archdiocesan shrine and parish of st. jude thaddeus, naga city | v.4, n.35 | issn 2599-5030 | 29 september to 5 october 2019
The great abyss
here’s an old saying, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” It’s another way of saying simply wishing for something isn’t going to make it happen. The fairy tales that we all love as children are full of spells that bring instant happiness and charms to make dreams come true. But they are fantasy, not reality. The reason why such stories have had much appeal through the ages is because they promise glowing rewards without effort. Life isn’t like that, most especially Christian life. How often we hear people say that they all your heart, and love your neighbor as will get to heaven because they haven't yourself. committed any heinous crimes. The rich man in this parable was not "I'm a good guy," they say, "I haven't an axe-murderer, mafia boss, or a murdered anyone or I haven’t stolen terrorist. He had no particularly millions of money." This attitude is damaging "sins of commission" on his not Christian at all. résumé. He was a pretty good guy. And As Jesus teaches us in the yet, he failed to enter into SUNDAY parable of Lazarus and the rich REFLECTION eternal life. man, salvation and eternal life The rich man does not have are not just about avoiding a name because God does not know the so-called "big" sins. That's a negative and rich man. He suffices for himself. He does passive approach to life. not need God. He is firmly indifferent and But Christ is not passive. He is active. he keeps himself duly away from his He became like us to save us. He took the interiority. And God respects this distance. initiative. He came to seek out the lost The point of the parable is not the sheep. He came to light the fire of faith in a vengeance of God that reverses the dark world. situation between the rich and the poor, Being a Christian means following in like a sort of penalty of retaliation. The key those footsteps. It means much more than word to understand the parable is: abyss. simply avoiding gruesome crimes. Being a There is an abyss between the rich and Christian means living like Christ, living Lazarus. There is an unbridgeable ravine. for his Kingdom, living for others. The rich man was not condemned because Isn't it interesting that when Jesus he was rich but because he is indifferent. was asked which were the most important His own life is an abyss: an attitude that commandments, he didn't choose the describes a heart that is content to negative ones; the "thou shall not" ones. stagnate, without crossing the distance to Instead, he listed two active, positive, meet its brother. It is an abyss that not creative commandments: love God with even God can fill. 7 fr. francis a. tordilla
Para sa Domingo 27c, Ord. Panahon “Mayong pakinabang na mga uripon kami; katungdan ming gibohon an ginibo niamo.” babasahon i: hab 1:2-3;2:2-14 Mababasa nyato an inagrangay sa Kagurangnan kan Propetang si Habakkuk manungod sa byolensyang sinasapò kan banwaan na Israel. Ipinapaabot nya kun pàno MGA BANHI binaliktad nin KAN TATARAMON Dyos an kahusayan kan kinaban sa inabtan kan saiyang banwaan. An Kagurangnan nagsimbag na mayo dapat ikahadit nin huli ta igwang syang plano para sainda. An tawong mapaabaw-abaw dai makakapaghalat. An matanos magigin maimbod asin panô nin pagláom. babasahon 2: 2tim 1:6-8,13-14 An duwang surat ni Pablo ki Timoteo inaapod na mga surat pastoral huli sa mga hulit ni Pablo bilang pastor. Pinapagirumdom ni Pablo na dai sinda tinawan kan Dyos nin espiritu nin katalsutan. Pinapatanidan ni Pablo si Timoteo na dai masupog sa pagsaksi manungod sa pagtubod. Si Pablo sarong buháy na saksi kun pàno magin pusog an sarong pastor sa tahaw nin kadipisilan. ebanghelyo: lk 17:5-10 Sa saindang pagbaklay kaiba si Jesus, nabuklat an mga mata kan mga apostol manungod sa kadakulaan kan misyon kun sain sinda isinusubol. Hinagad ninda na magtalubo an saindang pagtubod. Si Jesus tinukduan sinda na an disipulong may pagtubod, ini tataong maglingkod. Bilang mga suruguon kan Kagurangnan, an mga Kristyano gigibuhon kun ano an pinapagibo sainda kan Maestro. An saindang serbisyo iyo man sana an saindang premyo, an burabod kan saindang kaugmahan. Banhi / third page
Devout devotee: Saint Lorenzo Ruiz The first Filipino saint, San Lorenzo Ruiz, lived humbly as a layman and died as a martyr. Born in Binondo, Manila on November 28, Lorenzo replied, "I am a Christian 1594, Lorenzo became an and this I profess, and although I did not errand boy of friars and a come to Japan to become a FEAST DAYS martyr, I am now willing to give sacristan in his parish. & HOLY LIVES He had but one up my life for God." dream: to fulfill his He died on September 29, 1637, obligation as a husband along with his companions. Corpses to his wife and father burned into ashes, thrown at sea— to his three children. but that wasn't Lorenzo's end. Unfortunately, after Fortitude he exhibited accidentally quarrelling in trying times became with a Spaniard, Lorenzo exemplary to Christians. was accused of homicide. To his dismay, Lorenzo was compelled to Prayer to flee as he feared for his life. St. Lorenzo Ruiz Word caught that the Dominicans O most merciful and planned to embark on a mission almighty God, You bestowed somewhere in the Orient, in which as gift to Lorenzo Ruiz the Lorenzo volunteered to join. strength to withstand the So, the Dominican friars, who overpowering forces of death knew the trouble he was in, did not for the sake of his faith in You. hesitate to take him in. Through his prayers, help Lorenzo planned to settle in us to follow his example by Macau and build a livelihood for the overcoming all life’s trials and family he left behind. eventually, increase our hope However, for unknown political and love in You. reasons, they didn't pass Macau and O St. Lorenzo Ruiz, you instead, headed to Japan. During brought honor to your country, those times, Christianity in Japan having been a level-headed was under intense siege. and prudent father of the Once again, Lorenzo was family, a witness of Christ dismayed with his thwarted in your life until your death. plans, yet chose to become a We present all our missionary himself. petitions to God through your help so that Not long after their arrival in by our actions, we may know more and Okinawa, the missionaries were caught, love more Jesus our Lord and Savior. threw into prison where they were badly We humbly implore your intercession treated. O dear St. Lorenzo, for the infinite glory Two years passed, they face trial in a of God and in honor of your triumph torture chamber in Nagasaki. as a martyr of Christ and defender of "If we grant you your life, are you Christianity. Amen. 7 jahzara shainne endriga willing to renounce your faith?" GIYA SA LITURHIYA Domingo 26, Ordinaryong Panahon C, Sep 29 - Okt 5, 2019 sep 29, dom : S. Miguel Arkanghel / amos 6:1,4-7 / ps 146:7-10 / 1tim 6:11-16 / lk 16:19-31 sep 30, lun : S. Geronimo / zech 8:1-8 / ps 102:16-21,29,23-23 / lk 9:46-50 okt 1, mar : S. Teresa kan Lisieux / zech 8:20-23 / ps 87:1-7 / lk 9:51-56 okt 2, mye : S. Teofilo / ex 23:20-23 / ps 91:1-6,10-11 / mt 18:1-5,10 okt 3, hwe : S. Mother Theodore Guerin / neh 8:1-6,7-12 / ps 19:8-11 / lk 10:1-12 okt 4, bye : S. Francisco kan Assisi / bar 1:15-22 / ps 79:1-5,8,9 / lk 10:13-16 okt 5, sab : S. Faustina Kowalska / bar 4:5-12,27-29 / ps 69:33-37 / lk 10:17-24
ctober na naman. Lain sa Rosary Month na nakatudan ta gabos, ini St. Jude Month man. Lambang aldaw kan October garo pag-andam ko sa saiyang kapyestahan. Sa tabang ni Birhen Maria saka sa intercession ni St. Jude, ano man daw ta daing palya na sa sakuya asin sa ST. JUDE’S sakong pamilya, INTERCESSION an bulan na October bulan nanggad nin biyaya. Bilang long-term na devotee ni St. Jude, dakulaon na pagranga ini sako. College pa ako, October ako sinimbag kan mahamis na "iyo" kan babaying namumutan ko—na ngunyan iyo na an arualdaw kong kaibaiba sa buhay, mapinadangat na ina kan sakuyang mga aki, katuwang sa buhay, sa kaugmahan man o kasakitan. October man ko man nabaritaan an pagkapasar ko sa board exams kaidto— susi na ako magkaigwa nin marhay na trabaho asin, dawa puru-pàno, maginhawang buhay na magian na naihihiras ko man sa sakuyang kapwa. October man an birthday kan matua kong aki, na inot na nagdara sa samuyang pamilya nin labi-labing kaugmahan asin mas pusog pang pagkasararo. October ako inakò sa trabaho ko na sagkod ngunyan hinihiling kong swerte asin tunay na balaog nin Kagurangnan sa sakuya asin sa bilog na pamilya. October na naman, mapyesta si St. Jude. Siring kan dati, marenew ako kan sakuyang panuga na danay na maglingkod sa simbahan asin idulot an gabos sa Dyos. Danay kong pamibi na magin siring sa October an bilog na taon, urog na nagpaparani sakuya, sa mga tawong dayupot sako, sa kugos kan Dyos.— Chuckberry Romagosa, deboto ni St. Jude 7 BALAOG ASIN TABANG NI ST. JUDE?
Kun igwa kamo nin istorya nin presensya ni St. Jude sa saindong buhay, o kahagadan o pamibi, isurat asin ihiras tanganing magin inspirasyon asin pamibi nin gabos. Gibuhon na halìpot saná asin simple, dai masobra sa 300 tataramon. Paki-email sa o darhon sa SJTP Parish Office.
front page / An Bikolnon na debosyon
paghurup-hurop 1. Pàno ako naglilingkod para sa Kagurangan? 2. Ano an mga kahaditan ko pagigin saksi sa Ebanghelyo? 7 fr. francis a. tordilla
Mapping the parish community. Seminarians from the Diocese of Legazpi are helping SJTP organize the Basic Ecclesial Community at Sitio Magdalena. One of the preliminary works is community mapping which involves on-site evaluation of households and possible clustering system and identification of community resources. The group got a big help on Friday, September 26, from an unexpected ally: a drone, piloted by Ms. Apol Baldemor. 7 PWB
Sitio San Pio fiesta sitio san pio is a growing participatory community that engages the young. This was the impression they created as they celebrated their patronal fiesta last September 23, Monday. The young members of this enthusiastic community situated at Jardin Real Subdivision in Naga City were hands-on in organizing the whole day affair. The mostly-young faithful animated the Holy Mass which was celebrated by Fr. Francis. Mrs. Conchita Capaciete got everyone excited after the mass as she gave away free meals. The day was spent in the traditional barrio fiesta mood involving everyone. The budding sitio is under the watch of the dynamic couple and BEC animators, Sis Jong and Brod. Edong Surtida. 7 pwb
Mga prebilehiyo kan debosyon ki Maria
an Pebrero 4, 1896, sa pamamayo ni Papa Leo XIII, an Vatikano nagtugot na iwaras ang indulhensya plenarya sa gabos na mga deboto ni Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia na mabisita sa saiyang simbahan. An indulgensya plenarya iyo an pagpatawad kan kapadusahan digdi sa ka kinaban kan mga kasalan na pinatawad na. Ini gikan sa kaban kan mga merito ni Kristo, asin siring man sa mga karahayan na naginibo kan mga santo asin lalong-lalo na kan Mahal na Ina. An indulhensya plenarya itinatao kan simbahan gikan sa kapangyarihan nin pagbugkos asin paghubad na itinao mismo kan Kagurangnan (Mt. 18:18). Itinatao ini kan Simbahan bako lang
bilang tabang sa mga kristyano kundi tanganing sadulón sinda sa paggibo nin mga gawe nin pagdebosyon, paghagad nin tawad asin gibong herak (CCC 1478). Pano makakua nin Indulhensya Plenarya? Makakakua nin Indulgensya plenarya pakatapos magsolsol kan saindang mga kasalan, magkumpisal asin magkomunyon an mga deboto na nagbibisita sa Basilica ni Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia sa ano man na aldaw na napili kan deboto. 7 fr. francis a. tordilla An apolo-giya sarong bagong kolum kan SJTP Parish Weekly Bulletin na nagsisimbag o naglilinaw sa mga praktikal na hapot dapít sa Doktrinang Katoliko. Kun igwa kamong mga hapot o buót linawon, mag-email saná sa PARISH WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT
SJTP@20 Souvenir Program GET YOUR COPY
ANNOUNCEMENTS SEP 29-30. Triduum Masses in Honor
of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, 5:30pm (Sunday), 6pm (Monday). SEP 29. Special PPC Meeting, Edessa
Hall, 2pm.
OCT 1. Feastday of St. Therese, Fiesta
Celebration of VGH Phase 4, 6pm.
OCT 4. Feast of St. Francis of Assisi,
Blessing of Pets after the 6pm Mass. OCT 3-19. Pagsungko ni San Judas Tadeo
sa mga Komunidad kan Parokya.
OCT 3-6. Triduum Masses in honor of
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary at the Parish Church. OCT 7. Feast of the Most Holy Rosary,
Fiesta Celebration at Del Rosario Chapel.
OCT 19-27. Novena Mass in honor of
St. Jude Thaddeus (Weekdays, 6pm; Weekends, 5:30pm).
OCT 28. Solemnity of St. Jude Thaddeus,
Parish Fiesta Celebration, Solemn Pontifical Concelebrated Mass, 5:30p. OCT 30. Living Rosary after the 6pm
SEPT RECEIVED DISBURSED 17 4,849.00 40,810.40 18 3,761.00 9,600.00 19 4,900.00 62,897.26 20 3,150.00 0.00 21 4,533.00 0.00 22 0.00 0.00 23 83,680.00 0.00 Total 104,873.00 113,307.66 Procurement of new vestments 44,100.00
Mga sagradong beste
a Simbahan, na iyo an Hawak ni Kristo, dai parepareho an katungdan kan mga myembro. An pagkakalainlain na ini nin mga katungdan sa pagrokyaw kan Eukaristiya ipinapahiling CATECHETICAL man— CORNER panluwas—sa paagi nin mga sagradong beste, na kaipuhan nanggad na magin mga simbolo kan katungdan na itinalaan sa lambang ministro. Siring man, an mga sagradong beste kaipuhan man na mag-ambag sa kagayunan kan sagradong aktibidad kan liturhiya (girm 335). 7 vic nierva
is published by the Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Jude Thaddeus located at St. Jude Village, Concepcion Grande, Naga City Fr. Francis A. Tordilla parish priest
Fr. Emmanuel G. Mojica Fr. Larry G. Mijares parochial vicars
Ms. Nicola Carr secretary
Mobile Number 0946.592.4709 Email