News from Stotfold
Methodist Church
There’s a line from old hymn “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation” which has been resonating with me these months. It is: “when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding”
I find people are confounded by the events in the news by a war against innocent people. We are confounded because the godless do triumph or at least seem to be. We may feel anger or despair or both. Your reaction to Ukraine’s invasion might be like mine one that pushes me down, one in which I find much to despair about, certainly much to pray about. Or your reaction might be one of anger, of wanting revenge for children and parents caught in the war. But neither despair nor anger will help us. What’s really helped me is the generosity I’ve seen, on the news across Europe, and closer to home in the offering of sanctuary, and in the raising of funds. I am blessed by seeing some of this in action in community groups and local churches, raising thousands of pounds for the relief effort.
Such positive action brings joy and also brings goodness. It reminds me of next line in that same hymn, which says that God “Sheddeth his light, [&] Chaseth the horrors of night”. God bless all of you in your acts of generosity, helping people through these difficult days. May brings Christian Aid Week fundraising efforts from the Stotfold Churches, with lots of different activities planned. The Methodist Church coffee morning on the 7th of May will be devoted to this cause. This year’s Christian Aid Week’s appeal is committed to helping some of the world’s poorest people. Do support if you can. Thank you.
Monday Club extends a warm welcome for new friends, 2pm to 3:30pm every week, with Scrabble and refreshments. Coffee morning, with home made cakes and goods, is the first Saturday of the month 10am to 11:30, with this month’s takings going to Christian Aid. We also welcome you to Sunday worship, 10am to 11am, with refreshments. Our preachers in May are: 1st : Hazel Beadle 8th : Rev Graham Claydon-Knights (Holy Communion) 15th : service led by members of the congregation 22nd : Helen Dearn 29th : Sarah Peacock
Revd. Graham Tel: 07340 857386 Email:
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