1. INSTITUTIONS AND COUNTRIES INVOLVED, AGE OF GROUPS: - KINDERGARTEN 1, Shumen, Bulgaria Age 3-7 - Sandskogan barnehage, Stjordal, Norway Age 3-5 -Kellon koulu, Oulu, Finland Age 7-8 - C.E.I.P. “D.ª Avelina Cortázar”, Alberite, Spain Age: 3-12
TOPIC: “MY LITTLE BOOK!” LENGTH: From October 2013 to July 2014
3. AIMS OF THE PROJECT: Creating and making books deepens and expands the creativity of children: * linguistic competences; *development of thinking, memory and imaginations; *development of artistic talents; *improve concentration and analytical thinking; *knowledge of the world; *formation of an interest in reading; *motivate the child to learn to read. Identifying various European languages. Learn about the culture to other countries.
4. ACTIVITIES: Presentation of the project and the partner countries. Establishing bilingual books - in the mother tongue and in English. Creating and layout of the real and eBooks by children for children. Creating a talking glossary.
5. EXPECTED RESULTS: Creating a love for the books. Development of children's creative thinking and expression by creating real products. Development of linguistic competences. Cultural awareness. The teachers change the style of their work in relation to the stimulation of reading by combining traditional and interactive methods.