Mateo 4:1-11
Domingo 1, Kwaresma (Taon A)
Vol. 2, No. 9 | February 26-March 4, 2017
Hakuna matata
fr. wilmer joseph s. tria
‘HAKUNA MATATA’ is a Swahili phrase, popularized by Tim Rice in the movie The Lion King, which literally means “here there is no problem.” Timon and Pumbaa were consoling the lion cub, Simba, to forget his troubled past and live in the present. In today’s Gospel, Jesus cars and mansions. The middle is telling us the same thing. class worry about job security SUNDAY He is telling is not to worry and health insurance. The poor about the future, of what worry about their roof and food to eat or what clothes to wear. God is livestock. They all end in disaster. our insurance. He takes care of our future. Worry occupies the space where hope Instead, we should live in the present. should thrive. To worry is like breeding Jesus begins by telling us a fact of life. cancer cells. It rapidly brings death to one’s We are all slaves. But we cannot have more body and soul. Thus, Jesus advises us to than one slave owner. Neither can we have seek first the Kingdom, and the rest will no master at all. We need one master, one just follow. He wants us to set right our guiding principle, if we are to survive in our priorities, to be ready to give up the nonearthly journey. essentials in pursuit of the essentials. When Talking about guiding principles, Jesus our sight is fixed in joining Him in His tells us that we cannot have God’s and Kingdom, there is no space for worry. Mammon’s principle at the same time. They Jesus wants us to be rich in faith rather are completely different. They lead us to two than in facebook posts. He wants us to be contradictory directions. God offers us light, rich in spirit than in goods that perish. He the other darkness. God offers us faith, the wants us to be rich in good works than in other doubt. God offers us humility, the promises. n other pride. Like any sailor, we can only follow one guiding star. Otherwise, we do not sail at all. Hakuna matata is the worry-free philosophy for the disciples of Jesus. Jesus is not anti-money. In fact, he wants us to be good stewards both of our personal belongings and of our public house. We need to have a good plan for the future. Rather, he is anti-worry. Worrying about material things drives us to sin. The rich worry about their luxury
“DANGAN DINARA si Jesus kan Espiritu sa disyerto, na masugutan kan Diablo.” Siring sa bagyo, an sugot kan Diablo parte na kan kasaysayan kan tawo. Dapat ining masabutan na LECTIO gayo. Mas nagrarani kita sa Dyos, mas sinusugutan kita kan Diablo. Buot kan Diablo na gabos kita mapaimpyerno. Dawa si Jesus dai nakaligtas sa sugot kan Diablo. An sugot kan Diablo bakong maraot. Kun an paralayag minatibay huli sa pagsabat sa mga alon, siring man kaiyan an Kristyano, minabanal sa pagsabat kan mga sugot kan Diablo. Nagigin maraot ini kun kita nagpapadaog sa sugot. Ano an pinakamakusog na sugot kan Diablo na uminabot sa sakong buhay? Ano an nangyari? “Nag-ayuno apat na pulong aldaw saka apat na pulong banggi...” Kun nag-aandam kita sa bagyo, dapat mag-andam man kita sa sugot kan Diablo. An pagbali nyato sa mga ministries kan parokya garo man sana pagduman ni Jesus sa disyerto. Pagsubol ini kan Espiritu Santo. Asin siring na si Jesus sinugutan kan Diablo, kita susugutan man sa pagbali ta sa Prayer Groups asin sa mga Ministries kan Parokya. Ano an pag-andam na sakong ginigibo tanganing dai ako madaog kan sugot? “Dangan binayaan sya kan Diablo.” Malinaw ki Jesus kun ano an kaipuhan nya. Bakong kinàbanon na kakanon o kapangyarihan o pag-umaw, kundi espiritwal na kakanon, na kapangyarihan asin dyosnon na pag-umaw. Kaya dawa guràno kakusog an tingog kan Diablo, mas malinaw an tingog kan saiyang Ama sa langit. Totoong mayong kapangyarihan an Diablo sa tawo huli sa grasya kan Dyos. Makukua ta an mga grasyang ini sa paagi kan mga sakramento arog kan Santa Misa asin pagkumpisal. Ano an sakong paghulaw tanganing dai ako madara kan Diablo? n
Let all around us be Christ.
2 WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN | Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Jude Thaddeus, Naga City
Myerkules kan Abó
kapinunan kan Kwaresma
Dawa ngani sinasabi SA SIMBAHAN na Katoliko, na bakong Kristyano an an Myerkules kan Abo FEAST DAYS & pinaggamutan kan tradisyon sarong tuninong na kan Myerkules kan Abo, pagpuon kan Panahon nasambitan sa Bibliya an paggamit nin abo nin Kwaresma. Sa aldaw na ini, inaako kan siisay man sa saiyang angog an krus na gibo bilang tanda nin pagmundo huli sa kasalan. Sa Daan na Tipan, ginamit an alpog asin sa abo nin sinulong oliba. Pag-andam an ritwal na ini sa hararom na paghurup-hurop abo tanganing pagsulsulan an pagkakasala; pirmi ining kaibahan kan pag-ayuno. sa pagkagadan asin pagkabuhay-liwat ni Maninigo nanggad, huli sa mensahe Jesus na ginigibo sa laog kan apat na semana kan Kwaresma, na an pag-ako kan abo kan Kwaresma. Pinapagirumdom man sa sa kapinunan kan panahon na ini kan aldaw na ini kun sain kita naggikan: sa Simbahan sabayan nin pagmawot na alpog, sa abo, sa daga. Huli kaini, danay na urog pang magin marhay sa buhay bilang yaon sa Myerkules kan Abo an pagpahayag Kristyano. Inaagyat kita ni Jesus na irimpos nin pagbakho huli sa pagigin makasalan, sa satong mga puso an mga hurupasin an pagmawot na mapag-andaman an hurop ta dapit sa saiyang mga tataramon, sarong banal na pagbalik sa Kagurangnan. pagkagadan, asin pagkabuhay-liwat, asin Sa Konsilyo kan Nicaea kan taon na magdara man lugod ini sato nin totoong 325 nagpuon na akuon sa Simbahan an tradisyon kan Myerkules kan Abo. Katakod paghagad nin kapatawaran asin pagbabago ini kan apat na pulong aldaw na pag-ayuno nin buhay. An Myerkules kan Abo kapinunan sana sa pag-obserbar kan Kwaresma. Si Papa kan Kwaresma, asin an mga pagkanuod Gregorio Magno man an naghimo na asin pagkasabot na dara kan panahon na ini magin institusyunal an pagkrus nin abo sa magin giya man lugod tanganing kita magin angog kan mga tawo. maninigo na mag-ugma asin magrukyaw sa aldaw kan pagkabuhay-liwat. n
Holy Lives
February 26-March 4, 2017
Tanod nin buhay HALAWIG NA na panahon na po an inagihan kan debosyon ko ki St. Jude. Makulor ini asin minsan, urog na ST. JUDE’S kan medyo hoben pa ako, may mga panahon pa ngani na garo ini on-off, paiba-iba, narayo, narani kumbaga. Alagad, maugma na sagkod ngunyan buhay an pag-antabay nya sa sakong buhay. Sarong dai malilingawan na kabtang kan relasyon ko ki St. Jude an mga panahon na nag-abroad ako para magtrabaho. Sa laog nin anom na taon yaon ako sa Riyadh, sa mainit na nasyon kan Saudi Arabia. Panahon idto na makuri an agyat sako na mawara an debosyon ko ki St. Jude asin mapara an relasyon ko sa Kagurangnan. Mayong mapagsimbahan. Maski an mga kaibahan kong mga Pinoy, dai ninda prayoridad an pagtubod. Iniinot mi an hanapbuhay. Huli ta kaipuhan. Iniinot ming sagupaon an kapungawan huli ta harayo sa pamilya. Iniinot mi an mga praktikal na tukso na yaon sana alagad labi-labing ka-delikado huli ta mayo sa sadiring nasyon asin iba man an mga batas na sinusunod. Pag binabalikan ko an mga panahon na idto, napapano an sakong puso nin pagpapasalamat ki St. Jude, huli ta dawa pa may mga panahon na minaluya an sakong debosyon saiya asin man an sakong relasyon sa Kagurangnan, dai sya nawara, danay nya akong tinabangan. Aram nya na kaipuhan ko sya bilang tanod kan sakong buhay. Tinanudan nya an buhay ko sa mga panahon na pinakakaipuhan ko ini. (Si Jimmy taga-Pasig, dating OFW sa Middle East, asin deboto ni St. Jude.) n
RECEIVED A GRACE THROUGH ST. JUDE’S HELP? Tell us your story. Keep it short and simple, no longer than 250 words. Email it to or hand it to us personally at the Parish Office.
LITURGY GUIDE | Week 8 of Ordinary Times, Year A (February 26 to March 4, 2017) FEB 26, SUNDAY St. Victor Is 49:14-15 Ps 62:2-3,6-7,8-9 1 Cor 4:1-5 Mt 6:24-34
FEB 27, MONDAY St. Bernard Sir 17:19-27 Ps 32:1-2,5-7 Mk 10:17-27
FEB 28, TUESDAY St. Valentine Sir 35:1-12 Ps 50:5-8,14,23 Mk 10:28-31
MAR 1, WEDNESDAY Ash Wednesday Joel 2:12-18 Ps 51:3-6,12-14,17 2 Cor 5:20-6:2 Mt 6:1-6,16-18
MAR 2, THURSDAY St. Angela of the Cross Dt 30:15-20 Ps 11:1-4,6 Lk 9:22-25
MAR 3, FRIDAY St. Camilla Is 58:1-9 Ps 51:3-6.18-19 Mt 9:14-15
MAR 4, SATURDAY St. Basil Is 58:9-14 Ps 86:1-6 Lk 5:27-32
3 WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN | Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Jude Thaddeus, Naga City
February 26-March 4, 2017
CONFIRMED. u Two hundred twentyfive (225) children received the sacrament of confirmation on February 23 administered by Most Rev. Rolando Tria Tirona. The ceremonies which started at 9am lasted for an hour. In his homily, Archbishop Tirona told the children to be active in the life of the parish and in the school and be witnesses of the gospel.
SHIRTS FOR LIFE. On Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017, SJTP, with the Archdiocesan Commission on Church’s Social Teachings, launches these statement shirts that call for protection of life, advancing human rights, and upholding of social justice. The shirts, made available at the parish office, have been widely distributed to manifest strong and visible stand during the Via Crucis kaiba an Arsobispo, which will be held on Ash Wednesday, starting at 4pm, at the patio of the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral.
4 WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN | Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Jude Thaddeus, Naga City
February 26-March 4, 2017
Parish Receipts Other Parish Receipts Documentation Ordinary Collection Shared Parish Receipts Mass Stipend Donations Trust Funds (SPARC) Other Receipts TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS
14,600.00 135.754.25 0.00 25,710.00 24,485.00 132,620.00
6,150.00 150,354.25
182,815.00 Php 339,319.25
ANNOUNCEMENTS MAR 1. Ash Wednesday. Mass with Imposition of Ashes at 6:30am at SJTP. Imposition of Ashes at schools and other institutions will be done only in the morning. For requests, please coordinate with the Parish Office.
help us build our church. makisumaro sa pagtugdok kan satong simbahan.
MAR 1. Via Crucis Kaiba an Arsobispo, 4pm at the Naga Cathedral Patio. Please wear Statement T-shirts condemning Extrajudicial Killings and promoting Life. T-shirts are available for only p200 pesos each for black shirts and p180 for white shirts. We shall also be wearing these shirts in other Lenten Activities in the Parish.
Let also us know if you wish to pledge any amount. For your donation, you may personally visit us at the SJTP Parish Office in St. Jude Village, Concepcion Grande, Naga City, or you may deposit it to the Parish bank account
INVITATIONS. Easter Angels—the Parish is now in search of Easter Angels for 2017. Qualifications are the following: Catholic, male or female, 4-8 years old, with solidarity fee of PhP 5,000. Candidates can be a parishioner or a relative/friend of a parishioner. Please signify intention at the Parish Office or with your Area representatives.
Branch :BDO Naga-Concepcion Grande Account name : St. Jude Thaddeus Parish Account number : 0103 0800 0605 For donations and inquiries, contact us at +64.54.472.8861 (landline), +63.950.668.7858 (mobile), or email us at
An kolor na lila SA LITURHIYA, an kulor na lila (violet o purple) minasimbulo nin pagsakit, kun kaya panahon ini nin pagmundo, pagpenitensya, asn kapakumbabaan. Ini an kulor kan Kwaresma. Mahihiling ini urog na sa istola o magin kasulya kan padi. Lila man an kulor tuyong minapahumali o minarumdom sa mahal sa buhay na nagtalikod na sa kinaban. An kulor lila man an kulor nin pagkahadi, pasabong kan paaabuton na pagkamundag ni Jesus, kun kaya lila man an kulor kan Adbyento, asin sa siring na paagi pasabong man kan saiyang pagkagadan sa krus. n
Help sustain our WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN. By advertising your businesses and advocacies for one year, our Parish will be assured of fifty-two weeks of uninterrupted evangelization through print media. Send your message across, support the WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN. Our friendly advertising rates are: SIZES
Prayer Meeting for Prayer Leaders every Monday. We continue to hold Prayer Meetings (Lectio Divina - Bible Study) at SJTP Edessa Hall Monday right after the 6:00PM Mass. Please volunteer your time and talent for this activity. SJTP needs prayer leaders and community organizers.
1/4 page P 2,000 P 7,200 P 22,100 P 41,600 P 72,800 1/8 page 1,000 3,600 11,050 20,800 36,400 1/16 page 500 1,800 5,525 10,400 18,200 1/32 page 250 900 2,762 5,200 9,100 For more details, call us at +63.54.472.8861, email us at, or visit us at the Parish Office.
ARCHDIOCESAN SHRINE & PARISH OF ST. JUDE THADDEUS St. Jude Village, Concepcion Grande, Naga City
parish priest: Fr. Wilmer Joseph S. Tria parochial vicars: Fr. Nunilon Arnold F. Bancaso Jr., Fr. Rex Luis L. Hidalgo secretary: Ms. Ann Tiri; telephone: 054.472.8861; mobile: 0950.668.7858; email:
the St.Jude
Call or visit the Parish Office.