OMG Magazine Vol 2 Issue 11

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Thursday April 4, 2013 • VOL 2 - 11

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what’s inside


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artistof the week credits


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Stephen Doobal

Ronaldo Roberts Sean Guevara Kyle Madray COPY EDITOR

Patrick Ifill Layout and Design

Real Company Limited

Jelan Cumberbatch




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PAGE 4 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013


Dixi Ann Walker 20 Arima

Three things you like about yourself and why. I love my legs My passion for sports My ability to stand out from the rest Your OMG moment? When I enter a high heel shoe store.


Richard Monro FAN PAGE: WEBSITE: g m o @ s n o i onfess ions to c ess f n co r

s n o i s s e f n co

email you

OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 5

mously y n o n a s t h g u o h eepest t d r u o y s s e f n o A place to c

I’ve dumped all

my boyfriends

because of my scars Married someone beautiful, When I was going through puberty I used to get pimples on my inner thighs and pop them. That left scars all over that area. I was changing my underwear tonight and I saw them (normally I can forget about them) and I started crying. I’m in a relationship right now and I’ve ended all my previous ones before things got physical because I’m afraid a guy will see them and think I have an STD, and I’m thinking about dumping my current one. They’ve always been great people but I can’t stand people seeing that part of me.

I really wish I was

a sociopath

but in love with someone else

physically unattractive Their attractiveness levels are based on comments made by friends. Objectively, I suppose I agree, but I can’t stop thinking about her. Have I cheated? Yes. Do I have kids? Not yet, but my wife and I have been planning to have kids in 1-2 years. I don’t hate my wife, and she is completely in love with me, but I’ve played along for years, because I didn’t know that I could find love. I’m at the crossroads right now. I can either divorce and lose the respect of family and friends (which I value more than anything), or stick with it and live the rest of my life wondering about a potential life with the love of my life (at the cost of losing everyone else around me).

I used the kitchen shears

to trim my pubes

...and I didn’t wash them before I put them back. I don’t know why I didn’t wash them. I was in a hurry because I had a date, but I could have easily just left them in the sink. I couldn’t find my scissors at the time, but they were under the sink, right where they should be. Sorry, roomies. :(

I cheated on my wife, before and after our All my life I’ve been a big emotional wreck. I always let my emotions get to me and even the smallest thing can set me off. I treat myself like shit and worship the ground other people walk on. I would just love to have no emotions and be dependent. I wish I could do what I want and not have to worry about upsetting others. I love everything about sociopaths – their lack of morality, their ways of manipulation, just everything. I wish I were one, really really badly.

wedding, on her birthday

Previous to this situation, I’ve never cheated in any relationships. We were together for years, faithful all of that time, then months before the wedding I cheated. I started a relationship with another woman, fell for her hard, slept with her, then got married. After the wedding, I cheated on my wife again a few months later - on her birthday. I don’t know what’s wrong with me - why I did this. I didn’t think I had a predisposition to cheat. I hate myself for what I’ve done and really want to understand what happened to me.

I’m so freaking tired of being told that I need to lose weight.. Everyone keeps on telling me that I need to lose weight, and that I won’t look good unless I lose 100 pounds or so. I’ve tried everything, and nothing has worked. People need to understand that I have tried starving myself, puking up my food after eating it, every diet known to man, exercising every day. I just don’t have the will power to try anymore because nothing f…ing works.

So much love to give I have to confess. I am addicted to loving. I think it’s because of the dirt I have done in my past, but I feel I have so much love to give. I am not just talking about intimacy. I am talking about care, understanding, suppose, wisdom, and attention. Is this the guilt pushing out all this desire to help others and drive to try and make this would a more loving place?

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OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 7

How to Give Your Partner Sex Tips

without Bruising their Ego

Lackluster lover? Get them to step up their game without hurting their feelings. STEP 1 - Pick a time and place

Choose a neutral time and place. Go somewhere private other than the bedroom and never discuss your partner’s sexual shortcomings right before, during, or after sex.

STEP 2 - Eye contact

Manage eye contact. Men perceive sustained eye contact as confrontational, while women view it as a sign of honesty. So have the talk with your man when you’re side by side, but talk to your woman when you can gaze into her eyes.

STEP 3 - Frame it positively

Couch the conversation positively. Instead of telling your partner their technique needs some work, say you want to take your sex life to the next level. Try using sexually suggestive phrases instead of accusatory ones.

Tip - Ask your partner to suggest some new moves for you so the conversation isn’t one-sided. STEP 4 - Be specific

Tell them exactly what you want. Avoid using general terms like, “better” or “hotter,” in favour of specific, actionable words like “touch,” “kiss,” and “squeeze.”

STEP 5 - Guide them in bed

After you’ve had the talk, guide them with a little positive reinforcement when you get it on. Seductively tell them what drives you wild, then reward them with a display of satisfaction when they get it just right.

How to Save a

Sexless Marriage

Therapists define a sexless marriage as one in which intercourse happens less than 10 times per year. Here are some ways to nudge that number upward. STEP 1 - Talk to your partner

Communicate about why you’re rarely intimate anymore. Long-standing anger and resentments can bring interest in sex to a screeching halt. Be honest about your feelings, and listen nonjudgmentally to theirs. Then see if you can come up with solutions.

Tip - Try having sex when you’re not in the mood. Sex therapists say that once people get started, the passion often follows. STEP 2 - Go to the doctor

Get checkups, especially if you’re getting older and you haven’t had physicals in a while; medical conditions can cause sexual problems or a loss of interest, as can depression and some medications.

STEP 3 - Clear the bedroom

Remove bedroom distractions – particularly electronics – to make it more conducive to lovemaking.

STEP 4 - Improve your self-esteem

If a poor body image is the reason you’re avoiding sex, take steps to feel better about yourself. Begin by asking your partner what they like about your body. Chances are it’s a lot more than you think!

STEP 5 - Get away from the kids

If all your time, energy, and focus have switched from your spouse to your kids, get things back in balance. Family therapists say the best thing you can do for your children is to keep your marriage strong.

Tip - If exhaustion is the problem, take steps to free up some leisure time and get more sleep. STEP 6 - Get counselling

Consider getting couples counselling with a therapist who specialises in sexual issues. They may be able to pinpoint a problem that you didn’t even know existed.

your customers are spending more and more time on-line

PAGE 8 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013

IT’S WHERE THEY SOCIALISE, GET THEIR NEWS AND ENTERTAIN THEMSELVES The OMG Magazine is Trinidad and Tobago’s first on-line weekly entertainment magazine. In five short weeks this total digital publication has gained an average reach of over

110,000 Facebook users, 13,000 website visitors and 5,000 weekly subscribers



OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 9



Making a Personal Budget Anybody can create a budget. Making one you can live with is the challenge. STEP 1 - Track expenses

For one month, write down every single cash purchase that you make.

STEP 2 - Review finances

With the help of your spending journal and your credit card and/or debit card statements, tally up how much you spent the past month. Then subtract it from your monthly net income.

STEP 3 - List debts

Identify any debts you have. You can find personal finance software online that will help you create a budget.

STEP 4 - Analyse spending

If you are spending more than you earn, see where you can cut back. Keep trimming until you’ve figured out an amount you can afford to spend each month on nonessential items like new clothes and dinners out.

Tip - Don’t forget to include a payment to yourself—as savings. Even if it’s just a nominal amount, it will get you in the habit of saving money. STEP 5 - Include seasonal expenses

Tally up as many annual expenses as you can (holidays gifts, a summer vacation, birthday presents); divide by 12 and add them under “Miscellaneous.”

Tip - If you have credit card debt, factor in the greatest monthly payment you can afford that is above the minimum so you can begin chipping away at your debt. STEP 6 - Make adjustments

Tip - If the holidays kill you every year, consider starting a Christmas club account— that’s where a certain portion of your pay cheque goes directly into a special bank account. STEP 7 - Be realistic

Be realistic about sticking to your budget. Like a diet, a budget is meant to be blown once in a while. Just don’t use it as an excuse to ditch it altogether.

Making People Think You’re More Attractive

than You Really Are Researchers have found that there are simple things anyone can do to appear more appealing.

STEP 1 - Use some common scents

Harness the power of aromatherapy: To appear younger, wear a grapefruit scent. To appear thinner, wear a spiced floral scent. These olfactory tricks can make people perceive you as six years younger and 12 pounds slimmer.

STEP 2 - Smile!

When you see someone you find attractive, give them a big smile. It will make them find you appealing, too. Anthropologists believe it’s because we’re biologically primed to prefer people who seem to be interested in us.

STEP 3 - Eye contact

Make eye contact. British researchers found that if someone looks us straight in the eye, we find them more attractive than people who avert their gaze.

STEP 4 - Use your hands

Employ your hands when you talk. People who make a lot of gestures when they’re speaking are perceived as younger, more exciting, and more vibrant than less animated folks.

Tip - If you’re a woman, wear red. Studies show men are subconsciously more attracted to a woman in red. STEP 5 - Get your teeth whitened

People with pearly whites are perceived to be more attractive and more successful than people with dull or stained choppers.

STEP 6 - Stand straight

Good posture instantly makes you look taller and thinner.

STEP 7 - Name drop

When you’re talking to someone, drop their name into the conversation occasionally. When people hear their name, the reward centre of their brain lights up, and those good feelings are projected onto you. Just don’t do it too much, or it will come across as disingenuous.

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Call for submissions for

trinidad+tobago film festival 2013 The call is on for submissions for films for the 2013 edition of the trinidad+tobago film festival (ttff), which takes place from September 18 to October 1. The ttff seeks to highlight excellence in filmmaking through the exhibition of dramatic, documentary and experimental feature and short films made in T&T, the Caribbean and its diaspora. The Festival therefore accepts submissions from Caribbean filmmakers, Caribbean filmmakers in the diaspora, and international filmmakers with work from or about the Caribbean or its diaspora. Submissions must have been produced after 1st January 2011. The festival screens short films (under 60 minutes) and features (60 minutes and over) in digital, Blu-ray and 35mm formats. It also screens music videos of any length. Films screened in competition are eligible for one or several of the following jury prizes: Best Narrative Feature Film (US$4,000); Best Documentary Feature Film (US$4,000); Best Narrative Short Film (US$1,000); Best Documentary Short Film (US$1,000); Best T&T Narrative Feature Film

(TT$10,000); Best T&T Documentary Feature Film (TT$10,000); Best T&T Narrative Short Film (TT$5,000); Best T&T Documentary Short Film (TT$5,000); and Best Caribbean Film by an International Filmmaker (US$1,000). There are also four People’s Choice awards, for Best Dramatic Feature, Best Documentary Feature, Best Short Film and Best Music Video, each worth TT$5,000. Apart from its programme of regular screenings, the festival is also accepting submissions of video art and experimental films. These works will be shown as part of the New Media initiative, which is held in conjunction with ARC Magazine. Artists working in this field who are from the Caribbean and its diaspora, or artists who address these spaces in their work, are eligible to apply. This section is also in the competition and comes with a TT$5,000 prize for best film/video. All submissions must be made online, via www., trinidad+tobago film festival. There is no submission fee. THE DEADLINE FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS IS 31 MAY 2013. THIS DEADLINE WILL BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED. PLEASE DO NOT

SUBMIT FILMS THAT DO NOT FULFILL THE STATED CRITERIA. In addition to screening Caribbean and diaspora films in competition, the ttff also has a Panorama (non-competitive) section featuring films from around the world. However, the festival only accepts submissions from Caribbean filmmakers, Caribbean filmmakers in the diaspora, and international filmmakers with films from or about the Caribbean or its diaspora. The ttff seeks to make all screenings at the Festival T&T premieres. Occasionally, however, the Festival considers films that have already been shown publicly in T&T. Please contact us directly if you have a film that falls into this category at or 621-0709. The ttff reserves the right to determine the eligibility of the submissions to be screened, the appropriate venues and time slots for the screening of films, and to use excerpts of the films for publicity purposes. All films submitted must have applicable clearances and the festival will not be held liable. The Festival, which is in its eighth year, is presented by Flow, receives leading sponsorship from RBC Royal Bank and bpTT and is supported by the Trinidad and Tobago Film Company Limited. For more information, visit www.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 11


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PAGE 12 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013

OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 13

e l y t s Model

Kervel Cumberbatch Female Outfit and Accessories Courtesy

Zadora Fits To Flatter #10 Golden Doors Plaza, POS ) Makeup Artists

Ann-Marie Kanhai CONTACT 718-1200


Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

PAGE 14 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013

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OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 15

‘Screamingly Funny!’ The multifaceted, multitalented Raymond Choo Kong, fresh from directing “King and I”, slips effortlessly into comedy, the genre that made him a household name in Trinidad and Tobago – he comes to Port of Spain with “Natalie Needs a Nightie”. After playing for sold out houses in Naparima Bowl “Natalie Needs a Nightie” comes for the first time to Port of Spain, to the home of comedy theatre, Central Bank Auditorium, for four shows only, from April 4-7.

“Natalie Needs a Nightie” is the tale of one Tommy Briggs, a white-collar guy just trying to impress his employer. However, Tommy has not been totally honest; he has lied about the existence of his new wife and baby and now has to find a wife and baby in a hurry. He enlists the unlikely help of his best friend, the handyman and his maid and just like the old saying goes, “be careful what you ask for, you just might get it!” Nothing goes as planned and everything goes wrong. As the bacchanal unfolds, Natalie, a stranger to Tommy’s apartment, “misplaces” her clothes and is now in search of the illusive nightie. Once again, veteran of the Trinidad theatre scene, Choo Kong, has extracted the funny bone from the young and

eager cast of “Natalie Needs a Nightie”: Kearn Samuel, Abeo Jackson, Conrad Parris, Rachel Bascombe, Clifford Learmond, Arnold Goindhan and Taromi Joseph. At the Central Bank Auditorium these comedy pros will make you laugh till yuh belly buss, guaranteeing that this is the funniest play for 2013. The Central Bank Box Office opens from noon to 6 pm daily. For ticket information call: 384-8663 / 302-8215 or check us out on Facebook at Raymond Choo Kong Productions.

PAGE 16 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013

Debra Boucaud Mason is at her best as outrageous role of spiritual advisor Mother Bernice

In response to overwhelming public demand “Bailout” returns to NAPA South for two nights only – on April 13 and 14. “Bailout” is written by Ricardo Samuel who last year brought us the roaringly funny “Eat Ah Food”.“Bailout” begins the theatre season and comes from the acclaimed producers of the mega hits “Mary Could Dance”, “De Biggest Maco”, “Men Are Dogs”, “Love Thy Neighbour” and of course “Eat Ah Food” which had theatre goers in funfilled uproar in 2012. What happens in big financial establishments? How are decisions made in the boardroom? At the boardroom table… Under it?..... Or on top of it? The wheeling and dealing that affects people‘s money! Political contributions and favours in return, and of course illicit sexual relationships! Is anybody minding the store? Is anybody actually watching people’s investments?!

The bacchanal plays out in one of the largest insurance firms and its associated companies in Trinidad and Tobago. Find out about the hilarious activities of the chairman Mr Dudley, his right hand man Mr Mottley, their women and of course a well-paid spiritual adviser by the name of Mother Bernice! Mix in a very inquisitive investigator by the name of Fifi and the sexy corporate secretary who has million-dollar cheques in her drawers. The bacchanal never stops but of course “Bailout” is absolutely a story of fiction. This kind of unfolding corruption and comess could NEVER be based on anything true…..or could it! “Bailout” is directed by the award-winning Richard Ragoobarsingh and features a stellar cast which includes award-winning actors Debra Boucaud Mason, Glenn Davis, Richard Ragoobarsingh, Clifford Learmond, Leslie Ann Lavine, Ria Ali, Roger Dickie and Deryck Kistow. “Bailout” will play for final two nights at Southern Academy for the Performing Arts in San Fernando. For info call 338-6024 or 744-7581. Tickets are available at: Bhagan’s Drugs Store (Price Plaza) 672-9514; Hi-Lo Food Stores Gulf City 657-0721 and Hi-Lo Food Stores (Marabella) 658-0288.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 17



The text listings are FREE, flyers you pay for. Just click the OMG EVENTS logo to send us your info.

Click on the event flyers below to see full details


Tobago Jazz Experience 2013: Northside Jazz

Thursday, April 25, 2013 Starts at 1:00 PM Castara Bay contact@

Tobago Fashion Coda

Thursday, April 25, 2013Starts at 7:00 PMMagdalena Grand Beach Resort 639-0216 or 732-1864

Red Runway MODELING Casting ShoW

Saturday, April 20, 2013 From 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM NO REGISTRATION FEE Age: 15 and Over 290-9849, 684-2422 Woodbrook Youth Facilities

Sean Paul, Jay Sean & Shaggy in Concert

Saturday, April 27, 2013 Starts at 7:30 PM Jean Pierre Complex 477-6323 or 495-8200

Hott 93 & The ELEKTRIK AVENUE Presents DREAM

Saturday, April 27, 2013 Starts at 9:00 PM Metropolis Lounge (Club Metropolis)

Tobago Fashion CodaThursday, April

25, 2013 639-0216 or 732-1864 designers. Claudia Pegus Peter Elias, Earl Turner and more

PAGE 18 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013




o n

This week the OMG team met up with the soca artiste Lyrikal who resembles the American rapper 2 Chainz and whose voice sounds like Trini soca icon Bunji. Lyrikal was very energised and filled with excitement, telling us what he was about. We sat down for a chat. Tell us about Lyrikal. How long have you been in the soca business? Yes, well this is actually my eighth year in the business. It’s been going great, with some successes along the way, one step at a time. I started in 2005 but this is my fourth year coming to Trinidad. I was born here and at the age of 13 I went to New York, Brooklyn to be exact. Big up to all the people in the US. So this is the fourth year of coming back home to share my music and present my talent to the whole country. I just grateful for the love and support and the reception I have been getting over the years. Lyrikal was in many of the Carnival fetes for 2013? Ha, ha… yeah! Big up all the promoters, the fans and supporters who showed me some real love this year. All the people who called in and requested the music, all the DJs who supported my song. That just put me in the lane to be featured in all these fetes. But boy, I just grateful for any little opportunity I get to showcase my talent. It’s been a long time coming. So when did you actually start singing? My grandfather was a pastor in Four Roads, Diego Martin, in a Pentecostal church there. So I started singing in the church choir, learning the guitar, performing in Best Village. So that is where I developed my melody and rhythm and the music inside of me.


What was the first song that got you some recognition? The first song that people started to pay attention to me a little bit with was a song called “Hard Wine” that came out in 2005. Big up to Harmony Production. It was a song that circulated mostly in New York. Two years after that I met up with MasterMind who was with Asylum band at first. In 2006 he produced the Pot of Gold Riddim which I got a chance to sing on and then I had a song called “More Gyal”. It did very good in New York. It trickled to Washington and Boston. And in 2008 I had a song called “Hunter”. That song started to go further out in the US like Miami and so on. Then in


2010 I did a song called “All Over The Gyal”. That introduced me to Trinidad. I came down and did a lot of shows. I did a remix of it with Alyson Hinds. I did a lot of big fetes she was in. After that was “Ramajay” in 2011 and I actually entered the Soca Monarch in 2010 and 2011 and made it to the semi-finals and this year, well, I entered with “25/8” and made it to the Soca Monarch finals. So when you have a hit it means you can travel all year with the song? Well, I’ve been travelling for the past three years with my songs. Not too much to the Caribbean but a lot to the US, London, Toronto and even after this Carnival season we have shows in the Caribbean like Barbados, Guyana, then back to Canada and the US again. We are looking forward to travelling. I’ve done a lot of that in the US. Right now I want to concentrate on the Caribbean countries. One performance that stands out for you? We had a few you know. Boston is a city that showed me real love. Even here in Trinidad we did a show in Point, and it was real vibes. That was the first time I got an encore twice. The crowd was actually requesting songs. So that was one of the shows that really went down in the books as a memorable performance. Who is Lyrikal? What is he about? Lyrikal is a very humble, laidback guy, originally from Belmont, Trinidad. I went to Belmont Government Primary School and to Mt Hope Junior Secondary before I went to the US. I am just a person who had a great passion for music and entertaining from long time. I always learn music fast, I pick up on lyrics. So as I say, Lyrikal is just humble, loves music and I work very hard because I know nothing coming easy. What do you dislike? I don’t like negativity. Criticism is good, constructive criticism. But people who don’t like something and can’t tell you why, they just don’t like it. People who say you can’t do this or can’t do that. The same style of music I am doing now is the same style of music that many people told me would never make it. But I just stuck with it because I was confident in my style and talent and once God set it a certain way yuh really can’t stop it. So negativity will upset me, every time, every minute, every second. I don’t like negative people around me at all. Tell us something that people don’t know about you. I am generally very shy. Not with music and when I get on stage … there ah real brave.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 19





Photography and interview | Stephen Doobal


But me, regular Devon Martin, I am a real shy, laidback kind of fella. I would see a girl, she look nice and would not go and talk to her. I would just watch. My friends and them would say, “go and talk to the girl nah boy”, and I would be nah, so I real shy like that. You OMG Moment? Ha ha… I was in New York one time performing. It was Labour Day behind the Museum. I was on stage and my belt burst and my pants fall down on stage, so for the rest of the performance I had to hold up my pants. I could not raise meh hand in the air! Luckily it was a more mature audience and they did not take it on too much.


RAMAJAY New Lyrikal & Wildfire : SWEET GETAWAY [2013 Trinidad Soca

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Pumping Parties

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Thursday, March 31st, 2013

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Pumping Parties

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Zero 3 “tropical sensation

Thursday, April 1sth, 2013

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OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 25

Rondell Martin 16, Bon Air

Team OMG met up with Rondell Martin at Trinity College, Trincity. Rondell is a form five student and says he fell in love with basketball at the tender age of seven. He was introduced to the game by his father who played for the police basketball team and wanted to teach his son all the techniques of the game. Rondell was always a gifted and talented player and joined his school team when he went into form three. He says being part of the team has been totally exciting and encouraging. They won the Under 15 East Zone title in the NGC/SPORT Secondary Schools Basketball League last year, were second in the Under 17 category and this year they plan to be winners again. Rondell plays in the point guard position -- that is the person expected to run the team's offence by controlling the ball and making sure that it gets to the right players at the right time. One of his most memorable matches was against Curepe Secondary. He wanted to prove to his coach he was a good player since he had been benched for most of the previous games. Against Curepe he got the opportunity to play and scored over 20 points. Rondell has plans for a future in basketball. His immediate dream is to get into a college abroad and ultimately become an NBA player. He says when most people ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he would usually say an engineer because most people would say he cannot attain that NBA dream. They would advise him to have a plan B, so Rondell's plan B is to be an aviation engineer. He says he likes to lime with his friends and just hang out but because there is a turf war among drug gangs in his area these days his grandparents make sure he is home most of the time. One of his most challenging struggles is balancing training and school work but he is working on getting better at it all the time. Rondell's OMG moment was being asked to be featured as an OMG Magazine Rising Sports Star. That was like OMG for him.

Photography by Stephen Doobal

PAGE 26 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013

Trinidad James “Female$ Welcomed “




Nicki Minaj ft Lil Wayne “High School”

Young Jeezy feat. Kendrick Lamar, YG, Chris Brown

“R.I.P. Remix ”

Avicii ft. Lana Del Rey - “ID Wild Boys”

Wale Ft Fun“Sight Of The Sun (Freestyle)”

Snoop Lion ft. Drake and Cori B. - “No

Guns Allowed”

A$AP Rocky featuring Skrillex & Birdy Nam Nam

- “Wild For The Night (Explicit)”

Ice Cube “Crowded”

Major Lazer ft. Busy Signal - “Watch Out For This (Bumaye)”

Tank “Love Song”

Afrojack ft. Chris Brown “As Your Friend”

OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 27

Take a taste of the hottest movie trailers on the planet...

This is the End

The Wolverine

Your Next

2 Guns

See our full line-up of movie trailers every Friday @ 5pm and Saturday @ 5:25pm... Exclusively on

PAGE 28 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013

Manoj Kumar: I will take serious

action against

Shahrukh Khan The veteran actor has been upset with the makers of Om Shanti Om for a long time now for not deleting scenes that show him in a poor light. And he declares that he will finally take some serious action against SRK even though he thinks Khan is a nice person. “I will take a serious action this time. I have no hard feelings for Shahrukh and happy that he is busy with his projects, but by insulting a person’s image, how can it be beneficial for your film? I don’t have any personal clash with Shahrukh Khan. He is a nice person, but when it comes to my self-respect, then I can’t compromise on it.”

Manoj Kumar

Shahrukh Khan

OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 29

anbulla rajinikanth

Jackie Chan

Rajinikanth and Jackie Chan come together for costliest Indian movie

Two of the highest paid stars in Asia have joined hands for a movie A while ago there was buzz that Rajinikanth and Jackie Chan will be seen in a “south” movie, to be directed by Shankar and produced by V Ravichandran. All fans of the two action heroes waited with bated breath, but it’s been a long while and there has been no confirmation… until now.

Finally, it’s time to pop the corks of your champagne bottles, people, because Rajini and Mr Chan have signed on the dotted line. Yay! But there’s a teeny-tiny change. The movie is not being produced by V Ravichandran, but by AR Murugadoss. And it’s being directed by K Balachander. Whoa!

What’s more, sneaky birdies chirp that it will be an out and out action flick along the lines of Shanghai Noon. And flaunting their moves – together – on the bada parda will be Rajinikanth and Jackie Chan.

PAGE 30 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April, 2013

Sparkle Richards 29, LAVENTILLE

The OMG team caught up with local artist and writer Sparkle Richards who spoke to us via phone from New York where she is spending some time. She says is a self-taught artist who from a very early age had a passion for drawing. She recalls her parents saying soon after she was born she started walking, talking and the next thing she started doing was drawing and writing. As a teenager Sparkle was awkward and eccentric which made her the target of many jokes and bullying. This drove her into herself and to explore her feelings and thoughts and put them to paper, both in word and art. Her burning desire to be a writer led her at the age of 16 to writing for the Express VOX Magazine, a youth magazine published in the late 90's. Sparkle was devastated when the VOX was shut down. That loss hit her hard. She took a while to get over it and start again. She decided to pursue her desire to become a fashion design and went on to earn her degree in that field. Sparkle’s many life experiences also led her to write and publish two books on her own which enjoyed reasonable success. She is at a place now where her art is very sexually provocative but she says it is not meant to be erotic – that’s just how she feels at this point in her life. She is exploring what intrigues her now. As a writer she was very articulate and clear about her journey as an artist and she looks at her life as if she were working out the chapters of her next book. Sparkle is a truly engaging person to chat with. Her ability to be vulnerable and lay out the pages of her life for everyone to judge seems to be leading her into a happier, more contented place.

artistof the week

Sparkle says her OMG moment occurred last year when she was exhibiting her art in New York with a group of New York artists. She stood in that room and took a moment to reflect and realised that she had written books, travelled, done art, been in love, been hurt. She reflected that she had done her art always hoping that people would like it and appreciate it and at that moment, in that art gallery in New York, she realised that all she dreamed of and wanted to do had already happened. She had accomplished all the crazy dreams a 15-yearold girl from Laventille could imagine. OMG! Now on to the next chapter.

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George King

Giant baby George

King arrives home Six-week-old George King, who was born weighing 15 lbs 7 ozs, has been allowed to return home after he almost died during birth because of his staggering size. George, from the Reddings in Cheltenham, was almost twice the weight of an average baby when he was born naturally at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. Because his shoulders were so wide he got stuck during delivery and worried doctors gave him just a 10 per cent chance of survival.

He is now 2ft 2in tall and has to wear baby clothes suitable for a six-monthold. Jade and Ryan say they were left devastated after the traumatic birth because George had been unable to breathe for 20 minutes before he was resuscitated. However, he beat the odds and made a full recovery after being taken to the special baby unit at St Michael’s Hospital in Bristol.

LAMAR and khloe odom


Accused of Stiffing

Cancer Patients Story TMZ

Lamar Odom is facing allegations the tax exempt charity he created is being sketchy with its money ... and not donating ANY cash to cancer research, despite the charity’s mission statement. Lamar established the charity -- Cathy’s Kids -- in memory of his mother, who died from cancer when he was 12 ... and initially stated that the purpose of the charity was to help underprivileged kids and raise money for cancer research. But according to official records -- obtained by ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” -- there is no evidence any of the money ever went to fight cancer.

baby at home with dad Ryan and mum Jade

There is proof, however, $1.3 million of the $2.2 million that was raised went toward funding two “elite” youth basketball teams --

the insinuation is that the kids on the teams were so good, they were already on college radars for scholarships and other financial help. Of the remaining $900k, there is no evidence based on available documentation that any of it went to cancer research. In fact, according to OTL, there’s no evidence whatsoever of where the money went. Lamar sat down for an interview with ESPN producers -- he brushed off questions about where the money went by saying it was all his dough, despite the fact the money was raised through solicitations on his website, Khloe Kardashian’s website and others.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 4th, April 2013 • PAGE 33

That Apple Flexible Display

For a Future iPhone,

Cool And Cute

A couple of days back the US Patent and Trademarks Office published Apple’s application for a wrap-around form factor for electronic devices. It looks like a curvy, future iPhone. I’ve read a number of interpretations of the application, some of them suggesting this is an Apple invention. Clearly it isn’t. The patent application attempts to cover future form factors and that’s what makes it so interesting. Read it alongside Apple’s applications for smart shoes and smart garment patents and you can see the smartphone, as we know it, begin to disappear. This patent application is much more concerned with viewing and interacting with the device, almost as a console, than it is with actually communicating. And it has a high level of user customisation proposed. It may raise question marks over the use of a patent that depends heavily on competitor technology, though. Apple’s claim is for the method of folding and unfolding the display and for being able to display information on its various surfaces, along with a sensor system that detects the user’s field of vision and activates the screen accordingly. It will be possible to remove the display from its glass enclosure and to flatten it. The application also suggests that these devices could be connected together or could, for example be

connected to an “improved” camera. All that makes it heavily dependent on the screen technology, not just its form but also its durability. For that reason the patent application looks as though it could be storing up trouble. The display is an AMOLED (so that it can light up discreet parts of the real estate and doesn’t have to go on/off with the whole display for every action) and both the screen and the glass are flexible. That suggests it will have to use Corning’s flexible glass and Samsung’s flexible durable displays. Samsung is almost certain to want to explore different form factors too and has already demonstrated curved displays. A couple of points to make about it. Apple looks as though it is on the way to OLED displays despite CEO Tim Cook’s public dislike of them. Cook has several times backed the Apple trademarked Retina display over OLED. But it looks as though Apple is changing its mind. The website points out that Apple recently hired an ex-LG executive who specialises in OLED technology.

Best Bugs for the Budding Bug-Eater A friend just sent me the menu of a well known French restaurant that features a selection of surprising delicacies. Here are the choices: crickets (domestic and black), grasshoppers, giant water bugs, and worms (bamboo and silk). Rare, medium or well done. Farther north, in Copenhagen, the acclaimed Danish restaurant Noma, declared the world’s best restaurant for the past three years by Restaurant magazine, includes ants on the menu. They taste like “seared lemon rind” says chef Rene Redzepi, creator of a famous sweet mayonnaise using bee larvae instead of eggs, and a fermentedgrasshopper-and-moth larvae purée that tastes like “a strong fish sauce.” This is how a food critic recently wrote of his grasshopper dish at a restaurant in Mexico: “On the menu, the Mexican delicacy is described as ‘chapulines fundido’. I would say it is the equivalent of an “ insect moussaka.” The bottom layer is made of pureed fried grasshoppers flavoured with softened shallots, garlic, smoky

chipotle chilies and lime juice, topped with a gooey, fonduestyle blanket of mozzarella and cheddar cheese. You can scoop it up, street-style, with corn tortillas or dig in with a knife and fork. And so that you are under no illusion whatsoever about the main ingredient, the dish is garnished with three crispy grasshopper bodies – minus legs and wings.” But bugs gastronomy is no longer limited to exotic restaurants or creative chefs. The crunchy creatures “are crawling closer and closer to our plates,” according to the Guardian. From April 18 – May 16, London will host Who’s the Pest, organised by Pestival and the Wellcome Collection Galleries, to educate the public about the nutritious value and environmental benefits of creepy-crawlies. For its part, in May the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) will present the results of a two-year project to promote the farming-forconsumption of some 2.000 edible insect species. In southeast Asia and Africa, an estimated two billion people already eat insects and caterpillar larvae as a regular part of their diet. There’s plenty to go around: The FAO estimates globally a total 40 tons of insects per human being.

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Tommy Lee Blames High Crime Rate In

Trinidad For Flopped Show This week urbanislandz reported Dancehall star Tommy Lee Sparta received some bad press last week after his highly publicised Trinidad show ended before it even started. The “Uncle Demon” deejay was billed as the headline act for “Sparta The Concert” at Guaracara Park in Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad. However, promoters of the event called off the show at approximately 2 a.m. after only nine patrons made their way to the venue.

Dancehall star Tommy Lee Sparta

A rep for Tommy Lee sent Urban Islandz a statement

Bacon Condoms Could Be The Best

Thing To Happen To Your Hog, Ever Don’t worry, though: Bacon condoms only appear to “make your meat look like meat.” The condoms are made of latex, and come coated with the company’s special brand of water-based lube. In a phone interview with The Huffington Post, co-founder Justin Esch (the “J” in J&D’s Foods), said that he had the idea for the condoms a long time ago but didn’t have the confidence to try making them until the wild success of baconlube. Esch said the condoms get their bacon odour and flavour from the lube, and that they have a texture like any other latex condom -- which is to say, not extra crispy.

“There’s no injection mould or anything,” Esch said, adding that a condom with the texture of bacon probably wouldn’t appeal to most people. The bacon condoms sell for about $10 for a three-pack, making them a litte pricier than your average novelty. Although there’s no set timeline for shipping, Esch estimates that orders will be ready to ship in June. The company is known for marketing wacky, food-themed items -- from bacon mayonnaise and sriracha lip-balm, to the truly bizarre bacon coffin. As BuzzFeed points out, there are a cornucopia of exotic condom “flavours” on the market. Coffee, scotch and durian, to name just a few. Yet, it appears that no one else has made a bacon condom until now. Strange.

blaming high crime rate and the location of the venue for the poor turnout. “Besides rain at the out door venue, Trinidad is presently experiencing a spike in crime rates and most persons did not feel comfortable going out to the event,” Tommy Lee reps said in the statement. “The location selected by the promoter was farfetched in South Trinidad.” Since the incident, Tommy Lee has released two new singles titled “Do Weh Mi Feel” and “C4.”

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Parents So Proud Magic Johnson’s 20-year-old son hit the Sunset Strip, hand in hand with his boyfriend ... and his parents couldn’t be happier for their kid. Earvin Johnson III -- aka EJ -- is one of Magic’s three kids. The Lakers legend tells TMZ, “Cookie and I love EJ and support him in every way.” Magic goes on, “We’re very proud of him.” The feeling is mutual ... ‘cause EJ told us he’s been “hoping and praying” for his dad’s team, the Los Angeles Dodgers, ever since Magic and his business partners took over the franchise.


He’s also a huge Lakers fan ... obviously. EJ -- who’s a student at NYU -- has a close relationship with his parents. Back in August, Magic tweeted, “Thx to my son EJ for hosting me at NYU. Look forward to taking him to dinner tonight in the city.”

Earvin Johnson III , mom Cookie, AND Magic Johnson

Man caught smuggling over 10% of an entire species A day after a wildlife trade conference in Bangkok, Thailand, authorities caught a man attempting to smuggle a bag full of tortoises shipped from Madagascar. Aside from that being pretty terrible to begin with, it turns out that among the stock of tortoises were 54 ploughshare tortoises, which may not seem like a lot considering their small size. However, it is estimated that the worldwide population of ploughshare tortoises is only around 400, meaning that the man was attempting to smuggle over 10% of the entire species through an airport in a suitcase.

The bag full of tortoises was found to be registered to a 25-year-old woman that flew from Madagascar to Bangkok, so the man had at least one accomplice. Perhaps as alarming as smuggling one-tenth of a species, the man arrested in the attempt was able to access the baggage claim without having been a passenger on a flight. This means either airport security was unnervingly lax, or the smuggler had help getting to the baggage claim. Along with the 54 ploughshare tortoises, 21 radiated tortoises were found. Both tortoises are listed as critically endangered. Traffic speculates that the tortoises were likely intended to be sold off as exotic pets, so if there’s a bright side here (other than the smuggler getting caught), it’s that the low worldwide population might not have been in too much danger, as the tortoises would’ve hopefully been cared for as pets. It’s also been noted that in just the past three years alone, Thai authorities have found over 4,300 tortoises and freshwater turtles attempting to be smuggled through the airport alone. Though it is thought that they’re likely intended as pets, keeping a member of a critically endangered species inside a tank by itself isn’t exactly the proper way to preserve that species.

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