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may 2012
Red currants: chefs love these beautiful, tart little orbs so much, other ingredients sometimes get jealous. 紅醋栗:大廚們對這些美麗而微酸的小晶球的寵愛,甚至會引起其他的食才的妒嫉!
may 2012
editor’s note
Welcome to Tasting Kitchen.
During the past year or so, my
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Tasting Kitchen colleagues and I have been doing a lot of good eating. We’ve been dining our way across Macau, in search of the city’s best restaurants, greatest chefs and most delicious food. We’ve eaten Cantonese and Macanese, French and Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Thai and Spanish. We’ve eaten in Michelinstarred restaurants, and we’ve discovered fabulous private kitchens. We’ve been privileged to visit the kitchens of some truly extraordinary chefs. Tasting Kitchen is our way of sharing what we’ve learned with you. In this first issue, we’d like to present some of the special ingredients Macau’s star chefs rely on to create their beautiful, delicious dishes. We hope you share our enthusiasm for the great food Macau has to offer, and we hope you’ll enjoy Tasting Kitchen.
Unit 1302, 13/F AIA Tower, 251A-301, Avenida Commercial de Macau, Macau Tel: +853 2857 5529 Tasting Kitchen is a celebration of Macau’s finest restaurants, greatest chefs and most delicious food. Our mission is simple: to share our enthusiasm for all the great culinary experiences Macau has to offer.
Mark Hammons PUBLISHER & GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR mhammons@igniteasia.com
Jean Alberti CHEF AT LARGE jalberti@macau.com
Jacqueline Varga CONTENT MANAGER
Inara Sim EDITOR
Tobias Berger
Bon appétit!
Wilson Ip
• m a y
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on our cover At Altira Macau’s Aurora restaurant, Chef Michele dell’Aquila uses yellow frisee, purple carrots and a dozen other pristine vegetables to make his lovely summer salads. 澳門新濠鋒酒店奧羅拉餐廳主廚 Michele dell’Aquila 以嫩黃的菊苣、深紫的胡蘿蔔和其他質樸鮮蔬組成清 爽夏日沙拉
ADVERTISING sales@igniteasia.com • PRINTING Best Tri Printing Company Limited Block C & G, 13/F Sunview Industrial Building, No.3 On Yip Street, Chai Wan, HKSAR ©Tasting Kitchen 2012. All rights reserved
Photograph by David Hartung
A member of Ignite Media Group
may 2012
4 Golden Flower Stars 6 Ingredients 18 The Brasserie Bullseye 22 Food of the Gods 26 Tuscan Sun 30 Restaurant Listings 40 Dessert
40 may 2012
tasting news
golden flower stars At Wynn’s Golden Flower, Chef Liu Guozhu is keeping Tan cuisine alive and well.
Golden Flower 京花軒 Tan, Lu (Shandong) and Sichuan Wynn Macau 永利澳門 Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 澳門外港填海區仙德麗街 11:30 – 14:30 Sat – Sun 18:00 – 22:30 Tue – Sun (closed Mon) MOP 1,200 + 10% service charge /dining/goldenflower
may 2012
Tea sommelier Fiona Wan 侍茶司萬志娟
“Take our stewed fish maw with crab claw in supreme chicken soup. The fish maw is braised slowly to absorb the essence of the soup, so that it melts in your mouth.” In recognition of the extraordinary quality of its cuisine, Golden Flower was recently awarded a Michelin star. “Getting a Michelin star means international recognition of our work,” says Liu. “Of course I’m delighted. But it also reminds me to keep pushing.”
劉國柱大師是永利澳門中菜部的行政總 廚,重點主理京花軒,他的名聲響亮,聽 他細數慕名前來的政商名流,猶如 20 世 紀政壇名人點將錄,當中包括中國前領導 人鄧小平及英國女王伊麗莎白二世,個個 大有來頭。 劉大師在北京開始廚師生涯,至今 已有數十年之久。他目前坐鎮永利澳門京 花軒,來此可一嚐劉大師的拿手好菜。 獨一無二的正宗譚家菜是京花軒的 獨門絕活。譚家菜創始人譚宗浚為清末的 地方官,出生廣東,後來舉家搬遷北京。 譚家菜風格別具,兼具中國北方及南方兩 大地方菜系之所長。 劉大師形容:“ 譚家的自家庭院就是 他的私人廚房,一道道選用鮑魚或海參珍 貴食材製作的招牌菜色,都是慢工出細活 的完美之作。” 譚家菜的精髓在於高湯,為了熬煮 出最美味的湯底,劉大師和他率領的劉家 班廚師們每天花上八小時精心烹調,旨在 砲制出令人賞心悅目的菜式。 用鮮味絕倫的雞湯熬煮花膠及蟹鉗, 文火慢煮花膠,使其完全吸收雞湯的精 華,花膠口感綿軟,湯汁香味四溢。 京花軒頂級的經典名菜向來備受推 祟,今年更榮獲米芝蓮一星美譽。對此, 劉大師高興之情溢於言表:“ 拿到米芝蓮 星級肯定,我當然感到十分欣慰,這是對 我們工作的肯定。但同時也要提醒自己要 繼續努力。”
To learn more about the renaissance of Tan cuisine and Chef Liu’s part in reviving this culinary tradition, scan the QR code or go to the website below. 想見證譚家菜的傳奇,以及聽劉大師分享譚家菜的奧秘? 請掃瞄左方 QR code 行動條碼或登上網站 www.macau.com/dining/goldenflower
Martin’s Studio (2)
LISTENING TO CHEF LIU GUOZHU reel off the list of dignitaries who have enjoyed his dishes is like listening to a political who’s who of the 20th century. He has cooked for everybody from former Premier Deng Xiaoping to Queen Elizabeth II. Liu began his career decades ago, in Beijing. He is now settled at Wynn Macau’s Golden Flower restaurant, where patrons can enjoy the cooking that has made him famous. Golden Flower offers a rare chance to experience authentic Tan cuisine. Developed by Tan Zongjun, a Qing Dynasty official from Canton who took up residence in Beijing, this exclusive cuisine borrows the best from both northern and southern China. “Tan’s courtyard home was like a private kitchen,” says Liu. “His signature dishes featured prized ingredients like abalone and sea cucumber, meticulously slow-cooked to perfection.” Liu and his chefs spend eight hours a day preparing soup stocks, Tan cuisine’s pivotal ingredient.
Chef Liu Guozhu 行政總廚劉國柱
may 2012
Ingredients Ingredients
Great food starts with great ingredients
may 2012
Emerald green. Cobalt blue. Sunflower yellow. Carmine red. Chef Luc paints his chocolates using a palette of pure, bright colors. When he’s finished, they look almost too beautiful to eat. “This is my way of communicating with people,” says Luc. “I love to watch people when they truly enjoy what they’re eating.” 如翡翠般绿,如钴矿般蓝,艳黄如向日葵,鲜红如胭脂,大厨 Luc Capus 用五彩缤纷的调 色盘为巧克力上色,成品美得让人舍不得吃。“ 我最爱看着人们享受美食的陶醉模样。” Executive Pastry Chef Luc Capus 说 “ 这是我和人们的沟通方式。”
may 2012
spanish gambas
may 2012
Gambas are prawns famous for their size and robust flavor, which is said to vary depending on where along the Spanish coast they are caught. Chef Elie says his gambas come from the waters off a small island in the Mediterranean Sea. Which island exactly? Elie responds with a coy smile – it’s a chef’s secret. Gambas 是一种西班牙虾,向来以体 积庞大和口感扎实闻名,据说跟在哪 个西班牙海岸捕到的有关。大厨 Elie Khalife 说他的 gambas 来自地中海 一小岛的海域,至于是哪个小岛? Khalife 腼腆地笑了一笑 —— 秘密。
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Microgreens are intensely flavorful seedlings, plucked while still tiny and delicate. Along with the tatsoi, affila cress, red shiso and other microgreens he uses to perfect his salmon with beetroot vinaigrette, Chef Dirk adds a few small, edible chrysanthemums. “This is something anyone can do at home,” he says. “It’s simplicity at its best.” 蔬菜苗是萌芽不久、还细小娇嫩时就采摘下来的幼苗,风味别具。 大厨 Dirk Haltenhof 使用白菜心、豆苗、紫苏及其他种类蔬菜苗佐 红菜头醋油,来呼应鲑鱼的完美无瑕,还加上一点可食用的小菊花。 他说:“ 这些点缀任何人都可在家中做到,是简单煮食的最佳表现。“
may 2012
spherified raspberry nectar (and edible gold leaf)
may 2012
They look like red currants but they’re not. These tiny globes of raspberry nectar were created using a 21st century culinary technique called spherification. Bite one: the delicate skin pops and a little flood of raspberry goodness bursts into your mouth. Chef Frédéric uses spherified raspberry nectar to accent his scrumptious pastries. Sometimes for good measure he’ll add a morsel of edible gold leaf. “You’ve got to have some fun in life,” he says. 别把它们误认成红醋栗。这些包有覆盆子茶的小圆球是利用 21 世纪最新烹调技术 —— 晶球化制成的。咬一口,晶球表面破裂,里头覆盆子美味流泻入口中。主厨 Frédéric Château 使用覆盆子茶晶球来点缀可口的糕点,有时候还别出心裁地加上一小片金箔 : ” 生活总要有点趣味。”
may 2012
may 2012
fleur de sel
These little salt flowers – fleur
de sel – are hand raked from the salt pans of Carmague, France. “I use them to temper the sweetness,” says Chef Hervé, sprinkling just a few flakes onto the creamy chocolate ganache of his famous macarons. 這 这些细小的盐花 fleur de sel 是从法国卡马格盐田采集而来。 饼房总厨 Hervé Lemonon 一面 说 ” 我用它们来舒缓甜味。” , 一面在他赫赫有名的马卡龙巧克 力甘纳许上,撒上些许盐花。
may 2012
black périgord truffles The French novelist Alexandre Dumas once set himself the task of imagining what truffles must think of themselves. His confident conclusion: “Eat us, and praise the Lord!” Hunted by hogs and dogs, dug up from the earth, these pungent tubers inspire passion like few other ingredients. Chef Semblat uses thin slices of black Périgord truffles, brushed with goose fat, to make Robuchon’s famously delicious truffle, onion and bacon tarts. 法国小说家大仲马曾试图想像松露是如何看待自己的,他最后肯定地下 了结论 :“ 享用我们,然后,赞美主! ” 松露生长在地底下,可以靠猪 或狗灵敏的嗅觉挖掘出来,其辛辣风味激发出源源不绝的料理灵感。大 厨 Francky Semblat 使用切成薄片的佩里哥黑松露,涂上一层鹅油,制 作天巢法国餐厅最著名的美味松露洋葱培根塔。
may 2012
may 2012
may 2012
sponsored feature
aux beaux arts hits the brasserie bullseye For a brasserie fix in Macau, there is only one option, but luckily it’s a great one: Aux Beaux Arts at MGM MACAU. FANCIER THAN A BISTRO, more relaxed than the sort of gilded establishment referred to as a gastro, a brasserie is the type of French restaurant which many diners feel offers the best combination of great food and comfortable ambiance. In Macau, for a classic brasserie experience, there’s only one choice, but luckily it’s a great one: MGM MACAU’s Aux Beaux Arts. At Aux Beaux Arts, the tablecloths are white, the service is attentive and the dishes are beautifully and deliciously rendered. It’s elegant, but also relaxed. It isn’t intimidating, like the experience in a full-on fancy restaurant can be. Nobody is uptight, there isn’t a whole new system of etiquette to worry about, and the food is lovely but still happily recognizable as food. “Guests feel comfortable coming here,” says Chef de Cuisine Elie Khalife. “You can dress simply, you can order a beer and a salad. You feel free. People like that.” Classic brasserie fare typically involves fresh ingredients prepared straightforwardly, without too much fuss. “A sole is a beautiful sole, cooked with butter, lemon juice and parsley,” says Elie. “We serve ours with potato purée, sautéed spinach and garlic confit.” Some guests visit Aux Beaux Arts two or three times a week, just to eat the shrimp cocktail, a brasserie standard. If you try it and get hooked, don’t expect Chef Elie to reveal his secret for cooking the shrimp to may 2012
sponsored feature
If you don’t already thrill to the idea of eating raw meat, Elie’s steak tartar might just be delicious enough to convert you. 就算您不曾領會吃生肉的快感,一嚐Elie美味的牛排塔塔可能會讓您從此改觀!
addictively delicious perfection. It involves ice water and perfect timing – and that’s all he’ll say. Steak tartar is another brasserie favorite. If you don’t already thrill to the idea of eating raw meat, Elie’s steak tartar might just be delicious enough to convert you. The beef has a spicy bite, thanks to a dash of Tabasco, while the dressing – made with Dijon mustard, olive oil, sherry vinegar and acacia honey – provides a bit of contrasting sweetness. Just like in France, the tartar is served with fries and a green salad.
Aux Beaux Arts 寶雅座 French Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, NAPE , MGM Macau 澳門新口岸孫逸仙大馬路 澳門美高梅 q +853 8802 2319 14:00 - 00:00 Tues - Fri 11:00 - 00:00 Sat - Sun MOP 700 - 800 A Casual Chic /dining/auxbeauxarts
may 2012
Elie likes to spread the tartar on a piece of bread: “It’s a piece of heaven!” Alongside the brasserie classics, Elie also offers lovely, memorable dishes of his own invention. One of his signature dishes is Alaskan crab salad. On the plate it is simple and lovely – a tightly wrapped, bulbshaped bundle of bright green romaine lettuce, topped with little slivers of celery and green apple. A first bite reveals a rich complexity of textures and flavors. A lemony glaze on the lettuce offers a w elcoming sweetness. The lettuce itself has been blanched – it’s half cooked, half crunchy. And then you’re through to the treasure within, a rich blend of crab meat, citrus zest and tiny, scrumptiously crunchy, diced vegetables. It’s every bit as good as it sounds. “If I open my own restaurant one day,” says Elie, “I want an easy atmosphere and cool dishes.” Easy atmosphere and cool dishes – it’s the perfect summary of the brasserie experience, and the perfect summary of the experience Chef Elie is already offering, at Aux Beaux Arts.
BRASSERIE 這 種 法 國 餐 廳 比 bistro 精 緻, 氣氛又比講究華麗裝潢的 gastro 休閒,在 許多饕客心中是佳餚與舒適氛圍的完美結 合。雖然澳門的道地 brasserie 僅此一家 — 澳門美高梅的寶雅座餐廳,品質卻絕對無 懈可擊。 寶雅座餐廳清一色採用純白桌巾,服 務殷勤且一絲不苟,料理色香味俱全。整 體氛圍既高雅又舒適,不會像講究派頭的 高檔餐廳一樣讓人望而生畏,顧客不需身 著禮服西裝,不必擔心用餐的繁文縟節, 而且食物迷人且美味可口。 「顧客在這裡可以感到自在、放鬆。」 主廚 Elie Khalife 說。 「穿得簡簡單單地來, 點一杯啤酒和一盤沙拉,輕輕鬆鬆的。大 家都喜歡這樣。」 典型的 brasserie 料理通常是新鮮食材 的簡單組合,不須大費周章張羅的。「例 如鰈魚,就是漂漂亮亮的鰈魚,用奶油、 檸檬汁和洋香菜料理,我們還以馬鈴薯 泥、炒波菜和油封大蒜搭配。」Elie 說。 有些顧客每週光臨寶雅座兩到三次, 專門來吃雞尾酒蝦。雞尾酒蝦是 brasserie 必備的標準料理,如果你吃一口就上癮, 想知道如何達到如此完美無瑕境界的秘 訣,也不用指望主廚 Elie 會洩漏天機。冰 水和時間,他只會講這樣。 牛排塔塔是另一道 brasserie 的必備餐 點。就算您不曾領會吃生肉的快感,一嚐 Elie 美味的牛排塔塔可能會讓您從此改 觀。牛肉充滿著塔巴斯科辣椒醬的嗆辣, 佐醬則是以第戎芥末醬、橄欖油、雪莉醋 和槐花蜜製成,甜味與辣味相衝地恰到好 處。牛排塔塔一般還會附上薯條和生菜沙 拉,就跟在法國吃的一樣。Elie 甚至喜歡 把牛排塔塔鋪在麵包上。「人間美味啊!」 除了這些 brasserie 經典,Elie 還推出 美麗又讓人印象深刻的自創料理。其中一 道招牌菜是阿拉斯加蟹肉沙拉,一束緊綁 呈球狀的青綠色蘿蔓萵苣,上頭點綴以芹 菜和青蘋果碎片,光是外表就十分誘人。 一口咬下,嘴裡滿溢多層次口感和風味。 萵苣表層的檸檬甜味非常開胃,而萵苣本 身經過汆燙,咬起來半熟半脆,內裏則包 著蟹肉、柑橘味以及切成小塊清脆爽口的 蔬菜。別懷疑,說有多好吃就有多好吃! Elie 說:「如果有一天我自己開餐廳, 我希望氣氛要悠閒,食物要好吃。」 氣氛悠閒,食物好吃,這不正是主廚 Elie 在寶雅座餐廳的最佳寫照嗎?
“Presentation is very important. Guests eat first with their eyes.”
may 2012
may 2012
tasting notes
food of the gods
Can chocolate really, as some people insist, be better than sex? Don’t make up your mind until you’ve tried some made by Luc Capus, Wynn Macau’s Executive Pastry Chef.
KNOWN TO CONNOISSEURS as one of the best chocolatiers in Asia, Chef Luc has an artisan’s passion for crafting delectable edibles. Luc calls his workspace the Chocolate Room. The polished stainless steel surfaces and the carefully controlled temperature (it’s always exactly 17 degrees Celsius) make it resemble a laboratory of some sort, but the work done here is more art than science, and the Chocolate Room smells much better than any laboratory ever did. I detect the wonderful scent of fresh vanilla (Luc says it’s from Tahiti), and the shelves are lined with hessian sacks of aromatic raw chocolate from Ecuador, Madagascar and the Ivory Coast. Chocolate is made from cacao and its flavor has terroir, which is to say that it is strongly dependent on the soil, climate and other physical characteristics of the region where the cacao is grown. A chocolate’s flavor becomes more complex as the raw cacao beans are processed by fermentation (together with the fruity white pulp that surrounds the beans in their pod), sun-drying and roasting. Every unique kind of chocolate has its own aroma and a flavor profile distinguished by varying
身為美食家眼中亞洲的頂尖巧克力師之 一,Luc 主廚對於締造美食藝術品充滿宛 如工匠般的熱忱。 Luc 主廚稱他工作的地方為巧克力房。 以不鏽鋼材質打造的工作台面及嚴密的溫 度控管 ( 永遠保持在攝氏 17 度 ),讓這個 場所著實像個實驗室,只不過在此進行的 工作應屬藝術而並非科學,而且巧克力房 內瀰漫著遠比任何實驗室都迷人的氣息。 我察覺到一股美妙的香草芳香 (Luc 說這是 從大溪地引進的香草 ),架上則擺有一排 麻布袋,裡面裝滿香氣濃郁丶來自厄瓜多 丶馬達加斯加及象牙海岸的生巧克力。 巧克力的原料為可可豆,其獨特的味 道稱為 terroir,會因產地的土地丶氣候及 其它地理特性而有所不同。生的可可豆會 連同豆莢內的白色果肉一起經過發酵的手 續,巧克力的香味也因此提升一層境界, 最後還要經過日曬及烘焙的步驟。不 同產地的巧克力擁有不同程度的核果苦香 及水果酸味,因而各個都具有自己獨特的 香氣及滋味。 “ 品嘗高品質的巧克力 ” Luc 說道, “ 就像在品嘗頂級的葡萄酒 ”。主廚做了一 小顆黑巧克力糖讓我試試,Luc 說這是他 自創的口味中最喜歡的一款。 你有沒有過這樣的經驗:打開一方巧 克力禮盒,在咬下第一口前還不知道是甚 麽 口味,有點懸疑丶充滿愉悅的興奮時
Cacao was originally cultivated by the Mayans of ancient Mexico, who regarded the plant as a gift from the gods. But the gods didn’t make things easy: chocolate is a temperamental ingredient, difficult to work with. 可可豆起源於古代馬雅民族,他們認為可可 樹是神賜的禮物。不過天神給人類出了個難 題:巧克力很有個性也很難伺候。
may 2012
tasting notes
Tahitian vanilla is one of Chef Luc’s favorite ingredients. 大溪地香草是主廚Luc熱愛的食材之一。
degrees of nutty bitterness and citrus acidity. “Appreciating great chocolate,” says Luc, “is like appreciating great wine.” He produces a small dark chocolate bon-bon for me to try, describing it as one of his favorite creations. Have you ever opened a box of mixed chocolates and experienced that delightful moment of suspense before biting into the first one? You know it’s going to be good, but you’re not sure about the details: will it be maple, cherry or coconut cream? Toffee, nougat or caramel? I bite through the ultra-thin outer layer of chocolate and my tongue seeks out the ganache within. It has a soothing buttery smoothness, studded with grains of surprising tartness. It’s a great combination, the bright citrus bits serving by contrast to accentuate the dark creaminess of the chocolate.
may 2012
“Yuzu,” says Luc. “The ganache is melted chocolate and butter mixed with a puree of yuzu rind. That’s the citrus zip you taste.” A long moment of silence follows during which Luc respectfully allows me to savor his yuzu chocolate. True quality is impossible to take for granted. It makes you pay attention. It wakes you up. Cacao was originally cultivated by the Mayans of ancient Mexico, who regarded the plant as a gift from the gods. But the gods didn’t make things easy: chocolate is a temperamental ingredient, difficult to work with. Easily spoiled by overheating, heated chocolate will also seize up and turn lumpy if it comes into contact with any amount of water, even a tiny bit of moisture trapped in a wooden spoon. To paint the ganache hearts of his bon-bons with chocolate, Luc could use a machine coater called an enrober. For
greater control, he prefers to dip them by hand. The machine can’t match his dexterity. To coax his chocolate into form, he uses a surgical assortment of miniature tools: tiny spatulas, knives, forks and a host of other undersized implements. But no tool is as important as his passion for the work. “Chocolate is tricky,” he says, “but the challenge is part of the fun.” A very wise person once had this to say about getting by in life: “All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” Try some chocolate made by Chef Luc – chocolate made with love – and you might just conclude that it never hurt so good. In Tasting Notes, Jean Alberti and the Tasting Kitchen team share reports about their experiences with some of Macau’s most talented chefs.
刻?你知道巧克力一定美味可口,可是對 於其它的細節仍然一無所知:會是楓糖丶 櫻桃還是椰奶味?太妃丶牛軋還是焦糖 巧克力? 我咬下極為輕薄的巧克力外層,舌尖 隨即接觸到裡面的甘納許。帶有奶香且又 舒緩的滑順,其間竟有令人驚奇的微酸顆 粒。真是美好的組合,鮮明的柑橘充分地 帶出黑巧克力的濃厚奶香風味。 “ 柚子 ”Luc 公佈答案:“ 甘納許是由 融化的巧克力及奶油混合柚子皮打成的 漿所製成,也就是你剛剛吃到的獨特柑 橘香。”
Luc 不再出聲,特意讓我能夠安靜地 好好品嘗他的柚子巧克力。純真的優良品 質是非常難得的,你必須要專心去體會, 美好的滋味會讓你有蘇醒的感覺。 可可豆的種植起源於古代墨西哥的 馬雅民族,他們認為可可樹是眾神賜與 的禮物。不過天神給人類出了個難題: 巧克力是很有個性的,並非想像中容易 料理,很容易因過度加熱而變質,而且 只要一接觸到水分,即便是在木湯匙上 殘留的少量濕氣,也會造成加熱後的可 可收縮結塊。 Luc 大可使用一種名為 enrober 的機
器為甘納許裹上巧克力外層,帶出這種甘 納許的特色,不過 Luc 主廚偏好親手製作。 沒錯,就連機器也沒有 Luc 主廚的雙手來 的靈巧。Luc 還使用各種迷你手術工具來 雕塑巧克力。不過這些工具都比不上 Luc 對於工作的熱情。 “ 巧克力很棘手的 ”Luc 說道,“ 不過 就是有這些挑戰才好玩。” 從前有位聰明 人對生活下了如此註解:“ 你所需要的只 有愛,不過偶爾吃顆巧克力卻也無傷大 雅。” 來試試 Luc 主廚用愛精制而成的巧 克力,你就知道享用巧克力的確無傷大雅 極了。
Born and raised in southwestern France, Luc’s pastry experience includes six years at Ladurée Paris under Philippe Andrieu. As Executive Pastry Chef at Wynn Macau, he is responsible for the full range of pastries available at Wynn’s various outlets.
如果能一窺您家裡的冰箱,最有可能找到些甚 麼? 通常冰箱里有叄到四種的乳酪、鮮奶油、奶油、 鴨油、新鮮蔬果,有時還會有剩下的燉煮食物或 是湯品,而且這兩種食物放到隔天會更加好吃。
If we peeked into your home refrigerator, what would we see? Three or four kinds of cheese, heavy cream, butter, duck fat, fresh produce and maybe the leftovers of a stew or a soup as they taste a lot better the day after.
在您的生活中最不可或缺的是哪瓶酒? 我其實不太喝葡萄酒或是其它酒類,不過我還滿 喜歡和懂紅酒的人一起品嘗紅酒的滋味。
How would you describe your cooking philosophy? Well thought out, honest, simple flavors. I also have a real respect for the products I use. I like vibrant and authentic flavors, especially for plated desserts. What was your worst kitchen disaster? New Year’s Eve, Paris. It was an extremely busy time of year, everybody was exhausted. We had a trolley loaded with more than a thousand fresh petits fours that we’d spent the whole night making – it tilted on its side and crashed onto the floor. Everyone on the team had tears in their eyes. What qualities does a person need to become a great chef? You need to be a good leader, because without a strong team, you will achieve nothing. You should also be a good teacher and a good student so that you can learn new things every day. Be passionate, patient and authentic. Cool on the outside and boiling hot on the inside.
作為國際知名大廚,您經歷過最糟糕的場面是甚 麼? 最糟糕的場面應該是跨年夜時我在巴黎所發生的 事。當時是餐廳最忙的時候,每位工作人員都身 心具疲。大家先前花了一整夜的時間製作出一千 份法式小點心,全都放在一個手推車上。不料在 運送甜品途中手推車一偏而整個倒在地上。大家 都不敢相信自己的眼睛,就連行政糕點主廚也無言以對,只能默默 請人趕快把地上打掃乾淨,而每個工作人員眼中甚至還有淚水在打 轉。 您認為要成為一位出色的廚師最重要的是甚麼? 你必須是個領導人才,因為沒有實力堅強的工作團隊支持,自己一 個人無法成就大事。你必須同時扮演好老師與學生的角色,這樣一來, 你才能每天都學習到新的事物。最後是要具備熱忱、耐心及真誠的 特性,外表沈穩,內心卻是滿腔熱情。
may 2012
sponsored feature
may 2012
tuscan sun Traditional Italian cuisine at Galaxy Macau’s Terrazza may 2012
sponsored feature
THE FOOD OF ITALY achieves greatness through simplicity. It is light, fresh and healthy, colorful, delicious, and soulsatisfying. Some food is made for talking about, or looking at. But the food of Italy makes you happiest when it’s in your mouth, and in your stomach. At Galaxy Macau’s Terrazza restaurant, traditional Tuscan cuisine is now being offered for the first time in Macau. Terrazza Chef de Cuisine Alfio Longo, who hails from the Tuscan capital of Florence, has unveiled a new menu, and it is a sunshiny delight, replete with tomatoes, olives and eggplant, seafood, artisanal cheeses, delectable cured meats, and other Italian specialties. Tuscan dishes are traditional and timetested, created not by professional chefs aiming to make their mark with exotic new innovations, but by mothers and grandmothers wanting to make their families happy and contented, with what they know works best. Asked about the greatest influence on his own cooking, Chef Longo does not hesitate. “Home,” he says. “My mama’s cooking. Italian cooking embraces simplicity. The best tastes come from the best ingredients, and the best experience comes from food
Diners can watch Chef Longo and his team at work in Terrazza’s open kitchen. 在Terrazza的開放式廚房,食客可以細看大廚Longo和他的團隊展示其烹飪技巧。
together with hospitality.” That guiding philosophy is on display at every moment of a meal at Terrazza. Ask for help choosing your wine: the sommelier not only introduces the wines, but guides you into the wine cellar for a thorough tasting. From the long list of salads on the menu – Tuscany goes in big for vegetables – you choose a rocket salad, with sun-dried
Flaming, sea salt-encrusted sea bream 鹽焗海鯛
may 2012
cherry tomatoes and kalamata olives. The lemony dressing, enriched with Parmesan Reggiano, is prepared fresh, right in front of you. A pizza Margherita arrives in the three colors of the Italian flag: bright red marinara sauce; fresh, emerald green basil; and a soft white buffalo mozzarella cheese, flown in fresh twice a week from Italy. In Tuscany, you’re never far from the sea, and fresh seafood figures prominently on Longo’s menu. One of the house specialties is sea salt-encrusted sea bream. At your table, a layer of Sambuca – a strong Italian anise flavored liqueur – is poured over the fish and lit. The flames sear the salty upper crust, which is then lifted away to reveal a beautiful, perfectly cooked filet of bream. The fish is served together with some of the loveliest of Italian ingredients: olive oil, freshly chopped tomato, basil and lemon. Whatever you order at Terrazza, the focus is always on fresh, beautiful, flavorful ingredients. The simple genius of Italian fare for honoring those ingredients has been distilled through generations and centuries of experience, and the highly refined results are wonderfully evident in Terrazza’s sunny new menu.
“The best tastes come from the best ingredients, and the best experience comes from food together with hospitality.”
Dinner at Terrazza is so healthy, afterwards you can afford to have a chocolate pizza, topped with fresh sliced strawberries, diced mango, and a fine dusting of confectioners’ sugar. Terrazza的晚餐非常健康,令你飯後可恣意品嚐撒有士多啤梨、芒果及糖粉的巧克力薄餅。
意大利美食的精華在於菜色簡單,滋味深 奧。 繽紛健康的美食入口新鮮清爽,更能 帶給靈魂深刻的滿足。有些食物只注重話 題性或賣相,但意大利美食不但要讓您的 味蕾驚呼,更要讓您的腸胃贊嘆! 傳統塔斯卡尼美食現下首次進駐澳 門。來自塔斯卡尼省會佛羅倫薩的龍豪光 是澳門銀河庭園意大利餐廳主廚,他引進 了充滿陽光風情的全新菜單,提供蕃茄丶 橄欖丶茄子丶海鮮丶手工乳酪丶美味醃肉 等一應塔斯卡尼特色食材。 塔斯卡尼美食傳統悠久,歷經時間考 驗,是媽媽與老奶奶們以豐富經驗為家人 精心調制的菜餚,和一般主廚為了打響名 號,賣弄新奇的菜色大不相同。 被問起影響他烹飪的重要元素,龍豪 光主廚毫不猶豫:“ 是我的故鄉。還有我 媽媽烹調的味道。意大利菜最重視簡單。 最好的滋味來自最棒的食材,而最美好的 用餐經驗則是美食與殷勤招待的結合。”
在庭園餐廳用餐的每一刻,您都能充 份體驗這種美食精神。 若想找佐餐酒,問這裡的侍酒師就對 了。他們不但為您介紹各款美酒,還會帶 您親臨酒窖品酒。 菜單上有一長串沙拉可選擇,因為意 大利美食使用大量蔬菜,您可選擇芝麻菜 沙拉,配上乾曬櫻桃蕃茄與卡拉瑪塔橄欖, 佐檸檬風味醬汁與帕瑪森芝士,服務人員 親自在桌邊為您新鮮調制完成。 瑪格麗特披薩由意大利國旗的三個顏 色組成:鮮艷的意大利蕃茄紅醬,新鮮翠 綠的羅勒葉,還有柔軟純白的摩札瑞拉芝 士。所有原料都是每週兩次從意大利新鮮 直送。 意大利處處近海,龍主廚的菜單上也 有大量美味海鮮。 餐廳的拿手菜之一就是鹽焗海鯛。餐 點先送至您桌前,淋上意大利茴香烈酒, 點上火將外層鹽塊燒硬。撇去鹽塊後便是 火候恰到好處的美味魚排。這道菜採用最
道地美味的傳統地中海調味:橄欖油丶新 鮮蕃茄塊丶羅勒與檸檬。 不 論 您 在 庭 園 餐 廳 選 擇 任 何 菜 餚, 送上桌的菜色絕對新鮮丶美觀丶滋味豐 富。因為意大利菜色傳承多世紀以來的 經驗,最擅長以簡單手法體現食物的新 鮮原味。 在庭園餐廳的新菜單里,您將可體驗 主廚精心製作的意大利風味。
Terrazza 庭園餐廳 Italian 「 銀河酒店 ™」二樓 201 201, 2/F, Galaxy Hotel™ q +853 8883 2221 18:00 - 23:00 Mon - Sat; Closed on Sun MOP 350++ A Casual Chic /dining/terrazza
may 2012
Cafe Bela Vista 薈景閣咖啡室
MACAU 澳門 LANDMARK HOTEL 置地酒店 555 Avenida da Amizade, Macau 澳門新口岸友誼大馬路 555 號 www.landmarkhotel.com.mo
Grand Lapa Cake Shop 金麗華餅店 French Pastry Chef Hervé Lemonon makes coffee macarons with caramel chocolate ganache. Do not wait: go eat one now. 法國主厨 Hervé Lemonon 精製的咖啡馬卡龍,夾了 軟心焦糖巧克力餡,還在 等什麼,快去嘗一嘗。
Royal Orchid 秀蘭小館 5 Chinese q +853 2878 2268 11:00 to 15:00 & 18:00 to 23:00 MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 澳門葡京路 www.grandlisboahotel.com
2/F q +853 8793 3810 12:00–20:00 Daily MOP 50 to 100 A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ cakeshop
Robuchon au Dôme 天巢法國餐廳 The place to go when you want to feast on top of the city. 登上城市之巔享用御膳珍饈。 5 French
5 Chinese
9/f q +853 8986 7606 11:00–15:00, 18:00 23:00, Mon– Sat; 10:00 15:00, 18:00–23:00, Sun and Public Holidays MOP 100 and up A Casual
NAAM 灆泰國菜餐廳
Executive Thai Chef Chatsorn Pratoomma stir fries lamb with red curry, string beans and eggplant— it’s fiery and delicious. 主廚卻士頓.布拉圖瑪將羊肉 配上紅咖哩、四季豆、茄子拌 炒,獨到口感、辣勁十足。
Majestic Robatayaki 皇廷閣 5 Chinese
G/F q +853 8986 7609 Lunch 12:00–14:30, Dinner 18:00 pm–00:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual
5 Thai q +853 8793 4818 12:00–14:30 & 18:30–22:30 Tues–Sun MOP 100 to 200 A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ naam
L’ARC 凯旋门
Avenida 24 de Junho, No.278, NAPE, Macau 澳門新口岸皇朝區城市日大馬 278 號 www.larcmacau.com
Old Shanghai 老上海
43/F q +853 8803 7878 Lunch 12:00–14:30 Dinner 18:30–22:30 MOP 2,000 A Smart Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ robuchon
The Eight 8 餐廳
5 Cantonese and Huaiyang
2/F q +853 8803 7788 Lunch 11:30–14:30 Mon–Sat 10:00–15:00 Sun and PH Dinner 18:30–22:30 Sun–Sat Over MOP 600 A Smart Casual
Lotus Lounge 蓮花廊
5 Bars and lounges
G/F q +853 8803 7300 08:00–23:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual
Vasco 乘風廊
5 Portuguese
5 Chinese
3/F q +853 2888 6922 / 2888 6933 11:00–00:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual
GRAND LAPA 金丽华酒店 956–1110 Avenida Amizade, Outer Harbour 澳門友誼大馬路 956–1110 號 www.mandarinoriental.com/grandlapa
2/F q +853 8793 3831 18:30–00:00 Mon–Thurs, 18:00–02:00 Fri–Sat, 18:00–00:00 Sun MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Kam Lai Heen 金麗軒
5 Cantonese
q+853 8793 3821 11:00–15:00, 18:00–22:00 Wed–Mon MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
may 2012
5 Southern Italian
3/F q +853 8803 7722 Lunch 12:00–14:30 Dinner 18:30–22:30 MOP 1,200 A Smart Casual
The Kitchen 大廚
5 Modern Steakhouse
3/F q +853 8803 7777 Lunch 12:00–14:30 Dinner 18:30–22:30 MOP 1,000 A Smart Casual
Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop 日夜咖啡室
Grand Emperor Court 皇廷閣
5 Café
288 Avenida Comercial De Macau 澳門商業大馬路 288 號 www.grandemperor.com
5 Café q +853 8793 3871 06:30–15:00 & 18:00–22:00 Mon–Thurs, 06:30–22:00 Fri–Sun MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Don Alfonso 1890 當奧豐素 1890 意式料理
Crystal Lounge & Deli 水晶廊
5 Bars and lounges
Upper 1/F q +853 8803 7711 Open 24 hours daily MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Noodle & Congee Corner 粥面莊 5 Chinese Upper 1/F q +853 8803 7755 Open 24 hours daily MOP 150
A Casual
5 International
Upper 2/F q +853 8803 7766 Open 24 hours daily
100 and up A Casual MOP
The Grand Buffet 自助山
5 International
Upper 2/F q +853 8803 7733 First Session 18:00–20:00 Second Session 20:30–22:30 MOP280 + 10% (Adult), MOP 230 + 10% (Child and Senior Citizen), A Casual
HOTEL LISBOA 葡京酒店 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 澳門葡京路 2-4 號 www.hotelisboa.com
Guincho a Galera 葡國餐廳
5 Portuguese
3/F, Lisboa Tower q +853 8803 7676 Lunch 12:00–14:30 Dinner 18:30–22:30 MOP 800 A Smart Casual
Tim’s Kitchen 桃花源小廚
5 Cantonese
Lobby Level, East Wing q +853 8803 3682 Lunch 12:00–14:30 Dinner 18:30–23:00 MOP 700 A Smart Casual
Gallery Lounge 日麗廊
5 Bars and lounges
2/F, East Wing q +853 8803 3101 11:00–00:30 Sun–Thu, 11:00–01:30 Fri & Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
New Furusato 新故里日本料理 5 Japanese
2/F, East Wing q +853 8803 3677 Lunch 12:00–14:30 Dinner 18:30–22:30 MOP 700 A Smart Casual
Noite e Dia Café 不夜天 Café
Lobby Level, Lisboa Tower q +853 8803 3140
Grand Imperial Court 金殿堂貴賓廳 5 Cantonese q +853 8802 2539 11:00–15:00 & 18:00–23:00 Mon–Fri, 10:00–15:00 & 18:00–23:00 Sat–Sun MOP 400 A Casual Chic H www.mgmmacau.com/ grandimperialcourt
Open 24 hours daily MOP 100 A Casual
Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE 澳門新口岸孫逸仙大馬路門 www.mandarinoriental.com
Vida Rica 御苑
Sumptuous culinary delights. 當代時尚餐飲薈萃。 5 Chinese and Contemporary Western Cuisine q +853 8805 8918 06:30–23:00 Sun–Sat MOP 500 per person A Casual Chic H www.mandarinoriental.com/ macau
Mandarin Oriental Cake Shop 文華東方餅店
5 Café q +853 8805 8948 10:30–19:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
5 French q +853 8802 2319 14:00–00:00; Sun 11:00– 00:00 Tue–Sat MOP 750 A Casual Chic H www.macau.com/dining/ auxbeauxarts
5 European
Rossio 盛事
The buffet here is stocked with a beautiful array of salad and fresh seafood, and includes specialties from France, Italy, Korea and China. 精美新鮮沙拉和上乘海鮮 自助吧,法式、義式、韓 式、中式美饌應有盡有
q +853 8802 3888 17:00–02:00 Tue–Sun (Closed on Mondays) Over MOP 300 A Formal
The Pool Bar 泳池吧
5 Bars and lounges q +853 8802 3888 08:00–20:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Beach Casual
5 Buffet q +853 8802 2385 07:00–23:00 Daily MOP 300 A Casual Hwww.mgmmacau.com/rossio
Square Eight 食八方
5 International
q +853 8802 3888 All day Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Mandarin Oriental Lobby Lounge 文華東方大堂酒廊
5 Bars and lounges q +853 8805 8938 10:30–23:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Chef de Cuisine Elie Khalife serves up classic brasserie fare along with his own inventive dishes. 主廚 Elie Khalife 主打經典法國 小酒館菜色,另有主廚創意料理。
The Russian Room 魚子屋
to 200
q +853 8802 3888 19:00–05:00 Tue–Sun MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Aux Beaux Arts 寶雅座
Portas do Sol 葡京日麗
5 International
5 Bars and lounges
Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE 外港新填海區孫逸仙大馬路 www.mgmmacau.com
5 Chinese
2/F, East Wing q +853 8803 3100 Lunch 11:30–14:30 Mon–Fri, 09:30–14:30 Sat, Sun and PH, Dinner 18:30–22:30 Sun–Sat MOP 400 A Casual
Lion’s Bar 金獅吧
MGM Pâtisserie MGM 咖啡餅店
Chef Günther Wolfsgruber: “When you bring strawberries into a pastry kitchen, the opportunities are endless!” Günther Wolfsgruber 主廚 說:" 把草莓帶進糕點廚 房,美味驚奇處處現。" 5 Café
Imperial Court 金殿堂
5 Cantonese q +853 8802 2361 11:00–15:00 & 18:00–23:00 Mon–Fri, 10:00–15:00 & 18:00–23:00 Sat–Sun MOP 400 A Casual Chic H www.mgmmacau.com/ imperialcourt
q +853 8802 3888 09:00–21:00 Sun–Sat MOP 50 to 100 A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ patisserie
POUSADA DE SÃO TIAGO MACAU 澳门圣地牙哥古堡酒店 Avenida de República, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Macau 澳門西灣民國大馬路 www.saotiago.com.mo
La Paloma 芭朗瑪餐廳 Extraordinary Spanish cuisine in a lovely setting, at the Pousada de São Tiago. 西班牙美食盡在風情萬種的 澳門聖地牙哥古堡酒店。 5 Spanish 2/F q +853 2896 8686 Lunch 12:00–14:30 Dinner 18:30–22:30 MOP 550 A Smart Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ lapaloma
SANDS MACAO HOTEL 澳门金沙酒店 1/F, Largo de Monte Carlo, No.203 蒙地卡羅前地 203 號 www.sandsmacao.com
Moonlight Noodle House 皎月食坊 5 Chinese 1/F q +853 8983 8125 All day Sun–Sat MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
Golden Court 金沙閣 5 Cantonese
5 Bars and lounges
q +853 8802 3888 17:00–02:00 Tue–Sun MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
3/F q +853 8983 8222 11:00–23:00 Sun–Thurs, 11:00–02:00 Fri–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
may 2012
Winner’s Circle
steak and cherries jubilee. 經典法式美食:龍蝦湯、黑 胡椒牛排、櫻桃冰淇淋。
5 Bars and lounges 3/F
q +853 8983 8332 17:00–01:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
5 International
Inagiku 稻菊日本料理
Copa Steakhouse 高雅扒房
Extraordinarily fresh, beautiful sashimi and perfect tempura. 頂級天婦羅,還有新鮮 無比的美味生魚片。
5 Western 3/F
q +853 8983 8222 16:30–00:00 Sun–Sat MOP 200 to 300 A Casual Chic H www.sandsmacao.com/COPA_ Steakhouse/
5 Japanese
5/F q +853 8290 8668 12:00–14:30, 18:00–23:00 MOP 200 to 300 A Casual Chic H www.macau.com/ dining/inagiku
Avenida da Amizade 友誼大馬路 starworldmacau.com
16/F q +853 8290 8688 19:00–22:00 Mon–Sun MOP 200 to 300 A Casual Chic H www.macau.com/ dining/temptations
SOFITEL MACAU 十六浦索菲特大酒店 Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos, Macau 巴素打爾古街 www.ponte16.com.mo
5 International
q +853 8861 7210 07:00–01:00, Sun–Sat MOP 100 and up A Casual
Jade Garden 蘇浙匯酒家
5 Chinese
Rendezvous Lobby Lounge
q +853 8290 8638 11:00–15:00 & 17:00–23:00 Mon– Fri, 10:00–16:00 & 17:00–23:00 Sat–Sun, Public holidays MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
5 Bars & lounges
Temptations Senses 品味坊 Extraordinary French cuisine, featuring classics like lobster bisque, pepper
1/F Hotel Lobby q +853 8861 7213 11:00–01:00 Mop 100 and up A Casual
WYNN MACAU 永利酒店 Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE 外港填海區仙德麗街 www.wynnmacau.com
Café Encore 咖啡廷
5 Café
q +853 8986 3663 06:30–03:00 Sun–Sat MOP 250 to 350 + 10% service charge A Casual
99 Noodles 99 面
5 Chinese q +853 8986 3663 11:00–01:00 Sun–Sat MOP 150 +10% service charge A Casual
Golden Flower 京花軒 5 Tan, Lu (Shandong)
and Sichuan q +853 8986 3663 11:30–14:30 Sat–Sun 18:00–22:30 Tue–Sun (closed Mon) MOP 1,250 + 10% service charge A Casual Elegant
ao Grama Asia The only authentic Portuguese restaurant in Macau with a rotisserie grill. The perfect choice for lunch or dinner
Rua de Coimbra n°138, Prince Flower City Block 2, Shop M, Taipa, Macau 氹仔哥英布拉街138號太子花城M舖 Telephone: +853 2883 9838 • www.aogramaasia.com
may 2012
Wing Lei 永利軒
5 Chinese
Café Esplanada 咖啡苑 Superior coffee, international cuisine and Chef Luc Capus' wonderful pastries and chocolates. 高級咖啡,環球美食和餅廚 Luc Capus 的糕點和巧克力。 5 Café q +853 8986 3663 06:30–00:00 Sun–Sat MOP 200 to 250 +10% service charge A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ wynnchocolate
Bar Cristal 炫
5 Bars and lounges
q +853 8986 3663 17:00–01:00 Sun–Thu, 17:00–02:00 Fri–Sat, PH Eve MOP 100 + 10% service charge A Casual
Red 8 紅 8 粥面
5 Chinese
q +853 8986 3663 All day Sun–Sat MOP 100 +10% service charge A Casual
q +853 8986 3663 11:30–15:00 Mon–Sat, 10:30–15:30 Sun & PH, 18:00–23:00 Sun–Sat Lunch: MOP 200, DInner: MOP650 +10% service charge A Casual
Wing Lei Lounge 永利軒酒廊
5 Bars and lounges q +853 8986 3663 All day Sun–Sat MOP 100 +10% service charge A Casual
q +853 8986 3663 15:00–01:00 Sun–Thu, 15:00–02:00 Fri–Sat, PH Eve MOP 100 +10% service charge A Casual
Chef Benny Fong’s figstuffed Mallard is unbeatable – moist, earthy meat with a crispy fried skin. 香炸無花果填鴨胸,一口咬下 豐潤香腴,滋味無與倫比。 5 Chinese, Italian and Japanese
125-127A Avenida Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 荷蘭園街 125-127A q +853 6633 6033
Ristorante Il Teatro 帝雅廷義大利餐廳 World-class Italian cuisine made with ingredients handpicked by Chef Anthony Alaimo, along with extraordinarily warm, congenial service. 義式料理首屈一指,主廚 Anthony Alaimo 精選食材, 讓您流連忘返的熱情款待 5 Italian
q +853 8986 3663 17:30–23:30 Tue–Sun (Closed Mon) MOP 750 +10% service charge A Casual Elegant
Cinnebar 霞
5 Bars and lounges
Red House 翠紅居
(reservations only) 19:00–00:00
300 and up A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ redhouse MOP
Restaurante Fat Siu Lau II 佛笑樓 2 5 Portuguese/Macanese
Av Dr Sun Yat-Sen 1435 孫逸仙大馬路 1435 q +853 2872 2922
Lunch 12:00–15:00
Mon–Sun Dinner 18:00–23:30 Mon–Sun MOP 50 to 100 A Casual Chic
Chef Sun’s Private Kitchen Exquisite “turtle shell” dumplings and other authentic Shunde dishes. 孫師傅提供特製餃子以 及其他道地順德美食。 5 Chinese
Avenida Do Almirante Lacerda, 23-25C, 4-andar-C, Macau 提督馬路 23-25c, 4 樓 c q +853 6686 6837 19:00–00:00 MOP 500 and up A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ chefsun
Club Militar De Macau 陸軍俱樂部
5 Portuguese
975 Avenida da Praia Grande 南灣大馬路 975 q +853 2871 4000 Lunch 12:00–15:00 Sun–Sat Dinner 19:00–22:30 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic H www.clubemilitardemacau.net
Angela’s Café
5 Café
Ctro Cml New Yaohan 新八佰伴 2 樓 q +853 2872 6055 ` 10:30–22:00 Mon–Sun MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Maria’s Private Kitchen
Victor’s Okada 岡田日式料理 Oumi beef, red kinki fish and Shizuoka melons – all fresh, straight from Japan. 近江牛、喜知次魚、靜岡甜 瓜,所有食材直接由日本運送。 5 Japanese q +853 8986 3663 17:30–23:30 Wed–Mon (Closed Tue) MOP 1,250 +10% service charge A Casual Elegant
No pretense or extraneous luxuries here—just Victor and his superb food. 沒有裝模作樣,沒有過度奢 華,只有 Victor 與頂級美食。 5 At customer’s request
Rua da Vittoria No. 2F, Macau 得勝馬路 2 樓 F q +853 2830 2828 (reservations only) 19:00–00:00 MOP 400 and up A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ victor
Chef Maria’s pataniscas de bacalhau are fluffy, savory delights. 瑪莉亞私房菜的一道香煎香煎 鱈魚柳香酥鬆軟,一嘗難忘。 5 Macanese
No. 63, Hoi Fu Garden (far yuen) 28th, Floor Apartment “K” Rotunda de sao Joao Bosco 士多紐拜斯大馬路 63 號 海富花園 28 樓 k q +853 6679 4825
19:00–00:00 (reservation only) MOP
300 and up
A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ maria
Institute of Tourism Studies
The IFT chefs keep it fresh by growing herbs, salad leaves and vegetables in their own organic garden. 香草、沙拉、蔬菜全出自自家有 機花園,新鮮食材、垂手可得。 5 Macanese & Portuguese
Colina de Mong-Ha, Macau q +853 8598 3168 Lunch: 12:30–15:00 Mon–Fri, High Tea: 15:00–18:00 MonFri, Happy Hour: 17:00 -19:00 Mon–Fri, Dinner: 19:00–22:30 Mon–Fri MOP 150 to 300 A Casual Chic H www.macau.com/dining/ift
may 2012
COTAI 路氹 CROWN TOWERS 皇冠酒店 Restaurant Henri’s Galley (Maxim’s) 美心亨利餐廳
La Bonne Heure 良辰法國餐廳
Friendly service and great, old school African Chicken. 服務親切熱情,還可享用 美味的傳統非洲雞料理。
Chef Koji Sonehara’s slowcooked daube de bœuf à l’ancienne is so good, the aroma alone is nourishing. 主廚曾根原功二的古法 煨牛肉美味絕倫,光聞 香味就叫人垂涎三尺。
5 Portuguese
Av República 4G-H 民國大馬路 4G-H q +853 2855 6251 12:00–22:00 Mon–Sun MOP 50 to 100 A Casual Chic H www.macau.com/dining/ henrisgalley
5 French
12A-B Travessa de Sao Domingos, Macau 板樟堂巷 12A-B q +853 2833 1209 12:00–15:00, 18:00 -22:00 MOP 150 A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ labonneheure
16 Tak Heng Hot Pot Restaurant 16 號碼頭德興 ( 澳門 ) 海鮮火鍋
Lua Azul 南湖明月
5 Chinese
Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre, 3/F, Largo da Torre de Macau 澳門旅遊塔 3 樓 q +853 8988 8700 10:30–22:30 MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
5 Chinese
I Chan Kok 2 Andar A, Rua de Pequim No.2-B 北京街怡珍閣 2 樓 q +853 2893 9388/2878 6933 12:00–03:00 MOP 50 to 100 A Casual H www.ponte16takheng.com
Pizzeria Toscana 比薩薄餅店
5 Pizza
Cç Barra 2A 媽閣斜巷地下 2A q +853 2872 6637 11:30–15:30, 18:30–23:30, Mon–Sun MOP 50 to 100 A Casual Chic
City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo 廣東大馬路 澳門新濠天地 www.cityofdreamsmacau.com
LAN 嵐 1/F
Sun–Sat 100 to 200 A Casual Chic MOP
The Tasting Room 膳房
Excellent contemporary European cuisine by Chef Guillaume Gaillot: every delicious ingredient on the plate has a sense of purpose. 當代歐陸料理出自主廚 Guillaume Gaillot 之手,任一食 材都是不可或缺的完美存在 。 5 European Contemporary
3/F q +853 8868 6681 12:00–15:00 Sun–Sat, 18:00– 23:00 Sun–Sat MOP 200 to 300 A Casual Chic
Ru Yi Noodles 如意麵館
Level 1 q +853 8868 6632 All day Sun–Sat MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
Delicious Macanese dishes that hit the comfort food sweet spot. 美味道地澳門菜,菜式 豐富,令人大呼滿足。 5 Macanese
261A Rua do Almirante Sergio, Macau 河邊新街 261A q +853 2896 7878 12:00–15:00 , 17:30–22:30 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ litoral
may 2012
Terrific t-bone steaks, beautiful calzones and Isa's famous salad – parma ham, greens, sliced apple and buffalo mozzarella. 美味的 T 骨牛排、calzones、 Isa 著名沙拉帕爾馬火 腿、蘋果和水牛奶酪。 5 Italian
Edificio Vista Magnifica Court, 40, 42, 46 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt 倫斯泰特大馬路 40, 42, 46 q +853 2875 5102 12:00–15:30, 1830–00:00 Mon–Fri, 12:00–00:00 Sat– Sun MOP 200 to 300 A Casual
Belon 貝隆
European cuisine with an Asian twist. 注入亞洲風味的歐洲經典菜式。 5 Western
5 International
Antica Trattoria 經典義大利餐廳
G40, G/F q +853 8883 6061 07:00–23:00 MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
5 Bars and lounges
Litoral 海灣餐廳
Saffron 尚坊
5 Thai
Treasure Palace 喜迎樓
5 Cantonese
Level 1 q +853 8868 6661 11:00–14:30 & 18:00–22:30 Mon–Fri, 10:00–15:30 & 18:00–22:30 Sat–Sun & Public Holidays MOP 200 to 300 A Casual
BANYAN TREE MACAU 悦榕庄 Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau™, COTAI, Macau 澳門悅榕莊 「澳門銀河 ™」綜合渡假城 澳門路氹城 www.banyantree.com/en/macau
31/F q +853 8883 6090 Bar: 18:00–00:00 Wed–Mon, Dinner: 18:00–23:00 Wed– Mon, Closed Tues Over MOP 300 A Casual Chic
Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N 望德聖母灣大馬路 www.fourseasons.com
Splash 撲滿
5 International
1/F q +853 2881 8888 11:30–18:30 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Zi Yat Heen 紫逸軒
5 Cantonese
1/F q +853 2881 8888 11:30–15:00 Sun brunch, 12:00–14:30 Mon–Sat Lunch, 18:30–22:30 Dinner Over MOP 300 A Casual Chic
Bar Azul 名貴酒吧
5 Bars and lounges
1/F q +853 2881 8888 18:00–01:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Belcanção 鳴詩餐廳
5 International Buffet
1/F q +853 2881 8888 06:30–11:00 Breakfast, 12:00–14:30 Mon–Sat lunch, 12:00–15:00 Sunday brunch, 18:00–22:00 Dinner MOP 200 to 300 A Casual Chic
Windows Restaurant 華屋 5 Bars and lounges
Level 1 q +853 2881 8888 10:30–22:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Moët & Chandon Bar
Gosto 葡軒
G21, G/F, East Promenade q +853 8883 2221 12:00–15:00 & 18:00–23:00 Mon– Fri, 12:00–23:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holidays MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
5 Bars and lounges
The Shoppes, Shop 1122, Level 1 q +853 8118 9333 12:00–00:00 Sat–Wed, 12:00–01:00 Thu–Fri Over MOP 300 A Casual Chic
Espressamente Illy 意曼多精品咖啡 5 Café
The Shoppes, Shop 2852, Level 2 q +853 8117 8012 11:00–20:00 Sun–Wed, 10:00–22:00 Thu–Fri MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Myung Ga 名家韓國餐廳
5 Korean
G27, G/F, East Promenade q +853 8883 2221 11:00–23:00 MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Tsui Wah 翠華餐廳
5 Cantonese
G45, G/F, East Promenade q +853 8883 2221 24 hours MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Pak Loh 百樂潮州酒樓
5 Chinese
G56a, G/F, Galaxy Macau™ Casino q +853 8883 2221 11:00–23:00 MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
GALAXY HOTEL™ 「 銀河酒店 ™」
Galaxy Hotel™, Galaxy Macau™, COTAI, Macau「銀河酒店 ™」 「澳門銀河 ™」綜合渡假城 澳門路氹城 galaxymacau.com
5 Portuguese
City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo 路氹連貫公路 新濠天地 macau.grand.hyatt.com
The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge 麥卡倫威士忌吧
World’s First, Asia’s Only Whisky Experience. 全球第一,亞洲惟一威士忌體驗。 5 Bar & Lounge
203, 2/F q +853 8883 2221 17:00–01:00 Mon–Thurs, 17:00–02:00 Fri, Sat, PH & Eve, Closed Sunday MOP 100 and up A Casual Chic
Tastes Of Asia 亞洲美食坊 5 Food Court G43, G/F, East Promenade q +853 8883 2221 10:00–00:00 MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
Jin Yue Xuan 金悅軒
5 Cantonese Seafood
101, 1/F q +853 8883 2200 11:30–15:00, 17:30–23:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual Chic
Beijing Kitchen 滿堂彩
5 Chinese
q +853 8868 1930 11:30–00:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 +10% service charge A Casual Chic
mezza9 Macau
Chef Regis Monges’ green tea nougat is soft and chewy, crunchy with nuts, and deliciously sweet. 主廚 Regis Monges 綠茶牛軋糖 鬆軟彈牙,核果爽脆,香甜美味。 5 International q +853 8868 1920 06:30–10:30 Breakfast, 17:30–23:00 Dinner, 12:00–15:00 Sun Lunch Buffet MOP 200 to 300 +10% service charge A Casual Chic H www.macau.com/dining/ mezza9
Patisserie/Lobby Lounge 澳門君悅酒店大堂酒廊
Laurel 丹桂軒
5 Cantonese
Terrazza 庭園意大利餐廳 Festiva 群芳 International Buffet with live cooking theaters. 盡享中西自助美食之樂趣。 5 International/Buffet
G19, G/F, East Promenade q +853 8883 2221 07:00–10:30 Breakfast Buffet, 12:00–15:00 Lunch Buffet, 18:00–23:00 Dinner Buffet, (2 seating on Sat/Sun: 17:30–20:00, 20:30–23:00) MOP 200 to 300 A Casual Chic
Spice Garden 香草園 5 Northern Indian
G23, G/F, East Promenade q +853 8883 2221 12:00–15:00, 18:00–00:00 MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Contemporary Italian Cuisine. 新派意大利美食。 5 Italian
201, 2/F q +853 8883 2221 18:00–23:00 Mon–Sat, Closed Sunday MOP 200 to 300 A Casual
Cascades 水簾
5 Bar & Lounge
G03-05, G/F, Galaxy Macau™ q +853 8883 2221 10:00–01:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual
The Spaghetti House 意粉屋
5 Italian
G25, G/F, East Promenade q +853 8883 2221 11:00–00:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual
G02, G/F, West Promenade q +853 8883 2221 11:00–15:00 , 18:00–23:00 Mon– Fri, 10:00–15:00, 18:00–23:00 Sat, Sun & PH MOP 200 to 300 A Casual
5 Bars and lounges q +853 8868 1132 17:00–01:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Pacific Coffee
5 Café
Pearl Lounge 水明珠 5 Bar & Lounge
G18a, G/F, Galaxy Macau™ Casino q +853 8883 2221 12:00–04:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual
Lugang Café 鹿港小鎮 5 Taiwanese
G05a, G/F, Galaxy Macau™ Casino q +853 8883 2221 24 hours MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Level 2
Sun–Sat 50 to 100 A Casual MOP
City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo 路氹連貫公路 新濠天地 www.hardrockhotelmacau.com
Hard Rock Café
5 International
2/F q +853 2882 4662 07:00–02:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual
may 2012
Enjoy our extensive menu of well prepared dishes, lovely decor and warm, helpful service
Antica Trattoria Da Isa
40-46 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt Macau Peninsula 1/F Vista Magnífica Bldg Tel: (853) 2875 5102 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 12:00-15:30 & 18:30-24:00 Sat-Sun 12:00-24:00
佛笑樓 2 (皇朝店)˙Fat Siu Lau 2
Century old ClassiC 百年經典葡菜
he history of this famous restaurant spans over four generations and more than a century. Fat Siu Lau opened its first branch in 2006, Fat Siu Lau 2 is situated in the bar street area, next to MGM Grand, with its bright red unique color scheme and huge windows providing enchanting views of the nearby lake. Fat Siu Lau 3, on the other hand, is located in Taipa village near Galaxy Macau with a green European motif. It can cater for private parties up to 100 persons. Menu highlights include perennial favorites like roast pigeon (prepared to a 105-year-old secret recipe), curry crab, African chicken and grilled prawns.
數澳門歷史悠久及著名的葡式餐廳,「佛 笑樓」應該是當之無愧了。餐廳開業至 現在已超過一個世紀,當中經過了四代人的悉 心經營。遐邇馳名的燒乳鴿,是佛笑樓的招牌 菜,采用祖傳秘方炮制。其他經典菜式有咖喱 炒蟹、非洲雞、扒魔鬼大蝦。 為了迎合發展,佛笑樓在2006年於酒吧街開 了佛笑樓2,裝潢以紅色為主調,可透過玻璃望 向海傍景色。而佛笑樓3更位於 仔著名的手信 及美食街——地堡街,与剛開業的澳門銀河為 鄰。餐廳以清新綠色為主調,可舉行多達100人 的私人派對。
may 2012
佛笑樓 2 (皇朝店) Fat Siu Lau 2 Avn. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Edf. Vista Magnifica Court, Macau (Opposite of Kun Ian Statue)
Fat Siu Lau 2 佛笑樓 2 (皇朝店)
澳門孫逸仙大馬路帝 景苑 (觀音像對面) Tel: (853) 2872 2922
Curry Crab 葡式咖喱蟹
Other branches 其他分店 佛笑樓˙Fat Siu Lau Rua da Felicidade No.64, Macau • 澳門褔隆新街64號 Tel: (853) 2857 3580 佛笑樓 3 Fat Siu Lau 3 Rua Do Regedor 181-185 R/C, Taipa 仔地堡街 181-185號地下 Tel: (853) 2882 5257
Roast pigeon 燒乳鴿
Flame Bar 焰吧
Portofino 碧濤意國漁鄉
5 Bars and lounges
5 Italian
Shop 1039-1040 q +853 8118 9950
MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
R Bar 樂吧
5 Bars and lounges
Sun–Thurs, 11:00– 02:00 Fri–Sat and Public holiday eve MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Wave 浪淘
5 Bars and lounges 3/F
q +853 8868 6640 11:00–22:00 daily MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Pacific Coffee (City Of Dreams Shop)
Morton's The Steakhouse
Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n 澳門仔望德聖母灣大馬路 www.venetianmacao.com
Café Siam
5 Thai
Shop 2412 The Grand Canal Shoppes q +853 2882 8469 12:00–22:30 Mon–Thurs, 12:00– 23:30 Fri–Sat, 12:00–22:00 Sun & Public holidays MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
5 Chinese
The Plaza™ Casino adjacent to Four Seasons Hotel Macao q +853 8118 9701 All day Sun–Sat MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
5 Western
q +853 8118 9940 16:00–04:00 Sun–Sat
Shop 1016 q +853 8117 5000 Bar: 15:00–00:00 Mon–Sat & 15:00–23:00 Sun, Dining room: 17:00–23:00 Mon–Sun Over MOP 300 A Casual Chic
H www.mortons.com/macau
Canton 喜粵 5 Chinese
Shop 1018 (Next to North on the casino floor) q +853 8118 9930 11:00–15:00 Lunch, 18:00–23:00 Dinner,
Open until 24:00 on Sat 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Shop 1015 q +853 8118 9980 11:00–23:00 Sun–Thurs, 11:00– 02:00 Fri–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Bellini Lounge 百利酒廊 5 Bars and lounges
Casino Floor
100 to 200
A Casual Chic
Imperial House Dim Sum 帝王點心 5 Chinese
Casino Floor q +853 8118 9910
hours Sat–Mon, Closed
02:00–10:00 Tue–Fri MOP
50 to 100
A Casual Chic
Bar Florian 洛欣吧 5 Bars and lounges
Casino Floor q +853 8118 9960
50 to 100
A Casual
Bambu 渢竹 5 Buffet
Shop 1033
q +853 8118 9990 11:00–15:00 Lunch, 18:00–22:00 Dinner MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
Cafe Deco 威豐味 5 International
Shop 1036 (The Grand Canal Shoppes level) q +853 2882 3326 Open 24 hours MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Lei Garden 利苑 5 Chinese
Shop 2130
q +853 2882 8689 11:30–15:00 Sun–Sat, 18:00–23:00 Sun–Sat MOP
100 to 200
A Casual
Fogo Samba 巴西扒房 5 Brazilian
Shop 2412 (St. Mark’s Square)
q +853 2882 8499 07:00–11:00, 12:00–1 5:00, 18:00–23:00 Sat–Sun MOP
100 to 200
A Casual Chic H www.fogosamba.com
McSorley’s Ale House 麥時利愛爾蘭酒吧
North 北方館
5 Chinese
200 to 300
A Casual Chic
Enjoy USDA prime-aged steaks, fresh seafood and decadent desserts. 享受 USDA 特選等級牛排,新 鮮海鮮及各式精緻甜點。
5 Café
Shop R28 q +853 2889 8930 10:00–22:30 Sun–Sat MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
& 18:00–23:00 Sat–
Sun, Open until 24:00 on Fri–Sat
5 Bars and lounges
Grand Orbit 奧旋自助餐
5 International Buffet
Level 1 地面樓層 q +853 8113 8910 & 8113 8911 Breakfast: 06:30–10:30 & 06:30–11:00 Sat to Sun Lunch: 12:00–15:00, Dinner: 18:00–23:00 Mop 180 and up A Casual
Pink Grill 闊董 5 Fusion
Shop No: 1026 q+853 2885 2928. 11:30–23:30 Mon to Sun Mop 180 and up A Casual
Dynasty 8 朝
5 Chinese Cuisine
Level 1 地面樓層 q+853 8113 8920 & 8113 8921 Lunch: 11:00–15:00, Dinner: 18:00–23:00 & 18:00–00:00 Fri to Sat Mop 200 and up A Casual Chic
Xin 鮮
5 Asian Hot Pot & Seafood
Level 1 地面樓層 q+853 8113 1200 Breakfast Buffet: 08:00–10:30, Hot Pot Lunch Buffet and Dim Sum: 12:00–15:00, Dim Sum only: 15:00–17:00, Hot Pot Dinner Buffet only: 18:00–22:30 Mop 180 and up A Casual
North 北方館 5 Northern Chinese
Casino Floor 娛樂場內 q+853 8113 8950 & 8113 8951 24 hours Mop 150 and up A Casual
Rice Empire 常滿飯莊 5 Asian Signature Rice Dishes
Level 1 地面樓層 q+853 8113 8930 & 8113 8931 11:00–23:00 Mop 100 A Casual
Pacific Coffee 太平洋咖啡 5 Coffeehouse
Shop 1038 q +853 2882 8198 12:00–01:00 Sun–Sat MOP 200 to 300
Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca 望德聖母灣大馬路
Level 1 地面樓層 q+853 2885 2919 08:00–23:00 Mop 50
A Casual
A Casual
may 2012
HOTEL OKURA MACAU 澳门大仓酒店 Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau™, COTAI, Macau 澳門大倉酒店「澳門銀河 ™」 綜合渡假城 澳門路氹城 www.hotelokuramacau.com
CITY OF DREAMS 新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo 路氹連貫公路 新濠天地 www.hardrockhotelmacau.com
The Hotness 巴渝食府
5 Chinese
Level 2 q +853 2882 4638 11:00–23:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual
The Crystal Piano 水晶鋼琴 5 Bar & Lounge
28/F q +853 8883 5109 18:00–02:00–Closed on Wednesday MOP 60 and up A Smart Casual H www.hotelokuramacau.com/ en/taste/crystal.php
Great French pastry. 法式糕點美妙滋味無限。 5 Café & Bakery
1/F , Boulevard q +853 8868 6697 09:00–22:00 Sun–Thurs, 09:00–23:00 Fri–Sat MOP 100 and up A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ citycafe
5 Sake Bar
202, 2/F q +853 8883 5125 16:00–24:00 Closed on Monday MOP 60 and up A Smart Casual H www.hotelokuramacau.com/en/ taste/index.php
Club Cubic 嬌比俱樂部
5 Bars and lounges q +853 2828 6696 22:00–06:00 Mon–Sun MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic H www.cubic-cod.com
5 Japanese/Kaiseki
2/F q +853 8883 5127 12:00–22:30 Closed on Monday MOP 250 and up A Smart Casual H www.hotelokuramacau.com/ en/taste/index.php
Golden Pavilion 金亭
5 Chinese
q +853 8868 6631 All day Sun–Sat MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
Terrace Restaurant 和庭餐廳
Avenida de Kwong Tung 澳門氹仔廣東大馬路 www.altiramacau.com
5 International
2/F q +853 8883 5122 & 8883 5126 07:00–24:00 MOP 100 and up A Casual H www.hotelokuramacau.com/ en/taste/terrace.php
Kira 吉良
11/F q +853 8803 6600 11:00–16:00 Sun–Sat, 18:00–22:30 Sun–Sat MOP 200 to 300 A Casual Chic
Tenmasa 天政 5 Japanese 11/F q +853 8803 6611 12:00–14:30 Sun–Sat, 18:00– 22:30 Sun–Sat MOP 200 to 300 A Casual Chic
INDEPENDENT 私营 Ao Grama Asia 澳金瑪
5 Portuguese
Rua de Coimbra no 138, Prince Flower City Block 2, Shop M, Taipa, Macau q +853 2883 9838 Lunch 11:30–15:00, Afternoon Tea / Happy Hour 15:00–19:00, Dinner 18:00–22:30 MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
Monsoon 季風 City Café 咖啡天地
Sakazuki Sake Bar 清酒盃
Yamazato 山裡
Ying 帝影樓 5 Chinese
5 Japanese
10/F q +853 8803 6633 18:00–00:00 Sun–Sat, 11:30–15:30 Sunday brunch MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
may 2012
5 Asian 3/F q +853 8803 6677 24 hours MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
One free cuppa coffee when you show this listing. 出示此券 , 免費享受咖啡一杯。 5 Café & Bakery
Rua Fernao Mendes Pinto, No.104, Taipa q +853 2882 5201 07:00–19:30 hrs MOP 50 and up A Casual H www.mycuppacoffee.com
Aurora 奧羅拉 Chef Michele dell’ Aquila’s starting point is a passion for fresh, seasonal produce. 堅持選用新鮮當季食 材,是主廚 Michele dell’ Aquila 的美食熱情起點。 5 Italian 10/F q +853 8803 6622 07:00–11:00 Breakfast, 12:00–13:30 Mon–Sat Lunch, 11:30–15:30 Sun brunch, 18:00–22:30 Dinner MOP 200 to 300 +10% service charge A Casual Chic H www.macau.com/dining/ aurora
Banza 百姓餐廳 5 Portuguese
Bloco 5, r/c, Avenida de Kwong Tung, n.ºs 154A, 154B e 156 廣東大馬路 154A, 154B 及 156 第五座 q +853 2882 1519 12:00–15:00 Sun–Sat, 18:30–23:00 Sun–Sat MOP 100 to 200 A Casual Chic
Casa de Pasto Seng Cheong 誠昌飯店 5 Cantonese
Vila de Taipa, 28–30 Rua do Cunha R/C 官也街 28–30 號 q +853 2882 5323 12:00–23:30 MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
Lounge 38 「38」酒廊 5 Bars and lounges
38/F q +853 8803 6868 17:00–02:00 Sun–Thurs, 17:00–03:00 Fri–Sat & eve of public holidays, Live music every Wed–Mon from 19:00 MOP 100 to 200
A Casual Chic
Kapok Cantonese Restaurant 六棉酒家
5 Cantonese
Edf. Hoi Yee Garden, Flores, 60 R/C Rua de Hong Chau 杭州街海怡花園 60 號 q +853 2883 3333 11:00–15:00 & 17:30–23:00 Mon– Sat, 09:00–15:00 & 17:30–23:30 Sun MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
A Petisqueira 葡國美食天地
(Col) Caetano 8 計單奴街 8 號 q +853 2888 0021 12:00–24:00 Mon–Sun MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
5 Portuguese
Rua S. João 15 生央街 15 號 q +853 2882 5354 12:00–14:15 Tues–Fri, 12:00–14:45 Sat–Sun & Public holidays, 19:00–22:15 Tues–Sun MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
Indian Garden Restaurant 印度園林餐廳 Melt-in-your-mouth butter chicken and flavorful garlic Naan bread – a perfect combination. 奶油雞入口即化,蒜香烤餅 香氣四溢,堪稱完美結合。
António 安東尼奧餐廳
5 Indian
Nova Taipa Garden, Flores, Shop 18, G/F, Bloco 27, Rua de Seng Tou 成都街濠庭都會 第 27 座地下 18 鋪 q +853 2883 7088 11:00–15:00, 18:00–23:00 MOP 50 to 100 A Casual
5 Portuguese
Rua dos Negociantes No. 3, Old Taipa Village 客商街 3 號 q +853 2899 9998 12:00–15:00, 18:00–00:00 Mon– Fri, 12:00–00:00 Sat, Sun, Public holidays Over MOP 300 A Casual Chic H antoniomacau.com
Nga Tim Café 雅憩花園餐廳
5 Portuguese, Macanese, Chinese
Lord Stow’s Garden Café 安德魯花園咖啡 Classic Portuguese-style egg tarts with the best wibblywobbly filling in town. 經典葡式蛋撻,柔滑內 餡堪稱澳門第一。 5 International
(Col) Cordoaria 105 打纜街 105 號
q +853 2888 1851 10:30–18:30 daily Under MOP 50 A Casual H www.macau.com/dining/ lordstow
Fernando’s Restaurant 法蘭度餐廳 5 Portuguese
Praia Hác Sá 9 黑沙海 9 號地下 q +853 2888 2264 12:00–21:30 Mop 100 to 200 A Casual
Hác Sá Miramar 海景正宗葡國餐廳 5 Portuguese, Macanese
Praia Hác Sá 黑沙海灘黑沙馬路 q +853 2888 2601 11:30–15:00, 18:00–23:00 Tue–Sun Mop 100 to 200 A Casual H www.miramar.com.mo
may 2012
These delectable candy-colored macarons were made by Frédéric Château, Executive Pastry Chef at Galaxy Macau. 澳門銀河酒店行政糕點主廚Frédéric Château精心製作的美味馬卡龍,像是各種顏色鮮艷的糖果一般,繽紛多彩。
may 2012