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5 questions to ask about anyone in your life By Amanda Fortini
he get busy and forget to call, or was he just plain rude?), we could determine for ourselves what’s really going on. We went to a handful of experts for help coming up with five questions to ask about any relationship—whether a friendship, a romance or a business partnership:
How does this person treat the busboy?
“When people are acting disrespectful, contemptuous or superior, pay attention to that,” says John Gottman, PhD, author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work and co-founder, with his wife Julie Gottman, PhD, of the Gottman Institute. It can be easy to justify lessthan-stellar behaviour when it’s directed toward yourself but more difficult to ignore it when you see it aimed at others. We can learn a lot by observing how the person in question treats his family, his friends, the waiter at the restaurant who forgets to put the dressing on the side. “If they kick their dog,” says Harville Hendrix, PhD, bestselling author of Getting the Love You Want, “they’re probably not going to treat you very well either.”
Is this person truthful?
“Self-deception remains the most difficult deception,” Joan Didion wrote in her 1968 essay “On Self-Respect.” Few of us are lucky enough to have avoided the heartbreak that comes from trusting someone who subsequently betrays us. The original transgression, the betrayal, is painful, but even more painful is the realization that we’ve betrayed ourselves—that we saw the signs and could have predicted the disastrous outcome from the start. Why are we willing to overlook qualities or behaviours that nag us as problematic? Why don’t we listen to our blaring inner alarms? Maybe it’s simply that we want to see the best in people. Or, if you’re anything like I was during my 20s, when I dated a succession of rude, angry and passive-aggressive guys, your motivations are frequently less noble: loneliness, lust, boredom, insecurity. Often, too, others are on their best behaviour in the honeymoon stage of a relationship; we allow ourselves to be seduced by fun times or grand gestures and are then shocked when a very different person emerges in times of adversity. If we had a set of questions that would allow us to figure when someone has made an honest mistake and when they’ve shown you, to quote Maya Angelou, “who they are,” we might save ourselves a tremendous amount of pain and grief. Not to mention energy. And drama. Instead of vigilantly trying to interpret another person’s actions (Was that malicious or a misunderstanding? Did
This seems an obvious question—and yet we’re frequently willing to overlook or explain away a person’s tendency to fib, mislead, or omit crucial details. Does your friend say she’s staying home and later post pictures from a party online? Does your spouse tell you he’s investing money back into the family business when he’s really spending it on the sly? “You simply can’t have a relationship if you lie to one another,” says Robert Sternberg, PhD, provost and senior vice president of Oklahoma State University and author of The New Psychology of Love. Knowing whether someone is honest is important because it raises another question: Can I trust this person? “If you don’t have trust, you have no reliability,” Hendrix says. “You can’t make predictions, and if you can’t make predictions then you have anxiety and conflict.” I had precisely this experience when I first began dating my fiancé. The issue was minor—I was flaky when it came to keeping travel commitments—but the effects on our relationship were not. I’d cancel or move a flight without a thought, my fiancé would get anxious and critical, and an argument would ensue. Eventually, I realized that it all came down to one fundamental issue: He couldn’t trust me to follow through with plans. Not only was I showing him who I was with this behaviour (disorganized, terrible at managing time, anxious when pinned down by commitments), I was also, I realized after we discussed it, showing him who I didn’t want to be.
Does this person really listen to you?
Does this person listen to me, or does he or she “listen”? This question is particularly relevant now. Your friend, partner or spouse should not be texting, emailing or tweeting mid-conversation. A few years ago, when I was living in Los Angeles, I spent a lot of time with a movie producer friend whose fingers were flying across
his BlackBerry keys each time we met for a meal. “I’m listening,” he’d say, eyes lowered. But I decided that his refusal to put down his phone and converse was a clear signal that he valued his cellular goings-on above our friendship, and I quit making plans with him. “In every conversation, a person needs to stop and make eye contact and focus,” says Hendrix. This approach may, in the long run, save you time: “It takes two or three minutes,” says Hendrix, “but if you don’t listen, you’re going to have a fight, and it’s two or three hours.”
Is this person willing to be vulnerable?
“Vulnerability means a person’s feelings are available in the conversation,” says Hendrix. It also means having the ability (and the willingness) to fess up to guilt, anxiety or confusion. We’ve all known the friend who can’t admit she made a mistake or that she doesn’t have all the answers. “Most people,” says Hendrix, “live in what is called a ‘defended relationship.’ They’re afraid to be vulnerable. They’re afraid to say, ‘I’m scared,’ or, ‘I feel needy,’ or, ‘I have horrible memories.’” But the silence of someone who’s disinclined to lower his defences can speak quite loudly, telegraphing a fear of intimacy or a desire to remain emotionally in control.
How does this person fight?
Someone who is unable to communicate or be vulnerable often lacks the ability to resolve conflicts— what Jette Simon, a clinical therapist who runs the Washington D.C. Training Institute for Couples Therapy, calls “the capacity to repair.” This trait is crucial, of course, because there’s not a strife-free relationship on the planet. “It’s not so much having conflicts that’s going to determine the quality of your relationship,” says Simon, “but can you each take responsibility for what you did and then go back and share?” In other words, does this person have the ability to admit that what he or she said at the dinner party or in the board meeting was hurtful? Or, if you’re the contrite party, does your apology reach open, forgiving ears? As Gottman says, “You need to be able to talk about a regrettable incident or a fight you’ve had, to figure out what went wrong and how to make it better, without getting back into it.” People who fight to win are showing you that making a point, proving they’re right or asserting their own ego is ultimately more important to them than the relationship. As helpful as these questions are, the experts agree that when you have a gnawing feeling that someone’s behaviour isn’t right, trust that information, subtle though it may be. Believe the person, yes, but above all, believe yourself.
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 5
How to achieve greatness in your marriage Step 1 Put your spouse first
Treat them better than anyone else. Do not talk about them behind their back. Make your role of husband or wife the most important, even over the role of mom or dad.
Step 2 Put things in perspective
Let the small things go and give each other a break.
Step 3 Divide your time wisely
Give your spouse some space to pursue their special interests, but also find activities that you like doing together.
Step 4 Continue constant communication
The more you talk to each other to stay on the same page, the less likely you are to misunderstand and miscommunicate.
Step 5 Don’t give up
Believe that marriage is forever. Don’t imagine a life without your spouse and think that divorce is an option.
Step 6 Forgive your spouse
Forgive your spouse – everyone makes mistakes. Realise that you will see things differently and sometimes agree to disagree.
Tip - Never go to sleep angry. If you’re having an argument with your spouse, settle it before you head to bed. Step 7 Foster their wellbeing
Foster your spouse’s well-being. Encourage them to be their best and succeed. Respect their opinion. Take time to realise what makes them spark and why. You may end up discovering a whole new side of the person you thought you knew so well.
How to put the romance back into your relationship Step 3Work on your self-esteem
Step 1 Do something fun, scary, or challenging
Share activities that will make your hearts pound with excitement or make you laugh out loud. People find each other more physically attractive when their adrenaline is pumping.
Step 2 Save the bedroom for sex
Make your bedroom a place for sex, sleep, and nothing else. Clear the room of mood killers and make it a TV, computer, and personal-digital-assistant free zone. Don’t eat in bed, unless it’s chocolate body paint!
Do things that make you feel good about yourself, and encourage your partner to do the same. Researchers have found a correlation between high selfesteem and couples who have managed to keep the romance alive after many years together.
Step 4 Have a hands-on relationship
Kiss and touch each other frequently, check in with each other during the day, and make time for sex. A study found that touchy-feely couples who had sex two or three times a week and called and texted each other often during the day reported more satisfying and more romantic relationships.
Step 5 Talk without distractions
Make time to talk to each other without any distractions, like kids or the TV.
Step 6 Do the small stuff
Don’t wait for a special occasion to give them a card, buy their favourite candy, or take them to dinner. When it comes to longterm romance, it really is the small stuff that counts.
Tip - Orgasms cause our brain to produce oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel more attached and loving to the person we’re with.
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s n o i s s e f n o
@omg s n io s s e f n o c ions to our confess
email y
ymously n o n a s t h g u eepest tho d r u o y s s e onf A place to c
Funny Dream I woke up at around four one morning, laughing at the top of my lungs. I was apparently dreaming something very funny. I woke up my girlfriend with my loud laughter. She got up, drunk with sleep, and started to laugh with a puzzled look on her face and asked, ‘’babe are you okay, what’s so funny?’’ I continued laughing, saying I couldn’t remember.
Don’t ever speak to me again!
Sexy Secretary I was not in a relationship for a few years. Recently I started seeing someone who attends the same meeting I attend twice a month. He joined the group last year. It is affiliated with my job. We are having a great time after the meetings and I am loving it. So the secretary is doing overtime work! Imagine their faces when my colleagues find us out.
Why do I?
I decided to stay away from work on a sunny Thursday so I could visit Maracas beach with my boyfriend. I got up really early and organised all my stuff for our day ahead. At around 10 am I was finally finished and it was time to go. I called my boyfriend and to my surprise I got no answer. I was shocked, so I decided to visit his house. His car wasn’t there! I was confused and enraged! Immediately, I called up a friend and asked him to pick me up so I could clear my mind. I stood on the main road waiting for more than an hour. Rain started pouring and I got soaked. I had my friend’s number on speed dial so I called him again but there was no answer from him either!
I still love her but she’s got a boyfriend. We will never be together. I have accepted that and I always try to move on but I just can’t. I’m done chasing her hoping that a relationship can happen. I’ll just end up ruining her relationship and I wouldn’t want to hurt her. So I’m just gonna do my best to move on and let it go if I can. Will always love her, though.
Twice in one day! How embarrassing! I went home, changed and went to bed. Up to now I hate these two guys for putting me through that! And I never spoke to them again!
Natural Naturalista I’m a Naturalista! I’ve been natural all my life and I’m loving it, I hardly wear make-up and I don’t think I’ll ever relax my hair because I believe that a girl who wears her hair in its natural state exhibits confidence and breaks the barriers of society’s standards of beauty..I’m not against anyone who relaxes their hair but I hate when people sarcastically tell me how and what I should do to my hair. I’m beautiful and feel even more beautiful when I’m complimented on my hair...I’m natural and I am loving it...
Seniors Respond
Every morning I pass these elderly people on my way to work. I say “good morning” and surprisingly I get blank faces and no response. So what’s this thing about young people having no respect now? Recently I realised that elderly people have this way of saying things twice, for example, “right oh, right oh”. I started saying “good morning” a bit louder and twice, thinking that I was either saying it too softly or they just didn’t hear me. Now when I say “morning, morning” I get smiles and “good morning” in return.
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 7
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Hong Kong Graffiti is the brightly coloured red and white restaurant on the left as you exit the car park in Movietowne under Pricesmart. The OMG team has had lunch there many times and felt our readers needed to give it a try. They bring to you the flavours and textures of Asian cuisine in a casual, modern Asian environment. The manager boasts of their all-fresh, authentic ingredients. They offer diverse options, from the traditional Chinese Dim Sum breakfast to the more contemporary dishes such as Korean Kalbi, or Pad Thai. He says they aim to delight all of your senses. The express lunch specials start at $50, so if you feel you are ready to try something new, grab the crew at work and head on down. At dinner time they have a Korean barb-que beef and sliders, with some great cocktails to get your evening started. We are happy to report that two OMG Magazine readers will be heading to Hong Kong Graffiti to taste the experience. Take some pictures and report back to us. Just head out to facebook, search Express OMG Magazine, like our page and say “I want Hong Kong Graffiti� and one lucky winner will be able to take a friend and share the experience.
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 9
The girl behind the speed dating clock... For Crystal Charles-Lalla what started out as a way of being able to apply what she learnt while completing a postgraduate degree and pursuing a marketing career has evolved into a viral sensation and now people are excited and intrigued by the concept of speed dating in Trinidad. Speeddatingtt is an exciting and refreshing singles-mingle event. It is ideal for networking and meeting a large group of people with similar interests. Charles-Lalla came up with the idea for speed dating in Trinidad when she began working part-time for a company in San Fernando who hired her to coordinate events at their restaurant and pub so as to build their customer base. “I proposed the idea of speed dating on Valentine’s Day as an exciting alternative to what was available in different venues.” Unfortunately the manager did not buy the idea and decided to have karaoke on that night instead.
Crystal Charles-Lalla
d e Spe
g n i t Da T T
Fast forward three years and Crystal signed on as marketing manager at a popular Chaguaramas venue for weddings and other functions. “I started working there last August, trying to develop concepts to rebrand the venue; however, the state of emergency and curfew came three weeks later, so that operation came to a standstill and soon afterwards there was no job for me, and certainly no opportunity to develop the speed dating concept.” But dreams do come true! When she approached the owners of Drink! Wine Bar to host her speed dating events at their venue they had the foresight to embrace the idea. “When I spoke to Dale Ramirez, he was so excited and enthused that it motivated me to push the idea and work harder at it. I came up with the name and the marketing strategy for ensuring that the brand (Speeddatingtt) would meet the objectives, mission, and vision.” Thanks to Drink! Wine Bar – Speeddatingtt now has three successful events under its belt and looks forward to building its connection with this venue for hosting regular events, although Crystal looks forward to offering these more widely
throughout Trinidad. “My idea for Speeddatingtt is to host these events in different parts of the island. This idea is still very real because in order for the concept to grow I must reach a wider customer base; however I want to ensure that I always remain focused on my objectives and to be reminded that it is not about the quantity but rather the quality of participants we attract. We offer a safe environment for our exclusive clientele, whom we characterise as adventurous, bold and fun, to mingle.” “Speeddatingtt has specific internal procedures to ensure customers feel comfortable and safe, to maintain an acceptable level of behaviour and to ensure that the service objectives of the event are well communicated to its patrons. These objectives are: for speed daters to have fun; to try something new; and to embrace a refreshing networking experience. “Although the premise behind speed dating is to allow singles to meet and engage in conversations to hopefully find a match, at Speeddatingtt – our events are designed first and foremost to provide fun. We want our customers to walk away with a delightful experience that is different to the current offerings within the local entertainment market. “Through our research we discovered that people living in Trinidad value networking opportunities for forming contacts and developing mutually beneficial relationships. However, these opportunities are often limited to people meeting at school and work. Therefore, Speeddatingtt provides an occasion that expands your networking circles, and allows you to have a memorable experience. Whether you are new to the neighbourhood, or enjoy making new friends – speed dating is the right experience for you.” “I want to thank my husband – Allan Lalla – for always encouraging me to do my best and to explore my creativity; my two mothers – Glenda Khan and Barbara Lalla – for inspiring me to reach my goals; my lecturer Mr. Hilary Bengochea for encouraging me to market this concept; and all my family and friends for their constant support and encouragement.” for further info contact speedatingtt@
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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 11
style Pink Passion
This stunning gown was created by designer DLR ‘D’ Dominiqué La Roche, hand stitched from Bangkok silk with a haute couture approach. Model
Hannah Layne MUA and Stylist
Richard Young Photographer
Stephen Doobal
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Andthermanew behi
Photography and Story by Stephen Doobal
Andrew Lewis has qualified for the 2012 Olympics to represent Trinidad and Tobago in laser sailing and he has set his sights on becoming the number one laser sailor in the world. Andrew has a schedule that will overwhelm most of us, but his focus is crystal clear and unwavering. Every day and every hour leading up the Olympics is clearly charted in his head. He is able to list precisely the details of the many planes, trains, cars and hotels, training sessions and qualifiers that lie before him as he prepares for his big day in London. OMG Magazine wanted to find out what type of man makes it to the Olympics in the sport of racing lasers (dinghies) which is not well known in Trinidad and Tobago. Andrew, 22, started this journey at the age of seven. He was heavily influenced by his grandparents and his father. He took to the sea easily and feels most at home there. He says of his Olympic adventure, “This is not my first attempt. In 2008 I did not qualify. I lost. It took four years of hard work to refocus my mind, body and determination to try again. But I am a determined and driven young man. When I set my mind to something, I must conquer it. Many times in trying to get to this Olympics, I felt I could not make it, the fear and the pain of not qualifying four years ago haunted me still. I even had to stop school so I could focus all my energies on making this a reality. Luckily I had my team behind me, my mental approach most of all is what I needed to overcome... Because my body was fit, I had the technique and the experience to make it, but the mental hurdles were the toughest.” Andrew says to win in laser sailing you must constantly adjust – to the wind, the water, the competitors; anticipating situations and dealing with the everchanging variables is what it’s all about. Reading and adjusting to conditions well will take you faster and further than the next man. A laser is 14 feet long with one sail. All the competitors get identical boats and the race is one and a half hours long. There are ten qualifying races and the best ten from those races make it to the finals. That is where the Olympic medals wait. He says, “I am also the youngest person to qualify. The average medallist’s age is 28 to 34 years old. So in fact I can compete in four to five Olympics.” One of Andrew’s passions is working with children. He and his father started a school for sailing in Vessigny. He volunteers his scarce time and over the years has introduced more than 300 kids to the joys and challenges of sailing. He says most of these youngsters come from really poor homes and they take this opportunity to sail very seriously. They make sacrifices to be there and appreciate every minute of it. There is a lot of promise among them and he is confident that if any of them apply themselves we will see some more international talent coming through.
ewis L ind the sails... As a teen Andrew started deejaying, playing at Club Zen and on radio. He says he started from scratch, taking the experience as far as he could go. It struck me that even at 22 Andrew knows that life is fleeting and precious. He said, “We all have such a short time here and I want to live my life to the fullest, experience as much as I could and be the best at whatever I undertake to do”. He respects and admires his father. He says, “I saw him build his company from nothing, into the strong company it is today. My father has his brothers around him and the family is close. I admire that and I am lucky I would not have to work as hard as he did, so imagine if I put that same commitment into what I do. I can do anything. My father has influenced me so much by his example and advice. He is very much in the background, behind everything I have done. His knowhow, his contacts, his foresight on what steps I should take is amazing. He is very proud of me and I am totally grateful for him. Of course my mother is my other rock, they are great parents”. Andrew stays away from negativity. He tells his students all the time to be positive, be happy, be grateful and these things along with good sportsmanship are the keys to a successful life. He enjoys being around people with positive energy. He loves hard work and the success it brings. His future clearly involves more Olympic adventures, but also he wants to follow in his father’s footsteps and start his own business. He lit up with excitement as he spoke of plans for his own restaurant and introducing local athletes to international standard sporting wear. Andrew wants to also write a book – he already has a title: The Pathway to the Olympics – which will help future athletes and the government with insights on what it takes to turn Olympic dreams into reality. He is grateful to his sponsors – The Ministry of Sport, The Sportt Company, Oasis Water, SM Jaleel, Bmobile, Beacon and Diproinduca. Andrew said there is someone special in his life. They have been dating for over three years. He feels while most girlfriends might not understand when he says he cannot be around, or he cannot lime, or hang out late or do more stuff together, he is lucky that his special someone knows him and appreciates what he is going through at the moment. She supports him and their relationship is growing and getting better, something he appreciates very much. Andrew’s biggest OMG moment is qualifying for the 2012 Olympics. “It was the most unique feeling I ever had in my life. In fact, it was the sweetest feeling. It is really indescribable how deep the feeling of accomplishment ran in me and the weight that lifted, after all those years of hard work, to aim at this moment and finally achieve it. I wish I had the words, but it was truly a unique moment I will always treasure.”
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 13
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Let it all out Step 1 Find a place to scream
Find a room, field, backyard or warehouse to go to and scream. It doesn’t have to make sense so much as bleed some of the negative, pent-up feelings.
Step 2 Express yourself through art
Releasing your creativity can help release pent-up emotions. Express yourself through art, whether painting, writing, singing or dancing.
Tip - The original idea of drama was catharsis, allowing people to vicariously release their own emotions through the lives of imaginary others in the play.
Step 5 Talk to yourself
Talk to yourself as if you were another person and rage at full tilt. Be a good friend and advise yourself.
Tip - A good cry can allow you to feel everything and move on. Step 6 Speak with pets Step 7 See a counsellor
See a psychologist, who can teach more techniques for recognising and releasing your emotions.
Step 3 Listen to music
Listen to music to give vent to your emotions, experience pleasure, release the pain and eventually heal.
Step 4 Write it down
Process your feelings by writing in a journal, without editing, to understand yourself, to blow off steam, and to reflect on your misconceptions.
Tip - Talk to your pets and pour it out. They can’t answer, but they’ll always accept and love you.
Develop lazy habits that are good for you Step 1 Leave the bed unmade
It’s more sanitary to pull back the covers and let the linen air out than to trap dust mites under the warm covers, where they’ll thrive.
Step 2 Don’t dry the dishes
Don’t towel-dry hand-washed dishes. Air-drying is so much more hygienic that most restaurants are forbidden from using dishtowels.
Step 3 Clean the house less
Don’t go crazy keeping your house spic and span, especially if you have children. Many researchers support the so-called “hygiene hypothesis” – the theory that the bacteria, viruses and worms that enter our bodies via dirt are necessary to develop an immune system capable of fighting back against these invaders.
Step 4 Take naps
Take half-hour naps a few times a week. People who do so have lower rates of death from heart disease.
Step 5 Doodle
Go ahead and doodle as the boss drones on. Research shows that scribbling when you’re bored improves concentration and memory
Step 6 Daydream
Don’t feel guilty about daydreaming. Scientists have discovered it’s actually a stimulating mental activity that prepares the brain for complex problem-solving.
Tip - Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per night in addition to naps
Izia Lindsay artistof the week
20 years old from Chaguanas
Izia, or JAP as he is known by many, was nicknamed by his primary school teacher and that name is used even by his UWI lecturers up to today. In fact he likes the name so much that he has named his company JAP INC. His objective is to bring art from the galleries to the community for all to enjoy. Because his art is graffitibased, and since graffiti is considered vandalism, his challenge is getting people to know the difference. He walks a fine line between vandalism and art, but once you look at his work, it will be clear that this young man is operating at a higher level than most. His work has insight and professional technique beyond his years and is admired by his peers. Izia was sponsored by Converse to go to Curacao to perfect his technique to customise shoes for stores in T&T. He
has done murals at Highway Records in Curepe, McCann Erickson advertising agency, UWI, various store interiors and many other projects. A Queen’s Royal College past pupil, he is now pursuing a visual arts degree at UWI. It all started when he went on a trip to Brooklyn in the US at the age of 13, and saw street art in all its splendour. He was instantly inspired by this type of expression and wanted to learn and master the techniques himself. Izia is very happy with the amount of jobs he has been getting but his dream is to bring his art to the public in permanent spaces where people have the time to take it in and enjoy it. He feels the fact that people accept his mural art and are willing to pay for it is a step in the right direction for his company. Izia’s biggest OMG moment? “When Highway Records called me at the age of 17 and asked me to do a graffiti wall for their studio. That was an amazing moment and feeling for me, to be recognised for my work and they were willing to have it up in their space.
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Jonelle Warrick 17-year-old TRINCITY FOOTBALLER
Photography and Story by Stephen Doobal
Jonelle is a fanatical Chelsea fan and gifted footballer. She has represented Trinidad and Tobago in the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup Finals and the Youth Olympic Football Women’s Tournament in 2010. She attended the Dinsley-Trincity Government Primary School and is now going to Bishop Anstey High School East in Trincity. She started playing football at a tender age with her father, coach Joel Warrick of the Trincity Nationals. Sports, especially football, is a big part of the Warrick household. Jonelle is the youngest of three siblings, with an older brother and sister who are also heavily involved in sports. She will soon be doing her CXC’s and was happy to report she already has full scholarship offers from colleges in the US. She is a utility player which, she explains, is someone who can play at any position on the field. She credits that ability with consistent hard work and training. Jonelle is a fierce competitor who never likes to lose. She reluctantly admitted that sometimes when she loses she cries. “I really can’t take it, I cry.” Football has taken Jonelle to compete in countries like Costa
Rica, Brazil, USA, Panama, Guatemala, Singapore, just to name a few. Her home is filled with trophies of all kinds and sizes. She says, “We have lost count, because everyone brings in trophies, there’re lots of winners in my family”. Jonelle loves to laugh and spend time with her family and boyfriend, who we will not name. She dislikes injustice and people who try to degrade and pull down others. That gets her fired up. She loves children and hopes when she grows up her career will involve kids. Jonelle likes to always speak her mind and feels people should not hold things back. She wants more girls to play football and not feel that football is a boys’ thing. She urges her fellow females to be brave enough to come out and try it. She says, “Girls will be taking over football in the future, so they better get involved now.” Jonelle’s biggest OMG moment is when she met David Beckham. She said, “I screamed and tears started running from my eyes. I really love Beckham, because I can kick like him you know. We even got to play with him on the field. That was a great moment for me… I love Beckham, did I say that already?”
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 17
Estelle and Brian McKnight set to perform at Caribbean Fashionweek 2012
Brian Mc Night Estelle Caribbean Fashionweek, the Caribbean’s premier fashion and style event, will celebrate its 12th year at the National Indoor Sports Centre, Kingston, Jamaica from June 7-11. Grammy award winning UK songstress Estelle, whose “American Boy” hit made her a global star, has been confirmed as one of the exciting acts set to perform at this year’s event which has attracted the likes of Kelly Rowland, Eve, Nia Long, Joe and many other stars in past years. Estelle recently released her fourth studio album All Of Me and is currently on a European tour. Platinum recording artist Brian McKnight will also perform. A plethora of exciting designers from across the Caribbean including Cedella Marley, daughter of reggae legend Bob Marley, who has been busy designing a collection of Jamaica Olympic team gear for Puma, will debut her new swimwear collection “High Tide”, whilst the talented designer Tigerlily, whose celebrity fans include Keira Knightly, will showcase their collections to an audience filled with Caribbean fashion industry who’s who and aspiring stylistas. Caribbean Fashionweek takes another giant step forward in 2012, as its producer Pulse redoubles its efforts to take Caribbean fashion to a place of enhanced respect, recognition and profit – at the centre of world fashion. This initiative continues in partnership with Caribbean stakeholders, including the Caribbean Export Development Agency, the Caribbean Fashion Industry
Association, the Jamaica Tourist Board, various related governmental and non-governmental agencies, as well as other regional stakeholders and industry professionals. CFW is the largest, most far-reaching and strategically important fashion event in the region. Pulse has developed an event of a high international standard to showcase the best of the Caribbean’s designers, as well as other world regarded stylists from various parts of the globe. Approximately 50 designers from 20 countries participate each year. The CFW Business Forum, Exhibition, superstar concert performances, supermodels, after parties, tours and fabulous experiences will all continue in 2012. Since its inception in 2001, Caribbean Fashionweek has been the main catalyst for Caribbean fashion industry development. CFW has brought the world of fashion to the region, as it seeks to focus international attention on what the Caribbean has to offer while, at the same time, working with stakeholders to build capacity and generate business for Caribbean stylists. In the process CFW designers have been featured in Vogue, the Associated Press, The Independent, The Sunday Times, Fashion TV Paris, Italian Vogue, The Guardian, The New York Times, i-D, the BBC and a host of other media around the world. The event has received a number of awards and has been recognised by no less an entity than British Vogue, as an important new development in world fashion. The challenge remains to effectively assist our Caribbean designers in their efforts to build their businesses, so that they can take full advantage of the marketing that the event creates, utilise the experience gained, the international press generated, the buyers’ marketplace provided and the Business Forums presented: in short the full CFW experience. Fashionweek continues this process in 2012.
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Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif come closer during the ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ shoot But the ex-lovers-turnedgood-friends aren’t whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears anymore. Our li’l birdie, who knows people who know people who are working days and nights on the sets of Yash Raj Films’ Ek Tha Tiger in Bangkok, told us that the former couple Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif still make an adorable pair even off screen. As soon as the arc lights are switched off, the exlovers-turned-good-friends hang out together. But all those who wish to see Sallu-Kat reunite as lovers in real life too, hold your Hayabusas. That isn’t happening, not for now, at least. The thing is, the gorgeous leading lady, with her action role in Dhoom 3 (a Yash Raj Film opposite Aamir Khan), has developed a sudden interest in fitness. So the latest work-out addict is always taking
tips on the different kinds of pushups, crunches, lunges, squats and what-have-you from the original star with six-pack abs. Meanwhile, Sallu’s mighty pleased with Kat’s dedication to fitness. In return for the work-out tips the Ek Tha Tiger leading lady behaves like a family member with Salman on the international shoot. She is always checking that her co-star is hale and hearty and isn’t under any strain because of the facial nerve disorder. Isn’t that sweet? However, we wonder how Ranbir Kapoor is reacting to the new-found affection between his rumoured flame Kat and her former boyfriend Sallu! Or maybe he is too busy canning romantic shots with ex-girlfriend Deepika Padukone in the scorching heat of Udaipur for Yeh Jawani Hain Deewani to pay heed to anything. We wonder…
Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif
Acclaimed dancehall film to take centre stage at We Beat A multiple-award-winning documentary about Jamaica’s vibrant and fascinating dancehall scene is set to enthrall audiences as part of the annual We Beat festival in St James. The screening of Hit Me With Music, which takes place at the St James Amphitheatre today from 7 pm, is part of the Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival (TTFF) and bpTT Community Cinergy series of film screenings. Presented in association with the St James Improvement Committee, the screening is free of charge, and open to all persons sixteen years and over. Released in 2011 and directed by Miquel Galofré, Hit Me With Music is a brilliant exploration of the various facets of dancehall culture, including feuds between rival musicians, skin bleaching, and the “daggering” phenomenon. Dancehall pioneers Yellowman and the late Bogle make appearances in the film, as well as more recent stars Elephant Man, Mavado and Vybz Kartel. The film has been playing to enthusiastic audiences in North America and Europe, winning awards awards for best documentary. Following the screening there will be a Q&A session with the director. For more information visit
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 19
Monster Energy Exams 2012 Trevlon Hall is one of the most recognised pro BMX Flatlander rider in Trinidad and Tobago and he has teamed up with Monster Energy Drink to bring some of the world’s best BMX riders to Trinidad. They will perform at the Monster Energy Exams 2012, on Sunday June 3, at the Woodbrook Youth Facility. The event will feature some of the world’s best riders like, Pat Casey - USA, Adam Kun - Hungry, Kevin Peraza - USA and Camilo Gutierrez - Peru. But thats not all, one lucky local BMX rider will get the chance to represent Trinidad and Tobago at the 2012 BMX Worlds Championship in Germany. Riders can bring their bikes and learn some techniques from the world’s best. If you want to have a session on the ramps you must show up with
your helmet and use it. There will be two 8-foot quarter pipes and a 5-foot box jump for everyone to have fun on. Contest begins at 3 pm sharp. Only the top three riders advance to the finals. Riders will be judged on consistency, originality, degree of difficulty and variety. The winner of the BMX Flatland contest will receive a trip to Cologne Germany to represent T&T at one of the world’s biggest BMX Freestyle events - The 2012 BMX World Championship scheduled for July 13-15. ‘Bmx World championship’, is one of the biggest BMX freestyle events on the planet, attracting the best BMX talents in the world annually . The 2nd place and 3rd place winners will also earn some great prizes to assist with their BMX passion. All remaining entrants will receive surprise goodies for their effort.
Just Between Us
An evening of music with Ruth Osman
ruth Osman
If you haven’t heard Ruth Osman perform you’ve missed out on something quite special. Osman, a Guyanese singer, songwriter and flautist, has been making her mark on the local music scene with a sound that has been described as “soulful” and “jazzy”. Her performances, which usually comprise jazz and Caribbean standards with some of her original pieces thrown into the mix, have drawn accolades from media and fans alike.
The singer will be performing alongside renowned jazz guitarist, Theron Shaw and promising young poet, Arianna Herbert.
Osman will be performing at the Trinidad Theatre Workshop in Belmont tonight. The production, titled “Just Between Us – An Evening of Music with Ruth Osman” is expected to be an intimate affair, an arrangement which the singer says she prefers.
“Just Between Us – An Evening of Music with Ruth Osman” will start at 8 pm. Tickets cost $150. For more information, email Golden Chord Management at, call 468-0063 or check the Facebook event page, Just Between Us - An Evening of Music with Ruth Osman. events/369849606390737/
“I’m really looking forward to being up close and personal with the audience,” Osman said. “We’ve got some new music and this concert is really an opportunity to share it in a setting that encourages interaction and personal engagement. I want to feel the people as they listen and I’m hoping that they’ll feel me.”
“To me, Terry and Arianna represent opposite ends of the spectrum,” she said. Both are extremely talented, but where Terry has had the opportunity to become a master at his craft, Arianna is now starting out, so she brings that fresh youthful vibe. I’m excited to be working with them.” Osman herself will be backed by a group of musicians with whom she has developed a unique acoustic sound. The band, under the musical direction and leadership of guitarist Marva Newton, has performed with her at a number of local events including last year’s Tobago Jazz Festival and this year’s Jazz Under the Stars.
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Usher grilled in court:
Did you sleep with the bridesmaid? Forget soap operas. Usher›s child custody trial has all the drama a lonely housewife needs – because the lawyer for his exwife Tameka Foster dropped a bombshell in court ... accusing him of sleeping with one of Foster’s bridesmaids.
Usher RaymonD
Usher was being crossexamined by Foster’s lawyer in Fulton County court ... about his claim that Tameka brings nannies in and out of their children’s lives. Tameka’s
lawyer asked Usher if one of the nannies in question had “left Miami because you were discovered in bed with Mya Fox Davis?” Sources close to the couple tell TMZ Davis was a bridesmaid for Tameka ... and the alleged incident happened during their marriage. Usher’s attorney quickly objected, but you gotta watch the clip to see how it played out in court. There’s also a contentious exchange between Usher and Tameka’s lawyer regarding a spitting incident. The trial is in recess, and will be back in session in July. Until then ... there’s always “Revenge.”
‘Transformers 3’ injured extra gets $18m settlement
The 26-year-old movie extra who was critically injured during a stunt for Transformers 3 will receive an $18.5 million settlement from producers. Gabriela Cedillo had sued Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Studios after she suffered a serious head injury during a stunt-gone-wrong in Indiana on September 1 2010. Cedillo was driving her own car in the background of an action sequence ... when something went terribly wrong. According to people on the set, a stunt car was
being pulled by another car ... when the cable between the two vehicles snapped and whipped around ... slicing through Cedillo’s windshield and striking her in the head. Cedillo was airlifted to a nearby hospital where she underwent emergency surgery ... but the damage to her brain is permanent. According to Cedillo’s lawsuit Paramount and DreamWorks originally promised to cover medical costs ... which soared past the $350k mark ... only to do “everything they could to avoid payment.” But it seems the studios have stepped up with the cash – and now a judge has signed off on the settlement. Following the crash, the incident was investigated by Indiana safety officials ... who determined the studios did not violate any of their operational standards
Robert Pattison catching
fire as Finnick Odair? Two fan bases may soon be merging into one! Total Film is reporting that Twilight’s Robert Pa ttinson maybe joining Catching Fire, the upcoming sequel to The Hunger Games. Pattinson is rumoured to be sought for the role of Finnick Odair, a former tribute with an eye for the ladies, who gets dragged
into the Third Quarter Quell (a Hunger Games contested by previous winners). But Pattinson just wrapped The Twilight Saga, so would he really want to join Hunger Games? One thing that makes one think there is a possibility is that his Water For Elephants collaborator Francis Lawrence is set to direct the sequel. Fans of the actor have a lot to look forward to this June in the UK with Cosmopolis arriving in theaters.
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 21
18 celebrities rocking the ‘tramp stamp’ It’s clear that women who
have “tramp stamps” get a bad rap. Maybe Wedding Crashers is to blame for making the lower back tattoo into a “sure thing” or a “bulls-eye”.
It just seems unfair that a tattoo on a certain part of the body became synonymous with “slut”. Okay, it’s right above the butt and butts are sexy to men, but it’s not clear that it’s a fair assumption that each and every female with a “tramp stamp” is a tramp! But
maybe that’s just the wanna-be feminist inside in some of us. Some folks don’t have any tattoos nor do they ever plan to get one on their lower backs, but if that’s other people’s thing, go for it! And guess what? If you want one or already do have one, you’re not alone. Surprisingly, tons of celebrity women are rocking the “tramp stamp”! From Paris and Nicole to Khole Kardashian and Kate Moss, these women are proud to display their tattoos. Check out which other famous ladies got branded right above their bum in our gallery below!
Christina Riccie
Kate Gosselin
Anna Kournikova
Cheryl Tweedy
Eva Patterson Longoria Robert
Britney Spears
Khloe Kardashian
Christina Aguilera
Kate Moss
Mariah Carey
Julia Roberts
Drew Barrymore
Jessica Alba
Lindsay Lohan
Pamela Anderson
Nicole Richie
Brooke Hogan
Page 22
Jim Parsons comes out or has been out forever In the 33rd paragraph of a New York Times theatre profile of Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons, this little sentence appears: “The Normal Heart resonated with him on a few levels: Mr Parsons is gay and in a 10-year relationship, and working with an ensemble again onstage was like nourishment, he said.”
top5 music videos of the week
1 2
Wiz Khalifa “Work Hard Play Hard”
Nickleback ‘‘Lullaby’’
Chris Brown ‘‘Sweet Girl’’
Jay Sean ft PItbull ‘‘Im All Yours’’
jim parsons
Kevin McCall “ Naked”
SCAN the QR CODE with your SMARTPHONE to see this week’s Top5 Music Video
It’s stated as a simple fact, nestled among observations of how the actor is playing a part made famous by Jimmy Stewart in the Broadway revival of Harvey. But this afternoon, Us Weekly picked up on that little sentence and brought it to everyone’s attention. And sure enough, within an hour, everyone was blogging, “Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory is gay!” Now, we’re not really obsessed with the personal lives of the stars of the
1 2 3 4 5
Mavado ft Olivia “ Soldier Girl“
Rick Ross ft. Meek Mills “sophisticated”
Drake ft Chris Brown “Yamaha Mama”
Brian McKnight “ Tempation“
Robin Thick “Top Of the world“
Then again, things like that Tumblr are the only places we could actually find photos of Todd. Which kind of makes us sad. Galecki is always either by himself or with his co-stars on all the red carpet photos we can find. We get the need for privacy, of course. But we hope, like Michael Musto does in this story about the “glass closet,” that eventually, no one feels the need to keep their significant others away from the flashbulbs. And that sentences like “Mr Parsons is gay and in a 10-year relationship” will be as totally unremarkable as that Times writer originally intended it to be.
Megan Fox shows off baby bump? Megan Fox keeps her hands over what appears to be a small baby bump on May 23 in Los Feliz, California. The 26-year-old actress, who’s rumoured to be pregnant, stopped by a restaurant with husband Brian Austin Green. Earlier this month, Brian addressed the reports, saying the media had been claiming “every three months ever since we got married” that they were expecting a child. “I want at least two, probably three [kids],” Megan told Cosmopolitan‘s April 2012 issue. “I’ve always been maternal.”
CBS sitcom, but all it took was a touch of Google to realise that, um, Parsons has been quietly out for a while. His engagement to long-term boyfriend Todd Spiewak was even rumoured in the National Enquirer a couple of years ago. There are even things like this Tumblr devoted to pics of Jim and Todd.
megan fox
‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ Interactive Trailer Universal has done a pretty good job with this annotated, ‘interactive’ trailer for the epic action-adventure Snow White and the Huntsman, as it takes the most recent theatrical trailer and layers in discussion topics, photo galleries, and other video clips. A few of the linked bits are fairly inane (one, for example, asks if Kristen Stewart had ever ridden a horse in a movie before) but some offer nice bits of info about the creation of the film. There are breakdowns of some of the sets and locations, and info about the fact that Ravenna’s army is cast with cage fighters recruited from UK fight clubs. That’s a pretty neat thing to
learn. Snow White and the Huntsman was released on June 1. In the movie Kristen Stewart (Twilight) plays the only person in the land fairer than the evil queen (Oscar winner Charlize Theron) out to destroy her. But what the wicked ruler never imagined is that the young woman threatening her reign has been training in the art of war with a huntsman (Chris Hemsworth, Thor) dispatched to kill her. Sam Claflin (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides) joins the cast as the prince long enchanted by Snow White’s beauty and power. com/watch?v=2UMNSVX7_I Scan the QR code to see the mivie trailer
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 23
WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday June 2, 2012 Page 24