SWCTA Key Club | April Newsletter [M.S]

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Table of Contents



President’s Message

Editor’s Message



Meeting Activities

Coyotes in Service

Table of Contents



Monthly Recognition

35 Hour Requirement Info


12 - 13

Upcoming Events

Contact Page

President’s Message

Hi Key-uties! “I hope you all had an amazing spring break! This school year is coming to a close soon, but keep up the good work and continue to serve our community! Please don’t forget that 35 hours are due on April 30th in order to be inducted! Be sure to get your hours in! As always, thank you for being active members and helping to make our community a better place! :) Biting with service and howling with spirit”

Your President,

Daniella Sayson

Editor’s Message

Hi Key-otes! “I hope you all enjoyed your Spring Break, and are starting off the second half of the 4th quarter strong. Please note that your 35 service hours are due on April 30th, 2021! You must achieve the hour requirement to be inducted into Key Club. We want you all to be inducted, so please utilize the Service Center on Google Classroom to achieve this. For example, you have until Friday April 16th to write a poem to a teacher or Key Club officer/member for National Poem month! Each poem is 0.5 hours, so it’s a great way to earn hours and spread kindness throughout your community. If you have any questions, or need help finding service opportunities, feel free to contact me or our VP of Community Service. We would all love to help! Have a great day, and keep serving Key-otes!”

Your Bulletin Editor,

Malorie Schwartz

Women’s Day Postcards

To celebrate National Women’s Day, members created postcards to uplift and appreciate the women in their lives. Here is how creating these postcards made some of our members feel:

Connie Trinh: “This volunteer opportunity allowed me to reminisce and feel more appreciative to female teachers, as they might have experienced many hardships to come to this point. Overall, I really loved this volunteer service and I would want to do it again.”

Randiana Casimiro: “It was a nice experience to do something small for them. I also got a response saying how much they appreciate it and even if it may seem trivial for me, it was actually a big thing for them. This made the experience better knowing I'm making the people I love and appreciate happy.”

Picture Scavenger Hunt

For our Picture Scavenger Hunt, members completed picture-related tasks, and compiled their images into a Google Slide to share with their breakout rooms.. Here’s what some of the participants said about the activity:

Nathalia Cuenco: “This activity was really fun and interesting. It was nice going around the house and looking for the items listed on the google doc. Funny enough, this activity even led me to stalk one of our board members to gain full points for my hours. Since I'm a new member, looking at everyone else's slides was enjoyable as I get to know a little more about them.”

Malorie Schwartz: “This was a fun experience, because I got to take funny pictures, like a picture of me with a bowl on my head. But, I also enjoyed how I got to see other people's scavenger hunt pictures when they presented.”

Coyotes In Service

Although we share great volunteer opportunities with you all through our Service Center, here are some of the other ways your fellow Key-otes are positively impacting their communities:

Annie Lin: “Volunteering at this office was a good experience. I was able to interact with people safely and help around. It made everyone else's job easier and I loved to see the look on their faces when I completed the task they gave me whether that was wiping and sanitizing the office, refilling sanitizer bottles, organizing their kitchen and snack area and restocking things. It taught me how people in business and finance function in a way.”

Lauren White: “With March being women’s history month, I thought that this event was perfect. It was interesting seeing the notebooks produced by early 20th century women computers at the Harvard College Observatory. The project aims for these resources to be accessible in the future. This is very important because these women made advancements and discoveries in the field of astronomy as well as in gender equality. Their discoveries are probably still used today.”

Monthly D28S Recognition Member of the Month: -

George Luo Southwest CTA

Officer of the Month: -

Brandon Dadis Durango

Advisor of the Month: -

Ms. Lisa Kim

Club of the Month: -

Bishop Gorman

35 Hour Requirement

Due April 30th, 2021! Coyotes, your 35 hour requirement is due on April 30th, 2021. You need to achieve this 35 hour requirement to be inducted into Key Club. Please check our Community Service Log on Google Classroom to see how many hours you currently have. Also, please email swcta.kc.vpcs@gmail.com with any community service related questions.

Service Center Our Service Center is available for you to access on Google Classroom. There are plenty of opportunities for you to earn hours. We have service opportunities that can be completed right from your home, as well as ways you can donate to organizations. The Service Center also gives directions on how to submit your hours.

Upcoming Events in April


General Meeting


Poem Service Opportunity Due



(2:00 - 3:00pm)

April DCM + Banquet (Sign up through: @d28sseamonkeys Instagram)

General Meeting (2:00 - 3:00pm)


35 Hour Requirement Due

Contact Page

President - Daniella Sayson - swcta.kc.pres@gmail.com

Secretary - Rochelle Barrameda - swcta.kc.sec@gmail.com

VP of Community Service - Daman Sandhu - swcta.kc.vpcs@gmail.com

VP of Fundraising - Vianne Zhu - swcta.kc.vpf@gmail.com

Contact Page

VP of Spirit - Vassily Tan - swcta.kc.vpsp@gmail.com

Historian - Alyana Arciaga - swcta.kc.hist@gmail.com

Bulletin Editor - Malorie Schwartz - swcta.kc.be@gmail.com

Social Media: - Instagram: @swctakeyclub - Website: SWCTA Key Club

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