space of the month
MORE THAN JUST LIGHTING colighting is a proudly 100% Zimbabwean company that has been providing lighting designs and unique lighting solutions to Zimbabwe (and the region) for many years. Initially known as Streamlight – founded in 2009 – they rebranded as Ecolighting in 2019. They’re located at 14 Westcott Road in Mount Pleasant in a custom built showroom close to Arundel and Pendennis Shopping Centres. (FROLJKWLQJ VWRFN D ZLGH UDQJH RI OLJKW ÀWWLQJV DQG DFFHVVRULHV imported from leading manufacturers around the world. 7KH\ VWRFN DQ H[FLWLQJ UDQJH RI LQGRRU OLJKW ÀWWLQJV LQFOXGLQJ pendant lights, chandeliers, down lighters, wall lights and table lamps. Just a few of their manufacturers and suppliers for indoor OLJKW ÀWWLQJV DQG DFFHVVRULHV LQFOXGH /HJUDQG DQG . /LJKW WKH\ DUH WKH RIÀFLDO DQG VROH GLVWULEXWRUV IRU ERWK EUDQGV LQ =LPEDEZH DV well the Belgian brand Dark lighting, Regent Lighting Solutions and Spazio Lighting. In addition to what you can see displayed in their showroom they also have extensive catalogues from leading lighting VXSSOLHUV WKDW \RX FDQ EURZVH WKURXJK 7KHVH OLJKW ÀWWLQJV DUH LGHDO for residential projects, as well as for hotels and lodges, restaurants DQG EDUV RIÀFH EORFNV DQG ZRUNVSDFHV DQG IRU UHWDLO RXWOHWV
text: Michael Nott | photos: Structure and Design