TABITHA MANSON “What a meme.”
SORAYA MEOR ZAIN AZMAN “Soroya, So-ray-a, Soria ... it doesnt really matter, I've heard them all at this point.”
RU YAN (MEGAN) ONG “In the words of Chartwells, #nourishtoflourish.”
RUBY MOIR “I peaked in Year 7 (vertically).”
MAYURI MURALIDHARAN “Someone, I tell you, in another time, will remember us. (Sappho)”
ISABELLE MUSSON “Go away I need to eat.”
SHIHAN (KIRSTEN) OUYANG “May the mass times acceleration be with you.”
ABBY PAGE “ *your fav therapist* ”
ELENI (ELLEN) PAPASTERGIADIS “My name is Ellen... umm yep... I’ll spell my last name for you…”