My eyes have seen the salvation on this feast of the Presentation of the Lord, we reflect on happiness in a community. How can we become happy parishioners? As a parish, we are a community of Christian Paghurup- faithful who, through the pastoral care entrusted hurop to a priest, are initiated “to celebrate together in liturgy, to learn Christ’s saving doctrine, and to practice the charity of the Lord in good works and brotherly love” (ccc, 2179). Our happiness seems to rely on the realization of such a goal. In the gospel (lk 2:22-40), we find two devout persons, Simeon and Anna, meeting the child Jesus when Mary and Joseph brought him in the temple. From these two, we can learn three ways to experience true happiness in the parish. First, Simeon and Anna went to the temple.“Guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the temple.” The prophetess Anna “never left the temple but worshiped there with fasting and prayer night and day.” It is in the temple that they encountered the child, Jesus. Happiness in the parish is going out of our homes and going to the church. St. John Chrysostom would say, Domingo 5, Ord. Panahon A Isa 58:7-10, 1 Cor 2:1-5. Pàno maiibalik an grasya nin Dyos kun ini mawara? Ini an kahaputan kan mga tawo na sinimbag ni Isaias. Kinondena kan propeta and saindang mga salang gawi sa negosyo. Tinawan nin dakulang agyat ni Isaias an mga Israelita: Atamanon ninda an saindang pagtaraid, itao an saindang pangangaipo asin mahahanap ninda tulos-tulos an Dyos. Si San Pablo nagpahayag nin napapalain
“You cannot pray at home as at a church, where there is a great multitude… the union of minds, the accord of souls, the bond of charity, the prayers of the priests” (CCC, 2179). In the church, as in the temple, we encounter the Lord. Second, Simeon’s life was fulfilled when, at last, he saw the Lord. He was righteous and devout. The Spirit rested on him. He knows the Lord, the Messiah, but what he longs for is to see Him before he dies. And when he saw the child Jesus, he took him in his arms and praising God said, “Master, you may now let your servant go in peace, for my eyes have seen the salvation.” Simeon saw the Lord, and his actions and words expressed deep joy and fulfillment. More than knowing the Lord, happiness is recognizing Him in our neighbor. It is seeing the goodness and godliness in every person we meet. It is in experiencing God’s presence and love in our parish activities. Third, Anna, at the same moment, came and began to give thanks to God and spoke about the child Jesus to all. What could an 84-year old widow worshipping in the temple night and day expect more?
She could be contented just seeing the Lord and thanking him. But no! Though she might not be that strong anymore because of her age, she still went out and spoke about Jesus to all. Nothing could stop a joyful person from sharing with everyone the happiness she experiences. Next to recognizing Jesus, happiness is giving thanks to God and sharing the good news to all who need to hear. It is sharing not gossips but religious experiences. It is witnessing to the community the joy of experiencing God. We can see Simeon and Anna in many of us, parishioners, who willingly prioritize coming to the church to join the community in encountering the Lord. We see them in us who are excited and pleased of everyone’s presence in the parish. We see them in us who are grateful of our blessings and eager to share them and witness to those who are in most need. Let us go to the church, see Jesus in our neighbor, and speak about Him to all in need. And we will always be a happy parish community. † fr. erwin b. blasa
siglo nin huli ta bako lang sa kakanon ini kaipuhan kundi kadakol pang ibang kahulugan an nakakabit digdi. Ginagamit an asin Mga Banhi sa seremonya kan tipan siring man sa mga sakripisyo. Kun siring, an nin Tataramon mga disipulo kan Kagurangnan importante. Sinda an mga bagong tanda kan tipan asin pagigin katuod sa lambang saro. An ilaw, siring man, impotanteng pangangaipo nin tawo. Mt 5:13-16. An asin sarong Mga Banhi | ikaduwang pahina importanteng elemento kan inot na na mensahe para sa saiyang komunidad. Sya sarong maluyang tawo kun kaya an grasya nin Dyos buhay na buhay na sa saiya. Nakumbinsi nya sinda nin huli ta an kapangyarihan kan saiyang mensahe minagikan bako sa saiya kundi sa kapangyarihan kan Espiritu Santo.
ginigibo kan parokya an gabos na paagi tanganing an Kagurangnan mamati asin maekspiryensya nanggad sa mga komunidad. An Dyos yaon sa gabos na bagay, sa anuman na panahon, anuman na kamugtakan. Ini an hinihinguwa kan social services ministry kan SJTP, an masaksihan kan gabos an karahayan asin pagkamuot kan Dyos, urog na sa mga labi an pangangaipo. Uya an nagkapirang pahayag dapit sa social services kan parokya.
The coffee that gathers people
An Dyos nasa komunidad
Tales of Caffe Pro Populo was Faith launched last September 15, 2019, during the 6am mass at SJTP by a small team comprised of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin and Christy Ragos and Drs. Emil and Baber Alegre. Its name takes cue from the first mass celebrated every Sunday that the Church calls Missa Pro Populo or “Mass for the People.” It is a mass purposely offered for the intention of all the parishioners. Unfortunately due to its early schedule, the mass suffered poor attendance for many years until the parish started sharing aromatic brewed coffee and bread after the mass. This gives us opportunity to share pleasantries with our community, get to know our neighbors, develop new friendships, plan goals for our parish and most especially pray for one another. It provided our Parish priest and parochial vicars an informal venue to meet and touch-base with the parishioners in a light atmosphere. It allowed Senior Citizens, widely known as early-risers, to start their day by attending the early mass and establish an initial venue to meet with and bond with their fellow seniors. Suddenly the church was no longer a sort of bus terminal where people simply come and go. They started lingering, way up until the next mass at 8am. For the past three months, every 6am Sunday mass, this has become a routine for most to wake up early and join the community in praying for each other. An extraordinary habit that build bridges of evangelization, extending faith and breaking barriers that causes division and ruins relationships, this is Caffé Pro Populo , and this is the continuing effect it has started. The coffee project started its community service last September 22, 2019. It leveled-up its operations by extending it during the 9 days Misa de Coffee | sunod na pahina
In behalf po kan Sitio Sta.Teresa kan Kolkata (Sitio California), dakula po an samong pasasalamat Kaban asin pag apresyar sa Pagtubod satuyang parokya, urog na po sa mga members kang Social Services, nin huli sa mga ginigibo nindo, naipapamati na kami kasali asin importante.—Marilou Purcia Cañete ***** Hali po samo digdi sa Sitio Magdalena, dakulaon man po ang samuyang pagpasalamat, kainut-inuting pagkakataon nagkakaigwa naman po nin mga programa digdi an satuyang parokya sa paagi po kan social services, namamati mi man po na igwa man kami nin lugar sa Simbahan.—Nena Gomez ***** Sa plano kan satuyang parokya na pinapasunod kan satuyang kura paroko asin sa tabang kan duwang padi, magayon ang plano ninda asin dapat ini ipadagos asin sunudon. An pagtao nin atensyon sa mga sityos kun may kalamidad, pagbisita, lalo an pagpadakula nin pag tubod sa Dyos, inot an pagselebrar sa Sinulog fiesta, maugma an nagin pagmati kan mga nakisumaro.—Margie Calongui ***** Dagdag pa ninda na sa mga masurunod na aldaw, lugod maipadagos kan parokya an mga serbisyo na ini para mas lalo pang mapagayon an mga serbisyo na tinatao para sinda matabangan. Ini pa an manlainlain nindang suhestyon: Susog pa ki Ms. Margie, an social services, arog kan pag-service sa gadan, asin sa panginginot ninda Kuya Edong asin Ate Jong, sa arog kaining service, hagad mi po na magcreate nin music ministry para sa service, gusto mi po ibalik sa social services an pagserve
sa PWD kan Gilean ministry dahil dai na po natatawan pansin an mga PWD. Lugod maibalik an medical mission sa parokya asin blood-letting, maitao sa mga sitio an livelihood program urog na sa mga BECs. Hali din kay Ms. Marilou na “lugod po, matabangan magkaigwa or maidagos an mga livelihood projects para sa mga taga-sityo, na matawan chance magkaigwang income an mga pamilya.” “An aanihon dakul, alagad an trabahador dikit.” (lk 10:2) Liwat na ipinapagirumdom po satuya gabos na an pakikisumaro sa mga proyekto kan Parokya, urog na an social services, nangangaipo nin magkakanigong suporta, bako sana sa pinansyal na paagi, kundi magin sa arualdaw man na pag-iribahan sa laog kan komunidad-pagtubod. Nangungapudan po an parokya saindo gabos na makipagtabangan asin makisaro sa parokya para mas mapatalubo ta an paghiras, bako saná sa satuyang pamilya asin mga kamidbid o katuod , kundi pati sa iba, urog na sa satuyang namumutan na komunidad. † karen bisana tolentino | Mga Banhi Sa ikaduwang imahen na ini, ipinapaliwanag ni Jesus an papel na gagampanan ninda na iyo an magin katuwang sa kaligtasan nin iba. An kaligtasan ni Kristo dai tinatago kundi binabalangibog tanganing ini magbangraw asin maihiras sa gabos. inot na pahina
Mga Kahaputan 1. Papàno ko ihihiras an ilaw na yaon sako bilang sarong Kristyano? 2. Ano an mga salang gawi na kaipuhan kong bàguhon? † fr. f.a. tordilla
how could a simple cup of brewed coffee be a potent tool for evangelization?
Nurturing the new sitios: new Patron Saints on january 6, Fr. Francis named the pastoral area of Jardin Real de Naga under the protection of St. Ignatius de Loyola; the 35 cluster of families along the Yabu River under St. Maria Goretti; and the 37 households at the periphery of Villa Corazon Subdivision under St. Peter Baptist. “A combination of things,” says Fr. Francis inspired him to name the new sitios and Jardin Real. “We have the relics of Maria Goretti on our altar, therefore, the need for a cult. St. Peter Baptist, since he is the only saint who has set foot here in Caceres. Ignatius came from a naughty quip that since Jardin Real is in Spanish, prolly we needed a Spanish saint too given the fact the neighboring sitios are both Italians. But more than that, the spirituality of Ignatius matches with the BEC thrust: “To set the world on fire
and find God in all things.” The farmers and tenants who tilled the farmlands that were once the subdivisions settled along the banks of Yabu River. Five family clans settled at the periphery of Jardin Real. Two of which are the Nora clan in Sitio Sta. Maria Goretti, and the Abor family in Sitio Padre Pio de Pietrelcina. Sitio Maria Goretti and Sitio Padre Pedro Bautista are separated merely by an open steel gate. The carpenters, masons and laborers who built Villa Corazon
subdivision settled at the Yabu River bank. The sitio is occupied by the Latumbo clan. What does a patron saint do? A patron saint is one whose protection and intercession the sitios are dedicated. Catholic Answers explains that a patron saint intercedes for them to God. Seeking intercession of a patron saint is like asking a friend to pray for you to God, while you also pray. He is now in heaven and he can pray to God without ceasing. It is a communion of saints in actual practice. † mandylion
SJTP links microentrep with DTI, GoNegosyo “give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will eat for the rest of his life.” One of the roles of the SJTP Social Services Ministry is to identify vulnerable sectors in the parish and help alleviate their sufferings, come up with a longterm solution of increasing resiliency to mitigate their exposure to risks to natural and man made disasters. There are sectors needing support: the solo parents and unskilled household members. The parish, through its Social Services Ministry, collaborated with the Department of Trade and Industry and the Naga City GoNegosyo Program. A
planning session was held in October last year to identify key activities that may provide livelihood skills and start up capital and kits to qualified beneficiaries. The initial activity was the Profiling and Orientation of Microentrepreneurs where more than a hundred parishioners participated. In November, also last year, a series of trainings were conducted on Entrepreneurial Mindsetting for existing microentrepreneurs, attended by 67 participants. There was also the session on
business name registration in which more than a hundred attended. The parish was able to assist eleven existing businesses to be legally registered and given permits. Last December, a Christmas Bazaar was sponsored by the parish to inspire microentrepreneurs. This year, the trainings continue to provide startup kits and capital to the deserving participants. The parish hope to create more linkage with other government agencies, such as DOLE, DA, and Naga LGU, for more livelihood programs. † ellen peña
| Coffee Gallo and the New Year’ day morning mass serving hundreds of parishioners and visiting devotees as well each day. It was during these time that Milo Chocolate drink was added to the coffee drink being offered courtesy of Nestle Philippines. Caffé Pro Populo opened doors for easier collaboration because each mass attendee started to talk to one another. It has become a privileged way of the Parish to reassure its parishioners that God cares for them and that they are important. We need each other. Could it be a way of planting seeds of goodness
to our neighbor’s hearts? I pray that the coffee beans can do the trick. The Team would like to express it sincerest thanks to all the sponsors/ donors (you know who you are) who donated the coffee/water broilers, the regular bread offerings, coffee for brewing, sugar, creamer, paper cups, native cakes (ibos, banamban, puto) occasional broiled banana and camote cue. Special thanks is in order likewise to Julius Flores, our own chargés d’affaires as well as the Ushers and Mass Collectors who are always ready to help out in serving the hot drinks and food items to the beneficiaries.
The Team looks forward to the continuous support and generosity of those who would like to share their blessings by donating coffee for brewing, sugar, creamer, paper cups, bread and native cakes. Donations in kind (coffee for brewing, sugar, creamer, paper cups) will be accepted at the Parish Office. Kindly just indicate that the donation is for the Café Pro Populo. See you on Sunday. † mariss catherine roque, edwin ragos (Contribute your testimonies of faith, prayers, stories, or reflections, and help inspire others to live in Lord’s grace and guidance. Send your contributions to
ikaduwang pahina
Announcements Feb 2. PPC Meeting, Edessa Hall, 2pm. Feb 2. Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Since this feast falls on a Sunday, in all of our Sunday Masses there will be Blessing of Candles. Kindly bring candles for the blessing. Feb 2-10. Novena of Masses in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes. OLL Chapel, Villa Grande Homes Phase 3, 6pm. Feb 7-9. Youth Camp, Edessa Hall, 6pm. Feb 9. Feast of St. Peter Baptist, Principal Patron of the Archdiocese of Caceres. Feb 9-16. Collection of Old Palm Leaves to be burned and used on Ash Wednesday.
Parish Weekly Financial Report JANUARY 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 TOTAL
25,22.25 25,477.00 39,925.50 133,421.00 19,948.00 3,600.00 24,684.25 272,279.00
0.00 53,782.75 0.00 53,130.02 9,600.00 0.00 0.00 116,513.77
is published by the Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Jude Thaddeus located at St. Jude Village, Concepcion Grande, Naga City Fr. Francis A. Tordilla parish priest
Fr. Emmanuel G. Mojica Fr. Larry G. Mijares parochial vicars
Ms. Mirasol Encinares Ms. Nicola Carr secretaries
Landline (+63 54) 881 1933 Email
Kahulugan kan mga kandila kadakol na panahon na kita minagamit nin kandila: sa satong pagpapamibi, sa pagsamba sa laog kan Misa, o magin sa pagtao nin dignidad asin kagayunan sa mga gawing espiritwal asin dyosnon. Kan panahon na dai pa naiimbento an mga de-kuryenteng lampara, an mga kandila iyo naman an mga sosyal na gamit sa pagtaong liwanag. An liwanag kan kandila urog na mas marhay kisa liwanag na dulot kan mga lamparang de-lana. Basta para sa Kagurangnan, itinatao nyato an pinakamarhay. An ilaw nagpapagirumdom satuya kan presensya ni Kristo na nagsabi: “Ako an ilaw nin (Apolo) kinaban. An siisay man na nagsusunod sako dai Giya maglalakaw sa kadikluman, kundi magkakaigwa nin liwanag nin buhay (jn 8:12).” Si Kristo an liwanag nin kinaban huli ta sya an nagpapara kan kadikluman dara kan kasàlan. Iyo man ini an sinisimbolo kan Siryo Paskwal (Paschal Candle) na sinusuluan kun Sabado de Gloria asin sa Panahon nin Pagkabuhay-Liwat. Siring man, kun matatandaan nyato sa Rito nin Bunyag, an Padi minasabi “Akua nindo an ilaw ni Kristo! Mga magurang, mga nagtubong, an ilaw nin pagtubod pangatamanon nindo tanganing an saindong mga aki maglakaw siring sa mga aki nin liwanag. Magdanay lugod sinda sa pagtubod tanganing magkapalad na magsabat sa Kagurangnan, pagbalik Nya kaiba an mga santos sa langit. Amen.” Sa sinambit,
duwang bagay man an pwede tang maguno. Inot, an kandila nagpapagirumdom man kan satuyang dignidad bilang mga aki nin liwanag (ef 5:8), na dapat namumuhay na kita sa mga gawing karahayan asin kabanalan, bakong susog sa karatan asin kadikluman. “Kamo gabos mga aki nin liwanag asin nin kaagahan; dai na kita napapabilang sa banggi o sa kadikluman” (1 thes 5:5). Ikaduwa, nagpapagirumdom ini satuya kan parabula kan sampulong birhen sa mt 25:1-13 na nag-aagyat kita na magin marigmat asin andam na magsabat ki Kristo anuman na oras sya magdatong liwat. Kaya, sa pagpuon kan Misa sa Kapyestahan kan Kandelarya, sa Rito kan Pagbendisyon kan Kandila, an padi minapamibi na kita na magamit kaining kandila magin banal, magpamuraway sa Dyos, magbaklay sa dalan nin kabanalan sagkod na makaabot kita sa Kagurangnan, an Liwanag na naglalaad sagkod pa man.” † fr. rico angelo dela torre
Pebrero 5: Mga martir kan Hapón “mayo akong ginibong krimen, an saru-sarong dahilan kan sakuyang pagkagadan iyo na nagtukdo ako kan mga doktrina kan satuyang Kagurangnan Jesukristo. ... Sa kritikal na panahon na ini, kun nuarin, makakasiguro kamo na dai ko kamo puputikan, buót kong tawan nin duon abang abang liwanag kong sasambiton na an kaligtasan yaon saná ki Kristo.” Iyan an sambit ni SAn Pablo Miki mantang naghihngagdan. Taon 1597 kaidto, kan pagkatapos nin Saysay halawig na pagpapadusa, Simbahan pagbalubagi, pagsupog, asin halawig na mga pagbaklay, beynte-sais na mga Kristyano—anom na Pransiskano, tulong Heswita, asin desisyeteng Hapón na nagkugos sa pagtubod ki Kristo—an ibinitay sa krus
sagkod na magadan duman sa Nagasaki, sa Hapón. Mantang inaakò an kagadanan na idinusay para sa Kagurangnan, nag-awit sinda nin mga dyosnon na awit. Saro sainda edan sampulo pa saná. Si San Pablo Miki, trese pa saná. Kaibahan nindang nagin martir an misyonero sa Pilipinas asin Patron kan Arkidyosesis nin Caceres na si San Pedro Bautista. † vic nierva