2 September 2022, Issue 1125 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY OPEN 7 DAYS 8AM - 9PM Tauranga’s After Hours Doctors Full medical services available including xrays FREE ACC Consultations for children under 14 Accident & HealthCare - 19 Second Avenue - Tauranga TEL:577 0010 OPEN EVERY DAY 8AM - 9PM • accident & medical • dentist • xray • urgent care 2nd Avenue Health Centre - 19 Second Avenue - Tauranga Your Central City Health Centre Let the fun begin! For Mount Maunganui Intermediate students, including those pictured, the focus of participating at the 2022 Zespri AIMS Games is performance goals. “We want to do the best that we can do in our chosen code and come away a better player, more skilled and having enjoyed being part of such a big tournament,” says associate principal Renee urston, who has 299 students playing in the week-long event in Tauranga City from September 3-9. “Wins are great, and we love to win – but for us, AIMS Games are about doing our best, playing fair and supporting each other.” More than 25,000 athletes, o cials and supporters from 350 schools are set to play 23 sport codes in the tournament, which organisers say is a “real privilege for us to be actually staging” after a two-year hiatus. Read more about the AIMS Games on page 11. Photo: Bob Tulloch.

It’s almost like those we If our best can beatbest,theirthen we can all ourselves.proudcollectivelyfeelof It doesn’t matter that we sat on the couchpotatoeatingchips changed Minister decisive action? As I probed deeper and deeper into this disturbing mystery, I started to feel like I was being watched, studied. I woke up late one morning feeling like I hadn’t slept at all – sore throat, dry nostrils and aches and pains in all sorts of places. Even now, weird things are happening. It’s usually deathly quiet at 5am – the perfect conditions to ponder – but there’s a bright light outside the window and strange shapes itting around. I turn the door handle and step outside... e End Well, it’s been a lot of fun writing this column for the last couple of years but, it’s time to move on, so this is the nal one from me, From the Hutch. anks for reading and lots of love. daniel@thesun.co.nz
It’s more than just a feeling, it’s a series of events that just don’t add up; the opposite of nature. For example, the Government is handing out money to people. We all know that governments are well versed at taking money but lately our one has been trying its hand at a kind of un-taxing, and this is where it has all got a bit spooky.ese‘cost of living’ payments are meant to soften the blow of in ation, which has been pretty rapid lately. So, those in power have decided to grab some money from somewhere and throw it in our direction. e bean counting department has not exactly massaged this balm into our aching nancial shoulders. It’s used more of a shotgun approach – just re in our general direction and hope the pellets spreadSuccessout.is measured in clouds of feathers. And those feathers have been ying from foreigners, ex-pats and even dead people, who have all received this payment. I don’t begrudge this payment going to the latter because the cost of dying has also gone up. Of course, once you are in the nal resting place, costs do go down quite considerably. e problem with taking money o living people and then giving some back is that they start asking questions, like why did you take it in the rst place? ere is already a system in place for 2010nottaxpurposewhichpayingeveryonebrackets,thoseadjustedyoubrackets.calledinaccounttaxesadjustingtoforation.It’staxIfnevertaxeventuallywouldbethetoptaxrate,woulddefeattheofaprogressivesystem.beenadjustedsinceso–justanidea–
IMPORTANT STUFF: All material is copyright and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Sun Media makes every e ort to ensure the accuracy of all information and accepts no liability for errors or omissions or the subsequent use of information published. In 1893, just over nine years after their rst international match, the rst o cial All Blacks jersey appeared – and it was indeed black. However, few people know the rst jersey worn by a New Zealand national rugby team overseas was blue – and not just that, but a blue of various shades and hues. Source: https://www.experienceallblacks.com/insider-information/all-blacks-jersey/ 1
Extensive probing So, I thought I would check the footage of the Prime Minister to see if her eyelids were unusual in any way. But do you think I could nd any footage lately? Where’s the PM gone – the smiling one who was full of kindness and
The Strand, PO Box 240, Tauranga ads@thesun.co.nz newsroom@thesun.co.nz Phone 07 578 www.theweekendsun.co.nz0030
Sun Media Ltd Directors: Claire & Brian Rogers General Manager: Jay Burston Editor: Merle Cave Editorial: Letitia Atkinson, Alisha Evans, Rosalie Liddle Crawford, Taylor Rice, Georgia Minkhorst Photography: John Borren. Publications Manager: Kathy Sellars. Advertising: Jo Delicata, Karlene Sherris, Suzy King, Lois Natta, Sharon Eyres, Sophie Main, Taylor Lehman IT Support: Shelby Stone Design Studio: Kym Johnson, Kerri Wheeler, Kyra Du y, Caitlin Burns O ce: Angela Speer, Felicity Alquist
The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022
The Weekend Sun is published every Friday and distributed throughout the Western Bay of Plenty from Waihi Beach, through Katikati, Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Papamoa and Te Puke and available to collect at many stand locations throughout the area. For a full list of stand locations see https://theweekendsun.co.nz/stand-locations
Produced by Sun Media Ltd, an independent and locally owned company based at 1 The Strand, Tauranga. ere’s been some strange happenings lately that point somewhat to the supernatural.
but now seems like a good time to adjust for in ation. handling our taxes don’t know the basics, or they are just testing to see how stupid humans really are. It’s alien behaviour. Just shadows Also, where have the All Blacks gone? e Men in Black have simply disappeared o the face of the Earth. Usually during times of political or nancial turmoil, at least we can tune in to watch the ABs stomp all over some poor team and gain a vicarious victory for ourselves. As far as I can tell, this is the main purpose of a national sporting team. and drinking beer while our athletes threw all their e ort into a bloody battle. If they win, we are all superior physical beings. But this losing business is a bit of an alienSuddenlysensation.our best is not good enough. Even the little green men from the Emerald Isles look like mountains. ere’s no way this team could have changed so much in such a short time, so I’ve started analysing the footage, looking for clues. I found nothing of interest in the actual contests, but I’m pretty sure I saw two sets of eyelids blinking on both the coach and the CEO when they were rea rming their love for one another at a press conference.
Things are strange out there...

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency suggests a “current combination of network conditions and the wet winter” has caused the sudden rise, with drivers nationwide voicing their frustrations. “Water is the primary cause of potholes. If there is a crack in the road surface, or a displaced stone, it will allow water to sit in the road surface. As vehicles drive over the ponding water, tyres create hydraulic pressure, forcing the water down into the pavement,” says an NZTA spokesperson. “Over time, as vehicles continue to run over the pothole, it will grow in size as weakened areas break o . Sections of road due for renewal are often the worst-a ected areas as the pavement and surface are weaker and starting to fail.”
Everywhere Road safety campaigner Geo Upson says the problem lies with road maintenance, as “it doesn’t take a genius” for someone to notice when a road is on the brink of having a pothole outbreak.
Ducking out of potholes
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“NZTA blaming weather is them dodging responsibility,” says Geo . “ e potholes are everywhere, and NZTA doesn’t want to x them. I think they’re trying to nd excuses to be honest. If you own a house, and the roof needs painting this year but you don’t have any money, you don’t paint the roof. “In the meantime it just looks ugly for a while, but if you left it for 10 years, it will rust out and you will have to get an entirely new roof. “ is is called ‘sweating the assets’ and it is something NZTA has done too far to the roads. “ ey’ve pushed out the maintenance to save a bit of money, but now the potholes are starting to form. Potholes will always be an issue, but we are at the point now where we are seeing huge numbers of them since the road has been left to degrade beyond what is appropriate,” says Geo . “ e only way to prevent the potholes is to do preventative maintenance on the asphalt or chipseal. You can’t just leave an umbrella on the road to stop the rain from getting on it. “ ey have a big le of all of these defects that will be a problem for roadusers in future, but nobody does anything about it because it costs money and the Government doesn’t want to spend it on that.”
Photo: Geo Upson/Facebook.
Investing NZTA says they’re investing $2.8 billion into “state highway and road maintenance” across the 2021-2024 National Land Transport programme. “ is summer will see an approximately 2450 lane kilometres of state highway resealed or rebuilt, the largest ever programme Waka Kotahi has undertaken,” says the NZTA spokesperson. Read this story in full at: www.sunlive.co.nz Taylor Rice
With the increase in potholes across the country, e Weekend Sun talks to NZTA and a road safety campaigner about the scale of the problem.

The only
Friday 2 September 2022
Community Strength Jason’s vision for Papamoa is to have a strong sense of community. “For me, out here it’s all about community,” says Jason. “Cops live here, their kids go to school here, we shop here…it’s about being part of our community and looking after each other and that’s what I want to foster.”
constantly updated, seven
News tips ph 0800 SUNLIVE Georgia
New, shorter whitebait season Whitebaiters will experience a shorter season from this year, as Department of Conservation regulations kick in. Last year DOC introduced new rules that set the season from September 1-October 30, with only Chatham Islands exempt. DOC asks whitebaiters to familiarise themselves with the new rules that include changes to shing gear and spacing along the river.
As part of options,betterinvestmentProgrammeUpgradeNewGovernment’stheZealandintraveltheTNL project connects Tauranga and Te Puna with a new 6.8km expressway and shared path. e overbridge will be 100m long and will carry one lane of tra c in each direction, with wider shoulders and footpaths on both sides. e bridge will be constructed just west of Cambridge Rd. Once built, tra c will use the new bridge so construction of the TNL road can begin.
Mercury Bay Freighter sinks A well-known vessel, the Mercury Bay Freighter, has sunk at Devils Point near Whitianga. e 40-foot vessel, which was reported to have bagged ready-to-mix concrete on board, got into trouble and sank o Devils Point around 12.30pm Monday. Coromandel’s CFM reports Coastguard Whitianga and a local cray boat responded to the call. “When crews arrived, the boat had sunk and the sole crew member had been rescued by the cray boat,” says a post on the radio stations page. Boaties are warned to stay clear of the area or watch out for oating debris.
“Family harm has always been a big thing for me,” says Jason, who worked in the Western BOP family harm team for 10 years. He says the impact of family harm ows onto the kids witnessing it. “ ey go o to be perpetrators themselves or victims themselves – so family harm perpetrators are creating a huge amount of harm. “ at’s why I want our police that work here to be invested in family harm episodes they go to and make sure people are safe and that the people who are victims have an opportunity to get out of that situation,” says Jason. With large urban developments occurring in Papamoa East, youth is another area of focus for Jason. “We need to be doing work in that space and even the little things like tagging and that sort of thing – if that pops up we want to tackle that – we don’t want Papamoa becoming a slum.” No barriers Keeping up with modern health and safety rules, a fence has been installed at the front of the station. “I’m sorry about the fence,” says Jason. “It’s just the world we live in now and it looks like a big barrier to people – but come on in.”ePapamoa Police Station is open weekdays 8am-4pm. For afterhours, call 111 or 105. An o cer will always be on duty in Papamoa 24/7, seven days a week.
U ndell investigation delayed Tauranga MP Sam U ndell faces another “few weeks” in political limbo, as the investigation into his past behaviour continues. National leader Christopher Luxon said U ndell would be suspended from the party’s caucus until an independent investigation was completed into his conduct before he became an MP. U ndell has admitted his involvement in an attack on a 13-year-old when he was 16, but denies bullying allegations from a former atmate. e National Party has commissioned Maria Dew QC to investigate claims against U ndell. Luxon says U ndell is stood down until the investigation is complete.
Policing Papamoa
Jason Perry says policing is more than getting in the cop car and going to ghts.
daily news source you
With more than 35 years’ experience, Sergeant Jason Perry at Papamoa Police Station is all about community in his role. Joining the Police in 1986 in the South Waikato at age 19, being a man in blue was something Jason always wanted to do. With a mix of policing roles, Jason has worked in uniform duties, the Criminal Investigation Bureau, family harm and the Criminal Justice Support Unit. Now, Sergeant of the Papamoa Police station, Jason can con dently say: “I’ve seen a lot, been involved in a lot, and worked with a lot of great people”.
A of local breaking stories featured this week on... local need, days a www.sunlive.co.nz Minkhorst
Major bridge construction Construction starts on a major bridge structure at Cambridge Rd, between Bethlehem and Tauriko this month. e project is part of the Takitimu North Link Stage One project, and new aerial photos show signi cant progress on-site during recent months.

From mascot
Most people know Hori BOP Leaming as a mascot for the Bay of Plenty Steamers rugby team, but he is removing his face paint to take up a new challenge.
Hori BOP Leaming says he will be the Western Bay’s cheerleader”“biggest Photo: Bob Tulloch. to hopefulmayoral
Hori has been painting his face blue and yellow for his mascot role for 20 years; now he’s vying for the Western Bay of Plenty’s mayoralty. Two main things on his agenda if he were to become mayor are roading infrastructure and a purpose-built stadium. “Hori BOP just wants to see a stadium built before he dies. It’d be a stadium de ned for rectangular sports, but it could hold events.” TNL stage two He suggested Maramatanga Park in Te Puna or near Pāpāmoa Hills Regional Park as possible sites. e 65-year-old also wants stage two of the Takitimu North Link from Te Puna to Ōmokoroa to be built and for State Highway 29 to be upgraded between Tauriko and Omanawa. Hori says Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency needs to be lobbied until the outcome is achieved. “You’ve just got to keep putting the pressure on and putting the pressure on, but it’s got to be achieved.” e estimated completion of SH29’s upgrade is 10-15 years, but Hori says the work needs to start now because the area is “growing so fast”. e Sun is asking mayoral candidates their thoughts on Western Bay of Plenty District Council amalgamating with Tauranga City Council in future. “At the moment the Western Bay has proven that they can run themselves better than Tauranga City Council. So why would you amalgamate the two at this stage?” asks Hori. “I don’t think there’d be much of an appetite from Western BOP ratepayers for amalgamation.” Candidates are also asked their thoughts on the ree Waters reform that will see stormwater, drinking and wastewater managed by four public entities instead of New Zealand’s councils. Water standards Hori suggests the Government set up water quality standards rather than “take assets o the ratepayers”. If councils couldn’t a ord water infrastructure upgrades the Government could o er grants or interest-free loans, he says. “Why punish the councils that have done a good job for the sake of the councils that haven’t?” Hori lives in Tauranga but says he’ll be the Western BOP’s “biggest cheerleader”. Read this story in full at: www.sunlive.co.nz Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.
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How CCF helps Gavin admits sometimes it’s not until you have to access that you realise the massive support they give families from the donations they receive. CCF does not receive any direct government funding, so relies on the generosity of Kiwis.
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Friday 2 September 2022 The Weekend Sun
He and wife Sarah’s son Oscar was diagnosed with Leukaemia, aged four, in February 2020 –taking the family-of-six on a challenging journey. “He’s now cancer-free and back at school,” says Gavin, who reckons the ‘Let’s get Wet & Wiggy!’ fundraiser next Wednesday, September 7, from 3.30pm-6pm at Papamoa Domain has double-meaning for his family.
Photo: Bob Tulloch. get Wiggy next
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A few weeks later Oscar returned to the GP, who ordered blood tests. at night he went to hospital. “By midnight my wife called to say Oscar had cancer. It was horrible…it was just out of Papamoa youngster Oscar Bisman is today cancer-free but he and his family still receive support from Child Cancer Foundation.
“I still do whatever I can to help CCF,” says Gavin. “I’ve literally experienced hands-on how they ensure those donations are passed on to the people who need the help. “ ey do this in all kinds of ways.”
For Oscar – who has siblings Isla, 12, Sailor, 8, and Sage, 5 – his diagnosis came unexpectedly. It was summer 2020 and the family was camping.
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First, it’s the Bismans’ way of giving back to CCF, which is dedicated to supporting families of children with cancer every step of the way. It’s also to celebrate one year since Oscar came home. “After two years of ‘ ghting the baddies’ in his blood and two bone marrow transplants, he was released from full-time care at Starship last September and we got to come home as a family to Papamoa.”
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“Right from day one the Child Cancer Foundation is there with you,” says Gavin Bisman.
A Papamoa family – who receive continuous care and support from the Child Cancer Foundation – is hosting a local event this Wig Wednesday to raise funds for the organisation.
“We noticed Oscar was falling asleep, kind of crashing in the afternoons. Long-story-short, he still wasn’t quite right as school was to go back, so we took him to the doctor.”

“CCF is there to help in that situation and to honour that child since,” says Gavin, who still attends regional catch-up meetings. Still there Two years down the track they’re still involved with CFF and still supported by them. “I’d never want anyone to go through what we’ve been through… but if you do, you’re forever grateful that CCF exists and that people support them because they really do deliver what they stand for.” Gavin invites all to ‘Let’s get Wet & Wiggy!’ on September 7 at Papamoa Domain from 3.30pm. “We’ll wear wigs, get together for a surf, swim, beach fun. We’ll shake a bucket and people can give what they can to support CCF.” To participate and raise funds on Wig Wednesday, visit: wigwednesday.org.nz freaking out; then trying to gure out what to tell our other kids… worst-case scenarios are running e Bisman family invites everyone to Papamoa Domain next Wednesday, September 7 to “get Wet & Wiggy” for the Child Cancer Foundation.
CCF has funded swimming lessons for Oscar. “ is gives him a chance to go back to being a kid,” says Gavin. “ ey help pay for that because they know you haven’t worked for two years and things like that are beyond you.” “ e things they do are really caring – and it’s knowing you got someone like that behind you.” Barb is now a close friend. “Oscar was, in theory, cancer-free for six months but kept being unwell… eventually he relapsed,” says Gavin. “ e rst time, he coped; he was younger. e second time he very much knew what he was in for and we had to have real conversations around living and dying.” When home Oscar told his parents he understood he might not make it, “we reached out to Barb and got him counselling”. Via CCF the Bismans met other families on the journey – some who no longer have their children.
Photo: Bob Tulloch.
7 Friday 2 September 2022The Weekend Sun through your head.” Day one Oscar’s siblings woke to nd they weren’t starting school but heading to Starship. Transferred, Oscar began treatment immediately. “By that night he was on his rst round of chemo.” e diagnosis took a few months to sink in. “You initially think: ‘Oh, we might be here a few weeks then we’ll be home’ but no way – it’s a lifeGavinjourney.”saysCCF support begins day one. “In the room you’re admitted to in the Starship Oncology ward is a backpack lled with snacks, toiletries etc and a ‘welcome to this journey’ CCF book. “CCF are there to help before you even get there.” At that point the focus is on parents. When the Bismans moved to Auckland, CCF organised food deliveries. “ ey really look at all aspects – I’ll be forever grateful for what they’ve done for our family.” Scariest moment Gavin’s scariest moment was when Oscar didn’t respond to chemo. “ at’s when the doctors tell you: ‘Hey, look, you’re in for a big mission here. “We’re going to have to go all out’. “ at was more heart-breaking than the diagnosis… the odds go against you, survival rates change. We found CCF have systems and resources; they know how to help families, but they’re also open to ideas.
Merle Cave
“Our contact Barb meets Oscar regularly – she asks: ‘How can we help?’ So they not only help with a power bill, which you struggle with when you’ve got a kid in hospital – they also tailor help to meet the needs of each family.”

8 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022 24BOP Prices Guaranteed as of 3/9/22. Subject to change. KITCHENS | BATHROOMS | APPLIANCES SHOP ONLINE tradedepot.co.nz Hamilton Airport 12 Sharpe Rd. Auckland 306 Neilson St, Onehunga. 650750mmWDEmmWDE Novo Wall Vanity, LED Mirror & Side Cabinet 5 Year 908129Warranty $979LOWPRICE Black Woodgrain Soft Close 2 Drawers Fremont Wall Vanity, Framed Mirror & Side Cabinet 5 Year 908269Warranty $999LOWPRICE Soft Close Drawer Open Shelf 900WD E 900WID E 5 Year 908250Warranty $749LOWPRICE Includes Tray & Liner Ceramic Top Core Round Shower & Novo Wall Vanity 5 Year 908259Warranty $649LOWPRICE Ceramic Top Forest Grain Novo Wall Vanity, Framed Mirror & Side Cabinet TouchFrameless4350m3/hHobControl Canopy Rangehood 60cmWDE Ceramic Cooktop 60cmWDE $399LOWPRICE 24908244MonthWarranty 60cmWDE 80L Oven 5 Function Cooktop Standard ComboApplianceKithcenDeal $699LOWPRICE 24908251Month Warranty 740110 $199WAS$249 12 Month Warranty Freestanding Carbon Infra-Red Heater Dehumidifier with WiFi 24 Month Warranty 373055 $279LOWPRICE30lPERDAY Dehumidifier 24 Month Warranty 373050 $219LOWPRICE16lPERDAY20 l PER DAY Cube Dehumidifier with WiFi 24 Month 373060Warranty $359LOWPRICE Panel Heater 24 Month Warranty 730361 $149LOWPRICE DC R32WIFIInverterReadyGas Energy Efficient Room Size: 15 ~ 25m² Aurora Plus Smart Heat Pump 2.5KW 5370726YearWarranty $899 EXPO 60cmWDE 350m3/h DishwasherFreestandingRangehoodOven& Kitchen Appliance Combo Get over 100 washes of FREE FINISH TABLETS $1299LOWPRICE 24908185Month Warranty 60cmWDE 430m3/h Wall Oven & Ceramic Cooktop Canopy Rangehood $999LOWPRICE 24908160Month Warranty Robot Vacuum Cleaner 24 Month 386600Warranty $299WAS$399 Runtime90Mins WiFi Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner 24 Month Warranty 385611 $149LOWPRICE40minRUNTIME P10 Flex VacuumCordlessCleaner 24 Month Warranty 385614 $195LOWPRICE350W P12 Flex VacuumCordlessCleaner 24 Month Warranty 385619 $279LOWPRICE450W Robot Vacuum Cleaner Runtime90Mins WiFi 24 Month Warranty 386601 $599LOWPRICE Robot Vacuum Cleaner with Auto Empty Bin WiFi 24 Month 386602Warranty $799WAS$999

All of this means businesses face serious concerns about a lack of sta , which means they’re likely to be more conservative about growth opportunities in future and are very concerned about retaining the sta they have. ere is increased competition within the BOP businesses for talent, which increases earnings and cost of business alike. More exible On the positive side, we’ve seen many employers become a lot more exible in their work practices and hiring policies. at may involve better pay, conditions, exibility and bene ts. A number of employers are also keen to give employees a chance where they may not have before, helping people get into work that might not have been there for a while.
9The Weekend Sun To find out what it means for you, your property, and your community, or to share your thoughts on the changes, www.tauranga.govt.nz/housing-supplyvisit
The housing rules are changing. For us, that means having time, just not for the lawns.
Immigration has been a handy way of keeping our export industries in growth mode – advantageous for any economy. Growth coincides Our population growth has corresponded with the growth of our economy and the businesses within it. at environment has changed a lot in a short space of time. During the past few years, immigration had increasingly become a source of policy contention due to concerns over infrastructure provision, housing availability, exploitation and taking jobs from Kiwis. is was all brought to a halt anyway with Covid-19-induced border closings, and a reopening that’s been slow at best. As a result, businesses nd themselves very short on sta – best shown in a very low unemployment rate.
Scarcely believable Economic statistics for the last quarter show unemployment at 2.9 per cent for the Western Bay of Plenty, with New Zealand at 3.2 per cent.
As readers will know, the economic environment for our country has changed signi cantly in 2022. Covid-19 uncertainty has been replaced by concern about in ation and the corresponding increase to interest rates, meaning households have a dramatically di erent outlook to what we have become used to. For businesses, by far the main issue we hear about is lack of available workforce – this is our number one barrier to growth of our economy at present. In the past few decades Aotearoa businesses have become used to having human resources on tap.
The rules are changing, and your housing needs might be changing too. That means if you’re looking for a lock up and leave or for something a bit smaller, there should be more options to meet your needs.
ese are scarcely believable gures and well below the unemploymentaverageratefor the last 20 years in our region of 4.8 per cent, a gure that tends to uctuate only by a percentage point at best. Employers are facing increased competition from other countries that roll out the red carpet for new talent, pay more than NZ and have lower living costs.
We’ve been late to open the borders, confused about matching immigrants will skill needs and slow processing visas – collectively this puts our businesses at a disadvantage.
Lastly, they’ll look for ways to grow their businesses without dependence on people –hopefully improving our productivity as a nation and setting us up better for the future.
Worker drought impacts businesses

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After a two-year hiatus, thousands of 11 to 13-yearolds from around the country are owing back into Tauranga City for the 2022 Zespri AIMS Games, which o cially begin tomorrow, September 3.
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More than 25,000 athletes, o cials and supporters from 350 schools – set to play 23 sport codes – are expected to come to the city for the September 3-9 tournament. e 2020 games were cancelled due to Covid-19 and event restrictions meant the 2021 tournament was postponed until this year. No-one will be happier to hear the whistles blow at venues around the city than Zespri AIMS Games tournament director Kelly Schischka. “We hope we can provide a golden ray of sunshine for what has otherwise been a pretty dreary winter for a lot of people.” Kelly says the last few weeks have been very busy, with so many enquiries and last-minute team changes – “but we totally get it”. “Schools, parents and entire communities have been under so much pressure, not only with Covid-19 but with a host of other illnesses this year and it’s actually a real privilege for us to be actually staging the tournament this year.”
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City to swell with AIMS sports and people
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New sports Organisers are excited to introduce indoor cricket to the Zespri AIMS Games whanau this year. “We can’t wait for the 120 cricketers to join in on the experience of sharing memories with 10,000 other like-minded peers,” says Kelly. “We’ve also introduced 7-aside hockey and Fast-5 netball, while our canoe sprinters get to race right under the noses of the public this year, in Pilot Bay.” Kelly says sports are constantly rede ning what they o er to this particular age group of athlete “and we’re always a little bit ahead of the curve when it comes to introducing sports and di erent formats”. “Above all, after two years without the tournament, we’re just so delighted to welcome back the Zespri AIMS Games. “I sense the city has really missed it, especially with the buzz and energy itMountbrings.”Maunganui Intermediate associate principal Renee urston says 299 students of her 708 roll will participate in AIMS Games in 23 sport codes plus being part of the Green Team – to celebrate the tournament running on Conservation Week. “At MMI our focus for AIMS is on performance goals. We want to do the best that we can do in our chosen code and come away a better player, more skilled and having enjoyed being part of such a big tournament. Doing our best “Wins are great, and we love to win – but for us, AIMS Games are about doing our best, playing fair and supporting each other.” For information and to check out all the AIMS Games has to o er, visit: www.nzaimsgames.co.nz can do in our chosen code and
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AIMS tournamentGamesdirectorKellySchischkaisreadyforthewhistlestoblow!Photo:JamieTroughton/describemedia. Cave
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Friday 2 September 2022
Primary cycle route (blue) Primary bus route (yellow) Neighbourhood Streets (pink) – areas with traffic Multimodalcalming areas black squares
Wednesday, 14 September, 4pm to 6pm Thursday, 15 September, 12pm to 2pm and 4pm to 6pm Sessions at Church of Christ, 258 Ngatai Road, Ōtūmoetai Visit www.tauranga.govt.nz/accessiblestreets-otumoetai by 25 September 2022 to have your say. supported by
The Weekend Sun Tauranga City Council is creating a safer future for people biking, catching the bus or walking on the Ōtūmoetai Pensinula. Public consultation on the Accessible Streets for Ōtūmoetai Peninsula programme, including the suburbs of Ōtūmoetai, Matua, Brook eld, Bellevue and Judea, opened earlier this week and will run until Sunday, September 25. e programme aims to support a shift from private vehicles to more energye cient, low-cost and active modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport by delivering a 12km connected network of cycleways, improving bus journey times and infrastructure, and making it safer for pedestrians and other roadTCCusers.director of transport Brendan Bisley says we need to make it safer and easier for people to cycle, catch a bus, or walk to key places within the Ōtūmoetai Peninsula, as well as travel into the city centre. “ e community has told us they would choose to cycle to shops, parks, or work if they felt safer on the roads. “We’re asking for community feedback on the options available along the identi ed primary cycle and bus routes because it’s vital we understand the community’s needs,” says Brendan.Feedback will be used to develop a preferred option as part of the business case needed to secure government funding Community drop-in sessions are at Church of Christ, 258 Ngatai Rd, Otūmoetai, on Wednesday, September 14 from 4pm-6pm; and ursday, September 15 from 12pm-2pm and 4pm-6pm. To nd out more, give feedback via the survey and sign up for project updates, visit: accessiblestreets-otumoetaiwww.tauranga.govt.nz/
Accessible Streets for Ōtūmoetai
Tauranga City Council has identi ed the primary routes that will connect Ōtūmoetai Peninsula to the city centre at two central locations: Chapel St and Waihi Rd.
12 We need to make it safer and easier for people in Ōtūmoetai, Matua, Brookfield, Bellevue, and Judea to cycle, catch a bus, or walk to your favourite places. Right now, we’re developing plans for cycleways, bus lanes and safer streets on the peninsula –and we want to hear what you think.
Meet Marlon – this eight-year-old boy is so smoochy and full of personality. He loves to gaze into your eyes and ensure he has your full, undivided attention. Marlon would prefer a quiet home where he can get spoilt as the only pet. If you’d like more information, please call the Tauranga centre on: 07 5780245. Reference number:
Changing transport in Ōtūmoetai

13 Friday 2 September 2022The Weekend Sun

14 Look out for your regional council rates invoice Sam U indell MP for Tauranga 35a Third Avenue, Tauranga 3110 07 577 taurangamp@parliament.govt.nz0923SamUndellTauranga Authorised by Sam U ndell, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. For assistance and appointments please get in touch taurangamp@parliament.govt.nz The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022
Photo: Bob Tulloch. Taylor Rice
Fundraising for regional flying comp Mitchell Kiernan. Aircraft costs are higher than usual at the moment. is is something student pilots, who are already funding their ight training, struggle to a ord. “Combine this with accommodation costs of the national competition, and it certainly adds up. e aim “Our aim is to fundraise so every competitor’s accommodation is paid for, and if possible to use any additional funds to subsidise the cost of the aircrafts that are needed for practice. We hope to have around 100 people attend, but the more the better! “We can accommodate up to 400 people if we need to. e club has also sorted out a liquor licence, and the event is Mitchell’sfamily-friendly.”favouriteevent at the upcoming regional competition is the instrument competition. “We wear a ‘hood’ which blocks out the windows, and have to y a course with our navigation instruments to y with. e competitions range from landing right through to aerobatics.” e club is ready to take o again after last season was cancelled due to Covid-19.
Tauranga Aero Club is preparing to take ight. Being host of the Flying NZ Regionals this November, to prepare the club is holding a fundraiser this Saturday, September 3. It is a night of entertainment with Dave Upfold, a South African New Zealand entertainer who focuses on “comedy, magic and hypnosis”. e fundraiser is “extremely important” to the regionals later this year, according to club captain
Strong club “Tauranga is one of the strongest aero clubs in the country, taking home more than ve national titles in 2021, falling just short behind Canterbury of taking home the North Shore Trophy for the most placings at nationals. “Keeping ying competitions going is fundamental in maintaining pilot pro ciency and it also provides a great network for newer students to engage with the more experienced pilots. e knowledge these experienced pilots carry and can share with the new and upcoming pilots is extremely valuable,” says Mitchell. He encourages everyone to attend the fundraiser on Saturday, September 3, at the Tauranga Aero Club, 240 Aerodome Rd, Mount Maunganui. Tickets are $35. For more information, phone the aero club o ce on: 07 575 3210. Tauranga Aero Club’s Mitchell Kiernan is stoked this Saturday’s funraiser will help host the Flying NZ Regionals in November.

15 What’s Your Property Worth? Call me for your free, no obligation Market Appraisal No pressure, and it’s good to know the value of your property. I’ll keep you updated from time to time as the market changes. Phone 0800 RACH 4 U Rachel Cole Marketing Consultant Advantage Realty Ltd MREINZ Licensed Agent REAA 2008 M 027 232 1535 | DD 07 542 2550 E rachel.cole@harcourts.co.nz The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022
There’s also the chance to win during September with the Challenge. If you’re not signed up yet, get yourself sorted and join more than 13,000 people already on the Challenge. Everyone who participants each Wednesday in September is in to win our monthly prize. Plus, just for joining up, you could win a $4,000 shopping spree at My Ride, Mt Maunganui.
Congratulations to the parks department at Tauranga City Council – and a really successful project. I will go again to Kulim Park. Peter Turmer, Bayview.
A couple of months ago when a couple with a young child visited, they discovered the play area at Memorial Park – and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I by accident happened on Kulim Park and my, what an enjoyable couple of hours I had watching the young ones and their guardians going full bore at the wonderful play area. e roundabout was going full out all the time I was there with bodies ying o and just picking themselves up and back onto it. ere will be a few bruises to the youngsters and chewed nails on the watchers.
Congratulations TCC Parks Department! 24/7 for a number of reasons, constants”. And went on further to say:
FROM SEPTEMBER 28TH, CATCH A FERRY WHERE YOU’RE GOING Ditch the car, grab some early bird tickets, and jump on our Wednesday Challenge ferry. You’ll earn points, save yourself the hassle of road congestion, and enjoy a refreshing way to get around. We’re able to offer this service thanks to a cool partnership with Tauranga Water Transport and Tourism Bay of Plenty. There’s regular ferry sailings throughout the day and children under 4 go free. You can even take your bike on the ferry.
My thoughts on drinking and driving: Want a real relaxing drink? en walk to the pub. Going for a jar? en leave the car. ere are four stages of drink driving: Car, Bar, Car, then Ta’ra.Ifyou have need of a ‘Kami Kazi’ car, It’s easy. Just drive after having a few drinks at the bar. ings that do not go together: Kippers with custard; fruit pudding with gravy; you with a blocked loo – and drinking and driving! Ken Jones, Katikati.
Re: ‘A very bad deal for ratepayers…’ ( e Weekend Sun, letters page, August 19) e letter from Keith Hay, chair of the Katikati-Waihi Beach Residents & Ratepayers Association in last week’s Sun. e chief executive o cer of the Western Bay of Plenty District Council has recently made a habit of ‘declining to comment’ to Letters to the Editor that either a ect himself or the council, which have been published in e Sun. e CEO is also accountable to the residents and ratepayers of the Western Bay of Plenty, who also pay his very generousIncludedsalary.inan email sent to Keith Hay on June 28, the CEO provided an regardingexplanationourreeWatersassets – which in my view shows ongoing delaying tactics by the council. In part the CEO has stated: “We are doing some highlevel modelling and can make that available when it is complete, probably towards the end of July”. In my opinion this statement is pureSubmissionsspin. on the Water Services Entities Bill closed on July 21 and I must assume that the council are still doing their ‘high level modelling’ as they fully support handing over Western BOP’s water assets to the Government. K Goddard, Omokoroa. Western Bay of Plenty District Council CEO John Holyoake replies: We don’t see the point in being argumentative and going back and forth on di ering views. is is time consuming and better spent communicating when there is information to share. I want to stress that the ree Waters Reform is not a one-way process. We need to wait for some of the parameters before we can truly understand the implications for our district. So, you know what we know, and you know when we know. e best source of all councilrelated ree Waters Reform information is our dedicated whencommunicatingatbalancewouldcommunity(2021/2022ccouncil-speciBill,submissioninformationwww.westernbay.govt.nz/three-waterswebpage:Herewearepostingthemostup-to-datewhenitbecomesavailable.Rightnow,thisincludescouncil’stotheWaterServicesEntitieswhichclosedonFriday,July22,andcnancialmodelling.We’vedonethismodellingforthenancialyear)tohelptheunderstandwhatthereformmeanforcouncil’snances,sheetandborrowing.Onceagain,IencourageyoutolookthewebpageandIassureyouwearewithourcommunityitisappropriateandworthwhile.
Re: Cameron Road workers day shift-only. I was very intrigued by the response from Tauranga City Council’s director of transport Brendon Bisley to P Kirkwood’s letter in e Sun, August 26. P Kirkwood asked as to why the work on Cameron Rd could not be undertaken 24/7 to get the job done a bit more quickly. Mr Bisley stated that: “Roading contractors are unable to work 24/7 for a number of reasons, Health & Safety and resource constants”. And went on further to say: “To work safely workers should be physically and mentally alert and shift work exposes workers to di erent Health and Safety risk, especially fatigue”. Mr Bisley has declared it is not possible for Cameron Rd construction workers to work 24/7 shift work on this project, as they would be exposed too many Health & Safety risks, therefore leaving the only option is a day shift. But oddly enough, it’s okay for our emergency services, Police etc. and all other shift workers to work all hours, including weekends. e bus shelters outside Countdown and Tauranga Boys’ College have been missing for some time. It would be nice if they could be replaced before the end of winter. Brian P Porter, Welcome
At the Wednesday Challenge we believe in doing things differently and better. That’s why we’re launching the Wednesday Challenge Ferry. A new way to travel if you’re commuting between Omokoroa and Tauranga or want to get between Tauranga Waterfront and Salisbury Wharf at the Mount for work, a meeting or a social engagement.
Very intrigued….. Don’t drink and drive!

Prostate cancer is now New Zealand’s most diagnosed cancer – and one in eight men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime.
For appointments and assistance please phone: 07 571 ParliamentAuthorisedjan.tinetti@parliament.govt.nz2492@jantinettibyHonJanTinettiMP,Buildings,Wellington
e Minister for Disability Issues, Poto Williams, is welcoming Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission’s appointment of Paula Tesoriero MNZM as WhaikahaMinistry of Disabled People chief executive. Whaikaha is a new departmental agency, established on July 1, 2022. e new Ministry represents a signi cant shift in how government works with and for disabled people. Its responsibilities extend beyond government-funded services and support, with a focus on how existing policy and operational settings in uence disabled peoples’ opportunities to achieve their own outcomes and aspirations. e chief executive of the Ministry is responsible for providing strategic leadership to the agency and across the system to achieve better outcomes for disabled people in New Zealand. Tesoriero has been appointed for ve years from September 1, 2022.
Serving up support on Daffodil Day
Yet, despite all evidence pointing to early detection making the di erence between life and death, the third biggest killer of men in this country is not prioritised in the same way as breast, bowel and cervical cancer. e news comes with Blue September just around the corner and emphasises the importance of getting checked. One in eight Kiwi men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime, and more than 4000 Kiwi men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year alone. Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ has a range of ways for people to get behind and show their support, including donating, buying merchandise and sponsored products, or organising or attending an event. PCFNZ is committed to being the voice of men living with the disease in New Zealand, advocating on their behalf for better health outcomes today and for future generations. Blue September is the charity’s primary fundraising event, across the country Kiwis are encouraged to support the men and their whānau a ected by prostate cancer and Do Something Blue to help a mate through during the month of September. For more information and to donate, visit: org.nz/event/blueseptemberfundraise.prostate.
New CEO for Ministry for Disabled People
e café has run Da odil Day fundraisers before, with gold coin donations from their co ee sales. In 2019 they raised $836 and in 2020 they raised $1180. Missing out on fundraising last August due to a Covid lockdown, the café wanted to go the extra mile this year. “We did full price items for everything – but everything that we made on the day went to the Cancer Society,” says owner and operator May Lau. “It wasn’t pro ts, it was sales and we ended up making $3540 – so it was a really good e ort.” However, initially it was a rocky start getting the fundraising e orts of the ground. “It was funny because I thought I had enough sta on and then things changed – my chef was isolating for Covid and then a couple of other volunteers pulled out,” says May. “But we ended up getting enough people to work on the day.” Phew! “It’s di erent to an everyday work day – all the sta had lots of fun and we had lots of fun decorating,” says May. She supports Da odil Day because she feels everybody knows someone who has cancer or has had it. “So many people are a ected by it, whether you’ve got cancer yourself or your family or your friends,” says May. “I do think with Covid and everything, a lot of the charities have been forgotten in a way. You always have to give back to the community in some way – that’s how I feel as a business owner anyway.” e café’s Da odil Day was a hit.
“Everybody loved it and there was a lot of generous people. It was wasn’t just sta and myself – it was customers as well,” says May. “Everyone got involved and it was just marvelous!” e café’s counter lled to the brim with delicious foods last Friday. Double Teaspoons’ Sarah Marsden, May Lau, Kirsten McGowan, Sheena Ellis, Neja Simenc Stegu and Sonny Lau.
New Zealand’s most diagnosed cancer
16 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022 BLUE SEPTEMBER
Labour List MP Hon Jan Tinetti
Papamoa’s Double Teaspoons café doubled down on their fundraising e orts for the Cancer Society’s Da odil Day last Friday.
Georgia Minkhorst

A decade of filling bellies
Georgia Minkhorst Shedding the baggy winter clothes
After 10 years of supporting BOP families, Nikki wants to continue raising community awareness of Bellyful. “We really want to make sure all new mums – and if they’re struggling – to know we’re here and more than happy to help them with that emotional need, even just in the way of meals.” Learn more at: branches/tauranga/https://bellyful.org.nz/bellyful-
Bellyful Tauranga is celebrating 10 years of lling bellies across the Bay of Plenty.
“We’re all about nourishing and connecting communities by cooking and delivering free meals to whānau, particularly those with newborn babies or young children, who need support,” says Bellyful Tauranga coordinator Nikki Reyneke. e volunteer-driven charity was founded in 2009 in Pukekohe by Jacqui Ritchie. After struggling with mental health and anxiety issues after having her second baby, Jacqui received support from friends and family who helped her in the way of prepared meals. “She dreamt about women coming together to cook meals and giving them to mums who had a new baby and that’s where Bellyful was born,” says Nikki.
Connecting with cooking Bellyful has spread across New Zealand – today there are 25 branches nationwide. e Bellyful Tauranga branch started in September 2012, and continue to do what they set out for 10 years ago. Nikki says Bellyful primarily supports whānau who lack a good local support network, are single parents, have welcomed twins, or are in family situations where their mental health is impacted, or illness is present. “Many families don’t have that traditional support network around them…that’s where the support of community is even more important, and we can provide that support to families that needReferralsit.” come through a variety of channels such as Plunket nurses, midwives, hospital sta , community organisations, friends and whānau, and self-referrals. “We always say: ‘Don’t be afraid to ask for help’ and the fact that they’re even asking for help takes a lot of guts,” says Nikki.
yourself into a regular exercise routine will help keep you motivated.
Growing belly e need for Bellyful is rapidly growing in Tauranga, and the branch’s volunteer group meet every four-six weeks for a ‘Cookathon’, says Nikki. “In September 2018 we made 116 meals so it’s almost tripled since then – it’s quite phenomenal.” Now, Bellyful delivers an average of 280 meals to 50-70 families a month. “We used to cook at the Tauranga Boys’ College kitchen space…now we cook at Baypark’s commercial kitchen which is a lot larger, and through their support we can get more volunteers in and generate a lot more meals.”
Tauranga Bellyful’s Rose Ross, Jane Kerr, Janice Delicata, Vicki Leopold and Nikki Reyneke with prepared meals.
Photo: Bob Tulloch.
17The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022 clubfit.co.nz T&Cs Apply. PLUS BE IN TO WIN! x2 FITNESS PACKS WORTH $1000+ EACH 2022 JOINING FEE SEPTEMBER
Once again, it’s time for all of us to shed the baggy winter clothes, check what’s happened underneath, and decide what to do next! Are you motivated to look good, feel amazing, be healthier, or a little of each? e optimism of spring coupled with a regular exercise routine, will keep you motivated to do whatever it takes to achieve your health and wellness goals. ere’s only one thing you need to do; put on your shoes and go for a walk. Or step it up a notch and join a gym, attend a tness class, or get on your bike. e hardest part is overthinking the how, what, and when. So don’t think, just start. To get you started the team at Club t have ditched their join-up fee in September. e MyClub t app, classes and personalised workout plan are all excellent tools to keep you on track, but the most valuable resource available to you is our team. Whenever you lose motivation, feel overwhelmed or you need a boost, book in for a workout plan review. Get a helping hand and a gentle reminder that we believe you can do it! Plus, start this month and you’ll go in the draw to win one of two tness packs worth more than $1000. Check out: www.club t.co.nz for more information. Please don’t worry about people looking at you. Believe me; they have all checked themselves out under their baggy winter clothes and are on the same path as you. You won’t be alone; we’ll be with you for the journey!

SRS Hair Clinic has locations in Tauranga at 73 Sixteenth Ave, Auckland at 15 St. Benedicts St, and Hamilton at the Anglesea Clinic.
18 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022 76a Grey Street, Tauranga Ph. 07 578 1111
Please note, this is a treatment for autumn/winter so contact us ASAP; that sun is heating up fast!
Treat hair loss in retirement
Luckily, technology has come a long way and we can treat many spider veins easily with minimal recovery time. Now is the ideal season to consider this treatment when people have paler skin and the sun is weaker.
One-of-a-kind SRS Hair Clinic has more than 30 years’ experience in providing natural hair loss solutions – and they’re free of side e ects. SRS conducts an original, one-of-a-kind microscopic hair analysis and advises you on ways to protect, nourish and grow hair using 100 per cent natural solutions. SRS had strict, independent safety and dermatological tests carried out in Germany, which found SRS hair loss products are very safe and harmless even for sensitive skin or allergies.
Many people experience hair loss as they age – in fact, two in ve women and more than half the male population will su er from some form of hair loss by the age of 60. Why? Why does hair loss seem to be so common among people of retirement age? is is partly because hair loss is progressive – meaning those initial signs of reduced hair thickness and density have continued to develop and worsen over time, until we nally perceive them as ‘obvious’ enough for us and others to see.
True definition of success?
Finding more hair lying on the oor? Seeing glimpses of your scalp? Styling your hair di erently to cover up thinning areas?
“ e true de nition of success is our willingness to express our true nature in spite of our fears,” Rhonda Britten. Success has many di erent aspects depending on what is important to you. It can mean nancial success, healthy relationships, or strong family connections; it can mean conquering certain fears or achieving a healthy mental and emotional balance in your life. Do you know what success means for you? If so how are you working towards achieving it today? One way of exploring success can be to see how it is expressed in the quality of our service to each other. How would you express to yourself your de nition of success today?
is is quite a common concern for many clients at Tranquillo and we understand it can be distressing for many people. Don’t worry, we are here to help. ere are multiple triggers for spider veins that include genetics, environmental and physical factors, and inferior or incorrect skincare.
Are you concerned about red veins creeping across your face? You are not alone!
Hair loss causes are manifold and more than one factor may be involved – examples include stress, genetics, poor nutrition, overexposure to chemicals such as excessive use of hair dyes and bleaches, lifestyle and environmental factors, medical conditions, trauma and/or hormonal abnormalities, to name a few.
Repair red facial veins
To know more about coaching, in strengthening yourself or a relationship, or in dealing with stress phone Mary Parker, e Fast Track Coach, on: 021 258 2145, or visit: www.thefasttrackcoach.co.nz
First step Here at Tranquillo our rst step will be to analyse why you have this vascular issue and aim to correct it using a variety of tailored methods for your skin type and lifestyle. e second step is to consider the best option for treating your vascularity issue. We have several modalities that are bene cial in targeting and reducing red veins including diathermy and intense pulse light therapy. It doesn’t hurt either! Older techniques used to – but don’t let that put you o because we use the latest technology. Trust me, these treatments have come a long way in the past 10 years. Treat it now It simply feels like a slight pin prick or burst of hot light that can be uncomfortable at worst. See you later spider veins with the latest technology on o er at Tranquillo Beauty erapy.

e greatest source of discomfort in OA is in ammation in the joint capsule, resulting in pain, swelling and in some cases heat and redness. While bone-on-bone can only be repaired by surgery, the discomfort from in ammation and cartilage loss can respond very well to nutritional therapy. e most important joint support compound is high-grade chondroitin sulphate. Research suggests at least 800mg daily. I like to start most on an intensive programme delivering 1600mg of both chondroitin and glucosamine, and 400mg of a high potency curcumin extract. is combined with therapeutic doses of Omega 3 sh oil can make a real di erence. For more information, give me a call or email: john@abundant.co.nz You can read my newsletter at: www.abundant.co.nz
John Arts is a quali ed nutritional medicine practitioner and founder of Abundant Health. Contact John on 0800 423 559. To read more go to www.sunlive.co.nz
e foundation also reminds people keep their windows closed in the early morning when pollen is at its peak, and on windy days, and to dry clothes indoors if possible. “Pollen can drift onto washing hung outside and accumulate on clothes and skin throughout the day. “It’s a good idea to shower before bed to remove any allergens that could trigger symptoms overnight,” says Letitia.
NIWA meteorologist Ben Noll says a warmer-thanaverage start to the year, coupled with the wettest July on record, means the stage is set for strong plant growth and associated pollen production. “As we look ahead to next couple of months, we are generally expecting warmer than average temperatures to continue. “We know that also a warmer climate leads to more growth and it may lead to earlier growth. “So it could be that people in the North Island, where it has been particularly warm, may be exposed to pollen earlier than usual.”
Pesky pollen presents problems
Letitia advises everyone with allergic asthma to ensure they have an up-to-date asthma action plan, so they know what to do if their asthma is triggered or worsened by pollen. She also recommends people keep their medications with them at all times.
Joint issues: Dealing with the causes - Part 1
Abundant Health
I recently spoke with a client I’ve been helping with knee osteoarthritis for nearly two years. When we rst spoke, he needed to take pain relief just to walk for exercise. After six months he said the pain had completely gone and no longer needed pain medication. Now, a year later, he’s still pain-free. Any successful programme to improve joints a ected by OA should address the underlying disease process. OA is a disease characterised by cartilage loss due to mechanical and biochemical processes. e major process is the loss of cartilage caused by progressive damage to specialised cells calledesechondrocytes.cellsliveinthe matrix of cartilage and are responsible for maintaining and repairing cartilage by secreting new cartilage where required. However, these cells are vulnerable to destructive processes brought about by trauma, such as sports injury, or disease process especially oxidative damage. is just means cells and cell structures have been damaged by free radicals. e body’s response to this is our antioxidant defence systems to neutralise free radicals before they can cause damage.
19The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ is warning people with allergies and asthma to prepare for an intense spring and summer, as forecasts indicate ideal conditions for pollen production.
New enhanced formula
ARFNZ chief executive Letitia Harding is reminding New Zealanders with allergies and allergic asthma to take precautions to keep themselves well. “It can be a di cult time of year for the respiratory community, but being prepared and taking some simple, but e ective, steps can make all the di erence.”

that is formed by you and dictates the distribution of your estate after you pass away. It can also express your wishes for what happens to your body after you pass away, and who will look after any dependents you have. ere are a variety of things you can include in your will, according to Age Concern NZ.
If you haven’t yet considered the legacy you would like to leave locally, Wills Month this September is the ideal time to organise your wishes. For more information, www.acornfoundation.org.nzvisit:
Acorn chair Lesley Jensen and CEO Lori Luke.
“An up-to-date will is vital. Having a plan will save your loved ones stress and additional costs at what will already be an emotional time.
What is a Will and what does it do?
Over the years, more than 350 local individuals, couples and families have decided that leaving a gift in their will to support the Western Bay of Plenty community is a great option.
Gifts given through the Acorn Foundation are invested in perpetuity, generating investment returns that are distributed annually to community organisations working in areas closest to our donors’ hearts. During Wills Month this year, 14 local law o ces across the region have o ered to add a gift to the community through Acorn to their clients’ wills for free.
“You can also plan to allow for gifting to people or organisations that you choose,” says Sharp Tudhope Lawyers solicitor Benji Crossley.
Not having a signed will can cause all sorts of issues; in New Zealand, if you die without a valid will, the law dictates how your estate will be Peopledistributed.withnowill and no immediate next of kin might see their assets go to the state, which means those people won’t have their legacies honoured.
20 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022 Promotion period between 1/9/2022 to 30/9/2022. While stocks last. Promotion only available at participating stores – please contact your local store to confirm whether they are participating in the promotion and check the pricing in-store prior to purchase. Online pricing will vary. 93 OCEANBEACH RD, OMANU 07 575 3861 30 DOMAIN ROAD, PAPAMOA 07 575 5493 112 MAIN STREET, KATIKATI 07 549 2550 THIRSTY LIQUOR STORES 65 CHAPEL STREET, TAURANGA 07 577 INSTORE9209SPRING SAVINGS $24.99 EACH Orchard Thieves 12pk range Carlsberg 24pk bottles $39.99 EACH ODD Company 10pk can range $24.99 EACH JB & Cola; CC 330ml 4.8% 10pk bottles $27.99 EACH Jim CanadianBeamClub (incl Zero) 18pk 330ml cans $38.99 EACH Jacobs Creek (ex Sparkling range) Montana Classic ranges $10.99 PromisedTaylorsLand range $12.99 EACH Wolf YellowBlassLabel range (ex PN) $12.99 EACH Pepperjack range $22.99 EACH $39.99 EACH Seagers (incl lime) Ivanov 1L JamesonJamesonCold Brew Absolut; Beefeater flvrd ranges all 700ml $41.99 Haagen 15pk bottles $24.99 EACH $25.99 EACH Asahi 12pk bottles Monteith’s (classic & batch brewed ex cider) 330ml 12pk range $25.99 EACH Steinlager 15pk bottles $28.99 EACH Lion Red; Waikato; Speights Summit 15pk bottles $26.99 EACH Heineken 15pk bottles $31.99 EACH $37.99 EACH Tui; Export Gold; Extra Low Carb; DB Draught 24pk bottles Export 33 24pk bottles $41.99 EACH Tui Vodka Soda (ex bourbon) 7% 250ml 18pk cans $29.99 EACH $39.99 EACH Larios Original 1L Canadian Club 8yr Old 700ml Jack Daniel’s; JD JagermeisterJagermeisterFlavsColdBrewall700mlFamousGrouse1L $44.99 EACH Long White 15pk bottle range $39.99 Canadian Club $41.99 EACH KahluaMalibu (incl salted caramel) 1Ltrs $21.99 EACH Tiger; Crystal Ultra Low Carb 12pk bottles Cruiser 7% 12pk can range $24.99 EACH Major Major 10pk can range $25.99 EACH Dashwoodrange(exreds) $13.99 EACH Villa Maria ValleySelectionCellarEsk (ex PN,Syrah & Grenache) ranges $15.99 EACH Jules Taylor range (ex reds) Pasqua 1.5ltrs $22.99 EACH Jim CanadianBeamClub (incl spiced) Larios 12; Rose; Citrus 1Ltrs $44.99 EACH $77.99 EACH Roku 1L; Maker’s 46 Basil Haydens 750ml Legent 700ml BRB 6pk can range $13.99 EACH Jack Daniel’s (incl no sugar 375ml) 4.8% Scapegrace; Cheeky Iced Tea 330ml 10pk can ranges $26.99 EACH Smirnoff Ice Double Black (ex guarana) 7% 250ml 12pk can range $25.99 EACH Clean Collective 5% 250ml 12pk cans Rinse 6% 330ml 10pk cans $25.99 EACH NEW FLAVOUR $59.99 EACH JohnnieDoubleWalkerBlack 700ml Bombay Sapphire 1L Bombay Bramble 700ml $55.99 EACH JB Double Oak 1L Haku Vodka; Roku Gin Ratu Rum range 700mls $58.99 EACH Kingfisher Strong 330ml 6pk cans $15.99 EACH JB Devils Cut JB MidoriBlackall700ml $36.99 EACH Chivas Regal 12yr 1L The12yrGlenlivet 700ml $67.99 EACH $24.99 EACH Steinlager Pure; Ultra Stella Artois (incl Legere) 12pk bottles Bacardi (incl Spiced, Gold) 1Ltrs $45.99 EACH $13.99 EACH Jim Beam; CC 440ml 4.8% (inc zero); 4pk cans “An up to date Will is vital. Having a plan will save your loved one’s stress and additional costs at what will already be an emotional time. You can also plan to allow for gi ing to people or organisations that you choose.” Benji Crossley, Sharp Tudhope Lawyers (07)579 www.acornfoundation.org.nz9839 ere is a good reason why Acorn – and other community foundations around New Zealand – highlight the importance of having a will during the annual Wills Month promotion in September. An up-to-date will is
Your will should outline who you want to receive parts of your estate and how big those parts are. e size of your estate does not matter, and you should include all your property and belongings that you know you would like to go to speci c people, including jewellery, artwork, furniture, property, cash payments, and pets. Your will can also include details of how you would like your funeral to be carried out and how you want your body to be handled.

CREATINGALEGACYISASEASYAS1,2,3.WITHYOUR Createpeaceofmindforyouandyourfamily,whileprotectingthefutureofhospicecare. RegisterforyourfreeWillbyvisitingwww.waipunahospice.org.nz/wills-month-2022/orcall0800492478. LeaveagifttoWaipunaHospicewithyourFREEWillthisSeptemberandhelpWaipunaHospice bethereforfamiliesfacingtheheart-breakinglossofalovedoneinthefuture. WaipunaHospiceisgivingyouthechancetocreateorupdateabasicWillforfreethisSeptemberthankstoparticipating solicitors.Inexchange,theyaskthatyouconsiderleavingabequestgifttoWaipunaHospiceinyourWill.
Every year Waipuna Hospice cares for almost 1000 terminally ill patients and helps more than 4000 family members deal with the loss of their loved ones. While these numbers may seem high, they are only set to increase. Bequest gifts, or gifts in wills, play a crucial role in the future of Waipuna Hospice. Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty is faced with continued population growth and an increasingly aging demographic, creating further demand for hospice services. While Waipuna Hospice continues to raise funds through their charity shops, fundraising events, sponsorship, and trusts and grants, its services are only possible thanks to the support of the local community.
generations who may need their care and“Ultimately,support. in our last moments, we want our thoughts to be peaceful, happy and re ective, and to feel secure that our Will has everything organised for the people and causes we’re leaving behind,” says Waipuna Hospice CEO Richard urlow. “It’s an act of love, made in advance. An act that can also help ease the pain and struggle of future Waipuna Hospice patients and their families.” To get your free will and support the dying and bereaved in your community, 0800month-2022www.waipunahospice.org.nz/wills-visit:orcall:492478beforeSeptember26.
An act of love,
Public Trust, New Zealand’s largest provider of wills and estate administration services, has an online wills service that makes organising your will easy – in as little as 20 minutes. eir website has a range of options for getting your will sorted, plus a range of pricing options to suit your needs discusssupportwithavailableplatformeirbest.onlineis24/7localphoneavailable.Ifyouprefertoyourwillin person, Public Trust has specialists who can walk you through the process stress-free. See, visit: services/making-a-will/www.publictrust.co.nz/products-and-
is September they have teamed up with local solicitors to o er you the chance to have a basic will created or update your existing will for free. In exchange, they ask that you leave a gift in your will to Waipuna Hospice, helping future
Waipuna Hospice CEO Richard urlow.
21The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022 FREEWILL
SimplysignupbeforeMonday,26thSeptember andwe'llsendyouaFreeWillQuestionaireformtocomplete.Then,allyou havetodoismakeanappointmentwiththeparticipatinglegalfirmofyourchoiceandtakethecompletedformwithyou.Easy!
(T&Csapply) Scanhere togetyour FREEWill!
made in advance...
Making a will simple
Writing a will doesn’t have to be complicated or lengthy, but it is an important document to ensure you have organised.

Catherine and her volunteer team of helpers –including daughter Rebecca, grandson Tydence, Rylous, Millie and Ying – have re-homed an estimated 200-plus cats since they began about two years ago. But the Katikati Cat Rescue is itself in need of help – not only are needing homes. “ is time of year is really hard because it’s kitten season,” says Catherine. “People would rather wait for a cute little kitten than take one of these older kittens or older cats.”
With no vet experience, Catherine soon learnt how to care for felines – and she’s always been a cat person. Growing up her dad had a sh shop at Waihi Beach and stopped the population spreading there. “We had 49 cats at one stage.
“We couldn’t nd her for a month. Give back “When she returned she was walking on the backs of her paws; she’d taken the skin o her back feet. We tried everything to get her better… but eventually she didn’t come back from it. So we thought we’d give back for all those cats out there – we had no idea what we were getting into.”
Meet Bellatrix, a four-month-old Rottweiler-cross. She may be small but is wonderfully sassy and likes to think she’s a big girl. She loves playing with her sister and foster sister, making new friends. She loves her cuddles at night and laps up attention she receives. She’s been introduced to a cat at her foster house and has been great at giving the cat space. She’s not overly fond of the crate yet but this can be worked on with training and patience. Bellatrix is microchipped, working on crate and house training, is good with other dogs, aloof cats, and adores people.
Behavioural issues such as phobias, anxiety and aggression are commonplace in our pet society. ankfully, there are some wonderful health and wellbeing as well as positively in uence animals with behavioural issues. A wholesome diet and nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B complex and amino acids such as theanine and tryptophan can be helpful.
Other useful tools are pheromones, ower essences, calming herbs such as skull cap and valerian and therapies like Neurological Integration System, and homeopathy. For some of our patients, medication can also be invaluable.
Catherine Sharp has become Katikati’s ‘go-to’ lady when residents discover dumped, stray or colonies of un-homed cats and kittens.
e rescue is based at Catherine’s Katikati home – her garage is full of older kittens and cats ready for their forever homes. “When I moved into my house I didn’t have a cat-door so left my garage door open. A cat come in and beat up my cat.
“I used to catch the kittens and put them in sacks to take them to people to adopt – I’d have blood all up my arms because they were wild.”
It can be challenging to treat behavioural problems but once the basics are applied, most animals can be well managed and quality of life restored for all involved.
Catherine takes calls from the public and the SPCA to collect, trap and rehome cats in Katikati. Cats are trapped, if required, and quarantined for two weeks. Newborns
Cat rescue needs help – not only are the how to care for felines – and she’s always been a in Katikati. Cats are trapped, if required, Catherine Sharp wtih one the cats she needs to rehome that currently lives in her garage.
22 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022
Resolving pet behaviour issues
To nd out more, message the RRR Facebook

Rescue costs e rescue’s costs include large amounts of kitty litter, food and veterinary and healthcare expenses. e rescue doesn’t receive funds from the SPCA, instead relying on donations of product, care and funds from the public and local businesses.
“I do have a huge network that help me – I’d like to thank fosters who help train the wild cats – but it is not easy nancially,” says Catherine, who rsthand knows of at least three cat colonies around Katikati. “What happens is people feel sorry for them and feed them. “ ey think they’re doing a good thing but they don’t get them desexed. ey feed what we call ‘the Queen’ and she’ll go on to have up to six or more babies – they grow and start having babies.” Colonies e results is cats living in neighbourhoods with no o cial residence, healthcare or owners. “Tom cats can smell on-heat cats for miles – and the problem just exacerbates,” says Catherine. Moreover, colonies enable in-breeding of cats “and that’s where health problems occur”. e group is also contacted by people who discover dumped cats. “ ere’s been a lot of dumping this year.” Some people move and don’t take their cats, some can no longer a ord them, others cannot understand how to house-train cats. “We’ve collected about 80 cats so far this year alone – and the kitten season is here.” spent its last lot of funds. Now the SPCA’s Snip ‘n’ Chip service will complete desexing of cats. “What people good thing but they don’t get them
Photos: Merle Cave. Cave
23The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022
With spring o cially starting September 1, we’ll now experience warmer weather, grass growing, and the familiar sight of da odils, ducklings and lambs appear! It can be a tough world for lambs, ghting it out for mum’s precious milk, ghting away infection and sheltering from storms. Lambs can become sick quickly, signs include reduced energy levels, lack of interest in milk or food, and diarrhoea. Early detection and enlisting the help of your vet is vital. Sadly, sometimes lambs become orphans. All lambs need a form of cow or ewe colostrum, ideally within the rst six to eight hours of life. After 48 hours gradually switch to 100 per cent lamb milk replacer during days three to four. Feed small amounts frequently through the day to avoid bloat and scours occurring. Good shelter or woolovers will help keep lambs warm and unrestricted access to clean water. Keep an eye out for those baaing, tail-wagging babies. Happy lambing everyone!
Tauranga Vets
Ewe herd it here first, ‘tis the season for lambs are fundsmicrochippingwhorehomed,”fundscannotdon’tofwillSnipfunds.spentragsmellCatssuccessfully.felinesensuresocialisedareandhand-rearedolderstraystamedandtorehomedsettleinKatikatiRescuerunsotheofanoily–recentlyititslastlotofNowtheSPCA’s‘n’Chipservicecompletedesexingcats.“WhatpeoplerealiseisKRCgetbackthoseuntilthecatsaresaysCatherine,alsooersaccreditedtoraisefortherescue.
Out of e Wild petfood, Marion’s Garden Bins and resident Lee Drummond are big sponsors.
To rehome a cat, call Catherine on: 021 401 806 or see: ‘Katikati Rescue Cats’ on Facebook. To donate funds, see: oorstrays-of-katikatigivealittle.co.nz/cause/help-the-buyaraeticketProfessionals’ceinKatikati. rehomed,” says Catherine, who also o ers accredited Katikati Cat Rescue has older kittens as well as older cats that need forever homes.
paw up as kitten season arrives

24 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022

25The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022 MERCHANT NAVY DAYSUNDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER 2022 SUNDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER 2022 ASSEMBLE: 1345HRS | SERVICE: 1400HRS TAURANGA YACHT & POWERBOAT CLUB SULPHUR POINT, TAURANGA JOIN US IN PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE MERCHANT SEAMEN WHO VALIANTLY LOST THEIR LIVES IN WW1 & WW2 ALL W ELCOM E SUDOKU No.2152Fillthegridsothat everyrowandevery 3x3squarecontains thedigits1to9 Howtosolve Sudoku! HARDSolutionNo.2151 791 9415 56 9683 17 8571 3584 617724865319 569371482 318429765 973618254 285794631 146253897 692137548 457986123 831542976 SUDOKU No.1622 Fill the grid so that every row and every 3x3 square contains the digits 1 to 9 How to SolutionSudoku!solveNo.1621EASYVERY 412 8 9 4 5 24 57 1 28 57 97 56 3 1 56 7 34 58 9 328 6 1479 5 5 7 1298 6 34 946 7532 1 8 23 45 8 7 169 SUDOKU No.2152Fillthegridsothat everyrowandevery 3x3squarecontains thedigits1to9 Howtosolve Sudoku! 7SolutionNo.2151 91 9415 56 9683 17 8571 3584 617724865319 569371482 318429765 973618254 285794631 146253897 692137548 457986123 831542976 Solution No.2151
their disappearances, get an epic rip-roaring Western treatment from a massive band with every element – sparkling piano (Marco Cremaschini), giant whammy-bar guitar (Iain Archibald), choir – in there and cooking. It’s a great production of a great song. ‘Eyes Like e Day, Hair Like e Night’ is a love song that could be a lost Peter Sarstedt out-take but it’s the title track – with its weird meaning of a revolutionary animal take-over – that really blew me away. It’s an a cappella song with six singers, from Liam’s baritone to soprano Ashleen Fahy, though it sounds like a lot more. ey sing two melodic parts then mesh them both together in a glorious anthem, an ode to an inevitable animal uprising that only gets funnier the more seriously it is I’vepresented.beenplaying it to everyone I can. ey think I’m mad of course, but you really should have a listen online. It’s on Spotify and elsewhere. One can only admire the singleminded vision that follows through on such di cult grand ideas. My hat is o to Liam Hagan, whose eccentricity and individuality is fortunately matched by the talent and determination needed to make something like this possible. Damn ne.
THE WEEKEND SUN Zoonomy? Yep, zoonomy
CROWN & BADGER Fri 2nd A-Factor 9pm-Late Sat 3rd 9pm-LateWheelhouse JACK DUSTY’S
is week I review a new album by Liam Hagan, which has amazed and fascinated me. But rst, a gig I wanted to mention since it’s celebrating a debut release. First, speci cally, because some of you only read that bit. As someone so elegantly put it in a recent email: “that’s where the jokes are (sometimes)”. Okay. is Saturday, September 3, noisy Tauranga mis ts Somacaine launch their debut single ‘ ose Girls’ at the Jam Factory with support from Antebellum and Liquid Nails. It’s a bluesy little o ering – available on the usual digital platforms –with a “witchy woman” theme that rocks harder as it goes along. e fourpiece Battle of e Bands nalists recorded it with local producer Nate Sowter and I’ll return to them in more length at a later date. Right. Liam Hagan. Liam has a new album. Recorded at Welcome Bay’s Colour eld Studio, it leans towards musical theatre but is hard to de ne. And it’s kinda wonderful… Liam has been performing in musicals for 15 years, winning a Zony (regional theatre award) for best supporting male in Chess. Last year he played the title role in a production of ‘Sweeney Todd’. He’s also a musician, playing percussion and keyboards for productions of e Producers and Evita and released a debut album, ‘Vatican City Mardi Gras’ in 2015. Humour Rooted in musical theatre, it showed both control of the medium and a lefteld sense of humour: the opener, in the spirit of e Producers, is a love ballad sung by Eva Braun. But while that album featured piano-based small band backing, his new o ering ‘Zoonomy’ throws it all at the wall. Western Swing! An operatic choir! Huge twangy guitars! Literary titans! Spooky country! is is an album of manifold pleasures, a variety show aunting Liam’s skills both as a writer and arranger. First up ‘Make It To e End’ starts as a piano ballad before morphing into an aspirational show-tune. Liam delivers his own harmonies and in a stage production this would undoubtedly end with the singer’s arms stretched aloft in yearning triumph. e only song not written by Liam follows, the cheerfully witty ‘Astro Turf’ from Aucklander Bray Je rey, a pitch-perfect take on Dan Hicks’ light-hearted style of smooth swing: “I like the ‘Astro Turf’ cause you never have to mow it”. ings get considerably darker with ‘Take It Down’, the sort of Gothic murder ballad you get from e Handsome Family. e beautiful atmospheric arrangement includes a waterphone, played by a Seattle musician Robb Bockman. Sweet and eccentric en there’s ‘Grieg And Poe Meet For Co ee’ a song in the long tradition of ctitious meetings between famous characters – my favourite is e Weakerthans’ ‘Our Retired Explorer Dines With Michel Foucault In Paris 1961’ – and it’s as sweet and eccentric as the title suggests. More real people are alluded to in ‘You’ll Find Me Wherever I Am’; Connie Converse, Donald Crowhurst and D. B. Cooper, each famous for The Weekend Sun’s ever popular guide to ‘What’s On’ in the Bay. is here (Bureta) Sat 3rd Ivita and 7.30-10.30pmSimone Sun 4th Blarney Boys 3-6pm Wed 7th Open Mic Night 7pm Start MT RSA Fri 2nd Mark Huckstep LOUNGE Fri 2nd Leigh Hawira 6pm Euphoria techno 9pm Sat 3rd Tom Ashe 6pm DJ Ayesha 9pm Sun 4th DJ Hatta 9pm Wed 31st Voodoo Jam Night 9pm Thurs 1st Live with Camila Lenhart and friends 8pm THE JAM FACTORY Sat 3rd Somacaine 7-9pm
Liam Hagan (above) and his latest album release ‘Zoonomy’ (below).

Be swept away by the breathtaking, ponderous and extremely beautiful soundscape of Gabriel Faure’s original intimate ‘impressionistic work’ – a work that had a long period of gestation beginning around 1887. is is Faure’s ‘Requiem’ like nothing you have experienced before!
Greerton Garden Club Greerton Garden Club meets 2nd Monday each month at St James Church hall Pooles Rd. Greerton, at 1pm. Visitors Welcome. Ph 07 5628855 Harmony a Plenty Barbershop Men -Do you like to sing and have fun? We’ll teach you. We practice Mondays 7pm at Bethlehem Community Church Moffat Rd. Ring Errol at 0272 300 959 Justice of the Peace Arataki Community Centre 10am-Noon. Court House. McLean St 1pm-3pm. Keep On Your Feet Omokoroa 11am-12pm, Settlers Hall, 334 Omokoroa Rd. Strength & balance classes for older adults. ll levels of fitness welcome. Ph. Sharnie 021 111 8617 Let’s Learn Something New An A-Z of Clubs, Courses & Classes happening now. Find an activity, join, & do it! All ages. www.letslearn.co.nz or Ph 07 544 9557 Mt RSA Indoor Bowls Mt RSA Indoor Bowls - new club time Mondays, 12.15 for 12.30pm game. Newcomers welcome. Contact Joy 0210 912 7589 or Alice 0210 642 337 Oceansde Probus Club 9.30am at Omanu Golf Club, Matipihi Rd. Mt.Maunganui, All welcome. Brenda 575 0314 Myra-Lou 575 6595 Papamoa Patchers Quilting 9.30am-2.30pm 1st and 3rd Monday of month. 9.30am-12.30pm 2nd and 4th of month. St Andrew’s Church Hall, corner Dee St/Ranch Rd, Mt Maunganui Pickleball Join in the fun! The Mount Pickleball Club meets 9.15-12.15pm at the Mount Sports Centre. Paddles provided for newcomers. Bob 027 478 6282 Social Indoor Bowls Greerton Senior Citizens Hall 33 Maitland St. Mondays 12.45pm. Learners welcome Tauranga Scottish Country Dance Beginners’ Classes are now on at St John’s Church Hall, 94 Bureta Road 6.30-8.30. First night is free. Ph Heather 579 1556 Tauranga Senior Citizens Club Cards 500 Mon & Thurs Indoor Bowls Tues, Wed, & Sat 14 Norris St. 12.45 pm for 1 pm Start. Entry $3 includes afternoon tea info Carol 022 639 2411 Tauranga Stamp Club Wesley Methodist Church, 100 Thirteenth Ave. 10am on the 2nd and 7.30pm on the 4th Monday of the month. All welcome. Ph Tony 07 549 5015 or Brian 07 576 5210 Te Puke 500 cards Te Puke Bridge Club, 4 Queen St, Mondays 7pm start cost $5 new members welcome phone Mike 027 495 5284 or Lou 07 573 8184 Women’s Mah Jong Group We welcome new players to join our group at the Lyceum Club rooms, 68 First Ave, every Monday 1pm to 3pm. $3. Beth 021 0261 7944
10.00-10.45am Arataki Community Centre, Zambuk Way. Koha. lollaughterwellness.weebly.comlollaughterwellness@gmail.comEmailwww.
Taoist Tai Chi Taoist Tai Chi beginners sessions every day except Sundays at Greerton Bethlehem Te Puke, Papamoa & Katikati. Ph Margie 021 500 320 Up North Wed-Sun 16-25 Sep. Rural New Zealand, 1950’s. Jimmy and Evelyn take in an unwed pregnant teenager. Follow shattered dreams, circumstances change their lives forever. 16th Ave Theatre. Bookings iTicket Village Radio Museum Community Radio broadcasting nostalgic music & Community Notices seven days on 1368 KHz AM Band. Radio Museum open from 10am. Request line 571 3710 Welcome Farmers’ Market Come visit this vibrant and welcoming market! At Changepoint Church, or on the first Saturday of the month at Faith Bible College. 9am-1pm www.welcomefarmersmarket.co.nzSaturdays.
Papamoa Lions Club Market 2nd & 4th Sunday. Gordon Spratt Reserve, Parton Rd, Papamoa. Gates open 7am for stall holder entry. Wayne 027 974 5699 Pickleball outdoors Pickleball at the Matua Courts, 110 Levers Rd 1-4pm. Join our friendly group and play in the sunshine. Paddles provided. Bob 027 478 6282
Psychic Cafe Spiritual Centre Greerton Community Hall 4 & 18 Sep. Doors open 6.30pm, starts 7.00pm. $20 entry then everything free. Psychics, Healers, Spiritualists, Refreshments. All free. Oer 20 practitioners! Best ever! www.psychiccafe.nz Radio Controlled Model Yachts Sun & Thurs 1-3.30pm. Pond behind 22 Montego Drive Papamoa, sailing Electron Radio Controlled Yachts for fun. Adult beginners welcome. Graham 572 5419 Monday 5 Sep 500 Card Group Every Monday (except public holidays) from 9.30-11.30am, held at Age Concern, 177A Fraser St, Tauranga, $2 donation, light refreshment provided - all welcome! Aglow Mt Maunganui Meet Kaylene Subritzky who is sharing a message of hope and love in Jesus. Tonight 7pm, Mt Baptist Church, 66 Ranch Rd. Inquiries Helen 021 175 9100 Association Croquet Club Mt Maunganui, 45 Kawaka St. 9.15 am for 9.30am start. New players & visitors welcome. Ph. Jacqui 07 574 9293 Badminton Club Aquinas College Tauranga Badminton Club. Monday’s 7-9pm at Aquinas College Events Centre. Seniors & Year 11 upwards, Casual players welcome, $10pp. Club racquets available. Ph/text Noel: 027 622 9797 Chess Mount Maunganui Mt Maunganui RSA Chess Club, Maunganui Rd. Mondays (excl. public holidays) 7pm onwards. Info: search “Western BOP Chess” online Dutch Friendly Support Network Coffee morning 1st Monday of month, 10am-12noon. $4 entry. Vintage Car Club Rooms, Cliff Rd, Tauranga. Ph Bernadette 07 572 3968 Free First Dance Class Celeste Dance teaches @ Arataki Community Centre every Monday during the term. Starts at 3.30pm. Pop in for a first class free dancer.amanda gmail.com 0210 841 0697 for info
every Sunday during school term. Kayaks available. Contact Joe 021 156 3472 Maori History Walks Papamoa Hills - learn the stories of Maori settlement along the BOP coastline. See details and experiencesherewww.traveled.co.nz/upcoming-bookingortext0220494465
Win a ‘ride of your life’ ticket!
Sunday 4 Sep Art on the Strand Original art for sale. Weather permitting. 9-4pm. The Strand, Tauranga. Tauranga Society of Artists Bretts Goalkeeping Clinic Free Soccer Goalkeeping Coaching, Sunday Mornings 9-11am from 9yrs to youth, at Waipuna Park. These sessions would suit beginners and upward. Fbook Search: Bretts Goalkeeping Clinic Falun Dafa Exercises Apply ancient wisdom in 2022 with Falun Dafa. Outdoor exercises - welcome, it’s free. Ph Judy 021 042 5398 country/new-zealand.htmlhttps://en.falundafa.org/contacts/
Luke Waddington Exhibition
26 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022
Tauranga Social Dance Sequence dancing 7-10pm Wesley Church Hall 100, 13th Ave this
Beginning with just one single heavy chord from master organist, Dr. Indra Hughes, voices enter with quiet mysticism and an air of reverence that breathes for you –a mellow texture of sound transportsthatyou on the angelic wings of the choir and the organist weaving the gentle magic. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll recover from Faure’s ‘Requiem’ to be able to drive home! Seats are limited to 200 in St Peter’s Church in Mount Maunganui on September 17. Join i-Ticket earlybirds for discounted online sales until September 15. Cash-only door sales will be available until sold out. e Weekend Sun has two double passes to see Faure’s ‘Requiem’ for two lucky readers who can tell us how many seats are available in theshow?MaunganuiMountEnteronline at sunlive.co.nz under the competition section. Entries must be received by Tuesday, September 6.
THE WEEKEND SUN Saturday 3 Sep A Course in Miracles Are you stuck in the past, grievances and resentments? Get over it! Free forgiveness workshop that transforms your thinking from fear to Love. Text 021 0274 2502 Artful Wahine -TGC Exhibition The People’s Gallery (Historic Village,Tauranga) Tauranga Girl’s College Annual Art group show. Open exhibition for students to show original works. 19 Aug-11 Sept, 10am-3pm (Weekdays), 10am-2pm (Weekends). info@theincubator.co.nz Association Croquet Club Mt Maunganui, 45 Kawaka St. 9.15 am for 9.30am start. New players & visitors welcome. Ph. Jacqui 07 574 9293 Bay Singles Social Group Join a bunch of over 50’s young singles. Weekend dinners, pot-lucks, occasional outings. Have a go! Ph Delia 027 284 8762 or Andrea 021 133 0313 Beth-El Messianic Family Celebrate Shabbat (Sabbath) as did Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), his disciples and early believers. All welcome. Otumoetai Primary 10am or FaceBook Live 11am. Joel 021 768 043 info@bethel.org.nz Greerton Hall Market 8am-12pm Last Saturday of each month. Stalls inside/outside. Discounts for charity groups. Refreshments at kitchen. Ph/txt for site. Tricia 07 543 1487/ 027 908 2952, www facebook. com/greertonhallmarket Grow On Shed OpenCheap Seeds and seedlings and free gardening advice. Open every Saturday 9.30-10.30 am. Down the side of the Katikati Community Centre 45 Beach Rd Justice of the Peace The Crossing Shopping Mall 2 Taurikura Drive 10am-Noon Katikati Bowling Club 8 Park Rd 12.45-3pm Katikati Toy Library Family-focused facility offering 600+ toys to loan to children zero-10. Tues 6.30-8pm Weds 2.30-4pm Sat 9am-10am. Located behind the Christian Centre, Henry Rd, Katikati LOL Laughter Wellness Spring into Spring and laugh away the Winter blues with us every Saturday.
Farmers Market - Mount Mainstreet Every Sunday 9am-1pm rain or shine! Te Papa o Nga Manu Porotakataka (Phoenix www.mountmainstreet.nzPark). Flag Gridiron Practice Arataki Park. Sunday 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Come down and give Flag Gridiron a try. It’s one of the fastest growing sports in NZ. All welcome Free Family Concerts Fun with Peter and the Wolf and more. BOP Symphonia at Holy Trinity Church, 2 pm and 4 pm. No tickets needed, donations welcome Golden Oldies Rugby Are you 35yrs plus, enjoy socialising, and want something to do on Sunday arvos? Then Golden Oldies rugby is for you. If this sounds like you; please ‘phone Tauranga Old Stars 027 282 8821 or email taurangaoldstars@ gmail.com for more info Golf Croquet Club Mt Maunganui, 45 Kawaka St. 8.30am for 9am start. New players & visitors welcome. Ph. Nev 07 575 5121 Kaimai Canoe Club Pool session to learn/ practice kayak skills for white water. 5.30pm at Baywave
The Incubator Gallery (Historic Village, Tauranga) presents ‘My Hair is on Fire and I’m Looking at You’. Opening Preview 19th Aug, 5:307:30pm. On display 20 Aug-11 Sept, 10am-3pm (Weekdays), 10am-2pm (Weekends). info@theincubator.co.nz Otumoetai Tennis Club Adult tennis. Start time 1.30pm. Bellevue Park Windsor Rd (adjacent to swimming pool). New players and visitors welcome. Ph Victor 027 577 1818 a/hrs Otumoetai Toy Library Otumoetai Toy Library, 94 Bureta Rd, Otumoetai. Open Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 9:30am-11:30am. Become a member now. Contact: otutoylib@gmail. com Excellent quality toys Papamoa Table Tennis Club Saturday Club session for all ages and abilities, 2pm to 4pm, Papamoa College Gym. Adults $5, Students $4 Ph John 021 0386025 Riverlight Suicide Loss Support Katikati/Waihi Beach group. Providing hope and inspiration to those coping with the suicide of a loved one. 9:3011:30am. Contact Karin: riverlight62@ gmail.com 021 103 7404 Sabbath Services Church of God’s Love/COG7, meeting 10.30 70 Pooles Rd, Greerton. Sermon 3rd Sept. ‘Stop Sitting on the Fence - Take your stand for God!’ St Enochs Presbyterian Church Join us on Sunday morning at 9.30am. 134 Sixteenth Avenue, Tauranga. Ph 578 3040. God honouring. Christ following. Holy Spirit led St Stephen’s Jigsaw Library Every Saturday 10am-12noon Hire a variety of 500 puzzles, of 100 to 2000 pieces. Please wear masks and bring Vaccine Pass. Located behind church at ighmore Terrace, Brookfield Tauranga Farmers Market 7.45am-12noon at Tauranga Primary School cnr Cameron Rd & 5th Avenue. Rain, hail or shine. Direct from the Producers. Support local Tauranga Fuchsia Group Meet Saturdaylastof the month February to November at Art & Craft for1pm.ElizabethCentre,StWestLearntocarefuchsiaplants
Saturday 3rd September Warm welcome Phone Jan 576 3455

Association Croquet Club Mt Maunganui, 45 Kawaka St. 9.15 am for 9.30am start. New players & visitors welcome. Ph Jacqui 07 574 9293 Avenues Friendship Club Meets 1st Wednesday of every month at 9.30 pm. Tauranga Citizens Club 13th Avenue. Guest Speakers, Visitors welcome, Ph 027 406 1846
Arataki Coastal Club Meeting at Arataki Community Centre, Mt Maunganui on second Tuesday of the month at 9.30am. Programme of speakers, outings, dining and more. Ph Robyn 572 2908 Conversation Cafe Dee St 9-11.45am at Presbyterian Church Hall. Varied program. Morning tea, aimed at seniors. All welcome. $2.50pp until further notice. 544 0951 or 021 127 4277 Golf Croquet Club Mt Maunganui, 45 Kawaka St. 8.30am for 9am start. New players & visitors welcome. Ph. Nev 07 575 5121 Inachord Women Singers Join us for singing and fun. 7pm 183CommunityBethlehemChurch,MoffatRd.Musical Director Andrew Braid. Pippa 027 473 0185, Julie 021 0252 6805 Israeli Dancing Beginners class 6:30-7:30pm, Gate Pa Primary School hall, Cameron Rd. Circle & line dances, all ages welcome. Ph/txt Maria, 022 165 2114 Justice of the Peace Court House. McLean St 10am-Noon. Mount Maunganui Library 11am-1pm. Saint Columba Church 502 Otumoetai Rd 10am-Noon Keep On Your Feet Katikati Catholic Church Hall, 89 Beach Rd. 10.15-11.15am, strength & balance classes for older adults, all levels of fitness welcome. Ph Sharnie 021 111 8617 Lunch & Games Afternoon 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Games, Fish & Chips. Come along and join the fun 12-3pm, St Johns Anglican Church, 94 Bureta Rd, Otumoetai. Ph 576 9923 Mount Morning Badminton 9.30-12pm Mt Sports Centre, Blake Park. Social, all ages, racquets available, beginners welcome, $5 per day. Ph Margaret 575 9792 Olympic Style Shooting Tauranga Target Rifle Club has been locked out of its range by the Legion of Frontiersmen during sublease negotiations. Contact Alan for details 021 251 2843 Otumoetai Tennis Club Adult tennis. 9am Tues &Thurs. Bellevue Park Windsor Rd (adjacent to swimming pool). New players and visitors welcome. Ph Peter 021 542 172 Otumoetai Walking Group Meet at 9am at Kulim Park. Ph Danny 576 6480 Papamoa Sunshine Probus Club Meetings held 2nd Tuesday of every month starting at 11.30am at the Gordon Spratt Reserve Clubrooms Papamoa. Contacts Colleen Lambourne 210 235 2736 or Paula Neilson 021 117 0802 Recycled Teenagers Gentle Exercise St. Mary’s Church Hall cnr Girven & Marlin 9-10.30am. Suitable for joint replacements, arthritics, recovery from accidents & illness. Strength, coordination & balance Jennifer 571 1411 Sequence Dancing Tauranga Social & Leisure Club, St Johns Church Hall, 94 Bureta Rd Otumoetai, Tues 7-9.30pm except 2nd Tues month 3.30-6pm Lesley 929 7295 Tauranga Acoustic Music Club Greerton RSA 7pm. Friendly gettogether, all instruments, all levels of ability. Come in & enjoy some live music. Grant 578 6448 Tauranga Model Railway Club Meetings on Tuesday mornings 9.30 and Thursday evenings 7.30 at club rooms corner of Cross Roads and Mirrielees Rd Sulphur Point. Mike Oldfield 021 939 233 Tauranga Toastmasters Meets 7:30pm at the Coastguard headquarters 72 Keith Allen Drive. Paul 0274 828 779 Te Puke Pipe Band Meets weekly 6-8pm at Te Puke Baptist Church, Station Rd, Te Puke. Learner pipers and drummers welcome. Free tuition provided Ph Jo 021 052 6728 U3A Beachside Public Meeting Next meeting Arataki Community Centre 10am. Speaker Prof. Ian Hawes Waikato University on their Antarctic Research Programme. Entry $5 cash only Yoga for All Welcome Bay Community Centre, 6-7.30pm. Traditional, relaxing Yoga class. Beginners welcome. $15 for one or $110 for nine classes. Bring a mat. Info: Bhajan 07 929 7484 Wednesday 7 Sep 10 Pin Bowling 1pm at 10 Tauranga,135Pin13th ave. Mixed group play for fun but keep the score. Very occasionally competitive. Ph Glenda 021 257 8678 Active Senior Exercise Class Senior exercise class with a focus on strength, balance and fun set to music. Matua Hall Levers Rd at 9:30. Phone Diana 021 047 6155 Adults Ballet Plus Lots of dance styles covered 12.30pm at St Peters Church Beach Rd Katikati ‘Dance like no one’s watching’ Ph Gaye 027 274 8753 / 07 577 1753 Age Concern Walking Group Meet at 10am Chester St, off Cambridge Rd Ph Renee 07 576 6699
27The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022 Across 6. Chance (11) 7. Component (4) 8. Yardsticks (8) 9. Balsaltic lava (6) 10. Power station (NI) (6) 12. Downright (6) 15. Outings (6) 17. Voluntary (8) 19. Concept (4) 20. Estimated (11) Down 1. University (NI) (8) 2. Shrub (6) 3. Outlandish (6) 4. Formerly (4) 5. Contradiction (6) 6. Pessimist (5) No. 1792 11. Maritime (8) 13. Say again (6) 14 Muscle (6) 15. River (Southern Alps) (6) 16. Subject (5) 18. Rascals (4) Solution 1791 RTOETEF DG KOIE OE KITI S TOTWOLEY TR AO XDDE MLUS ORSRC HSATECN CA E EG H A Y SA ME D T JK N L I I ESR KJR IK K U G K A I AG I R I E ECA CA PDCA ESZ M M A I B O M F A C I S E T L R M K F E A I E M H E S N T E E C R M O F L O P E D J U D O I U N I O R S N U D E E L A S T B D A P
Marching For Leisure
First Thursday of every month 10am, Tauranga Citizens Club. Meet new people, join the fun. Cost $3. Enquiries 027 247 7643 Bay City Rockers Social Rock’nRoll Dancing plus other popular dances at the Senior Citizens Hall Norris St. 7-9.30pm. $3 entry including Supper. Ph Gavin 027 643 6222 Book Club Book Club, meets every 1st Thursday of the month. St Johns Anglican Church, 94 Bureta Rd, Otumoetai. 1-3pm. Coffee/Conversation GroupGreerton Age Concern Tauranga holds a friendly Coffee and Conversation Group, Greerton Senior Citizens Hall, 33 Maitland St, 10.30am - 12noon, cost $5pp. All Welcome. Golf Croquet Club Mt Maunganui, 45 Kawaka St. 8.30am for 9am start. New players & visitors welcome. Ph Nev 07 575 5121 Justice of the Peace Court House. McLean St 1-3pm. Te Puke Library 10.30am-12.30pm. Tauranga Multicultural Centre Historic Village 11.30am-12.30pm
A non-competitive activity for mature ladies. Fun, fitness and friendship. For all Tauranga team’s practice details and contacts Ph Elaine Corbett 021 208 8898 Mount Diabetes Support Group Mount Maunganui Diabetes Support Group. 10am Arataki Community Centre, Zambuk Way, Mt Maunganui. Guest speaker from Medwise, Clinical Pharmacist. 07 571 3422 for more information. Pickleball day and night Pickleball at Baypark 10am to midday and at Tauranga Boys College 7-9pm. Join the fun! Paddles provided for newcomers. Bob 027 478 6282 Steady As You Go Age Concern exercise group. Improve strength and balance. $2. Wednesdays St John’s Church hall Bureta 2-3 pm. Ph Betty 07 570 3215 Taijiquan and Qigong Sat & Wed 9am free Taiji / Qigong group. Kulim Park on beach by big rock. All welcome. Ph Petro 021 751 665 Tauranga Embroiderers’ Guild Tauranga Embroiderers™ Guild meets every Wednesday at Tauranga Rowing Club, Devonport Rd 10am-2.30pm and 7-9pm. Beginners very welcome. Contact Pat Macdonald 027 311 8876 / 07 576 4546 Tauranga MidWeek Tramping Group Tarawera Falls to outlet. Grade moderate.Trish Brown 027 272 8490 Tauranga RSA Quiz Night 7pm start. 1237 Cameron Rd. Teams of up to 8. $3 p/person. Bar/snack food available. Ph 578 9654 Women’s Social Bridge Club We welcome new players to join us at the Lyceum Club rooms, 68 1st Avenue every Wednesday 1pm. $3 Val 577 6827 Tauranga South Garden Club Meeting on the first Wednesday of the month.Central Baptist Church hall corner of Cameron Rd and 13 Ave. Visitors welcome. Contact Carmen 027 378 2248
Tauranga Model Railway Club Meetings on Tuesday mornings 9.30 and Thursday evenings 7.30 at club rooms corner of Cross Roads and Mirrielees Rd Sulphur Point. Mike Oldfield 021 939 233
Sunshine Sequence Dance Group Come and join a friendly group dancing 7-9.30pm at St John’s Church Hall, Bureta. $4pp includes supper. Dawn 579 3040 Tauranga Film Society Showing “Utu Redux” Zealand(New2013) at Rialto Cinema. 3-film sampler membership $30. Join any time: full season membership $90. timeneale@blaymires.nzEmail:forstart
Thursday 8 Sep 500 Cards Fun and friendly group. All ages welcome. Mount Community Hall. 345 Maunganui Rd. Parking available. Bus stop nearby. Afternoon tea provided. Ph 027 658 6848 500 Cards at Papamoa We play 500 every Thursday from 1pm. Join our friendly group and exercise those gray cells! $4 including afternoon tea and prizes. Bob 027 478 6262 60’s Up Movement
Katikati Bowling Club 8 Park Rd Rummikub 1-4pm, $3 entry Keynotes BarbershopWomen’sChorus 7pm Wesley Centre Hall, 100 13th Avenue. Do you love to sing? We sing 4-part harmony. Women, any age welcome. Ph Bernice 576 4848 Facebook Keynotes Inc. Meditate in Tauranga Combine Buddhist wisdom with meditation to improve the quality of your life. Brianhall$15/10welcome.Everyone7pmbehindWatkins House meditateintauranga.orgwww. Social Group New residents to Tauranga, come along and join us at Neighbourhood 1st and 3rd Thursday from 5pm to socialise. Contact: tauranga@gmail.commerge.
Coffee/Conversation Group Brookfield Age Concern Tauranga holds a friendly Coffee and Conversation Group at St Stephens Church, 9 Brookfield Terrace, 10.30am - 12noon, cost $5pp. All Welcome Fernland Spa Gentle Exercise Suitable for joint replacements, weight loss, arthritics & recovery from accident or illness. Great for strength, coordination and balance.Warm mineral water no chlorine. Jennifer 571 1411 Healing Rooms Prayer Experience God’s healing touch, whether physical, emotional, spiritual. The Sanctuary, 159 Durham St. 1-3pm. All welcome. No charge. www. healingrooms.co.nz 027 640 1263 Indoor Bowls Gate Pa Greerton Community Hall. Club Night 7pm Kevin 543 4044 Justice of the Peace Court House. McLean St 11-1pm. Holy Trinity Church 215 Devonport Rd Noon-2pm. Papamoa Library Gravatt Rd 10am-Noon. Welcome Bay Community Centre 1-3pm Katikati Bowling Club 8 Park Rd. Mixed Roll-ups 12.45-3pm
THE WEEKEND SUN Tuesday 6 Sep 500 Cards Fun and friendly group. All ages welcome. Mount Community Hall. 345 Maunganui Rd. Parking available. Bus stop nearby. Afternoon tea provided. Inquiries to 027 658 6848 Active Seniors Exercise Class Seniors exercise class with a focus on strength, balance and fun set to music $6 per class. Greerton Hall 10:00am all welcome. Contact Diana 021 047 6155
Alcoholics Annonymous St George’s Anglician church Cnrs of Cameron Rd & 1 Church St Tauranga Closed hui Alkies only. 0800 229 6757 Altrusa Ladies Group Service and Business meeting every 2nd Tuesday at Matua Bowling Club and 4th Tuesday for programme evening. ie movies or similar. Ph Sandra 027 483 8454 www.altrusa.org.nz

Hay is reliable, experienced and specialises in painting domestic and commercial roofs with airless spray equipment. He can apply a three-coat recommended paint system to clay tiles, decramastic and iron clad roofs, and all of this is Katikati and Tauranga-wide – from Papamoa to Rotorua. “We give a good commercial grade waterblast to wash roofs,” says
who has 15 years’ experience working in the Bay. “ is is an important rst step for a good job. “Moss, dirt and old paint oxides are washed REE Annual check up with every new IRRIGA ION Installation. Free onsite consultation for new residential lawn & garden irrigation systems. Lawns & Landscape Totally CutLTD 021 507 182 We also fix wet soggy lawns SPECI A LIZED PAIN TING BOP WIDE BeforeAfter Give your roof a new look Renovation Developments deliver a professional job every time. Photo: supplied. away and there are no chemicals required. “We paint barge boards and gutters to match roof colour as required, and we can apply Black guard rust kill treatment to rusty roofs to make them last longer.” With the weather getting better, phone Nigel now for a free quote on: 021 259 06539.
If Nigel Nigel,
your roof is in need of a new coat of paint, Harness Roof Paints can help. Owner
28 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022 trades & services CLASSIFIEDSECTION PH: 07 557 0505 EMAIL: taylor@sunmedia.co.nz Pages can be viewed online at www.theweekendsun.co.nz

29The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022 trades & services Phone Bring in fresh, filtered airKerbwww.wheelmagician.co.nzDamagedWheel?0800 537 233 Totally CutLTD Mathew 021 507 182 Servicing Omokoroa to Papamoa Hills RIDE-ONGARDENINGMOWINGLAWNMOWING 36 YEARS experience • Window handles, hinges & stays • Security locks for windows & doors • Sliding and bi-fold door rollers, locks & handles • Retractable insect screens sliding door won’t slide? Call us today to arrange an assessment of your home. 07 575 www.exceed.co.nz3000 CONTACT CONTACTBUILDERJEFFJEFFBUILDER P.(07) 578 4110 995 Cameron Road, Gate Pa, Tauranga www.theupholsteryshoppe.co.nz

30 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022 trades & services funeral services public notices situations vacant automotivedeceasedhealth&wellnessfor sale Business: Minutes of 2021 AGM Financial Report Presidents Report Election of O cers & Committee 07 543 3151 ean as ind, sensiti e and compassionate, and accommodating of our is es www.hopefunerals.co.nz Dean Hughes Funeral Director TAURANGA BUILDING SOLUTIONS

ZEALANDIER TOURS A Day in The Life of a Bygone Era. Tuesday6thth Sept – come & enjoy hot girdle scones with the Katikati locals. A leisurely day out. Ph 572 4118 to book your seat.
So don’t take my word for it. Check out the Bible and see that it can stand up as the source of ultimate truth. Mike Johnston, The Orchard. 10AM PRIMARY ALL info@bethel.org.nzSHALOMWELCOME
be observed by all it means it can be veri ed, validated, defended. I say it is true that I am prime minister – ‘my truth’. However, it doesn’t stand up against the evidence that I am not. is inevitably leads to the fundamental reality that truth is therefore narrow. ere cannot be multiple truths, or subjective truth, or ‘my truth’. For a claim to be made about truth, it must stand up to external scrutiny and in doing so will rule out all as truth!
In large part, it is a language problem. Truth, by de nition, is a statement that corelates to reality. It is therefore objective, veri able, and narrow. Truth is outside a person’s
alternatives. If it’s not true, it is false and it is a Forlie.there to even be this concept in the world, there must be a source, a benchmark, an ultimate truth. It can’t be made up by consensus because that would be subjective. Truth can never be a claim made that can’t be validated.
ZEALANDIER TOURS Great Barrier Island Escape. 26th to 29th Sept – are you looking for a mini break to shake o the winter blues? Fully hosted, allinclusive package, journey with us o the grid to our own tropical island with clear ocean waters and stunning beaches. Ph 572 418 to nd out more. ZEALANDIER TOURS World of WearableArt Show. 8th to 11th Oct & 15th to 18th Oct – we have two trips dates on o er – don’t miss your opportunity to escape for a few days to see the world’s leading wearable art competition and a spectacular stage show held in Wellington. Ph 572 418 to book your seat.
OROPI 332 OROPI ROAD Sat 8am-4pm. Quality kitchenware, books, DVDs, clothing, 2 sh tanks. 2008 Daihatzu Sirion manual $3000 annual book sale BOOKS AND JIGSAWS wanted for Tauranga Harbour City Lions November Book Sale. Dates 4th 5th 6th November 2022. Drop o points are Harvey Norman Cameron Road, Wet and Forget Chapel St Centre, Countdown Bethlehem Town Centre, 4 Seasons Tauranga Crossing, Bunnings Jean Batten Drive. Please no magazines, encyclopedias. Phone 579 2204 or 543 4418 or 027 270 5292 bible digest Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. (1 Chronicles 16:10) curriculum vitae CVs THAT STAND OUT. A C.V. For You can help you look great on paper. Targeted or generic cover letters also available. Samples to view on facebook 27com/acvforyouwww.facebook.orPh/text02127912
ZEALANDIER TOURS Awakeri Rail Karts. Wednesday 14thth Sept – hop on board your rail kart and cruise along some of the historical Taneatua branch. Ph 572 4118 to book your seat.
ZEALANDIER TOURS Grand High Tea@ The Hilton, Taupo. Friday 23rd Sept – come & nibble on tasty morsels and indulge with a glass of bubbles. Ph 572 418 to book your seat.
31The Weekend Sun Friday 2 September 2022
20 Words for $24.00+gst with FREE signs & price stickers! Churches Tauranga S2235cbStPeters ST PETERS IN THE CITY Cnr. Cameron Rd & Spring St RevPhonewww.stpeters.org.nz5789608EnosaAuva’a 10.00am Family ServiceContemporary ST ENOCHS 134 16th Avenue Phone 578 Rev.www.stenochs.org.nz3040JacoReyneke 9.30am Morning Worship ST ANDREWS Cnr Macville Rd & Dee St Mt Maunganui Phone 575 9347 Rev.www.mountchurch.org.nzDouglasBradley 9.00am Traditional Service 10.30am Contemporary Service EVANS RD COMMUNITY CHURCH, PAPAMOA 30 Evans Road Phone 574 6190 Rev. Mike Uttley 10.00am Family Service COMMUNITYBETHLEHEM CHURCH 183 Mo at Rd Phone 579 www.bcchurch.co.nz1600 9.30am Worship Service ST COLUMBA 502 Otumoetai Rd Phone 576 Email:www.stcolumba.co.nz6756oce@stcolumba.co.nz 9.30am Worship Service
Churches Active In Our Community
Joel & Sharon van Ameringen BETH - EL la tyb Messianic021bethel.org.nzFamily768043
for sale BARGAIN Dining table and 4 chairs, excellent condition, beautiful upholstered chairs $500 ono Call Suzy on 021 769 831g gardening ABLE GARDENER, experienced, e cient, knowledgeable, highly quali ed. Maintenance, pruning, hedges, shrubs, roses; disease/ pest control, lifestyle blocks, garden renovations; design & plant. Ph Tita 027 654 8781 or a/h 542 0120 health & beauty NATURAL NEW ZEALAND Health Products & Clinic. Something for everyone. NZ Registered Natural Therapies & Natural Medicine Practitioners. Opposite BP Te Puke. Ph 573 www.naturaltherapiesnz.com5533 comwww.naturalpetremediesstore.and livestock AC PETFOODS collect injured & unwanted cows & horses. Ph 0800 369 6269 lost & found FOUND KITTENS & PUPPIES various places, colours and sex. Ph SPCA 07 578 0245 Found Adult Male Tabby and White Cat. Found in Gate Pa Ref: 553995 Found Adult Male White Cat Found in Parkvale Ref: 554233 Found Adult Ginger and White Cat Found Matata Ref: 554250 Found Adult Male Young Cream Dog. Found in Oropi Area. Ref: 554351 trades & services BRYCE DECORATING interior and exterior powdercoatedwallpapering.painting,Haveyourwindows faded? Can be cleaned and restored like new! Plastic car bumpers faded? Can be restored too! Quality work. Showroom nish. Ph Wayne 021 162 7052 BUILDER AVAILABLE repair maintenance, decks, pergolas, fences, all housing work. Ph Roger 022 121 3356 HANDYMAN, decks, fencing repairs, painting, water blasting, lawns, and odd jobs. Free quotes Ph Rossco 027 270 3313 ROOF REPAIRS Free quotes for all maintenance of leaking roofs, gutter cleaning & repairs. Chimney maintenance & repairs. Registered roofer, 30yrs exp. Ph Peter 542 4291 or 027 436 7740 TREE, SHRUB and hedges trimming, topping, rubbish, palm pruning or removal, satisfaction guaranteed free quote. Ph Steve Hockly 027 498 1857 travel & tours
There’s no such thing
Joel & Sharon van Ameringen BETH - EL la tyb Messianic021bethel.org.nzFamily768043
I hope the irony of that title is not lost on you. If there is no such thing as truth, then how can we know that’s true?
You are welcome to worship with us each Sabbath (Saturday) St Andrews Church, Dee St, Mt Maunganui Bible Study 9:30am • Worship Service 10:45am Enquiries 021 277 mtmaunganui.adventist.org.nz1909We look forward to seeing you! FURTHERMaunganuiNOTICE10:45am S2214cbMount SABBATH
NO 8 TOURS New Zealand’s Senior Travel Club- Join our club today to receive all our VIP Members Bene ts exclusive to No 8 Tours & receive our complimentary beautiful colour catalogue. We specialise in bespoke itineraries, modern vehicles, friendly guides & comfortable modern accommodation. 29th Oct-1st Nov 2022 TaranakiRhodo Festival. 29th Nov - 5th Dec 2022 The Paci c East Coast Highway. 8th-12th Dec 2022 Whanganui River & Heritage Homes Tour. 22nd-27th Dec 2022 Gisborne Christmas Stay & FreePlay.door to door service, extended tours, day trips, Shows. BOOK NOW: Ph No8 Tours team on 579 3981 or email admin@ no8tours.co.nz or www.no8tours.co.nzvisitto view and book all our tours. venues WEDDINGS, PARTIES, MEETINGS, etc. The perfect venue. With stunning Harbour views, fully licensed bar & kitchen onsite. Restaurant open every Friday from 5pm & Sunday from 4.30pm, kids under 12 years dine free with every paying adult. Tauranga Fish & Dive Club, 60 Cross Rd, Sulphur Point. Ph 571 8450

32 The Weekend SunFriday 2 September 2022