Stroud International Textiles select 2014

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free guide

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

textiles & contemporary crafts

select 2014

craft at its best

SIT nal Textiles

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g above: all wallace & sewell except second from right: juliet bailey

textiles & contemporary crafts

cover: tracy kendall

âž” Welcome I am delighted to welcome you to Select 2014. The annual programme featuring contemporary art, textiles and crafts events. Always celebrating the very best work from an exceptional group of artists, this year is no exception: The fantastic line up of exhibitions, talks, workshops and events includes: Hilary Bower,

Stroud International Textiles is a not for profit arts

Elizabeth Turrell, Caroline Bartlett, Ruth Dresman,

organization dedicated to the promotion of the arts with

Caren Garfen, Joe Lovelock, Sasha Wardell, Sue

an emphasis on contemporary textiles and the applied

Hartley, Matthew Harris, Heather Belcher, Ruth Issett,

arts/crafts. Select is an innovative year round

Susan Early and Alice Fox. Once again the Select

programme of exhibitions and learning experiences.

Festival is set against the beautiful surroundings of the Stroud Valleys, so rich in history and closely linked to

Stroud International Textiles

arts and crafts. This area’s connection with cloth and

t: 01453 751056 / 07767 763607

woollen mills began over 250 years ago.

Please note the office is not open to visitors

As this is my first year involved with the Festival I have

select 2014

craft at its best Friday 4 April – Saturday 31 May tried to think about where my own particular link and

transformative effect that I have continued to work in

passion for art textiles really started. In the summer of

the field of textiles.

2008 I was working for a public art gallery developing

This year inspiration and delight are words that come

commercial support and fundraising for an exhibition

to mind so enjoy the work, and please take time to view

called The Fabric of Myth. The exhibition explored the

the pieces or take part in the programme that is on offer,

theme of myths through the medium and history of textiles.

whether that means visiting a studio or attending one of

From Ariadne's thread to the story of Arachne

the seminars. It remains important to the artists involved

transformed from weaver to spider, all these narratives

and to the organisation that participants tell us their

have communicated associations and meaning about

thoughts and views of the festival as we begin to make

redemption, protection, and metamorphosis. It was the

plans for Select to grow for the following year.

work using textiles as a medium by contemporary artists relatively unknown to me at that time that had a

I shall look forward to hearing from you and to being able to welcome you back again in 2015.

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Alice Kettle, Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Tilleke Schwarz,

Julian E. Day Julian Day is a senior consultant with

Ray Materson and Michelle Walker had such a

Twisted Thread UK and on SIT’s Executive Board


lasting impression. Artists such as: Louise Bourgeois,

âž” Message from SIT Director Lizzi Walton It is such a privilege to direct the Select festival as well

2014 is going to see SIT stepping out into the world of

as the year round programme for SIT. This year we are

digital technology and increased online presence. This

partnering with some wonderful organisations and it is

will reach a wider international audience and we hope

a pleasure to work alongside so many talented

bring our work to more people nationwide.

and brilliant artists. Thank you to all the individuals and

I hope you enjoy Select 2014 and find time to see

organisations who are a part of Select 2014, without you

everything including the fabulous Select Trail studios

the festival would not have the range of work and

and artist led exhibitions while wandering Stroud’s

diversity of presentation. One highlight this year is the

glorious green valleys.

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symposium on Design and the value of Design to Craft.


Cheltenham and the Gloucestershire Guild with talks

It is exciting to be linking with The Wilson in and a new exhibition venue.

Lizzi Walton Director

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

select sue hartrey

exhibition select

michael eden

Friday 4 April – Sunday 31 May 9.30am – 5pm open daily The Wilson, Cheltenham Museum and Galleries, Clarence Street, Cheltenham GL50 3JT free admission

designing craft making for pleasure the wilson, cheltenham Stroud International Textiles ll ll

cleo mussi



Designing Craft Making for Pleasure Friday 4 April – Sunday 31 May 9.30am – 5pm open daily The Wilson, Cheltenham Museum and Galleries, Clarence Street, Cheltenham GL50 3JT This exhibition of iconic contemporary objects connects fine craft to good design. Displayed alongside the Arts and Crafts collection each piece has been personally selected by SIT’s Creative Director Lizzi Walton and

tom raffield

jill shaddock

Charlotte Abrahams for the quality of the making and its ability to bring pleasure to our daily lives. Exhibits include work by Michael Eden, Peter Layton, Ptolemy Mann, Jill Shaddock, Cleo Mussi, Tom Raffield, Philippa Brock, Pinch and Ercol with soft furnishing by Tamasyn Gambell. Crafting Design will be held in the Museum's Arts & Crafts collection room. free admission

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This exhibition is linked to the symposium Crafting Design Designing Craft on Saturday 17 May.

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tom raffield

Charlotte Fiells Peter Fiells Ptolemy Mann Carmel Allen Freddie Robbins Peter Ting

charlotte & peter fiells

Saturday 5 April 11am – 4pm The Wilson, Cheltenham Museum and Galleries, Clarence Street, Cheltenham GL50 3JT SIT will host a day of talks in which renowned makers, designers and commentators come together to discuss the connections between craft and design and the importance of aesthetic pleasure. All day ticket: £25, concessions £20

designing craft making for pleasure: linked talks 11am



Charlotte and Peter Fiells

From Studio to Shop Floor

The Importance of Making

Renowned design historians and

Textile artist and designer Ptolemy

Radical Knit artist Freddie Robins

writerswill discuss their latest book

Mann in conversation with Carmel

and ceramic designer Peter Ting

The Story of Design which charts

Allen, Brand Champion of Heal’s,

discuss their inspirations, the role

the fascinating journey through the

discuss the role commerce plays in

of craft in the 21st century and

evolution of design through history

fostering innovative craft and

whether innovation and creativity

to the present day.

design practice. They will be joined

are essential to our lives and

chaired by Mary Greensted

by Clive Reeve, Managing Director

well being.

Tickets: £10 & £8

for Oasis clothing. Peter Ting has

chaired by Charlotte Abrahams

just signed a licensing agreement

Tickets: £14 & £8

talks the wilson select


will be using his Flutter ceramic design on a new range of clothing launching this summer. This is something of a first – a home ware

freddie robbins

with Oasis (the clothing brand) who

designer influencing fashion rather ptolemy mann

carmel allen

than the other way around.

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chaired by Patricia Van Den Akker Director of the Design Trust Tickets: £14 & £8

peter ting


Wednesday 23 April – Sunday 8 June Wednesday – Sunday 11am – 5pm closed Mondays & Tuesdays, except Bank Holidays Newark Park, Ozleworth, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7PZ Thirty talented and extraordinary artist craft-makers exhibit their work in the stunning setting of Newark Park, a National Trust property. Newark Park was once a Tudor Hunting Lodge and the breathtaking valley is still unspoilt. The work from leading national makers as well as regional emerging makers who take part in the Select Trail, will be exhibited throughout this delightful property and includes textiles, etched glass, ceramics, willow, paper, paintings and prints. Seven artists are creating site responsive work inspired by the history of house

Jo Lovelock Katharine Morling Morag MacPherson Malcolm Martin Plum Neasmith Jane Ponsford Penny Prince Sue Rae Bart Sabel Anthea Walsh Sasha Wardell Camilla Ward Laura Youngson Coll

mary butcher

and surrounding landscape. They are Caroline Bartlett, Jilly Cobbe, Susan Early, Caren Garfen, Joe Lovelock, Penny Prince and Tara & Bart with Miniature Museum.

SIT Patrons were invited to select artists to exhibit: Patron Mary La Trobe Bateman: Eleanor Glover animated sculpture Patron Linda Brassington: Sue Hartree woven textiles Patron Simon Olding: Ruth Dresman etched glass Patron Jilly Edwards: Malcolm Martin & Gaynor Dowling carved wood Patron Margaret Benton: katharine morling

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Katharine Morling porcelain sculpture For full details & all artists exhibiting pick up the free leaflet. Entrance: £6 adult; £3.30 child; NT members free


fees vary, for details go to

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Selected at Newark Park

Mary Butcher Caroline Bartlett Lucy Birtles Moira Buckley Jilly Cobbe Jennifer Collier Francesca Chalk Gaynor Dowling Tara Downs Ruth Dresman Susan Early Eleanor Glover Anna Glasbrook Caren Garfen Matthew Harris Sue Hartree Annie Hewett Annie Hutchinson Zoe Hillyard

annie hewett

newark park select


select ruth dresman

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

selected at newark park Wednesday 23 April – Sunday 8 June Wednesday – Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays 11am – 5pm Newark Park, Ozleworth, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7PZ closed Mondays & Tuesdays, except Bank Holidays

penelope jordan

Sunday 27 April – Monday 26 May Tuesday – Friday 10am – 4pm.

keith varney

exhibitions museum select

Peter Archer Caroline Bartlett Hilary Bower Linda Brassington Penelope Jordan Joy Merron Jilly Morris Keith Varney Elizabeth Turrell

Weekends 11am – 4pm Gallery 1, Museum in the Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF closed Mondays except Bank Holidays

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

elizabeth turrell

stroud museum exhibitions 2014

select w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

linda brassington

shadow and line nine artists exhibit work on the theme of Shadow and Line Gallery 1, Museum in the Park

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Caroline Bartlett: textiles

Hilary Bower: textiles

Peter Archer makes one-off

John Berger talks about life

Hilary explores the idea of silence,

pieces in temperate hardwoods.

experience “folding backwards and

stillness and waiting as substance

His vessels and bowls are stained,

forwards on itself’’. Here, Caroline

and matter, dark and shadow,

carved and finely finished using

has reconfigured her previous

weighted and light, of occupying

oil and wax.

works which employed techniques

space. Drawing and mark making

such as pleating, creasing and

are key to the exploration.

folding, to make new work through

She works with materials such as

digital scanning and redrawing.

linen, wood, metal and paint to

These ‘mappings’ respond to the

enable a depth of consideration

original and reinterpret them as a

and outcome.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Peter Archer: turned wood

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residue of memory, a deposit of activity, a retracing of experience.

shadow and line

Penelope Jordan: textiles

Dark space, punctuated with light.

Penelope Jordan creates three

Joy Merron: textiles/mixed media

Linda’s textiles explore the

dimensional abstract stitched

Translating two dimensional surface

contrasting qualities of resist dyeing

pieces using material manipulation

pattern into a three dimensional

and discharge printing. Densely

techniques, inspired by re-occurring

form. Joy Merron’s work explores

pigmented surfaces are built

patterns found in natural and

textiles as an architectural form and

through multiple layers of mineral

manmade surroundings.

how boundaries can be created,

black and indigo. Light is trapped in

both physical and intangible.

that darkness, and revealed again

Drawing with a blade, she employs

through illuminating marks and

materials with translucent qualities

tensioned line. Each piece is

that are then cut and stitched to

dependent on the medium applied

create a series of surfaces that

and its response to the structure of

capture light or cast shadows.

exhibitions museum select

Linda Brassington: textiles

cloth. This work is developed as a collection of ‘living’ cloths – a series of organic surfaces that change over time, through drawing, dyeing and print.

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Jilly Morris: textiles/mixed media

Elizabeth Turrell: enamel

Keith Varney: porcelain

Shadow and Line is the opportunity

Keith is fascinated with form, line,

Jilly enjoys exploring tools not

to continue Elizabeth’s fascination

texture and how these elements

associated with drawing: a hand

with the use of a restricted

interact with light, shade and colour

drill has produced her current series

monochrome palette, using the

are the inspiration for the creation

Drill and Ink. An important aspect

interaction of the drawn line

of his contemporary ceramic

of her work is the use of repetition.

through the surface of the enamel

sculpture and vessels. Working in

Each hand-made motion, when

to the steel. Drawing and text often

bone china and porcelain the

repeated, gives a detailed

merge in her work.

geometric and faceted forms are

uniqueness; drilling extensively

left unglazed emphasising the

changes the nature of the paper

translucent white surfaces that are

transforming its quality.

animated by light and shade, creating a sense of movement.

talk & tour

Hilary Bowers and Elizabeth Turrell ll ll


Sunday 27 April 2pm Hilary Bowers and Elizabeth Turrell will be available to talk about their work and tour the exhibition. free admission: numbers will be limited

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

shadow and line

Z Twist Taster Sunday 27 April – Monday 26 May Display case in the Foyer Z Twist is a new Arts Council funded programme for Somerset liz valenti

Art Works (SAW) and Stroud International Textiles (SIT). Z Twist has brought together artists, designers, textile producers, educators and curators to raise the profile of high quality textiles in Somerset and the south west –

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

past, present and future.

Sunday 27 April –

Three contemporary designer/

Monday 26 May

makers, Lucy Lean, Penny Wheeler

Please note that during the week

and Debbie Smyth, worked in

G2 may be closed due to workshops.

traditional textile industries and

A mix of work from artists

education settings to develop a

participating in Select this year.

new body of work with support from textile manufacturers, local heritage collections, SAW, Somerset College and SIT. Z Twist has partnered up with

peter archer


hilary bower

Appetiser Exhibition

exhibitions museum select


textile manufacturing partners Fox Brothers & Co, John Boyd Textiles, WSP Textiles to assist the three artists to work towards two exhibitions showing in Select.

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participating students

shop window


Yemi Taiwo

Daisy Bonham

As a textiles and

Daisy is a textiles

fashion designer

designer that finds

Yemi is driven by

inspiration from

innovation, change,

shapes and

transformation and

patterns that can

the beauty found

be found in the

Hereford College of Arts is one of the remaining

in combining

surroundings of

specialist arts colleges left in the UK, offering a range of

design techniques.

day to day life.

Select is delighted to welcome students from Hereford College of Art to exhibit work in Stroud shop windows

Students in Stroud Saturday 26 April – Sunday 25 May Participating shops: Moonflower; Rococco; Made in Stroud; Cornflower & Calico; Oxfam; R & R Books

courses in art, design, performing arts and music. In the past it has been well known for its work of exceptional quality in crafts and now excels in an exciting and contemporary range of art and design undergraduate courses. In 2014, the College will be launching a postgraduate programme. The College has a strong


reputation for the quality of its teaching and offers a


supportive and responsive environment in which

look for the special signs at the venues

individuals may grow and flourish. This gives focus to the curriculum, the staffing and the resources of the

HCA Mission:

College and provides a distinctive ethos and approach

‘To provide outstanding education and

BA (Hons) Textile Design For further details please visit to all of its educational activity.

• Small group teaching in a professional studio environment • Excellent teaching and workshop facilities in a recently refurbished campus

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employability in the creative arts’.

Visit our website to view our other courses – BA (Hons), FdAs and MAs

work in progress

• Promotes innovation and creativity across traditional and contemporary techniques

In addition to the shop displays in Stroud, Hereford

• Brilliant links and opportunities with industry and contemporary textile designers

course blog: students and designers linked to the college

College of Arts has an exhibition of work from artists, Go to the

Hereford College of Arts, Folly Lane, Hereford, HR1 1LT

Tel 01432 273359

Josh Bolam

Amy Pegler

Rhian Whyman

Louise Russell

Josh is a textile

Rosie Michalik-Denny

Lucy specializes in screen print with

Amy is a

When looking for

Louise is most

designer who

Rosie is a


inspiration Rhian

passionate about

collage cut out

works in a


textile and

finds it within all

using colour.

mixed media


textile designer,

surface designer

forms of textural

Her use of colour

looking towards

way, crossing the

drawing inspiration

specialised in silk

aesthetics including

is confident

linear organic

boundaries of

from patterns and


the natural

and instinctive and

forms exchanging

print, weave

forms found in

She has a ‘hands

and manmade,

she loves to

them with block

and fabric

nature and the

on’ approach to all

focusing on a

experiment with

shapes. She is

manipulation. He is

architecture of the

of her designs,

particular group to

colour themes and

inspired by the

a contemporary

constructed world.

drawing inspiration

start a project.

the different

weird and

designer with a

Her work combines

from the urban

She has always

processes that she

wonderful in life.

futuristic approach.

elements of

environment and

had a particular

can use to apply

organic fluidity and

searching for

interest in tweed,

them, and then

geometric design,

patterns that

discovering how

work texture or

with a particular

go unnoticed.

it reflects the

print into these.

emphasis on colour,


surface texture

stroud + hereford select

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Lucy Cooper

and layering.

Material Matters Textile Design @ HCA Month

Hereford College of Arts are having a Work in Progress

Thursday 1 May – Saturday 31 May

Road, Hereford. The exhibition features current students

Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm

and Alumni alongside professional, local Textile

weekends to be confirmed nearer the time

Designers and Artists. Exhibitors include Helen Foot,

Hereford College of Arts

Chloe Scadding, Sunny Todd and many more to be

HE Campus, College Road,

announced nearer the time.

Hereford HR1 1EB

free admission

exhibition at their stunning new HE Campus on College

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Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen

The Guild at 51

Tuesday 29 April – Monday 26 May

Open Tuesday – Sunday

Tuesday – Sunday 10am – 5pm

10am – 5pm

closed Mondays except Bank Holidays

closed Mondays except

The Guild at 51, 51 Clarence Street,

Bank Holidays

Cheltenham GL50 3JT

The Guild at 51,

t: 01242 245215

51 Clarence Street,


Cheltenham GL50 3JT

t: 01242 245215

The exhibition will showcase the work from ten members


of the Gloucestershire Guild who are taking part in the

Select Trail in and around Stroud this May. The work will

The Gloucestershire Guild of

sit beside other Guild members’ work in this new

Craftsmen's new shop in Cheltenham

flagship shop. This is your opportunity to see and buy

is the ideal place to see and buy

contemporary designer crafts directly from the makers.

contemporary designer crafts.

Please see the Select Trail Brochure for further

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information on the Trail.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

exhibitions cheltenham select


exhibitions stroud select


Tide Marks Alice Fox Tuesday 6 May – Saturday 24 May Tuesday – Saturday 10.30am – 4.30pm

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Sunday 12noon – 4pm closed Mondays except Bank Holidays Lansdown Hall & Gallery, Lansdown, Stroud, GL5 1BB Tide Marks is the result of Alice’s creative relationship with the shoreline. Her contemplative art works carry an essence of the coastal landscapes they embody: marks are made on fabric directly from found items; impressions are made on paper like imprints in wet sand. Subtle layers of texture are built up by applying a diversity of printmaking and mark-making techniques. Rust prints and collagraph join with the contoured flow of hand-stitched or woven yarns. For the viewer this varied and thoughtful work can be seen as small records of walks on the beach: a journey or a moment from a journey. What appears at one’s feet Alice gathers and sorts with a gentle hand and a discerning eye, then arranges with a play of possibilities that make you look, and look, and look again at the wonder of it all. Meet the artist, walk and talk in the gallery: Saturday 10 May 11am free admission

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anthea walsh

exhibitions cirencester select


Footsteps Amy Wallace and Carole Waller New site responsive work from two artists in response to the inspiring Corinium Museum collection Saturday 26 April – Friday 30 May Monday – Saturday 10am – 4pm Sunday 2pm – 4pm Amy Wallace takes images of people in their everyday

Phantasmagoria Anthea Walsh and Michelle Mary Dawson

lives and incorporates them into fabric, handmade

Saturday 3 May – Sunday 1 June

paper, stitch and paintings. It is her way of recording a

Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm

moment past and the people that touch our history.

Sunday 2pm – 5pm

These memorials are proof that those moments

Corinium Museum, Park Street, Cirencester GL7 2BX

happened. They are painful, worn and broken, recording

Phantasmagoria is a mixed media exhibition that

the injuries of time and proving the innocence and

showcases new work by textile artist Anthea Walsh and

vulnerability of our lives.

glass artist Michelle Mary Dawson. Mirrors are seen as

Corinium Museum, Park Street, Cirencester GL7 2BX

For this series of works Amy was asked to make site

objects and metaphors, a way to examine layers,

responsive work based on Cirencester’s rich Roman

reflections and shadows, sometimes with uncanny results.

history and the artefacts you will find in the Corinium

The artists explore new territory, presenting a crossover

Museum. She has responded by taking influence from

of ideas, unexpected materials and techniques.

the broken mosaics, gravestones and sculptures found

Phantasmagoria is an exhibition incorporating both

and has created mementos to highlight the beauty of

functional design objects for interiors and original works

these objects once pure.

of art. All work is available for purchase.

Amy Wallace graduated from Hereford College of Arts

free admission to gallery

in 2011 and is currently studying an MA in Fine Art at UWE Bristol. Showing with Amy is Carole Waller who has created

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work inspired by the Corinium Museum collection and trips to Turkey and Sicily. Carole Waller is a painter who specialises in painting with dye directly onto cloth. Please note there is a charge to the Museum collections

michelle dawson

Saturday 3 May – Saturday 24 May Wednesday to Friday 10am to 4pm. Saturdays 10am to 5pm. Sundays 11am to 4pm. Closed Monday & Tuesday except by appointment 07855 128769 Meet the artists: lunchtime Saturday 3 May The Pink Cabbage, 1 Middle Street, Stroud, GL5 1DZ Sticky Paper Studio is a group of artists working in paper. Their inspirations and enthusiasms are fashion, visually interesting. Working in two and three dimensional collage, ripping, tearing, cutting,

diane jeffries

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

textiles, pattern, ornament and subjects which are

manipulating and sticking they create wonderful and surprising work. They use readily available found papers and occasionally specialist types. Sometimes ideas may be inspired by a subject, sometimes by the character of a paper and sometimes by a technique. Finding inspiration from experimenting and researching within the group, each Sticky Paper artist develops their own

exhibitions stroud select

tamsin golesworthy

Paper Dreams Sticky Paper

ideas independently. Artists exhibiting: Liz Valenti, Diane Jefferies, Tamsin Golesworthy, Susi Harris, Gabriel Broad free admission

liz valenti


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world textiles bisley select

exhibition World Textiles Weekend Saturday 3 May 10am – 5pm Sunday 4 May 10am – 4pm Bisley Village Hall, Manor Road, Nr Stroud GL6 7BQ information from Bailey Curtis on 01453 823375

Collectors: Linda Clift & Lizzi Drake Textiles from England and France Martin Conlan of Slow Loris Olivia Dell Central Asian Textiles Jennifer Evans Lucy Farmer of Zeitgeist

Springboard Studio Seven

Fantastic Indian textiles, antique, vintage and contemporary

Victoria Works see page 21

John Gillow

Studio Seven is a group of seven

African, Indian and South East Asian Textiles

artist/makers with complementary

Indigo and Peacock

individual skills that include

Lovely vintage embroidered Hungarian linen

garment construction, millinery,

household items

print, paint and mixed media.

Dorothy Reglar

The group has a reputation for

beautiful handmade clothes using hand woven silk and

intriguing textile led performance

cotton from Laos

collaborations inspired by

Decorative Textiles and Jewellery sourced in India

atmospheric locations in Delicious food available by Woodruffs of Stroud

Gloucestershire. Springboard is a

Admission £1.50, children under 15 free

3D sketchbook of new ideas created by Studio Seven as a

dorothy reglar

personal response to the Old Chair Factory in Chalford and presented in the newly refurbished building


which has become the Victoria Works Studios.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Tribal Textiles from Southwest China

Victoria Works Studios

Emily Joy

Three artists create work in response to the old

Emily Joy creates installation pieces

Chalford Chair Factory, now renamed Victoria

exploring the subjectivity of

Works studios – artist studios and workspaces.

memory, its dissipation and

Sponsored by SIT & Victoria Works Studios

mutability. Focusing particularly on the domestic spaces within the

Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 May 11am – 6pm

building and working directly with

Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 May 11am – 6pm

the objects found in these spaces,

The exhibition will also be open frequently mid-week

she explores ideas of

from Thursday 1 May through to Saturday 26 May:

impermanence within the context of

please ring 07970 224470 first to avoid

local or domestic history.

disappointment during mid-week visits

Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford, GL6 8HN

Elaine Day

free admission Limited parking

Elaine Day will be stepping away from Jewellery making to create a fun, yet useable, bag using

Victoria Sangwine: Studio Vee “My background as a commercial Furniture Designer means I have chosen to use one of the

Chalford Chairs components.

exhibitions chalford select


abandoned chair frames and upholster it into an item of usable art that will tell a story. On visiting the empty factory I was struck by the quantities of written ephemera, notebooks, tools and instructions left behind. These will be reinterpreted as applied details, embroidery and appliqué to illustrate some of the people and processes that are now a part of


Stroud International Textiles

Chalford's history.”

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Allotment Series New Work by Bailey Curtis Monday 28 April –


Tuesday 27 May 8am – 4pm closed Sundays Tuesday 6 May 4pm – 6pm Meet the artist with tea Hobbs House Bakery Café,

Colourful new work with rolled felt

Crossing The Pond Jacqueline Mair & Sarah Brooker

by local maker Bailey Curtis.

Wednesday 30 April –

Sunday 25 May 10am – 4pm

Bistro open 6.45pm – 9pm

Hallidays Mill, London Road,

Fridays & Saturdays

Chalford GL6 8HN

4 George Street, Nailsworth GL6 0AG

An exploration of imagery connected to migration/dislocation, shown in the paper works of Jacqueline Mair and feltmaking of Sarah Brooker. Jacqui is based at Savannah College of Art in Georgia USA, Sarah works from her studio in Chalford. The distance, or pond, between them inspired drawings and imagery around the twin locations, and work Sarah completed recently for WWT Slimbridge seem to reflect Jacquis ink and paper works from the Barrier Islands off Georgia. Berwick swans and geese on one side, waxwings and Red

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cardinals on the other. A body of work inspired by the sense of migration, flight and colour. free admission

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exhibitions select



Kirsty McDougall Frankie Brewer Juliet Bailey Holly Berry Helen Foot

Kirsty McDougall of Dashing Tweeds The company produces innovative suiting and bespoke fabrics that are sold to clients worldwide. The development of Lumatwill, a reflective tweed suiting has led to a small

seminar select


collection of menswear accessories


Saturday 3 May 10.30am – 4.30pm

being designed and stocked in Dover Street Market in London and Comme Des Garcons Isetan in Tokyo. The company endeavours to work in collaboration with British mills and all production is done within the UK.

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stroud GL5 4AF This seminar brings together a panel of contemporary weavers to discuss their woven production methods and how it affects their practices. From hand weaving to mill weaving, the loom is still the integral design tool for the modern weaver despite advances in digital technology. The day will explore how technology is balanced with tradition. Delegates will be able to join in conversation with the speakers, debating why it is

Helen Foot

still important to be hands on, and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of hand woven

juliet bailey

production. Each speaker will illustrate their presentation. The day will be chaired by Helen Foot, textile designer, lecturer and a contemporary hand-weaver. Tickets: £45 full price, concessions £38 includes tea & coffee, please bring your own lunch

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speakers Franki Brewer

Juliet Bailey

Franki Brewer is the technical

Juliet Bailey brings a conceptual,

weaver at Dash and Miller, with a

technique-based weaving approach

keen eye for geometry and surface

to Dash and Miller with a passion

pattern. Her graduate work was

for 3D structures and finishing

chosen by WGSN for their

processes. Juliet's experience

Generation Now report from New

spans high-end bespoke fabric

Designers that year. Since then,

design for womenswear in Paris

Franki has worked with a number of

and London, innovative and

London-based hand-woven textile

technical textile manufacture for

design studios, with tasks including

womenswear and interiors in

Holly Berry

consultancy for some of the most

Switzerland, industrial design

Holly Berry designs and makes

highly regarded RTW womenswear

development for interiors in the

contemporary woven interiors

mills in Europe. She has also

Far East, and extensive freelance

products and fashion accessories

designed for one of the UK's most

design for woven and printed

using luxury natural fibres and an

well-renowned bespoke interior

textiles in the UK.

exciting colour pallet. Celebrating

design companies.

the art and heritage of woven


textiles is important to Holly, and all pieces are traditionally woven at a 250 year old British mill or hand woven in her London studio. Holly uses graphic blocks to weave Morse code messages into her textiles, embedding them with subtle storytelling and emotive connections. In 2010 Holly was

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selected by the Crafts Council UK


programme for emerging makers.

to join the pioneering Hothouse

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seminar select


the most illustrious names in the fields of contemporary craft and design in a day of discussion and debate examining what the terms ‘craft’ and ‘design’ mean to us in the 21st Century. We have Grant Gibson, Editor of Crafts discussing the question ‘Is the division between Craft and Design relevant today?’ with leading designers Simon Pengelly and Nick Munro, followed by a seminar in which ceramicist Michael Eden, textile designer Harriet Wallace-Jones, willow artist Susan Early and textile printer Stephen Lewis question whether craft has to be handmade. The afternoon consists of a series of short


tracy kendall

wallace & sewell

Designing Craft Crafting Design brings together some of

Grant Gibson Mary Greensted Nick Munro Simon Pengelly Susan Early Michael Eden Stephen Lewis Harriet Wallace-Jones Sebastian Cox Tracy Kendall Fay McCaul Charlotte Abrahams John Brewer Sarah Condie

talks by innovative designer-makers Sebastian Cox, Tracy Kendall and Fay McCaul. Come and join the debate.

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

symposium 2014 Saturday 17 May 9am – 5pm

South Gloucestershire and Stroud College, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AH

designing craft crafting design

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symposium select

panel discussion: is the division between craft & design relevant today? Grant Gibson

Mary Greensted

Nick Munro

editor of Crafts magazine

freelance curator, lecturer, writer


Grant Gibson is a design, craft and

and Chair of the Gloucestershire

Nick Munro is one of the UK’s

architecture writer whose work has

Guild of Craftsmen

leading product designers. Trained

appeared in places like The

Mary has spent much of her

in engineering and design, he shot

Observer, New Statesman, The

working life as a museum curator,

to public attention with his first

Guardian, Daily Telegraph, FRAME

documenting the Arts & Crafts

design – an egg cup made from

and Dwell amongst others. During

Movement. She quickly came to

bed springs. Today his signature

his time Grant has been editor of

realise that the Arts & Crafts wasn’t

collection ranges from pewter and

Blueprint, deputy editor of FX, and

a style but a living tradition, an

ceramics to glass and stainless

acting executive editor of the RIBA

approach to life and work and a

steel and he has collaborated with

Journal. He’s currently the editor of

balance between craft and design.

prestigious international companies

Crafts, as well as a contributing

She is convinced that the late 19th

including Wedgwood, John Lewis

editor to the Dutch architecture title

century argument between hand

and Bugatti. Characterised by

MARK. In 2011 Grant was made an

and machine has become more or

craftsmanship, integrity and wit, the

honorary fellow of the Royal

less irrelevant 100 years later

Nick Munro brand has become

College of Art.

because of the sophistication of

synonymous with original, modern

machine tools but that the

British design.


relationship between hand and eye

remains central to good work.

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nick munro

mary greensted

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grant gibson

Simon Pengelly

Susan Early

Michael Eden


basket maker and willow artist


Pengelly Design, headed up by

Susan is an established basket

Michael Eden began his professional

award winning designer Simon

maker weaving functional baskets

practice as a potter. Today he uses

Pengelly, is one of the UK’s most

using willow and hedgerow materials.

digital manufacturing techniques

successful design studios boasting

Susan also makes sculptural willow

and materials to create work which

a portfolio which spans the

pieces. She currently teaches adult

sits at the intersection of art, design

disciplines of furniture, lighting,

workshops and teenagers within a

and craft and explores contemporary

product, interiors and transport and

school curriculum.

themes through the redesign of

a client list of internationally

historical, culturally familiar objects.

renowned brands. Pengelly, who

He firmly believes that the addition

trained as a furniture maker from

of new tools and technologies to

an early age, is recognised for the

the maker’s toolbox has brought

understated elegance of his work

about a blurring of the definitions of

– designs that are rigorous in their

and boundaries between craft and

engineering detail and functionality,

design, allowing designers to engage

whilst maintaining a purity and

in sophisticated self-production and

lightness of touch.

makers to produce the bespoke

through the creative application of

symposium select

seminar: does craft have to be handmade?

digital processes.

michael eden

susan early

simon pengelly

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Sebastian Cox

director of Wallace Sewell


Textile printer Stephen Lewis

Wallace Sewell was established

Sebastian Cox is an award winning

established Lewis & Wood, a

in 1990 by fellow MA graduates in

furniture designer/maker.

Cotswold based supplier of interior

Woven Textiles at The Royal

Sustainability is the core principle

fabrics and wallpapers over 20 years

College of Art, Harriet Wallace-

at the heart of his work; he believes

ago with interior decorator Joanna

Jones and Emma Sewell. Working

designers have a responsibility to

Wood. Stephen founded the company

closely with The British Textile

address environmental issues which

on a series of designs based on

Industry, they aim to design

are just as important as an object's

historic prints and engravings and

inspiring and striking fabrics.

functional and aesthetic qualities.

since then has dramatically grown

They exploit colour and structure

He combines time-honoured

and developed the company by

with originality and surprise,

woodworking techniques with

embracing both traditional and digital

designing on handlooms, creating

contemporary furniture making

techniques to produce an eclectic

ideas that are woven at a mill in

expertise, making his pieces by hand

range of fabrics, and signature

Lancashire, thus challenging the

and developing designs at the

Wide Width Wallpapers. Discovering

industrial looms capabilities to

workbench rather than the drawing

and nurturing artistic talent from

create iconic contemporary fashion

board. Sebastian is passionate about

other applied arts such as engravers,

and lifestyle fabrics.

reviving the British timber industry and

ceramicists, muralists and decorative

only uses British hardwoods, including hazel, hand-coppiced in Kent.

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harriet wallace-jones

painters is one of Stephen’s passions.

sebastian cox

Harriet Wallace-Jones

managing director Lewis & Wood

stephen lewis

symposium select

Stephen Lewis

Tracy Kendall

Fay McCaul

Charlotte Abrahams

wallpaper designer



Tracy Kendall is a UK based

Royal College of Art graduate Fay

Charlotte Abrahams is a freelance

wallpaper designer and producer

McCaul mixes modern materials –

writer specialising in design and

who sells and exhibits her designs

fibre optics and iridescent acrylic

interiors. She writes regular features

and wallpapers to an international

– with traditional knitting methods

for the national press, including

market. Whilst exploring many

to create luxury Textile Surfaces

Financial Times How to Spend It,

different materials and techniques

for wall-coverings, partitions and

Crafts, Alto and Guardian Weekend

to make wallpaper, it is always the

installations. Fay’s textiles are

and is the author of two books,

design aesthetic which drives

created by knitting countless rows

Wallpaper the Ultimate Guide and

the studio practice and future

of individual pockets containing

Wallpaper a Collection of Modern

developments. Winner of

reflective materials that shimmer in

Prints. Charlotte has a strong

Best British Pattern 2013

response to movement and light.

personal interest in craft and is keen

Elle Decoration.

The fibre optic pieces themselves

to promote the work of up-and-

are made by finger knitting each

coming designer makers. As part of

beautifully illuminated stitch.

this, she curates the biannual new

design showcase Spotted and runs

symposium select

symposium curator

workshops on building relationships with the press. She is also the resident blogger for SIT.

charlotte abrahams

fay mccaul

tracy kendall

ll ll


John Brewer

Sarah Condie

Course Leader Graphic Design

SIT Advisory Board Member

The symposium is curated

at the University of Gloucester

Sarah has a dynamic and creative

by Charlotte Abrahams in

and Chair of the Cheltenham

background with extensive

collaboration with

Design Festival

international experience in textile

Stroud International Textiles

John has had a 25 year career

and fashion design, social and trend

within the creative industries as a

forecasting alongside experience in

The event will be filmed by students

designer and creative director,

product and brand marketing.

from the University of

specialising in branding, packaging,

Sarah has worked globally developing

Gloucestershire Film Production

corporate identity and print.

new and innovative textiles with

department and made available on

He started his first design group in

international designers, manufacturers

line via the SIT Select website,

the mid 70s in Convent Garden,

and retailers and has extensive

London. John has also lectured

experience of the planning and

widely on branding and packaging.

promotion of visual arts, textiles

international designers and style

He is now Course Leader of

and performance events. Her passion

gurus will be showing in the

Graphic Design at the University of

is connecting communities with the

foyer including Wayne Hemingway

Gloucestershire and current Chair

creative arts. She is founder of

and Ella Doran.

of the Cheltenham Design Festival.

artattheheart, a biennial Children's

Arts Festival, which connects

Films of interviews with leading

children, retailers and the community

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sarah condie

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

john brewer

through arts based projects.

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wallace & sewell

symposium select


The college reception will be open all day to the public. Come to the college and join the debate. Share your opinion on the relevance of Craft and Design in the 21st century in our VOX POP booth. Browse and buy from Chrome Yellow Books who

Students from the Fashion and Textile Department of

The Curator and the Maker: a symbiotic journey Mary La Trobe Bateman and artist Eleanor Glover

the College will have a display of work in the foyer.

illustrated conversation

always have a unique and appetising selection of books and exhibition catalogues.



Friday 2 May 2.30pm The day runs from 9am – 5pm

The Wilson, Cheltenham Art

Doors open to register at 9am

Gallery and Museum, Clarence

You will be given a schedule when you book

Street, Cheltenham GL50 3JT

Stroud College, Stratford Rd, Stroud GL5 4AH

Presented in collaboration with

Tickets cost £85, concessions (students/SIT Friends)

Gloucester Guild of Craftsmen

£35; inclusive of coffee/tea and delicious organic lunch.

Mary La Trobe-Bateman, formerly

SIT Stroud International Textiles

Proof of concession allowance must be provided.

Director of Contemporary Applied

Limited number of concessionary tickets available

Arts and contemporary craft


talk cheltenham select


curator, describes how her career has evolved from designer to

To book a ticket please go to and

curator. Artist Eleanor Glover

navigate to the symposium page where you will find full

outlines how her varied career as

details on how to book online through Eventbrite.

an artist has been oxygenated by

SIT cannot accept card payments over the phone.

interaction with curators. There will be a short film by Eleanor as part of

Thank you to the staff and students involved at the

the talk. Eleanor Glover is exhibiting

University for all their support and expertise.

in Selected at Newark Park as part

Our thanks to Stroud College for all the fantastic support.

of SIT’s Select Festival this year. Tickets: £10 Friends of SIT & Guild members £8 Friends of SIT must produce current membership cards

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A Passion for Colour Ruth Issett illustrated talk

Undressed: the History of Underwear in Fashion Eleri Lynn

Saturday 10 May 2.30pm

illustrated talk

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Road,

Saturday 10 May 1pm

Stroud GL5 4AF

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Road,

Ruth Issett has been involved with textiles all her life.

Stroud GL5 4AF

Her textile training included both print and stitch;

Over the centuries, there have been different visions of

however her working life has been a mixture of

the desirable body. It has been variously slim or

numerous textile techniques. Apart from many years

voluptuous, flat-chested or buxom, androgynous or

teaching adults, in the UK, Europe, USA and Australia,

matronly, or even distorted, with wasp waists and

she has written a number of successful books – Colour

exaggerated buttocks. Appreciating underwear is

on Paper and Fabric, Print Pattern & Colour, Colour on

fundamental to our understanding of fashion history,

Cloth and recently, A Passion for Colour. Observing,

and also to our understanding of changing attitudes to

recording, mixing and creating colour has been a

sex, beauty and gender. This talk reveals fashion’s

lifelong obsession. The energy that working with colour

hidden history, from the middle ages to the present day.

brings is a powerful and accessible tool. When using

Sumptuous images of never-before displayed objects

liquid colour, there is the thrill of the chase! Fluid dye

and ephemera from the V&A’s extensive archives will

runs, puddles and dribbles before absorbing into

be shown.

surfaces. Print applications give order and depth,

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Eleri Lynn is a Curator at Historic Royal Palaces, with

mystery or definition. Then ultimately, the combination

special responsibility for the ceremonial dress collection.

of fabric surfaces, opaque, transparent and translucent,

Previously she was a Curator at the Victoria and Albert

all layered together to create richness, a visual fizz or a

Museum, where she devised the touring exhibition

subtle depth. Add to this heady mix a thoughtful stitch,

Undressed: 350 Years of Underwear in Fashion.

a puckered surface, or a bead of sensational colour, and

She also managed the development of the V&A’s new

you have a mouth-watering combination.

Fashion Gallery and the creation of its new research

Tickets: £8, concessions £5

facility, the Clothworkers’ Centre for the Study and Conservation of Textiles and Fashion. Tickets: £8, concessions £5

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talks cheltenham select


Turning to The Bottle: Siân Martin workshop followed by a talk Saturday 10 May 10am – 3pm The Painswick Centre, Bisley Street, Painswick GL6 6QQ This workshop explores aspects of ‘stitching in air’,

workshop Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 May Saturday 10am – 5pm

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Sunday 11am – 4pm The Painswick Centre,

using wire, paper pulp and stitch in an unusual approach below: siân martin

Papermaking Jane Ponsford

which can be developed in many directions. Extend your textile ideas and enjoy experimenting with unconventional materials. Create a still life of stitched wire shapes formed around objects such as bottles and jugs. Siân Martin exhibits with the 62 Group of Textile Artists, Stitch Textile Artists, as well as the Textile Study

Bisley Street, Painswick GL6 6QQ

Group. She enjoys experimenting with new materials to

Jane Ponsford is an artist and

keep extending her textile ideas, and passing this on to

papermaker inspired by the

students, and to anyone who is similarly adventurous

landscape around us. Join her for

Tickets: £40 includes teas & coffee and a light lunch

two hands-on and enjoyable days

plus entrance to talk. You will receive a materials list

exploring your landscape through

when booking; there is a £5 fee for materials that will


be provided

painswick select



The workshop will include making pulps using cotton and linen rag,

Turning to The Bottle: Siân Martin

casting and couching, laminating

illustrated talk

and embossing. We will use a

Saturday 10 May 4pm – 5pm

Hollander beater (a ‘Critter’) and we

The Painswick Centre,

will also explore processes that can

Bisley Street, Painswick GL6 6QQ

be used at home. On the first day

“My definition of stitch is a broad one that encompasses

we will take a short walk to draw

wrapping, threading, binding and looping as well as

inspiration from the landscape so

conventional stitch. I enjoy using thread (and anything

please have suitable footwear.

else that could be a thread) as a three-dimensional journey, rather than as something that only appears on a

Jane has work in the Newark Park exhibition. Suitable for all

surface. This explains why I like to work ‘in the air’, as it

Fee: £80 includes materials and

were, suspending my stitch by using threads such as

teas/coffee with a light lunch on both days


wires, canes, willow and machine stitching in voids.” Tickets: £5 if attending the talk only

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jenny stringer

Discovering and nurturing artistic talent from other

su trembath

applied arts such as engravers, ceramicists, muralists and decorative painters to create a series of bold and diverse fabrics is a unique characteristic of Lewis & Wood’s innovative and dynamic approach to textile design. An exhibition of collaborative work with a number of local artists will be celebrated in the company’s art studio. It will showcase recent work with Cotswold wood engraver Andrew Davidson on Royal Oak, a modern toile interpretation of the English countryside as both a fabric and Wide Width Wallpaper;

The Craft of Collaboration

Jenny Stringer, a Cheltenham based artist whose

exhibition and workshops

block printing skills were transferred to create a

Lewis & Wood, Woodchester Mill, North

beautiful floral linen, and Tetbury based artist and florist

Woodchester, Stroud GL5 5NN

Su Trembath, whose new work for the 2014 English

Tel 01453 878517

Ethnic collection have produced abstract designs which

Saturday 10 – Sunday 11 May 10am – 6pm

have become the fashionable trend statement for this

Saturday 17 – Sunday 18 May 10am – 6pm

year. During the Select Trail weekends, the Lewis &

part of the Select Trail weekends

Wood artists will be in residence to talk to visitors about

Rest of the year: Thursday – Saturday 10am – 4pm

their craft and techniques. The Lewis & Wood Woodchester Mill shop is a light and airy space in which over 300 of the company’s

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fabrics and wallpapers are displayed alongside the studio. Housed in a converted Cotswold mill near to Stroud, the shop also sells seconds and discontinued fabrics. free admission

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

events lewis & wood select

andrew davidson

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g


Trip 1 Woodchester Mansion

Trip 2 Selected at Newark Park

Saturday 3 May leave 11am

Sunday 4 May leave 11am

guide: art historian Alan Ford

National Trust property Newark

Woodchester Park Mansion is a

Park will be showing Selected at

unique, gothic extravaganza, begun

Newark Park with the work of

in the 1850s and abandoned in the

30 extraordinary contemporary

1870s, set in a National Trust

artists that includes 5 site

owned Repton landscape. Used for

responsive pieces. Selected is

films with a gothic element,

presented by Stroud International

intensively investigated by ghost-

Textiles as part of the Select

hunters, it is also an architectural

Festival. Some of the exhibitors will

masterpiece influenced by

be present to talk about their work.

Violet-le-Duc whose Gothic Revival

tours select

select tours

* NEW for 2014


Newark Park, once a Tudor

building techniques are laid bare by

Hunting Lodge is set in a spectacular

its unfinished state. Here fireplaces

location with stunning views over

‘float in the air’, and rare bats breed.

rolling countryside. With unrestrained

Ticket price for coach & guide: £8

style and artistic flair, Newark House

does not include entry to the Mansion

is a perfect setting for contemporary art and crafts. The grounds are relaxed and offer lovely walks and views. There is a cafe where you can enjoy lunch and refreshments. Ticket price for coach & guide: £8 does not include lunch or entry to Newark Park; Entrance to Newark

Each tour will have an

is £6, NT Members free

experienced courier to guide you and answer queries. All tickets are available from the Tourist Information Centre 01453 760960 Enquiries call Alan Ford on 01453 766540 All trips leave from the Stratford Park Leisure Centre Car Park, Stroud at 11am

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tours select



Trip 3 Sculpture Tour

Trip 4 Gargoyles & Burne-Jones

Saturday 17 May leaving 11am

Saturday 24 May leave 11am

guide: art historian Alan Ford

guide: art historian Alan Ford

Pangolin Editions Exhibition Gallery

All Saints Church, Selsley

This gallery shows works by dozens

Lynn Chadwick Sculpture Park

An Arts & Crafts, Grade I

of world-famous artists, including

This is a very special place,

masterpiece by GF Bodley (1862),

Damian Hirst, Antony Gormley,

consisting of beautiful, undulating

internationally famous for being

Eduardo Paolozzi and Lynn

acres of unspoilt countryside that

the earliest and possibly the only

Chadwick. Martin Jennings’s John

is also a wildlife haven. It is for the

church whose stained glass

Betjeman, now standing at Saint

exclusive and most advantageous

windows were all produced by

Pancras Station, was also cast at

display of works in bronze and

Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and

the nearby Pangolin Foundry, the

stainless steel of one of our

Company, from designs by

largest of its kind in Europe.

greatest post-war sculptors.

Rossetti, Burne-Jones, Ford

Opened by kind permission of

Maddox-Brown and Morris himself.

There will be a stop at the Lavender Bakehouse for tea

Mrs Eva Chadwick

and coffee before going onto

Visitors enter the park entirely at

A delicious lunch will be

Lypiatt Park.

their own risk.

served before travelling onto Woodchester Mansion.

Tickets: £14 includes a stop at the Lavender Bakehouse cafe for tea and coffee and entrance to Lypiatt Sculpture Park. Please bring your own lunch itinerary Leaving 11am from Leisure Centre Car Park, arrive Pangolin Gallery Visit Gallery 11.15am – 12.15pm. Arrive at Lynn Chadwick Sculpture Park for Guided Tour 1pm – 3pm. Return to Leisure

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Centre Car Park 3.30pm – 4pm


Woodchester Park Mansion

Pockets and Pouches Heather Belcher

Stitch, Fold, Rust Alice Fox

Woodchester Park Mansion is a

one day workshop

artist workshop

unique, gothic extravaganza, begun

Saturday 18 May 10am – 5pm

Wednesday 21 May &

in the 1850s and abandoned in the

The Painswick Centre,

Thursday 22 May 11am – 4pm

1870s, set in a National Trust

Bisley Street, Painswick GL6 6QQ

Lansdown Gallery, Lansdown,

owned Repton landscape. Used for

On this one-day course you will be

Stroud GL5 1BB

films with a gothic element,

looking at the physical qualities of

A workshop looking at some of the

intensively investigated by ghost-

felt and its relationship to the body,

techniques Alice uses in her work

hunters, it is also an architectural

referencing the traditional felt coats

and with the backdrop of her

masterpiece influenced by

and cloaks first used by the nomads

exhibition Tide Marks. Join Alice for

Violet-le-Duc whose Gothic Revival

of Central Asia. You will learn how

a day in the gallery and explore

building techniques are laid bare by

to make a seamless pocket and

stitch and fabric manipulation

its unfinished state. Here fireplaces

then a small pouch or vessel and to

techniques as a precursor to rust

‘float in the air’, and rare bats breed.

consider qualities such as

dyeing. You will make a piece of

insulation, protection and filtration.

unique textile artwork incorporating

Ticket price: £24 includes a

Heather will give a short

workshops select

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g


textural elements, which will be rust

delicious lunch and entrance to

introductory talk about her work

dyed, developing colour and marks

Woodchester Mansion

and show a wide selection of

in the days following the workshop.

samples and images of larger

Fee: £30; places are limited to five


exhibition pieces.

so booking is necessary

Leaving 11am from Leisure Centre

Fee: £50 includes some materials,

Car Park. 11.15am All Saints,

teas, coffees and a light lunch.

Selsley – Guided Tour. Enjoy a

You will be given a materials list

delicious lunch at the Church

when booking

12.15pm – 1.15 pm. Arrive Woodchester Park Mansion with Guided Tour 1.30pm – 3pm. Teas available at the Mansion. Leave 3.30pm. Arrive Leisure Centre 4pm.

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Learning Rolled Willow Techniques & making a Rolled Willow Vessel Susan Early

Textural Play Jilly Morris

2 day workshop

Saturday 24 – Sunday 25 May 11am – 5pm

Saturday 24 – Sunday 25 May 10am – 4pm

Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road,

Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road,

Stroud GL6 7QW

Stroud GL6 7QW

A workshop that playfully investigates abstract mark

Spend two days creating sculptural Willow Forms while

making on paper, and how it may be used to provide

learning rolled willow techniques. Using twisted and

inspiration and new ideas for contemporary drawing,

rolled willow techniques you will spend time developing

textile and mixed media art. Over two days, participants

and building a unique free form vessel. The result will be

will be encouraged to create a series of sensory,

a fluid abstract shaped container. You will be encouraged

freeform, playful and impulsive textural samples using

to experiment and be free with the shape of your final

unusual mark-making techniques. The emphasis will be

piece.The weekend will be relaxed and fun while you

on self-directed discovery through demonstration,

learn exciting ways with willow.This workshop is suited

exploration and group exercises. You will discover that

to those with some experience in basket making.

interesting textures can be created using the simplest

Susan Early is a gifted and experienced basket maker

2 day workshop

of tools. You’ll use some techniques that you already

who began her career creating traditional shapes and

know, some that you learn on the day and some that

baskets and has moved her practice in contemporary

you will invent. Discussion as a group and one to one

directions to include free form weaving.

guidance will provide information and suggested

Fee: £120 including all materials & light organic

directions for future artworks.

lunch morning teas and coffee

Over two days Jilly will present an illustrated presentation, a short guided walk (weather permitting) to explore textures inside and out, and provide mark making demonstrations. If time allows, a short film will be shown of a year long artist residency and the artwork Jilly developed over this time. Beginners to practicing artists are welcome and demonstrations, exercises and discussions will be designed to provide inspiration which will enable you to develop your own ideas further. Some basic tools for

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exploration will be provided however a list of basic materials to bring will be provided on registration. Fee: £120 includes a delicious light organic lunch and morning coffee & tea

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

workshops hawkwood select


One Thing Leads to Another Sarah Campbell workshop followed by talk Saturday 25 May 11am – 3pm talk 4pm Museum in the Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF Spend a few enjoyable hours together where you will see how Sarah’s blog is made and discuss the purpose and creative uses of social media and recording your creative journey. Each participant is invited to keep a diary or journal for come ready to develop some

The World as I See it Sarah Campbell

aspects of this in a visual way and

illustrated talk

be happy to take a new look at

Saturday 25 May 4pm

the few days before you meet, to

sharing their views. Bring pencils,

Museum in the Park, Stratford

Jilly Morris has an MA by Research

paints and enjoy writing and

Road, Stroud GL5 4AF

in Art. For the past 8 years she has

creating your story for journals and

Enjoy a talk around the making of

been making artworks that contain

online story telling.

Sarah’s delightful blog and journals.

innovative mark-making

Sarah’s Blog: http://sarahcampbell

Sarah’s writing, her ways of

techniques. A past exhibitor with

recording in drawings and her

Select in Pairings II (2012), Jilly has

Tickets: £50 (workshop and talk)

colourful paintings. The sharing of

exhibited widely in Britain, and has

A materials list will be provided

thoughts and experiences, stories

also exhibited in Europe and the

when booking

that inspire her to share, dipping in

USA. Her work covers a wide

and out of past present and future

spectrum of drawing, enamel,

– and the usefulness of social media.

sculptural interpretations and

Sarah’s journal and recording of

installations. Her work can be

her day to day memories is a

viewed at

vibrant and always interesting journey. She will share her memories and how she records them. Tickets: £6 (talk only)

workshop & talk stroud select


talk ll ll


exhibition of work from 3 residencies Friday 30 May – Friday 13 June Wednesdays to Saturdays The Pink Cabbage Gallery,

penny wheeler

Z Twist Penny Wheeler; Debbie Smyth; Lucy Lean

1 Middle Street, Stroud GL5 1DZ Z–Twist is a new and exciting Arts Council funded International Textiles (SIT). Z–Twist has brought together artists, designers, textile producers, educators and curators to raise the profile of high quality textiles in Somerset and the south west – past, present and future.

imaginative andhas innovative of rawdesigner/ materials whe materials Z–Twist placed three use contemporary

Create Cultivate Symposium mposium makers Lucy Lean, Penny Wheeler and Debbie Smyth in traditional textile industries and education settings over a period of three months to enable them to

uly develop of work withexplore support from one will three projects created by ree 2014 projects created by a new bodyDay Somerset Art Works Make the llege, Taunton, Somerset, UK ake the Most, Abundance textile manufacturers, local heritage collections, Most, Abundance

It promises to be inspiring and a fascinating insight will an explore creative Day two will give makers an opportunity to share ers opportunity tocollaborations share s, and industry partners and the from three highly skilled artists who explored and practice and skillshave through a programme of ugh a programme of chnology. Speakers will include workshops including makers breakfast. akers breakfast. researched to create this final body of work. ers, members of industry, heritage free admission Z-Twist exhibition will be open to d open industry. e to ational Textiles symposium visitors during the weekend. ng the weekend.


can be found at : Art Works (SAW) : 0 /

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lucy lean

and Z-Twist with artists from those projects talking from those projects talking Somerset College equipment Stroud programme together about theirand work whichInternational brings traditional or historical hday brings traditionalwill or bring historical e and education, allowing an materials, processes and aesthetics together with nd aesthetics together with Textiles (SIT). ls, ideas, and knowledge across innovative new approaches – profiling traditional aches – profiling traditional This exhibition willBritish showstyle the with results of the residencies. ctices of alltwist. participants. a contemporary twist. emporary

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

programme for Somerset Art Works (SAW) and Stroud

debbie smyth

exhibition stroud select


info * * * *

Stroud International Textiles SIT postal address: 49 Bisley Road Stroud GL5 1HF t: 44 (0)1453 751056 / 07767 763607

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Please note the office is not open to the public

For news and more information visit the Select website:


The Designing Craft symposium tickets are available through Eventbrite Ticket Agency.

For info on SIT visit:

Go to where you will find details on

how to book. You can contact the SIT office on 01453 751056

Register for SIT newsletter by visiting:

for information.

Workshops & Talks

and clicking on button

Tickets for events are booked via Eventbrite Ticket

information select

SIT Stroud International Textiles

Agency. Details and link on Visit SIT on facebook & twitter and subscribe to SIT Blog:

Note: The SIT office cannot accept credit card payments

by phone for the Trips.

Ticket Prices


We make every attempt to make the entrance to all paid

NEW Select Trail Tours

events as affordable to as many people as possible. Concessions are students, unemployed and Friends of

Mini coach tours to the Trail Studios

SIT – see the listed event for details. For details on

Saturday 10 May & Sunday 11 May

joining SIT please go to our website where you can join

Sit back let the driver take the strain and enjoy visiting

on line or send a cheque. Please bring your Friends

the Select Trail artists.

membership card and proof of concession when you

Saturday 10 May

attend the event or you may be asked to pay the full price.

Tour 1 will start in Stroud and visit all Woodchester, Nailsworth, Horsley & Box studios Sunday 11 May Tour 2 will go to Golden Valley studios along to Chalford and Sheepscombe Tickets are ÂŁ6 for each trip To book tickets contact SIT online

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Stroud International Textiles t: +44 (0)1453 751056 / 07767 763607 Please note the office is not open to the public

Stroud Tourist Information Centre

Eating & Drinking

Subscription Rooms, George Street, Stroud GL5 1AE

There are many cafés and bars in the town.

t: +44 (0) 1453 760960 e: tic@stroud.govouk

Particularly good for lunches are Mills Cafe, Woodruffs

Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm

Organic and The Retreat: all are in the High Street for

The Tourist Information Centre can give you details on

food and light snacks.

local accommodation and they will help with directions

The Museum in the Park serves coffees, teas and soft

to the venues. You can also pick up the brochure there.

drinks but does not serve food.

The Wilson in Cheltenham has an excellent café. Newark Park has a café on site.

Getting to Stroud see map on page 44

Painswick has the excellent Patchwork Mouse cafe.

The train and bus station are in the town centre. Parking

Again the Tourist Information can help you with places

is plentiful and the parking for the Museum is free and

to eat and drink in town as well as the surrounding area.

located next to Stroud College and the Stratford Park Leisure Centre. For more information contact the Tourist


Information Centre

Disability and pushchair access All venues have wheelchair access except the World


Textiles. Some of the studios that are part of the Select

New to 2014

Trail may not have disability access. Please check

First Choice Conference & Events

before visiting as special arrangements may be possible First Choice Conference & Events reservation cocoordinators are experts at dealing with accommodation for various types of events. First Choice Conference & Events will be able to help, providing a variety of options to suit your budget. For more information and to book

ll ll


contact Carly Elwell on 01242 243475 or email

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

information select



Venue Information








e tio ad e c en e d s om n i s pr r i a se t ed

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46 pr







Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum fo l l ow s i g n s i n t ow n c e n t re

The Wilson, Clarence Street, Cheltenham GL50 3JT

a Museum in the Park

Cheltenham TIC t: +44 (0) 1242 237431

b Stroud College c Lansdown Hall & Gallery

Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum is just two minutes

d The Pink Cabbage Gallery

Cheltenham, and a similar distance from the High Street

e Hawkwood

and the main coach and bus station in Royal Well.

see page 43 and map page 44 for Stroud venues

walk away from The Promenade, the shopping centre of

Train: the choice for getting to the town centre from the station is bus D, a taxi or an energising walk of one mile

Newark Park, Ozleworth,

through Regency Cheltenham or along the old railway

Wotton under Edge GL12 7PZ

cycle and footpath.

You will find Newark 1¾ miles south of the junction for

Parking: there is a car park in Chester Walk

the A4135 on Tetbury – Dursley road and the B4058 to

immediately behind the Art Gallery & Museum, and

Wotton. Follow signpost to Ozleworth and then the

parking bays for disabled visitors close by.

Newark Park signs. Do not use your sat nav from

Café available.

Wotton as it detours down narrow lanes where passing

see map above

information select


e nc

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e nc


chris j bailey

c eM51 str e


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is not possible. Newark Park is located on a very narrow lane just off the

The Guild at 51, Clarence Street,

A4135 at Ozleworth, just east of Wotton under Edge.

Cheltenham,GL50 3JT

Plentiful parking is available and a café.

t: 01242 245215 e: Situated next to The Wilson Museum & Galleries see map above


select 2014

SIT and venues cannot accept liability for any damage, injury or loss sustained by anyone while visiting a venue

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Stroud International Textiles t: +44 (0)1453 751056 / 07767 763607 Please note the office is not open to the public

Stroud Town Venue Information a Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stroud GL5 4AF

c Lansdown Hall & Gallery, Stroud GL5 1BB

The gallery is in the centre of Stroud. At the cross roads

t: +44 (0) 1453 763394

at the bottom of the High Street, opposite the

Tuesday – Friday 10am – 5pm

Greyhound Bar, turn right into Lansdown. The Gallery is

Saturday & Sunday 11am – 5pm

along on the right. Disabled access available.

unless stated as otherwise in this brochure closed Mondays but note the Museum is open on

d The Pink Cabbage Gallery, 1 Middle Street,

Bank Holiday Mondays 11am – 5pm

Stroud GL5 1DZ

The Museum is half a mile from Stroud town centre.

t: 07837 189449

Parking: Free parking in the main Stratford Park car

The Gallery is a 10 minute walk from Stroud centre.

park beside the Leisure Centre. There is then a short

From the top of the High Street cross over and walk up

walk to the Museum. Disability parking is available by

Nelson Street. Located on the corner opposite the

phoning the Museum and they will arrange for you to

Black Boy clock.

drive round to the Museum entrance. Buses: The number 37 Stagecoach bus leaves the town e Hawkwood, Hawkwood College, centre from outside Lloyds Bank every 20 minutes.

Painswick Old Road, Stroud GL6 7QW

Ask for the Tesco’s stop and cross over the road and

t: +44 (0) 1453 759034

walk a short distance through the park to the Museum.

To locate Hawkwood College turn up Painswick Old

Please note there are no buses on Sundays.

Road, located opposite Strafford Park on the A46

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

information select


Painswick/Cheltenham Road. The College is a mile up, b Stroud College, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AH

t: +44 (0) 1453 763424

on the right. Parking: There is ample parking.

Parking: The College is located next to the Leisure Centre car park. Buses: Number 37 same as the bus to the Museum.

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select 2014

SIT and venues cannot accept liability for any damage, injury or loss sustained by anyone while visiting a venue


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SIT Stroud International Textiles

Museum in the Park

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Railway Station

2 Bus Station

37 Bus Stops

Lansdown Hall

d Pink Cabbage Gallery




Pedestrianised area




Tourist Information


World Textile Fair


Canal Visitor Centre



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46 w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g


Š National Trust Images/bethtaylor. Registered Charity Number 205846.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Newark Park


You can expect the unexpected at Newark Park, a house, garden and estate open March - October. Find new discoveries at every turn with quirky character, eclectic collections, and an outdoors providing space to play and to contemplate. 01453 842644

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Saturday May 3rd 10.00am - 5.00pm Sunday May 4th 10.00am - 4.00pm

Wonderful world textiles include: Linda Clift & Lizzi Drake Textiles, costumes and trimmings from England and France Martin Conlan of Slow Loris Tribal Textiles from Southwest China. Olivia Dell Wearable Central Asian Textiles Jennifer Evans Decorative Textiles and Jewellery sourced in India Lucy Farmer of Zeitgeist Fantastic Indian textiles, antique, vintage and contemporary John Gillow African, Indian and South East Asian Textiles Indigo and Peacock Lovely vintage indigo resist dyed and embroidered linen from Hungary Michele Moody Handloom woollen shawls and throws, from weaving co-operatives in India Dorothy Reglar beautiful handmade clothes using hand woven silk and cotton from Laos

Admission ÂŁ1.50, children under 15 free Delicious food by Woodruffs of Stroud Information from Bailey Curtis: 01453 823375

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Directions to Bisley From M4 - exit J15 to Cirencester on A419, then follow road to Stroud for 8miles and turn right to Bisley

From M5 - exit J13 to Stroud, towards Cirencester then turn left for Bisley after Waitrose roundabout, turn 1st right into Field Road, up passed the hospital then turn right into Bisley Road.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

World Textiles Weekend 2014

Bisley Village Hall, Manor Road, Nr Stroud GL6 7BQ

p ac acp canvas canvas forfor creativity creativity

The TheFestival Festival th th Sunday, Sunday,13 13 July July ininPainswick, Painswick,Gloucestershire Gloucestershire

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Open OpenCompetition Competitionfor forwearable wearableart art Apply Apply Now! Now!

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Make Create Cultivate Symposium

12th & 13th July 2014 Somerset College, Taunton, Somerset, UK

An exciting two day programme will bring together industry, heritage and education, allowing an exchange of skills, ideas, and knowledge across the working practices of all participants. The symposium will explore creative collaborations between makers, and industry partners and the use of digital technology. Speakers will include artists and makers, members of industry, heritage professionals and industry. Detail programme can be found at : or contact Somerset Art Works (SAW) : (+44) 01458 253800 /

Day one will explore three projects created by Somerset Art Works Make the Most, Abundance and Z-Twist with artists from those projects talking about their work which brings traditional or historical materials, processes and aesthetics together with innovative new approaches – profiling traditional British style with a contemporary twist. Day two will give makers an opportunity to share practice and skills through a programme of workshops including makers breakfast. Z-Twist exhibition will be open to symposium visitors during the weekend.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g


Exploring the imaginative and innovative use of raw materials

BA (Hons) Textile Design • Small group teaching in a professional studio environment • Excellent teaching and workshop facilities in a recently refurbished campus • Promotes innovation and creativity across traditional and contemporary techniques • Brilliant links and opportunities with industry and contemporary textile designers

Visit our website to view our other courses – BA (Hons), FdAs and MAs

Go to the course blog:

ll ll


Hereford College of Arts, Folly Lane, Hereford, HR1 1LT

Tel 01432 273359


ar ts • nature + sustainability • spirituality • health + well-being

H AW KWOOD courses & retreats

Open Day

Japanese Embroidery 4 day courses in April, July, September & November 2014

An enjoyable day for the whole family!

Creative Arts Summer School 19 – 27 July 2014 Literature - photography - mosaic - silver jewellery - woodcarving

Sustainability Summer School 11 – 13 August 2014

Monday 5 May

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

with Polly Higgins, Jamie Catto and Tim ‘Mac’ Macartney


Hawkwood provides a beautiful, peaceful setting for courses, retreats and conferences. We are delighted to be part of Select in May 2014.

Free workshops, tutors, artists, café, Maypole, stalls & music.

Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road, Stroud GL6 7QW

Tel: 01453 759034

Located in 'Old' Stroud We would like to invite everybody to take part, - knitting, sewing, felting, crocheting, embroidery, upholstery, doll making ... the list can go on...we are obsessed with beautiful good quality fabric, soft yarn and crazy upcycling.


SELECT TRAIL 2014, Open Studios at Atelier 10/11 May and 17/18 May We will be open both weekends – come and see us!


Location: 19A Lower Street, In front of Piccadilly Mill, Stroud GL5 2HT • Tel. 01453 765248

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select Stroud School of Art Humans have unparalleled control over the design and making of their environment. Now more than ever there is a blurring of boundaries between art and design and other disciplines such as business, manufacturing or academia, creating a dizzying array of potential futures.

The Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen’s new shop in Cheltenham is the ideal place to see and buy contemporar y designer crafts

We have over 150 years of art and design heritage and pedigree, continually striving to teach and inspire students as they begin to explore their creative opportunities.

Open Tuesday to Sunday 10am-5pm

Study at South Gloucestershire and Stroud College for courses from traditional life drawing through to computer animation, from one day to two years, from Level 1 to Level 6.

Clos ed M on d ays

51 Clarence Street, Cheltenham g l 50 3 j t t: 01242 245215

www.guildc raft Stroud

ll ll

52 01453 761126

e: info @ guildcr afts.or N e x t t o t h e Wi l s o n Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum




Find us on the textile trail for a FREE consultation

24/01/2014 08:25

Alison Dupernex

OB_ad.indd 1

Spring Selection Contemporar y crafts from the Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen

Wednesday 7 – Sunday 11 May 2014 10am – 6pm Tetbury Market House Market Place, Tetbury, Gloucestershire

gl 8 8 da

Watch & Learn Daily Craft skills demonstrations

Free admission t: 01242 245215 m: 07901 895277

w w w.g ui ldcra fts. o rg .uk

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select 2014

craft at its best

select trail 2014

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

textiles & contemporary crafts

craft at its origin


Stroud International Textiles

NEW Living Books

Stroud International Textiles: supporting innovation & creativity

In 2014 SIT launches our Living Books. For the first

SIT aims to broaden the perspective of textile arts to

time our loyal audiences can enjoy our publications in

other art forms such as performance, dance, music

full rich media, where colours and textures come to life.

and the written word and to link through to craft and the applied arts. We aim to bring an understanding

SIT invites you to view them on our special site or

of the connection of textiles to technology, science

download them to your tablets and smart phones

and manufacturing.

through visiting Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. There you will be able to access an archive of

SIT works to create opportunities for artists to develop

SIT’s publications available for download.

their creative practices and nurture talent and innovation. SIT is a unique cultural focus for the area

Our Thanks

and district and we make a significant contribution to

Arts Council England for year round funding; Stroud

the economic prosperity of the area.

District Council; Renishaw plc; all our Patrons for their support, Justin Gregory and Claire Bagnall-Hunt from

We run year round talks and events. Select is the

Stroud College; University of Gloucestershire Media

highlight of our cultural year with exhibitions, talks,

and Arts departments-great to be working with you this

workshops, events and a major symposium.

year, and student Scott Norris in particular; Ben Wright for great photography in the Select Trail brochure;

To become a Friend of SIT go to the main website on

Gloucestershire Guild of Crafts; Art Couture for new where you will

workshop venue this year; Elinor Greenacre Course

find details on how to join. By becoming a Friend you

Leader Hereford College Art; Charlotte Abrahams – it

will enjoy many benefits and reductions on tickets.

has been fantastic working with you this year; Chris

ll ll


Pockett from Renishaw; Stevie McKee and Kirsty

Buffin Media are proud supporters of

Hartiosis at The Wilson and last but certainly not least

digitialsing the Select brochures, learn more

– Chris Bailey for his excellence and design skills and

about our digital impact on creative

continued support. Thanks Chris.

industry at

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

textiles & contemporary crafts

w w w. s t ro u d i n t e r n a t i o n a l t e x t i l e s . o r g . u k


free guide

free guide

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

Saturday 10 May 2014, 10-4 The Octagon AT Milsom PLACE

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Bath, BA1 1DG

stroud spring select

The Selvedge Fashion Fair

Admission ÂŁ2.50 Join us in the 18th Century Octagan Chapel in Bath this spring to discover fine fashion and beautiful accessories by thirty designers.

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w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g w w w. s t ro u d i n t e r n a t i o n a l t e x t i l e s . o r g . u k

Stroud College

A big thank you to all our sponsors and funders for their support: Arts Council England Renishaw plc Stroud District Council Museum in The Park Newark Park National Trust University of Gloucestershire Media & Film dept Hawkwood College Corinium Museum The Wilson

Patrons Mary La Trobe Bateman OBE Professor Simon Olding Jilly Edwards Margaret Benton Lulu Guinness OBE

Design Chris J Bailey Published by SIT Print

H AW KWOOD A c en t re fo r a d u l t ed uc ati on i n th e C otswolds


Stroud International Textiles

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t: +44 (0) 1453 751056 m: 07767 763607 e: w: c h o s e n


y x

back cover: elizabeth turrell

Editor Lizzi Walton

right: linda brassington



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stroud spring select



w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g d e s i g n : c h r i s j b a ile y © 2 014 pu blish e d by strou d i nter nati o nal tex ti l es ©2014

Stroud International Textiles

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