OMG Magazine Vol 2 Issue 29

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Thursday 8th August, 2013 • VOL 2 - 29

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what’s inside

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 3

PAGES 24 -27

PAGE 36 - 37


PAGE 42 - 43


Nelly ft Nicki Minaj , Pharell


artistof the week credits

Kyle Madray

Stephen Doobal

PAGE 28- 31


Patrick Ifill



Ronaldo Roberts

Amelia C. Ramjarrie PUBLISHED BY


Real Company Limited

Sean Guevara


Pumping Parties




PAGE 12-13

s confession



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PAGE 4 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013


Andrea Baptiste 26, Diego Martin Three things you like about yourself and why? I like my legs because they are long and look great. I am easy to get along with so I make friends very quickly everywhere I go. I love to smile so I smile a lot and brighten people’s day. What is your OMG moment? That would have to be when I had to make a presentation at school, the entire school was assembled so I was proudly getting onto the stage to give my great delivery. I suddenly tripped and fell full body on the stage. I just quickly srung up gave my winning smile and started my speech. After about five minutes I forgot the fall and finished with a confident presentation. SWIMWEAR / Accessories

Eastern Avenue

Store# 3 27 Frederick Street , Gulf City Mall, High Stree Sanfernando Makeup Artist

Make it up to yourself

Cherisse Mc. Donald Photographer Lighting/Retouching

Ronaldo Roberts

om ns@omgtt.c

s n o i s s e f n co


essions to your conf


OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 5

ously m y n o n a s t h g u est tho p e e d r u o y s s e f A place to con

I never try any harder than I have to It was easy in school – put in minimal effort, get A’s. But out in the real world, I’m discovering that I have no need to live better than just above the poverty line. I’ve built myself a job that lets me do as much or as little work as I want, and I consistently do just enough to survive and appear respectable. I know that I could do more, if I had something that I was striving for. But I just don’t, and so I keep on doing almost nothing.

I don't like my friends anymore We used to get along great, and I always had so much fun with them. But lately I’ve realised that I can’t trust many of them. There was some drama in my friends’ group a little while ago, and three of my closest friends stabbed me in the back and then lied about it. Now, I have trouble trusting them and believing they care at all. And I have a lot of resentment/ bitterness towards them. I’m always the first one to start conversations and we won’t hang out unless I make the plans. We’ve been friends my whole life, and everyone is friends with each other, so there’s no way I’d be able to disconnect from a few without leaving the whole group.

I never get turned on First of all, I’m an 18-year-old girl. I think there’s something wrong with me – I never get turned on, by anything. I used to, back when I was 13 or so, and I know how it feels like. But for the past few years, there’s been nothing! I’ve tried things, like porn videos, and erotic novels, but they don’t help at all. I think this is why boys don’t see me the way they see other girls. They must know, somehow. I’m 18 and I’ve never even held hands with a boy. I know I’m not ugly – I’m not the most beautiful girl alive, but I’m better looking than most. I exercise to keep in shape, and wear make-up. I can’t even remember the last time I had a crush on someone. I feel like I’m missing out on something big. I don’t know if it’s hormones or whatever. I’m not on any medication, not on the pill, so I guess I’m naturally this way. I don’t like it though. I want to change. I feel unnatural.

I'm not who you think I am I grew up doing what I was told, being a good little girl, getting good grades, and made it into a good college. Once my family heard the rumours my dad yelled at me saying how it better not be true and if it is I’m no daughter of his anymore. Naturally I denied it all, but I just want to let it out that I am a lesbian. I want to scream it from the rooftops that I like girls and that I love my girlfriend and nothing will ever stop that.

Justin Timberlake obsession? I have had the biggest obsession with JT since I was about six and now I am 20 and I just cannot budge this obsession, because I don’t want to. But now when I’m having sex with my boyfriend, I imagine I’m having sex with Justin and I climax so much harder and faster when I imagine JT on top of me. My boyfriend knows about my obsession with JT and he understands because when I met him, the first thing I remember telling him was how much I loved JT. He gets upset sometimes because I talk about him a lot, but I seriously cannot help it. I feel so bad because I feel like this is being mentally unfaithful. I don’t know if you know what I mean, but I feel so dirty and trampy for doing it but it just makes the sex better when I think about Justin.

PAGE 6 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013

How to Achieve the Ultimate Lifestyle In this article, I write about obtaining your ultimate, or dream, lifestyle. First of all, what you need to do is to define what your ultimate lifestyle entails. I will write about the lifestyle that I enjoy just so you have a reference point if you need one and you can go from there. First, I will talk business. My nature is that I enjoy having multiple businesses, from simple ones (blog site) to complex ones (multi-national distribution and installation of heavy-duty equipment). I also enjoy personal interaction with people, so I also provide coaching services, if you want to learn how to live this kind of lifestyle first hand, and speed through the process of transforming and enriching your life. I like to do that because I have been in the situation of not having anything at one point, to changing that and living the life I now truly enjoy. So I like to help in that way.

was, in college, and fortunately, my father had offered me my own apartment, a car, and money in the bank. Yet, I would still come back home, after a night at the bar with friends, feeling unhappy, and that something was missing.

I have also perfected the method of “time-management” I did this by prioritising my life, and work only on what I need to do. There is no time wasted and I always make sure that when I need to do something I do it with maximum productivity. I outline what needs to be done every day and once I get that done I am free to do other things that please me.

Looking back I realise that this was actually due to me not deciding. Me not deciding who I AM. Not just that, but also not knowing what or who I wanted to be. I also did not think of what exactly I wanted in lif. I would just wake up not knowing what to do and spend all day in bed. Until one day came, when I had made up my mind, that the life I was living was not the way I want to live, nor the way I had EVER intended it to be. So I got my journal and a pen, and jotted down ALL THE THINGS THAT I WANTED.

I have chosen to live in Dubai, there is awesome weather here all year round and I am able to live the life of leisure and luxury as I please. Water adventures such as jet skiing, sailing, and even going on yacht parties are readily available to me. Some of the best nightclubs (a nightlife activity that I really enjoy) are here, so having an adventurous life is here for me. I can travel whenever I want and wherever. I can also take vacations when I please. I can also conduct my businesses regardless of time and place. This is the life I have consciously chosen, and that did not happen by accident. Keep in mind, that I am a relatively different person today, to who I was in the past. I am also different from my family and my father. This is because, I knew as a “youngen” that the common life I have always been exposed to was not the life I wanted. I also began doing things that, at the time, the mainstream wasn’t doing. Especially at my age and with the kinds of friends I had. I began meditating in college. I meditated because I wanted answers. I mean, of-course, I didn’t know what I wanted at the time, but I knew I wanted something. I had realised early on in life that money does not equal happiness. Because, here I

I tried many different techniques and teachings in meditation, some that I liked more than others. I uncovered many of the minds secrets and mysteries. I opened, aligned, and balanced my chakras. I awakened my Kundalini (which was an INSANE experience), I also activated my third eye. At one point, I became lost, confused, I didn’t know who I was and what I wanted to do in this life. I didn’t know my purpose or anything. Everything I had done in the past seemed futile. Little did I know that this whole process was the beginning of a new “I”. Of course, I had fallen into depression, and got in a phase of not even getting out of bed etc.

What did I study? The market, I was finding out what it is that people want, and finding solutions to fill the void. For three months I continued at this pace. Then when I was done studying, I quit my job, and began implementing what I had learned, I made business connections and found investors. It’s sweet, meeting the right people at the right time. It all looks like coincidence. However, scientifically speaking, when you meditate, you access other parts of your mind (http://www. Read: Brain Activity During Meditation). In spirituality, it is believed that you have guides, so when you allow, and/or invite your spiritual guides to help you attain what you want, they do. In religion, these guides may be called angels. If you meditate seeking God’s help, then it is God, or the Creator. Some quantum physicists claim that we are all One. Regardless what you believe, meditation is the key, it has been proven time and time again. This is probably why this practice has survived thousands upon thousands of years. So, I invite you to check out meditation. Check out my meditation site if you like. There are many ways to meditate, and techniques, depending on what it is that you are searching for. So experiment, experience, see for yourself, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

I put in what I enjoyed doing, activities like tennis, I put in the kind of lifestyle I would like to have, such as going to the fanciest 5 star restaurants for dining; my nightlife, my cars, money, EVERYTHING. This gave me inspiration and a REASON TO LIVE. I began meditating again, this time, for a clear reason… to live a purposeful life, doing things that I wanted to do on my own terms! In a meditative state, the mind is very open and receptive to change. This is why hypnosis and NLP is possible. Except, this is even more powerful, because you are, in a way, hypnotising yourself, to do precisely what you want to do. The changes began happening at a rapid pace, and quickly I was making business connections, I also went back to try out a 9-5 in my field of study (Business Admin and Finance), although it sucked, I was able to make the most of it. I was dedicated to make something of my life, and when I came back home every day, I studied, I studied and studied some more.

Click the button to view BEING HAPPY:From 1 to 100!

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 7

Recognize your

weaknesses without hiding

behind them

While improving our selfknowledge and realising our true goals can be very liberating, we should not discard the rules of the society in which we live. We must recognise that other people’s value systems are no less important than our own. And we must recognise and accept that we live in a society in which certain personality types and behaviours are more suited towards particular tasks. This is the second key that will open the door towards personal growth. For example, there are situations in which it is more appropriate and effective to show compassion and caring (Feeling), rather than impersonal logic (Thinking). Likewise, there are situations that call for using impersonal logic to make a decision, in which the more subjective viewpoint of the Feeling function is inappropriate and ineffective. Persons with a preference for Feeling will have a natural advantage over Thinkers in situations that require compassion and awareness of other’s emotions. Conversely, persons with a preference for Thinking will have a natural advantage over Feelers in situations that require the ability to make a decision based on impersonal data.

As we learn about our personality type and the types of others, we are empowered with an understanding of why people react differently in different situations. When put into the context of Psychological Type, we can better accept and understand people’s behaviours that are different from ours. These insights are extremely useful and powerful to us as individuals. However, if we are concerned with growing as individuals, we must take care not to use personality type as an excuse for our inappropriate behaviour. While it’s powerful and useful to notice that another person’s inappropriate behaviour may be due to their personality type, we cannot use the same reasoning on ourselves. We should recognise that our personality type has weaknesses, but we must use that knowledge to conquer those weaknesses rather than to excuse poor behaviour. We cannot be responsible for other people’s behaviour, but we can control our own. Accordingly, if we notice that someone seems to be unable to make an impersonal decision that is isolated from human perspective, we should say to ourselves, “Ah ha, here is a Feeler. This person does not use Thinking well, and that is why they’re behaving this way.” Yet when we as Feelers are presented with a situation that requires an impersonal approach, we should NOT say to ourselves “I am a Feeler, and can’t be expected to make decisions based purely on impersonal facts and logic.” This kind of rationalisation for behaviour is certainly an easy way out of a situation, but it re-enforces the weakness.

Understand what’s

Important to you Each personality type has a different idea of what it means to be successful. Selfknowledge is one common goal that will help everyone achieve personal success. So many people are hung up on somebody else’s idea of what it means to be successful, and they are unaware of what is truly important to them. This is completely normal. We all have important role models and influencers in our lives who may have basic values that are quite different from our own. If this is the case, it’s important to recognise that the discrepancy between what we have been taught is truly important and what we personally believe to be truly important is due to a difference in perspective. If we spend our time and effort trying to meet somebody else’s idea of success, and ignore or belittle any conflicting messages from our own psyche, then we will find ourselves exhausted and unhappy. Realising what is truly important to us is a major step towards achieving personal success.

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OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 9

How to cure sweaty hands Everybody who has suffered from sweaty hands knows that excess sweat is not fun. But how can you deal with this problem? Here are some of the many methods to cure hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating in certain parts of the body).

Step 1 Drysol or other topical medicines – You put them on your hands or feet, wrap them with saran wrap, and sleep like that overnight for a few weeks. Step 2 Botox – The second option other than the Drysol was something called Botox injections. These are extremely expensive, painful, and are only a temporary solution that does not work on everyone. Step 3 Surgery – The next option is to have surgery. A so called simple procedure called ETS – Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy. This is where a surgeon cuts or clamps a nerve in your body preventing your body from being able to sweat in certain regions. Sounds good and everything but it does have quite a few side effects. It is surgery so there are possibilities for complications during the process. This isn’t successful in all cases, is somewhat expensive, and is not covered by most all insurance companies. One of

the other bad side effects is on almost all successful procedures the patients develop something called compensatory sweating where the sweat that can’t go to your hands has to go somewhere else. Many people then sweat profusely on their backs and other parts of their body to make up for it. Step 4 Oral Medication – An option one can take is oral medication. I’m not even going to take the time to list all of the hundreds of potential side effects of this option. Dry mouth, insomnia, blurred vision; increased risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, and the list goes on and on! Step 5 Food Intolerance – A significant and overlooked cause for this over activity is eating foods that your body cannot tolerate. If your body cannot tolerate dairy products, for example, your immune system must work hard to protect your tissues. Discovering your food

intolerances can provide relief without high cost and risk to your health. Step 6 Eat right – You should first of all try and split your meals into several small ones spread throughout the day. You should include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit as part of your diet. You also need to avoid food that contains lots of processed sugar.

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How to overcome being cheated on There can be nothing more devastating and shocking than discovering you have been cheated on by your loved one. Here's how to cope.

Step 1 You must do a combination of things to overcome the initial devastation to your confidence and self-esteem ASAP. This is regardless of whether you plan on working things out in the relationship, or moving on.... Step 2 Consider seeing a counsellor. If you are really hurt, realise that seeing a therapist could help you deal with the cheater. Step 3 Seek support from friends or family. They can share experiences and help you move on. Step 4 Discuss with the cheater why they cheated on you. Explain your feelings to them. Try to be understanding and do not start a fight.

Step 5 Discuss with the cheater why they cheated on you. Explain your feelings to them. Try to be understanding and do not start a fight. Step 6 If you decide to break things off, do so in a kind manner and do not yell. It will make things worse for both of you. Step 7 If you decide to stay with him or her, be sure they won’t cheat on you again. Let them know that they can’t cheat anymore. Step 8 Realise that there is no excuse for cheating, it is not your fault, and it is a selfish act by the cheater.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 11


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OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 13

ModelMayaH Promotions Ltd

Amelia Sagram Accessories

Eastern Avenue

Store# 3 27 Frederick Street , Gulf City Mall, High Stree Sanfernando

Makeup Artists

Rey Rey Artistry CONTACT #742-9183/6886870, BBM# 2a57971d or Lighting/Retouching

Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

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The text listings are FREE, flyers you pay for. Just click the OMG EVENTS logo to send us your info.

Click on the event flyers below to see full details


Central Catholic’s Got Talent: Talent Show

Friday, August 09, 2013 Starts at 6:00 PM Holy Faith Convent

The Game Season 2: Guilty Pleasures

Friday, August 09, 2013 Starts at 3:00 AM The Treasure Queen

Tropical Blaze

Friday, August 16, 2013 Ends Saturday, August 17, 2013 From 9:00 PM to 3:00 AM St. John’s Ambulance Hall

Rave By The Pool

Sunday, August 18, 2013 From 1:00 PM to 11:00 PM A Secret Location

Water Wars

Sunday, August 18, 2013 From 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM Pier 1

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PAGE 18 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013

Are You Really in Charge of Your Business? BY CAROL TICE

Ah, the dream of business ownership. It’s all about being your own boss and getting to call the shots, right? But when a tough decision comes up, you’ll soon find out you’re not as independent as you might have hoped – especially if you have business partners, investors, a spouse or family who gave you a loan. That happened recently on the Discovery Channel show Gold Rush Alaska, to 17-year-old entrepreneur Parker Schnabel. Tasked with taking over the family gold-mining business from his aged grandfather, Schnabel has been doing it all – chopping down widow makers, driving huge earthmovers and working all hours. Until his mom showed up. While Schnabel thinks he’s got his work schedule and stress load under control, mom Nancy Schnabel isn’t so sure. She’s concerned he’s working himself to death. As important as it is to save the family’s Big Nugget mine and keep finding gold, it’s also critical that he stay safe and end the summer in shape to start his senior year of high school. When he denies he’s putting in 14-hour days, she snaps, “Well, you said you did on Facebook, liar.” (Busted!) Parker assures his mom he’s got it under control, but she doesn’t like his sassy attitude. “You think I can’t shut this down? You’re wrong,” she tells him. Later, Parker got to suck it up and apologise to his mom in order to keep working at the Big Nugget. While most entrepreneurs might not have their mom on their case, it’s not uncommon for owners to find stakeholders who want to influence your business decisions. When you’re an underage entrepreneur, mom has the veto vote. For other entrepreneurs, it’s important to keep a majority ownership stake, or you can find you’ve lost control of your business. Who’s in charge of your business? Leave a comment and tell us how you keep the busybodies out of your decisions. Reasons to keep your Business Plan Evolving World champion boxer Mike Tyson once said, “Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face.” Starting a business is like a prizefight, and the demand for a written plan as the de facto document in startup investment has always perplexed me. Sure, you can lay out a proposed path to success, but the road will be full of surprise punches. More important than attempting to forecast is knowing how to duck and weave. For exactly that reason, many top investors and incubators are shifting their views on written business plans. They would rather see founders building their concepts than spending time writing down ideas. Here’s why I believe this dynamic is taking hold, and why business plans may be on the way out. Step 1 Business plans are snapshots in time. Written plans are static, but startups are dynamic. A good drill for startups can be to save the plans that were created at various stages and review how they have changed–and, most important, how reality differed from what was on paper. Sophisticated investors will pay more attention to where a business has been than to its projections for the future. Step 2 The meat of the plan is made up. Financial data exists in most plans only to demonstrate that the author has some basic business knowledge. Hammering out the financial pro formas of a business plan with a potential investor is about as fruitful as debating where you might spot your next unicorn. More important

than the numbers themselves are the assumptions and methodology used to get to them. (For example: If I sell X widgets at Y margin, I’ll return Z after cost of goods sold.) Those assumptions create real information that can be challenged and discussed. Step 3 A plan can’t communicate concepts as well as a demo can. Most people are visual learners. Imagine explaining the features of your favorite tech gizmo in a 500-word essay. Now compare that to a quick demo that shows instead of tells. In terms of communicating the value proposition and growth potential, if customers or investors can’t grasp the ballpark value of something after seeing how it works, how is a spreadsheet full of numbers going to change their mind? The drill-like structure of a business plan may be a valuable exercise to get novice entrepreneurs thinking about the future. But it continues to be a bottleneck for those who have the creativity and drive to build something amazing, but lack the time or skills to articulate and display it in a formulaic written plan. I’d argue that the former talents are more in demand than the latter. True entrepreneurial skill comes not from knowing whether the punch is coming, but from having a Plan B when it does come. Tyson became an undisputed heavyweight champion because he knew the fight plan would always change. Likewise, savvy entrepreneurs should focus far more on their products and the eventual pivot points than on sticking to a written plan. Investors and customers want to know you are thinking about the future, but they really want to know you can handle anything the future may hold, left hooks and all.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 19

3 Reasons to keep your Business Plan

Evolving World champion boxer Mike Tyson once said, "Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face." Starting a business is like a prizefight, and the demand for a written plan as the de facto document in startup investment has always perplexed me. Sure, you can lay out a proposed path to success, but the road will be full of surprise punches. More important than attempting to forecast is knowing how to duck and weave. For exactly that reason, many top investors and incubators are shifting their views on written business plans. They would rather see founders building their concepts than spending time writing down ideas. Here's why I believe this dynamic is taking hold, and why business plans may be on the way out. Step 1 Business plans are snapshots in time. Written plans are static, but startups are dynamic. A good drill for startups can be to save the plans that were created at various stages and review how they have changed--and, most important, how reality differed from what was on paper. Sophisticated investors will pay more attention to where a business has been than to its projections for the future. Step 2 The meat of the plan is made up. Financial data exists in most plans only to demonstrate that the author has some basic business knowledge. Hammering out the financial pro formas of a business plan with a potential investor is about as

fruitful as debating where you might spot your next unicorn. More important than the numbers themselves are the assumptions and methodology used to get to them. (For example: If I sell X widgets at Y margin, I'll return Z after cost of goods sold.) Those assumptions create real information that can be challenged and discussed. Step 3 A plan can't communicate concepts as well as a demo can. Most people are visual learners. Imagine explaining the features of your favorite tech gizmo in a 500-word essay. Now compare that to a quick demo that shows instead of tells. In terms of communicating the value proposition and growth potential, if customers or investors can't grasp the ballpark value of something after seeing how it works, how is a spreadsheet full of numbers going to change their mind? The drill-like structure of a business plan may be a valuable exercise to get novice entrepreneurs thinking about the future. But it continues to be a bottleneck for those who have the creativity and drive to build something amazing, but lack the time or skills to articulate and display it in a formulaic written plan. I'd argue that the former talents are more in demand than the latter. True entrepreneurial skill comes not from knowing whether the punch is coming, but from having a Plan B when it does come. Tyson became an undisputed heavyweight champion because he knew the fight plan would always change. Likewise, savvy entrepreneurs should focus far more on their products and the eventual pivot points than on sticking to a written plan. Investors and customers want to know you are thinking about the future, but they really want to know you can handle anything the future may hold, left hooks and all.

Keeping Your Costs Down BY BRAD SUGARS

Paring down expenses at startup and beyond can put your business on a firm foundation. The paradox and the challenge is to maintain the image of a solid, successful company without letting your expenses lead to uncompetitive pricing. The trick is to determine the point at which your business runs both effectively and efficiently. This is a key issue for any startup that can determine whether you’ll be able to survive. The good news is, if you master the art of trimming expenses early in the game, you’ll develop good habits that’ll serve you well as your company grows. The first thing to do is cut your initial budget to the bare minimum. Chances are your business will start slow, so doing things as cheaply as possible is a great discipline. Here are some tips to keep early costs under control. Workspace Where you work often determines how well you work, but you can probably rough it a bit while still getting things done. For instance, you need a desk. Why not buy a good, secondhand desk from an office furniture rental company? Discount stores have great buys as well. Or get to know some of the bigger companies in your area that are upgrading their computers and are prepared to cut a deal to get rid of their older items. Another suggestion is to negotiate with your landlord for free rent during your startup phase. Many office buildings are willing to reduce or even forego rent for as much as a year just to get tenants in the door. Tools and Services Items from paper clips to computers are your work tools, and everything from phone charges to business consultants count as business services. All these items are fair game for bootstrapping. Buy office supplies in bulk whenever you can. Lease equipment and vehicles, rather than buying them. Keep your fixed costs down by turning as many tools and services into variable expenses as you can. That way your cost of doing business will grow only as your income grows. People

Controlling labour costs is probably the most formidable challenge you’ll face. Don’t learn the hard way, for example, that turnover wreaks havoc on your profits. When it’s time to hire, do it carefully and intelligently. And if a person’s performance isn’t what you’d like, don’t be quick to fire them. Work with them to improve. While competitive compensation is essential to attracting good people, it doesn’t have to all be in the form of salary. Remember the tip about turning your fixed costs into variable ones? It works in compensation as well. Supplement a small salary with the potential for healthy bonuses based on your company’s earnings. Give your employees perks, such as flexible work hours. Train them adequately for their responsibilities. And take the time to give them feedback and praise. Be passionate about your company and about them. Marketing It takes money to make money, but you’d be surprised how much marketing bang you can get without spending many bucks. Word-of-mouth is the best and cheapest form of advertising, but that means a lot of networking. Attend business and community events to talk about your company, and don’t forget to focus on your most desirable customers. Cultivate opportunities to be a featured speaker. Work the trade show circuit, even if you don’t have the money for a booth or exhibit. Don’t forget the value of free media coverage. In the beginning, at least, you can make a reasonable go of PR by yourself. Call editors at publications important to your industry to let them know you exist. Write one or two short, newsy press releases and get them out to key newspapers and magazines. Request interviews on topics of interest to both you and reporters. Even one or two stories can generate a sizable amount of business. Keeping startup costs to a minimum takes self-examination, resourcefulness and creativity. But as your business grows, you’ll find the skills, when mastered early on, will be keys to your ongoing success – and the real enjoyment of your business.

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Press Play is on in an extended run this weekend It's an intimate 60-seater space, so call me at 681-8070. See you there and let us know what you make of our work in the short talk we have after the show. Feel free to share our flyer with ur peeps, and see you there. Oh @#!?*&!... Reminder - Parental Advisory in effect. "Adult Language"

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open your mind and the rest will follow • • 2A Central Warehousing Complex, Charlieville, Trinidad & Tobago. • 868.665.9066 • 868.377.1111 • US: 305.280.1111

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 23

Continuum Dance Project fundraiser:

RECYCLED ISLAND Support dance by coming to the Continuum Dance Project fundraiser: RECYCLED ISLAND. The idea: You attend a fashion party where designers create and present new fashion looks out of used clothing, trinkets and accessories right there and then, in the space of thirty minutes. Dancer-models will be provided and they will model the designers' freshly created 'recycled' masterpieces. External, expert judges will decide who the final winner is! It's this coming Saturday, August 10, 2013 at Bohemia (33 Murray Street in Woodbrook). A flyer for the event is attached. It's a cooler fete, so bring your own drinks! DJ Rawkus (the brilliant music man who works with 3 Canal) will be in da house! So when you're not looking at fashion, you'll be dancing in the fete. Admission just $100! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 788-1472 (ask for Sonja).

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Team OMG was thrilled to meet up this week with the man Prophet Benjamin, born Devon Samuel, from the rural village of Newlands in Point Fortin, Trinidad. He has given us songs like “Pretty Boy”, “Field of Weed”, “Delilah”, “Pension Plan”, “Coming from Moruga” and “Talk Nah”. He has also dipped into the soca/chutney genre with hit songs such as: “Throw Wine” (2012), “Lokani” (2013) and “Another One” (2013). He made it to the 2013 Chutney Soca Finals with “Lokani”. “Prophet” says life right now is great. He gives thanks for all that comes to him because he knows that things are exactly as God meant them to be for him at this time in his life. He says he has a conversation with his Creator all day and as situations and circumstances present themselves his reaction is to let them unfold and not fight against God’s will. Many times he might be in a traffic jam or late for something but he says he makes sure those moments don’t stress him out because he knows that delay is for a reason and reasons he may never know. It is God’s will for him to be exactly where he is supposed to be and he just lets things fall as they will. As a boy “Prophet” spent time at a military youth camp which he says brought discipline and structure to his life and changed his approach to everything. At that youth camp he met Kevin Arthur who used to sing a lot. Arthur encouraged him to try singing and writing his own tunes. He said at first he was very skeptical about whether he could even do it but with continuous encouragement from Kevin, he gave it a try and

Lighting/Retouching by

Ronaldo Roberts Photo by

Stephen Doobal

7th August, 2013 • PAGE 27 OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th

Story by Stephen Doobal

realised that he was capable. He started practicing and he kept writing and writing until he had about eight songs. “Prophet” said he was able to find himself during his many walks home, which was about two miles. He and his friends would gather to hang out. But he said while everyone else lived close by he had a long walk down a dark and lonely road to get to his home and in this solitude he spoke with his Creator and found a lot of his inspiration and strength. One night on his way home he said, “Lord, I don’t know what I want to be and what path I want to take”. He said, “Yuh know what Lord, you gave me this life. I want you to take this life that you gave me and do something with it that will make you happy. I want you to be pleased with the life that I live. If I could ask you for something as a son to a father, I would like to sing songs of righteousness. I want to sing songs unto your people”. “As time passed that is exactly what he did for me. He gave me a life that serves him and I also follow my passion to bring messages to the people. I am real contented with that.”

“Prophet” says his future is set. All he has to do is do the work that is here today to the best of his ability and the future will take care of itself. Prophet Benjamin’s OMG moment happened on his first trip to England where he went to perform. As he was coming up to the club he says there was this large crowd and a long line stretching out the door. Some people were even arguing and fighting for tickets. He asked the promoter who was performing at the club that night beside him. The promoter said, “they all here to see you, Prophet”. When he got into the club he said there were white people, Chinese, Indians and very few black people and those people knew his music and were singing his words and really loved his music… the only thing he could say was, “Oh my God”. It was really heart-warming to see the appreciation on their faces. It was a special moment for him.

“Prophet” says he is a welder by trade and after his first big job he took all the money he made and bought boots, needles, thread, food, a cutlass and went into the bush to live. He spent three months there and he only came out because his mother was worried about him. He said something was happening inside of him that nobody could understand. He spoke to his mother, asking for her understanding and patience. He said she came up to the mountain to see where he was and how he was surviving and she reluctantly approved. He eventually came out his solitude, left Point Fortin and came to Port of Spain to pursue a singing career. The first effort he made in that direction set him on the path for every success. He was always in the right place at the right time, which just reenforced his belief that God is always at his side. When asked about how he sees his future,

Prophet Benjamain : NO LOKANI Prophet Benjamin - Coming from Moruja Prophet Benjamin - Pretty Boy Prophet Benjamin- A Whole Field of Weed

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Pumping Parties

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 29

lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago! Petlemas 2014 Band Launch – “Safari”- 3rd Aug 2013

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Pumping Parties

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 31

lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago! Fire on Water Cruise - 31st Jul 2013

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OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 33

Interview Stephen Doobal | Story Amelia C. Ramjarrie

It was the year 1961 when a certain Mr Bhola welcomed the birth of his daughter into the world. Excited by his miracle, like any good Hindu father he went quickly to his pundit who gave him the name he would call his bundle of joy. Upon receiving the name Mr Bhola hurried to the registrar of births in his area. The resulting birth certificate stated the baby’s name was “Takanee Pamela Bhola”. This was to the only person in the world who would have that name. Takanee recently found that out, saying that she will be in the Guinness Book of Records as the being the only person with that name. Takanee hated the name as a child because she was made so much fun of at school. While growing up she never wanted to use it and used Pamela most of her life, but true to form as in everything in Takanee’s life, what brings her most the pain is the very thing that gives her strength and inspiration to take the next step in her life. OMG recently chatted with Takanee. A confident and strong-looking woman, she is the owner of Takanee Productions, producer, writer, actress, performer and well-known traditional chutney singer, “PamB”. How this unlikely lady from Las Lomas was able to amass all these titles? Takanee says she always wanted to be a writer but she decided that instead of merely just penning a book, she she would put her words into action. That’s just what she did. She became part of the cast of the hilarious Gayelle series, “Kutchursingh Family”. There she became close friends with producer and creator of the “Kutchursinghs”, Errol Singh, who introduced her to the world of video production. She fell in love with the process and was bitten by the television production bug. Soon she started work on the production of her own series called the “Ramtahals” which now runs on Gayelle. Takanee lived in Texas for many years and felt the diaspora needed to get that taste of home and is working on getting her work shown on channels in the US that have large Caribbean audiences. She was also motivated to create new productions, including the series “Houston Meeting Point”. She is also in the process of beginning another project, a Trinidad-based movie to show the rich culture and diversity of our land. In addition she wants to pen a book with her grandson Krishna Bhola whom she of course adores. Takanee is a strong and vibrant personality and has had many personal and professional battles in her life. But she is a fighter and tries her best to learn from every obstacle that comes her way. She told team OMG one of her life’s biggest tragedies and her OMG moment was when she and her husband were attacked at their home and she was brutally beaten and raped. She was hurt physically, emotionally and mentally. It took many years to overcome her fear of being attacked again. That experience changed her entire existence. With the help of God she says she was able to find strength from it and decided that those who harm her will not make her want to curl up and die but instead she would take that tragedy and follow all her dreams and aspirations and do the things with her life that will not only make a difference for her but all those around her.

Lighting/Retouching by

Ronaldo Roberts Photo by

Stephen Doobal

PAGE 34 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013

6 Invisible signs you’re burnt out Even though you're not obviously melting down, your body and brain are trying to tell you that they've had enough. By Corrie Pikul

During a quick nap, you had a crazy dream about your coworkers turning into mice wearing cardigans. But wait (you're thinking): A short doze means I'm taking care of myself— and don't doctors recommend taking a nap as a way to get a second wind? The problem here isn't with the siesta; it's with what happens during that time period. It usually takes about 90 minutes to enter REM sleep and start dreaming, says W. Christopher Winter, the medical director of the Martha Jefferson Hospital Sleep Medicine Center in Charlottesville, Virginia. The maximum length of your nap should be around 30 minutes, because once you've hit REM, the nap becomes counterproductive (you'll wake up groggy instead of refreshed, says Winter). So if the mouse dressed like your cube-mate scampers out as soon as you close your eyes, it means your brain is so sleep-deprived that it's rushing to get into the REM phase. A scheduled nap can help make up for one late night, says Winter, not a month's worth. You're convinced that you've got early-onset dementia—at 33. "We often see patients who are healthy yet extremely fatigued telling us that they're starting to forget things they should remember," says Anne Marie Albano, PhD, the director of the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders. "I tell them about the shelf theory of memory: You can only put so much on the shelf at one time, and when you're exhausted, the shelf isn't supporting memories the way it should." You are focusing so intensely on the mental challenges at hand that everything else is subconsciously deemed irrelevant. This is due to the stress hormone cortisol's complicated effect on memories, explains John Ratey, MD, in his book Spark: The Evolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. Excess cortisol can cause us to lose the ability to form and store new memories not related to the present situation and can also make it difficult to retrieve the memories we already have. Instead of helping you burn off steam, your usual 45-minute jog makes you feel even worse. If you're really frazzled when you start to exercise, your body reacts differently than if you aren't in such a state, explains Sarah L. Berga, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Berga and her colleagues have observed that moderately-intense exercise can cause cortisol levels to spike even higher in women who are already so stressed that they've been missing their periods. At the same time, the "hyperstressed" women's glucose levels dropped, which meant there was less available energy to fuel their exertion. Berga suggests taking a break from hard workouts and signing up for a package of Pilates classes instead. You can drink coffee just before bed or after dinner and still pass right out. Some of us are more sensitive to caffeine than others, but no one is completely immune to the stimulant's effects, says Michael Breus, PhD, a clinical psychologist and the author of The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan: Lose Weight through Better Sleep. The EEG machines that show increased brain activity post-coffee don't lie—but some people swear that caffeine doesn't affect them. What's probably happening with these caffeine denialists, says Breus, is that they're so exhausted that their levels of calm-inducing neurotransmitters are very high. These neurotransmitters help override caffeine's effects, or they set to work on a different area of the brain to kick-start the sleep process—so the caffeine is working, but the coffee drinkers aren't reacting to it. In other words, they're not superhuman; they're just super-tired. You feel like your acid reflux has gotten much worse, even though you've given up spicy and citrusy foods. Stress hasn't been shown to cause acid reflux; however, it can make it feel more intense, found a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research. When patients diagnosed with acid regurgitation had to perform an anxiety-inducing task, their perception of pain was much

higher than fellow acid reflux sufferers who hadn't been stressed. Tests showed no increase in the amount of esophageal acid but did reveal elevated levels of cortisol. Your scalp feels weirdly sensitive when you shampoo your hair. Stress often leads to the release of neuropeptides and other natural chemicals in the skin, and that causes inflammation, explains Richard Fried, MD, PhD, a clinical psychologist and dermatologist with a private practice in Yardley, Pennsylvania. In some people, that inflammation erupts in angry pimples or a flare-up of rosacea. In others, the neuropeptides, which are part of our innate immune response, can cause blood vessels to constrict, making skin all over the face and head feel tight, tingly and overly sensitive. You've also probably been tensing your facial muscles for weeks (unconsciously bracing for a confrontation), so they're tired and slightly sore. Fried says the feeling should subside when you start to feel more relaxed.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 35

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

The many health benefits

The Fastest Way to Make Up for a Lack of Sleep By Corrie Pikul

Just a few minutes of doing this can buy you a couple of hours of alertness. Here we are again: bleary-eyed and foggy-brained. We've heard the experts repeatedly warn against getting less than seven to eight hours of quality sleep a night, but you know what? Those experts don't have any advice for dealing with a crying baby, a raucous neighbor, a seriously aching back or a demanding boss who enforces impossible deadlines. Instead, they remind us how hard it is to make up for sleep deficits. If you went to bed late for five nights in a row, says Clete A. Kushida, MD, PhD, medical director of Stanford Sleep Medicine Center, it will take another five nights (and then some!) of turning in a little earlier to feel fully rested. But we don't have a week. We need to wake up now.

Kushida suggests that a well-orchestrated catnap can be the best solution. "A brief rest will probably keep you going for the rest of the workday," Kushida says. Research has shown that just a few minutes of shut-eye will improve alertness, performance and mood, and a short afternoon nap can make up for the loss of one hour of nighttime sleep. Napping is a bit of an art, though. Here are some rules for making that snooze a success:

Try not to nap after dark.

This can trick the body clock into thinking we're

down for the night, making it harder to shake off the sleepiness when we wake up. This is somewhat challenging in the short days of December, especially for those who in are a place like Seattle, where the sunset can come as early as 4:18 p.m.

Power up your power nap.

Try drinking your post-lunch espresso immediately before you're scheduled to nap. Studies by sleep researchers in England found that combining these two energy-boosting strategies was more effective at reviving sleep-deprived drivers than either on its own. The researchers believe that the nap helps clear the brain of the sleep-inducing compound adenosine and gives the coffee just enough time to kick in.

Don't overindulge.

As most of us know from experience, 10 to 20 minutes hits the sweet spot. Kushida explains that anything longer can put us into the deeper stages of REM sleep—that's when we wake up with a bad case of "sleep inertia," the clinical term for that groggy, where-am-I? sense that makes us feel even worse than we did before we closed our eyes. Unfortunately, Kushida adds, the more tired you are, the faster you'll slide into REM, so the severely sleepdeprived (from multiple late nights) might want to limit naps to just 10 sweet minutes.

Give in to an early bedtime.

On those nights when we can barely keep our eyes open, Kushida gives us permission to go to bed an hour or so earlier. Yes, a consistent bedtime is important to feeling well-rested, but Kushida says a consistent wakeup time is just as crucial. So tuck in early if you must, but don't even think of touching that snooze button.

The saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” has truth to it.It is extremely beneficial to healing our bodies. It is a very safe supplement, there are no known side effects. Vinegar is obtained from the fermentation of apple juice. The best vinegar is raw organic unfiltered. Look for “mother” on the label. The cloudy looking vinegar is the Mother, a substance that grows on fermenting alcoholic liquids. 1. Relief for rashes, stings and burns – add two tablespoons to the bath water and soak in it to soothe burning and itching skin or apply it on a sunburn for immediate aid 2. Relief for aching joins. Apply as hot compresses to aching joints can reduces inflammation and pain. 3. Battles yeast infections. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a quart of lukewarm water douche helps restore the acid balance in your body. 4. Sore throat relief. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of hot water and some honey to taste. 5. Helps upset stomach. Mix a few teaspoons into a glass of water and drink for relief. 6. Useful in flu or chest congestion. Applying with pepper on the chest can help relieve some of the congestion. 7. Sustains bone mass becasue it has magnesium, silicone and calcium. 8. Lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The potassium and other substances makes the blood thinner and is helpful in controlling blood pressure. The fiber absorbs fats and cholesterol by expelling them from the body as waste materials.

9. Helps clear skin irritations, like acne and contact dermatitis. 10. Great for removing certain pesticides and bacteria from fresh produce. Use a solution of 10 percent vinegar to 90 percent water as a bath to briefly soak produce. 11. Aids in weight loss studies show it increases metabolism, generates energy and reduces hunger. It helps to detoxify the liver which plays an important role in weight loss. take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, mixed in water, before meals. 12. Helps control blood sugar levels. People with a high risk of developing diabetes, or in other words people with pre-diabetes, were able to have lower blood-glucose levels than healthy people just by drinking two tablespoons of vinegar before their meals.

PAGE 36 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013

Nelly ft Nicki Minaj , Pharell - “Get Like Me”




Mumford & Sons - “Hopeless


Jordin Sparks “Skipping a Beat”

Drake ft 2 Chainz & Big Sean Kid Ink feat. Casey Veggies - “I Know Who You Are” – “All Me”

Taylor Swift - “Red”

John Legend “Made To Love “

Drake Feat. Majid Jordan - Flyleaf Ft. Sonny of POD “Hold On We’re Going Home” “Something Better”

Fight Or Flight “Leaving”

Jeremih (Feat. Twista) -”Battle Of The Bands”

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 37

Take a taste of the hottest movie trailers on the planet...

Machete Kills

Ender’s Game

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

47 Ronin

See our full line-up of movie trailers every Friday @ 5pm and Saturday @ 5:25pm... Exclusively on

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OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 39

Interview Stephen Doobal | Story Amelia C. Ramjarrie

Freestyle football – the art of entertaining a crowd with various football tricks: they can be performed from a standing position with the legs and upper body, from a sitting position or even lying down. The first freestyle footballer I have ever seen in action was Marc Elson Taylor. It is a sport but I believe it’s more than that. After I saw Marc perform I labelled freestyle football an art, one calling for breathtaking creativity whilst juggling the ball. Marc E. Taylor is 21 years old and he can be described as a diversified, multitalented, multidimensional person and a creative entrepreneur. Why would I describe him that way? Well, apart from being an amazing freestyle footballer, he’s a graphic designer and owns his own company. The name of his company is MTD Multitalented. He says he hopes to encourage people to make their own destiny and step out of their comfort zone. Marc states that if he didn’t step “out of bounds” he wouldn’t have accomplished all that he has, including winning of the 2009 Arts and Culture Award and being listed among the Top 15 youths for football playing in 2009. It’s important to rise to challenges, he declares. Marc reminisced on the journey to becoming one of the best freestyle footballers in the Caribbean diaspora. He began playing football in high school, and then went on to play in the pro leagues. Unfortunately, he was injured with a hairline fracture and, haunted by the resulting loss of playing opportunities, he decided to get into freestyle football. He excelled and was able to dominate the field as he won first place in the Caribbean freestyle FIFA competition in St. Vincent and second place in the National Freestyle Championships in Trinidad. Marc has also showcased his skills in commercials such as Guinness, Heineken, UWI, COSTATT and 96 WE FM.

As for his future aspirations he would like to win the upcoming competition in Prague. Red Bull has invited freestylers from across the world to battle against each other as they showcase their skills and talent. He also wants to have a camp for children to develop their freestyle skills. As part of his strategy and training he plans to take videos of the youngsters so he can show them their progress, and in turn they can be more motivated and inspired to be successful in the sport. What is Marc’s OMG moment? He told us his OMG moment was winning the freestyle football competition in StVincent. He told us he went with the mindset that he could win and he did. From his experience it is safe to say, if you believe it, you can achieve it.

PAGE 40 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013

John Abraham and Nargis Fakhri

Madras Café song Maula sun le re: Visually stunning, musically soothing! by Prathamesh Jadhav

The new song from the John Abraham and Nargis Fakhri starrer is deeply moving The new song from the John Abraham and Nargis Fakhri starrer is deeply moving Vicky Donor-famed director Shoojit Sircar’s next Madras Café starring John Abrham , Nargis Fakri and Jacqueline Fernandez will deal with terrorism and civil war. John looks quite hatke in this promising-looking venture and this time we expect the dude to surprise us with his performance.

Click the button to listen to Maula Sun Le Re Full Video Song

Here’s the new song Maula sun le re from the movie. Sung beautifully by Papon and composed by Shanatu Moitra this song truly depicts John’s quest to find peace and do his duties without being clinical in his approach. The visuals are stunning and portray the war-like situation realistically. John looks rugged in this one in his baggy clothes and moustache look but the song brings forth the vulnerable side of his character that’s tough on the exterior. The Rockstar babe is playing a journo in this intense drama. Take a look at this number where John is grappling with existential dilemmas in a tense situation and tell us if you find the track soulful and moving.

Veena Malik’s Silk – Sakkath Hot Maga movie review: For the frontbenchers by India Syndicate

It’s not a remake of The Dirty Picture at all. Much of it is a skin show by Veena Malik and little else Those who go to the cinema halls imagining that Silk – Sakkath Hot Maga is a remake of the Bollywood hit The Dirty Picture, are in for some disappointment. For, the Kannada film has nothing to do with the film or the late actor Silk Smitha; it’s a completely different story about a wannabe actor called Silk. Silk tells the story of a village belle called Vijayalakshmi (Veena Malik) who dreams of becoming a big actor in Sandalwood. She comes to Bangalore, falls into a trap and lands up in a brothel being run by Ammanni. There she earns the name of Silk and becomes one of the most popular names. She meets a rowdy-sheeter called Shivaraj (Akshay), they slowly grow close and eventually get married. What follows, makes up the rest of the film.

Veena Malik

The story line cannot be faulted, but the treatment turns the film into an adult-rated entertainer aimed only at the masses. There’s an overdose of skin show and you can’t help but think that that’s the only reason Veena Malik was roped in for the role; no other actor in Sandalwood would have made such a daring attempt. A poor screenplay also hampers the film and it ends up being a tad boring. Veena’s much-anticipated debut in Kannada is a huge disappointment. Though she pulls off the bold scenes, she doesn’t impress otherwise. The performances by others like Akshay, Sana, Srinivasamurthy and Sadhu Kokila pass muster. Though Akshay doesn’t have meaty role, he proves that he has matured as an actor through this film. Songs by Jessie Gift are good. Jai Anand’s cinematography is nothing to write much about. Director Trishul had announced that Silk – Sakkath Hot Maga is for the family audience. But his film is too hot for the family crowd and can only be enjo

Krrish 3 movie trailer:

Hrithik Roshan

promises you this year’s biggest sci-fi thriller! by Dhiren Trivedi

The most awaited trailer of this season is out. Wethinks it’s high on special effects, but lacks the emotional aspect that Koi Mil Gayaand Krrish had. The third part of Rakesh Roshan’s science fiction series, Krrish 3 continues with the story of Rohit Mehra and his superhero son Krrish aka Hrithik Roshan and how they defeat the evil force, this time played by Vivek Oberoi. The trailer of Roshan’s new opus starts with Rohit saying ‘Tumhare dhoop ki shaktiyon se milnewale raaz ab main samajh gaya hoon. Agar mera experiment kamyab ho gaya toh duniya ko ek nayi shuruwat milegi‘, pointing at Jadoo staring at him from a distance. And then comes the villainous being born to rule the world – Vivek Oberoi, who can unfortunately only be heard and not seen, saying in a voice oozing evil, ‘Kaal ki kaaynaat mein welcome!’ Hrithik aka Krrish impresses with a powerful ‘flying’ entry and looks determined to vanquish the evil; as his introductory line in the promo says: One man must battle like never before. Hrithik has been quite upbeat about Krrish 3, since it has fantastic graphics and special effects, all done at Shahrukh Khan’s Red Chillies SFX in Mumbai. Talking of the superb buzz this long-in-the-making sci-fi flick has generated, leading exhibitor-distributor Akshaye Rathi says, “They say Karan Johar’s films appeal to audiences from Bhatinda to Boston. Rakeshji’s Krrish 3 will have appeal from Malegaon to Mars! With VFX absolutely on par with the best standards in Hollywood, a superb story, stunning action and Hrithik Roshan playing the protagonist, there’s nothing that can stop this film from becoming one of the biggest grossers in the history of Hindi cinema!” Don’t be surprised if Roshan’s brilliant commercial sensibilities combined with Hrithik’s star power results in the biggest Diwali hit of 2013 in Krrish 3 and redefines Bollywood business. Click the button and take a look at the trailer and tell us what you think…. Krrish 3 - Official Theatrical Trailer

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Richard Rampersad 23, VAlsayn

Born in 1990, Richard Rampersad is a vibrant, young and upcoming artist. His passion for art started from the age of 10, and has grown immensely since then. A first class honours graduate in Fine Arts at the University of the West Indies, Richard’s dream in the near future is to become a full-time practicing artist and an art educator. His stunning pieces reflect his personal journey in exploring Hindu mythology and the dynamics of the female figure. He works with a plethora of media and styles, utilising various degrees of abstraction in the execution of his paintings. He draws, paints, creates and strives to find fulfillment in his ability to translate thoughts and visions onto canvas without words, with the ripeness of colour and texture. Alongside his practice as a painter, Richard also creates and designs jewelry, ceramics, textiles and practices Rangoli art. He continues to be inspired by the timeless aesthetics of Indian art. This engagement became evident in his own works where his subject matter, style and colour palette is concerned. His intense use of colours and strong sense of design contributes to his unique aesthetic. This artist tirelessly seeks to interrogate and investigate the notion of conceptualising and executing Indian art within a local context and space. Usually this is done not in a literal sense but in the context of applying symbolic genres and dynamic structures within which the human experience, meaning and values are stimulated and emerge. “My fascination for anything I see, feel or experience propels me to do what I do and how I do it, as my art is a true mirror to my mind I take pleasure in doing what I do and I believe my conceptualisations go beyond what meets the naked eye. They are looking into the deepest recesses of the human heart and soul.” Richard’s OMG moment happened when he was awarded a First Class Honours degree in Visual Arts from the University of the West Indies.

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artistof the week

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Justin Bieber’s crew under investigation in nightclub beatdown Justin Bieber’s entourage is under investigation for a brutal fight that left a nightclub patron sprawled out in the parking lot and injured badly enough to be taken to a hospital. The incident occurred outside South Pointe nightclub in Southampton on Sunday at around 3 AM. Bieber had arrived an hour earlier and inside the club we’re told the booze was flowing in the VIP area. A girl inside the club tried to speak to Justin but was denied. She came back with a guy -- the alleged victim -- who

Geraldo Ramos

The 45-year-old from Santiago says he has no clue where his penis went, but neighbors told the station that Ramos was attacked by a dog when he was drunk. Ramos, however, has no recollection of this. The alleged dog has not been found.

Justin and crew left the club but in the parking lot things flared up again. Justin -- who was in his SUV -- jumped through the sunroof onto the hood. At that point it’s unclear what happened, but the alleged victim was knocked out on the cement. According to cops, Justin’s people apparently went after the guy, although we’re told the alleged victim was aggressive as well.An investigation is underway after the alleged victim filed a police report. Justin is not the target of the investigation -- it’s his crew. Another night out.

CHIEF KEEF Being Lazy Cost Me $230,000

Man Passes Out Drunk, Wakes Up With No Penis... And you thought losing your car keys was bad. Dominican man Geraldo Ramos told local TV station Noticias Sin this week that he passed out drunk and woke up with no penis.

apparently had an issue with the situation and at that point Justin went nuts, pulling off his shirt and screaming at the dude.

If a dog did take his penis, it wouldn’t be the first time in recent weeks that a dog has made off with a man’s genitalia. In late July, a paralyzed man in Arkansas woke up to discover that his canine companion had eaten one of this testicles. That’s not to say dogs don’t sometimes devour G-rated body parts. In June, a dog in Brazil, Indiana chewed off his owner’s toes. Doctors believe the animal, a pitbull puppy named Bo, was trying to help the man, who was suffering from a severe foot infection.

How NOT to Handle a Lawsuit 101: a lesson brought to you by Chief Keef. The 17-year-old rapper was sued by a concert promotion company called Team Major back in March ... which claimed Keef screwed ‘em over by bailing on a London gig -- set to go down Dec. 29th 2012. TM claimed Keef’s stunt cost them ove $75,000, including his advance. Now the lesson part: according to docs, Chief NEVER bothered to respond to TM’s suit. After FOUR months of radio silence a judge ruled in favor of Team Major ... simply by default. Then the judge stuck it to Keef ... ordering him to cough up $230,019 for damages, loss of earnings, and reputational harm. So McD’s might not take his money, but we’re sure these guys will ... lesson over.

Keith Cozart aka CHIEF KEEF

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 45

Nicki Minaj Talks About DJ Khaled’s Proposal & Drake Rumors Nicki Minaj finally speaks out for the first time since DJ Khaled’s “proposal”.

Great Bull Run Coming to U.S. When you hear the words “Bull Run,” you’re probably thinking of the two legendary Civil War battles that share the name. But come next August, the term might remind you of something similarly violent, though a lot less bloody. The Great Bull Run, an event inspired by the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, will be held in several U.S. cities next summer. The event, which will feature bulls rushing through a fenced course while human participants try to stay out of their way, is set to debut August 24 in Richmond, Virginia. Events are also planned for Georgia, Texas, Florida, California, Illinois, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. We’d advise you not to wear your red t-shirt.

Well it seems that Nicki and DJ Khaled won’t be walking down the aisle together. The Young Money queen has spoken out for the first time since Khaled asked for her hand in marriage, kinda. Nicki called up to Funkmaster Flex’s radio show on Hot 97 Monday night and addressed the DJ Khaled proposal. Just like many fans, Nicki didn’t seem to take his offer all that serious. She added, “I was shocked just like the rest of the world and I was cracking up laughing with the rest of the world ’cause Khaled is a master at what he does.” It was more or less a publicity stunt to promote Khaled’s upcoming album, Suffering From Success, and his brand new single “I Wanna Be With You” featuring Nicki, Future, and Rick Ross. “It was just another way for him to kinda give the world a glimpse on the feeling of this record.” Those close to Nicki didn’t think of it as anything more than a joke. “Nobody in my real life took it seriously,” she said. “Everybody just hit me like, ‘LOL. Yo, Khaled is crazy.’” And to set the record entirely straight, Nicki stated: “Khaled is my brother and Khaled was not serious with that damn proposal, ya’ll. Please let it go. He was kidding. He’s not attracted to me, he doesn’t like me. We’re brother and sister.” During their chat, Nicki also went on to talk about the rumours that Drake had a fallen out with Young Money, along with her recent business ventures.

Nicki Minaj

PAGE 46 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013

Japanese Anime Comes Alive with These Amazing Sand Sculptures It’s summer! Time to hit the beach, get a tan, and look at giant sand sculptures of anime characters. Yay! In the past few years, sand art has become increasingly popular in Japan with more and more beachfront cities holding sand art festivals. And this being Japan, some of the sand artists look to Japanese history or traditional motifs. Others look to anime. Bless them. Here’s a look at some of the delightful anime inspired sand sculptures that have appeared in places like Ibaraki Prefecture and Chiba Prefecture.

James Cameron decides Avatar is going to be a quadrilogy We already knew that Avatar was set to be a trilogy of movies, but director James Cameron has decided/realised that three films aren’t enough. So, there’s going to be four instead. Fox Studios is more than happy to announce such news seeing as the first Avatar movie is the highest grossing movie of all time. Three more of those, if the quality remains high, is going to earn the studio and Cameron a lot of money. They will have to wait for the profits though, as Avatar 2 isn’t set to reach movie theatres until December 2016.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 8th August, 2013 • PAGE 47

Just like The Lord of the Rings trilogy, though, the sequels will come thick and fast after that. Avatar 3 will release in December 2017 and Avatar 4 will arrive December 2018. To achieve that Cameron will begin shooting all three movies back-toback next year. That should ensure any storylines carried across the three movies remain consistent and recurring roles keep the same actors. And apparently Sigourney Weaver will star even though she died in the first movie. Cameron wrote the first movie, but has called in four screenwriters to help with the sequels. There were originally only meant to be two additional movies, but Cameron says there’s just too much story to fit in so he had to add one. Avatar fans won’t be complaining about that at all. The first movie set a new bar in terms of visual quality, and the sequels could raise that bar even higher. As far back as 2011 Cameron was talking about 60fps 3D for use in Avatar 2. We’ve already seen Peter Jackson use 48fps for the filming of The Hobbit, so it will be interesting to see how good Avatar 2 looks come December 2016.

James Cameron

Turn your Flat screen TV into a Smart TV for just US$35 Google has been paying attention to the web. They see that people are consuming more and more media online. While most people watch on their computers, very few watch on the television. Google TV was their first attempt to bring the web to the TV, but that didn’t work out very well. Google’s Chrome team has a new approach to bringing the web to the TV, and they have called it Chromecast. Chromecast is a simple HDMI dongle that gets plugged in to the back of the television and works in much the same way that Google’s Nexus Q was designed to work. Your mobile device becomes the controller, and you can share content from your phone to the television. In areas where you are allowed to Chromecast, you’ll see a logo pop up that allows you to stream content from that app to the television. For YouTube, this means being able to re-create the Nexus Q experience with anyone who is on your home network. While streaming, you still have the ability to use your phone the way you want, because the phone

is just the instruction point. The actual streaming is happening on the HDMI stick. Chromecast can stream 1080p with 5.1 surround sound, and can be controlled by Android, iOS, or anything running Google Chrome in a PC environment. Apps that are connected to Chromecast are aware of what is streaming on your device, and synchronizes between them. If you leave, the video doesn’t stop being streamed because the stream is actually happening on the dongle. Like the Nexus Q, all of Google’s properties are available to stream. Google Play Music and Movies are included, but Pandora and Netflix are among the list of supported apps as well. A beta feature that is expected to be available with the launch of the Chromecast is the ability to clone your web browser on your television. Anything with a Chrome tab can share just the browser onto the television. Developers who want to take advantage of this tools have access to the Google Cast SDK, with a developer preview being made available today to make their apps compliant with this new feature. According to Google, this will be a very simple tool that can be easily added to any app. The

SDK is available for Chrome, iOS, and Android. Chromecast will be available for $35 in the US on the Google Play store, dramatically undercutting competitors like Apple TV and AirPlay. Started July 28th, Chromecast will also be available in Best Buy locations, and for a limited time will include a free month of Netflix for new subscribers.

Click the button to view the google Chromecast streaming stick

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