OMG Magazine Issue 34

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Saturday November 17, 2012 • VOL 1- 34

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012 Page 3





confessions Page




HOTTY Julianna James

Relationship HOW TO’s

Age 21, ARIMA

Three things you like about yourself? Body, sense of style, and my outgoing personality. In life once you can keep positive, never give up and have trust in God, everything comes up in your favour . Your OMG moment? Being chosen as the semifinalist in the Trinidad and Tobago Miss Universe 2011 competition Photographer:

Richard Munro


new Music & Videos of the week




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Stephen Doobal

Patrick Ifill


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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012

How to prove your love

How to start dating again After a rough break-up or divorce, it’s not easy to get back in the game, so you may need some help. Step 1 - Determine that you’re ready

Figure out if you’re ready to date again. If you can picture yourself with somebody other than your ex, you might be ready to start.

Tip –
Look at pictures of your ex and talk to friends about your ex to see what you feel. If you still hurt, you may need more time. Step 2 - Determine if you can handle rejection

Picture yourself getting rejected, and ask yourself if you can handle it. Once you know you can, there’s no reason to hold back.

Step 3 - Get involved

Join as many different clubs, groups, and organisations as you can. This will get you out there meeting people without actually going on a date.

Step 4 - Define your needs

– to yourself and whomever you begin seeing. It’s important to be honest with people so you can avoid wasting time.

Tip –
Try online dating. Even if you never follow through on any dates, it’s an emotional step in the right direction. Step 5 - Persist

Be persistent. Dating invariably involves failures and awkward situations. Learn to laugh at them and chalk them up to experience.

If your relationship is stagnating, this guide will help rekindle your love life in creative ways. Step 1 - Return to flirting

Step 4 - Fix a keepsake

Do a little flirting with your significant other. Some attention can prove more than any quote or song lyric.

Step 5 - Do their chores

Step 2 - Go high tech

Post a custom playlist of MP3s online and gift it to your love or have someone help create a sultry video and email it to them.

– Don’t always blame yourself when a date goes poorly; but also be honest with yourself.

– Many websites allow you to protect your personal videos with an encryption or a password.

Step 6 - Allow yourself to be happy

Step 3 - Plan a vacation together

Have fun and be happy. Treat dating as an experience rather than an inconvenience, and you will find somebody.

Repair a keepsake, such as a watch or a piece of jewelry, or frame a special photo and give it back to your love as a surprise present. Pick a day and sneak home from work to clean the house or apartment, or complete a few chores to give your true love a carefree evening.

Plan a holiday or getaway together and leave the laptops and other electronic devices at home.

Clarify what you want and need

“The payoff of having a little faith—that someone in need could truly use your help; that a person you used to keep at arm’s length could become a friend—far outweighs the fear of feeling like a fool.”

— Alina Tugend

email your


s n o i s s e f n co t g m o @ s n io s confes fessions to

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012 Page 5

ymously n o n a s t h g u epest tho e d r u o y s s onfe A place to c


My boyfriend just text me “thinking of your beautiful face, can’t wait to kiss you. I love you baby” isn’t that cute? Meanwhile I’m in bed with another man. Same affair I’ve been having for the past month. Guilt feels good sometimes, but I can’t keep doing this

Random phone chat of any kind I just want to talk with a random girl, I don’t care how old or what she looks like, she could email me her number, does not have to be dirty, maybe we could pretend we are in love!


When my sister and I use to walk home

I am sensitive and emotionally weak. It’s just time that I come to terms with it. I’m insecure, angry for almost no reason at all sometimes, I cry about the most stupid things. I don’t know how people stand me at all.

When my sister and I use to walk home from school we use to give the finger to cars driving by on the main road just to see their reaction would be. Some cars kept on driving, some cars gave the finger back and other cars stopped to yell at us. When they stopped we ran for the hills.

My wife is fattening me up She is a trim, super pretty sexy woman, but has always had a thing for feeding me. I have gone from 160 lbs to a big fat 298 and she seems to want to get me even bigger. I dont mind that my fat turns her on, but its getting hard to move and the fatter I get the more she feeds me. I am blowing up so big I need new clothes every week and I am starting to give in and just let her fatten me up into her personal man pig. While I admit its sexy to see my trim hot sexy wife attacted to a now fat pig like me, I am scared if she leaves me.

Concrete High I know this is beyond weird but the smell of cement gets me sooo high and I just can’t stop smell it. I also looks really tasty *facepalm*

Stacy’s Mom has got it going on... I got the hots for my ex’s mom. I don’t why but she is so hot.... I feel so bad because that my ex’s mom! What can i say the heart wants what the heart wants.

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012

Mojo’s Restaurant Chaguanas Mojo’s was created to bring a touch of sophistication to the liming experience in Chaguanas. In the early days, the word “mojo” was the term used for a magical charm bag, but over the years it has transmuted into a slang word for self-confidence, self-esteem or sex appeal and Mojo’s Chaguanas certainly has all of that going for it. They bring you great meals in a wonderful ambience. Or if you wish you can just hang out and have drinks with friends. During the day you can have a Trini lunch from $50 and their extensive and evolving dinner options can run you from $190 up. The OMG team was

hosted by manager Chase Garcia who treated us to the steak with mushroom sauce and the grilled salmon with potatoes and vegetables. Both dishes were delicious and the bartender whipped up some fantastic cocktails for us to try. They were all so mouthwatering. Mojo’s is just over one year old and has gained quite a following in that short time. From today they will be launching their parang season with live bands each week leading up to Christmas, so please head on down. As usual one lucky OMG Magazine reader and a guest will be going to Mojo’s. Just “like” the Express OMG Magazine page on Facebook and say, “I want Mojo’s”. You could be the lucky winner. If you cannot wait to try out the Mojo’s experience, then just give them a call at 671-5432 or email or Facebook and book your special evening out. We are sure you will have a grand time.

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012 Page 7

style Model:

Shawn Dhanraj Stylist:

SpaceBoi de la Rosa Email:

Stylist Assistant:

Sharde Titus Makeup:

Mario Francis email:


Terminal 4 1868 - 299-2294

Venus vs Mars Accessories

Sunglasses : Silly Shades Tobago BB Pin: 21C49FEF

Photographer: Stephen Doobal

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012

Interview a

Soca artiste Yankey Boy was crowned World Soca Monarch of 2012 in August of this year in New York. The OMG team interviewed him recently in San Fernando. He is originally from Pinto Road in Arima, now lives in Brooklyn, New York and has been singing professionally for four years although he says he has been working in Trinidad and Tobago culture most of his adult life. When he attended Arima Senior Comprehensive Yankey Boy said he played pan and his school placed first in the School Panorama finals three years in a row. He also played pan with Nutones and played with the legendary Clive Bradley. Yankey Boy received a scholarship to read and write music and played with the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force Band. He credits Makamillion with showing him the ropes in the music business. He says he just went to New York “to represent”. He entered the World Soca Monarch 2012 competition and won with the song “Bartender”. Yankey Boy says the entire experience was surreal because it was something he never expected. He says it is such a blessing and he is very grateful for all the help and encouragement many people have given him during his short journey in the entertainment business. He has just released “Rumors” for 2013 and is very encouraged by the amount of airplay it has been receiving in Trinidad and Tobago. When asked if there is anything else coming from Yankey Boy, he laughs and says, “Blockin’, that is what is next boy. Yuh know when yuh in ah

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012 Page 9

and photography by

Stephen Doobal

party and this girl yuh like but every time yuh try to talk to she, she girlfriend blocking, or boyfriend blocking, even my girlfriend blocking, even meh ex blocking, so that is meh next tune, based on reality, when everybody blocking. Everything I do is based on reality. Is always the real deal yuh get from Yankey Boy.” “I want all the new upcoming artistes out there to know that this music game, you really have to know what you are doing and what you want, and take your time because, the way how I see it, you need about 10 per cent talent, 40 per cent is about who you know and the next 50 per cent is about how you market yourself. So all new artistes should study marketing. It is very, very important and I know if you need advice you can consult my brother Makamillion, because that is where I learnt all my marketing from. But I feel, I could teach him a thing or two now...” (laugh). “My OMG moment was recently when I had just arrived in Trinidad and this man walked up to me and say, ‘You is Yankey Boy right?’ So I said ‘Yes!’ The man come up closer and say, ‘my girlfriend, real, real, real like you boy.’ Ah say, ‘for real’. He say, ‘yeah’. He say, ‘I doh mind if my girl spend a night with you’. I say, ‘for real’. He say, ‘yeah’. I say this man crazy. What kinda ting this man telling me. But this man say he serious and ask, ‘yuh eh taking she number?’ So ah went ahead and take the number. But ah never really call it because I’m like what kind crazy ting these people into? So welcome home to Trini, OMG!”

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012

Hit comedy ‘Eat Ah Food’ brings down curtain on Trinidad and Tobago’s theatre season 2012 RR & RS Productions, Trinidad and Tobago’s number one theatre producers who brought us mega-hits like the critically acclaimed “Mary Could Dance”, “De Biggest Macco”, “Yuh Lying Again Jack”, “Love Thy Neighbour”, “Maneater” and “Men Are Dogs”, brings the controversially funny and poignant “Eat Ah Food” written by Ricardo Samuel and directed by Richard Ragoobarsingh for closing of the theatre season 2012 for two nights only at NAPA -- tonight and tomorrow.

or is it the wife? Who is the mysterious SIA agent? And what does Section 34 have to do with sexual favours? Can the media be bought or will all be revealed in a crushing headline that brings down the government! What do three prostitutes and a footballer have to do with anything? Is the Minister of National Security involved?

What is it about? An avid financial supporter of the ruling political party is mysteriously shot dead and an investigation is launched by the police which reveals some startling truths. Is a high ranking government minister having an affair with the murdered man’s wife? Is the minister implicated

It is important to note that this is a story of fiction and any resemblance to any living person is coincidental.. .sort of.

Mix in an inquisitive maid and a secretary who is “passionate” about her job, a reporter who is attacked and the never-ending bacchanal unfolds to a dizzying and hilarious conclusion. Featured among the stellar cast are the likes of Debra Boucaud Mason, Cecilia Salazar, Nigel Auguste, Richard Ragoobarsingh, Leslie Ann Lavine, Ria Ali, Fabrice Barker and Leston Paul. “Eat Ah Food” is directed by Richard Ragoobarsingh.

This is one not to miss! Box office at NAPA opens 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 625-4224 or 627-1104 for info call 338-6024 744-7581

cast of “eat ah food”

Sacha Roopnarine,


Sacha Roopnarine A Gentle Wind consists of 73 inspirational/romantic poems and four fictional short stories. The poems are basically my emotions. There were times when I was too afraid of the challenges in life that I kept myself away from others, times when I hurt the ones I love, times when people deceived me, times when all I thought of was ending my life. In the ending of 2007 till 2008 I was ill. I was unable to attend school and have a normal life. I was isolated from my friends and the life I wanted, a life to be healthy. These were the days

when I wanted to be close to the ones I love but couldn’t. My family suffered together with me and walked through every step of the way with me. I knew I was hurting them but what could I have done? I couldn’t control what we were experiencing, a life of pain, sleepless nights, hopeless days, every moment was filled of sorrow as all of us seed to find a better life for me, to make me healthy. i wrote my feelings as it was the only way I could relieve little pain.

I was inspired to write poems and short stories during the one year period when i was ill. Writing created a way for me to express my feelings of happiness, sorrow, love, hatred, etc. During that period, I knew people were laughing at me whenever I fell ill. Sometimes they would even say things to my face and it hurt a lot hence the reason I my feelings into words. I wanted to become someone and move up in life. I had a lot of dreams but they slowly died as people told me i couldn’t reach them. My family – parents, brothers, sisters and brothers-in-law, were the only ones who stood by my side and encouraged me to focus on my desires and forget about the ones who were trying to keep me down. I had two minds, one said give up and the other said reach for my dreams. It was frustrating. Sometimes I pushed everyone away without realising what I doing was hurting my family. They had sleepless nights; they even put their life on hold for me. Soon later I realised what I did was wrong. The saddest thing was seeing my family in dismay over my mistakes and over me being ill. I could not even face them to say “I’m sorry” so I wrote my feelings. I started to believe in myself and i prayed every moment. I slowly found the happiness I was looking for. I knew God was testing my faith by putting me through everything and i showed him I was strong and I believe in him and most of all I showed everyone who tried to bring me down that I’m stronger than that. Today I’m healthy, happy and I have everything I ever wanted, my health and the most perfect family.

WHO SHOULD READ A GENTLE WIND? Anyone can read a gentle wind. I wrote it in a way that anyone can understand and relate to it. It mainly focuses on teenagers because everything in this book is my experiences as a teenager. An adult can also read it as it would help them to understand how a teenager thinks and could probably help them to approach issues better when dealing with teenagers. WHY YOU SHOULD READ A GENTLE WIND You should read this book because it will help you to understand what life is about. Yes, I may not know much because I’m young, but I’ve been through a lot and I’ve learnt from my past and one of the reasons why I wrote this book is to show others that there is always hope even in the darkest times and we just need to have faith, pray a lot and believe in God and yourself. This book will inspire people to rise above their obstacles and help them move forward. A Gentle Wind was edited by Rampersad Ramsawak, printed by Printcom Caribbean Limited and released on the February 14, 2011. It is available at Unique Book Store Penal, San Fernando, Chaguanas and Port of Spain, Charran’s Book Store Chaguanas, R.I.K Book Store nationwide, Fyzabad Anglican Secondary School and Veena’s Book Club Penal. For further information please contact Sacha Roopnarine at

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012 Page 11

Making it from

Longdenville to Hollywood Kieon is very excited about his future. He has been training in various styles of martial arts for the past seven years, with exposure to a long list of fighting styles like jiu jitsu, kick boxing, mixed martial arts, street fighting, kempo karate, just to name a few. He is a certified black belt and has entered over 40 local tournaments and two international tournaments. In most of them he either finished first, second or third. His martial arts trainers have been Master Courtney Jones, Dr Christopher Francis, Brandon Joseph and Dr Frank DeGourville from Los Angeles in California. He says he trains constantly and has done a considerable amount of travelling and graded for his black belt in Los Angeles. He started training with Panthers Martial Arts School in Cunupia and then moved to several other institutions like Elite

Phantom Martial Arts Academy, Fine-line Fight Factory, Alternate Gym and Black Hawks Martial Arts Academy. Kieon feels that this sport has brought him a long way personally in developing discipline and respect for hard work and people. It also opened many doors and opportunities for him to fully explore his potential. He express much gratitude to Dr Frank De Gourville who was visiting from LA and saw him perform in a tournament, liked his technique, saw his potential and invited him to Los Angeles to further his studies and training. On his trips to LA Kieon met movie stars like Michael J White who was recently in Trinidad, Jean Claude Van Dame, Robert Wall and Sijo Steve Muhammad who both starred in Enter The Dragon alongside Bruce

Lee. He is also very grateful for his family and the support they gave him. In his spare time this young man loves being involved in all kinds of sport and working on his DJ skills – he has just joined the Custodian Sounds Family as one of their DJs. He will also be going to LA in January to start attending college and study movie production and really explore and see what he can do in Hollywood with his skills and training. Kieon’s OMG moment happened recently at the Pan Caribbean Martial Arts Championships at Cascadia Hotel when he met actor Michael J White and was able to do a short training session with him. “It was an experience that I will never forget,” he said. “He was knowledgeable, humble and a great person to meet.”

Kieon Carl Cardinez

20, Longdenville, Chaguanas

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012

How to avoid drinking when you’re the designated driver Unless you’re a teetotaller, being the person who stays sober isn’t easy. Here are some tricks that can help.

Step 1 Sip a substitute

Have something that looks and even tastes a bit like the real thing, such as seltzer and cranberry juice or a nonalcoholic beer.

Tip - Have a nonalcoholic drink in your hand at all times so people won’t send you a drink or harass you to have a cocktail. Step 2 Eat a big meal

Have a big meal beforehand. You’ll be less tempted to throw back the beers you love if you’re full.

get ready for

Tip - Avoid the salty bar snacks. The thirstier you are, the more you’ll have to fight the urge to order alcohol. Step 3 Avoid the bar

Stay from temptation by steering clear of the bar area.

Step 4 Keep busy

Be too busy for booze. Make an effort to meet new people or pass the time on the dance floor, at the pool table, or listening to the band.


A First Instinct and Raymond Choo Kong Productions presentation, ‘Scrooge’ is based on Charles Dickens’ classic ‘A Christmas Carol’. This story has wowed kids from ages one to 92 for over two centuries and now this Christmas epic is finally being staged for the first time in Trinidad at Queen’s Hall – November 24 at 4:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Ebenezer Scrooge is portrayed by none other than Raymond Choo Kong who is supported by seasoned actors, Kearn Samuel (Bob Crachit), Mark Nottingham (Fred – his nephew), Conrad Parris (Jacob Marley), Rachel Bascombe and a slew of young, talented thespians. The tale begins on a Christmas Eve exactly seven years after the death of Ebenezer Scrooge’s business partner, Jacob Marley. Scrooge hates Christmas, calling it a “humbug”, refuses his nephew Fred’s dinner invitation and rudely turns away two people who seek a donation from him to provide a Christmas dinner for the poor. His only “Christmas gift” is allowing his overworked, underpaid clerk Bob Cratchit Christmas Day off with pay. Returning home that evening, Scrooge is vis-

ited by Marley’s ghost. Marley warns Scrooge to change his ways or he will suffer the same miserable afterlife as himself. Scrooge is then visited by three additional ghosts. The first of the spirits, the Ghost of Christmas Past, takes Scrooge to Christmas scenes of his boyhood and youth, reminding him of a time when he was more innocent and kind. The second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, takes Scrooge to several differing scenes, one part of this is Scrooge’s impoverished clerk Bob Cratchit’s house - introducing his youngest son, Tiny Tim, who is seriously ill but cannot receive treatment due to Scrooge’s unwillingness to pay Cratchit a decent wage. The third spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Future, harrows Scrooge with dire visions of the future if he does not learn and act upon what he has witnessed that night. In final scene, Scrooge awakens on Christmas morning with joy and love in his heart, heeding the warning of all three sprits. Scrooge has become a different man overnight, gaining a reputation as a man who totally embodies the spirit of Christmas. For further ticket information call: 3208215 / 384-8663

Raymond Choo Kong

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012 Page 13

Take a taste of Trinidad and Tobago’s freshest Soca releases for Carnival 2K13, just scan the QR codes with your smartphone and enjoy...


call my name

Kes & David Rudder


music stick

live your life

5Star Akil


Super jigga TC & Shal Marshall we liming

Stef Kalloo

wuk IT UP

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012


top5 music videos of the week Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez


Lindsey Stirling“Assains Creed lll ”


Ke$ha “Die Young”




Swizz Beatz ft Chris Brown and Ludacris“Everday Birthday”


One Direction“Little Things”

SCAN the QR CODE with your SMARTPHONE to see this week’s Top5 Music Video


1 2 3 4 5

Ludacris ft Usher and David Guetta“Ret of my life” Christina Aguilera“Blank Page” Bruno Mars“Young Girls” Whitney Houston“Never give up”

Limp Bizkit’s“Lightz city of angels”

It’s NOT over between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez ... sources very familiar with the situation tell TMZ.

Thing 2: Justin would like to get back with Selena, and thinks it can happen. We’re told the way Justin sees it ... they’ve broken up a bunch of times before and this is just another blip.

Two Things.

We’re told he’s not freaked out ... he thinks there’s a good chance they’ll make up.

Thing 1: Justin is not involved with anyone else. There are pics of Justin with a Victoria’s Secret model circulating, but there’s nothing there.

Ah young, very rich love.

Katt Williams sued for assault Funnyman Katt Williams is facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit over accusations he assaulted a female assistant. The troubled comic is being sued for $5 million by his former employee Melissa Ishage. 
Ishage filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Country Superior Court claiming Williams punched her, causing “serious and permanent injuries”, in the alleged attack on

16 October (12). She claims she was hospitalized as a result of the incident and is demanding damages for her injuries. Ishage’s attorney says his client alleges Williams knocked her to the ground and that police were called to the scene but no one was arrested. 
The incident is currently under investigation, according to TMZ. com.

Katt Williams

A Good Day To Die Hard FIRST ‘TRANSFORMERS 4’ DETAILS REVEALED! We don’t know much about ‘Transformers 4.’ We know Michael Bay will be back (of course). We know that Mark Wahlberg will be replacing Shia LaBeouf as the human who gets the most lines between robot fights. We know that it’ll most likely be more of the same, for better or for worse. But now we know a little more: Michael Bay spoke to TMZ about the film and revealed that part four will take place four years after the events of the last film. We know what you’re thinking: Michael Bay and ‘Transformers’ and TMZ? Yeah, we need a shower, too. Anyway, we’ve quoted the only item of interest from the TMZ interview below, so you won’t have to worry about sullying your browser with lousy gossip websites. Here you go: “The movie is going to continue four years from the attack on Chicago, which was in the last movie. It’s going to have the same lineage, but it’s going in a

full new direction. It actually feels very natural how it’s going in that direction… We’re doing a lot of things that are really going to make it fresh and feel new.” A few quick observations. First of all, the whole “four years later” thing reminds us a lot of how ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ picked up eight years after the end of ‘The Dark Knight.’ And that’s where that comparison ends. However, expect the ‘Transformers’ publicity team to tease the details of this time jump for as long as they possibly can. Secondly, Bay’s choice of words indicates that this one will be a bit of a reboot. In the modern cinematic landscape, “full new direction” is code for “we’re taking a few things that we like and leaving behind everything you don’t like, are you happy now?!” When it eventually opens in a few years, expect ‘Transformers 4 to make $300 million despite everyone talking about how terrible it is.

Since the first “Die Hard” in 1988, John McClane has found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the skills and attitude to always be the last man standing, making him enemy #1 for terrorists the world over. Now, McClane faces his greatest challenge ever, this time on an international stage, when his estranged son Jack is caught up in the daring prison escape of a rogue Russian leader, and father and son McClane must work together to keep each other alive and keep the world safe for democracy.

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012 Page 15

Sherlyn Chopra to shoot ‘Kamasutra

3D’ sex scenes in Hollywood Sherlyn Chopra’s sex scenes for Kamasutra 3D will not be shot in India. It has been decided that the explicit sex scenes of Kamasutra 3D will be filmed in Hollywood, since the filmmakers are concerned that they should not offend sensibilities by shooting the graphic content in India, the Hindustan Times reports.

a single one that I remember having indulged in out of free will,” she wrote. “But ever since I got back from LA in July this year, there has been a shift in my level of consciousness. I now understand that I cannot claim to be ‘free’ and continue to make choices and decisions under obligation.”

The film’s director Rupesh Paul said: “I was getting calls from my friends, warning me that no nude scenes should be shot in India. It may create unwanted issues. Some communal organisations can even exploit the situation just to make headlines. “Considering the touchy cultural atmosphere [in India] and the people’s sentiments, we have decided to shoot the scenes outside India. I met a line producer here who is well experienced in the field, and can easily facilitate any studio in Hollywood for the nude scenes.”

Chopra also shared a series of recent nude images with her followers on the social networking site. The star, who has appeared in a number of Bollywood B-movies and was a featured artist in commercial films like Dil Bole Hadippa, went on to say: “I enjoy being bold. I enjoy oozing sexuality in still pictures and in moving visuals. I enjoy being a tease. I enjoy sex when it is the end result of an uncontrollable lust and/or attraction.” However, she clarified that her spiritual beliefs mean she has decided to no longer accept payment for sexual relations.

The rest of the film will be shot on location in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Mumbai. Paul says he plans to premiere Kamasutra 3D at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013. He has also confirmed that Kamasutra 3D has already been presold in territories like Europe, Africa, USand even in smaller territories like the West Indies. Chopra, who caused controversy by becoming the first Indian woman to pose naked for the cover of Playboy magazine, said she struggled to get acting roles before posing for Playboy. The actress - the first Indian cover girl in Playboy opened up to her followers on Twitter about her history. “In the past, on various occasions, I’ve had sex for money. Out of all my past experiences of paid sex, there’s not

“Sorry to disappoint you but I’m no longer available for paid sex,” she wrote. “Why? Because I’ve come to realise that I derive no pleasure or joy out of physical intimacy that is pursued out of obligation (mental/emotional/ financial or any other kind). “I now believe that there is infinite power and infinite intelligence within each one of us and if we persist in having a child-like faith and a child-like belief in the powers of the spirit and the subconscious mind, then there shall be no tangible and intangible riches in our lives.” Chopra’s Playboy cover in which she is described as a “Bollywood Goddess” - hits the stands in November.

How a Man Found Out He Has Testicular Cancer From Taking a Pregnancy Test Rather strange news was bouncing around Reddit recently, and it all started with a man relieving himself on a pregnancy test stick. In case you don’t know how a pregnancy stick works, here’s a quick tutorial: remove stick from box, pee on stick, watch to see if a pink line, blue line, plus or minus symbol, or whatever symbol the instructions tell you to look for appears. If the symbol appears, you are probably pregnant — that is, if you’re a woman. So imagine the surprise of the man (a friend of a Reddit user known as CappnPoopDeck) when

the stick he peed on showed a positive symbol. CappnPoopDeck understandably thought this was worth mentioning; actually he thought it was worth creating a rage comic about, so he did. The very first person to comment was a user named goxilo, who said: “If this is true, you should check yourself for testicular cancer. Seriously. Google it.” Sure enough, goxilo was correct, and his comment may have saved CappnPoopDeck’s friend’s life.

Are Sex Robots the Key to a Longer Life? Fans of Robot Sex Say So I think we can all agree on something: Sex and finding ways to stay alive longer are two things that most people spend a lot of time thinking about. Doctors of all stripes have been finding ways of connecting sexual activity to mental and physical health for years, so the idea that they’re linked isn’t crazy. You know what is a little crazy, though? The idea that, like everything else in life, robots will eventually do a better job of using sex to make people live longer, healthier lives than people. According to the Center of Transhumanity, however, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. In the future, we’ll all be having sex with robots, apparently. Not only that, but eventually sex robots will become so good at their jobs, that they will be able to stimulate “longevity orgasms” that will have a meaningful effect on keeping us alive longer. Technically, the “longevity” aspect isn’t some sort of

special action only robots will be able to perform: Rather, it’s rooted in the idea that, as ideal sex partners, robots will cause their partners to generate more of the hormones connected to physical health. It’s important to note that, while transhumanism is largely grounded in reality, the specific idea of the idealized “longevity orgasm” is based on logic, not fact. The idea is a sci-fi-induced deduction based on research suggesting that people who have a certain number orgasms per year tend to live longer and look younger. There’s no doubt in my mind that there will, eventually, be sex robots. The idea that they will have special healthenhancing properties, however, is still a point of contention. Life-extending or not, I don’t think the world is ready to hear to that sex robots are one of the keys to a better future, so let’s just keep this one to ourselves for now, ok?

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday November 17, 2012

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.