OMG Magazine Vol 2 Issue 3

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Thursday February 7, 2013 • VOL 2- 3

PAGE 2 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

what’s inside


OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 3



Pumping Parties


Wiz KhalifAPA



PAGE 8 credits Editor


Stephen Doobal

Ronaldo Roberts Sean Guevara Kyle Madray Mario Francis COPY EDITOR

Patrick Ifill


Layout and Design

Real Company Limited




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PAGE 4 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013


Chelsea Brown 19, Arima

What are three things you like about yourself and why? I love my huge personality (lol)! Always having fun, always looking out for others etc. Love my hair! Must love my hair... (lol). I can’t pick any other particular thing because, combined, everything just seems to be placed wonderfully… not to sound vain or anything (lol)!

What is your OMG moment?

It has to be between falling down in Lush, ending up in the hospital with an ankle injury that I am still dealing with and walking around my office with a huge hole in my skirt, dealing with many customers and no one told me (lol)!

Makeup/ Retouch:

Kimberly Ferrette Photographer:

Richard Munro

OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 5

.com t t g m o @ s n confessio fessions to

s n o i s s e f n co

email you

r con

ously m y n o n a s t h g u pest tho e e d r u o y s s e f A place to con

True Colours It was terrifying. I still am truly terrified to even go back home. If and when I do, I just want to sleep, to sleep through this so as not to think about, feel or see it...just sleep. He is truly an ugly human being and I a stupid one.

I Just want to

make LOVE

Seriously! What does a girl have to do to get a good session? I’m not ugly! I just want to be with a sexy guy who doesn’t ruin “it” by saying something stupid, a guy who knows how to handle a woman. I don’t mean soft, gentle caresses all the time either. I mean a good mix of soft, slow kisses and touches mixed in with some biting, spanking, wrist-grabbing, hair-pulling, body-twisting, throwing and just good sex!

Can We?

We love the ones we’re with but we can never please them, can we? We have an attraction to each other, we like each other, so let’s please each other. We are both unhappy. We know this but we hide it well. Let’s do this. I want you and you want me. Let’s take a bit of happiness for ourselves for however long it lasts.

I could be your



does matter I have a micropenis. I’m pathetic. My little wee wee is smaller than a paperclip. I love posting pictures just to get people to laugh at me. Yeah, it’s a defense mechanism but its the only way my tiny little wee wee gets any action. As much as I enjoy the humiliation the trust is that I desperately want to be loved and accepted.

Simply I’m not anti-social. I’m anti-BS.

Hurt You... When you realise you have hurt someone ... go to them and tell them you’re sorry and if you love them and can’t live without them... let them know...........that is the right thing to do........

You could put me in a pretty dress and show me off to the world... only problem is I have this organ that makes me male and I’d be very upset if you were to cut it off.

PAGE 6 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 7

Is your spouse a

Sex Addict? How to Act after a First Date

STEP 1 - Be courteous

Romance is wonderful – except when it’s not. No matter what problem you and your partner are facing – infidelity, boredom, sexual problems, unemployment, admitting to each other that it’s over – we have some suggestions. STEP 1 - Know the score

Understand that there is no actual disorder known as “sex addiction”. Most mental health professionals agree that addictions involve substances, not behaviours. Some therapists believe that the behaviour commonly called “sex addiction” is better classfied as a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

TIP – The American Psychiatric Association has proposed that a condition called “hypersexual disorder” be included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, to be published in 2013. STEP 2 - Consider the timing

Think about when your spouse becomes consumed with sex -- whether the compulsion involves extramarital affairs,

masturbation, pornography, cybersex, phone sex, or some other form of sexual stimulation. Sexperts say hypersexual individuals often turn to sex during stressful life events or whenever they’re feeling anxious or depressed.

STEP 3 - Weigh their recklessness

Assess the recklessness involved in your partner’s pursuit of sexual pleasure. People who compulsively seek sexual satisfaction often do so with complete disregard to how their behaviour may hurt themselves or their spouse, either physically or emotionally.

STEP 4 - Check out the time involved

Calculate the time your spouse spends on their sexual compulsions. Someone truly hooked on sex devotes a good portion of their time – and often their money – to planning their sexual adventures and engaging in them.

STEP 5 - Consider their conscience

Ask yourself whether your spouse has truly tried to curtail their behaviour. Trying repeatedly and unsuccessfully to stop the sexual compulsion is a hallmark of hypersexual disorder.

STEP 6 - Get help

Make them get assistance. Regardless of what it’s called, or whether it’s even a real illness, a mate’s obsession with sex that doesn’t involve you is not good for your mental health. And it poses a danger to your physical health if it involves other sexual partners.

Be polite and either leave the door open for another date or make it clear that there wasn’t a spark. Don’t lead someone on by saying you’ll call when you know you won’t.

STEP 2 - Assess what happened

Evaluate the date the next day with a clear head. Go over what you liked and disliked about the person and what you did together.

TIP – Cut your losses if there’s no chemistry. If they call, be kind, but don’t agree to another night out STEP 3 - Wait a couple days

Delay a couple days before you call if you want to see them again. No one wants to seem desperate.

STEP 4 - Relax

Be relaxed for that first phone call. You don’t want to seem like a potential stalker. Gauge the other person’s tone to find out if they had a good time. Then you can decide whether you should ask for another date or be cool and wait a few more days.

STEP 5 - Ask for a second date

Be casual about the second date. Cover yourself by suggesting a group activity, referring to a common interest, like music. Suggest that the other person “tag along” to a club or to see a band, as if you were going anyway.

STEP 6 - Find a physical activity

Go bowling – something fun and active – because you can laugh at yourselves and cut the pressure.

STEP 7 - Use a second date to measure

Measure your expectations – likely optimistic – on the second date. If the relationship looks like something you won’t pursue, tell yourself you’re not settling down yet anyway.

PAGE 8 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013


Featuring Machel Montano & Kerwin Du Bois feat.

Ladysmith Black Mambazo - Possessed




OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 9



How to Cram for a test Sure, the best way to prepare for a test is to faithfully attend class, take copious notes, and join a study group. But if it’s a little late for that, cramming is the way to keep that F at bay. STEP 1 - Read over notes

Begin by reading over your lecture notes. If you don’t have any, beg and plead with a classmate to photocopy theirs.

TIP - Some campuses have note-taking services where you can purchase class notes. STEP 2 - Highlight key points

Highlight the key points in your notes.

STEP 3 - Skim textbook

Skim the textbook for anything in bold, or key definitions, sections, and charts, and highlight those portions.

TIP - Read the first and last few pages of each chapter thoroughly, because they often summarize the information. STEP 4 - Create flashcards

Create flashcards by reviewing all the highlighted portions of your notes and textbook and writing one key piece of information on each index card.

TIP - Keep your energy high by drinking water to stay hydrated and eating snacks that raise your blood sugar without it crashing afterwards, like bananas.

STEP 5 - Memorize

Memorize the material on your flashcards. Recite it out loud until you’re sure you’ve got it.

TIP - If you’re having trouble remembering something, write it down six or seven times in a row. STEP 6 - Sleep

Get some shut-eye. A Harvard study proved that eight hours of sleep before a test improves performance by 25 percent.

STEP 7 - Eat breakfast

Eat a hearty breakfast the day of the exam. Numerous studies prove that people perform mental tasks better on a full stomach.

TIP - Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates and protein, like eggs and wholewheat cereal or toast, so your energy lasts. Sugary foods will give you a quick rush and then leave you yawning in the test. STEP 8 - Take your flashcards

Take your flashcards with you to your testing site and keep going over them until the exam begins.

How to Manage

Your Time

It might not be your cup of tea, but adhering to a daily plan is the only sensible way to accomplish goals. Try it -- you might like it. STEP 1 - Write it down

Draw columns on a sheet of paper to track activities, time devoted to each, and sudden emergencies. Document a normal day to determine which activities go as planned and what delays result from interruptions.

TIP- Make a daily to-do list that prioritizes your tasks, so you know which are the most important. STEP 2 - Guard against procrastination

Guard against procrastination by sticking to the new schedule no matter what. Detail action steps to better streamline activities, delegate some responsibilities, group some tasks, or eliminate diversions.

STEP 3 - Get away from distractions

STEP 9 - Relax

Choose a place free from distraction and stay on task. Let everyone know this time is sacred and that you are not to be disturbed.

STEP 10 - Take a nap

TIP - Avoid checking email

Right before the test starts, take several deep, slow breaths to help you relax.

Take a nap after the test. Studies show it will help you retain what your learned—for the semester final.

all day -- a habitual distraction that loses time. Check only at certain times throughout the day as part of the overall plan. STEP 4 - Limit multitasking

Limit multitasking to maintain focus and momentum. Finish the job at hand before moving to the next.

STEP 5 - Reserve time to review and plan

Reserve a hour or two each week to review assignments, notes, and your schedule. Adapt and redraw the monthly or long-term objectives to accommodate new challenges. Whether you’re a student or an office worker, better time management will help you reach those lofty goals!

PAGE 10 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013





Athaliah Samuel Miss T&T World 2012

Dexter Jennings

Woodford Square

Shenelle Nicholas

Ryan Ramoutar Mikhail Nicholas

Concept Studios 1 (868) 798-3172)

PORT OF SPAIN, at the water fountain which was a gift from George Gregor Turnbull of Glasgow, Scotland. It was erected by the Bourough Council of Port of Spain in 1866.


Ronaldo Roberts Photographer:

Stephen Doobal

OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 11


PAGE 12 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

OMG Magazine was delighted that Athalia Samuel, Miss Trinidad and Tobago for Miss World 2012 and prominent San Fernando-based designer Dexter Jennings, agreed to team up with us to produce our Carnival 2013 Omg Style fashion spread. Dexter is a dynamic designer and fashion conlsultant who produces haute couture garments, set and interior decor, craft and also Carnival costumes. His design label is called CONCEPT STUDIOS.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 13

PAGE 14 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

Swappi - Cha-os

Swappi - Goosey Bumps


OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 15

Photography and interview | Stephen Doobal

SWAPPI has been placed in position 11 in the Play Whe International Power Soca Monarch finals. This epic competition will take place on Fantastic Friday – February 8, 2013 – at the Hasely Crawford Stadium from 9 p.m. Machel Montano (MMHD) will be defending his crown this year and the man to perform after Machel is SWAPPI who will be followed by the crowd favourite SuperBlue. Many think that this is the toughest position for any artiste in the competition. The OMG team caught up with SWAPPI and asked how he feels about dropping “CHA-OS” between these two megastars.

Swappi - Mi Nah Go Play

“Boy this is my second year in the competition and to me it is just a privilege to be ranking in the same realm as all the artistes who are performing that night. To be performing before SuperBlue I feel honoured because Super is like the father of soca and performing after Machel, well, he is like a brother, so I good, I comfortable. I am in excellent company. This performance to me is about going out there and giving every single bit of blood, sweat and tears to give my best performance. Even though it is about fun it is also a competition and everyone wants to win. So on that note I want to tell everyone to vote for me. Just text SWAP to 7622.”

PAGE 16 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

Stumped Story by Ian Royer

Stumped was a night of performers, and incidentally also my birthday! This made it extra special in my personal opinion. That being said Stumped possessed the Oval in a way that could only signal that Carnival is ready to hit us all for six this season. Some of the highlights were Patrice Roberts engaging a fan with a little wine that turned out to be a big wine-down session and Faye-Ann Lyons-Alvarez displaying her amazingly hot body, which shows she was Doing This and by this we mean gym as well as producing her album.


Our OMG moment – seeing Bunji and Machel attempting to rule the crowd. It was nice because we’re not going to get to see this at Soca Monarch. It’s very hard to call who won the hearts of the crowd. Voices were defiantly rising to Bunji’s “Differentology” and Machel’s “Fog It Up” too… We need a few more fetes to decide who the winner of this Carnival really is – we’re stumped! machel montano



OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 17

Blue Flame

Story by Ian Royer

Blue Flame was aptly named as SuperBlue totally decimated Blue Range. But we will get to that in a second. Red Ants: you can really put on an all-inclusive. It was an intimate setting with great bar service and food as you walked in (we liked that flow, full ya belly then fete). What struck us though (and we are being honest) is that 2013 is a Groovy year for music. The Power songs just were not cutting it – but WOW, the Groovy songs have a kind of obeah that just makes you move! Prophet Benjamin recovered from the Chutney Soca Monarch show and stirred up the

crowd with an extempo. Then he brought on Iwer (we think they have an interesting partnership – smile). However when a man say “start to bounce”, the obeah just holding the crowd and ya bouncing – SuperBlue, you have to give us the formula to control the masses like you do in a fete! Bunji, while giving us the “Differentology” we have come to call the Carnival Anthem, had to bow to a master at his art! Our OMG moment – what was up with the blue power ranger? No, we mean, ALL HAIL SUPERBLUE!

Super Blue

Prophet Benjamin


PAGE 18 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013


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OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 19



The text listings are FREE, flyers you pay for. Just click the OMG EVENTS logo to send us your info.

Click on the event flyers below to see full details


St. Andrew’s Golf Club Moka Sunday 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013 From 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM. St. Andrews Golf Club 629-6188 ext 33, 360-0805 or 360-0806

The 3canal Show 2013: PLANASS

Sunday February 3rd to Saturday February 9th Tickets available from Monday 28th January 2013 from the Queen’s Hall Box Office 624-1284

Mania Drinks Incl.

Location Country Club, Maraval Sunday, February 10, 2013 Promoter: Woodford Cafe Cost: $400TTD (General) & $795TTD (VIP)

Event: Pool Down Cooler Fete

Down the Islands Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Cost:$150TTD Time:3pm-9pm Contact: Adana721-1904 Lester 386-7335

Valentine’s Night at Jaffa at the Oval

Thursday, February 14, 2013 Starts at 7:00 PM Cost TT$600.00 per person inclusive

Valentine’s Day at Texasde Brazil

Thursday, February 14, 2013 From 11:30 AM to 10:30 Contact: 623-0022 Cost:Silver: $250.00 Gold: $450.00 Platinum: $700.00 - Sold Out!

PAGE 20 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

Pumping Parties

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Saturday, February 02, 2013

PAGE 22 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

Pumping Parties

OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 23

lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago! Army Fete 2013

Friday, February 01, 2013

PAGE 24 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

artistof the week

OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 25

Danielle Benskin 19, St Augustine

Danielle is a delightful young woman who has been involved in art from a very tender age. We met her at her home in St Augustine. As a child at Christmas time she never looked out for dolls and toys. She preferred craft and painting supplies. Those were her favourite gifts. Over the past four years she has worked to develop her painting skills. Danielle attended St Joseph Convent, St Joseph and in form four met Ms Howard whom she credits with transforming her dabbling in art into a commitment to developing her technique and skills. Danielle likes doing portraits in pastels. She prefers to work with real life models and is not an abstract artist. She is also intrigued with Trinidad and Tobago’s culture and lifestyle and has explored this in a few of her latest pieces. Her goal is to become an accessories designer. She is taking a year off from studies. Then it’s off to university. She spends her time working on new pieces and developing her portfolio. Danielle’s OMG moment happened when she and her mother went on a tour of Europe. She visited places like Rome and Greece and was able to see great works of art. She was very impressed by the rich history these countries have and the way art plays an important part in their identity.

Photographer: Ronaldo Roberts

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OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 27

Ewart Nicholson 19, Curepe

For the past five years El Dorado East Secondary School batsman Ewart Nicholson, or “Plucky” as his friends call him, has been playing exceptional schools cricket. He has been the key player for his team in many important matches, scoring hundreds in several of them. The OMG team met Ewart at a match his team was contesting at Presentation College in Chaguanas. He was calm and composed and focused on winning. One of the big matches that stand out for him is the game they drew with Hillview College last year. He was able to slam 107 runs in that game. Ewart’s big goal right now is to make the Trinidad and Tobago senior team this year and to continue to make a lot of runs. He says he spends most of his time training. He trains very hard with his friends because they know that it will pay off for them later on in life. He likes being around his friends and partying and staying clear of old talk and bacchanal. One of Ewart’s teachers added that he is a quiet and humble youngster and his experience and knowledge of the game make him the natural leader for his teammates and as a result he is a person the team looks up to. Ewart’s OMG moment is clear as day in his head although it has not happened yet. It is the day he makes the Trinidad and Tobago Senior Cricket team. He said, “I never imagined I would be making the tryouts so soon in my career and I am excited to see how my hard work and determination pay off.”

Photographer: Stephen Doobal

PAGE 28 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 24, January, 2013

P!nk - Just Give Me A Reason ft. Nate Ruess




Fall Out Boy

- My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark

Juicy J Ft 2 Chainz & Trina “Having Sex ” “Started From The Wiz Khalifa

Bottom (Remix) ”

Bridget Kelly feat. Meek Mill “In The Morning (Remix) “

Ca$h Out feat. B.o.BExclusive

French Montana Sanctuary

Modestep ft. Popeska “Another Day ”

Bebe Black “Deathwish”


“Sex Ain’t Never Felt Better ”

Snoop Lion Lighters Up ft. Mavado, Popcaan

OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 29

Take a taste of the hottest movie trailers on the planet...

See our full line-up of movie trailers every Friday @ 5pm and Saturday @ 5:25pm... Exclusively on

PAGE 30 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

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OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 31

Salman Khan: If you want overacting, call Shahrukh Khan The Ek Tha Tiger dude lost his cool while shooting for an ad film. Salman targeted his archrival Shahrukh Khan when requested to re-do a scene with a different facial expression. The flamboyant star has been lapping up every opportunity possible to take potshots at Shahrukh Khan. It was only recently that we thought that the cold war between him and SRK could come to an end, but sadly we were wrong! Shahrukh Khan is still on Sallu’s mind and bhai doesn’t show even a hint of political correctness when it comes to talking about his friend-turned-foe; at least that’s what a recent remark from Sallu seems to be suggesting.

Salman Khan

A little birdie tells us that Salman was recently shooting for an ad film in a bungalow in Versova, Mumbai. The commercial also starred Aamna Sharif and it was directed by a prominent adman-turned-filmmaker. The shoot was going smoothly when the director, who was not particularly happy with Salman’s walk, asked him re-do it. On

hearing the request, the 47-year-old actor shot back with his trademark growl, “Agar walk karna hai toh kisi model ko bula lete.” Later, when the stunned director requested the macho star to give more expressions for an extreme close-up shot, bhai shot back. “Agar acting hi karani hai, toh Hrithik ko le lete,” said a disgruntled Sallu. He didn’t stop there and quickly attached one more line that went on to show what the Dabangg dude thinks about his archrival SRK’s acting talent. “Aur agar over acting karani hai toh Shahrukh ko le lete,” added the superstar absolutely uninhibitedly as he walked out of the frame. Now this episode might irk SRK and his loyal fans. And King Khan’s devotees might argue that at least the Jab Tak Hai Jaan star overacts, but can Sallu miyaan do even that? After all, Salman has always been his usual self in most of his movies and never has the superstar quite impressed with his acting, if ever he does that. But we are confident that Salman won’t give a damn about such debates and will continue to speak his mind. All we are waiting to know now is how Shahrukh will respond to Sallu’s blunt remark!

Shahrukh Khan

Mumbai 125 Km trailer: Veena Malik is back as a sexy ghost! After doing a couple of item songs and some largely forgettable films, Veena Malik will portray an evil spirit in her forthcoming movie Veena is desperate to break into Bollywood with some meaty roles. So far, we have seen her heave her shapely bosom in some seedy item numbers and play a bimbo in a flick or two. But now the sensational Pakistani import will portray a ghost in Hemant Madhukar’s horror flick Mumbai 125.

The film also stars Karanvir Bohra, Vedita Pratap Singh, Vije Bhatia and Rajeev Anand. The trailer has failed to spook us. There’s a generous dose of sex, gore, ghost and screams, but hardly anything to be scared of. Mumbai 125 is a story of five friends who go on a long drive on a Friday night. They get trapped in some inescapable situation influenced by some supernatural power. Will they survive or will they become victims of their wrongdoings? The movie will (hopefully) answer the question. Watch the trailer and tell us if it looks good to you or it simply leaves you yawning!

Veena Malik and Rajeev Anand

PAGE 32 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013



Things are still sort of bitter between Rita Ora and Rob Kardashian. Although she has always said that they were never serious, Kardashian accused her of cheating on him with 20 guys. In an interview where she was asked who she would like to make love to, marry or shoot relating to three Roberts, her replies were exactly what one might guess. Ora said she’d sleep with ‘Twilight’ hunk Robert Pattinson, himself a victim of cuckolding from girlfriend Kristen Stewart, which was one of the scandals of the summer. Then again, who wouldn’t? She said she’d marry actor Robert De Niro. She said she’d shoot/kill Rob K. Who’s shocked? Not us. During an interview for Australia’s ‘Kyle & Jackie O’ show, Ora was quick to reply. “OK here we go, I would marry Robert De Niro, I would shag Robert Pattinson and I would definitely, definitely, shoot Rob Kardashian,” the ‘How We Do’ singer said (quotes via Hollywood Life). Definitely. So there’s no question about

it … While Kardashian took to Twitter to publicly slam Ora for allegedly banging 20 other guys during their “relationship,” which isn’t a shock, considering that his family’s entire life plays out on TV, she was more subdued when discussing it from the get-go. She initially told Complex it wasn’t a relationship nor was it serious, but she did claim they had each other’s backs … at the time. Then photos surfaced that made it seem like they were dating. And remember those fake matching tattoos? These two certainly were never clear about their status to the public and it seems like they weren’t clear to one another, either. She told Glamour U.K., “I’m not going out with Rob. We were close for a while, but it didn’t work because I was never there. I was like a ghost. I used to get so frustrated with myself and then wonder why I was angry, so I decided it was best to keep it friendly – especially at the moment, when

there’s so much going on.” Friendly? Airing dirty laundry on Twitter was not friendly on ol’ Rob’s part. Even though a Kardashian commitment was a bust, it hasn’t soiled her views on love. She admitted she still believes in the concept, based on how her mentor Jay-Z is with his wife Beyonce. “They are so in love. They made me believe that true love really does exist,” Ora said. Too bad there were rumuors that she was getting it on with her boss.



Burger King: Yes, There May Have Been A Little Horse Meat In That Whopper You Ate A few days ago it was revealed that horse meat had been mixed in with some of the beef coming from one of Burger King’s biggest European meat suppliers, Silvercrest Foods. But the company insisted that no horse meat actually ever made it into a burger that was served in one of their restaurants. But after doing some DNA testing, it turns out that , well, there may have been a little horse in a few Whoppers after all. Burger King has admitted that some of its burgers sold in the U.K. and Ireland were, in fact, tainted with horsemeat.

This is just the latest chapter in an ongoing scandal in the U.K. and Ireland involving beef burger patties tainted with meat from horses and pigs. U.K. supermarket chain Tesco and other companies have also been affected. It’s suspected that a meat distributor in Poland, which worked with all the companies in question, used meats other than beef as filler in cheap burgers. Burger King had originally stressed that its patties are made with 100 per cent beef, although it later dropped Silvercrest, the food processing plant that received meat from the Polish distributor.

Well That’s Just Some Sad Sex:

New Study Suggests Average Sex Act

Only Burns Around 21 Calories In news that’s hard to believe, a recent study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham suggests that the average sex act only burns 21-calories. The study, published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, contradicts many long-standing claims that sexual activity is a vigorous, fat-burning workout. Funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, the study results found that

“false and scientifically unsupported beliefs about obesity are pervasive in both scientific literature and the popular press.” Most online claims about the calorie-burning potential of sexual activity are based on one-hour increments, whereas this study worked off an average time span of six minutes per sexual encounter.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013 • PAGE 33

Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter Buzzes Its Way into Our Hearts

Police raid apartment

following report of gunshots,

discover teens playing CoD Video games haven’t just got more realistic in the graphics department– sound quality has also increased greatly over the last few generations of console and PC hardware. We’ve also seen the quality of speakers on TVs, laptops, and PC sound systems improve. That’s great news for games players, but it also seems to have caught police out in Sweden. On Saturday night police raided an apartment in Sweden following reports of guns being fired and a man screaming for help. However, when the police burst into the apartment they didn’t find an injured man or a gunman, they were instead faced with a group of startled teenagers playing one of the Call of Duty games.

ters who has been badly injured. As you’d expect, the police left the apartment without making any arrests, but surely must have requested the teens keep the noise levels down. A few of them may now be considering headphones for the next gaming session to avoid future raids. I’d also be interested to know how many of the ten police officers have gone out and bought a copy of CoD this week. On the other hand, based on sales of the game most of them probably already have it.

Ten police officers attended the scene of the alleged shooting after a passerby reported hearing the gun shots and screams for help. The shots were obviously the teens firing their in-game guns. The screams for help came from one of the players’ charac-

This awesome bit of tech is called the Crazyflie, and it’s a complete pocket-sized quadrotor. This little thing weights just 19 grams, and measures about 9cm x 9cm (3.5 square.) It can fly up to seven minutes at a time on a 20-minute charge, and can even lift a minuscule payload of up to about 10 grams. Under its hood (if it had a hood), it sports a microcontroller, accelerometer, gyroscope, and a tiny 2.4GHz receiver for accepting commands from your computer or other wireless device.

creators clearly state that this thing is not a kid’s toy, though it might be one for us grown-ups. You can pre-order a Crazyflie kit from now through February 18, with an estimated ship date of April 25. Prices start at $149 for the basic kit, and go up to $173 for the 10 DOF version, which has extra sensors for altitude and heading measurements – though you’ll have to write your own code to take advantage of the added sensors.

Sure, it sounds like a swarm of angry mosquitoes buzzing around, but that’s kind of what I love about it. The tiny quadrotor is sold in kit form, and is completely open source, so you can create your own custom applications and modifications. Keep in mind that you’ll need soldering skills to assemble it, and its

Fast & Furious 6 Gets Plot Synopsis (Hint: Muscle-y

Orange People Drive Vroom-Vrooms Real Fast)

Well, people, today is that day we’ve all been waiting for—yes, that’s right, the sixth film in the Fast and Furious franchise now has an official plot synopsis! Isn’t that exciting? How else are we to know what to expect from this film? After all, given the creative zig-zags and thrilling plot twists of the five previous films, there was truly no way to predict what the plot of Fast & Furious 6 would have in store for us after the inexplicable success of Fast Five. But today, we finally know: a bunch of people with personal trainers and unnaturally orange skin are going to drive a bunch of cars around… real fast. So, what possible twists could Fast & Furious 6 have for us? Well, our band of anti-heroes are all rich from the events of Fast Five, but due to their

lengthy criminal records are unable to return home to the United States. Their only option? Help out a Diplomatic Security Service agent (who has already tried to bust them) take down a mercenary organisation, and they all get pardons and can return home. So it’s kind of like Inception, but with people driving around in fast cars a lot. Anyway, full synopsis: Since Dom (Vin Diesel) and Brian’s (Paul Walker) Rio heist toppled a kingpin’s empire and left their crew with $100 million, our heroes have scattered across the globe. But their inability to return home and living forever on the lam has left their lives incomplete. Meanwhile, Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) has been tracking an organisation of lethally skilled mercenary drivers across 12 countries, whose mastermind (Luke Evans) is aided by a ruthless second-in-command revealed to be the love Dom thought was dead, Letty (Michelle Rodriguez). The only way to stop the criminal outfit is to outmatch them at street level, so Hobbs asks Dom to assemble his elite team in London. Payment? Full pardons for all of them so they can return home and make their families whole again.

Paul Walker

Vin Diesel

PAGE 34 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 7, February, 2013

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