Express OMG Magazine 28

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Saturday October 6, 2012 • VOL 1- 28

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confessions Page






Relationship HOW TO’s Page






OMG FAshion

Ladelin Garcia Age 32, port of spain

Three things you like about yourself: My name because it’s not common, even though people don’t remember it easily. I’m a down to earth kinda person. I don’t care if you have money or not, I will treat you the same way. I like my eyes because through them I can express many things without saying a word. MY OMG moment... Almost getting caught...



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Surviving a cougar attack

The cougar is one of nature’s deadly predators, but with the right precautions, you can survive an attack.

Step 1 - Be alert

Be on the lookout at all times, especially when in dense cover. The best way to survive a cougar attack is to avoid one in the first place.

Step 2
- Stay in groups

Keep together when in cougar territory. Lone individuals are much more at risk.

Step 3
- Remain calm

Keep calm if you are spotted. Panic may send the cougar into a frenzy.

Tip - Don’t ever try to run away—the slender, agile body of the cougar can propel it up to 35 miles per hour, far faster than an Olympic sprinter. Step 4
- Look big

Stand up and spread your arms. Making yourself look bigger and more imposing might frighten the cat away.

Step 5 - Keep eye contact

Maintain eye contact and do not turn your back—this may seem counterintuitive, but you don’t want the cougar to get the drop on you.

Step 6
 - Reverse gear

Back away slowly without letting the cougar out of your sight.

Do not approach or entice the cougar! While it may be exciting to see one in its natural habitat, offering food or drink or trying to get a picture with it may provoke an attack! Step 7
 - Check for aggression

Look for signs of aggression, like advancing movement, bared teeth, a fixed stare, or crouching, as if to pounce.

Step 8
 - Become more assertive

Assert yourself if the cougar begins to move in on you—shout, wave, throw things, and try to get to higher ground.

Step 9
 - Fight back

If she pounces, you have no choice but to fight back. Try to stay on your feet and be sure to protect your head and neck.

Step 10
 - Don’t play dead

Whatever you do, don’t play dead—this will likely cause the cougar to drag you to a private area and have its way with you.

Working with an Ex You and your partner may have called it quits, but you still have to see each other every day. Keep both your job and your sanity with these tips. Step 1 be professional

Maintain a professional demeanor around your former partner. Be polite and courteous, but restrict conversation to business as much as possible.

Step 2 Communicate

In the event your “ex” brings up a personal matter, take them aside, away from the eyes and ears of co-workers, and explain that it’s in both of your interests to keep personal matters outside of the office.

Step 3 Respect the other’s feelings

Be sensitive. Don’t be sarcastic or insulting, refrain from reminiscing with your old flame, and never flirt with someone else in front of them.

Step 4
 Avoid gossip

Don’t discuss the break-up with coworkers. Not only will the ensuing gossip damage your professional image, but co-workers may take sides, which can significantly destroy office dynamics.

Tip - 
If you have to explain the situation to your boss, emphasise that you and your “ex” are ready to put work ahead of personal matters. Step 5 - Be patient.

Things will get back to normal if you keep a level head and give it a little time.

“Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy.” — Sarah Ban Breathnach

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday October 6, 2012 Page 5

A setup or a


ymously n o n a s t h g u eepest tho d r u o y s s e onf A place to c

Raising a

grown man I literally hate my stepson. I am 29 and my wife is 33. She lost custody of her son when he was about five and out then of the blue the state returns him when he is 17. I can’t stand his attitude and sense of entitlement… it’s as if the world/ we owe him everything he wants because he had a tough childhood. Well, join the club. His lazy ass is eating me out of house and home and he does not have a grateful bone in his body. Skipping a shower for days at a time, walking around like he owns the joint and that’s not to mention the money mysteriously coming up missing all the time. If I could prove it I’d put his tail in jail to cool his heels for a while and think about life. I believe it’s almost a form of jealousy because of him being so old. It’s like having to share my wife with another man. I mean, what can a guy do to raise a 17-year-old that he just met. Come on 18th birthday…I am looking forward to his birthday more than my own.

I don’t love you


Sometimes I have get with you in an attempt to feel close to you again but it wears off quickly. I’ve met someone else who makes me happy and I want to take a shot at it with him. I loved you more than anything and I did the best I could but the cheating, stealing, lying and substance abuse wore me down. Now love is dead and it’s not coming back.

It hurts me more than it hurts you I beat my kids sometimes. I hate myself for doing it but they piss me off and it’s the only way they’ll listen.

Wife goes

natural Dumping a friend I recently cut out someone who was my best friend for years. It got to the point that everything about him was always bringing me down. I realised that he would never be happy no matter what I did. It’s true… misery loves company. I know he is hurting but I don’t even care anymore. Maintaining that friendship was so draining and I’m glad I don’t have to do it anymore. I have been much happier now that I’m free of all of the negativity!

My wife has shaved everywhere for years. As of about four months ago she stopped shaving it all. Now she has a hairy everything – hairy armpits and she’s starting to get hairy legs. I love it! At first she thought it was weird that I told her it was a turn on. Now she shows off her hairy body to me to drive me crazy.


with a smile

I am the person who is always happy, the person who is always making others smile. No one knows that inside I am quickly being torn apart because of a horrible habit. No one appreciates the energy I put in to always be seemingly happy. And no one tries to dedicate themselves to always making me happy.

Page 6


Peppercorn Lamb Rack

california (sushi roll)


Levels Ultra Bar & Lounge

Sushi Restaurant Team OMG visited Levels Ultra Bar & Lounge, a sushi restaurant on the corner of Taylor Street and Ariapita Avenue, this week and we had a great time. General manager Darius Carmino, who took us around, described Levels as a hybrid lounge and bar. For those of you who have not been there, Levels is just that – three levels of experiences; the higher you go the cozier it gets. The ground level houses the bar area, which was alive with great music, laughter and friends sharing some cold drinks; others enjoyed themselves outside on the deck, savouring a more private setting. The second level offers a quieter, and more luxurious, experience with lots of plush leather chairs for groups of friends to just hang out, not forgetting the great eats and drinks. The third level is ultra romantic and even cozier. You walk up the rustic wooden stairs into this beautifully decorated private room which lends itself to all kinds of wonderful times. We were treated to the dishes on this page which were a Peppercorn Lamb Rack perfectly done and tasting great and the



Ceviche, a raw seafood mixture marinated in citrus juices that’s extremely popular in Central and South America and prepared by their Peruvian chef. We loved it, and then we had their most popular sushi roll, the California. Everything we had was delicious with service to match. Levels is the perfect place to have your private functions, club or business meeting and even birthday party. For your next birthday just let Levels know how much each guest can contribute and they can whip up a birthday lime with your own chef and servers, with no work or clean-up for you. How great is that! Levels also boasts of an unlimited Sushi Buffet on Tuesdays. You pay $200 which includes VAT and service charge and a glass of red or white wine. On Thursdays you can enjoy their Platters and Pitchers Night which features a platter with 20 pieces of sushi on it and you can get a pitcher of Sangria or draft beer for $250. One lucky OMG Magazine reader and a guest will be going to Levels Ultra Bar & Lounge. Just like the OMG Magazine page on Facebook and say, “I want Levels” and you could be the lucky winner. If you would like to check out Levels on your own just give them a call at 622-5350 and let the fun begin.

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday October 6, 2012 Page 7


Designer Janelle Angelique Forde says that the J.Angelique Clothing is an expression of true Caribbean beauty. Each piece exudes vibrancy and a spirit of youthfulness, ideal for the chic and stylish. J.Angelique Clothing transforms the fashion introvert into a fashionista and allows the diva to reveal her intuitive style.


Greer Iton Designer

J.Angelique Photographer

Cecil Evans Photographer’s Assistant

Thion Lord Make-up Artist Derval Barzey Stylist

Jamilia Alexander location

Jenny’s on the Boulevard

Page 8


Darryl “Farmer Nappy” Henry, secured hundreds of tweets on Twitter on March 5 this year and was voted “Artiste of the Week” in a poll on MTVIGGY.COM. Nappy is a boyhood friend of Machel Montano and grew up with Machel and his family in Siparia. From the start he has been part of the Montano family and became a member of the band Xtatik and then the HD Family. He worked his way from being back-up instrumentalist to being the writer of smash soca hits “Chippin (With Me Woman)” and “Go Brave”. Recently he became a father for the second time. His first child, a girl, is now 21 years old. His son, Kaidyn Jesus Chandler-Henry, was born on September. We sat down with Farmer at the Xtatik office in Gordon Street, Port of Spain for his interview. How did you meet the Montanos? “I had this great skateboard that I made from rollerskate wheels and one day I got into a fight with a boy who was sitting on it. While we were fighting this person came and broke up the fight. It was Mr Winston Montano. He was a total stranger. He took me and said ‘jump up on that van dey, ah have something ah want yuh to do’. He drove to a home in San Fernando. They were all packing to move to Siparia where he picked me up. I went inside to help pack and I met his two sons Machel and Marcus, and when they moved to Siparia, well, I kinda moved into their home. I was part of that family from that day to now. The first band we formed was called Pranasonic Express.” What is happening with Farmer’s music now? “My music is for mature people, my music is for people who love music and thanks to the Red Boys of Barbados who have been producing for me. The first song I did with them is “Chippin Down The Road” after that, we had a lil war, ah lil beef, because we did not do the business thing right. I did not record with them for about four years. Then we made back up. I realised the mistakes I made and they realised the mistakes they made and we fixed things. Music producer Klaas was producing a song for me, but during that time, I made back up with Red Boys. I asked Klaas if he had any problems with me finishing with Red Boys. He generously said no and Red Boys produced ‘Flirt’. They are producers I highly respect. Actually this year I went to them with five songs to produce and they run meh with three. They decide what they can produce well, which songs they feeling and if they not feeling it, they not producing it. Other producers will take yuh money, produce the bad songs and then blame the radio stations for not playing them. That is why I like working with Red Boys. They are men with honesty and integrity. Farmer in the groovy vein now. I want to make people dance, so my next song releasing is November and it groovy. Yuh know long time in the seventies yuh use to see people dancing slow songs together? My music going to have them doing that again; mature music. Besides wining behind yuh girl, yuh could hold her

and dance with her properly with Farmer music, like ah gentleman should.” What is the connection between Farmer and Barbados? “Well my baby’s mother is from Barbados and she is also the person who handles my business for me. She actually made the link for me with Red Boys.” What is Farmer’s biggest challenge? “Well Boy... I am a recovering alcoholic. I was a puncheon and Sag fella, every day. It was so dread. I would go bar hopping from Port of Spain to San Fernando before I got home.” How long did your alcohol binge went on for? “From the age of 26 to 33. It was so dread. Once I entered a bar they start opening that beer and puncheon. I didn’t even have to ask.” How did you stop? “I really messed up a performance, and one day Machel and I sat down under a mango tree at Neil Bernard’s home and Machel said, ‘Farmer, yuh really crashing yuhself and to work with me, yuh have to go and fix yuhself’. He said, ‘yuh is my brother and I don’t know yuh no more with this alcohol’. After that a lot of people said I got fired from the band but I went for help. Thanks to Gabriella De Larosa and her family, they knew Alcoholics Anonymous people and I went to the meetings in Diego Martin and that is where I started to get help. There were a lot of elders and one or two women, but I think I was the youngest there. But at the age of 33, I stop drinking. Machel and they left they went on tour and when they came back, he noticed I was not drinking again and just like that he said, ‘yuh have back yuh work’. To not be an alcoholic is something I pray for, because I couldn’t control it.” How did alcohol affect you? “I use to curse people out, things I had on my mind about people. I would tell them when I was drunk. But yuh know what, this year ah have a rum song. The name of the song is ‘Drunk’. Ah singing for people who drink but drink responsible. This is my contribution to rum (lol).” Was it always great with you and the band? “I made some real bad decisions with our relationship over the years. When I was 19 my girlfriend at the time had a baby that was born premature, one pound ten ounces. She was in New York and I just left the band. I did not tell anybody anything, I just left. Thank God my baby was fine and she is 21 years old now and healthy. So at that time I had to make a decision between my career and my family and at the age of 19 I got married. I stayed with them for five years, but it was not working for me, working nine to five in the US. I just got one subject at school, Principles of Accounts. Actually it was because of Liz Montano. I had failed all my subjects because when she used to tell me come down and do my studies by them, I use to say no, I studying at home. But in fact I was liming on the block. When I failed she insisted that I repeat and that is how I got that one

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday October 6, 2012 Page 9 subject. When I went to America, that is when I realised that education was the key. In fact ah wish ah even had a trade, because trademen there earn real cash. It was months I stayed away before I called back and the first thing Winston Montano said to me is that, ‘I want you to know, you always have ah home and this door is always open to you’. It took me five years to get things organised to come back to Trinidad. He looked at me and said, ‘yuh ready to come back?’ I asked them for six months to get myself together.” Where the Farmer Nappy name came from? “My name was always Nappy, as a nickname to my real dad, and Machel added the ‘Farmer’ when we came up with the ‘Music Farm’ song.” How do you feel now? “Ah feel like ah businessman. I am getting to know the music business and how it will sustain me in the future. Because we have no pension plan. You have to make some wise investments so it will bear fruit in the future. Right now I am into real estate and renting apartments, because after this I have to make something for when I come off stage. This was introduced to me by a guy called Iwer George. He used to always tell me brick doesn’t rotten and cement does get hard. I didn’t know what he was talking about. Only now that I am doing it, I can recognise what he was saying. Iwer was a tailor, then a taxi driver, then started singing and built his business from there. Machel is a businessman. He would advise me, ‘Farmer, pay yuh money to own your master copies of your songs. Nobody must own your work but you. So you can benefit for your hard work’. So when a large company wants to use my songs, I own it. I will be able to gain from it. My biggest mentor also is Chris Tambu Herbert for all the opportunities and advice.” When is your birthday? The 3rd of May. Taurus. We love we mother, we mouth does get we in trouble, we does tell yuh how we feel straight up. I am very miserable, but I loving. If I wrong I will tell yuh ah sorry, but if ah right, I might overdo and overact. But I love everybody and the main thing is family is important to me. Like Liz Montano is not my biological mother, but before my mom died she said to Liz, if she would take care of ‘Papoo’. That was meh nickname and she promise her that and from then I know even if I not in the band, not in the business, I still have to report to meh mother Liz and meh father Winston Montano. When ah giving trouble and she cyar handle meh, she does call the higher head, Winston.

When he say, ‘come up Toco, doh say no, just head up the road’ and he does fix things. When yuh wrong yuh get a cut-tail and when yuh do well yuh get rewarded and that is what make us hungry dogs but humble people.” The future? “I looking for movie deals, for my songs and I am an actor, because on stage I act. Yuh get the full hundred of Farmer, but yuh get it raw. One night ah was giving Shel Shock, may he rest in peace, trouble on stage, he pelt his headphone at me. I wayward, how you see me on stage that is how I am. I am the next Scrunter and Baron of soca, the groove master they must call me. I must be known to be the most-awarded groove man of Trinidad and Tobago. I will win a Grammy award and I will right the biggest song in the world but I will not sing it.” What has kept the relationship with Machel and his family together so long Farmer? “Family! I will fight for you and tell me the truth. Honesty. Yuh cyar come round we if yuh is ah thief. Machel and I would fight, cuss-out even, but I will put all that cuss and fight in a rice strainer and strain out the words and get the wisdom from that fight. Ah would strain and get only vegetable to produce Farmer Nappy. Make me better. Yuh see we does have we head butting and thing yuh know, all family does have that, but they grow meh, they grow meh up to be a gentleman.” What is your OMG moment? “Singing in an Alternative Concert. Anthony B was on stage singing “Chippin” and as he was leaving the stage. He hold meh hand and raise it up in the air and he say to the crowd, ‘All who rate Farmer?’ The whole stadium went up and raise up they hand. That is the moment. They use to call Farmer the background singer to Machel. That moment I felt it. Kitch and Machel was back stage and they watch meh and say, ‘yuh get it tonight? Yuh get yuh status dey boy’.”

Photography and Story Stephen Doobal

Page 10


Get local artiste with just a click!

Jelan Cumberbatch

JC Management Company Limited was founded by Jelan Cumberbatch who has over seven years’ experience in the entertainment industry. The former co-president of an events management company and owner of Tres Belle Modelling Agency has a certificate in business management and technology and plans to pursue a master’s degree in small business management at UWI’s Arthur Lok Jack business school.

JC Management is a talent management company geared towards the development of the client by providing an all-round service. They provide market consultation, online marketing, bookings, clothing, media access, creation of music videos, creation of websites and any other services required for the development of the client.

Among their clients are: Hans des Vignes; Hans and Gonzo; Chucky Gordon; Mazel Sound Master; Simba; Amani; Rizon; DJ Adam (xplicit ent); Millbeatz; Triniboi (English artiste); Mark Hardy; Knycky Cordner; Jovaan James; Marley Palmer. JC Management can be contacted at 701-8795, j.c

NO RULES for Carnival 2013 with SYO Produced by Madmen Productions Written By Dale Ryan, Cern JohnPro Hector, Emmanuel Rudder

Hilarious ‘Eat Ah Food’

at Central Bank The hit comedy, “Eat Ah Food”, will have you in stitches with a bold and brash look at the politics of the day mingled with intrigue, sexual misconduct and running confrontations with the media. An avid financial supporter of the ruling political party is mysteriously shot dead and an investigation is launched by the police which reveals some startling truths.

Debra Boucaud Mason

Is a high ranking government minister having an affair with the murdered man’s wife? Is the minister implicated or is it the wife? Who is the mysterious SIA agent? And what does Section 34 have to do with sexual favours? Can the media be bought or will all be revealed in a crushing headline that brings down

the government! What do three prostitutes and a footballer have to do with anything? Is the Minister of National Security involved? Mix in an inquisitive maid and a secretary who is “passionate” about her job, an attack on a reporter and the never-ending bacchanal unfolds to a dizzying and hilarious conclusion. “Eat ah Food” plays for two more nights – tonight and tomorrow – at the Central Bank. Featured among the stellar cast are Debra Boucaud Mason, Cecilia Salazar, Nigel Auguste, Richard Ragoobarsingh, Leslie Ann Lavine and Ria Ali. The play is directed by Richard Ragoobarsingh. It is important to note that this is a story of fiction and any resemblance to any living person is coincidental, sort of.

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday October 6, 2012 Page 11

Featuring Stephen John Jnr

In 1999, Stephen John Jnr was nominated for Best Male Vocalist and Best Gospel Performance at the Trinidad and Tobago Music Awards, eventually copping the Best Gospel Performance award.

He was nominated in three categories at the Marlin Awards 2008, the Caribbean’s most prestigious gospel music award – Contemporary Vocal Performance of the Year (Male), Jazz Recording of the Year and Special Event Recording of the Year. It was in 1998, however, that Stephen came to the fore when he won the Trinidad and Tobago Local Full Gospel Song Festival with his own composition “Leaving It All Behind”. He also copped the Best Composed and Best Arranged Song awards. He started singing publicly at the age of 14 and began honing his vocal and composing gifts as a member of the Youth Pulse Choir led by Sterling Gittens. Stephen John Jnr’s life is his testimony.

His strength was tested in his early youth as he watched his mother battle to singlehandedly raise five children. He himself also endured battles of his own, having had several brushes with death such as a car accident in 1992. Stephen has also been sharing his gift with our Caribbean neighbours, having sung in Jamaica at Fun In The Son Festival 2002, Bahamas, at ASAPH 2003, Barbados Gospel Festival 2007 and 2008, Antigua and Barbuda and Curacao. Stephen has shared stages with the likes of Keith Staten, Helen Baylor, Elan Trotman, Ron Kenoly, Nigel Soyer, Lt. Stitchie and others. Stephen has released one album to date titled “In Your Presence”. This album continues to garner interest locally, regionally and internationally. To date Stephen has hosted one concert production, “Christmas Is…”, which was in aid of the Immanuel’s Children Centre. Stephen functions as a worship leader at the assembly which he attends with his wife and three children and is currently pursuing an Associate Degree in Performing Arts.

New Release for 2013

Carnival machel montano

Machel is Ready

for Carnival 2013 She is splendour, she is beauty, she is mas, she is plenty bumper bacchanal, she is you, she is we, she is Carnival and she is ready. Building on the undeniable stirrings of Carnival in the air, Machel Montano unites once again with Precision Productions to produce his very first release for the 2013 season. The song “She Ready” embodies the unique energy of our yearly festival in the beautiful Trinbagonian female form. In this vivacious number the delightful curves, twists, and mid-section rotating

skills of our women were cunningly captured by Precision’s newly discovered 16-year-old music-writing phenom, Josiah St Lewis-Noray. This tribute, which describes the multitude of emotions felt at this time of year, is performed by Machel as only he can - giving life to the witty lyrics, while connecting with the seductive core of the Precision track, and creating yet another hit from this stellar team of musicians. ©Mystie Thongs.

Page 12


How to Fix a Leaky Faucet There are many kinds of faucets, but chances are your leaky fixture is a compression faucet and it’s a snap to fix. Step 1- Tighten the nut

Remove the faucet handle by removing the screw that attaches it, which is often covered by a decorative cap you’ll need to carefully pry off. Using your wrench, try tightening the packing nut, which is the nut at the base of the handle’s stem. Some leaks are simply caused by a loose nut.

Tip - Put a rag over the drain to catch any small parts you might drop. Step 2 - Turn off water

If tightening the nut doesn’t solve the problem, you might have to replace the washer. Locate the shut-off valve for the faucet you are repairing and turn off the water.

Tip - The shut-off valve will most likely be beneath the sink. If not, follow the pipes until you find it. Turn the valve’s handle to the right to shut off the water. Step 3 - Empty the faucet

Open the faucet by twisting the top of the stem until all remaining water in the pipes flows out.

Step 4 - Remove the stem assembly

Unscrew the packing nut to remove the entire piece that holds the stem, called the stem assembly.

Tip – The correct size washer is critical; to be on the safe side, take your old one to the hardware store when buying a new one. Step 5 - Wrap the nut

If your faucet doesn’t have a washer, wrap the packing nut with string or wicking (available at hardware stores), which will act as a washer. Or put a thin line of plumber’s putty around the threads at the bottom of the stem assembly.

Step 6 - Reassemble

Replace the stem assembly and tighten the packing nut.

Step 7 - Turn water on

Attach the handle and turn the water back on by reopening the shut-off valve. Enjoy the blessed silence!

How to Conduct a Paranormal Investigation



If your home seems to have more than just your own family in residence, conduct your own paranormal investigation and figure out who – or what – is crashing at your pad. investigation. Get everyone together to walk Step 1 - BE logical Think logically about the situation. If you heard a crash in the basement, could it be the cat? Is your house settling? Did your water heater just take a giant gulp? If you can’t seem to find a logical answer for the activity, begin your investigation.


Research the activity, as well as the area where the activity is taking place.

Step 3 - Conduct interviews

Seek out potential witnesses, previous house residents, neighbours and local historians. Be careful not to lead the interview subject into saying what you want them to say.

Step 4 - GET your equipment

Collect the equipment you will need to conduct an investigation. You will need a still camera, a video camera, an electromagnetic field ( EMF) detector, an audio recording device, and flashlights.

Tip – Make sure you are familiar with the equipment and know its capabilities. Digital cameras may create orbs or an audio recorder could produce popping and hissing noises, invalidating your evidence. If you know this in advance, it will save you time. Step 5 - Conduct a walkthrough

Do a walk-through prior to the actual

through the site and talk about what they see. Make sure everyone is comfortable and ready for the actual investigation.

Step 6 - Get everything ready

Prepare for the investigation on the date planned. Get all of your equipment together and gather everyone together.

Step 7 - leave nothing out

Record everything during your investigation: meter readings, curtains blowing, investigator reactions, shadows, equipment malfunctions, everything. It’s hard to prove something without cold, hard evidence.

Step 8 - Respect your subject

Respect the paranormal. If you believe this is a ghost or spirit of some kind, it’s best to be respectful.

Step 9 - gather the proof

Compile the evidence after the investigation and try to use it to come to a solid conclusion about the event. Keeping the evidence organised is crucial to a successful investigation. If you’re prepared, cautious, organised and respectful, chances are you’ll get to the bottom of things!

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday October 6, 2012 Page 13

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Nicki Minaj gives Lil Wayne a what for his birthday? T-Rex

top5 music videos of the week


One Direction “ Live While We’re Young”


Chris Brown “Don’t Judge Me”


Christina Aguilera “Your Body”


David Guetta “She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) ft. Sia”


Stalley ft. Rick Ross & Nipsey Hussle “Fountain Of Youth”

Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne When you’re rich and famous like Nicki Minaj you can give your boss a brand new T-Rex motorcyclecar for his birthday. Lil Wayne is having one of his best birthdays ever. The Young Money honcho surpassed Elvis Presley’s record for most Billboard Hot 100 singles last week and now he also got a surprise gift, with hugs, kisses and maybe more from one of the baddest female rappers in the game.

Nicki Minaj bought Weezy a red Campagna T-Rex 14R cyclecar. The hybrid motorcycle-car cost US$70,000 and can reach speeds of up to 150 mph. Nicki Minaj wrote something special on the back of the ride, “Nicki Loves Tunechi.” “Hope Wayne likes his gift,” Nicki Minaj tweeted. Nicki Minaj delivered the gift to a very surprised Weezy at his birthday bash in Hollywood. “For what, dawg?” Lil Wayne said. “Thank you, dawg. You didn’t have to do it. I didn’t want no gifts.”

Check out this cool video of

Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ without the music In a sea of videos related to Psy’s “Gangnam Style”, this video stands out.

SCAN the QR CODE with your SMARTPHONE to see this week’s Top5 Music Video

A YouTube user with the handle Moto2h recently uploaded a fun video of Psy’s “Gangnam Style” music video, except he took out the music and replaced it with sound effects. Moto2h wrote: “I was wondering how would a music video feel like without music. So I made this in about four hours. Enjoy!” What do you think of the music video? Does it give a totally different feel or even enhance the experience compared to the original music video?

Park Jae-sang - AKA PSY


1 2 3 4 5

GUNPLAY rapper says he wants to KILL 50 Cent

Red Hot Chili Peppers “Love of Your Life Single”

Gunplay says he absolutely did not fire a gun at the BET Awards ... but claims he did beat up a member of 50 Cent’s entourage ... and says he wants to “kill” everyone in the G-Unit crew.

Ashanti ft. R. Kelly “That’s What We Do”

Gunplay – a rapper who’s signed to Def Jam – just called in to TMZ Live to talk about the madness at the BET Awards in Atlanta recently ... where multiple fights broke out behind the scenes.

Whitney Houston ft R Kelly “I Look To You”

Gunplay tells us ... he “had to fight off five dudes” who he believes were members of 50 Cent’s camp.

Faith Evans ft Kelly Price & Fantasia “True Colours”

Mary J Blige “Everyday People”

Richard Morales Jr. AKA Gunplay

Gunplay says things got violent with 50’s group because, “I never liked them and always wanted to kick his ass ... and I finally got the opportunity”. The rapper says 50 Cent was involved

in the action ... but was “hiding behind security.” Gunplay says he was trying to “break his so and so neck.” Gunplay says he did manage to beat down one of the guys in 50’s entourage – “kicked one of their fat-asses ... kicked them off in the dirt.” Gunplay says cops then rushed in and sprayed him with Mace. Gunplay – who’s friends with Rick Ross – says his fight had nothing to do with Rick’s altercation with Young Jeezy’s crew at the BET Awards ... but explains, “We just goin’ at it with everybody ... let’s go kill ’em all.” Doesn’t sound like he was joking ... Gunplay told us, “If you’re playin’ with me, you’re playin’ with fire ... might get gunned down, ya never know.”

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday October 6, 2012 Page 15

Does Kareena Kapoor regret Heroine?

Kareena Kapoor

We definitely think that Madhur Bhandarkar’s leading lady has every rhyme and reason to feel that way! Never mind that film fans preferred to watch Ranbir Kapoor’s Barfi! over Kareena Kapoor’s Heroine, and that the lady’s younger cousin’s movie is making more money at the box office than her own film. The leading lady of the clichéd and crass not-so-successful story has moved on to happier times. Soon after her long-awaited wedding to beau Saif Ali Khan, Bebo Begum – last reported that they will have a court marriage, followed by a reception party at Pataudi House on October 18 – will get back to the studios with Punit Malhotra’s film, co-starring Imran Khan. Like Ek Main Ekk Tu, Dharma Productions will produce the Immie-Bebo love story. Remember we told you about the project a while ago?

And we have the reigning queen’s confirmation on that. “After Heroine I wanted to do a film which is good fun and carries a light-hearted feel,” said Bebo in an interview. She added, “As for Punit, he makes much more conventional movies with songs, dances and all. That should be good fun.” Good for her, but is the to-be begum’s choice of words an indirect taunt about Madhur Bhandarkar’s high-on– drama Heroine. Kareena’s intense emotions were the only watchable thing in the plot, yet her histrionics didn’t help set the cash registers ringing at cinema halls. Maybe Bebo is unhappy doing Heroine, or maybe it’s a forgotten memory, but we are just letting our naughty evil minds run amok!


Activity 4

The story takes place in 2011, five years after Katie killed her boyfriend Micah, sister Kristi, her husband Daniel and took their baby, Hunter (now named Robbie). The plot focuses on Alice and her mom who are experiencing weird stuff since the new neighbours (Katie and Robbie) moved in the town.

Egg citing

artwork Egg decoration is an artform that has been around for centuries. In modern times egg decoration has taken a new form – carving designs on eggshells. It’s very detailed and precise. Artists use real eggshells to make various designs which are intricately carved using cutting tools, drills etc.

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