SWCTA July Newsletter (M.L)

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Coyote Chronicles July Newsletter

Table of Contents Title Page Table of Contents Message from Pres. / Editor Meeting the Reelected LT. G June / July DCM Kiwanis Firework Booth Upcoming Events Contact Information

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message from the president Samantha sze Hey Key Clubbers! I'm Samantha Sze, Southwest CTA Key Club President. I hope you're having an amazing summer break! In the past month, members attended June DCM and volunteered at the Kiwanis fireworks booth. Despite the extreme heat, members haven't stopped volunteering.

I would also like to congratulate our very own Noah Lopez for becoming the new D28S Lieutenant Governor. I wish him the best of luck on his 2017-2018 term! I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter!

Sincerely, Samantha Sze


Message from the editor Megen Lopez

Hey coyotes! It’s Megen Lopez, your bulletin editor. I hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter- where it includes the previous month’s DCM, the kiwanis firework booth, and announcing the new elected LTGwhich is my own brother! I’m proud that all of you continue to serve your community by volunteering at the firework booth and other activities, and I’m also happy that you all continue to send pictures and articles! Keep it up!

With the remaining of the summer left, don’t forget to stay hydrated and safe in this summer heat. Also, don’t forget to have fun while summer lasts! We still have a little over a month left till school starts, make it last! Have fun and be safe coyotes, don’t forget to keep serving!

Love, Megen Lopez

June dcm

summer olympics

June 19, 2016

This month’s DCM was fun and exciting, where our club joined together with not only other clubs from d28s, but along with d28e, d28w, and d28n! The divisions joined together to play fun olympic games, along with the chance to throw a water balloon at our LTGs! This DCM was a laid back type of meeting, held at Sunset park. We went over new and old business between schools and division, along with d28e. I went over Southwest CTA's old business announcing what's new within our club. It was extremely hot, but plenty of water was provided. After announcements we played a bunch of relay games, where we were put in random teams and had to work together to complete a bunch of challenges. Our team won third place, which was determined by a rock paper and scissors tie breaker. Overall, the June DCM was very fun and it was a good chance to bond with other key club members. Noah Lopez, CO 2018

Noah & Megen Lopez CO ‘18, ’20

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firework booth Angela Sudjana, Class of 2019

“I volunteered with my friend at the fireworks booth in the afternoon. When we got there we got to see the different kinds of fireworks they were selling. It was pretty calm, considering it wasn't that busy. When we got customers we handed them fliers and helped with sales. Volunteering at the booth was a really fun experience, and I'd most likely do it again next year.�

Upcoming Events freshman barbeque start of 2017/2018 school year regional training conference (& prep)

Meet District 28 South’s New

lieutenant governor Noah Lopez

from Southwest CTA

Hey SeaMonkeys!

Being reelected as Division 28 South’s LTG was definitely a big surprise, I was so sad to hear that Nicole had stepped down from her position. Our region advisor, Ms. Santee, gave me a phone call offering the position, after time to think, I gladly accepted the position. Coming into this position late is a challenge. From getting everything together with my duties, emails, to getting to know the Division Leadership Team. I am currently getting caught up with everything while also getting my plans set for the near feature. I can't wait to serve everyone in Division 28 South and I can not wait to get to know such a wonderful group of people. I can not wait to see what the future holds, for I am proud to serve as your 2017-2018 Lietunenat Governor for Division 28 South.

Contact Information President Samantha Sze swcta.kc.pres@gmail.com

Vice President of Community Service Mary Intal swcta.kc.vpcs@gmail.com

Vice President of Fundraising Jailissa Jacala swcta.kc.vpf@gmail.com

Vice President of Spirit Hannamae Intal swcta.kc.vpsp@gmail.com

Secretary Alexis Pereyra swcta.kc.sec@gmail.com

Historian Cathy Zhu swcta.kc.hist@gmail.com

Bulletin Editor Megen Lopez swcta.kc.be@gmail.com

@SWCTAKeyClub @SWCTAKeyClub ewcbf70

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