Byergo Angus Farms Annual Sale

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February 18, 2023 12:30 PM • Savannah, MO

Welcome friends and customers

At Byergo Angus our success depends on the success of our customers. Simply put, we know that the only reason we have been in business for 73 years is because of YOU and that is what drives us every day.

It’s our duty to produce the genetics you need to be successful. Our motto has long been “Cowboy Traits first, and Data Second”. Soundness, Fertility, Maternal Instincts, Fleshing Ability, and Docility are where it all starts, without these traits nothing else matters.

We never exclusively focus on any one trait because exceling in multiple traits is the key to improvement. With that said a few very important traits have been neglected the last half-century and they will drastically improve your bottom line.

Pelvic Area. The industry has bred towards extreme calving ease. Breeding for extreme calving ease instead of Big Pelvic’s is creating calving problems and dinky calves that costs the industry millions of dollars every year.

Feed Efficiency, this so important as feed costs are the biggest expense of ranching. Focusing on Feed Efficiency Conversion, will allow you to keep the Power Maternal cows without sacrificing output.

Fertility/ Longevity. You need both, cows that breed every year and that last the test of time. Get rid of cows that don’t breed early in the season and keep replacements from cows that are proven.

We are at the beginning of an exciting cattle cycle uptrend, with some great years ahead. I urge all of our customers to push hard and incorporate cowboy sense coupled with data. And remember don’t make simple things complicated.

We are a family operation from top to bottom and I encourage you to call one of my sons if you have any questions. They love these cattle and will personally help you.


Drew Byergo (816) 261-7150 • Bryson Byergo (816) 261-5198

Marc Byergo (816) 294-2225 • Ty Miller (307) 351-4005

Andy Byergo (816) 261-7132

Web site: • E-mail:

SALE MANAGED BY: Ty Miller Solutions

AUCTIONEERS: Russele Sleep • Dustin Layton

HERD HEALTH: All cattle will be accompanied by proper health certificates for immediate shipment.


References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLinkSM, CAB®, Pathfinder®.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cattle will sell under the Terms and Conditions as recommended by the American Angus Association.
in shipping your purchases.
EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were
this sale book
updated every Friday
of EPD
PDF downloads
the website will contain EPDs
believed to be
will be available to
SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: A supplemental sheet will be available
day with complete and up-to-date information. Announcements from the auction block take precedence over sale book information. FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS: Will be available sale day. ACCOMMODATIONS: St. Joseph, MO, approximately 20 miles
current as of print date. Digital
can be viewed
will have EPDs
references in footnotes and photos. Any
current as of the date
ANDY AND MARCIA May the Great Lord Bless You Andy Byergo


Purchase 3 bulls in a sale = Get 3% discount

Purchase 4 bulls in a sale = Get 4% discount

Purchase 5 bulls in a sale = Get 5% discount

Purchase 6 bulls in a sale = Get 6% discount

Purchase 7 bulls in a sale = Get 7% discount

Purchase 8 bulls in a sale = Get 8% discount

Purchase 9 bulls in a sale = Get 9% discount

Purchase 10 or more bulls in a sale = Get a 10% discount

Reasons to Use Feed Efficiency Tested Bulls

• Get more out of your existing resources/ Cowherd Efficiency o Produce more pounds per acre

• Reduce Cowherd Feed Costs

• Improve Profitability/Efficiency- Improve Cost of Gain o Better conversion when backgrounding calves

Better conversion in the feedlot • Stewardship of your resources

Is your bull retirement age? Bring your
used bull to
Angus between
- The
- Almost $300 in savings. B yergo ’ s “ Retirement Swap ” Bull Program IMPROVING THE COMMERCIAL CATTLEMENS PROFITABILITY
February 4th through 5 P.M. on February 6th. (Bull can come from other breeders
breeds but must be sound).
price will be what they bring plus 10 cents per pound. -
value of your bull
be given to
in a sale
used on February 19, 2022 towards a bull.
You save on sale barn fees (commission, feed, yardage).

100% Angus Living


GUARANTEE: Bulls are guaranteed against breeding injury for the first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 60-day period following the first turnout of the bulls. If a replacement bull is available, he will be provided, or a credit toward one bull will be given in the following year’s sale (purchase price minus $1,500 standard salvage value). Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. Replacement bulls are not covered by this guarantee. This does not insure against death.

EPDs – How to read the Byergo Sale Book

CED - Calving Ease Direct - This is an EPD to look at when choosing a bull for heifers. The higher the number, the easier calving the bull is. 7 and up is good for heifers.

BEPD - Birth Weight EPD - A number to look at for birth weight. The lower the number, the lighter the birthweight is expected to be. We typically consider any number under 2.0 fine for heifers. Bulls that are in the 2’s, 3’s, 4’s and 5’s are great for cows. Remember as a breed, Angus calve easy. The difference between a 1 and 6 is 5 lbs. at birth. Start selecting the higher BW bulls for your cows. It will make you more money.

WEPD - Weaning Weight EPD - This is the EPD you look at for weaning weights. The higher the number the better. Remember, breed average is +61. Anything above +68 is in the top 25% percent of the breed. Growth is a must to make this sale.

YEPD - Yearling Weight EPD - This is the EPD you look at for yearling weights. The higher the number the better. Remember breed average is +108. We take great pride in our bulls’ growing ability.

RADG - The residual average daily gain is the feed efficiency EPD we look at. We consider anything above a +.25 as being good. The higher the number the better.

DMI - Dry Matter Intake, expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of difference in transmitting ability for feed intake during the post-weaning phase, compared to that of other sires. Anything below 1.5 is good. Lower is better.

MILK - The Milk EPD is something to look at if you are retaining heifers. The higher the number, the more they are expected to milk.

CW - The carcass weight EPD. The higher the better.

MARB - The marbling EPD. The higher the better.

RE - The ribeye EPD. The higher the better.

Fat - The fat EPD. The lower the better.

BWT - The actual birth weight.

ADJ. 205 - The adjusted weaning weight. We are very proud of our power. Pounds equal money!

Beef Value $B - an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post weaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. The higher the number the better.

2 BYERGO ANGUS Can’t make the Sale? Let DVAuction bring the sale to you! Busy during the sale? Let DVAuction represent your bid! Visit and Register Today For General Questions Please Contact Our Office: (402) 316-5460 or
At Byergo Angus we are proud that we are ranchers and our living is 100% made at the ranch. When you call Byergo Angus you get to talk to an owner. It’s not a hobby or investment.

Give yourself some Cash Back! Unique with a pedigree that is an outcross to virtually all widely used Angus genetics. ✧ Proven Efficiency. He converted at a 4.79 to 1 with a -1.64 RFI. He has an RADG of +.30 (top15%) with a DMI of +.35 (top 10%). An incredible combination! ✧ Better yet is that he is a carcass king with a +1.60 marbling EPD where he had 203 IMF ratio while still maintain a 109 REA ratio with only a 105 fat ratio. You do not find this level of marbling in such an outcross pedigree.

Long spined and clean made rounds out the package coupled with his perfect uddered dam and his ultra-rare sought after sire.

We have used 1717 and will continue to inject these unique genetics into the program!

Awesome might be an understatement. Just like a pyramid, 1217 is built on an incredible foundation, built from the ground up like a brick house.

Big time spread on this Herd Sire prospect that is an absolute sight to see while putting together added weight while saving you money on conversion. ✧ 217 is the perfection of what we had envisioned when we planned this mating. He comes by it honestly, out of the exquisite Stetson daughter. The combination of data and look make Pyramid the real deal!

BWT 75 ADJ 205 752 CW +91 MARB +.77 RE +.64 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +2 +1.1 +93 +168 +.35 +32 +200 +297 +.042 Byergo Pyramid 1217 Birth Date: 08-29-2021 Bull *20396678 Tattoo: 1217 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.39 96 $1.13 $139.58 *Musgrave 316 Stunner *DB Iconic G95 *DB Ms Discovery D13 *Byergo Blackcap 94051 *Byergo Stetson *Byergo Blackcap 6262 2
BWT 81 ADJ 205 825 CW +65 MARB +1.60 RE +.71 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +1.1 +75 +128 +.30 +18 +219 +340 +.034 Byergo Cash Back 1717 Birth Date: 02-01-2021 Bull 20174852 Tattoo: 1717 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.79 107 $1.01 $215.46 +*SCC Cash 6224-5128 *MACC Cash Back 891 CR Destiny 2082 Byergo Blackcap 8011 Byergo LoIn-HiOut 1460 Byergo Miss Blackcap 2733 1 BYERGO STETSON MATERNAL GRANDSIRE LOT 2
CASH BACK 1717 - LOT 1
✧ A Masterpiece!

Jimmy Kade

Kade is a meatwagon! He is thick all the way through.

cool made

brother to the sensation Byergo Smartfeed 9470. Love to see the consistency in efficiency proving once again that it’s in the blood.

complete bull that is excels in so many traits. Calving Ease, growth, efficiency, fertility, added milk, carcass traits. He does it all.

BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +79 MARB +.62 RE +1.23 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +1.9 +81 +144 +.34 +44 +186 +293 -.043
Birth Date: 10-27-2021 Bull +*20250606 Tattoo: 2169 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.27 129 $0.90 $281.59 *Basin Paycheck 5249 *G G Valentino 831 G G Pride 328 Ko MS Weigh Up 4331 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Miss Rito 8120 of GAR 4 ✧
✧ This
BWT 85 ADJ 205 745 CW +70 MARB +1.24 RE +.53 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +5 +3.9 +88 +145 +.30 +16 +198 +326 +.026
1797 Birth Date: 09-06-2021 Bull *20396171 Tattoo: 1797 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.64 91 $1.19 $108.00 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 *SG Salvation +*MGR JP Rita 7037 *Byergo Elia 7613 #*S Whitlock 179 #Byergo Miss Elia 5457 3
Smooth says it all!
Byergo Smooth 2169
This is one
bull that puts together a combination of high marbling, high growth, in an efficient package that saves you over $100 in
versus the average. This is a real money maker!
super sound standout is sure to catch your eye and you will want to keep every daughter out of this capacious sire.


We feel that efficiency in all aspects of agriculture is going to be the key ingredient to success going forward. Cattle are no different. It has long been a trait that has been overlooked in the cattle industry. One of the factors being that it is so expensive to test for. At Byergo Angus we have made the decision that no matter the cost, we must collect this data for our customers. The commercial cowman cannot chance it, you just cannot buy bulls that haven’t been feed efficiency tested. As we look at feed efficiency there are buzzwords that just seem to cloud the goal of the rancher. We have looked at a couple different buzzwords in the industry, RFI and DMI. They are confusing and as we examined these calculations, we found that RFI too many times identifies non-doers while DMI EPD is skewed too much towards no performance.

Then we examined RADG (Residual Average Daily Gain) which looks at how an animal gains in comparison to the expected intake. We have found this to be the best EPD for Feed Efficiency at this point. With that said, we still wanted to do better. That’s why when we looked at all the data, we decided to not overthink the process. We asked, “What is efficiency to our customers?”

The answer became clear--FEED CONVERSION and COST OF GAIN. By looking at conversion we can still keep the dry matter intake in consideration while finding performance animals. Also, by doing this we are not picking a type and kind to be the most efficient but rather just following the data. SIMPLY PUT-THE


EFFICIENT! We have also seen in our cowherd that daughters of bulls that converted the best have been our longest lasting, fleshiest, most fertile cows.


will Feed Efficiency

do for you?

If you finish your cattle, you will save money and your bottom line will improve (in fact this is the single most important factor whether you make money, yes even more important than grid premiums). Days on feed, conversion, and quality pounds is where you make money feeding cattle. Also note, even if you sell your calves at the stockyards, somebody is feeding them and tracking them.

If you retain females, this is where the most money can be saved in feed costs each year. We have also found that daughters out of the best converting bulls stay fleshier, are more fertile (probably because they are fleshier) and last longer. It is common sense, they convert grass to pounds easier so they are healthier, therefore last longer.

How to read the sale book for efficiency?

A special note is that industry average for conversion is around 6.5 to 1.

AT BYERGO ANGUS - THE SALE BULLS AVERAGED 4.9 to 1. We have 0 bulls that are below industry average, we credit this to generations of selecting sires that convert well. It’s genetic! Each sale bull that has been feed efficiency tested has a chart with the following information:

Conversion is the pounds eaten to pound gained. Lower is better. 6.5 to 1 is industry average.


Conversion ratio is a ratio compared to the other animals they were weaned with. (You can only compare feed efficiency within groups of cattle that have been together their whole life). The higher the ratio the better they did within their contemporary group. 100 is average. Anything above 100 is above average and on up.

Cost of gain is how much it costs to put on a pound. The lower the better.

Dollar saved is the savings to put on 600 lbs vs industry average.

Yearling Bulls will have Feed Efficiency Data on Sale Day!
Feed Conversion Money Saved vs. Industry Average Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. 4.27 81.59 129.02 $0.90
189 - LOT 5 ✧ Check out that picture on Trick Play. Sharp Indeed! ✧ B -Precise is really making his mark and this is one of his really good sons. ✧ Style, spread, efficiency, added carcass traits, with an outcross pedigree make Trick play one to look up on sale day. BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +75 MARB +1.12 RE +.92 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +2.3 +83 +160 +.33 +35 +196 +321 +.037 Byergo Trick Play Q267 Birth Date: 10-31-2021 Bull +*20292840 Tattoo: Q267 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.31 128 $0.91 $275.35 #+*Tehama Tahoe B767 B - Precise 46G #Elsie G 25Y Program 59W +*At Ease Rita N159 #*S S Niagara Z29 +*Trowbridge MC Rita 550 6 ✧ You will need no data to find Uppercut 189, beautiful through his front, with ample rib shape, and super stout. ✧ Now
the cool part. He does have great data! This kind of look with big time spread and marbling is rare indeed. ✧ Excellent feet and soundness combined with the Queenie cow family round out the whole package on this young herdsire that has a bright future. BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +77 MARB +1.22 RE +.79 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +1.8 +88 +156 +.32 +23 +210 +328 -.005 Byergo Uppercut 189 Birth Date: 01-28-2022 Bull +*20369963 Tattoo: 189 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average Available on Sale Day +*G A R Ashland *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 +*C5 MS Acclaim D - 2118 #*Jindra Acclaim +*C5 MS Queenie 802 5
here is


If your feed costs are 25 cents per pound on a dry matter basis, and you are at the industry average of 6.5 lb. coversion, it is costing you $1.62 to put on a pound. You would be losing money on Every Pound Gained!

If you could improve that to a 4.5lb. coversion that would take your cost of gain down to $1.13 per pound.

Making money every pound gained. If you try to put on 600 pounds, this would be a $295 savings per animal!

Winston has to be a go to Sire if you are wanting to add pounds to a calf crop.

Look for his daughters to be second to none as he is out of the ultra-beautiful 5439. Udder structure while still supplying ample milk with fertility are qualities that really stand out with the 5439 lineage.

Winston always wowed visitors in the pasture on farm tours. He will add scale to a calf crop and his sons look to follow in his footsteps. Now resides in the ALTA genetics lineup.

CW +85 MARB +.77 RE +.73 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +6 +2.8 +101 +182 +.34 +32 +192 +301 +.003 Byergo Winston 8460 [ AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF-OSF-RDF ] Birth Date: 10-30-2018 Bull *19509392 Tattoo: 8460 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 Byergo Elia 5439 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Miss Elia 0028 A ✧ This is a hoss right here! Added scale that the buyers demand. ✧ 1790 is out of an ultra-productive Big Easy daughter that always cranks out studs. 14 generations of Byergo Breeding! Power Maternal genetics at work. BWT 92 ADJ 205 774 CW +58 MARB +.88 RE +.40 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +0 +4.6 +79 +147 +.31 +27 +162 +267 +.005 Byergo Winston 1790 Birth Date: 09-03-2021 Bull *20513444 Tattoo: 1790 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.97 104 $1.04 $192.82 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Byergo Elia 7817 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Byergo Miss Elia 2813 9 ✧ These Winston sons start off the first sire group for good reason. Powerful Bulls! ✧ 1786 puts together calving ease, good growth, and good carcass. He’ll save you money feeding and make you money on the grid. Out of a nice T-Bone cow will make 1786 daughters must keep. BWT 76 ADJ 205 813 CW +74 MARB +.81 RE +.89 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +1.7 +74 +135 +.28 +36 +182 +292 -.016 Byergo Winston 1786 Birth Date: 09-01-2021 Bull 20513441 Tattoo: 1786 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.41 88 $1.14 $137.86 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Byergo Elia 8455 MBA Byergo T-Bone Byergo Elia 6203 7 ✧ Calving Ease Winston son that is deep bodied. ✧ Look at the money you’ll save while feeding steers out of this bull and think of the money you’ll save by retaining his daughters. BWT 79 ADJ 205 752 CW +44 MARB +.54 RE +.46 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +10 +.1 +64 +123 +.27 +31 +132 +213 -.008 Byergo Winston 1787 Birth Date: 09-01-2021 Bull *20513442 Tattoo: 1787 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.26 98 $1.10 $156.32 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Byergo Elia 8426 *Connealy Blackhawk 6198 Byergo Elia 4936 8

Byergo Winston 1795

Byergo Winston 1908

x T-Bone cross really works. Check out the off the charts savings in this efficiency standout.

Bigger scaled Calving Ease bulls always work and the grow will be there. 17 generations of Byergo Breeding,

Byergo Winston 1902

These Winston sons just have it. Look for them to consistently add that scale that is required to top the market.

1902 follows suit to his lineage of being super sound and has a very complete added profit profile. 16 generations of Byergo Power Maternal breeding.

Byergo Winston 1905

1908 is out of an ideal maternal Angus female, this Black Magic daughter is beautiful in her design with a picture perfect udder and test size.

Calving ease and check out that weaning weight in a bull that puts together a top end combination of YW, RADG, and DMI. This is profit. 16 generations of Byergo breeding,

Byergo Winston 1910

1910 is out of a powerhouse Wrangler daughter. The Wrangler daughters continue to do great things and 1910 definitely fits that Power Maternal bill.

Calving Ease and added carcass quality in a big bull package. Look at the money you can save and the money you can gain.


BWT 76 ADJ 205 858 CW +69 MARB +.80 RE +.50 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +1.9 +82 +147 +.29 +37 +167 +278 +.022
1905 - LOT 12 ✧
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved
[ DDF ] Birth Date: 09-13-2021 Bull *20513451 Tattoo: 1908
vs. Industry Average 4.96 96 $1.04 $193.42 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Byergo Elia 8306 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia 5902
BWT 78 ADJ 205 810 CW +62 MARB +.90 RE +.61 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +5 +1.2 +71 +135 +.30 +39 +169 +275 +.017
14 ✧
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.08 102 $1.07 $178.54 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Byergo May 8320 Byergo Wrangler 5411 Byergo Miss Rita 2799 15 ✧ Wake
look here, the Winston x
✧ Elite
1912 will be an excellent choice in 16 generations of Byergo breeding. BWT 80 ADJ 205 845 CW +71 MARB +.82 RE +.54 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +2.2 +85 +152 +.32 +28 +177 +290 +.003
Winston 1912 Birth Date: 09-20-2021 Bull *20541173 Tattoo: 1912 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.18 114 $0.88 $292.27 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 *Byergo Elia 8432 MBA Byergo T-Bone Byergo Elia 6260 16 ✧ This
BWT 77 ADJ 205 745 CW +43 MARB +.57 RE +.44 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 +.6 +58 +109 +.26 +30 +134 +219 -.005
Date: 09-16-2021
up and take a
T-Bone cross shows up again. The bulls are in lot order by
number and not
1912 puts together quite a package.
level of growth, Efficiency, and carcass quality. You’ll save money feeding his steers and get the
them all while increasing fertility and mothering ability with his daughters with lowered costs.
Birth Date: 09-04-2021 Bull *20513446 Tattoo: 1795 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.48 115 $0.94 $254.40 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 *Byergo Elia 8458 MBA Byergo T-Bone Byergo
10 ✧
BWT 81 ADJ 205 793 CW +50 MARB +.54 RE +.69 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +3 +2.5 +65 +124 +.28 +24 +149 +243 -.029
Elia 6228
Birth Date:
Bull *20513448 Tattoo: 1902 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.52 86 $1.16 $123.11 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 *Byergo Blackbird 8409 *Bruns Blaster Byergo Blackbird 6250 11 ✧
✧ Check
BWT 75 ADJ 205 879 CW +53 MARB +.83 RE +.78 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 +.8 +71 +120 +.26 +34 +161 +252 -.037
1905 is a bull that is going to garner a lot of attention sale day. Added scale calving ease with look to burn seems to check the boxes. Out of a tremendous cow that is entering the donor program.
out the savings on feed costs with the added premiums when selling on the grid coupled with daughters that should all be retained as keepers! 15 generations of Byergo Power Maternal breeding.
Birth Date: 09-11-2021 Bull *20513449 Tattoo: 1905 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.48 87 $1.15 $128.98 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 *Byergo Elia 8407 #*Jindra Acclaim Byergo Elia 6215 12 ✧ Check out this royal Pedigree! Winston x Titus x Andy… Yeah that instantly makes 1907 a pick, what a pedigree of pounds heavy mater-
✧ Look
weaning weight, look at the increased efficiency, and
BWT 72 ADJ 205 843 CW +70 MARB +.50 RE +.58 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +5 +2.9 +90 +158 +.32 +24 +160 +262 +.027
nal dominance.
at the added
look at the
1907 has 16 generations of Byergo
with a pedigree littered with maternal matrons.
Birth Date: 09-12-2021 Bull *20513450 Tattoo: 1907 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.17 114 $0.87 $294.06 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Byergo Elia 8515 *Byergo Titus 6340 Byergo Elia 5306 13
Byergo Winston 1907
BYERGO ANGUS 9 WINSTON SONS BYERGO WINSTON 2144 - LOT 18 First Way to save by buying Feed Efficiency Tested Sires #1-Cow herd savings Save up to 10% in one generation and up to 30% in 3 generations on cow herd feed cost savings. In short, that is being able to run 110 cows on the same land you once ran 100 in 1 generation, or 130 cows where you once ran 100 in 3 generations of stacking feed efficient sires and retaining daughters. YEARLING WINSTON SONS ✧ As we dive into these yearling Winston sons they will not disappoint and what a way to start with Churchill 2408 out of the pathfinder dam 5246, this cow flat pulls the plow every year. 5246 is most notably the dam of Byergo Undeniable that was a $17,000 high seller in the 2020 sale going to Alta Genetics. ✧ Churchill puts together a huge calving ease to growth spread. He has a great ratio of YW, RADG, and DMI. This is profitability, and he does all this with 14 generations of Power Maternal Breeding. BWT 75 ADJ 205 864 CW +69 MARB +.45 RE +.50 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +.2 +81 +141 +.31 +36 +149 +257 +.042 Byergo Churchill 2408 Birth Date: 01-29-2022 Bull *20540542 Tattoo: 2408 Available on Sale Day Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 #Byergo Blackbird 5246 Byergo LoIn-HiOut 1460 Byergo Miss Elia 2706 20 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average ✧ Check out this power house! This bull is long and stout and just screams “buy me and you’ll top the market” ✧ Calving Ease, ultra-efficient, and extra length and scale make for a winning combination in a bull that is sure to find friends that has generations of Power Maternal genetics. BWT 76 ADJ 205 832 CW +57 MARB +.90 RE +.32 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 +.7 +71 +133 +.32 +28 +167 +257 +.021 Byergo Winston 2483 Birth Date: 01-10-2022 Bull 20540539 Tattoo: 24831 Available on Sale Day Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Byergo Miss Elia 3011 Byergo Mighty Mike 0089 Byergo Miss Elia 0181 21 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average ✧ These Winston sons take the motto of being Bigger and Better. Kill day should be a race to 13/14 months and the Winstons will win with heavy carcasses. ✧ Calving ease Winston sons seem to hit the mark and 2136 follows suit. BWT 70 ADJ 205 CW +53 MARB +.74 RE +.27 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 +.4 +67 +123 +.28 +36 +142 +235 +.028 Byergo Winston 2136 Birth Date: 09-02-2021 Bull 20250671 Tattoo: 2136 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 7.44 74 $1.56 $-117.99 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Potts Bros Rita 509 *S A V Momentum 9274 +Hedgewood Rita 186 17 ✧ Check out that ced. Heifer bull that still has the scale to move on to cows. ✧ A lot
bull that
him. BWT 60 ADJ 205 CW +34 MARB +.98 RE +.44 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +12 +.1 +63 +115 +.23 +36 +131 +245 +.032 Byergo Winston 2144 Birth Date: 09-10-2021 Bull *20250617 Tattoo: 2144 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 6.14 90 $1.29 $45.22 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 *Precise Practical 16B *Ellingson Practical 7038 GBA Dutchess 6439 18 ✧ Long spined and thick in this big growth Winston son. ✧ Really like the pedigree with Winston teamed up with Insight to add a lot of style and has added ribeye. A set of steers out of 2149 will sure ring the bell at sale time. BWT 75 ADJ 205 CW +63 MARB +.37 RE +1.05 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +3.0 +79 +140 +.28 +39 +150 +277 -.025 Byergo Winston 2149 Birth Date: 09-15-2021 Bull 20250669 Tattoo: 2149 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 6.21 89 $1.30 $36.87 Byergo Oasis 6052 *Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Elia 5439 Potts Bros Blackcap 507 #+*PVF Insight 0129 +Brookefield Blackcap BF1 19
to like about
has added marbling. Thick stout bull that sure has a look to

Byergo Titus 6340

you want 4 dimensional cattle? Sometimes people talk about 3 dimensional cattle, Well Titus provides 4 dimensional offspring.

put the cattle world on notice back when he sold in 2017. Never has an Angus bull carried so much middle, make note that he was pushing 7 frame (in the picture) as a yearling bull with his belly dragging the ground. When you talk about genetically biggest weaning weight cattle of all time, TITUS has to be in the discussion.

Byergo Titus 1120

Black Magic 3348

a time tested pedigree here. Titus x Only Answer x Mighty Mytty. If you want good long lasting cattle, this is a pedigree for you. Think of the daughters.

Check out the spread. Yes he is calving ease but also has the grow. 13 generations of Byergo breeding dating back to the original “Elia of South Oaks”.

Byergo Titus 6488

BWT 76 ADJ 205 823 CW +56 MARB +.38 RE +.87 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +1.4 +79 +139 +.30 +22 +140 +207 -.006
CW +72 MARB +.27 RE +.94 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -1 +5.2 +91 +156 +.31 +21 +155 +256 -.013
Birth Date: 10-08-2021 Bull 20513424 Tattoo: 1120
Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 Byergo Elia 5367 Byergo Only Answer 9779 Byergo Miss Elia 8514 24
We had no idea back in 2017 that Titus would prove to be one of the most efficient Angus bulls ever.
Bull *18818214 Tattoo:
*Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Elia
5900 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 Byergo Big Time 8728 Byergo Miss Elia 8756 B ✧ Another super Efficient Titus son and for good reason with a pedigree with 2 of the most known Efficient bulls in the world. Titus x LoIn-HiOut. ✧ Love the consistency here. Calving Ease and growth in a package that will save you money on the steers and more importantly on your cowherd feed costs with added longevity. 11 Generations of Byergo Breeding that will improve your bottom line! BWT 80 ADJ 205 822 CW +60 MARB +.17 RE +.79 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +5 +1.5 +79 +131 +.24 +32 +126 +247 +.006
1126 Birth Date: 10-25-2021 Bull *20513428 Tattoo: 1126 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.62 96 $0.97 $236.83 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 Byergo Elia 6495 Byergo LoIn-HiOut Byergo Miss Elia 7453 25 ✧ This is a becoming a broken record, but WOW! Look at that Efficiency 3.68 to 1 ✧ These Titus cattle just convert feed like no other. 6488 will add the pounds to a calf crop with added capacity and added ribeye. Throw in Heath on the dam’s side and 14 generations of Byergo
and you will want to retain every daughter. Think of the maternal instinct and think of cowherd savings. BWT 83 ADJ 205 806 CW +60 MARB +.57 RE +.96 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +3 +4.1 +79 +133 +.27 +18 +159 +261 -.064
Date: 09-24-2016
Byergo Titus
Birth Date: 10-29-2021 Bull *20540544 Tattoo: 6488 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 3.68 150 $0.77 $355.63 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 Byergo Elia 6488 Byergo Heath 007 Byergo Elia 4125 26 ✧ These Titus sons just continue to stand the test of time. When trying to add dimension and power and rib shape he still sets the industry standard. ✧ 1115 is out of a Lawmaker daughter. They are longevity females that consistently improve udders. You know the power will be there with this mating. This is a perfect BW EPD for cows! BWT 84 ADJ 205 789 CW +63 MARB +.65 RE +.73 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +1 +4.7 +82 +141 +.28 +25 +157 +278 -.003 Byergo Titus 1115 Birth Date: 10-10-2021 Bull *20513422 Tattoo: 1115 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.62 85 $1.18 $110.49 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 JJ Queen L 637 *Byergo Lawmaker 4629 JJ 9975 Queen 416 22 ✧ Well
sustained profitability. ✧ Aftershock does much more than just be efficient. He is a sleek made bull, super thick with a huge top. He
calving ease to growth spread and is one sound creature. This is a top-notch bull. BWT 74 ADJ 205 840 CW +48 MARB +.45 RE +.49 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +10 +.7 +78 +130 +.27 +17 +127 +247 -.003
1117 Birth Date: 10-02-2021 Bull *20493019 Tattoo: 1117 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 3.25 147 $0.68 $410.01 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 Byergo Elia 6483 #*S A V Ten Speed 3022 Byergo Elia 4113 23
talk about setting the Industry standard, Aftershock does just that.
OUT THE EFFICIENCY! An Amazing 3.25 to 1 conversion. He would save you almost $400 in feed versus the average and probably closer to $700 versus a poor converter. This is the future and the industry must change to cattle that can utilize feed if we are going have
has a huge
Byergo Aftershock
BYERGO ANGUS 11 BYERGO ANGUS IN CONJUNCTION WITH HELIXAGRA SYSTEMS PRESENTS THE $10,000 Reward to the first Reg. Angus son of Beefficient who beats his 3.13 to 1 conversion! $10,000 BEEFFICIENT CHALLENGE Titanium Titus Titan Magna Silver Bullet Providence Reg. 20333944 Eila 2834 Mother of Sires Genetic Package $ 900 10 Straws of Semen and 10 Certificates Contact us for Commercial Pricing! Feed Conversion Cost of Gain/lb. Beefficient Savings vs. Below Ave. Beefficient 3.13 to 1 $.65 $613.62 Byergo Angus Ave. 4.96 to 1 $1.04 $424.62 Industry Ave. 6.5 to 1 $1.37 $230.58 Below Ave. 8.0 to 1 $1.68 UNMATCHED FEED EFFICIENCY Beefficient For official contest rules, please email Grimmius

Byergo Titus


savings are just so important to you. Cattle that take they feed they are given and make pounds. 7130 has the spread. Out of an Easy Answer daughter, these cows a superb easy fleshers. Increase your bottom line!

Byergo Titan 2401

Byergo Lil J Titus

2401 is going to be a top pick out of the

Look at the calving ease to grow spread. Look at the big outlined, big bodied powerhouse of a bull and you will see why this future herdsire is going to sire the sale topping kind.

Foot – Udder Quality – Fertility

In a recent study conducted by the American Angus Association, stayability was one of the most sought after traits. At Byergo Angus, there is nothing we pride ourselves in more than our cows’ ability to stay in the herd and to produce for years. Longevity - stayability is a must. Check out our list of stayability...


(The dam of Black Magic) - Still producing strong at 16. 7229

(The dam of Stetson) - Still producing strong at 14. 5899

(The dam of Oasis and Samson) - Produced strong to 16. 2345

(The dam of Wrangler) - Produced until she was 15. 6179

(The dam of LoIn-HiOut 1460) - Still producing strong at 15. 8750 (The dam of Lawmaker) - Dominating at 13 years of age. 8756

(The grandam of Titus) - Still churning out the studs at 13. 6137 (The dam of Andy) - Still pulling the plow at 14.

PRE-SALE GATHERING Friday · February 17, 2023 · 6:00 p.m. AT
BYERGO MISS CUPCAKE 7400DAM OF BYERGO MAVERICK 8400 (PICTURED AT 12 YEARS OLD) ✧ +90 WW EPD Alert. These Titus sons just get the job done. ✧ We sell them by the pound! I can’t think of a sire that puts on more pounds efficiently than Titus. Efficient pounds=This is profitability folks, this is what keeps you in the business. BWT 80 ADJ 205 657 CW +67 MARB +.10 RE +.63 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +6 +3.0 +90 +150 +.29 +21 +126 +220 +.003
Birth Date: 02-28-2022 Bull 20425339 Tattoo: 203 Available on Sale Day *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 ChapmanEnviousBlackbird 6012 +EXAR Rest Easy 4701B +*EXAR Envious Blackbird 4694 29 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average ✧ Dare
BWT 77 ADJ 205 793 CW +68 MARB +.31 RE +.76 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +5 +2.4 +87 +142 +.30 +16 +148 +241 +0
Visitors are always surprised driving through the pasture and checking out all the 13- to 18-year-old cows doing their job. This is no accident as our founding Elia of South Oaks matron produced strong into her 20s.
we say it. Yup Titus son converts at the top again. 3.54 to 1. WOW!
Tattoo: 7130 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 3.54 155 $0.74 $372.41 *Byergo
Answer 3314 Byergo
27 ✧
BWT 78 ADJ 205 838 CW +55 MARB +.49 RE +.50 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 +1.7 +86 +145 +.26 +27 +132 +234 -.006
Date: 10-23-2021
Titus 6340
Miss Elia 2834
Elia 7130
Miss Elia 0079
This powerhouse is out of one the real beautiful cows you will lay your eyes on, 7459. 7459 stems from the great Cupcake cow family stemming back to the great Cupcake 2300, who is arguably the best direct daughter of Cupcake.
[ DDF ] Birth Date:
Bull 20545420 Tattoo: 2401 Available on Sale Day *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*Byergo Titan 8470 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 Byergo Elia 7459 Byergo Easy Answer 3314 +Byergo Cream Puff 9956 28 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average

Byergo Oasis 6052

sire group and they need no introduction. These Oasis sons have already been top selling sire groups in 2 sales. They flat out get after it.

1119 has the added weight and comes by it honestly with generations of power bred in. These Pistol Pete daughters are proving out to be real producers. Soundness, efficiency, and added pounds is a winning combination. Notice the 4th dam is 190W, she produced until she was 22 years old.

An all-time Legend at Byergo Angus and for good reason, he is an absolute machine. He has now amassed the record for most naturally serviced cows at Byergo Angus. Oasis usually runs with three different groups of cows per year and has had over 100 natural calves in a fiscal year 3 times.

His sons have been the high selling sire group in 2 sales, they are always sale day favorites.

Oasis’s greatest legacy will be his daughters though. Fabulous, exquisite cows that look to last the test of time.

Byergo Oasis 1933

just that, out of the 13 year-old, going strong 0104. This Big Time daughter has caught the attention of many visitors over the years. The Big Time sons and daughters were some of our all-time high customer pleasers and 0104 sure fits the bill, she had a sale topper clear back in the 2014 bull sale.

is going to find friends. He is really standing out and was one of my top picks in the bull pen as I’m writing this. Real hoss with just that added big bull look.

in the calving ease at +13 CED and the fact that he is out of a Stetson dam and this is a bull to put on your radar. 1933 is very efficient…. Make cattle ranching fun again!

CW +77 MARB +.42 RE +1.00 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +3 +3.0 +102 +171 +.34 +15 +169 +280 +.002
Birth Date:
Bull 18606696 Tattoo: 6052 #MCC Daybreak #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 +Byergo Sitting Bull 3500 Byergo Miss
3442 C ✧
BWT 73 ADJ 205 818 CW +46 MARB +.17 RE +.43 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +13 -.6 +71 +120 +.28 +31 +115 +223 -.005
Birth Date: 10-01-2021 Bull *20513459 Tattoo: 1933 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.93 105 $1.04 $197.32 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 Byergo Elia 7626 *Byergo Stetson Byergo Elia 5406 33 ✧
again! 7495 is garnering attention from sea to sea and if you were at the fall sale you can see why. No other cow can match her proven combination of YW, RADG, DMI. ✧ Here is your chance to own a direct son out of the legends (Oasis x 7495). Check out his Efficiency, his Calving Ease, his grow, his carcass quality.
the breed with this Combination
When you are trying to make money, IT JUST MEANS MORE. BWT 71 ADJ 205 891 CW +53 MARB +.53 RE +.81 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +10 +1.1 +79 +134 +.34 +23 +154 +254 -.028
Birth Date: 10-06-2021 Bull *20395616 Tattoo: 1944 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 3.6 119 $0.76 $364.83 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 Byergo Elia Cupcake 7495 Byergo LoIn-HiOut 1460 +Byergo Elia Cupcake 2100 34 ✧ New
BWT 85 ADJ 205 817 CW +51 MARB +.24 RE +.85 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -2 +3.2 +80 +128 +.24 +14 +128 +220 +.012
1119 Birth Date: 09-11-2021 Bull *20530433 Tattoo: 1119 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.68 84 $1.19 $103.88 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 Byergo Elia 6921 Byergo Pistol Pete 4660 Byergo Elia 4593 30 ✧ Pounds
BWT 80 ADJ 205 750 CW +72 MARB +.22 RE +.56 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -3 +4.5 +90 +154 +.31 +21 +152 +234 -.039
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.93 97 $1.03 $198.32 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 Byergo Miss Queen 0104 Byergo Big Time 5910 Byergo Miss Queen 7434 31 ✧ Oasis x Big Easy
✧ Note the added fertility and longevity in this pedigree, You’ll find it contains the great 80p, she was the dam of test station winners have 4 direct sons being the top indexing bull at various test stations. BWT 80 ADJ 205 809 CW +50 MARB +.25 RE +.61 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 +2.3 +71 +125 +.30 +21 +128 +222 +.024 Byergo Oasis 1930 Birth Date: 09-24-2021 Bull *20513458 Tattoo: 1930 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.45 107 $0.93 $258.43 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 Byergo Elia 7811 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Byergo Miss Elia 2791 32
Whoa whoa whoa…back the truck up and get out and take a look. The most Efficient cow in the world (Cupcake 7495) strikes
Byergo Potent 1944
Byergo Oasis
Pay the bills. And longevity really helps too.
1121 gives you
Byergo Oasis 1121 [ OHF ] Birth Date: 08-01-2021
always works.
know what
are getting here and that is consistently great cattle. Cattle that convert better, notice 1930’s 4.45 to 1 conversion. Cattle that are more sound, cattle that calve right and grow good.

Byergo Mufasa 1956

has been a pick his whole life as visitors always found him in the pasture as a calf. Wean day was no different, as he was a sight to see. Power and style would sum it up.

Here is the really cool part, his dam is a 13 year old cow. She has gotten the job done time and time again. She is the type of female that has kept us in business for 73 years, Blue collar cows I call them, no pampering, just go out and do your job. Pounds + Efficiency + Longevity=Profit

Special Note

Every bull in this sale could weigh 900 to 1,100 pounds at weaning. We have chosen to not feed them that hard to ensure they last for you. But be assured, when you buy Byergo Angus you are buying the most performance. VALENTINO SONS ✧ These Valentino sons have been sale attractions for the last 2 years now. The customer satisfaction has been great. Sharp sleek cattle with a real clean look to them. ✧ Calving ease bull that is out a very productive Wrangler daughter. Stretchy and sleek made this is a real nice bull that I would recommend with confidence with 14 generations of Byergo Breeding. BWT 72 ADJ 205 731 CW +50 MARB +.71 RE +.65 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +12 -.7 +56 +97 +.24 +40 +150 +254 -.022 Byergo Valentino 1788 Birth Date: 09-03-2021 Bull *20513443 Tattoo: 1788 *Basin Paycheck 5249 *G G Valentino 831 G G Pride 328 Byergo Elia 7711 Byergo Wrangler 5411 Byergo Elia 4053 37 Cowboy Traits First, Data Second. ✧ Calving Ease and added stretch in this Oasis son. Out of a 12 year old cow
✧ If you
BWT 77 ADJ 205 839 CW +30 MARB +.38 RE +.48 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 +0 +62 +97 +.19 +18 +103 +204 +.021 Byergo Oasis 1970 Birth Date: 10-20-2021 Bull *20513466 Tattoo: 1970 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.35 97 $1.12 $145.26 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 Byergo Miss Elia 1390 Byergo Big Time 8728 Byergo Miss Elia 8541 36 ✧ Flush brother to Lot 4 and maternal brother to Byergo Smartfeed. 2167 once again carries on the family tradition of being super efficient with a 3.85 to 1 conversion. Impressive. ✧ We love seeing the efficiency to carry on so consistently with the cow families, proving that its very inheritable for you to make significant improvements and to increase your bottom line. BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +64 MARB +.76 RE +.93 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +2.7 +83 +143 +.31 +42 +166 +275 -.014 Byergo
2167 Birth Date: 10-28-2021 Bull +*20250604 Tattoo: 2167 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 3.85 143 $0.81 $334.10 *Basin Paycheck 5249 *G G Valentino 831 G G Pride 328 Ko MS Weigh Up 4331 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Miss Rito 8120 of GAR 39 ✧
BWT 75 ADJ 205 940 CW +54 MARB +.83 RE +.40 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +5 +1.8 +86 +143 +.31 +15 +156 +228 +.009
Birth Date: 10-17-2021 Bull 20513465 Tattoo: 1956 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.21 122 $0.89 $288.00 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 Byergo Miss Elia 0049 Byergo Mighty Mytty 6996 Byergo Miss Elia 7348 35
MUFASA 1956 -
that is a beauty.
are wanting to retain females,
Daughters will be fabulous and if you want to clean up udders, add longevity, and make them extra sharp, 1970 will do it. 14 generations of Byergo Breeding in this cow maker.

✧ Oh My, Oh My….One of the really great phenotype bulls to sell anywhere this year. A grandson of the great Cupcake 8900. This just reminds us again how she captivated such an audience and her offspring have been incorporated into programs all over the world. ✧ Efficiency, Calving ease, and the pounds will be there. This is just one helluva bull!


The excitement and calls for Power Maternal cattle have been overwhelming. It has become very apparent that there is great demand for Power Maternal!

So What is Power Maternal?

A Power Maternal Cow is a solid, efficient cow. A solid structured cow that has good feet, legs, and rib shape. A durable, smart mother that is strong in her kind and built for longevity. A bigger scaled animal that has the drive to forage under the toughest conditions. A cow that is not small or weak in any way. A cow that mothers her calf and is conscious of her calf’s well-being. A cow that ultimately, time and time again, weans a huge power quality calf with an extremely high % Body Weight Weaned! In short, that’s a Power Maternal Cow. That’s a Byergo Cow!


The Power Maternal scoring system takes into account several factors that are not incorporated into EPDs, two of which are Longevity and Actual Pelvic Size (huge factors in the profitability of a cattle operation). Factors that go into the power maternal score are the following:

Longevity, Actual Pelvic Size, Dam’s %Body Weight Weaned, Dam’s Body Condition, Scrotal Measurement, Fertility Score, Weaning Weight, Dam’s Average

Way #2 you can save by buying a Feed Efficiency tested Sire

Backgrounding calves

It has been proven that it pays to wean your calves for 45-60 days before selling them. When you look at conversion, it is easy to see Sires vary drastically in their daily conversion cost. Let’s do some math.

o Sire A (a bull not bred for feed efficiency) has calves put a cost of gain on for .90 cents per pound.

o Sire B (A Feed Efficiency tested sire) has calves put a cost of gain on for .60 cents per pound.

o A difference of .30 cents per pound gain on calves that are averaging a 3 lbs/per day gain.

o =That equals $.90 per day per calf.

o For 60 days that ends up being $54 per calf savings.

o If both bulls sire 25 calves that ends up being $1350 that Sire B saved you versus Sire A in one calf crop. Very easy to see the Value in Sire B- The feed Efficiency tested sire.

Calf Weaning Weight Ratio, RADG, Doc Score, Foot Score, and Milk Score. The Typical Power Maternal Female at Byergo Angus Power Maternal BYERGO ANDY 0115 - SIRE OF LOT 40
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +48 MARB +.57 RE +.05 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +1.0 +53 +103 +.27 +34 +139 +255 +.002 Byergo Andy 1403 Birth Date: 09-14-2021 Bull +*20513439 Tattoo: 1403 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.01 110 $0.84 $313.79 #*SydGen C C & 7 *Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo Miss Fonteyn 6137 +Byergo Elia Cupcake 4600 #+B/R New Frontier 095 Byergo Cupcake 8900 40

Byergo Crossover

16 BYERGO ANGUS CROSSOVER SONS BYERGO FREEDOM Q257 - LOT 41 BYERGO CROSSOVER 1208 - LOT 43 BYERGO CROSSOVER 1132 - LOT 42 ✧ Crossover is a bull raised by our good friend Brian Herbolsheimer and used as an outcross sire. ✧ He is a great go to sire for added calving ease and thickness. ✧ Crossover is very consistent. We feel very confident in recommending all of his sons to go on heifers. CW +57 MARB +1.13 RE +.68 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 -.1 +67 +118 +.24 +37 +177 +316 +.024 Herb Crossover [ AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF-OSF-RDF ] Birth Date: 01-23-2019 Bull +*19650313 Tattoo: G475 #*Sitz Upward 307R *PA Up Stream 001 #Sik Queen M 122574 +*PA Sarah A400-6300 #*PA Fortitude 2500 +*Yon Sarah A400 D ✧ Crossover son that is very thick and provides some extra grow with added ribeye. ✧ Doesn’t read as caving ease on paper but I would still highly recommend this bull to use on heifers. 18 generations of Byergo Breeding in this picture bull. BWT 77 ADJ 205 771 CW +70 MARB +.51 RE +1.18 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +2.2 +77 +134 +.29 +31 +176 +295 -.005 Byergo Crossover 1208 [ OHF ] Birth Date: 09-06-2021 Bull *20513434 Tattoo: 1208 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 6.43 80 $1.35 $9.21 *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 Byergo Queen 9423 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Miss Queen 0278 43 ✧ On
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +62 MARB +1.07 RE +.61 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 +1.0 +74 +138 +.28 +34 +174 +299 +.035
Birth Date: 09-11-2021 Bull +*20292854 Tattoo: Q257 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.16 107 $1.08 $169.11 *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 +*At Ease Rita N159 #*S S Niagara Z29 +*Trowbridge MC Rita 550 41 ✧ Crossover
✧ Would
BWT 72 ADJ 205 752 CW +46 MARB +.92 RE +.76 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +.4 +65 +109 +.25 +26 +158 +293 +.026
to this large sire group of Crossovers that will be a hit. We lead it off with FREEDOM.
This outcross prospect will work great on any of The Black Magic, Oasis, and Wrangler bred cattle. Really thick made, long, and eye appealing. Also provides calving ease, grow, and carcass quality. A very complete top-tier bull.
Byergo Freedom Q257
consistently adds fleshing ability and a splash of style. 1132 exemplifies these traits well.
recommend 1132 as a sleep all night calving ease sire that will have stylish calves that will add marbling and ribeye. This is a top pick heifer bull with
generations of Byergo Breeding.
1132 Birth
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.79 99 $1.01 $214.99 *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 Byergo Elia 8125 Byergo Easy Answer 3314 Byergo Elia 4125 42
Date: 09-16-2021
BYERGO ANGUS 17 CROSSOVER SONS BYERGO CROSSOVER 1212 - LOT 44 BYERGO CROSSOVER 2403 - LOT 49 YEARLING CROSSOVER SONS ✧ As we get into these yearling Crossover sons. Thick and stout are the first things come to mind when you see the 2311 bull. ✧ 2311 is out a Blackstone 2 year old daughter. Blackstone is best known as the sire to use if you want to win a test station, as they have won them all over the US. Blackstone’s greatest calling card are his daughters though, they flat get the job done. BWT 72 ADJ 205 810 CW +54 MARB +.86 RE +.42 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +1.2 +62 +116 +.25 +31 +157 +271 +.018 Byergo Crossover 2311 Birth Date: 01-13-2022 Bull *20540536 Tattoo: 2311 Available on Sale Day *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 Byergo Elia 0009 *Byergo/Double GG Blackstone Byergo Elia 8135 48 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average ✧ Caving Ease deluxe. This is as close to a sure thing as it gets in the cattle industry. You never want to say unsinkable because we all know the Titanic sank. But this bull should flat out Calve Easy. ✧ 2403 will add style to burn. Stout attractive cattle and he should be able to be used on heifers for a couple years. Take note that he is out of the Stetson daughter-Tremendous cows. BWT 71 ADJ 205 768 CW +40 MARB +.87 RE +.29 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +16 -3.0 +43 +74 +.20 +44 +140 +244 +.036 Byergo Crossover 2403 Birth Date: 01-15-2022 Bull *20540540 Tattoo: 2403 Available on Sale Day *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 Byergo Annie 8136 *Byergo Stetson Byergo Annie 6057 49 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average ✧ Check out that picture, and the good news is that he is even better in person. If you are looking for a stout meaty calving ease bull with style…look no further. ✧ This sound bull is highly recommended for heifers and this is a bull you will want to retain daughters out of as they will be easy keepers with nice bags. BWT 71 ADJ 205 770 CW +38 MARB +.96 RE +.23 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +10 -.3 +50 +90 +.18 +31 +133 +242 +.065 Byergo Crossover 1212 Birth Date: 09-09-2021 Bull *20513435 Tattoo: 1212 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.16 100 $1.08 $169.34 *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 *Byergo Elia 9321 *MBA Confidence Plus 7508 +*Byergo Elia 7916 44 ✧ Here is a mating that really hit. Calving ease again with grow and
very good conversion. ✧ Look
the added marbling. This is a
pedigree that could mate
BWT 80 ADJ 205 796 CW +62 MARB +1.28 RE +.44 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 +2.3 +75 +139 +.29 +31 +183 +302 +.025
1224 Birth Date: 09-07-2021 Bull *20513437 Tattoo: 1224 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.93 105 $1.03 $198.24 *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 +*Byergo Super Elia 609 +*Stevenson Big League 70749 Byergo Miss Super Elia 3328 45 ✧ 1870
✧ 1870
BWT 73 ADJ 205 775 CW +47 MARB +.87 RE +.77 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 -.2 +57 +105 +.22 +29 +154 +271 +.017
1870 Birth Date: 09-24-2021 Bull *20513447 Tattoo: 1870 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.37 101 $0.92 $268.24 *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 +*FF Rita 9N1 of 5900 6056B *EXAR Monumental 6056B *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 46 ✧ Flush brother to lot 41. Shares a lot of the same qualities as his brother, and again you should feel very confident turning him out with heifers. ✧ A little extra length in q270. Complete is term I would use here as this will be a fault free customer pleaser. BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +63 MARB +.82 RE +.76 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +.6 +60 +116 +.27 +38 +173 +303 +.047 Byergo Shear Force Q270 Birth Date: 11-13-2021 Bull +*20292855 Tattoo: Q270 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average Available on Sale Day *PA Up Stream 001 +*Herb Crossover +*PA Sarah A400-6300 +*At Ease Rita N159 #*S S Niagara Z29 +*Trowbridge MC Rita 550 47
complete outcross
with virtually any of
Byergo cattle.
Byergo Crossover
is out of the
Donor dam 9N1, she is a maternal sister to Black Magic.
again hits the calving
mark and this is a bull that will go out handle a large heifer workload and still have the power to graduate to your cow herdsire in the future.
Byergo Crossover

is a granddaughter of my first show heifer

back in

(Juice5085). What a cow 5085 was and what a cow 1404 is.

On an early morning a few weeks ago when the truck was reading -17 (with a -35 windchill) we were feeding a bale of hay to large group of cows. I couldn’t help but think, hope 1404 can still handle this extreme weather…. And there she was leading the pack. What a cow! Power Maternal Matters!

18 BYERGO ANGUS STUD FINDER SONS BYERGO FINDER 2407 - LOT 51 EXAR STUD FINDER - SIRE OF LOTS 50 - 51 CONNEALY CLARITY - SIRE OF LOTS 52 - 53 CLARITY SONS ✧ Very styish bull with extension through his front and thick through his hind quarter. ✧ Stud Finder x a Cupcake will work every time and 2407 has an extra splash of excellence as his grandam is the 2716 cow that is superb and still going strong at 11 years old, she is massive and still looks 7. Top it off with really good data and this should be a pick out of the yearling pen. BWT 77 ADJ 205 821 CW +52 MARB +.63 RE +.65 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +1.0 +74 +133 +.34 +18 +152 +265 -.016 Byergo Finder 2407 Birth Date: 01-18-2022 Bull *20540541 Tattoo: 2407 Available on Sale Day #+*EXAR Stud 4658B +*EXAR Stud Finder +*Vintage Blackbird 4202 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 8235 *S A F Blue Blood B165 Byergo Elia Buttercup 2716 51 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average ✧ Clearly will hit the calving ease mark with good carcass data. ✧ Out of a Black Lightning daughter, perfect udders on these Black Lightning daughters, they are making their mark. 15 generations of Byergo Breeding. ✧ BWT 75 ADJ 205 703 CW +38 MARB +.92 RE +.84 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +10 +1.3 +60 +105 +.25 +28 +155 +291 -.001
Birth Date: 08-12-2021 Bull *20518663 Tattoo: 1223 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.35 102 $0.91 $270.58 Cherry Creek Land Grant *Connealy Clarity *Breshie of Conanga 6988 Byergo Elia 9385 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 #Byergo Elia 6428 53 ✧ 1792 has a special place
my heart. His dam
BWT 74 ADJ 205 808 CW +23 MARB +.96 RE +.73 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +.2 +51 +92 +.25 +24 +131 +229 -.005 Byergo Finder 1792 [ DDC ] Birth Date: 09-07-2021 Bull *20513445 Tattoo: 1792 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.42 95 $1.14 $136.33 #+*EXAR Stud 4658B +*EXAR Stud Finder +*Vintage Blackbird 4202 Byergo My Lady Elia 1404 Byergo Stryker 8497 Byergo My Lady Elia 2345 50 ✧ Clarity is hot and here is a son out of the $55,000 8M1. 8M1 needs no introduction as she is the dam of the $50,000 Byergo C5. ✧ Here is a real opportunity to acquire a Clarity out of a top donor. 184 has great data across the board and will pass the eye-ball test. BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +56 MARB +1.15 RE +.91 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 +.8 +81 +144 +.27 +24 +176 +307 -.011 Byergo Titanium 184 Birth Date: 12-21-2021 Bull +*20253033 Tattoo: 184 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 6.47 85 $1.36 $4.40 Cherry Creek Land Grant *Connealy Clarity *Breshie of Conanga 6988 +*FF Rita 8M1 of 3R30 Magic *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*FF Rita 3R30 of 9Q23 5M2 52
Byergo Clearly 1223
is a 12 year old

The 7808 donor is a cow that is a no miss as she consistently turns head on tours. She is a Wow cow!

Yup, again he’s a hoss. 1402 excels at putting together an excellent combination

Byergo Clarity 1405

This is what a flush is suppose to look like, where every brother is a stud. Really disappointed when I’ve went to sale’s where one flush brother is great and another sucks. It’s all about consistency.

Yeah that’s right he is again a hoss! 1405 has the second highest WW EPD of the brothers and will make you take a second look.

Byergo Billy Bob 1406

BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +60 MARB +1.11 RE +.67 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 -.3 +69 +133 +.32 +22 +193 +322 -.018
Birth Date: 09-14-2021 Bull +*20455058 Tattoo: 1404 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.41 100 $0.93 $263.40 Cherry Creek Land Grant *Connealy Clarity *Breshie of Conanga 6988 Byergo May 7808 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Byergo Miss Rita 2799 56 ✧ You
✧ Well
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +54 MARB +1.13 RE +.64 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +12 +.6 +71 +133 +.28 +21 +174 +306 +.002
maternal brother to these 5 flush brothers was the Lot 2-$17,000 sale feature in the 2021 sale.
Mark him a hoss again. 1404 has the highest $C of the brothers, will make a strong claim as the pick, but then again 5 people will see them 5 different ways, they are just so consistent.
Byergo Clarity 1404
have to just love the consistency of these 5 flush brothers.
at registration time, he got a special name, I thought he was the pick but now I’m not sure. He certainly still might be, its just that they are all so good. This guy is a tank.
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.62 96 $0.97 $237.02 Cherry
of maternal traits. BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +54 MARB +.96 RE +.55 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +6 +.9 +67 +122 +.25 +22 +163 +295 +.013 Byergo
1402 Birth Date: 09-10-2021 Bull +*20455053 Tattoo: 1402 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.91 90 $1.03 $199.80 Cherry Creek Land Grant *Connealy Clarity *Breshie of Conanga 6988 Byergo May 7808 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Byergo Miss Rita 2799 55 ✧ These 5 flush brothers are going to turn heads on sale day. They are so dang consistent and massive! ✧ He’s a hoss. 1401 is the highest marbling and had the best conversion of the flush brothers. Is he your pick?! BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +52 MARB +1.23 RE +.55 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 +.1 +63 +115 +.28 +22 +179 +298 -.021 Byergo
1401 Birth Date: 09-05-2021 Bull +*20455057 Tattoo: 1401 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 3.94 112 $0.83 $322.69 Cherry Creek Land Grant *Connealy Clarity *Breshie of Conanga 6988 Byergo May 7808 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Byergo Miss Rita 2799 54 ✧
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +57 MARB +.89 RE +.57 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +0 +71 +132 +.30 +25 +168 +281 +.011
Date: 09-05-2021
Creek Land Grant
of Conanga 6988 Byergo May 7808 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Byergo Miss Rita 2799 58
Birth Date:
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.38
101 $0.92 $266.57
Creek Land Grant
of Conanga 6988 Byergo May 7808
Big Easy 2601
Miss Rita 2799



Byergo Thriller 1913

Birth Date: 09-19-2021 Bull 20513453 Tattoo: 1913

Calving ease Thriller son that will still have gas to turn it on.

Make note of the Andy daughter, they always get the job done. Good conversion and good marbling on this bull that is 12 generations of Byergo Breeding.

Byergo Thriller 1939

1128 will again hit that calving ease mark. Still plenty of grow and stretch here.

1128 has a ton of mating flexibility as you can use him on your Andy, Black Magic, Oasis, and Wrangler cattle. 16 generations of Byergo Breeding.

✧ 1939 is a bit of a sleeper, really like this bull. He has an attractive presence about him. ✧ Also puts together a very good data set. A heifer bull, with plenty of stretch and grow to also go on cows. Super sound individual that is 13 generations of Byergo Breeding.

67 ✧
205 676
+157 +253 I+.029
Feed Conversion
Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.6 96 $0.97 $239.48 #*Jindra Acclaim *Thomas Thriller 9473 *Thomas Erica 5529 Byergo Elia 4068 *Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo Miss Elia 0147
RE +.62 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +10 -.1 +71 +140 +.31 +34 +187 +295
75 ADJ 205 796
+77 MARB +.78
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of
*Bruns Blaster Byergo Miss Elia 0274 63 ✧ 2154 got after it on test gaining 6.22 pounds per day with a conversion of 3.8 to 1. ✧ Powerful bull that still brings in a calving ease high marbling combination. This bull has plenty of mating flexibility options. BWT 89 ADJ 205 CW I+60 MARB I+1.02 RE I+.61 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT I+6 I+1.5 I+63 I+118 I+.28 I+36 +180 +282 I+.005 Byergo Thriller 2154 Birth Date: 09-16-2021 Bull 20545973 Tattoo: 2154 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 3.8 131 $0.80 $340.20 #*Jindra Acclaim *Thomas Thriller 9473 *Thomas Erica 5529 *JMB Eona Cahoots 6150 *E&B Cahoots 201 JMB Eona Top Game 361 64 ✧ These Thriller sons have been consistent. Calving ease, marbling, added stretch combination on a regular basis. ✧ 2152 follows suit of giving you stretch, calving ease with good gain. BWT 79 ADJ 205 CW I+66 MARB I+.69 RE I+.65 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT I+9 I+1.2 I+60 I+123 I+.33 I+33 +180 +258 I+.003 Byergo Thriller 2152 Birth Date: 09-05-2021 Bull 20545972 Tattoo: 2152 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.98 83 $1.26 $65.52 #*Jindra Acclaim *Thomas Thriller 9473 *Thomas Erica 5529 Houks Cheyenne Legend H605 SydGen Convoy 2531 Houks Cheyenne Legend H465 65 ✧ New sire group. Thriller was the efficiency standout in his group and these sons will hit the mark. ✧ 1103
pedigree with calving ease and excels
Will still give you plenty of scale to sire
BWT 80 ADJ 205 726 CW +69 MARB +.75 RE +.75 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +1.4 +65 +128 +.33 +36 +180 +260 +.043
Thriller 1103 Birth Date: 09-02-2021 Bull 20513410 Tattoo: 1103 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5 93 $1.05 $189.29 #*Jindra Acclaim *Thomas Thriller 9473 *Thomas Erica 5529 Byergo Blackcap 4021 #*Jindra Double Vision Byergo Miss Blackcap 8507 59 ✧
BWT 77 ADJ 205 786 CW +51 MARB +.88 RE +.41 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +.5 +68 +121 +.26 +31 +153 +251 +.027
1128 Birth Date: 09-09-2021 Bull *20513430 Tattoo: 1128 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.74 100 $1.00 $222.00 #*Jindra Acclaim *Thomas Thriller 9473 *Thomas Erica 5529 *Byergo Elia 9910 *KB-Full Measure C40 Byergo Elia 7129 60 ✧ Do you want mass? This critter is a beast! ✧ 1909 is out a tremendous cow (Cupcake 3100) that has served in our donor program and had a daughter valued at $40,000. Do not shy away from this bull because of BW EPD, he will be perfect on cows and you will have calves that weigh more. BWT 81 ADJ 205 737 CW +67 MARB +.87 RE +.27 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -1 +5.2 +64 +126 +.31 +28 +175 +271 -.024 Byergo Windfall 1909 Birth Date: 09-16-2021 Bull *20395615 Tattoo: 1909 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.1 101 $1.07 $176.79 #*Jindra Acclaim *Thomas Thriller 9473 *Thomas Erica 5529 Byergo Elia Buttercup 3100 Byergo in Focus 032 Byergo Elia Buttercup 9900 61
Birth Date: 10-06-2021 Bull *20513461 Tattoo: 1939
Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.79 92 $1.01 $214.91
Thriller 9473
Erica 5529
Elia 8313
has a complete outcross
for his carcass traits.
calves that hit the mark.
Byergo Thriller
BYERGO ANGUS 21 BYERGO THRILLER 1917 - LOT 66 DEADWOOD SONS THRILLER SON ✧ Outcross genetics that should cross up nice with most of our pedigrees. ✧ Good bull that should produce plenty of weight while still providing it an eye appealing visual package. BWT 68 ADJ 205 CW I+69 MARB I+.90 RE I+.89 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +2.7 +79 +141 I+.27 +31 +183 +294 I+.008 Byergo Brigade 2155 Birth Date: 09-06-2021 Bull 20433922 Tattoo: 2155 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.05 99 $1.06 $182.70 *Casino Bomber N33 *44 Brigade +*44 Rita 6821 Kiwi Barbara Ann K953 SydGen Enhance K A F Barbara Ann Z273 67 ✧ Another son of the rare Deadwood. This is an extremely hot pedigree crossing Deadwood with a daughter out of the
“Henrietta Pride 1044”, who is out
sister. ✧ Big bull here that is stout and puts together a tremendous data profile. Calving Ease, Grow, and Carcass off the charts. Be awake here! BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +78 MARB +1.18 RE +1.40 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +1.4 +89 +155 +.33 +17 +219 +338 +.006 Byergo Deadwood 132 Birth Date: 12-25-2021 Bull *20331995 Tattoo: 132 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 7.69 72 $1.61 $-149.72 *Poss Maverick *Poss Deadwood *Poss Ellunamere 399 +*Vintage Henrietta Pride 6083 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 69 ✧ Sale Feature Alert! This is one good dude! Massive and attractive with all the data to boot. ✧ Check out this conversion of 4.28 to 1 and has an RADG EPD in the top 1%. 1917 is very efficient which comes as no surprise as he has a pedigree that is littered with sire’s that have exceled in this area. ✧ Awesome bull with a very complete profile that will lead you in the right direction of added weight, added prime, and added profit in a package that you’ll want to show off to your neighbor. BWT 77 ADJ 205 794 CW +87 MARB +.74 RE +.62 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +2.8 +81 +155 +.38 +36 +201 +291 -.011 Byergo Thriller 1917 Birth Date: 09-21-2021 Bull *20513454 Tattoo: 1917 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.28 111 $0.90 $279.19 #*Jindra Acclaim *Thomas Thriller 9473 *Thomas Erica 5529 Byergo Elia 8415 +*FF Rito 6X18 of 356H Ten X Byergo Elia 4748 66 ✧ Flush Brother to the $50,000 Byergo C5, that you are going to hear plenty bout in the future. ✧ 8M1 is a top-notch donor and Deadwood semen has been very sought after,
the few chances to acquire these genetics this spring. Check out all the data and take a look
the bull. Don’t miss out! BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +78 MARB +1.17 RE +.78 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 +2.2 +83 +146 +.32 +32 +207 +330 +.015 Byergo King Ranch 185 Birth Date: 01-10-2022 Bull +*20253034 Tattoo: 185 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average Available on Sale Day *Poss Maverick *Poss Deadwood *Poss Ellunamere 399 +*FF Rita 8M1 of 3R30 Magic *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*FF Rita 3R30 of 9Q23 5M2 68
Upward 307r’s
one of

Byergo Iconic 1409

Has been a very popular throughout the industry. Attractive cattle that give you added carcass quality.

1229 is bred for style crossing up Iconic with a Boomer daughter. Good growth spread and added carcass quality in this bull that traces back 14 generations to our original cow “Elia of South Oaks”

of the rising star donor “7631”. 7631, a maternal sister to Winston, really jumped on the scene in the fall of 2021 when her set of flush brothers averaged $13,000. She’ll put that cowboy look into them for dang sure.

This was a can’t miss mating and we are very pleased with the results. 1409 will fit a lot of different breeding objectives because he is just an all around good bull. Put him on your list.

Looking for an Attractive, Very Sound, Calving-Ease bull. 1794 fits the bill.

22 BYERGO ANGUS ICONIC SONS BYERGO ELIA 7631 - DAM OF LOT 72 BYERGO ICONIC 1794 - LOT 73 TY MILLER SOLUTIONS (307) 351-4005 BULL FEEDING PROGRAM As always, your purchased bulls can be picked up any time. Feeding costs are free for two weeks after sale, or the bulls can remain at your convenience for $2.50 per day. DB ICONIC G95 - SIRE OF LOTS 70 - 73 ✧
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +53 MARB +1.08 RE +.31 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +1.8 +79 +144 +.29 +28 +162 +249 +.032
Birth Date: 09-09-2021 Bull +*20515711 Tattoo: 1409 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.03 110 $0.85 $310.97 *Musgrave 316 Stunner *DB Iconic G95 *DB Ms Discovery D13 *Byergo Elia 7631 *Byergo
Byergo Elia 5439 72 ✧
BWT 75 ADJ 205 723 CW +54 MARB +.87 RE +.61 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +10 -1.2 +69 +130 +.28 +23 +160 +266 +.034
1794 Birth Date: 09-04-2021 Bull *20515700 Tattoo: 1794 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.26 90 $1.10 $156.10 *Musgrave 316 Stunner *DB Iconic G95 *DB Ms Discovery D13 Byergo Elia 7815 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Byergo Miss Elia 2785 73 ✧ Iconic
BWT 73 ADJ 205 801 CW +62 MARB +1.05 RE +.59 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +2.1 +77 +140 +.31 +27 +184 +291 +.024 Byergo Iconic 1229 Birth Date: 08-29-2021 Bull *20513438 Tattoo: 1229 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.93 105 $1.03 $198.05 *Musgrave 316 Stunner *DB Iconic G95 *DB Ms Discovery D13 Byergo Elia 9382 *Byergo Boomer 6351 Byergo Elia 6135 70 ✧ Iconic
“5228” who
our donor
✧ Style,
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +53 MARB +1.12 RE +.60 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 -.5 +76 +120 +.24 +29 +165 +276 +.058 Byergo Iconic 1408 Birth Date: 09-01-2021 Bull +*20515732 Tattoo: 1408 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.08 87 $1.07 $179.31 *Musgrave 316 Stunner *DB Iconic G95 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #Byergo Elia 5228 *Thomas Top Hand 0536 Byergo Miss Elia 3112 71
This is one of those fault free customer pleasers that excels in many different areas, all around good bull that is a 17th generation Byergo.
Byergo Iconic
son out of the pathfinder
worked in
program for years. After her first 3 sons were sale toppers it became apparent that she knew how to get the job done.
consistent calving ease, growth,
quality, all make this 14 Generation Byergo a good pick.

Byergo Salvation 1407

1111 is from our embryo program out of the very popular Salvation. 1111 is more moderate, but still has plenty of thickness.

It’s always about the cow behind the bull and 1111 is out of one productive momma, just a calf raiser that always weans a high percentage of her body weight. 1111 has lower intake with still good conversion.

again out of the popular Salvation from the 6125 donor, who is a maternal sister to Byergo Lawmaker.

is an extra growth Salvation. Check out the conversion, push down the scale with quality pounds. Daughters will be top notch from this bull that descends 13 generations back to cow that started it all “Elia of South Oaks”.

BYERGO ANGUS 23 SALVATION SONS BYERGO PROFIT 167 - LOT 79 BYERGO SALVATION 1220 - LOT 75 HOME TOWN & TRANSCENDENT SONS ✧ Picture Bull! Very attractive thick square bull here. ✧ Sleep all night and all day calving ease. These calves will have vigor and should make your calving season a breeze. Thick bull and the replacement heifers will be excellent out of this 17th Generation Byergo. BWT 75 ADJ 205 713 CW +39 MARB +.99 RE +.53 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +13 -.1 +50 +89 +.23 +30 +150 +270 +.074 Byergo
1220 Birth Date: 08-14-2021 Bull *20513436 Tattoo: 1220 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 6.55 79 $1.37 $-5.77 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 *SG Salvation +*MGR JP Rita 7037 *Byergo Elga 9315 *MBA Confidence Plus 7508 *Byergo Elga 7624 75 ✧ 1407
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +59 MARB +.88 RE +.50 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +5 +3.2 +74 +124 +.26 +21 +166 +301 +.031
Birth Date: 09-08-2021 Bull +*20513440 Tattoo: 1407 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.4 100 $0.92 $264.66 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 *SG Salvation +*MGR JP Rita 7037 *Byergo Elia 6125 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Byergo Miss Elia 8750 76 ✧ Well
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +61 MARB +1.61 RE +.66 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +3.4 +78 +136 +.28 +29 +199 +330 +.021 Byergo
167 Birth Date: 11-11-2021 Bull +*20187726 Tattoo: 167 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.71 96 $1.20 $99.31 *G A R Momentum +*G A R Transcendent +*G A R Prophet 2685 +*FF Rita 8M1 of 3R30 Magic *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*FF Rita 3R30 of 9Q23 5M2 79
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +52 MARB +.91 RE +.60 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +2.4 +68 +117 +.27 +25 +164 +301 +.048 Byergo Salvation 1111 Birth Date: 09-02-2021 Bull +*20513418 Tattoo: 1111 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.42 100 $0.93 $262.36 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 *SG Salvation +*MGR JP Rita 7037 Byergo Elia 7702 *Byergo Magic Man 5432 Byergo Elia 4046 74 ✧ 156 is out of the $100,000 “8B67” that is a granddaughter
the cornerstone donor
✧ Here is a bull with breed leading carcass EPDs. He really excels on Marbling with a +1.20 EPD and a top 1% Ribeye EPD
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +55 MARB +1.20 RE +1.31 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +2 +3.4 +80 +147 +.36 +29 +198 +306 -.075 Byergo Gridmaker 156 Birth Date: 10-19-2021 Bull +*20180566 Tattoo: 156 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 6.55 84 $1.38 $-6.30 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 +*FF Rita 8B67 of 6R22 Accruel *T C A Accruel 260 +*FF Rita 6R22 of 3R30 Rampage 77 ✧ 158
✧ 158
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +54 MARB +1.43 RE +1.21 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +14 -.5 +75 +142 +.32 +28 +207 +327 -.041
158 Birth Date: 10-20-2021 Bull +*20180567 Tattoo: 158 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 6.05 90 $1.27 $56.70 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 +*FF Rita 8B67 of 6R22 Accruel *T C A Accruel 260 +*FF Rita 6R22 of 3R30 Rampage 78
let’s call a spade a spade. This is one hell of a bull. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best Transcendent son in the world.
167 is an absolute meatwagon, thick all the way through. 8M1 just flat got the job done here as 167 excels in many areas. Check him out!
coming in a 1.29.
is a flush brother to lot 77 again out of the $100,000 8B67.
is one of the top $C’s in the sale. This is a bull that really excels at a Calving Ease/Carcass combination. His +1.44 marbling EPD is top 2% and his REA also checks in at the top 2%.
Byergo Phenom

Byergo Lightning

Here is a Sire group that everyone has been looking for. The Lightning’s bring the real world power to a whole different level.

Don’t even worry about looking at the EPD’s on growth on Lightning’s, just know they flat out grow in a package you won’t get docked for at the sale barn for being dumpy.

Remember that the difference between a +1.0 BEPD and a +6.0 BEPD is 5 pounds on average at birth. Something that you can’t even notice without scales. Bigger calves at birth will equal more money for you. You should get a 3, 4 or 5 BW EPD for cows.

Byergo Lightning 1108

Elia 3157

Byergo Miss Elia 2836 Byergo Only Answer 9779 Byergo Miss Elia 7229

3/4 brother to lots 80 and 81. Put a Lightning into your next calf crop and watch them grow as fast as a lightning strikes. They are changers.

Birth weight will not be an issue, in fact lowering Birth Weights has been focused on for so long that the cattle business has now found themselves in a position of needing to increase Birth Weights.

Byergo Lightning 1109

82 ✧ Extra Length, Extra Scale, Extra Pounds, and better conversion are all going to lead to Extra dollars in your pocket. ✧ These bulls are unique to say the least. Think of them more like breeding to a Black Charolais, only better.

Byergo Lightning 1110

This bull is going to be a sale favorite. Just check out that picture and he definitely won’t disappoint in person. Long spined, thick topped, thick quartered, extra scale. ✧ Out of a 14 year old cow, do to the age of the cow the EPDs just aren’t correct on this bull. He is one of the top growth bulls in the entire sale. Just image if you had a set of steers that look like this.

7568 - SIRE
- 86
205 806
+3.1 +63 +112 +.27 +36 +158 +254 -.012
Birth Date: 09-29-2021 Bull 20513415 Tattoo: 1108 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.41 105 $0.93 $263.43 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 Byergo Miss
+62 +105 +.27 +26 +132 +219
90 ADJ 205 739
+42 MARB +.34
+4 +2.8
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -6 +3.0 +60 +94 +.19 +28 +105 +183 +.024
Birth Date: 09-22-2021 Bull *20513416 Tattoo: 1109
of Gain/lb.
Saved vs. Industry Average 4.45 104 $0.93 $258.04
Black Magic 3348 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 Byergo Miss Elia 3157 Byergo Erroline 5448
Hill Rampage 0A36 Byergo Erroline 0037 83
205 809
+32 MARB +.54
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved
4663 Byergo Miss Elia 5802 84
BWT 90 ADJ 205 778 CW +34 MARB +.59 RE +.77 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -2 +4.7 +56 +95 +.20 +20 +127 +225 +.016
Birth Date: 09-25-2021 Bull 20513417 Tattoo: 1110
vs. Industry Average 3.96 117 $0.83 $320.08 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 Byergo Miss Elia 3157 Byergo Miss Elia 8758 +Byergo 150 IMF Midland
1102 Birth Date: 10-02-2021 Bull 20513409 Tattoo: 1102 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.39 86 $1.13 $139.49 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 Byergo Miss Elia 3157 Byergo Elia 5353 Byergo Only Answer 9779 Byergo Miss Elia 8779 80 ✧ 3/4 brother to lot 80 and again understand that the grow will be second to none. ✧ Also
caught up about the BW epd, these are perfect bulls for cows, Angus bulls
calving problems anymore. BWT 95 ADJ 205 822 CW +65 MARB +.15 RE +.80 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -6 +5.3 +82 +136 +.27 +24 +141 +225 -.023 Byergo Lightning 1105 Birth Date: 09-24-2021 Bull 20513412 Tattoo: 1105 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.07 92 $1.06 $180.29 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 Byergo Miss Elia 3157 Byergo Miss Elia 2664 Byergo Only Answer 9779 Byergo Miss Elia 7255 81
don’t get
just don’t have

Byergo Lightning


Do you want a freak? Here he is. If you asked me for the top growth bull of the sale. This would be him. If you asked me for the top growth bull to sell in America this year. THIS WOULD BE HIM.

Yes he is big and yes he is going to be a very big bull, the biggest growth bull can’t in turn then be small. He will be a flat changer of a calf crop.


As you turn the page, we take a path down memory lane and gosh dang its impressive. The cross of Ankonian One (Who is the sire of Cupcake 8900) x Cupcake 7400. Cupcake 7400 made herself known as the dam of Byergo Maverick 8400, but she didn’t stop there where at 15 years old she has proven to be one of the most efficient cows of the entire breed.

02K2 is flat out different than today’s cattle and that is, outside of a few modern pedigrees, they have way more growth. If you want more bone, more hip, more thickness…. Check him out.

The Epd’s don’t reflect the true growth because of the age of the pedigree, (Sire is 27 and dam is 15) but these bulls flat grow. Take a look for yourself.

If you want an outcross pedigree that adds another dimension of throwback power then don’t miss this opportunity. They will impress!

BWT 80 ADJ 205 829 CW +44 MARB +.40 RE +.51 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +2.3 +70 +111 +.23 +22 +123 +225 +.003
Here is a yearling Black Lightning son that again will provide that extra grow. 7917 converted very well. ✧ Love this mating of the ultra growth Lightning mated with the ultra maternal easy fleshing Easy Answer daughter.
Tattoo: 7917 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.63
$0.97 $235.60 *Byergo
BWT 90 ADJ 205 902 CW +49 MARB +.67 RE +.36 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -2 +4.1 +76 +117 +.19 +23 +127 +221 -.034
Lightning 7917 Birth Date: 12-06-2021
Black Magic 3348 Byergo Black Lightning 7568
Miss Elia 3157 Byergo Elia 7917
Easy Answer 3314
Miss Elia 1309
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.39 106 $0.92 $266.24 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 Byergo Miss Elia 3157 Byergo Elia 4740 Byergo Upward 2788 Byergo Miss Super Elia 1357 85
1112 [ DDF-OHF ] Birth Date: 09-15-2021 Bull 20513419 Tattoo: 1112
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +41 MARB +.12 RE +.22 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +0 +3.6 +50 +92 +.22 +19 +109 +184 -.004 Byergo Mach One 02K2 [ AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF-OSF-RDF ] Birth Date: 01-26-2022 Bull +20416184 Tattoo: 02K2 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average Available on Sale Day #Rito 3W3 of 0J2 Rito 9FB3 Ankonian One Ankony Flora W6820 *Byergo Miss Cupcake 7400 #Woodlawn Charge On 14 +Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 87 ✧
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +54 MARB +.06 RE +.62 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -6 +6.3 +57 +111 +.30 +31 +137 +197 -.075 Byergo Mach Two 06K2 [ RDC-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OSF ] Birth Date: 02-03-2022 Bull +20416185 Tattoo: 06K2 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average Available on Sale Day #Rito 3W3 of 0J2 Rito 9FB3 Ankonian One Ankony Flora W6820 *Byergo Miss Cupcake 7400 #Woodlawn Charge On 14 +Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 88

Byergo Savant 1929

*Byergo Boomer 6351

Byergo Savant 9201 Byergo Miss Queen 0104 Byergo Elia Buttercup 2716 Byergo Objective 8780 Byergo Elia Buttercup 9900

Byergo Savant 1922

is efficiency bred on both sides and it shows as he converted at an impressive 4.89 to 1. Calving ease to boot. Look for his growth to be higher than on paper because of the age of his dam.

Byergo Savant 1938

✧ Calving ease alert! 1938 is out of the 7702 cow that has served as a donor for us and is also the dam of lot 74 bull. This is a

that consistently weans 65-70% of her body weight.

the efficiency is evident on both sides of the pedigree. Highly recommend keeping daughters out of the bull. They will excel at maternal instinct.

26 BYERGO ANGUS SAVANT SONS BYERGO SAVANT 9201 - SIRE OF LOTS 89 - 92 BYERGO STETSON - SIRE OF LOT 93 STETSON SON TY MILLER SOLUTIONS (307) 351-4005 ✧ New sire group as we get into these Savant sons. Savant put the cattle world on alert at the 2022 Cattlemens Congress where they did a live measurement of his length form poll to tailhead…. The crowd watched in amazement as he measured 7 foot 2 inches long and 10 foot 8 inches around. ✧ Look at the YW, RADG, DMI combination here. The Savant cattle, they’ll
the width of your wallet. BWT 82 ADJ 205 815 CW +61 MARB +.20 RE +.77 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +1 +3.0 +62 +123 +.35 +34 +156 +228 -.047
Birth Date: 09-24-2021 Bull *20513455 Tattoo: 1922 *Byergo Boomer 6351 Byergo Savant 9201 Byergo Miss Queen 0104 *Byergo Elia 7729 Byergo Wrangler 5411 Byergo Elia 4047 89 ✧ 1929 is out of the Cupcake 2716
BWT 76 ADJ 205 794 CW +38 MARB +.46 RE +.65 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +1.1 +53 +107 +.35 +27 +140 +240 -.049
is a sight to see as she passes 10 years old, So capacious so easy fleshing and the ultimate maternal brood cow.
Birth Date: 09-28-2021 Bull *20513457 Tattoo: 1929 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.89 105 $1.03 $202.47
BWT 69 ADJ 205 807 CW +50 MARB +.66 RE +.52 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 -.3 +69 +121 +.31 +23 +149 +270 +.009
Birth Date: 10-04-2021 Bull *20513460 Tattoo: 1938 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.56 97 $0.96 $244.74 *Byergo Boomer 6351 Byergo Savant 9201 Byergo Miss Queen 0104 Byergo Elia 7702 *Byergo Magic Man 5432 Byergo Elia 4046 92 ✧ A direct Stetson son. Oh Yeah! Scrolling through some old pictures the other day and I came across a picture of when we were getting Stetson ready to be on Display at Denver. I had forgotten just how imposing he was. ✧ A sure-fire calving ease prospect that will add look with plenty enough marbling to consistently go prime. BWT 65 ADJ 205 645 CW +34 MARB +.67 RE +.03 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +14 -2.4 +50 +88 +.24 +31 +117 +209 +.042 Byergo Stetson 0K01 Birth Date: 01-09-2022 Bull *20437651 Tattoo: 0K01 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.54 99 $1.16 $120.76 *Byergo Andy 0115 *Byergo Stetson Byergo Miss Elia 7229 Gleonda Elba Tweeny F124 #Gleonda In Focus X003 Gleonda Elba Tweeny B160 93 ✧ Have we mentioned that longevity matters? 1926 is out of a 13 year old cow, appears to be a very direct link between Longevity, Fertility, Efficiency, and Profitability. ✧ Look at that conversion 4.56 to 1. BWT 74 ADJ 205 780 CW +56 MARB +.27 RE +.46 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +6 +1.4 +62 +122 +.32 +14 +146 +207 +.020 Byergo Savant 1926 [ DDF ] Birth Date: 09-27-2021 Bull 20513456 Tattoo: 1926 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.56 113 $0.96 $244.35 *Byergo Boomer 6351 Byergo Savant 9201 Byergo Miss Queen 0104 Byergo Miss Elia 9826 +Byergo 150 IMF Midland 4663 Byergo Miss Elia 6319 90

Cow Sense

Rule #52

Birth Date: 09-21-2021 Bull 20513426 Tattoo: 1122

Rosemere Barbara 4590 Byergo Elia 8970

Easy Answer 3314

Miss Elia 2699

Check out the calving ease spread on this bull. WoW! 14 CED with a -2.3 BW EPD and cool thing is the vigor. definitely will get up and thrive.

15 generations of Byergo Breeding on this bull that is out of a really good Easy Answer daughter, they are tremendous cows.

There is a lot of chatter in the registered world about cow size. The answer to this is not using a non-performance bull and making your entire calf crop suffer.

If you are worried about mature cow size, use the stud bull. Cull the biggest, most power (top 25% ) of your heifers, they will feed like steers. And keep the middle half for replacements. Think how much money would be made sorting and feeding heifers off the top instead of off the tiny bottom end if you use a non-performer.

1114 is very attractive and puts together a very complete data set of Calving Ease, added fertility, efficiency, mothering instinct, and carcass quality.

BWT 76 ADJ 205 784 CW +46 MARB +.70 RE +.31 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 -.2 +68 +120 +.25 +32 +136 +272 +.037

Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Boone 8969 +Byergo Rosemere Barbara 4590 Byergo Elia 6917 Byergo Lil Andy 2671 Byergo Miss Elia 1511 95 ✧ Look at the spread here on this sharp bull that has one of the highest Heifer Pregnancy EPD’s of the sale at +18.2. ✧ This Annie cow family has been very productive for us. These Boone sons have been very efficient and 1116 follows suite with a 4.59 to 1 conversion.


20513429 Tattoo: 1127

[ CW +56 MARB +.75 RE +.58 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +.9 +78 +137 +.29 +31 +154 +297 +.008

1127 is a huge spread bull that needs to be on your list to check out. Look at that conversion 4.00 to 1. My oh my.

Very complete. Calving ease, growth, fertility, milk, and carcass quality. This is a bull that might just be sleeper. Pay attention right here.




BWT 69 ADJ 205 790 CW +33 MARB +.58 RE +.39 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +14
+226 +.007
-2.3 +64 +111 +.25 +21 +118
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved
Industry Average
Byergo Boone 1122 815
4.94 96 $1.04 $196.24 Byergo
Oasis 6052 Byergo Boone 8969
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4 119 $0.84 $315.48 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Boone 8969 +Byergo
Barbara 4590 Byergo
#+*K C F Bennett Fortress JJ Queen L 620
BWT 79 ADJ 205 756 CW +41 MARB +.57 RE +.38 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +.5 +63 +109 +.26 +22 +126 +249 +.010
Tattoo: 1129 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved
4.25 112 $0.89
Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Boone 8969 +Byergo
Barbara 4590 Byergo Elia J6487 #+*R B Tour Of Duty 177 Byergo Miss Elia 1309 99 ✧ Leonidas
BWT 85 ADJ 205 784 CW +56 MARB +.19 RE +.65 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +6 +1.6 +58 +117 +.31 +35 +141 +260 +.019 Byergo Leo 1113 [
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of
Money Saved
Industry Average
BWT 78 ADJ 205 766 CW +46 MARB +.66 RE +.65 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 -1.1 +59 +97 +.22 +31 +147 +295 -.002
Byergo Boone
1127 Birth Date: 09-23-2021
Queen 8975
Another good conversion son out of Boone. This sire group by Boone is one of the impressive sire groups of the sale. These bulls did it, don’t overlook them.
He hits that calving ease mark but these Boone sons will give you added scale with added style. Mark them as real good bulls.
1129 Birth Date: 10-10-2021
vs. Industry Average
calves have been well accepted and here is a
that puts together a good combination of RADG/DMI.
The dam of lot 94 (4060) has been a real good one with several sons being standouts. 18 generations of Byergo Breeding.
Birth Date: 11-10-2021 Bull 20513420 Tattoo: 1113
4.43 100 $0.93 $260.80 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Leonidas 8089 Byergo Blackbird 5156 Byergo Elia 4060 *Byergo Magic Mike 2874 Byergo Miss Queen 0278
New sire group and you are going to like these Boone sons. Boone joins a long line of his maternal brothers that have served as sires for us, including Pistol Pete.
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.2 105 $0.88 $289.18
Byergo Boone 1114
Birth Date: 10-30-2021 Bull *20513421 Tattoo: 1114
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved
Industry Average 4.59 104 $0.96
Byergo Boone 1116 [ DDF ] Birth Date: 10-02-2021
20513423 Tattoo: 1116
$240.16 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Boone 8969 +Byergo Rosemere Barbara 4590 Byergo Elia 8989 *Byergo Black
3348 Byergo Annie 5352 96

Byergo Pistols

bull and he is an eye catcher.

Firing is the Black Magic son out of the awesome Stetson daughter 7471. Maternal side of the pedigree brings intrigue as it adds the time tested New Design 878. Nice twist on this mating with the added calving ease.

Power Train

Byergo Step Up X207

28 BYERGO ANGUS DIESEL & PISTOLS FIRING BYERGO DIESEL 8302 - SIRE OF LOTS 100 & 102 BYERGO PISTOLS FIRING K025 - LOT 101 RITO, PLUS ONE & STEP UP ✧ Huge upside in this future Herd Sire. A +91 weaning weight EPD! ✧ Power Train has the power bred in as he is out of one of our best Donors “Elia 8360” and 8360 is out of our long time donor “5453’. Not sure Power Train can be on the sleeper list because he isn’t that hard to find, but we’ll see who is awake. BWT 74 ADJ 205 870 CW +68 MARB +.64 RE +.73 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +3 +2.4 +91 +162 +.35 +24 +166 +272 +.017
1950 Birth Date: 10-11-2021 Bull *20513464 Tattoo: 1950 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 3.95 111 $0.83 $321.19 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Diesel 8302 #Byergo Elga 5507 *Byergo Elia 8360 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Elia 5453 102 ✧ Complete outcross pedigree alert! Step
✧ Calving
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +45 MARB +1.60 RE +.48 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +8 +1.2 +66 +113 +.24 +33 +169 +295 +.069
Birth Date: 12-09-2021 Bull +*20228846 Tattoo: X207 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.83 94 $1.22 $84.91 *G A R Big Step K715 +*EZAR Step Up 9178 +*Basin Lucy 4261 #Green Garden Emma P120 Gardens Project Green Garden Emma I121 103 ✧ They just keep coming. One of the highest $C bulls of the sale. ✧ Plus One continues to be one of the most widely used bulls in the breed. Q258 is a carcass standout with a top 5% and top 2% EPD respectively on Marbling and Ribeye. Impressive. BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +57 MARB +1.26 RE +1.18 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 +.3 +69 +131 +.29 +34 +192 +334 -.001 Byergo Precision Q258 Birth Date: 09-13-2021 Bull +*20286672 Tattoo: Q258 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 8.03 69 $1.69 $-192.62 #*Connealy Confidence Plus +*E&B Plus One #+E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936 +*At Ease Rita N159 #*S S Niagara Z29 +*Trowbridge MC Rita 550 104 ✧ Thick stout square bull that is very attractive. Out of the Elegance son “9H14”. ✧ Added fertility in this bull that is out of phenotypically one of Righteous’s best daughters. BWT 70 ADJ 205 CW +65 MARB +.77 RE +.74 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +3 +3.6 +78 +138 +.31 +21 +180 +296 -.053
Rito 2170 Birth Date: 10-28-2021 Bull *20191266 Tattoo: 2170 Available on Sale Day +*FF Rito Reputation 6H7 +*FF Rito 9H14 of 7538 6H7 *Byergo Elegance 7538 *FF Rita 8R71 of 6V11 6R41 +*FF Rito Righteous 6R41 +*FF Rita 6V11 of 4D01 2240 105 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average ✧ Diesel sons were the standouts of the 2022 sale. Everyone who lays eyes on Diesel is always in awe at his powerful presence, his thickness throughout, and overall masculine look. ✧ 1948 is out of nice young Titus daughter, you know the pounds will be here with this pedigree that has 16 generations of Byergo Breeding. BWT 81 ADJ 205 804 CW +73 MARB +.33 RE +1.02 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -2 +4.1 +74 +133 +.29 +27 +168 +268 -.022 Byergo Diesel 1948 Birth Date: 10-11-2021 Bull *20513463 Tattoo: 1948 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.86 90 $1.02 $206.06 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Diesel 8302 #Byergo Elga 5507 Byergo Elia 8427 *Byergo Titus 6340 Byergo Elia 4740 100 ✧
BWT 85 ADJ 205 595 CW +57 MARB -.01 RE +.55 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +.5 +63 +123 +.30 +29 +127 +202 +0
Up continues to garner attention and this is a bull that could be mated on any of our bloodlines with complete outcross.
ease, off the chart marbling, and soundness make this an intriguing bull that has a lot of options.
K025 Birth Date: 01-09-2022 Bull *20431897 Tattoo: K025 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.95 111 $1.04 $195.27 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*Gleonda Pistols Firing Byergo Elia 7471 *Gleonda Queen Mother E048 #Bon View New Design 878 Gleonda Queen Mother C134 101

Big time spread and added fertility out of the Annie cow family and he will consistently sire prime beef. 1124 is exactly the right choice to take your calf crop to take you to the next level.

Another Precise son that has a very complete data set. These Prescise cattle are proving to be very consistent.

Q268 hits that calving ease mark in a bull that has some length and extension. Added fertility here. There has been a lot of anticipation for these Precise sons and they are here. Think everyone is going to approve.



is really making his mark and continues to gain traction for siring practical money making cattle.

Wow efficiency here. 4.48 to 1. This comes as no surprise being that his maternal grandsire is our foundation efficiency sire Byergo LoInHiOut…. Also take note of the added marbling here.

We have Steer A and Steer B

o Steer A has a cost of gain that is .52 cents per pound.

o Steer B has a cost of gain that is $1.08 per pound.

o A difference in cost of gain at .56 cents per pound.

o We are trying to put 650 pounds on these 2 steers.

o 650 pounds x .56 cents per pound= $364 in feed cost savings that steer A would save you.

This is looking at good converter versus a bad converter but it would be nothing for a proven Feed Efficient Sire to save you $100$150 per calf in feedlot savings and this number will go up with inflation and rising feed costs. GET THEM EFFICIENT! IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TRAIT TO YOUR BOTTOM LINE OF PROFIT!

Way #3 you can save by buying Feed Efficiency
tested Sires Feedlot savings
BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +72 MARB +.77 RE +1.01 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 -.6 +72 +137 +.28 +37 +178 +304 +.028 Byergo
Birth Date: 10-31-2021 Bull +*20292849 Tattoo: Q268 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.48 100 $1.15 $128.52 #+*Tehama Tahoe B767 B - Precise 46G #Elsie G 25Y Program 59W +*At Ease Rita N159 #*S S Niagara Z29 +*Trowbridge MC Rita 550 108 ✧
BWT 90 ADJ 205 807 CW +54 MARB +.88 RE +.84 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +2 +2.2 +84 +134 +.25 +28 +158 +309 +.001
5352 [ DDF ] Birth Date: 09-10-2021 Bull 20513427 Tattoo: 1124 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.08 94 $1.07 $179.40 #+*Tehama Tahoe B767 B - Precise 46G #Elsie G 25Y Program 59W Byergo Annie 5352 #+*G A R Prophet Byergo Miss Annie 3136 106 ✧
BWT 78 ADJ 205 766 CW +58 MARB +1.14 RE +.79 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +2.6 +72 +124 +.27 +18 +184 +293 +.010 Byergo Exact 1130 Birth Date: 09-11-2021 Bull *20513432 Tattoo: 1130 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.43 107 $0.93 $260.48 #+*Tehama Tahoe B767 B - Precise 46G #Elsie G 25Y Program 59W Byergo Bonnie 6494 Byergo LoIn-HiOut Byergo Miss Bonnie 6633 107
Trickster Q268
New sire group and this Precise son has lot 1 credentials. Picture bull and check out that length.
Byergo Exact

all that and more. Look at the calving ease spread and the perfect feet on this bull that is sure to catch your attention.

Byergo Fireball 1084

might not be a hotter sire in the breed right now than Fireball. You will want to check out the data here.

This is a bull out of a very attractive made cow. She has a perfect udder, while still milking an ample amount, and she has a stud calf on her again this year. We love a data/good momma cow combination.

Barrel son from the Rosemere Barbara cow family. This is the cow family of 6137, the dam of Byergo Andy 0115. 1796’s dam (7915) was a member of our ET program and she is a massive maternal matron that has

30 BYERGO ANGUS NIGHT TRAIN SON BYERGO NIGHT TRAIN 1106 - LOT 109 DOUBLE BARRELL SALVATION & FINAL DECISION Thank you Kee Farnan Thank you Lester Lahoda ✧ Make sure you are paying attention now. Son out of one of the hottest bulls in the breed, Salvation. ✧ Good spread, growth, fertility, high marbling and the famous pedigree as the next cow on the maternal side is “Blackbird 8809”, a cow that has had numerous sons make studs. This bull has a lot going for him. BWT ET ADJ 205 ET CW +61 MARB +1.25 RE +.80 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +1.2 +74 +129 +.27 +27 +189 +321 +.020 Byergo Salvation 131 Birth Date: 11-05-2021 Bull *20222422 Tattoo: 131 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.89 94 $1.24 $77.49 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 *SG Salvation +*MGR JP Rita 7037 +*EF Blackbird 6535 #+*EXAR Stud 4658B +*EF Blackbird 3241 114 ✧ Final Destination was the Byergo Blackstone son that was the $80,000 sale sensation of the 2020 sale season being bought by Texas A&M’s head football coach Jimbo Fisher. ✧ A top 1% PAP, good growth, and high fertility on this bull that reads very complete across the board. BWT ADJ 205 CW +56 MARB +.89 RE +.86 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +6 +2.2 +81 +135 +.27 +17 +169 +301 -.016 Double G Final Decision 1076 Birth Date: 11-03-2021 Bull *20175692 Tattoo: 1076 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.04 109 $1.06 $183.98 *Byergo/Double GG Blackstone +*44 Final Decision 9715 +*44 Ruby 4399 *Double GG Rita 9082 +*EXAR Spread 5767B *Double GG Rita 5107 115 ✧ The sole Night Train son in the sale and man did he set the bar high. ✧ This is one classy bull that converted at 4.43 to 1. We went with Night Train for his classy look, depth of body, high marbling, and great feet. 1106 does
BWT 75 ADJ 205 781 CW +46 MARB +.64 RE +.32 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 +.2 +74 +123 +.26 +15 +135 +239 +.030
1106 Birth Date: 09-24-2021 Bull *20513413 Tattoo: 1106 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.43 105 $0.93 $261.01 +*Baldridge Colonel C251 *Rockin K Byergo Night Train +*Rockin K C537 Ten X 9J28 Byergo Elia 4139 Byergo LoIn-HiOut 1460 Byergo Elia 3413 109 ✧
BWT 78 ADJ 205 CW I+57 MARB I+1.68 RE I+.98 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT I+10 I+1.5 I+74 I+134 I+.31 I+27 +212 +335 I+.016
Byergo Night Train
Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.3 104 $1.11 $151.72 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 *GB Fireball 672 *GB Anticipation 432 *Zebo Dixie Erica 818 #+*K C F Bennett Fortress Zebo Queen 644 110 ✧
been a producer. ✧ Calving Ease, stout, efficient, sound, with high marbling all add up to making 1796 a good choice. BWT 72 ADJ 205 710 CW +39 MARB +.95 RE +.64 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 -.6 +51 +103 +.30 +30 +162 +260 -.020 Byergo Barrel 1796 Birth Date: 09-05-2021 Bull *20515485 Tattoo: 1796 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.34 97 $1.12 $146.75 *Spring Cove Reno 4021 *Barta Double Barrel 905 *KSU Miss Double Vision 6160 +*Byergo Rosemere Barbara 7915 #*S A V Ten Speed 3022 +*Byergo Rosemere Barbara 2005 113
Date: 11-13-2021

dam of Byergo Diesel.

calving ease prospect that has added carcass traits and is out of a cow family that is known to produce. This will be an excellent pick.

BYERGO ANGUS 31 PLATINUM SONS 2YR OLD BULLS WITH LIFE EXPERIENCE ✧ New division on these 2-year-old bulls that are ready to go out and handle a big workload. ✧ Long Extended bull that will add stretch to a calf crop. Excellent carcass traits and a big $C make this a unique combination, hard to find. BWT 60 ADJ 205 CW +81 MARB +.83 RE +.98 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +4 +2.6 +79 +148 +.35 +29 +204 +321 -.044 Byergo Athlete 2114 Birth Date: 02-12-2021 Bull *20091973 Tattoo: 2114 #*Jindra Acclaim +*FF Rito Athlete +*FF Rita 5B63 of 356H 3S10 *Britt Blackbird 8246 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 *EXAR Blackbird 5946 119 ✧ Calving ease 2-year-old bulls are hard to find. 2115 is hard and ready to work. ✧ Top 10% marbling on this bull that reads good on Efficiency. BWT 50 ADJ 205 CW +50 MARB +1.22 RE +.71 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +11 -.2 +47 +93 +.27 +39 +182 +294 +.027 Byergo Ultra 2115 Birth Date: 02-14-2021 Bull *20086472 Tattoo: 2115 +*G A R Momentum K836 *SEO Ultra Provider +*Chair Rock Progress 3023 Potts Bros Esteem 512 *S A V Momentum 9274 MCCO 0415 Esteem 118 120 OVER 10,000! Great Job Marc! Thank you Riley Veatch ✧ 1661 has working experience as we used him on a group of our commercial heifers last year, he’ll know what to do and handle the work. ✧ Big Time grow in 1661 and expect him to sire whopping set of calves that will smash the scales with added eye appeal. BWT 75 ADJ 205 796 CW +57 MARB +.58 RE +.98 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +6 +3.7 +85 +150 +.32 +28 +153 +250 -.024 Byergo Herbie 1661 [ DDF ] Birth Date: 01-18-2021 Bull *20174855 Tattoo: 1661 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.33 95 $1.12 $147.42 +*G A R Ashland *Herb R F Lady 4095 Byergo Elia 9011 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia 6062 121 ✧ Do you want extension? 1776 will do just that, you won’t have to worry about getting docked for being pudgy. ✧ Dam is a 12 year old cow and he is 13 generations of Byergo Breeding with a pedigree stacked with cows that have been changers, including his maternal great grandam who had a son top the Missouri State sale clear back in 2006… Longevity-let it define your program. BWT 83 ADJ 205 805 CW +46 MARB +.57 RE +.23 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT -1 +3.0 +63 +118 +.27 +29 +135 +228 +.009 Byergo Leo 1776 [ DDP ] Birth Date: 05-10-2021 Bull 20373032 Tattoo: 1776 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.12 100 $0.87 $299.88 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Leonidas 8089 Byergo Blackbird 5156 Byergo Miss Elia 0255 Byergo Stryker 8497 Byergo Miss Elia 4726 122 ✧ The good bulls just keep coming, that’s what we are so proud of, that lot 116 is bull like this. This 1928 is out of the 7616 Stetson daughter. 7616 is out of 5507, who has worked as a donor for us and is
BWT 80 ADJ 205 759 CW +40 MARB +.76 RE +.75 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +9 +.4 +51 +98 +.23 +33 +144 +239 +.007 Byergo Platinum 1928 Birth Date: 09-27-2021 Bull *20516827 Tattoo: 1928 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 5.38 96 $1.13 $141.37 +*K BAR Platinum 8196 *TK Platinum 9538 *SSA Blackcap Rampage C37 *Byergo Elga 7616 *Byergo Stetson #Byergo Elga 5507 116 ✧ A hidden gem, this is why you read the catalog
the way
Efficiency Cupcake
✧ Good calving ease, grow, efficiency, carcass traits… and to top
BWT 75 ADJ 205 769 CW +61 MARB +.84 RE +.79 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG MILK $B $C FAT +7 +1.0 +66 +132 +.29 +26 +170 +241 +.020
Birth Date: 09-30-2021 Bull *20519150 Tattoo: 1931 Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio Cost of Gain/lb. Money Saved vs. Industry Average 4.28 103 $0.90 $279.48 +*K BAR Platinum 8196 *TK Platinum 9538 *SSA Blackcap Rampage C37 +*Byergo Elia Cupcake 8533 #*S Whitlock 179 Byergo Elia Cupcake 0400 117
most notably
through. A son of the
cow 8533.
he is out of a
cow for gosh sakes…. To the new owner of 1934.Tremendous find!
Byergo Platinum 1931


This time of year always brings about a time for reflection. For my family it marks the 73rd year in the business that we love/live everyday and boy it has been journey.

In the past year we have had visitors from all over the United States, Scotland, France, Australia, South America, and Sri Lanka. It has been a heck of a ride and I would like to say thank you to all visitors that have made Byergo Angus a destination, but this is not the honor I’m talking about.


Nothing brings us greater honor or humbles us more than selling a bull to the gentleman that runs across the fence. We are so lucky to have some of the greatest neighbors in the world and honored more than they will ever know that across the fence runs a Byergo Angus bull.

I want to say a big Thank You to Kee and Steve Farnan, Mike Merrigan, Pat Swinford, Mike and Kenny Wandfluh, John Giffin (The ultimate neighbor who has bought bulls before we were born), Brandon Wolf, Dale Stoll, Mark and Matthew Beattie, Brian Burson, John McMillan (again bought bulls before we were born), Shaun Wiederholt, Rob Pearcy and Jeff Brown (both honorary Barnard cattlemen), Josh McMillan, Todd and Trestan McGeorge, the late Phillip McGeorge, Adam Hull, Jamie Lewis, Jim Farnan, Shane Walker, Chris Pedersen, Ryan Richardson, Keith Sutton, (joins the list of buying bulls since before we were born), Tim Wilmes, Sam Schafer, Mike Wilmes, Paul & Cade Henggeler, John Hillyard, Shane Deering and Anthony Gabriel. (I’m sure I missed somebody and apologize in advance) Every person on this list is a big part of getting to sale day, whether it is stopping to get cattle in, helping get hay put up, giving a tow out of a sticky situation, having a drink while checking the feed bunks (This one might be more pleasure than work Brandon, Ha), and or buying bulls for over 40 years.

These are the men, and men/women just like them all over the country, that make the cattle industry great! They are what defines the American Cattleman and every man on this list would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. They are tough (and every single one of them will let you know when you are wrong- which makes you love them just that much more), have perseverance and a heart of gold.

This my friends is what makes the cattle industry great. It will never be about some white tablecloth event, or some $50,000 heifer. The industry needs these men, to provide the world with the greatest protein man has ever eaten! As the great Theordore Roosevelt said “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood”

Big Thank to Everyone that provides us with the GREATEST


After writing this “Ponder The Thought”, the words couldn’t ring truer, as the Lord gained a great man and one great neighbor. Mike Wandfluh was always willing to lend a hand and needed nothing in return. Countless times he cleaned a driveway, pulled one us out when we were stuck, or the year the hay pile was getting low so he showed up with hay and said we’d figure it out later. He was the definition of a great neighbor and County Road 58 will sure miss that blue truck. Thank You, Mike Wandfluh!

ELIA CUPCAKE 0414 - LOT 150 Longivity + Proven Efficiency + Eye Appeal + Maternal Instinct CUPCAKE MATERNAL DOMINANCE! BYERGO ELIA CUPCAKE 5900 - MATERNAL GRANDAM OF LOT 150, PICTURED AT 12 YEARS OF AGE CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +2 +3.4 +69 +115 +.27 +.28 +24 +76 +151 +272 ✧ What a way to start out the female sale with a Cupcake female that has been a standout her entire life. ✧ 0414 is an exquisitely designed female that had a feed conversion of 4.6 to 1, the Cupcake cow family is proving to be one of the most efficient in the breed, both in the pasture and the feedlot. ✧ 9 straight generations of Byergo donor dams in this pedigree. Look +Efficiency +Data+Longivity= This is Profit! ✧ Heifer calf at side born 12-23-22 by Byergo Silver Bullet or Byergo Goodway 0155. Calf will have to be DNA tested. Byergo Elia Cupcake 0414 CW +56 MARB +.40 RE +.85 FAT -.034 Birth Date: 09-10-2020 Cow +*20074840 Tattoo: 0414 +*FF Rito 2Q26 of 356H 9Q13 +*FF Rito Reputation 6H7 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3049 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 4028 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 150
CUPCAKE 0414 - LOT 150

Byergo May 2871 [ DDF


Birth Date: 04-02-2016


CW +56 MARB +.59 RE +.43 FAT -.009

CW +44 MARB +.65 RE +.40 FAT +.014

CW +48 MARB +.38 RE +.55 FAT -.030
PROVEN 151 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +7 +.5 +54 +99 +.25 +.71 +41 +43 +155 +244
✧ The proven dam of Byergo/Double G Blackstone! Here is a cow that has had a $42,000 son and sold embryos for $2,200 per embryo. To say she has pulled the plow is an understatement. ✧ 2871 has an outcross pedigree that has unique mating flexibility. She is a mature cow, but think about she can do for you. She has been a great cow and she has the ability to provide you with future cornerstone pieces to your program. ✧ Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet. Calf will have to be DNA tested.
Birth Date: 11-06-2012 Cow 18810314 Tattoo: 2871 Byergo Mighty Mytty 6996 Byergo Mighty Mike 0089 Byergo Miss Elia 7449 Byergo Miss Rito 0148 Byergo Big Time 5910 Miss E161 Rito 506
✧ What a beauty! 6160 is always a pick on pasture tours and she has served in our donor program. She represents what Byergo Angus is all about and is a daughter of the all time great Andy, not many opportunities left on direct Andy daughters. ✧ 6160, with 16 generations of Byergo Angus lineage, will add longevity, fertility and efficiency to your herd. This is a great female to build your program around. So complete and Absolutely beautiful. ✧ Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet. Calf will have to be DNA tested.
Cow 18751799 Tattoo: 6160 #*SydGen C C & 7 *Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo Miss Fonteyn 6137 Byergo Miss Elia 7215 #Ironwood New Level Byergo Miss Elia 4676 152 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +6 +2.0 +69 +119 +.28 +.93 +21 +69 +135 +244
Byergo Elia 6160
✧ Here is a maternal sister to Byergo Oasis 6052 and Byergo Samson 3152. The dam of 8039 was flat out a producer of dominance, they were going to weigh more and they were going to look the best. ✧ 8039’s dam (5899) produced until she was 16 years old. You typically don’t get to buy a daughter in the prime of her life out of a cow like this. ✧ I see a very promising future for 8039 as she is hitting her prime years, and then the fact she has such an outcross pedigree. This is a real opportunity. ✧ Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet. Calf will have to be DNA tested.
Tattoo: 8039 *Byergo
4629 Byergo Miss
8750 Byergo Miss Elia 5899 +Byergo Sitting Bull 3500 Byergo Miss Elia 3442 153
Byergo Elia 8039
Andy 0115

Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 Byergo Miss Blackcap 2838 Byergo Big Time 8728 Byergo Miss Blackcap 3502

Lady Elia

Birth Date: 09-14-2019 Cow

Byergo Elia 9382

Birth Date: 09-12-2019 Cow 19732569 Tattoo: 9382

Black Magic 3348

Miss Elia 2821

make you more money. A $C that is also in the top 15%.

Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Maverick or Byergo Magna. Calf will have to be DNA tested.

✧ Here is a Lady Elia out of Titus. The dam of 9412 is the “Lady Elia 0120” cow. This beauty was a granddaughter of the “Juice 5085” cow. 5085 was also the dam of Byergo Picasso (the maternal grandsire of Black Magic). ✧ 9412 has a pedigree full of greats, she is a very intriguing piece to build around. Just check out her growth and efficiency epds. ✧ Will be close to calving at the sale to Byergo Savant or Byergo Oasis.


These Blackstone cows have been producers and 8536 stems form the Annie cow family, the same cow family that brought you the lot 1 Byergo One Way last year.

Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet. Calf will have to be DNA tested.

BYERGO ANGUS 35 PAIRS & HEAVY BRED COWS BYERGO BOOMER 6351 - SIRE OF LOT 157 BYERGO TITUS 6340 - SIRE OF LOT 154 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C I+4 I+2.6 I+61 I+121 I+.33 I+.80 I+32 +68 +147 +259 ✧ Boomer daughter again that is a Cupckae. 9192 has bobbed ears but don’t let that stop you from buying a really productive young cow that is royally bred. ✧ Will be close to calving sale to EG Hudson. Byergo Elia Cupcake 9192 CW I+46 MARB I+.56 RE I+.42 FAT I-.015 Birth Date: 03-02-2019 Cow 20550122 Tattoo: 9192 158 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Boomer 6351 Byergo Miss Elia 2821 +Byergo Elia Cupcake 7100 *Byergo Andy 0115 +Byergo Elia Cupcake 4600 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +7 +1.1 +75 +139 +.33 +1.08 +27 +74 +150 +269 ✧ A Boldy Built yet feminine designed Boomer daughter. She has that combination
CW +60 MARB +.33 RE +.55 FAT
[ DDF ]
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +4 +.7 +53 +102 +.27 +.80 +32 +54 +132 +225 ✧
*Byergo Boomer 6351 Byergo
Byergo Elia 6135 *Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo Miss Elia 9978 157
8536 [ DDC ] CW +53 MARB +.10 RE +.82 FAT -.006 Birth Date: 12-24-2018 Cow 20144141 Tattoo: 8536 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo/Double GG Blackstone Byergo May 2871 Byergo Miss Elia 1311 Byergo Big Time 8728 Byergo Miss Annie 5958 159 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +3 +3.3 +76 +126 +.26 +.84 +21 +74 +140 +256 ✧
8312 [ OHF ] CW +55 MARB +.28 RE +.74 FAT -.015 Birth Date: 08-27-2018 Cow 19444277 Tattoo: 8312 *Byergo
Growth and Efficiency in this massive cow that can sure give an ample amount of milk to raise a scale smashing calf. Easy fleshing and Efficient, important qualities to making money.
Sells with a calf at side by Byergo Oasis 6052 or Byergo Savant. Calf will have to be DNA tested.
+3.8 +83 +135 +.28 +.93 +26 +76 +140
CW +60 MARB +.44 RE +.68 FAT -.021
9412 [ DDP ]
*19732572 Tattoo: 9412 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 Byergo My Lady Elia 0120 #*SydGen C C & 7 Byergo My Lady Elia 2345 155 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +9 -.6 +63 +115 +.25 +1.02 +33 +63 +167 +280 ✧
7134 T 9451 CW +55 MARB +1.00 RE +.62 FAT +.066 Birth Date:
Cow *19522815 Tattoo: 9451 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Titus 6340 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 +*CoX 1548 Rita 7134 *Baldridge Command C036 +*HW Complete of 6108 1548 156 158
A very attractive Titus daughter that excels for Calving Ease and Marbling. She traces back to the famous “6108” cow on the maternal side.
Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet. Calf will have to be DNA tested. Cigar Rita of

Byergo Elia 8538

Birth Date: 12-29-2018 Cow 19484058

8538 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Byergo Miss Elia 8703 +Byergo 150 IMF Midland 4663 Byergo Miss Elia 9941

✧ A bright future ahead for 8538. This Black Magic daughter is getting the job done, her yearling Winston son will be a highlight in the fall sale. Look at the added Ribeye. There is power in the blood! ✧ Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet. Calf will have to be DNA tested.

Byergo Elia Cupcake 9079

Birth Date: 03-22-2019



✧ Pay attention right here, sale highlight in this Cupcake cow. Here is a direct daughter of 4671, one of our very favorite donors. A maternal sister has taken over as our lead donor this fall. Check out the data on 9079. This extra extension Cupcake has a real unique upside. ✧ Will close to calving sale day to EG Hudson.

Byergo Elia 9075


Byergo Elia Cupcake 9038

Andy 0115

Elia Cupcake 5226

Direct daughter of the pathfinder Cupcake 5226 that was bought as a donor for KSO Farm. Look for 9038 to have added longevity.

Will be close to calving sale day to EG Hudson.

Byergo Elia

Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet. Calf will have to be DNA tested.


Byergo Rosemere Barbara 8460

11-09-2018 Cow *19451313 Tattoo: 8460

Rosemere Barbara 6807

Another one of these 6X18 daughters that is hitting her prime. These 6X18 cattle consistently add length and frame, overall added scale.

Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Smartfeed, Bf Break Away, or Byergo Bruce. Calf will have to be DNA tested.

Denver 2002B Byergo Miss Fonteyn 6137


Granddaughter of the great “6137”. 6137 is best known as the dam of Byergo Andy 0115. 8460’s dam was part of a very successful flush where several brothers were sale features. Very complete profile across the board with a breed leading combination of YW, RADG, DMI. Great Find!

Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Oasis or Byergo Savant. Calf will have to be DNA tested.

Byergo Annie 8136

Whoa, wake up!

strikes again. Direct daughter of Cupcake 4080 that is the dam of Byergo Black Revolution 8240 that is in ST Genetics lineup. Also make note that 4080 is a daughter of the famed Cupcake 7400. Royally bred with a different twist on the sire side make 8800 a must see on sale day.

8136 had one of the top heifers in the entire 2021 calf crop where she had a 113 weaning weight ratio. This Annie cow family has been doing good things and this cow is hitting her prime and already proven she has the ability to produce a great one.

Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet Calf will have to be DNA tested.

+4.6 +72 +129 +.29 +1.32 +29 +57 +134 +231
CW +51 MARB +.44 RE
+.017 Birth Date: 02-14-2019 Cow 20144140 Tattoo: 9038
Lawmaker 4629 Byergo Miss Elia 8750
R A Walker X3 Byergo Elia Buttercup 3100
+2.5 +64 +118 +.29 +.68 +31 +64 +150
CW +48 MARB +.77 RE
+.44 FAT +.013 Birth Date:
CW 8102 Cash 243 MBA Byergo T-Bone MBA Zara 3935
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +14 -2.4 +40 +74 +.22
+45 +61 +131 +231 ✧
CW +32 MARB +.62 RE +.32 FAT
+145 +242
-.001 Birth Date: 03-03-2018 Cow 19461629 Tattoo: 8136 *Byergo Andy 0115 *Byergo Stetson Byergo Miss Elia 7229 Byergo Annie 6057 Byergo Samson 3152 Byergo Miss Elia 1311 167
+4.2 +71 +124 +.27 +.99 +31 +54
CW +63 MARB +.26 RE +.77 FAT -.008
+66 +124 +.33 +.89 +35 +50
[ DDF ] CW +60 MARB +.77 RE +.74 FAT -.001
#*A A R Ten X
S A +*FF Rito
of 356H Ten X +J/R Queen
Design 356H Byergo
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +0 +3.6 +80 +147 +.35 +1.38 +24 +47 +177 +277
*19645044 Tattoo: 9079
of New
Elia Cupcake 4671
New Standard 118
Miss Cupcake 3600 161
CW +70 MARB +.47 RE +.59 FAT +.020
#*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*FF Rito 6X18 of 356H Ten X +J/R Queen of
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +2 +1.5 +69 +121 +.27 +.76 +30 +36 +149 +229 ✧
Bullet Calf will have to be DNA tested. Byergo Elia Cupcake 8800 CW +56 MARB +.46 RE +.66 FAT +0 Birth Date: 02-06-2018 Cow +*19136904 Tattoo: 8800 #*Barstow Cash +*BSF Hot Lotto 1401 *BSF Princess EL Cap W2 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 4080 *Byergo Andy 0115 *Byergo Miss Cupcake 7400 166 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +2 +.7 +53 +101 +.27 +.30 +34 +47 +127 +212 ✧
9167 [ DDF ] CW +41 MARB +.37 RE +.27 FAT +.039 Birth Date:
Cow 20548524 Tattoo: 9167 Byergo
007 Byergo
6228 Byergo
0026 Byergo
7431 *S A F Blue Blood B165 Byergo
Birth Date: 03-14-2019
20080250 Tattoo: 9075
Elia 6092
Samson 3152
Miss Elia 6023 162
Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles
Byergo Silver
Huge efficiency spread on 9167 with her +.27 RADG and +.30 DMI. 17 generations of Byergo bred cows that have gotten the job done.
Miss Elia
Elia 5254 164

As a heifer 8105 was anointed our next great donor, when you see her, I think you will see why. In life things change sometimes, her sire came out as a NHC therefore so did 8105. So here is the deal, you will have to test 8105’s calves for NH to be registered. On Average, 50% will be free and fine to reg. and 50% of them will be carries and can’t be registered. With that said if you are trying to build a great herd, here is something with a huge upside. If she wasn’t a carrier this would be a $20,000 type of cow. Take advantage of this opportunity! ✧ Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet Calf will have to be DNA tested.


BYERGO ANGUS 37 PAIRS & HEAVY BRED COWS BYERGO ELIA CUPCAKE 8105 - LOT 168 BYERGO ELIA 7480 - LOT 169 ZEBO DIXIE ERICA 818 - LOT 170 BYERGO MADAM ELIA 6438 - LOT 171 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +7 +1.6 +82 +145 +.29 +1.71 +23 +58 +157 +262
Byergo Elia Cupcake 8105 [ NHC ] CW +71 MARB +.41 RE +.58 FAT +.008 Birth Date:
Cow *19190495 Tattoo: 8105 *Varilek Product 2010 04 3F Epic 4631 Zebo Queen 1072 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 6053 #*MAR Innovation 251 Byergo Elia Buttercup 3100 168 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +12 -1.2 +54 +100 +.25 +.85 +40 +65 +139 +245 ✧
✧ Will
CW +40 MARB +.75 RE +.42 FAT -.001 Birth Date: 01-07-2017 Cow 19118646 Tattoo: 7480 *Byergo Andy 0115 *Byergo Stetson Byergo Miss Elia 7229 CH Miss Elia 040 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 Byergo Miss Elia 5885 169 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +3 +3.2 +81 +140 +.27 +1.31 +30 +74 +156 +276 ✧ 818 is a real looker, feminine with a great bag. The great news, this cow has an absolute stud bull calf by her side. Perfect timing for a great return on this calf by her side! ✧ Has a bull calf at side by Byergo Oasis 6052 or Byergo Savant. Calf will be DNA tested. Zebo Dixie Erica 818 CW +47 MARB +1.06 RE +.70 FAT +0 Birth Date: 02-06-2018 Cow *19167041 Tattoo: 818 #*Connealy Consensus #+*K C F Bennett Fortress *Thomas Patricia 9705 Zebo Queen 644 +*V A R Ten X 3267 +Zebo Queen 11129 170 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +0 +4.9 +82 +129 +.27 +.84 +18 +47 +125 +209 ✧ 6438 has always been a powerhouse female. These Easy Answer daughters always were favorites and 6438 is his best daughter. A truly imposing female, they just don’t make many Angus cows like this one. ✧ Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet Calf will have to be DNA tested. Byergo Madam Elia 6438 [ DDC ] CW +56 MARB +.20 RE +.26 FAT -.009 Birth Date: 12-06-2016 Cow 19720917 Tattoo: 6438 *A & B Final Answer 9022 Byergo Easy Answer 3314 Byergo Miss Elia 8736 Byergo Elia Cupcake 4943 Byergo Big Easy 2601 +Byergo Elia Cupcake 2919 171
These Stetson daughters are always impressive but 7480 is even a step above. Massive and beautiful. This is a cow everyone will find on sale day and will make
proud when
bring in her calf next fall.
be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet. Calf will have to be DNA tested. Byergo

Black Magic daughter that has 13 generations of Byergo Breeding in her with all the data and entering the prime years of her life.

Will be close to calving sale day to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet Calf will have to be DNA tested.

Byergo Elia 0321

These Diesel daughters have been very impressive so far. Look for this heifer to have a beautiful bag and carry on the family tradition of being a real world producer.

Will be close to calving sale to Byergo Goodway or Byergo Sustainable.

Byergo Elia 0283

38 BYERGO ANGUS PAIRS & HEAVY BRED COWS CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +2 +3.6 +62 +113 +.27 +.70 +37 +38 +126 +201 ✧ Do you
Power?! 4749 will do
her calves and
sale day
Byergo Elia 4749 [ DDC ] CW +55 MARB +0 RE +.60 FAT -.019 Birth Date: 10-23-2014 Cow 18853710 Tattoo: 4749 #*Sitz Upward 307R Byergo Upward 2788 Byergo Miss Elia 4726 Byergo Elia Clover 1407 Byergo Stryker 8497 Byergo Miss Becky 4631 173 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +10 +.1 +53 +92 +.24 +.30 +35 +57 +136 +233 ✧ The Confidence Plus cattle have been popular and here is a female that is a daughter
the 8407 cow that
entering our
0310 CW +32 MARB +.79 RE +.52 FAT +.012 Birth Date: 11-06-2020 Cow *20078157 Tattoo: 0310 #*Connealy Confidence Plus *MBA Confidence Plus 7508 MBA Princess 5840 *Byergo Elia 8407 #*Jindra Acclaim Byergo Elia 6215 177 ✧ Check
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +3 +2.3 +61 +115 +.28 +1.03 +30 +65 +151 +261 ✧
[ DDP ] CW +40 MARB +.78 RE +.55 FAT +.013 Birth
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +1 +3.0 +64 +116 +.28 +1.06 +36 +83 +121 +240 ✧
what very few other
can do. Make sure you take a look at her. She has 107 weaning weight ratio on
has a daughter entering our donor program. TRUE POWER.
Will be close to calving
to Byergo Charles or Byergo Silver Bullet Calf will have to be DNA tested.
Byergo Elia
out the
on this Black Friday daughter that is the last cow lot but sure not the least. A top 10% $C with extra power will sure catch a look.
Estimated due in late March.
Byergo Elia 7566
Date: 04-04-2017
Conversion 8064
Black Magic 3348
Elia Cupcake 5900 Byergo Miss Elia 7376
Success 2801 Byergo Miss Elia 5916 172
CW +45 MARB +.24 RE +.63 FAT -.009
Cow *20078159 Tattoo:
6428 174 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +4 +4.5 +66 +116 +.24 +1.16 +25 +36 +160 +244 ✧ Very attractive in her design with a very nice bag and a 1.00 marbling EPD wraps up the package on this nice young female. ✧ Will be close to calving sale to Byergo Goodway or Byergo Sustainable.
CW +48 MARB +.99 RE +.49 FAT +.056 Birth Date: 09-23-2020 Cow *20092771 Tattoo: 0283 *EXAR Stallion 7986 FF Rito Rip FF Rita 6A28 of 3430 Advance *Byergo Elia 8428 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 #Byergo Miss Elia 2825 175 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +11 +1.1 +60 +115 +.31 +.50 +28 +53 +163 +264 ✧ ¾ sister to lot 175. Love the consistency here. Good RADG/DMI combination in a young female that has plenty of marbling and ribeye. ✧ Will be close to calving sale to Byergo Goodway or Byergo Sustainable. Byergo Elia 0291 CW +45 MARB +.79 RE +.77 FAT +.020 Birth Date: 10-02-2020 Cow *20092775 Tattoo: 0291 *EXAR Stallion 7986 FF Rito Rip FF Rita 6A28 of 3430 Advance Byergo Elia 8513 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia 5531 176
Birth Date: 11-21-2020
Black Magic 3348
Diesel 8302
Elga 5507 Byergo Elia 8436
Byergo T-Bone

Here is that trip down memory lane again. Flush sister to the lots 87 & 88 bulls. This is a female that stems from the famed Cupcake cow family out of Ankonian One, a bull that was born in 1995. Power Maternal at work here.

The donor dam of 04K2 is none other than the great “Cupcake 7400”. 7400 is most notably the dam of Byergo Maverick and maternal sister to Cupcake 5900 (the dam of Black Magic). The story of 7400 doesn’t stop there though, she continues to write her story going strong at over 15 years old. ✧ Here is the coolest thing in this time-tested pedigree. 7400 has 6 calves with feed conversion data. They are averaging a 4.12 to 1 conversion. WOW! Think outside the box folks, Times are changing!

Byergo Rosemere Barbara 2531

2468 brings a new pedigree with an old twist to the table. We are excited for the Money Shot calves, the son of Black Lightning.

2468 is out of a cow that has consistently done her job. 2468 will bring the growth, efficiency, soundness, and carcass traits to the table. Also note that 2468 has a 12 tenderness to boot. Mark this one as the no miss fault free kind.


This heifer is beautiful out through her front and has many of the same pieces as her mother. This beauty still has plenty of power and an abundance of marbling. Look for her to be a factory of production. This one is a can’t miss!

BYERGO ANGUS 39 OPEN HEIFERS BYERGO EILA CUPCAKE 2309 - LOT 187 BYERGO EILA 2304 - LOT 186 7400 - DAM OF LOT 185 BYERGO CUPCAKE 04K - LOT 185 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +4 +1.6 +79 +142 +.32 +1.15 +29 +63 +168 +281 ✧ 18 generations of Byergo Breeding in this female that is out a powerful young Black Lightning daughter. These Black Lightning daughters are the real deal. ✧ Good spread EPDs and good carcass numbers on this female that will make a nice replacement female. Byergo
2304 CW +63 MARB +.71 RE +.77 FAT +.003 Birth Date: 12-24-2021 Cow *20550065 Tattoo: 2304 SydGen Enhance *Cantrell Creek Justice Cantrell Creek Beauty C401 *Byergo Elia 0057 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 Byergo Elia 6228 187 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +1 +2.3 +65 +115 +.23 +1.28 +35 +84 +140 +266 ✧ Continuing with these time-tested proven genetics is 2531, a maternal sister to Byergo Andy 0115. What an opportunity at the last direct daughter of the great “6137”
CW +42 MARB +.99 RE +.31 FAT +.009 Birth Date:
Cow +*20557478 Tattoo: 2531 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 #+*G A R Prophet +G A R Objective 1885 Byergo Miss Fonteyn 6137 #+Woodhill Foresight Byergo Miss Fonteyn 4761 186 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C -2 +4.5 +48 +91 +.25 +.57 +27 +42 +108 +182
04K2 AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF-OSF-RDF ] CW +41 MARB -.08 RE +.54 FAT -.052 Birth Date: 01-28-2022 Cow +20416182 Tattoo: 04K2 #Rito 3W3 of 0J2 Rito 9FB3 Ankonian One Ankony Flora W6820 *Byergo Miss Cupcake 7400 #Woodlawn Charge On 14 +Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 185 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +11 +.1 +49 +94 +.27 +.10 +31 +65 +155 +266 ✧ She’s a Cupcake! That should say it all, you know she’ll be a real producer. ✧ 2309 is a female that really excels at Calving Ease, lowering your DMI, soundness, and marbling. Get her in your replacement pen, she’ll produce. Byergo Elia Cupcake 2309 CW +38 MARB +1.05 RE +.62 FAT +.039 Birth Date: 01-09-2022 Cow *20550084 Tattoo: 2309 SydGen Enhance *Cantrell Creek Justice Cantrell Creek Beauty C401 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 0006 +*FF Rito Reputation 6H7 Byergo Elia Cupcake 8029 188 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +10 -.4 +75 +137 +.30 +1.17 +30 +72 +152 +269 ✧
Byergo Elia 2468 CW +55 MARB +.92 RE +.16 FAT +.050 Birth Date: 03-22-2022 Cow *20548523 Tattoo: 2468 Byergo Black Lightning 7568 *WSC Money Shot G134 +*EF Blackcap 6011 Byergo Elia 7487 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Byergo Miss Elia 6158 189

Byergo Elia 2521

BYERGO ELIA 2521 - LOT 190

✧ Did we save the best for last?! We just may have in this exquisitely designed outcrossed pedigreed maternal sister to the $25,000 Byergo Constant that is owned by Grimmius Cattle.

✧ This girl is just pretty dang salty and stemming from the UltraPower Maternal matron “Elia 5173” that served as a donor for us and is now serving as a donor for Kiwi Angus.

✧ Think of the mating flexibility in this pedigree. Able x Andy will cross with any mainstream bull in the breed or better yet, don’t follow the crowd use something outcross again.

✧ 2521 has all the parts. The cool look, The great spread on RADG/ DMI, the extreme marbling, super sound with great feet, the maternal instincts bred in… this heifer just screams return on investment. Be Different and Think outside the box. Great Cattle with great efficiency, it’s the future!


Do you want top quality replacements? This looks to be the best opportunity to breed open heifers in 10 years, and quality is what you will need to top the markets next spring or keep for yourself. Only the best make it to the sale. All these groups come from reputable breeders that buy top end bulls focused on efficiency and maternal instinct. These heifers are developed the right way with longevity and docility in mind. Buy with Confidence!


Lots 300-315 Farnan Cattle- 16 Open Heifers Elite growth genetics here in a great set that are LoIn-HiOut and Stryker influenced.

Lots 320-339- Adam Hull- 20 Open Heifers Adam’s Top 20 replacements as he lost a pasture. Great opportunity on a top set.

Lots 345-361- Phyllis Skoglund- 17 Open Heifers Consistent quality and Longevity in these Andy and Magic influenced heifers. One of Phyllis’s top sets ever.

Lots 365-376- Imboden Cattle- 12 Open Heifers Buy the sister mates to one of the highest selling sets of steers in Iowa. Reputation Cattle.

Lots 380-389 – Allen Dye/Hoskins Cattle Company- 10 Open Heifers

Quite the set with an Efficiency focus, females sired by Maverick, Lil Andy, and Pistol Pete sons.

Lots 393-399- Chris Sullivan- 7 Open Heifers These girls are gentle and smooth, out of home raised Stryker cows and sired by a Big Easy son.

Fall Bred Females

Lots 500-519- Shaun Wiederholt- 20 Fall Bred Heifers

20 fall bred heifers weighing over a 1000 pounds. A.I. bred to Crossover for August 25th calving. The heifers are Byergo sired and Gentle. Really hard to find fall bred heifers like this.

Lots 600-604- Skoglund Farms- 5 fall Bred Cows 3-6 year old cows that are Byergo sired and Byergo bred. Start calving in August. Really nice, hard to find, set of fall cows ready to hit their prime.

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DMI MILK $M $B $C +10 -.7 +62 +110 +.24 +.90 +39 +96 +171 +318
CW +53 MARB +1.16 RE +.45 FAT +.022 Birth Date: 02-10-2022 Cow +*20382650 Tattoo: 2521 +*G A R Phenom 7953 *TEX Able 8528 +BoBo Evergreen Erica 2513 #Byergo Elia 5173 *Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo Miss Elia 8747 190
Byergo Titus 6340 Byergo Winston 8460 Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo Boomer 6351 Byergo Maverick 8400 Byergo Stetson Byergo Black Revolution 8240 Byergo Oasis 6052 Byergo Beefficient 1379 Byergo/Double GG Blackstone Byergo Magna 7830 Byergo Smartfeed Byergo Black Lightning 7568 Byergo Big Easy 2601 Your next herdsire! Your picks Byergo Black Magic THE HOME OF HERD SIRES


8850 Co. Rd. 58 Savannah, MO 64485

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