In 2021, Junior School French had a presence in both the Barbreck Languages Lab and in the home as part of the Learn@Home program. Students from Prep to Year 6 worked hard online to overcome the challenges associated with speaking, reading, listening and writing in French online. Opportunities on campus were cherished and enjoyed, with students engaging in the classroom routines, conversations, theatre and writing exercises. Weekly ELC French sessions began in Term 2, occurring either in physical format through visits to the ELC or via Teams meetings. ELC students enjoyed playing with and exploring colours, numbers, verbs and actions. Students in Prep enjoyed forming sentences about, La Poule Maboule, through puppet performances, narrative songs and reading activities. Year 1 enjoyed expanding their French vocabulary and understanding whilst learning the story Le petit chat cherche une famille. Year 2 engaged with more complex vocabulary through the children’s story Le chat et la lune. Year 3 enjoyed performing Les Trois Petits Cochons, whilst Year 4 students were encouraged to expand their French knowledge through the more challenging text Boucles Violettes et les Trois Ours. Our Years 5 and 6 students were introduced to creative writing through the stories Comment y aller? and Salut, mon ami! Many students involved themselves passionately in the weekly language extension French groups; French Early Birds continued for new students of French each Monday morning, whilst the conversation group ‘L’Equipe’ provided an opportunity for students to try more advanced speaking techniques.
Monsieur Andrew Gold French Teacher
Year 2 students Yolanda Gu, Ashley Siswanto and Sophie Sprott enjoy walking in the Mardi Gras 2021 Parade to the Barbreck Village Green
Lila Read (Year 5) concentrating when flipping a crepe during Fête de la Chandeleur
Student Ruby Figiel (Year 4) enjoying the Crêpe-flipping traditional game as part of the 2021 Mardi Gras celebration
Students from Year 4 enjoy the warm-up routine involving French introductions and pleasantries
Students with decorative masks designed for the ‘Mardi Gras’ festival