The Spiral Upward By: Consuela Allen
t full blaze, fire will do one or two things: purify or destroy. Fire can poetically symbolize a hellish existence full of suffering and misery. It can also symbolize the passionate enthusiasm that comes from being inspired. The last two years or so have shown us the two faces of fire. Some of us have prayed or thought to ourselves, “When will I finally be able to escape this burning fire?” Others of us may have asked, “Will my fire ever be restored?” Sometimes the Universe conspires and brings us to an expressway that doesn’t always feel good. As Dr. Michael Beckwith says, “We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by vision.” The pain that pushes is the motivation. With pain, our motive is usually to work on changing the effect. There is nothing wrong with this approach, so one should not feel guilty for facing tough times as they arise. Commend yourself for possessing the ability to respond to circumstances as a mature adult. Yet, because pain serves as such an effective alarm clock, it forces us to focus in a direction that is always the right direction: within. The vision that pulls is the inspiration. With vision, our passion helps us to focus on the cause. Focusing on the reason brings us to the voice within. Our default response is no longer running away from the pain but running towards our purpose. I can share from personal experience that this is a really good feeling.
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