July 2020
Table of Contents
Short Guide
Face Masks
Contact Info
Upcoming Events
President Hey Coyotes, I hope everyone is doing happy and healthy! This month has been a lot of planning between the board and I want you all to know that we have a lot of things ready for the new year! On another note, if you know any incoming freshmans coming to southwest, encourage them to join Key Club! Stay safe everyone!
Bulletin Editor Hey Coyotes, I hope you are all doing great! As we are still living in a global pandemic, I felt it was best to share tips on how to maintain a safe living environment. Along with that, a few of our members would like to show off their handcrafted face masks! As always, stay healthy everyone and I hope to see you soon <3.
~ Rochelle Barrameda
~ Codey Barrameda
Face Masks Short guide to stay safe during Covid-19
Wear a face mask to ensure safety for yourself & those around you
Prevent the spread of Covid-19 by wearing a face mask
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds
Practice social distancing (6 feet apart)
Refrain from touching your face
Clean and disinfect surfaces & frequently touched items (phone, keys, remotes)
Protect the health of yourself & those around you!
“At the start of quarantine my grandma gave me instructions & a rough template of the masks over Facetime! Then my mom gave me some of her old scrubs to make the masks out of. We didn't have elastic so we used the string that went through the pants for the ear parts. Each mask probably took me around 30 min to make & although they did not come out perfect, they are kind of cute & serve its purpose :)”
~ Megan Bayudan
“The rise of “crafting your own face mask” has been more and more apparent so I had to make one of my own. The mask is made from one of my sister’s old jeans and I looked up a youtube video on how to make a face mask. Assuming that I’m using a sewing machine and I have my desired fabric, I believe that my craft was going to be a breeze. Little did I know that this mask was quite a challenge and took three times to get the correct sizing. Nevertheless, I was very satisfied with the results!”
~ Codey Barrameda
“Basically, my mom had left over fabric stored in the closet and decided to make a mask! I just took any fabric or material I tried to find laying around the house and work with it! It took about an hour, because it was difficult finding the right measurements and sewing it. But throughout everything it was worth the wait and effort :)”
~ Bridgette Lim
July ●
July 1st- 3rd : Summer Leadership Conference
July 13th- 17th : D28s Service week #1
July 20th- July 26th : D28s Service week #2
President Codey Barrameda swcta.kc.pres@gmail.com
Secretary Daniella Sayson swcta.kc.sec@gmail.com
VP of Community Service Brian Yim swcta.kc.vpcs@gmail.com
VP of Fundraising Robin Jo swcta.kc.vpf@gmail.com
VP of Spirit Jasmine Lauresta swcta.kc.vpsp@gmail.com
Historian Collin Wong swcta.kc.hist@gmail.com
Bulletin Editor
Rochelle Barrameda swcta.kc.be@gmail.com
@swctakeyclub @swctakeyclub