Year 2 students experienced a unique and memorable year. For a second year they have been challenged with online learning. They were quick to adapt, embracing all opportunities with a smile. Term 1 began with students learning about the continents of the World and making connections to different places. They quickly showed their drama skills performing The Land of Language at Assembly, and Naughty Amelia Jane became our favourite novel. Term 2 gave students an insight into the history of St Catherine’s and an understanding of the significant names behind our buildings and Houses. The students listened to Mrs Collister as she took us on a journey back in time. Lockdown did not interfere with our Special Visitors’ Day, as they prepared for an unforgettable day at School with their ‘special’ guest. Students sang, played their violins and shared their amazing work. Term 3 began at School, but soon saw us back into Learn@Home 5.0 and 6.0. The Olympic Games began in Tokyo. We used this opportunity to write a report on The History of the Olympics, as well as learn about the host county, Japan. The students presented their ‘How To’ procedures online and were eager to share their peacock drawings from Art.
Whilst 2021 may not have been what we wished for, it certainly provided valuable opportunities for growth in independence and developing skills to be resilient learners at such a young age!
Mrs Lola Ballis Year 2 Teacher