Service Satisfaction Survey 2009 Summary of Results
Eastern Division
2009 Service Satisfaction Survey Results (Eastern) (2008 results are in brackets, where available) Please be aware that the first section of this report summarises the views of residents within Eastern division regarding the service they received from the Force Contact Centre during first contact with Tayside Police. As the Force Contact Centre is a forcewide facility and not under direct divisional control, any views expressed within this section should be apportioned to the FCC and not the division.
FIRST CONTACT Q. What was your level of satisfaction with the time taken to answer your telephone call? …999 call Very satisfied or satisfied 100% (94%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0% (3%)
Very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 0% (3%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 6% (7%)
Very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 2% (5%)
...Non-emergency number Very satisfied or satisfied 92% (88%)
Q. Did the person who answered your call provide you with their name? Yes 78% (82%)
No 22% (18%)
Q. Was this person…? …Able to give advice? Yes 96% (92%)
No 4% (8%)
…Courteous and attentive? Yes 98% (99%)
No 2% (1%)
…Knowledgeable about how to deal with your enquiry? Yes 94% (95%)
No 6% (5%)
…Able to explain what would be done as a result of your enquiry? Yes 91% (93%)
No 9% (7%)
Q. Did the person provide you with contact details of another agency/organisation? Yes 6% (3%)
No 30% (45%)
Not necessary 64% (52%)
Q. What was your level of satisfaction with the way you were treated by those who dealt with your first contact with the police? Very satisfied or satisfied 91% (90%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 7% (7%)
Very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 2% (3%)
Q. What was your overall level of satisfaction with first contact? Very satisfied or satisfied 90% (85%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 8% (9%)
Very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 2% (6%) 1
OFFICER CONTACT Q. Were you informed of when the officer would be likely to attend? Yes 75% (-)
No 25% (-)
Q. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the officer’s standard of appearance? Very satisfied or satisfied 96% (98%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3% (2%)
Very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 1% (0%)
Q. Was this officer…? …Able to give advice? Yes 93% (92%)
No 7% (8%)
…Courteous and attentive? Yes 97% (99%)
No 3% (1%)
…Knowledgeable about how to deal with your enquiry? Yes 95% (95%)
No 5% (5%)
Q. Did the officer provide you with details of another agency/organisation for specialist advice? Yes 8% (9%)
No 45% (43%)
Not necessary 47% (48%)
Q. What was your level of satisfaction with the way you were treated by the police officer(s) who attended? Very satisfied or satisfied 91% (92%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 6% (5%)
Very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 3% (3%)
Q. What was your level of satisfaction with the actions taken by the police to resolve your enquiry? Very satisfied or satisfied 80% (80%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 11% (11%)
Very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 9% (9%)
OUR RESPONSE & ENQUIRY Q. Were you given an update on the progress of your incident/enquiry? Yes 51% (48%)
No 49% (52%)
Q. If you reported a crime/disturbance, do you know if the persons responsible for committing the crime were… Traced 17% (21%)
Traced and action taken 20% (25%)
Not traced 23% (19%)
Don’t know 40% (36%)
Q. Taking into account all aspects of the service, what was your overall level of satisfaction with the way Tayside Police dealt with the matter? Very satisfied or satisfied 82% (79%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 11% (12%)
Very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 7% (9%) 2
GENERAL STANDARDS Q. Do you know if there is a community police officer responsible for your area? Yes 41% (-)
No 59% (-)
Q. In your opinion, do you think your local officers are doing their best to tackle crime? Yes 84% (82%)
No 16% (18%)
Q. The last time you saw an officer patrolling was‌ Within the last week 45% (47%)
More than a week but less than a year 29% (28%)
More than a year ago 4% (3%)
Never 5% (4%)
More than a month but less than a year 17% (18%)
Q. Were they? In a motor vehicle 62% (60%)
On foot 37% (39%)
Bicycle 1% (1%)
WHO TO CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION A copy of the full report can be obtained from: Performance and Planning Department Governance and Development Tayside Police West Bell Street Dundee DD1 9JU Telephone: 01382 596711 Email: