 the black man in white .it was 9:30 Wednesday ratchet gir l anthem .Jaulet driving a weak old goat ethnics Raudra go straight hair marry rich sriracha stuffed elephant...just dance cod Monique AB+KD always responds oh my ged #splitsontrees childish banana pics KD knows all...AB
cheats Gerld C lue Seussical Rent.. West Side Pokemom
Macbeth Hairspray Jamal.. Ch loe Ninja OBOM NOS peanut butter and oreos Tiffany is perfect ok bye yak okieee Roos
Fuego Hari is a crepe We are all BNer DISNEY WORLD
"You have to know that as long as you love who you are - your morals, your values, that type of stuff - you're OK." -Nicki Minaj
Lyre 1,2,3,4 (Editor)
Shield 2,3,4 (Editor 3,4)
Theatre 2,3,4
Quiz Bowl 3,4
Chorus 3,4
National Honors Society 3,4
Cum Laude 4
Hibakti FREEBREEZY Bebe brothers stixx BD slangin that thang blunch bleave fumps smalls BAJA BCOD das rat Eds cousins BR loose deuce shhmoney SQUAD you good? another one bites the dust. where's jack? ... BAMA week 2k14 ... the real gymrat. .. boolin . ..PPsock drawercowdoggeorgeWaffle Housecan we get Tastee? blue nose undefeated
" 18 holes in one day and i st ill found time for golf ' - Me
" No." - Rosa Park s
We had Spanish homework? Mr. T what just happened? .jack zheng whatchu want baaaby? MG you good bro? netflix DW SPN TG HoC Federalism!. PRAHM dress up days .just color. Balsamic Vinaigrette coffee 14 yc FQ too many cars Sailing club is a thing #3kingz How does one math? my hair. chest that is gerbear. Ger ill a geraffe
" Everyone is entitled to their own opinion , unless their opinion unconditionally sucks. " - William Martin
Football 1,2,3,4 (Captain)
Basketball 1,2,3,4 (Captain)
Baseball 1,2 ,3,4 (Captain)
Panic@theDiscobolusCzechUsOutpumpiusAeneasspelunkingSwing Lownuke me!still mad about FreudChevronEdwardsACHOO!should I spray paint my cat...?Im a genationHappening #68 & #74my left or yours?2 + 2 = Peyton Farquar is dead#muffinthesupercatRIP Palinurusaside to BanquoGAZEDonkey?Joe DeCorte rule . .. 15talkin donkeys and rainbowsRodney Dangerfield incidenthairbrushJoe cheated on DaphneCalculus tribal dancesbig toestruggle busAlexs lighthouseAlexs pen examplelack thereofmy hatred runs deeprolling in the bushesRIP MCAMonkey Hausdas BILDUNGSROMANO Captain, My Captain!
" It is no secret what the Lord can do. What he did for Muffin He will do for you!" -Bishop
Michael CurryQuiz Bowl 1,2,3,4 (Captain)
Science Olympiad 1,2,3 ,4
Math Club 2,3,4
BachspianobrycesnosecomPaninihealth&happinessMcCloskeyrolling in the bushespawpawthe backpackthe proletariatrubys ruleslike hair or somethingpuccinosw,~b1zfi... the bumptoad aviationAlians blackcalculus pow wowdo we go to school? J&G intemationalCane Parishthe baguetteeagles on eagles Ginamoderated caucusescream cheesefire extinguishersmean girls danceshort shortsdoctor doctor doctorclevelandMs Wangindoor3200 meter dashsub zero 800swanna see my moose poop? Reneeeeeeeeee
" He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys." -Kings 2 :24
Namia How neat is that? That's pretty neat.. 12 BD Play with the pen .. One last time.
"How neat is that?" -Lenny Pepperbottom "T hat's pretty neat." -Lenny Pepperbottom
Jotts . . .Peyton Manning Grendel. Blue Josh Rivers is a choch Swag Rodney Bulking Season Get this guy a snack Bwom MG2kl4 Nate Fem Liverpool sucks ebola ahh coocoo round 2 anyone? baja Picolas Nhilips 92 Mr. Ross Mr. T Freshmen English black the gym night Travis' Mom "WHAT ARE YOU BLIND DEAF AND DUMB AT THE SAME TIME!"-Max Pancamo
"If you laugh, you think and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you 're going to have something special."-Jim
ValvanoBasketball 1,2,3,4
Baseball 1,2,3,4
Key Club 2,3,4
Monkey House Snozbo BD Sitting on a pier. Flipped Golf Cart.. .Freshman Dance Off Gym Rat. Journalism I'm the captain now ... Big Less ... Since you ' re 18 I can take you out now ...
" Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game"Babe Ruth
"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. " -Mark Twain
Baseball 1,2 ,3 ,4
Football l ,2 ,3,4(Captain)
Spirit Club 1,2 ,3,4
spring operated center punch drupe bananas in pajamas tiger shark Chennai Express Clue AB is terrible at pool. 96 No PE Pokemon stop calling me dad hats shovel knight
" If you commit a sin , then you're going in the hole. " - Humanities "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. " - Don Marquis
" I don't know where I'm going from here , but I promise it won't be boring. " - David Bowie
Swimming 1,2 ,3,4 (captain)
National Honors Society 3 ,4
Cum Laude 3 ,4
Track and Field 1,2,4
Shield 3,4
Key Club 4
Class Officer 3 ,4
You good dude ? brothers 92 #3HG you can't be doing that dude squad @big_rod_rice we chillin round 2 anyone ? open yo ur eyes ... double s teak ... fam ... break it down
" I ain't sleep since last year. #grind -Gershom Thompson " Atta boy You're the man." -Chick McGeehan
Swimming 1,2 ,3
Soccer 1,2,3 ,4 (Captain)
Track and Field 1
Key Club 1,2 ,3 ,4
On the rollll...oth CITE snapple to your Left is the Lincoln memorial....the "broken" chair. ... no crying in chemistry . .. block it like its hot... shoot em u p bang em up drivers ed & spiders & burger king pleather. fried icecream LSA. Ripley voice rainbow fish Keebler elf "do you hear that music? " happy bunny sad bunny 2015 IB concussion just a quiz you whisper like an old lady my jog
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. " Dr. Seuss " The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd The one who walks alone is likely to find herse lf in places no one has ever been before " Albert Einstein
Spanish Club 1,2,3,4
Tennis 3
Vo ll eyball manager 4
Soccer 4
MIP 3 (Tennis)
This is our Alma Mater. Forever she will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e're life cares may drive us , her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin 's that we cherish and we love.
Brothers Baja #freebreezy BD idgt. bachi slangthatthang johnbro ders ... traphouse ... #freeeveryone ... squah .. .yayo . ..fump s ... bluenose . ..das .. .n
ola diamond stixxchampions night...htp gymrat...blunch bleab 44 eds br mad head butt bukuvet...rambo and th e diesel speech monkey house freshmandanceoff namia sb with sandi sr weird day
"Stupid is as stupid does " Forrest Gump
" Yeah , its because were winners. " Max Pancamo
Diversity Club : 1,2,3,4
Spanish Club: 4
Key Club: 1,2,3,4
Mu Alpha Theta: 2
The Halo: 1,2 ,3,4
Science Olympiad: 1,2,3 ,4
Oh you know me a t toboggan the Eyeliner was on point. Trevor stop it. Grey is bae CALL YOUR HITS Chinese doe You are an adequate meat shield YES MOM
" Kick common sense to the curb to make the impossible possible!"Kamina
" Any dog under fifty pounds is a cat and cats are useless.' -Ron Swanson
DOT ... YesMooom ... HeJustLooksLikeAMoose ... HiA ustin ... HerEyelin erWasOnPo int. O h Waaaa Edmodo MeatToboggan Beckman Y ou'reNotCold!?!. Mooooseeee DOT
"Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. " -Mick j agger
" No Battle P lan Survives Contact With the Enemy" -Helmuth von Moltke
Soccer 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
Lacrosse 12
Asian Culture club (President)
Sai ling Club 11 , 12
Mandarin C lub 10 , 11
LP 4 life PARKER Why are you the way that you are Pizza drew Happy foot dance I'm an airplane #sacrifice2014 Anna and the milkman The locker room floor John Wilkes Booth The beach incident. That time at that concert Icicle Homecoming or Pool party ?
#blessed Sweatpants redbull and the concert Fat suits Remember mobile Changing while driving Mand S World Travels Disney room service Mike will made it. The Babymaker Find Tiffany game Reese's pancakes #bringbackcouch Las cortoras do you wanna see my obtuse triangle?
" Nostalgia is one of the human's greatest weaknesses. Second only to the neck. " Dwight Schrute
" SquadDream teamAishaYoohooAvengers We backwackJAAKKEE Push 2"It would behoove you " WOOOWJays to the domeFrozenSB2kl4It's soooo much betterShow me your wangsFire where you at ice where you beBilly is pregnant! dont get tiredHomecoming devilMPSBrother! !!! Wassap Swahilithe Jesuit boysJim and bobthe cat songThis is why we're friendsLakefront #CRODSake? BWW You make me feel like homeOlaySwagI have to peel don't mess with youGO FROGSSo rad dudeKaylanaTop bunkLas cortoras " Im in love with the popo "
" If its both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it. "
"Its not easy being green " -Kermit the frog
Volleyball 1,2,3 ,4
Soccer 1,4
Track and Field 1,2 ,3,4
The Belles 10
Diversity Club 1,2 ,3,4
Spirit Club 1,2,3,4
Clothes for Cause 3,4
Is that a diamond minivan the lack there of... it means cheese run by fruiting it means cheese mr.worldwide youre a good kid Roanoke operation skater cat..chameleonlog penetration climbing buddiesKansas the face Ay mebreuna lDtri hari the math wiz Annas screamnow child TIPL. forks hes a malehe hu hestrange & amazing spellings ciaoza .its 2 against 1hari coughingPaige (nod) snake ropes .4 roger thatupbeat. wedges royce fizzy milk carretas lM LOST... goodnight all
·'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 'You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place, l told him ,like, you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way ever again."
Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in TehranNational Honor Society: 3, 4 (President)
Spanish Club: 1,2,3 ,4 (Co President)
The Halo: 3, 4 (Assistant Sports Editor)
Eco Warriors Club: 3,4 St. Mart i ns Tennis team: 1,2 ,4
2FAM?LOOK AT ME, IM THE CAPTAIN NOWyou chillin son?! YOU THE MAN JACKyou gotta chill bruhBACK IN THE SADDLE BOY SA YE SON YOU GOT THAT FIY A ?...I GOT THAT FIY A SONAustins Frisbee PunsTaking pictures at the football gamesCopa Soccer tournament in Lafayette Junior Year2nd period study hall senior yearWeekend Church retreatsDr. Laskays adv math I class ju n ior yearMr. Shipmans creative writing class senior yearVoodoo Music Fest 2014Film Studies class with Mr. Tritico J u nior year
"I seen a baby cry then seconds later she laughed. The beauty of life, the pain never lasts " J. Cole
"Sometimes you gotta work a little , so you can ball A LOT. " Tom Haverford
Photographer for The Ha lo and The Shield 3,4
St. Martins Varsity Soccer 3,4
The Lyre 4
Sophomore year religion Hey Daralon We're not fam Banter
"W hatever bruh , eno ug h tal king , let's blade. " "Shout out to sidewa lk s for keeping me off the street."
" If opportunity doesnt knock , build a door." -Milton Berle
"Everything in moderation, including moderation. " -Oscar Wilde
Do you even chennai?Panny fackthats not how you baste a turkeywhat is that code for?Shrek is loveB.S.Tgonna be riding my hoodPaden equa ls plaidcan I have the wheat?they make blueberry syrup?Maria where are your parents?Derricklas cotorasCathy dont gogood splitting treeJessayfound Jesus in the bottlefeels like the tardispower of the curry Its sand should I buy it?B2 Furt and Quelf...song of my people don't make it awkward shhhh run away "Dont be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. " -John
D. Rockefeller"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." -Mahatma
GhandiCheerleading 2,3,4 (Captain)
Basketball 1,2,3
Gym ratoatsyoure coming withpaper clipits not even fairteam bang bangBCODpop pop soda pophotel footballpuppywaffle houseball is lifekdgStixxfumpsSB2k 12WatercolorSB2k 13D.C.John BrodersDew it WhataburgereyebrowsSB2k14trap housechill s6nalrightsock drawer! v I
"In the anals of history people are going to be talking about three things: the discovery of fire, invention of the submarine , and the Flint , Michigan Mega Bowl" Jackie Moon
"I live by one rule Never trust a dude in a tunic." Will Stanton
BCODQuiznosTeam Bang BangTrap House You Chillen
S6nSb2k14Baseball BatJohn BrodersHappy Easter Mr. BrodersYou know you want itGYM RA TNathanielAlright Dude What an Idiot! Youre Coming Withlts Not Even FairYou Good dude?Atta BoyMNMsBlue NoseCousinsLSUBahamasTiger StadiumCanadian New i TeamS6rry!! Poke WarShop N GoOdom=DADBall is life You got to DeadliftLove Sosa IO out of IODont CareDude! ! She will get you an AEDRich Girl
"Weddings are great, but funerals are insane!" Chazz
"So dare to dream. Dream your wildest dreams. You can climb the highest mountain You can drown in a teacup, if you find a big enough tea cup. And if somebody tells you that you cant do something, you say, Yes I can. Cause Im doing it right now! " Barry
(Dinner for Shmucks)National Honor Society 3, 4 Basketball I , 2, 3 , 4 (Captain)
Baseball I , 2, 3 , 4
Football I, 2, 3
Spirit Club I , 2 , 3 , 4
014 -2015 Girls Soccer Team: Julia Reggio, Whi t ney Appel, Kayla Gerard, Daisha Calliet, Maansi Solanky, Hannah eJeune , Alexandra Bartholomew, Elise Ripley , Kailee Gibson , Heaven Barriere , Chloe Bartholomew, Trinity Barriere , ..rma Bilich, Ilana Springer, Paige Holcomb , Ashley Bossier, Sarah DuPlantier Coach: Katherine Matthew-Parker, Rebeka ounds
2014-2015 Freshman Class Officers:
President: Bruce Miller
Vice President: Maansi Solanky
President: Johnathan Glenn
Vice President: Tyler Falk
Treasurer: Savannah Watermeier
Secretary: Austin Chamorro
2014-2015 Junior Class Officers:
President: Luke Didriksen
Treasurer: Ashley Bossier
Secretary: Madison Cummings
2014-2015 Senior Class Officers:
President: Gerald Martin
Vice President: Ross Reggio
Treasurer: Emily Bryan
Secretary: Paige Holcomb
Fr Millican, Dylan Bryan , Hakeem Blackstone , Dionne Lewis, Austin Chamorro , Jakob Castaneda, Gershom Thompson, Jordan Fresneda, Christian Rice , Michael Gandolfi , River Relan
Maansi Solanky , Savannah Waterrneier , Amanda Rouquette , Daisha Caillet , Emily Bryan , Joshua Korede , Max Gremillion , Diego Ortega Jaulet Ebrahimpour , Heaven Barriere , Bailey Taylor , Julia Reggio, Ilana Springer , Queen Tervalon, Luke Giordano , Brooke Williamson
Head of Upper School
Michelle Scandurro
Head of Lower School
Ford Dieth, Jr. '89
Head of Middle School
Jenny Velasquez
Director of The Cottage
Holly Dalferes
/fmra, Wt "°vt gou, OJ<.d, o;re Jo pf(,()ud ofall ofgowr, ~"'P~- ItrkJP.4 1UJtlf«itliJr, 1iJ gou, iictu selwol spot1i, otJ«4t/;,vu,,g f;,ft, gou, ulwagl glvt ct"gowr, hP1.t: Wt hww gou, wlfi rkJ g~l iK, 1:h /~ OJ<.d, "°ok, folf,uJIJIW,UJ lMJ,,,,,g af11Jatgou, ~lltfltu/t,.
Congratulations, Rodney!! We are so proud of the amazing young man you've become. We wish you all the best at LSU and in all the years to come. We love you, Mom, Dad & the Krewe
''A~agJ ~(!J(;, gou OM hlfDN(!J(; 11aM, gou hduvi, JVWKg(!J(; 11aM, gouJe&4(J, OAf.d
CkutopkPAt RohiH, Wi ~vi goulft(}~ 11aM, goUJ caM; u,w,g~, Mo•, Poppa, TMJg OAf.dJPA(;
We are so proud of you and know that your passion and commitment to achieve your dreams will provide you with the tools to succeed as you embark on life's journey. Be true to yourself and the person you have become. Stay focused on your goals and remain compassionate to others. Love, Mom, Dad, and Ashley
We are so proud of you and your 14 years at St.Martin's. Your accomplishments exceed all we could imagine-academics, athletics, class president twice, assisting classmates, and volunteering in the New Orleans community. You are awesome!
We will sincerely miss you, your humor, your sincerity, and your personality in our home. Great success and best wishes in your new adventures at Texas A&M/Galveston in Marine Transportation Division-the next chapter in your life.
We love you greatly!!
Mom, Dad, and William
Congratulations, Jack! We are very proud of you and everything you've accomplished. We know you will achieve great things. All our love, Mom, Dad, and Ian
We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! We look forward to a blessed future for you at TCU !
Much love, Mom, Dad, Dy Ian, and Halle
We are all so proud of you and love you very much. Cannot believe my baby boy is headed to college! Enjoy!!!
Love, Mom, Tyler, and MaMa
We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in your 11 years at STM.
Hugs and Kisses
Love, Mom, Dad, and Haley
Elena, Never lose that zest for life!
We love you just the way you are!
Mommy, Daddy, Gilly, Sophie, and Isaac
Congratulations, Whitney!
Follow your dreams but never forget the road that leads you to home. Were so proud of our Luvbug!
Mom, Dad, & Connor
Congratulations, Isabel!
You've always been a star to us! Keep shining at Rhodes College!
We love you, to the moon and back! Mom, Dad, Olivia, Macie & Mollie
Congratulations, Alex!
It has truly been awesome to watch you grow up and become the amazing person that you are today!
We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments and look forward to your journey ahead.
We love you, Mom, Dad, Bryce & Lauren
What your mind can conceive and believe, it can ACHIEVE May your future be filled with happiness and success. Live Laugh Love reach for dreams. We are so very proud of you!
With all our love always
Mom, Karen, Dj, Granny, Aunt Tammy, Christy, Megan, Eric and Easton
Clare, You've become an independent, creative and determined individual.. We are proud of all you've accomplished and look forward to cheering you on in your next adventure.
Love, Dad, Mom, and Catherine.
Time goes by too fast! We love you and couldn't be prouder!
We are so very proud of how you grew as a Saint during your 7 years at StM. We all wish you well in college and the rest of your life that started right here where you became a man!!
God Bless you son ...
Love, Your Family
Dad always on my mind, Fot4eVet4 in my heat4t.
Trustees 158
Bond, Mary 160
Bone , Benjamin 84 ,
Bone , Lauren
Bordes , Evan 160
Bourg, Natalia
156 , 157
Bourgeois , Braden 88, 152
Boyd , Ashlyn 129 , 136
Boys Ba sketball 132
Boys Soccer 130
Bozeman , Ashley 160
Bozeman, Ella 112
Bradley , Ethan 120
Bradley , Khaja 76 , 127, 133, 135 , 136
Brannon, Will 37 , 12
Breau x, Ashton 116
Bremerrnann , Jason 25 , 37 , 63
Briand , Luke 116
Brierre, Clare 25 , 38 , 127 , 148 , 149 , 183
Brierre , Pam 160
Brooks , Destin 116
Brown , Jack 22, 24 , 26 , 126, 134 , 182
Brown, John 38
Bruce, Rivers 24 , 39 , 126, 148 , 149,177
BBruss , Karly 76 , 133 , 136
Bryan , Dylan 74 , 126 , 136 , 147 , 148 , 149
Bryan , Emily 23 , 25 , 39 , 127 , 146 , 147 , 148 , 149 , 170
Bryan, Halle 106 , 140
Bryan , Margaret Ann 26 , 40 , 133, 148, 149 , 150
Brian , Marion 160
Budde , Margaret 160
Buhrer , Jackson 92 , 139 , 141 , 142,152
Buhrer , Rebecca 14, 15 , 16 , 17 , 26 , 40 , 150
Buhrer , Wilson 88 , 140 , 142 , 152
Bui , Taylor 74 , 151
CCaballero, Juan Pablo 116
Calamia, Danielle 160
Calliet, Daisha 74 , 131 , 147
Campeau, Anastasia 67 , 72 , 127 , 133
Cappel, Curry 74 , 192
Carter , Mya 14 , 15, 16, 27 , 41, 150
Caserta , Toni 160
Cash , Bonnie 12, 16 , 22 , 25, 26, 41 , 151 , 166
Cashman, Alexandra 25 , 27 , 42 , 138
Castaing , Marin 122
Ca staneda , Jakob 74 , 126 , 130 , 134 , 147
Castaneda , Jonathan 92, 139 , 141, 155
Castaneda , Josh 72, 126, 149
Castillo , Luis 122
Catinis , Christopher 141 , 142 , 152 , 153
Celata, Isabel 14 , 15, 17 , 24 , 42 , 150,179
Chailland , Sophie 112
Chamorro , Austin 74 , 126 , 146 , 147
Chancellor , Miles 112
)eGrado, Melissa 25, 44
)eJesus-Loureiro, Paulos 44, 130
)ellaCroce, Nick 6, 74
)eroche, Caroline 92 , 139, 142, 153
)eroche , Claire 114
)escant, Chase 76
)eshpande , Ridhaan I 18
)eutcsh , Allie 112
)eutcsh, Arthur 1I 6
)evall , Andrew 76, 132, 134
)evall, Thomas 92, 154
)evall IV , Fred 158
)iaz, Alex 114
)icasali , Evie 120
)idriksen, Eliza 114
)idriksen, Luke 66, 72, 130, 146
)ieth, Kelly 122
)ieth, Lee 122
)ieth, Trey 118
)ieth , Jr. , Ford 159
)iket , Jeanette 160
)ivision Heads 159
)obrescu , Carmen 160
)ongieux , Dreux 76, 126
)oskey , Lillian 76, 127, 135, 150
)oyle , Colin 92, 141
)oyle , Grayson 76, 129
)ublin, Paige 45
)ucote , Allie Grace 106 , 140
)udley, Prudence 139, 142, 156
)unn , Noah 114
)uPlantier, Sarah 24, 45 , 125 , 131 , 148 , 149
)uSaules , Tiffany 160
)wyer , Cheyenne 16 , 72 , 149, 150 , 151
Fransen, Peggy 160
Freshman 76, 77
Fresneda , Allison 160
Fresneda, Jordan 16, 46, 147, 148, 149 , 151 , 187 , 192
Fyssas-Lear , George 120
Henderson, Mike 161
Henry, Samuel 121
Heppe , Iris 88, 135, 139, 141, 154
Heppe, Stefan 106
Herberg , Gigi 72 , 150 , 151
Hill , Cynthia 161
GHingel , Noah 114
Hoffman , Ginny 161
Holcomb, Paige 12, 47, 63 , 131, 146,148 , 149 , 173
Homecoming Court 12 , 13
Killett, Gabby 84, 129, 133, 152, 154 , 157
Kindergarten 116 , 117
King , Megan 161
Kirchner , Katie 114
Kirchner , Shep 110
Kirkpatrick , Jason 161
Kirkpatrick , Riley 49 , 63 , 138 , 151, 175
Klebba, Lee 151, 161
Knight , Kate 112
Knockum , Cameron 116
Gamble, Leslie 160
Gandolfi, Michael 74 , 147
Ganucheau, Jeff 74
Garrido , Alyssa 88, 139 , 142 , 152 , 155
Garrido , Ashley 13, 72
Garrido, Daniel 106
Gary , Andrew 88 , 140 , 154
Gary, Zachary 1 IO
Gaspard , Ashley 110
Gaspard , Jessie I 18
Gaspard, Josie 112
Gaspard, Stephanie 160
Gates , Kevin 42
Geary, Meg 120
Gerard , Kayla 10 , 12 , 23 , 47 , 127 , 131 , 135 , 148 , 178
Gibson , Kailee 13, 66 , 72, 127 , 131
Giordano, Luke 76 , 130, 137 , 147
Girls Basketball 133
Girls Soccer 131
Glenn, Johnathan 74 , 134, 146
Golden, Wayne 160
Gooch, Freddy 122
Gooch, Max 121
Goodwin, Channing 108
EGoodwin , Jace 114
Gorrochategui , Marcos 112
Goudail, Charlotte 15, 66, 72 , 150
Goudail, Susan 160
Homecoming Week 10, 11
Houghtaling , Finn 121
Houghtaling, Lexi 110
Huber, Harris 108
Huber , Russell 114
Huber, Stephen 158
Hurley, Elizabeth 84 , 135, 152
Hurley , John 76 , 192
Hyatt, Aimee 161
Hyatt , Nan 161
Hyman, Christopher 74 , 137
Korede, Caleb 93
Korede, Eniola 63 , 73, 79
Korede, Joshua 77 , 147
Korrapati, Srihari 14, 17, 22, 25 , 27,49, 147,148,149 , 150, 151 , 192
Kratzberg, Kristian 84, 126, 153
Kratzberg, Kyle 73, 126
Kuehne , Elizabeth 77, 150, 151
Kuhn, Michael 161
Kulp, Jonah 120
Kuretich , Krystal 88 , 139 , 153
IIbiwoye, Israel 76, 130
Imbornone, Anabella 84 , 129 , 136, 154
Imbornone , Antonio 66, 72, 129 , 136 , 149 , 151
Israel, Zachary 25 , 48 , 148 , 149
LLaBruyere, Louise 161
LaCoste , Christian 120
LaCoste , Cole 112
Lafleur , Camryn 106 , 140 , 141
Lafleur , Elise 84 , 129 , 136, 139, 141, 156, 157
JLaskay, Julie 66, 161
La Vie, DJ 114
La Vie, Elise 120
Lawler, Christopher 114
Lawler , Colin 118
~a stman, Perry 158
brahimpour , Jaulet 74, 147
~ncalarde, Miles 72 , 149
~rnst, Olivia 92, 152
~veritt, Ethan 84, 134 , 139, 154
Graduation 32, 33
Gray , Richard 122
Greer, Isis 84, 140, 156
Gremillion , Heidi 158
Gremillion, Max 74, 147
Gremillion , Pierce 84, 141, 155
FGsell, Gigi 118
Guerra , Mateo 122
Jeanfreau , Luke 74, 151
Jeanfreau, Matthew 88 , 136
Jenkins, Jack 25 , 26, 48 , 136, 169
Jha , Aastha 142
Jha , Achyut 118
Jha , Anushka 110
Jha, Ayan 118
Johnson, Erin 112
Johnson, Ryan 106
Johnson , Vicki 161
Jones, Evan 118
Jones, Jonathan 134
HJones , Truvy 15
Joseph, Mrs. Conchetta 7
Lawrence , Kyle 110
Lawrence , Sean 120
Lazich, Helena 67, 73, 133 , 150
Lazich, Philip 75, 130
Leadership Day 28, 29
LeCoq, Jessica 73, 138
LeCoq , Joe 7
LeJeune , Hannah 77 , 131
LeJeune , Shannon 161
Leopold , Will 77
Lesser, Gabe 84 , 152
LeTran, Leo 122
LeTran , Max 121
Lewis, Dionne 77, 133, 147
Lewis , Dorian 88, 126, 139, 152
acuity and Staff 160 , 161, 162
alati, Coach Mike 128
~alk, Tyler 74 , 126, 146 , 149
~a ssbender, Angelo 112
~eibleman , Jared 141
~eibleman, William 121
ein , Christopher 116
~ein, Hudson 118
ernandez , Nathan 46 , 130
~erry , Lucy 88 , 129 , 153
~iebleman , Jared 84
~igueroa, Bella 112
~igueroa , Camila 93, 139, 152, 154
~igueroa , Rafael 88, 152
Flanagan, Debbie 160
Flanagan , Jack 112
i'lanagan , Josephine 121
Hall, Justin 108
Hall , Kaitlyn 110
Halpern, Charley 106, 140
Halpern, Mitchell 84 , 141 , 155
Hamann , Chris 161
Hamilton , Anita 161
Happoldt, Alexander 72, 132
Harris , Ashton 72
Harrison , Blair 120, 161
Harrison, Brewton 122
Harrison , Chrissy 161
Harmide, Michael 121
Hasney, Annie 16 , 72, 138
Hawawini , Adam 120
Heidegger, Cammie 161
Jour de France I 02
Juniors 72 , 73
Jurisich , Alexis 93 , 139, 153
L'Hoste, Curtis 121
Li, Jane 122
Lim , Taylor 113
KKahn , Bennett 84, 129 , 136 , 155
Kahn, Madison 66, 72 , 149
Kalogiratos, Garrett 76, 126, 137, 192
Kamal, Abraham 110
Kamal, Sophia 121
Kaston, Betsy 158
Kellum, Charlie 76, 126 , 136
Kellum , Samuel 84 , 129 , 155
Lind , Warren 157 , 161
Linden , Ian 108
Liriano , Betzy 73, 128
Livingston , Alexandra 116
Livingston, Barklie 106
Lolita, Reading 59
Lopez , Ivan a 118
Lopez , Tristan 114
Lou , Tiffany 118
Lovera , Isabel 113
Lovera , Sofia I 06
Lovi sa , Rebecca 161
Lower School Candids 96 , 97
Lucia , Philip 122
Monier , Lauren 106
Moran , Eliza 118
Morgan , John 44
Morgan , Victoria 84, 139
MS Club s 157
MS sport s 139 , 140 , 141 , 142 , 143
Mueller , Elle 121
Mueller , George 108
Mulholland , Leah 161
Murphy , Jaclyn 73 , 138 , 149
Pickens, Jessie 85, 128, 140, 156 , I 57
Pickens , Lainey 85 , 128 , 140 , 156,157
Pickens, Rickey 140
Pickens , Ricky 108
Pigeon , Fulton 117
Pigeon , Jared 53 , 126 , 134 , 148
Pippin , Carden 107
Porche , Celeste 156 , 162
Porche, Violet 111
Porter , Mya 93 , 152
NPorter , Mycah 107
Porter , Wally 162 , 192
Preen, Derek 121
Pre-K 118 , 119
Prom 70 , 71
Rosenbaum , Bill 162
Ross , Emily 162
Roth , Brandon 85 , 139, 155
Rouquette, Amanda 25, 56, 147
Rubin, Gabby 111
Russell, Cole 85 , 153
Rutherford , Gian 122
Rutherford , Jonathan 122
Madawaki , Hafsah 118
Madawaki , Tahir 93 , 152
Main , Katie 106 , 140
Malbrough, Brycen 88 , 156
Manalle , Belin 73 , 138
Mancuso , Henry 120
Manda! , Rimi 77 , 147
Manning , Nichol as 88, 152
Manning , Peyton 52
Manning , Tucker I 13
Man zella, Tony 77 , 126, 134
Marcello , Enzo 84 , 141 , 152 ,
Mardi Gras 105
Markey , Morgan 118
Martin , Gerald 25, 27 , 50, 137, 146 , 147 , 148 , 168
Martin , Joseph 75 , 130
Martin , William 50
Mason, Garrett 161
Mavrova , Viktor 1 16
Mayeux , Colby 106
Mayeu x, Seth I 10
May Pole Day IOI
McAllister, Curtis 116
McCollum , Evan 14 , 77 , 136 , 150
McCormick , Janis 161
McGovern, Desmond 23 , 50 , 126, 132, 134, 148
McMyne , DJ 114
McWilliam s, Kolby 84, 155
Meekstroth , Jeff 158
Merrington , Olivia 108
Middle School Candids 80 , 81
Milam , Jace 118
Milioto , Brianne 15, 16 , 77, 150
Miller , Bruce 77 , 134 , 146 , 147
Miller, David 73 , 130
Miller , Peyton 108
Millican, Ford 93, 154
Millican, Jeff 161
Millican , Sarah 77, 127
Mire , Iris 23 , 33 , 51, 147, 151
Mitra , Anisha 1 13
Mitra, Avani 93, 139, 153
Molai son , Aidan 115
Molaison , Marigny 118
Molbert , Bo 132
Monier , Alexander 23, 25, 51 , 66 , 129 , 136 , 137 , 147 , 151 , 181
Monier , Bryce 77, 129 , 136 , 13 7, 147, 149 , 151 , 157
MNafisi , Azar 59
N a pier , Kel sey 161
Neko z, Anastasia 161
Nettles , Bennett 113
Nettles , Jackson 93 , 140 , 154 , 156
Ng , Marcella 1 JS
Ng , Mason 107, 140
NHS Fall 66
NHS Spring 67
Nicholl s, Holly 161
Nicoladi s, Conner 108
Nicoladis , Corbin 115
Nicoladis, Michael 158
Norton , Jeremy I 08
Norton, Rob 161
Nugent , Hayden 73,
Nunez , I sabella 108
Qi , Evangeline 120
Quine! , Mary 162
Sadhwani, Rahul 73
Saik , Walker 158
sSalas , Natasha 88, 135, 155
Salge, Kiley 108
QSanche z, Alphon so 162
Sandel, Stephen 73 , 126
Saucier, Branden 117
Saucier, Colin 107
Saucier, Malorie 88 , 135, 139, 141 , 154
Saucier, Mary 162
Scalia, Debbie 162
RScandurra , Michelle 27 , 66, 159
Scheuermann, Alex 115
Scheuermann , Carter Ill
Schmedtje, August 108
Schneller, Christian 107
Odom , Cooper 110 Odom , Jacob 115
Rabalais , Emmy 115
Rabe , Clara 85, 139, 141 , 142
Rabe , Lilly 107 , 140
Ramos, Charlie 162
Recile , Bryan 25, 54, 132 , 167
0Reed, Camille 123
Reeves , David 158
Reeves , Jack 88,139,141 , 155
Reeves , Jesse 75 , 129 , 137
Reeves, Ruby 85, 136
Reggio , Julia 13, 75 , 131 , 138 , 147
Reggio , Ross 24 , 54 , 128 , 136, 146,192
Relan , Noah 93 , 141, 153
Relan , River 75 , 126 , 130 , 147
Rent 14
Ricard , Lester 162
Rice, Christian 75, 126, 147
Rice, Rodney 26 , 55, 67, 126 , 130 , 148,165
Richards , Stacy 162
Richards , Stephen 75, I 37
Richardson , Sophie 13 , 77 , 127
Rieder , Nathan 1 I 5
Rieder , Preston 113
Riess , Hayden 122
Rigney , Carter 113
Ring Day 68 , 69
Ripley , Elise 55 , 131
Rivet, Chuck 162
Rizer, Dax 115
Roaf, Carrington 88, 135 , 139, 153
Roaf, Dillon 75, 150
Robarts , Ethan 23, 26 , 56 , 126 , 132, 134, 148
Rodriguez , Luke 122
Rodriguez-Sotomayor , Gabe 14 , 73
Schneller, Peter 85
Schott , Arthur 111 Schott , Ava 115
Schwarz , Keith 161
Scioneaux, Ray 162
Scofield, Julia 75 , 135 , 149
Scofield , Ma son
, 134
Phelps, WanYah 73 , 126
Phillips , Nicola s 53
Rodriguez-Sotomayor , Miguel 113
Roohi , Alma 162
Smith '03, Kimberly 162
Smith-Woodrich, Miriam 162
Smuck, Beau 120
Smuck, Beckett 117
Snow, Michelle 162
Softball 135
folanky , Bharat 88, 157
,olanky, Maansi 146
,olanky, Maansi 77, 131, 147, 151, 157
Sophomores 74, 75
,orrells, Merry 66 , 158
,ossaman, Kate 113
,ossaman , Will 111
,pako , Christina 162
,pears, Harper 120
,piers , Caroline 108
',pringer , Ilana 58 , 127 , 131, 147,148,149,164
',tanton , Keith 162
,tedman , Dr. Peter 158
,tee! Magnolias 15
:,tefani , Eden 123
',tefani, Eliza 123
',tefani, Maddie 58 , 67, 148
,telly, Kiki 162
,tewart, Jack 139
,tewart, John 93
',tewart , Laurie 162
',tewart , Molly 111
'>TM Day 8, 9
,tokes, Brandon 88, 152
,tokes, Taylor 107
,ubramaniam, Sanjana 93 , 140, 156
',ure, Siri 119
',wimming 128
Ungarino , Sofia 23, 60 , 138
Upper School Candids 64 , 65
Urrego, Sofia 111
uZeitoun, Layla 119
Zenker, Mia 119
zZhang, Sihang Ella 88, 142, 156
Zheng , Anthony 113
VZheng , Jack 66, 73 , 126
Zheng , Jeff 75, 126
Zito , Adalyn 117
Zito, Raeanne I 07
Vaccarro , Joe 162
Van der Plas, Klaas 119
Varon, Matthew 107
Varon, Mollye 85
Velasquez , Eamon 113
Velasquez, Jenny 159
Velasquez , Reilly 111
Vignes , Fleur 108
Vignes, Vico 119
Volleyball 127
Walker, Meredith 117
wWaterrneier, Savannah 75, 133, 138 , 146, 147, 149
Watts '06, Rachel 162
Weaver, Barbara 162
Weaver , Julia 73, 138 , 149
Wells, Farah 85, 142
Wendel, Winnie 163
TWestry, Breuna 17, 27 , 61 , 138, 150,192
Whelan, Brooke 7 , 107 , 141
Whelan, Jake 77, 126, 134
falbot, Anna Beth 85, 135, 139, 142
falbot, Michael 107
favassoli, Tiffany 12, 22, 24, 59
faylor , Bailey 75, 138, 147, 149, 151
fennis 137
fervalon, Queen 73 , 127 , 147, 150
fhomas, Alex 73, 136
fhomas , Griff 85, 139 , 154
fhomas , Jacob 88, 139 , 155
fhompson, Daniel 107
fhompson, Gershom 55 , 75 , 126 , 130 , 147
fhompson, Levi 23, 59, 130 , 150,151 , 192
fhompson, Morris 158
fhompson, Samantha 108
fhompson, Vashed 107
Tillery, Kaitlyn 111
forres, Javier 108
forres, Marcelo 93 , 142 , 154
frack & Field 136
fran, Faith I 19
fritico, Al 33 , 41 , 162
Troyer,Jadon 113
Troyer, Saje 93, 139 , 154
Truxillo , Blake 85 , 126 , 155
Tuleu , Nicholas 77
Whitaker, Juliet 115
White, Austin 73, 129 , 150
White, Nyja 85, 139, 141, 142, 156
Whitney , Hayes 93, 140, 153, 157
Whitney , Ritchie 85 , 128, 140, 155
Williams, Greg 163
Williamson , Brooke 13, 75 , 128, 135, 147 , 149 , 151
Wilson , Mark 77
Winkler III, Kyle 7, 85, 126 , 140, 154
Wolf, Zelia 77
Wollfarth , Josh 25 , 61 , 128 , 186
Womac , Brandon 62
Womack, Aiden 93, 139, 141, 142 , 155
Womack, Bishop 113
Womack , Stanley 117
Wooton, Mason 24 , 62, 132, 134
Wyatt, Amber 88, 141, 155
yYatsko, Sophia 120
York, Harlan 123
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