Thursday July 18, 2013 • VOL 2 - 26
PAGE 2 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
what’s inside
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 3
Taromi Joseph PAGES 22 -25
PAGES 20-21
Justin Timberlake
PAGE 12-13
Press Play
s confession
Ronaldo Roberts Sean Guevara Kyle Madray
Patrick Ifill
Layout and Design
Stephen Doobal
Real Company Limited
Amelia C. Ramjarrie
Jelan Cumberbatch
j.cmanagmentcoltd@gmail.com www.jcmanagementco.com
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Pumping Parties PRODucED anD PuBLISHED BY
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PAGE 4 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Shayne Barran 21, Trincity
Three things about yourself that you like and why? I am a committed person. Once I commit to a task I will get it done. My long distance running ability, although I am not satisfied with the times I am clocking right now. I am also very contented with whatever I have. What is your OMG moment? It would have to be when I entered the Hardcore Event a couple weeks ago. I had to jump off a 20-foot platform on the Pier 1 jetty into the water. I did not think that this would faze me, but it did. It took a lot of effort for me to do it and when I did, it was like OMG! Lighting/Retouching
Ronaldo Roberts Photographer
Stephen Doobal
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 5
s n o i s s e f con
email you
mgt o @ s n o i s s e f on ions to c r confess
ously m y n o n a s t h g u o pest th e e d r u o y s s e f A place to con
I set a rat trap, and I regret it I set a rat trap in my ceiling because I thought I’ve been hearing a big rodent up there. It caught a little mouse and it only hit half its body, the lower half , probably just killing his hind legs. I let him outside and he crawled a few feet, then sat there resting. I gave him water and food and put a box over him with a little hole so he could leave if he makes it. I thought the trap would instantly kill him but since I thought it was a rat and not a mouse, so it was too big for him :( It was terrible. He just sat there looking at me with big sad eyes and his little heart beating fast. :'(
I have a weird nipple My left nipple is like, I don't know. Split in half? Is that weird? Like just instead of the pointy part being, well pointy, it’s sort of... Okay. Imagine a mountain, and now imagine a mountain that has a second top. That's the best way I can explain it. This is weird… I’m describing my nipples online.
I replaced my boxers with boy shorts over a year ago I'm a 26-year-old male, and I haven't worn men's underwear in over a year. I threw out all my boxers and replaced them with boy shorts. I do keep myself in shape, I'm quite toned with low body fat; my wife knows (obviously), supports it, and even says she likes it. Nobody else knows. I'm not gay, bisexual, or even a cross dresser. I just like the way they look and the way they feel, and they're so much more colourful and fun, I guess.
Online stalking I was best friends with a girl I fell for very hard a few years ago but eventually the friendship ended. I haven’t spoken to her in years but I'm obsessed with her. I miss her every day and I keep trying to find her online profiles so I can make believe I’m still somehow in her life. She did have a Facebook page but it’s gone :(. I feel lost and I just can't get over her.
I'm considering getting pregnant
through a one My fiancé is having a boys’ night and I’m jealous They're drinking and playing around at a sports resort and I’m so jealous. I want to drink and play games. Also, his mates are pretty funny and good guys to spend time with. But I know it’s good for him to have a boys’ night because since our son was born he hasn’t had much time with his friends. I’m acting like I don’t mind but I'm so wishing I could be there too. :(
-night stand I'm considering finding a stranger to sleep with, get pregnant and then be a single mother. The stranger would never know he had a kid. This seems like an awful thing to do to someone even if they weren't aware of it. If I were in their position I'd be devastated/angry/all sorts of emotions. Should I really do that to someone? But I’m not a very good person. I’m still considering it.
PAGE 6 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Do you want to feel more loving and
attract more love in your life? Join this FREE 21 Day Course with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey
Join Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra on a 21-Day Meditation Challenge - Miraculous Relationships. Where you will learn how to feel more loving and attract more love in your life. It is expected to be their most transformative gathering so far. Your life will be enhanced. You will feel more connection to yourself and every other relationship. You can join them on-line from the comfort of your own home and this 21 day challenge is totaly free. Last time it was done, 650,000 people joined the class from everywhere around the globe. This time, you can invite a friend to join you, and start spreading the love. It’s free wherever you are in the world. So let Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey be your guides to true love and miraculous relationships. The challenge starts August 5. They can’t wait to join in like mindfulness with you.
To Register for your FREE 21 Day Course Click here
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 7
Steps to Planning Your Future Renowned adventurer Roz Savage helps you chart a course toward your future—whether you decide to go this way or that. By Rachel Swaby www.oprah.com
Thirteen years ago, Roz Savage thought she had everything she needed to live happily—a successful career as a management consultant, a husband, a home in London, and a little red sports car to boot. But in her day-to-day life, Savage routinely felt unfulfilled and much older than her 33 years.
"The purpose of life, after all, is to love it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." — Eleanor Roosevelt
So one evening she sat down and came up with two alternate versions of her future: The first continued from the life she'd already built; the second was inspired by her long-buried desire for adventure. The exercise kicked off small moves—like a trip to South America—that led to bigger challenges. By 2005 Savage had left her job behind and set out to pilot a 23-footlong ocean rowboat across the Atlantic alone. Today, at age 45, she's also traversed the Pacific and Indian Oceans solo, and is feeling happier, more attractive, and more self-confident than ever—all thanks to her dual reality check. Even if you don't think your future holds sweeping changes, Savage warns, taking the following steps "could have fairly dramatic consequences."
1. On a sheet of paper, map out your friendships, family, career and love life far into the future. This document should reflect the natural progression of your present circumstances. On another sheet, describe the person you aspire to be. 2. Reflect on your alternate futures. For Savage, imagining herself as an adventurer "felt like a truer version of my life." She also discovered she was "rather bored writing the realistic one." 3. Declare your intentions to do something grand. After Savage resolved to row solo across the Atlantic, she gave several newspaper interviews announcing her plans. "I just decided I was going to make it happen, and that was it," she says. For the rest of us, a simple proclamation to friends and family should suffice.
PAGE 8 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 9
How to Take
Criticism Taking criticism requires having high self-esteem. Keep your head up with these positive practices. STEP 1 - Listen
Pay attention patiently to the person who is criticising you, take mental notes and try to hold in your emotions.
STEP 2 - Ask questions
Ask the critic to explain exactly what they expect from you.
STEP 3 - Reflect on conversation
Think about your conversation and look at criticism as a way to improve yourself. Welcome criticism and learn from your mistakes.
Tip – Forgive yourself for mistakes, and don’t focus on your weaknesses. You’re only human.
STEP 4 - Create goals
Create goals for yourself. Achieving goals improves your self-esteem and helps you take criticism better.
STEP 5 - Welcome failure
Embrace failure instead of fearing it. Turn it into a learning experience and keep on trying if you fail.
STEP 6 - Focus on strengths
Concentrate on your strengths and past successes. Be proud of yourself and celebrate your accomplishments.
STEP 7 - Laugh
Laugh at yourself. Share your experiences with friends and family and make light of them.
PAGE 10 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Communicating better with your girlfriend You and your girlfriend probably started out great. All you wanted was each other, and now she wants more from you. She wants you to communicate better. Follow these steps and soon you will become the perfect partner. Step 1 Try asking your girlfriend how to communicate better. Don’t ask “What do you want from me?” Just casually bring it into the conversation. Usually she will tell you what is wrong.
Step 4 Let her know that you love her. Give her flowers or something special to her. Ask her out on traditional dates. Let her feel like it was the first time you met.
Step 2 Listen to her. If she pauses for a while then she probably wants you to talk. Be here for her. Hug her and tell her it will be all right if she is sad. Don’t add too much though; then it will seem like you are trying to change or fix her. That can turn into a fight.
Step 5 Constantly remind her that you love her. However don’t be obnoxious.
Step 3 Try to be more serious with her. Let her know, without telling her, that your relationship is not a joke. Try using body language.
Step 6 Don’t use these steps all at once. Use them gradually and soon your relationship will blossom or go back to the way it was. Step 7 Organize fun things to do together.
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 11
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PAGE 12 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
e l y t s
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 13
Rachel John Casey Hamilton Female Outfit Courtesy/ ACCESSORIES Courtesy
Eastern Avenue
27 Frederick Street POS Contact: 1(868) 624-0684 2 email: easternavenue@live.com male Outfit Courtesy/
#10 Golden Door Plaza, Frederick Street, Port of Spain Makeup Artists
Charisse Harris Lighting/Retouching
Ronaldo Roberts Photographer
Stephen Doobal
PAGE 14 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
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OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 15
The text listings are FREE, flyers you pay for. Just click the OMG EVENTS logo to send us your info.
Click on the event flyers below to see full details
Fridays After Work
Friday, July 19, 2013 From 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Wild Olive Italian Bistro
Prescription Bash
Friday, July 19, 2013 From 8:00 PM to 11:59 PM. The First Lady
BLUE: J’ouvert Meets Summer 2 Friday, July 19, 2013 Ends Saturday, July 20, 2013 From 10:00 PM to 4:00 AM Queen’s Park Oval
Carmen and Geoffrey + Tickle Me Rich
Thursday, July 25, 2013 Starts at 7:00 PM Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival
Calendar Friday, July 26, 2013 - July 27, 2013 Address with city St. John’s Ambulance Hall
Xtreme Cooler Cruise: Mayaro Style
Saturday, July 27, 2013 Starts at 7:00 PM Coral Vision Cruise Boat
PAGE 16 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
You Have No Time For
Bad Decisions by Jonathan Raymond www.emyth.com
As a business leader, you’re constantly making important decisions. And in the middle of a hectic day, it’s rare that you take the time to fully consider the implications of choosing one direction over another. The next time you face an important decision, try this approach: Step 1:
Imagine. What would I do here if it could be exactly the way I want it – if I wasn’t constrained by time, money or fear?
Step 2:
Doubt. Wait a second … Is that really what I want or did I just fall for a quick fix to move on to the next thing? Which of my core values, specifically, is this decision furthering?
Step 3:
Reimagine. Is there a third option that nobody has considered yet? Hint: it will be the one that makes somebody (or multiple people) uncomfortable because it requires a change from the status quo. And you might need to leave the office to find it.
Step 4:
Decide. Now, what impact will my decision have on my team and what do I have to do to minimize the negative impact or stress on people by asking for this change or course correction?
Step 5:
Test. Sometimes you don’t have a choice, but it’s almost always worth testing your idea out with someone close to you. They’ll help you refine it, offer you something you didn’t consider, or just love it.
Step 6:
Listen. How was my decision received? … you can use this to start to change the way decisions are made by everyone in your business. a. Significant Resistance? I’m picking up a lot of resistance. Is it based in fear of the unknown or am I missing something they’re seeing? b. Too Easy Acceptance? Hmmm. Are they just telling me what I want to hear?
Every major company was once a small business. Consider the garage days for the founders of Microsoft and Apple. "You need a lot of passion for what you're doing because it's so hard," Steve Jobs once said. "Without passion, any rational person would give up." After all, bootstrapping
a startup is one of the quintessential elements of the American dream. A small business is defined broadly -- as a company with 500 or fewer employees, but it varies by industry; the Small Business Association breaks it down here. Chances are you -- and most people you know -work for one.
Step 7.
Implement. Who will manage and do the technical work on this? If it’s you or you know it will become you, go back to Step 1. And if you’re a solopreneur, maybe it’s time to change that.
Step 8.
Quantify. Track the results of your decision, and course-correct as needed.
At first, you’ll need some time to go through this process. But before long it will become second nature, and even better, you can use this to start to change the way decisions are made by everyone in your business. Worth trying? You decide. Follow Jonathan on Twitter at @jonathanraymond
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 17
Growing Your
Business by Letting Go BY JESSICA ADAMIAK www.entrepreneur.com
Most successful entrepreneurs have a go-get-'em attitude and like to call the shots. But the same qualities that empower you to make things happen -- fierce determination and discipline -- can also hold you back. Insist on controlling too much, and you risk your company's ability to evolve. Taking a cue from masters of improvisation like Bill Murray and Stephen Colbert can help you stay flexible. By applying the basic philosophy of improv theater to business, known as the "yes, and" principle, you can unlock your company's untapped potential for growth. "It's how two performers who've never met before can create a successful scene in seconds," says Lisa Linke, a 15-year improv veteran and a facilitator at Second City Communications, the corporate training division of the world-famous improv theater in Chicago. The strategy is comprised of two essential actions, she says. First, saying "yes" to the circumstances by going with the flow acknowledges, affirms and validates what the other performer says. Then comes the "and," when you add your own perspective to give the scene forward momentum. "If I start a scene with 'I can't believe it's so hot in here,' and you just say, 'Yeah…' we're kind of at a standstill," explains Tina Fey, an alum of The Second City, in her popular memoir Bossypants (Reagan Arthur Books, 2011). "But if I say, 'I can't believe it's so hot in here,' and you say, 'Yes, this can't be good for the wax figures,' now we're getting somewhere." Here's how adopting the "yes, and" principle can help you come up with new ideas to adapt and grow your business. Say "yes" by accepting reality.
While it's natural to resist new, unfamiliar circumstances, such as the departure of a valuable employee or an industry-wide technology shift, change is inevitable. Instead of complaining about what you can't control, giving in and saying "yes" to your company's new reality empowers you to channel energy into developing a creative response. The best examples of the value of saying "yes," Linke says, come from businesses that infamously said "no." Remember record companies? "The music industry fought and fought against moving to online music sales, and in the interim Apple stepped in by creating iTunes," she says. On the other hand, the founders of userreview site Yelp embraced the power of "yes, and" by pivoting from their original idea. The company was founded in 2004 as a service to help friends share local recommendations over email, but it didn't take off as the founders expected it would. They did notice, however, that users were gravitating towards a feature that allowed them to write reviews of local businesses. Instead of holding tight to their initial intention, they relaunched Yelp the following year as an online review service. Today, it attracts over 100 million unique visitors per month. Say "and" by collaborating to create something new. The "yes, and" philosophy can also come in handy when hunting for potential solutions to a difficult problem. Leaders who cultivate a collaborative environment can yield surprisingly original ideas from their team. When employees believe their
ideas are valued and accepted, they are more willing to take creative risks. "Acceptance isn't the same as agreement," Linke says. "You can say 'no' to an idea in a way that continues the dialogue and makes people feel acknowledged and validated." By first making sure someone knows they've been heard, she says, they're more likely to listen to your view. And you're more likely to learn something you didn't know.
individual introduces complete ideas (cathedrals) and forces others to go along with them. Instead, the best ideas come when each person contributes something small (bricks), and the group uses those components to build something greater than the sum of its parts. "By not attempting to control every single thing, we create something none of us could have envisioned on our own," Linke says.
"Sometimes we expect to bring a solution to the table all by ourselves, fully formed and wrapped in a pretty bow," Linke says. "But we have a saying in improv: 'Bring a brick, not a cathedral.' " The maxim is designed to remind performers that the real power -- and fun -- of creating with a group is inspiring each other. It doesn't happen when one
If you want to be an entrepreneur, it's not a job, it's a lifestyle. It defines you. Forget about vacations, about going home at 6 pm - last thing at night you'll send emails, first thing in the morning you'll read emails, and you'll wake up in the middle of the night. But it's hugely rewarding as you're fulfilling something for yourself. — Niklas Zennstrom
PAGE 18 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Local filmmaker
Escapes from
Babylon Producer/Director from Trinidad and Tobago Nicholas Attin produces his second movie, an Action/Thriller titled “Escape Form Babylon”. The Story tells of RANDOLPH BRIGGS, an Ex-cop turned Taxi Driver working the night shift in the capital city of Port Of Spain. Although drummed out of the Police Force for unjust reasons he continues to watch over the city he once protected all the while a Serial Killer posing as another Taxi Driver prowls the night in search of his victims. An explosive clash between these two is nothing but inevitable!!! The film is currently booked for an August 2013 release at various multiplexes throughout Trinidad as well as other territories within the Caribbean and there’s now a push to bring Escape From Babylon to other territories such as the US and the UK.
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 19
‘It Runs in the Family!’ With audiences rolling in the aisles and begging for more Raymond Choo Kong Productions is giving Trinidad what they want – more laughs, more shocks and more shows! At NAPA in Port of Spain from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July, 2013, for three shows! Set at the fictional Mt Hope General Hospital, “It Runs In The Family”, follows Dr Collimore as he tries his best to satisfy his boss, his wife and cover up an unexpected 18-year-old secret, after a mysterious woman from his past make a surprise visit and drops the bomb of a lifetime on him. Leading this ensemble cast of actors is Raymond Choo Kong expertly portraying the conniving Dr. Collimore and supported by his youthful cast: Patti-Anne Ali - the overly
supportive wife, Kearn Samuel and Trevon C. Jugmohan – the most bubbling, quirky and misguided doctors “Mt Hope” has ever seen, Abeo Jackson – the most pompous matron in the history of medicine, Gyerlini Clarke – the sexy Nurse Henderson, Chris Smith – the rough and tough Sgt Tom, Tracey Edwards and Ramona Tim Kee – the sweetly naïve Nurse Taite, Charles Michael Reid – the dysfunctional youth, Netfa Haynes – Ma Koon Koon, Arnold Goindhan – Bill, a long-term patient with a preference for chaos, and rounding off the cast is Dr. Helmer Hilwig, the highly recognised and acclaimed head doctor from the actual Mt Hope Hospital. Comedy reigns as this batch of young actors keeps the veteran on his toes, constantly pulling and prodding Raymond Choo Kong as Dr. Collimore as he tries his best to keep his cool and calm within the tornado of impending disaster. The young actors want to thank the
giant of comedy for the opportunity of a lifetime for his time, his effort and his inclination to introduce a new generation to comedy and to introduce the public to a new crop of budding young performers in the field of theatre and modern arts. “It Runs In The Family” will play at NAPA in Port of Spain from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July. When the NAPA box office opens on Monday 22nd July at noon to 6 pm Daily, we hope you’d be in line waiting to get your tickets for “It Runs In The Family” For further ticket information, kindly call: 384-8663 / 320- 8251 NAPA BOX OFFICE – 625-4224 / 627-1104 Dolce Vita, MOVIETOWNE – 624-6378 Green Sports Bar and Grill, ARIMA – 667-2495 Zippers, ELLERSLIE PLAZA – 628-7978 Stetchers, TRINCITY MALL – 640-9274 Card Gallery, PRICE PLAZA, CHAGUANAS – 672-9842 Michael and Jody’s, GULF CITY – 653-0404 And just remember, blood is thicker than water… unless you’re a doctor at Mt. Hope General!
Names of actors from top to bottom, left to right are: Ramona Tim Kee, Patti-Anne Ali, Chris Smith, Raymond Choo Kong, Charles Michael Reid, Netfa Haynes, Tracey Edwards, Gyerlini Clarke, Trevon C. Jugmohan, Dr. Helmer Hilwig and Abeo Jackson
PAGE 20 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
to danc
Retouching by
Ronaldo Roberts Photo /Lighting by
Stephen Doobal
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 21
You’re Invited
ce on the avenue
Press Play I could feel it all slipping away. They kidnapped my mind and infiltrated my perceptions, thoughts and biases. Before I knew it I found myself not wanting to sit there anymore just looking on. I wanted to join them performing and dancing on stage. They used their bodies to express, entertain and educate. As a lover of all the arts I was thrilled that Dave Williams, one of the best performance artistes and choreographers in Trinidad, was returning to produce his first show in a decade which is more performance art than dance. Performance art is a theatrical presentation that incorporates various art forms
such as dance, acting, poetry and contemporary music. Dave’s work frequently deals from political and relationship issues. He even touches on race, class and feminism. Dave isn’t afraid of stepping across all kinds of lines. That’s why his work is dynamic and creative. For those who are not afraid to immerse themselves in his productions you will be excited to know that he’s having his first production in 10 years. It’s called “Press Play” and it takes the headlines of the daily newspapers and plays them out on stage before your eyes. The production will be held at Bohemia at Murray Street, Woodbrook, just one building away from the “Avenue”. The cost of a ticket is just $78.50 or you can support the arts and leave them with the change. Performances start tonight at 8:57 pm and runs this weekend and then next weekend – July 26 and 28. For more information call 681-8070.
Dave Williams
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OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 23
PAGE 24 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Outfit Courtesy ACCESSORIES Courtesy
Eastern Avenue
27 Frederick Street POS Contact: 1(868) 624-0684 2 email: easternavenue@live.com Makeup Artists
Rey Rey Artistry CONTACT #742-9183/ 688-6870 BBM# 2a57971d or rey.rey.artistry@gmail.com Makeup Artists
Charisse Harris Lighting/Retouching
Ronaldo Roberts Photographer
Stephen Doobal
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 25
Interview by Stephen Doobal and written by Amelia C. Ramjarrie
The greatest strength someone could have is versatility. When I think of Taromi Lourdes Joseph, I visualise neither an athletic woman nor a woman who occupies a managerial post. I think of the word versatility because everything about her embodies that quality. With every performance, with every different theatrical production and film, she never falls short of perfection.
Taromi is from Belmont, Trinidad. When you meet her, you just see a big ball of energy; her smile can light up the entire room. Her giggles reflect her aura of positivity. Her simplicity comes from what she says – that her most enjoyable moments are with friends, food and travelling. She shared with us her first experience of flight. She said she was just so excited at the thought of flying. Taromi even told us of her not-so-enjoyable moments. These included dealing with people who take advantage of others, injustice, ignorance, silly drivers and bad customer service. I am sure many Trinidadians can identify with those. Although her positivity makes her a wonderful person, it’s her acting that makes her stand out. She began her acting career at the Trinidad Theatre Workshop (TTW) in 2005 when she made appearances as Juliet in Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” and Rosalie in the dramatisation of Michael Anthony’s novel “Green Days by the River”, which was directed by Louris Martin Lee Sing. In 2006, she held the national flag high when she represented T&T at the World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA). She opened the door of opportunity with her exemplary monologue at WCOPA. Subsequent to that performance, Taromi got calls from MTV and got a chance to audition for a scholarship at the New York Conservatory Dramatic Arts School of Film and Television (NYCDA).
In 2008, she decided to test her skills as a camera operator in the play “What Is It?” at TTW, directed by Marida Louw, a South African. In 2009 Taromi, yearning for more experience and knowledge in her field, decided to attend a summer programme at NYCDA, where she learnt from two Hollywood actresses, Judith Searcy and Becky London, who both have roles on the TV series “Law and Order”. Taromi returned to Trinidad as a mature actress and, determined to showcase her skills, she joined Louis McWilliams’ production “Dance Me Lover” where she was cast in a supporting role. The next project she undertook was a role in the film “Limbo”, directed by the Norwegian Maria Sodahl. The film was very successful as it was shown at several festivals in Sweden, Greece, Norway, Poland and Trinidad. In 2012 she returned to the theatre in “An Echo in the Bone”, a play rich with culture and history. It was performed at Central Bank Auditorium and was directed by Timmia Hearn Felman. The entire cast was amazing. Taromi then proved her versatility by shifting gears and going into a comedic theatre production. She shared the stage with well-known actors including Raymond Choo Kong in “Why Am I Married?” at the Naparima Bowl. After she completed that she went on to get her first lead role in “Between Friends” directed by Omari Jackson. That film won an award for best cinematography. Currently, Taromi is looking through the windows of possibility. She wants to get behind the camera in terms of production as she wants to understand the totality of what the director goes through. One would expect that as an experienced and accomplished person she would have an interesting OMG moment. When she was asked she responded by saying, “One time a dude proposed to me. I was like he must be crazier than me to want to do this.” The OMG moment comes after, with her declaration that she is currently single.
Lighting/Retouching by
Ronaldo Roberts Photo by
Stephen Doobal
PAGE 26 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Pumping Parties
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 27
lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago! Cocoa – Nice People, Dirty Fun-
14th Jul 2013
PAGE 28 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Pumping Parties
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 29
lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago! StarForce Audio Soca Chutney Explosion - 13th Jul 2013
PAGE 30 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
The 3 Key Supplements
You Should Be Taking Oprah.com | December 11, 2012
Are you suffering from information overload regarding what supplements you need? Dr. Oz clears up the confusion. Every day Dr. Oz dispenses a wealth of innovative tips so you can live your healthiest life. But keep in mind, you do not need to do or try everything that’s recommended. Take supplements, for example. While Dr. Oz frequently reports on the benefits of various supplements, he by no means expects you to take every single supplement that’s mentioned on the show. To clear up any confusion, follow this rule of thumb: As a baseline regimen, avoid taking more than 5 different supplements per day. By doing so, you could risk potential negative pill interactions, so always discuss with your doctor or pharmacist first. To help simply your regimen, listed below are the 3 supplements that Dr. Oz deems absolutely essential for everyone to take: a multivitamin, omega-3 fatty acids, and calcium with magnesium. Anything else should be customized according to your gender, age or health goals such as weight loss, improved memory, or stress relief.
Dr.Oz’s 3 Key Supplements 1. A Multivitamin
While ideally the majority of your nutrients should come from a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, a multivitamin makes sure nothing falls through the cracks. A multi ensures that you get all the essential vitamins and minerals recommended for each day, keeping your engine running smooth and adding protection against chronic illnesses such as breast cancer, colon cancer and heart disease. The typical multivitamin contains about 10 vitamins and 10 minerals including vitamins A, C, D, E, K and minerals such as potassium and zinc. Make sure your multi contains iodine, a mineral that is sometimes omitted by certain manufacturers and is important for your heart, thyroid, brain and other vital organs.
When purchasing your multivitamins, look for bottles labeled 100 percent Daily Value (DV). In addition, avoid mega doses, such as supplements containing 500 percent DV, taking into account that you’ll also be absorbing vitamins and minerals from foods you eat. Lastly, be sure to split your multivitamin into two doses. Take half in the morning, and half at night since your body can only absorb so many vitamins at a given time. Next: The superstar supplement for brain, heart and vascular health
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids are the superstar fats that boost your brain, protect your heart and arteries, fight wrinkles, lubricate your joints and more. There are 3 types of omega-3 fatty acids:
• Alpha-linelenic acid (ALA) found walnuts,
flaxseeds, and olive oil
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found primarily in fish oil Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) also found in fish oil
Not all omega-3 or fish oil supplements are alike. The important thing to remember when buying one is to look for one that contains 600mg of DHA. (You may need to take more than one pill to get this dose). DHA is the fatty acid that comprises a large portion of brain tissue. Not only does DHA support brain functions, but it also improves how the brain stores and uses energy. It has also been shown to be a good depression fighter. Take this supplement at breakfast time. To keep fish oil lasting longer and prevent spoiling, store it in the fridge.
3. Calcium With Magnesium
Without calcium in your diet, the body will rob this nutrient from your bones, which weakens your bones. Calcium combined with magnesium not only supports your bones, but also keeps your teeth and muscles healthy. It’s important to take these minerals together since calcium alone can cause constipation, whereas magnesium will prevent this side effect. Choose a supplement that contains 600mg of calcium with 400mg of magnesium and take once a day. Remember to always drink with a full glass of water. Do not take this supplement within 1-2 hours of taking your multivitamin since calcium can block the body from absorbing other nutrients.
Main causes
behind body odor: Generally, body odor is caused by perspiration. When body sweat gets mixed with bacteria it leads to an unpleasant scent. Food is another reason behind bad body odor. Consumption of red meat, strong-smelling foods like garlic, onions and curry along with high intake of caffeine and alcohol can cause unpleasant body odor.
At the same time body odor may be caused due to various other reasons also such as any serious illness, strong medications, fungal infections, liver problems, fungal infection, hereditary factors, menopause, low blood sugar level, kidney diseases, low metabolism rate, hyperthyroidism, alcoholism, cavities, and deficiency of zinc or magnesium in the body, presence of toxins in the body or even due to lack of personal hygiene. To know more about the casues, check this video: http://youtu.be/jZ_ vOOlChN0
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 31
Dr. Oz’s 7 day belly workout cheat sheet
Avocados The many health benefits
Avocados have a long list of potential health benefits. For example, besides its antiinflammatory properties, previous research from Japan suggests this powerful fruit may also help protect against liver damage. In one study,4 laboratory rats were fed avocado and 22 other fruits. The rats were then given D-galactosamine, a potent liver toxin that interferes with cell synthesis and results in cell death. The rats fed avocado suffered the least amount of liver damage. The chemicalinduced liver injuries resemble those caused by viruses, so the researchers suggested avocado could potentially offer support in the treatment of viral hepatitis. According to one lead author Hirokazu Kawagishi, Ph.D: “Besides offering taste and nutrition, avocados seem to improve liver health. People should eat more of them.” Due to its beneficial raw fat content, avocado enables your body to more efficiently absorb fat-soluble nutrients (such as alpha- and beta-carotene and lutein) in other foods eaten in conjunction. One 2005 study,5 found that adding avocado to salad allowed the volunteers to absorb three to five times more carotenoids antioxidant molecules, which help protect your body against free radical damage. Other research has found that avocados: Contain compounds that appear to inhibit and destroy oral cancer cells.6, 7
Can help improve lipid profiles in both healthy individuals and those with non optimized HDL/ • total cholesterol levels). In one study,8 healthy individuals saw a 16 percent decrease of serum total cholesterol level • following a one-week long diet high in monounsaturated fat from avocados. In those with elevated cholesterol levels, the avocado diet resulted in a 17 percent decrease of serum total cholesterol, and a 22 percent decrease of both LDLcholesterol and triglycerides, along with an 11 percent increase of the so-called “good” HDL cholesterol. They’re also very low in fructose, which is yet another boon, and provide close to 20 essential health-boosting nutrients, including:
• Fiber • Potassium (more than twice the • amount found in a banana) • Vitamin E • B-vitamins • Folic acid
PAGE 32 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
A$AP Ferg feat. A$AP Rocky “Shabba”
Justin Timberlake “Tunnel Vision”
Ace Hood ft Kevin Cossom - “Thugs Fall”
(Damn) This Desert Air “Hanger”
Avenged Sevenfold “Hail to the King”
The Weeknd “Belong To The World”
Ace Hood -
“Trials & Tribulations”
Lil Kim f/ Young Goldie“Hunnit”
Ace Hood Ft Chris Brown - Ariana Grande ft Fabolous“Rider” ”The-Way” Lil Wayne -
“God Bless Amerika”
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 33
Take a taste of the hottest movie trailers on the planet... to sEe the traliers... just click on the images below
Kick-Ass 2
How To Train Your Dragon 2
Ride Along
Seventh Son
See our full line-up of movie trailers every Friday @ 5pm and Saturday @ 5:25pm... Exclusively on
PAGE 34 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
San Fernando
Drift Expo! After A 3 Year Break, San Fernando Is Ready To Host One Of The LARGEST Motorsport Events To Hit These Shores... Sunday 21st July 2013 Brian Lara Stadium (Tarouba, San Fernando) From 12Noon We Transform The Stadium Into A DRIFTING & BIKE STUNT Arena... From The People That Brought You The Country’s FIRST Ever Drift Expo At Pier 2 Chaguaramas, We Take The Show To The Southland Our Drivers Have Vowed To Put On A Mind Blowing Presentation, Complemented By: Pyrotechnics Laser Lighting Two Car Tandems And Carefully Choreographed Routines Due To Escalating Road Fatalities Among Young Adults It Has Become Necessary To Edify Our Nation’s Drivers About Proper Road Safety. Through This Event We Intend To Provide A Safe And Controlled Environment For Local Drivers To Showcase Their Skill And Compare The Performances Of Their Highly Tuned Modified Vehicles SAFETY IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY, We Plead With Drivers To Practice These Vehicular Traits ONLY At Our Shows UNLIMITED MOTORSPORTS Will Host Five (5) Of Trinidad & Tobago’s Most Dynamic Drift Clubs, Including: 3D Drifters Slide Syndicate Drift Factory Marztech Racing Dirty Projects For Discounted TICKETS Call: • 7404609 (Marsden - Marztech Racing) • 4758784 (Duane - 3D Drifters) • 6784688 (Jody - Slide Syndicate) • 3472732 (Reagan - Dirty Projects) • 3509291 (Dirty Projects) • 7851235 (Andre - EAST)
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 35
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PAGE 36 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Is Priyanka Chopra
hot enough to be an
international sensation? by Deboshree Ghosh
The babe’s latest single Exotic released recently and we notice she wore some really cool high street ensembles, as she sang and danced Priyanka Chopra looks deadly in those high-waist shorts. And what brought great exoticness to her look is that stylish fluorescent green bustier. It was a cleverly designed mix of funky and retro, spiced by the PC panache. While the high-waist super hot pants made it seem like she’s all set to lounge around in some swanky swimming pool in Paris, those massive white headphones add the tadka of youthful style to her look. And just when we were done admiring the tech-savvy beauty, our eyes fell on those gorgeous printed sky high heels. The best part of the statement is that the heels don’t match the outfit but it still looks very fashionable put together. And how could the babe stay away from the most glamorous shade of all! We love the gold pants, while the black bustier combo and the intricate neckpiece makes it all the more boho-chic. There’s something very striking about PC’s outfits – and they totally complement the title of her album: Exotic! What do you think, peeps?
CLICK THE BUTTON TO VIEW Priyanka Chopra Exotic featuring Pitbull
Priyanka Chopra
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 37
Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan
Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan to celebrate 100 years of Indian cinema The Bollywood legends have been invited for the centenary celebrations in Chennai, where AR Rahman and Ilaiyaraaja are expected to perform. Bollywood luminaries such as Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan are on the guest list for the 100 years of Indian cinema celebration to be held in Chennai on September 1-3. “Shahrukh and Amitabhji are on our guest list. We have requested them to lend their support in our celebration. We are hoping that they will take out time and join us,” said C Kalyan, President, South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce (SIFCC). The three-day event, which will bring together all the four South Indian film industries – Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam – will be held at the Nehru Indoor Stadium. The chief
ministers of all the four states – Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh – are expected to attend the event. While the first day of the event is dedicated to the celebrations of Tamil and Malayalam industries, the second day is dedicated to Telugu and Kannada industries. On the third and final day of event, Kalyan said, “Besides performances from all the four film industries, we also plan to release 50 stamps to felicitate famous personalities from each industry.” Musicians Ilaiyaraaja or AR Rahman are likely to compose a special song for the event. “We have requested these musicians to compose a special song to commemorate 100 years of Indian cinema. They haven’t confirmed yet, but we hope to hear from them soon. This song is expected to be performed on the final day of the event,” said Kalyan.
Bhaag Milkha Bhaag box office: The Farhan Akhtar starrer earns millions on opening weekend! by Dhiren Trivedi
Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s inspirational flick becomes the third biggest weekend opener of 2013 The Rakeysh Mehra-directed biopic Bhaag Milkha Bhaag has won brownie points from critics and masses alike. And this was bound to happen, considering the good publicity and right buzz before the film’s release. The film was highly anticipated simply for Farhan Akhtar and people were curious to see the effort behind his decision to step into the legendary shoes of India’s famous athlete Milkha Singh. As far as the movie’s impressive collections go, we must say the actor didn’t disappoint the sports star. The Viacom 18 Motion Pictures and Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Pictures production grossed Rs 32.08 crores nett approximately in its first weekend. The film managed to earn Rs 1.30 crores from paid previews on Thursday and Rs 8.50 crores on Friday. The sports saga witnessed a big jump on Saturday and made Rs 10.50
crores; it got even stronger on Sunday, with Rs 10.25 crores. “Having tasted success in multistarrers like Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and Rock On and failure with his only solo starrer Karthik Calling Karthik, Farhan has bounced back… and how!” says exhibitor-distributor Akshaye Rathi excitedly. “Audiences across cities with drastically diverse demographics is loving the film and the numbers have grown steadily by the day through the weekend. Despite the length being a bit of an issue, with a take-off like that and the good word of mouth, the film should go past the finish line as quickly as the flying Sikh (Milkha Singh) did in his days on the track!” The Delhi/Punjab area has had a fantastic weekend due to the film’s local flavour. Going by the positive word of mouth, the three-hourplus-long biopic is headed for major success. The trade expects BMB to do a lifetime business of Rs 80-90 crores. Considering the exact numbers are still being compiled, Farhan Akhtar’s solo release ranks third after Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (Rs 61.87 crore) and Race 2 (Rs 48.17 crores)
PAGE 38 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Jennifer Lopez Accused of Accepting
$10 Million From
‘Dictators and Crooks’ Following the singer's performance for the Turkmenistan president, the Human Rights Foundation unearths at least three other instances where Lopez crooned for seven-figure paycheques.
Jennifer Lopez
A human rights group accused pop singer Jennifer Lopez of receiving more than $10 million for “serenading crooks and dictators” from Russia and a number of former Soviet republics.
“J.Lo has repeatedly mingled with and entertained some of the world’s worst thugs and their cronies," said Human Rights Foundation president Thor Halvorssen in a statement to the press. "The ‘Jenny-fromthe-block-who-doesn't-Google’ clarification may be credible in one instance, but it beggars belief in light of a pattern of repeated behaviour." A representative for Lopez could not be immediately be reached for comment.
Frank J Short
Accused Of Throwing Semen At Woman He Thought Was ‘Hot’ The Huffington Post | By David Moye
Frank J. Short was arrested Tuesday afternoon for allegedly throwing a glob of his own semen onto the back of a 20-year-old female shopper at a Walmart in New Castle, Del., because, he later told police, he thought the woman was attractive. The victim was texting when Short, 22, allegedly walked past her, saying “Excuse me.” Seconds later, she "suddenly feltsomething wet on her buttocks, thigh and leg,” according to a Delaware State Police report obtained by The Smoking Gun. At first, she thought that Short had sneezed or spat on her, until she noticed the gooey glob just below her knee, Delaware Online reported. Short continued to follow the victim around the Walmart until she was forced to take
refuge in an Employees Only area. Two workers there escorted her to the security office where she called the police, WPVI-TV reported. Delaware State Troopers arrived at the store and charged the suspect with offensive touching with bodily fluid, harassment, lewdness, and disorderly conduct, CBS Philly reported. When troopers interrogated Short, he first told them he had accidentally "flung" some mucus on the victim after sneezing into his hands. Then he said that he threw some of his spit on the victim whom "he felt was hot," Gawker reported. After further interrogation, he allegedly told officers he "basically gets a thrill out of such an act." It is unknown if he carried the bodily fluid in a container.
Frank J. Short
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 39
‘GLEE’ STAR CORY MONTEITH FOUND DEAD in Vancouver Cory Monteith -- who famously played Finn Hudson on the TV show “Glee” -- died early Saturday morning in Vancouver ... he was 31 years old. According to police the actor was found dead in his hotel room on the 21st floor of the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel around noon ... when staffers went to check on him after the actor missed his check-out time.
In a press conference, officials said the actor was "clearly deceased" -- and had been so for several hours -- when police arrived on the scene. Cops say Cory checked-in to the Fairmont on July 6 and was scheduled to leave July 13. It is unclear why he was in Vancouver, but cops did mention he's from Canada and visits often.
The night before his death, Cory was seen in his room hanging with friends, before hitting the town ... but came back early Saturday morning ... alone. A rep for the actor says they are "in shock and mourning this tragic loss." As TMZ previously reported, Monteith voluntarily checked himself into a treatment centre back in April, admitting he had substance abuse issues. It was his second time in treatment. Prior to that, Cory had been open about his problems with drugs. Back in 2011 he told Parade Magazine, his family and friends were so afraid he "could die" they staged an intervention. He was 19 at the time. He explained that his drug use consisted of "Anything and everything, as much as possible." Adding, "I had a serious problem."
Red Bull Soapbox Races Return
To England and Germany The Huffington Post | By Emily Thomas
Where they were going, they did need roads... After a 9-year absence from the home of Big Ben, the Red Bull Soapbox Derby made an epic comeback in London this weekend, taking over one of the country's steepest roads with a giant scotch egg, a miniature Titanic 2.0, and a scrotum-themed mobile. There were epic crashes, a flying DeLorean, and major, major air in front of the 20,000 spectators who came to see the soapboxes, motorless vehicles often made out of wood. Seventy competitors, powered solely by gravity's force, turned out for the races at Alexandra Palace on July 14 to take on the tricky 460-yard hill course, WNCT reports.
Each team was made-up of four members who were required to advertise the namesake event with Red Bull helmets. By regulations, each vehicle was required to have steering abilities and brakes, however all mechanical parts and motors were strictly prohibited. Red Bull's first soapbox derby was held in Brussels in 2000. Since then, more than 40 races have taken place around the globe, spreading from Australia to South Africa. The winner of London's competition was the Spit-Phya team from Newcastle, who zipped through the finish-line in a blueberry-toned car resembling land speed record breaker Donald Campbell's Bluebird, ESPN reported. Spit-Phya teammates will be treated to a tour of the Red Bull Racing Factory and will get the chance to show off their racing prowess at a high performance track day. Team Coffin Dodgers took second place and coming in third was the balling team 'Does My Scrum Look Big In This?'
Rihanna Turned Up Three Hours Late For
Monaco Concert Rihanna is currently on the European leg of her hugely successful Diamonds World tour, but she had been getting some flocking from fans and the media all over the continent. According to reports, the Bajan pop star turned up more than three hours late on Wednesday night at her concert in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Over the last few weeks Rihanna has angered her fans in England, Denmark, and Poland after she showed up hours
late and sometimes intoxicated to her concerts. It seems her fans patience are running out after they started complaining bitterly on Twitter to boycott her shows. Fans says they paid as much as $782 per ticket to see Rihanna. “Are you lost?” one fan said on Twitter. “We’re waiting. … Frankly, this delay is abuse.” Rihanna was allegedly partying at a nightclub with race car driver Lewis Hamilton the night before.
PAGE 40 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013
Snake Hiding
in Toilet
Bites Israeli Man's Penis
A 35-year-old Israeli man was rushed to the hospital on Friday after a snake suddenly emerged from the toilet he was sitting on and bit the man's penis. The injured man told emergency workers that he noticed a strong burning sensation as he was using the toilet in his parents' home in the norther Israeli town of Nofit. At that point, the man looked down and saw a snake in the toilet. He then "ran from the room in horror" to call paramedics. "This is the first time I've seen a snake bite like this," a paramedic said, according to Your Jewish News. “Luckily, all tests seem fine and the man is feeling well.” The paramedic also said the man was in good enough spirits to joke about the incident. The snake, which the man described as very small, wasn't venomous, but doctors at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa decided to keep the man hospitalized for further tests and observation. "There will undoubtedly be bite marks on the area in question," the hospital said. “The snake was not poisonous. The man is currently under observation pending additional test results and as soon as we get the results, he will be able to go home."
Beyonce Always Has That Super Hot Body to Fall Back on in Case Her Music Doesn't Pan Out Just in case you weren’t completely convinced that Beyonce’s got one of the hottest bodies in the game, here's this photo, which was taken by photographer Tony Duran for Flaunt Magazine back in 2011. In the new issue -- which hits stands in a couple weeks -- she talks about her perfect day, and her perfect picnic. Here's what she said, which is sure to really get your hearts going, if, for whatever
reason, this magazine cover didn't already: "A cozy blanket, red wine, fruit, '90s R&B playing on my iPod. I don't think you need much else." So is she your perfect girl yet, guys? Gorgeous, somewhat down to earth depending on what interview you read, and with a heart of gold? Heaven knows she's got the body of an angel already. What more could you even want out of ... you know, Beyonce?
OMG Magazine | Thursday 18 July, 2013 • PAGE 41
But hey, does Lady Gaga really want us to believe she was ‘born this way’?
Lady Gaga
Hm. So, on the left, you have Lady Gaga. More specifically, Lady Gaga in November of 2012. And on the right? Well, it's also Lady Gaga, but Lady Gaga Last Week 2013. Now, LG hasn't been photographed a whole lot since having "hip surgery," and lots of outlets speculated on whether it was an actual hip surgery as opposed to a surgery of a different kind (read: Elective. Nonmedically necessary. Plastic).
And while Gaga lost some of that pizza/pasta "weight" (because damn, girl, you looked really good with some meat on your bones), the more possibly noticeable difference is something with the nose that she said she'd never surgically alter. Is there something different? More of a contouring, more of a narrowed bridge, more of a sculpt to the tip? Nobody here is flat-out saying that Lady Gaga had some facial reconstruction, but nobody here is ruling it out, either.
PayPal accidentally deposits $92 quadrillion in customer’s account
For the majority of people, PayPal is a service used to pay for goods rather than receiving money through it. And even if you do get a PayPal account credit, the fees are usually something to moan about. However, Chris Reynolds would have done no such complaining if the deposit PayPal accidentally made into his account had remained. The monthly statement PayPal sends out via email showed that Reynolds had received a deposit of
$92,233,720,368,547,800. That’s $92 quadrillion. He typically has around $100 passing through his PayPal account every month as he buys and sells stuff on eBay, so he thought this was his lucky day. Logging into PayPal soon put an end to that, though. PayPal had realized the mistake and removed the quadrillions. That’s a shame, though, as Reynolds said if the money had remained his, we could kiss the US national debt goodbye as he’d pay that off first. While that may seem generous, the debt currently only totals $16,867,739,950,683 (and growing). So Reynolds would still have plenty left over for essentials and a forever holiday.
PayPal has confirmed that this was an error and acknowledged Mr Reynolds saw it as such. They’ve also offered to make a donation to a charity of his choice. It probably will not be in the quadrillions, though. If the money had made it out of PayPal and into his bank account, how much interest would he have made if it remained there for just one day? Even 1 or 2% interest for 24 hours would work out to a significant windfall, right?
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