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3 Teacher Manual Ignite

1 The Tiffin Gang

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

 read and understand a realistic story on the importance of sharing.

 practise their reading and comprehension skills after an in-depth reading of a story.

 pronounce and practise words with ‘ph’, and ‘gh’ to make the /f/ sound.

 correctly use synonyms.

 identify the subject and the predicate in a sentence.

 form questions using wh- words and do.

 listen to a text to complete a paragraph.

 ask their partner ’s a few questions and then introduce them.

 write a short description of a picture.

Period 1: Reading

Get Set

CB page 1

Introduce the theme to the learners and ask them general questions, such as: Do you share your things with your brother or sister at home? Do you share your things with your friends at school? What do you share? How do you feel when you share?

Draw their attention to the title of the story and the name of the author and ask them to write it in their notebooks.

Ask the learners to do the Get Set exercise. After that, ask learners to form pairs and let them discuss amongst themselves the question in that section.

Let’s Read

CB pages 1–4

Read the story brief, at the bottom of the page, with proper pauses and expression. Play the Talking Book or read the story aloud to the class, with expression and proper pauses. Ask the learners to listen attentively and follow the text in the book.

Pause to ask the Think and Tell questions in the text. This will help learners to focus on the correct place in the story.

Pause to read the Did You Know? facts to bolster the learners’ IQ.

Read and Respond

CB page 5

Once the reading is complete, ask a few general questions to recap the story, such as: What did you think about the story? Do you think it is important to share one’s things with one’s friends? Why or why not?

Then, do Read and Respond Q1 in class. Let the learners raise their hands to answer. Let the learners check their own answers.

Then, ask them to attempt Q2 on their own. Read out the correct sequence once the learners finish the exercise. Let the learners check their own answers.

page 5

Instruct the learners to practise reading the story for better fluency. They may scan the QR code to listen to the story.

Ask them to attempt Read and Respond Q3 in their notebooks.

Period 2: Reading


Ask a few questions, such as: What is the name of the story? Who wrote this story? to recap the story.

Let’s Read

CB pages 2–4

Play the Talking Book or read the story aloud to the class, pausing to explain every paragraph, keyword, and other words and phrases that you may deem important.

Encourage learners to ask the meanings of words and phrases that they do not understand. You may even ask learners to read a paragraph each, guiding them for pronunciation and pace whenever necessary.

After the reading is over, ask questions, such as: Why did Meenu not like her tiffin at the beginning of the story? What did Meenu feel about tiffin time at the end of the story? What is the main idea of this story? to gauge the learners’ depth of understanding.

Read and Respond

Discuss Q3 of Read and Respond with the learners. Ask them to write the answers on their own in their notebooks. You may help them to write their answers in complete and correct sentences.


CB page 5

CB page 6

Ask the learners to write one sentence in their notebooks for each keyword. They may scan the QR code to listen to how the keywords are pronounced.

Ask them to attempt the Think and Answer Q1 and Q2.

Period 3: Reading


Ask a few questions such as: What is the name of the story and its writer? Who are the main characters in this story? What is the story about? to recap the story.

Think and Answer & Big Idea

CB page 6

Ask a few learners to summarise the story. If they are unable to, you may summarise it for them. Say: This story is about the importance of sharing. Meenu and Kamlesh enjoy their tiffin more when they share it amongst themselves. Soon, the entire class joins them and tiffin becomes a class party.

Discuss the questions in Think and Answer. Ask a few learners to answer, and then help the learners to frame correct and complete answers for each question.

Explain the Big Idea activity. Then, ask them to attempt it on their own. Once they finish the activity, ask a few learners to answer, and then help the learners to frame correct and complete answers.


WB pages 1–3

Ask the learners to attempt the comprehension exercise given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Encourage them to use the keywords in their regular conversation for better learning and more practice.

Period 4: Vocabulary


Ask questions such as: What is the story ‘The Tiffin Gang’ about? Who became the gang by the end of the story? to recap the story.

Pronounce Well

Draw the learners’ attention the words. Ask them to notice how ‘ph’ and ‘gh’ both make the /f/ sound. Read each word multiple times. Ask them to repeat after you.

CB page 7

Explain the exercise and them to attempt it. Call out the answers and ask learners to check their own work. Ask them to make the corrections, if any, in pencil.

Vocabulary: Synonyms

CB pages 7–8

Write the words ‘big’ ‘large’ and ‘huge’ on the board. Draw the learners’ attention to it and say: Look at these words. They almost mean the same thing. Words that have same or similar meanings are called synonyms. Write ‘SYNONYM’ on the board. Then, read the definition and instruct learners to do Q1 and Q2. Call out the answers and ask learners to check their partner’s work. They may mark the corrections, if any, with pencil.


WB pages 3–4

Ask the learners to attempt the Pronounce Well and Vocabulary exercises given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Period 5: Grammar

Go Grammar: Subject and Predicate

CB pages 8–9

Revise the definition and examples of Subject and Predicate in the coursebook. Write two more sentences on the board and ask the class to guess which part would the subject and the predicate be, respectively.

Then, ask them to attempt Q1 and Q2. Let them review their partner’s work while you call out the answers in the class. They may mark the corrections, if any, in pencil.


WB page 5

Ask the learners to attempt the exercises given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Period 6: Grammar

Go Grammar: Questions with Wh- words and Do

CB pages 9–11

Tell the learners: Today we will learn about forming questions. Then, write a question on the board that begins with a Wh- word. For example: What is your name?

Draw the learners’ attention the use of a Wh- words at the beginning and a question mark at the ending. Explain that is the way to write a question sentence.

List the Wh- words on the board and underline ‘wh’: Who, What, Where, When, Why and Which. Ask then learners to note it down. Then, tell them that the word ‘How’ is also grouped as a Wh- word although it does not begin with ‘wh’.

Then, ask them to attempt Q3. Let them review their partner’s work while you call out the answers in the class. They may mark the corrections, if any, in pencil.

Next, write another question on the board: Do you take the bus to school?

Draw the learners’ attention to the use of ‘Do’ to begin the question. Read the definition and ask them to attempt Q4. Let them review their partner’s work while you call out the answers in the class. They may mark the corrections, if any, in pencil.


WB page 6

Ask the learners to attempt the exercises given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Period 7: Listening & Speaking

Listen Well

CB page 11

Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. You can also read the listening text aloud to the learners. Ensure that the learners pay attention when listening to the text.

Play the audio or read the text again. Ask the learners to fill in the blanks while listening to the text the second time.

Let them review their own work while you call out the answers in the class. They may mark the corrections, if any, in pencil.

Speak Well

Explain the exercise to the learners. Then, read out the example.

Give learners a few minutes to practise. Ask them to refer to the tips.

CB pages 11–12

Encourage them to come to the front and say three to four sentences about their favourite thing in the classroom.


WB page 7

Ask the learners to attempt the Listen Well exercise given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Ask them to practise the Speak Well exercise in their CB as well as WB. They may have their friend or family members as an audience. They need to present their Speak Well projects to you on the next day. You are free to choose whether the learners present the exercise in the CB or the WB.

Period 8: Writing

Speak Well: Presentation

Begin the class by asking learners to present the Speak Well projects that they have practised. You are free to choose whether the learners present the exercise in the CB or the WB.

Write Well

Explain the exercise to the learners. Say: Look at the picture. Say a few lines about it.

CB page 12

Give examples, such as: The flag is red. The children are running in a sack race. Then, let them attempt the exercise. Go around the class to check their work and help them write complete sentences.


WB page 8

Ask the learners to attempt the writing exercise given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Theme 2: Health and Hygiene

2 The Weightlifting Princess

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

 read and understand a folktale on sportsmanship.

 practise their reading and comprehension skills after an in-depth reading of a story.

 pronounce and practise magic e words.

 correctly use word pairs; and change singular words to plural.

 practise kinds of nouns; and learn to use articles.

 listen to a text and tick the right answers.

 talk about a given topic.

 write an informal letter

Period 1: Reading

Get Set

CB page 13

Introduce the theme to the learners and ask them general questions, such as: Do you like playing sports? What kind of games do you like to play? Do you think it is important to play outdoors as much as indoors? Draw their attention to the title of the story and the name of the author and ask them to write it in their notebooks.

Ask the learners to do the Get Set exercise. Ask a few of them to share their answers with the class.

Let’s Read

Read the story brief, at the bottom of the page, with proper pauses and expression.

CB pages 13–16

Play the Talking Book or read the story aloud to the class, with expression and proper pauses. Ask the learners to listen attentively and follow the text in the book.

Pause to ask the Think and Tell questions in the text. This will help learners to focus on the correct place in the story.

Pause to read the Did You Know? facts to bolster the learners’ IQ.

Read and Respond

CB page 17

Once the reading is complete, ask a few general questions to recap the story, such as: What did you think about the story? What is the story about?

Then, do Read and Respond Q1 in class. Let the learners write the answers in the book.


CB page 17

Instruct the learners to practise reading the story for better fluency. They may scan the QR code to listen to the story.

Ask them to attempt Read and Respond Q2 in their notebooks.


2: Reading


Ask a few questions, such as: What is the name of the story? Who wrote this story? Why was Princess Nila worried? What happened at the end of the story? to recap the story.

Let’s Read

CB pages 14–16

Play the Talking Book or read the story aloud to the class, pausing to explain every paragraph, keyword, and other words and phrases that you may deem important.

Encourage learners to ask the meanings of words and phrases that they do not understand. You may even ask learners to read a paragraph each, guiding them with pronunciation and pace whenever necessary.

After the reading is over, ask questions, such as: Do you think it is important to prepare well for anything that we do? Why? to gauge the learners’ depth of understanding.

Read and Respond

CB page 17

Discuss Q2 of Read and Respond with the learners. Ask them to write the answers on their own in their notebooks. You may help them to write their answers in complete and correct sentences.


CB pages 17–18

Ask the learners to write one sentence in their notebooks for each keyword. They may scan the QR code to listen to how the keywords are pronounced.

Ask them to attempt the Think and Answer Q1 and Q2.

Period 3: Reading


Ask a few questions, such as: What is the name of the story and its writer? Who is the main character in this story? What is the story about? to recap the story.

Think and Answer & Big Idea

CB pages 17–18

Ask a few learners to summarise the story. If they are unable to, you may summarise it for them. Say: This is an inspiring story of a princess who proves everyone wrong about winning the weightlifting competition. Her passion and her determination makes her win.

Discuss the questions in Think and Answer. Ask a few learners to answer, and then help them to frame correct and complete answers for each question.

Explain the Big Idea activity. Then, ask them to attempt it on their own. Once they finish the activity, ask a few learners to answer, and then help the learners to frame correct and complete answers for each question.


WB pages 9–11

Ask the learners to attempt the comprehension exercise given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Encourage them to use the keywords in their regular conversation for better learning and more practice.

Period 4: Vocabulary


Ask questions such as: Do you remember the story about Princess Nila—what was it about? Who wrote it? to recap the story.

Pronounce Well

Write on the board ‘mat’. Ask learners to say the word aloud. If they have pronounced it correctly, then write an ‘e’ at the end of the word to make it ‘mate’. Ask the learners to pronounce the new word. Wait for some time and read it aloud for the class. Draw the learners’ attention to the fact that adding the ‘e’ changed the pronunciation of the word. Read its definition on page 19. Read each word multiple times. Ask them to repeat after you. Explain the exercise and ask them to attempt it. Call out the answers and ask learners to check their own work. Ask them to make the corrections, if any, in pencil.

Vocabulary: Words that Go Together

CB pages 19–20

Tell learners that some words go together. For example, bread and butter, night and day, in and out. Ask them to come up with a few examples.

Ask learners to attempt Q1. Call out the answers and ask learners to check their partners’ work. They may mark the corrections, if any, with pencil.

Vocabulary: Singular to Plural

CB page 20

Read the definition and the examples given on page 20. Read out the rule in the Remember! box. Then, ask learners to attempt Q2. Call out the answers and ask learners to check their partner ’s work. They may mark the corrections, if any, with pencil.


WB pages 11–13

Ask the learners to attempt the Pronounce Well and Vocabulary exercises given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Period 5: Grammar

Go Grammar: Kinds of Nouns

Read out the definition for naming words in the Remember! box to recap.

CB pages 21–22

Explain Common and Proper Nouns based on the definition provided in the book. Read out the examples and encourage learners to give their examples on their own as well.

Then, ask: What would be the name for a group of birds? A group of stars, stairs and sheep? Ask a few learners to guess the answer.

Then, explain the definition of collective nouns and go through the examples.

Ask learners to attempt Q1 and Q2. Let them review their partner’s work while you call out the answers in the class. They may mark the corrections, if any, in pencil.

You may read out the Did You Know? to bolster the learners’ IQ and to take a short break between the questions.


WB pages 13–14

Ask the learners to attempt the exercises given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Period 6: Grammar

Go Grammar: Articles

CB pages 22–23

Tell the learners: Today we will learn about using a, an and the correctly. You may write these articles on the board.

Explain the definition and go through the examples. Then, ask them to attempt Q3. Let them review their partner’s work while you call out the answers in the class. They may mark the corrections, if any, in pencil.


WB pages 14–15

Ask the learners to attempt the exercises given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Period 7: Listening & Speaking

Listen Well

CB page 23

Scan the QR code to listen to the audio. You can also read the listening text aloud to the learners. Ensure that the learners pay attention when listening to the text.

Play the audio or read the text again. Ask the learners to tick the correct answers when listening to the text the second time.

Let them review their own work while you call out the answers in the class. They may mark the corrections, if any, in pencil.

Speak Well

CB page 24

Group the learners into pairs and explain the exercise to the learners. Then, read out the examples. Give learners a few minutes to practise. Ask them to use the tips given, when presenting. Then, ask each pair to come to the front and talk about the topic ‘The Importance of Exercising’.


WB pages 15–16

Ask the learners to attempt the Listen Well exercise given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Ask them to practise the Speak Well exercise in their CB as well as WB. They may have their friend or family members as an audience.

They need to present their practised Speak Well projects to you on the next day. You are free to choose whether the learners present the exercise in the CB or the WB.

Period 8: Writing

Speak Well: Presentation

Begin the class by asking learners to present the Speak Well projects that they have practised. You are free to choose whether the learners present the exercise in the CB or the WB.

Write Well

Begin the class by introducing the concept of writing letters, especially to our friends or family.

CB page 25

Ask learners to think and name the person to whom they would like to write a letter. They may name their friend or their family. Then, read out the examples and the model answer to them.

Let them attempt the exercise. Go around the class to check their work and help them write complete sentences.


WB pages 16–17

Ask the learners to attempt the writing exercise given in their workbook. They need to submit their WBs to you for checking on the next day.

Theme 2: Health and Hygiene

3 The Toothbrush Brigade

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

 read and appreciate a poem on brushing one’s teeth.

 practise their reading and comprehension skills for a poem.

 correctly use homophones.

 understand the use of titles in poetry

Period 1: Reading

Get Set

CB page 26

Begin the class by asking learners about their morning routine. Let learners get an opportunity to express themselves. Help them answer in complete sentences.

Draw their attention to the title of the poem. Ask and answer: A brigade is a small army unit. What do you think ‘the toothbrush brigade’ can be? Let learners get an opportunity to express themselves. Help them answer in complete sentences.

Ask learners to attempt the Get Set exercise. Help them answer in complete sentences.

Let’s Read

Read the brief of the poem, at the bottom of the page, with proper pauses and expression.

CB pages 26–28

Play the Talking Book or read the poem aloud to the class, twice, with expression and proper pauses. Ask the learners to listen attentively and follow the text in the book.

In the second reading, pause at the glossed keywords to explain their meaning. At the end of the poem, ask the Think and Tell question and read the Did You Know? text to the learners.


CB page 29

Instruct the learners to practise reading the poem for better fluency. They may scan the QR code to listen to it. They may scan the QR code to listen to how the keywords are pronounced.

Ask the learners to attempt Q1 and Q2 in Read and Respond.

Period 2: Reading


Ask a few questions, such as: What is the name of the poem? What is the poem about? to recap the poem.

Let’s Read

CB pages 27–28

Read or play the poem, pausing to explain every stanza, keyword, and other words and phrases that you may deem important.

Encourage learners to ask the meanings of words and phrases that they do not understand.

You may even ask learners to read a stanza each, guiding them for pronunciation and pace whenever necessary.

After the reading is over, ask questions, such as: How did you like the poem? What did you like the most about the poem? to gauge the learners’ depth of understanding.

Read and Respond & Big Idea

CB pages 29–30

Discuss the answers to Read and Respond Q1. Instruct the learners to mark their own work and write the corrections, if any, in pencil.

Discuss Q2 of Read and Respond. Help learners to refer to the correct stanza/s in the poem to answer these questions.

Explain the Big Idea activity. Then, ask them to attempt it on their own. Once they finish the activity, ask a few of them to share their answers with the class.


Ask the learners to write one sentence in their notebooks for each keyword. They need to submit their notebooks to you for checking on the next day.

Period 3: Vocabulary


CB pages 30–31

Tell learners that some words may sound the same but have different meanings. For example, bear can mean both the animal and to carry something.

Read the definition in the Remember! box and the example. Let them attempt the exercise on their own. Call out the answers and let them mark their own work in pencil.

Poetry Appreciation

CB pages 26, 31

Ask the learners to open page 26 and look at the title. Ask them to guess what the title may mean and what can it tell us about the poem at the beginning.

Then, ask learners to go to page 31 to the Poetry Appreciation section. Explain the exercise and let them attempt it. Instruct the rest of them to mark their own work and write the corrections, if any, in pencil.

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